""" |
Created 10-13-19 by Matt C. McCallum |
""" |
from mutagen import mp3 |
import numpy as np |
import struct |
import io |
import wave |
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE |
WAV_SAMP_RATE = 44100 |
WAV_FFMPEG_FMT = 'pcm_s' + str(WAV_BIT_DEPTH) + 'le' |
def wav_packing_string(num_frames, num_channels, bit_depth): |
""" |
Get the string for packing or unpacking a given number of frames using the struct module. |
Args: |
num_frames: int - The number of frames to cover in the packing string |
num_channels: int - The number of channels in the audio, e.g., 2 for stereo. |
bit_depth: int - The number of bits per sample. |
Return: |
str - The string to be used with the struct module for unpacking, packing the given number of frames for the |
current audio format described in this object. |
""" |
unpack_fmt = '<%i' % ( num_frames * num_channels ) |
if bit_depth == 16: |
unpack_fmt += 'h' |
elif bit_depth == 32: |
unpack_fmt += 'i' |
else: |
raise Exception('Unsupporeted bit depth format for packing data.') |
return unpack_fmt |
def mp3_to_wav(mp3_source_file): |
""" |
Converts an mp3 file to a wav file in memory. |
Args: |
mp3_source_file: file-like - A file-like object containing mp3 data. |
Return: |
file-like - A file-like object containing wav data. |
""" |
n_channels = mp3.MP3(mp3_source_file).info.channels |
mp3_source_file.seek(0) |
p = Popen(["ffmpeg", "-loglevel", "panic", "-f", "mp3", "-i", "pipe:0", "-map_metadata", "-1", "-vn", "-acodec", WAV_FFMPEG_FMT, "-ac", |
str(n_channels), "-ar", str(WAV_SAMP_RATE), "-f", "wav", 'pipe:1'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) |
in_mem_file = io.BytesIO(p.communicate(input=mp3_source_file.read())[0]) |
in_mem_file.seek(0) |
file_length = in_mem_file.seek(0, 2) |
in_mem_file.seek(4) |
in_mem_file.write(struct.pack('i', file_length - 8)) |
in_mem_file.seek(0) |
test_data = in_mem_file.read(10000) |
data_start = test_data.find(b'data') |
in_mem_file.seek(data_start + 4) |
in_mem_file.write(struct.pack('i', file_length - data_start - 8)) |
in_mem_file.seek(0) |
return in_mem_file |
def mp3_get_samples(mp3_source_file): |
""" |
Reads samples from an mp3 file as a numpy array of floats, with channels along the first |
axis and samples along the second axis. |
Args: |
mp3_source_file: file-like - A file-like object containing mp3 data. |
Return: |
np.ndarray - An array of shape (channels, samples) containing the audio sample data as |
floats in the range [-1.0, 1.0] |
""" |
n_channels = mp3.MP3(mp3_source_file).info.channels |
in_mem_file = mp3_to_wav(mp3_source_file) |
audio = wave.open(in_mem_file, 'rb') |
num_frames = audio.getnframes() |
data = audio.readframes( num_frames ) |
audio.close() |
data = struct.unpack( wav_packing_string( num_frames, n_channels, WAV_BIT_DEPTH ), data ) |
return_array = np.zeros( ( n_channels, num_frames ) ) |
for channel in range( n_channels ): |
return_array[channel,:] = np.array( data[channel::n_channels] )/( 2.0**WAV_BIT_DEPTH ) |
return return_array |