1 value
53 values
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 11 6 a12g1,1,,0i1,c17e1,h171 O0 11 6 5,5g9a5,59e59a5,,5g9a5,5 I1 5 9 1,,c18,a16a1,b191,1,,, O1 5 9 5,,,b595,5,,,, I2 7 10 1,14b161,1,e15,1,,6e1,1,, O2 7 10 5,,5d95,59b595,,5d95,5,,, I3T 7 5 1,,01719a1,1,c10a1 O3T None I4T 11 5 c12e1,1,i14,f18b1,1 O4T None
5555555 5555555 5555555 5999555 5555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 8 2,,,3j2,g20b2,g21b2,2, O0 12 8 0,,i6a0,h06a0,,,i6a0,0 I1 5 13 2,,,,c23,0c2,2,9c2,2,,,, O1 5 13 0,,,6,0,,,,6,0,,, I2 13 9 2,i21a2,f210a212,2,,,e25e2,2, O2 13 9 d0g6,d06e06,,,,,,d0g6,0 I3T 12 5 j25,g29b2,2,j25,e28d2 O3T None
000006000000 000006000000 000006000000 000006000000 000006000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 8 3 c419a4,4,f47 O0 8 3 b05c0,, I1 4 8 49a4,4,,,,a414,4, O1 4 8 5a05,,,,,,5,0 I2 7 4 a43c4,e43,46d4,43d4 O2 7 4 5e0,,, I3 12 13 4,,3j4,4,,,f42c4,4,c41f4,4,,, O3 12 13 0,h5b0,g05b0,,,,,,,h5b0,0,, I4T 13 5 0k4,a46i4,4,428i4,4 O4T None
0005000000000 0005000000000 0005000000000 0005000000000 5555000000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 11 13 7,,,f73b7,7,,,,,6i7,7,i70,f71b7 O0 11 13 1,,,,1h71,17f171,,,,,,1h71,1 I1 10 4 g727,7,19a793c7,7 O1 10 4 1,1f7a1,1, I2 11 4 i70,7,,f70b7 O2 11 4 1,g1a71,,1 I3T 12 5 7,e73d7,h75a7,7,d73a76b7 O3T None I4T 11 12 g75a7,7,,,f73b7,7,a75g7,7,a79g7,79h7,7, O4T None
11111111111 11777777111 11711117111 11711117111 11711117111 11711117111 11711117111 11711117111 11777777111 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 9 9 3,e34a3,3,,c31c3,e36a3,3,31f3,f353 O0 9 9 9,9f89,,,,,,, I1 13 14 3,,,h31b3,3,38j3,3,,,b31h3,e38e3,3,,j323 O1 13 14 9,,,9j89,,,,,,,,,, I2 6 10 3,,,,,a39b3,d34,3,,d32 O2 6 10 9,,,,,a9c8,,,, I3T 11 12 f37b3,3,,,,,,,h343,3,,c35e3 O3T None I4T 4 6 b39,3,,,,30a3 O4T None
9888 9888 9888 9888 9888 9888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for O5T
I0 4 10 5,,b56,5,,,,,, O0 4 10 5,,b54,5,,,,,, I1 11 4 5,d54d5,h510,5 O1 11 4 5,d5e4,,5 I2 4 8 5,,,5052,5,,, O2 4 8 5,,,5b4,5,,, I3 3 14 a59,5,,,,,565,5,,,,,, O3 3 14 5a4,,,,,,,5,,,,,, I4T 14 9 g586c5,5,,,,h54c5,5,, O4T None I5T 3 10 5,,,a59,5,,3a5,5,, O5T None
555 555 555 444 444 444 444 555 555 555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 12 14 6,,,,,,a6f5b6,a65d65b6,,a65680a65b6,a65686065b6,a6f5b6,6, O0 12 14 5,,,,,,a5f6b5,,,a5a680b6b5,a5a6860a6b5,a5f6b5,5, I1 14 14 6,,a6i5a6,a65g65a6,a65680d65a6,a65608d65a6,a656068c65a6,a65g65a6,,,,a6i5a6,6, O1 14 14 5,,a5i6a5,,a5a680e6a5,a5a608e6a5,a5a6068d6a5,a5i6a5,,,,,5, I2 11 11 6,,,b6f56,b65d656,b65680a656,,b656860656,b65d656,b6f56,6 O2 11 11 5,,,b5f65,,b5a680b65,,b5a6860a65,b5f65,,5 I3T 14 14 6,,,,,d6d5c6,d656065c6,d658a65c6,d65b65c6,d6d5c6,6,,, O3T None
55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555666665555 55555660665555 55555686665555 55555666665555 55555666665555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 14 14 1,,,b1g4b1,b14e14b1,b1413c14b1,b14a19b14b1,b14e14b1,,,b1g4b1,1,, O0 14 14 1,,,b1g4b1,,b1a431c4b1,b1a419c4b1,b1g4b1,,,,1,, I1 10 10 1,,a1e4a1,a1413914a1,a14a3914a1,a1419a14a1,a14c14a1,a1e4a1,1, O1 10 10 1,,a1e4a1,a14139a4a1,a14a39a4a1,a14191a4a1,a1e4a1,,1, I2T 11 13 1,1e4c1,14a1394c1,14b194c1,14c14c1,14b134c1,1e4c1,1,,,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 1,1j4a1,14h14a1,,,,14d193a14a1,14c193a914a1,14d1a3914a1,14d13b14a1,14h14a1,1j4a1,1, O3T None
11111111111 14444441111 14443941111 14441941111 14441141111 14441341111 14444441111 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 5 5 b727,b707,7,b717,7 O0 5 5 a5151,,,,a5b1 I1 3 10 757,7,,,727,7,,,, O1 3 10 151,,,,,1,5,,, I2 7 12 a78c7,7,8e7,7,,,,,,b78b7,7, O2 7 12 c51a5,,,,,,,,,,d1a5,5 I3 9 14 7,,,g78,71f7,f757,7,,,,d72b7,75f7,7, O3 9 14 5,,1,1g5,,,,,,,,,1,5 I4T 13 3 7,c71g7,g74b71 O4T None I5T 11 7 7,,71h7,74h7,7,, O5T None
55555555555 11155555555 15155555555 15155555555 11155555555 55555555555 55555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 13 10 8,,,,,,,k89,f89c82,a83i8 O0 13 10 9,,,,,,9k3,93j9,, I1 13 11 g84c8,8,,,g87c8,8,,,,,21j8 O1 13 11 h93b9,,,,,,,,,, I2 6 8 b84a8,8,,4d8,8,,d82,8 O2 6 8 9,,,,,,,3 I3 11 10 8,a82g8,8,,,,e85c8,8,, O3 11 10 9f3b9,93d93b9,,,,,,9f3b9,9, I4T 14 8 l84,j83a8,8,,,,,g85a84a8 O4T None I5T 4 12 8,,,,,87a8,7b8,8,,,, O5T None
9999 9999 9999 9999 3339 9939 9939 3339 9999 9999 9999 9999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 3 7 4,,,6a4,4,,6a4 O0 3 7 5,,a25,525,,, I1 3 6 4,,,,,534 O1 3 6 5,,,,2,a52 I2 3 11 4,,,,,,,,7a4,8a4,4 O2 3 11 5,,,,,,,a25,525,,a25 I3 14 4 4,,6l4,b485f490 O3 14 4 5,2,5, I4T 8 13 4,f49,4,8b49b4,4,b49c4,4,,,,,, O4T None I5T 12 13 4,,,,h43a4,4,,i494,4,,,, O5T None
22222222 55555555 55555555 55555555 55555555 55555555 22222222 55555555 55555555 55555555 55555555 55555555 55555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 3 11 5,,,,,585,a56,5,,, O0 3 11 6,,,,,6a5,,6,,, I1 3 11 a50,5,a52,5,,,,,,, O1 3 11 a65,,,6,,,,,,, I2 10 3 f57a5,561b57b5,5 O2 10 3 6f5a6,,6 I3 4 13 5,,,,,a535,b59,5,,,,, O3 4 13 6,,,,,a6a5,,6,,,,, I4T 7 14 5,,,0e5,5,,c54a5,5,,a58c5,5,d505,5, O4T None I5T 7 3 b59b5,a5957a5,a52c5 O5T None
6655566 6655566 6655566
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 14 12 2,,,f24e2,2,,,e26f2,i21b2,2,,b29i2 O0 14 12 8,,,b8g4b8,b84e84b8,,,,,,,b8g4b8 I1 7 6 2,a23c2,b20b2,b27252,2, O1 7 6 8,a8c48,a84a848,a8c48,8, I2 10 13 2,,,d213129,2,,,,,,,,a29f2 O2 10 13 8,,,a8g4,a84e84,,,,,,,,a8g4 I3 11 9 2,,28h2,e27c2,b26f2,2,,b24f2,2 O3 11 9 8,,8e4c8,84c84c8,,,,8e4c8,8 I4T 7 4 27d2,b28b2,a28b29,2 O4T None I5T 9 13 a28e2,2,,,,d20b2,25f2,b20d2,2,,c28c2,2, O5T None
844444888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 848884888 844444888 888888888 888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 5 2,,c25d2,2,20272120a2 O0 10 5 7,h37,3f737,, I1 9 14 2,,b26d2,2,,,3c26b2,2,,,26d202,2,, O1 9 14 7,3,g73,,,,,,,,,3,7, I2 7 5 c20a2,c23a2,2,2026b2,2 O2 7 5 3c737,,,,e37 I3 10 8 2,,b26e2,f29a2,2,a25f2,d29b23,2 O3 10 8 7,7h3,73g7,,,,,7h3 I4T 9 8 e29a2,2,,,c20c2,e27a2,g23,c27c2 O4T None I5T 10 9 f25a2,2,,,,a25f2,f20a2,h23,g232 O5T None
777377777 777377777 777377777 777377777 777377777 777377777 777377777 777377777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 9 h26,2,a202423b2,2,e25b2,2,,, O0 10 9 1h3,,,,,,1,, I1 13 3 b21h2,h20a28,2 O1 13 3 a1j3,, I2 6 13 2,,c205,2,,20c2,2,,,,,, O2 6 13 1,3,,,,,,1,,,,, I3 13 11 2,,j262,2,,,,,,,b26h2 O3 13 11 1,a1j3,,,,,,,,, I4T 11 12 2,,,,g26a2,2,,,,,a26g2,2 O4T None I5T 14 11 2,i20b2,j21a2,2,,,,,,, O5T None
11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331 13333333331
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 11 10 1,12g19,1,,b16f1,1,e13c1,17h1,1, O0 11 10 6,,a6g86,a68e686,,,a6g86,6,, I1 14 10 1,,,,,,f18e1,b16b13d19,1,j19a1 O1 14 10 6,,,,,,,c6h86,,6 I2 12 14 g10181,1,h14a1,1,,,,,,,,,, O2 12 14 6,h68a6,6,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 10 4 1,a18d161,e17b1,g141 O3T None
6666666666 6666666666 6668888866 6666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 7 11 0,,,,c0402,0,9e0,0,,,b06b0 O0 7 11 6,,,5,,,,,,, I1 14 6 0,f02d03,e0206d0,0,, O1 14 6 d6h5,,,,6, I2 4 11 0,,,,,,b02,0,,,a010 O2 4 11 6,,,,,6b5,,,,, I3T 11 5 0,b04f0,3d0a7b0,0,4i0 O3T None I4T 4 11 0,,,,,,b02,0,,,a010 O4T None
6666 6666 6666 6666 6666 6555 6555 6555 6555 6555 6555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 14 4 h13a191,1,b161413e1,1 O0 14 4 2,c2g3a2,2, I1 5 5 14121,1,,16b1,1 O1 5 5 2,a23a2,,2, I2 5 9 1,,,,b171,8c1,1,,c19 O2 5 9 2,,,,,2b32,23232,2b32,2 I3 12 10 1,,,g14b1,j15,1,g14b1,1,, O3 12 10 2,,,,h2a32,,2,,, I4T 5 10 1,,7c1,1,a17a1,1,,,,c14 O4T None
22222 22222 22222 23332 23232 23232 23232 23232 23332 22222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 5 5 b727,b707,7,b717,7 O0 5 5 a5151,,,,a5b1 I1 3 10 757,7,,,727,7,,,, O1 3 10 151,,,,,1,5,,, I2 7 12 a78c7,7,8e7,7,,,,,,b78b7,7, O2 7 12 c51a5,,,,,,,,,,d1a5,5 I3 9 14 7,,,g78,71f7,f757,7,,,,d72b7,75f7,7, O3 9 14 5,,1,1g5,,,,,,,,,1,5 I4T 13 3 7,c71g7,g74b71 O4T None I5T 11 7 7,,71h7,74h7,7,, O5T None
5551111111111 5551555555555 5551555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 13 13 4,,,b4h94,b49f494,,b49a41a3a494,b49b43b494,b49a4a1b494,b49f494,,b4h94,4 O0 13 13 9,,,b9h49,,,b9b41a3b49,b9c43c49,b9b4a1c49,b9h49,,,9 I1 14 14 4,,b4g9b4,b49e49b4,,b49b4a149b4,b49b4a319b4,b49b41349b4,b49a434139b4,b49e49b4,b4g9b4,4,, O1 14 14 9,,b9g4b9,,,b9c4a1a4b9,b9c4a314b9,b9c413a4b9,b9b434134b9,b9g4b9,,9,, I2 13 13 4,,,b4h94,b49f494,,b49b4341394,b49b43a4394,b49b4a13494,b49b4313194,b49a4314a194,b4h94,4 O2 13 13 9,,,b9h49,,,b9c4341349,b9c43a4349,b9c4a13a49,b9c4313149,b9b4314a149,b9h49,9 I3T 14 13 4,,4g9d4,49e49d4,4941a3a49d4,49a4a3a49d4,494b1349d4,49c4149d4,49e49d4,4g9d4,4,, O3T None I4T 13 11 4,4g9c4,49e49c4,,49c4139c4,49b43419c4,49e49c4,,,4g9c4,4 O4T None
9999999999999 9444444449999 9444444449999 9444444449999 9444441349999 9444434149999 9444444449999 9444444449999 9444444449999 9444444449999 9999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 3 10 3,,,363,3,,,,,9a3 O0 3 10 4,,2,a42,,,,,, I1 4 4 b35,3,,31a3 O1 4 4 2b4,,, I2 3 3 a34,3,a39 O2 3 3 424,, I3T 13 12 3,,,d35f3,3,,,6k3,h361a3,3,2k3,3 O3T None I4T 7 13 b31b3,35d3,3,,,435c3,3,,,,,, O4T None
4444244 4444244 4444244 4444244 4444244 4444244 2222244 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 13 9 8,,,,a87i8,5e84d8,8,g86a838,8 O0 13 9 1,,,,k31,3i131,,k31,1 I1 9 14 a89e8,8,,81f8,8,,c84c8,8,e83a8,8,,7g8,8, O1 9 14 f3a1,3d13a1,,,,,,,,,,f3a1,1, I2 12 6 d8483b82,8,,g82b8,8,85i8 O2 12 6 1j3,13h13,,,,1j3 I3 10 5 e86b8,b80e8,8,,b85b8384 O3 10 5 b1f3,b13d13,,,b1f3 I4T 5 5 8,2b83,8,6c8,8 O4T None I5T 12 13 8,e81d8,8,,,,,,a81h8,8,,,b85g8 O5T None
111111111111 113333311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113111311111 113333311111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 8 7 0f5,058d5,5,,,,b50c5 O0 8 7 0,0a2d0,,,,,0 I1 10 6 5,,b54e5,5,94g5,h50 O1 10 6 0,,,0g20,,0 I2 11 13 i58,d57d5,58h5,5,,,,,e51c5,5,,g56a5,5 O2 11 13 0,a0g20,a02e020,,,,,,,,a0g20,0, I3 13 7 5,589i5,5,,,b57h5,g50c5 O3 13 7 0,,a0e2d0,a02c02d0,,a0e2d0,0 I4T 11 13 i58,d57d5,58h5,5,,,,,e51c5,5,,g56a5,5 O4T None I5T 5 7 5,,7c5,c53,5,,c53 O5T None
00000 00000 00000 02220 02020 02220 00000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 6 14 6,,,,,,,,a69b6,6,,,d63,63c6 O0 6 14 4,,,,,,,,,a4b04,a40404,,a4b04,4 I1 10 10 6,,d604b6,6,,,a64f6,6,e69b6,60g6 O1 10 10 4,,,a4c0c4,a40a40c4,,,,a4c0c4,4 I2 11 6 6,8i6,6,c68c696,f60b6,c67e6 O2 11 6 4,,4g0a4,40e40a4,4g0a4,4 I3 12 4 6,i646,h64a6,e67d6 O3 12 4 4,,f4b0a4,4 I4T 10 10 6,,d604b6,6,,,a64f6,6,e69b6,60g6 O4T None I5T 10 13 6,b6a1d6,a61f6,g626,c64d6,6,,,,,,, O5T None
4444444444 4444444444 4440000044 4440000044 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444 4444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 13 3 d46f4,b4845f4,43e41c4 O0 13 3 3,a3e7d3,3 I1 5 4 a43a4,4,c46,46b4 O1 5 4 3,a3a73,,3 I2 5 12 7c4,4,,,,9c4,4,,,,b484,4 O2 5 12 3,3a7a3,,,,,,,,,3, I3 8 3 a43a48a4,e414,b48c4 O3 8 3 3,b3b7a3,3 I4T 13 10 d41f4,4,,,b4748f4,4,,,, O4T None I5T 7 12 4,,,,b45b4,4,c41a4,b41b4,a41c4,4,, O5T None
3333333333333 3333733333333 3333733333333 3333733333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 10 4,a42,4,,,,,8a4,4, O0 3 10 4,5,545,,,,,5,4, I1 9 14 4,,f412,4,2g4,4,g42,4,,,,,, O1 9 14 4,,5,5f45,,,5,4,,,,,, I2 11 11 4,,46h4,f43b4,4,,i47,h474,4,b49f4,4 O2 11 11 4,,4i5,45g45,,,,,,4i5,4 I3 9 6 c49c4,4,,9a42d4,9g4,e43a4 O3 9 6 f5a4,5d45a4,,,,f5a4 I4T 12 10 4,,,,e47d4,4,,g42b4,b41g4,h40a4 O4T None I5T 6 13 4,7a49a4,4,,,,c434,4,,,,, O5T None
444444444444 444444444444 444444444444 444444444444 444555555544 444544444544 444544444544 444544444544 444544444544 444555555544
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 13 13 2,,,,c2e3b2,c23c23b2,c2324143b2,c23c23b2,c232a143b2,c2e3b2,2,, O0 13 13 3,,,,c3e2b3,,c3a24142b3,c3e2b3,c3a2a142b3,c3e2b3,3,, I1 11 14 2,,,,a2d3c2,a234143c2,a23a123c2,a232423c2,a23b23c2,,,,a2d3c2,2 O1 11 14 3,,,,a3d2c3,a324142c3,a32a1a2c3,a3a24a2c3,a3d2c3,,,,,3 I2T 13 13 2,,a2f3c2,a23d23c2,,a23a2a423c2,a23a21243c2,a23b2a13c2,a2f3c2,2,,, O2T None
3333333333333 3333333333333 3322222223333 3322222223333 3322222223333 3322244223333 3322212423333 3322221123333 3322222223333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 11 9 h868,8,,,,,,i80,8 O0 11 9 h3a8,,,,,,,,3 I1 9 8 8,,e84a8,8,0g8,a82b86a8,8,d85b8 O1 9 8 3,,f8a3,,,,, I2 11 14 8,,g89a8,6i8,8,,,,,,e83c8,8,h858,85h8 O2 11 14 3,,i83,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 8 13 8,,f84,8,,,,d8487,84e8,8,,, O3T None
33333333 33333333 38888888 38888888 38888888 38888888 38888888 38888888 38888888 33333333 33333333 33333333 33333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 14 3 0l9,a92j9,f97e9 O0 14 3 h1d4,, I1 7 11 a97c9,9,,,,,d959,9,b95919,9, O1 7 11 4e1,,,,,,,,,,4 I2 12 13 9,,,,,,,6i97,b94g9,9,,, O2 12 13 4,,,,,,1,,,,4,, I3T 13 4 9,,2i919,9 O3T None
4444444444444 1111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 10 8 4,28g4,4,,,b46e4,4,g485 O0 10 8 9,6,,,,,, I1 14 5 e45f4,h40c4,4,,42c40f4 O1 14 5 9h69b6,,,, I2 11 7 4,,b40f4,e47c4,4,, O2 11 7 6,a6e9b6,a69c69b6,,a6e9b6,6, I3 8 11 4,,,a48d4,c49b4,4,42e4,e454,4,, O3 8 11 6,,9,9e69,,,,,9,6, I4T 7 7 4,,3c454,4,47c43,4, O4T None I5T 9 4 c49c4,4,e4264,7e464 O5T None
6666666 9999999 6666666 6666666 6666666 9999999 6666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 12 0,,,,,d0e30,d0305a030,d032b030,d03c030,,d0e30,0 O0 12 12 0,,,,,d0e30,d0305b30,d0320b30,d0e30,,,0 I1 13 13 0,,,b0f3b0,b03d03b0,b0305b03b0,b03a02a03b0,b03d03b0,,b0f3b0,0,, O1 13 13 0,,,b0f3b0,,b0a350b3b0,b0a302b3b0,b0f3b0,,,0,, I2 14 14 0,,,,,d0e3b0,d035b03b0,d0302a03b0,d03c03b0,,d0e3b0,0,, O2 14 14 0,,,,,d0e3b0,d0350b3b0,d0302b3b0,d0e3b0,,,0,, I3T 13 14 0,0h3b0,03f03b0,,03b052a03b0,03d0253b0,03f03b0,,,0h3b0,0,,, O3T None
0000000000000 0333333333000 0333333333000 0333333333000 0333352003000 0333300253000 0333333333000 0333333333000 0333333333000 0333333333000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 11 6,,,,,b61a6,6,,,8d6,1d6 O0 6 11 8,,,,,,8a9b8,,,,8 I1 8 5 6,,b60c6,a60a63a6,f61 O1 8 5 8,,,b8c98,8 I2 5 7 b696,6,,,,62b6,c62 O2 5 7 8,a8a98,,,,,8 I3T 8 4 b65c6,b67c6,a67d6,f63 O3T None I4T 11 11 6,i62,f64b6,6,,65h6,6,,f69b6,6,e64c6 O4T None
88888888888 88888888888 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88999999998 88888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 5 c65f6,8j6,6,c60f6,6 O0 12 5 e2e9,,,, I1 4 6 60a6,6,,,, O1 4 6 b29,,9,,, I2 6 7 8b686,6,,a60b6,6,, O2 6 7 2,,,,,9, I3T 4 10 6,,,,,4b6,63a6,6,, O3T None I4T 4 7 6,,b63,6,,3b6,6 O4T None
9999 9999 9999 9999 2229 2229 2229 2229 9999 9999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 8 10 e030,a08d0,0,09e0,0,1f0,0,,, O0 8 10 f63,6d363,,,,f63,3,,, I1 5 14 b010,b050,0,05b0,0,,,,,,,,, O1 5 14 3b63,36363,,3b63,3,,,,,,,,, I2 14 10 0,,,,c03h0,0,,f03e0,0, O2 14 10 3,,,,c3c6e3,c36a36e3,,c3c6e3,3, I3T 12 9 0,,,,,b03a08d0,0,h08a0,04i0 O3T None I4T 12 9 0,,,,,b03a08d0,0,h08a0,04i0 O4T None
333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 366666666633 363333333633 363333333633 366666666633
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 14 14 1,b1e9d1,b19c19d1,,b195b19d1,b1910a19d1,b19c19d1,b1e9d1,1,,,,, O0 14 14 9,b9e1d9,,,b915c1d9,b9a10b1d9,b9e1d9,,9,,,,, I1 14 13 1,,b1f9c1,b19d19c1,,,,b19510a19c1,b19015a19c1,b19d19c1,,b1f9c1,1 O1 14 13 9,,b9f1c9,,,,,b91510b1c9,b91015b1c9,b9f1c9,,,9 I2T 13 13 1,,a1d9e1,a195a19e1,a191019e1,a19b19e1,a1d9e1,1,,,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 1,1f9e1,19d19e1,1910b19e1,19a15a19e1,19d19e1,,1f9e1,1,,,,, O3T None
99999999999999 91111111999999 91111111999999 91101111999999 91115111999999 91111111999999 91111111999999 91111111999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 3 10 4,a42,4,,,,,8a4,4, O0 3 10 4,5,545,,,,,5,4, I1 9 14 4,,f412,4,2g4,4,g42,4,,,,,, O1 9 14 4,,5,5f45,,,5,4,,,,,, I2 11 11 4,,46h4,f43b4,4,,i47,h474,4,b49f4,4 O2 11 11 4,,4i5,45g45,,,,,,4i5,4 I3 9 6 c49c4,4,,9a42d4,9g4,e43a4 O3 9 6 f5a4,5d45a4,,,,f5a4 I4T 12 10 4,,,,e47d4,4,,g42b4,b41g4,h40a4 O4T None I5T 6 13 4,7a49a4,4,,,,c434,4,,,,, O5T None
444444 555554 544454 544454 544454 544454 555554 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 11 14 d37d3,32h3,3,,,,,,,,5f32a3,3,e32c3,3 O0 11 14 0,0f5b0,,,,,,,,,,,0, I1 11 3 i39,3,b32f3 O1 11 3 0,c0e50,0 I2 14 12 b38a38f3,3,k383,3,,,,i30b3,3,,, O2 14 12 0,c0g5a0,,,,,,0,,,, I3 6 13 3,,,,,,b34a3,3,,,,30c3,c353 O3 6 13 0,,,,,,,a0a5a0,,,,,0 I4T 11 14 d37d3,32h3,3,,,,,,,,5f32a3,3,e32c3,3 O4T None I5T 5 10 3,,,,,,8c3,9c3,a35a3,3 O5T None
00000000000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 05555555000 00000000000 00000000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 11 3,,,35c36,3,,,30d3,3,,34d3 O0 7 11 5,,,,a5c45,a54a545,,,,a5c45,5 I1 6 6 3,0d3,3,4a32a3,3, O1 6 6 5,,5a4b5,5,, I2 12 10 38i3,3,,,,,,,b37g3,3 O2 12 10 5,a54h5,,,,,,,5, I3 10 10 3,,39g3,3,35g3,3,,c34d3,3,f35a3 O3 10 10 5,,,a5d4b5,a54b54b5,,,,a5d4b5,5 I4T 9 3 37b31b3,3,a3939c3 O4T None I5T 5 14 3,,,2c3,c31,3,a31a3,3,,,,,, O5T None
555555555 554445555 555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 8 0d5,5,,a58b5,5,d54,5, O0 6 8 7,,,,,,1, I1 11 10 5,,,,,,,9b52e5,5, O1 11 10 1,,,,,,,d7e1,1, I2 14 4 k525,5,h52c5,5 O2 14 4 h1c71,,,1 I3 3 5 275,5,,, O3 3 5 a71,1,,, I4T 12 11 5,,,,,,h58a5,a54h5,5,, O4T None
111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 117777777711 117777777711 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O2T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 11 3,,3f53,353b6353,357c353,3576a7353,35376a353,3f53,3,, O0 9 11 5,,5f35,5a3b6a35,537d35,5376a7a35,5a376b35,5f35,5,, I1 14 14 3,,a3i5a3,a3567e35a3,a357a6d35a3,a35a37d35a3,a35g35a3,,,,,a3i5a3,3, O1 14 14 5,,a5i3a5,a5367f3a5,a537a6e3a5,a5b37e3a5,a5i3a5,,,,,,5, I2T 14 14 3,,,b3g5b3,b35b36a35b3,b35a676a35b3,b353767a35b3,b35a7c35b3,b35e35b3,,b3g5b3,3,, O2T None I3T 10 13 3,a3e5a3,a35c35a3,a3576375a3,a3537a35a3,a3537a65a3,,a35c35a3,,,a3e5a3,3, O3T None
55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55533333333555 55533336333555 55536676333555 55533767333555 55537733333555 55533333333555 55533333333555 55533333333555 55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 6 9 6,a63a67,6,,,,,,69c6 O0 6 9 9,9d2,92b92,,,,,,9d2 I1 12 10 6,,d69a68b6,6,,b63g6,6,f69c6,6, O1 12 10 9,,b9e2b9,b92c92b9,,,,b9e2b9,9, I2 13 5 6,i67a6,6,,5e67d6 O2 13 5 9,j2a9,2h92a9,,j2a9 I3 13 9 h65b6,6,,,,62j6,6,, O3 13 9 9h2b9,92f92b9,,,,9h2b9,9,, I4T 8 8 c62b6,6,,f67,6,c62b6,6,c60b6 O4T None I5T 11 11 6,,,9h61,6,a65g6,3i6,6,,, O5T None
99992222 99992992 99992992 99992992 99992992 99992992 99992992 99992222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 12 5,a5e4c5,a54c54c5,,,,,a54a8504c5,a5450804c5,a5450584c5,a5e4c5,5 O0 12 12 4,a4e5c4,,,,,,a45a8505c4,a4a50805c4,a4a50585c4,a4e5c4,4 I1 13 13 5,,a5h4a5,a54f54a5,,,a5450d54a5,a5408d54a5,a548e54a5,a54f54a5,,a5h4a5,5 O1 13 13 4,,a4h5a4,,,,a4a50e5a4,a4508e5a4,a458f5a4,a4h5a4,,,4 I2T 14 14 5,,a5g4c5,a54e54c5,,,,a54c5054c5,a54d584c5,a5g4c5,5,,, O2T None I3T 11 11 5,,a5f4a5,a548a5054a5,a545a0a54a5,a540a8054a5,a548a5854a5,a54d54a5,a5f4a5,5, O3T None
44444444444 44444444444 44555555544 44585505544 44550055544 44508805544 44585585544 44555555544 44555555544 44444444444 44444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 11 13 9,,,,,,f98b9,9,,f95b9,9,b96f9,0c92d9 O0 11 13 0,,,,,,g1b0,,,,,, I1 13 11 8c93f9,9,a92i9,9,,,,,,k90,9 O1 13 11 1,,,,,,,,,,0 I2 7 3 c91a9,4a915a9,9 O2 7 3 d1a0,,0 I3 14 6 1l9,9,,l97,9, O3 14 6 1,,,,0, I4T 6 12 9,,a97b9,9,,93a939,9,,,,, O4T None
000000 000000 011110 011110 011110 011110 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 11 13 8,a80g8,8,,,,,,,,85h8,8,f81b8 O0 11 13 4,4f2b4,42d42b4,,,,,,,,,,4f2b4 I1 6 12 8,,b87a8,8,,,,,,,a87b8,d87 O1 6 12 4,,a4c2,a42a42,,,,,,,,a4c2 I2 9 9 8,4g8,8,,,,c82c8,d87818,d87b8 O2 9 9 4,g24,2e424,,,,,,g24 I3T 13 10 8,,,,,85j8,i80a8,8,j851,8 O3T None I4T 14 10 f87e8,8,c87h8,8,e82f8,8,,7l8,8, O4T None
4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4222222222222 4244444444442 4244444444442 4222222222222 4444444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 14 8 6,,,,j65a6,j69a6,c64h6,f69e6 O0 14 8 7,,,b7i17,b71g717,,, I1 8 6 3a61c6,6,,,a65d6,6 O1 8 6 c71b7,,,,,d1b7 I2 14 10 i65b6,6,,f65e6,6,,,,, O2 14 10 e71c71a7,,,,e7e1a7,7,,,, I3T 12 4 6,3d65d6,6,a67h6 O3T None I4T 7 9 9e6,6,c65a6,69d6,6,,,c69a6,6 O4T None
7777717 7777717 7777717 7777717 7777717 7777717 7777717 7777717 1111117
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 11 9 d83d8,8,,e828128,8,c82e8,8,, O0 11 9 c0e30,c03c030,,,,c0e30,0,, I1 7 9 8,4e8,c86a8,8,e89,8,c89a8,8, O1 7 9 0,3,3d03,,,,3,0, I2 12 13 8,,,,,f87c8,8,82a85f8,8,,,87i8,8 O2 12 13 0,,,,,0f3c0,03d03c0,,,,,0f3c0,0 I3T 10 7 8,82g8,8,h87,8,d847b8,d87c8 O3T None
0000000000 0333333333 0300000003 0300000003 0300000003 0300000003 0333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 13 5 4,,f40a46a4,f48d4,0k4 O0 13 5 4,,j2a4,, I1 7 11 e45,4,b42b4,4,,,d404,4,,a40c4,4 O1 7 11 a4d2,,,,,,,,,,4 I2 5 9 b404,4,a43a4,4,,,,46b4,4 O2 5 9 4b24,,,,,,,,4 I3T 7 9 6e4,4,a49c4,,4,,,,c40a4 O3T None I4T 4 7 4,,8b4,4,,b47,4 O4T None
2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244 2222244
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 13 9 8,,,,a87i8,5e84d8,8,g86a838,8 O0 13 9 1,,,,k31,3i131,,k31,1 I1 9 14 a89e8,8,,81f8,8,,c84c8,8,e83a8,8,,7g8,8, O1 9 14 f3a1,3d13a1,,,,,,,,,,f3a1,1, I2 12 6 d8483b82,8,,g82b8,8,85i8 O2 12 6 1j3,13h13,,,,1j3 I3 10 5 e86b8,b80e8,8,,b85b8384 O3 10 5 b1f3,b13d13,,,b1f3 I4T 5 5 8,2b83,8,6c8,8 O4T None I5T 12 13 8,e81d8,8,,,,,,a81h8,8,,,b85g8 O5T None
11111 33333 31113 33333 11111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 13 14 0,,,k02,h04b0,0,9k0,0,,,,,,b092g0 O0 13 14 8,,3,8,,,,,,,,,, I1 13 9 0,k01,b08h0,0,,d04f0,0,f03d0,0 O1 13 9 a8j3,a83i8,,,,,,,a8j3 I2 3 13 0,,,,,,,,089,0,,, O2 3 13 8,,,,,,,3,3a8,3,8,, I3 14 6 d04g0,0,,d01g0,0, O3 14 6 c8383f8,,,,c8b3f8,8 I4T 6 7 0,,a06b0,0,c050,0,a05b0 O4T None I5T 5 3 0,03030,3c0 O5T None
888888 833333 838883 838883 838883 838883 838883
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 7 5 c61a6,a67c6,e61,e60,6 O0 7 5 6,b6b56,,6, I1 5 11 6,65b6,6,,,,,5c6,a67a6,6, O1 5 11 6,,65b6,,,,,,6,, I2 8 9 e676,c68b6,6,,,a65d6,f64,6, O2 8 9 6,b6c56,,,,,6,, I3T 13 10 6,0f69c6,6,e69e6,6,,i64a6,6,, O3T None
6666666666666 6666666666666 6555555555666 6555555555666 6555555555666 6555555555666 6666666666666 6666666666666 6666666666666 6666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 9 10 8,,,,5g8,8,f858,a84a87b8,8, O0 9 10 9,,,,g79,,,,9, I1 8 5 b81c8,e868,d86a8,8, O1 8 5 b9c79,,,9, I2 7 9 a85a838,8,d818,8,,,,,d878 O2 7 9 a9c79,,,,,,,, I3T 11 9 8,,c89e8,8,,,,,a82c830a8 O3T None I4T 7 10 8,,,b84b8,c89a8,a89c8,8,,,a89c8 O4T None
99999999999 99999999999 99777777799 99777777799 99777777799 99777777799 99777777799 99777777799 99777777799
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 12 12 4,,,b4d1c4,b41b41c4,b41a491c4,b414641c4,b4d1c4,4,,, O0 12 12 4,,,b4d1c4,,b4a1491c4,b4a1641c4,b4d1c4,4,,, I1 14 14 4,4i1b4,41g41b4,,,,41c46b41b4,41d49a41b4,41g41b4,,4i1b4,4,, O1 14 14 4,4i1b4,,,,,4d164b1b4,4d149b1b4,4i1b4,,,4,, I2 14 14 4,,a4h1b4,a41f41b4,,a41a4a6a941b4,a41a49a6a41b4,a41c49a41b4,a41a49a4641b4,a41f41b4,a4h1b4,4,, O2 14 14 4,,a4h1b4,,,a4b1a6a9a1b4,a4b19a64a1b4,a4b1a494a1b4,a4b19a46a1b4,a4h1b4,,4,, I3T 13 13 4,,,,c4g14,c419d414,c419a49a414,c416496a414,c4169a6a414,c41e414,,c4g14,4 O3T None I4T 13 14 4,a4g1b4,a41e41b4,a41c4691b4,a41b49461b4,a41c4941b4,a41b49a61b4,a41c4691b4,a41e41b4,,,a4g1b4,4, O4T None
4444444444444 4411111111444 4411111111444 4411114691444 4411119461444 4411114941444 4411119661444 4411114691444 4411111111444 4411111111444 4411111111444 4411111111444 4444444444444 4444444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 5 9 25b2,2,,,,28b2,2,, O0 5 9 b3a2,,,,,,,2, I1 13 4 f2029b2,2,k27,2 O1 13 4 e2f3,,, I2 9 13 c28c2,d26b2,2,,c28c2,2,e27a2,2,,,21f2,2, O2 9 13 g32,,,,,,,,,,,,2 I3T 11 8 2,,,f27b2,3i2,d27a21a2,c27e2,2 O3T None
22222222222 22222222222 33333333332 33333333332 33333333332 33333333332 33333333332 33333333332
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 11 11 3,3g9a3,39e39a3,393b8a39a3,39313a189a3,393181a39a3,39a383819a3,393831319a3,3g9a3,3, O0 11 11 3,3g9a3,,3a9b8a39a3,3a913a189a3,3a9181a39a3,3a9383819a3,3a9831319a3,3g9a3,3, I1 12 12 3,,a3h93,a39f393,,a39a383a1393,a39b38a1893,a39a31c393,a39b3c893,a39b318a193,a3h93,3 O1 12 12 3,,a3h93,,,a3b983a1393,a3b938a1893,a3b91c393,a3b93c893,a3b9318a193,a3h93,3 I2 12 12 3,,,,,,e3d93,e391a393,e3938393,e39b393,e3d93,3 O2 12 12 3,,,,,,e3d93,e3913a93,e3938a93,e3d93,,3 I3T 13 10 3,,b3h93,b39b318a393,b39a3831a393,b39f393,,b3h93,3, O3T None I4T 13 13 3,3i9a3,39g39a3,,,,39d31a39a3,39c3a8a39a3,39c318139a3,39g39a3,3i9a3,3, O4T None
3333333333333 3333333333333 3339999999993 3339993189993 3339998319993 3339999999993 3339999999993 3339999999993 3333333333333 3333333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 9 5 a723d7,7,,g75,d72a74 O0 9 5 9g3,,,, I1 11 9 c79e7,c70e7,7,,,,c72e7,7, O1 11 9 b9b3d9,,,,,,,,9 I2 9 11 7,,a73e7,7,39f7,7,b71d7,7,f787,7, O2 9 11 9,3,,,,,,,,,9 I3T 8 8 7,,b72c7,c71b7,7,,71d75,7 O3T None I4T 3 4 7,,,257 O4T None
99999999 33333333 33333333 33333333 33333333 33333333 33333333 33333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 9 12 24f2,28f2,2,,5g2,2,,f262,2,f272,2, O0 9 12 g86,,,,,,,,,,6,8 I1 11 6 2,f21b2,2,g23a2,c21e2,2 O1 11 6 b8f68,b86d868,,,,b8f68 I2 13 8 f29d2,2,,,,,b21h2,a21i2 O2 13 8 86e86c8,,,,,,, I3T 10 14 b26e2,2,d29c2,26g2,2,,,,,,,b258d2,2, O3T None I4T 10 5 c28d2,2,57d28a2,2,d28c2 O4T None
6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6888886888 6666666888 8888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 8 10 3,,,,32e3,e313,b32c3,3,, O0 8 10 8,,,,,a8c9a8,8,,, I1 10 7 3,9f373,3,4h3,3,,a3a7e3 O1 10 7 8,,8f9a8,,,,8 I2 7 14 5e3,c32a3,3,,,,,,,,a35b37,3,, O2 7 14 8,8d98,,,,,,,,,8,,, I3T 12 7 3,j34,c39f3,j31,3,c32f3,b32g3 O3T None
888888888888 888888888888 888899999998 888899999998 888899999998 888899999998 888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 13 14 8,,,,,g86c8,8,,e86e8,8,,,, O0 13 14 9,,,,d9d6b9,d96b96b9,,,,d9d6b9,9,,, I1 14 10 87k8,8,,a87b81f8,i84b8,8,,,,f82e8 O1 14 10 6i96a9,,,,,,,,, I2 10 13 8,c85d8,1h8,8,,,,,d8187a8,8,b81e8,8, O2 10 13 h69,g969,,,,,,,,,,h69,9 I3T 6 9 8,,3d8,8,,,3a86a8,8, O3T None
999999 666669 999969 999969 999969 999969 999969 666669 999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 13 6 2,e27c282,a27i2,2,i26a2,c21g2 O0 13 6 6,,b6g1a6,b61e61a6,b6g1a6,6 I1 9 10 e29a2,b2629b2,2,,,29f2,2,,c21c2,2 O1 9 10 6,a6c1b6,a61a61b6,,,,,a6c1b6,6, I2 14 7 2,,,c26h2,2,c29h2,g24d2 O2 14 7 6,,,,d6b1e6,,6 I3 10 6 c28a2912,2,e21b2,2,e26b2,2 O3 10 6 6,d6b1a6,d6161a6,d6b1a6,6, I4T 10 6 c28a2912,2,e21b2,2,e26b2,2 O4T None I5T 11 3 d29d2,e26c2,c28d20 O5T None
66666666666 66666111116 66666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 6 14 4,,40c4,4,48c4,4,,,b46a4,4,,,, O0 6 14 6,,,a69b6,,,,,6,,,,, I1 12 6 i404,4,,,,f48c4 O1 12 6 6,g6a9a6,,,,6 I2 9 11 4,,,g45,49f4,4,,a45e4,4,,g47 O2 9 11 6,,,,a6e96,,,,,,6 I3T 13 14 4,,,,d46f4,4,,,,,,,42j4,e46e4 O3T None I4T 11 7 h474,4,,,b41f4,e40c4,4 O4T None
66666666666 66669999966 66669999966 66669999966 66669999966 66666666666 66666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 14 14 2,2j9a2,297a626c29a2,297g29a2,292b7d29a2,2927b6c29a2,29727a6c29a2,29h29a2,,,,2j9a2,2, O0 14 14 9,9j2a9,927a626d2a9,927h2a9,9a2b7e2a9,9a27b6d2a9,92727a6d2a9,9j2a9,,,,,9, I1 13 13 2,,,b2g9a2,b292a7b29a2,b29a27b29a2,b29b6b29a2,b29e29a2,,,b2g9a2,2, O1 13 13 9,,,b9g2a9,b9a2a7c2a9,b9b27c2a9,b92b6c2a9,b9g2a9,,,,9, I2T 13 13 2,2g9c2,29e29c2,,,,29d279c2,29c2629c2,2g9c2,2,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 2,2j9a2,29h29a2,,29b26a27a29a2,29a26726b29a2,29b27676a29a2,29b27b6a29a2,29a272727a29a2,29h29a2,,2j9a2,2, O3T None
9999999999999 9222222229999 9222222229999 9222222229999 9222222229999 9222222229999 9222222729999 9222226229999 9222222229999 9999999999999 9999999999999 9999999999999 9999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 11 14 5,a5f0a5,a50a59250a5,a50d50a5,a505a2a50a5,a5052a950a5,a50592950a5,a50d50a5,,,a5f0a5,5,, O0 11 14 5,a5f0a5,a5a0592a0a5,a5a0b5a0a5,a5a0a25a0a5,a5a02a9a0a5,a5a0929a0a5,a5f0a5,,,,5,, I1 14 14 5,,,,c5g0a5,c509d50a5,c5052c50a5,c50e50a5,,,,c5g0a5,5, O1 14 14 5,,,,c5g0a5,c5095d0a5,c5052d0a5,c5g0a5,,,,,5, I2T 14 13 5,a5i0a5,a50g50a5,,,,,a50a252c50a5,a50a5a9c50a5,a509592c50a5,a5i0a5,5, O2T None
55555555555555 55000000000055 55000000000055 55000000000055 55000000000055 55000000000055 55000000000055 55022520000055 55055990000055 55095920000055 55000000000055 55555555555555 55555555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 14 3,f39c3,3,,,d38e3,b37g3,3,d38e3,3,,,g31b3,3 O0 12 14 8,b8e1b8,b81c81b8,,,,,,,,,,b8e1b8,8 I1 7 14 3,,,,b38b3,3,,,,,,a3232a3,3, O1 7 14 8,,,,a8b1a8,a8181a8,,,,,,a8b1a8,8, I2 10 8 b31e3,d378b3,3,e38b3,3,d30c3,3, O2 10 8 b8c1b8,b81a81b8,,,,b8c1b8,8, I3T 10 8 b31e3,d378b3,3,e38b3,3,d30c3,3, O3T None
8881111888 8881881888 8881881888 8881881888 8881881888 8881111888 8888888888 8888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 12 7 3,,,d31e3,3,,4b36f3 O0 12 7 2,,f9d2,e29d2,,, I1 13 11 3,b37h3,3,,f35d3,3,,,,,h35b3 O1 13 11 a2h9a2,a29f29a2,,,,,,,,, I2 13 3 3,i36a3,g32c3 O2 13 3 f2d92,f29b292, I3T 12 14 j39,3,,,h36a3,3,f36c3,3,g37b3,3,,,h36a3,3 O3T None I4T 12 12 3,,,,,,,,,g35b3,g39363,3 O4T None
222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222299999 222222292229 222222292229 222222299999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 5 9,a98a9,c98,9,2c9 O0 5 5 2,4,,, I1 5 12 9,,,,,,,93b9,9,c98,7c9,9 O1 5 12 2,,,,,,,4,,,,2 I2 6 4 1b948,9,, O2 6 4 4,2,, I3T 12 5 f9193a9,h90a9,b90g9,9,f97c9 O3T None
222444444422 222444444422 222444444422 222444444422 222444444422
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 10 4 g010,0,c02709a0,d01c0 O0 10 4 b47d47,,, I1 10 9 2h0,c09a02a0,0,,,,e05b0,h09,0 O1 10 9 4,,,,,,,,7 I2 3 9 0,a05,0,,,,,,a07 O2 3 9 4a7,474,,,,,,, I3T 10 5 g090,b09e0,4h0,09g0,03g0 O3T None
4444444447 4444444447 4444444447 4444444447 4444444447
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 11 14 e79c7,7,,6i7,7,,i79,7,b72f7,7,,,, O0 11 14 8,8h58,85f858,,,,,8h58,8,,,,, I1 13 12 7,,,e71e7,7,,f75d7,7,,,e72e7,a75i7 O1 13 12 8,,,,b8c5e8,b85a85e8,,,,,b8c5e8,8 I2 7 9 e74,7,,a74a747,7,c73a7,7,, O2 7 9 8,b8b58,b85858,,b8b58,8,,, I3 6 4 72c7,7,5d7,c767 O3 6 4 8,8b5a8,,8 I4T 14 7 a75j7,c75h7,7,,k787,7, O4T None I5T 7 7 b76727,7,,,a73c7,7,a73c7 O5T None
8888888 8885588 8885588 8885588 8885588 8885588 8888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 11 7 8,e87c8,8,,,,a86g8 O0 11 7 2,a2d9c2,,,,, I1 5 7 a85a8,8,c82,a80a8,8,, O1 5 7 a2b9,,,,2,, I2 11 11 8,,d83d8,8,,,b85f8,a857f8,8,, O2 11 11 2,,a2c9d2,,,,,,2,, I3 5 11 b838,4c8,8,,,,,,,,86b8 O3 5 11 c92,,,,,,,,,, I4T 6 3 8,9d8,82a868 O4T None
222222 999992 999992
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 13 9 5,k58,b56h5,5,e54e5,a57i5,5,,c54g5 O0 13 9 3,,b3h13,b31f313,,,,b3h13,3 I1 8 12 5,,,,b59c5,7f5,5,c54b5,5,,e515,5 O1 8 12 3,,,,,3d1a3,31b31a3,,,3d1a3,3, I2 10 4 g568,d51c5,g515,c59d5 O2 10 4 3,d3c13,,3 I3 11 10 5,,g50a5,d56d5,5,,a56g5,5,,f56b5 O3 11 10 3,,,b3d1b3,b31b31b3,,,,b3d1b3,3 I4T 11 10 5,,g50a5,d56d5,5,,a56g5,5,,f56b5 O4T None I5T 14 12 5,,,,,,h51c5,5,,,,l54 O5T None
33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333331113 33333333331313 33333333331313 33333333331113 33333333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 12 6,,a6e5c6,a650b65c6,a6562a65c6,a65c65c6,,a6e5c6,6,,, O0 12 12 6,,a6e5c6,a6506b5c6,a6562b5c6,a6e5c6,,,6,,, I1 13 13 6,,,,c6f5a6,c65606065a6,c65262065a6,c656a2a65a6,c6526a065a6,c65d65a6,c6f5a6,6, O1 13 13 6,,,,c6f5a6,c656060a5a6,c652620a5a6,c656a26a5a6,c6526a0a5a6,c6f5a6,,6, I2 11 11 6,,a6g56,a65e656,,a65c62056,a65a6a26056,a65a6a20656,a65a6060656,a6g56,6 O2 11 11 6,,a6g56,,,a6b5a62056,a6b5a26056,a6b5a20656,a6b5060656,a6g56,6 I3T 14 14 6,,a6g5c6,a65e65c6,,a65d605c6,a65a60a205c6,a65a606a25c6,a65b60265c6,a6g5c6,6,,, O3T None
66666666666666 66666666666666 66555555556666 66555555556666 66555555556666 66555666056666 66555022056666 66555062256666 66555602656666 66555555556666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 14 14 9,,a98j9,9,,,,,,,,,g91d9,b94i9 O0 14 14 0,0h2c0,,,,,,,,,,,, I1 11 14 9,,,,94h9,9,,,,a94e989,9,,5i9,9 O1 11 14 0,,,2,,,,,,,,,, I2 7 9 9,,c93a9,9,,695c9,9,5e9,9 O2 7 9 0,e20,,,,,,, I3T 9 12 9,,,a90d90,9,,,,,g95,4g9,e95a9 O3T None I4T 4 13 9,,,b92,9,92a9,9,,,,,, O4T None
000000000 000000000 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 11 12 5,i51,5,,,,,,,g59a5,5, O0 11 12 5,,h525,,,,,,,5,, I1 10 12 5,,g505,5,,b56e5,c50d5,5,,,g585,d52c5 O1 10 12 5,,,c5c2a5,,,,,,,,5 I2 12 8 51i5,d57e5,5,,b58a52d5,g58b5,5, O2 12 8 5,a5e2c5,,,,5,, I3 5 6 5,b546,5,,,51b5 O3 5 6 5,,a5a25,,,5 I4T 11 12 5,i51,5,,,,,,,g59a5,5, O4T None I5T 11 10 f59b5,5,a58g5,5,,,,,, O5T None
55555555555 55555555555 55555555525 55555555525 55555555525 55555555525 55555555525 55555555525 55555555525 55555555555 55555555555 55555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 14 14 4,,,,,d4g64,d46e464,,,d46b423464,d46c4a264,d46c4a364,d4g64,4 O0 14 14 6,,,,,d6g46,,,,d6c423a46,d6d4a246,d6d4a346,d6g46,6 I1 14 14 4,,,b4f6c4,b46d46c4,,,,b46423a46c4,b4642b46c4,b46a43a46c4,b46d46c4,b4f6c4,4 O1 14 14 6,,,b6f4c6,,,,,b6a423b4c6,b6a42c4c6,b6b43b4c6,b6f4c6,,6 I2 14 14 4,4i6b4,46g46b4,,,,46d42436b4,46c4a3236b4,46e4246b4,46c423426b4,4i6b4,4,, O2 14 14 6,6i4b6,,,,,6e42434b6,6d4a3234b6,6f42a4b6,6d423424b6,6i4b6,6,, I3T 14 14 4,,,,,d4e6b4,d46c46b4,d4643246b4,d4642326b4,d46a4346b4,d4e6b4,4,, O3T None I4T 13 13 4,4h6b4,46a342b46b4,464a2c46b4,464323b46b4,4623d46b4,46f46b4,,,4h6b4,4,, O4T None
6666666666666 6444444444666 6433424444666 6442244444666 6443234444666 6423444444666 6444444444666 6444444444666 6444444444666 6444444444666 6666666666666 6666666666666 6666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 7 13 1,a16c1,7e1,1,,,,3e1,1,,,,4e1 O0 7 13 c1b3,,,,,,,,,,,, I1 8 3 d18a1,419d1,c13b1 O1 8 3 f13,, I2 5 12 1,,6a161,1,,,,,,,, O2 5 12 3,1,,,3,,,,,,, I3T 9 6 1,f171,c10c1,d17b1,b16d1,g15 O3T None
331111111 331111111 331111111 331111111 331111111 331111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 8 6 a26d2,f25,2,,a20d2,a25d2 O0 8 6 4,b4c94,b49a494,,b4c94,4 I1 13 7 2,5k2,2,,,c24g2,h26b2 O1 13 7 4,,4g9c4,49e49c4,,4g9c4,4 I2 14 13 i24b2,2,f28e2,2,,,,,,c28h2,c27h2,a28j2,2 O2 14 13 4,b4f9c4,b49d49c4,,,,,,,,b4f9c4,4, I3T 13 8 2,6k2,2,,,j272,2, O3T None
4444444444444 4444444444444 4999999999944 4944444444944 4999999999944 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 11 9 5,,,b57f5,5,,7i5,5, O0 11 9 9,,,,9a4g9,,9,, I1 11 12 a58g5,5,,,e53c5,5,,,h515,d57d5,5, O1 11 12 9,b9e4a9,b94c94a9,,,,,,b9e4a9,9,, I2 10 14 h59,c58d5,5,,,h53,5,,,d53c5,5,,,d52c5 O2 10 14 9,d9c49,d94a949,,,,,,,,,,d9c49,9 I3 6 12 5,,,,,,0d5,5,,b54a5,52c5,5 O3 6 12 9,,,,,,,9a4b9,,,9, I4T 4 7 b59,5,6b5,5,,, O4T None I5T 11 6 c56e5,54h5,5,a51e595,f52b5,5 O5T None
9999 9449 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 5 6 37b3,b323,b313,3,, O0 5 6 5,a52a5,5,,, I1 13 6 k31,3,a3734g3,k32,b30h3,3 O1 13 6 5,b5h25,,,5, I2 6 13 7d3,3,,,,,,,,,,37c3,a39b3 O2 6 13 5,52c5,,,,,,,,,,,5 I3T 11 11 3,,,e35c3,3,,,,,,g30a3 O3T None
55555555555 55555555555 55555555555 55555555555 55555552555 55555552555 55555552555 55555552555 55555552555 55555552555 55555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 13 13 9,9h8b9,98f98b9,,,,98c91908b9,98c90918b9,98d9108b9,9h8b9,9,, O0 13 13 9,9h8b9,,,,,9d81908b9,9d80918b9,9d89108b9,9h8b9,9,, I1 12 12 9,9f8c9,98d98c9,,98a91a98c9,98b9098c9,98d98c9,9f8c9,9,,, O1 12 12 9,9f8c9,,,9b819a8c9,9b890a8c9,9f8c9,,9,,, I2T 14 14 9,,,,c9h89,c98f989,,c98b901a989,c98b9010989,c98a91a90989,c98b90a1989,c98f989,c9h89,9 O2T None I3T 11 14 9,,9g8a9,98e98a9,,,98a90a908a9,98a90a108a9,98b9a198a9,98e98a9,9g8a9,9,, O3T None
99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99999999999999 99998888888889 99998888888889 99998888888889 99998889019889 99998889010889 99998881990889 99998889011889 99998888888889 99998888888889 99999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1, 'O5T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 6 2,,,24c2,2,46c2 O0 6 6 6,,b1b6,a61b6,, I1 8 7 4f2,2,,,b29c2,b26a262,2 O1 8 7 f61,,,,,,1 I2 4 6 6b2,a292,2,,, O2 4 6 b61,,1,6,, I3 5 8 2,,,,a23a2,2,28b2,26b2 O3 5 8 6,,,c16,1a616,,, I4T 5 12 2,b212,2,,,,b282,a28a2,2,,, O4T None I5T 9 13 2,,,,,c27b29,2,5a23d2,c26c2,2,,, O5T None
666666666 666666666 666666666 666666666 111111111 666666666 666666666 666666666 666666666 111111111 666666666 666666666 666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 14 5 i85b8,8,0l8,c82h8,a86j8 O0 14 5 j2b5,,,, I1 11 3 8,f80a82,c89e8 O1 11 3 5,c5f2, I2 13 12 b87h8,8,i85a8,8,,,,,,,a85i8,085i8 O2 13 12 j2a5,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 10 4 e83b8,9h8,b89e8,c80d8 O3T None I4T 14 11 8,,,l82,8,l86,b81b82e8,8,,,4l8 O4T None
55555555555555 55555555555555 55555555555555 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 9 8 d01b0,c01c0,b01d0,a01e0,0,f050,0, O0 9 8 8g5,,,,,,,8 I1 10 6 f06a0,0,a03f0,a02a01c0,b06e0,0 O1 10 6 8g58,,,,, I2 3 11 0,,,a02,0,,,,,, O2 3 11 8,,8a5,,,8,,,,, I3 13 14 0,,,k02,0,,e08e0,a09i0,0,h03b0,0,,,i06a0 O3 13 14 8,,8k5,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 8 10 4f0,0,,d01a0,0,,,,b0509a0,0 O4T None
55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558 55555558
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 12 8 9,f93c9,9,,b91g9,3j9,9, O0 12 8 0,,0e1d0,01c01d0,0e1d0,0,, I1 10 11 9,f98a9,9,,a93b94b9,d94c9,9,,,,a93f9 O1 10 11 0,,b0c1b0,b01a01b0,,,,,,b0c1b0,0 I2 13 11 9,e98e9,9,,c97e909,9,,,,,k97 O2 13 11 0,,d0f10,d01d010,,,,,,d0f10,0 I3T 5 9 9,c96,a90a9,9,,b989,9,, O3T None I4T 6 9 9,5d9,9,90c9,9,,,b90a9,9 O4T None
000000 000000 011000 011000 011000 011000 011000 000000 000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 14 8 8,g84d8,8,,b84i8,8,i86b8,8 O0 14 8 7,,c7e8c7,,,,7, I1 14 8 8,g84d8,8,,b84i8,8,i86b8,8 O1 14 8 7,,c7e8c7,,,,7, I2 10 8 8,d83c8,8,e89b8,8,,80g8,0h8 O2 10 8 7,,7d8c7,,,,,7 I3T 7 11 8,,,,,a84c8,8,e82,b80b8,d868,8 O3T None I4T 10 7 c845b85,8,f85a8,8,,a84f8,8 O4T None
7777777777 7778888887 7778888887 7778888887 7778888887 7777777777 7777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 8 6 e939,9,,a97d9,e959, O0 8 6 7f2,,,,, I1 12 4 0j9,g96b9,7g95a9,9 O1 12 4 j27,,, I2 13 6 9,,,,k96,c97g9 O2 13 6 7,,,b7i2,, I3T 12 8 9,c97f9,d96e9,9,,d97c949,9, O3T None I4T 13 6 9,,,,k96,c97g9 O4T None
777222222222 777222222222 777222222222 777222222222 777222222222 777222222222 777222222222 777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 10 3 5,54g5,4570e5 O0 10 3 d8d7,c78d7, I1 5 9 5,,,4c5,5,,,1c5,52b5 O1 5 9 7,,b8a7,a78a7,,,,, I2 14 6 j50a5,5,,d56g5,a56j5,f58e5 O2 14 6 78i787,,,,, I3 13 6 5,,c54e535,b54h5,5,b50f525 O3 13 6 7,a7j8,a78h78,,, I4T 12 5 h59a5,g59b5,457h5,5, O4T None I5T 14 3 d57e505,5, O5T None
777777777787 777777777787 777777777787 888888888887 777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 10 5 7,d7175a7,70b75c7,7,f70a7 O0 10 5 8,,a8d1b8,,8 I1 14 6 7,b739h7,7,,g71d7,7 O1 14 6 8,,c8c1e8,,8, I2 11 13 7,b76f7,7,,,,,,e79c7,7,,, O2 11 13 8,,c8a1d8,,,,,,8,,,, I3 8 14 b70c7,7,,,,f74,7,,d76a7,7,,,,c71b7 O3 8 14 8,c8b18,c81818,,,,,,,,,,c8b18,8 I4T 14 13 7,,,79b75g7,7,,,,i76b7,e73f7,7,, O4T None I5T 7 5 8e7,d787,7,3e7,d737 O5T None
88888888888888 88888888888888 88888888888888 88888888888888 88111111118888 88188888818888 88188888818888 88188888818888 88111111118888 88888888888888 88888888888888 88888888888888 88888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 14 14 7,,,a7h2b7,a72f72b7,,a72179c72b7,a7291d72b7,a72a1d72b7,a72979c72b7,a72f72b7,,a7h2b7,7 O0 14 14 2,,,a2h7b2,,,a27179d7b2,a2791e7b2,a27a1e7b2,a27979d7b2,a2h7b2,,,2 I1 13 13 7,,,b7g2a7,b72e72a7,,,b72b71a72a7,b72c7972a7,b72e72a7,b7g2a7,7, O1 13 13 2,,,b2g7a2,,,,b2c71b7a2,b2d79a7a2,b2g7a2,,2, I2 12 12 7,,,,,d7e27,d72c727,,d72a79727,d72b7127,d7e27,7 O2 12 12 2,,,,,d2e72,,,d2b79a72,d2c7172,d2e72,2 I3T 9 9 7,,a7e27,a72c727,a7271a727,a7279a127,a727a9727,a7e27,7 O3T None I4T 12 12 7,,a7h27,a72f727,,a72b7191727,a72a79a71727,a72b7979727,a72a71791727,a72f727,a7h27,7 O4T None
222222222222 222222222222 227777777772 227777777772 227777777772 227777191772 227779771772 227777979772 227771791772 227777777772 227777777772 222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 13 6 4,e41e4,4,g405b4,j434,k47 O0 13 6 2,,f2d52,f25b252,f2d52,2 I1 13 6 4,e41e4,4,g405b4,j434,k47 O1 13 6 2,,f2d52,f25b252,f2d52,2 I2 9 8 4,f434,f424,4,,e4241,c46c4,4 O2 9 8 2,,d2b52,d25252,,d2b52,2, I3 9 14 4,,,,,d41b4,b46d4,d48b4,4,,,,d48b4,4 O3 9 14 2,,,,,,c25c2,,,,,,2, I4T 9 13 4,,e41a4,4,,g41,4,d40b4,1f40,4,,, O4T None I5T 6 8 4,,,d45,4,2d4,4,45c4 O5T None
222222222 222222222 222222222 255555552 252222252 252222252 252222252 255555552 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 4 6 8,,,,,6b8 O0 4 6 0,,,,a1a0,01a0 I1 12 4 8,,,f87a858 O1 12 4 0,,e0e1,e01c01 I2 4 6 8,,,,,4a84 O2 4 6 0,,,,1,0 I3 9 14 8,,,1f84,8,,c85c8,8,,,,d89b8,8,d82b8 O3 9 14 0,,1,0,,,,,,,,,, I4T 7 5 8,,d818,b85108,8 O4T None
0000000 0011111 0010001 0010001 0011111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 14 4,,,,a45h4,4,,,,f43c4,4,,b40d47a4,4 O0 12 14 1,,,1i01,10g101,,,,,,,,,1i01 I1 14 4 a45b45f4,4,c45h4,a4340h4 O1 14 4 10d10e1,,, I2 10 5 4,,b42b40a4,d48c4,42d42a4 O2 10 5 1,h01,0f101,, I3T 3 11 4,,,,,,a41,9a4,4,, O3T None
111 111 111 111 111 000 111 111 000 111 111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 13 13 4,,a4h6a4,a46f46a4,,a46a4343a46a4,a46a4340a46a4,a46b4a0a46a4,a46f46a4,,a4h6a4,4, O0 13 13 6,,a6h4a6,,,a6b4343b4a6,a6b4340b4a6,a6c4a0b4a6,a6h4a6,,,6, I1 10 11 4,,4f6a4,46d46a4,46a43436a4,46a4a046a4,46a43046a4,46d46a4,,4f6a4,4 O1 10 11 6,,6f4a6,,6b43434a6,6b4a0a4a6,6b430a4a6,6f4a6,,,6 I2T 12 12 4,4h6a4,46f46a4,,,46b43a046a4,46b43b46a4,46b403a46a4,46f46a4,4h6a4,4, O2T None I3T 14 14 4,,b4g6b4,b46e46b4,b4640a3a46b4,b464340a46b4,b4640c46b4,b46403b46b4,b4g6b4,4,,,, O3T None
66666666666666 66666666666666 66644444444666 66644444444666 66644033444666 66644340444666 66644044444666 66644034444666 66644444444666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 6 2,27b2,2,a29a2,2,9c2 O0 5 6 1,b4a1,414a1,,,b4a1 I1 13 4 c23g2,2,a23e20a23,a29i2 O1 13 4 a1j4,a14h14,,a1j4 I2 5 10 a29a2,2,,,,b202,24b2,2,, O2 5 10 1b41,14141,,,,,1b41,1,, I3T 13 4 c23g2,2,a23e20a23,a29i2 O3T None
1144444444444 1141111111114 1141111111114 1144444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 4 05g0,h04,h09,d07a090 O0 10 4 9h6,96f96,,9h6 I1 7 13 0,,01a06a0,0,06d0,0,,,,,,,6e0 O1 7 13 9,,d6a9,6b96a9,,,,,,,,,d6a9 I2 14 8 0,,,c05c01c0,0,,a02b01f0,0 O2 14 8 9,,,a9g6c9,a96e96c9,,a9g6c9,9 I3T 10 4 d05c0,7h0,9h0,e07b0 O3T None I4T 14 14 f04e0,0,,,,,04k0,0,,,h05c0,3l0,0, O4T None
6666666999 6999996999 6999996999 6666666999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 14 4 2,a29i24,c29e20a2,a20j2 O0 14 4 9l1,91k9,, I1 3 12 2,,,,,,a27,2,,,5a2,2 O1 3 12 9,,,,,1,9,,,,,1 I2 4 13 2,,,,8b2,2,,a282,2,,,, O2 4 13 9,,,1,b91,,,,1,9,,, I3T 12 6 2,c20f2,2,6i26,g21b2,2 O3T None I4T 12 12 2,,,,,,a20h2,a25g23,2,,, O4T None
999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 911111111111 919999999999 919999999999 911111111111 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 5 12 0c4,4,,c40,4,,,,,a43a4,4, O0 5 12 1,1b71,17171,,,,,,1b71,1,, I1 9 8 4,,d43b4,d46b4,4,c43c4,d40b4,g40 O1 9 8 1,,,d1b71,d17171,,d1b71,1 I2 4 14 4,,,5b4,4,,,,b41,4,,,, O2 4 14 1,,,,1a71,,,,1,,,,, I3T 7 5 b43b4,4,,e45,d453 O3T None
1111111 1111771 1111771 1111771 1111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 13 4 2,e25a24b2,d25824c2,2 O0 13 4 2,d2d1b2,,2 I1 13 3 c214f2,a21a25f2,k29 O1 13 3 a2j1,, I2 11 9 2,b20d2a4,2,,,,,g21a2,a24g2 O2 11 9 2,a2h1,,,,,,, I3T 5 5 2,,,,9a292 O3T None I4T 7 4 b21a20,21d2,2,c28a2 O4T None
2111111 2111111 2111111 2111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 13 14 7,e78e7,7,,j737,7,,,,,,f72d7,g75c7,k75 O0 13 14 2,,f2d42,,,,,,,,,,,2 I1 5 13 7,,,c78,7,,,,72b7,7,,a79a7,7 O1 5 13 2,,,,a2a42,,,,,,,2, I2 14 6 7,,l71,7,,j74a7 O2 14 6 2,,,k242,,2 I3T 6 12 b76a7,7,,,,d75,7,,d76,7,, O3T None
222222 222242 222242 222242 222242 222242 222242 222242 222222 222222 222222 222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 14 14 5,,,,c5g6a5,c56e56a5,c56a523536a5,c56532b56a5,c56c5a26a5,c565232a36a5,c56525a326a5,c5g6a5,5, O0 14 14 6,,,,c6g5a6,,c6b523535a6,c6a532c5a6,c6d5a25a6,c6a5232a35a6,c6a525a325a6,c6g5a6,6, I1 14 11 5,,,e5f65,e562c565,e5653b565,e56d565,,e5f65,5, O1 14 11 6,,,e6f56,e652d56,e6a53c56,e6f56,,,6, I2 14 14 5,5g6d5,56e56d5,,,56b52a56d5,56c5356d5,56e56d5,5g6d5,5,,,, O2 14 14 6,6g5d6,,,,6c52b5d6,6d53a5d6,6g5d6,,6,,,, I3T 14 12 5,,a5e6e5,a56c56e5,a56a5356e5,a563a256e5,a5652a56e5,a562a356e5,a5e6e5,5,, O3T None I4T 12 13 5,5e6d5,5652356d5,563a256d5,5653a56d5,56c56d5,,,5e6d5,5,,, O4T None
66666666666666 66666666666666 66555555666666 66555555666666 66555355666666 66532255666666 66552555666666 66523355666666 66555555666666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 8 c9093b9,9,f98a9,9,h96,9,,e96b9 O0 10 8 2,d2c12,d21a212,,,,d2c12,2 I1 5 9 93b9,9,,90b9,b959,9,,, O1 5 9 2,a21a2,,,2,,,, I2 3 14 9,0a9,9,,,,,a90,9,,,,, O2 3 14 2,,212,,,,,2,,,,,, I3T 6 13 9,,,,,2d9,9,,,a97b9,9,, O3T None I4T 8 12 9,,,d91a9,9,b91c9,0f9,9,b96c9,9,, O4T None
222222 222222 222222 222222 222222 222222 212222 212222 212222 222222 222222 222222 222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for O5T
I0 10 4 e59b5,a56c57a5,b50e5,e53b5 O0 10 4 4,b4c6b4,,4 I1 4 9 5,,,,2b5,5,b53,5, O1 4 9 4,,,,,4a64,4,, I2 9 10 b53d5,5,,,,94f5,f585,5,e56a5,5 O2 9 10 4,4e6a4,46c46a4,,,,,4e6a4,4, I3 11 7 5,,d56d5,5,c54e5,5,b56f5 O3 11 7 4,,,c46e4,,,4 I4T 8 14 c50b5,5,f52,5,,f58,5,,,,,e565,5, O4T None I5T 11 7 5,,d56d5,5,c54e5,5,b56f5 O5T None
44444444444 44444444444 44444444444 44446444444 44446444444 44446444444 44444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b