having trouble opening synaptic package manager. error message says i should use 'dpkg --configure -a' . i tried that in the terminal. it said i need to be super user. now what?
put 'sudo' before the dpkg command
i'm currently running windows xp and trying to install ubuntu 7.04 from a disk i was mailed. when i boot from the disk i run the option start or install ubuntu but it doesn't install. instead it tells me that a graphical interface could not be started and just starts a command line terminal. is this because there's some other ubuntu on my system from a way back(i don't believe there is)?
ordering a cd is completely free btw, canonical pays the shipping fee.
hello, can anyone tell me when the newrelease snaptshot after feisty (7.10) will be released and how it is called, thanks !
expect it around april end
hey guys, do you know of any good tutorial for blender?
how can i load a list of all my drives?
sudo fdisk -l
howdy, does anyone know how to mount an .iso file without burning it to a cd?
sudo mount -o loop *.iso path/to/mountpoint
why does starting bit torrent kill my internet connection?
ifup ifdown
i have remote desktop set up on an ubuntu 12.04 box, but after reboot i can't log in - i can get in via ssh. does logging in with tightvnc require a full x session to already be open? if so, how do i do that remotely?
t tightvnc does not share the current visible desktop. it can have its own custom 'hidden' desktop
anyone know how to make a .deb package of firefox 1.5 from source?
where can i set my path so that both my shell and x recognize it?
nautilus keeps freezing up my desktop. can anyone recommend an alternative file browser?
the terminal? midnight commander?
i've just downloaded the ubuntu 9.10 desktop cd to install with, but it's not recognised on reboot? the cd drive is the first boot device, but nada
try making an alternate cd.
i tried to update and got an error. w: gpg error: karmic release: the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: no_pubkey d0d3c959db2035a6
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver d0d3c959db2035a6
hello, im trying to 'apt-get install screen' but ubuntu(server) wants the cdrom and i dont have physical access to the server, is it possibile to install it via the web?
comment out the cd/dvd lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
what number is rw, rw, rw permissions?
how do i make grub use my actual resolution (1280x800) instead of 4:3 ratio ones?
i am building a pc for a lady at work, and i am deciding between putting windows or ubuntu on it. i would prefer ubuntu, but have to know its going to be able to do what she needs. internet stuff is fine, and i know ubuntu is capable of that.. what i am concerned about though, is her printer. its an epson photo stylus r230, and she wants to be able to print photos from her camera on it. a4 and also 6'x4' photo paper. where can i find out about the state
epson is the best supported brand (along hp) ... don't worry
intrepid here; does someone knows why googleearth goes soo slow?
you'll want to disable compiz (visual effects in appearance prefs) if it's enabled
is there a way to expand a virtual hard drive?
i've never been able to do it
can someone point me to a list of what packages to remove to remove gnome? i don't have a server cd handy and i need to strip down my system for quick running on virtualbox
because if you dont then you can just remove the x server and this will drop ubuntu back to cli, perhaps installing the server version or the mini iso's might also be a good idea if you want a lean ubuntu
how do i uninstall a package that i've installed using 'sudo make install'
sudo make uninstall
hi there, fo which is the name of gnome window manager package? apt-cache show me a lot of package
what's the terminal command for finiding out my ubuntu version?
lsb_release -a
can anyone help me with installing grub in a raid1, 2 volume configuration? alternate 64bits offers only to install grub on the mbr of the second raid volume, while i want to install it on the mbr of the first volume.
manually install grub on the first disk
i'm unable to find the fstab command to mount an 'ext3' partition at the beginning of boot, making it writable and readable users other than root. can anyone help me out?
safer that way as well.
hey guys .. is there a graphical tool to adjust the screen position in ubunto?
computer>system configuration>screen resolution maybe?
hello all. have a small question. understand that ubuntu supports 64bits processor. but how abt dual core? does ubuntu takes advantage of the dual core setup?
supports both cores of my core duo at least.
musik: how do i get the network manager to come back? it went away when i removed the card and put it back in...
alt+f2, nm-applet
hey. i'm trying to install joone(java object oriented neural network engine), in the guide it says i have to change my classpath, where to do that?
try editing /etc/environment see:
what's the command to set the default for a command? like which path of python to use?
udate-alternatives ?
i don't know if it actually matters but my ntfs partitions are hdb# and not hda#.
gnome ore kde ??
how do i know if my frame rate is good ? with glxgears ?13034 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2605.888 fps
its good i have 1100 fps
i would like to alter the live desktop cd to add a couple of scripts to the desktop of the live install so clients can reverse ssh to me, and i can fix server boot problems remotely. how would i do this?
how to install or downlod chrome for ubunut jaunty
there is no chrome for linux yet...
i'm moving over from fedora (downloading the iso right now :d), and i'd like to keep my data. i hear i just go to custom partitioning and choose to keep the /home partition. is there anything else i should know?
that's it. just keep your home partition and you'll keep your data
in lucid i need to redirect a url to a local html doc ,,, is there a file such as the win hosts file & where might it be
hey guys, i used to use windows xp on my desktop for gaming mostly, but now i realize i only use it for playing music and videos. i want to intsall ubuntu 8.04 (i've done it before) but i use two hard drives in raid 0 on a nvidia nforce 4 sata chipset. am i going to run into problems, or is there some preparation i need to do to put ubuntu on this setup?
plus the forums are very helpful if you do have hardware issues
question, how can i fix that error?
right clic>properties>give it permissions
is there a standard (or perhaps just a favorite) in terms of messaging clients on ubuntu. i'm looking at empathy at the moment. any others i should consider?
the other popular one is pidgin
how do i install programs outside of synaptic? i don't understand all this ./configure stuff
psychocats has an article on how to install anything, including from source; i don't have the link handy, but you should be able to find it
how hard is it to set up to install from an sd card?
ok, does anyone know how i can browse my phone through bluetooth on ubuntu please...:)
i havent tried it, but thats the article i found, i would also do a few searches on the forums, there is bound to be something about it on there
we can communicate without the need of hub? no damage to nic?
you need a 'crossover cable' to connect directly without a hub
i got a little script issue: what would the expected outcome of this do: if [-f /etc/skel/.profile.old]
you need a space like so: [ -f ..... .old ]
hi, why cant my windows pc print from my ubuntu pc?
you need to add the password to samba on the ubuntu server. use the 'smbpasswd' command
hi all. anyone knows if it's possible to recover deleted files ?
no, it isn't.
is it feasible to take checkinstall created .debs and fix them up to be on par with normal .debs?
not really....
i have downloaded ubuntu hardy heron, and want to now upgrade my hoary dist (pretty much a clean install) is there a way i can do this using the iso without burning it to a cd? i dont have a cd and want to get it done now :p
like kanotix?
on gentoo i had a small shellscript that would generate a list of files in /usr, compare to the list of files installed according to the package manager, and give me a diff for 'files existing but not managed' . how can i do something like that on ubuntu/debian?
you're looking for cruft
why c-v dosnt work as 'paste' in terminal?
edit preference keyboard shortcut ?
quick question, where in mysql is the settings to allow remote hosts to access the server.... i have a laptop and i had it set to the old laptop ip but since then my laptop ip has changed and i am unable to login
try /etc/mysql/my.cnf
i'm trying to install ubuntu, but i can't see the bottom of the install window and i can't change my resolution higher than 800x600. what should i do?
have you tried alt-click dragging the window up?
i'm installing linux on an old system that is single core. would linux image 486 be better than 686 since it's single core with no hyper threading?
but i think they're both 686 if you want to get technical
hi, i have a usb touchscreen that works out of the box with 11.10, but not with 12.04. with 12.04, when i try to 'cat /dev/usb/hiddev0' i get no output. could anyone point me in the right direction?
file a bug - this isn't in launchpad yet
hey i got a textbook question here i can't figure out :p 'under what condition will a file created by 'root' be automatically owned by the user called 'nfsnobody'?' .....i can't find the answer, can someone help?
the idea is that you don't want root users on clients to have unrestriced access to your filesystem
simple question: how do i change the default program for video playback (running hardy, want to have vlc be default for video files instead of totem, can't seem to find file type associations anywhere)
mgolisch gave a better answer
when i try to mount an nfs share, i get this message: 'mount.nfs: mount to nfs server 'servername:/home/music' failed: rpc error: program not registered' how can i fix that?
have you allowed the clients access through the server's hosts.allow
anyone tell me if its possible for a power supply to 'go bad' and still work, but just not provide enough juice to boot anymore
yes, the voltage can be change due to some factors
how can i send an eof though a console with my keyboard?
ctrl-d may do it.
any one using xubuntu ?
dropbox doesn't offer custom server locations either afaik
i am trying to erase one directory on my desktop but still doesnt work...the problem is that i dont have permission to erase as owner shows that is the root...
use the deb link
what's the command to stop the mysql server in ubuntu?
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
do i get beryl from synaptic package manager??? if so where would it be, what category?
sudo apt-get install beryl-manager. did you try to find some howto yet?
hello.. i use google gmail.. is there a good program that sync calender, mail etc. etc. with gmail.. other than evolution?
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
can anyone tell me how i can get itunes on linux ubuntu 9.04?
but you should try the alternatives ... rhythmbox or banshee
how do i express a logical 'and' in regular expression?
apt-cache search chm | grep view
hey there i need to import information i have in .xls to a database like kexi i have tried google searching but i can't find anything helpful
never heard of kexi. open should support opening your xls though. then maybe you can save it to an intermediate format, if kexi doesn't support xls directly
hey guys, when i 'chmod g-r *' in my home directory, only files not starting with '.' have permissions set -r, how can i get chmod to change hidden files too?
chmod g-r .*
ahh, i accidently removed all kde4-packages by removing libxine - how can i install them again? - is there some metapackage for kde4?
you could try: sudo tasksel
hi, i'm using the diveintopython to try and learn a bit, but it mentions 'ide' and i can't easily find what they mean by that. any ideas?
ide = integrated development environment. a nice editor/compiler/debugger thingy for programmers
i've installed ubuntu on my laptop, but although it has an s3 savage graphics card, the 'vesa' driver is loaded in xorg.conf. what i want to do is to modify xorg.conf to load the s3 driver instead. does anyone know the name of the s3 driver (is it 'savage')?
running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' will let you select any driver you want
question: how do i make gcc command use gcc 3.4 not the 4.0?
cc=gcc-3.4, export cc
h1st0:how do i find the range of the network?
you might want to try the app 'proxychains' to enable proxy support for apps that don't have it built-in. i do that a lot, for using irsis. :)
when is quantal coming?
last thursday of october, if i'm not mistaken
i'm new to ubuntu (and linux). my laptop speakers and headphone jack aren't working. can anyone help?
did you look in preferances in volume control , there are about 40 different channels, one of them might work. worth a try. might be a driver problem.
hello.i have ubuntu 8.04 .is it possible to stay with this version for a long time?
yes, minimum 3 years
the 32-bits version works with 4gb ram?
yes with the pae kernel
does anyone know if i can purchase a usb stick already loaded down with ubuntu 9.10 desktop i686? i know how to create usb sticks well enough myself, but would like to be able to order one and have it shipped to someone else as a gift.
look @ the ubuntu store page
what app should i use for ripping audio cds?
k3b can do it also i thought
i am trying to run a command from ssh... how can i make it so that it runs in the background so i can still use the ssh, but also that it keeps running after i close the connection?
i recommend tmux, its better than screen
hi there. can anyone shed light on what kworker is, why it spawns so many processes, and why it causes so many kernel wakeups? i know it was introduced recently in the newer kernel build but i am unable to find any real information on what it is, what it's for, and if i should be concerned about the previously stated issues with it.
what's a good torrent software for linux ubuntu?
default install has transmission, which is pretty good if you ask me
i try to play movies w/ mplayer, i get garbled mess -- how do i fix this?
do you have sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras...installed?
how do i use clamav to scan my optical drive?
not familiar with clamav but i presume you could set it to scan the /media directory which would be something like /media/cdrom1
hey... how do i get dapper to set num lock on by default?
and richard_ -
when will firefox 3.0.1 be released into the repositories?
it's already in -proposed.
whats the equivalent in unix of the cd.. command ? (getting one level upper in folder tree)
the difference is cd ..
that was absolutly damn trash what you've done
please adhere to the code of conduct in here
hi, how do i get the groups my user belongs to?
type `groups`
hi. i just installed ubuntu. everything looks good except there is a black x in the middle of my screen. anyone know how to fix this?
hey everyone. can anybody tell me what measure the ouput of /proc/ide/hda/capacity is in? its not byte i think... (or i am to dumb to calculate it)
uh.. don't have such a file here, but um.. maybe cylinders?
what is scribus good for and different from openoffice?
essentially scribus is concerned with excellence of laying out pages particularly graphically rich onces
anyone suggest a ruby editor?
gedit. it doesn't look like much, but actually enable the plugins and it's a lot like that editor that the mac paople have
question : i haven installed many of programs using apt-get, and also removed them, coming from windows xp, i know that uninstall's sometimes leave bullshit folders and stuff you dont need.. is there a way to view and remove these...
for example instead of 'apt-get remove package-name' you'd do 'apt-get --purge remove package-name'
how do i check the gdm logs to see why my ubuntu is not starting up?
less /var/log/gdm
i need to create a bootable usb from a cd iso of ipcop 2.0.0 installer
sudo apt-get install unetbootin
hi - anyone having problems with random freezing of ubuntu?
possibly...might want to run memtest on your system overnight
so i installed the intel i7 980x cpu (3.33 ghz, 6 cores with hyperthreading) on my server, but /proc/cpuinfo is reporting each of 12 cores at only 1600mhz. that doesn't seem right
isn't there some kind of benchmark you can run?
is anybody here able to access is accessable for me
all, does anyone know how to install a .deb file?
dpkg -i filename.deb