<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I doubt that this is worth the trouble (i.e. running it through a conflict of interest check ensuring no liability for actions taken on the advice etc). From: Sherri Sera/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/21/2001 10:13 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Joannie Williamson/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: Follow up -- Council of Energy Advisors Steve we have no record of receiving the original invitation but is this anything you would recommend? Please advise. Thanks SRS [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Lisa Freeman MW Daily --703-816-8625 fax 703-528-7821 Joe Daughen (Phil Daily News) -- 215-854-5939 fax (215) 854 5910 Rich Heidorn (Phil Inquirer 215 - 854-4502 Fax: 5553 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Lunch with Joe Hartsoe at 12:00 Return to Houston on 5:20 flight. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Hap -- could you provide a response and get it to Meredith. I'd like to correct this. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I had not seen it yet. Do you have my other employees rankings? Since they reccomend that the PRC Representative be involved in providing feedback would you like to do that next week when you are here? Mark Barry Tycholiz/ENRON@enronXgate 08/02/2001 10:18 AM To: Mark Whitt/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: FW: Confidential A&A PRC Results I assume you received this information already and I know that we have not discussed Tyrell being ranked here. The #1 spot was tightly held by only a few people ( in the americas and as such everyone was moved down... Although the forced ranking creates problems at time I am satisfied that Ty's ranking is appropriate... let's discuss BT [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jennifer Thank-you for stepping in on this and guiding the process! ----------------- [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please respond to kevinscott Steve This is a draft of the contact list I promised you. There are still some typos in it. I will clean them up and get send you a draft in the morning that is ready for circulation. This list is made up of people that I know and trust. By an large I have excluded sitting pubic officials. In cases where a given organization has several useful contacts with similar knowledge I have listed just one person for now. Give me a call at your convenience and we can discuss this in great detail. Kevin 213-926-2626 - Kevin Scott - Key Contacts - Draft.doc [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: enjoy! ----------------- [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Dear Mr. Lay: I'm writing this note to you as a show of support to you during your dire times. The reason that I share this with you is my respect for you as a CEO a business leader and a person. My wife is one of your employees who routinely shares stories about you that are nothing less than inspiring. I know that during difficult times sometimes words emerge that can help people through difficult times. I believe that you are sincere man and know that you must be broken hearted but I hope that this article can help you lead a dispirted workforce to see things more clearly. My wife Shelly Pierce has worked for Enron for the past two years and like many of your employees has lost a great deal of her life savings. Of course I accept most of the blame for this for reasons related to this article. I lost my investment discipline and held out the false hope that Enron could not falter. After reading the article to her while I was out of town I believe that her spirit was a bit rejuvenated and she was ready to face the challenges that lay before you. Mr. Lay I appreciate the opportunity that you have given my wife and our family and hope that this story inspires you to regain your successes. From the USA Today Tuesday November 27 2001 page 15A. In recession face brutal facts thrive By Jim Collins A man in his early 20s recently asked me So what's a recession like? Its an entirely alien concept to him he'd grown up during the greatest economic boom in modern memory. His question drove home the fact that we haven't faced a severe protracted economic setback for nearly 2 decades leaving us terribly unpracticed at dealing with tough times. With this recession - long in coming perhaps long to stay - now officially upon us it is imperative that corporate leaders relearn a key lesson about how great companies (and great people) deal with difficult times differently from how they deal with merely good ones. That lesson is the Stockdale Paradox a peculiar psychology shown by those who emerge from tough times not just intact but stronger. Adm. Jim Stockdale was the highest-ranking U.S. military officer in the Hanoi prison camp during the Vietnam War. Tortured many times during his 8-year imprisonment Stockdale lived without any prisoner's rights no set release date and no certainty as to whether he would ever again see his family. He shouldered the burden of command while fighting an internal war against his captors and their attempts to use the prisoners for propaganda. At one point he beat himself with a stool and cut himself with a razor deliberately disfiguring himself so that he could not be put on video as an example of a well-treated prisoner. He exchanged secret intelligence information with his wife through their letters knowing that discovery would mean more torture and perhaps death. After his release Stockdale became the first three-star officer in the history of the Navy to wear both aviator wings and the Congressional Medal of Honor. You can understand then my anticipation at the prospect of spending part of an afternoon with Stockdale who happened to be at the Hoover Institute across the street from my office when I taught at Stanford. In preparation I read In Love and War the book he and his wife wrote to chronicle their experiences those 8 years. As I read the book I found myself getting depressed. It just seemed so bleak - the uncertainty of his fate the brutality of his captors. And then it dawned on me: Here I am sitting in my warm comfortable office looking out over the Stanford campus on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I'm getting depressed reading this and I know that he gets out reunites with his family and becomes a national hero. If it feels depressing for me how on earth did he deal with it when he was actually there and did not know the end of the story? I never lost faith in the end of the story Stockdale said when I asked him. I never doubted not only that I would get out but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life that in retrospect I would not trade. I didn't say anything for many minutes and we continued the slow walk toward the faculty club Stockdale limping and arc-swinging his leg still stiff from repeated torture. Finally I asked Who didn't make it out? Oh that's easy he said. The optimists. The optimists? I don't understand I said completely confused. The optimists. Oh they were the ones who said 'We're going to be out by Christmas.' And Christmas would come and Christmas would go. Then they'd say 'We're going to be out by Easter.' And Easter would come and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart. After another long pause he turned to me and said This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end - which you can never afford to lose - with the need for discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality whatever they might be. My conversation with Stockdale had a profound influence on me but I never really considered it a business lesson until my research team began to wrestle with the question of why some companies rise from difficulty to become great while others emerge from those exact same difficulties weakened and dispirited. We found that companies that became great embraced a corporate version of the Stockdale Paradox. Fannie Mae for example found itself in the 1982 recession losing $1M every business day with $56B in loans under water. Many analysts thought Fannie Mae which was getting 9% on its mortgage portfolio but paying 15% on the debt it issued was doomed. But CEO David Maxwell and his team never wavered in their aim to not merely survive but also to prevail as a great company. Yes they confronted the brutal fact that the interest-rate problem was not going to magically disappear (certainly not by Christmas). But they used this grim fact as a catalyst for creating an entirely new business model based on asking three central questions of greatness: What can we potentially do better than any other company in the world? What can best drive our economic engine? What best ignites the passions of our people? Instead of reacting to the recession with mindless restructuring Fannie Mae rebuilt itself based on its answers to these questions. Eventually it generated investor returns nearly eight times those of the general stock market. When asked how he dealt with the nay Sayers and the analysts who wrote Fannie Mae off Maxwell said that it was never an issue inside the company. Of course we had to stop doing a lot of stupid things but we never entertained the possibility that we would fail. We were going to use the calamity as an opportunity to remake Fannie Maw into a great company. The sad truth is that most executive teams won't respond that way to these dark days of uncertainty. Instead of using this recession as an opportunity to fundamentally rethink their business and rebuild a culture of discipline the will simply restructure lay off a bunch of people and liquidate their cultural equity. Mediocre leaders will hold out false hopes for a quick fix only to watch those hopes be swept away by events. Their companies will begin to die of a broken heart. It need not be this way. Those who lead with the Stockdale Paradox - those who retain the unwavering faith that they will find a way to prevail in the end but who also retain the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of reality - will find this an ideal time to rebuild and reinforce greatness. Used correctly this recession can be a defining time in your firm's history that in retrospect you would not trade. Used wrongly this recession will weaken your foundations and make it that much harder to become great. The choice is yours. Jim Collins the author of Good to Great operates a management-research laboratory in Boulder Colo. Regards Steve Steve Alexander Vice President North American Artemis Consulting Artemis International Solutions Corporation Office: +1 281.338.9616 Mobile: +1 281.830.7430 [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Put FH on AAE retainer Bd Meeting on Sun in Bd Rm at 8:00am Mary Kay -- posi'n on TW: ROW issues call Leslie [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think it's a good idea but we will need a different summary ... either limit the summary to a couple of key points or provide an explanation in layman's terms of the practical effect of each of the changes. Cindy Olson 04/26/2001 01:46 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Pension Reform Bill Steve what do you think????? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: We don't know yet. He has been invited and we expect most will show up but we won't know until they do. Enron Energy Services From: Karen Owens 07/20/2000 09:04 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Re: Houston City Officials Reception - July 31st Is Gordon Quan attending? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Dear Mr. Kaminski: Thank you for talking with me about a possible RTP conference. I would like to include some discussions of what has been learned in other industries. As I indicated Frank Wolak suggested that I contact you. In discussing power markets with Frank and other colleagues at Stanford and EPRI it seems quite evident that real-time pricing for retail customers is the forgotten resource in more efficient power markets. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what RTP means and it also seems that many researchers need to address some practical but important problems. I was asked whether a group like Stanford's EMF might explore this topic and give it the visibility that would have it considered more seriously by policymakers. Frank thought that you might be someone who could help me structure a useful approach and who might also see whether Enron could become a major sponsor. I was hoping that this issue was sufficiently important to Enron that the company might consider providing $25000. As you may appreciate it requires some thought and effort to make sure that the product of the conference is widely circulated among key government groups. I would be very interested in hearing from you if you can provide ideas and recommendations for people (perhaps yourself or a colleague) to participate. I would also appreciate any consideration by Enron of providing funding for this effort. Thank you Hill Huntington - retail notes.rtf Hillard G. Huntington EMF - an international forum on energy and environmental markets Voice: (650) 723-1050 408 Terman Center Fax: (650) 725-5362 Stanford University Email: Stanford CA 94305-4026 EMF Website: [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ditto -- nice work Rob. Your insights on project stanley are also much appreciated. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Fyi - price cap events of the week. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I know we got a lot of grief on the Hill when we had our fight with UC/CSU. Now we have settled and this release will go out (with some modification) today. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Joe I could not find the issue. I think I have dumped all the copies of the publication. I am in London next week. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Interesting idea but hard to see any near term benefit. I would decline. Amy Lee@ENRON 08/02/2000 09:30 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Stacy Walker/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Subject: Interesting Idea for Enron? Steve - Cindy and I discussed this and we agree there is no interest to move forward from a Community Relations/HR standpoint. We wanted to pass this along to you to see if you had any interest. Thanks! amy ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Empty message
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I would like to see research from all of these sources on areas of interest to enron -- energy and broadband North America and Europe. Thanks Henry Emery <> on 07/19/2001 12:03:17 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: cc: Subject: Daily Research reports Attached are two research reports that I can send to you on a daily basis. One of our many benefits here at our new location is the availability of various research sources. The two reports I have attached are from : The First Union Securities Equity Marketing Group and Merrill Lynch We also have access to Goldman Sachs research and CS First Boston Research. Please let me know if you would like me to continue sending these reports on a daily basis or if you have any particular companies that you are interested in hearing about. Sincerely Hank Emery - Spotlight071801.pdf.pdf - smith.pdf.pdf [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please post the JP MOrgan doc. on our site [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: testing [/INST] Category: Empty message
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Congratulations! ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Palmer [/INST] Category: Empty message
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: There was an all day meeting of the NERC/reliability legislation group today. I will provide a more detailed report but the group completed the process of reviewing the changes that some had suggested to shorten and streamline the NERC electric reliability organization legislation. Sarah and I asked a series of questions and made comments on our key issues and concerns. I want to give you a more complete report once I have gone back over the now final draft version. The timing being imposed by NERC is that they will circulate a clean version of the proposal tomorrow or Monday. They have asked for comments by next Thursday August 16th with an indication of whether each company/organization does or does not sign on to support it. They will then transmit the proposal and the endorsement letter to Congress and the Administration so they have it as Hill and Energy Dept. staff work on electricity drafting issues this month. I pointed out that EPSA is not due to meet internally with its members to discuss these issues until after the NERC deadline. That is not deterring NERC from moving forward with the above time frame. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I do support the change. Let me know what I can do to help. You are correct: this is the way we handle regulatory counsel in other regions particularly the US. What Derrick and I have agreed with regard to counsel selection is: gov't/reg affairs picks the counsel we want to use and he retains a veto which has rarely if ever been exercised. Once we have retained counsel we will use that counsel on other regulatory projects unless the legal department starts to have a problem with the firm (eg because they represent someone against us in litigation). Again I don't recall this ever being an issue. It seems to work: outside counsel gets the message that we will look dimly on any firm that squares off against us and we select the most qualified counsel on our issues. Mark Schroeder@ECT 09/01/2000 06:18 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: 2001 budget You should be receiving today a copy of my draft budget proposed for Enron Europe for 2001. I understand from Nick that they are doing their own budget for Enron Japan which I will see only after the fact. MOST IMPORTANTLY you will see that I am budgetting to pay a substantial sum for legal fees. I will be proposing to John Sherriff Michael Brown (our new COO and former General Counsel which will make my proposal doubly problematic) and to Mark Evans (current General Counsel) that I pay/manage our outside regulatory counsel. We can discuss (rather than do a lengthy e-mail) but having this function managed by Legal (and Houston/Jim Derrick rejecting our choice of counsel in important cases) is increasingly a problem. I believe this will mirror what you do in the USA e.g. Dan Watkiss and hope that I can count on your support for this change. thansk mcs [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think I confirmed for this already but could you check and put on my calendar and put this in the meeting file. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff Shankman (COO of Enron Global Markets) is interested in going and would like to see the schedule. I told him you would send it to him. Jeff can also help us get our message across on the problems in California's power markets (Dasovich can fill you in). Also John ( Woody) Wodraska managing director of Azurix is interested in attending. Please get in touch with him. I haven't heard from Stan yet. Susan M Landwehr 08/07/2000 10:26 PM To: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES cc: Elizabeth Linnell/HOU/EES@EES Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@Enron Carolyn Cooney/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: executives Rick--just a reminder that I am not aware of anyone from the executive ranks that are interested in attending the democrat convention at this point. I believe that you and Steve Kean had asked the question about both conventions to those folks but I wanted to make sure that we had covered the bases. Stan Horton is the president of INGAA this year and they are having an event on Sunday the 13th but I have not been made aware of whether he will be attending and whether he would be interested in partcipating in any of Enron's other events. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks. Vince J Kaminski@ECT 01/11/2000 08:01 AM To: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Congratulations Rick I have just looked at the memo regarding promotions. Congratulations - well deserved. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: My message was sent before I finished it. I think it would be interesting to focus your attention on this interplay -- what policy changes have meant to companies (ie the winners and losers) and how explicit companies are about how government policy drives their business strategy in these industries. I also think it would be fascinating to compare regulators' visions for the industry they are restructuring with the reality after the fact. I believe you would find some similarities but also some substantial and interesting differences. Good luck with your studies. My best regards to Mike I learned a great deal working for him. Rob Wilson@ENRON 07/24/2000 04:44 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON Subject: Doctoral studies Steve Vince Kaminski suggested I contact you I'm the Gov't Affairs rep for NNG in Omaha and begin a doctoral studies program this fall at NU. I plan a research emphasis in regulatory politics specific to energy and telecom market convergence and the public interest. I'd welcome any advice or suggestions you have regarding other potential area's of research based on your professional experience in the public policy arena. I appreciate any guidance I'm in the earliest stages of forming my advisory committee and curriculum of study. My supervisor Mike McGowan sends his regards. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Since several of you will be out on the 6th we have moved the telephone interview for Marshall Yan to Tuesday the 5th at 1:00 pm. Thanks! Shirley ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: You may want to forward this to your customers. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Steve looks ok. Although I always thought I built Canada. I guess not eh. Lavo. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:JONES TANA - 7138533399 ? Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman ? From:??Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO ??????Greg Whalley President & COO ??????Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel ? Subject:??Confidential Information and Securities Trading ? Enron Wholesale Services ('EWS') maintains official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading ('Policies and Procedures') which have been revised as of November 15 2000 to reflect the new EWS structure. These policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information our reputation for integrity and EWS and its employees from legal liability. ? You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: ? ? You must certify your compliance with the Policies and Procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Lance Schuler at extension 3-5419 Mark Haedicke at extension 3-6544 Alan Aronowitz at extension 3-3214 Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: hey when are you scheduled to go in for your attitude labotomy? Paul Kaufman/ENRON@enronXgate 05/10/2001 01:51 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: Eeegads... I'll be there as will Sandi McCubbin. Are you interested in going? I thought not. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I am attaching the FERC order and staff recommendations. The order provides for $69 million in potential refunds (either pay up or provide cost justification). Enron was not named as one of the 13 overcharging parties but PGE was ($3.18 million). It's not over yet though. The order deals only with Jan 01 and promises further orders regarding Dec 00 and benchmark prices through April 01. The prices used to determine refunds were fairly high ($273/mwh based on gas prices emissions costs and an assumed heat rate of over 16000). With respect to sales to California we have concluded at least one short term sale and have talked with Cal Dept of Water Resources about longer term deals but we were still struggling with credit issues last I heard. I'm copying Jeff Dasovich because I'm sure he has more up to date information. Mark Schroeder@ECT 03/11/2001 02:11 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: news/updates In the press I saw two news stories that I wondered if we (Enron) had any role/hand in and what was the offical spin in both cases. 1) The FERC Order requiring something like 55-65 million dollars in refunds by generators (or did it include traders) for overcharging in California in December if I recall my facts/news stories correctly and 2) the reports of 40 companies entering into 10-year contracts with California (touted by Davis). Was Enron a contracting party? Do we think this is a good solution (I think I know the answer but defer to your lead on this so we stay on your message)? thanks mcs [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks for your help. Linda J Noske 09/18/2000 05:52 PM To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Privileged & Confidential -- Verification Richard I got the fax confirmation back that it went through. I put it in your in-box since you were with the interviewee. Linda Richard B Sanders 18/09/00 05:32 PM To: Linda J Noske/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Privileged & Confidential -- Verification [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Here it is [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Do you still expect Guinn to call Ken? If so do we have updated talking points (and background) for Ken? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Are you aware of this? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: As you may already know the CPUC filed a motion at FERC asking for a protective order and to compel production of the information they subpoened from us in the CPUC's OII case. Given the timing we should discuss this on our conference call scheduled for tomorrow. They request that we be required: to answer their motion on Thursday to provide the information within 5 working days of a FERC ordering production and to provide of P&L information and spread sheets detailing our deals specifically delivery point delivery date counterparty volume and price. We may not have a problem providing this information for use by FERC in its proceeding subject to a confidentiality agreement but I think we would oppose their requests for: the information to be provided for government eyes only - this would prohibit EPMI from defending itself vis-a-vis other market participants. a FERC confidentiality order that would could allow FERC to share this information with the CPUC (for purposes of the PUC's OII proceeding) pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 824h(c). 16 USC 824g(c) requires the Commission to make information available to state commissions as may be of assistance in state regulation of public utilities. We should argue that 16 USC 824h(c) does not apply here given that we are not a public utility nor does the PUC regulate how much market power wholesale marketers exercise or the level of market power mitigation (these are the bases the PUC provides for explaining why it should have this information.) the above contractual information to allow them to analyze the competitiveness of the forward market to evaluate the wisdom of the Commission's decision to allow the UDC's unfettered access to the forwards market. This argument is unpersuasive given that the CPUC can get information about the competitiveness of the forward markets from the Wall Street Journal's listing of NYMEX prices. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: George Herbert Hoover Bush. Robert Kean <> on 07/07/2001 10:13:19 AM Please respond to <> To: Alan Kean \(E-mail\) <> 'Doug & Karen Reiman \(E-mail\)' <> Kathy Wedig \(E-mail\) <> Melissa Kean \(E-mail\) <> Phil Kean \(E-mail\) <> 'Steve & Melissa Kean \(E-mail\)' <> cc: Diane Kean \(E-mail 2\) <> Subject: FW: Dadisms Dadisms 1. Run for the roundhouse Nellie he'll never corner you there. 2. Slick as catshit and twice as nasty. 3. Like shit through a goose. 4. Yeah that's right keep fiddlin' with that you'll break it 5. Ho! Ho! she cried in excess wild and waved her wooden leg on high! 6. On accounta the war. 7. They'll have to shoot him on judgement day. 8. Then of course there are the names: Katy Devie My Little Mochawk Phil Jofus and Bubba 9. Choke ass (referring to peanut butter) 10. If it tastes good there are no calories 11. Didn't know you were in town (as driver passes on the right etc.) 12. Like a couple of cub bears (meaning Rob and Phil) 13. Washington D.C. District or Corruption 14. Have some onions for defense 15. He won't have the guts to do THAT again (when a bug hits the windshield) 16. Saps goin' up the tree 17. Big Al 18. Douglas Doorite 19. Must be a storm comin' the kids are actin' up 20. Constipate (concentrate) 21. Like being in hell with your back broke 22. gourd cover (hat) 23. mitts dogs paws (hands or feet) 24. you're too young 25. Worthington (when we asked him where something was or where he was going) 26. overhose (blue jeans) 27. excruciating pain! (when we squeezed his hand) 28. That's a hell of a note 29. meat wagon (ambulance) 30. drappies (drapes) 31. grappies (grapes) 32. Whoa horsie! Just cuz you only got 3 legs. (when he was putting on the brakes in the car) 33. Jeana Jeana corpastina I'm in love with you 34. I love you anyway 35. Scuse my boardin' house reach. 36. Come on out and let me lay a wheel on ya! (in traffic) 37. Sit down and start passin' (at meal time) 38. That's a bit of all right. 39. Here guard this with your life (when he handed something to us at a store) 40. SOL (shit out of luck) 41. I'll tell ya when your're 21. 42. fernilla dawberry shocoletta (vanilla strawberry chocolate) 43. straighten up now. 44. Pardon me soldier. (when he burped) 45. I'm going to assume the position of a soldier. (when he was going to lay on the couch for a nap) 46. horses doovers 47. lemon meringoo pie 48. solft 49. go ahead see if it bends (when someone pulled out in front of him) 50. Ioway State 51. Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids come on down. Hotel Roosevelt center of town. 52. A hundred dogs going wild in the tobacco field. Does your cigarette taste difference? (a quote from the one Russian guy in Cascade) 53. Cut her loose and let her wander. 54. Get your dogs under the table. 55. Shit! cried the queen and a thousand loyal subjects strained their bowels. 56. Who's side are you on?! The power company? (when we left lights on) 57. That makes it soggy and hard to light 58. Full as a tick 59. A treat instead of a treatment 60. Intermittent Power [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I didn't sell any right? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached is a draft of the Agenda we discussed. Irwin - I show Joskow on here but he has already declined (his wife is having surgery right before our meeting date). We may want to consider someone like Seabron Adamson (Frontier Economics) or perhaps someone else. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Joe - there is no announcement today. I tried to leave you a voicemail but apparently the system is down there. Before we can offer an outside person a VP position the Executive Committee must sign off. We are going to be going through that process in a few minutes. Then we begin the offer extension and negotiations. The person we are recommending is Linda Robertson one of the two people I mentioned to you before. Please guard the information carefully. Last time we talked when the list had been narrowed to two DeLay's office called with the exact two names and started pushing us to hire a Republican. As you know we interviewed candidates of both political affiliations and just settled on the best person. Ken told DeLay's office that's how we do things and Ken is comfortable (actually enthused) about the choice. When some external announcement is done you will be involved and your considerable contributions will be prominently mentioned. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'm afraide this leaves too much room to manuever. Having duties related to setting legislative affairs strategy and developing a plan for contacts on the Hill will give Cynthia the idea that she can run all aspects of those duties not just those related specifically to her substantive area. I think it is also worth covering the heavy emphasis on teamwork and supporting rather than directing others in the organization. Richard Shapiro 08/02/2000 04:17 PM To: Gwendolyn Petteway/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Re: Job Description Revised Good to go. Gwendolyn Petteway@ENRON 08/02/2000 04:07 PM To: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Job Description Revised See attached email with revised job description for Cynthia Sandherr. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think he was looking to make a sector-wide point. For example how much of the total market moved to wholesale traded volumes? He wants to make the point that even a nontraded commodity - ie electricity in 1994 - can rapidly progress to a traded market - as electricity did between 94 and 00. Margaret Carson 09/21/2000 04:25 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: ELECTRICITY TRADED VOLUMES since 1994 Steve I provided Andy West with this and the 35 percent a year growth was compelling Marg. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Palmisano left a couple of months ago to start his own business. Jeff Keeler (in our DC office) is covering John's issues. To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Thanks for the call this morning. The convention sounds interesting. On another note I was wondering is John Palmisano still works here? for you? I got a call from a conference organizer about an emissions meeting in Cologne Ger. and I think he has spoken at this gathering. I'll forward the email to you and to the emissions/coal group as well to determine our interest. Regards. Jeff [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: You are invited to join them for lunch. 1:00 - 2:00 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I also need to know the base salaries of Jay Reitmeyer and Monique Sanchez. They are doing the same job as Matt. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: could you look into this for me? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached for review and comment is a draft set of talking points on the Barton RTO discussion draft. I went through the testimony at the recent hearing and parsed the legislative language of the discussion draft. You will see that the talking points are designed to respond to two basic points being raised by our opponents: (1) that FERC is rushing and being heavy-handed and (2) that the only interests involved are those of the transmitting utilities (i.e. no mention of discrimination as being what RTOs will remedy). Please let me have your thoughts in the next few days. Once Capitol Hill is up and running again we will distribute the final talking points to our consultants and to members/staff of the Barton Subcommittee as we continue our efforts against the discussion draft's treatment of RTOs. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff - Chris is on point on this issue. He and Dan Reck have already spoken. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Rep Scott McGinnis (colo) told Ken that he would like to be briefed on the California and broader energy situation so that he can speak out on the issue. Also don't forget that we need to go see your buddy Newt! [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: He could have solved this problem in 20 minutes right? Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 03/25/2001 12:40 PM To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tom Briggs/NA/Enron@Enron Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Davis favors tiered rate increases but still clings to no new rate increases Power Hogs May Get Hit In Pocketbook Davis favors tiered rate increases David Lazarus Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday March 25 2001 2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: N30195.DTL Gov. Gray Davis faced with the near inevitability of raising consumers' electricity bills is leaning toward a rate system whereby those who use more power pay more than those who conserve The Chronicle has learned. Sources close to the governor said he is being lobbied by his own staff members to accept a so-called structured rate system. Top officials from his own administration told lawmakers Friday that the state may end up spending more than twice the $10 billion previously estimated to purchase power on behalf of California's near-bankrupt utilities. If so the officials warned that consumers' electricity rates could double. In the case of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. this would mean customers' average monthly power bills would rise from $60 to $120. Consumers throughout the Bay Area believe that at least some increase is on the way. We're going to have to bite the bullet and pay the money said Larry Webster a retired Caltrans worker in Redwood City. We might as well admit that electricity is no longer a nickel. It's a dime. If you're going to use it let's pay for it. Steve Maviglio a spokesman for the governor distanced himself yesterday from estimates that rates would double. The figures reported in the press he said were wildly high. The governor still believes he can live within the existing rate structure Maviglio said. Until we know the results of the negotiations with the utilities you can't conclude anything. The state is negotiating a multibillion-dollar bailout package with PG&E and Southern California Edison Co. to relieve the utilities of about $13 billion in debt. PG&E and Edison have been saying for months that there is no way California can overcome its current energy woes without higher rates. The irony of the Davis administration now saying the same thing was not lost on the two companies. The state is in the exact same position the utilities were in last fall said John Nelson a PG&E spokesman. Either wholesale prices need to come down or retail prices need to go up. The disparity is too large. Statewide blackouts last week drove home the precariousness of California's energy situation to ratepayers -- and may have served as a blessing in disguise for the governor. COST VS. OUTAGES If given a choice between further outages and paying higher rates many consumers said they would accept increases in their power bills. I don't like either choice said Janet Leroux facing the possibility of a gooey mess if the air conditioning goes out at her downtown San Francisco candy store. But I guess I'd go with higher rates. I sure didn't like the blackouts. Publicly the governor has been insisting for weeks that rates will stay within the existing rate structure -- a stealthy way of saying that January's 9 percent increase and an expected 10 percent increase next year will remain in place. But privately he and his staff are discussing additional rate increases that could be spread over as long as 10 years sources said. Utility executives and power generators told The Chronicle last week that a minimum 30 percent rate increase lasting up to a decade is in the cards. For the good of California it's inevitable said Gary Ackerman executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum a Menlo Park energy industry association. Sacramento resident John Hax observed that when temperatures soar in the Central Valley this summer he'd be more than willing to pay a higher price for power if this keeps the air conditioners on. It's like gasoline he said. I don't like paying higher prices for gasoline but that's the price of doing business. Ratepayers draw the line though at any increase topping 10 or 20 percent. If it was 20 percent I'd probably do it said Tracy resident Mark Dougherty. But if it was more like 50 percent I'd rather go with rolling blackouts. I'd rather have blackouts agreed Jenny Soghomonian owner of a shoe- repair shop in San Francisco's Financial District. I don't want to pay rates that are so much higher. NOT EVERY COST PALATABLE This is the tightrope that state officials and industry players now find themselves walking: While consumers may be willing to pay more to avoid blackouts they aren't willing to swallow virtually any cost thrown their way. Yet if rates are not high enough they may not prevent daily blackout threats this summer and beyond. Higher rates are the price signal that it takes for conservation said Tom Higgins senior vice president of Edison International parent company of Southern California Edison. Simply put he meant that most consumers will not aggressively conserve power and thus alleviate shortages unless there is a financial incentive to do so. Rebates proposed by the governor have met with only a lukewarm response requiring critics say too much effort on the part of individual ratepayers. But a sudden spike in monthly power bills almost certainly would prompt widespread conservation measures. It adjusts consumer behavior Higgins said. People want to get their bills back down. RATES' EFFECT ON USAGE He and other industry sources said higher rates are perhaps the only way Californians will achieve the 10 percent conservation goal sought by the governor -- a move seen as vital if blackouts are to be avoided this summer. It's intellectually dishonest to think there's any other way out of this Higgins said. Consumer activists' initial reaction to any talk of a rate increase comes across loud and clear: No no no. No bailout. No rate increases. No secret deals said Harvey Rosenfield head of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights in Santa Monica. We need to get back to a regulated system. Rosenfield is the biggest fly in the governor's ointment. He has threatened to push through a ballot initiative re-regulating California's power market if Davis cannot find a consumer-friendly way out of the current fix. Because of Rosenfield's past success in writing a ballot measure on insurance rebates which delivered about $800 million to consumers his threat is taken seriously in Sacramento. We've paid too much already Rosenfield said. A fair price is what we were promised by deregulation which was a 20 percent rate decrease. However when he was asked whether there was any room to discuss a structured rate increase such as the idea being promoted by the governor's staff Rosenfield toned down his characteristic rhetoric. Big users should pay more he said after a moment's reflection. I'm open to a tiered system but only if it's fair. Rosenfield quickly added that he would have to see how other consumer advocates felt about the matter before agreeing to negotiate such things with Davis. MOVE TOWARD STRUCTURED RATES Clearly though momentum is building toward a system of structured power rates which probably would include increases of varying sizes for consumers. The California Public Utilities Commission is scheduled to address January's 9 percent rate increase on Tuesday. That increase originally was given only a three-month duration but most observers expect it to be renewed for at least another three months if not longer. PUC President Loretta Lynch declined to comment on the likelihood of rates going up but added her voice to those backing a structured system. I am a fan of restructuring rates to exempt conservation she said. People who use a whole lot of power should pay more. The biggest electricity customer in the state is the state itself now that California is purchasing power on behalf of its cash-poor utilities. The state already has spent about $4 billion buying electricity and has yet to determine how the cash will be recouped from consumers. San Francisco resident Rosita Magee accepts that for California to find its energy footing once more rates will probably be heading up. That way you have more convenience and electricity more stability she said. But Magee has come up with another solution one that doesn't involve rate increases and rolling blackouts. She's moving to Texas. Chronicle staff writers Matthew Stannard and Pia Sarkar contributed to this report. / E-mail David Lazarus at 2001 San Francisco Chronicle ? Page?A - 1 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
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<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff =20 FYI - Strong and colorful words from a powerful man. =20 Given Lockyer's abilities position and and ambition I would advise build= ing bridges and mending fences while this is still at the taunting stage. = He wants your attention. Knowing him I'd say that a direct and friendly= call from you or Ken today followed by a meeting would go a long way. =20 Kevin 213-926-2626 =20 =20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Politics Entertainment music = movies art TV restaurants [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jo= bs homes cars rentals classifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shop= ping [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] California= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TOP STORIES * Bishop Asked to Quit for Defying Churc= h * Wide-Ranging Debate Reveals Much Accord * Limit on New Sea Wall= s Urged MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] STORIES BY DATE FOR THIS SECT= ION 5/23 | 5/22 | 5/21 | 5/20 | 5/19 | 5/18 | 5/17 [IMAGE] = DAILY SECTIONS Front Page A Section California [IMAGE] Business = Sports Calendar [IMAGE] So. Cal. 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Living Special Report= s Sunday Opinion Tech Times Times Poll Traffic Weather Workplace SI= TE MAP [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SHOP 'TIL YOUR LAPTOP DROPS [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shopping [IMAGE] Search Prod= ucts Stores [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] Wednesday May 23 2001 | [IMAGE]Print this story [I= MAGE] Lockyer Fires Earthy Attack at Energy Exec By JENIFER WARREN Ti= mes Staff Writer SACRAMENTO--In a dramatic escalation of energy cr= isis rhetoric California Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer this week suggested the = chairman of a Houston-based power company should be locked in a prison cel= l with an amorous tattooed inmate named Spike. Lockyer who is inve= stigating whether energy firms have manipulated prices on the wholesale el= ectricity market made the comment in an interview with the Wall Street Jo= urnal that appeared Tuesday. I would love to personally escort [En= ron Corp. Chairman Kenneth] Lay to an 8-by-10 cell that he could share wit= h a tattooed dude who says 'Hi my name is Spike honey' Lockyer said. = Enron spokesman Mark Palmer called the comment counterproductive rh= etoric that does not merit a response. But other industry repres= entatives denounced the remark as outrageous especially because neither= Lockyer's office nor any investigative panel has filed charges against En= ron or other companies. You'd expect that the state's chief legal c= ounsel would file charges first and make public statements second said G= ary Ackerman of the Western Power Trading Forum an association of energy = producers and traders. We're very disappointed with his choice of words = which don't exactly fit the profile of his office. In an interview = Tuesday Lockyer said he decided to ratchet up the commentary to put [e= nergy companies] on notice that we are not afraid of them and have the w= ill to prosecute. What I'm trying to do is let these economic buc= caneers understand that if we catch them they're going to be prosecuted= Lockyer said. Just because they're multimillionaires and run big corpora= tions it doesn't provide them with immunity. The attorney general = is investigating whether power company officials tried to maximize profits= through illegal manipulation of prices on the wholesale energy market. S= everal panels including a state Senate committee and the California Publi= c Utilities Commission are conducting similar probes. On Tuesday L= ockyer announced that three power companies have agreed to turn over docum= ents subpoenaed months ago by his investigators. The attorney general went= to court to obtain the documents after the companies failed to meet a Mar= ch 19 deadline to hand them over. Lockyer said the forthcoming docu= ments would help his office as it sifts through mountains of evidence in s= earch of possible violations of antitrust or unfair business practice laws= . Evidence is accumulating that certainly infers illegal activity= Lockyer said. But we need to make sure it's compelling and clear enough = that you can convince a jury. Lockyer said he singled out Enron's = chairman because the Houston company is the world's largest energy trader. = At least one observer found Lockyer's comments refreshingly candid.= Harry Snyder a senior advocate of Consumers Union said Let Lockyer be= Lockyer. * * * Times staff writer Dan Morain contributed to this s= tory. Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories = about: Bill Lockyer Enron Corp Kenneth L Lay Utilitiy Rates En= ergy - California Utilities - California Electricity . You will not = be charged to look for stories only to retrieve one. =09 News Politics Entertainment music movies art TV restaurants = [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jobs homes cars rentals cla= ssifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shopping [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 G= et Copyright Clearance Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times Click for permi= ssion to reprint (PRC# 1.528.2001_000043205) =09 [IMAGE] =09 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Set up meeting re Mt. St. Helens for next week [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi - Jade Eaton is one of Lara's contacts at DOJ [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: David i agree in principle with this process. I assume that you and your team will implement. Like we spoke about I do not see a need to widely distribute this through the commercial organization. I would just implement. Regards Delainey ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: test [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: California Officials Investigate Electric 'Megawatt Laundering' Steve Johnson San Jose Mercury News Calif. ( October 31 2000 ) Oct. 30--While investigating this summer's stunning spike in electricity prices state authorities have heard stories about a curious phenomenon: On days when the weather is hot batches of power generated in California are sold to other states. A little later in the day similar amounts of power are sold back to California -- but at much higher prices. The question is is it the same power? If so that could be megawatt laundering -- a multi-company conspiracy to evade California's wholesale price cap which covers power generated in California but not power sold into California from elsewhere. Worried that such transactions could be costing consumers millions of dollars several energy specialists raised concerns about megawatt laundering during a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hearing a month ago in San Diego. And earlier this month state Sen. Steve Peace D-La Mesa -- who helped lead the push to deregulate electricity sales in California -- formally asked the commission to investigate the practice which he termed potentially illegal market coordination. But an unconfirmed news report last week said the federal agency had concluded that generators had not abused the market. And others say concerns about megawatt laundering are exaggerated. Among them is Jan Smutny-Jones executive director of the Independent Energy Producers Association a power-firm trade group and chairman of the Independent System Operator which oversees most of California's power grid. While acknowledging that such laundering is possible Smutny-Jones said there is no evidence it is actually occurring or is widespread. This is one of those things that's turning into an urban legend he said. I don't want to characterize this as a significant problem. Even some critics of the way power is purchased in California concede that most of what has been labeled megawatt laundering probably reflects nothing more sinister than the ability of some entrepreneurs to take advantage of a good deal when they see one. Nonetheless they see evidence that at least some California-produced power is being sold out of and back into the state at a higher price. And they blame that on loopholes in the system that they say ought to be closed because the transactions are helping to drive up the cost of power. The Independent System Operator invites this type of activity said Frank Wolak a Stanford economist who chairs the non-profit corporation's market surveillance committee which has warned of the potential for megawatt laundering in at least two reports this year. The thing that makes all these problems go is the fact that the ISO has said `We'll pay whatever it takes to keep the lights on' and that's screwing consumers big time. In 1998 when the state's energy markets were deregulated it was generally assumed that opening up the sale of electricity to competition would make power less expensive. As a precaution however officials at the Independent System Operator instituted wholesale price caps which they lowered twice this summer to help keep a lid on costs. On July 1 this year they reduced the cap from $750 per megawatt per hour to $500 one megawatt being sufficient power for 1000 homes. Then on Aug. 7 they cut it to $250. Unfortunately things haven't worked out the way officials had hoped. Wholesale prices rose dramatically this year. And while a freeze on retail utility rates has temporarily shielded Pacific Gas & Electric Co. customers from those soaring costs home electricity prices have tripled in San Diego where a similar freeze already has come off. In the process some generators learned that all it takes to get around the state's wholesale price caps is a basic understanding of how the market works. One of the best ways to get top dollar they learned was to hold off selling their electricity until the Independent System Operator issues what is known as an out-of-market call for energy which amounts to an emergency request for electricity. From May through September this year the overall price of power in the state averaged less than $125 per megawatt hour according to authorities. But over the same period power sold in response to out-of-market calls averaged more than $430. During the summer when energy use is at a maximum California typically imports about one-fourth of the power it uses from other states. Since power generated by firms in other states isn't limited by California's price cap those companies generally are in a better position than California firms to make a killing on out-of-market sales. But by cutting a deal with a collaborator in another state energy specialists say California generators also can profit handsomely -- despite the cap. Here's how: Say a California generator has 100 megawatts. Instead of selling it in California where the firm can receive no more than $250 per megawatt hour under the current cap it finds a utility an electricity broker or a corporate affiliate with an equal amount of power in another state such as Arizona. Then -- just before an expected heat wave in California which is likely to result in an out-of-market call for power here -- it convinces the other firm to do a trade. Under the deal the California generator sends its 100 megawatts for one hour to the company in Arizona where there is no price cap and earns $300 or more per megawatt -- for a total of $300000. In return the Arizona firm ships its 100 megawatts for one hour here. Since that power isn't subject to California's cap it earns perhaps $400 per megawatt -- for a total of $400000. Presumably energy specialists say the two firms then split the $100000 difference. The potential profit from such deals is considerable. Generators in and out of California received more than $110 million from out-of-market sales this summer according to the Independent System Operator. But determining if megawatt laundering is really happening how often and who might be benefiting is difficult. One California investigator said authorities first suspected that megawatt laundering was occurring when they noticed that precisely the same amount of power was being sold to another state and then sold back into California minutes later. But other experts said the evidence has rarely been that clear. While hundreds of megawatts is sold into and out of the state on any given day they said the suspicion that firms were conspiring to sell the same power back and forth has stemmed largely from unfounded speculation. One big problem for investigators trying to learn if the system has been abused is that confidentiality rules keep many of the details about these electricity transactions private. Entities like us and others who may be suffering from the consequences of this laundering don't necessarily have the documents to prove it said Gary Stern director of market monitoring for Southern California Edison one of the state's three main utilities. We can only speculate based on things we've heard from others about the practice....It's our hope that's one of the things that's being examined by the various federal and state agencies investigating this summer's extraordinary rise in California power prices. Indeed while some people say megawatt laundering can be substantially limited by ending the practice of paying more than the wholesale cap for out-of-state power others argue that it's just as important to eliminate the secrecy surrounding electricity transactions. I'd like to see more information made public said Jim Bushnell a researcher at the University of California Energy Institute in Berkeley who specializes in analyzing the state's energy markets. There are a lot of rumors circulating around this he said of megawatt laundering and it would help clarify if this is a serious problem. ----- To see more of the San Jose Mercury News or to subscribe to the newspaper go to [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Desiree will schedule other appointments as well Cynthia will attend in your place. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Submit a Pac request and keep Tom posted on when and where. Cynthia Sandherr 09/07/2000 05:05 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@ENRON Elizabeth Linnell/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@ENRON Carolyn Cooney/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON Thomas E White/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Congressman Edwards (D-TX) Steve: Congressman Chet Edwards is having a fundraiser in Houston October 10th 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Reliant's Bruce Gibson's home in River Oaks (2178 Troon). Drayton McLane will attend. They are looking for $1000 to host or $500 sponsor. Congressman Edwards has been very helpful with our defense procurement issues and we have contributed to him recently. The Congressman's main request was to include Ken Lay's name on their invitation which Ken Lay graciously agreed to do so the Congressman is most pleased. Thus the remaining request to attend and give additional money is up to you although if we have room in our budget and Ken Lay or Tom White were available I would recommend their attendance. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Linda - I haven't heard of these guys. Do you know them? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Western Wholesale Activities Conference Call - Gas & Power Date: Today and Every Thursday Time: 1:00 pm Pacific 3:00 pm Central and 4:00 pm Eastern time Number: 1-888-271-0949 Participant Code: 936022 In Ray's absence I am facilitating today's call. The proposed agenda (Item numbers refer to the proceedings document row number): Electric 1. Responses to ISO and CA utility RTO filings due June 19 (item 9a) 2. ATC Complaint - next steps (item 20) 3. RTO Seams Conference 6/19/01 and request to speak due tomorrow 6/8/01 (item 37) 4. ISO withholding of as-bid and OOM price data 5. Generator data requests - (Hatsoe) Gas 6. Response to FERC to Re-Impose Transportation Price Caps (item 36) 7. Quarterly reporting requirements (item 35) 8. Gas-related data requests (item 33) [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks for taking time to call yesterday. Good luck with the Lockyer situ= ation. I truly do believe that direct and prompt interaction with Lockyer= will prove more effective for Enron than delayed or intermediated action.= As we discussed if I can be of any help with reconnaissance or as sou= nding board just let me know. =20 I have attached an article from this morning's LA Times. It provides an C= alifornia view on how the shakeup in the Senate might impact the state's e= nergy situation. Certainly by the time that President Bush visits the C= alifornia in a few days the state's two Democratic US Senators will be a = good bit more empowered. =20 Kevin 213-926-2626 =20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =09Click here to learn more! [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09Home | Discussions | Print Edition | Archives | Site Map = | Home Delivery | Advertise | Feedback | Help [IMAGE]=09 =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Politics Entertainment music = movies art TV restaurants [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jo= bs homes cars rentals classifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shop= ping [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A Section= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TOP STORIES * State's Standardized Test Spurs Scatte= red Backlash * GOP Braces for Jeffords to Bolt Today * Moderates on = Outside of GOP Big Tent MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] STORIES BY DA= TE FOR THIS SECTION 5/24 | 5/23 | 5/22 | 5/21 | 5/20 | 5/19 | 5/18 = [IMAGE] DAILY SECTIONS Front Page A Section California [= IMAGE] Business Sports Calendar [IMAGE] So. Cal. 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Living = Special Reports Sunday Opinion Tech Times Times Poll Traffic Weath= er Workplace SITE MAP [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SHOP 'TIL YOUR = LAPTOP DROPS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shopping [IMAGE= ] Search Products Stores [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] Thursday May 24 2001 | [IMAGE]Print= this story [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shift May Empower California By RICHARD SI= MON ELIZABETH SHOGREN Times Staff Writers WASHINGTON--James M. J= effords has never mattered much to Californians. Until now. The Verm= ont senator's widely anticipated decision to abandon his fellow Republican= s and put Democrats in control of the Senate could have big implications f= or California particularly on energy and environmental policy lawmakers = and lobbyists said Wednesday. The change which Jeffords is expected= to announce today could increase political pressure on the Bush adminis= tration to respond more aggressively to California's electricity crisis t= hese insiders said. And it might force the White House to compromise= on key elements of the national energy policy it unveiled last week. In f= act the administration's proposed budget cuts for programs to promote ren= ewable energy were said to be a factor in Jeffords' decision. At th= e very least Senate observers said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is l= ikely to get the floor vote she has sought on price controls for wholesale= electricity. That doesn't necessarily mean that the administration'= s critics will be able to have everything their way. Even if the Senate ap= proves electricity price caps for example the measure would face stiff o= pposition in the GOP-dominated House--and a likely veto if it made it to t= he president's desk. Still a Democratic majority in the Senate wou= ld give Feinstein and other party members a platform to turn up the politi= cal heat on the administration and congressional Republicans on energy pol= icy. It kicks up the dust groaned one energy industry lobbyist wh= o requested anonymity. Observed Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.): If P= resident Bush's hard-edged conservative approach has in fact caused the ba= lance to shift towards Democrats in the Senate it will have profound impl= ications not just for California but for the environment and our nation's= energy policy. Environmentalists seemed almost giddy as they cont= emplated the possible impact of Jeffords' decision on the policies they ca= re about. All of a sudden they said it seems less likely that oil = exploration will take place in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that r= ecreational snowmobiles will have free access to Yellowstone National Park= or that the administration's desire to promote nuclear power will be emb= raced by Congress. On the other hand it seems more probable that C= ongress would approve a new plan for managing a vast swath of the Sierra N= evada to protect the region's oldest trees consider legislation to restri= ct emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants and protect California fr= om a resurgence of offshore oil drilling. It's stunning how broad t= he repercussions are particularly on the environment said Gregory Wetst= one of the Natural Resources Defense Council. We're trying not to count o= ur chickens before they hatch. But it will be easier for us in our battles= at least to keep from moving backwards. For instance Jeffords is= a chief advocate of a bill that would regulate carbon dioxide from power = plants. And if events play out as expected he'll become the new chairman = of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the issue. Another i= ssue under his purview would be the two-decade dispute over a proposed rep= ository for the nation's spent nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. = Yucca Mountain is a dead turkey declared Michael Francis of the W= ilderness Society. Environmentalists had been worried that a number= of pro-development provisions would be packed into appropriation bills. B= ut with Democratic senators in charge that would become less of a threat= they said. Every wacko idea Republicans have will get a higher lev= el of scrutiny Francis said. The biggest change would be the power= of Senate Democrats to decide which bills will be considered in committee= s and which ones will make it to the floor of the Senate for votes. = As part of a new Democratic majority Feinstein and fellow California De= mocrat Barbara Boxer are likely to gain leverage with the administration o= n a number of issues considered important to the state. That transl= ates into more federal assistance for California across the board predic= ted Steve Maviglio spokesman for Gov. Gray Davis. I think it mean= s more attention to our state for sure Boxer said. Right now the pres= ident doesn't seem to give a darn. They're all looking at California as a = Democratic state. They're not interested. Feinstein who has been = unable to arrange a meeting with Bush to discuss the energy crisis may ge= t better treatment if winning Democratic support becomes more important to= the administration. She has been regarded as a bridge-builder who worked = effectively with Republicans in the past. This has not been a warm = and friendly administration she complained Wednesday. They've got peopl= e who know all the answers and don't want to listen. The White Hou= se disputed that. In fact Bush agreed Wednesday to meet with Davis during= the president's first visit to California next week. Under a Democ= ratic majority Feinstein would be in line to chair two subcommittees: the= military construction panel of the Senate Appropriations Committee and t= he technology terrorism and government information subcommittee of the Se= nate Judiciary Committee. Boxer would be in line to chair the subco= mmittee on Superfund waste control and risk assessment and the Foreign R= elations subcommittee on international operations and terrorism. Mav= iglio predicted that the effects of Jeffords' expected party defection wou= ld be felt immediately. The chairmanship of the Senate Energy and N= atural Resources Committee would be taken away from Frank H. Murkowski (R-= Alaska) who has been openly hostile to California's plight and handed = to Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) who supports Davis' request for electricity pri= ce controls according to Maviglio. Democrats have assailed Bush's e= nergy plan for tilting heavily toward the supply side. With Democrats in c= harge of the Senate the administration would be more likely to compromise= perhaps beefing up funding for Democrat-supported causes such as increas= ed energy assistance to low-income households and more aggressive promotio= n of conservation and renewable energy sources such as wind and solar powe= r. Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories ab= out: United States - Politics Republican Party James M Jeffords P= olitical Party Defections California - Politics Senate (U.s.) . You = will not be charged to look for stories only to retrieve one. =09 News Politics Entertainment music movies art TV restaurants = [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jobs homes cars rentals cla= ssifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shopping [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 G= et Copyright Clearance Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times Click for permi= ssion to reprint (PRC# 1.528.2001_000043610) =09 [IMAGE] =09 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:GRIFFITH JOHN - 713-853-6247 ? Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman ? From:??Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO ??????Greg Whalley President & COO ??????Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel ? Subject:??Confidential Information and Securities Trading ? Enron Wholesale Services ('EWS') maintains official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading ('Policies and Procedures') which have been revised as of November 15 2000 to reflect the new EWS structure. These policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information our reputation for integrity and EWS and its employees from legal liability. ? You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: ? ? You must certify your compliance with the Policies and Procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Lance Schuler at extension 3-5419 Mark Haedicke at extension 3-6544 Alan Aronowitz at extension 3-3214 Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Yes you are. Mark Palmer@ENRON 07/17/2000 09:32 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Wimbledon update I left Hannon a message that we PAID for the attention we got from Wimbledon. It came out of the advertising budget. We did Kevin a favor by trying to leverage our media budget to create new business for EBS. Am I looking at this the right way? Mark ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Gretchen Bates/Mitchell Rosen (shared Marketing) 800-989-4427 Jim Coffey PEx use by marketers(312)407-7835 Move Hebert meeting from 15th [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Yes Thanks a lot. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I have taken a stab at putting a draft response together indicating areas where we need more flesh. I will forward Tim/Mary's presentation to FERC EPSA's California Fact Sheet and the transcript from the hearing held on 8/23 and 8/24. Witness Wolak Market Surveillance Committee of ISO had some good points about rational behavior in markets with scarcity of supply. His comments were on 8/23. Please feel free to comment. Dan Douglass Arter&Hadden (818-596-2201) will be filing these comments on Enron's behalf which are due on Friday. I would suggest that Dan provide some of the legal view on whether the CPUC has adequate jurisdiction over retail rates not wholesale rates. We should shoot for final comments by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow if possible. This will allow an opportunity to discuss any last minute changes if necessary before filing. Seabron Adamson Frontier Economics (617-354-0060) will be providing additional drafting. Be sure to send any comments to these parties along with the internal list. Thanks. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think Jeff should be the point person on putting the response together on this (and future air and climate change position inquiries). Jeff - please make sure you get the comments of all involved. Jeffrey Keeler 04/17/2001 05:02 PM To: Michael Terraso/OTS/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Kelly Kimberly/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Lauren Iannarone/NY/ECT@ECT Catherine McKalip-Thompson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Lisa Jacobson/ENRON@enronXgate Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: Greenpeace letters to Enron Europe concerning our position on Kyoto All: I would like to discuss how we might respond to this letter from Greenpeace if at all. The letter is attached way at the bottom of this e-mail and was received in several Enron European offices as a copy of what was sent to Jeff Skilling and other CEOs of major companies. I have not confirmed our receipt of such a letter from any of you but am assuming it was delivered. I think we could respond in a very positive constructive manner to Greenpeace based on the statements we've already documented and the strategies we are developing. Lisa Jacobson and I are currently working on developing some tighter climate change and clean air messages that we can use in multiple areas ASAP -- upcoming Ken Lay speeches and interactions with the Administration revising the Statement for the 2001 Corporate Responsibility Report Enron Business articles and other internal uses responses to environmental group inquiries and shareholder meeting Q&A and use in everyday speeches and advocacy work. The Greenpeace questions are tricky and set up no-win answers for the most part. I doubt they will get any direct answers to questions like: Does your company support President Bush in his opposition to the protocol? In my opinion we can respond to Greenpeace without directly responding to these types of questions. Addressing Kyoto directly is a slippery slope -- its best to stick with the solution-oriented approach we've always taken. For this reason I was a bit concerned to see in the e-mail chain below a characterization of Mark Palmer's statement on Kyoto (given to Jackie Gentile in London) -- Enron has always taken the view that the Kyoto protocol was not a workable solution to dealing with CO2 emissions. However it is not the principles behind Kyoto that we take issue with rather it is the vehicle that has been devised to deliver the results. I believe it is dangerous to make such statements for a number of reasons -- Greenpeace would absolutely beat us over the head with it Friends of the Earth could step up its shareholder initiatives etc. Also this sets you up for a number of follow up questions that I don't think we have answers to like: What about Kyoto is not workable? What would make it workable and would we help make it workable? If not Kyoto what is Enron's preferred vehicle? I'd really rather stay with a constructive solution-oriented approach and avoid reference to Kyoto altogether. I will talk with Kate Bauer in Enron Europe about this but I think we need to decide on a global corporate-wide response to Greenpeace. I would be happy to set up a quick conference call on the subject or just field comments by e-mail -- whatever works best. Thoughts? Jeffrey Keeler Director Environmental Strategies Enron Washington DC office - (202) 466-9157 Cell Phone (203) 464-1541 Lauren Iannarone@ECT 04/17/2001 11:20 AM To: cc: Subject: Re: Greenpeace letters to Enron Europe concerning our position on Kyoto FYI: I defer to you on this but assume we are in a good position to respond to Greenpeace. I assume you will discuss with Kate and Peter - let me know - thanks ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached are: 1. Draft comments to CAISO re: CAISO's Draft Proposal to give temporary waivers to long startup time units. Comments are due to CAISO this Friday. 2. CAISO's draft waiver proposal (for reference) 3. Outline of comments to FERC re: CAISO's implemtation filing of July 10. Hopefully these comments will be filed with a group of marketers and is due August 9 4. CAISO's July 10 filing (for reference) [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks. Confirmed. Vince [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached are some late night thoughts on the portal. Most of this is focussed on the portal for opinion leaders but some of it could be applicable to the comemrcial portal as well. Could you forward this to Palmer ... for some reason my address book doesn't pull him up when I'm off the system. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Bill Yes one of the options I am looking at. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I agree with Joe. The IOUs will point to NERC as an objective third party on these issues. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I understand from Shelley that you are going to be seeing Commissioner Breathitt on Monday. We have been working to persuade her to vote for forceful FERC action on electricity issues. She is widely viewed as the swing vote (with Massey and Hoecker being the other two votes) needed for the Commission to take action. Attached are two documents -- one is a set of talking points for you and the second is a FERC action plan that we are floating with several of the Commissioners. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I agree that we need to add our customer contacts to the list. This gives them a great opportunity to look smart -- we went to the market and got price protection. On the messages we need to include Mark's top three: 1) price caps cause shortages (Rob Bradley: let's put some historical examples together) Mona L Petrochko 07/18/2000 01:26 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES cc: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Mark Palmer@EES Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Paul Kaufman@EES Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@Enron Jeff Brown/HOU/EES@EES Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES Subject: Re: Price Cap Media--DRAFT I have a couple of suggestions on parts of the draft. Media Action: In addition to doing behind the scenes editorial board meetings and the like I would suggest that we get our coalition lined up and ready to release statements for certain key events which are likely to occur over the next several weeks such as: 1. SDG&E's selection of the winning bid to their RFP. Even if Enron isn't selected as the winning bid the coalition should trumpet the market-based solution and the enormous market response to SDG&E's RFP. 2. The Commission vote on UCAN's Emergency Motion. We should be prepared to issue a statement whether the Cmmn votes with us or against us. With us the market can and did provide reasonable expedient solutions to SDG&E's customers and protection from price spikes. Against us despite the overwhelming market response the Cmmn chose to ignore the market solutions and impose more regulation. 3. Potential for ARM members to surface a Provider of Last Resort proposal within the next couple of weeks. 4. ISO Bd. Mtg-keep up pressure against reducing price caps. Coalition Members: Agree that those groups listed should be contacted although the CMA CRA CIU CLECA have been luke-warm in their advocacy. I would add our customers (UC/CSU (especially the San Diego branch) PacTel etc.) NewEnergy has indicated that Kroger/Ralph's grocery stores San Diego-based would give testimonials. I could solicit the members of ARM to identify a key customer contacts for interviews. We could check with our lobbyists and see who they would recommend (wine growers dairy industry etc.) We should also consider the water agencies and the rural counties and the City of Pittsburg. While the immediate message is responding to San Diego's situation this latter group of potential coalition members would go to the larger message (keeping benefits of competitive markets) from a state-wide perspective. What about the City of Pittsburg? Jeff Dasovich on 07/18/2000 10:07:00 AM To: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES Steve Kean Mark Palmer Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Paul Kaufman@EES Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@Enron Jeff Brown/HOU/EES@EES Mona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES cc: Subject: Price Cap Media--DRAFT Here's a draft. Given sense of urgency I tried to develop a target for folks to shoot at rather than The Perfect One-pager. So please fire at will. In particular need PR to fill in Media Approaches and Key Message Points. Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Eliz- can you handle? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I've made some changes (shown in bold). Bracketed text indicates a deletion . Jeannie Mandelker@ECT 08/18/2000 05:34 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES cc: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Revised DeLay op ed Steve -- great guidance. Cynthia -- hope we're in time. Jeff -- the fifth paragraph has some supply/demand figures for the early part of this week that I heard but can't track down the written source. Any suggestions? Please review and don't hesitate to call me this weekend. Best bet is home number -- 914-736-9504 or cell phone -- 914-318-1568. Jeannie [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: attached is Sen. Hagel's energy speech. He focusses on oil primarily but also does a nice job of framing the importance of sound energy policy to our continued economic growth. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Confirming earlier indications at about 3 pm EDT today Chairman Tauzin convened the committee to issue a joint statement with Rep. Waxman and then recessed the committee subject to the call of the chair following the Memorial Day Week Recess. Congress will not return until the week of June 4 but staff level discussions will likely occur after the three-day weekend. Chairman Tauzin said that the committee is receiving conflicting information on the facts in California. He said it is better to take a little longer to get the facts straight and evaluate various options rather than act quickly but in the wrong way. He did say he expects that the committee will come to a bipartisan agreement after the recess. Behind the scenes we hear that Democrats appear not to want to reach an agreement instead preferring to keep the issue alive. Republicans on the other hand want to spare their vulnerable West Coast Members another recorded vote against price caps. Thankfully following our collective efforts yesterday the discussion has moved off of the 80/20 long term contract requirement. Republicans are poised to offer the Ose bill as an alternative for discussion and amendment if an agreement is not reached. The Ose bill would extend FERC's pricing formula to 24/7 and throughout the West. Staff report that Members were far from agreement and that no one concept was embraced for further refinement. It does appear however that some Members such as Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA) are pushing for some type of price mitigation that they can vote for. With Republicans increasingly worried about the political impact of the energy issue we will need to continue our work next Tuesday starting with an in-depth analysis of the Ose bill. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Response to Tarpey on Schnitzer/Tierney (303)575-6491 Thorn--Linda Breathitt Mont Hoyt Set up meeting with Dan Richard Rick and maureen [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: One more -- Nick O'Day in Tokyo ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI Attached is memo I prepared for Jim and Rick on the PNW refund case. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI particularly the part about the performance management system. Let's see what kind of data we can get about the Microsoft evaluation system to find the differences. Thanks. Michelle ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: 2 meetings on monday 8 & 9:30 and 2 on friday 9 & 10. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The attached article appeared in today's San Diego Union. I now have the official transcript from the Senate hearing of May 18 if you need that. If you are scheduling a conf call for tomorrow can you do it after 12 your time as I am flying to San Francisco and will then be in the Brobeck offices. Thanks The information contained in this e-mail message and any accompanying documents is subject to the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work product rule and is confidential business information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or representative of the recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify the Systems Administrator at and immediately delete this message from your system. Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Wed 06 Jun 2001 08:53:28 -0700 From: Cindy Frederick <> To: Michael Kirby <> Subject: IS TRADING AN INSIDER'S GAME? Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline IS TRADING AN INSIDER'S GAME? Buying selling of electricity is a growth business but some say deck is stacked against consumers By Craig D. Rose STAFF WRITER June 6 2001 While Californians decry deregulation's failure to deliver a competitive market electricity wholesalers have quietly developed a vast and rapidly growing business of buying and selling power among themselves. The deals take place on high-tech trading floors in Houston and elsewhere around the country as well as on Internet-based trading systems. Some experts say this electricity trading is a key mechanism for raising consumer power prices yet it's largely unregulated. Electricity trading is like buying stock -- when you have ability to change the stock price said Frank Wolak a Stanford University economics professor and member of the state grid operator's market surveillance group. Energy companies say the buying and selling of contracts to deliver power provides risk management allowing plant owners to presell their electricity lock in prices and avoid fluctuations. The rough and tumble of the free market they add is the most efficient means of allocating a resource like electricity. But industry critics say trading is far from a competitive market paradigm. In their view it's a means of communication -- a way for energy insiders to collude and raise prices under the guise of competition. To be sure the trading arms of major energy companies have emerged as stars in an industry where profit surges of 300 percent or 400 percent are not uncommon. The transactions shrouded in secrecy can leave ownership of a critical commodity in unknown hands. Consider the case of power generated by AES Corp.'s California plants. In 1998 AES made a bold move. Immediately after purchasing power plants that gave it control of 10 percent of the state's electric generating capacity the company sold the output from its plants for the next 20 years to Williams Cos. Williams did not sit on this treasure trove of electrons. The Tulsa Okla. company soon sold 80 percent of what it bought. It is difficult to say who owns that power now. Some might be owned by Sempra Trading a sister company of SDG&E. Or some could be owned by Enron Corp. the nation's biggest electricity trader. A spokeswoman for Williams conceded that Williams itself may have repurchased some of the electricity it sold earlier. But trading companies closely guard their positions. This much can be said with certainty: Electricity that AES sold for less than 5 cents per kilowatt-hour to Williams changed hands perhaps 10 times in the wholesale market and emerged at times in recent months with a price tag for consumers that was 300 percent higher. Williams' trading profits increased by 523 percent in the first quarter this year. Advance sales All this buying and selling creates curious confluences. In their attempt to deflect criticism over high prices generating companies such as Duke Energy -- operator of the South Bay Power Plant in Chula and others in the state -- frequently note that they sell most of their electricity far in advance. But they acknowledge less often that their trading units may also be buying power which could boost the company's electricity inventory. Duke was the fourth biggest electricity trader last year and cited its trading activity as a prime contributor to its wholesale business profits which soared 324 percent in the first quarter to $348 million. It is a company's power traders who frequently direct plant operators to increase or decrease the generation of power in response to market conditions. Energy companies have little option but to turn to trading for profits. One of the better kept secrets of electrical deregulation and its promise of competition is that there is remarkably little competition in the production side of the business. For one thing electricity is a commodity power from one company is indistinguishable from that generated by others. More important nearly all modern plants generate power from turbines built by a handful of manufacturers. The result? Modern plants owned by different companies produce power at nearly identical cost. The cost of power produced by modern plants is all within a mil (one-thousandth of a dollar) said Michael Peevey an adviser to Gov. Gray Davis and former president of Southern California Edison. So the extraction of profit in the electricity business relies much more on trading. Traders' profits rise when prices are volatile -- plunging or even better rising sharply. Little regulation But despite the obvious temptation to manipulate the market the burgeoning electricity trading business has remained largely unregulated. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does require quarterly filings from energy traders but these often provide incomplete information or at least little that has been of concern to FERC. In fact although the trading of electricity grew more than a hundredfold from 1996 to 2000 FERC has taken no major enforcement action against a trader. After the onset of the California crisis last year FERC has acted once. That was against Williams which agreed to pay $8 million without admitting guilt to resolve an allegation that it withheld supply to pump up prices. FERC's record of enforcement in the area of power trading stands in contrast to a long list of enforcement actions within other markets taken by the Securities Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. FERC has recently added staff to its market oversight operations. But William Massey a FERC commissioner says the agency's effort is still inadequate. Electricity can be flipped stripped and chopped up Massey said. It's an extraordinarily complicated market. The sophisticated marketers and traders have simply moved past us. We're kind of horse and buggy in our approach and they're out there in rocket ships flying around ... The problem is that sophisticated traders don't necessarily produce reasonable prices. They produce profits. Before deregulation electricity trading was a low-key affair. Regulated utilities dealt power back and forth on a reciprocal basis to fill electricity shortfalls in their control areas. There was little trading for profit until the mid-1990s after federal legislation and FERC rulings opened the market. Major traders include large energy companies sister companies of California's major utilities and Wall Street firms. Market volatility In many ways the trading of power is similar to that of other commodities. But there are important differences. Because it cannot be stored and its use is so fundamental the price of electricity is the most volatile of all. When supplies are tight a single supplier can rapidly raise prices to budget-busting levels as evidenced by Duke Energy's recent admission that it charged California nearly $4000 for a megawatt-hour of power a quantity that probably sold hours earlier for one-tenth of that sum or less. Wolak the Stanford economist and state Sen. Joseph Dunn D-Garden Grove who is investigating the state power market say trading allows companies to collude under the guise of competition. Instead of wringing out lowest costs the wholesale trading market serves to raise prices they say. As I trade to you and you trade to me we communicate to each other what price we would like to get said Wolak. It's not collusive. It's just communicating price. Mark Palmer a spokesman for Enron the nation's biggest power trader said California's problem is not the result of trading. It's a result of shortages Palmer said. Underscoring its emphasis on trading Enron's new headquarters tower in downtown Houston rises from a six-story block of new trading floors including expanded space for electricity trading. Enron also pioneered trading in cyberspace and its Enron Online site claims to be the most active computer-based trading market. The Houston company argues that consumers won't fully benefit from power trading and deregulation until they have greater choice in choosing their power supplier. And the company says FERC has not done enough to open access to transmission lines which would allow traders to move power around the country. To that end Enron has lobbied hard for President Bush's plan for a national electricity grid. Palmer says the notion that the price of electricity rises each time it is traded is mistaken. The market is always looking for the real price of a commodity Palmer said. Dunn the California state senator says his investigation found a different function for trading. At a time when supply barely meets or falls short of demand he noted companies with electricity to sell have to worry only about how high to set their price. The trader is a pawn in the generator's game to drive up prices said Dunn. Trading develops a level of trust. You my alleged competitor will bid in the same patterns and I will respond not in a competitive pattern but in a complimentary pattern. The state senator said his investigation found evidence that on several days energy companies appeared to test their ability to drive prices up without being undercut by competitors. This ability to drive up prices without competitive consequence is a key test of market power the technical term for manipulation or price fixing. But Dunn also conceded that antitrust violations can be hard to prove in court. He suggested that even if the trading behavior falls short of antitrust violations it remains anti-competitive and devastating for the California economy. To Harry Trebing a utility industry expert and professor emeritus at Michigan State University wholesale electricity trading is reminiscent of what took place in the 1920s and early '30s. Back then utility companies created complex networks of holding companies that traded stock among themselves driving up prices in the process. Undoing that scheme was a focus of President Franklin Roosevelt's administration. Congress ended up barring national power companies and tightening regulation of utilities in an effort to counteract their tendency to create markets that work only for insiders. The broad goals of trading are the same Trebing said. The goal is to maximize profits through raising prices. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Enclosed is an article in this morning's San Diego Union written by one of their reporters that I know. As indicated it focuses on Enron. Of particular interest are the comments by Senator Dunn which are at odds with his statements to the Sacramento lobbyists that he has no idea what Enron does. The information contained in this e-mail message and any accompanying documents is subject to the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work product rule and is confidential business information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or representative of the recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify the Systems Administrator at and immediately delete this message from your system. Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Wed 06 Jun 2001 08:53:28 -0700 From: Cindy Frederick <> To: Michael Kirby <> Subject: IS TRADING AN INSIDER'S GAME? Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline IS TRADING AN INSIDER'S GAME? Buying selling of electricity is a growth business but some say deck is stacked against consumers By Craig D. Rose STAFF WRITER June 6 2001 While Californians decry deregulation's failure to deliver a competitive market electricity wholesalers have quietly developed a vast and rapidly growing business of buying and selling power among themselves. The deals take place on high-tech trading floors in Houston and elsewhere around the country as well as on Internet-based trading systems. Some experts say this electricity trading is a key mechanism for raising consumer power prices yet it's largely unregulated. Electricity trading is like buying stock -- when you have ability to change the stock price said Frank Wolak a Stanford University economics professor and member of the state grid operator's market surveillance group. Energy companies say the buying and selling of contracts to deliver power provides risk management allowing plant owners to presell their electricity lock in prices and avoid fluctuations. The rough and tumble of the free market they add is the most efficient means of allocating a resource like electricity. But industry critics say trading is far from a competitive market paradigm. In their view it's a means of communication -- a way for energy insiders to collude and raise prices under the guise of competition. To be sure the trading arms of major energy companies have emerged as stars in an industry where profit surges of 300 percent or 400 percent are not uncommon. The transactions shrouded in secrecy can leave ownership of a critical commodity in unknown hands. Consider the case of power generated by AES Corp.'s California plants. In 1998 AES made a bold move. Immediately after purchasing power plants that gave it control of 10 percent of the state's electric generating capacity the company sold the output from its plants for the next 20 years to Williams Cos. Williams did not sit on this treasure trove of electrons. The Tulsa Okla. company soon sold 80 percent of what it bought. It is difficult to say who owns that power now. Some might be owned by Sempra Trading a sister company of SDG&E. Or some could be owned by Enron Corp. the nation's biggest electricity trader. A spokeswoman for Williams conceded that Williams itself may have repurchased some of the electricity it sold earlier. But trading companies closely guard their positions. This much can be said with certainty: Electricity that AES sold for less than 5 cents per kilowatt-hour to Williams changed hands perhaps 10 times in the wholesale market and emerged at times in recent months with a price tag for consumers that was 300 percent higher. Williams' trading profits increased by 523 percent in the first quarter this year. Advance sales All this buying and selling creates curious confluences. In their attempt to deflect criticism over high prices generating companies such as Duke Energy -- operator of the South Bay Power Plant in Chula and others in the state -- frequently note that they sell most of their electricity far in advance. But they acknowledge less often that their trading units may also be buying power which could boost the company's electricity inventory. Duke was the fourth biggest electricity trader last year and cited its trading activity as a prime contributor to its wholesale business profits which soared 324 percent in the first quarter to $348 million. It is a company's power traders who frequently direct plant operators to increase or decrease the generation of power in response to market conditions. Energy companies have little option but to turn to trading for profits. One of the better kept secrets of electrical deregulation and its promise of competition is that there is remarkably little competition in the production side of the business. For one thing electricity is a commodity power from one company is indistinguishable from that generated by others. More important nearly all modern plants generate power from turbines built by a handful of manufacturers. The result? Modern plants owned by different companies produce power at nearly identical cost. The cost of power produced by modern plants is all within a mil (one-thousandth of a dollar) said Michael Peevey an adviser to Gov. Gray Davis and former president of Southern California Edison. So the extraction of profit in the electricity business relies much more on trading. Traders' profits rise when prices are volatile -- plunging or even better rising sharply. Little regulation But despite the obvious temptation to manipulate the market the burgeoning electricity trading business has remained largely unregulated. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does require quarterly filings from energy traders but these often provide incomplete information or at least little that has been of concern to FERC. In fact although the trading of electricity grew more than a hundredfold from 1996 to 2000 FERC has taken no major enforcement action against a trader. After the onset of the California crisis last year FERC has acted once. That was against Williams which agreed to pay $8 million without admitting guilt to resolve an allegation that it withheld supply to pump up prices. FERC's record of enforcement in the area of power trading stands in contrast to a long list of enforcement actions within other markets taken by the Securities Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. FERC has recently added staff to its market oversight operations. But William Massey a FERC commissioner says the agency's effort is still inadequate. Electricity can be flipped stripped and chopped up Massey said. It's an extraordinarily complicated market. The sophisticated marketers and traders have simply moved past us. We're kind of horse and buggy in our approach and they're out there in rocket ships flying around ... The problem is that sophisticated traders don't necessarily produce reasonable prices. They produce profits. Before deregulation electricity trading was a low-key affair. Regulated utilities dealt power back and forth on a reciprocal basis to fill electricity shortfalls in their control areas. There was little trading for profit until the mid-1990s after federal legislation and FERC rulings opened the market. Major traders include large energy companies sister companies of California's major utilities and Wall Street firms. Market volatility In many ways the trading of power is similar to that of other commodities. But there are important differences. Because it cannot be stored and its use is so fundamental the price of electricity is the most volatile of all. When supplies are tight a single supplier can rapidly raise prices to budget-busting levels as evidenced by Duke Energy's recent admission that it charged California nearly $4000 for a megawatt-hour of power a quantity that probably sold hours earlier for one-tenth of that sum or less. Wolak the Stanford economist and state Sen. Joseph Dunn D-Garden Grove who is investigating the state power market say trading allows companies to collude under the guise of competition. Instead of wringing out lowest costs the wholesale trading market serves to raise prices they say. As I trade to you and you trade to me we communicate to each other what price we would like to get said Wolak. It's not collusive. It's just communicating price. Mark Palmer a spokesman for Enron the nation's biggest power trader said California's problem is not the result of trading. It's a result of shortages Palmer said. Underscoring its emphasis on trading Enron's new headquarters tower in downtown Houston rises from a six-story block of new trading floors including expanded space for electricity trading. Enron also pioneered trading in cyberspace and its Enron Online site claims to be the most active computer-based trading market. The Houston company argues that consumers won't fully benefit from power trading and deregulation until they have greater choice in choosing their power supplier. And the company says FERC has not done enough to open access to transmission lines which would allow traders to move power around the country. To that end Enron has lobbied hard for President Bush's plan for a national electricity grid. Palmer says the notion that the price of electricity rises each time it is traded is mistaken. The market is always looking for the real price of a commodity Palmer said. Dunn the California state senator says his investigation found a different function for trading. At a time when supply barely meets or falls short of demand he noted companies with electricity to sell have to worry only about how high to set their price. The trader is a pawn in the generator's game to drive up prices said Dunn. Trading develops a level of trust. You my alleged competitor will bid in the same patterns and I will respond not in a competitive pattern but in a complimentary pattern. The state senator said his investigation found evidence that on several days energy companies appeared to test their ability to drive prices up without being undercut by competitors. This ability to drive up prices without competitive consequence is a key test of market power the technical term for manipulation or price fixing. But Dunn also conceded that antitrust violations can be hard to prove in court. He suggested that even if the trading behavior falls short of antitrust violations it remains anti-competitive and devastating for the California economy. To Harry Trebing a utility industry expert and professor emeritus at Michigan State University wholesale electricity trading is reminiscent of what took place in the 1920s and early '30s. Back then utility companies created complex networks of holding companies that traded stock among themselves driving up prices in the process. Undoing that scheme was a focus of President Franklin Roosevelt's administration. Congress ended up barring national power companies and tightening regulation of utilities in an effort to counteract their tendency to create markets that work only for insiders. The broad goals of trading are the same Trebing said. The goal is to maximize profits through raising prices. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])