Add zmifanva CLL source.
Browse files- data/test/cll_test.jsonl +104 -0
- data/train/cll_train.jsonl +104 -0
- data/validation/cll_validation.jsonl +104 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
1 |
{"id": "CLL:65", "jb": "mi klama .i do stali", "en": "I go. You stay.", "source": "cll"}
2 |
{"id": "CLL:42", "jb": "doi djan.", "en": "Oh, John, I'm talking to you.", "source": "cll"}
3 |
{"id": "CLL:15", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
4 |
{"id": "CLL:9", "jb": "mi ti cu vecnu ta", "en": "I this thing do sell to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
5 |
{"id": "CLL:98", "jb": "na'e zei .a zei na'e zei by. Livgyterbilma", "en": "non-A, non-B hepatitis", "source": "cll"}
6 |
{"id": "CLL:58", "jb": "xu do kanro .i mi kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
7 |
{"id": "CLL:1", "jb": "la meris.", "en": "the one/ones named Mary", "source": "cll"}
8 |
{"id": "CLL:73", "jb": "do vu vecnu zo'e", "en": "You yonder sell something unspecified.", "source": "cll"}
9 |
{"id": "CLL:90", "jb": "cumfri", "en": "possible experience", "source": "cll"}
10 |
{"id": "CLL:103", "jb": "lerf,r,djamo ", "en": "Jamo (Korean Hangul letters)", "source": "cll"}
11 |
{"id": "CLL:79", "jb": "patfu mamta", "en": "paternal grandmother", "source": "cll"}
12 |
{"id": "CLL:76", "jb": "le vi tavla cu ba klama", "en": "This talker will go.", "source": "cll"}
13 |
{"id": "CLL:10", "jb": "mi ti ta cu vecnu", "en": "I this thing to that buyer do sell.", "source": "cll"}
14 |
{"id": "CLL:41", "jb": "le mi gerku cu sutra", "en": "My dog is fast.", "source": "cll"}
15 |
{"id": "CLL:67", "jb": "mi klama .i ku'i do stali", "en": "I go. However, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
16 |
{"id": "CLL:66", "jb": "mi klama .i ji'a do stali", "en": "I go. In addition, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
17 |
{"id": "CLL:52", "jb": "do tavla mi", "en": "You talk to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
18 |
{"id": "CLL:56", "jb": "mi tavla", "en": "I talk", "source": "cll"}
19 |
{"id": "CLL:33", "jb": "le sutra cu se tavla", "en": "The fast one is talked to.", "source": "cll"}
20 |
{"id": "CLL:30", "jb": "le sutra tavla", "en": "The fast talker", "source": "cll"}
21 |
{"id": "CLL:68", "jb": "pe'i do melbi", "en": "I opine! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
22 |
{"id": "CLL:60", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
23 |
{"id": "CLL:72", "jb": "la djan. ca klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
24 |
{"id": "CLL:26", "jb": "la tam. tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is talkerly-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
25 |
{"id": "CLL:59", "jb": "xu do kanro .i go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
26 |
{"id": "CLL:8", "jb": "mi cu vecnu ti ta zo'e", "en": "I sell this thing to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
27 |
{"id": "CLL:21", "jb": "jikca toldi", "en": "social butterfly", "source": "cll"}
28 |
{"id": "CLL:63", "jb": ".ei mi klama", "en": "I should go.", "source": "cll"}
29 |
{"id": "CLL:32", "jb": "le sutra se tavla", "en": "The fast listener.", "source": "cll"}
30 |
{"id": "CLL:83", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
31 |
{"id": "CLL:37", "jb": "ti djarspageti .i ta go'i", "en": "This is spaghetti. That (is spaghetti), too.", "source": "cll"}
32 |
{"id": "CLL:44", "jb": "co'o. djan.", "en": "Good-bye, John.", "source": "cll"}
33 |
{"id": "CLL:82", "jb": "bralo'i", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
34 |
{"id": "CLL:96", "jb": "xy. zei kantu", "en": "X ray", "source": "cll"}
35 |
{"id": "CLL:50", "jb": "ko ko kurji", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
36 |
{"id": "CLL:62", "jb": ".ie mi klama", "en": "Yep! I'll go.", "source": "cll"}
37 |
{"id": "CLL:45", "jb": "do tavla", "en": "You are-talking.", "source": "cll"}
38 |
{"id": "CLL:49", "jb": "ko kurji ko", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
39 |
{"id": "CLL:47", "jb": "ko sutra", "en": "Be fast!", "source": "cll"}
40 |
{"id": "CLL:102", "jb": "cirl,r,bri", "en": "brie (cheese)", "source": "cll"}
41 |
{"id": "CLL:55", "jb": "mi melbi", "en": "I am beautiful", "source": "cll"}
42 |
{"id": "CLL:88", "jb": "prunyplipe", "en": "elastic leap (spring)", "source": "cll"}
43 |
{"id": "CLL:12", "jb": "melbi", "en": "Beautiful!", "source": "cll"}
44 |
{"id": "CLL:36", "jb": "ta blari'o", "en": "That is blue-green.", "source": "cll"}
45 |
{"id": "CLL:23", "jb": "mi sutra se klama la meris.", "en": "Mary is quicly gone to by me.", "source": "cll"}
46 |
{"id": "CLL:39", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i di'u pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. The last sentence pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
47 |
{"id": "CLL:40", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i la'e di'u pluka mi", "en": "This dog is beautiful. This (the meaning of the last sentence) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
48 |
{"id": "CLL:18", "jb": "sutra tavla cutci", "en": "fast-talker type of shoe ", "source": "cll"}
49 |
{"id": "CLL:78", "jb": "barda bloti", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
50 |
{"id": "CLL:5", "jb": "mi tavla zo'e tu ti", "en": "I talk to someone about that thing yonder in this language.", "source": "cll"}
51 |
{"id": "CLL:24", "jb": "la tam. melbi tavla la meris.", "en": "Tom is a beautiful talker to Mary", "source": "cll"}
52 |
{"id": "CLL:7", "jb": "do tavla mi ta", "en": "You talk to me about that thing.", "source": "cll"}
53 |
{"id": "CLL:34", "jb": "mi cu tavla le vecnu le blari'o", "en": "I talk to the seller about the blue-green-thing.", "source": "cll"}
54 |
{"id": "CLL:84", "jb": "soirsai", "en": "field rations", "source": "cll"}
55 |
{"id": "CLL:46", "jb": "ko tavla", "en": "Talk!", "source": "cll"}
56 |
{"id": "CLL:2", "jb": "la djan.", "en": "the one/ones named John", "source": "cll"}
57 |
{"id": "CLL:51", "jb": "ma tavla do mi .i la djan.", "en": "Who is talking to you about me? John (is talking to you about me).", "source": "cll"}
58 |
{"id": "CLL:16", "jb": "ti te tavla do mi", "en": "This is talked about to you by me.", "source": "cll"}
59 |
{"id": "CLL:38", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i ti pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. This (the dog) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
60 |
{"id": "CLL:61", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
61 |
{"id": "CLL:80", "jb": "mamta patfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
62 |
{"id": "CLL:22", "jb": "mi sutra klama la meris.", "en": "I quickly go to Mary", "source": "cll"}
63 |
{"id": "CLL:6", "jb": "mi tavla do", "en": "I talk to you ", "source": "cll"}
64 |
{"id": "CLL:48", "jb": "mi tavla ko", "en": "Let me talk to you.", "source": "cll"}
65 |
{"id": "CLL:93", "jb": "sniju'o", "en": "sign know", "source": "cll"}
66 |
{"id": "CLL:95", "jb": "lerste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
67 |
{"id": "CLL:70", "jb": "la djan. klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
68 |
{"id": "CLL:85", "jb": "mamtypatfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
69 |
{"id": "CLL:19", "jb": "bajra cutci", "en": "runner's shoe", "source": "cll"}
70 |
{"id": "CLL:74", "jb": "le pu bajra cu tavla", "en": "The former runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
71 |
{"id": "CLL:43", "jb": "coi. djan.", "en": "Hello, John.", "source": "cll"}
72 |
{"id": "CLL:89", "jb": "vancysanmi", "en": "supper", "source": "cll"}
73 |
{"id": "CLL:20", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "fast-talker", "source": "cll"}
74 |
{"id": "CLL:0", "jb": "mi klama le zarci", "en": "I go to the store.", "source": "cll"}
75 |
{"id": "CLL:99", "jb": ".cerman. zei jamkarce", "en": "Sherman tank", "source": "cll"}
76 |
{"id": "CLL:57", "jb": "xu do tavla mi", "en": "Are you talking to me?", "source": "cll"}
77 |
{"id": "CLL:97", "jb": "kulnr,farsi zei lolgai", "en": "Persian rug", "source": "cll"}
78 |
{"id": "CLL:53", "jb": "ma tavla ma", "en": "What/who talks to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
79 |
{"id": "CLL:92", "jb": "kixta'a", "en": "cry-out talk", "source": "cll"}
80 |
{"id": "CLL:25", "jb": "la meris. melbi se tavla la tam.", "en": "Mary is a beautiful audience for Tom.", "source": "cll"}
81 |
{"id": "CLL:71", "jb": "la djan. pu klama le zarci", "en": "John went to the store.", "source": "cll"}
82 |
{"id": "CLL:87", "jb": "nancyprali", "en": "annual profit", "source": "cll"}
83 |
{"id": "CLL:77", "jb": "skami plino", "en": "computer user", "source": "cll"}
84 |
{"id": "CLL:64", "jb": "mi klama le melbi .ui", "en": "I go to the beautiful-thing, which makes me feel happy.", "source": "cll"}
85 |
{"id": "CLL:29", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
86 |
{"id": "CLL:27", "jb": "la tam. se tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is audiencely-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
87 |
{"id": "CLL:91", "jb": "klezba", "en": "category make", "source": "cll"}
88 |
{"id": "CLL:101", "jb": "tric,r,xaceru ", "en": "Acer (the scientific name of maple trees)", "source": "cll"}
89 |
{"id": "CLL:4", "jb": "do tavla mi ta zo'e", "en": "You talk to me about that thing in a language.", "source": "cll"}
90 |
{"id": "CLL:54", "jb": "do mo", "en": "You are-what/do-what?", "source": "cll"}
91 |
{"id": "CLL:75", "jb": "le vi bajra cu tavla", "en": "This runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
92 |
{"id": "CLL:11", "jb": "ta melbi", "en": "That is beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
93 |
{"id": "CLL:69", "jb": "za'a do melbi", "en": "I directly observe! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
94 |
{"id": "CLL:86", "jb": "lerfyliste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
95 |
{"id": "CLL:13", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
96 |
{"id": "CLL:100", "jb": "cidj,r,spageti ", "en": "spaghetti", "source": "cll"}
97 |
{"id": "CLL:17", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "to talk fast", "source": "cll"}
98 |
{"id": "CLL:28", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla ku", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
99 |
{"id": "CLL:31", "jb": "le sutra cu tavla", "en": "The fast one is talking", "source": "cll"}
100 |
{"id": "CLL:35", "jb": "mi klama ti zo'e zo'e ta", "en": "I go here using that means.", "source": "cll"}
101 |
{"id": "CLL:94", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
102 |
{"id": "CLL:3", "jb": "mi tavla do zo'e zo'e", "en": "I talk to you about something in some language.", "source": "cll"}
103 |
{"id": "CLL:14", "jb": "do se tavla mi ti", "en": "You are talked to by me about this.", "source": "cll"}
104 |
{"id": "CLL:81", "jb": "sampli", "en": "user of computers", "source": "cll"}
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
1 |
{"id": "CLL:65", "jb": "mi klama .i do stali", "en": "I go. You stay.", "source": "cll"}
2 |
{"id": "CLL:42", "jb": "doi djan.", "en": "Oh, John, I'm talking to you.", "source": "cll"}
3 |
{"id": "CLL:15", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
4 |
{"id": "CLL:9", "jb": "mi ti cu vecnu ta", "en": "I this thing do sell to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
5 |
{"id": "CLL:98", "jb": "na'e zei .a zei na'e zei by. Livgyterbilma", "en": "non-A, non-B hepatitis", "source": "cll"}
6 |
{"id": "CLL:58", "jb": "xu do kanro .i mi kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
7 |
{"id": "CLL:1", "jb": "la meris.", "en": "the one/ones named Mary", "source": "cll"}
8 |
{"id": "CLL:73", "jb": "do vu vecnu zo'e", "en": "You yonder sell something unspecified.", "source": "cll"}
9 |
{"id": "CLL:90", "jb": "cumfri", "en": "possible experience", "source": "cll"}
10 |
{"id": "CLL:103", "jb": "lerf,r,djamo ", "en": "Jamo (Korean Hangul letters)", "source": "cll"}
11 |
{"id": "CLL:79", "jb": "patfu mamta", "en": "paternal grandmother", "source": "cll"}
12 |
{"id": "CLL:76", "jb": "le vi tavla cu ba klama", "en": "This talker will go.", "source": "cll"}
13 |
{"id": "CLL:10", "jb": "mi ti ta cu vecnu", "en": "I this thing to that buyer do sell.", "source": "cll"}
14 |
{"id": "CLL:41", "jb": "le mi gerku cu sutra", "en": "My dog is fast.", "source": "cll"}
15 |
{"id": "CLL:67", "jb": "mi klama .i ku'i do stali", "en": "I go. However, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
16 |
{"id": "CLL:66", "jb": "mi klama .i ji'a do stali", "en": "I go. In addition, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
17 |
{"id": "CLL:52", "jb": "do tavla mi", "en": "You talk to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
18 |
{"id": "CLL:56", "jb": "mi tavla", "en": "I talk", "source": "cll"}
19 |
{"id": "CLL:33", "jb": "le sutra cu se tavla", "en": "The fast one is talked to.", "source": "cll"}
20 |
{"id": "CLL:30", "jb": "le sutra tavla", "en": "The fast talker", "source": "cll"}
21 |
{"id": "CLL:68", "jb": "pe'i do melbi", "en": "I opine! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
22 |
{"id": "CLL:60", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
23 |
{"id": "CLL:72", "jb": "la djan. ca klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
24 |
{"id": "CLL:26", "jb": "la tam. tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is talkerly-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
25 |
{"id": "CLL:59", "jb": "xu do kanro .i go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
26 |
{"id": "CLL:8", "jb": "mi cu vecnu ti ta zo'e", "en": "I sell this thing to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
27 |
{"id": "CLL:21", "jb": "jikca toldi", "en": "social butterfly", "source": "cll"}
28 |
{"id": "CLL:63", "jb": ".ei mi klama", "en": "I should go.", "source": "cll"}
29 |
{"id": "CLL:32", "jb": "le sutra se tavla", "en": "The fast listener.", "source": "cll"}
30 |
{"id": "CLL:83", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
31 |
{"id": "CLL:37", "jb": "ti djarspageti .i ta go'i", "en": "This is spaghetti. That (is spaghetti), too.", "source": "cll"}
32 |
{"id": "CLL:44", "jb": "co'o. djan.", "en": "Good-bye, John.", "source": "cll"}
33 |
{"id": "CLL:82", "jb": "bralo'i", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
34 |
{"id": "CLL:96", "jb": "xy. zei kantu", "en": "X ray", "source": "cll"}
35 |
{"id": "CLL:50", "jb": "ko ko kurji", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
36 |
{"id": "CLL:62", "jb": ".ie mi klama", "en": "Yep! I'll go.", "source": "cll"}
37 |
{"id": "CLL:45", "jb": "do tavla", "en": "You are-talking.", "source": "cll"}
38 |
{"id": "CLL:49", "jb": "ko kurji ko", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
39 |
{"id": "CLL:47", "jb": "ko sutra", "en": "Be fast!", "source": "cll"}
40 |
{"id": "CLL:102", "jb": "cirl,r,bri", "en": "brie (cheese)", "source": "cll"}
41 |
{"id": "CLL:55", "jb": "mi melbi", "en": "I am beautiful", "source": "cll"}
42 |
{"id": "CLL:88", "jb": "prunyplipe", "en": "elastic leap (spring)", "source": "cll"}
43 |
{"id": "CLL:12", "jb": "melbi", "en": "Beautiful!", "source": "cll"}
44 |
{"id": "CLL:36", "jb": "ta blari'o", "en": "That is blue-green.", "source": "cll"}
45 |
{"id": "CLL:23", "jb": "mi sutra se klama la meris.", "en": "Mary is quicly gone to by me.", "source": "cll"}
46 |
{"id": "CLL:39", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i di'u pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. The last sentence pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
47 |
{"id": "CLL:40", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i la'e di'u pluka mi", "en": "This dog is beautiful. This (the meaning of the last sentence) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
48 |
{"id": "CLL:18", "jb": "sutra tavla cutci", "en": "fast-talker type of shoe ", "source": "cll"}
49 |
{"id": "CLL:78", "jb": "barda bloti", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
50 |
{"id": "CLL:5", "jb": "mi tavla zo'e tu ti", "en": "I talk to someone about that thing yonder in this language.", "source": "cll"}
51 |
{"id": "CLL:24", "jb": "la tam. melbi tavla la meris.", "en": "Tom is a beautiful talker to Mary", "source": "cll"}
52 |
{"id": "CLL:7", "jb": "do tavla mi ta", "en": "You talk to me about that thing.", "source": "cll"}
53 |
{"id": "CLL:34", "jb": "mi cu tavla le vecnu le blari'o", "en": "I talk to the seller about the blue-green-thing.", "source": "cll"}
54 |
{"id": "CLL:84", "jb": "soirsai", "en": "field rations", "source": "cll"}
55 |
{"id": "CLL:46", "jb": "ko tavla", "en": "Talk!", "source": "cll"}
56 |
{"id": "CLL:2", "jb": "la djan.", "en": "the one/ones named John", "source": "cll"}
57 |
{"id": "CLL:51", "jb": "ma tavla do mi .i la djan.", "en": "Who is talking to you about me? John (is talking to you about me).", "source": "cll"}
58 |
{"id": "CLL:16", "jb": "ti te tavla do mi", "en": "This is talked about to you by me.", "source": "cll"}
59 |
{"id": "CLL:38", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i ti pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. This (the dog) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
60 |
{"id": "CLL:61", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
61 |
{"id": "CLL:80", "jb": "mamta patfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
62 |
{"id": "CLL:22", "jb": "mi sutra klama la meris.", "en": "I quickly go to Mary", "source": "cll"}
63 |
{"id": "CLL:6", "jb": "mi tavla do", "en": "I talk to you ", "source": "cll"}
64 |
{"id": "CLL:48", "jb": "mi tavla ko", "en": "Let me talk to you.", "source": "cll"}
65 |
{"id": "CLL:93", "jb": "sniju'o", "en": "sign know", "source": "cll"}
66 |
{"id": "CLL:95", "jb": "lerste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
67 |
{"id": "CLL:70", "jb": "la djan. klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
68 |
{"id": "CLL:85", "jb": "mamtypatfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
69 |
{"id": "CLL:19", "jb": "bajra cutci", "en": "runner's shoe", "source": "cll"}
70 |
{"id": "CLL:74", "jb": "le pu bajra cu tavla", "en": "The former runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
71 |
{"id": "CLL:43", "jb": "coi. djan.", "en": "Hello, John.", "source": "cll"}
72 |
{"id": "CLL:89", "jb": "vancysanmi", "en": "supper", "source": "cll"}
73 |
{"id": "CLL:20", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "fast-talker", "source": "cll"}
74 |
{"id": "CLL:0", "jb": "mi klama le zarci", "en": "I go to the store.", "source": "cll"}
75 |
{"id": "CLL:99", "jb": ".cerman. zei jamkarce", "en": "Sherman tank", "source": "cll"}
76 |
{"id": "CLL:57", "jb": "xu do tavla mi", "en": "Are you talking to me?", "source": "cll"}
77 |
{"id": "CLL:97", "jb": "kulnr,farsi zei lolgai", "en": "Persian rug", "source": "cll"}
78 |
{"id": "CLL:53", "jb": "ma tavla ma", "en": "What/who talks to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
79 |
{"id": "CLL:92", "jb": "kixta'a", "en": "cry-out talk", "source": "cll"}
80 |
{"id": "CLL:25", "jb": "la meris. melbi se tavla la tam.", "en": "Mary is a beautiful audience for Tom.", "source": "cll"}
81 |
{"id": "CLL:71", "jb": "la djan. pu klama le zarci", "en": "John went to the store.", "source": "cll"}
82 |
{"id": "CLL:87", "jb": "nancyprali", "en": "annual profit", "source": "cll"}
83 |
{"id": "CLL:77", "jb": "skami plino", "en": "computer user", "source": "cll"}
84 |
{"id": "CLL:64", "jb": "mi klama le melbi .ui", "en": "I go to the beautiful-thing, which makes me feel happy.", "source": "cll"}
85 |
{"id": "CLL:29", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
86 |
{"id": "CLL:27", "jb": "la tam. se tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is audiencely-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
87 |
{"id": "CLL:91", "jb": "klezba", "en": "category make", "source": "cll"}
88 |
{"id": "CLL:101", "jb": "tric,r,xaceru ", "en": "Acer (the scientific name of maple trees)", "source": "cll"}
89 |
{"id": "CLL:4", "jb": "do tavla mi ta zo'e", "en": "You talk to me about that thing in a language.", "source": "cll"}
90 |
{"id": "CLL:54", "jb": "do mo", "en": "You are-what/do-what?", "source": "cll"}
91 |
{"id": "CLL:75", "jb": "le vi bajra cu tavla", "en": "This runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
92 |
{"id": "CLL:11", "jb": "ta melbi", "en": "That is beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
93 |
{"id": "CLL:69", "jb": "za'a do melbi", "en": "I directly observe! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
94 |
{"id": "CLL:86", "jb": "lerfyliste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
95 |
{"id": "CLL:13", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
96 |
{"id": "CLL:100", "jb": "cidj,r,spageti ", "en": "spaghetti", "source": "cll"}
97 |
{"id": "CLL:17", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "to talk fast", "source": "cll"}
98 |
{"id": "CLL:28", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla ku", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
99 |
{"id": "CLL:31", "jb": "le sutra cu tavla", "en": "The fast one is talking", "source": "cll"}
100 |
{"id": "CLL:35", "jb": "mi klama ti zo'e zo'e ta", "en": "I go here using that means.", "source": "cll"}
101 |
{"id": "CLL:94", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
102 |
{"id": "CLL:3", "jb": "mi tavla do zo'e zo'e", "en": "I talk to you about something in some language.", "source": "cll"}
103 |
{"id": "CLL:14", "jb": "do se tavla mi ti", "en": "You are talked to by me about this.", "source": "cll"}
104 |
{"id": "CLL:81", "jb": "sampli", "en": "user of computers", "source": "cll"}
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
1 |
{"id": "CLL:65", "jb": "mi klama .i do stali", "en": "I go. You stay.", "source": "cll"}
2 |
{"id": "CLL:42", "jb": "doi djan.", "en": "Oh, John, I'm talking to you.", "source": "cll"}
3 |
{"id": "CLL:15", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
4 |
{"id": "CLL:9", "jb": "mi ti cu vecnu ta", "en": "I this thing do sell to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
5 |
{"id": "CLL:98", "jb": "na'e zei .a zei na'e zei by. Livgyterbilma", "en": "non-A, non-B hepatitis", "source": "cll"}
6 |
{"id": "CLL:58", "jb": "xu do kanro .i mi kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
7 |
{"id": "CLL:1", "jb": "la meris.", "en": "the one/ones named Mary", "source": "cll"}
8 |
{"id": "CLL:73", "jb": "do vu vecnu zo'e", "en": "You yonder sell something unspecified.", "source": "cll"}
9 |
{"id": "CLL:90", "jb": "cumfri", "en": "possible experience", "source": "cll"}
10 |
{"id": "CLL:103", "jb": "lerf,r,djamo ", "en": "Jamo (Korean Hangul letters)", "source": "cll"}
11 |
{"id": "CLL:79", "jb": "patfu mamta", "en": "paternal grandmother", "source": "cll"}
12 |
{"id": "CLL:76", "jb": "le vi tavla cu ba klama", "en": "This talker will go.", "source": "cll"}
13 |
{"id": "CLL:10", "jb": "mi ti ta cu vecnu", "en": "I this thing to that buyer do sell.", "source": "cll"}
14 |
{"id": "CLL:41", "jb": "le mi gerku cu sutra", "en": "My dog is fast.", "source": "cll"}
15 |
{"id": "CLL:67", "jb": "mi klama .i ku'i do stali", "en": "I go. However, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
16 |
{"id": "CLL:66", "jb": "mi klama .i ji'a do stali", "en": "I go. In addition, you stay.", "source": "cll"}
17 |
{"id": "CLL:52", "jb": "do tavla mi", "en": "You talk to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
18 |
{"id": "CLL:56", "jb": "mi tavla", "en": "I talk", "source": "cll"}
19 |
{"id": "CLL:33", "jb": "le sutra cu se tavla", "en": "The fast one is talked to.", "source": "cll"}
20 |
{"id": "CLL:30", "jb": "le sutra tavla", "en": "The fast talker", "source": "cll"}
21 |
{"id": "CLL:68", "jb": "pe'i do melbi", "en": "I opine! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
22 |
{"id": "CLL:60", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu kanro", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
23 |
{"id": "CLL:72", "jb": "la djan. ca klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
24 |
{"id": "CLL:26", "jb": "la tam. tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is talkerly-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
25 |
{"id": "CLL:59", "jb": "xu do kanro .i go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? I am healthy.", "source": "cll"}
26 |
{"id": "CLL:8", "jb": "mi cu vecnu ti ta zo'e", "en": "I sell this thing to that buyer.", "source": "cll"}
27 |
{"id": "CLL:21", "jb": "jikca toldi", "en": "social butterfly", "source": "cll"}
28 |
{"id": "CLL:63", "jb": ".ei mi klama", "en": "I should go.", "source": "cll"}
29 |
{"id": "CLL:32", "jb": "le sutra se tavla", "en": "The fast listener.", "source": "cll"}
30 |
{"id": "CLL:83", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
31 |
{"id": "CLL:37", "jb": "ti djarspageti .i ta go'i", "en": "This is spaghetti. That (is spaghetti), too.", "source": "cll"}
32 |
{"id": "CLL:44", "jb": "co'o. djan.", "en": "Good-bye, John.", "source": "cll"}
33 |
{"id": "CLL:82", "jb": "bralo'i", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
34 |
{"id": "CLL:96", "jb": "xy. zei kantu", "en": "X ray", "source": "cll"}
35 |
{"id": "CLL:50", "jb": "ko ko kurji", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
36 |
{"id": "CLL:62", "jb": ".ie mi klama", "en": "Yep! I'll go.", "source": "cll"}
37 |
{"id": "CLL:45", "jb": "do tavla", "en": "You are-talking.", "source": "cll"}
38 |
{"id": "CLL:49", "jb": "ko kurji ko", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "cll"}
39 |
{"id": "CLL:47", "jb": "ko sutra", "en": "Be fast!", "source": "cll"}
40 |
{"id": "CLL:102", "jb": "cirl,r,bri", "en": "brie (cheese)", "source": "cll"}
41 |
{"id": "CLL:55", "jb": "mi melbi", "en": "I am beautiful", "source": "cll"}
42 |
{"id": "CLL:88", "jb": "prunyplipe", "en": "elastic leap (spring)", "source": "cll"}
43 |
{"id": "CLL:12", "jb": "melbi", "en": "Beautiful!", "source": "cll"}
44 |
{"id": "CLL:36", "jb": "ta blari'o", "en": "That is blue-green.", "source": "cll"}
45 |
{"id": "CLL:23", "jb": "mi sutra se klama la meris.", "en": "Mary is quicly gone to by me.", "source": "cll"}
46 |
{"id": "CLL:39", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i di'u pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. The last sentence pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
47 |
{"id": "CLL:40", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i la'e di'u pluka mi", "en": "This dog is beautiful. This (the meaning of the last sentence) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
48 |
{"id": "CLL:18", "jb": "sutra tavla cutci", "en": "fast-talker type of shoe ", "source": "cll"}
49 |
{"id": "CLL:78", "jb": "barda bloti", "en": "ship", "source": "cll"}
50 |
{"id": "CLL:5", "jb": "mi tavla zo'e tu ti", "en": "I talk to someone about that thing yonder in this language.", "source": "cll"}
51 |
{"id": "CLL:24", "jb": "la tam. melbi tavla la meris.", "en": "Tom is a beautiful talker to Mary", "source": "cll"}
52 |
{"id": "CLL:7", "jb": "do tavla mi ta", "en": "You talk to me about that thing.", "source": "cll"}
53 |
{"id": "CLL:34", "jb": "mi cu tavla le vecnu le blari'o", "en": "I talk to the seller about the blue-green-thing.", "source": "cll"}
54 |
{"id": "CLL:84", "jb": "soirsai", "en": "field rations", "source": "cll"}
55 |
{"id": "CLL:46", "jb": "ko tavla", "en": "Talk!", "source": "cll"}
56 |
{"id": "CLL:2", "jb": "la djan.", "en": "the one/ones named John", "source": "cll"}
57 |
{"id": "CLL:51", "jb": "ma tavla do mi .i la djan.", "en": "Who is talking to you about me? John (is talking to you about me).", "source": "cll"}
58 |
{"id": "CLL:16", "jb": "ti te tavla do mi", "en": "This is talked about to you by me.", "source": "cll"}
59 |
{"id": "CLL:38", "jb": "le gerku cu melbi .i ti pluka mi", "en": "The dog is beautiful. This (the dog) pleases me.", "source": "cll"}
60 |
{"id": "CLL:61", "jb": "xu do kanro .i le tavla cu go'i", "en": "Are you healthy? The talker is healthy.", "source": "cll"}
61 |
{"id": "CLL:80", "jb": "mamta patfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
62 |
{"id": "CLL:22", "jb": "mi sutra klama la meris.", "en": "I quickly go to Mary", "source": "cll"}
63 |
{"id": "CLL:6", "jb": "mi tavla do", "en": "I talk to you ", "source": "cll"}
64 |
{"id": "CLL:48", "jb": "mi tavla ko", "en": "Let me talk to you.", "source": "cll"}
65 |
{"id": "CLL:93", "jb": "sniju'o", "en": "sign know", "source": "cll"}
66 |
{"id": "CLL:95", "jb": "lerste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
67 |
{"id": "CLL:70", "jb": "la djan. klama le zarci", "en": "John goes to the store.", "source": "cll"}
68 |
{"id": "CLL:85", "jb": "mamtypatfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
69 |
{"id": "CLL:19", "jb": "bajra cutci", "en": "runner's shoe", "source": "cll"}
70 |
{"id": "CLL:74", "jb": "le pu bajra cu tavla", "en": "The former runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
71 |
{"id": "CLL:43", "jb": "coi. djan.", "en": "Hello, John.", "source": "cll"}
72 |
{"id": "CLL:89", "jb": "vancysanmi", "en": "supper", "source": "cll"}
73 |
{"id": "CLL:20", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "fast-talker", "source": "cll"}
74 |
{"id": "CLL:0", "jb": "mi klama le zarci", "en": "I go to the store.", "source": "cll"}
75 |
{"id": "CLL:99", "jb": ".cerman. zei jamkarce", "en": "Sherman tank", "source": "cll"}
76 |
{"id": "CLL:57", "jb": "xu do tavla mi", "en": "Are you talking to me?", "source": "cll"}
77 |
{"id": "CLL:97", "jb": "kulnr,farsi zei lolgai", "en": "Persian rug", "source": "cll"}
78 |
{"id": "CLL:53", "jb": "ma tavla ma", "en": "What/who talks to what/whom?", "source": "cll"}
79 |
{"id": "CLL:92", "jb": "kixta'a", "en": "cry-out talk", "source": "cll"}
80 |
{"id": "CLL:25", "jb": "la meris. melbi se tavla la tam.", "en": "Mary is a beautiful audience for Tom.", "source": "cll"}
81 |
{"id": "CLL:71", "jb": "la djan. pu klama le zarci", "en": "John went to the store.", "source": "cll"}
82 |
{"id": "CLL:87", "jb": "nancyprali", "en": "annual profit", "source": "cll"}
83 |
{"id": "CLL:77", "jb": "skami plino", "en": "computer user", "source": "cll"}
84 |
{"id": "CLL:64", "jb": "mi klama le melbi .ui", "en": "I go to the beautiful-thing, which makes me feel happy.", "source": "cll"}
85 |
{"id": "CLL:29", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
86 |
{"id": "CLL:27", "jb": "la tam. se tavla melbi la meris.", "en": "Tom is audiencely-beautiful to Mary.", "source": "cll"}
87 |
{"id": "CLL:91", "jb": "klezba", "en": "category make", "source": "cll"}
88 |
{"id": "CLL:101", "jb": "tric,r,xaceru ", "en": "Acer (the scientific name of maple trees)", "source": "cll"}
89 |
{"id": "CLL:4", "jb": "do tavla mi ta zo'e", "en": "You talk to me about that thing in a language.", "source": "cll"}
90 |
{"id": "CLL:54", "jb": "do mo", "en": "You are-what/do-what?", "source": "cll"}
91 |
{"id": "CLL:75", "jb": "le vi bajra cu tavla", "en": "This runner talks.", "source": "cll"}
92 |
{"id": "CLL:11", "jb": "ta melbi", "en": "That is beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
93 |
{"id": "CLL:69", "jb": "za'a do melbi", "en": "I directly observe! You are beautiful.", "source": "cll"}
94 |
{"id": "CLL:86", "jb": "lerfyliste", "en": "list of letters", "source": "cll"}
95 |
{"id": "CLL:13", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "source": "cll"}
96 |
{"id": "CLL:100", "jb": "cidj,r,spageti ", "en": "spaghetti", "source": "cll"}
97 |
{"id": "CLL:17", "jb": "sutra tavla", "en": "to talk fast", "source": "cll"}
98 |
{"id": "CLL:28", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla ku", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "source": "cll"}
99 |
{"id": "CLL:31", "jb": "le sutra cu tavla", "en": "The fast one is talking", "source": "cll"}
100 |
{"id": "CLL:35", "jb": "mi klama ti zo'e zo'e ta", "en": "I go here using that means.", "source": "cll"}
101 |
{"id": "CLL:94", "jb": "mampa'u", "en": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"}
102 |
{"id": "CLL:3", "jb": "mi tavla do zo'e zo'e", "en": "I talk to you about something in some language.", "source": "cll"}
103 |
{"id": "CLL:14", "jb": "do se tavla mi ti", "en": "You are talked to by me about this.", "source": "cll"}
104 |
{"id": "CLL:81", "jb": "sampli", "en": "user of computers", "source": "cll"}