8 values
What is the difference between blanc de noirs and blanc de blancs champagne?
In champagne, three grape varieties are commonly used. Two of these varieties are red grapes, pinot noir and pinot meunier, and the other is a white grape, chardonnay. Blanc de blancs, meaning white of whites, represents a version of champagne that only uses white grapes, while blanc de noirs, meaning white of blacks, represents a version that uses only red grapes.
Blanc de noirs bilen blanc de blancs şampan arasynda näme tapawut bar?
Şampan görnüşinde üzümiň üç görnüşi köplenç ulanylýar. Bu görnüşleriň ikisi gyzyl üzüm, pinot noir we pinot meunier, beýlekisi ak üzüm, şardonnaý. “Blanc de blancs”, aklaryň ak manysyny aňladýar, diňe ak üzümi ulanýan şampan görnüşini, gara reňkli ak reňkleri aňladýan “blanc de noirs” diňe gyzyl üzüm ulanýan görnüşini aňladýar.
What is a good kids snack for school?
You have many different options when considering a good snack for kids? Typically if the snack is for school you will want to choose a healthy snack to keep your child alert during class and paying attention. Healthy snack options are fruits and vegetables, cheese and crackers or goldfish. Other unhealthier snack options would be sugary snacks like gummy bears and chocolate.
Mekdep üçin gowy çagalar nahar näme?
Çagalar üçin gowy nahar iýmek meselesini göz öňünde tutanyňyzda köp dürli mümkinçilik barmy? Adatça, nahar mekdep üçin bolsa, çaganyň sapak wagtynda hüşgär bolmagy we üns bermegi üçin sagdyn nahar saýlamak islärsiňiz. Sagdyn iýmit önümleri miweler we gök önümler, peýnir we kraker ýa-da altyn balyk. Beýleki saglyksyz iýmit önümleri, gummy aýy we şokolad ýaly şekerli iýmitlerdir.
What are the various passing routes in football?
Streak Post Crossing route Hitch Comeback Digg Out Flat Wheel
Futbolda dürli geçiş ýollary haýsylar?
Akol Iber Geçiş ýoly Hit Yzyna gaýdyp gelmek Digg Daşarda Kwartira Tigir
If the sky is the ocean then what is a bird?
In that analogy a bird would be a fish. There are a lot of similarities between birds and fish. They both have vertebrates and are part of the animal kingdom and belong to the phylum Chordata. They both consume nutrients to survive.
Asman umman bolsa, guş näme?
Şol meňzeşlikde guş balyk bolardy. Guşlar bilen balyklaryň arasynda köp meňzeşlik bar. Ikisinde-de oňurgaly haýwanlar bar we haýwanat dünýäsiniň bir bölegi bolup, Chordata phylumyna degişlidir. Ikisi-de ýaşamak üçin ýokumly maddalary iýýärler.
Give me a list of some of the best films where English is not the primary language spoken. Please indicate which language is the primary language spoken.
You might enjoy the following films: - Spirited Away (Japanese) - In the Mood for Love (Cantonese) - City of God (Portuguese) - Life is Beautiful (Italian) - Cinema Paradiso (Italian) - Amélie (French) - La Haine (French)
Iňlis dilinde gürlenmeýän iň gowy filmleriň sanawyny maňa beriň. Haýsy dilde gürleşilýändigini görkezmegiňizi haýyş edýäris.
Aşakdaky filmlerden lezzet alyp bilersiňiz: - Spirited Away (Japaneseaponça) - Söýgi üçin keýpde (Kantonça) - Hudaýyň şäheri (Portugaliýa) - Durmuş owadan (italýan) - “Paradiso” kinosy (italýança) - Ameli (Fransuz) - La Haine (Fransuzça)
What was the Long Night?
According to legends in Westeros, the Long Night was a darkness that fell over the known world and the Westeroi were subjected to not only a generation-long winter, but also the terror and destruction brought on by the Others. A similar telling comes from across the sea where the people of Essos experienced a winter that froze their waters and the Yi Ti described a generation where none saw the sun.
Uzak gije näme?
Westerosdaky rowaýatlara görä, Uzakly gije belli dünýäniň üstünden düşen garaňkylykdy we Westeroý diňe bir nesil gyşyna däl, eýsem beýlekileriň getiren terrorçylygyna we weýrançylygyna sezewar edildi. Edil şuňa meňzeş gürrüň deňziň aňyrsyndan, Essosyň ýaşaýjylarynyň suwlaryny doňduran gyşy başdan geçirendigi we Yi Ti hiç kimiň Güni görmedik nesli beýan edendigi aýdylýar.
Write a brief passage arguing for wearing fanny packs when walking around town.
A fanny pack, otherwise known as a belt bag or waist pack, is a functional and fashionable item to wear while going around town. It can hold any items essential to make your day comfortable, such as keys, a wallet, sunglasses, snacks, lip balm, or others. It's especially useful for when your clothes either don't have pockets, or don't have pockets large enough to fit everything you'd like to bring. In the past, fanny packs were considered ugly and bulky, but in recent times, fanny packs have become quite fashionable; luxury brands have started selling fanny packs and fashion magazine outfits often incorporate a fanny pack slung around a shoulder or around the waist. Overall, fanny packs are a capable item that is sure to improve your experience when talking a walk.
Şäherde aýlanyp ýörkäňiz, paket geýmek üçin jedel edýän gysga bir bölüm ýazyň.
Guşak sumkasy ýa-da bil paketi diýlip atlandyrylýan fanny paket, şäherde aýlanyp ýörkä geýmek üçin amatly we moda önümdir. Günüňizi rahatlandyrmak üçin zerur zatlary, açar, gapjyk, gün äýnegi, nahar, dodak balzam ýa-da başgalar saklap biler. Esasanam eşikleriňizde jübiňiz ýok bolsa ýa-da getirmek isleýän zatlaryňyzyň hemmesine laýyk jübüleri ýok bolsa peýdalydyr. Geçmişde fanny paketleri ýigrenji we uly hasaplanýardy, ýöne soňky döwürde fanny paketleri gaty moda boldy; lýuks markalar fanny paketlerini satyp başladylar we moda magazineurnalynyň eşikleri köplenç egnine ýa-da biline gysylan fanny paketini öz içine alýar. Umuman aýdanyňda, fanny paketleri gezelenç edende tejribäňizi ýokarlandyrjak başarnykly elementdir.
Identify the bird from the list: Butter, Bittern, Bitterness
Sanawdan guşy kesgitläň: Sarymsak, Ajy, Ajy
What is the best University in Canada for computer Science?
To decide which university is the best university is a rather subjective choice, however the consensus (based on multiple University rankings) is that The University of Waterloo is the best school to study computer science.
Informatika üçin Kanadanyň iň gowy uniwersiteti haýsy?
Haýsy uniwersitetiň iň oňat uniwersitetdigini kesgitlemek has subýektiw saýlaw, ýöne ylalaşyk (birnäçe uniwersitet reýtingine esaslanýar) Waterlo uniwersitetiniň kompýuter ylymlaryny öwrenýän iň gowy mekdepdigi.
What is so good about Japan?
Japan is a fascinating country with a long and rich history, filled with unique and interesting cultural customs. From its rich culinary culture to its breathtaking natural beauty, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Japan. With so much to see and do, it’s no wonder why Japan is so well known around the world.
Japanaponiýa näme gowy?
Japanaponiýa uzak we baý taryhy, täsin we gyzykly medeni däp-dessurlary bilen özüne çekiji ýurt. Baý aşpezlik medeniýetinden tä täsin tebigy gözelligine çenli Japanaponiýada hemmeleriň göwnünden turjak bir zat bar. Görmeli we etmeli köp zat bilen, Japanaponiýanyň näme üçin bütin dünýäde meşhur bolmagy geň däldir.
Name some characters from the 2003 version of Battlestar Galactica.
Felix Gaeta, Helena Cain, Saul Tigh, Karl Agathon, D'Anna Biers, Galen Tyrol, Anastasia Dualla, Sherman Cottle, Cally Tyrol
Battlestar Galactica-nyň 2003-nji ýyldaky käbir gahrymanlarynyň adyny aýdyň.
Feliks Gaeta, Helena Keýn, Saul Tigh, Karl Agathon, D'Anna Biers, Galen Tirol, Anastasiýa Dualla, Şerman Kottl, Kally Tirol
Why is Spanish spoken in large parts of Latin America?
Spanish is spoken in Latin America because one of the original colonizing countries of the Western Hemisphere was Spain
Latyn Amerikasynyň köp böleginde ispan dilinde näme üçin gürleşilýär?
Latyn Amerikasynda ispan dilinde gürleşilýär, sebäbi Günbatar isarym Şaryň kolonizasiýa eden ýurtlaryndan biri Ispaniýa
Based on this article, what countries have implemented the use of a dead man zone?
Outcomes from Project Vesta have been integrated into firefighter training in Australia and are beginning to appear in the United States. Firefighters try to stay out of the dead man zone at all times, working from safe points such as burnt ground or a large area of non-burnable ground, such as a cricket or Australian rules football oval, or a large car park. This is achieved by attacking the fire from the flanks, or the rear, so that burnt ground is always nearby, and the fire is always in front of the firefighters. This avoids two disadvantages of attacking fires at the head of the fire where spot fires may start behind them or changes in wind behavior might accelerate the spread of the fire. The result of several inquiries into firefighter death in Australian bushfires found that firefighters should stay out of the dead man zone and that they should always keep 250 liters of water in their truck for personal safety. This is now a standard operating procedure in the NSW Rural Fire Service, Country Fire Service and Country Fire Authority in Australia.
Australia and the United States have used the dead man zone from Project Vesta
Bu makala esaslanyp, haýsy ýurtlar ölen adam zonasyny ulanmagy amala aşyrdylar?
Taslama Vesta-nyň netijeleri Awstraliýada ýangyn söndüriji okuwlara goşuldy we ABŞ-da peýda bolup başlady. Fireangyn söndürijiler hemişe ölen adam zonasyndan daşda durmaga synanyşýarlar, ýanýan ýer ýaly howpsuz nokatlardan ýa-da kriket ýa-da Awstraliýa futbol ýumurtgasy ýa-da uly awtoulag duralgasy ýaly ygtybarly ýerlerden işleýärler. Bu ýanýan ýer hemişe ýakyn we ýangyn hemişe ýangyn söndürijileriň öňünde bolar ýaly, gapdaldan ýa-da yzdan oda hüjüm etmek arkaly gazanylýar. Bu, ýangynyň başynda ýangynyň hüjüm etmeginiň iki zyýanyndan gaça durýar, şol ýerde yzly-yzyna ýangyn bolup biler ýa-da ýeliň hereketiniň üýtgemegi ýangynyň ýaýramagyny çaltlaşdyryp biler. Awstraliýada ýangyn söndürijilerinde ýangyn söndürijiniň ölümi bilen baglanyşykly geçirilen birnäçe gözlegiň netijesinde ýangyn söndürijileriň ölen adam zonasyndan daşda durmalydygy we şahsy howpsuzlygy üçin awtoulaglarynda 250 litr suw saklamalydygy anyklandy. Bu indi NSW Oba ýangyn gullugynda, Fireangyn gullugynda we Awstraliýadaky Fireangyn gullugynda adaty iş prosedurasy.
Awstraliýa we ABŞ “Vesta” taslamasyndan ölen adam zonasyny ulandylar
Categorize each of the following foods based on the five taste sensations (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami).
Mushrooms: umami Swiss chard: bitter Coffee: bitter Lemon: sour Fish sauce: umami Kale: bitter Apple: sweet Beef jerky: salty Parmesan cheese: salty
Aşakdaky iýmitleriň hersini bäş tagam duýgusyna (süýji, duzly, turş, ajy we umami) bölüň.
Kömelek: umami Şweýsariýa kartasy: ajy Kofe: ajy Limon: turş Balyk sousy: umami Kale: ajy Alma: süýji Sygyr eti: duzly Parmesan peýniri: duzly
Give me a bulleted list of the 5 most recent world cup winners and the location of the tournament
Here are the 5 most recent World Cup winners and the location of the tournament: * Argentina 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar * France 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia * Germany 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil * Spain 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa * Italy 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany
Dünýä kubogynyň iň soňky 5 ýeňijisiniň sanawyny we ýaryşyň geçiriljek ýerini maňa beriň
Dünýä çempionatynyň iň soňky 5 ýeňijisi we ýaryşyň ýerleşýän ýeri: * Argentinada 2022 FIFA Katarda geçiriljek dünýä çempionaty * Fransiýada 2018 FIFA dünýä çempionaty * Germaniýada 2014 Braziliýada geçiriljek FIFA dünýä çempionaty * Ispaniýa 2010 Günorta Afrikada geçiriljek FIFA dünýä çempionaty * Italiýa 2006 Germaniýada FIFA dünýä çempionaty
Give me a list with name suggestions for a white girl kitten that I just adopted.
1. Lily 2. Yuki 3. Zoe 4. Elsa 5. Daisy 6. Molly 7. Kiki
Maňa ýaňy kabul eden ak gyz pişik üçin at teklipleri bilen sanaw beriň.
1. Lili 2. ukiuki 3. Zoe 4. Elza 5. Daýza 6. Molly 7. Kiki
What is the black oil on the TV show The X-Files?
The black oil, also known as purity or the black cancer, is a sentient, fluid alien virus that resembles a black oil slick and is capable of independent movement. It infects humanoids by entering orifices, like eyes and mouths, and gains control of their victim. The alien colonists use the black oil as their reproductive life force.
“X-Faýllar” teleýaýlymynda gara ýag näme?
Arassalyk ýa-da gara rak diýlip hem atlandyrylýan gara ýag, gara ýagyň ýagyna meňzeýän we garaşsyz hereket etmäge ukyply, suwuk keseki wirusdyr. Gumanoidlere göz we agz ýaly orifislere girip ýokaşýar we pidasynyň gözegçiligini alýar. Gelmişek kolonistler gara ýagy köpeliş ömri hökmünde ulanýarlar.
Classify each of the following as a state or city: Portland, Austin, San Antonio, Alaska, Anchorage, Maine, Vermont
Portland: City Austin: City San Antonio: City Alaska: State Anchorage: City Maine: State Vermont: State
Aşakdakylaryň hersini ştat ýa-da şäher hökmünde toparlara bölüň: Portland, Ostin, San Antonio, Alýaska, Ankorij, Maýn, Wermont
Portland: Şäher Ostin: Şäher San Antonio: Şäher Alýaska: Ştat Gämi duralgasy: Şäher Maine: Döwlet Wermont: Döwlet
How can I do a figure skating toe loop jump?
Assuming you jump counterclockwise, a toe loop traditionally starts with a right inside three turn. The toe loop is a pick assisted jump, meaning that one leg will stick a toe pick into the ice to help with the jump. In the case of a toe loop, you will enter on your right outside edge and rotate your left free leg behind you to pick the ice. It's important that the free leg is twisted as far back and sideways as possible to add stability. You'll then want to jump when your skating foot approaches your pick foot and complete a single rotation in the air. Bringing the arms together and having proper posture will help with completing the rotation. Then, you will want to land on your right leg on a backwards outside edge. This is a traditional landing position. If you jump clockwise, all directions will be reversed.
Figuralaýyn typmak üçin barmak aýlawyny nädip böküp bilerin?
Sagat tersine aýlanarsyňyz öýdýän, barmak aýlawy adatça üç öwrümiň içinden sag bilen başlaýar. Aýak barmagynyň aýlawy, bökmäge kömek etmek üçin bir aýagynyň aýagynyň buzuň içine ýapyşjakdygyny aňladýar. Aýak barmak aýlawy bolsa, sag daşarky gyraňyza girersiňiz we buz saýlamak üçin çep erkin aýagyňyzy yzyňyzda aýlarsyňyz. Erkin aýagyň durnuklylygy goşmak üçin mümkin boldugyça yza we gyralara öwrülmegi möhümdir. Soňra konkide aýagyňyz saýlan aýagyňyza ýakynlaşanda we howada ýekeje öwrümi tamamlanyňyzda bökmek islärsiňiz. Elleri bir ýere jemlemek we dogry duruş aýlanmagy tamamlamaga kömek eder. Soň bolsa, sag aýagyňyzyň daşyna daşarky gyrada gonmak islärsiňiz. Bu adaty gonuş ýagdaýy. Sagadyň ugruna bökseňiz, ähli ugurlar tersine bolar.
What is the best way to travel across Japan as a foreign tourist staying on a tourist visa?
JR rail pass is probably the most efficient and economic option to get around the country. You need to purchase this pass in advance before arriving in the country. Once you are in Japan, you go to a train station and activate your pass. If you want to travel around and visit multiple cities in a short time, this pass is definitely worth it.
Syýahatçylyk wizasynda galan daşary ýurtly syýahatçy hökmünde Japanaponiýanyň üstünden syýahat etmegiň iň gowy usuly haýsy?
JR demir ýoly, belki-de, ýurdy aýlamak üçin iň täsirli we ykdysady wariantdyr. Bu pasporty ýurda gelmezden ozal satyn almaly. Japanaponiýada bolanyňyzdan soň demir ýol menziline baryp, pasportyňyzy işjeňleşdirýärsiňiz. Gysga wagtyň içinde aýlanyp, birnäçe şähere baryp görmek isleseňiz, bu geçiş hökman gymmatlydyr.
What is the best way to store passwords?
Password managers are generally regarded as the gold standard for safely warehousing your passwords. A password manager can index many unique and complicated passwords so that a user can have confidence that they can set a strong and secure password without compromising accessibility due to the password being difficult to read or overly complex.
Parollary saklamagyň iň gowy usuly haýsy?
Parol dolandyryjylary, adatça parollaryňyzy ygtybarly saklamak üçin altyn standart hasaplanýar. Parol dolandyryjysy, paroly okamak kyn ýa-da aşa çylşyrymly bolany sebäpli, ulanyjy ygtyýaryna zyýan bermezden güýçli we ygtybarly parol goýup biljekdigine ynam döredip biler ýaly köp üýtgeşik we çylşyrymly parollary indeksläp biler.
What is a landlord?
A landlord is a person, business, or other entity that owns some form of real-estate that they rent out for an amount of money paid yearly, monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. The type of real estate owned can be land, commercial real-estate, or home real-estate. A landlord evaluates different tenant applications submitted to rent or use their owned real-estate. Once a match is found an agreement or contract is signed and executed between both parties. The tenant pays the landlord an agreed amount of money during some finite time to be able to use the landlord's owned real estate for a specific purpose outlined in the original signed contract.
Öý eýesi näme?
Öý eýesi, her ýyl, aýlyk, ýarym aýlyk ýa-da hepdede tölenýän mukdarda kärendesine alýan gozgalmaýan emlägiň haýsydyr bir görnüşine eýe bolan adam, iş ýa-da başga bir guramadyr. Gozgalmaýan emlägiň görnüşi ýer, täjirçilik gozgalmaýan emläk ýa-da öý emläk bolup biler. Öý eýesi, gozgalmaýan emlägini kärendesine almak ýa-da ulanmak üçin tabşyrylan dürli kärendeçi arzalaryna baha berýär. Duşuşyk tapylandan soň iki tarapyň arasynda şertnama ýa-da şertnama gol çekilýär we ýerine ýetirilýär. Kärendeçi, öý eýesiniň emlägini asyl gol çekilen şertnamada görkezilen belli bir maksat bilen ulanmak üçin belli bir wagtyň dowamynda öý eýesine ylalaşylan mukdarda pul töleýär.
What is The Masters?
The Masters Tournament (usually referred to as simply The Masters, or the U.S. Masters outside North America) is one of the four major championships in professional golf. Scheduled for the first full week of April, the Masters is the first major of the year, and unlike the others, it is always held at the same location, Augusta National Golf Club, a private course in the city of Augusta, Georgia, in the southeastern United States.
The Masters Tournament is one of the four major professional golf championships and is scheduled for the first full week of April. The Masters is the first major of the year and is held at the same location every year - Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia.
Ussalar näme?
Masters ýaryşy (köplenç diňe “Masters” ýa-da Demirgazyk Amerikanyň daşyndaky ABŞ ussatlary diýilýär) professional golf boýunça dört esasy çempionatyň biridir. Aprel aýynyň ilkinji doly hepdesinde meýilleşdirilen “Masters” ýylyň ilkinji hünäri bolup, beýlekilerden tapawutlylykda hemişe şol bir ýerde, Jorjiýa ştatynyň Awgusta şäherinde hususy kurs “Awgusta” milli golf kluby geçirilýär. ABŞ-nyň günorta-gündogary.
“Masters” ýaryşy golf boýunça dört esasy professional çempionatyň biridir we apreliň ilkinji doly hepdesine meýilleşdirilýär. Magistrler ýylyň ilkinji hünäri bolup, her ýyl şol bir ýerde - Jorjiýa ştatynyň Awgustadaky Awgusta milli golf klubynda geçirilýär.
Roslyn is 36 years of age, weighs 74 kg, is 165 cm tall, and has 35% body fat. Her father had a heart attack at age 68 and her brother had an angioplasty at age 40. Both are living and well. Her blood chemistry values measure total cholesterol at 195 mg% and HDL cholesterol at 42 mg%. Her fasting blood sugar is 105 mg%. Roslyn is sedentary and has engaged in no endurance training program since college. Brainstorm an appropriate exercise training program to help Roslyn improve her C-R (cardiorespiratory) fitness. Be sure to calculate a target heart rate range with corresponding RPE.
We can prescribe an exercise program through the lens of FITT: frequency, intensity, time, and type. For frequency, we should aim for 3-5 days per week, with the higher the better the improvements for C-R fitness. As for intensity, we want to aim for 60-90% HRR (heart rate recovery), anywhere from 4-8 RPE (rate of perceived exertion). Since Roslyn is 36 years of age, her predicted maximum heart rate is 184bpm, and we are given that her RHR (resting heart rate) is 64bpm. Thus, we’re aiming for a target heart rate range of 136 BPM to 172 BPM. For time, the duration depends on intensity, but optimally, we want to be working out for at least 20 minutes and at most an hour. As for the type of exercise, we can assess the options that are available and feasible for Roslyn to perform, and choose between weight-bearing exercises (such as walking or jogging) and non-weight-bearing exercises such as swimming or rowing. Another thing to consider is that Roslyn is sedentary, and may need to slowly progress into a more intense workout. A sample exercise training program for Roslyn may first start with a moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). As she gets more acclimated to the exercise level, we want to progress to more vigorous exercise. According to David P. Swain, vigorous aerobic exercise may result in “substantially more benefits than moderate-intensity exercise”, which include but are not limited to greater improvements in aerobic fitness and greater reductions in coronary heart disease risk. Thus, we can add two more days of vigorous aerobic exercise for Roslyn, such as jogging for 20 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Another important aspect to consider is motivation, which we can help Roslyn maintain by switching up her forms of exercise to keep interest. For example, we can switch out jogging with cycling, or hiking hilly terrain.
Rosliniň 36 ýaşy, agramy 74 kg, boýy 165 sm we bedeniniň ýagy 35%. Kakasynyň 68 ýaşynda ýürek agyry, agasynyň 40 ýaşynda angioplastika keseli bardy. Ikisi-de ýaşaýar we gowy. Ganyň himiýa bahalary umumy holesterini 195 mg, HDL holesterini 42 mg% ölçýär. Agyz bekleýän gan şekeri 105 mg%. Roslyn oturýar we kollejden bäri hiç hili çydamlylyk okuwy bilen meşgullanmaýar. Rosline C-R (kardiorespiratory) fitnesini gowulaşdyrmak üçin degişli maşk okuw meýilnamasyny beýni hüjümi. Maksatly ýürek urşunyň diapazonyny degişli RPE bilen hasaplamagy unutmaň.
FITT obýektiwiniň üsti bilen maşk programmasyny belläp bileris: ýygylygy, intensiwligi, wagty we görnüşi. Encyygylyk üçin hepdede 3-5 gün maksat etmeli, C-R fitnesi näçe ýokary bolsa, şonça-da gowulaşmaly. Güýçlilik barada aýdylanda bolsa, 4-8 RPE-den (duýulýan güýjüň tizligi) 60-90% HRR (ýürek urmasynyň dikelmegi) maksat edinýäris. Rosliniň 36 ýaşyndadygy sebäpli, çak edilýän iň ýokary ýürek urşy 184bpm, bize RHR (dynç alýan ýürek urşy) 64bpm diýilýär. Şeýlelik bilen, 136 BPM-den 172 BPM aralygyndaky ýürek urgusyny maksat edinýäris. Wagtyň dowamlylygy intensiwlige bagly, ýöne iň amatlysy, azyndan 20 minut we iň köp sagat işlemek isleýäris. Maşklaryň görnüşi barada aýdylanda bolsa, Rosliniň ýerine ýetirip biljek we ýerine ýetirip boljak wariantlaryna baha berip bileris we agyrlyk göteriji maşklary (pyýada ýa-da ylgamak ýaly) we ýüzmek ýa-da küreklemek ýaly agyrlyk götermeýän maşklary saýlap bileris. Considerene-de bir göz öňünde tutulmaly zat, Rosliniň oturmagydyr we ýuwaş-ýuwaşdan has güýçli türgenleşige geçmeli bolmagy mümkin. Roslin üçin nusgawy maşk okuwy, ilki bilen hepdede üç gezek (duşenbe, çarşenbe we anna) ortaça güýçli intensiw aerob işjeňliginden başlap biler. Ol maşk derejesine has öwrenişensoň, has güýçli maşklara geçmek isleýäris. Deýwid P. Swainiň pikiriçe, güýçli aerobika maşklary “orta güýçli maşklardan ep-esli artykmaçlyga” sebäp bolup biler, bu aerobiki fitnesiň gowulaşmagy we koronar ýürek keselleriniň töwekgelçiliginiň azalmagy bilen çäklenmeýär. Şeýlelik bilen, sişenbe we penşenbe günleri 20 minut ylgamak ýaly Roslin üçin ýene iki gün güýçli aerobika maşkyny goşup bileris. Considerene-de bir göz öňünde tutmaly möhüm tarap, höwesdirmek üçin Rosline maşk görnüşlerini üýtgetmek arkaly kömek edip bileris. Mysal üçin, tigir sürmek ýa-da daglyk ýerlerde gezelenç edip bileris.
Identify which of the following are members of House Targaryen or House Baratheon: Visenya, Aenar, Aegon, Aerys, Daenerys, Viserys, Orys, Argella, Robert, Steffon, Renly
House Targaryen: Visenya, Aenar, Aegon, Aerys, Daenerys, Viserys House Baratheon: Orys, Argella, Robert, Steffon, Renly
“House Targaryen” ýa-da “House Baratheon” -yň agzalarynyň haýsysyny kesgitläň: Wisenýa, Aenar, Aegon, Aerys, Daenerys, Viserys, Orys, Argella, Robert, Steffon, Renly
Jaý Targaryen: Wisenýa, Aenar, Aegon, Aerys, Daenerys, Viserys Jaý Baratheon: Orys, Argella, Robert, Steffon, Renli
When did Alia Bhatt get her first leading role?
Alia Bhatt (/ˈɑːliə ˈbʌt/; born 15 March 1993) is a British actress of Indian descent who predominantly works in Hindi films. She has received several accolades including four Filmfare Awards. One of India's highest-paid actresses, she has appeared in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list since 2014 and was awarded the TIME100 Impact Award in 2022. Born into the Bhatt family, she is the daughter of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and actress Soni Razdan. After making her acting debut as a child in the 1999 thriller Sangharsh, she played her first leading role in Karan Johar's teen film Student of the Year (2012). She won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actress for playing a kidnapping victim in the road drama Highway (2014), and went on to establish herself with starring roles in several romantic films produced by Johar's studio Dharma Productions as well as the coming-of-age drama Dear Zindagi (2016).
Alia Bhatt received her first leading role in 2012, in the teen film Student of the Year.
Alia Bhatt ilkinji baş roluny haçan aldy?
Alia Bhatt (/ ˈɑːliə ˈbʌt /; 1993-nji ýylyň 15-nji martynda doglan) esasan hindi filmlerinde işleýän hindi asylly Iňlis aktrisasy. Dört Filmfare baýragyny goşmak bilen birnäçe baýrak aldy. Hindistanda iň köp girdeji gazanan aktrisalaryň biri, Forbes Hindistanyň meşhur 100 sanawynda 2014-nji ýyldan bäri çykyş edip, 2022-nji ýylda TIME100 Impact baýragyna mynasyp boldy. Bhatt maşgalasynda dünýä inen kinoreerissýor Maheş Bhattyň we aktrisa Soni Razdanyň gyzy. 1999-njy ýylda döredilen “Sangharsh” trillerinde çagalykda ilkinji gezek çykyş edeninden soň, Karan Joharyň ýetginjek filmi “Studentylyň talyby” (2012) filminde ilkinji baş keşbi janlandyrdy. “Highway” (2014) ýol dramasynda alnyp gaçylan pidany ýerine ýetirenligi üçin “Iň gowy aktrisa” filmi üçin Filmfare tankytçylary baýragyna mynasyp boldy we Joharyň “Dharma Productions” studiýasy tarapyndan öndürilen birnäçe romantik filmde baş keşbi janlandyrmak bilen özüni tanatdy. ýaş dramasy Hormatly Zindagi (2016).
Alia Bhatt ilkinji baş roluny 2012-nji ýylda, “Studentylyň talyby” atly ýetginjek filminde aldy.
What is the Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Allahabad)?
Mahatama Gandhi Marg, also known as MG Marg, is one of the major streets in Allahabad, named after Mahatma Gandhi. It stretches from Allahabad High Court in the east making intersection with PD Tondon Marg and Nyaya Marg, passing through Civil Lines to the west until it ends at the esplanade. It is lined by shops, malls and a number of historical and religious buildings and offices including notable landmarks like All Saints Cathedral and Alfred Park in the north. It intersects with Sardar Patel Marg making Subash Cross, a notable town square of the city. The road was formerly Canning Road, named after Lord Canning, Governor-General of India from 1856 to 1862.
Mahatma Gandi Marg (Allahabad) näme?
MG Marg ady bilen hem tanalýan Mahatama Gandi Marg, Mahatma Gandiniň adyny göterýän Allahabadyň esasy köçelerinden biridir. Gündogardaky Allahabad Courtokary Kazyýetinden PD Tondon Marg we Naýa Marg bilen kesişýän, raýat çyzgylaryndan geçip, esplanada gutarýança uzalyp gidýär. Dükanlar, söwda merkezleri we birnäçe taryhy we dini binalar we ofisler bilen hatar bolup, demirgazykdaky All Saints Cathedral we Alfred Park ýaly ajaýyp ýerleri öz içine alýar. Sardar Patel Marg bilen şäheriň görnükli şäher meýdançasy bolan Subaş haçyny kesýär. Bu ýol ozal 1856-1862-nji ýyllar aralygynda Hindistanyň general-gubernatory Lord Canningiň adyny göterýän Canning Roaddy.
Tell me which of these are main characters from The X-Files: Fox Mulder, Mitch Pileggi, Dana Scully, Mully & Sculder, Frank Black, Peter Watts.
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are characters from Chris Carter's show The X-Files. Mitch Pileggi played Assistant Director Walter skinner on The X-Files, Mully & Sculder is the name of a synth-pop duo from Canada, and Frank Black and Peter Watts are characters from Chris Carter's other sci-fi show called Millennium. Frank Black made a cameo on The X-Files after Millennium was canceled, but is not considered a main character on the former.
“X-Faýllaryň” haýsysynyň baş gahrymanlardygyny aýdyň: Foks Mulder, Miç Pileggi, Dana Skully, Mülli we Skulder, Frank Blek, Piter Watts.
Foks Mulder we Dana Skully Kris Karteriň “X-Faýllar” şüweleňindäki gahrymanlar. Miç Pileggi “X-Faýllar” filminde re Directorissýoryň kömekçisi Walter deriniň roluny ýerine ýetirdi, Mully & Sculder Kanadaly synth-pop jübütiniň ady, Frank Blek we Piter Watts Kris Karteriň “Müňýyllyk” atly beýleki ylmy görkezişleriniň gahrymanlary. Müňýyllyk ýatyrylansoň, Frank Blek “X-Faýllar” filminde kemo ýasady, ýöne öňküsi ýaly baş gahryman hasaplanmady.
What's funny about the phrase "Why was Dumbo sad? He felt irrelephant."
The phrase "Why was Dumbo sad? He felt irrelephant" is funny because Dumbo is an elephant and that word sounds like irrelevant. The phrase is a pun.
"Näme üçin Dumbo gynandy? Ol özüni tertipsiz duýdy."
"Dumbo näme üçin gynanýardy? Özüni pilsiz duýdy" jümlesi gülkünç, sebäbi Dumbo pil we bu söz ähmiýetsiz ýaly. Bu söz jeza.
What is a protractor?
A protractor is a mathematical instrument/device that can be used to help calculate the angle
Uzaga çekýän näme?
Uzynlyk burçy hasaplamaga kömek edip boljak matematiki gural / enjamdyr
What is Grimsthorpe?
Grimsthorpe is a hamlet in the South Kesteven district of Lincolnshire, England. It is situated on the A151 road, and 3 miles (5 km) north-west from Bourne. Grimsthorpe falls within the civil parish of Edenham, which is governed by Edenham Grimsthorpe Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council. Grimsthorpe Castle is 500 yards (460 m) to the west. John Marius Wilson's 1870 Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Grimsthorpe as: a hamlet in Edenham parish, Lincoln; on the river Glen, 1½ mile W of Edenham village. Pop., 135. Grimsthorpe Park was the seat once of the Duke of Ancaster, afterwards of Lord Gwyder; is now the seat of Lord Willoughby d'Eresby; was built partly in the time of Henry III., but principally by the Duke of Suffolk, to entertain Henry VIII.; is a large, irregular, but magnificent structure; and stands in an ornate park, about 16 miles in circuit. A Cistertian abbey, founded about 1451, by the Earl of Albemarle, and called Vallis Dei, or, vulgarly, Vaudy, formerly stood in the park, about a mile from the castle.
Grimsthorpe is a hamlet in the South Kesteven district of Lincolnshire, England. It is situated on the A151 road, and 3 miles (5 km) north-west from Bourne. Grimsthorpe falls within the civil parish of Edenham, which is governed by Edenham Grimsthorpe Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council. Grimsthorpe Castle is 500 yards (460 m) to the west. John Marius Wilson's 1870 Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Grimsthorpe as: a hamlet in Edenham parish, Lincoln; on the river Glen, 1½ mile W of Edenham village. Pop., 135. Grimsthorpe Park was the seat once of the Duke of Ancaster, afterwards of Lord Gwyder; is now the seat of Lord Willoughby d'Eresby; was built partly in the time of Henry III., but principally by the Duke of Suffolk, to entertain Henry VIII.; is a large, irregular, but magnificent structure; and stands in an ornate park, about 16 miles in circuit. A Cistertian abbey, founded about 1451, by the Earl of Albemarle, and called Vallis Dei, or, vulgarly, Vaudy, formerly stood in the park, about a mile from the castle.
Grimsthorpe näme?
Grimsthorpe, Angliýanyň Linkolnşiriň Günorta Kesteven etrabynda ýerleşýär. A151 ýolunda we Born şäherinden 3 km demirgazyk-günbatarda ýerleşýär. Grimsthorpe, Edenham Grimsthorpe Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Geňeşi tarapyndan dolandyrylýan Edenhamyň raýat parişine girýär. Grimsthorpe galasy günbatarda 500 metr (460 m). Jon Marius Wilsonyň 1870-nji ýylda Angliýanyň we Uelsiň “Imperial Gazetteer” Grimstorpeni şeýle suratlandyrdy: Linkoln, Edenham şäherindäki bir şäher; Glen derýasynda, Edenham obasyndan 1 mil uzaklykda. Pop., 135. Grimsthorpe seýilgähi bir wagtlar Ankaster gersogynyň, soň Lord Gwýderiň oturgyjydy; indi Lord Willofbi d'Eresbiniň oturgyjy; Henri III döwründe bölekleýin gurlupdyr, ýöne esasan Suffolk gersogy Genrih VIII-ni gyzyklandyrmak üçin gurlupdyr.; uly, tertipsiz, ýöne ajaýyp gurluşdyr; we zynjyrda takmynan 16 mil bezegli seýilgähde dur. Earl Albemarle tarapyndan takmynan 1451-nji ýylda esaslandyrylan we Vallis Dei diýip atlandyrylýan Cistertian abbey, ýa-da gödek, Vaudy öň galadan bir mil çemesi uzaklykda parkda durdy.
Grimsthorpe, Angliýanyň Linkolnşiriň Günorta Kesteven etrabynda ýerleşýär. A151 ýolunda we Born şäherinden 3 km demirgazyk-günbatarda ýerleşýär. Grimsthorpe, Edenham Grimsthorpe Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Geňeşi tarapyndan dolandyrylýan Edenhamyň raýat parişine girýär. Grimsthorpe galasy günbatarda 500 metr (460 m). Jon Marius Wilsonyň 1870-nji ýylda Angliýanyň we Uelsiň “Imperial Gazetteer” Grimstorpe şeýle suratlandyrdy: Linkoln, Edenham şäherindäki bir gämi; Glen derýasynda, Edenham obasyndan 1 mil uzaklykda. Pop., 135. Grimsthorpe seýilgähi bir wagtlar Ankaster gersogynyň, soň Lord Gwýderiň oturgyjydy; indi Lord Willofbi d'Eresbiniň oturgyjy; Henri III döwründe bölekleýin gurlupdyr, ýöne esasan Suffolk gersogy Genrih VIII-ni gyzyklandyrmak üçin gurlupdyr.; uly, tertipsiz, ýöne ajaýyp gurluşdyr; we zynjyrda takmynan 16 mil bezegli seýilgähde dur. Earl Albemarle tarapyndan takmynan 1451-nji ýylda esaslandyrylan we Vallis Dei diýip atlandyrylýan Cistertian abbey, ýa-da gödek, Vaudy öň galadan bir mil çemesi uzaklykda parkda durdy.
what is machine learning meaning?
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on using data and algorithms to imitate how humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
maşyn öwrenmegiň manysy näme?
Maşyn öwrenmek, emeli intellektiň (AI) we informatika we algoritmleri ulanyp, adamlaryň nädip öwrenýändigine öýkünmek, takyklygyny kem-kemden ýokarlandyrmak bilen meşgullanýar.
How to go on a road trip with kids?
It's great to get kids involved in the planning of the trip. The more they are bought into what you're doing the better their attitudes will be. This also helps so that the trip is really for everyone and they get a chance to do some of the things they want. Driving days can be difficult if you have big stretches of distance to cover. You can use various forms of entertainment, and make sure to mix it up. It's easy to watch shows with modern devices, but integrating things like riddles or brain puzzles can really help. Another great thing that can take up a lot of time is audio books, or reading a book out loud. Again, get everyone involved in the planning of car activities so you get a variety and everyone can contribute. Finally, take your time and don't rush things. If you get in a rush it's hard to have time and enjoy the trip.
Çagalar bilen ýolda nädip barmaly?
Çagalary syýahat meýilnamalaşdyrmak işine çekmek gaty gowy zat. Edýän işiňe näçe köp satyn alsaň, olaryň garaýyşlary şonça gowy bolar. Bu, şeýle hem, syýahatyň hakykatdanam hemmeler üçin bolmagy we isleýän käbir zatlaryny etmäge mümkinçilik almagy üçin kömek edýär. Geçmek üçin uly aralyk bar bolsa, sürmek günleri kyn bolup biler. Dürli güýmenje görnüşlerini ulanyp bilersiňiz we garyşdyryp bilersiňiz. Döwrebap enjamlar bilen tomaşalara tomaşa etmek aňsat, ýöne tapmalar ýa-da beýni bulgurlary ýaly zatlary birleşdirmek hakykatdanam kömek edip biler. Köp wagt alyp bilýän başga bir ajaýyp zat, ses kitaplary ýa-da gaty ses bilen kitap okamakdyr. Againene-de her dürli awtoulag çärelerini meýilleşdirmäge gatnaşyň, şonuň üçin dürli-dürli bolarsyňyz we her kim goşant goşup biler. Ahyrynda wagtyňyzy alyň we zatlara howlukmaň. Gyssagly bolsaňyz, wagt tapmak we syýahatdan lezzet almak kyn.
What is the difference between a sedan and a coupe?
Sedans are typically 4 door vehicles with a low profile and coupes are 2 door vehicles with a sportier look. There is a new trend to call sedans with a more athletic silhouette 4 door coupes, but that's debatable.
Sedan bilen kupeniň arasynda näme tapawut bar?
Sedanlar, adatça pes derejeli 4 gapyly ulaglar we kupesler has sport görnüşli 2 gapyly ulaglardyr. Has sportly siluet 4 gapy kupenleri bolan sedanlary çagyrmagyň täze tendensiýasy bar, ýöne bu jedelli.
If you were going to learn how to play basketball, how would you do it?
1. Learn the basic rules. Start by understanding how the game is played, either by watching local pickup games or watching professional basketball online. 2. Practice on your own. Find a basketball and go to a local basketball court. Practice taking various shots including layups, free throws, jump shots, and three-pointers. Find videos online to help improve your shooting form. This will help prepare you for playing basketball games with others. 3. Play pickup games. Find a group to play basketball with at a local gym or at an outdoor court. If you don't have enough people to play with, you can play 1-1 or half-court 3 on 3. This will help you learn facets of the game that cannot be learned when practicing on your own such as passing and defense.
Basketbol oýnamagy öwrenjek bolsaň, muny nädip ederdiň?
1. Esasy düzgünleri öwreniň. Oýunyň nähili oýnalýandygyna düşünmekden başlaň, ýa-da ýerli pikap oýunlaryna tomaşa etmek ýa-da professional basketbol görmek. 2. Özbaşdak maşk ediň. Basketbol tapyň we ýerli basketbol meýdançasyna gidiň. Düzümleri, erkin zarbalary, böküşleri we üç görkezijini öz içine alýan dürli surata düşüriň. Surata alma görnüşiňizi gowulandyrmak üçin onlaýn wideo tapyň. Bu, başgalar bilen basketbol oýunlaryny oýnamaga taýýarlanmaga kömek eder. 3. Pikap oýunlaryny oýnaň. Baserli sport zalynda ýa-da açyk meýdançada basketbol oýnamak üçin topar tapyň. Oýun etmek üçin ýeterlik adamyňyz ýok bolsa, 3-de 1-1 ýa-da ýarym kort 3 oýnap bilersiňiz. Bu, oýnuň geçiş we goranmak ýaly özbaşdak tejribe alanyňyzda öwrenip bolmajak taraplaryny öwrenmäge kömek eder.
What is Data Profiling?
Data Profiling is one of the principles of Data Management. Data Profiling is the activity to find patterns in Data. Data profiling is performed by teams that have access to some data sets for different use cases such as Data patterns discovery, high level analysis, data exception handling for ETL etc. Data profiling is the first part of the Data Quality life cycle within the Data Governance methodology. Running Data profiling on data sets can answer simple questions such as how many nulls in the dataset, what are the different patterns of dates in the dataset etc. Profiling is typically done on the subset of data. Tools have limit on the amount of the row in the data set it can profile. These tools can also create visualization on the profiling results for easy understanding of the patterns.
Maglumatlaryň tertibi näme?
Maglumatlaryň tertibi Maglumatlary dolandyrmagyň ýörelgelerinden biridir. Maglumatlaryň tertibi Maglumatlarda nagyşlary tapmak üçin iş. Maglumatlaryň tertibi, dürli nagyşlary tapmak, ýokary derejeli derňew, ETL üçin maglumatlary kadadan çykarmak we ş.m. ýaly dürli ulanylyş ýagdaýlary üçin käbir maglumatlar toplumyna girip bilýän toparlar tarapyndan ýerine ýetirilýär. usulyýet. Maglumat toplumyndaky maglumat profilini işletmek Maglumatlar bazasyndaky näçe nokat, maglumatlar bazasyndaky seneleriň dürli görnüşleri we ş.m. ýaly ýönekeý soraglara jogap berip biler. Profil ýazmak, adatça, maglumatlaryň kiçi böleginde edilýär. Gurallaryň profil edip bilýän maglumatlar toplumynda hataryň mukdary çäklidir. Bu gurallar, nagyşlara aňsat düşünmek üçin profilli netijelerde wizuallaşdyrma döredip biler.
Who is Jeffrey Archer?
Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare (born 15 April 1940) is an English novelist, life peer and former politician. Before becoming an author, Archer was a Member of Parliament (1969–1974), but did not seek re-election after a financial scandal that left him almost bankrupt. Archer revived his fortunes as a novelist. His 1979 novel Kane and Abel remains one of the best-selling books in the world, with an estimated 34 million copies sold worldwide. Overall his books have sold more than 320 million copies worldwide. Archer became deputy chairman of the Conservative Party (1985–86), before resigning after a newspaper accused him of paying money to a prostitute. In 1987, he won a court case and was awarded large damages because of this claim. He was made a life peer in 1992 and subsequently became Conservative candidate to be the first elected Mayor of London. He resigned his candidacy in 1999 after it emerged that he had lied in his 1987 libel case. He was imprisoned (2001–2003) for perjury and perverting the course of justice, ending his active political career.
Jeffrey Archer is British Author and was also British Parliament member.One of his most famous books include Kane & Abel.
Jeffri Arçer kim?
Jeffri Howard Arçer, Weston-super-Mare şäherinden Baron Arçer (1940-njy ýylyň 15-nji aprelinde doglan) iňlis ýazyjysy, durmuş deň-duşlary we öňki syýasatçy. Arçer ýazyjy bolmazdan ozal Mejlisiň agzasydy (1969–1974), ýöne bankrot diýen ýaly maliýe dawasyndan soň gaýtadan saýlanmak islemedi. Arçer romançy hökmünde baýlygyny janlandyrdy. 1979-njy ýylda döredilen “Kane we Abel” romany dünýäde iň köp satylan kitaplaryň biri bolmagynda galýar we takmynan 34 million nusgasy dünýäde satylýar. Umuman, onuň kitaplary dünýäde 320 milliondan gowrak satyldy. Arçer, bir gazet jelepçilige pul tölemekde aýyplanandan soň, işinden çekilmezden ozal Konserwatiw partiýanyň başlygynyň orunbasary boldy (1985–86). 1987-nji ýylda kazyýet işinde ýeňiş gazandy we bu talap sebäpli uly zyýan çekdi. 1992-nji ýylda durmuşda deňdeş boldy we soňra Londonyň ilkinji saýlanan häkimi bolmak üçin Konserwatiw kandidat boldy. 1987-nji ýylda töhmet meselesinde ýalan sözländigi ýüze çykandan soň, 1999-njy ýylda öz kandidaturasyndan çekildi. Aktiw syýasy karýerasyny soňlap, ýalan sözlemek we adalat ýoluny ýoýmak üçin tussag edildi (2001–2003).
Jeffri Arçer Iňlis ýazyjysy we Iňlis mejlisiniň agzasydy. Iň meşhur kitaplaryndan Kane & Abel bar.
Based on the paragraph below, what are some potential benefits of TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) treatment?
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a commonly used treatment approach to alleviate acute and chronic pain by reducing the sensitization of dorsal horn neurons, elevating levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid and glycine, and inhibiting glial activation. However, many systematic reviews and meta analyses assessing clinical trials looking at the effectiveness of using TENS to reduce different sources of pain have been inconclusive due to a lack of high quality and unbiased evidence. Potential benefits of TENS treatment include the safety, relative low cost, the ability to self-administer, and availability over the counter without a prescription. In principle, an adequate intensity of stimulation is necessary to achieve pain relief with TENS. An analysis of treatment fidelity (meaning that the delivery of TENS in a trial was in accordance with current clinical advice, such as using "a strong but comfortable sensation" and suitable, frequent treatment durations) showed that higher fidelity trials tended to have a positive outcome.
Some benefits of TENS treatment are the low cost, ability to self-administer (which lends itself to flexibility, and being able to treat at home), and availability without a prescription.
Aşakdaky abzasa esaslanyp, TENS (transkutan elektrik nerw stimulýasiýasy) bejergisiniň käbir artykmaçlyklary näme?
Transkutan elektrik nerwiniň gyjyndyrylmagy, şahly neýronlaryň duýgurlygyny azaltmak, gamma-aminobutirik kislotanyň we glisiniň derejesini ýokarlandyrmak we glial işjeňleşmäni saklamak arkaly ýiti we dowamly agyryny ýeňilleşdirmek üçin giňden ulanylýan bejergidir. Şeýle-de bolsa, dürli agyry çeşmelerini azaltmak üçin TENS-den peýdalanmagyň netijeliligine seredýän kliniki synaglara baha berýän köp sanly synlar we meta analizler ýokary hilli we bitarap subutnamalaryň ýoklugy sebäpli netijesiz boldy. TENS bejergisiniň potensial peýdalary howpsuzlygy, degişlilikde arzan bahany, öz-özüňi dolandyrmak ukybyny we retseptsiz hasaplaýjynyň üstünde bolmagy öz içine alýar. Aslynda, TENS bilen agyryny azaltmak üçin ýeterlik höweslendiriş güýji zerurdyr. Bejergi wepalylygynyň seljermesi (synagda TENS-iň iberilmegi "güýçli, ýöne amatly duýgy" we amatly, ýygy-ýygydan bejerginiň dowamlylygy ýaly kliniki maslahatlara laýyk gelýär) has ýokary wepalylyk synaglarynyň oňyn bolýandygyny görkezdi Netije
TENS bejergisiniň käbir artykmaçlyklary arzan bahadan, öz-özüňi dolandyrmak ukybyndan (çeýeligi üpjün edýär we öýde bejergini alyp bilýär) we resept bolmazdan elýeterlilikdir.
What's West High School located?
West High School is a public high school located on the west side of Columbus, Ohio, in the Westgate neighborhood in the Hilltop area. It is a part of Columbus City Schools. History Due to overcrowding at Central High School in 1890s, a section of students split and were moved to another location, setting the foundation for what would become three new schools, including West High School. Designed by the first architect of Columbus schools, David Riebel, the Neo-Classical Revival style building was constructed in 1908 and opened in 1909 on South Central Avenue. The building became Starling Middle School when the new West High School opened. The new West High School opened in 1929. It was designed by prominent Ohio architect Howard Dwight Smith who also designed Ohio Stadium. West High School continues today at its current location at 179 South Powell Avenue. In August 2016, the cupola was removed because it was deemed unstable and a new cupola was installed and celebrated with a lighting ceremony in 2018. The school colors are buff and brown. The school nickname is the Cowboys.
The West High School is located on the west side of Columbus, Ohio, more specifically on 179 South Powell Avenue.
Günbatar orta mekdebi näme?
West High School, Ogaýo ştatynyň Kolumbus şäheriniň günbatar tarapynda, Hilltop sebitindäki Westgate etrabynda ýerleşýän umumy orta mekdepdir. Kolumbus şäher mekdepleriniň bir bölegi. Taryh 1890-njy ýyllarda Merkezi orta mekdebiň köp bolmagy sebäpli okuwçylaryň bir bölegi bölünip, başga ýere göçürildi we Günbatar orta mekdebi ýaly üç täze mekdebe öwrüler. Kolumbus mekdepleriniň ilkinji binagäri Deýwid Riebel tarapyndan döredilen “Neo-Classical Galkynyş” stil binasy 1908-nji ýylda guruldy we 1909-njy ýylda Günorta Merkezi şaýolunda açyldy. Täze Günbatar orta mekdebi açylanda bina ýyldyzly orta mekdebe öwrüldi. Täze Günbatar orta mekdebi 1929-njy ýylda açyldy. Ogaýo tanymal binagäri Howard Dwaýt Smit Ogaýo stadionyny hem dizaýn etdi. Günbatar orta mekdebi häzirki wagtda Günorta Powell şaýolunyň 179-njy ýerinde dowam edýär. 2016-njy ýylyň awgust aýynda, kubok durnuksyz hasaplanylandygy sebäpli aýryldy we täze kubok oturdyldy we 2018-nji ýylda yşyklandyryş dabarasy bilen bellendi. Mekdep reňkleri buff we goňur. Mekdep lakamy kawboýlar.
Günbatar orta mekdebi Ogaýo ştatynyň Kolumbus şäheriniň günbatar tarapynda, has takygy 179 Günorta Powell şaýolunda ýerleşýär.
What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Its surface is hotter than the inside of an oven. Venus is covered in a blanket of thick, yellow gas, 96.5% Carbon Dioxide, which traps heat from the Sun without letting it escape. Hence Venus can't cool down.
Gün ulgamynyň iň yssy planetasy näme?
Wenera Gün ulgamynyň iň yssy planetasydyr. Surfaceüzü peçiň içinden has yssy. Wenera galyň, sary gaz, 96,5% uglerod dioksidi bilen örtülendir, Günüň yssysyny gaçmagyna ýol bermezden duzlaýar. Şonuň üçin Wenera sowap bilmeýär.
Given a reference text about Putlacheruvu, how many canals are there and what are they used for?
Putlacheruvu is a village in the Mandavalli Mandal, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh state, India. According to the 2011 census it has a population of 1873 living in 583 households. Geography The village of Putlacheruvu is 6 km from Kolleru Lake and consists of three areas: Krishnapuram, Ramapuram, and Putlacheruvu proper. It features a 7.5 acre freshwater lake with a Naandi Foundation water treatment plant (which is a small failure )and a 12-foot tall statue of Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy at the south end of the lake. There are three large canals off the Krishna river on both ends of the village. One of these is used for drinking water and the other two are sewage canals used for pumping water into the fish tanks. The soil is very rich and suitable for many crops including rice and coconut. The local wildlife includes parrots, sparrows, minas, and black crows. In the evenings and early mornings, snake birds form in large migrations.
There are three canals in Putlacheruvu. One is used for drinking water and the other two are sewage canals used for pumping water into the fish tanks.
Putlacheruvu hakda salgylanma teksti berlende, näçe kanal bar we olar näme üçin ulanylýar?
Putlacheruvu, Hindistanyň Andra Pradeş ştatynyň Krişna etrabynyň Mandawalli Mandalyndaky bir oba. 2011-nji ýyldaky ilat ýazuwyna görä, 583 maşgalada 1873 ilaty bar. Geografiýa Putlacheruvu obasy Kolleru kölünden 6 km uzaklykda we üç ugurdan ybarat: Krişnapuram, Ramapuram we Putlacheruvu. Onda Naandi gaznasynyň suw arassalaýjy zawody (7,5 akr) süýji suw köli we kölüň günorta çetinde 12 metr beýiklikdäki S. S. Rajasekhara Reddiniň heýkeli bar. Obanyň iki ujunda Krişna derýasynyň boýunda üç sany uly kanal bar. Bularyň biri agyz suwy, galan ikisi balyk baklaryna suw guýmak üçin ulanylýan kanalizasiýa kanallarydyr. Toprak örän baý we tüwi we kokos ýaly köp ekinler üçin amatly. Wilderli ýabany tebigata towuklar, garaguşlar, minalar we gara gargalar girýär. Agşamlaryna we ir säherlerinde ýylan guşlary uly göçümlerde emele gelýär.
Putlaheruwuda üç kanal bar. Biri agyz suwy üçin ulanylýar, galan ikisi balyk baklaryna suw guýmak üçin ulanylýan kanalizasiýa kanallary.
Given a reference text about Tiger Woods, tell me when they were born, what their real first name is, and what profession his niece has.
Woods was born on December 30, 1975, in Cypress, California, to Earl and Kultida "Tida" Woods. He is their only child, though he has two half-brothers and a half-sister from his father's first marriage. Earl was a retired U.S. Army officer and Vietnam War veteran; he was born to African-American parents and was also said to have had European, Native American, and possibly Chinese ancestry. Kultida (née Punsawad) is originally from Thailand, where Earl met her when he was on a tour of duty there in 1968. She is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. In 2002, ESPN claimed: "For the record, he is one-quarter Thai, one-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Caucasian, one-eighth African American and one-eighth Native American." Tiger has described his ethnic make-up as "Cablinasian" (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, American Indian, and Asian). Woods's first name, Eldrick, was chosen by his mother because it began with "E" (for Earl) and ended with "K" (for Kultida). His middle name Tont is a traditional Thai name. He was nicknamed Tiger in honor of his father's friend, South Vietnamese Colonel Vuong Dang Phong, who had also been known as Tiger. Woods has a niece, Cheyenne Woods, who played for the Wake Forest University golf team and turned professional in 2012 when she made her pro debut in the LPGA Championship.[
Tiger Woods was borh on December 30, 1975. His real first name is "Eldrick". His niece, Cheyenne Woods, is a professional golfer.
Tiger Wuds hakda salgylanma teksti berlensoň, haçan dünýä inendiklerini, hakyky adynyň nämedigini we ýegeniniň haýsy hünäri bardygyny aýdyň.
Wuds 1975-nji ýylyň 30-njy dekabrynda Kaliforniýanyň Kipr şäherinde Earl we Kultida "Tida" Wudsda dünýä indi. Kakasynyň ilkinji nikasyndan iki ýarym dogany we ýarym gyz dogany bar bolsa-da, ol olaryň ýekeje çagasydyr. Earl ABŞ-nyň goşun gullugynyň işgäri we Wýetnam söweşiniň weteranydy; afroamerikaly ene-atalarda dünýä inipdi, şeýle hem Europeanewropaly, Amerikaly we ähtimal hytaý nesliniň bolandygy aýdylýar. Kultida (täze Punsawad) asly Taýlandly bolup, Earl 1968-nji ýylda ol ýerde nobatçylyga barýarka tanyşdy. Ol garyşyk taý, hytaý we gollandiýaly. 2002-nji ýylda ESPN: "theazgy üçin ol dörtden bir taý, dörtden bir hytaýly, dörtden bir kawkazly, sekizinji afroamerikaly we sekizden bir ýerli amerikaly" -diýdi. Tiger, etnik düzümini "Kablinasian" (Kawkaz, Gara, Amerikan Hindi we Aziýadan döreden bogun gysgaltmasy) diýip häsiýetlendirdi. Wudsyň ilkinji ady Eldrik ejesi tarapyndan saýlandy, sebäbi "E" (Earl üçin) bilen başlandy we "K" (Kultida üçin) bilen gutardy. Orta ady Tont adaty taý adydyr. Oňa kakasynyň dosty, Günorta Wýetnam polkownigi Wuong Dang Phongyň hormatyna Tigr lakamy dakyldy, ol Tigr ady bilenem tanalýardy. Wudsyň Wake Forest University golf toparynda oýnan we 2012-nji ýylda LPGA çempionatynda ilkinji gezek çykyş edeninde ýegeni Çeýnne Wuds bar. [
Tiger Wuds 1975-nji ýylyň 30-njy dekabrynda doguldy. Asyl ady "Eldrik". Eceegeni Çaýen Wuds professional golfçy.
Which rock star is known to consume heavy amounts of drugs and it surprising he has live this long?
Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones comes to mind.
Haýsy rok ýyldyzy köp mukdarda neşe serişdesini iýýär we bu uzak ýaşamagy geň galdyrýar?
“Rolling Stones” -iň Kit Riçards ýadyma düşýär.
What are the different ways I can open a jar whose lid is stuck and will not open?
1. Using a rubber band or rubber glove - Surround the circumference of the lid with a rubber band and now try to open the lid the same way you would normally do. The rubber band creates additional friction which causes helps open the lid with less force. The same result can be achieved by using rubber glove. 2. Using hot water - Hold the jar under hot water, the hot water will allow the metal lid to expand allowing you to open the jar. 3. Using a knife - Break the vacuum seal by poking a hole in the lid using a sharp object such as a knife. Once the vacuum seal is broken, you can twist open the lid with less force.
Gapagy ýapylan we açylmaýan bankany açmagyň dürli ýollary haýsylar?
1. Kauçuk zolak ýa-da rezin ellik ulanmak - Gapagyň daşyny rezin zolak bilen gurşap alyň we indi gapagy adaty bolşuňyz ýaly açmaga synanyşyň. Kauçuk zolak goşmaça sürtülme döredýär, bu bolsa gapagy az güýç bilen açmaga kömek edýär. Kauçuk ellik ulanyp, şol bir netijä ýetip bolýar. 2. Gyzgyn suwdan peýdalanmak - bankany gyzgyn suwuň aşagynda saklaň, gyzgyn suw demir gapagy giňeltmäge mümkinçilik berer we bankany açmaga mümkinçilik berer. 3. Pyçak ulanmak - Pyçak ýaly ýiti zady ulanyp, gapakdaky deşik deşip, wakuum möhürini döwüň. Wakuum möhri döwülenden soň, gapagy az güýç bilen açyp bilersiňiz.
Give me a list of songs to listen to with the artist for each song.
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Ready to Run by the Chicks, Love Story by Taylor Swift, Call Me Home by The Dreggs and The Internet by Jon Bellion
Her aýdym üçin aýdymçy bilen diňlemek üçin aýdymlaryň sanawyny beriň.
Ine, Beatles tarapyndan Gün gelýär, Çikler tarapyndan işlemäge taýyn, Teýlor Swiftiň söýgi hekaýasy, Dreggs tarapyndan meni öýe çagyryň we Jon Bellionyň interneti
Summarize the important contributions of Thomas Edison from this paragraph in a bulleted list.
Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures.These inventions, which include the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and early versions of the electric light bulb, have had a widespread impact on the modern industrialized world. He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of organized science and teamwork to the process of invention, working with many researchers and employees. He established the first industrial research laboratory.
Thomas Edison's research and inventions have had a significant influence over the modern industrialized world. Here is a glimpse of his achievements: 1. Invented the phonograph 2. Invented the motion picture camera 3. Invented early versions of electric light bulbs 4. He established the first industrial research labratory 5. He developed devices across several fields of research, including: power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures
Tomas Edisonyň bu abzasdan möhüm goşantlaryny gysga sanawda jemläň.
Tomas Alwa Edison (1847-nji ýylyň 11-nji fewraly - 1931-nji ýylyň 18-nji oktýabry) Amerikaly oýlap tapyjy we telekeçi. Elektrik energiýasy öndürmek, köpçülikleýin aragatnaşyk, ses ýazgysy we hereketli suratlar ýaly ugurlarda köp enjam döretdi. Fonografy, hereket kamerasyny we elektrik lampasynyň irki wersiýalaryny öz içine alýan bu oýlap tapyşlar giňden täsir etdi. häzirki zaman ösen dünýä. Köp gözlegçiler we işgärler bilen işleşip, oýlap tapyşda guramaçylykly ylym we toparlaýyn işlemek ýörelgelerini ulanan ilkinji oýlap tapyjylaryň biri. Ilkinji senagat gözleg laboratoriýasyny döretdi.
Tomas Edisonyň gözlegleri we oýlap tapyşlary häzirki zaman ösen dünýäde möhüm täsir etdi. Ine, gazanan üstünliklerine syn: 1. Fonograf oýlap tapdy 2. Hereketli kamera oýlap tapdy 3. Elektrik lampalarynyň irki wersiýalaryny oýlap tapdy 4. Ilkinji senagat gözleg laboratoriýasyny döretdi 5. Gözlegiň birnäçe ugry boýunça enjamlary döretdi, şol sanda: elektrik öndürmek, köpçülikleýin aragatnaşyk, ses ýazgysy we hereketli suratlar
Who won the masters in golf in 2019?
Tiger Woods won his fifth Green Jacket, and fifteenth major, by one stroke ahead of three runners-up. It left him one shy of Jack Nicklaus's record six Masters wins, and three short of his record eighteen major wins. At age 43, he became the eleventh oldest player to win a major, and the second oldest Masters winner, again only bettered by Nicklaus who won at age 46. It was 11 years after his last major win, the 2008 U.S. Open, and 14 years since his last Masters win beating the previous record of 13 years held by Gary Player. Due to the high profile of Woods, and his storied fall from the top of the game due to personal issues and injuries, the victory generated a large amount of publicity around the world, and is regarded as one of the great sporting comebacks.
2019-njy ýylda golfda ussatlary kim gazandy?
Tiger Wuds bäşinji Greenaşyl penjek, on bäşinji maýor bolsa üç çapyşykdan öňe bir urgy bilen ýeňiji boldy. Bu oňa Jek Niklausyň alty ussat ýeňşinden we on sekiz sany uly ýeňişinden üç utuk galdyrdy. 43 ýaşynda, maýor gazanan on birinji garry oýunçy we ikinji garry ýeňiji boldy, diňe 46 ýaşynda ýeňen Niklaus tarapyndan has gowulaşdy. Iň soňky ýeňşinden 11 ýyl soň, 2008 ABŞ Açyk we 14 Iň soňky ussatlaryndan ýeňiş gazanan ýyllary, Gary Pleýeriň 13 ýyllyk öňki rekordyny ýeňdi. Wudsyň ýokary derejesi we şahsy meseleler we şikesler sebäpli oýnuň başyndan ýykylmagy sebäpli bu ýeňiş dünýäde köp meşhurlyk gazandy we sportuň gaýdyp gelmeginiň biri hasaplanýar.
Tell me which of these are types of desserts: flan, steak, tofu, broccoli, cookies, Cheetos, banana bread, ice cream, giblets, macaron, doughnut, a toothbrush
Flan, cookies, banana bread, ice cream, macaron, doughnut
Bularyň haýsysynyň desert görnüşidigini aýdyň: flan, biftek, tofu, brokkoli, gutapjyklar, Çetos, banan çöregi, doňdurma, gibletler, makaron, don, diş çotgasy
Flan, köke, banan çöregi, doňdurma, makaron, don
Which is a species of fish? Reedfish or Reed
Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Gamyş ýa-da gamyş
Who are the five best basketball players in the history of the Boston Celtics?
1. Bill Russell 2. Larry Bird 3. Bob Cousy 4. Tommy Heinsohn 5. Paul Pierce
“Boston Seltiks” -iň taryhynda iň oňat bäş basketbolçy kim?
1. Bill Rassel 2. Larri Bird 3. Bob Kousi 4. Tommy Heinsohn 5. Pol Pirs
what are the best tips for parenting?
Be role models to your children. Behave the way you want your kids to behave. Spend plenty of time with them as they grow up. Be a patient, non-judgemental, supportive companion when they needed. Allow them to pursue their own dreams.
ene-atanyň iň gowy maslahatlary haýsylar?
Çagalaryňyza görelde boluň. Çagalaryňyzyň özüni alyp barşyny isleýşiňiz ýaly ediň. Ulalansoň olar bilen köp wagt geçiriň. Zerur bolanda sabyrly, höküm çykarmaýan, goldaw berýän ýoldaş boluň. Öz arzuwlaryny amala aşyrmaga rugsat beriň.
Extract the location that the Kirtland's warbler lives in the winter.
Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), also known in Michigan by the common name jack pine bird, or the jack pine warbler, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family (Parulidae), named after Jared Potter Kirtland, an Ohio doctor and amateur naturalist. Nearly extinct just 50 years ago, populations have recovered due to conservation efforts. It requires large areas, greater than 160 acres (65 hectares), of dense young jack pine for its breeding habitat. This habitat was historically created by wildfire, but today is created through the harvest of mature jack pine, and planting of jack pine seedlings. The population of the species spends the spring and summer in their breeding range in Ontario, Wisconsin or Michigan, especially the northeastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Kirtland's warbler is a small songbird that spends its winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Kirtland söweşijisiniň gyşda ýaşaýan ýerini çykaryň.
Miçiganda umumy ady jack sosna guşy ýa-da sosna sosnasy bilen tanalýan Kirtland söweşçisi (Setophaga kirtlandii), Ogaýo lukmany we höwesjeň Jared Potter Kirtlandyň adyny göterýän Täze Dünýä söweşiji maşgalasynyň (Parulidae) kiçijik aýdym guşudyr. tebigatçy. Diňe 50 ýyl ozal ýok bolup giden ilat, tebigaty goramak tagallalary sebäpli dikeldildi. Köpeltmek üçin 160 gektardan (65 gektar) uly meýdany talap edýär. Bu ýaşaýyş mekany taryhda ýangyn oty bilen döredilipdi, ýöne häzirki wagtda ýetişen sosna hasylyny ýygnamak we sosna nahallaryny oturtmak arkaly döredilýär. Görnüşleriň ilaty ýaz we tomus Ontario, Wiskonsin ýa-da Miçigan, esasanam Miçiganyň demirgazyk-gündogar aşaky ýarym adasynda, Bagama, Kuba, Hispaniola we Türkler we Kaýkos adalarynda köpelýär.
Kirtlandyň söweşijisi gyşlaryny Bagama, Kuba, Hispaniola we Türkler we Kaýkos adalarynda geçirýän kiçijik aýdym guşudyr.
What are some common types of high heel shoes?
Common types of high heel shoes include the stiletto heel, block heel, flare heel, kitten heel, and wedge heel.
Beýik ökjeli köwüşleriň haýsy görnüşleri bar?
Beýik ökjeli köwüşleriň umumy görnüşlerine stiletto topuk, blok topuk, alaw dabany, pişik dabany we kirpik dabany degişlidir.
What are some examples of frequently purchased essential oils?
Some examples of frequently purchased essential oils include peppermint, spearmint, tea tree, grapefruit, lemon, orange, rosemary, and spruce oils.
Frequygy-ýygydan satyn alynýan efir ýaglaryna mysallar näme?
Frequygy-ýygydan satyn alynýan efir ýaglarynyň käbirine narpyz, naýza, çaý agajy, greýpfrut, limon, mämişi, bibariya we arça ýaglary degişlidir.
Give me ideas of ways to add a spicy kick to my pho.
You can spice up a bowl of pho by adding some sriracha sauce, fresh jalapenos, pickled jalapenos, or chili oil.
Pho-a ýakymly urgy goşmagyň ýollary barada pikirler beriň.
Biraz sriraça sousy, täze jalapenos, duzlanan jalapenos ýa-da çili ýagyny goşup, bir tabak pho ýakymly ys berip bilersiňiz.
Is language our greatest invention ?
General consensus is that language is regarded as one of the greatest inventions, as it helped improve our communication of ideas and emotions. This also allowed us to create long distance trading outputs, design more advanced weapons and negotiate with other settlements. These collective advantages helped us to defeat the neanderthals to become the dominant primate species.
Dil iň uly oýlap tapyşymyzmy?
Umumy pikir, dil iň uly oýlap tapyşlaryň biri hasaplanýar, sebäbi bu pikirler we duýgular aragatnaşygymyzy gowulaşdyrdy. Bu, şeýle hem, uzak aralyk söwda netijelerini döretmäge, has ösen ýaraglary dizaýn etmäge we beýleki şäherçeler bilen gepleşik geçirmäge mümkinçilik berdi. Bu köpçülikleýin artykmaçlyklar, agdyklyk edýän jandar görnüşlerine öwrülmek üçin neandertallary ýeňmäge kömek etdi.
Polly, a 51-year-old female, visits your fitness facility. She is dissatisfied with her body and is responding to a series of ads your facility uses to attract people interested in weight loss. Can we think of ways she can become more accepting of her body?
Instead of jumping to intense workout regimens or strict diets, we can coax her to focus more on what her body can accomplish physically versus just how it looks. We wish to encourage her to accept her body and cherish her progress in her athletic endeavors, e.g. if she is consistently performing resistance exercises, remind her that her body can now lift much more weight than when she first started. She can focus more on that, instead of purely a number on a scale. Moreover, we can also dig into where her body insecurities came from, and take steps so that she can work through this trauma. Suggestions include renaming a specific disliked body part, focusing on the great parts of her own body, and appreciating the inherent strength and functionality of her body.
51 ýaşly zenan Polli fitnes merkeziňize baryp görýär. Bedeninden nägile we desganyňyzyň horlanmak bilen gyzyklanýan adamlary özüne çekmek üçin ulanýan mahabatlaryna jogap berýär. Bedenini has kabul edip biljek ýollary hakda pikir edip bilerismi?
Güýçli türgenleşik düzgünlerine ýa-da berk berhizlere geçmegiň ýerine, bedeniniň görnüşine görä fiziki taýdan ýerine ýetirip biljek zatlaryna has köp üns bermäge mejbur edip bileris. Bedenini kabul etmegini we sportda gazanan üstünliklerine ýokary baha bermegini isleýäris. yzygiderli garşylyk maşklaryny ýerine ýetirýän bolsa, bedeniniň indi başlanyndan has köp agram göterip biljekdigini ýada salyň. Ol masştabdaky sanlaryň ýerine has köp ünsi jemläp biler. Mundan başga-da, bedenindäki howpsyzlyklaryň nireden gelendigini hem öwrenip bileris we bu şikesiň üstünde işlemegi üçin çäreleri görüp bileris. Teklipler belli bir halamaýan beden böleginiň adyny üýtgetmegi, öz bedeniniň uly böleklerine ünsi jemlemegi we bedeniniň mahsus güýjüne we işleýşine baha bermegi öz içine alýar.
Extract the best known types of wood-decay fungi described in this paragraph and list them in a bulleted list.
Wood-decay fungi can be classified according to the type of decay that they cause. The best-known types are brown rot, soft rot, and white rot. Each produce different enzymes, can degrade different plant materials, and can colonise different environmental niches. Brown rot and soft rot both digest a tree's cellulose and hemicellulose but not its lignin; white rot digests lignin as well. The residual products of decomposition from fungal action have variable pH, solubility and redox potentials. Over time this residue becomes incorporated in the soil and sediment so can have a noticeable effect on the environment of that area.
The best known types of wood-decay fungi are: - Brown rot - Soft rot - White rot
Bu abzasda beýan edilen agaç çüýrän kömelekleriň iň meşhur görnüşlerini çykaryň we olary sanawda görkeziň.
Agaç çüýrän kömelekler, olaryň döremegine görä bölünip bilner. Iň meşhur görnüşleri goňur çüýremek, ýumşak çüýremek we ak çüýremekdir. Olaryň hersi dürli fermentleri öndürýär, dürli ösümlik materiallaryny peseldip biler we dürli daşky gurşaw ýerlerini kolonizasiýa edip biler. Goňur çüýremek we ýumşak çüýremek agajyň sellýulozasyny we gemisellulozany siňdirýär, ýöne onuň lignini däl; ak çüýrük lignini hem siňdirýär. Kömelek täsirinden bölünip çykýan galyndy önümleri üýtgeýän pH, ergin we redoks potensialyna eýe. Wagtyň geçmegi bilen bu galyndy topraga we çökündilere goşulýar, şonuň üçin bu sebitiň daşky gurşawyna ep-esli täsir edip biler.
Agaç çüýrän kömelekleriň iň belli görnüşleri: - Goňur çüýremek - Softumşak çüýremek - Ak çüýrük
What is a safe temperature for a hot bath?
Its advisable to stay between 101 and 105 degrees fahrenheit for a hot bath to ensure you don't burn your skin.
Gyzgyn hammam üçin howpsuz temperatura näme?
Deriňizi ýakmazlygyňyz üçin gyzgyn hammam üçin 101 bilen 105 gradus aralygynda bolmak maslahat berilýär.
Explain to me what a rainbow actually is?
A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that can occur under certain meteorological conditions. It is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in an effect similar to a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the Sun.
A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that occurs by sunlight appearing in the section of the sky directly opposite of the sun.
Rainlemgoşaryň aslynda nämedigini maňa düşündiriň?
Owlemgoşar belli bir meteorologiki şertlerde ýüze çykyp bilýän optiki hadysadyr. Suw damjalarynda ýagtylygyň şöhlelenmegi, döwülmegi we ýaýramagy netijesinde döräp, asmanda görünýän ýagtylygyň spektrine meňzeş täsir edýär. Köp reňkli tegelek ýaý görnüşini alýar. Gün şöhlesinden emele gelen älemgoşar hemişe asmanyň Günüň garşysynda görünýär.
Owlemgoşar, gün şöhlesiniň asmanyň günüň göni garşysynda görünýän böleginde ýüze çykýan optiki hadysadyr.
What is kombucha?
Kombucha is a fermented tea that is often fizzy or carbonated, and a bit sour. Kombucha typically has a low concentration of alcohol, however some kombucha can be made with higher levels of alcohol content. Kombucha is fermented for a number of days and then bottled with various flavor enhancing ingredients such as syrups, herbs, juices or fruit. Kombucha can be made by brewers at home with basic ingredients and materials, and it can also be mass produced. Kombucha is made from the combination of typically black tea, sugar, and a SCOBY aka a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast.
Kombucha näme?
Kombucha, köplenç gazly ýa-da gazlandyrylan we birneme turşadylan fermentlenen çaý. Kombucha, adatça, alkogolyň pes konsentrasiýasyna eýedir, ýöne käbir kombucha alkogol mukdary bilen öndürilip bilner. Kombucha birnäçe günläp fermentlenýär we soňra şerap, otlar, şireler ýa-da miweler ýaly dürli tagamy güýçlendiriji maddalar bilen çüýşelenýär. Kombucha öýde piwo öndürijiler tarapyndan esasy maddalar we materiallar bilen ýasalyp bilner we köpçülikleýin öndürilip bilner. Kombucha, adatça, gara çaýyň, şekeriň we bakteriýalaryň we hamyrmanyň simbiotik medeniýeti bolan SCOBY aka bilen birleşýär.
What caused the great depression?
The Great Depression, flawed government policies, bank failures and the collapse of the money supply were all contributing factors to the depression.
Uly depressiýa näme sebäp boldy?
Uly Depressiýa, kemçilikli hökümet syýasaty, bankdaky näsazlyklar we pul üpjünçiliginiň çökmegi bularyň hemmesi depressiýa sebäp boldy.
what is the latest top rate of income tax
Britain's income tax has changed over the years. Originally it taxed a person's income regardless of who was beneficially entitled to that income, but now tax is paid on income to which the taxpayer is beneficially entitled. Most companies were taken out of the income tax net in 1965 when corporation tax was introduced. These changes were consolidated by the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970. Also the schedules under which tax is levied have changed. Schedule B was abolished in 1988, Schedule C in 1996 and Schedule E in 2003. For income tax purposes, the remaining schedules were superseded by the Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005, which also repealed Schedule F. For corporation tax purposes, the Schedular system was repealed and superseded by the Corporation Tax Acts of 2009 and 2010. The highest rate of income tax peaked in the Second World War at 99.25%. This was slightly reduced after the war and was around 97.5 percent (nineteen shillings and sixpence in the pound) through the 1950s and 60s. HM Revenue and Customs has published online a comprehensive set of manuals about the UK tax system. Tax revenues as a percentage of GDP for the UK in comparison to the OECD and the EU 15 In 1971, the top rate of income tax on earned income was cut to 75%. A surcharge of 15% on investment income kept the overall top rate on that income at 90%. In 1974 the top tax rate on earned income was again raised, to 83%. With the investment income surcharge this raised the overall top rate on investment income to 98%, the highest permanent rate since the war. This applied to incomes over £20,000 (equivalent to £221,741 in 2021 terms),. In 1974, as many as 750,000 people were liable to pay the top rate of income tax. Margaret Thatcher, who favoured indirect taxation, reduced personal income tax rates during the 1980s. In the first budget after her election victory in 1979, the top rate was reduced from 83% to 60% and the basic rate from 33% to 30%. The basic rate was further cut in three subsequent budgets, to 29% in 1986 budget, 27% in 1987 and 25% in 1988. The top rate of income tax was cut to 40% in the 1988 budget. The investment income surcharge was abolished in 1985. Subsequent governments reduced the basic rate further, to the present level of 20% in 2007. Since 1976 (when it stood at 35%), the basic rate has been reduced by 15%, but this reduction has been largely offset by increases in national insurance contributions and value added tax. In 2010 a new top rate of 50% was introduced on income over £150,000. Revenue to the Exchequer subsequently went down as top rate earners found methods to avoid taxation. In the 2012 budget this rate was cut to 45% for 2013–14; this was followed by an increase in the tax paid by additional rate taxpayers from £38 billion to £46 billion. Chancellor George Osborne claimed that the lower, more competitive tax rate had caused the increase. In September 2022 the government announced that from April 2023 the top rate of tax would be reduced from 45% to 40% and the basic rate reduced from 20% to 19%. The abolition of the 45% additional rate of tax was subsequently cancelled through measures set out in the 2022's Autumn statement. Business rates were introduced in England and Wales in 1990 and are a modernised version of a system of rating that dates back to the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601. As such, business rates retain many previous features from, and follow some case law of, older forms of rating. The Finance Act 2004 introduced an income tax regime known as "pre-owned asset tax" which aims to reduce the use of common methods of inheritance tax avoidance.
45% above 150,000 as of Aug 2022
girdeji salgydynyň iň ýokary derejesi näme?
Angliýanyň girdeji salgydy ýyllar boýy üýtgedi. Ilkibaşda bu girdejiniň kimiň peýdalydygyna garamazdan adamyň girdejisine salgyt salýardy, ýöne indi salgyt töleýjiniň artykmaç hukugy bolan girdeji boýunça salgyt tölenýär. Kompaniýalaryň köpüsi 1965-nji ýylda korporasiýa salgyt girizilende girdeji salgydy torundan çykaryldy. Bu üýtgeşmeler 1970-nji ýyldaky girdeji we korporasiýa salgyt kanuny bilen birleşdirildi. Şeýle hem salgyt alynýan meýilnamalar üýtgedi. B meýilnamasy 1988-nji ýylda, 1996-njy ýylda C meýilnamasy we 2003-nji ýylda E meýilnamasy ýatyryldy. Girdeji salgyt maksatlary üçin galan meýilnamalar 2005-nji ýyldaky girdeji salgydy (söwda we beýleki girdejiler) kanuny bilen ýerine ýetirildi, bu hem korporasiýa salgyt maksatlary üçin F. meýilnamasyny ýatyrdy. , Schedylar ulgamy 2009-njy we 2010-njy ýyllardaky Korporasiýa salgyt kanunlary bilen ýatyryldy we ýerine ýetirildi. Ikinji jahan urşunda girdeji salgydynyň iň ýokary derejesi 99,25% boldy. Uruşdan soň bu birneme azaldy we 1950-60-njy ýyllar aralygynda 97,5 göterim (on dokuz şilling we funtda alty teňňe) boldy. HM girdeji we gümrük gullugy Angliýanyň salgyt ulgamy barada giňişleýin gollanmalary onlaýn neşir etdi. OECD we EUB 15 bilen deňeşdirilende Angliýa üçin jemi içerki önümiň göterimi hökmünde salgyt girdejileri 1971-nji ýylda gazanylan girdeji boýunça girdeji salgydynyň iň ýokary mukdary 75% -e çenli azaldyldy. Maýa goýum girdejilerinden 15% goşmaça töleg, şol girdejiniň iň ýokary derejesini 90% -de saklady. 1974-nji ýylda gazanylan girdejiler boýunça iň ýokary salgyt derejesi ýene 83 göterime çenli ýokarlandy. Maýa goýum girdejileriniň goşmaça tölegi bilen, maýa goýum girdejileriniň iň ýokary derejesini 98% -e, uruşdan bäri iň ýokary hemişelik derejä çykardy. Bu 20,000 funt sterlingden gowrak girdejä degişlidir (2021-nji ýylda 221,741 funt sterlinge barabar). 1974-nji ýylda 750 000 töweregi adam girdeji salgydynyň iň ýokary mukdaryny tölemeli boldy. Gytaklaýyn salgyt salmagy goldaýan Margaret Tetçer 1980-nji ýyllarda şahsy girdeji salgydyny azaltdy. 1979-njy ýylda geçirilen saýlawda ýeňiş gazanylandan soň ilkinji býudjetde iň ýokary göterim 83% -den 60% -e, esasy stawka 33% -den 30% -e çenli azaldy. Esasy stawka soňraky üç býudjetde 1986-njy ýylyň býudjetinde 29% -e, 1987-nji ýylda 27% -e we 1988-nji ýylda 25% -e çenli azaldyldy. Girdeji salgydynyň iň ýokary derejesi 1988-nji ýylyň býudjetinde 40% -e çenli azaldyldy. Maýa goýum girdejileriniň goşmaça tölegi 1985-nji ýylda ýatyryldy. Ondan soňky hökümetler esasy stawkany 2007-nji ýylda 20% -e çenli peseltdi. 1976-njy ýyldan bäri (35% -e ýetende) esasy stawka 15% peseldi, ýöne bu azalma esasan milli ösüş bilen ýapyldy. ätiýaçlandyryş gatançlary we goşulan baha üçin salgyt. 2010-njy ýylda 150 000 funt sterlingden gowrak girdeji boýunça 50% täze ýokary göterim girizildi. Iň ýokary girdeji gazananlar salgyt salmakdan gaça durmagyň usullaryny tapansoň, Gazna girdejisi azaldy. 2012-nji ýylyň býudjetinde bu görkeziji 2013–14-nji ýyllar üçin 45% -e çenli azaldyldy; munuň netijesinde goşmaça salgyt töleýjiler tarapyndan tölenen salgyt 38 milliard ýewrodan 46 milliard ýewro çenli ýokarlandy. Kansler Jorj Osborne pes we bäsdeşlige ukyply salgyt derejesiniň ýokarlanmagyna sebäp bolandygyny öňe sürdi. 2022-nji ýylyň sentýabr aýynda hökümet 2023-nji ýylyň aprelinden başlap iň ýokary salgyt stawkasynyň 45% -den 40% -e, esasy stawkanyň 20% -den 19% -e çenli azaljakdygyny habar berdi. 45% goşmaça salgyt stawkasynyň ýatyrylmagy, 2022-nji ýylyň güýz beýanynda görkezilen çäreler arkaly ýatyryldy. Işewürlik nyrhlary 1990-njy ýylda Angliýada we Uelsde girizildi we 1601-nji ýyldaky abetelizawetaň garyp kanunyndan gözbaş alýan ulgamyň döwrebaplaşdyrylan görnüşi. Şonuň üçin işewürlik nyrhlary köne aýratynlyklardan öňki aýratynlyklaryny saklaýar we käbir kanunlara eýerýär. reýting görnüşleri. Maliýe kanuny 2004 miras salgytlaryndan gaça durmagyň umumy usullaryny ulanmagy azaltmagy maksat edinýän "öňünden emläk aktiwleri" diýlip atlandyrylýan girdeji salgydy düzgünini girizdi.
2022-nji ýylyň awgust aýyna çenli 150,000-den 45% ýokary
Give me examples of birds that do not have the ability to fly.
Kiwi, Ostrich, Penguin, Weka, Steamer duck, Kakapo, Takahe.
Uçmak ukyby bolmadyk guşlara mysal beriň.
Kiwi, düýeguş, pingwin, Weka, bug ördek, Kakapo, Takahe.
Tell me the awards that Zhu won and the year that she won them in the following format: {Award}: {Year}
Zhu's works, most related to home, travel, explore and strangeness, have been published in magazines and shown at photography festival internationally, including the FORMAT International Festival and Lianzhou International Photo Festival. Her photobook was selected as for the PHOTOEYE's Best Books of 2012. She also won the Three Shadows Photography Award in 2014 and the Barcelona International Photography Awards in 2015. When Zhu was in secondary school, she was more interested in the village she lived in, especially the old houses going to disappear. Thus, she started photographing them and that was the first time she picked up her grandfather's camera and created something. At the time that digital camera being popular, her parent bought her one which was a Taiwan brand called PREMIER.
Here is a list of awards that Zhu won and the year in which she won them: PHOTOEYE's Best Books of 2012: 2012 Three Shadows Photography Award: 2014 Barcelona International Photography Awards: 2015
Zhu-nyň gazanan baýraklaryny we ýeňen ýylyny aşakdaky formatda aýdyň: {Baýrak}: {Yearyl}
Zhunyň öý, syýahat, gözleg we geňlik bilen baglanyşykly eserleri magazinesurnallarda çap edildi we FORMAT halkara festiwaly we Lianzhou halkara surat festiwaly ýaly halkara derejesinde surat festiwalynda görkezildi. Fotosuraty, PHOTOEYE-iň 2012-nji ýylyň iň gowy kitaplary hökmünde saýlandy. Şeýle hem 2014-nji ýylda “Üç kölege” surat baýragyna we 2015-nji ýylda Barselona halkara surat baýraklaryna eýe boldy. Zhu orta mekdepde okaýarka, ýaşaýan obasy, esasanam köne jaýlaryň ýitip gitmegi bilen has gyzyklandy. Şeýlelik bilen, olary surata düşürip başlady we ilkinji gezek atasynyň kamerasyny alyp, bir zat döretdi. Sanly kamera meşhur bolanda, ene-atasy oňa PREMIER atly Taýwan markasy bolan birini satyn aldy.
Ine, Zhunyň gazanan baýraklarynyň sanawy we olary gazanan ýyly: FOTOEYE-iň 2012-nji ýylyň iň gowy kitaplary Üç kölegeli surat baýragy: 2014 Barselona halkara surat baýraklary: 2015
What is Matong
Matong /məˈtɒŋ/ is a town in the central east part of the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. The town is 37 kilometres (23 mi) east of Narrandera and 26 kilometres (16 mi) west of Coolamon. At the 2016 census, Matong had a population of 164 people. Sport The most popular sport in Matong is Australian rules football, as it lies in the narrow 'canola belt', a geographical triangle stretching from the Grong Grong and Marrar at either end of the Canola Way, to Ungarie, in which Australian football retains a strong following, despite New South Wales being a largely rugby league supporting state.
Matong is a town in the central east part of the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. The town is 37 kilometres (23 mi) east of Narrandera and 26 kilometres (16 mi) west of Coolamon. At the 2016 census, Matong had a population of 164 people. Sport The most popular sport in Matong is Australian rules football, as it lies in the narrow 'canola belt', a geographical triangle stretching from the Grong Grong and Marrar at either end of the Canola Way, to Ungarie, in which Australian football retains a strong following, despite New South Wales being a largely rugby league supporting state.
Matong näme
Matong / məˈtɒŋ / Awstraliýanyň Täze Günorta Uelsiň Riverina sebitiniň merkezi gündogar bölegindäki şäher. Şäher Narranderadan 37 km (23 mil) gündogarda we Coolamonyň 26 km günbatarynda ýerleşýär. 2016-njy ýyldaky ilat ýazuwynda Matongyň 164 ilaty bardy. Sport Matongda iň meşhur sport, Awstraliýa futbolynyň berk saklanýan ýeri bolan Grong Grong we Marrar-dan Ungarie çenli uzalyp gidýän geografiki üçburçluk dar “kanola guşakda” ýerleşýändigi sebäpli Awstraliýada futbol oýnamakdyr. Täze Günorta Uelsiň esasan regbi ligasyny goldaýan döwlet bolmagyna garamazdan.
Matong Awstraliýanyň Täze Günorta Uelsiň Riverina sebitiniň merkezi gündogar böleginde ýerleşýän şäherdir. Şäher Narranderadan 37 km (23 mil) gündogarda we Coolamonyň 26 km günbatarynda ýerleşýär. 2016-njy ýyldaky ilat ýazuwynda Matongyň 164 ilaty bardy. Sport Matongda iň meşhur sport, Awstraliýa futbolynyň berk saklanýan ýeri bolan Grong Grong we Marrar-dan Ungarie çenli uzalyp gidýän geografiki üçburçluk dar “kanola guşakda” ýerleşýändigi sebäpli Awstraliýada futbol oýnamakdyr. Täze Günorta Uelsiň esasan regbi ligasyny goldaýan döwlet bolmagyna garamazdan.
Which companies have the Paypal Mafia founded?
The "PayPal Mafia" is a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and/or developed additional technology companies such as Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, SpaceX, Affirm, Slide, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp, and Yammer. Most of the members attended Stanford University or University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign at some point in their studies.
Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, SpaceX, Affirm, Slide, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp, and Yammer
“Paypal Mafia” haýsy kompaniýalary esaslandyrdy?
"PayPal mafia", şondan soň Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, SpaceX, Affirm, Slide, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp we goşmaça tehnologiýa kompaniýalaryny döreden we döreden ýa-da döreden PayPal-yň öňki işgärleriniň we esaslandyryjylarynyň toparydyr. Yammer. Agzalaryň köpüsi, okuwlarynyň belli bir döwründe Stenford uniwersitetine ýa-da Illinoýs Urbana - Şampaniýasyna gatnaşdy.
Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, SpaceX, Affirm, Slaýd, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp we Yammer
What team is the latest expansion in Major League Soccer?
The latest expansion team in Major League Soccer is St. Louis FC. They started off their first season in 2023 with five straight wins and a goal difference of plus fifteen.
Esasy liganyň futbolynda iň soňky giňeliş haýsy topar?
Esasy liganyň futbolynda iň soňky giňeliş topary Sent-Luis FK. Ilkinji möwsümini 2023-nji ýylda bäş göni ýeňiş we on bäş gol tapawudy bilen başladylar.
What is the difference between cherry blossoms and plum blossoms?
The easiest way is by observing the following two differences. First, pay attention to the petals. The cherry blossom is usually spiky at the end of each petal whereas the plum blossom is more rounded. Second, you can tell by the smell. True cherry blossoms have a faint smell, with the exception of some rare trees. Plum trees have a strong flowery smell.
Çerkez gülleri bilen erik gülleriniň arasynda näme tapawut bar?
Iň aňsat ýol, aşakdaky iki tapawudy synlamakdyr. Ilki bilen gül ýapraklaryna üns beriň. Alça gülü, adatça, her ýapragyň ujunda pürli bolýar, erik gülleri bolsa tegelek bolýar. Ikinjiden, ys bilen aýdyp bilersiňiz. Hakyky alça gülleriniň käbir seýrek agaçlardan başga-da ysly ysy bar. Erik agaçlarynyň güýçli gül ysy bar.
I locked myself out of my apartment. Can you help me come up a few ways to get back in?
Here are a few ways you might be able to get back into your apartment. * Try to recall if you left a spare key with a friend or under a doormat. * Call your landlord or your building's front desk (if it has one) to see if they can let you in. * If you have an open window, that's easily accessible, see if you can climb back into your apartment. * Try calling a locksmith.
Men kwartiramdan gulpladym. Yza gaýdyp gelmegiň birnäçe ýoluny tapmaga kömek edip bilersiňizmi?
Jaýyňyza gaýdyp gelmegiň birnäçe usuly bar. * Dostuňyz bilen ýa-da gapy astynda ätiýaçlyk açary goýsaňyz, ýatlamaga synanyşyň. * Öý eýesine ýa-da binanyňyzyň öňdäki stoluna jaň ediň (eger bar bolsa), size girip biljekdigini ýa-da ýokdugyny bilmek üçin. * Açyk penjireňiz bar bolsa, oňa aňsatlyk bilen girip bilersiňiz, jaýyňyza gaýdyp biljekdigiňizi görüň. * Çilingir çagyryp görüň.
Where can I find Yukigassen tournaments?
Yukigassen (雪合戦) is a snowball fighting-competition from Japan. Today there are annual tournaments in Sōbetsu, Hokkaidō in Japan, Kemijärvi in Finland, Vardø in Norway, Murmansk in Russia, Mount Buller, Victoria in Australia, Luleå in Sweden, Anchorage in Alaska, Aparan in Armenia, Jasper, Alberta and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada.
Sōbetsu, Hokkaidō, Japan Kemijärvi, Finland Vardø, Norway Murmansk, Russia Mount Buller, Victoria, Australia Luleå, Sweden Anchorage, Alaska Aparan, Armenia Jasper, Alberta, Canada Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Yukukigassen ýaryşlaryny nireden tapyp bilerin?
Igukigassen (雪 合 戦) Japanaponiýadan gelen gar topy ýaryşy. Häzirki wagtda Sōbetsu, Japanaponiýada Hokkaidō, Finlýandiýada Kemijärvi, Norwegiýada Wardø, Russiýada Murmansk, Buller dagy, Awstraliýada Wiktoriýa, Şwesiýada Luleå, Alýaskadaky Ankorij, Ermenistanda Aparan, Jasper, Alberta we Saskatoon, Saskatçewan ýaly ýaryşlar bar. Kanadada.
Sōbetsu, Hokkaidō, Japanaponiýa Kemijärvi, Finlýandiýa Wardø, Norwegiýa Murmansk, Russiýa Buller dagy, Wiktoriýa, Awstraliýa Luleå, Şwesiýa Ankorij, Alýaska Aparan, Ermenistan Jasper, Alberta, Kanada Saskatoon, Saskatçewan, Kanada
What is the difference between an electric guitar and acoustic guitar?
The main difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar is the way they are played. An electric guitar has a pickup attached to it and is played with an amplifier. On the other hand, an acoustic guitar is played without an amplifier and is typically plugged into an amplifier when being played in a live setting.
Elektrik gitara bilen akustiki gitaranyň arasynda näme tapawut bar?
Elektrik gitara bilen akustiki gitaranyň arasyndaky esasy tapawut, olaryň çalynmagydyr. Elektrik gitarada bir pikap bar we güýçlendiriji bilen çalynýar. Beýleki tarapdan, akustiki gitara güýçlendirijisiz çalynýar we göni ýaýlymda çalynanda güýçlendirijä dakylýar.
Classify each of the following as either Mexican food or Vietnamese food: pho, tacos, spring rolls, bun bo hue, burritos, frijoles, banh mi, nachos
Vietnamese food: pho, spring rolls, bun bo hue, banh mi Mexican food: tacos, burritos, frijoles, nachos
Aşakdakylaryň hersini Meksikaly iýmit ýa-da Wýetnam nahary hökmünde toparlara bölüň: pho, takos, bahar rulonlary, bun bo hue, burritos, frijoles, banh mi, nachos
Wýetnam nahary: pho, bahar rulonlary, bun bo hue, banh mi Meksikaly iýmit: takoslar, burritler, frijoles, naços
Why you need to be honest?
Because you should not cheat to anyone and that will give you a good live
Näme üçin dogruçyl bolmaly?
Sebäbi hiç kimi aldamaň we bu size gowy durmuş berer
What is the difference between public and private schools?
The terms "public" and "private" have different connotations in different countries, so this answer will focus on the United States education system. In the US, public schools refer to those funded by federal, state and local governments to provide free or low-cost education to local residents. Private schools are run by private organizations and typically require financial contributions from the families of students in the form of tuition payments. Although private schools are regulated, they typically operate without the control of a public school system and have the freedom to determine their own pedagogy. Some students attend private schools without paying tuition if they receive financial aid, either directly from the school they attend or though a third party.
Döwlet we hususy mekdepleriň arasynda näme tapawut bar?
"Jemgyýetçilik" we "hususy" adalgalarynyň dürli ýurtlarda dürli manylary bar, şonuň üçin bu jogap Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň bilim ulgamyna gönükdiriler. ABŞ-da döwlet mekdepleri ýerli ýaşaýjylara mugt ýa-da arzan bilim bermek üçin federal, ştat we ýerli hökümetler tarapyndan maliýeleşdirilýänlere degişlidir. Hususy mekdepler hususy guramalar tarapyndan dolandyrylýar we adatça okuw tölegleri görnüşinde talyplaryň maşgalalaryndan maliýe goşantlaryny talap edýär. Hususy mekdepler düzgünleşdirilse-de, adatça döwlet mekdep ulgamynyň gözegçiligi bolmazdan işleýär we öz pedagogikasyny kesgitlemek erkinligine eýe. Käbir talyplar, göni okaýan mekdebinden ýa-da üçünji tarap bolsa-da, maliýe kömegini alsa, okuw tölemezden hususy mekdeplere gatnaýarlar.
What are some of the ways society can be improved?
Each country have their own customs, political systems, economic systems and beliefs. But some of the common ways we can improve society are to give population of a country clean water, clean air, nutritious food, basic education, health care and security. Additionally, creating economic system where individuals can work and contribute to their society's cultural, economic, and social growth may also improve society overall.
Jemgyýeti gowulandyrmagyň käbir ýollary haýsylar?
Her ýurduň öz däp-dessurlary, syýasy ulgamlary, ykdysady ulgamlary we ynançlary bar. Societyöne jemgyýeti ösdürmegiň umumy usullarynyň käbiri bir ýurduň ilatyna arassa suw, arassa howa, ýokumly iýmit, esasy bilim, saglygy goraýyş we howpsuzlyk bermekdir. Mundan başga-da, şahsyýetleriň işläp we jemgyýetiniň medeni, ykdysady we sosial ösüşine goşant goşup biljek ykdysady ulgam döretmek, umuman jemgyýeti gowulaşdyryp biler.
Extract the beginning and ending term of António de Serpa Pimentel from the following text
António de Serpa Pimentel (1825 in Coimbra – 1900) was Prime Minister of Portugal from 14 January to 11 October 1890. His term in office began as a reaction to the British ultimatum concerning Portuguese colonial policy in southeast Africa. The signing of the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty later that year, which was intended as a step to resolve the crisis, was viewed as further appeasement of a powerful Britain. This led to his resignation and the fall of his government.
António de Serpa Pimentel was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 14 January 1890 to 11 October 1890
António de Serpa Pimenteliň başlangyç we ahyrky möhletini aşakdaky tekstden alyň
António de Serpa Pimentel (1825-nji ýylda Koimbrada - 1900) 1890-njy ýylyň 14-nji ýanwaryndan 11-nji oktýabry aralygynda Portugaliýanyň premýer-ministri boldy. Onuň iş möhleti günorta-gündogar Afrikadaky Portugaliýanyň kolonial syýasaty baradaky Iňlis ultimatumyna reaksiýa hökmünde başlandy. Krizisi çözmek üçin ädim hökmünde göz öňünde tutulan Angliýa-Portugaliýa şertnamasyna şol ýylyň ahyrynda gol çekilmegi güýçli Angliýanyň köşeşmegi hökmünde garaldy. Bu onuň işinden aýrylmagyna we hökümetiniň ýykylmagyna sebäp boldy.
António de Serpa Pimentel 1890-njy ýylyň 14-nji ýanwaryndan 1890-njy ýylyň 11-nji oktýabry aralygynda Portugaliýanyň premýer-ministri boldy
What is Good Friday?
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday (also Holy and Great Friday), and Black Friday. Members of many Christian denominations, including the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Oriental Orthodox, United Protestant and some Reformed traditions (including certain Continental Reformed, Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches), observe Good Friday with fasting and church services. In many Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and Methodist churches, the Service of the Great Three Hours' Agony is held from noon until 3 pm, the time duration that the Bible records as darkness covering the land to Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross. Communicants of the Moravian Church have a Good Friday tradition of cleaning gravestones in Moravian cemeteries. The date of Good Friday varies from one year to the next in both the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Eastern and Western Christianity disagree over the computation of the date of Easter and therefore of Good Friday. Good Friday is a widely instituted legal holiday around the world, including in most Western countries and 12 U.S. states. Some predominantly Christian countries, such as Germany, have laws prohibiting certain acts such as dancing and horse racing, in remembrance of the somber nature of Good Friday.
Good Friday is a Christian holiday to remember the crucifixion of Jesus. Members of a lot of christian denominations observe this holiday with fasting and church services. The date of the holiday varies from year to year depending on the computation of the date of Easter.
Juma güni näme?
Hoş Habar güni, Isanyň haça çüýlenmegini we Kalwariýada ölümini ýada salýan hristian baýramçylygydyr. Mukaddes hepdede Paskal Triduumyň bir bölegi hökmünde bellenilýär. Mukaddes anna, beýik anna, beýik we mukaddes anna (şeýle hem mukaddes we beýik anna) we gara anna güni diýilýär. Katolik, Gündogar prawoslaw, Lýuteran, Anglikan, Metodist, Gündogar prawoslaw, Birleşen Protestant we käbir Özgerdilen däp-dessurlar (käbir Kontinental Reformed, Presbiterian we Jemgyýetçilik ybadathanalaryny goşmak bilen) köp hristian dinleriniň agzalary agyz beklemek we ybadathana hyzmatlary bilen gowy anna gününi belleýärler. Katolik, Lýuteran, Anglikan we Metodist ybadathanalarynyň köpüsinde “Üç sagatlyk agyry” hyzmaty günortan öýlän sagat 3-e çenli dowam edýär, bu Injiliň Isanyň haçdaky gurban ölümine topragy garaňkylyk hökmünde ýazýan wagty. Morawian buthanasynyň aragatnaşykçylary Morawiýa gonamçylyklarynda mazar daşlaryny arassalamak däbine eýe. “Good Friday” senesi Gregorian we Julian senenamalarynda bir ýyldan beýlekisine üýtgeýär. Gündogar we Günbatar Hristianlygy Pasha senesini we şonuň üçin Gowy Juma gününi hasaplamak meselesinde ylalaşmaýar. “Good Friday” bütin dünýäde, şol sanda Günbatar ýurtlarynyň köpüsinde we ABŞ-nyň 12 ştatynda giňden döredilen kanuny baýramçylykdyr. Germaniýa ýaly agdyklyk edýän hristian ýurtlarynyň käbirinde Gowy Juma gününiň ýiti tebigatyny ýada salmak üçin tans we at çapyşygy ýaly käbir hereketleri gadagan edýän kanunlar bar.
Gowy anna güni Isanyň haça çüýlenmegini ýada salmak üçin hristian baýramçylygydyr. Hristian dinleriniň köpüsiniň agzalary bu baýramy agyz beklemek we ybadathana hyzmatlary bilen belleýärler. Baýramyň senesi, Pasha gününiň hasaplamasyna baglylykda ýyl-ýyldan üýtgeýär.
Which is a species of fish? Sturgeon or Surgeon
Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Bejergi ýa-da hirurg
Who is the Aston Martin formula 1 team principal?
The Aston Martin Aramco Team Principal is Mike Krack
“Aston Martin” formula 1 toparynyň müdiri kim?
“Aston Martin Aramco” toparynyň müdiri Maýk Krak
What type of democracy is Nigeria?
Nigeria is a federal republic. A democratic constitution with a federal system based on the United States of America. There is both a national government and governments for each of Nigeria's 36 states. Nigeria's President is the head of state, government and Nigeria's multi-party system.
Nigeriýa haýsy demokratiýa?
Nigeriýa federal respublikadyr. Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlaryna esaslanýan federal ulgamly demokratik konstitusiýa. Nigeriýanyň 36 ştatynyň her biri üçin milli hökümet we hökümet bar. Nigeriýanyň prezidenti, döwlet, hökümet we Nigeriýanyň köp partiýaly sistemasy.
I have problems to connect to the remote service. How I could debug the networking issue?
There are few steps that could help to find the source of the problems. First we need to make sure that remote address is resolved correctly - we can use commands like nslookup & dig to resolve a host name to IP Address. If it's resolvable, we need to check that remote service is reachable - we can use tools like ping, traceroute, and related to check that network traffic is routed correctly. If it's not reachable, we need to check if routing is configured correctly and no firewall is blocking traffic between. If remote service is reachable, then we need to check if we can access the specific port on which service is listening - this is usually done with commands like telnet, nc and nmap. If port is not reachable, it's often happens when a firewall blocking traffic from external networks or traffic on non-standard ports.
Uzakdaky hyzmata birikmekde kynçylyklarym bar. Tor meselesini nädip düzedip bilerin?
Meseleleriň çeşmesini tapmaga kömek edip biljek birnäçe ädim bar. Ilki bilen uzakdaky salgynyň dogry çözülendigine göz ýetirmeli - nslookup ýaly buýruklary ulanyp, IP adresine host adyny çözmek üçin gazyp bileris. Eger çözülip bilinýän bolsa, uzakdaky hyzmatyň elýeterlidigini barlamaly - ping, traceroute we tor trafiginiň dogry ugrukdyrylandygyny barlamak üçin gurallary ulanyp bileris. Eger baryp bolmaýan bolsa, marşrutlaşdyrmagyň dogry düzülendigini ýa-da hiç bir diwar diwarynyň arasynda traffigi bökdeýändigini barlamaly. Uzakdan hyzmat edip bolýan bolsa, haýsy hyzmaty diňleýän anyk porta girip biljekdigimizi barlamaly - bu adatça telnet, nc we nmap ýaly buýruklar bilen ýerine ýetirilýär. Porta baryp bolmaýan bolsa, köplenç daşarky ulgamlardan traffigi ýa-da standart däl portlarda traffigi bökdeýän diwar diwary ýüze çykýar.
Extract the names of the trophies given to the French Open singles champions and provide them in a bulleted list.
French Open The trophies have been awarded to the winners since 1953 and are manufactured by Mellerio dits Meller, a famous Parisian jewelry house. They are all made of pure silver with finely etched decorations on their side. Each new singles winner gets his or her name written on the base of the trophy. Winners receive custom-made pure silver replicas of the trophies they have won. They are usually presented by the President of the French Tennis Federation (FFT). The trophy awarded to the winner of the men's singles is called the Coupe des Mousquetaires (The Musketeers' Cup). It is named in honor of the "Four Musketeers". The trophy weighs 14 kg, is 40 cm high and 19 cm wide. The current design was created in 1981 by the Mellerio dit Meller. Each winner gets a smaller-size replica and the original remains property of the FFT at all times. The trophy awarded to the winner of the women's singles is called the Coupe Suzanne Lenglen (Suzanne Lenglen Cup) since 1979. The current cup was awarded for the first time in 1986. It is, with a few details, a replica of a cup offered at the time by the city of Nice to Suzanne Lenglen. This trophy, donated by Suzanne Lenglen's family to the Musée National du Sport, was awarded between 1979 and 1985 to every winner until the FFT made a copy. Each winner receives a smaller-size replica and the original remains property of the FFT at all times.
- Coupe des Mousquetaires (The Musketeers' Cup) - Coupe Suzanne Lenglen (Suzanne Lenglen Cup)
“French Open” ýekelik çempionlaryna berlen kuboklaryň atlaryny çykaryň we olary sanawda beriň.
Fransuz Açyk Kuboklar 1953-nji ýyldan bäri ýeňijilere gowşurylýar we Pari Parisiň meşhur zergärçilik öýi Mellerio dits Meller tarapyndan öndürilýär. Olaryň hemmesi gapdalynda inçe nagyşly arassa kümüşden ýasalýar. Her täze aýdymçy ýeňiji kubokyň düýbüne öz adyny alýar. Innerseňijiler, gazanan kuboklarynyň adaty ýasalan kümüş nusgalaryny alýarlar. Olary köplenç Fransuz tennis federasiýasynyň (FFT) prezidenti hödürleýär. Erkekleriň arasynda geçirilen ýaryşda ýeňijä gowşurylan kubok “Coupe des Mousquetaires” (Musketeers kubogy) diýilýär. "Dört muşketeriň" hormatyna atlandyryldy. Kubokyň agramy 14 kg, beýikligi 40 sm we ini 19 sm. Häzirki dizaýn 1981-nji ýylda Mellerio dit Meller tarapyndan döredildi. Her bir ýeňiji has kiçi göwrümli göçürme alýar we asyl nusgasy hemişe FFT-iň emlägi bolup galýar. Aýal-gyzlar ýekelikde ýeňijä gowşurylan kubok 1979-njy ýyldan bäri “Suzan Lenglen kubogy” (Suzanna Lenglen kubogy) diýlip atlandyrylýar. Häzirki kubok ilkinji gezek 1986-njy ýylda gowşuryldy. şol wagt Nitsa şäheri bilen Suzanna Lenglene çenli. Suzan Lengleniň maşgalasy tarapyndan “Musée National du Sport” -a sowgat edilen bu kubok, FFT göçürme alýança 1979-njy we 1985-nji ýyllar aralygynda her bir ýeňijä gowşuryldy. Her bir ýeňiji has kiçi göwrümli göçürme alýar we asyl nusgasy hemişe FFT-iň emlägi bolup durýar.
- Coupe des Mousquetaires (Musketeers kubogy) - Kupe Suzan Lenglen (Suzan Lenglen kubogy)
Classify the following people as primarily authors or primarily movie directors: Steven King, Steven Spielberg, N. K. Jemisin, Martin Scorsese, Jane Austen
Steven King, N. K. Jemisin, and Jane Austen are authors. Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese are movie directors.
Aşakdaky adamlary esasan awtorlar ýa-da esasanam kino reorsissýorlary hökmünde toparlara bölüň: Stiwen King, Stiwen Spilberg, N. K. Jemisin, Martin Skorseze, Jeýn Austen
Stiwen King, N. K. Jemisin we Jeýn Austen awtorlar. Stiwen Spilberg we Martin Skorseze kino reorsissýorlary.
Without quoting directly from the text, give me a summary of what the show "South Park" is about.
South Park centers around four boys: Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick. The boys live in the fictional small town of South Park, located within the real-life South Park basin in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado, approximately a one-hour drive from Denver. The town is also home to an assortment of other characters, including students, families, elementary school staff, and other various residents. Prominent settings include South Park Elementary, various neighborhoods and the surrounding mountain range, actual Colorado landmarks, and the businesses along the town's main street, all of which are based on the appearance of similar locations in Fairplay, Colorado. As one of the few television programs set in the Mountain West region that takes place outside the urban core of Denver, South Park frequently features the unique culture of the region, including cattle ranchers, Old West theme parks, snowy climates, mountaineering, Mormons, real-life Colorado locations such as Casa Bonita and Cave of the Winds, and many other regionally specific characteristics. Stan is portrayed as the everyman of the group, described in official media as an "average, American 4th grader." Kyle is Jewish, and his portrayal as one of the few such people in South Park is often dealt with satirically. Stan is modeled after Parker, while Kyle is modeled after Stone. They are best friends, and their friendship, symbolically intended to reflect Parker and Stone's friendship, is a common topic throughout the series. Cartman (as he is commonly referred to) is amoral and increasingly psychopathic, and is commonly portrayed as an antagonist. His staunch antisemitism has resulted in a progressive rivalry with Kyle. Kenny, who comes from a poor family, tightly wears his parka hood to the point where it obscures most of his face and muffles his speech. During the first five seasons, Kenny died in almost every episode before reappearing in the next with no definite explanation. He was killed off in the fifth season episode "Kenny Dies", being reintroduced in the sixth season finale. Since then, Kenny is depicted as dying sporadically. During the first 58 episodes, the children were in the third grade. During the fourth season, they entered the fourth grade, where they have remained ever since. Plots are often set in motion by events, ranging from the fairly typical to the supernatural and extraordinary, which frequently happen in the town. The boys often act as the voice of reason when these events cause panic or incongruous behavior among the adult populace, who are customarily depicted as irrational, gullible, and prone to overreaction. They are frequently confused by the contradictory and hypocritical behavior of their parents and other adults, and often perceive them as having distorted views on morality and society.
"South Park" is a comedic cartoon about four boys who live in a fictitious town called South Park, Colorado. The four boys are best friends and go on various adventures, where they run into situations that tackle moral and hypocritical situations they see from the adults in town. The show is a satire and often will center around a prevelant worldly topic.
Tekstden gönüden-göni sitat getirmän, "Günorta seýilgäh" sergisiniň nämedigini gysgaça maglumat beriň.
Günorta Parkda dört oglan bar: Stan Marş, Kaýl Broflowski, Erik Kartman we Kenni Makkormik. Oglanlar Denwerden takmynan bir sagat uzaklykda, Kolorado ştatynyň Roky daglarynda hakyky durmuşda ýerleşýän Günorta Park basseýninde ýerleşýän Günorta Parkyň toslama şäherçesinde ýaşaýarlar. Şäherde talyplar, maşgalalar, başlangyç synp işgärleri we beýleki dürli ýaşaýjylar ýaly başga-da köp sanly adam bar. Belli sazlamalar Günorta Park Elementary, dürli etraplar we töweregindäki dag gerişleri, Kolorado ştatynyň hakyky gözel ýerleri we şäheriň esasy köçesindäki kärhanalar, bularyň hemmesi Kolorado ştatynyň Fairplay şäherinde şuňa meňzeş ýerleriň ýüze çykmagyna esaslanýar. Denweriň şäher merkeziniň daşynda bolup geçýän Dag Günbatar sebitinde goýlan az sanly telewizion gepleşikleriň biri hökmünde Günorta Park köplenç maldarlar, Köne Günbatar tema seýilgähleri, garly howa, alpinizm, mormonlar, sebitiň özboluşly medeniýetini görkezýär. hakyky durmuş Kolorado ýerleri, Casa Bonita we Windel gowagy we beýleki sebitleýin aýratynlyklar. Sten, resmi metbugatda "ortaça, Amerikaly 4-nji synp okuwçysy" hökmünde häsiýetlendirilen toparyň her bir adamy hökmünde suratlandyrylýar. Kaýl ýewreý bolup, Günorta Parkda beýle az adamdan biri hökmünde görkezilmegi köplenç satirik usulda ulanylýar. Stan Parkerden, Kaýl bolsa Daşdan nusga alýar. Iň gowy dostlar we simwoliki taýdan Parker bilen Stounyň dostlugyny görkezmek üçin döredilen dostlugy, serialyň umumy mowzugy. Kartman (köplenç atlandyrylyşy ýaly) ahlaksyz we barha psihopatiki bolup, adatça garşydaş hökmünde suratlandyrylýar. Onuň berk antisemitizmi Kaýl bilen yzygiderli bäsdeşlige sebäp boldy. Garyp maşgaladan bolan Kenni, parka kapotyny gaty geýýär, ýüzüniň köp bölegini gizleýär we sözüni bulaşdyrýar. Ilkinji bäş möwsümde Kenni indiki bölümde takyk düşündiriş bermezden öň her bölümde diýen ýaly öldi. Ol altynjy möwsümiň finalynda täzeden tanyşdyrylan "Kenni ölýär" atly bäşinji möwsümde öldürildi. Şondan bäri Kenni seýrek ölýär. Ilkinji 58 bölümde çagalar üçünji synpda okaýardylar. Dördünji möwsümde, şondan bäri şol ýerde galan dördünji synpa girdiler. Meýilnamalar, adatça adaty şäherden başlap, şäherde ýygy-ýygydan bolup geçýän adatdan daşary we adatdan daşary wakalar bilen herekete getirilýär. Oglanlar köplenç akylsyz, ynanjaň we aşa aşa meýilli hökmünde suratlandyrylýan uly ýaşly ilatyň arasynda howsala ýa-da oňaýsyz hereket döredenlerinde akyl sesi hökmünde çykyş edýärler. Ene-atalarynyň we beýleki ulularyň gapma-garşylykly we ikiýüzli hereketleri bilen köplenç bulaşýarlar we köplenç ahlak we jemgyýet hakda ýoýlan pikirleri hökmünde kabul edýärler.
"Günorta seýilgäh", Kolorado ştatynyň Günorta Park atly toslama şäherde ýaşaýan dört oglan hakda gülkünç multfilm. Dört oglan iň gowy dost we dürli başdan geçirmeleri dowam etdirýärler, şol ýerde şäherdäki ululardan görýän ahlak we ikiýüzli ýagdaýlary çözýärler. Görkeziş satira bolup, köplenç meşhur dünýä temasyna öwrüler.
Given this paragraph, in which categories did Everything Everywhere All At Once win an Oscar and how many Academy Awards did the film win in total?
Everything Everywhere All At Once is the most awarded film of all time. The film received a leading 11 nominations at the 95th Academy Awards, and won a leading seven awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (Yeoh), Best Supporting Actor (Quan), Best Supporting Actress (Curtis), Best Original Screenplay, and Best Film Editing,. It also won two Golden Globe Awards, five Critics' Choice Awards (including Best Picture), one BAFTA Award, a record four SAG Awards (including Best Ensemble), a record seven Independent Spirit Awards (including Best Feature), and swept the four major guild awards (DGA, PGA, SAG, and WGA).
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Film Editing. The film won 7 Oscars.
Bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, haýsy kategoriýalarda hemme ýerde bir gezek Oskar gazandy we film jemi näçe akademiýa baýragyny gazandy?
Hemme ýerde birbada hemme zat iň köp sylaglanan filmdir. Film 95-nji akademiýa baýraklarynda öňdebaryjy 11 ugur boýunça baýrak aldy we iň gowy surat, iň oňat re Directorissýor, iň oňat aktrisa (ohoh), iň oňat goldaýan aktýor (Quan), iň oňat aktrisa (Kurtis), iň oňat ssenariýa, we iň gowy film redaktirlemesi ,. Şeýle hem, iki sany “Altyn globus” baýragy, bäş sany tankytçynyň saýlama baýragy (iň gowy suraty goşmak bilen), bir BAFTA baýragy, dört sany SAG baýragy (iň oňat ansambly goşmak bilen), ýedi sany garaşsyz ruh baýragy (iň gowy aýratynlygy goşmak bilen) rekord gazandy we dördüsini ýeňdi. esasy gildiýa baýraklary (DGA, PGA, SAG we WGA).
Iň gowy surat, iň oňat re Directorissýor, iň oňat aktrisa, iň oňat goldaýan aktýor, iň oňat goldaýan aktrisa, iň oňat ssenariýa we iň gowy film redaktory. Film 7 Oskar gazandy.
Should I pursue a PhD in STEM?
Whether or not to pursue a PhD will depend on a number of factors. These days, many professions require more and more certification and proof of education. However, a PhD is usually only require in the STEM field for positions that are either focussed on research, such as a research scientist position, or on a specialized field, such as many 'wet labs' in biological research, or more specialized knowledge jobs. Other than these roles, a Master's or other accreditation like professional certificates/MBAs etc. can be used for career advancement. For those interested in an academic career, a PhD is still the fundamental requirement. If you do choose to do a PhD, where you do a PhD will influence the amount and type of work that you do. For example, in the EU, the UK, Australia, and some other places, a PhD is usually three years of research with no or minimal extra course work. In the US, though, a PhD typically takes over 4 years and requires the student to take several classes at a graduate level. While in your program, you will need to spend a lot of time focusing on publication pressures. PhD students, these days, are required to produced 1-3 papers during their PhD in high impact journals. In many institutions, this is a high stress environment and can lead to increased mental health stress. If you are passionate and build a strong social structure, this can be an enjoyable experience, albeit a trying one.
STEM-de PhD almalymy?
Filosofiýa doktory derejesini almak ýa-da almazlyk birnäçe faktorlara baglydyr. Bu günler köp hünärler barha köp şahadatnama we bilim subutnamasy talap edýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, ylymlaryň kandidaty diňe STEM pudagynda gözleg işlerine gönükdirilen ýa-da biologiki gözleglerde köp 'çygly laboratoriýa' ýa-da has ýöriteleşdirilen bilim işleri ýaly ýöriteleşdirilen ugurlar üçin talap edilýär. . Bu wezipelerden başga, hünär derejesini ýokarlandyrmak üçin magistr ýa-da hünär şahadatnamalary / MBA we ş.m. akkreditasiýa ulanylyp bilner. Ylmy hünäri bilen gyzyklanýanlar üçin PhD henizem esasy talap bolup durýar. Filosofiýa doktory etmegi saýlasaňyz, PhD eden işiňiziň mukdaryna we görnüşine täsir eder. Mysal üçin, theB, Angliýa, Awstraliýa we beýleki käbir ýerlerde PhD adatça üç ýyllyk gözleg bolup, hiç hili goşmaça okuw ýok. ABŞ-da bolsa PhD adatça 4 ýyldan gowrak wagt alýar we okuwçydan aspiranturada birnäçe sapak almagyny talap edýär. Programmaňyzda, neşir basyşyna ünsi jemlemek üçin köp wagt sarp etmeli bolarsyňyz. Filosofiýanyň doktory talyplary, şu günler ýokary täsirli alsurnallarda PhD döwründe 1-3 kagyz çykarmaly. Köp edaralarda bu ýokary stres gurşawy we akyl saglygy stresiniň ýokarlanmagyna sebäp bolup biler. Höwesli bolsaňyz we güýçli jemgyýetçilik gurluşyny gursaňyz, synanyşykly bolsa-da, bu hezil tejribe bolup biler.
Is Nnedi Okorafor an American?
Nnedimma Nkemdili Okorafor was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1974 to Igbo Nigerian parents who travelled to America in 1969 to attend school but purportedly could not return to Nigeria due to the Nigerian Civil War. Okorafor is the third child in a family of four children and grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and would often travel to Nigeria to spend her holidays with her extended family. Her first name is Igbo for "mother is good".
Yes, Nnedi Okorafor is an America, of Nigerian origin.
Nnedi Okorafor Amerikalymy?
Nnedimma Nkemdili Okorafor, 1974-nji ýylda Ogaýo ştatynyň Sincinnati şäherinde dünýä indi, 1969-njy ýylda mekdebe gatnamak üçin Amerika giden Nigeriýaly Nigeriýaly ene-atada dünýä indi, ýöne Nigeriýanyň raýat urşy sebäpli Nigeriýa gaýdyp bilmedi. Okorafor dört çagaly maşgalada üçünji çaga bolup, Illinoýs ştatynyň Çikago şäherinde ulaldy we dynç alyşlaryny giň maşgalasy bilen geçirmek üçin köplenç Nigeriýa gidýärdi. Ilkinji ady Igbo, "ene gowy".
Hawa, Nnedi Okorafor Nigeriýaly asly Amerika.
Which is a species of fish? Skate or Scooter
Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Skate ýa-da skuter
My heating bill is too high. How can I lower it? Give me three suggestions.
(1) You can insulate your house better. This can often be done cheaply, such as by covering your windows with plastic during the winter. You can also invest in permanent insulation such as double-paned windows and new attic insulation. (2) You can wear warmer clothing and turn down the heat. It's not too bad to bundle up during the winter! (3) You can invest in a heat pump. Heat pumps are more energy-efficient than traditional heaters.
Heatingyladyş tölegim gaty ýokary. Nädip peseldip bilerin? Maňa üç teklip beriň.
(1) Öýüňizi has gowy izolýasiýa edip bilersiňiz. Bu köplenç arzan edilip bilner, meselem gyş wagtynda penjireleriňizi plastmassa bilen örtmek. Şeýle hem goşa panelli penjireler we täze üçek izolýasiýasy ýaly hemişelik izolýasiýa maýa goýup bilersiňiz. (2) Has ýyly eşik geýip, oduny öçürip bilersiňiz. Gyş wagtynda daňmak gaty erbet däl! (3) heatylylyk nasosyna maýa goýup bilersiňiz. Atylylyk nasoslary adaty gyzdyryjylara garanyňda has köp energiýa sarp edýär.
Do Harry Potter and Hermione get married?
No. Hermione Granger ends up marrying Ron Weasley and Harry marries Ron's sister, Ginny.
Garri Potter bilen Germiona durmuşa çykýarmy?
No.ok. Germiona Granger Ron Weesli bilen durmuş gurýar we Garri Ronyň aýal dogany Ginni bilen durmuş gurýar.
Who is Romain Iannetta
Romain Iannetta (born 27 November 1979 in Villecresnes) is a French racing driver who last competed in the GT4 European Series, driving the No. 77 Audi R8 LMS GT4 Evo for Full Motorsport. He also competes part-time in the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series as the driver of the No. 46 Chevrolet Camaro for Marko Stipp Motorsport in the EuroNASCAR PRO class. He is the nephew of driver Alain Iannetta who participated in 24 Hours of Le Mans three times (1988, 1989 and 1990). In parallel to his passion, Romain is an instructor at the flight school PRO'PULSION (Dreux and Issoire) and driving Ferrari 360 Modena for JMB Racing. He also worked for many auto manufacturers at the launch of new vehicles on the market (Volkswagen, Audi, Citroën, Renault, Alfa Romeo...). It began in 2000 in the trade of automotive stunt team CINE CASCADE directed by Jean-Claude Lagnes. It revolves mainly around feature films such as: Le Boulet, Ripoux 3, San Antonio, Hush!, Taxi, 36 Quai des Orfèvres, The Bourne Identity and The Mental Love your father. He was awarded the World Stunt Awards in the United States for the best sequence on a vehicle for the year 2003 for the film "The Bourne Identity".
Romain Iannetta (born 27 November 1979 in Villecresnes) is a French racing driver who last competed in the GT4 European Series, driving the No. 77 Audi R8 LMS GT4 Evo for Full Motorsport. He also competes part-time in the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series as the driver of the No. 46 Chevrolet Camaro for Marko Stipp Motorsport in the EuroNASCAR PRO class. He is the nephew of driver Alain Iannetta who participated in 24 Hours of Le Mans three times (1988, 1989 and 1990). In parallel to his passion, Romain is an instructor at the flight school PRO'PULSION (Dreux and Issoire) and driving Ferrari 360 Modena for JMB Racing. He also worked for many auto manufacturers at the launch of new vehicles on the market (Volkswagen, Audi, Citroen, Renault, Alfa Romeo...). It began in 2000 in the trade of automotive stunt team CINE CASCADE directed by Jean-Claude Lagnes. It revolves mainly around feature films such as: Le Boulet, Ripoux 3, San Antonio, Hush!, Taxi, 36 Quai des Orfèvres, The Bourne Identity and The Mental Love your father. He was awarded the World Stunt Awards in the United States for the best sequence on a vehicle for the year 2003 for the film The Bourne Identity.
Kim Romain Iannetta
Romain Iannetta (1979-njy ýylyň 27-nji noýabrynda Willekresnesde doguldy) GT4 Europeanewropa seriýasynda iň soňky gezek bäsleşen fransuz ýaryş sürüjisi, “Full Motorsport” üçin No. 77 Audi R8 LMS GT4 Evo sürýär. Şeýle hem, NASCAR Whelen Euroewro seriýasynda, EuroNASCAR PRO synpynda Marko Stipp Motorsport üçin 46-njy belgili “Chevrolet Camaro” -yň sürüjisi hökmünde ýaryşýar. Üç sagat Le Mans-a üç gezek (1988, 1989 we 1990) gatnaşan sürüji Alain Iannetanyň ýegeni. Höwesine parallel Romain uçuş mekdebiniň PRO'PULSION (Dreux we Issoire) mugallymy we JMB Racing üçin Ferrari 360 Modena sürýär. Şeýle hem, bazara täze ulaglaryň (Volkswagen, Audi, Citroën, Renault, Alfa Romeo ...) çykarylanda köp awtoulag öndürijisi üçin işledi. 2000-nji ýylda -an-Klod Lagnesiň re directedissýorlygyndaky “CINE CASCADE” awtoulag duralgasy söwdasynda başlandy. Esasan: Le Boulet, Ripoux 3, San Antonio, Hush !, Taksi, 36 Quai des Orfères, Bourne şahsyýeti we kakaňyzyň akyl söýgüsi ýaly çeper filmlere aýlanýar. 2003-nji ýylda "Bornyň şahsyýeti" filmi üçin ulagda iň gowy yzygiderlilik üçin ABŞ-da Bütindünýä Stunt baýraklaryna eýe boldy.
Romain Iannetta (1979-njy ýylyň 27-nji noýabrynda Willekresnesde doguldy) GT4 Europeanewropa seriýasynda iň soňky gezek bäsleşen fransuz ýaryş sürüjisi, “Full Motorsport” üçin No. 77 Audi R8 LMS GT4 Evo sürýär. Şeýle hem, NASCAR Whelen Euroewro seriýasynda, EuroNASCAR PRO synpynda Marko Stipp Motorsport üçin 46-njy belgili “Chevrolet Camaro” -yň sürüjisi hökmünde ýaryşýar. Üç sagat Le Mans-a üç gezek (1988, 1989 we 1990) gatnaşan sürüji Alain Iannetanyň ýegeni. Höwesine parallel Romain uçuş mekdebiniň PRO'PULSION (Dreux we Issoire) mugallymy we JMB Racing üçin Ferrari 360 Modena sürýär. Şeýle hem, bazara täze ulaglaryň (Volkswagen, Audi, Citroen, Renault, Alfa Romeo ...) çykarylanda köp awtoulag öndürijisinde işledi. 2000-nji ýylda -an-Klod Lagnesiň re directedissýorlygyndaky “CINE CASCADE” awtoulag duralgasy söwdasynda başlandy. Esasan: Le Boulet, Ripoux 3, San Antonio, Hush !, Taksi, 36 Quai des Orfères, Bourne şahsyýeti we kakaňyzyň akyl söýgüsi ýaly çeper filmlere aýlanýar. 2003-nji ýylda “Born şahsyýeti” filmi üçin ulagda iň gowy yzygiderlilik üçin ABŞ-da Bütindünýä Stunt baýraklaryna eýe boldy.
What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word or a combination of words that qualified an adjective (e.g. a describing word). Adverbs can also restrict and limit the meaning of verbs. An example of how to use an adverb in a sentence is the following: "the roads are very steep and dangerous." In this example 'very' is the adverb. Another example is "they are a happily married couple." Happily is the adverb in this second example.
Mahabat näme?
Mahabat söz ýa-da sypaty (meselem, suratlandyryjy söz) laýyklaşdyrýan sözleriň utgaşmasydyr. Sözlemler işlikleriň manysyny hem çäklendirip we çäklendirip bilerler. Bir sözlemi sözlemde ulanmagyň mysaly aşakdakylar: "ýollar gaty dik we howply." Bu mysalda "gaty" sözlem. Başga bir mysal, "bagtly durmuş guran jübütler". Bagtymyza, bu ikinji mysaldaky sözlem.
Should I pursue a degree after graduating high school?
Whether or not you pursue a degree after graduating high school is an important but complex question that depends on a variety of factors. When assessing what the right choice is for you, it is important to think about the career you'd like to pursue. If you enjoy classwork and can afford a college education, that is one route which may provide opportunities to earn a higher salary later in life. However, if you prefer being active and would like to begin earning money immediately after graduating high school without accumulating significant debt, forgoing an advanced degree to begin work can be a great option. At the end of the day, pursuing something that you enjoy spending time on is the most important aspect of this decision and will be a better indicator of both satisfaction and success than whether or not you earn an advanced degree.
Orta mekdebi gutaranymdan soň diplom almalymy?
Orta mekdebi gutaranyňyzdan soň diplom almak ýa-da almazlyk dürli faktorlara bagly möhüm, ýöne çylşyrymly sorag. Dogry saýlawyň nämedigine baha berlende, dowam etmek isleýän hünäriňiz hakda pikirlenmek möhümdir. Eger sapakdan lezzet alýan bolsaňyz we kollejde bilim alyp bilýän bolsaňyz, bu durmuşda has ýokary aýlyk gazanmak üçin mümkinçilik döredip biljek bir ugur. Şeýle-de bolsa, işjeň bolmak isleseňiz we orta mekdebi gutaranyňyzdan soň ep-esli karz toplamazdan derrew pul gazanyp başlamak isleseňiz, işe başlamak üçin ýokary derejäni almak gaty gowy wariant bolup biler. Günüň ahyrynda, wagt sarp etmekden lezzet alýan bir zady yzarlamak, bu kararyň iň möhüm tarapy bolup, ýokary dereje gazanjakdygyňyza garanyňda kanagatlanmagyň we üstünligiň has gowy görkezijisi bolar.
What is the Boone and Crockett Club?
Yellowstone was part of a federally governed territory. With no state government that could assume stewardship of the land, the federal government took on direct responsibility for the park, the official first national park of the United States. The combined effort and interest of conservationists, politicians and the Northern Pacific Railroad ensured the passage of enabling legislation by the United States Congress to create Yellowstone National Park. Theodore Roosevelt and his group of conservationists, the Boone and Crockett Club, were active campaigners and were highly influential in convincing fellow Republicans and big business to back the bill. Yellowstone National Park soon played a pivotal role in the conservation of these national treasures, as it was suffering at the hands of poachers and others who stood at the ready to pillage what they could from the area. Theodore Roosevelt and his newly formed Boone and Crockett Club successfully took the lead in protecting Yellowstone National Park from this plight, resulting in laws designed to conserve the natural resources in Yellowstone and other parks under the Government's purview.
The Boone and Crockett Club is a group of conservationists who campaigned with Theodore Roosevelt to pass a bill in the US Congress that established Yellowstone National Park.
“Boone” we “Crockett Club” näme?
Yellowellouston federal taýdan dolandyrylýan çäkleriň bir bölegidi. Lander dolandyrylyşyny öz üstüne alyp biljek hiç bir döwlet hökümeti bolmansoň, federal hökümet ABŞ-nyň resmi ilkinji milli seýilgähi bolan seýilgäh üçin gönüden-göni jogapkärçiligi öz üstüne aldy. Tebigaty goraýjylaryň, syýasatçylaryň we Demirgazyk Pacificuwaş ummanyň demir ýolunyň bilelikdäki tagallasy we gyzyklanmasy ABŞ-nyň Kongresi tarapyndan Yellowellouston milli seýilgähini döretmek baradaky kanunlaryň kabul edilmegini üpjün etdi. Teodor Ruzwelt we onuň tebigaty goraýjylar topary “Boone” we “Crockett Club” işjeň kampaniýa alyp bardylar we respublikanlary we uly işewürleri kanun taslamasyny goldamaga ynandyrmakda gaty täsirli boldular. Yellowellouston milli seýilgähi bu milli hazynalary gorap saklamakda möhüm rol oýnady, sebäbi brakonerleriň we sebitden edip biljek zatlaryny talamaga taýyn duran brakonerleriň we beýlekileriň ejir çekýärdi. Teodor Ruzwelt we täze döredilen “Boone and Crockett Club” Yellowellouston milli seýilgähini bu kynçylykdan goramakda üstünlik gazandylar, netijede Yellowellouston we hökümetiň gözegçiligindäki beýleki seýilgählerde tebigy baýlyklary gorap saklamak üçin döredilen kanunlar ýüze çykdy.
“Boone and Crockett Club” Teodor Ruzwelt bilen Yellowellouston milli seýilgähini döreden ABŞ Kongresinde kanun taslamasyny kabul etmek üçin kampaniýa alyp baran tebigaty goraýjylar toparydyr.
Write a children's story about a baby called Arthur who weighed three times the normal weight for a boy his age
Once upon a time in a country far far away there was a baby called Arthur who was born into a loving family. In many ways, this event was perfectly normal and wouldn't have attracted any special attention. However, there was one big difference with this baby, and when I say big I mean BIG! This little baby was not so little after all, in fact Arthur was three times the weight of a normal baby. Arthur was so heavy that his parents had to build a customised pram with a reinforced frame just to move him around. On top of this bathtime would take over one hour because they had to clean between all his rolls of fat. Even though it could be harder to care for such a big baby Arthur's parents always felt so lucky and didn't mind the extra work they always said there was just more of him to love. The end
Artur atly bir çaga hakda öz ýaşyndaky oglan üçin adaty agramdan üç esse agramly bir hekaýa ýazyň
Bir wagtlar uzak ýurtlarda söýgüli maşgalada dünýä inen Artur atly bir çaga bardy. Köp tarapdan bu waka adaty bir zatdy we aýratyn ünsi çekmezdi. Şeýle-de bolsa, bu çaga bilen bir uly tapawut bardy, uly diýlende ULY diýjek bolýaryn! Bu kiçijik çaga aslynda beýle az däldi, aslynda Artur adaty çaganyň agramyndan üç esse köpdi. Artur şeýle bir agyrdy welin, ene-atasy ony aýlamak üçin berkidilen çarçuwaly ýöriteleşdirilen pram gurmalydy. Bu hammamyň üstünde bir sagatdan gowrak wagt gerekdi, sebäbi olar onuň ähli ýaglaryny arassalamalydy. Şeýle uly çaga ideg etmek has kyn bolsa-da, Arturyň ene-atasy elmydama özlerini bagtly duýýardylar we hemişe söýmeli zatlarynyň köpdügini aýdýan goşmaça işe garşy däldi. Ahyrzaman
Was Dracula a real person.
No. Dracula is fictitious character. The character first appeared in a book written by Bram Stoker and was inspired by a real life person called Vlad Dracul. Vlad Dracul lived in the 15th century. He was a Transylvanian prince known for their cruelty in punishing enemies and wrong doers.
Drakula hakyky adamdy.
No.ok. Drakula toslama häsiýet. Bu gahryman ilkinji gezek Bram Stoker tarapyndan ýazylan kitapda peýda boldy we Wlad Drakul atly hakyky durmuş adamy tarapyndan ylhamlandy. Wlad Drakul XV asyrda ýaşapdy. Duşmanlary we nädogry hereketleri jezalandyrmakda zalymlygy bilen tanalýan Transilwan şazadasydy.
Tell me which of these would be an instrument played in a Rock band: Drums, lawnmower, guitar, bicycle, bass, chair, keyboards
Drums, guitar, bass, keyboards
Bularyň haýsysynyň Rok toparynda çalynjak gural boljakdygyny aýdyň: Deprekler, gazon, gitara, welosiped, bas, oturgyç, klawiatura
Deprekler, gitara, bas, klawiatura
Why do you practice Kyokushin karate?
Kyokushin karate represents a traditional form of karate focused on full-contact, bare-handed techniques. It's a response to the commercialized forms of karate that while they have their benefits have lost much of the original intent and effectiveness of the martial arts form. In Kyokushin, you learn to not just deliver blows but to receive them, to endure pain and discomfort and to overcome the fear of being hit. This helps you develop the mental and emotional fortitude to remain composed in difficult situations.
Näme üçin Kyokuşin karate bilen meşgullanýarsyňyz?
Kyokuşin karate, doly aragatnaşykda, ýalaňaç usullara gönükdirilen karate görnüşiniň adaty görnüşini görkezýär. Karate täjirleşdirilen görnüşlerine jogap, peýdasy bar bolsa-da, söweş sungaty görnüşiniň asyl niýetini we netijeliligini ýitirdi. Kýokuşinde diňe bir zarba urmagy däl-de, eýsem olary kabul etmegi, agyrylara we rahatsyzlyklara döz gelmegi we urulmak gorkusyny ýeňmegi öwrenýärsiňiz. Bu size kyn ýagdaýlarda düzülmek üçin akyl we emosional berkligi ösdürmäge kömek edýär.
Which of the following are studio albums created by J. Cole: KOD, The Off-Season, Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, The Eminem Show, Born Sinner
KOD, The Off-Season, Born Sinner
Aşakdakylaryň haýsy J.Kol tarapyndan döredilen studiýa albomlary: KOD, Möwsümden daşary, Illmatic, Möhüm şübhe, Eminem şou, doglan günäkär
KOD, Möwsümden daşary, Günäkär dünýä indi