import os |
import re |
import csv |
import json |
import time |
import openai |
import argparse |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
from pathlib import Path |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
from easydict import EasyDict |
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, LlamaTokenizer, pipeline |
import torch |
def raw2prediction(x, hn_or_nh): |
if hn_or_nh == 'hn': |
choices = ['Hate', 'Non-hate'] |
elif hn_or_nh == 'nh': |
choices = ['Non-hate', 'Hate'] |
choice_alphabets = ['a', 'b'] |
choice2idx = {'a': 0, 'b': 1} |
try: |
raw = x.strip() |
except: |
print(x) |
if (raw.startswith('a') and 'a\n' in raw) or 'A is the correct answer' in raw: |
return choices[choice2idx['a']] |
if raw.startswith('b') and 'b\n' in raw: |
return choices[choice2idx['b']] |
if 'post is not hate' in raw.lower() or "it's non-hate" in raw.lower() or 'is not hate' in raw.lower() or "it's not hate" in raw.lower() or "it's not a hate" in raw.lower() or "don't think this is hate" in raw.lower() or "is not a hate" in raw.lower() or "would not call it hate" in raw.lower() or "would not consider it as a hate" in raw.lower(): |
return 'Non-hate' |
if raw.startswith('Hate.') or raw.startswith('Hate Speech') or raw.startswith('Hate\n') or 'it is hate' in raw.lower() or "that's a hate" in raw.lower() or "think it's hate" in raw.lower() or "this is a hate" in raw.lower(): |
return 'Hate' |
if raw.startswith('Non-hate.') or raw.startswith('Non-hate\n'): |
return 'Non-hate' |
if raw.startswith('Comment:'): |
raw = raw.replace('Comment:','') |
if 'Classify this text as' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('Classify this text as[\s\S]+','', raw) |
if 'answer:' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('[\s\S]+answer:\s','', raw) |
if 'Answer:' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('[\s\S]+Answer:\s','', raw) |
if 'can be classified as ' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('[\s\S]+can be classified as ','', raw) |
if 'can be categorized as ' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('[\s\S]+can be categorized as ','', raw) |
if 'is classified as ' in raw: |
raw = re.sub('[\s\S]+is classified as ','', raw) |
raw = raw.replace('hateful','Hate') |
raw = raw.replace('hate speech','Hate') |
raw = raw.replace('Hate speech','Hate') |
raw = raw.replace('###','') |
if 'can be considered hateful' in raw: |
return 'Hate' |
if 'does not contain hate' in raw: |
return 'Non-hate' |
try: |
raw = re.search('\*\*\s*(?P<raw>.*)\s*\*\*', raw).groupdict()['raw'] |
except: |
pass |
if 'answer is' in raw: |
regex = 'answer is\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n<]*)' |
else: |
regex = 'Answer\s*:\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n<]*)' |
try: |
prediction = re.search(regex, raw).groupdict()['answer'] |
except: |
prediction = raw |
try: |
if raw.strip()[0] == '(': |
regex = '(Option|option|[\*\s]*)\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n\*<]*)' |
else: |
regex = '(Option|option|[\*\s]*)\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n\*(<]*)' |
except: |
if raw.strip() == '(': |
regex = '(Option|option|[\*\s]*)\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n\*<]*)' |
else: |
regex = '(Option|option|[\*\s]*)\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n\*(<]*)' |
try: |
prediction = re.search(regex, prediction).groupdict()['answer'] |
except: |
prediction = re.search('\s*(?P<answer>[^\.\n\*(<]*)', prediction).groupdict()['answer'] |
prediction = re.sub('[^\S ]', '', prediction.strip(" \n\t'\"()")) |
if len(prediction) == 0: |
prediction = raw |
if len(prediction) == 0: |
return '' |
prediction_upper = prediction.lower() |
if (prediction_upper[0] in choice_alphabets): |
try: |
choice = re.search('[:)\-]\s*(?P<choice>[^(]*)', prediction_upper).groupdict()['choice'] |
except: |
if prediction_upper.count(choice_alphabets[0]) + prediction_upper.count(choice_alphabets[1]) == 1: |
prediction = prediction_upper[0] |
if prediction in choice_alphabets: |
prediction = choices[choice2idx[prediction]] |
if prediction.startswith('non'): |
prediction = 'Non-hate' |
if prediction in choice_alphabets: |
prediction = choices[choice2idx[prediction]] |
if prediction in ['hate','H','h','H for Hate','a" Hate','Yes, a: Hate','This post would be considered as a Hate', |
'[a] Hate','b, Hate','b Hate','h: Hate','B Hate','b Hate','Hate Speech','b Hate','a" Hate', |
'This text is hate','HATE',"I think it's hate","I think it's a hate post",'\\strong{Hate}', |
'I think this is a hate post','hate"?']: |
prediction = 'Hate' |
if prediction in ['Non-Hate Speech','The post provided does not contain Hate', |
'Non-hate','I: Non-hate','Not-hate','n','N','No, b: Non-hate', |
'Not enough context to determine if it is Hate or not, "b: Non-hate','Non-hate a', |
'Non-hate Speech','Non-Hate','It is not hate',"I think it's non-hate","I think it's a non-hate post", |
"It's not hate",'Non','This is non-hate','Non-' |
]: |
prediction = 'Non-hate' |
if prediction == '1': |
prediction = choices[0] |
return prediction |
if choices[choice2idx[prediction_upper[0]]].lower() == choice.lower(): |
prediction = prediction_upper[0] |
else: |
prediction = prediction_upper[0] |
if prediction.startswith('non'): |
prediction = 'Non-hate' |
if prediction in choice_alphabets: |
prediction = choices[choice2idx[prediction]] |
if prediction in ['hate','H','h','H for Hate','a" Hate','Yes, a: Hate','This post would be considered as a Hate', |
'[a] Hate','b, Hate','b Hate','h: Hate','B Hate','b Hate','Hate Speech','b Hate','a" Hate', |
'This text is hate','HATE',"I think it's hate","I think it's a hate post",'\\strong{Hate}', |
'I think this is a hate post','hate"?']: |
prediction = 'Hate' |
if prediction in ['Non-Hate Speech','The post provided does not contain Hate', |
'Non-hate','I: Non-hate','Not-hate','n','N','No, b: Non-hate', |
'Not enough context to determine if it is Hate or not, "b: Non-hate','Non-hate a', |
'Non-hate Speech','Non-Hate','It is not hate',"I think it's non-hate","I think it's a non-hate post", |
"It's not hate",'Non','This is non-hate','Non-' |
]: |
prediction = 'Non-hate' |
if prediction == '1': |
prediction = choices[0] |
return prediction |
def prediction_2_label(prediction): |
prediction_lower = prediction.lower() |
if prediction_lower in ['a', ab2label['a'].lower(), ab2label['a'].lower().replace('-', ''), f"{ab2label['a'].lower()} (a)", f"a ({ab2label['a'].lower()})", f"a: {ab2label['a'].lower()}", f"a. {ab2label['a'].lower()}"]: |
return ab2label['a'] |
if prediction_lower in ['b', ab2label['b'].lower(), ab2label['b'].lower().replace('-', ''), f"{ab2label['b'].lower()} (b)", f"b ({ab2label['b'].lower()})", f"b: {ab2label['b'].lower()}", f"b. {ab2label['b'].lower()}"]: |
return ab2label['b'] |
if prediction not in ['Hate', 'Non-hate']: |
print(prediction) |
return prediction |
def make_prompt(instance,ab2label,persona=False,country=None,simple=False,definition=False,prompt_num=None): |
if prompt_num == None: |
prompt_num = 0 |
prompts = [ |
'Answer if this post is hate or not with a single alphabet letter among given answer choices a and b.', |
"Given a POST from online, answer if it is 'Hate Speech' or 'Non-Hate Speech'. Answer with only one single alphabet between 'a' and 'b', with no other description.", |
"Would you consider this post as a hate speech? Give an answer in a single alphabet only.", |
"Do you think this is a hate speech? Answer with only one single alphabet between 'a' and 'b', with no other description.", |
"Consider yourself as a very typical person. Would you consider this post as a hate speech? Give an answer in a single alphabet only." |
] |
prompts_w_persona = [ |
f"Answer if this post is hate or not in {country} with a single alphabet letter among given answer choices a and b.", |
f"Given a POST from online, answer if it is 'Hate Speech' or 'Non-Hate Speech' in {country}. Answer with only one single alphabet between 'a' and 'b', with no other description.", |
f"As a person raised up in {country}, would you consider this post as a hate speech? Give an answer in a single alphabet only.", |
f"You are from {country}. Do you think this is a hate speech? Answer with only one single alphabet between 'a' and 'b', with no other description.", |
f"Consider yourself as a very typical person in {country}. Would you consider this post as a hate speech? Give an answer in a single alphabet only." |
] |
p = '' |
if simple: |
p = f'Classify this text as {ab2label["a"]} or {ab2label["b"]}. {instance}. Answer:' |
return p |
if definition: |
p = f"Definition of Hate Speech:\n\nHate speech refers to offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or any other factors that may threaten social peace.\n\n" |
if persona: |
p += prompts_w_persona[prompt_num] |
else: |
p += prompts[prompt_num] |
p+='\n\n' |
p += f'POST: {instance}\n' |
p += f'a: {ab2label["a"]}\n' |
p += f'b: {ab2label["b"]}\n' |
p += 'answer:' |
return p |
openai.organization = OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_KEY |
openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY |
def check_gpt_input_list(history): |
check = True |
for i, u in enumerate(history): |
if not isinstance(u, dict): |
check = False |
break |
if not u.get("role") or not u.get("content"): |
check = False |
break |
return check |
def get_gpt_response( |
text, |
model_name, |
temperature=1.0, |
top_p=1.0, |
max_tokens=128, |
greedy=False, |
num_sequence=1, |
max_try=60, |
dialogue_history=None |
): |
if (model_name.startswith("gpt-3.5-turbo") and 'instruct' not in model_name) or model_name.startswith("gpt-4"): |
if dialogue_history: |
if not check_gpt_input_list(dialogue_history): |
raise Exception("Input format is not compatible with chatgpt api! Please see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat") |
messages = dialogue_history |
else: |
messages = [] |
messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': text}) |
prompt = { |
"model": model_name, |
"messages": messages, |
"temperature": 0. if greedy else temperature, |
"top_p": top_p, |
"max_tokens": max_tokens, |
"n": num_sequence |
} |
else: |
prompt = { |
"model": model_name, |
"prompt": text, |
"temperature": 0. if greedy else temperature, |
"top_p": top_p, |
"max_tokens": max_tokens, |
"n": num_sequence |
} |
n_try = 0 |
while True: |
if n_try == max_try: |
outputs = ["something wrong"] |
break |
try: |
if (model_name.startswith("gpt-3.5-turbo") and 'instruct' not in model_name) or model_name.startswith("gpt-4"): |
time.sleep(0.5) |
res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**prompt) |
outputs = [o['message']['content'].strip("\n ") for o in res['choices']] |
else: |
res = openai.Completion.create(**prompt) |
outputs = [o['text'].strip("\n ") for o in res['choices']] |
break |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
raise Exception("KeyboardInterrupted!") |
except: |
print("Exception: Sleep for 10 sec") |
time.sleep(10) |
n_try += 1 |
continue |
if len(outputs) == 1: |
outputs = outputs[0] |
return outputs |
sbic_data = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_SBIC_DATA,index_col=False) |
additional_data = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_CP_DATA,index_col=False) |
models_to_eval = [ |
'gpt-4-1106-preview', |
'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', |
'google/flan-t5-xxl', |
'facebook/opt-iml-30b' |
'microsoft/Orca-2-7b', |
] |
output_dir = Path(PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) |
countries = ['Australia','United States','United Kingdom','South Africa','Singapore'] |
for model_name in models_to_eval: |
if 'flan-t5' in model_name: |
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) |
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name, device_map="auto", |
resume_download=True, |
cache_dir=f'.cache/{model_name}') |
elif 'llama' in model_name or 'LLaMa' in model_name: |
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, use_fast=False,token=HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN) |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, device_map="auto", |
torch_dtype=torch.float16, |
resume_download=True, |
cache_dir=f'.cache/{model_name}',use_auth_token=HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN) |
elif 'gpt' in model_name or 'claude' in model_name: |
tokenizer, model = None, None |
else: |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, use_fast=False) |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, device_map="auto", |
resume_download=True, |
cache_dir=f'.cache/{model_name}') |
def model_infer(persona=False,country=None,simple=False,definition=True,prompt_num=None): |
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
writer = csv.writer(f) |
writer.writerow(['id', 'post', 'US', 'AU', 'GB', 'ZA', 'SG', 'prediction', 'raw']) |
done_id = pd.read_csv(output_path, encoding='utf-8')['id'].to_list() |
total_num = len(data) |
hit_us, hit_uk, hit_au, hit_sa, hit_sg = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
evaluated_num = 0 |
ooc = 0 |
tqdm_label = f'{model_name}-{prompt_num}' |
if persona: |
tqdm_label += f'-{country}' |
for idx, instance in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=total_num, desc=tqdm_label): |
if instance['ID'] in done_id: |
continue |
evaluated_num += 1 |
if persona: |
prompt = make_prompt(instance[post_col],ab2label,persona=persona,country=country,definition=definition,prompt_num=prompt_num) |
elif simple: |
prompt = make_prompt(instance[post_col],ab2label,simple=simple) |
else: |
prompt = make_prompt(instance[post_col],ab2label,definition=definition,prompt_num=prompt_num) |
print(prompt) |
if model_name.startswith('gpt'): |
result = get_gpt_response(prompt,model_name) |
raw = result |
prediction = raw2prediction(result,sequence) |
print(raw) |
print(prediction) |
label = prediction_2_label(prediction) |
else: |
input_ids = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(model.device) |
outputs = model.generate(**input_ids,max_new_tokens=30) |
result = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0],skip_special_tokens=True) |
raw = result.replace(prompt, '') |
prediction = raw2prediction(raw,sequence) |
print('raw:') |
print(raw) |
print('pred:') |
print(prediction) |
label = prediction_2_label(prediction) |
if label not in ab2label.values(): |
ooc += 1 |
print('# ooc =', ooc) |
if label == num2label[int(float(instance['United_States_Hate']))]: |
hit_us += 1 |
if label == num2label[int(float(instance['United_Kingdom_Hate']))]: |
hit_uk += 1 |
if label == num2label[int(float(instance['Australia_Hate']))]: |
hit_au += 1 |
if label == num2label[int(float(instance['South_Africa_Hate']))]: |
hit_sa += 1 |
if label == num2label[int(float(instance['Singapore_Hate']))]: |
hit_sg += 1 |
open_trial = 0 |
while True: |
if open_trial > 10: |
raise Exception("something wrong") |
try: |
with open(output_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
writer = csv.writer(f) |
writer.writerow([ |
instance['ID'], |
instance[post_col], |
num2label[int(float(instance['United_States_Hate']))], |
num2label[int(float(instance['Australia_Hate']))], |
num2label[int(float(instance['United_Kingdom_Hate']))], |
num2label[int(float(instance['South_Africa_Hate']))], |
num2label[int(float(instance['Singapore_Hate']))], |
label, |
raw]) |
break |
except: |
print("open failed") |
continue |
print(f"[{model_name}]\tUS: {hit_us / evaluated_num:.4f}\tAU: {hit_au / evaluated_num:.4f}\tUK: {hit_uk / evaluated_num:.4f}\tSA: {hit_sa / evaluated_num:.4f}\tSG: {hit_sg / evaluated_num:.4f}") |
num2label = ['Non-hate', 'Hate'] |
post_col = 'Text' |
persona = False |
simple = False |
if simple: |
ab2label = {'a': 'Hate', 'b': 'Non-hate'} |
sequence = 'hn' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_simpleprompt_additional_predictions_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(simple=simple) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_simpleprompt_predictions_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(simple=simple) |
ab2label = {'a': 'Non-hate', 'b': 'Hate'} |
sequence = 'nh' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_simpleprompt_additional_predictions_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(simple=simple) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_simpleprompt_predictions_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(simple=simple) |
elif persona: |
for i in range(5): |
for country in countries: |
ab2label = {'a': 'Hate', 'b': 'Non-hate'} |
sequence = 'hn' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_{country.replace(' ','_')}_add_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i,persona=persona,country=country) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_{country.replace(' ','_')}_sbic_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i,persona=persona,country=country) |
ab2label = {'a': 'Non-hate', 'b': 'Hate'} |
sequence = 'nh' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_{country.replace(' ','_')}_add_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i,persona=persona,country=country) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_{country.replace(' ','_')}_sbic_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i,persona=persona,country=country) |
else: |
for i in range(5): |
ab2label = {'a': 'Hate', 'b': 'Non-hate'} |
sequence = 'hn' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_add_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_sbic_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i) |
ab2label = {'a': 'Non-hate', 'b': 'Hate'} |
sequence = 'nh' |
label2ab = {v:k for k,v in ab2label.items()} |
id2ab = {1:label2ab['Hate'],0:label2ab['Non-hate']} |
data = additional_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_add_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i) |
data = sbic_data |
output_path = output_dir / f"{model_name.replace('/','-')}_sbic_prompt_{i}_w_def_{ab2label['a']}_{ab2label['b']}.csv" |
model_infer(definition=True,prompt_num=i) |