{"id": "27e1eddd6ea2-0", "text": "Developer Documentation\n\nDevelop and prototype smarter. Get to market faster.\n\nFilter\n\nApplication Examples\n\nVersion 1.0.0\n\nBluetooth\n\nVersion 5.0\n\nBluetooth Xpress\n\nVersion 1.0\n\nConnect\n\nVersion 3.5\n\nGecko Bootloader\n\nVersion 2.1\n\nGecko Platform\n\nVersion 4.2\n\nMachine Learning\n\nVersion 1.2\n\nMatter\n\nVersion 1.0.5\n\nMicrium\n\nVersion 5.11.0\n\nRAIL\n\nVersion 2.14\n\nSimplicity Studio\n\nVersion 5.6.3\n\nThread\n\nVersion 2.2\n\nUSB\n\nVersion 1.0\n\nWi-Fi\n\nVersion 1.0\n\nWi-Fi Xpress\n\nVersion 1.0\n\nWi-SUN\n\nVersion 1.5\n\nZ-Wave\n\nVersion 1.0.1\n\nZigbee\n\nVersion 7.2.2\n\nResources\n\nTechnical LibraryTechnical Resource Search\n\nTrainingInformation, tutorials, and training\n\nCommunityA universe of solutions to explore\n\nSupportPowerful suite of testing tools", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.0 | This version works with Simplicity Studio 5 only. If you have Simplicity Studio 4, switch to 2.13. | For additional versions, see Version History.\n\nGeneral Overview\n\nSilicon Labs Bluetooth LE Documentation | Release Notes | Downloads\n\nAbout the Bluetooth Stack\n\nThe v4.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is an advanced Bluetooth 5-compliant protocol stack implementing the Bluetooth low energy standard. It supports multiple connections, concurrent central, peripheral, broadcaster, and observer roles. The v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is meant for Silicon Labs EFR32 SoCs and modules.\n\nThe Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack provides multiple APIs for the developer to access the Bluetooth functionality. Three modes are supported:\n\nStandalone mode, where both the Bluetooth stack and the application run in an EFR32SoC or module. The application can be developed with C programming language.\n\nStandlone Mode\n\nNetwork Co-Processor (NCP) mode, where the Bluetooth stack runs in an EFR32 and the application runs on a separate host MCU. For this use case, the Bluetooth stack can be configured into NCP mode where the API is exposed over a serial inter- face such as UART.\n\nNCP Mode\n\nRadio Co-Processor (RCP) mode, where only the Link Layer of the Bluetooth stack runs on the EFR32, and the Host Layer of the stack, as well as the application, runs on a separate host MCU or PC. In this use case, the Host Layer is developed by a third party, since Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth stack is only built for EFR32 SoCs / modules. The Link Layer and the host layer communicate via HCI (Host-Controller Interface), which is a standard interface between the two layers. The HCI can be accessed via UART following the Bluetooth SIG's UART (H4) transport protocol.RCP Mode\n\nBluetooth Stack Features", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-1", "text": "Bluetooth Stack Features\n\nThe features of the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack are listed in the following table.\n\nStack Features\n\nBluetooth Qualification\n\nAll products deploying Bluetooth technology must go through the Bluetooth SIG's Qualification Process. Online resources will help you learn more about the Bluetooth Qualification , process, and tutorials on the Launch Studio , which is the online tool used to complete the Bluetooth Qualification Process. For assistance to qualify your device, consider reaching out to your nearest Bluetooth Qualification Consultant .\n\nWhen qualifying your end-product based on Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth stack, integrate the pre-qualified components. To learn more and see the list of pre-qualified components, see QSG169: Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x Quick-Start Guide.\n\nThe Bluetooth Stack APIs\n\nThis section briefly describes the different software APIs.\n\nThe Bluetooth API\n\nThe Bluetooth API provided by the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is the primary API to communicate with the stack. It provides access to all the Bluetooth functionality implemented by the Bluetooth stack, such as the Generic Access Profile (GAP), connection manager, the security manager (SM), GATT client and server.\n\nIn addition to the Bluetooth features, the Bluetooth API also provides access to a few other functions such as the Direct Test Mode (DTM) API for RF testing purposes, the Persistent Store (PS) API for reading and writing keys to and from the devices flash memory, the DFU (Device Firmware Update) API for field firmware updates, and the System API for various system level functions.\n\nThe BGAPI Serial Protocol and the Bluetooth Host API\n\nWhen configured in NCP (network co-processor) mode, the Bluetooth stack can be controlled using the BGAPI serial protocol. This allows the Bluetooth stack to be controlled over a serial interface such as UART from a separate host, such as EFM32 microcontroller. The BGAPI serial protocol provides exactly the same Bluetooth APIs over UART as the BGAPI API when used in a standalone mode.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-2", "text": "The BGAPI serial protocol is a lightweight, binary protocol that carries the BGAPI commands from the host to the Bluetooth stack, and carries responses and events from the Bluetooth stack back to the host.\n\nThe Bluetooth SDK delivers a ready-made BGAPI serial protocol parser implementation both for the NCP target (EFR) and for the NCP host. It implements the serial protocol parser for all APIs provided by the Bluetooth stack. The host code developed on top of host API can be written to be identical to the code for the EFR, which allows easy porting of the application code from the EFR to a separate host or vice versa.\n\nBGAPI\n\nThe BGAPI serial protocol packet structure is described below. For more information, see the BGAPI Headers.\n\nBGAPI Table\n\nThe Bluetooth Profile Toolkit GATT Builder\n\nThe Bluetooth Profile Toolkit is an XML-based API and description language used to describe the GATT-based service and characteristic easily without writing code. The XML files can be easily written by hand based on the information contained in UG118: Blue Gecko Bluetooth\u00ae Profile Toolkit Developer Guide. Use the Profile Toolkit GATT Builder if you are developing outside of Simplicity Studio.\n\nWithin Simplicity Studio, the GATT Configurator allows building the GATT in a visual way without hand editing the XML file. See UG438: GATT Configurator User\u2019s Guide for Bluetooth SDK v3.x for details. Open the GATT Configurator in Simplicity Studio through the Project Configurator, Software Components tab, under Advanced Configurators. Click Open and the GATT Configurator tool opens the file gatt_configuration.btconf in a new tab.\n\nOpening Bluetooth GATT Configurator", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-3", "text": "Opening Bluetooth GATT Configurator\n\ngatt_configuration.btconf provides the trunk of the GATT database. It is located inside the config > btconfig directory of your project. You can add additional XML files in the same directory and extend the GATT database. The contents of the additional XML files will appear as Contributed Items in the GATT Configurator UI. For examples, see the ota-dfu.xml file provided with most sample applications.\n\nThe GATT database developed with the Profile Toolkit is converted to a .c file and a .h file and included in the application project as a pre-build step when the firmware is compiled. Then, the GATT can be accessed with the Bluetooth stack GATT APIs or by a remote Bluetooth device.\n\nGATT XML\n\nCMSIS and EMLIB\n\nThe Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a common coding standard for all ARM Cortex devices. The CMSIS library provided by Silicon Labs contains header files, defines (for peripherals, registers and bitfields), and startup files for all devices. In addition, CMSIS includes functions that are common to all Cortex devices, such as interrupt handling, intrinsic functions, and so on. Although you can write to registers using hard-coded address and data values, it is recommended to use the defines to ensure portability and readability of the code.\n\nTo simplify programming Wireless Geckos, Silicon Labs develops and maintains a complete C function library called EMLIB that provides efficient, clear, and robust access to and control of all peripherals and core functions in the device. This library is within the em_xxx.c (for example, em_dac.c) and em_xxx.h files in the SDK. The EMLIB documentation is available in the Gecko Platform documentation.\n\nAbout the Bluetooth SDK", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-4", "text": "About the Bluetooth SDK\n\nThe Bluetooth SDK is a full software development kit that enables you to develop applications on top of the Bluetooth stack using C programming language. The SDK also supports making standalone applications, where the Bluetooth stack and the application both run in the Wireless Gecko, or the network co-processor (NCP) architecture, where the application runs on an external host and the Bluetooth stack runs in the Wireless Gecko. SDK contents and folder structure are described in QSG169: Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x Quick-Start Guide.\n\nAbout Demos and Examples\n\nStarting application development from scratch can be difficult. For that reason, the Bluetooth SDK comes with a number of built-in demos and examples covering the most frequent use cases, as shown in the following figure. Demos are pre-built application images that you can run immediately. Software examples can be modified before building the application image. Demos with the same name as software examples are built from their respective example.\n\nNote: The demos and examples you see are determined by the part selected. If you are using a custom solution with more than one part, click on the part you are working with to see only the items applicable to that part.\n\nDemos and Software Example are in the Example Projects & Demos tab in the launcher view of Simplicity Studio.\n\nTo download and run a demo on your device, click RUN on the right demo you want to run on your target.\n\nTo import software example code into your workspace as a new project using default project configurations, click CREATE on the name of the desired example project and a New Project Wizard window will open. Click FINISH and your project will open in Simplicity IDE mode where you can customize it.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-5", "text": "If an example project closely matches your needs, extend the code with your application code and rewrite the custom sections. Otherwise, start with the SoC-Empty application. Note that the SoC-Empty application is not blank, but rather provides a minimal project that only starts advertising.\n\nStudio Launcher\n\nDemo/Example Descriptions\n\nThe following examples are provided. Examples with (*) in their names have a matching pre-built demo.\n\nSilicon Labs Gecko Bootloader examples (see UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User Guide and AN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications)\n\nDemo/Example Descriptions\n\nThe following examples are provided. Examples with (*) in their names have a matching pre-built demo.\n\nSilicon Labs Gecko Bootloader examples (see UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User Guide and AN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-6", "text": "Bluetooth Examples", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-7", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 RCP: Radio Co-Processor (RCP) target application. Runs the Bluetooth Controller (i.e. the Link Layer only) and provides access to it using the standard HCI (Host-Controller Interface) over a UART connection.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application. Runs the full Bluetooth stack and provides access to it by exposing the Bluetooth API (BGAPI) via UART connection. NCP mode makes it possible to run your application on a host controller or PC. This example does not have a GATT database, but makes it possible to build one from the application using the Dynamic GATT API.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP Empty(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application. Runs the full Bluetooth stack and provides access to it by exposing the Bluetooth API (BGAPI) via UART connection. NCP mode makes it possible to run your application on a host controller or PC. This example contains a minimal GATT database, and cannot be used with host applications that use the Dynamic GATT API.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP Host: Reference implementation of an NCP (Network Co-Processor)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-8", "text": "Host: Reference implementation of an NCP (Network Co-Processor) host, which typically runs on a central MCU without radio. It can connect to an NCP target via UART to access the Bluetooth stack of the target and to control it using BGAPI. This example uses the Dynamic GATT feature.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP AoA Locator(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application extended with CTE Receiver support. It enables Angle of Arrival (AoA) calculation. Use this application with Direction Finding host examples.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC AoA Asset Tag(*): Demonstrates a CTE (Constant Tone Extension) transmitter that can be used as an asset tag in a Direction Finding setup estimating Angle of Arrival (AoA).Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Blinky(*): The classic blinky example using Bluetooth communication. From the EFR Connect mobile app, the LED controller button toggles LED0 on the board. In addition, pressing or releasing PB0 on the mainboard notifies the app. This is a demonstration of a simple two-way data exchange over GATT.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC DTM: This example implements", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-9", "text": "GATT.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC DTM: This example implements the direct test mode (DTM) application for radio testing. DTM commands can be called via UART. See AN1267: Radio Frequency Physical Layer Evaluation in Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x for more information.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty: A minimal project structure that serves as a starting point for custom Bluetooth applications. It contains a minimal GATT database that can be expanded to fit your application requirements. The application starts advertising after boot and restarts advertising after a connection is closed. It also supports Over-the-Air Device Firmware Upgrade (OTA DFU)Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Interoperability Test (*): A test procedure containing several test cases for Bluetooth Low Energy communication. This demo is meant to be used with the EFR Connect mobile app, through the \"Interoperability Test\" tile on the Develop view of the app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer(*): Implements a GATT Server with the Health Thermometer Profile, which enables a Client device to connect and get temperature data. Temperature is read from the Si7021 digital relative humidity and", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-10", "text": "is read from the Si7021 digital relative humidity and temperature sensor of the WSTK or of the Thunderboard.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer Client: Implements a GATT Client that discovers and connects with up to four Bluetooth LE devices advertising themselves as Thermometer Servers. It displays the discovery process and the temperature values received via UART.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-11", "text": "Note: Some radio boards will exhibit random pixels in the display when this example is running because they have a shared pin for sensor- and display-enabled signals.\nBluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer FreeRTOS: Demonstrates the integration of FreeRTOS into Bluetooth applications. RTOS is added to the Bluetooth - SoC Thermometer sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer Micrium OS: Demonstrates the integration of Micrium RTOS into Bluetooth applications. RTOS is added to the Bluetooth - SoC Thermometer sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Throughput(*): Tests the throughput capabilities of the device and can be used to measure throughput between two EFR32 devices, as well as between a device and a smartphone using the EFR Connect mobile app, through the Throughput demo tile.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Voice(*): Voice over Bluetooth Low Energy sample application. It is supported by Thunderboard Sense 2 and Thunderboard EFR32BG22 boards and demonstrates how to send voice data over GATT, which is acquired from the on-board microphones.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC iBeacon(*): An iBeacon device implementation that sends non-connectable advertisements in iBeacon format. The iBeacon Service gives Bluetooth accessories a simple and convenient way to send iBeacons to smartphones. This example can be tested together with the EFR Connect mobile app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thunderboard Sense 2( ), and Thunderboard EFR32BG22( ): Demonstrate the features of the Thunderboard Kit. These can be tested with the Thunderboard mobile app.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-12", "text": "Dynamic Multiprotocol Examples (see AN1134: Dynamic Multiprotocol Development with Bluetooth and Proprietary Protocols on\nRAIL for more information)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-13", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty RAIL DMP FreeRTOS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Proprietary DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of FreeRTOS and multiprotocol RAIL.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty RAIL DMP Micrium OS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Proprietary DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of Micrium OS and multiprotocol RAIL.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty Standard DMP FreeRTOS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Standard DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of FreeRTOS and multiprotocol RAIL utilizing IEE802.15.4 standard protocol.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty Standard DMP Micrium OS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Standard DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of Micrium OS and multiprotocol RAIL, utilizing IEE802.15.4 standard protocol.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light RAIL DMP FreeRTOS(*): A Dynamic", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-14", "text": "SoC Light RAIL DMP FreeRTOS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a Proprietary protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via Proprietary protocol use the Flex (RAIL) - Switch sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light RAIL DMP Micrium OS: A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a Proprietary protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via Proprietary protocol use the Flex (RAIL) - Switch sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light Standard DMP FreeRTOS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a standard protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via standard protocol use the \"Flex (RAIL) - Switch Standards\" sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light Standard DMP", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-15", "text": "sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light Standard DMP Micrium OS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a standard protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via standard protocol use the \"Flex (RAIL) - Switch Standards\" sample app.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-16", "text": "NCP Host Examples (located in C:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\sdks\\gecko_sdk_suite\\\\app\\bluetooth\\examples_host)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-17", "text": "empty: Minimal host-side project structure, used as a starting point for NCP host applications. Use it with the Bluetooth \u2013 NCP target application flashed to the radio board.ota-dfu: Demonstrates how to perform an OTA DFU on a Silicon Labs Bluetooth Device. It requires a WSTK with a radio board flashed with NCP firmware to be used as the GATT client that performs the OTA.uart-dfu: Demonstrates how to perform a UART DFU on a Silicon Labs Bluetooth Device running NCP firmwarevoice: On a WSTK programmed with NCP firmware, it to connects to the Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Voice example, sets the correct configuration on it, receives audio via Bluetooth, and stores audio data into a file.aoa_locator: A locator host sample app that works together with a Bluetooth \u2013 NCP AoA Locator target app. It receives IQ samples from the target and estimates the Angle of Arrival (AoA). For more information see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_multilocator: Connects to multiple", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-18", "text": "RTL Library.aoa_multilocator: Connects to multiple aoa_locator sample apps (via MQTT) and estimates a position from Angles of Arrival (AoA). For more information, see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_multilocator_gui: Connects to the aoa_multilocator sample app (via MQTT), reads out the position estimations and displays the tags and locators on a 3D GUI. This sample app is python based. For more information, see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_compass: Demo application with GUI showcasing the angle estimation capabilities of the RTL library. This is now replaced with the AoA Analyzer tool as described in QSG175: Silicon Labs Direction Finding Solution Quick-Start Guide.throughput: Tests the throughput capabilities of the device in NCP mode and can be used to measure throughput between two devices as well as between a device and a smartphone", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-19", "text": "Python-Based NCP Host Examples\nPython-based NCP host examples can be accesssed at https://github.com/SiliconLabs/pybgapi-examples. These examples are meant to be used with PyBGAPI (https://pypi.org/project/pybgapi/).\n\nSilicon Labs Bluetooth LE Documentation\n\nA graphic representation of the documentation set is at the end of this list.\n\nGetting Started\n\nGetting Started with Simplicity Studio 5 and the Gecko SDK -\nDescribes downloading development tools and the Gecko SDK, which includes the Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK. Introduces the Simplicity Studio 5 interface.\n\nUG103.14: Bluetooth LE Fundamentals -\nOffers an overview for those new to the Bluetooth low energy technology.\n\nQSG169: Bluetooth SDK v3.x Quick Start Guide -\nDescribes using the Simplicity Studio 5 IDE and tools for application development with Bluetooth SDK v3.x.\n\nAN1255: Transitioning from the v2.x to the v3.x Bluetooth SDK -\nDescribes the differences between using Bluetooth SDK v2.x in Simplicity Studio 4 and usingBluetooth SDK v3.x in Simplicity Studio 5. Outlines the steps needed to migrate a v2.x project to v3.x.\n\nDeveloping with Bluetooth LE\n\nUG434: Silicon Labs Bluetooth C Application Developer's Guide for SDK v3.x -\nCovers the Bluetooth stack v3.x architecture, application development flow, using the MCU core and peripherals, stack configuration options, and stack resource usage.\n\nUG438: GATT Configurator User's Guide for Bluetooth SDK v3.x and Higher -\nDescribes how to use the Simplicity Studio 5 GATT Configurator, an intuitive interface providing access to all the Profiles, Services, Characteristics, and Descriptors as defined in the Bluetooth specification.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-20", "text": "UG118: Blue Gecko Bluetooth Profile Toolkit Developer's Guide -\nReviews using this XML-based mark-up language to describe the Bluetooth GATT database,configure access and security properties, and include the GATT database as part of the firmware.\n\nAN1259: Using the v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth Stack in Network Co-Processor Mode -\nDescribes how to configure the NCP target and how to program the NCP host when using the Bluetooth Stack in Network Co-Processor mode\n\nAN1328: Enabling a Radio Co-Processor using the Bluetooth Controller and HCI Functions -\nGives a short overview of the standard Host Controller Interface (HCI) and how to use it with a Silicon Labs Bluetooth LE controller.\n\nAN1260: Integrating v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications with Real-Time Operating Systems -\nDescribes how to integrate a v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth application with an RTOS, and demonstrate how a time- and event-driven application can be run in parallel with the Bluetooth stack.\n\nAN1362: Amazon FreeRTOS Architecture and Sample Applications -\nSummarizes Amazon FreeRTOS components and sample applications, and explains how to use the examples to communicate with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud with a smart phone app.\n\nAN1366: Bluetooth LE Use Case-Based Low Power Optimization -\nDescribes how to exploit the different features of Bluetooth technology to achieve the minimum possible energy consumption for a given use case.\n\nUG162: Simplicity Commander Reference Guide -\nDescribes how and when to use Simplicity Commander's Command-Line Interface.\n\nDirection Finding\n\nUG103.18: Bluetooth Direction Finding Fundamentals -\nExplains the basics of Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) direction finding technologies and provides the theory behind estimating angle of arrival.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-21", "text": "QSG175: Silicon Labs' Direction Finding Solution Quick-Start Guide -\nDescribes the software components provided by Silicon Labs to support Direction Finding (DF) and provides instructions on how to start developing your own application.\n\nAN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs' RTL Library -\nDescribes the sample applications provided to demonstrate the directing finding capabilities of Bluetooth 5.1. Angle of Arrival (AoA) estimation is demonstrated with the use of Silicon Labs' Real Time Locating (RTL) library.These techniques are applicable to the EFR32MGx and EFR32BGx series.\n\nAN1297: Custom Direction-Finding Solutions using Silicon Labs' Bluetooth Stack -\nBluetooth 5.1 makes it possible to send Constant Tone Extensions (CTEs) in Bluetooth packets on which phase measurements can be done. This guide is for those implementing custom applications that take advantage of phase measurement and antenna switching capabilites.\n\nUG514: Using the Bluetooth Direction Finding Tool Suite -\nThe Bluetooth Direction Finding Tool Suite is meant to ease development with the Silicon Labs' RTL library. It provides multiple tools to configure the system, and also helps the development with analyzer tools that calculate many output parameters from the observed IQ samples.\n\nMultiprotocol\n\nUG103.16: Multiprotocol Fundamentals -\nDescribes the four multiprotocol modes, discusses considerations when selecting protocols for multiprotocol implementations, and reviews the Radio Scheduler, a required component of a dynamic multiprotocol solution.\n\nUG305: Dynamic Multiprotocol User's Guide -\nDescribes how to implement a dynamic multiprotocol solution.\n\nAN1269: Dynamic Multiprotocol Development with Bluetooth and Proprietary Protocols on RAIL in GSDK v3.x -\nProvides details on how to develop a dynamic multiprotocol application running Bluetooth and aproprietary protocol on RAIL in GSDK v3.x.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-22", "text": "AN1333: Running Zigbee, OpenThread, and Bluetooth Concurrently on a Linux Host with a Multiprotocol Co-Processor -\nDescribes how to run any combination of Zigbee EmberZNet, OpenThread, and Bluetooth networking stacks on a Linux host processor, interfacing with a single EFR32 Radio Co-processor (RCP) with multiprotocol and multi-PAN support, as well as how to run the Zigbee stack on the EFR32 as a network co-processor (NCP) alongside the OpenThread RCP.\n\nCoexistence\n\nUG103.17: Wi-Fi Coexistence Fundamentals -\nIntroduces methods to improve the coexistence of 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi and other 2.4 GHz radios such as Bluetooth, Bluetooth Mesh, Bluetooth Low Energy, and IEEE 802.15.4-based radios such as Zigbee and OpenThread.\n\nAN1128: Bluetooth Coexistence with Wi-Fi -\nDescribes the Wi-Fi impact on Bluetooth and methods to improve Bluetooth coexistence with Wi-Fi.Explains design considerations to improve coexistence without direct interaction between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi radios.These techniques are applicable to the EFR32MGx and EFR32BGx series. Discusses the Silicon Labs Packet Traffic Arbitration (PTA) support to coordinate 2.4GHz RF traffic for co-located Bluetooth and Wi-Fi radios.\n\nSecurity\n\nUG103.05: IoT Endpoint Security Fundamentals -\nIntroduces the security concepts that must be considered when implementing an Internet of Things (IoT) system. Using the ioXt Alliance's eight security principles as a structure, it clearly delineates the solutions Silicon Labs provides to support endpoint security and what you must do outside of the Silicon Labs framework.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-23", "text": "AN1302: Bluetooth Low Energy Application Security Design Considerations in SDK v3.x and Higher -\nProvides details on designing Bluetooth Low Energy applications with security and privacy in mind.\n\nAN1190: Series 2 Secure Debug -\nDescribes how to lock and unlock the debug access of EFR32 Gecko Series 2 devices. Many aspects of the debug access, including the secure debug unlock are described. The Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Secure Engine (SE) Mailbox Interface for locking and unlocking debug access are also included.\n\nAN1222: Production Programming of Series 2 Devices -\nProvides details on programming, provisioning, and configuring Series 2 devices in production environments. Covers Secure Engine Subsystem of Series 2 devices, which runs easily upgradeable Secure Engine (SE) or Virtual Secure Engine (VSE) firmware.\n\nAN1247: Anti-Tamper Protection Configuration and Use -\nShows how to program, provision, and configure the anti-tamper module on EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault.\n\nAN1268: Authenticating Silicon Labs Devices using Device Certificates -\nHow to authenticate an EFR32 Series 2 device with Secure Vault, using secure device certificates and signatures.\n\nAN1271: Secure Key Storage -\nExplains how to securely \"wrap\" keys in EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault, so they can be stored in non-volatile storage.\n\nAN1303: Programming Series 2 Devices Using the Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD) -\n Describes how to provision and configure Series 2 devices through the DCI and SWD.\n\nAN1311: Integrating Crypto Functionality Using PSA Crypto Compared to Mbed TLS -\nDescribes how to integrate crypto functionality into applications using PSA Crypto compared to Mbed TLS.\n\nBootloading", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-24", "text": "Bootloading\n\nUG103.06: Bootloader Fundamentals -\nIntroduces bootloading for Silicon Labs networking devices. Discusses the Gecko Bootloader as well as legacy Ember and Bluetooth bootloaders, and describes the file formats used by each.\n\nUG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nDescribes the high-level implementation of the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader for EFR32 SoCs and NCPs, and provides information on how to get started using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs wireless protocol stacks in GSDK 4.0 and higher.\n\nAN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications -\nIncludes detailed information on using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth applications. It supplements the general Gecko Bootloader implementation information provided in UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nAN1326: Transitioning to the Updated Gecko Bootloader in GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nGecko Bootloader v2.x, introduced in GSDK 4.0, contains a number of changes compared to Gecko Bootloader v1.x. This document describes the differences between the versions, including how to configure the new Gecko Bootloader in Simplicity Studio 5.\n\nAN1218: Series 2 Secure Boot with RTSL -\nContains detailed information on configuring and using the Secure Boot with hardware Root of Trust and Secure Loader on Series 2 devices, including how to provision the signing key. This is a companion document to UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nNon-Volatile Data Storage", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8fed87f432af-25", "text": "Non-Volatile Data Storage\n\nUG103.07: Non-Volatile Data Storage Fundamentals -\nIntroduces non-volatile data storage using flash and the three different storage implementations offered for Silicon Labs microcontrollers and SoCs: Simulated EEPROM, PS Store, and NVM3.\n\nAN1135: Using Third Generation Non-Volatile Memory (NVM3) Data Storage -\nExplains how NVM3 can be used as non-volatile data storage in various protocol implementations.\n\nTesting\n\nAN1246: EFR32BG SoC Bluetooth Smart Device Power Consumption Measurements -\nDescribes how to measure the power consumption of EFR32BG devices running the Bluetooth i-Beacon example.For general instructions, see AN969: Measuring Power Consumption in Wireless Gecko Devices.\n\nAN1267: Radio Frequency Physical Layer Evaluation in Bluetooth SDK v3.x and Higher -\nReviews performing radio frequency physical layer evaluation with EFR32BG SoCs and BGM modules using the Direct Test Mode protocol in Bluetooth SDK v3.x.\n\nAN1317: Using Network Analyzer with Bluetooth Low Energy and Mesh -\nDescribes using Simplicity Studio 5's Network Analyzer to debug Bluetooth Mesh and Low Energy applications. It can be read jointly with AN958: Debugging and Programming Interfaces for Customer Designs for more information on using Packet Trace Interface with custom hardware.\n\nAN1309: Bluetooth Low Energy Interoperability Testing Report -\nIncludes the results of the interoperability testing of Silicon Labs' ICs and Bluetooth Low Energy stack with Android and iOS smart phones.\n\nDocumentation Flow\n\nBluetooth LE documentation flow", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.0 | This version works with Simplicity Studio 5 only. If you have Simplicity Studio 4, switch to 2.13. | For additional versions, see Version History.\n\nGeneral Overview\n\nRelease Notes | Downloads\n\nAbout the Bluetooth Stack\n\nThe v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is an advanced Bluetooth 5-compliant protocol stack implementing the Bluetooth low energy standard. It supports multiple connections, concurrent central, peripheral, broadcaster, and observer roles. The v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is meant for Silicon Labs EFR32 SoCs and modules.\n\nThe Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack provides multiple APIs for the developer to access the Bluetooth functionality. Three modes are supported:\n\nStandalone mode, where both the Bluetooth stack and the application run in an EFR32SoC or module. The application can be developed with C programming language.\n\nStandlone Mode\n\nNetwork Co-Processor (NCP) mode, where the Bluetooth stack runs in an EFR32 and the application runs on a separate host MCU. For this use case, the Bluetooth stack can be configured into NCP mode where the API is exposed over a serial inter- face such as UART.\n\nNCP Mode\n\nRadio Co-Processor (RCP) mode, where only the Link Layer of the Bluetooth stack runs on the EFR32, and the Host Layer of the stack, as well as the application, runs on a separate host MCU or PC. In this use case, the Host Layer is developed by a third party, since Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth stack is only built for EFR32 SoCs / modules. The Link Layer and the host layer communicate via HCI (Host-Controller Interface), which is a standard interface between the two layers. The HCI can be accessed via UART following the Bluetooth SIG's UART (H4) transport protocol.RCP Mode\n\nBluetooth Stack Features", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-1", "text": "Bluetooth Stack Features\n\nThe features of the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack are listed in the following table.\n\nStack Features\n\nBluetooth Qualification\n\nAll products deploying Bluetooth technology must go through the Bluetooth SIG's Qualification Process. Online resources will help you learn more about the Bluetooth Qualification , process, and tutorials on the Launch Studio , which is the online tool used to complete the Bluetooth Qualification Process. For assistance to qualify your device, consider reaching out to your nearest Bluetooth Qualification Consultant .\n\nWhen qualifying your end-product based on Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth stack, integrate the pre-qualified components. To learn more and see the list of pre-qualified components, see QSG169: Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x Quick-Start Guide.\n\nThe Bluetooth Stack APIs\n\nThis section briefly describes the different software APIs.\n\nThe Bluetooth API\n\nThe Bluetooth API provided by the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack is the primary API to communicate with the stack. It provides access to all the Bluetooth functionality implemented by the Bluetooth stack, such as the Generic Access Profile (GAP), connection manager, the security manager (SM), GATT client and server.\n\nIn addition to the Bluetooth features, the Bluetooth API also provides access to a few other functions such as the Direct Test Mode (DTM) API for RF testing purposes, the Persistent Store (PS) API for reading and writing keys to and from the devices flash memory, the DFU (Device Firmware Update) API for field firmware updates, and the System API for various system level functions.\n\nThe BGAPI Serial Protocol and the Bluetooth Host API\n\nWhen configured in NCP (network co-processor) mode, the Bluetooth stack can be controlled using the BGAPI serial protocol. This allows the Bluetooth stack to be controlled over a serial interface such as UART from a separate host, such as EFM32 microcontroller. The BGAPI serial protocol provides exactly the same Bluetooth APIs over UART as the BGAPI API when used in a standalone mode.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-2", "text": "The BGAPI serial protocol is a lightweight, binary protocol that carries the BGAPI commands from the host to the Bluetooth stack, and carries responses and events from the Bluetooth stack back to the host.\n\nThe Bluetooth SDK delivers a ready-made BGAPI serial protocol parser implementation both for the NCP target (EFR) and for the NCP host. It implements the serial protocol parser for all APIs provided by the Bluetooth stack. The host code developed on top of host API can be written to be identical to the code for the EFR, which allows easy porting of the application code from the EFR to a separate host or vice versa.\n\nBGAPI\n\nThe BGAPI serial protocol packet structure is described below. For more information, see the BGAPI Headers.\n\nBGAPI Table\n\nThe Bluetooth Profile Toolkit GATT Builder\n\nThe Bluetooth Profile Toolkit is an XML-based API and description language used to describe the GATT-based service and characteristic easily without writing code. The XML files can be easily written by hand based on the information contained in UG118: Blue Gecko Bluetooth\u00ae Profile Toolkit Developer Guide. Use the Profile Toolkit GATT Builder if you are developing outside of Simplicity Studio.\n\nWithin Simplicity Studio, the GATT Configurator allows building the GATT in a visual way without hand editing the XML file. See UG438: GATT Configurator User\u2019s Guide for Bluetooth SDK v3.x for details. Open the GATT Configurator in Simplicity Studio through the Project Configurator, Software Components tab, under Advanced Configurators. Click Open and the GATT Configurator tool opens the file gatt_configuration.btconf in a new tab.\n\nOpening Bluetooth GATT Configurator", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-3", "text": "Opening Bluetooth GATT Configurator\n\ngatt_configuration.btconf provides the trunk of the GATT database. It is located inside the config > btconfig directory of your project. You can add additional XML files in the same directory and extend the GATT database. The contents of the additional XML files will appear as Contributed Items in the GATT Configurator UI. For examples, see the ota-dfu.xml file provided with most sample applications.\n\nThe GATT database developed with the Profile Toolkit is converted to a .c file and a .h file and included in the application project as a pre-build step when the firmware is compiled. Then, the GATT can be accessed with the Bluetooth stack GATT APIs or by a remote Bluetooth device.\n\nGATT XML\n\nCMSIS and EMLIB\n\nThe Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a common coding standard for all ARM Cortex devices. The CMSIS library provided by Silicon Labs contains header files, defines (for peripherals, registers and bitfields), and startup files for all devices. In addition, CMSIS includes functions that are common to all Cortex devices, such as interrupt handling, intrinsic functions, and so on. Although you can write to registers using hard-coded address and data values, it is recommended to use the defines to ensure portability and readability of the code.\n\nTo simplify programming Wireless Geckos, Silicon Labs develops and maintains a complete C function library called EMLIB that provides efficient, clear, and robust access to and control of all peripherals and core functions in the device. This library is within the em_xxx.c (for example, em_dac.c) and em_xxx.h files in the SDK. The EMLIB documentation is available in the Gecko Platform documentation.\n\nAbout the Bluetooth SDK", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-4", "text": "About the Bluetooth SDK\n\nThe Bluetooth SDK is a full software development kit that enables you to develop applications on top of the Bluetooth stack using C programming language. The SDK also supports making standalone applications, where the Bluetooth stack and the application both run in the Wireless Gecko, or the network co-processor (NCP) architecture, where the application runs on an external host and the Bluetooth stack runs in the Wireless Gecko. SDK contents and folder structure are described in QSG169: Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x Quick-Start Guide.\n\nAbout Demos and Examples\n\nStarting application development from scratch can be difficult. For that reason, the Bluetooth SDK comes with a number of built-in demos and examples covering the most frequent use cases, as shown in the following figure. Demos are pre-built application images that you can run immediately. Software examples can be modified before building the application image. Demos with the same name as software examples are built from their respective example.\n\nNote: The demos and examples you see are determined by the part selected. If you are using a custom solution with more than one part, click on the part you are working with to see only the items applicable to that part.\n\nDemos and Software Example are in the Example Projects & Demos tab in the launcher view of Simplicity Studio.\n\nTo download and run a demo on your device, click RUN on the right demo you want to run on your target.\n\nTo import software example code into your workspace as a new project using default project configurations, click CREATE on the name of the desired example project and a New Project Wizard window will open. Click FINISH and your project will open in Simplicity IDE mode where you can customize it.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-5", "text": "If an example project closely matches your needs, extend the code with your application code and rewrite the custom sections. Otherwise, start with the SoC-Empty application. Note that the SoC-Empty application is not blank, but rather provides a minimal project that only starts advertising.\n\nStudio Launcher\n\nDemo/Example Descriptions\n\nThe following examples are provided. Examples with (*) in their names have a matching pre-built demo.\n\nSilicon Labs Gecko Bootloader examples (see UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User Guide and AN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-6", "text": "Bluetooth Examples\nBluetooth Examples", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-7", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 RCP: Radio Co-Processor (RCP) target application. Runs the Bluetooth Controller (i.e. the Link Layer only) and provides access to it using the standard HCI (Host-Controller Interface) over a UART connection.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application. Runs the full Bluetooth stack and provides access to it by exposing the Bluetooth API (BGAPI) via UART connection. NCP mode makes it possible to run your application on a host controller or PC. This example does not have a GATT database, but makes it possible to build one from the application using the Dynamic GATT API.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP Empty(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application. Runs the full Bluetooth stack and provides access to it by exposing the Bluetooth API (BGAPI) via UART connection. NCP mode makes it possible to run your application on a host controller or PC. This example contains a minimal GATT database, and cannot be used with host applications that use the Dynamic GATT API.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP Host: Reference implementation of an NCP (Network Co-Processor)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-8", "text": "Host: Reference implementation of an NCP (Network Co-Processor) host, which typically runs on a central MCU without radio. It can connect to an NCP target via UART to access the Bluetooth stack of the target and to control it using BGAPI. This example uses the Dynamic GATT feature.Bluetooth \u2013 NCP AoA Locator(*): Network Co-Processor (NCP) target application extended with CTE Receiver support. It enables Angle of Arrival (AoA) calculation. Use this application with Direction Finding host examples.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC AoA Asset Tag(*): Demonstrates a CTE (Constant Tone Extension) transmitter that can be used as an asset tag in a Direction Finding setup estimating Angle of Arrival (AoA).Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Blinky(*): The classic blinky example using Bluetooth communication. From the EFR Connect mobile app, the LED controller button toggles LED0 on the board. In addition, pressing or releasing PB0 on the mainboard notifies the app. This is a demonstration of a simple two-way data exchange over GATT.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC DTM: This example implements", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-9", "text": "GATT.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC DTM: This example implements the direct test mode (DTM) application for radio testing. DTM commands can be called via UART. See AN1267: Radio Frequency Physical Layer Evaluation in Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x for more information.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-10", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty: A minimal project structure that serves as a starting point for custom Bluetooth applications. It contains a minimal GATT database that can be expanded to fit your application requirements. The application starts advertising after boot and restarts advertising after a connection is closed. It also supports Over-the-Air Device Firmware Upgrade (OTA DFU)Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Interoperability Test (*): A test procedure containing several test cases for Bluetooth Low Energy communication. This demo is meant to be used with the EFR Connect mobile app, through the \"Interoperability Test\" tile on the Develop view of the app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer(*): Implements a GATT Server with the Health Thermometer Profile, which enables a Client device to connect and get temperature data. Temperature is read from the Si7021 digital relative humidity and temperature sensor of the WSTK or of the Thunderboard.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer Client: Implements a GATT Client that discovers and connects with up to four Bluetooth LE devices advertising themselves as Thermometer Servers. It displays the discovery process and the temperature values received via UART.\nNote: Some radio boards will exhibit random pixels in the display when this example is running because they have a shared pin for sensor- and display-enabled signals.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-11", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer FreeRTOS: Demonstrates the integration of FreeRTOS into Bluetooth applications. RTOS is added to the Bluetooth - SoC Thermometer sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thermometer Micrium OS: Demonstrates the integration of Micrium RTOS into Bluetooth applications. RTOS is added to the Bluetooth - SoC Thermometer sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Throughput(*): Tests the throughput capabilities of the device and can be used to measure throughput between two EFR32 devices, as well as between a device and a smartphone using the EFR Connect mobile app, through the Throughput demo tile.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Voice(*): Voice over Bluetooth Low Energy sample application. It is supported by Thunderboard Sense 2 and Thunderboard EFR32BG22 boards and demonstrates how to send voice data over GATT, which is acquired from the on-board microphones.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC iBeacon(*): An iBeacon device implementation that sends non-connectable advertisements in iBeacon format. The iBeacon Service gives Bluetooth accessories a simple and convenient way to send iBeacons to smartphones. This example can be tested together with the EFR Connect mobile app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Thunderboard Sense 2( ), and Thunderboard EFR32BG22( ): Demonstrate the features of the Thunderboard Kit. These can be tested with the Thunderboard mobile app.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-12", "text": "Dynamic Multiprotocol Examples (see AN1134: Dynamic Multiprotocol Development with Bluetooth and Proprietary Protocols on\nRAIL for more information)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-13", "text": "Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty RAIL DMP FreeRTOS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Proprietary DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of FreeRTOS and multiprotocol RAIL. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty RAIL DMP Micrium OS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Proprietary DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of Micrium OS and multiprotocol RAIL. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty Standard DMP FreeRTOS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Standard DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of FreeRTOS and multiprotocol RAIL utilizing IEE802.15.4 standard protocol. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Empty Standard DMP Micrium OS: A minimal project structure, used as a starting point for custom Bluetooth + Standard DMP (Dynamic Multiprotocol) applications. It runs on top of Micrium OS and multiprotocol RAIL, utilizing IEE802.15.4 standard protocol.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light RAIL DMP FreeRTOS(*):", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-14", "text": "\u2013 SoC Light RAIL DMP FreeRTOS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a Proprietary protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via Proprietary protocol use the Flex (RAIL) - Switch sample app.Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light RAIL DMP Micrium OS: A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a Proprietary protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via Proprietary protocol use the Flex (RAIL) - Switch sample app. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light Standard DMP FreeRTOS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a standard protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via standard protocol use the \"Flex (RAIL) - Switch Standards\" sample app. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-15", "text": "Switch Standards\" sample app. Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Light Standard DMP Micrium OS(*): A Dynamic Multiprotocol reference application demonstrating a light bulb that can be switched both via Bluetooth and via a standard protocol. To switch it via Bluetooth use the Wireless Gecko smartphone app. To switch it via standard protocol use the \"Flex (RAIL) - Switch Standards\" sample app.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-16", "text": "NCP Host Examples (located in C:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\sdks\\gecko_sdk_suite\\\\app\\bluetooth\\examples_host)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-17", "text": "empty: Minimal host-side project structure, used as a starting point for NCP host applications. Use it with the Bluetooth \u2013 NCP target application flashed to the radio board.ota-dfu: Demonstrates how to perform an OTA DFU on a Silicon Labs Bluetooth Device. It requires a WSTK with a radio board flashed with NCP firmware to be used as the GATT client that performs the OTA.uart-dfu: Demonstrates how to perform a UART DFU on a Silicon Labs Bluetooth Device running NCP firmwarevoice: On a WSTK programmed with NCP firmware, it to connects to the Bluetooth \u2013 SoC Voice example, sets the correct configuration on it, receives audio via Bluetooth, and stores audio data into a file.aoa_locator: A locator host sample app that works together with a Bluetooth \u2013 NCP AoA Locator target app. It receives IQ samples from the target and estimates the Angle of Arrival (AoA). For more information see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_multilocator: Connects to multiple", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-18", "text": "RTL Library.aoa_multilocator: Connects to multiple aoa_locator sample apps (via MQTT) and estimates a position from Angles of Arrival (AoA). For more information, see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_multilocator_gui: Connects to the aoa_multilocator sample app (via MQTT), reads out the position estimations and displays the tags and locators on a 3D GUI. This sample app is python based. For more information, see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.aoa_compass: Demo application with GUI showcasing the angle estimation capabilities of the RTL library. This is now replaced with the AoA Analyzer tool as described in QSG175: Silicon Labs Direction Finding Solution Quick-Start Guide.throughput: Tests the throughput capabilities of the device in NCP mode and can be used to measure throughput between two devices as well as between a device and a smartphone", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "360e82e18fb6-19", "text": "Python-Based NCP Host Examples\nPython-based NCP host examples can be accesssed at https://github.com/SiliconLabs/pybgapi-examples. These examples are meant to be used with PyBGAPI (https://pypi.org/project/pybgapi/).", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\bluetooth\\5.0\\general\\overview\\index.html"} {"id": "326bd3090521-0", "text": "CMSIS Version 5\n\nThe branch master of this GitHub repository contains the CMSIS Version 5.3.0. The documentation is available under http://arm-software.github.io/CMSIS_5/General/html/index.html\n\nUse Issues to provide feedback and report problems for CMSIS Version 5.\n\nNote: The branch develop of this GitHub repository reflects our current state of development and is constantly updated. It gives our users and partners contiguous access to the CMSIS development. It allows you to review the work and provide feedback or create pull requests for contributions.\n\nA pre-built documentation is updated from time to time, but may be also generated using the instructions under Generate CMSIS Pack for Release.\n\nWhat's Hot\n\nCMSIS-RTOS2: RTX 5 is now available for IAR, GCC, Arm Compiler 5, Arm Compiler 6\n\nCMSIS-RTOS2: FreeRTOS adoption (release) is available https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS-FreeRTOS\n\nCMSIS-RTOS2: RTX5 available for Cortex-A\n\nCMSIS-Core: compiler agnostic features extended to simplify transition on LLVM based front-end\n\nCMSIS-Core-A: CMSIS-Core for Cortex-A\n\nCMSIS-NN: Bare metal Neural Network function library.\n\nImplemented Enhancements\n\nSupport for Armv8-M Architecture (Mainline and Baseline) as well as devices Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33\n\nCMSIS-RTOS Version 2 API and RTX reference implementation with several enhancements:\n\nDynamic object creation, Flag events, C API, additional thread and timer functions\n\nCMSIS-RTOS API Secure and Non-Secure support, multi-processor support\n\nFurther Planned Enhancements\n\nCMSIS-DAP: extended trace support\n\nCMSIS-Zone: management of complex system\n\nImprovements for Cortex-A / M hybrid devices (focus on Cortex-M interaction)\n\nCMSIS-Pack", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\cmsis\\5.3.0\\index.html"} {"id": "326bd3090521-1", "text": "Improvements for Cortex-A / M hybrid devices (focus on Cortex-M interaction)\n\nCMSIS-Pack\n\nAdditions for generic example and project templates\nAdoption of IAR Flash Loader technology\n\nFor further details see also the Slides of the Embedded World CMSIS Partner Meeting.\n\nDirectory Structure\n\nCMSIS/Core\n\nCMSIS-Core related files (for release)\n\nCMSIS/DAP\n\nCMSIS-DAP related files and examples\n\nCMSIS/Driver\n\nCMSIS-Driver API headers and template files\n\nCMSIS/DSP\n\nCMSIS-DSP related files\n\nCMSIS/NN\n\nCMSIS-NN related files\n\nCMSIS/RTOS\n\nRTOS v1 related files (for Cortex-M)\n\nCMSIS/RTOS2\n\nRTOS v2 related files (for Cortex-M & Armv8-M)\n\nCMSIS/Pack\n\nCMSIS-Pack examples and tutorials\n\nCMSIS/DoxyGen\n\nSource of the documentation\n\nCMSIS/Utilities\n\nUtility programs\n\nGenerate CMSIS Pack for Release\n\nThis GitHub development repository contains already pre-built libraries of various software components (DSP, RTOS, RTOS2).\nThese libraries are validated for release.\n\nTo build a complete CMSIS pack for installation the following additional tools are required:\n\ndoxygen.exe Version: 1.8.6 (Documentation Generator)\n\nmscgen.exe Version: 0.20 (Message Sequence Chart Converter)\n\n7z.exe (7-Zip) Version: 16.02 (File Archiver)\n\nUsing these tools, you can generate on a Windows PC:\n\nCMSIS Software Pack using the batch file gen_pack.bat (located in ./CMSIS/Utilities). This batch file also generates the documentation.\n\nCMSIS Documentation using the batch file genDoc.bat (located in ./CMSIS/Doxygen).\n\nThe file ./CMSIS/DoxyGen/How2Doc.txt describes the rules for creating API documentation.\n\nLicense", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\cmsis\\5.3.0\\index.html"} {"id": "326bd3090521-2", "text": "License\n\nArm CMSIS is licensed under Apache-2.0.\n\nContributions and Pull Requests\n\nContributions are accepted under Apache-2.0. Only submit contributions where you have authored all of the code.\n\nIssues and Labels\n\nPlease feel free to raise an issue on GitHub\nto report misbehavior (i.e. bugs) or start discussions about enhancements. This\nis your best way to interact directly with the maintenance team and the community.\nWe encourage you to append implementation suggestions as this helps to decrease the\nworkload of the very limited maintenance team.\n\nWe will be monitoring and responding to issues as best we can.\nPlease attempt to avoid filing duplicates of open or closed items when possible.\nIn the spirit of openness we will be tagging issues with the following:\n\nbug \u2013 We consider this issue to be a bug that will be investigated.\n\nwontfix - We appreciate this issue but decided not to change the current behavior.\n\nenhancement \u2013 Denotes something that will be implemented soon.\n\nfuture - Denotes something not yet schedule for implementation.\n\nout-of-scope - We consider this issue loosely related to CMSIS. It might by implemented outside of CMSIS. Let us know about your work.\n\nquestion \u2013 We have further questions to this issue. Please review and provide feedback.\n\ndocumentation - This issue is a documentation flaw that will be improved in future.\n\nreview - This issue is under review. Please be patient.\n\nDONE - We consider this issue as resolved - please review and close it. In case of no further activity this issues will be closed after a week.\n\nduplicate - This issue is already addressed elsewhere, see comment with provided references.\n\nImportant Information - We provide essential informations regarding planned or resolved major enhancements.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\cmsis\\5.3.0\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 3.5 (latest)| 3.4 | Version History\n\nGetting Started with Connect Stack\n\nConnect Documentation | Release Notes | Downloads\n\nSilicon Labs is developing products designed to meet the demands of customers as we move to an ever-connected world of devices in\nthe home, what is often referred to as the IoT (Internet of Things). At a high level the goals of IoT for Silicon Labs are to:\n\nConnect all the devices in the home with best-in-class mesh networking, whether with Ember ZigBee PRO or other emerging standards.\n\nLeverage the company's expertise in low-power, constrained devices.\n\nEnhance established low-power, mixed-signal chips.\n\nProvide low-cost bridging to existing Ethernet and Wi-Fi devices.\n\nEnable cloud services and connectivity to smartphones and tablets that promote ease of use and a common user experience for\ncustomers.\n\nAchieving all of these goals will increase adoption rates and user acceptance for IoT devices in the Connected Home.\n\nOne such challenge is managing devices requiring low power consumption, such as battery-powered devices where long battery life is\nessential. To meet this challenge Silicon Labs has developed the Silicon Labs Connect stack. Connect provides a fully-featured, easily-customizable wireless networking solution optimized for devices that require low power consumption and are used in a simple network\ntopology. Connect is configurable to be compliant with regional communications standards worldwide. Each RF configuration is designed\nfor maximum performance under each regional standard.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-1", "text": "The Silicon Labs Connect stack supports many combinations of radio modulation, frequency and data rates. The stack provides support\nfor end nodes, coordinators, and range extenders. It includes all wireless MAC (Medium Access Control) layer functions such as scanning\nand joining, setting up a point-to-point or star network, and managing device types such as sleepy end devices, routers, and coordinators.\nWith all this functionality already implemented in the stack, users can focus on their end application development and not worry\nabout the lower-level radio and network details.\n\nThe Connect stack should be used in applications with simple network topologies, such as a set of data readers feeding information\ndirectly to a single central collection point (star or extended star topology), or a set of nodes in the same range exchanging data in a\nsingle-hop fashion (direct devices or MAC devices). It does not provide a full mesh networking solution such as that provided by the\nEmberZNet PRO or Silicon Labs Thread stacks.\n\nThe Connect stack is part of the Silicon Labs Flex SDK (Software Development Kit), installed through Simplicity Studio. Connect runs\non top of RAIL (Radio Abstraction Interface Layer), also included with the Flex SDK. RAIL provides an intuitive, easily-customizable\nradio interface layer that is designed to support proprietary or standards-based wireless protocols. For more information, see UG103.13: RAIL Fundamentals.\n\nThe Connect stack supports efficient application development through its \u201cbuilding block\u201d plug-in design. When used with the Simplicity\nStudio IDE (Integrated Development Environment), developers can easily select the functions that should be included in the application.\nThe resulting applications are completely portable, in that they can be recompiled for different regions, different MCUs, and different\nradios.\n\nDevice Types\n\nThe Connect stack supports the following device types:", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-2", "text": "Device Types\n\nThe Connect stack supports the following device types:\n\nStar coordinator: The star coordinator forms and manages the star or extended star network. The star coordinator also communicates\nwith other range extenders and end nodes. Each Connect star network has a single coordinator.\n\nStar range extender: A device between the star coordinator and one or more star end nodes that can be used to extend the range of\nthe star end nodes. Each range extender can serve up to 32 star end nodes.\n\nStar end node: Joins to a star coordinator or a star range extender.\n\nDirect device: A device able to send and receive messages from other (direct) devices in range on the same PAN, with no star topology\nrestrictions.\n\nMAC device: A device able to send and receive standard 802.15.4 messages from other 802.15.4 devices in range.\n\nStack Structure\n\nThe Connect stack provides code organized into three functional layers, as shown in the following figure:\n\nPHY (physical)\n\nMAC\n\nNetwork\n\nThe PHY and MAC layers are based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2011 standard IEEE 802.15.4-2011 Specification.\n\nThe Network layer is based on a proprietary protocol.\n\nFinally, the Connect Application Framework provides a complete tool and API infrastructure over the underlying stack layers. Functionality\nwithin the Application Framework and the Connect stack layers is provided in the form of individual building blocks called plugins.\nDetails of the plugins for each layer are provided in the Silicon Labs Connect Application Framework API Reference included in the\nstack documentation.\n\nFor more information about Connect Stack, see UG103.12.\n\nConnect Documentation\n\nThe Connect SDK and the accompanying RAIL SDK are delivered as part of the Proprietary Flex SDK.\n\nGetting Started", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-3", "text": "Getting Started\n\nGetting Started with Simplicity Studio 5 and the Gecko SDK -\nDescribes downloading development tools and the Gecko SDK, which includes the Flex SDK (Connect and RAIL). Introduces the Simplicity Studio 5 interface.\n\nQSG168: Proprietary Flex SDK v3.x Quick Start Guide -\nProvides basic information on configuring, building, and installing applications using Silicon Labs Connect and RAIL, the two development paths in the Silicon Labs Proprietary Flex SDK v3.x.\n\nUG103.12: Connect Fundamentals -\nDescribes the features and functions of the Silicon Labs Connect stack, including its device types, network topologies, and its 'building block' development methodology using plugins.\n\nUG103.01: Wireless Networking Fundamentals -\nIntroduces some fundamental concepts of wireless networking. These concepts are referred to in other Fundamentals documents. If you are new to wireless networking, you should read this document first.\n\nDeveloping with Connect\n\nUG435.01: About the Connect v3.x User's Guide -\nIntroduces the Connect User's Guide collection for the Flex SDK v3.x.\n\nUG435.02: Using Silicon Labs Connect v3.x with IEEE 802.15.4 -\nIntroduces the IEEE 802.15.4 standard on which Connect v3.x is based.\n\nUG435.03: Architecture of the Silicon Labs Connect Stack v3.x -\nDescribes the architecture of the Silicon Labs Connect stack v3.x an how it implements IEEE 802.15.4.\n\nUG435.04: Customizing Applications with Silicon Labs Connect v3.x -\nDescribes how to use components, callbacks, and events on top of the Gecko Platform application framework to configure features and application behavior.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-4", "text": "UG435.05: Using Real Time Operating Systems with Silicon Labs Connect v3.x -\nDescribes the process to implement a Connect-based application on top of one of the supported Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS).\n\nUG435.07: Energy Saving with Silicon Labs Connect v3.x -\nDescribes the features available in Connect v3.x to reduce power consumption. Using those features is described in AN1252: Building Low Power Networks with the Silicon Labs Connect Stack v3.x.\n\nAN1252: Building Low Power Networks with the Silicon Labs Connect Stack v3.x -\nIllustrates reducing power consumption in a Connect v3.x application using the sensor example.\n\nUG162: Simplicity Commander Reference Guide -\nDescribes how and when to use Simplicity Commander's Command-Line Interface.\n\nBootloading\n\nUG103.06: Bootloader Fundamentals -\nIntroduces bootloading for Silicon Labs networking devices. Discusses the Gecko Bootloader as well as legacy Ember and Bluetooth bootloaders, and describes the file formats used by each.\n\nUG435.06: Bootloading and OTA with Silicon Labs Connect v3.x -\nExplains standalone (serial) and application (OTA) bootloader options available for use within Connect v3.x-based applications.\n\nAN1085: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Connect -\nIncludes detailed information on using the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader with Connect. It supplements the general Gecko Bootloader implementation information provided in UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nUG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nDescribes the high-level implementation of the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader for EFR32 SoCs and NCPs, and provides information on how to get started using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs wireless protocol stacks in GSDK 4.0 and higher.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-5", "text": "AN1326: Transitioning to the Updated Gecko Bootloader in GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nGecko Bootloader v2.x, introduced in GSDK 4.0, contains a number of changes compared to Gecko Bootloader v1.x. This document describes the differences between the versions, including how to configure the new Gecko Bootloader in Simplicity Studio 5.\n\nAN1218: Series 2 Secure Boot with RTSL -\nContains detailed information on configuring and using the Secure Boot with hardware Root of Trust and Secure Loader on Series 2 devices, including how to provision the signing key. This is a companion document to UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nMultiprotocol\n\nUG103.16: Multiprotocol Fundamentals -\nDescribes the four multiprotocol modes, discusses considerations when selecting protocols for multiprotocol implementations, and reviews the Radio Scheduler, a required component of a dynamic multiprotocol solution.\n\nUG305: Dynamic Multiprotocol User's Guide -\nDescribes how to implement a dynamic multiprotocol solution.\n\nNon-Volatile Data Storage\n\nUG103.07: Non-Volatile Data Storage Fundamentals -\nIntroduces non-volatile data storage using flash and the three different storage implementations offered for Silicon Labs microcontrollers and SoCs: Simulated EEPROM, PS Store, and NVM3.\n\nAN1135: Using Third Generation Non-Volatile Memory (NVM3) Data Storage -\nExplains how NVM3 can be used as non-volatile data storage in various protocol implementations.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-6", "text": "AN961: Bringing Up Custom Devices for the EFR32MG and EFR32FG Families -\nDescribes how to initialize a piece of custom hardware (a 'device') based on the EFR32MG and EFR32FG families so that it interfaces correctly with a network stack. The same procedures can be used to restore devices whose settings have been corrupted or erased.\n\nAN1154: Using Tokens for Non-Volatile Data Storage -\nDescribes tokens and shows how to use them for non-volatile data storage in EmberZNet PRO and Silicon Labs Flex applications.\n\nSecurity\n\nUG103.05: IoT Endpoint Security Fundamentals -\nIntroduces the security concepts that must be considered when implementing an Internet of Things (IoT) system. Using the ioXt Alliance's eight security principles as a structure, it clearly delineates the solutions Silicon Labs provides to support endpoint security and what you must do outside of the Silicon Labs framework.\n\nAN1190: Series 2 Secure Debug -\nDescribes how to lock and unlock the debug access of EFR32 Gecko Series 2 devices. Many aspects of the debug access, including the secure debug unlock are described. The Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Secure Engine (SE) Mailbox Interface for locking and unlocking debug access are also included.\n\nAN1222: Production Programming of Series 2 Devices -\nProvides details on programming, provisioning, and configuring Series 2 devices in production environments. Covers Secure Engine Subsystem of Series 2 devices, which runs easily upgradeable Secure Engine (SE) or Virtual Secure Engine (VSE) firmware.\n\nAN1247: Anti-Tamper Protection Configuration and Use -\nShows how to program, provision, and configure the anti-tamper module on EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "8db4921d3723-7", "text": "AN1268: Authenticating Silicon Labs Devices using Device Certificates -\nHow to authenticate an EFR32 Series 2 device with Secure Vault, using secure device certificates and signatures.\n\nAN1271: Secure Key Storage -\nExplains how to securely \"wrap\" keys in EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault, so they can be stored in non-volatile storage.\n\nAN1303: Programming Series 2 Devices Using the Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD) -\n Describes how to provision and configure Series 2 devices through the DCI and SWD.\n\nAN1311: Integrating Crypto Functionality Using PSA Crypto Compared to Mbed TLS -\nDescribes how to integrate crypto functionality into applications using PSA Crypto compared to Mbed TLS.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\connect-stack\\3.5\\index.html"} {"id": "759d6abeebce-0", "text": "Software Advisory for detailed information (registration required).\n\nGecko OS\n\nGecko OS is a highly-optimized yet feature-packed IoT operating system designed specifically to power Silicon Labs hardware platforms with secure wired and wireless networking capabilities.\nWith integrated support for firmware updates and cloud-connectivity, devices powered by Gecko OS can be seamlessly managed from the cloud with just a few clicks. \nGecko OS already supports various technologies offered by Silicon Labs including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, with others in active development.\n\nGecko OS offers two consistent API options depending on where your application runs. \nApplications that run on an external host microprocessor, or on a network connected device such as a smartphone, tablet or PC can use the Xpress Command API.\nWhereas applications that run on Silicon Labs hardware can use the programmatic Gecko OS native 'C' API along with the Gecko OS Application SDK.\n\nEditions\n\nStandard License\n\nGecko OS 4\n\nWi-Fi and Ethernet with Command API and Application SDK\n\nWi-Fi, Ethernet\n\nWGM160P\n\nXpress License\n\nGecko OS 2\n\nWi-Fi Xpress with Command API\n\nWi-Fi\n\nAMW007, AMW037\n\nGecko OS 1\n\nBluetooth Xpress with Command API\n\nBluetooth\n\nBGX13P, BGX13S\n\nLegacy Editions\n\nZentriOS WZ\n\nZentri Wi-Fi portfolio with Command API and Application SDK\n\nWi-Fi\n\nAMW106, AMW136\n\nZentriOS WL\n\nZentri Wi-Fi portfolio with Command API\n\nWi-Fi\n\nAMW007, AMW037\n\nZentriOS W\n\nZentri Wi-Fi portfolio with Command API\n\nWi-Fi\n\nAMW006, AMW036", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\index.html"} {"id": "ef1e5e007e14-0", "text": "General Overview\n\nWhat is Bluetooth Xpress\n\nBluetooth Xpress (BGX) devices are pre-programmed modules that provide a host\nmicrocontroller with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection to another Bluetooth \nXpress module device or a smart phone. Bluetooth Xpress modules such as the BGX13P\nand BGX13S modules are designed to substantially reduce \ndesign effort and aid time-to-market in applications that require BLE connectivity \nto other BLE capable devices.\n\nA host microprocessor communicates with a Bluetooth Xpress module via a\nserial interface. A host microcontroller can configure\nthe module and stream data to and from connected Bluetooth devices. Application\noperation may be customized by setting individual configuration variables.\n\nBluetooth Xpress modules use the Xpress command API to enable host control, together\nwith variables to enable host configuration. Beyond commands\nand variables, Bluetooth Xpress modules provide a rich feature set for\nwireless and peripheral command and control.\n\nSerial Interface\n\nBluetooth Xpress modules provide one of the easiest to use and flexible serial BLE\ninterfaces in the industry. The Xpress command API provides UART support,\ndifferent serial communications modes, including command mode and stream mode. The protocol\nis easy to use for both humans and machines alike.\n\nSee Serial Interface.\n\nBluetooth Low Energy\n\nBluetooth Xpress modules provide an easy-to-use serial API allowing you to focus your\nefforts on application development, rather than the time-consuming complexity\nand interoperability issues associated with the development of a wireless\nnetwork stack.\n\nBluetooth Xpress modules support operating modules in Central and Peripheral roles.\n\nSee Commands and Variables.\n\nI/O\n\nPort control APIs are available to provide access to general purpose IO, inputs\nto control Bluetooth Xpress operational state through pin conditions, and outputs designed\nto signal BLE connection status with connected LEDs.\n\nSee GPIOs.\n\nSecurity", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\1\\bgx\\1.0\\index.html"} {"id": "ef1e5e007e14-1", "text": "See GPIOs.\n\nSecurity\n\nThe primary BLE services provided by Bluetooth Xpress modules are always encrypted \nfor privacy. To use either the Xpress Streaming Service \nor the OTA firmware update service, connecting devices will need to pair. BGX devices \nmay be configured to use either Just Works (unauthenticated) or Passkey (authenticated) \npairing methods. Support is provided for both LE Secure Connections and LE legacy pairing.\n\nSee Security.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\1\\bgx\\1.0\\index.html"} {"id": "b3b977a43225-0", "text": "Software Advisory for detailed information (registration required).\n\nGeneral Overview\n\nXpress Command API\n\nAMW007 - Wi-Fi Module\n AMW037 - Wi-Fi Module with antenna\n\nWhat is Gecko OS Edition 2?\n\nGecko OS is an IoT operating system that runs on Silicon Labs wireless and wired IoT connectivity modules. Gecko OS helps you build your wireless IoT app by shielding you from the complexity of hardware, protocols and standards, leaving you to focus on building a great IoT application. All Wireless Xpress products from Silicon Labs are powered by Gecko OS making use of the Gecko OS Command API.\n\nHardware running Gecko OS provides a product with a powerful and secure wireless connection to a mobile device or the cloud. Developers can build IoT Applications that communicate with Gecko OS using the extensive Wi-Fi Command API, via serial interface, HTTP REST or a remote terminal.\n\nCommand API\n\nThe Gecko OS 2 Command API is available for applications connecting with a wired serial interface, or a wireless interface using HTTP REST or Remote Terminal. The API provides direct access to peripherals connected to Gecko OS hardware via GPIO. For a quick start guide to using a Gecko OS evaluation board, see Getting Started.\n\nFeatures and Interfaces\n\nThe Gecko OS 2 Command API offers a powerful set of commands for control of connected devices, together with a large number of variables for configuration.\n\nA host MCU communicates with Gecko OS via a UART.\n\nA mobile or desktop app communicates with Gecko OS via the HTTP Server RESTful API or by the local or remote terminal interface.\n\nThe local or remote host sends commands to control the operation of Gecko OS and to exchange data with other devices on the network.\n\nA summary of Gecko OS 2 features and interfaces is outlined in the following sections.\n\nWi-Fi, Networking & Web\n\nMultiple interfaces including serial, softAP and WLAN client\n\nConcurrent operation of softAP and WLAN client\n\nServers: TCP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "b3b977a43225-1", "text": "Concurrent operation of softAP and WLAN client\n\nServers: TCP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS\n\nClients: TCP/TLS, UDP, NTP, DHCP, DNS\n\nHTTP Server with RESTful API\n\nHTTP file upload/download\n\nFully-customizable mobile responsive web application\n\nRemote terminal access\n\nMultiple Wi-Fi setup options including Web setup with softAP\n\nPeripherals & Sensors\n\nGPIOs for control, indication and monitoring\n\nAutomated broadcast and streaming of sensor data\n\nLocal caching of sensor data\n\nSystem\n\nWireless OTA (Over-the-Air) Update to remotely manage firmware using the\n\nFailsafe bootloader and kernel with safemode operation\n\nConfigurable power states and sleep/wake timers\n\nRead/Write file system\n\nStorage of large files\n\nAll Gecko OS commands can be issued manually using human mode or under host control using machine mode. Human mode should only be used for evaluation and manual testing. Machine mode is strongly recommended for production.\n\nFor human mode, the interfaces are a Gecko OS Terminal, the Web App, or a remote terminal.\n\nGetting Started\n\nTo start using your Gecko OS hardware in human mode, see Getting Started.\n\nWeb App\n\nThe Web App provides complete monitoring and control of your Gecko OS hardware using a web browser.\n\nSee Web App.\n\nSerial Interface\n\nGecko OS provides one of the easiest to use and most flexible serial Wi-Fi networking interfaces in the industry. The Gecko OS serial interface provides support for multiple serial buses, different serial communications modes including command mode and stream mode, and is easily configured for use by humans and machines alike.\n\nSee Serial Interface.\n\nWi-Fi\n\nGecko OS provides an easy-to-use serial API allowing you to focus your efforts on application development, rather than the time-consuming complexity and interoperability issues associated with the development of a full-featured secure wireless network stack.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "b3b977a43225-2", "text": "Two Wi-Fi interfaces are supported, including a Wi-Fi client (wlan) and Wi-Fi soft access point (softAP) interface. Each interface may be run independently or concurrently to suit various application needs.\n\nSee Wi-Fi Interface.\n\nNetworking and Security\n\nGecko OS includes a full IPv4 networking stack and SSL/TLS security suite that supports a range of popular networking protocols including TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP. Additional network application libraries are provided for native HTTP/S and secure cloud access.\n\nSee Networking and Security.\n\nPeripherals\n\nVarious peripheral APIs are available to provide access to general purpose IOs (GPIOs), analog functions such as analog-digital and digital-analog converters, and timers including a real time clock. Special system and network functions can be assigned to GPIOs to enable handy features including:\n\nautomatic LED status indicators to show the state of Wi-Fi and network connections;\n\nan indication of when one or more network clients are connected to a local Gecko OS server; and\n\nthe ability to control the connection state of a client or server.\n\nSee Peripherals.\n\nFile System\n\nMost connected applications require the ability to store configuration information or cache local data. Gecko OS provides a reliable read/write filesystem and on-board flash storage to satisfy application storage requirements. With just a few simple commands, Gecko OS provides your application with complete access to local and network connected storage.\n\nSee File System.\n\nMemory\n\nFor management of Gecko OS device memory, see Memory.\n\nConfiguration and Setup\n\nSeveral options are available to setup a module running Gecko OS. The most common option, and also the most convenient when prototyping is to use a command line and serial interface such as a UART. A PC terminal can be quickly connected to a Gecko OS evaluation board, and within 60 seconds it is possible to be connected to a Wi-Fi network and downloading HTTP webpages or connecting to a remote TCP server.\n\nOther methods for configuration, setup and Wi-Fi provisioning include:", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "b3b977a43225-3", "text": "Other methods for configuration, setup and Wi-Fi provisioning include:\n\na softAP and webserver interface\n\nan (optionally) password-secured remote terminal that provides command line convenience over one of the Gecko OS wireless network interfaces; and\n\nautomatic execution of a custom configuration script on boot-up\n\nSee Configuration and Setup.\n\nSystem Functions\n\nSystem functions include:\n\nConfiguring Gecko OS Command Mode and Response\n\nPower management\n\nMonitoring System State\n\nControlling the Boot Application\n\nSystem Identification and Version\n\nSee System Functions.\n\nUpdate and Recovery\n\nGecko OS is part of a larger sophisticated application framework installed on all Gecko OS devices. The framework provides a hardened bootloader, read/write file system, safemode recovery mechanism, and over-the-air (OTA) update capability.\n\nSilabs manages a secure on-line OTA server that offers each Gecko OS device with the ability to securely update individual files, applications or an entire firmware bundle. In the rare event that Gecko OS fails to regularly execute correctly, the bootloader switches the boot application to safe mode. The safe mode application provides the host with the ability to update the firmware, switch back to Gecko OS or even factory reset the module.\n\nSee Update and Recovery.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-0", "text": "Gecko OS Variables\n\nShortcuts\n\nDocumentation Format\n\nList of Variables\n\nVariable Properties\n\nThis page provides a list of Gecko OS variables with a full description of the function of each variable together with example usage.\n\nVariables are cached in volatile RAM and must be saved to non-volatile flash memory to persist between reboots. To save variables to flash, use the save command. Some variables impact the operation of the entire system, wake and sleep timers for example. A save and reboot is required before new settings for these types of variables take effect.\n\nVariable settings can be loaded using the load command.\n\nThe get and set Command API functions are used to read and write Gecko OS variables respectively.\n\nShortcuts\n\nA shortcut is assigned to each variable. The format for shortcuts is shown in the following table. The shortcut is a hybrid of the first two characters of the first word of the variable name, plus (typically) the first character of the second word (if a second word exists), plus (typically) the first character of the third word of the variable name (if a third word exists). Each of these characters is separated by a space character. In some instances, it was not possible to use the first letter of the second or third word in the variable name, in these cases another letter has been somewhat arbitrarily chosen.\n\nTemplate\n\nfirst_word.second_word.third_word\n\nfi s t\n\nExample 1\n\ntime.uptime\n\nti u\n\nExample 2\n\nwlan.scan.retries\n\nwl s r\n\nDocumentation Format\n\nMany Gecko OS responses shown in the examples on this page were captured with system.print_level = 0, and system.cmd.header_enabled = 1. These machine friendly settings make it easy for a host MCU to parse responses by examining response headers.\nDocumentation for each variable is provided in the format shown below.\n\nvariable\n\nAbbreviation\n\nvar\n\nAccess\n\nget/set\n\nDescription\n\nA description of the function of the variable.\n\nArguments", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-1", "text": "var\n\nAccess\n\nget/set\n\nDescription\n\nA description of the function of the variable.\n\nArguments\n\nA full list of mandatory and optional arguments.\n\nDefault\n\nThe factory reset default value.\n\nGet example\n\nAn example of how to read the variable, including response codes.\n\nSet example\n\nAn example of how to write the variable, including response codes (for writeable variables).\n\nNOTE! Don't forget to check out command navigation tips to make it easier to find and type specific variable names.\n\nList of Variables\n\nAll Variables\nall\n\nBroadcast\nbroadcast.databroadcast.http.hostbroadcast.interfacebroadcast.intervalbroadcast.udp.ipbroadcast.udp.remote_port\n\nBus\nbus.modebus.stream.cmd_gpiobus.stream.cmd_seqbus.stream.flush_countbus.stream.flush_timebus.stream.flush_time_reset\n\nDMS\ndms.bundle_id\n\nGPIO\ngpio.initgpio.usage\n\nHost Boot\nhboot.filenamehboot.gpio\n\nHTTP Server\nhttp.server.api_enabledhttp.server.cors_originhttp.server.enabledhttp.server.interfacehttp.server.max_clientshttp.server.notfound_filenamehttp.server.porthttp.server.root_filename\n\nIO Connection\nioconn.control_gpioioconn.enabledioconn.local_portioconn.protocolioconn.remote_hostioconn.remote_portioconn.status_gpio\n\nNetwork\nnetwork.default_interfacenetwork.tls.ca_certnetwork.tls.client_certnetwork.tls.client_keynetwork.tls.handshake_timeoutnetwork.tls.version\n\nNTP\nntp.enabledntp.interfacentp.intervalntp.server\n\nRemote Terminal\nremote_terminal.enabledremote_terminal.interfaceremote_terminal.passwordremote_terminal.portremote_terminal.timeout\n\nSetup\nsetup.gpio.control_gpiosetup.web.idle_timeoutsetup.web.passkeysetup.web.root_filenamesetup.web.ssidsetup.web.url", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-2", "text": "SoftAP Interface\nsoftap.auto_startsoftap.captive_portal_enabledsoftap.channelsoftap.client_listsoftap.dhcp_server.enabledsoftap.dns_server.enabledsoftap.dns_server.urlsoftap.hide_ssidsoftap.idle_timeoutsoftap.infosoftap.max_clientssoftap.passkeysoftap.ssidsoftap.static.gatewaysoftap.static.ipsoftap.static.netmask\n\nStream\nstream.auto_close\n\nSystem\nsystem.build_numbersystem.cmd.bufferedsystem.cmd.echosystem.cmd.formatsystem.cmd.header_enabledsystem.cmd.prompt_enabledsystem.gotosleep.timeoutsystem.indicator.gpiosystem.indicator.statesystem.memory.usagesystem.oob.event_masksystem.oob.gpiosystem.oob.gpio_levelsystem.oob.rising_edge_masksystem.oob.statussystem.print_levelsystem.safemode.disabledsystem.safemode.statussystem.uuidsystem.versionsystem.wakeup.timeout\n\nTCP Client\ntcp.client.auto_interfacetcp.client.auto_retriestcp.client.auto_starttcp.client.connect_timeouttcp.client.connected_strtcp.client.disconnected_strtcp.client.local_porttcp.client.remote_hosttcp.client.remote_porttcp.client.retriestcp.client.retry_periodtcp.client.tls_enabled\n\nTCP Keepalive\ntcp.keepalive.enabledtcp.keepalive.initial_timeouttcp.keepalive.retry_counttcp.keepalive.retry_timeout\n\nTCP Server\ntcp.server.auto_interfacetcp.server.auto_starttcp.server.connected_gpiotcp.server.data_gpiotcp.server.idle_timeouttcp.server.port\n\nTime\ntime.last_settime.rtctime.uptimetime.zone\n\nUART\nuart.bauduart.datauart.flowuart.parityuart.stop\n\nUDP Client\nudp.client.auto_interfaceudp.client.auto_startudp.client.remote_hostudp.client.remote_port\n\nUDP Server\nudp.server.auto_interfaceudp.server.auto_startudp.server.data_gpioudp.server.lock_clientudp.server.portudp.server.remote_hostudp.server.remote_port", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-3", "text": "WLAN Interface\nwlan.auto_join.enabledwlan.auto_join.retrieswlan.auto_join.retry_delaywlan.dhcp.enabledwlan.dhcp.hostnamewlan.hide_passkeywlan.infowlan.join.retrieswlan.join.timeoutwlan.macwlan.network.dnswlan.network.gatewaywlan.network.ipwlan.network.netmaskwlan.network.statuswlan.passkeywlan.rate.protocolwlan.ssidwlan.static.dnswlan.static.gatewaywlan.static.ipwlan.static.netmaskwlan.tx_power\n\nVariable Properties\n\nThe table below indicates properties of variables:\n\nWhen a change in variable value takes effect:\nImmediate - a change in the variable value takes effect immediatelyUART Update - run the uart_update command to apply a change in the variable valueNetwork Restart - restart the network to apply a change in the variable valueSetup Restart - restart the web setup to apply a change in the variable valueSave and Reboot - a save and reboot is required to apply a change in the variable value\n\nSafe Mode - variable is available in safe mode\n\nFac Persist - variable persists through factory reset\n\nbroadcast.data\n\nImmediate\n\nbroadcast.http.host\n\nImmediate\n\nbroadcast.interface\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbroadcast.interval\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbroadcast.udp.ip\n\nImmediate\n\nbus.mode\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nbus.stream.cmd_gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbus.stream.cmd_seq\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbus.stream.flush_count\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbus.stream.flush_time\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nbus.stream.flush_time_reset\n\nSave and Reboot\n\ngpio.init\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nhttp.server.api_enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.cors_origin\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.interface\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.max_clients\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.notfound_filename\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.root_filename\n\nNetwork Restart", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-4", "text": "Network Restart\n\nhttp.server.port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nhttp.server.root_filename\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nioconn.control_gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nioconn.enabled\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nioconn.local_port\n\nImmediate\n\nioconn.protocol\n\nImmediate\n\nioconn.remote_host\n\nImmediate\n\nioconn.remote_port\n\nImmediate\n\nioconn.status_gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nnetwork.default_interface\n\nImmediate\n\nnetwork.tls.ca_cert\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nnetwork.tls.client_cert\n\nImmediate\n\nnetwork.tls.client_key\n\nImmediate\n\nnetwork.tls.version\n\nImmediate\n\nntp.enabled\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nntp.interface\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nntp.interval\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nntp.server\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nremote_terminal.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nremote_terminal.interface\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nremote_terminal.password\n\nImmediate\n\nremote_terminal.port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nremote_terminal.timeout\n\nImmediate\n\nsetup.gpio.control_gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nsetup.web.idle_timeout\n\nSetup Restart\n\nsetup.web.passkey\n\nSetup Restart\n\nsetup.web.root_filename\n\nSetup Restart\n\nsetup.web.ssid\n\nSetup Restart\n\nsetup.web.url\n\nSetup Restart\n\nsoftap.auto_start\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.channel\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.dhcp_server.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.dns_server.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.dns_server.url\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.hide_ssid\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.idle_timeout\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.max_clients\n\nImmediate\n\nsoftap.passkey\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.ssid\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.static.gateway\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.static.ip\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nsoftap.static.netmask\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nstream.auto_close\n\nImmediate\n\nsystem.cmd.buffered\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.cmd.echo\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.cmd.header_enabled\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.cmd.prompt_enabled\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-5", "text": "Immediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.cmd.prompt_enabled\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.gotosleep.timeout\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nsystem.indicator.gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nsystem.indicator.state\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nsystem.oob.event_mask\n\nImmediate\n\nsystem.oob.gpio\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nsystem.oob.gpio_level\n\nImmediate\n\nsystem.oob.rising_edge_mask\n\nImmediate\n\nsystem.print_level\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nsystem.safemode.disabled\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nsystem.safemode.status\n\nSafe Mode\n\nsystem.uuid\n\nSafe Mode\n\nsystem.version\n\nSafe Mode\n\nsystem.wakeup.timeout\n\nImmediate\n\ntcp.client.auto_interface\n\nSave and Reboot\n\ntcp.client.auto_retries\n\nSave and Reboot\n\ntcp.client.auto_start\n\nSave and Reboot\n\ntcp.client.connect_timeout\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.client.local_port\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.client.remote_host\n\nImmediate\n\ntcp.client.remote_port\n\nImmediate\n\ntcp.client.retries\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.client.retry_period\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.client.tls_enabled\n\nImmediate\n\ntcp.keepalive.enabled\n\nImmediate\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.keepalive.initial_timeout\n\nImmediate\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.keepalive.retry_count\n\nImmediate\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.keepalive.retry_timeout\n\nImmediate\n\nNVM Backup\n\ntcp.server.auto_interface\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntcp.server.auto_start\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntcp.server.connected_gpio\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntcp.server.data_gpio\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntcp.server.idle_timeout\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntcp.server.port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\ntime.rtc\n\nImmediate\n\ntime.zone\n\nImmediate\n\nuart.baud\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nuart.data\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-6", "text": "NVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nuart.data\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nuart.flow\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nuart.parity\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nuart.stop\n\nUART Update\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nLockable\n\nudp.client.auto_interface\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.client.auto_start\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.client.remote_host\n\nImmediate\n\nudp.client.remote_port\n\nImmediate\n\nudp.server.auto_interface\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.auto_start\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.data_gpio\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.lock_client\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.remote_host\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nudp.server.remote_port\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nwlan.auto_join.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nwlan.auto_join.retries\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nwlan.auto_join.retry_delay\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nwlan.dhcp.enabled\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.dhcp.hostname\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nwlan.hide_passkey\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.join.retries\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.join.timeout\n\nSave and Reboot\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.mac\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.network.dns\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.network.gateway\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.network.ip\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.network.netmask\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.network.status\n\nSafe Mode\n\nwlan.passkey\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.rate.protocol\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.ssid\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.static.dns\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.static.gateway\n\nNetwork Restart", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "5d1be5ed53a7-7", "text": "Network Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.static.gateway\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.static.ip\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.static.netmask\n\nNetwork Restart\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup\n\nwlan.tx_power\n\nImmediate\n\nSafe Mode\n\nNVM Backup", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\cmd\\variables\\index.html"} {"id": "c7975f4b382d-0", "text": "Gecko OS 2.3 Hardware Support\n\nOverview\n\nSilabs provides software and tools for building connected products, from silicon to cloud.\n\nGecko OS is the operating system that allows rapid building of complex connected products.\n\nSilabs provides platforms that run Gecko OS. Platforms include modules and evaluation boards.\n\nFor each hardware item below, the documentation includes links for product details and purchasing information.\n\nPlatforms\n\nA platform is the basis of Gecko OS connectivity device. Gecko OS runs on a number of platforms.\n\nA platform is a configuration of hardware capable of running Gecko OS. A platform runs a version of Gecko OS compiled specifically for that platform. A product is compiled for one or more platforms. The Silabs Device Management Server (DMS) classifies products by the platforms on which they can run. The Gecko OS SDK detects the device platform.\n\nWhere procedures and features vary, depending on the platform, the details are noted throughout the documentation.\n\nWhere a configuration consists of subcomponents, a platform is the smallest Gecko OS-capable component that can be obtained separately. For example, a Gecko OS AMW106-E03 evaluation board contains a Gecko OS AMW106 module. The platform is the Gecko OS AMW106 module. In the case of the NXP-SCCK, no smaller module is available, and the platform is the NXP-SCCK evaluation board.\n\nWi-Fi Modules\n\nSilabs\n\nAMW007\n\nSpectre\n\nWi-Fi module\n\nGecko OS-AMW007\n\nSilabs\n\nAMW037\n\nSpectre 037\n\nWi-Fi module\n\nGecko OS-AMW007", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-os\\2\\amw007-w00001\\latest\\hardware\\index.html"} {"id": "6acee5c2ba6a-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nGecko Platform\n\nGecko Platform is the common foundation for the Gecko SDK Suite.\n\nGecko Platform Components\n\nEMLIB Peripheral Library\n\nCommon Utilities\n\nDrivers\n\nServices\n\nMachine Learning\n\nMiddleware\n\nDevelopment Board APIs\n\nExternal Device Drivers\n\nMicrium OS\n\nRAIL Library\n\nThird-Party Libraries\n\nARM CMSIS\n\nARM mbed TLS", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\4.2\\index.html"} {"id": "ca92306defcb-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nPlatform Drivers\n\nPlatform drivers is a set of function specific high performance drivers for \n EFM32, EZR32 and EFR32 on-chip peripherals. Drivers are typically DMA or\n interrupt based and are using all available low-energy features. For most \n drivers, the API offers both synchronous and asynchronous functions.\n\nMost drivers are compile-time configurable to allow the highest possible\n code size optimization for the application. Compile-time configuration is\n defined in *_config.h files. Templates for the configuration files can be\n found in the config for each driver. When adding a driver using the Project \n Configurator in Simplicity Studio, the config files are automatically added\n to the project.\n\nPlaform drivers are located in either the platform/driver or platform/emdrv\n folders. Drivers in platform/driver use error codes defined in \n sl_status.h, while emdrv drivers use error \n codes defined in ecode.h.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\4.2\\driver\\index.html"} {"id": "4307e8ee74a1-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nBoard APIs\n\nThe board APIs controls features specific to the Silicon Labs kit boards, like GPIO controlled power to external sensors. The board control API consists of both runtime functions to control the state and compile time configuration done through config headers which are editable by the user. During device initialization the configuration header settings are then applied by the board component itself.\n\nBoard Configuration Headers\n\nThe hardware/board/config subdirectory contains copies of configuration headers for miscellaneous drivers from the entire SDK. These configuration headers are tailored for the specific board, ensuring correct settings for pinout and other board-specific properties. The board-specific configuration headers override the default configuration header for the driver whenever the board is selected as a component in the SLC project.\nAll configuration headers are copied to the config/ directory of the project during SLC project generation. If a custom configuration is required, the configuration header in the project config/ directory can be further modified to fit application needs.\nIf developing for production hardware, you can start the project using a development board, and later change the target board to \"Custom Board\". In Simplicity Studio, this will show a prompt of whether to keep or overwrite the existing configuration file. If \"keep my file\" is selected, the board configuration settings from the development board are kept.\n\nNote : The configuration must be modified on the copied board configuration headers in the generated project, under path config/ and not in the original SDK.\n\nThunderboard Sense 2 (BRD4166A) Support\n\nThunderboard Sense 2 has several I2C buses connected to the various sensors that are all connected to the EFR32. The BRD4166A support component provides functions to route pin connections of an I2C peripheral to the various I2C buses. This allows time multiplexed access to several I2C buses using only one I2C peripheral.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\4.2\\hardware-board\\index.html"} {"id": "58fed64e3c4b-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nExternal Device Drivers\n\nThe external device driver APIs enable using devices that are external to the EFR32/EFM32, such as sensors, displays, and external memory. While the drivers support external devices on the Silicon Labs kits, the drivers are board agnostic and can be used with other boards that include the same devices.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\4.2\\hardware-driver\\index.html"} {"id": "4da0f14f447e-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nPlatform Services\n\nGecko Platform Service components are high-level, device-independent and thread-safe APIs. Each service may have a hardware abstraction layer (HAL).\n\nNote: All the Platform Services components also tightly integrate with SDK Programming model when configuring the project.\n\nPlatform Services Components\n\nCommand Line Interface -- Handles keyboard input, parsing and dispatching to handler functions.\n\nDevice Initialization -- Utility functions that bring the device from the reset state to a fully initialized state.\n\nHFXO Manager -- High-frequency crystal oscillator startup manager to support sleepy crystals.\n\nIO Stream -- Provides Input/Output functions by providing Streams.\n\nLegacy HAL -- Hardware Abstraction Layer.\n\nRAM execution disable -- Provides Utilities for disabling execution from RAM and other memory regions, using the MPU.\n\nMicrosecond Delay -- Provides utilities to provide microsecond delay.\n\nPower Manager -- Manages system's energy modes.\n\nSecure Engine Manager -- Provides APIs to Secure Engine Manager's mailbox interface.\n\nSleep Timer -- Provides software timers, delays, timekeeping and date functions using a low-frequency real-time clock peripheral.\n\nSystem Initialization and Action Processing -- Initializes system and products.\n\nToken Manager -- Provides routines for working with tokens.\n\nCPC -- Co-Processor Communication", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\4.2\\service\\index.html"} {"id": "ad7523185db4-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nGecko Platform\n\nGecko Platform is the common foundation for the Gecko SDK Suite.\n\nGecko Platform Components\n\nEMLIB Peripheral Library\n\nCommon Utilities\n\nDrivers\n\nServices\n\nMachine Learning\n\nMiddleware\n\nDevelopment Board APIs\n\nExternal Device Drivers\n\nMicrium OS\n\nRAIL Library\n\nThird-Party Libraries\n\nARM CMSIS\n\nARM mbed TLS", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "e4a50f587eb3-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nPlatform Drivers\n\nPlatform drivers is a set of function specific high performance drivers for \n EFM32, EZR32 and EFR32 on-chip peripherals. Drivers are typically DMA or\n interrupt based and are using all available low-energy features. For most \n drivers, the API offers both synchronous and asynchronous functions.\n\nMost drivers are compile-time configurable to allow the highest possible\n code size optimization for the application. Compile-time configuration is\n defined in *_config.h files. Templates for the configuration files can be\n found in the config for each driver. When adding a driver using the Project \n Configurator in Simplicity Studio, the config files are automatically added\n to the project.\n\nPlaform drivers are located in either the platform/driver or platform/emdrv\n folders. Drivers in platform/driver use error codes defined in \n sl_status.h, while emdrv drivers use error \n codes defined in ecode.h.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\latest\\driver\\index.html"} {"id": "a9fc7d3b13c4-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nBoard APIs\n\nThe board APIs controls features specific to the Silicon Labs kit boards, like GPIO controlled power to external sensors. The board control API consists of both runtime functions to control the state and compile time configuration done through config headers which are editable by the user. During device initialization the configuration header settings are then applied by the board component itself.\n\nBoard Configuration Headers\n\nThe hardware/board/config subdirectory contains copies of configuration headers for miscellaneous drivers from the entire SDK. These configuration headers are tailored for the specific board, ensuring correct settings for pinout and other board-specific properties. The board-specific configuration headers override the default configuration header for the driver whenever the board is selected as a component in the SLC project.\nAll configuration headers are copied to the config/ directory of the project during SLC project generation. If a custom configuration is required, the configuration header in the project config/ directory can be further modified to fit application needs.\nIf developing for production hardware, you can start the project using a development board, and later change the target board to \"Custom Board\". In Simplicity Studio, this will show a prompt of whether to keep or overwrite the existing configuration file. If \"keep my file\" is selected, the board configuration settings from the development board are kept.\n\nNote : The configuration must be modified on the copied board configuration headers in the generated project, under path config/ and not in the original SDK.\n\nThunderboard Sense 2 (BRD4166A) Support\n\nThunderboard Sense 2 has several I2C buses connected to the various sensors that are all connected to the EFR32. The BRD4166A support component provides functions to route pin connections of an I2C peripheral to the various I2C buses. This allows time multiplexed access to several I2C buses using only one I2C peripheral.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\latest\\hardware-board\\index.html"} {"id": "601dd2299f65-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nExternal Device Drivers\n\nThe external device driver APIs enable using devices that are external to the EFR32/EFM32, such as sensors, displays, and external memory. While the drivers support external devices on the Silicon Labs kits, the drivers are board agnostic and can be used with other boards that include the same devices.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\latest\\hardware-driver\\index.html"} {"id": "8ae35102c382-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 4.2 (latest) | Version History\n\nPlatform Services\n\nGecko Platform Service components are high-level, device-independent and thread-safe APIs. Each service may have a hardware abstraction layer (HAL).\n\nNote: All the Platform Services components also tightly integrate with SDK Programming model when configuring the project.\n\nPlatform Services Components\n\nCommand Line Interface -- Handles keyboard input, parsing and dispatching to handler functions.\n\nDevice Initialization -- Utility functions that bring the device from the reset state to a fully initialized state.\n\nHFXO Manager -- High-frequency crystal oscillator startup manager to support sleepy crystals.\n\nIO Stream -- Provides Input/Output functions by providing Streams.\n\nLegacy HAL -- Hardware Abstraction Layer.\n\nRAM execution disable -- Provides Utilities for disabling execution from RAM and other memory regions, using the MPU.\n\nMicrosecond Delay -- Provides utilities to provide microsecond delay.\n\nPower Manager -- Manages system's energy modes.\n\nSecure Engine Manager -- Provides APIs to Secure Engine Manager's mailbox interface.\n\nSleep Timer -- Provides software timers, delays, timekeeping and date functions using a low-frequency real-time clock peripheral.\n\nSystem Initialization and Action Processing -- Initializes system and products.\n\nToken Manager -- Provides routines for working with tokens.\n\nCPC -- Co-Processor Communication", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\gecko-platform\\latest\\service\\index.html"} {"id": "67fdc55e2e06-0", "text": "Mbed TLS documentation hub\uf0c1\n\nMbed TLS provides an open-source implementation of cryptographic primitives,\nX.509 certificate handling and the SSL/TLS and DTLS protocols. It provides a\nreference implementation of the PSA Cryptography API.\nThe project also supports the PSA Cryptoprocessor Driver Interface which enables\nsupport for cryptoprocessor drivers. The small code footprint makes the project\nsuitable for embedded systems. It has many users, including\nTF-A,\nTF-M and\nOP-TEE.\n\nThis documentation is undergoing continuous improvement over time to address\ngaps, etc. We welcome contributions!\n\nFor more information, see the following:\n\nGitHub repository\n\nDocumentation GitHub repository\n\nMbed TLS website\n\nPSA Crypto API specification\n\nContents\n\nGetting started with Mbed TLS\nDownloading\nBuilding\nUsing PSA\n\nAPI Reference\n\nReviews\nMbed TLS Review Guidelines\nPR Prioritisation\n\nRoadmap\n\nLong-term plans for Mbed TLS\nLibrary organization\nAPI design\nFeatures\nSecurity\n\nTech Updates / Security Advisories\nAdvisories\n\nMbed TLS Maintainers\nOverview\nGatekeepers\nMaintainers\nTrusted Reviewers\n\nContributing to This Documentation\nMaking a Contribution\n\nKnowledge Base\nAttacks\nCompiling and Building\nCryptography\nDevelopment\nGeneric\nHow to\nLicensing", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\mbed-tls\\2.16.6\\index.html"} {"id": "44aecfb5794e-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.1 (latest) | 2.1 | Version History\n\nGecko Bootloader API Reference\n\nAdditional Gecko Bootloader Documentation | Release Notes | Downloads\n\nTo use the application interface in your application, include the api/btl_interface.h header in your application, and add the following files to the build:\n\napi/btl_interface.c\n\napi/btl_interface_storage.c\nSee the Application Interface documentation for more information.\n\nBootloader Components\n\nThe bootloader itself consists of multiple parts:\n\nCore\n\nThe bootloader core contains the main function of both bootloader stages. It also contains functionality to write to the internal main flash, to perform a bootloader upgrade, and to reset into the application flagging applicable reset reasons. See the core documentation for more information.\n\nDriver\n\nDifferent bootloading applications require different hardware drivers for use by the other components of the bootloader. See the driver documentation for more information.\n\nPlugin\n\nAll parts of the bootloader that are either optional or swappable for different implementations are implemented as plugins. Each plugin has a generic header file, and one or more implementations. The current release contains plugins for functionality like UART and SPI communication protocols, SPI flash storage, internal flash storage, and different cryptographic operations. For more information about the different plugins, see the plugin documentation.\n\nAdditional Gecko Bootloader Documentation\n\nThe following are Gecko Bootloader documents that apply to most protocol SDKs in the Gecko SDK Suite.\nSome protocol SDKs also include information specific to working with that protocol. These are included as well.\n\nDeveloping with the Gecko Bootloader\n\nUG103.06: Bootloader Fundamentals -\nIntroduces bootloading for Silicon Labs networking devices. Discusses the Gecko Bootloader as well as legacy Ember and Bluetooth bootloaders, and describes the file formats used by each.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\mcu-bootloader\\2.1\\index.html"} {"id": "44aecfb5794e-1", "text": "UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nDescribes the high-level implementation of the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader for EFR32 SoCs and NCPs, and provides information on how to get started using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs wireless protocol stacks in GSDK 4.0 and higher.\n\nAN1326: Transitioning to the Updated Gecko Bootloader in GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nGecko Bootloader v2.x, introduced in GSDK 4.0, contains a number of changes compared to Gecko Bootloader v1.x. This document describes the differences between the versions, including how to configure the new Gecko Bootloader in Simplicity Studio 5.\n\nAN1218: Series 2 Secure Boot with RTSL -\nContains detailed information on configuring and using the Secure Boot with hardware Root of Trust and Secure Loader on Series 2 devices, including how to provision the signing key. This is a companion document to UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nProtocol-Specific Information\n\nAN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications -\nIncludes detailed information on using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Bluetooth applications. It supplements the general Gecko Bootloader implementation information provided in UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.\n\nAN1085: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs Connect -\nIncludes detailed information on using the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader with Connect. It supplements the general Gecko Bootloader implementation information provided in UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\mcu-bootloader\\2.1\\index.html"} {"id": "44aecfb5794e-2", "text": "AN1084: Using the Gecko Bootloader with Zigbee EmberZNet -\nIncludes detailed information on using the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader with EmberZNet. It supplements the general Gecko Bootloader implementation information provided in UG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\mcu-bootloader\\2.1\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.2 (latest) | 2.1 | Version History\n\nOpenThread\n\nOpenThread Documentation\n\nSilicon Labs Documentation | Release Notes | Open Source Documentation\n\nWhat is OpenThread?\n\nOpenThread released by Google is\n\nan open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol.** Google Nest has released OpenThread to make the technology used in Nest products more broadly available to developers to accelerate the development of products for the connected home.\n\nOS and platform agnostic**, with a narrow platform abstraction layer and a small memory footprint, making it highly portable. It supports both system-on-chip (SoC) and network co-processor (NCP) designs.\n\na Thread Certified Component**, implementing all features defined in the Thread 1.1.1 specification, including all Thread networking layers (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, IEEE 802.15.4 with MAC security, Mesh Link Establishment, Mesh Routing) and device roles, as well as Border Router support.\n\nMore information about Thread can be found at threadgroup.org. Thread is a registered trademark of the Thread Group, Inc.\n\nWho supports OpenThread?\n\nGetting started\n\nAll end-user documentation and guides are located at openthread.io. If you're looking to do things like...\n\nLearn more about OpenThread features and enhancements\nUse OpenThread in your products\nLearn how to build and configure a Thread network\nPort OpenThread to a new platform\nBuild an application on top of OpenThread\nCertify a product using OpenThread\n...then openthread.io is the place for you.\n\nNote: For users in China, end-user documentation is available at openthread.google.cn.\n\nIf you're interested in contributing to OpenThread, read on.\n\nContributing\n\nWe would love for you to contribute to OpenThread and help make it even better than it is today! See our Contributing Guidelines for more information.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-1", "text": "Contributors are required to abide by our Code of Conduct and Coding Conventions and Style Guide.\n\nVersioning\n\nOpenThread follows the Semantic Versioning guidelines for release cycle transparency and to maintain backwards compatibility. OpenThread's versioning is independent of the Thread protocol specification version but will clearly indicate which version of the specification it currently supports.\n\nLicense\n\nOpenThread is released under the BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for more information.\n\nPlease only use the OpenThread name and marks when accurately referencing this software distribution. Do not use the marks in a way that suggests you are endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with Nest, Google, or The Thread Group.\n\nNeed help?\n\nThere are numerous avenues for OpenThread support:\n\nBugs and feature requests \u2014 submit to the Issue Tracker\n\nStack Overflow \u2014 post questions using the openthread tag\n\nGoogle Groups \u2014 discussion and announcements at openthread-users\n\nThe openthread-users Google Group is the recommended place for users to discuss OpenThread and interact directly with the OpenThread team.\n\nSilicon Labs Documentation\n\nGetting Started\n\nGetting Started with Simplicity Studio 5 and the Gecko SDK -\nDescribes downloading development tools and the Gecko SDK, which includes Silicon Labs OpenThread. Introduces the Simplicity Studio 5 interface.\n\nQSG170: Silicon Labs OpenThread Quick Start Guide -\nProvides basic information on configuring, building, and installing applications using the Silicon Labs OpenThread stack.\n\nUG103.11: Thread Fundamentals -\nFor those new to OpenThread, includes a brief background on the emergence of Thread, provides a technology overview, and describes some key features of Thread to consider when implementing a Thread solution.\n\nUG103.01: Wireless Networking Fundamentals -\nFor those new to wireless networking, introduces some fundamental concepts of wireless networking. These concepts are referred to in other Fundamentals documents.\n\nDeveloping with OpenThread", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-2", "text": "Developing with OpenThread\n\nAN1256: Using the Silicon Labs RCP with the OpenThread Border Router -\nDescribes using the OpenThread Border Router GitHub repository and the Silicon Labs OpenThread Radio Co-Processor (RCP) application to create a Thread Border Router.\n\nAN1350: Single-Band Proprietary Sub-GHz Support with OpenThread -\nDescribes how to configure OpenThread applications to operate on a proprietary sub-GHz band using the Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK and Simplicity Studio 5 with a compatible mainboard. It also provides details on the proprietary radio PHY supported with this feature.\n\nAN1264: Using OpenThread with Free RTOS -\nDescribes how to build OpenThread applications with FreeRTOS.\n\nAN1372: Configuring OpenThread Applications for Thread 1.3 -\nProvides instructions for configuring OpenThread SoC and Border Router applications to use Thread 1.3 features.\n\nUG162: Simplicity Commander Reference Guide -\nDescribes how and when to use Simplicity Commander's Command-Line Interface.\n\nMultiprotocol\n\nUG103.16: Multiprotocol Fundamentals -\nDescribes the four multiprotocol modes, discusses considerations when selecting protocols for multiprotocol implementations, and reviews the Radio Scheduler, a required component of a dynamic multiprotocol solution.\n\nAN1265: Dynamic Multiprotocol Development with Bluetooth and OpenThread in GSDK v3.x -\nProvides details on developing Dynamic Multiprotocol applications using Bluetooth and OpenThread.\n\nUG305: Dynamic Multiprotocol User's Guide -\nDescribes how to implement a dynamic multiprotocol solution.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-3", "text": "AN1333: Running Zigbee, OpenThread, and Bluetooth Concurrently on a Linux Host with a Multiprotocol Co-Processor -\nDescribes how to run any combination of Zigbee EmberZNet, OpenThread, and Bluetooth networking stacks on a Linux host processor, interfacing with a single EFR32 Radio Co-processor (RCP) with multiprotocol and multi-PAN support, as well as how to run the Zigbee stack on the EFR32 as a network co-processor (NCP) alongside the OpenThread RCP.\n\nCoexistence\n\nUG103.17: Wi-Fi Coexistence Fundamentals -\nIntroduces methods to improve the coexistence of 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi and other 2.4 GHz radios such as Bluetooth, Bluetooth Mesh, Bluetooth Low Energy, and IEEE 802.15.4-based radios such as Zigbee and OpenThread\n\nAN1017: Zigbee and Thread Coexistence with Wi-Fi -\nDetails the impact of Wi-Fi on Zigbee and Thread, and methods to improve coexistence. First, methods to improve coexistence without direct interaction between Zigbee/Thread and Wi-Fi radios are described. Second, Silicon Labs's Packet Traffic Arbitration (PTA) support to coordinate 2.5 GHz RF traffic for co-located Zigbee/Thread and Wi-Fi radios is described (for the EFR32MG only).\n\nAN1294: Configuring Antenna Diversity for OpenThread -\nDescribes how to use Project Configurator and Component Editor in Simplicity Studio 5 to configure antenna diversity in OpenThread applications.\n\nSecurity", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-4", "text": "Security\n\nUG103.05: IoT Endpoint Security Fundamentals -\nIntroduces the security concepts that must be considered when implementing an Internet of Things (IoT) system. Using the ioXt Alliance's eight security principles as a structure, it clearly delineates the solutions Silicon Labs provides to support endpoint security and what you must do outside of the Silicon Labs framework.\n\nAN1329: Using Silicon Labs Secure Vault Features with OpenThread -\nDescribes how Secure Vault features are leveraged in OpenThread applications. It focuses on specific PSA features and emphasizes how these are integrated into the OpenThread stack.\n\nAN1190: Series 2 Secure Debug -\nDescribes how to lock and unlock the debug access of EFR32 Gecko Series 2 devices. Many aspects of the debug access, including the secure debug unlock are described. The Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Secure Engine (SE) Mailbox Interface for locking and unlocking debug access are also included.\n\nAN1222: Production Programming of Series 2 Devices -\nProvides details on programming, provisioning, and configuring Series 2 devices in production environments. Covers Secure Engine Subsystem of Series 2 devices, which runs easily upgradeable Secure Engine (SE) or Virtual Secure Engine (VSE) firmware.\n\nAN1247: Anti-Tamper Protection Configuration and Use -\nShows how to program, provision, and configure the anti-tamper module on EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault.\n\nAN1268: Authenticating Silicon Labs Devices using Device Certificates -\nHow to authenticate an EFR32 Series 2 device with Secure Vault, using secure device certificates and signatures.\n\nAN1271: Secure Key Storage -\nExplains how to securely \"wrap\" keys in EFR32 Series 2 devices with Secure Vault, so they can be stored in non-volatile storage.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-5", "text": "AN1303: Programming Series 2 Devices Using the Debug Challenge Interface (DCI) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD) -\n Describes how to provision and configure Series 2 devices through the DCI and SWD.\n\nAN1311: Integrating Crypto Functionality Using PSA Crypto Compared to Mbed TLS -\nDescribes how to integrate crypto functionality into applications using PSA Crypto compared to Mbed TLS.\n\nBootloading\n\nUG103.06: Bootloader Fundamentals -\nIntroduces bootloading for Silicon Labs networking devices. Discusses the Gecko Bootloader as well as legacy Ember and Bluetooth bootloaders, and describes the file formats used by each.\n\nUG489: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide for GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nDescribes the high-level implementation of the Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader for EFR32 SoCs and NCPs, and provides information on how to get started using the Gecko Bootloader with Silicon Labs wireless protocol stacks in GSDK 4.0 and higher.\n\nAN1326: Transitioning to the Updated Gecko Bootloader in GSDK 4.0 and Higher -\nGecko Bootloader v2.x, introduced in GSDK 4.0, contains a number of changes compared to Gecko Bootloader v1.x. This document describes the differences between the versions, including how to configure the new Gecko Bootloader in Simplicity Studio 5.\n\nAN1218: Series 2 Secure Boot with RTSL -\nContains detailed information on configuring and using the Secure Boot with hardware Root of Trust and Secure Loader on Series 2 devices, including how to provision the signing key. This is a companion document to UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User's Guide.\n\nNon-Volatile Data Storage", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "88cbfcbbf261-6", "text": "Non-Volatile Data Storage\n\nUG103.07: Non-Volatile Data Storage Fundamentals -\nIntroduces non-volatile data storage using flash and the three different storage implementations offered for Silicon Labs microcontrollers and SoCs: Simulated EEPROM, PS Store, and NVM3.\n\nAN1135: Using Third Generation Non-Volatile Memory (NVM3) Data Storage -\nExplains how NVM3 can be used as non-volatile data storage in various protocol implementations.\n\nTesting\n\nAN718: Manufacturing Test Overview -\nProvides a high-level description of the different options for integrating RF testing and characterization into standard test flows. It is intended for customers who are moving from the early prototype development stage to the manufacturing production environment and need assistance with manufacturing test.\n\nAN700.1: Manufacturing Test Guidelines for the EFR32 -\nDetails the different options for integrating RF testing and characterization into standard test flows.\n\nPerformance Results for Multi-PAN RCP for OpenThread and Zigbee -\nSummarizes the results of simultaneous Thread and Zigbee throughput performance testing for the concurrent multiprotocol / multi-PAN RCP, running both OpenThread and Zigbee on the host processor.\n\nPerformance\n\nAN1142: Mesh Network Performance Comparison -\nReviews the Zigbee, Thread, and Bluetooth mesh networks to evaluate their differences in performance and behavior.\n\nAN1141: Thread Mesh Network Performance -\nDetails methods for testing Thread mesh network performance; results are intended to provide guidance on design practices and principles as well as expected field performance results.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\openthread\\2.2\\index.html"} {"id": "51bf4c871d56-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.9 | 2.13 | Version History\n\nGetting Started with RAIL\n\nRelease Notes | Downloads\n\nSilicon Labs RAIL (Radio Abstraction Interface Layer) provides\nan intuitive, easily-customizable radio interface layer that supports\nproprietary or standards-based wireless protocols. RAIL is\ndesigned to simplify and shorten the development process. Developers\nno longer have to deal with hundreds of registers across\nmultiple products, but can instead rely on a unified software API.\nRAIL, delivered through the Silicon Labs Flex SDK (Software Development\nKit), also makes applications portable across Silicon\nLabs wireless products. RAILtest, included with the Flex SDK,\nsupports lab evaluation as well as application development.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rail\\2.9\\index.html"} {"id": "57cb929526c2-0", "text": "Menu\n\nDocs Home\n\nDocSpace\n\nLast Page Titlle\n\nDocs Search", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rail\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "d1e166f86e65-0", "text": "RS9116 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Solutions\n\nRS9116 wireless connectivity products are a family of SoC's and modules providing comprehensive 2.4/5 GHz Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth 5 wireless connectivity. The product family is divided into two basic types depending on the type of host processor used.\n\nRS9116W-based products are used with an embedded host microprocessor (MCU) together with WiSeConnect\u2122 drivers.\n\nRS9116N-based products are used with a Linux application processor together with n-Link\u2122 drivers.\n\nProduct pages for the RS9116 provide features and specifications for various RS9116 SoCs and modules.\n\nRS9116W - WiSeConnect\u2122\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 offers a full network offload option for embedded systems with low-end host microcontrollers running an RTOS or bare metal OS. The RS9116W connects to a host MCU using UART, SPI or SDIO interfaces. A complete set of wireless, networking and security stacks run on the RS9116W device, however the networking stack can be bypassed if required. Communication with the host MCU is achieved with AT Commands, or alternately a simple binary API referred to as SAPI. Embedded products provide greater than 20 Mbps Wi-Fi application throughput with multiple operating modes including Wi-Fi Client, Wi-Fi Access Point, Simultaneous Wi-Fi Client & Access Point and Dual-mode Bluetooth.\n\nRead WiSeConnect\u2122 Documentation\n\nDownload the latest WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package\n\nRS9116N - n-Link\u2122", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "d1e166f86e65-1", "text": "Download the latest WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package\n\nRS9116N - n-Link\u2122\n\nn-Link\u2122 offers low-level Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for systems that have a higher-end 32-bit applications processor running a Linux-based operating system. The RS9116N interfaces to a processor using SDIO or USB host interfaces, with the networking and wireless stacks/profiles running on the applications processor. n-Link\u2122 provides up to 50 Mbps Wi-Fi application throughput with multiple operating modes including Wi-Fi Client, Wi-Fi Access Point, Simultaneous Wi-Fi Client & Access Point, and Dual-mode Bluetooth.\n\nRead n-Link\u2122 Documentation\n\nDownload the latest n-Link\u2122 Open Source Driver\n\nDownload the legacy n-Link\u2122 Proprietary Driver", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "28f242fd8293-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 | Version History\n\nRS9116W BLE AT Command PRM\n\nAbout this Document\n\nThis document describes the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) commands; including the parameters used in commands, valid values for each command, and the expected responses from the RS911X Modules. This document is also used to write software for the Host MCU in order to control and operate the module.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\wiseconnect\\rs9116w-ble-at-command-prm\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "aa4b7309637d-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 | Version History\n\nRS9116W BT Classic AT Command PRM\n\nAbout this Document\n\nThis document describes the Bluetooth (BT) Classic commands; including parameters used in commands, valid values for each command, and expected responses from the RS911X Modules. This document is also used to write software for the Host MCU to control and operate the module.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\wiseconnect\\rs9116w-bt-classic-at-command-prm\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "3b800a8b0042-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 | Version History\n\nSoftware Architecture\n\nOverview\n\nThe RS9116 WiSeConnect module includes Wi-Fi, TCP/IP and BT 5 stacks embedded in its internal flash memory. This module requires a separate application processor which acts as a host. Host can communicate with RS9116 module using one of the interfaces listed below.\n\nRS9116W Block Diagram\nRS9116W Block Diagram\n\nRS9116 supports following interfaces for interacting with host.\n\nSPI\n\nUART\n\nSDIO\n\nNote!\nSDIO interface is currently not supported in the WiseConnect firmware.\n\nThe host can use either Simple APIs or AT Commands for configuring the module.\n\nThere are two modes for host interaction:\n\nAT Mode (ASCII)\n\nIn this mode, host should use AT Commands for interacting with RS9116 Module. This mode can be used only with UART / USB-CDC interface. Section 'AT Command Mode' provides more details about this mode. Section 'WLAN Commands' describes all commands and other required details.\n\nBinary Mode\n\nIn this mode, the host should use Binary Commands for interacting with RS9116 Module. This mode can be used with UART, SPI and SDIO interfaces. Section 'Binary Command Mode' provides more details about this mode. Section 'WLAN Commands' describes all commands and other required details.\n\nHost Interface block diagram is shown below,\n\nRS9116W Host Interface Block Diagram\n\nWLAN Architecture\n\nThe following figure depicts the WLAN software architecture of the RS9116-WiSeConnect.\n\nRS9116 WLAN Software Architecture\n\nApplication\n\nThe application layer invokes Simple APIs or AT Commands provided by SPI/ UART/SDIO driver. The application developer can use these APIs to build wireless applications.\n\nSPI", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\wiseconnect\\rs9116w-wifi-at-command-prm\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "3b800a8b0042-1", "text": "SPI\n\nThe SPI interface on the RS9116-WiSeConnect works in slave mode. It is a 4-wire interface. In addition to the SPI interface, the module provides additional interrupt pin to signal events to the host.\n\nThe interrupt is raised by the module in SPI mode for the following condition.\n\nWhen the module has data in its output buffer, it indicates host by raising active high signal on the interrupt pin.\n\nThe interrupt from module is active high and host has to configure the interrupt in level trigger mode.\n\nUART\n\nThe UART interface on the RS9116-WiSeConnect transmits/receives data to/from the Host in UART mode.\n\nSDIO\n\nThe SDIO interface on the RS9116-WiSeConnect transmits/receives data to/from the Host in SDIO mode.\n\nHost Abstraction Layer (HAL)\n\nThe HAL abstracts the lower layers in the Host interface to which the RS9116-WiSeConnect is connected. The HAL interacts with the Wireless Control Block layer for the processing of the frames obtained from or destined to the Host.\n\nWireless Control Block (WCB)\n\nThe data from/to the Host is classified as Wi-Fi specific frames or TCP/IP specific frames. The functionality of the WCB module depends on the type and direction of the frames.\n\nWi-Fi Control Frames (WCF)\n\nThe WCB interprets the Wi-Fi control information from the Host and interacts with the SME (Station Management Entity) or APME (Access Point Management Entity) based on operating mode of RS9116- WiSeConnect. Configuration of the RS9116-WiSeConnect from the Host for Wi-Fi access is through AT commands or Binary commands.\n\nTCP/IP Control Frames\n\nTCP/IP networking protocol provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\wiseconnect\\rs9116w-wifi-at-command-prm\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "3b800a8b0042-2", "text": "If the packets received from the Host by WCB during transmission is interpreted as TCP/IP frames then the WCB interacts with TCP/IP stack for further processing before passing the packets to MAC layer.\n\nSimilarly if the packets are received from the TCP/IP stack by WCB during reception, WCB processes before passing these packets to host.\n\nStation Management Entity (SME)\n\nThe SME is the core layer which manages the Wi-Fi connectivity in Station mode. The SME maintains the state machine to detect the activity on the Wi-Fi network and indicates to the user accordingly. It interacts with the WPA supplicant if security is enabled in the Wi-Fi network.\n\nAccess Point Management Entity (APME)\n\nThe APME is the core layer which manages the connectivity in Access Point group owner modes. The APME maintains the state machine to handle multiple clients connected to the module. It interacts with WPA supplicant if security is enabled in the Wi-Fi network.\n\nWPA Supplicant\n\nThe main functionality of WPA supplicant is to support the key negotiation between Wi-Fi devices in a secure mode. This functionality depends on the mode in which RS9116-WiSeConnect operates in Station mode, Access point mode. The WPA supplicant is used to initiate the 802.1x/E Access Point authentication if WPA/WPA2-PSK is used as the security parameter. It also plays a major part in performing the 4-way handshake to derive the PTK in WPA/WPA2-PSK modes.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116\\wiseconnect\\rs9116w-wifi-at-command-prm\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "671c2f3070d4-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 | Version History\n\nSAPI Overview#\n\nThe RS9116W Simple API (SAPI) is a comprehensive collection of Wireless, Network Applications, BSD Socket APIs, and RS9116 driver code along with different HALs for mapping to platform interface on which the library may be ported.\n\nThis documentation in this section describes the RS9116 WiSeConnect SAPI (Simple API) library, including:\n\nBrief descriptions about the RS9116 WiSeConnect SAPI Architecture\n\nDetails about the APIs and configurations available in the SAPI library\n\nRecent updates of the SAPI library changes\n\nSAPI is intended to run on a host MCU with/without RTOS. Use the given APIs without any modifications to make upgrading to future releases easier. Make sure you also update SAPI with the RS9116 device firmware.\n\nRS9116 device includes Wi-Fi, TCP/IP Networking stack with SSL/TLS support up to TLS 1.2, HTTP/HTTPS, Web sockets, DHCP, MQTT client, and Bluetooth 5 stacks embedded. This device requires a separate application processor, which acts as a host. Host can communicate with RS9116 device using one of the interfaces listed below.\n\nRS9116 supports the following interfaces for host interaction:\n\nSPI\n\nUART\n\nSDIO\n\nUSB-CDC\n\nSAPI enables easy migration into any platform with its uniform APIs. This library simplifies application development on the host. Users can develop application software without learning the underlying peripheral register interface and other details.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\2.6\\wifibt-wc-sapi-reference\\index.html"} {"id": "671c2f3070d4-1", "text": "RS9116W release consists of two main components, Firmware and SAPI Library. Both components have the same revision number as they are tightly coupled. Latest releases might have bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in SAPI and/or Firmware. Most of the new features have associated APIs, which are available in the latest SAPI release only. It is recommended to always update SAPI and Firmware to same release version.\n\nFeatures#\n\nPlatform-independent, interrupt-driven drivers written in C.\n\nDrivers provide a simpler, functional interface and eliminate the need to manage the low-level host interface protocol.\n\nCommon APIs for four host interfaces (SPI, UART, SDIO, USB-CDC), which enables easy migration to different host interfaces.\n\nSupports bare metal and FreeRTOS OS by default. Other RTOS can be supported through OS Abstraction changes.\n\nMay be used with Simplicity Studio, Keil uVision and IAR IDEs. The SAPI driver can also be ported for use with other IDEs that use GCC or ARM compiler toolchains.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\2.6\\wifibt-wc-sapi-reference\\index.html"} {"id": "ebcd3ecad576-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nRS9116 Evaluation Kit#\n\nThe RS9116 Evaluation Kit (EVK) includes everything necessary to Get Started with PC using AT Commands or to connect to a host MCU (not included) as described in Getting Started with EFx32 Host or Getting Started with STM32 Host.\n\nThe RS9116 EVK is available in several varieties as listed below. Unless otherwise noted, the software support and operational instructions are the same for all varieties.\n\nRS911X-DB-EVK1 - Dual Band Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Evaluation Kit with CC1 Module\n\nRS911X-SB-EVK1 - Single Band Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Evaluation Kit with QMS SoC\n\nRS911X-SB-EVK2 - Single Band Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Evaluation Kit with B00 Module\n\nComplete details of the EVKs are available in the RS9116 EVK User's Guide.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-rs9116x-evk\\index.html"} {"id": "27031352715d-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nApplication Notes#\n\nThe Application Notes listed below cover key topics related to RS9116W WiSeConnect\u2122. For a complete list of technical documentation and resources, see: RS9116 Technical Resources.\n\nWi-Fi Regulatory Testing App Note#\n\nGuide for Wi-Fi regulatory testing\n\nHardware and software requirements and setup\n\nConfigure and execute regulatory test modes\n\nBluetooth Regulatory Testing App Note#\n\nGuide for Bluetooth and BLE regulatory testing\n\nHardware and software requirements and setup\n\nConfigure and execute regulatory test modes\n\nPower Save App Note#\n\nGuide to evaluate low power features using the RS9116 EVK\n\nHardware and software requirements and setup\n\nProcedure for performing power measurements\n\nWi-Fi Throughput App Note#\n\nGuide to evaluate and measure Wi-Fi throughput using the RS9116 EVK\n\nHardware and software requirements and setup\n\nSetup and use the throughput reference project\n\nProcedure for performing throughput measurements\n\nFirmware Update App Note#\n\nGuide to firmware update mechanisms offered for RS9116W\n\nDescribes firmware update options using SPI, USB and Wireless interfaces\n\nSPI Protocol App Note#\n\nDetails of the SPI implementation of the RS9116W\n\nRS9113 to RS9116 Migration Guide#\n\nGuide for migrating an application from (legacy) RS9113 products to RS9116W\n\nRS9113 and RS9116 part number compatibility\n\nHardware and software migration requirements", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-application-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "570ca68397c7-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nAT Command Examples#\n\nThe AT-Command examples provided in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK are Tera Term scripts that demonstrate basic RS9116W functionality using only a RS9116 Evaluation Kit and a PC. More details can be found in Getting Started with PC using AT Commands\n\nThe scripts are found in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK at the path /examples/at_commands\n\nDetails on the configuration and operation of each example are available in the readme.md file that is found with the example source code and at the following links:\n\nBLE CentralDemonstrates setting up the device as a BLE Central device.\n\nBLE Heart Rate ProfileDemonstrates setting up the device as a Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Rate Profile.\n\nBLE Packet Error RateDemonstrates setting up the device as a BLE PER device.\n\nBLE PeripheralDemonstrates setting up the device as a BLE Peripheral device.\n\nBLE Proximity ProfileDemonstrates setting up the device as a BLE Proximity Profile Device.\n\nBT Packet Error RateDemonstrates setting up the device as a BT PER Transmit/Receive functionality.\n\nBT SPP MasterDemonstrates setting up the device as a Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) master.\n\nBT SPP SlaveDemonstrates setting up the device as a Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) Slave.\n\nWi-Fi Soft APDemonstrates setting up the device as a Wi-Fi Access Point and connecting to it from a mobile phone or PC\n\nWi-Fi Enterprise AuthenticationDemonstrates connecting to a Wi-Fi access point in station mode using enterprise authenticarion.\n\nWi-Fi Firmware UpdateDemonstrates how to update firmware over Wi-Fi.\n\nWi-Fi Low PowerDemonstrates Wi-Fi Station standby associated power save functionality allowing the user to measure and evaluate the low-power consumption of the device.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-at-command-examples\\index.html"} {"id": "570ca68397c7-1", "text": "Wi-Fi Low Power + BLEDemonstrates Wi-Fi Station standby associated power save functionality along with BLE advertising.\n\nWi-Fi StationDemonstrates connecting to a Wi-Fi access point in station mode.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-at-command-examples\\index.html"} {"id": "72735a3397c1-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 Example Applications#\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK includes a large number of examples that illustrate how to use the RS9116W. Each example includes ready-made projects for EFx32 and STM32 host MCU's that are simple to import into a target IDE and begin development.\n\nTo get started using the example applications, follow the instructions in on one of the getting started guides below:\n\nGetting Started with EFx32 Host\n\nGetting Started with STM32 Host\n\nGetting Started with PC using AT Commands\n\nThe examples may be run on many other embedded host MCU's by porting the WiSeConnect\u2122 driver software as described in the RS9116W SAPI Porting Guide.\n\nThe examples included in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK are organized into the following types. Each example includes documentation that describes how to configure and operate the example. More details are available at the links below:\n\nFeatured Examples - Full featured projects that demonstrate a common RS9116 use-case or enable you to perform a key aspect of RS9116 evaluation.\n\nSnippet Examples - Smaller projects that focus on one particular feature or API.\n\nAT Command Examples - Pre-built Tera Term scripts used for evaluating the RS9116 directly from a PC.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-example-applications-overview\\index.html"} {"id": "3743be720e42-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nFeatured Examples#\n\nFeatured examples are complete projects that demonstrate a common RS9116 use-case or enable you to perform a key aspect of RS9116 evaluation. The featured examples are found in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK at the path: /examples/featured.\n\nDetails on the configuration and operation of each featured example are available in the readme.md file that is found with the example source code and at the following links:\n\nAWS IoT Device ShadowCreates an AWS IoT 'thing' that connects to the AWS IoT device shadow service using the MQTT protocol\n\nBLE PER - Transmit and Receive Performance and Regulatory Testingconfigure the device with necessary parameters to start transmitting or receiving BLE PER packets.\n\nBT PER - Transmit and Receive Performance and Regulatory Testingconfigure the device with necessary parameters to start transmitting or receiving BT PER packets.\n\nFirmware Update via TCP ServerWirelessly updates the RS911x firmware from a remote TCP server\n\nDeep-Sleep UDP ClientConnects to a Wi-Fi Access Point in deep-sleep mode and intermittently wakes to send UDP packets\n\nTransmit Performance and Regulatory TestingConfigures the device in a transmit mode that is used for transmit performance and regulatory certification testing (FCC, ETSI, CE, etc.)\n\nThroughput TestMeasures Wi-Fi transmit/receive throughput performance using a remote iPerf client/server", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-featured-examples\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nGetting Started with an EFx32 Host#\n\nThis guide describes how to get started developing a RS9116W application on an EFx32 embedded host MCU using the WiSeConnect\u2122 Simple Application Programming Interface (SAPI). For quick evaluation using only the EVK and a PC instead see Getting Started with PC using AT Commands.\n\nGetting started with application development on an EFx32 involves the following steps:\n\nDownload and Install Simplicity Studio\n\nChoose a host MCU Development Board\n\nUpdate the RS9116W Firmware\n\nConnect the RS9116 EVK to the EFx32 development board\n\nOpen a Featured Example Project in Simplicity Studio\n\nBuild, Run and Debug an example project\n\nExplore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package\n\nImport Snippet Example Projects into Simplicity Studio\n\nDownload and Install Simplicity Studio#\n\nSimplicity Studio is available for download at www.silabs.com/simplicity-studio. The steps outlined in this getting started guide require Simplicity Studio version 5.1.2 or later.\n\nDuring installation, be sure to install the Technology Type: 32-Bit Microcontrollers. More details can be found at Simplicity Studio Installation Instructions\n\nNote!\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package is automatically downloaded by Simplicity Studio. More details can be found in the section, Explore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package.\n\nChoose a host MCU Development Board#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-1", "text": "Choose a host MCU Development Board#\n\nThe example projects provided with the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package are designed to work out-of-the-box with the EFR32MG21 Wireless Starter Kit (SLWSTK6006A) or EFM32GG11 Starter Kit (SLSTK3701A) and the RS9116 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Development Kit. Project files are provided for both the EFR32MG21 radio board version A (BRD4180A) and version B (BRD4180B), EFM32GG11 radio board version (BRD2204A)\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 driver software also works with other embedded host MCUs. Details on porting the driver to other host MCUs can be found in the RS9116W SAPI Porting Guide.\n\nUpdate the RS9116W Firmware#\n\nWhen you first receive a RS9116 EVK, or when updating to a new version of the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package, we recommend updating the RS9116W firmware to the latest available version. There are several ways to update firmware, but the recommended method to get started is outlined in the section, Updating RS9116W Firmware.\n\nNote!Disconnect the RS9116 EVK from the host MCU board before updating the firmware, the host MCU connections may interfere with the update process.\n\nConnect the RS9116 EVK to the host MCU development board#\n\nFor EFR32MG21 host MCU#\n\nConnect the EFR32 Starter Kit, EXP adapter board and RS9116 EVB as illustrated in the following picture:\n\nNote!\nThe EXP adapter board is included in the RS9116 Evaluation Kit. If you have an older RS9116 Evaluation Kit that does not include the EXP adapter board, please request one through your local sales representative.\n\nSTEP 1. Connect the EXP adapter board to the EFR32 starter kit EXP header.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-2", "text": "STEP 1. Connect the EXP adapter board to the EFR32 starter kit EXP header.\n\nSTEP 2. Connect the EXP adapter board to the SPI connector of the RS9116 EVK using the 10-pin ribbon cable provided with the RS9116 EVK.\n\nSTEP 3. Connect the RST_PS pin on the RS9116 EVK to the pin labeled 11 on the J4 header of the EXP adapter board using a jumper wire.\n\nSTEP 4. Set the ISP switch on the RS9116 EVK to the OFF position.\n\nSTEP 5. Connect the RS9116 EVK to a PC using the USB interface labeled POWER. Note that this connection only provides power to the EVK. There is no USB communication over this connection.\n\nSTEP 6. Connect the EFR32 Starter Kit to a PC using the Mini USB connector on the EFR32 Starter Kit.\n\nComplete hardware details of the RS9116 EVK can be found in the RS9116 EVK User's Guide.\n\nPower Save GPIO Connections#\n\nThe instructions above enable basic operation between the host MCU and RS9116. Some low power examples require additional connections of the Ultra Low Power (ULP) GPIOs as detailed in the table below. These details are valid for any example provided in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK unless otherwise noted in the readme documentation of a particular example.\n\nSignal Name\n\nEXP Adapter Board\n\nRS9116 EVK\n\nNotes\n\nUULP_0 / UULP_3\n\nJ4 Pin 9\n\nJ9 Pin 5\n\nIf using a RS9116 EVK version 1.4 or newer connect UULP_0. Otherwise connect UULP_3\n\nUULP_2\n\nJ4 Pin 7\n\nJ9 Pin 4\n\nFor EFM32GG11 host MCU#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-3", "text": "J9 Pin 4\n\nFor EFM32GG11 host MCU#\n\nConnect the EFM32 Starter Kit and RS9116 EVB as illustrated in the following picture:\n\nSTEP 1. Connect one end of the SDIO connector to EFM32 board using the SDIO Pin Configuration Table given below.\n\nSTEP 2. Connect the other end of SDIO connector to the RS9116 EVK.\n\nSTEP 3. Connect the RST_PS pin on the RS9116 EVK to the PIN11 on EFM32 board using a jumper wire.\n\nSTEP 4. Set the ISP switch on the RS9116 EVK to the OFF position.\n\nSTEP 5. Connect the RS9116 EVK to a PC using the USB interface labeled POWER. Note that this connection only provides power to the EVK. There is no USB communication over this connection.\n\nSTEP 6. Connect the EFM32 Starter Kit to a PC using the Mini USB connector on the EFM32 Starter Kit.\n\nComplete hardware details of the RS9116 EVK can be found in the RS9116 EVK User's Guide.\n\nSDIO Pin Configuration Table :#\n\nPins on EFM32\n\nOn Expansion Header\n\nPins on RS9116 EVK\n\nPIN#\n\nSignal\n\nPIN#\n\n14\n\nSDIO_DAT2\n\n12\n\nSDIO_DAT3\n\nSDIO_CMD\n\n10\n\nSDIO_CLK\n\nSDIO_DAT0\n\nSDIO_DAT1\n\nGND\n\n20\n\n3V3\n\nPower Save GPIO Connections#\n\nThe instructions above enable basic operation between the host MCU and RS9116. Some low power examples require additional connections of the Ultra Low Power (ULP) GPIOs as detailed in the table below. These details are valid for any example provided in the WiSeConnect\u2122 software package unless otherwise noted in the readme documentation of a particular example.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-4", "text": "RS9116 PWR SAVE GPIOs peripheral J9 Header Pin\n\nEFM32 Pin#\n\nFunction\n\nComment\n\nUULP_0 / UULP_3\n\nGPIO\n\nIf using a RS9116 EVK version 1.4 or newer connect UULP_0. Otherwise connect UULP_3\n\nUULP_2\n\nGPIO\n\nOpen a Featured Example Project in Simplicity Studio#\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK includes a number of examples that are featured in Simplicity Studio. A list of the featured examples along with documentation detailing the operation each example can be found in: Featured Examples. More details on the contents of the software package can be found in: Explore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package.\n\nSTEP 1. Open Simplicity Studio and navigate to the Launcher perspective.\n\nSTEP 2. Under My Products add the RS9116W Evaluation Kit with EFR32MG21 by typing RS9116 then selecting the kit.\n\nThe RS9116 Overview page should now display information about the RS9116 and EFR32MG21 kits.\n\nSTEP 3. With the product RS9116W Evaluation Kit with EFR32MG21 selected, navigate to the example projects by clicking on Example Projects & Demos then filter by the RS9116 WiSeConnect SDK as shown below.\n\nNote!\nThe RS9116W Evaluation Kit with EFR32MG21 that was added in the previous step specifies the EFR32MG21 radio board version B (BRD4180B). If instead you are using a EFR32MG21 radio board version A (BRD4180A) then, prior to selecting an example project, you must select the board under Debug Adapters as shown below.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-5", "text": "STEP 4. Click the Create button for the project that you wish to open. This will display the New Project Wizard which will allow you to rename your project, choose the location of your project and select whether you want the project files linked to the original location or copied into the new project location. Typically, the default settings should be used for all options. Click Finish to exit the wizard and create the new project.\n\nNote!\nThe mention of \"SDK\" in the New Project Wizardand in the Simplicity IDE refers to the EFR32 platform SDK known as the Gecko SDK (GSDK) and not the RS9116 WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK.\n\nSTEP 5. After creating the project, Simplicity Studio will launch the Simplicity IDE allowing you to build, run and debug the project.\n\nBuild, Run and Debug an Example Project on the Development Kit#\n\nYou can flash, run and debug the newly created example project simply by clicking on the Debug icon in the Simplicity IDE toolbar. This will build the project, flash it onto the attached STK and open the Debugger Perspective. Unless configured otherwise, the debugger will automatically break execution at the beginning of main allowing the user to step, run, or otherwise debug the application. More details on using the debugger tools can be found at: Using the Debuggers.\n\nTo build the project without flashing and executing it, simply click on the Build icon in the Simplicity IDE toolbar. This will build the selected default configuration (debug or release).\n\nA pre-built image can be programmed onto a device using the Flash Programmer which is available by clicking the Program icon in the Simplicity IDE toolbar.\n\nExample specific details such as how to configure and operate the example can be found in Example Applications. The same information is also available in the readme file available with the example project source code.\n\nExplore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-6", "text": "Explore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package#\n\nSimplicity Studio automatically downloads the official WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK repository from the Silicon Labs GitHub space. Therefore no action is required to integrate the software into Simplicity Studio.\n\nFor advanced situations, the integration between Simplicity Studio and the The WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK GitHub repository can be managed using the External Repos settings in Simplicity Studio. To view or edit the external repos settings go to Preferences > Simplicity Studio > External Repos as shown below. Here you can add, edit, update, or remove repos. You can also select a specific branch, tag or a commit that you would like to use.\n\nOnce downloaded, Simplicity Studio will store the repository in the Simplicity Studio installation folder under ./developer/repos. On a Windows PC this is typicall found at C:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\repos. You can explore the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK here.\n\nNote!\nSimplicity Studio will not download the full contents of the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK GitHub repo until the user opens one of the features example projects as described in: Open a Featured Example Project in Simplicity Studio\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK is organized into the main folders described below.\n\nFolder\n\nDescription\n\nexamples\n\nContains host MCU example projects. The example projects are divided into featured, snippets and at_commands as described below in Example Project Types.\n\nfirmware\n\nContains RS9116 firmware image\n\nplatforms\n\nContains platform specific source code for various available platforms. Other platforms can be supported by following the RS9116W SAPI Porting Guide.\n\nresources\n\nContains various resources for the example projects and sapi including device certificates and scripts.\n\nsapi\n\nContains the source code files for the WiSeConnect\u2122 Simple Application Programming Interface (SAPI).\n\nthird party", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-7", "text": "third party\n\nContains third party source code and tools such as freeRTOS, AWS SDK and more.\n\nutilities\n\nContains varous utilities useful for evaluation and application developent.\n\nExample Project Types#\n\nThe examples included in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK are divided into the following types:\n\nFeatured - Full featured projects that perform a key aspect of RS9116 evaluation or use-case. Featured examples are available directly from Simplicity Studio. Using a featured example is described in :Open a Featured Example Project in Simplicity Studio\n\nSnippets - Smaller projects that focus on one particular feature or API. Snippets can be easily imported into Simplcity Studio as described in: Import Snippet Example Projects into Simplicity Studio.\n\nAT commands - Pre-built Tera Term scripts used for evaluating the RS9116 directly from a PC. More details can be found in: Getting Started with RS9116 EVK and WiSeConnect\u2122.\n\nImport Snippet Example Projects into Simplicity Studio#\n\nSnippet example projects are available in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK in the subfolder folder ./examples/snippets. More information about the location of the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK, the folder structure and the example types can be found in: Explore the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package.\n\nSnippet example projects can be easily imported into Simplicity Studio using the steps below:\n\nFor EFR32MG21 host MCU#\n\nSTEP 1. Select File > Import ... from the Simplicity Studio menu.\n\nSTEP 2. Click Browse and navigate to the projects folder in the snippet example that you are wanting to import. In this example we are using the WLAN Station Ping example found at C:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\repos\\wiseconnect\\examples\\snippets\\wlan\\station_ping\\projects.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "1f887e41fdbb-8", "text": "STEP 3. The project names include the EFR32 board number associated with the project (e.g. brd4180a). Select the project associated with the the board you are using and click Next.\n\nSTEP 4. Ensure there are no unresolved settings then click Next\n\nSTEP 5. Click Finish. The Simplicity IDE will be displayed with the imported project. You can now build, run and debug the project.\n\nFor EFM32GG11 Host MCU#\n\nSTEP 1. Select File > Import ... from the Simplicity Studio menu.\n\nSTEP 2. Click Browse and navigate to the projects folder in the snippet example that you are wanting to import. In this example we are using the WLAN Station Ping example found at C:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\repos\\wiseconnect\\examples\\snippets\\wlan\\station_ping\\projects.\n\nSTEP 3. The project names include the EFM32 board number associated with the project (e.g. brd2204a). Select the project associated with the the board you are using and click Next.\n\nSTEP 4. Ensure there are no unresolved settings then click Next\n\nSTEP 5. Click Finish. The Simplicity IDE will be displayed with the imported project. You can now build, run and debug the project.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-efx32\\index.html"} {"id": "831307aa900f-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nGetting Started with PC using AT Commands#\n\nThe fastest way to get started with the WiSeConnect\u2122 software is to use a RS9116 Evaluation Kit (EVK) and PC with a terminal application such as Tera Term.\n\nTo get started with app development on a host MCU instead, see Getting Started with a EFx32 Host or Getting Started with a STM32 Host.\n\nUsing AT-Commands and a Tera Term example script, your EVK will be connected to a wireless network in minutes.\n\nThere's just a few steps involved:\n\nDownload WiSeConnect\u2122 software\n\nConnect the EVK\n\nVerify the RS9116 firmware version\n\nRun Tera Term example scripts\n\nDownload WiSeConnect\u2122#\n\nThe software package is available directly in Simplicity Studio for Silicon Labs EFx32 hosts. See Getting Started with a EFx32 Host. For other MCU hosts or if you are not using Simplicity Studio, the software package can be downloaded directly from the Silicon Labs GitHub space.\n\nDownload the latest WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package\n\nAdditional Software Requirements\n\nThe terminal program Tera Term is required to complete the steps in this guide. Other terminal programs can be used to control the RS9116W however the example scripts used in this guide will only work with Tera Term. Download Tera Term for PC.\n\nConnect the EVK#\n\nSTEP 1. Connect the EVK to a PC using the USB interface labeled UART as identified below.\n\nThere are several USB connectors on the RS9116 EVK. For the purposes of basic evaluation using a PC, the UART port is recommended due to its low power consumption. Alternatively, the USB-CDC interface can be used to achieve higher throughput. When using the USB-CDC interface the basic operation outlined on this page remains the same.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-pc\\index.html"} {"id": "831307aa900f-1", "text": "STEP 2. If this is the first time connecting the EVK to your PC, verfy that it is properly detected by the PC. The EVK will appear to the PC as a COM port labeled USB Serial Port (COMx). If the EVK is not properly detected you may need to download and install the FTDI Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver.\n\nSTEP 3. Configure your terminal application with the following settings:\n\nConfigure the serial port settings to 115200 baud / 8-bit data / No parity / 1 stop bit\n\nEnable local echo\n\nSet receive and transmit new-line characters to CR+LF\n\nSee, Tera Term setup instructions.\n\nVerify the RS9116 Firmware Version#\n\nIf this is the first time using the RS9116 EVK or if you recently downloaded a new version of the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package, the firmware that is currently installed on the EVB may be outdated and may require updating. The instructions below describe how to load and check the firmware version. For instructions on how to update the firmware see, Updating the RS9116W EVK Firmware\n\nSTEP 1. After power-up or reset, enter the bootloader as follows (this sequence sends the key combination |U).\n\npress and hold Shift\n\npress then release | (the 'vertical line' or 'pipe' character)\n\npress then release u\n\nrelease Shift\n\nThe console displays the bootloader menu after the characters |UU as shown in the following example.\n\n1.0\n\n1 Load Default Wireless Firmware \nA Load Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n) \nB Burn Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n5 Select Default Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n) \nK Check Wireless Firmware Integrity\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n7 Enable GPIO Based Bypass Mode\n\n8 Disable GPIO Based Bypass Mode \nQ Update KEY \nZ JTAG Selection", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-pc\\index.html"} {"id": "831307aa900f-2", "text": "8 Disable GPIO Based Bypass Mode \nQ Update KEY \nZ JTAG Selection\n\nNote!\nThe bootloader menu does not appear automatically on boot because the device waits to perform Auto Baud Rate Detection (ABRD). The character sequence Shift + | followed by Shift + u initiates ABRD causing the device to enter bootloader mode. For more details on ABRD and the bootloader, see the RS9116W Programming Reference Manuals.\n\n|UU \n \nWELCOME TO REDPINE SIGNALS \n \nBootLoader Version\n\n1.0\n\n1 Load Default Wireless Firmware \nA Load Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n) \nB Burn Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n5 Select Default Wireless Firmware\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n) \nK Check Wireless Firmware Integrity\n\n(Image No\n\n0-f\n\n7 Enable GPIO Based Bypass Mode\n\n8 Disable GPIO Based Bypass Mode \nQ Update KEY \nZ JTAG Selection\n\n11 \nLoading\n\n... \nLoading Done\n\nNote!\n\nThe bootloader automatically loads the default firmware after 20 seconds if a selection is not made.\n\nIf the console only displays Loading... without Loading Done, the device may be in legacy binary mode. See, Switching between legacy binary mode and AT-command mode.\n\nThe device can be configured in 'Bootloader Bypass Mode' as described in the RS9116W Programming Reference Manuals.\n\nSTEP 3. Query the version of the firmware by typing the command at+rsi_fwversion? as shown in the following console example.\n\n... \n \nLoading\n\n... \nLoading Done \n\nat+rsi_fwversion? \nOK1610.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-pc\\index.html"} {"id": "831307aa900f-3", "text": "at+rsi_fwversion? \nOK1610.\n\nSTEP 4. If the firmware version does not match the firmware image provided with the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK, then a firmware update is required. The firmware image is found in the WiSeConnect software package at the path /firmware. The firmware version is specified as part of the file name. For update instructions see, Updating the RS9116W EVK Firmware.\n\nRun Tera Term Example Scripts#\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK includes several Tera Term example scripts that use AT-Commands to demonstrate basic RS9116W functionality. The scripts are found in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK in the folder /examples/at_commands/teraterm\n\nWhen using these examples to evaluate power consumption please use the UART interface as described in Connect the EVK.\n\nA complete list of examples and and instructions on running each example can be found in AT Command Examples.\n\nIt is recommended that you start with the Wi-Fi Station Mode Example.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-pc\\index.html"} {"id": "f1b042b30288-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nGetting Started with a STM32 Host#\n\nThis guide describes how to get started developing a RS9116W application on an STM32 embedded host MCU using the WiSeConnect\u2122 Simple Application Programming Interface (SAPI). For quick evaluation using only the EVK and a PC instead see Getting Started with PC using AT Commands.\n\nGetting started with application development on an STM32 involves the following steps:\n\nDownload the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package\n\nChoose a host MCU development board\n\nUpdate the RS9116W Firmware\n\nConnect the RS9116 EVK to the STM32 development board\n\nOpen an Example Project in the Keil IDE\n\nRun an Example Project on the Development Kit\n\nDownload the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package#\n\nDownload or clone the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package repository from GitHub.\n\nChoose a host MCU development board and tools#\n\nThe example projects provided with the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package are designed to work out-of-the-box with the STM32F411RE Nucleo-64 Development Kit from ST Microelectroncis and the Keil MDK development environment. Before continuing with this guide, download and install the Keil MDK.\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 driver software can also be run on many other embedded host MCU's. To run example projects on a Silicon Labs EFM32/EFR32 host see: Getting Started with a EFx32 Host. Details on porting the driver to other non-Silicon Labs platforms can be found in the RS9116W SAPI Porting Guide.\n\nUpdate the RS9116W Firmware#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-stm32\\index.html"} {"id": "f1b042b30288-1", "text": "Update the RS9116W Firmware#\n\nWhen you first receive a RS9116 EVK or when upgrading to a new version of the WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package, we recommend you update the RS9116W firmware. There are several update methods available when just getting started it is best to follow the method outlined in Updating RS9116W Firmware\n\nNote!\nBe sure to disconnect the RS9116 EVK from the host MCU board before updating the firmware using the method described in Updating RS9116W Firmware\n\nConnect the RS9116 EVK to the STM32 MCU Development Board#\n\nSTEP 1. Connect the RS9116 EVK reset pin RST_PS to the STM32F11RE development board CN10 pin 6 to enable the STM32 to reset the RS9116.\n\nSTEP 2. Connect the STM32F411RE board to the SDIO/SPI connector of the RS9116 EVK using the 10-pin ribbon cable provided with the RS9116 EVK.\n\nThe pinout of the SPI cable is shown in the image below.\n\nThe following table summarizes the connections between the RS9116 EVK SDIO/SPI connector (J4) and the STM32F411RE development board connector (CN10).\n\nSignal Name\n\nRS9116 EVB (J4 - SDIO/SPI)\n\nSTM32F411 Board (CN10)\n\nNC\n\n10\n\nNo Connect\n\nSPI_INTR\n\n21\n\nSPI_MISO\n\n13\n\nSPI_MOSI\n\n15\n\nGND\n\nNo Connect\n\nSPI_CLK\n\n11\n\nVDD\n\nGND\n\nSPI_CS\n\n17\n\nNC\n\nNo Connect\n\nSTEP 3. Set the ISP switch on the RS9116 EVK to the OFF position.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-stm32\\index.html"} {"id": "f1b042b30288-2", "text": "STEP 3. Set the ISP switch on the RS9116 EVK to the OFF position.\n\nSTEP 4. Connect the RS9116 EVK to a PC using the USB interface labeled POWER. Note that this connection only provides power to the EVK. There is no USB communication over this connection.\n\nSTEP 5. Connect the STM32 development board to a PC using the Mini USB connector on the STM32F411RE board.\n\nComplete hardware details of the RS9116 EVK can be found in the RS9116 EVK User's Guide.\n\nPower Save GPIO Connections#\n\nThe instructions above enable basic operation between the host MCU and RS9116. Some low power examples require additional GPIO configuration to enable Low Power (LP) or Ultra Low Power (ULP) operation. These details are valid for any example provided in the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK unless otherwise noted in the readme documentation for a particular example.\n\nConnections for Ultra-Low Power (ULP) Operation\n\nSignal Name\n\nSTM32F411 Board (CN10)\n\nRS9116 EVK\n\nNotes\n\nUULP_2\n\nJ9 Pin 4\n\nUULP_0 (UULP_3)\n\nJ9 Pin 5\n\nOnly use UULP_3 for RS9116 EVK v1.3 or earlier\n\nConnections for Low Power (LP) Operation\n\nSignal Name\n\nSTM32F411 Board (CN10)\n\nRS9116 EVK\n\nNotes\n\nUULP_5\n\nJ9 Pin 4\n\nUULP_0 (UULP_3)\n\nJ9 Pin 5\n\nOnly use UULP_3 for RS9116 EVK v1.3 or earlier\n\nReset Connection#\n\nSignal Name\n\nSTM32F411 Board (CN10)\n\nRS9116 EVK\n\nNotes\n\nRST_PS\n\nJ9 Pin 2", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-stm32\\index.html"} {"id": "f1b042b30288-3", "text": "RS9116 EVK\n\nNotes\n\nRST_PS\n\nJ9 Pin 2\n\nAn STM32 GPIO is used to reset the RS9116\n\nOpen an Example Project in the Keil IDE#\n\nThe WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK includes a number of ready-made example projects for the STM32F411RE Nucleo-64 Development Kit and the Keil MDK development environment. A list of examples and documentation detailing the operation of each example can be found in: WiSeConnect\u2122 Example Applications .\n\nFor the steps below, the Keil MDK development environment must be installed on the PC that is connected to the STM32F411RE development board. Refer to the Keil website for details on downloading and installing the development environment.\n\nSTEP 1. Open the Keil \u00b5Vision IDE\n\nSTEP 2. Click the menu item Project > Open Project...\n\nSTEP 3. Navigate to the examples folder in the downloaded WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package and choose the \u00b5Vision project file of the example you would like to open. Every example contains a projects folder containing various project files. For example, the path to the firmware update featured example project can be found in the following path:\n\n/examples/featured/firmware_update/projects/firmware_update-nucleo-f411re.uvprojx.\n\nSTEP 4. Opening the project will result in a fully functional project in the IDE that can be built, run and debugged.\n\nRun an Example Project on the Development Kit#\n\nYou can build, run and debug the newly opened example project simply using the standard toolbar and menu items in the Keil \u00b5Vision IDE. Refer to the Keil documentation for more details.\n\nFor instructions to configure and use each, see Example Applications. The same information is also available in the readme.md file available with the example project source code.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-getting-started-with-stm32\\index.html"} {"id": "767ac231ed2a-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nRS9116W - WiSeConnect\u2122#\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 offers a full network offload option for embedded systems with low-end host microcontrollers running an RTOS or bare metal OS. The RS9116W connects to a host MCU using UART or SPI interfaces. A complete set of wireless, networking and security stacks run on the RS9116W device, however the networking stack can be bypassed if required. Communication with the host MCU is achieved with AT Commands, or alternately a simple binary API referred to as SAPI. Embedded products provide greater than 20 Mbps Wi-Fi application throughput with multiple operating modes including Wi-Fi Client, Wi-Fi Access Point, Simultaneous Wi-Fi Client & Access Point and Dual-mode Bluetooth.\n\nTo get started using the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK, follow the instructions in on one of the getting started guides below:\n\nGetting Started with PC using AT Commands\n\nGetting Started with EFx32 Host\n\nGetting Started with STM32 Host\n\nThe software package is available directly in Simplicity Studio for Silicon Labs EFx32 hosts. For other MCU hosts the software package can be downloaded directly from the Silicon Labs GitHub space.\n\nDownload the latest WiSeConnect\u2122 Software Driver Package", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-overview\\index.html"} {"id": "c371779707c8-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nAT Command Programming Reference Manuals#\n\nThe programming reference manuals listed below describe the AT-command interface and other programming details of the RS9116W. These documents should be referenced for detailed information that may not be available in the SAPI Reference.\n\nWi-Fi AT Command PRM#\n\nSoftware architecture\n\nBootloader details\n\nHost interface guide\n\nInterface and command protocols\n\nAT Command reference for Wi-Fi\n\nBLE AT Command PRM#\n\nSoftware architecture\n\nBootloader details\n\nHost interface guide\n\nInterface and command protocols\n\nAT Command reference for BLE\n\nBluetooth Classic AT Command PRM#\n\nSoftware architecture\n\nBootloader details\n\nHost interface guide\n\nInterface and command protocols\n\nAT Command reference for Bluetooth Classic", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-programming-reference-manuals\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nWiSeConnect Release Notes#\n\nRelease notes are provided with each version of the WiSeConnect\u2122 SDK.\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.6.1\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.6\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.5.2\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.5.1\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.5\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.4.1\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.4\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.3\n\nWiSeConnect\u2122 2.0\n\nWiSeConnect 2.6.1 Release Notes#\n\nLast updated: September 14, 2022\n\nHighlights#\n\nBug fixes\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nSeptember 16, 2022\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.6.1 (Build 6)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2.6.1.6 (Build 6)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nHardware Chipsets\n\nChip Revision 1.4, Chip Revision 1.5\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.6.1 release consists of two components, as follows:\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-1", "text": "Firmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release is meant only for use with designs based on RS9116 Silicon rev 1.4 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx) and RS9116 Silicon rev 1.5 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Cxx).Customers using the RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Xxx parts (Silicon rev 1.3) can also upgrade to the latest firmware, however the power optimization feature macro EXT_FEAT_LOW_POWER_MODE must be disabled for revision 1.3.\n\nChoose the firmware to match the silicon revision used in your design, as follows:\n\nRS9116W. (Silicon rev 1.3)RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx (Silicon rev 1.4)\n\nRS916W. (Silicon rev 1.5)\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nResolved issues with DHCP renewal process when HTTP download is in progress.\n\nEnhanced frequency offset calibration by reducing the number of iterations required. Also added checks to ensure frequency offset tuning doesn't get wrapped-around.\n\nResolved stability issues with static IP assignment when a duplicate IP address on the network is configured on STA.\n\nFor RSSI Query, responding with beacon avg rssi instead of last beacon RSSI.\n\nMemory read/write support added in AT mode.\n\nFixed firmware stuck issue in WAP3 connection failure cases and also added changes to support WPA3-R3 certification.\n\nFixed issue with error code 0x0015 observed for Configuration save or Configuration Enable commands with some Opermode configurations.\nBluetooth\n\nFix for fragmentation issue with 1Mbps to improve BLE performance.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-2", "text": "Fix for fragmentation issue with 1Mbps to improve BLE performance.\n\nFix to change BLE advertise frame Tx power by rsibt_updategaintableoffsetMaxpower.\n\nFix to reduce the timing for BT pairing and connection with with BT_Power_save application.\n\nFix for BLE disconnection with different error coes (4e08,4e22,4e3e) in AT modes.\n\nFix to improve BLE scan performance on 1.3 revison boards.\n\nFix for disconnection in audio streaming after connecting DUT to remote BLE device.\n\nFix to get exact response for \"at+rsibt_getlocalcod?\" command.\n\nFix for Bluetooth classic work in the coex mode of RSI_OPERMODE_WLAN_BT_DUAL_MODE.\n\nFix for module returning the improper remote device MTU size in the rsi_bt_app_on_spp_connect callback.\n\nFix for first byte missing During the spp_tx in AT_commands.\n\nFix for AFH map reported by HCI command HCI_Read_AFH_Channel_Map.\n\nFix for bluetooth AFH disabling after role switch.\n\nFix for SPP issues reported by automation team.\n\nFix for BLE TX Power is not changing for TELEC and KCC regions.\n\nFix for BLE SMP connection, if pairing information available, slave does not require to send pairing request.\nDocumentation\n\nUpdated documentation for user store configurations feature.\n\nUpdated Wi-Fi PRM with information on the commands supported in concurrent mode.\n\nIndicating error(0xFFF8) for UDP command when wrong parameters are issued.\n\nAdded a note point in SAPI PRM that provided values for x0_ctune in calibration app.\n\nUpdated the Document by adding WPA3 new features.\nKnown Issues\n\nPower save in PTA 3-Wire Co-Existence functionality requires a weak pull up to be applied to the GRANT pin. However, Beacon protection with power save is unsupported.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-3", "text": "WiSeConnect 2.6 Release Notes#\n\nIndex#\n\nHighlights\n\nRelease Details\n\nUpdating to this Release\n\nNew Features\n\nChanges and Fixes\n\nNew APIs\n\nRecommendations and New Options\n\nKnown Issues\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features\n\nSDK Refactor\n\nTerminology\n\nHighlights#\n\nSupport for storing server IP and port in non-volatile memory\n\nIP conflict detection support for RS9116 internal network stack\n\nSNI (Server Name Indication) support for RS9116 silicon revision 1.4 and 1.5\n\nEnhancements to support for logging\n\nEnhancements to PTA 3-wire coexistence to protect beacon reception\n\nSwyentooh and braktooth vulnerability fixes for BT/BLE\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nJune 15, 2022\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.6.0 (Build 34)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2.6.0 (Build 34)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nHardware Chipsets\n\nChip Revision 1.4, Chip Revision 1.5\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.6 release consists of two components, as follows:\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-4", "text": "Firmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release is meant only for use with designs based on RS9116 Silicon rev 1.4 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx) and RS9116 Silicon rev 1.5 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Cxx). Customers using the RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Xxx parts (Silicon rev 1.3) can also upgrade to the latest firmware, however the power optimization feature macro EXT_FEAT_LOW_POWER_MODE must be disabled for revision 1.3.\n\nChoose the firmware to match the silicon revision used in your design, as follows:\n\nRS9116W. (Silicon rev 1.3)RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx (Silicon rev 1.4)\n\nRS916W. (Silicon rev 1.5)\n\nThis release includes bug-fixes, enhancements, relevant AT command updates, new SAPI features, and firmware. Most of the new features have associated APIs, which are available in the latest SAPI implementation only. It is strongly recommended to upgrade SAPI and Firmware together.\n\nNew Features#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nSupport for storing server IP and port in non-volatile memory\n\nIP Conflict detection support for RS9116 internal network stack\n\nSNI (Server Name Indication) support for RS9116 silicon revision 1.4 and 1.5\n\nEnhancements to PTA 3-Wire coexitence to protect beacon reception\n\nBluetooth - Common#\n\nSwyentooh and braktooth vulnerability fixes for BT/BLE\n\nGeneral#\n\nEnhancements to support for logging", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-5", "text": "General#\n\nEnhancements to support for logging\n\nWi-Fi interoperability bug fixes\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nrsi_recv timeout granularity changed from 1s to 10 ms.\n\nFix for BLE disconnection and BLE SMP connection issues in example applications\n\nFix for Wi-Fi reconnections due to improper handling of isolated cipher mismatch event\n\nFix in example application for SonyMDR headset glitch issue\n\nFix for glitches and audio pauses for AirPods Pro, Sennheiser, Jabra Elite and Mi Earphones while connected to Wi-Fi\n\nFix for the issue where at+rsi_scan return invalid channel in case of reconnection with 5GHz band AP\n\nFix for HTTPS file download issue in EAP-TLS network\n\nNew APIs#\n\nFor a complete list of new APIs, see SAPI Changelog\n\nRecommendations and New Options#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nTo ensure graceful handling during asynchronous TCP closures from a peer, enable the opermode parameter ext_tcp_ip_feature_bit_map[16]\n\nEnable aggregation using the opermode parameter feature_bit_map[2]\n\nTo avoid TCP disconnects during a rejoin, set TCP retransmission count to >= 30\n\nTo make a connection more robust for low throughput applications in busy networks, disable high MCS rates. For example, in a congested wireless envionment, a Smart Lock may benefit by disabling MCS6 and MCS7.\n\nTo restart the RS9116, the application should call rsi_driver_deinit() followed by rsi_driver_init() and rsi_device_init(). For OS cases, additionally call rsi_task_destroy(driver_task_handle) to delete the driver task before calling rsi_driver_deinit() and create again after rsi_device_init() using rsi_task_create().", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-6", "text": "Register the 'Join Fail Callback' function each time join is called. This is required because if a join fails, the callback is deregistered. Failure to register the callback may stop scan working correctly on a rejoin failure.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nIn BLE, the recommended range of the BLEConnection Interval is as follows:Power Save (BLE Only) - 100 ms to 1.28 sBT Classic + BLE Dual Mode is >= 200 msWi-Fi + BLE coex - 30 ms to 250 ms\n\nIn BLE during Connection, the configuration of Scan Interval and Scan Window with the same value is not recommended\n\nIn BT Classic, the recommended Sniff Interval configuration during powersave is limited to 100 ms (<= 100).\n\nIn BLE, if a device is acting as Central, the scan window (in set_scan_params() and create_connection() APIs) must be less than the existing Connection Interval.\n\nIn BLE mode, if scanning and advertising is in progress, and the device subsequently connects and moves to the central role, scanning and advertising stops. To further establish connection to another peripheral device or to a central device, the application must initiate advertising and scanning again.\n\nDevice powersave must be disabled prior to BT init and de-init.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nFor concurrent Wi-Fi + BLE, and while a Wi-Fi connection is active, we recommend setting the ratio of the BLE scan window to BLE scan interval to 1:3 or 1:4.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE AdvertisingAll standard advertising intervals are supported. As Wi-Fi throughput is increased, a slight difference in on-air advertisements compared to configured intervals may be observed.BLE advertising is skipped if the advertising interval collides with Wi-Fi activity.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-7", "text": "Wi-Fi + BLE scanningAll standard scan intervals are supported. For better scan results, we recommend setting the ratio of the BLE scan window to BLE scan interval to 1:3 or 1:4.BLE scanning will be stopped for intervals that collide with Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral ConnectionsAll standard connection intervals are supported.For a stable connection, use optimal connection intervals and max supervision timeout in the presence of Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data TransferTo achieve higher throughput for both Wi-Fi and BLE, use medium connection intervals, such as 45 to 80 ms with maximum supervision timeout.Ensure Wi-Fi activity consumes lower intervals.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, connect Wi-Fi before BT/BLE connections to ensure seamless, stable connection for all 3 protocols.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, if BT/BLE needs to be connected before a Wi-Fi connection, use with high supervision timeout and high connection interval for BLE and high sniff interval for BT, to ensure seamless, stable connection. This configuration also ensures a stable BT/BLE connection when Wi-Fi connects/disconnects/rejoins.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data Transfer\n\nSystem#\n\nFor User Store configuration and Configuration Save, do not enable power save or save it as a configuration. If power save is enabled and saved as a configuration, upon boot up, the RS9116 will boot with the saved configuration and will go to powersave without any indication to the host.\n\nSet the compiler optimization level to O0 in project settings for IDE (KEIL).", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-8", "text": "Set the compiler optimization level to O0 in project settings for IDE (KEIL).\n\nMemory configuration must be 384K for BT/BLE and co-ex operating modesUsage of low power flash mode bit (bit 19 in extended customer feature bitmap). Enable this bit for ultra low power standby associated scenarios. This results in about 20\u00b5A lower Wi-Fi standby associated current consumption.\n\nMemory Configuration in SAPI functions: The default memory configuration is 384K. The memory configuration can be changed to 256/320/384kB by changing the macros defined in the following files:In rsi_wlan_config.h : RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_384K_MODEIn rsi_common.c : rsi_uint32_to_4bytes(rsi_opermode->ext_custom_feature_bit_map, (EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_384K_MODE | RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP));\n\nApply Opermode commands in AT mode correctly. Using the wrong opermode may lead to unspecified behavior.\n\nSet the recommended Power Save Profile (PSP) type to Enhanced Max PSP.\n\nDuring firmware updates, powersave operation should be disabled.\n\nFor high throughput applications, powersave operation should be disabled.\n\nThe application must set the real-time clock with correct timestamp when the feature is enabled before establishing a TLS connection.\n\nThe socket select and socket receive timeout must be at least 1 second. A timeout value under 1 second is not supported.\n\nFor more details, see 'Configuration parameters' in the SAPI Reference Manual.\n\nKnown Issues#\n\nNetwork Stack#\n\nDHCP renewal during HTTP download may fail, this may cause disconnection.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-9", "text": "Network Stack#\n\nDHCP renewal during HTTP download may fail, this may cause disconnection.\n\nSometimes during a TLS handshake, ECC curve parameters may be incorrectly generated resulting in connection failure with BBD2 error. However, this recovers in the next attempt.\n\nMQTT disconnects during firmware update when power save is enabled. Disable power save during firmware update and re-enable on update completion.\n\nAll GCM-based cipher suites are implemented in software and have limited performance.\n\nThe recommended MQTT publish payload is 1 kBytes.\n\nIf HTTP server functionality is enabled, do not use port 80 for the MQTT client.\n\nRandomize the client port if using rapid connect/disconnect of the MQTT session on the same client port with powersave.\n\nSecure TLS renegotiation is not supported in the embedded networking stack.\n\nIPv6 support is not available in this release.\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nWPA3 known issuesConnection takes about 3-4 secondSAE H2E (Hash to Element) is not supportedTransition disable indication is not supportedPMK SA caching is not supported\n\nIf the station performs a scan in concurrent mode (Wi-Fi STA+AP), stations connected to the AP may be disconnected. Enable AP after STA connection is completed.\n\nIssue observed with WPA2 Enterprise Connectivity using Microsoft RADIUS Server.\n\nIf background scan is enabled along with custom feature bit map bit (8) configuration of the DFS channel support, issues may occur in obtaining an IP address for the Wi-Fi STA.\n\nIn fast PSP, configuration socket close is observed in full duplex communication in long duration tests.\n\nPTA 3-wire co-existence does not work with powersave. However, if a weak pull up is applied to the GRANT pin, PTA 3-wire functionality will work with powersave. Details can be found in application notes.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nSPP as MASTER connection doesn't work in AT/Binary mode", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-10", "text": "BT/BLE#\n\nSPP as MASTER connection doesn't work in AT/Binary mode\n\nIn AT Mode for SPP Transfer the first byte is missing\n\nBT/BLE User Gain table APIs don't work for Korea and Japan region\n\nIn the configuration of WLAN connection, BT A2DP Streaming and BLE Slave connection with SMP mode, BLE disconnections are observed\n\nWake on Wireless is not supported for BLE.\n\nBT-HID may not interoperate with Apple devices.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT/BLE Co-Ex mode, high Wi-Fi broadcast traffic might cause BT/BLE disconnections.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT mode when there is continuous Wi-Fi data, you might observe BT not re-connecting to remote after disconnection.\n\nBT-A2DP may not interoperate with some headsets.\n\nFor BLE, dual role scenario issues may occur when connecting as a central when the peripheral is advertising. Central connections can be made after peripheral connections are established and advertising stops.\n\nA BLE disconnection will occur if both the peer and RS9116 already have bond info and the RS9116 initiates security as part of BLE secure connections. To workaround this issue, the application should not initiate a security request if it already has bond info.\n\nA2DP music streaming glitches may be observed if a Wi-Fi download is in progress at the same time.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nAfter powersave is enabled in co-ex mode, radio_init() must be called to turn off powersave.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BLE mode:BLE may disconnect when the supervision timeout is configured to less than 16 seconds.WPS does not work.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BLE / BLE only modes:For SPI as host interface, continuous BLE Tx notification may cause the host interface to hang needing a hardware reset. The issue is not seen with discrete burst BLE data.When Wi-Fi disconnects, a BT/BLE reconnection issue is observed.\n\nInteroperability#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-11", "text": "Interoperability#\n\nDisconnection may occur in Wi-Fi client mode if an AP does not acknowledge QoS null frames with powersave configured.\n\nUnder some scenarios, the RS9116 may not send unicast probe requests if the access point does not send beacons as expected. This may result in disconnection from the AP.\n\nSystem#\n\nChip Revision 1.3 doesn't support Low power mode optimization using bit setting defined by EXT_FEAT_LOW_POWER_MODE, setting this results in hang issue.\n\nSometimes the RS9116 enters powersave mode before the configured monitor interval for inactivity when co-ex is configured.\n\nWake on Wireless support has only been tested for the UART AT command interface.\n\nPowersave without RAM retention does not work when the SPI interface is used.\n\nThe FTP client application does not work with EFx32/STM32 when an RTOS is used.\n\nThe HTTP OTA update application does not work with EFR32 and EFM32 when an RTOS is used.\n\nFirmware update does not work for the EFM32 platform.\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features#\n\nWi-Fi/Network Stack#\n\nAMSDU transmit is not supported.\n\nFragmentation is not supported.\n\nAMSDU's within AMPDU is not supported.\n\nCurrently, the RS9116 does not support the radio measurement requests feature of CCX V2\n\n802.11k is not supported\n\nShort GI is not supported\n\n40 MHz bandwidth for both the 2.4 & 5 GHz band is not supported.\n\n802.11j channels less than 16 are not supported.\n\nThe USB host interface and USB powersave are not supported.\n\nIn AT mode, the total MQTT command length (apart from MQTT publish) should not exceed 150 bytes. This includes at+rsi (start of command) to (end of command)\\r\\n.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-12", "text": "Configure MQTT_VERSION in rsi_mqtt_client.h based on the server configuration; only version 3 and 4 are supported.\n\n3xTLS connections or 1xTCP and 2xTLS connection, connections are supported concurrently in Wi-Fi only mode.\n\nTLS curve IDs supported are 15-28. TLS handshake with 3rd party clients depends on the TLS curve.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nBT A2DP is only supported for RS9116 silicon revision 1.5.\n\nBT sniff mode does not work if BT multiple slaves feature is enabled.\n\nFor BLE, if the connection is established with a small connection interval (<15 ms), simultaneous roles are not supported (i.e., Central/Peripheral + Advertising/Scanning).\n\nA maximum of 2 concurrent BLE connections are supported; the connections can be either a connection to two peripheral devices or to 1 central and 1 peripheral device.\n\nFor BT Classic, only 1 connection is supported at any time.\n\nBLE slave latency value is valid up to 32 only.\n\nBT-A2DP encoder is not supported in the firmware.\n\nBT-A2DP not supported in AT mode.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BLE mode, if BLE scan interval and window have the same value, then there will be issue in making successful Wi-Fi connection.\n\nFor AT commands, Wi-Fi + BT + BLE (Opermode 9), BT + BLE (Opermode 8) do not work.\n\nWi-Fi STA + BT + BLE multiprotocol use cases require a detailed understanding of use cases and associated configurations. Contact Silicon Labs support for additional details.\n\nWi-Fi AP + BLE, Wi-Fi AP + BT & Wi-Fi AP + BT + BLE modes are not supported.\n\nWiSeConnect 2.5.2 Release Notes#\n\nLast updated: April 13, 2022\n\nHighlights#\n\nIssue fixes\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-13", "text": "Highlights#\n\nIssue fixes\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nApril 13, 2022\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.5.2 (Build 4)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2. (Build 4)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nHardware Chipsets\n\nChip Revision 1.4, Chip Revision 1.5\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.5.2 release consists of two components\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release contains bug-fixes and firmware binary updates. It is strongly recommended to update SAPI and firmware together.\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nFix for Bluetooth SPP Rx latency with SDIO as host interface\n\nFix for Bluetooth host application freeze issue with SDIO as host interface\n\nDocumentation updates to address following issuesSNTP Error BB08BT Classic and BLE PER Stats command responses are NULL\n\nKnown Issues#\n\nPTA 3-Wire is not supported with power save being enabled.\n\nWiSeConnect 2.5.1 Release Notes#\n\nLast updated: March 29, 2022\n\nHighlights#\n\nPTA 3-Wire Co-Existence support in Wi-Fi only mode with Thread protocol\n\nIssue fixes\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nMarch 29, 2022\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.5.1 (Build 5)", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-14", "text": "API Version (SAPI)\n\n2.5.1 (Build 5)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2.5.1.5 (Build 5)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nHardware Chipsets\n\nChip Revision 1.4, Chip Revision 1.5\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.5.1 release consists of two components\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release contains bug-fixes and firmware binary updates. It is strongly recommended to update SAPI and firmware together.\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nPTA 3-Wire Co-existence support in Wi-Fi only mode with Thread protocol\n\nFix for rsi_timer_left() to return the remaining time for expiry instead of total time expired so far\n\nFix for low transmit power issue reported on latest AA0 modules\n\nFix for firmware version showing differently in the package and in the software\n\nFix for configuration of SPI_INTR to active low\n\nFix for regulator voltages (VOUTLDOAFE, UULP_VOUTSCDC) not matching data sheet specifications\n\nFix for HTTP OTAF upgrade issue when done with corrupt firmware in loop\n\nFix for EAP TLS certificate loading issue in TCP/IP bypass enabled mode\n\nFix for SNTP BB08 error\n\nWiSeConnect 2.5 Release Notes#\n\nIndex#\n\nHighlights\n\nRelease Details\n\nUpdating to this Release\n\nNew Features\n\nChanges and Fixes\n\nNew APIs\n\nRecommendations and New Options\n\nKnown Issues", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-15", "text": "New Features\n\nChanges and Fixes\n\nNew APIs\n\nRecommendations and New Options\n\nKnown Issues\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features\n\nSDK Refactor\n\nTerminology\n\nHighlights#\n\nSupport for RS9116 chip revision 1.5\n\nWPA2 Security Enhancements support\n\nWPA3 Personal support for Station Mode\n\nSupport for Enhanced MaxPSP in Co-Ex Mode\n\nSupport for FAST PSP\n\nPTA 3-Wire Co-existence Support for Wi-Fi as PTA Master\n\nBT/BLE User Gain API support\n\nWRECK Vulnerability fixes\n\nFragAttacks vulnerability Fixes\n\nSDIO Interface support\n\nA2DP Source support with Co-existence\n\nEFM32 (Silicon Labs MCU SLSTK3701A) platform support\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nDecember 31, 2021\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.5.0 (Build 26)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2.5.0 (Build 26)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nHardware Chipsets\n\nChip Revision 1.4, Chip Revision 1.5\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.5 release consists of two components, as follows:\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-16", "text": "Firmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release is meant only for use with designs based on RS9116 Silicon rev 1.4 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx) and RS9116 Silicon rev 1.5 (RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Cxx).Customers using the RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Xxx parts (Silicon rev 1.3) can also upgrade to the latest firmware. However, you will have to disable the power optimization feature enabling macro EXT_FEAT_LOW_POWER_MODE.\n\nChoose the firmware to match the silicon revision used in your design, as follows:\n\nRS9116W. (Silicon rev 1.3)RS9116X-xxx-xxx-Bxx (Silicon rev 1.4)\n\nRS916W. (Silicon rev 1.5)\n\nThis release has bug-fixes, enhancements, relevant AT command updates, new SAPI features, and firmware. Most of the new features have associated APIs, which are available in the latest SAPI implementation only. It is strongly recommended to upgrade SAPI and Firmware together.\n\nNew Features#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nWPA2 Security Enhancements\n\nWPA3 Personal Support for Station Mode\n\nSupport for Enhanced MaxPSP in Co-Ex Mode\n\nSupport for FAST PSP\n\nWRECK Vulnerability Fixes\n\nFragAttacks Vulnerability Fixes\n\nPTA 3-Wire Co-Existence Support in Wi-Fi only mode (with external Zigbee and BLE)\n\nBluetooth - Common#\n\nBT/BLE User Gain API support\n\nBluetooth - Classic#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-17", "text": "Bluetooth - Common#\n\nBT/BLE User Gain API support\n\nBluetooth - Classic#\n\nSupport for BT Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Source in Co-Ex mode. An example application project is included for the RT595 host platform. This is supported for Chip Revision 1.5 only.\n\nPower Save#\n\nNone\n\nGeneral#\n\nSupport for RS9116 chip revision 1.5\n\nSupport for SDIO interface\n\nLogging Infrastructure support for SAPI logging\n\n802.11b Tx gain table improvements for chip revision 1.5 QMS\n\nChip revision 1.5 B00 certified FCC/ETSI/TELEC gain tables included\n\nRS9116X-DB00-CCX-BXX certified TELEC gain tables included\n\nTELEC certified\n\nSupport for examples on EFM32 (Silicon Labs MCU SLSTK3701A) platform for SDIO interface only\n\nCertified gain tables for FCC/IC, CE and TELEC are included in the release package in the folder: .../resources/gain_tables\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nFix for BT connectivity issue with HID profile with Windows 10 PC\n\nNew API, which allows destroying a driver task before driver de-initialization to facilitate clean termination\n\nFix for WLAN scan issue with error code 3 in some of the 1.3-based AA0 modules(RS9116X-SB00-AAX-XXX)\n\nFix for Module not responsive after few iterations of SPP profile data transfer in AT mode\n\nFix for SPP throughput issue\n\nFix for UDP Server socket issue in AP mode\nNew APIs\n\nFor a complete list of new APIs, see SAPI Changelog\n\nRecommendations and New Options#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nEnable bit 16 of the 'Extended TCP IP Feature' bit map in opermode command for all Wi-Fi socket operations from host to ensure graceful handling during asynchronous closures from peer.\n\nEnable aggregation (bit 2 of feature_bit_map) in opermode.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-18", "text": "Enable aggregation (bit 2 of feature_bit_map) in opermode.\n\nTCP retransmission count value should be 30 or higher, so that the TCP does not disconnect while the rejoin happens.\n\nFor low throughput applications, such as smart lock, disabling the highest MCS rates, such as MCS7 and MCS6 might help reducing packet retransmissions and ensure robust connection during heavy interference.\n\nTo restart the RS9116, the application needs to call rsi_driver_deinit() followed by rsi_driver_init() and rsi_device_init(). For OS cases, additionally call rsi_task_destroy(driver_task_handle) to delete the driver task before calling rsi_driver_deinit() and create again after rsi_device_init() using rsi_task_create().\n\nRegister 'Join Fail Callback' function every time when join is called, as in the rejoin failure path the callback is deregistered. If not done, this may result in scan not working on rejoin failure.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nIn BLE, the recommended range of the connection interval is as follows:Power Save (BLE Only) - 100 ms to 1.28 sBT Classic + BLE Dual Mode is >= 200 msWi-Fi + BLE coex - 30 ms to 250 ms\n\nIn BLE during connection, the configuration of scan interval and scan window with the same value is not recommended.\n\nIn BT Classic, the recommended sniff interval configuration during powersave is limited to 100 ms (<= 100).\n\nIn BLE, if a device is acting as central, the scan window (in set_scan_params and create_connection command) must be less than the existing connection interval.\n\nIn BLE mode, if scanning and advertising is in progress and subsequently gets connected and moves to the central role, scanning and advertising stops. To further establish connection to another peripheral device or to a central device, the application should - give a command for starting advertising and scanning again.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-19", "text": "Device Power save need to be disabled before BT init and de-init.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BLE, during Wi-Fi connection, lesser BLE scan Window and larger BLE scan Interval are recommended (1:3 or 1:4).\n\nWi-Fi + BLE AdvertisingAll advertising intervals are supported, as per the BT Spec. If the Wi-Fi transactions are more, you may see a slight difference in on-air advertisements compared to the configured intervals.BLE Advertising will be stopped for intervals that collide with Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE scanningAll scan intervals are supported as per BT Spec. For better scan results, use scan-window and scan interval in 1:3 or 1:4 ratio when the Wi-Fi scan activity is present.BLE scanning will be stopped for intervals that collide with Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral ConnectionsAll connection intervals are supported as per BT Spec.For a stable connection, use optimal connection intervals and max supervision timeout in the presence of Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data TransferTo get better throughputs in both Wi-Fi and BLE, use medium connection intervals, such as 45 to 80 ms with maximum supervision timeout.Ensure Wi-Fi activity consumes lesser intervals.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, connect Wi-Fi ahead of BT/BLE connections to ensure seamless, stable connection for all 3 protocols.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, if BT/BLE needs to be connected ahead of Wi-Fi connection, use with high supervision timeout and high connection interval for BLE and high sniff interval for BT, to ensure seamless, stable - connection. This configuration will also ensure a stable BT/BLE connection when Wi-Fi connects/disconnects/rejoins.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data Transfer\n\nSystem#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-20", "text": "Wi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data Transfer\n\nSystem#\n\nFor User Store configuration and Configuration Save, do not enable power save or save it as a configuration. If power save is enabled and saved as a configuration, upon boot up, the module will come up with the saved configuration and will go to power save without any indication to the host.\n\nSet Optimization level to O0 in project settings for IDE (KEIL).\n\nMemory Configuration must be 384K for BT/BLE and Co-Ex Operating ModesUsage of Low Power Flash mode bit (Bit 19 in Extended customer feature bitmap). Enable this bit for ultra low power standby associated scenarios. This results in about 20\u00b5A lower Wi-Fi standby associated current consumption.\n\nMemory Configuration in SAPI functions: The default memory configuration is 384K. You can configure it to 256/320/384kB by changing the macros defined in the below two files:In rsi_wlan_config.h : RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_384K_MODEIn rsi_common.c : rsi_uint32_to_4bytes(rsi_opermode->ext_custom_feature_bit_map, (EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_384K_MODE | RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP));\n\nApply opermode commands in AT mode correctly. The wrong opermode in some cases might lead to unspecified behavior.\n\nSet the recommended Power Save Profile (PSP) type to Enhanced Max PSP.\n\nDisable power save during firmware upgrade and re-enable on upgrade completion.\n\nDisable power save for high throughput applications.\n\nThe application needs to ensure that it sets RTC with correct timestamp when the feature is enabled before establishing the SSL connection.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-21", "text": "Timeout value should be minimum 1 second for socket select and socket receive calls. Timeout value less than 1 second is not currently supported.\n\nFor more details, see 'Configuration parameters' in the SAPI Reference Manual.\n\nKnown Issues#\n\nNetwork Stack#\n\nSometimes during the SSL Handshake, the generated ECC curve parameters are incorrect, resulting in connection failure with BBD2 error. However, this recovers in the next attempt.\n\nMQTT disconnects during firmware upgrade using OTAF, when power save is enabled. Disable power save during firmware upgrade and re-enable on upgrade completion.\n\nNewly Added GCM Based Strong Cipher Suites will have performance issues as Hardware support is not available in the current platform.\n\nRecommended MQTT Publish payload is 1 KB.\n\nIf the HTTP Server is configured in the module, MQTT client port should not be port configured on port 80.\n\nRandomize the client port if using rapid connect/disconnect of the MQTT session on the same client port with the power save.\n\nSecure SSL Renegotiation not supported in Embedded Networking Stack.\n\nIPv6 support is not available in this release.\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nWPA3 known issuesConnection takes about 1 secondSAE H2E (Hash to Element) is not supportedTransition disable indication is not supportedPMK SA caching is not supported\n\nIf the station performs the scan in concurrent mode (Wi-Fi STA+AP), it is possible for stations connected to the AP to get disconnected. Enable AP after STA connection is completed.\n\nIssue observed with WPA2 Enterprise Connectivity using Microsoft RADIUS Server.\n\nIf BG Scan is enabled along with custom feature bit map bit (8) configuration of the DFS channel support, issues may occur in getting IP address for the Wi-Fi STA.\n\nIn FAST PSP, a configuration socket close is observed in full duplex communication in long duration tests.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nWake on Wireless not supported for BLE.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-22", "text": "BT/BLE#\n\nWake on Wireless not supported for BLE.\n\nBT-HID might not inter-operate with Apple devices.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT/BLE Co-Ex mode, high Wi-Fi broadcast traffic might cause BT/BLE disconnections.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT mode when there is continuous Wi-Fi data, you might observe BT not re-connecting to remote after disconnection.\n\nBT-A2DP interoperability issue might be observed with some headsets.\n\nFor BLE, dual role scenario issues might occur when connecting as central if the advertising is also going out for the peripheral role. Central connections can be made after the peripheral connections are established and advertising is stopped.\n\nBLE disconnection is observed if both peer and module already have bond info and module initiating security as part of BLE secure connections. A possible workaround in the application is not to initiate a security request if the bond information is already available.\n\nLMP timeout BLE disconnection observed with latest Realme mobile handsets.\n\nSome of the A2DP music streaming glitches are observed if the Wi-Fi download is in progress at the same time.\n\nIssue with EDR-3DH5 packet reception, where in bit error rate of more than 50% is observed.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nIn co-ex Mode if power save is enabled, it stays in enabled state even after Wi-Fi disconnection. Disable power save after every radio_init() and enable it when intended by application.\n\nBLE may disconnect with Wi-Fi + BLE configuration and Wi-Fi continuous data transfer when the low BLE supervision timeout is configured. When the supervision timeout is configured with the value of 16 seconds, no disconnections are observed.\n\nWiFi + BLE mode WPS is not working.\n\nWi-Fi +BLE/BLE only mode: For SPI as host interface, continuous BLE TX notification might cause the host interface to hang needing a hardware reset. The issue is not seen with discrete burst BLE data.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-23", "text": "In Wi-Fi + BT/BLE configuration with Wi-Fi disconnects, BT/BLE reconnection issue is observed (see the earlier section 'Recommended Configurations and Application Development options' in this document).\n\nInteroperability#\n\nQoS null frames indicating going to power save if not acknowledged by AP may cause AP not to sync with the power save state, resulting in possible disconnections.\n\nIf 3rd party access points are periodically not sending beacons, in some scenarios unicast probe requests are not sent from the module, as expected, which might result in disconnections.\n\nSystem#\n\nChip Revision 1.3 doesn't support low power mode optimization using bit setting defined by EXT_FEAT_LOW_POWER_MODE, setting, which results in hang issue.\n\nSometimes the module goes to power save before the configured monitor interval for inactivity whenn Co-Ex mode is configured.\n\nWake on Wireless support is tested only for UART AT command interface.\n\nPower save without RAM retention is not working for the SPI interface.\n\nFTP Client application is not working with EFx32/STM32 in the OS scenario. The demo app to be tested only for non-OS scenario.\n\nHTTP OTAF Application is not working with EFR32 and EFM32 in OS scenario. The demo app to be tested only for Non-OS scenario on EFR32.\n\nFirmware upgrade for both OS and non-OS scenarios is not working for EFM32 application.\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features#\n\nWi-Fi/Network Stack#\n\nAMSDU TX is not supported.\n\nFragmentation is not supported.\n\nAMSDU's within AMPDU is not supported.\n\nCurrently, the module does not support Radio Measurement Requests feature of CCX V2\n\n802.11k is not supported\n\nShort GI is not supported\n\n40 MHz bandwidth for both 2.4 & 5 GHz band is not supported.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-24", "text": "40 MHz bandwidth for both 2.4 & 5 GHz band is not supported.\n\n802.11J channels less than 16 are not supported.\n\nUSB host interface and USB Power save are not supported.\n\nTotal MQTT Command Length, apart from MQTT Publish, should not exceed 150 bytes. This includes at+rsi (start of command) to (end of command)\\r\\n.\n\nConfigure MQTT_VERSION in rsi_mqtt_client.h based on the server configuration; only version 3 and 4 are supported.\n\n3xSSL connections or 1xTCP and 2xSSL connection, connections are supported concurrently in Wi-Fi only mode.\n\nSSL Curve IDs supported are 15-28. SSL handshake with 3rd party clients depends on the SSL Curve ID.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nBT A2DP is supported on chip version 1.5 only\n\nBT Sniff mode does not work if BT multiple slaves feature is enabled.\n\nFor BLE, if the connection is established with a small connection interval (< 15 ms), simultaneous roles (i.e., Central/Peripheral + Advertising/Scanning) are not supported.\n\nBLE maximum 2 concurrent connections are supported, which can be either a connection to two peripheral devices or to 1 central and 1 peripheral device.\n\nFor BT Classic, only 1 connection is supported at any time\n\nBLE Slave latency value is valid up to 32 only.\n\nBT-A2DP encoder is not supported in the firmware\n\nBT-A2DP not supported in AT mode\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BLE during Wi-Fi connection, if both BLE scan interval and window are the same, an issue will occur in successfully making the Wi-Fi connection.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-25", "text": "For AT commands, Wi-Fi + BT + BLE (Opermode 9) B + BLE (Opermode 8) are not working. However, BT, Wi-Fi + BT modes (Opermode 5) works fine. Also, all combinations work fine with SAPI.\n\nWi-Fi STA + BT + BLE multiprotocol cases require detailed understanding of use cases and associated configurations. Contact Silicon Labs support for more details.\n\nWi-Fi AP + BLE, Wi-Fi AP + BT & Wi-Fi AP + BT + BLE modes are not supported.\n\nSDK Refactor#\n\nThe SDK folder structure and names were significantly changed in the 2.4 release. For detailed information, see SAPI Changelog\n\nWiSeConnect 2.4.1 Release Notes#\n\nLast updated: September 10, 2021\n\nHighlights#\n\nFragAttack vulnerability fixes\n\nWi-Fi Interoperability issue fixes\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nSeptember 1, 2021\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.4.1 (Build 16)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2. (Build 16)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules/Chipsets\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nOperating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.4.1 release consists of two components\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release has bug-fixes and Firmware. It is strongly recommended to upgrade SAPI and Firmware together.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-26", "text": "Changes and Fixes#\n\nFix for FragAttack Vulnerabilities\n\nFix for issues on Swyentooth Vulnerability fixes\n\nFix for few Wi-Fi interoperability issues with certain Access Points\n\nFix for issue in BLE local attribute setting, when notification not enabled in remote, resulting in error 4046\n\nFix for issue in AP mode, switching to 5 GHz band results in 0x5B error\n\nFix for UDP Asynchronous socket not storing and providing remote IP and Port information\n\nFix for Wi-Fi low RF transmit power output issue for AA0 modules\n\nFix for ping failure after reconnection to AP in concurrent mode\n\nFix for HTTP OTAF upgrade failing in subsequent iterations if first iteration fails due to network connections resulting in 0xBBED error\n\nFix for issue with BLE connection 2nd iteration onwards after connect/disconnect when remote device is advertising as connectable\n\nFix for issue of BT disconnection with continous SPP_rx traffic, sometime due to LMP timeout\n\nKnown Issues#\n\nFragAttack Vulnerability CVE-2020-24588: Aggregation Attack (accepting non SPP A-MSDU frames) is not addressed in this release, as this needs a change in specification\n\nFragAttack Vulnerability CVE-2020-26146: Aggregation Attack (reassemble fragments with non-consecutive packet numbers) is not addressed in this release\n\nWorkarounds#\n\nCC0/CC1 Host Interface Detection at Low Temperatures#\n\nOne or more of the serial host interfaces of RS9116 CC0/CC1 modules may fail to respond to host detection at ambient temperatures lower than approximately -20 degC.\nExecute the following sequence of commands to adjust the module calibration to workaround this issue.\n\n1 \n#define BURN_XO_FAST_DISABLE\n\nrsi_wireless_init\n\n// Set the operating mode of the module\n\nrsi_wlan_radio_init\n\n// Set the operating band and initialize the module\n\nrsi_calib_write", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-27", "text": "// Set the operating band and initialize the module\n\nrsi_calib_write\n\n(BURN_INTO_FLASH\n\n, BURN_XO_FAST_DISABLE\n\n// Trigger the calibration write process to update the\n\n// information in flash and wait for a response from the firmware.\n\nNote!\n\nThe workaround must be executed at room temperature, ~25 degC.\n\nThe command sequence must be executed once ONLY.\n\nEnsure the power supply to the module is stable while issuing commands.\n\nThe workaround is needed for existing products/boards already mounted with CC0/CC1 modules only.\n\nOnce executed, the module must be power-cycled before it can be used for normal operation.\n\nWiSeConnect 2.4 Release Notes#\n\nIndex#\n\nHighlights\n\nRelease Details\n\nUpdating to this Release\n\nNew Features\n\nChanges and Fixes\n\nNew APIs\n\nRecommendations and New Options\n\nKnown Issues\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features\n\nSDK Refactor\n\nTerminology\n\nHighlights#\n\nAzure and AWS cloud connectivity support\n\nSweynTooth vulnerabilities fixes\n\nStrong cipher suite support\n\nCo-Existence Algorithm Enhancements\n\nEN 300 328 v.2.2.2 certification support\n\nTELEC certification support\n\nWi-Fi interoperability fixes and enhancements\n\nCrystal calibration support (Needed for RS9116 QMS)\n\nSignificant reorganization and refactoring of the SDK\n\nIntegrated support for EFR32MG21 hosts and Simplicity Studio\n\nRelease Details#\n\nItem\n\nDetails\n\nRelease date\n\nJune 30, 2021\n\nAPI Version (SAPI)\n\n2.4.0 (Build 36)\n\nFirmware Version\n\n2.4.0 (Build 36)\n\nPackage Name\n\nRS9116W.\n\nSupported RTOS\n\nFreeRTOS\n\nHardware Modules/Chipsets\n\nQMS, B00, C00, CC1, AB0, AB1, AA0, AA1\n\nOperating Modes Supported", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-28", "text": "Operating Modes Supported\n\nWi-Fi STA, Wi-Fi AP, Wi-Fi STA+BLE\n\nAdditional Operating Modes Supported (Beta Quality)\n\nWi-Fi STA+BT, Wi-Fi STA+BT+BLE\n\nUpdating to this Release#\n\nRS9116W 2.4 release consists of two components\n\nFirmware - RS9116 Firmware Binary\n\nSAPI Library - SAPI Library runs on Host\n\nThis release has bug-fixes, enhancements, new SAPI features and Firmware. Most of the new features have associated APIs, which are available in the latest SAPI implementation only. It is strongly recommended to upgrade SAPI and Firmware together.\n\nNew Features#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nAzure support for cloud connectivity\n\nAWS support for cloud connectivity\n\nSupport for dynamic switching between AP and STA mode of operation (see config_feature_bit_map[16])\n\nSupport for loading certificate without requiring a reboot of the chip\n\nConfigurability option for disabling transmit Data rates MCS5, MCS6 and MCS7\n\nSupport for stronger cipher suites\n\nSupport for enhanced max-PSP mode for better interoperability, see config_feature_bit_map[26] and refer to API rsi_wlan_power_save_profile(). This PSP type is supported for STA-only mode.\n\nEnhancements for better interoperability. Keep alive configuration, graceful closure of previous WLAN connections.\n\nEnhancements to Wi-Fi Auto Rate adaptation algorithm\n\nEnhancements to Wi-Fi + BLE Co-Existence support\n\nImprovements to Wi-Fi + BLE provisioning examples\n\nBluetooth - Common#\n\nResolution to SweynTooth family of BT vulnerabilities\n\nBluetooth - Classic#\n\nSupport for BT Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Source (BT alone mode only). Example Application project included for RT595 host platform\n\nPower Save#\n\nFixes for functional issues in power save mode at high temperature, 85\u00b0C\n\nGeneral#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-29", "text": "Fixes for functional issues in power save mode at high temperature, 85\u00b0C\n\nGeneral#\n\nWLAN EN 300 328 v.2.2.2 ETSI Certification Compliance support added for the following modules and SoC Versions: B00 1.4, QMS 1.3, QMS 1.4, CC0/CC1 1.3, CC0/CC1 1.4, and AA0/AA1 1.3\n\nCertified gain tables are added for these modules for different antennas, which can be configured using the user gain Table API for Wi-Fi and rsi_bt_set_antenna_tx_power_level() API for BT/BLE. Default firmware configuration is for the internal PCB/Chip AntennaB00: Internal antenna (Fractus FR05-S1-N-0-102) and Dipole antenna (Taoglas GW.34.5153)CC0/CC1 1.4 FCC/ETSI: Dipole Antenna (GW.71.5153), dipole Antenna (Inside WLAN PRO-IS 299), PCB antenna (RSIA7), PIFA antenna (Smarteq 4211613980), PIFA antenna (MARS-31A8 Wi-Fi antenna)CC0/CC1 1.3 : PCB antenna , dipole antennaAA0/AA1-1.3: chip antenna, Heavy-duty screw mount antenna\n\nTELEC certification support\n\nSupport for chip manufacturing software (Crystal Calibration support for RS9116 QMS chip integration)\n\nSupport for examples on the EFR Platform\n\nPackage and documentation restructure\n\nChanges and Fixes#\n\nFixes for memory leak in SSL, ensuring stability for longer connection\n\nResolved issue with TCP long data transfer with low power configuration for memory configuration greater than 256k.\n\nFix for setting device local name for BLE\n\nFix for rsi_ble_white_list_using_adv_data() failure", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-30", "text": "Fix for rsi_ble_white_list_using_adv_data() failure\n\nFix for store config/auto-config keep-alive timeout not working.\n\nFix for HID Keyboard notifications not being seen on the iOS mobile side\n\nConfigurability support in Firmware update APIs for the SAFE and FAST upgrade\n\nMishandling of SDIO interrupts addressed in SAPI driver by calling rsi_hal_intr_pin_status() API. MCU HAL APIs will need to port this API for respective platform. Refer to SAPI porting guide for more information.\n\nBoot up Issue at low temperature (refer to API rsi_calib_write() Bit of 3)\n\nNew APIs#\n\nFor a complete list of new APIs, see SAPI Changelog\n\nRecommendations and New Options#\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nIt is recommended to enable bit 16 of the 'Extended TCP IP Feature' bit map in opermode command for all Wi-Fi Socket Operations from host to ensure graceful handling during asynchronous closures from peer.\n\nAggregation (bit 2 of feature_bit_map) is recommended to be enabled in opermode.\n\nTCP retransmission count value is recommended to be 30 or higher, so that the TCP does not disconnect while the rejoin happens.\n\nFor low throughput applications, such as a Smart lock, disabling the highest MCS rates, such as MCS7 and MCS6 might help reducing packet retransmissions and ensure robust connection during heavy interference.\n\nTo restart the module, the application needs to call rsi_driver_deinit() followed by rsi_driver_init() and rsi_device_init(). For OS cases, additionally call rsi_task_destroy(driver_task_handle) to delete the driver task before calling rsi_driver_deinit() and create again after rsi_device_init() using rsi_task_create()", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-31", "text": "Register 'Join Fail Callback' function every time when join is called, as in the rejoin failure path the callback is deregistered. If not done, this might result in a scan not functioning on rejoin failure.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nIn BLE, recommended range of Connection Interval inPower Save (BLE Only) - 100 ms to 1.28 s.BT Classic + BLE Dual Mode is >= 200 ms.Wi-Fi + BLE coex - 30 ms to 250 ms\n\nIn BLE, during Connection, the configuration of Scan Interval and Scan Window with same value is not recommended.\n\nIn BT Classic, recommended Sniff Interval configuration during Power Save is limited to 100 ms (<= 100).\n\nIn BLE, if a device is acting as Central, the scan window (in set_scan_params and create_connection command) must be less than the existing Connection Interval.\n\nIn BLE mode, if scanning and advertising is in progress and subsequently gets connected and moves to the central role, scanning and advertising stops. To further establish connection to another peripheral device or to a central device, the application should give a command for starting advertising and scanning again.\n\nDevice Power save need to be disabled before BT init and de-init.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BLE, during Wi-Fi connection, lesser BLE scan window and larger BLE scan interval are recommended (1:3 or 1:4).\n\nWi-Fi + BLE AdvertisingAll the advertising intervals are supported, as per the BT Spec. If the Wi-Fi transactions are more, you may observe a slight difference in on-air advertisements compared to the configured intervals.BLE Advertising will be stopped for intervals that collide with Wi-Fi activity.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-32", "text": "Wi-Fi + BLE scanningAll scan intervals are supported as per BT Spec. For better scan results, use scan-window and scan interval in 1:3 or 1:4 ratio when the Wi-Fi scan activity is present.BLE scanning will be stopped for intervals that collide with Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral ConnectionsAll connection intervals are supported as per BT Spec.For stable connection, use optimal connection intervals and max supervision timeout in the presence of Wi-Fi activity.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral Data TransferTo get better throughputs in both Wi-Fi and BLE, use medium connection intervals, such as 45 to 80 ms with Maximum supervision timeout.Ensure Wi-Fi activity consumes lesser intervals.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, connect Wi-Fi ahead of BT/BLE connections to ensure seamless, stable connection for all 3 protocols.\n\nFor Wi-Fi + BT + BLE, Wi-Fi + BT, Wi-Fi + BLE operating modes, if BT/BLE needs to be connected ahead of Wi-Fi connection, use with high supervision timeout and high connection interval for BLE and high sniff interval for BT, to ensure seamless, stable connection. This configuration will also ensure a stable BT/BLE connection when Wi-Fi connects/disconnects/rejoins.\n\nWi-Fi + BLE Central/Peripheral data transfer\n\nSystem#\n\nFor User Store configuration and Configuration Save, do not enable power save or save it as a configuration. If power save is enabled and saved as a configuration, upon boot up, the module will come up with the saved configuration and will go to power save without any indication to the host.\n\nSet Optimization level to O0 in project settings for IDE (KEIL).", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-33", "text": "Set Optimization level to O0 in project settings for IDE (KEIL).\n\nMemory Configuration must be 384K for BT/BLE and Co-Ex Operating ModesUsage of Low Power Flash mode bit (Bit 19 in Extended customer feature bitmap). Enable this bit for Ultra low power standby associated scenarios. This results in about 20\u00b5A lower Wi-Fi standby associated current consumption.\n\nMemory Configuration in SAPI functions: The default memory configuration is 384K. Users can configure it to 256/320/384kB by changing the macros defined in the below two filesIn rsi_wlan_config.h : RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE or EXT_FEAT_384K_MODEIn rsi_common.c : rsi_uint32_to_4bytes(rsi_opermode->ext_custom_feature_bit_map, (EXT_FEAT_256K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_320K_MODE (or) EXT_FEAT_384K_MODE | RSI_EXT_CUSTOM_FEATURE_BIT_MAP));\n\nApply Opermode commands in AT mode correctly. The wrong opermode in some cases might lead to unspecified behavior.\n\nSet the recommended Power Save Profile (PSP) type to Enhanced Max PSP for Wi-Fi alone mode and MAX PSP for Wi-Fi Co-Ex Modes.\n\nDisable power save during firmware upgrade and re-enable on upgrade completion.\n\nDisable power save for high throughput applications.\n\nThe application needs to ensure that it sets RTC with correct timestamp when the feature is enabled before establishing the SSL connection.\n\nTimeout value should be minimum 1 second for socket select and socket receive calls. Timeout value less than 1 second is not currently supported.\n\nFor more details, see 'Configuration parameters' in the SAPI Reference Manual.\n\nKnown Issues#\n\nNetwork Stack#", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-34", "text": "Known Issues#\n\nNetwork Stack#\n\nMQTT disconnects during firmware upgrade using OTAF, when power save is enabled. Disable power save during firmware upgrade and re-enable on upgrade completion.\n\nNewly Added GCM Based Strong Cipher Suites will have performance issues as Hardware support is not available in the current platform.\n\nRecommended MQTT Publish payload is 1 kBytes.\n\nIf HTTP Server is configured in the module, MQTT client port should not be port configured on port 80.\n\nRandomize the client port if using rapid connect/disconnect of the MQTT session on the same client port with the power save.\n\nSecure SSL Renegotiation not supported in Embedded Networking Stack.\n\nIPv6 support is not available in this release.\n\nWi-Fi#\n\nIf the station performs the scan in concurrent mode (Wi-Fi STA+AP), it is possible for stations connected to the AP to get disconnected. Enable AP after STA connection is completed.\n\nIssue observed with WPA2 Enterprise Connectivity using Microsoft RADIUS Server.\n\nIf BG Scan is enabled along with custom feature bit map bit (8) configuration of the DFS Channel support, issues may occur in getting IP address for the Wi-Fi STA.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nWake on Wireless not supported for BLE.\n\nBT-HID might not inter-operate with Apple devices.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT/BLE Co-Ex mode, high Wi-Fi broadcast traffic might cause BT/BLE disconnections.\n\nContinuous data transfer on SPP (Rx/Tx) with packet size ~800 bytes in some scenarios might lead to BT disconnection. Introduce delay in between transfers to work around this issue.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT mode when there is continuous Wi-Fi data, you might observe BT not re-connecting to remote after disconnection.\n\nBT-A2DP interoperability issue might be observed with some headsets.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-35", "text": "BT-A2DP interoperability issue might be observed with some headsets.\n\nFor BLE, dual role scenario issues might occur when connecting as central if the advertising is also going out for the peripheral role. Central connections can be made after the peripheral connections are established and advertising is stopped.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nIn Co-Ex Mode if power save is enabled, it stays in enabled state even after Wi-Fi disconnection. Disable power save after every radio_init() and enable it when intended by application.\n\nBLE may disconnect with Wi-Fi + BLE configuration and Wi-Fi continuous data transfer when the low BLE supervision timeout is configured. When the supervision timeout is configured with the value of 16 seconds, no disconnections are observed.\n\nWiFi + BLE mode WPS is not working.\n\nWi-Fi +BLE/BLE only mode: For SPI as host interface, continuous BLE TX Notification might cause the host interface to hang needing a hardware reset. The issue is not seen with discrete burst BLE data.\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BT/BLE configuration with Wi-Fi disconnects, BT/BLE reconnection issue is observed (see the earlier section 'Recommended Configurations and Application Development options' in this document).\n\nInteroperability#\n\nQoS Null frames indicating going to Power Save if not acknowledged by AP may cause AP not to sync with the power save state, resulting in Possible disconnections.\n\nIf 3rd Party Access Points are periodically not sending beacons, in some scenarios unicast probe requests are not sent from the module, as expected, which might result in disconnections.\n\nSystem#\n\nA known issue exists with FAST-PSP mode. Use Enhanced MAX-PSP power save.\n\nWake on Wireless support is tested only for UART AT command interface.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-36", "text": "Wake on Wireless support is tested only for UART AT command interface.\n\n802.11b transmit power of some AA0 modules might be 4 dBm less than that mentioned in data sheets. As a result, connectivity issues might be observed at 2.4 GHz when the AP is far.\n\nPower Save without RAM retention is not working for the SPI interface.\n\nLimitations and Unsupported Features#\n\nWi-Fi/Network Stack#\n\nAMSDU TX is not supported.\n\nFragmentation is not supported.\n\nAMSDU's within AMPDU is not supported.\n\nCurrently, the module does not support Radio Measurement Requests feature of CCX V2\n\n802.11k is not supported\n\nShort GI is not supported\n\n802.11w is not supported\n\n40 MHz bandwidth in 2.4 GHz band is not supported.\n\n802.11J channels less than 16 are not supported.\n\nUSB host interface and USB Power save are not supported.\n\nTotal MQTT Command Length, apart from MQTT Publish, should not exceed 150 bytes. This includes at+rsi (start of command) to (end of command)\\r\\n.\n\nConfigure MQTT_VERSION in rsi_mqtt_client.h based on the server configuration; only version 3 and 4 are supported.\n\n3xSSL connections or 1xTCP and 2xSSL connection, connections are supported concurrently in Wi-Fi only mode.\n\nSSL Curve IDs supported are 15-28. SSL handshake with 3rd party clients depends on the SSL Curve ID.\n\nBT/BLE#\n\nBT Sniff mode does not work if BT multiple slaves feature is enabled.\n\nFor BLE, if the connection is established with a small connection interval (< 15 ms), simultaneous roles (i.e., Central/Peripheral + Advertising/Scanning) are not supported.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-37", "text": "BLE maximum 2 concurrent connections are supported, which can be either a connection to two peripheral devices or to 1 central and 1 peripheral device.\n\nFor BT Classic, only 1 connection is supported at any time\n\nBLE Slave latency value is valid up to 32 only.\n\nBT-A2DP Encoder is not supported in the firmware\n\nBT-A2DP not supported in AT mode\n\nUser Gain Table API is not available for BT/BLE Path. Limit the BT/BLE TX power for a specific antenna using rsi_bt_set_antenna_tx_power_level API.\n\nCo-Existence#\n\nIn Wi-Fi + BLE during Wi-Fi connection, if both BLE scan interval and window are the same, an issue will occur in successfully making the Wi-Fi connection.\n\nFor AT commands, Wi-Fi + BT + BLE (Opermode 9), BT + BLE(Opermode 8) are not working. However, BT, Wi-Fi + BT modes (Opermode 5) works fine. Also, all combinations work fine with SAPI.\n\nWi-Fi STA + BT + BLE multiprotocol cases require detailed understanding of use cases and associated configurations. Contact Silicon Labs Support for more details.\n\nWi-Fi AP + BLE, Wi-Fi AP + BT & Wi-Fi AP + BT + BLE modes are not supported.\n\nSDK Refactor#\n\nThe SDK folder structure and names were significantly changed in the 2.4 release. For detailed information, see SAPI Changelog\n\nTerminology#\n\nTerm\n\nDescription\n\nNew Features\n\nThese items are new to this release\n\nChanges/Issues Fixed\n\nChanges made to existing features found in previous releases of the software.\n\nEnhancements to existing product flow and feature set.\n\nBug fixes done in the Release\n\nDeprecated Items\n\nFeatures or functions or APIs that are removed from the distributed release to align with the software roadmap\n\nKnown Issues", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "7488a6e0a156-38", "text": "Known Issues\n\nFeatures or functions that do not work as planned at time of release. Workarounds may be offered to meet short term development goals, but longer-term solutions will be added in future software releases\n\nLimitations/Recommendations\n\nDescribes the limitations on product usage and recommendations for optimal use cases", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-release-notes\\index.html"} {"id": "fe05c87d5d92-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 2.6 (latest) | Version History\n\nSAPI Overview#\n\nThe RS9116W Simple API (SAPI) is a comprehensive collection of Wireless, Network Applications, BSD Socket APIs, and RS9116 driver code along with different HALs for mapping to platform interface on which the library may be ported.\n\nThis documentation in this section describes the RS9116 WiSeConnect SAPI (Simple API) library, including:\n\nBrief descriptions about the RS9116 WiSeConnect SAPI Architecture\n\nDetails about the APIs and configurations available in the SAPI library\n\nRecent updates of the SAPI library changes\n\nSAPI is intended to run on a host MCU with/without RTOS. Use the given APIs without any modifications to make upgrading to future releases easier. Make sure you also update SAPI with the RS9116 device firmware.\n\nRS9116 device includes Wi-Fi, TCP/IP Networking stack with SSL/TLS support up to TLS 1.2, HTTP/HTTPS, Web sockets, DHCP, MQTT client, and Bluetooth 5 stacks embedded. This device requires a separate application processor, which acts as a host. Host can communicate with RS9116 device using one of the interfaces listed below.\n\nRS9116 supports the following interfaces for host interaction:\n\nSPI\n\nUART\n\nSDIO\n\nUSB-CDC\n\nSAPI enables easy migration into any platform with its uniform APIs. This library simplifies application development on the host. Users can develop application software without learning the underlying peripheral register interface and other details.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-sapi-reference\\index.html"} {"id": "fe05c87d5d92-1", "text": "RS9116W release consists of two main components, Firmware and SAPI Library. Both components have the same revision number as they are tightly coupled. Latest releases might have bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in SAPI and/or Firmware. Most of the new features have associated APIs, which are available in the latest SAPI release only. It is recommended to always update SAPI and Firmware to same release version.\n\nFeatures#\n\nPlatform-independent, interrupt-driven drivers written in C.\n\nDrivers provide a simpler, functional interface and eliminate the need to manage the low-level host interface protocol.\n\nCommon APIs for four host interfaces (SPI, UART, SDIO, USB-CDC), which enables easy migration to different host interfaces.\n\nSupports bare metal and FreeRTOS OS by default. Other RTOS can be supported through OS Abstraction changes.\n\nMay be used with Simplicity Studio, Keil uVision and IAR IDEs. The SAPI driver can also be ported for use with other IDEs that use GCC or ARM compiler toolchains.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rs9116-wiseconnect\\latest\\wifibt-wc-sapi-reference\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.0 (latest) | Version History\n\nSilicon Labs Real-Time Locationing (RTL) Library\n\nRelease Notes | Downloads\n\nIntroduction\n\nBluetooth 5.1 introduces support for Direction Finding by adding the option to send and receive Constant Tone Extensions (CTEs) after Bluetooth packets. This makes it possible to do phase measurements on antenna arrays and ultimately to determine the direction of an incoming signal. To learn more about the theory of Direction Finding and how to determine the direction of incoming signals, see UG103.18: Bluetooth\u00ae Direction Finding Fundamentals.\n\nBeginning with Bluetooth SDK v3.0, Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth stack supports CTE transmitting and receiving features and can take phase measurements on the incoming signal as specified by the Bluetooth standard. Note, however, that the determination of the angle of incidence from the phase measurements is outside of the scope of the standard and must be implemented in the application. To reduce the Time to Market for its customers, Silicon Labs also offers a reference implementation of a Bluetooth-based Real Time Locating System (RTLS), which provides both an out-of-box experience to evaluate the solution and a flexible framework that makes it possible for everyone to create their own RTLS. To get started with the reference implementation, refer to AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.\n\nUsers can also employ custom direction-finding algorithms on top of the Bluetooth stack. This requires deep knowledge in Direction Finding but enables even more flexibility. If you choose this approach, see AN1297: Custom Direction-Finding Solutions using Silicon Labs\u2019 Bluetooth Stack.\n\nThe Silicon Labs Direction Finding solution is part of the Bluetooth SDK. If you are not yet familiar with the Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK, start with QSG169: Bluetooth\u00ae SDK v3.x Quick-Start Guide.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-1", "text": "Finally, whether you use Silicon Labs\u2019 Direction Finding board or your own design, AN1195: Antenna Array Design Guidelines for Direction Finding provides useful information regarding antenna design. It also provides accuracy measurement results of the RTL library used with Silicon Labs\u2019 Direction Finding board.\n\nFor more information and to get started with Bluetooth Direction Finding, see QSG175: Silicon Labs Direction Finding Solution Quick-Start Guide.\n\nReal Time Locating (RTL) Library\n\nEstimating the Angle of Arrival (AoA) or Angle of Departure (AoD) from IQ samples is not trivial, especially in a real environment full of reflections. To optimize development and to speed up time-to-market, Silicon Labs provides a Real Time Locating library (RTL lib), which processes the IQ samples received from the Bluetooth stack, implements multipath detection and azimuth and elevation calculation, and exposes the data to the application via an open API.\n\nSilicon Labs RTL Library Providing Azimuth and Elevation\n\nFurthermore, the library can also estimate the location of a tracked asset in a multi-locator scenario using triangulation, where multiple locators receive CTEs from the same asset tag, provided that the library knows the position of each locator. In this case, the positions of the locators and the estimated angles (AoA) serve as the input, and the estimated location is the output.\n\nSilicon Labs RTL Library Providing X, Y and Z\n\nAfter the positions are estimated, user\u2019s application has to determine how to process data.\n\nThe RTL library provides the following features:\n\nDirection Finding Method\n\nAoA\n\n# of tags supported\n\ninfinite (lib needs to be initialized for each, and physical channel puts a limitation on this)\n\n# of locators supported\n\n100\n\nAntenna arrays supported\n\n4x4 URA, 3x3 URA, 1x4 ULA antenna arrays on Silicon Labs Antenna Array board\n\nModes of operation", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-2", "text": "Modes of operation\n\nSingle shot / Real time,Fast response / Basic / High accuracyAzimuth & elevation / Azimuth only\n\nSupported platforms\n\nWindows x64, Ubuntu x64, Raspbian (Cortex A), Darwin x64\n\nThe RTL library is provided as a single static library for each supported platform. The library can be found in the Gecko SDK suite under:\nC:\\SiliconLabs\\SimplicityStudio\\v5\\developer\\sdks\\gecko_sdk_suite\\v3.3\\util\\silicon_labs\\aox\n\nThe library has three API classes, as follows:\n\nAngle of Arrival / Departure (sl_rtl_aox): API used for AoA/AoD estimation from IQ samples. (Currently only AoA is supported.)\n\nLocation Finding (sl_rtl_loc): API used for location estimation (x, y, z coordinates) from AoA/AoD.\n\nUtility Functionality (sl_rtl_util_): API grouping utility functions that may be useful during AoA/AoD/location estimation\n\nAn IQ Sample Quality Analysis API is also available inside the Angle of Arrival / Departure and Utility Functionality classes to provide analytical measurements of different errors in the system.\n\nAngle of Arrival / Departure\n\nBluetooth has two direction-finding methods: Angle of Arrival (AoA) estimation and Angle of Departure (AoD) estimation. Currently, the RTL library supports AoA mode only. In this mode, the transmitter transmits a constant tone on a single antenna, and the receiver receives this signal on multiple antennas. Based on their spatial situation, the receiver antennas will receive the same signal with different phase offsets, from which the direction of the incoming signal can be estimated.\n\nAngle of Arrival", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-3", "text": "Angle of Arrival\n\nWhile it is easy to estimate the Angle of Arrival in an environment free of noise and reflections, it can get quite challenging in a noisy real-world environment with a lot of reflections. To mitigate the effects of reflections, the RTL library uses different methods, such as spatial and temporal filtering, averaging over multiple frequencies, and so on.\n\nLocation Finding\n\nIf there are multiple fixed-position locators that can calculate the direction of the transmitter (asset tag), the position of the asset tag can be calculated from the angles using triangulation. In addition to the Angle of Arrival estimation, the RTL library also provides location finding functionality. After the library learns the position of each locator and gathers the angles from each locator, it can provide a position estimation for asset tags. Just as for AoA estimation, challenges introduced by the reflective and noisy environment are addressed.\n\nLocation Finding\n\nIQ Sample Quality Analysis\n\nErrors from multiple sources can affect the quality of the received IQ samples. In a real-life environment, some phenomena are considered as normal and not errors, but can also corrupt the perceived IQ data. The most notable example of this is the multipath propagation, which twists the perceived magnitude and phase of the IQ sample data. Its extent depends on the particular antenna location in the array as well as the position and the angle of the followed tag related to the locator antenna array.\n\nThe possible sources for the perceived noise may include the following:\n\nRadio receiver analog noise\n\nQuantization noise from the sampling\n\nLeaking signals from the surrounding channels folding into the band of interest\n\nSampling jitter that translates into noise\n\nOther radio protocols operating on the same band\n\nCosmic background noise\n\nAnd so on \u2026.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-4", "text": "Other radio protocols operating on the same band\n\nCosmic background noise\n\nAnd so on \u2026.\n\nIn other words, there are a plenty of sources for signal noise even in relatively good conditions. In addition to the calculation of Angle of Arrival and position estimations, the RTL library also provides functionality called IQ sample quality analysis to help developers find the root cause of angle estimation issues by analyzing statistical properties of the IQ samples.\n\nReal Time Locating System (RTLS) Reference Implementation\n\nAlthough it is up to developers to determine how the RTL library is used in the application, Silicon Labs offers a reference implementation of a Bluetooth-based Real Time Locating System (RTLS), which provides both an out-of-box experience to evaluate the solution and a flexible framework that makes it possible for everyone to create their own RTLS. The general architecture of this reference RTLS, using Silicon Labs RTL library, looks like this:\n\nGeneral RTLS Architecture as Implemented in the Bluetooth SDK\n\nAll AoA related sample apps in the Bluetooth SDK are created so that they support this model. To learn more about the sample apps, see AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs\u2019 RTL Library.\n\nNote that on the Locator side the devices work in a Network Co-Processor (NCP) mode, that is, the stack runs on the EFR32 chip, but the application runs on a host computer. Currently, due to the limited computational capacity of the EFR32 chips, only NCP mode is supported, that is the RTL library cannot be used on the chip. To learn more about NCP mode, see AN1259: Using the v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth\u00ae Stack in Network Co-Processor Mode.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "a5c806465ad8-5", "text": "The locators can connect to the central PC in many ways. Silicon Labs\u2019 reference implementation uses MQTT to collect angle data from locators, since it gives the flexibility to run the host sample apps on a distributed network as well as on a single PC using localhost, but other implementations can also be used.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\rtl-lib\\latest\\index.html"} {"id": "14641d8262af-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nAbout\u00a0the\u00a0Launcher#\n\nThis section provides a reference to the functionality available in Simplicity Studio\u00ae 5 (SSv5) when you first open the application. This first perspective is called the Launcher perspective. A \"perspective\" is an Eclipse term for an initial arrangement of views and an editor area.\n\n1 - Welcome and Device-Specific Tabs: The Welcome page includes a Get Started section to help with target kit, board, or device selection. The Learn and Support section may be expanded to show some of the reference and support resources available. Once a device is connected and/or selected, device-specific tabs provide access to example projects, documentation, and so on.\n\n2 - Debug Adapters: Silicon Labs kits and supported debug adapters (for example, SEGGER J-Link products). The icon to the left of the debug adapter item indicates if it is connected over USB or Ethernet.\n\n3 - My Products: Shows an editable list of products that you may want to use as target devices to set the Launcher's context. Use this view to select target devices when you don't have a kit available.\n\n4 - A top-level menu provides access to a number of functions, including configuration options and help. A toolbar offers access to tools and functions on the left and shortcuts to different perspectives on the right.\n\n5 - The Launcher perspective also provides additional functions across the bottom of the perspective:\n\nLog in menu. Here you can:Log in or outRegister a software development kit.Change usersClear stored credentials\n\nGarbage collection status and clear function. Click the trash can to run the garbage collector. This releases memory that may not have been released automatically. You should not need to use this function during normal operation. To turn the display off, go to Preferences > General and uncheck Show heap status.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-about-the-launcher\\index.html"} {"id": "14641d8262af-1", "text": "6 - A perspectives tool bar in the top right shows open perspectives and allows you to open others.\n\nClick Open Perspective to see a list of available perspectives. The perspectives list is similar to that available through the Window > Perspective menu selection.\n\nRight-click an open perspective to see the context menu. While you can customize the perspective through the Customize menu option (see Help > Help Contents > Workbench User Guide for more information), you can also customize a perspective by dragging views and opening and closing views. These changes are persistent and survive closing and reopening a perspective. Click Reset to restore the perspective to its default settings.\n\nNot all functions available through the Launcher perspective are relevant to developing for all target devices. The Developing for ... pages highlight the key pieces for each device category.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-about-the-launcher\\index.html"} {"id": "92912b581d06-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nAbout\u00a0the\u00a0Simplicity\u00a0IDE#\n\nThe Simplicity Studio\u00ae 5 (SSv5) Simplicity Integrated Development Environment (IDE) perspective is designed to support code editing, downloading, and debugging for EFR32 devices and modules and EFM32, EFM8, and 8051 devices.\n\nThese pages review the Simplicity IDE User Interface, discuss how to import and export projects, and explore the features supporting code editing.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-about-the-simplicity-ide\\index.html"} {"id": "fbd5393183b8-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nBuilding\u00a0and\u00a0Flashing#\n\nThese pages describe:\n\nHow to compile or build software into a binary image\n\nHow to configure additional build steps using the Post-Build Editor to make customized binary images\n\nHow to load or flash that application image onto a connected device", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-building-and-flashing\\index.html"} {"id": "fc924cd12fd6-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nDeveloping\u00a0for\u00a08\u2011Bit\u00a0Devices#\n\nHardware Configurator (Configurator) for 8-bit devices is part of Simplicity Studio\u00ae 5 (SSv5) and greatly simplifies EFM8 and C8051 MCU peripheral initialization by presenting peripherals and peripheral properties in a graphical user interface.\n\nThe 8051 SDK contains an extensive and nearly comprehensive set of examples for 8-bit MCU peripherals for each supported device family. These examples show simple use cases for each peripheral, and can be used as building blocks for larger systems incorporating multiple peripherals, or as a starting place for applications requiring each peripheral. Projects based on these examples are customized by changing code as described in About Projects and by updating peripheral configuration using the 8-bit Hardware Configurator.\n\nIn Hardware Configurator, most of the initialization firmware can be generated by selecting peripherals and property values from combo boxes or entering register values in text boxes. Some peripherals provide calculators, such as baud rate, timer overflow rate, and SPI clock rate, that can be used to automatically confirm the necessary reload register value to generate the specified clock rate. Hardware Configurator also provides real-time property validation to ensure that a configuration is valid before downloading code to the MCU.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-developing-for-8bit-devices\\index.html"} {"id": "7a64283c8762-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nGetting\u00a0Started#\n\nTo get started with Simplicity Studio\u00ae 5 (SSv5):\n\nInstall SSv5 and development software\n\nExplore the main features of SSv5\n\nStart a project\n\nYou do not need hardware to install SSv5 and the relevant software packages or, for 32-bit devices, to explore the project configuration interface for a particular SDK. However, having your target hardware connected during installation ensures that your SSv5 installation is configured precisely for your environment.\n\nYou should also have an account set up in the Silicon Labs Customer Support Portal. Access to some software packages is controlled by your customer profile.\n\nSee Prerequisites for more information.\n\nIf you have features or functions that are provided as an SDK extension, you need to install it separately after you have installed the main SDK. See Install SDK Extensions for more information.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-getting-started\\index.html"} {"id": "b4d00eafe761-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nSimplicity Studio\u00ae 5 User's Guide#\n\nSimplicity Studio is the core development environment designed to support the Silicon Labs IoT portfolio of system-on-chips (SoCs) and modules. It provides access to target device-specific web and SDK resources; software and hardware configuration tools; an integrated development environment (IDE) featuring industry-standard code editors, compilers and debuggers; and advanced, value-add tools for network analysis and code-correlated energy profiling.\n\nSimplicity Studio is designed to simplify developer workflow. It intelligently recognizes all evaluation and development kit parts released by Silicon Labs and, based on the selected development target, presents appropriate software development kits (SDKs) and other development resources.\n\nSimplicity Studio 5 (SSv5) focuses on developer experience, leveraging feedback from customers, employees and competitive reviews. Developers of all experience levels will benefit from an optimized workflow that supports them through the development journey and produces quicker project progression and device configuration.\n\nThe Simplicity Studio 5 User's Guide pages are organized into the following groups.\n\nGetting Started describes how to install SSv5 and the relevant development resources, and provides general overviews of using the SSv5 interface and of developing projects in SSv5. If you are new to SSv5, start here.\n\nAbout the Launcher is a reference guide to the features and functions available when you first open SSv5. This is a general reference, although some items may not be applicable to all devices.\n\nAbout the Simplicity IDE is a reference guide to the features and functions in the Simplicity integrated development environment. This is a general reference, although some items may not be applicable to all devices.\n\nDeveloping for 32-Bit Devices provides instructions and reference material for 32-bit device development in the two development environments: Project Configurator and AppBuilder.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-overview\\index.html"} {"id": "b4d00eafe761-1", "text": "Developing for 8-Bit Devices provides instructions and reference material for 8-bit device development using the Hardware Configurator.\n\nBuilding and Flashing describes how to compile and flash images to various device types.\n\nCompanion IDEs: Visual Studio Code discusses how to generate project code in Simplicity Studio 5 to then be used in the VS Code IDE.\n\nTesting and Debugging outlines tools and strategies for testing your applications on Silicon Labs devices.\n\nUsing the Tools is a reference guide to the various tools packaged with SSv5. Not all tools are applicable to every development path. Their specific use is described in the individual Developing for pages.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-overview\\index.html"} {"id": "b6a667019f4b-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nTesting\u00a0and\u00a0Debugging#\n\nThis section provides information on testing and debugging application firmware.\n\nOverview and Resources reviews the tools that are available and additional documentation.\n\nUsing the Debugger provides details on Simplicity Studio's built-in debuggers.\n\nUsing Wireshark describes how to connect a device to the Wireshark packet analyzer.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-testing-and-debugging\\index.html"} {"id": "113239d4e8a7-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 5.6.3 (latest) | Version History\n\nCompanion IDEs: Visual Studio Code#\n\nWith the Simplicity Studio 5 (SSv5) release, Silicon Labs is introducing beta level support for using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) in combination with SSv5. To add this support, a VS Code extension is also being released. It can be either downloaded directly from the VS Code extension marketplace or with this link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/silabs\n\nSSv5 is still required to create the initial project and to make project changes with the Project Configurator, but when you are using the Visual Studio Code-Compatible project generator, all editing, building, and debugging of the project should be done in VS Code. In other words, do not try to build the project in both Simplicity Studio and in VS Code.\n\nUsing the VSCode project Generator#\n\nThe Project Configurator includes a new \u201cVisual Studio Code Compatible Project (Beta)\u201d project generator. Once the project is created, from the Project Configurator Overview tab click Change Target/SDK/Generators and enable the VS Code generator.\n\nClick Save and the project is generated, including three new files to support development in VS Code. If a popup dialog appears asking what to do with some project configuration files, leave the setting at the default \u201cKeep my file\u201d and click OK. The three VS Code support files are .vscode.Makefile, .vscode.project.mak and vscode.conf.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-vscode-ide\\index.html"} {"id": "113239d4e8a7-1", "text": "Make any other project configurator changes to the project and then the project can be continued in VS Code. Once you begin using VS Code for development, it is not recommended to build the project in SSv5. However, before any changes have been made in VS Code, you can verify that it builds in SSv5 before continuing development in VS Code.\n\nThe VS Code generator is Gecko SDK Suite (GSDK)-independent. This means it can be used with any 4.x.x GSDK. It has been functionally tested with at least, GSDK 4.0.2, GSDK 4.1.3 and GSDK 4.2.0.\n\nUsing the Project in VS Code#\n\nPreparing VS Code for Silicon Labs Support#\n\nTo use VS Code for development with Silicon Labs projects, VS Code must first be downloaded and installed from the Visual Studio website (Download Visual Studio Code). Then the Silicon Labs extension must be installed either from within VS Code by clicking on the Extensions icon and then searching the Marketplace for \u201cSimplicity Studio for VS Code\u201d or by downloading the extension as a .vsix file from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/silabs and then adding it to VS Code by clicking the three dots next to EXTENSIONS and selecting Install from vsix\u2026.\n\nInstalling the Simplicity Studio for VS Code extension will also install other extensions it depends on: C++ Extension Pack and Cortex-Debug. VS Code is now ready to add the Silicon Labs project from the earlier step.\n\nAdding a VS Code-Enabled SSv5 Project to VS Code#\n\nYou can add a project to VS Code in two ways.\n\nUse File > Open Folder\u2026 and browse to the project folder in the Simplicity Studio workspace (default workspace is v5_workspace) or the source-controlled project folder.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-vscode-ide\\index.html"} {"id": "113239d4e8a7-2", "text": "Use File > Add Folder to Workspace\u2026 and again browse to the project folder. This second method is recommended, especially if working with multiple projects. This will place the folder in an untitled workspace. Select File > Save Workspace As\u2026 and select a folder and name for the workspace. The VS Code workspace should be saved outside of the Simplicity Studio workspace folder in a folder dedicated to VS Code workspaces. Subsequent projects can be added to this open workspace using File > Add Folder to Workspace\u2026.\n\nAfter adding two projects to a workspace VS Code looks like this:\n\nThe source files can be edited, and additional files added to the projects. When ready to build the project, select the project build configuration ('all' is the default for now) in the SILICON LABS SUPPORT section and the icons for three support options (build \u2013 wrench, flash \u2013 down arrow, debug \u2013 bug icon) are displayed.\n\nBuilds will use make along with the two generated make files and the GNU ARM GCC toolchain specified when the project was created in SSv5. All files and folders in the project folder will be compiled (including user-added source files).\n\nFlash will flash the project .hex file to the target board using Simplicity Commander. The Output console window will display the progress of the flash operation.\n\nDebug will start a debug session using the Segger GDB Server and the GNU ARM GDB Client. The normal options to step through the program, set breakpoints, and examine variables and registers are all supported. The debug control icons are highlighted in the red box in the following figure.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-vscode-ide\\index.html"} {"id": "113239d4e8a7-3", "text": "Note: The vscode.conf file is used as the \u2018glue\u2019 file between the project configuration of the Simplicity Studio-installed resources and the Silicon Labs VS Code extension. The links in this file are used by the Silicon Labs VS Code extension to find the associated tools necessary for building, flashing, and debugging the project. It is not meant to be manually edited.\nNote for Matter developers: After you have generated your project in Simplicity Studio and added it to VS Code Workspace, Silicon Labs has provided four VS Code tasks to facilitate developing Matter projects in VS Code. See the Matter documentation on https://docs.silabs.com for more information.", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\simplicity-studio-5-users-guide\\latest\\ss-5-users-guide-vscode-ide\\index.html"} {"id": "1fdb299630d5-0", "text": "You are viewing documentation for version: 1.0 (latest) | Version History\n\nUSB Device\n\nUSB is one of the most successful communication interfaces in the history of computer systems and is the de facto standard for connecting computer peripherals.\nSilicon Labs USB Device stack is a USB device module designed specifically for embedded systems. Built from the ground up with Silicon Labs\u2019 quality, scalability, and reliability, it has gone through a rigorous validation process to comply with the USB 2.0 specification.\nThis documentation describes how to initialize, start, and use Silicon Labs USB Device stack. It explains the various configuration values and their uses. It also includes an overview of the technology, types of configuration possibilities, implementation procedures, and examples of typical usage for every available class.\n\nTo help you understand the USB concepts quickly, the documentation features many examples of USB with basic functions. These examples will provide you with a framework that allows you to build devices quickly. These examples include:\n\nUSB-to-serial adapter (Communications Device Class)\n\nMouse or keyboard (Human Interface Device Class)\n\nRemovable storage device (Mass Storage Class)\n\nCustom device (Vendor Class)\n\nThe following is the overview of the documentation sections:\n\nSpecifications and Features\n\nUSB Device Configuration\n\nUSB Device Programming Guide\n\nUSB Device Classes\nCDC ACM ClassHID ClassMSC SCSI ClassVendor Class\n\nUSB Device Troubleshooting\n\nMicrosoft Windows OS USB Host", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\usb\\1.0\\index.html"} {"id": "7b8bc2f749d8-0", "text": "Wi-Fi Transceivers & Modules\n\nThis page contains documentation for WFx200 based Wi-Fi ICs and Modules. For RS9116 documentation, see RS9116 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Solutions.\n\nRS9116 Family: Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Solutions\n\nSee RS9116 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Solutions.\n\nWF Series: Wi-Fi Transceiver ICs\n\nA cost-effective and scalable Wi-Fi transceiver family that is targeted at high-volume IoT applications and offers\nsupport for both low- and high-end microcontrollers. A scalable software architecture suits both RTOS and Linux environments.\n\nWF200 Wi-Fi Transceiver\n\nHardware\n\nData Sheets\n\nApplication Notes\n\nGuides & Manuals\n\nWF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit\n\nSoftware\n\nWi-Fi LMAC Driver for Linux\n\nWi-Fi FMAC Driver for MCU\n\nWFM Series: Wi-Fi Transceiver Modules\n\nBuilding upon the WF200, the certified WFM200 SiP further integrates both the antenna and antenna matching along with a temperature compensated crystal for extended operation up to 105 \u00b0C.\n\nWFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module\n\nHardware\n\nData Sheets\n\nApplication Notes\n\nGuides & Manuals\n\nWFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit\n\nSoftware\n\nWi-Fi LMAC Driver for Linux\n\nWi-Fi FMAC Driver for MCU\n\nWGM Series: Wi-Fi Modules with Apps Processor\n\nThe WGM160P contains a WF200 transceiver and a Gecko EFM32 microcontroller which combined provide advanced low-power IoT connectivity. The WGM160P can be used with the Wi-Fi FMAC driver for MCU for an open architecture approach.\n\nWGM160P Wi-Fi Module\n\nHardware\n\nData Sheets\n\nApplication Notes\n\nGuides & Manuals\n\nWGM160P Wi-Fi Module Starter Kit\n\nSoftware\n\nWi-Fi FMAC driver WGM160P example\n\nGecko OS Documentation", "source": "rtdocs\\docs.silabs.com\\wifi\\index.html"}