# Beat Transformer <a href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1IdrpMO1AivWmy-Bm8ktmMy14ED9jllux?usp=sharing)" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/84f0493939e0c4de4e6dbe113251b4bfb5353e57134ffd9fcab6b8714514d4d1/68747470733a2f2f636f6c61622e72657365617263682e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f6173736574732f636f6c61622d62616467652e737667" alt="Open In Colab" data-canonical-src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> Repository for paper: [Beat Transformer: Demixed Beat and Downbeat Tracking with Dilated Self-Attention](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.07140) in Proceedings of the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022), Bengaluru, India. Welcome to test our model on your own music at our [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1IdrpMO1AivWmy-Bm8ktmMy14ED9jllux?usp=sharing). ## Code and File Directory This repository is organized as follows: ``` root │ └───checkpoint PyTorch model checkpoints │ ··· │ └───code └───ablation_models ablation models │ ··· │ DilatedTransformer.py Beat Transformer model │ DilatedTransformerLayer.py Dilated Self-Attention │ spectrogram_dataset.py data loader │ train.py training script │ ... code for other utilities │ └───data └───audio_lists Order info of pieces in each dataset │ ··· │ demix_spectrogram_data.npz demixed spectrogram data (33GB, to be downloaded) │ full_beat_annotation.npz beat/downbeat annotation │ └───preprocessing code for data pre-processing │ ··· │ └───save training log and more │ ··· ``` ## How to run * To quickly reproduce the accuracy reported in our paper, simply run `./code/eight_fold_test.py`. * To quickly test our model with your own music, welcome to our [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1IdrpMO1AivWmy-Bm8ktmMy14ED9jllux?usp=sharing). * If you wish to train our model from scratch, first download our [processed dataset](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LamSAEY5QsnY57cF6qH_0niesGGKkHtI/view?usp=sharing) (33GB in total, including demixed spectrogram data of Ballroom, Hainsworth, Carnetic, Harmonix, SMC, and GTZAN). * Executing `./code/train.sh` will train our model in 8-fold cross validation. If you wish to train one single fold, you can run `./code/train.py` after specifying `DEBUG_MODE`, `FOLD`, and `GPU`. When `DEBUG_MODE=1`, it will load a small portion of data to quickly run through with a smaller bach size. * We also release out ablation model architectures in `./code/ablation_models`. We release our data processing scripts in `./preprocessing/demixing.py`, where we call [Spleeter](https://github.com/deezer/spleeter) to demix each piece and save the demixed spectrogram. ## Audio Data We use a total of 7 datasets for model training and testing. If you wish to acquire the audio data, you can follow the following guidelines: * Ballroom Dataset (audio) is available [here](http://mtg.upf.edu/ismir2004/contest/tempoContest/node5.html). There are 13 duplicated pieces and I discarded them in my experiments. For more information, see [here](https://github.com/CPJKU/BallroomAnnotations/blob/master/README.md). * Hainsworth Dataset (audio) is no longer accessible via the original link. Since Hainsworth is a well-known public dataset, I guess it's okay to share my copy. You can download Hainsworth [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ctMDHAoeTBG5LSbtQIQBIv4vTI0oB0u1/view). * GTZAN Dataset (audio) is available on [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andradaolteanu/gtzan-dataset-music-genre-classification). You need a registered Kaggle account to download it. * SMC Dataset (audio) is available [here](https://joserzapata.github.io/publication/selective-sampling-beat-tracking/). * Carnatic Dataset (audio) is on [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/1264394). You can download it by request. * Harmonix Dataset (mel-spectrogram) is available [here](https://github.com/urinieto/harmonixset). I used the Griffin-Lim algorithm in Librosa to convert mel-spectrogram to audio, which (however) is lossful. My conversion code is [here](https://github.com/zhaojw1998/Beat-Transformer/blob/main/preprocessing/harmonix_mel2wav.py). * RWC POP (audio) seems NOT royalty-free so I'm afraid I cannot share the audio. For more info about this dataset, you can go to its [official webpage](https://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/RWC-MDB/). For the beat/downbeat annotation of Ballroom, GTZAN, SMC, and Hainsworth, I used the annotation released by Sebastian Böck [here](https://github.com/superbock/ISMIR2019). ## Contact Jingwei Zhao (PhD student in Data Science at NUS) jzhao@u.nus.edu Nov. 24, 2022