filename,text,up_votes,down_votes,age,gender,accent,duration cv-valid-dev/sample-000000.mp3,be careful with your prognostications said the stranger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000001.mp3,then why should they be surprised when they see one,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000002.mp3,a young arab also loaded down with baggage entered and greeted the englishman,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000003.mp3,i thought that everything i owned would be destroyed,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000004.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000005.mp3,but everything had changed,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000006.mp3,are you sure this is claire,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000007.mp3,it had told him to dig where his tears fell,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000008.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,1,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000009.mp3,the teacher thought that he'd taught himself all he could,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000010.mp3,the boy stepped closer to the girl and when she smiled he did the same,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000011.mp3,you haven't seen anything yet,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000012.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000013.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,5,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000014.mp3,when i'm eating that's all i think about,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000015.mp3,got anything new on the hanging,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000016.mp3,is that what you want me to tell vincent,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000017.mp3,one of us is going to jail,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000018.mp3,to nourish the falcon,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000019.mp3,this convention's gonna cost plenty,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000020.mp3,coming home a party of tourists passed us singing and playing music,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000021.mp3,next install an extension that makes it possible to add custom python commands,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000022.mp3,the boy had met the alchemist,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000023.mp3,it was starlight and i explained the signs of the zodiac to her,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000024.mp3,so you won't blame her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000025.mp3,but that's why you created the game in the first place the boy answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000026.mp3,don't say that again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000027.mp3,he had seen the shooting star and was persuaded that a meteorite lay somewhere nearby,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000028.mp3,it turned out to be a bitter tea,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000029.mp3,are you gonna throw a rock,1,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000030.mp3,among these people were a couple of cyclists a gardener i employed sometimes and a girl carrying a baby,2,1,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000031.mp3,my tax dollars pay for those public school proms,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000032.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000033.mp3,i was just in town earlier this year so it is kind of crazy to think about what took place right after,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000034.mp3,i want to see that map covered before we get through,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000035.mp3,it made me very depressed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000036.mp3,its important to keep an open mind and she has urged me to do the same,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000037.mp3,mine's in the door,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000038.mp3,from this perspective you can see the concentric circles,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000039.mp3,he must be disguised to avoid encounters with thieves,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000040.mp3,ogilvy watched till one and then gave up,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000041.mp3,i don't know where to go,3,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000042.mp3,his speech ended in standing ovations,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000043.mp3,in a way so am i he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000044.mp3,when the sun sets the men will once again surrender their arms to me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000045.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000046.mp3,we must be good,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000047.mp3,he almost began to tell about his treasure but decided not to do so,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000048.mp3,not even the tribal chieftains are able to see him when they want to,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000049.mp3,why didn't you tell me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000050.mp3,they could barely see the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000051.mp3,our generator has been disrupted by ultra high frequency waves,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000052.mp3,he needed someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility of war,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000053.mp3,almost everyone here speaks spanish,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000054.mp3,the report was largely scathing,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000055.mp3,no one attacks an oasis,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000056.mp3,where's the old goat,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000057.mp3,before guns were invented armies had to throw bullets at each other and if a bullet touched you you had to sit out until the next war,3,1,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000058.mp3,it was the time of day when all of spain slept during the summer,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000059.mp3,there were mountains in the distance,7,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000060.mp3,excuse you for what,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000061.mp3,yesterday i waited forever for the subway train,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000062.mp3,i'll go right after it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000063.mp3,just make yourselves at home,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000064.mp3,and you've told me about omens,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000065.mp3,where was his horse,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000066.mp3,it was glaringly hot not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind,5,1,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000067.mp3,compiling the linux kernel can be time consuming,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000068.mp3,if that guy lays an egg,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000069.mp3,the brass lamp had been disturbed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000070.mp3,sadly my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen,3,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000071.mp3,who do you think writes them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000072.mp3,i'm ok if you're ok about it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000073.mp3,the achieved results are far behind the stateoftheart in image classification,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000074.mp3,i'll be back in a minute,1,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000075.mp3,judge debra sent me,1,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000076.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000077.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000078.mp3,the homeless seem to like soup,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000079.mp3,and finally the falcon returned with their meal,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000080.mp3,two more months passed and the shelf brought many customers into the crystal shop,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000081.mp3,he decanted the wine and began to recount the disturbing story he had been told,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000082.mp3,at least she knows how to behave at funerals,1,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000083.mp3,look at the policy i gave him,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000084.mp3,then i don't get paid,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000085.mp3,i got two giant bug bites on my right leg from last night and they hurt,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000086.mp3,but they really don't know what they're saying,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000087.mp3,and also by unhappiness envy and jealousy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000088.mp3,some of the grey ash was falling off the circular edge,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000089.mp3,the stranger seemed satisfied with the answer,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000090.mp3,i don't care what you charge them with,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000091.mp3,what was all that,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000092.mp3,it was the first time she had done that,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000093.mp3,it was faintly marked with transverse stripes and slightly flattened from the perfect round,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000094.mp3,we can't let the chronicle get the laugh on us,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000095.mp3,you're far too valuable,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000096.mp3,they eat lunch together often but dont really talk outside the office,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000097.mp3,a half a heelot,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000098.mp3,hunches his mother used to call them,3,0,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000099.mp3,it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000100.mp3,vibrations of peace throughout the tent,6,2,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000101.mp3,thomas went to war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000102.mp3,they were in an immense setting surrounded by thousands of people speaking a strange language,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000103.mp3,tangier is not like the rest of africa,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000104.mp3,i'll hang it up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000105.mp3,there is a way out,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000106.mp3,i'm going with you the boy said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000107.mp3,who is your friend the chief asked,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000108.mp3,i'll tell you in a minute,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000109.mp3,i think they perceived that nothing was to be done at the moment,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000110.mp3,in some places the ground was covered with the salt of driedup lakes,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000111.mp3,that's why i was sent down here,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000112.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000113.mp3,he had come to the town only to find a woman who could interpret his dream,2,1,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000114.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,3,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000115.mp3,for some reason we were blocked from entering,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000116.mp3,the swimming pool was full of chlorine,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000117.mp3,but you are in the desert,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000118.mp3,he was more confident in himself though and felt as though he could conquer the world,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000119.mp3,she refilled her vessel and left,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000120.mp3,i noticed that the boy answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000121.mp3,throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000122.mp3,at other times at a crucial moment i make it easier for things to happen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000123.mp3,all the joy he had seen that morning had suddenly disappeared,6,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000124.mp3,you can't desert now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000125.mp3,i have no information about troops or about the movement of the tribes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000126.mp3,you have been stopping me,2,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000127.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000128.mp3,i got drunk yesterday and thought i built a super computer,2,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000129.mp3,he was immensely excited at the news,4,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000130.mp3,using script blockers is generally a good idea but it requires the user to learn a bit,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000131.mp3,so when i look out over your sands i am also looking at her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000132.mp3,he's home cooking dinner,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000133.mp3,let's have a look at the standard deviation,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000134.mp3,now that's too much,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000135.mp3,he just got a new kite for his birthday,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000136.mp3,the ceiling collapsed inwards,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000137.mp3,for example i can say score test word to print test word or camel test word to print testword,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000138.mp3,i'm a woman of the desert she said averting her face,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000139.mp3,we want to sell handmade chukka boots in that food truck,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000140.mp3,he's talking like a child,2,0,thirties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000141.mp3,the quicker the better,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000142.mp3,and you married her,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000143.mp3,few people realise the immensity of vacancy,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000144.mp3,the englishman's eyes lit up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000145.mp3,few people realise the immensity of vacancy,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000146.mp3,when the sun sets the men will once again surrender their arms to me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000147.mp3,its lower end was still embedded,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000148.mp3,before guns were invented armies had to throw bullets at each other and if a bullet touched you you had to sit out until the next war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000149.mp3,now leave us alone said the boy to the young arab,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000150.mp3,on the first day he returned with a rabbit and on the second with two birds,9,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000151.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000152.mp3,i'm not hiding anything the boy answered,7,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000153.mp3,a large portion of the cylinder had been uncovered,3,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000154.mp3,i'm hunting with my falcon the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000155.mp3,it's not what enters men's mouths that's evil said the alchemist,3,1,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000156.mp3,an army is coming the boy said,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000157.mp3,so you know about love the boy said,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000158.mp3,there are rumors of tribal wars he told them,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000159.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,76,6,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000160.mp3,the steel of its blade glittered in the light of the moon,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000161.mp3,the man looked at the angel in surprise,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000162.mp3,he only lost three buttons off his vest,3,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000163.mp3,i think we can do better after the boat sails,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000164.mp3,the englishman didn't answer him directly,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000165.mp3,he felt weighted down by the centuries of time since the pyramids had been built,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000166.mp3,fatima the girl said averting her eyes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000167.mp3,the boy was relieved,5,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000168.mp3,in any case it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000169.mp3,i'm not rubbing it in,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000170.mp3,now let's see what you look like when you protest,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000171.mp3,few people realise the immensity of vacancy,5,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000172.mp3,on the very first page it described a burial ceremony,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000173.mp3,you're right when you say my father was no business man,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000174.mp3,the woman said she had never heard of such a person and hurried away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000175.mp3,what boat you sailing on,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000176.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000177.mp3,what's the matter with eleanor,2,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000178.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,12,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000179.mp3,worked hard just to have food and water like the sheep,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000180.mp3,what a load of trash sarah opined,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000181.mp3,rest well tonight as if you were a warrior preparing for combat,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000182.mp3,the teenagers put on red hoodies for their annual toboggan run,1,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000183.mp3,learn to recognize omens and follow them the old king had said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000184.mp3,berlin can be so lovely this time of year,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000185.mp3,laura took out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth,1,0,fourties,,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000186.mp3,they were fascinating stories each of them lived out his destiny to the end,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000187.mp3,the vision vanished immediately but it had shaken him,2,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000188.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000189.mp3,crooks don't pay taxes,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000190.mp3,the omens had told him so,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000191.mp3,but the boy knew that he was referring to fatima,3,0,twenties,other,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000192.mp3,the arab accepted them without a word,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000193.mp3,but that was simply because my eye was tired,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000194.mp3,welcome to dave's guitar session,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000195.mp3,is that job still open,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000196.mp3,when he was a child that man wanted to travel too,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000197.mp3,he believed in omens,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000198.mp3,on top of all that the weeds keep growing and the garbage has to be taken out,2,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000199.mp3,but a lovely chap,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000200.mp3,at that time it was quite clear in my own mind that the thing had come from the planet mars,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000201.mp3,that's not so bad,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000202.mp3,how strange africa is thought the boy,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000203.mp3,he had seen the shooting star and was persuaded that a meteorite lay somewhere nearby,4,1,teens,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000204.mp3,for every ten dead men among our enemies you will receive a piece of gold,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000205.mp3,and eventually man will nourish your sands where the game will once again flourish,1,0,fourties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-000206.mp3,the alchemists spent years in their laboratories observing the fire that purified the metals,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000207.mp3,we're just slowly plodding through some user interviews at the moment,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000208.mp3,any decent editor can show you line numbers and let you jump to a specific line,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000209.mp3,i'm going into the desert the man answered turning back to his reading,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000210.mp3,it was such a gradual movement that he found it only by noticing the dots,1,0,sixties,female,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000211.mp3,the englishman was unable to sleep one night,3,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000212.mp3,maybe tomorrow said the boy moving away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000213.mp3,i want my garden to be filled with roses petunias and passion flowers,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000214.mp3,and we had a bite,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000215.mp3,mr and mrs nate joined the red cross and sewed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000216.mp3,throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000217.mp3,just as your grandfather taught you,3,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000218.mp3,the model has effectively three fully connected layers,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000219.mp3,he saw that fatima's eyes were filled with tears,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000220.mp3,two days later the merchant spoke to the boy about the display,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000221.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000222.mp3,as he did so he talked with the monk about the tribal wars,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000223.mp3,as he looked at the stones he felt relieved for some reason,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000224.mp3,it was very hard for her to focus,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000225.mp3,during the third year the omens will continue to speak of your treasure and your destiny,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000226.mp3,the wind has many names,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000227.mp3,i promised that i would make my own decisions he said to himself,3,0,twenties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000228.mp3,that's why i'm here in the middle of het desert,2,1,,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000229.mp3,might just as well be,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000230.mp3,the shop is closed on mondays,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000231.mp3,he felt uneasy at the man's presence,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000232.mp3,let's have your story,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000233.mp3,it was a bundle of money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000234.mp3,on the first day he returned with a rabbit and on the second with two birds,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000235.mp3,the boy was relieved,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000236.mp3,if you still don't know what recursion is read this sentence again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000237.mp3,the thief wasn't there and the owner brought him a cup of tea,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000238.mp3,they are so used to me that they know my schedule he muttered,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000239.mp3,the monk was irritated,1,0,teens,male,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000240.mp3,a shepherd may like to travel but he should never forget about his sheep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000241.mp3,it's practically up there now,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000242.mp3,as i watched the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000243.mp3,came to the bar he had entered on his first day there,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000244.mp3,the boy tried to read what was written in the sand,1,0,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000245.mp3,i read only what the birds wanted to tell me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000246.mp3,he stuck his hand into the pouch and felt around for one of the stones,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000247.mp3,it spread through the planet's atmosphere and obscured its more familiar features,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000248.mp3,an important difference is the amount of experiences that is to say inputs,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000249.mp3,you have a mania for simplifying everything answered the englishman irritated,3,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000250.mp3,where she used to live,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000251.mp3,at once he connected the two incidents,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000252.mp3,when he was a child that man wanted to travel too,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000253.mp3,he did find it soon after dawn and not far from the sand pits,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000254.mp3,i have already found my treasure,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000255.mp3,the boy was becoming nervous,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000256.mp3,who is your friend the chief asked,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000257.mp3,the only shadow was that of the few scattered pine trees,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000258.mp3,before guns were invented armies had to throw bullets at each other and if a bullet touched you you had to sit out until the next war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000259.mp3,my seven year resume gap is marked not drugs,3,0,sixties,female,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000260.mp3,they play duets together,2,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000261.mp3,he didn't know the man yet but his practiced eye would recognize him when he appeared,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000262.mp3,i'll be right back,3,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000263.mp3,she needs to get her transcripts and passport first,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000264.mp3,we'll have something to drink and eat these hawks,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000265.mp3,the orange fruit is not yet ripened,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000266.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000267.mp3,you can't go any farther one of them said,1,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000268.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000269.mp3,the old man wore a breastplate of gold and he knew about my past,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000270.mp3,another trick the boy thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000271.mp3,the first baseman dropped the ball,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000272.mp3,he paused for a moment to see if the woman knew what the egyptian pyramids were,1,0,teens,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000273.mp3,the boy noticed that the owner of the bar stood nearby listening attentively to their conversation,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000274.mp3,is it for further automatic processing,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000275.mp3,once to the thief and once to the general,13,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000276.mp3,from then on the boy understood his heart,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000277.mp3,of course he's coming back here,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000278.mp3,they're just a pile of stones,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000279.mp3,i read only what the birds wanted to tell me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000280.mp3,then who are you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000281.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000282.mp3,there were three hundred wells fifty thousand date trees and innumerable colored tents spread among them,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000283.mp3,i'll bet you don't really need those,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000284.mp3,the peak of this mountain is over two thousand meters above sea level,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000285.mp3,the boy watched the exchange with fascination,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000286.mp3,it required no explanation just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000287.mp3,i won't say anything,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000288.mp3,i always have both,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000289.mp3,he didn't want to cry with the other people there,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000290.mp3,listen to your heart,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000291.mp3,i'm dying for what i believe,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000292.mp3,the tea seemed less bitter,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000293.mp3,our clothes are dry,1,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000294.mp3,that's the principle that governs all things he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000295.mp3,the invaders carried the name everywhere the beautiful girl spoke of the invaders with pride,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000296.mp3,they were relieved and happy,1,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000297.mp3,a part of me is also trying to come to terms with the fact that i won't be able to travel as much anymore,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000298.mp3,what did i tell you,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000299.mp3,sadly my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen,5,2,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000300.mp3,he tried again to concentrate on the pink shades of the desert and its stones,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000301.mp3,a monk dressed in black came to the gates,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000302.mp3,then the thing came upon him in a flash,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000303.mp3,the boy noticed that the man's clothing was strange,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000304.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000305.mp3,the hull of the ship collapsed,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000306.mp3,somebody had returned my lost credit card to the bank,2,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000307.mp3,all you've got to do is talk to him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000308.mp3,the englishman didn't answer him directly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000309.mp3,i can clean up those glasses in the window if you want said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000310.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000311.mp3,what's this the end of the eighth,2,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000312.mp3,and there were dunes rocks and plants that insisted on living where survival seemed impossible,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000313.mp3,because you'll know its dreams and wishes and will know how to deal with them,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000314.mp3,i have disabled some of the certificate authorities but they're not grayed out in this list,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000315.mp3,the streamer of gas came out towards us,4,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000316.mp3,you told me that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000317.mp3,i'm going to miss annie,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000318.mp3,he put his headcloth in place and secured it with a ring made of camel skin,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000319.mp3,and your camels will bring you wealth and power,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000320.mp3,we're having hamburgers,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000321.mp3,at most they thought that another meteorite had descended,3,0,thirties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000322.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000323.mp3,the sea has lived on in this shell because that's its destiny,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000324.mp3,moist soil is good for the flora,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000325.mp3,i understand that it is your dataset and that it is new,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000326.mp3,nobody's going to rush me into anything,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000327.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000328.mp3,since the miner had sacrificed everything to his destiny the old man decided to become involved,2,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-000329.mp3,just what is the lowdown on williams,2,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000330.mp3,it's not what enters men's mouths that's evil said the alchemist,4,0,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000331.mp3,the greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000332.mp3,what do you know about that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000333.mp3,what does that get us,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000334.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000335.mp3,love required them to stay with the people they loved,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000336.mp3,one night the father had a dream,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000337.mp3,it didn't change anything,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000338.mp3,i'm not good enough to make this one up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000339.mp3,he's doing it because it's what he wants to do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000340.mp3,let me comb your hair,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000341.mp3,sometimes there's just no way to hold back the river,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000342.mp3,there'll be no red uprising,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000343.mp3,her height helped her with her fighting,1,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000344.mp3,but finally the merchant appeared and asked the boy to shear four sheep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000345.mp3,it seemed so safe and tranquil,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000346.mp3,then suddenly they kneel and die,15,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000347.mp3,goats always have a better view,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000348.mp3,they're not concerned with that right now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000349.mp3,what do you think of that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000350.mp3,i would have won the junior olympics if not for those medaling kids,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000351.mp3,the turf and gravel around it seemed charred as if by a sudden explosion,13,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000352.mp3,how long is it,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000353.mp3,but my heart is agitated the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000354.mp3,i need you to be spontaneous he asked me out to din din,3,0,fifties,male,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000355.mp3,it was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000356.mp3,where you got him,1,0,twenties,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000357.mp3,then i don't get paid,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000358.mp3,we don't know when the war will end so we can't continue our journey he said,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000359.mp3,his new friend pushed the owner aside and pulled the boy outside with him,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000360.mp3,where's the old goat,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000361.mp3,the boy stepped closer to the girl and when she smiled he did the same,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000362.mp3,my name is melchizedek said the old man,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000363.mp3,then you taught me something of the universal language and the soul of the world,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000364.mp3,then suppose you give me the money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000365.mp3,she set it on the shelf and there it stayed,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000366.mp3,she likes you well enough to stick around,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000367.mp3,the boy was strong and wanted to retaliate but he was in a foreign country,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000368.mp3,so you know about love the boy said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000369.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000370.mp3,if he abandons that pursuit it's because it wasn't truelove,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000371.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000372.mp3,the oasis is neutral ground,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000373.mp3,ask the owner of that stall how much the sword costs he said to his friend,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000374.mp3,now leave us alone said the boy to the young arab,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000375.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability beginner's luck,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000376.mp3,do you want to bankrupt this administration,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000377.mp3,i'm just a man who wanders the desert and knows the stars said the alchemist,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000378.mp3,i dont mind working from home most of the time but i do miss having coworkers,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000379.mp3,he dressed in his arabian clothing of white linen bought especially for this day,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000380.mp3,i'll bet you don't really need those,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000381.mp3,he's on my phone,2,1,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000382.mp3,the lightbulbs need changing again,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000383.mp3,there were three hundred wells fifty thousand date trees and innumerable colored tents spread among them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000384.mp3,i locked eyes with a fish in the tank,8,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000385.mp3,goats always have a better view,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000386.mp3,she reversed the charges,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000387.mp3,i got two giant bug bites on my right leg from last night and they hurt,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000388.mp3,now you listen to me,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000389.mp3,something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000390.mp3,this was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000391.mp3,a current of love rushed from his heart and the boy began to pray,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000392.mp3,she cried for an hour,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000393.mp3,the immense collection of people and animals began to travel faster,2,1,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000394.mp3,you can only spit out so many seeds,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000395.mp3,there's no danger the boy said when they had moved on past the encampment,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000396.mp3,that's the main idea,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000397.mp3,since the miner had sacrificed everything to his destiny the old man decided to become involved,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000398.mp3,the turf and gravel around it seemed charred as if by a sudden explosion,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000399.mp3,i haven't any watch,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000400.mp3,the forest burned for thirteen days,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000401.mp3,it's what you have always wanted to accomplish,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000402.mp3,did you say a king he asked,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000403.mp3,she's a feisty little ferret,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000404.mp3,please use your turn signal,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000405.mp3,she was supposed to come down and get you,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000406.mp3,artificial neural networks can do something very similar,2,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000407.mp3,i feel grateful for the time that we have spend together,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000408.mp3,he wandered for a while keeping the date palms of the oasis within sight,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000409.mp3,he's watching the other door,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000410.mp3,and the leader posted armed sentinels at the fringes of the group,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000411.mp3,pizza is an italian classic,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000412.mp3,activists claim the pipeline through the baltic sea is leaking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000413.mp3,a little lemongrass should freshen it up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000414.mp3,you can't be the wind the wind said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000415.mp3,it was a litmus test,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000416.mp3,she probably worked it out in advance,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000417.mp3,when he's an old man he's going to spend a month in africa,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000418.mp3,the guy thought he was a lunatic at large and made an unsuccessful attempt to stop him,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000419.mp3,the rest of you get in here and riot,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000420.mp3,i want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000421.mp3,she's accused of stealing a watch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000422.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000423.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000424.mp3,a ghostly figure appeared,2,0,sixties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000425.mp3,what's the good of arguing about something that probably doesn't exist,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000426.mp3,that sobered him a little,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000427.mp3,but she is gone,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000428.mp3,i've crossed these sands many times said one of the camel drivers one night,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000429.mp3,without responding the guard entered the tent where he remained for some time,1,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000430.mp3,i don't want anything else in life,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000431.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000432.mp3,he transformed himself into a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000433.mp3,the day was hot and the wine was refreshing,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000434.mp3,the hand with the whip pointed to the south,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000435.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,2,0,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000436.mp3,i would appreciate if you could create a concise table,7,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000437.mp3,and also because i know about the soul of the world he thought to himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000438.mp3,don't you push me around like that,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000439.mp3,the boy felt a pang in his heart thinking about the merchant's daughter,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000440.mp3,i'm going to find that damned alchemist the englishman thought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000441.mp3,they were looking only for gold his companion answered,4,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000442.mp3,the boy remembered an old proverb from his country,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000443.mp3,we must be good,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000444.mp3,you're supposed to be the one that has all the answers,2,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000445.mp3,and the odor of the animals became a bit more tolerable,1,0,fourties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000446.mp3,he really was a king a wise king,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000447.mp3,the high humidity is making me sweat,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000448.mp3,it's usually customary to bring the money with you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000449.mp3,i imagine this will be a surprise to some people,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000450.mp3,we'd better forget it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000451.mp3,the old woman had said the same thing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000452.mp3,men dream more about coming home than about leaving the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000453.mp3,well usually i learn more from my sheep than from books he answered,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000454.mp3,adam is a crook,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000455.mp3,every day was there to be lived or to mark one's departure from this world,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000456.mp3,this is for you he said holding one of the parts out to the monk,7,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000457.mp3,you point to a trail of ants leading into the house,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000458.mp3,and i told harry i thought i'd be bored to death,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000459.mp3,it was his heart that would tell him where his treasure was hidden,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000460.mp3,how do you think the table looks,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000461.mp3,putting a pool under this floor was a great idea,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000462.mp3,he got up adjusted his clothing and picked up his pouch,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000463.mp3,i want to see him do it said the chief,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000464.mp3,two years ago right here on this spot i had a recurrent dream too,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000465.mp3,bacon pancakes and maple syrup is a hearty start to any day,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000466.mp3,i never knew grandma to be so determined before,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000467.mp3,the genies were the spirits of good and evil,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000468.mp3,it's true life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny the boy thought,9,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000469.mp3,are you going to talk or aren't you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000470.mp3,he said he had never seen any like them,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000471.mp3,we lit the lantern and walked over to his house,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000472.mp3,i got drunk yesterday and thought i built a super computer,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000473.mp3,jim became head of the draft board,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000474.mp3,he took the fourth part and handed it to the monk,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000475.mp3,maktub thought the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000476.mp3,exactly answered the alchemist,1,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000477.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000478.mp3,the airplane rose gracefully into the sky,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000479.mp3,it's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name he thought,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000480.mp3,nobody wanted to discuss how we all ended up trapped in a giant lunchbox,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000481.mp3,nature knows me as the wisest being in creation the sun said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000482.mp3,like everybody learns he said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000483.mp3,i know why i want to get back to my flock he thought,2,1,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000484.mp3,and because the tribes declared war i went to the well seeking the alchemist,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000485.mp3,but they really don't know what they're saying,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000486.mp3,she went over to the hospital to call on professor davis,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000487.mp3,he reached over and picked up a shell from the ground,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000488.mp3,i can't quite hear you,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000489.mp3,maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000490.mp3,the streamer of gas came out towards us,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000491.mp3,but now the sounds inside had stopped,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000492.mp3,send those other people in,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000493.mp3,that's a christmas present from a very dear friend of mine,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000494.mp3,among these people were a couple of cyclists a gardener i employed sometimes and a girl carrying a baby,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000495.mp3,maybe we're all that way the boy mused,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000496.mp3,i want those stamps,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000497.mp3,he was just and good,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000498.mp3,we lit the lantern and walked over to his house,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000499.mp3,we can't leave greg here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000500.mp3,rate a conflict of visions zero points,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000501.mp3,they made the boy continue digging but he found nothing,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000502.mp3,without the dataset the article is useless,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000503.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000504.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000505.mp3,the guy thought he was a lunatic at large and made an unsuccessful attempt to stop him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000506.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000507.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000508.mp3,i had to test your courage the stranger said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000509.mp3,my tax dollars pay for those public school proms,5,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000510.mp3,then he dropped his spade picked up his jacket and came out into the road,4,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000511.mp3,you don't have to be rich skinny popular or even own a cape to perform a random act of kindness,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000512.mp3,i don't want any part of this thing,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000513.mp3,he was learning a lot of new things,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000514.mp3,the boy turned to the hand that wrote all,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000515.mp3,how are the weights computed,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000516.mp3,he was immensely excited at the news,2,1,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000517.mp3,but the king of salem hoped desperately that the boy would be successful,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000518.mp3,then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments looking at the sword,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000519.mp3,the boy looked around him at the date palms,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000520.mp3,and it's not love to see everything from a distance like you do,3,0,teens,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000521.mp3,the problem is that they don't even realize that they're walking a new road every day,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000522.mp3,i was right there and saw it with my own eyes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000523.mp3,meanwhile the old man persisted in his attempt to strike up a conversation,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000524.mp3,he just got a new kite for his birthday,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000525.mp3,i'm going out and find them,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000526.mp3,i have known true alchemists the alchemist continued,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000527.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000528.mp3,i told you that your dream was a difficult one,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000529.mp3,did you find it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000530.mp3,i wish i could go back to the hospital,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000531.mp3,i heard what you were talking about the other day with the alchemist the wind said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000532.mp3,shoot through the desk,1,0,thirties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000533.mp3,the boy began to dig into the dune,3,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000534.mp3,there were really i think two or three hundred people elbowing one another,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000535.mp3,why don't you fellows get your own news,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000536.mp3,the conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000537.mp3,i'll tell you why they did it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000538.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000539.mp3,the years of research the magic symbols the strange words and the laboratory equipment,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000540.mp3,promise you'll never lie the way snoopy did,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000541.mp3,it seems old and wise,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000542.mp3,help me find them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000543.mp3,it always gets me right here,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000544.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000545.mp3,the old woman had said the same thing,16,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000546.mp3,a thin circle of bright metal showed between the top and the body of the cylinder,3,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000547.mp3,i never saw her before,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000548.mp3,and better still to be alone with one's books,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000549.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000550.mp3,and i think it's terrific,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000551.mp3,he felt unsafe like during his first lesson in driving school,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000552.mp3,he was immensely excited at the news,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000553.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,1,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000554.mp3,what are these things he asked,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000555.mp3,came to the bar he had entered on his first day there,2,0,fifties,female,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000556.mp3,do i knock or something,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000557.mp3,but it is not a class that was requested by our alumni or prospective students,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000558.mp3,the time must have been somewhere around six o'clock,1,0,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000559.mp3,monday morning at five o'clock,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000560.mp3,you can have as many babies as you like,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000561.mp3,i'll always let you down,2,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000562.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000563.mp3,they made the boy continue digging but he found nothing,4,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000564.mp3,the basketball bounced off his shield of titanium,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000565.mp3,but you don't know about love,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000566.mp3,the wind has many names,4,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000567.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000568.mp3,have trusted more in your love for fatima,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000569.mp3,throughout the night the boy dug at the place he had chosen but found nothing,4,1,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000570.mp3,so then try he said to the englishman,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000571.mp3,why do you think i brought you here,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000572.mp3,until my wing went bad,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000573.mp3,all that time the martians must have been getting ready,2,1,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000574.mp3,did she solve the riddle all by herself,1,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000575.mp3,it seemed so safe and tranquil,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000576.mp3,i've learned things from the sheep and i've learned things from crystal he thought,4,1,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000577.mp3,just you and i,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000578.mp3,even though the sheep didn't teach me to speak arabic,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000579.mp3,how should i know,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000580.mp3,i thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000581.mp3,it means only that the heart does what it can the alchemist said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000582.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000583.mp3,can i help you asked the man behind the window,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000584.mp3,i'll talk to you tonight,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000585.mp3,the monk was irritated,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000586.mp3,coming home a party of tourists passed us singing and playing music,20,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000587.mp3,the englishman had been profoundly impressed by the story,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000588.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000589.mp3,dense clouds of smoke or dust can be seen through a powerful telescope,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000590.mp3,judge debra sent me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000591.mp3,a missing parrot is called a polygon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000592.mp3,the morning post is not obstructing justice or hiding criminals,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000593.mp3,the whole office was struck by a deafening silence,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000594.mp3,it's easy and yet i've never done it before he thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000595.mp3,if you pay attention to the present you can improve upon it,15,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000596.mp3,in another year maybe i can help,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000597.mp3,sometimes their caravan met with another,2,1,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000598.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,5,4,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000599.mp3,then she filled her vessel with water and left,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000600.mp3,it was just ripe enough to eat,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000601.mp3,i'll work all night until dawn and i'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000602.mp3,walking along in the silence he had no regrets,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000603.mp3,using script blockers is generally a good idea but it requires the user to learn a bit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000604.mp3,like everybody learns he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000605.mp3,the boy picked up his pouch and put it with his other things,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000606.mp3,i'm the one that knows,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000607.mp3,but the boy was quiet,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000608.mp3,the war is going to end someday the girl said,4,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000609.mp3,he needed someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility of war,5,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000610.mp3,i don't think i follow you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000611.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000612.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000613.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000614.mp3,that's true enough the boy thought ruefully,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000615.mp3,and maybe it wasn't that they were teaching me but that i was learning from them,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000616.mp3,the horizon was tinged with red and suddenly the sun appeared,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000617.mp3,they're not worth much the englishman answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000618.mp3,we'll find you a hotel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000619.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,4,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000620.mp3,i was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000621.mp3,she decided against it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000622.mp3,maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000623.mp3,i got doctor bills to pay,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000624.mp3,dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church,1,0,teens,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000625.mp3,i've been all over town,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000626.mp3,let me see it,2,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000627.mp3,the boy was also saddened his friend was in pursuit of his destiny,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000628.mp3,he told fatima that at their next meeting,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000629.mp3,all things are one,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000630.mp3,think i'll go home and see what the family is doing,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000631.mp3,the nearby city of ceuta had grown faster than tangier and business had fallen off,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000632.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000633.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000634.mp3,i found these one day in the fields,5,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000635.mp3,my seven year resume gap is marked not drugs,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000636.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,1,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-000637.mp3,you're worth your weight in gold,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000638.mp3,you have been a real blessing to me,3,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000639.mp3,but he had to move on,3,0,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000640.mp3,i'd like you to take me there if you can,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000641.mp3,are you sure you're comfortable,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000642.mp3,what did she say,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000643.mp3,the review of related methods is simple to understand and informative,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000644.mp3,the boy began again to read his book but he was no longer able to concentrate,1,0,,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000645.mp3,and one or two persons were returning,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000646.mp3,maybe we'd better ask someone the boy suggested,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000647.mp3,mecca is a lot farther away than the pyramids,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000648.mp3,they blow across the world without a birthplace and with no place to die,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000649.mp3,they become the soul o f the world,1,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000650.mp3,they reminded him of the old man,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000651.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000652.mp3,the pixel probabilities are conditioned on the model state,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000653.mp3,the navy's going to fly father home this afternoon,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000654.mp3,it doesn't matter he said to his sheep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000655.mp3,his eyes filled with tears as he spoke of the prophet,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000656.mp3,it spread through the planet's atmosphere and obscured its more familiar features,5,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000657.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability beginner's luck,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000658.mp3,the trees swayed uniformly in the breeze,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000659.mp3,hundreds of observers saw the flame that night and the night after,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000660.mp3,henderson went into the railway station to telegraph the news to london,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000661.mp3,i'm an old superstitious arab and i believe in our proverbs,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000662.mp3,it's even higher than this,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000663.mp3,the boy said nothing,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000664.mp3,raisins are delicious,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000665.mp3,add run rudolph run to my rockin' playlist,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000666.mp3,when the pan had cooled the monk and the boy looked at it dazzled,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000667.mp3,you'd better get your friends,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000668.mp3,and now it was only four days before he would be back in that same village,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000669.mp3,i believe what she said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000670.mp3,the old man leafed through the book and fell to reading a page he came to,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000671.mp3,maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000672.mp3,you gave them everything i had the boy said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000673.mp3,bill decided that management should know about this incident,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000674.mp3,i had to test your courage the stranger said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000675.mp3,i haven't any watch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000676.mp3,it's late in the evening a perfect time for coffee,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000677.mp3,that baker he said to himself without completing the thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000678.mp3,who engineered this getaway,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000679.mp3,when i first reached through to it i thought the soul of the world was perfect,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000680.mp3,i'm proud of you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000681.mp3,yet it was a little too large for assurance,11,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000682.mp3,you'll weaken when you see that little jezebel,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000683.mp3,the englishman's eyes lit up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000684.mp3,and that's where the power of love comes in,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000685.mp3,however the article is written poorly and incomprehensibly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000686.mp3,they just won't let anybody talk politics to them,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000687.mp3,but i'll make you and maria a business proposition,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000688.mp3,not that i was listening but i noticed that you sounded really stressed when you were explaining the situation to him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000689.mp3,when he reached the top of the dune his heart leapt,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000690.mp3,i'm sending it over with beth,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000691.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000692.mp3,help me the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000693.mp3,they'll take care of it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000694.mp3,help me the boy said,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000695.mp3,there were just drawings coded instructions and obscure texts,2,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000696.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000697.mp3,he had been so far away that his face wasn't even visible,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000698.mp3,do you know what you're going to do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000699.mp3,i found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000700.mp3,or a man into the wind,3,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-000701.mp3,there is no letter,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000702.mp3,he hoped that it would be someone as capable as his previous apprentice,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000703.mp3,afraid it might rain,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000704.mp3,it was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000705.mp3,i turned and as i did so the screw must have fallen out,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000706.mp3,there is no wine in this country the young man said,4,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000707.mp3,its lower end was still embedded,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000708.mp3,none of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000709.mp3,as he did so he talked with the monk about the tribal wars,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000710.mp3,his nutrition consisted almost entirely of cereals,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000711.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000712.mp3,it's easy and yet i've never done it before he thought,2,0,fifties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000713.mp3,we don't have to give up our club,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000714.mp3,where did he keep his money,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000715.mp3,you have to cross the entire sahara desert said the young man,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000716.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,4,2,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000717.mp3,at once he connected the two incidents,6,3,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000718.mp3,there was no other baggage,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000719.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,2,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000720.mp3,it was bunched up and he had hardly thought of it for a long time,2,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000721.mp3,it was an element of her sexuality,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000722.mp3,it's practically up there now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000723.mp3,i'll call the police,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000724.mp3,you're in luck you two the fat arab said,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000725.mp3,the camel driver though seemed not to be very concerned with the threat of war,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000726.mp3,he put a sign on the door and they went to a small cafe nearby,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000727.mp3,now i can see that it hasn't been too bad,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000728.mp3,then what does she want with you,3,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000729.mp3,the wind has many names,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000730.mp3,the dead soldiers were replaced by others and life went on,2,1,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000731.mp3,please don't cry,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000732.mp3,show me where there is life out in the desert,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000733.mp3,raisins are delicious,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000734.mp3,the sheep will get used to my not being there too the boy thought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000735.mp3,the boy knew and was now working toward it,7,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000736.mp3,with every day that passed the boy's heart became more and more silent,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000737.mp3,as he did so he talked with the monk about the tribal wars,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000738.mp3,maggie and uncle kenny sold war bonds,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000739.mp3,there was a time when for me a camel's whinnying was nothing more than whinnying,6,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000740.mp3,some of the grey ash was falling off the circular edge,2,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000741.mp3,i'll return just as your father came back to your mother he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000742.mp3,he'll be ready on time,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000743.mp3,footprints of mud and clay were on the floor,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000744.mp3,the alchemist followed as the boy's horse ran for almost half an hour,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000745.mp3,but you've got to leave me alone,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000746.mp3,exactly answered the alchemist,2,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000747.mp3,you wanna take this outside,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000748.mp3,all you've got to do is talk to him,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000749.mp3,it seemed such a little thing so bright and small and still,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000750.mp3,the world speaks many languages the boy thought,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000751.mp3,this is for you he said holding one of the parts out to the monk,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000752.mp3,i don't think it's very ethical reading other people's stuff,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000753.mp3,i promised that i would make my own decisions he said to himself,4,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000754.mp3,i would bury it in the garden,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000755.mp3,can i see blood orgy of the leather girls at a movie house,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000756.mp3,the boy continued to listen to his heart as they crossed the desert,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000757.mp3,i could just publish my code but that wouldn't reveal all the little lessons i learned along the way,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000758.mp3,i hope some of the lines make you smile,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000759.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,4,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000760.mp3,show me some gratitude,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000761.mp3,prefetching is used to avoid cache misses,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000762.mp3,the boy saw a man appear behind the counter,4,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000763.mp3,but would you mind telling me who goes out,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000764.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,6,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000765.mp3,there was very little talking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000766.mp3,let's go and have some lunch said the crystal merchant,6,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000767.mp3,from where he sat he could observe the plaza,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000768.mp3,he spent the entire morning observing the infrequent comings and goings in the street,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000769.mp3,a monk dressed in black came to the gates,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000770.mp3,and ask for a glass of wine for me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000771.mp3,the men fell into an animated discussion,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000772.mp3,you have enough gold to buy many sheep and many camels,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000773.mp3,this desert was once a sea he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000774.mp3,i wished i had a light to smoke by,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000775.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000776.mp3,now i can see that it hasn't been too bad,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000777.mp3,my mother just called you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000778.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000779.mp3,well i'd like to see their land and see how they live said his son,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000780.mp3,it's a simple story,2,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000781.mp3,i shall make us some ice cubes,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000782.mp3,that's almost a hundred dollars a week,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000783.mp3,but the boy was quiet,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000784.mp3,the englishman vanished too gone to find the alchemist,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000785.mp3,i'm hunting with my falcon the alchemist answered,2,1,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000786.mp3,and i'm certain you'll find it the alchemist said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000787.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,1,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000788.mp3,nobody knew who malcolm was,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000789.mp3,the italian got her words mixed up,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000790.mp3,and find out where the nearest telegraph office is,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000791.mp3,i always have been,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000792.mp3,of course this only reduces the severity of the problem,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000793.mp3,then why do you suppose he hasn't at least called up,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000794.mp3,i'm already used to the way things are,7,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000795.mp3,the process of encrypting the hash value of a message is called digital signature,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000796.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,6,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000797.mp3,the boss sent me over with it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000798.mp3,it sounded like a gypsy prayer,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000799.mp3,it's true life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny the boy thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000800.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,5,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000801.mp3,i won't shut up,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000802.mp3,the two men hurried back and found the cylinder still lying in the same position,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000803.mp3,then he dropped his spade picked up his jacket and came out into the road,2,1,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000804.mp3,i locked eyes with a fish in the tank,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000805.mp3,my mind ran on the possibilities of its content,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000806.mp3,i heard what you were talking about the other day with the alchemist the wind said,2,0,thirties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000807.mp3,you wanna take this outside,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000808.mp3,he began to dig at the base of the sycamore,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000809.mp3,you're in luck you two the fat arab said,4,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000810.mp3,it had a diameter of about thirty yards,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000811.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000812.mp3,but arms cannot be drawn unless they also go into battle,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000813.mp3,the people were also praying to heaven for protection,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000814.mp3,the old man gave a signal and everyone stood,3,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000815.mp3,like everybody learns he said,2,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000816.mp3,you have been stopping me,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000817.mp3,camels are traitorous they walk thousands of paces and never seem to tire,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000818.mp3,if i don't find it i can always go home,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000819.mp3,then suddenly they kneel and die,3,0,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000820.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000821.mp3,goodbye said the boy,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000822.mp3,that woman is gonna be on that roof,2,0,thirties,male,southatlandtic, cv-valid-dev/sample-000823.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000824.mp3,besides that there was a heap of bicycles,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000825.mp3,is there a mrs joshua,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000826.mp3,the horizon was tinged with red and suddenly the sun appeared,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000827.mp3,and it goes for you too,2,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000828.mp3,suddenly there is so much more time in a day because she no longer has to spend hours commuting,3,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000829.mp3,i can't quite hear you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000830.mp3,they mounted their horses,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000831.mp3,never give up,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000832.mp3,i've got the party here,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000833.mp3,the next thing the dope wants is a room,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000834.mp3,i'm an old superstitious arab and i believe in our proverbs,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000835.mp3,what did he buy a paper for,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000836.mp3,will you trust him that he does it right,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000837.mp3,you can count on me under one condition,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000838.mp3,it brought his heart into his mouth,4,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000839.mp3,the idea frightened him,6,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000840.mp3,somebody's driving this cab,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000841.mp3,then he dropped his spade picked up his jacket and came out into the road,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000842.mp3,and for wise men gold is the metal that evolved the furthest,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000843.mp3,the fire burned the fox,1,0,thirties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000844.mp3,when i returned to the common the sun was setting,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000845.mp3,i don't understand what you're talking about the desert said,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000846.mp3,and in that mood he was grateful to be in love,1,0,thirties,female,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000847.mp3,i ain't seen him for a week,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000848.mp3,when doing reinforcement learning we have to find a suitable tradeoff between exploration and exploitation,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000849.mp3,they forgot that lead copper and iron have their own destinies to fulfill,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000850.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000851.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,3,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-000852.mp3,is daddy in trouble,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000853.mp3,that is an antelope my son,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000854.mp3,it's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000855.mp3,the boy awoke before dawn,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000856.mp3,it's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000857.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,2,0,sixties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000858.mp3,i feel like a bootlegger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000859.mp3,why did you want to see me the boy asked,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000860.mp3,that's why i'm quitting,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000861.mp3,who is your favourite author,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000862.mp3,of course the two were unable to do anything,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000863.mp3,there are powerful forces on both sides and the war is important to both armies,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000864.mp3,would you like to see where i was tattooed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000865.mp3,there are only eight flags up there now,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000866.mp3,if you can concentrate always on the present you'll be a happy man,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000867.mp3,the shop is exactly the size i always wanted it to be,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000868.mp3,the crowd swayed a little as i elbowed my way through,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000869.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000870.mp3,the article should contain url where the dataset can be downloaded,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000871.mp3,but he's on the right track,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000872.mp3,i've handled a good many big promotions in my time,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000873.mp3,it's only a few words mumbled over you by a judge,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000874.mp3,we had to rush down the minute it happened,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000875.mp3,how much is your equity in it,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000876.mp3,we cannot forget that farce,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000877.mp3,if i had told you you wouldn't have seen the pyramids,2,0,teens,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000878.mp3,but there was something there in his heart that wouldn't allow him to do so,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000879.mp3,you shouldn't be here the alchemist answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000880.mp3,and he wasn't faring much better,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000881.mp3,he noticed the unequal cooling of its surface,4,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000882.mp3,the boy put the stones in his pouch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000883.mp3,how do you like it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000884.mp3,how strange africa is thought the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000885.mp3,if i told you it might not come true,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000886.mp3,but maybe i'll never have another chance to get to the pyramids in egypt,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000887.mp3,he called to the boy and they took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000888.mp3,if a person is living out his destiny he knows everything he needs to know,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000889.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000890.mp3,then one day the boy returned the books to the englishman,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000891.mp3,didn't you tell her,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000892.mp3,he didn't know the man yet but his practiced eye would recognize him when he appeared,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000893.mp3,the battles may last for a long time perhaps even years,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000894.mp3,the alchemist was a bit daunting but as the boy drank the wine he relaxed,6,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000895.mp3,so the wind blew with all its strength and the sky was filled with sand,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000896.mp3,i want to see the chieftains,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000897.mp3,the time must have been somewhere around six o'clock,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000898.mp3,it's usually customary to bring the money with you,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000899.mp3,upon returning to the wise man he related in detail everything he had seen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000900.mp3,but he appeared to be unaware of any danger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000901.mp3,that woman is gonna be on that roof,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000902.mp3,the families will be here soon,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000903.mp3,everyone when they are young knows what their destiny is,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000904.mp3,i'm going to tell your mother on you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000905.mp3,two days later the merchant spoke to the boy about the display,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000906.mp3,the arrow was pointing to the exit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000907.mp3,what is it about,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000908.mp3,the boy became fearful the omens told him that something was wrong,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000909.mp3,we know that and we are used to it,2,1,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000910.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000911.mp3,he needed someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility of war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000912.mp3,the news was chilling to say the least,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000913.mp3,at that point the omens will tell you that your treasure is buried forever,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000914.mp3,in spite of this i still believed that there were men in mars,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000915.mp3,i'm sure she'll be all right,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000916.mp3,this desert was once a sea he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000917.mp3,i wanted them to be a part of your inheritance,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000918.mp3,besides that there was a heap of bicycles,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000919.mp3,he appeared with the first stars of evening,6,1,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-000920.mp3,i didn't know shepherds knew how to read said a girl's voice behind him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000921.mp3,and he asked the boy if he too were in search of the alchemist,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000922.mp3,then suddenly they kneel and die,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000923.mp3,i'm not going very far the alchemist answered looking straight into the eyes of the horsemen,4,0,twenties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-000924.mp3,i wanted to sleep a little longer he thought,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000925.mp3,it's a man who understands nature and the world,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000926.mp3,turning the air conditioning on leads to an increased fuel consumption,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000927.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000928.mp3,not until the moon was high did the alchemist ride into view,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000929.mp3,that's true the boy thought,3,0,teens,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000930.mp3,i wished i had a light to smoke by,30,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000931.mp3,it's the philosophy that guarantees everyone's freedom,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000932.mp3,i have no information about troops or about the movement of the tribes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000933.mp3,if good things are coming they will be a pleasant surprise said the seer,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000934.mp3,i wouldn't live in it as a ghost,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000935.mp3,tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000936.mp3,but they're somebody's children,2,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000937.mp3,and there you were in bed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000938.mp3,the hydrogen gas escaped,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000939.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000940.mp3,the tribal chieftains will see that and you'll be dismissed from your position as counselor,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000941.mp3,too bad i couldn't see this guy first,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000942.mp3,the old man leafed through the book and fell to reading a page he came to,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000943.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000944.mp3,he said he couldn't have handled it better himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000945.mp3,i wonder what's keeping mother,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000946.mp3,one is loved because one is loved,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000947.mp3,the boy awoke before dawn,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000948.mp3,he decided to stay right there and await his return,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000949.mp3,that's why i feel that i deserve a part of what you find,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000950.mp3,as the sun rose the men began to beat the boy,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000951.mp3,the turf and gravel around it seemed charred as if by a sudden explosion,8,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000952.mp3,what do you mean by that,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000953.mp3,given only the public key it is very hard to compute the private one,1,0,twenties,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000954.mp3,it's the oasis said the camel driver,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000955.mp3,we have also started contemplating the possibility of moving back to colorado,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000956.mp3,the news was chilling to say the least,2,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000957.mp3,and he looked out over the desert that had brought him to the woman he loved,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000958.mp3,so you know about love the boy said,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000959.mp3,every search begins with beginner's luck,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000960.mp3,he came to understand its dodges and tricks and to accept it as it was,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000961.mp3,why you lied to me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000962.mp3,there was a small building there with a window at which people bought tickets to africa,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000963.mp3,the caravan moved toward the east,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000964.mp3,it was seen early in the morning rushing over eastward,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000965.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000966.mp3,but i'm going to egypt the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000967.mp3,you've resented me from the first moment you saw me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000968.mp3,the sheep had taught him that,4,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000969.mp3,you don't have to apologize,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000970.mp3,i'm a sucker for it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000971.mp3,this was my destiny not yours the alchemist answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000972.mp3,darren never saw a bottle till he was six months old,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000973.mp3,i got drunk yesterday and thought i built a super computer,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000974.mp3,i missed you and i couldnt call you but i tried,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000975.mp3,get the riot gear,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000976.mp3,he called to the boy and they took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000977.mp3,like crickets and like expectations like lizards and fourleaf clovers,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000978.mp3,a large portion of the cylinder had been uncovered,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000979.mp3,the turf and gravel around it seemed charred as if by a sudden explosion,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000980.mp3,they say it's a fake,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000981.mp3,the boy thought of fatima,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000982.mp3,i wasn't born yesterday,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000983.mp3,just by looking at them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000984.mp3,luke i am your sister,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000985.mp3,folk is not my favorite music genre,1,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000986.mp3,nobody knew who malcolm was,3,0,fourties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-000987.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000988.mp3,i want them both arrested,4,0,seventies,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-000989.mp3,we miss you and miss having a friend like you and i am so happy that you two got to catch up,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-000990.mp3,the tribal chieftain called for the boy and presented him with fifty pieces of gold,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000991.mp3,half an hour later his shovel hit something solid,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000992.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000993.mp3,i thought you were going to teach me some of the things you know,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000994.mp3,'everyone loved them and enjoyed them,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000995.mp3,some went away while i was there and other people came,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000996.mp3,wearing his new sandals he descended the stairs silently,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000997.mp3,these are not camels,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-000998.mp3,he heard a muffled grating sound and saw the black mark jerk forward an inch or so,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-000999.mp3,he began to dig at the base of the sycamore,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001000.mp3,i told you i can't use your column any more,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001001.mp3,i got drunk yesterday and thought i built a super computer,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001002.mp3,you can get around very easily by train which is a very relaxing and affordable way to travel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001003.mp3,he noticed the unequal cooling of its surface,9,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001004.mp3,upon returning to the wise man he related in detail everything he had seen,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001005.mp3,you can do a lot just using your voice but there are still a few times you'll find yourself reaching for a mouse,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001006.mp3,you point to a trail of ants leading into the house,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001007.mp3,mecca is a lot farther away than the pyramids,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001008.mp3,as i watched the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001009.mp3,you're the only one who could have it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001010.mp3,but now i'm sad and alone,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001011.mp3,of course the two were unable to do anything,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001012.mp3,don't you know me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001013.mp3,you will never reopen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001014.mp3,i've had this shop for thirty years,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001015.mp3,judge may not think so,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001016.mp3,my dog gave her life to save my child,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001017.mp3,don't try to enter into the life of the oasis,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001018.mp3,the treasure is at the pyramids that you already knew,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001019.mp3,i don't blame you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001020.mp3,curse the moment i met that old man he thought,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001021.mp3,the soul of the world is nourished by people's happiness,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001022.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,4,1,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001023.mp3,there were really i think two or three hundred people elbowing one another,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001024.mp3,the snake slithered toward the shaded boulders under the cliff,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001025.mp3,from here on you will be alone the alchemist said,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001026.mp3,the boy remembered his dream and suddenly everything was clear to him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001027.mp3,it was a pleasant change from talking to his sheep,8,0,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001028.mp3,and he asked the boy if he too were in search of the alchemist,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001029.mp3,i'll work all night until dawn and i'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001030.mp3,we're not allowed to tell,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001031.mp3,and he wasn't faring much better,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001032.mp3,but they were not there,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001033.mp3,don't you know there are nine jobs waiting for this guy,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001034.mp3,no that's not what i mean,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001035.mp3,mom took grandma to the garden center to hear the latin names of plants,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001036.mp3,sandra read aloud the strange excerpt,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001037.mp3,there was absolutely no reason for her to announce it to the entire company,6,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001038.mp3,the criminals taunted the police officers and prison guards,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001039.mp3,and in that way the months passed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001040.mp3,the boy began again to read his book but he was no longer able to concentrate,3,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001041.mp3,can you imagine that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001042.mp3,in some places the ground was covered with the salt of driedup lakes,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001043.mp3,they went in to drink the tea which was served in beautiful crystal glasses,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001044.mp3,are you certain it's not a monster,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001045.mp3,starting with his own,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001046.mp3,that's why i keep losing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001047.mp3,what had been next to him five minutes ago was now at the other side,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001048.mp3,i don't trust anybody,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001049.mp3,i'll work all night until dawn and i'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001050.mp3,but arms cannot be drawn unless they also go into battle,3,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001051.mp3,at most they thought that another meteorite had descended,8,0,twenties,female,bermuda, cv-valid-dev/sample-001052.mp3,he wanted to forget about the vision and return to his meditation,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001053.mp3,the boy put the stones in his pouch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001054.mp3,that he wanted to travel,3,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001055.mp3,i went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the dark,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001056.mp3,but then i realized she couldn't have been,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001057.mp3,if a person is living out his destiny he knows everything he needs to know,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001058.mp3,just a memory right now it signified shade water and a refuge from the war,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001059.mp3,they have cheap sausages and fries at the brewery tomorrow,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001060.mp3,they're not my sheep anymore he said to himself without nostalgia,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001061.mp3,maybe this is an omen said the englishman half aloud,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001062.mp3,they seemed to laugh at him and he laughed back his heart bursting with joy,4,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001063.mp3,laser tag is a game quite similar to paintball,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001064.mp3,who'd you say it was,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001065.mp3,you can't go any farther one of them said,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001066.mp3,i don't believe it,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001067.mp3,but he didn't need to worry about that right now,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001068.mp3,the boy didn't know what to say,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001069.mp3,evidently we're the floor show,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001070.mp3,it's not i the wind spoke about,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001071.mp3,the boy stepped closer to the girl and when she smiled he did the same,2,0,sixties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-001072.mp3,the boy didn't know what to say,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001073.mp3,can you get in this desk,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001074.mp3,ellie won first prize in the spelling competition,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001075.mp3,we don't know what's in the confounded thing do you,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001076.mp3,but the merchant understood what the boy had said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001077.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,4,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001078.mp3,they can't help themselves,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001079.mp3,on the first day he returned with a rabbit and on the second with two birds,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001080.mp3,the guy thought he was a lunatic at large and made an unsuccessful attempt to stop him,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001081.mp3,there was very little talking,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001082.mp3,i'm an alchemist simply because i'm an alchemist he said as he prepared the meal,1,0,sixties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-001083.mp3,but they don't count,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001084.mp3,only chris couldn't wait quite as long as the others,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001085.mp3,now i want you to sign this agreement,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001086.mp3,i really did it quite brilliantly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001087.mp3,hold on a minute,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001088.mp3,suddenly he disappeared and i could hear a faint shriek behind the walls,2,0,seventies,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001089.mp3,where do you live shouted the boy as the horseman rode away,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001090.mp3,and he asked the boy if he too were in search of the alchemist,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001091.mp3,he came to understand its dodges and tricks and to accept it as it was,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001092.mp3,you lived your life in a loving way and died with dignity,1,0,sixties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001093.mp3,be careful with your prognostications said the stranger,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001094.mp3,an led was indicating the proximity detector was working properly,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001095.mp3,that's what killed him,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001096.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001097.mp3,there was a time when for me a camel's whinnying was nothing more than whinnying,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001098.mp3,you have been stopping me,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001099.mp3,i'm going to them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001100.mp3,the alchemist was a bit daunting but as the boy drank the wine he relaxed,1,0,sixties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001101.mp3,the stranger was speaking of things that very few people knew about,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001102.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001103.mp3,what's the world's greatest lie the boy asked completely surprised,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001104.mp3,they didn't have the printing press in those days the boy argued,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001105.mp3,but the merchant understood what the boy had said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001106.mp3,throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001107.mp3,the other son was a poet and delighted all of rome with his beautiful verses,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001108.mp3,i'm going to them,2,1,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001109.mp3,you're the hope of the world,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001110.mp3,you should evaluate it in a perceptual experiment,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001111.mp3,they'd never let you go,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001112.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001113.mp3,they returned to the gates of the monastery,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001114.mp3,but the alchemist continued to look to the horizon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001115.mp3,thank you very much,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001116.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,5,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001117.mp3,he had done this for years and knew the schedule of everyone who passed,2,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001118.mp3,that's all mark ever talks about,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001119.mp3,it brought his heart into his mouth,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001120.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,3,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001121.mp3,he lives at the alfayoum oasis his friend had said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001122.mp3,he's in the insurance business,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001123.mp3,they provided warnings about thieves and barbarian tribes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001124.mp3,they were known as seers and they were held in fear by women and the elderly,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001125.mp3,most of them were staring quietly at the big table,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001126.mp3,love is the falcon's flight over your sands,3,0,fourties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001127.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,3,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001128.mp3,from then on he would make his own decisions,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001129.mp3,i hold the power of life and death for every person i take with me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001130.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001131.mp3,you knew the whole story,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001132.mp3,he was about the same age and height as the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001133.mp3,'m all about those invisible cosmic connections that transcend time and distance,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001134.mp3,down below in the darkness were hundreds of people sleeping in peace,2,0,thirties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001135.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001136.mp3,that is an antelope my son,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001137.mp3,i shall make us some ice cubes,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001138.mp3,then the thing came upon him in a flash,366,21,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001139.mp3,it helped me to trust in people the englishman answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001140.mp3,i have had the same dream twice he said,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001141.mp3,i just don't trust anyone who says they've never had hamburger helper,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001142.mp3,because you are trying to realize your destiny,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001143.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001144.mp3,he got up early with the idea of finding it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001145.mp3,did you want to see her about something important,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001146.mp3,says for us to go the limit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001147.mp3,he had found where his treasure was and was frightened at what might happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001148.mp3,what are you doing there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001149.mp3,i'm your guardian angel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001150.mp3,but horses tire bit by bit,5,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001151.mp3,the old man knew how to read and had already read the book,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001152.mp3,the suspension bridge was swinging in the gale,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001153.mp3,there has been a robbery at the burger shop in downtown,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001154.mp3,she keeps saying that she has no regrets about moving back home but im not sure if its entirely true,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001155.mp3,he's after the money,1,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001156.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001157.mp3,when he was a child that man wanted to travel too,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001158.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,9,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001159.mp3,the top of the cylinder was rotating on its body,9,0,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001160.mp3,lots of shepherds passed through selling their wool,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001161.mp3,speak to the hand that wrote all said the sun,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001162.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001163.mp3,i was sitting with my best friend when he asked me hey hannah can you do me a favor,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001164.mp3,he thought of the woman who had trusted in the desert,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001165.mp3,you won't have any trouble reading it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001166.mp3,wilmas gone cat sitting again for the weekend if you want to come over,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001167.mp3,that night there was another jetting out of gas from the distant planet,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001168.mp3,another person was there to help him toward his destiny,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001169.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001170.mp3,the man wept with happiness,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001171.mp3,i had never heard of alchemists before the boy said,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001172.mp3,he waited patiently for the merchant to awaken and open the shop,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001173.mp3,they don't see that the fields are new and the seasons change,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001174.mp3,and you've told me nothing along the way said the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001175.mp3,you've got lipstick all over your mouth,2,1,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001176.mp3,machine gun fire awoke the fugitives and sent them into a frenzy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001177.mp3,i found these one day in the fields,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001178.mp3,i can't please everybody,1,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001179.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001180.mp3,some of those who saw its flight say it travelled with a hissing sound,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001181.mp3,even from a distance their eyes conveyed the strength of their souls,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001182.mp3,i need you to be spontaneous he asked me out to din din,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001183.mp3,we beat the whole country on that story,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001184.mp3,it's a code said the boy a bit disappointed,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001185.mp3,vibrations of peace throughout the tent,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001186.mp3,the time must have been somewhere around six o'clock,4,0,teens,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001187.mp3,if he makes a buying mistake it doesn't affect him much,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001188.mp3,used to hunt rabbits there myself,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001189.mp3,the genies were the spirits of good and evil,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001190.mp3,no the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001191.mp3,he put his headcloth in place and secured it with a ring made of camel skin,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001192.mp3,it drew a droplet of blood,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001193.mp3,you can't do that,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001194.mp3,the camel driver understood what the boy was saying,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001195.mp3,we can't let the chronicle get the laugh on us,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001196.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,7,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001197.mp3,when he reached the top of the dune his heart leapt,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001198.mp3,his way isn't the same as mine nor mine as his,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001199.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001200.mp3,the little girl wanted to have a balloon but was too shy to ask,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001201.mp3,are you all right,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001202.mp3,he should have decided to become a shepherd the boy said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001203.mp3,you're here rather early,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001204.mp3,the streamer of gas came out towards us,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001205.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001206.mp3,oxygen is important for us but some bacteria don't need it at all,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001207.mp3,being murdered in cold blood isn't nonsense,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001208.mp3,i'm just your little rent collector,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001209.mp3,he quickly pulled his hands away,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001210.mp3,we could get to the pyramids by tomorrow said the other taking the money,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001211.mp3,the next day the boy returned to the well hoping to see the girl,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001212.mp3,the boy approached her to ask about the alchemist,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001213.mp3,so usually a keypress instead of a click is used,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001214.mp3,it's in all the afternoon papers,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001215.mp3,if you can concentrate always on the present you'll be a happy man,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001216.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001217.mp3,you've got the mayor and pullman backed against a wall,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001218.mp3,but as he saw them lying there on the ground another phrase came to his mind,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001219.mp3,what a terrible thing to say,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001220.mp3,and what do you do in salem he insisted,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001221.mp3,but now the sounds inside had stopped,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001222.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001223.mp3,i'm sending it over with beth,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001224.mp3,yet it was a little too large for assurance,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001225.mp3,that's the way it always is said the old man,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001226.mp3,there's the professor now,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001227.mp3,i think it's about bird hunting but now i can see how that might be misinterpreted,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001228.mp3,have you seen him,1,0,thirties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001229.mp3,it was the first time she had done that,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001230.mp3,it was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the master work,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001231.mp3,we're refugees from the tribal wars and we need money the other figure said,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001232.mp3,a line of flame high can be seen in the atmosphere,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001233.mp3,the loafers and golf caddies were used to hanging out near the railway station,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001234.mp3,i wish i could remember the name of the cold milky sak served in a box,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001235.mp3,i've been looking for you all morning he said as he led the boy outside,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001236.mp3,why are you carrying money asked the tribesman when he had searched the boy's bag,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001237.mp3,you all know me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001238.mp3,using script blockers is generally a good idea but it requires the user to learn a bit,2,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-001239.mp3,it is the most valuable stamp in the world,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001240.mp3,always heed the omens the old king had said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001241.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001242.mp3,and for wise men gold is the metal that evolved the furthest,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001243.mp3,the stranger was speaking of things that very few people knew about,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001244.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001245.mp3,the woman said she had never heard of such a person and hurried away,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001246.mp3,after all who doesnt want to overcome new challenges and achieve great heights,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001247.mp3,given only the public key it is very hard to compute the private one,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001248.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001249.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,10,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001250.mp3,the trouble with using this for all onscreen movement is that recognition accuracy isn't always perfect,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001251.mp3,potatoes are less spacesaving durable and cheap than pasta,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001252.mp3,sometimes their caravan met with another,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001253.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,8,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001254.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,4,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001255.mp3,you got your watermelon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001256.mp3,the boy smiled to himself,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001257.mp3,and the falcon then nourishes man,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001258.mp3,the apples are in the basket near the door on your way out,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001259.mp3,she's kind and sweet and considerate,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001260.mp3,you want the moon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001261.mp3,he was just and good,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001262.mp3,you have a mania for simplifying everything answered the englishman irritated,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001263.mp3,the boy's name was santiago,1,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001264.mp3,the monk laughed when he saw me come back in tatters,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001265.mp3,palm trees grows twice as big there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001266.mp3,you'll take fifty and like it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001267.mp3,so we their hearts speak more and more softly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001268.mp3,the atmosphere was suffused with the sweet scent of smoke,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001269.mp3,he made us stand and watch him paint for like an hour,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001270.mp3,now i'm beginning what i could have started ten years ago,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001271.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001272.mp3,every search begins with beginner's luck,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001273.mp3,how about that one there,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001274.mp3,the hand with the whip pointed to the south,2,1,sixties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-001275.mp3,did you ever walk into this office,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001276.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001277.mp3,he believed in omens,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001278.mp3,the camel driver understood what the boy was saying,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001279.mp3,my friend bought all the other sheep immediately,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001280.mp3,the boy was suddenly happy to be there at the warehouse,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001281.mp3,lucy's a newspaper woman,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001282.mp3,you know i'd tell you if i had it,2,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001283.mp3,another dreamer said the ticket seller to his assistant watching the boy walk away,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001284.mp3,they reached the center of a large plaza where the market was held,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001285.mp3,and because the tribes declared war i went to the well seeking the alchemist,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001286.mp3,i don't care what happens to me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001287.mp3,every search begins with beginner's luck,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001288.mp3,we returned to the cemetery,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001289.mp3,the desert with its endless monotony put him to dreaming,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001290.mp3,lemons and thyme should go well,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001291.mp3,they can't help themselves,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001292.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001293.mp3,everyone is just standing by the building waiting to get in,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001294.mp3,the omens had been true after all,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001295.mp3,but instead of being saddened he was happy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001296.mp3,strange images passed through my mind,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001297.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001298.mp3,you're going to run into the governor,2,1,teens,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001299.mp3,i hold the power of life and death for every person i take with me,3,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001300.mp3,my father offered her a job,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001301.mp3,he's trying to trick you again,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001302.mp3,it's a code said the boy a bit disappointed,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001303.mp3,tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001304.mp3,i have never seen a rothschild before,2,0,twenties,female,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-001305.mp3,watch over her tonight,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001306.mp3,they were men of the desert and they were fearful of sorcerers,3,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001307.mp3,i'd better see what he's up to,3,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001308.mp3,your dentist called yesterday,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001309.mp3,that was his work,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001310.mp3,the conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001311.mp3,sandra read aloud the strange excerpt,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001312.mp3,stanley felt exhilarated,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001313.mp3,i just don't trust anyone who says they've never had hamburger helper,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001314.mp3,i won't ever tell a soul,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001315.mp3,tell them it's a case of serious delirium,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001316.mp3,it was starlight and i explained the signs of the zodiac to her,5,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001317.mp3,i don't want anything for myself,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001318.mp3,i just want to dream about mecca,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001319.mp3,never give up,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001320.mp3,a practice of infidels he said to himself,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001321.mp3,yet each felt his heart beat a bit faster,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001322.mp3,the two men exchanged some words in arabic and the bar owner seemed irritated,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001323.mp3,hey what do you say,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001324.mp3,stop treating me like a child,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001325.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,2,1,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001326.mp3,they don't see that the fields are new and the seasons change,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001327.mp3,despair is something that haunts us at night,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001328.mp3,but that's what you're doing,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001329.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001330.mp3,team will meet up at point b with team ,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001331.mp3,you'll be the counselor of the oasis,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001332.mp3,turn up the volume,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001333.mp3,hitting the delete and escape keys did nothing,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001334.mp3,she comes by it naturally,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001335.mp3,didn't i tell you never to come panhandling around here,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001336.mp3,how is mozilla going to handle ambiguities like queue and cue,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001337.mp3,the closer he got to the realization of his dream the more difficult things became,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001338.mp3,i'll return just as your father came back to your mother he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001339.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001340.mp3,who is it from,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001341.mp3,like eating or sleeping or like seeking love or finding a job,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001342.mp3,much better said the old man,3,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001343.mp3,now i will drift gently off to dreamland,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001344.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,6,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001345.mp3,i ain't gonna squeal,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001346.mp3,amen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001347.mp3,what was written on the emerald tablet the boy wanted to know,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001348.mp3,seems like it ought to be fixable in software,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001349.mp3,mostly just the hearts of those who are trying to realize their destinies,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001350.mp3,i'll just watch him he said to himself,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001351.mp3,the execution was cancelled,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001352.mp3,certainly i'm sure i'm comfortable,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001353.mp3,this is what i wished for,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001354.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,6,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001355.mp3,these trousers don't fit very well,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001356.mp3,all things are one,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001357.mp3,the walls were covered with a thick paste,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001358.mp3,i am proud of you he said,3,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001359.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001360.mp3,an huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001361.mp3,and i'm going to build things,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001362.mp3,i knew there was some mistake,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001363.mp3,will you get close to him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001364.mp3,the thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand,4,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001365.mp3,since the miner had sacrificed everything to his destiny the old man decided to become involved,4,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001366.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001367.mp3,the thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand,9,0,twenties,other,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001368.mp3,drawing from my own experience as a learner of english and german i value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001369.mp3,the animals were exhausted and the men talked among themselves less and less,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001370.mp3,walk in the grass in my bare feet,1,0,fourties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001371.mp3,the old man was probably a gypsy too,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001372.mp3,if we serve tea in crystal the shop is going to expand,3,1,twenties,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001373.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001374.mp3,because life wants you to achieve your destiny,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001375.mp3,the whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001376.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001377.mp3,there's a caravan leaving today for alfayoum,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001378.mp3,vibrations of peace throughout the tent,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001379.mp3,the only shadow was that of the few scattered pine trees,2,1,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001380.mp3,bacon pancakes and maple syrup is a hearty start to any day,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001381.mp3,it was just ripe enough to eat,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001382.mp3,there were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001383.mp3,the electrician looked puzzled,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001384.mp3,i'll bet you don't really need those,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001385.mp3,so the wind blew with all its strength and the sky was filled with sand,11,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001386.mp3,then came the night of the first falling star,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001387.mp3,where is the treasure he asked,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001388.mp3,it is i the boy answered,4,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001389.mp3,what do you know about that,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001390.mp3,they're not my sheep anymore he said to himself without nostalgia,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001391.mp3,they went on smoking the pipe for a while as the sun began to set,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001392.mp3,he had come to the town only to find a woman who could interpret his dream,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001393.mp3,when he was in hospital the nurse took an xray photograph of his arm,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001394.mp3,he wandered for a while keeping the date palms of the oasis within sight,5,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001395.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,6,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001396.mp3,hitting the delete and escape keys did nothing,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001397.mp3,and eventually man will nourish your sands where the game will once again flourish,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001398.mp3,how long will it take to get him examined,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001399.mp3,the newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001400.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001401.mp3,they were men of the desert and they were fearful of sorcerers,5,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001402.mp3,did you finish the interview,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001403.mp3,they have their eyes glued on his face,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001404.mp3,something terrible's happened to me,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001405.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,2,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001406.mp3,henderson stood up with a spade in his hand,5,0,fourties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001407.mp3,but he decided first to buy his bakery and put some money aside,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001408.mp3,only we call them agents,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001409.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001410.mp3,how they managed to improvise at such short notice she'll never know,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001411.mp3,and that's where the power of love comes in,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001412.mp3,they were looking only for gold his companion answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001413.mp3,he wanted to say so to the alchemist but he was afraid of the man,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001414.mp3,for at that time it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001415.mp3,even me i haven't thought of other women since i met the merchant's daughter,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001416.mp3,so what is salem like he asked trying to get some sort of clue,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001417.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001418.mp3,my review of the sun one star,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001419.mp3,the desert didn't answer him for a few moments,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001420.mp3,janet roger died three months ago,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001421.mp3,and in that way the months passed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001422.mp3,what would you say to giving them a joint interview,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001423.mp3,i thought about whether we should find coins and models in it and so on,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001424.mp3,he remembered what the old man had said about offering something you didn't even have yet,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001425.mp3,we could get to the pyramids by tomorrow said the other taking the money,1,0,fourties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-001426.mp3,the boy was shaking with fear but the alchemist helped him out of the tent,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001427.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,6,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001428.mp3,but arms cannot be drawn unless they also go into battle,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001429.mp3,he had seen the shooting star and was persuaded that a meteorite lay somewhere nearby,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001430.mp3,maybe we're all that way the boy mused,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001431.mp3,but finally he agreed that the boy who spoke better arabic than he should do so,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001432.mp3,people say strange things the boy thought,4,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001433.mp3,let's go and have some lunch said the crystal merchant,2,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001434.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001435.mp3,night after night holly came back late from the office,2,0,teens,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001436.mp3,i want to talk to both of you,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001437.mp3,the shop is exactly the size i always wanted it to be,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001438.mp3,then he took from his knapsack a bottle of wine and drank some,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001439.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001440.mp3,dont share your opinions so readily because you never know who is listening,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001441.mp3,i want to tell you a story about dreams said the alchemist,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001442.mp3,benjamin was snacking on strips of bacon,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001443.mp3,they spoke about mercury salt dragons and kings and he didn't understand any of it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001444.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001445.mp3,but he didn't need to worry about that right now,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001446.mp3,you may kiss my hand,2,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001447.mp3,i pointed out mars a bright dot of light,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001448.mp3,the monk laughed when he saw me come back in tatters,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001449.mp3,all you have to remember is to be sincere,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001450.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,1,0,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001451.mp3,the only shadow was that of the few scattered pine trees,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001452.mp3,the sun thought about that and decided to shine more brightly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001453.mp3,that sounds like their problem,2,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001454.mp3,the boy brought his horse closer,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001455.mp3,and so do i,1,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001456.mp3,the scale model of the architects plans sat at the center of the conference room,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001457.mp3,and shouldn't they be garnished,2,0,fourties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-001458.mp3,well why don't we go there right now the boy asked,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001459.mp3,my keyboard is filled with dust,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001460.mp3,he should respect tradition,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001461.mp3,this samantha tommy movement costs you a fortune,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001462.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001463.mp3,it made me very depressed,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001464.mp3,it's a code said the boy a bit disappointed,5,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001465.mp3,i am in search of that universal language among other things,3,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001466.mp3,mr lee can't be bothered now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001467.mp3,that's a good idea,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001468.mp3,they went to the kitchen at the back of the monastery,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001469.mp3,some went away while i was there and other people came,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001470.mp3,how did you learn to read the girl asked at one point,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001471.mp3,and you've told me nothing along the way said the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001472.mp3,you've hinted it often enough,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001473.mp3,now i will drift gently off to dreamland,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001474.mp3,you can't stop for a thing now,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001475.mp3,who's got the room next to hers,1,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001476.mp3,you'll have to wake him up,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001477.mp3,what on earth are you doing,2,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001478.mp3,i'm not going very far the alchemist answered looking straight into the eyes of the horsemen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001479.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,7,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001480.mp3,something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top,6,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001481.mp3,the old man knew how to read and had already read the book,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001482.mp3,the two men hurried back and found the cylinder still lying in the same position,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001483.mp3,and this is for me said the alchemist keeping one of the parts,2,0,thirties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001484.mp3,then a man approached,2,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001485.mp3,just handling them made him feel better,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001486.mp3,because i don't live in either my past or my future,11,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001487.mp3,i went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the dark,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001488.mp3,but where are the houses,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001489.mp3,isn't it just beautiful,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001490.mp3,the caravan would be very lucky to reach the oasis,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001491.mp3,i'll just watch him he said to himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001492.mp3,it rattled menacingly,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001493.mp3,the boy wanted to take her hand,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001494.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,3,1,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001495.mp3,then he dropped his spade picked up his jacket and came out into the road,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001496.mp3,the same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip,2,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001497.mp3,it had a diameter of about thirty yards,10,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001498.mp3,it's the other foreigner the englishman,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001499.mp3,you didn't have to do any cleaning he said,2,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001500.mp3,just use the phone,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001501.mp3,i had to test your courage the stranger said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001502.mp3,it was starlight and i explained the signs of the zodiac to her,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001503.mp3,i'm afraid that if my dream is realized i'll have no reason to go on living,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001504.mp3,i'm going with you the boy said,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001505.mp3,the emerald tablet is a direct passage to the soul of the world,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001506.mp3,and at that i told him and he took my place,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001507.mp3,so he could not be hasty nor impatient,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001508.mp3,who is this man,1,0,twenties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001509.mp3,a semitransparent overlay promoted the beta version of an android app,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001510.mp3,meanwhile the boy thought about his treasure,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001511.mp3,i don't want anything for myself,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001512.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001513.mp3,i'm afraid you're blocking my view,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001514.mp3,maybe tomorrow said the boy moving away,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001515.mp3,he picked up the two stones and put them back in his pouch,2,0,,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001516.mp3,or a man into the wind,334,12,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001517.mp3,you came so that you could learn about your dreams said the old woman,4,1,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001518.mp3,what's that other paper going to give you,1,0,fourties,male,hongkong, cv-valid-dev/sample-001519.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,3,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001520.mp3,the caterpillar responded with a nod,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001521.mp3,what'll i tell him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001522.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001523.mp3,those gypsies are really smart he thought,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001524.mp3,i shall make us some ice cubes,10,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001525.mp3,few people realise the immensity of vacancy,2,0,thirties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001526.mp3,some men were smoking from a gigantic pipe that they passed from one to the other,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001527.mp3,because i've always heard about them the boy answered saying nothing about his dream,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001528.mp3,we're going to glasgow next year,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001529.mp3,i want to do what i want to do,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001530.mp3,they were his treasure,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001531.mp3,a current of love rushed from his heart and the boy began to pray,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001532.mp3,disregard my last statement,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001533.mp3,you'll watch them as they grow demonstrating how the world is always changing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001534.mp3,the art festival was a disaster,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001535.mp3,let me tell you what will happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001536.mp3,he remembered something his grandfather had once told him that butterflies were a good omen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001537.mp3,i don't even know who i'm talking to any more,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001538.mp3,the camel drivers exchanged information about windstorms and told stories about the desert,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001539.mp3,the camel driver though seemed not to be very concerned with the threat of war,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001540.mp3,the door was locked,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001541.mp3,there were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001542.mp3,he condemned the commander to death without honor,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001543.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,3,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001544.mp3,vibrations of peace throughout the tent,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001545.mp3,i was just in town earlier this year so it is kind of crazy to think about what took place right after,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001546.mp3,it spread through the planet's atmosphere and obscured its more familiar features,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001547.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001548.mp3,he knew he was stronger than his friend,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001549.mp3,and he looked out over the desert that had brought him to the woman he loved,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001550.mp3,some of those who saw its flight say it travelled with a hissing sound,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001551.mp3,i'm terribly sorry she isn't here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001552.mp3,before him was an enormous white horse rearing over him with a frightening scream,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001553.mp3,you don't have to smell the world,1,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001554.mp3,whatever the thing observed one could find a connection with his experience of the moment,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001555.mp3,when you play cards the first time you are almost sure to win,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001556.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001557.mp3,'everyone loved them and enjoyed them,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001558.mp3,that brings you good luck for ten years,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001559.mp3,yet it was a little too large for assurance,3,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001560.mp3,as the englishman left fatima arrived and filled her vessel with water,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001561.mp3,but he didn't need to worry about that right now,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001562.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,4,1,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001563.mp3,she must have known alex pretty well,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001564.mp3,all who went there were happy at having done so,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001565.mp3,some men were smoking from a gigantic pipe that they passed from one to the other,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001566.mp3,and the last one,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001567.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,4,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001568.mp3,we've been fed baloney so long we're getting used to it,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001569.mp3,then who are you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001570.mp3,go back to watching the caravan he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001571.mp3,based on the omens of the present,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001572.mp3,she reversed the charges,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001573.mp3,throughout the night the boy dug at the place he had chosen but found nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001574.mp3,he tried again to concentrate on the pink shades of the desert and its stones,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001575.mp3,let me comb your hair,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001576.mp3,when he's an old man he's going to spend a month in africa,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001577.mp3,and he knew that egypt was in africa,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001578.mp3,think i'll go home and see what the family is doing,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001579.mp3,but the boy was quiet,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001580.mp3,that's what i'd like to know,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001581.mp3,the boy was shaking with fear but the alchemist helped him out of the tent,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001582.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001583.mp3,the boy was getting irritated,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001584.mp3,he had done this for years and knew the schedule of everyone who passed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001585.mp3,tell them it's a case of serious delirium,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001586.mp3,did you bring the christmas wreath,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001587.mp3,but you were a little girl,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001588.mp3,do you want to go to work for me the merchant asked,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001589.mp3,thanks for the story and good luck on your honeymoon,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001590.mp3,about three hundred thousand,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001591.mp3,did you make a speech,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001592.mp3,after all he had all his money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001593.mp3,you'd better start right now,2,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001594.mp3,no one can be from many places the boy said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001595.mp3,he came to understand its dodges and tricks and to accept it as it was,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001596.mp3,you're through deciding anything,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001597.mp3,later we simply let life proceed in its own direction toward its own fate,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001598.mp3,there was nothing to hold him back except himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001599.mp3,but there were certain of them who took a bit longer to awaken,2,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001600.mp3,give me my robe,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001601.mp3,i'm afraid the joke's on us,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001602.mp3,i don't want mrs douglas,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001603.mp3,from then on he would make his own decisions,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001604.mp3,a practice of infidels he said to himself,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001605.mp3,who else knows about this,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001606.mp3,who'd you say it was,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001607.mp3,i was right there and saw it with my own eyes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001608.mp3,shawty you look jawdropping in that jersey,1,0,twenties,female,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-001609.mp3,we're just travelers the alchemist answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001610.mp3,elizabeth charles is dead,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001611.mp3,have you any idea what these things cost over here,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001612.mp3,aiding an escaped criminal,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001613.mp3,and he gave the boy his blessing,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001614.mp3,but children always seem to be able to play with them without frightening them,2,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001615.mp3,it was a pleasant change from talking to his sheep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001616.mp3,the emerald tablet is a direct passage to the soul of the world,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001617.mp3,but the boy sat down and waited,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001618.mp3,i don't see a thing,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001619.mp3,the caravan would be very lucky to reach the oasis,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001620.mp3,it's a code said the boy a bit disappointed,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001621.mp3,hunches his mother used to call them,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001622.mp3,i thought about whether we should find coins and models in it and so on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001623.mp3,i was impatient to see it opened,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001624.mp3,that first day everyone slept from exhaustion including the englishman,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001625.mp3,the infidels had an evil look about them,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001626.mp3,he still had some doubts about the decision he had made,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001627.mp3,of course the two were unable to do anything,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001628.mp3,the boy had noticed that the englishman was irritable and missed his books,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001629.mp3,the boy felt ill and terribly alone,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001630.mp3,but the boy knew that he was referring to fatima,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001631.mp3,maybe he'll give us one,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001632.mp3,the boy offered his bottle hoping that the old man would leave him alone,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001633.mp3,we owed everybody in town,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001634.mp3,what was written on the emerald tablet the boy wanted to know,4,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001635.mp3,he noticed the unequal cooling of its surface,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001636.mp3,who you holding out on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001637.mp3,i have been waiting for you here at this oasis for a long time,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001638.mp3,my freezer contains enough for a banquet,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001639.mp3,who are you he heard a voice ask him in spanish,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001640.mp3,it turned out to be a bitter tea,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001641.mp3,they didn't have the printing press in those days the boy argued,3,0,thirties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001642.mp3,it was no more exciting than an overturned carriage or a tree blown across the road,14,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001643.mp3,the woman said she had never heard of such a person and hurried away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001644.mp3,i used to look at those women and envy them their happiness,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001645.mp3,i still can't understand it though,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001646.mp3,besides that there was a heap of bicycles,38,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001647.mp3,we can't leave greg here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001648.mp3,and you can meet us at the station,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001649.mp3,it said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001650.mp3,how long is it,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001651.mp3,how many times are you gonna call me,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001652.mp3,i do the best i can to help,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001653.mp3,jennifer is making the nine o'clock train,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001654.mp3,he transformed himself into a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001655.mp3,what are you doing here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001656.mp3,he decided to stay right there and await his return,2,0,twenties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001657.mp3,i was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001658.mp3,your luck's not with you now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001659.mp3,that's a good idea,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001660.mp3,it was seen early in the morning rushing over eastward,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001661.mp3,an huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001662.mp3,you get out of here quick,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001663.mp3,but it's just something i forgot to pack,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001664.mp3,as the englishman left fatima arrived and filled her vessel with water,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001665.mp3,it was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001666.mp3,these are the spies said one of the men,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001667.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001668.mp3,his name was joseph,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001669.mp3,'everyone loved them and enjoyed them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001670.mp3,do you know what you're going to do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001671.mp3,'m all about those invisible cosmic connections that transcend time and distance,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001672.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001673.mp3,the engines roared as the rocket lifted its precious cargo up into the atmosphere,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001674.mp3,that's the magic of omens said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001675.mp3,down below in the darkness were hundreds of people sleeping in peace,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001676.mp3,but none of that mattered to the alchemist,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001677.mp3,my agreement with you gentlemen stands,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001678.mp3,nice of you to come down,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001679.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,1,0,twenties,other,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001680.mp3,the two men hurried back and found the cylinder still lying in the same position,14,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001681.mp3,he remembered the sword,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001682.mp3,and so do i,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001683.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001684.mp3,strange images passed through my mind,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001685.mp3,you don't think i'm gonna tell,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001686.mp3,no the alchemist answered,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001687.mp3,but he granted the travelers three days,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001688.mp3,you get somebody else to wash the diapers,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001689.mp3,the time must have been somewhere around six o'clock,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001690.mp3,you're the only one left,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001691.mp3,the englishman asked if they were in danger,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001692.mp3,i pointed out mars a bright dot of light,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001693.mp3,the alchemist stopped abruptly and bent to the ground,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001694.mp3,what a wonderful weather,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001695.mp3,how do you stop this thing,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001696.mp3,the ladder of the fire truck was not long enough,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001697.mp3,i think they perceived that nothing was to be done at the moment,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001698.mp3,everything you need to know you have learned through your journey,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001699.mp3,the alchemists spent years in their laboratories observing the fire that purified the metals,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001700.mp3,the problem is that they don't even realize that they're walking a new road every day,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001701.mp3,he condemned the commander to death without honor,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001702.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001703.mp3,what should we give him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001704.mp3,but they were not there,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001705.mp3,then i don't get paid,2,1,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001706.mp3,forget it there is no such thing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001707.mp3,the young arab took out a book and began to read,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001708.mp3,she told me she feels hopeful and optimistic,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001709.mp3,licorice is a black chewy food,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001710.mp3,but he had to move on,2,0,sixties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001711.mp3,i was impatient to see it opened,6,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001712.mp3,the dead soldiers were replaced by others and life went on,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001713.mp3,it's gonna put our city on the map,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001714.mp3,christopher was confused,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001715.mp3,well i'd like to see their land and see how they live said his son,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001716.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001717.mp3,you had me worried,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001718.mp3,why didn't you tell me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001719.mp3,use the export command to set environment variables,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001720.mp3,the boy's name was santiago,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001721.mp3,this is for you,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001722.mp3,there's the professor now,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001723.mp3,you dominated those horsemen with the way you looked at them he said,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001724.mp3,the omens had told him so,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001725.mp3,the top had certainly ceased to rotate,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001726.mp3,we must stay hidden,1,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001727.mp3,every search begins with beginner's luck,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001728.mp3,how'd you happen to fall in,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001729.mp3,now i'm beginning what i could have started ten years ago,4,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001730.mp3,if you start your emails with greetings let me be the first to welcome you to earth,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001731.mp3,if i could i'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck and coincidence,3,0,teens,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001732.mp3,when he reached the top of the dune his heart leapt,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001733.mp3,there were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001734.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001735.mp3,first he had studied esperanto then the world's religions and now it was alchemy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001736.mp3,they both spoke the same language,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001737.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001738.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001739.mp3,in spite of this i still believed that there were men in mars,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001740.mp3,so when i look out over your sands i am also looking at her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001741.mp3,it's still sopping wet,3,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001742.mp3,he said that everything has its own destiny,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001743.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001744.mp3,and that he a boy could perform miracles,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001745.mp3,something older than humanity more ancient than the desert,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001746.mp3,my seven year resume gap is marked not drugs,3,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001747.mp3,trust in your heart but never forget that you're in the desert,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001748.mp3,you will get donuts as a bonus if you take a selfie with me,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001749.mp3,and in that way the months passed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001750.mp3,how long since we've seen each other,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001751.mp3,from here on you will be alone the alchemist said,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001752.mp3,they were suffering from hunger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001753.mp3,you're my daughter and i love you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001754.mp3,now i will drift gently off to dreamland,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001755.mp3,i wish they were rabbits,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001756.mp3,he fell asleep and when he awoke the sun was already high,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001757.mp3,then came the night of the first falling star,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001758.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001759.mp3,you have to cross the entire sahara desert said the young man,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001760.mp3,the fine manufacturing company was a bookkeeper for fourteen years,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001761.mp3,its lower end was still embedded,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001762.mp3,they're just a pile of stones,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001763.mp3,there are so many things to learn,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001764.mp3,how do you like her,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001765.mp3,looking through the telescope i saw a circle of deep blue and the little round planet,8,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001766.mp3,the men of the desert were already familiar with that wind,3,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001767.mp3,i could have helped her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001768.mp3,i make my living forecasting the future for people he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001769.mp3,mind if i sit down,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001770.mp3,it was something that i thought could happen only to others never to me,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001771.mp3,something's the matter with daddy,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001772.mp3,i know what it's going to be like,1,0,teens,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001773.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001774.mp3,if i'm on the march i just concentrate on marching,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001775.mp3,there's no danger the boy said when they had moved on past the encampment,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001776.mp3,we'll have to satisfy them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001777.mp3,what are you doing here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001778.mp3,he still had some doubts about the decision he had made,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001779.mp3,give me my robe,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001780.mp3,he transformed himself into a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001781.mp3,then it became a signal of danger,3,0,fourties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001782.mp3,looking at the sun he calculated that he would reach tarifa before midday,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001783.mp3,you know i'd tell you if i had it,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001784.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001785.mp3,they have their eyes glued on his face,1,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001786.mp3,when i had my sheep i was happy and i made those around me happy,1,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001787.mp3,it was starlight and i explained the signs of the zodiac to her,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001788.mp3,you don't have to be rich skinny popular or even own a cape to perform a random act of kindness,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001789.mp3,if only we could see it,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001790.mp3,and the solid part was called the philosopher's stone,1,0,teens,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-001791.mp3,dont share your opinions so readily because you never know who is listening,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001792.mp3,you should have seen the commotion in that locker room,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001793.mp3,the camel drivers exchanged information about windstorms and told stories about the desert,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001794.mp3,how could he be a fake,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001795.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001796.mp3,and seizing the boy's bag the alchemist gave the gold coins to the chief,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001797.mp3,the time must have been somewhere around six o'clock,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001798.mp3,i am here the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001799.mp3,it was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand,4,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001800.mp3,i thought about whether we should find coins and models in it and so on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001801.mp3,golf stands for the letter g in the nato phonetic alphabet,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001802.mp3,my review of the sun one star,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001803.mp3,he walked slowly through the market,4,0,fifties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001804.mp3,what are you doing around here,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001805.mp3,i told you that your dream was a difficult one,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001806.mp3,but the englishman was exultant,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001807.mp3,then she took both of his hands in hers and began quietly to pray,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001808.mp3,it was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001809.mp3,the dead soldiers were replaced by others and life went on,15,0,thirties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001810.mp3,the caravan moved toward the east,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001811.mp3,love is the force that transforms and improves the soul of the world,2,1,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001812.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001813.mp3,we don't know what's in the confounded thing do you,3,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001814.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001815.mp3,he needs three days answered the alchemist,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001816.mp3,as nice as blake's,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001817.mp3,one afternoon one of his servants fell ill and it appeared that he would die,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001818.mp3,two days ago you said that i had never dreamed of travel the merchant answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001819.mp3,and yet none of these people has ever met the old king,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001820.mp3,i just know that the tradition is always right,1,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001821.mp3,you already know about alchemy,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001822.mp3,my tax dollars pay for those public school proms,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001823.mp3,he was planning as he left the bar,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001824.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001825.mp3,what did you do with her,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001826.mp3,almost everyone here speaks spanish,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001827.mp3,the child soaked up information like a sponge,1,0,thirties,male,southatlandtic, cv-valid-dev/sample-001828.mp3,ii was terribly worried,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001829.mp3,the area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001830.mp3,storm increasing over the rockies,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001831.mp3,people from all over the world have passed through this village son said his father,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001832.mp3,it had a diameter of about thirty yards,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001833.mp3,no doubt the impact had caused a flash of fire,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001834.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001835.mp3,she went over to mr jared's house,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001836.mp3,hang on a second,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001837.mp3,but they really don't know what they're saying,2,0,thirties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001838.mp3,get a load of this,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001839.mp3,he wanted to say so to the alchemist but he was afraid of the man,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001840.mp3,saul was infuriating the others,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001841.mp3,you can't stay here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001842.mp3,only it'll be a lot easier with you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001843.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001844.mp3,i watched the weather forecast,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001845.mp3,there were mountains in the distance,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001846.mp3,he condemned the commander to death without honor,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001847.mp3,where's the old goat,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001848.mp3,but he's on the right track,5,0,thirties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001849.mp3,we are part of that soul so we rarely recognize that it is working for us,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001850.mp3,i'm going to them,2,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001851.mp3,what had been next to him five minutes ago was now at the other side,9,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001852.mp3,since then i haven't been able to get another one,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001853.mp3,there was very little talking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001854.mp3,it was faintly marked with transverse stripes and slightly flattened from the perfect round,1,0,fourties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001855.mp3,we've got to produce a show now,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001856.mp3,but i didnt think that it contained any living creature,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001857.mp3,the alarm clock was set for twenty past three,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001858.mp3,i was impatient to see it opened,7,4,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001859.mp3,what do they want,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001860.mp3,what about higgins against becca,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001861.mp3,he's out duckshooting now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001862.mp3,they whisked themselves into a frenzy,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001863.mp3,the accommodation was affordable and cosy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001864.mp3,dirt and dust everywhere give me the broom,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001865.mp3,earlier this year we found a really nice place near my office and we moved in together,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001866.mp3,the alchemist told the boy to place the shell over his ear,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001867.mp3,let me tell you what will happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001868.mp3,down below in the darkness were hundreds of people sleeping in peace,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001869.mp3,he got up early with the idea of finding it,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001870.mp3,two days later the merchant spoke to the boy about the display,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001871.mp3,the boy and the englishman had bought camels and climbed uncertainly onto their backs,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001872.mp3,the heat lasted until nightfall and all that time he had to carry his jacket,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001873.mp3,let's stop this another commander said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001874.mp3,my review of the sun one star,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001875.mp3,it seemed such a little thing so bright and small and still,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001876.mp3,or a man into the wind,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001877.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,2,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001878.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001879.mp3,who's down there with you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001880.mp3,the englishman was disappointed,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001881.mp3,i do the best i can to help,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001882.mp3,it's not a battle of good against evil,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001883.mp3,that's what i was sent down for,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001884.mp3,it was glaringly hot not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001885.mp3,but i'm going in search of my treasure the boy said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001886.mp3,something older than humanity more ancient than the desert,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001887.mp3,i need to sell some wool the boy told the merchant,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001888.mp3,the sun was very hot this summer,1,0,thirties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001889.mp3,don't you like her,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001890.mp3,as was mecca for the merchant,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001891.mp3,we're in no hurry the chief answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001892.mp3,i'll get it for you,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001893.mp3,dont fight fire with fire it would not help,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001894.mp3,she said she was so exhausted and unhappy that she thought of leaving and she did,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001895.mp3,go and speak to the tribal chieftains said the camel driver,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001896.mp3,if i don't find it i can always go home,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001897.mp3,there wasn't much impetus to finish our chores,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001898.mp3,they filled three sacks,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001899.mp3,if i could i'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck and coincidence,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001900.mp3,the englishman didn't answer him directly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001901.mp3,maybe it was because they moved around so much,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001902.mp3,the englishman said nothing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001903.mp3,the discrepancy between readers expectations created by the text and the real behaviour should be resolved,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001904.mp3,he did find it soon after dawn and not far from the sand pits,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001905.mp3,the alchemist erased the circle in the sand and the snake slithered away among the rocks,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001906.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001907.mp3,from here on you will be alone the alchemist said,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001908.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001909.mp3,but it is not a class that was requested by our alumni or prospective students,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001910.mp3,i don't know the desert that well yet,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001911.mp3,the track pad on this laptop needs calibrating,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001912.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,7,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001913.mp3,his heart squeezed as if his chest had suddenly compressed it,2,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001914.mp3,it's gonna put our city on the map,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001915.mp3,from atop its walls one can catch a glimpse of africa,3,1,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001916.mp3,listen to that mob,1,0,teens,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001917.mp3,lots of places sell tea around here the merchant said,3,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001918.mp3,the streamer of gas came out towards us,5,0,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001919.mp3,the englishman asked if they were in danger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001920.mp3,but just before lunchtime a boy stopped in front of the shop,1,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001921.mp3,the englishman had been profoundly impressed by the story,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001922.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001923.mp3,the morning post is not obstructing justice or hiding criminals,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001924.mp3,she probably worked it out in advance,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001925.mp3,about time one of you lunkheads said it,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001926.mp3,this is for you,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001927.mp3,all things are one the old man had said,3,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001928.mp3,what's for dinner tonight,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001929.mp3,the boy stepped closer to the girl and when she smiled he did the same,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001930.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001931.mp3,this man's going to jump as a matter of principle,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001932.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001933.mp3,the stranger seemed satisfied with the answer,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001934.mp3,it spread through the planet's atmosphere and obscured its more familiar features,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001935.mp3,the desert didn't answer him for a few moments,3,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001936.mp3,i want my baby to look like you,1,0,fourties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001937.mp3,then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments looking at the sword,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001938.mp3,today i understand something i didn't see before every blessing ignored becomes a curse,4,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001939.mp3,it was glaringly hot not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001940.mp3,well he thought about that the old man said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001941.mp3,sometime during the second year you'll remember about the treasure,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001942.mp3,the omens had been true after all,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001943.mp3,as i watched the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001944.mp3,the boy knew a lot of people in the city,5,1,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-001945.mp3,the area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001946.mp3,henderson went into the railway station to telegraph the news to london,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001947.mp3,why didn't you ask neal about it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001948.mp3,the top had certainly ceased to rotate,3,0,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001949.mp3,when he saw henderson in his garden he called over the fence and made himself understood,2,0,teens,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001950.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001951.mp3,and i think it's terrific,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001952.mp3,he didn't need to seek out the old woman for this,3,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001953.mp3,once you get into the desert there's no going back said the camel driver,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001954.mp3,just tell them marge sent you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001955.mp3,it helped me to trust in people the englishman answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001956.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001957.mp3,the boy was strong and wanted to retaliate but he was in a foreign country,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001958.mp3,it was as if it quivered but really this was the telescope vibrating,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001959.mp3,no baselines or comparison to state of the art is provided,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001960.mp3,they were spaced out in rows three feet apart,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001961.mp3,and in that mood he was grateful to be in love,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001962.mp3,so how will we name all these hurricanes,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001963.mp3,that's what makes it romantic,2,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001964.mp3,is this the ear you can't hear on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001965.mp3,had our instruments permitted it we might have been able to see the trouble way back when,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001966.mp3,i'm going away he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001967.mp3,there were really i think two or three hundred people elbowing one another,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001968.mp3,but his heart was speaking of other things,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001969.mp3,all that time the martians must have been getting ready,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001970.mp3,night fell and an assortment of fighting men and merchants entered and exited the tent,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001971.mp3,the boy's name was santiago,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001972.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001973.mp3,but there they saw a crystal shop that offered refreshing mint tea,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001974.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,2,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001975.mp3,you'll be the counselor of the oasis,8,0,fifties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-001976.mp3,shall i announce you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001977.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001978.mp3,this requires a little thought here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001979.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,7,0,twenties,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001980.mp3,she's on the air,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001981.mp3,the space station rocked violently due to the intense pressure wave from the airlock failure,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001982.mp3,well why don't we go there right now the boy asked,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001983.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001984.mp3,if good things are coming they will be a pleasant surprise said the seer,1,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001985.mp3,for at that time it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001986.mp3,kidneys are transplanted often because every healthy person has two of them,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-001987.mp3,she will also announce the third party's candidate for the presidency,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001988.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001989.mp3,a monk dressed in black came to the gates,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001990.mp3,come on in the office here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001991.mp3,it was impossible to remember all the details that he covered in an hour,3,0,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-001992.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,2,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-001993.mp3,you gave them everything i had the boy said,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001994.mp3,if what one finds is made of pure matter it will never spoil,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001995.mp3,i'm going away he said,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-001996.mp3,i jumped in to save rachel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001997.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001998.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-001999.mp3,if he makes a buying mistake it doesn't affect him much,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002000.mp3,the boy felt a pang in his heart thinking about the merchant's daughter,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002001.mp3,when he speaks in our language i can interpret what he has said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002002.mp3,i thought that someday i'd be rich and could go to mecca,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002003.mp3,nobody'd ever tell you whoever it was because they'd be scared,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002004.mp3,did you see the garden that it took the master gardener ten years to create,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002005.mp3,i said good night,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002006.mp3,now i will drift gently off to dreamland,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002007.mp3,tangier is not like the rest of africa,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002008.mp3,those women are all card sharks don't be fooled,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002009.mp3,and for wise men gold is the metal that evolved the furthest,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002010.mp3,you'll be the counselor of the oasis,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002011.mp3,he had found where his treasure was and was frightened at what might happen,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002012.mp3,keep your shirt on,3,0,fourties,,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002013.mp3,work for somebody else,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002014.mp3,i need a drink,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002015.mp3,he decanted the wine and began to recount the disturbing story he had been told,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002016.mp3,the caravans had been stopped at giza for some time waiting for the wars to end,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002017.mp3,almost everyone here speaks spanish,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002018.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002019.mp3,i want them both arrested,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002020.mp3,the list was frighteningly extensive,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002021.mp3,it seemed to him that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of here,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002022.mp3,i want my baby to look like you,1,0,sixties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002023.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002024.mp3,judge may not think so,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002025.mp3,everything i do is friendly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002026.mp3,take her to the hospital,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002027.mp3,the englishman was disappointed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002028.mp3,have trusted more in your love for fatima,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002029.mp3,he just got a new kite for his birthday,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002030.mp3,so when i look out over your sands i am also looking at her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002031.mp3,the miner had abandoned everything to go mining for emeralds,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002032.mp3,he was excited and at the same time uneasy maybe the girl had already forgotten him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002033.mp3,try it again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002034.mp3,it was a bundle of money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002035.mp3,the loafers and golf caddies were used to hanging out near the railway station,3,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002036.mp3,it's gonna put our city on the map,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002037.mp3,the crow tilted its head as if it was thinking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002038.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002039.mp3,on the seventh day the alchemist decided to make camp earlier than usual,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002040.mp3,the snake jetted venom,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002041.mp3,the boy watched as his companion went to his horse and withdrew a scimitar,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002042.mp3,who told you about omens the boy's interest was increasing by the moment,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002043.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,3,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002044.mp3,about how wealthy would you say,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002045.mp3,his soul must be too primitive to understand those things he thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002046.mp3,we lit the lantern and walked over to his house,2,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002047.mp3,the three fell silent,3,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002048.mp3,don't they usually keep the gun on the floor,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002049.mp3,i'm a sucker for this country,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002050.mp3,hunches his mother used to call them,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002051.mp3,i left my father my mother and the town castle behind,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002052.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002053.mp3,about time one of you lunkheads said it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002054.mp3,no the alchemist answered,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002055.mp3,with this kind of organization i find it's much easier to prioritize within a category,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002056.mp3,congressman aaron is here to see you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002057.mp3,when i'm eating that's all i think about,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002058.mp3,tonight we give you something entirely new and different,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002059.mp3,this man's going to jump as a matter of principle,2,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002060.mp3,paracetamol should get rid of that pain,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002061.mp3,they were people of the desert and clamored to hear his stories about the great cities,17,0,thirties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002062.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,2,1,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002063.mp3,it was faintly marked with transverse stripes and slightly flattened from the perfect round,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002064.mp3,it was a useful reminder to complete the task,2,0,fourties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002065.mp3,of course the two were unable to do anything,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002066.mp3,i have had the same dream twice he said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002067.mp3,well why don't we go there right now the boy asked,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002068.mp3,go back to watching the caravan he said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002069.mp3,he fell asleep and when he awoke the sun was already high,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002070.mp3,i had to act quickly that's why i jumped in,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002071.mp3,the sword didn't fall,3,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002072.mp3,i waited all afternoon and evening he said,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002073.mp3,the end of the cylinder was still as ogilvy and henderson had left it,6,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002074.mp3,but finally the merchant appeared and asked the boy to shear four sheep,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002075.mp3,all i say is spit them out,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002076.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002077.mp3,life is beautiful,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002078.mp3,the boy was startled,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002079.mp3,i hope it works,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002080.mp3,this is why alchemy exists the boy said,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002081.mp3,i don't know who anybody is any more,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002082.mp3,she's good enough for me,1,0,teens,other,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002083.mp3,the steel of its blade glittered in the light of the moon,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002084.mp3,you fight it cut,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002085.mp3,we've certainly been in some sweet jams,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002086.mp3,never mind those guys,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002087.mp3,the terror was palpable,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002088.mp3,am i talking too much,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002089.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,2,0,thirties,other,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002090.mp3,i'm trying to think of something before those reporters get back,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002091.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002092.mp3,johnathan assessed the situation carefully,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002093.mp3,he had suddenly remembered that in tarifa there was an old woman who interpreted dreams,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002094.mp3,the boy began to dig into the dune,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002095.mp3,advancing slowly they searched among the stones,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002096.mp3,can i help you asked the man behind the window,5,1,seventies,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002097.mp3,it's true that everything has its destiny but one day that destiny will be realized,5,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002098.mp3,everything i say is right,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002099.mp3,hundreds of observers saw the flame that night and the night after,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002100.mp3,whenever he could he sought out a new road to travel,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002101.mp3,who'd you say was gonna get him,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002102.mp3,who do you want,1,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002103.mp3,the top of the cylinder was rotating on its body,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002104.mp3,you'd better take it easy,2,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002105.mp3,the englishman was unable to sleep one night,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002106.mp3,it was no more exciting than an overturned carriage or a tree blown across the road,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002107.mp3,but then he remembered that he wasn't going to have to pay anything,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002108.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002109.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002110.mp3,i'll just go upstairs and send it over with a messenger,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002111.mp3,some of the grey ash was falling off the circular edge,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002112.mp3,it was the second or third time they'd tried,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002113.mp3,maybe no one here knows what an alchemist is,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002114.mp3,as i watched the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002115.mp3,and their eyes spoke of death,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002116.mp3,there's not a reason on earth why you should,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002117.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002118.mp3,life attracts life the alchemist answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002119.mp3,have her call me back,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002120.mp3,will you help me,1,0,teens,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002121.mp3,down at the office we get all the help we want,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002122.mp3,let me speak to her,4,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002123.mp3,two days ago you said that i had never dreamed of travel the merchant answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002124.mp3,the conquered half of the world on her horse's back,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002125.mp3,she had no temperature,4,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002126.mp3,the angel touched the man's shoulder and they were both projected far into the future,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002127.mp3,she knows it too,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002128.mp3,he dressed in his arabian clothing of white linen bought especially for this day,3,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002129.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002130.mp3,tangier is not like the rest of africa,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002131.mp3,and i'd better read your books said the boy,2,0,thirties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002132.mp3,my name's pete davis,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002133.mp3,he saw the boy appear from the other side of the dunes,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002134.mp3,i went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the dark,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002135.mp3,and their eyes spoke of death,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002136.mp3,the monk laughed when he saw me come back in tatters,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002137.mp3,we don't know when the war will end so we can't continue our journey he said,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002138.mp3,a drought hit western europe,1,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002139.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002140.mp3,he was tense and upset because he knew that the old man was right,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002141.mp3,can i help you asked the man behind the window,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002142.mp3,why there's oceans of room here,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002143.mp3,what about the blue one,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002144.mp3,to show you one of life's simple lessons the alchemist answered,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002145.mp3,sara can you read me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002146.mp3,she told me to write a play for tonight,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002147.mp3,i found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002148.mp3,i have the money i need to buy my sheep,64,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002149.mp3,they were strange books,10,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002150.mp3,after two hours he returned to the room where the wise man was,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002151.mp3,reading between the lines requires understanding,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002152.mp3,the alchemist removed the pan from the fire and set it aside to cool,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002153.mp3,i just want to dream about mecca,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002154.mp3,i was right there and saw it with my own eyes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002155.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002156.mp3,after writing a bug report one should regularly check if someone responded,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002157.mp3,and you married her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002158.mp3,lighthouses in a foggy world,2,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002159.mp3,learn to recognize omens and follow them the old king had said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002160.mp3,from there he could see africa in the distance,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002161.mp3,i ain't gonna squeal,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002162.mp3,we can't leave greg here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002163.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002164.mp3,i'm just a man who wanders the desert and knows the stars said the alchemist,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002165.mp3,on the first day he returned with a rabbit and on the second with two birds,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002166.mp3,be sure you spell the name right,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002167.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,2,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002168.mp3,i hold the power of life and death for every person i take with me,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002169.mp3,i was impatient to see it opened,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002170.mp3,his grandfather was a snake,2,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002171.mp3,i thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002172.mp3,the train lines provided an easy path to follow,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002173.mp3,i felt a chill down my spine,1,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002174.mp3,it was engineering at its finest,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002175.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002176.mp3,you wanna take this outside,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002177.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002178.mp3,where does she get that stuff,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002179.mp3,excuse me nudism is not allowed at this part of the beach,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002180.mp3,'m all about those invisible cosmic connections that transcend time and distance,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002181.mp3,think i'll go home and see what the family is doing,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002182.mp3,since then i haven't been able to get another one,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002183.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002184.mp3,please bring mama back,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002185.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,3,1,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002186.mp3,everyone seemed very excited,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002187.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002188.mp3,the old woman had said the same thing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002189.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,13,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002190.mp3,may i go in and see him,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002191.mp3,the monk laughed when he saw me come back in tatters,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002192.mp3,so what do you want of me the sun asked,3,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002193.mp3,they were relieved and happy,6,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002194.mp3,the priest collapsed backwards,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002195.mp3,the levanter increased in intensity,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002196.mp3,don't you understand french,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002197.mp3,i found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002198.mp3,i'm already used to the way things are,11,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002199.mp3,all that time the martians must have been getting ready,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002200.mp3,you know what i mean,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002201.mp3,we're in no hurry the chief answered,2,1,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002202.mp3,coach has heard all about you,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002203.mp3,don't try to move,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002204.mp3,isnt this a parameter of the method,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002205.mp3,he wanted to forget about the vision and return to his meditation,62,12,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002206.mp3,which one of these men is it,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002207.mp3,did you hear what i said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002208.mp3,i do the best i can to help,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002209.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002210.mp3,i haven't been able to shake him since,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002211.mp3,we always observe the tradition,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002212.mp3,i have known true alchemists the alchemist continued,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002213.mp3,what'll it take till the bank reopens,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002214.mp3,she needs to get her transcripts and passport first,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002215.mp3,do you know someone here who cures people's illnesses the boy asked,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002216.mp3,my name's pete davis,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002217.mp3,for a moment everything was dark and scary,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002218.mp3,there was a time when for me a camel's whinnying was nothing more than whinnying,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002219.mp3,i was torn between fear and curiosity,2,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002220.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,2,1,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002221.mp3,sometimes there's just no way to hold back the river,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002222.mp3,when you are loved you can do anything in creation,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002223.mp3,albert didn't have a brother,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002224.mp3,i'm a desert woman and i'm proud of that,3,0,twenties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002225.mp3,he didn't need to seek out the old woman for this,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002226.mp3,and you know it as well as i do,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002227.mp3,with the wars between the tribes it's impossible to cross the desert,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002228.mp3,i thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise,5,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002229.mp3,i don't understand what you're talking about the desert said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002230.mp3,in any case the desert was impassable,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002231.mp3,you could have died after peace had been declared,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002232.mp3,they forgot that lead copper and iron have their own destinies to fulfill,3,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002233.mp3,i am here the boy said,2,1,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002234.mp3,not what you'd call rich,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002235.mp3,now give us sixty days on this,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002236.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002237.mp3,he brought six sheep with him,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002238.mp3,the levanter increased in intensity,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002239.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002240.mp3,it's like the camel driver said 'eat when it's time to eat,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002241.mp3,there was very little talking,8,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002242.mp3,i have had the same dream twice he said,3,1,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002243.mp3,then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments looking at the sword,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002244.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002245.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,7,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002246.mp3,if i had told you you wouldn't have seen the pyramids,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002247.mp3,he remembered what the old man had said about offering something you didn't even have yet,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002248.mp3,it's candice now on long distance from washington,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002249.mp3,even the guides spoke very little to one another,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002250.mp3,it's a simple story,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002251.mp3,she'll be back in a second,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002252.mp3,it considers the horizontal dimension as time,5,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002253.mp3,they enjoyed the silence,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002254.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002255.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,7,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002256.mp3,he won't leave the circle,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002257.mp3,the boy was surprised and then irritated,3,0,,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002258.mp3,but then he remembered that he wasn't going to have to pay anything,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002259.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002260.mp3,my tax dollars pay for those public school proms,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002261.mp3,a line of flame high can be seen in the atmosphere,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002262.mp3,i don't trust anybody,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002263.mp3,why was it that he wanted the boy to serve as his instrument,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002264.mp3,no one paid any attention to the two travelers,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002265.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002266.mp3,where's the old goat,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002267.mp3,they rode for the entire day,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002268.mp3,we're just travelers the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002269.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,1,0,sixties,female,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002270.mp3,i'm surprised the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002271.mp3,he couldn't have been wrong,9,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002272.mp3,and the leader posted armed sentinels at the fringes of the group,3,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002273.mp3,you'd better start right now,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002274.mp3,it means my job,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002275.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,3,1,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002276.mp3,but the boy never took his eye off his new friend,3,0,twenties,male,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-002277.mp3,gotta be gentle to suit me,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002278.mp3,half an hour later his shovel hit something solid,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002279.mp3,he got up early with the idea of finding it,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002280.mp3,he had not a cent in his pocket but he had faith,8,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002281.mp3,he thought that with some patience he'd be able to transform everything into gold,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002282.mp3,the boy was strong and wanted to retaliate but he was in a foreign country,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002283.mp3,he almost began to tell about his treasure but decided not to do so,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002284.mp3,it was a pleasant change from talking to his sheep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002285.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002286.mp3,the money is unimportant,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002287.mp3,the police finally manage to get him out of the park,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002288.mp3,henderson went into the railway station to telegraph the news to london,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002289.mp3,hundreds of observers saw the flame that night and the night after,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002290.mp3,it must be some kind of a gag,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002291.mp3,you haven't got your wings yet,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002292.mp3,he was excited and at the same time uneasy maybe the girl had already forgotten him,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002293.mp3,the tribal chieftain called for the boy and presented him with fifty pieces of gold,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002294.mp3,next time we are going to do it differently,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002295.mp3,if what one finds is made of pure matter it will never spoil,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002296.mp3,do you have anything to eat,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002297.mp3,but men began to reject simple things and to write tracts interpretations and philosophical studies,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002298.mp3,people saw me coming and welcomed me he thought,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002299.mp3,i'm afraid that if my dream is realized i'll have no reason to go on living,4,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002300.mp3,the thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002301.mp3,venus is far too hot for exploration,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002302.mp3,ogilvy told him everything that he had seen,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002303.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002304.mp3,they shouted consolation and promises and went off back to the town again to get help,7,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002305.mp3,after all he had all his money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002306.mp3,and this is for me said the alchemist keeping one of the parts,10,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002307.mp3,this puts me in a peculiar hole,2,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002308.mp3,and she already has her treasure it's you,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002309.mp3,like everybody learns he said,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002310.mp3,he was older and was carrying a small bucket,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002311.mp3,the old man returned the book to the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002312.mp3,finally a young woman approached who was not dressed in black,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002313.mp3,let's dance,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002314.mp3,he took the fourth part and handed it to the monk,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002315.mp3,between roast beef and potatoes how can we lose,2,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002316.mp3,it was a cobra whose venom could kill a person in minutes,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002317.mp3,i suppose that's true in a way,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002318.mp3,whenever he saw the sea or a fire he fell silent impressed by their elemental force,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002319.mp3,how'd you happen to fall in,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002320.mp3,the omens will begin insistently to speak of it and you'll try to ignore them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002321.mp3,the steel of its blade glittered in the light of the moon,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002322.mp3,i find the other argument dubious,2,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002323.mp3,the boy thought about the crystal merchant,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002324.mp3,it's a code said the boy a bit disappointed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002325.mp3,you have been a real blessing to me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002326.mp3,but they were not there,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002327.mp3,yet each felt his heart beat a bit faster,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002328.mp3,isn't it just beautiful,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002329.mp3,they were men of the desert and they were fearful of sorcerers,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002330.mp3,he sat looking at the sky for a long time,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002331.mp3,a thin circle of bright metal showed between the top and the body of the cylinder,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002332.mp3,i don't like coconuts,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002333.mp3,then the thing came upon him in a flash,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002334.mp3,then the old man began to inspect the sheep and he saw that one was lame,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002335.mp3,and i say maybe you both have it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002336.mp3,i wished i had a light to smoke by,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002337.mp3,there wasn't much impetus to finish our chores,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002338.mp3,his soul must be too primitive to understand those things he thought,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002339.mp3,my mother just called you,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002340.mp3,the war is going to end someday the girl said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002341.mp3,html is not a programming language,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002342.mp3,strange images passed through my mind,4,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002343.mp3,there was a small building there with a window at which people bought tickets to africa,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002344.mp3,drop the whole business quickly,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002345.mp3,he just got a new kite for his birthday,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002346.mp3,these headphones play music very clearly in my ears,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002347.mp3,i've just sworn in four hundred deputies,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002348.mp3,i'm going into the desert the man answered turning back to his reading,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002349.mp3,that's what i did before i married charles,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002350.mp3,the driver got knocked cold,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002351.mp3,it's the oasis said the camel driver,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002352.mp3,the letter ain't worth nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002353.mp3,why do you want to find that sort of person the arab asked,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002354.mp3,then the thing came upon him in a flash,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002355.mp3,when i had my sheep i was happy and i made those around me happy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002356.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002357.mp3,because the crystal was dirty,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002358.mp3,i'd better see what he's up to,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002359.mp3,a boy came running towards me,12,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002360.mp3,i am in search of that universal language among other things,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002361.mp3,this is my last chance,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002362.mp3,still after that first million before you're thirty,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002363.mp3,the boy closed his book,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002364.mp3,i thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002365.mp3,today i understand something i didn't see before every blessing ignored becomes a curse,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002366.mp3,who do you want,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002367.mp3,the following night the boy appeared at the alchemist's tent with a horse,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002368.mp3,this morning i found a calculator taped to my wii,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002369.mp3,and finally the falcon returned with their meal,22,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002370.mp3,lots of places sell tea around here the merchant said,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002371.mp3,he had suddenly remembered that in tarifa there was an old woman who interpreted dreams,7,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002372.mp3,on the first day he returned with a rabbit and on the second with two birds,3,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002373.mp3,don't be impatient he repeated to himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002374.mp3,but he had found a guide and didn't want to miss out on an opportunity,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002375.mp3,all they think about is food and water,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002376.mp3,this can't be stressed enough i am innocent he cried desperately,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002377.mp3,i won a flower,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002378.mp3,this is a very interesting situation,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002379.mp3,this cup is made of polystyrene,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002380.mp3,the heather was on fire and you could see a thin blue smoke rising up slowly,8,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002381.mp3,we'll leave tomorrow before sunrise was the alchemist's only response,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002382.mp3,but then he remembered that he wasn't going to have to pay anything,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002383.mp3,the top of the cylinder was rotating on its body,7,1,thirties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002384.mp3,i am father now can you believe it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002385.mp3,and what do you do in salem he insisted,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002386.mp3,they might even have become friends but the englishman closed off the conversation,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002387.mp3,like eating or sleeping or like seeking love or finding a job,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002388.mp3,i'll be right with you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002389.mp3,he was selling better than ever,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002390.mp3,but maybe i'll never have another chance to get to the pyramids in egypt,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002391.mp3,the day was dawning and the shepherd urged his sheep in the direction of the sun,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002392.mp3,we know that and we are used to it,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002393.mp3,you wanna take this outside,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002394.mp3,as he was attempting to pull out the rocks he encountered he heard footsteps,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002395.mp3,he's on the way,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002396.mp3,i never knew he had a diary,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002397.mp3,and tomorrow his enemy would also be a part of that soul,6,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002398.mp3,i've been trying to figure it out,3,0,twenties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002399.mp3,you will never be able to escape from your heart,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002400.mp3,the day was dawning and the shepherd urged his sheep in the direction of the sun,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002401.mp3,next morning there were two thousand armed men scattered throughout the palm trees at al fayoum,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002402.mp3,and he came down after the game with a contract,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002403.mp3,did you actually give tamara that gun,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002404.mp3,the boy was surprised and then irritated,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002405.mp3,the stranger was speaking of things that very few people knew about,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002406.mp3,when you find a bug in software please report it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002407.mp3,it seemed so safe and tranquil,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002408.mp3,thanks for dropping around,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002409.mp3,wouldn't it be nice if we were like that,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002410.mp3,i beg of you not to do this thing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002411.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002412.mp3,suppose there was a shane york and he walked into this office,3,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002413.mp3,the charcoal burned away to white ash,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002414.mp3,he heard a muffled grating sound and saw the black mark jerk forward an inch or so,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002415.mp3,he noticed the unequal cooling of its surface,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002416.mp3,i still have no idea how to turn myself into the wind the boy repeated,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002417.mp3,the englishman was disappointed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002418.mp3,but the boy sat down and waited,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002419.mp3,at most they thought that another meteorite had descended,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002420.mp3,we're refugees from the tribal wars and we need money the other figure said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002421.mp3,his arm seemed to be battling with whatever was in the hole,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002422.mp3,i was impatient to see it opened,1,0,fifties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-002423.mp3,they placed it in a wooden box and left it there for good,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002424.mp3,you point to a trail of ants leading into the house,7,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002425.mp3,your husband must have been in a great hurry,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002426.mp3,he didn't want any conversation at this point,3,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002427.mp3,well then why do we need all these books the boy asked,3,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002428.mp3,the boy was relieved,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002429.mp3,to show you one of life's simple lessons the alchemist answered,8,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002430.mp3,the cushion was soft and inviting,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002431.mp3,he placed urim and thummim in the chest,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002432.mp3,i done my best,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002433.mp3,sometimes their caravan met with another,5,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002434.mp3,jupiter has a great red spot,2,0,teens,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-002435.mp3,no the alchemist answered,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002436.mp3,another trick the boy thought,4,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002437.mp3,and got it out as soon as you can,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002438.mp3,i'll never get this speech right,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002439.mp3,there was a forest fire in los angeles,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002440.mp3,there's not a reason on earth why you should,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002441.mp3,about eleven i walked back to my home in maybury because nothing seemed to be happening,5,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002442.mp3,thank you said the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002443.mp3,is the head better,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002444.mp3,how could it be awkward,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002445.mp3,he ran his fingers slowly over the stones sensing their temperature and feeling their surfaces,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002446.mp3,a large portion of the cylinder had been uncovered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002447.mp3,he had never imagined that questions about life would be of such importance to a shepherd,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002448.mp3,my job requires a lot of travelling,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002449.mp3,but he didn't need to worry about that right now,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002450.mp3,he could always become a crystal salesman again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002451.mp3,i wonder how many times a year this happens,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002452.mp3,i encourage everyone to contribute their voice to project common voice,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002453.mp3,i don't like people to do that because the sheep are afraid of strangers,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002454.mp3,a card hanging in the doorway announced that several languages were spoken in the shop,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002455.mp3,i don't know why i came here in the first place,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002456.mp3,he was proud of himself,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002457.mp3,i'll let you know as soon as i have something,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002458.mp3,sadly my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen,9,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002459.mp3,will you give me those stamps,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002460.mp3,he's insane or drunk or something,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002461.mp3,when i returned to the common the sun was setting,5,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002462.mp3,you called that number not ten minutes ago,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002463.mp3,the old man gave a signal and everyone stood,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002464.mp3,the greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles,2,1,fourties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002465.mp3,i want to do what i want to do,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002466.mp3,did you see the garden that it took the master gardener ten years to create,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002467.mp3,and i'm certain you'll find it the alchemist said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002468.mp3,the tribal chieftains will see that and you'll be dismissed from your position as counselor,10,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002469.mp3,looking through the telescope i saw a circle of deep blue and the little round planet,5,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002470.mp3,it was a strange furnace fueled by firewood with a transparent flask heating on top,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002471.mp3,i didn't fall in,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002472.mp3,can i at least keep the onion soup,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002473.mp3,he was older and was carrying a small bucket,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002474.mp3,there was a thud like the fall of a great mass,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002475.mp3,among these people were a couple of cyclists a gardener i employed sometimes and a girl carrying a baby,3,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002476.mp3,who do you feel is responsible for that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002477.mp3,the newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002478.mp3,it was a fighter jet flying between the buildings,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002479.mp3,keep your shirt on,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002480.mp3,the police finally manage to get him out of the park,1,0,fourties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002481.mp3,somebody pushed against me and i almost fell into the ditch,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002482.mp3,so what is salem like he asked trying to get some sort of clue,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002483.mp3,from then on the boy understood his heart,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002484.mp3,the two men hurried back and found the cylinder still lying in the same position,6,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002485.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002486.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002487.mp3,my father fell in love with him,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002488.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002489.mp3,i couldn't work in the city,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002490.mp3,he just took over the bank,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002491.mp3,he thought of the merchant's daughter and was sure that she had probably married,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002492.mp3,it was no more exciting than an overturned carriage or a tree blown across the road,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002493.mp3,but the englishman was exultant,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002494.mp3,there must be a language that doesn't depend on words the boy thought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002495.mp3,the actor's authentic facial expression was convincing the jury,1,0,twenties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002496.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,2,1,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002497.mp3,by enumerating the people she wanted to talk with she was calmed,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002498.mp3,the following night the boy appeared at the alchemist's tent with a horse,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002499.mp3,and got it out as soon as you can,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002500.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002501.mp3,the boy promised himself that when he returned from egypt he would buy that sword,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002502.mp3,i don't know why these things have to be transmitted by word of mouth he thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002503.mp3,and one or two persons were returning,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002504.mp3,in any case it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002505.mp3,but bakers are more important people than shepherds,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002506.mp3,but you will love her and she'll return your love,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002507.mp3,it should provided results comparable to the state of the art,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002508.mp3,there was no need to imprison them the arabs simply confiscated their horses,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002509.mp3,what we need is fireworks,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002510.mp3,can i go now,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002511.mp3,twins are known to be confounding,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002512.mp3,it seemed as if what the old king had called beginner's luck were no longer functioning,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002513.mp3,as jennifer walked down the aisle she wondered if she had made a mistake,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002514.mp3,what are you doing around here,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002515.mp3,i'm trying to explain to my mother how to get pictures off her phone,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002516.mp3,it didn't even occur to the boy to flee,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002517.mp3,this morning i found a calculator taped to my wii,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002518.mp3,the boy's name was santiago,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002519.mp3,well why don't you go to mecca now asked the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002520.mp3,all this happened between sunrise and sunset the boy thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002521.mp3,of course it is,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002522.mp3,and here's a kiss for you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002523.mp3,in order to find the treasure you will have to follow the omens,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002524.mp3,do it for the paper,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002525.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002526.mp3,there was hardly any movement from the pit,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002527.mp3,the jacket had a purpose and so did the boy,3,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002528.mp3,i can always go back to being a shepherd the boy thought,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002529.mp3,it rattled menacingly,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002530.mp3,the old man leafed through the book and fell to reading a page he came to,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002531.mp3,i still say that this john doe person is a myth,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002532.mp3,the englishman was unable to sleep one night,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002533.mp3,i'm hunting with my falcon the alchemist answered,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002534.mp3,some of the grey ash was falling off the circular edge,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002535.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,4,0,thirties,female,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-002536.mp3,i want them both arrested,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002537.mp3,how do you know she didn't,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002538.mp3,not until the moon was high did the alchemist ride into view,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002539.mp3,of course the two were unable to do anything,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002540.mp3,i can't think of any reason why she was killed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002541.mp3,my tax dollars pay for those public school proms,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002542.mp3,the weather forecast for this week didn't look good at all,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002543.mp3,you have helped me the man continued to prepare his tea saying nothing,3,0,,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002544.mp3,today's world is full of commercials,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002545.mp3,what do you know about it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002546.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002547.mp3,he said to float away to happy land on the bubbles,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002548.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002549.mp3,until then he had considered the omens to be things of this world,1,0,thirties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002550.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002551.mp3,they were known as seers and they were held in fear by women and the elderly,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002552.mp3,the snow blasted along the side of the bridge,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002553.mp3,a little lemongrass should freshen it up,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002554.mp3,as was mecca for the merchant,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002555.mp3,there was a small building there with a window at which people bought tickets to africa,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002556.mp3,what are you doing here one of the figures demanded,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002557.mp3,all that time the martians must have been getting ready,10,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002558.mp3,what's going on here,2,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002559.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,5,4,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002560.mp3,before guns were invented armies had to throw bullets at each other and if a bullet touched you you had to sit out until the next war,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002561.mp3,this isn't a kidnapping,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002562.mp3,i hate to think that i will have to leave but i guess thats not really up to me,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002563.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability beginner's luck,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002564.mp3,if he were fed on time he wouldn't cry,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002565.mp3,i'm a desert woman and i'm proud of that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002566.mp3,in his hand he grasped a snake by the tail,2,0,thirties,female,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-002567.mp3,i don't know the desert that well yet,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002568.mp3,the train lines provided an easy path to follow,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002569.mp3,the boy was sad as he left her that day,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002570.mp3,he saw the boy appear from the other side of the dunes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002571.mp3,where are you from the boy asked,1,0,twenties,male,bermuda, cv-valid-dev/sample-002572.mp3,you forget the power that always watches over the morning post,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002573.mp3,haven't you even started,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002574.mp3,he saw the boy appear from the other side of the dunes,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002575.mp3,this makes me feel funny,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002576.mp3,a little college girl from a school of journalism,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002577.mp3,like eating or sleeping or like seeking love or finding a job,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002578.mp3,and he gets it right away,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002579.mp3,the boy brought his horse closer,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002580.mp3,what's so depressing about that,2,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002581.mp3,the woman sat down and told him to be seated as well,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002582.mp3,its saturday its hot and i really want to try the dry ramen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002583.mp3,i am upset that they get to have all the time in the world while acting like they earned it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002584.mp3,a breeze began to blow,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002585.mp3,you lived your life in a loving way and died with dignity,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002586.mp3,several figures approached him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002587.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002588.mp3,but he kept quiet because he had heard what the alchemist said to the monk,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002589.mp3,but that was simply because my eye was tired,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002590.mp3,the thief wasn't there and the owner brought him a cup of tea,2,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002591.mp3,he's after the money,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002592.mp3,cause you know how politicians are,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002593.mp3,is that any good,1,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002594.mp3,a card hanging in the doorway announced that several languages were spoken in the shop,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002595.mp3,the crowd swayed a little as i elbowed my way through,2,0,thirties,female,bermuda, cv-valid-dev/sample-002596.mp3,don't you understand french,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002597.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002598.mp3,catherine walked alongside the canal,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002599.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002600.mp3,the rest of you get in here and riot,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002601.mp3,the guy thought he was a lunatic at large and made an unsuccessful attempt to stop him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002602.mp3,the horizon was tinged with red and suddenly the sun appeared,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002603.mp3,in order to find the treasure you will have to follow the omens,1,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002604.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002605.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002606.mp3,the snake fought frantically making hissing sounds that shattered the silence of the desert,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002607.mp3,but now the sounds inside had stopped,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002608.mp3,more good luck telegrams,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002609.mp3,only it'll be a lot easier with you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002610.mp3,and he gave the boy his blessing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002611.mp3,it was the old man who spoke first,5,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002612.mp3,an huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile,4,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002613.mp3,the caravan began to travel day and night,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002614.mp3,and it knew nothing about love,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002615.mp3,i'm going to them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002616.mp3,the boy was surprised at his thoughts,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002617.mp3,they were all furious when the escapade failed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002618.mp3,isn't it all too wonderful,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002619.mp3,he's trying to trick you again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002620.mp3,the first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002621.mp3,but instead of being saddened he was happy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002622.mp3,could have been on my way to old doc brown,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002623.mp3,fear is often the cause of violence,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002624.mp3,where do you think you're going,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002625.mp3,feller runs the february months,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002626.mp3,here i am between my flock and my treasure the boy thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002627.mp3,this was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space,3,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002628.mp3,the level ground was blackened as far as one could see and it was still giving off smoke,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002629.mp3,that day the merchant gave the boy permission to build the display,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002630.mp3,did you know that kevin marcus is back from school,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002631.mp3,this is the first phase of the job he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002632.mp3,now i will drift gently off to dreamland,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002633.mp3,the space quickly filled with people,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002634.mp3,were they quick or were they enraged,2,0,twenties,male,wales, cv-valid-dev/sample-002635.mp3,he was selling better than ever,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002636.mp3,as he looked at the stones he felt relieved for some reason,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002637.mp3,maybe because that wasn't really his dream,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002638.mp3,in his hand he grasped a snake by the tail,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002639.mp3,but the boy was certain that he had been looking at them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002640.mp3,we've still got two bucks left,3,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002641.mp3,when you start to eat like this something is the matter,2,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002642.mp3,it was bunched up and he had hardly thought of it for a long time,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002643.mp3,we'll have to satisfy them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002644.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002645.mp3,is the head better,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002646.mp3,the shepherd swore that he would,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002647.mp3,you can count on me under one condition,1,0,fourties,,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002648.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002649.mp3,you won't miss anything,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002650.mp3,wasn't that a swell story we gave you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002651.mp3,and the solid part was called the philosopher's stone,3,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002652.mp3,get the governor on the phone,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002653.mp3,i thought about whether we should find coins and models in it and so on,3,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002654.mp3,the war is going to end someday the girl said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002655.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,7,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002656.mp3,it is up there,2,1,thirties,female,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002657.mp3,everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him his heart said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002658.mp3,all they wanted was food and water,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002659.mp3,it has happened many times before,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002660.mp3,it's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain,5,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002661.mp3,because you have already lost your savings twice,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002662.mp3,this is christmas eve,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002663.mp3,i'm going away he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002664.mp3,the italian got her words mixed up,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002665.mp3,the englishman was unable to sleep one night,147,11,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002666.mp3,if you know of other games that play well with handsfree control please post in the comments,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002667.mp3,whenever he could he sought out a new road to travel,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002668.mp3,he was about the same age and height as the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002669.mp3,then who's this one,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002670.mp3,he's right in my office there,2,1,thirties,male,southatlandtic, cv-valid-dev/sample-002671.mp3,but finally the merchant appeared and asked the boy to shear four sheep,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002672.mp3,it was almost as if her life had been deleted,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002673.mp3,the nurse waddled around the ward,2,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002674.mp3,everything in life is an omen said the englishman now closing the journal he was reading,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002675.mp3,business has really improved he said to the boy after the customer had left,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002676.mp3,half an hour later his shovel hit something solid,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002677.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,8,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002678.mp3,sometimes it's better to be with the sheep who don't say anything,1,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002679.mp3,the builder placed the brick onto the plank of wood so it would bend into shape,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002680.mp3,it is i the boy answered,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002681.mp3,must have been that jump in the cold water,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002682.mp3,i learned how to care for sheep and i haven't forgotten how that's done,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002683.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,3,0,teens,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002684.mp3,hundreds must have seen it and taken it for a falling star,17,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002685.mp3,i feel i ought to take care of her,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002686.mp3,some do come back,1,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002687.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002688.mp3,something bright reflected from his chest with such intensity that the boy was momentarily blinded,2,1,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002689.mp3,i thought tonight i'd put miss kelly there,2,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002690.mp3,the boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to her question,3,0,fifties,female,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002691.mp3,but you will love her and she'll return your love,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002692.mp3,as they moved along the boy tried to listen to his heart,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002693.mp3,evidently we're the floor show,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002694.mp3,and i'm afraid we want it back,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002695.mp3,i was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002696.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,3,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002697.mp3,the alchemist knocked on the gate of the monastery,3,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002698.mp3,i had that right here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002699.mp3,the tribal chieftains will see that and you'll be dismissed from your position as counselor,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002700.mp3,the brake fluid was leaking out onto the path,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002701.mp3,her manipulation failed,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002702.mp3,it was however still so hot from its flight through the air,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002703.mp3,treason is a blow that comes unexpectedly,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002704.mp3,that was his work,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002705.mp3,they could barely see the boy,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002706.mp3,strange images passed through my mind,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002707.mp3,it means only that the heart does what it can the alchemist said,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002708.mp3,the boy preferred wine,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002709.mp3,he was just and good,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002710.mp3,the level ground was blackened as far as one could see and it was still giving off smoke,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002711.mp3,but the alchemist continued to look to the horizon,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002712.mp3,what are you doing in here,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002713.mp3,i always have been,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002714.mp3,what am i going to do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002715.mp3,who's gonna get him,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002716.mp3,the other son was a poet and delighted all of rome with his beautiful verses,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002717.mp3,tell me more about your dream said the woman,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002718.mp3,so the wind blew with all its strength and the sky was filled with sand,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002719.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002720.mp3,where do you think you're going,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002721.mp3,how long is it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002722.mp3,they eat lunch together often but dont really talk outside the office,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002723.mp3,the boy said nothing,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002724.mp3,the newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea,351,15,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002725.mp3,now let's see what you look like when you protest,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002726.mp3,the guitar broke and she couldn't play anymore,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002727.mp3,the men fell into an animated discussion,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002728.mp3,they are so used to me that they know my schedule he muttered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002729.mp3,i read only what the birds wanted to tell me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002730.mp3,listen to that mob,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002731.mp3,men have never understood the words of the wise,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002732.mp3,let me tell you what will happen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002733.mp3,the clock was slightly askew,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002734.mp3,it would be very useful if my web browser could synchronize all of its preferences not just some,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002735.mp3,the camel driver understood what the boy was saying,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002736.mp3,it's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002737.mp3,he quickly pulled his hands away,6,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002738.mp3,c'mon over and join our party,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002739.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002740.mp3,they were strange books,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002741.mp3,the boy said nothing,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002742.mp3,in a weeks time we're going to america,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002743.mp3,then one day the boy returned the books to the englishman,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002744.mp3,he heard a muffled grating sound and saw the black mark jerk forward an inch or so,2,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002745.mp3,what had been next to him five minutes ago was now at the other side,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002746.mp3,i needed immediate access,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002747.mp3,i pointed out mars a bright dot of light,8,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002748.mp3,don't ask me why i don't know why,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002749.mp3,he was more certain of it than of anything in the world,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002750.mp3,three days from now he would be with the merchant's daughter,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002751.mp3,the two men hurried back and found the cylinder still lying in the same position,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002752.mp3,and he wasn't faring much better,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002753.mp3,i didn't fall in,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002754.mp3,i wasn't born yesterday,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002755.mp3,i get thirty dollars a week,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002756.mp3,he started to read the book he had bought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002757.mp3,it's always nice if you can learn something new isn't it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002758.mp3,look where you're going,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002759.mp3,take hold of the cover,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002760.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002761.mp3,mother is coming with us on the train,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002762.mp3,that's true the boy thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002763.mp3,you just don't know all that you've done,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002764.mp3,always heed the omens the old king had said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002765.mp3,that night there was another jetting out of gas from the distant planet,14,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002766.mp3,a half a heelot,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002767.mp3,to do that successfully i must have no fear of failure,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002768.mp3,in order to find the treasure you will have to follow the omens,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002769.mp3,the comparison to other works on different databases is still problematic,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002770.mp3,they also began to feel that they knew a better way than others had,4,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002771.mp3,the boy was also saddened his friend was in pursuit of his destiny,1,0,twenties,male,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-002772.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002773.mp3,she would never know the difference because she didn't know how to read,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002774.mp3,there were three hundred wells fifty thousand date trees and innumerable colored tents spread among them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002775.mp3,gimme the receiving room,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002776.mp3,he didn't need to seek out the old woman for this,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002777.mp3,but in his heart he knew that it did matter,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002778.mp3,i want to get something out of it,1,0,thirties,female,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002779.mp3,there's nothing more we can do tonight,2,1,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002780.mp3,that was the law of hospitality,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002781.mp3,he came to understand its dodges and tricks and to accept it as it was,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002782.mp3,it didn't bring with it the smell of the desert nor the threat of moorish invasion,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002783.mp3,he lives at the alfayoum oasis his friend had said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002784.mp3,and this is for me said the alchemist keeping one of the parts,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002785.mp3,the same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002786.mp3,that guy over there likes to drink a lot talk a lot but do nothing,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002787.mp3,another hour to write it,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002788.mp3,this is a common misconception sheldon said,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002789.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,3,1,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-002790.mp3,i'm trying to explain to my mother how to get pictures off her phone,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002791.mp3,i didn't mean to shoot him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002792.mp3,the speech will continue,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002793.mp3,alchemy is a serious discipline,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002794.mp3,'and this is what your son said' the angel told the man,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002795.mp3,just what is the lowdown on williams,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002796.mp3,it's easy for you to talk,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002797.mp3,how many times are you gonna call me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002798.mp3,the boy put the stones in his pouch,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002799.mp3,but it is not a class that was requested by our alumni or prospective students,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002800.mp3,i have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002801.mp3,this can arouse national interest,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002802.mp3,there was hardly any movement from the pit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002803.mp3,but you are in the desert,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002804.mp3,the people were also praying to heaven for protection,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002805.mp3,they shouted consolation and promises and went off back to the town again to get help,12,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002806.mp3,the greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002807.mp3,once to the thief and once to the general,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002808.mp3,because of the omens the alchemist answered,21,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002809.mp3,well why did you say that i don't know about love the sun asked the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002810.mp3,you came so that you could learn about your dreams said the old woman,4,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002811.mp3,february took a book from the shelves,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002812.mp3,on the following day the first clear sign of danger appeared,2,1,sixties,female,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002813.mp3,why don't you want me to see him,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002814.mp3,it was the time of day when all of spain slept during the summer,2,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002815.mp3,the cat sat on the fence,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002816.mp3,everybody quiet and ready for an emergency,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002817.mp3,speak to the hand that wrote all said the sun,1,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002818.mp3,and the sand and gravel had been flung violently in every direction,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002819.mp3,but bakers are more important people than shepherds,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002820.mp3,have a good trip,2,0,twenties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002821.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002822.mp3,fatima was more important than his treasure,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002823.mp3,i make my living forecasting the future for people he said,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002824.mp3,i'm going away he said,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002825.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002826.mp3,in any case it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002827.mp3,that doesn't happen to just anyone,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002828.mp3,it is i who dared to do so said the boy,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002829.mp3,ten years at the university and here i am in a corral,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002830.mp3,the whole town's in an uproar,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002831.mp3,the englishman asked if they were in danger,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002832.mp3,the references are good in the very narrow area of histogram methods,3,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002833.mp3,in some places the ground was covered with the salt of driedup lakes,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002834.mp3,he was planning as he left the bar,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002835.mp3,it was the time of day when all of spain slept during the summer,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002836.mp3,but nowhere could he find his new companion,2,1,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002837.mp3,the whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002838.mp3,if you know your heart well it will never be able to do that to you,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002839.mp3,but there was a sixth day the sun went on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002840.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002841.mp3,tell me more about your dream said the woman,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002842.mp3,that's the point at which most people give up,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002843.mp3,i have to separate out the sulfur,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002844.mp3,this is a trick to get your sympathy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002845.mp3,just as your grandfather taught you,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002846.mp3,because of the omens the alchemist answered,3,0,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-002847.mp3,some do come back,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002848.mp3,what does that get us,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002849.mp3,that was the law of hospitality,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002850.mp3,throughout the night the boy dug at the place he had chosen but found nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002851.mp3,only when he himself reveals it,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002852.mp3,it's easy and yet i've never done it before he thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002853.mp3,now i too will be one of the women who wait,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002854.mp3,and don't forget the language of omens,2,1,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002855.mp3,and you can meet us at the station,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002856.mp3,he listened to the wind and felt the stones beneath his feet,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002857.mp3,there the alchemist separated the disk into four parts,2,0,thirties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002858.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,9,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002859.mp3,and one or two persons were returning,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002860.mp3,first they tried to find him on their own,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002861.mp3,there were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002862.mp3,it was such a gradual movement that he found it only by noticing the dots,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002863.mp3,maybe because that wasn't really his dream,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002864.mp3,i am proud of you he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002865.mp3,he said that everything has its own destiny,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002866.mp3,dense clouds of smoke or dust can be seen through a powerful telescope,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002867.mp3,that's good thought the englishman,2,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002868.mp3,everywhere there were stalls with items for sale,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002869.mp3,are you going to go to julia's,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002870.mp3,drawing from my own experience as a learner of english and german i value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002871.mp3,i think it's marvelous,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002872.mp3,the boy went to his room and packed his belongings,4,0,fourties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002873.mp3,but as he saw them lying there on the ground another phrase came to his mind,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002874.mp3,the lead had dried into the shape of the pan but it was no longer lead,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002875.mp3,you must love the desert but never trust it completely,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002876.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,2,1,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002877.mp3,only when he himself reveals it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002878.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002879.mp3,but arms cannot be drawn unless they also go into battle,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002880.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002881.mp3,now his intuition was that he had been right in coming,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002882.mp3,it seemed to him that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of here,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002883.mp3,eventually the merchant had to hire two more employees,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002884.mp3,look around some time,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002885.mp3,the peak of this mountain is over two thousand meters above sea level,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002886.mp3,then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments looking at the sword,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002887.mp3,this is my last chance,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002888.mp3,worryingly the radio signal became weaker,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002889.mp3,the boy offered his bottle hoping that the old man would leave him alone,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002890.mp3,who is your friend the chief asked,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002891.mp3,the dead soldiers were replaced by others and life went on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002892.mp3,now i want to ask you fellows a couple of questions,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002893.mp3,give me my book the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002894.mp3,if you don't know any alternative search engines just google them,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002895.mp3,maybe donald was gonna be her best man,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002896.mp3,hundreds must have seen it and taken it for a falling star,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002897.mp3,the sun thought for a minute,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002898.mp3,he prepared himself a sandwich and drank some hot tea from a crystal glass,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002899.mp3,the desert takes our men from us and they don't always return she said,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002900.mp3,the boy was trying to understand the truth of what the old man had said,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002901.mp3,this is what was written on the emerald tablet said the alchemist when he had finished,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002902.mp3,we could get to the pyramids by tomorrow said the other taking the money,1,0,fourties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002903.mp3,shall i put a little rum in the coffee,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002904.mp3,they went in to drink the tea which was served in beautiful crystal glasses,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002905.mp3,this is the first phase of the job he said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002906.mp3,the little group of people from the city dispersed,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002907.mp3,goodbye said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002908.mp3,the kyoto style coffee does not disappoint,2,0,thirties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002909.mp3,don't let facebook take up all of your time,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002910.mp3,what was the reason for the increase,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002911.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002912.mp3,the crowd on the far left seemed to get bigger and i heard now a faint murmur from it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002913.mp3,and here's fifty dollars on account,1,0,eighties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002914.mp3,he quickly pulled his hands away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002915.mp3,they shouted consolation and promises and went off back to the town again to get help,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002916.mp3,turkey for thanksgiving,1,0,fourties,,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002917.mp3,i wish it were as simple as that,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002918.mp3,he fondled his bright orange beard,2,0,sixties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-002919.mp3,and what do you do in salem he insisted,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002920.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,6,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002921.mp3,that woman is gonna be on that roof,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002922.mp3,he put a sign on the door and they went to a small cafe nearby,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002923.mp3,business has really improved he said to the boy after the customer had left,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002924.mp3,my review of the sun one star,4,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002925.mp3,the boy noticed that the owner of the bar stood nearby listening attentively to their conversation,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002926.mp3,but he had to move on,31,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002927.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002928.mp3,watch out for his venom the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002929.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002930.mp3,there's no danger the boy said when they had moved on past the encampment,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002931.mp3,i was disappointed at this inanimate bulk,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002932.mp3,it's not what enters men's mouths that's evil said the alchemist,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002933.mp3,the boy began to dig into the dune,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002934.mp3,we speak of them only to children,3,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002935.mp3,the boy could certainly resist causing that kind of anxiety for the baker,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002936.mp3,i'm leaving town tonight,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002937.mp3,that's not my money,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002938.mp3,they were looking only for gold his companion answered,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002939.mp3,what am i doing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002940.mp3,at most they thought that another meteorite had descended,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002941.mp3,thank you said the boy,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002942.mp3,for at that time it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow,13,1,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002943.mp3,i need you to be spontaneous he asked me out to din din,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002944.mp3,finally a young woman approached who was not dressed in black,1,0,eighties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002945.mp3,he's followed every game and his mouth's watering,1,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-002946.mp3,starting with his own,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002947.mp3,that sobered him a little,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002948.mp3,the boy stepped closer to the girl and when she smiled he did the same,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002949.mp3,i'm going to guide you across the desert the alchemist said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002950.mp3,all the words you've got,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002951.mp3,he disappeared into the tent,1,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002952.mp3,no doubt the impact had caused a flash of fire,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002953.mp3,he could see that the old man wanted to know more about his life,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002954.mp3,they're forming clubs,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002955.mp3,he sat on a stone and allowed himself to become hypnotized by the horizon,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002956.mp3,i heard what you were talking about the other day with the alchemist the wind said,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002957.mp3,they begin creeping up on you trying to sell you something,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002958.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,3,0,sixties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002959.mp3,there is a universal language understood by everybody but already forgotten,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002960.mp3,we miss you and miss having a friend like you and i am so happy that you two got to catch up,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002961.mp3,what is love the desert asked,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002962.mp3,how come you speak spanish he asked,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002963.mp3,had our instruments permitted it we might have been able to see the trouble way back when,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002964.mp3,look at those shoulders,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002965.mp3,the merchant turned to a customer who wanted three crystal glasses,3,0,teens,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-002966.mp3,dont share your opinions so readily because you never know who is listening,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002967.mp3,that's the man who knows all the secrets of the world she said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002968.mp3,stand by to contact amanda,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002969.mp3,that woman stole my purse,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002970.mp3,he put his headcloth in place and secured it with a ring made of camel skin,55,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002971.mp3,the plastic barrier shattered,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002972.mp3,your appointment has been changed,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002973.mp3,many people in berkshire surrey and middlesex must have seen it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002974.mp3,your luck's not with you now,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002975.mp3,they didn't have the printing press in those days the boy argued,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002976.mp3,are you sure there's no mistake,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002977.mp3,they were given to me as a present by a king the boy said,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002978.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002979.mp3,it was the most delicious wine he had ever tasted,1,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-002980.mp3,i shall make us some ice cubes,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002981.mp3,berlin can be so lovely this time of year,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002982.mp3,you just don't know all that you've done,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002983.mp3,the soul of the world is nourished by people's happiness,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002984.mp3,your heart is alive,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002985.mp3,the proportions were all wrong,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002986.mp3,don't give in to your fears said the alchemist in a strangely gentle voice,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002987.mp3,but i'm going in search of my treasure the boy said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002988.mp3,it would have been visible to me had i only looked up as it passed,2,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002989.mp3,the angel touched the man's shoulder and they were both projected far into the future,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002990.mp3,give me that call on patrick's wire,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002991.mp3,men dream more about coming home than about leaving the boy said,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002992.mp3,show me some gratitude,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-002993.mp3,i read only what the birds wanted to tell me,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-002994.mp3,she placed the glass carefully on the edge of the table,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-002995.mp3,his hands were abraded and exhausted but he listened to his heart,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002996.mp3,two more months passed and the shelf brought many customers into the crystal shop,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002997.mp3,when he was a child that man wanted to travel too,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002998.mp3,you would have to have been born an arab to understand he answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-002999.mp3,from there he could see africa in the distance,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003000.mp3,don't be more catholic than the pope,1,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003001.mp3,i came to tell you just one thing the boy said,1,0,sixties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003002.mp3,where did everything go,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003003.mp3,those gypsies are really smart he thought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003004.mp3,where are you from the boy asked,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003005.mp3,the alchemist probably already knew all that,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003006.mp3,some storms are worth the wreckage,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003007.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,3,0,fifties,female,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003008.mp3,going up to see erin,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003009.mp3,you're probably weak from hunger,1,0,,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003010.mp3,something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003011.mp3,most of them were staring quietly at the big table,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003012.mp3,the taylor jean movement isn't dead yet,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003013.mp3,aren't you allowed to kiss back,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003014.mp3,all i saw was an army said the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003015.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003016.mp3,my password has been changed without permission,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003017.mp3,there were really i think two or three hundred people elbowing one another,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003018.mp3,and your camels will bring you wealth and power,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003019.mp3,it was however still so hot from its flight through the air,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003020.mp3,you know what we're going to do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003021.mp3,i don't care if you've been after it for six years,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003022.mp3,what do i do in salem the old man laughed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003023.mp3,the boy was getting irritated,2,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003024.mp3,in spite of this i still believed that there were men in mars,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003025.mp3,the thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003026.mp3,replace the ts in tim tebow's name with any other consonant to get a star wars character,4,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003027.mp3,so what do you want of me the sun asked,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003028.mp3,you'll watch them as they grow demonstrating how the world is always changing,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003029.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,6,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003030.mp3,why shouldn't i make father my beneficiary,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003031.mp3,i can see april coming,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003032.mp3,where are you bound asked the young arab,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003033.mp3,at most they thought that another meteorite had descended,3,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003034.mp3,your face is really beautiful,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003035.mp3,and he vanished around the corner of the plaza,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003036.mp3,there's the city hall tower i'm supposed to visit,1,0,eighties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003037.mp3,sometime during the second year you'll remember about the treasure,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003038.mp3,the following night the boy appeared at the alchemist's tent with a horse,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003039.mp3,how did it start,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003040.mp3,but they don't count,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003041.mp3,we lit the lantern and walked over to his house,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003042.mp3,you'll weaken when you see that little jezebel,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003043.mp3,i dare her to move that desk out of here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003044.mp3,but i didnt think that it contained any living creature,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003045.mp3,and the girl pointed to the south indicating that it was there the strange man lived,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003046.mp3,the book that most interested the boy told the stories of the famous alchemists,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003047.mp3,if i could i'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck and coincidence,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003048.mp3,i'm going to them,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003049.mp3,if a person is living out his destiny he knows everything he needs to know,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003050.mp3,and you've told me nothing along the way said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003051.mp3,i myself heard nothing of that,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003052.mp3,it was no more exciting than an overturned carriage or a tree blown across the road,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003053.mp3,i used to live near el cairum he said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003054.mp3,he put his headcloth in place and secured it with a ring made of camel skin,1,0,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003055.mp3,heads popping back behind doors,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003056.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003057.mp3,he hoped that it would be someone as capable as his previous apprentice,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003058.mp3,and don't forget the language of omens,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003059.mp3,can i get a woot woot,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003060.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003061.mp3,every day was there to be lived or to mark one's departure from this world,1,0,teens,male,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003062.mp3,the boy didn't want to talk about the pyramids,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003063.mp3,the boy began to dig into the dune,3,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003064.mp3,the boy promised himself that when he returned from egypt he would buy that sword,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003065.mp3,the stranger withdrew the sword from the boy's forehead and the boy felt immensely relieved,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003066.mp3,he couldn't have been wrong,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003067.mp3,no wonder you jumped in the river,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003068.mp3,he couldn't have been wrong,3,0,teens,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003069.mp3,the englishman vanished too gone to find the alchemist,1,0,fifties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003070.mp3,the shop folks were taking down their shutters and people were opening their bedroom windows,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003071.mp3,as i watched the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003072.mp3,when you are in love things make even more sense he thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003073.mp3,there was no response from the elders,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003074.mp3,not unless we're blind,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003075.mp3,this is for you,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003076.mp3,so when i look out over your sands i am also looking at her,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003077.mp3,he seemed unfriendly and had looked irritated when the boy had entered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003078.mp3,there are rumors of tribal wars he told them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003079.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003080.mp3,before guns were invented armies had to throw bullets at each other and if a bullet touched you you had to sit out until the next war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003081.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,7,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003082.mp3,let's stop this another commander said,3,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003083.mp3,the horse reared again raising a cloud of dust,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003084.mp3,they're not my sheep anymore he said to himself without nostalgia,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003085.mp3,it's like the camel driver said 'eat when it's time to eat,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003086.mp3,at once he connected the two incidents,4,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003087.mp3,maybe we can wait a little bit before changing the titles and the text everywhere else,2,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003088.mp3,the two were taken to a nearby military camp,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003089.mp3,how about that one there,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003090.mp3,take these capsules over to mrs david's house,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003091.mp3,if we serve tea in crystal the shop is going to expand,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003092.mp3,and he hadn't perceived them because he had become accustomed to them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003093.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003094.mp3,i don't want any part of this thing,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003095.mp3,i'm going to them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003096.mp3,their horses cried out and all their weapons were filled with sand,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003097.mp3,i haven't any watch,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003098.mp3,to nourish the falcon,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003099.mp3,all who went there were happy at having done so,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003100.mp3,i read only what the birds wanted to tell me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003101.mp3,the boy noticed that the owner of the bar stood nearby listening attentively to their conversation,2,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003102.mp3,you don't have to go with me,1,0,teens,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003103.mp3,i am definitely open to the idea because ive always wanted to work as a small business owner,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003104.mp3,my keychain is heavy and awkward to carry in my pocket,2,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003105.mp3,at his side was the young arab the boy had spoken with earlier,3,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003106.mp3,and the sand and gravel had been flung violently in every direction,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003107.mp3,the wind began to blow again,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003108.mp3,but the boy never took his eye off his new friend,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003109.mp3,i'm not going very far the alchemist answered looking straight into the eyes of the horsemen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003110.mp3,let me tell you what will happen,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003111.mp3,the old man was probably a gypsy too,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003112.mp3,watch out for his venom the boy said,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003113.mp3,do you care if i sit down out here,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003114.mp3,we were all made by the same hand and we have the same soul,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003115.mp3,the two were taken to a nearby military camp,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003116.mp3,can't they see it's a frame up,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003117.mp3,the boy took out urim and thummim from his bag,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003118.mp3,the whole police force standing on it's ear,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003119.mp3,must have been that jump in the cold water,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003120.mp3,they're just a pile of stones,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003121.mp3,wait till those two future jailbirds read the morning post tomorrow,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003122.mp3,he's home cooking dinner,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003123.mp3,i have to find a man who knows that universal language,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003124.mp3,dense clouds of smoke or dust can be seen through a powerful telescope,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003125.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003126.mp3,he put it in his back pocket,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003127.mp3,in general people have difficulties estimating risks correctly,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003128.mp3,night fell and an assortment of fighting men and merchants entered and exited the tent,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003129.mp3,he was alarmed by what had happened,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003130.mp3,you've got about two minutes,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003131.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,4,0,fourties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003132.mp3,the boy noticed that the owner of the bar stood nearby listening attentively to their conversation,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003133.mp3,you old sorcerer the boy shouted up to the sky,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003134.mp3,but my heart is agitated the boy said,2,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003135.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003136.mp3,i told you i can't use your column any more,2,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003137.mp3,i think it's plenty terrific,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003138.mp3,i've suddenly become quite important,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003139.mp3,he took back his books and packed them away again in their bags,2,0,teens,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003140.mp3,the alchemist opened a bottle and poured a red liquid into the boy's cup,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003141.mp3,you forgot to pack it,3,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003142.mp3,the old man gave a signal and everyone stood,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003143.mp3,but my heart is agitated the boy said,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003144.mp3,do you read me,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003145.mp3,the hand with the whip pointed to the south,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003146.mp3,that's not my money,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003147.mp3,and you've told me about omens,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003148.mp3,'m all about those invisible cosmic connections that transcend time and distance,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003149.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003150.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003151.mp3,with every day that passed the boy's heart became more and more silent,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003152.mp3,he paused for a moment to see if the woman knew what the egyptian pyramids were,4,0,sixties,female,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003153.mp3,the day was hot and the wine was refreshing,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003154.mp3,most of them were staring quietly at the big table,5,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003155.mp3,the dead soldiers were replaced by others and life went on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003156.mp3,always ask an objective question,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003157.mp3,he was twenty minutes from his tent and began to make his way there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003158.mp3,but i'm going in search of my treasure the boy said,2,1,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003159.mp3,the simum blew that day as it had never blown before,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003160.mp3,on the following day the first clear sign of danger appeared,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003161.mp3,if you want something you gotta go get it,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003162.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003163.mp3,i don't know why these things have to be transmitted by word of mouth he thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003164.mp3,the elevators are still running,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003165.mp3,the wind began to blow again,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003166.mp3,wrapped in a scarf and blinded by the blizzard the boy scrambled for the subway,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003167.mp3,at that time it was quite clear in my own mind that the thing had come from the planet mars,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003168.mp3,i'm getting trevor ready,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003169.mp3,the boy didn't know what to say,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003170.mp3,i shall make us some ice cubes,5,1,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003171.mp3,i burned the omelette,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003172.mp3,a breeze began to blow,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003173.mp3,i'd know that voice anywhere,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003174.mp3,the two men exchanged some words in arabic and the bar owner seemed irritated,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003175.mp3,the area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003176.mp3,everyone has his or her own way of learning things he said to himself,2,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003177.mp3,i couldnt stop staring at it,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003178.mp3,as they sat down at the only table in the place the crystal merchant laughed,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003179.mp3,the ingenious physicist rubbed his nose and scratched his chin,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003180.mp3,it was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003181.mp3,and the murmur lasted longer than a simple vow would have,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003182.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003183.mp3,because for him you are a green field from which he always returns with game,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003184.mp3,it was as if it quivered but really this was the telescope vibrating,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003185.mp3,after all who doesnt want to overcome new challenges and achieve great heights,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003186.mp3,i learned the alchemist's secrets in my travels,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003187.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003188.mp3,i guess i was homesick,1,0,fourties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003189.mp3,it seemed such a little thing so bright and small and still,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003190.mp3,you point to a trail of ants leading into the house,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003191.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003192.mp3,they all complain they're practically working for the government,1,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003193.mp3,if only we could see it,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003194.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003195.mp3,i pointed out mars a bright dot of light,5,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003196.mp3,what are they doing the old man asked pointing at the people in the plaza,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003197.mp3,that it was unable to deal with this boy who spoke the language of the world,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003198.mp3,it's like the camel driver said 'eat when it's time to eat,23,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003199.mp3,that's why i feel that i deserve a part of what you find,6,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003200.mp3,and he wasn't faring much better,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003201.mp3,he knew he was stronger than his friend,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003202.mp3,as the sun rose the men began to beat the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003203.mp3,i'm looking for a treasure said the boy and he immediately regretted having said it,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003204.mp3,they have cheap sausages and fries at the brewery tomorrow,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003205.mp3,i was disappointed at this inanimate bulk,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003206.mp3,i don't blame him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003207.mp3,well then help me do that the boy said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003208.mp3,about an hour ago,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003209.mp3,there were really i think two or three hundred people elbowing one another,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003210.mp3,the boy took out urim and thummim from his bag,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003211.mp3,the cushion was soft and inviting,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003212.mp3,that's where you're mistaken,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003213.mp3,they forgot that lead copper and iron have their own destinies to fulfill,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003214.mp3,it was the first time either had touched the other,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003215.mp3,it wasn't much anyway,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003216.mp3,then one day the boy returned the books to the englishman,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003217.mp3,unlike voicecode which is a complete solution dragonfly is just an improved python api to dragon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003218.mp3,someplace you could have put it,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003219.mp3,i had to test your courage the stranger said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003220.mp3,don't mind the colonel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003221.mp3,one is loved because one is loved,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003222.mp3,but it sounds like it won't be fixed until the consumer version which doesn't have a release date yet,1,0,fourties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003223.mp3,the londoners regretted visiting this awful place,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003224.mp3,on the very first page it described a burial ceremony,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003225.mp3,he didn't know the man yet but his practiced eye would recognize him when he appeared,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003226.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003227.mp3,i don't trust anybody,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003228.mp3,we are obliged at least once in our lives to visit the holy city of mecca,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003229.mp3,the boy wanted to believe that his friend had simply become separated from him by accident,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003230.mp3,no the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003231.mp3,the boy was startled,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003232.mp3,the following night the boy appeared at the alchemist's tent with a horse,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003233.mp3,he stood silent and motionless regarding me,17,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003234.mp3,i'm beginning to realize that,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003235.mp3,it was as if it quivered but really this was the telescope vibrating,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003236.mp3,it was just that he couldn't grasp what it meant,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003237.mp3,vicky wanted to not make a spectacle of herself,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003238.mp3,henderson stood up with a spade in his hand,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003239.mp3,but i felt miserable watching him wither away like a shriveled dandelion,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003240.mp3,you already know all you need to know,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003241.mp3,you can hear out of it,2,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003242.mp3,she and the judge are like corned beef and cabbage,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003243.mp3,we've done it said the englishman who had also awakened early,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003244.mp3,he felt unsafe like during his first lesson in driving school,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003245.mp3,i'm going to need it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003246.mp3,the young arab took out a book and began to read,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003247.mp3,that man is terrific,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003248.mp3,my seven year resume gap is marked not drugs,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003249.mp3,on rainy days i will play inside,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003250.mp3,my review of the sun one star,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003251.mp3,the people were also praying to heaven for protection,4,0,thirties,male,philippines, cv-valid-dev/sample-003252.mp3,the people will enjoy the tea and want to buy the glasses,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003253.mp3,the top had certainly ceased to rotate,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003254.mp3,i'll talk to you tonight,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003255.mp3,but it is not a class that was requested by our alumni or prospective students,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003256.mp3,another run on the bank,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003257.mp3,those are the rules of war the leader explained,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003258.mp3,trust in your heart but never forget that you're in the desert,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003259.mp3,well then why do we need all these books the boy asked,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003260.mp3,meanwhile the boy thought about his treasure,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003261.mp3,and look how many things the wind already knew how to do,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003262.mp3,storm increasing over the rockies,2,0,sixties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003263.mp3,don't be impatient he repeated to himself,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003264.mp3,sadly my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003265.mp3,this was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003266.mp3,her old man was doc mitchell,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003267.mp3,i'd like you to take me there if you can,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003268.mp3,the oasis is neutral ground,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003269.mp3,he prepared himself a sandwich and drank some hot tea from a crystal glass,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003270.mp3,the streamer of gas came out towards us,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003271.mp3,it's not often that money can save someone's life,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003272.mp3,they mounted their horses and rode out in the direction of the pyramids of egypt,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003273.mp3,it was such a gradual movement that he found it only by noticing the dots,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003274.mp3,to stuff into their own pockets,1,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003275.mp3,i don't think i follow you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003276.mp3,can i get a woot woot,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003277.mp3,i'll just watch him he said to himself,4,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003278.mp3,the englishman was disappointed,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003279.mp3,as the englishman left fatima arrived and filled her vessel with water,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003280.mp3,it seemed so safe and tranquil,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003281.mp3,the rectangle was parallel to the square,1,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003282.mp3,i feel so good i could spit,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003283.mp3,cover up that transmitter,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003284.mp3,take good care of him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003285.mp3,that doesn't say much for mine,3,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003286.mp3,he's looking for you,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003287.mp3,ellie won first prize in the spelling competition,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003288.mp3,in spite of this i still believed that there were men in mars,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003289.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003290.mp3,now let's take a look at the candidates,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003291.mp3,would you like a cappuccino,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003292.mp3,he could always go back to being a shepherd,4,3,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003293.mp3,many telescopes were pointed at it,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003294.mp3,no doubt the impact had caused a flash of fire,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003295.mp3,like everybody learns he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003296.mp3,the end of the cylinder was still as ogilvy and henderson had left it,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003297.mp3,the fine manufacturing company was a bookkeeper for fourteen years,2,0,thirties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003298.mp3,he was dressed only in his pajamas,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003299.mp3,what time is it,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003300.mp3,the horseman was completely immobile as was the boy,3,2,twenties,,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003301.mp3,at the same time people were passing my shop all the time heading for mecca,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003302.mp3,you can only spit out so many seeds,3,0,thirties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003303.mp3,a large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003304.mp3,toffee coated all the surfaces it was disgustingly sticky,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003305.mp3,somebody had returned my lost credit card to the bank,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003306.mp3,and the falcon then nourishes man,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003307.mp3,you came so that you could learn about your dreams said the old woman,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003308.mp3,did you see his picture on the cover of time,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003309.mp3,in one he had read that many years ago a famous arabian alchemist had visited europe,7,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003310.mp3,the englishman's eyes lit up,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003311.mp3,i hope it works,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003312.mp3,they stood there looking at the moon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003313.mp3,the camel driver though seemed not to be very concerned with the threat of war,2,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003314.mp3,it's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name he thought,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003315.mp3,the war continued and at times the wind carried the sweet sickly smell of blood,3,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003316.mp3,i can clean up those glasses in the window if you want said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003317.mp3,the fact that the two hours had stretched into an entire year didn't matter,9,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003318.mp3,now he was here not with his flock but with a shovel,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003319.mp3,he hoped that it would be someone as capable as his previous apprentice,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003320.mp3,the englishman asked if they were in danger,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003321.mp3,i know very well what you're talking about,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003322.mp3,the camel driver was not a fighter and he had consulted with seers,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003323.mp3,it was only when i got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me,10,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003324.mp3,everything has been written by the same hand,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003325.mp3,for at that time it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow,2,1,fifties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003326.mp3,does she have the money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003327.mp3,i just don't trust anyone who says they've never had hamburger helper,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003328.mp3,we need to run,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003329.mp3,he was selling better than ever,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003330.mp3,then he dropped his spade picked up his jacket and came out into the road,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003331.mp3,you can't be the wind the wind said,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003332.mp3,there was a moment of silence so profound that it seemed the city was asleep,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003333.mp3,i'm going to put her through college,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003334.mp3,you wanna take this outside,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003335.mp3,you can try using an eye tracker to accomplish this but the precision isn't quite high enough,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003336.mp3,you have enough gold to buy many sheep and many camels,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003337.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,10,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003338.mp3,his name is welch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003339.mp3,enough said the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003340.mp3,he's trying to trick you again,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003341.mp3,i told him we could teach her to ignore people who waste her time,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003342.mp3,the serpent relaxed immediately,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003343.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003344.mp3,one must prepare for it,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003345.mp3,but he didn't need to worry about that right now,2,0,thirties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003346.mp3,for every ten dead men among our enemies you will receive a piece of gold,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003347.mp3,why shouldn't i make father my beneficiary,4,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003348.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003349.mp3,what's she up to,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003350.mp3,these are the spies said one of the men,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003351.mp3,it was impossible to remember all the details that he covered in an hour,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003352.mp3,as fast as i can,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003353.mp3,your office telephoned me to hold him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003354.mp3,he put a sign on the door and they went to a small cafe nearby,2,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003355.mp3,the boy looked around for the ovens and other apparatus used in alchemy but saw none,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003356.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003357.mp3,the crow tilted its head as if it was thinking,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003358.mp3,everything i do is friendly,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003359.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003360.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003361.mp3,but that was simply because my eye was tired,4,0,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003362.mp3,and about you too,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003363.mp3,it was starlight and i explained the signs of the zodiac to her,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003364.mp3,americans love to have a barbecue,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003365.mp3,turkey for thanksgiving,1,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003366.mp3,the night was warm and i was thirsty,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003367.mp3,four hundred and fifty dollars,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003368.mp3,another dreamer said the ticket seller to his assistant watching the boy walk away,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003369.mp3,the boy was relieved,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003370.mp3,it was faintly marked with transverse stripes and slightly flattened from the perfect round,4,1,teens,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003371.mp3,mr nelson come yet,1,0,thirties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003372.mp3,and then they want the person to change,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003373.mp3,they are called private and public key,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003374.mp3,why did you want to see me the boy asked,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003375.mp3,we'll save them for seed,1,0,twenties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003376.mp3,note that the emacs extension ace jump mode works similarly to this,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003377.mp3,who could have predicted that,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003378.mp3,never stop dreaming the old king had said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003379.mp3,the sheep will get used to my not being there too the boy thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003380.mp3,he appeared with the first stars of evening,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003381.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003382.mp3,i thought i'd buy them some groceries,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003383.mp3,it was as if it quivered but really this was the telescope vibrating,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003384.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003385.mp3,and he vanished around the corner of the plaza,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003386.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,4,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003387.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003388.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003389.mp3,they shouted consolation and promises and went off back to the town again to get help,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003390.mp3,if you start your emails with greetings let me be the first to welcome you to earth,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003391.mp3,why do they need gin,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003392.mp3,i left my father my mother and the town castle behind,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003393.mp3,before the sun had reached its high point five hundred tribesmen appeared on the horizon,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003394.mp3,the greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles,7,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003395.mp3,it is i who dared to do so said the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003396.mp3,he decided to stay right there and await his return,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003397.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,1,0,fourties,female,singapore, cv-valid-dev/sample-003398.mp3,toward the end of the afternoon they came upon a coptic monastery,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003399.mp3,i don't want anything else in life,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003400.mp3,taking the ferry was a wise choice,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003401.mp3,they're not worth much the englishman answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003402.mp3,that sobered him a little,3,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003403.mp3,fatima appeared at the entrance to the tent,7,2,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003404.mp3,can you imagine that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003405.mp3,somewhere you are holding the person i love the boy said,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003406.mp3,the boy remembered an old proverb from his country,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003407.mp3,she took care of bobby for us,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003408.mp3,i've been looking for you all morning he said as he led the boy outside,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003409.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003410.mp3,the boy thanked him ate it and went on his way,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003411.mp3,a line of flame high can be seen in the atmosphere,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003412.mp3,they represent millions of voters,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003413.mp3,have liv call me in the restaurant in twenty minutes,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003414.mp3,put down that chair,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003415.mp3,only when he consents,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003416.mp3,she felt like a weakling in comparison to her newborn daughter,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003417.mp3,catherine walked alongside the canal,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003418.mp3,all the joy he had seen that morning had suddenly disappeared,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003419.mp3,who's the ten for,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003420.mp3,i can't think any more,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003421.mp3,mecca is a lot farther away than the pyramids,6,4,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003422.mp3,but before i go i want to tell you a little story,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003423.mp3,and you've told me nothing along the way said the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003424.mp3,the boy was embarrassed and confessed that he had observed nothing,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003425.mp3,leanne joined a choir so everyone could hear her sublime singing voice,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003426.mp3,why do they make things so complicated he asked the englishman one night,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003427.mp3,don't you know there's a war on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003428.mp3,why don't we search their rooms,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003429.mp3,the boy knew a lot of people in the city,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003430.mp3,it seemed such a little thing so bright and small and still,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003431.mp3,he had always believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003432.mp3,he thought of the merchant's daughter and was sure that she had probably married,1,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003433.mp3,but i'm going to egypt the boy said,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003434.mp3,the experiments are unconvincing,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003435.mp3,he put a sign on the door and they went to a small cafe nearby,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003436.mp3,is it a deal or isn't it,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003437.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,7,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003438.mp3,when he speaks in our language i can interpret what he has said,2,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003439.mp3,it was his heart that would tell him where his treasure was hidden,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003440.mp3,i'll take mine now,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003441.mp3,the concrete was covered in moss,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003442.mp3,it's the master work of the alchemists,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003443.mp3,it was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the master work,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003444.mp3,i'll see you get it in fifteen minutes,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003445.mp3,with every day that passed the boy's heart became more and more silent,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003446.mp3,you are wise because you observe everything from a distance the boy said,3,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003447.mp3,but there's a tribal war the boy reiterated,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003448.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003449.mp3,in any case the desert was impassable,14,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003450.mp3,but he kept quiet because he had heard what the alchemist said to the monk,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003451.mp3,how do you know she didn't,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003452.mp3,i don't know how to find life in the desert the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003453.mp3,at that point in their lives everything is clear and everything is possible,3,0,twenties,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003454.mp3,you got your sea legs yet,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003455.mp3,on the second day the boy climbed to the top of a cliff near the camp,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003456.mp3,why'd you want to save me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003457.mp3,give me the district attorney's office,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003458.mp3,but i didnt think that it contained any living creature,5,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003459.mp3,but he had found a guide and didn't want to miss out on an opportunity,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003460.mp3,he just got a new kite for his birthday,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003461.mp3,after all he had all his money,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003462.mp3,i just don't trust anyone who says they've never had hamburger helper,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003463.mp3,this is why alchemy exists the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003464.mp3,tell me more about your dream said the woman,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003465.mp3,we must stay hidden,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003466.mp3,upon returning to the wise man he related in detail everything he had seen,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003467.mp3,i'll be right here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003468.mp3,and ask for a glass of wine for me,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003469.mp3,the boy stood up shakily and looked once more at the pyramids,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003470.mp3,because i don't live in either my past or my future,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003471.mp3,then she filled her vessel with water and left,3,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003472.mp3,every purchase is a vote,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003473.mp3,my review of the sun one star,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003474.mp3,there were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003475.mp3,down below in the darkness were hundreds of people sleeping in peace,6,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003476.mp3,he was more confident in himself though and felt as though he could conquer the world,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003477.mp3,they had gone away to breakfast at henderson's house,7,1,twenties,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003478.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003479.mp3,he's on the way,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003480.mp3,water boarding is a terrible form of torture,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003481.mp3,i'm going to put her through college,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003482.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003483.mp3,what was written on the emerald tablet the boy wanted to know,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003484.mp3,how about that one there,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003485.mp3,but you want to know something,2,0,fourties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003486.mp3,it left a greenish streak that glowed for some seconds,2,1,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003487.mp3,haven't you even started,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003488.mp3,you've got everything all set,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003489.mp3,please don't make me,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003490.mp3,i'm getting trevor ready,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003491.mp3,dennis was not a business man,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003492.mp3,he could always go back to being a shepherd,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003493.mp3,i'll give it a drink,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003494.mp3,at the camp it was difficult to see anything,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003495.mp3,the boy thought about the crystal merchant,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003496.mp3,what'll it take till the bank reopens,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003497.mp3,he was older and was carrying a small bucket,1,0,twenties,female,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003498.mp3,that's too far from the bedroom,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003499.mp3,and they attacked an empty tent,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003500.mp3,the boy was surprised and then irritated,2,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003501.mp3,well i'd like to see their land and see how they live said his son,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003502.mp3,you can't go any farther one of them said,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003503.mp3,i heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003504.mp3,i feel quite ambivalent about the article,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003505.mp3,first they tried to find him on their own,2,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003506.mp3,the sun was turned into a golden disk,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003507.mp3,strange images passed through my mind,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003508.mp3,then he took from his knapsack a bottle of wine and drank some,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003509.mp3,this is the mayor,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003510.mp3,it seemed as if what the old king had called beginner's luck were no longer functioning,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003511.mp3,you didn't vote for me the last time,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003512.mp3,i got drunk yesterday and thought i built a super computer,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003513.mp3,everything's getting cold and you know we've been waiting for you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003514.mp3,we returned to the cemetery,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003515.mp3,the lens was heavy but it had an amazing zoom,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003516.mp3,i only interpret dreams,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003517.mp3,the boy awoke as the sun rose,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003518.mp3,he approached the mass and was surprised at the size and the shape,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003519.mp3,better bring me a glass of milk,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003520.mp3,we showed up and gave minute speeches each,1,0,fifties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003521.mp3,the boy was also saddened his friend was in pursuit of his destiny,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003522.mp3,its saturday its hot and i really want to try the dry ramen,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003523.mp3,an elephant on the roof is soon an elephant in the house,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003524.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003525.mp3,he got up early with the idea of finding it,4,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003526.mp3,he has other things to do first,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003527.mp3,he put a sign on the door and they went to a small cafe nearby,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003528.mp3,dont share your opinions so readily because you never know who is listening,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003529.mp3,i had the everyone has gary busey's teeth dream again,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003530.mp3,as fast as i can,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003531.mp3,now i can see that it hasn't been too bad,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003532.mp3,it may be the gases of the firing that caused the martians inconvenience,3,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003533.mp3,they locked themselves in their laboratories and tried to evolve as gold had,8,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003534.mp3,we beat the whole country on that story,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003535.mp3,you should see the other guy specifically how good at fighting he is,4,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003536.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003537.mp3,i remember how i sat on the table there in the blackness with patches of green and crimson swimming before my eyes,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003538.mp3,nobody knows how much ammunition the military has in its checkpoints,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003539.mp3,i never said i'd take it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003540.mp3,but that was simply because my eye was tired,4,2,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003541.mp3,it seemed such a little thing so bright and small and still,1,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003542.mp3,the heather was on fire and you could see a thin blue smoke rising up slowly,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003543.mp3,in any case it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003544.mp3,they were tribesmen dressed in blue with black rings surrounding their turbans,9,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003545.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003546.mp3,coming down the block is the biggest steamroller i have ever seen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003547.mp3,but only speak a word and my servant will be healed,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003548.mp3,when i had my sheep i was happy and i made those around me happy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003549.mp3,i have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003550.mp3,air was either entering or escaping at the rim with a thin sizzling sound,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003551.mp3,i'm going to build a bridge a mile long,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003552.mp3,and better still to be alone with one's books,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003553.mp3,he asked it please never to stop speaking to him,3,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003554.mp3,it's crawling with cops outside,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003555.mp3,but then he remembered that he wasn't going to have to pay anything,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003556.mp3,some storms are worth the wreckage,4,1,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003557.mp3,i remember grandpa paul looking through it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003558.mp3,get martin out of jail,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003559.mp3,i don't know if i'll be able to find life in the desert the boy thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003560.mp3,and i'm sorry to say that the congestion is increasing,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003561.mp3,well then we've got a problem,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003562.mp3,we dont want him,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003563.mp3,makes about five thousand a year,1,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003564.mp3,one can imagine these two covered with sand running up the little street in the bright sunlight,4,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003565.mp3,the burning fire had been extinguished,6,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003566.mp3,don't say anything fatima interrupted,1,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003567.mp3,ten years at the university and here i am in a corral,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003568.mp3,i'm a woman of the desert she said averting her face,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003569.mp3,i couldnt stop staring at it,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003570.mp3,i admit that i'm an alcoholic,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003571.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003572.mp3,that first day everyone slept from exhaustion including the englishman,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003573.mp3,he listened to the wind and felt the stones beneath his feet,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003574.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003575.mp3,until then he had considered the omens to be things of this world,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003576.mp3,now you listen to me,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003577.mp3,as soon as he saw me among the crowd he called to me to come down,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003578.mp3,it doesn't have to rhyme,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003579.mp3,his way isn't the same as mine nor mine as his,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003580.mp3,i understand sheep they're no longer a problem and they can be good friends,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003581.mp3,you can verify and rerecord your own recordings before submitting them,2,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003582.mp3,they could barely see the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003583.mp3,because you have already lost your savings twice,8,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003584.mp3,we know that and we are used to it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003585.mp3,that makes sense the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003586.mp3,i wish you every possible happiness and joy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003587.mp3,rest well tonight as if you were a warrior preparing for combat,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003588.mp3,it's called the principle of favorability beginner's luck,6,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003589.mp3,we were all made by the same hand and we have the same soul,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003590.mp3,all things are one the old man had said,2,1,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003591.mp3,you must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003592.mp3,i turned and as i did so the screw must have fallen out,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003593.mp3,no that's not what i mean,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003594.mp3,i'm going to them,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003595.mp3,i want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003596.mp3,that he wanted to travel,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003597.mp3,you can't say that about my father,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003598.mp3,i'm talking about the building and loan,1,0,twenties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003599.mp3,henderson stood up with a spade in his hand,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003600.mp3,but the englishman appeared not to attach any importance to it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003601.mp3,i'm not afraid of anything,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003602.mp3,you point to a trail of ants leading into the house,11,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003603.mp3,if he ever decided to leave them they would suffer,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003604.mp3,get the governor on the phone,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003605.mp3,he moved about invisible but everyone could hear him,1,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003606.mp3,where do you live shouted the boy as the horseman rode away,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003607.mp3,the boy was surprised at his thoughts,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003608.mp3,seems like yesterday to me,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003609.mp3,she's a wonderful person,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003610.mp3,came to the bar he had entered on his first day there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003611.mp3,how do you do,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003612.mp3,he got up early with the idea of finding it,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003613.mp3,this desert was once a sea he said,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003614.mp3,i forgot you were here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003615.mp3,what's she doing over here,1,0,thirties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003616.mp3,maybe he'll give us one,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003617.mp3,that sobered him a little,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003618.mp3,what'd you wish when you threw that rock,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003619.mp3,then suddenly he noticed it with a start,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003620.mp3,he paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the following year,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003621.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003622.mp3,watch over her tonight,1,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003623.mp3,your mother and i talked it over half the night,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003624.mp3,the boy brought his horse closer,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003625.mp3,he carried two dead hawks over his shoulder,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003626.mp3,hunches his mother used to call them,2,1,teens,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003627.mp3,well usually i learn more from my sheep than from books he answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003628.mp3,what difference does that make,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003629.mp3,you don't happen to have eight thousand bucks on you,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003630.mp3,maybe this is an omen said the englishman half aloud,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003631.mp3,wait for the end of the war,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003632.mp3,well then we've got a problem,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003633.mp3,i'm a sucker for it,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003634.mp3,why can't you be serious,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003635.mp3,as he looked at the stones he felt relieved for some reason,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003636.mp3,we've been laughing all day about that,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003637.mp3,another dreamer said the ticket seller to his assistant watching the boy walk away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003638.mp3,put down that chair,1,0,fifties,female,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003639.mp3,and at that i told him and he took my place,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003640.mp3,they were both silent for a time observing the plaza and the townspeople,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003641.mp3,this is the first phase of the job he said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003642.mp3,henderson went into the railway station to telegraph the news to london,5,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003643.mp3,but the englishman was exultant,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003644.mp3,she needs to get her transcripts and passport first,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003645.mp3,some went away while i was there and other people came,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003646.mp3,i wished i had a light to smoke by,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003647.mp3,they said nothing else,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003648.mp3,you know where they are,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003649.mp3,some do come back,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003650.mp3,lots of shepherds passed through selling their wool,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003651.mp3,and he knew what was the fair price for every one of his animals,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003652.mp3,suddenly he disappeared and i could hear a faint shriek behind the walls,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003653.mp3,i went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the dark,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003654.mp3,my review of the sun one star,2,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003655.mp3,meanwhile the boy thought about his treasure,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003656.mp3,sadly my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003657.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003658.mp3,what do you mean she can't get away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003659.mp3,now it will be with hope,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003660.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003661.mp3,and i will tell you how to find the hidden treasure,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003662.mp3,and the girl pointed to the south indicating that it was there the strange man lived,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003663.mp3,dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church,1,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003664.mp3,i'll tell you in a minute,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003665.mp3,i have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars,2,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003666.mp3,the elevators are still running,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003667.mp3,the fact that the two hours had stretched into an entire year didn't matter,2,1,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003668.mp3,i've never seen her before,1,0,sixties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003669.mp3,but there was a sixth day the sun went on,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003670.mp3,aren't we godlike,1,0,,,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003671.mp3,when he's an old man he's going to spend a month in africa,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003672.mp3,at night they spread their sleeping gear and kept their fires hidden,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003673.mp3,from the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains ringing and rumbling,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003674.mp3,i heard what you were talking about the other day with the alchemist the wind said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003675.mp3,i happen to know conway was married only three months ago,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003676.mp3,it brought his heart into his mouth,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003677.mp3,but she'll be there,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003678.mp3,as they moved along the boy tried to listen to his heart,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003679.mp3,you'll marry fatima and you'll both be happy for a year,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003680.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003681.mp3,i'll tell you something more,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003682.mp3,they mounted their horses,3,0,sixties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003683.mp3,scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of woking,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003684.mp3,the wind has many names,3,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003685.mp3,i'll cover the method i use and describe some alternatives,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003686.mp3,and i'm certain you'll find it the alchemist said,11,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003687.mp3,the hookahs were extinguished and the guards stood at attention,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003688.mp3,an huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003689.mp3,we don't have to give up our club,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003690.mp3,another person was there to help him toward his destiny,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003691.mp3,the charcoal burned away to white ash,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003692.mp3,he stood irresolute for a moment and then scrambled out of the pit,4,0,thirties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003693.mp3,you can't see the planet with the naked eye,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003694.mp3,he should have decided to become a shepherd the boy said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003695.mp3,she keeps saying that she has no regrets about moving back home but im not sure if its entirely true,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003696.mp3,don't they usually keep the gun on the floor,1,0,thirties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003697.mp3,i'm afraid she'd feel ashamed to think she hadn't trusted you,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003698.mp3,many people in berkshire surrey and middlesex must have seen it,4,1,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003699.mp3,the omens will begin insistently to speak of it and you'll try to ignore them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003700.mp3,there were just drawings coded instructions and obscure texts,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003701.mp3,come into the office a minute,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003702.mp3,it's got to be somewhere,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003703.mp3,frank was dying so they were forced to leave him,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003704.mp3,you are wise because you observe everything from a distance the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003705.mp3,there's one that says 'everything that happens once can never happen again,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003706.mp3,most of them were staring quietly at the big table,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003707.mp3,looking down at the spoon he held the boy saw that the oil was gone,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003708.mp3,thousands of workers commute from the surroundings into the city each day,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003709.mp3,the boy didn't say anything,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003710.mp3,but they were not there,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003711.mp3,so he began to wander through the city and found himself at the gates,2,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003712.mp3,is much less sensitive to spurious awakenings than the sleep mode,1,0,fourties,male,newzealand, cv-valid-dev/sample-003713.mp3,that's the reason why i came in fourth,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003714.mp3,once you get into the desert there's no going back said the camel driver,2,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003715.mp3,i promised that i would make my own decisions he said to himself,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003716.mp3,i have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars,7,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003717.mp3,they said nothing else,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003718.mp3,he could always go back to being a shepherd,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003719.mp3,and we had a bite,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003720.mp3,not even a stick of gum,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003721.mp3,he knew he was stronger than his friend,7,1,,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003722.mp3,the city was still sleeping,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003723.mp3,that makes sense the alchemist answered,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003724.mp3,the article in the current state is not good enough for publication,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003725.mp3,absolutely despicable that gingerbread men are forced to live in houses made of their own flesh,2,0,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003726.mp3,i left her hanging around the american express,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003727.mp3,this was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space,4,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003728.mp3,her walls were covered with dark and scary sketches,1,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003729.mp3,here i am between my flock and my treasure the boy thought,2,0,seventies,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003730.mp3,but men began to reject simple things and to write tracts interpretations and philosophical studies,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003731.mp3,one that will write,1,0,teens,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003732.mp3,i'm afraid it'll be steve tina,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003733.mp3,don't give in to your fears said the alchemist in a strangely gentle voice,2,0,twenties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003734.mp3,i've got a desk i want moved,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003735.mp3,it was seen early in the morning rushing over eastward,6,1,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003736.mp3,i dont mind working from home most of the time but i do miss having coworkers,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003737.mp3,that was the law of hospitality,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003738.mp3,the boy wanted to believe that his friend had simply become separated from him by accident,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003739.mp3,did you see the garden that it took the master gardener ten years to create,3,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003740.mp3,he didn't seduce her with his words but with subliminal messages that's the trick,1,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003741.mp3,a line of flame high can be seen in the atmosphere,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003742.mp3,i'm coming fatima he said,2,1,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003743.mp3,i want to get back to my sheep faster,1,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003744.mp3,we are part of that soul so we rarely recognize that it is working for us,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003745.mp3,and there you were in bed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003746.mp3,air was either entering or escaping at the rim with a thin sizzling sound,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003747.mp3,the boy looked around for the ovens and other apparatus used in alchemy but saw none,2,1,twenties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003748.mp3,suppose there was a shane york and he walked into this office,2,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003749.mp3,he wrapped the twigs in a piece of cloth and put them back in his bag,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003750.mp3,hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003751.mp3,i haven't won my wings yet,1,0,twenties,other,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003752.mp3,i think you're a great guy,1,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003753.mp3,what's this the end of the eighth,2,0,fifties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003754.mp3,the boy was embarrassed and confessed that he had observed nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003755.mp3,and above all don't forget to follow your destiny through to its conclusion,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003756.mp3,had our instruments permitted it we might have been able to see the trouble way back when,3,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003757.mp3,i don't know how to turn them into reality,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003758.mp3,he started to read the book he had bought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003759.mp3,where are we going,2,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003760.mp3,for every ten dead men among our enemies you will receive a piece of gold,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003761.mp3,he didn't need to seek out the old woman for this,3,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003762.mp3,from there he could see africa in the distance,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003763.mp3,i dont mind working from home most of the time but i do miss having coworkers,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003764.mp3,so you know about love the boy said,3,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003765.mp3,once you get familiar with it you will want to use it for everything,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003766.mp3,the thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward,9,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003767.mp3,to nourish the falcon,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003768.mp3,i locked eyes with a fish in the tank,10,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003769.mp3,i want to see him do it said the chief,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003770.mp3,but bakers are more important people than shepherds,3,0,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003771.mp3,i went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the dark,8,0,thirties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003772.mp3,you have developed a serious case of pneumonia,2,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003773.mp3,but the tradition also says that we should believe the messages of the desert,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003774.mp3,in alchemy it's called the soul of the world,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003775.mp3,hundreds must have seen it and taken it for a falling star,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003776.mp3,he watched the hawks as they drifted on the wind,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003777.mp3,gold would lose its value,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003778.mp3,we'll leave tomorrow before sunrise was the alchemist's only response,6,2,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003779.mp3,he had not a cent in his pocket but he had faith,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003780.mp3,the englishman had several suitcases filled with books,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003781.mp3,but horses tire bit by bit,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003782.mp3,they began to ride out over the sands with the moon lighting their way,8,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003783.mp3,just one more try,1,0,twenties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003784.mp3,he won't leave the circle,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003785.mp3,love is the falcon's flight over your sands,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003786.mp3,lots of shepherds passed through selling their wool,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003787.mp3,our merchants bought that man and brought him to egypt,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003788.mp3,it spoke of journeys discoveries books and change,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003789.mp3,i almost dropped him,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003790.mp3,the accommodation was affordable and cosy,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003791.mp3,so his heart was quiet for an entire afternoon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003792.mp3,the river babbled inanely to itself,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003793.mp3,the airplane rose gracefully into the sky,2,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003794.mp3,hundreds must have seen it and taken it for a falling star,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003795.mp3,the level ground was blackened as far as one could see and it was still giving off smoke,3,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003796.mp3,but would you mind telling me who goes out,1,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003797.mp3,throughout the night the boy dug at the place he had chosen but found nothing,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003798.mp3,she has chipped a fingernail,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003799.mp3,get a load of this,1,0,teens,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003800.mp3,without such love one's dreams would have no meaning,4,0,twenties,male,indian, cv-valid-dev/sample-003801.mp3,drawing from my own experience as a learner of english and german i value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003802.mp3,wouldn't do any good,1,0,seventies,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003803.mp3,i thought sure you'd remember me,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003804.mp3,he decanted the wine and began to recount the disturbing story he had been told,1,0,twenties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003805.mp3,you may kiss my hand,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003806.mp3,as the sun rose the men began to beat the boy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003807.mp3,the girl dropped the container and the water spilled,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003808.mp3,i had to test your courage the stranger said,1,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003809.mp3,where'd you get it,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003810.mp3,the world speaks many languages the boy thought,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003811.mp3,i just don't trust anyone who says they've never had hamburger helper,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003812.mp3,you can't believe it's not butter,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003813.mp3,i'll hang it up,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003814.mp3,everyone has his or her own way of learning things he said to himself,2,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003815.mp3,the alchemists spent years in their laboratories observing the fire that purified the metals,2,0,fifties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003816.mp3,hang on for a second,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003817.mp3,two women were still missing when the firefighters arrived,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003818.mp3,do you know what,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003819.mp3,hey what do you say,2,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003820.mp3,that night there was another jetting out of gas from the distant planet,4,0,thirties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003821.mp3,that's when he'll be safe and not a minute before,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003822.mp3,two days later the merchant spoke to the boy about the display,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003823.mp3,i'm hunting with my falcon the alchemist answered,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003824.mp3,where's that airlines bag,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003825.mp3,the pink love heart keyring glowed,1,0,twenties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003826.mp3,ten years at the university and here i am in a corral,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003827.mp3,many people in berkshire surrey and middlesex must have seen it,1,0,fourties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003828.mp3,somebody's going to get hurt,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003829.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003830.mp3,the boy was becoming nervous,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003831.mp3,at the first glance it was really not very exciting,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003832.mp3,something happens here you'll have to remember later on,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003833.mp3,and if it is,2,0,teens,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003834.mp3,i found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003835.mp3,i wanted them to be a part of your inheritance,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003836.mp3,the chair had leather upholstery,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003837.mp3,any statement on the red uprising tomorrow,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003838.mp3,but the boy was certain that he had been looking at them,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003839.mp3,i'd like to build a display case for the crystal the boy said to the merchant,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003840.mp3,the englishman was disappointed,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003841.mp3,about an hour ago,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003842.mp3,i got it back,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003843.mp3,i have to find a man who knows that universal language,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003844.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003845.mp3,but that's the jail,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003846.mp3,another dreamer said the ticket seller to his assistant watching the boy walk away,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003847.mp3,he paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the following year,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003848.mp3,it's not what enters men's mouths that's evil said the alchemist,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003849.mp3,the following night the boy appeared at the alchemist's tent with a horse,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003850.mp3,there was no response from the elders,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003851.mp3,i thought the unscrewing might be automatic,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003852.mp3,the newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea,1,0,sixties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003853.mp3,i forgot my hat,2,0,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003854.mp3,what's my name doing on it,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003855.mp3,no one seemed to have thought about it that night,1,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003856.mp3,i feel sick what should i do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003857.mp3,it was just that he couldn't grasp what it meant,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003858.mp3,he saw the boy appear from the other side of the dunes,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003859.mp3,i'll tell you what i'll do,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003860.mp3,but she is gone,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003861.mp3,and they attacked an empty tent,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003862.mp3,he was alarmed by what had happened,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003863.mp3,you should have seen the commotion in that locker room,3,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003864.mp3,i've got a flash for you,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003865.mp3,dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003866.mp3,coach has heard all about you,1,0,seventies,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003867.mp3,that's the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life,3,0,twenties,male,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003868.mp3,why didn't you say something,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003869.mp3,revenge is not my style but obviously accidents will happen,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003870.mp3,the thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand,8,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003871.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003872.mp3,give me precise instructions how to decontaminate the trooper,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003873.mp3,the boy looked around for the ovens and other apparatus used in alchemy but saw none,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003874.mp3,you've got something on your mind,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003875.mp3,the old man wore a breastplate of heavy gold covered with precious stones,4,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003876.mp3,it may be the gases of the firing that caused the martians inconvenience,3,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003877.mp3,then she got out through the skylight,2,0,thirties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003878.mp3,and now i don't know where my father is,2,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003879.mp3,that's all i ask,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003880.mp3,do you know him,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003881.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003882.mp3,and i will be the policeman,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003883.mp3,don't you push me around like that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003884.mp3,the boy went to look for the englishman,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003885.mp3,the sheep will get used to my not being there too the boy thought,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003886.mp3,it brought his heart into his mouth,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003887.mp3,i was expecting you,2,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003888.mp3,they mounted their horses,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003889.mp3,the descent was disturbingly steep,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003890.mp3,what's the matter with you two guys,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003891.mp3,what would you say about that,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003892.mp3,that was a little girl named mary hatch,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003893.mp3,she sat on the floor drinking her coffee,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003894.mp3,and they had understood each other perfectly well,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003895.mp3,she knows that men have to go away in order to return,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003896.mp3,ogilvy told him everything that he had seen,6,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003897.mp3,we've still got two bucks left,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003898.mp3,thank you very much,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003899.mp3,you'll ask me to what,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003900.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,4,0,twenties,female,bermuda, cv-valid-dev/sample-003901.mp3,apparently it's the dumplings that make this stew taste so good,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003902.mp3,but arms cannot be drawn unless they also go into battle,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003903.mp3,she's accused of stealing a watch,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003904.mp3,the boy looked out at the horizon,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003905.mp3,we don't have to give up our club,2,1,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003906.mp3,from then on he would make his own decisions,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003907.mp3,he must be disguised to avoid encounters with thieves,3,0,thirties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003908.mp3,his hands were abraded and exhausted but he listened to his heart,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003909.mp3,this was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003910.mp3,and because the tribes declared war i went to the well seeking the alchemist,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003911.mp3,they jumped out of the window,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003912.mp3,foot pedals are another alternative to voice commands,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003913.mp3,the boy's heart began to speak of fear,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003914.mp3,but the king of salem hoped desperately that the boy would be successful,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003915.mp3,another trick the boy thought,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003916.mp3,an huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile,30,15,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003917.mp3,when the blinding dust had settled a bit the boy trembled at what he saw,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003918.mp3,the secret is here in the present,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003919.mp3,she thought it might be a cheap copy but she didnt want to know,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003920.mp3,i'm looking for a treasure said the boy and he immediately regretted having said it,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003921.mp3,i'd know that voice anywhere,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003922.mp3,they could barely see the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003923.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003924.mp3,but instead of being saddened he was happy,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003925.mp3,other servants maintained the fires in the hookahs,1,0,seventies,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003926.mp3,what is my function,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003927.mp3,if you pay attention to the present you can improve upon it,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003928.mp3,next you'll want to enumerate tabs so you can quickly jump between them,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003929.mp3,and you've told me nothing along the way said the boy,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003930.mp3,it's a private club for only the most respectable people,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003931.mp3,he was going to miss the place and all the good things he had learned,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003932.mp3,disregard my last statement,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003933.mp3,he restarted his efforts for the twentieth time,2,0,fifties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003934.mp3,in those days very few of the people had any idea about astronomy,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003935.mp3,it looked like a rusty gas float,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003936.mp3,the newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003937.mp3,but the marketplace was empty and he was far from home so he wept,3,0,fifties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-003938.mp3,the shower's in there,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003939.mp3,and don't forget the language of omens,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003940.mp3,most meteorites are more or less rounded,2,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003941.mp3,i wonder what's eating that old money grubbing buzzard anyway,1,0,teens,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-003942.mp3,i'm trying to explain to my mother how to get pictures off her phone,3,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003943.mp3,i'm dying for what i believe,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003944.mp3,get a load of this,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003945.mp3,asymmetric cryptography uses pairs of keys,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003946.mp3,it seemed so safe and tranquil,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003947.mp3,i'm getting out of here and you can't stop me,1,0,sixties,male,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003948.mp3,you'd think i was on the witness stand,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003949.mp3,with a bag of marshmallows,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003950.mp3,and he told what he had seen,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003951.mp3,if someone isn't what others want them to be the others become angry,3,0,sixties,female,african, cv-valid-dev/sample-003952.mp3,the teller didn't have enough change,2,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003953.mp3,something bright reflected from his chest with such intensity that the boy was momentarily blinded,2,1,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003954.mp3,i'll be back the boy said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003955.mp3,it's not i the wind spoke about,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003956.mp3,there are only eight flags up there now,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003957.mp3,i heard a faint movement under my feet,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003958.mp3,it spread through the planet's atmosphere and obscured its more familiar features,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003959.mp3,but then i realized she couldn't have been,2,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003960.mp3,exactly answered the alchemist,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003961.mp3,or a man into the wind,1,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003962.mp3,the boy reminded the old man that he had said something about hidden treasure,2,0,fifties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003963.mp3,no sense in going up there,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003964.mp3,it seemed he had made the long journey for nothing,4,3,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003965.mp3,its lower end was still embedded,2,0,twenties,female,ireland, cv-valid-dev/sample-003966.mp3,other servants maintained the fires in the hookahs,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003967.mp3,after all he had all his money,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003968.mp3,he wanted to forget about the vision and return to his meditation,2,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003969.mp3,in spite of this i still believed that there were men in mars,4,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003970.mp3,creativity is not something exclusive to humans,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003971.mp3,i'll return just as your father came back to your mother he said,4,1,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003972.mp3,then she took both of his hands in hers and began quietly to pray,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003973.mp3,these trousers don't fit very well,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003974.mp3,but i found it difficult to get to work because of the investigations,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003975.mp3,it had a diameter of about thirty yards,5,0,fourties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003976.mp3,after all who doesnt want to overcome new challenges and achieve great heights,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003977.mp3,strong passwords don't have to be hard to remember,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003978.mp3,always ask an objective question,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003979.mp3,he wasn't asking for help,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003980.mp3,that's why i'm here,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003981.mp3,my wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red green and yellow signal lights,7,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003982.mp3,the boy smiled and continued digging,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003983.mp3,you can get around very easily by train which is a very relaxing and affordable way to travel,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003984.mp3,what kind of a proof is that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003985.mp3,you mean you don't approve of my having a baby,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003986.mp3,it commenced to blow harder raising the desert sands,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003987.mp3,that guy over there likes to drink a lot talk a lot but do nothing,1,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-003988.mp3,let's stop this another commander said,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003989.mp3,the animals were exhausted and the men talked among themselves less and less,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003990.mp3,you can't believe it's not butter,4,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003991.mp3,it seems old and wise,2,1,teens,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-003992.mp3,the lead had dried into the shape of the pan but it was no longer lead,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003993.mp3,he was immensely excited at the news,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003994.mp3,he sat looking at the sky for a long time,5,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003995.mp3,and he wasn't faring much better,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003996.mp3,even then he hardly understood what this meant,12,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003997.mp3,but i didnt think that it contained any living creature,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003998.mp3,now that's too much,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-003999.mp3,ogilvy watched till one and then gave up,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004000.mp3,give her the works,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004001.mp3,go through with what,1,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004002.mp3,they looked for the fallen mass but found nothing,6,0,twenties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004003.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,1,0,fourties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004004.mp3,he decided to spend the night there,3,0,thirties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004005.mp3,they formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away,8,0,sixties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-004006.mp3,i would have won the junior olympics if not for those medaling kids,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004007.mp3,he wanted to forget about the vision and return to his meditation,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004008.mp3,go into your dance,2,0,fourties,male,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004009.mp3,although searching in binary search trees is efficient you won't find any fruits in there,1,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004010.mp3,there were raised voicesand some sort of struggle appeared to be going on ,3,2,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004011.mp3,i had seen all that it would presently bring me,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004012.mp3,how did you learn to read the girl asked at one point,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004013.mp3,to nourish the falcon,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004014.mp3,they were known as seers and they were held in fear by women and the elderly,1,0,teens,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004015.mp3,trying to improve the world by jumping up and down,1,0,eighties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-004016.mp3,mr lee can't be bothered now,2,0,twenties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004017.mp3,it must have fallen while i was sitting over there,17,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004018.mp3,just like an organ,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004019.mp3,raisins are delicious,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004020.mp3,take good care of him,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004021.mp3,so then try he said to the englishman,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004022.mp3,the angel touched the man's shoulder and they were both projected far into the future,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004023.mp3,you want the moon,1,0,fourties,male,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-004024.mp3,lots of places sell tea around here the merchant said,3,0,teens,male,malaysia, cv-valid-dev/sample-004025.mp3,i'm beginning to like this,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004026.mp3,but most important he was able every day to live out his dream,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004027.mp3,drawing from my own experience as a learner of english and german i value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004028.mp3,the one in there,1,0,twenties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004029.mp3,they set off running wildly into the trees,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004030.mp3,the merchant looked anxiously at the boy,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004031.mp3,where did he keep his money,2,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004032.mp3,i learned the alchemist's secrets in my travels,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004033.mp3,as he looked at the stones he felt relieved for some reason,1,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004034.mp3,we don't know what's in the confounded thing do you,6,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004035.mp3,the boy was startled,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004036.mp3,three cheers for aden christopher,1,0,fifties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004037.mp3,and the solid part was called the philosopher's stone,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004038.mp3,its been a long time since she last read chekhov and because of that she no longer feels like the heroine of her own story,3,0,fifties,female,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-004039.mp3,are you enjoying london,1,0,thirties,female,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004040.mp3,they placed the symbols of the pilgrimage on the doors of their houses,3,0,sixties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004041.mp3,he could always go back to being a shepherd,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004042.mp3,its lower end was still embedded,6,0,twenties,female,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004043.mp3,i'm going into the desert the man answered turning back to his reading,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004044.mp3,as the sun rose the men began to beat the boy,2,0,thirties,male,australia, cv-valid-dev/sample-004045.mp3,i have to find a man who knows that universal language,3,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004046.mp3,the picnic was ruined by a marching band,1,0,twenties,male,scotland, cv-valid-dev/sample-004047.mp3,how come you speak spanish he asked,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004048.mp3,did you ever walk into this office,1,0,twenties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004049.mp3,i'm sure she'll be all right,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004050.mp3,when the simum ceased to blow everyone looked to the place where the boy had been,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004051.mp3,everything looked diffuse after she took the narcotic,1,0,sixties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004052.mp3,and eventually man will nourish your sands where the game will once again flourish,5,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004053.mp3,if you start your emails with greetings let me be the first to welcome you to earth,1,0,sixties,female,canada, cv-valid-dev/sample-004054.mp3,the cursor blinked expectantly,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004055.mp3,the atmosphere was suffused with the sweet scent of smoke,4,1,fourties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004056.mp3,the girl dropped the container and the water spilled,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004057.mp3,fresh coffee is much better than the freeze dried stuff,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004058.mp3,i can always go back to being a shepherd the boy thought,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004059.mp3,the boy was also saddened his friend was in pursuit of his destiny,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004060.mp3,i think they're going to last for a long time he said to the monk,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004061.mp3,they drank their milk and fell asleep,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004062.mp3,and then he perceived it very slowly,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004063.mp3,they become the soul o f the world,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004064.mp3,what's going on here,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004065.mp3,why the shots stopped after the tenth no one on earth has tried to explain,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004066.mp3,that's the man who knows all the secrets of the world she said,2,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004067.mp3,they reached the center of a large plaza where the market was held,3,0,fourties,female,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004068.mp3,he was thinking about omens and someone had appeared,4,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004069.mp3,no sense messing up the streets,2,0,thirties,male,england, cv-valid-dev/sample-004070.mp3,i can see that,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004071.mp3,but they could never have taught him arabic,2,1,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004072.mp3,he decided to concentrate on more practical matters,1,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004073.mp3,that's what i'm not supposed to say,2,0,thirties,male,us, cv-valid-dev/sample-004074.mp3,just handling them made him feel better,3,0,,,, cv-valid-dev/sample-004075.mp3,the city sealer's office,1,0,,,,