#!/bin/bash |
export LC_ALL=C |
words_file= |
train_text= |
dev_text= |
oov_symbol="<UNK>" |
echo "$0 $@" |
[ -f path.sh ] && . ./path.sh |
. ./utils/parse_options.sh || exit 1 |
echo "-------------------------------------" |
echo "Building an SRILM language model " |
echo "-------------------------------------" |
if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then |
echo "Incorrect number of parameters. " |
echo "Script has to be called like this:" |
echo " $0 [switches] <datadir> <tgtdir>" |
echo "For example: " |
echo " $0 data data/srilm" |
echo "The allowed switches are: " |
echo " words_file=<word_file|> word list file -- data/lang/words.txt by default" |
echo " train_text=<train_text|> data/train/text is used in case when not specified" |
echo " dev_text=<dev_text|> last 10 % of the train text is used by default" |
echo " oov_symbol=<unk_sumbol|<UNK>> symbol to use for oov modeling -- <UNK> by default" |
exit 1 |
fi |
datadir=$1 |
tgtdir=$2 |
loc=`which ngram-count`; |
if [ -z $loc ]; then |
echo >&2 "You appear to not have SRILM tools installed, either on your path," |
echo >&2 "Use the script \$KALDI_ROOT/tools/install_srilm.sh to install it." |
exit 1 |
fi |
mkdir -p $tgtdir |
for f in $words_file $train_text $dev_text; do |
[ ! -s $f ] && echo "No such file $f" && exit 1; |
done |
[ -z $words_file ] && words_file=$datadir/lang/words.txt |
if [ ! -z "$train_text" ] && [ -z "$dev_text" ] ; then |
nr=`cat $train_text | wc -l` |
nr_dev=$(($nr / 10 )) |
nr_train=$(( $nr - $nr_dev )) |
orig_train_text=$train_text |
head -n $nr_train $train_text > $tgtdir/train_text |
tail -n $nr_dev $train_text > $tgtdir/dev_text |
train_text=$tgtdir/train_text |
dev_text=$tgtdir/dev_text |
echo "Using words file: $words_file" |
echo "Using train text: 9/10 of $orig_train_text" |
echo "Using dev text : 1/10 of $orig_train_text" |
elif [ ! -z "$train_text" ] && [ ! -z "$dev_text" ] ; then |
echo "Using words file: $words_file" |
echo "Using train text: $train_text" |
echo "Using dev text : $dev_text" |
train_text=$train_text |
dev_text=$dev_text |
else |
train_text=$datadir/train/text |
dev_text=$datadir/dev2h/text |
echo "Using words file: $words_file" |
echo "Using train text: $train_text" |
echo "Using dev text : $dev_text" |
fi |
[ ! -f $words_file ] && echo >&2 "File $words_file must exist!" && exit 1 |
[ ! -f $train_text ] && echo >&2 "File $train_text must exist!" && exit 1 |
[ ! -f $dev_text ] && echo >&2 "File $dev_text must exist!" && exit 1 |
sort $words_file | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v '\#0' | grep -v '<eps>' | grep -v -F "$oov_symbol" > $tgtdir/vocab |
if (($?)); then |
echo "Failed to create vocab from $words_file" |
exit 1 |
else |
echo vocab contains `cat $tgtdir/vocab | perl -ne 'BEGIN{$l=$w=0;}{split; $w+=$#_; $w++; $l++;}END{print "$l lines, $w words\n";}'` |
fi |
sed -e 's/^\w*\ *//' -e 's/ \+[^ ]\+$//' $train_text | sort -u | \ |
perl -ane 'print join(" ", @F[1..$#F]) . "\n" if @F > 1' > $tgtdir/train.txt |
if (($?)); then |
echo "Failed to create $tgtdir/train.txt from $train_text" |
exit 1 |
else |
echo "Removed first and last word (<s> <\s> tags) from every line of $train_text" |
echo $train_text contains `cat $train_text | perl -ane 'BEGIN{$w=$s=0;}{$w+=@F; $w--; $s++;}END{print "$w words, $s sentences\n";}'` |
echo train.txt contains `cat $tgtdir/train.txt | perl -ane 'BEGIN{$w=$s=0;}{$w+=@F; $s++;}END{print "$w words, $s sentences\n";}'` |
fi |
cat $dev_text | cut -d ' ' -f 2- > $tgtdir/dev.txt |
if (($?)); then |
echo "Failed to create $tgtdir/dev.txt from $dev_text" |
exit 1 |
else |
echo "Removed first word (uid) from every line of $dev_text" |
echo $dev_text contains `cat $dev_text | perl -ane 'BEGIN{$w=$s=0;}{$w+=@F; $w--; $s++;}END{print "$w words, $s sentences\n";}'` |
echo $tgtdir/dev.txt contains `cat $tgtdir/dev.txt | perl -ane 'BEGIN{$w=$s=0;}{$w+=@F; $s++;}END{print "$w words, $s sentences\n";}'` |
fi |
if [ ! -z ${LIBLBFGS} ]; then |
echo "-------------------" |
echo "Maxent 3grams" |
echo "-------------------" |
sed 's/'${oov_symbol}'/<unk>/g' $tgtdir/train.txt | \ |
ngram-count -lm - -order 3 -text - -vocab $tgtdir/vocab -unk -sort -maxent -maxent-convert-to-arpa|\ |
ngram -lm - -order 3 -unk -map-unk "$oov_symbol" -prune-lowprobs -write-lm - |\ |
sed 's/<unk>/'${oov_symbol}'/g' | gzip -c > $tgtdir/3gram.me.gz || exit 1 |
echo "-------------------" |
echo "Maxent 4grams" |
echo "-------------------" |
sed 's/'${oov_symbol}'/<unk>/g' $tgtdir/train.txt | \ |
ngram-count -lm - -order 4 -text - -vocab $tgtdir/vocab -unk -sort -maxent -maxent-convert-to-arpa|\ |
ngram -lm - -order 4 -unk -map-unk "$oov_symbol" -prune-lowprobs -write-lm - |\ |
sed 's/<unk>/'${oov_symbol}'/g' | gzip -c > $tgtdir/4gram.me.gz || exit 1 |
else |
echo >&2 "SRILM is not compiled with the support of MaxEnt models." |
echo >&2 "You should use the script in \$KALDI_ROOT/tools/install_srilm.sh" |
echo >&2 "which will take care of compiling the SRILM with MaxEnt support" |
exit 1; |
fi |
echo "--------------------" |
echo "Computing perplexity" |
echo "--------------------" |
( |
for f in $tgtdir/3gram* ; do ( echo $f; ngram -order 3 -lm $f -unk -map-unk "$oov_symbol" -prune-lowprobs -ppl $tgtdir/dev.txt ) | paste -s -d ' ' ; done |
for f in $tgtdir/4gram* ; do ( echo $f; ngram -order 4 -lm $f -unk -map-unk "$oov_symbol" -prune-lowprobs -ppl $tgtdir/dev.txt ) | paste -s -d ' ' ; done |
) | sort -r -n -k 15,15g | column -t | tee $tgtdir/perplexities.txt |
echo "The perlexity scores report is stored in $tgtdir/perplexities.txt " |
echo "" |
for best_ngram in {3,4}gram ; do |
outlm=best_${best_ngram}.gz |
lmfilename=$(grep "${best_ngram}" $tgtdir/perplexities.txt | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ') |
echo "$outlm -> $lmfilename" |
(cd $tgtdir; rm -f $outlm; ln -sf $(basename $lmfilename) $outlm ) |
done |