PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `product_name` VARCHAR(20), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_description` VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (1, 'dvds', '1322.7800', 'good condition'); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (2, 'cloth', '6402.0900', 'good condition'); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (3, 'electronics', '2511.2900', 'great condition'); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (4, 'books', '7111.6800', 'good condition'); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (5, 'food', '3644.4500', 'good condition'); INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `product_name`, `product_price`, `product_description`) VALUES (6, 'gift', '5022.3900', 'bad condition'); CREATE TABLE `Addresses` ( `address_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `address_details` VARCHAR(80), `city` VARCHAR(50), `zip_postcode` VARCHAR(20), `state_province_county` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (1, '92283 Lora Forges Suite 322', 'Mohrville', '271', 'Nebraska', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (2, '17135 Jaida Fork Suite 798', 'East Brody', '940', 'Colorado', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (3, '41099 Crist Prairie Suite 507', 'Evelinebury', '003', 'Idaho', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (4, '615 Adams Rue Apt. 095', 'Sawaynville', '575', 'Kentucky', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (5, '045 Marquardt Village Suite 484', 'Carterside', '827', 'California', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (6, '203 Joseph Hills', 'Giovannaton', '960', 'Tennessee', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (7, '6187 Feil Extension Apt. 749', 'East Frederic', '674', 'Maine', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (8, '185 Farrell Brooks Apt. 106', 'Mosciskimouth', '076', 'Illinois', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (9, '3720 Pagac Hollow Apt. 131', 'Alvertatown', '234', 'Wyoming', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (10, '57136 Eichmann Ranch Suite 091', 'Gerholdtown', '297', 'Illinois', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (11, '3020 Steuber Gardens Apt. 620', 'Flossiefurt', '460', 'Michigan', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (12, '2060 Hilpert Forge Apt. 379', 'Annietown', '491', 'Michigan', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (13, '469 Roberts Mews', 'Lake Abbey', '838', 'Washington', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (14, '8701 Myrtis Ranch', 'North Marquesfort', '940', 'Ohio', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Addresses (`address_id`, `address_details`, `city`, `zip_postcode`, `state_province_county`, `country`) VALUES (15, '06959 Garett Meadows Apt. 259', 'New Lizziechester', '934', 'Massachusetts', 'USA'); CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `payment_method` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `customer_name` VARCHAR(80), `customer_phone` VARCHAR(80), `customer_email` VARCHAR(80), `date_became_customer` DATETIME ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (1, 'Visa', 'Ron Emard', '1-382-503-5179x53639', '', '2011-04-25 22:20:35'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (2, 'MasterCard', 'Gabe Schroeder', '1-728-537-4293x0885', '', '2011-10-17 16:08:25'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (3, 'Discover', 'Candace Schneider', '940.575.3682x7959', '', '2012-01-11 21:17:01'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (4, 'Visa', 'Jaden Lang', '361.151.3489x7272', '', '2009-12-29 17:38:10'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (5, 'Visa', 'Geovanni Grady', '1-005-644-2495', '', '2017-05-21 07:09:55'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (6, 'Visa', 'Dr. Karine Farrell', '+49(2)0677806107', '', '2010-11-06 08:42:56'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (7, 'Discover', 'Emmanuel Reilly', '129.959.6420', '', '2013-11-29 06:15:22'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (8, 'MasterCard', 'Keenan Kuhic', '686-517-9923x348', '', '2013-04-09 18:17:05'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (9, 'American', 'Rusty Morar', '1-123-197-9677x7194', '', '2015-09-09 09:29:06'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (10, 'Visa', 'Lila Howe', '1-492-284-1097', '', '2014-02-04 04:51:58'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (11, 'Visa', 'Amalia Hudson DDS', '003-991-1506x483', '', '2014-02-25 19:39:51'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (12, 'Discover', 'Verda Streich', '06730471330', '', '2008-10-12 12:19:27'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (13, 'Discover', 'Patience Yundt', '969-208-8932x715', '', '2017-03-25 18:48:04'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (14, 'Visa', 'Annabell Walsh', '(881)096-1281x6448', '', '2017-06-30 19:02:11'); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `payment_method`, `customer_name`, `customer_phone`, `customer_email`, `date_became_customer`) VALUES (15, 'Visa', 'Aracely Borer V', '531-617-3230', '', '2015-09-13 22:39:50'); CREATE TABLE `Regular_Orders` ( `regular_order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `distributer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`distributer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (1, 12); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (2, 15); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (3, 6); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (4, 3); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (5, 8); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (6, 14); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (7, 2); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (8, 15); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (9, 10); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (10, 7); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (11, 3); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (12, 1); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (13, 1); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (14, 15); INSERT INTO Regular_Orders (`regular_order_id`, `distributer_id`) VALUES (15, 15); CREATE TABLE `Regular_Order_Products` ( `regular_order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`regular_order_id` ) REFERENCES `Regular_Orders`(`regular_order_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (5, 3); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (2, 3); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (10, 1); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (8, 5); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (12, 2); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (1, 4); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (6, 3); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (3, 6); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (3, 1); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (9, 6); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (5, 5); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (1, 1); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (7, 4); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (6, 4); INSERT INTO Regular_Order_Products (`regular_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (13, 2); CREATE TABLE `Actual_Orders` ( `actual_order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_status_code` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `regular_order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `actual_order_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`regular_order_id` ) REFERENCES `Regular_Orders`(`regular_order_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (1, 'Success', 8, '2018-03-02 23:26:19'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (2, 'Cancel', 15, '2018-03-02 08:33:39'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (3, 'Cancel', 4, '2018-02-25 10:13:36'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (4, 'Cancel', 10, '2018-03-21 01:34:52'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (5, 'Cancel', 14, '2018-02-28 15:31:06'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (6, 'Success', 12, '2018-03-12 05:33:57'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (7, 'Success', 1, '2018-03-06 12:20:31'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (8, 'Cancel', 11, '2018-03-22 19:30:17'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (9, 'Success', 6, '2018-03-13 05:43:25'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (10, 'Success', 13, '2018-03-05 17:31:36'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (11, 'Cancel', 4, '2018-03-16 00:28:09'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (12, 'Cancel', 12, '2018-02-26 01:55:52'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (13, 'Cancel', 8, '2018-03-11 10:45:05'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (14, 'Cancel', 4, '2018-03-12 11:24:59'); INSERT INTO Actual_Orders (`actual_order_id`, `order_status_code`, `regular_order_id`, `actual_order_date`) VALUES (15, 'Cancel', 7, '2018-03-10 18:22:34'); CREATE TABLE `Actual_Order_Products` ( `actual_order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`actual_order_id` ) REFERENCES `Actual_Orders`(`actual_order_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (2, 1); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (14, 5); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (13, 6); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (9, 2); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (3, 2); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (2, 3); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (13, 2); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (3, 1); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (3, 1); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (10, 3); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (6, 6); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (5, 5); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (7, 3); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (5, 3); INSERT INTO Actual_Order_Products (`actual_order_id`, `product_id`) VALUES (15, 4); CREATE TABLE `Customer_Addresses` ( `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `address_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_from` DATETIME NOT NULL, `address_type` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `date_to` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`address_id` ) REFERENCES `Addresses`(`address_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (5, 6, '2016-09-06 19:23:46', 'House', '2018-02-25 15:34:58'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (14, 5, '2016-12-21 03:49:54', 'House', '2018-03-13 21:20:21'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (2, 2, '2014-06-09 06:31:49', 'Flat', '2018-03-02 21:56:40'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (10, 6, '2011-05-24 21:49:34', 'House', '2018-03-18 12:45:44'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (14, 2, '2011-12-06 16:49:10', 'Flat', '2018-02-24 20:18:08'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (10, 1, '2012-05-24 11:47:54', 'House', '2018-03-14 20:26:33'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (7, 3, '2016-08-17 17:45:20', 'Flat', '2018-03-16 14:09:24'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (4, 9, '2009-08-03 03:17:03', 'House', '2018-03-15 23:45:59'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (3, 7, '2010-12-29 11:01:39', 'House', '2018-03-22 02:54:10'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (12, 6, '2012-08-31 15:41:03', 'Flat', '2018-03-02 23:42:49'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (12, 11, '2008-04-02 08:23:13', 'Apartment', '2018-03-17 12:51:37'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (14, 10, '2011-08-18 09:40:49', 'House', '2018-03-06 15:48:13'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (1, 11, '2014-12-20 18:58:32', 'House', '2018-02-27 00:53:48'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (8, 6, '2013-05-06 00:49:45', 'Flat', '2018-03-05 01:34:02'); INSERT INTO Customer_Addresses (`customer_id`, `address_id`, `date_from`, `address_type`, `date_to`) VALUES (12, 5, '2017-11-01 10:59:35', 'Flat', '2018-03-09 05:05:17'); CREATE TABLE `Delivery_Routes` ( `route_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `route_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_route_details` VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (1, 'Torphy Ltd', '16893 Wilderman Terrace Port Lucasburgh, ND 55978-5550'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (2, 'Heidenreich Group', '6534 Cheyenne Trace Suite 242 Koryburgh, PA 21391-9164'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (3, 'Gerhold Inc', '70469 Unique Crest Katherynville, IA 92263-4974'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (4, 'Huel, Armstrong and Senger', '534 Lubowitz Terrace Lake Tomfort, LA 52697-4998'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (5, 'Nader, Leuschke and Huels', '4627 Johnnie Centers Lake Hipolitoton, RI 37305'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (6, 'Abshire Ltd', '36578 Kirsten Terrace Krajcikside, NH 29063'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (7, 'Adams, Macejkovic and Carroll', '941 Ritchie Plains Suite 833 North Jerry, LA 32804-7405'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (8, 'Schowalter Group', '52417 Wiza Brook Apt. 000 Zechariahstad, WY 15885-3711'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (9, 'Gorczany Group', '9608 Hoyt Extension East Linnieview, GA 87356-5339'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (10, 'Grady, King and Price', '4989 Pfeffer Passage Suite 915 West Jacebury, SD 68079-3347'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (11, 'Streich, Spencer and Brakus', '30335 Pacocha Burgs Apt. 400 North Onastad, OR 76419'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (12, 'Brekke, Powlowski and Fritsch', '53685 Abshire Falls Lake Destineyville, OK 91313'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (13, 'Hermiston, Feeney and Daugherty', '54645 Ziemann Skyway Suite 987 Lake Roderickstad, OH 77820'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (14, 'Renner-Kovacek', '809 Daija Radial Apt. 507 Kavonfort, MN 70034-2797'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Routes (`route_id`, `route_name`, `other_route_details`) VALUES (15, 'Hegmann-Waters', '719 Vito Parks Kassulkeville, NH 77748'); CREATE TABLE `Delivery_Route_Locations` ( `location_code` VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY, `route_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `location_address_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `location_name` VARCHAR(50), FOREIGN KEY (`location_address_id` ) REFERENCES `Addresses`(`address_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`route_id` ) REFERENCES `Delivery_Routes`(`route_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('27 City Rd', 11, 5, 'Labadie-Crooks'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('30 Sam Rd', 7, 13, 'VonRueden, Schmeler and Fay'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('67 LV Rd', 11, 6, 'Carter, Pfannerstill and Rutherford'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('38 Enisner Av', 10, 7, 'Bradtke-Herman'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('73 Nancy Av', 14, 10, 'Streich Group'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('84 OE Av', 14, 7, 'Hessel and Sons'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('34 Benz St', 2, 15, 'Strosin, Hegmann and Abbott'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('15 Sixth Av', 8, 6, 'Pouros, Brakus and Konopelski'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('04 Elm Rd', 8, 8, 'Hermiston, Hand and Wisoky'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('79 Square St', 15, 5, 'Turner, Dietrich and Smitham'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('84 Temple Rd', 7, 2, 'Leannon, Erdman and Schneider'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('64 Kate Rd', 7, 12, 'Dach Group'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('68 Denny St', 4, 7, 'Ledner-Kozey'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('76 David St', 11, 3, 'Rosenbaum, Kiehn and Kilback'); INSERT INTO Delivery_Route_Locations (`location_code`, `route_id`, `location_address_id`, `location_name`) VALUES ('58 Roof Av', 13, 4, 'Bartoletti, Keebler and Crona'); CREATE TABLE `Trucks` ( `truck_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `truck_licence_number` VARCHAR(20), `truck_details` VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (1, '58110', 'Frida'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (2, '33822', 'Randy'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (3, '17106', 'Laverna'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (4, '24474', 'Kaya'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (5, '63359', 'Queen'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (6, '25232', 'Deon'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (7, '92426', 'Stacy'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (8, '69863', 'Rebeka'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (9, '78683', 'Bud'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (10, '47865', 'Holly'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (11, '49160', 'Rosamond'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (12, '32054', 'Ricky'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (13, '87695', 'Joanny'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (14, '75871', 'Luisa'); INSERT INTO Trucks (`truck_id`, `truck_licence_number`, `truck_details`) VALUES (15, '89343', 'Efren'); CREATE TABLE `Employees` ( `employee_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `employee_address_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `employee_name` VARCHAR(80), `employee_phone` VARCHAR(80), FOREIGN KEY (`employee_address_id` ) REFERENCES `Addresses`(`address_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Kacie', '716-650-2081'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (2, 12, 'Dejuan', '211.289.9042'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (3, 1, 'Leonie', '816-890-2580'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (4, 11, 'Rogelio', '(539)655-7194x3276'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (5, 12, 'Eriberto', '675.047.7555x13273'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (6, 9, 'Matteo', '620.905.4152x7146'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (7, 4, 'Sasha', '1-547-775-6049'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (8, 11, 'Eino', '033.973.3729x07313'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (9, 8, 'Cydney', '191.702.4400x1018'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (10, 6, 'Cristian', '1-833-492-9430'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (11, 5, 'Lew', '776.002.6775'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (12, 15, 'Anthony', '+69(6)9999892744'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (13, 14, 'Jovani', '+28(9)6180779782'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (14, 10, 'Dovie', '944-507-0999'); INSERT INTO Employees (`employee_id`, `employee_address_id`, `employee_name`, `employee_phone`) VALUES (15, 12, 'Allison', '+48(5)2807285053'); CREATE TABLE `Order_Deliveries` ( `location_code` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `actual_order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `delivery_status_code` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `driver_employee_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `truck_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `delivery_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`truck_id` ) REFERENCES `Trucks`(`truck_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`actual_order_id` ) REFERENCES `Actual_Orders`(`actual_order_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`location_code` ) REFERENCES `Delivery_Route_Locations`(`location_code` ), FOREIGN KEY (`driver_employee_id` ) REFERENCES `Employees`(`employee_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('27 City Rd', 11, 'Ready', 6, 11, '2018-03-21 00:57:22'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('27 City Rd', 1, 'On Road', 4, 10, '2018-02-26 01:32:49'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('27 City Rd', 3, 'Ready', 1, 2, '2018-03-08 17:17:12'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('73 Nancy Av', 2, 'Delivered', 12, 10, '2018-03-17 19:42:08'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('73 Nancy Av', 2, 'On Road', 1, 6, '2018-03-05 03:03:24'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('34 Benz St', 14, 'Delivered', 11, 6, '2018-03-12 20:45:27'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('73 Nancy Av', 6, 'On Road', 11, 11, '2018-03-22 22:09:56'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('34 Benz St', 6, 'Delivered', 2, 10, '2018-03-06 22:39:17'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('34 Benz St', 5, 'Delivered', 14, 6, '2018-03-02 09:03:13'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('73 Nancy Av', 8, 'Ready', 13, 4, '2018-03-17 09:09:06'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('58 Roof Av', 9, 'Ready', 3, 9, '2018-02-26 13:22:53'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('58 Roof Av', 5, 'Ready', 8, 1, '2018-03-20 20:36:44'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('58 Roof Av', 9, 'Ready', 14, 5, '2018-03-14 05:16:17'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('58 Roof Av', 10, 'Ready', 13, 11, '2018-03-18 02:35:08'); INSERT INTO Order_Deliveries (`location_code`, `actual_order_id`, `delivery_status_code`, `driver_employee_id`, `truck_id`, `delivery_date`) VALUES ('34 Benz St', 4, 'On Road', 1, 2, '2018-03-01 00:50:45');