stringlengths 11
| function_code
stringlengths 165
| version
stringclasses 80
values |
// calculate average price | function update() external {
(uint256[2] memory priceCumulative, uint256 blockTimestamp) =
if (blockTimestamp - pricesBlockTimestampLast > 0) {
// get the balances between now and the last price cumulative snapshot
uint256[2] memory twapBalances =
blockTimestamp - pricesBlockTimestampLast
// price to exchange amounIn uAD to 3CRV based on TWAP
price0Average = IMetaPool(pool).get_dy(0, 1, 1 ether, twapBalances);
// price to exchange amounIn 3CRV to uAD based on TWAP
price1Average = IMetaPool(pool).get_dy(1, 0, 1 ether, twapBalances);
// we update the priceCumulative
priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative;
pricesBlockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp;
} | 0.8.3 |
// ------------------------
// Address 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD represents Ethereums global token burn address
// ------------------------ | function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success)
require(tokens < ((balances[msg.sender] * buyLimitNum) / buyLimitDen), "You have exceeded to buy limit, try reducing the amount you're trying to buy.");
balances[msg.sender] = safeSub(balances[msg.sender], tokens);
balances[to] = safeAdd(balances[to], tokens - ((tokens * burnPRCNTNum) / burnPRCNTDen));
_burn(burnaddress, tokens);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, tokens - ((tokens * burnPRCNTNum) / burnPRCNTDen));
emit Transfer(msg.sender, burnaddress, ((tokens * burnPRCNTNum) / burnPRCNTDen));
return true;
} | 0.5.17 |
* @nonce Calls by HegicPutOptions to unlock funds
* @param amount Amount of funds that should be unlocked in an expired option
*/ | function unlock(uint256 amount) external override onlyOwner {
require(lockedAmount >= amount, "Pool Error: You are trying to unlock more funds than have been locked for your contract. Please lower the amount.");
lockedAmount = lockedAmount.sub(amount);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @nonce Calls by HegicPutOptions to unlock premium after an option expiraton
* @param amount Amount of premiums that should be locked
*/ | function unlockPremium(uint256 amount) external override onlyOwner {
require(lockedPremium >= amount, "Pool Error: You are trying to unlock more premiums than have been locked for the contract. Please lower the amount.");
lockedPremium = lockedPremium.sub(amount);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @nonce calls by HegicPutOptions to unlock the premiums after an option's expiraton
* @param to Provider
* @param amount Amount of premiums that should be unlocked
*/ | function send(address payable to, uint256 amount)
require(to != address(0));
require(lockedAmount >= amount, "Pool Error: You are trying to unlock more premiums than have been locked for the contract. Please lower the amount.");
require(token.transfer(to, amount), "Token transfer error: Please lower the amount of premiums that you want to send.");
} | 0.6.8 |
* @nonce A provider supplies DAI to the pool and receives writeDAI tokens
* @param amount Provided tokens
* @param minMint Minimum amount of tokens that should be received by a provider.
Calling the provide function will require the minimum amount of tokens to be minted.
The actual amount that will be minted could vary but can only be higher (not lower) than the minimum value.
* @return mint Amount of tokens to be received
*/ | function provide(uint256 amount, uint256 minMint) external returns (uint256 mint) {
lastProvideTimestamp[msg.sender] = now;
uint supply = totalSupply();
uint balance = totalBalance();
if (supply > 0 && balance > 0)
mint = amount.mul(supply).div(balance);
mint = amount.mul(1000);
require(mint >= minMint, "Pool: Mint limit is too large");
require(mint > 0, "Pool: Amount is too small");
_mint(msg.sender, mint);
emit Provide(msg.sender, amount, mint);
token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount),
"Token transfer error: Please lower the amount of premiums that you want to send."
} | 0.6.8 |
* @nonce Provider burns writeDAI and receives DAI from the pool
* @param amount Amount of DAI to receive
* @param maxBurn Maximum amount of tokens that can be burned
* @return mint Amount of tokens to be burnt
*/ | function withdraw(uint256 amount, uint256 maxBurn) external returns (uint256 burn) {
lastProvideTimestamp[msg.sender].add(lockupPeriod) <= now,
"Pool: Withdrawal is locked up"
amount <= availableBalance(),
"Pool Error: You are trying to unlock more funds than have been locked for your contract. Please lower the amount."
burn = amount.mul(totalSupply()).div(totalBalance());
require(burn <= maxBurn, "Pool: Burn limit is too small");
require(burn <= balanceOf(msg.sender), "Pool: Amount is too large");
require(burn > 0, "Pool: Amount is too small");
_burn(msg.sender, burn);
emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount, burn);
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, amount), "Insufficient funds");
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Creates a new option
* @param period Option period in seconds (1 days <= period <= 4 weeks)
* @param amount Option amount
* @param strike Strike price of the option
* @return optionID Created option's ID
*/ | function create(
uint256 period,
uint256 amount,
uint256 strike
) external payable returns (uint256 optionID) {
(uint256 total, uint256 settlementFee, , ) = fees(
uint256 strikeAmount = strike.mul(amount) / PRICE_DECIMALS;
require(strikeAmount > 0, "Amount is too small");
require(settlementFee < total, "Premium is too small");
require(period >= 1 days, "Period is too short");
require(period <= 4 weeks, "Period is too long");
require(msg.value == total, "Wrong value");
uint256 premium = sendPremium(total.sub(settlementFee));
optionID = options.length;
now + period
emit Create(optionID, msg.sender, settlementFee, total);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Exercises an active option
* @param optionID ID of your option
*/ | function exercise(uint256 optionID) external {
Option storage option = options[optionID];
require(option.expiration >= now, "Option has expired");
require(option.holder == msg.sender, "Wrong msg.sender");
require(option.state == State.Active, "Wrong state");
option.state = State.Exercised;
uint256 profit = payProfit(option);
emit Exercise(optionID, profit);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Used for getting the actual options prices
* @param period Option period in seconds (1 days <= period <= 4 weeks)
* @param amount Option amount
* @param strike Strike price of the option
* @return total Total price to be paid
* @return settlementFee Amount to be distributed to the HEGIC token holders
* @return strikeFee Amount that covers the price difference in the ITM options
* @return periodFee Option period fee amount
*/ | function fees(
uint256 period,
uint256 amount,
uint256 strike
returns (
uint256 total,
uint256 settlementFee,
uint256 strikeFee,
uint256 periodFee
uint256 currentPrice = uint256(priceProvider.latestAnswer());
settlementFee = getSettlementFee(amount);
periodFee = getPeriodFee(amount, period, strike, currentPrice);
strikeFee = getStrikeFee(amount, strike, currentPrice);
total = periodFee.add(strikeFee);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Unlock funds locked in the expired options
* @param optionID ID of the option
*/ | function unlock(uint256 optionID) public {
Option storage option = options[optionID];
require(option.expiration < now, "Option has not expired yet");
require(option.state == State.Active, "Option is not active");
option.state = State.Expired;
emit Expire(optionID, option.premium);
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Calculates periodFee
* @param amount Option amount
* @param period Option period in seconds (1 days <= period <= 4 weeks)
* @param strike Strike price of the option
* @param currentPrice Current price of ETH
* @return fee Period fee amount
* amount < 1e30 |
* impliedVolRate < 1e10| => amount * impliedVolRate * strike < 1e60 < 2^uint256
* strike < 1e20 ($1T) |
* in case amount * impliedVolRate * strike >= 2^256
* transaction will be reverted by the SafeMath
*/ | function getPeriodFee(
uint256 amount,
uint256 period,
uint256 strike,
uint256 currentPrice
) internal view returns (uint256 fee) {
if (optionType == OptionType.Put)
return amount
return amount
} | 0.6.8 |
* @notice Calculates strikeFee
* @param amount Option amount
* @param strike Strike price of the option
* @param currentPrice Current price of ETH
* @return fee Strike fee amount
*/ | function getStrikeFee(
uint256 amount,
uint256 strike,
uint256 currentPrice
) internal view returns (uint256 fee) {
if (strike > currentPrice && optionType == OptionType.Put)
return strike.sub(currentPrice).mul(amount).div(currentPrice);
if (strike < currentPrice && optionType == OptionType.Call)
return currentPrice.sub(strike).mul(amount).div(currentPrice);
return 0;
} | 0.6.8 |
//user is buying SVC | function buy() payable public returns (uint256 amount){
if(!usersCanTrade && !canTrade[msg.sender]) revert();
amount = msg.value * buyPrice; // calculates the amount
require(balanceOf[this] >= amount); // checks if it has enough to sell
balanceOf[msg.sender] += amount; // adds the amount to buyer's balance
balanceOf[this] -= amount; // subtracts amount from seller's balance
Transfer(this, msg.sender, amount); // execute an event reflecting the change
return amount; // ends function and returns
} | 0.4.19 |
//user is selling us SVC, we are selling eth to the user | function sell(uint256 amount) public returns (uint revenue){
if(!usersCanTrade && !canTrade[msg.sender]) {
require(minBalanceForAccounts > amount/sellPrice);
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= amount); // checks if the sender has enough to sell
balanceOf[this] += amount; // adds the amount to owner's balance
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount; // subtracts the amount from seller's balance
revenue = amount / sellPrice;
require(msg.sender.send(revenue)); // sends ether to the seller: it's important to do this last to prevent recursion attacks
Transfer(msg.sender, this, amount); // executes an event reflecting on the change
return revenue; // ends function and returns
} | 0.4.19 |
* @dev Verifies a Merkle proof proving the existence of a leaf in a Merkle tree. Assumes that each pair of leaves
* and each pair of pre-images is sorted.
* @param _proof Merkle proof containing sibling hashes on the branch from the leaf to the root of the Merkle tree
* @param _root Merkle root
* @param _leaf Leaf of Merkle tree
*/ | function verifyProof(bytes _proof, bytes32 _root, bytes32 _leaf) public pure returns (bool) {
// Check if proof length is a multiple of 32
if (_proof.length % 32 != 0) return false;
bytes32 proofElement;
bytes32 computedHash = _leaf;
for (uint256 i = 32; i <= _proof.length; i += 32) {
assembly {
// Load the current element of the proof
proofElement := mload(add(_proof, i))
if (computedHash < proofElement) {
// Hash(current computed hash + current element of the proof)
computedHash = keccak256(computedHash, proofElement);
} else {
// Hash(current element of the proof + current computed hash)
computedHash = keccak256(proofElement, computedHash);
// Check if the computed hash (root) is equal to the provided root
return computedHash == _root;
} | 0.4.18 |
* @dev Extract a bytes32 subarray from an arbitrary length bytes array.
* @param data Bytes array from which to extract the subarray
* @param pos Starting position from which to copy
* @return Extracted length 32 byte array
*/ | function extract(bytes data, uint pos) private pure returns (bytes32 result) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
result ^= (bytes32(0xff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) & data[i + pos]) >> (i * 8);
return result;
} | 0.4.18 |
* @dev Calculate the Bitcoin-style address associated with an ECDSA public key
* @param pubKey ECDSA public key to convert
* @param isCompressed Whether or not the Bitcoin address was generated from a compressed key
* @return Raw Bitcoin address (no base58-check encoding)
*/ | function pubKeyToBitcoinAddress(bytes pubKey, bool isCompressed) public pure returns (bytes20) {
/* Helpful references:
/* x coordinate - first 32 bytes of public key */
uint x = uint(extract(pubKey, 0));
/* y coordinate - second 32 bytes of public key */
uint y = uint(extract(pubKey, 32));
uint8 startingByte;
if (isCompressed) {
/* Hash the compressed public key format. */
startingByte = y % 2 == 0 ? 0x02 : 0x03;
return ripemd160(sha256(startingByte, x));
} else {
/* Hash the uncompressed public key format. */
startingByte = 0x04;
return ripemd160(sha256(startingByte, x, y));
} | 0.4.18 |
* @dev Convenience helper function to check if a UTXO can be redeemed
* @param txid Transaction hash
* @param originalAddress Raw Bitcoin address (no base58-check encoding)
* @param outputIndex Output index of UTXO
* @param satoshis Amount of UTXO in satoshis
* @param proof Merkle tree proof
* @return Whether or not the UTXO can be redeemed
*/ | function canRedeemUTXO(bytes32 txid, bytes20 originalAddress, uint8 outputIndex, uint satoshis, bytes proof) public constant returns (bool) {
/* Calculate the hash of the Merkle leaf associated with this UTXO. */
bytes32 merkleLeafHash = keccak256(txid, originalAddress, outputIndex, satoshis);
/* Verify the proof. */
return canRedeemUTXOHash(merkleLeafHash, proof);
} | 0.4.18 |
* @dev Verify that a UTXO with the specified Merkle leaf hash can be redeemed
* @param merkleLeafHash Merkle tree hash of the UTXO to be checked
* @param proof Merkle tree proof
* @return Whether or not the UTXO with the specified hash can be redeemed
*/ | function canRedeemUTXOHash(bytes32 merkleLeafHash, bytes proof) public constant returns (bool) {
/* Check that the UTXO has not yet been redeemed and that it exists in the Merkle tree. */
return((redeemedUTXOs[merkleLeafHash] == false) && verifyProof(proof, merkleLeafHash));
} | 0.4.18 |
* @dev Initialize the Wyvern token
* @param merkleRoot Merkle tree root of the UTXO set
* @param totalUtxoAmount Total satoshis of the UTXO set
*/ | function WyvernToken (bytes32 merkleRoot, uint totalUtxoAmount) public {
/* Total number of tokens that can be redeemed from UTXOs. */
uint utxoTokens = SATS_TO_TOKENS * totalUtxoAmount;
/* Configure DelayedReleaseToken. */
temporaryAdmin = msg.sender;
numberOfDelayedTokens = MINT_AMOUNT - utxoTokens;
/* Configure UTXORedeemableToken. */
rootUTXOMerkleTreeHash = merkleRoot;
totalSupply = MINT_AMOUNT;
maximumRedeemable = utxoTokens;
multiplier = SATS_TO_TOKENS;
} | 0.4.18 |
// Guardian state | function _getGuardianStakingRewards(address guardian, bool inCommittee, bool inCommitteeAfter, uint256 guardianWeight, uint256 guardianDelegatedStake, StakingRewardsState memory _stakingRewardsState, Settings memory _settings) private view returns (GuardianStakingRewards memory guardianStakingRewards, uint256 rewardsAdded) {
guardianStakingRewards = guardiansStakingRewards[guardian];
if (inCommittee) {
uint256 totalRewards = uint256(_stakingRewardsState.stakingRewardsPerWeight)
uint256 delegatorRewardsRatioPercentMille = _getGuardianDelegatorsStakingRewardsPercentMille(guardian, _settings);
uint256 delegatorRewardsPerTokenDelta = guardianDelegatedStake == 0 ? 0 : totalRewards
uint256 guardianCutPercentMille = PERCENT_MILLIE_BASE.sub(delegatorRewardsRatioPercentMille);
rewardsAdded = totalRewards
guardianStakingRewards.delegatorRewardsPerToken = guardianStakingRewards.delegatorRewardsPerToken.add(delegatorRewardsPerTokenDelta);
guardianStakingRewards.balance = guardianStakingRewards.balance.add(rewardsAdded);
guardianStakingRewards.lastStakingRewardsPerWeight = inCommitteeAfter ? _stakingRewardsState.stakingRewardsPerWeight : 0;
} | 0.6.12 |
// Delegator state | function _getDelegatorStakingRewards(address delegator, uint256 delegatorStake, GuardianStakingRewards memory guardianStakingRewards) private view returns (DelegatorStakingRewards memory delegatorStakingRewards, uint256 delegatorRewardsAdded) {
delegatorStakingRewards = delegatorsStakingRewards[delegator];
delegatorRewardsAdded = uint256(guardianStakingRewards.delegatorRewardsPerToken)
delegatorStakingRewards.balance = delegatorStakingRewards.balance.add(delegatorRewardsAdded);
delegatorStakingRewards.lastDelegatorRewardsPerToken = guardianStakingRewards.delegatorRewardsPerToken;
} | 0.6.12 |
// Governance and misc. | function _setAnnualStakingRewardsRate(uint256 annualRateInPercentMille, uint256 annualCap) private {
require(uint256(uint96(annualCap)) == annualCap, "annualCap must fit in uint96");
Settings memory _settings = settings;
_settings.annualRateInPercentMille = uint32(annualRateInPercentMille);
_settings.annualCap = uint96(annualCap);
settings = _settings;
emit AnnualStakingRewardsRateChanged(annualRateInPercentMille, annualCap);
} | 0.6.12 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Send ETH to get 1PL tokens
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | function () public payable {
require(now >= startDate && now <= endDate);
uint256 weiAmount = msg.value;
uint256 tokens = _getTokenAmount(weiAmount);
if(tokens >= bonus1 && tokens < bonus2){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 105);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
if(tokens >= bonus2 && tokens < bonus3){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 110);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
if(tokens >= bonus3 && tokens < bonus4){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 115);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
if(tokens >= bonus4 && tokens < bonus5){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 120);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
if(tokens >= bonus5 && tokens < bonus6){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 130);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
if(tokens >= bonus6){
tokens = safeMul(tokens, 140);
tokens = safeDiv(tokens, 100);
require(_maxSupply >= safeAdd(_totalSupply, tokens), "Maximum token amount reached. No more tokens to sell");
balances[msg.sender] = safeAdd(balances[msg.sender], tokens);
_totalSupply = safeAdd(_totalSupply, tokens);
Transfer(address(0), msg.sender, tokens);
} | 0.4.24 |
| Only Admin/DAO |
|__________________________________*/ | function addLeptonType(
string calldata tokenUri,
uint256 price,
uint32 supply,
uint32 multiplier,
uint32 bonus
_maxSupply = _maxSupply.add(uint256(supply));
Classification memory lepton = Classification({
tokenUri: tokenUri,
price: price,
supply: supply,
multiplier: multiplier,
bonus: bonus,
_upperBounds: uint128(_maxSupply)
emit LeptonTypeAdded(tokenUri, price, supply, multiplier, bonus, _maxSupply);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev See {IAdminControl-getAdmins}.
*/ | function getAdmins() external view override returns (address[] memory admins) {
admins = new address[](_admins.length());
for (uint i = 0; i < _admins.length(); i++) {
admins[i] =;
return admins;
} | 0.8.0 |
* @notice Create a new token and return it to the caller.
* @dev The caller will become the only minter and burner and the new owner capable of assigning the roles.
* @param tokenName used to describe the new token.
* @param tokenSymbol short ticker abbreviation of the name. Ideally < 5 chars.
* @param tokenDecimals used to define the precision used in the token's numerical representation.
* @return newToken an instance of the newly created token interface.
*/ | function createToken(
string calldata tokenName,
string calldata tokenSymbol,
uint8 tokenDecimals
) external nonReentrant() returns (ExpandedIERC20 newToken) {
SyntheticToken mintableToken = new SyntheticToken(tokenName, tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals);
newToken = ExpandedIERC20(address(mintableToken));
} | 0.6.12 |
* @notice Migrates the tokenHolder's old tokens to new tokens.
* @dev This function can only be called once per `tokenHolder`. Anyone can call this method
* on behalf of any other token holder since there is no disadvantage to receiving the tokens earlier.
* @param tokenHolder address of the token holder to migrate.
*/ | function migrateTokens(address tokenHolder) external {
require(!hasMigrated[tokenHolder], "Already migrated tokens");
hasMigrated[tokenHolder] = true;
FixedPoint.Unsigned memory oldBalance = FixedPoint.Unsigned(oldToken.balanceOfAt(tokenHolder, snapshotId));
if (!oldBalance.isGreaterThan(0)) {
FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newBalance = oldBalance.div(rate);
require(, newBalance.rawValue), "Mint failed");
} | 0.6.12 |
// build contract | function PPBC_Ether_Claim(){
ppbc = msg.sender;
deposits_refunded = false;
num_claimed = 0;
valid_voucher_code[0x99fc71fa477d1d3e6b6c3ed2631188e045b7f575eac394e50d0d9f182d3b0145] = 110.12 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x8b4f72e27b2a84a30fe20b0ee5647e3ca5156e1cb0d980c35c657aa859b03183] = 53.2535 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0xe7ac3e31f32c5e232eb08a8f978c7e4c4845c44eb9fa36e89b91fc15eedf8ffb] = 151 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0xc18494ff224d767c15c62993a1c28e5a1dc17d7c41abab515d4fcce2bd6f629d] = 63.22342 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x5cdb60c9e999a510d191cf427c9995d6ad3120a6b44afcb922149d275afc8ec4] = 101 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x5fb7aed108f910cc73b3e10ceb8c73f90f8d6eff61cda5f43d47f7bec9070af4] = 16.3 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x571a888f66f4d74442733441d62a92284f1c11de57198decf9d4c244fb558f29] = 424 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x7123fa994a2990c5231d35cb11901167704ab19617fcbc04b93c45cf88b30e94] = 36.6 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0xdac0e1457b4cf3e53e9952b1f8f3a68a0f288a7e6192314d5b19579a5266cce0] = 419.1 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0xf836a280ec6c519f6e95baec2caee1ba4e4d1347f81d4758421272b81c4a36cb] = 86.44 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x5470e8b8b149aca84ee799f6fd1a6bf885267a1f7c88c372560b28180e2cf056] = 92 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x7f52b6f587c87240d471d6fcda1bb3c10c004771c1572443134fd6756c001c9a] = 124.2 ether; total_claim_codes++;
valid_voucher_code[0x5d435968b687edc305c3adc29523aba1128bd9acd2c40ae2c9835f2e268522e1] = 95.102 ether; total_claim_codes++;
} | 0.4.6 |
// function to register claim
// | function register_claim(string password) payable {
// claim deposit 50 ether (returned with claim, used to prevent "brute force" password cracking attempts)
if (msg.value != 50 ether || valid_voucher_code[sha3(password)] == 0) return; // if user does not provide the right password, the deposit is being kept.
// dont claim twice either, and check if deposits have already been refunded -- > throw
if (redeemed[sha3(password)] || deposits_refunded ) throw;
// if we get here the user has provided a valid claim code, and paid deposit
redeemed[sha3(password)] = true;
who_claimed[sha3(password)] = msg.sender;
valid_voucher_code[sha3(password)] += 50 ether; // add the deposit paid to the claim
claimers[num_claimed] = sha3(password);
} | 0.4.6 |
// Refund Step 1: this function will return the deposits paid first
// (this step is separate to avoid issues in case the claim refund amounts haven't been loaded yet,
// so at least the deposits won't get stuck) | function refund_deposits(string password){ //anyone with a code can call this
if (deposits_refunded) throw; // already refunded
if (valid_voucher_code[sha3(password)] == 0) throw;
// wait till everyone has claimed or claim period ended, and refund-pool has been loaded
if (num_claimed >= total_claim_codes || block.number >= 2850000 ){ // ~ 21/12/2017
// first refund the deposits
for (uint256 index = 1; index <= num_claimed; index++){
bytes32 claimcode = claimers[index];
address receiver = who_claimed[claimcode];
if (!receiver.send(50 ether)) throw; // refund deposit, or throw in case of any error
valid_voucher_code[claimcode] -= 50 ether; // deduct the deposit paid from the claim
deposits_refunded = true; // can only use this function once
else throw;
} | 0.4.6 |
// Refund Step 2: this function will refund actual claim amount. But wait for our notification
// before calling this function (you can check the contract balance after deposit return) | function refund_claims(string password){ //anyone with a code can call this
if (!deposits_refunded) throw; // first step 1 (refund_deposits) has to be called
if (valid_voucher_code[sha3(password)] == 0) throw;
for (uint256 index = 1; index <= num_claimed; index++){
bytes32 claimcode = claimers[index];
address receiver = who_claimed[claimcode];
uint256 refund_amount = valid_voucher_code[claimcode];
// only refund claims if there is enough left in the claim bucket
if (this.balance >= refund_amount){
if (!receiver.send(refund_amount)) throw; // refund deposit, or throw in case of any error
valid_voucher_code[claimcode] = 0; // deduct the deposit paid from the claim
} | 0.4.6 |
// Enqueues a request (if a request isn't already present) for the given (identifier, time) pair. | function requestPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) public override {
Price storage lookup = verifiedPrices[identifier][time];
if (!lookup.isAvailable && !queryIndices[identifier][time].isValid) {
// New query, enqueue it for review.
queryIndices[identifier][time] = QueryIndex(true, requestedPrices.length);
requestedPrices.push(QueryPoint(identifier, time));
} | 0.6.12 |
// Pushes the verified price for a requested query. | function pushPrice(
bytes32 identifier,
uint256 time,
int256 price
) external {
verifiedPrices[identifier][time] = Price(true, price, getCurrentTime());
QueryIndex storage queryIndex = queryIndices[identifier][time];
require(queryIndex.isValid, "Can't push prices that haven't been requested");
// Delete from the array. Instead of shifting the queries over, replace the contents of `indexToReplace` with
// the contents of the last index (unless it is the last index).
uint256 indexToReplace = queryIndex.index;
delete queryIndices[identifier][time];
uint256 lastIndex = requestedPrices.length - 1;
if (lastIndex != indexToReplace) {
QueryPoint storage queryToCopy = requestedPrices[lastIndex];
queryIndices[queryToCopy.identifier][queryToCopy.time].index = indexToReplace;
requestedPrices[indexToReplace] = queryToCopy;
} | 0.6.12 |
@notice deposit token into curve
*/ | function _depositIntoCurve(address _token, uint _index) private {
// token to LP
uint bal = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
if (bal > 0) {
IERC20(_token).safeApprove(DEPOSIT, 0);
IERC20(_token).safeApprove(DEPOSIT, bal);
// mint LP
uint[4] memory amounts;
amounts[_index] = bal;
shares = underlying amount * precision div * 1e18 / price per share
uint pricePerShare = StableSwapBBTC(SWAP).get_virtual_price();
uint shares = bal.mul(PRECISION_DIV[_index]).mul(1e18).div(pricePerShare);
uint min = shares.mul(SLIPPAGE_MAX - slippage) / SLIPPAGE_MAX;
DepositBBTC(DEPOSIT).add_liquidity(amounts, min);
// stake into LiquidityGaugeV2
uint lpBal = IERC20(LP).balanceOf(address(this));
if (lpBal > 0) {
IERC20(LP).safeApprove(GAUGE, 0);
IERC20(LP).safeApprove(GAUGE, lpBal);
} | 0.6.11 |
@notice Returns address and index of token with lowest balance in Curve SWAP
*/ | function _getMostPremiumToken() private view returns (address, uint) {
uint[2] memory balances;
balances[0] = StableSwapBBTC(SWAP).balances(0).mul(1e10); // BBTC
balances[1] = StableSwapBBTC(SWAP).balances(1); // SBTC pool
if (balances[0] <= balances[1]) {
return (BBTC, 0);
} else {
uint[3] memory baseBalances;
baseBalances[0] = StableSwapSBTC(BASE_POOL).balances(0).mul(1e10); // REN_BTC
baseBalances[1] = StableSwapSBTC(BASE_POOL).balances(1).mul(1e10); // WBTC
baseBalances[2] = StableSwapSBTC(BASE_POOL).balances(2); // SBTC
uint minIndex = 0;
for (uint i = 1; i < baseBalances.length; i++) {
if (baseBalances[i] <= baseBalances[minIndex]) {
minIndex = i;
if (minIndex == 0) {
return (REN_BTC, 1);
if (minIndex == 1) {
return (WBTC, 2);
// SBTC has low liquidity, so buying is disabled by default
if (!disableSbtc) {
return (SBTC, 3);
return (WBTC, 2);
} | 0.6.11 |
@notice Claim CRV and deposit most premium token into Curve
*/ | function harvest() external override onlyAuthorized {
(address token, uint index) = _getMostPremiumToken();
uint bal = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
if (bal > 0) {
// transfer fee to treasury
uint fee = bal.mul(performanceFee) / PERFORMANCE_FEE_MAX;
if (fee > 0) {
address treasury = IController(controller).treasury();
require(treasury != address(0), "treasury = zero address");
IERC20(token).safeTransfer(treasury, fee);
_depositIntoCurve(token, index);
} | 0.6.11 |
* @dev Add multiple vesting to contract by arrays of data
* @param _users[] addresses of holders
* @param _startTokens[] tokens that can be withdrawn at startDate
* @param _totalTokens[] total tokens in vesting
* @param _startDate date from when tokens can be claimed
* @param _endDate date after which all tokens can be claimed
*/ | function massAddHolders(
address[] calldata _users,
uint256[] calldata _startTokens,
uint256[] calldata _totalTokens,
uint256 _startDate,
uint256 _endDate
) external onlyOwner whenNotLocked {
uint256 len = _users.length; //cheaper to use one variable
require((len == _startTokens.length) && (len == _totalTokens.length), "data size mismatch");
require(_startDate < _endDate, "startDate cannot exceed endDate");
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
_addHolder(_users[i], _startTokens[i], _totalTokens[i], _startDate, _endDate);
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Add new vesting to contract
* @param _user address of a holder
* @param _startTokens how many tokens are claimable at start date
* @param _totalTokens total number of tokens in added vesting
* @param _startDate date from when tokens can be claimed
* @param _endDate date after which all tokens can be claimed
*/ | function _addHolder(
address _user,
uint256 _startTokens,
uint256 _totalTokens,
uint256 _startDate,
uint256 _endDate
) internal {
require(_user != address(0), "user address cannot be 0");
Vest memory v;
v.startTokens = _startTokens;
v.totalTokens = _totalTokens;
v.dateStart = _startDate;
v.dateEnd = _endDate;
totalVested += _totalTokens;
user2vesting[_user].push(vestings.length); // we are skipping index "0" for reasons
emit Vested(_user, _totalTokens, _endDate);
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev internal claim function
* @param _user address of holder
* @param _target where tokens should be send
* @return amt number of tokens claimed
*/ | function _claim(address _user, address _target) internal nonReentrant returns (uint256 amt) {
require(_target != address(0), "Claim, then burn");
if (!vestingAdded[_user] && !refunded[_user]) {
uint256 len = user2vesting[_user].length;
require(len > 0, "No vestings for user");
uint256 cl;
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
Vest storage v = vestings[user2vesting[_user][i] - 1];
cl = _claimable(v);
v.claimedTokens += cl;
amt += cl;
if (amt > 0) {
totalClaimed += amt;
_transfer(_target, amt);
emit Claimed(_user, amt);
} else revert("Nothing to claim");
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Count how many tokens can be claimed from vesting to date
* @param _vesting Vesting object
* @return canWithdraw number of tokens
*/ | function _claimable(Vest memory _vesting) internal view returns (uint256 canWithdraw) {
uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
if (_vesting.dateStart > currentTime) return 0;
// we are somewhere in the middle
if (currentTime < _vesting.dateEnd) {
// how much time passed (as fraction * 10^18)
// timeRatio = (time passed * 1e18) / duration
uint256 timeRatio = (currentTime - _vesting.dateStart).divPrecisely(_vesting.dateEnd - _vesting.dateStart);
// how much tokens we can get in total to date
canWithdraw = (_vesting.totalTokens - _vesting.startTokens).mulTruncate(timeRatio) + _vesting.startTokens;
// time has passed, we can take all tokens
else {
canWithdraw = _vesting.totalTokens;
// but maybe we take something earlier?
canWithdraw -= _vesting.claimedTokens;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Read total amount of tokens that user can claim to date from all vestings
* Function also includes tokens to claim from sale contracts that were not
* yet initiated for user.
* @param _user address of holder
* @return amount number of tokens
*/ | function getAllClaimable(address _user) public view returns (uint256 amount) {
uint256 len = user2vesting[_user].length;
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
amount += _claimable(vestings[user2vesting[_user][i] - 1]);
if (!vestingAdded[_user]) {
amount += _claimableFromSaleContracts(_user);
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Extract all the vestings for the user
* Also extract not initialized vestings from
* sale contracts.
* @param _user address of holder
* @return v array of Vest objects
*/ | function getVestings(address _user) external view returns (Vest[] memory) {
// array of pending vestings
Vest[] memory pV;
if (!vestingAdded[_user]) {
pV = _vestingsFromSaleContracts(_user);
uint256 pLen = pV.length;
uint256 len = user2vesting[_user].length;
Vest[] memory v = new Vest[](len + pLen);
// copy normal vestings
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
v[i] = vestings[user2vesting[_user][i] - 1];
// copy not initialized vestings
if (!vestingAdded[_user]) {
uint256 j;
for (j; j < pLen; j++) {
v[i + j] = pV[j];
return v;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Read registered vesting list by range from-to
* @param _start first index
* @param _end last index
* @return array of Vest objects
*/ | function getVestingsByRange(uint256 _start, uint256 _end) external view returns (Vest[] memory) {
uint256 cnt = _end - _start + 1;
uint256 len = vestings.length;
require(_end < len, "range error");
Vest[] memory v = new Vest[](cnt);
uint256 i;
for (i; i < cnt; i++) {
v[i] = vestings[_start + i];
return v;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Register sale contract
* @param _contractAddresses addresses of sale contracts
* @param _tokensPerCent sale price
* @param _maxAmount the maximum amount in USD cents for which user could buy
* @param _percentOnStart percentage of vested coins that can be claimed on start date
* @param _startDate date when initial vesting can be released
* @param _endDate final date of vesting, where all tokens can be claimed
*/ | function addSaleContract(
address[] memory _contractAddresses,
uint256 _tokensPerCent,
uint256 _maxAmount,
uint256 _percentOnStart,
uint256 _startDate,
uint256 _endDate
) external onlyOwner whenNotLocked {
require(_contractAddresses.length > 0, "data is missing");
require(_startDate < _endDate, "startDate cannot exceed endDate");
SaleContract memory s;
s.contractAddresses = _contractAddresses;
s.tokensPerCent = _tokensPerCent;
s.maxAmount = _maxAmount;
s.startDate = _startDate;
s.percentOnStart = _percentOnStart;
s.endDate = _endDate;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Function iterate sale contracts and initialize corresponding
* vesting for user.
* @param _user address that will be initialized
*/ | function _addVesting(address _user) internal {
require(!refunded[_user], "User refunded");
require(!vestingAdded[_user], "Already done");
uint256 len = saleContracts.length;
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
SaleContract memory s = saleContracts[i];
uint256 sLen = s.contractAddresses.length;
uint256 j;
uint256 amt;
for (j; j < sLen; j++) {
amt += ISaleContract(s.contractAddresses[j]).balanceOf(_user);
// amt is in cents, so $100 = 10000
if (amt > 0) {
if (amt > s.maxAmount) {
amt = s.maxAmount;
// create Vest object
Vest memory v = _vestFromSaleContractAndAmount(s, amt);
// update contract data
totalVested += v.totalTokens;
emit Vested(_user, v.totalTokens, v.dateEnd);
vestingAdded[_user] = true;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Function iterate sale contracts and count claimable amounts for given user.
* Used to calculate claimable amounts from not initialized vestings.
* @param _user address of user to count claimable
* @return claimable amount of tokens
*/ | function _claimableFromSaleContracts(address _user) internal view returns (uint256 claimable) {
if (refunded[_user]) return 0;
uint256 len = saleContracts.length;
if (len == 0) return 0;
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
SaleContract memory s = saleContracts[i];
uint256 sLen = s.contractAddresses.length;
uint256 j;
uint256 amt;
for (j; j < sLen; j++) {
amt += ISaleContract(s.contractAddresses[j]).balanceOf(_user);
// amt is in cents, so $100 = 10000
if (amt > 0) {
if (amt > s.maxAmount) {
amt = s.maxAmount;
claimable += _claimable(_vestFromSaleContractAndAmount(s, amt));
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Function iterate sale contracts and extract not initialized user vestings.
* Used to return all stored and not initialized vestings.
* @param _user address of user to extract vestings
* @return v vesting array
*/ | function _vestingsFromSaleContracts(address _user) internal view returns (Vest[] memory) {
uint256 len = saleContracts.length;
if (refunded[_user] || len == 0) return new Vest[](0);
Vest[] memory v = new Vest[](_numberOfVestingsFromSaleContracts(_user));
uint256 i;
uint256 idx;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
SaleContract memory s = saleContracts[i];
uint256 sLen = s.contractAddresses.length;
uint256 j;
uint256 amt;
for (j; j < sLen; j++) {
amt += ISaleContract(s.contractAddresses[j]).balanceOf(_user);
// amt is in cents, so $100 = 10000
if (amt > 0) {
if (amt > s.maxAmount) {
amt = s.maxAmount;
v[idx] = _vestFromSaleContractAndAmount(s, amt);
return v;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Function iterate sale contracts and return number of not initialized vestings for user.
* @param _user address of user to extract vestings
* @return number of not not initialized user vestings
*/ | function _numberOfVestingsFromSaleContracts(address _user) internal view returns (uint256 number) {
uint256 len = saleContracts.length;
uint256 i;
for (i; i < len; i++) {
SaleContract memory s = saleContracts[i];
uint256 sLen = s.contractAddresses.length;
uint256 j;
uint256 amt;
for (j; j < sLen; j++) {
amt += ISaleContract(s.contractAddresses[j]).balanceOf(_user);
// amt is in cents, so $100 = 10000
if (amt > 0) {
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Return vesting created from given sale and usd cent amount.
* @param _sale address of user to extract vestings
* @param _amount address of user to extract vestings
* @return v vesting from given parameters
*/ | function _vestFromSaleContractAndAmount(SaleContract memory _sale, uint256 _amount) internal pure returns (Vest memory v) {
v.dateStart = _sale.startDate;
v.dateEnd = _sale.endDate;
uint256 total = _amount * _sale.tokensPerCent;
v.totalTokens = total;
v.startTokens = (total * _sale.percentOnStart) / 100;
} | 0.8.6 |
* @dev Send tokens to other multi addresses in one function
* @param _destAddrs address The addresses which you want to send tokens to
* @param _values uint256 the amounts of tokens to be sent
*/ | function multiSend(address[] _destAddrs, uint256[] _values) onlyOwner public returns (uint256) {
require(_destAddrs.length == _values.length);
uint256 i = 0;
for (; i < _destAddrs.length; i = i.add(1)) {
if (!erc20tk.transfer(_destAddrs[i], _values[i])) {
return (i);
} | 0.4.24 |
* @dev Send tokens to other multi addresses in one function
* @param _rand a random index for choosing a FlyDropToken contract address
* @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
* @param _value uint256 the amounts of tokens to be sent
* @param _token address the ERC20 token address
*/ | function prepare(uint256 _rand,
address _from,
address _token,
uint256 _value) onlyOwner public returns (bool) {
require(_token != address(0));
require(_from != address(0));
require(_rand > 0);
if (ERC20(_token).allowance(_from, this) < _value) {
return false;
if (_rand > dropTokenAddrs.length) {
SimpleFlyDropToken dropTokenContract = new SimpleFlyDropToken();
currentDropTokenContract = dropTokenContract;
} else {
currentDropTokenContract = SimpleFlyDropToken(dropTokenAddrs[_rand.sub(1)]);
return ERC20(_token).transferFrom(_from, currentDropTokenContract, _value);
// budgets[_token][_from] = budgets[_token][_from].sub(_value);
// return itoken(_token).approveAndCall(currentDropTokenContract, _value, _extraData);
// return true;
} | 0.4.24 |
* @notice Distributes drained rewards
*/ | function distribute(uint256 tipAmount) external payable {
require(drainController != address(0), "drainctrl not set");
require(WETH.balanceOf(address(this)) >= wethThreshold, "weth balance too low");
uint256 drainWethBalance = WETH.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 gasAmt = drainWethBalance.mul(gasShare).div(1000);
uint256 devAmt = drainWethBalance.mul(treasuryShare).div(1000);
uint256 lpRewardPoolAmt = drainWethBalance.mul(lpRewardPoolShare).div(1000);
uint256 drcRewardPoolAmt = drainWethBalance.mul(drcRewardPoolShare).div(1000);
// Unwrap WETH and transfer ETH to DrainController to cover drain gas fees
// Treasury
WETH.transfer(treasury, devAmt);
// Reward pools
// Buy-back
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = address(WETH);
path[1] = drc;
if (tipAmount > 0) {
(bool success, ) ={value: tipAmount}("");
require(success, "Could not tip miner");
uint[] memory amounts = swapRouter.getAmountsOut(drcRewardPoolAmt, path);
swapRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(drcRewardPoolAmt, amounts[amounts.length - 1], path, drcRewardPool, block.timestamp);
} | 0.7.6 |
* @notice Changes the distribution percentage
* Percentages are using decimal base of 1000 ie: 10% = 100
*/ | function changeDistribution(
uint256 gasShare_,
uint256 treasuryShare_,
uint256 lpRewardPoolShare_,
uint256 drcRewardPoolShare_)
require((gasShare_ + treasuryShare_ + lpRewardPoolShare_ + drcRewardPoolShare_) == 1000, "invalid distribution");
gasShare = gasShare_;
treasuryShare = treasuryShare_;
lpRewardPoolShare = lpRewardPoolShare_;
drcRewardPoolShare = drcRewardPoolShare_;
} | 0.7.6 |
* @dev Add or remove an address to the supervisor whitelist
* @param _supervisor - Address to be allowed or not
* @param _allowed - Whether the contract will be allowed or not
*/ | function setSupervisor(address _supervisor, bool _allowed) external onlyOwner {
if (_allowed) {
require(!supervisorWhitelist[_supervisor], "The supervisor is already whitelisted");
} else {
require(supervisorWhitelist[_supervisor], "The supervisor is not whitelisted");
supervisorWhitelist[_supervisor] = _allowed;
emit SupervisorSet(_supervisor, _allowed, msg.sender);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw an NFT by committing a valid signature
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contract - NFT contract' address
* @param _tokenId - Token id
* @param _expires - Expiration of the signature
* @param _userId - User id
* @param _signature - Signature
*/ | function withdraw(
address _beneficiary,
address _contract,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _expires,
bytes calldata _userId,
bytes calldata _signature
) external {
require(_expires >= block.timestamp, "Expired signature");
bytes32 messageHash = keccak256(
_validateMessageAndSignature(messageHash, _signature);
_withdraw(_beneficiary, _contract, _tokenId, _userId);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw many NFTs
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contracts - NFT contract' addresses
* @param _tokenIds - Token ids
* @param _userId - User id
*/ | function withdrawMany(
address _beneficiary,
address[] calldata _contracts,
uint256[] calldata _tokenIds,
bytes calldata _userId
) external onlyAdmin {
_contracts.length == _tokenIds.length,
"Contracts and token ids must have the same length"
_withdrawMany(_beneficiary, _contracts, _tokenIds, _userId);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw many NFTs by committing a valid signature
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contracts - NFT contract' addresses
* @param _tokenIds - Token ids
* @param _expires - Expiration of the signature
* @param _userId - User id
* @param _signature - Signature
*/ | function withdrawMany(
address _beneficiary,
address[] calldata _contracts,
uint256[] calldata _tokenIds,
uint256 _expires,
bytes calldata _userId,
bytes calldata _signature
) external {
require(_expires >= block.timestamp, "Expired signature");
_contracts.length == _tokenIds.length,
"Contracts and token ids must have the same length"
bytes memory transferData;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _contracts.length; i++) {
transferData = abi.encodePacked(
bytes32 messageHash = keccak256(
_validateMessageAndSignature(messageHash, _signature);
_withdrawMany(_beneficiary, _contracts, _tokenIds, _userId);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw NFTs by minting them
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contracts - NFT contract' addresses
* @param _optionIds - Option ids
* @param _issuedIds - Issued ids
* @param _userId - User id
*/ | function issueManyTokens(
address _beneficiary,
address[] calldata _contracts,
uint256[] calldata _optionIds,
uint256[] calldata _issuedIds,
bytes calldata _userId
) external onlyAdmin {
_contracts.length == _optionIds.length,
"Contracts and option ids must have the same length"
_optionIds.length == _issuedIds.length,
"Option ids and issued ids must have the same length"
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw an NFT by minting it committing a valid signature
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contract - NFT contract' address
* @param _optionId - Option id
* @param _issuedId - Issued id
* @param _expires - Expiration of the signature
* @param _userId - User id
* @param _signature - Signature
*/ | function issueToken(
address _beneficiary,
address _contract,
uint256 _optionId,
uint256 _issuedId,
uint256 _expires,
bytes calldata _userId,
bytes calldata _signature
) external {
require(_expires >= block.timestamp, "Expired signature");
bytes32 messageHash = keccak256(
_validateMessageAndSignature(messageHash, _signature);
} | 0.6.12 |
* @dev Withdraw NFTs by minting them
* @param _beneficiary - Beneficiary's address
* @param _contracts - NFT contract' addresses
* @param _optionIds - Option ids
* @param _issuedIds - Issued ids
* @param _expires - Expiration of the signature
* @param _userId - User id
* @param _signature - Signature
*/ | function issueManyTokens(
address _beneficiary,
address[] calldata _contracts,
uint256[] calldata _optionIds,
uint256[] calldata _issuedIds,
uint256 _expires,
bytes calldata _userId,
bytes calldata _signature
) external {
require(_expires >= block.timestamp, "Expired signature");
_contracts.length == _optionIds.length,
"Contracts and option ids must have the same length"
_optionIds.length == _issuedIds.length,
"Option ids and issued ids must have the same length"
bytes memory mintData;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _contracts.length; i++) {
mintData = abi.encodePacked(
bytes32 messageHash = keccak256(
_validateMessageAndSignature(messageHash, _signature);
} | 0.6.12 |
// Let's do some minting for promotional supply. | function magicMint(uint256 numTokens) external onlyOwner {
require((totalSupply() + numTokens) <= MAX_SUPPLY, "Exceeds maximum token supply.");
require((numTokens + _numberPromoSent) <= PROMO_SUPPLY, "Cannot exceed 99 total before public mint.");
for (uint i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) {
uint mintIndex = totalSupply();
_safeMint(msg.sender, mintIndex);
_numberPromoSent += 1;
} | 0.8.4 |
// Airdrop to allow for sending direct to some addresses | function airdrop( address [] memory recipients ) public onlyOwner {
require((totalSupply() + recipients.length) <= MAX_SUPPLY, "Exceeds maximum token supply.");
require((recipients.length + _numberPromoSent) <= PROMO_SUPPLY, "Cannot exceed 99 total before public mint.");
for(uint i ; i < recipients.length; i++ ){
uint mintIndex = totalSupply();
_safeMint(recipients[i], mintIndex);
_numberPromoSent += 1;
} | 0.8.4 |
Oracle functions
*/ | function oracleStoreRatesAndProcessTrade( uint256 trade_id, uint256 _instrument_ts_rates ) public onlyOracle {
uint256 startGas = gasleft();
uint48 its1 = uint48( _instrument_ts_rates >> 192 );
uint48 its2 = uint48( (_instrument_ts_rates << 128) >> 192 );
uint64 begin_rate = uint64( (_instrument_ts_rates << 64) >> 192 );
uint64 end_rate = uint64( (_instrument_ts_rates << 192) >> 192 );
if ( instrumentRates[its1] == 0 ) instrumentRates[its1] = begin_rate;
if ( instrumentRates[its2] == 0 ) instrumentRates[its2] = end_rate;
__processTrade( trade_id, begin_rate, end_rate );
// Calc new gas amount for process the trade, 30200 is the constant cost to call
gas_for_process = startGas - gasleft() + 30200;
} | 0.6.11 |
* @param _tokenAddr the address of the ERC20Token
* @param _to the list of addresses that can receive your tokens
* @param _value the list of all the amounts that every _to address will receive
* @return true if all the transfers are OK.
* PLEASE NOTE: Max 150 addresses per time are allowed.
* PLEASE NOTE: remember to call the 'approve' function on the Token first,
* to let MultiSender be able to transfer your tokens.
*/ | function multiSend(address _tokenAddr, address[] memory _to, uint256[] memory _value) public returns (bool _success) {
assert(_to.length == _value.length);
assert(_to.length <= 150);
ERC20 _token = ERC20(_tokenAddr);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < _to.length; i++) {
assert((_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, _to[i], _value[i])) == true);
return true;
} | 0.5.1 |
// ====================================================
// ==================================================== | function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
returns (string memory)
require(_exists(tokenId), "URI query for nonexistent token");
string memory _tokenURI = _tokenURIs[tokenId];
string memory base = _baseURI();
// if a custom tokenURI has not been set, return base + tokenId.json
if(bytes(_tokenURI).length == 0) {
return string(abi.encodePacked(base, tokenId.toString(), ".json"));
// a custom tokenURI has been set - likely after metadata IPFS migration
return _tokenURI;
} | 0.8.11 |
* Convert signed 256-bit integer number into quadruple precision number.
* @param x signed 256-bit integer number
* @return quadruple precision number
*/ | function fromInt(int256 x) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
unchecked {
if (x == 0) return bytes16(0);
else {
// We rely on overflow behavior here
uint256 result = uint256(x > 0 ? x : -x);
uint256 msb = mostSignificantBit(result);
if (msb < 112) result <<= 112 - msb;
else if (msb > 112) result >>= msb - 112;
result =
((16383 + msb) << 112);
if (x < 0) result |= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
return bytes16(uint128(result));
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert quadruple precision number into signed 256-bit integer number
* rounding towards zero. Revert on overflow.
* @param x quadruple precision number
* @return signed 256-bit integer number
*/ | function toInt(bytes16 x) internal pure returns (int256) {
unchecked {
uint256 exponent = (uint128(x) >> 112) & 0x7FFF;
require(exponent <= 16638); // Overflow
if (exponent < 16383) return 0; // Underflow
uint256 result =
(uint256(uint128(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) |
if (exponent < 16495) result >>= 16495 - exponent;
else if (exponent > 16495) result <<= exponent - 16495;
if (uint128(x) >= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000) {
// Negative
result <=
return -int256(result); // We rely on overflow behavior here
} else {
result <=
return int256(result);
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert unsigned 256-bit integer number into quadruple precision number.
* @param x unsigned 256-bit integer number
* @return quadruple precision number
*/ | function fromUInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
unchecked {
if (x == 0) return bytes16(0);
else {
uint256 result = x;
uint256 msb = mostSignificantBit(result);
if (msb < 112) result <<= 112 - msb;
else if (msb > 112) result >>= msb - 112;
result =
((16383 + msb) << 112);
return bytes16(uint128(result));
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert quadruple precision number into unsigned 256-bit integer number
* rounding towards zero. Revert on underflow. Note, that negative floating
* point numbers in range (-1.0 .. 0.0) may be converted to unsigned integer
* without error, because they are rounded to zero.
* @param x quadruple precision number
* @return unsigned 256-bit integer number
*/ | function toUInt(bytes16 x) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
uint256 exponent = (uint128(x) >> 112) & 0x7FFF;
if (exponent < 16383) return 0; // Underflow
require(uint128(x) < 0x80000000000000000000000000000000); // Negative
require(exponent <= 16638); // Overflow
uint256 result =
(uint256(uint128(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) |
if (exponent < 16495) result >>= 16495 - exponent;
else if (exponent > 16495) result <<= exponent - 16495;
return result;
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert signed 128.128 bit fixed point number into quadruple precision
* number.
* @param x signed 128.128 bit fixed point number
* @return quadruple precision number
*/ | function from128x128(int256 x) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
unchecked {
if (x == 0) return bytes16(0);
else {
// We rely on overflow behavior here
uint256 result = uint256(x > 0 ? x : -x);
uint256 msb = mostSignificantBit(result);
if (msb < 112) result <<= 112 - msb;
else if (msb > 112) result >>= msb - 112;
result =
((16255 + msb) << 112);
if (x < 0) result |= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
return bytes16(uint128(result));
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert quadruple precision number into signed 64.64 bit fixed point
* number. Revert on overflow.
* @param x quadruple precision number
* @return signed 64.64 bit fixed point number
*/ | function to64x64(bytes16 x) internal pure returns (int128) {
unchecked {
uint256 exponent = (uint128(x) >> 112) & 0x7FFF;
require(exponent <= 16446); // Overflow
if (exponent < 16319) return 0; // Underflow
uint256 result =
(uint256(uint128(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) |
if (exponent < 16431) result >>= 16431 - exponent;
else if (exponent > 16431) result <<= exponent - 16431;
if (uint128(x) >= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000) {
// Negative
require(result <= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000);
return -int128(int256(result)); // We rely on overflow behavior here
} else {
return int128(int256(result));
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert octuple precision number into quadruple precision number.
* @param x octuple precision number
* @return quadruple precision number
*/ | function fromOctuple(bytes32 x) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
unchecked {
bool negative =
x &
0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 >
uint256 exponent = (uint256(x) >> 236) & 0x7FFFF;
uint256 significand =
uint256(x) &
if (exponent == 0x7FFFF) {
if (significand > 0) return NaN;
if (exponent > 278526)
else if (exponent < 245649)
return negative ? _NEGATIVE_ZERO : _POSITIVE_ZERO;
else if (exponent < 245761) {
significand =
(significand |
0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >>
(245885 - exponent);
exponent = 0;
} else {
significand >>= 124;
exponent -= 245760;
uint128 result = uint128(significand | (exponent << 112));
if (negative) result |= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
return bytes16(result);
} | 0.8.3 |
* Convert double precision number into quadruple precision number.
* @param x double precision number
* @return quadruple precision number
*/ | function fromDouble(bytes8 x) internal pure returns (bytes16) {
unchecked {
uint256 exponent = (uint64(x) >> 52) & 0x7FF;
uint256 result = uint64(x) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
if (exponent == 0x7FF)
exponent = 0x7FFF; // Infinity or NaN
else if (exponent == 0) {
if (result > 0) {
uint256 msb = mostSignificantBit(result);
result =
(result << (112 - msb)) &
exponent = 15309 + msb;
} else {
result <<= 60;
exponent += 15360;
result |= exponent << 112;
if (x & 0x8000000000000000 > 0)
result |= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
return bytes16(uint128(result));
} | 0.8.3 |
* Calculate sign of x, i.e. -1 if x is negative, 0 if x if zero, and 1 if x
* is positive. Note that sign (-0) is zero. Revert if x is NaN.
* @param x quadruple precision number
* @return sign of x
*/ | function sign(bytes16 x) internal pure returns (int8) {
unchecked {
uint128 absoluteX = uint128(x) & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
require(absoluteX <= 0x7FFF0000000000000000000000000000); // Not NaN
if (absoluteX == 0) return 0;
else if (uint128(x) >= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000)
return -1;
else return 1;
} | 0.8.3 |
* Calculate sign (x - y). Revert if either argument is NaN, or both
* arguments are infinities of the same sign.
* @param x quadruple precision number
* @param y quadruple precision number
* @return sign (x - y)
*/ | function cmp(bytes16 x, bytes16 y) internal pure returns (int8) {
unchecked {
uint128 absoluteX = uint128(x) & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
require(absoluteX <= 0x7FFF0000000000000000000000000000); // Not NaN
uint128 absoluteY = uint128(y) & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
require(absoluteY <= 0x7FFF0000000000000000000000000000); // Not NaN
// Not infinities of the same sign
require(x != y || absoluteX < 0x7FFF0000000000000000000000000000);
if (x == y) return 0;
else {
bool negativeX =
uint128(x) >= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
bool negativeY =
uint128(y) >= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000;
if (negativeX) {
if (negativeY) return absoluteX > absoluteY ? -1 : int8(1);
else return -1;
} else {
if (negativeY) return 1;
else return absoluteX > absoluteY ? int8(1) : -1;
} | 0.8.3 |
* Get index of the most significant non-zero bit in binary representation of
* x. Reverts if x is zero.
* @return index of the most significant non-zero bit in binary representation
* of x
*/ | function mostSignificantBit(uint256 x) private pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(x > 0);
uint256 result = 0;
if (x >= 0x100000000000000000000000000000000) {
x >>= 128;
result += 128;
if (x >= 0x10000000000000000) {
x >>= 64;
result += 64;
if (x >= 0x100000000) {
x >>= 32;
result += 32;
if (x >= 0x10000) {
x >>= 16;
result += 16;
if (x >= 0x100) {
x >>= 8;
result += 8;
if (x >= 0x10) {
x >>= 4;
result += 4;
if (x >= 0x4) {
x >>= 2;
result += 2;
if (x >= 0x2) result += 1; // No need to shift x anymore
return result;
} | 0.8.3 |
/// @dev batch claiming | function claimAll(
address[] calldata userAddresses,
DxTokenContracts4Rep mapIdx
returns(bytes32[] memory)
require(uint(mapIdx) < 3, "mapIdx cannot be greater than 2");
DxToken4RepInterface claimingContract;
if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLER) {
claimingContract = dxLER;
} else if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLMR) {
claimingContract = dxLMR;
} else if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLWR) {
claimingContract = dxLWR;
uint length = userAddresses.length;
bytes32[] memory returnArray = new bytes32[](length);
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {
returnArray[i] = claimingContract.claim(userAddresses[i]);
return returnArray;
} | 0.5.4 |
/// @dev batch redeeming | function redeemAll(
address[] calldata userAddresses,
DxTokenContracts4Rep mapIdx
returns(uint256[] memory)
require(uint(mapIdx) < 3, "mapIdx cannot be greater than 2");
DxToken4RepInterface redeemingContract;
if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLER) {
redeemingContract = dxLER;
} else if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLMR) {
redeemingContract = dxLMR;
} else if (mapIdx == DxTokenContracts4Rep.dxLWR) {
redeemingContract = dxLWR;
uint length = userAddresses.length;
uint256[] memory returnArray = new uint256[](length);
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {
returnArray[i] = redeemingContract.redeem(userAddresses[i]);
return returnArray;
} | 0.5.4 |
/// @dev batch redeeming (dxGAR only) | function redeemAllGAR(
address[] calldata userAddresses,
uint256[] calldata auctionIndices
returns(uint256[] memory)
require(userAddresses.length == auctionIndices.length, "userAddresses and auctioIndices must be the same length arrays");
uint length = userAddresses.length;
uint256[] memory returnArray = new uint256[](length);
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {
returnArray[i] = dxGAR.redeem(userAddresses[i], auctionIndices[i]);
return returnArray;
} | 0.5.4 |
* @dev initialize
* @param _avatar the avatar to mint reputation from
* @param _auctionReputationReward the reputation reward per auction this contract will reward
* for the token locking
* @param _auctionsStartTime auctions period start time
* @param _auctionPeriod auctions period time.
* auctionsEndTime is set to _auctionsStartTime + _auctionPeriod*_numberOfAuctions
* bidding is disable after auctionsEndTime.
* @param _numberOfAuctions number of auctions.
* @param _redeemEnableTime redeem enable time .
* redeem reputation can be done after this time.
* @param _token the bidding token
* @param _wallet the address of the wallet the token will be transfer to.
* Please note that _wallet address should be a trusted account.
* Normally this address should be set as the DAO's avatar address.
*/ | function initialize(
Avatar _avatar,
uint256 _auctionReputationReward,
uint256 _auctionsStartTime,
uint256 _auctionPeriod,
uint256 _numberOfAuctions,
uint256 _redeemEnableTime,
IERC20 _token,
address _wallet)
require(avatar == Avatar(0), "can be called only one time");
require(_avatar != Avatar(0), "avatar cannot be zero");
require(_numberOfAuctions > 0, "number of auctions cannot be zero");
//_auctionPeriod should be greater than block interval
require(_auctionPeriod > 15, "auctionPeriod should be > 15");
auctionPeriod = _auctionPeriod;
auctionsEndTime = _auctionsStartTime + _auctionPeriod.mul(_numberOfAuctions);
require(_redeemEnableTime >= auctionsEndTime, "_redeemEnableTime >= auctionsEndTime");
token = _token;
avatar = _avatar;
auctionsStartTime = _auctionsStartTime;
numberOfAuctions = _numberOfAuctions;
wallet = _wallet;
auctionReputationReward = _auctionReputationReward;
reputationRewardLeft = _auctionReputationReward.mul(_numberOfAuctions);
redeemEnableTime = _redeemEnableTime;
} | 0.5.4 |
* @dev redeem reputation function
* @param _beneficiary the beneficiary to redeem.
* @param _auctionId the auction id to redeem from.
* @return uint256 reputation rewarded
*/ | function redeem(address _beneficiary, uint256 _auctionId) public returns(uint256 reputation) {
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
require(now > redeemEnableTime, "now > redeemEnableTime");
Auction storage auction = auctions[_auctionId];
uint256 bid = auction.bids[_beneficiary];
require(bid > 0, "bidding amount should be > 0");
auction.bids[_beneficiary] = 0;
uint256 repRelation = bid.mul(auctionReputationReward);
reputation = repRelation.div(auction.totalBid);
// check that the reputation is sum zero
reputationRewardLeft = reputationRewardLeft.sub(reputation);
.mintReputation(reputation, _beneficiary, address(avatar)), "mint reputation should succeed");
emit Redeem(_auctionId, _beneficiary, reputation);
} | 0.5.4 |
* @dev bid function
* @param _amount the amount to bid with
* @param _auctionId the auction id to bid at .
* @return auctionId
*/ | function bid(uint256 _amount, uint256 _auctionId) public returns(uint256 auctionId) {
require(_amount > 0, "bidding amount should be > 0");
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
require(now < auctionsEndTime, "bidding should be within the allowed bidding period");
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
require(now >= auctionsStartTime, "bidding is enable only after bidding auctionsStartTime");
address(token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
auctionId = (now - auctionsStartTime) / auctionPeriod;
require(auctionId == _auctionId, "auction is not active");
Auction storage auction = auctions[auctionId];
auction.totalBid = auction.totalBid.add(_amount);
auction.bids[msg.sender] = auction.bids[msg.sender].add(_amount);
emit Bid(msg.sender, auctionId, _amount);
} | 0.5.4 |
// callback function | function ()
// fllows addresses only can activate the game
if (msg.sender == activate_addr1 ||
msg.sender == activate_addr2
}else if(msg.value > 0){ //bet order
// fetch player id
address _addr = msg.sender;
uint256 _codeLength;
require(tx.origin == msg.sender, "sorry humans only origin");
assembly {_codeLength := extcodesize(_addr)}
require(_codeLength == 0, "sorry humans only=================");
uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender];
uint256 _ticketprice = getBuyPrice();
require(_ticketprice > 0);
uint256 _tickets = msg.value / _ticketprice;
require(_tickets > 0);
// buy tickets
require(activated_ == true, "its not ready yet. contact administrators");
require(_tickets <= ticketstotal_ - round_[rID_].tickets);
buyTicket(_pID, plyr_[_pID].laff, _tickets);
} | 0.4.24 |
// _pID: player pid _rIDlast: last roundid | function updateTicketVault(uint256 _pID, uint256 _rIDlast) private{
uint256 _gen = (plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].luckytickets.mul(round_[_rIDlast].mask / _headtickets)).sub(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask);
uint256 _jackpot = 0;
if (judgeWin(_rIDlast, _pID) && address(round_[_rIDlast].winner) == 0) {
_jackpot = round_[_rIDlast].jackpot;
round_[_rIDlast].winner = msg.sender;
plyr_[_pID].gen = _gen.add(plyr_[_pID].gen); // ticket valuet
plyr_[_pID].win = _jackpot.add(plyr_[_pID].win); // player win
plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask = plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask.add(_gen);
} | 0.4.24 |
/** upon contract deploy, it will be deactivated. this is a one time
* use function that will activate the contract. we do this so devs
* have time to set things up on the web end **/ | function activate()
// can only be ran once
require(msg.sender == activate_addr1 ||
msg.sender == activate_addr2);
require(activated_ == false, "LuckyCoin already activated");
//uint256 _jackpot = 10 ether;
require(msg.value == jackpot, "activate game need 10 ether");
if (rID_ != 0) {
require(round_[rID_].tickets >= round_[rID_].lucknum, "nobody win");
//activate the contract
activated_ = true;
//lets start first round
rID_ ++;
round_[rID_].start = now;
round_[rID_].end = now + rndGap_;
round_[rID_].jackpot = msg.value;
emit onActivate(rID_);
} | 0.4.24 |
// only support Name by name | function registerNameXname(string _nameString, bytes32 _affCode, bool _all)
bytes32 _name = _nameString.nameFilter();
address _addr = msg.sender;
uint256 _paid = msg.value;
(bool _isNewPlayer, uint256 _affID) = PlayerBook.registerNameXnameFromDapp.value(msg.value)(msg.sender, _name, _affCode, _all);
uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[_addr];
// fire event
emit Coinevents.onNewName(_pID, _addr, _name, _isNewPlayer, _affID, plyr_[_affID].addr, plyr_[_affID].name, _paid, now);
} | 0.4.24 |
// search user if win | function judgeWin(uint256 _rid, uint256 _pID)private view returns(bool){
uint256 _group = (round_[_rid].lucknum -1) / grouptotal_;
uint256 _temp = round_[_rid].lucknum % grouptotal_;
if (_temp == 0){
_temp = grouptotal_;
if (orders[_rid][_pID][_group] & (2 **(_temp-1)) == 2 **(_temp-1)){
return true;
return false;
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Adds a list of addresses to the admins list.
/// @dev Requires that the msg.sender is the Owner. Emits an event on success.
/// @param _admins The list of addresses to add to the admins mapping. | function addAddressesToAdmins(address[] _admins) external onlyOwner {
require(_admins.length > 0, "Cannot add an empty list to admins!");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _admins.length; ++i) {
address user = _admins[i];
require(user != address(0), "Cannot add the zero address to admins!");
if (!admins[user]) {
admins[user] = true;
emit AdminAdded(user);
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Removes a list of addresses from the admins list.
/// @dev Requires that the msg.sender is an Owner. It is possible for the admins list to be empty, this is a fail safe
/// in the event the admin accounts are compromised. The owner has the ability to lockout the server access from which
/// TravelBlock is processing payments. Emits an event on success.
/// @param _admins The list of addresses to remove from the admins mapping. | function removeAddressesFromAdmins(address[] _admins) external onlyOwner {
require(_admins.length > 0, "Cannot remove an empty list to admins!");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _admins.length; ++i) {
address user = _admins[i];
if (admins[user]) {
admins[user] = false;
emit AdminRemoved(user);
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Adds a list of addresses to the whitelist.
/// @dev Requires that the msg.sender is the Admin. Emits an event on success.
/// @param _users The list of addresses to add to the whitelist. | function addAddressesToWhitelist(address[] _users) external onlyAdmin {
require(_users.length > 0, "Cannot add an empty list to whitelist!");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) {
address user = _users[i];
require(user != address(0), "Cannot add the zero address to whitelist!");
if (!whitelist[user]) {
whitelist[user] = true;
emit WhitelistAdded(user);
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Removes a list of addresses from the whitelist.
/// @dev Requires that the msg.sender is an Admin. Emits an event on success.
/// @param _users The list of addresses to remove from the whitelist. | function removeAddressesFromWhitelist(address[] _users) external onlyAdmin {
require(_users.length > 0, "Cannot remove an empty list to whitelist!");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) {
address user = _users[i];
if (whitelist[user]) {
whitelist[user] = false;
emit WhitelistRemoved(user);
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Process a payment that prioritizes the use of regular tokens.
/// @dev Uses up all of the available regular tokens, before using rewards tokens to cover a payment. Pushes the calculated amounts
/// into their respective function calls.
/// @param _amount The total tokens to be paid. | function paymentRegularTokensPriority (uint256 _amount, uint256 _rewardPercentageIndex) public {
uint256 regularTokensAvailable = balances[msg.sender];
if (regularTokensAvailable >= _amount) {
paymentRegularTokens(_amount, _rewardPercentageIndex);
} else {
if (regularTokensAvailable > 0) {
uint256 amountOfRewardsTokens = _amount.sub(regularTokensAvailable);
paymentMixed(regularTokensAvailable, amountOfRewardsTokens, _rewardPercentageIndex);
} else {
} | 0.4.24 |
/// @notice Process a payment using only regular TRVL Tokens with a specified reward percentage.
/// @dev Adjusts the balances accordingly and applies a reward token bonus. The accounts must be whitelisted because the travel team must own the address
/// to make transfers on their behalf.
/// Requires:
/// - The contract is not paused
/// - The amount being processed is greater than 0
/// - The reward index being passed is valid
/// - The sender has enough tokens to cover the payment
/// - The sender is a whitelisted address
/// @param _regularTokenAmount The amount of regular tokens being used for the payment.
/// @param _rewardPercentageIndex The index pointing to the percentage of reward tokens to be applied. | function paymentRegularTokens (uint256 _regularTokenAmount, uint256 _rewardPercentageIndex)
senderHasEnoughTokens(_regularTokenAmount, 0)
// 1. Pay the specified amount with from the balance of the user/sender.
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_regularTokenAmount);
// 2. distribute reward tokens to the user.
uint256 rewardAmount = getRewardToken(_regularTokenAmount, _rewardPercentageIndex);
rewardBalances[msg.sender] = rewardBalances[msg.sender].add(rewardAmount);
emit TransferReward(owner, msg.sender, rewardAmount);
// 3. Update the owner balance minus the reward tokens.
balances[owner] = balances[owner].add(_regularTokenAmount.sub(rewardAmount));
emit Transfer(msg.sender, owner, _regularTokenAmount.sub(rewardAmount));
} | 0.4.24 |
@dev refund 45,000 gas for functions with gasRefund modifier.
*/ | function gasRefund() public {
uint256 len = gasRefundPool.length;
if (len > 2 && tx.gasprice > gasRefundPool[len-1]) {
gasRefundPool[--len] = 0;
gasRefundPool[--len] = 0;
gasRefundPool[--len] = 0;
gasRefundPool.length = len;
} | 0.5.1 |
* @dev migrate X amount of type A to type B
*/ | function migration(
uint256 from,
uint256 to,
uint256 count
) external {
amountToMint[from][to] > 0 && amountToBurn[from][to] > 0,
"Invalid transform"
amountToBurn[from][to] * count
count * amountToMint[from][to],
} | 0.8.12 |
* Fetches RebalancingSetToken liquidator for an array of RebalancingSetToken instances
* @param _rebalancingSetTokens[] RebalancingSetToken contract instances
* @return address[] Current liquidator being used by RebalancingSetToken
*/ | function batchFetchOraclePrices(
IOracle[] calldata _oracles
returns (uint256[] memory)
// Cache length of addresses to fetch states for
uint256 _addressesCount = _oracles.length;
// Instantiate output array in memory
uint256[] memory prices = new uint256[](_addressesCount);
// Cycles through contract addresses array and fetches the current price of each oracle
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _addressesCount; i++) {
prices[i] = _oracles[i].read();
return prices;
} | 0.5.7 |
* Fetches multiple balances for passed in array of ERC20 contract addresses for an owner
* @param _tokenAddresses Addresses of ERC20 contracts to check balance for
* @param _owner Address to check balance of _tokenAddresses for
* @return uint256[] Array of balances for each ERC20 contract passed in
*/ | function batchFetchBalancesOf(
address[] calldata _tokenAddresses,
address _owner
returns (uint256[] memory)
// Cache length of addresses to fetch balances for
uint256 _addressesCount = _tokenAddresses.length;
// Instantiate output array in memory
uint256[] memory balances = new uint256[](_addressesCount);
// Cycle through contract addresses array and fetching the balance of each for the owner
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _addressesCount; i++) {
balances[i] = IERC20(_tokenAddresses[i]).balanceOf(_owner);
return balances;
} | 0.5.7 |
* Fetches token balances for each tokenAddress, tokenOwner pair
* @param _tokenAddresses Addresses of ERC20 contracts to check balance for
* @param _tokenOwners Addresses of users sequential to tokenAddress to fetch balance for
* @return uint256[] Array of balances for each ERC20 contract passed in
*/ | function batchFetchUsersBalances(
address[] calldata _tokenAddresses,
address[] calldata _tokenOwners
returns (uint256[] memory)
// Cache length of addresses to fetch balances for
uint256 _addressesCount = _tokenAddresses.length;
// Instantiate output array in memory
uint256[] memory balances = new uint256[](_addressesCount);
// Cycle through contract addresses array and fetching the balance of each for the owner
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _addressesCount; i++) {
balances[i] = IERC20(_tokenAddresses[i]).balanceOf(_tokenOwners[i]);
return balances;
} | 0.5.7 |