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<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Tim Per your request. Everybody else: please forward corrections/updates to me. Thanks Alan Comnes [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Nanette: Changes are made. I'll have the attached document signed and faxed to you tonight. You can fax your executed document back to me at (713) 646-3490. Thanks Leslie Hansen Nanette Crist <> 11/20/2000 03:38 PM To: '' <> cc: Subject: RE: Confidential information Leslie--A few nits. Prebon Energy Inc. in the first sentence should not have a comma. Clause (a) in the carve-out as to what constitutes Confidential Information should start that is or becomes... I would put as demonstrable by the receiving party in parens at the end of clause (c). That's it. If you want to have the agreement signed and faxed to me at 201-557-5973 I'll have George sign it tonight or in the morning before the call and send it back to you. Thanks. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Will we capture these accelerations in our accomplishments? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I have advised against Ken or Jeff attending the generators meeting: Ken is still willing to make time avail on the 3d to meet with the gov. From: Susan M Landwehr on 04/29/2001 05:04 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: ken lay tour All--here's some thoughts on the RGA related events. We currently have Ken scheduled to participate in an energy roundtable discussion on the afternoon of the 2nd with at least four governors attending that session--Kempthorne Hull Geringer and Ridge. (Engler and Rowland are also attending the overall event but they will be in a healthcare breakout session). Kaufman and I thought that it would be particularly helpful for Arizona Gov Hull and Idaho Gov Kempthorne to hear Ken's remarks and have a chance to talk with him. I have also been working with Rosalee to schedule an early evening (6:00-7:00pm) meeting that night with Exelon co CEO John Rowe. John Rowe will be in California for some investor meetings and well as attending some sections of the RGA events. I have told my counterpart at Rowe's office that we would confirm Ken's availability on Monday morning. If you do decide that Ken should attend the Davis meeting in Sacremento that day instead we will just reconfigure a bit. Paul and I will cover the RGA events and I will cancel the John Rowe get together. I would also want to talk about having Mr. Lay reach out to Hull and Kempthorne via phone sometime in the near future. Same with Rowe. Rosalee Fleming 04/27/2001 07:12 PM To: Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON Susan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: ken lay tour I received a return call from Lelanie in Governor Davis' office this evening. She said the Governor wanted to invite Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling to a meeting the Governor is having at 2:00 p.m. in Sacramento on May 2 with a lot of CEOs. I still pressed for a one on one meeting on May 3 in Sacramento but she told me the Governor wanted to have the one meeting all at once and his schedule was very tight on Thursday May 3. I transferred her to Sherri and called Ken. Ken wanted me to try to get more specific information which she shared that it is with generators - Sempra Williams CalPine Duke Dynegy and Reliant. She also said since the Governor has worked with Ken she thought he might prefer that he attend. Ken said to let you all know and be thinking whether we even want to do it. He said one thought might be that he'd do that meeting and maybe Jeff could do the one in L.A. on May 2. Talk to you Monday. Rosie Janel Guerrero 04/27/2001 02:39 PM To: Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: ken lay tour Just so we're all on the same page......Dasovich will arrive in Houston on Monday (mid-day) and will travel with Dr. Lay beginning on Wednesday (to Austin) and then on to LAX Sacramento etc. Steve said there really isn't time to have a pre-briefing so any questions that Ken has will have to be addressed enroute to CA. Rosalee....we're giving Steve the briefing book today so he can review over the weekend and we'll have a final copy to Ken before he departs next week. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I would like to do this but I have a speaking engagement the next day -- do the time zones work out so that I can do both or do I need to find a sub for the nov 1 speech? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECUPUC) filed an Answer if Support of the Motion of the Maine Public Utilities Commission for Disclosure of Information. NECUPUC supports the request for the release of the unredacted copies of ISO-NE's September 21 2000 Answer in this case. In the alternative they would ask that the Commission provide to the regulators that are parties to the proceeding unredacted copies of the ISO's September 21 2000 Answer subject to an appropriate protective order. Duke Energy North America (DENA) filed an Answer that opposes the MPUC request for public information. DENA argues that only a three month lag in the release of confidential information is impermissible under a prior FERC ruling in the NSTAR Services Co. case which set out a six-month lag rule for the release of information. Their second argument was that the request seeks information for all NEPOOL markets and not just the ICAP market which is subject to the suit. If the FERC authorizes the release of confidential information then it should be subject to a protective order which contains the following: The information may only be used for the purposes of this docket. Only specifically named reviewing Reps associated with the MPUC may review the information. The confidential materials may not be removed from the NE-ISO's premises. The reviewing rep must execute a nondisclosure certificate. Answer to the MPUC's Motion for Disclosure of Information from Northeast Utilities Service Company and Select Energy and request for expedited commission action. NUSCO and Select Energy Support MPUC's request for disclosure of information that the ISO has filed under seal but opposes the selective disclosure of this information to the MPUC and other regulatory commissions and not other participants. NUSCO and Select Energy request expedited action due the financial implications and there is also considerable uncertainty regarding prices in the residual ICAP market in January February and March of 2000 due to the suspended settlement pending Commission guidance. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff Skilling and Mr. Lay are not going so company plane is not reserved. Bill Butler is going will stay at the Willard [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks. Talked to Rob. He's going to find out timing and cost to do a bigger American Ass. of Economist number on Wolak & Co. while I work the manifesto gang. Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Richard Following our coversation of yesterday I set out for you below the following: 1. An explanation (in draft) of the Dutch power market and the events leading up to the current market squeeze by certain players which we have produced and discussed for our external lawyers. 2. A schematic of arguments which we produced for external lawyers before Christmas just relating to the mis-application of capacity by TenneT. 3. A copy of our e-mail to Clifford Chance of last Wednesday summarising the issues in order of priority for their advice. Please note that purely on the swap element of this jigsaw we are attempting to arrange a conference with a Queen's Counsel for next Monday afternoon. Hence it may be better for our meeting (with Jeff patched-in) to take place next Tuesday - clearly the advice on all the elements involved (as set out in 3) in toto will not be complete until we have had the conference with the QC. I am due to receive tomorrow however from Clifford Chance their legal strategy report on all the other issues raised in my e-mail (item 3) and shall forward you a copy on receipt. Kind regards Mark ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Wow! Was this expected? Sarah Novosel@ENRON 07/19/2000 03:52 PM To: Fullenweider Keith <> cc: J Mark Metts/HOU/ECT@ECT Mitchell Taylor/Corp/Enron@ENRON Ann Ballard/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES '' <> Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Adam <> '' <> '' <> '' <> JAY DUDLEY/ENRON Pamela Lesh/ENRON Subject: Merger on FERC's Agenda The Sierra/PGE merger is on FERC's agenda for FERC's July 26 meeting. Please call me if you have any questions. We'll keep you posted. Sarah Fullenweider Keith <> on 11/29/99 06:12:51 PM To: J Mark Metts/HOU/ECT@ECT Mitchell Taylor/Corp/Enron@ENRON Ann Ballard/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES '' <> Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT McWilliams Douglas E. <> Wenner Adam <> Bruner Becky <> Decker John <> '' <> '' <> '' <> '' <> '' <> Subject: FW: Granite Update Attached is an update memo from Paul Kaufman on state issues. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Perhaps we should consider putting something together on India? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached are some late night thoughts on the portal. Most of this is focussed on the portal for opinion leaders but some of it could be applicable to the comemrcial portal as well. Could you forward this to Palmer ... for some reason my address book doesn't pull him up when I'm off the system. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I am in London this week and will be meeting with David Best on Thurs to discuss. Thanks for your inquiry. I'll let you know after the meeting. Gail Brownfeld@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 01/30/2000 10:45 AM To: Richard B Sanders@ECT cc: Robert C Subject: Havamann Litigation PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION Richard Did your office get everything it needed from David Best to do the wire transfer of the settlement funds? Is there anything you need us to do on the remaining bit of the claim against the underwriters? I believe you all have retrieved the whole file however let me know if there is anything we can do to help. I will be in the UK during the week of February 14 if there is something I can do while I'm there let me know. Thanks. GAIL [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Am I taking care of you or what?? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Looks good. Peggy Mahoney 07/24/2000 06:20 PM To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cedric Burgher/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@ENRON Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES Karen S Owens@ees@EES Kevin Hughes/HOU/EES@EES Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES Dave S Laipple/DUB/EES@EES James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Rich Products Please review the attached draft news release about our agreement with Rich Products and let me know if you have any comments by 5pm Tuesday July 25. We are scheduled to release on Wednesday July 26. If you have any questions please call me at x57034. Rich Products is a major US food manufacturer headquartered in Buffalo NY. The company ranked #122 in Forbes Private 500 and has sales around $1.5 billion. Rich Products is owned and operated by the founding Rich family. Products manufactured include frozen meats bakery products and non-dairy creamers. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff and Steve As you requested I have prepared a list of my preferred public policy contacts for California. It is composed of professionals from an array of public private and non-profit backgrounds. I have worked in some capacity with each of these people and most I know quite well. Please call me for further background. Kevin 213-926-2626 Attachment - Kevin Scott - Preferred Contacts - 6-20-01.doc [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Hartsoe-Commissions order on 75 O888 compl programs Maya WeberGordon Weil Dave Marquart Richard Tabors [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Steve I am in London this week. Let's connect when you come back. Vince [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sorry for the delay. I have asked the question and should have an answer in a day or two. . . . don't do anything rash in the meantime. Jane M Tholt@ECT 05/07/2001 12:15 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Stock Options Hi Steve. I know you are extremely busy but I was just wondering if you found out about whether the 3 year period apllies to all options or just the ones in that program. Question 2) does the 3 year time frame apply to only options that are vested at the time of departure or does it apply also to options which vest over the 3 year time frame. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Americans for a Republican Majority Ritz-Carlton Hotel 1919 Briar Oaks Lane Reception 6:00 - 7:30 Dinner 7:30 - 9:30 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact is Alva Hines 202-624-5325 - not going unless going to be in DC already [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Can you guys coordinate to make sure someone listens to this conference call each week. Tara from the fundamental group was recording these calls when they happened every day. Phillip ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Matt: As GSS Business Development transitions the HP relationship for broadband to your team there are several issues I wanted to clarify in terms of how the relationship has been developed and who the contacts have been to date. Additionally I outlined the discussion points/action items from this morning's meeting you held with Jennifer Medcalf and myself. Per your request the HP presentation complete with a listing of HP's business partners was e-mailed to you this morning. HP contacts to date: Bill Lovejoy Western Gulf Area Sales Manager Houston TX #(713)-439-5587 (Gerry Cashiola's boss) Gerry Cashiola sales representative Houston TX #(713)-439-5555 (To date HP person coordinating the relationship--seeking a short term play) Greg Pyle Solution Control Manager Southeast Region Austin TX (#(512)-257-5735 (Pyle has been playing the business developer role but continues to defer leadership of the process to Gerry Cashiola) Daniel Morgridge Manager of Internet - E-Services long term alliances Austin TX #(512)-257-5736 (Interested in E-services/wireless longer term alliances) Bill Dwyer Chief Architect e-Services Solutions Cupertino CA #(408)-447-5240 (To date clearly the most knowledgeable person on HP's business propositions strong technical financial background to craft value propositions. Gerry Cashiola and Greg Pyle deferred to his judgement in the 11/16th meeting) Matt On November 10th GSS Business Development took HP through a tour of Enron's trading floor the gas control center and the peaking power plant unit center on the trading floor. This tour was one meeting amongst several held in October and November to provide HP a full overview of Enron's products and services and introduce them to appropriate contacts at Enron (EBS GSS buy side -- Peter Goebel). On November 16th GSS Business Development Patrick Tucker and Dale Clark outlined 3 possible EBS/HP focus areas -- connectivity storage and wireless. Three EBS action items were defined in that meeting: 1) HP was to provide an HP contact on connectivity (to date Gerry Cashiola has stalled on providing this). Sarah-Joy will continue to pursue this information and get a sense from Gerry Cashiola of what he means by short term opportunity. What is HP's time horizon for short term? 2) EBS and GSS/BD was to facilitate a conference call on Storage with Ravi to explore size and potential scope of opportunity (completed 12/8) 3) GSS/BD was to facilitate a conference call with Peter Goebel GSS IT Sourcing Portfolio Leader (set for 12/14) In conversations with you Jennifer Medcalf and myself this morning several decisions on forward-looking strategy with HP/EBS were confirmed: Gerry Cashiola has been unable to take control of the process. More importantly despite numerous visits to Enron in which he has had overviews of Enron's products and services met with Peter Goebel and his team on the GSS buy side and participated in an Experience Enron tour Gerry has been unable to define an HP business proposition. The coordination between Cashiola (short term initiative) Morgridge (long term 12-24 months) has remained unorganized. These initiatives need to be developed separately. Clearly the conversations with HP need to be elevated to a more senior level so EBS can work with HP decision makers who can move the relationship forward at a strategic level. As the relationship is developed at this strategic level shorter term opportunities will crop up along the way. But Gerry's short term plans will not be the focus of the EBS/HP relationship rather a by-product. To facilitate this process of elevating the relationship Jennifer Medcalf and I are following up with Bill Lovejoy and Greg Pyle. Lovejoy's boss is Dan Sytsma VP of HP's America's Central Region. In the conference call Thursday 12/14 with Peter Goebel and HP regarding wireless initiatives Peter will support the GSS/BD push for the HP/EBS initiative by reiterating the following two points: a) Enron is already an HP customer the onus is on HP to move forward on the process of building a strategic relationship (IBM and Lexmark are only some of the HP competitors who could push them out of the running) b) HP's ability to bring the right people to the table will influence HP's business relationship process with Enron Patrick Tucker and Dale Clark could build their relationship with Bill Dwyer Chief Architect e-Services Solutions (met at the meeting 11/16) in the near term. Perhaps plan a visit to Cupertino California to see Dwyer in person. We look forward to continuing close collaboration with your team on this and other opportunities. Sarah-Joy Hunter Enron Corporation Global Strategic Sourcing - Business Development #(713)-345-6541 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Aruna No address was attached. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Tel. 650.833.1000 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I just checked with Jeff and Ken. They are both out of the office that day. Sorry it didn't work out. gilbert whitaker <> 03/06/2001 07:14 PM To: cc: Subject: Steve - With respect to CK Prahalad's visit to Rice. As you know we are having a breakfast for the business community the morning of March 19 and he gives the Neuhas Lecture on Campus at 9:45 am. Following the lunch there is a lunch with Mrs. Neuhas the donor of the fund and faculty. That should be over by 1:15. He has a date from two to five at Enron with Yeager (Steve or Scott). He would like to meet with Ken or Jeff sometime that afternoon if at all possible. Thanks for your help. gil [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Alan -- The only way to collect the overpayment is to artificially reduce the PX Credit going forward to thereby allow for more CTC. Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:KAMINSKI WINCENTY - 7138533848 ? Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman ? From:??Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO ??????Greg Whalley President & COO ??????Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel ? Subject:??Confidential Information and Securities Trading ? Enron Wholesale Services ('EWS') maintains official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading ('Policies and Procedures') which have been revised as of November 15 2000 to reflect the new EWS structure. These policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information our reputation for integrity and EWS and its employees from legal liability. ? You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: ? ? You must certify your compliance with the Policies and Procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Lance Schuler at extension 3-5419 Mark Haedicke at extension 3-6544 Alan Aronowitz at extension 3-3214 Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks for taking time to call yesterday. Good luck with the Lockyer situ= ation. I truly do believe that direct and prompt interaction with Lockyer= will prove more effective for Enron than delayed or intermediated action.= As we discussed if I can be of any help with reconnaissance or as sou= nding board just let me know. =20 I have attached an article from this morning's LA Times. It provides an C= alifornia view on how the shakeup in the Senate might impact the state's e= nergy situation. Certainly by the time that President Bush visits the C= alifornia in a few days the state's two Democratic US Senators will be a = good bit more empowered. =20 Kevin 213-926-2626 =20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =09Click here to learn more! [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09Home | Discussions | Print Edition | Archives | Site Map = | Home Delivery | Advertise | Feedback | Help [IMAGE]=09 =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Politics Entertainment music = movies art TV restaurants [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jo= bs homes cars rentals classifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shop= ping [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A Section= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TOP STORIES * State's Standardized Test Spurs Scatte= red Backlash * GOP Braces for Jeffords to Bolt Today * Moderates on = Outside of GOP Big Tent MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] STORIES BY DA= TE FOR THIS SECTION 5/24 | 5/23 | 5/22 | 5/21 | 5/20 | 5/19 | 5/18 = [IMAGE] DAILY SECTIONS Front Page A Section California [= IMAGE] Business Sports Calendar [IMAGE] So. Cal. 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Living = Special Reports Sunday Opinion Tech Times Times Poll Traffic Weath= er Workplace SITE MAP [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SHOP 'TIL YOUR = LAPTOP DROPS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shopping [IMAGE= ] Search Products Stores [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] Thursday May 24 2001 | [IMAGE]Print= this story [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shift May Empower California By RICHARD SI= MON ELIZABETH SHOGREN Times Staff Writers WASHINGTON--James M. J= effords has never mattered much to Californians. Until now. The Verm= ont senator's widely anticipated decision to abandon his fellow Republican= s and put Democrats in control of the Senate could have big implications f= or California particularly on energy and environmental policy lawmakers = and lobbyists said Wednesday. The change which Jeffords is expected= to announce today could increase political pressure on the Bush adminis= tration to respond more aggressively to California's electricity crisis t= hese insiders said. And it might force the White House to compromise= on key elements of the national energy policy it unveiled last week. In f= act the administration's proposed budget cuts for programs to promote ren= ewable energy were said to be a factor in Jeffords' decision. At th= e very least Senate observers said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is l= ikely to get the floor vote she has sought on price controls for wholesale= electricity. That doesn't necessarily mean that the administration'= s critics will be able to have everything their way. Even if the Senate ap= proves electricity price caps for example the measure would face stiff o= pposition in the GOP-dominated House--and a likely veto if it made it to t= he president's desk. Still a Democratic majority in the Senate wou= ld give Feinstein and other party members a platform to turn up the politi= cal heat on the administration and congressional Republicans on energy pol= icy. It kicks up the dust groaned one energy industry lobbyist wh= o requested anonymity. Observed Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.): If P= resident Bush's hard-edged conservative approach has in fact caused the ba= lance to shift towards Democrats in the Senate it will have profound impl= ications not just for California but for the environment and our nation's= energy policy. Environmentalists seemed almost giddy as they cont= emplated the possible impact of Jeffords' decision on the policies they ca= re about. All of a sudden they said it seems less likely that oil = exploration will take place in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that r= ecreational snowmobiles will have free access to Yellowstone National Park= or that the administration's desire to promote nuclear power will be emb= raced by Congress. On the other hand it seems more probable that C= ongress would approve a new plan for managing a vast swath of the Sierra N= evada to protect the region's oldest trees consider legislation to restri= ct emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants and protect California fr= om a resurgence of offshore oil drilling. It's stunning how broad t= he repercussions are particularly on the environment said Gregory Wetst= one of the Natural Resources Defense Council. We're trying not to count o= ur chickens before they hatch. But it will be easier for us in our battles= at least to keep from moving backwards. For instance Jeffords is= a chief advocate of a bill that would regulate carbon dioxide from power = plants. And if events play out as expected he'll become the new chairman = of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the issue. Another i= ssue under his purview would be the two-decade dispute over a proposed rep= ository for the nation's spent nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. = Yucca Mountain is a dead turkey declared Michael Francis of the W= ilderness Society. Environmentalists had been worried that a number= of pro-development provisions would be packed into appropriation bills. B= ut with Democratic senators in charge that would become less of a threat= they said. Every wacko idea Republicans have will get a higher lev= el of scrutiny Francis said. The biggest change would be the power= of Senate Democrats to decide which bills will be considered in committee= s and which ones will make it to the floor of the Senate for votes. = As part of a new Democratic majority Feinstein and fellow California De= mocrat Barbara Boxer are likely to gain leverage with the administration o= n a number of issues considered important to the state. That transl= ates into more federal assistance for California across the board predic= ted Steve Maviglio spokesman for Gov. Gray Davis. I think it mean= s more attention to our state for sure Boxer said. Right now the pres= ident doesn't seem to give a darn. They're all looking at California as a = Democratic state. They're not interested. Feinstein who has been = unable to arrange a meeting with Bush to discuss the energy crisis may ge= t better treatment if winning Democratic support becomes more important to= the administration. She has been regarded as a bridge-builder who worked = effectively with Republicans in the past. This has not been a warm = and friendly administration she complained Wednesday. They've got peopl= e who know all the answers and don't want to listen. The White Hou= se disputed that. In fact Bush agreed Wednesday to meet with Davis during= the president's first visit to California next week. Under a Democ= ratic majority Feinstein would be in line to chair two subcommittees: the= military construction panel of the Senate Appropriations Committee and t= he technology terrorism and government information subcommittee of the Se= nate Judiciary Committee. Boxer would be in line to chair the subco= mmittee on Superfund waste control and risk assessment and the Foreign R= elations subcommittee on international operations and terrorism. Mav= iglio predicted that the effects of Jeffords' expected party defection wou= ld be felt immediately. The chairmanship of the Senate Energy and N= atural Resources Committee would be taken away from Frank H. Murkowski (R-= Alaska) who has been openly hostile to California's plight and handed = to Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) who supports Davis' request for electricity pri= ce controls according to Maviglio. Democrats have assailed Bush's e= nergy plan for tilting heavily toward the supply side. With Democrats in c= harge of the Senate the administration would be more likely to compromise= perhaps beefing up funding for Democrat-supported causes such as increas= ed energy assistance to low-income households and more aggressive promotio= n of conservation and renewable energy sources such as wind and solar powe= r. Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories ab= out: United States - Politics Republican Party James M Jeffords P= olitical Party Defections California - Politics Senate (U.s.) . You = will not be charged to look for stories only to retrieve one. =09 News Politics Entertainment music movies art TV restaurants = [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jobs homes cars rentals cla= ssifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shopping [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 G= et Copyright Clearance Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times Click for permi= ssion to reprint (PRC# 1.528.2001_000043610) =09 [IMAGE] =09 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: David I will have this re-reviewed by Oregon counsel but it was scrubbed about 18-24 months ago as being enforceable. Thanks. Michelle [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Tim I enjoyed meeting with you too. As I mentioned I thought your answers were thoughtful well stated and accurate. In our line of work it helps to triangulate using others' insights and I found yours particularly useful. Richards Tim J (CORP) on 08/02/2000 09:01:46 AM To: '' <> '' <> cc: 'Kelshaw Lisbeth' Subject: Thank You Dear Steve and Rick Thank you very much for inviting me to Houston yesterday to discuss Enron's Federal Government Affairs position. Your vision of the role for the Enron Washington office fits closely with my views on what a best-in-class Washington operation should offer and it was helpful to learn more about Enron and its business units. Enron is clearly an exciting place to work and the fact that public policy is so vital to the company's future makes the Washington position particularly attractive. It was a real pleasure to meet you yesterday and I look forward to hearing from you again. Sincerely Tim Richards Timothy J. Richards GE International Law & Policy 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 1100W Washington DC 20004 Phone: 202-637-4407 Home: 202-882-3385 Fax: 202-637-4300 [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Linda - as we discussed adding a sentence on open access is key. Also I would delete the sentence about the transmission system not being designed for the way it's being used today. Richard Shapiro 04/02/2001 04:23 AM To: Linda Robertson/NA/Enron cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron Subject: Re: White House Talking Points and Abraham Mtg with EPSA It would be nice to get a one sentence mention made of open access just to show they care....I say this in part because of Scott Miller's e-mail pleading for more focus on this issue. Thanks. Linda Robertson 03/30/2001 12:31 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: White House Talking Points and Abraham Mtg with EPSA 1. I am faxing to you a bootleg copy of the draft talking points Ed received this morning at the White House energy messaging meeting. These are very close hold. Ed asked that we not circulate these to anyone. Ed asked us to give him feedback of any concerns we have with the talking points (he will be giving them comments). After glancing at the TPs the obvious missing point is open access. However I am not sure we should be alarmed about that. There really isn't any policy in the TPs. This is a typical WH message document. Let me know if you think it is imperative to insert open access. Also Ed would like to position us as the coalition leader of the White House outreach effort. Any thoughts? 2. I am faxing to you EPSA's summary of the generators meeting with Secretary Abraham. I am glad I did not attend this meeting. As you will see from the summary there were three parts to the meeting: a) an exchange of policy views both long and short term b) discussion of how to maximize generator output in Calif and c) a request that industry participate in a DOE reliability group. I don't see any follow up for Enron outside of our normal course of activities and independent interchange with DOE officials. Let me know if you have additional thoughts. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Maureen - please forward on to Barry when you get his e-mail address. Barry - I don't know Humberto personally but looking over his resume I thought he might be a fit in your organization. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: (per Tim Brown 202-789-7200) [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: With Mark Haedicke keep Sylvia Sauseda and Bernadette apprised of details. Betsy Diamond in Mike Day's office 415-781-0701is making their arrangements [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: JBennett <> 05/18/2001 01:25 PM To: Robert Williams (E-mail) Richard Sanders (E-mail) Mike Smith (E-mail) <> Dennis Benevides (E-mail) <> George Phillips (E-mail) <> cc: MDay <> Subject: SCE Counter Claim -- Underreporting of Volumes -- Confidential -- Attorney Work Product After speaking with George Phillips yesterday about SCE's counterclaim against EES and EEMC regarding underreporting of usage to the ISO I think there may be some internal confusion (of which I may have contributed to) about the nature of SCE's counterclaim. As I understand from my review of certain documents received from SCE in response to our data requests review of an Executive Summary prepared by George Phillips on the issue and from my conversation with him yesterday EES and EEMC as a result of some problems with their settlement system did indeed underreport customers' usage to the ISO during the time period claimed by SCE. This has I believe resulted in two separate (although interrelated) points of contention with SCE -- of which only one is the subject matter of its counterclaim. First the underreporting resulted in Unaccounted For Energy (UFE) charges to the market. In correspondence sent by SCE to EEMC and EES during the last quarter of 2001 it appears that SCE was calculating the cost to the market from the EES/EEMC underreporting by applying the hourly day ahead market clearing price to the individual hourly variances. This cost to the market is overestimated however as SCE failed to take into account the fact that the ISO nets underreported amounts against overreported accounts to get a net amount of underreporting. This underreported amount is then allocated to all providers of physical load within a service territory through the assessment of UFE charges. Thus whatever the ultimate cost was determined to be SCE would not be allocated the entire amount. Second the underreporting of usage to the ISO results according to SCE in SCE paying EES and EEMC a PX credit for energy they never purchased. This claim is separate and apart from what SCE claims EES/EEMC cost the market in the way of UFE charges. What SCE is saying is that it believes that EES and EEMC only purchased on behalf of their customers the amount of energy which they reported to the ISO. EES' and EEMC's customers actually used more than the amount which EES and EEMC reported. SCE calculated the PX credit based on the amount used not reported. It is SCE's claim that EES and EEMC are not entitled to a PX credit on the delta as the market not EES and EEMC purchased those volumes. It is only the second point of contention which is the subject matter of SCE's counterclaim. SCE is alleging that it should not have to pay a PX credit to EES and EEMC for volumes that EES and EEMC did not purchase. SCE is claiming that we only purchased the amount we reported to the ISO. While SCE may believe that it should not have to pay any UFE charges as the result of EES/EEMC underreporting the UFE charges are not the basis of its counterclaim. Based on the above analysis I think that the most critical piece of information to refute the counterclaim is that despite the underreporting of volumes to the ISO EES and EEMC actually purchased on behalf of their DA customers those customers' full usage. Can we make such claim? and do we have data to back it up? Jeanne Bennett [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: John Stauffacher? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I agree with Mark's changes and I think the memo is good to go. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Pani Urszulo Czy to jest Air France? Vince [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Elspeth do we want to do a new agreement or simply assume the obligations in the old one? If the former I'd do a new agreement. If the latter I believe I simply can do an assignment agreement once I receive a copy of the current agreement. It also depends on the language in the old one and whether we believe it protects ENA. So we'd have to look at it. Sharon do you have the file on this person? If so let me know and I will have someone come and pick it up. Thanks. Michelle Elspeth Inglis@ENRON on 04/14/2000 04:56:09 PM To: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Confidential - Mike Miller Michelle when rolling over an employment contract from another Enron entity is it re-issued with same details but under ENA's name? thanks Elspeth ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Stan Broussard 3-5468 Cynthia Sandherr Subcommittee going to mark up on Oct 13 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI the attached article and story is disturbing and surprising about Southern Company. It also raises an issue that we could face if we are not careful. The article discusses internal diversity studies which the plaintiffs are using as evidence to support their claims. The company claims that the studies were done by people who did not know how to conduct the appropriate analyses under the relevant legal standards. I have this concern here as well when we have people running analyses that do not factor in the legal standards and instead try to interpret data themselves. I would like to talk about how to manage that. Let me know who you think should be included in such a meeting and I'll set something up. Thanks. Michelle [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks..... what's a BEEP? Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 10/02/2000 05:53 PM To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Letter to Lynch from Us Describing Info ISO should release sooner [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Reed -- USAir 1062 arr. 10:02 Anthony Duenner -- 6235 Mark Muller Darrel Dunson -- 602-492-8570 Distribution list labels & copying Craig Goodman (Equitible Re 202333-0311(h) [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The conversation was very positive (Glynn did not know anything about it at first but looked into it and called Ken back Friday evening). Glynn said they were including the amount owed in their negotiations over the price for the transmission assets and said they intended to pay all of their debts including this one as soon as they get paid. He said that this weekk would be focussed on finalizing a deal for SCE given the threat of bankruptcy the discussions would then turn to PG&E. Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 03/14/2001 07:03 PM To: cc: Subject: Steve: Jim mentioned that Ken Lay was trying to talk to Glynn today about getting the PX credit issue resolved. Any progress made? Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'll give 150. Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Jeff Skilling 04/19/2001 05:18 PM Sent by: Sherri Sera To: Cliff Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT Rick Buy/HOU/ECT Ben Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Jeffrey Sherrick/Corp/Enron Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT Michael Brown/NA/Enron Wade James A Hughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Greg Piper/Corp/Enron John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES Matthew Scrimshaw/LON/ECT@ECT David Cox/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron Stan Horton/Houston/Eott@Eott Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: I know how incredibly busy you all are so I'm sure that making a pledge to Jeff for the MS150 has simply slipped your mind. Well the ride is this weekend time is running out and we need you! Enron's goal is to raise $700000 and Jeff's personal goal is to raise $50000. As of today we are a little better than half way there. Won't you consider helping him reach his goal? Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow... Sherri :-) [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI. From today's Post. Davis seems to continue to put distance between himself and the contracts. Best Jeff Financial California Changes Stance on Refunds Two Sides Far Apart In Energy Talks Peter Behr ? 07/06/2001 The Washington Post FINAL Page E01 Copyright 2001 The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved California officials have abruptly shifted tactics in their attempt to recover billions of dollars in alleged overcharges for electricity saying they may reduce their demands for huge refunds if generators renegotiate $43 billion in long-term electricity contracts that the state signed this year. Gov. Gray Davis (D) said part of the $8.9 billion in refunds the state is seeking could be offset by reductions in energy prices in the long-term contracts whose costs have become a growing political embarrassment for Davis. We've made suggestions we've offered various ways in which people could get us $8.9 billion Davis told the San Jose Mercury News in a report yesterday. You can renegotiate our existing contracts and save us money. However you want to do it it's just got to net out close to $8.9 billion. The new offer was introduced this week into the closed negotiations over a California settlement being conducted in Washington by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Judge Curtis L. Wagner Jr. according to sources close to the negotiations. Yesterday Wagner said he may issue his own preliminary finding today on the amount of overcharges if California officials and the generators cannot reach a compromise. What I'm trying to do is get people in a settlement mood Wagner told reporters. In the event we're unable to do that [Friday] at some point I may offer a preliminary assessment. The settlement conference is set to conclude on Monday. Wagner FERC's chief administrative judge has been trying to push both sides toward a compromise that would resolve the huge energy pricing controversy. Mountainous energy prices have bankrupted California 's largest utility drained billions of dollars out of the state treasury and put Davis at sword's point with generators that help keep the state's lights on. Last Friday Wagner rebuked Davis's chief representative Michael Kahn chairman of California Independent Grid Operator -- the state's power grid manager -- indicating that the state's demand for nearly $9 billion in refunds from power generators and marketers was too high sources said. Wagner's settlement conference which has involved more than 100 lawyers for all sides is closed to the public and media. Wagner complained last month that Kahn was following a political agenda and his lack of independence in the negotiations was such a joke that the parties might as well wear clown suits according to a Dow Jones report confirmed by sources close to the talks. But he has also criticized the generators and power marketers led by Reliant Energy Inc. Williams Energy Services Duke Energy and Southern Co. for failing to make serious settlement offers these sources said. The suppliers have offered to refund $600 million provided the state is able to call off various California lawsuits demanding far larger refunds sources said. Wagner's leverage is his ability to propose his own refund figure to FERC's commissioners. FERC has tentatively called for $124 million in refunds but now is taking a harder line on preventing a new escalation of California 's electricity prices this summer and is likely to be receptive to a higher refund figure some energy analysts believe. Davis's tactical change offering to make the long-term contracts part of an overall settlement comes amid growing criticism of what the state will have to pay for energy under those deals. California 's energy calamity stemmed in large part from its failed deregulation plan which relied heavily on short-term power purchases at volatile spot market prices. When energy costs shot upward last summer so did the state's electricity bills. In response Davis's aide S. David Freeman and his staff began negotiating long-term power contacts with suppliers. The $43 billion in deals signed so far would require the state to pay about $70 per hour for a megawatt of power for a large part of the electricity it will need over the next 10 years. That's well under the average of $250 per megawatt-hour that the state was paying at the beginning of this year but above current power prices -- and considerably higher than what electricity may cost in the next decade energy analysts say. A new agreement to lower those contract prices could relieve political pressure on Davis and focus settlement negotiations away from the state's controversial demand for the $8.9 billion refund. Davis will argue that reducing future power charges that his administration negotiated should count as a refund because the deals were reached under commercial duress according to sources close to Wagner's negotiations. Industry supporters say Davis's refund figure is impossible to justify. There's no benchmark for what a fair and reasonable price should be said Michael Zenger California director of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. The state's advocates counter that if FERC enforced a just and reasonable standard for power prices based on operating costs and a generous profit the overcharges by all sellers could easily reach the $9 billion figure. It's not rocket science but it does require the regulators to regulate said Frank Wolak a Stanford University economist who heads an oversight committee for the California grid. Those polar-opposite views have left both sides in Wagner's conference room billions of dollars apart as the talks approached their final weekend sources said. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I would hold off for now. I think based on our discussion that Ira might be a fit for my organization or EES. Unfortunately I am heading out of town with my family on the 12th (unfortunate for meeting with Ira not unfortunate for me) and EES has new leadership who is trying to assess the state of things before making new senior level hires. So let's wait a bit. Thanks 03/30/2001 09:58 AM To: cc: Subject: Jolles Help -- pls help me to unscramble my calendar. We had discussed Ira Jolles now a vp and general counsel of GPU due to resign when its merger is completed and the execs move to some God foresaken place in Ohio or some such state. Ira is smart innovatived honorable very knowledgeable about Pa. Nj NY and Ferc regulation. In short like no other utility executive I have met. He would be perfect for Enron perhaps operating out of one of your offices in one of the states I have mentioned. You said that you would set up meetings with the appropriate people in Houston and I propose April 12 -- I would stay over after our meeting and do the introductions. PLS let me know that this is ok. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: John Brindle David Cromley and others in the Corporate Business Controls group (formerly part of EBS) have been working over the last several weeks to make sure that we can get our people out of Dabhol if there are threats to their safety. While no plan is perfectly reliable (particularly during monsoon season) we believe that we are as ready as we can be. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Fri 27 Apr 2001 10:22:32 -0500 From: Tracey Bradley <> To: Deanna King <> Justin Long <> Paul Fox <> Cc: Ronald Carroll <> Subject: New York Times - Plan on California Energy Has No Shortage of Critics Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline FYI - Linda Stuntz is quoted in this article. She characterized the RTO filing requirement as bizarre. It appears to me that it is typical FERC behavior FERC likes to use whatever leverage it has to force compliance. April 27 2001 Plan on California Energy Has No Shortage of Critics By JOSEPH KAHN WASHINGTON April 26 * A novel plan by federal regulators to control California's runaway electricity prices is a messy politically motivated compromise that may offer some relief to consumers but will do little to fix the state's dysfunctional energy market analysts said today. The intervention announced by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Wednesday night after much haggling was dismissed by a wide range of critics today as a flawed effort that satisfies no one. It fell short of the sweeping suspension of regional electricity deregulation that California officials and some energy experts had advocated. But it also crossed what has become a firm ideological line among Republican leaders including President Bush by imposing price controls on some electricity sales to utilities. Under the agency's order which takes effect on May 1 California regulators can begin to impose price controls on power generators when electricity supplies fall to within 7.5 percent of consumer demand. The state is expected to face such shortages routinely this summer and the order has the potential to shave billions of dollars off California's electricity bill if implemented fully some people at the federal agency say. The president has a long-held belief that price caps don't work the White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said today. The last thing you want to do is create artificially increased demand and put in disincentives that harm the availability of supply. Mr. Fleischer noted that the energy commission is an independent federal agency adding that the Bush administration has no authority to countermand its orders. But Mr. Bush did appoint the commission's chairman Curtis L. Hbert Jr. a Republican. Like the president Mr. Hbert has often insisted that price caps do no good. But he came under withering political pressure to abandon the agency's largely hands- off approach to the California crisis. Some of that pressure came from the two other commissioners at the agency both Democrats and Mr. Hbert wound up voting for the controls adopted on Wednesday night. The split with the Bush administration raises fresh questions about whether the president will seek to replace Mr. Hbert as chairman in coming weeks. Mr. Bush has nominated two Republicans to fill vacant slots on the commission including Pat Wood a longtime ally of the president who served as chief electricity regulator in Texas. Industry executives say they expect that Mr. Bush will eventually name Mr. Wood to the commission's top post. In a reflection of how delicate the issue is Mr. Hbert argued that the agency's action did not amount to imposing price caps. But his position appeared to rest on a semantic distinction between returning to cost- based electricity regulation (as some Californians favor) and the agency's decision to impose tactical price controls. Among California officials the dominant reaction was disappointment. Some state regulators and market experts said the agency was practicing upside-down economics: it has chosen to impose price limits during periods of severe scarcity when prices theoretically ought to rise to encourage companies to build power plants and encourage people to use less electricity. The agency its critics argue has chosen to ignore price abuses during times of relative abundance when power generators the critics say have used artificial market power to earn high profits. They got it exactly wrong said Frank Wolak chief market supervisor for the California Independent System Operator which runs the state's power grid. It looks like they're doing something but it doesn't work in real time. Mr. Wolak has estimated that most overcharges by generators last year * in amounts that he puts in the billions of dollars * occurred when electricity supplies were not acutely short meaning that the agency's price caps would have had no mitigating effect. The state is likely to face many emergency shortages this summer. But Mr. Wolak said generating companies have become adept at gaming the system. He predicted that they would find ways to continue to earn high profits in California. One fear is that generating companies will arrange to sell their output to affiliates out of state. When California's transmission grid managers scramble to find supplies the same companies will offer to sell the power back to the state but only above the cap price. The agency's new order includes a provision that is intended to discourage this sort of abuse known as megawatt laundering. But the agency has a weak record of enforcing such mandates and California officials are skeptical. The order also came under fire on other grounds. The commission said that price caps would be canceled unless California submitted a proposal to link its transmission grid to the one that serves the Western region a priority of the agency that state officials have resisted. Linda Stuntz an electricity industry lobbyist who is an expert on the agency called that clause bizarre arguing that it held the entire California market hostage to a technical filing requirement. California politicians said they worried that even if the price caps were carried out as promised relief would be too limited. The price limits will be based on estimates of the highest operating costs of the least efficient generating plant in the state. The order as written means that companies that operate efficient generating plants could still sell power at large mark-ups during periods when caps are imposed. When the agency scrutinized the California market earlier this year it found the high-cost generators to be justified in charging about $300 a megawatt hour for electricity a price that is about 10 times as high as the state was paying for power a year ago. Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Congratulations on your appointment by Fox. That's great news. I continue to be impressed by the way Fox is handling things. Let me know what I can do to help. As you know we are looking for a replacement for the unreplaceable Ricardo Charvel. I know you and he have discussed some possibilities. Rick Shapiro has met several candidates and will be bringing two to Houston in the next week or so. Dr. Kean continues to improve her golf game while I slave away at Enron to cover the greens fees. Let me know when you are coming to town next. [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Maybe we should knock down the walls of those cavernous offices on the top= =20 floor. Mark Frevert@ENRON 07/24/2000 06:17 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark=20 Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: =20 Subject: Canary Wharf - Update for Executive Committee Just a quick update on our real estate escapades. Regards . Mark ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sharon I suggest that we ask Valeria Hope to investigate the fact situation here and report back to us jointly. What do you think? Michelle [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please send regrets [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Have we made this available to the Cheney team? From: Mark Palmer on 04/25/2001 04:02 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Opinion Elite Survey Here's the Opinion Elite file. It looks very strong for our open access argument. Suggest we update the WH. Any other uses? I have the verbatims and cross tabs. We'll send a sanitized version (although there's not much I wouldn't want everybody to see) to some of the interviewees who requested it. Mark [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: See last question. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ken talked to Sen Kinder. He made the points you had prepared. Kinder agreed to shelve the legislation for this session. He said he had been hearing from several others including Proctor and Gamble (which has a big facility in his district) that the legislation was not going to help competition develop in the state. He expressed willingness to work with us on a better package and also expressed interest in coming to Enron's offices. He is going to be in San Antonio in August and would like to come to Houston around that time. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar and meeting file [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: There is a lot of confidential information here (in items 1and 2) Detailed monthly P&L covering all trading activity for the last three years Potential Exposure by sector (eg gas and electricity utility) Detailed monthly P&L covering all trading activity for the last three years. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI. These are the items I left Ken a voicemail about. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think the best person to provide the affidavits for the PX Credit receivable is Wanda Curry (if we want to make this claim inside of the FERC proceeding - still an open question). Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sorry for the delay (I had major e-mail problems). The memo looks good let's get it out. From: Sandra Lighthill/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/21/2001 05:43 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Rick Johnson/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: EEO Letter Steve As you know we have developed a memo to be signed by Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling reaffirming our EEO Harassment Prevention and Fair Treatment policies for 2001. The final version is attached for your review and if acceptable to obtain the needed signatures. The memo has been reviewed by Cindy the Legal Department and the OLER group. Once signatures have been obtained return the signed memo to me so that our group can begin the distribution and posting of the memo to all US employees. Please call me at x37921 if you have any questions. The signed memo can be sent to me at EB1669c. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Regards Sandra [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: looks good Richard Shapiro 05/01/2001 06:39 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: The Bullet Let's discuss. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Is there an alternative quote we could use instead of the reference to stabilizing in the California market? I think I know what we mean but most outside readers would see the situation as unstable. Perhaps we could reference the continued availability of direct access or renewed interest in Enron's offerings? To: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES Evan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: UC-CSU-Enron press release Attached is a draft of the UC-CSU-Enron press release concerning the settlement agreement. Please review and let me know of any revisions or suggestions. We would like for this to go out tomorrow if possible. We're still waiting for a quote from CSU. I'll make sure you see that as well. Thank you. Max [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Before any decision is made I think we really need to weigh in with EES on the ramifications (both PR and legislative) of turning back 16000 residential customers. I strongly believe that the public hit we will take will be far greater than our actual out-of-pocket losses. We will be crucified by the public media consumer groups legislators governor attorney general etc. and this action will reaffirm our reputation of packing up and leaving when it's not in our interest. The impact of this action would be exacerbated since it is on the heels of UC/CSU. I would also argue that this hurts our national dereg efforts. If we're advocating that competition and choice benefits consumers and then we turn around and pull out of a market and abandon customers when we're not profiting we'll kill any chances we have of ever serving retail customers in California -- or in any other state. We look foolish advocating for direct access when we're not willing to serve our existing -- let alone future customers What about a preemptive strike that engages these 16000 customers to weigh in on direct access -- i.e. a letter that says Enron may be forced to cancel its contract -- call/write/send the enclosed postcard to your legislator and tell them you want to keep your right to choose your energy service provider. Our credibility is on the line. Before we take this action we need to be cognizant of all the long-range strategic implications and we need to seriously weigh the negative impact this will have on our corporate reputation on our legislative abilities and on our commercial success going forward. kd James D Steffes 04/12/2001 09:05 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES Subject: CONFIDENTIAL - Residential in CA In the meeting today no decision was made about what to do with Enron's 16000 residential customers. Each of the contracts gives a basic 30 day out right to Enron. That being said I think that we have a short window to push for DA before any public action impacts us in Sacramento. I realize that the ultimate action (which I think is inevitable) makes it harder for our advocacy on DA but real $ are flowing out of the company. EES will give us notice when a decision is reached. Thanks Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'm still waiting for Davis' office to call. The plan currently is for me to talk to him when and if he calls. Sandi has been in touch with the governor's office. By the way thanks for the summary of the California proceedings. I talked to Hebert yesterday and he was duly impressed with your remarks ... I had to remind him that you worked on the right answers for California not the abomination that's in place today. Jeff Dasovich@EES 09/13/2000 06:48 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Skilling Get Davis Straightened Out? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Yes. Mary will discuss with you. Michelle Cash @ ECT 05/24/2001 04:35 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Mary Joyce/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: Re: Conversation with Wanda Curry Did we offer her a contract in any of the scenarios? --------------------------- Michelle Cash Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street EB 3823 Houston Texas 77002 (713) 853-6401 This message may contain confidential information that is protected by the attorney-client and/or work product privileges. Steven J Kean@ENRON 05/23/2001 06:40 PM To: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT Mary Joyce/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Subject: Conversation with Wanda Curry Today Mary Joyce and I met with Wanda Curry. I realize that there is some concern that Wanda is a litigation threat so for the purposes of soliciting legal advice and in anticipation of litigation I am forwarding my recollection of today's meeting to you: Wanda remains very emotional about what she perceives as unfair and discriminatory treatment. When I asked her what she meant specifically (and did she intend those terms to have their legal meaning) she said that she did not intend the legal meaning of those terms rather she on a personal level felt that the company should have treated her better. She mentioned specifically: that no one ever called to explain in detail why she had not been further promoted at Enron or given more responsibility at Enron that she viewed the job in Sally Beck's organization as unsatisfactory (because Sally should be treated as a peer not a superior) and that she felt as though she did not have the support of upper management of the company. I described several options for her: Take the job she was offered in Sally Beck's organization Take the job in Rick Buy's organization (I said I would have to talk to Rick again) Take severence under the standard package Take severence as a business reorg but consult with Enron for a period. At first she seemed most interested in the fourth option (although she wasn't particularly happy about any of the alternatives) but at the end of the discussion expressed interest in the second option. A large part of the conversation involved discussion of Wanda's complaints about how she had been treated. Most of Wanda's concerns focussed on jobs she did not get or jobs she felt were taken from her reduced scope of control and the fact that she felt that her supervisors did not communicate with her sufficiently prior to or subsequent to making their decisions about job assignments. I suggested that there were likely two sides to the story and that most of the problem was insufficient communication or perhaps some insensitivity. I also pointed out that in all my conversations I heard good things about her performance and had no indication that anyone had treated her unfairly. Wanda did complain about many things but never once complained about her pay at Enron. Mary these are my recollections from today. Do you have anything to add? [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Any follow up questions or India press about the bloomeberg story I sent you yesterday? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I agree with Morris [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Helyette Thanks for your message. I am in London right now and I shall attend the RISK conference this week. Stinson Gibner left Enron and I have another person in charge of software. I hope to close the loop in the next few days. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Forgive me if I have forgotten but had you suggested a topic for our next advisory council meeting? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Dan Leff also setting up other meeting with wholesale retail and gov't affairs people with RW Beck.Rates discussion - Rebecca knows you won't be there. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The senator's speech is focused on the oil sector almost exclusively but it does an exceptional job of framing the importance of the issue. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I got a voicemail response from Jeff - he is fine with me substituting for him on the Japan trip. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar - fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: For you to add the wire instructions which are in my out box. Mark [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please do send it out. Thanks for the kind words. I know you know how I feel about your work and I have shared that view widely. I have enjoyed working with you I always valued your insights your responsiveness and your work ehtic. I wish you all the best in your new role. Gwendolyn Petteway@ENRON 07/24/2000 02:47 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: REVISION - New HR Rep for Public Affairs and Administration Arquella's last day is Wed. 7/26. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think the presentation looks good. In the meeting itself I think you should go heavy on the argument that it makes no sense for Sempra shareholders to be in a commodity market as a regulated entity -- the heads they win tails you lose argument. Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 10/13/2000 06:11 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES Mona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: DRAFT Slides for Sempra Meeting Attached for your review is a rough cut at slides we're preparing for the meeting with Sempra next Thursday. Thoughts and comments are appreciated. Please disregard korny title. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Michelle/Lizsette I was wondering if circumstances with Jonathan Lane (the contract Help desk person whom I mentioned to you a week or so ago) have been resolved? When we last spoke I mentioned that he went to Valeria Hope's group. I am not sure of the outcome of that visit but I will tell you that his negative attitude and general dissatisfaction on the team is becoming disruptive to the other help desk members. He is away from his desk often (having meetings which may be interviews for other positions) he has shared with the other team members his perceptions of management and his issues with us. If and when I can do so I would like to terminate him. I won't until I hear from you all and we are documenting discussions as you requested. I hope this can end soon though because this is causing real problems here. Gina [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think you are right. I thought we were going to do both. Elizabeth Tilney@EES 06/13/2001 04:51 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Mary Clark/Corp/Enron@ENRON Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Your corner on the intranet You know I love this idea BUT I still think we need to let Ken personally address the shots he has taken. It is just not the same to have Jeff say it is okay that the AG of California wants to put Ken in a cell with Spike! I strongly believe we need to give Ken a forum too as he has been at the center of alot of the recent noise. I still believe a video with both of them is the right way to go...The State of Enron. I think Jeff's Corner is a great idea too...can't we do both? Ok I have said this enough..I will go away quietly now and let the experts decide...Beth ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Joe R. will be sending out something in greater detail shortly but it appears that Equilon's management would like to pursue a deal with us on an exclusive basis and that this decision is being forwarded to the Equilon Board for approval. If this acquisition goes forward we will need to get organized---in the near term---on a number of logistical/due diligence tasks but one thing we should start thinking about now is the disclosure issue. If the Equilon Board gives the go-ahead for Equilon to pursue this transaction Equilon will probably want to sign a memorandum of understanding with us and this may put us in a disclosure posture because at that point we would be looking at a $65 million deal (approx.) with a closure probability of no less than 20% (in my judgment based upon our past dealings with these people). Even without a signed document the size/probability test would still be an issue for us to deal with. Everyone should be thinking about this issue as we await word from Equilon's Board. Thanks. SWD [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think we need some clear indication that with Hogan on the Board this is not going to turn into a diatribe about the benefits of LMP. He's the most informed of the bunch and I doubt he would find a general work of interest (unless he can create a platform for his more detailed ideas). If it stays general I think the study is a good idea. One topic area might be to explore how politicians mess up the basic idea of deregualtion and suggest that the process needs to be handled in a more objective (and pure) fashion. Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 03/16/2001 10:54 AM To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: Analysis by Academics----Why De-regulation is the right policy choice Great points. Teece---and the lion's share of the folks on the participants list---are advocates of a minimalist role for government particularly where markets are a clear and preferably option as in the case of electricity. That said I think we're going to have to make a fundamental decision about what the goal of this study would be which will determine to a large degree whether we choose to pursue it. I'll throw out for comment the notion that the study should be designed to serve one purpose: to influence the policy decision currently under debate To de-regulate or not. As such I wouldn't see issues like PJM or APX or competitive default supplier or not or divest generation with vesting contracts or retain the assets being the focus. That debate over critically important implementation details would seem to come in Round 2 once the initial debate over deregulate or not is won. To try to do both i.e. resolve in the broad policy issue AND make the case for the specific right implementation plan would arguably bog the study down perhaps interminably. And it seems that time is of the essence in the current environment. In addition unless the fundamental policy issue is won--and won rather quickly--debating implementation may be moot. Of course it will be impossible to avoid some level of dicussion on how to do it but that would not be the emphasis. In sum I'd suggest for comment that it only makes sense to proceed---particularly since time is of the essence---if we focus on the high level policy level question of to deregulate or not and address implementation in a second or follow up study. I think we should try to make a call on this swiftly since the go/no go decision would seem to flow from resolution of this issue. Best Jeff James D Steffes 03/16/2001 08:22 AM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Analysis by Academics----Why De-regulation is the right policy choice Jeff -- It would be helpful to get some feedback prior to starting to deal with the fundamental question related to direct access for smaller customers. I would like to know Teece's perspective on the role of government in this marketplace. In addition I think that the paper must deal with the drawbacks of having mixed roles - utility default supply and competitive markets. Jim Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 03/15/2001 03:11 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Analysis by Academics----Why De-regulation is the right policy choice Greetings: As I've mentioned I've been discussing with a group of academics (principally from UC Berkeley) the possibility of producing an analysis of why it makes sense to move forward toward de-regulation and makes no sense to turn back to command-and-control regulation. Clearly we're at a fork in the policy road---move forward or go back. I've (finally) gotten a proposal from the group. It's attached. Please take a look. I'd like to distribute more widely internally for comment but wanted to run it through a preliminary screen to guage whether folks think it would be useful before cluttering up folks' in-boxes with more emails to read. Few points worth mentioning: The majority of the academics that would do the report are affiliated with LECG Inc. the consulting group that I worked with prior to joing Enron. List also includes Dan McFadden UC Berkeley nobel prize winner who wrote the recent op-ed piece in the WSJ. The list also includes Hogan and Joskow and Borenstein. We could certainly exclude these folks should we choose to go forward with the analysis. However the goal is to produce a high level analysis i.e. de-regulation is good and can work command and control regulation is bad and we know that it does not work. Once the study is released (if it is pursued) the authors could tour the country testifying before federal and state bodies to advocate the virtues of de-regulation and the pitfalls of reversing course. The analysis would not be a debate over To Poolco or not to Poolco PJM etc. In this way including folks like Joskow and Hogan could offer the added benefit of creating a Nixon goes to China scenario. Please take a look at the list of participants. Again we can add to and subtract from the list. Laura Tyson would be one of the two project leaders. (The other would be David Teece Chairman of LECG.) None of the folks on the list occupies either extreme of the political spectrum. It's a mix of D's and R's who are arguably centrist economist and strong believers in markets (I won't vouch for Joskow and Hogan). The idea would be to get a wide array of industry participants from across the country to support the project. This is for two reasons: 1) the more diverse the group supporting the effort the greater the credibility and 2) they are asking for about $1 million to do the study. If you think it would be useful to pursue the study as part of our national campaign to minimize the damage created by California I would like to start immediately to approach trade associations companies customers etc. nationwide to garner support for the project. Let me know if you think the effort would be worthwhile. Appreciate your comments. Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Mark has some editorial changes to the letter if there is still time [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Here is the answer regarding the approvals in South Korea. You will see Mike is concerned about shareholder agreements which I have not raised with you before as that seems beyond the scope of what you asked for and I assume that we encounter this in many deals but he has elaborated his concerns below whcih are there for you to reach your own views on. Let me know if you need more. mcs ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Follow up to previous message: I would not have managing for the slow down on the agenda. I don't think it is as relevant to our business as it is to many others. TERRIE JAMES@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 07/05/2001 01:09 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Funky Business Steve Have you had a chance to look at the book Funky Business and to give any thought to having Jonas present at the Management Conference? I know you have a thousand other things on your plate not the least of which is California so I understand if the answer is no. However they've been contacted by someone else about the date so we may be forced to decide rather soon. On a related subject I'm contemplating another topic for the conference. I'd seen an article in Fortune several months ago titled Managing for the Slowdown. It talked about new challenges managers face in light of the economic downturn. (Most young managers have never experienced anything but boom times.) The article also outlines a dozen or so things companies should be thinking about now. (Use the downturn as a new opportunity to evaluate people. Overhaul your budget process. Don't stop communicating. etc.) I think it would be beneficial to address similar strategies and ideas with our managers. I'd love to get your thoughts on this idea. (Is it appropriate for Enron or am I just seeing the world through bleak-colored glasses?) Terrie James Sr. Director Corporate Communication Enron Broadband Services 713-853-7727 (phone) 713-646-8887 (fax) [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks for the invite. I would suggest Jean Ryall - who heads our Texas government/regulatory affairs team. She is certainly more familiar with the details (of which there will be many more after this legislative session and the conclusion of the pilot program). She is also a very good speaker (and can probably relate a few war stories to spice things up). From: Susan Skarness/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/04/2001 11:20 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Beta Gamma Sigma Steve I am a member of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) the honor society for business programs accredited by AASCB - The International Association for Management Education. If you are not familiar with BGS a member must be in the upper 5% of their class as a junior and the upper 10% as a senior and in graduate school to be nominated for induction into the society. In an effort to provide additional programs and benefits to alumni members alumni chapters are being developed around the country. There are currently nine alumni chapters around the U.S. with a new one being formed in the Houston area. I am serving on a steering committee for the development of this Houston Area Alumni Chapter. Our primary reasons for starting a Houston Area Chapter include networking professional affiliations outreach to students resources learning opportunities and providing scholarships. Our initial outreach to Beta Gamma Sigma members will be through a reception/dinner to be held in October 2001. We are currently looking at either October 16 or 18. All 6200 Houston area members will be invited to participate however we expect attendance to be closer to 75-100 people. The ages experiences and business affiliation of the members will be very diverse but all will have the common thread of business excellence. The details of this event are still being finalized however at our last meeting the discussion encompassed possible speakers and topics. Overwhelmingly the team decided on Electricity Deregulation in Texas and since I work at Enron I was asked to assist in locating a dynamic speaker. Cliff Baxter suggested that you would be an ideal speaker on this topic. Are you available and willing to address this group in October? If I can provide any additional information please let me know. Thank you for your consideration Steve. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:HAEDICKE MARK - 7138536544 ? Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman ? From:??Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO ??????Greg Whalley President & COO ??????Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel ? Subject:??Confidential Information and Securities Trading ? Enron Wholesale Services ('EWS') maintains official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading ('Policies and Procedures') which have been revised as of November 15 2000 to reflect the new EWS structure. These policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information our reputation for integrity and EWS and its employees from legal liability. ? You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: ? ? You must certify your compliance with the Policies and Procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Lance Schuler at extension 3-5419 Mark Haedicke at extension 3-6544 Alan Aronowitz at extension 3-3214 Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: All: I just downloaded the attached from the ISO's website. It is dated 12/1/00= . =20 To boil it down the MSC comes down against soft caps and recommends the= =20 get market-based rates in return for selling forward proposal that the IS= O=20 staff is pushing. Forward contracts would need to at rates that=20 approximate competitive prices. Based on my quick read that does not mea= n=20 market prices it means somthing more akin to cost of service. MSC also=20 wants there to be a penalty on generators for underscheduling. They also= =20 claim there proposal will not exacerbate reliability problems. I would be interested in people's opinion if Enron should be responding to= =20 this report. Given the date of the report I am not sure if/how the ISO=20 would file this at the FERC. G. Alan Comnes (GAC) Here's the list of recommendations from the report. (1) The PX =01&must-buy=018 requirement would become a =01&must-schedule=01= 8 requirement.=20 IOUs would be required to schedule all forward energy through the PX but would = be=20 free to purchase it from any source. (2) California generators and entities that sell to any California purchase= r=20 (not limited to the PX and ISO) could continue to be eligible for market-based rates (and would= =20 be free of refund obligations) only if they offer a substantial portion of their sales= =20 in the form of two-year contracts at rates that approximate competitive prices. The detail= s=20 of such a proposal are outlined in this report. The volume offered by sellers in the= =20 aggregate would be sufficient to cover the all three IOUs=01 residential and small= =20 commercial customer load using an average load profile for weekdays and weekends for= =20 each month. (3) Any market participant that does not offer these two-year=20 market-power-mitigation forward contracts would be subject to cost-of-service rates for all of thei= r=20 sales of energy and ancillary services into the California market for at least the two-year= =20 market power mitigation period. (4) The CPUC would be encouraged to set a default rate for IOU residential= =20 and small commercial customers based on projected wholesale energy costs under the=20 2-year contracts described above. (5) The under-scheduling penalty should be even-handed. The MSC recommends = a=20 real-time trading charge that is applicable both to load and generation and more=20 important does not distinguish between instructed and uninstructed deviations from schedul= e. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: see below. Federal price limits backfire=20 Some generators withhold power rather than abide by rate caps=20 David Lazarus Chronicle Staff Writer Wednesday July 4 2001=20 2001 San Francisco Chronicle=20 URL:=20 /04/M N186091.DTL=20 Officials in California and Nevada after months of lobbying for federal=20 regulators to cap Western power prices warned yesterday that the newly=20 imposed limits have had the unintended consequence of increasing a threat o= f=20 blackouts in the two states.=20 The warnings were issued as California came within minutes of rolling=20 blackouts yesterday afternoon and one day after the first-ever rolling=20 blackouts in Las Vegas forced energy-hungry casinos to shut off fountains a= nd=20 reduce air conditioning.=20 The two states are asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to take = a=20 closer look at the so-called price mitigation plan and come up with revisio= ns=20 that would deter power companies from withholding electricity during=20 shortages.=20 We need some clarity to this order said Oscar Hidalgo a spokesman for t= he=20 California Department of Water Resources which is spending billions of=20 dollars to keep the state's lights on.=20 Generators need to be held accountable he said.=20 The crux of the problem is that price limits kick in during shortages yet= =20 power companies say these caps force them to sell power at below-market rat= es=20 during periods of high demand.=20 Some companies have responded by holding back power rather than face the=20 expense of shipping electricity from state to state. Each mile that=20 electricity must be transmitted adds to the overall cost.=20 No one's going to pay for transmission if the cost is near the caps said= =20 Gary Ackerman executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum an=20 energy-industry association in Menlo Park.=20 Ackerman said several companies in his organization decided that there was = no=20 economic advantage to offering power in regional markets when price control= s=20 are in effect.=20 This means individual regions like California or Las Vegas could end up no= t=20 having enough Ackerman said. It increases the threat of blackouts.=20 BLACKOUT ALERT CANCELED California authorities issued a blackout alert at 1:45 p.m. yesterday when= =20 power reserves dipped to dangerously low levels. They canceled the alert=20 about an hour later after finding additional supplies.=20 Everyone in the West is fighting for megawatts said Stephanie McCorkle = a=20 spokeswoman for the California Independent System Operator which oversees= =20 the state's power network.=20 The Golden State's latest brush with lights-out conditions came a day after= =20 Nevada experienced its own rolling blackouts for the first time prompting= =20 heavy power users such as the MGM Grand and Caesars Palace to dim their=20 lights.=20 Don Soderberg chairman of the Nevada Public Utilities Commission said tha= t=20 the sudden power emergency took state authorities by surprise and that they= =20 are investigating to see what role the federal price limits may have had in= =20 exacerbating Monday's shortage.=20 We're looking very closely at this he said. There seems to be a potenti= al=20 for unintended consequences.=20 Specifically Soderberg said Nevada is focusing on operators of older less= -=20 efficient plants who would find profit margins shrinking if not vanishing= =20 under capped prices.=20 We're going to see how the caps might have played into this he said.=20 The federal ceiling in 10 Western states excluding California is about $9= 2=20 per megawatt hour. In California a 10 percent surcharge is added because o= f=20 the state's credit risk bringing the price to just over $101.=20 Ackerman at the Western Power Trading Forum said regional price controls ha= ve=20 extended California's power crisis to neighboring states.=20 California sneezed and the rest of the region caught the virus he said.= =20 'LAWYERS LOOKING FOR LOOPHOLES'=20 California and Nevada officials however said that they still have faith= =20 that price limits can stabilize Western electricity markets but that federa= l=20 regulators may have to tweak the system so that power companies cannot=20 withhold output.=20 The generators have banks of lawyers looking for loopholes (in the plan)= =20 said Hidalgo at the Department of Water Resources.=20 Unfortunately it may take some time for the regulators to revisit an issue= =20 that they took up only with the greatest reluctance. For months federal=20 regulators refused to impose price controls preferring instead to let supp= ly=20 and demand determine costs.=20 Hidalgo said that when it appeared that power companies were throttling bac= k=20 on output Monday California officials immediately dialed the hot line numb= er=20 provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in case of emergencies= .=20 No one answered he said. They were closed.=20 State officials tried again yesterday and this time were told that the=20 commission would look into the matter. They were not given a time frame for= =20 when the commission might come up with a response.=20 E-mail David Lazarus at 2001 San Francisco Chronicle ? Page?A - 1=20 Out-of-state generators pull plug over uncertainty on price controls By Dale Kasler Bee Staff Writer (Published July 3 2001)=20 Confused by the federal government's new controls on electricity prices=20 generators withheld so much power from California on Monday that the state= =20 was nearly plunged into rolling blackouts state officials said.=20 The confusion began when the state's electric grid operators declared a Sta= ge=20 1 power alert in the early afternoon triggering the price caps for the fir= st=20 time since they went into effect June 21.=20 Out-of-state generators pulled about 1500 megawatts of electricity off the= =20 table at midafternoon enough to power about 1.1 million homes because of= =20 uncertainty about how much they could charge under the new Federal Energy= =20 Regulatory Commission pricing system said Oscar Hidalgo spokesperson for= =20 the state Department of Water Resources. The department buys electricity fo= r=20 the state's financially distressed utilities.=20 They didn't understand what they were going to be paid there was confusio= n=20 over the FERC order Hidalgo said. We saw 1500 megawatts disappear.=20 The problem was exacerbated by a heat wave across the West which forced=20 California to compete with other states for scarce electricity he said.=20 Rolling blackouts hit southern Nevada.=20 Most California officials credit the FERC system which is based on a=20 variable price cap with reining in what had been a runaway wholesale power= =20 market. But power generators have complained that the price caps by limiti= ng=20 profits could discourage the production of critically needed electricity.= =20 And as Monday's episode suggested even the uncertainty about where the cap= =20 will fall could lead to unexpected shortages.=20 That's the risk that you run (with price controls) said Arthur O'Donnell= =20 editor of the newsletter California Energy Markets. People want any kind o= f=20 certainty at all.=20 Hidalgo said the state avoided blackouts only because of last-minute import= s=20 from the Bonne=0F'ville Power Administration the federal agency that marke= ts=20 government-produced hydroelectric power in the Pacific Northwest. The state= =20 went into a Stage 2 power alert the next-to-last level before blackouts ar= e=20 ordered. The alert was canceled in late afternoon.=20 The blackouts would have been the first in California since May 8.=20 FERC imposed a round-the-clock ceiling on power throughout the West. The=20 price fluctuates and is tied to the production costs of the least-efficient= =20 plant operating in California during a power alert declared by the=20 Independent System Operator which runs the state's power-transmission grid= .=20 When there's no alert prices can't exceed 85 percent of the cap that was= =20 established during the latest alert.=20 Until Monday the maximum price held steady at about $101 a megawatt-hour i= n=20 California. But when the ISO declared a Stage 1 power alert in early=20 afternoon signifying that reserve supplies had dwindled to less than 7=20 percent of demand confusion set in Hidalgo and others said.=20 Because of a steep drop in the price of natural gas which fuels many=20 California power plants suppliers knew the cap would fall. But no one knew= =20 by how much until the price was posted by the ISO.=20 The ceiling for California fell to about $77 at 3 p.m. but was back up to $= 98=20 in two hours according to the ISO. Those prices include the 10 percent=20 premium that sellers can charge California because FERC said there's a cred= it=20 risk in selling to the state.=20 O'Donnell said it's likely suppliers will pull back from the market every= =20 time the ISO declares a power alert.=20 In-state generators have to operate their plants if summoned by the ISO. Bu= t=20 out-of-state suppliers can withhold supplies and on Monday it was the=20 out-of-staters that were pulling back Hidalgo said.=20 The Bee's Dale Kasler can be reached at (916) 321-1066 or m.=20 Power Sales Halted by New Pricing Curbs=20 Electricity: Confused suppliers unsure what they will be paid refuse to= =20 sell to state which asks FERC for a ruling but doesn't get it.=20 By NANCY VOGEL Times Staff Writer=20 ?????SACRAMENTO--Confusion over new federal price restrictions prompted=20 several electricity sellers to back away from sales to California on Monday= =20 afternoon pushing the state closer to blackouts energy officials said. ?????The state lost sales that would have provided enough electricity to=20 supply more than 1 million homes said Ray Hart deputy director of the=20 California Department of Water Resources which has been buying much of the= =20 state's electricity since January. ?????At least five companies producing or marketing power are telling us= =20 that since they don't know what they're going to get paid they're not goin= g=20 to take the risk and so they're not going to sell the energy Hart said. ?????The electricity sales fell through after power consumption soared in= =20 summer heat and grid operators were forced to declare a Stage 1 emergency= =20 meaning reserves had dipped below 7%. It was the first such emergency since= =20 May 31. ?????Under a June 19 order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission=20 intended to bring down wholesale electricity markets across the West a pow= er=20 emergency in California triggers the setting of a new price limit that=20 applies to power plant owners from Washington to Arizona.=20 ?????The new price is supposed to be based upon whatever it costs to run th= e=20 most inefficient expensive power plant selling electricity to California= =20 grid operators during the first full hour of a Stage 1 emergency. ?????But much uncertainty remains about exactly how and when the new price = is=20 supposed to be established under the commission's order and that apparentl= y=20 drove away sellers Hart said. ?????Shortly after the state issued the Stage 1 alert at 1:30 p.m. putting= =20 the old price limit of $90 per megawatt-hour in question companies that ha= d=20 committed to provide the state electricity hour by hour Monday afternoon=20 backed out Hart said. The companies include TransAlta Energy Marketing of= =20 Oregon Constellation Power of Baltimore and Sempra Energy Trading a unit = of=20 the San Diego-based energy conglomerate. ?????Forced to dip even deeper into the state's power reserves and declare = a=20 Stage 2 emergency water agency officials called the federal energy=20 commission's hotline for clarification about what the new price should be a= nd=20 when it should take effect. They got no answer. ?????Hart said commission officials reached at home promised to try to=20 clarify their order today. One outstanding question is what obligations pow= er=20 suppliers have to deliver electricity to California in an emergency. ?????Both buyers and sellers in the market agree that the new price when i= t=20 is set will probably be lower than $90 per megawatt-hour because the price= =20 of natural gas the main fuel in California power plants has dropped latel= y. ?????Temperatures soared several degrees higher Monday than grid operators= =20 had anticipated. But they said they expected to avoid rolling blackouts in= =20 part because the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland Ore. had=20 agreed to provide several hundred megawatts of Pacific Northwest hydropower= =20 each hour in exchange for a return of electricity from California later thi= s=20 summer. ?????Bonneville is giving us emergency power to get us through Hart said= .=20 Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times=20 James D Steffes 07/06/2001 10:04 PM To: Jeffrey T Hodge/Enron@EnronXGate Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda=20 Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Jeff=20 Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron= =20 Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON=20 Subject: ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGDE - Draft FERC Brief on Settlement Proces= s The attached is a rough draft of a potential filing Enron would make in to= =20 Judge Wagner in the Settlement process (it is unclear if this would remain= =20 confidential per the gag order). Please provide Ray Alvarez your comments. This would be filed as early as= =20 Monday am. Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ken Lay spoke with several California CEOs this morning and urged them to get personally involved in pushing for a comprehensive set of reforms. Three expressed willingness to help. Scott McNealy (Sun): contact person - Piper Cole ( Mcnealy wants by close of business today a cheat sheet of the talking points to use with politicians (the 8 or 10 elements of the solution) with the expected comeback he may hear from the political leaders and our response to that comeback. He says he hasn't spent time working on issues in Sacremento so we may also want to include a list of suggested contacts. Kevin Sharer (Amgen): contact person - Sarah Jensen VP of Engineering and Operations (805.447.6785) Sharer wants the same information as McNealy and he and McNealy both indicated their willingness to call a meeting of other California CEOs. Sharer will also be having breakfast with Hertzberg one week from today. Robert Day (Trust Co of the West): said that he is very close to the mayor of Los Angeles. He urged Ken to call the mayor (mentioning Day). Ken would like some talking points for that call. Jeff - please put these items together. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ralph Reed--get back to him (second week of Oct) Paul Carrier 202-586-5659 Phil Sharp 617-495-1363 496-6335 617- 495 1364 Slides for QBR re project Balboa [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI. JDS ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: test [/INST] Category: Empty message |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ray's in the air today and he asked me to forward the agenda for tomorrow's call PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30 am Pacific 9:30 am Central and 10:30 am Eastern time Number: 1-888-271-0949 Host Code: 661877 (for Ray only) Participant Code: 936022 (for everyone else) The table of the on-going FERC issues and proceedings is available to all team members on the O drive. Please feel free to revise/add to/ update this table as appropriate. Proposed agenda for tomorrow (Thursday) : GAS Any Items? ELECTRICITY Report on the 24-25 Sept meeting on CAISO operational issues FERC's new RTO iniatives: RTO West and DSTAR married California to heal its wounds but be audited nonetheless RTO Week in DC coming up ICAP in the West? Information req's NOPR CA and PAC NW refund proceeding status Please feel free to communicate any additional agenda items to the group . [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ian My secretary contacted SMS. I was surprised that they want to charge me for the conference. Typically the speakers are invited to attend without incurring the cost of a conference. The is the first invitation to speak I received combined with a request to pay for the privilege. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Eugenio It's more or less the same. No big changes. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |