diff --git "a/data/annotations/Algeria_data.json" "b/data/annotations/Algeria_data.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/annotations/Algeria_data.json" @@ -0,0 +1,18546 @@ +{ + "Al-en-01": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الأطفال كوجبة خفيفة قبل المدرسة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a common snack for preschool kids in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شطائر الخبز بالمربى", + "شطائر الخبز بالمعجون", + "خبز بالمربى والزبدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread sandwiches with jam", + "sandwich with jam", + "bread with jam and butter" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "هلالية", + "كرواسان" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "crescent-like or related to a crescent", + "crescent" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حليب", + "الحليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللمجة", + "لمجة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "snack" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-02": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الشعبي الذي يتناول مع البيرة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular food to go with beer in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-04": { + "question": "ما هي الفاكهة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular fruit in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البرتقال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "orange" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الموز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bananas" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البطيخ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watermelon" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-06": { + "question": "ما هو طعام كافتيريا المدرسة الشائع في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a common school cafeteria food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lentils", + "lentil" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 4, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-08": { + "question": "ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة التي يتناولها الناس في مراكز التسوق في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most commonly eaten snacks at shopping malls in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "همبرقر", + "برغر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hamburger", + "burger" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شوارمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shawarma" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الآيس كريم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ice cream" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-09": { + "question": "ما هي الوجبة الخفيفة الشعبية في مدينة الملاهي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular snack at an amusement park in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "غزل البنات", + "لحية بابا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cotton candy" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الآيس كريم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ice cream" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكعك المقلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "donuts" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-16": { + "question": "في أي سن يبدأ الأطفال الذهاب للروضة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط (مثلاً، 12.)", + "en_question": "At what age do kids start preschool in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-17": { + "question": "ما هو النشاط الرياضي المفضل بعد المدرسة لتلاميذ الابتدائي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular afterschool sport for elementary schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-18": { + "question": "ما هي المادة التي يتلقى فيها أكثر تلاميذ الابتدائي دروسا خصوصية؟ ", + "en_question": "For which subject do elementary students get private education in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mathematics", + "math" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-19": { + "question": "ما هي اللغة الثانية الشائعة لطلاب الثانوية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular second language for high school students in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفرنسية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "french" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-21": { + "question": "أي مادة هي الأهم لتعليم الموهوبين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which subject is the most important for gifted education in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mathematics", + "math" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الموسيقى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "music" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرسم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "painting", + "drawing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الموسيقى", + "الومسيقى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "music" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-32": { + "question": "ما هو الطبق الرئيسي لعيد الشكر في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the main dish for Thanksgiving in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-33": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال بعيد الهالوين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people do to celebrate Halloween in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-34": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال برأس السنة الجديدة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people do to celebrate New Year's Day in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يأكلون الحلوى", + "يأكلون الحلوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eating sweets", + "eat sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Al-en-35": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال بعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people do to celebrate Christmas in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-36": { + "question": "أي نوع من الطعام يرتبط بعيد الهالوين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is associated with Halloween in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-37": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة المرتبطة بعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is associated with Christmas in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-38": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام المرتبط بعيد الحب في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is associated with Valentine's day in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشكلاطة", + "الشكولاطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chocolate" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-39": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في أعياد ميلادهم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people eat on their birthday in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكعك", + "كعكة الميلاد", + "الحلوى", + "تورتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cake", + "birthday cake", + "tart" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-40": { + "question": "ما هو مكان أشهر مكان لخروج العائلات مع الأطفال الصغار في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular outdoor place for families to have fun with little kids in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "متنزه الصابلات", + "متنزه السابلات", + "صابلات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sablettes park" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حديقة التجارب", + "الحديقة العمومية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "botanical garden hamma", + "public garden", + "garden" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المنتزه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "park" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البحر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sea" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مراكز التسوق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shopping center" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Al-en-43": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة العائلية المنزلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular indoor activity for families in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مشاهدة التلفاز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watching tv", + "watch tv" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغميضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hide and seek" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-02": { + "question": "أين يتناول طلبة الجامعة غداءهم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do university students have lunch in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المطعم الجامعي", + "المطعم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university restaurant", + "restaurant" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "محلات الاكل الخفيف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "snack shops" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "house", + "home" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-03": { + "question": "في أي شهر يتم عادة جدولة الامتحانات النهائية في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم من 1 إلى 12)", + "en_question": "Which month is the final exam term usually scheduled at high schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "6" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "6" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-08": { + "question": "كم من ساعة في اليوم يقضيها طلاب المدرسة الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية الصحيحة (0~24)، بدون أي نقاط عشرية.)", + "en_question": "How many hours a day do students in your country usually spend at high school? (Provide Arabic numerals in integers (0~24), without any decimal points.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-09": { + "question": "كم من لغة يدرس الطلاب في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 5.)", + "en_question": "How many languages do students study at high school in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-34": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر رياضة جماعية يتم لعبها في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular sport played in a team at school in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة اليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "handball" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة الطائرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "volleyball" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-35": { + "question": "من هو أشهر معلق رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular sport commentator in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حفيظ دراجي", + "حفيض دراجي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hafid derradji" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-36": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر فريق رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular sport team in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مولودية الجزائر", + "مولودية", + "المولودية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mc algiers", + "mc alger", + "mouloudia club d'alger", + "d'alger", + "mca", + "mouloudia" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "An-ar-43": { + "question": "ما هي الأماكن أو الفضاءات الشائعة التي يتجمع فيها الأفراد في الجزائر لمشاهدة بث رياضي؟", + "en_question": "What are the common places or venues where individuals in your country usually gather to watch sports broadcasts?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المقاهي", + "المقهى", + "مقاهي", + "مقهى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cafes", + "cafe" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الساحات العمومية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "public squares", + "square" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مدرجات الملعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stadium stands", + "stadium" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-05": { + "question": "كم وجبة في اليوم يتناولها الناس في الجزائر عادة؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 5)", + "en_question": "How many meals per day do people from your country usually have? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-06": { + "question": "ما هي أهم وجبة في اليوم بالنسبة للشعب الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "Which is the most important meal of the day to people from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغداء", + "الغذاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lunch" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العشاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dinner" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فطور الصباح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "morning breakfast", + "breakfast" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-08": { + "question": "ما هو أكثر مكون شائع الاستخدام في النظام الغذائي الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common ingredient used in your country's diet?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القمح", + "قمح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wheat" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطس", + "البطاطا,بطاطا, بطاطس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "potatoes", + "potato" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز", + "خبز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-09": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر عادة للتحلية بعد الطعام؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country usually eat for dessert?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفاكهة", + "الفواكه", + "فاكهة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fruit", + "fruits" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-11": { + "question": "أي يوم من أيام الأسبوع ينظم الناس عادة وجبة عائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which day of the week do people usually organize a family meal in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "friday" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-14": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الساخن الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which is the most popular hot drink in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-19": { + "question": "ماذا يشرب الشباب في الجزائر عادة في النادي الليلي؟", + "en_question": "What do young people from your country usually drink at the night club?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-21": { + "question": "في أي شهر يأخذ الناس عادة عطلاتهم في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 1~12).", + "en_question": "At which month do people usually take holidays in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-29": { + "question": "ما هي التقاليد المتبعة في الجزائر ليلة رأس السنة؟", + "en_question": "What tradition is there in your country for New Year's Eve?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اكل الحلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eating sweets", + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تناول العشاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "having dinner", + "have dinner" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-38": { + "question": "ما هو النوع النموذجي لمنازل العائلات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which is the typical type of house for a family in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شقة", + "الشقق", + "الشقة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "apartment", + "apartments" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-41": { + "question": "أين يعيش كبار السن العاجزين عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do the dependent elderly usually live in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مع احد أبنائهم", + "بين أولادهم", + "مع أبنائهم", + "مع أولادهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "with one of their children", + "with children", + "with their children", + "among their children" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "في البيت", + "منزلهم", + "في المنزل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "at home", + "house", + "home", + "their house" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-42": { + "question": "كم تستغرق مدة إجازة الأمومة في الجزائر بالأسابيع؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.).", + "en_question": "How long (in weeks) is your country's maternity leave for mums? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "14" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "14" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-43": { + "question": "كم تدوم (بالأسابيع) إجازة الأبوة في الجزائر للآباء؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)", + "en_question": "How long (in weeks) is your country's paternity leave for dads? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ca-sp-45": { + "question": "أي وجهة يتم اختيارها عادة لقضاء عطلة عائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of destination is commonly chosen for a family vacation in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البحر", + "شاطئ البحر", + "بحر", + "الشاطئ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sea", + "beach" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-05": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي يفضلها كبار السن في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do seniors like the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكرة الحديدية", + "الكر الحديدية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "petanque", + "pétanque" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المشي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "walking", + "walk" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-06": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي يفضل الرجال ممارستها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do men like to play the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-07": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب كرة سلة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous basketball player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-08": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر رياضة لدى الأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular sports among children in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكاراتيه", + "الكراتيه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "karate", + "karaté" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-09": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي تفضل النساء ممارستها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do women like to play the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمباز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "gymnastics" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللياقة البدنية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fitness" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرقص" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dance" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-11": { + "question": "في أي رياضة فازت الجزائر بأكبر عدد من الميداليات الذهبية في الأولمبياد؟", + "en_question": "What sports event has your country won the most gold medals at the Olympics?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السباحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swimming" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-15": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي يفضل الطلاب الذكور في الجامعة ممارستها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do male students in university like to play the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللياقة البدنية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "physical fitness", + "fitness" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رفع الأثقال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "weightlifting", + "weight lifting" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-16": { + "question": "كم عدد الأشخاص في الأسرة في المتوسط في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "How many people are there in a family on average in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-18": { + "question": "كم عدد الأطفال الذي ينجبه الأزواج عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "How many children do couples usually have in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-31": { + "question": "ما هي مدة الدراسة الابتدائية بالسنوات في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "What is the duration of elementary school in years in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-32": { + "question": "ما هي مدة التعليم الإلزامي بالسنوات في الجزائر؟(أجب برقم, مثلا 12)", + "en_question": "What is the duration of compulsory education in years in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "11" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "11" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "12" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "9" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "9" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-33": { + "question": "من أي سن يبدأ الطلاب تعلم اللغة الثانية في الجزائر؟(أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "From which age do students start learning their second language in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-38": { + "question": "ما هي مدة التعليم الجامعي في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12)", + "en_question": "What is the duration of undergraduate education in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-40": { + "question": "في أي وقت ينتهي دوام التلاميذ الصغار في المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time do younger elementary school students finish school in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "15:30", + "03:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "15:30" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16:00", + "04:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "15:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "15:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Gu-ch-41": { + "question": "كم عدد الآلات الموسيقية التي يعزف عليها تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر عادة؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "How many musical instruments do elementary school students in your country typically play? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-02": { + "question": "أي يوم من أيام الأسبوع يفضل الناس في الجزائر تنظيم عشاءات في الشركات؟", + "en_question": "What day of the week do people in your country prefer to have company dinners?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الخميس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "thursday" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-03": { + "question": "أي منطقة/مدينة تحتوي على أكبر عدد من الشركات المالية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which region/city has the highest number of financial companies in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-07": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر شركة خاصة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous private company in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سيفيتال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cevital" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حمود بوعلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hammoud boualem" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-08": { + "question": "ما هو العدد الأقصى لساعات العمل التي يمكن للمرء أن يعملها في الأسبوع في الجزائر؟(استع��ل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "What is the maximum number of hours one can work per week in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "40" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "40" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "50" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "50" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-09": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس عادة في تجمعات الشركات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people typically eat during company get-together in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اللحم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "meat" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "معجنات", + "المعجنات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-14": { + "question": "ما هوأهم منتج تصدره الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the representative export item of your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البترول" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "petroleum" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغاز", + "الغاز الطبيعي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "gas", + "natural gas" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-15": { + "question": "كم تدوم (بالساعات) فترة الاستراحة للغداء في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية بمنزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)", + "en_question": "How long (in hours) is the typical lunch break in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-16": { + "question": "أين تقيم الأمهات لفترة معينة بعد الولادة للتعافي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do mothers stay for a certain period after childbirth for recovery in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عند والدتهم", + "بيت اهلها", + "عند أمهاتهن", + "عند والداتهن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "at their mother's", + "mother's house", + "parents' house", + "at their mothers'", + "mothers'" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بيت زوجها", + "البيت", + "بيوتهن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "husband's house", + "house", + "home", + "their houses" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-19": { + "question": "ما هي الزهرة الأكثر إهداءً في الجزائر في يوم الوالدين؟", + "en_question": "What is your country's most commonly given flower on Parents' Day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الورود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "roses" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-22": { + "question": "على ما ينفق الناس أول راتب لهم في المجتمع الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "What do people especially spend their first salary on in your country's society?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "والديهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "their parents", + "parents" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مصاريف البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "household expenses", + "household" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "على الصدقة", + "الصدقة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "for charity", + "charity" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-24": { + "question": "ما هي المرافق الترفيهية المفضلة لدى الأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most preferred recreational facility among children in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حديقة التسلية", + "مدينة الملاهي", + "الملاهي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "amusement park", + "amusement parks" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحديقة العمومية", + "الحديقة العامة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "public garden", + "garden" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملعب البلدي", + "الملعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "municipal stadium" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البحر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sea", + "beach" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشارع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "street" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-25": { + "question": "ما هي العطل العائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the family-related holidays in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عطلة الصيف", + "الصيفية", + "العطلة الصيفية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "summer vacation", + "summer time" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجمعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "friday" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-26": { + "question": "ما هي المراحل الرئيسية المرتبطة باستقلال الأطفال عن والديهم في المجتمع الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "What are the key milestones associated with children's independence from their parents in your country's society?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الزواج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "marriage" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العمل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "work" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الهجرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "immigration" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-27": { + "question": "ما هي الهدية التي تقدمها عند زيارة الوالدين المسنين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the common gift you give when visiting elderly parents in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى", + "الحلويات", + "حلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفاكهة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fruit" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطعام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "food" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عطور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "perfume" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-28": { + "question": "متى يكون أول يوم يحتفل فيه الناس بولادة طفل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "When is the first day that people celebrate after a child is born in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اليوم السابع", + "اسبوع بعد الولادة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "seventh day", + "seven days later", + "7th", + "seven days", + "week after childbirth", + "week after", + "after a week" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يوم الميلاد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "day of birth" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-29": { + "question": "أي عيد ميلاد يحتفل به بأكبر قدر من الفخامة في المجتمع الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "Which age's birthday is celebrated the most grandly in your country's society?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-31": { + "question": "أين يدرس طلاب المتوسط والثانوي في الجزائر عادةً للامتحانات؟", + "en_question": "Where do middle and high school students in your country usually study for exams?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكتبة", + "في المكتبة مع الأقران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "library", + "in the library with peers" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "في المنزل", + "البيت", + "المنزل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "at home", + "home", + "house" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مدارس الدعم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "support schools" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-33": { + "question": "أين يذهب طلاب الثانوية في الجزائر عادة بعد العشاء؟", + "en_question": "Where do high school students in your country usually go after dinner?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بيوتهم", + "البيت", + "منازلهم", + "البيت,المنزل", + "المنازل,منازل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "their homes", + "home", + "house" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "إلى النوم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "to sleep" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-34": { + "question": "كيف يذهب تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر إلى المدرسة؟", + "en_question": "How do elementary school students in your country go to school?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مشيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "on foot" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يوصلهم احد الوالدين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "one of the parents drops them off", + "parents' car", + "parents" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لوحدهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "alone" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الباص", + "النقل العمومي", + "الحافلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bus", + "public transport" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-35": { + "question": "ما هي أكثر أشكال التعليم الخاص شيوعًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common form of private education in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مدارس التعليم الخاصة", + "التعليم الخاص", + "التعليم العام", + "المدارس الخاصة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "private schools", + "general education", + "private education", + "special education", + "private school" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "دروس الدعم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "support lessons" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مدارس التكوين المهني للكبار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vocational training schools for adults" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-36": { + "question": "أي أكاديمية أو معهد تعليمي خاص بمادة معينة يرتادها طلاب المتوسط أو الثانوي في الجزائر بكثرة؟", + "en_question": "Which subject’s academy/private educational institute do middle or high students most frequently attend in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-37": { + "question": "أي نوع من الملابس يرتديها طلاب المتوسط والثانوي إلى المدرسة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of clothing do middle and high school students wear to school in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المئزر", + "المئزرة", + "مئزر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "apron" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ملابس عادية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "casual clothes", + "casual clothing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-38": { + "question": "أي تخصص جامعي يعتبر الأصعب نسبة لمعدل القبول في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which major is considered the most difficult to gain admission to in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الطب", + "طب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "medicine" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الهندسة", + "هندسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "engineering" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الاعلام الآلي", + "الإعلام الآلي", + "إعلام الآلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "computer science", + "computer engineering" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصيدلة", + "صيدلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pharmacy" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-39": { + "question": "ما هي الآلة الموسيقية التي يقبل أكثر تلاميذ المدارس على تعلمها؟", + "en_question": "What is the most commonly learned musical instrument by elementary school students in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجيتار", + "جيتار", + "الغيتار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "guitar" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-40": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل طلاب الثانوية عادة أثناء فترة الاستراحة في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do high school students typically do during break time in schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يأكلون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eat" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يلتقون باصدقائهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "meet their friends", + "meet friends" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يتحدثون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "talk" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يلعبون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "play" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-41": { + "question": "أي نوع من الأحذية يرتديها الطلاب في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What kind of shoes do students wear in schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حذاء رياضي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sneakers" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حذاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shoe" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأحذية الرياضية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sports shoes" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 1 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-42": { + "question": "ما هي مواد امتحان دخول الجامعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the required subjects in your country's university entrance exam?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كل المواد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "all subjects", + "all" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الباكالوريا", + "هو إمتحان الباكالوريا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "baccalaureate", + "baccalaureate exam" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-44": { + "question": "أي منطقة (داخل مدينة) في الجزائر تتمتع بأعلى حماس أكاديمي؟", + "en_question": "Which region (within a city) in your country has the highest academic fervor?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحراش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "el harrach" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مركز الجزائر العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers downtown", + "center of algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Ji-ko-45": { + "question": "ما هو الشيء الذي يتطلع إليه الناس أكثر شيء في مهرجانات الجامعات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people look forward to the most at university festivals in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التعرف على أفضل الفرص الممكنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "identifying the best possible opportunities", + "identify the best possible opportunities" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 1 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-01": { + "question": "ما هو ثاني رياضة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the second most popular sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة اليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "handball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-02": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر رياضة تُلعب بدون كرة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular sport played without a ball in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو", + "الجيدو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العاب القوى", + "ألعاب القوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "athletics" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-09": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات الأكثر ارتباطًا بالطبقة الغنية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports are most associated with the upper class in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tennis" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ركوب الخيل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "horse riding" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-13": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة المائية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular water sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السباحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swimming", + "swim" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-14": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر رياضة ذهنية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular mental sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشطرنج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chess" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-18": { + "question": "كم يوم عطلة في السنة يحصل عليها العامل العادي في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12) ", + "en_question": "How many holiday days per year does a standard worker gets in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-19": { + "question": "ها هي أهم منطقة زراعية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What region in your country has been traditionally associated with agriculture?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "متيجة", + "المتيجة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mitidja" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الهضاب العليا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "high plateaus", + "hautes plaines", + "high plains" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عين الدفلة", + "عين الدفلى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ain defla", + "aïn defla" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-21": { + "question": "متى يغادر الناس عادة العمل لتناول الغداء في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time, if any, do people usually leave work for lunch in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "12:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12:00" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "12:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12:30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "13:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "13:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-31": { + "question": "في أي وقت يميل طلاب الثانوية لمغادرة المدرسة في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time do high school students tend to leave school in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-32": { + "question": "أي رياضة يميل تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية لممارستها في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sport do elementary school students tend to practice at school in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجري", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ball" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-36": { + "question": "كم تدوم عطلة الصيف (بالأسابيع) في المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8)", + "en_question": "How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at elementary schools in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "12" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "13" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "13" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-37": { + "question": "كم تدوم عطلة الصيف في الجامعات الجزائرية بالأسابيع؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)", + "en_question": "How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at universities in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "12" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "15" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "15" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-39": { + "question": "في أي سن يبدأ التعليم الابتدائي في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)", + "en_question": "At what age does elementary education begin in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "6" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "6" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jo-sp-43": { + "question": "كم لغة يتم دراستها في التعليم الابتدائي بالإضافة إلى اللغة الرسمية للجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)", + "en_question": "How many languages are studied in elementary education besides your country's official language? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-01": { + "question": "ما هي أدوات الأكل التي يستخدمها الناس عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What eating utensils do people commonly used in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الملعقة", + "ملعقة", + "ملعقة و فرشاة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "spoon" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشوكة", + "شوكة", + "ملعقة و فرشاة", + "شوكة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fork" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السكين", + "سكين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "knife" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-04": { + "question": "أي مشروب غازي يفضله الناس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What soft drink do people in your country like to have?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حمود بوعلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hammoud boualem", + "hamoud boualem" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصودا", + "صودا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soda" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيليكتو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "selecto" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-06": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر نوع تقليدي من الكحول في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional alcohol in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-07": { + "question": "كم يستغرق الناس من الوقت (بالساعات)عادةً لتناول العشاء في مطعم في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية حتى منزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)", + "en_question": "How long (in hours) on average does it take for people in your country to have dinner at a restaurant? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-09": { + "question": "متى وقت يتناول الناس العشاء في الجزائر عادة؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time do people usually have dinner in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "20:00", + "08:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "20:00" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "19:00", + "07:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "19:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-12": { + "question": "أي نوع من الحساء يحبه الناس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What kind of soup do people from your country like to have?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشربة", + "شربة", + "الشوربة", + "شوربة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chorba soup", + "shourba frik", + "shourba soup" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحريرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "harira" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجاري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jari soup", + "jari bel frik" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-13": { + "question": "أي نوع من الأكلات الشعبية يحب الجزائريون تناولها؟", + "en_question": "What street food do people from your country like to eat?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "الكسكسي", + "كسكس", + "كسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشخشوخة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chakhchoukha", + "chekhechoukha" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرشتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rishta", + "lentils and pasta soup", + "libyan-style pasta", + "reshta", + "rechta" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرانتيكا", + "كارانتيكا", + "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا،قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة ، قرنتيتة،غارانتيتا، قرنتيتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "calentica", + "karantika" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-15": { + "question": "أي نوع من المأكولات البحرية يحب الجزائريون تناولها؟", + "en_question": "What kind of seafood do people from your country like to eat?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السردين", + "سردين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sardines" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السمك", + "سمك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fish" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجمبري", + "جمبري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shrimp" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-16": { + "question": "ما هو أكبر احتفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the biggest festival in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الاضحى", + "عيد الأضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-28": { + "question": "ما هي وسيلة النقل العمومي الأكثر استخداما عند السفر بين المدن في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most commonly used public transport by people when travelling between cites in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحافلة", + "الباص", + "حافلة", + "باص" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bus" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القطار", + "قطار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "train" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيارة الاجرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "taxi" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السيارة", + "سيارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "car" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-30": { + "question": "ما هي الزينة أو الرموز الخاصة المرتبطة بأكبر عيد الاستقلال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the specific decorations or symbols associated with the most biggest festival in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العلم الوطني", + "اعلام", + "العَلَم الوطني", + "الأعلام", + "العلم", + "أعلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "national flag", + "flag", + "flags" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأضواء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lights" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الألعاب النارية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fireworks" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-37": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي تفضل النساء مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do women like to watch the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-38": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي يفضل الرجال مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do men like to watch the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-41": { + "question": "ما هي النشاطات الترفيهية الشائعة التي تمارسها النساء في العشرينات من العمر في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the common leisure activity that females in their 20s in your country engage in?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنزه", + "المشي في المرتفعات", + "المشي في المرتفات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strolling", + "hiking", + "hiking in the highlands", + "hike" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sports" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القراءة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "reading", + "read" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التسوق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shopping" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-42": { + "question": "ما هي النشاطات الترفيهية الشائعة التي يمارسها الشباب في العشرينات من العمر في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the common leisure activity that males in their 20s in your country engage in?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sports" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التنزه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strolling", + "hiking" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القراءة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "reading", + "read" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العاب الكترونية", + "ألعاب الكترونية,الألعاب الكترونية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "electronic games", + "game" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التخييم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "camping" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-46": { + "question": "كم من الوقت (بالساعات) يأخذ الناس عادة استراحة بعد الغداء في يوم عمل في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية بمنزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)", + "en_question": "How long (in hours) do people usually take a break after lunch on a weekday in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "0.5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0.5" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1.5" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-48": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في الغداء خلال أيام العمل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people eat for lunch during the working days in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سندويتش", + "ساندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اكل سريع", + "أكل سريع, الأكل السريع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fast food" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "أكل البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "home-cooked food" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-50": { + "question": "ما هو متوسط وقت التنقل للعمل للأشخاص في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the average commute time (in minutes) for people in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "2", + "ساعتين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1", + "ساعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-51": { + "question": "ما هي وسيلة النقل الأكثر شيوعاً التي يستخدمها الناس للذهاب إلى العمل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common transportation that people take to get to work in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحافلة", + "الباص", + "حافلة", + "باص" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bus" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السيارة", + "سيارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "car" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيارة الأجرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "taxi" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القطار", + "قطار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "train" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-54": { + "question": "ما هي مدة إجازة الزواج في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "How long (in days) is the marriage leave in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-56": { + "question": "ما هو سن التقاعد للنساء في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "What is the typical retirement age for women in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "55" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "55" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "60" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "60" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-57": { + "question": "ما هو سن التقاعد النموذجي للرجال في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "What is the typical retirement age for men in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "60" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "60" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "55" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "55" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "65" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "65" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-58": { + "question": "أي مهنة هي الأكثر احترامًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which profession is the most respected in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "طبيب", + "الطب", + "الطبيب", + "طب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "doctor", + "medicine" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التعليم", + "التدريس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "education", + "teacher" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رجل الاطفاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fireman", + "firefighter" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-60": { + "question": "ما هي مدة يوم العمل النموذجي في الجزائر بالساعات؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 0~24).", + "en_question": "What is the duration (in hours) of a typical workday in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~24) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-61": { + "question": "أي مهنة تفضلها النساء في الجزائر أكثر؟", + "en_question": "Which occupation is most preferred among females in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التعليم", + "التدريس", + "مدرسة", + "معلمة مدرسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "education", + "teaching", + "school", + "school teacher", + "teacher" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "medicine", + "doctor" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Jod-ch-62": { + "question": "أي مهنة يفضلها الذكور في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which occupation is most preferred among males in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الهندسة", + "مهندس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "engineering", + "engineer" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-17": { + "question": "في المتوسط، إلى أي مستوى يواصل الطلاب تعليمهم في الجزائر عادة؟ (مثلاً، الابتدائية، الثانوية)", + "en_question": "On average, how far do students typically pursue their education in your country? (e.g., elementary, high school)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الثانوية", + "الثانوي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "secondary" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجامعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التعليم المتوسط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "middle education", + "middle school", + "lower-secondary school" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-24": { + "question": "أي لغة تُدرَّس في المدارس الجزائرية بالإضافة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية؟", + "en_question": "What language is taught in schools in your country besides English?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفرنسية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "french" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-30": { + "question": "أي أيام في الأسبوع تكون المدارس مغلقة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What days of the week are schools closed in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "friday" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السبت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "saturday" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-32": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي يعدّها الناس للضيوف في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food do the hosts usually prepare for the guests in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى", + "الحلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأكلات التقليدية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "traditional dishes" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكسي", + "الكسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-34": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب المعتاد في وجبة فطور الصباح في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the usual drink in the breakfast in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحليب", + "حليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حليب بالقهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee with milk" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-36": { + "question": "عدا الأكل الأصلي من الجزائر، أي دولة أخرى يعتبر أكلها الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Except the food original from your country, which country's food is more popular in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "إيطاليا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "italy" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سوريا", + "شاورما" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "syria" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تركيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turkey", + "türkiye" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فرنسا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "france" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-39": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي يتم إعدادها عادة لنزهة عائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is usually prepared for a family picnic in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السلطة", + "السلاطة", + "سلطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salad" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سندويشات", + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwiches", + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "دجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "معجنات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-40": { + "question": "أي طعام من الجزائر يعتبر مقززًا بالنسبة لبقية العالم؟", + "en_question": "Which food from your country is considered disgusting by the rest of the world?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدوارة", + "الدوارة (الامعاء)" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tripe", + "intestines" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البوزلوف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boiled sheep's head", + "bozlov", + "bouzalof", + "bouzlouf" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلزون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "snail" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-43": { + "question": "ما هو اسم الخبز الشعبي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the popular bread in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المطلوع", + "مطلوع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "matloua bread", + "matloua", + "matloue" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "kesra" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خبز عادي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "plain bread", + "khubz", + "khoubz", + "khobez", + "khubez", + "khubooz" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خبز الكوشة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "koucha bread", + "khobz koucha", + "khobz eddar", + "khobz el kousha", + "khobz el koucha" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-51": { + "question": "في أي وقت تغلق المكاتب الحكومية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time of day are government offices closed in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ki-pe-53": { + "question": "ما هو موعد بداية العمل الرسمي في المؤسسات الحكومية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة والدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What is the normal start time of government offices in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "09:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "09:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-01": { + "question": "ما هو العيد الوطني الأطول مدة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What national holiday has the longest duration in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اندلاع الثورة", + "ذكرى ثورة أول نوفمبر", + "أول نوفمبر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "outbreak of the revolution", + "liberation revolution", + "outbreak of the algerian revolution", + "anniversary of the 1st november revolution", + "first of november", + "first day of november", + "11/01", + "11/1" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الاستقلال", + "عيد الاستقلال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "independence", + "independence day" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الاضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-02": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الجزائريون للاحتفال بيوم الاستقلال؟", + "en_question": "What are the common activities people from your country do to celebrate Independence day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "لا يفعلون شيئاً" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nothing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يشاهدون التلفاز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watch tv", + "tv" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يشاهدون الألعاب النارية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watch fireworks", + "fireworks" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يحضرون الإحتفالات الشعبية في الساحات و الملاعب الكبيرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "they attend the popular celebrations in the squares and large stadiums", + "go to squares", + "go to large stadiums", + "squares", + "large stadiums" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-04": { + "question": "ماذا يتم تركيبه أمام المنزل عندما يتوفى أحد أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is installed in front of the house when a family member dies in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكراسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chair" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-05": { + "question": "متى يتم عادة الاحتفال بالحمل أو إقامة مراسم لذلك في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "When is a pregnancy celebration or ceremony usually held in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يحتفل بالولادة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "celebrates the birth", + "after birth" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-06": { + "question": "ما هو الحدث الذي يقام عادة قبل الزفاف في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What event is usually held before a wedding in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الخطبة", + "الخطوبة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "engagement" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفاتحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fatiha" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "henna" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عقد القران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "marriage contract", + "nikah" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-07": { + "question": "ماذا يتم توزيعه عادة على الأطفال خلال السنة الجديدة القمرية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is usually shared to the children during (Lunar) New Year in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحلويات", + "حلويات,حلوى, الحلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المكسرات", + "مكسرات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nuts" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1 + } + }, + "Kik-in-08": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة التي تُمارس عادة في الأيام التي تسبق رمضان في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What activities are usually done days before Ramadan in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنظيف", + "تنظيف البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cleaning", + "house cleaning" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصيام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fasting" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تحضيرات رمضان" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ramadan preparations", + "preparation" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "purchase", + "buy" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-10": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر معلم سياحي للزوار الأجانب في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular tourist attraction for foreign visitors in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قصبة العاصمة", + "القصبة", + "قصبة الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "casbah", + "kasbah" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مقام الشهيد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "martyrs' memorial", + "maqam echahid", + "martyr's memorial", + "memorial of the martyr", + "sanctuary of the martyr", + "maqam e'chahid" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الهقار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hoggar mountains" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جانيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "djanet", + "dżanat" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تاغيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "taghit" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الضريح الملكي الموريتاني", + "قبر الرومية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "royal mausoleum of mauretania" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-11": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر المواقع الدينية (معبد، كنيسة، إلخ) للسياحة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular religious sites (temple, church, etc.) for tourism in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السيدة الأفريقية", + "notre dame d'afrique", + "السيدة الافريقية", + "كنيسة \"سيدة إفريقيا\" بأعالي العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "our lady of africa", + "our mother of africa", + "notre-dame d'afrique", + "basilica of our lady of africa" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المسجد الكبير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "the great mosque", + "djamaa el kebir" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سنتا كروز", + "سانتا كروز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "santa cruz" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مسجد كتشاوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ketchaoua mosque", + "ketchawa mosque" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جامع الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "grand mosque of algeria", + "djamaâ el-djazaïr", + "great mosque of algiers", + "djamaa el djazaïr" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-15": { + "question": "ما هي الملابس التي ترتديها النساء عادة في حفل تخرج الجامعات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What clothes do women usually wear on graduation commencement ceremony in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ملابسهم العادية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "their regular clothes", + "regular clothes" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1 + } + }, + "Kik-in-16": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الذي يتم استهلاكه بكثرة في الجزائر عندما يكون الطقس باردا؟", + "en_question": "What drink is commonly consumed in your country when the weather is cold?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لويزة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "verbena" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الزعتر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "thyme" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السحلب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salep", + "sahlab" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-17": { + "question": "أي نوع من الفواكه يُباع ويُوجد بكثرة خلال شهر رمضان في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What fruit is more commonly sold and found during Ramadan in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التمر", + "الثمر", + "تمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فراولة", + "الفراولة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strawberry" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بطيخ", + "البطيخ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watermelon" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الليمون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lemon" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-24": { + "question": "أي نوع من الكربوهيدرات يقدم عادة مع الدجاج في مطعم الوجبات السريعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What carbohydrate is usually served with chicken in a fast-food restaurant in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطا", + "البطاطا المقلية", + "بطاطا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "potatoes", + "fried potato", + "french fries", + "chips", + "potato" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأرز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rice" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-31": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر رياضة فنون قتالية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous martial art sports in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو", + "الجيدو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المصارعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wrestling" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كراتيه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "karate", + "karaté" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-34": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي غالبا ما تُبث على التلفزيون الوطني في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports are often broadcasted on national television in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم", + "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة اليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "handball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ألعاب القوى", + "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "athletics" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة", + "كرة القدم، ألعاب القوى، الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-35": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي كانت شائعة بين الناس في الجزائر خلال جائحة كوفيد-19؟", + "en_question": "What sports were popular among people from your country during the COVID-19 pandemic?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المشي في المساحات المفتوحة", + "المشي و الركض في المساحات المفتوحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "walking in open spaces", + "walk" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الركض في المساحات المفتوحة", + "المشي و الركض في المساحات المفتوحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running in open spaces", + "run" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-36": { + "question": "من هو أشهر مدرب كرة قدم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular soccer coach in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "رابح سعدان" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rabah saâdane", + "rabah saadane" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جمال بلماضي", + "بلماضي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "belmadi", + "djamel belmadi" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بن شيخ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ben sheikh", + "ben cheikh", + "ali bencheikh", + "ali \"alilou\" bencheikh" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حليلوزيتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "halilhodžić", + "vahid halilhodžić", + "vahid halilhodzic" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-37": { + "question": "ما هي الفرق الكروية في الجزائر المعروفة بتنافسها الشديد؟ (مثلاً ___ ضد ___)", + "en_question": "What soccer teams in your country are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مولودية العاصمة ضد اتحاد العاصمة", + "مولودية الجزائر ضد اتحاد الجزائر", + "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", + "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة", + "المولودية ضد إتحاد العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mc algiers vs usm algiers", + "usm algiers vs mc algiers", + "mc alger vs usm alger", + "usm alger vs mc alger", + "mc alger vs. usm alger", + "mouloudia vs. usm alger" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مولودية العاصمة ضد شباب بلوزداد", + "مولودية العاصمة ضد اتحاد العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mc algiers vs cr belouizdad", + "cr belouizdad vs mc algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اتحاد العاصمة ضد شبيبة القبائل", + "إتحاد العاصمة ضد شبيبة القبائل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "usm alger vs js kabylie", + "js kabylie vs usm alger" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-38": { + "question": "ما هي أسماء مشجعي كرة القدم في الجزائر الذين يشتهرون بتنافسهم الشديد؟ (مثلاً ___ ضد ___)", + "en_question": "What are the names of soccer supporters in your country who are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شناوة ضد المسمعية", + "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة", + "الشناوة ضد المسامعية", + "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", + "المولودية ضد إتحاد العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chnaoua against the listeners", + "the chanawa against the m'samadia" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-40": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب بادمنتون رجالي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous male badminton player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Kik-in-41": { + "question": "من هي أشهر لاعبة بادمنتون في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous female badminton player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Kik-in-44": { + "question": "أي رياضة تحظى بأكبر دعم من الحكومة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sport gets the most support from the government in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Kik-in-45": { + "question": "ما هي المرافق الرياضية المتوفرة عادة في المدارس الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What sports field facilities are usually available at schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ملاعب", + "ملعب كرة القدم", + "الملعب", + "ملعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stadiums", + "football stadium", + "soccer statdium", + "stadium" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سلة كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball hoop", + "basketball court" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-02": { + "question": "أي مشروب يستمتع به الجزائريون عادة في المقاهي؟", + "en_question": "What cafe beverage do people from your country most commonly enjoy?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصودا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soda" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-04": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام المفضل لعلاج صداع الخمر لدى الشعب الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "What is the preferred hangover cure food for people from your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-05": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي يطلبه الكثيرون في الجزائر؟(delivery)", + "en_question": "What is the typical delivery food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا", + "بيزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدجاج", + "دجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-07": { + "question": "أي نوع من اللحوم يستهلكه الجزائريون أكثر؟", + "en_question": "What type of meat is consumed most by people from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدجاج", + "دجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغنم", + "غنم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sheep" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البقر", + "بقر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cows", + "beef" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-08": { + "question": "أي نوع من الفواكه يتناوله الجزائريون غالبًا في موسم الخريف؟", + "en_question": "What fruit do people from your country often eat in the autumn season?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الموز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "banana" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التفاح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "apple" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البرتقال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "orange" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fig" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-09": { + "question": "ما هو الطبق الجانبي الأكثر شيوعاً الذي يُقدم على مائدة الطعام في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What side dish is the most commonly served on a dining table in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السلطة", + "السلاطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salad" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجواز", + "الجواز (سلاطة خضر متنوعة)" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stew" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحميس", + "حميس", + "سلطة فلفل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hmiss", + "pepper salad" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-11": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر أثناء مشاهدة مباراة كرة القدم؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country eat while watching a soccer game?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكسرات", + "مكسرات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nuts" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفستق", + "فستق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pistachio" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-15": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام المغذي الممثل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the representative nourishing food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحساء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soup" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفاصوليا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bean" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكسي", + "الكسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-16": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب كرة قدم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous soccer player in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "رابح ماجر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rabah madjer" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رياض محرز", + "محرز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "riyad mahrez", + "mahrez" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اسلام سليماني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "islam slimani" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-17": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي يستمتع بها الطلاب الذكور أثناء وقت الغداء في المدرسة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do male students enjoy during lunch time at school in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-18": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي تشارك فيها الفتيات خلال حصص التربية البدنية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common sport girls participate in during physical education classes in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة الطائرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "volleyball" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رمي الجلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shot put" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ألعاب القوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "athletics" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-19": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب كرة طائرة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular volleyball player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-20": { + "question": "أي حدث رياضي يتابعه الجزائريون بشغف في المنافسات الدولية؟", + "en_question": "What sports event do people from your country passionately support the most in international competitions?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كأس العالم", + "كأس العالم لكرة القدم", + "كاس العالم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "world cup", + "fifa world cup" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كأس إفريقيا لكرة القدم", + "كاس امم افريقيا", + "كأس أمم افريقيا,كأس إفريقيا للأمم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "african cup of nations", + "africa cup of nations", + "caf" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رابطة الابطال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "champions league" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-22": { + "question": "أي بلد يعتبر المنافس الأكبر للجزائرفي مباريات كرة القدم ؟", + "en_question": "Which country is considered the biggest rival in soccer matches for your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مصر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "egypt" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-23": { + "question": "أي نوع من الأكاديميات الرياضية يرتادها الأطفال في الجزائر أكثر؟", + "en_question": "What type of sports academies do children attend the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "النوادي المحلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "local clubs" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-24": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الأكثر شيوعاً الذي يتناوله الناس في الملاعب الرياضية أثناء مشاهدة المباريات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most commonly eaten food in sports stadiums while watching games in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكسرات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nuts" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيض المقلي بالبطاطس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fried eggs with fries", + "fried eggs with potato" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-25": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات النموذجية التي تُلعب في يوم الرياضة المدرسية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the typical sports played in your country's school sports day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "رمي الجلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shot put" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز", + "القفز الطويل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping", + "long jump" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة اليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "handball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ألعاب القوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "athletics" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-26": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات الشعبية لدى السكان في منتصف العمر في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the popular sports among the middle-aged population in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدراجة الهوائية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bicycle" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-28": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب رياضات شتوية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular winter sports player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1 + } + }, + "Na-ko-29": { + "question": "من هو أشهر سباح في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous swimmer in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سليم إيلاس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salim iles" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-30": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر لعبة رياضة إلكترونية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular e-sports game in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "pubg" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "playerunknown's battlegrounds" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "cs" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "counter-strike", + "counter strike" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فيفا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fifa" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-33": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة الرمزية التي يتناولها الجزائريون في السنة الجديدة القمرية؟", + "en_question": "What symbolic food do people from your country eat on (Lunar) New Year?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشخشوخة", + "شخشوخة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chakhchoukha" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرشتة", + "رشتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rechta" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكسي", + "الكسكس, كسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-37": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر مكان لقضاء العطلة داخل الجزائر بالنسبة للجزائريين؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular domestic vacation spot for people from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بجاية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bejaia", + "béjaïa", + "bougie", + "bugia" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جيجل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jijel" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الساحل", + "شاطئ البحر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coast", + "beach" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "desert" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "وهران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oran" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عنابة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "annaba", + "bon", + "bona", + "bône" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تيبازة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tipaza", + "tipasa" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-38": { + "question": "ما هو أكثر هدية زواج شائعة بين العروس والعريس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common wedding gift between bride and groom in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ذهب", + "طاقم ذهب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "gold", + "gold set" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-39": { + "question": "ماذا يُعطى عادة كبادرة تهنئة عند حضور زفاف صديق في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is typically given as a congratulatory gesture when attending a friend's wedding in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المال", + "نقود", + "مبلغ مالي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "money", + "amount of money" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اواني", + "أواني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "utensils" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اكواب زجاج", + "أكواب زجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "glass cup" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "هدية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "gift" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-40": { + "question": "كم يوماً عادة ما تستمر مراسم الجنازة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "How long (in days) does a funeral typically last in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-41": { + "question": "ماذا يجب أن تقدم كهدية عند حضور جنازة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What should you prepare as a condolence offering when attending a funeral in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المساعدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "help" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اكل طازج", + "أكل طازج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fresh food" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-42": { + "question": "أي نوع من الطعام يقدم عادة في مراسم الجنازات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of food is commonly provided at funeral parlors in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-43": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل الناس في الجزائر في صباح السنة القمرية الجديدة؟", + "en_question": "What do people do in your country in the morning of the (Lunar) New Year?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ينامون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "they sleep" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Na-ko-44": { + "question": "ما هو اليوم الذي تشهد فيه الجزائر أشد ازدحام مروري على الصعيد الوطني؟", + "en_question": "When is the day with your country's most severe nationwide traffic congestion?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدخول الجتماعي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "social re-entry" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الإثنين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "monday" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Na-ko-45": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر وجهة شهر عسل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular honeymoon destination in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "تونس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tunisia" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تركيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turkey", + "türkiye" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-05": { + "question": "ما هو أهم عيد وطني في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most important national holiday in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الإستقلال", + "عيد الاستقلال", + "يوم الإستقلال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "independence day" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الاضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-06": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الجزائريون في رمضان؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country eat in Ramadan?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البوراك", + "بوراك", + "حساء و بوراك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bourek", + "bourak" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حساء", + "حساء و بوراك", + "الشوربة", + "شوربة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soup" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشربة", + "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chorba soup", + "shourba frik", + "shourba soup" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قلب اللوز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "kel ellouz", + "kalb el louz", + "qalb ellouz", + "kalbellouze", + "qalbellouze" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مثوم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mthouwem", + "mtewem" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجاري", + "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jari soup", + "jari bel frik" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحريرة", + "الشربة، الجاري، الحريرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "harira soup", + "harira" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-09": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس الجزائريون في عيد الفطر؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country eat in Eid ul Fitr?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى", + "حلويات", + "الحلويات", + "حلوى العيد", + "حلويات متنوعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets", + "eid sweets", + "assorted sweets" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-10": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس الجزائريون في عيد الأضحى؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country eat in Eid ul Adha?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اللحم", + "لحم مشوي", + "لحم الأضحية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "meat", + "grilled meat", + "sacrificial meat" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-11": { + "question": "أين يذهب الناس في الجزائر للاحتفال برأس السنة ال��ديدة؟", + "en_question": "Where do people from your country go to celebrate New Year's Day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sahara" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المنزل", + "البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "house", + "home" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-14": { + "question": "أين تجتمع العائلة للاحتفال بعيد الفطر في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do a family gather for Eid festivities in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بيت الوالدين", + "في المزل العائلي", + "المنزل", + "في بيت الجد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parents' house", + "parents'", + "in the family home", + "home", + "house" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "منزل الأجداد", + "في بيت الجد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "grandparents'", + "grandfather's" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بيت اكبر الاخوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "house of the eldest brother", + "eldest brother's" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-16": { + "question": "متى تكون عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في الجزائر (مثلا الاثنين، الثلاثاء)؟", + "en_question": "When is the weekend in your country (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمعة", + "الجمعة السبت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "friday" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السبت", + "الجمعة السبت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "saturday" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-17": { + "question": "في أي وقت يبدأ معظم الناس العمل في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "At what time do most people start work in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "09:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "09:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "08:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "08:30" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-18": { + "question": "في أي وقت ينهي معظم الناس العمل في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "At what time do most people finish work in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "18:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-20": { + "question": "ما هو العمل الذي يعتبر آمنا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is considered to be a secure job in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "معلم في المدرسة", + "التعليم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "education", + "teacher" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "موظف عمومي", + "موضف عمومي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "public employee", + "civil service official", + "public servant" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قاضي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judge" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-24": { + "question": "أي مدينة تعتبر المركز التجاري الرئيسي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which city is the primary commercial hub in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "الجزائر", + "العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers", + "capital" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-25": { + "question": "ما هي الصناعة التي تدفع أفضل الأجور في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the industry that pays the best in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المحروقات", + "النفط والغاز الطبيعي", + "البترول", + "الصناعات البترولية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fuel", + "oil and natural gas", + "petroleum", + "petroleum industries" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الادوية", + "الأدوية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "medicine" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البنوك الخاصة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "private bank" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شركات الإتصالات الخاصة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "private telecommunications" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-26": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر شركة عمومية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous public corporation in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سوناطراك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sonatrach" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "صيدال", + "سايدال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "saidal" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-31": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طبق في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous dish in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-32": { + "question": "ماذا يتناول الناس عادة للفطور في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people usually have for breakfast in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شطائر الخبز بالمربى", + "شطائر الخبز بالمعجون", + "الخبز مع المربى", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread sandwiches with jam", + "sandwich with jam", + "bread with jam" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرواسان", + "هلالية", + "الكرواسان", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "croissant" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خبز بالزبدة", + "الخبز مع الزبدة", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread with butter", + "bread and butter" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المخبوزات", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حليب", + "الحليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خبز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قهوة و حليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee and milk" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-33": { + "question": "متى يتناول الناس الغداء في الجزائر عادة؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "When do people usually have lunch in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "12:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12:00" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "12:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12:30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "13:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "13:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-34": { + "question": "ما هو الشيء الأساسي الذي لا غنى عنه في الوجبات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is typically indispensable in meals in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-36": { + "question": "ما هو الطبق الاحتفالي التقليدي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a typical festive meal in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "الكسكسي", + "كسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرشتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rishta", + "lentils and pasta soup", + "libyan-style pasta", + "reshta", + "rechta" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-37": { + "question": "أي نوع من الفواكه يقدمه الناس عادة للسياح/الزوار القادمين من الخارج في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which fruit do people usually offer tourists/visitors from abroad in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفواكه المحلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "local fruits", + "fruit" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-38": { + "question": "أي نوع من الطعام يقدمه الناس عادة كصدقة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which food do people usually offer as charity in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القمح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wheat" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lentils", + "lentil" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-39": { + "question": "ما هي أرخص الوجبات السريعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the cheapest fast food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكلنتيكا", + "ساندويتش جرانتيتا", + "كرنتيكة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "calentica", + "karantika", + "calentica sandwich", + "karantika sandwich" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا المربعة", + "البيزا المربعة", + "شرائح البيتزا", + "البيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "square pizza", + "pizza carré", + "pizza carre", + "pizza slices" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكسي", + "الكسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-43": { + "question": "ماذا يتناول الناس عادة مع الشاي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people usually have with tea in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكسرات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nuts" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفول السوداني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "peanut" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفستق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pistachio" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المقروط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "makroud", + "makrout" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ne-ar-44": { + "question": "ماذا يتناول الناس مع القهوة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do people have with coffee in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حلويات", + "الحلوى", + "الحلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-02": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طعام تقليدي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-04": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر صلصة للتغميس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular dipping sauce in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الهريسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "harissa", + "harisee", + "hareesa", + "h'rissa", + "hrissa" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحميص (فلفل بالزيت)", + "الحميس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hmiss", + "pepper salad" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المرقة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sauce" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-08": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الأكثر استهلاكا خلال صيام المسيحيين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is most often consumed during Christian fasting in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-15": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي يُعد عادةً عندما تلد الأمهات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is usually prepared when mothers give birth in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الطمينة", + "طمينة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tommina", + "tamina", + "semolina cake", + "semolina honey dessert" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المشوشة", + "مشوشة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mchouwcha", + "mchawcha", + "m'shewsha" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شطيطحة دجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken stew", + "chtitha jaj", + "chtitha djedj", + "chicken with chickpeas" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-27": { + "question": "من هي أشهر رياضية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular female sportperson in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حسيبة بومرقة", + "بولمرقة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hassiba boulmerka", + "boulmerka" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سليمة سواكري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salima souakri" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-34": { + "question": "أين يستعد معظم تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية لامتحاناتهم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do most elementary school students prepare for their exams in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "في المنزل", + "البيت", + "في البيت", + "المنزل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "at home", + "home", + "house" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مدارس الدعم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "support schools" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المكتبة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "library" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-41": { + "question": "في أي مستوى دراسي يؤدي الطلاب امتحانهم الوطني الأول في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "In your country, at which grade level do students take their first national-level examination?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الإبتدائي", + "الابتدائي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "primary" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المتوسط", + "في المستوى المتوسط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "middle school", + "lower-secondary school" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-53": { + "question": "أي منطقة في الجزائر معروفة بصناعة القهوة / الشاي؟", + "en_question": "Which region in your country is widely known for its coffee/tea industry?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء", + "الصحراء (الشاي)", + "��لجنوب الجزائري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sahara", + "southern algeria", + "south algeria" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-54": { + "question": "أي منطقة في الجزائر معروفة بتربية المواشي؟", + "en_question": "Which region in your country is widely known for its livestock industry?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجلفة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "djelfa" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-59": { + "question": "ما هي المهنة الأساسية لسكان صحراء الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people living in deserts in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تربية الانعام", + "تربية المواشي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "livestock breeding", + "livestock", + "livestock farming" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الزراعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "agriculture" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-60": { + "question": "أي حيوان يستخدم للنقل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which animal is typically used for transportation in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمل", + "البعير", + "الإبل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "camels", + "camel" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخيل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "horses", + "horse" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-72": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر كتاب قصص مصورة للأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular comic book for children to read in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قصص كليلة و دمنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "kalila and dimna stories", + "kalila wa dimna", + "kalila et dimna" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "النملة و الصرصور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "the ant and the cockroach" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مقيدش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mkidech" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-73": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر قناة يوتيوب للأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular YouTube channel for children in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 5, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-74": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر برنامج حواري في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular talk show in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ما وراء الجدران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "beyond the walls" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "في دائرة الضوء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "in the spotlight" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ضيف الصباح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "morning guest" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-77": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر عيد ديني في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous religious holiday in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر", + "عيد الفطر و الاضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الأضحى", + "عيد الاضحى", + "عيد الفطر و الاضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-81": { + "question": "ما هو أكثر شهر تقام فيه الأعراس في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1.)", + "en_question": "What is the busiest month for weddings in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-am-83": { + "question": "ما هي الآلة الموسيقية التقليدية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional musical instrument in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدربوكة", + "الدربوكا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "darbuka", + "goblet drum", + "derbouka", + "darbouka" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oud" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المندول" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mandole", + "mandol", + "mondol" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-01": { + "question": "ما هو المنتج الزراعي الرئيسي الذي يتم إنتاجه في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the main agricultural product produced in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القمح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wheat" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "potatoes", + "potato" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الزيتون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "olives", + "olive" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحمضيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "citrus fruit" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-02": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طعام مصنوع من القمح في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular wheat-based food item in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-05": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الذي يُقدم عادة للضيوف في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most typical drink offered to guests when they visit households in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي", + "شاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عصير", + "العصير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "juice" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصودا", + "مشروبات غازية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soda", + "soft drinks" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-07": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طبق سمك في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular dish cooked with fish in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السردين", + "السردين المقلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sardines", + "fried sardines" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حساء السمك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fish soup", + "soupe de poisson" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيبيا بالطماطم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sibia with tomatoes" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شطيطحة سردين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sardine stew" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-14": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي يفضلها الجزائريون عندما يكون الطقس ممطرا؟", + "en_question": "What food do people from your country like to eat during rainy weather?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lentils", + "lentil" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحساء", + "الشوربة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soup" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفاصوليا", + "اللوبيا", + "لوبيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + 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أشهر رياضة قاعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular indoor sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة اليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "handball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة الطائرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "volleyball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-29": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي يحب الرجال مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sport do men in your country like to watch?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-30": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة التي تحب النساء مشاهدتها في الجزائر؟أ", + "en_question": "What sport do women in your country like to watch?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-58": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الذي يحب الجزائريون شربه في أماكن عملهم؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular beverage that people from your country like to drink in their workplace?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الماء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "water" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العصير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "juice" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-64": { + "question": "في أي عيد يجتمع أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "On which holiday do all family members tend to reunite in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر", + "الفطر", + "عيد الفطر و عيد الأضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الاضحى", + "الاضحى", + "عيد الأضحى", + "عيد الفطر و عيد الأضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رأس السنة", + "راس السنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "new year's day", + "new year" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-76": { + "question": "ما هي الألعاب التقليدية التي تلعبها العائلات خلال العطل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What traditional games do families play during traditional holidays in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغميضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hide and seek" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-80": { + "question": "ماذا يرتدي الجزائريون في الأعياد التقليدية؟", + "en_question": "What type of clothing do people from your country wear during traditional festivals?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البرنوس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "burnous", + "hooded cloak" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اقمصة", + "أقمصة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shirts" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لباس جديد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "new clothes" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-as-89": { + "question": "ما هي الإكسسوارات التي يرتديها الجزائريون في الأعياد التقليدية؟", + "en_question": "What traditional festival accessories do people from your country wear?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-05": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر منطقة لإنتاج الكحول في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the 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+ "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-21": { + "question": "ما هي الوجهة الأكثر شعبية للتزلج في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which region in your country is the most popular skiing destination?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "تيكجدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tikjda" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شريعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chrea", + "chréa" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-26": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب فنون قتالية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular martial arts player in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "فتحي نورين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fethi nourine", + "nourine fethi" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-27": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة لأسرع نمواً في الجزائر خلال العقد الماضي؟", + "en_question": "Which sport has been one of the fastest-growing in your country over the last decade?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة السلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basketball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "وجيتسو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jujitsu", + "jiu jitsu" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-39": { + "question": "ما هو البلد الذي يتجه إليه معظم الطلاب الجزائريين عند الدراسة في الخارج؟", + "en_question": "Which country is the most popular destination for students from your country studying abroad?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "فرنسا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "france" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كندا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "canada" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-49": { + "question": "ماهو عدد الأشخاص العاملين في عائلة نموذجية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1.)", + "en_question": "How many people work in a typical family in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-60": { + "question": "في الجزائر, من يعتني بالأطفال عندما يعمل الوالدان؟", + "en_question": "In your country, who takes care of kids when both parents are working?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "grandmother" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المربية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nanny" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخالة", + "الخالة/العمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "aunt (mom's sister)", + "aunt", + "mom's sister" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العمة", + "الخالة/العمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "aunt (dad's sister)", + "aunt", + "dad's sister" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأخت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sister" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "روضة الأطفال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "kindergarten" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-69": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الكحولي المفضل لدى الرجال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for men from your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-70": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الكحولي المفضل لدى النساء في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for women from your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-az-73": { + "question": "ما هو عدد االمدعوين لحفللت الزفافعادة في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1.)", + "en_question": "How many people on average typically attend a wedding in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "200" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "200" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "600", + "600+" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "600" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "500" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "500" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "300" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "300" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "100" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "100" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-01": { + "question": "أي نوع من اللحوم يستعمل الجزائريون للشواء على الجمر؟", + "en_question": "What kind of meat do people usually eat when they have barbecue in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغنم", + "الكبش", + "لحم الغنم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lamb", + "mutton" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الديك الرومي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turkey" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كلها" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "all of them", + "all" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البقر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "beef" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-02": { + "question": "متى يتناول الناس عادة وجبة الإفطار في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "When do people usually have breakfast in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "07:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "07:00" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-04": { + "question": "أي أنواع من الطعام يتناول الناس عادة كوجبات خفيفة في آخر الليل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What kinds of food do people usually eat for late-night snacks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السلطة", + "السلاطة", + "سلطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salad" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-05": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طبق حار في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous spicy dish in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الصفيطي", + "الزفيطي", + "زفيطي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "zviti", + "slata mehrez" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سلطة فلفل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hmiss", + "pepper salad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المحاجب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "m'hajeb", + "mhajeb" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشخشوخة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chakhchoukha", + "chekhechoukha" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البركوكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "berkoukes" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-07": { + "question": "ما هي المأكولات التي يتناولها الناس عادة مع المشروبات الكحولية القوية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food items do people typically pair with hard liquor in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-08": { + "question": "ما هي التوابل الأساسية للطبخ في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What seasoning is indispensable in cooking in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفلفل الأسود", + "الفلفل الاسود", + "فلفل اسود", + "فلفل أسود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "black pepper" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القرفة", + "القرفه", + "قرفة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cinnamon" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفلفل الأحمر", + "العكري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "red pepper" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "راس الحانوت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ras el hanout", + "rass el hanout", + "head of the shop" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكمون", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل.." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cumin" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكروية", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل.." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "caraway" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القرنفل", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل.." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cloves", + "clove" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-09": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي يستهلكها الناس عندما يكون الطقس باردا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food do people typically consume when the weather is cold in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحساء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soup" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البقوليات", + "الحبوب المجففة من عدس و لوبيا و حمص", + "الحبوب المجففة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "legumes" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدس", + "عدس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lentils", + "lentil" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطس المقلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fried potato", + "french fries", + "chips" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السلطة", + "السلاطة", + "سلطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللوبيا", + "لوبيا، الفاصولياء، الفاصوليا، لفاصوليا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bean" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-13": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر ماركة كحول في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous alcohol brand in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-14": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي يتناولها الجزائريون عادة عند المرض؟", + "en_question": "What foods do people usually eat when they are sick in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحساء", + "حساء الخضار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soup" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأرز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rice" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفواكه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fruit" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حساء الخضار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vegetable soup" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العسل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "honey" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-15": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة الجاهز التي يشتريها الجزائريون في السوبرماركت عادة؟", + "en_question": "What prepared/ready-to-eat food do people typically buy at supermarkets in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "نودلز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "noodle" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-16": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر فيلم عن الرياضة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous sports-related movie in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المفتش الطاهر يسجل الهدف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "inspector tahar scors the goal" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-17": { + "question": "أي رياضة متطرفة يتمنى أكثر الناس تجربتها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What extreme sport do people generally wish to try the most in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدراجة المائية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jet ski" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز بالمضلة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parachuting" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الباركور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parkour" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-18": { + "question": "أي من مسابقات ألعاب القوى هي الأكثر مشاهدة خلال المنافسات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which track and field event is the most popular to watch during competitions in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو الريفي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cross country running", + "cross-country" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-19": { + "question": "أي حدث في الجمباز هو الأكثر مشاهدة خلال المسابقات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which gymnastics event is the most popular to watch during competitions in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-23": { + "question": "من هو أشهر لاعب كرة طاولة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous table tennis player in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-26": { + "question": "في الألعاب الأولمبية الشتوية، أي حدث هو الأكثر مشاهدة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "In the Winter Olympics, which event is the most popular to watch in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 1 + } + }, + "New-ch-27": { + "question": "من هو أشهر ملاكم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous boxer in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "لوصيف حماني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "loucif hamani" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-30": { + "question": "من هو أشهر عداء في ألعاب القوى في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous track and field athlete in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "توفيق مخلوفي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "toufik makhloufi", + "taoufik makhloufi" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "نور الدين مرسلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "noureddine morceli" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-31": { + "question": "أي عمل يتمنى الآباء أن يختاره أبناؤهم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What job do parents most hope their children will pursue in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "طبيب", + "الطب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "doctor", + "medicine" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مهندس", + "الهندسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "engineer", + "engineering" + ], + "count": 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"annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بجاية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bejaia", + "béjaïa", + "bougie", + "bugia" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "العاصمة", + "الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "أرزيو", + "ارزيو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "arzew", + "arzeu" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الموانئ الساحلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coastal ports", + "coast" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-39": { + "question": "أي منصة تُستخدم بشكل شائع في صناعة التجارة الإلكترونية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What platform is commonly used in the e-commerce industry in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "فايسبوك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "facebook" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "انستغرام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "instagram" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "واد كنيس" + ], + 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(e.g., 1 month).", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "6 أشهر", + "ستة اشهر", + "ستة أشهر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "6 months", + "six months" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "24 شهر", + "سنتين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "two years", + "2 years" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "3 أشهر", + "ثلاثة اشهر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "three months", + "3 months" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "12 شهر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12 months", + "twelve months" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-45": { + "question": "في أي القطاعات يميل الشباب لبدء مشاريعهم التجارية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which industries do young people typically choose to start businesses in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الملابس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "clothes", + "clothing", + "garment" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة", + "التجاري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce", + "commercial" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العطر", + "العطور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "perfume" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الاكسسوارات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "accessories", + "accessory" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الإلكترونيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "electronics" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-49": { + "question": "ما هي الطريقة الأكثر شيوعًا للتواصل عن بعد بين أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common way for family members to communicate remotely in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الهاتف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "phone" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مواقع التواصل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "social media" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "whatsapp" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "whatsapp" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فيسبوك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "facebook" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فايبر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "viber" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التطبيقات الهاتفية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mobile applications", + "applications" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-51": { + "question": "أي نوع من أماكن الإقامة يتم حجزه عادة للرحلات العائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What form of accommodation is typically booked for family trips in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شقة للكراء", + "بيت", + "كراء بيوت مجهزة", + "شقة للكراء,شقة, بيوت مجهزة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "apartment for rent", + "apartment rent", + "apartment", + "house", + "equipped house" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفندق", + "فندق", + "فنادق", + "الفندق, فنادق, الفنادق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hotel", + "hotels" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مركب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "compound" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شاليه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chalet" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-54": { + "question": "أي نوع من الفواكه يتم تحضيره بكثرة لعشاء العائلات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which fruit is usually prepared the most for family dinners in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البطيخ", + "الدلاع أو البطيخ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watermelon" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفراولة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strawberry" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العنب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "grape" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البرتقال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "orange" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-64": { + "question": "كم عدد ساعات الدراسة التي يتلقاها طلاب الجامعة الجزائرية في الأسبوع؟ (استخدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1.)", + "en_question": "How many hours of classes do university students typically have per week in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "40" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "40" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "20" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "20" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "25" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "25" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-66": { + "question": "ما هي الرسوم الدراسية النموذجية لكل فصل دراسي في المدارس الثانوية العامة في الجزائر؟ (استخدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1", + "en_question": "What is the typical tuition fee per semester for public high schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "150" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "150" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-70": { + "question": "ما هي المواد الإجبارية التي يشترك فيها طلاب الجامعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What compulsory courses do university students have in common in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اللغة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "language" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-ch-71": { + "question": "ما هو متوسط حجم الفصل في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استخدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1)", + "en_question": "What is the average class size in high schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "40" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "40" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-72": { + "question": "أي تخصص يعتبرالأسهل للتوظيف في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which major is considered most conducive to employment in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الأعلام الآلي", + "الإعلام الآلي", + "الإعلام الآلي، إعلام الآلي، اعلام الآلي، الاعلام الآلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "computer science" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "medicine" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التكوين المهني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vocational training", + "vocational education" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-73": { + "question": "أي نوع من النوادي هو الأكثر شعبية بين طلاب الجامعات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of clubs are most popular among university students in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "النوادي العلمية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "scientific clubs", + "science" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-ch-74": { + "question": "أين يعيش معظم طلاب الجامعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What types of accommodation do university students in your country typically live in?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "منازلهم", + "بيوتهم", + "البيت", + "عائلاتهم", + "في بيوتهم", + "عائلاتهم,في بيوت عائلاتهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "home", + "house", + "their families", + "in their homes" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الإقامة الجامعية", + "الاقامه الجامعيه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university residence" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-75": { + "question": "كم تدوم الحصة الدراسية لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية في الجزائر (بالدقائق)؟ (استخدم الأرقام العربية فقط مثل، 1)", + "en_question": "How long is each class period for middle school students in your country (minutes)? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "60", + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "60" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "120" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "120" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-78": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة الترفيهية التي تفضلها النساء المتقاعدات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What leisure activities do retired women typically like in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحفلات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parties", + "party" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التلفاز", + "التلفزيون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "television", + "tv" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "صنع الحلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "confectionery making", + "confectionery" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المطالعة", + "القراءة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "reading", + "read" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-79": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة الترفيهية التي يفضلها الرجال المتقاعدون في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What leisure activities do retired men typically like in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدومينو", + "لعبة الحجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stone game", + "domino stones", + "domino" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المقاهي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cafe" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التلفاز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "television", + "tv" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المطالعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "reading", + "readd" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-80": { + "question": "في أي الأعياد يقوم الناس بزيارة الأماكن الدينية (المعابد، الكنائس، إلخ) في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "During which holidays do people typically visit religious sites (temples, churches, etc.) in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الأضحى", + "عيد الاضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رمضان" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ramadan" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-81": { + "question": "ما هي الهدايا التي تقدم عند زيارة بيت جديد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the typical housewarming gifts in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اواني", + "أدوات المائدة", + "أواني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "utensil", + "tableware" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "أدوات الديكور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "decor tools", + "decor" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ثرية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chandelier" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-82": { + "question": "في أي وقت عادة ما تبدأ حفلات الزفاف في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "At what time do weddings typically start in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "14:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "14:00" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "18:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18:30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "20:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "20:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "15:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "15:00" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ch-83": { + "question": "أي مدينة في الجزائر تستضيف أكثر الأعياد والمهرجانات؟", + "en_question": "Which city in your country hosts festivals the most?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "العاصمة", + "الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "وهران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oran" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تمقاد" + ], + 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"cheese" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-04": { + "question": "من هو أشهر طباخ في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is a popular celebrity chef in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "رابح اوراد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rabeh ourrad", + "rabah ourrad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السيدة رزقي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mrs. rezki", + "madame rezki", + "mrs. rizki" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-05": { + "question": "ما هي الوجبة السريعة الاقتصادية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which food is a cost-effective and quick meal option in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكلنتيكا", + "كرانتيكة", + "كارنتيكا", + "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا،قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة ، قرنتيتة،غارانتيتا، قرنتيتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "calentica", + "karantika" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا المربعة", + "البزا المربعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "square pizza", + "pizza carré", + "pizza carre" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lentils", + "lentil" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللوبيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bean" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-07": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر برامج الطبخ في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most popular cooking shows in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "توب شيف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "top chef" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قناة سميرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "samira tv" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برنامج أم وليد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oum walid" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-08": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر ماركة شوكولاتة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular chocolate brand in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اومباسادور", + "امباسادور", + "ambassadeur", + "أمباسادور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ambassadeur" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مومنت", + "moment" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "moment" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ماروخا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "maruja" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-10": { + "question": "ما هو الجبن الأكثر استهلاكا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most eaten cheese in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجبن الكريمي", + "الجبن الطري", + "مذوب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cream cheese", + "soft cheese" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشيدار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cheddar" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجبن الابيض", + "الجين الابيض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "white cheese" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-11": { + "question": "ما هي الخضار االأقل استحسانا بين الناس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most disliked vegetable in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الخرشف", + "الخرشوف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cardoon", + "cardon" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللفت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turnip" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بازلاء", + "البازلاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pea" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-12": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الأكثر شيوعاً في مطاعم المراكز التجارية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is most commonly found in food courts in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "البيزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشوارما", + "شاورما", + "شاورما,الشاورما" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shawarma" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برغر", + "البرقر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "burger" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدجاج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chicken" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-17": { + "question": "ما هي أكثر الأدوات التشجيعية شيوعًا بين مشجعي الرياضة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most common cheering tools used by sports fans in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغناء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "singing", + "sing" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الاعلام", + "علم الفريق", + "الاعلام,راية,علم الفريق,اللافتات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flag", + "team flag" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الزمارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flute" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-18": { + "question": "ماذا يجلب المشجعون معهم عند حضور مباراة مباشرة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do fans bring with them when attending a live game in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الاعلام", + "راية", + "اللافتات", + "الأعلام", + "الاعلام,راية,علم الفريق,اللافتات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flags", + "flag", + "sign" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الالعاب النارية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "firework" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القرقابو", + "قرقابو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "karkabou", + "qraqeb", + "garagab", + "krakeb" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدربوكة", + "دربوكة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "darbuka", + "goblet drum", + "derbouka", + "darbouka" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-19": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر ملعب رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most well known sporting stadium in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ملعب 5 جويلية", + "خمسة جويلية", + "5 جويلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "july 5 stadium", + "stade du 5 juillet", + "5 july 1962 stadium", + "5-juillet-1962 stadium", + "5th of july" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-23": { + "question": "من هو أشهر بارالمبي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most famous Paralympian in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "محمد علاق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mohamed allek" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-26": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر هتاف رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the best recognized sporting chant in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "وان تو ثري فيفا لالجيري", + "وان تو تري فيفا لالجيري", + "1 2 3 فيفا لالجيري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "one two three, viva l'algérie", + "one, two, three, viva l'algérie", + "one two three, long live algeria", + "one, two, three, long live algeria" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-38": { + "question": "أي المهن معروفة بساعات العمل المرنة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which industries are known for more flexible working hours in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المهن المستقلة", + "المهن الحرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "freelance professions", + "freelance jobs" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحراسة", + "الحراصة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vigilance", + "guard", + "security" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خدمة الزبائن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "customer service" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مهن التدريس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "teaching", + "teacher" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-41": { + "question": "من هو أشهر وأنجح رائد أعمال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most well known and successful entrepreneur in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يسعد ربراب", + "ربراب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "issad rebrab", + "rebrab" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-47": { + "question": "ما الذي يمكن أن نجد عادة في حديقة المنزل الخلفية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What can typically be found in the back garden of houses in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اشجار", + "الأشجار", + "شجرة، أشجار، اشجار، شجر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tree" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سلك لتعليق الملابس", + "سلق لتعليق الملابس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "clothes hanger" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "زهور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flower" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ارجوحة", + "أرجوحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شجرة ليمون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lemon tree" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-49": { + "question": "ما هو اسم أشهر عائلة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous family in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1 + } + }, + "New-en-50": { + "question": "ما هو أكثر اسماء العائلة شيوعًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common family name in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-55": { + "question": "أي ديانة هي الأكثر ممارسة من قبل العائلات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which religion is most commonly practiced by families in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الإسلام", + "الاسلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "islam" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-56": { + "question": "ما هي أكثر لغة أجنبية يتحدث بها العائلات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular foreign language spoken by families in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفرنسية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "french" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-59": { + "question": "ما هو البلد التي تهاجر له أكثر العائلات الجزائريةا؟", + "en_question": "Which country is the most popular destination for families from your country to emigrate to?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "فرنسا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "france" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كندا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "canada" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-68": { + "question": "ما هي العواقب المترتبة على السلوك السيئ في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What repercussions are there for bad behavior in schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الطرد", + "طرد", + "مجلس التأديب و ربما الطرد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "expulsion" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الوقوف في الركن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parking in the corner", + "stand in the corner" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "إحضار الولي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bring the parent", + "parent teacher conference", + "parent-teacher conference" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مجلس التأديب", + "مجلس التأديب و ربما الطرد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "disciplinary council" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-69": { + "question": "من هم الكتّاب الذين تدرس أعمالهم في حصص الأدب في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which writers are commonly studied in literature class in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مولود فرعون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mouloud feraoun" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "محمد ديب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mohammed dib" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "محمود درويش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mahmoud darwish" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مولود معمري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mouloud mammeri" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-70": { + "question": "كم عدد العطل المدرسية في السنة للمدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثل 1.)", + "en_question": "How many school breaks are there in a year for high schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "4" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "4" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-72": { + "question": "أي مورد إلكتروني يستخدمه الطلاب للدراسة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which online resource do students usually use to study in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يوتيوب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "youtube" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-75": { + "question": "ما هو متوسط طول الفصل الدراسي من حيث عدد أسابيع التدريس في الجامعات الجزائرية؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثل 1.)", + "en_question": "What is the average length of a semester in terms of weeks of teaching at universities in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "12" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "12" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "18" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-76": { + "question": "ما هو المطار الأكثر ازدحامًا خلال موسم العطل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which airport in your country is the busiest during the holiday season?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "هواري بومدين", + "خواري بومدين", + "مطار الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "houari boumediene", + "algiers airport" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-79": { + "question": "ما هي المنطقة الجزائرية المعروفة بالعروض المسرحية؟", + "en_question": "Which region of your country is well known for its theatrical performances?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سيدي بلعباس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sidi bel abbès", + "sidi bel abbes" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تمقاد", + "تمجاد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "timgad", + "timqad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "وهران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oran" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sahara" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-87": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر معلم تاريخي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous historic landmark in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "تمقاد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "timgad", + "timqad" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مقام الشهيد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "martyrs' memorial", + "maqam echahid", + "martyr's memorial", + "memorial of the martyr", + "sanctuary of the martyr", + "maqam e'chahid" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القصبة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "casbah", + "kasbah" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قبر الرومية", + "الاثار الرومانية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "roman ruins" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطاسيلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tassili" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قبر الرومية", + "الضريح الملكي الموريتاني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "royal mausoleum of mauritania", + "royal mausoleum of mauretania" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-en-90": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر علامة فندقية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous hotel brand in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "شيراتون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sheraton" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأوراسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "aurès", + "aures" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "إيبيس", + "ibis" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ibis" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-05": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر وجبة فطور سريعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular grab-and-go breakfast option in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز مع الزبدة", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread with butter", + "bread and butter" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز مع المربى", + "القهوة والخبز مع الزبدة/المربى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread with jam", + "bread and jam" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكرواسان", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "croissant" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المخبوزات", + "القهوة والخبز مع الكرواسان أو المخبوزات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السفنج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sfenj", + "bambalouni", + "bambaloni", + "khfaf", + "sfinz" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-06": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الأكثر شعبية بين الشباب في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular food in your country among young people?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "البيزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الساندويش", + "ساندويش,سندويش,السندويش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برغر", + "برجر، البرغر، البرجر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "burger" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-08": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الكحولي الذي يتم استهلاكه بكثرة في المهرجانات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of alcoholic drink is most commonly consumed at festivals in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-13": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الصباحي الأكثر شيوعا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common morning drink in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قهوة بالحليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee with milk" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-15": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر حلوى تقليدية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional dessert in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البقلاوة", + "بقلاوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "baklava" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدزيريات", + "الدزيرياة", + "دزيريات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dziriette", + "dziriet" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المقروط", + "مقروط", + "مقرط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "makroud", + "makrout" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التشاراك", + "تشاراك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tcharek" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حلوة الطابع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "halwet ettabaa", + "halwet taba", + "halwet tabe", + "halwet eltaba" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-21": { + "question": "ما هي أكثر رياضة مضرب شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular racket sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tennis" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تنس الطاولة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "table tennis" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-24": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر رياضة ألعاب قوى في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular track and field sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض، الجري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "رفع الأثقال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "weightlifting" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كمال الأجسام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bodybuilding" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو الريفي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cross country running", + "cross-country" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-29": { + "question": "أي حدث رياضي دولي هو الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which international sporting event is the most popular in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كأس العالم لكرة القدم", + "كأس العالم", + "كاس العالم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fifa world cup", + "world cup" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كأس الجزائر لكرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algerian football cup", + "algerian cup", + "republic cup" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-47": { + "question": "كم تدوم (بالدقائق) فترات الراحة العادية في العمل بالجزائر، باستثناء فترات الغداء والعشاء؟ (قدم الأرقام بالأرقام العربية فقط مثلاً، 1).", + "en_question": "How long (in minutes) are typical work breaks in your country, excluding lunch and dinner breaks? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "35" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "35" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-58": { + "question": "ما الوظيفة التي يعتبر أجرها منخفض في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which job is considered underpaid in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عامل تنظيف", + "عامل النظافة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cleaning worker", + "cleaner" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حارس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "guard" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بائع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "seller" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "موظف عمومي", + "موضف عمومي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "public employee", + "civil service official", + "public servant" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سائق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "driver" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عون امن", + "عون أمن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "security officer", + "security guard" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-76": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي يُقدم خلال عيد الفصح في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common food served during Easter in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 5, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-82": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر نوع موسيقي بين المسنين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular music genre among the elderly population in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الشعبي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "popular" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المالوف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "malouf", + "ma'luf" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-88": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الذي يُقدم في الجنازات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What drink is usually offered at funerals in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي", + "شاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-gr-89": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الذي يُقدم في الأعراس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What drink is usually offered at weddings in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة", + "قهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العصير", + "عصير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "juice" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي", + "شاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصودا", + "الڨازوز", + "المشروبات الغازية,مشروبات غازية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soda", + "bottle" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-07": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي أصله من الجزائر ويمكن العثور عليه في جميع أنحاء العالم؟", + "en_question": "What food originated from your country and can be found all over the world?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-08": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي يكرهه الأطفال و يستمتع به كبار السن عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is typically disliked by children but enjoyed by the elderly in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اللفت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turnip" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطبيخة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tbikha" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "أطباق الخضروات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vegetable" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-09": { + "question": "ما هي أداة الطبخ الأكثر استخداما في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What cooking utensil is most commonly used in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القدر", + "قدر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pot", + "steam pot" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفرن", + "فرن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oven" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المقلاة", + "مقلاة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "frying pan" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ملعقة خشبية", + "الملعقة الخشبية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wooden spoon" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطنجرة", + "طنجرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pot", + "pressure cooker" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-13": { + "question": "ما هو نوع الخضار الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which is the most popular vegetable in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطا", + "بطاطا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "potatoes", + "potato" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-19": { + "question": "ما هو الحيوان ا��ذي يُستخدم في الرياضة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which animal is used for sports in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الخيل", + "الحصان", + "حصان,الأحصنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "horses", + "horse" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-ha-66": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر مكان لإقامة الأعراس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular wedding venue in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قاعات الحفلات", + "قاعة الحفلات", + "قاعة الأعراس", + "قاعة الأعراس, قاعات الحفلات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "banquet hall", + "concert hall", + "wedding hall" + ], + "count": 4 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-01": { + "question": "ما هي العلامة التجارية لمقاهي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which coffee shop brand is the most popular in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-in-03": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة الجزائرية التي تقدم عادة في المطاعم الجزائرية في الخارج؟", + "en_question": "What type of food from your country is typically served in restaurants overseas?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "الكسكسي", + "كسكس,الكسكسي, كسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشخشوخة", + "شخشوخة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chakhchoukha", + "chekhechoukha" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحميص", + "سلطة فلفل,سلطة الفلفل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hmiss", + "pepper salad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرشتة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rishta", + "lentils and pasta soup", + "libyan-style pasta", + "reshta", + "rechta" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-33": { + "question": "أي منطقة في الجزائر عادة ما ترتبط بإستخراج المعادن؟", + "en_question": "What region in your country is usually associated with mining?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sahara" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عنابة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "annaba", + "bon", + "bona", + "bône" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحجار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "el hajar", + "el hadjar" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "منطقة بشار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bechar", + "béchar" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-34": { + "question": "أي منطقة في الجزائر عادة ما ترتبط بالنفط؟", + "en_question": "What region in your country is usually associated with oil?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "حاسي مسعود", + "منطقة حاسي مسعود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hassi messaoud" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حاسي رمل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hassi r'mel" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصحراء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sahara" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عين امناس", + "اين امناس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ain amenas", + "in amenas" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-62": { + "question": " ما هي الجامعة الجزائرية المشهورة بتخصص الهندسة؟ (استعمل الاسم الرسمي.)", + "en_question": "What university in your country is popular because of its engineering major? (Provide the official name.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المدرسة الوطنية المتعددة التقنيات", + "المدرس العليا للهندسة", + "المدرسة متعددة التقنيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "national polytechnic school", + "higher school of engineering", + "polytechnic school" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا هواري بومدين", + "جامعة هواري بومدين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "houari boumediene university of science and technology", + "university of science and technology", + "houari boumediene university" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المدرسة العليا للإعلام العالي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "the higher school of informatics", + "higher national school of computer science" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-63": { + "question": " ما هي الجامعة الجزائرية المشهورة بتخصص الطب ؟ (استعمل الاسم الرسمي.)", + "en_question": "What university in your country is popular because of its school of medicine? (Provide the official name.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كلية الطب الزيانية", + "الزيانية", + "كلية الطب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ziania medical school", + "algiers faculty of medicine", + "algiers faculty of medicine - ziania", + "zianides", + "faculty of medicine" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جامعة الجزائر بن يوسف بن خدة", + "الجامعة الجزائرية بن يوسف بن خدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algerian university benyoucef benkhedda", + "university of algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-78": { + "question": "ما هي طريقة الدفع الأكثر استعمالا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular payment method in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "نقدا", + "النقد", + "الدفع المباشر", + "لنقد", + "دفع مباشر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cash", + "direct payment" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-in-80": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر مدينة ملاهي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous theme park in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بن عكنون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ben aknoun" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-ko-01": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر فيلم كرتون الذي يشاهده الأطفال في الجزائر بكثرة؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular children's animation that is commonly watched by kids in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "طوم و جيري", + "توم و جيري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tom and jerry" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "دراغون بول" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dragon ball" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكابتن ماجد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "captain tsubasa" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-02": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر نشاط تعليمي قبل الولادة للنساء الحوامل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular prenatal education activity for pregnant women in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-03": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر أغنية للأطفال التي تغنيها العائلات معًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular children's song in your country that families sing together?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-04": { + "question": "ما هي الألعاب الأكثر شعبية بين الأولاد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which toys are most popular among boys in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكرة", + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ball", + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرات الخرز", + "الكريات الزجاجية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bead balls", + "beads" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغميضة", + "غميضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hide and seek" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-05": { + "question": "ما هي الألعاب الأكثر شعبية بين الفتيات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which toys are most popular among girls in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدمى", + "اللعب بالدمى", + "الدمية", + "الدمية,اللعب بالدمى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "doll", + "playing with dolls" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغميضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hide and seek" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping", + "jump" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لعبة المربعات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "squares game", + "cube" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-06": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر قصة شعبية تُروى عادة للأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular folk tale in your country that is typically told to children?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قصص جحا", + "جحا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "juha's stories", + "juha stories", + "juha" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قيس و ليلى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "qays and layla" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قصص الثعلب الماكر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "the cunning fox" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-07": { + "question": "ما هو الرمز التقليدي للتعزية المستخدم في الجنازات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the customary symbol of condolence used at funerals in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدعاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "supplication", + "prayer", + "pray" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-08": { + "question": "أين يميل طلاب الجامعة للعمل بدوام جزئي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do university students in your country tend to work part-time the most?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مراكز المكالمات", + "مراكز الاتصال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "call center" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المحلات التجارية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shop" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المطاعم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "restaurant" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-09": { + "question": "ما هي أنشطة بناء الفريق التي تمارس بشكل متكرر في الشركات الموجودة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most frequently practiced team-building activities in companies based in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-ko-10": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الناس كعمل إضافي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most common activities people do as a side job in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المتاجرة", + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "trading", + "trade" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خدمة التوصيل", + "التوصيل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "delivery" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-02": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر أكل يقدم للسياح في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous edible souvenir for tourists in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "الكسكسي", + "الكسكسي,كسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التمر", + "تمر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلويات", + "حلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-06": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر طاجين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular stew in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "طاجين الزيتون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "olive tagine", + "tajine zitoun", + "tajine el zitoune", + "tagine zitoune" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "طاجين لحلو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweet tagine", + "lham hlou", + "lham lahlou", + "tajine lahlou" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشطيطحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chtitha" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-11": { + "question": "ما هي التوابل/الأعشاب الأكثر استعمالا في الأطباق الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common spice/herb used in dishes from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفلفل الاسود", + "فلفل اسود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "black pepper" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفلفل الأحمر", + "فلفل أحمر,العكري" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "red pepper" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الزعتر", + "زعتر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "thyme" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرند", + "رند" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bay leaves", + "bay leaf" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المعدنوس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "parsley" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القصبر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coriander" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكمون،", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل، النعناع، الزعتر، الحبق." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cumin" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القرفة", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل، النعناع، الزعتر، الحبق." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cinnamon" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكروية", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل، النعناع، الزعتر، الحبق." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "caraway" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القرنفل", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل، النعناع، الزعتر، الحبق." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cloves", + "clove" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحبق", + "الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، الكمون، القرفة، الكروية، القرنفل، النعناع، الزعتر، الحبق." + ], + "en_answers": [ + "basil" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-16": { + "question": "ما هي. أشهر الرياضات التقليدية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous traditional sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم", + "الكرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer", + "ball" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-pe-20": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات التي يمارسها الناس على الشاطئ في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sport is popular to play on the beach in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة الطائرة", + "الكرة الطائرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "volleyball" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التنس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tennis" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السباحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swimming" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-45": { + "question": "ما هو جدول العمل المعتاد خلال شهر رمضان في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the usual work schedule during the month of Ramadan in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "من التاسعة صباحا الى الرابعة مساءا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "from 9 am to 4 pm", + "9 to 4" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عادي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "normal" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "دوام جزئي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "part-time" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جدول عمل متواصل دون إستراحة الغذاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "continuous work schedule without lunch break", + "without lunch break" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-47": { + "question": "متى يتم الاحتفال بيوم الطالب في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بتنسيق شهر/يوم مثل 12/31).", + "en_question": "When is Student's Day celebrated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "05/19" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "05/19" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-49": { + "question": "أين تتجمع العائلات للصلاة معًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do families gather to pray together in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المسجد", + "في المسجد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mosque", + "in the mosque" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المنزل", + "البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "house", + "home" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-53": { + "question": "ما هي الهدايا التي يحصل عليها الآباء في عيد الأب (أو عيد الوالدين) في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What gifts do fathers get on Father's Day (or Parents' Day) in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عطور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "perfume" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-pe-54": { + "question": "ما هي الهدايا التي تحصل عليها الأمهات في عيد الأم (أو عيد الوالدين) في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What gifts do mothers get on Mother's Day (or Parents' Day) in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الورد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flower" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العطر", + "عطور", + "العطر,عطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "perfume" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشكلاطة", + "شكلاطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chocolate" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الورود", + "ورد,الورد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rose" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصابون", + "صابون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soap" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-59": { + "question": "في العائلة الجزائرية الواحدة, كم من جيل يعيشون معا في منزل واحد؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "How many generations typically live together in a household in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-65": { + "question": "كم عدد المواد التي يتم تدريسها في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "How many subjects are taught in middle schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "13" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "13" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "11" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "11" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-66": { + "question": "ما هي أكثر الأنشطة شعبية بعد المدرسة عند طلاب المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular after school curricular in elementary schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الرجوع الى المنزل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "returning home", + "go home" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sports" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "play" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-74": { + "question": "كم هي تكلفة الرسوم الدراسية السنوية المتوسطة للجامعات العمومية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "How much is the average annual tuition fee for public universities in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "200 دج", + "150", + "200" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "200 dzd", + "200", + "150 dzd", + "150" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "0" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "0" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-76": { + "question": "ما هي النشاطات التي يمكن القيام بها في الحدائق في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular activity to do in parks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنزه" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strolling", + "hiking" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تناول الغذاء", + "الأكل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eating" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "play" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القفز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "jumping" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدراجة الهوائية", + "ركوب الدراجة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bicycle" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-78": { + "question": "ما هو اسم أشهر مهرجان سينمائي يقام في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous film festival held in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "وهران", + "المهرجان الدولي للفيلم العربي", + "مهرجان وهران", + "المهرجان الدولي للفيلم العربي,مهرجان وهران الدولي للفيلم العربي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "oran", + "international festival of arab film", + "arab film festival", + "oran festival", + "oran international arabic film festival" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عنابة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "annaba", + "bon", + "bona", + "bône" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-83": { + "question": "ما هي لعبة الورق الشعبية التي يتم لعبها خلال اللقاءات الاجتماعية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the popular card game played during social gatherings in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكوينش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coinche" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الرامي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rummy" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الروندة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "roundabout", + "ronda" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لعبة العائلات السبعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "game of the seven families", + "7 families", + "seven families" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-85": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر وجهة سياحية خارج البلاد للجزائريين؟", + "en_question": "Where is the most popular tourist destination abroad for people from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "تونس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tunisia" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تركيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "turkey", + "türkiye" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-pe-86": { + "question": "ما هو اسم أشهر برج في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous tower in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مقام الشهيد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "martyrs' memorial", + "maqam echahid", + "martyr's memorial", + "memorial of the martyr", + "sanctuary of the martyr", + "maqam e'chahid" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برج بنك الخليج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "gulf bank tower", + "gulf bank" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-01": { + "question": "ما هي الحشرة الصالحة للأكل التي يتم تناولها في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What edible insect is eaten most often in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجراد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "locust" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلزون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "snail" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-04": { + "question": "ما هو المنتج الزراعي يتم تصديره من الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which agricultural product is exported most often in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التمر", + "التمور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dates" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البطاطا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "potato" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القمح" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wheat" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-05": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر الحلويات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the most popular sweets in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البقلاوة", + "بقلاوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "baklava" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدزيريات", + "دزيريات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dziriet" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المقروط", + "مقروط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "makroud", + "makrout" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حلوة الطابع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "halwet ettabaa", + "halwet taba", + "halwet tabe", + "halwet eltaba" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-15": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الرياضي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular sports drink in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ايزم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "izem" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "New-spme-27": { + "question": "ما هو متوسط مستوى التعليم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the average education level for people in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "جامعي", + "الجامعي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الثانوي", + "ثانوي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "secondary" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "متوسط", + "المتوسط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "average" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-37": { + "question": "بالنسبة للطلاب الجزائريين, ما هو التخصص الأكثر شيوعاً للدراسة في الخارج؟", + "en_question": "Which profession is most commonly studied abroad by students from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الهندسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "engineering" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الطب", + "طب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "medicine" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الإعلام الآلي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "computer science" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-60": { + "question": "في أي يوم من أيام الأسبوع تمارس معظم العائلات الجزائرية أنشطة دينية؟ (مثلا الاثنين، الثلاثاء)", + "en_question": "Which day of the week do most families in your country practice religious activities? (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجمعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "friday" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كل يوم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "every day" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-65": { + "question": "ما هي الطريقة الشائعة للاحتفال بعيد الاستقلال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular way to celebrate Independence Day in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الاعلام", + "تعليق الأعلام", + "الأعلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "flag", + "hanging flags" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغناء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "singing", + "sing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مشاهدة التلفاز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watching tv", + "watch tv" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مشاهدة الألعاب النارية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watching fireworks", + "firework" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-68": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب الأكثر شعبية بين الأطفال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular beverage among children in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العصير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "juice" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحليب بالشكلاطة", + "الحليب بالشوكولاطة", + "الحليب بالشوكلاطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chocolate milk" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحليب بالعصير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk with juice", + "milk smoothie", + "juice milk", + "milk juice" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحليب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "milk" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-76": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر مكان في الجزائر للاحتفال بعيد الاستقلال؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular place in your country to celebrate Independence Day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ساحة البريد المركزي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "central post office square", + "central post office" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مقام الشهيد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "martyrs' memorial", + "maqam echahid", + "martyr's memorial", + "memorial of the martyr", + "sanctuary of the martyr", + "maqam e'chahid" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ملعب 5 جويلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "july 5 stadium", + "stade du 5 juillet", + "5 july 1962 stadium", + "5-juillet-1962 stadium", + "5th of july" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-spme-78": { + "question": "ما هو اسم الأغنية التي يغنيها الناس في حفلات أعياد الميلاد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the song that is typically sung at birthday parties in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سنة حلوة يا جميل", + "سنة حلوة", + "سنة حلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "happy birthday, beautiful", + "sana helwa", + "happy birthday" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-01": { + "question": "ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة التي تباع عادة أمام المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What snacks are usually sold in front of schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "البيزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السندويتش", + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشوكولاطة", + "الشكلاطة,شوكولاطة,شكلاطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chocolate" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفول السوداني", + "فول لسوداني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "peanut" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المعجنات", + "معجنات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-09": { + "question": "أي نوع من الزيت يستعمل عادة للطبخ في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What oil is usually used for cooking in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "زيت الزيتون" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "olive oil" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "زيت دوار الشمس", + "زيت عباد الشمس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sunflower oil" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "زيت نباتي", + "زيت النباتي", + "الزيت النباتي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vegetable oil", + "vegetable fats" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "زيت الذرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "corn oil" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "زيت الصويا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soybean oil" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-10": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي تستهلكها النساء الحوامل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is commonly consumed by pregnant women in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الفاكهة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fruit" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اللحم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "meat" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-15": { + "question": "ما هو المشروب غير الكحولي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional non-alcoholic drink in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المشروبات الغازية", + "الصودا", + "المشروب الغازي", + "الڨازوز", + "المشروب الغازي,مشروبات غازية, الصودا, صودا, مشروبات غازية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "soft drink", + "soda", + "bottle" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشاي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tea" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القهوة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "coffee" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-17": { + "question": "ما هي المرافق الرياضية المتوفرة في الحدائق العامة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports facilities are generally available in parks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكرة الحديدية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "petanque", + "pétanque" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ملاعب كرة قدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football fields", + "soccer fields" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مكان الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running track", + "track" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأرجوحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swing" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المزلقة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sled" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مسار للدراجات الهوائية", + "مسار للدراجات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bicycle path" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-21": { + "question": "ما هي الأنشطة الشائعة التي يقوم بها كبار السن في الحدائق العامة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are the common activities that seniors usually do in parks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدومينو", + "لعبة الحجارة", + "لعب الدومينو", + "لعبة الدومينو", + "دومينو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stone game", + "domino stones", + "domino" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكرة الحديدية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "petanque", + "pétanque" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لعب الورق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "playing cards", + "cards" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-24": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضات الشائعة التي يمارسها الآباء والأطفال معًا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What sports do parents and children commonly play together in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم", + "لعبة الكرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer", + "ball game" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ركوب الدراجة", + "الدراجة الهوائية", + "دراجة الهوائية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "riding a bike", + "bike", + "bicycle" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السباق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "race" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-28": { + "question": "أي لون مرتبط بالفريق الوطني الجزائري لكرة القدم؟", + "en_question": "What color is associated with the national soccer team of your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الاخضر", + "الأخضر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "green" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-33": { + "question": "ما هو الزي المعتاد للمعلمين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the common dress code for school teachers in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المئزر", + "مئزر أبيض", + "مئزر", + "المئزرة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "apron" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-34": { + "question": "ما هي النشاط الموسيقي الأكثر شعبية في المدارس الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular extracurricular activity related to music in schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغناء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "singing", + "sing" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الايقاع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rhythm" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-42": { + "question": "أي ديانة تُدرَّس في المدارس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What religion is mainly taught in schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الإسلام", + "الاسلام" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "islam" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-45": { + "question": "ما هو تاريخ الاحتفال بيوم التربية في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بصيغة شهر/يوم مثلاً، 12/31).", + "en_question": "What date is Education Day celebrated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "01/24" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "01/24" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "10/05" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10/05" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "it's named differently": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-50": { + "question": "ما هي المهنة الرئيسية لسكان المناطق الجبلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people in mountainous areas in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الزراعة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "agriculture" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تربية المواشي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "livestock farming", + "livestock" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-51": { + "question": "ما هي المهنة الرئيسية لسكان المناطق الساحلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people in coastal areas in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التجارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "commerce" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصيد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hunting", + "fishing" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخدمات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "service" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-57": { + "question": "ما هي المواشي الأكثر شيوعاً في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most common livestock raised in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الغنم", + "الاغنام", + "الأغنام", + "الاغنام، الأغنام، غنم، اغنام، الأغنام، الكباش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sheep" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الابقار", + "البقر", + "الأبقار", + "الابقار، الأبقار، بقر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cow" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الابل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "camel" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكباش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lamb" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-58": { + "question": "ما هي الحيوانات التي تستخدم عادة في الزراعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What animals are commonly used for agriculture in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الابقار", + "الأبقار", + "الابقار، الأبقار، بقر,الثور, الثيران" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cow" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الثور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bull" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البغال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mule" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحمير" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "donkey" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-59": { + "question": "ماذا يرتدي الفلاحون لحماية أنفسهم من الحرارة أثناء الزراعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do farmers in your country typically wear to protect themselves from the heat whilst farming?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قبعة القش", + "قبعة الخيش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "straw hat" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القبعات", + "قبعات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "hat" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-60": { + "question": "ماذا يتغدى الفلاحون عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What do farmers in your country usually eat for lunch?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "اللبن", + "لبن", + "خبز و لبن و خضار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "butter milk", + "leben", + "laban", + "liben", + "lben", + "buttermilk" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخبز التقليدي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "traditional bread", + "saj bread" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خبز", + "خبز و لبن و خضار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bread" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "خضار", + "خبز و لبن و خضار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "vegetable" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-71": { + "question": "ماذا يهدي الآباء أبنائهم في أعياد ميلادهم في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What gifts do parents generally give to their children for their birthdays in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "ألعاب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "game" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-75": { + "question": "ما هي وسيلة النقل التي تمتلكها معظم العائلات في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What type of vehicle do most families in your country generally own?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السيارة", + "سيارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "car" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-77": { + "question": "ماذا يُعطى للأطفال خلال العيد عادةً في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is usually given to the children during Eid in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المال", + "نقود", + "مبلغ مالي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "money", + "amount of money" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-81": { + "question": "ما هي الملابس التي يرتديها العرسان عادة في الأعراس الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What clothes do grooms usually wear at weddings in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "بدلة", + "البدلة", + "طقم كلاسيكي", + "بذلة", + "الطقم", + "البدلة,طقم كلاسيكي, الطقم, طقم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "suit" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البرنوس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "burnous", + "hooded cloak" + ], + "count": 2 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-82": { + "question": "ما هي الملابس التي ترتديها العرائس عادة في الأعراس الجزائر��ة؟", + "en_question": "What clothes do brides usually wear at weddings in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكاراكو", + "الفستان الأبيض", + "فستان ابيض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "karakou", + "wedding dress" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفستان الأبيض", + "الفستان الابيض", + "فستان ابيض، فستان أبيض، الفستان الابيض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wedding dress" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البرنوس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "burnous", + "hooded cloak" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-83": { + "question": "ما هي الأطعمة التي تقدم عادة في الأعراس في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What food is usually served at weddings in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي", + "كسكس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المثوم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "garlic" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلويات", + "حلوى", + "حلويات", + "الحلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البوراك" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bourek", + "bourak" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-86": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر مبنى حكومي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous government building in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "قصر الحكومة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "government palace" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قصر الرئاسة", + "الرئاسة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "presidency", + "presidential palace" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المحكمة العليا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "supreme court" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "مجلس الامة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "council of the nation", + "national assembly" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "New-su-88": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر نوع موسيقي شبابي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular music genre among the younger population in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الراي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rai" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الراب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "rap" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "indie" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "indie" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-02": { + "question": "في أي وقت ينتهي طلاب الثانوية في الجزائر من المدرسة كل يوم؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "What time do middle school students in your country typically finish school each day? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:00" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17:30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:00" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16:30" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-03": { + "question": "في أي سن يبدأ الطلاب الجزائريين الذهاب للجامعة؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "At what age do people in your country typically go to university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "18" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "19" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "19" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "17" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-06": { + "question": "في أي سن يجب الالتحاق بالتعليم الإلزامي في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "From what age do people need to attend compulsory education in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "6" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "6" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-09": { + "question": "كم يوما في الأسبوع يذهب الأطفال إلى المدرسة في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية (0~7) فقط.)", + "en_question": "How many days a week do children attend school in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-11": { + "question": "في الجزائر، كم من الوقت (بالسنوات) يستغرق عادة لإكمال درجة الماجستير؟ (استعمل الأرقام افقط مثلا 12.)", + "en_question": "In your country, how long (in years) does a Master's degree typically take to complete? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "17" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "17" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-12": { + "question": "ما هي أفضل جامعة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الاسم الرسمي.)", + "en_question": "What is the top university in your country? (Provide the official name.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا هواري بومدين", + "جامعة هواري بومدين للعلوم والتكنولوجيا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "houari boumediene university of science and technology", + "university of science and technology" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "جامعة الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university of algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المدرسة متعددة التقنيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "polytechnic school", + "national polytechnic school" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المدرسة العليا للإعلام العالي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "the higher school of information", + "higher national school of computer science" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-13": { + "question": "في أي سن يتخرج معظم الناس في الجزائر من الجامعة؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط مثلاً 12.)", + "en_question": "At what age do most people in your country graduate from university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "24" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "24" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "23" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "23" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "25" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "25" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "22" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "22" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-15": { + "question": "في أي سن يبدأ الأطفال المدرسة الثانوية عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية (مثلاً، 12).)", + "en_question": "At what age do children in your country generally start middle school? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "15" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "15" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "14" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "14" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-17": { + "question": "كم عدد ساعات الأسبوع التي يعملها العامل بدوام كامل في الجزائر عادة؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).", + "en_question": "How many hours a week does a full-time worker in your country typically work? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "40" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "40" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "35" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "35" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-19": { + "question": "كم يوما في الأسبوع يعمل العامل بدوام كامل في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 0~7).", + "en_question": "How many days a week does a full-time worker work in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "5" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "5" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "6" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "6" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-20": { + "question": "في أي سن يبدأ معظم الناس العمل في الجزائر؟ ((استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "At what age do most people start working in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "23" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "23" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "20" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "20" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "22" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "22" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "25" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "25" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "18" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "24" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "24" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-21": { + "question": "من عمر كم يسمح للفرد بالعمل في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "From what age is an individual allowed to work in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "18" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "18" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "16" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "16" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-31": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر في عيد الميلاد؟", + "en_question": "What do people in your country traditionally eat on Christmas Day?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كعكة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cake" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلويات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-37": { + "question": "ما هو اسم اليوم في السنة الذي يحتفل فيه الناس في الجزائر بالحب والرومانسية؟", + "en_question": "What is the name of the day of the year where people in your country celebrate love and romance?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الحب", + "الفالنتاين" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "valentine's day", + "valentine's" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Ni-en-40": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر أغنية لعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular Christmas song in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "سنة حلوة", + "سنة حلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "happy birthday, beautiful", + "sana helwa", + "happy birthday" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-04": { + "question": "كم عدد الفصول الدراسية في كل سنة أكاديمية بالمدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)", + "en_question": "How many semesters are there each academic year at high schools in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "3" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "3" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-05": { + "question": "في أي شهر يبدأ عادة العام الدراسي الجديد في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)", + "en_question": "In which month does the new school year typically begin in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "9" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "9" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-06": { + "question": "متى يتم الاحتفال باليوم الوطني للمعلم في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بصيغة شهر/يوم مثلاً 12/31).", + "en_question": "When is National Teacher's Day commemorated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "04/16" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "04/16" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "10/05" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10/05" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-11": { + "question": "في أي وقت تبدأ المدرسة الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثل، 18:00، 09:00).", + "en_question": "At what time does elementary school start in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "08:00" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-20": { + "question": "متى يتم الاحتفال بيوم الطفل في الجزائر؟ (قدمه بتنسيق شهر/يوم مثل، 12/31).", + "en_question": "When is Children's Day celebrated in your country? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "01/06", + "06/01" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "01/06", + "06/01" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Nu-in-40": { + "question": "أي مدينة هي الوجهة الرئيسية للباحثين عن عمل في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which city is the main destination for job seekers in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "الجزائر", + "العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-1": { + "question": "ما هي سلسلة الوجبات السريعة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is your country's most popular fast food chain?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Sa-en-13": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الذي يثير الانقسامات (إما الحب أو الكراهية) في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the food that is most divisive (either love or hate) in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البوزلوف", + "بوزلوف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boiled sheep's head", + "bozlov", + "bouzalof", + "bouzlouf" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس,الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدوارة", + "دوارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tripe" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "قلب اللوز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "kel ellouz", + "kalb el louz", + "qalb ellouz", + "kalbellouze", + "qalbellouze" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-16": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر فريق كرة قدم بين الشعب الجزائري؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular soccer team among the people from your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مولودية الجزائر", + "المولودية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mc algiers", + "mc alger", + "mouloudia club d'alger", + "d'alger", + "mca" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "إتحاد العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "usma", + "usm alger" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "شباب بلوزداد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "crb", + "cr belouizdad", + "chabab riadhi belouizdad" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-22": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر جامعة جزائرية المعروفة بفريقها الرياضي؟", + "en_question": "What is the most famous university in your country known for its sports team?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 3, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Sa-en-31": { + "question": "ما هو الحيوان الأليف الأكثر شعبية في العائلات الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What is your country's most popular family pet?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "القط", + "قط" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "cat" + ], + "count": 5 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الكلب", + "كلب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dog" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العصافير", + "عصافير، العصفور، عصفور" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bird" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-32": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر برنامج تلفزيوني عائلي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular family TV show in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "و كل شيء ممكن" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "everything is possible" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفهامة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "el fhama", + "el fehama" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عاشور العاشر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ashur 10th", + "sultan achour 10", + "sultan achour" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-37": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر لعبة عائلية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular family boardgame in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "دومينو", + "الدومينو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stone game", + "domino stones", + "domino" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "فاملتنا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "familetna" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 1, + "no-answer": 1 + } + }, + "Sa-en-6": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام السريع الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر (للأكل بعيدا عن المطعم)؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular takeaway food in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا", + "بيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كارنتيكا", + "القرنتيتة", + "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا,قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة", + "القرنتيتة,غارانتيتا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "calentica", + "karantika" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السندويتش", + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-7": { + "question": "ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة الشعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What are popular snacks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كارنتيكا", + "غارانتيتا", + "كارانتيكة", + "كالانتيكا، كلنتيكا، كلانتيكا,قرنطيطة، القرنطيطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "calentica", + "karantika" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الشوارما", + "الشوارمة، الشاوارما، شوارما، شوارمة، شاوارما، شاورما" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "shawarma" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المحاجب", + "محاجب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "m'hajeb", + "mhajeb" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الخفاف", + "السفنج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sfenj", + "bambalouni", + "bambaloni", + "khfaf", + "sfinz" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المعجنات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pastries" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Sa-en-9": { + "question": "ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر على الشاطئ؟", + "en_question": "What do people from your country eat at the beach?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السندويتش", + "سندويتش" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sandwich" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اكل خفيف", + "أكل خفيف، أكل سريع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "light meal" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سلطة", + "السلطة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salad" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بطاطا مقلية", + "البطاطا المقلية، البطاطا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fried potato", + "french fries", + "chips" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "بيتزا", + "البيتزا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "pizza" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-10": { + "question": "في أي سن يتزوج الرجال عادة في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)", + "en_question": "At what age do men usually get married in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "35" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "35" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "28" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "28" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-11": { + "question": "في أي سن تتزوج النساء عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)", + "en_question": "At what age do women usually get married in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "25" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "25" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "22" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "22" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "32" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "32" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "26" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "26" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-13": { + "question": "في جيل والديك، ما كان معدل عدد الأفراد في العائلة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)", + "en_question": "In your parents' generation, what was the average number of members in their family in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "10" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "10" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "9" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "9" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "7" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "7" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "11" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "11" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "8" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "8" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-17": { + "question": "في الألعاب الأولمبية، أي رياضة هي الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "In the Olympic Games, which sport is the most popular in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة", + "ملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السباحة", + "سباحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swimming" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ألعاب القوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "athletics" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-21": { + "question": "أين يلعب الأطفال كرة القدم عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Where do children usually play soccer in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "في الشارع", + "الشارع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "in the street", + "street" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملعب", + "في الملعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stadium", + "in the stadium" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "في الحي", + "الحي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "neighborhood" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-22": { + "question": "ما هو التمرين الرياضي اليومي الشائع بين النساء في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which daily exercise is popular among women in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التمدد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stretching" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-23": { + "question": "ما هو التمرين الرياضي اليومي الشائع بين الرجال في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which daily exercise is popular among men in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 3, + "no-answer": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-25": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر منافسة في دوري الرياضة الوطني في الجزائر؟ (مثلا، ___ ضد ___)", + "en_question": "What is the most famous rivalry in a national sports league in your country? (e.g., ___ vs ___)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مولودية الجزائر ضد اتحاد العاصمة", + "مولودية الجزائر ضد إتحاد العاصمة", + "مولودية الجزائرضد اتحاد العاصمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mc alger vs usm alger", + "usm alger vs mc alger", + "mc algiers vs usm algiers", + "usm algiers vs mc algiers" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المولودية ضد شباب بلوزداد", + "مولودية الجزائر ضد شباب بلوزداد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mouloudia vs belouizdad youth", + "belouizdad youth vs mouloudia" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-29": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة المحترفة الأعلى أجرا في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which professional sport is the highest paying in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-30": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر برنامج تلفزيوني رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is/was the most popular sports-related TV program in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "من الملاعب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "from the stadiums" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "أرقام و تعاليق" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "numbers and comments" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-32": { + "question": "أي يوم من أيام السنة يُخصص عادة للألعاب النارية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What day of the year is usually dedicated to fireworks in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المولد النبوي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mawlid al-nabi", + "mawlid", + "eid-e-milad an-nabi" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الإستقلال", + "عيد الاستقلال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "independence day" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "ذكرى ثورة أول نوفمبر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "anniversary of the 1st november revolution", + "outbreak of the revolution", + "liberation revolution", + "outbreak of the algerian revolution", + "first of november", + "first day of november", + "11/01", + "11/1" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-37": { + "question": "ما هو الرمز المشترك ليلة رأس السنة الذي يوجد عادة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the common symbol of New Year's Eve that is usually found in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-42": { + "question": "ماذا يتناول الجزائريون عادة في ليلة رأس السنة؟", + "en_question": "What food do people from your country usually eat on New Year's Eve?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكسرات", + "مكسرات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nut" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحلوى", + "حلوى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sweets" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Ta-pe-45": { + "question": "ماذا يتم تناوله عادة خلال الاحتفال بأطول ليلة في السنة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is usually eaten during the celebration of the longest night of the year in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 4, + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-01": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة الصيفية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular summer sport in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "السباحة", + "سباحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "swimming" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 1, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-03": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر دوري رياضي محترف في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular professional sports league in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدوري المحترف", + "الرابطة الجزائرية المحترفة الأولى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "professional league", + "professional", + "professionnelle", + "algerian professional league 1", + "algerian professionnelle league 1" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدوري الوطني لكرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "national football league", + "nfl" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كأس الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algerian football cup", + "algerian cup", + "republic cup" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-05": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر فريق رياضي نسائي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular women's sports team in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-09": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر دوري في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular tournament in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الدوري المحترف لكرة القدم", + "القسم الوطني الأول لكرة القدم", + "دوري الجزائر 1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "first national football division", + "algerian professional league 1", + "algerian professionnelle league 1", + "professional football league", + "algerian league 1" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كأس الجزائر لكرة القدم", + "كاس الجزائر لكرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algerian football cup", + "algerian cup", + "republic cup" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-11": { + "question": "من هو أشهر رياضي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Who is the most popular sportperson in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "رياض محرز", + "محرز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "riyad mahrez", + "mahrez" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "اسلام سليماني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "islam slimani" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "توفيق مخلوفي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "toufik makhloufi", + "taoufik makhloufi" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "علي بن شيخ" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "ali ben cheikh", + "ali bencheikh", + "ali \"alilou\" bencheikh" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-12": { + "question": "في أي رياضة حققت الجزائر أكبر نجاح في المنافسات الدولية؟", + "en_question": "In which sport has your country been most successful in international competitions?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "كرة القدم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "football", + "soccer" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العدو", + "الركض" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "running" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجودو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "judo" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الملاكمة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "boxing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-15": { + "question": "ما هي الرياضة الشتوية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular winter sport in your country?", + "annotations": [], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1 + } + }, + "Th-en-19": { + "question": "ما هي مدينة أو منطقة في الجزائر معروفة بالصناعة التحويلية؟", + "en_question": "What is a city or region in your country known for manufacturing industry?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الاوراس", + "الأوراس" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "aurès", + "aures" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البليدة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "blida" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الحجار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "el hajar", + "el hadjar" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برج بوعريريج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bordj bou arreridj", + "bordj bou arréridj" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-21": { + "question": "ما هي أهم ميزة تُقدم عادةً للموظفين في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is regarded as the most important perk typically offered to employees in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الراتب", + "المرتب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "salary" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "علاوة", + "علاوة المردود" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "allowance", + "productivity bonus", + "bonus" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيارة وظيفة", + "سيارة وضيفة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "official car", + "car" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-22": { + "question": "ما هي الفترة الاقتصادية الأكثر كارثية بالنسبة للجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What was the most catastrophic economic period for your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التسعينات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "nineties", + "90s", + "19th century", + "nineteenth cencury" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "كوفيد 19" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "covid-19" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصيف" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "summer" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-24": { + "question": "أي منطقة في الجزائر تعتبر مركزًا رئيسيًا للعاملين في مجال التكنولوجيا والشركات الناشئة؟", + "en_question": "What region in your country is a major hub for tech workers and start ups?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الجزائر العاصمة", + "الجزائر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "algiers" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "سيدي عبد الله" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "sidi abdellah" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "برج بو عريريج" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bordj bou arreridj", + "bordj bou arréridj" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 1, + "idk": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-27": { + "question": "ما هي أهم صناعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most important industry in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المحروقات", + "البترول", + "الصناعة البترولية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "fuels", + "petroleum", + "petroleum industry" + ], + "count": 3 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الصناعة التحويلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "manufacturing" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-35": { + "question": "أي وجبة من الوجبات اليومية يتم مشاركتها عادة مع أفراد العائلة في الجزائر؟ (مثل الفطور، الغداء، العشاء)", + "en_question": "Which one of the daily meals is commonly shared with family members in your country? (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العشاء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "dinner" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الغداء" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "lunch" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-36": { + "question": "ما هي النشاطات العائلية الشائعة التي يمكن القيام بها مع الأطفال في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular family activity with a child to do on weekends in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التنزه", + "نزهة", + "الخروج في نزهة إلى الغابة أو الملاهي", + "تنزه", + "نزهة إلى الغابة أو الملاهي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "strolling", + "hiking", + "picnic", + "going out for a picnic to the forest or amusement parks" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-37": { + "question": "في أي سن يصبح الأطفال عادة مستقلين عن والديهم في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "At what age do children typically become independent from their parents in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "23" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "23" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "25" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "25" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-38": { + "question": "ما هو أهم عيد عائلي في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most important family holiday in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الفطر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-fitr", + "eid ul-fitr" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الأم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mother's day" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد ميلاد" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "birthday" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "عيد الأضحى" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "eid al-adha" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-39": { + "question": "ما هي لعبة عائلية شعبية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a popular family game in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "العائلات السبع" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "game of the seven families", + "7 families", + "seven families" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "لعبة الذئب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "wolf game", + "the wolf" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "دومينو" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "stone game", + "domino stones", + "domino" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "no-answer": 2, + "idk": 1, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-41": { + "question": "ما هو متوسط العمر للأزواج لإنجاب طفلهم الأول في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)", + "en_question": "What is the average age for couples to have their first child in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "28" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "28" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "35" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "35" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "31" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "31" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "32" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "32" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "30" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "30" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-43": { + "question": "ما عدد السيارات التي تمتلكها عائلة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)", + "en_question": "How many cars are owned by a typical family in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "1" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "1" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "2" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "2" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-44": { + "question": "ما هو الطعام الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر لوجبات العائلة في عطل نهاية الأسبوع؟", + "en_question": "What is your country's most popular food for family meals on weekends?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الكسكس", + "كسكس", + "الكسكسي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "couscous" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-45": { + "question": "ما هي أشهر نشاطات العائلة في مساء أيام الأسبوع في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular weekday evening family activity in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "مشاهده التلفاز", + "مشاهدة التلفاز", + "مشاهدة برنامج تل��زيوني" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "watching tv", + "tv", + "watching a tv show" + ], + "count": 3 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 2, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-48": { + "question": "ما هي أعلى درجة يتم منحها للطلاب المتفوقين في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر على الواجبات والامتحانات؟", + "en_question": "What is the highest grade given to top-achieving high school students on assignments and exams in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "امتياز", + "الامتياز", + "ممتاز" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "privilege", + "excellent" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "19", + "20/19", + "19/20" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "19", + "20/19" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "تهنئة", + "التهنئة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "congratulations" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-49": { + "question": "ما هو الاختبار الأكثر أهمية لطلاب الثانوية في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is considered the most important exam for high school students in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الباكالوريا", + "البكلوريا", + "الباكلوريا" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "baccalaureate" + ], + "count": 5 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-51": { + "question": "أي مادة تعتبر الأهم بالنسبة للطلاب في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "Which subject is considered the most important for students in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الرياضيات" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "mathematics", + "math" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "العلوم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "science" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الفلسفة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "philosophy" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الأدب" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "literature" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-53": { + "question": "ما هو أشهر نشاط اجتماعي في المدارس الجزائرية؟", + "en_question": "What is the most popular extracurricular social event at schools in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحديث" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "chatting", + "chat" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حفلات آخر السنة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "end-of-year parties", + "end of the year parties" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "not-applicable": 2, + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0 + } + }, + "Th-en-58": { + "question": "ما هو أصعب موضوع في مادة الرياضيات يُدرس قبل الجامعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is the most advanced math subject learned before university in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "التكامل و الاشتقاق", + "التفاضل و التكامل" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "integration and differentiation", + "calculus" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المعادلات التفاضلية", + "المعادلات التفتضلية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "differential equations" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدوال المثلثية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "trigonometric functions", + "trigonometry" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الدوال" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "functions" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الهندسة الفضائية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "geometry" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 1, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Tmp-ar-01": { + "question": "أين يذهب طلاب الجامعة في الجزائر عادة للمذاكرة لامتحاناتهم النهائية؟", + "en_question": "Where do university students in your country usually go to study for their final exams?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "المكتبة", + "المكتبة الجامعية", + "إلى المكتبة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "library", + "university library", + "to the library" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "المخابر" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "laboratories", + "lab" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "البيت" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "house", + "home" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Tmp-ar-02": { + "question": "ما هي وسيلة النقل العامة الشائعة التي يستخدمها الناس للذهاب إلى الجامعة في الجزائر؟", + "en_question": "What is a common public transport that people use to go to university in your country?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "الحافلة", + "الباص" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "bus" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "القطار" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "train" + ], + "count": 2 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "حافلات النقل الجامعي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "university transport buses", + "transportation service" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "السيارة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "car" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الترامواي" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "tramway" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + }, + "Tmp-ar-04": { + "question": "ماذا يفعل تلاميذ الابتدائي في الجزائر عادة بعد المدرسة؟", + "en_question": "What do elementary students in your country usually do after school?", + "annotations": [ + { + "answers": [ + "يلعبون", + "يلعبون مع اصدقائهم", + "يلعبون ثم يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "play", + "they play with their friends", + "they play" + ], + "count": 4 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يراجعون", + "يراجعون دروسهم" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "they review their lessons", + "review" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "الاستراحة" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "break" + ], + "count": 1 + }, + { + "answers": [ + "يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية", + "يلعبون ثم يؤدون الواجبات المدرسية" + ], + "en_answers": [ + "they do the homework", + "homework" + ], + "count": 1 + } + ], + "idks": { + "idk": 0, + "no-answer": 0, + "not-applicable": 0 + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file