#!/bin/bash |
words=5000 |
echo "$0 $@" |
if [ -f path.sh ]; then . ./path.sh; fi |
. utils/parse_options.sh || exit 1; |
mkdir -p data |
dir=data/local/dict |
mkdir -p $dir |
echo "$0: Getting CMU dictionary" |
if [ ! -f $dir/cmudict.done ]; then |
[ -d $dir/cmudict ] && rm -rf $dir/cmudict |
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/cmusphinx/code/trunk/cmudict $dir/cmudict |
touch $dir/cmudict.done |
fi |
echo "$0: Preparing files in $dir" |
for w in SIL SPN; do echo $w; done > $dir/silence_phones.txt |
echo SIL > $dir/optional_silence.txt |
cat $dir/cmudict/cmudict-0.7b.symbols | \ |
perl -ne 's:[0-9]::g; s:\r::; print lc($_)' | \ |
tr a-z A-Z | \ |
sort -u > $dir/nonsilence_phones.txt |
paste -d ' ' -s $dir/silence_phones.txt > $dir/extra_questions.txt |
grep -v ';;;' $dir/cmudict/cmudict-0.7b |\ |
uconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 -x Any-Lower |\ |
perl -ne 's:(\S+)\(\d+\) :$1 :; s: : :; print;' |\ |
perl -ne '@F = split " ",$_,2; $F[1] =~ s/[0-9]//g; print "$F[0] $F[1]";' \ |
> $dir/lexicon1_raw_nosil.txt || exit 1; |
for w in `grep -v sil $dir/silence_phones.txt`; do |
echo "[$w] $w" |
done | cat - $dir/lexicon1_raw_nosil.txt > $dir/lexicon2_raw.txt || exit 1; |
cat $dir/lexicon2_raw.txt \ |
<( echo "mm m" |
echo "<unk> spn" \ |
) | sed 's/[\t ]/\t/' | tr a-z A-Z | sort -u > $dir/iv_lexicon.txt |
cat data/local/corpus.txt | \ |
awk '{for (n=1;n<=NF;n++){ count[$n]++; } } END { for(n in count) { print count[n], n; }}' | \ |
sort -nr > $dir/word_counts_b |
vocab_size=0 |
start_line=3 |
touch $dir/word_list |
while [ "$vocab_size" -le "$words" ]; do |
current_count=`sed "${start_line}q;d" $dir/word_counts_b | awk '{print $1}'` |
cat $dir/word_counts_b | grep "^$current_count " | awk '{print $2}' >> $dir/word_list |
vocab_size=`cat $dir/word_list | wc -l` |
start_line=$((vocab_size + 1 )) |
done |
head -n $vocab_size $dir/word_counts_b > $dir/word_counts |
sort -u $dir/word_list > $dir/word_list_sorted |
awk '{print $1}' $dir/iv_lexicon.txt | \ |
perl -e '($word_counts)=@ARGV; |
open(W, "<$word_counts")||die "opening word-counts $word_counts"; |
while(<STDIN>) { chop; $seen{$_}=1; } |
while(<W>) { |
($c,$w) = split; |
if (!defined $seen{$w}) { print; } |
} ' $dir/word_counts > $dir/oov_counts.txt |
echo "*Highest-count OOVs (including fragments) are:" |
head -n 10 $dir/oov_counts.txt |
echo "*Highest-count OOVs (excluding fragments) are:" |
grep -v -E '^-|-$' $dir/oov_counts.txt | head -n 10 || true |
echo "*Training a G2P and generating missing pronunciations" |
mkdir -p $dir/g2p/ |
if [ -e $dir/g2p/g2p.fst ] |
then |
echo "$0: Phonetisaurus exist. $dir/g2p/g2p.fst will be used" |
else |
phonetisaurus-align --input=$dir/iv_lexicon.txt --ofile=$dir/g2p/aligned_lexicon.corpus |
ngram-count -order 4 -kn-modify-counts-at-end -ukndiscount\ |
-gt1min 0 -gt2min 0 -gt3min 0 -gt4min 0 \ |
-text $dir/g2p/aligned_lexicon.corpus -lm $dir/g2p/aligned_lexicon.arpa |
phonetisaurus-arpa2wfst --lm=$dir/g2p/aligned_lexicon.arpa --ofile=$dir/g2p/g2p.fst |
fi |
awk '{print $2}' $dir/oov_counts.txt > $dir/oov_words.txt |
phonetisaurus-apply --nbest 2 --model $dir/g2p/g2p.fst --thresh 5 --accumulate \ |
--word_list $dir/oov_words.txt > $dir/oov_lexicon.txt |
cat $dir/oov_lexicon.txt $dir/iv_lexicon.txt | sort -u > $dir/lexicon1_plus_g2p.txt |
join $dir/lexicon1_plus_g2p.txt $dir/word_list_sorted > $dir/lexicon.txt |
echo "<UNK> SPN" >> $dir/lexicon.txt |
rm -f $dir/lexiconp.txt 2>null; |
awk '{print $1}' $dir/lexicon.txt | \ |
perl -e '($word_counts)=@ARGV; |
open(W, "<$word_counts")||die "opening word-counts $word_counts"; |
while(<STDIN>) { chop; $seen{$_}=1; } |
while(<W>) { |
($c,$w) = split; |
if (!defined $seen{$w}) { print; } |
} ' $dir/word_counts > $dir/oov_counts.g2p.txt |
echo "*Highest-count OOVs (including fragments) after G2P are:" |
head -n 10 $dir/oov_counts.g2p.txt |
utils/validate_dict_dir.pl $dir |
exit 0; |