from import SlackGetMessage return SlackGetMessage
def _import_slack_get_message() ->Any: from import SlackGetMessage return SlackGetMessage
from langchain_community.utilities.google_search import GoogleSearchAPIWrapper return GoogleSearchAPIWrapper
def _import_google_search() ->Any: from langchain_community.utilities.google_search import GoogleSearchAPIWrapper return GoogleSearchAPIWrapper
"""Test Wrapper initializes with an API Key.""" ZapierNLAWrapper(zapier_nla_api_key='test')
def test_wrapper_api_key_initialization() ->None: """Test Wrapper initializes with an API Key.""" ZapierNLAWrapper(zapier_nla_api_key='test')
Test Wrapper initializes with an API Key.
"""Create a new child with the given params""" if type == ChildType.MARKDOWN: self.markdown(**kwargs) elif type == ChildType.EXCEPTION: self.exception(**kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected child type {type}')
def _create_child(self, type: ChildType, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) ->None: """Create a new child with the given params""" if type == ChildType.MARKDOWN: self.markdown(**kwargs) elif type == ChildType.EXCEPTION: self.exception(**kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected child type {type}')
Create a new child with the given params
raise NotImplementedError
def similarity_search_with_score(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ->List[Tuple [Document, float]]: raise NotImplementedError
"""Test valid call to promptlayer openai.""" llm = PromptLayerOpenAIChat(max_tokens=10) output = llm('Say foo:') assert isinstance(output, str)
def test_promptlayer_openai_chat_call() ->None: """Test valid call to promptlayer openai.""" llm = PromptLayerOpenAIChat(max_tokens=10) output = llm('Say foo:') assert isinstance(output, str)
Test valid call to promptlayer openai.
"""If the key `input` is in `inputs`, then save it in `self.prompts` using either the `parent_run_id` or the `run_id` as the key. This is done so that we don't log the same input prompt twice, once when the LLM starts and once when the chain starts. """ if 'input' in inputs: self.prompts.update({str(kwargs['parent_run_id'] or kwargs['run_id']): inputs['input'] if isinstance(inputs['input'], list) else [inputs[ 'input']]})
def on_chain_start(self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], inputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) ->None: """If the key `input` is in `inputs`, then save it in `self.prompts` using either the `parent_run_id` or the `run_id` as the key. This is done so that we don't log the same input prompt twice, once when the LLM starts and once when the chain starts. """ if 'input' in inputs: self.prompts.update({str(kwargs['parent_run_id'] or kwargs['run_id' ]): inputs['input'] if isinstance(inputs['input'], list) else [ inputs['input']]})
If the key `input` is in `inputs`, then save it in `self.prompts` using either the `parent_run_id` or the `run_id` as the key. This is done so that we don't log the same input prompt twice, once when the LLM starts and once when the chain starts.
_low_idx = np.where(np.exp(log_probs) < min_prob)[0] low_idx = [i for i in _low_idx if'\\w', tokens[i])] if len(low_idx) == 0: return [] spans = [[low_idx[0], low_idx[0] + num_pad_tokens + 1]] for i, idx in enumerate(low_idx[1:]): end = idx + num_pad_tokens + 1 if idx - low_idx[i] < min_token_gap: spans[-1][1] = end else: spans.append([idx, end]) return [''.join(tokens[start:end]) for start, end in spans]
def _low_confidence_spans(tokens: Sequence[str], log_probs: Sequence[float], min_prob: float, min_token_gap: int, num_pad_tokens: int) ->List[str]: _low_idx = np.where(np.exp(log_probs) < min_prob)[0] low_idx = [i for i in _low_idx if'\\w', tokens[i])] if len(low_idx) == 0: return [] spans = [[low_idx[0], low_idx[0] + num_pad_tokens + 1]] for i, idx in enumerate(low_idx[1:]): end = idx + num_pad_tokens + 1 if idx - low_idx[i] < min_token_gap: spans[-1][1] = end else: spans.append([idx, end]) return [''.join(tokens[start:end]) for start, end in spans]
"""Compute doc embeddings using a HuggingFace instruct model. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text. """ instruction_pairs = [[self.embed_instruction, text] for text in texts] embeddings = self.client.encode(instruction_pairs, **self.encode_kwargs) return embeddings.tolist()
def embed_documents(self, texts: List[str]) ->List[List[float]]: """Compute doc embeddings using a HuggingFace instruct model. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text. """ instruction_pairs = [[self.embed_instruction, text] for text in texts] embeddings = self.client.encode(instruction_pairs, **self.encode_kwargs) return embeddings.tolist()
Compute doc embeddings using a HuggingFace instruct model. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text.
def on_chain_start(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: self.on_chain_start_common()
"""Process the Chain Run upon error.""" self._process_end_trace(run)
def _on_chain_error(self, run: 'Run') ->None: """Process the Chain Run upon error.""" self._process_end_trace(run)
Process the Chain Run upon error.
if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'system', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, HumanMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'user', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, AIMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, FunctionMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'function', 'content': message.content} else: raise ValueError(f'Got unknown type {message}') return message_dict
def _convert_message_to_dict(message: BaseMessage) ->dict: if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'system', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, HumanMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'user', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, AIMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': message.content} elif isinstance(message, FunctionMessage): message_dict = {'role': 'function', 'content': message.content} else: raise ValueError(f'Got unknown type {message}') return message_dict
try: import docx2txt except ImportError: raise ImportError( '`docx2txt` package not found, please run `pip install docx2txt`') response = self.confluence.request(path=link, absolute=True) text = '' if response.status_code != 200 or response.content == b'' or response.content is None: return text file_data = BytesIO(response.content) return docx2txt.process(file_data)
def process_doc(self, link: str) ->str: try: import docx2txt except ImportError: raise ImportError( '`docx2txt` package not found, please run `pip install docx2txt`') response = self.confluence.request(path=link, absolute=True) text = '' if (response.status_code != 200 or response.content == b'' or response. content is None): return text file_data = BytesIO(response.content) return docx2txt.process(file_data)
body = self.body.copy() body['query'] = query return self._query(body)
def _get_relevant_documents(self, query: str, *, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun) ->List[Document]: body = self.body.copy() body['query'] = query return self._query(body)
"""Return whether or not the class is serializable.""" return True
@classmethod def is_lc_serializable(cls) ->bool: """Return whether or not the class is serializable.""" return True
Return whether or not the class is serializable.
"""Output keys.""" if self.return_intermediate_steps: return ['output', 'critiques_and_revisions', 'initial_output'] return ['output']
@property def output_keys(self) ->List[str]: """Output keys.""" if self.return_intermediate_steps: return ['output', 'critiques_and_revisions', 'initial_output'] return ['output']
Output keys.
""" Creates an instance of the VST class from the given texts. Args: texts (List[str]): List of texts to be added. embedding (Embeddings): Embedding model for the texts. metadatas (List[dict], optional): List of metadata dictionaries for each text.Defaults to None. table_name (str): Name of the table. Defaults to "test". database_name (str): Name of the database. Defaults to "default". connection_args (dict[str, Any]): Connection parameters. Defaults to DEFAULT_HIPPO_CONNECTION. index_params (dict): Indexing parameters. Defaults to None. search_params (dict): Search parameters. Defaults to an empty dictionary. drop_old (bool): Whether to drop the old collection. Defaults to False. kwargs: Other arguments. Returns: Hippo: An instance of the VST class. """ if search_params is None: search_params = {}'00 [from_texts] init the class of Hippo') vector_db = cls(embedding_function=embedding, table_name=table_name, database_name=database_name, connection_args=connection_args, index_params=index_params, drop_old=drop_old, **kwargs) logger.debug(f'[from_texts] texts:{texts}') logger.debug(f'[from_texts] metadatas:{metadatas}') vector_db.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas) return vector_db
@classmethod def from_texts(cls, texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]]=None, table_name: str='test', database_name: str= 'default', connection_args: Dict[str, Any]=DEFAULT_HIPPO_CONNECTION, index_params: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]=None, search_params: Optional[ Dict[str, Any]]=None, drop_old: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) ->'Hippo': """ Creates an instance of the VST class from the given texts. Args: texts (List[str]): List of texts to be added. embedding (Embeddings): Embedding model for the texts. metadatas (List[dict], optional): List of metadata dictionaries for each text.Defaults to None. table_name (str): Name of the table. Defaults to "test". database_name (str): Name of the database. Defaults to "default". connection_args (dict[str, Any]): Connection parameters. Defaults to DEFAULT_HIPPO_CONNECTION. index_params (dict): Indexing parameters. Defaults to None. search_params (dict): Search parameters. Defaults to an empty dictionary. drop_old (bool): Whether to drop the old collection. Defaults to False. kwargs: Other arguments. Returns: Hippo: An instance of the VST class. """ if search_params is None: search_params = {}'00 [from_texts] init the class of Hippo') vector_db = cls(embedding_function=embedding, table_name=table_name, database_name=database_name, connection_args=connection_args, index_params=index_params, drop_old=drop_old, **kwargs) logger.debug(f'[from_texts] texts:{texts}') logger.debug(f'[from_texts] metadatas:{metadatas}') vector_db.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas) return vector_db
Creates an instance of the VST class from the given texts. Args: texts (List[str]): List of texts to be added. embedding (Embeddings): Embedding model for the texts. metadatas (List[dict], optional): List of metadata dictionaries for each text.Defaults to None. table_name (str): Name of the table. Defaults to "test". database_name (str): Name of the database. Defaults to "default". connection_args (dict[str, Any]): Connection parameters. Defaults to DEFAULT_HIPPO_CONNECTION. index_params (dict): Indexing parameters. Defaults to None. search_params (dict): Search parameters. Defaults to an empty dictionary. drop_old (bool): Whether to drop the old collection. Defaults to False. kwargs: Other arguments. Returns: Hippo: An instance of the VST class.
"""Test from_documents constructor.""" table_name = 'test_singlestoredb_from_documents' drop(table_name) docs = [Document(page_content=t, metadata={'a': 'b'}) for t in texts] docsearch = SingleStoreDB.from_documents(docs, NormilizedFakeEmbeddings(), table_name=table_name, host=TEST_SINGLESTOREDB_URL) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=1) assert output == TEST_SINGLE_WITH_METADATA_RESULT drop(table_name)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not singlestoredb_installed, reason= 'singlestoredb not installed') def test_singlestoredb_from_documents(texts: List[str]) ->None: """Test from_documents constructor.""" table_name = 'test_singlestoredb_from_documents' drop(table_name) docs = [Document(page_content=t, metadata={'a': 'b'}) for t in texts] docsearch = SingleStoreDB.from_documents(docs, NormilizedFakeEmbeddings (), table_name=table_name, host=TEST_SINGLESTOREDB_URL) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=1) assert output == TEST_SINGLE_WITH_METADATA_RESULT drop(table_name)
Test from_documents constructor.
provider = self._get_provider() prompt = ChatPromptAdapter.convert_messages_to_prompt(provider=provider, messages=messages) for chunk in self._prepare_input_and_invoke_stream(prompt=prompt, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs): delta = chunk.text yield ChatGenerationChunk(message=AIMessageChunk(content=delta))
def _stream(self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]]= None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any ) ->Iterator[ChatGenerationChunk]: provider = self._get_provider() prompt = ChatPromptAdapter.convert_messages_to_prompt(provider=provider, messages=messages) for chunk in self._prepare_input_and_invoke_stream(prompt=prompt, stop= stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs): delta = chunk.text yield ChatGenerationChunk(message=AIMessageChunk(content=delta))
ids = ids or [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in texts] docs = self._texts_to_documents(texts, metadatas) vectors = self._embedding.embed_documents(list(texts)) return self.add_vectors(vectors, docs, ids)
def add_texts(self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Dict[Any, Any]]]=None, ids: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->List[str]: ids = ids or [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in texts] docs = self._texts_to_documents(texts, metadatas) vectors = self._embedding.embed_documents(list(texts)) return self.add_vectors(vectors, docs, ids)
""" Update an attribute of a specified task. """ task = self.get_task(query, fault_tolerant=True) params, error = load_query(query, fault_tolerant=True) if not isinstance(params, dict): return {'Error': error} if params['attribute_name'] not in task: return {'Error': f"""attribute_name = {params['attribute_name']} was not found in task keys {task.keys()}. Please call again with one of the key names.""" } return {params['attribute_name']: task[params['attribute_name']]}
def get_task_attribute(self, query: str) ->Dict: """ Update an attribute of a specified task. """ task = self.get_task(query, fault_tolerant=True) params, error = load_query(query, fault_tolerant=True) if not isinstance(params, dict): return {'Error': error} if params['attribute_name'] not in task: return {'Error': f"""attribute_name = {params['attribute_name']} was not found in task keys {task.keys()}. Please call again with one of the key names.""" } return {params['attribute_name']: task[params['attribute_name']]}
Update an attribute of a specified task.
_run_manager = run_manager or CallbackManagerForChainRun.get_noop_manager() question = inputs[self.input_key] output = self.question_to_checked_assertions_chain({'question': question}, callbacks=_run_manager.get_child()) return {self.output_key: output['revised_statement']}
def _call(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], run_manager: Optional[ CallbackManagerForChainRun]=None) ->Dict[str, str]: _run_manager = run_manager or CallbackManagerForChainRun.get_noop_manager() question = inputs[self.input_key] output = self.question_to_checked_assertions_chain({'question': question}, callbacks=_run_manager.get_child()) return {self.output_key: output['revised_statement']}
from langchain_core.beta.runnables.context import config_with_context steps = [self.first] + self.middle + [self.last] config = config_with_context(config, self.steps) final_pipeline = cast(Iterator[Output], input) for step in steps: final_pipeline = step.transform(final_pipeline, patch_config(config, callbacks=run_manager.get_child(f'seq:step:{steps.index(step) + 1}'))) for output in final_pipeline: yield output
def _transform(self, input: Iterator[Input], run_manager: CallbackManagerForChainRun, config: RunnableConfig) ->Iterator[Output]: from langchain_core.beta.runnables.context import config_with_context steps = [self.first] + self.middle + [self.last] config = config_with_context(config, self.steps) final_pipeline = cast(Iterator[Output], input) for step in steps: final_pipeline = step.transform(final_pipeline, patch_config(config, callbacks=run_manager.get_child( f'seq:step:{steps.index(step) + 1}'))) for output in final_pipeline: yield output
"""Format a file with black."""'black {filepath}', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, shell=True, timeout=3, check=False)
def format_black(filepath: str): """Format a file with black."""'black {filepath}', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, shell=True, timeout=3, check=False)
Format a file with black.
"""Test DocugamiLoader.""" loader = DocugamiLoader(file_paths=[DOCUGAMI_XML_PATH]) docs = loader.load() assert len(docs) == 25 assert '/docset:DisclosingParty' in docs[1].metadata['xpath'] assert 'h1' in docs[1].metadata['structure'] assert 'DisclosingParty' in docs[1].metadata['tag'] assert docs[1].page_content.startswith('Disclosing')
@pytest.mark.requires('dgml_utils') def test_docugami_loader_local() ->None: """Test DocugamiLoader.""" loader = DocugamiLoader(file_paths=[DOCUGAMI_XML_PATH]) docs = loader.load() assert len(docs) == 25 assert '/docset:DisclosingParty' in docs[1].metadata['xpath'] assert 'h1' in docs[1].metadata['structure'] assert 'DisclosingParty' in docs[1].metadata['tag'] assert docs[1].page_content.startswith('Disclosing')
Test DocugamiLoader.
query = 'What is the capital of France?' structured_query = StructuredQuery(query=query, filter=None) expected: Tuple[str, Dict] = (query, {}) actual = DEFAULT_TRANSLATOR.visit_structured_query(structured_query) assert expected == actual
def test_visit_structured_query_no_filter() ->None: query = 'What is the capital of France?' structured_query = StructuredQuery(query=query, filter=None) expected: Tuple[str, Dict] = (query, {}) actual = DEFAULT_TRANSLATOR.visit_structured_query(structured_query) assert expected == actual
"""Return the type key.""" return 'combining'
@property def _type(self) ->str: """Return the type key.""" return 'combining'
Return the type key.
try: import sympy except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( 'Unable to import sympy, please install it with `pip install sympy`.' ) from e try: output = str(sympy.sympify(expression, evaluate=True)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f'LLMSymbolicMathChain._evaluate("{expression}") raised error: {e}. Please try again with a valid numerical expression' ) return re.sub('^\\[|\\]$', '', output)
def _evaluate_expression(self, expression: str) ->str: try: import sympy except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( 'Unable to import sympy, please install it with `pip install sympy`.' ) from e try: output = str(sympy.sympify(expression, evaluate=True)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f'LLMSymbolicMathChain._evaluate("{expression}") raised error: {e}. Please try again with a valid numerical expression' ) return re.sub('^\\[|\\]$', '', output)
message_history = XataChatMessageHistory(api_key=os.getenv('XATA_API_KEY', ''), db_url=os.getenv('XATA_DB_URL', ''), session_id= 'integration-test-session') memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key='baz', chat_memory= message_history, return_messages=True) memory.chat_memory.add_ai_message('This is me, the AI') memory.chat_memory.add_user_message('This is me, the human') messages = memory.chat_memory.messages messages_json = json.dumps([message_to_dict(msg) for msg in messages]) assert 'This is me, the AI' in messages_json assert 'This is me, the human' in messages_json memory.chat_memory.clear()
def test_xata_chat_memory(self) ->None: message_history = XataChatMessageHistory(api_key=os.getenv( 'XATA_API_KEY', ''), db_url=os.getenv('XATA_DB_URL', ''), session_id='integration-test-session') memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key='baz', chat_memory= message_history, return_messages=True) memory.chat_memory.add_ai_message('This is me, the AI') memory.chat_memory.add_user_message('This is me, the human') messages = memory.chat_memory.messages messages_json = json.dumps([message_to_dict(msg) for msg in messages]) assert 'This is me, the AI' in messages_json assert 'This is me, the human' in messages_json memory.chat_memory.clear()
"""Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.""" tool = PythonAstREPLTool() assert tool.is_single_input assert'1 + 1') == 2
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 9), reason= 'Requires python version >= 3.9 to run.') def test_python_ast_repl_tool_single_input() ->None: """Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.""" tool = PythonAstREPLTool() assert tool.is_single_input assert'1 + 1') == 2
Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.
results: List[Union[AIMessage, HumanMessage]] = [] previous_sender = None for message in messages: if not isinstance(message, dict): continue text = message.get('text', '') timestamp = message.get('ts', '') sender = message.get('user', '') if not sender: continue skip_pattern = re.compile('<@U\\d+> has joined the channel', flags=re. IGNORECASE) if skip_pattern.match(text): continue if sender == previous_sender: results[-1].content += '\n\n' + text results[-1].additional_kwargs['events'].append({'message_time': timestamp}) else: results.append(HumanMessage(role=sender, content=text, additional_kwargs={'sender': sender, 'events': [{'message_time': timestamp}]})) previous_sender = sender return ChatSession(messages=results)
def _load_single_chat_session(self, messages: List[Dict]) ->ChatSession: results: List[Union[AIMessage, HumanMessage]] = [] previous_sender = None for message in messages: if not isinstance(message, dict): continue text = message.get('text', '') timestamp = message.get('ts', '') sender = message.get('user', '') if not sender: continue skip_pattern = re.compile('<@U\\d+> has joined the channel', flags= re.IGNORECASE) if skip_pattern.match(text): continue if sender == previous_sender: results[-1].content += '\n\n' + text results[-1].additional_kwargs['events'].append({'message_time': timestamp}) else: results.append(HumanMessage(role=sender, content=text, additional_kwargs={'sender': sender, 'events': [{ 'message_time': timestamp}]})) previous_sender = sender return ChatSession(messages=results)
parser = NumberedListOutputParser() text1 = """Your response should be a numbered list with each item on a new line. For example: 1. foo 2. bar 3. baz""" text2 = """Items: 1. apple 2. banana 3. cherry""" text3 = 'No items in the list.' for text, expected in [(text1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), (text2, ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']), (text3, [])]: expectedlist = [[a] for a in cast(List[str], expected)] assert parser.parse_folder(text) == expected assert add(parser.transform(t for t in text)) == (expected or None) assert list(parser.transform(t for t in text)) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(t for t in text.splitlines(keepends=True)) ) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(' ' + t if i > 0 else t for i, t in enumerate(text.split(' ')))) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(iter([text]))) == expectedlist
def test_numbered_list() ->None: parser = NumberedListOutputParser() text1 = """Your response should be a numbered list with each item on a new line. For example: 1. foo 2. bar 3. baz""" text2 = 'Items:\n\n1. apple\n\n 2. banana\n\n3. cherry' text3 = 'No items in the list.' for text, expected in [(text1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), (text2, ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']), (text3, [])]: expectedlist = [[a] for a in cast(List[str], expected)] assert parser.parse_folder(text) == expected assert add(parser.transform(t for t in text)) == (expected or None) assert list(parser.transform(t for t in text)) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(t for t in text.splitlines(keepends=True)) ) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(' ' + t if i > 0 else t for i, t in enumerate(text.split(' ')))) == expectedlist assert list(parser.transform(iter([text]))) == expectedlist
callbacks = _run_manager.get_child() docs = [] for question in questions: docs.extend(self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(question)) context = '\n\n'.join(d.page_content for d in docs) result = self.response_chain.predict(user_input=user_input, context=context, response=response, callbacks=callbacks) marginal, finished = self.output_parser.parse_folder(result) return marginal, finished
def _do_generation(self, questions: List[str], user_input: str, response: str, _run_manager: CallbackManagerForChainRun) ->Tuple[str, bool]: callbacks = _run_manager.get_child() docs = [] for question in questions: docs.extend(self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(question)) context = '\n\n'.join(d.page_content for d in docs) result = self.response_chain.predict(user_input=user_input, context= context, response=response, callbacks=callbacks) marginal, finished = self.output_parser.parse_folder(result) return marginal, finished
return 'json_validity'
@property def evaluation_name(self) ->str: return 'json_validity'
return list(self.lazy_load())
def load(self) ->List[Document]: return list(self.lazy_load())
"""Yield a pre-populated directory to test the blob loader.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.txt'), 'w') as test_txt: test_txt.write('This is a test.txt file.') with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.html'), 'w') as test_html: test_html.write( '<html><body><h1>This is a test.html file.</h1></body></html>') with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, '.hidden_file'), 'w') as hidden_file: hidden_file.write('This is a hidden file.') some_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'some_dir') os.makedirs(some_dir) with open(os.path.join(some_dir, 'nested_file.txt'), 'w') as nested_file: nested_file.write('This is a nested_file.txt file.') other_dir = os.path.join(some_dir, 'other_dir') os.makedirs(other_dir) with open(os.path.join(other_dir, 'more_nested.txt'), 'w') as nested_file: nested_file.write('This is a more_nested.txt file.') yield Path(temp_dir)
@pytest.fixture def toy_dir() ->Generator[Path, None, None]: """Yield a pre-populated directory to test the blob loader.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.txt'), 'w') as test_txt: test_txt.write('This is a test.txt file.') with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.html'), 'w') as test_html: test_html.write( '<html><body><h1>This is a test.html file.</h1></body></html>') with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, '.hidden_file'), 'w') as hidden_file: hidden_file.write('This is a hidden file.') some_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'some_dir') os.makedirs(some_dir) with open(os.path.join(some_dir, 'nested_file.txt'), 'w' ) as nested_file: nested_file.write('This is a nested_file.txt file.') other_dir = os.path.join(some_dir, 'other_dir') os.makedirs(other_dir) with open(os.path.join(other_dir, 'more_nested.txt'), 'w' ) as nested_file: nested_file.write('This is a more_nested.txt file.') yield Path(temp_dir)
Yield a pre-populated directory to test the blob loader.
"""Return whether this model can be serialized by Langchain.""" return True
@classmethod def is_lc_serializable(cls) ->bool: """Return whether this model can be serialized by Langchain.""" return True
Return whether this model can be serialized by Langchain.
texts = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch = _vald_from_texts(metadatas=metadatas) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=10) assert len(output) == 3 texts = ['a', 'b', 'c'] metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch.add_texts(texts, metadatas) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=10) assert len(output) == 6
def test_vald_add_texts() ->None: texts = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch = _vald_from_texts(metadatas=metadatas) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=10) assert len(output) == 3 texts = ['a', 'b', 'c'] metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch.add_texts(texts, metadatas) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=10) assert len(output) == 6
"""Load QA Eval Chain from LLM. Args: llm (BaseLanguageModel): the base language model to use. prompt (PromptTemplate): A prompt template containing the input_variables: 'query', 'context' and 'result' that will be used as the prompt for evaluation. Defaults to PROMPT. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments. Returns: ContextQAEvalChain: the loaded QA eval chain. """ prompt = prompt or CONTEXT_PROMPT cls._validate_input_vars(prompt) return cls(llm=llm, prompt=prompt, **kwargs)
@classmethod def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLanguageModel, prompt: Optional[PromptTemplate]= None, **kwargs: Any) ->ContextQAEvalChain: """Load QA Eval Chain from LLM. Args: llm (BaseLanguageModel): the base language model to use. prompt (PromptTemplate): A prompt template containing the input_variables: 'query', 'context' and 'result' that will be used as the prompt for evaluation. Defaults to PROMPT. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments. Returns: ContextQAEvalChain: the loaded QA eval chain. """ prompt = prompt or CONTEXT_PROMPT cls._validate_input_vars(prompt) return cls(llm=llm, prompt=prompt, **kwargs)
Load QA Eval Chain from LLM. Args: llm (BaseLanguageModel): the base language model to use. prompt (PromptTemplate): A prompt template containing the input_variables: 'query', 'context' and 'result' that will be used as the prompt for evaluation. Defaults to PROMPT. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments. Returns: ContextQAEvalChain: the loaded QA eval chain.
"""Clear session memory from SingleStoreDB""" self._create_table_if_not_exists() conn = self.connection_pool.connect() try: cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute('DELETE FROM {} WHERE {} = %s'.format(self.table_name, self.session_id_field), self.session_id) finally: cur.close() finally: conn.close()
def clear(self) ->None: """Clear session memory from SingleStoreDB""" self._create_table_if_not_exists() conn = self.connection_pool.connect() try: cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute('DELETE FROM {} WHERE {} = %s'.format(self. table_name, self.session_id_field), self.session_id) finally: cur.close() finally: conn.close()
Clear session memory from SingleStoreDB
response = LLMResult(generations=[], llm_output={'token_usage': { 'prompt_tokens': 2, 'completion_tokens': 1, 'total_tokens': 3}, 'model_name': BaseOpenAI.__fields__['model_name'].default}) handler.on_llm_end(response) assert handler.successful_requests == 1 assert handler.total_tokens == 3 assert handler.prompt_tokens == 2 assert handler.completion_tokens == 1 assert handler.total_cost > 0
def test_on_llm_end(handler: OpenAICallbackHandler) ->None: response = LLMResult(generations=[], llm_output={'token_usage': { 'prompt_tokens': 2, 'completion_tokens': 1, 'total_tokens': 3}, 'model_name': BaseOpenAI.__fields__['model_name'].default}) handler.on_llm_end(response) assert handler.successful_requests == 1 assert handler.total_tokens == 3 assert handler.prompt_tokens == 2 assert handler.completion_tokens == 1 assert handler.total_cost > 0
from langchain_community.vectorstores.astradb import AstraDB return AstraDB
def _import_astradb() ->Any: from langchain_community.vectorstores.astradb import AstraDB return AstraDB
"""Initializes private fields.""" try: from import SearchServiceClient except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( ' is not installed.Please install it with pip install google-cloud-discoveryengine' ) from exc super().__init__(**kwargs) self._client = SearchServiceClient(credentials=self.credentials, client_options=self.client_options, client_info=get_client_info(module= 'vertex-ai-search')) self._serving_config = self._client.serving_config_path(project=self. project_id, location=self.location_id, data_store=self.data_store_id, serving_config=self.serving_config_id)
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) ->None: """Initializes private fields.""" try: from import SearchServiceClient except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( ' is not installed.Please install it with pip install google-cloud-discoveryengine' ) from exc super().__init__(**kwargs) self._client = SearchServiceClient(credentials=self.credentials, client_options=self.client_options, client_info=get_client_info( module='vertex-ai-search')) self._serving_config = self._client.serving_config_path(project=self. project_id, location=self.location_id, data_store=self. data_store_id, serving_config=self.serving_config_id)
Initializes private fields.
generation_config = kwargs.get('generation_config', {}) if is_gemini: return llm.client.generate_content(contents=prompt, stream=stream, generation_config=generation_config) return llm.client.generate_text(prompt=prompt, **kwargs)
@retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(prompt: LanguageModelInput, is_gemini: bool, stream: bool, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: generation_config = kwargs.get('generation_config', {}) if is_gemini: return llm.client.generate_content(contents=prompt, stream=stream, generation_config=generation_config) return llm.client.generate_text(prompt=prompt, **kwargs)
"""Call out to Infinity's embedding endpoint. Args: text: The text to embed. Returns: Embeddings for the text. """ return self.embed_documents([text])[0]
def embed_query(self, text: str) ->List[float]: """Call out to Infinity's embedding endpoint. Args: text: The text to embed. Returns: Embeddings for the text. """ return self.embed_documents([text])[0]
Call out to Infinity's embedding endpoint. Args: text: The text to embed. Returns: Embeddings for the text.
"""Test openai stop logic on valid configuration.""" query = 'write an ordered list of five items' first_llm = OpenAI(stop='3', temperature=0) first_output = first_llm(query) second_llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) second_output = second_llm(query, stop=['3']) assert first_output == second_output
def test_openai_stop_valid() ->None: """Test openai stop logic on valid configuration.""" query = 'write an ordered list of five items' first_llm = OpenAI(stop='3', temperature=0) first_output = first_llm(query) second_llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) second_output = second_llm(query, stop=['3']) assert first_output == second_output
Test openai stop logic on valid configuration.
from momento import CredentialProvider, VectorIndexConfigurations random_text = random_string() random_document = f'Hello world {random_text} goodbye world!' texts.insert(0, random_document) vector_store = None try: vector_store = MomentoVectorIndex.from_texts(texts=texts, embedding= embedding_openai, index_name=random_index_name, configuration= VectorIndexConfigurations.Default.latest(), credential_provider= CredentialProvider.from_environment_variable('MOMENTO_API_KEY')) wait() documents = vector_store.similarity_search(query=random_text, k=1) assert documents == [Document(page_content=random_document)] finally: if vector_store is not None: vector_store._client.delete_index(random_index_name)
def test_from_texts(random_index_name: str, embedding_openai: OpenAIEmbeddings, texts: List[str]) ->None: from momento import CredentialProvider, VectorIndexConfigurations random_text = random_string() random_document = f'Hello world {random_text} goodbye world!' texts.insert(0, random_document) vector_store = None try: vector_store = MomentoVectorIndex.from_texts(texts=texts, embedding =embedding_openai, index_name=random_index_name, configuration= VectorIndexConfigurations.Default.latest(), credential_provider =CredentialProvider.from_environment_variable('MOMENTO_API_KEY')) wait() documents = vector_store.similarity_search(query=random_text, k=1) assert documents == [Document(page_content=random_document)] finally: if vector_store is not None: vector_store._client.delete_index(random_index_name)
llm, PROMPT = setup() chain = pick_best_chain.PickBest.from_llm(llm=llm, prompt=PROMPT, feature_embedder=pick_best_chain.PickBestFeatureEmbedder(auto_embed= False, model=MockEncoder())) actions = ['0', '1', '2'] with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.requires('vowpal_wabbit_next', 'sentence_transformers') def test_missing_basedOn_from_throws() ->None: llm, PROMPT = setup() chain = pick_best_chain.PickBest.from_llm(llm=llm, prompt=PROMPT, feature_embedder=pick_best_chain.PickBestFeatureEmbedder(auto_embed =False, model=MockEncoder())) actions = ['0', '1', '2'] with pytest.raises(ValueError):
"""Run on agent action.""" print_text(action.log, color=color or self.color, file=self.file)
def on_agent_action(self, action: AgentAction, color: Optional[str]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: """Run on agent action.""" print_text(action.log, color=color or self.color, file=self.file)
Run on agent action.
out = {} if docs.get('description'): out['description'] = docs.get('description') if docs.get('parameters'): out['parameters'] = [parameter for parameter in docs.get('parameters', []) if parameter.get('required')] if '200' in docs['responses']: out['responses'] = docs['responses']['200'] if docs.get('requestBody'): out['requestBody'] = docs.get('requestBody') return out
def reduce_endpoint_docs(docs: dict) ->dict: out = {} if docs.get('description'): out['description'] = docs.get('description') if docs.get('parameters'): out['parameters'] = [parameter for parameter in docs.get( 'parameters', []) if parameter.get('required')] if '200' in docs['responses']: out['responses'] = docs['responses']['200'] if docs.get('requestBody'): out['requestBody'] = docs.get('requestBody') return out
"""Test custom_caching behavior.""" Base = declarative_base() class FulltextLLMCache(Base): """Postgres table for fulltext-indexed LLM Cache.""" __tablename__ = 'llm_cache_fulltext' id = Column(Integer, Sequence('cache_id'), primary_key=True) prompt = Column(String, nullable=False) llm = Column(String, nullable=False) idx = Column(Integer) response = Column(String) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') set_llm_cache(SQLAlchemyCache(engine, FulltextLLMCache)) llm = FakeLLM() params = llm.dict() params['stop'] = None llm_string = str(sorted([(k, v) for k, v in params.items()])) get_llm_cache().update('foo', llm_string, [Generation(text='fizz')]) output = llm.generate(['foo', 'bar', 'foo']) expected_cache_output = [Generation(text='foo')] cache_output = get_llm_cache().lookup('bar', llm_string) assert cache_output == expected_cache_output set_llm_cache(None) expected_generations = [[Generation(text='fizz')], [Generation(text='foo')], [Generation(text='fizz')]] expected_output = LLMResult(generations=expected_generations, llm_output=None) assert output == expected_output
def test_custom_caching() ->None: """Test custom_caching behavior.""" Base = declarative_base() class FulltextLLMCache(Base): """Postgres table for fulltext-indexed LLM Cache.""" __tablename__ = 'llm_cache_fulltext' id = Column(Integer, Sequence('cache_id'), primary_key=True) prompt = Column(String, nullable=False) llm = Column(String, nullable=False) idx = Column(Integer) response = Column(String) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') set_llm_cache(SQLAlchemyCache(engine, FulltextLLMCache)) llm = FakeLLM() params = llm.dict() params['stop'] = None llm_string = str(sorted([(k, v) for k, v in params.items()])) get_llm_cache().update('foo', llm_string, [Generation(text='fizz')]) output = llm.generate(['foo', 'bar', 'foo']) expected_cache_output = [Generation(text='foo')] cache_output = get_llm_cache().lookup('bar', llm_string) assert cache_output == expected_cache_output set_llm_cache(None) expected_generations = [[Generation(text='fizz')], [Generation(text= 'foo')], [Generation(text='fizz')]] expected_output = LLMResult(generations=expected_generations, llm_output=None) assert output == expected_output
Test custom_caching behavior.
return RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0)
def _get_default_text_splitter() ->TextSplitter: return RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0)
generations = [] for res in response.choices: finish_reason = getattr(res, 'finish_reason') if finish_reason: finish_reason = finish_reason.value gen = ChatGeneration(message=_convert_mistral_chat_message_to_message( res.message), generation_info={'finish_reason': finish_reason}) generations.append(gen) token_usage = getattr(response, 'usage') token_usage = vars(token_usage) if token_usage else {} llm_output = {'token_usage': token_usage, 'model': self.model} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)
def _create_chat_result(self, response: MistralChatCompletionResponse ) ->ChatResult: generations = [] for res in response.choices: finish_reason = getattr(res, 'finish_reason') if finish_reason: finish_reason = finish_reason.value gen = ChatGeneration(message= _convert_mistral_chat_message_to_message(res.message), generation_info={'finish_reason': finish_reason}) generations.append(gen) token_usage = getattr(response, 'usage') token_usage = vars(token_usage) if token_usage else {} llm_output = {'token_usage': token_usage, 'model': self.model} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)
"""Load an agent executor given tools and LLM. Args: tools: List of tools this agent has access to. llm: Language model to use as the agent. agent: Agent type to use. If None and agent_path is also None, will default to AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION. callback_manager: CallbackManager to use. Global callback manager is used if not provided. Defaults to None. agent_path: Path to serialized agent to use. agent_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying agent tags: Tags to apply to the traced runs. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the agent executor Returns: An agent executor """ tags_ = list(tags) if tags else [] if agent is None and agent_path is None: agent = AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION if agent is not None and agent_path is not None: raise ValueError( 'Both `agent` and `agent_path` are specified, but at most only one should be.' ) if agent is not None: if agent not in AGENT_TO_CLASS: raise ValueError( f'Got unknown agent type: {agent}. Valid types are: {AGENT_TO_CLASS.keys()}.' ) tags_.append(agent.value if isinstance(agent, AgentType) else agent) agent_cls = AGENT_TO_CLASS[agent] agent_kwargs = agent_kwargs or {} agent_obj = agent_cls.from_llm_and_tools(llm, tools, callback_manager= callback_manager, **agent_kwargs) elif agent_path is not None: agent_obj = load_agent(agent_path, llm=llm, tools=tools, callback_manager=callback_manager) try: tags_.append(agent_obj._agent_type) except NotImplementedError: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Somehow both `agent` and `agent_path` are None, this should never happen.' ) return AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent_obj, tools=tools, callback_manager=callback_manager, tags=tags_, **kwargs)
def initialize_agent(tools: Sequence[BaseTool], llm: BaseLanguageModel, agent: Optional[AgentType]=None, callback_manager: Optional[ BaseCallbackManager]=None, agent_path: Optional[str]=None, agent_kwargs: Optional[dict]=None, *, tags: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, **kwargs: Any ) ->AgentExecutor: """Load an agent executor given tools and LLM. Args: tools: List of tools this agent has access to. llm: Language model to use as the agent. agent: Agent type to use. If None and agent_path is also None, will default to AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION. callback_manager: CallbackManager to use. Global callback manager is used if not provided. Defaults to None. agent_path: Path to serialized agent to use. agent_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying agent tags: Tags to apply to the traced runs. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the agent executor Returns: An agent executor """ tags_ = list(tags) if tags else [] if agent is None and agent_path is None: agent = AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION if agent is not None and agent_path is not None: raise ValueError( 'Both `agent` and `agent_path` are specified, but at most only one should be.' ) if agent is not None: if agent not in AGENT_TO_CLASS: raise ValueError( f'Got unknown agent type: {agent}. Valid types are: {AGENT_TO_CLASS.keys()}.' ) tags_.append(agent.value if isinstance(agent, AgentType) else agent) agent_cls = AGENT_TO_CLASS[agent] agent_kwargs = agent_kwargs or {} agent_obj = agent_cls.from_llm_and_tools(llm, tools, callback_manager=callback_manager, **agent_kwargs) elif agent_path is not None: agent_obj = load_agent(agent_path, llm=llm, tools=tools, callback_manager=callback_manager) try: tags_.append(agent_obj._agent_type) except NotImplementedError: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Somehow both `agent` and `agent_path` are None, this should never happen.' ) return AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent_obj, tools=tools, callback_manager=callback_manager, tags=tags_, **kwargs)
Load an agent executor given tools and LLM. Args: tools: List of tools this agent has access to. llm: Language model to use as the agent. agent: Agent type to use. If None and agent_path is also None, will default to AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION. callback_manager: CallbackManager to use. Global callback manager is used if not provided. Defaults to None. agent_path: Path to serialized agent to use. agent_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying agent tags: Tags to apply to the traced runs. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the agent executor Returns: An agent executor
from langchain_community.vectorstores.alibabacloud_opensearch import AlibabaCloudOpenSearchSettings return AlibabaCloudOpenSearchSettings
def _import_alibaba_cloud_open_search_settings() ->Any: from langchain_community.vectorstores.alibabacloud_opensearch import AlibabaCloudOpenSearchSettings return AlibabaCloudOpenSearchSettings
from openapi_pydantic import Reference path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) parameters = [] if not path_item.parameters: return [] for parameter in path_item.parameters: if isinstance(parameter, Reference): parameter = self._get_root_referenced_parameter(parameter) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters
def get_parameters_for_path(self, path: str) ->List[Parameter]: from openapi_pydantic import Reference path_item = self._get_path_strict(path) parameters = [] if not path_item.parameters: return [] for parameter in path_item.parameters: if isinstance(parameter, Reference): parameter = self._get_root_referenced_parameter(parameter) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters
"""Get the tools in the toolkit.""" return
def get_tools(self) ->List[BaseTool]: """Get the tools in the toolkit.""" return
Get the tools in the toolkit.
params = {'queryVector': embedding, 'path': self._embedding_key, 'numCandidates': k * 10, 'limit': k, 'index': self._index_name} if pre_filter: params['filter'] = pre_filter query = {'$vectorSearch': params} pipeline = [query, {'$set': {'score': {'$meta': 'vectorSearchScore'}}}] if post_filter_pipeline is not None: pipeline.extend(post_filter_pipeline) cursor = self._collection.aggregate(pipeline) docs = [] for res in cursor: text = res.pop(self._text_key) score = res.pop('score') docs.append((Document(page_content=text, metadata=res), score)) return docs
def _similarity_search_with_score(self, embedding: List[float], k: int=4, pre_filter: Optional[Dict]=None, post_filter_pipeline: Optional[List[ Dict]]=None) ->List[Tuple[Document, float]]: params = {'queryVector': embedding, 'path': self._embedding_key, 'numCandidates': k * 10, 'limit': k, 'index': self._index_name} if pre_filter: params['filter'] = pre_filter query = {'$vectorSearch': params} pipeline = [query, {'$set': {'score': {'$meta': 'vectorSearchScore'}}}] if post_filter_pipeline is not None: pipeline.extend(post_filter_pipeline) cursor = self._collection.aggregate(pipeline) docs = [] for res in cursor: text = res.pop(self._text_key) score = res.pop('score') docs.append((Document(page_content=text, metadata=res), score)) return docs
return make_request(llm, **_kwargs)
@retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(**_kwargs: Any) ->Any: return make_request(llm, **_kwargs)
"""Use tenacity to retry the completion call.""" retry_decorator = _create_retry_decorator(self, run_manager=run_manager) @retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(**kwargs: Any) ->Any: return self.client.completion(**kwargs) return _completion_with_retry(**kwargs)
def completion_with_retry(self, run_manager: Optional[ CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: """Use tenacity to retry the completion call.""" retry_decorator = _create_retry_decorator(self, run_manager=run_manager) @retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(**kwargs: Any) ->Any: return self.client.completion(**kwargs) return _completion_with_retry(**kwargs)
Use tenacity to retry the completion call.
llm_input = self._to_chat_prompt(messages) llm_result = self.llm._generate(prompts=[llm_input], stop=stop, run_manager =run_manager, **kwargs) return self._to_chat_result(llm_result)
def _generate(self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]]= None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any ) ->ChatResult: llm_input = self._to_chat_prompt(messages) llm_result = self.llm._generate(prompts=[llm_input], stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs) return self._to_chat_result(llm_result)
value = dict.__getitem__(self, key) return attrdict(value) if isinstance(value, dict) else value
def __getitem__(self, key: str) ->Any: value = dict.__getitem__(self, key) return attrdict(value) if isinstance(value, dict) else value
return f"""Tokens Used: {self.total_tokens} Prompt Tokens: {self.prompt_tokens} Completion Tokens: {self.completion_tokens} Successful Requests: {self.successful_requests} Total Cost (USD): ${self.total_cost}"""
def __repr__(self) ->str: return f"""Tokens Used: {self.total_tokens} Prompt Tokens: {self.prompt_tokens} Completion Tokens: {self.completion_tokens} Successful Requests: {self.successful_requests} Total Cost (USD): ${self.total_cost}"""
self.keys: Set[str] = set()
def __init__(self) ->None: self.keys: Set[str] = set()
message_dict = {'role': 'system', 'content': 'foo'} result = _convert_dict_to_message(message_dict) expected_output = ChatMessage(role='system', content='foo') assert result == expected_output
def test__convert_dict_to_message_other_role() ->None: message_dict = {'role': 'system', 'content': 'foo'} result = _convert_dict_to_message(message_dict) expected_output = ChatMessage(role='system', content='foo') assert result == expected_output
"""Run more texts through the embeddings and add to the vectorstore. Args: texts: Iterable of strings to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas associated with the texts. ids: Optional list of ids for documents. Ids will be autogenerated if not provided. kwargs: vectorstore specific parameters Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ docs = self._prep_docs(texts, metadatas, ids) result = self.search_index.add_documents(docs) return [ for r in result]
def add_texts(self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]]= None, ids: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->List[str]: """Run more texts through the embeddings and add to the vectorstore. Args: texts: Iterable of strings to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas associated with the texts. ids: Optional list of ids for documents. Ids will be autogenerated if not provided. kwargs: vectorstore specific parameters Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ docs = self._prep_docs(texts, metadatas, ids) result = self.search_index.add_documents(docs) return [ for r in result]
Run more texts through the embeddings and add to the vectorstore. Args: texts: Iterable of strings to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas associated with the texts. ids: Optional list of ids for documents. Ids will be autogenerated if not provided. kwargs: vectorstore specific parameters Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore.
"""Get the number of tokens present in the text. Useful for checking if an input will fit in a model's context window. Args: text: The string input to tokenize. Returns: The integer number of tokens in the text. """ try: result = self.client_preview.count_tokens([text]) except AttributeError: raise_vertex_import_error() return result.total_tokens
def get_num_tokens(self, text: str) ->int: """Get the number of tokens present in the text. Useful for checking if an input will fit in a model's context window. Args: text: The string input to tokenize. Returns: The integer number of tokens in the text. """ try: result = self.client_preview.count_tokens([text]) except AttributeError: raise_vertex_import_error() return result.total_tokens
Get the number of tokens present in the text. Useful for checking if an input will fit in a model's context window. Args: text: The string input to tokenize. Returns: The integer number of tokens in the text.
return [self.output_key]
@property def output_keys(self) ->List[str]: return [self.output_key]
if '```bash' in text: return self.get_code_blocks(text) else: raise OutputParserException(f'Failed to parse bash output. Got: {text}')
def parse(self, text: str) ->List[str]: if '```bash' in text: return self.get_code_blocks(text) else: raise OutputParserException(f'Failed to parse bash output. Got: {text}' )
"""Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick by vectors Args: embedding (List[float]): query embedding k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of documents """ documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector(embedding=embedding, k=k) return [doc for doc, _ in documents]
def similarity_search_by_vector(self, embedding: List[float], k: int=4, ** kwargs: Any) ->List[Document]: """Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick by vectors Args: embedding (List[float]): query embedding k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of documents """ documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector(embedding= embedding, k=k) return [doc for doc, _ in documents]
Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick by vectors Args: embedding (List[float]): query embedding k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of documents
if self.urls: return self.urls try: import listparser except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Package listparser must be installed if the opml arg is used. Please install with 'pip install listparser' or use the urls arg instead." ) from e rss = listparser.parse_folder(self.opml) return [feed.url for feed in rss.feeds]
@property def _get_urls(self) ->Sequence[str]: if self.urls: return self.urls try: import listparser except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Package listparser must be installed if the opml arg is used. Please install with 'pip install listparser' or use the urls arg instead." ) from e rss = listparser.parse_folder(self.opml) return [feed.url for feed in rss.feeds]
store = UpstashRedisByteStore(client=redis_client, ttl=None) redis_client.mset({'key1': 'value2', 'key2': 'value2'}) assert sorted(store.yield_keys()) == ['key1', 'key2'] assert sorted(store.yield_keys(prefix='key*')) == ['key1', 'key2'] assert sorted(store.yield_keys(prefix='lang*')) == []
def test_yield_keys(redis_client: Redis) ->None: store = UpstashRedisByteStore(client=redis_client, ttl=None) redis_client.mset({'key1': 'value2', 'key2': 'value2'}) assert sorted(store.yield_keys()) == ['key1', 'key2'] assert sorted(store.yield_keys(prefix='key*')) == ['key1', 'key2'] assert sorted(store.yield_keys(prefix='lang*')) == []
"""Initialize the TelegramChatLoader. Args: path (Union[str, Path]): Path to the exported Telegram chat zip, directory, json, or HTML file. """ self.path = path if isinstance(path, str) else str(path)
def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """Initialize the TelegramChatLoader. Args: path (Union[str, Path]): Path to the exported Telegram chat zip, directory, json, or HTML file. """ self.path = path if isinstance(path, str) else str(path)
Initialize the TelegramChatLoader. Args: path (Union[str, Path]): Path to the exported Telegram chat zip, directory, json, or HTML file.
try: return self.enum(response.strip()) except ValueError: raise OutputParserException( f"Response '{response}' is not one of the expected values: {self._valid_values}" )
def parse(self, response: str) ->Any: try: return self.enum(response.strip()) except ValueError: raise OutputParserException( f"Response '{response}' is not one of the expected values: {self._valid_values}" )
""" Load run evaluators from a configuration. Args: config: Configuration for the run evaluators. Returns: A list of run evaluators. """ run_evaluators = [] input_key, prediction_key, reference_key = None, None, None if config.evaluators or any([isinstance(e, EvaluatorType) for e in config. evaluators]) or config.custom_evaluators and any([isinstance(e, StringEvaluator) for e in config.custom_evaluators]): input_key, prediction_key, reference_key = _get_keys(config, run_inputs, run_outputs, example_outputs) for eval_config in config.evaluators: run_evaluator = _construct_run_evaluator(eval_config, config.eval_llm, run_type, data_type, example_outputs, reference_key, input_key, prediction_key) run_evaluators.append(run_evaluator) custom_evaluators = config.custom_evaluators or [] for custom_evaluator in custom_evaluators: if isinstance(custom_evaluator, RunEvaluator): run_evaluators.append(custom_evaluator) elif isinstance(custom_evaluator, StringEvaluator): run_evaluators.append(smith_eval.StringRunEvaluatorChain. from_run_and_data_type(custom_evaluator, run_type, data_type, input_key=input_key, prediction_key=prediction_key, reference_key=reference_key)) else: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported custom evaluator: {custom_evaluator}. Expected RunEvaluator or StringEvaluator.' ) return run_evaluators
def _load_run_evaluators(config: smith_eval.RunEvalConfig, run_type: str, data_type: DataType, example_outputs: Optional[List[str]], run_inputs: Optional[List[str]], run_outputs: Optional[List[str]]) ->List[RunEvaluator ]: """ Load run evaluators from a configuration. Args: config: Configuration for the run evaluators. Returns: A list of run evaluators. """ run_evaluators = [] input_key, prediction_key, reference_key = None, None, None if config.evaluators or any([isinstance(e, EvaluatorType) for e in config.evaluators]) or config.custom_evaluators and any([isinstance (e, StringEvaluator) for e in config.custom_evaluators]): input_key, prediction_key, reference_key = _get_keys(config, run_inputs, run_outputs, example_outputs) for eval_config in config.evaluators: run_evaluator = _construct_run_evaluator(eval_config, config. eval_llm, run_type, data_type, example_outputs, reference_key, input_key, prediction_key) run_evaluators.append(run_evaluator) custom_evaluators = config.custom_evaluators or [] for custom_evaluator in custom_evaluators: if isinstance(custom_evaluator, RunEvaluator): run_evaluators.append(custom_evaluator) elif isinstance(custom_evaluator, StringEvaluator): run_evaluators.append(smith_eval.StringRunEvaluatorChain. from_run_and_data_type(custom_evaluator, run_type, data_type, input_key=input_key, prediction_key= prediction_key, reference_key=reference_key)) else: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported custom evaluator: {custom_evaluator}. Expected RunEvaluator or StringEvaluator.' ) return run_evaluators
Load run evaluators from a configuration. Args: config: Configuration for the run evaluators. Returns: A list of run evaluators.
client = self.client() tasks = client.get_tasks() client.wait_for_task(tasks.results[0].uid)
def _wait_last_task(self) ->None: client = self.client() tasks = client.get_tasks() client.wait_for_task(tasks.results[0].uid)
"""Return dictionary representation of agent.""" _dict = super().dict() del _dict['output_parser'] return _dict
def dict(self, **kwargs: Any) ->Dict: """Return dictionary representation of agent.""" _dict = super().dict() del _dict['output_parser'] return _dict
Return dictionary representation of agent.
message_dicts, params = self._create_message_dicts(messages, stop) params = {**params, **kwargs, 'stream': True} default_chunk_class = AIMessageChunk generator_response = completion_with_retry(self, messages=message_dicts, models_priority_list=self.models_priority_list, run_manager=run_manager, **params) for chunk in generator_response: if chunk.event != 'update': continue chunk, default_chunk_class = self._create_chat_generation_chunk(chunk. data, default_chunk_class) yield chunk if run_manager: run_manager.on_llm_new_token(token=chunk.message.content, chunk= chunk.message)
def _stream(self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]]= None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any ) ->Iterator[ChatGenerationChunk]: message_dicts, params = self._create_message_dicts(messages, stop) params = {**params, **kwargs, 'stream': True} default_chunk_class = AIMessageChunk generator_response = completion_with_retry(self, messages=message_dicts, models_priority_list=self.models_priority_list, run_manager= run_manager, **params) for chunk in generator_response: if chunk.event != 'update': continue chunk, default_chunk_class = self._create_chat_generation_chunk(chunk .data, default_chunk_class) yield chunk if run_manager: run_manager.on_llm_new_token(token=chunk.message.content, chunk =chunk.message)
"""Run when agent finish is received. Args: finish (AgentFinish): The agent finish. Returns: Any: The result of the callback. """ handle_event(self.handlers, 'on_agent_finish', 'ignore_agent', finish, run_id=self.run_id, parent_run_id=self.parent_run_id, tags=self.tags, **kwargs)
def on_agent_finish(self, finish: AgentFinish, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: """Run when agent finish is received. Args: finish (AgentFinish): The agent finish. Returns: Any: The result of the callback. """ handle_event(self.handlers, 'on_agent_finish', 'ignore_agent', finish, run_id=self.run_id, parent_run_id=self.parent_run_id, tags=self. tags, **kwargs)
Run when agent finish is received. Args: finish (AgentFinish): The agent finish. Returns: Any: The result of the callback.
splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_language(Language.KOTLIN, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_overlap=0) code = """ class HelloWorld { companion object { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World!") } } } """ chunks = splitter.split_text(code) assert chunks == ['class', 'HelloWorld {', 'companion', 'object {', '@JvmStatic', 'fun', 'main(args:', 'Array<String>)', '{', 'println("Hello,', 'World!")', '}\n }', '}']
def test_kotlin_code_splitter() ->None: splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_language(Language.KOTLIN, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_overlap=0) code = """ class HelloWorld { companion object { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World!") } } } """ chunks = splitter.split_text(code) assert chunks == ['class', 'HelloWorld {', 'companion', 'object {', '@JvmStatic', 'fun', 'main(args:', 'Array<String>)', '{', 'println("Hello,', 'World!")', '}\n }', '}']
"""Construct an html element from a prompt and a generation. Parameters: prompt (str): The prompt. generation (str): The generation. Returns: (wandb.Html): The html element.""" wandb = import_wandb() formatted_prompt = prompt.replace('\n', '<br>') formatted_generation = generation.replace('\n', '<br>') return wandb.Html( f""" <p style="color:black;">{formatted_prompt}:</p> <blockquote> <p style="color:green;"> {formatted_generation} </p> </blockquote> """ , inject=False)
def construct_html_from_prompt_and_generation(prompt: str, generation: str ) ->Any: """Construct an html element from a prompt and a generation. Parameters: prompt (str): The prompt. generation (str): The generation. Returns: (wandb.Html): The html element.""" wandb = import_wandb() formatted_prompt = prompt.replace('\n', '<br>') formatted_generation = generation.replace('\n', '<br>') return wandb.Html( f""" <p style="color:black;">{formatted_prompt}:</p> <blockquote> <p style="color:green;"> {formatted_generation} </p> </blockquote> """ , inject=False)
Construct an html element from a prompt and a generation. Parameters: prompt (str): The prompt. generation (str): The generation. Returns: (wandb.Html): The html element.
splitter = SentenceTransformersTokenTextSplitter(model_name= 'sentence-transformers/paraphrase-albert-small-v2') text = 'Lorem ipsum' token_count = splitter.count_tokens(text=text) expected_start_stop_token_count = 2 expected_text_token_count = 5 expected_token_count = (expected_start_stop_token_count + expected_text_token_count) assert expected_token_count == token_count
def test_sentence_transformers_count_tokens() ->None: splitter = SentenceTransformersTokenTextSplitter(model_name= 'sentence-transformers/paraphrase-albert-small-v2') text = 'Lorem ipsum' token_count = splitter.count_tokens(text=text) expected_start_stop_token_count = 2 expected_text_token_count = 5 expected_token_count = (expected_start_stop_token_count + expected_text_token_count) assert expected_token_count == token_count
"""Validate and update client arguments, including API key and formatting""" if not values.get('client'): values['client'] = NVEModel(**values) return values
@root_validator(pre=True) def validate_client(cls, values: Any) ->Any: """Validate and update client arguments, including API key and formatting""" if not values.get('client'): values['client'] = NVEModel(**values) return values
Validate and update client arguments, including API key and formatting
"""Parse the output of an LLM call.""" return re.findall(self.pattern, text, re.MULTILINE)
def parse(self, text: str) ->List[str]: """Parse the output of an LLM call.""" return re.findall(self.pattern, text, re.MULTILINE)
Parse the output of an LLM call.
"""Use tenacity to retry the completion call.""" retry_decorator = _create_retry_decorator(self, run_manager=run_manager) @retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(**kwargs: Any) ->Any: stream = kwargs.pop('stream', False) if stream: return self.client.chat_stream(**kwargs) else: return**kwargs) return _completion_with_retry(**kwargs)
def completion_with_retry(self, run_manager: Optional[ CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->Any: """Use tenacity to retry the completion call.""" retry_decorator = _create_retry_decorator(self, run_manager=run_manager) @retry_decorator def _completion_with_retry(**kwargs: Any) ->Any: stream = kwargs.pop('stream', False) if stream: return self.client.chat_stream(**kwargs) else: return**kwargs) return _completion_with_retry(**kwargs)
Use tenacity to retry the completion call.
"""Whether to ignore LLM callbacks.""" return self.ignore_llm_
@property def ignore_llm(self) ->bool: """Whether to ignore LLM callbacks.""" return self.ignore_llm_
Whether to ignore LLM callbacks.
"""Test chat model initialization.""" ChatNVIDIA(model='llama2_13b', nvidia_api_key='nvapi-...', temperature=0.5, top_p=0.9, max_tokens=50) ChatNVIDIA(model='mistral', nvidia_api_key='nvapi-...')
def test_integration_initialization() ->None: """Test chat model initialization.""" ChatNVIDIA(model='llama2_13b', nvidia_api_key='nvapi-...', temperature= 0.5, top_p=0.9, max_tokens=50) ChatNVIDIA(model='mistral', nvidia_api_key='nvapi-...')
Test chat model initialization.
if values.get('client') is not None: return values try: import boto3 from botocore.client import Config from botocore.exceptions import UnknownServiceError if values.get('credentials_profile_name'): session = boto3.Session(profile_name=values['credentials_profile_name'] ) else: session = boto3.Session() client_params = {'config': Config(connect_timeout=120, read_timeout=120, retries={'max_attempts': 0})} if values.get('region_name'): client_params['region_name'] = values['region_name'] if values.get('endpoint_url'): client_params['endpoint_url'] = values['endpoint_url'] values['client'] = session.client('bedrock-agent-runtime', **client_params) return values except ImportError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'Could not import boto3 python package. Please install it with `pip install boto3`.' ) except UnknownServiceError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'Ensure that you have installed the latest boto3 package that contains the API for `bedrock-runtime-agent`.' ) from e except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Could not load credentials to authenticate with AWS client. Please check that credentials in the specified profile name are valid.' ) from e
@root_validator(pre=True) def create_client(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) ->Dict[str, Any]: if values.get('client') is not None: return values try: import boto3 from botocore.client import Config from botocore.exceptions import UnknownServiceError if values.get('credentials_profile_name'): session = boto3.Session(profile_name=values[ 'credentials_profile_name']) else: session = boto3.Session() client_params = {'config': Config(connect_timeout=120, read_timeout =120, retries={'max_attempts': 0})} if values.get('region_name'): client_params['region_name'] = values['region_name'] if values.get('endpoint_url'): client_params['endpoint_url'] = values['endpoint_url'] values['client'] = session.client('bedrock-agent-runtime', ** client_params) return values except ImportError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'Could not import boto3 python package. Please install it with `pip install boto3`.' ) except UnknownServiceError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'Ensure that you have installed the latest boto3 package that contains the API for `bedrock-runtime-agent`.' ) from e except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Could not load credentials to authenticate with AWS client. Please check that credentials in the specified profile name are valid.' ) from e
from import InfoSparkSQLTool return InfoSparkSQLTool
def _import_spark_sql_tool_InfoSparkSQLTool() ->Any: from import InfoSparkSQLTool return InfoSparkSQLTool
"""Delete vectors by ids or uuids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. """ with Session(self._bind) as session: if ids is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Trying to delete vectors by ids (represented by the model using the custom ids field)' ) stmt = delete(self.EmbeddingStore).where(self.EmbeddingStore. custom_id.in_(ids)) session.execute(stmt) session.commit()
def delete(self, ids: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->None: """Delete vectors by ids or uuids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. """ with Session(self._bind) as session: if ids is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Trying to delete vectors by ids (represented by the model using the custom ids field)' ) stmt = delete(self.EmbeddingStore).where(self.EmbeddingStore. custom_id.in_(ids)) session.execute(stmt) session.commit()
Delete vectors by ids or uuids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete.
def _Ellipsis(self, t): self.write('...')
"""Standard tests to verify that the given parser works. Args: parser (BaseBlobParser): The parser to test. splits_by_page (bool): Whether the parser splits by page or not by default. """ blob = Blob.from_path(HELLO_PDF) doc_generator = parser.lazy_parse(blob) assert isinstance(doc_generator, Iterator) docs = list(doc_generator) assert len(docs) == 1 page_content = docs[0].page_content assert isinstance(page_content, str) assert docs[0].page_content.startswith('Hello world!') blob = Blob.from_path(LAYOUT_PARSER_PAPER_PDF) doc_generator = parser.lazy_parse(blob) assert isinstance(doc_generator, Iterator) docs = list(doc_generator) if splits_by_page: assert len(docs) == 16 else: assert len(docs) == 1 assert 'LayoutParser' in docs[0].page_content metadata = docs[0].metadata assert metadata['source'] == str(LAYOUT_PARSER_PAPER_PDF) if splits_by_page: assert metadata['page'] == 0
def _assert_with_parser(parser: BaseBlobParser, splits_by_page: bool=True ) ->None: """Standard tests to verify that the given parser works. Args: parser (BaseBlobParser): The parser to test. splits_by_page (bool): Whether the parser splits by page or not by default. """ blob = Blob.from_path(HELLO_PDF) doc_generator = parser.lazy_parse(blob) assert isinstance(doc_generator, Iterator) docs = list(doc_generator) assert len(docs) == 1 page_content = docs[0].page_content assert isinstance(page_content, str) assert docs[0].page_content.startswith('Hello world!') blob = Blob.from_path(LAYOUT_PARSER_PAPER_PDF) doc_generator = parser.lazy_parse(blob) assert isinstance(doc_generator, Iterator) docs = list(doc_generator) if splits_by_page: assert len(docs) == 16 else: assert len(docs) == 1 assert 'LayoutParser' in docs[0].page_content metadata = docs[0].metadata assert metadata['source'] == str(LAYOUT_PARSER_PAPER_PDF) if splits_by_page: assert metadata['page'] == 0
Standard tests to verify that the given parser works. Args: parser (BaseBlobParser): The parser to test. splits_by_page (bool): Whether the parser splits by page or not by default.
"""Test openai embeddings.""" documents = ['foo bar', 'bar foo', 'foo'] embedding = _get_embeddings(chunk_size=2) embedding.embedding_ctx_length = 8191 output = embedding.embed_documents(documents) assert embedding.chunk_size == 2 assert len(output) == 3 assert len(output[0]) == 1536 assert len(output[1]) == 1536 assert len(output[2]) == 1536
@pytest.mark.scheduled def test_azure_openai_embedding_documents_multiple() ->None: """Test openai embeddings.""" documents = ['foo bar', 'bar foo', 'foo'] embedding = _get_embeddings(chunk_size=2) embedding.embedding_ctx_length = 8191 output = embedding.embed_documents(documents) assert embedding.chunk_size == 2 assert len(output) == 3 assert len(output[0]) == 1536 assert len(output[1]) == 1536 assert len(output[2]) == 1536
Test openai embeddings.
"""Do nothing when chain starts""" pass
def on_chain_start(self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], inputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) ->None: """Do nothing when chain starts""" pass
Do nothing when chain starts
self.__validate_instance() presigned = self.__lakefs_client.is_presign_supported() docs: List[Document] = [] objs = self.__lakefs_client.ls_objects(repo=self.repo, ref=self.ref, path= self.path, presign=presigned) for obj in objs: lakefs_unstructured_loader = UnstructuredLakeFSLoader(obj[1], self.repo, self.ref, obj[0], presigned) docs.extend(lakefs_unstructured_loader.load()) return docs
def load(self) ->List[Document]: self.__validate_instance() presigned = self.__lakefs_client.is_presign_supported() docs: List[Document] = [] objs = self.__lakefs_client.ls_objects(repo=self.repo, ref=self.ref, path=self.path, presign=presigned) for obj in objs: lakefs_unstructured_loader = UnstructuredLakeFSLoader(obj[1], self. repo, self.ref, obj[0], presigned) docs.extend(lakefs_unstructured_loader.load()) return docs
"""Call to Beam.""" url = '' + self.app_id if self.app_id else self.url payload = {'prompt': prompt, 'max_length': self.max_length} payload.update(kwargs) headers = {'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + self.authorization, 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TRIES): request =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload)) if request.status_code == 200: return request.json()['text'] time.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME) logger.warning('Unable to successfully call model.') return ''
def _call(self, prompt: str, stop: Optional[list]=None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->str: """Call to Beam.""" url = '' + self.app_id if self.app_id else self.url payload = {'prompt': prompt, 'max_length': self.max_length} payload.update(kwargs) headers = {'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + self.authorization, 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TRIES): request =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload)) if request.status_code == 200: return request.json()['text'] time.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME) logger.warning('Unable to successfully call model.') return ''
Call to Beam.
"""Test a query of paper name that returns one document""" docs = api_client.load('Heat-bath random walks with Markov bases') assert len(docs) == 3 assert_docs(docs)
def test_load_success_paper_name(api_client: ArxivAPIWrapper) ->None: """Test a query of paper name that returns one document""" docs = api_client.load('Heat-bath random walks with Markov bases') assert len(docs) == 3 assert_docs(docs)
Test a query of paper name that returns one document
"""Return string representation of SQL dialect to use.""" return self.db.dialect
@property def dialect(self) ->str: """Return string representation of SQL dialect to use.""" return self.db.dialect
Return string representation of SQL dialect to use.
"""Get a list of configs from a single config or a list of configs. It is useful for subclasses overriding batch() or abatch(). Args: config (Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[RunnableConfig]]]): The config or list of configs. length (int): The length of the list. Returns: List[RunnableConfig]: The list of configs. Raises: ValueError: If the length of the list is not equal to the length of the inputs. """ if length < 0: raise ValueError(f'length must be >= 0, but got {length}') if isinstance(config, list) and len(config) != length: raise ValueError( f'config must be a list of the same length as inputs, but got {len(config)} configs for {length} inputs' ) return list(map(ensure_config, config)) if isinstance(config, list) else [ ensure_config(config) for _ in range(length)]
def get_config_list(config: Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[ RunnableConfig]]], length: int) ->List[RunnableConfig]: """Get a list of configs from a single config or a list of configs. It is useful for subclasses overriding batch() or abatch(). Args: config (Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[RunnableConfig]]]): The config or list of configs. length (int): The length of the list. Returns: List[RunnableConfig]: The list of configs. Raises: ValueError: If the length of the list is not equal to the length of the inputs. """ if length < 0: raise ValueError(f'length must be >= 0, but got {length}') if isinstance(config, list) and len(config) != length: raise ValueError( f'config must be a list of the same length as inputs, but got {len(config)} configs for {length} inputs' ) return list(map(ensure_config, config)) if isinstance(config, list) else [ ensure_config(config) for _ in range(length)]
Get a list of configs from a single config or a list of configs. It is useful for subclasses overriding batch() or abatch(). Args: config (Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[RunnableConfig]]]): The config or list of configs. length (int): The length of the list. Returns: List[RunnableConfig]: The list of configs. Raises: ValueError: If the length of the list is not equal to the length of the inputs.
assert set(__all__) == set(EXPECTED_ALL)
def test_all_imports() ->None: assert set(__all__) == set(EXPECTED_ALL)