Text "[INST] What are the properties and uses of oil of Oriental Sesame (芝麻油) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, oil of Oriental Sesame (芝麻油) with Latin name Oleum Sesami has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Sesamum indicum DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of wrinkled gianthyssop (霍香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of wrinkled gianthyssop (霍香叶) with Latin name Folium Agastachis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Foeniculum vugare Mill as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Treatment of dampness blocking the spleen and stomach manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. Agastache (Huoxiang) is used with Atractylodes rhizome (Cangzhu), Magnolia bark (Houpo) and Pinellia tuber (Ban. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Bulb of Greenish Lily (炙百合) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Bulb of Greenish Lily (炙百合) with Latin name Bulbus Lilii Preparata has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Heart meridian(s), uses Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker.; Lilium pumilum DC.;Lilium lancifolium Thunb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. To moisurize the lung and relieve cough (lung-dryness with cough and hemoptysis). 2. To relieve cardiac heat and tranquilize the mind (convalescence of febrile diseases or yin-deficiency with heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpi. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Liauorice Root (炙甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Liauorice Root (炙甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Radix Glycyrrhizae. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Scorpion (炙全蝎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Scorpion (炙全蝎) with Latin name Scorpio Preparata has properties of Mild; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Buthus martensii karsch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Anti-convulsive and sedative.2. Exerting significant and prolong hypotensive effect.3. Buthotoxin can induce respiratory paralysis, salivation and convulsion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common St Paulswort Equivalent plant: Siegesbeckia orientalis var pubescens, Siegesbeckia orientalis var glabrescens (希莶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common St Paulswort Equivalent plant: Siegesbeckia orientalis var pubescens, Siegesbeckia orientalis var glabrescens (希莶) with Latin name Siegesbeckia orientalis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, hemiplegia, hypertension, malaria, jaundice, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, wind papules, damp sore, animal and insect bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of white Indian Bread (白茯苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, white Indian Bread (白茯苓) with Latin name Poriae Alba has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Lung; Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Poria cocos (Schw. ) Wolf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitation caused by retained fluid, diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Kusnezoff Monkshood Root (制草乌) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Kusnezoff Monkshood Root (制草乌) with Latin name Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthralgia, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, abdominal colic caused by cold, anaethesia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chaulmoogra seed (大枫子仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chaulmoogra seed (大枫子仁) with Latin name Semen Chaulmoograe has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Pier. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chaulmoogric oil inhibits the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and other acid-fast bacillus in vitro, its effect is as 100 times as that of phenol.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Cassia Twig (制桂枝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Cassia Twig (制桂枝) with Latin name Ramulus Cinnamomi Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Bladder; Heart meridian(s), uses Cinnamomum cassia Presl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of common cold, epigastric pain with cold feeling, amenorrhea due to cold in blood, arthralgia, edema, cardiac palpitation, gastrointestinal neurosis with a feeling of masses of gas rushing up through the chest to the throat from the lower abdom. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Root of Ural Licorice (炙草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Root of Ural Licorice (炙草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch; Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat.;Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Indian Bread peel (茯苓皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Indian Bread peel (茯苓皮) with Latin name Exodermis Poria has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Poroa cocos (Schw.) Wolf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. An active component pachyman promotes macrophage phagocytosis in mice, and enhances lymphocyte-blastogensis rate in vitro.2. Preventing the formation of gastric ulcer under stress in rats3. Diuretic and liver-protective.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Stink-bug (九香虫) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Stink-bug (九香虫) with Latin name Aspongopus has properties of Warm; Salty, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Aspongopus chinensis Dallas as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of epigastric pain with distension due to cold in the stomach or due to stagnation of qi in the liver and stomach, impotence and aching of the loins and knees in deficiency syndromes of kidney.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Myrrhtree gum resin (制没药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Myrrhtree gum resin (制没药) with Latin name Myrrha Praeparata has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Commiphora myrrha Engl as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its aqueous infusion inhibits the growth of skin fungi such as Trichophyton violaceum.2. Inhibiting the excessive secretion of bronchi and uterus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of spine date (枣仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of spine date (枣仁) with Latin name semen zizphi spinosae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Ziziphus jujuba var spinosa (Bunge)Hu as the part for treatment, and is indicated for The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh rehmannia root (生地黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh rehmannia root (生地黄) with Latin name Radix Rehmanniae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Rehmannia gultinosa Libosch. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction exerts a protective effect on experimental hepatitis of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride.2. Gastric feeding or injection of its decoction, water infusion or alcoholic extract can lower the blood sugar level in rabbits (this result is controversial in the recent years).3. Intravenous injection of its extract exerts a hypertensive and diuretic effect in rabbits and dogs.4. Its alcoholic extract shortens the blood coagulation time in rabbits.5. Its water infusion inhibits the growth of some pathogenic fungi.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tribulus fruit (白蒺藜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tribulus fruit (白蒺藜) with Latin name Fructus Tribuli has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses Tribulus terestris L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sea-horse (海马) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sea-horse (海马) with Latin name Hippocampus has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Hippocampus kelloggi Jordan et Snyder.;Hippocampus histrix Kaup.; Hippocampus kuda Bleeker.; Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach.;Hippocampus japonicus Kaup as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Exerting gonadotropic effect, ie., prolonging estruation and increasing the weight of ovary and uterus in female mice and that of prostate, seminal vesicl and musculi levator ani in male mice.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sea-ear Shell (石决明) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sea-ear Shell (石决明) with Latin name Concha Haliotidis has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Haliotis diversicolor Reeve.;Haliotis discus hannai Ino.;Haliotis ovina Gmelin.;Haliotis ruber ( Leach).;Haliotis asinine Linnaeus.;Hatiotis laevigata (Donovan). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Improves eyesight.2. Haemostatic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pipe Fish (海龙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pipe Fish (海龙) with Latin name Syngnathus has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Solenognathus hard-wickii (Gray).;Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch).;Syngnathus acus Linnaeus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of impotence and seminal emission, mass in the abdomen, scrofula, traumatic injuries, external use for carbuncles and boils.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal (制黄精) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal (制黄精) with Latin name Rhizoma Polygonati Praeparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl.;Polygonatum sibiricum Red.;Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 2. Increasing coronary flow and myocardial contractility. 3. Lowering the level of blood lipids. 4. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and various kinds of fungi in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Shortstalk Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum nagarum var lasiandrum (雪上一枝蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Shortstalk Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum nagarum var lasiandrum (雪上一枝蒿) with Latin name Aconitum brachypodum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp bone pain, knocks and falls, pain in limbs, toothache,toxin swelling of sores, pain from carcinoma, pain in joints.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tokay Gecko (蛤蚧) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tokay Gecko (蛤蚧) with Latin name Gecko has properties of Mild; Salty, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses Gekko gecko Linnaeus. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dyspnea or asthma in deficiency syndromes, cough and hemoptysis in consumptive diseases, impotence, seminal emission.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Root of Japanese Stemona (制百部) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Root of Japanese Stemona (制百部) with Latin name Radix Stemonae Preparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Stemona japonica (Bl). Miq. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Relieving cough in common cold. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Schizonepeta (Jingjie), Platycodon root (Jiegeng) and Aster root (Ziwan). 2. Relieving whooping cough. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Glehnia root (Beishashen), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) and Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian). 3. Relieving cough due to tuberculosis. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang). 4. Lice of the head or body. The herb is made into a 20% tincture, or a 50% decoction used as an external wash.5. Pinworm. The 30-ml 100% decoction as an enema before sleep, daily for five days.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Carbonized palm fiber, Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (棕榈炭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Carbonized palm fiber, Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (棕榈炭) with Latin name Carbonized Vagina Trachycarpus Wagnerianus has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses Trachycarpus fortunei H. wendl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Hemorrhages due to extravasation of blood by heat manifested as cough with blood, vomiting with blood, epistaxis, bloody stool and uterine bleeding. Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan) is used with Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen). " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Germinated Barley (炒麦芽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Germinated Barley (炒麦芽) with Latin name Fructus Hordei germinatus Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Hordeum vulgare L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its decoction promotes the secretion of pepsin and gastric juice.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Knoxia Root (红大戟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Knoxia Root (红大戟) with Latin name Radix Knoxiae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hydrothorax and ascites with constipation and oliguria, carbuncles, sores, scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared tuber of Pinellia (制半夏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared tuber of Pinellia (制半夏) with Latin name Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough and asthma with much phlegm, dizziness and palpitation due to retention of phlegm and fluid, vertigo caused by wind-phlegm, headache with cold extremities due to attack of phlegm , stuffiness in the chest and the epigastrium, globus hys. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Snake Slough (蛇蜕) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Snake Slough (蛇蜕) with Latin name Periostracum Serpentis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Elaphe taeniura Cope.;Elaphe carinata (Guenther).;Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of infantile convulsion, nebula, inflammation of the throat, boils, cuaneous itching.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (炙升麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (炙升麻) with Latin name Rhizoma Cimicifugae Praeparata has properties of Minor cold; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Cimicifuga heracleifolia Kom.;Cimicifuga dahurica (Turcz.) Maxim.;Cimicifuga foetida L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Gastric infusion of its extract (mainly containing ferulic acid) in a dosage of 1.0g/kg can lower the body temperature of normal rats and relieve the pain elicited by acetic acid in mice.2. Inhibiting myocardium, slowing heart rate and lowering heart rate and lowering blood pressure.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Spine Date Seed (炒枣仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Spine Date Seed (炒枣仁) with Latin name Semen Ziziphi Spinosae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou as the part for treatment, and is indicated for The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Camphorar (樟脑) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Camphorar (樟脑) with Latin name Camphora has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presi as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Local application to the skin exerts a mild local anesthetic effect. 2. Oral use in small amount produces a feeling of warmth and comfort in the stomach, while in large dose causes irritating and leads to nausea and vomiting. 3. Stimulating the central nervous system, and also non-selectively the respiration. Large dose may cause convulsion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Long-noded Pit Viper (蕲蛇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Long-noded Pit Viper (蕲蛇) with Latin name Agkistrodon has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Agkistrodon acutus (Guenther). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treament of chronic rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis with numbeness and contracture, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies ringworm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Ephedra (炙麻黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Ephedra (炙麻黄) with Latin name Herba Ephedrae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Bladder meridian(s), uses Ephedra sinica Stapf;Ephedra intermedia Schrenk' et C. A. Mey.;Ephedra equisetina Bge. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its effects on cardiovascular system are similar to epinephrine in many aspects, but persist seven to ten times longer. The myocardial contractility and cardiac output are augmented and cardiac, cerebral and muscular blood flows are increased.2. Its bronchodilative effect is less prominent but more sustained than epinephrine.3. Mydriatic upon local application to the eye.4. Antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (制大黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (制大黄) with Latin name Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Praeparata has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Rheum palmatum L.;Rheum officinale Baill.;Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Turtle Shell (鳖甲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Turtle Shell (鳖甲) with Latin name Carapax Trionycis has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of fever due to deficiency of yin, consumptive fever, dizziness, tremor or fainting due to deficiency of yin, amenorrhea, mass in the abdomen, chronic malaria with splenomegaly.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Morinda officinalis (巴戟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Morinda officinalis (巴戟) with Latin name Radix Morindae officinalis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Kidney meridian(s), uses Morinda officinalis How as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, infertility menstrual disorders, pain and cold feeling in the lower abdomen; rheumatic arthralgia; limpness of the legs.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sweet Wormwood seed (青蒿子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sweet Wormwood seed (青蒿子) with Latin name Semen Artemisiae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Artemisia apiacea Hance;Artemisia annua L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Artemisinine from its volatile oil is an effective antimalarial agent on mice, monkey, chicken and human malaria. The malarial parasite will disappear in blood after oral administration of 100mg/kg for 3 days in mice and 200mg/kg for2-3 days in monkey. The therapeutic effect of artemisinie is similar to that of chloroquine.2. Antipyretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared fruit of Seville orange (炒枳壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared fruit of Seville orange (炒枳壳) with Latin name Fructus Aurantii Preparata has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Citrus aurantiu L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of distension and pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions due to stagnation of qi, indigestion with retention of phlegm and fluid, gastroptosis, prolapse of the rectum, prolapse of the uterus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of Cabline potchouli (广藿香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of Cabline potchouli (广藿香叶) with Latin name Folium Pogostemonis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, v. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tortoise Shell (龟甲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tortoise Shell (龟甲) with Latin name Carapax et Plastrum Testudinis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Chinemys reevesii (Gray) as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of consumptive fever and night sweating due to deficiency of yin, vertigo, tremors, weakness of legs, forgetfulness.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Egg Capsule of Mantid (桑螵蛸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Egg Capsule of Mantid (桑螵蛸) with Latin name Ootheca Mantidis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Tenodera sinensis Saussure;Statilia maculata (Thunberg).;Hierodula patellifera (Serville). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for To arrest spontaneous emission, to reduce excessive urination, and to cure turbid discharge from the urethra. cturnal emission, spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination, turbid discharge with urine.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared bark of Officinal magnolia (炙厚朴) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared bark of Officinal magnolia (炙厚朴) with Latin name Magnoliae Officinalis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils.;Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils. var. biloba Rehd. et Wils. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.2. Magnocurarine, one of the active components, can relaxstriated muscles.3. Its decoction stimulates the smooth muscles of intestines and bronchii in rabbits in vitro.4. Magnocuraine may also lower blood pressure and accelerate heart rate.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Papermulberry Fruit (楮实) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Papermulberry Fruit (楮实) with Latin name Fructus Broussonetiae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of aching and weakness of the loins and knees, consumptive fever, dizziness and blurred visiidn, nebula, edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared pollen of longbract cattail (蒲黄炭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared pollen of longbract cattail (蒲黄炭) with Latin name pollen typhae Preparata has properties of Cool; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Typha angustifolia L.;Typha orientalis Presl as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Strengthening the tone and promoting rhythmical contraction of uterus in animals and human. 2. Its decoction lowers blood pressure and shortens blood clotting time.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of Cluster Mallow (冬葵子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of Cluster Mallow (冬葵子) with Latin name Semen Malvae verticillatae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses Malva verticillata L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its fatty oil is a purgative.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Light wheat (浮小麦) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Light wheat (浮小麦) with Latin name Fructus Tritici levis has properties of Cool; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Triticum aestivum as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Antisudorific.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root-bark White Mulberry (炙桑柏皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root-bark White Mulberry (炙桑柏皮) with Latin name Cortex Mori radicis Praeparata has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Morus alba L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its extract is hypotensive, cardio-inhibitory and vasoconstrictive, and excites the intestines and uterus in experimental animals.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Pinellia Tuber (法半夏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Pinellia Tuber (法半夏) with Latin name Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Rhizoma Pinelliae as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough and asthma with copious phlegm, dizziness and palpitation caused by wind-phlegm and phlegm retention, headache due to adverse rising of phlegm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of white seed of Oriental Sesame (芝麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, white seed of Oriental Sesame (芝麻) with Latin name Semen Sesami has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Sesamum indicum DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Verticillate Paris (七叶一枝花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Verticillate Paris (七叶一枝花) with Latin name Rhizoma Paridis verticillatae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Paris verticillata M. Bieb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Virustatic, esp. on Asia influenza A virus, and bacteriostatic. 2. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 3. An active component, pariphyllin, exerts a sedative effect on mice and in synergistic with pentobarbital sodium. 4. Pariphyllin inhibits uterocervical carcinoma14 in mice.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of watermelon rind (西瓜皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, watermelon rind (西瓜皮) with Latin name Exocarpium Citrulli has properties of Cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansfelf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. An active component, citrulline, raises urea level in blood and in urine, thus promotes diuresis.2. Oral administration of cucurbocitrin, another active component, or its aqueous extract can lower blood pressure and capillary pressure in healthy person.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Glehnia root (沙参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Glehnia root (沙参) with Latin name Radix Glehniae has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glehnia littoralis Fr. Sehmidt ex Miq;Adenophora tetraphylla (Thunb.) Fisch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Deficient yin of the lungs with heat manifested as dry cough or cough with scanty sputum, hoarse voice from a chronic cough, dry throat and thirst. Glehnia root (Shashen) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Tendrilled fritillary bu. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Longspur epimedium (仙灵脾) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Longspur epimedium (仙灵脾) with Latin name herba epimedii has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses Epimediumbrevicornum Maxim.;Epimedium sagittatum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim.;Epimedium pubescens Maxm.;Epimedium wushanense T. S. Ying;Epimedium koreanum Nakai as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Dilating coronary artery and increasing coronary flow.2. Acting as androgenic hormone, such as increasing the weight of prostate, seminal vesicle and musculi levator ani in mice.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root of tatarian aster (炙紫菀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root of tatarian aster (炙紫菀) with Latin name radix asteris Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Aster tataricus L. f. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Inhibiting the growth of some gram-negative bacteria and influenzae virus in vitro. 2. Its benzene and methyl alcohol extract exert an expectorant effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Chinese Nmagnoliavine (北五味) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Chinese Nmagnoliavine (北五味) with Latin name Fructus Schiandrae has properties of Warm; Sweet; Sour, affects the Lung; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Schisandra chinensis (Turcz. ) Baill as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction exerts bacteriostatic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1:128), Staphylococcus aureus (1:64), Flexner's bacillus (1:32) and typhoid bacillus (1:8) in vitro.2. Schizandrin, one of its active components, can protect the liver from damage.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.4. Cardiotonic and sedative.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh soybean (新豉) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh soybean (新豉) with Latin name Semen Sojae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glycine max (L.) Merr. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of chills, fever and headache in colds and influenza, vexation, oppressed feeling in the chest and insomnia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Capillaris, Oriental wormwood (陈蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Capillaris, Oriental wormwood (陈蒿) with Latin name Herba Artemisiae Scopariae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Artemisia capillaris Thunb.;Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of jaundice . " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Purple perilla fruit, Prepared Perilla seed (炒苏子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Purple perilla fruit, Prepared Perilla seed (炒苏子) with Latin name Fructus Perillae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Upward perversion of lung qi caused by excessive phlegm fluid manifested as cough with white profuse sputum, or asthma and fullness and stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with White musta. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Antelope Horn (羚羊角) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Antelope Horn (羚羊角) with Latin name Cornu Saigae Tataricae has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Saiga tatarica Linnaeus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Intraperitoneal injection of its alcoholic extract (0.05mg/g) exerts sedative effect in mice.2. Its alcoholic extract and hydrolsate lower vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.3. Analgesic, anti-convulsive and hypotensive.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Seed of Flaststem Milkvetch (沙苑蒺藜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Seed of Flaststem Milkvetch (沙苑蒺藜) with Latin name Semen Astragali Complanati has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Astragalus complanatus R.Br as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of PreparedFruit of Medicine Terminalia (炮诃子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, PreparedFruit of Medicine Terminalia (炮诃子) with Latin name Fructus Terminaliae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sour; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Terminaliae chebula Retz as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of protracted diarrhea with hematochezia and prolapse of the rectum, chronic cough with sore throat and hoarseness of voice.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of lotus rhizome (藕汁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, lotus rhizome (藕汁) with Latin name Succus Rhizoma Lotus has properties of Mild; Sweet; Punkery, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treament of hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, abnormal uterine bleeding.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of oil of Cabline potchouli (广藿香油) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, oil of Cabline potchouli (广藿香油) with Latin name Oleum Pogostemonis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, v. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dried Lacquer (干漆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dried Lacquer (干漆) with Latin name Resina Toxicodendri has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Toxicodendron vernicifl um (Stokes) F. A. Barkl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of amenorrhea and mass formation in the abdomen caused by blood stasis, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Loquat Leaf (炙枇杷叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Loquat Leaf (炙枇杷叶) with Latin name Folium Eriobotryae Praeparata has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. ) Lindl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro.2. Its saponins exert an expectorant effect.3. Inhibiting the influenza virus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Defatted Croton Seed Powder (巴豆霜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Defatted Croton Seed Powder (巴豆霜) with Latin name Semen Crotonis Pulveratum has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Croton tiglium L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of constipation and indigestion due to accumulation of cold; ascites and edema with oliguria and constipation; inflammation of the throat.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Malaytea scurfpea (破故纸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Malaytea scurfpea (破故纸) with Latin name Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae has properties of Extreme Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Psoralea corylifolia L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Corylifolinin ( isobavachalcone ) dilates coronary artery significantly. 2. Promoting phagocytosis of macrophage. 3. Exciting the intestinal smooth muscles in vivo or in vitro, and relaxing the uterus of guinea-pigs in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Mume flower, Japanese apricot flower (绿萼梅) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Mume flower, Japanese apricot flower (绿萼梅) with Latin name Flos Mume has properties of Sour; astringent; neutral, affects the Liver; stomach meridian(s), uses Prumus mume (Sieb.) Zieb. et Zucc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Qi stagnation in the liver and stomach manifested as distension and pain in the hypochondriac regions, belching and epigastric pain. Mume flower (Lu'emei) is used with Bupleurum root (Chaihu), Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu), Green tangerine peel. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Frankincense (制乳香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Frankincense (制乳香) with Latin name Resina Olibani Praparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Boswellia carterii Birdw as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Exerting significant analgesic effect.2. Dilating the peripheral blood vessels.3. Enhancing the phagocytosis of macrophages in the abdominal cavity of mice.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Clove leaf (丁香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Clove leaf (丁香叶) with Latin name Folium Caryophylli has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses Eugenia caryophylata Thunb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hiccup, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea and epigastric and abdominal pain with cold sensation in deficiencycold syndromes of the spleen and stomach, impotence due to deficiency of the kidney yang.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Laxflower Cowparsnip (大独活) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Laxflower Cowparsnip (大独活) with Latin name Radix Heraclei maximi has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver meridian(s), uses Heracleum maximum Bartram as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of rheumatic arthritis with pain in the lower back and knees, headache due to attack of cold on the Shaoyin Channel characterized by association of headache with precordial pain and cold legs.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Black-tail Snake (乌梢蛇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Black-tail Snake (乌梢蛇) with Latin name Zaocys has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of chronic rheumatiod arthritis with numbness and ankylosis, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies, scrofula with suppuration.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lotus seed (石莲子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lotus seed (石莲子) with Latin name Semen Nelumbinis has properties of Sweet; astringent; neutral, affects the Spleen; kidney; heart meridian(s), uses Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of protracted diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen, seminal emission, leukorrhagia, palpitation, insomnia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared FLeeceflower Root (制首乌) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared FLeeceflower Root (制首乌) with Latin name Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Radix Polygoni Multiflori as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of anemia, dizziness and tinnitus, premature greying of the hair and beard, soreness and weakness of the loins and the knees, abnormal uterine bleeding and excessive leukorrhea, general debility in chronic malaria, hyperlipemia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Honeycomb (炙蜂房) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Honeycomb (炙蜂房) with Latin name Nidus Vespae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Stomach meridian(s), uses Polistes olivaceous (Degeer).;Polistes japonicus Saussure.;Parapolybia varia Fabricius. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of toothache due to caries, sores, ulcers, mastitis, scrofula, ringworm, tinea unguium.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Snakegourd peel (瓜篓皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Snakegourd peel (瓜篓皮) with Latin name Pericarpium Trichosanthis has properties of Cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.;Trichosanthes rosthornii Harms as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough with yellowish sticky expectoration, oppressed feeling in the chest and costal pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Red Tangerine Peel (橘红皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Red Tangerine Peel (橘红皮) with Latin name Exocarpium Citri Rubrum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses Citrus reticulate Blanco and its cultivars as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough, itching of the throat and profuse expectoration in colds, nausea, vomiting and epigastric distension caused by improper diet or excessive drinking.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Biglcaf Yam (淮山药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Biglcaf Yam (淮山药) with Latin name Rhizoma Dioscoreae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Dioscorea opposita Thunb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its decoction (1:12800) can promote the phagocytosis of leukocyte in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Jackinthepulpit Tuber (制南星) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Jackinthepulpit Tuber (制南星) with Latin name Rhizoma Arisaematis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Arisaema consanguineum Schott.; Arisaema amurense Maxim.;Arisaema heterophyllum Bl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of intractable phlegm with cough, vertigo, stroke with phlegm in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth,and hemiplegia, epilepsy and convulsions, tetanus. External use of the crude drug for boils, sores, snake and insect bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hot pepper (辣椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hot pepper (辣椒) with Latin name fructus Capsici has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Capsicum annuum.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chrysanthemum Flower (菊花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chrysanthemum Flower (菊花) with Latin name Flos Chrysanthemi has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses capitulum as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, hypertension, externally contracted wind-heat, wind warmth, fever and headache, dizziness, common cold, red eyes, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chrysanthemum Flower (杭菊) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chrysanthemum Flower (杭菊) with Latin name Flos Chrysanthemi has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of wind-heat type common cold, headache and dizziness, inflammation of the eye, blurred vision.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Pennywort Herb (积雪草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Pennywort Herb (积雪草) with Latin name herba centellae has properties of Warm; Slightly Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses whole herb with root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Sand qi abdominal pain, summerheat-heat diarrhea, dysentery, damp-heat jaundice, sand strangury, blood strangury, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, red eyes, swollen throat, wind papules, scab and lichen, swelling toxin of clove welling abscess, knocks and falls, hypertension.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Pennywort Herb (落得打) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Pennywort Herb (落得打) with Latin name herba centellae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, heat stroke with diarrhea, urolithiasis and hematuria, carbuncles and boils, traumatic injuries.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Honeysuckle Flower (双花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Honeysuckle Flower (双花) with Latin name Flos Lonicerae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Lonicera japonica Thunb.;Lonicera hypoglauca Miq.;Lonicera confuse DC.;Lonicera dasystyla Rehd. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Broad-spectrum antibiotic , chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid and luteolin are the major active components2. Anti-inflammatory, 0.25g/kg intraperitoneally in mice.3. Antipyretic.4. Its aqueous distillate (1:1280) promotes white cell phagocytosis and enhances lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Honeysuckle Flower (金银花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Honeysuckle Flower (金银花) with Latin name Flos Lonicerae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses flower bud as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, acute laryngitis, skin suppurations, welling abscess, viral conjunctivitis, influenza, pneumonia, mastitis, acute appendicitis, warm disease fever, heat toxin blood dysentery, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, throat impediment.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Common Turmeric (姜黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Common Turmeric (姜黄) with Latin name Rhizoma Curcumae longae has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Gallstones, jaundice, leukaemia in early stage and carcinoma of uterine cervix in early stage, chronic ulcer, chronic scab, blood stasis and qi stagnation, pain in chest and abdomen and rib-side, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, wind-heat impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh Ginger (生姜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh Ginger (生姜) with Latin name Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses fresh rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold common cold, fever and aversion to wind, headache and nasal congestion, vomiting, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, distention fullness, diarrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cassia Bark (肉桂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cassia Bark (肉桂) with Latin name Cortex Cinmomi has properties of Hot; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence, uterus cold, cold pain in lumbus and knees, kidney vacuity asthma, yang vacuity dizziness, red eyes and sore pharynx, cold pain in heart and abdomen, vacuity cold vomiting and diarrhea, cold mounting, running piglet, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cabbage (甘蓝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cabbage (甘蓝) with Latin name Brassica oleracea var. capitata has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour; Punkery, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat jaundice, pain from ulcer in digestive tract, stiffness in joints, vacuity detriment.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Ural Licorice (甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Ural Licorice (甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Ural Licorice (小甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Ural Licorice (小甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch; Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat.;Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lucid Ganoderma (灵芝(赤芝)) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lucid Ganoderma (灵芝(赤芝)) with Latin name Ganoderma Lucidum seu Japonicum has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses dried sporocarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hyperlipemia, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, septicemia, carcinoma, hepatitis, vacuity taxation, palpitation, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue hypodynamia, enduring cough and asthma, chronic bronchitis, silicosis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of common htreewingnut (雷公藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of common htreewingnut (雷公藤) with Latin name radix tripterygii wilfordii has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root, leaf and flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy syndrome, erythematous lupus, dryness in eyes and mouth, Behcet’s syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, leprosy, scab sore, intractable lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Heartleaf Houttuynia (鱼腥草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Heartleaf Houttuynia (鱼腥草) with Latin name Herba Houttuyniae has properties of Minor cold; Pungent, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pulmonary welling abscess with hacking of pus and blood, lung heat phlegm cough, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infection, odynuria, chronic uterine cervical infection, leptospirosis, otitis media, cystitis, dysentery, mastitis, heat toxin sores, heat strangury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Aloe (芦荟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Aloe (芦荟) with Latin name Aloe has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses solid residue obtained by evaporating liquid which drains from leaves as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Constipation, child gan accumulation, ascariasis, fright wind, lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Membranous Milkvetch (黄芪) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Membranous Milkvetch (黄芪) with Latin name Radix Astragali has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold, influenza, chronic wound ulcer, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, qi vacuity edema, chronic gastritis, qi vacuity and hypodynamia, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, center qi fall, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, spontaneous sweating due to exterior vacuity.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Largehead Atractylodes (白术) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Largehead Atractylodes (白术) with Latin name Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen qi vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, reduced food intake with abdominal distention, sloppy stool, water-rheum collecting internally, inhibited urination, edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, damp impediment, qi vacuity, spontaneous sweating, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Baikal skullcap (黄芩) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Baikal skullcap (黄芩) with Latin name Radix Scutellariae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chest oppression with retching, diarrhea, jaundice, lung heat cough, infection of upper respiratory tract, acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, ardent fever with vexation and thirst, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Chinese Goldthread (川黄连) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Chinese Goldthread (川黄连) with Latin name Rhizoma Coptidis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Coptis chinensis Franch.;Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao.;Coptis teeta Wall. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its chief component is berberine. 1. Possessing broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. 2. Intravenous injection or oral administration of berberine exerts a hypotensive effect on experimental animals. 3. Small dosage of berberine enhances the action of acetylcholine on animals' hearts in vitro, while large dosage counteracts it. 4. Relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels and stimulating those of uterus, urinary bladderl bronchus and gastrointestines. 5. Promoting bile secretion. 6. Berberine inhibits the cellular growht of ascitic cancer and lymphoma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Chinese Goldthread (黄连) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Chinese Goldthread (黄连) with Latin name Rhizoma Coptidis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Febrile infectious diseases, dysentery, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, diphtheria, infection of upper respiratory tract, scarlatina, typhoid fever, acute conjunctivitis, otitis media, acute surgical infection, septicemia, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, eruptive dermatitis, hypertension, vexation and agitation, clouded spirit with delirious speech, damp-heat glomus in chest, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, insomnia and vexation due to effulgent fire, stomach heat vomiting, swift digestion with rapid hungering, red eyes with pain due to liver fire, heat toxin sores, clove sore running yellow, gum swelling and pain, mouth sore, tongue sores, genital swelling, bleeding from hemorrhoids, eczema, scalds.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of lobed kudzuvine (葛根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of lobed kudzuvine (葛根) with Latin name Radix Puerariae has properties of Cool; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, hypertension, headache due to externally contracted wind-heat, rigidity of neck, thirst, diabetes mellitus, non-eruption of measles, heat dysentery, diarrhea, deafness in early stage, optic nerve atrophy, retinitis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Arnebia Root Gromwell Root (紫草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Arnebia Root Gromwell Root (紫草) with Latin name Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Macula, measles papules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, purpura, jaundice, welling abscess and flat abscess, scalds.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Apricot Seed (杏仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Apricot Seed (杏仁) with Latin name Prunus armeniaca has properties of Bitter; slightly warm, affects the Lung; large intestine meridian(s), uses bitter seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough, asthma and fullness due to external contraction cough, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Ligulilobe sage (丹参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Ligulilobe sage (丹参) with Latin name Radix Salviae liguliobae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, cerebral atherosclerosis, diffusive intravascular clotting, thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, acute surgical infection, mastitis, erysipelas, otitis media, tonsillitis, bone marrow infection, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, pain in heart and abdomen, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, heat impediment swelling and pain, knocks and falls, heat entering construction-blood, vexation and agitation, insomnia and vexation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, zoster, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Borneol (冰片) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Borneol (冰片) with Latin name Borneolum syntheticum has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses resin as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, phlegm reversal, wind stroke, coma, convulsion, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, swollen and painful eyes, sores, ulcer.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Japanese Ampelopsis (白蔹) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Japanese Ampelopsis (白蔹) with Latin name Radix Ampelopsis has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds, scrofula, damp sore, warm malaria, frightepilepsy, blood dysentery, intestinal wind, hemorrhoids and fistulas, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Allium bulb (葱白) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Allium bulb (葱白) with Latin name Bulbus Allii Fistulosi has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses fresh bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold common cold, yin cold abdominal pain, inhibited urine and stool, dysentery, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of Jobstears (薏苡仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of Jobstears (薏苡仁) with Latin name semen coicis has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema, beriberi, inhibited urination, damp impediment and hypertonicity, spleen vacuity diarrhea, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, flat wart.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit (山茱萸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit (山茱萸) with Latin name Fructus Corni has properties of Warm; Sweet; Sour; Punkery, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Dizziness and tinnitus, aching in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, enuresis and frequent urination, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, vacuity and profuse sweating, vacuity desertion due to great sweating, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, dysmenorrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit (枣皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit (枣皮) with Latin name Fructus Corni has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Cornus office Sieb. et Zucc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Relieving cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia in mice.2. Diuretic and hypotensive3. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus dysenteriae in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Paniculate Swallowwort Root (徐长卿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Paniculate Swallowwort Root (徐长卿) with Latin name Radix Cynchi Paniculati has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Rheumatic arthritis, toothache, lumbago, pain after operation, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, infection of skin, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, infective dermatitis, zoster, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Weeping Forsythia Capsule (连翘) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Weeping Forsythia Capsule (连翘) with Latin name Fructus Forsythiae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses dried fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Influenza in early stage, common cold in early stage, wind-heat common cold, encephalitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, warm disease, heat strangury with inhibited pain, welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess, toxin swelling, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, throat impediment.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pharbitis seed (牵牛子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pharbitis seed (牵牛子) with Latin name Semen Pharbitidis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema distention fullness, inhibited urine and stool, phlegm-rheum and accumulation-gathering, qi counterflow with cough and asthma, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, ascariasis, taeniasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pharbitis seed (白丑(黑丑)) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pharbitis seed (白丑(黑丑)) with Latin name Semen Pharbitidis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. One of its components, pharbitin, is purgative.2. Large dosage may induc hyperemia of kidney and cause hematuria.3. Killing Ascaris suis in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Scorpion (全蝎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Scorpion (全蝎) with Latin name Buthus martensi has properties of Mild; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses body as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Infant fright wind, convulsion, spasm, wind stroke with deviated eyes and mouth, hemiplegia, tetanus, wind-damp impediment, migraine, headache, toothache, deafness, hypertension, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scrofula with phlegm node, snake bite, burns, wind papules, intractable lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (升麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (升麻) with Latin name Rhizoma Cimicifugae has properties of Minor cold; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Prevention of ptosis, women’s hormone dysfunction diseases, seasonal epidemic fire toxin, mouth sore, sore pharynx, macula, cold-heat headache, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, center qi fall, spleen vacuity diarrhea, chronic dysentery, vaginal discharge, flooding.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Thinleaf Milkwort Equivalent plant: Polygala sibirica (远志) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Thinleaf Milkwort Equivalent plant: Polygala sibirica (远志) with Latin name Polygala tenuifolia has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pharyngitis, disquieted heart spirit, fright palpitation and insomnia, amnesia, fright epilepsy, cough with profuse phlegm, effusion of back from welling abscess and flat abscess, painful swollen breast.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Cricket (蟋蟀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Cricket (蟋蟀) with Latin name Gryllulus chinensis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Salty, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses dried body as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Urinary stoppage, edema, ascites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Nux Vomica (马钱子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Nux Vomica (马钱子) with Latin name Semen Strychni has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hemiplegia, numbness and paralysis, muscle weakness, impotence, hypertrophic spinitis, chronic anemia, wind-damp intractable impediment, sequel of poliomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, knocks and falls, swelling pain of welling abscess and flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Nux Vomica (炙马钱子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Nux Vomica (炙马钱子) with Latin name Semen Strychni Praeparata has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Strychnos nux-vomica L.;Strychnos pierriana A. W. Hill. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of protracted arthritis, rheumatoid arthralgia, numbness and paralysis, sequala of poliomyelitis, traumatic injury, boils and sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Isatis indigotica (板蓝根(大青叶)) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Isatis indigotica (板蓝根(大青叶)) with Latin name Folium Isatidis has properties of Extreme Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute parotitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, lung abscess, acute gastroenteritis, infection of upper respiratory tract, warm evil in construction, ardent fever with clouded spirit, macular eruption and papules, jaundice, heat dysentery, epidemic parotitis, throat impediment, erysipelas, swollen welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of leatherleaf Mahonia (十大功劳叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of leatherleaf Mahonia (十大功劳叶) with Latin name Folium Mahoe has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, steaming bone tidal fever, dizziness and tinnitus, limp aching lumbus and knees, damp-heat jaundice, vaginal discharge, dysentery, wind-heat common cold, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Niger Bean;Hyacinth Dolichos Seed (扁豆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Niger Bean;Hyacinth Dolichos Seed (扁豆) with Latin name Lablab niger has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Dolichos lablab L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Containing phytoagglutintin, trypsin and amylase inhibitors.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Clubmoss Herb (伸筋草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Clubmoss Herb (伸筋草) with Latin name Herba Lycopodii;Lycopodium japonium;Common Clubmoss Herb has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Lycopodium japonicum Thunb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds.;Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Blackend Swallowwort Root (白薇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Blackend Swallowwort Root (白薇) with Latin name Radix cynchi atrati;Blackend Swallowwort has properties of Cold; Bitter; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Tylophora ovata .. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Peking Euphorbia (大蓟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Peking Euphorbia (大蓟) with Latin name Euphorbia pekinensis;Peking spurge root;Radix euphorbiae pekinensis has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses tuberoid;Euphorbia pekinesis Rupr.;Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema, seeper in chest and abdomen, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urine and stool, swollen welling abscess, scrofula.;1. Treatment of edema of the face and the body, retention of fluid in the chest and ascites. Peking spurge root (Daji) is used with Jujube (Dazao), Kansui root (Gansui) and Genkwa flower (Yuanhua) in the formula Shizao Tang. 2. Treatment of boils, carbunc. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Thistle (大蓟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Thistle (大蓟) with Latin name Herba Cirsii Japonici;Radix Cirsii Japonici;Herba seu Radix Cirsii japonici has properties of Cool; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Cirsium japonici DC. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction can lower blood pressure2. Inhibiting the growth of (a)-streptococcus3. Shortening the bleeding time.4. Anti-inflammatory5. Diuretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Ginger (黑姜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Ginger (黑姜) with Latin name Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Zingiber officinale (Willd.) Rosc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hmatemesis, hemafecia, hemoptysis and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Ginger (炮姜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Ginger (炮姜) with Latin name Rhizoma Zingiberis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Zingiber officinale (Willd.) Rosc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hmatemesis, hemafecia, hemoptysis and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf (满山红) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf (满山红) with Latin name Folium Rhododendri Daurici has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cochinchinese Asparagus (天门冬) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cochinchinese Asparagus (天门冬) with Latin name Asparagus cochinchinensis [Syn. Asparagus lucidus ] has properties of Sweet; bitter; Extremely cold, affects the Lung; kidney meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Yin vacuity fever, cough with blood ejection, lung wilting, pulmonary welling abscess, swelling pain in throat, diabetes mellitus, constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Platycodon Root;Balloonflower (桔梗) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Platycodon Root;Balloonflower (桔梗) with Latin name Radix Platycodi has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough with profuse phlegm, swelling pain in throat, pulmonary welling abscess with hacking of pus and blood, fullness in chest and rib-side pain, dysentery, dribbling urinary block.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cicada Slough;Periostracum Cicadae (蝉蜕) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cicada Slough;Periostracum Cicadae (蝉蜕) with Latin name Periostracum Cicadae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses Cryptotympana pustulate Fabricius as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of upper respiratory infection with sore throat, hoarseness of voice, measles with inadequate eruption, urticaria with itching, inflammation of the eye with formation of corneal opacity, convulsion, tetanus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Purpleflower Holly Leaf (四季青) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Purpleflower Holly Leaf (四季青) with Latin name Folium Llicis Chinensis has properties of Cold; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Heart meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, dysentery, diarrhea, infection of biliary tract , urinary tract infection, burns and scalds, heat toxin swollen welling abscess, ulcer of lower limb, eczema, frostbite, cracking, wound, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of stem of Chinese starjasmine (络石藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, stem of Chinese starjasmine (络石藤) with Latin name Caulis Trachelospermi has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses leafy stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching in lumbus and knees, throat impediment, swollen welling abscess, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Round Cardamom (白豆蔻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Round Cardamom (白豆蔻) with Latin name Amomum kravanh [Syn. Amomum cardamomum] has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach qi stagnation due to damp obstructing middle-jiao, vomiting with stomach cold, vomiting of milk in infants with stomach cold.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus;Cordyceps sinensis (冬虫夏草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Caterpillar Fungus;Cordyceps sinensis (冬虫夏草) with Latin name Cordyceps has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses a drug consisting of dried fungal stroma growing on larva of a caterpillar as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence and emission, neurasthenia, backache, aching in lumbus and knees, enduring cough and vacuity asthma, taxation damage hemoptysis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Glossy privet;Ligustrum lucidum (女贞子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Glossy privet;Ligustrum lucidum (女贞子) with Latin name Fructus Ligustri lucidi has properties of Cool; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Ligustru lucidu Ait. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Septicemia, chronic bronchitis, acute dysentery, dizziness and tinnitus, premature graying in beard and hair, dim vision.;1. Its component oleanolic acid can prevent and relieve cyclophosphamide-induced leukocytopenia in mice.2. Enhancing the anoxia tolerance of mice under atmospheric pressure.3. Increasing coronary flow in rabbits in vitro.4. Relaxing adrenaline-induced vasocontricyion in rabbits in vitro.5. Lowering the level of blood lipid.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tuber Fleeceflower Stem (夜交藤;首乌藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tuber Fleeceflower Stem (夜交藤;首乌藤) with Latin name Polygonum multiflorum;Caulis Polygoni Multiflori has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses stem;Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Insomnia, frequent dreaming, anemia and generalized pain, muscle numbness, wind-damp impediment pain, wind papule itching.;1. Decreasing the level of blood lipids and inhibiting the formation of atherosclerosis.2. Oral admintration of its decoction increases the level of blood sugar in rabbits.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Castor Seed;Castorbean Seed (蓖麻子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Castor Seed;Castorbean Seed (蓖麻子) with Latin name Semen Ricini has properties of Mild; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses ripe seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, throat impediment, scrofula, dry stool.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Frankincense;Olibanum (乳香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Frankincense;Olibanum (乳香) with Latin name Resi oliani has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses balsam as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pain in heart and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, stasis pain from knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, intestinal welling abscess, enduring sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Abelmusk (麝香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Abelmusk (麝香) with Latin name Moschus moschiferus, Moschus berezovskii, Moschus sifanicus has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses dried secretion obtained from musk gland of musk deer as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, cerebral thrombosis, vascular migraine, carcinoma, febrile diseases clouded spirit, wind stroke with phlegm reversal, qi depression and fulminant reversal, malignity stroke stupor, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, sudden pain in heart and abdomen, knocks and falls, wound, impediment pain numbness, malign sore with welling abscess and flat abscess, throat impediment, mouth sore, gan of teeth and gum, otitis media.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Garlic;Allium sativum (大蒜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Garlic;Allium sativum (大蒜) with Latin name Bulbus Allii has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, dysentery, bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, tuberculosis, epidemic encephalitis, cholera, trichomoniasis, laryngeal carcinoma, pertussis, throat impediment, dry cough, common cold, malaria, edema, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, intestinal welling abscess, lichen sore, snake or insect bites, ancylostomiasis, oxyuria disease, taenia infection, vaginal discharge and pudendal itch, clavus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hindu Lotus Plumule (莲子心) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hindu Lotus Plumule (莲子心) with Latin name Plumula Nelumbinis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Punkery, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses dried plumule and radicle in seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat entering pericardium, clouded spirit with delirious speech, non-interaction of heart and kidney, insomnia and emission, blood ejection due to blood heat, hypertension.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Rangooncreeper;Quisqualis indica (使君子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Rangooncreeper;Quisqualis indica (使君子) with Latin name Fructus Quisqualis has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses ripe fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, child gan accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of All - grass of Mile Swertia (青叶胆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, All - grass of Mile Swertia (青叶胆) with Latin name Herba Swertiae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat jaundice, heat strangury with inhibited pain, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, red and white vaginal discharge, influenza, malaria with fever, acute gastritis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, acute tonsillitis, acute conjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Chinese Angelica (贯众) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Chinese Angelica (贯众) with Latin name Rhizoma Dryopteris crassirhizomae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Dryopteris crassirhixoma Nakai.;Osmunda japonica Thunb.;Woodwardia unigemmata (Makino) Nakai as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1.Antivirotic and bacteriostatic. 2. Parasiticidal effect on hookworm, roundworm and whipworm, etc. in human, and its component filmarone, on tapeworm. 3. Its decoction shortens the blood clotting time in rabbits. 4. Its extract exerts an abortive effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Cherokee Rose;Rosa laevigata (金樱子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Cherokee Rose;Rosa laevigata (金樱子) with Latin name Fructus Rosae laevigatae has properties of Mild; Sour; Punkery, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Emission, enuresis and frequent urination, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, chronic diarrhea and dysentery.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Japanese Stemo;Tuber Stemona (百部) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Japanese Stemo;Tuber Stemona (百部) with Latin name Radix Stemoe has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold cough, pertussis, tuberculosis, senile cough and asthma, ascariasis, oxyuria disease, scab and lichen, eczema, cootie.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cockroach (庶虫) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cockroach (庶虫) with Latin name Eupolyphaga seu steleophaga has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Eupolyphaga sinensia Warker ;Steleophaga ptancyi (Boleny) as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1.Treatment of amenorrhea or postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stagnation. Cockroach (Chechong) is used with Rhubarb (Dahuang) and Peach seed (Taoren) in the formula Xia Yuxue Tang .2. Treatment of abdominal or epigastric masses. Cockroach (Chechong). " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Combined Spicebush Root (乌药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Combined Spicebush Root (乌药) with Latin name Radix Linderae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Bladder; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distending pain in chest and abdomen, qi counterflow with rapid asthma, bladder vacuity cold, enuresis and frequent urination, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cassia Seed;Sickle Senna Seed (决明子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cassia Seed;Sickle Senna Seed (决明子) with Latin name Semen Cassiae;Semen Sene has properties of Sweet; bitter; slightly cold, affects the Liver; large intestine meridian(s), uses ripe seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Cassia obtusifolia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Chinese Thorowax;Radix Bupleuri (柴胡) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Chinese Thorowax;Radix Bupleuri (柴胡) with Latin name Radix Bupleuri has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold, influenza, malaria, acute pancreatitis, pleuritis, neuritis, gastritis, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, fever due to external contraction, keratitis, cold-heat in turn, liver depression and rib-side pain, mammary distention, dizziness and headache, menstrual disorder, prolapse of rectum due to qi vacuity fall, prolapse of uterus, gastroptosis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dendrobium (石斛) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dendrobium (石斛) with Latin name Herba Dendrobii has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe.; Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. var. oculatum Hook.;Dendrobium chrysanthum Wall.;Dendrobium candidum Wall. ex Lindl.;Dendrobium nobile Lindl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Dendrobine, one of its components, exerts the effects of raising the level of blood sugar, hypotensive, antipyretic and analgesic.2. Its infusion is cardio-inhibitory.3. Low dosage causes excitation while high dosage causes inhibition of the intestine of rabbits in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Kelp or Tangle (昆布) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Kelp or Tangle (昆布) with Latin name Thallus Lamiriae has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses dried thallus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Goiter and tuberculosis, scrofula, bleeding, painful swollen testes, phlegm-rheum and edema, prevention of cataracts.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Lophatherum (淡竹叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Lophatherum (淡竹叶) with Latin name Lophatherum gracile has properties of Cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Stomach; Small Intestine; Heart meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, inhibited voidings of reddish urine, dribbling pain of urination, mouth sore, tongue sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Manchurian Dutchmanspipe (关木通) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Manchurian Dutchmanspipe (关木通) with Latin name Aristolochia manshuriensis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Small Intestine; Heart meridian(s), uses stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Mouth sore, tongue sores, vexation and reddish urine, edema, heat strangury with inhibited pain, leukorrhea, amenorrhea and scant milk, damp-heat impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Amur Corktree Equivalent plant;Phellodendron chinense;Phellodendron chinense var Glabriusculum;Phellodendron amurense var wilsonii;Phellodendron bark (黄柏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Amur Corktree Equivalent plant;Phellodendron chinense;Phellodendron chinense var Glabriusculum;Phellodendron amurense var wilsonii;Phellodendron bark (黄柏) with Latin name Phellodendron amurense;Cortex Phellodendri has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat dysentery, tuberculosis, epidemic meningitis, acute conjunctivitis, trachoma, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, suppurative hematochezia, tenesmus, jaundice, yellow thick foul leukorrhagia, swelling pain in knees and feet, urinary tract infection, boil, sore, ulcer, eczema, mouth sore, hemorrhoids, burns, scalds, exuberance of fire with tidal fever, tidal fever with night sweat, emission.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of White peony root (白芍) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, White peony root (白芍) with Latin name Radix Paeoniae Alba has properties of Minor cold; Sour; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Headache and dizziness, pain in rib-side, abdominal pain, spasm in limbs, anemia with yellow complexion, menstrual disorder, profuse menstruation, spontaneous sweating, night sweating.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of White peony root (杭芍) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, White peony root (杭芍) with Latin name Radix Paeoniae Alba has properties of Minor cold; Sour; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Paeonia lactiflora pall. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Dilating the coronary artery and blood vessels of hind legs in dogs. 2. Lowering blood pressure transiently. 3. Inhibiting the intestines in rabbits in vitro. 4. Its component paeoniflorin inhibits the central nervous systems.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of American Ginseng (西洋参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, American Ginseng (西洋参) with Latin name Radix Pacis quinquefolii has properties of Cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Qi vacuity, yin depletion and effulgent fire, cough and asthma with phlegm-blood, vacuity heat and vexation fatigue, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, thirst with dry throat.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Chinese Angelica (当归根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Chinese Angelica (当归根) with Latin name Radix Angelicae sinensis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Women’s diseases, blood deficiency syndrome, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea due to anemia, thrombophlebitis, neuralgia, arthritis, chronic nephritis, constrictive aortitis, blood vaculty, pernicious anemia, anemia due to folic acid deficiency, dysentery, hepatitis, Raynaud’s disease, lumbago, various pains due to blood stasis and rheumatic impediment, sores, welling abscess, constipation, ulcer in gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ginseng (人参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ginseng (人参) with Latin name Radix Ginseng has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Qi vacuity and verging on desertion, cold limbs and faint pulse, reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, fluid damage and thirst, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, enduring illness qi vacuity, fright palpitation and insomnia, impotence, uterus cold, cardiac failure.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Silktree Albizia Bark (合欢皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Silktree Albizia Bark (合欢皮) with Latin name Albizzia julibrissin has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Disquieted heart spirit, depression, insomnia, welling abscess and sores, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Elecampane Inula Equivalent plant: Inula racemosa (土木香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Elecampane Inula Equivalent plant: Inula racemosa (土木香) with Latin name Inula helenium has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, contusion in chest and rib-side, forking qi with pain, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Twotooth Achyranthes;Twotooth Achyranthes (牛膝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Twotooth Achyranthes;Twotooth Achyranthes (牛膝) with Latin name Radix Achyranthis bidentatae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Aching in lumbus and knees, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, concretion and conglomeration, retention of placenta , heat strangury, blood strangury, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, swelling pain in throat.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of calyx and receptacle of a Persimmon (柿蒂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, calyx and receptacle of a Persimmon (柿蒂) with Latin name Calyx Kaki has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Stomach meridian(s), uses calyx as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hiccough.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of All - grass of Common Heron's bill;wind-dampness dispelling medicinal;Wilford Cranesbill;All - grass of Common Heron's bill;Herba Geranii;Common Heron's BiII (老鹳草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, All - grass of Common Heron's bill;wind-dampness dispelling medicinal;Wilford Cranesbill;All - grass of Common Heron's bill;Herba Geranii;Common Heron's BiII (老鹳草) with Latin name Herba ErodiiHerba Geranii has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity and numbness, aching sinews and bones, diarrhea and dysentery.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Katsumada Galangal (草豆蔻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Katsumada Galangal (草豆蔻) with Latin name Alpinia katsumadai has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach Cold-damp obstructing, distention fullness and pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pomegranate Peel (石榴皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pomegranate Peel (石榴皮) with Latin name Pericarpium Grati has properties of Warm; Sour; Punkery, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses pericarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum, flooding and spotting, leukorrhea, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dutohmanspipe Fruit;Slender Dutchmanspipe (马兜铃) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dutohmanspipe Fruit;Slender Dutchmanspipe (马兜铃) with Latin name Fructus Aristolochiae has properties of Cold; Slightly Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat cough asthma, phlegm congestion and hasty qi , lung vacuity enduring cough, intestinal heat bleeding from hemorrhoids, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Black Falsehellebore Equivalent plant: Veratrum grandiflorum;BIack FaIseheIIebore (藜芦) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Black Falsehellebore Equivalent plant: Veratrum grandiflorum;BIack FaIseheIIebore (藜芦) with Latin name Veratrum nigrum has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, epilepsy, malaria, scab and lichen, malign sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of CHEN XIANG;EagIewood;Oily wood of Agalloch Eaglewood (沉香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, CHEN XIANG;EagIewood;Oily wood of Agalloch Eaglewood (沉香) with Latin name Lignum Aquilariae Resitum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses resinous wood as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, qi counterflow with asthma, stomach cold with retching counterflow, vacuity cold in lumbus and knees, vacuity constipation, qi strangury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Nux Vomica;Nut-vomitive Poisonnut;Longthyrsus Poisonnut;Mittschelich Poisonnut; (马钱子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Nux Vomica;Nut-vomitive Poisonnut;Longthyrsus Poisonnut;Mittschelich Poisonnut; (马钱子) with Latin name Semen Strychni;Strychnos dolichothyrsa;Semen Cumini Cymni;Strychnos mittschelichii has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hemiplegia, numbness and paralysis, muscle weakness, impotence, hypertrophic spinitis, chronic anemia, wind-damp intractable impediment, sequel of poliomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, knocks and falls, swelling pain of welling abscess and flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome (土茯苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome (土茯苓) with Latin name Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat with strangury turbidity, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, scab and lichen, syphilis, mercurial poisoning.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Chinese Wolfberry;Chinese WoIfberry Fruit (枸杞子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Chinese Wolfberry;Chinese WoIfberry Fruit (枸杞子) with Latin name Fructus Lycii has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lassitude in lumbus and knees, emission, dizziness and dim vision, lung disease with cough, diabetes mellitus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Snowbellleaf Tickclover (广金钱草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Snowbellleaf Tickclover (广金钱草) with Latin name Desmodium styracifolium has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Bladder; Liver; Kidney; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat strangury, sand strangury, stone strangury, pain of hot urine, scant urine with edema, jaundice with reddish urine, urethral stone.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Radish Seed;Garden Radish Seed (莱菔子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Radish Seed;Garden Radish Seed (莱菔子) with Latin name Semen Raphani has properties of Mild; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Food stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct, constipation, accumulation and diarrhea, phlegm congestion cough asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sanchi (汉三七) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sanchi (汉三七) with Latin name Radix Notoginseng has properties of Warm; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Panax notoginseng (Burk. ) F. H. Chen. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Flavonoid glycoside, one of its components, increases coronary flow, reduces myocardial oxygen consumption and lowers arterial pressure.2.Cardiotonic on frogs' hearts in vitro; low concentration of its extract exerts a vasoconstrictive effect on the vessels of frogs' leg and high concentration, vasodilative3. Its liquid extract shortens clotting time and exerts hemostatic effect in rabbit.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sanchi;Panax notoginseng (三七) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sanchi;Panax notoginseng (三七) with Latin name Radix Notoginseng has properties of Warm; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, angina pectoris, stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, painful swelling from knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Corydalis tuber (延胡索) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Corydalis tuber (延胡索) with Latin name Rhizoma Corydalis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chest and rib-side pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, neuralgia, gastrointestinal spasm, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Flower of Common Bombax (木棉花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Flower of Common Bombax (木棉花) with Latin name Flos Gossampini has properties of Cool; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Diarrhea, dysentery, hemoptysis, blood ejection, flooding, incised wound and bleeding, sore toxin, eczema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of common knotgrass;Polygonum aviculare (萹蓄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of common knotgrass;Polygonum aviculare (萹蓄) with Latin name Herba Polygoni Avicularis has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder meridian(s), uses dried aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Urethritis, lithiasis, chyluria, dysentery, parotitis, heat strangury, short voidings of reddish urine, dripping with inhibited pain, eczema, pudendal itch, vaginal discharge, ascariasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Capillary Wormwood Equivalent plant: Artemisia scoparia (茵陈蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Capillary Wormwood Equivalent plant: Artemisia scoparia (茵陈蒿) with Latin name Artemisia capillaris has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hepatitis, jaundice, infective cholecystitis, hyperlipemia, inhibited urination, damp sore, itchy skin.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fennel Fruit (茴香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fennel Fruit (茴香) with Latin name Foeniculum vulgare has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for incarcerated hernia of intestine, effusion of vaginal coat, elephantiasis of scrotum, cold mounting, cold pain in lesser-abdomen, kidney vacuity lumbago, stomachache, vomiting, beriberi.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Indian Bread;Poria cocos (茯苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Indian Bread;Poria cocos (茯苓) with Latin name Poria has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses sclerotium as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Neurasthenia, disquieted heart spirit, fright palpitation and insomnia, insomnia, pelvic inflammation, edema, scant urine with edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, sloppy stool and diarrhea, chronic diarrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of poppy capsule (粟壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, poppy capsule (粟壳) with Latin name pericarpium papaveris has properties of Mild; Sour, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses Papaver somniferum L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Slowing the rate of breathing and depressing the cough reflex, and exerting an antitussive effect. 2. Relaxing the smo9th muscles of gastrointestinal tract and trachea. 3. Being an analgesic acting on the central nervous system. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of poppy capsule;Opium Poppy Pericarp (罂粟壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, poppy capsule;Opium Poppy Pericarp (罂粟壳) with Latin name pericarpium papaveris has properties of Mild; Sour; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses capsule as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Enduring cough, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, pain in stomach duct and abdomen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of English Walnut Seed (胡桃仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, English Walnut Seed (胡桃仁) with Latin name Juglans regia has properties of Sweet; warm, affects the Kidney; lung; large intestine meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Enduring cough and asthma, bronchitis, lumbago and limp leg, frequent urination, enuresis, impotence, emission, intestinal dry and constipation, stone strangury, sores and scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Gambir Plant (钩藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Gambir Plant (钩藤) with Latin name Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Liver; Cardiovascular meridian(s), uses hooked stem-branch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Infant fright wind and night crying, exuberant heat stirring wind, epilepsy of pregnancy, liver yang dizziness, liver fire headache.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Spine Date Seed (酸枣仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Spine Date Seed (酸枣仁) with Latin name Semen Ziziphi Spinosae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Neurasthenia, vacuity vexation and insomnia, fright palpitation, arrhythmia, frequent dreaming, vacuity and profuse sweating, fluid damage and thirst.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Jujube Chinese date;Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (大枣) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Jujube Chinese date;Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (大枣) with Latin name Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses ripe fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, lack of strength and sloppy stool, visceral agitation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Mulberry Leaf; White Mulberry Leaf; Morus alba; White Mulberry (桑叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Mulberry Leaf; White Mulberry Leaf; Morus alba; White Mulberry (桑叶) with Latin name Folium Mori has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-heat common cold, lung heat dry cough, dizziness and headache, red eyes and clouded vision.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of pith of Common Rush; Common Rush (灯心草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, pith of Common Rush; Common Rush (灯心草) with Latin name Medulla Junci has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Lung; Small Intestine; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Strangury, edema, inhibited urination, damp-heat jaundice, insomnia and vexation, infant night crying, throat impediment, mouth sore, wound.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root Pilose Asiabell; Pilose Asiabell (党参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root Pilose Asiabell; Pilose Asiabell (党参) with Latin name Radix Codonopsis pilosulae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, lassitude in limbs, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, qi-blood depletion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Villous Amomum Fruit (缩砂仁; 砂仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Villous Amomum Fruit (缩砂仁; 砂仁) with Latin name Fructus Amomi has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses Amomum villosum Lour.; ripe fruit or seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction lower thab 1% concentration stimulates and that higher than 1% or the saturated solution of its volatile oil inhibits the intestines of guinea-pigs in vitro.2. Its volatile oil acts as stomachic tonic and exaggerates the diacharge of flatus.; Abdominal pain glomus distention, food stagnation in torpid stomach, dysphagia-occlusion, vomiting, cold dysentery, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Gansui; Kansui Euphorbia; Euphorbia kansui (甘遂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Gansui; Kansui Euphorbia; Euphorbia kansui (甘遂) with Latin name Radix Kansui has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema, ascites, flowing rheum in chest, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, epilepsy, cough and asthma, urinar y and fecal stoppage.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of Garden Balsam; Garden Balsam Seed (急性子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of Garden Balsam; Garden Balsam Seed (急性子) with Latin name Semen Impatientis has properties of Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses ripe seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, amenorrhea, dysphagia-occlusion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Cnidium Fruit; Cnidium monnieri; Common Cnidium (蛇床子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Cnidium Fruit; Cnidium monnieri; Common Cnidium (蛇床子) with Latin name Fructus Cnidii has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence, scrotal damp itch, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, trichomoniasis, eczema, infertility due to uterus cold, wind-damp impediment pain, scab and lichen, damp sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bear Gall; Ursus arctos Linnaeus and Selenarctos thibetanus (熊胆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bear Gall; Ursus arctos Linnaeus and Selenarctos thibetanus (熊胆) with Latin name Selenarctos thibetanus, Ursus arctos has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses gall bladder as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Fright wind, epilepsy, convulsion due to liver heat and liver wind, swollen pain in red eyes due to liver heat, aversion to light, eye screen, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, swelling pain from hemorrhoids.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grass of Chinese Brake; Chinese Brake (凤尾草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grass of Chinese Brake; Chinese Brake (凤尾草) with Latin name Herba Pteridis multifidae has properties of Cold; Bitter; Neutral, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb or rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Dysentery, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, jaundice, swelling toxin of clove sore, throat impediment with nipple moth, scrofula, parotitis, mastitis, ardent fever and convulsion, snake or insect bites, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Coriander; Coriandrum sativum L. (胡荽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Coriander; Coriandrum sativum L. (胡荽) with Latin name Herba Coriandri has properties of Pungent; warm, affects the Lung; stomach meridian(s), uses Coriandrom saticum L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of early stage of measles due to attack of wind and cold manifested as fever, no sweating and measles without a rash. Coriander (Husui) is used with Spirodela (Fuping) and Cimicifuga rhizome (Shengma). The heated herbal tea is applied to the ski. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Common Ducksmeat; Common Duckwood; Spirodela polyrrhiza (浮萍) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Common Ducksmeat; Common Duckwood; Spirodela polyrrhiza (浮萍) with Latin name Herba Spirodelae has properties of Cold; Pungent, affects the Lung; Bladder meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-heat exterior syndrome, non-eruption of measles, dormant papules with pruritus, edema, dribbling urinary block, sore and lichen, erysipelas, scalds.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sharpleaf Galangal; Alpinia oxyphylla (益智仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sharpleaf Galangal; Alpinia oxyphylla (益智仁) with Latin name Alpinia oxyphylla has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, vomiting and diarrhea, cold pain in abdomen, drooling, enuresis due to kidney vacuity, frequent urination, emission, white turbidity.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Vietmese Sophora Root;Sophora tonkinensis;Tonkin Sophora Root (山豆根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Vietmese Sophora Root;Sophora tonkinensis;Tonkin Sophora Root (山豆根) with Latin name Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Septicemia, ulcer of uterine cervix, chronic cervicitis, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, hydatid moles, chorioblastoma, asthma, chronic bronchitis, acute tonsillitis, laryngitis, accumulated fire toxin, swelling pain in throat, gingiva painful swelling.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hairy Antler (鹿茸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hairy Antler (鹿茸) with Latin name Cervus nippon , Cervus elaphus has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses non-ossifying young horn of male deer or stag as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence and emission, infertility due to uterus cold, marked emaciation, thrombocytopenia, septicemia, fatigued spirit, aversion of cold, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, aching pain in lumbus and back, limp wilting sinew and bone, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, enduring yin flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cockscomb flower (鸡冠花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cockscomb flower (鸡冠花) with Latin name Flos Celosiae cristatae has properties of Cool; Sweet, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses inflorescence as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Bleeding, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, dysentery.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Clove (丁香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Clove (丁香) with Latin name Flos Caryophylli has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses flower bud as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Stomach cold with retching counterflow, hiccough, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, reduced food intake and diarrhea, kidney vacuity impotence, vacuity cold in lumbus and knees, yin flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of bulb of Thunberg Fritillary;Thunberg Fritillary (浙贝母) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, bulb of Thunberg Fritillary;Thunberg Fritillary (浙贝母) with Latin name Bulbus Fritillariae thunbergii has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Heart meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chronic bronchitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, externally contracted wind-heat, phlegm fire cough, pulmonary welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, sore toxin, depression in heart-chest.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Indian Iphigenia (草贝母) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Indian Iphigenia (草贝母) with Latin name Iphigenia indica has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Carcinoma of mammary glands, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, carcinoma of salivary gland, scrofula, swelling of skin, pain wind.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grass of Spreading Hedyotis;Oldenlandia diffusa (白花蛇舌草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grass of Spreading Hedyotis;Oldenlandia diffusa (白花蛇舌草) with Latin name Herba Hedyotis Diffusae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses whole herb with root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat cough asthma, swelling pain in throat, intestinal welling abscess, swelling of sores and boils, poisonous snake bite, heat strangury with inhibited pain, edema, dysentery, enteritis, damp-heat jaundice, carcinoma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Slender Dutchmanspipe Root Equivalent plant: Aristolochia contorta;Slender Dutchmanspipe Root Equivalent plant: Arist;Slender Dutchmanspipe Root (青木香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Slender Dutchmanspipe Root Equivalent plant: Aristolochia contorta;Slender Dutchmanspipe Root Equivalent plant: Arist;Slender Dutchmanspipe Root (青木香) with Latin name Aristolochia debilis [Syn. Aristolochia longa ] has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, gastrospasm, stomachache, infections, chronic bone marrow infection, chronic bronchitis, infection of skin, dizziness and headache, distending pain in chest and abdomen, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, snake or insect bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sappan Caesalpinia (苏木) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sappan Caesalpinia (苏木) with Latin name Caesalpinia sappan has properties of Mild; Pungent; Sweet; Salty, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses heartwood as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, swelling pain due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ephedra;Herba Ephedrae (麻黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ephedra;Herba Ephedrae (麻黄) with Latin name Herba Ephedrae has properties of Warm; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Bladder meridian(s), uses herbaceous twigs as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold exterior repletion syndrome, headache without sweating, headache and generalized pain, cough, fever, fever and aversion to wind, absence of sweating, congesting lung, non-diffusion of lung qi, cough and asthma, bronchial asthma, wind water edema, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, inhibited urination, wind-damp impediment pain, muscle numbness, wind papule itching, yin flat abscess and phlegm node.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pricklyash Peel;Bunge Pricklyash (花椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pricklyash Peel;Bunge Pricklyash (花椒) with Latin name Pericarpium Zanthoxyli has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses pericarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting due to roundworm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Root-bark Equivalent plant: Acanthopanax sessiliflorus , Acanthopanax senticosus (五加皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Root-bark Equivalent plant: Acanthopanax sessiliflorus , Acanthopanax senticosus (五加皮) with Latin name Acanthopanax gracilistylus has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root cortex as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, limp wilting sinew and bone, infant retardation of walking, vacuity and marked emaciation, knocks and falls, fracture, edema, beriberi, damp itchy in genitals.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Earthworm (地龙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Earthworm (地龙) with Latin name Pheretima has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Bladder; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Phereti a aspergillu (E. Perrier);Pheretima vulgaris Chen;Pheretimaguillelmi(Michaelsen);Phereti apectinifera Michaelsen as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Relaxing bronchial spasm in rats or rabbits.2. Intravenous injection of alcoholic infusion (0.1g/kg) lowers blood pressure in anesthetized dogs.3. Sedative and anticonvulsive.4. Lumbrifebrine, one of its active components, is ab antipyretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass Chinese pyrola (鹿含草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass Chinese pyrola (鹿含草) with Latin name herba pyrolae chinensis has properties of Warm; Slightly Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Pyrola calliantha H. Andres.;Pyrola decorate H. Andres as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of arthralgia with weakness of the loins and knees, excessive menstrual flow, chronic phthisical cough.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass Chinese pyrola (鹿衔草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass Chinese pyrola (鹿衔草) with Latin name herba pyrolae chinensis has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pulmonary infection, intestinal infection, urinary tract infection, infant diarrhea, acute dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, profuse menstruation, enduring cough.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Human Placenta (紫河车) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Human Placenta (紫河车) with Latin name Homo sapiens has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Lung; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses human placenta as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Vacuity detriment, marked emaciation, steaming bone taxation fever, cough and asthma, hemoptysis, night sweating, emission, impotence, qi -blood depletion, infertility, scant breast milk.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Oriental Waterplantain;Oriental Waterplantain;Alisma orientalis (泽泻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Oriental Waterplantain;Oriental Waterplantain;Alisma orientalis (泽泻) with Latin name Rhizoma Alismatis has properties of Cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Bladder; Kidney meridian(s), uses tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hyperlipemia, inhibited urination, heat strangury with inhibited pain, edema distention fullness, diarrhea, phlegm-rheum dizziness, emission.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Colored Mistletoe Herb (槲寄生) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Colored Mistletoe Herb (槲寄生) with Latin name Herba Visci has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses stem and branch-leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, wind-damp impediment pain, limp aching lumbus and knees, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Peach Seed;Peach Kernel (桃仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Peach Seed;Peach Kernel (桃仁) with Latin name Semen Persicae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, knocks and falls, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Stem of Sargentgloryvine (大血藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Stem of Sargentgloryvine (大血藤) with Latin name Caulis Sargentodoxae has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Intestinal welling abscess and abdominal pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Stem of Sargentgloryvine (大活血) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Stem of Sargentgloryvine (大活血) with Latin name Caulis Sargentodoxae has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses Sargentodoxa cuneata ( Oliv. ) Rehd. et Wils. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its decoction possess bacteriostatic effect on Staphylococcus aureus and B-streptococcus... " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Medicated leaven (神曲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Medicated leaven (神曲) with Latin name Massa fermentata medicinalis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Armented annua.;Xanthium sibixicum.;Polygonum hydropiper as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of retention of food manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness, no appetite, gurgling sound and diarrhea. Medicated leaven (Shenqu) is used with Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha) and Germinated barley (Maiya).. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Puff-ball (马勃) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Puff-ball (马勃) with Latin name Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia has properties of Mild; Pungent, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses sporocarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough, aphonia, nosebleed(epistaxis), bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of White Mustard Seed (白芥子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, White Mustard Seed (白芥子) with Latin name Sinapis alba has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, fullness in chest and rib-side pain, numbness in limbs, swelling pain in joints, damp phlegm streaming sore, swelling toxin of flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Medicinal Changium (明党参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Medicinal Changium (明党参) with Latin name Changium smyrnioides has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat cough, vomiting nausea, reduced food intake with dry mouth, anemia, dizziness, leukorrhea, clove toxin sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of stem or leaf of Fung Waxplant;Creeping Rockfoil (虎耳草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, stem or leaf of Fung Waxplant;Creeping Rockfoil (虎耳草) with Latin name Herba Saxifragae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind papules, eczema, otitis media, erysipelas, cough with blood ejection, pulmonary welling abscess, flooding and spotting, hemorrhoids.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Dyers Woad;Indigowoad Root;Isatis indigotica (板蓝根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Dyers Woad;Indigowoad Root;Isatis indigotica (板蓝根) with Latin name Radix Isatidis seu Baphicacanthi has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Epidemic encephalitis, measles papulis, parotitis, influenza, warm toxin macular eruption, ardent fever with headache, massive head scourge, throat pain, maculopapular eruption, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas, hepatitis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ginkgo seed;Ginkgo Nut (白果) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ginkgo seed;Ginkgo Nut (白果) with Latin name Semen Ginkgo has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses nut as the part for treatment, and is indicated for AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Honey (蜂蜜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Honey (蜂蜜) with Latin name Apis cerana has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses honey as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, lung heat dry cough, intestinal dry and constipation, red eyes, mouth sore, enduring sores, wind papule itching, burns and scalds, cracking of hands and feet.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Heartleaf Dryria;Fortune’s Drynaria Rhizome (骨碎补) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Heartleaf Dryria;Fortune’s Drynaria Rhizome (骨碎补) with Latin name Rhizoma Dryriae has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Kidney vacuity lumbago, tinnitus and deafness, tooth mobilizing, wrenching and contusion from knocks and falls, sinew and bone wound, alopecia areata, white patch wind.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of bark of Officil magnolia;Officinal Mangolia ;Magnolia officinalis;Officinal Magnolia Equivalent plant: Magnolia biloba (厚朴) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, bark of Officil magnolia;Officinal Mangolia ;Magnolia officinalis;Officinal Magnolia Equivalent plant: Magnolia biloba (厚朴) with Latin name Cortex Magnoliae officilis;Magnolia officinalis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.2. Magnocurarine, one of the active components, can relaxstriated muscles.3. Its decoction stimulates the smooth muscles of intestines and bronchii in rabbits in vitro.4. Magnocuraine may also lower blood pressure and accelerate heart rate.5.Amebic dysentery, vomiting and diarrhea, food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominal distention and constipation, phlegm-rheum cough asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Seville orange;Seville Orange Unripe Fruit (枳壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Seville orange;Seville Orange Unripe Fruit (枳壳) with Latin name Fructus Aurantii has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses unripe fruit;Citrus aurantiu L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Phlegm stagnation in chest and diaphragm, glomus in chest, distention in rib-side, food accumulation, retching counterflow.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lotus leaf;Nelumbo nucifera;Hindu Lotus Leaf (荷叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lotus leaf;Nelumbo nucifera;Hindu Lotus Leaf (荷叶) with Latin name Folium Nelumbinis has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, summerheat-damp diarrhea, spleen vacuity diarrhea, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Yellowmouth Dutchmanspipe (汉防己) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Yellowmouth Dutchmanspipe (汉防己) with Latin name Aristolochia heterophylla has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Rheumatic pain in joints, damp-heat pain in limbs, edema, inhibited urination, beriberi with edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Wild Chrysanthemum Flower;Indian Wild Chrysanthemum Flower (野菊花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Wild Chrysanthemum Flower;Indian Wild Chrysanthemum Flower (野菊花) with Latin name Flos Chrysanthemi Indici has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses flower-head as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, headache and dizziness, insomnia, common cold, influenza, meningitis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, red eyes with gall.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Liriope Equivalent plant: Liriope spicata var prolifera;Liriope (麦冬) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Liriope Equivalent plant: Liriope spicata var prolifera;Liriope (麦冬) with Latin name Ophiopogon japonicus has properties of Minor cold; Minor Cool; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity consumption with cough, fluid damage and thirst, insomnia and vexation, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, intestinal dry and constipation, diphtheria.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Starwort Root;Stellaria dichotoma;Lanceolate Starwort (银柴胡) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Starwort Root;Stellaria dichotoma;Lanceolate Starwort (银柴胡) with Latin name Radix Stellariae has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Yin vacuity fever, steaming bone taxation fever, child gan fever.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bulb of Tendrilleaf Fritillary;Tendrilleaf Fritillary (川贝母) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bulb of Tendrilleaf Fritillary;Tendrilleaf Fritillary (川贝母) with Latin name Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Heart meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat cough, dry cough, chronic bronchitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, yin vacuity taxation cough, cough with phlegm and blood.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit (牙皂;猪牙皂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit (牙皂;猪牙皂) with Latin name FructusGleditsia;Fructus Gleditsiae Abnormalis has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Gleditsia sz'nensis Lam. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of loss of consciousness in stroke and epilepsy, sore throat, dyspnea and cough with phlegm difficult to spit out, constipation, external use for subcutaneous pyogenic infections.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Eupatorium fortunei (佩兰) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Eupatorium fortunei (佩兰) with Latin name Herba Eupatorii has properties of Cold; Mild, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Nausea and vomiting, bad breath, drooling, distended head and oppression in chest, sweet-greasy in mouth, summerheat-damp exterior syndrome.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Humifuse Euphorbia; Creeping Euphorbia (地锦草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Humifuse Euphorbia; Creeping Euphorbia (地锦草) with Latin name Herba Euphorbiae humifusae has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Dysentery, enteritis, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ailanthus bark, Tree of heaven bark (椿根皮,椿皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ailanthus bark, Tree of heaven bark (椿根皮,椿皮) with Latin name Cortex Toonae Sinensis has properties of Cool; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of morbid leukorrhea, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Gaint Knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonum cuspidatum (虎杖) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Gaint Knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonum cuspidatum (虎杖) with Latin name Rhizoma Polygoni cuspidati has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hyperlipemia, impediment pain in joints, damp-heat jaundice, toxic jaundice, child jaundice, amenorrhea, hepatitis, appendicitis, candida vaginitis, concretion and conglomeration, cough with profuse phlegm, burns and scalds, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of motherwort, Wormwood-like Motherwort (益母草,欧益母草,胃益母草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, motherwort, Wormwood-like Motherwort (益母草,欧益母草,胃益母草) with Latin name Herba Leonuri,Leonurus cardiaca has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum bleeding, persistent flow of lochia, edema, scant urine with edema, acute nephritis with edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Rose Flower (玫瑰花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Rose Flower (玫瑰花) with Latin name Flos Rosae Rugosae has properties of Warm; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses bud as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Liver stomach qi pain, reduced food intake with nausea and vomiting, menstrual disorder, painful wound from knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn, rhizome of Common Curculigo (仙茅) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Curculigo orchioides Gaertn, rhizome of Common Curculigo (仙茅) with Latin name Rhizoma Curculiginis has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence seminal cool, limp wilting sinew and bone, cold impediment in lumbus and knees, yang vacuity cold diarrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of bulb of longstamen onion, Allium macrostemon Bunge (薤白) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, bulb of longstamen onion, Allium macrostemon Bunge (薤白) with Latin name Bulbus Allii Macrostemi has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chest impediment, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, diarrhea and tenesmus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Germited Barley, BarIey Germinating Fruit, Hordeum vulgare (麦芽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Germited Barley, BarIey Germinating Fruit, Hordeum vulgare (麦芽) with Latin name Fructus Hordei Germitus has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses germinated fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Food accumulation, abdominal distention and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, inappetence, galactostasis, distending pain in breast.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Blackberrylily Rhizome (射干) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Blackberrylily Rhizome (射干) with Latin name Rhizoma Belamcandae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat toxin and phlegm-fire stasis, swelling pain in throat, cough and asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Polyporus grifolia, Umbellate pore-fungus (猪苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Polyporus grifolia, Umbellate pore-fungus (猪苓) with Latin name polyporus umbellatus has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Bladder; Kidney meridian(s), uses sclerotium as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Inhibited urination, edema, ascites, carcinoma of lung, carcinoma of esophagus, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pokeberry root, Indian Pokeweed (商陆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pokeberry root, Indian Pokeweed (商陆) with Latin name Radix Phytolaccae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema distention fullness, urinary and fecal stoppage, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Toad Skin Secretion Cake (蟾酥) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Toad Skin Secretion Cake (蟾酥) with Latin name Bufo bufo gargarizans, Bufo melanostictus has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Heart meridian(s), uses dried secretion of skin glands as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sores, swelling pain in throat, summerheat stroke with vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain and clouded spirit, local anesthesia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Cape Jasmine, Gardenia jasminoides (栀子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Cape Jasmine, Gardenia jasminoides (栀子) with Latin name Fructus Gardeniae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses ripe fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute icterohepatitis, febrile diseases, vexation, melancholia, restlessness, stagnation of damp-heat in liver and gall, fever, jaundice, short voidings of reddish urine, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, dysentery with hematochezia and hematuria.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Silkvine Root-bark, Periploca sepium (杠柳、北五加皮、羊角桃、羊桃、羊奶条) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Silkvine Root-bark, Periploca sepium (杠柳、北五加皮、羊角桃、羊桃、羊奶条) with Latin name Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Periploca sepium Bunge as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthralgia with flaccidity of extremities, retarded walking and lack of strength in children, edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Oriental Sweetgum Resin,Storax (苏合香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Oriental Sweetgum Resin,Storax (苏合香) with Latin name Styrax has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses balsam from trunk as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind stroke with phlegm reversal, sudden clouding collapse, cold pain in chest and abdomen, fright epilepsy, warm disease.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asafetida Giantfennel Resin (阿魏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asafetida Giantfennel Resin (阿魏) with Latin name Ferula assafoetida has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses balsam as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, worm accumulation, meat-type food accumulation, cold pain in heart and abdomen, malaria, dysentery.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Scouring Rush Herb (木贼) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Scouring Rush Herb (木贼) with Latin name Herba Equiseti Hiemalis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-heat red eye, tearing in wind, eye screen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tangerine Pericarp (橘皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tangerine Pericarp (橘皮) with Latin name Citrus reticulata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses pericarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach qi stagnation and damp obstruction, lung qi block, cough with profuse phlegm, mammary welling abscess, indigestion, vomiting.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Croton Fruit;LongspikeCroton (巴豆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Croton Fruit;LongspikeCroton (巴豆) with Latin name Fructus Crotonis;Croton macrostachys has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses dried seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distention fullness and sudden pain in chest and a bdomen, fecal stoppage, diarrhea and dysentery, edema and enlarged abdomen, phlegm-rheum asthma fullness, throat wind, throat impediment, concretion and conglomeration, welling abscess and flat abscess, malign sore and scab lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Honeylocust;ZAO JIA (皂荚) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Honeylocust;ZAO JIA (皂荚) with Latin name Gleditsia sinensis [Syn. Gleditsia horrida] has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough of phlegm asthma, wind stroke clenched jaw, phlegm-drool and congesting lung, clouded spirit with loss of speech, epilepsy, throat impediment, urinary and fecal stoppage, swollen welling abscess, scab and lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Common Floweringquince;Chaenomeles speciosa;Chinese Floweringquince (木瓜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Common Floweringquince;Chaenomeles speciosa;Chinese Floweringquince (木瓜) with Latin name Fructus Chaenomelis has properties of Warm; Sour, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Vomiting and diarrhea with cramp, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and abundant phlegm, diarrhea, dysentery, painful wound from knocks and falls, beriberi with edema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Green Tangerine Peel (小青皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Green Tangerine Peel (小青皮) with Latin name Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Citrus reticulate Blanco as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its component limonene is an expectorant and antiasthmatic.2. Its decoction relaxes the smooth muscle of intestines, stomach, gallbladder and uterus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of antifebrile Dichroa;Antifebrile Dichroa;Dichroa febrifuga (常山) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of antifebrile Dichroa;Antifebrile Dichroa;Dichroa febrifuga (常山) with Latin name Radix Dichroae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Malaria, scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Grassleaf Sweetflag Rhizome;Grassleaved Sweetflag (石菖蒲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Grassleaf Sweetflag Rhizome;Grassleaved Sweetflag (石菖蒲) with Latin name Rhizoma Acori Talarinowii has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Febrile diseases clouded spirit, phlegm reversal, amnesia, tinnitus, deafness, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, food-denying dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, scab and lichen with welling abscess and flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hemp Seed;Cannabis sativa;Hemp FimbIe Seed (火麻仁;麻子仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hemp Seed;Cannabis sativa;Hemp FimbIe Seed (火麻仁;麻子仁) with Latin name Semen Canbis;Fructus Canbis;Fructus cannabis has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses ripe seed;Cannabis sativa Linne as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Blood and liquid depletion, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lepidium seed, Descurainia seed (葶苈子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lepidium seed, Descurainia seed (葶苈子) with Latin name Semen Lepiddi seu Descurainiae;Semen Lepidii;Semen Descurainiae has properties of Extreme Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Bladder meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Phlegm-drool and congesting lung, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, distention fullness in chest and rib-side, edema in chest and abdomen, inhibited urination.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Niger Bean (扁豆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Niger Bean (扁豆) with Latin name Lablab niger has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Dolichos lablab L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Containing phytoagglutintin, trypsin and amylase inhibitors.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Moonseed Root (蝙蝠葛根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Moonseed Root (蝙蝠葛根) with Latin name Menispermum dauricum has properties of Cool; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, epidemic parotitis, diarrhea, jaundice, wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, snake or insect bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Blackend Swallowwort Root (白薇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Blackend Swallowwort Root (白薇) with Latin name Radix cynchi atrati has properties of Cold; Bitter; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Tylophora ovata .. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Jackinthepulpit Tuber (天南星) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Jackinthepulpit Tuber (天南星) with Latin name Rhizoma Arisaematis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, deviated eyes and mouth, hemiplegia, deadlimb, wind-phlegm dizziness, epilepsy, fright wind, tetanus, spasm, neuralgia, cough with profuse phlegm, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, carcinoma of uterine cervix.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Japanese Honeysuckle Vine (忍冬藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Japanese Honeysuckle Vine (忍冬藤) with Latin name Lonicera japonica has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses stem-branch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Warm disease fever, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, heat toxin blood dysentery, wind-damp-heat impediment.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed (郁李仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed (郁李仁) with Latin name Semen Pruni has properties of Pungent; bitter; neutral, affects the Small intestine; large intestine meridian(s), uses ripe seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Desiccation of liquid and intestine dryness, food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominal distention and constipation, edema, beriberi, inhibited urination.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Trogopterus Dung (五灵脂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Trogopterus Dung (五灵脂) with Latin name Trogopterus xanthipes, Pteromys volans has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses dried feces as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, flooding, profuse menstruation, incessant red and white vaginal discharge, snake bite, scorpion sting, centipede bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Smoked Plum (乌梅) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Smoked Plum (乌梅) with Latin name Fructus Mume has properties of Mild; Sour, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses unripe fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Enduring cough, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, vacuity heat with vexation and thirst, roundworm reversal with abdominal pain, outcrop of sore and welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Millet Sprout (谷芽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Millet Sprout (谷芽) with Latin name Fructus Setariae Germinatus;Fructus Oryzae germinatus has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Digestant. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of spine of Chinese Honeylocust (皂刺;皂角刺) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, spine of Chinese Honeylocust (皂刺;皂角刺) with Latin name Spina gleditsiae;Spi gleditsiae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Gleditsia sinensis Lam. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. To relieve carbuncle and drain pus. For the early stage of carbuncle or carbuncle with unruptured abscess. 2. To expel wind and kill parasites. For tinea infection and leprosy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tuberculate Speranskia (透骨草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tuberculate Speranskia (透骨草) with Latin name Speranskia tuberculata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, contracture of muscles and joints, beriberi, swelling toxin of sore and lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Allium bulb, Wild scallion, Chinese green onion (葱白) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Allium bulb, Wild scallion, Chinese green onion (葱白) with Latin name Bulbus Allii Fistulosi has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses fresh bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold common cold, yin cold abdominal pain, inhibited urine and stool, dysentery, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Monkshood Daughter Root (熟附块) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Monkshood Daughter Root (熟附块) with Latin name Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis has properties of Extreme Hot; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, ch. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root and rhizome of Incised Notoptergium;Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii;Incised Notopterygium (羌活) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root and rhizome of Incised Notoptergium;Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii;Incised Notopterygium (羌活) with Latin name Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome or root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Externally contracted wind-cold, headache without sweating, wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, toxin swelling of sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Manyleaf Paris Equivalent plant: Paris polyphylla var chinensis, Paris polyphylla var Yunnanensis , Paris polyphylla var pseudothibetica , Paris polyphylla var stenophylla (蚤休) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Manyleaf Paris Equivalent plant: Paris polyphylla var chinensis, Paris polyphylla var Yunnanensis , Paris polyphylla var pseudothibetica , Paris polyphylla var stenophylla (蚤休) with Latin name Paris polyphylla has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, throat impediment, mammary welling abscess, snake or insect bites, painful wound from knocks and falls, liver heat and convulsion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal;Solomonseal Rhizome;Siberian Solomonseal (黄精) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal;Solomonseal Rhizome;Siberian Solomonseal (黄精) with Latin name Rhizoma Polygoti has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Yin vacuity taxation cough, lung heat dry cough, fatigue hypodynamia due to spleen vacuity, reduced food intake with dry mouth, diabetes mellitus, limp aching lumbus and knees due to kidney yin vacuity, impotence and emission, tinnitus and dim vision, premature graying in beard and hair, vacuity and marked emaciation, wind lai lichen.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Chinese Pulsatilla;Pulsatilla chinensis;Chinese Pulsatilla (白头翁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Chinese Pulsatilla;Pulsatilla chinensis;Chinese Pulsatilla (白头翁) with Latin name Radix Pulsatillae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amebic dysentery, nosebleed, flooding and spotting, bleeding from hemorrhoids, cold-heat warm malaria, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, eczema, scrofula, welling abscess, painful red eyes, neurodermatitis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Clematis Root;Chinese Clematis (威灵仙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Clematis Root;Chinese Clematis (威灵仙) with Latin name Radix Clematidis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Salty, affects the Bladder meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold, tonsillitis, acute icterohepatitis, laryngitis, rheumatic arthritis, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, bone stuck in throat.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood (炮附子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood (炮附子) with Latin name Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata has properties of Extreme Hot; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Aconitum carmichaeli Debx as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Aconitine is a physiologically active component, and becomes aconine after hydrolized. The toxicity of aconine is lower than aconitine.2. The prepared products may dilate the blood vessels of lower limbs and coronary artery, and increase coronary flow.3. Aconine and hypaconitine are analgesics and sedatives.4. Acclerating the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol.5. LD50 of aconitine is 0.295mg/kg in mice hypodermally and that of the decoction of prepared aconite is 17.42g/kg in mice orally.6. Its components, higenamine and coryneine chloride exert a significant cardiotonic effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood (制附子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood (制附子) with Latin name Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata has properties of Extreme Hot; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Aconitine is a physiologically active component, and becomes aconine after hydrolized. The toxicity of aconine is lower than aconitine.2. The prepared products may dilate the blood vessels of lower limbs and coronary artery, and increase coronary flow.3. Aconine and hypaconitine are analgesics and sedatives.4. Acclerating the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol.5. LD50 of aconitine is 0.295mg/kg in mice hypodermally and that of the decoction of prepared aconite is 17.42g/kg in mice orally.6. Its components, higenamine and coryneine chloride exert a significant cardiotonic effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Mentha, Peppermint;Wild Mint (薄荷) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Mentha, Peppermint;Wild Mint (薄荷) with Latin name herba Menthae;Mentha haplocalyx Briq has properties of Cool; Pungent, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses dried aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chronic urticaria, infection of upper respiratory tract, sarcoma, wind-heat exterior syndrome, headache and red eyes, swelling pain in throat, non-eruption of measles, dormant papules with pruritus, liver depression and rib-side pain, abdominal distention.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bamboo Shavings;Phyllostachys nigra;Bambusa tuldoides (竹茹) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bamboo Shavings;Phyllostachys nigra;Bambusa tuldoides (竹茹) with Latin name Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Phyliostachys nigra var. henonis Stapf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus albus, Bacillus coli and Bacillus typhi in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Black Sesame;Oriental Sesame (black seed) (黑芝麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Black Sesame;Oriental Sesame (black seed) (黑芝麻) with Latin name Semen Sesami Nigrum has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Large Intestine; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses black seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, premature graying in beard and hair, hair loss during convalescence, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root;WaIIich Ligusticum (川芎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root;WaIIich Ligusticum (川芎) with Latin name Radix chuanxiong;Rhizoma Chuanxiong has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Cardiovascular; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cerebral ischemia, postpartum pain, acute icterohepatitis, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chest and rib-side stabbing pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, headache, wind-damp impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Medicil Evodia Fruit (吴茱萸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Medicil Evodia Fruit (吴茱萸) with Latin name Fructus Evodiae has properties of Pungent; bitter; hot, affects the Liver; spleen; stomach meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Dysentery, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, reverting yin headache, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea, beriberi with edema, hyperchlorhydria, cold-damp diarrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Scouring Rush (木贼) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Scouring Rush (木贼) with Latin name Equisetum hyemale has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for To dispel wind-heat and to remove nebula. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of All - grass of Japanese Inula (金沸草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, All - grass of Japanese Inula (金沸草) with Latin name Herba Inulae has properties of Warm; Salty, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold cough, phlegm congestion and qi counterflow, glomus fullness in chest and diaphragm, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, painful swelling from clove sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Largeleaf gentian root;root of Largeleaf Gentian;Largeleaf Gentian (秦艽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Largeleaf gentian root;root of Largeleaf Gentian;Largeleaf Gentian (秦艽) with Latin name Radix Gentiae macrophyllae has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses dried root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching pain in joints, late afternoon tidal fever, child gan accumulation with fever.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cuttlebone  (海螵蛸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cuttlebone  (海螵蛸) with Latin name Os Sepiellae seu Sepiae has properties of Warm; Salty; Punkery, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune.;Sepia esculenta Hoyle as the part for treatment, and is indicated for As an antacid, hemostatic and astringent.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Airpotato Yam;Airpotato Yam (黄药子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Airpotato Yam;Airpotato Yam (黄药子) with Latin name Rhizoma Dioscoreae bulbiferae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Goiter and tuberculosis, throat impediment, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bite, carcinoma, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, pertussis, lung heat cough.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grass of Bunge Corydalis;Bunge Corydalis (苦地丁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grass of Bunge Corydalis;Bunge Corydalis (苦地丁) with Latin name Herba Corydalis bungeae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Influenza, infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, infective hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, nephritis, parotitis, conjunctivitis, acute appendicitis, clove sore and swollen welling abscess, scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of beautiful sweetgum;Beautiful Sweetgum;Liquidambar formosana (路路通) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of beautiful sweetgum;Beautiful Sweetgum;Liquidambar formosana (路路通) with Latin name Fructus Liquidambaris has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses inflorescence as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of limbs, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, amenorrhea, galactostasis, edema distention fullness, eczema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root;Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica;Angelica pubescens (独活) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root;Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica;Angelica pubescens (独活) with Latin name Radix Angelicae Pubescentis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold-damp impediment (especially in lower part of body), pain in lumbus and knees, headache, toothache.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Longan Aril;Dimocarpus longan (龙眼肉) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Longan Aril;Dimocarpus longan (龙眼肉) with Latin name Arillus Longan has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Dimocarpus longan Lour. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cardiac palpitation, forgetfulness and insomnia due to deficiency of qi and blood, anemia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Diluteyellow Crotalaria (黄花地丁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Diluteyellow Crotalaria (黄花地丁) with Latin name Crotalaria albida has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, dribbling pain of urination, insomnia and vexation, mammary welling abscess, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Rhizome of Swordlike Atractylodes;Swordlike Atractylodes (苍术) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Rhizome of Swordlike Atractylodes;Swordlike Atractylodes (苍术) with Latin name Rhizoma Atractylodis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach damp turbidity, fatigue hypodynamia, glomus in chest, abdominal distention, inappetence, vomiting and diarrhea, phlegm-rheum, damp edema, exterior damp, heavy head and generalized pain, damp impediment, aching pain in limbs, crippling wilt, night blindness.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Rhizome of Swordlike Atractylodes (制苍术) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Rhizome of Swordlike Atractylodes (制苍术) with Latin name Rhizoma Atractylodis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC;Atractylodes Chinensis (DC) Koidz as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of epigastric distension and diasrrhea, edema, particularly edema of the legs with lameness, rheumatic arthralgia, common cold, night blindess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Flatstem Milkvetch Seed (潼蒺藜;沙苑子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Flatstem Milkvetch Seed (潼蒺藜;沙苑子) with Latin name Semen Astragali Complanati;Semen Astragali Complati has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Astragalus complanatus R. Br. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of back pain, nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation in deficiency syndromes of the kidney, turbid discharge with urination, excessive leukorrhea, dribbling of urine after urination, dizziness and blurred vision.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Finger Citron;Fleshfingered Citron;FO SHOU (佛手) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Finger Citron;Fleshfingered Citron;FO SHOU (佛手) with Latin name Fructus Citri sarcodactylis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Stomachache, distention in rib-side, vomiting, dysphagia-occlusion, phlegm-rheum cough asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Malaytea Scurfpea;Psoralea corylifolia (补骨脂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Malaytea Scurfpea;Psoralea corylifolia (补骨脂) with Latin name Psoralea corylifolia has properties of Extreme Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Fracture, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, kidney yang vacuity, cold pain in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, frequent urination, enuresis, kidney qi insecurity, vacuity asthma, spleen-kidney vacuity, chronic diarrhea, white patch wind, alopecia areata, psoriasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Clam shell (海蛤壳;蛤壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Clam shell (海蛤壳;蛤壳) with Latin name Concha Cyclinae;Concha Meretricis seu Cyclinae has properties of Bitter; salty; cold, affects the Lung; stomach meridian(s), uses Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus.;Cyclina sinensis Gmelin as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Treatment of phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with thick yellow sputum, asthma, chest pain and hypochondriac pain. Sea clam shell (Haigeke) is used with Costazia bone (Haifushi), Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian), Mulberry bark (Sangbaipi), Capejasmin.2.Treatment of cough, chest pain and bloody sputum caused by heat in the lung, scrofula, goitre, epigastric pain associated with acid regurgitation, external use for eczema and scalds.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Reed rhizome;Common Reed Rhizome;Phragmites communis Trin (芦根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Reed rhizome;Common Reed Rhizome;Phragmites communis Trin (芦根) with Latin name Rhizoma Phragmitis has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, stomach heat vomiting, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, heat strangury with inhibited pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Purslane;Purslane;Portulaca oleracea (马齿苋) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Purslane;Purslane;Portulaca oleracea (马齿苋) with Latin name Herba Portulacae has properties of Cold; Sour, affects the Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat toxin blood dysentery, acute bacillary dysentery, pertussis, enteritis, appendicitis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, eczema, erysipelas, bleeding, postpartum bleeding, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding and spotting, ascariasis, ancylostomiasis, snake or insect bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb;Medicinal Rhubarb (大黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb;Medicinal Rhubarb (大黄) with Latin name Radix et Rhizoma Rhei has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Repletion heat constipation, accumulation with abdominal pain, damp-heat jaundice, acute icterohepatitis, red eyes, swollen throat, intestinal welling abscess and abdominal pain, bleeding of digestive tract, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, acute appendicitis, acute peritonitis, ileus, cholecystitis, gallstones, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, knocks and falls, burns and scalds.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Elder Equivalent plant: Sambucus nigra (接骨木) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Elder Equivalent plant: Sambucus nigra (接骨木) with Latin name Sambucus williamsii has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses stem-branch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, pain wind, osteoarthritis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, wind papules, knocks and falls, swelling pain from fracture, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of All - grass of Japanese Inula;Japanese Inula (金沸草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, All - grass of Japanese Inula;Japanese Inula (金沸草) with Latin name Herba Inulae has properties of Warm; Salty, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold cough, phlegm congestion and qi counterflow, glomus fullness in chest and diaphragm, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, painful swelling from clove sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Vacarria seed; Cow soapwort seed;Cowherb (王不留行) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Vacarria seed; Cow soapwort seed;Cowherb (王不留行) with Latin name Semen Vaccariae has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Galactostasis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mammary welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Dwarf Lilyturf. (连心麦冬;寸冬) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Dwarf Lilyturf. (连心麦冬;寸冬) with Latin name Radix Ophiopogonis has properties of Cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Ophiopogon japonicus ( Thunb. Ker-Gawl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Relieving leucopenia in mice induced by cyclophosphamide and radiation sickness in dogs.2. Increasing anoxia tolerance in experimental animals under atmospheric pressure.3. Increasing coronary flow and improving myocardial contractility in guinea-pigs.4. Decreasing the level of blood sugar.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Purple perilla fruit, Perilla seed (苏子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Purple perilla fruit, Perilla seed (苏子) with Latin name Fructus Perillae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Upward perversion of lung qi caused by excessive phlegm fluid manifested as cough with white profuse sputum, or asthma and fullness and stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with White musta. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pumpkin seed and husks (南瓜子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pumpkin seed and husks (南瓜子) with Latin name Semen Cucurbitae moschatae has properties of Sweet; neutral, affects the Stomach; large intestine meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Taeniasis, ascariasis, bilharziosis, ancylostomiasis, oxyuria disease, postpartum scant milk, postpartum edema, pertussis, hemorrhoids.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta (荆芥) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta (荆芥) with Latin name Herba Schizonepetae has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold with fever, headache, itchy eye, cough, swelling pain in throat, measles papules, wind papules, swollen welling abscess, sore and scab, throat pain, conjunctivitis, child measles, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, postpartum blood dizziness.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta (芥穗) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta (芥穗) with Latin name Herba Schizonepetae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Mils antipyretic effect.2. Oral use of its decoction can promote the secretion of sweat glands and improve cutaneous blood circulation. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Datura Flower;Hindu Datura Flower (洋金花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Datura Flower;Hindu Datura Flower (洋金花) with Latin name Flos Daturae has properties of Pungent; warm, affects the Heart; lung; spleen meridian(s), uses seed , abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, epilepsy, chronic fright wind, anesthesia as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough and asthma without phlegm, cold pain in heart and Datura stramonium .. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Desertliving Cistanche (肉苁蓉) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Desertliving Cistanche (肉苁蓉) with Latin name Herba Cistanches has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses fleshy stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence, infertility, backache, limp aching lumbus and knees, weakness in sinews and bones, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Przewalsk Gentian;Gentiana scabra (龙胆草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Przewalsk Gentian;Gentiana scabra (龙胆草) with Latin name Radix Gentianae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Gentiana manshurica Kitag.;Gentiana scabra Bge.;Gentiana triflora Pall.;Gentiana ringescens Franch. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, swelling and itching of the vulva with excessive leukorrhea, prolonged erection of the penis with spontaneous emission, eczema accompanied by itching, blood-shot eyes, impairment of hearing, pain in the costal re. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Grosvenor Momordica Fruit;Grosvenor Siraitia (罗汉果) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Grosvenor Momordica Fruit;Grosvenor Siraitia (罗汉果) with Latin name Fructus Momordicae has properties of Cool; Sweet, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat dry cough, common cold, throat pain, laryngitis, aphonia due to throat pain, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Gynura (紫背天葵) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Gynura (紫背天葵) with Latin name Herba Gynurae bicoloris has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Gynura bicofor DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of carbuncles, boils and sores, mastitis, scrofula, venomous snake bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Siphonostegia (阴行草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Siphonostegia (阴行草) with Latin name Siphonostegia chinensis has properties of Bitter; warm, affects the Heart; spleen meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Jaundice, inhibited urination, abdominal distention with edema, stasis pain from knocks and falls, blood dysentery, blood strangury, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, postpartum abdomin al pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Schisandra chinensis;Chinese Magnoliavine Equivalent plant: Schisandra sphenanthera;Chinese Magnoliavine (五味子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Schisandra chinensis;Chinese Magnoliavine Equivalent plant: Schisandra sphenanthera;Chinese Magnoliavine (五味子) with Latin name Schisandra chinensis has properties of Warm; Sour, affects the Lung; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Enduring cough and vacuity asthma, dream emission, frequent urination and enuresis, incessant chronic diarrhea, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, fluid damage and thirst, palpitation and insomnia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pepper Fruit;Piper nigrum;Black Pepper (胡椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pepper Fruit;Piper nigrum;Black Pepper (胡椒) with Latin name Fructus Piperis has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Vomiting with stomach cold, abdominal pain and diarrhea, inappetence, convulsion, epilepsy and profuse phlegm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chicken’s Gizzard Endothelium (鸡内金) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chicken’s Gizzard Endothelium (鸡内金) with Latin name Gallus gallus domesticus has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Spleen; Stomach; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses dried lining membrane of gizzard as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Indigestion, food stagnation, vomiting nausea, diarrhea and dysentery, child gan accumulation, emission, enuresis, frequent urination, calculus of urinary system, gallstones, amenorrhea with concretion and conglomeration, throat impediment with nipple moth, gan of teeth and gum, mouth sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lilac Daphne; flower bud of Lilac Daphne; Daphne genkwa (芫花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lilac Daphne; flower bud of Lilac Daphne; Daphne genkwa (芫花) with Latin name Flos Genkwa has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses bud as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema, ascites, hydrothorax, cough with profuse phlegm, chronic bronchitis, malaria, scalp infection, infection of skin, tinea capitis, neurodermatitis, induce abortion, toothache.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Garden Burnet; Garden Burnet (地榆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Garden Burnet; Garden Burnet (地榆) with Latin name Radix Sanguisorbae has properties of Minor cold; Sour; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Blood ejection, hemoptysis, duodenal ulcer, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, eczema, pudendal itch, burns and scalds, snake or insect bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tree Peony Bark; Subshrubby Peony Root-Bark; Paeonia suffruticosa (牡丹皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tree Peony Bark; Subshrubby Peony Root-Bark; Paeonia suffruticosa (牡丹皮) with Latin name Cortex Moutan has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses root cortex as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Appendicitis, dysentery, hypertension, allergic rhinitis, warm heat disease with fever, macular eruption, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, steaming bone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, painful wound from knocks and falls, wind-damp-heat impediment.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sweet Wormwood Herb; Artemisia annua (青蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sweet Wormwood Herb; Artemisia annua (青蒿) with Latin name Herba Artemisiae Annuae has properties of Bitter; pungent; cold, affects the Liver; bladder; kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Artemisia annua.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Medicine Terminalia Fruit; Terminalia chebula (诃子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Medicine Terminalia Fruit; Terminalia chebula (诃子) with Latin name Fructus Chebulae has properties of Mild; Sour; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chronic diarrhea and dysentery, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, incessant cough, aphonia due to throat pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Muskmelon base; Muskmelon Pedicel; Cucumic melo (瓜蒂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Muskmelon base; Muskmelon Pedicel; Cucumic melo (瓜蒂) with Latin name Calycis Melo has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Stomach meridian(s), uses fruit pedicel as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind stroke, epilepsy, throat impediment, indigestion of overnight food, distending pain in stomach duct, damp-heat jaundice, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Himalayan Teasel Root; Japanese Teasel Root; Dipsacus asperoides (续断) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Himalayan Teasel Root; Japanese Teasel Root; Dipsacus asperoides (续断) with Latin name Radix Dipsaci has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Dipsacus asperoides.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Benzoin (安息香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Benzoin (安息香) with Latin name Benzoinum has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses balsam as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Sudden stroke and fulminant reversal, pain in heart and abdomen, postpartum blood dizziness, child fright epilepsy, wind impediment and lumbago.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Siphonostegia (刘寄奴) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Siphonostegia (刘寄奴) with Latin name Herba Artemisiae Anomalae has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Artemsia anomala S. Moore;Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Blood stagnation manifested as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain or swelling and pain due to external injuries. Siphonostegia (Liujinu) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Corydalis tuber (Yanhusuo) and Chuanxi. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cow-bezoar (Ox-gaIIstone) (牛黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cow-bezoar (Ox-gaIIstone) (牛黄) with Latin name Calculus Bovis has properties of Cool; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses gallstone as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Ardent fever, coma, fright epilepsy, convulsion, febrile diseases clouded spirit, wind stroke with orifice block, acute infant fright wind, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hindu Lotus Seed (莲子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hindu Lotus Seed (莲子) with Latin name Nelumbo nucifera has properties of Mild; Sweet; Punkery, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chronic diarrhea, inappetence, emission, restlessness, fright palpitation, insomnia, flooding and spotting, excessive leukorrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cassia Twig (桂枝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cassia Twig (桂枝) with Latin name Ramulus Cinmomi has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Bladder; Heart meridian(s), uses twig as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold exterior syndrome, cold-damp impediment pain, reversal cold of limbs, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chest impediment, palpitation, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urination.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Great Burdock Fruit ;achene of Great Burdock (牛蒡子;大力子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Great Burdock Fruit ;achene of Great Burdock (牛蒡子;大力子) with Latin name Fructus Arctii lappae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses fruit;Arctium lappa L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-heat common cold, cough with profuse phlegm, measles papules, wind papules, swelling pain in throat, epidemic parotitis;1. Its extract exerts a significant and prolonged effect of lowering blood sugar in rats.2. Mildly diuretic and laxative.3. An active component, arctiin, can induce tonic convulsion, feeble respiration and eventually paralysis in frogs, mice and rabbits. erysipelas, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Centipede (蜈蚣) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Centipede (蜈蚣) with Latin name Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses dried body as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, tetanus, spasm, convulsion, toxin swelling of sores and open sores, scrofula with ulceration, intractable headache with pulling sensation, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root and rhizome of smilax (灵仙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root and rhizome of smilax (灵仙) with Latin name Radix Smilacis has properties of Warm; Pungent; Salty, affects the Bladder meridian(s), uses Smilax scobinicaulis C. H. Wright;Smilax sieboldii Miq as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Inhibiting the growth of Stanphylococcus aureus and Shigella dysenteriae.2. Protoanemonin antagonizes histamine-induced bronchospasm and ileospam of guinea-pigs in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grass of Japanese St. Johnswort (田基黄;地耳草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grass of Japanese St. Johnswort (田基黄;地耳草) with Latin name Herba Hyperici japonici has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir;whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal welling abscess, pulmonary welling abscess, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, nipple moth, mouth sore, red eyes with gall, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Divaricate Saposhnikovia;Saposhnikovia divaricata;Divaricate Saposhnikovia (防风) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Divaricate Saposhnikovia;Saposhnikovia divaricata;Divaricate Saposhnikovia (防风) with Latin name Radix Saposhnikoviae divaricatae has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Migraine, headache and generalized pain, common cold, rheumatoid arthritis, externally contracted wind-cold, wind-damp impediment pain, aching pain in joints, abdominal pain and diarrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, tetanus, wind papule itching, sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Human Urine Sediment (人中白) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Human Urine Sediment (人中白) with Latin name Homo sapiens has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Lung; Bladder; Liver meridian(s), uses sediment of human urine as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Taxation fever, lung wilting, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, throat impediment, gan of teeth and gum, mouth sore, tongue sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bigflower Cape Jasmine (水蛭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bigflower Cape Jasmine (水蛭) with Latin name Gardenia jasminoides var. grandiflora has properties of Mild; Bitter; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat toxin, jaundice, nosebleed(epistaxis), nephritis with edema, sprain and contusion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Rhinoceros Horn (犀角) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Rhinoceros Horn (犀角) with Latin name Rhinoceros unicornis , Rhinoceros sondaicus , Rhinoceros sumatrensis has properties of Cold; Sour; Bitter; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses horn as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, acute febrile diseases, epidemic febrile diseases.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of twig of Winged Euonymus (鬼箭羽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, twig of Winged Euonymus (鬼箭羽) with Latin name Ramulus Euonymi has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Concretion and conglomeration, pain in heart and abdomen, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, retention of lochia, mounting qi , joint running impediment pain, swelling of sores, painful wound from knocks and falls, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Piper kadsura;Kadsura Pepper (海风藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Piper kadsura;Kadsura Pepper (海风藤) with Latin name Caulis Piperis Kadsurae;Caulis Piperis futokadsurae has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching sinews in limb joints, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dried Ginger (干姜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dried Ginger (干姜) with Latin name Rhizoma Zingiberis has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses dried rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, yang -collapse reversal flow, cold rheum asthma cough, cold-damp impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Stem of Taiwan Erycibe;Obtuseleaf Erycibe (丁公藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Stem of Taiwan Erycibe;Obtuseleaf Erycibe (丁公藤) with Latin name Caulis Erycibes has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses rattan as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, hemiplegia, painful swelling from knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cassia Seed (决明子;草决明) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cassia Seed (决明子;草决明) with Latin name Semen Cassiae;Semen Sene has properties of Sweet; bitter; slightly cold;Salty, affects the Liver; large intestine;kidney meridian(s), uses ripe seed;Cassia obtusifolia L.;Cassia tora L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Cassia obtusifolia.1. Oral adminstration of the hearbal powder can inhibit the rising of serum cholesterol and formation of atherosclerosis in rabbits.2. Its tincture and infusion can inhibit the myocardium of toad in vitro, and contract th eblood vessels of lower limbs.3. Its infusion can lower the blood pressure in dogs, cats and rabbits.4. Chrysophanol, one of the active components, is a laxative.5. Bacteriostatic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dandelion,Mongolian Dandelion (蒲公英) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dandelion,Mongolian Dandelion (蒲公英) with Latin name Taraxacum mongolicum has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Epidemic parotitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore pharynx, mastitis, hepatitis, swelling toxin of clove sore, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, red eyes, pulmonary welling abscess, damp-heat jaundice, heat strangury with inhibited pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Loquat Leaf;PI PA YE (枇杷叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Loquat Leaf;PI PA YE (枇杷叶) with Latin name Folium Eriobotryae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung heat cough, qi counterflow with rapid asthma , stomach heat vomiting, heat vexation and thirst.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Nutmeg;Common Nutmeg;Myristica fragrans (肉豆蔻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Nutmeg;Common Nutmeg;Myristica fragrans (肉豆蔻) with Latin name Semen Myristicae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses kernel as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, incessant chronic diarrhea, distending pain in stomach duct, reduced food intake with vomiting.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fortune Windmillpalm (棕榈皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fortune Windmillpalm (棕榈皮) with Latin name Trachycarpus fortunei has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses petiole and fibre of sheath as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit -spike of Common Selfheal;Common Selfheal;Prunella vulgaris (夏枯草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit -spike of Common Selfheal;Common Selfheal;Prunella vulgaris (夏枯草) with Latin name Spica Prunellae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses spike as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Red eyes with gall, eyeball night pain, headache and dizziness, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, mammary welling abscess, thyroid enlargement, scrofula, hyperplasia of mammary glands, hypertension.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dodder Seed (菟丝子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dodder Seed (菟丝子) with Latin name Semen Cuseutae;Semen Cuseutae;Semen Cuscutae has properties of Mild; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Cuscuta chinessis Lam. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Cardiotonic. 2. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Cape Jasmine (栀子;生山栀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Cape Jasmine (栀子;生山栀) with Latin name Fructus Gardeniae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses ripe fruit;Gardenia jaminoides Ellis as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute icterohepatitis, febrile diseases, vexation, melancholia, restlessness, stagnation of damp-heat in liver and gall, fever, jaundice, short voidings of reddish urine, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, dysentery with hematochezia and hematuria.1. The active components such as crocin, crocetin, genipin, or alcoholic extract protect the liver from carbon tetrachloride and increasing biliary secretion. Oral use of its decoction induce gallbladder contraction.2. Oral or intraperitoneal use of its decoction and alcoholic extract exerts a sustained hypotensive effect in anaesthetized and un-anaesthetized animals.3. Hemostatic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tangerine Seed (橘核) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tangerine Seed (橘核) with Latin name Semen Citri Reticulatae has properties of Minor Warm; Mild; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Mounting qi, painful swollen testes, mammary welling abscess, lumbago, bladder qi pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of immature fruit of Seville orange;Seville Orange Young Fruit (枳实) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, immature fruit of Seville orange;Seville Orange Young Fruit (枳实) with Latin name Fructus Aurantii Immaturus has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses young fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Shock, indigestion, ptosis of anus or uterus, cardiac failure, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, phlegm aggregation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Figwort Root (玄参; 元参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Figwort Root (玄参; 元参) with Latin name Radix Scrophulariae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter; Salty, affects the Lung; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat entering construction-blood, generalized fever, vexation and thirst, crimson tongue, macular eruption, steaming bone taxation cough, vacuity vexation and insomnia, fluid damage and constipation, dry eyes with clouded flowery vision, swelling pain in throat, scrofula with phlegm node, sore toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 1. Its alcoholic extract and its component methoxycinnamic acid can lower the typhoid vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.2. Its water or alcoholic infusion and decoction exert a mild hypotensive effect on anesthetized animals3. Lowering the level of blood sugar.4. Its infusion inhibits the growth of some dermatomyces.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bulb of Greenish Lily (百合) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bulb of Greenish Lily (百合) with Latin name Bulbus Lilii has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Heart meridian(s), uses bulb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Yin vacuity enduring cough, phlegm containing blood, fright palpitation and vacuity vexation, insomnia and frequent dreaming, trance.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Torrya seed (榧子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Torrya seed (榧子) with Latin name Semen Torreyae has properties of Sweet; neutral, affects the Lung; large intestine meridian(s), uses Torreya grandis Fort. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for As an anthelmintic for tapeworm and hookworm, more effective than that of tetrachloroethylene.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ephedra Root; Chinese Ephedra Root (麻黄根) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ephedra Root; Chinese Ephedra Root (麻黄根) with Latin name Radix Ephedrae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spontaneous sweating and night sweating.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sandalwood (檀香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sandalwood (檀香) with Latin name Lignum Santaii Albi has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses heartwood as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pain in chest and abdomen, cold stomachache, vomiting of water due to congealing cold qi stagnation, coronary heart disease with pattern of qi stagnation and blood stasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of tuber of Pinellia (半夏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, tuber of Pinellia (半夏) with Latin name Rhizoma Pinelliae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, vomiting nausea, glomus in chest, dizziness, headache, vexation and agitation in night, goiters with phlegm node, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Fourstamen Stephania (防己) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Fourstamen Stephania (防己) with Latin name Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Beriberi with edema, inhibited urination, eczema, sore toxin, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension, adjuvant in anesthesia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tuber Onion Seed (韭子; 韭菜子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tuber Onion Seed (韭子; 韭菜子) with Latin name Allium tuberosum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Kidney vacuity impotence, limp aching lumbus and knees, emission, frequent urination, urinary turbidity, Vaginal discharge.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Shrub Chastetree Fruit (蔓荆子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Shrub Chastetree Fruit (蔓荆子) with Latin name Fructus Viticis has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Externally contracted wind-heat, dizziness and headache, migraine, gum swelling and pain, red eyes with gall, delacrimation, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of limbs.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Aucklandia Root; Common Aucklandia (Costustoot) (木香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Aucklandia Root; Common Aucklandia (Costustoot) (木香) with Latin name Radix Aucklandiae has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach; Gallbladder; Three End meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distending pain in chest and stomach duct, diarrhea and tenesmus, non-digestion of food accumu lation, no thought of food and drink.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Civet (灵猫香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Civet (灵猫香) with Latin name Viverra zibetha has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses secretion with a musky odor secreted from anal scent glands as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Sudden pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi .. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Indian Bread (茯苓; 云苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Indian Bread (茯苓; 云苓) with Latin name Poria; Sclerotium Poriae Cocos; Sclerotium Poriae Cocos has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney; Lung meridian(s), uses sclerotium; Poria cocos (Schw. ) Wolf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Neurasthenia, disquieted heart spirit, fright palpitation and insomnia, insomnia, pelvic inflammation, edema, scant urine with edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, sloppy stool and diarrhea, chronic diarrhea.; 1. An active component pachyman promotes macrophage phagocytosis in mice, and enhances lymphocyte-blastogensis rate in vitro.2. Preventing the formation of gastric ulcer under stress in rats3. Diuretic and liver-protective.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Equivalent plant; Dioscorea gracillima; Dioscorea tokoro; Dioscorea septemloba (萆薢) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Equivalent plant; Dioscorea gracillima; Dioscorea tokoro; Dioscorea septemloba (萆薢) with Latin name Dioscorea hypoglauca [Syn. Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca] has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Unctuous strangury, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, sores, wind-damp impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hen's Egg YoIk (鸡子黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hen's Egg YoIk (鸡子黄) with Latin name Gallus gallus domesticus has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses egg yolk as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Insomnia and vexation, febrile diseases tetanic reversal, vacuity taxation blood ejection, retching counterflow, dysentery, scalds, heat sore, hepatitis, child indigestion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Wrinkled Gianthyssop (藿香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Wrinkled Gianthyssop (藿香) with Latin name Agastache rugosus has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Summer common cold, cold-heat headache, glomus and oppression in chest and stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, diarrhea in pregnancy, deep-source nasal congestion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (大黄; 生锦纹; 生军) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (大黄; 生锦纹; 生军) with Latin name Radix et Rhizoma Rhei has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Heart; Cardiovascular meridian(s), uses root and rhizome; Rheum palmatum L.; Rheum officinale Baill.; Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Repletion heat constipation, accumulation with abdominal pain, damp-heat jaundice, acute icterohepatitis, red eyes, swollen throat, intestinal welling abscess and abdominal pain, bleeding of digestive tract, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, acute appendicitis, acute peritonitis, ileus, cholecystitis, gallstones, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, knocks and falls, burns and scalds.; 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Tamarisk Equivalent plant: Tamarix ramosissima (柽柳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Tamarisk Equivalent plant: Tamarix ramosissima (柽柳) with Latin name Tamarix chinensis has properties of Pungent; neutral, affects the Lung; stomach; heart meridian(s), uses tender branch-leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Non-eruption of measles, wind papule itching, common cold, cough and asthma, wind-damp bone pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lilac pink herb; Lilac Pink; all-grass of Lilac Pink (瞿麦) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lilac pink herb; Lilac Pink; all-grass of Lilac Pink (瞿麦) with Latin name herba Dianthi has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Small Intestine; Heart meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Strangury, heat strangury, blood strangury, stone strangury, urinary tract infection, urinary stoppage, dripping with inhibited pain, amenorrhea, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of rectum.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pipewort Flower; Eriocaulon buergerianum; Pipewart (谷精草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pipewort Flower; Eriocaulon buergerianum; Pipewart (谷精草) with Latin name Flos Eriocauli has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses flower head with peduncle as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distended red eyes and screen, delacrimation and photophobia, night blindness, headache, deep-source nasal congestion, throat impediment, toothache, wind papule itching.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Silkworm Larva (白僵蚕) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Silkworm Larva (白僵蚕) with Latin name Bombyx mori has properties of Salty; pungent; neutral, affects the Liver; lung meridian(s), uses dried larva as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Epilepsy, fright wind and convulsion, swelling pain in throat, acute infection of upper respiratory tract, epidemic parotitis, diabetes mellitus, temporomandibular lymphrnoditis, facial paralysis, itchy skin.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Calamus gum; Dragon's blood (血竭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Calamus gum; Dragon's blood (血竭) with Latin name Sanguis Draconis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Daemonorops draco Bl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Hemostatic.2. Inhibiting the growth of various kinds of dermatomyces.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Villous Amomum Fruit (砂仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Villous Amomum Fruit (砂仁) with Latin name Fructus Amomi has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses ripe fruit or seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Abdominal pain glomus distention, food stagnation in torpid stomach, dysphagia-occlusion, vomiting, cold dysentery, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Burreed Tuber (三棱) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Burreed Tuber (三棱) with Latin name Rhizoma Sparganii has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, qi-blood stagnation, pain in heart and abdomen, distending pain in rib-side, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, knocks and falls, swelling of sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Himalayan Teasel Equivalent plant: Dipsacus japonicus (川续断) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Himalayan Teasel Equivalent plant: Dipsacus japonicus (川续断) with Latin name Dipsacus asperoides has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Limp aching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, flooding and spotting, profuse menstruation, fetal bleeding, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Waxgourd Peel (冬瓜皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Waxgourd Peel (冬瓜皮) with Latin name Exocarpium Benincasae has properties of Sweet; slightly cold, affects the Lung; small intestine meridian(s), uses exocarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema, inhibited urination [=dysuria], diarrhea, swelling of sores.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Szechwan Chiberry Fruit;Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit;CHUAN LIAN ZI (川楝子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Szechwan Chiberry Fruit;Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit;CHUAN LIAN ZI (川楝子) with Latin name Fructus Meliae Toosendan has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Stomach; Small Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chest and rib-side pain, distending pain in stomach duct, mounting qi , abdominal pain due to worm accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Amber, Succinus (琥珀;西琥珀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Amber, Succinus (琥珀;西琥珀) with Latin name Succinus has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Pinus spp. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Sedative and diuretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Common Androgrphis;Common Andrographis;Andrographis paniculata (穿心莲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Common Androgrphis;Common Andrographis;Andrographis paniculata (穿心莲) with Latin name Herba andrographitis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses dried aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Infection of upper respiratory tract, fever, wind-heat common cold, bacillary dysentery, diarrhea, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, postlithotripsy urinary tract infection, warm disease fever, pertussis, swelling pain in throat, damp-heat jaundice, strangury syndrome, erysipelas, sore and welling abscess, eczema, poisonous snake bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fragrant Solomonseal;Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome (玉竹) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fragrant Solomonseal;Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome (玉竹) with Latin name Rhizoma Polygoti Odorati has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Lung stomach yin damage, dry cough, dry throat, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Mulberry Twig;White Mulberry Branch;Morus alba (桑枝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Mulberry Twig;White Mulberry Branch;Morus alba (桑枝) with Latin name Ramulus Mori has properties of Mild; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses young twig as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, aching pain in joints, numbness in joints.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Agrimonia bud;Agrimonia pilosa (鹤草芽;仙鹤草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Agrimonia bud;Agrimonia pilosa (鹤草芽;仙鹤草) with Latin name Gemma Agrimoniae has properties of Bitter; cool, affects the Liver; small intestine; large intestine meridian(s), uses Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for To kill tapeworm. Agrimonia bud (Hecaoya) is taken with warm boiled water in the morning before breakfast. The tapeworm should be discharged within five to six hours.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass Manchurian wildginger;Wild ginger (xi xin);Siebold Wildginger (细辛) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass Manchurian wildginger;Wild ginger (xi xin);Siebold Wildginger (细辛) with Latin name Herba Asari has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold common cold, influenza, headache, toothache, local anesthesia, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion, wind-damp impediment pain, phlegm-rheum cough asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of aal-grass of Tamariskoid spikemoss;Tamariskoid Spikemoss (卷柏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, aal-grass of Tamariskoid spikemoss;Tamariskoid Spikemoss (卷柏) with Latin name Herba Selaginellae has properties of Mild; Pungent, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses dried whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls, abdominal pain, asthma (raw), blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum (scorch-fry).. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grass of Barbed Skullcap;Barbed SkuIIcap (半枝莲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grass of Barbed Skullcap;Barbed SkuIIcap (半枝莲) with Latin name Herba Scutellariae barbatae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat toxin swollen welling abscess, throat pain, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, edema, ascites, carcinoma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pricklyash Peel (花椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pricklyash Peel (花椒) with Latin name Pericarpium Zanthoxyli has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses pericarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting due to roundworm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pricklyash Peel (蜀椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pricklyash Peel (蜀椒) with Latin name Pericarpium Zanthoxyli has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. et Zucc.;Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Anthelmintic, more effective on Ascaris suis.2. An active component, geraniol, exerts a sedative effect in rats.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of flower of Pale Butterflybush;Buddleja officinalis;Pale Butterflybush (密蒙花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, flower of Pale Butterflybush;Buddleja officinalis;Pale Butterflybush (密蒙花) with Latin name Flos Buddlejae has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Red eyes with gall, delacrimation and photophobia, liver vacuity dim vision, dim vision, malaria.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of areca seed;Areca catechu;Betenutpalm (槟榔) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, areca seed;Areca catechu;Betenutpalm (槟榔) with Latin name semen arecae has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wormccumulation, food stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea and tenesmus, beriberi, edema, malaria.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta;FineIeaf Schizonepeta;Schizonepeta tenuifolia (荆芥) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta;FineIeaf Schizonepeta;Schizonepeta tenuifolia (荆芥) with Latin name Herba Schizonepetae has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold with fever, headache, itchy eye, cough, swelling pain in throat, measles papules, wind papules, swollen welling abscess, sore and scab, throat pain, conjunctivitis, child measles, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, postpartum blood dizziness.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb;Compositeleaf Eupatorium;Shiny Bugleweed (泽兰) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb;Compositeleaf Eupatorium;Shiny Bugleweed (泽兰) with Latin name Herba Lycopi;Eupatorium compositifolium has properties of Bitter; pungent; slightly warm, affects the Liver; spleen meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, edema in body and face, knocks and falls, incised wound.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tokyo Violet Herb;Viola yedoensis (紫花地丁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tokyo Violet Herb;Viola yedoensis (紫花地丁) with Latin name Herba Violae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, erysipelas, mumps, mammary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, scrofula, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, red eyes with gall, poisonous snake bites.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Oyster (牡蛎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Oyster (牡蛎) with Latin name Crassostrea gigas has properties of Minor cold; Salty; Punkery, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Ostrea gigas Thunberg.;Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse.;Ostrea rivularis Gould. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its extract inhibits the growth of poliovirus in vivo.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Songaria Cynomorium;Cynomorium songaricum (锁阳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Songaria Cynomorium;Cynomorium songaricum (锁阳) with Latin name Cynomorium songaricum has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Large Intestine; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses fleshy stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Kidney vacuity impotence, emission and premature ejaculation, limp wilting of lower limb, vacuity constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Litchi Seed;Lychee Seed (荔枝核) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Litchi Seed;Lychee Seed (荔枝核) with Latin name Semen Litchi has properties of Warm; Sweet; Punkery, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Mounting qi pain, painful swollen testes, premenstrual abdominal pain, postpartum abdominal pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of spore of Japanese climbing Fern;Japanese Climbing Fern;Lygodium japonicum (海金沙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, spore of Japanese climbing Fern;Japanese Climbing Fern;Lygodium japonicum (海金沙) with Latin name Spora Lygodii has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Heat strangury, stone strangury, blood strangury, inhibited urination [=dysuria], edema, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, common cold with fever, cough and asthma, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, red eyes with gall, mumps, mammary welling abscess, erysipelas, zoster, burns and scalds, itchy skin, wound swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Yerbadetajo (墨旱莲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Yerbadetajo (墨旱莲) with Latin name herba ecliptae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Sour, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Tooth mobilizing, premature graying in beard and hair, dizziness and tinnitus, limp aching lumbus and knees, yin vacuity blood heat, hemoptysis, blood ejection, duodenal bleeding, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, eczema of skin, bleeding of skin, snake bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome (山柰) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome (山柰) with Latin name Rhizoma Kaempferiae has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Stomach meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Distention fullness in chest and diaphragm, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, non-digestion of food accumulation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Medicil cyathula;Mediinal Cyathula (川牛膝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Medicil cyathula;Mediinal Cyathula (川牛膝) with Latin name Radix Cyathulae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea with concretion and conglomeration, retention of placenta, impediment pain in joints, hematuria, blood strangury, knocks and falls.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tuber-root of Common Turmeric;Aromatic Turmeric (郁金) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tuber-root of Common Turmeric;Aromatic Turmeric (郁金) with Latin name Radix Curcumae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Curcuma longa.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root (西川芎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root (西川芎) with Latin name Radix chuanxiong;Rhizoma Chuanxiong has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Cardiovascular; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its active component, tetramethylpyrazine, can dilate the coronary artery and increase the coronary flow.2. Its aqueous solution and alcoholic infusion can lower blood pressure.3. Its alkaloids, ferulic acid and cnidilide are antispasmodics.4. Inhibiting the egrowth of intestinal gram-negative bacteria and skinfungi.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root (川芎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root (川芎) with Latin name Radix chuanxiong;Rhizoma Chuanxiong has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Cardiovascular; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cerebral ischemia, postpartum pain, acute icterohepatitis, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chest and rib-side stabbing pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, headache, wind-damp impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Canton Abrus;Canton Love-pea Vine (鸡骨草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Canton Abrus;Canton Love-pea Vine (鸡骨草) with Latin name Herba Abri has properties of Cool; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses whole herb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Icterohepatitis, stomachache, wind-damp bone pain, stasis pain from knocks and falls, mammary welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale;Nutgrass Galingale (香附) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale;Nutgrass Galingale (香附) with Latin name Rhizoma Cyperi has properties of Mild; Pungent; Slightly Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Three End meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for women’s diseases, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, liver depression and qi pain, distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, indigestion, glomus and oppression in chest and stomach duct, cold mounting with abdominal pain, painful swollen breast.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Bistort;Bistort (拳参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Bistort;Bistort (拳参) with Latin name Rhizoma Bistortae has properties of Cool; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Red dysentery, heat diarrhea, lung heat cough, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, mouth sore, tongue sores, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, poisonous snake bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Eucommia bark;Eucommia ulmoides (杜仲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Eucommia bark;Eucommia ulmoides (杜仲) with Latin name Cortex Eucommiae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, kidney vacuity lumbago, weakness in sinews and bones, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tall Gastrodia;Gastrodia elata (天麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tall Gastrodia;Gastrodia elata (天麻) with Latin name Gastrodia elata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses stem and tuber as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Convulsion, child convulsion, spasm in limbs, facial muscle spasm, trigeminal neuralgia, numbness in limbs, acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, tetanus, dizziness, headache, hemiplegia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Field Thistle Herb;XIAO JI;Setose Thistle (小蓟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Field Thistle Herb;XIAO JI;Setose Thistle (小蓟) with Latin name Herba Cirsii;Herba Cirsii segeti has properties of Cool; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses whole herb or root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Coughing of blood, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, blood strangury, hematochezia, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of tatarian aster;Tatarion Aster;ZI WAN (紫菀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of tatarian aster;Tatarion Aster;ZI WAN (紫菀) with Latin name radix asteris has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, consumption cough and hemoptysis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Perilla Leaf Equivalent plant: Perilla frutescens var acuta;Common Perilla Leaf;Acute Common PeriIIa Leaf (紫苏叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Perilla Leaf Equivalent plant: Perilla frutescens var acuta;Common Perilla Leaf;Acute Common PeriIIa Leaf (紫苏叶) with Latin name Perilla frutescens var. arguta has properties of Pungent; warm, affects the Lung; spleen meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold exterior syndrome, cough with profuse phlegm, distention fullness in chest and stomach duct, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, malign obstruction in pregnancy, poisoning of fish or crab.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Taxillus Herb;Parasite Scurrula (桑寄生) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Taxillus Herb;Parasite Scurrula (桑寄生) with Latin name Herba Taxilli has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses stem and branch-leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and knees, stomachache, scant breast milk, knocks and falls, toxin swelling of sores, frostbite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Virgate Wormwood (黄蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Virgate Wormwood (黄蒿) with Latin name Artemisia scoparia [Syn. Artemisia capillaris var. scoparia] has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Artemisia capillaris.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Eucommia bark (川杜仲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Eucommia bark (川杜仲) with Latin name Cortex Eucommiae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Hypotensive 2. Promoting phagocytosis of mononuclear phagocytes3. Sedative and diuretic.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Eucommia bark (杜仲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Eucommia bark (杜仲) with Latin name Cortex Eucommiae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hypertension, kidney vacuity lumbago, weakness in sinews and bones, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of bark of Oriental Variegated Coralbean (海桐皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, bark of Oriental Variegated Coralbean (海桐皮) with Latin name Cortex erythrie has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, scab sore, lichen, eczema.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Jujube Chinese date (大枣) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Jujube Chinese date (大枣) with Latin name Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses ripe fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, lack of strength and sloppy stool, visceral agitation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Jujube Chinese date (红枣) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Jujube Chinese date (红枣) with Latin name Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Ziziphus jujuba Mill as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Oral administration increases the level of cAMP and decrease the level of cGMP in plasma and in leukocytes.2. Protect the liver from damage.3. Hypotensive.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Trichosanthes root, Skegourd root (天花粉) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Trichosanthes root, Skegourd root (天花粉) with Latin name Radix Trichosanthis has properties of Bitter; slightly sweet; cold, affects the Lung; stomach meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Febrile diseases thirst, lung heat dry cough, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, toxin swelling of sores, induce abortion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Ginkgo seed (白果) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Ginkgo seed (白果) with Latin name Semen Ginkgo has properties of Mild; Sweet; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses nut as the part for treatment, and is indicated for AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cochinchina Cudrania (狗脊) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cochinchina Cudrania (狗脊) with Latin name Cudrania cochinchinensis has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, jaundice, parotitis, phthisis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, strangury-turbidity, tympanites, menstrual block, taxation damage and coughing of blood, clove sore and swollen welling abscess.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bat Dung (夜明砂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bat Dung (夜明砂) with Latin name Vespertilio superans has properties of Cold; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses dried feces as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Clear-eye blindness, night blindness, internal or external obstruction and screen, scrofula, gan accumulation, malaria.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale (香附) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale (香附) with Latin name Rhizoma Cyperi has properties of Mild; Pungent; Slightly Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Three End meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for women’s diseases, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, liver depression and qi pain, distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, indigestion, glomus and oppression in chest and stomach duct, cold mounting with abdominal pain, painful swollen breast.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale (制香附) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale (制香附) with Latin name Rhizoma Cyperi Preparata has properties of Mild; Pungent; Slightly Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Three End meridian(s), uses Cyperus rotundus L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of stagnation of the liver qi characterized by distending pain in the chest, hypochondria and epigastrium, indigestion, feeling of stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium, abdominal colic, distending pain in the breast, menstrual disorders, amen. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Lightyellow sophora (苦参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Lightyellow sophora (苦参) with Latin name Radix Sophorae flavescentis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses dried root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Arrhythmia, otitis media, acute conjunctivitis, chronic conjunctivitis, trichomoniasis, septicemia, edema, damp-heat diarrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, acute jaundice, inhibited urination, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, scab and lichen, leprosy, itchy skin, eczema, damp toxin sore, suppurative nest sore.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Grand Hogfennel;QIAN HU (前胡) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Grand Hogfennel;QIAN HU (前胡) with Latin name radix Peucedani has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cough, externally contracted wind-heat, lung heat phlegm depression, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, sticky phlegm, retching counterflow and reduced food intake, fullness and oppression in chest and diaphragm.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of Argy Wormwood;Argy Wormwood Leaf;AI YE (艾叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of Argy Wormwood;Argy Wormwood Leaf;AI YE (艾叶) with Latin name Folium Artemisiae Argyi has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Cold pain in abdomen, menstrual disorder due to cold, infertility due to uterus cold, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, fetal spotting, itchy skin.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit (金铃子;川楝子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit (金铃子;川楝子) with Latin name Fructus Meliae Toosendan has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Stomach; Small Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses Melia toosedan Sieb. et Zucc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its component toosendanin can expel ascarides from the intestine.2. Inhibiting the growth of some kind of fungi.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Rehmannia Root (熟地黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Rehmannia Root (熟地黄) with Latin name Radix Rehmanniae Preparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses steamed and sundried root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Blood vacuity with yellow complexion, dizziness and palpitation, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], incessant flooding and spotting, liver-kidney yin depletion, tidal fever with night sweat, impotence and emission, sterility and infertility, limp aching lumbus and knees, tinnitus and deafness, dizzy head and vision, premature graying in beard and hair, diabetes mellitus, constipation, kidney vacuity hasty asthma.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tuber Fleeceflower;Polygonum multiflorum (何首乌) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tuber Fleeceflower;Polygonum multiflorum (何首乌) with Latin name Polygonum multiflorum has properties of Cold; Minor Warm; Sour; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Backache, neurasthenia, hyperlipemia, neurosis, insomnia, dizziness due to anemia, palpitation, limp aching lumbus and knees due to liver kidney yin vacuity, premature graying in beard and hair, tinnitus, emission, intestinal dry and constipation, enduring malaria, wind papule itching, sore and welling abscess, scrofula, hemorrhoids.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of all - grss of Hairyvein Agrimonia;Japanese Argimonia (仙鹤草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all - grss of Hairyvein Agrimonia;Japanese Argimonia (仙鹤草) with Latin name Herba Agrimoniae has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hemoptysis, blood ejection, flooding and spotting, malaria, blood dysentery, swelling toxin of wellingabscess and sore, pudendal itch, Vaginal discharge.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of pollen of longbract cattail;PU HUANG;Longbract Cattail Pollen (蒲黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, pollen of longbract cattail;PU HUANG;Longbract Cattail Pollen (蒲黄) with Latin name pollen typhae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses pollen as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hyperlipemia, angina pectoris, exudative eczema, bleeding, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, pain in heart and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, postpartum bleeding, postpartum abdominal pain, blood strangury with inhibited pain.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cibot Rhizome (金毛狗脊) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cibot Rhizome (金毛狗脊) with Latin name Rhizoma Cibotii has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Cibotum barometz (L.) J. Sm. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of weakness and aching of the back and loins, limpness of the legs, rheumatic arthralgia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cibot Rhizome (金狗脊) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cibot Rhizome (金狗脊) with Latin name Rhizoma Cibotii has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Cibotum barometz (L.) J. Sm. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of weakness and aching of the back and loins, limpness of the legs, rheumatic arthralgia.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of Chinese Arborvitae (柏子仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of Chinese Arborvitae (柏子仁) with Latin name Semen Biotae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Large Intestine; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses kernel as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Fright palpitation and fearful throbbing, sleepless and amnesia, night sweating, intestinal dry and constipation.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of White peony root;Common Peony;Paeonia lactiflora (白芍) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, White peony root;Common Peony;Paeonia lactiflora (白芍) with Latin name Radix Paeoniae Alba has properties of Minor cold; Sour; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Headache and dizziness, pain in rib-side, abdominal pain, spasm in limbs, anemia with yellow complexion, menstrual disorder, profuse menstruation, spontaneous sweating, night sweating.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Common Amarrhe;Anemarrhena asphodeloides;Common Anemarrhena (知母) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Common Amarrhe;Anemarrhena asphodeloides;Common Anemarrhena (知母) with Latin name Rhizoma Anemarrhee has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Diabetes mellitus, warm heat disease, ardent fever with vexation and thirst, cough and asthma, dry cough, constipation, steaming bone tidal fever, vacuity vexation and insomnia, strangury-turbidity.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Akebia, Clematis stem;Fiveleaf Akebia (木通) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Akebia, Clematis stem;Fiveleaf Akebia (木通) with Latin name Caulis Aristolochiae seu Clematis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Small Intestine; Heart meridian(s), uses stem as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute urethritis, short voidings of reddish urine, strangury-turbidity, edema, nephritis with edema, galactostasis, heat vexation in chest, throat pain, mouth sore, tongue sores, wind-damp impediment pain, galactostasis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tangerine Pericarp (橘皮(陈皮)) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tangerine Pericarp (橘皮(陈皮)) with Latin name Citrus reticulata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses pericarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-stomach qi stagnation and damp obstruction, lung qi block, cough with profuse phlegm, mammary welling abscess, indigestion, vomiting.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Puncturevine Caltrap (刺蒺藜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Puncturevine Caltrap (刺蒺藜) with Latin name Tribulus terrestris has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Headache, itchy body, red eyes and eye screen, convulsion, fullness in chest, cough and counterflow, concretion and conglomeration, difficult lactation, welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Safflower (红花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Safflower (红花) with Latin name Flos Carthami has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, retention of lochia, angina pectoris, cerebral thrombosis, neurodermatitis, concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, knocks and falls, swollen pain due to bleeding.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common Yam Rhizome; Dioscorea opposita; Common Yam (山药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common Yam Rhizome; Dioscorea opposita; Common Yam (山药) with Latin name Rhizoma Dioscoreae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, incessant chronic diarrhea, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, kidney vacuity and emission, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, vacuity heat and diabetes mellitus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of rdostachys Root (甘松) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rdostachys Root (甘松) with Latin name Radix seu Rhizoma rdostachyos has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, headache, hysteria, beriberi.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root (炙黄芪) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root (炙黄芪) with Latin name Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Praeparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses Hedysarum polybotrys Hand. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Increasing the amount of leukocytes and polymorphoctyes in peripheral blood and promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 2. Its polysaccharide promotes the healing of skin ulcer. 3. Cardiotonic. 4. Dilating coronary artery and capillaries.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Anteater scales Preparata (炒山甲;炒山甲珠) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Anteater scales Preparata (炒山甲;炒山甲珠) with Latin name Squama manitis has properties of Minor cold; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Raising the level of white blood cells.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Centipede;Centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes);Arborescent Aloe (蜈蚣) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Centipede;Centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes);Arborescent Aloe (蜈蚣) with Latin name Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans;Aloe arborescens var. natalensis has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses dried body;fresh juice of leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, tetanus, spasm, convulsion, toxin swelling of sores and open sores, scrofula with ulceration, intractable headache with pulling sensation, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension.Liver fire and red eyes, dizziness, lung heat cough asthma, repletion heat constipation, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, erythematous lupus.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pangolin (穿山甲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pangolin (穿山甲) with Latin name Manis pentadactyla has properties of Minor cold; Salty, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses scale as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Amenorrhea due to blood stasis, concretion and conglomeration, wind-damp impediment pain, galactostasis, swollen welling abscess, scrofula.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pharbitis seed;Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed (牵牛子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pharbitis seed;Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed (牵牛子) with Latin name Semen Pharbitidis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Kidney meridian(s), uses seed as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Edema distention fullness, inhibited urine and stool, phlegm-rheum and accumulation-gathering, qi counterflow with cough and asthma, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, ascariasis, taeniasis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Twotooth Achyranthes (牛膝;怀牛膝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Twotooth Achyranthes (牛膝;怀牛膝) with Latin name Radix Achyranthis bidentatae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root;Achyranthes bidentata Bl as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Aching in lumbus and knees, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, concretion and conglomeration, retention of placenta , heat strangury, blood strangury, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, swelling pain in throat. . " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Bulb of Greenish Lily (川百合) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Bulb of Greenish Lily (川百合) with Latin name Bulbus Lilii has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Heart meridian(s), uses Lilium davidii Duch. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. To moisurize the lung and relieve cough (lung-dryness with cough and hemoptysis). 2. To relieve cardiac heat and tranquilize the mind (convalescence of febrile diseases or yin-deficiency with heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpi. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Difengpi Bark;Difengpi Anisetree (地枫皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Difengpi Bark;Difengpi Anisetree (地枫皮) with Latin name Cortex Illicii has properties of Warm; Slightly Pungent; Punkery, affects the Bladder; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, centipede bite.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb (泽兰叶;泽兰) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb (泽兰叶;泽兰) with Latin name Herba Lycopi has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter; slightly warm, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel;aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpatum abdominal pain due to blood stasis, edema.Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, edema in body and face, knocks and falls, incised wound.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Myrrh (没药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Myrrh (没药) with Latin name Resi myrrhae;Myrrha has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses balsam as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Stasis pain in chest and abdomen, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and sores, intestinal welling abscess, red eyes with gall.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of leafy twigs of Oriental Arborvitae;CE BAI YE;Chinese Arborvitae Leaf (侧柏叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leafy twigs of Oriental Arborvitae;CE BAI YE;Chinese Arborvitae Leaf (侧柏叶) with Latin name Cacumen et Folium Biotae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hemoptysis, duodenal bleeding, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, incessant flooding and spotting, cough with profuse phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, scalds, burns.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Manypr ickle Acanthopanax (刺五加) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Manypr ickle Acanthopanax (刺五加) with Latin name Acanthopanax senticosus [Syn. Eleutherococcus senticosus ] has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen-kidney yang vacuity, vacuity and hypodynamia, inappetence, aching in lumbus and knees, insomnia and frequent dreaming.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chinese Globeflower (金莲花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chinese Globeflower (金莲花) with Latin name Flos Trollii chinensis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, gum swelling and pain, gum hemorrhage, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore, acute periostitis, acute lymphangitis.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Balloonflower root (白桔梗) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Balloonflower root (白桔梗) with Latin name Radix Platycodi has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Small dosage of platycodoside, one of its active components, can increase secretion of respiratory tract and promote expectoration.2. Platycodoside may also serve as a sedative, an analgesic and an antipyretic.3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus typhoid in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of Balloonflower root (苦桔梗) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Balloonflower root (苦桔梗) with Latin name Radix Platycodi has properties of Mild; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.)A.DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Small dosage of platycodoside, one of its active components, can increase secretion of respiratory tract and promote expectoration.2. Platycodoside may also serve as a sedative, an analgesic and an antipyretic.3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus typhoid in vitro.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root Pilose Asiabell (西党;党参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root Pilose Asiabell (西党;党参) with Latin name Radix Codonopsis pilosulae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf.; Codonopsis pilosula Nannf. var. modesta (Nannf.) L. T. Shen;Codonopsis tangshen Oliv. ;root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of weakness of the spleen and the lung manifested by shortness of breath, cough, palpitation, anorexia, loose stools, diabetes caused by internal heat;Spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, lassitude in limbs, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, qi-blood depletion.. " "[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Largeleaf Gentian (秦艽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Largeleaf Gentian (秦艽) with Latin name Radix Gentiae macrophyllae has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses dried root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching pain in joints, late afternoon tidal fever, child gan accumulation with fever.. " "[INST] What is Acupuncture?[/INST] Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical procedure that relieves pain and treats diseases by restoring the normal flow of energy (‘Qi’) through the body using ascending, descending, reinforcing, reducing, warming and clearing techniques. A typical acupuncture treatment involves inserting needles as fine as hair into specific points on the body to elicit a healing response. The sterilised and disposable needles are so thin that most people feel nothing more than a slight tingling sensation during insertion. " "[INST] What are key benefits of Acupuncture?[/INST] Acupuncture boosts immune system, Improves healing​, Regulates basic metabolic functions​, Relieves pain and promotes sleep " "[INST] What is Cupping?[/INST] Cupping uses warm glass or bamboo cups to create a partial vacuum so that it can be “stuck” on the skin. In some cases, the cup may be moved while the suction is active (known as gliding cupping), pulling the skin to “restart” the circulation of Qi in the body. " "[INST] What are key benefits of Cupping?[/INST] Significantly relieves pain, Treats discomfort and various illnesses, Rejuvenates ill-functioning meridians and organs, Promotes blood circulation, Aids deep tissue repair." [INST] What is Auriculotherapy?[/INST] Auriculotherapy is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method that stimulates different auricular points in the ear to regulate the inner organs and systems. Black vaccaria seeds or metal beads are placed using adhesive tape over corresponding points for the patient to apply pressure. "[INST] What are key benefits of Auriculotherapy?[/INST] Effective modality, Stimulation continues after clinic visit, Convenient and inexpensive, Non-invasive" "[INST] What is Gua Sha?[/INST]Gua Sha (Scraping) is a form of traditional Chinese therapy, based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory of meridians. The skin is lightly scraped (刮 “gua”) using a scraping tool to produce a red, bruise-like/rash-like appearance (痧 “sha”). This helps to relieve tension and tightness, release blockage in the meridians, promote blood circulation and dispel toxins from the body, thereby preventing and treating various illnesses. " "[INST] What are key benefits of Gua Sha?[/INST] Boosts immune system, Significantly relieves pain, Releases muscle tightness, pain and constriction, Promotes normal circulation of blood and energy to muscles and organs to dissipate blood stasis" "[INST] What is Tuina?[/INST] Tuina stimulates specific acupuncture points or areas specifically to boost the body’s natural immunity, to manage and prevent diseases." "[INST] What are key benefits of Tuina?[/INST] Relaxes and revitalises the mind and body, Promotes deep sleep, Removes blockages, Regulates bodily functions, Reduces fatigue and stress, Improves blood circulation, Reduces muscle soreness, Relieves pain caused by injured tissues, Stimulates the repair of damaged tissues​" "[INST] What are Herbal Medication?[/INST] Herbal medicine may be taken raw, brewed or as a drink of herbal powders mixed with water. It can be given in sachets, tablets, pills or capsules and requires no cooking. " "[INST] What is Paediatric Tuina?[/INST] Paediatric Tuina stimulates specific acupuncture points or areas specifically to boost the child’s natural immunity, to manage and prevent paediatric diseases."