        "t": 14.619791666666666, 
        "l": "We got married in a fever,"
        "t": 18.119791666666668, 
        "l": "hotter than a pepper sprout,"
        "t": 21.889583333333334, 
        "l": "We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson,"
        "t": 25.65, 
        "l": "ever since the fire went out."
        "t": 28.4, 
        "l": "I'm goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 31.660416666666666, 
        "l": "I'm gonna mess around,"
        "t": 35.58020833333333, 
        "l": "Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 39.08958333333333, 
        "l": "Look out Jackson town."
        "t": 39.08958333333333, 
        "l": ""
        "t": 42.58958333333333, 
        "l": "Well, go on down to Jackson;"
        "t": 46.35, 
        "l": "go ahead and wreck your health."
        "t": 49.85, 
        "l": "Go play your hand you big-talkin'man,"
        "t": 53.389583333333334, 
        "l": "make a big fool of yourself,"
        "t": 56.639583333333334, 
        "l": "You're goin' to Jackson;"
        "t": 59.880208333333336, 
        "l": "go comb your hair!"
        "t": 62.81041666666667, 
        "l": "Honey, I'm gonna snowball Jackson."
        "t": 66.56979166666666, 
        "l": "See if I care."
        "t": 66.56979166666666, 
        "l": ""
        "t": 69.78020833333333, 
        "l": "When I breeze into that city,"
        "t": 73.53958333333333, 
        "l": "people gonna stoop and bow."
        "t": 76.33020833333333, 
        "l": "(Hah!)"
        "t": 77.33020833333333, 
        "l": "All them women gonna make me,"
        "t": 81.08958333333334, 
        "l": "teach 'em what they don't know how,"
        "t": 83.86041666666667, 
        "l": "I'm goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 86.86041666666667, 
        "l": "you turn-a loose-a my coat."
        "t": 89.96979166666667, 
        "l": "'Cos I'm goin' to Jackson."
        "t": 94.46041666666666, 
        "l": "\"Goodbye,\" that's all she wrote."
        "t": 94.46041666666666, 
        "l": ""
        "t": 97.38958333333333, 
        "l": "But they'll laugh at you in Jackson,"
        "t": 101.38958333333333, 
        "l": "and I'll be dancin' on a Pony Keg."
        "t": 105.14999999999999, 
        "l": "They'll lead you 'round town"
        "t": 107.14999999999999, 
        "l": "like a scalded hound,"
        "t": 108.64999999999999, 
        "l": "With your tail tucked between your legs,"
        "t": 111.91041666666666, 
        "l": "You're goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 115.39999999999999, 
        "l": "you big-talkin' man."
        "t": 118.83020833333333, 
        "l": "And I'll be waitin' in Jackson,"
        "t": 122.61041666666667, 
        "l": "behind my Jaypan Fan,"
        "t": 122.61041666666667, 
        "l": ""
        "t": 126.11041666666667, 
        "l": "Well now,"
        "t": 128.13020833333334, 
        "l": "we got married in a fever,"
        "t": 131.63020833333334, 
        "l": "hotter than a pepper Sprout,"
        "t": 135.4, 
        "l": "We've been talkin' 'bout"
        "t": 137.88958333333332, 
        "l": "Jackson,"
        "t": 139.15, 
        "l": "ever since the fire went out."
        "t": 142.15, 
        "l": "I'm goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 145.41041666666666, 
        "l": "and that's a fact."
        "t": 148.83958333333334, 
        "l": "Yeah, we're goin' to Jackson,"
        "t": 152.6, 
        "l": "ain't never comin' back."
        "t": 152.6, 
        "l": ""
        "t": 157.6, 
        "l": "Well, we got married in a fever,"
        "t": 161.61979166666666, 
        "l": "hotter than a pepper sprout'"
        "t": 165.38020833333334, 
        "l": "And we've been talkin' 'bout Jackson,"
        "t": 169.13958333333332, 
        "l": "ever since the fire went out...."