PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; |
CREATE TABLE "company" ( |
"Company_ID" int, |
"Rank" int, |
"Company" text, |
"Headquarters" text, |
"Main_Industry" text, |
"Sales_billion" real, |
"Profits_billion" real, |
"Assets_billion" real, |
"Market_Value" real, |
PRIMARY KEY ("Company_ID") |
); |
CREATE TABLE "gas_station" ( |
"Station_ID" int, |
"Open_Year" int, |
"Location" text, |
"Manager_Name" text, |
"Vice_Manager_Name" text, |
"Representative_Name" text, |
PRIMARY KEY ("Station_ID") |
); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (1,"1","ExxonMobil","USA","Oil and gas","433.5","41.1","331.1","407.4"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (2,"3","General Electric","USA","Conglomerate","147.3","14.2","717.2","213.7"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (3,"4","Royal Dutch Shell","Netherlands","Oil and gas","470.2","30.9","340.5","227.6"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (4,"5","Industrial and Commercial Bank of China","China","Banking","82.6","25.1","2039.1","237.4"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (5,"6","HSBC","UK","Banking","102","16.2","2550","164.3"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (6,"7","PetroChina","China","Oil and gas","310.1","20.6","304.7","294.7"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (7,"8","Berkshire Hathaway","USA","Conglomerate","143.7","10.3","392.6","202.2"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (8,"9","Wells Fargo","USA","Banking","87.6","15.9","1313.9","178.7"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (9,"10","Petrobras","Brazil","Oil and gas","145.9","20.1","319.4","180"); |
INSERT INTO "company" VALUES (10,"11","BP","UK","Oil and gas","375.5","25.7","292.5","147.4"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (1,"1998","Herne Hill","BrianWingrave","Russell Denman","Clive Burr"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (2,"1999","Channel Hill","SimonMarloe","Russell Brown","Rob Jefferies "); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (3,"2000","Reading North","Simon Cope Derek Marloe","James Colin ","Dave Edwards Roger "); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (4,"2002","Herne St","Colin Denman","Martin Garnham","Ray Hughes"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (5,"2003","Reading","Colin Denman","Martin Freeman","Andrew Russell"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (6,"2004","Herne Ave","Tom Whit","Simon Gaywood","Tony Gibb"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (7,"2005","Hennry Hill","Bryan Taylor","James Holland-Leader","Simon Gaywood"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (8,"2006","Jane Ave","BryanDenman","James Holland-Leader","Simon Gaywood"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (9,"2007","Maindy Hill","Tony Bristow","JameMarloe","Courtney Rowe"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (10,"2008","Maindy Ave","Luke Rowe","TonyBristow","Chris Pyatt"); |
INSERT INTO "gas_station" VALUES (11,"2009","Newport Rd","Jon Rowe","Steve Parsons","Tim Read"); |
CREATE TABLE "station_company" ( |
"Station_ID" int, |
"Company_ID" int, |
"Rank_of_the_Year" int, |
PRIMARY KEY ("Station_ID","Company_ID"), |
FOREIGN KEY (`Station_ID`) REFERENCES `gas_station`(`Station_ID`), |
FOREIGN KEY (`Company_ID`) REFERENCES `company`(`Company_ID`) |
); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (11,1,1); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (1,3,2); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (6,6,3); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (7,9,4); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (10,10,9); |
INSERT INTO "station_company" VALUES (4,1,13); |