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1 Parent(s): 24e7a76

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  48. 128_Compmusic-Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_english_version-music_captions/Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_cut/中国京剧名票系列专辑之二金福田京剧唱腔选/1-11-金福田-甘露寺(劝千岁杀字休出口)_4.flac +3 -0
  49. 128_Compmusic-Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_english_version-music_captions/Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_cut/中国京剧名票系列专辑之二金福田京剧唱腔选/1-12-金福田-借东风(学天书习兵法犹如反掌)_1.flac +3 -0
  50. 128_Compmusic-Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_english_version-music_captions/Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_cut/中国京剧名票系列专辑之二金福田京剧唱腔选/1-12-金福田-借东风(学天书习兵法犹如反掌)_2.flac +3 -0
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/119561.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Ongitak", "description": "130 bpm dubstep bass. Made from home-made bass samples (tagline has more info).", "tags": ["bass", "dubstep", "loops", "low", "sub", "wobble"], "num_ratings": 1, "id": 119561, "num_downloads": 32, "name": "B5 Dubstep Loops 3.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 3.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Batch5 Dubstep Loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 130}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/132166.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Ongitak", "description": "140bpm industrial-robotic-sounding bass loop for dubstep, etc.", "tags": ["bass", "wobble", "lfo", "glitch", "dubstep", "robotic", "electronic", "industrial"], "num_ratings": 3, "id": 132166, "num_downloads": 255, "name": "B11 Dubstep Loops 2a", "license": "", "avg_rating": 5.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "B11 Dubstep Loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 140}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/152670.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "sumsun", "description": "Just a little Beat at 124", "tags": ["124bpm", "Beat", "House", "Drum", "Techno", "Tech", "124", "Loop"], "num_ratings": 7, "id": 152670, "num_downloads": 730, "name": "House Beat 124bpm", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.142857142857145, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 124}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/15508.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "pitx", "description": "A remix from Melack's IMPresora.wav\nLoop at 120.", "tags": ["120", "bpm", "loop", "machine", "mechanic", "printer"], "num_ratings": 7, "id": 15508, "num_downloads": 243, "name": "IMPresoras_melack_oferta_sinigual.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.5, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/169869.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "tichec", "description": "120 bpm drum loop recorded at EpicSound studio..\r\nDrums: Sonor force 2007", "tags": ["hihat", "bpm", "120", "drums", "open", "loop"], "num_ratings": 5, "id": 169869, "num_downloads": 739, "name": "Drums_120bpm_openhat_loop1.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.6, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/183588.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "AlienXXX", "description": "Beatboxing recorded with a cheap webmic in Ableton Live and edited with Audacity.\r\nThe webmic was so noisy and was picking up he sounds from the laptop fan that I decided to use a noise gate.\r\n\r\nThis is a throat bass loop. The gate adds a bit of a strrange envelope to the sounds, and some noise still comes through. Also, I am not sure this loop has the tightest tempo.\r\nDefenitely not the best sample in the pack, but still decided to upload it, in case it is of use for someone.", "tags": ["noise-gate", "Dare-19", "beatbox", "120-bpm", "rhythm", "loop", "bass"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 183588, "num_downloads": 16, "name": "Beatbox_01_Loop_04a_VocalBass@120bpm.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Dare-19 120bmp loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/183668.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "AlienXXX", "description": "I recorded myself beatboxing with my Zoom H1 in my bathroom (for extra bass)\r\nThis is a nasal beat at 120bpm.", "tags": ["rhythmic", "Dare-19", "beatbox", "nasal", "boomy", "percussion", "rhythm", "aggressive", "120bpm", "loop", "bassy"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 183668, "num_downloads": 13, "name": "Loop2_010_Nasal_(120bpm).wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Dare-19 Zoom H1 Loops (stereo)", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/18569.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "sonicfire", "description": "120 bpm synthetic sequencer line in minor", "tags": ["ambient", "analog", "bassline", "electro", "line", "loop", "seq", "sequence", "synthline"], "num_ratings": 3, "id": 18569, "num_downloads": 153, "name": "ambienza-sequencer-09-120bpm-cmin.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.333333333333335, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "ambienza vol.1", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/199143.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "aikighost", "description": "Abstract Percussion Loop made from field recorded found sounds", "tags": ["Percussion", "Abstract", "Loop"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 199143, "num_downloads": 9, "name": "ClickNGlitch_120bpm01_LoopCache_AbstractPercussion.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Abstract Percussion Loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/201124.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "LoopPacks", "description": "This is part of the Hip Hop BoomBat loop pack, brought to you by Mix this with any of the loops in this pack for some smooth hip hop beat matching at 180 bpm. \r\n", "tags": ["hip", "180bpm", "hop", "180", "hiphop", "drums"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 201124, "num_downloads": 12, "name": "drums4_Insert 1.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Hip Hop BoomBat 180 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 180}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/205162.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "luckylittleraven", "description": "an experimental bass loop with effects. recorded in samplitude at 120bpm, 8 bars in length.", "tags": ["industrial", "bass", "distorted", "artificial", "drone", "synth", "loop"], "num_ratings": 1, "id": 205162, "num_downloads": 73, "name": "distortedflanbass.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 5.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/207406.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "mikobuntu", "description": "Thi is my 1st sample created for freesound using Renoise, I hope it comes in useful", "tags": ["bass", "140", "beat", "bpm", "break", "snare", "hat", "kick"], "num_ratings": 6, "id": 207406, "num_downloads": 221, "name": "140bpm-bass-breakbeat.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.666666666666665, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "140bpm-beats-loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 140}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/2140.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "This is a drumloop at 80 BPM which was created using Cubase SX and the Waldorf Attack VST drumsynth.\r\nI used the acoustic kit preset and modified some of the sounds.\r\nAfterwards I added some compression on some sounds and mangled the\r\nwhole loop using the spectumworx plugin. This gave this loop a lofi vocoded sound.", "tags": ["80bpm", "drumloop", "lofi", "phased", "spectralised", "vocoded"], "num_ratings": 52, "id": 2140, "num_downloads": 1657, "name": "80 bpm ATTACK LOOP 2a mastered 16 bit.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.26923076923077, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "ATTACK LOOP 2", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 80}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/214570.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "SpankMyFilth", "description": "Dubstep Bass: 110 BPM wobble at 1/16th note, half of the samples as a sine LFO and saw LFO descending. Sampled in Ableton using massive, compression using PSP Compressor2. Random presets with LFO settings on key parts, and very little other effects used, mostly so this sample can be re-sampled. 110 BPM so it can be pitched up which is usually better then having to pitch samples down.", "tags": ["dance", "lfo", "wub", "SpankMyFilth", "dubstep", "110", "rave", "electronic", "sub", "wah", "trance", "dub", "Skrillex", "synthesizer", "synth", "electro", "club", "noise", "bass", "beat", "effect", "dub-step", "techno", "sound", "bpm", "porn-core", "processed", "wobble", "loop"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 214570, "num_downloads": 7, "name": "15-16th Dubstep Bass c2.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "16th Dubstep Bass C3 ", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 110}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/238635.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "arseniiv", "description": "Piano loop I played on my Casio synth. This is a barely adjusted recording with a record-tapeish chorus already added in the synth.\r\n\r\n(114 bpm is *approximate* tempo.)", "tags": ["tape", "piano", "downwards", "loop", "114bpm", "114-bpm"], "num_ratings": 7, "id": 238635, "num_downloads": 312, "name": "[1] s-piano.flac", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.42857142857143, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Casio synth", "type": "flac", "annotations": {"bpm": 114}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/248137.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "copyc4t", "description": "Fake heartbeat, 90BPM, made in LMMS with 2 different kick drums from the ChoriumRevA soundfont.\r\nDone on request by danmccready here:\r\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>", "tags": ["rhythmic", "rhythm", "quantized", "beat", "loopable", "percussion-loop", "90BPM", "LMMS", "drum-loop", "loop"], "num_ratings": 5, "id": 248137, "num_downloads": 365, "name": "Fake heartbeat (kick drum) 90 BPM", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 90}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/250579.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "yapppy", "description": "Pad loop with some drums in the background...100bpm.", "tags": ["pad", "100", "bpm", "loop"], "num_ratings": 5, "id": 250579, "num_downloads": 162, "name": "inner child 100 bpm", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.6, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": null, "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 100}, "pack": null, "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/270779.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "bcnlab", "description": "Multitracking Session for Soundscape Creation. BcnLab.", "tags": ["BcnLab", "Do", "Chord", "rythm", "HearHear", "bpm", "beat", "Drums", "80", "blues", "loop"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 270779, "num_downloads": 13, "name": "Song6_DRUMS_Do_3:4_80bpms.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Original Soundtracks For Soundscapes", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 80}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/31725.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "Another weird experimental loop with a slight melodic touch created with Massive within Reaktor from Native Instruments. Mastered with several plugins within Wavelab.", "tags": ["120bpm", "drumloop", "experimental", "loop", "minimal"], "num_ratings": 2, "id": 31725, "num_downloads": 185, "name": "Massive Loop -29.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 3.75, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "120 BPM MASSIVE & AEROBIC loop pack", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/317508.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "waggstar", "description": "A looped 'ping' of three notes which will sit quite nicely on top of (or next to) my other upload which is unsurprisingly named 'Guitar Harmonic 1'.", "tags": ["clean", "fender", "guitar", "rhythm", "loop", "electric"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 317508, "num_downloads": 53, "name": "Guitar Harmonic 2 - Ping - 110bpm G.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Random Stuff?", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 110}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/327722.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Stereo Surgeon", "description": "Reversed and delayed falling synth melody \r\n\r\n[BPM: 105] \r\n[Key: ~A minor] \r\n[Format: wav] \r\n[License: CC 0]", "tags": ["Arp", "Rvb", "Stereo", "Surgeon", "FX", "Water", "BPM", "Drowning", "Bounce", "Delay", "Loop", "Synth", "Reverb", "The", "Peer-to-Peer", "Torrent", "minor", "105"], "num_ratings": 2, "id": 327722, "num_downloads": 199, "name": "The Torrent", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.5, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Cinematic Loops Pack", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 105}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/33965.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "ERH", "description": "A pack of loopable and mixable electronic beats which will loop at APPROXIMATELY 150 bpm. You need to string them together or loop them to get the effect and they were made for a project with a deliberate loose feel. ", "tags": ["150-bpm", "beat", "drum", "electro", "electronic", "loop", "music", "noise", "processed"], "num_ratings": 1, "id": 33965, "num_downloads": 55, "name": "k 14 150 10.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "ERHlectro 150bpm beats", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 150}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/39390.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "delphidebrain", "description": "Selfmade records @ home and edit with WaveLab6", "tags": ["bpm120", "crunch", "loop", "percussion", "plastic"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 39390, "num_downloads": 38, "name": "delphis PLASTIC CRUNCH LOOP 04 #100.WAV", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "PLASTIC CRUNCH LOOP 120BPM", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/399464.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Erokia", "description": "This sound or sounds was created through the help of VST's, time shifting, parametric EQ, cutting, sampling, layering and many other methods of sound manipulation.\n\nFollow me on Youtube for future tutorials and music.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\n-------------\nI make sounds for <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\nI obviously don't get paid anything for uploading and the premise of using <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> is to share sounds for free to everyone. If you could help me make this a sort of go fund me donation so I can continue doing what I love. Any amount donated is greatly appreciated and words can't show how much I appreciate you. Thank you for reading.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>", "tags": ["atmosphere", "commercial", "Ambiance", "Atmosphere", "Cinematic", "Looping", "Sound-Design", "Drums", "Ambient", "Ambience", "Piano", "Loop"], "num_ratings": 2, "id": 399464, "num_downloads": 87, "name": "Reversed Synth Loop & Drums [90Bpm]", "license": "", "avg_rating": 5.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Ambient Sound Loops [Pack 2]", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 90}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/4033.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "NoiseCollector", "description": "Loop created with Voyetra Record Producer with sounds from my Valdo Drums and guitar sample packs. Tempo is 150 BPM", "tags": ["150bpm", "bass", "drum", "keyboard", "loop"], "num_ratings": 15, "id": 4033, "num_downloads": 788, "name": "loopy4.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.266666666666665, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 150}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/414508.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Greek555", "description": "Construction T-Force.\r\nCreated With FL Studio. Enjoy !", "tags": ["loop", "electro", "130bpm", "subbass", "sample", "effect", "dance", "arp"], "num_ratings": 6, "id": 414508, "num_downloads": 122, "name": "Sample 130 Bpm", "license": "", "avg_rating": 3.666666666666665, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Greek", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 130}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/418601.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "@realdavidfloat", "description": "kick hat odd timing 120bpm", "tags": ["kick", "odd", "percussion-loop", "timing", "drums", "loop", "beat", "hat", "120bpm", "percussion", "quantized", "rhythm", "drum", "drum-loop", "groovy"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 418601, "num_downloads": 2, "name": "kick hat odd timing 120bpm.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "kick hat odd timing 120bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/419029.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "@realdavidfloat", "description": "kick snare loops reverb variations 120bpm", "tags": ["kick", "reverb", "snare", "loops", "realistic", "kit", "drumkit", "drum"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 419029, "num_downloads": 2, "name": "kick snare loops reverb variations 120bpm", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "kick snare loops reverb varitations 120bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/423860.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "VJ_XIXi", "description": "A wheaky drum loop perfect for modern zouk music. Made with FL Studio (86 BPM).", "tags": ["loop", "zouk", "drum", "beat"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 423860, "num_downloads": 1, "name": "Wheaky 2 - 86BPM.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Zook Drum Loop (Wheaky)", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 86}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/431629.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Erokia", "description": "All sound stems will be uploaded in the next sound pack.\n\nThis sound or sounds was created through the help of VST's, time shifting, parametric EQ, cutting, sampling, layering and many other methods of sound manipulation.", "tags": ["Atmosphere", "synth", "commercial", "Cinematic", "Looping", "Drone", "Pad", "Drums", "Ambient", "Sound-Design", "Piano", "Loop"], "num_ratings": 6, "id": 431629, "num_downloads": 72, "name": "Smelt Synth 1 - (90Bpm)", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.333333333333335, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Synth Waves & Loops - [Pack 1]", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 90}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/43215.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "NoiseCollector", "description": "Ok, I am trying to make an epic 91 bpm neo classical instrumental and needed galloping synth triplets. This is what I got. Some were made with careless mistakes like the swing function turned up on the drum machine and the tempo was set to 89 on a few of the synth loops. This should result in a slight humanization and organic flavor. ", "tags": ["91", "bpm", "loop", "synth"], "num_ratings": 4, "id": 43215, "num_downloads": 55, "name": "91Bpat6.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.375, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "91 bpm loops", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 91}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/4555.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "This is loop 40 in a series of 135 loops that belong together. They all have a deep dubspace feel in 1 bar 4/4 at 60 bpm and belong to the \"Convoloops pack 02 - bare bone dubspace 60 bpm\" sample pack. They all have the same name: \"convoluted bare bone loop 60 bpm\"\r\nwith three numbers as suffix. The first of the three numbers indicates\r\na group of samples with a similar sound and feel. The most rhythmic\r\nones are these with 1 till 4 as last number in the suffix and these\r\nwith 5 till 8 are more effects. Finally number 9 as the last number in\r\nthe suffix is the start of the delay and/or reverb\r\ntail of the previous loop. The second number separates variations in\r\npitch of the initial loop before any processing is applied. Of these\r\nvariations number 5 is more granular &amp; experimental. All loops were\r\ncreated using the microtonik VSTi.\r\nI took the bare bones preset and convoluted it with some variations of\r\nitself. After this process I added some more convolution with another\r\nSIR, some diffusion, delay &amp; chorus with the Fusion Reflector\r\nensemble from Native Instruments Reaktor, and some more character with (you never guess it) the excellent Character plugin from my TC powercore firewire. All this was done within Cubase SX.\r\nAfter that I mastered these loops within Wavelab using several plugins:\r\nfades, equalising, multiband compressing, limiting &amp; dither.\n", "tags": ["60-bpm", "deep", "dub", "dubspace", "loop", "space"], "num_ratings": 1, "id": 4555, "num_downloads": 145, "name": "convoluted bare bone loop 60 bpm 054.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 4.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Convoloops pack 02 - bare bone dubspace 60 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 60}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/4599.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "This is loop 84 in a series of 135 loops that belong together. They all have a deep dubspace feel in 1 bar 4/4 at 60 bpm and belong to the \"Convoloops pack 02 - bare bone dubspace 60 bpm\" sample pack. They all have the same name: \"convoluted bare bone loop 60 bpm\"\r\nwith three numbers as suffix. The first of the three numbers indicates\r\na group of samples with a similar sound and feel. The most rhythmic\r\nones are these with 1 till 4 as last number in the suffix and these\r\nwith 5 till 8 are more effects. Finally number 9 as the last number in\r\nthe suffix is the start of the delay and/or reverb\r\ntail of the previous loop. The second number separates variations in\r\npitch of the initial loop before any processing is applied. Of these\r\nvariations number 5 is more granular &amp; experimental. All loops were\r\ncreated using the microtonik VSTi.\r\nI took the bare bones preset and convoluted it with some variations of\r\nitself. After this process I added some more convolution with another\r\nSIR, some diffusion, delay &amp; chorus with the Fusion Reflector\r\nensemble from Native Instruments Reaktor, and some more character with (you never guess it) the excellent Character plugin from my TC powercore firewire. All this was done within Cubase SX.\r\nAfter that I mastered these loops within Wavelab using several plugins:\r\nfades, equalising, multiband compressing, limiting &amp; dither.\n", "tags": ["60-bpm", "deep", "dub", "dubspace", "loop", "space"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 4599, "num_downloads": 145, "name": "convoluted bare bone loop 60 bpm 153.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Convoloops pack 02 - bare bone dubspace 60 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 60}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/477254.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Erokia", "description": "This sound or sounds was created through the help of VST's, time shifting, parametric EQ, cutting, sampling, layering and many other methods of sound manipulation.\n\nDo not put this sound through youtube's Content ID System.", "tags": ["cool", "Loop", "fl", "electro", "dubstep", "Synth", "samples", "music", "production", "sample", "smp", "dub", "bass", "studio"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 477254, "num_downloads": 1, "name": "Synth Loop 16 - (90 BPM)", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Synth Loops (Cumulative Pack)", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 90}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/483146.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "josefpres", "description": "Bass loop from my song <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\nThank you for listening and I hope you will use the bass loop well :-)", "tags": ["electric", "loop", "bassguitar", "110bpm", "bit", "110", "guitar", "bpm", "16", "bass"], "num_ratings": 1, "id": 483146, "num_downloads": 45, "name": "Electric bass guitar loop 1 bpm 110.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 5.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "16 bit electric bass guitar loop 110 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 110}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/5135.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "\"ATTACK loop 140 bpm-00.wav\" till \"ATTACK loop 140 bpm-31.wav\"\r\nare all part of the \"ATTACK LOOP 6\" sample package and belong together\r\nas they are all variations on the same 1 measure 4/4 140 bpm drumloop. The loop has a techno-trance\r\nfeel. The first four loops (00 till 03) contain some variations of the\r\npure drumloop, where 00 is the most minimal and 03 the fullest. All\r\nother variations add other sound effects, some of them being sounds\r\nwith a certain pitch, mostly C. These loop are suitable for your trance\r\nand techno productions. They were created using the Waldorf Attack VSTi within Cubase SX. Mastering (EQ, Stereo Enhancer, Multi-Band expand/compress/limit, dither, fades at start and/or end) done within Wavelab.\n", "tags": ["140-bpm", "drumloop", "techno", "trance"], "num_ratings": 2, "id": 5135, "num_downloads": 252, "name": "ATTACK loop 140 bpm-21.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 5.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "ATTACK LOOP 6", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 140}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/5195.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "This is a pure electro drumloop at 125 bpm and 1 measure 4/4 long. Similar to loop 46 with the same name. It is part of the \"Rhythmmaker pack 125 bpm\" sample pack and was created using the Rhythmmaker ensemble within Native Instruments Reaktor. Mastering (EQ, Stereo Enhancer, Multi-Band expand/compress/limit, dither, fades at start and/or end) done within Wavelab.", "tags": ["125-bpm", "drumloop", "electro"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 5195, "num_downloads": 202, "name": "Rhythmmakerloop 125 bpm-49.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Rhythmmaker pack 125 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 125}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/5746.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "This rhythmic drone loop is one of the \" Convoloops pack 03 - China Dream dronescapes 120 bpm\"\r\nsamplepack. These loops all belong together and are variations and\r\nalterations of each other. They all are 1 bar 4/4 long and have 120 bpm\r\nas tempo. They can be used as background loops for ambient music. Each\r\nloop has the same name with a letter an a number in the end. I took the\r\nmicrotonik VSTi within Cubase SX and exported the China Dream loop, which is four bars long, as 24 bit wav file. This file was then imported as impulse file within the freeware SIR convolution reverb and applied it to the original loop, all wet. So I convoluted a drumloop with itself! After that, two more reverb units were applied: another SIR (this time with an impulse file from one of the fabulous Spirit Canyon Audio CD's) and the excellent Classic Reverb from my TC Powercore Firewire (preset: Deep Space). Each of these reverbs\r\nwas set all wet. When I did that, I got an 8 bar loop. This loop was\r\nthen sliced up into 8 peaces of each 1 bar. So I got 8 short one bar\r\nloops: I numbered them with numbers 00 till 07. I repeated the whole\r\nprocess for several impulse files for the second SIR: the results are\r\nthe variation a till r. There are two exceptions on the all wet rule:\r\nthe two last loop sets, q and r, have their reverbs\r\nnot set all wet, so these are the most rhythmic ones, since there is\r\nsome of the original drumloop left. All the others are rhythmic but\r\nvery vague. The most busy ones are each time numbers 03 and 04. 01 can\r\nbe used as an intro and 07 is kind of the tail. All loops are\r\nnormalised and mastered within Wavelab using several high quality\r\nplugins (EQ, multiband finaliser, limiter). Enjoy!", "tags": ["120-bpm", "ambient", "drone", "drone-loop", "loop", "rhythmic-drone"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 5746, "num_downloads": 206, "name": "China Dream Convoloop a-02.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "Convoloops pack 03 - China Dream dronescapes 120 bpm", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 120}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/78722.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "DISTOPIA LOOPZ PACK 02 is a loop pack. the tempo can be found in the name of the sample (60, 80 or 100) . Each sample was created using the microtonic VST drum synth with added effects: an amp simulator (included with Cubase 5) and Spectral Delay (from Native Instruments). Each loop has a long spectral delay tail and has some distortion. The length is exactly 20 measures at 4/4, so the loops can be split in a simple way, e.g. by dividing them in 20, 10 or 5 equal parts. Exports were done as 32 bit audio files and the final 16 bit conversion to the flac format was kept as the very latest stage in the process to obtain the best possible quality.", "tags": ["bpm", "delay", "distortion", "loop", "rhytmic"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 78722, "num_downloads": 5, "name": "DISTOPIA LOOPZ 032 80 BPM.flac", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "DISTOPIA LOOPZ PACK 02", "type": "flac", "annotations": {"bpm": 80}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/86601.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "Jovica", "description": "ATTACK LOOPZ 01 is a loop pack created using Waldorf Attack drum VSTi and applying various Guitar Rig 4 (from Native Instruments) effects on the loops. I used the 23rd Century kit to create the loops and created 8 differently sequenced loops at 80BPM of 8 measures 4/4 long. These loops can be used at 80 BPM, 120 BPM or 160 BPM and even 40 BPM. Other measures can also be tried out. The various effects go from reverb over delay and deformations ranging from phasing till heavy distortions. Exports were done as 32 bit audio files and the final 16 bit conversion to the flac format was kept as the very latest stage in the process to obtain the best possible quality.\n", "tags": ["4", "80bpm", "drumloop"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 86601, "num_downloads": 14, "name": "80 bpm Kirst 23rd Century Attack loop 8.flac", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "ATTACK LOOPZ 01", "type": "flac", "annotations": {"bpm": 80}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
116_FreesoundLoopDataset/fs_analysis/95766.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"username": "giacomelli", "description": "a midi host, a sampler, and some software filters.", "tags": ["drumming", "loop"], "num_ratings": 0, "id": 95766, "num_downloads": 24, "name": "175bpm_nervosismi percussori lo-fi.wav", "license": "", "avg_rating": 0.0, "preview_url": "", "pack_name": "G_Trenta_Aprile_DueMilaDieci", "type": "wav", "annotations": {"bpm": 175}, "pack": "", "image": ""}
128_Compmusic-Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_english_version-music_captions/Jingju_Audio_Recordings_Collection_cut/中国京剧名票系列专辑之二金福田京剧唱腔选/1-01-金福田-三娘教子(小东人不学归言必有错)_2.flac ADDED
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+ version
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+ version
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+ version
+ oid sha256:5e23689fc3a098dc914704d72f734e8087bef1104b52db22bcb4fb9d306418b0
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
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+ size 3492175