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I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Aubameyang apologizes to Dortmund fans after Arsenal move
{ "text": [ "BERLIN (AP) — Having sealed his move to Arsenal, striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has apologized to Borussia Dortmund fans for the breakdown in his relations with the German club.\nAubameyang moved to the Premier League club on Wednesday for 63.75 million euros ($80 million), a record fee for Arsenal.\nThe 28-year-old Gabon international was recently dropped by Dortmund for two league games after missing a club appointment, with coach Peter Stoeger saying he felt the player lacked focus. It was the third time the club had sanctioned the player for disciplinary reasons in a little over a year.\n\"First of all, sorry for everything that happened in the last month,\" Aubameyang posted on his Instagram account. \"But I wanted to move already last summer and it didn't work out, but now it had to. Perhaps I didn't pick the best way, but everyone knows that Auba is crazy - and yeah, I'm a crazy guy, hahahaha!\n\"I made a mistake but not from bad intentions. I'll never forget these four and half years, because you all gave me the strength for the level I'm at now. I thank the whole BVB family, the fans, the club, the staff and of course my teammates! Your Auba17!!!\"\nAubameyang was the Bundesliga's top scorer last season with 31 goals. He had 13 in 16 league games this season.\n\"After the unpleasant events of the last weeks, we prefer to remember that the story of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was a success over more than four years,\" Dortmund sporting director Michael Zorc said." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on June 15 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Southampton fires coach Claude Puel
{ "text": [ "SOUTHAMPTON, England (AP) — Southampton says it has sacked Frenchman Claude Puel after one year as coach of the Premier League club.\nThe south coast club said in a short statement that it had \"terminated the contract of Claude Puel with immediate effect\" and that \"the search for a new management team is underway.\"\nPuel guided the team to last season's League Cup final, where it narrowly lost to Manchester United in February, and an eighth-place finish in the Premier League." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Watercolor paintings of Taiwanese artists on display at world exhibition
{ "text": [ "NEW DELHI (Taiwan News) -- Watercolor paintings of several Taiwanese artists are on display at an international exhibition being held at the All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society (AIFACS) in New Delhi.\nThe show, which began on Saturday, was participated by artists from 50 countries. Organized by the International Watercolor Society (IWS), the exhibition displays more than 450 artworks. Some artists are giving live demonstrations of their works.\nIn the exhibition titled Second International Watercolor Society India Biennial 2017-18, its theme is 'Harmony Through Watercolor.' According to the organizers, it is aimed at giving the younger artists of the next generation from around the world a platform which will shape their future and enable Indian watercolor painters to exchange their ideas with painters of the rest of the world.\n\"Watercolor is a beautiful medium but it has not got its deserved place in the contemporary art world. We are trying and working continuously for a change. I have assured that this festival will be full of discussions, seminars, demonstrations so that we can all learn and exchange ideas,\" said Amit Kapoor, IWS Vice President and IWS India Country Head." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about US general says some Taliban interested in peace
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — The top commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan says some Taliban fighters and leaders are talking to the Afghan government about peace prospects.\nGen. John Nicholson told reporters at the Pentagon on Wednesday that he could not be more specific about this because the talks are confidential. He said they involve mid-level as well as high-level Taliban figures in exploratory contacts that are taking place \"off stage,\" even as fighting continues.\nIn what he suggested was evidence of interest in a peace process, Nicholson said the Taliban's spring offensive, announced in late April, has been less intense than in recent years. He also argued that Afghan government forces are demonstrating an improved ability to defeat Taliban attacks." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Cop: Defendant said slain main disliked him because he's gay
{ "text": [ "TULSA, Okla. (AP) — A police officer has testified that an Oklahoma man charged with a hate crime in the killing of his Lebanese neighbor said the slain man didn't like him because he is gay.\nTestimony resumed Wednesday in the first-degree murder trial of 63-year-old Stanley Majors for the 2016 shooting death of 37-year-old Khalid Jabara.\nTulsa officer Josh Metcalf testified Tuesday that Majors called Jabara \"creepy\" and a terrorist who disliked him because of his sexuality.\nDefense attorneys have tried to show that Majors was mentally ill and have said he feared that Jabara's family targeted him because he's gay.\nMajors has pleaded not guilty and was found competent to stand trial.\nProsecutors say Majors shot Jabara after years of harassment that included calling the family \"filthy Lebanese\" and \"Moo-slems.\" The Jabaras are Christian." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Governor orders criminal probe of Texas gymnastics ranch
{ "text": [ "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered a criminal investigation into claims that former doctor Larry Nassar abused some of his victims at a Texas ranch that was the training ground for U.S. women's gymnastics.\nAbbott ordered the Texas Rangers, the state's top criminal investigations unit, to look into the Karolyi Ranch. It hosted training camps for more than a decade until earlier this year. The Walker County Sheriff's Office is already investigating.\nSeveral gymnasts have said Nassar abused them at the ranch.\nAbbott called the allegations \"gut-wrenching.\" He ordered the state investigation because the claims involve multiple jurisdictions and states.\nNassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison last week. More than 150 women and girls have said he had molested them under the guise of medical treatment." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about FEMA: Puerto Rico focused on disaster response capability
{ "text": [ "MIAMI (AP) — The head of the U.S. government's disaster response agency says Puerto Rico is building emergency management capabilities to help the Caribbean island withstand future disasters.\nBrock Long of the Federal Emergency Management Agency spoke Wednesday at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, two days before the Atlantic hurricane season begins. He said FEMA has been bolstering resources in the U.S. territory, hiring roughly 1,600 residents to build local disaster response systems that didn't exist before Hurricane Maria hit the island.\nLong said Puerto Rico presented a challenge for FEMA because its government lacked the response capabilities of states such as Florida and Texas.\nAt the hurricane center, Long met with FEMA employees, forecasters and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.\nNielsen said hurricane preparedness begins with individuals and their local communities." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on June 15 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Senate panel meets with special counsel in Russia probe
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — The special counsel appointed to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 presidential campaign has met with a Senate committee probing the same matter.\nThe leaders of the Senate intelligence committee say In a statement issued Wednesday that they \"look forward to future engagements\" with Robert Mueller.\nNorth Carolina Republican Richard Burr and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner aren't providing any other details regarding the meeting.\nIt comes a day after lawmakers questioned Justice Department officials about the probe and Mueller's independence.\nThose questions were prompted after a friend of President Donald Trump said the White House was considering firing Mueller.\nBut Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller last month, testified Tuesday he has seen no evidence of good cause to fire Mueller." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about 'RFK Funeral Train' show: Kennedy's final journey in photos
{ "text": [ "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 50 years ago fractured a nation that was already in turmoil.\nBut RFK's funeral, particularly the train that took his body from a memorial service in New York City to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, brought the country together when an estimated 2 million people spontaneously gathered beside railroad tracks to honor him as the train passed by.\nAn exhibit at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Train: RFK's Last Journey , displays 21 of the 1,000 unique color slides photographer Paul Fusco made that day.\nThe photos offer a moving portrait of Americans of all colors and classes. Catholic schoolgirls, field hands, firemen, blue-collar workers and housewives came to say farewell to the man many knew simply as \"Bobby.\"" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about 63M women, girls missing due to India's preference for boys
{ "text": [ "NEW DELHI (AP) — A deeply felt preference for boys has left more than 63 million women statistically \"missing\" across India, and more than 21 million girls unwanted by their families, government officials say.\nThe skewed ratio of men to women is largely the result of sex-selective abortions, and better nutrition and medical care for boys, according to the government's annual economic survey, which was released Monday. In addition, the survey found that \"families where a son is born are more likely to stop having children than families where a girl is born.\"\nStatistics indicate that India has 63 million fewer women than it should have, scientists say, a \"missing\" population explained by sex-selective abortions and a range of other issues.\nThe birth of a son is often a cause for celebration and family pride, while the birth of a daughter can be a time of embarrassment and even mourning as parents look toward the immense debts they'll need to take on to pay for marriage dowries. Studies have long shown that Indian girls are less educated than boys, have poorer nutrition and get less medical attention. Many women — including educated, wealthy women — say they face intense pressure, most often from mothers-in-law, to have sons.\nBy analyzing birth rates and the gender of last-born children, the report also estimated that more than 21 million Indian girls are not wanted by their families.\n\"The challenge of gender is long-standing, probably going back millennia,\" wrote the report's author, chief economic adviser Arvind Subramanian, noting that India must \"confront the societal preference for boys.\"\nThe report also noted that increasing wealth does not mean an end to male preferences among families, with some comparatively wealthy areas, including New Delhi, faring worse over the years.\nMany of the best scores for women's development, the report noted, were in India's northeast — \"a model for the rest of the country\" — a cluster of states that hang off the country's edge where most people are ethnically closer to China and Myanmar, and where some people don't even see themselves as Indian." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of entertainment. Tell me about US factory output rose in January for 2nd straight month
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. manufacturers cranked out more steel, machinery and electronics last month as factories appear to be rebounding after two years of stagnation.\nFactory output rose 0.2 percent in January, its second straight increase, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday . While modest, the gain is equal to the industry's growth in all of 2016.\nManufacturers are benefiting from increased spending by businesses on industrial machinery and other equipment. Oil and gas drillers are building new rigs now that energy prices have stabilized after falling sharply two years ago. Cutbacks by drillers had caused orders for steel pipe and other drilling equipment to plummet. And weak overseas economies in Europe and China also cut into exports.\nYet those trends have largely reversed. Mining production rose 2.8 percent last month, pushed higher by a solid gain in oil and gas drilling.\nUtility production fell 5.7 percent last month, as unseasonably warm weather reduced demand for heating. A broader measure of industrial production, which includes manufacturing, mining and utilities, dropped 0.3 percent.\nOther measures of manufacturing output show steady improvement. Factories expanded at the fastest pace in more than two years last month, according to a private survey of purchasing managers. That survey also found that factories are hiring more.\nAnd a separate gauge of new orders for U.S. factory goods rose in December at a solid pace, lifted by greater business spending on big-ticket items such as machinery and computers.\nA strong dollar has weighed on exports because it makes U.S. goods more expensive overseas, though manufacturers appear to be adjusting to the currency's strength." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about German police: 1 dead, 2 injured in knife attack on train
{ "text": [ "BERLIN (AP) — Police say one man has been killed and two people injured in a knife attack on a train in the northern German city of Flensburg.\nFederal police said in a statement the incident took place Wednesday at around 7 p.m. local time.\nThey said the details of the attack were not clear yet, but that one of the injured was a 22-year-old female police officer. The statement said she appeared to have used her pistol, suggesting she may have killed the man.\nGerman daily Bild reported that following a dispute, one man attacked another man with a knife and then a police officer who was called to intervene.\nThe German news agency dpa reported the Flensburg main train station had been evacuated and service to Flensburg had been interrupted temporarily." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Save the Children: More than half of world's kids at risk
{ "text": [ "About 1.2 billion children face severe risks from conflict, poverty or sexual discrimination, said Save the Children rights organization in a report published on Wednesday.\nThe main threats to childhood are child labor, exclusion from education, early pregnancy and child marriage, with conflict often inflating the risks.\n\"Around the world, conflict denies children of theirs rights to health, education, protection and freedom from fear, leading to a sudden end of childhood,\" the organization said.\n\"Child marriage, child labor and malnutrition are just a few of the alarming living conditions that can deprive children of their childhood,\" said Susanna Krüger, managing director Save the Children in Germany.\nChildhood under threat\nAccording to the report, many of the worst-ranked countries were located in central and western Africa. Niger ranked at the bottom of the list, with Mali and the Central African Republic not far behind.\n\"Children in these countries are the least likely to fully experience childhood,\" the report said. \"In these and many other countries around the world, children are robbed of significant portions of their childhoods.\"\nRead more: Not just for the boys! Women and girls embrace science in Kenya\nAt the opposite end of the list, Singapore and Slovenia shared the top spot. Germany ranked 12 globally, while the US came in 36 and Russia right behind it at 37.\n\"Seven other Western European countries also rank in the top 10, attaining very high scores for children's health, education and protection status,\" the report said.\nOut of the 175 countries ranked in the study, 95 of them showed improvement in one of the risk areas. Meanwhile, in 20 countries, children are exposed to all three threats.\n'Leave no one behind'\nThe report recommended the international community take steps and use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework as a way to secure childhood across the globe.\n\"We call on world leaders to value children and their right to survive, thrive and be protected by following through on the commitments made under the SDGs, and by taking immediate steps to implement the pledge to leave no one behind,\" Save the Children said.\n\"In addition to these cross-cutting global guarantees, specific actions are needed to address poverty, conflict and gender, with a focus on girls and children who are refugees.\"\nRead more: Why many Indians prefer sons over daughters\nls/rc (AFP, dpa)\nEach evening at 1830 UTC, DW's editors send out a selection of the day's hard news and quality feature journalism. You can sign up to receive it directly here." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of entertainment. Tell me about Nutella scuffles: France investigates discounts after frenzy
{ "text": [ "PARIS (AP) — French consumer fraud authorities are investigating a promotional campaign for Nutella that prompted scuffles in several supermarkets — and even a police intervention.\nThe Finance Ministry's fraud agency said Tuesday it will examine whether the campaign by the Intermarche supermarket chain violated pricing regulations. An official with the agency would not give further details.\nIntermarche drew big crowds at several stores last week after announcing sales of the chocolate and hazelnut spread for just 1.41 euros ($1.74), some 70 percent below the regular price.\nVideo circulated online of ensuing scuffles in some stores, drawing worldwide attention — and questions from authorities.\nNutella manufacturer Ferrero has distanced itself, saying Intermarche is entirely responsible.\nThe investigation comes as the government prepares to present a draft law this week aimed at stricter and clearer regulation for big retailers." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about 2 face drug charges as police investigate toddler death
{ "text": [ "MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Police in New Hampshire found an array of drugs in an apartment during an investigation into the death of a 20-month-old child.\nPolice say two people have been charged with drug possession after Wednesday's discovery.\nAuthorities in Manchester say the toddler died on May 25, and they executed a search warrant that day as part of the death investigation.\nThirty-one-year-old Joshua Garvey and 33-year-old Christen Gelinas were each charged with possession of controlled drugs with intent to distribute. Police say they found heroin, cocaine, crack and suboxone that had an estimated street value of over $5,400. Garvey also faces bail violation charges.\nGelinas and Garvey faced arraignment Wednesday. It wasn't immediately known if they had lawyers.\nThere were no details on their relationship to the toddler or the child's identity." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about ADP says small business hiring slows in May
{ "text": [ "NEW YORK (AP) — Small businesses created fewer jobs during May, joining larger companies in a slowdown that may be due to a lack of qualified candidates.\nPayroll company ADP said Wednesday it counted 38,000 new jobs at its customers with 49 or fewer employees. That's down from an average of nearly 59,000 in the first four months of this year.\nADP's tally of new jobs at companies of all sizes fell to 178,000 from a four-month average of nearly 229,000.\nSome companies have said in surveys they want to hire but struggle to find candidates with the right skills. A survey released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and MetLife showed that 32 percent of the 1,002 small business owners questioned between late March and late April expect to hire.\nIn a separate survey taken in early April by Wells Fargo and Gallup, 43 percent of the 603 owners questioned want to hire." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on July 4 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about 2 killed as small plane crashes in eastern Austria
{ "text": [ "BERLIN (AP) — An emergency official says a small plane has crashed at an airfield in eastern Austria, killing two people aboard.\nLower Austria province fire service spokesman Franz Resperger told the Austria Press Agency that the aircraft came down nose-first Wednesday morning in a field next to the runway at the Voeslau-Kottingbrunn airfield, south of Vienna. The two men were trapped in the badly damaged cockpit.\nThere was no immediate word on the cause of the crash." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on July 4 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Palestinian official: 'Real estate men' won't solve conflict
{ "text": [ "RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official has lashed out at President Donald Trump, saying \"real estate men\" can't resolve the Middle East conflict.\nTuesday's remarks by Saeb Erekat, a veteran peace negotiator, came as the White House is expected to unveil a long-awaited peace plan.\nErekat says the White House \"should be run by great men, not real estate men,\" and that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict \"won't be solved by the tools of real estate men.\"\nErekat also said the Palestinian Authority will continue its payments to the families of jailed or slain Palestinian militants, after Israel passed a law this week withholding millions in taxes it collects for the Palestinians which are allocated for that purpose.\nThe Israeli move deepened a budget crunch for the Palestinians, already hit by U.S. aid cuts." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on March 20 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Jurisdiction issue delays Juelz Santana's detention hearing
{ "text": [ "NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A detention hearing for rapper Juelz Santana has been postponed until authorities decide who will prosecute the drug and gun charges he faces following an incident at Newark Liberty International Airport.\nA judge was due to decide Monday whether Santana would remain jailed until his trial. Officials say that hearing will likely now occur sometime this week.\nSantana pleaded not guilty to state charges last week. He also faces federal charges in the same incident\nAuthorities say security personnel found a loaded .38-caliber handgun and oxycodone pills he didn't have a prescription for in a carry-on bag containing his identification.\nThey say he fled the area, leaving two bags behind. He turned himself in three days later.\nThe 36-year-old New York City-born rapper lives in Totowa, New Jersey. His real name is LaRon James." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on March 20 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Jury selection for Bill Cosby retrial delayed until April 2
{ "text": [ "PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The start of Bill Cosby's sexual assault retrial is being pushed back a few days to give both sides more time to wrangle over pretrial issues.\nJudge Steven O'Neill issued an order Monday moving the start of jury selection to April 2. It had been scheduled for March 29.\nO'Neill says he'll instead hold final pretrial hearings March 29 and 30.\nCosby has pleaded not guilty to charges he drugged and molested Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.\nO'Neill hasn't ruled on whether jurors can hear about Cosby's settlement with Constand or if his lawyers can mention another accuser by name in their opening statement. Cosby's lawyers are objecting to O'Neill's ruling allowing up to five other accusers to testify.\nCosby's first trial last year ended in a hung jury.\nThe Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they grant permission, which Constand has done.\n___\nFor more on the Cosby trial, go to" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Missing German couple found dead in Australian Outback
{ "text": [ "DARWIN, Australia (AP) — Police say a German couple who disappeared in the Australian Outback were unprepared for the harsh environment and likely died before anyone noticed they were missing.\nNorthern Territory police launched a search for Gisela and Wilfred Thor on Sunday after a ranger found the couple's car at Trephina Gorge, a nature park northeast of the Outback town of Alice Springs. The couple had set off for the gorge two days earlier.\nPolice discovered the body of 76-year-old Wilfred on Monday and his 73-year-old wife the next day.\nPolice said Wednesday that the couple probably died before anyone realized they were missing.\nSergeant Philip Emmett said the pair strayed from the park's walking track and were unprepared for the rugged environment and high temperatures." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Ex-Mississippi gov says he 'forgot' gun seized at airport
{ "text": [ "JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour says it was \"nobody's fault but mine\" that he took a loaded handgun in his briefcase through an airport security checkpoint in early January.\nBarbour said Tuesday he will pay a fine after he was stopped and arrested Jan. 2 while boarding a flight from Mississippi to Washington, D.C. The gun was spotted in a TSA X-ray machine.\nHe says he forgot he was carrying the gun, which he had put in his briefcase after an assistant removed it from his car days earlier.\nTransportation Security Administration spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein says a TSA officer working at an X-ray machine at a checkpoint at Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport spotted a .38-caliber revolver, loaded with five bullets, in a passenger's carry-on bag." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Avnet Journal Reveals Keys to Hardening the IoT-Connected Supply Chain
{ "text": [ "PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 24, 2018--Avnet (NYSE: AVT ), a leading global technology distributor, released the latest edition of the Supply Chain Navigator, supply chain thought leadership journal, with an exclusive interview with HP Inc. Chief Supply Chain Officer Stuart Pann, and an in-depth look at how IoT connectivity in the Factory of the Future has put industrial supply chains in the crosshairs of the world’s most sophisticated and malicious cybercriminals.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nHP Inc. Chief Supply Chain Officer Stuart Pann shares some of the innovative supply chain initiatives behind the company's ongoing success. (Photo: Business Wire)\n“The distinct challenges around fortifying today’s connected industrial control and civil infrastructure systems are often either misunderstood or underestimated,” said Wade McDaniel, publisher of Supply Chain Navigator and vice president of solutions development and delivery, Avnet Velocity. “In this issue, we share insights from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cisco, and other highly respected voices in the cybersecurity field into the distinct cyber risk challenges facing members of the industrial supply chain, as well as tips for building more effective cyber hygiene into today’s IoT-enabled value networks.”\nSupply Chain Navigator April 2018 issue highlights:\nOne-on-One with Stuart Pann, Chief Supply Chain Officer, HP Inc. Contributed Commentary: Cyber Risks in Additive Manufacturing Threaten to Unravel the Digital Thread Best Practice: General Dynamics Mission Systems Innovates Innovation with Suppliers Research Notes: Managing Natural Resource Dependencies in Supply Chains Contributed Commentary: AI as a Force for Good in Supply Chain Management Op-Ed: Reflections on a Career, and Profession, in Transition\nTo read the latest issue of Supply Chain Navigator, go online to: Sign up for a free subscription to Supply Chain Navigator at:\nSupply Chain Navigator is a 2017 winner of the for Publication Excellence. The publication reaches more than 150,000 purchasing, supply chain, manufacturing, operations and logistics professionals throughout the global electronics industry. Supply Chain Navigator’s quality writing, distinct content and thought-provoking insights have earned the publication a 2017 of Merit, as well as recognition from (#16) and to follow.\nClick to Tweet: Can't miss #supplychain #cybersecurity best practice tips from @Edna_Conway @ RobertMetzger2 @DHSgov @emilemonette in the April issue of @SC_Navigator\nFollow Avnet on Twitter: @Avnet Connect with Avnet on LinkedIn: Connect with Avnet on Facebook:\nAbout Avnet\nFrom idea to design and from prototype to production, Avnet supports customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle. A comprehensive portfolio of design and supply chain services makes Avnet the go-to guide for innovators who set the pace for technological change. For nearly a century, Avnet has helped its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnet at\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Avnet\nMaureen O’Leary, 480-643-7499\\nor\nBrodeur Partners\nJamie Ernst, 480-308-0286\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA ARIZONA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY DATA MANAGEMENT INTERNET SOFTWARE OTHER TECHNOLOGY TRANSPORT SECURITY MANUFACTURING LOGISTICS/SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OTHER MANUFACTURING COMMUNICATIONS PUBLISHING\nSOURCE: Avnet\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/24/2018 11:00 AM/DISC: 04/24/2018 11:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 30 2018, in the domain of tech. Tell me about Banks help US stocks higher as Italian worries ease
{ "text": [ "NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stocks are climbing Wednesday morning, recovering some of the ground they lost the day before, as investors hope Italy might be able to avoid a new round of elections. Banks are rising along with bond yields after outsize losses a day ago. Big dividend payers are lagging the market, also a reversal from the previous day. European indexes are higher and the euro is rising compared to the dollar.\nKEEPING SCORE: The S&P 500 index gained 13 points, or 0.5 percent, to 2,703 as of 10 a.m. Eastern time. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 115 points, or 0.5 percent, to 24,477. The Nasdaq composite added 32 points, or 0.4 percent, to 7,428. The Russell 2000 index leaped 17 points, or 1.1 percent, to 1,640, which put the index on pace for another record close. The Russell fare far better than the rest of the market on Tuesday.\nITALY IN FOCUS: Stocks in the U.S. and Europe sank Tuesday as investors worried that Italy would have new elections in a few months and that the vote would become a referendum on whether Italy, the third-largest economy in Europe, would stay in the euro. On Wednesday, premier-designate Carlo Cottarelli said there were \"new possibilities\" to form a government.\nItaly's FTSE MIB stock index climbed 1.8 percent after a 2.7 percent drop a day earlier. Prices for Italian government bonds also rose, sending yields down following a huge surge the day before.\nEUROPE: The euro rose to $1.1627 from $1.1531 a day earlier, which was its lowest level in almost a year. The dollar rose to 108.88 yen from 108.24 yen.\nGermany's DAX climbed 0.7 percent while the FTSE 100 index in Britain rose 0.3 percent. The CAC 40 in France lost 0.3 percent.\nEARNINGS: Wall Street continued to pore over quarterly results from retailers. Dick's Sporting Goods soared 19 percent to $36.26 after it raised its annual profit forecast. Its first-quarter report was better than expected thanks in part to strong online sales. Printer and PC maker HP also raised its profit projections after its earnings and sales surpassed analyst estimates. HP climbed 2.4 percent to $21.81. Watchmaker Movado Group rallied 17.7 percent to $49.68.\nClothing company Chico's FAS plunged 23 percent to $7.69 after its profit fell short of expectations and shoe retailer DSW gave up some of its gains from earlier in the year as it lost 10.4 percent to $23.35. Luxury retailer Michael Kors dropped 11.2 percent to $60.59.\nBONDS: Bond prices fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.83 percent from 2.79 percent.\nENERGY: Energy companies rose as U.S. crude oil climbed 0.7 percent to $67.22 per barrel in New York. Brent crude, used to price international oils, added 1.3 percent to $76.47 a barrel in London.\nSURVEY SAYS: A survey by payroll processor ADP said private U.S. businesses added 178,000 jobs in May. That's a solid number even though it's not as many jobs as they added over the winter.\nASIA: Japan's Nikkei 225 stock index dropped 1.5 percent and the Kospi of South Korea dropped 2. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong slipped 1.4 percent.\n____\nAP Markets Writer Marley Jay can be reached at . His work can be found at" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Anthem's 4Q profit surges on higher rates, tax benefit
{ "text": [ "Anthem's fourth-quarter profit more than doubled as the Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurer raised rates to cover rising costs and became the latest company to report a huge tax cut benefit.\nThe nation's second-largest health insurer also announced on Wednesday a 2018 forecast that topped the average expectation on Wall Street and hiked its dividend by a nickel. Company shares jumped higher than the broader market after trading started.\nAnthem Inc. said it recorded a $1.1 billion benefit from corporate tax cuts in the quarter, giving the company an effective tax rate of 3.1 percent. Rival UnitedHealth Group Inc. and other companies have detailed similar benefits since Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump sped a $1.5 trillion tax cut plan into law last month.\nAnthem covers more than 40 million people and sells individual and employer-sponsored coverage in key markets like New York and California. It saw operating revenue, which excludes items like investment gains, climb 4.5 percent to $22.45 billion in 2017's final quarter, a gain driven by rate hikes and enrollment gains.\nMedical claims, by far the insurer's biggest expense, rose 6 percent to $18.67 billion in the quarter.\nOverall, the insurer's profit surged to $1.23 billion, with adjusted earnings coming in at $1.29 per share.\nThat was 4 cents better than Wall Street had expected, according to a survey by Zacks Investment Research.\nFor the year, the company earned $3.84 billion on $89.06 billion in operating revenue.\nIn 2018, Anthem expects adjusted earnings to exceed $15 per share.\nAnalysts, meanwhile, forecast $14.07 per share, according to FactSet.\nThe Indianapolis insurer also said Wednesday that it would bump the quarterly dividend it pays shareholders up to 75 cents a share starting in March.\nCompany officials also said during a conference call with analysts that CVS Health Corp. remains very engaged in a partnership that will help Anthem run prescription drug coverage. The two companies announced in October that they planned to team up as Anthem creates a pharmacy benefits manager called IngenioRx starting in 2020.\nShortly after that announcement, reports first surfaced that CVS was interested in buying another insurer, Aetna Inc. That deal was then announced in December.\nAnthem shares jumped 2 percent, or $5.62, to $249.06 Wednesday morning. That recaptured some of the value the shares and other health care stocks lost Tuesday, when Amazon, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and the New York bank JPMorgan Chase rattled stocks in the sector by announcing a new venture into health care.\n_____\nElements of this story were generated by Automated Insights ( using data from Zacks Investment Research. Access a Zacks stock report on ANTM at" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 23 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about BAE Systems and Dell EMC collaborate to offer mission-ready cloud solution for the U.S. Government
{ "text": [ "MCLEAN, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 23, 2018--BAE Systems and Dell EMC today announced a collaboration to offer the first scalable, hybrid cloud solution of its kind for the U.S. government. The federated secure cloud is flexible enough to power agency-level IT modernization or support smaller, forward-operating units.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nBAE Systems and Dell EMC today announced a collaboration to offer the first scalable, hybrid cloud solution of its kind for the U.S. government. (Photo: BAE Systems)\nThe solution empowers users to collaborate securely through common business applications while also providing users with common access to mission-essential tools. Its environment includes zero-anonymity security features for security administrators to monitor, track, and control in real time all software, hardware, and user access to their respective clouds.\n“Our federated secure cloud is not just a modified commercial cloud environment for government use. It was designed from the start with high-assurance security in mind,” said Al Whitmore, president of BAE Systems’ Intelligence & Security sector. “Our solution arrives mission-ready and pre-engineered with the security credentials required to operate in a secure government environment.”\n“When it comes to enterprise IT and cloud, U.S. government agencies want mission-ready turnkey solutions,” said Steve Harris, senior vice president and general manager of Dell EMC’s federal business. “Our federated secure cloud arrives embedded with customizable Dell EMC and VMware technologies to meet an agency’s unique mission needs. This allows us to shorten the typical lead-time required to deliver and stand-up a federal cloud solution.”\nThe solution satisfies more than 900 security controls and offers the highest assurance enterprise desktop services available in the government, with more than 30 controls from Intelligence Community overlay subpart C (INT-C) for rapid deployment authorization. This architecture enables administrators to automate the process of facilitating patches and updates, minimizing disruptions to users and missions while also reducing localized IT administrative costs.\nBAE Systems delivers a broad range of solutions and services enabling militaries and governments to successfully carry out their missions. The company provides large-scale systems engineering, integration, and sustainment services across air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. BAE Systems takes pride in its support of national security and those who serve.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: BAE Systems\nCharles Ratzer\nMobile: + 1 703-321-6342\\\n@BAESystemsInc\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA VIRGINIA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY OTHER TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING AEROSPACE DEFENSE CONTRACTS OTHER DEFENSE\nSOURCE: BAE Systems Inc.\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/23/2018 09:00 AM/DISC: 04/23/2018 09:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about 3 Suicide bombers kill 5 police, wound 8 troops in Pakistan
{ "text": [ "QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistan's military says suicide bombers blew themselves up near a police vehicle and a security checkpoint in separate incidents in the southwestern city of Quetta, killing five police and wounding eight paramilitary troops.\nA military statement Tuesday says a suicide bomber targeted a police vehicle on an airport road killing five police and wounding seven others.\nSeparately, the statement says two suicide bombers walked to the Frontier Corps checkpoint in the Mian Ghundi area and detonated explosive vests minutes apart, when paramilitaries fired on them.\nPolice officer Mohammad Aslam said eight wounded troops were hospitalized.\nNo group claimed responsibility but Islamic militants operating in the region have claimed past such attacks. Baluch separatist groups also have engaged in low-level insurgency in Baluchistan, of which Quetta is the capital." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 11 2017, in the domain of business. Tell me about The Latest: Pipe bomb explodes in underground passageway
{ "text": [ "NEW YORK (AP) — The Latest on the explosion in Manhattan in an underground passageway (all times local):\n9:15 a.m.\nPolice say the pipe bomb explosion inside the New York City subway happened in an underground passageway between Seventh and Eighth Avenues on 42nd Street.\nThe explosion filled the passageway with smoke while it was crowded with throngs of Monday morning commuters.\nA law enforcement official tells The Associated Press that a man had a pipe bomb strapped to him when it went off. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the incident.\nThe person was arrested and has non-life-threatening injuries. Another person on the platform sustained non-life-threatening injuries.\nThe Port Authority Bus Terminal, the nation's largest bus hub, was shut down, along with the eight subway lines and all streets around Times Square.\n___\n8:45 a.m.\nA law enforcement official tells The Associated Press that a man had a pipe bomb strapped to him when it went off on a New York City subway platform.\nThe explosion happened around 7:30 a.m. Monday. Details were still developing.\nThe person was arrested and has non-life-threatening injuries. Another person on the platform sustained non-life-threatening injuries\nThe official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the incident.\nWhite House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has tweeted that President Trump has been briefed on the explosion.\n___\n8:40 a.m.\nNew Jersey Transit buses headed to the Port Authority Bus Terminal are diverting to other locations following an explosion in New York City.\nNJ Transit says buses are taking passengers to Secaucus and Hoboken. From there, they can take trains or PATH into the city.\nTrains, PATH, light rail and ferries are honoring bus tickets into New York.\nThe explosion happened around 7:30 a.m. Monday. Details were still developing.\nPassengers were evacuated as a precaution from the subway line where the explosion happened, near 40th Street and Eighth Avenue.\nA person was arrested and has non-life-threatening injuries.\n___\n8:25 a.m.\nA law enforcement official says what is believed to be an explosive device has been set off on Manhattan subway platform.\nThe explosion happened around 7:30 a.m. Monday. Details were still developing.\nA person was arrested and has non-life-threatening injuries.\nThere was no immediate word of any other injuries.\nThe official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the incident.\nPassengers were evacuated as a precaution from the subway line where the explosion happened, near 40th Street and Eighth Avenue.\n— Associated Press writer Colleen Long\n___\n8 a.m.\nThe New York Police Department says it is responding to a report of an explosion near Times Square.\nThe response is centered in the area of the Port Authority bus terminal.\nIt's led to delays along some of the subway lines that pass beneath the bus terminal.\nSome passengers have been evacuated as a precaution.\nThere were no immediate reports of injuries." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Capitals rally past Flyers 5-3
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Chandler Stephenson, Andre Burakovsky and T.J. Oshie ended lengthy goal droughts to help the Washington Capitals rally past the Philadelphia Flyers 5-3 on Wednesday night.\nStephenson scored twice after going without a goal for 28 games. Burakovsky scored on the power play after coming up empty for 10 games, and Oshie lifted his arms and looked to the sky when he scored on the power play to end his 13-game dry spell.\nDevante Smith-Pelly scored Washington's fifth goal on 20 shots to chase Michal Neuvirth midway through the third period of a game the Capitals trailed 2-0 after one.\nNo. 2 pick Nolan Patrick, Travis Konecny and Jakub Voracek scored for Philadelphia. Alex Lyon made his NHL debut in relief of Neuvirth, stopping five shots in preparation for what could be his first start Thursday at New Jersey.\nRED WINGS 2, SHARKS 1, SO\nDETROIT (AP) — Justin Abdelkader scored in the seventh round of a shootout, and Petr Mrazek stopped Tomas Hertl at the other end to give Detroit the win.\nTrevor Daley scored for the Red Wings in the third period before Kevin Labanc responded for San Jose. Gustav Nyquist, Andreas Athanasiou, Tomas Tatar and Abdelkader scored in the shootout for Detroit, while Joe Pavelski, Logan Couture and Chris Tierney scored for the Sharks.\nThe Red Wings had a season-high 44 shots, but San Jose salvaged a point thanks to goalie Martin Jones and Labanc's goal with 4:59 remaining. The Sharks spoiled Mrazek's bid for a third shutout in January after an extended period in Detroit's zone. Luke Glendening of the Red Wings was caught without a stick, and Labanc's wrist shot through traffic beat Mrazek high to the glove side.\nMrazek finished with 30 saves.\nMAPLE LEAFS 5, ISLANDERS 0\nTORONTO (AP) — Justin Holl and Travis Dermott each scored their first NHL goal, leading Toronto to the victory.\nHoll made his NHL debut after being recalled from the minors earlier in the day.\nKasperi Kapanen, Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner also scored for the Maple Leafs (29-18-5), and Frederik Andersen made 28 saves for his fourth shutout of the season.\nThomas Greiss stopped 45 shots for the Islanders (25-22-5), who also lost 4-1 at home against Florida on Tuesday.\nToronto had three rookie defensemen in the lineup after scratching regulars Morgan Rielly (upper body), Roman Polak (viral infection) and Ron Hainsey (illness)." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about A Woman’s Guide to Preventive Care by the Numbers
{ "text": [ "PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 30, 2018--AmeriHealth Caritas, a leading Medicaid managed care organization (MCO), is supporting Women’s Health Month by encouraging women to seek preventive care. Preventive screening tests can detect diseases early when they’re easiest to treat.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nInfographic courtesy of AmeriHealth Caritas\n“The power of preventive screenings and early detection cannot be understated,” said Dr. Andrea Gelzer, Chief Medical Officer at AmeriHealth Caritas. “It’s important for women to be proactive about seeking preventive care for the range of health issues that may surface over time.”\n@ 20 years of age Cholesterol screening: Once you turn 20, have your cholesterol checked every 4 to 6 years. Have it checked more often if you have diabetes, a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, a BMI of 30 or higher, or if you smoke.\n@ 21 years of age Pap test: If you are age 21 to 65, get a Pap test once every 3 years. Talk with your primary care provider (PCP) about how often you should be tested. You still need a well-woman visit yearly even if you do not need a Pap test.\n@ 45 years of age Diabetes: If you are age 45 or older and are overweight or at high risk for diabetes, ask your PCP to test you. Diabetes, or high blood sugar, can cause problems with your heart, eyes, feet, kidneys, nerves, and other body parts.\nHeart Disease: If you are age 45 to 79, ask your PCP if you should take aspirin ever day to help lower your risk of a heart attack.\nMammogram: If you are age 45 to 54, get a screening every 1 to 2 years. Talk with your PCP about your personal risk factors, together you can decide when you should start getting mammograms and how often.\n@ 50 years of age Colorectal Cancer: If you are age 50 to 75, get tested for colorectal cancer. You and your PCP can decide which test is best. If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, you may need to be tested before you turn 50.\n@ 60 years of age Vision Disorders: Starting at age 60 (age 40 if you are African American), have a full eye exam with dilated pupils at least every 2 years. This will check for glaucoma and other eye problems. If you have diabetes, you should have an eye exam each year no matter what age you are.\nTalk to your primary care provider (PCP) about how to prioritize preventive health screenings, and the frequency in which you should schedule them based on risk factors associated with your family history and age.\nAbout AmeriHealth Caritas\nAmeriHealth Caritas is part of the Independence Health Group in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. AmeriHealth Caritas is one of the nation’s leaders in health care solutions for those most in need. Operating in 16 states and the District of Columbia, AmeriHealth Caritas serves approximately 5.6 million Medicaid, Medicare and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) members through its integrated managed care products, pharmaceutical benefit management and specialty pharmacy services, behavioral health services, and other administrative services. Headquartered in Philadelphia, AmeriHealth Caritas is a mission-driven organization with more than 35 years of experience serving low-income and chronically ill populations. For more information, visit\nView source version on\nCONTACT: AmeriHealth Caritas\nJawanza Keita, 267-298-5702\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA PENNSYLVANIA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: WOMEN HEALTH CONSUMER GENERAL HEALTH\nSOURCE: AmeriHealth Caritas\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 05/30/2018 04:16 PM/DISC: 05/30/2018 04:16 PM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Wednesday's Major League Linescores
{ "text": [ "AMERICAN LEAGUE Toronto 000 002 002—4 6 1 Boston 001 012 02x—6 11 1\nGaviglio, Oh (7), Tepera (8) and Maile; Rodriguez, Barnes (7), Johnson (9), Kimbrel (9) and Vazquez. W_Rodriguez 6-1. L_Gaviglio 2-1. Sv_Kimbrel (18). HRs_Toronto, Hernandez (8). Boston, Nunez (4), Martinez (18).\n___\nChicago 000 000 001—1 5 2 Cleveland 205 200 00x—9 13 0\nLopez, Volstad (3), Avilan (4), Rondon (5), Fry (6), Jones (7), Soria (8) and Narvaez; Kluber, Beliveau (7), Marshall (8), Taylor (9) and Gomes. W_Kluber 8-2. L_Lopez 1-4. HRs_Chicago, Sanchez (3). Cleveland, Ramirez (17), Encarnacion (13).\n___\nHouston 000 020 001—3 7 0 New York 100 022 00x—5 8 1\nKeuchel, McHugh (6) and Stassi; Severino, Robertson (8), Chapman (9) and Romine. W_Severino 8-1. L_Keuchel 3-7. Sv_Chapman (12). HRs_Houston, Stassi (5).\n___\nNATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 000 000 200—2 8 1 Milwaukee 000 010 20x—3 10 1\nReyes, Gant (5), Lyons (7), Tuivailala (7) and Kelly; Guerra, Jeffress (7), Hader (8), Knebel (9) and Kratz, Pina. W_Jeffress 5-0. L_Tuivailala 1-1. Sv_Knebel (5). HRs_St. Louis, Bader (5). Milwaukee, Yelich (7).\n___\nCincinnati 000 402 001—7 12 0 Arizona 301 000 000—4 13 1\nRomano, W.Peralta (6), Hughes (7), Garrett (7), Iglesias (8) and Barnhart; Corbin, Salas (7), Chafin (8), McFarland (9) and Murphy. W_Romano 3-6. L_Corbin 5-2. Sv_Iglesias (9). HRs_Cincinnati, Schebler (6), Duvall (10). Arizona, Goldschmidt (7), Murphy (7)." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Laporte is Man City's latest big-money defensive signing
{ "text": [ "MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Manchester City signed France Under-21 international Aymeric Laporte from Athletic Bilbao for a club-record fee of 65 million euros ($80 million) on Tuesday, taking its spending on center backs since 2014 to around $250 million.\nThe 23-year-old Laporte came close to joining City in the summer of 2016 — when Pep Guardiola took charge of the current English Premier League leader — but backed out of the move feeling he wasn't quite ready.\nEighteen months later, City clinched the signing of the left-footed, ball-playing defender after meeting his buy-out clause, strengthening the team's options in what has been a problem position for Guardiola and previous managers.\nLaporte is the second most expensive defender in soccer history, with only Virgil van Dijk — who joined Liverpool from Southampton for 75 million pounds ($100 million) at the start of January — costing more.\nSince City won its most recent Premier League title in 2014, Eliaquim Mangala has arrived from FC Porto for a reported 42 million pounds and Nicolas Otamendi joined from Valencia for 32 million pounds in 2015. Another center back, John Stones, cost an initial 47.5 million pounds in the summer of 2016.\nCity spent around 120 million pounds (then $155 million) on three fullbacks — Kyle Walker, Benjamin Mendy and Danilo — in the last transfer window.\nLaporte made his debut in 2012 under former Bilbao coach Marcelo Bielsa — someone revered by Guardiola — and quickly became one of the Spanish league's most promising players. He said he likes to bring the ball out from the back, giving him the pedigree that suits Guardiola's vision and making him a likely rival for Stones to play alongside Otamendi.\n\"Defenders do this more than ever before,\" Laporte said in an interview with FourFourTwo magazine. \"I spend as much time in training and matches working on starting attacks as I do stopping them.\n\"I'm usually quite calm in possession, so this helps initiate quicker, more fluid attacks from the back. I also like playing long, cross-field passes to change the position of an attack and give us another option. Variety is important.\"\nBarcelona has previously been linked with Laporte, who has similar qualities to Gerard Pique — the Barca and Spain defender.\nThe size of the fee reflects the shortage of top-quality, left-footed center backs around at the moment — and comes two weeks after City turned down the chance to sign Alexis Sanchez because of the Chile forward's financial demands.\nLaporte has signed a contract until 2023 and becomes City's most expensive player, with the fee exceeding the reported 55 million pounds spent on Kevin De Bruyne in August 2015.\nCity has four of the five costliest defenders in Premier League history — Laporte, Stones, Walker, and Mendy.\nLaporte, who hasn't played for France's senior team, will be available for the knockout stage of the Champions League.\n\"All I know,\" he said, in an Instagram message to Athletic's fans on Monday, \"is that I will never forget the place where I've become a better player and a better person. That's why this is not a 'goodbye,' only a 'see you soon,' and that I'll keep Athletic in my heart forever.\"\n___\nSteve Douglas is at" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Trump calls for optimism in spite of warnings of danger
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Addressing a deeply divided nation, President Donald Trump summoned the country to a \"new American moment\" of unity in his first State of the Union, challenging Congress to make good on long-standing promises to fix a fractured immigration system and warning darkly of evil forces seeking to undermine America's way of life.\nTrump's address Tuesday night blended self-congratulation and calls for optimism amid a growing economy with ominous warnings about deadly gangs, the scourge of drugs and violent immigrants living in the United States illegally. He cast the debate over immigration — an issue that has long animated his most ardent supporters — as a battle between heroes and villains, leaning heavily on the personal stories of White House guests in the crowd. He praised a law enforcement agent who arrested more than 100 gang members, and he recognized the families of two alleged gang victims.\nHe also spoke forebodingly of catastrophic dangers from abroad, warning that North Korea would \"very soon\" threaten the United States with nuclear-tipped missiles.\n\"The United States is a compassionate nation. We are proud that we do more than any other country to help the needy, the struggling and the underprivileged all over the world,\" Trump said. \"But as president of the United States, my highest loyalty, my greatest compassion, and my constant concern is for America's children, America's struggling workers and America's forgotten communities.\"\nTrump addressed the nation with tensions running high on Capitol Hill. An impasse over immigration prompted a three-day government shutdown earlier this year, and lawmakers appear no closer to resolving the status of the \"Dreamers\" — young people living in the U.S. illegally ahead of a new Feb. 8 deadline for funding operations. The parties have also clashed this week over the plans of Republicans on the House intelligence committee to release a classified memo on the Russia investigation involving Trump's presidential campaign — a decision the White House backs but the Justice Department is fighting.\nThe controversies that have dogged Trump — and the ones he has created— have overshadowed strong economic gains during his first year in office. His approval ratings have hovered in the 30s for much of his presidency, and just 3 in 10 Americans said the United States was heading in the right direction, according to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In the same survey, 67 percent of Americans said the country was more divided because of Trump.\nAt times, Trump's address appeared to be aimed more at validating his first year in office than setting the course for his second. He devoted significant time to touting the tax overhaul he signed at the end of last year, promising the plan will \"provide tremendous relief for the middle class and small businesses.\" He also highlighted the decision made early in his first year to withdraw the U.S. from a sweeping Asia-Pacific trade pact, declaring: \"The era of economic surrender is totally over.\"\nHe spoke about potential agenda items for 2018 in broad terms, including a call for $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending and partnerships with states and the private sector. He touched only briefly on issues like health care that have been at the center of the Republican Party's policy agenda for years.\nTackling the sensitive immigration debate that has roiled Washington, Trump redoubled his recent pledge to offer a path to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants — but only as part of a package that would also require increased funding for border security, including a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, ending the nation's visa lottery method and revamping the current legal immigration system. Some Republicans are wary of the hardline elements of Trump's plan and it's unclear whether his blueprint could pass Congress.\n\"Americans are dreamers too,\" Trump said, in an apparent effort to reclaim the term used to describe the young immigrants in the U.S. illegally.\nA former New York Democrat, the president also played to the culture wars that have long illuminated American politics, alluding to his public spat with professional athletes who led protests against racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem, declaring that paying tribute to the flag is a \"civic duty.\"\nRepublicans led multiple rounds of enthusiastic applause during the speech, but for the opposition party it was a more somber affair. Democrats provided a short spurt of polite applause for Trump as he entered the chamber, but offered muted reactions throughout the speech. A cluster of about two dozen Democrats, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, remained planted firmly in their seats, staring sternly at the president and withholding applause.\nAfter devastating defeats in 2016, Democrats are hopeful that Trump's sagging popularity can help the party rebound in November's midterm elections. In a post-speech rebuttal, Massachusetts Rep. Joe Kennedy, the grandson of Robert F. Kennedy, was seeking to undercut Trump's optimistic tone and remind voters of the personal insults and attacks often leveled by the president.\n\"Bullies may land a punch,\" Kennedy said. \"They might leave a mark. But they have never, not once, in the history of our United States, managed to match the strength and spirit of a people united in defense of their future.\"\nThe arc of Trump's 80-minute speech featured the personal stories of men and women who joined first lady Melania Trump in the audience. The guests included a New Mexico policeman and his wife who adopted a baby from parents who suffered from opioid addiction, and Ji Seong-ho, a defector from North Korea and outspoken critic of the Kim Jong-un government.\nOn international affairs, Trump warned of the dangers from \"rogue regimes,\" like Iran and North Korea, terrorist groups, like the Islamic State, and \"rivals\" like China and Russia \"that challenge our interests, our economy and our values.\" Calling on Congress to lift budgetary caps and boost spending on the military, Trump said that \"unmatched power is the surest means of our defense.\"\nTrump's biggest foreign policy announcement of the night concerned the Guantanamo Bay detention center, which former President Barack Obama tried but failed to close. Reversing Obama's policy, Trump said he'd signed an executive order Tuesday directing the Pentagon to keep the prison open while re-examining the military's policy on detention.\nTrump said he was also asking Congress to ensure the U.S. had needed powers to detain Islamic State group members and other \"terrorists wherever we chase them down,\" though it was unclear whether he was referring to a new war powers authorization or some other mechanism. Trump also said he wanted Congress to pass a law ensuring U.S. foreign aid goes only \"to America's friends\" — a reference to his frustration at U.S. aid recipients that voted at the U.N. to rebuke his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.\nMrs. Trump arrived at the Capitol ahead of her husband to attend a reception with guests of the White House, but she rode back to the White House with him. It was the first time she was seen publicly with the president following a report that his lawyer arranged a payment to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, to prevent her from talking about an alleged affair. Daniels denied the affair in a new statement released hours before the speech.\n___\nFollow Julie Pace at and Zeke Miller at" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Honda: Faulty Takata air bag kills 6th person in Malaysia
{ "text": [ "KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Japanese carmaker Honda says another person has died in Malaysia after a flawed Takata airbag inflator exploded, raising the number of deaths linked to the defect in the Southeast Asian country to six.\nHonda said Tuesday in a statement that the driver was killed when the 2004 Honda City car crashed on New Year's Day in central Selangor state.\nIt said the car was included in a 2015 recall to replace flawed air bags on the driver and passenger side but several letters sent to the original owner did not reach the new owner after the car was sold because its database had not been updated.\nHonda said Tuesday the passenger airbag inflator deployed and functioned properly." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 11 2017, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Saakashvili appears in court in Ukraine
{ "text": [ "KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Mikheil Saakashvili, the former Georgian president turned opposition leader in Ukraine, is in court in the Ukrainian capital.\nSaakashvili was arrested Friday on allegations that he colluded with Ukrainian businessmen tied to Russia to topple President Petro Poroshenko. Saakashvili rejected the allegations and is refusing food to protest his detention.\nThe Pechersky District court in Kiev deliberated Monday on whether to keep him in custody. Saakashvili's supporters scuffled with police outside the court building.\nYulia Tymoshenko, a former prime minister who leads an opposition party, attended the hearing in a show of support for Saakashvili.\nOn Sunday, thousands of Saakashvili's supporters marched across Kiev, demanding his release and calling for Poroshenko to be impeached." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Electric vehicle startup SF Motors takes over Indiana plant
{ "text": [ "MISHAWAKA, Ind. (AP) — An electric vehicle startup announced Wednesday that it is retooling an Indiana factory and hopes to conduct trial runs for two new lines of vehicles by the end of the year.\nState officials say SF Motors, a Silicon Valley-based subsidiary of China's Chongqing Sokon Industry Group, plans to hire back some workers who were laid off when AM General halted operations at its Mishawaka plant last year.\nThe company says it will spend $160 million to buy, renovate and retool the factory, which will serve as the company's main U.S. manufacturing plant. It plans to employ up to 467 workers.\nTo secure the deal, the state of Indiana is offering the company $3.8 million in tax credits and up to $500,000 for worker training. The state is also offering an additional $653,000 in tax credits through a program that encourages companies to take over existing out-of-operation facilities.\nSaint Joseph County, where the factory is located, is also considering an economic incentives package for the company.\nRepublican Gov. Eric Holcomb joined company officials for the announcement on Wednesday.\n\"With a world of options, we're thrilled SF Motors chose to expand in Indiana. We look forward to witnessing their continued success in Indiana as they develop 21st-century solutions with the help of our talented Hoosier workforce,\" Holcomb said in a statement.\nThe South Bend Tribune previously reported that the plant made Mercedes-Benz R-Class vehicles for Chinese buyers and the Hummer H2.\nIn March, SF Motors officials showed off two crossover SUVs vehicles, the SF5 and SF7, at its Santa Clara, California, headquarters. Both vehicles are slated for production at the Indiana factory.\nThe plant will handle full production of the vehicles, from body welding to battery production and final assembly." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Republicans vote to release classified memo on Russia probe
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans on the House intelligence committee have voted to release a four-page classified memo related to the Russia election meddling probe.\nThe memo purports to show improper use of surveillance by the FBI and the Justice Department in the Russia investigation. It remains unclear exactly when or how the memo will be released.\nPresident Donald Trump has five days to object to its release by the committee, though he has pushed for the memo to be made public.\nTrump and many Republicans have suggested that some in the Justice Department and FBI have conspired against the president. Democrats have called the memo a selectively edited group of GOP talking points that attempt to distract from the committee's own investigation into Russian meddling." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 25 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Drought, wildfires force ranchers to scramble for feed
{ "text": [ "OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Ongoing drought and wildfires have cattle ranchers in at least five Southwestern U.S. states scrambling for hay or pastureland, while others are selling off some of their herds.\nExtreme drought conditions have contributed to wildfires in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, delaying the growth of or destroying grass and wheat used to feed cattle in spring.\nRancher Darrel Shepherd of Custer, Oklahoma, says finding hay in northwest Oklahoma is nearly impossible and two wildfires that burned about 545 square miles (1412 sq. kilometers) have destroyed pastures.\nFederal agriculture officials in New Mexico say ranchers may not have feed to maintain their herd sizes and that some are already trimming their herds, while farmers along the Rio Grande are bracing for less water to irrigate their crops\n___\nAssociated Press writer Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque contributed to this report." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Global Forecast-Celsius
{ "text": [ "Global Forecast as of 12:00 GMT Tuesday, April 24, 2018\n_____\nCity/Town, Country;Tuesday's Weather Condition;Tuesday's High Temp (C);Tuesday's Low Temp (C);Wednesday's Weather Condition;Wednesday's High Temp (C);Wednesday's Low Temp (C);Wednesday's Wind Direction;Wednesday's Wind Speed (KPH);Wednesday's Humidity (%);Wednesday's Chance of Precip. (%);Wednesday's UV Index\nAbidjan, Ivory Coast;Nice with some sun;33;26;A t-storm in spots;32;26;WSW;18;75%;71%;7\nAbu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;Mostly sunny, warm;39;25;Mostly sunny, nice;33;25;ESE;18;50%;0%;11\nAleppo, Syria;Sunny;28;15;Mostly cloudy;29;16;E;18;21%;1%;9\nAlgiers, Algeria;Partly sunny, warm;25;16;A couple of showers;20;14;E;18;77%;96%;4\nAmsterdam, Netherlands;Rain and drizzle;14;9;Spotty showers;14;8;WSW;36;74%;82%;5\nAnchorage, United States;Breezy with rain;9;3;Rain and snow shower;9;3;SE;14;55%;73%;2\nAshgabat, Turkmenistan;Cooler;22;13;Partly sunny, nice;23;15;ESE;9;46%;9%;9\nAstana, Kazakhstan;A little p.m. rain;15;6;Cooler with some sun;10;1;WSW;34;48%;52%;3\nAsuncion, Paraguay;Hot with clearing;35;22;Sunny and hot;34;22;ENE;12;47%;10%;6\nAthens, Greece;Partly sunny, warm;27;14;Clouds and sun, warm;28;13;SSW;9;42%;0%;9\nAuckland, New Zealand;Cloudy with a shower;17;13;Partly sunny;19;11;S;14;67%;1%;4\nBaghdad, Iraq;Sunny and nice;29;15;Partly sunny;30;19;ESE;9;30%;25%;10\nBanda Aceh, Indonesia;Afternoon showers;33;24;Cloudy, a t-storm;34;24;SSW;8;75%;73%;5\nBangalore, India;A t-storm in spots;33;22;A t-storm in spots;35;22;S;8;46%;55%;14\nBangkok, Thailand;Warm with sunshine;36;28;Partly sunny, warm;36;28;S;12;60%;58%;13\nBarcelona, Spain;Mostly sunny, nice;23;15;Clouds and sun, nice;21;15;NNE;14;66%;8%;7\nBeijing, China;Partly sunny;23;10;Mostly sunny, nice;25;11;SSW;15;31%;1%;8\nBelgrade, Serbia;Severe thunderstorms;27;13;Hazy, a thunderstorm;28;14;SSW;5;56%;59%;7\nBerlin, Germany;Cooler with a shower;16;11;Some sun, a t-storm;17;7;W;37;69%;82%;4\nBogota, Colombia;A p.m. t-storm;20;10;Rather cloudy;19;10;SSE;10;71%;44%;8\nBrasilia, Brazil;A t-storm in spots;27;15;A t-storm in spots;25;14;E;15;65%;46%;8\nBratislava, Slovakia;Warm with some sun;24;12;Periods of sun, warm;27;15;WSW;10;48%;14%;6\nBrussels, Belgium;Spotty showers;15;11;Showers and t-storms;14;6;WSW;21;82%;74%;3\nBucharest, Romania;Clouds and sun, warm;29;13;Hazy and very warm;28;14;WSW;8;54%;8%;7\nBudapest, Hungary;Showers and t-storms;26;13;Partly sunny, warm;27;15;SW;12;53%;30%;6\nBuenos Aires, Argentina;A strong t-storm;23;20;A morning t-storm;25;20;ENE;7;80%;60%;2\nBujumbura, Burundi;Rather cloudy;30;18;A p.m. t-storm;30;18;ESE;9;50%;80%;4\nBusan, South Korea;Rain this morning;17;10;Mostly sunny;20;9;NNE;17;49%;0%;9\nCairo, Egypt;Sunny and pleasant;28;16;Clouds and sun;26;18;NNW;16;36%;70%;11\nCape Town, South Africa;Partly sunny;19;11;Rain and drizzle;20;13;NW;25;69%;86%;3\nCaracas, Venezuela;Partial sunshine;29;20;Partly sunny, nice;29;19;ESE;7;60%;30%;13\nChennai, India;Mostly sunny, warm;37;28;Sunshine, very warm;37;28;S;18;60%;2%;13\nChicago, United States;Mostly cloudy;13;5;Sunny intervals;10;2;NNE;23;54%;4%;8\nColombo, Sri Lanka;Turning out cloudy;33;26;A stray p.m. t-storm;32;25;SSW;10;74%;75%;12\nCopenhagen, Denmark;A little a.m. rain;12;6;Spotty showers;12;6;W;15;68%;85%;2\nDakar, Senegal;Sunny and pleasant;24;18;Sunny and beautiful;24;19;N;19;82%;0%;13\nDallas, United States;Mostly sunny;28;16;Afternoon rain;22;11;NNW;13;62%;88%;2\nDar es Salaam, Tanzania;Partly sunny, nice;33;23;A shower in spots;31;23;SSW;14;73%;59%;10\nDelhi, India;Sunshine and warm;40;25;Hot with hazy sun;42;27;WSW;12;13%;0%;11\nDenver, United States;Cloudy, much colder;6;-1;Sunny;18;4;SSW;9;46%;8%;9\nDhaka, Bangladesh;A t-storm around;33;26;A p.m. t-storm;37;22;ESE;12;60%;73%;12\nDili, East Timor;Mostly sunny, warm;36;23;Increasing clouds;33;23;SSE;9;52%;29%;10\nDublin, Ireland;Rain and drizzle;12;5;Spotty showers;12;5;WSW;30;72%;65%;4\nDushanbe, Tajikistan;Cloudy and very warm;28;13;Cooler;21;11;NNE;12;57%;84%;5\nGibraltar, Gibraltar;A heavy p.m. t-storm;20;15;Rain and a t-storm;20;15;WSW;11;80%;88%;3\nHanoi, Vietnam;Rain, a thunderstorm;29;24;Rain, a thunderstorm;25;23;SE;9;87%;77%;3\nHarare, Zimbabwe;Sunny and nice;26;10;Sunny and pleasant;25;9;ENE;9;37%;1%;8\nHavana, Cuba;Partly sunny;30;21;A heavy p.m. t-storm;28;20;NNE;9;70%;66%;9\nHelsinki, Finland;A shower or two;9;3;Spotty showers;9;2;SW;17;86%;69%;2\nHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam;Partly sunny;35;27;A p.m. t-storm;35;27;SSE;10;67%;63%;10\nHong Kong, China;A downpour;27;21;Cloudy;26;22;E;15;73%;44%;3\nHonolulu, United States;A shower or two;28;23;A shower or two;27;23;ENE;25;65%;83%;11\nHyderabad, India;Mostly sunny;40;25;Hazy sun;38;25;SE;8;31%;1%;13\nIslamabad, Pakistan;Mostly sunny and hot;35;20;Mostly sunny and hot;36;21;NE;13;29%;25%;10\nIstanbul, Turkey;Warm with sunshine;26;15;Warm with some sun;26;15;ENE;10;55%;1%;8\nJakarta, Indonesia;A t-storm in spots;31;24;An afternoon shower;31;25;ESE;9;72%;66%;4\nJeddah, Saudi Arabia;Nice with sunshine;34;25;Plenty of sunshine;34;25;WSW;13;48%;41%;12\nJohannesburg, South Africa;Plenty of sunshine;26;11;Sunny and pleasant;26;10;N;9;43%;1%;6\nKabul, Afghanistan;Increasing clouds;27;11;Mostly sunny, nice;25;9;NNW;13;27%;1%;11\nKarachi, Pakistan;Sunny, breezy, warm;37;26;Sunny and breezy;35;26;W;24;52%;0%;11\nKathmandu, Nepal;Partly sunny, nice;28;15;Clouds and sun, nice;28;15;ENE;10;41%;32%;11\nKhartoum, Sudan;Sun and clouds, warm;42;24;Sunny and very warm;42;24;N;12;7%;0%;13\nKiev, Ukraine;Mostly cloudy;20;9;A p.m. t-storm;22;14;SW;15;53%;65%;4\nKingston, Jamaica;A t-storm in spots;31;25;A t-storm in spots;30;26;ENE;16;67%;58%;11\nKinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo;A t-storm or two;32;22;Couple of t-storms;31;23;W;7;77%;83%;9\nKolkata, India;A t-storm around;37;26;A t-storm around;37;26;S;13;53%;43%;12\nKuala Lumpur, Malaysia;A t-storm in spots;31;24;Mainly cloudy;33;24;NNE;8;69%;44%;6\nLa Paz, Bolivia;A t-storm in spots;13;1;A p.m. shower or two;13;1;NE;13;56%;68%;10\nLagos, Nigeria;Partly sunny;33;26;A t-storm around;32;26;WSW;11;68%;55%;7\nLima, Peru;Nice with some sun;23;19;Mostly sunny;23;19;S;11;74%;49%;9\nLisbon, Portugal;Partly sunny;26;14;Partly sunny, nice;22;13;N;19;65%;1%;9\nLondon, United Kingdom;Afternoon rain;15;8;Thundershowers;14;6;WSW;23;64%;66%;4\nLos Angeles, United States;Low clouds breaking;24;12;Low clouds, then sun;23;12;SSW;9;66%;1%;9\nLuanda, Angola;Variable cloudiness;33;26;A shower;32;26;WSW;10;72%;85%;6\nMadrid, Spain;A t-storm in spots;26;14;Sun and clouds, warm;27;14;NE;17;43%;10%;7\nMale, Maldives;Partly sunny;31;28;A t-storm or two;32;28;NW;11;73%;82%;9\nManaus, Brazil;A t-storm in spots;29;22;A t-storm in spots;29;23;E;8;78%;79%;10\nManila, Philippines;A stray p.m. t-storm;34;26;A p.m. t-storm;35;26;ESE;10;52%;71%;13\nMelbourne, Australia;Windy this morning;25;13;Partly sunny;20;12;NW;9;69%;9%;4\nMexico City, Mexico;A t-storm in spots;25;13;A t-storm in spots;25;13;S;9;42%;55%;14\nMiami, United States;A t-storm in spots;30;21;Partly sunny, warm;30;19;W;12;57%;8%;11\nMinsk, Belarus;Mostly cloudy;16;6;Showers around;13;7;SW;17;65%;89%;2\nMogadishu, Somalia;A t-storm around;31;26;A t-storm around;31;26;S;12;73%;74%;12\nMontevideo, Uruguay;A t-storm in spots;22;18;Showers and t-storms;24;18;ENE;10;73%;62%;4\nMontreal, Canada;Inc. clouds;19;8;Cooler, p.m. rain;12;8;ENE;3;74%;95%;2\nMoscow, Russia;Milder;13;6;Rain and drizzle;14;7;WSW;13;66%;84%;1\nMumbai, India;Mostly sunny;36;27;Hazy sun;35;26;WNW;15;53%;0%;12\nNairobi, Kenya;Showers and t-storms;20;16;Showers and t-storms;23;17;N;12;85%;79%;7\nNew York, United States;Increasing clouds;17;11;Periods of rain;14;10;W;16;82%;91%;2\nNicosia, Cyprus;Sunny;28;17;Increasing clouds;30;19;WNW;16;37%;3%;4\nNovosibirsk, Russia;Cloudy and mild;13;8;A.M. rain, clearing;15;5;SSW;21;76%;91%;3\nOsaka-shi, Japan;Rain;20;15;Low clouds;18;10;NNW;15;68%;25%;2\nOslo, Norway;Variable cloudiness;12;1;Periods of sun;13;0;NNW;7;46%;30%;4\nOttawa, Canada;Mostly cloudy;18;7;Cooler with rain;12;5;ENE;16;79%;96%;1\nPago Pago, American Samoa;A shower or two;29;25;An afternoon shower;29;25;ESE;9;80%;82%;8\nPanama City, Panama;A t-storm in spots;32;25;A t-storm in spots;31;25;NW;13;76%;72%;11\nParamaribo, Suriname;A shower or two;29;23;Brief p.m. showers;30;24;ENE;10;80%;88%;9\nParis, France;Partly sunny;22;11;A shower in the a.m.;17;7;WNW;13;74%;59%;2\nPerth, Australia;Nice with sunshine;23;13;Sunny and pleasant;24;15;ESE;12;57%;0%;4\nPhnom Penh, Cambodia;A stray p.m. t-storm;36;27;A stray p.m. t-storm;35;26;SW;10;66%;82%;7\nPort Moresby, Papua New Guinea;Partly sunny;31;24;A t-storm around;32;25;SE;20;72%;74%;5\nPort-au-prince, Haiti;A t-storm in spots;32;23;A t-storm in spots;33;23;SE;8;54%;55%;12\nPrague, Czech Republic;Sun and clouds;22;12;Windy with some sun;23;11;W;25;40%;38%;5\nPyongyang, North Korea;Decreasing clouds;22;5;Sunny and pleasant;21;5;WNW;9;45%;0%;8\nQuito, Ecuador;Periods of rain;20;10;Periods of rain;19;11;W;11;74%;89%;8\nRabat, Morocco;Rain this afternoon;19;13;Spotty showers;20;14;SW;11;79%;75%;7\nRecife, Brazil;A shower in the a.m.;29;23;Morning showers;27;24;SE;12;83%;100%;6\nReykjavik, Iceland;Cloudy, p.m. rain;8;4;An afternoon shower;7;3;NNW;9;60%;67%;1\nRiga, Latvia;A passing shower;15;7;A passing shower;14;5;WSW;19;57%;66%;2\nRio de Janeiro, Brazil;Mostly sunny;28;22;Nice with sunshine;28;22;ENE;9;71%;36%;6\nRiyadh, Saudi Arabia;Partly sunny;32;21;A t-storm in spots;30;22;SSE;18;29%;41%;11\nRome, Italy;Nice with some sun;25;12;Hazy and warm;26;11;SE;10;53%;0%;8\nSaint Petersburg, Russia;A little p.m. rain;10;4;A little a.m. rain;10;4;WSW;11;79%;82%;1\nSan Francisco, United States;Clouds, then sun;18;10;Turning sunny;17;10;WSW;14;77%;1%;8\nSan Jose, Costa Rica;A t-storm in spots;28;19;A t-storm in spots;27;17;ENE;14;68%;64%;11\nSan Juan, Puerto Rico;Clouds and sun;28;23;Partly sunny, nice;29;24;ESE;19;70%;56%;12\nSan Salvador, El Salvador;Partly sunny;25;20;Partly sunny;25;20;NW;8;84%;55%;14\nSana'a, Yemen;Periods of sun;23;12;Partial sunshine;23;14;WNW;8;49%;44%;14\nSantiago, Chile;Sunny and pleasant;23;8;Sunny and nice;26;8;SW;4;32%;3%;4\nSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic;A t-storm in spots;29;22;A t-storm in spots;29;22;E;10;73%;55%;11\nSao Paulo, Brazil;A t-storm in spots;27;12;Partial sunshine;24;12;NNW;12;68%;1%;8\nSeattle, United States;Partly sunny;23;10;Mostly sunny;23;11;NNE;14;46%;2%;6\nSeoul, South Korea;A shower in the a.m.;19;6;Sunny and pleasant;22;9;W;7;36%;0%;9\nShanghai, China;Rain and drizzle;16;11;Partly sunny;20;13;E;15;60%;14%;9\nSingapore, Singapore;A t-storm in spots;33;27;Afternoon showers;34;27;SSW;13;72%;82%;6\nSofia, Bulgaria;Clouds and sun;27;11;Showers and t-storms;26;11;S;9;58%;82%;8\nSt. John's, Antigua and Barbuda;Some sun, a shower;29;23;A shower in places;29;23;E;19;72%;79%;12\nStockholm, Sweden;Spotty showers;13;6;A passing shower;14;4;W;13;56%;66%;4\nSydney, Australia;Mostly sunny;24;16;A shower in the a.m.;25;18;WSW;16;68%;66%;4\nTaipei City, Taiwan;Showers and t-storms;23;19;Decreasing clouds;25;18;E;12;59%;33%;4\nTallinn, Estonia;A shower;11;5;Spotty showers;8;3;WSW;15;85%;78%;2\nTashkent, Uzbekistan;Cloudy;30;13;Cooler;21;11;E;13;57%;9%;8\nTbilisi, Georgia;Sunshine;20;7;Clearing;18;8;NNE;10;61%;8%;5\nTehran, Iran;Sunshine, pleasant;22;13;Sunlit and nice;23;15;NE;13;29%;5%;10\nTel Aviv, Israel;Sunny and delightful;26;18;Strong p.m. t-storms;21;16;ENE;19;60%;88%;8\nTirana, Albania;Sunshine and warm;27;11;Partly sunny, warm;28;13;E;7;42%;4%;8\nTokyo, Japan;A shower in the p.m.;19;18;Periods of rain;23;15;ENE;22;80%;70%;4\nToronto, Canada;Rain and drizzle;11;5;Rain;9;4;NNW;18;83%;100%;2\nTripoli, Libya;Becoming cloudy;27;17;Partly sunny;29;19;ESE;15;36%;0%;9\nTunis, Tunisia;Sunshine and warm;30;18;Clouds and sun, warm;29;17;ESE;19;39%;9%;9\nUlan Bator, Mongolia;Plenty of sunshine;20;2;Mostly sunny, mild;18;0;N;14;25%;1%;7\nVancouver, Canada;Partly sunny;20;10;Mostly sunny;22;13;NNE;8;34%;0%;6\nVienna, Austria;Warm with some sun;24;11;Clouds and sun, warm;27;14;W;8;43%;10%;6\nVientiane, Laos;Mostly sunny, warm;38;25;Partly sunny;35;25;ESE;9;56%;69%;12\nVilnius, Lithuania;Mostly cloudy;15;7;Afternoon rain;11;4;WSW;14;65%;88%;2\nWarsaw, Poland;Turning cloudy;21;10;Showers/thunderstorm;23;9;W;21;52%;87%;2\nWellington, New Zealand;Mostly sunny;16;11;Partly sunny;18;13;N;17;71%;2%;3\nYangon, Myanmar;Warm with sunshine;39;25;Mostly sunny;38;26;W;11;44%;39%;12\nYerevan, Armenia;Mostly sunny;19;6;Sunshine and nice;21;8;NE;6;38%;3%;9\n_____\nCopyright 2018 AccuWeather\n_____\nKeywords: Forecast, Global, Celsius" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Proposed class-action suit filed against Fiat Chrysler, UAW
{ "text": [ "DETROIT (AP) — A proposed class-action lawsuit has been filed by three employees against Fiat Chrysler and United Auto Workers in connection with a federal corruption investigation.\nThe Detroit News and Detroit Free Press report Monday that the suit alleges union dues paid from 2009 to 2015 may have been spent on tainted or illegal bargaining.\nFormer Fiat Chrysler executive Al Iacobelli (IKE'-uh-belly) handled labor relations and admitted that he was trying to gain an advantage for the automaker. He has pleaded guilty to paying $1.5 million in cash and gifts to high-ranking UAW members.\nThen-UAW vice president General Holiefield was charged in the case, but died in 2015. His wife also is charged.\nThe money for the scheme came from the UAW-Chrysler National Training Center in Detroit.\nUAW denies the payments influenced contract bargaining." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Venezuela rejects UN plan to settle border fight with Guyana
{ "text": [ "CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela has rejected a United Nations proposal to send its longstanding border dispute with neighboring Guyana to an international court.\nForeign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza said Wednesday that his country will push for a diplomatic settlement spelled out in a 1966 agreement signed in Geneva.\nHis comment comes a day after U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced that he is sending the case to the International Court of Justice.\nU.N. officials cite a provision of the Geneva accord that gives the secretary-general authority to find a solution if the two countries can't.\nThe territorial dispute between the two South American countries dates back to 1899. The swath of disputed land makes up 40 percent of Guyana." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Horn wants to show Pacquiao win was no fluke
{ "text": [ "BRISBANE, Australia (AP) — Jeff Horn's reward for a successful first title defense since a contentious win over Manny Pacquiao could be a potential bout with Terence Crawford.\nA failure could send him back into boxing obscurity.\nHorn wants to use his WBO welterweight title defense against Gary Corcoran on Wednesday to dispel any notion that he got a hometown decision against Pacquiao in Brisbane last July. If he gets his way, it could set him up for a big 2018.\nTop Rank promoter Bob Arum attended Tuesday's weigh-in and said a win here \"will lead to massive fights coming next year.\"\n\"I think Pacquiao is going to return to the ring. Terence Crawford will be the mandatory for this fight. The biggest building in Las Vegas is on hold for this fight,\" Arum said. \"Going to have a tremendous year in the welterweight division and these two participants ... will be giving it their all to see who will go ahead as part of these major programs that will take place next year.\"\nHorn, now unbeaten in 18 bouts, knows what it's like to be given no chance of beating the champion, so he is trying to think only about Corcoran at the Brisbane Convention Centre. That's not far from where he beat Pacquiao in front of more than 51,000 fans in an outdoor bout at a regular rugby venue.\n\"I've got until after this fight to start having discussions,\" he said. \"He's definitely a possibility if I can manage to get through Gary first.\"\nThe Australian former schoolteacher was written off before taking on Pacquiao (59-7-2), but pressured the eight-division champion for 12 rounds in an upset that changed the trajectory of his career.\nPacquiao's camp disputed the unanimous decision, which was widely panned by critics but later confirmed after further scrutiny by the World Boxing Organization. Pacquiao had a rematch clause for the Horn fight, but so far hasn't committed to a date or venue.\nCorcoran is 17-1 since turning pro in 2011 and is ranked 10th by the WBO. He is the underdog and is fighting outside of Britain and Ireland for the first time for his first world title.\nTrainer Peter Stanley said his boxer would not be intimidated by the situation.\n\"We've fought away from home before in front of bigger, more hostile crowds against bigger boys,\" Stanley said. \"There's nothing new here.\"\nThe buildup to the fight has been overshadowed by accusations from the Corcoran camp that Horn resorted to head-butting Pacquiao, and claims from the British-based boxer that he would resort to biting if confronted with the same circumstances. At the official news conference, one of Corcoran's trainers held up a laptop computer to show images of Horn clashing heads with opponents and later wore a cap with a glove attached at the top in a swipe at the head-butting claims.\nHorn and his trainer Glenn Rushton responded by wearing caps with a pair of boxing gloves on top of earmuffs to protect from biting.\nBoth boxers were expecting an aggressive, walk-up style of fight.\nRushton said Horn would be furious but fair.\n\"It is boxing. It's not table tennis — it's tough,\" Rushton said. \"Stop (complaining) — Jeff's one of the fairest fighters in the world.\"\nCorcoran doesn't have a high profile, and even ring announcer Michael Buffer mistakenly called him by the wrong name at the weigh-in.\n\"Does it matter?\" Stanley said. \"He'll know his name afterward, I promise you that — he won't forget it.\n\"Gary's a consummate pro. He's come here to fight and win. They both made weight, they're both fit. The only difference is Jeff's got the world title and Gary wants it.\"" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of entertainment. Tell me about Brady struggles again in Miami, as Pats lose to Dolphins
{ "text": [ "MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Tom Brady was a mere mortal in Miami.\nAgain.\nThe five-time Super Bowl champion wins just about everywhere, just about every week. But games at Miami have been a struggle more times than not for the longtime New England star, and Monday night was yet another entry on that list. Brady was intercepted twice, probably should have had at least one other pass picked off, and the Patriots lost to the Dolphins 27-20 — denying New England a chance to clinch the AFC East.\nBrady finished 24 of 43 for 233 yards and a touchdown. He's now 7-9 in his career when visiting the Dolphins, with a passer rating of under 90 in 10 of those 16 games.\nHis rating Monday: 59.5, his lowest in a regular-season game since 2013.\n\"We've had a lot of good nights this year,\" Brady said. \"And this was a bad night.\"\nIt wasn't all on him, not by a long shot.\nThe Patriots couldn't run the ball whatsoever, finishing with 10 yards on 25 carries — and that came after running for at least 191 yards in each of their last two games. New England had given up an average of 11.9 points in its last eight games; it gave up 27 to the Dolphins. And the Patriots, in the stat that might be most surprising, were a staggering 0 for 11 on their third-down chances.\nThe last time they were 0-for-anything on third downs? 1991, when Phoenix — that's what the Cardinals were called then — beat the Patriots.\n\"That was pretty bad,\" Brady said. \"Can't get any worse than that.\"\nThe result was an end to the Patriots' 14-game road winning streak, hardly a great springboard into what's a short week before a showdown in Pittsburgh on Sunday that will likely go a long way toward deciding the top seed in the AFC playoffs.\n\"They did a good job tonight,\" Patriots coach Bill Belichick said of the Dolphins, before the rest of his postgame availability became mostly a collage of short, mumbled answers. \"They obviously did a better job than we did. We just weren't really good enough in any area, consistent enough in any area to win the game. We all need to do a better job and hopefully we'll be able to do that. This wasn't good enough tonight, across the board.\"\nBrady didn't have his first completion until the second quarter, after missing on his first four throws — one of which was intercepted. The Dolphins went after him all night, never letting him get into rhythm. With no running game and no Rob Gronkowski, serving a one-game suspension over an unnecessary hit he doled out last week, the Patriots needed Brady to be exceptional.\n\"I've got to throw the ball better,\" Brady said. \"That's where it starts.\"\nThe Patriots being the Patriots, they nearly pulled off a comeback from a 27-10 third-quarter deficit anyway. Brady connected with James White for a 3-yard scoring throw early in the fourth, and the Patriots got to the Miami 1 in the final moments. But a pair of penalties pushed them back to the 16, and Stephen Gostowski's 33-yard field goal with 53 seconds left got New England within a touchdown.\nThat left an onside kick to decide matters. The low-percentage play didn't work, and Belichick was asked afterward what happened.\n\"They recovered it,\" Belichick said, then shrugging.\nOn a night where the Patriots had few answers, at least that one was succinct.\n\"I wish we played better,\" Brady said. \"But we didn't.\"\n___\nMore AP NFL: and" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 25 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Believe it! 76ers roll with Meek Mill past Heat in Game 5
{ "text": [ "PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons shined again in front of rapper Meek Mill, and the dominant duo ushered the nightmares-into-dreams Process of the Philadelphia 76ers into the second round with a 104-91 win over the Miami Heat on Tuesday night.\nThe 76ers, winners of 10 games just two seasons ago, are in the second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs for the first time since 2012.\nThey await the winner of Milwaukee-Boston. The Celtics lead the series 3-2.\nThe Sixers won the series 4-1 and turned the Wells Fargo Center into the wildest house party in the city. Embiid had 19 points and 12 rebounds, Simmons had 14 points and 10 boards, and the entire team had rappers, politicians, actors and kids dancing along for the ride.\nMill made a dramatic return hours after Pennsylvania's highest court ordered him freed while he appeals decade-old gun and drug convictions.\nHe was taken from prison by helicopter to Philadelphia, where he rang the ceremonial bell at the start of Game 5." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Singer Gwen Stafani to wrap up Super Bowl week performances
{ "text": [ "PRIOR LAKE, Minn. (AP) — Pop singer Gwen Stefani will close out a star-studded Super Bowl week in Minnesota.\nThe three-time Grammy winner will headline at Club Nomadic at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel on Sunday, Feb. 4.\nStefani is the final headliner. Other acts at Club Nomadic include The Chainsmokers on Thursday, Feb. 1; Ellie Goulding and Norwegian electronic dance music artist DJ Kygo on Friday, Feb. 2; and Florida Georgia Line on Saturday, Feb. 3.\nStefani joins a growing list of performers who will be in Minnesota during Super Bowl week. Others include Jennifer Lopez, who will perform at Nomadic Live! on Super Saturday Night. Sheila E., the Revolution and Morris Day & the Time will perform a Prince tribute as part of a series of free concerts.\n___\nMore AP NFL: and" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on July 4 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Leader of Indonesia's Aceh province arrested in graft sting
{ "text": [ "JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia's anti-graft commission has arrested the governor of conservative Aceh province on suspicion of receiving bribes.\nFebri Diansyah, spokesman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, says Irwandi Yusuf was among 10 people arrested Tuesday evening in separate locations in Aceh.\nInvestigators seized about 500 million rupiah ($35,000) in cash.\nYusuf, a former leader of the rebel Free Aceh Movement, was elected governor for a second time in 2017.\nHe was flown Wednesday morning to the Indonesian capital and taken to the headquarters of the anti-graft commission.\nAceh is the only province in Muslim-majority Indonesia governed by Islamic Shariah law." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 25 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Trump: North Korea wants meeting 'as soon as possible'
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says North Korea wants to hold a high-stakes meeting \"as soon as possible\" and he is praising Kim Jong Un as \"very open\" and \"very honorable.\"\nTrump is addressing his upcoming plans to meet with the North Korean leader during his discussions at the White House with French President Emmanuel Macron.\nTrump's praise for the North Korean dictator stands in stark contrast to his past comments in which he referred to Kim as \"Little Rocket Man.\" The Trump-Kim meeting is expected in May or June.\nSouth Korean President Moon Jae-in is meeting with Kim on Friday to kick off a new round of high-stakes nuclear diplomacy with Pyongyang." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about New Polling Confirms Support for Increasing Use of Pipelines to Avoid Increasing Use of Oil Trains
{ "text": [ "ST. PAUL, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 30, 2018--Today, the Ag Energy Alliance released new Public Opinion Research results showing that Minnesotans support the increased use of pipelines to avoid an increasing number of oil trains traveling across Minnesota. The research further confirms that Minnesotans overwhelmingly support the kinds of critical infrastructure upgrades represented by the Line 3 Replacement Project. It is time for the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to grant the need and route permits down the proposed route and get this critical infrastructure project built.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\n“Our grain elevator members and farmer consumers can’t afford an increased glut of oil trains if we fail to permit the Line 3 Replacement down the proposed route,” said Bob Zelenka of the Minnesota Grain and Feed Association. “We need to replace Line 3 down the proposed route and move these products in pipelines rather than clogging up our rail lines. “\n“It’s clear from the research that Minnesotans overwhelmingly support replacing aging infrastructure – including oil and gas pipelines,” said Joe Goode, CEO of American Strategies, a national public opinion research firm. “The majority of Minnesotans believe pipelines should be used for oil transportation to avoid the safety and efficiency problems caused by the increased use of oil-by-rail.”\n“Replacing Line 3 down the proposed route will avoid the interruption of service from an in-trench replacement which would come at a significant cost to farmers and other customers of our membership,” said Lance Klatt, Executive Director of the Minnesota Service Station and Convenience Store Association, a member of the Ag Energy Alliance.\nThe Minnesota Agriculture & Energy Alliance is a partnership between citizens, government, non-profit organizations and private companies working to support Minnesota’s farmers and agri-business, rural retailers and other small businesses. People and organizations from across the state are working together to help create policies and support projects that improve access to markets for agricultural products, efficient energy and the overall business climate.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: For Minnesota Agriculture & Energy Alliance:\nChris Tiedeman, 612-834-1919\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA MINNESOTA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: ENERGY OIL/GAS TRANSPORT RAIL PUBLIC POLICY/GOVERNMENT STATE/LOCAL NATURAL RESOURCES AGRICULTURE MINING/MINERALS URBAN PLANNING ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION & PROPERTY\nSOURCE: Minnesota Agriculture & Energy Alliance\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 05/30/2018 04:02 PM/DISC: 05/30/2018 04:02 PM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 25 2018, in the domain of entertainment. Tell me about Man shackled for days in prisoner transport van files suit
{ "text": [ "McLEAN, Va. (AP) — Edward Kovari's 18-day ordeal began Sept. 12, 2016, when some guys in a van showed up to take him from a jail in Virginia to Texas, where he was wanted on charges that he had stolen a car.\nAs it turned out, the car was not stolen and all the charges against Kovari were later dismissed. But the trip from Winchester, Virginia, to Houston took the better part of a month. The private company that contracted with the jail to transport Kovari kept him shackled in the back of that van during the weekslong ride as it wound through the country picking up inmates in an effort at cost efficiency.\nOn Tuesday, Kovari, 39, sued the private company that transferred him, Nashville-based Prisoner Transportation Services, in federal court in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The company bills itself as the nation's largest prisoner extradition company. It did not respond Tuesday to messages seeking comment.\nThe lawsuit, filed by civil rights lawyers Jia Cobb, Glenn Schlactus and Orly May, alleges Prisoner Transportation Services prioritizes \"transporting as many detainees, with as few stops for rest or care, as possible over their obligation to safely transport those in their custody.\"\nIn Kovari's case, that meant 18 days, most of which he spent in shackles. On only two or three nights did the van actually stop at a jail where prisoners were allowed to get out and spend the night in a bed.\nKovari was not permitted to take his medication and asked to be taken to the hospital on a daily basis, according to the lawsuit. But the drivers responded that that any stop at the hospital would require all the other inmates to wait in the van for as long as Kovari was hospitalized. As a result, according to the suit, the other inmates threatened Kovari if he insisted on a hospital stop.\nWhen Kovari finally made it to the Harris County Jail, his systolic blood pressure — the so-called top number — exceeded 200 and he was admitted to the jail infirmary, where his condition did not stabilize for two days.\nInside the van, no provisions were made for restroom stops, and inmates urinated into bottles which spilled and sloshed on the floor of the van. In one case, a prisoner defecated on the van floor, and in another instance, a prisoner vomited. The lawsuit alleges that nothing was done to clean the mess. \"He spent the duration of the transport sitting in human waste and filth,\" the lawyers wrote.\nThe van was poorly ventilated with no functioning air conditioning, according to the lawsuit. At one point, according to the suit, the van pulled over on the highway after a flat tire and inmates were left in the back of the van. When police responded to the breakdown, one officer threatened the guards with arrest if they did not let the inmates out for fresh air and an opportunity to relieve themselves.\nThe van was so crowded — at time with up to 15 passengers — that inmates including Kovari took turns lying on the floor with other inmate's feet on top for the opportunity to sleep.\nKovari's lawyers declined to make him available for an interview.\nAlex Friedmann, managing editor of Prison Legal News, a publication focusing on prisoner rights and geared toward inmates, said stories like Kovari's are not uncommon. He said the private prisoner transport industry has been plagued with problems for more than a dozen years, with little effort toward reform. The only federal law governing the issue is designed to protect the public from inmate escapes as opposed to securing inmate safety.\n\"Dropping people off in a timely manner is not the priority,\" he said.\nThe inmates who are most often subjected to these transports are, like Kovari, pretrial detainees who are presumed innocent, Friedmann said." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on March 20 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about G-20 ministers convene in Argentina
{ "text": [ "BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Finance ministers and central bankers of G-20 countries are meeting in Argentina at a summit that has been eclipsed by growing concerns over U.S. President Donald Trump's import tariffs on steel and aluminum and the potential of a trade war.\nOfficials are also discussing issues including infrastructure development and the technology behind cryptocurrencies during the two-day meeting that began Monday in the Argentine capital.\nU.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde are among those attending the summit in Buenos Aires.\nIt is the first of five meetings by finance ministers and central bankers scheduled in advance of a main G-20 meeting in Argentina that will be held Nov. 30-Dec 1." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Business titans face complex system in US health care push
{ "text": [ "The leaders of, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan announced the ambitious goal of improving health care coverage all of their employees. They say they are forming a new company that will be \"free from profit-making incentives and constraints\" and hint its results might be applied on a broader scale. But the campaign is in its early planning stages.\nHere is some of what we know, and don't know, about the plan and about the health care crisis in the United States.\nWHERE TO BEGIN\nWhen Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet and JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon say they want to improve health care for potentially millions in the U.S., among the first questions will be: Where to start? Lower the cost of research? Increase transparency about pricing? Create a large pool of customers to increase negotiation power? Cut out middleman, such as pharmacy benefits managers, to lower costs? Lobby for new legislation to overhaul the industry? All of the above?\nWHEN AND HOW FAR\nAll that we know is that the company is in the \"early planning stages.\" The crisis facing Americans is here and now. In the past five years, premiums for family insurance plans arranged by employers are up 19 percent, according to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Education Trust.\nEMPLOYEES\nThe initial goal is to improve health care at, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. The companies have an estimated 1 million workers in the U.S., combined. It is not known how many dependents rely on the companies for health care coverage. JPMorgan said previously that it spent $1.25 billion on medical benefits in 2017 for 300,000 U.S. employees and family members.\nU.S. COMPANIES, LARGE AND SMALL, FACE A CRISIS IN COSTS\nU.S. health care spending grew 4.3 percent in 2016, according to the Department of Health. That's $3.3 trillion, or $10,348 per person. Spending on health care accounts for a staggering 17.9 percent of the nation's gross domestic product.\nSpending on health care is expected to outpace GDP growth for at least the next decade. There are no longer-range forecast that would suggest that trend will reverse itself.\nAN INDUSTRY RIPE FOR DISRUPTION\nThe announcement by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan erased billions in stock market capitalization from companies in the health care industry in seconds, potentially a knee-jerk reaction on Wall Street to the arrival three known innovators in finance and technology: Berkshire's Buffett, Amazon co-founder Bezos, and Dimon of JPMorgan.\nHealth insurance giant UnitedHealth Group Inc. was off more than 4 percent Tuesday. Other insurers, including MetLife Inc., Anthem Inc., Cigna Inc., and Aetna Inc. also experienced share declines." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Man initially held on $4 billion bond freed on reduced bond
{ "text": [ "BELTON, Texas (AP) — A murder suspect who had been booked into a Central Texas jail with bond initially set at $4 billion bond has been released after he posted a reduced bond of $151,000.\nThe Bell County Sheriff's Office says Antonio Marquis Willis of Killeen was released Monday afternoon.\nBell County Justice of the Peace Claudia Brown said Friday that she set the multibillion-dollar bond as a protest to exorbitant bonds, which she said force too many people to remain in jail until trial.\nA state district judge lowered the bond to $151,000 on Friday. Brown had acknowledged her bond amount could be seen as a constitutional violation.\nWillis is charged with first-degree murder in the Dec. 22 shooting death of Donte Samuels in Killeen." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on July 4 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Quantzig’s marketing analytics study helped an advertising agency to enhance their customer experience - Request proposal now!
{ "text": [ "LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jul 4, 2018--Quantzig, a pure-play analytics solutions provider, has announced the completion of their latest marketing analytics study on the advertising industry. An international advertising agency wanted to drive value by improving customer experiences and eliminating data silos.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nMarketing Analytics to Enhance Customer Experience and Eliminate Data Silos for a Leading Advertising Agency. (Graphic: Business Wire)\nAccording to the experts at Quantzig, “With the growth in technology and recent innovations, factors such as radio, television, smartphones, and internet along with other techniques, have made it much easier for advertisers to reach out to the consumers.”\nThe advertising industry is a multibillion-dollar industry within the media and entertainment industry. It acts as a medium that connects consumers and manufacturers. In the US alone, there are over 60,000 advertising agencies that employ more than 240,000 employees. Advertising agencies are hired to build brand identities, launch new products, and to increase customer base – be it a non-profit organization or a Fortune 500 company. An advertising agency plays an important role in kickstarting the economy by increasing sales. However, the economy also impacts advertising – i.e., when it slows down, consumers tend to constrict their wallets and cut down on marketing promotions.\nto see how Quantzig’s solutions can help you.\nThe marketing analytics solution helped the client to deliver maximum value at every single customer touch point. The client was able to discover customer pain points and customer sentiments and needs at various stages throughout the decision-making journey.\nThis marketing analytics solution provided benefits that helped the client to:\nDevelop marketing strategies that are centered around the needs of the audiences Deliver tailored experiences and stay a step ahead of their competitors To know more about the benefits of marketing analytics,\nThis marketing analytics solution offered predictive insights on:\nAnticipating customer behavior and responding proactively to issues Developing predictive business models based on a combination of variables To gain relevant insights and understand the scope of our research,\nView the complete marketing analytics study here:\nAbout Quantzig\nQuantzig is a global analytics and advisory firm with offices in the US, UK, Canada, China, and India. For more than 15 years, we have assisted our clients across the globe with end-to-end data modeling capabilities to leverage analytics for prudent decision making. Today, our firm consists of 120+ clients, including 45 Fortune 500 companies. For more information on all of Quantzig’s services and the solutions they have provided to Fortune 500 clients across all industries, please contact us.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Quantzig\nAnirban Choudhury\nMarketing Consultant\nUS: +1 630 538 7144\nUK: +44 208 629 1455\\n\nKEYWORD:\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: COMMUNICATIONS ADVERTISING\nSOURCE: Quantzig\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 07/04/2018 09:04 AM/DISC: 07/04/2018 09:04 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about BC-BBA--Top Ten
{ "text": [ "BC-BBA--Top Ten\nBASEBALL'S TOP TEN By The Associated Press AMERICAN LEAGUE G AB R H Pct. Betts Bos 48 184 52 66 .359 Brantley Cle 44 181 30 62 .343 Simmons LAA 53 197 32 66 .335 Altuve Hou 56 229 33 76 .332 Segura Sea 51 218 37 72 .330 MMachado Bal 55 215 30 70 .326 JMartinez Bos 53 205 36 66 .322 Castellanos Det 51 204 28 65 .319 MDuffy TB 39 156 10 49 .314 Ramos TB 42 159 16 49 .308 Home Runs\nTrout, Los Angeles, 18; JMartinez, Boston, 18; JoRamirez, Cleveland, 17; Betts, Boston, 17; MMachado, Baltimore, 16; Gallo, Texas, 15; Judge, New York, 15; KDavis, Oakland, 13; Encarnacion, Cleveland, 13; 4 tied at 12.\nRuns Batted In\nJMartinez, Boston, 47; MMachado, Baltimore, 45; JoRamirez, Cleveland, 40; Judge, New York, 40; Lowrie, Oakland, 39; Haniger, Seattle, 39; KDavis, Oakland, 38; Benintendi, Boston, 38; Betts, Boston, 37; 2 tied at 36.\nPitching\nKluber, Cleveland, 8-2; Morton, Houston, 7-0; Severino, New York, 7-1; Porcello, Boston, 7-2; Verlander, Houston, 7-2; Happ, Toronto, 7-3; Snell, Tampa Bay, 7-3; Rodriguez, Boston, 6-1; Tanaka, New York, 6-2; 2 tied at 6-3." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 11 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about National Hockey League
{ "text": [ "All Times EST EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Tampa Bay 29 21 6 2 44 110 74 Toronto 31 20 10 1 41 106 88 Boston 27 14 9 4 32 78 75 Montreal 31 13 14 4 30 85 99 Detroit 29 11 13 5 27 80 97 Florida 29 11 14 4 26 88 104 Ottawa 28 9 12 7 25 77 98 Buffalo 30 7 17 6 20 64 102 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Columbus 30 19 10 1 39 86 73 Washington 30 18 11 1 37 94 88 New Jersey 29 16 9 4 36 89 91 N.Y. Islanders 29 16 10 3 35 105 99 Pittsburgh 31 16 12 3 35 93 102 N.Y. Rangers 29 16 11 2 34 98 87 Carolina 28 11 10 7 29 78 88 Philadelphia 29 11 11 7 29 83 86 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA St. Louis 31 21 8 2 44 104 78 Nashville 29 18 7 4 40 95 84 Winnipeg 30 17 8 5 39 102 86 Minnesota 29 15 11 3 33 87 87 Dallas 30 16 13 1 33 89 89 Chicago 30 14 11 5 33 90 82 Colorado 28 13 13 2 28 90 94 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles 31 20 8 3 43 97 68 Vegas 29 19 9 1 39 103 91 San Jose 29 16 10 3 35 79 69 Calgary 30 16 12 2 34 88 94 Vancouver 30 14 12 4 32 81 85 Anaheim 30 12 11 7 31 80 89 Edmonton 30 12 16 2 26 86 99 Arizona 33 7 21 5 19 75 114\nNOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild cards per conference advance to playoffs.\nSunday's Games\nChicago 3, Arizona 1\nSt. Louis 3, Buffalo 2, OT\nToronto 1, Edmonton 0\nMinnesota 4, San Jose 3, OT\nMonday's Games\nColorado at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m.\nDallas at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.\nWashington at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m.\nFlorida at Detroit, 7:30 p.m.\nVancouver at Winnipeg, 8 p.m.\nCarolina at Anaheim, 10 p.m.\nTuesday's Games\nEdmonton at Columbus, 7 p.m.\nOttawa at Buffalo, 7 p.m.\nToronto at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.\nColorado at Washington, 7 p.m.\nLos Angeles at New Jersey, 7 p.m.\nCalgary at Minnesota, 8 p.m.\nTampa Bay at St. Louis, 8 p.m.\nFlorida at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.\nCarolina at Vegas, 10 p.m.\nWednesday's Games\nDallas at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m.\nN.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 7 p.m.\nBoston at Detroit, 8 p.m.\nNashville at Vancouver, 10 p.m.\nThursday's Games\nBuffalo at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.\nWashington at Boston, 7 p.m.\nN.Y. Islanders at Columbus, 7 p.m.\nNew Jersey at Montreal, 7:30 p.m.\nChicago at Winnipeg, 8 p.m.\nAnaheim at St. Louis, 8 p.m.\nToronto at Minnesota, 8 p.m.\nFlorida at Colorado, 9 p.m.\nTampa Bay at Arizona, 9 p.m.\nNashville at Edmonton, 9 p.m.\nSan Jose at Calgary, 9 p.m.\nPittsburgh at Vegas, 10 p.m." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Rams still control fate in NFC West after tough loss
{ "text": [ "THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (AP) — The Los Angeles Rams have not lost consecutive games this season under Sean McVay, something the first-year coach attributes to the team's mental toughness.\nThat resolve will be tested next week against the Seattle Seahawks after Sunday's 43-35 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, a seven-day span that could decide whether the Rams host a playoff game for the first time since the 2003 season in St. Louis.\n\"The thing that you have liked about this team so much is they have always responded the right way after we haven't gotten the outcomes that we like,\" McVay said Monday. \"I think we are a mentally tough team. We are a connected team that stays together. We'll respond and bounce back the right way.\"\nA win over the Eagles would have given the Rams (9-4) a two-game lead in the NFC West over the Seahawks, who lost 30-24 at the Jacksonville Jaguars. Seattle holds the head-to-head tiebreaker after its 16-10 win in Los Angeles on Oct. 8.\nThe Rams also could have gained a tiebreaker over the Eagles in the push for a first-round bye. They hold the edge over the NFC South-leading New Orleans Saints thanks to a 26-20 win on Nov. 26.\nInstead, the division title could easily come down to the outcome in Seattle. A loss would leave the Rams needing the Seahawks to lose at least one of their final two games.\nFacing the Seahawks might be the best way to get over a loss in a playoff-type atmosphere.\n\"We've got a great opportunity with the things that took place yesterday to still be in first place in our division and go to a great Seattle team and get a chance to try to go win our 10th game and try to stay on top in the division,\" McVay said. \"It's going to be a great challenge. There's still a lot to play for. In spite of the disappointing outcome, our guys certainly aren't discouraged.\"\nThe Rams will head to the Pacific Northwest will injury concerns on the offensive line and at defensive back. Left tackle Andrew Whitworth and right tackle Rob Havenstein are both dealing with MCL sprains that McVay described as \"mild.\" Whitworth returned to the game after getting hurt in the first half. Havenstein left early in the fourth quarter.\n\"They'll be day to day,\" McVay said. \"Fortunately for us, it didn't result in something that was going to be season-ending.\"\nTo address their secondary after losing cornerback Kayvon Webster for the season with a ruptured Achilles tendon, the Rams re-signed cornerback Dominique Hatfield to the practice squad. Hatfield, an undrafted rookie who has appeared in 11 games, was waived from the active roster on Saturday.\nThere was a bit of positive news, as cornerback Trumaine Johnson is not in concussion protocol. Instead, it was a stinger that knocked Johnson out against the Eagles.\nNOTES: Wide receiver Robert Woods and outside linebacker Connor Barwin will both return to practice on Wednesday. Woods has missed four games with a shoulder injury, while Barwin has missed two games after having surgery on his broken forearm.\n___\nMore AP NFL: and" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Regent Taipei presents Japanese Kakiyasu Beef from 2/9
{ "text": [ "Japanese Wagyu entered the Taiwan market last October after a decade long hiatus and has since been commonly seen in various dining outlets. To present customers with a more unique Wagyu experience, Regent Taipei has invited the renowned Japanese Kakiyasu Group for a guest chef event from 2/9-2/11 at the Mihan Honke restaurant; led by Kakiyasu’s executive chef Muraishi-san, the Kakiyasu Beef-Ultimate Luxury Wagyu Feast transports the entire Japanese Kakiyasu century-old traditions in its entirety, to Taiwan.\nThe experience, priced at NT$15,800, will include a total of nine courses from appetizer, nigiri, sashimi, roasted items, sukiyaki, to kamameshi, and includes wine pairing selections. A Kakiyasu certificate, which certifies the beef’s ancestry and bloodlines, will be presented to guests at the end of the experience.\nEach meal is limited to 20 seats and reservations are available starting today. To join the hotel-wide celebration, from 2/9-2/28, 1F azie also presents Kakiyasu Wagyu Donburi, Kakiyasu Wagyu Hamburger Beef Donburi and Roast Kakiyasu Wagyu Donburi, ranging from NT$480 to NT$880." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of tech. Tell me about Human error, inadequate safeguards blamed in missile alert
{ "text": [ "NEW YORK (AP) — The Federal Communications Commission says human error and inadequate safeguards are to blame for a missile alert that was sent mistakenly in Hawaii.\nThe FCC said Tuesday that the individual who sent the false alert refused to talk to the agency, but provided a written statement. The FCC says Hawaii has been testing alert capabilities, and he mistook a drill for a real warning about a missile threat. He responded by sending the alert. There was no sign-off from a supervisor.\nThe alert was sent to cellphones, TV and radio stations in Hawaii earlier this month, resulting in panic among Hawaiians.\nThe FCC says that once the false alert was sent, it took 38 minutes to correct it because Hawaii did not have a standardized system for sending such corrections." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 29 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about AP sources: Flames put Jaromir Jagr on waivers
{ "text": [ "In what could spell the end of his illustrious NHL career, Jaromir Jagr has been placed on waivers by the Calgary Flames.\nTwo people with direct knowledge of the move confirmed it to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because the team had not announced the transaction. The second-leading scorer in league history is on regular waivers, though one person told the AP that if the 45-year-old Jagr clears, he will be placed on unconditional waivers Monday for the purpose of terminating his NHL contract so he can return to Europe to finish the season.\nCalgary signed Jagr to a $1 million, one-year deal with performance bonuses at the start of the season, and he made his Flames debut on Oct. 11. Jagr had a goal and six assists in 22 games this season and hasn't played since Dec. 31 because of what the team called a lower-body injury. He went on injured reserve Jan. 14.\nJagr bounced around with the Flames, playing on the top line with stars Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan and with youngsters Sam Bennett and Mark Jankowski. The Czech native was in and out of the lineup because of injuries and couldn't find a defined role, and the Flames went on a seven-game winning streak largely without him to move into playoff position.\nCalling it \"a different role than I've ever been\" in, Jagr said recently he has had to adapt his game to less ice time than he was used to. He was a star in the 1990s with the Pittsburgh Penguins, winning the Stanley Cup in 1991 and 1992, and he was counted on for far less with the Flames.\n\"I have to practice differently,\" Jagr said in November. \"I've got to go all in for 45 seconds and maybe rest for five, six. Before I was practicing for one minute off, one minute on. That wouldn't help me much. So things like that you have to adjust.\"\nAdjusting has been a part of Jagr's journey as the fifth overall pick in 1990 through stints with nine NHL teams: the Penguins, Washington Capitals, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, Dallas Stars, Boston Bruins, New Jersey Devils, Florida Panthers and Flames. Despite spending three seasons in Russia's Kontinental Hockey League, Jagr is the active NHL leader with 1,733 games played, 766 goals, 1,555 assists and 1,921 points, and he is second only to Wayne Gretzky on the all-time scoring list.\n\"It's a lot of games, it's a lot of years, it's a lot of work on the body,\" Flyers teammate and countryman Jakub Voracek said. \"If you want to play for such a long time, you have to adjust. He went from 1990 to 2017-18. When you think about it, it's 28 years and the game changed so much from a physical standpoint to a speed standpoint.\"\nJagr kept up the pace in a changing sport with a legendary workout regimen that included skating with weights and going for runs at midnight. There are tales of team employees giving him the keys to practice facilities so he could let himself in to work out.\n\"It's cool to see what's worked for him and his routine and what he does off the ice and stuff like that,\" Flames forward Michael Frolik said.\nThe NHL has expanded from 21 to 32 teams and instituted the shootout during Jagr's career, which has lasted longer than the tenure of commissioner Gary Bettman.\n\"Probably '90s when he started it was a little bit more wide open, then I think early 2000s before the lockout, you needed to be big and strong and it was all about size and strength and you could do all that holding, hooking, grabbing, cross-checks and all that,\" Panthers teammate Jussi Jokinen said. \"And then the lockout pretty much changed everything. You needed more skill and more speed and more hockey IQ.\"\nJagr figured that out and is 34 games shy of Gordie Howe's all-time record, a milestone he could have hit this season had he been healthy and continued to play. Instead, he could play for HC Kladno in the Czech League, which he co-owns.\nIt is uncertain whether Jagr has an opportunity to play for the Czech Republic in next month's Winter Olympics without NHL players. A federation spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Jagr's status with the national team, though the 25-man roster already has been announced.\nJagr didn't look at this season as a farewell tour. In his final months he was unwilling to think about his many accomplishments.\n\"I don't like to look back,\" Jagr said. \"Once you start looking back, you're done.\"\n___\nAP Hockey Writer John Wawrow contributed to this report.\n___\nFollow Hockey Writer Stephen Whyno on Twitter at\n___\nFor more NHL coverage:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of business. Tell me about Guatemala's indigenous seek recognition for justice system
{ "text": [ "SOLOLA, Guatemala (AP) — The law works as it has for centuries in the Guatemalan indigenous community of Solola: Townsfolk bring grievances and local authorities make rulings, usually with a speed unheard of in a country where justice is often delayed, if it comes at all.\nAt one recent weekly court session, Maria Micaela Panjoc, baby in arms, came with a request for paternity payments. Others sought help with land disputes. Andres Xelp wanted the judges to force his son to move back home.\nThe generally non-partisan leaders of local Mayan communities hear the cases, trying to find quick resolutions when they can and sometimes passing cases over to formal prosecutors when they cannot — as in the case of a young woman speaking the Kaqchikel language who said she'd been raped.\nThe Solola court alone handled 3,000 cases last year.\nFor generations, outsiders have looked down on indigenous law courts, as they have on the native cultures themselves. Some 40 percent of Guatemala's 17 million people identify themselves as indigenous and they are pushing for wider respect for the traditional ways in which their cultures deal with their differences, though opposition remains strong within the country's non-indigenous communities.\nGuatemala's Constitutional Court already has accepted some rulings by indigenous courts and there's a move to formally amend the country's constitution to recognize them. An earlier measure to do that came two votes short in congress, with opposition coming from conservatives and from business interests that said they feared legal confusion if different systems co-exist.\nMembers of congress on Wednesday are scheduled to discuss the proposed constitutional amendment to recognize indigenous justice as part of the country's judicial system. At least 105 of 158 legislators must approve the proposal for it to pass.\nThe idea has gained support from national Attorney General Thelma Aldana, as well as Ivan Velaszuqez, who heads the U.N. Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala that has been assisting in corruption investigations in the country.\n\"Guatemala has to be a place where all its inhabitants belong,\" said Velazquez, who visited Solola to view the court process.\nThe formal legal system has often exploited or ignored indigenous Guatemalans, who were legally required to perform forced labor well into the 20th century and who generally found it nearly impossible to pay for lawyers. Even now, only 10 percent of the country's townships have prosecutors' offices.\nIn Solola, Mayor Tomas Saloj presided over hearings in a town hall decorated with the 20 figures representing the Mayan calendar — 20 days per month, 18 months per year. On the table that served as the judge's bench were a candle and a glass of water, an invitation for the wisdom of dead ancestors to enter.\nPunishments can include restitution, community labor, banishment or whippings: Two braided leather whips hang in the Solola town hall as a reminder.\nAgustin Bocel, a town spokesman, recalled a case of attempted rape in which the attacker was sentenced to nine lashes of a whip — at the insistence of his own mother, one for each month she carried him, to remind him of the shame he caused her. Bocel said the man has never caused problems again.\nTomas Guarcas, the mayor of nearby Pixabaj, defended the practice.\n\"Whipping is a punishment that is like educating children, without violating human rights,\" he said, adding that the punishment is usually applied by \"by one of the offender's relatives, the mother, father or in-laws.\"\nIndigenous Congressman Amilcar Pop said the use of floggings is increasingly discouraged, however.\n\"This type of mechanism is something that has to be controlled and avoided,\" Pop said.\nAldana, the attorney general, said she sees no contradiction between the indigenous system and the formal courts. The indigenous courts, she said, \"have helped maintain the peace\" and helped \"reduce pressure on the regular justice system and its budget.\"\nVictoria Chuj is one of just three women among the 71 mayors in the province of Solola, of which the town of Solola is part. She carries her wooden staff — the badge of her authority, decorated with four tokens representing the four directions — with pride.\n\"The staff has to be good and straight so that, like justice, it cannot be bent,\" Chuj said." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about BVGH Presents the African Access Initiative at Historic Launch of Nigeria’s National Cancer Control Plan
{ "text": [ "SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 24, 2018--Nigeria has stepped up its fight against cancer with the launch of its National Cancer Control Plan 2018-2022. During the inaugural event, BVGH presented AAI and its alliance with the Nigerian government to address the rapidly rising burden of cancer in the country.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nProfessor Isaac Adewole, Honorable Minister of Health, Nigeria, commemorates the launch of Nigeria's National Cancer Control Plan in Abuja, Nigeria, April 13, 2018. Left to right: Dr. David Atuwo, National Cancer Control Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Nigeria; Professor Francis Durosinmi-Etti, Radiation Oncologist and Pioneer Medical Director of National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria; Dr. Zainab Bagudu, Founder and Chairman, Medicaid Cancer Foundation, and First Lady, Kebbi State, Nigeria; Dr. J.A.F. Momoh, Chief Medical Director, National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria; Professor Adewole (in front); Ms. Jennifer Dent, President, BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH), USA; Mr. Tony Isama, Special Advisor to the President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, Nigeria. (Photo: Business Wire)\nProfessor Isaac Adewole, Nigeria’s Minister of Health and oncologist, introduced the National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP) and highlighted AAI’s activities in Nigeria in his keynote speech at the event. “The Federal Ministry of Health is deeply committed to the provision of high quality healthcare for all Nigerians,” said Adewole. “When it comes to cancer we have a great sense of urgency to take action and prevent unnecessary suffering and death. The NCCP outlines key goals which include improving access to quality, cost effective and equitable diagnostic and treatment services and ensuring access and availability of drugs for cancer patients. BVGH is playing an important role in these efforts through its unique approach with AAI and its work with key hospitals in Nigeria to coordinate the delivery of essential drugs, technologies, and training.”\nAAI—led by BVGH in partnership with the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC); the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA)/Access Accelerated; Pfizer, Inc.; and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.—focuses on expanding access to cancer medicines and technologies, improving healthcare infrastructure, and building clinical and research capacity in Africa, where cancer now claims more lives than malaria. In its first phase, AAI is working with the governments of Nigeria and four other African countries (Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, and Rwanda) that have made cancer control a national priority.\nBVGH President Jennifer Dent described AAI’s work in Nigeria during the NCCP launch event. “AAI is driven by Africa, for Africa, and so it is critical to understand each country’s oncology priorities, capabilities, and gaps. We have completed comprehensive needs assessments of eight Nigerian hospitals to capture information on cancer patient populations; staffing; diagnostic, treatment, and research capacity; and medication access, with eight additional assessments underway,” said Dent. “The goal is to design and build sustainable access to cancer treatments.”\nDent added that “future AAI efforts in Nigeria will be guided by the NCCP and the needs assessment findings. We invite pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies with strategic interests in oncology and Africa to join us in improving access to their products in Nigeria and other AAI countries through sustainable business and pricing agreements and participation in our African Consortium for Cancer Clinical Trials (AC 3 T) program.”\nFor additional media coverage of the NCCP launch and AAI activities in Nigeria, please visit , , and .\nAbout BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH)\nBIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH) is a non-profit organization working at the crossroads of the private and public sectors to advance research and improve health. BVGH connects people, resources, and ideas across biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, governments, and non-profits to solve global health issues. For more information about BVGH, please visit\nView source version on\nCONTACT: BVGH\nJennifer Dent\nPresident\n1-206-732-2131 (office)\n1-650-228-4375 (cell)\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA NIGERIA AFRICA WASHINGTON\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: HEALTH BIOTECHNOLOGY HOSPITALS ONCOLOGY PHARMACEUTICAL OTHER SCIENCE SCIENCE\nSOURCE: BIO Ventures for Global Health\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/24/2018 05:00 AM/DISC: 04/24/2018 05:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of entertainment. Tell me about Front 3 of Cavani, Di Maria and Draxler gives PSG a CDD
{ "text": [ "PARIS (AP) — Paris Saint-Germain's front trio of striker Edinson Cavani flanked by wingers Angel Di Maria and Julian Draxler has the makings of a stunning attacking combination.\nBarcelona will testify to that, after the five-time European champion was swept aside 4-0 by PSG in the first leg of their Champions League Round of 16 match on Tuesday. Di Maria scored twice, with Cavani and Draxler getting one goal each — quite an impact in their first European match together.\nSoccer fans know all about Barca's world famous attacking trio of Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar — known as the MSN. They led Barcelona to the Spanish league and cup double and the Champions League in 2015 and continue as constant threat in attack.\nNow European defenses have the CDD combination to worry about. If Cavani, Di Maria and Draxler continue like this, PSG can be a Champions League contender. At least the secret's out ahead of the return leg in Barcelona on March 8.\nThe fact Barcelona failed to deal with the CDD can partly be explained by the simple fact there was no way of knowing what they would produce together.\nIt is well known how the MSN operate. Stopping them is a different matter — although the information is there because countless videos of their matches are available.\nHowever, there was precious little Barca coach Luis Enrique could work with in terms of researching the CDD trio as a front three.\nFor while they are established internationals in their own right— Cavani with Uruguay, Di Maria with Argentina and Draxler with Germany — they had previously started only one league game together.\nDraxler only joined in January; and since his arrival PSG coach Unai Emery has preferred Brazilian Lucas as his other winger, rather than Di Maria. Surprisingly, Emery dropped Lucas and selected Di Maria, despite his disappointing performances for most of the campaign.\nIt proved an inspired move, with the rejuvenated Di Maria paying Emery back with an outstanding performance.\nThere was an element of surprise in PSG's favor, too, with Barcelona's back four unsure how to defend against the trio. They seemed concerned about pushing up and leaving space behind. But when they sat back, PSG's wingers switched flanks and pulled Barca's defenders out of position.\nEach of PSG's three forwards offers something different, and they complimented each other well.\nCavani is a direct player, whose early runs are easily picked out by his quick-thinking wingers — who are both accurate passers. Cavani already has 34 goals this season, just four short of his career best set with former club Napoli.\nThe 23-year-old Draxler is a quick and athletic player who reads the game well. He has excellent technique and an eye for goal, having scored five in nine games since joining after a frustrating spell with German club Wolfsburg, where he failed to score in 14 games this season.\nDi Maria likes to drift around and his tendency to crave space makes him less disciplined than Draxler, but Di Maria is more intuitive.\n\"They are world-class players,\" Luis Enrique said of PSG's front three. \"They have a big attacking potential, work hard in defense and are incredible on the ball.\"\nPSG has been desperate to join Europe's top clubs since Qatari owners QSI took over nearly six years ago.\nIn the last four years, PSG went out in the quarterfinals and last year's elimination led to coach Laurent Blanc being fired.\nPSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi liked what he saw in Emery, who guided Sevilla to three straight Europa League titles, and Blanc made way.\n\"This was the best performance I've been part of since coming to PSG,\" said midfielder Blaise Matuidi, one of QSI's first signings after its takeover in June, 2011.\nThe win over Barcelona sent out a warning to the rest of Europe that PSG — and its CDD — mean serious business." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Brie, Glenn Close among presenters at Writers Guild Awards
{ "text": [ "LOS ANGELES (AP) — Glenn Close, Alison Brie, Patrick Stewart and Terry Crews will be among the presenters at the Writers Guild Awards next month.\nThe guild announced that Bob Odenkirk, Minnie Driver, Sarah Silverman and Dylan McDermott will also present at the bi-coastal awards show on Feb. 11.\nPatton Oswalt will host the ceremony, which will present writer-director James L. Brooks with its Laurel Award for Screenwriting Achievement.\nAwards are presented in both New York and Los Angeles, although the West Coast show features most of the star power.\nThe nominees for best original screenplay this year are: \"The Big Sick,\" ''Get Out,\" ''I, Tonya,\" ''Lady Bird\" and \"The Shape of Water.\"\nThe adapted screenplay nominees are: \"Call Me By Your Name,\" ''The Disaster Artist,\" ''Logan,\" ''Molly's Game\" and \"Mudbound.\"" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 4 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about WildAid and model Hannah Quinlivan urge the public to not eat shark fins
{ "text": [ "TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—Model Hannah Quinlivan (昆凌), who serves as the global charity ambassador for WildAid this year, advocated for the “protect the ocean and say no to shark fin soup” campaign in a press conference in Taipei on February 3, urging the public to stop using shark fins for any diet in order to stop shark-finning and shark fin trading.\nJohn Baker, managing director for WildAid, said, “in particular, we want to build the campaign and make it more important to save the shark in the ocean\" at a time when the predator, which everyone gets scared of, need help.”\n“Unfortunately, for many years, we have all been talking about many reasons why we should no longer be consuming and serving shark fin soups; however, there are still way too many sharks being killed for their fins, so today we are here to begin again the campaign to remind everyone to not buy, eat shark fin soups for their health.”\nNoting that there are more than 300 species of sharks around the world and only about 14 of them have legal protection against international trade, Baker said sharks do not have the same legal protection as many other species, and “it’s why we have to be together, volunteer, make our own effort and pledge never to use, buy or serve shark fins.”\nPractically it is also very difficult to enforce the laws protecting the few shark species because most officials can’t tell one shark fin from another, he said, adding that therefore the best solution is to stop using them.\nChang Chang-ter (張章得), chairman of the Life Conservationist Association (LCA), said that Taiwan not only catches sharks for their fins but also imports them from around the world for consumption, adding that Taiwan imported about 500 tons of shark fins in 2017.\nHowever, citing inspection findings, Chang said large quantities of mercury, lead and other heavy metals have been found in shark fins.\nHe said that the U.S. government has publicly warned and urged pregnant women and children to not consume shark fins for health reasons. And in neighboring Hong Kong, heavy metals exceeding legal limits have been found in shark fins and lips during inspections of fish sold by fishmongers. From a food safety point of view, it is to be hoped that the Taiwanese government will attach much importance to this issue.\nAs the Lunar New Year is approaching, every business in every walk of life is getting ready for a year-end banquet and every household is preparing for a get-together dinner. WildAid urged the public to begin protecting sharks and the ocean by not buying shark fins or ordering shark fin dishes because \"when the buying stops, the killing can too.\"\nModel Hannah Quinlivan (Photo by Taiwan News)" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Business Highlights
{ "text": [ "___\nFed leaves key rate unchanged at Yellen's final meeting\nWASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve has left its benchmark interest rate unchanged but signaled that it expects to resume raising rates gradually to reflect a healthy job market and economy. At Janet Yellen's final meeting as chair Wednesday, the Fed kept its key short-term rate in a still-low range of 1.25 percent to 1.5 percent. It said in a statement that it expects inflation to finally pick up this year and to stabilize around the Fed's target level of 2 percent. In its previous statement, the Fed had predicted that inflation would remain below its target rate.\n___\nHealth care just the latest industry Amazon seeks to upend\nNEW YORK (AP) — When Amazon sets its sights on a new industry, Corporate America shudders. The latest example came Tuesday, when the online retailing giant said it was working with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to create a health care company to offer an \"affordable\" option to their employees. Stocks of health insurers tumbled, erasing billions of dollars in shareholder value. One expert says Amazon is feared because it grows businesses quickly and takes market share fast.\n___\nJudging by algorithm: Using risk factors to score defendants\nCLEVELAND (AP) — Instead of holding criminal defendants on cash bail, courts around the United States are increasingly using algorithmic risk-assessment tools to help judges decide if a defendant should be jailed or go free while awaiting trial. A model now used by New Jersey and other state and regional courts is the Public Safety Assessment, developed by the Houston-based Laura and John Arnold Foundation. It uses nine risk factors to evaluate a defendant, including age and past criminal convictions.\n___\nNo penalty: Small businesses let sports fans enjoy big games\nNEW YORK (AP) — Many business owners are cutting staffers a little slack as fans find it hard to resist chatting about the Super Bowl. The Olympics, the NCAA basketball tournament and other events that are coming up as well. Some owners realize that trying to stop staffers from talking about or watching big events is demoralizing. So as long as staffers get work done, bosses are saying OK — and some say they plan to join the fun.\n___\nCourt rejects lawsuit against Twitter over IS attack\nSAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court has rejected a lawsuit that sought to hold Twitter liable for the deaths of two U.S. contractors in Jordan in an attack for which the Islamic State group claimed responsibility. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday the suit failed to establish that Twitter accounts used by IS directly caused the men's deaths. Lloyd Fields and James Creach were shot and killed in Jordan in 2015 by a Jordanian police captain while training law enforcement officers.\n___\nBoeing profit tops expectations; gives strong 2018 outlook\nDALLAS (AP) — Boeing's 4Q profit easily topped Wall Street's expectations, bolstered by strong deliveries and recent tax reform legislation. The aircraft company also on Wednesday provided a better-than-expected 2018 forecast.\n___\nApple to respond to US probes into slowdown of old iPhones\nSAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is cooperating with U.S. government inquiries into its secret slowdown of older iPhones, further complicating its efforts to move past an issue that irked many customers whose devices bogged down. The company acknowledged the probes after media reports that both the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission were investigating how investors have been affected by Apple's handling of the situation. Apple has already apologized to customers.\n___\nUS appeals court gives victory to consumer finance agency\nWASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals court has handed a victory to the government's beleaguered consumer finance watchdog agency, ruling that its director's power isn't excessive and the president shouldn't have freer rein to fire that person. The decision came Wednesday in the politically charged case involving the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a keen target of conservative Republicans. The nine-member panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals, with three judges dissenting, overturned a 2016 ruling by a smaller panel that would have made it easier for President Donald Trump to fire then-CFPB director Richard Cordray, an Obama appointee.\n___\nAfter a stumble, US stocks finish slightly higher\nNEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stocks overcame a brief stumble to close slightly higher Wednesday, snapping a two-day losing streak. The dip came after the Federal Reserve released its latest statement on interest rate policy and the economy, in which the central bank signaled that it expects inflation to pick up this year. The Fed, as expected, held off on raising interest rates. Stocks bounced back in the last hour of trading, with gains by technology companies outweighing losses in health care and other sectors.\n___\nThe Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 1.38 points, or 0.1 percent, to 2,823.81. The Dow Jones industrial average added 72.50 points, or 0.3 percent, to 26,149.39. The Nasdaq composite climbed 9 points, or 0.1 percent, to 7,411.48. The Russell 2000 index of smaller-company stocks gave up 7.83 points, or 0.5 percent, to 1,574.98.\nOil prices reversed an early slide. Benchmark U.S. crude rose 23 cents to settle at $64.73 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent crude, used to price international oils, gained 3 cents to $69.05 a barrel in London. In other futures trading, wholesale gasoline added 1 cent to $1.91 a gallon. Heating oil was little changed at $2.07 a gallon. Natural gas fell 20 cents, or 6.3 percent, to $3 per 1,000 cubic feet." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Swedish think tank: South Korea's arms sales record high
{ "text": [ "HELSINKI (AP) — A Swedish think tank says South Korea's arms sales hit record levels last year, pushed by the continuous military threat from North Korea, complicated relations with China and a government decision to increase domestic arms production.\nThe Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI, said Monday that arms sales by South Korean companies in 2016 stood at $8.4 billion, up 21 percent from the previous year.\nSIPRI researcher Aude Fleurant said Seoul has been developing its own arms production since the 1970s to reduce dependency on foreign suppliers because of \"threat perception in the region,\" and the results are now being seen.\nThe report said said the world's 100 biggest armaments groups sold weapons and weapons systems worth $375 billion in 2016, up 2 percent from 2015." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Roku Launches Streaming Stick+ in Canada
{ "text": [ "TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 24, 2018--Roku, Inc.(NASDAQ: ROKU) today announced the arrival of the Roku® Streaming Stick+ in Canada, the first Roku streaming stick capable of streaming HD, 4K and 4K HDR. The Roku Streaming Stick+ is small, powerful and portable for those who are on the move or want their streaming player hidden behind their TV.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nRoku Streaming Stick+ Canadian Version (Photo: Business Wire)\nThe Roku Streaming Stick+ features a quad-core processor and delivers exceptional wireless performance with its advanced wireless receiver that is innovatively built into the power cord. This innovation offers up to four times the wireless range to minimize buffering. It comes with a remote control that includes TV power and volume buttons that can control compatible TV models, eliminating the need to use a TV remote for these functions.\n“The Roku Streaming Stick+ is the best streaming stick we have ever made,” said Chas Smith, general manager of Roku TV and Players. “It is packed with power, and features a remote that controls both TV volume and power. It also includes voice search on the remote for consumers to quickly discover new entertainment to watch.”\nAs with other Roku streaming devices, the Roku Streaming Stick+ works with the free Roku mobile app, available for iOS® and Android™, which acts as a remote, plays personal video, music or photos from a mobile device on the TV, includes a keyboard and offers features like voice search and private listening. Roku OS 8.1 will soon enable private listening for up to four devices concurrently for Roku players and Roku TVs.\nRoku devices are powered by the Roku OS and feature a simple home screen with access to 5,000+ streaming channels, including 150,000 movies and TV episodes in Canada. Roku Search enables consumers to discover new entertainment across top streaming channels. Search a movie, TV show, actor or director and the Roku OS will display where content is available and serve results in order of price.\nAvailability and Pricing\nThe Roku Streaming Stick+ is expected to be available from Walmart and other retailers starting in May. The Roku Streaming Stick+ will be available for a suggested retail price of CAD 89,99. The multi-user private listening feature will be available for Roku players and Roku TV™ models and is expected to roll out in May.\nAbout Roku, Inc.\nRoku pioneered streaming to the TV. We connect users to the streaming content they love, enable content publishers to build and monetize large audiences, and provide advertisers with unique capabilities to engage consumers. Roku streaming players and Roku TV models are available around the world through direct retail sales and licensing arrangements with TV OEMs and service operators. The company was founded by Anthony Wood, inventor of the DVR. Roku is headquartered in Los Gatos, Calif. U.S.A.\nCautionary Statement Regarding Roku Forward-Looking Statements\nThis press release contains “forward-looking” statements that are based on our beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to us on the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements include, but are not limited to the timing and availability of the Roku Streaming Stick+ and future software releases. Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements publicly, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future. Important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially are detailed from time to time in the reports Roku, Inc. files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Form 10-K for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2017. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on Roku’s website and are available from Roku without charge.\nRoku, Roku TV and Streaming Stick are registered trademarks of Roku, Inc. in the U.S. and in other countries.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Roku, Inc.\nMike Duin\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA CANADA CALIFORNIA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: OTHER CONSUMER ENTERTAINMENT TV AND RADIO TECHNOLOGY CONSUMER ELECTRONICS HARDWARE SOFTWARE FILM & MOTION PICTURES MOBILE/WIRELESS RETAIL MOBILE ENTERTAINMENT ONLINE OTHER RETAIL CONSUMER\nSOURCE: Roku, Inc.\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/24/2018 10:21 AM/DISC: 04/24/2018 10:21 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about WHO declares end to yellow fever outbreak in Congo, Angola
{ "text": [ "JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The World Health Organization has declared an end to the yellow fever outbreak that killed about 400 people in Congo and Angola, calling it \"one of the largest and most challenging\" in recent years.\nThe WHO statement Tuesday says 965 cases were confirmed but thousands of others had been suspected. Neither country had reported a new confirmed case in the past six months.\nAngola in late December declared an end to its outbreak, and Congo made its announcement Tuesday.\nThe global health agency said more than 30 million people were vaccinated in emergency campaigns to control the outbreak in the two neighboring countries, which have among the world's weakest health systems.\n\"This unprecedented response exhausted the global stockpile of yellow fever vaccines several times,\" WHO said." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about National Hockey League
{ "text": [ "All Times EST EASTERN CONFERENCE GP W L OT Pts GF GA Tampa Bay 49 34 12 3 71 175 125 Boston 48 29 11 8 66 157 119 Washington 49 29 15 5 63 150 138 Toronto 51 28 18 5 61 162 146 Pittsburgh 52 28 21 3 59 156 155 New Jersey 49 25 16 8 58 147 147 Columbus 49 27 19 3 57 131 137 Philadelphia 49 24 17 8 56 141 141 N.Y. Rangers 50 25 20 5 55 153 151 N.Y. Islanders 51 25 21 5 55 173 184 Carolina 50 23 19 8 54 139 155 Florida 48 20 22 6 46 136 159 Detroit 48 19 21 8 46 126 146 Montreal 49 20 23 6 46 129 156 Ottawa 48 15 24 9 39 125 168 Buffalo 50 14 27 9 37 115 166 WESTERN CONFERENCE GP W L OT Pts GF GA Vegas 48 32 12 4 68 164 128 Winnipeg 50 29 13 8 66 164 136 Nashville 47 29 11 7 65 145 123 St. Louis 51 30 18 3 63 148 130 Dallas 50 28 18 4 60 155 134 San Jose 49 26 16 7 59 145 138 Anaheim 51 25 17 9 59 144 142 Calgary 49 25 16 8 58 137 135 Colorado 48 27 18 3 57 157 139 Los Angeles 49 26 18 5 57 139 121 Minnesota 49 26 18 5 57 144 140 Chicago 49 23 19 7 53 146 136 Edmonton 49 22 24 3 47 135 157 Vancouver 49 19 24 6 44 127 159 Arizona 50 12 29 9 33 118 172\nNOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild cards per conference advance to playoffs.\nMonday's Games No games scheduled\nTuesday's Games\nPittsburgh 5, San Jose 2\nFlorida 4, N.Y. Islanders 1\nAnaheim 3, Boston 1\nCarolina 2, Ottawa 1\nNew Jersey 3, Buffalo 1\nMinnesota at Columbus, 7 p.m.\nTampa Bay at Winnipeg, 8 p.m.\nMontreal at St. Louis, 8 p.m.\nChicago at Nashville, 8 p.m.\nLos Angeles at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.\nVegas at Calgary, 9 p.m.\nColorado at Vancouver, 10 p.m.\nWednesday's Games\nN.Y. Islanders at Toronto, 7:30 p.m.\nSan Jose at Detroit, 8 p.m.\nPhiladelphia at Washington, 8 p.m.\nThursday's Games\nToronto at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.\nMontreal at Carolina, 7 p.m.\nSt. Louis at Boston, 7 p.m.\nFlorida at Buffalo, 7 p.m.\nAnaheim at Ottawa, 7 p.m.\nPhiladelphia at New Jersey, 7 p.m.\nVegas at Winnipeg, 8 p.m.\nLos Angeles at Nashville, 8:30 p.m.\nTampa Bay at Calgary, 9 p.m.\nDallas at Arizona, 9 p.m.\nColorado at Edmonton, 9 p.m.\nChicago at Vancouver, 10 p.m.\nFriday's Games\nWashington at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m.\nDetroit at Carolina, 7 p.m.\nSan Jose at Columbus, 7 p.m.\nVegas at Minnesota, 8 p.m." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Hutchinson wins 1st start of season, Jets top Lightning 3-1
{ "text": [ "WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP) — Michael Hutchinson made 23 saves in his first NHL start of the season to help the Winnipeg Jets beat the league-leading Tampa Bay Lightning 3-1 on Tuesday night.\nPatrik Laine scored his team-leading 23rd goal for the Jets (30-13-8). Kyle Connor and Bryan Little also scored, and Blake Wheeler had two assists.\nRookie forward Matthew Peca scored for Tampa Bay (34-13-3), which had its three-game winning streak snapped.\nBoth teams let their starting goaltenders — ranked first and second in wins — have a night off after they took part in last weekend's All-Star festivities at Tampa Bay.\nHutchinson was replacing Connor Hellebuyck after his own All-Star appearance, but in the AHL showcase Monday in Utica, New York. Hutchinson had been sent to the Manitoba Moose after the Jets' training camp and acknowledged after his recent recall that he was upset by the move.\nLouis Domingue played his 10th game of the season for the Lightning in place of NHL-leading goalie Andrei Vasilevskiy and stopped 34 shots.\nThe game marked the first of 10 straight home games for the Jets, who have won seven in a row at Bell MTS Place and are 18-3-1 there this season.\nThe Lightning had a welcome addition to the roster with defenseman Victor Hedman back for his first game since injuring a knee on Jan. 11. He was expected to miss three to six weeks and had sat out five games.\nThe Jets were starting a stretch without defenseman Jacob Trouba, who's out six to eight weeks with an ankle injury.\nPlaying his fourth NHL game this season, Peca took a slick pass from Brayden Point and put a shot past Hutchinson with 29 seconds left in the first period. Peca had been invited to the AHL All-Star Game, but decided not to go. He was called up from Syracuse on Jan. 21 for the first time this season after playing 10 games with the Lightning last year.\nWinnipeg got a two-man advantage early in the second after Lightning defenseman Braydon Coburn went off for tripping at 2:43 and teammate Chris Kunitz followed with a delay of game 12 seconds later.\nWheeler sent a cross-ice pass to Laine in the middle of the faceoff circle 35 seconds later and he ripped a high shot past Domingue at 3:30 to tie it 1-all. It was his 12th power-play goal of the season.\nEight seconds after another Winnipeg power play was over, Connor scored his 16th when he jammed the puck in during a scramble in front at 8:35.\nLittle's goal off a rebound with 5:25 left in the third had the crowd roaring. Tampa Bay soon went on a power play, but Alex Killorn rang a shot off the post.\nUP NEXT\nLightning: At the Calgary Flames on Thursday.\nJets: Host the Vegas Golden Knights on Thursday.\n___\nMore AP hockey:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 25 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Affidavit: Suspects bragged about abducting Oklahoma teens
{ "text": [ "OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Authorities say suspects in the 1999 shooting deaths of an Oklahoma couple and the abduction of their 16-year-old daughter and her friend \"bragged\" about photographing the girls while they were bound.\nSixty-six-year-old Ronnie Dean Busick was charged Monday with four counts of first-degree murder in the killing of Danny and Kathy Freeman of Craig County, and the disappearance of teenagers Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman.\nOklahoma officials say two other suspects have died.\nAccording to an affidavit, unnamed witnesses interviewed by investigators said the suspects abducted the girls, and that they had seen photos of them. Authorities believe the teenagers were eventually killed and might be buried in a pit in northeastern Oklahoma.\nLauria Bible's mother, Lorene Bible, says she believes \"somebody knows where these girls are.\"" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about The Latest: LA Times announces Jim Kirk is new head editor
{ "text": [ "LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Latest on a management shake-up at The Los Angeles Times (all times local):\n5:30 p.m.\nThe Los Angeles Times' parent company says Jim Kirk has been officially named the newspaper's editor in chief.\nIn a move that was expected, Tronc, Inc. announced Kirk's hiring late Monday.\nThe previous top editor, Lewis D'Vorkin, has been named chief content officer for Chicago-based Tronc, Inc..\nKirk is a former editor and publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times.\nHe was briefly interim editor in chief at the LA Times before D'Vorkin got the job in August.\nThe moves come at a time of tension and upheaval at the Times, where publisher Ross Levinsohn is on leave and under investigation for workplace misconduct on previous jobs.\nThe newsroom recently voted to unionize.\n___\n10 p.m.\nA spokeswoman for Los Angeles Times' parent company says it plans to announce Monday that Jim Kirk will be named the newspaper's editor in chief.\nTronc, Inc. spokeswoman Marisa Kollias said Sunday The Times' current top editor, Lewis D'Vorkin, is expected to be named chief content officer.\nThe newspaper reported that Kirk was previously publisher and editor of the Chicago Sun-Times and joined Tronc in August.\nHe was named interim editor of the Times on Aug. 21 after a shake-up but stepped aside after D'Vorkin joined The Times in early November.\nThe Times said its newsroom has become alarmed by recent hirings of several news executives who report to business executives — not to editors in the newsroom." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 1 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Chinese clubs spend less but want more Asian success
{ "text": [ "KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Chinese Super League clubs may have reined in the massive spending that made headlines in recent years in the 2018 winter transfer window, but the country's leading clubs still have ambitions to win the 2018 Asian Champions League that begins Feb. 12.\nGuangzhou Evergrande has refrained from making an expensive signing from Europe, reiterating its target to field an all-Chinese team by 2020. It is still a realistic contender for the 2018 Champions League title, however, to add to its wins in 2013 and 2015.\n\"The club has a proud record in Asia,\" said coach Fabio Cannavaro after replacing Luiz Felipe Scolari as head coach of the team that has won the last seven Chinese Super League titles. \"We know that it will not be easy but are looking forward to testing ourselves against the best teams in Asia.\"\nGuangzhou will take on Cerezo Osaka of Japan, South Korea's Jeju United and Buriram United of Thailand, Southeast Asia's sole representative, in Group G.\nOnly the top two from each of the eight groups of four, which are split into two geographic zones in the east and west of the continent, progress to the knockout stage.\nShanghai SIPG made the semifinal in 2017 and then saw boss Andre Villas-Boas depart in November. Star players Oscar and Hulk, both signed in 2016 at a combined cost of over $100 million, remain.Both will be key in a group containing Melbourne Victory of Australia and South Korea's Ulsan Horangi.\n\"We know we have to improve in the group,\" Oscar said after Shanghai defeated Changrai United of Thailand in a Jan. 30 playoff to move into the group stage. \"We will be playing against some of the best in Asia, but we have experience in the tournament now and that will help us.\"\nShanghai also faces Kawasaki Frontale. The Japanese champions are the country's biggest hope after Urawa Reds, Asian Champions last year, failed to qualify for the 2018 edition.\nTianjin Quanjian is making a debut appearance and with international stars such as Belgian international Axel Witsel, Alexandre Pato of Brazil and France's Anthony Modeste, the team has a chance with new coach Paulo Sousa.\n\"It is great inspiration for Chinese football because there will be a new Chinese team playing in the Asian Champions League,\" said Sousa, who succeeded Cannavaro as head coach in December. \"We have the faith to continue our journey successfully, to overcome every opponent and go further.\"\nTianjin will face Jeonbuk Motors. South Korea's No. 1 cub won the 2016 tournament but was barred from defending its title last year after a club scout was found guilty of bribing referees in the K-League in 2013.\nThe Australian challenge will be headed by Sydney FC, which qualified for the competition by dominating the 2016-17 A-League season. The Sky Blues are in first place so far this season.\nPreparation for the western half of the group stage has been overshadowed by the blockade of Qatar, instigated by four countries in the region in June 2017.\nOn Jan. 26, the Asian Football Confederation instructed teams from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, two countries involved in the blockade, to play Qatari opposition home and away and not, as requested, at neutral venues.\nWest Asian teams have won just one Champions League title since 2005, with the eastern half of the continent dominating." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Griffin gone, Clippers lose to Trail Blazers 104-96
{ "text": [ "LOS ANGELES (AP) — Damian Lillard knew better than to underestimate the Los Angeles Clippers without newly traded star Blake Griffin.\nSure enough, the Clippers made a run in the fourth quarter but the Portland Trail Blazers won 104-96 on Tuesday night.\n\"Your mind could be trapped into thinking you don't think they have it,\" said Lillard, who scored 28 points.\nCJ McCollum added 16 points and Jusuf Nurkic had 14 points and 18 rebounds for the Blazers, who ended a seven-game skid against the Clippers while winning their third in a row.\nPortland shot just 37 percent from the floor, but rode a big third quarter to its third straight win.\n\"The third quarter was great,\" Blazers coach Terry Stotts said. \"At both ends of the floor we moved the ball. The offense was efficient. Defensively we were on point. The third quarter was the best part of the game.\"\nThe Blazers shot 47 percent in the third, when they outscored the Clippers 30-16 led by Lillard's 10 points.\nGriffin was dealt to Detroit in a stunning move on Monday, leaving Los Angeles where he had played his entire career.\n\"It was definitely tough to see him go,\" said DeAndre Jordan, who had 18 rebounds for the Clippers.\nLou Williams scored 20 points off the bench for the Clippers, who made a run in the fourth after they trailed by 20.\nMontrezl Harrell scored 11 of his 15 points early in the period and then Los Angeles scored 10 straight points to get to 100-94.\nBut the Clippers were limited to one field goal in the final 2 minutes.\nOFFENSIVE BOARDS\nThe Blazers outrebounded the Clippers 59-50, including an 18-9 edge on the offensive glass. \"When they win the offensive rebounds, they win the game,\" Clippers coach Doc Rivers said.\nLOU WILL\nWilliams has scored 20 or more points off the bench in 13 straight games, tying Bubbles Hawkins for the second-longest such streak since bench stats were first tracked in 1970-71.\nTIP-INS\nTrail Blazers: Lillard has scored 20 or more points in five of his last seven games against the Clippers. ... They improved to 7-17 against LA since the 2011-12 season.\nClippers: F Danilo Gallinari returned to the lineup after missing 19 games with a left glute injury. He had 15 points. \"It will come in time, rhythm, touch and shots. Everything will come,\" he said. ... Williams got a technical in the fourth. ... Dodgers CF Joc Pederson attended.\nUP NEXT\nTrail Blazers: Host the Bulls on Wednesday in the second game of a back-to-back.\nClippers: Host Chicago on Saturday in the first of two meetings this season.\n___\nMore AP NBA:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 31 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Vice says exec accused of sexual misconduct has left company
{ "text": [ "NEW YORK (AP) — Vice said Tuesday that its chief digital officer, who had been on leave while it investigated allegations of sexual misconduct, has left the company.\nThe digital media company had said in early January that the executive, Mike Germano, was on leave, as well as its president, Andrew Creighton. The New York Times had reported in late December of sexual misconduct at Vice, including allegations of misbehavior by Germano and Creighton.\nVice did not reply to questions Tuesday about why Germano had left the company. A spokesman said the Creighton investigation is ongoing.\nVice has grown from a Canadian magazine to a dominant online video company, expanding into TV around the world. In a memo in early January, the New York-based company explained how it is trying to make its company culture better for women.\nThe Times had reported that a woman said Germano told her he didn't want to hire her because he wanted to have sex with her. Another woman said he pulled her on to his lap at a work event at a bar.\nThe Times also reported that Vice paid a former female employee a $135,000 settlement in 2016 after she said she was fired when she rejected Creighton's advances. Vice had said in its early-January memo that it was taking another look at her claims, which were found to lack merit at the time." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Nigeria extradites 47 separatists to Cameroon
{ "text": [ "YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) — Cameroon's minister of communications says 47 suspected separatists and leaders of a group that declared the independence of English-speaking regions have been extradited from Nigeria.\nIssa Tchiroma Bakary said those extradited arrived in Cameroon on Monday. He said among them were Julius Ayuk Tabe, who in October proclaimed himself the president of Ambazonia. Tabe and nine others were arrested in Abuja, Nigeria, in January.\nBakary said the others arrested in Nigeria and extradited were being trained to return to Cameroon and fight.\nCameroon has areas that were colonies of France and Britain until the early 1960s. The West African country's English-speaking population started protests in 2016 charging discrimination by the majority French-speaking population, and calling for greater autonomy of its northwest and southwest regions. Separatists later called for independence." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 23 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Esri Releases ArcGIS Pro Workstation Customized for the Intelligence Community
{ "text": [ "REDLANDS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 23, 2018--Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, today announced that it is releasing the Intelligence Configuration for ArcGIS Pro (ICAP), a workstation for intelligence analysts. ICAP leverages ArcGIS Pro SDK to provide a custom managed configuration and add-ins, offering streamlined user experiences and specialized tools to aid analysts in examining relationships and patterns and determining probabilities relating to the target’s most likely course of action.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nEsri’s Natalie Feuerstein, Defense and Intelligence Lead, showcases the Intelligence Configuration for ArcGIS Pro (ICAP). (Photo: Business Wire)\nThe scale, complexity, nature, and pace of modern conflicts require a new approach to delivering intelligence capabilities. For instance, when tracking smugglers who are crossing borders, an intelligence analyst has a mass of point locations — received through observations, sensors, and reports — and can use a spatial query in ICAP to filter for the relevant data and identify the smugglers’ possible routes. The analyst can visualize the relationships between the people, groups, and objects, and determine the threat’s likely course of action.\nThe capabilities in this new configuration include the following:\nLink charts — Intelligence Configuration for ArcGIS Pro provides the ability to visualize entities and their relationships. This capability allows analysts to easily see, edit, and manipulate link diagrams of people, groups, and events that would otherwise be viewed in a table or on a map. In one single interface, analysts can see the complex relationships between different assets, with minimal data and little or no learning curve. The link chart is created dynamically based on the source data, which can be manipulated via the chart or the map. Conditions and alerts — To ease the burden of filtering and querying data to discover its value, ICAP provides a way for analysts to designate conditions based on a set of queries and then be alerted when these conditions are met. For instance, when a mortar activity is within 7 kilometers of a reported location, an alert notifies the analyst, and the activity is logged for further analysis. Data management — ArcGIS Pro already has many robust data management tools and workflows. To better support intelligence analysts, ICAP will bring the most commonly used data management tools to the forefront, placing widely used tools in a custom data management ribbon. In addition, ICAP introduces a tool that grabs files commonly used by the intelligence analyst (such as .shp, .kml and .kmz) and adds them to the map with the right symbology, including standard 2525 military symbology.\n“Esri is very pleased to be making ArcGIS Pro customized for the needs of the intelligence community,” said Phil Suarez, intelligence support to operations at Esri. “Intelligence analysts have a specific set of needs, and they all contain the component of location. The unique configuration that ICAP brings to the intelligence community enables a more efficient and streamlined workflow for data gathering and analysis than has ever been possible.”\nTo learn more about the new Intelligence Configuration for ArcGIS Pro, visit\nAbout Esri\nEsri, the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, offers the most powerful mapping and spatial analytics technology available. Since 1969, Esri has helped customers unlock the full potential of data to improve operational and business results. Today, Esri software is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations including the world’s largest cities, most national governments, 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and more than 7,000 colleges and universities. Esri engineers the most advanced solutions for digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and location analytics to inform the most authoritative maps in the world. Visit us at\nCopyright © 2018 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, The Science of Where,, and are trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of their respective mark owners.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Esri\nKaren Richardson\nPublic Relations\nMobile: 914-841-3180\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA CALIFORNIA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY DATA MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE SECURITY DEFENSE OTHER DEFENSE\nSOURCE: Esri\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/23/2018 06:00 AM/DISC: 04/23/2018 06:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 23 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Lincoln Financial Group Teams up to Deliver 200 Care Packages to U.S. Servicemembers
{ "text": [ "RADNOR, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 23, 2018--Lincoln Financial Group (NYSE: LNC ) announced today that 200 care packages will be sent to active U.S. servicemembers thanks to a recent volunteer effort led by more than 100 of its Information Technology Department employees. As part of an annual “giving back” team-building effort, Lincoln employees filled packages with snacks, personal hygiene items, games and handwritten thank you notes. Each package will be distributed to active deployed military personnel by Liberty USO, an organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life of the U.S. Armed Forces personnel and their families.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nLincoln Financial Group volunteers (Photo: Business Wire)\nLincoln teamed up with Widely Different, a team building company that partners with corporations like Lincoln Financial across the country, to design and execute the event.\n“Hosting and participating in this event is our way of saying thank you to the many men and women who serve our country,” said Ken Solon, executive vice president and chief information officer at Lincoln Financial Group. “Lincoln has a long history of supporting and honoring the bravery and sacrifice of our military – and we hope that sending packages filled with some of the comforts of home can help brighten a service member’s day.”\nAbout Lincoln Financial Group\nLincoln Financial Group provides advice and solutions that help empower people to take charge of their financial lives with confidence and optimism. Today, more than 17 million customers trust our retirement, insurance and wealth protection expertise to help address their lifestyle, savings and income goals, as well as to guard against long-term care expenses. Headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania, Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation (NYSE:LNC) and its affiliates. The company had $253 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2017. Lincoln Financial Group is a committed corporate citizen and was named one of the Forbes Best Employers for 2017, is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America, and received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index. Learn more at: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Sign up for email alerts at\nLCN: 2096689-042018\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Lincoln Financial Group\nAnthony Campese\n484-583-6326\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA PENNSYLVANIA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: PHILANTHROPY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BANKING CONSULTING FINANCE DEFENSE OTHER DEFENSE FUND RAISING\nSOURCE: Lincoln Financial Group\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/23/2018 09:00 AM/DISC: 04/23/2018 09:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Major Splatoon 2 Update Arrives Tonight
{ "text": [ "REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 24, 2018--Nintendo’s dropping some fresh (and free!) new content for on Nintendo Switch tonight! After downloading a major new update (Version 3.0) to the Splatoon 2 game at 6 p.m. PT, players will have access to a huge amount of new content. This includes the addition of more than 100 pieces of new and returning gear, new songs, the introduction of a challenging new X Rank for the top-performing players in Ranked Battle, weapon balance adjustments and the return of Callie of the famous Squid Sisters.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nX Rank is an extremely challenging Ranked Battle experience targeting the best-of-the-best players. (Photo: Business Wire)\n“As promised when the game was first announced, we are determined to provide players with new experiences and content in Splatoon 2,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Through these regular updates, we are ensuring that both players old and new will log on to fun new experiences.”\nX Rank is an extremely challenging Ranked Battle experience targeting the best-of-the-best players. Players who are S+10 in the current Splatoon 2 ranking system will automatically be registered as X Rank after downloading the update. Players who are X Rank will battle for an X Power level. Once a month, 500 players with the highest X Power level for each of the four different Ranked Battle modes will be announced within SplatNet 2, a service of the Nintendo Switch Online app for mobile devices.\nX Power levels will be reset every month. During this reset, players whose X Power level ends up lower than a set threshold will rank down to S+9. This new system encourages players of all ranks to enjoy improving their play and maintaining their skills, as opposed to simply focusing on ranking up.\nThe first X Power reset is currently scheduled for May 31, and any future resets will take place on the final day of that month. As part of these periodic resets, the rotation of eight selected stages in Ranked Battle (with two stages rotating every two hours), the addition of new weapons and the introduction of new stages will also occur. In fact, tonight will also see the return of the popular stage Camp Triggerfish, along with four additional weapons.\nIn addition to X Rank, when Version 3.0 goes live this evening, this new update adds more than 100 pieces of gear – some new, some returning from the original Splatoon game – as well as new songs from Chirpy Chips, a popular in-game chiptune-style band featured in the first game. The update will also include some weapon balance adjustments, bug fixes and other changes.\nFans of the Squid Sisters will need to sit down, as the software update also marks the long-awaited return of Callie. Once players meet a certain condition after downloading the update, Callie will appear in Tentakeel Outpost in Octo Canyon. As exciting as it is to see the Squid Sisters reunited, Callie will also offer recent multiplayer stats about the player’s character.\nFor complete notes about Version 3.0 additions and instructions about how to download the updates, visit the official Nintendo customer support site.\nFor more information about Splatoon 2, visit or Check out ongoing Splatoon 2 Inkling Open tournament activity at\nRemember that Nintendo Switch features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about other features, visit\nAbout Nintendo: The worldwide pioneer in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Nintendo Switch ™ system and the Nintendo 3DS ™ family of portable systems. Since 1983, when it launched the Nintendo Entertainment System ™, Nintendo has sold more than 4.5 billion video games and more than 710 million hardware units globally, including Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, as well as the Game Boy ™, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS ™ family of systems, Super NES ™, Nintendo 64 ™, Nintendo GameCube ™, Wii ™ and Wii U ™ systems. It has also created industry icons that have become well-known, household names, such as Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Zelda and Pokémon. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in the Americas. For more information about Nintendo, please visit the company’s website at\nNote to editors: Nintendo press materials are available at, a password-protected site. To obtain a login, please register on the site.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: GOLIN\nEddie Garcia, 213-335-5536\\nor\nRich George, 213-335-5554\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA WASHINGTON\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: WOMEN ENTERTAINMENT ELECTRONIC GAMES TECHNOLOGY CONSUMER ELECTRONICS ONLINE RETAIL HARDWARE SOFTWARE AUDIO/VIDEO CHILDREN TEENS RETAIL MOBILE ENTERTAINMENT ONLINE CONSUMER MEN\nSOURCE: Nintendo\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/24/2018 08:00 AM/DISC: 04/24/2018 08:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Wizards All-Star guard John Wall to have left knee surgery
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Washington Wizards point guard John Wall will have arthroscopic surgery on his left knee and could miss much of the rest of the regular season.\nThe Wizards say Wall will have the operation Wednesday in Cleveland and that a timeline would be determined after the procedure.\nA person with direct knowledge of the injury said Wall could miss six to eight weeks. That person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the team did not release any estimate of the length of Wall's absence. Washington's last regular-season game is on April 11.\nWall had surgery on both of his knees before last season.\nHe was recently selected to his fifth NBA All-Star game. He is averaging 19.4 points and 9.3 assists this season.\n___\nAP Sports Writer Tom Withers in Cleveland contributed to this report.\n___\nMore AP NBA:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Samsung Announces Commitment to Lower Dose Exposure Within its Digital Radiography Suite
{ "text": [ "DANVERS, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 24, 2018--Samsung has announced a growth vision centered on improving the quality and safety of patient care through a commitment to lower radiation across its innovative suite of medical imaging products. A prime example is Samsung’s GC85A premium fully digital X-ray system, which provides the same image quality with half the radiation. Samsung’s engine S-Vue™ 3.02 received FDA clearance last November for use at 50 percent dose reduction for adult chest exams. Constantly working to lower dose exposure is a top priority for radiologists and healthcare professionals, and the GC85A’s dose reduction represents a breakthrough in medical imaging technology.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nSamsung’s GC85A with new S-Vue™ provides greater diagnostic confidence with 50% dose reduction*. (Photo: Business Wire)\nWhen it comes to dose management, precision is key. The GC85A incorporates Samsung’s Image Post-processing Engine S-Vue™ 3.02 that provides spatially adaptive multi-scale processing and advanced de-noising technology delivering quality images with only half the dose.\n“I recently participated in Samsung’s Low Dose Study and personally evaluated 10 chest X-rays, finding that the overall image quality was excellent,” said Dr. Hetal Patel, Chief of Radiology, ARMC-Moses Cone Health, Greensboro Radiology P.A. “The reduced-dose X-ray was either of comparable quality or better quality, and I would advocate for all chest X-rays to be done using this methodology.”\nIn practice, patients who receive a chest X-ray from the GC85A are subjected to 8 microsieverts (μSv) of radiation. To place that in context, it is as low as the average dose exposed during a three-hour flight from Chicago to New York. In other words, the radiation levels of the Samsung GC85A are incredibly low and therefore safer for patients.\nSamsung will continue to reduce dose without compromising image quality. In March, Samsung received Low Dose clearance from the South Korea Ministry of Food & Drug Safety (MFDS) and CE marked for applying dose reduction technology in other X-ray models.\n“We are committed to continuing to reduce radiation dose in our products and we are delighted with the GC85A’s low dose performance,” said Philip Sullivan, President and CEO of NeuroLogica, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics. \"We plan to expand our dose-reduction protocols from chest to other parts of the body such as the abdomen and include pediatrics in the near future.”\nWe all encounter low radiation levels through sources in our everyday life, including the air we breathe, but no one wants patients to be exposed to more radiation than necessary.\nSamsung is aiming to lower dose exposure in X-ray systems to levels comparable to everyday items.\nCheck out this video to learn more and find out how Samsung is lowering radiation dosage here.\nSamsung’s efforts to educate and build awareness to dose radiation can be found at\n*The dose reduction in GC85A digital chest radiography is based on limited phantom and clinical study results. Only routine PA chest radiography for average size adults were studied, excluding pediatric patients.\nAbout NeuroLogica NeuroLogica, the healthcare subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., develops, manufactures, and markets innovative imaging technologies and is committed to delivering fast, easy and accurate diagnostic solutions to healthcare providers. NeuroLogica, the global corporate headquarters and manufacturer of Samsung computed tomography, is also the US headquarters for sales, marketing and distribution of all Samsung digital radiography and ultrasound systems. NeuroLogica’s growing portfolio of advanced medical technologies are used worldwide in leading healthcare institutions helping providers enhance patient care, improve patient satisfaction, and increase workflow efficiency. For more information, please visit .\nAbout Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital appliances, network systems and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions. For the latest news, please visit the Samsung Newsroom at\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Samsung NeuroLogica\nLynne Gagne, 978-564-8576\\nKEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA MASSACHUSETTS\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE AUDIO/VIDEO HEALTH BIOTECHNOLOGY MEDICAL DEVICES RADIOLOGY OTHER HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH\nSOURCE: Samsung NeuroLogica\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/24/2018 09:00 AM/DISC: 04/24/2018 09:01 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about UK actor Tennant accepts damages over tabloid phone hacking
{ "text": [ "LONDON (AP) — Former \"Doctor Who\" star David Tennant has accepted an apology and damages from Rupert Murdoch's newspaper company over phone hacking by a now-defunct tabloid.\nTennant is one of six people whose claims against News Group Newspapers were settled Tuesday at the High Court in London.\nLawyer Sara Mansoori said Tennant was \"outraged and shocked by the invasions of his privacy by individuals working for or acting on behalf of the News of the World.\"\nNews Group lawyer Ben Silverstone said the firm offered sincere apologies. It is paying the claimants' legal costs and undisclosed damages.\nMurdoch closed the tabloid News of the World in 2011 after revelations it had eavesdropped on the voicemails of celebrities, politicians and a 13-year-old murder victim.\nMurdoch's company has paid out millions in compensation." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 23 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Panasonic Launches Off-grid Solutions Project to Mark Its Centenary
{ "text": [ "OSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 23, 2018--Panasonic Corporation announced it has kicked off a project for people living in off-grid areas that combines educational activities to promote understanding of electricity and provision of the company’s related products. The Off-grid Solutions Project is part of Panasonic’s corporate social responsibility initiatives, celebrating the centennial of the company’s founding this year.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nPower Supply Station installed in Indonesia as part of the project (West Kalimantan) (Photo: Business Wire)\nThis new initiative aims to support the creation of a sustainable society where each individual living without access to the power grid can lead an independent life. Panasonic will donate its products such as solar generation and storage systems, provide education and technical training to cultivate human resources, and help develop local business models taking advantage of electricity. Through these activities, Panasonic wants to help establish a solid educational foundation, increase local income and support independence for these communities. These activities will also contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).\nThe new project is intended for communities in Asia and Africa with a large off-grid population, where Panasonic will work with NGOs and NPOs that are making efforts to resolve societal issues these communities face. Starting in Indonesia (January 2018–December 2019), Myanmar (April 2018–March 2020) and Kenya (currently being coordinated), the activities will be gradually expanded into other regions and countries.\nSpecific Activities in the Project 1. Education for sustainable development for local citizens In order to promote voluntary use of the donated products, Panasonic will provide education to raise awareness among local citizens regarding electricity-use and offer fundamental training on solar panels and storage systems.\n2. Donation of solar generation and storage systems to promote the use of renewable energy Panasonic will donate its stand-alone photovoltaic power package called Power Supply Station, compact energy storage systems with LED lighting known as eneloop solar storage, and solar lanterns, among others. They will be used in schools and community assembly halls, as well as in homes.\n3. Development of electricity-based local industry models to increase income Panasonic will attempt to create small-scale industrial models, such as agricultural and fish-processing businesses, that make use of energy generated by solar panels and storage systems. The aim includes securing the funds necessary for continuing these businesses, including systems maintenance and battery replacements, to bring about a positive socioeconomic impact in the community.\nThrough its corporate citizenship activities focusing on helping developing nations resolve their societal issues, Panasonic will strive to achieve the creation of “A Better Life, A Better World.”\nSustainable Development Goals Addressed by the Off-grid Solutions Project - Affordable and clean energy - Partnerships for the goals - Good health and well-being - Quality education - Gender equality - No poverty\nPanasonic’s Activities to Support Emerging and Developing Nations With the creation of an inclusive society without poverty as the central theme, Panasonic is proceeding with corporate citizenship activities based on its philosophy of contributing to the development of society through its business by using its technology and products. With regard to activities to support off-grid communities, Panasonic has carried out the 100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project, in which the company donated 100,000 solar lanterns to developing nations around the world. Its next initiative, started in March this year, is the Bringing Light to People project that aims to bring light to off-grid communities through crowd-funding and the donation of second-hand books with the help of the general public.\nAbout Sustainable Development Goals The SDGs are a set of global goals, to be achieved between the years 2016 and 2030, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 in order to create a sustainable world. They consist of 17 goals and 169 specific targets.\nSource:\nRelated Links Corporate citizenship activities website:\nBringing Light to People website:\n100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project website: Facebook:\nPanasonic Fulfills 100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project in its 100th Anniversary, Bringing Light to Off-grid Communities Globally (Jan 30, 2018)\nPanasonic Delivers \"Power Supply Station\" Stand-alone Photovoltaic Power Package to Indonesia as a Power Source for Water Purification System (May 23, 2017)\nView source version on\nCONTACT: Panasonic Corporation\nGlobal Communications Department\nGlobal PR Office\nClick here to go to Media Contact form\nKEYWORD: ASIA PACIFIC NORTH AMERICA CANADA MYANMAR AFRICA INDONESIA JAPAN KENYA\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: OTHER CONSUMER EDUCATION ENERGY ALTERNATIVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CONSUMER ELECTRONICS HARDWARE MANUFACTURING OTHER MANUFACTURING PHILANTHROPY ENVIRONMENT TRAINING OTHER PHILANTHROPY CONSUMER\nSOURCE: Panasonic Corporation\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/23/2018 06:07 AM/DISC: 04/23/2018 06:07 AM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on March 20 2018, in the domain of business. Tell me about Injured Watson set to miss England's rugby tour of SAfrica
{ "text": [ "LONDON (AP) — England winger Anthony Watson is set to miss the tour of South Africa in June after being ruled out for the rest of the season with a left Achilles injury.\nWatson was hurt in a tackle in the first half of England's 24-15 loss to Ireland on Saturday, the final day of the Six Nations.\nWatson, who underwent rehabilitation work on another Achilles injury last year, had only just displaced Mike Brown as England's fullback. He has 15 tries in 33 tests." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 11 2017, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Baby milk maker orders global recall over salmonella fears
{ "text": [ "PARIS (AP) — French baby-milk maker Lactalis has ordered a global recall of millions of products over fears of salmonella bacteria contamination.\nThe company, one of the largest dairy products group in the world, says it has been warned by health authorities in France that 26 infants have become sick since Dec. 1.\nSpokesman company Michel Nalet told The Associated Press on Monday that the \"precautionary\" recall both in France and abroad affects \"several million\" products made since mid-February. The company said a possible source of the outbreak has been identified in a tower used to dry out the milk at a production site.\nLactalis employs 75,000 employees in 85 countries, with a turnover of 17 billion euros ($20 billion.)\nThe symptoms of salmonella infection include abdominal cramps, diarrhea and fever." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 23 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about You again? Penguins face familiar foe in Capitals
{ "text": [ "CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, Pa. (AP) — Sidney Crosby has faced the Washington Capitals three times in the playoffs. All three times the Pittsburgh captain has led his team to victory. And all three times the Penguins used the win as the springboard to a raucous mid-June parade with the Stanley Cup in tow.\nStill, Crosby sounded like a cautious investor on Tuesday when asked if Pittsburgh has a mental advantage over rival Alexander Ovechkin and the Capitals heading into yet another postseason showdown in the Eastern Conference semifinals starting later this week.\nPast performance, the two-time MVP stressed, does not guarantee future results.\n\"I think it depends on what you do in the series and how you play,\" Crosby said. \"I don't think it plays a huge role. I guess to answer your question, no.\"\nA mantra Crosby's teammates repeated over and over they prepared for yet another showdown in a rivalry that somehow manages to be both compelling and one-sided. Pittsburgh is 9-1 all-time in the postseason against Washington regardless of who is in the black-and-gold sweaters and who is in red, white and blue.\nNot that Ovechkin is intimidated. The Capitals star said he \"can't wait\" to get another shot at the Penguins after spearheading Washington's first-round win over Columbus in six games. That's fine by Pittsburgh, which has played Lucy to Washington's Charlie Brown for more than a quarter century, dangling a potentially deep playoff run in front of the Capitals only to pull it back at the last minute.\nThe Penguins, however, remain wary. Just because they always beat Washington doesn't mean they're going to always beat Washington. The teams split their four meetings during the regular season, with the Capitals wrapping up their third straight Metropolitan Division title with a 3-1 win in Pittsburgh on April Fool's Day.\nOf course, none of it matters once the puck drops in Game 1.\n\"It's a new year,\" Pittsburgh defenseman Kris Letang said. \"The series is going to play out differently. The game is going to be won differently. You don't know how it is going to go. The only thing I know is it's a good rivalry, two really good teams, two teams that have a lot of punch offensively. It's going to be fun to be a part of.\"\nParticularly for Letang. He missed all of Pittsburgh's run to a second straight Stanley Cup last spring while recovering from neck surgery, though he was able to make his way to the arena for Game 7 of the conference semifinals, when Marc-Andre Fleury stopped all 29 shots he faced and the Penguins escaped with a 2-0 victory to finish a series in which both teams scored 20 goals and won on opposing ice at least twice.\nThough there are a handful of new faces on both sides, the principals remain the same. Ovechkin and Crosby. Evgeni Malkin and Nicklas Backstrom. Letang and Braden Holtby. Two weeks of taut, tense hockey in the offing.\n\"I think it's the same old dangerous team,\" Letang said. \"Like, don't get me wrong, those series went the distance, they went to overtime. It was a tough matchup that could have gone either way. They cause the same problems to our team. They cause problems on the power play. They have a lot of skill. They make a lot of plays.\"\nYet the Penguins have always found a way to make at least one more, though they may be at less than 100 percent when things get going. Malkin and forward Carl Hagelin both missed practice on Tuesday. Malkin is dealing with a lower-body injury while Hagelin has an upper-body issue after colliding with Philadelphia's Claude Giroux in Pittsburgh's clinching victory over the Flyers in Game 6.\nThat could provide more playing time for players like Riley Sheahan — who filled in capably on the second line for Malkin in Game 6 — and rookie Zach Aston-Reese. The 23-year-old was in high school the first time Crosby and Ovechkin met in the playoffs in 2009 — when the Penguins blitzed the Capitals in Game 7 of the conference semifinals on their way to the Cup.\nThis time, Aston-Reese's view will be markedly different. He noticed an uptick in intensity from the regular season when the Penguins fended off the Flyers. Now, the dial goes up to 11 and stays there.\n\"I expect every game to be almost like a Game 7,\" Aston-Reese said.\nThat's because it almost always is.\n___\nMore NHL hockey:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Luxfer ECLIPSE™, World’s Lightest-weight SCBA Cylinder for Firefighter Life Support, Launched at FDIC Show
{ "text": [ "RIVERSIDE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 23, 2018--Luxfer Gas Cylinders, a business unit of Luxfer Holdings PLC (NYSE:LXFR) and the world’s largest manufacturer of high-pressure composite and aluminum cylinders, today launched Luxfer ECLIPSE™, its new carbon composite cylinders for firefighter self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The launch coincides with the annual FDIC Show at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. ECLIPSE is an acronym for Extra-lightweight Cylinders by Luxfer for Industry Professionals in SCBA Environments™.\nThis press release features multimedia. View the full release here:\nLuxfer ECLIPSE - The world's lightest-weight SCBA cylinder. (Photo: Business Wire)\nThe lightest-weight SCBA cylinder now on the market, Luxfer ECLIPSE is up to 20 percent lighter than comparable aluminum-lined (Type 3) composite cylinders and up to 3 percent lighter than plastic-lined (Type 4) cylinders used primarily in Europe. The weight savings does not sacrifice strength, durability or safety while remaining compliant with all industry standards.\nLuxfer ECLIPSE is designed and manufactured using advanced engineering techniques. With a lightweight liner made of Luxfer’s proprietary L6X ® aluminum alloy and an exclusive 100 percent high-strength, aerospace-grade carbon fiber overwrap, a significant weight reduction is achieved. Using Luxfer ECLIPSE, firefighters, emergency-response personnel and SCBA industry professionals will see multiple benefits including enhanced performance, improved ergonomics and minimized weight-related health risks.\nLuxfer ECLIPSE cylinders will come in a standard 4,500-psi (300 bar) version and a higher-pressure 5,500-psi (379 bar) option, each with a variety of air capacities and duration times. Luxfer ECLIPSE cylinders will be available from major safety equipment companies.\nProfessor Denise Smith, Director of the Skidmore College (U.S.) First Responder Health and Safety Laboratory and a global expert on firefighter health, commented: “With cardiac events currently the leading cause of line-of-duty deaths, firefighters and SCBA manufacturers should embrace opportunities to decrease the cardiovascular strain associated with firefighting. Significantly decreasing the weight of the SCBA cylinder while retaining the same level of respiratory protection suggests that Luxfer ECLIPSE will become the new de facto standard in the SCBA industry.”\nLuxfer Gas Cylinders President Andy Butcher added: “By leveraging our decades of market and technology leadership, we are excited to provide this new, premium product that eclipses the performance of current products and represents the next evolution in weight reduction. Luxfer ECLIPSE has been made possible by Luxfer’s technology leadership in SCBA cylinder innovation as well as our market leadership as the most trusted SCBA cylinder manufacturer in the world.”\nMark Trudgeon, Luxfer Vice President of Technology and Innovation, said: “Luxfer has a long history of SCBA cylinder development over the past 30 years from our first LCX ® carbon composite cylinders to our recently introduced LCX non-limited life (NLL) cylinders in Europe. Luxfer ECLIPSE expands our SCBA offering and represents the next generation of lighter-weight, high-performance SCBA composite cylinder designs for the SCBA industry today and for the years to come.”\nTo see new Luxfer ECLIPSE cylinders and other Luxfer products, visit FDIC booth 2207 and also visit\nNOTES TO THE EDITORS:\nAbout Luxfer Gas Cylinders\nLuxfer Gas Cylinders ( ) is the world’s largest manufacturer of high-pressure composite and aluminum cylinders. More than 70 million Luxfer cylinders in service around the world have an exemplary record for dependability and safety in a variety of applications, including firefighter and first-responder life support, medical, fire extinguishers, alternative fuel, specialty gas, beverage, aerospace, inflation, scuba and performance racing. An operating company of Luxfer Group (NYSE:LXFR), Luxfer Gas Cylinders is based in Riverside, California, and has manufacturing facilities in the U.S., England, Canada, France, China and India.\nLuxfer ECLIPSE is the most significant cylinder design change in 20 years.\nFor decades, Luxfer has been designing carbon composite cylinders for a variety of markets—including SCBA, alternative fuel, aerospace and military applications—all of which require compliance with demanding regulatory standards. Over the years, our continual research and development has led to many unique engineering advancements, proprietary wrapping patterns and manufacturing techniques that maximize cylinder strength and performance while reducing weight. Our exclusive Luxfer ECLIPSE design is the culmination of our extensive R&D and experience in the SCBA market. Luxfer ECLIPSE cylinders deliver the same strength, durability and safety as conventional carbon composite cylinders with a 100 percent carbon fiber overwrap.\nWhat is the benefit of Luxfer ECLIPSE’s weight savings?\nLuxfer ECLIPSE’s weight reduction will enhance performance, improve ergonomics and minimize weight-related health risks for firefighters, emergency-response personnel and SCBA industry professionals. The total weight of a firefighter’s personal protective equipment ensemble can weigh over 75 pounds/34kg, so Luxfer ECLIPSE’s weight savings will reduce this amount.\nView source version on\nCONTACT: PRESS CONTACTS:\nLuxfer Gas Cylinders (USA and Global)\nRandel Maestre\\nTel: +1 951 341 2202\nKEYWORD: UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES EUROPE NORTH AMERICA CALIFORNIA IRELAND\nINDUSTRY KEYWORD: MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING OTHER MANUFACTURING\nSOURCE: Luxfer Gas Cylinders\nCopyright Business Wire 2018.\nPUB: 04/23/2018 04:30 PM/DISC: 04/23/2018 04:30 PM\n" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on March 20 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Uruguay prosecutor wants charges against ex vice president
{ "text": [ "MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — A prosecutor in Uruguay is asking for formal charges against a former vice president of the South American country.\nLawmakers accepted Raul Sendic's resignation last year amid corruption accusations involving his tenure as head of state oil company ANCAP. It was the first time a vice president had stepped down in Uruguay.\nProsecutor Luis Pacheco on Monday also requested charges against eight other senior officials at ANCAP and its subsidiaries. A judge must now decide if Sendic goes to trial.\nThe corruption allegations surfaced after a weekly publication reported that between 2010 and 2013, Sendic used corporate credit cards to make purchases at jewelry, electronics, furniture and other stores apparently unrelated to his official business.\nHe's also accused of abuse of office over some contracts.\nSendic has repeatedly denied wrongdoing." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 12 2017, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Detained by US, Mexican journalist fears death if deported
{ "text": [ "HOUSTON (AP) — Advocates for a Mexican journalist detained in a remote West Texas facility asked the U.S. government to grant him asylum instead of deporting him to a country where he believes he'll be killed.\nEmilio Gutierrez Soto fled to the United States a decade ago after articles he wrote alleging corruption in the Mexican military caused his name to end up on a hit list. Mexico is one of the world's most dangerous places for journalism, likened to countries such as Syria and Iraq. At least 11 journalists have been killed in Mexico this year.\nAfter coming within hours of possible deportation, Gutierrez, 54, is now appealing that denial. The National Press Club and other press freedom advocates held an event Monday highlighting Gutierrez's case and those of other reporters whose lives were in danger.\nSpeaking by phone from a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Sierra Blanca, Texas, Gutierrez accused Mexican leaders of being complicit in the violence of drug cartels and the murders of journalists, though he did not make specific allegations.\n\"The biggest criminal organization is the government,\" Gutierrez said. \"I'm afraid to take one step into Mexico.\"\nThe U.S. government historically rejects most asylum claims. Over a five-year period ending in September 2016, the U.S. received about 267,000 asylum claims and granted 46,000.\nIt has granted asylum in recent years to a number of Mexican journalists. But Eduardo Beckett, Gutierrez's lawyer, accused the U.S. of turning a blind eye to corruption and violence in Mexico, and blamed the Trump administration for changing how it deals with asylum seekers.\n\"There is no more humanity,\" Beckett said. \"The new tactic is, we'll pressure you, we'll keep you detained, in hopes you'll give up.\"\nAnother Mexican journalist did just that earlier this year. After spending nearly four months in an immigration facility, reporter Martin Mendez Pineda returned to Mexico and went into hiding.\nMexico has created a federal protection program for journalists, with about 600 enrollees nationwide. But one reporter in the program was killed earlier this year, and others question whether the federal government has the power or the will to protect them. Meanwhile, high-profile killings have continued, including the death of Javier Valdez, a legendary reporter who covered drug trafficking in Sinaloa state.\nGutierrez worked for El Diario del Noroeste, a newspaper in the state of Chihuahua. He said his problems began after he wrote articles that alleged military forces were robbing and extorting local people in Chihuahua, which borders New Mexico and part of West Texas.\nAfter receiving what his advocates called veiled threats, Gutierrez discovered his name had been placed on a hit list. So he fled north with his teenage son and entered the U.S. in 2008, seeking asylum.\nHe spent seven months in detention before his release in January 2009, while his application for asylum remained pending.\nBeckett said that Gutierrez was no longer working in journalism while living in the West Texas border city of El Paso. Instead, he supported himself by operating a food truck, Beckett said. His son, now 24, works in a restaurant. But while in the United States, Gutierrez heard from people back in Mexico that if he returned, he would end up like other journalists who were killed.\nAfter nine years, a judge denied his asylum request in July, and the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals dismissed his appeal in November.\nHis advocates say he came close to being sent back to Mexico before the appeals board on Thursday issued a stay of his deportation.\nThe U.S. Department of Justice and the Mexican foreign affairs ministry did not return messages seeking comment Monday. ICE said in a statement that Gutierrez remains in the agency's custody \"pending disposition of his immigration case.\"\n___\nFollow Nomaan Merchant on Twitter at @nomaanmerchant. Associated Press reporter Christopher Sherman in Mexico City contributed to this report.\n___\nSign up for the AP's weekly newsletter showcasing our best reporting from the Midwest and Texas: —" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about AI researcher Ng launches $175 million investment fund
{ "text": [ "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The artificial intelligence researcher who has said he wants to free humanity from repetitive mental drudgery also wants to save AI entrepreneurs time spent raising funds.\nAndrew Ng (unh) says he's launching a $175 million fund to invest in AI startups, backed by private-equity firms NEA, Sequoia, Greylock Partners and Softbank.\nNg's the co-founder of online education platform Coursera who's led AI teams at Google and Baidu. He says his background will help prioritize projects with the most potential, saving founders six months of development time otherwise lost explaining their idea. He's also tapping his personal network for leads: The fund, simply called AI Fund, isn't taking pitches from entrepreneurs.\nThe fund is also investing an undisclosed sum in Ng's startup that aims to bring AI to manufacturing." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on April 24 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Michel, former France player and World Cup coach, dies at 70
{ "text": [ "PARIS (AP) — Henri Michel, who played for France at the World Cup and later coached the team to the semifinals at the 1986 tournament, has died. He was 70.\nFrance's Professional Footballers Association wrote on Twitter that Michel died Tuesday morning.\nMichel was an accomplished midfielder who played almost his entire career at Nantes and helped the club win three French league titles. He played 58 times for France, including two games at the 1978 World Cup in Argentina.\nIn 1986, Michel coached the France team to the semifinals in Mexico. The team included his former teammates Michel Platini, Patrick Battiston and Dominique Rocheteau. France lost to West Germany, and then beat Belgium in the third-place game.\nMichel later coached several African national teams, including Ivory Coast at the 2006 World Cup." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Asian stocks mixed after Wall Street's sharp decline
{ "text": [ "BEIJING (AP) — Asian stocks were mixed Wednesday after Wall Street recorded its biggest decline since August.\nKEEPING SCORE: The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.6 percent to 3,465.82 and Tokyo's Nikkei 225 lost 0.8 percent to 23,098.29. Hong Kong's Hang Seng edged 0.1 percent lower to 32,589.83 and Sydney's S&P-ASX 200 added 0.3 percent to 6,037.70. Seoul's Kospi picked up 0.1 percent to 2,570.46 and India's Sensex shed 0.3 percent to 35,923.63. Benchmarks in New Zealand, Taiwan and Bangkok gained while Singapore and Manila declined.\nWALL STREET: Hefty losses in health care and technology companies led U.S. stocks sharply lower. The slide erased some of the gains the market had racked up since the beginning of the year, though the market was still on track to close out January with a gain. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.1 percent to 2,822.43 — its steepest one-day drop since Aug. 17. The Dow Jones industrial average had its biggest decline since May, losing 1.4 percent to 26,076.89. The Nasdaq slumped 0.9 percent to 7,402.48.\nANALYST'S TAKE: \"Asian markets look set to continue in decline as global equity markets extend the correction phase,\" said Jingyi Pan of IG in a report. \"Given the mountain of key items ahead, investors may have found the current period opportune for profit taking, though focused also on what these incoming leads may mean for markets.\"\nCHINESE MANUFACTURING: A monthly survey showed January factory activity was lower than expected. The purchasing managers' index of the official China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing declined to 51.3 from December's 51.6 on a 100-point scale on which numbers above 50 show activity expanding.\nJAPANESE MANUFACTURING: Official data showed factory output rose to a nine-year high in December, suggesting economic growth stayed strong. Industrial output rose 2.7 percent over November — the third consecutive gain.\nENERGY: Benchmark U.S. crude fell 56 cents to $63.94 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract plunged $1.06 on Tuesday to $64.50. Brent crude, used to price international oils, declined 53 cents to $67.99 in London. It lost 68 cents in the previous session to $68.52.\nCURRENCY: The dollar slipped 108.70 from 108.78 yen. The euro was unchanged at $1.2403." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on December 11 2017, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Celtics' Irving out for Bulls game because of bruised quad
{ "text": [ "CHICAGO (AP) — Boston Celtics star guard Kyrie Irving sat out Monday night's game against the Chicago Bulls because of a bruised left quadriceps.\nAcquired for Isaiah Thomas in a huge offseason trade with Cleveland, Irving is averaging a team-leading 23.7 points. The four-time All-Star took a knee to the quad in Sunday's win at Detroit and finished with 16 points on just 4-for-12 shooting.\nIrving missed his second game of the season. Coach Brad Stevens said doesn't expect him to be out long, though he added: \"Who knows with muscular injuries.\"\nStevens also said doctors will re-evaluate forward Marcus Morris' ailing left knee on Tuesday. Morris sat out for the second straight night and the third time in four games. He also missed the first eight games of the season.\nForward Al Horford said he was ready to play after banging his right knee with Detroit's Anthony Tolliver.\nBulls leading scorer Lauri Markkanen also missed Monday's game because of back spasms. He participated in the morning shootaround. Coach Fred Hoiberg said Markkanen got treatment afterward, but his back continued to tighten.\nThe promising rookie also had some back issues before the season.\n\"We're taking the cautious approach with it,\" Hoiberg said. \"It has not been a big issue. We just had the one episode with the back. He's got a little bit of soreness in there now and, again, we're hoping to get him back into the lineup soon.\"\n___\nMore NBA basketball:" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about South Africa's president-in-waiting talks tough on graft
{ "text": [ "JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South Africa's deputy president says anyone who acts corruptly must be punished regardless of identity, in a message reflecting national discontent with scandal-tainted President Jacob Zuma and his associates.\nDeputy President Cyril Ramaphosa made the remark on Tuesday as Zuma returned from an African Union summit in Ethiopia, where he made his own comments about corruption in Africa. Zuma acknowledged a problem but called it \"quite exaggerated\" at times and said entities outside the continent encourage African corruption for their own benefit.\nSome members of the ruling African National Congress party are pushing for Zuma's early exit and say he shouldn't deliver the state of the nation address when parliament opens in Cape Town on Feb. 8. If Zuma speaks as scheduled, his speech likely would be met with protests." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on July 4 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about California wildfire grows, but so does control over flames
{ "text": [ "GUINDA, Calif. (AP) — Crews are making progress against a Northern California wildfire that threatens hundreds of buildings but say wind and dry vegetation could still fuel the blaze.\nCalifornia officials said the fire in rural counties northwest of Sacramento was 25 percent contained as of Wednesday morning. That's up from 15 percent the previous day.\nIt has burned through 129 square miles (334 square kilometers) after igniting Saturday. Some areas have been under evacuation orders for days.\nIt's among the massive wildfires burning in the Western United States and putting some Fourth of July plans on hold." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 15 2017, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Officials: Trump knew Flynn misled WH weeks before ouster
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Just six days into his presidency, Donald Trump was informed his national security adviser had misled his vice president about contacts with Russia. Trump kept his No. 2 in the dark and waited nearly three weeks before ousting the aide, Michael Flynn, citing a slow but steady erosion of trust, White House officials said.\nFlynn was interviewed by the FBI about his telephone conversations with Russia's ambassador to the U.S., a sign his ties to Russia had caught the attention of law enforcement officials.\nBut in the White House's retelling of Flynn's stunning downfall, his error was not that he discussed U.S. sanctions with the Russian before the inauguration — a potential violation of a rarely enforced law — but the fact that he denied it for weeks, apparently misleading Vice President Mike Pence and other senior Trump aides about the nature of the conversations. White House officials said they conducted a thorough review of Flynn's interactions, including transcripts of calls secretly recorded by U.S. intelligence officials, but found nothing illegal.\nPence, who had vouched for Flynn in a televised interview, is said to have been angry and deeply frustrated.\n\"The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation and a series of other questionable incidents is what led the president to ask General Flynn for his resignation,\" White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday, one day after the president asked Flynn to leave.\nFlynn, in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, said Monday \"there were no lines crossed\" in his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.\nThe explanation of the episode left many questions unanswered, including why Trump didn't alert Pence to the matter and why Trump allowed Flynn to keep accessing classified information and taking part in the president's discussions with world leaders up until the day he was fired.\nWhite House officials also struggled to explain why Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway had declared the president retained \"full confidence\" in Flynn just hours before the adviser had to submit his letter of resignation.\nLater Tuesday, The New York Times reported that U.S. agencies had intercepted phone calls last year between Russian intelligence officials and members of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team. Current and former U.S. officials who spoke to the Times anonymously said they found no evidence that the Trump campaign was working with the Russians on hacking or other efforts to influence the election.\nThe White House shakeup, less than one month into Trump's tenure, marked another jarring setback for a new administration already dealing with tensions among top aides and a legal fight over the president's travel ban order. Flynn's firing also heightened questions about the president's friendly posture toward Russia. Democrats called for investigations into Flynn's contacts, and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Congress needed to know whether he had been acting with direction from the president or others.\nTrump initially thought Flynn could survive the controversy, according to a person with direct knowledge of the president's views, but a pair of explosive stories in The Washington Post in recent days made the situation untenable. As early as last week, he and aides began making contingency plans for Flynn's dismissal, a senior administration official said. While the president was said to be upset with Flynn, he also expressed anger with other aides for \"losing control\" of the story and making his young administration look bad.\nPence spokesman Marc Lotter said Pence became aware that he had received \"incomplete information\" from Flynn only after the first Washington Post report Thursday night. Pence learned about the Justice Department warnings to the White House around the same time.\nThe officials and others with knowledge of the situation were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and requested anonymity.\nAhead of the Jan. 20 inauguration, Pence and other officials insisted publicly that Flynn had not discussed sanctions in his talks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. On Jan. 26, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates contacted White House counsel Don McGahn to raise concerns about discrepancies between the public accounting and what intelligence officials knew to be true about the contacts based on routine recordings of communications with foreign officials who are in the U.S.\nThe Justice Department warned the White House that the inconsistencies would leave the president's top national security aide vulnerable to blackmail from Russia, according to a person with knowledge of the discussion. The president was informed of the warnings the same day, Spicer said.\nFlynn was interviewed by the FBI around the same time, according to a U.S. official who was briefed on the investigation.\nIt was not immediately known what questions the FBI asked of Flynn or what he told law enforcement officials.\nMcGahn, along with chief of staff Reince Priebus and strategist Steve Bannon, also questioned Flynn multiple times in the ensuing weeks, a White House official said. Top aides also reviewed transcripts of Flynn's contacts with the ambassador, according to a person with knowledge of the review process.\nAt the same time, the official said Trump aides began taking steps to put some distance between the president and Flynn. CIA Director Mike Pompeo and retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, a top Flynn aide, started taking part in Trump's daily security briefings.\nTop Trump advisers quietly met with Vice Admiral Robert Harward last week and spoke with the former Navy SEAL again Monday, the White House official said. Harward is seen as the top contender for the job, though former CIA Director David Petraeus and Kellogg, who has temporarily stepped into the role, are also under consideration.\nSpicer said other \"questionable incidents\" had contributed to Flynn's firing. According to one person with knowledge of the matter, those incidents included Flynn seeking a security clearance for his son during the transition.\nAt the time, it was Pence who was again put in the position of defending Flynn on television, saying he had not sought a clearance for the retired general's son.\nA U.S. official told The Associated Press that Flynn was in frequent contact with Kislyak on the day the Obama administration slapped sanctions on Russia for election-related hacking, as well as at other times during the transition. Spicer said Flynn was not discussing sanctions at the president's behest.\nBefore he resigned Monday night, Flynn told the investigative news nonprofit affiliated with the website The Daily Caller that he and Kislyak spoke only generally about the Russian diplomats expelled by President Barack Obama as part of the previous administration's response to Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election.\n\"It wasn't about sanctions. It was about the 35 guys who were thrown out,\" Flynn said. \"It was basically: 'Look, I know this happened. We'll review everything.' I never said anything such as, 'We're going to review sanctions,' or anything like that.\"\n___\nAssociated Press writers Jonathan Lemire, Eric Tucker, Ken Thomas, Jill Colvin, Erica Werner and Catherine Lucey contributed to this report.\n___\nOnline:\nFollow Julie Pace at and Vivian Salama at" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about Privatization concerns grow as PREPA seeks $1.3B loan
{ "text": [ "SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Government officials on Monday denied claims they plan to eliminate the Energy Commission that regulates Puerto Rico's power company amid plans to privatize the utility, which they have warned will run out of funds by mid-February.\nThe denial came a day after a federal control board overseeing the island's finances requested that a judge authorize a loan of up to $1.3 billion to Puerto Rico's Electric Power Authority so it can keep operating. The board said the power company could see an estimated $1.2 billion loss in revenue in the first six months after Hurricane Maria.\nJose Roman, president of the Energy Commission, urged the administration of Gov. Ricardo Rossello to keep the body or create a new regulatory entity, saying strong oversight will be needed if the utility is privatized.\n\"The company still represents a challenge,\" he said, adding that the commission will work together with the government on privatization plans.\nPublic Affairs Secretary Ramon Rosario said there is no plan to eliminate the commission, but rather to combine it with two other regulatory bodies as part of a plan to consolidate government agencies and save money amid an 11-year-old recession. He said the Energy Commission is to be fused with the Telecommunications Regulatory Board and the Public Service Commission.\nHowever, Rosario also accused the Energy Commission of being ineffective and of wasting taxpayers' money. \"Electricity in Puerto Rico remains expensive and harmful to the environment, and the Electric Power Authority remains an inefficient monopoly,\" he said.\nThe power company has seen its cash balance fall to $187 million more than four months after Hurricane Maria hit, and it has been able to bill only 35 percent to 40 percent of its customers, according to a motion that the federal control board filed overnight Saturday.\nThe board is seeking an initial $550 million loan to help the utility pay workers, finance maintenance projects and buy supplies and fuel, among other things, as crews continue to restore electricity to nearly a half million power customers still in the dark.\nLegislators recently approved a measure that would authorize the island's government to issue that loan, but it requires a judge's approval because the power company with a $9 billion debt is undergoing a bankruptcy-like process.\nThe board warned that action is needed soon to help avoid a shutdown of the power company's operations.\n\"The shutdown would have a cascading effect on infrastructure and services that rely on electric power to operate, plunge homes and businesses across the island into darkness, impair residents in need of power for medical operations, dialysis, and other patient needs, and impair Puerto Rico's fragile economy,\" the board stated in its motion." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on Janauary 30 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Ryanair formally recognizes UK pilots union
{ "text": [ "LONDON (AP) — Budget airline Ryanair has signed a formal recognition agreement with the British Airline Pilots Association, a significant milestone in addressing the company's often testy relations with its employees.\nThe voluntary agreement means that union representatives will be involved in future negotiations on pay, hours, schedules and holidays.\nRyanair altered its stance on unions following a challenging period last fall in which thousands of flights were canceled following pilot scheduling errors.\nThe association's general secretary, Brian Strutton, says that \"given Ryanair's previous hostility towards unions, today's agreement is an historic one.\"\nRyanair's chief people officer, Eddie Wilson, says the progress with pilots in Britain is in contrast to some other European Union countries \"where we are still waiting for a response to our recognition proposals.\"" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on May 31 2018, in the domain of sports. Tell me about Syria's Assad threatens to attack area under US-backed Kurds
{ "text": [ "BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian President Bashar Assad is threatening to attack a region held by U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria if talks fail to bring the area back under Damascus' authority.\nAssad said in an interview with Russia Today television which aired on Thursday that the U.S. troops, who operate air bases and outposts in the Kurdish-administered region, will have to leave country.\nHe says he has opened the door to negotiations with the Kurdish-run administration while also preparing to \"liberate by force.\"\nForces loyal to Assad, who is backed by Russia and Iran, and the Syrian Kurds have clashed sporadically over the eastern oil province of Deir el-Zour. They led rival fronts against Islamic State militants last year, and they maintain a protracted front against each other along the Euphrates River." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
I am asking on February 3 2018, in the domain of politics. Tell me about German president meets with UN troops in Lebanon
{ "text": [ "BEIRUT (AP) — Germany's president has met with German troops who serve as part of a United Nations force in Lebanon.\nThe meeting was held Tuesday on board a German vessel at the port of Beirut, where Frank-Walter Steinmeier was met by the commander of the German troops in Lebanon.\nGermany has 126 soldiers contributing to the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon including the Maritime Task Force, deployed since October 2006, which supports the Lebanese navy in securing Lebanon's maritime borders.\nSteinmeier, who is on a two-day visit to Lebanon, also met with Lebanese religious leaders at the seat of Lebanon's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian.\nHe is also scheduled to meet with the Lebanese prime minister and parliament speaker later Tuesday." ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }