if i don't have root access to a box, what's the best way to install / run an httpd?
anything above port 1024
is there a difference between using 'bash' and './'?
./ executes the file. if the file starts with #!/bin/bash, then bash will interpret it, but not otherwise. on the other hand, « bash » tells bash to interpret
hey people! i have a text file of 250mb, and i need to insert some text at the beginning of the file and the end. how would i do it, not opening the whole file? ) sorry for the noobness )
you can do this echo test | cat - file > new file
hi. i want to copy some files which contain '--' in their names. how can i copy them via cp ?
cp /path/to/*--* /path/to/dest/
any help with figuring out what driver my x server is currently using?
the x server isn't just the video driver, its the mouse and the keyboard too
can anyone help me please installing ubuntu from usb?
what is so hard in that? just download unetbootin and that does all things for usb boot
how do i back up my email settings for evolution? i tried making a tarball of .evolution, but it lost my rules and different mailbox accounts
evolution saves stuff in ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/ , too
i have downloaded an intrepid iso. how do i put it on a usb drive so that it's installable from there? (my laptop does not have a cd drive, and i don't have windows) simply point me at a howto or something please.
also check out unetbootin
it seems that 10.10 is still weak on drivers for old pcs like mine , 10.10 doesn't work with my video card so i can't boot ubuntu so i'm sticking with 10.04
how interesting... i wish i knew that before i installed 10.10 on her system; which did nothing to show off and convince her to make the switch
how can i find out if i'm running ubuntu 32bit or 64bit ? i found info about cat /etc/lsb-release, but it's not mentioned there
'uname -m'
heya! =) could someone please point me in the direction of how to set up keyboard shortcuts? i've installed launch box and want to assign a shortcut to it...
just re-read your question... try this instead.
can people tell me their fav email client, so far evolution looks really good to me...
i use thunderbird
hey all, i just created a new fat32 partition. however, ubuntu mounts it as /media/disk instead of /media/hdc2 . also, ubuntu seems to have mounted something else as /media/hdc2 . any ideas?
if this is on your hard drive and not flash just sudo gedit /etc/fstab and change the mountpoint
is there a command known as aoss? to make teamspeak, support dual audio ouputs?
you might check the forums (, they have a few tutorials on how to get et and teamspeak working together
how can i tell if my laptop supports ubuntu 64-bit?
no, 64bit has some problems and also you dont need it with lees then 4gb ram
hi, i installed ubuntu with 'safe graphic mode' is this still on? do i need to find a driver or something?
no its okay, you should be good
how do i umount with this error? fusermount: failed to unmount /media/music: device or resource busy
- are you in that dir [pwd] or have it open? umount wont work that way.
are you using a web service to make the modlines? if so, which one?
no, i am looking up the specs for the monitor they have and then manually computing the modes actually
typing 'echo -n 95' doesn't send '-n 95'. the '-n' is an option that tells 'echo' to not append a newline.
hummm thanks man. that almost seems like boxmagnet might be clearing a setting then???
hi, i isntalled ubuntu alternative with gnome, then i removed gnome and installed lxde. before startx it s 180mb ram memory used from 192mb. how can i check what is using that memory?
ps auxww
how can i create a shell from a shell script (bash) that i can port to windows?
its not called a 'shell' or 'shell script' in windows. tis called a batch file. you'd need to look up the windows coding for batch files
anyone know if its possible to get flash working on a live boot distro?
the same way you would get it to work n a regular install
how do i ubuntu?
keyboard and mouse
for some reason, my feisty shutdown menu suddenly doesn't include 'shut down'. i only get log out, lock screen, switch user, suspend, & hibernate - any suggestions?
no idea, but poweroff is the terminal command.
why does the seamonkey-gui allow me to sign my own personal key(s)? is it a bug, or is there some kind of purpose with this i don't grasp?
because your old key was trusted at some level so you signing your new key transfers that trust
hey guys, anyone know what powers ?
i do not sorry
anyone know a program on ubuntu to make a liveusb for fedora?
is there a way to limit the download speed because each time i download something the internet becomes to slow
i think there is a download throttling firefox addon
i have a 5 button mouse. anyone know how i would configure the additional buttons to page up and page down in firefox?
use btnx
hi everyone. i have a strange networking issue. i've configured my ethernet using ifconfig. i can ping my other computers on the network, and i can ping my router/modem. but, i can't ping anything outside of the local network. neither by ip address or www name. however, i can do an nslookup and get ip addresses.
are your local machines getting addresses via dhcp?
is it possible to switch the kernel from the default installed on to the p4 optimized one supplied by synaptic without the need to recompile it, and if is there a howto or something on the wiki? i happen to find no info on that
after you know it works fine, you can remove the previous one. doesn't hurt to keep both for a little bit (beside the disk space it uses)
what is sksudo??
run 'whatis gksudo' in your terminal
quick stupid question: i have a dual boot of ubuntu breezy (amd64) and xp.. i want to write over the breezy partitions with a kubuntu 6.06 i386 beta.. this is doable right?
ya it is
nobody has a freaking website so i can download this font?
sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title
i have an urgend offtopic question. what is correct? 'his new bike costs him as much three times as the last bike that he bought or is three times as much as correct?
his new bike costs three times as much as his old one.
can anyone tell me how i set lxpanel as my default panel in openbox? :)
check the openbox docs and make it autostart lxpanel perhaps?
is there a command line app to see battery info?
hi, how do i get gnome / ubuntu to display funny characters (like german ones)?
it doesn't already? which chars?
have a look at tpb, dunno if it does the numlock though
i installed tpb, but how i can set up it?
in 10.04, is it possible to change the terminal's text from the user@computername:~s to something shorter (such as only using the $ or #)?
just edit ~/.bashrc and change the ps1= line to just say '\$'
at what frequency are packages updated? (i'm waiting for unity 4.24 and i don't know what to do)
no updates were sync over the weekend i heard wait till tomorrow
can someone help me to start booting from from a raid1 root('/') filesystem?
not sure about 'bugs', but i know many have had issues boot raid with ubuntu desktop - sorry i don't use raid myself, so have never paid much attention. good luck.
hi, how can i chance ubuntu mime types in order to use word (wine)
right click open with?
anyone know when ati proprietary drivers will show in 12.10?
might not ever... ati dropped support for a whole slew of cards with their new drivers... but it is my understanding they are trying to add tehm back
hi, is there a console base network configuration tool for dapper server?
ifconfig? :o)
serious question: would fonts on a lcd look better if i wore glasses?
do you use corrective lenses?
can anyone tell me where the packages in universe were selected from?
debian main as of late june
i use the command 'mount -o loop,offset=32256 image.img /home/user/folder' to mound image.img to a folder... how can i unmount it?
umount /home/user/folder
can anyone recomend a nice bittorrent client?
if you have ubuntu 5.04 you already have one. but you can consider trying
how can i upgrade an application using command line?
the locate command is handy for that.. its in /etc/samba/ by the way
any one here familiar with getting a broadcom bcm4321 working correctly?
anyone know how to use vncviewer (xtightvncviewer or similar) to connect to a non-standard ssh port?
just searching for that but only come up with links for ssh
hm, i'm a bit puzzled with bash scripting here... anybody knows how to search in all .txt files a phrase and show in what file is it at least?
grep 'goobar' *.txt
hello all, what do i need to do in order to play mp3s in rhythymbox ?
hi, i'm trying to install wubi, but for some reason windows keeps giving me the error 'pyl467.tmp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorrt for the inconvenience'. is there a way to fix this?
check the forums for that exact error message? i dont use wubi.
hi, i have a new & clean karmic (64bit) and so far i've encountered a hanging update-manager, hanging apport while it was 'gathering info for a report' on a 'kernel error' which popped up in my system tray at some random time, and even ps was hanging so i couldn't find out which processes to kill. none of those would close, ps (in gnome-terminal) wouldn't respond to ctrl+c and also this is reproducable. what can i do?
maybe is hardware malfunctioning ? i would do memtest
how can i make ntop monitor eth1 instaed of eth0 ?
is ntop --help showing an option? dont have it installed so i cant look myself
is there an app i that will log bandwidth used?
give iptraf a try
hi. i want to change the defaut program used to open audio (mp3, ogg, wav). they are currently oppened with totem but i want quod libet to open them. is there any to work with this? ty
maybe its in the right click menu
hello... i'm trying to figure out how to run a python script all the time... so that when it dies for whatever reason, it's automatically restarted, etc. i've been looking at inittab, but i honestly don't know what i'm looking at. can anyone give me any pointers?
write a wrapper for it bash, in a for loop
how can i access 'network places' i have added in open/save-dialogs etc?
click them on left side, bottom of list ?
what's the name of the image viewer in ubuntu? i want to open it up from the command line.
it might be eog
firewall under ubuntu? where do i start looking....
if you're coming from windows, you may think a firewall is more necessary than it really is; however if you still want the peace of mind you might try firestarter
hi. somehow, i managed to change my system wide keyboard setting to us, which is definetly wrong. i already changed the keyboard to de-de for my users, but still gdm, uses us-keyboard. is there a graphical interface to change the setting, or do i just have to edit xorg.conf? thx...
did you look in system admin login..?
does anybody know how to make my wireless card show up as wlan0 rather than eth1
sudo gedit /etc/iftab
hi, is there a tools on linux like partition magic ?
but nothing in linux is as good as partm is in windows, unfortunately.
is there some kind of drop down terminal like in fps games?? that would be cool to have
either tilda for gnome-like environments or yakuake for kde
hi! i recently install a openvpn server and client, and works very well, but only point to point, i can't access to de internet, how can i fix that?. thank you so so much.
your route has changed to your vpn .... check your routing table
i updated to maverick back on the 9th, but just today it seems gedit has gone and renamed itself to 'text editor'. the about menu still says gedit, it still displays 'gedit' in the title bar, but i can no longer activate it by typing in 'gedit' into gnome-do. any ideas why gedit has been renamed, and how can i revert the change so that everything will work properly again?
i guess it's canonical's effort to genericize the application names.
err, i had vista on one partition & ubuntu on another. instead of uninstalling ubuntu like i should have, i just deleted the partition. now, when i try to boot, it gets stuck on 'loading grub, please wait..' is there a way to get rid of grub or what? :<
boot from vsta dvd/cd and do a repair
how do i use ls to list all files in 'my music' with the extension of wma? (there are multiple directories in my music
ls -r | grep wma is one way. :)
ok so any idea why my background changes every 20 minutes ??
its a slideshow.
hi, i'm trying to build ndis wrappers, but i get a message saying that gcc-3.4 is not found. can anybody tell me how to get that?
sudo apt-get install build-essential
is there a quick tutorial to create a lan network between my linux and windows machines?
hi all! i was wondering: what handles the loading bar/image after the grub2 selection screen and before the login screen?
where can i find the release schedule for ubuntu
the mercurial package shipped with ubuntu is horribly old. and even if it weren't, i sometimes do development work with mercurial. so, i would very much like to be able to create my own mercurial packages.
what is a 'scsi0 channel'? (see
that is your ata hdd i think
anyone? is there a site with a searchable list of packages available for ubuntu?
hi there - i'm a long term linux user, returning after a break of a couple of years and i'd like to try ubuntu - i understand the installation routine is different to what i'm used to (anaconda). is there a way to burn a boot cd image, and then continue the install pulling it off the net?
the livecd comes with a full system and is most likely the best solution though.
i installed php5 via synaptic but it won't support cli.. how do i fix that?
question: best software to run windows7 as a vm from ubuntu's 32 bit desktop?
check out virtualbox
is there a place where i can find the stock install of my .bashrc file?
here is mine.. should be default for 10.10 -
anyone know what root password is by default
nope do this : sudo passwd root
anybody know of a program for dvd authoring? a nerovision express replacement. so can convert various formats of video to a dvd for viewing in any dvd player.
dvdauthor dvdbackup and transcode and dvd-rip
if i need to make an initscript synchronous so it finishes running before gdm starts, how do i do it?
i think it involves naming it with a lower number than gdm
can someone tell me what the heck to do with a bin file?
sudo sh foo.bin
does swap space have to be specified? like: can i delte my swap space to put a primary partition where it curently is to install anohter os and then put swap space on an extened partition after that?
look in your fstab and you will see uuid=c4a69a44-f310-4e3b-afa3-354f61bef075 none swap sw 0 0
anyone recommend a good anti virus/firewall?
firestarter is probably what you want
question, are the .vob files all i need from a dvd to watch the movie without the disk ?
i believe so
hi who can tell me how do i install the pidgin the new version? what are the commands, thx you
all the instructions can be found there.
hi, i've got a dvd full of mp3s, and some of them are corrupt. i've tried dd-ing them to create an image, but that doesn't seem to work. is there any chance of recovering my tracks?
best of luck.
so, i've been having issues getting some web content working lately. namely pandora, grooveshark, even facebook sometimes. i've tried enabling/disabling javascript, uninstalling/reinstalling flash, and testing accross several browsers...what should i try next?
try windows, that's what i did
do you have build-essential installed?
awesome, that fixed it
how can i set up a logitec quickcam 4k on ubuntu?
run: lsusb you will see the 8 character hex id, websearch that for guides
in ubuntu 9.04 desktop on the gdm initial login screen there is/was a button which allowed the user to set the language/locale for their next session. in ubuntu 9.10 i am not seeing that button. what is the ubuntu 9.10 way to set language/locale at login time?
the buttons don't show until a user is selected in the list
hey i need to grant the www-data user access to a file owned by my user in my home dir, how would i do that? groups?
ive not played with funky permissions yet but id make a group, add user and www-data to it then give everyone in that group full access to the folder
anyone know if feisty can be downloaded yet? i know it's not offically released but is it possible?
look out for the beta releases
i have a new hardy installation; is there a way to disable compiz? it is causing too much trouble
system>preferences>appearance last tab
where can i find my terminal logs?
system > admin > log viewer should be in there

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