translation | text
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"en": "Unlike the previous speaker, who has now disappeared, my group is strongly in favour of a European Public Prosecutor.",
"es": "Mi Grupo, en contra del anterior orador que ya ha desaparecido, es muy partidario de la creación de un Ministerio público europeo."
} | unlike the previous speaker who has now disappeared my group is strongly in favour of a european public prosecutor |
"en": "My colleague Jan-Kees Wiebenga, will undoubtedly take this point further because he has already published a report on the same subject matter.",
"es": "Mi colega Jan-Kees Wiebenga sin duda entrará en detalles al respecto, ya que salió de su mano un informe sobre este tema."
} | my colleague jankees wiebenga will undoubtedly take this point further because he has already published a report on the same subject matter |
"en": "I think what we need is, at European level, to come up with exact definitions of fraud and irregularity as quickly as possible.",
"es": "Lo que nos hace falta a mi juicio, es que se llegue a nivel europeo lo más pronto posible a una definición de lo que es fraude exactamente y lo que es una irregularidad."
} | i think what we need is at european level to come up with exact definitions of fraud and irregularity as quickly as possible |
"en": "I myself have been involved in the committee of inquiry on transit traffic.",
"es": "Yo mismo he formado parte de una comisión de investigación relacionada con el régimen de tránsito comunitario."
} | i myself have been involved in the committee of inquiry on transit traffic |
"en": "One of the major problems in this area was that if you do something wrong, especially when it comes to revenue of the European Union, then this will be termed an irregularity in one country and a crime in another.",
"es": "Uno de los grandes problemas en ese campo era que si hacías algo incorrectamente, y se trataba sobre todo de los ingresos de la Unión Europea, se consideraba en un país una irregularidad y en otro un delito."
} | one of the major problems in this area was that if you do something wrong especially when it comes to revenue of the european union then this will be termed an irregularity in one country and a crime in another |
"en": "This, I thought, is no longer permissible, certainly not at the moment.",
"es": "Esto ya no puede seguir así, me parece, y menos en este momento."
} | this i thought is no longer permissible certainly not at the moment |
"en": "I would like to make one general point on politics.",
"es": "Voy a terminar con una cuestión de política general."
} | i would like to make one general point on politics |
"en": "Whatever we may say about the European elections, the low turnout is a fact.",
"es": "Digamos lo que digamos de las elecciones europeas, la baja participación es un hecho."
} | whatever we may say about the european elections the low turnout is a fact |
"en": "We can improve on this by punishing crime in Europe quickly, and this must be done at European level.",
"es": "Esto se puede mejorar persiguiendo con rapidez los delitos en Europa y eso ha de hacerse a nivel europeo."
} | we can improve on this by punishing crime in europe quickly and this must be done at european level |
"en": "Mr President, I too would like to thank the rapporteur.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, yo también quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a la ponente."
} | mr president i too would like to thank the rapporteur |
"en": "Mrs Theato' s report may help to restore confidence in European institutions.",
"es": "El informe de la Sra. Theato puede contribuir a restablecer la confianza en las instituciones europeas."
} | mrs theato s report may help to restore confidence in european institutions |
"en": "I believe that is something we are all desperately in need of, bearing in mind the results of the last European elections and of the level of turnout.",
"es": "Yo creo que esto es sumamente necesario para todos nosotros, si pensamos en los resultados de las últimas elecciones europeas, en las cifras de participación electoral."
} | i believe that is something we are all desperately in need of bearing in mind the results of the last european elections and of the level of turnout |
"en": "Yet, every year we have the same problem.",
"es": "Cada año se repite, no obstante, el mismo problema."
} | yet every year we have the same problem |
"en": "The Court of Auditors publishes its report, which criticises the Member States on account of various incidences of fraud. So far, however, the European institutions have not had sufficient means at their disposal to take vigorous action here, to ensure that implementation actually takes place and that matters are remedied.",
"es": "El Tribunal de Cuentas hace público su informe, en el que se denuncian diversos fraudes en los Estados miembros, pero las instituciones europeas disponen hasta ahora de demasiado pocas posibilidades de intervenir en esta cuestión, de procurar que se apliquen realmente medidas y se ponga remedio a ello."
} | the court of auditors publishes its report which criticises the member states on account of various incidences of fraud so far however the european institutions have not had sufficient means at their disposal to take vigorous action here to ensure that implementation actually takes place and that matters are remedied |
"en": "It is precisely this process that undermines confidence every year.",
"es": "Justamente este modo de actuar vuelve a erosionar cada año la confianza."
} | it is precisely this process that undermines confidence every year |
"en": "I believe that Mrs Theato' s report and her proposal can help to reverse this very process and to make clear that the European institutions take steps to ensure that European money is employed in a targeted manner and that no fraud is perpetrated here.",
"es": "Yo creo que el informe de la Sra. Theato y su propuesta pueden contribuir a invertir esta situación y a dejar claro que las instituciones europeas velan por que los fondos europeos se dediquen a los fines previstos y no se cometan fraudes."
} | i believe that mrs theato s report and her proposal can help to reverse this very process and to make clear that the european institutions take steps to ensure that european money is employed in a targeted manner and that no fraud is perpetrated here |
"en": "It is important that after the first step, which has already been taken, i.e. forming OLAF from UCLAF - an independent institution - we now take the second step and create a legal framework for OLAF, in order that OLAF too might operate within a secure legal framework.",
"es": "Es importante que tras el primer paso que ya se ha dado con la conversión de la UCLAF en la OLAF, una institución independiente, demos ahora el segundo paso y creemos un marco legal que permita actuar a la OLAF en un contexto jurídico sólido."
} | it is important that after the first step which has already been taken ie forming olaf from uclaf an independent institution we now take the second step and create a legal framework for olaf in order that olaf too might operate within a secure legal framework |
"en": "We will need the European Public Prosecutor' s Office for this, which will see to it that there are clear legal guarantees, also for suspects.",
"es": "Para ello necesitamos un Fiscal General Europeo que ofrezca una garantía judicial clara, también para los sospechosos."
} | we will need the european public prosecutor s office for this which will see to it that there are clear legal guarantees also for suspects |
"en": "Having said all that, I must say that unfortunately, my group will not be voting for your report as a united front.",
"es": "Lamento tener que decir, no obstante, que mi Grupo político no va a votar en bloque a favor de su informe."
} | having said all that i must say that unfortunately my group will not be voting for your report as a united front |
"en": "I hope that the debate will convince a few more people.",
"es": "Yo confío en que el debate todavía logre convencer a algunos."
} | i hope that the debate will convince a few more people |
"en": "Unfortunately, however, people still have too many misgivings to the effect that this will be the kind of European institution that undermines subsidiarity.",
"es": "Sin embargo, lamentablemente sigue siendo demasiado grande el temor de que esto conduzca a la creación de una institución europea que restrinja la subsidiariedad."
} | unfortunately however people still have too many misgivings to the effect that this will be the kind of european institution that undermines subsidiarity |
"en": "But I will do what I can to see that Mrs Theato' s report receives more support.",
"es": "En cualquier caso, yo voy a contribuir en la parte que me corresponde a engrosar el apoyo a favor del informe de la Sra. Theato."
} | but i will do what i can to see that mrs theato s report receives more support |
"en": "Mr President, we are basically in favour of the resolution that has been tabled, even if we think that this can only be interpreted as an invitation by Parliament to the Council to amend the Treaties, so that effective protection under criminal law of the Union' s financial interests can be guaranteed.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, estamos básicamente a favor de la resolución que se nos ha presentado, aunque pensamos que ésta no puede sino ser una invitación del Parlamento al Consejo para que, a través de una modificación de los Tratados, se garantice una protección penal eficaz de los intereses financieros de la Unión."
} | mr president we are basically in favour of the resolution that has been tabled even if we think that this can only be interpreted as an invitation by parliament to the council to amend the treaties so that effective protection under criminal law of the union s financial interests can be guaranteed |
"en": "The establishment of a European Public Prosecutor' s Office and the definition of offences common to all countries of the Union is doubtless a good idea, but it is impossible to consider putting this into practice without having first introduced a European legal system.",
"es": "La institución de un Fiscal europeo y el establecimiento de figuras delictivas comunes a todos los Estados de la Unión es, sin duda, una buena idea, sin embargo, considero imposible pensar en llevarla a la práctica sin antes haber creado un ordenamiento judicial de la Unión."
} | the establishment of a european public prosecutor s office and the definition of offences common to all countries of the union is doubtless a good idea but it is impossible to consider putting this into practice without having first introduced a european legal system |
"en": "Indeed, we are talking about criminal law, the area where resistance that national States put up to communitisation is, and will be, fierce.",
"es": "Estamos hablando, en efecto, de Derecho penal, un campo en que la resistencia de los Estados nacionales a la comunitarización es y será siempre fuerte."
} | indeed we are talking about criminal law the area where resistance that national states put up to communitisation is and will be fierce |
"en": "Indeed, it is unthinkable that we could put in place substantial and procedural legal regulations solely for one sector - that of the protection of financial interests - without first having created a European legal system.",
"es": "De hecho, es impensable que se puedan establecer normas jurídicas sustantivas y procesales para un solo ámbito como el de la protección de los intereses financieros, sin haber creado antes un ordenamiento judicial europeo."
} | indeed it is unthinkable that we could put in place substantial and procedural legal regulations solely for one sector that of the protection of financial interests without first having created a european legal system |
"en": "Reading the precise and comprehensive explanations in the Theato report makes you realise just how many problems still need to be resolved and what these problems are.",
"es": "Basta con leer las precisas y exhaustivas motivaciones del informe Theato para darse cuenta de cuántos y cuáles son los problemas todavía pendientes de solución."
} | reading the precise and comprehensive explanations in the theato report makes you realise just how many problems still need to be resolved and what these problems are |
"en": "In any case, this idea must be encouraged, and it will doubtless be during this attempt to protect financial interests that we realise that we need to include a Community corpus iuris in the Treaties.",
"es": "Con todo, esta idea debe promoverse y no cabe duda de que en este intento de proteger los intereses financieros nos daremos cuenta de la necesidad de disponer de un corpus juris comunitario que deberá incorporarse en los Tratados."
} | in any case this idea must be encouraged and it will doubtless be during this attempt to protect financial interests that we realise that we need to include a community corpus iuris in the treaties |
"en": "On behalf of my group, but also personally, I hope that the vital financial spirit of the Union will pave the way for the creation of a European legal system which respects citizens' rights and guarantees, which is to say a legal system that will raise guarantees to the acceptable levels hitherto unseen in many States.",
"es": "En nombre de mi Grupo y en el mío, expreso asimismo el deseo de que el alma financiera de la Unión sirva de guía de cara al establecimiento de un ordenamiento judicial europeo respetuoso de los derechos y de las garantías de los ciudadanos, es decir, de un ordenamiento judicial que aumente las garantías que, lamentablemente, en muchos Estados no alcanzan niveles aceptables."
} | on behalf of my group but also personally i hope that the vital financial spirit of the union will pave the way for the creation of a european legal system which respects citizens rights and guarantees which is to say a legal system that will raise guarantees to the acceptable levels hitherto unseen in many states |
"en": "Therefore, on behalf of my group, I would like to say that we support the Theato report; I nevertheless think that this is essentially a subject that should be included on the IGC agenda.",
"es": "En consecuencia, en nombre de mi Grupo, expreso un juicio favorable sobre el informe Theato; sin embargo, considero que, en el aspecto substancial, se trata de un tema que ha de incluirse en el orden del día de la Conferencia Intergubernamental."
} | therefore on behalf of my group i would like to say that we support the theato report i nevertheless think that this is essentially a subject that should be included on the igc agenda |
"en": "Mr President, Mrs Theato' s report on the protection of the European Union' s financial interests proposes centralising criminal proceedings by initially creating a European Public Prosecutor.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, el informe de la Sra. Theato sobre la protección de los intereses financieros de la Unión Europea propone, en particular, en una primera fase, centralizar las diligencias penales a través de la creación de un fiscal europeo."
} | mr president mrs theato s report on the protection of the european union s financial interests proposes centralising criminal proceedings by initially creating a european public prosecutor |
"en": "This proposal is radically opposed to the spirit of the current system in which the criminal law and criminal proceedings that lie at the heart of the national legal systems must come under the sovereignty of each nation and lie within the exclusive competence of each state.",
"es": "Esta propuesta va radicalmente en contra del espíritu del sistema actual, en el que el Derecho penal y el procedimiento penal, que constituyen el núcleo de los sistemas jurídicos nacionales, deben depender de la soberanía de cada pueblo y ser competencia exclusiva de cada Estado."
} | this proposal is radically opposed to the spirit of the current system in which the criminal law and criminal proceedings that lie at the heart of the national legal systems must come under the sovereignty of each nation and lie within the exclusive competence of each state |
"en": "But the idea of a European Public Prosecutor, on the other hand, aims in the long term to confine the national states to a subordinate role in these matters.",
"es": "Ahora bien, la idea de un fiscal europeo, por el contrario, apunta a ir relegando con el tiempo a los Estados a un papel subordinado en estas cuestiones."
} | but the idea of a european public prosecutor on the other hand aims in the long term to confine the national states to a subordinate role in these matters |
"en": "Moreover, this proposal is liable to set off a chain reaction of totally unforeseen reforms.",
"es": "Además, esta propuesta desencadenaría una sucesión de reformas absolutamente imprevisibles."
} | moreover this proposal is liable to set off a chain reaction of totally unforeseen reforms |
"en": "According to the Theato report, the European Public Prosecutor is needed, in particular, in order to better support the inquiries of the anti-fraud office, OLAF.",
"es": "Según el informe Theato, el fiscal europeo sería necesario, en particular, para enmarcar mejor las investigaciones de la Oficina de lucha contra el fraude, la OLAF."
} | according to the theato report the european public prosecutor is needed in particular in order to better support the inquiries of the antifraud office olaf |
"en": "At the same time, however, we see from the van Hulten report under discussion today that the European Public Prosecutor should in turn be supervised by a European Union court.",
"es": "Pero paralelamente nos enteramos, en el informe Van Hulten que se debate hoy, de que el fiscal europeo sería a su vez vigilado por un tribunal de la Unión Europea."
} | at the same time however we see from the van hulten report under discussion today that the european public prosecutor should in turn be supervised by a european union court |
"en": "In this way, a small European reform may hide a medium-sized one, and a medium-sized one may hide a large one.",
"es": "Es así como una pequeña reforma europea puede esconder otra mediana y una mediana puede esconder una grande."
} | in this way a small european reform may hide a mediumsized one and a mediumsized one may hide a large one |
"en": "Not to mention that the large one may hide a gigantic one, as the very next thing we will see is a proposal for a European criminal law and then, why not a European Minister of Justice, supervised by an extension of the powers of the European Parliament?",
"es": "Sin contar con que la grande puede, a su vez, esconder otra gigante, porque no tardaremos en asistir a la propuesta de un Derecho penal europeo y, por qué no, a continuación, un ministro de Justicia europeo, controlado por una extensión de los poderes del Parlamento Europeo."
} | not to mention that the large one may hide a gigantic one as the very next thing we will see is a proposal for a european criminal law and then why not a european minister of justice supervised by an extension of the powers of the european parliament |
"en": "I therefore feel we must carefully consider the balance of power that we are in danger of upsetting if we put forward this type of reform, which appears to be quite specific.",
"es": "Creo, por consiguiente, que debemos reflexionar detenidamente sobre el equilibrio de poderes que corre el riesgo de ser trastocado con la presentación de este tipo de reformas, aparentemente puntuales."
} | i therefore feel we must carefully consider the balance of power that we are in danger of upsetting if we put forward this type of reform which appears to be quite specific |
"en": "In the final analysis, we feel that proposals such as the proposal for a European Public Prosecutor demonstrate an inability to conceive of a Europe in anything other than a centralised and hierarchical form, organised around a superstate.",
"es": "Nos parece, por último, que propuestas como la del fiscal europeo manifiestan la incapacidad de imaginar Europa de otro modo que no sea en forma piramidal y centralizada, organizada en torno a un super-Estado."
} | in the final analysis we feel that proposals such as the proposal for a european public prosecutor demonstrate an inability to conceive of a europe in anything other than a centralised and hierarchical form organised around a superstate |
"en": "The Union for a Europe of Nations Group, on the other hand, wishes to see a polycentric Europe with nations linked in a network.",
"es": "El Grupo Unión por la Europa de las Naciones quiere, por el contrario, una Europa en la que existan múltiples centros en torno a la cual se asocien las naciones."
} | the union for a europe of nations group on the other hand wishes to see a polycentric europe with nations linked in a network |
"en": "And such a network could take the form of improved coordination between national public prosecution authorities, for example, and the creation, if necessary, of national teams specialising in offences involving Community finances.",
"es": "Y la red podría traducirse, por ejemplo, en una mejor coordinación entre las autoridades judiciales nacionales, con la posible creación de formaciones nacionales especializadas en las infracciones contra las finanzas comunitarias."
} | and such a network could take the form of improved coordination between national public prosecution authorities for example and the creation if necessary of national teams specialising in offences involving community finances |
"en": "So the legal framework, Mr President, is already in place.",
"es": "El marco jurídico, señor Presidente, ya existe."
} | so the legal framework mr president is already in place |
"en": "It is fine, in principle.",
"es": "Su principio es bueno."
} | it is fine in principle |
"en": "It need only be fine-tuned.",
"es": "Solamente hay que perfeccionarlo."
} | it need only be finetuned |
"en": "Mr President, Mrs Theato is proposing institutional revolution for a twofold reason.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, la Sra. Theato nos propone una revolución institucional por un doble motivo."
} | mr president mrs theato is proposing institutional revolution for a twofold reason |
"en": "Public opinion, although indifferent to 20 million unemployed and thousands of mad cows, is now supposed to be worried about the fraud endangering financial interests and these two reasons are supposed to justify a twofold solution: a European criminal code with crimes against the Community and a European Prosecutor-General.",
"es": "A la opinión pública, que permaneciera indiferente ante veinte millones de parados y ante las miles de vacas locas, le preocupa al parecer el fraude que podría poner en peligro los intereses financieros, y estos dos motivos justificarían un doble dispositivo: un código penal europeo que recoja los delitos anticomunitarios y un fiscal general europeo."
} | public opinion although indifferent to 20 million unemployed and thousands of mad cows is now supposed to be worried about the fraud endangering financial interests and these two reasons are supposed to justify a twofold solution a european criminal code with crimes against the community and a european prosecutorgeneral |
"en": "Mrs Theato probably forgot to include a European prison now that we have the FBI, the European police, in the form of OLAF.",
"es": "La Sra. Theato ha olvidado probablemente una prisión europea, habida cuenta de que el FBI, la policía europea, ya existe a raíz de la creación de la OLAF."
} | mrs theato probably forgot to include a european prison now that we have the fbi the european police in the form of olaf |
"en": "All this would be established by two regulations, one for the Public Prosecutor and another for the criminal code. The regulations would be adopted pursuant to Article 280 of the Treaty, i.e. based on secondary law, whose characteristic feature is that it makes any sort of secondary shift of emphasis possible.",
"es": "Todo ello sería instituido a través de dos reglamentos, uno para el fiscal y otro para el código penal, reglamentos que tendría como fundamento el artículo 280 del Tratado, es decir, a partir del derecho derivado, ya que lo propio del derecho derivado es permitir todo tipo de derivas."
} | all this would be established by two regulations one for the public prosecutor and another for the criminal code the regulations would be adopted pursuant to article 280 of the treaty ie based on secondary law whose characteristic feature is that it makes any sort of secondary shift of emphasis possible |
"en": "And indeed there is a twofold shift.",
"es": "En efecto, existe una doble deriva."
} | and indeed there is a twofold shift |
"en": "Firstly, the classic Eurofederalist ideological shift, a single market, a single VAT, a single diplomatic service, a single army and now a single criminal code and a single public prosecutor.",
"es": "En primer lugar, la deriva ideológica clásica, eurofederalista, un mercado único, un IVA único, una diplomacia única, un ejército único y ahora un derecho penal único y un fiscal único."
} | firstly the classic eurofederalist ideological shift a single market a single vat a single diplomatic service a single army and now a single criminal code and a single public prosecutor |
"en": "All this to combat fraud worth less than EUR 1 billion, while disregarding the tens of billions of euros lost due to the Generalised System of Preferences, free trade areas, customs presents to Chiquita and the billions lost to the fourth resource, GDP, as a result of the budgetary rationing pact.",
"es": "Todo ello para luchar contra un fraude que no alcanza los mil millones de euros, mientras se permite la pérdida de decenas de miles de millones de euros a causa de los SPG, de las zonas de libre comercio, de los regalos aduaneros a Chiquita y los miles de millones perdidos en el cuarto recurso, el PIB, resultante del pacto de racionamiento presupuestario."
} | all this to combat fraud worth less than eur 1 billion while disregarding the tens of billions of euros lost due to the generalised system of preferences free trade areas customs presents to chiquita and the billions lost to the fourth resource gdp as a result of the budgetary rationing pact |
"en": "Next we have the Puritan shift: the Teutonic Europe of the North, the Europe of the Lutherans, Calvinists and Quakers, wishes to inflict its moral order on us.",
"es": "A continuación viene la deriva puritana: la Europa alemana del Norte, la Europa luterana, calvinista y quaker quiere imponernos su orden moral."
} | next we have the puritan shift the teutonic europe of the north the europe of the lutherans calvinists and quakers wishes to inflict its moral order on us |
"en": "Basically, the more we lose our grip on morals, the more we tighten our grip on our wallet.",
"es": "En el fondo, mientras más se relajan las costumbres, más nos aferramos a la billetera."
} | basically the more we lose our grip on morals the more we tighten our grip on our wallet |
"en": "Mr President, it is essential for there to be effective protection under criminal law of the financial interests of the European Union, more so these days than there used to be.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, Señorías, en estos momentos es más imprescindible que nunca una protección penal eficaz de los intereses financieros de la Unión Europea."
} | mr president it is essential for there to be effective protection under criminal law of the financial interests of the european union more so these days than there used to be |
"en": "The fraud and corruption scandals of the past have had a profoundly damaging effect on the confidence of Europe' s citizens.",
"es": "Los escándalos de los fraudes y corrupciones pasados han conmocionado de manera duradera la confianza de los ciudadanos de Europa."
} | the fraud and corruption scandals of the past have had a profoundly damaging effect on the confidence of europe s citizens |
"en": "The credibility of the efforts we make here in Parliament to employ our finances properly stands and falls with the efforts we make to deal with such scandals and prevent them from arising in the future.",
"es": "La credibilidad de los esfuerzos que realizamos desde el Parlamento para que los recursos financieros se utilicen debidamente depende, para bien y para mal, de los esfuerzos que hagamos para acabar con dichos escándalos y evitarlos en el futuro."
} | the credibility of the efforts we make here in parliament to employ our finances properly stands and falls with the efforts we make to deal with such scandals and prevent them from arising in the future |
"en": "This does not just mean administrative changes but also structural changes; in other words we must create instruments which are actually capable of affording protection under criminal law.",
"es": "Para ello no sólo se requieren cambios administrativos, sino también estructurales; es decir que debemos crear instrumentos que permitan garantizar una protección penal."
} | this does not just mean administrative changes but also structural changes in other words we must create instruments which are actually capable of affording protection under criminal law |
"en": "The Intergovernmental Conference 2000 will provide the appropriate forum for discussing this.",
"es": "La Conferencia Intergubernamental 2000 ofrece un foro de debate para tratar este tema."
} | the intergovernmental conference 2000 will provide the appropriate forum for discussing this |
"en": "Now it is, of course, possible to take the view that criminal law and criminal proceedings law are intrinsically matters pertaining to the law of the Member States and it is quite unthinkable that they should be governed by the principle of subsidiarity.",
"es": "Evidentemente, es posible adoptar la posición según la cual el Derecho penal y procesal son materias constitutivas del Derecho nacional de los Estados miembros, a las que resulta inconcebible aplicar el régimen del principio de subsidiariedad."
} | now it is of course possible to take the view that criminal law and criminal proceedings law are intrinsically matters pertaining to the law of the member states and it is quite unthinkable that they should be governed by the principle of subsidiarity |
"en": "There is no doubt that I myself am one of the advocates of this principle and one of those who oppose any further extension of competences at European level.",
"es": "Yo mismo me cuento sin lugar a dudas entre quienes defienden dicho principio y se oponen cualquier ampliación de las competencias de ámbito europeo."
} | there is no doubt that i myself am one of the advocates of this principle and one of those who oppose any further extension of competences at european level |
"en": "When it comes to the demands made on the Intergovernmental Conference agenda, it is the call for there to be clear delimitation of competences that should take centre stage.",
"es": "Como parte de lo que esperamos de los trabajos de la Conferencia Intergubernamental, una petición central debería ser justamente que se delimiten de manera clara las competencias."
} | when it comes to the demands made on the intergovernmental conference agenda it is the call for there to be clear delimitation of competences that should take centre stage |
"en": "Now that is not a contradiction, since the demand for an instrument of criminal law and criminal proceedings law, as detailed in Recommendations I and II of the report, is actually about taking action in the EU' s own interests, which, as far as that goes, does not damage the legal interests of the Member States; on the contrary, it protects them, at least indirectly.",
"es": "Esto no supone, sin embargo, ninguna contradicción, puesto que la petición de un instrumental penal y procesal, tal como se expone en las recomendaciones 1 y 2 del informe, en realidad persigue la defensa de los intereses propios de la UE y, en consecuencia, no lesiona los intereses jurídicos de los Estados miembros, sino que por el contrario los apuntala directamente, como mínimo."
} | now that is not a contradiction since the demand for an instrument of criminal law and criminal proceedings law as detailed in recommendations i and ii of the report is actually about taking action in the eu s own interests which as far as that goes does not damage the legal interests of the member states on the contrary it protects them at least indirectly |
"en": "The compatibility with the various national systems of law, as confirmed by experts, shows that criminal law is another area where Europe has a great deal in common, for example where the significance of the offences we have been discussing here is concerned.",
"es": "La compatibilidad con los diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales, confirmada por expertos, demuestra que Europa también tiene mucho en común en el ámbito del Derecho penal, por ejemplo en cuanto a la lista de delitos que se contemplan."
} | the compatibility with the various national systems of law as confirmed by experts shows that criminal law is another area where europe has a great deal in common for example where the significance of the offences we have been discussing here is concerned |
"en": "Taking these aspects into account, I consider it appropriate that we create a framework of this kind, as proposed, and I also consider it necessary to the further development of OLAF.",
"es": "A la vista de estas consideraciones, yo creo que la creación de un marco penal y procesal como el que se propone es pertinente y también indispensable para el ulterior desarrollo de la OLAF."
} | taking these aspects into account i consider it appropriate that we create a framework of this kind as proposed and i also consider it necessary to the further development of olaf |
"en": "Mr President, will a European Public Prosecutor be able to abolish football fraud involving EU funds?",
"es": "Señor Presidente, ¿podrá un fiscal europeo acabar con el fraude en los fondos comunitarios?"
} | mr president will a european public prosecutor be able to abolish football fraud involving eu funds |
"en": "I do not believe so.",
"es": "No lo creo."
} | i do not believe so |
"en": "On the other hand, we can go a long way using the existing tools.",
"es": "Por otro lado, nosotros sí podemos llegar lejos con los instrumentos ya existentes."
} | on the other hand we can go a long way using the existing tools |
"en": "An alternative to the European Public Prosecutor could be Eurojust, as proposed at the last Summit.",
"es": "Una alternativa a los fiscales europeos bien pudiera ser Eurojust, tal como se propuso en la última cumbre."
} | an alternative to the european public prosecutor could be eurojust as proposed at the last summit |
"en": "In the way it is structured, Eurojust should correspond to Europol and support investigations into crimes.",
"es": "Eurojust debe ser el equivalente por su diseño a Europol y apoyar la investigación de causas criminales."
} | in the way it is structured eurojust should correspond to europol and support investigations into crimes |
"en": "It is just such practical cooperation there is a need for.",
"es": "Es precisamente esta cooperación práctica la que hace falta."
} | it is just such practical cooperation there is a need for |
"en": "OLAF, Europol and the Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters should be used fully and, when the Fraud Convention from 1995 is at long last ratified in the Member States, we can also achieve a lot with this.",
"es": "La OLAF, Europol y el Convenio sobre extradición y asistencia judicial mutua deben ser aprovechados al máximo y cuando el Convenio contra el fraude de 1995 sea por fin ratificado por los países miembros, también podremos llegar lejos con él."
} | olaf europol and the treaty on extradition and mutual assistance in criminal matters should be used fully and when the fraud convention from 1995 is at long last ratified in the member states we can also achieve a lot with this |
"en": "I nonetheless agree with the rapporteur that it is quite unacceptable that most Member States should still not have ratified this Agreement.",
"es": "No obstante, estoy de acuerdo con el Sr. ponente: es absolutamente inaceptable que la mayoría de países miembros no lo haya ratificado todavía."
} | i nonetheless agree with the rapporteur that it is quite unacceptable that most member states should still not have ratified this agreement |
"en": "It is simply too bad, and I can well understand why people are becoming impatient and demanding that we have a common European Public Prosecutor' s Office instead.",
"es": "Sencillamente es terrible y comprendo perfectamente que la gente se impaciente y exija en su lugar un fiscal europeo común."
} | it is simply too bad and i can well understand why people are becoming impatient and demanding that we have a common european public prosecutor s office instead |
"en": "However, it would be quite a mammoth task to establish such an Office.",
"es": "No obstante, hablamos de la construcción de un gran mastodonte."
} | however it would be quite a mammoth task to establish such an office |
"en": "It is, after all, only the most serious crimes which would have consequences under criminal law.",
"es": "Ya que sólo son los casos más graves los que tienen consecuencias penales."
} | it is after all only the most serious crimes which would have consequences under criminal law |
"en": "Ninety per cent of cases would be disciplinary matters concerning negligence or incompetence.",
"es": "El 90% de los casos serán expedientes disciplinarios por negligencia o incompetencia."
} | ninety per cent of cases would be disciplinary matters concerning negligence or incompetence |
"en": "Instead, there is a need for proper internal control and the ability to sack people more easily.",
"es": "En su lugar, hace falta una vigilancia interna adecuada y mejorar las posibilidades para despedir a alguien."
} | instead there is a need for proper internal control and the ability to sack people more easily |
"en": "We should alter the staff regulations and disciplinary procedures and, especially, change our practice.",
"es": "Debemos modificar el Estatuto de Personal, los procedimientos disciplinarios y sobre todo modificar la práctica."
} | we should alter the staff regulations and disciplinary procedures and especially change our practice |
"en": "At the moment, Article 52 of the staff regulations concerning dismissal on the grounds of gross negligence is never used.",
"es": "Actualmente, el artículo 52 del Estatuto de Personal sobre despido por causa de grave negligencia nunca se utiliza."
} | at the moment article 52 of the staff regulations concerning dismissal on the grounds of gross negligence is never used |
"en": "Should we not make a point of cleaning up our own act and putting our own house in order before we plunge into constructing grand new institutions!",
"es": "¡Debemos ocuparnos de limpiar a fondo y atender nuestros propios asuntos antes de lanzarnos a levantar nuevas instituciones excesivamente seguras de sí mismas!"
} | should we not make a point of cleaning up our own act and putting our own house in order before we plunge into constructing grand new institutions |
"en": "Mr President, we all want to do something about combating European fraud.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, todos queremos aportar algo a la lucha contra el fraude europeo."
} | mr president we all want to do something about combating european fraud |
"en": "But the question is now: is the European Union doing anything about it as well?",
"es": "Pero ahora la pregunta que nos formulamos es: ¿la Unión Europea hace algo al respecto?"
} | but the question is now is the european union doing anything about it as well |
"en": "The answer to this is that we know very little about this.",
"es": "La respuesta es que sabemos bien poco de esto."
} | the answer to this is that we know very little about this |
"en": "The Tampere Summit was about combating crime.",
"es": "La Cumbre de Tampere trató de la lucha contra la delincuencia."
} | the tampere summit was about combating crime |
"en": "Everyone was supposedly pleased about it but, in reality, we have made little progress.",
"es": "Todo el mundo estaba como muy satisfecho, pero en realidad se ha visto poco progreso."
} | everyone was supposedly pleased about it but in reality we have made little progress |
"en": "There is no European anti-fraud legislation in force because the Member States, as was stated before, have not ratified the treaty texts submitted.",
"es": "No hay ninguna legislación europea vigente en materia de lucha contra el fraude, porque los Estados miembros, ya se ha dicho, no ratifican los tratados."
} | there is no european antifraud legislation in force because the member states as was stated before have not ratified the treaty texts submitted |
"en": "So a great deal has to be done in this area.",
"es": "Ahí hay mucho que hacer, por lo tanto."
} | so a great deal has to be done in this area |
"en": "And what exactly should be done?",
"es": "¿Y qué es lo que hay que hacer?"
} | and what exactly should be done |
"en": "Two things, and Mrs Theato' s report clearly spells these out.",
"es": "Hay que hacer dos cosas y el informe de la Sra. Theato lo formula muy claramente y muy bien."
} | two things and mrs theato s report clearly spells these out |
"en": "Firstly, the same penalty clauses regarding European fraud must apply in all Member States of the European Union.",
"es": "En primer lugar, en todos los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea debe estar vigente el mismo derecho penal en materia de fraude europeo."
} | firstly the same penalty clauses regarding european fraud must apply in all member states of the european union |
"en": "So, unification in this small area.",
"es": "Ha de haber una unificación en ese campo determinado."
} | so unification in this small area |
"en": "Secondly, we should indeed set up a European Public Prosecutor' s Office with two tasks, firstly to assist the national public prosecutors, helping bring criminal proceedings in European fraud cases and, secondly, to supervise Europol and OLAF in a judicial sense because these are two criminal investigation services which can operate at the moment without any judicial supervision.",
"es": "En segundo lugar, se tiene que crear efectivamente un Ministerio público europeo con dos tareas: en primer lugar para ayudar a los fiscales nacionales en la persecución penal del fraude europeo y en segundo lugar, para tener un control judicial sobre Europol y la OLAF, ya que son dos servicios de investigación que en este momento pueden actuar sin ser controlados judicialmente."
} | secondly we should indeed set up a european public prosecutor s office with two tasks firstly to assist the national public prosecutors helping bring criminal proceedings in european fraud cases and secondly to supervise europol and olaf in a judicial sense because these are two criminal investigation services which can operate at the moment without any judicial supervision |
"en": "The European Public Prosecutor' s Office is nothing to be afraid of. I feel there is a lot of scaremongering going on.",
"es": "El ministerio fiscal europeo no es nada temible, eso son fantasmas que rondan por ahí."
} | the european public prosecutor s office is nothing to be afraid of i feel there is a lot of scaremongering going on |
"en": "It is, in fact, something very positive.",
"es": "Es justamente algo muy positivo, tal como Europol."
} | it is in fact something very positive |
"en": "Just like Europol. Europol, involving police cooperation, does not rank above the national police forces, but is there for the purpose of exchanging information between police forces.",
"es": "Europol, la cooperación policial, no está por encima de los servicios policiales nacionales, sino que sirve para el intercambio de información entre los servicios policiales."
} | just like europol europol involving police cooperation does not rank above the national police forces but is there for the purpose of exchanging information between police forces |
"en": "This is exactly the task which a small, limited, European Public Prosecutor' s Office should carry out, not just at the criminal investigation stage, but also at the prosecution stage.",
"es": "Exactamente lo mismo que debería hacer el fiscal europeo. Pero no en la fase de investigación, sino en la fase de persecución penal."
} | this is exactly the task which a small limited european public prosecutor s office should carry out not just at the criminal investigation stage but also at the prosecution stage |
"en": "Parliament supports this.",
"es": "El Parlamento está a favor."
} | parliament supports this |
"en": "The Committee of Wise Men supports this.",
"es": "El Comité de Expertos está a favor."
} | the committee of wise men supports this |
"en": "I urge the Council of Ministers and the European Commission to do the same.",
"es": "Hago un llamamiento al Consejo de Ministros y a la Comisión Europea para que adopten esta medida."
} | i urge the council of ministers and the european commission to do the same |