8 values
Kingsway in India was made in the honour of
George V the Emperor of India
Hindistanda Kingsweýiň hormatyna ýasaldy
Jorj V Hindistanyň imperatory
What is the largest of the North American Great Lakes?
Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes. The water volume from the other four Great Lakes (Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario) could all fit within Lake Superior.
Demirgazyk Amerikanyň Uly kölleriniň iň ulusy haýsy?
Superior köli Uly kölleriň iň ulusydyr. Beýleki dört Uly kölden (Miçigan köli, Huron köli, Eri köli we Ontario köli) suwuň mukdary Superior kölüniň içinde ýerleşip biler.
Who is Enrique Jorrín?
The creation of cha-cha-chá has been traditionally attributed to Cuban composer and violinist Enrique Jorrín, who began his career playing for the charanga band Orquesta América. According to the testimony of Enrique Jorrín, he composed some danzones in which musicians of the orchestra had to sing short refrains, and this style was very successful. In the danzón "Constancia", he introduced some montunos and the audience was motivated to join in singing the refrains. Jorrín also asked the members of the orchestra to sing in unison so the lyrics might be heard more clearly and achieve a greater impact in the audience. That way of singing also helped to mask the poor singing skills of the orchestra members.
Enrique Jorrín is a Cuban composer and violinist known for creating cha-cha-chá.
Enrike Jorrin kim?
“Cha-cha-cha” -nyň döredilmegi adatça Kuba kompozitory we skripkaçy Enrike Jorrine degişlidir, ol karýerasyna “Orquesta America” çaranga toparynda oýnap başlady. Enrike Joriniň beren görkezmesine görä, ol orkestriň sazandalarynyň gysga äheňli aýdym aýtmaly bolýan käbir danzonlaryny düzüpdir we bu stil gaty üstünlikli bolupdyr. "Konstansiýa" danzonynda käbir montunlary tanatdy we tomaşaçylar bu aýdymlary aýtmaga goşulmaga höweslendiler. Şeýle hem Jorin orkestriň agzalaryndan aýdymlaryň has aýdyň eşidilmegi we tomaşaçylarda has uly täsir gazanmagy üçin birleşip aýdym aýtmagyny haýyş etdi. Aýdymyň bu usuly, orkestr agzalarynyň pes aýdym aýtmak endiklerini örtmäge kömek etdi.
Enrike Jorin kub-kompozitor we skripkaçy bolup, cha-cha-cha döredýär.
What was the first name of the city that became Austin, Texas?
The first European settlers in the present-day Austin were a group of Spanish friars who arrived from East Texas in July 1730. They established three temporary missions, La Purísima Concepción, San Francisco de los Neches and San José de los Nazonis, on a site by the Colorado River, near Barton Springs. The friars found conditions undesirable and relocated to the San Antonio River within a year of their arrival. Following Mexico's Independence from Spain, Anglo-American settlers began to populate Texas and reached present-day Central Texas by the 1830s. The site where Austin is located was surveyed by Edward Burleson in 1838, calling it Waterloo. It was incorporated in January, 1839, only months before selection as the site of the new capital, ending its existence. Early Austin resident and chronicler Frank Brown says the first and only settler in 1838 was Jacob Harrell who may have been living there already. Living in a tent with his family, he later built a cabin and small stockade near the mouth of Shoal Creek. In its short lifespan of less than two years the population of Waterloo grew to only about twelve people made up of four families.
The site that became Austin was previously incorporated as Waterloo in 1839.
Tehas ştatynyň Ostine öwrülen şäheriň ilkinji ady näme?
Häzirki Ostinde ilkinji Europeanewropaly göçüp gelenler 1730-njy ýylyň iýulynda Gündogar Tehasdan gelen ispaniýaly fransuzlar toparydy. Bir saýtda La Purísima Concepción, San Francisco de los Neches we San José de los Nazonis atly üç sany wagtlaýyn missiýa döretdiler. Kolorado derýasynyň boýunda, Barton Springsiň golaýynda. Bişenler islenmeýän şertleri tapdylar we gelenlerinden bir ýyl soň San Antonio derýasyna göçdüler. Meksikanyň Ispaniýadan garaşsyzlygyndan soň, iňlis-amerikan göçmenleri Tehasda köpelip başlady we 1830-njy ýyllarda häzirki Merkezi Tehas şäherine baryp ýetdi. Ostiniň ýerleşýän ýeri, 1838-nji ýylda Edward Burleson tarapyndan “Waterloo” diýlip atlandyryldy. Ol 1839-njy ýylyň ýanwar aýynda täze paýtagtyň mekany hökmünde saýlanmagyndan birnäçe aý öň döredilip, barlygynyň soňuna çykdy. Irki Ostiniň ýaşaýjysy we ýyl ýazyjysy Frank Braun 1838-nji ýylda ilkinji we ýeke-täk göçüp geleniň, ol ýerde eýýäm ýaşap geçen Jeýkob Harrell bolandygyny aýdýar. Maşgalasy bilen bir çadyrda ýaşap, Şoal-Krikiň agzynyň golaýynda bir kabinet we kiçijik ammar gurdy. Iki ýyldan hem az gysga ömründe Waterlunyň ilaty dört maşgaladan ybarat on iki adama ýetdi.
Ostine öwrülen sahypa öň 1839-njy ýylda Waterloo hökmünde goşuldy.
Give me some ideas on where to travel for good sun and beaches.
There are several places around the world that you could visit for good exposure of the sun and to enjoy the sandy beaches, for example: 1- Egypt, well known for sunny days most of the days, and good sandy beaches in Hurghada and North Coast of Egypt. 2- Dubai, also known for the good sandy beach and sunny days, however it might get very hot at times especially in summer. 3- Barcelona in Spain is also very good option, that you might like
Gowy gün we plýaacheslar üçin nirä syýahat etmelidigiňiz barada käbir pikirler beriň.
Dünýäde günüň gowy täsir etmegi we çägeli kenarlardan lezzet almak üçin baryp boljak birnäçe ýer bar: 1- Günleriň köpüsinde güneşli günler bilen tanalýan Müsür we Hurgada we Müsüriň Demirgazyk kenarlarynda gowy çägeli kenarlary. 2-Gumly kenar we güneşli günler bilen tanalýan Dubaý, ýöne käwagt tomusda gaty yssy bolup biler. 3- Ispaniýadaky Barselona hem göwnüňizden turar ýaly gaty gowy wariant
Given this paragraph about British Shorthairs, what are the typical characteristics of this cat breed's temperament?
British Shorthairs are an easygoing and dignified breed, not as active and playful as many, but sweet-natured and devoted to their owners, making them a favorite of animal trainers. They tend to be safe around other pets and children since they will tolerate a fair amount of physical interaction, but as a rule do not like to be picked up or carried. They require only minimal grooming and take well to being kept as indoor-only cats; however, they can be prone to obesity unless care is taken with their diet. They are quiet and vigilant, but if they trust their owners, they will silently follow the owners’ activities and stay with them. British Shorthair cats are not lap cats. They are more accustomed to staying beside people than squatting on people’s laps. Similarly, they prefer the feeling of having their feet on the ground. They have low voice and a moderate activity level. When there is no one at home, they will stay at home quietly and wait for their owners to come back.
British Shorthairs are an easygoing, quiet and dignified breed. They are sweet-natured and devoted to their owners. When there is no one at home, they will stay at home quietly and wait for their owners to come back.
Iňlis şortikleri barada bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, bu pişik tohumynyň häsiýetiniň tipiki aýratynlyklary nämeler?
Iňlis şortikleri ýeňil we abraýly tohum bolup, köp adam ýaly işjeň we oýnawaç däl, süýji häsiýetli we eýelerine wepaly bolup, olary haýwan tälimçileriniň halanmagyna öwürýär. Beýleki öý haýwanlarynyň we çagalaryň töwereginde howpsuz bolmaga ýykgyn edýärler, sebäbi ýeterlik mukdarda fiziki gatnaşyga çydam ederler, ýöne düzgün bolşy ýaly göterilmegini ýa-da göterilmegini halamaýarlar. Olara diňe minimal bezeg gerek we içerde diňe pişik hökmünde saklanmagy gowy görýärler; emma, iýmitlenişine üns berilmese, semizlige ýykgyn edip bilerler. Olar asuda we hüşgär, ýöne eýelerine ynanýan bolsalar, eýeleriniň işlerini ýuwaşlyk bilen yzarlarlar we olar bilen galarlar. Iňlis şortik pişikleri aýlaw pişikleri däl. Adamlaryň gujagyna oturmakdan has köp adamyň ýanynda durmaga endik etdiler. Edil şonuň ýaly, aýaklaryny ýere goýmak duýgusyny has gowy görýärler. Olaryň sesi pes we ortaça işjeňlik derejesi bar. Öýde hiç kim ýok bolsa, öýde arkaýyn galarlar we eýeleriniň gaýdyp gelmegine garaşarlar.
Iňlis şortikleri ýeňil, asuda we abraýly tohumdyr. Süýji häsiýetli we eýelerine wepaly. Öýde hiç kim ýok bolsa, öýde arkaýyn galarlar we eýeleriniň gaýdyp gelmegine garaşarlar.
who is a feminist writer : simone de beauvoir, simone veil, virginia woolf, Gisèle halimi, Voltaire, Marquis de Sade
simone de beauvoir, simone veil, virginia woolf, Gisèle halimi sont des pionnières du féminisme
feminist ýazyjy: simone de beauvoir, simone perde, virginia möjek, Gisèle halimi, Wolter, Markis de Sade
simone de beauvoir, simone perde, virginia möjek, Gisèle halimi sont des pionnières du féminisme
Write a grocery list of typical items a person might get from the grocery store.
The items a person might need from the grocery store will vary on the dietary needs of the person, as well as the amount of people in the household the person is shopping for, and if they're shopping for a special event or just for regular daily meals. With that in mind, here are some typical grocery shopping items that a person might get from a typical grocery shopping trip: milk, bread, eggs, coffee, olive oil, rice, chicken, steak, apples, oranges, salad mix, soda, sugar, flour, salt.
Adamyň dükandan alyp biljek adaty zatlarynyň sanawyny ýazyň.
Azyk dükanyndan bir adamyň zerur zatlary, adamyň iýmit zerurlyklaryna, şol bir wagtyň özünde satyn alýan öýündäki adamlaryň mukdaryna we aýratyn bir çärä ýa-da diňe adaty bir zat üçin satyn aljakdygyna görä üýtgeýär. gündelik nahar. Şuny göz öňünde tutup, adaty azyk önümlerinden bir adam alyp biljek adaty azyk önümleri: süýt, çörek, ýumurtga, kofe, zeýtun ýagy, tüwi, towuk, biftek, alma, apelsin, salat garyndysy, soda, şeker, un, duz.
Order the following animals in terms of average weight: finch, elephant, goat, gazelle, and a rabbit.
The ordering of animals in terms of weight from lightest to heaviest is finch, rabbit, gazelle, goat and elephant. The weights of gazelles and goats can be similar, however, on averages an adult goat will weigh more than and an adult gazelle.
Ortaça agramy boýunça aşakdaky haýwanlara sargyt ediň: fin, pil, geçi, jeren we towşan.
Haýwanlaryň iň ýeňilinden iň agyrlygyna sargyt etmegi, towşan, jeren, geçi we pil. Jerenleriň we geçileriň agramlary meňzeş bolup biler, ýöne ortaça ululykda geçiniň agramy ulularyň jereninden has köp bolar.
Given this paragraph that describes the country of Peru, what is its population size?
Peru, officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú (help·info)), is a country in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the south and west by the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a megadiverse country with habitats ranging from the arid plains of the Pacific coastal region in the west to the peaks of the Andes mountains extending from the north to the southeast of the country to the tropical Amazon basin rainforest in the east with the Amazon River. Peru has a population of over 34 million, and its capital and largest city is Lima. At 1,285,216 km2 (496,225 sq mi), Peru is the 19th largest country in the world, and the third largest in South America.
Peru has a population of over 34 million people.
Perunyň ýurduny suratlandyrýan bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, ilat sany näçe?
Peru resmi taýdan Peru Respublikasy (Ispança: República del Perú (kömek · maglumat)) Günorta Amerikanyň günbataryndaky ýurt. Demirgazykda Ekwador we Kolumbiýa, gündogarda Braziliýa, günorta-gündogarda Boliwiýa, günortada Çili we günortada we günbatarda Pacificuwaş ummany bilen serhetleşýär. Peru, günbatarda theuwaş ummanyň kenarýaka sebitiniň gurak düzlüklerinden başlap, demirgazykdan ýurduň günorta-gündogaryna çenli uzalyp gidýän And daglarynyň depelerine, gündogarda Amazon derýasy bilen tropiki Amazon basseýniniň tokaý tokaýlygyna çenli ýaşaýan megadiverse ýurtdyr. . Perunyň ilaty 34 milliondan gowrak, paýtagty we iň uly şäheri Lima. 1,285.216 km2 (496,225 inedördül metr) Peru dünýäde 19-njy, Günorta Amerikada üçünji ýerde durýar.
Peruda 34 milliondan gowrak ilaty bar.
What is the most common air or gas mixture used in recreational scuba diving.
For some diving, gas mixtures other than normal atmospheric air (21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% trace gases) can be used, so long as the diver is competent in their use. The most commonly used mixture is nitrox, also referred to as Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN), which is air with extra oxygen, often with 32% or 36% oxygen, and thus less nitrogen, reducing the risk of decompression sickness or allowing longer exposure to the same pressure for equal risk. The reduced nitrogen may also allow for no stops or shorter decompression stop times or a shorter surface interval between dives. A common misconception is that nitrox can reduce narcosis, but research has shown that oxygen is also narcotic.: 304
For most recreational diving atmospheric air with 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen is used. The second most common mixture is Enriched Air Nitrox which contains extra oxygen with 32% or 36% and less Nitrogen than is found in atmospheric air, which permits divers to have shorter safety stops or shorter surface intervals.
Dynç alyşda suwa çümmekde iň köp ýaýran howa ýa-da gaz garyndysy haýsy.
Käbir suwa çümmek üçin adaty atmosfera howasyndan başga gaz garyndylary (21% kislorod, 78% azot, 1% yz gazlary) ulanylyp bilner, çümdüriji olary ulanmaga ukyply bolsa. Iň köp ulanylýan garyndy, goşmaça kislorodly howa, köplenç 32% ýa-da 36% kislorodly we şeýlelik bilen azot az bolan azot, dekompressiýa keseliniň töwekgelçiligini azaldýan ýa-da has uzak täsir etmäge mümkinçilik berýän azotdyr. deň töwekgelçilik üçin şol bir basyşa. Azotyň peselmegi, şeýle hem saklanmaga ýa-da gysga dekompressiýa durmagyň wagtyna ýa-da suwa düşülýän ýerleriň arasynda has gysga aralyk bolup biler. Adaty bir ýalňyş düşünje, nitroksyň neşe keselini azaldyp biljekdigi, ýöne gözlegler kislorodyň hem neşe maddasydygyny görkezdi: 304
Köp dynç alyş üçin 21% kislorod we 78% azot bilen atmosfera howasy ulanylýar. Iň köp ýaýran ikinji garyndy, 32% ýa-da 36% we azot az bolan atmosfera howasyndaky az kislorody öz içine alýan baýlaşdyrylan howa nitrokdyr, bu çümdürijilere has gysga howpsuzlyk duralgalaryna ýa-da gysga aralyk aralyklaryna mümkinçilik berýär.
How does a person get new hobbies once they are older?
Often times, once people reach adult hood they struggle to pick up new hobbies. They may think they are too old to learn something new, too busy, or its just out of their comfort zone. However, it is important to continue to pursue things you are passionate about, and we also need to recognize its likely these things will change over time. This creates the need to continue to be willing to explore and learn new things. While there are many types of hobbies and one is not better than another per se, there is great value in having hobbies that you engage in physically, yourself.
Adam ulalansoň täze hobbi nädip gazanyp biler?
Köplenç adamlar ulularyň kapotyna ýetensoň, täze güýmenje almak üçin göreşýärler. Täze, gaty işli ýa-da rahatlyk zonasyndan başga bir zady öwrenmek üçin gaty garry diýip pikir edip bilerler. Şeýle-de bolsa, halaýan zatlaryňyzy yzarlamagy dowam etdirmek möhümdir we wagtyň geçmegi bilen bu zatlaryň üýtgemeginiň mümkindigini hem bilmelidiris. Bu, täze zatlary öwrenmäge we öwrenmäge taýyn bolmagyň zerurlygyny döredýär. Güýmenjeleriň köp görnüşi bar we biri beýlekisinden gowy däl bolsa-da, fiziki taýdan meşgullanýan güýmenjeleriňiziň uly ähmiýeti bar.
How do you get a six pack?
You can get a six pack through regular exercise to keep your weight in control first. If you want a six pack a daily regime of sit ups will be necessary to keep your six pack strong and consistency trained. Diet is the most important thing if you want a six pack because it will keep your mid-section lean to show the six pack definition. It has also been shown that without diet your six pack will never be as cut as it could be had you dieted.
Alty paket nädip almaly?
Ilki bilen agramyňyzy gözegçilikde saklamak üçin yzygiderli maşklar arkaly alty paket alyp bilersiňiz. Alty paket isleseňiz, alty paketiňizi berk we yzygiderli taýýarlamak üçin her gün oturmagyň tertibi zerur bolar. Alty paket isleseňiz, diýeta iň möhüm zat, sebäbi alty paket kesgitlemesini görkezmek üçin orta bölümiňizi arkaýyn saklar. Şeýle hem, alty paketiňiziň hiç haçan iýmitlenşiňiz ýaly kesilmejekdigi görkezildi.
Which dynasties rules in Morocco ?
Here is the list of the several dynasties ruled in Morocco over years : Idrisside, Almoravid, Almohad, Merinide, Wattassides, Saadian and the Alaouite.
Marokkoda haýsy nebereler höküm sürýär?
Ine, birnäçe ýyl bäri Marokkoda dolandyrylan birnäçe nebereleriň sanawy: Idrisside, Almorawid, Almohad, Merinide, Wattassides, Saadian we Alaouite.
What cocktail contributed to the rise of vodka in America?
That would be the Moscow Mule. It was a struggle to sell vodka in the early 1900's due to numerous reasons and wasn't a spirit one would sip. A smirnoff distributor for America decided to come up with the copper cup, ginger beer, and vodka which became a sensation in the 1950's.
Amerikada aragyň köpelmegine haýsy kokteýl goşant goşdy?
Bu Moskwa gatyry. 1900-nji ýyllaryň başynda köp sebäplere görä aragy satmak kyn boldy we içjek ruhy däldi. Amerika üçin gülkünç paýlaýjy, 1950-nji ýyllarda sensasiýa öwrülen mis käse, zynjyr piwo we aragy oýlap tapmak kararyna geldi.
Which of these numbers are odd? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
In this list, 1,3,5,7 are odd numbers
Bu sanlaryň haýsysy geň? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Bu sanawda 1,3,5,7 geň san
What is Azure HDInsight?
Azure HDInsight is a cloud-based service from Microsoft for big data analytics that helps organizations process large amounts of streaming or historical data. It runs popular open-source frameworks—including Apache Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Kafka, and more.
Azure HDInsight näme?
Azure HDInsight, uly maglumatlary analitikasy üçin Microsoft-dan bulut esasly hyzmat bolup, guramalara köp mukdarda akym ýa-da taryhy maglumatlary gaýtadan işlemäge kömek edýär. “Apache Hadoop”, “Spark”, “Hive”, “Kafka” we başga-da meşhur açyk çeşme çarçuwalaryny işleýär.
What are the origins or surfing in California?
In 1907, the eclectic interests of the land baron Henry E. Huntington brought surfing to the California coast. While on vacation, Huntington had seen Hawaiian boys surfing the island waves. Looking for a way to entice visitors to the area of Redondo Beach, where he had heavily invested in real estate, he hired a young Hawaiian to ride surfboards. George Freeth decided to revive the art of surfing, but had little success with the huge 500 cm (16 ft) hardwood boards that were popular at that time. When he cut them in half to make them more manageable, he created the original "Long board", which made him the talk of the islands. To the delight of visitors, Freeth exhibited his surfing skills twice a day in front of the Hotel Redondo. Another native Hawaiian, Duke Kahanamoku, spread surfing to both the U.S. and Australia, riding the waves after displaying the swimming prowess that won him Olympic gold medals in 1912 and 1920.
Surfing as a local pastime is a natural fit for most Californian's living near the coast. The rise in popularity of beach life in Southern California and especially the film "Gidget" exploded the desire to be a part of the rising surf culture. California was looked upon by most of the nation as trend setting and surfing served as the epitome of cool for most people looking from afar.
Kaliforniýada gelip çykyşy ýa-da serfing näme?
1907-nji ýylda ýer baronynyň eklektiki gyzyklanmalary Genri E. Huntington Kaliforniýanyň kenaryna serfing getirdi. Huntington dynç alyşda Gawaýly oglanlaryň ada tolkunlarynda gezip ýörenini gördi. Gozgalmaýan emläk üçin köp maýa goýan Redondo kenarýaka sebitine gelýänleri özüne çekmegiň ýoluny gözläp, serf tagtalaryna münmek üçin bir ýaş Gawaýy hakyna tutdy. Jorj Freet serfing sungatyny janlandyrmak kararyna geldi, ýöne şol döwürde meşhur bolan 500 sm (16 fut) gaty agaç tagtalary bilen az üstünlik gazandy. Has dolandyrmak üçin olary iki bölege bölüp, adalaryň gürleşmegine sebäp bolan asyl "Uzyn tagtany" döretdi. Gelenleriň göwnünden turmak üçin, Freeth Redondo myhmanhanasynyň öňünde günde iki gezek serfing ussatlygyny görkezdi. Gawaýly başga bir asly Gersog Kahanamoku 1912-nji we 1920-nji ýyllarda Olimpiýa altyn medallaryny gazanan ýüzüş güýjüni görkezenden soň tolkunlara münüp, ABŞ-da we Awstraliýada serfing ýaýratdy.
Localerli güýmenje hökmünde serfing, Kaliforniýalylaryň köpüsiniň kenar ýakasynda ýaşaýanlary üçin tebigy bir zat. Günorta Kaliforniýada plýa beach durmuşynyň meşhurlygynyň ýokarlanmagy we esasanam “Gidget” filmi ösýän serf medeniýetiniň bir bölegi bolmak islegini partlatdy. Kaliforniýa ýurduň köp bölegi tarapyndan tendensiýa we serfing uzakdan seredýänleriň köpüsi üçin salkynlygyň nusgasy hökmünde seredildi.
Although Chicago isn't located on either coast of the United States, what factors continue to contribute to its economic success?
Chicago is an international hub for finance, culture, commerce, industry, education, technology, telecommunications, and transportation. It is the site of the creation of the first standardized futures contracts, issued by the Chicago Board of Trade, which today is part of the largest and most diverse derivatives market in the world, generating 20% of all volume in commodities and financial futures alone. O'Hare International Airport is routinely ranked among the world's top six busiest airports according to tracked data by the Airports Council International. The region also has the largest number of federal highways and is the nation's railroad hub. The Chicago area has one of the highest gross domestic products (GDP) in the world, generating $689 billion in 2018. The economy of Chicago is diverse, with no single industry employing more than 14% of the workforce. It is home to several Fortune 500 companies, including Archer-Daniels-Midland, Conagra Brands, Exelon, JLL, Kraft Heinz, McDonald's, Mondelez International, Motorola Solutions, Sears, and United Airlines Holdings.
Even though Chicago is the biggest major in-land city in America, its diverse economic sectors allows it maintain its status as a competitive global city. Chicago is the country's main railroad hub. Not only is it paramount to the transportation of goods nationally, but its ability to ensure that not a single industry dominates more than 14% of the city's workforce helps its economic endeavors. Having one of the most active airports in the world and an infrastructure proven to be conducive to a plethora of industries, it makes it an ideal location for companies to plant their headquarters as Exelon, JLL, McDonald's, and Motorola all have done.
Çikago ABŞ-nyň iki kenarynda bolmasa-da, ykdysady üstünliklerine haýsy faktorlar goşant goşmagyny dowam etdirýär?
Çikago maliýe, medeniýet, söwda, senagat, bilim, tehnologiýa, telekommunikasiýa we transport üçin halkara merkezdir. Çikago Söwda Geňeşi tarapyndan çykarylan ilkinji standartlaşdyrylan gelejek şertnamalarynyň döredilen ýeri, häzirki wagtda dünýädäki iň uly we köp dürli emele gelen bazaryň bir bölegi bolup, diňe harytlarda we maliýe geljeginde ähli mukdaryň 20% -ini emele getirýär. . O'Hare halkara howa menzili, Halkara howa menzilleri geňeşiniň yzarlaýan maglumatlaryna görä, dünýäniň iň meşhur alty howa menziliniň hataryna girýär. Şeýle hem sebitde iň köp federal awtoulag ýoly bar we ýurduň demir ýol merkezidir. Çikago sebitinde 2018-nji ýylda 689 milliard dollar girdeji gazanan iň ýokary içerki önümleriň biri (JIÖ) bar. Çikagonyň ykdysadyýeti dürli-dürli, hiç bir pudakda işçi güýjüniň 14% -den gowragy işlemeýär. Bu ýerde “Archer-Daniels-Midland”, “Conagra Brands”, “Exelon”, “JLL”, “Kraft Heinz”, “Makdonalds”, “Mondelez International”, “Motorola Solutions”, “Sears” we “United Airlines Holdings” ýaly birnäçe “Fortune 500” kompaniýasy ýerleşýär.
Çikago Amerikanyň iň uly içerki şäheri bolsa-da, dürli ykdysady pudaklary bäsdeşlige ukyply şäher hökmünde statusyny saklamaga mümkinçilik berýär. Çikago ýurduň esasy demir ýol merkezidir. Diňe harytlaryň milli derejede daşalmagy bilen çäklenmän, eýsem şäherdäki işçi güýjüniň 14 göteriminden gowragynyň bir pudagyň hem agdyklyk etmegini üpjün etmek ukyby ykdysady işlerine kömek edýär. Dünýädäki iň işjeň howa menzillerinden biri we köp sanly pudak üçin amatlydygy subut edilen infrastruktura eýe bolmak bilen, Exelon, JLL, McDonald's we Motorola ýaly kompaniýalaryň baş edarasyny oturtmagy amatly ýere öwürýär.
When Aegon the Conqueror took over Westeros, which great house of the Reach became extinct as a result?
House Gardener became extinct during Aegon's Conquest. House Tyrell was then granted rule of The Reach.
Aegon queňiji Westerosy alanda, Reachyň haýsy beýik jaýy ýok bolup gitdi?
Jaý bagban, Aegonyň ýeňşi wagtynda ýok boldy. Soňra House Taýrele “The Reach” düzgüni berildi.
What wines are made in Napa Valley?
A trend of larger national and international companies like E & J Gallo Winery, Diageo and Constellation Brands buying smaller wineries, vineyards and brands began to gain momentum in the early part of the 21st century. Today Napa Valley features more than 450 wineries that grow grape varieties including Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot noir, Merlot, Zinfandel, among others. While winemakers may produce wines from specific AVAs within the valley, many wines are made as a blend from grapes grown on the valley floor and the surrounding hillsides.
Napa Valley grows a wide variety of wine grapes. Initially, they were made famous for Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. Today they also produce Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Zinfandel.
Napa jülgesinde haýsy çakyr öndürilýär?
“E & J Gallo Winery”, “Diageo” we “Constellation Brands” ýaly iri milli we halkara kompaniýalaryň kiçi çakyr önümlerini, üzümçilikleri we markalary satyn almagy 21-nji asyryň başynda güýçlenip başlady. Häzirki wagtda Napa jülgesinde Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot noir, Merlot, Zinfandel ýaly üzüm görnüşlerini ösdürip ýetişdirýän 450-den gowrak çakyr önümleri bar. Üzüm öndürijiler jülgäniň içindäki aýratyn AVA-lardan çakyr öndürip bilseler-de, köp çakyrlar jülgäniň düýbünde we töweregindäki depelerde ösdürilip ýetişdirilen üzümlerden garyndy hökmünde ýasalýar.
Napa jülgesi dürli görnüşli çakyr üzümlerini ösdürýär. Ilkibaşda Cabernet Sauvignon we Chardonnay bilen meşhur boldular. Häzirki wagtda Pinot Noir, Merlot we Zinfandel öndürýärler.
Classify each of these as a toy for a dog or a cat: ball, laser, bone, mouse, frisbee, catnip
ball: dog, laser: cat, bone: dog, mouse: cat, frisbee: dog, catnip: cat
Bularyň her birini it ýa-da pişik üçin oýunjak hökmünde toparlara bölüň: top, lazer, süňk, syçan, frisbi, pişik
top: it, lazer: pişik, süňk: it, syçan: pişik, frisbe: it, pişik: pişik
Give me a list of the usual accompaniments that are served with Peking duck
Peking duck is a dish from Beijing (Peking) that has been prepared since the Imperial era. The meat is characterized by its thin, crispy skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook. Ducks bred especially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven. The meat is often eaten with spring onion, cucumber and sweet bean sauce with pancakes rolled around the fillings. Sometimes pickled radish is also inside. Crispy aromatic duck is a similar dish to Peking duck and is popular in the United Kingdom.
Peking duck is usually accompanied with spring onion, cucumber and sweet bean sauce
Peking ördek bilen hödürlenýän adaty ýoldaşlaryň sanawyny beriň
Peking ördek, Pekinden (Pekin) Imperial döwründen bäri taýýarlanan tagam. Et inçe, çişikli deri bilen häsiýetlendirilýär, tagamyň hakyky görnüşleri esasan derä we ownuk etlere hyzmat edýär, aşpez tarapyndan naharçylaryň öňünde dilimlenýär. Esasanam saçak üçin ösdürilip ýetişdirilýän ördekler 65 günden soň soýulýar we ýapyk ýa-da asylan peçde gowrulmazdan ozal tagamlanýar. Et köplenç bahar sogan, hyýar we süýji noýba sousy bilen doldurylýar. Käwagt duzlanan turp hem içerde bolýar. Çişikli ysly ördek Peking ördekine meňzeş tagam bolup, Angliýada meşhurdyr.
Peking ördek, adatça bahar sogan, hyýar we süýji noýba sousy bilen bilelikde bolýar
What is a debit card?
A debit card, also known as a check card or bank card is a payment card that can be used in place of cash to make purchases. The term plastic card includes the above and as an identity document. These are similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money for the purchase must be in the cardholder's bank account at the time of a purchase and is immediately transferred directly from that account to the merchant's account to pay for the purchase. Some debit cards carry a stored value with which a payment is made (prepaid card), but most relay a message to the cardholder's bank to withdraw funds from the cardholder's designated bank account. In some cases, the payment card number is assigned exclusively for use on the Internet and there is no physical card. This is referred to as a virtual card.
Debet kartoçkasy näme?
Çek kartoçkasy ýa-da bank kartoçkasy diýlip hem atlandyrylýan debet kartoçkasy, satyn almak üçin nagt ýerine ulanyp boljak töleg kartasydyr. Plastik kartoçka ýokardakylary we şahsyýet resminamasy hökmünde öz içine alýar. Bular kredit kartoçkasyna meňzeýär, ýöne kredit kartoçkasyndan tapawutlylykda, satyn almak üçin pul satyn alnanda kartoçkanyň bank hasabynda bolmaly we satyn almak üçin tölemek üçin derrew şol hasapdan täjiriň hasabyna geçirilýär. Käbir debet kartoçkalarynda töleg tölenen (öňünden tölenen kartoçka) saklanylýan gymmaty göterýär, ýöne köpüsi kartoçkanyň bellenen bank hasabyndan serişdeleri çykarmak üçin kartoçkanyň bankyna habar iberýär. Käbir ýagdaýlarda töleg kartoçkasynyň belgisi diňe internetde ulanmak üçin bellenýär we fiziki kartoçka ýok. Bu wirtual kartoçka diýilýär.
What are the pros and cons of working from home?
The pros might be no commute, increase in productivity, more comfortable setting, easier to collaborate with others across geographies. While the cons might be more distractions, challenges maintaining boundaries and separating work from home, lack of camaraderie or team culture.
Öýde işlemegiň gowy we zyýany näme?
Gowy taraplar gatnaw, öndürijiligiň ýokarlanmagy, has amatly şert, geografiýa boýunça beýlekiler bilen hyzmatdaşlygy aňsatlaşdyryp bilmez. Zerur taraplary has köp ünsüňi sowup bilýän bolsa-da, serhetleri saklamak we işden öýden aýyrmak, birek-birege ýa-da topar medeniýetiniň ýoklugy.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tamborim, Veena
Veena is string, Tamborim is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Tamborim, Veena
Wena simli, Tamborim zarba.
Which is a species of fish? Blenny or Benny
Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Blenny ýa-da Benni
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Great White Shark, Patagotitan
Patagotitan is extinct, Great White Shark is alive.
Haýsy haýwan görnüşleriniň diridigini ýa-da ýok bolandygyny kesgitläň: Uly ak akula, Patagotitan
Patagotitan ýok boldy, Uly ak akula diri.
What is single-cell sequencing?
Single-cell sequencing examines the sequence information from individual cells with optimized next-generation sequencing technologies, providing a higher resolution of cellular differences and a better understanding of the function of an individual cell in the context of its microenvironment. For example, in cancer, sequencing the DNA of individual cells can give information about mutations carried by small populations of cells. In development, sequencing the RNAs expressed by individual cells can give insight into the existence and behavior of different cell types. In microbial systems, a population of the same species can appear genetically clonal. Still, single-cell sequencing of RNA or epigenetic modifications can reveal cell-to-cell variability that may help populations rapidly adapt to survive in changing environments.
Bir öýjükli yzygiderlilik näme?
Bir öýjükli yzygiderlilik, öýjükli tapawudyň has ýokary çözgüdini we mikro-gurşaw şertlerinde aýratyn öýjügiň işine has gowy düşünmegi üpjün edip, optimallaşdyrylan indiki nesil yzygiderlilik tehnologiýalary bilen aýratyn öýjüklerden yzygiderlilik maglumatlary barlaýar. Mysal üçin, düwnük keselinde aýry öýjükleriň DNK-syny yzygiderlilikde öýjükleriň kiçi ilatynyň alyp barýan mutasiýalary barada maglumat berip biler. Ösüşde, aýry öýjükler tarapyndan aňladylýan RNK-lary yzygiderlilik, dürli öýjük görnüşleriniň barlygy we özüni alyp barşy barada düşünje berip biler. Mikrob ulgamlarynda şol bir görnüşdäki ilat genetiki taýdan klon bolup biler. Şeýle-de bolsa, RNK-nyň bir öýjükli yzygiderliligi ýa-da epigenetiki üýtgemeler, öýjügiň öýjügiň üýtgemegini ýüze çykaryp biler, bu ilatyň üýtgeýän şertlerde çalt ýaşamagyna kömek edip biler.
what are different types of phrases
Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, preposition
sözlemleriň dürli görnüşleri näme
Isim, işlik, sözlem, sypat, söz düzümi
Based on this text, extract the characters Farley performed in a bulleted list.
Popular characters performed by Farley included Matt Foley, an over-the-top motivational speaker who frequently reminded other characters that he was "living in a van down by the river!" The character was created by Bob Odenkirk when he and Farley were performers at Second City. The character's name came from a longtime friend of Farley's who became a Catholic priest and currently serves as head pastor at St. James Catholic Church in Arlington Heights, Illinois. In early renditions of the character, Farley used other names, depending on whom he knew in the audience, until the real-life Foley went to the show and had his name used, at which point Farley felt the name best suited the character and refused to change it. Some of the mannerisms of the character were a combination of the positions Farley noticed his rugby teammates took on the pitch coupled with his high school football coach's habit of squatting down when giving pep talks and the voice his father used when he was angry. Other famous Farley characters included Todd O'Connor of Bill Swerski's Superfans, a group of stereotypical Chicagoans who repeatedly shouted "da Bears!"; a would-be Chippendales dancer, in a famous sketch that paired him with guest host Patrick Swayze; one of the "Gap Girls", who worked together at a local mall; a stereotypical lunch lady, to the theme of "Lunchlady Land"' performed by Adam Sandler; Bennett Brauer, a Weekend Update commentator who often divulged his personal and hygienic problems via air quotes; and himself on The Chris Farley Show, a talk show in which Farley "interviewed" the guest with poorly conceived questions or trailed off about subjects not germane to the guest.
-Matt Foley -Todd O'Connor -Would-be Chippendales dancer -One of the "Gap Girls" -A lunch lady -Bennett Brauer -Chris Farley on The Chris Farley Show
Bu tekste esaslanyp, Farliniň ok sanawynda ýerine ýetiren gahrymanlaryny çykaryň.
Farliniň ýerine ýetiren meşhur keşplerinde beýleki gahrymanlara "derýanyň kenaryndaky awtoulagda ýaşaýandygyny" ýygy-ýygydan ýatladýan, iň ýokary höweslendiriji sözleýji Matt Foli bar. Bu keşbi Bob Odenkirk, Farli bilen Ikinji şäherde ýerine ýetirenlerinde döredipdi. Bu gahrymanyň ady Farliniň katolik ruhanysy bolan we häzirki wagtda Illinoýs ştatynyň Arlington Heights şäherindäki Keramatly Jeýms katolik buthanasynda baş ruhy çopan bolup işleýän uzak wagtlyk dostundan gelip çykypdyr. Baş keşbi janlandyranda, Farli tomaşaçylarda kimdigine baglylykda başga atlary ulandy, hakyky durmuşdaky Foli tomaşa gidip, adyny ulanýança, şol wagt Farli adyň keşbe laýykdygyny duýdy we ret etdi. üýtgetmek üçin. Bu häsiýetiň käbir usullary, Farli regbi ýoldaşlarynyň meýdança çykandygyny, orta mekdebiň futbol tälimçisiniň aç-açan gürleşende, kakasynyň gahary gelende ulanýan sesini görüp, pozisiýalaryň utgaşmasydy. Beýleki meşhur Farli keşplerinde Bill da Swerskiniň “Superfans” toparynyň Todd O'Konnor, birnäçe gezek “da aýy!” Diýip gygyrýan stereotipik Çikagoýalylar bar; myhman öý eýesi Patrik Swoze bilen jübütlenen meşhur eskizde Çippendales tansçysy; ýerli söwda merkezinde bile işlän "Gap gyzlar" -yň biri; Adam Sandler tarapyndan ýerine ýetirilen "Günortanlyk ülkesi" mowzugyna stereotipik nahar hanym; Şahsy we arassaçylyk meselelerini köplenç howa sitatalary arkaly açýan hepdäniň ahyrynda täzelenýän teswirçi Bennet Brauer; we özi, “Farli Show” -da, Farliniň myhmany gowy düşünmedik soraglary bilen “söhbetdeşlik” edendigi ýa-da myhmana nemes däl temalary yzarlamagy.
-Matt Foli -Tod O'Konnor -Çippendales tansçysy bolup biler -Gap gyzlaryndan biri - Nahar hanym -Bennet Brauer -Kris Farli şüweleňinde Kris Farli
Given this paragraph about a country, what is the most populous Spanish-speaking country?
Throughout the 19th century, the population of Mexico had barely doubled. This trend continued during the first two decades of the 20th century. The 1921 census reported a loss of about 1 million inhabitants. The Mexican Revolution (c. 1910–1920) greatly impacted population increases. The growth rate increased dramatically between the 1930s and the 1980s, when the country registered growth rates of over 3% (1950–1980). The Mexican population doubled in twenty years, and at that rate it was expected that by 2000 there would be 120 million people living in Mexico. Life expectancy increased from 36 years (in 1895) to 72 years (in the year 2000). According to estimations made by Mexico's National Geography and Statistics Institute, is estimated in 2022 to be 129,150,971 as of 2017 Mexico had 123.5 million inhabitants making it the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world.
Bir ýurt hakda bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, iň köp ispan dilli ýurt haýsy?
XIX asyryň dowamynda Meksikanyň ilaty iki esse köpeldi. Bu tendensiýa 20-nji asyryň ilkinji iki onýyllygynda dowam etdi. 1921-nji ýyldaky ilat ýazuwynda takmynan 1 million ilatyň ölendigi habar berildi. Meksika ynkylaby (takmynan 1910–1920) ilatyň köpelmegine uly täsir etdi. Ösüş depgini 1930-njy we 1980-nji ýyllaryň arasynda ýurtda 3% -den gowrak ösüş depgini hasaba alnanda (1950–1980) ep-esli ýokarlandy. Twentyigrimi ýylda Meksikanyň ilaty iki esse artdy we 2000-nji ýyla çenli Meksikada 120 million adamyň ýaşamagyna garaşylýar. Ömrüň dowamlylygy 36 ýyldan (1895-nji ýylda) 72 ýaşa (2000-nji ýylda) ýokarlandy. Meksikanyň Milli geografiýa we statistika instituty tarapyndan berlen çaklamalara görä, 2022-nji ýylda 129,150,971 diýlip çaklanylýar, 2017-nji ýylda Meksikada 123,5 million ilaty bardy we bu dünýäde iň köp ispan dilli ýurt boldy.
What institutions make up the Ivy League?
The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.
“Iwi ligasyny” haýsy edaralar düzýär?
Sekiz okuw jaýy Braun uniwersiteti, Kolumbiýa uniwersiteti, Kornell uniwersiteti, Dartmut kolleji, Garward uniwersiteti, Pensilwaniýa uniwersiteti, Prinston uniwersiteti we aleale uniwersiteti.
What are some of the best fantasy novels of all time?
1) The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 2) The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss 3) A Game of Thrones - George RR Martin 4) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - JK Rowling 5) The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson 6) The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis 7) Kushiel's Dart - Jaqueline Carey 8) Bloodsong - Anthon Ryan 9) The Sword of Shannara -Terry Brooks 10) The Lies of Locke Lomora - Scott Lynch
Döwrüň iň gowy fantaziýa romanlary haýsylar?
1) Üzükleriň Lordy - JRR Tolkien 2) Şemalyň ady - Patrik Rotfuss 3) Tagt oýny - Jorj RR Martin 4) Garri Potter we Filosofyň Daşy - JK Rowling 5) Patyşalaryň ýoly - Brandon Sanderson 6) Lionolbars jadygöý we şkaf - CS Lewis 7) Kuşieliň Darty - quaklin Keri 8) Bloodsong - Anthon Raýan 9) Şannaranyň gylyjy - Terri Bruks 10) Lokk Lomoranyň ýalanlary - Skott Linç
Why is Stephen Curry the best player in the NBA?
Stephen Curry is arguably the best player in the NBA today. Stephen Curry is a transcendent NBA superstar and an all-time great. Despite being relatively undersized by NBA standards at 6 foot 2 inches and 185 pounds, he has been a highly productive NBA player. Stephen Curry possesses the greatest 3-point shooting ability in NBA history. In 2022, he surpassed Ray Allen to become the all-time leader in 3-pointers made. That said, Stephen Curry's highly accurate 3-point shooting is not the only unique skill Curry brings to the court. He also possesses the uncanny ability to use off-ball movement, ball-handling skills, and a lightning fast release to create quality shots. The results of Stephen Curry's amazing skillset are evident through his career accolades. He is a 4-time NBA champion, 2-time MVP, and an NBA Finals MVP.
Näme üçin Stiwen Körri NBA-nyň iň gowy oýunçysy?
Stiwen Körri häzirki wagtda NBA-nyň iň gowy oýunçysy. Stiwen Körri NBA-nyň ýokary derejeli ýyldyzy we hemişe ajaýyp. 6 metr 2 dýuým we 185 funtda NBA standartlary bilen deňeşdirilende has ýokary öndürijilikli NBA oýunçysy boldy. Stiwen Karri NBA taryhynda iň uly 3 oçko atmak ukybyna eýe. 2022-nji ýylda 3 oçkoda iň köp öňdebaryjy bolmak üçin Reý Allenden öňe geçdi. Saidagny, Stiwen Köriniň ýokary takyk 3 oçko atmagy Karriniň kazyýete getiren ýeke-täk ussatlygy däl. Şeýle hem, topdan daşarda hereket etmek, top bilen işlemek endikleri we ýokary hilli zarbalary döretmek üçin ýyldyrym çalt goýbermek ukyby bar. Stiwen Köriniň ajaýyp ussatlygynyň netijeleri, karýerasyndaky öwgüleri bilen aýdyň görünýär. 4 gezek NBA çempiony, 2 gezek MVP we NBA Final MVP.
What are seven different sources of protein that vegetarians can eat?
Yogurt, Milk, Eggs, Tofu, Seitan, Tempeh, Beans
Wegetarianlaryň iýip biljek ýedi dürli belok çeşmesi haýsylar?
Ogogurt, süýt, ýumurtga, Tofu, Seitan, Tempeh, noýba
I've started doing individual training to get fit and now I'd like to learn a team sport, which of these are team sports? hockey, yoga, baseball, basketball, netball, running, handball, weightlifting, and ballet.
Hockey, baseball, basketball, netball, handball are all team sports
Özüme laýyk bolmak üçin aýratyn türgenleşik geçirip başladym, indi toparlaýyn sporty öwrenmek isleýärin, bularyň haýsy toparlaýyn sport görnüşleri? hokkeý, ýoga, beýsbol, basketbol, ​​netbol, ​​ylgaw, gandbol, agyr atletika we balet.
Hokkeý, beýsbol, basketbol, ​​netbol, ​​gandbol toparlaýyn sport görnüşleridir
Extract the teams that Ayrton Senna raced during his Formula One career. Separate them with a comma.
Senna began his motorsport career in karting, moved up to open-wheel racing in 1981 and won the 1983 British Formula Three Championship. He made his Formula One debut with Toleman-Hart in 1984, before moving to Lotus-Renault the following year and winning six Grands Prix over the next three seasons. In 1988, he joined Frenchman Alain Prost at McLaren-Honda. Between them, they won all but one of the 16 Grands Prix that year, and Senna claimed his first World Championship. Prost claimed the championship in 1989, and Senna his second and third championships in 1990 and 1991. In 1992, the Williams-Renault combination began to dominate Formula One. Senna nonetheless managed to finish the 1993 season as runner-up, winning five races and negotiating a move to Williams in 1994.
Toleman-Hart, Lotus-Renault, McLaren-Honda, Williams
“Formula-1” karýerasynda Aýton Senanyň ýaryşan toparlaryny çykaryň. Olary vergul bilen bölüň.
Senna awtoulag sporty karýerasyna karting bilen başlady, 1981-nji ýylda açyk tigirli ýaryşa geçdi we 1983-nji ýylda Angliýanyň Formula Üç çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy. Formula-1-de 1984-nji ýylda Toleman-Hart bilen ilkinji gezek Lotus-Renault-a geçmezden ozal we indiki üç möwsümde alty sany Gran Prisi gazandy. 1988-nji ýylda MakLaren-Honda fransuz Alain Prost bilen birleşdi. Aralarynda, şol ýyl 16 Gran Priniň birinden başga hemmesini gazandylar we Senna ilkinji dünýä çempionatyna gatnaşdy. Prost 1989-njy ýylda, Senna bolsa 1990-njy we 1991-nji ýyllarda ikinji we üçünji çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy. 1992-nji ýylda “Formula-1” -de Williams-Renault kombinasiýasy agdyklyk edip başlady. Şeýle-de bolsa, Senna 1993-nji ýyldaky möwsümi ýeňiji hökmünde tamamlap, bäş ýaryşda ýeňiş gazandy we 1994-nji ýylda Williams-a göçmek barada gepleşik geçirdi.
Toleman-Hart, Lotus-Renault, MakLaren-Honda, Williams
Which NFL teams have gone to the Super Bowl at least once but have never won a Super Bowl title?
Buffalo Bills, Minnesota Vikings, Cincinnati Bengals, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, Houston/Tennessee/Oilers/Titans, San Diego/Los Angeles Chargers, St. Louis/Phoenix/Arizona Cardinals
Haýsy NFL toparlary iň bolmanda bir gezek Super kuboga gitdi, ýöne Super Bowl adyny gazanyp bilmedi?
Buffalo Bills, Minnesota Wikings, Sincinnati Bengals, Atlanta Şahinleri, Karolina Panters, Hýuston / Tennessi / Nebitçiler / Titans, San-Diýego / Los-An Angeleseles Çarjers, Sent-Luis / Feniks / Arizona Kardinallary
What is the oldest incorporated academy in the united states, with multiple u.s. presidents as alumni?
Phillips Academy is the oldest incorporated academy in the United States, established in 1778 by Samuel Phillips Jr. His uncle, Dr. John Phillips, later founded Phillips Exeter Academy in 1781. Phillips Academy's endowment stood at just over one billion dollars as of February 2016. Andover is subject to the control of a board of trustees, headed by Amy Falls, who succeeded Peter Currie, business executive and former Netscape Chief Financial Officer, who himself had taken over as president of the Phillips Academy Board of Trustees on July 1, 2012. On December 5, 2019, Dr. Raynard S. Kington, 13th President of Grinnell College, was named the 16th Head of School. Phillips Academy admitted only boys until the school became coeducational in 1973, the year of Phillips Academy's merger with Abbot Academy, a boarding school for girls also in Andover. Abbot Academy, founded in 1828, was one of the first incorporated schools for girls in New England. Then-headmaster Theodore Sizer of Phillips and Donald Gordon of Abbot oversaw the merger. Andover traditionally educated its students for Yale, just as Phillips Exeter Academy educated its students for Harvard, and Lawrenceville prepped students for Princeton. The school's student-run newspaper, The Phillipian, is the oldest secondary school newspaper in the United States, the next oldest secondary school newspaper being The Exonian, Phillips Exeter Academy's weekly. The Phillipian was first published on July 28, 1857, and has been published regularly since 1878. It retains financial and editorial independence from Phillips Academy, having completed a $500,000 endowment drive in 2014. Students comprise the editorial board and make all decisions for the paper, consulting with two faculty advisors at their own discretion. The Philomathean Society is one of the oldest high school debate societies in the nation, second to the Daniel Webster Debate Society at Phillips Exeter Academy. Phillips Academy also runs a five-week summ
Phillips Academy Andover, Massachusetts
Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda iň köp döredilen akademiýa haýsy? uçurym hökmünde prezidentler?
Phillips akademiýasy Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda 1778-nji ýylda Samuel Phillips Jr. tarapyndan döredilen iň gadymy akademiýa bolup, daýysy doktor Jon Phillips 1781-nji ýylda Phillips Exeter akademiýasyny esaslandyrdy. Phillips akademiýasynyň gaznasy 2016-njy ýylyň fewral aýyna çenli bir milliard dollardan geçdi. Andover, 1-nji iýulda Phillips akademiýasynyň Ynamdarlar geňeşiniň başlygy wezipesini ýerine ýetiren, işewür ýerine ýetiriji we Netscape-iň öňki baş maliýe işgäri Piter Kurriniň ornuna gelen Amy Fallsyň ýolbaşçylygyndaky ynamdarlar geňeşiniň gözegçiliginde. 2012. 2019-njy ýylyň 5-nji dekabrynda Grinnell kollejiniň 13-nji prezidenti doktor Raýnard S. Kington 16-njy mekdebiň müdiri wezipesine bellendi. Phillips akademiýasy, 1973-nji ýylda, Phillips akademiýasynyň Abbot akademiýasy bilen Andoverda gyzlar üçin internat birleşýän ýylynda bilim alýança diňe oglanlary kabul etdi. 1828-nji ýylda döredilen Abbot akademiýasy, Täze Angliýada gyzlar üçin ilkinji gurlan mekdepleriň biri boldy. Soňra Phillipsiň müdiri Teodor Sizer we Abbotly Donald Gordon birleşmä gözegçilik etdiler. Şeýle-de, Phillips Exeter akademiýasynyň okuwçylaryny Garwardda bilim alşy ýaly, Lawrenswil hem talyplary Prinstona taýýarlaýşy ýaly, adatça öz okuwçylaryny aleel üçin bilim aldy. Mekdebiň talyplar tarapyndan dolandyrylýan “The Phillipian” gazetleri ABŞ-nyň iň köne orta mekdep gazetidir, orta mekdepleriň iň köne gazetleri “Exonian”, Phillips Exeter akademiýasynyň hepdelik hepdesi. "Phillipian" ilkinji gezek 1857-nji ýylyň 28-nji iýulynda neşir edildi we 1878-nji ýyldan bäri yzygiderli neşir edildi. 2014-nji ýylda 500 000 dollarlyk hemaýat işini tamamlap, Phillips akademiýasyndan maliýe we redaksiýa garaşsyzlygyny saklaýar. Talyplar redaksiýany düzýärler we kagyz üçin ähli kararlary berýärler. , öz islegi boýunça iki fakultet geňeşçisi bilen maslahatlaşýar. Filomatiýa jemgyýeti, Phillips Exeter akademiýasyndaky Daniel Webster jedeller jemgyýetinden soň ikinji orunda durýan orta mekdep jedel jemgyýetleriniň biridir. Phillips akademiýasy hem bäş hepdelik ýygnanyşyk geçirýär
Phillips Academy Andover, Massaçusets
Why Bengalis are famous for
1. They have sweetest language declared by UNESCO . 2. They are cultural 3. Bengalis are famous for their food
Bengaliler näme üçin meşhur?
1. UNUNESKO tarapyndan yglan edilen iň süýji dil bar. 2. Olar medeni 3. Bengaliler iýmitleri bilen meşhurdyr
What does it mean for a function to be computable?
Although informally a function is computable if its values can be calculated, Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, and Kurt Godel each had formal definitions of computablility, namely Turing Machines, Lambda Calculus, and general recursive functions. When it was shown in the Church-Turing thesis that these three formulations are equivalent, it became more clear that they could be used as a formal definition of computability.
Funksiýanyň hasaplanmagy nämäni aňladýar?
Resmi däl bir funksiýa, bahalaryny hasaplap bolýan bolsa hasaplap boljakdygyna garamazdan, Alan Týuring, Alonzo kilisesi we Kurt Godel hersiniň hasaplaýyş ukybynyň resmi kesgitlemeleri bardy, ýagny Turing Machines, Lambda Kalkulus we umumy gaýtalanýan funksiýalar. Churchygnak-Týuring tezisinde bu üç formulanyň deňdigi görkezilende, hasaplamagyň resmi kesgitlemesi hökmünde ulanylyp bilinjekdigi has aýdyň boldy.
Write a whimsical and funny horoscope reading that makes a baseball reference
The gods of justice say they will hear your petition just as soon as they have finished discussing the designated-hitter rule
Beýsbol hakda salgylanma berýän gülkünç we gülkünç goroskop okamagyny ýazyň
Adalat taňrylary, haýyşnamaňyzy kesgitlenen hit düzgünini ara alyp maslahatlaşmagy gutaran badyna diňlejekdiklerini aýdýarlar
What are some common mushrooms used in cooking?
Common mushrooms used in cooking include white button, cremini, portobello, shiitake, oyster, porcini, morel, and enoki.
Nahar bişirmekde ulanylýan kömelekler haýsylar?
Nahar bişirmekde ulanylýan adaty kömeleklere ak düwme, kremini, portobello, şiitake, oyster, porcini, morel we enoki degişlidir.
Tell me whether these are assets or liabilities: Cash, Accounts Receivables, Deferred Commissions, Prepaid Expenses, Long-term Investments, Property Plant & Equipment, Operating lease right-of-use assets, Goodwill, Intangible Assets, Accounts Payable, Accrued Expenses, Operating Lease Liabilities, Deferred Revenue
Assets: Cash, Accounts Receivables, Deferred Commissions, Prepaid Expenses, Long-term Investments, Property Plant & Equipment, Operating lease right-of-use assets, Goodwill, Intangible Assets Liabilities: Accounts Payable, Accrued Expenses, Operating Lease Liabilities, Deferred Revenue
Bularyň aktiwler ýa-da borçnamalardygyny ýa-da ýokdugyny aýdyň: Nagt pullar, alynjak hasaplar, möhleti yza süýşürilen komissiýalar, öňünden tölenen çykdajylar, uzak möhletleýin maýa goýumlary, emläk zawody we enjamlary, ulanyş hukugy bolan emläk kärendesi, hoşniýetlilik, maddy däl aktiwler, tölenmeli hasaplar, hasaplanan çykdajylar, Amal kärendesi borçnamalary, yza süýşürilen girdeji
Aktiwler: Nagt pullar, alynjak hasaplar, möhleti yza süýşürilen komissiýalar, öňünden tölenen çykdajylar, uzak möhletleýin maýa goýumlary, emläk zawody we enjamlary, peýdalanmak hukugy bolan aktiwleri kärendesine bermek, hoşniýetlilik, maddy däl aktiwler Borçlar: Tölenmeli hasaplar, hasaplanan çykdajylar, amal kärende borçnamalary, yza süýşürilen girdejiler
Who is the singer in Bon Iver?
Bon Iver (/ˌboʊn iːˈvɛər/ BOHN ee-VAIR) is an American indie folk band founded in 2006 by singer-songwriter Justin Vernon.
Justin Vernon is the singer-songwriter in Bon Iver.
Bon Iwerdäki aýdymçy kim?
Bon Iwer (/ ˌboʊn iːˈvɛər / BOHN ee-VAIR) 2006-njy ýylda aýdymçy-aýdymçy Jastin Wernon tarapyndan esaslandyrylan Amerikan hindi halk toparydyr.
Jastin Wernon Bon Iweriň aýdymçy-aýdymçysy.
Given this paragraph about South Korea, which body of water forms the country's western border and which body of water borders it's eastern border?
South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea (ROK), is a country in East Asia. It constitutes the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and borders North Korea. The country's western border is formed by the Yellow Sea, while its eastern border is defined by the Sea of Japan. South Korea claims to be the sole legitimate government of the entire peninsula and adjacent islands. It has a population of 51.75 million, of which roughly half live in the Seoul Capital Area, the fourth most populous metropolitan area in the world. Other major cities include Incheon, Busan, and Daegu.
The western border of South Korea is formed by the Yellow Sea, while the eastern border is formed by the Sea of Japan.
Günorta Koreýa baradaky bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, haýsy suw howdany ýurduň günbatar serhedini emele getirýär we haýsy suw desgasy gündogar serhedi?
Resmi taýdan Koreýa Respublikasy (ROK) Günorta Koreýa Gündogar Aziýada bir ýurt. Koreýa ýarym adasynyň günorta bölegini emele getirýär we Demirgazyk Koreýa bilen serhetleşýär. Westernurduň günbatar serhedi Sary deňiz, gündogar serhedi Japanaponiýa deňzi bilen kesgitlenýär. Günorta Koreýa tutuş ýarym adanyň we oňa ýanaşyk adalaryň ýeke-täk kanuny hökümetidigini öňe sürýär. 51,75 million ilaty bar, olaryň takmynan ýarysy Seulyň paýtagty sebitinde ýaşaýar, dünýäde iň köp ilatly dördünji sebit. Beýleki esasy şäherler Inçon, Busan we Daegu.
Günorta Koreýanyň günbatar serhedi Sary deňiz, gündogar serhedi Japanaponiýa deňzi bilen emele gelýär.
Who created Final Fantasy?
Final Fantasy is a Japanese science fantasy anthology media franchise created by Hironobu Sakaguchi and developed and owned by Square Enix (formerly Square). The franchise centers on a series of fantasy and science fantasy role-playing video games. The first game in the series was released in 1987, with 15 numbered main entries having been released to date.
Final Fantasy was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi
Final Fantaziýany kim döretdi?
Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi tarapyndan döredilen we Square Enix (öňki meýdança) tarapyndan döredilen we eýeçilik edýän ýapon ylmy fantaziýa antologiýa media franşizasydyr. Franşiza, fantaziýa we fantaziýa rol oýnaýan wideo oýunlarynyň bir toparyny jemleýär. Tapgyryň ilkinji oýny 1987-nji ýylda çykdy, şu güne çenli 15 sanly esasy ýazgy goýberildi.
Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi tarapyndan döredildi
From the passage identify the type of medications used to treat infections. Display the results in comma separated format.
An infection is the invasion of tissues by pathogens, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agent and the toxins they produce. An infectious disease, also known as a transmissible disease or communicable disease, is an illness resulting from an infection.Infections can be caused by a wide range of pathogens, most prominently bacteria and viruses. Hosts can fight infections using their immune system. Mammalian hosts react to infections with an innate response, often involving inflammation, followed by an adaptive response.Specific medications used to treat infections include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antihelminthics. Infectious diseases resulted in 9.2 million deaths in 2013 (about 17% of all deaths). The branch of medicine that focuses on infections is referred to as infectious diseases.
antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, antihelminthics
Parçadan ýokançlyklary bejermek üçin ulanylýan dermanlaryň görnüşini kesgitläň. Netijeleri yzygiderli bölünen görnüşde görkeziň.
Okançlyk, dokumalaryň patogenler tarapyndan çozmagy, olaryň köpelmegi we kabul ediji dokumalaryň ýokanç serişdä we öndürýän toksinlerine reaksiýasydyr. Ectokanç kesel, ýokanç kesel ýa-da ýokanç kesel diýlip hem bilinýän ýokanç kesel, ýokançlygyň netijesinde ýüze çykýan keseldir. Fectokançlyklar köp patogenler, esasanam bakteriýalar we wiruslar sebäpli döräp biler. Öý eýeleri immunitet ulgamyny ulanyp ýokançlyklara garşy göreşip bilerler. Süýdemdirijiler öýkenlere dogabitdi jogap bilen reaksiýa berýärler, köplenç çişmegi öz içine alýar, soň bolsa adaptasiýa jogap berýär. Infectionsokançlyklary bejermek üçin ulanylýan ýörite dermanlara antibiotikler, wirusa garşy, antifungallar, antiprotozoallar we antihelminthikler degişlidir. Fectokanç keseller 2013-nji ýylda 9,2 million adamyň ölümine sebäp boldy (ähli ölümleriň takmynan 17%). Infectionokançlyga ünsi jemleýän lukmançylyk şahasyna ýokanç keseller diýilýär.
antibiotikler, wirusa garşy, antifungallar, antiprotozoallar, antihelminthikler
Given the paragraph around Star Trek starships, which is the fastest.
The warp drive of the Prometheus-class made the ships of this class faster than any other starship in the fleet at the time in the mid 2370s. The warp drive was capable of maintaining speeds exceeding warp 9.9. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
The fastest starship in the Star Trek universe is the USS Prometheus
“Star Trek” ýyldyz ýyldyzlarynyň töweregindäki abzasy göz öňünde tutup, iň çalt.
“Prometheus” synpynyň hereketlendirijisi bu synpyň gämilerini 2370-nji ýyllaryň ortalarynda flotdaky beýleki ýyldyzlardan has çaltlaşdyrdy. Gorag sürüjisi 9.9-dan ýokary tizligi saklamaga ukyplydy. (SES: "Çüýşedäki habar")
“Star Trek” älemindäki iň çalt ýyldyz USS Prometheusdyr
Based on this paragraph about dogs, what is a French Bulldog?
The French Bulldog, French: Bouledogue Français, is a French breed of companion dog or toy dog. It appeared in Paris in the mid-nineteenth century, apparently the result of cross-breeding of Toy Bulldogs imported from England and local Parisian ratters. It is commonly kept as a pet, and is among the most frequently registered dogs in a number of countries including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The French Bulldog is a French breed of companion dog or toy dog. It is is among the most frequently registered dogs in a number of countries including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Itler baradaky bu abzasa esaslanyp, fransuz buldogy näme?
Fransuz Bulldog, Fransuz: Bouledogue Français, ýoldaş it ýa-da oýunjak itiň fransuz tohumy. Ol XIX asyryň ortalarynda Pari Parisde peýda boldy, megerem, Angliýadan getirilen Oýnawaç buldogynyň we ýerli Pari Parisiň bahalandyryjylarynyň köpeldilmeginiň netijesi. Adatça öý haýwany hökmünde saklanýar we Awstraliýa, Angliýa we ABŞ ýaly birnäçe ýurtda iň köp hasaba alnan itleriň hataryna girýär.
Fransuz Bulldog ýoldaş it ýa-da oýunjak itiň fransuz tohumydyr. Awstraliýa, Angliýa we ABŞ ýaly birnäçe ýurtda iň köp hasaba alnan itleriň arasynda.
How is data engineering different from data science?
Data Engineering occurs before data science in the data lifecycle. Data can be generated from various sources and this raw data may be structured, semi structured or even unstructured. To make sense of this data, data has to be ingested and transformed. This is when data engineering comes into picture. Data engineering includes the process of extracting the raw data, ingesting data into a system like a data lake, transforming the data for business needs and finally loading it into a table. This is commonly known as ELT (Extract-Load-Transform). ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) is also possible where transformation happens before the loading stage. Data Science and Analytics is the next step in the data lifecycle. Once the data needed for specific business need is available, data scientists use this data to run machine learning models to find the most accurate model. This data is available to the data scientists in the form of tables. Data analysts also use this data to do some exploratory analysis and create dashboards. In essence, the data lifecycle would look as follows: Raw data from different sources -> Data Engineering -> Data Science and Analytics
Maglumat in engineeringenerçiligi maglumat ylymlaryndan nähili tapawutlanýar?
Maglumat in Engineeringenerligi, maglumat ömrüniň siklinde maglumat ylymlaryndan öň ýüze çykýar. Maglumatlar dürli çeşmelerden döredilip bilner we bu çig maglumatlar gurluşly, ýarym gurluşly ýa-da hatda gurluşsyz bolup biler. Bu maglumatlaryň manysy üçin maglumatlar özleşdirilmeli we üýtgedilmeli. Maglumat in engineeringenerligi surata düşende. Maglumat in engineeringenerligi, çig maglumatlary çykarmak, maglumatlary köl ýaly ulgama siňdirmek, işewürlik zerurlyklary üçin maglumatlary üýtgetmek we ahyrynda ony tablisa ýüklemek prosesini öz içine alýar. Bu köplenç ELT (Extract-Load-Transform) diýlip atlandyrylýar. ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) ýükleme tapgyryndan ozal üýtgeşmeler bolup geçýän ýerlerde hem mümkindir. Maglumat ylmy we analitika, maglumatlar ömrüniň indiki ädimidir. Belli bir iş zerurlygy üçin zerur maglumatlar elýeterli bolansoň, maglumatlar alymlary bu maglumatlary iň takyk modeli tapmak üçin maşyn öwreniş modellerini işletmek üçin ulanýarlar. Bu maglumatlar maglumatlar alymlary üçin tablisalar görnüşinde elýeterlidir. Maglumat analitikleri bu maglumatlary käbir gözleg derňewleri we dolandyryş panellerini döretmek üçin ulanýarlar. Aslynda, maglumatlaryň ömri aşakdaky ýaly görüner: Dürli çeşmelerden çig maglumatlar -> Maglumat in Engineeringenerligi -> Maglumat ylymlary we analitika
What are some common peer-to-peer money transfer apps in the United States?
Some of the most common peer-to-peer money transfer apps in the United States are Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, and Apple/Google Pay (depending on the type of mobile device of the user).
ABŞ-da deň-duşdan pul geçirmek programmalary haýsylar?
Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda iň köp ýaýran pul geçiriş programmalarynyň käbiri Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal we Apple / Google Pay (ulanyjynyň ykjam enjamynyň görnüşine baglylykda).
How do you train for a half marathon?
To train for a half marathon, build up your running volume over the course of a months. At first, start with just a couple of 2-3 mile runs per week. Then increase mileage no more than 10% per week up to 15-20 miles total per week. To reduce injury risk, do 80% of your running at slow pace. This will allow you to build an aerobic base without putting too much load on your body. On the remaining 20%, go hard and push your limits. On the race day, make sure to get enough rest and eat a good breakfast. Try to do a warm up mile before the race even starts. Then during the race, find the pacer that is running at your speed, and stick with the group for most of the race. In the last half mile, sprint to the finish!
Halfarym marafona nädip türgenleşmeli?
Halfarym marafona taýýarlyk görmek üçin, bir aýyň dowamynda ylgaýan sesiňizi artdyryň. Ilki bilen, hepdede bary-ýogy 2-3 mil aralykdan başlaň. Soňra hepdede 10% -den köp bolmaly däl, hepdede jemi 15-20 mil aralygy. Injuryaralanmak töwekgelçiligini azaltmak üçin ylgawyňyzyň 80% -ini haýal ädim bilen ýerine ýetiriň. Bu, bedeniňize aşa köp ýük salman, aerob bazasyny gurmaga mümkinçilik berer. Galan 20% -de gaty kyn gidiň we çäkleriňizi basyň. Dayaryş güni ýeterlik dynç alyň we ertirlik ediniň. Thearyş başlamazdan ozal bir mil aralygy geçmäge synanyşyň. Soňra ýaryş wagtynda tizligiňizde işleýän paceri tapyň we ýaryşyň köp bölegi üçin topar bilen ýapyşyň. Soňky ýarym mil aralygynda pellehana ylga!
The classis horror the Shining exterior shots were shot at this location:
the Spirit Lake Lodge in Colorado, the Sunriver Resort in Oregon, the TImberline Lodge in Oregon, the Overlook Lodge in Oregon, or the Spirit Lake Lodge in Colorado.
Klassiki elhençlik “iningalpyldawuk” daşky suratlar şu ýerde düşürildi:
Koloradodaky “Spirit Lake Lodge”, Oregondaky “Sunriver Resort”, Oregondaky “TImberline Lodge”, Oregondaky “Overlook Lodge” ýa-da Koloradodaky “Spirit Lake Lodge”.
Who was the first United States president to be indicted in court in the State of New York
No person who was actively the President of the United States has ever been indicted in criminal court in the State of New York. However, on April 4th, former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, was indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up personal scandals.
Nýu-Yorkork ştatynda kazyýetde günäkärlenen Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň ilkinji prezidenti kim boldy
Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň prezidenti bolan hiç bir adam Nýu-Yorkork ştatynyň jenaýat kazyýetinde günäkärlenmedi. Şeýle-de bolsa, 4-nji aprelde Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň öňki prezidenti Donald J. Trump şahsy dawa-jenjelleri ýapmak üçin 34 iş ýazgysyny galplaşdyrmakda aýyplandy.
Where was the 11th BRICS held?
Brasila, the capital of Brazil
11-nji BRICS nirede geçirildi?
Braziliýanyň paýtagty Braziliýa
What is following the file format Delta Lake follows to write records? CSV, JSON, PARQUET, AVRO, ORC
Delta lake writes data in Parquet format. A transaction layer is on top of it to enforce ACID property, schema evaluation, time travel and few other benefits.
Recordsazgylary ýazmak üçin Delta Lake faýl formatyna eýerýärmi? CSV, JSON, PARQUET, AVRO, ORC
Delta köli parket görnüşinde maglumatlary ýazýar. ACID emlägini, shemany bahalandyrmagy, wagt syýahatyny we başga-da birnäçe peýdalary ýerine ýetirmek üçin geleşik gatlagy onuň üstünde.
What is the most dangerous motorcycle race in the world?
The Isle of Man TT is most likely the deadliest motorcycle race in the world. The race takes place once a year on a small island between Ireland and the United Kingdom called Isle of Man. The very first race was held in 1907 and since then 265 riders have lost their lives.
Dünýädäki iň howply motosikl ýaryşy haýsy?
Man adasy TT dünýädäki iň ganly motosikl ýaryşy bolmagy ähtimal. Racearyş Irlandiýa bilen Angliýanyň arasyndaky Man adasy atly kiçijik adada ýylda bir gezek geçirilýär. Ilkinji ýaryş 1907-nji ýylda geçirildi we şondan bäri 265 çapyksuwar öldi.
Does parallel universe really exist?
When we talk about the possibility of multiple universes, we are referring to the idea that there could be many separate and distinct “realities” or “worlds” coexisting alongside our own. These universes may have different physical laws, properties, and dimensions, and could exist in parallel to our own universe. So basically, there’s this idea that there could be lots of different universes happening at the same time, and there are couple of evidences that make people think it might be true. There are several evidences for parallel universe, such as Hawking radiation, which says that anything going into a black hole might end up in another universe. or the gravity waves act oddly and deviate objects from their orbits, possibly due to the influence of parallel universes. This idea of multiple universes has been proposed in various fields of science, including physics, astronomy, and even psychology. For example, Stephen Hawking was the leading theoretical physicist who advocated multiverse theory. I believe it remains a highly theoretical concept till today, and it is an area of active research and exploration, as scientists continue to investigate the possibility of parallel universes and their potential implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
Paralel älem hakykatdanam barmy?
Birnäçe älemiň mümkinçiligi barada aýdanymyzda, özümiziň bilen birlikde bilelikde ýaşaýan köp aýry we aýratyn “hakykatlar” ýa-da “dünýäler” bolup biler diýen pikire ýüzlenýäris. Bu älemleriň dürli fiziki kanunlary, häsiýetleri we ölçegleri bolup biler we öz älemimize paralel bolup biler. Şeýlelik bilen, bir wagtyň özünde köp dürli älem bolup biler diýen pikir bar we adamlary munuň dogry bolmagy mümkin diýip pikir edýän birnäçe subutnama bar. Paralel älem üçin Hawking radiasiýasy ýaly birnäçe subutnama bar, gara çukura girýän islendik zadyň başga bir älemde gutaryp biljekdigini aýdýar. ýa-da agyrlyk tolkunlary geň hereket edýär we obýektleri öz orbitalaryndan daşlaşdyrýar, ähtimal parallel älemleriň täsiri sebäpli. Birnäçe älem baradaky bu pikir, fizika, astronomiýa we hatda psihologiýa ýaly ylymyň dürli ugurlarynda teklip edildi. Mysal üçin, Stiwen Hawking köp ugurly teoriýany goldaýan öňdebaryjy teoretiki fizikdi. Alymlar paralel älemleriň mümkinçiligini we olaryň äleme we ondaky ornumyza düşünmegimiz üçin bolup biljek täsirlerini öwrenmegi dowam etdirýärkä, şu güne çenli ýokary teoretiki düşünje bolup galýandygyna we işjeň gözlegleriň we gözlegleriň bir ugrydygyna ynanýaryn.
What are some best practices to keep car tires from losing tread prematurely
To keep car tires from losing tread prematurely follow these best practices 1) Ensure the tire pressure is always at the car and tire manufacturers recommended PSI levels 2) Ensure you rotate tires every 6 months 3) Enhance your sense of breaking scenarios and try to gently break into it rather than abruptly slamming the breaks 4) Similarly try to accelerate gently as you start your drive rather than accelerating at a high rate.
Awtoulag tekerlerini wagtyndan öň ýitirmezlik üçin iň oňat tejribeler haýsylar?
Awtoulag tekerleriniň ýöremezligi üçin bu iň oňat tejribeleri wagtyndan öň ýerine ýetiriň 1) Şinanyň basyşynyň hemişe awtoulagda bolmagyna we teker öndürijilerine PSI derejesini maslahat beriň 2) Şinalary her 6 aýdan bir gezek aýlaň 3) Ssenariýalary bozmak duýgyňyzy güýçlendiriň we arakesmeleri birden gysmak däl-de, oňa ýuwaşlyk bilen girmäge synanyşyň 4) Şonuň ýaly-da, ýokary tizlikde däl-de, sürüjiňizi başlanyňyzda ýuwaşlyk bilen çaltlaşmaga synanyşyň.
What is Football?
The term 'football' describes various forms of a team game which mostly involves kicking a ball. Players use a round-shaped football ball in the English Premier League game. That's one reason why we call it football in the United Kingdom (and soccer in America). Note: Beginners can avoid getting left back in the dressing room with the top 10 rules for football game. The simple guide explains the most important regulations in English soccer.
Futbol näme?
'Futbol' termini, top oýnamagy öz içine alýan topar oýnunyň dürli görnüşlerini suratlandyrýar. Oýunçylar Angliýanyň premýer-ligasynyň oýnunda tegelek şekilli futbol topuny ulanýarlar. Angliýada futbol (we Amerikada futbol) diýmegimiziň bir sebäbi şol. Bellik: Täze başlanlar futbol oýny üçin iň gowy 10 düzgün bilen geýim otagynda yzda galmakdan saklanyp bilerler. Simpleönekeý gollanma iňlis futbolynyň iň möhüm düzgünlerini düşündirýär.
Extract the steps to resolve a given supervised machine learning problem from the following text
To solve a given problem of supervised learning, one has to perform the following steps: Determine the type of training examples. Before doing anything else, the user should decide what kind of data is to be used as a training set. In the case of handwriting analysis, for example, this might be a single handwritten character, an entire handwritten word, an entire sentence of handwriting or perhaps a full paragraph of handwriting. Gather a training set. The training set needs to be representative of the real-world use of the function. Thus, a set of input objects is gathered and corresponding outputs are also gathered, either from human experts or from measurements. Determine the input feature representation of the learned function. The accuracy of the learned function depends strongly on how the input object is represented. Typically, the input object is transformed into a feature vector, which contains a number of features that are descriptive of the object. The number of features should not be too large, because of the curse of dimensionality; but should contain enough information to accurately predict the output. Determine the structure of the learned function and corresponding learning algorithm. For example, the engineer may choose to use support-vector machines or decision trees. Complete the design. Run the learning algorithm on the gathered training set. Some supervised learning algorithms require the user to determine certain control parameters. These parameters may be adjusted by optimizing performance on a subset (called a validation set) of the training set, or via cross-validation. Evaluate the accuracy of the learned function. After parameter adjustment and learning, the performance of the resulting function should be measured on a test set that is separate from the training set.
Use the following steps to solve a given problem of supervised learning: 1. Determine the type of training examples, 2. Gather a training set. 3. Determine the input feature representation of the learned function. 4. Determine the structure of the learned function and corresponding learning algorithm. 5. Run the learning algorithm on the gathered training set. 6. Evaluate the accuracy of the learned function.
Berlen gözegçilik edilýän maşyn öwrenmek meselesini aşakdaky tekstden çözmek üçin ädimleri çykaryň
Gözegçilik edilýän okuw meselesini çözmek üçin aşakdaky ädimleri ýerine ýetirmeli: Okuw mysallarynyň görnüşini kesgitläň. Başga bir zat etmezden ozal, ulanyjy okuw toplumy hökmünde haýsy maglumatlary ulanmalydygyny kesgitlemeli. Mysal üçin, golýazma derňewi geçirilende, bu ýekeje gol bilen ýazylan nyşan, tutuş golýazma sözi, golýazmanyň tutuş sözlemi ýa-da golýazmanyň doly abzasy bolup biler. Okuw toplumyny ýygnaň. Okuw toplumy, funksiýanyň hakyky ulanylyşynyň wekili bolmaly. Şeýlelik bilen, giriş obýektleriniň toplumy ýygnalýar we degişli netijeler hem adam hünärmenlerinden ýa-da ölçeglerden ýygnalýar. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň giriş aýratynlyklaryny kesgitläň. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň takyklygy giriş obýektiniň nähili görkezilýändigine berk baglydyr. Adatça, giriş obýekti obýekti suratlandyrýan birnäçe aýratynlygy öz içine alýan aýratynlyk wektoryna öwrülýär. Aýratynlyklaryň sany gaty köp bolmaly däldir, ölçegli nälet sebäpli; ýöne çykyşyny takyk çaklamak üçin ýeterlik maglumatlary öz içine almalydyr. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň gurluşyny we degişli okuw algoritmini kesgitläň. Mysal üçin, inerener goldaw wektorly maşynlary ýa-da karar agaçlaryny ulanmagy saýlap biler. Dizaýny tamamlaň. Okuw algoritmini ýygnan okuw toplumynda işlediň. Käbir gözegçilik edilýän okuw algoritmleri ulanyjydan belli bir gözegçilik parametrlerini kesgitlemegi talap edýär. Bu parametrler, okuw toplumynyň bir böleginde (tassyklama toplumy diýilýär) öndürijiligi optimizirlemek ýa-da kross-tassyklama arkaly sazlanyp bilner. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň takyklygyna baha beriň. Parametrleri sazlamakdan we öwrenmekden soň, emele gelen funksiýanyň ýerine ýetirilişini okuw toplumyndan aýratyn synag toplumynda ölçemeli.
Gözegçilik edilýän okuw meselesini çözmek üçin aşakdaky ädimleri ulanyň: 1. Okuw mysallarynyň görnüşini kesgitläň, 2. Okuw toplumyny ýygnaň. 3. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň giriş aýratynlyklaryny kesgitläň. 4. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň gurluşyny we degişli okuw algoritmini kesgitläň. 5. theygnalan okuw toplumynda okuw algoritmini işlediň. 6. Öwrenilen funksiýanyň takyklygyna baha beriň.
What is the best time of the year to visit Paris?
Paris is well known as a global centre of art, culture, fashion, and gastronomy. But what it really stands out for are the amazing landmarks such as Louvre Museum, Eiffel Tower, the Gothic Notre-Dame cathedral, the Versailles palace, or Basilica of Sacre-Coeur. While you will enjoy visiting these any time of the year, walking down the Avenue des Champs-Elysees is certainly most enjoyable during spring and summer.
Pari Parise baryp görmek üçin ýylyň iň amatly wagty haýsy?
Pari Paris global sungat, medeniýet, moda we gastronomiýa merkezi hökmünde tanalýar. Emma Luwr muzeýi, Eýfel diňi, Got Notre-Dame sobory, Wersal köşgi ýa-da Sakre-Kuryň Bazilika ýaly ajaýyp ýerleri bar. Theseylyň islendik wagty bu ýerlere baryp görmekden lezzet alsaňyz, prospekt des Champs-Elysees-den ýöremek, elbetde, ýaz we tomus aýlarynda iň lezzetlidir.
What makes plants grow faster?
According to a study by scientists from South Korea, plants grow at a faster pace when they are played classical music. Using 14 different pieces of music, the scientists played music to a rice field and studied the results. Findings were that the music helped the crops grow and even suggested evidence that plants could “hear”. We suggest practicing your instrument in your veggie garden!
Ösümlikleriň çalt ösmegine näme sebäp bolýar?
Günorta Koreýaly alymlaryň geçiren gözlegine görä ösümlikler nusgawy saz çalynanda has çalt ösýär. Alymlar 14 dürli saz eserini ulanyp, tüwi meýdanynda saz çaldylar we netijeleri öwrendiler. Tapyndylar, aýdym-sazyň ekinleriň ösmegine kömek edendigini we hatda ösümlikleriň “eşidip biljekdigini” görkezýän subutnamalary teklip etdi. Gurallaryňyzy gök önüm bagyňyzda ulanmagy maslahat berýäris!
Who where the San Diego Stingrays
The San Diego Stingrays were a charter member of International Basketball League (IBL) and played at the San Diego Sports Arena and was owned by online sports gaming entrepreneur Scott Atkins. The following season, the team returned to San Diego under the name, San Diego Wildfire, along with new ownership and management. In June 1999, San Diego hired former San Diego State Aztecs men's basketball head coach Smokey Gaines to helm the team. Former National Basketball Association (NBA) player Jeff Malone was hired as Gains' assistant coach in July 1999. Bill Tosheff was the director of basketball operations for the Stingrays. Rapper Master P, who had previously played in the NBA pre-season, signed with the Stingrays in November 1999. The Stingrays first home game in 1999 was attended by 9,786 people—an IBL best. The San Diego Stingrays had a dance team as well that participated in several community events. They were led by director Demilo Young and Sheila Christensen.
San-Diýego Stingraýs nirede
“San Diego Stingrays” halkara basketbol ligasynyň (IBL) tertipli agzasy bolup, San-Diýego sport arenasynda oýnady we onlaýn sport oýunlary telekeçisi Skott Atkinsiň eýeçiliginde boldy. Indiki möwsümde topar täze eýeçilik we dolandyryş bilen birlikde San-Diýego Wildfire ady bilen San-Diýegoga gaýdyp geldi. 1999-njy ýylyň iýun aýynda San-Diýego San Diego döwleti Aztekleriň erkek basketbol boýunça baş tälimçisi Smokey Gaines toparyna ýolbaşçylyk etdi. Milli basketbol birleşiginiň (NBA) öňki oýunçysy Jeff Malone 1999-njy ýylyň iýulynda Gainsiň kömekçi tälimçisi wezipesine işe alyndy. Bill Tosheff “Stingrays” basketbol operasiýasynyň müdiri. Öň NBA-dan öňki möwsümde oýnan rapçi Master P 1999-njy ýylyň noýabr aýynda “Stingrays” bilen şertnama baglaşdy. 1999-njy ýylda “Stingrays” ilkinji öý oýnuna 9,786 adam gatnaşdy - bu IBL-iň iň gowusy. San-Diýego Stingreýleriň birnäçe jemgyýetçilik çärelerine gatnaşan tans topary bardy. Olara re directorissýor Demilo Youngang we Şeila Kristensen ýolbaşçylyk etdi.
How far did Oskar Dillon kick in the winning goal at the NPL Queensland championship?
Oskar Dillon (born 10 February 1999), is an Australian professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Oakleigh Cannons in NPL Victoria. Club career Gold Coast Knights Dillon was part of the 2019 NPL Queensland championship winning Gold Coast Knights team. He played the full game and scored the winning goal, a free-kick from 25 yards out, as the Knights' defeated Olympic FC 2-1 in the 2019 NPL Queensland Grand Final on 14 September 2019, claiming their first piece of top-flight silverware. After an impressive campaign, Dillon was awarded the NPL Queensland Young Player of the Year at the inaugural Football in Queensland Awards Night. Western United On 2 January 2020, Dillon signed his first professional contract with Western United, penning a one-year deal for the 2019-20 season. He made his debut in a Round 15 clash against Central Coast Mariners, playing the full game as United ran out 3-0 winners at GMHBA Stadium. Dillon was released by the club at the end of the 2019–20 A-League.
Oskar Dillon, the Australian professional footballer did a free kick from 25 yards out defeating the Knights in the 2019 NPL Queensland Grand final.
NPL Kwinslend çempionatynda Oskar Dillon ýeňiji pökgini näçe aralykda urdy?
Oskar Dillon (1999-njy ýylyň 10-njy fewralynda doglan) Awstraliýaly professional futbolçy, NPL Wiktoriýa şäherindäki Oakleigh Cannons üçin merkez hökmünde oýnaýar. Klub karýerasy Altyn kenar rysarlary Dillon, “Gold Coast Knights” toparynda ýeňiji bolan 2019 NPL Kwinslend çempionatynyň bir bölegidi. 2019-njy ýylyň 14-nji sentýabrynda NPL Kwinslend Grand finalynda rysarlaryň Olimpiýa FK-ny 2-1 hasabynda ýeňlişe sezewar edenligi sebäpli, 25 metr aralykdan erkin pökgi geçirip, ýeňiji pökgini tora girizdi. kümüş gaplar. Täsirli kampaniýadan soň, Dillon Kwinslend baýrak gowşurylyş gijesinde açylan Futbol ýaryşynda NPL Kwinslend ýylyň ýaş oýunçysy diýen baýraga mynasyp boldy. Western United 2020-nji ýylyň 2-nji ýanwarynda Dillon “Western United” bilen ilkinji professional şertnamasyna gol çekdi we 2019-20 möwsümi üçin bir ýyllyk şertnama baglaşdy. “GMHBA” stadionynda “Unitedunaýted” 3-0 hasabynda ýeňiji bolup, doly oýny oýnap, Merkezi kenar deňizçilerine garşy 15-nji tapgyra çykdy. Dillon, 2019–20 A-liganyň ahyrynda klub tarapyndan boşadyldy.
Awstraliýaly professional futbolçy Oskar Dillon, 2019 NPL Queensland Grand finalynda rysarlary ýeňip, 25 metrden erkin urgy etdi.
What is the depth of focus of a camera?
depth of focus is the range of distances that will be in focus in a picture taken by the camera with specific settings. Depending on the settings of the camera, the depth of focus can be very small, ranging in millimeters or centimeters to very large - hundreds of meters. The most important setting that will determine the depth of focus is the aperture used in the lens when the picture is taken. The aperture is how widely open the lens is and how much light is allowed to pass through it. A low f-stop or big aperture will minimize the depth of field, while a high f-stop or small aperture will maximize it. Depth of field is an element that photographers use in composition to blur or sharpen elements of the photograph, thus emphasizing or de-emphasizing certain aspects.
Kameranyň fokusynyň çuňlugy nämeden ybarat?
fokusyň çuňlugy, aýratyn sazlamalar bilen kamera tarapyndan düşürilen suratda üns merkezinde boljak aralyklaryň diapazonydyr. Kameranyň sazlamalaryna baglylykda fokusyň çuňlugy millimetrden ýa-da santimetrden gaty uly - ýüzlerçe metre çenli bolup biler. Fokusyň çuňlugyny kesgitlän iň möhüm sazlama, surata düşürilende obýektiwde ulanylýan aperturadyr. Apertura obýektiwiň näderejede açykdygyny we ondan näçe ýagtylygyň geçmegine rugsat berilýär. Pes f-duralga ýa-da uly duralga meýdanyň çuňlugyny azaldar, beýik f-duralga ýa-da kiçi duralga ony hasam artdyrar. Meýdanyň çuňlugy, suratçylaryň fotosuratyň elementlerini bulaşdyrmak ýa-da ýiteltmek üçin kompozisiýada ulanýan elementidir, şeýlelik bilen käbir taraplara ünsi çekýär ýa-da ünsi çekýär.
What some ways you can cook a steak?
You can cook a steak a number of different ways, including pan-searing, baking, grilling, smoking, or sous vide. Not all methods are suitable for all cuts of meat, however. For example, leaner cuts will benefit from a hot pan sear, or sous vide, but may end up too dry if smoked. Fattier cuts may not fair as well on a grill, due to flare ups caused by the drippings.
Biftek bişirmegiň haýsy usullary bar?
Biftek bişirmek, çörek bişirmek, panjara, çilim çekmek ýa-da wideo ýaly birnäçe dürli usuldan bişirip bilersiňiz. Meethli usullar etiň kesilmegi üçin amatly däl. Mysal üçin, arkaýyn kesikler gyzgyn pan gözleginden ýa-da sous wideodan peýdalanar, ýöne çilim çekilse gaty gurak bolup biler. Damjalaryň döremeginden döreýän alawlar sebäpli, panjara-da ýagly kesikler adalatly bolup bilmez.
How do you tell a story with data?
The best way to tell a story with data is through clear, insightful communication. Typically the most effective way to communicate is through visualizations of the data that are intuitive and quick to interpret. Some additional tips include using: time series data, clear call-outs of key information, and a color blind-friendly color palette.
Maglumat bilen hekaýany nädip aýdyp bilersiňiz?
Maglumatlar bilen hekaýa gürrüň bermegiň iň gowy usuly, düşnükli, düşünjeli aragatnaşyk arkaly. Adatça habarlaşmagyň iň täsirli usuly, içgin we çalt düşündirilýän maglumatlary wizuallaşdyrmak arkaly bolýar. Käbir goşmaça maslahatlar ulanmagy öz içine alýar: wagt seriýasy maglumatlary, möhüm maglumatlaryň açyk çagyryşlary we reňk kör reňk palitrasy.
What architecture does GPT use?
GPT uses the transformer architecture which is a neural network architecture based on the attention mechanism to find global dependencies between the input and the output. To be more specific, GPT belongs to a sub type in the transformer family that is called decoder-only transformer.
GPT haýsy arhitekturany ulanýar?
GPT giriş bilen çykyşyň arasynda global garaşlylygy tapmak üçin üns mehanizmine esaslanýan nerw tor arhitekturasy bolan transformator arhitekturasyny ulanýar. Has takygy, GPT transformator maşgalasynda diňe dekoder transformator diýlip atlandyrylýan kiçi görnüşe degişlidir.
What is the volume of a rectangular prism
length * base * height
Gönüburçly prizmanyň göwrümi nämeden ybarat?
uzynlygy * esasy * beýikligi
Name five surf spots on the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii
Pipeline Sunset Beach Velzyland Log Cabins Chun's Reef
Gawaýidäki Oahunyň demirgazyk kenarynda bäş sany serf nokadynyň adyny aýdyň
Turbageçiriji Gün ýaşýan kenar Welzyland Kabinler Çun rif
What is an LCR circuit?
An LCR circuit is a resonant circuit that is also often called an RLC circuit. It consist of an inductor (L), a capacitor (C), and a resistor (R). The three components may be connected in series or in parallel. Radio and television receivers contain oscillators that are based on the LCR circuit. The circuit is used to tune into transmitting stations.
LCR zynjyry näme?
LCR zynjyry rezonansly zynjyr bolup, oňa köplenç RLC zynjyry hem diýilýär. Ol induktordan (L), kondensatordan (C) we rezistordan (R) durýar. Üç komponent yzygiderli ýa-da parallel birikdirilip bilner. Radio we telewizion kabul edijilerde LCR zynjyryna esaslanýan yrgyldamalar bar. Zynjyr ýaýlym stansiýalaryna sazlamak üçin ulanylýar.
Which of these items are clothing brands and which are banks: Levi’s, Gap, Goldman Sachs, Banana Republic, JP Morgan Chase, Seven, and Guess.
The banks are JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, and the clothing brands are Guess, Gap, Banana Republic, Levi’s, and Seven.
Bu önümleriň haýsy geýim markalary we haýsy banklar: Lewi, Gap, Goldman Sachs, Banan Republic, JP Morgan Chase, Seven we Guess.
Banklar JP Morgan Chase we Goldman Sachs, egin-eşik markalary Guess, Gap, Banan Republic, Lewi's and Seven.
What is "Six Feet Under"?
Six Feet Under is an American drama television series created and produced by Alan Ball. It premiered on the premium network HBO in the United States on June 3, 2001, and ended on August 21, 2005, spanning 63 episodes across five seasons. It depicts the lives of the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles, along with their friends and lovers.
Six Feet Under is an American drama television series created and produced by Alan Ball. It premiered on the premium network HBO in the United States on June 3, 2001, and ended on August 21, 2005, spanning 63 episodes across five seasons. It depicts the lives of the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles, along with their friends and lovers. The ensemble drama stars Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, and Rachel Griffiths as the central characters. It was produced by Actual Size Films and The Greenblatt/Janollari Studio, and was shot on location in Los Angeles and in Hollywood studios. Six Feet Under received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for its writing and acting, and consistently drew high ratings for the HBO network. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time. The show's finale has also been described as one of the greatest television series finales. The series won numerous awards, including nine Emmy Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and a Peabody Award.
"Alty aýak astynda" näme?
Alty aýak astynda, Alan Ball tarapyndan döredilen we öndürilen Amerikan drama teleserialy. 2001-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýunynda ABŞ-daky HBO premium ulgamynda görkezilip, bäş möwsümde 63 bölümi öz içine alýan 2005-nji ýylyň 21-nji awgustynda tamamlandy. Onda Los Anjelesdäki jaýlanyş jaýyny dolandyrýan Balykçy maşgalasynyň dostlary we söýgülileri bilen durmuşy şekillendirilýär.
Alty aýak astynda, Alan Ball tarapyndan döredilen we öndürilen Amerikan drama teleserialy. 2001-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýunynda ABŞ-daky HBO premium ulgamynda görkezilip, bäş möwsümde 63 bölümi öz içine alýan 2005-nji ýylyň 21-nji awgustynda tamamlandy. Onda Los Anjelesdäki jaýlanyş jaýyny dolandyrýan Balykçy maşgalasynyň dostlary we söýgülileri bilen durmuşy şekillendirilýär. Ansambl dramasynda baş gahrymanlar hökmünde Piter Krause, Maýkl C. Hall, Françes Konroý, Lauren Ambrose, Freddi Rodriges, Matýu Sent Patrik we Reýçel Griffits çykyş edýär. “Actual Size Films” we “The Greenblatt / Janollari” studiýasy tarapyndan öndürilip, Los Anjelesde we Golliwudyň studiýalarynda surata düşürildi. Alty aýak astynda, esasanam ýazmagy we hereket etmegi üçin giňden tanaldy we HBO ulgamy üçin yzygiderli ýokary baha aldy. Döwrüň iň uly teleseriallarynyň biri hökmünde giňden kabul edilýär. Görkezişiň finaly iň uly teleseriallaryň finaly hökmünde hem suratlandyryldy. Bu seriýa dokuz sany Emmi baýragy, üç sany ekran aktýory gildiýasy baýragy, üç sany altyn globus baýragy we Peabody baýragy ýaly köp sanly baýrak aldy.
Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Silver Surfer, Martian Manhunter
Martin Manhunter is DC, Silver Surfer is Marvel
Haýsy gahrymanlar DC ýa-da Marvel Universe degişlidir? Kümüş gözlegçi, Martian Manhunter
Martin Manhunter DC, Kümüş Surfer Marvel
Classify each of these as either motorcycle brands or car brands: Maruti Suzuki, Ducati, Triumph, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson, Mahindra, Tata, Skoda, Honda, Toyota, Hero, TVS, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Volkswagen, Ferrari, Lamborgini, Volvo, Rolls royce, Bajaj, Kia, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, Crystler, Fiat, Hummer, Citreon, KTM
Motorcycle brands : Ducati, Triumph, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson, TVS, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki,Bajaj,KTM, Hero, Honda Car Brands: Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra, Tata, Skoda, Honda, Toyota,Volkswagen, Ferrari, Lamborgini, Volvo, Rolls royce,Kia, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, Crystler, Fiat, Hummer, Citreon
Bularyň hersini motosikl markalary ýa-da awtoulag markalary hökmünde toparlara bölüň: Maruti Suzuki, Ducati, Triumph, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson, Mahindra, Tata, Skoda, Honda, Toyota, Gahryman, TVS, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Volkswagen, Ferrari, Lamborgini , Volvo, Rolls royce, Bajaj, Kia, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, Crystler, Fiat, Hummer, Citreon, KTM
Motosikl markalary: Ducati, Triumph, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson, TVS, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Bajaj, KTM, Gahryman, Honda Awtoulag markalary: Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra, Tata, Skoda, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Ferrari, Lamborgini, Volvo, Rolls royce, Kia, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, Crystler, Fiat, Hummer, Citreon
Who won the Men's Madison at the 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships?
The Men's madison competition at the 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships was held on 4 March 2018. Results 200 laps (50km) with 20 sprints were raced. Rank Name Nation Laps points Sprint points Total points 1st place, gold medalist(s) Roger Kluge Theo Reinhardt Germany 20 33 53 2nd place, silver medalist(s) Albert Torres Sebastián Mora Spain 20 25 45 3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Cameron Meyer Callum Scotson Australia 20 17 37 4 Oliver Wood Mark Stewart Great Britain 0 36 36 5 Andreas Graf Andreas Müller Austria 20 12 32 6 Niklas Larsen Casper von Folsach Denmark 0 29 29 7 Benjamin Thomas Morgan Kneisky France 0 24 24 8 Kenny De Ketele Moreno De Pauw Belgium 0 23 23 9 Felix English Mark Downey Ireland 0 11 11 10 Simone Consonni Liam Bertazzo Italy 0 10 10 11 Roy Pieters Wim Stroetinga Netherlands 0 1 1 12 Tristan Marguet Gaël Suter Switzerland –20 2 –18 13 Wojciech Pszczolarski Daniel Staniszewski Poland –40 3 –37 Regan Gough Thomas Sexton New Zealand 0 0 DNF Daniel Holloway Adrian Hegyvary United States –60 5 Leung Chun Wing Cheung King Lok Hong Kong –60 0
The Men's Madison at the 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships was won by Roger Kluge and Theo Reinhardt of Germany, with a total of 53 points. This was 8 points over their nearest competitors, Albert Torres and Sebastián Mora of Spain, who had 45 points.
UCI Track Tigir sürmek boýunça dünýä çempionatynda 2018-nji ýylda erkekleriň arasynda Madison ýeňiji boldy?
2018 UCI ackeňil welosiped sürmek boýunça dünýä çempionatynda Erkekleriň madison ýaryşy 2018-nji ýylyň 4-nji martynda geçirildi. Netijeler 20 aýlawly 200 aýlaw (50km) ýaryş edildi. Reýtingiň ady Nation Laps ballary Sprint ballary Jemi ballar 1-nji ýer, altyn medal gazananlar Rojer Kluge Teo Reinhardt Germaniýa 20 33 53 2-nji ýer, kümüş medal gazananlar (lar) Albert Torres Sebastian Mora Ispaniýa 20 25 45 3-nji ýer, bürünç medal gazananlar Kameron Maýer Callum Şotlandiýa Awstraliýa 20 17 37 4 Oliwer Wud Mark Stýuart Beýik Britaniýa 0 36 36 5 Andreas Graf Andreas Müller Awstriýa 20 12 32 6 Niklas Larsen Kasper fon Folş Daniýa 0 29 29 7 Benýamin Tomas Morgan Kneiski Fransiýa 0 24 24 8 Kenni De Ketele Moreno De Pauw Belgiýa 0 23 23 9 Feliks Iňlis Mark Downi Irlandiýa 0 11 11 10 Simone Consonni Liam Bertazzo Italiýa 0 10 10 11 Roý Piters Wim Stroetinga Gollandiýa 0 1 1 12 Tristan Marguet Gaël Suter Şweýsariýa –20 2 –18 13 Wojciech Pszczolarski Daniel Staniszewski Polşa –40 3 –37 Regan Gough Tomas Sexton Täze Zelandiýa 0 0 DNF Daniel Hollowaý Adrian Hegyvary ABŞ –60 5 Leung Çun ganaty Çung King Lok Gonkong –60 0
2018 UCI ackeňil welosiped sürmek boýunça dünýä çempionatynda Erkekler Madison jemi 53 oçko toplap, Germaniýaly Rojer Kluge we Teo Reinhardt ýeňiji boldy. Bu, iň ýakyn bäsdeşleri Albert Torresden we 45 oçko toplan Ispaniýaly Sebastian Moradan 8 utuk gazandy.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tumdak, Tati
Tati is string, Tumdak is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Tumdak, Tati
Tati simli, Tumdak zarba.
How long did the Henry Holst String Quartet last with its original group of members based on this text? Explain your work.
The Henry Holst String Quartet was founded by the Danish violinist Henry Holst in 1931. Holst had studied at the Royal Danish Conservatory under Axel Gade and Carl Nielsen. In 1923, he was appointed leader of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, but in 1931 he moved to Manchester as a Professor at the Royal Manchester College of Music. The move to Manchester led to the formation of the Henry Holst String Quartet with Charles Taylor (second violin), Herbert Downes (viola) and Anthony Pini (cello). The ensemble was recognised as fine quartet, touring extensively in the UK and broadcasting on BBC Radio. They played a number of times in Liverpool for the Rodewald Concert Society in the 1934 and 1937 seasons. Ernest Element (2nd violin) and Frank Venton (viola) also sometimes played for the quartet. Herbert Downes left to lead his own quartet in 1935. Charles Taylor also left to found his own quartet and was replaced by Reginald Stead as second violin. Reginald Stead later became the leader of the BBC Northern Orchestra. Anthony Pini joined the London Philharmonic Orchestra in 1932 and was replaced by John C Hock as cellist. The Henry Holst Quartet finally disbanded when Henry Holst formed the Philharmonia Quartet in 1941 at the instigation of Walter Legge to record for Columbia Records.
It lasted for one year before an original member left. The first member to leave was Anthony Pini in 1932. The band was founded when Holst moved to Manchester in 1931. There is one year between these dates.
Genri Holst String kwarteti bu tekste esaslanýan asyl topary bilen näçe wagtlap dowam etdi? Işiňizi düşündiriň.
Genri Holst setir kwarteti 1931-nji ýylda Daniýaly skripkaçy Genri Holst tarapyndan esaslandyryldy. Holst Axel Gade we Karl Nielseniň ýolbaşçylygyndaky Daniýa Korollyk konserwatoriýasynda bilim aldy. 1923-nji ýylda Berlin filarmoniýa orkestriniň ýolbaşçysy wezipesine bellendi, ýöne 1931-nji ýylda Korol Mançester aýdym-saz kollejinde professor hökmünde Mançester şäherine göçdi. Mançester şäherine göçmek, Çarlz Teýlor (ikinji skripka), Gerbert Downes (viola) we Entoni Pini (cello) bilen Genri Holst String kwartetiniň döremegine sebäp boldy. Ansambl Angliýada köp gezelenç edip, BBC radiosynda ýaýlym berýän ajaýyp kwartet hökmünde ykrar edildi. 1934 we 1937 möwsümlerinde Rodewald konsert jemgyýetinde Liwerpulda birnäçe gezek oýnadylar. Ernest Element (2-nji skripka) we Frank Wenton (viola) hem käwagt kwartetde oýnadylar. Herbert Downes 1935-nji ýylda öz toparyna ýolbaşçylyk etmek üçin gitdi. Çarlz Teýlor hem öz kwartetini tapmak üçin gitdi we ýerine Reginald Stead ikinji skripka hökmünde geldi. Reginald Stead soňra BBC Demirgazyk orkestriniň ýolbaşçysy boldy. Entoni Pini 1932-nji ýylda London filarmoniýa orkestrine goşuldy we ýerine Jon C Hok öýjükli boldy. Genri Holst kwarteti, 1941-nji ýylda Walter Legge-iň Columbia Records-a ýazmagy üçin Filarmoniýa kwartetini döredeninde dargady.
Asyl agza gitmezinden ozal bir ýyl dowam etdi. Ilkinji giden 1932-nji ýylda Entoni Pini boldy. Topar 1931-nji ýylda Mançester şäherine göçüp baranda döredildi. Bu seneleriň arasynda bir ýyl bar.
Tell me more about congratulatory message.
A message of congratulations or best wishes sent to someone after they have accomplished a noteworthy feat or milestone is known as a congratulatory message. Congratulatory messages can be conveyed via a variety of media, including social media posts, emails, cards, emails, and text messages. It's customary to send congratulations to recognise and congratulate someone's accomplishment of a goal or significant milestone. They can be delivered for a range of events, such as graduations, promotions, new employment, marriages, births, or personal triumphs. Depending on the relationship between the sender and the recipient as well as the type of accomplishment being honoured, the tone and style of a congrats message may change. Depending on the congratulations, some remarks could be formal and professional.
Gutlag haty hakda has giňişleýin maglumat beriň.
Belli bir üstünlik gazanylandan soň birine iberilen gutlag haty ýa-da iň gowy arzuwlar gutlag haty hökmünde bellidir. Gutlag habarlary dürli media, şol sanda sosial media ýazgylary, e-poçta, kartoçka, e-poçta we tekst habarlary arkaly iberilip bilner. Biriniň haýsydyr bir maksada ýetendigini ýa-da möhüm ädimini gutlamak üçin gutlamak ibermek adaty zat. Olary gutardyş, mahabatlandyryş, täze iş, nikalaşmak, dogluş ýa-da şahsy ýeňişler ýaly birnäçe çärelere ýetirip bolýar. Iberiji bilen alyjynyň arasyndaky gatnaşyklara, şeýle hem hormatlanylýan üstünlik görnüşine baglylykda, gutlag habarynyň äheňi we stili üýtgäp biler. Gutlaglara baglylykda käbir bellikler resmi we hünärli bolup biler.
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Beesbury?
Ellyn Ever Sweet was the mother of House Beesbury and purported to be the daughter of Garth Greenhand. Her brother, Garth the Gardener, founded House Gardener
“Buz we ot aýdymy” seriýasynda “House Beesbury” -ny esaslandyryjy kim?
Ellin Ever Sweet House Beesbury-nyň ejesi we Garth Greenhandyň gyzydygy aýdylýar. Onuň dogany Garth bagban, “House Gardener” -i esaslandyrdy
Based on the provided passage, extract the main reason that the Rocky Mountain Locust went extinct.
Rocky Mountain locusts caused farm damage in Maine from 1743 to 1756 and Vermont in 1797–1798. The locusts became more of a problem in the 19th century, as farming expanded westward into the grasshoppers' favored habitat. Outbreaks of varying severity emerged in 1828, 1838, 1846, and 1855, affecting areas throughout the West. Plagues visited Minnesota in 1856–1857 and again in 1865, and Nebraska suffered repeated infestations between 1856 and 1874. 1875 cartoon by Henry Worrall showing Kansas farmers battling giant grasshoppers The last major swarms of Rocky Mountain locust were between 1873 and 1877, when the locust caused $200 million in crop damage in Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and other states. One farmer reported that the locusts seemed "like a great white cloud, like a snowstorm, blocking out the sun like vapor". The locusts ate not only the grass and valuable crops, but also leather, wood, sheep's wool, and—in extreme cases—even clothes off peoples' backs. Trains were sometimes brought to a halt after skidding over large numbers of locusts run over on the rails. As the swarms worsened, farmers attempted to control them using gunpowder, fires (sometimes dug in trenches to burn as many of the locusts as possible), smearing them with "hopperdozers", a type of plow device pulled behind horses that had a shield that knocked jumping locusts into a pan of liquid poison or fuel, even sucking them into vacuum cleaner–like contraptions, but all of these were ultimately ineffective in stopping the hordes. Charles Valentine Riley, a Missouri entomologist, came up with a recipe for locusts seasoned with salt and pepper and pan-fried in butter. The recipe sold, but some stated that they "would just as soon starve as eat those horrible creatures". Farmers finally responded in force to the swarm's destruction; an 1877 Nebraska law said that anyone between the ages of 16 and 60 had to work at least two days eliminating locusts at hatching time or face a $10 fine. That same year Missouri offered a bounty of $1 a bushel for locusts collected in March, 50 cents a bushel in April, 25 cents in May, and 10 cents in June. Other Great Plains states made similar bounty offers. In the 1880s farmers had recovered sufficiently from their locust woes to be able to send carloads of corn to flood victims in Ohio. They also switched to such resilient crops as winter wheat, which matured in the early summer, before locusts were able to migrate. These new agricultural practices effectively reduced the threat of locusts and greatly contributed to the species' downfall. It has been hypothesized that plowing and irrigation by settlers as well as trampling by cattle and other farm animals near streams and rivers in the Rocky Mountains destroyed their eggs in the areas they permanently lived, which ultimately caused their demise. For example, reports from this era suggest that farmers killed over 150 egg cases per square inch while plowing, harrowing or flooding.: 11–12  It appeared that this species lived and reproduced in the prairie only temporarily during swarming years, with each generation being smaller than the previous one and swarming ever further from the Rocky Mountains, while the permanent breeding grounds of this species seemed to be restricted to an area somewhere between 3 and 3,000 square miles of sandy soils near streams and rivers in the Rockies, which coincided with arable and pastoral lands exploited by settlers. Because locusts are a form of grasshopper that appear when grasshopper populations reach high densities, it was theorized that M. spretus might not be extinct, that "solitary phase" individuals of a migratory grasshopper might be able to turn into the Rocky Mountain locust given the right environmental conditions; however, breeding experiments using many grasshopper species in high-density environments failed to invoke the famous insect. The status of M. spretus as a distinct species was confirmed by a 2004 DNA analysis of North American species of the genus Melanoplus. Melanoplus spretus was formally declared extinct by the IUCN in 2014. It has been suggested that the now critically endangered Eskimo curlew fed on the locust during its spring migration and that its extinction may have added to the pressures on already declining curlew populations including hunting and the conversion of its grassland habitat to agriculture.
The Rocky Mountain Locust went extinct as a result of local farmers irrigating and plowing their habitat, which destroyed their eggs led to their demise.
Berlen bölekden ugur alyp, Daşly çekirtgäniň ýok bolmagynyň esasy sebäbini alyň.
Daşly çekirtgeler 1743-nji ýyldan 1756-njy ýyla çenli Maine we 1797–1798-nji ýyllarda Wermontda ferma zeper ýetirdi. XIX asyrda çekirtgeler günbatara çekirtgeleriň gowy görýän mekanyna öwrülensoň, has köp problema ýüze çykypdyr. Dürli agyrlyk 1828, 1838, 1846 we 1855-nji ýyllarda ýüze çykyp, Günbataryň ähli ýerlerine täsir etdi. Gyrgynçylyklar 1856–1857-nji ýyllarda we ýene-de 1865-nji ýylda Minnesota baryp gördi we Nebraska 1856-1874-nji ýyllar aralygynda ençeme gezek ýokaşdy. 1875-nji ýylda Genri Worrallyň Kanzas daýhanlarynyň ägirt çekirtgelere garşy göreşýän multfilmi Daşly çekirtgäniň iň soňky köp bölegi 1873-1877-nji ýyllar aralygynda bolup, Kolorado, Kanzas, Minnesota, Missuri, Nebraska we beýleki ştatlarda çekirtge 200 million dollar zyýan ýetirdi. Bir daýhan, çekirtgeleriň "gar tupany ýaly, ak bug ýaly, Güni bug ýaly ýapýan" ýalydygyny aýtdy. Çekirtgeler diňe bir otlary we gymmatly ekinleri däl, eýsem deri, agaç, goýun ýüňi we aşa ýagdaýlarda hatda halkyň arkasyndan eşik hem iýýärdi. Otlylar relsde köp sanly çekirtgäniň üstünden geçenden soň käwagt saklandy. Toparlaryň ýaramazlaşmagy bilen, daýhanlar pyçak, ot (käte mümkin boldugyça köp çekirtgäni ýakmak üçin çukur gazyp) ulanyp, olara gözegçilik etmäge synanyşdylar, galkany bolan atlaryň arkasyna çekilen sürük enjamynyň bir görnüşi bolan "hopperdozers" bilen çaldylar. suwuk zäherden ýa-da ýangyjyň içine bökýän çekirtgeleri kakdy, hatda tozan sorujy ýaly siňdirdi, ýöne bularyň hemmesi ahyrky netijede goşunlary saklamakda netijesizdi. Missuri ştatynyň entomology Çarlz Walentin Rile duz we burç bilen sepilen we ýagda gowrulan çekirtgeleriň reseptini taýýarlady. Resept satyldy, ýöne käbirleri "şol elhenç jandarlary iýen badyna açlyk çekjekdiklerini" aýtdylar. Daýhanlar ahyrsoňy toparyň ýok edilmegine güýçli jogap berdiler; 1877-nji ýyldaky Nebraska kanunynda 16 ýaşdan 60 ýaş aralygyndaky her bir adam, çekilen wagty çekirtgeleri ýok etmek üçin azyndan iki gün işlemeli ýa-da 10 dollar jerime tölemeli diýilýärdi. Şol ýyl Missuri mart aýynda ýygnanan çekirtgeler üçin 1 dollar, aprel aýynda 50 sent, maý aýynda 25 sent we iýun aýynda 10 sent teklip etdi. Beýleki Beýik düzlük döwletleri hem şuňa meňzeş haýyr-sahawat tekliplerini berdiler. 1880-nji ýyllarda daýhanlar Ogaýodaky suw joşmalaryna pidalara köp mukdarda mekgejöwen iberip bilmek üçin çekirtge kynçylyklaryndan ýeterlik derejede gutuldy. Şeýle hem, çekirtgeler göçmezden ozal tomsuň başynda ýetişen güýzlük bugdaý ýaly çydamly ekinlere geçdiler. Bu täze oba hojalygy, çekirtgeleriň howpuny netijeli azaltdy we görnüşleriň ýykylmagyna uly goşant goşdy. Göçüp gelenler tarapyndan sürmek we suwarmak, şeýle hem gaýa daglaryndaky derýalaryň we derýalaryň golaýynda mallary we beýleki mal haýwanlaryny aýak astyna almak, hemişelik ýaşaýan ýerlerinde ýumurtgalaryny ýok etdi, netijede olaryň heläk bolmagyna sebäp boldy. Mysal üçin, bu döwrüň habarlary daýhanlaryň sürüp, ekip ýa-da suw joşanda her inedördül dýuýmda 150-den gowrak ýumurtga keselini öldürendigini görkezýär. öňküsinden has kiçi we gaýaly daglardan has uzakda ýerleşýär, bu görnüşiň hemişelik köpelýän ýerleri Rokiesdäki akymlaryň we derýalaryň golaýyndaky 3000-3000 inedördül kilometr çägeli toprak bilen çäklenýän ýalydy. göçüp gelenler tarapyndan ulanylýan ekerançylyk we çopan ýerleri. Çigirtgeler çekirtgeleriň ilaty ýokary dykyzlyga ýetende ýüze çykýan çekirtgäniň bir görnüşi bolandygy sebäpli, M. spretusyň ýok bolup bilmejekdigi, göçüp barýan çekirtgäniň "ýeke-täk fazasy" şahsyýetleriniň Daş gaýasy çekirtgesine öwrülip biljekdigi öňe sürüldi. dogry daşky gurşaw şertleri; şeýle-de bolsa, ýokary dykyzlykly gurşawda köp çekirtge görnüşini ulanmak bilen köpeltmek synaglary meşhur mör-möjekleri çagyryp bilmedi. M. spretusyň aýratyn görnüş hökmünde statusy, Melanoplus urugynyň Demirgazyk Amerikanyň görnüşleriniň 2004-nji ýyldaky DNK seljermesi bilen tassyklandy. Melanoplus spretus 2014-nji ýylda IUCN tarapyndan resmi taýdan ýok edilendigini yglan etdi. Häzirki wagtda howp abanýan Eskimo egriniň bahar paslynda çekirtge bilen iýmitlenmegi we onuň ýok bolup gitmegi, aw we şol sanda azalýan egri ilatyň basyşyna goşant goşup biler. otluk mekanyny oba hojalygyna öwürmek.
Rockerli daýhanlaryň suwaryşlary we ýaşaýan ýerlerini suwarmagy netijesinde ýumurtgalaryny ýok eden ýitip gitmegine sebäp bolan gaýaly çekirtge ýok boldy.
Angelo Scicilano better know as who
Charles Atlas
Angelo Scicilano kimdigini has gowy bilýär
Çarlz Atlas
What is Debezium?
Debezium is a change data capture (CDC) tool for capturing CDC change logs from databases related to updates, deletes, and inserts to source tables. Debezium can access these logs and that information can be used downstream to update CDC changes against copies of the source tables in a different platform system. Debezium is also open source. FiveTran is a competitor to Debezium but they charge for the CDC service they offer.
Debezium näme?
Debezium, çeşme tablisalaryna täzelenmeler, pozulmalar we goýmalar bilen baglanyşykly maglumat bazalaryndan CDC üýtgeşme ýazgylaryny almak üçin maglumatlary üýtgetmek (CDC) guralydyr. Debezium bu surnallara girip biler we maglumatlaryň aşaky platforma ulgamynda çeşme tablisalarynyň göçürmelerine garşy CDC üýtgeşmelerini täzelemek üçin ulanylyp bilner. Debezium hem açyk çeşme. “FiveTran” Debezium bilen bäsdeş, ýöne hödürleýän CDC hyzmaty üçin töleg alýarlar.
Did Elon Musk create Tesla
Tesla was incorporated in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors. The company's name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. In February 2004, via a $6.5 million investment, Elon Musk became the largest shareholder of the company. He has served as CEO since 2008. According to Musk, the purpose of Tesla is to help expedite the move to sustainable transport and energy, obtained through electric vehicles and solar power. Tesla began production of its first car model, the Roadster sports car, in 2008.
No, Tesla was incorporate in July 2003 July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Elon Musk became the largest shareholder in February 2004 when he invested $6.5 million into the company.
Elon Musk “Tesla” -ny döretdimi?
“Tesla” 2003-nji ýylyň iýul aýynda Martin Eberhard we Mark Tarpenning tarapyndan “Tesla Motors” -a goşuldy. Kompaniýanyň ady oýlap tapyjy we elektrik inereneri Nikola Tesla üçin hormat. 2004-nji ýylyň fewral aýynda 6,5 ​​million dollarlyk maýa goýum arkaly Elon Musk kompaniýanyň iň uly paýdary boldy. 2008-nji ýyldan bäri baş müdir bolup işleýär. Muskyň pikiriçe, Teslanyň maksady elektrik ulaglary we gün energiýasy arkaly alnan durnukly ulag we energiýa geçişini çaltlaşdyrmakdyr. “Tesla” ilkinji awtoulag modeli “Roadster” sport awtoulagyny 2008-nji ýylda öndürip başlady.
, Ok, Tesla 2003-nji ýylyň iýulynda 2003-nji ýylyň iýulynda Martin Eberhard we Mark Tarpenning tarapyndan döredildi. Elon Musk 2004-nji ýylyň fewral aýynda bu kompaniýa 6,5 ​​million dollar maýa goýanda iň uly paýdar boldy.
Given this paragraph on Mercury-Redstone 1, how many people were on the MR-1 when the launched failed, and when was the launch?
Mercury-Redstone 1 (MR-1) was the first Mercury-Redstone uncrewed flight test in Project Mercury and the first attempt to launch a Mercury spacecraft with the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle. Intended to be an uncrewed sub-orbital spaceflight, it was launched on November 21, 1960 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The launch failed in abnormal fashion: immediately after the Mercury-Redstone rocket started to move, it shut itself down and settled back on the pad, after which the capsule jettisoned its escape rocket and deployed its recovery parachutes. The failure has been referred to as the "four-inch flight", for the approximate distance traveled by the launch vehicle.
MR-1 was launched on November 21, 1960, and MR-1 was an uncrewed flight, so there were no people on the spacecraft.
Merkuri-Redstoun 1-de bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, işe goýberilmänsoň, MR-1-de näçe adam bardy we haçan uçuryldy?
Merkuri-Redstone 1 (MR-1) Merkuri taslamasynda ilkinji Merkuri-Redstounyň uçuş synagy we Merkuri-Redstone uçuryjy ulag bilen Merkuri kosmos gämisini uçurmak üçin ilkinji synanyşyk boldy. Çekilmedik sub-orbital kosmos uçary bolmak niýeti bilen 1960-njy ýylyň 21-nji noýabrynda Florida ştatynyň Keýp Kanaweral howa güýçleri bekedinden uçuryldy. Uçuryş adatdan daşary ýagdaýda başa barmady: Merkuri-Redstone raketasy hereket edip başlan badyna, özüni ýapdy we padde oturdy, şondan soň kapsula gaçmak raketasyny ýerleşdirdi we dikeldiş paraşýutlaryny ýerleşdirdi. Şowsuzlyga uçuş ulagy bilen takmynan aralyk üçin "dört dýuým uçuş" diýilýär.
MR-1 1960-njy ýylyň 21-nji noýabrynda uçuryldy we MR-1 kysymly uçuşdy, şonuň üçin kosmos gämisinde adam ýokdy.
How did George II die
Fell off toilet
Jorj II nädip öldi
Hajathana düşüň
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Singing bowl, Kibangala
Kibangala is string, Singing bowl is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarba bolandygyny kesgitläň: Aýdymly jam, Kibangala
Kibangala simli, Aýdymly jam, zarba.
What is Angular?
Angular is a JavaScript based platform for building web and mobile applications.
Burç näme?
Angular, web we ykjam programmalary gurmak üçin JavaScript esasly platforma.
Which is an imperial or a metric measurement: gallon, litre
gallon is imperial, litre is metric
Imperial ýa-da ölçeg ölçegi: gallon, litr
gallon imperiýa, litr ölçegdir
Write the synopsis for a spy thriller book. The story should a team of experts in many various domains of science and technology, all working together to solve a potential global crisis. Leave the synopsis with a cliff-hanger question.
"The Shadow Experts" tells a story that brings together the world of spying and a group of experts whose goal it is to help "just causes." The heroine, a very secretive individual with a European aristocratic cover, founded a network of specialists whose expertise encompasses a vast swath of current scientific knowledge. It ranges from highly technical fields such as nuclear physics or bio-medical research to others, more qualitative, such as psychology, art and criminology. Each of the members of the network is sworn to secrecy and only rarely meets either the heroine or other members. This network is known as "The Shadow Experts." They all have their own known and public activities, allowing them to stay at the leading edge of their specialty. Here, The Shadow Experts are hired by the Mossad to help trace a deadly virus which seems to have hit a few geographical pockets with, on the surface, no apparent relationship with one another. Using novel and at times even experimental equipment, the heroine, with the help of colleagues from "The Shadow Experts" and Mossad agents, works to find the source of the virus, the reasons for its introduction in selective geographies and the best approach to contain its spread. The hunt for the source takes her and members of her informal team around the world. In the process, she discovers a parallel network of criminals linked to a large and dangerous organization and at least one, possibly two countries and their secret services. Will the project prevent the catastrophe that is being planned?
Içaly triller kitaby üçin synopsis ýazyň. Hekaýa, ylym we tehnologiýanyň dürli ugurlary boýunça hünärmenler topary bolup, global krizisi çözmek üçin bilelikde işlemeli. Synopsis-i gaýa asma soragy bilen goýuň.
"Kölegeli hünärmenler" içalyçylyk dünýäsini we "diňe sebäp bolýan" kömek etmek maksady bilen hünärmenler toparyny birleşdirýän bir hekaýa aýdýar. Gahryman, Europeanewropaly aristokratik örtükli gaty gizlin şahsyýet, häzirki ylmy bilimleriň köpüsini öz içine alýan hünärmenler toparyny döretdi. Nuclearadro fizikasy ýa-da bio-lukmançylyk gözlegleri ýaly ýokary tehniki ugurlardan başlap, psihologiýa, sungat we kriminologiýa ýaly has ýokary hilli. Tor agzalarynyň her biri gizlinlige kasam edýär we diňe gahryman ýa-da beýleki agzalar bilen seýrek duşýar. Bu tor "Kölegeli hünärmenler" diýlip atlandyrylýar. Olaryň hemmesiniň öz hünäri boýunça öňde durmaga mümkinçilik berýän öz belli we jemgyýetçilik işleri bar. Bu ýerde, kölege hünärmenleri Mossad tarapyndan birnäçe geografiki jübüsine degen ýaly bolup, biri-biri bilen göze ilmeýän wirusy yzarlamak üçin hakyna tutulýar. Täze we kämahal hatda synag enjamlaryny ulanmak bilen, gahryman, "Kölegeli hünärmenler" we Mossad agentleriniň kärdeşleriniň kömegi bilen wirusyň çeşmesini, saýlama geografiýalarda ýaýramagynyň sebäplerini we iň oňat çemeleşmesini tapmak üçin işleýär. ýaýramagy. Çeşmäni gözlemek ony we dünýädäki resmi däl toparyň agzalaryny alyp barýar. Bu işde uly we howply gurama we iň bolmanda bir, ähtimal iki ýurt we olaryň gizlin hyzmatlary bilen baglanyşykly jenaýatçylaryň paralel ulgamyny tapýar. Taslama meýilleşdirilýän betbagtçylygyň öňüni alarmy?
Tell me which Taylor Swift album these songs are from: Love Story, Bad Blood, Begin Again, Cornelia Street.
Love Story is from the album Fearless. Bad Blood is from the album 1989. Begin Again is from the album Red. Cornelia Street is from the album Lover.
Bu aýdymlaryň Teýlor Swift albomynyň haýsydygyny aýdyň: Söýgi hekaýasy, Erbet gan, Againene başla, Kornelýa köçesi.
Söýgi hekaýasy Gorkmaz albomyndan. Bad Blood 1989-njy ýyldaky albomdan. Againene başlaň Red albomyndan. Kornelýa köçesi “Lover” albomyndan.
Tell me whether these cities are in Spain or France: Pamplona, Valencia, Nice, Marseille, Paris, Sevilla
Pamplona: Spain Valencia: Spain Nice: France Marseille: France Paris: France Sevilla: Spain
Bu şäherleriň Ispaniýada ýa-da Fransiýada bolandygyny aýdyň: Pamplona, ​​Walensiýa, Nitsa, Marsel, Pari Paris, Sewilýa
Pamplona: Ispaniýa Walensiýa: Ispaniýa Gowy: Fransiýa Marsel: Fransiýa Pari Paris: Fransiýa Sewilýa: Ispaniýa
Extract the names of the teams Bennie John Reiges was a part of from the text. Separate them with a comma.
Bennie John Reiges (March 4, 1920 – October 22, 2020) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head football coach at Arizona State Teachers College at Flagstaff—now known as Northern Arizona University—in 1950, compiling a record of 2–7. Reiges played college football as a quarterback at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) during the 1946 and 1947 seasons. He was selected by the Los Angeles Rams in the 1947 NFL Draft. He died in October 2020 at the age of 100.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles Rams, Arizona State Teachers College at Flagstaff
Toparlaryň atlaryny çykarmak Benni Jon Reiges tekstiň bir bölegi. Olary vergul bilen bölüň.
Benni Jon Reiges (1920-nji ýylyň 4-nji marty - 2020-nji ýylyň 22-nji oktýabry) Amerikaly futbolçy we tälimçi. 1950-nji ýylda Demirgazyk Arizona uniwersiteti diýlip atlandyrylýan Flagstaffdaky Arizona ştat mugallymlar kollejinde baş futbol tälimçisi bolup işledi we 2-7 hasabyny ýazdy. Reiges 1946 we 1947 möwsümlerinde Kaliforniýa, Los An Angeleseles (UCLA) uniwersitetinde çärýek oýunçysy hökmünde oýnady. Los Anjeles Rams tarapyndan 1947-nji ýyldaky NFL Taslamasynda saýlandy. 2020-nji ýylyň oktýabr aýynda 100 ýaşynda aradan çykdy.
Kaliforniýa uniwersiteti, Los An Angeleseles (UCLA), Los An Angeleseles Rams, Baýdakstafdaky Arizona ştat mugallymlar kolleji
How many cycling world championships has Peter Sagan won?
Sagan is considered one of cycling's greatest talents, having earned many prestigious victories, including three consecutive World Championships, one European Championship, two Paris–Nice stages, seven Tirreno–Adriatico stages, one in the Tour de Romandie, three and the overall classification in the Tour de Pologne, a record seventeen stages and the overall in the Tour of California, and another fifteen in the Tour de Suisse.
Sagan has won three consecutive cycling world championships
Tigir sürmek boýunça dünýä çempionatynda Piter Sagan näçe ýeňiş gazandy?
Sagan tigir sürmekde iň uly zehinleriň biri hasaplanýar, yzygiderli üç dünýä çempionaty, bir Europeanewropa çempionaty, iki Pari Paris - Ajaýyp tapgyr, ýedi Tirreno - Adriatiko tapgyry, biri “Tour de Romandie”, üç we umumy klassifikasiýa ýaly köp abraýly ýeňiş gazandy. “Tour de Pologne”, on ýedi basgançak we Kaliforniýa syýahatynda rekord, “Tour de Suisse” -de ýene on bäş.
Sagan tigir sürmek boýunça yzly-yzyna üç gezek dünýä çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy
When was Franz Kafka born and who was he?
Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer based in Prague, who is widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic. It typically features isolated protagonists facing bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible socio-bureaucratic powers. It has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity. His best known works include the short story "The Metamorphosis" and novels The Trial and The Castle. The term Kafkaesque has entered English to describe absurd situations, like those depicted in his writing.
Franz Kafka was born on 3 July 1883, and was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer based in Prague.
Franz Kafka haçan doguldy we ol kimdi?
Franz Kafka (1883-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýuly - 1924-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýuny) Pragada ýerleşýän nemes dilli Bohem ýazyjysy we gysga hekaýa ýazyjysy, 20-nji asyr edebiýatynyň esasy şahsyýetleriniň biri hasaplanýar. Onuň eseri realizm elementlerini we fantastiki elementleri birleşdirýär. Adatça geň ýa-da sýurrealistik kynçylyklar we düşünip bolmajak sosial-býurokratik güýçler bilen ýüzbe-ýüz bolýan baş gahrymanlary görkezýär. Kesgitlemek, bar bolan aladalar, günäkärlik we manysyzlyk temalaryny öwrenmek hökmünde düşündirildi. Iň meşhur eserlerinde “Metamorfoz” gysga hekaýasy we “Synag we gala” romanlary bar. Kafkaesque termini, ýazgysynda görkezilişi ýaly manysyz ýagdaýlary suratlandyrmak üçin iňlis diline girdi.
Franz Kafka 1883-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýulynda doguldy we Pragada ýerleşýän nemes dilli Bohem ýazyjysy we gysga hekaýa ýazyjysydy.
From this paragraph about Taylor Swift, how many AMAs has she won.
Swift has won 12 Grammy Awards (including three for Album of the Year—tying for the most by an artist), an Emmy Award, 40 American Music Awards (the most won by an artist), 29 Billboard Music Awards (the most won by a woman), 92 Guinness World Records, 14 MTV Video Music Awards (including three Video of the Year wins—the most by an act), 12 Country Music Association Awards (including the Pinnacle Award), eight Academy of Country Music Awards, and two Brit Awards. As a songwriter, she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association, the Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the National Music Publishers' Association and was the youngest person on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time in 2015. At the 64th BMI Awards in 2016, Swift was the first woman to be honored with an award named after its recipient. In 2023, Swift became the first act to be named the global best-selling artist of the year by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) thrice.
Taylor Swift has won 40 AMAs (American Music Awards).
Teýlor Swift hakda bu abzasdan, näçe AMA gazandy.
Swift 12 sany Grammi baýragyny (şol sanda Albumylyň albomy üçin üçüsi - hudo .nik iň köp baglanyşdyrmak üçin), Emmi baýragyny, 40 Amerikan aýdym-saz baýragyny (hudo .nik tarapyndan iň köp gazanan), 29 sany Billboard aýdym-saz baýragyny aldy. bir aýal), 92 Ginnesiň rekordlar kitaby, 14 sany MTV wideo aýdym-saz baýragy (ýylyň üç wideosy ýeňiji - iň köp aktýor), 12 ýurt aýdym-saz birleşiginiň baýraklary (Pinnacle baýragyny goşmak bilen), sekiz sany ýurt aýdym-saz akademiýasy we iki sany Brit baýragy. Aýdymçy hökmünde Neşwil aýdym ýazyjylar birleşigi, Aýdym ýazýanlaryň meşhurlar zaly we Milli aýdym-saz neşirýat birleşigi tarapyndan hormatlandy we Rolling Stone-nyň 2015-nji ýylda ähli döwürleriň iň beýik 100 aýdymçysy sanawynda iň ýaş adamdy. 64-nji ýylda 2016-njy ýylda BMI baýraklary, Swift, alyjynyň adyny alan baýrak bilen sylaglanan ilkinji zenan boldy. 2023-nji ýylda Swift Halkara fonografiýa senagaty federasiýasy (IFPI) tarapyndan ýylyň iň köp satylan hudo .nigi diýlip yglan edilen ilkinji akt boldy.
Teýlor Swift 40 AMA gazandy (Amerikan aýdym-saz baýraklary).
Write a letter I can send to the company that installed my swimming pool. Explain to them that the pool has two leaks and that I'd like to make a warranty claim. Request a reply within the next 30 days.
Date: April 4, 2023 From: Firstname Lastname To: California Pool Company I purchased the home at 123 Main Street, Riverside, California in July 2022. The property has a pool that you installed in 2021. We have had multiple issues with the pool, including two leaks in the underground water lines supplying the automatic pool leveler. I understand the pool has a two-year warranty; I would like you to inspect the issues we have found before the warranty expires. I have enclosed photographs of the issues we have found so far. Please call me at 123-345-3883 to schedule an inspection at your earliest convenience, but no later than 30 days from your receipt of this letter. Thank you.
Basseýnimi guran kompaniýa iberip biljek hatymy ýazyň. Howuzyň iki sany syzdyrylandygyny we kepillik talap etjekdigimi olara düşündiriň. Geljek 30 günüň içinde jogap soraň.
Sene: 2023-nji ýylyň 4-nji apreli Kimden: Familiýa Kim: Kaliforniýa howuz kompaniýasy Jaýy 2022-nji ýylyň iýul aýynda Kaliforniýanyň Riverside, Main Street, 123-nji jaýda satyn aldym. Bu emläkde 2021-nji ýylda gurnan howuzyňyz bar. Howuz bilen birnäçe mesele ýüze çykdy, şol sanda awtomatiki basseýn bilen üpjün edýän ýerasty suw liniýalarynda iki sany syzma. Howuzyň iki ýyl kepilligi bar; Kepillik möhleti gutarmanka tapan meselelerimizi barlamagyňyzy isleýärin. Şu wagta çenli tapan meselelerimiziň suratlaryny goşdum. Iň amatly wagtda gözden geçirmek üçin maňa 123-345-3883 telefon edip jaň ediň, ýöne bu haty alanyňyzdan 30 günden gijä galman. Sagbol.