To your hands I give you | |
Aboard from Hawaii | |
The ship they call Northern Light | |
A fugitive | |
One of three highwaymen | |
Who stopped the Pixley train that night | |
About 8 PM | |
22 February | |
We forced 7 thousand in gold | |
Two were killed in the melee | |
A fireman of the train | |
And a passenger from Modesto | |
The leader was an | |
Insurance agent, this I know | |
The third man set for | |
Remote islands near the equator | |
When he found the ship | |
Would not put in there | |
There's reason to believe he set her on fire | |
When our bomb exploded | |
Buckshot unloaded | |
We three made off in dire | |
To the Right Honorable | |
American Council | |
To the Hawaiian King | |
I swear before Notary | |
To make a clean breast | |
Of the whole thing | |
In hope of salvation | |
For surely I'll be found before port | |
Before Postal authorities can act | |
I surrender myself unto the reward | |
Since I was taken | |
From the Napa asylum | |
And put on a whaler for my own good | |
I told the Captain | |
Not to let me ashore | |
Except under guard | |
If no faith is placed | |
In this letter | |
You are letting a brigand free | |
The passenger coaches | |
Were not molested | |
Violence I can't see |