import aiohttp |
import asyncio |
import re |
import pandas as pd |
from pathlib import Path |
from aiolimiter import AsyncLimiter |
from typing import Dict, List |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
from bs4.element import Tag |
"https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/List_of_all_comics_(1-500)" |
) |
"https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/List_of_all_comics_(full)" |
) |
def walk_tag(initial_tag: Tag, end_tag_name: str) -> str: |
""" |
Walk the HTML tree and aggregates all text between an |
initial tag and an end tag. |
Parameters |
---------- |
initial_tag: BeautifulSoup |
end_tag_name: str |
Returns |
------- |
aggregated_text: str |
""" |
result = [] |
current_tag = initial_tag |
while True: |
if current_tag.name in ["p", "dl"]: |
result.append(current_tag.get_text(separator=" ", strip=True)) |
elif current_tag.name == end_tag_name: |
break |
current_tag = current_tag.next_sibling |
return "\n".join(result) |
async def parse_url_html( |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str, throttler: AsyncLimiter |
) -> BeautifulSoup: |
""" |
Parse the HTML content of a given URL. |
The request is sent asynchronously and using a provided request throttler. |
If the request fails, we retry up to 5 times. |
Parameters |
---------- |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession |
url: str |
throttler: AsyncLimiter |
Returns |
------- |
BeautifulSoup |
""" |
for _ in range(5): |
try: |
async with throttler: |
async with session.get(url, raise_for_status=True) as resp: |
html = await resp.text() |
return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") |
except aiohttp.ClientError: |
continue |
async def scrap_comic( |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession, explained_url: str, throttler: AsyncLimiter |
) -> Dict[str, str]: |
""" |
Try to scrap all information for a given XKCD comic using its `explainxkcd.com` URL |
Parameters |
---------- |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession |
explained_url: str |
throttler: AsyncLimiter |
Returns |
------- |
Dict[str, str] |
""" |
soup = await parse_url_html(session, explained_url, throttler) |
title_splits = soup.find("h1").text.split(":") |
if len(title_splits) > 1: |
id = title_splits[0] |
title = "".join(title_splits[1:]).strip() |
else: |
id = None |
title = "".join(title_splits).strip() |
explanation_soup = soup.find("span", {"id": "Explanation"}) |
try: |
explanation = walk_tag(explanation_soup.parent, "span") |
except: |
explanation = None |
transcript_soup = soup.find("span", {"id": "Transcript"}) |
try: |
transcript = walk_tag(transcript_soup.parent, "span") |
except: |
transcript = None |
xkcd_url = f"https://www.xkcd.com/{id}" |
xkcd_soup = await parse_url_html(session, xkcd_url, throttler) |
try: |
image = xkcd_soup.find("div", {"id": "comic"}).img |
if title in image: |
image_title = image["title"] |
else: |
image_title = image["alt"] |
except: |
image_title = None |
try: |
image_url = xkcd_soup.find(text=re.compile("https://imgs.xkcd.com")) |
except: |
image_url = None |
return dict( |
id=id, |
title=title, |
image_title=image_title, |
url=xkcd_url, |
image_url=image_url, |
explained_url=explained_url, |
transcript=transcript, |
explanation=explanation, |
) |
async def scap_comic_urls( |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession, comic_list_url: str |
) -> List[str]: |
""" |
Scrap all XKCD comic URLs from the `explainxkcd.com` website. |
Parameters |
---------- |
session: aiohttp.ClientSession |
comic_list_url: str |
Returns |
------- |
urls: List[str] |
""" |
async with session.get(comic_list_url) as resp: |
html = await resp.text() |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") |
create_spans = soup.find_all("span", {"class": "create"}) |
return [ |
"https://www.explainxkcd.com" + span.parent.a["href"] for span in create_spans |
] |
async def main(): |
""" |
Scrap XKCD dataset |
""" |
throttler = AsyncLimiter(max_rate=10, time_period=1) |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
comic_urls = await scap_comic_urls( |
session, LIST_COMICS_500_URL |
) + await scap_comic_urls(session, LIST_COMICS_FULL_URL) |
data = await asyncio.gather( |
*[scrap_comic(session, url, throttler) for url in comic_urls] |
) |
df = ( |
pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) |
.dropna(subset=["id"]) |
.astype({"id": "int32"}) |
.sort_values("id") |
) |
df.to_json(Path(__file__).parent / "dataset.jsonl", orient="records", lines=True) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
asyncio.run(main()) |