diff --git "a/data/test/tatoeba_test.jsonl" "b/data/test/tatoeba_test.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/test/tatoeba_test.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1991 @@ +{"id": "Tatoeba:626825", "jb": "ko'a sumne le stasu", "en": "He is smelling the soup.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2509715", "jb": "na vajni mi fa lo nu do jdice lo ka te cmene mi makau", "en": "It's not important to me what you decide to call me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730466", "jb": "lo bruna pu ciksa lo xatra be lo mensi", "en": "The brother wrote a letter to the sister.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502455", "jb": "lo cukta cu se srana do", "en": "It's your book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937518", "jb": "ma ba vacysai", "en": "What's for dinner?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2163267", "jb": "la'acu'i za'u ko'a cliva ca lo bavlamdei", "en": "They may leave tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4463896", "jb": "lo tarci cu te gusni ca lo cacra poi nu mi'o jmaji", "en": "A star shines on the hour of our meeting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1876651", "jb": ".a'u lo cumymu'efi'a cu cinri .i .e'o ca lo nu tcidu mulno ku ko te jbera ra mi", "en": "This science fiction story seems interesting. Will you lend it to me when you have finished reading it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827689", "jb": "vilti'a selnu'e", "en": "There is a threat of a storm.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3689163", "jb": "la tom cu se speni nanmu", "en": "Tom is a married man.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3463709", "jb": "mi'a pu ca'o citka lo sovda", "en": "We were eating eggs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1608876", "jb": "lo nebysrijge cu mapti lo do kosta", "en": "The tie goes with your jacket.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1966266", "jb": "xu do mo'ini'a cadzu", "en": "Did you walk down?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502449", "jb": "lo mlatu ku na'e prenu", "en": "A cat is not a person!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3287792", "jb": "ko ko'a fitytu'i gi'onai fesli'a", "en": "Take it, or leave it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291055", "jb": "ma se zvati lo do sedyta'u", "en": "Where's your hat?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4261051", "jb": "ianai la .tom. ku ie'i pu speni lo ninmu poi simsa la .meris. lo ka melbi", "en": "I can't believe that a guy like Tom was married to a woman as beautiful as Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667662", "jb": ".i nozo'e ta zvati", "en": "There's nothing there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763560", "jb": "ra rajyclazma lo bruna be vo'a", "en": "He is taller than his brother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1533769", "jb": "do zvati lo drata gugde ca ro ma", "en": "How often do you go abroad?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987936", "jb": "go'i .i mi ca'o klama", "en": "Yes, I'm coming!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803590", "jb": "mi tcidu lo pemci te cu'u le lanzu be mi", "en": "I read the poem for my family.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1591588", "jb": "se suksa lo nu mi viska lo melbi cipni", "en": "Suddenly, I saw a beautiful bird.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:746569", "jb": "mi na djuno lu du'u zvati ma kau", "en": "I do not know where it is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1839869", "jb": "ma pu dunda ti do", "en": "Who gave you this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807263", "jb": "mi djica lo nu ba klama la lyndyn", "en": "I'd like to go to London.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974818", "jb": "la .lusis. noi tadni cu merko", "en": "Lucy is a student from America.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754683", "jb": ".au mi klama la.siatl.", "en": "I want to go to Seattle.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3758533", "jb": "la'o gy.Steins;Gate.gy. kinrxanime gi'e mutce lo ka ce'u se nelci", "en": "Steins;Gate is a very enjoyable anime.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1855408", "jb": "xu ti mivru'e mi", "en": "Is this my life?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1729300", "jb": "ja'o mi pu cirko le mi dinvau", "en": "I must have lost my purse in the supermarket.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2439197", "jb": "ko'a se bangu nai lo pe mi bangu", "en": "He doesn't speak my language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1603003", "jb": "lo ra cnino mapku cu mapti ra", "en": "Her new hat becomes her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2252041", "jb": "mi ponse lo dotco karce", "en": "I own a German car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4325637", "jb": "mi pu krici lo du'u do me la tom", "en": "I thought you were Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:649856", "jb": ".ie", "en": "This is true.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:661754", "jb": "ko ganlygau lo kanla", "en": "Close your eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:656546", "jb": "e'u do stali ti co'u lo nu na snime carvi", "en": "You can stay here till the snow stops.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583763", "jb": "mi ca'o citka lo nanba", "en": "I'm eating bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668733", "jb": "cinse naljundi", "en": "She's sexually promiscuous.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1816420", "jb": "do ma certu klani", "en": "What is your rating?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974125", "jb": "la .ierevAn. cu raltca la .arminiys.", "en": "Yerevan is the capital of Armenia.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:797958", "jb": "xu do se bangu lo bangrklingo", "en": "Do you speak Klingon?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749059", "jb": "xu do penmi ra pu ku", "en": "Have you met her before?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2319184", "jb": "mi tolsanji da poi mi pu denpa", "en": "I don't know what I was expecting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1656978", "jb": ".i do mutce co certu lo nu kelci la starkraft", "en": "You play Starcraft really well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2804888", "jb": "pei mi'ai ji'a tsuku", "en": "Can we come too?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3989757", "jb": "ai mi da stidi", "en": "I'd like to make a suggestion.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1610759", "jb": "xu ro do pu farcri", "en": "Are you all lost?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765545", "jb": "la tom citka lo titnanba", "en": "Now Tom is eating cake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663440", "jb": "mi ta'e limna pa roi ro jeftu", "en": "I swim once a week.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667688", "jb": ".i la. kiiv. cu jecta ralju lo'i tcadu be fi la. ukra'inas.", "en": "The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704399", "jb": "ra gekygau mi ca lo nu badri", "en": "She cheered me up when I was feeling blue.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3066947", "jb": "mi na cusku da'u", "en": "I didn't say it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:733464", "jb": "ra na djuno lo du'u mi ponjo", "en": "They don't know that I'm Japanese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:720554", "jb": "mi na ponse lo pikta", "en": "I don't have a ticket.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987602", "jb": ".u'e da goi ko'a zdani .i ko'a smimlu lo lumbu'u zaisle cai .i le barda je nalgusminra canko cu ganlo fi lo spofu", "en": "What a home! The place looked like some disused rag-store. The large unglazed window was closed up by a dilapidated shutter.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4423665", "jb": "mi djica tu'a lo cladakfu poi simsa ti", "en": "I want a sword like this!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3692687", "jb": "ne'i manku", "en": "It's dark inside.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3287777", "jb": "lo terdi ka'e mansa lo se nitcu .enai lo se du'edji vu'o pe ma'a", "en": "The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288272", "jb": "mi na jinvi lodu'u carvi ca le zi lecydo'i", "en": "I do not think it will rain this afternoon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929158", "jb": "cai roko'a morsi .i morsi .i morsi", "en": "They're all dead! All dead! All dead!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2346908", "jb": "lo se mukti be lo nu prami cu bancu lo vrude jo'u lo palci", "en": "What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1708242", "jb": "ko'a ciksi lo pe'anai smuni be le jufra", "en": "He explained the literal meaning of the sentence.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1778517", "jb": "mi nelci ge lo gerku gi lo mlatu", "en": "I like both dogs and cats.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4225377", "jb": "do djica lo ka se jibri ma ca lo nu do makcu", "en": "What do you want to do when you grow up?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:689026", "jb": "mi ce do simxu lo ka prami", "en": "We love each other.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1356161", "jb": "mi zvati vi le trenytcana", "en": "I'm by the train station.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932062", "jb": "xu ko'a djica lo nu viska", "en": "Does he want to look at it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655870", "jb": "ma pluta lo lo vijytcana", "en": "How do I get to the airport?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:789914", "jb": "mi muspre", "en": "I am a Muslim.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937502", "jb": "vi le mi zdani ku ckafrspreso mi'izba", "en": "At home I have a Espresso maker.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941218", "jb": ".i'ecai", "en": "That's great!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665688", "jb": "lo mamta be do cu mo ca lo nu do mo'u klama lo zdani", "en": "What was your mother doing when you got home?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668701", "jb": ".i mi'a selpu'a lo nu ze'u litru la pasifik poi braxamsi", "en": "We enjoyed a long voyage across the Pacific Ocean.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:661749", "jb": "ko ganlygau lo vorme vau e'o", "en": "Shut the door, will you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1656986", "jb": ".i vi ba'o foldi purdi", "en": "This place used to be a field.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668780", "jb": ".i lo mlatu cu zukte co tunta be fa lo jgalu lo mi xance", "en": "The cat dug its claws into my hand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2345325", "jb": "ko'a pu'i ja'asai rivbi lo nu cnitce", "en": "He has completely avoided being sentimental.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1656979", "jb": "lo ninmu cu djica lo nu penmi do", "en": "There's a woman as wants to see you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254793", "jb": "mi'a pu cirko lo farna bu'u lo tricu foldi", "en": "We lost our way in the woods.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1108915", "jb": "ju'i jbopli", "en": "Attention, Lojbanist!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2619356", "jb": "la .meris. joi la .alis. cu mensi remei", "en": "Mary and Alice are sisters.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:740358", "jb": "lo bebna cu gleki", "en": "The fool is happy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686080", "jb": "la'o zoi Danny DeVito zoi e lo cilce cinfo joi tirxu zo'u xagrai fa lo nu rivbi", "en": "Danny DeVito and ferocious lions and tigers are best avoided.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:708070", "jb": "ma nu gleki", "en": "What is happiness?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2581979", "jb": "la tom pu pendo tarti", "en": "Tom was friendly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:619527", "jb": "do mutce melbi", "en": "You are very beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1884258", "jb": "cai mo'u gasnu ti", "en": "It's done!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4430525", "jb": "ca'e lo nu nalzi'e co'a catni se nalzi'e", "en": "Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1725912", "jb": ".ei po'o do klama ta", "en": "The only thing you need to do is go there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095596", "jb": ".i za'a lo ca Taral cu cnino", "en": "Apparently the present Taral is new.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2083753", "jb": "lo dilnu cu tcima ca lo cabdei", "en": "It is cloudy today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577920", "jb": "la tom cu mutce toldarsi", "en": "Tom is very shy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2617523", "jb": "le patfu cu lumci lo flira be ra", "en": "The father washes his face.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1968617", "jb": "ko'a snada tu'a lo taxfu vecnu", "en": "He made out really well in the clothing business.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1759707", "jb": ".ei mi terve'u lo cnino skiji", "en": "I must buy new skis.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288450", "jb": "la .tom. pu radji'i lodu'u tu'a ri to'e drani", "en": "Tom admitted that he was wrong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3969809", "jb": ".ei mi'o zi casnu", "en": "We need to chat soon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663590", "jb": "mi jdica lo nu ciska lo pano jufra be fi lo spano ca lo ro djedi .i ba'a la.rosi,os. .ui dai cikre jy", "en": "I have decided to write ten sentences in Spanish each day. I'm sure that Roc\u00edo will be very happy to correct them.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655475", "jb": "ko ti mi dunda", "en": "Can you give me that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1950140", "jb": "tatpi le nu djedi", "en": "The day was exhausting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:838637", "jb": "lo zgike cu cinri mi", "en": "I'm interested in music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1010409", "jb": "la .filip. la .tam. cu ckini soi vo'a", "en": "Philip and Tom are related to each other.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3001393", "jb": "oi ma mi ba'o se zukte", "en": "What I've done!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714248", "jb": "ti poi za'u prenu ku terpa lo nu jamna", "en": "The people fear war.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1781466", "jb": "ckire do lo nu do ba sidju", "en": "Thank you in advance for your help.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667667", "jb": ".i ju'ocu'i .eidai jai gau seljibyfa'o ca lo bavla'ima'i", "en": "She may have to quit her job next month.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2821714", "jb": "no da nitcu mi", "en": "Nobody needs me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701802", "jb": "so'i prenu mi jai xrani", "en": "I was hurt by many people.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634602", "jb": "ta'o ra xabju ma", "en": "By the way, where does he live?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1766654", "jb": "ra pu viska lo nixli", "en": "He saw the girl.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3615123", "jb": "lo nu ciksi lo ka ckape cu mutce vajni", "en": "To explain the risks is very important.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2610801", "jb": "la meris. mamta", "en": "Mary is a mother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767859", "jb": "le sonci ca morsi", "en": "The soldiers are dead.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3846160", "jb": "mi pu ze'o benji le se benji lo kibro stuzi poi drata", "en": "I crossposted the message to another website.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1832342", "jb": "ko'a gleki lo nu pu snada ta poi nu kamjunmre", "en": "He was happy that he passed that exam.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767819", "jb": "mi do prami doi .lorir.", "en": "I love you, Laurie.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:762291", "jb": "ra binxo lo pulji", "en": "She became a police officer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2345256", "jb": ".au mi tavla do lo vi liste", "en": "I want to talk to you about this list.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:781571", "jb": "ma jdima lo badna ki'ogra", "en": "How much is the kilo of bananas?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1519745", "jb": "ma te pluta lo xaskoi", "en": "Which way is the beach?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254035", "jb": "la tom cu pleji", "en": "Tom is paying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947870", "jb": "lo mlatu cu xebni loi djacu", "en": "Cats hate water.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803635", "jb": "mi finti lo lisri soi pruce lo nu ciska ro da poi mi pensi", "en": "I invent stories by writing down whatever I think of.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1590438", "jb": "lo dilnu pu mipri lo solri", "en": "The clouds hid the sun.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2492283", "jb": "lo vi gerku ku barda", "en": "That dog is big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763156", "jb": "ke'o", "en": "Could you say that again?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583722", "jb": "lo va pa nanmu pu citka lo nanba", "en": "That man ate bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3300516", "jb": "lo jufra cu zvati ma poi pagbu lo vi cukta", "en": "Where is the phrase in this book?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333428", "jb": "ma do se xabju", "en": "Where are you from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098045", "jb": "ta me lai .kraislr. me\u2019u karce", "en": "That is a Chrysler car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1673091", "jb": "do caca'o pensi ma", "en": "What are you thinking about?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989307", "jb": "mi joi le mi mamtu la .dIsniland. klama", "en": "I went to Disneyland with my mother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2589412", "jb": "ra pu muvdu la dotco gugde", "en": "She moved to Germany.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664724", "jb": "lo ko'a voksa cu sance xagmau lo do voksa", "en": "Her voice sounds better than yours.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4337267", "jb": "la paRIS tcutca la fasygu'e", "en": "Paris is the capital of France.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1410980", "jb": "mi za'o jmive", "en": "I'm still alive.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663935", "jb": "mi vo'a mipri ni'a lo jubme", "en": "I hid under the table.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704401", "jb": "ra nelci lo blanu pastu", "en": "She likes blue dresses.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749003", "jb": "mi denpa lo nu ra klama kei tu'a ti", "en": "I'll wait here until she comes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098037", "jb": "la .prim. .palvr. pamoi cusku", "en": "Preem Palver is the first speaker.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3841950", "jb": "mi pu viska ro da", "en": "I saw everything.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1121870", "jb": "loi jmive cu se zbasu zi'o loi selci", "en": "Living things are made from cells.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:724913", "jb": "lo do gerku cu mutce barda", "en": "Your dog is very big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1719836", "jb": "le sedyta'u cu cimce'oranbi'o", "en": "The hat got wet and went limp.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1075171", "jb": "ju'o ra ba klama", "en": "I'm sure he'll go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1535624", "jb": "mutce se vajni lonu zukte lozu'o xadykelci'e seti'u ro djedi", "en": "It's extremely important to do sport every day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706935", "jb": "ra na ticysku ca da", "en": "He never lies.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937498", "jb": "le nu mi pamoi citka loi cidjrsuci cu mutce pluka", "en": "The first time I had Sushi was fantastic.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1832345", "jb": ".e'o ko tavla mi xecu'u lo fonxa", "en": "Please don't hesitate to call.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1662857", "jb": "se jdima lo ci rupne'uru", "en": "That'll be three euros.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343342", "jb": "ji'a do nu'o sai lifri", "en": "And you ain\u2019t seen nothin\u2019 yet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:737993", "jb": "le patfu be ra cu ponpre", "en": "His father is Japanese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167335", "jb": "mi zmanei lo nu nonkansa klama", "en": "I prefer to go alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3068099", "jb": "la .pinbol. cu ci'erselkei sei lo ka muvgau lo cmalu gatyboi lo salpo je lo kevna vau sei re nalci cu tutci cu terzu'e", "en": "The game of pinball involves directing a little steel ball onto ramps and into holes with a pair of flippers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1624920", "jb": ".e'o ko sanga zo'e", "en": "Please sing a song.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588563", "jb": "la meris. bevri lo vo'a bersa sepi'o lo ra trixe", "en": "Mary carried her son on her back.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3232566", "jb": "la tom ca ponse lo cnino karce", "en": "Tom has a new car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2271294", "jb": "mi catra", "en": "I'm the killer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4439867", "jb": "do lojycpa ma", "en": "What are your conclusions?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2253944", "jb": "xu pu na xajmi", "en": "Wasn't that fun?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588796", "jb": "mi djica tu'a lo MP3 selsnatci", "en": "I want an MP3 player!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1519518", "jb": ".i .e'u .ei ko mipri ti", "en": "You should have kept it secret.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749049", "jb": "mi kavbu ci finpe ca lo prulamdei", "en": "I caught three fish yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974837", "jb": "la .tam. roroi se sedyta'u", "en": "Tom always wears a hat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1611270", "jb": "mi na pu djuno ti", "en": "I did not know this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:811661", "jb": "mi catra la.cev.", "en": "I killed God.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4462421", "jb": "no datpre cu djuno lo du'u makau lizdu'o mi", "en": "No one else knows what it's like to be me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1746817", "jb": "ko'a na cmima", "en": "She's not a member.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3856088", "jb": "ju'o ko'a jmive", "en": "That he is alive is certain.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1691926", "jb": "mutce xamgu jukpa", "en": "She cooks very well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761979", "jb": "mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi", "en": "We'll go when the rain stops.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:677975", "jb": "mi klaku ca lo ro nu sanga ti mi", "en": "I cry every time I listen to this song.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097235", "jb": ".ie pei li re ce li re cu se pamei", "en": "Do you agree that 2 in a set with 2 is a set with one member?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:685854", "jb": "lo do cukta ti zvati", "en": "Here is your book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1713876", "jb": "la glibau cu simlu lo ka mujyku'e", "en": "English is like a universal language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1485957", "jb": "mi klama le zarci", "en": "I am going to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1669427", "jb": "xu do nelci lo nu litru", "en": "Do you like trips?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096195", "jb": ".y. la .clsn. cu sutra zmadu .i do jinga .ui dai", "en": "Uhhh, Shoulsen quickly exceeded. You win. Yay you!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2469697", "jb": ".i le sfaile cu pi'ai megdo skamrbaiti li 7", "en": "The file is weighing 7 megabytes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4208096", "jb": "lo mi fonxa cu se zerle'a", "en": "My cellphone has been stolen.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097965", "jb": "ko kurji ko", "en": "Take care of yourself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1745432", "jb": "xu do baupli lo pa'arbau", "en": "Do you speak Esperanto?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1506599", "jb": "le cevni mo'u nurxru ko'a lo jdazei", "en": "God redeemed them from sin.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2976260", "jb": "lo gusta be le cidjrxalalu cu zvati ma", "en": "Where is a halal restaurant?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2017078", "jb": "ko ti xrukla", "en": "Come back here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1388270", "jb": "lo dalpe'o be mi cu bilma", "en": "My pet is sick.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583743", "jb": "ko citka lo va nanba", "en": "Eat that bread!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999936", "jb": "loi nanba cu norvifne", "en": "The bread is not fresh.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2622459", "jb": "lo nu dansu cu tolselcurmi", "en": "Dancing is prohibited.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767508", "jb": "do za'o citno", "en": "You're still young.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635884", "jb": "lo kanla be ra cu cilmo lo selklaku", "en": "His eyes are wet with tears.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2016058", "jb": "la .tam. mi xebni", "en": "Tom hates me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1991853", "jb": "ko'a ko'a na du", "en": "He's not himself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1672772", "jb": "la tom. pu cnixai la meris.", "en": "Tom insulted Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1946335", "jb": "ko'a mutce cortu lo moklu", "en": "Her mouth hurt a lot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2362560", "jb": "da mi se vedli je se skicu fi do", "en": "What I wist I told to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:831265", "jb": ".a'u lo cribe cu vajni lo jbopre ma", "en": "I'm interested in why bears are important to Lojbanists.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2080618", "jb": "do ga'orgau lo kanla be do vau .e'o", "en": "Close your eyes, please.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1117329", "jb": "tsali", "en": "He's strong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947855", "jb": "lo nu ko'a te cusku cu vajni", "en": "It's important that he hears this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368746", "jb": "ro lo'e gerku cu se tuple vo da", "en": "Every dog has four legs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2017072", "jb": "mi'o pedysi'u xu", "en": "Are we friends?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3719153", "jb": "ma smuni lo bi'u nai jufra", "en": "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:661944", "jb": "xu la.mam. sfasa lo xirma", "en": "Is Mother scolding the horse?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:697458", "jb": "ra du la.li,in.", "en": "He is Li Ying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635840", "jb": "mi jbena fo la tokios", "en": "I was born in Tokyo.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2589369", "jb": "mi ka'e ctuca do lo nu zerle'a ta'i makau", "en": "I can teach you how to steal.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2570998", "jb": "la tom na ca'o xalbo", "en": "Tom isn't joking.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:657714", "jb": "mo doi maik", "en": "What's up, Mike?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937532", "jb": ".ianaicai", "en": "I can't believe it!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803457", "jb": ".i ri'a ma le tsani cu blanu", "en": "Why is the sky blue?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577917", "jb": "mi pu nanca li paci ca lo nanca be li renonoci", "en": "I was 13 in 2003.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1609076", "jb": "ra nenri lo trene", "en": "He's on the train.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974808", "jb": "lo do bruna cu sidju cpedu", "en": "Your brother is asking for help.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665010", "jb": ".au mi ctuca", "en": "I want to be a teacher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254016", "jb": "gau ko ta to'e akti", "en": "Turn that off.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1996053", "jb": "ba'o lo nu trene cliva ku mi le renytcana cu zvati", "en": "The train had already left by the time I got to the station.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093262", "jb": ".ei nai do tolnurcni", "en": "You don't have to feel threatened.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3477556", "jb": "ko kargau lo do moklu gi'e ganlygau loi do kanla", "en": "Open your mouth and close your eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761847", "jb": "ra jarco tu'a lo ri kumfa mi", "en": "She showed me her room.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1948205", "jb": "mi to'e nelci lo cmaci .isemu'inai mi tadni .ei lo nundugri", "en": "Although I didn't like math, I had to study logarithms.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2808282", "jb": "ra jai lerci", "en": "She is late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963371", "jb": "na nu pamli'u", "en": "It's not a date.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3626723", "jb": "lo nanba cu se zbasu fi lo purmo", "en": "Bread is made from flour.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2017067", "jb": "mi'a cliva .ei", "en": "We need to go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1776486", "jb": "mi pulji", "en": "I'm a cop.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704134", "jb": "mu'i ma jufra .i ka'e cpedu .i ge'e mu'i lo nu lo jufra cu cinri zmadu", "en": "Why sentences? \u2026you may ask. Well, because sentences are more interesting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1878986", "jb": "loi cnino ckafi bazi gubni", "en": "Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989190", "jb": "lu le nixli .oidaipei li'u lu ri goi ko'a mutce se raktu .iku'i le ri patfu cu drijdikygau li'u", "en": "\"How is the young lady?\" \"She is greatly distressed; but her father is comforting her.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3630282", "jb": "lo mi nazbi cu te jetce", "en": "I have a runny nose.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098105", "jb": "coi xunre pastu nixli", "en": "Hello, girl with the red dress!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929146", "jb": "ko noi nanla .io cu plipe pagre le canko", "en": "Now, my young man, jump out the window!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667652", "jb": ".i lo mi viska nilxau zo'u caze'aca jdika", "en": "My vision is getting worse these days.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1771049", "jb": "ko'a na sai bebna", "en": "She is far from a fool.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761976", "jb": "mi mutce nelci lo pitnanba", "en": "I like pizza very much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941128", "jb": "mi xebni gi'eku'i toljitro se trina", "en": "I hate it, yet I'm uncontrollably drawn to it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2098935", "jb": "nu'e do'u mi na za'u re'u pante ca lo cabdei .i .yy go'i nu'e nai .i .oi ti rigni", "en": "I promise I won't complain again today. Umm... I better take that back. This stinks!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1709551", "jb": "ko'a mi pendo me'e zo djak.", "en": "He is my friend whose name is Jack.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2029155", "jb": "lo bi'unai za'u xrula pu zenba lo ka jmive bajeri'a lo carvi", "en": "The flowers revived after the rain.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1559856", "jb": "ma ti fo do jdima", "en": "How much do you want to sell this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333423", "jb": "mi klama fi la bemjoitco", "en": "I'm from America.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813199", "jb": ".e'apei mi retsku fi do", "en": "May I ask you something?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1513971", "jb": "mi nelci lo bangu be mi", "en": "I like my language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098052", "jb": "la .alis. cu na\u2019e cadzu klama le zarci", "en": "Alice didn\u2019t walk to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:710393", "jb": "mi na ka'e krici fi lo se viska", "en": "I can't believe my eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2590419", "jb": ".e'e sai doi .ari'anas. ko sutyze'a .i se va'o nai bo mi'o ba no roi tolcliva", "en": "Come on, Arianna, speed up or we'll never get there!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098304", "jb": "le la .sen.micel. renytcana cu zvati ma", "en": "Where is the metro St. Michel?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655970", "jb": "xu mi ca'o senva", "en": "Am I dreaming?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098271", "jb": "xu do nelci lo vi cukta", "en": "Do you like this book?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097243", "jb": ".oi sai mi pu ze'u denpa lo nu mi te benji lo se dunda lo pe mi mamta .i ku'i mutce nabmi", "en": "Agh. I waited for a long time for the receipt of a present from my mother. However, it's very problematic.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803597", "jb": "doi .robin. do na bilga .i ku'i zdile ji'u lo se jinvi be do", "en": "Hey Robin, you aren't obliged. However, it's amusing, based on your opinion.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2664268", "jb": "mi pu cusku lo banzu", "en": "I said enough.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3629722", "jb": "mi bilga lo nu tadni lo cmaci", "en": "I have to study mathematics.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2006610", "jb": "lo terdi bazi se daspo", "en": "The end of the world is very near!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098117", "jb": "lai .djonz. cu klama le zarci", "en": "The Joneses go to the store.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:753801", "jb": "mi pa mei cifnu", "en": "I am an only child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2526176", "jb": "do gunka co mutce carmi i ko ze'i surla", "en": "You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3705811", "jb": "da pu paroi kafke", "en": "Someone coughed once.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2976790", "jb": "coi mi'e la tomokos satos ne lo ponjygugde", "en": "Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761243", "jb": "ca ca'a si'ercarvi", "en": "It's snowing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4208574", "jb": "xo jungo cu pendo do", "en": "How many Chinese friends do you have?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:738045", "jb": "mi bilga lo nu cusku lu na go'i li'u do", "en": "I must say no to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766632", "jb": "mi fraso", "en": "I am French.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098343", "jb": "vu je'erjinto gi'e ti renytcana", "en": "There is the fountain and here is the metro.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167729", "jb": "do djica loi ckafi je'i tcati", "en": "Would you like coffee or tea?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2286903", "jb": "ma pu pleji fi do", "en": "Who paid you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3927550", "jb": "so'i da gradu lo ka grusi", "en": "There are many shades of gray.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3693070", "jb": "mi ba'o nitcu", "en": "I don't need this anymore.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3232577", "jb": "la tom pu klagau ti", "en": "Tom brought this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4228553", "jb": "mi do prami jenai cu cinpa'i", "en": "I love you, but not that way.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1264836", "jb": "mi ckire fi tu'a lo zgike", "en": "I am thankful for music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668740", "jb": "xu lo do patfu joi mamta pu zvati lo zdani", "en": "Were your mother and father home?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187394", "jb": "ta finpe ma", "en": "What kind of fish is that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167360", "jb": "pu bapli fe lo nu lo brito vonmoija'a cu randa", "en": "The British commander was forced to surrender.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254109", "jb": "ti na cidja", "en": "This isn't food.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1625500", "jb": "mi'o pu cintypu'i lo zdani lo crino", "en": "We painted the house green.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1523650", "jb": "mi ralte lo blabi mlatu", "en": "I have a white cat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972211", "jb": ".e'unaire'e ko na cusku le valsi ne'i lo malsi", "en": "Don't repeat that word in God's house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1948209", "jb": "zdani mi'a vau fi'i", "en": "Welcome to our home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:735355", "jb": "ra su'o re'u zvati la.xokaidon.", "en": "He has been in Hokkaido before.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2108141", "jb": "mi'o ba jinga", "en": "We'll win.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2016061", "jb": "mi co'e xu", "en": "Did I do that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766957", "jb": "ki'u tu'a lo vi tricu ku na kakne lo nu viska lo ricfoi", "en": "Because of these trees, he can't see the forest.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2623578", "jb": "za'u ti se ponse mi", "en": "These are mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1624909", "jb": "mi pu dunda lo vlacku lo mi mensi", "en": "I gave my sister a dictionary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665741", "jb": "le za'umei pu na birti lo nu xukau lo no'a cu ka'e klama", "en": "They were not sure whether they could come or not.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3878563", "jb": "za'u ko'a pu fonjorne do", "en": "They called you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4337269", "jb": "da poi ke'a ridrxobi zo'u la zauron djica lo nu roda terpa tu'a zy.", "en": "Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097972", "jb": "do cu mo", "en": "You're what?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668675", "jb": ".i pongu'e klama kansa", "en": "She accompanied him to Japan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3216437", "jb": "lo ei ba fasnu ba fasnu", "en": "Whatever shall be will be.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1946136", "jb": "e'o ko cladu jdikygau lo cradi", "en": "Could you turn down the radio?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686034", "jb": "le cipra poi ro tadni cu fliba ke'a cu nadmau le cipra poi ro tadni cu snada ke'a", "en": "The exam that every student failed is harder than the exam that every student passed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2627098", "jb": "mi ba klama", "en": "I'm going to go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857123", "jb": "la .nikol. certu se ponbau", "en": "Nicole can speak Japanese very well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857238", "jb": "mi nitcu lo ka ralte lo karce poi cnino", "en": "I need a new car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:942275", "jb": "mi nelci lo nu mi sipna", "en": "I like sleeping.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2371095", "jb": "la .tom. cu cusku lo sedu'u do mi pendji", "en": "Tom said you wanted to see me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3288827", "jb": "le vi glazenca'a cu se livla lo ctile", "en": "This heater runs on oil.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1662991", "jb": "lo bruna be mi ku nelci lo zgike", "en": "My brother likes music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665711", "jb": "do ba'o verba", "en": "You're not a child anymore.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807432", "jb": "li cino pilji li ci li pano", "en": "30 is the product of 3 times 10.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767934", "jb": "ma jdima lo badna poi grake li ki'o", "en": "How much is the kilo of bananas?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932327", "jb": "la .tam. ganlo catka le vrogai", "en": "Tom pushed the door shut.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2000002", "jb": "mi na cidja loi rectu .imu'ibo nalre'ucti", "en": "I prefer not to eat meat because I'm vegetarian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2391251", "jb": "la .tom. cu citka ca ro djedi su'o ci taslai poi rismi", "en": "Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2269943", "jb": "mi ralte lo vlacku", "en": "I have a dictionary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1234049", "jb": "do cionmau", "en": "You are a panda.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:760174", "jb": "xu tu'a lo ckule cu cfari ti'u li bi su'i fi'u re", "en": "Does school start at eight-thirty?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621692", "jb": "mi se speni da", "en": "I'm married.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2293845", "jb": "ro lo re ko'a pu cisma", "en": "They both smiled.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291077", "jb": "e'i mi na cusku da bi'unai la tom", "en": "I can't tell Tom that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2657545", "jb": "mi xabju la atenais", "en": "I live in Athens.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1514298", "jb": ".i sei lo xlali tcaci ba'o farvi se'u lonu ri to'e farvi kei na frili", "en": "A bad habit, once formed, cannot easily be got rid of.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:683210", "jb": "ko'a ralte so'u lo cukta", "en": "She owns few books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2351225", "jb": "vamji ro prenu fa lo vamji be da poi vo'a ke'a zukcfu", "en": "Every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254162", "jb": "da jubme", "en": "There's a table.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2260614", "jb": "lo nu djusku ko'a cu simsa lo nu tavla lo kityblibi'u", "en": "Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728548", "jb": "la'acu'i ti ba cinri do", "en": "This might interest you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:740780", "jb": "ca lo purlamdei mi terve'u lo cukta", "en": "Yesterday I bought a book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3788007", "jb": "mi na verba", "en": "I'm not a child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:684285", "jb": "e'o", "en": "Please.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4284765", "jb": "gusta bu'u ma", "en": "Where is the restaurant?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1305986", "jb": "zabna funca mi", "en": "I was lucky.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3759364", "jb": "la tom pu co'a tcidu", "en": "Tom began to read.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4428359", "jb": "do djuno lo du'u mi drani", "en": "You know I'm right.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254218", "jb": "lo za'u ti banli", "en": "These are great.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2490244", "jb": "do banzu lo ka plipe fo makau", "en": "You jumped high enough.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3854691", "jb": "mi'ai su'ai slabu ze'a lo nanca be li so'i", "en": "We've known each other for years.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:715026", "jb": "ko na bebna", "en": "Don't be foolish.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929148", "jb": ".e'unai ko na vimcu le makpu .i cai relcibselratni", "en": "Be careful, don't remove the cap. It's arsenic!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2593331", "jb": "sa'u mi na djica lo ka gau co'a speni do", "en": "I just don't want to marry you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2159050", "jb": "la'oi djunko melbi nixli", "en": "Junko is a beautiful girl.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3681212", "jb": "xu le xe fanva cu drani", "en": "Is this translation correct?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2630840", "jb": "klama lo trene tcana fu lo taksi na'o ze'a ma", "en": "How long does it take to the train station by taxi?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2132607", "jb": "mi ko'a xersku mu'i lo nu stapa lo ri jamfu", "en": "I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621687", "jb": "mi cinmo lo ka nonkansa", "en": "I feel lonely.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1603149", "jb": "mi ponse lo cnino penbi .i mi ba te jbera ri do", "en": "I have a new pen; I'll lend it to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584187", "jb": "mi xebni lo tamca", "en": "I hate tomatoes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187381", "jb": "ti mo stasu", "en": "What kind of soup is this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987935", "jb": "mi go'i .i xu do la .naun.nakano. se cmene", "en": "Yes, I am. Are you Mr Nakano?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963365", "jb": "lo mi plekarni ma zvati", "en": "Where is my newspaper?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2089357", "jb": "mi pu noroi nelci lo jmive saske", "en": "I never liked biology.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763174", "jb": "ma smuni la'o zoi Tatoeba zoi", "en": "What does \"Tatoeba\" mean?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583756", "jb": "le nanba pu co'a tolvifne", "en": "The bread went hard.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2017084", "jb": "ko sipna", "en": "Get some sleep.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1958891", "jb": "mi jgari be le xance ku djica", "en": "I just want to hold her hand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655717", "jb": "do klama fi ma", "en": "Where are you from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3688972", "jb": "fema poi drata fa la tom pu cpacu", "en": "What else did Tom get?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3777471", "jb": "mi pu je ca je ba prami lo sidbo be la tato'ebas", "en": "I always love the idea of Tatoeba.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2583417", "jb": "lo gerku ca'o mrobi'o", "en": "The dog is dying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763610", "jb": "mi pu badri zi'o", "en": "I felt sad for no reason.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1878600", "jb": "mi mrilu lo jbesla se dunda ko'a", "en": "I sent her birthday present b\u0443 post.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761257", "jb": "la cizra cu cmene mi", "en": "The name of my name is \"Strange\".", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3269449", "jb": "li cino ce'o cipa cu iunkoda zo'oi 01", "en": "\"3031\" is \"01\" encoded to Unicode.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3256564", "jb": "ra poi nakni cu xamgu atlete", "en": "He is a good athlete.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663661", "jb": "mi na nelci lo iptsa be la peperonis", "en": "I don't like pepperoni pizza very much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095761", "jb": ".i va'i mu'i ma do cusku lo judri", "en": "To rephrase, why did you say an address?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2369917", "jb": "mi pu co'a carmi prami", "en": "I fell in love.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2611027", "jb": "janta pe'u", "en": "Check, please.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2402714", "jb": "ta me mi moi", "en": "That is mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597862", "jb": "za'u ra na nonkansa", "en": "They aren't alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2278880", "jb": "do .ei pu clira zmadu klama", "en": "You should have come earlier.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098068", "jb": "ti mitre li ci", "en": "This is three meters long.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920240", "jb": "ko'a pu terve'u re loi gai sovda", "en": "She bought two dozen eggs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093404", "jb": "iu do melbi", "en": "You're beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704256", "jb": "lo va selkei cu mudri", "en": "That toy is made of wood.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2252931", "jb": "la tom pu na djuno da bi'unai", "en": "Tom didn't know that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1946338", "jb": ".oidai moklu", "en": "Her mouth hurt a lot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664528", "jb": "ti drata da poi sedjica be mi", "en": "This is little different from what I want.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:685972", "jb": "no da va zdani", "en": "There are no houses around here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1786161", "jb": "ko ve'u ze'u klama", "en": "Go far away and for a long time!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2843108", "jb": "mi na pu cusku fi la tom", "en": "I haven't told Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2392611", "jb": "mi vedli tu'a lo vi zgike", "en": "I remember this music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993755", "jb": "mi co'a cliva seka'a le renytcana", "en": "I'm just about to set off for the station.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004507", "jb": "lo do karcyckiku ma zvati", "en": "Where are your car keys?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:697920", "jb": "ra ro roi tadni", "en": "He is always studying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668563", "jb": "ko'a puco'a bralaizba le minji", "en": "They began to manufacture the machine on a large scale.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700507", "jb": ".uu", "en": "I'm sorry to hear that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668776", "jb": ".i ju'o kakne co vlasisku gije xe fanva facki .i ku'i na me lo'e vlaste", "en": "You can search words, and get translations. But it's not exactly a typical dictionary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1955853", "jb": "ki'u ma cazi cusku zo prami ku lo ka cinydjica cu binxo lo ka cinmo", "en": "Why is it that, as soon as someone says the word love, lust metamorphoses into passion?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:691323", "jb": "mi jibni do .iu ma .au", "en": "How am I close to you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2784055", "jb": "sai e'u tavla fo la'oi Vabungula je la'oi Yuelami", "en": "Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:731291", "jb": "ra se bersa re da gi'e se tixnu pa da", "en": "They have two sons and one daughter.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1122380", "jb": "mi djica lo nu lojbo bacru", "en": "I want to talk in Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1656970", "jb": ".i do na bebna", "en": "You're really not stupid.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2976267", "jb": "lo gusta be le stagi cu zvati ma", "en": "Where is a vegetarian restaurant?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187390", "jb": "ti cipni ma", "en": "What kind of bird is this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3777479", "jb": "mi je'u senpi", "en": "I truly doubt it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187382", "jb": "ti gerku ma", "en": "What kind of dog is that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766058", "jb": "la tom ji la meris klama lo zarci", "en": "Is Tom, or is Mary going to the market?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701003", "jb": "mi je'a pacna lo nu ca senva", "en": "I sure hope this is a dream.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1121856", "jb": "mi prami mi", "en": "I love myself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093430", "jb": ".o'i nai ko gunta", "en": "Charge!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:815683", "jb": "xu do bajra ca ro djedi", "en": "Do you go running daily?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1741124", "jb": "mi ca'o denpa tu'a lo mi fetsi ke se prami pendo", "en": "I'm waiting for my girlfriend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097286", "jb": "fi'i .djan. mi'a denpa tu'a do", "en": "Welcome, John! We were waiting for you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:741186", "jb": "ma du lo va prenu", "en": "Who's that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2252936", "jb": "mi platu fi lo nu tcidu so'o drata cukta", "en": "I'm going to read some other books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635961", "jb": "ra va zgana so'i klesi be lo danlu", "en": "He observed many types of creatures there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1788803", "jb": "lo rirni be mi zu litru .i je mi nonkansa lo nu zvati lo zdani be mi'a", "en": "My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2303496", "jb": "mi te simlu lo ka zo'e mi mipyzga", "en": "It seems to me that someone is spying on me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2370994", "jb": "ju'o ko'a snada tu'a le cipra", "en": "She is bound to pass the examination.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700473", "jb": "do ciksi la'e di'u fo ma", "en": "How do you explain that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2805332", "jb": "pei do pinxe lo ckafi", "en": "Do you drink coffee?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2376870", "jb": "sa'u mi gunka vi", "en": "I just work here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167334", "jb": "la tom pu mutce zenba lo ni gleki", "en": "Tom felt much happier.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3444337", "jb": "xu do djica tu'a si'erskiji", "en": "Do you feel like going skiing?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3629723", "jb": "ko'a nitcu tu'a do", "en": "She needs you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:741191", "jb": "lo solji cu tilju semau lo tirse", "en": "Gold weighs more than iron.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254037", "jb": "ko troci tu'a pa lo drata", "en": "Try another one.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3948728", "jb": "lo mamta be lo pendo be mi cu kakne lo ka lo nu ce'u klama lo lalxu cu cafne", "en": "The mother of a friend of mine is able to frequently go to the lake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663706", "jb": "ti poi cukta cu se ponse mi", "en": "This book belongs to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575534", "jb": "mi na ralte lo cidja", "en": "I have no food.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1740877", "jb": "lo mi patfu cu kakne lo nu limna .i ku'i lo mi mamta na kakne lo nu limna", "en": "My father can swim, but my mother can't.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2159056", "jb": "ki'u bo do nixli", "en": "That's because you're a girl.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:608983", "jb": "lenu cikybi'o cu du lenu to'e sipybi'o", "en": "Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585774", "jb": "xu la tom cu ckape", "en": "Is Tom dangerous?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1950134", "jb": ".ainai selzdifri je seldu'u je selta'i tedycte", "en": "I'll pass a very fun, stressful and exhausting Saturday night!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1339847", "jb": "barda tsani", "en": "The sky is big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1746772", "jb": "xu ko'a se glepe'o", "en": "Does he have a girlfriend?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635968", "jb": "lo plise cu farlu fi lo tricu", "en": "An apple fell off the tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3289075", "jb": "ma te bende", "en": "Who is the group leader?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3689132", "jb": "mi pu simsa la tom paroi", "en": "I was like Tom once.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:730982", "jb": "do zvati le zdani ca lo prulamdei vau je'upei", "en": "You were at home yesterday, weren't you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2760537", "jb": "ra pu ciska lo cukta", "en": "He wrote the book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4425774", "jb": "mi mutce caucni ti", "en": "I miss this so much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1732929", "jb": "za'u va dinju ku barda", "en": "Those houses are big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704254", "jb": "nandu preti", "en": "It's a hard question.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097943", "jb": "do tavla mi ta", "en": "You talk to me about that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974120", "jb": "do sedycaugau xu djica", "en": "Did you want to cut off his head?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730478", "jb": "pu na sipna ri'a lo du'u glare", "en": "He could not sleep because of the heat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3848328", "jb": "lo ni mi baucre cu banzuni ge lo so'i tcini gi nai ku'i lo nu cusku tu'a lo mi selcni noi xoi cafne cu jai nafse'i", "en": "My fluency is sufficient for many situations, but not for expressing my \u2014 often contradictory \u2014 emotions.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:863273", "jb": "lo cipni cu vofli ga'u lo tricu", "en": "Birds are flying above the trees.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2579319", "jb": "mi'ai se ke xamgu jibri", "en": "We have good jobs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502438", "jb": "mi tavla fi lo cinfo", "en": "I talked about lions.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686089", "jb": "su'o cinfo poi la'o zoi Bruce Willis zoi jersi cu banli danlu gi'enai ku'i cilce", "en": "Some lion Bruce Willis is chasing is a formidable animal, but is not ferocious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3643965", "jb": "mi na gunka bu'u ti", "en": "I don't work here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:645273", "jb": "ra campa'a lo nu snada", "en": "He is eager for success.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761986", "jb": "mi'e.djak.", "en": "My name is Jack.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:619869", "jb": "ra nelci lo nu tcidu fi lo cukta", "en": "He likes to read books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2636810", "jb": "ca lo nicte ra klama mu'i lo nu ri pinxe", "en": "At night he goes out for a drink.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803925", "jb": "pei do se slabu le lanzu", "en": "Do you know the family?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1259710", "jb": "ko'a panpi simlu gi'e ku'i xanka mutce", "en": "He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2820603", "jb": "ca tcika lo nu ei sipna", "en": "It's time to sleep.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4207159", "jb": "no prenu pu nenri le runla'u", "en": "No one was in the swimming pool.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:694087", "jb": "lo panra linji na kruca", "en": "Parallel lines do not intersect each other.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1233888", "jb": "ko rinsa la cevni", "en": "Greet god!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1446587", "jb": "mi tolcurmi lo bi'unai capfu'a", "en": "I'm not willing to take that risk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095552", "jb": "ja'o do gento", "en": "Then you must be Argentinian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:796846", "jb": "do no roi zvati la.okinauan. vau je'u pei", "en": "You have never been to Okinawa, have you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2016034", "jb": "ko smacni", "en": "Cool down.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:672301", "jb": "ca lo bavlamdei mi terve'u lo kanfonxa ui", "en": "I'm gonna get a cell phone tomorrow!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1705302", "jb": "le nalseljmi be fi le nu ko'a mrobi'o cu pujeca na se namsnada", "en": "The mystery of her death was never solved.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2312542", "jb": "mi pu co'a je'asai fengu", "en": "I got really mad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763568", "jb": "ma cabna lo se srera", "en": "When did the error occur?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368917", "jb": "ko'a na xamgu lo ka morji fi lo cmene", "en": "He's not very good at remembering names.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728497", "jb": "mi se cmene la .tom.", "en": "My name is Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4412247", "jb": "mi pu viska VFD", "en": "I saw a UFO.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3326866", "jb": ".e'o ko basygau fi lo lanci", "en": "Change the flag, please.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2384633", "jb": "mutce plixau", "en": "They're very useful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:707894", "jb": "jarco lo budjo lo ponjo de'i li pi'e pi'e mucibi", "en": "Buddhism was introduced into Japan in 538.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762257", "jb": "mi'e tom", "en": "This is Tom calling.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:670348", "jb": "ra na jundi lo se cusku be ko'a", "en": "He paid no attention to what she said.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2118792", "jb": "mi roroi gasnu lo se nupre be mi", "en": "I always keep my promises.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665455", "jb": ".i bu'u lo tricu va lo mitre be li mu cu mlatu", "en": "There is a cat five meters from the tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692147", "jb": ".aipei do klama", "en": "Do you come?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:770536", "jb": "le'e cmima be la tatoebas cu xendo", "en": "The users of Tatoeba are kind.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2598265", "jb": "la tom na se vajni lo nu la maris cu jai fasnu fai makau", "en": "Tom doesn't care what happens to Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187430", "jb": "do djica tu'a lo mo cukta", "en": "What kind of book do you want?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3573086", "jb": "mi na djica tu'a lo cifnu ku roroi", "en": "I don't want to have a baby, ever.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2652784", "jb": "dinsauru sovda xu .i na cumki .i lo bi'unai danlu ca morsi jutsi", "en": "Dinosaur eggs? Impossible. These animals are already extinct.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920197", "jb": ".ui melbi zgike", "en": "Such a wonderful music!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1544697", "jb": "mi na viska ta", "en": "I don't see it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:764637", "jb": "pu brilugi .i loi sliti tovzi ja'a zarna carna zi lo blixa .i pu ku se mimsi lo brogovzi .i je loi zdaraxa pu ku krixa", "en": "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941217", "jb": ".uidai", "en": "That's great!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098080", "jb": "la .frank. pu citka lo cirla", "en": "Frank eats some cheese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3888262", "jb": "zo'oi .maris. cu cmene lo mi tixnu", "en": "My daughter's name is Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291093", "jb": "ma zanmau", "en": "Which is better?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2988206", "jb": "xamgu se stidi ki'e", "en": "Thanks for the good advice.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706580", "jb": "ra gasnu lo nu lo'i verba cu jisygau lo'i ri kumfa", "en": "She made the children clean up their own rooms.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1768777", "jb": "pe'i ko'a pu xabju lo sangu'e", "en": "He lived in Spain, I think.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4170256", "jb": "ta no'e melbi", "en": "That is ordinary-looking.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668622", "jb": ".i ko selzu'e be la. kris. cuxna", "en": "Select action for Chris.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1559858", "jb": "li du'e cu jdima", "en": "It's too expensive!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577834", "jb": "mi pu dukse terpa", "en": "I was too afraid.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3338839", "jb": ".ubu sy. poi landa cu mutce barda", "en": "The USA is very big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2345321", "jb": "ko'a pendo su'o da pe so'i frica jibri", "en": "He has friends from many different walks of life.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4279711", "jb": "do se finti la cevni da", "en": "You were made by God for a purpose.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167569", "jb": "do ba nitcu ti", "en": "You'll need it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2612171", "jb": "mi ba dunda tu la tom", "en": "I'll give that to Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2278001", "jb": "mi te benji lo xatra le mi pendo", "en": "I received a letter from my friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664886", "jb": "lo cmalu prali cu xagmau lo tolcmalu tolprali", "en": "A small gain is better than a great loss.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803924", "jb": "seja'e ma do djuno ra doi sir", "en": "How do you know that, sir?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993734", "jb": "korbi lo dotygu'e lo fasygu'e", "en": "Germany shares a border with France.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1735657", "jb": "mi se prami lo rirni be mi", "en": "I'm loved by my parents.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1722272", "jb": "xu do djica tu'a lo sakta", "en": "Do you want sugar?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2652399", "jb": "lo mi mamta ku jukpa lo titnanba ca lo vi cerni", "en": "My mother made cookies this morning.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941210", "jb": "mutce la'orxi'o", "en": "He's a devout Catholic.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621705", "jb": "mi badri", "en": "I'm sad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730468", "jb": "xo da pu co'a morsi", "en": "How many died?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254804", "jb": "ma pu zukte ma", "en": "Who did what?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2529850", "jb": "ra me lo noi melbi vau ninmu", "en": "She is a beautiful woman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3795652", "jb": "ko jo'u mi klama vau vi'opei", "en": "Come with me, OK?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2599064", "jb": "la tom pu troci lo ka nurxrugau mi", "en": "Tom tried to save me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1601122", "jb": ".au mi baupli la lojban.", "en": "I want to speak in Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655741", "jb": "tu'a mi nanca li 18 pi xo'e", "en": "I am eighteen years old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1576934", "jb": "ra selmansa le jalge", "en": "He is satisfied with the result.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1515841", "jb": "la bob. krefu viska ko'a", "en": "Bob saw him again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2318743", "jb": "mi na'e djuno fi lo te spuda be ti", "en": "I don't know how to handle this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098522", "jb": "mi do ze'e prami", "en": "I will always love you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095623", "jb": "i ku'i so'e skami pilno cu milxe do'anai ke glico se bangu", "en": "But most computer users know 'a little' English.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:692879", "jb": "ma ctuca do", "en": "Who teaches you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4412272", "jb": "mi pu viska VFD ca lo drata", "en": "I have seen a UFO before.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:803931", "jb": "mi fanvypre", "en": "I'm a translator.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963369", "jb": "ba na frili", "en": "It's not going to be easy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761850", "jb": "lo ninmu poi dasni lo bunre kosta cu mo", "en": "Who is the woman in the brown coat?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1517732", "jb": ".i xu do ralte lo cukta ku tezu'e loka tcidu", "en": "Do you have any books to read?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1216261", "jb": ".e'o do zutse", "en": "Please sit down!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1712401", "jb": "pu frigau ko'a lo ka vlile", "en": "He received rough treatment.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664704", "jb": "lo lunra cu darno lo terdi", "en": "The moon is distant from the earth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3009484", "jb": ".i ki'u ma do tai stati tu'a lo fasybau", "en": "Why is your French so good?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096156", "jb": "ro'o nai dai do ka'e sutra zenba .i ko lo du'u go'i cu jinvi po'o na je cu ba'e djuno", "en": "You're faster than this. Don't just think you are, know you are.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686023", "jb": "la'oi Russell na se steci lo ka ce'u finti la'o zoi Principia Mathematica zoi", "en": "Russell is not the only author of Principia Mathematica.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655711", "jb": "ma ni do clani", "en": "What is your size?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1991850", "jb": "ko mi penmi ca lo ctemidju", "en": "Meet me there at midnight.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254183", "jb": "no da vi zvati", "en": "There's nothing here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:640585", "jb": "ko'a pu ca'o klaku", "en": "He was crying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3669048", "jb": "mi nelci ta", "en": "I like that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3446453", "jb": "do djuno du'e da", "en": "You know too much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2581970", "jb": "la tom ei pu co'a sutra", "en": "Tom had to hurry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:777319", "jb": "ko'a zgana lo tadji be lo nu lo toldi cu vofli", "en": "She observed how butterflies fly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098242", "jb": "xu do nelci lo jatna po do", "en": "Do you like your boss?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093219", "jb": ".ai mi ze'e ba jmive", "en": "I intend to live forever.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2318726", "jb": "mi na'e djuno fi lo tadji be ti", "en": "I don't know how to do this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993738", "jb": "mi le dracybende cu cmima", "en": "I belong to the drama club.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766040", "jb": "mi tolyli'a la .tokios. pu lo nu manku", "en": "We will reach Tokyo before dark.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098297", "jb": "do nelci lo kulnrxanguke cidja xu", "en": "Do you like Korean food?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2379639", "jb": "mi naru'e se slabu do", "en": "I hardly know you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993763", "jb": "ma catni", "en": "Who's in charge here?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2119768", "jb": "ra simlu lo ka tatpi", "en": "He seems tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1296747", "jb": "mi xebni lonu so'i prenu cu zvati", "en": "I hate it when there are a lot of people.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763565", "jb": "ra ca tadni bu'u lo ra jubme", "en": "He is studying at his desk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093461", "jb": ".u'i ta cusku zo ganxo", "en": "Heh, heh, he said \"arsehole\".", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502485", "jb": "lo rusko nixli cu nelci lo islant se zdani", "en": "Russian girls love Icelanders.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1776767", "jb": "le la mic. djordj. ci'arse'u cu ponjo", "en": "Dr. George's secretary is Japanese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941141", "jb": "le ca xalpinxe ba xalpinxe", "en": "He who drinks, will drink.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2369913", "jb": "mi de'a morji tu'a lo pe mi ckiku", "en": "I forgot my key.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:779154", "jb": "doi barjyse'u mi djica .e'o tu'a lo se pinxe", "en": "Bartender, I'd like to have a drink.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093277", "jb": ".e'e nai mi bilga lo nu zukte lo drata", "en": "Sorry, I have other things to do.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:738047", "jb": "ei mi cusku lu na go'i li'u do", "en": "I must say no to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093714", "jb": ".i y xu ro pipybanfi cu respa i pe'i na mabru", "en": "Are frogs reptiles? I don't expect them to be mammals.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706858", "jb": "xu do djica lo nu klama lo zdani be lo rirni be mi", "en": "Would you like to come to my parents' house?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095715", "jb": "sa'e mi pinxe lo xunre vanju", "en": "To be precise, I drank red wine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2520533", "jb": "za'a .a'udai pei", "en": "You like that, don't you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2371801", "jb": "ko patsti", "en": "Quit complaining.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3944433", "jb": "lo mi jamfu cu so'ova'e se punli", "en": "My feet are a little swollen.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2293859", "jb": "lo mamta be la tom cu zvati ma", "en": "Where's Tom's mother?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254798", "jb": "ma morji", "en": "Who can remember?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1528378", "jb": "ca'o cukta tcidu", "en": "I was reading a book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2609234", "jb": "mi co'i citka le plise", "en": "I have eaten the apple.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813167", "jb": "mi'e rikardos .i ma do cmene", "en": "My name's Ricardo. What's yours?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1761888", "jb": "xu lo dotygu'e cu jibni la .italias.", "en": "Is Germany near Italy?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:695262", "jb": "mi'a sipna ne'i lo bukmra", "en": "We slept in a tent.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1624898", "jb": "mi'a pu zbasu lo badydi'u lo canre", "en": "We made a sand castle.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3399841", "jb": "lo do kerfa cu melbi", "en": "Your hair is beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:765803", "jb": "ra fonta'a mi ra'i la.tokion.", "en": "She called me up from Tokyo.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097190", "jb": ".o'o nai ri'e nai na slabu javni", "en": "Okay, yes, ehm... it's not a well-known rule, though, you see.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:815436", "jb": "la .tokios. cu barda tcadu", "en": "Tokyo is a big city.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3849779", "jb": "la bus. ca cusku lo jetnu", "en": "Bush says the truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:728729", "jb": "no da xauzma lo za'i kanro", "en": "Nothing is better than health.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4170256", "jb": "ta no'e melbi", "en": "That is moderately beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3311790", "jb": "lo nu do jo'u la .tom. cu casnu ma cu sarcu", "en": "What do you and Tom need to talk about?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2896095", "jb": "fau lo nu mi na srera kei mi ba'o viska le ninmu ca da", "en": "Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2018371", "jb": "mi plana", "en": "I'm fat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663873", "jb": "ko'a stali lo zdani po lo pendo", "en": "He is going to stay at a friend's house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2656956", "jb": "mi xebni do", "en": "I hate you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4106010", "jb": "e'icu'i mi na cipni gi'e na te julne .i mi zifre'a gi'e sezbanzu lo nu cuxykamvli", "en": "I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803487", "jb": ".i se ni'i ri cusku no da poi lojbo", "en": "Because of that, nothing lojbanic is expressed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2367623", "jb": "mi na pu nitcu lo ka lebna lo santa sei ri mi ja'e kansa", "en": "I didn't need to take an umbrella with me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3427763", "jb": "lo nanmu poi ke'a dasni lo blabi cu pu ca'o zgana do .i mi jinvi lo du'u ny nelci do", "en": "The guy in white kept on looking at you. I think he likes you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765545", "jb": "la tom citka lo titnanba", "en": "Tom continually eats cake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:760124", "jb": "lo sefta be lo djacu cu se fulta lo morsi pezli", "en": "Dry leaves float on the water's surface.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947795", "jb": "tordu se kerfa", "en": "He has short hair.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2286806", "jb": "ma se zvati le mi kabri", "en": "Where's my cup?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:713253", "jb": "ko ze'i smaji", "en": "Stay quiet for a moment.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:692875", "jb": "xu do ralte da poi jdini", "en": "Don't you have any money?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665714", "jb": "mi na pante lo nu da'i mi sipna fi'o se cpana lo loldi", "en": "I don't mind sleeping on the floor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803437", "jb": "mi se slabu la tom soi banzu xamgu", "en": "I know Tom quite well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187505", "jb": "do morsi", "en": "You're dead.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754647", "jb": "lo patfu cu xamgu", "en": "The father is good.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3440788", "jb": "mi nitcu lo ka djuno lodu'u xukau mi ka'e sidju", "en": "I need to know if you can help.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2140673", "jb": "mi na'e djuno tu'a lo se cmene be ta", "en": "I don't know anyone by that name.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:711769", "jb": "ue ra pu smaji", "en": "Her silence surprised me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929150", "jb": "lu'o mi'a puza kalte cribe", "en": "We went bear hunting together the other day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974813", "jb": "mi prami lo melbi", "en": "I am a lover of the beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813143", "jb": "co'o", "en": "Bye!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803918", "jb": "le dinju cu barda", "en": "The house was big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:742780", "jb": ".e'usai gau ko lo nu tugni ku te vreji", "en": "You really should get this agreement down in writing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2611028", "jb": "e'o ko dunda lo janta mi", "en": "Could I have the bill, please?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1506156", "jb": "le jalge be le nu cipra cu spaji .oi mi'a", "en": "The results of the experiment were not as we had hoped.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004516", "jb": "lo mi se srana ma zvati", "en": "Where are my things?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2035804", "jb": "ba'a lo rupnu be li pa nononono lo nu tolpo'ugau le kacma cu jdima", "en": "I think it will cost you more than 10,000 yen to have this camera fixed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2638960", "jb": ".e'e mi co'e se'a", "en": "I will do it myself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803534", "jb": ".i fau lo nu mi sanli binxo kei mi cusku le se du'u mo'u citka", "en": "While standing up, I say that the eating is over.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3232586", "jb": "ze'u ma do pu ca'o zutse va", "en": "How long have you been sitting there?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655509", "jb": "cortu ti", "en": "It hurts here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:755950", "jb": "mi na ka'e tugni do", "en": "I cannot agree with you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4412250", "jb": "simlu lo ka du VFD", "en": "It looks like a UFO.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1625476", "jb": "lu ma du lo va nixli li'u lu la .keikos. li'u", "en": "\"Who is that girl?\" \"That's Keiko.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667800", "jb": "lo mamta be mi cu dunda lo selkei fi mi ca li bi nilnalci'o mi", "en": "My mom bought me this toy when I was 8.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827814", "jb": "la .islAmabad. cu raltca la .pAkistan.", "en": "Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1451756", "jb": "ko'a se pendo no da poi ke'a kelci", "en": "He doesn't have any friends to play with.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4229199", "jb": "dei'a tilju", "en": "The weight is decreasing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728636", "jb": "nu salci ca ma", "en": "When is the party?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1484611", "jb": "do stali fi'o temci ma", "en": "How long did you stay?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2130545", "jb": "ei mi cilre fi lo du'u ta'i lo ka ce'u cecla", "en": "I have to learn how to shoot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2113478", "jb": "ma ca ca'o bajra fe'eso'iroi lo kumfa nenri .i lo si'au smacu", "en": "What is running across the room? - A mouse or something.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664884", "jb": "ko'a pu klaku", "en": "She cried.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3456567", "jb": "lo ro danlu cu dunli .i ku'i da poi danlu cu zmadu lo drata lo ka dunli", "en": "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:883862", "jb": "la niut,n. viska lo nu lo plise cu farlu fi lo tricu", "en": "Newton saw an apple fall off a tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3463712", "jb": ".e'a nai do nerkla", "en": "You must not go inside.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:759129", "jb": "lo melbi cu lisri fi ko lo citno pendo be mi", "en": "Tell a beautiful story to my young friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1608875", "jb": "ra pu ctuca mi fo lo citri", "en": "He taught me history.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093450", "jb": ".u'a la'e di'u se jetnu lo du'u mi pu drani", "en": "Hah, that proves I was right!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4139984", "jb": "mi pu xalbo cusku", "en": "I said it by way of a joke.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096057", "jb": "loi bangu cu frica simxu lo ka xo kau da jicmu valsi lo skari ce'u", "en": "Languages differ in how many basic colour terms they have.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993764", "jb": "ma spebi'o", "en": "Who's getting married?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766075", "jb": "la tom mo", "en": "What is Tom?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761939", "jb": "mi xanka lo ni do kanro", "en": "I am concerned for your health.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3654128", "jb": "ni'a loi ri'ornimre tricu loi verba cu kelci", "en": "The children are playing under the lime tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2414290", "jb": "la .tam. cu simlu lo ka tatpi", "en": "Tom looks exhausted.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2596126", "jb": "ckire do lo nu vitke friti fi mi", "en": "Thank you for inviting me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3946983", "jb": "ti na vajni", "en": "This is not important.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:833019", "jb": "puziki citka lo cidjrsuci .ije pinxe lo xribirje", "en": "She just ate sushi and drank beer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597856", "jb": "ra pu mutce pindi", "en": "He was very poor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:767010", "jb": "lo gombesa ku xabju lo condi je xamsi", "en": "The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254128", "jb": "za'u ko'a na ba tavla", "en": "They won't talk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2798529", "jb": "ma liste lo bangu be lo xabju be la koreias", "en": "What languages do they speak in Korea?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1621107", "jb": "ru'a mi pu cirko lo mi dinvau", "en": "I think I lost my wallet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2063216", "jb": "mi do se xi vei pa e re prami", "en": "We love each other.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:657745", "jb": "ra fi lo gugdejupu na djuno so'i da", "en": "He doesn't know a lot about Japan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2475329", "jb": "lo mlatu cu sipna bu'u lo jubme", "en": "The cat sleeps on the table.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:889159", "jb": "ja'o carvi ca lo nicte", "en": "It must have rained during the night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947898", "jb": "cintolvu'e", "en": "He is a bad boy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577815", "jb": "mi birti da bi'unai", "en": "I'm sure of this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2472979", "jb": "mi pu vimcu lo pe mi cmene lo liste", "en": "I erased my name off the list.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585775", "jb": "do na jai se curmi fai lo ka zvati lo vi kumfa", "en": "You aren't allowed in this room.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999572", "jb": "pu noroi", "en": "It has never been done before.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761879", "jb": "xu so'u da ka'e preti", "en": "Can I ask some questions?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4011143", "jb": "le ve'u xamsi cu to'e jinsa", "en": "The ocean is dirty.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:644982", "jb": "la.satorun. cu bajra sutra traji fi mu mi'a", "en": "Satoru is the fastest runner out of the five of us.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597848", "jb": "mi xagji", "en": "I am hungry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:698980", "jb": "lo nabypalne cu kukte", "en": "The pie is delicious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2386338", "jb": "ko'a seltarbi", "en": "She's pregnant.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749058", "jb": "mi mulkla la.tokion. ca lo prulamdei", "en": "I arrived in Tokyo yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2163261", "jb": "mi ba klama va'o lo nu do klama", "en": "I will go if you go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3292811", "jb": "do pu cpedu lo nu mi zukte ra", "en": "You told me to do that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766065", "jb": "xu la tom klama lo zarci", "en": "Does Tom go to the market?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343333", "jb": "vi ma ka'e fonpli", "en": "Where can we make a phone call?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098315", "jb": "lo tu je'erjinto", "en": "The fountain is over there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1644673", "jb": "mi to'e srana ko'a", "en": "I have nothing to do with them.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588792", "jb": "ausai viska ra", "en": "I want to see her very much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3268471", "jb": "racli fau da'i", "en": "That would make sense.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:626061", "jb": "mo", "en": "What's up?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:987348", "jb": "na catra ko", "en": "Don't kill yourself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2089365", "jb": "lo kanla be do cu zmadu lo betfu be do sekai lo ka barda", "en": "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947897", "jb": "tolvu'e", "en": "He is a bad boy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827788", "jb": "mi jgira tu'a le patfu be mi", "en": "I am proud of my father.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1212003", "jb": "do se cmene ma", "en": "What's your name?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1681283", "jb": "xu do djica lo nu do misno", "en": "Would you like to be famous?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974143", "jb": "ko jarco", "en": "Show me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1669844", "jb": "ku'i do noroi tavla mi ta", "en": "But you have never spoken to me about that!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:625917", "jb": "lo botpi be lo birje cu marji lo blaci", "en": "Bottles of beer are made of glass.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:710099", "jb": "tu'a lo mi karce cu fasnu", "en": "Something has happened to my car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2383907", "jb": "do zmadu nelci lo plise ji lo badna", "en": "Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692075", "jb": "pu sisku tu'a za'u ta ca'o lo mu cacra", "en": "He looked for them for five hours.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701823", "jb": "ra te cmene lo bersa be ri zo djeimyz", "en": "He called his son James.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989627", "jb": "da do darxi xu", "en": "Did somebody hit you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3689118", "jb": "ko cpedu fi la tom fe lo ka ciksi", "en": "Ask Tom to explain it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3014228", "jb": "ei tinbe lo za'u te tolfapro", "en": "Agreements must be kept.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937569", "jb": ".a'onaicai", "en": "It's hopeless.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:862295", "jb": "mi'e ma", "en": "Who am I?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4195301", "jb": "le fetsi pu co'a gleki", "en": "She became happy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2098903", "jb": "je'e nai .i mi na jimpe", "en": "Sorry, I don't understand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:883782", "jb": "xu do jimpe", "en": "Do you understand?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3520708", "jb": "ko sisti lo ka zukte", "en": "Stop doing that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686085", "jb": "lo flalu prenu je lo tumla vecnu cu ricfu ja rigni", "en": "Lawyers and real estate agents are rich or obnoxious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920221", "jb": "ko'a pukclite", "en": "He's a sweet guy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575418", "jb": "ra pu kalsa", "en": "It was a mess.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813080", "jb": "ko na terpa", "en": "Don't be afraid.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3007260", "jb": "pei ra se djica da'i la tom", "en": "Is that what Tom would want?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2582015", "jb": "e'apei mi jbera lo rupnu be li 30", "en": "Can I borrow $30?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621625", "jb": "mi cikna", "en": "I'm awake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920178", "jb": ".ai.e'e", "en": "I'll do that without fail.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763567", "jb": "ra ca tadji bu'u lo ckusro", "en": "He is studying in the library now.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704719", "jb": "mi na djuno lo du'u ra zvati", "en": "I didn't know it was there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333343", "jb": "peije'u mu'ima", "en": "Really? Why?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1518595", "jb": ".e'o mi penmi lo do ralju gau do", "en": "Take me to your leader.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706898", "jb": "mi djica tu'a lo vacysai bu'u lo gusta", "en": "I want to have dinner at a restaurant.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766053", "jb": "fo ma do klama la .osakas.", "en": "How will you travel to Osaka?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3781184", "jb": "ma sa'e do ta'e se gunka", "en": "Exactly what kind of work do you do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1994753", "jb": "xu do se frasybau", "en": "Is French your language?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291062", "jb": "ko jarco lo fatci", "en": "Where's your proof?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1523329", "jb": "fange se gugde .uesai", "en": "Foreigners astound me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096116", "jb": "ka'u mi zmajbi lo smani lo ratcu .i si'a lo mlatu jo'u lo gerku cu zmajbi vo'a lo bakni jo'u lo xarju", "en": "We know that we are closer to monkeys than to rodents. Similarly cats and dogs are closer to one another than to cows or pigs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762281", "jb": "ti me la tom no'u lo sidju be mi", "en": "This is Tom, my assistant.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577870", "jb": "do pu ticysku fi la tom", "en": "You lied to Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2318561", "jb": "mi na'e djuno lo du'u mi nu'o pilno lo mentu be li xo kau", "en": "I don't know how many minutes we've got.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686059", "jb": "lo pu jatna be la mergu'e cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde", "en": "The former president of the United States is the only American who knows the president of every country.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:770538", "jb": "za'a le ninmu cu melbi", "en": "I see the girl is beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:678043", "jb": "pei doi maik", "en": "How are you, Mike?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1296775", "jb": "do zmadu ko'a loka mi prami", "en": "I love you more than I love her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:746409", "jb": "mi tcidu lo cukta ca lo pu zi nicte", "en": "I read a book last night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2414310", "jb": "la .tam. cu viska la .meris.", "en": "Tom looked at Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1308336", "jb": "pu jelca daspo su'o reno zdani", "en": "No less than twenty houses were burnt down.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655877", "jb": "mi klama fo ma fe lo ckudi'u", "en": "How do I get to the library?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:621304", "jb": "ge ra mutce laldo gi ku'i tsali", "en": "Although he is very old, he is strong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2130538", "jb": "xu mu'i makau do djica lonu do mi catra", "en": "Is that why you want to kill me?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096071", "jb": "mi mutce ke jelca pe'a cortu lo kanla", "en": "I have an intense \"burning\" pain in my eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1991852", "jb": "mi na du mi", "en": "I'm not myself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1921675", "jb": "xu do nelci la niu,iork.", "en": "Do you like New York?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655717", "jb": "do klama fi ma", "en": "Where do you come from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3787324", "jb": "mi birti lo du'u do pu viska la tom", "en": "I'm certain that you saw Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1879299", "jb": "mi ba minde .ei la .ken. lo nu cliva", "en": "I have to dismiss Ken.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665921", "jb": "ra vo'a nitcu", "en": "It needs itself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585772", "jb": "ra na pu djica lo ka ca'o tavla fi da bi'unai", "en": "He didn't want to talk about it anymore.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1711808", "jb": "ralte du'e cukta", "en": "He has too many books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4225357", "jb": "le ckusro cu pritu", "en": "The library is to the right.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:889028", "jb": "lu ko na klaku li'u ra se cusku", "en": "\"Don't cry,\" she said.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2277938", "jb": "la .tam. cu krici lo du'u lo ri bende ba jinga", "en": "Tom feels that his team will win the game.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2120700", "jb": "mi na djica lo nu ponse lo do'o dinju", "en": "I do not want your houses.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:841893", "jb": "ca carvi", "en": "It is raining.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1705052", "jb": "le vi cukta cu srana lo tarci", "en": "This book is about stars.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2998635", "jb": "co'a la'e di'u mi na ku ve nuzba ko'a", "en": "I haven't heard from him since then.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1516800", "jb": "tcati i pinxe i xamgu", "en": "There's tea; I drank it; I'm happy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1685949", "jb": "no zdani cu se nenri pa po'o jalra", "en": "No house has only one roach in it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3440789", "jb": "je'u do rauva'e drani", "en": "In fact, you are quite right.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4282128", "jb": "ai mi vecnu le meti gerku .ijanai da'i ri semau rajycla", "en": "I would sell this dog if it was taller.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2132616", "jb": "mi'a casnu", "en": "We talked.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1996955", "jb": "preti fi ko la .tam.", "en": "Ask Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4445150", "jb": "a'ucu'i", "en": "That's not interesting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705316", "jb": "lo vacysai zi bredi", "en": "Dinner will be ready soon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2579310", "jb": "ti na cartu", "en": "This isn't a map.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2159121", "jb": "do ba kakne lo ka kelci lo fudbolo", "en": "You will be able to play soccer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3804955", "jb": "sai sutra zmadu", "en": "Faster!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097956", "jb": "le gerku ku cu melbi", "en": "The dog is beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093273", "jb": ".e'e mi do bajra jivna fe'e co'u le karce", "en": "I'll race you to the car!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:722496", "jb": "lo ni lo ponjo verba cu zgana lo veltivni cu zmadu tu'a lo glico verba", "en": "Japanese children watch television more than English children.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098426", "jb": ".ie .i ku'i ta mo", "en": "Yes, but that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2293856", "jb": "loi kanla be la tom mo'u ganra zenba", "en": "Tom's eyes widened.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:788199", "jb": "ca lo cabdei mi jdice lo du'u tadni lo pa'arbau", "en": "I decided to learn Esperanto today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2589357", "jb": "mi la tom cu me lo kansa zukte", "en": "I'm Tom's partner.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4433713", "jb": "la .tom. pu co'u zdani basti", "en": "Tom stopped moving.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766240", "jb": "mi nelci lo lisri poi badri se fanmo", "en": "I like stories that have sad endings.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813135", "jb": "mi'e la'o gy.Noelia.gy. .i ma do cmene", "en": "My name is Noelia, and you are?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:740774", "jb": "ro jalge cu mansa mi", "en": "Whatever happens is okay with me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2858340", "jb": "lo nu mi pu tolrinsa da na naka'enai rinka lo nu mi na ba rinsa da", "en": "The fact that I said farewell to someone in the past doesn't necessarily mean I won't greet them in the future.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1512468", "jb": "lenu mi litru lo fange gugde cu du pa lo'i pluka be mi", "en": "Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2312470", "jb": ".ei mi'o bredi ro da", "en": "We have to be prepared for anything.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827691", "jb": "ti mutce xamgu pemci", "en": "I call that some poem.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3744141", "jb": "pugi mi klama le zarci gi mi citka", "en": "I'll go to the store after I eat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584227", "jb": "xu ro da gleki", "en": "Is everyone happy?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1996956", "jb": "ko clite", "en": "Be nice.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:781574", "jb": "mi xebni lo bakri .i oi punji lo purmo lo xance", "en": "I hate chalk. It leaves powder on your hands.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575506", "jb": "ti se dunda", "en": "This is a gift.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2393411", "jb": "mi nupre lo nu mi ba smaji", "en": "I promise I'll be quiet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2676219", "jb": "vamji fa lo nu troci i je'upei", "en": "It's worth a try, right?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095755", "jb": "va'i do tugni mi xu", "en": "In other words, you agree with *me*?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575410", "jb": "xunai ra selpluka", "en": "Isn't it cute?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714246", "jb": "mi pu viska lo cmalu nanla poi se cmene la .tonis. evans.", "en": "I saw a little boy called Tony Evans.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665684", "jb": "le fetsi cu djuno lo nu makau patfu", "en": "She knows who the father is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588496", "jb": "mi zvati mu'i lo nu nurgau la .tam.", "en": "I've come to save Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686055", "jb": "le ralju be la'oi IBM cu speni lo zvati", "en": "The CEO of IBM is the spouse of someone present.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4139991", "jb": "ra poi nu ctuca cu fasnu pa roi ro jeftu", "en": "That class takes place once per week.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:796888", "jb": "mu'i ma do fengu", "en": "Why are you angry?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588513", "jb": "mi zvati mu'i lo nu nurgau ko'a", "en": "I've come to save her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3408284", "jb": "u'esai", "en": "That is, like, so cool.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4414608", "jb": "no da snada ne'i le munje secau lo ka gunka", "en": "No one succeeds in the world without effort.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963326", "jb": "ta bloti xo lo prenu", "en": "How many people were aboard that ship?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3695168", "jb": "ma fanta", "en": "Why can't we do that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2344054", "jb": "mi'ai serai troci", "en": "We try our best.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2065618", "jb": "la tom cu djuno lo du'u mo'u klama ti ta'i makau", "en": "Tom knows how to get there.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929165", "jb": "jenca mo .i ma zvati lo do rirni .i lo do nakspe cu mo", "en": "What horrible events took place? Where are you parents? What happened to your husband?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098151", "jb": "la .tcyn. na merko", "en": "Chen is not American.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:738045", "jb": "mi bilga lo nu cusku lu na go'i li'u do", "en": "I have to say no to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1484737", "jb": "ra dusbarda", "en": "It's too large.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2027160", "jb": "do cu la'a na djica lo ka tavla mi", "en": "You probably don't want to talk to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763476", "jb": "mi'o zvati ma", "en": "Where are we?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:753390", "jb": "pe'i ra gleki", "en": "I think she is happy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621636", "jb": "mi bredi", "en": "I am ready.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3125367", "jb": "ra poi fetsi pu se marce sazri lo kumte", "en": "She rode a camel.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:840096", "jb": ".oi so'i da zi jdima fi mi", "en": "Oh no! I just spent so much money!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584192", "jb": "do simlu lo ka bebna", "en": "You look silly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2431895", "jb": "ei na xaksu lo jdini", "en": "We shouldn't spend money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2977915", "jb": "do nitcu lonu crenzue semauku", "en": "You need to exercise more.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:724801", "jb": "do ze'a ca dukse gunka .i xu do tatpi", "en": "You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:678400", "jb": "mu'i ma", "en": "Why?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2784139", "jb": "mi djica nai lo ka tavla fi lo pe mi panzi", "en": "I don't want to talk about my child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4111271", "jb": "lo turni zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e", "en": "People who desire power make bad leaders.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3628094", "jb": "se dinju ti noi cnino .e ta noi slabu", "en": "This building is new, that one old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700460", "jb": "ra djica lo nu dansu", "en": "She wants to dance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692106", "jb": "pu jarco tu'a lo palci fukpi za'u me mi pendo", "en": "He showed the forgery to my friends.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3370821", "jb": "ra pu klama fi'o marce lo aftobuso", "en": "He came by bus.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665723", "jb": "mi nitcu lo ka cilre co xamgu", "en": "I need to study well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:845686", "jb": "lo gerku pu batci mi lo xance", "en": "The dog bit me in the hand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3571543", "jb": "lo nu ckeji lo za'i na ka'e tavla fo lo bangu cu ve jmisre lo du'u makau bangu", "en": "Being ashamed of not speaking a language is a misunderstanding of what a language is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254158", "jb": "va ku lo minra cu zvati", "en": "There's a mirror.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2635841", "jb": "lo nu ko'a mutce lo ka tolci'o na zunti lo nu tsali", "en": "Although he is very old, he is strong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2896119", "jb": "pei do djuno lo du'u ta'i makau pilno le vi minji", "en": "Do you know how to use this machine?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:731314", "jb": "le lanzu ca mo", "en": "How is the family doing?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:882570", "jb": "so'u pendo be ra cu xabju la kioton.", "en": "Few of her friends live in Kyoto.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3686632", "jb": "lo'i re mokca cu pagbu pa po'o linji", "en": "A group of only two points is part of only one line.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577906", "jb": "la tom pu kucli", "en": "Tom was curious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098182", "jb": "xu meljo", "en": "Is he Malaysian?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706860", "jb": "e'u xu do klama lo zdani be lo rirni be mi", "en": "Would you like to come to my parents' house?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1876213", "jb": "so'i melbi dinju cu zvati lo vi tcadu", "en": "There are a lot of beautiful buildings in this town.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1636375", "jb": "mi pu cirko lo mi ckiku", "en": "I lost my key.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635898", "jb": "mi nelci lo nu cadzu lo panka", "en": "I like going for a walk in the park.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2042026", "jb": "mi la .tam. tcica .aunai", "en": "I don't want to lie to Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730864", "jb": "do nanca li xo .i paxa", "en": "\"How old are you?\" \"I'm 16 years old.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2252990", "jb": "la tom cu stati mutce", "en": "Tom is very capable.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635879", "jb": "li reno ca tcika", "en": "It's eight o'clock at night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098575", "jb": "mi djuno lo du'u la .lojban. xamgu do kei", "en": "I know that Lojban is good for you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665703", "jb": "xu lo vi finpe cu ca ca'o jmive", "en": "Is this fish still alive?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:851776", "jb": "lo mi mlatu cu mrobi'o ca lo prulamdei", "en": "My pet cat died yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1642955", "jb": "ko jundi lo du'u lo plicme .e lo japyvla cu drani ciska", "en": "Check that your username and password are written correctly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766013", "jb": "lu la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu li'u preti .i lu gi'enai li'u danfu", "en": "Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: A dog.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098353", "jb": "mi'o zvati le ricfoi", "en": "We are in the forest.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1360416", "jb": "la vudus poi lijda cu me la xaitis", "en": "The Voodoo religion is associated with Haiti.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932139", "jb": "xu le pixra cu cnino", "en": "Is it a recent picture?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:617598", "jb": "xu do djuno lo du'u ta'i ma kau pilno lo skami", "en": "Do you also know how to use a computer?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187410", "jb": "ta mo karce", "en": "What kind of car is that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3787632", "jb": "la'e dei tolzdi", "en": "This sentence is boring.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1719688", "jb": ".e'o xu do kakne lo ka sapcki", "en": "Could you put it in plain language?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686103", "jb": "su'o mobyterle'i ctuca cu jibri sidju ije su'o dusygu'a jitro cu ctuca ije ku'i no jitro cu jibri sidju", "en": "Some underpaid professors are also secretaries, and some overworked administrators are professors, but no administrator is a secretary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1671791", "jb": "mi na jimpe fi le vi cartu", "en": "I don't understand this chart.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4316766", "jb": "mi'ai ca'o jai se bapli fai lo ka mitysisku le pa genxu", "en": "We still have to look for the hook.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1669876", "jb": "mi nelci lo nu cilre fi lo bangu", "en": "I like learning languages.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098141", "jb": "lo patfu po mi cu'upre", "en": "My father is a businessman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1750840", "jb": "u'u", "en": "I'm sorry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4271608", "jb": "ko ga nai viska da gi ba zi sai jungau mi", "en": "If you see anybody, tell me immediately.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333504", "jb": "do xabju ma", "en": "Where are you from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:658874", "jb": "lo trene ba zi klama", "en": "It's about time for the train to arrive.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3969772", "jb": "ti noi xrula cu jai jai ri'a prane fai lo kumfa", "en": "This flower makes the room!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:770531", "jb": "lo ponjo cu xazdo", "en": "Japanese are Asians.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2701778", "jb": "co'oi ge'orge zo'u do mo", "en": "Hi, George! How's it going?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097954", "jb": "ti cu djarspageti", "en": "This is spaghetti.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664327", "jb": "roda fapro ma'a", "en": "Everything is against us.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929209", "jb": "ko na jimpe le zdilisri", "en": "She didn't get the joke.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2392610", "jb": "mi birti morji tu'a la tom", "en": "I remember Tom well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:724743", "jb": "loi nanmu ca citka lo dormijysai", "en": "The men are eating lunch.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2253008", "jb": "mu'i ma mi'o na tervecnu lo marce", "en": "Why don't you buy a vehicle?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2277862", "jb": "la .tam. pu lumci le karce", "en": "Tom drove the car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:796889", "jb": "mu'i ma ra fengu", "en": "Why is he angry?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254188", "jb": "va me lo aftobuso pe mi'ai", "en": "There's our bus.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728559", "jb": "mu'i ma lo mi gerku ku na cikta lo gerku cidja", "en": "Why won't my dog eat dog food?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2622578", "jb": "mi co'a ralte lo mlatu", "en": "I'm getting a cat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621633", "jb": "a'enai", "en": "I'm exhausted.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686224", "jb": "su'epa ctuca cu se sinma ro tadni", "en": "No more than one professor is respected by every student.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291070", "jb": "la tom cu sonci", "en": "Tom is a soldier.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:683310", "jb": "lo nixli pu lumci lo kerfa", "en": "The girl washed her hair.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1934084", "jb": "lo'e melbi cu roroi cizra", "en": "The beautiful is always strange.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2513762", "jb": "da me lo se gunka noi .ei zukte", "en": "There is some work to do.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3113122", "jb": "ko ze'u jmive gi'e se prali", "en": "Live long and prosper.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:796843", "jb": "la.tam. djica lo nu klama lo pongu'e", "en": "Tom wants to go to Japan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4170246", "jb": "lo nu mi na klama le zarci cu se krinu lo nu le karce cu spofu", "en": "My not going to the market is because the car is broken.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1516538", "jb": "mi'a klama la xavais. ca lo cabvanci", "en": "We are leaving for Hawaii tonight.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577846", "jb": "mi pu denpa ze'a lo cacra be li pa", "en": "I waited an hour.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291078", "jb": "mi na kakne lo ka renvi tu'a la tom", "en": "I can't stand Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2684310", "jb": ".uecai.ianai .i xu do je'a gletu lo pampe'o be ra", "en": "What?! No! Are you really fucking with my date?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2373669", "jb": "mi senpi lo nu ba snime carvi", "en": "I doubt if it'll snow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1129526", "jb": "ko na kruca le klaji", "en": "Don't cross the street!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761178", "jb": "la tom xusra lo du'u pa cevni cu zasti", "en": "Tom claims one god exists.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3787620", "jb": "pe'u do'u ko vimcu dei", "en": "Please delete this sentence.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:789587", "jb": ".uinai so'i ponjo pu mrobi'o", "en": "Sadly, many Japanese people died.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:903478", "jb": "do djica lo nu mi mo", "en": "What would you like me to do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3230357", "jb": "mi pu pinxe lo ckafi", "en": "I drank coffee.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1979544", "jb": "ko'a pengau le ko'a tixnu mi", "en": "He introduced his daughter to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:692758", "jb": "manku kanla loi ponjo", "en": "The Japanese have dark eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701822", "jb": "la.betis. dansu ctuca", "en": "Betty is a dance teacher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288260", "jb": "so'o le tadni cu nelci lozu'o pilno lo jgita", "en": "Some of the students like to play the guitar.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:920561", "jb": "le xalkrvotka cu zvati ma", "en": "Where is the vodka?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2518075", "jb": "na'e selspaji", "en": "It's not surprising.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974783", "jb": "ko'a pu balkulctu je datnysisku", "en": "He was a former university professor and researcher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803545", "jb": ".i ja'e nai bo mi na ka'e sipna", "en": "Regardless of this, I am not able to sleep.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:731296", "jb": "do ra xo roi ba'o klama", "en": "How many times have you gone?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692094", "jb": "mi se zdani la akasakas poi se stuzi la tokios", "en": "I live at Akasaka in Tokyo.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2089363", "jb": "mi ba cinmo lo ka nonkansa ro do", "en": "I will miss you all.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663932", "jb": "xu nu prami", "en": "Is it love?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2810895", "jb": "pei ra fraxu da'i mi", "en": "Do you think she would forgive me?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1722199", "jb": "mi birti lonu ko'a ba sanga bu'u lo malsi ca lo bavlamdei", "en": "I'm sure she is going to sing at church tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:842342", "jb": "lo cutci cu zvati ma", "en": "Where're the shoes?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291100", "jb": "do na kakne lo nu sisti", "en": "You can't stop.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2344062", "jb": "xriso jbenunsla di'ai", "en": "Merry Christmas!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857255", "jb": "lu mi pamjai ko li'u lu mi mutce nelci li'u", "en": "\"Let me hug you.\" \"I'd like that a lot.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2286785", "jb": "ma cintypu'i ta", "en": "Who painted that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813102", "jb": "mi'e djeimyz .i ku'i .e'o zo djim cmene mi ko", "en": "My name is James, but please call me Jim.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098021", "jb": "ta blanu zdani", "en": "That's a blue house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3760610", "jb": "zo'o", "en": "I'm just kidding.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857591", "jb": "mi djicni lo ba crisa nalgundei", "en": "I'm looking forward to the summer vacation.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634770", "jb": "ra ca klaku", "en": "She is crying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2382318", "jb": "du'o le timnoi cu snime ca lo cabycte", "en": "According to the weather report, it will snow tonight.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:768925", "jb": "mi ponse so'o glibau cukta", "en": "I have some English books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254844", "jb": "ko klama ka'ai mi", "en": "You're coming with me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2387852", "jb": "lo tsani co'i carmi", "en": "The sky has brightened.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1709621", "jb": "ko'a selsau le jvinu be ko'e", "en": "He knows her by sight.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288454", "jb": "lo xanto cu zmadu lo smacu lo ka barda kei lo pilji be li so'o", "en": "Elephants are several times the size of mice.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:755459", "jb": "xu do se bangu lo bantu'uru", "en": "Do you speak Turkish?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803906", "jb": "le cukta cu jai frili", "en": "That book is easy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:889126", "jb": "ra pu co'a mutce cmila", "en": "He burst into laughter.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095739", "jb": "ta'o mi caca'o citka lo stasu belo dembi", "en": "By the way, I am eating a bean stew right now.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765716", "jb": "la tom se.unai la meris klama lo zarci", "en": "Mary doesn't go to the market, no matter if Tom goes to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2998555", "jb": "lo skori cu porpi ca lo nu mi'a cpare lo cmana", "en": "The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1832162", "jb": ".a'o da ba zgana", "en": "I hope someone sees this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1595431", "jb": "la tom. pu kavbu lo barda finpe", "en": "Tom caught a big fish.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920189", "jb": "la .teresas. cu porto cmene", "en": "Teresa is a Portuguese name.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3317697", "jb": "lo gugde'usu cu lamji lo gugdecu'a", "en": "The United States is next to Canada.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3699771", "jb": "bagi mi citka gi mi klama le zarci", "en": "I'll go to the store after I eat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254845", "jb": "mi ba catra ko'a", "en": "I'll kill him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167389", "jb": "mi pacna lo nu ko'a viska ti", "en": "I hope she sees this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1107775", "jb": "mi ctuca fo lo jugbau", "en": "I teach Chinese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668735", "jb": ".i mi kosta dasni sisti mu'i lo nu glare zenba", "en": "I took off my sweater because it got warmer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1644662", "jb": "mi klama lo cnita be lo trici tezu'e lo nu na co'a cilmo", "en": "I stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807321", "jb": ".e'usai mi'o tavla fo la'o xy.Vabungula.xy. je la'o xy.Yuelami.xy.", "en": "Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2082055", "jb": "je'u ma'a se tuple vo da", "en": "We actually have four legs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963330", "jb": "mi se terzi'e lo nu se bloti", "en": "I have a right to be on this ship.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:768917", "jb": "do klama ma", "en": "Where are you going?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098562", "jb": "lo badna ku kukte", "en": "Bananas are delicious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4433624", "jb": "la .tom. pu klama le nenri", "en": "Tom stepped inside.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:683908", "jb": "lo cukta poi srana lo nu dansu cu cpana lo jubme", "en": "There is a book on dancing on the desk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2615170", "jb": "mi seba'i do da'i tu'a de'u toljundi", "en": "If I were you, I'd ignore it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1991851", "jb": "mi mi na du", "en": "I'm not myself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:695305", "jb": "mi gasnu lo nu ra kargau lo vorme", "en": "I made him open the door.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:789583", "jb": "ca lo prulamdei bu'u lo ponjo ri'a lo tedydesku .oicai so'i dinju pu porpi", "en": "A lot of buildings collapsed in Japan due to the earthquake yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1165423", "jb": "mi pu citka ne'a lo pendo be mi", "en": "I ate at the side of my friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1771468", "jb": "ko'a pu pilno ba'i gi lo spamatne gi lo ladmatne", "en": "She used margarine instead of butter.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664377", "jb": "sidju mi", "en": "Help me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1689224", "jb": "le kibjo'e cu tcesno", "en": "Internet is very slow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2140694", "jb": "mi facki lo du'u lo makau vinji cu janli", "en": "I found out whose airplane crashed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4347522", "jb": "o'anai no da bersa mi", "en": "I have no son.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1946341", "jb": "selsa'a", "en": "It is a song.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3267851", "jb": "la tom pu co'a morsi ca lo ka nanca li zeno", "en": "Tom died when he was seventy years old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704427", "jb": "mi stuna lo stici", "en": "I'm to the east of the west.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:626524", "jb": "mi spesti", "en": "I am divorced.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929147", "jb": ".iicai ko bandu mi lo nu ti noi fenki ninmu cu gunta", "en": "In the name of God, protect me from this crazy woman!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4308379", "jb": "lo'e cipnrkorvo cu xekri", "en": "Crows are black.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:661672", "jb": ".e'o ko co'a dasni lo cutci", "en": "Please put on your shoes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963332", "jb": "la .tam. jbena fo lo bloti", "en": "Tom was born on a ship.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963370", "jb": "pa'enai", "en": "It's not fair.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4437650", "jb": "la tom pu imposta lo mikce", "en": "Tom impersonated a doctor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2345235", "jb": "ko'a glagau lo djacu", "en": "She's heating the water.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730360", "jb": "le vorme cu ca'o ganlo", "en": "The door remains closed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:837817", "jb": "za'a tu'a lo sorprekarce cu lerci", "en": "Apparently the bus was late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3000707", "jb": "ko'a co'u nai dansu ze'a pi ro lo nunsla", "en": "She kept on dancing all through the party.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368720", "jb": "mi pu tirna da .i ku'i mi pu na kakne lo nu facki lo du'u da mo kau", "en": "I heard something, but I couldn't tell what it was.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668404", "jb": "la .paf. cu tolcando lonu ciska lo xatra", "en": "Father is busy writing letters.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974781", "jb": "le vrusi be le nu paroi cinba cu se morji mi", "en": "The taste of the first kiss remains vivid in my memory.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2757733", "jb": "lo prenu be pa'a mi cu nitcu lo mapku", "en": "A man like me needs a hat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1768783", "jb": "du'e prenu pu zvati lo nu zgike tigni", "en": "There were too many people at the concert.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2583384", "jb": "mi pu ba'o se prami", "en": "I have been loved.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1968935", "jb": "ko tu'a ko jgira", "en": "Be proud of yourself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2098918", "jb": "ki'e sai .i ti melbi", "en": "Thank you very much! It's beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621589", "jb": "cumki falonu la tom pu nonkansa", "en": "Tom could be alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754114", "jb": "xu do se bangu lo glibau", "en": "Can you speak English?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1525016", "jb": "xu do djuno ti", "en": "Do you know it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947828", "jb": "pu lubybi'o", "en": "She took off her clothes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803576", "jb": "mi pu zi vitke lo kagni nunpenmi be se zau lo cnino kagni platu", "en": "I was just at the company meating, where the new business plan was approved.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:628139", "jb": "lo nanmu poi xabju lamji mi cu mikce", "en": "The man who lives next door to me is a doctor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827774", "jb": "gau la .ken. le laktergu'i cu jelca", "en": "Ken lit the candles.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2793947", "jb": ".i mi citka no'oi ke'a drata lo ka pinxe", "en": "I am eating, which is different to drinking.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1796059", "jb": ".e'u ko roroi jbira'e lo do vlacku", "en": "Always have your dictionary near at hand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803297", "jb": "pei do jimpe lo du'u ra te smuni makau", "en": "Did you understand what he meant?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1715743", "jb": "mi'a pu simta'a le mi'a bavycu'i", "en": "We would often discuss our future.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1306061", "jb": "la .emilin. mo", "en": "Who's Emily?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3269814", "jb": "lo za'u ti me mi moi", "en": "These are mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1740960", "jb": "lo ctuca pu retsku lo nandu preti mi", "en": "The teacher asked me a difficult question.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4226480", "jb": "lo se sanmi cu dukse lo ka titla kei la .tom.", "en": "The dish is too sweet for Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761979", "jb": "mi'o klama ca lo nu co'u carvi", "en": "We'll go when it stops raining.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1642985", "jb": "lo ta gerku cu tcelaldo", "en": "That dog is really old!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1611268", "jb": "mi na jimpe ti", "en": "I don't understand this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655702", "jb": "ma stuzi lo vimku'a", "en": "Where is the toilet?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2554482", "jb": "lo nu mi bajra cu zmadu ro drata be vo'a lo ka mi prami", "en": "I love to jog more than anything else in the world.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187389", "jb": "ko'a pu mo remna", "en": "What kind of man was he?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1752261", "jb": "no dilnu pu zvati lo tsani", "en": "No clouds were in the sky.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1445024", "jb": "do kanpe lo nu snada kei fi ma", "en": "Do you think it'll work?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588793", "jb": "mi mutce djica lo ka viska ra", "en": "I want to see her very much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2312532", "jb": "mi pu mo'ifli lo nu telgau lo vorme", "en": "We forgot to lock the door.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2253000", "jb": "xu do pu nelci le cukta", "en": "Did you like the book?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1955847", "jb": "pe'u ko lo nu lo sorpeka cu klasti cu denpa fu lo nu sa'irbi'o gi'e cpacu lo do klaselpo'e", "en": "Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before standing up and retrieving your luggage.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:711768", "jb": "lo nu ra smaji cu spaji mi", "en": "His silence surprised me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2047543", "jb": "do mo ca le nondei", "en": "What are you doing Sunday?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:702163", "jb": "lo va zdani cu selpo'e mi", "en": "That house is mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:674777", "jb": "mo lo cukta poi mi vi punji ca lo prulamdei", "en": "What has become of the book I put here yesterday?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972170", "jb": "mi nu terve'u lo cnino skami kei djica .i ko lo selve'u poi xagrai cu jarco", "en": "I would like to buy myself a new computer; show me the best model.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1602974", "jb": "ra pu sanli cmama'a", "en": "They stood on the top of the hill.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621674", "jb": "mi jai vajni", "en": "I'm important.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:801571", "jb": "xu do nelci lo zgike", "en": "Do you like music?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333618", "jb": "mi djica tu'a lo se pinxe", "en": "I want something to drink.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2591222", "jb": "so'e lo prenu cu jinvi lo du'u lo prenu lo prenu cu ei na citka", "en": "Most people think that people shouldn't eat people.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:768926", "jb": "ko sisti", "en": "Stop!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3928008", "jb": "li ni'u ci cu nu'a va'a li ma'u ci", "en": "-3 is the result of applying the expression -(+3).", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947821", "jb": "traji nunselnandu mi", "en": "This is the hardest thing I've ever done.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1724650", "jb": "lo nu klama la .okinauas. fu lo vinji kei li xo cacra", "en": "How many hours does it take to go to Okinawa by plane?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:742786", "jb": "mi viska la .liz. ca lo cerni be lo cabdei", "en": "I saw Liz this morning.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:685597", "jb": "so'e vitke cu fange", "en": "The greater part of the guests were foreigners.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765545", "jb": "la tom citka lo titnanba", "en": "Tom will eat cake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3068128", "jb": "so'i cukta cu zvati lo ckusro", "en": "There are a lot of books in the library.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004530", "jb": ".io mi do na'e raktu .a'o", "en": "I hope I'm not interrupting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343294", "jb": "mi pu skucaujmi", "en": "I could read between the lines.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3758625", "jb": "le'o ko mabla cliva", "en": "Piss off!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093226", "jb": ".ai nai mi gunka ca lo pavdei", "en": "I'm not planning to work on Monday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763446", "jb": "lo glico ctuca be mi ba'o stidi lo nu mi tcidu loi vi cukta", "en": "My English teacher advised me to read these books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2387857", "jb": "la tom pujeca stace la maris", "en": "Tom has been honest with Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095723", "jb": "sa'u lo remna cu gunma so'i selci", "en": "Simply put, a human being is an aggregate of many cells.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4372328", "jb": "mi dimnu'e lo du'u jetnu kei lo ka lindi ce'u", "en": "I swear that it is true, or may lightning strike me down.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2804893", "jb": "pei do ponse ti", "en": "Do you own this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754690", "jb": "ra certu lo nu zgiterca'a lo pipno", "en": "She plays the piano very well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1515980", "jb": ".e'apei mi jbera lo pinsi", "en": "Could I borrow a pencil?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2526311", "jb": "mi djica lo ka klama lo zdani", "en": "I want to go home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1349275", "jb": "do ba'e fenki", "en": "You're nuts!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635889", "jb": "pa roi ra penmi lo labno ne'i lo ricfoi", "en": "One day she met a wolf in the woods.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2760519", "jb": "mi pu jinvi lo nu do pu se catra i mi gleki lo nu mi pu srera", "en": "I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3683741", "jb": "mi'a jukpa lo najgenja titnanba", "en": "We are baking carrot cake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:798215", "jb": "ra tavla fi lo zgike", "en": "They are talking about music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2611038", "jb": "e'o remei bisyladru", "en": "Two ice creams, please.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:801190", "jb": "vanci coi .i pei", "en": "Good evening, how are you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093408", "jb": "iu nai do palci", "en": "You're evil.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3326948", "jb": "lo gerku cu blabi", "en": "Dogs are white.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4445464", "jb": "e'o ko ciska lo bazi se cusku be mi", "en": "Please write down what I am going to say.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:691482", "jb": "le zdani cu lenku", "en": "The house is cold.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3238378", "jb": "mi nelci le solri", "en": "I love the sun.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1511413", "jb": "fi lo ko'a se cusku pu co'i facki fe lodu'u jitfa", "en": "What she said turned out to be false.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368916", "jb": "ko'a sanli ti'a le matma be ko'a", "en": "He's standing behind his mother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2344071", "jb": "do se krasi ma", "en": "Where are you from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4337264", "jb": "lo mlatu cu cpana lo matci", "en": "The cat is on the mat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2016026", "jb": "ko nerkla", "en": "Go on in.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700484", "jb": "mi na nelci lo basti ctuca", "en": "I don't like the substitute teacher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2529849", "jb": "ra me lo melbi ninmu", "en": "She is a beautiful woman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1720333", "jb": "itku'ile ga'a mi", "en": "That's Greek to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2351263", "jb": "nitcu su'onai sai da lo nu jai gau gleki nunji'e", "en": "Very little is needed to make a happy life.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1734986", "jb": "do bacru", "en": "You speak.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663955", "jb": "mi makcu .i mi drata pensi", "en": "Now that I'm a grownup, I think otherwise.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2023561", "jb": ".i mi pu xabju lo merko co'a li 2008 co'u li 2011", "en": "I lived in the US from 2008 till 2011.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2722919", "jb": "grasu ke milxe ckaji", "en": "It's a bit greasy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2319144", "jb": "mi na'e djuno lo du'u da'i mi ma kau zukte secau do", "en": "I don't know what I'd do without you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766068", "jb": "pei", "en": "How are you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093427", "jb": ".o'i lo loldi cu se sakli", "en": "Careful! The floor is slippery.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097408", "jb": "lo vi tcadu ku se stuzi lo frasygugde", "en": "This city is in France.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3005835", "jb": "do ba'o morji", "en": "You've already forgotten.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762233", "jb": "la tom cusku lu mi prami do li'u .i la meris spusku lu go'i ra'o li'u", "en": "Tom says, \"I love you.\". Mary responds with \"I love you, too.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2627172", "jb": "e'e mi sidju", "en": "I'll help.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1485957", "jb": "mi klama le zarci", "en": "I went to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3117313", "jb": "ma karcru lo canko", "en": "Who left the window open?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1968363", "jb": "tu'a ta nandu lo verba", "en": "That was quite an effort for a child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937560", "jb": "ko'a venfu djica", "en": "He wants vengeance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:617567", "jb": "lo ka tavla fo lo glico na frili", "en": "Speaking English isn't easy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1879148", "jb": "ko'a vajni cmima la'o gy. Democratic Party .gy.", "en": "He is a prestigious and influential member of the Democratic Party.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3445763", "jb": "ro da se censa lo cevni .iju ri rinsi'o", "en": "Everyone has some kind of god, even if that \"god\" is reason.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096073", "jb": "pe'a nai lo nu zbasu lo sanso cu mentu li pa", "en": "It takes literally a minute to make the sauce.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575438", "jb": "ko denpa bu'u lo berti", "en": "Wait outside.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3969716", "jb": ".au mi pinxe lo tcati", "en": "I want to drink tea.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:746566", "jb": "mi na djuno fi lo se zvati be ra", "en": "I do not know where it is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1135590", "jb": "xu do ra pu tavla le do gungunma", "en": "Did you speak with him about your projects?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3446441", "jb": "mi klama lo ckule ti'u li ze", "en": "I go to school at seven.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664439", "jb": "mi kakne lo nu tcidu bau lo glibau", "en": "I can read English.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2362752", "jb": "lo xirma cu drata lo xasli", "en": "Horses and donkeys are different.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1360404", "jb": "la lauras cu brazo", "en": "Laura is Brazillian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2757731", "jb": "da xotli vi", "en": "There's a hotel here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1750988", "jb": "mi ba'o zgana su'o skina po la .kurosa,uan.", "en": "I have seen at least one Kurosawa film.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2814209", "jb": "mi ba'o xagji", "en": "I'm no longer hungry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2998640", "jb": "me lo se vi'ecpe be fi lo nunsla fa re gugyfrica ninmu", "en": "Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575453", "jb": "do djuno da bi'unai", "en": "You know it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1922869", "jb": "tu se ke cimei bruna", "en": "He has three brothers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3446475", "jb": "doi la .tom. ma fasnu ca lo prula'i nicte", "en": "Tom, what happened last night?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1950150", "jb": ".u'inai", "en": "This isn't funny.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3287750", "jb": "pe'i lo za'i lo ro do kansa mi cu zmadu tu'a lo pulji .e lo drata lo ka mi kufra ce'u", "en": "For my part, having you lot with me is more reassuring than the police or anything!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1514756", "jb": "tu'a ko'a na tcica le ko'a jatna", "en": "He is loyal to his boss.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:933044", "jb": "raxipa se fanza lo nu raxire nalju'o", "en": "She is annoyed at his ignorance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803364", "jb": "mi'ai ba vitke do", "en": "We will visit you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:882221", "jb": "lo va gerku cu se rebla lo tordu", "en": "That dog has a short tail.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4348285", "jb": "le cikyjunla cu julbaco lo mentu be li pano", "en": "The alarm clock is ten minutes fast.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:776651", "jb": "cnijicla lisri .ije xamgu cusku", "en": "It was an exciting story and he told it well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2509731", "jb": "xu da pu viska do", "en": "Did anybody see you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634765", "jb": "mi pacna lo nu tu'a xai na tcica mi", "en": "I hope they aren't deceiving me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807295", "jb": "le cnino selsa'a cu se cmene zoi gy.Lollipop.gy.", "en": "That new song is called \"Lollipop\".", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993834", "jb": "mi ca'o finti lo cnino cukta", "en": "I am working on my new book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1526695", "jb": "djuno lo du'u ko'a na'o sanga", "en": "She's well known as a singer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1735664", "jb": "mi tatpi", "en": "I'm tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:674766", "jb": "ra simlu sanji lo se cinmo be mi", "en": "He seems to be aware of my feelings.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097927", "jb": "ko mo", "en": "What did I tell you to do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3005891", "jb": "no da tavla mi", "en": "No one speaks with me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2608022", "jb": "mi djica lo ka cliva", "en": "I wish to leave.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947841", "jb": "na se zasti", "en": "She's out of touch with reality.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098518", "jb": "mi pinxe lo ckafi be ve'u lo litce", "en": "I drank a liter of coffee.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3795652", "jb": "ko jo'u mi klama vau vi'opei", "en": "Go with me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1879092", "jb": "mi prami lo rirni be mi", "en": "I love my parents.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4279449", "jb": "ma djuno paunai", "en": "Who knows?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705375", "jb": "ui do nelci", "en": "I'm glad you liked it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621595", "jb": "mi na ba nonkansa", "en": "I won't be alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3287773", "jb": "ko'a pu zdigau mi'a lei se xamsku ze'a le murse", "en": "He entertained us with jokes all evening.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254125", "jb": "za'u ko'a na ba sisti", "en": "They won't stop.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3624813", "jb": "da poi micyxu'i zaisle zo'u xu vi stuzi da", "en": "Is there a pharmacy nearby?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1663744", "jb": "ko na tolmorji lo nu do bevri lo santa", "en": "Don't forget to take an umbrella with you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:708140", "jb": "mi na ralte lo skami be bu'u le zdani", "en": "I don't have a computer at home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2572812", "jb": "banzu fa lo dei nu tavla", "en": "Enough of all this talking!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803459", "jb": ".i ma pu rinka lo nu .ue do ka'e vasxu se ri'a nai lo ka mrobi'o vau je sepi'o nai lo vacri lumci cabra", "en": "What caused you to be able to breathe without dying and without using an air-cleaner?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765717", "jb": "la tom na.u la meris klama lo zarci", "en": "Tom doesn't go to the market, no matter if Mary goes to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:602525", "jb": "mi mutce senva", "en": "I have a lot of dreams.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583732", "jb": "le fetsi pu jukpa lo nanba", "en": "She baked bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2472201", "jb": "dukse ke cunso ckape", "en": "That's too risky.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:899205", "jb": "lo gugde'usu cu korbi lo gugdecu'a", "en": "The United States borders Canada.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2036778", "jb": "du'e tarci pu ca'o carmi desku bu'u lo tsani", "en": "Countless stars were twinkling in the sky.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1781333", "jb": "snime carvi de'i li pa", "en": "It'll snow tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2000012", "jb": "ti fanri loi keltci", "en": "They make toys at this factory.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766988", "jb": ".ianai do cusku xu lo du'u tolsnuti fa lo nu mipri lo ka do melbi", "en": "You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2701786", "jb": "la tom pu'o tsuku", "en": "Tom hasn't arrived yet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:689026", "jb": "mi ce do simxu lo ka prami", "en": "I love you and vice versa.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807261", "jb": "la'o gy.Millie.gy. ca'o citka lo nanba", "en": "Millie is eating bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2414293", "jb": "la .tam. cu simlu lo ka se cfipu", "en": "Tom looks confused.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947844", "jb": "ze'i pambi'o", "en": "She instantly fell in love with him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3240200", "jb": "lo nanca cu masti li pare", "en": "A year has twelve months.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2533738", "jb": "viba'oku cripa", "en": "There used to be a bridge here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093282", "jb": ".e'i nai ko zukte lo se djica be do", "en": "Do whatever you please!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1545053", "jb": ".ei mi bregau mi lo cipra", "en": "I have to prepare for the test.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:824406", "jb": "xagze'a", "en": "It's improved.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2017082", "jb": "xu do troci", "en": "Did you try it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093459", "jb": ".u'e nai xu ta xagrai lo se kakne be do", "en": "Pshaw, is that the best you can do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2519760", "jb": "pu se bersa ci da noi binxo lo flacre", "en": "He had three sons who became lawyers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2108163", "jb": "ma stuzi lo nu kacmyterxra ti", "en": "Where was this picture taken?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2805319", "jb": ".ai mi ba ciksi ve cu'u le uitki", "en": "I am going to explain it completely on the wiki.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:770099", "jb": "mi djica lo nu jmina la.tatoebas. lo cnino bangu .i .ei mi zukte ma", "en": "I'd like to add a new language in Tatoeba, what do I have to do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3878564", "jb": "ko fonjorne mi", "en": "Call me!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597810", "jb": "le ninmu cu citno", "en": "The woman is young.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655878", "jb": "ma pluta lo ckudi'u", "en": "How do I get to the library?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4439876", "jb": "ki'u ma do na ve ma'urcu'e", "en": "Why aren't you in college?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621599", "jb": "mi na pu nonkansa", "en": "I wasn't alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3624867", "jb": "la .susyn. noroi damva'u", "en": "Susan never smokes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2806750", "jb": "mi cusku fi do fe lo srana be lo cmaci", "en": "I talk to you about mathematics.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1642991", "jb": "ko lo micyxu'i citka ciroi lo ro djedi", "en": "Take this medicine three times a day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167340", "jb": "la tom na nelci lo nu dasni lo kanjunla", "en": "Tom doesn't like to wear a watch.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1890452", "jb": "la tom. xu sazri lo xekri karce", "en": "Tom drives a black car, doesn't he?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:657725", "jb": "du'i do ra xendo mutce", "en": "He is very kind, just like you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4347477", "jb": "le junla cu te tcidu lo tcika be lo lerci", "en": "The clock is fast.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:770143", "jb": "no da djuno lo jetnu", "en": "Nobody knows the truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665711", "jb": "do ba'o verba", "en": "You are not a child any more.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1769535", "jb": "piso'i loi pixra poi selja'o cu selve'u ca le pamoi djedi", "en": "A good many of the pictures on exhibition were sold on the opening day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3989796", "jb": "doi la meris mi junri", "en": "Mary, I'm serious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2589411", "jb": "ra pu muvdu la kanadas", "en": "He moved to Canada.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4258868", "jb": "la tom pu ca'o bevri lo jai se pa'u flora", "en": "Tom was carrying a bouquet of flowers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763452", "jb": "mi mutce planybi'o ba lo xisyjbenunsla", "en": "I've put on a lot of weight since Christmas.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2601675", "jb": "la tom pu na tcidu le cukta", "en": "Tom didn't read the book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3231529", "jb": "lo mi patfu cu se tcaci loka tcidu lo nuzykarni pu lonu cersai", "en": "My father is in the habit of reading the newspaper before breakfast.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765276", "jb": ".e'u ko renro lo bolci mi", "en": "Please throw me the ball.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3293636", "jb": "mligla ca lo cabdei", "en": "It is rather warm today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920181", "jb": "ko terlisri lo nunlitru poi spaji jeku'i pluka do", "en": "Tell us a random travel experience you had that you weren't expecting but loved.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2442062", "jb": "do me lo pe mi solri gusni", "en": "You are my sunshine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1979371", "jb": "la .meg. simsa le ri mamta", "en": "Meg looks just like her mother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803914", "jb": "lo vi dinju cu cnino", "en": "This building is new.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098061", "jb": "la djonz. na pamoi cusku", "en": "Jones isn\u2019t the first speaker.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2608200", "jb": "lo do za'u tixnu cu melbi", "en": "Your daughters are beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947864", "jb": "ba'a pu vamtu", "en": "I think she's going to be sick.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989302", "jb": "xu do krici tu'a lo fangyvinji", "en": "Do you believe in UFOs?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1601646", "jb": "le nanla cu plipe", "en": "The boy is jumping.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:722183", "jb": ".e'o va'o lo nu do ganse lo selsre kei ko cikre", "en": "If you see a mistake, then please correct it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4432908", "jb": "ko cmibi'o le girzu pe mi'a", "en": "Join us.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1296810", "jb": ".uanai ca mutce cizra", "en": "Uh, now it's really weird...", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1876235", "jb": "lo fanri be lo karce cu briju lo patfu be la bab", "en": "Bob's father works in a car factory.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1501471", "jb": "mi ca klama lo zarci", "en": "Now I go to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1707545", "jb": "e'o ko sidju mi lo nu bregau fi lo nunsla", "en": "Will you help me prepare for the party?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766240", "jb": "lo gerku cu'e batci lo nanmu", "en": "How did the dog bite the man?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:889025", "jb": "lo fonxa cu spofu", "en": "The phone is out of order.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187406", "jb": "ti tricu ma", "en": "What kind of trees are those?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667837", "jb": "ma jibri do", "en": "What do you do?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857597", "jb": "fi'i do zanvi'e fi lo mi'a zdani", "en": "Welcome to our home!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1720328", "jb": "ti itku'ile ga'a mi", "en": "It's Greek to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749028", "jb": "ko tisygau lo baktu lo djacu", "en": "Fill the bucket with water.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2688538", "jb": "la meris. cu mutce tolcando ninmu", "en": "Mary is a very busy woman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937558", "jb": "mi venfu djica", "en": "I want vengeance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947843", "jb": "la .tam. na se zasti", "en": "Tom is out of touch with reality.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714980", "jb": "xo ve ke me do ckule", "en": "How many pupils are there in your school?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:683226", "jb": "lo nanla noi va limna cu mo", "en": "Who's the boy swimming over there?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1950133", "jb": "ti'u lo bavlamdei .a'ocai mi'o jibni le do rirni", "en": "Tomorrow, God willing, we'll be with your parents.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2805317", "jb": "mi tcidu lo pemci te cu'u le panzi be mi", "en": "I read the poem for my child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3865746", "jb": "mi ckape", "en": "I'm dangerous.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2519777", "jb": "lo solri pu glare ije lo za'u ko'a pu tatpi", "en": "The sun was hot and they were tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:617579", "jb": "mi ponse le vi karce", "en": "I own this car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1519967", "jb": "mi pu se spaji lonu mi viska lo cinfo", "en": "I was surprised to see a lion.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754729", "jb": "lo prenu cu frica lo danlu lo ka kakne lo nu pensi je cusku", "en": "Human beings are different from animals in that they can think and speak.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807438", "jb": "li pa dugri li te'o li te'o", "en": "The natural logarithm of e is 1.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1625488", "jb": "mi na nelci ti", "en": "I don't like this one.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1735771", "jb": "mi citno", "en": "I'm young.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1521259", "jb": "ko mleca pinxe gi'e zmadu sipna", "en": "Drink less and sleep more.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763558", "jb": "ra na klama le zdani ca ro djedi", "en": "He doesn't come here every day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857598", "jb": "fi'i do zanvi'e fi la .kolumbias.", "en": "Welcome to Columbia!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1681280", "jb": "mi kakne lo nu xamgu sanga", "en": "I can sing well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1672609", "jb": "zvati ma", "en": "Where can I find him?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:796889", "jb": "mu'i ma ra fengu", "en": "Why is she angry?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:723945", "jb": "mi'a cliva xe ka'a lo trene", "en": "We left by train.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987538", "jb": "ko falcru lo stagau", "en": "Drop the anchor!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585767", "jb": "e'u klama co limna", "en": "Let's go swimming.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1966331", "jb": "ba'u mi'o ze'e ba'urdu'u", "en": "We're always complaining.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621612", "jb": "ra simlu lo ka tsali", "en": "He looks strong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2664696", "jb": "lo do xance ciska se morna cu mutce xamgu", "en": "Your handwriting is very good.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4168219", "jb": "mi pu penmi la tom lo ckule", "en": "I met Tom at the school.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3635577", "jb": "le bersa be lo fetsi be lo gerku cu zerle'a lo mi rikybakfu gi'e citka lo mi snuji gi'e kalcyvi'i ne'i lo mi saksruseibo'i", "en": "Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1709640", "jb": "le vi relxilma'e mi se srana", "en": "This bicycle is mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575511", "jb": "mi milxe lerci", "en": "I'm a bit late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3848355", "jb": "lo patfu be mi na xebni do", "en": "My dad doesn't hate you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:961611", "jb": "ca tadni lo fasybau .e lo kibro dumpla", "en": "I'm studying French and web design.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1763020", "jb": "mi ba'o klama", "en": "I have gone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766089", "jb": "ma traji lo ka do nelci ku fo lo jufra", "en": "What is your favorite sentence?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4207396", "jb": "ka'e nai sai go'i", "en": "It is impossible to do it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502395", "jb": "lo patfu je lo bruna", "en": "Father and brother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1509495", "jb": "ko danre le vi batke .ijo nu fagri", "en": "In case of fire, press this button.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:708062", "jb": "so'a lo gunka cu fapro fi lo nu gunka ca lo nicte", "en": "Almost all workers refused to work during the night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:754119", "jb": "xu do se bangu lo bangenugu", "en": "Do you speak English?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3227621", "jb": "le pa mlatu cu nelci lo smacu i mi na'e nelci ri", "en": "The cat likes mice; I don\u2019t like them.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2414308", "jb": "la .tam. cu viska lo junla", "en": "Tom looked at the clock.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:735376", "jb": "ko citka lo se nelci", "en": "Eat whatever you like.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:885556", "jb": "la.miklel,n. jdice lo nu denpa", "en": "McClellan decided to wait.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2967789", "jb": "ra ki'e", "en": "Thanks for this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1781449", "jb": "mi ckire fi lo balvi", "en": "Thanks in advance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705314", "jb": "pacna fa mi lo nu ctuca", "en": "My dream is to become a teacher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1657072", "jb": ".i melbi cmene do", "en": "You have a beautiful name.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096110", "jb": "mi pu tcidu lo pamoi po'o xe fanva", "en": "I read only the first translation.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2612168", "jb": "mi na djuno lodu'u za'u ra makau zvati", "en": "I don't know where they are.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2976803", "jb": "ca ma cliva fa lo bavla'i basfa poi klama la boston", "en": "When is the next bus to Boston?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2804887", "jb": "ra pu'o cnita", "en": "He is not down yet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941164", "jb": "pe'u ko ze'i denpa", "en": "Please wait a minute.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634650", "jb": "do mutce lo ka gunka", "en": "You're really a hard worker.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:813395", "jb": "cliva ma", "en": "Where does it leave from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3183052", "jb": "lo nu zukte cu frica lo nu na zukte vau lo ka nu zukte", "en": "The difference between doing and not doing is doing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4149387", "jb": "tu'a lo jdini cu cumri'a lo nu do .erve ro da poi do djica", "en": "Money enables you to buy anything you desire.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1950158", "jb": "klaje'i mi le jupku'a gi'e jgari lo dakfu", "en": "She followed me into the kitchen and picked up a knife.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813085", "jb": ".e'u go do da djica gi ko da mi cpedu", "en": "If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:708764", "jb": "li ci pi'e pi'e dau ca detri", "en": "It's the third of October.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701824", "jb": "lo vorme na ka'e ganlo", "en": "The door won't close.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929144", "jb": "lu doi .meris. .i .e'o ko spuda li'u se retsku la .adEl. noi troci lo nu jitro lo ka xanka", "en": "\"Mary, will you answer my question?\" asked Ad\u00e8le while trying to control her excitement.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098176", "jb": "xu do ponjo", "en": "Are you Japanese?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167669", "jb": "ca lo nu mi denpa tu'a lo sorprekarce kei mi pu penmi lo pendo be mi", "en": "Waiting for a bus, I met my friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635831", "jb": ".o'i mu xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi", "en": "Watch out! There are five hungry Soviet cows in the garden!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974784", "jb": "ko'a na kakne lo nu xruti lo ko'a zdani be vi la .nu,iork.", "en": "He could not return to his home in the New York area.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655646", "jb": "pamei je'i remei farna - .e'o jenai", "en": "\"One way or round trip?\" - \"One way, please.\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254050", "jb": "ba cinri", "en": "This'll be interesting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714077", "jb": "mi pu cpedu fi ko'a fe lo ka sidju", "en": "I asked him for a favor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963378", "jb": "pluja", "en": "It's complicated.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664889", "jb": "xu do nelci lo snime", "en": "Do you like snow?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:801573", "jb": "xu do prami lo zgike", "en": "Do you love music?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937564", "jb": "do melbi", "en": "You're beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3667957", "jb": "ma sance", "en": "What is that sound?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932058", "jb": "ko'a ba klama pa'o lo rirxe ku", "en": "He's going to cross the river.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3005598", "jb": "do simlu nai lo ka mutce gleki lo ka zgana mi", "en": "You don't seem too happy to see me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686179", "jb": "la rebekas cu se tixnu su'o re da", "en": "Rebecca has at least two daughters.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664611", "jb": "mi'a nelci lo nu do dansu", "en": "We like when you dance!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1660359", "jb": "ti'e lo do gunka cuntu cu banro", "en": "Your business is flourishing, I hear.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3759462", "jb": "ko na fazgau mi", "en": "Don't get on my nerves!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:983780", "jb": "mu'i ma do klaku", "en": "Why are you crying?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004505", "jb": "ko'a fi ma pu klama", "en": "Where did it come from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664792", "jb": "se birti fa lo du'u ko'a ba tugni ma'a", "en": "It is certain that he will agree with us.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1064201", "jb": "loi plise cu zvati ma", "en": "Where are the apples?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714813", "jb": "xo bangu lo ropno se zdani", "en": "How many languages are there in Europe?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1776487", "jb": "ko na radycru", "en": "Don't give up.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987939", "jb": "da pe do cuntu karda", "en": "Here is your appointment card.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1896036", "jb": "e'apei mi sidju do", "en": "May I help you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2684341", "jb": "ra pu'o klama ti", "en": "She is not here yet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2132619", "jb": "la .tam. cu badri", "en": "Tom's sad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093356", "jb": ".a'u ma ba'o se lifri do", "en": "What happened to you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807274", "jb": "lo kagytrujalju be la'o gy.IBM.gy. cu speni lo zvati", "en": "The CEO of IBM is the spouse of someone present.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584165", "jb": "mi ba daspo ra", "en": "I'll destroy it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097210", "jb": "zo'o cu'i ru'a mi ca lo nu lo ba'o pampe'o cu cliva lo zdani be mi cu tavla vo'a fo la lojban", "en": "Seriously, I postulate that I am, right after my ex-girlfriend leaves my house, going to talk to myself in Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3700362", "jb": "lo pitsa cu me lo cukcartu noi jarco lo nu pixokau vo'a cu stali", "en": "Pizza is a pie chart showing how much of it is left.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813091", "jb": ".e'u ko kufra", "en": "Please make yourself comfortable.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2840677", "jb": "la tom cu lijda catni", "en": "Tom is a priest.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291040", "jb": "ma se zvati lo do skami", "en": "Where's your computer?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987656", "jb": "loi gusni loi sance cu sutyzma cai", "en": "Light is much faster than sound.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1750482", "jb": "xu mi ba nitcu le nu zasti .i la'e di'u cu se preti", "en": "To be or not to be, that is the question.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2472976", "jb": "ko cusku fi mi fe lo se du'u ca makau mi sisti", "en": "Tell me when to stop.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692112", "jb": "mi pu klama lo nenri be lo me ta kumfa", "en": "I entered her room.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1960679", "jb": "ko'a pu virnu", "en": "He was brave.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:776015", "jb": "e'o ko mo'u jgari lo birka be mi", "en": "Please let go of my arm.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:636620", "jb": "ko'a mutce prami lo vo'a rirni", "en": "They love their mother a lot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2634818", "jb": "mi na kakne lo ka gercmo tai tu'a lo gerku .i mi mlatu", "en": "I cannot bark like a dog. I'm a cat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3167528", "jb": "ma pu ba fasnu", "en": "What happened next?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2896113", "jb": "lo pe mi jdini ba'o se zerlebna", "en": "My money was stolen.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1740822", "jb": "la .tam. xebni ro do", "en": "Tom hates everybody.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813140", "jb": "frili", "en": "It's easy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4278269", "jb": "mi nelci lo ka cadzu", "en": "I like to walk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4228934", "jb": "lo pendo be mi cu klama lo ckusro tezu'e lo ka tadni", "en": "My friend came to the library to study.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1745296", "jb": ".u'e ko catlu .i lo cipni cu selvau le va tricu", "en": "Look! There's a bird in that tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766597", "jb": "mi'a na ka'e sipna ri'a tu'a lo savru", "en": "We can't sleep because of the noise.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664520", "jb": "mi cirko lo mi kacma", "en": "I lost my camera.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3614654", "jb": "mi na jimpe fi lo menli be do", "en": "I don't understand your mind.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:632389", "jb": "rau finpe cu nenri lo vi rirxe", "en": "There are plenty of fish in this river.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813148", "jb": "xamgu", "en": "That's cool.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929219", "jb": "la .tam. cusku lo du'u djica lo nu tolkansa", "en": "Tam says he wants a group activity.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1933495", "jb": "ko'a pejgau lo bukpu lo jubme", "en": "She spread a cloth over the table.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096098", "jb": "lo plise cu xamgu lo nu kanro .i ji'a py. kukte", "en": "Apples are good for your health, and, in addition, they taste great.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1850870", "jb": "ko'a jgira lo su'u ko'a gunka", "en": "He takes pride in his work.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2171782", "jb": "ko'a pu dansu ka'ai ko'e", "en": "She danced with him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1682836", "jb": "re crida cu xebni ro termakfa", "en": "There are exactly two goblins who each hate every wizard.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3068045", "jb": "fi la .tom. cu fonxa notci mi", "en": "Tom texted me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655949", "jb": "jaginai do jimpe la'e dei gi do gletu nitcu", "en": "If you can understand this sentence then you need to have sex with someone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2065055", "jb": "lo za'u vi flaume ku makcu", "en": "These plums are ripe.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3232597", "jb": "la tom pu simlu lo ka se cfipu", "en": "Tom looked confused.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:674526", "jb": "ko na ga'orgau loi kanla", "en": "Don't shut your eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095601", "jb": ".i ba'ucu'i mi bai cliva", "en": "To be precise, I go, because I am forced to.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333421", "jb": "mi klama fi la mergu'e", "en": "I'm from America.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803558", "jb": "mi so'isairoi tavla fau lo nu mi sipna", "en": "I talk in my sleep very often.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1751231", "jb": "xu do ba'o va zvati", "en": "Have you ever been there?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2664714", "jb": "mi klama lo malsi ta'e lo zeldei", "en": "I go to the church on Sundays.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932336", "jb": "la .tam. setca le ckiku le daski", "en": "Tom put the key into his pocket.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766712", "jb": "ko na tolmo'i tu'a lo do jdini", "en": "Don't forget your money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1755530", "jb": "mi tadni la lojban", "en": "I study Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2028907", "jb": "do mutce lo ka xendo be mi bei lo ka sidju mi", "en": "It is very kind of you to help me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1884324", "jb": "mi na morji lo du'u vi je ca makau mi penmi do", "en": "I don't remember when and where I met you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2596081", "jb": "ti'e ba carvi", "en": "They say it will rain.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803564", "jb": ".i di'a jundi .i .u'e mi tcidu soi te djuno la .loglan.", "en": "I'll be right back. Wow, I'm reading, knowing something about Loglan.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3004665", "jb": "lo terzu'e pe lo nu mi jmive cu du'u mi truralju", "en": "My goal in life is to be Prime Minister.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761264", "jb": "lo cmene be mi cu cizra", "en": "My name is strange.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1896004", "jb": "xu lo do famtynakni za'o zvati lo drata gugde", "en": "Is your uncle still abroad?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3628245", "jb": "la tom ca'o katna lo nanba", "en": "Tom is cutting the bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1651450", "jb": "ko catlu lo mlatu .i ra selponse la .braun.", "en": "Look at that cat. It is Mr Brown's.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2596059", "jb": "ca carmi ke snime carvi", "en": "It snows hard.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1513946", "jb": ".e'o do jarco lo drata kacma ku mi", "en": "Please show me another camera.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2796520", "jb": "ro da enge lo jai funca be da", "en": "Everybody is the architect of their own fortune.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254163", "jb": "no da ckafi", "en": "There's no coffee.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2591211", "jb": "mi pu djica lo ka jai kajde do", "en": "I wanted to warn you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:831686", "jb": "ra co'a sanga", "en": "She began to sing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3125350", "jb": "lo se stidi cu simlu lo ka racli", "en": "The suggestion seems logical.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577876", "jb": "ma se zvati le ckiku", "en": "Where's the key?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634743", "jb": "jetnu", "en": "It's the truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096138", "jb": ".i .oi ro'e mu'i ma pau nai lo nu tavla cusku zo galxe cu mutce nandu fi lo nu galxe bilma", "en": "Stupid brain! Why is saying \"galxe\" so very difficult with a sore throat?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3411080", "jb": "da na ka'e kargau lo canko be lo vinji", "en": "You can't open a window on a plane.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:744586", "jb": "mi viska la.liz. ca lo zi cerni", "en": "I saw Liz this morning.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291071", "jb": "la tom cu traji tarci pe'a", "en": "Tom is a superstar.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585548", "jb": "xu do pu xrugau lo la .tam. cukta", "en": "Did you return Tom's book?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3758005", "jb": "ko na ba'u zei cusku", "en": "Don't exaggerate.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2103740", "jb": "mi viska la .iumis. ca'o lo mi nu senva", "en": "I saw Yumi in my dream.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:697541", "jb": "lo pluka ko li'i djedi", "en": "Have a nice day.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3982096", "jb": "lo valsi ne se mau lo cladakyxa'i cu katna pe'a za'u da", "en": "Words cut more than swords.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097431", "jb": "la maik,l. djaks,n. .uiski certu", "en": "Michael Jackson was a whisky expert.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974330", "jb": "cabyfau xu", "en": "Are they live?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:808674", "jb": "pe'i dukse barda", "en": "I think that it's too big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1748732", "jb": "do gleki se catlu ca lo cabdei", "en": "You look happy today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:758554", "jb": "ra se cfila gi'e ku'i se nelci mi", "en": "She has her faults, but I like her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668222", "jb": "ko'a pu tsebi'o gi'e pu tcidu fi lo plekarni", "en": "He sat down and read the paper.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2384654", "jb": "ko darno", "en": "Keep your distance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2312687", "jb": "cmima lo'i xadni jadyke'a", "en": "It's a type of body piercing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1996029", "jb": "ko'a cpedu lo djacu kabri", "en": "He asked for a glass of water.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:665691", "jb": "mi jdice lo du'u mi'a na klama", "en": "I've decided that we won't go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4226658", "jb": "re'enai le cevni na zasti", "en": "God does not exist.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993870", "jb": "la .keisukes. mi clazma", "en": "Keisuke is taller than me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1590443", "jb": "la lusis. se krasi lo mergu'e", "en": "Lucy is from America.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4425194", "jb": "la maris. cu fetspe mi", "en": "Mary is my wife.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1606924", "jb": "le verba puco'a klaku ca lonu ri viska le gerku", "en": "The child began to cry at the sight of the dog.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2286856", "jb": "ma se zvati lo do zdani", "en": "Where's your house?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827827", "jb": ".o'o ti banzu xamgu", "en": "No worries! This is good enough!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803571", "jb": "la .iesos. cu cevni ve du'o lo xriso", "en": "Jesus is God in Christianity.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1688674", "jb": "mi tcexagji ca lo cabdei", "en": "I'm very hungry today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3946993", "jb": "le fetsi ca'o retsku lo se du'u seja'e makau cumki", "en": "She's asking how that's possible.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:888833", "jb": "ko catlu lo va pixra", "en": "Look at that picture.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2844833", "jb": "la .tom. cu jai se ditcu pimuji'i ditcu be tu'a la .maris.", "en": "Tom is about half Mary's age.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098154", "jb": "lo vu tadni natmrxanguke", "en": "Those students are Korean.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1733200", "jb": "ta je'a nelci lo si'o boltipyjvi", "en": "He's really into soccer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1511599", "jb": "lo grupu'o cu se zbasu fi lo maxri", "en": "Flour is made from wheat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:657193", "jb": "ma nuzba", "en": "What's new?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668466", "jb": "lo mi bruna goi ko'a cu pu ta'e cikna ca lo nicte .imu'ibo ko'a tcidu lo brafi'a", "en": "My brother would often stay up all night reading novels.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1759272", "jb": "le nu mi xlali bilma la zukAm. cu jeftu", "en": "I had a bad cold for a week.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:678151", "jb": "doi taros lo ctesai cu bredi", "en": "Taro, dinner's ready!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:695791", "jb": "lo friko cu braplu .i je lo gugdegulu na co'e", "en": "Africa is a continent; Greenland is not.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:742796", "jb": ".aupei mi'a vi denpa tu'a do", "en": "Shall we wait for you here?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1705050", "jb": "xu la tom. roroi bevri lo celxa'i", "en": "Does Tom always carry a gun?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2119785", "jb": "mi nelci lo tcati", "en": "I like tea.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:706572", "jb": "mi ba se'ixru", "en": "I'll come back.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4412224", "jb": "xu do pu'i viska lo fange ke vofli dacti", "en": "Have you ever seen an unidentified flying object?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:649583", "jb": "xu do kansa la.pitr. lo nu klama la.minx,n.", "en": "Did you accompany Peter to Munich?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2806746", "jb": "do zmadu nelci lo vensa ji lo critu", "en": "Which do you like better, spring or autumn?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763577", "jb": "ra piso'i roi sazri lo karce pe lo patfu be vo'a", "en": "She often drives her father's car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1778717", "jb": "mi nelci lo sralytu'a cidja", "en": "I am fond of Australian food.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577927", "jb": "la tom pu ctigau le gerku", "en": "Tom fed the dog.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932252", "jb": "la .meris. tolse'itro", "en": "Mary loses her temper easily.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167539", "jb": "xu fraso", "en": "Is that French?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095657", "jb": "li'a la lojban cu zmadu la postskript lo ka frili", "en": "Clearly, Lojban is easier than Postscript.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2082285", "jb": "pu friti lo najnimre pesxu mi", "en": "She offered me some marmalade.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2701774", "jb": "ko na cpedu tu'a lo jdini mi", "en": "Don't ask me for money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1681292", "jb": "ko tinbe fi lo do ctuca", "en": "Obey your teachers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2083762", "jb": "pe'a lo solri ku noltrunau lo tsani ije lo lunra ku noltruni'u loi tarci", "en": "The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4207645", "jb": "ta se ponse mi", "en": "That belongs to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857111", "jb": "mi bilga cpedu fi la .nik. goi ko'a fe lo ko'a xa'urjudri .e lo ko'a fonjudri ca lo nu mi ba penmi ko'a ku", "en": "I must ask Nick his new address and telephone number when I see him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705168", "jb": "ue ra jmive", "en": "To my surprise, she was alive.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655886", "jb": "ma pluta lo gusta", "en": "How do I get to a restaurant?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803435", "jb": "mi morji nai lo du'u fe makau mi pu citka ca lo romoi nicte", "en": "I can't remember what I ate last night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1129548", "jb": "bevri lo baktu be lo djacu", "en": "They carried water in buckets.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585763", "jb": "la tom pu cusku losedu'u ri tatpi", "en": "Tom said he was tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:764645", "jb": "pe'i mi'o tugni .i ba'o purci", "en": "I think we agree, the past is over.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:671280", "jb": "ta melbi cmalu bo nixli bo ckule", "en": "That's a pretty little girls' school.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3948180", "jb": "gau ko culno", "en": "Fill it up.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2382215", "jb": "e'anai do cliva", "en": "You can't leave.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:671278", "jb": "ta melbi cmalu bo nixli ckule", "en": "That's a pretty little girls' school.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4432884", "jb": "ko'a tolcliva", "en": "He came.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098234", "jb": "mi na nelci lo vi cukta", "en": "I don't like this book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803790", "jb": "lo za'u vi pixra cu simxu frica fi lo ni barda", "en": "These paintings are different sizes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1600914", "jb": ".au mi bantadni lo bandu'e'u", "en": "I want to study German.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2472215", "jb": "lo bruna be mi ca zvati la Australias", "en": "My brother is now in Australia.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095591", "jb": "ti'e lo cmana pe la titan cu bisli jenai rokci", "en": "I hear that the \"rocks\" on Titan are actually made of ice, not rock.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2373822", "jb": "lo zvati be lo kensa la terdi cu terselmlu lo ka cmalu", "en": "Seen from space, Earth seems relatively small.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:674777", "jb": "mo lo cukta poi mi vi punji ca lo prulamdei", "en": "What happened to the book I put here yesterday?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333444", "jb": ".ui .i pei", "en": "I am fine, and you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597804", "jb": "mi pacna lo nu do za'ure'u fonta'a", "en": "I hope you will call again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920201", "jb": "le ralju cu xanjairinsa lo kulmu'o", "en": "The principal shook hands with each of the graduates.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1691895", "jb": "lo vorme co'a kalri gau la .tom. .i ce'o lo gerku mo'u bajra lo bartu", "en": "Tom opened the door and the dog ran out.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3078478", "jb": "mi ca se cuntu lo ka finti lo se cukta", "en": "I'm now busy writing a book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692076", "jb": "ta pu palci ractu", "en": "That was an evil bunny.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3778969", "jb": "lo nu snuti cu jalge lo nu ko'a narviska'e", "en": "The accident happened because they could not see clearly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761337", "jb": "mi na toltu'i", "en": "I don't disagree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577845", "jb": "mi pu denpa tu'a la tom", "en": "I waited for Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2376848", "jb": "mi retsku fi mi fe lo sedu'u fe makau mi co'i zukte", "en": "I ask myself what he did.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1968383", "jb": "ko'a gunka so'o tcecizra", "en": "He works on some really crazy projects.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2132618", "jb": "la .tam. cu fengu", "en": "Tom's mad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:620766", "jb": "mi pu na djuno lo du'u ko'a klama fi ma kau", "en": "I didn't know where it came from.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2943682", "jb": "pei mi'o simxu tolpro", "en": "Are we agreed?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343344", "jb": "lo pu nu la .tom. cu jukpa kei ja'a na'e xlali", "en": "Tom's cooking was actually not so bad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:649856", "jb": ".ie", "en": "Yes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2376771", "jb": "sei mi djuno do zernalfu'e", "en": "I know you're innocent.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577881", "jb": "ro mi'ai kecti", "en": "We're all sorry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1671778", "jb": "la'a do jitro ko'a", "en": "You probably control it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:729816", "jb": "lo nalska crino sidbo cu carmi sipna", "en": "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575500", "jb": "la tom na pu bajra", "en": "Tom didn't run.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803599", "jb": "mi krici lo prane ji'u la .platon.", "en": "I believe in perfection, based on Plato.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765720", "jb": "la tom na.enai la meris klama lo zarci", "en": "Neither Tom nor Mary goes to the store.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093360", "jb": ".a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci", "en": "Yuck, that smells like shit!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2504763", "jb": ".i lo nei troci cu bebna", "en": "Those who try to be foolish are foolish.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575437", "jb": "mi'ai xabju vi", "en": "We live here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:732868", "jb": ".a'o mi za'u re'u penmi do", "en": "I hope to see you again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686012", "jb": "le gerku pe le lamji cu ckape", "en": "The dog next door is dangerous.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1513849", "jb": "ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. lo glibau", "en": "What is the English for \"kaisha\"?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2351268", "jb": "lo jinzi be lo me ro da pu muvdu lo nu cupra lo munje", "en": "The nature of the All moved to make the universe.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714971", "jb": "drani danfu", "en": "The answer is right.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1505902", "jb": "mi pikci do", "en": "I'm begging you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1259384", "jb": "lo du'u ma kau ni lo nu la .tom. co'a cikna cu clira na banzu lo du'u ty. klama fu lo pa moi trene", "en": "Tom didn't get up early enough to catch the first train.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763470", "jb": "mi ctuca fo lo glico", "en": "I teach English.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765283", "jb": "so'a lo prenu pu morsi", "en": "Almost everyone was dead.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2016067", "jb": "ko na tolclite", "en": "Don't be rude.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095577", "jb": "ru'a no prenu cu nanca lo zmadu be li 25", "en": "Presumably, none of the people are more than 25 years old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920154", "jb": "mi'o ko'oi mulgau", "en": "Let's finish the job.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1723999", "jb": "mi xebni lo mi jibri", "en": "I hate my job.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1946255", "jb": "lo nu djuno cu se smuni lo nu djuno lo du'u nonydjuno .i la'edi'u smuni lo ka djuno", "en": "To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761858", "jb": "lo cnino ko'a ra co'a cmene", "en": "He gave it a new name.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2611030", "jb": "ti cukmirvelvei", "en": "This is a DVD.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929149", "jb": "mi'o nitcu lo jaugacbloti", "en": "We need a steamboat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1735663", "jb": "mi badri tatpi lo nu badri tatpi", "en": "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3005846", "jb": "mi'ai mo'u tsuku fi'o milxe lerci", "en": "We've arrived a little late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3626957", "jb": "la nanmu pu citka le nanba", "en": "The man ate the bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932144", "jb": ".i'enai ctuci'e", "en": "Education in this world disappoints me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1758523", "jb": "ti mutce vajni", "en": "This is very important.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1855324", "jb": "mi ja'aru'e tirna lo se bacru be ko'a", "en": "I can hardly hear him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2664570", "jb": "ra barda sai", "en": "He's so big!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2864590", "jb": "ko na terpa mi", "en": "You're not afraid of me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1533720", "jb": "ko'a pu ca'o gunka ca lo za'i ko'a tatpi", "en": "She was tired, but she kept working.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2626994", "jb": "mi pu co'e je'a", "en": "I did it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3787635", "jb": "ko fanva dei la glibau", "en": "Put this sentence into English.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584225", "jb": "ra na zilmipri", "en": "It isn't a secret.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3399875", "jb": "ca ma do zu'edji lonu co'u damva'u", "en": "When do you intend to quit smoking?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621608", "jb": "ra dukse tolcando", "en": "He's too busy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2006619", "jb": "do mi cinju'i xu", "en": "Are you trying to hit on me?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3856073", "jb": "lo nu do damva'u viku cu se curmi", "en": "You can smoke here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3703366", "jb": "ma fo lo se tivni pe lo pavdei vanci cu traji fe lo ka do nelci", "en": "What's your favorite TV show on Monday evening?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803556", "jb": ".ei dai lo prenu ma cinmo se va'o lo nu ri te vecnu", "en": "What should a person feel to buy something?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1121853", "jb": "la .alis. sipna le ri kumfa", "en": "Alice sleeps in her room.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2757715", "jb": "la xokaidos cu darno mutce ienaipei", "en": "Hokaido is pretty far, isn't it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1097926", "jb": "coi .i'u", "en": "Greetings, old friend!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767822", "jb": ".au mi ko'a tavla", "en": "I want to talk to her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3843488", "jb": "mi'o ba zi sei incala cu zvati le zdani", "en": "Inshallah, soon we'll be home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705137", "jb": "ta'a .i xu ku'i ti drani farna lo lolnitre'e tcana", "en": "Excuse me, but is this the right way to the subway station?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803554", "jb": ".i .e'o do na damba va'o lo nu rodo na kakne lo nu damba bau la .lojban.", "en": "Under the conditions of y'all not being able to fight in lojban, please don't fight.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3618196", "jb": "lo pastu cu mutce mapti do lo ka se viska", "en": "The dress suits you very well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1651444", "jb": "xu .ei mi kargau lo canko", "en": "Must I open the window?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1689179", "jb": "mi'a jitro roda", "en": "We have everything under control.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584151", "jb": "mi ba cnemu do", "en": "I'll reward you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:837816", "jb": "za'a lo aftobuso cu jai lerci", "en": "Apparently the bus was late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:619921", "jb": "oi fanza .i mi co'a cortu lo stedu ca ro nu pilno lo skami", "en": "So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1484530", "jb": "ko'a zgana lo nu ko'a se lafti", "en": "She felt herself being lifted up.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1752047", "jb": "la .tom. cu ponse lo bralai jdini", "en": "Tom has a lot of money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2397404", "jb": ".ibazibo lo cmalu temselfesti sidbo cu se pensi", "en": "Then a little time-wasting idea came to mind.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3232598", "jb": "sa'u mi djica lo ka prane", "en": "I just want to be perfect.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2365908", "jb": "lo balnema cu tarmi simsa lo finpe", "en": "Whales are similar to fish in shape.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664895", "jb": "mi viska lo cukta", "en": "I see a book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187392", "jb": "mo spati", "en": "What kind of plant is it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2575428", "jb": "au mi djuno da'i", "en": "I wish I knew.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2725189", "jb": "sai nai na lakne", "en": "It's not likely but possible.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:752118", "jb": "ra renro lo selkei be vo'a", "en": "He threw his toy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2878435", "jb": "mi djica nai lo ka jinvi lo se jinvi be do", "en": "I don't want your opinion.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1752977", "jb": "ko na prami sepi'o lo valsi .a lo bangu .i ku'i ko prami ta'i lo se zukte .e lo jetnu", "en": "Don't love using words or language, but love by actions and truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:702168", "jb": "tu'a ra nanca li ji'i vono", "en": "He is about forty.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663599", "jb": "lo bavlamdei cu velsladei", "en": "Tomorrow is a holiday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1484480", "jb": "di'ai .miuri'el.", "en": "Happy birthday, Muiriel!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668400", "jb": "mi ca'o pensi tu'a do", "en": "I'm thinking of you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1705962", "jb": "lo mi pendo cu skicu mi fo lo ka tolvri", "en": "My friend called me a coward.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1993765", "jb": "ma pante", "en": "Who's complaining?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1725067", "jb": "ganai lo nu ko'a klama cu lerci gi ko dunda le vi notci ko'a", "en": "If she should come late, give her this message.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:776948", "jb": "mi prami ra", "en": "I love her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095548", "jb": "ja'o mi tolnelci lo genja birje", "en": "So, I dislike root beer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583765", "jb": "e'e mi jukpa lo nanba", "en": "I can bake bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937859", "jb": "mi dzukla", "en": "I went on foot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766049", "jb": "mi na tugni ko'a", "en": "I don't agree with him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1610883", "jb": "mi toltce djuno fi la .ceikspir.", "en": "I know a little about Shakespeare.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2840673", "jb": "ra pu co'i catlu lo nicte tsani", "en": "He looked up at the night sky.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3477565", "jb": "lo do cutci ti zvati", "en": "Your shoes are here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1685997", "jb": "le za'umei pu gunta lo prenu .enai lo panpi prenu", "en": "They were attacking people, not peaceful people.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621598", "jb": "xu do pu nonkansa", "en": "Were you alone?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621590", "jb": "mi na nonkansa", "en": "I'm not alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803568", "jb": "ve du'o le do selsne do mi klina viska", "en": "Under the epistemology of your dream, you clearly see me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2028905", "jb": "xu do ji'a doi brutus", "en": "You too, Brutus?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588381", "jb": "mi zgana lo nu la .tam. cu cinba la .meris.", "en": "I saw Tom kiss Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1679718", "jb": "ca lo prulamdei ku mi penmi la kristinas.", "en": "Yesterday I met Christina.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947788", "jb": "mi mutce cikna", "en": "I'm wide awake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1979255", "jb": "mi terve'u .ei loi xrula fi'o se dunda le mi pampe'o", "en": "I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:600573", "jb": "ko ciska le do cmene le liste gi'e dunda ly. lo lamji be do", "en": "Put down your name on the list and pass it on to the next person.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3787635", "jb": "ko fanva dei la glibau", "en": "Translate this sentence into English.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2488127", "jb": "mi no mu'ei speni do", "en": "I would never be your husband.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972319", "jb": "ta tolplixau mi", "en": "That is useless to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4143202", "jb": "mi'o na simxu lo ka slabu", "en": "We don't know each other.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1625496", "jb": "go'i .i ta zdani mi", "en": "Yes, that's my house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2340627", "jb": "lo rirpa'u be mi cu dusyda'eblubi'a", "en": "My grandfather suffers from hypertension.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577892", "jb": "la tom cu pendo mi", "en": "Tom's my friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664667", "jb": "xu do ralte re lo cukta", "en": "Do you have two books?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098216", "jb": "mi na kadno", "en": "I am not Canadian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813115", "jb": "zo lutsiferas cmene ko'a", "en": "Her name is Lucifera.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1963367", "jb": "na vi snura", "en": "It's not safe here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2441805", "jb": "lonu mi zenba cpacu kei selja'e lonu mi zenba djica .i lonu mi zenba djica kei selja'e lonu mi jdika cpacu .i lonu mi jdika cpacu kei selja'e lonu mi jdika djica .i lonu mi jdika djica kei selja'e lonu mi zenba cpacu", "en": "The more I get, the more I want. The more I want, the less I get. The less I get, the less I want. The less I want, the more I get.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2082028", "jb": "la tom cu se pendo pa da poi lo mamta be ke'a cu mikce lo danlu", "en": "Tom has a friend whose mother is a veterinarian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2519763", "jb": "da pu nenri lo zdadi'u", "en": "Somebody was in the house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1992977", "jb": "ma se slabu lo cukta poi papri pa mei", "en": "Who is familiar with a book consisting of one page only?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3427764", "jb": "mi djica lo nu zukte la'ede'u", "en": "I want to do this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972295", "jb": "xu do ca'o klama le renytcana ca lo nu mi penmi do", "en": "Were you going to the railway station when I saw you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098076", "jb": "le nanmu cu ninmu", "en": "The man is a woman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999969", "jb": "ma lo do mlatu cu kurji ca'o do darno", "en": "Who will look after your cat while you are away?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093296", "jb": "ia cu'i lo cevni cu zasti", "en": "Hmm ... God may or may not exist.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:746582", "jb": "gau la.pacrid. mi co'e", "en": "The Devil made me do it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588810", "jb": "mi ba finti lo danfu be ra", "en": "I'll solve that problem.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254803", "jb": "ma ca zukte", "en": "Who does that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1667782", "jb": "pe'a di'u ckaji lo nu mi catra re cipni pi'o pa rokci", "en": "That way I kill two birds with one stone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762185", "jb": "ki'ecai", "en": "I cannot thank you too much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3625951", "jb": "le nakni cu dasni loi rotsu lenjo", "en": "He wears thick glasses.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:609698", "jb": "loi cipni cu vofli", "en": "Birds fly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597842", "jb": "ra nonkansa", "en": "He is alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:701004", "jb": "vreji le se casnu", "en": "This conversation is being recorded.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1827641", "jb": "lo mivru'e cu mutce xlali va'o lo nu claxu do", "en": "Life's a ruin without you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664374", "jb": "ko'a cusku lo jetnu", "en": "He spoke truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187413", "jb": "ta mo flani", "en": "What kind of flute is that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368737", "jb": "mi na jinvi lo du'u da djuno lo danfu", "en": "I don't think that anybody knows the answer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:892574", "jb": ".au mi kansa la.geter.ianis. lo nu mrobi'o", "en": "I want to die with Getter Jaani.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3479119", "jb": "lo rusko bangu cu te valsi fi no da fe lo se zifre", "en": "There is no word for liberty in the Russian language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2597848", "jb": "mi xagji", "en": "I feel hungry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999942", "jb": "ti nuzykarni gi'i xrakarni", "en": "Is this a newspaper or a magazine?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2098922", "jb": "coi mi'e nolraitru be lo munje", "en": "Hi, I'm the King of the Universe.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2591411", "jb": "mi'ai pilno lo sanbau po'o bu'u lo zdani", "en": "We only use Spanish at home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:842367", "jb": "do jbena fo la.xokaidon. vau je'u pei", "en": "You are from Hokkaido, aren't you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:694057", "jb": "ko ga'orgau lo do cukta", "en": "Close your book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1876221", "jb": "la bab. pu nerkla lo ri karce", "en": "Bob got into his car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4212961", "jb": "da'i mi se ba'i e'anmo le nakni lo ka zukte tai tu'a ri", "en": "I would rather let him have his own way.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655600", "jb": "mi jimpe", "en": "I understand.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857207", "jb": ".u'e melbi danlu", "en": "What a lovely creature!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:891834", "jb": "ma jdini", "en": "How much does it cost?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:672197", "jb": "mi viska lo nolnau .e lo nolni'u", "en": "I see a nobleman and a noblewoman.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093368", "jb": ".i'e cu'i lo cmaci ka'e cfipu lo co'a ve ckule", "en": "Speaking objectively, math can be confusing for 1st graders.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4434493", "jb": "le nu tankyva'u cu galfi le kamka'o", "en": "Smoking affects our health.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2397405", "jb": "mi na jimpe le ctununta'a be ko'a", "en": "Her lecture is above my head.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3452411", "jb": "lo ka depcni na se stati mi", "en": "Patience is a virtue that I don't possess.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2130547", "jb": "u'unai mi pu celgunta no prenu", "en": "I didn't shoot anyone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932340", "jb": "ko'a jinvi lo du'u kakne lo nu je'urja'o", "en": "He thinks he can prove it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:745344", "jb": ".a'o ko'a ba zi kanro", "en": "Hopefully he will be healthy soon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932289", "jb": "cmalu klani", "en": "Just a little bit.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093211", "jb": ".a'i mi ba gasnu lo nu do cikna binxo", "en": "It'll be hard for me to wake you up.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2393403", "jb": "mi termu'i lo ka jai clira", "en": "I plan on being early.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664819", "jb": "lo mi rirni cu na jimpe fi mi", "en": "My parents don't understand me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:662569", "jb": "ma tcini do", "en": "How are you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1698749", "jb": "le mi lanzu cu pu klama lo mivdalmuzga mu'i lo ka viska lo cionmau kei ca lo prulamkemyzeldei", "en": "My family went to the zoo to see pandas last Sunday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714186", "jb": ".i li'a loi jdini cu pelji .aucu'i .i je ti dacti je karce", "en": "You know, money is just paper, and that is a real car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1987516", "jb": "na djica gi'onai na kakne", "en": "Either they don't want to or they can't.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2119257", "jb": "carvi", "en": "It's raining.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2798542", "jb": "ei mi'ai jdice ca lo cabdei", "en": "We have to decide today.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668582", "jb": "lei gunka cu jibypante", "en": "The workers are on strike.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1693310", "jb": "se ke satci detri lo nanca be li pazevore", "en": "The exact date is 1742.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2808278", "jb": "mi kanpe lo nu ra sidju mi", "en": "I expect him to help me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:694992", "jb": "ba'a oi ra fliba", "en": "I'm afraid she will fail.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2348999", "jb": "ca'e ra me lo nandu poi zgagau fi lo nu lo prenu cu mokau", "en": "It is difficulties that show what people are.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:841637", "jb": "ca ma ckupra lo do cnino brafi'a", "en": "When will your new novel come out?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1533727", "jb": "ko'a pu ca'o gunka je tatpi", "en": "She was tired, but she kept working.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4424373", "jb": "mi'ai pu snada lo nu ce'u limna be mo'i pa'o le rirxe", "en": "We managed to swim across the river.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1762942", "jb": "ra djuno lo fatci", "en": "He knows the truth.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2533741", "jb": "mi pu jinvi lo du'u la tom mi pendo", "en": "I regarded Tom as a friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093416", "jb": ".o'a nai mi mrilu le notci lo srera noigri", "en": "Oops, I posted the message to the wrong newsgroup.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655644", "jb": ".au pikta co klama la boston", "en": "I'd like a ticket to Boston.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663659", "jb": "loi spati cu se xrani lo bisli", "en": "The plants were damaged by the frost.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2558091", "jb": "ma cmene ko'a", "en": "What's his name?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655505", "jb": "mikce vi ma", "en": "Where is a doctor?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1583930", "jb": "mi pengau lo mi patfa lo tcidu", "en": "I introduced my father to the teacher.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728654", "jb": ".au sipna", "en": "I'm sleepy!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1516541", "jb": "ko'a za'o nejni prenu", "en": "He is still very much alive.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333453", "jb": "ma ponse lo ti cukta", "en": "Whose book is this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3878552", "jb": "ko'a pu finti re lo cukta", "en": "He has written two books.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2159123", "jb": "ra ba kelci lo fudbolo ca lo bavlamdei", "en": "He will play soccer tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:813421", "jb": ".e'o ko bevri mi fo ti", "en": "Please take me away from here!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1767916", "jb": ".e'u do na'e xanka sei lo bandu'e'u ko'a na bangu", "en": "Don't worry. She doesn't understand German.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1678901", "jb": "ma'a na ru'e mo'u gunka", "en": "Our work is almost over.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2252970", "jb": "ko za'ure'u troci", "en": "Try again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:695773", "jb": "lo bangu zo'u mi ce do simxu le ka ce'u ctuca ce'u", "en": "We both teach each other the language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254810", "jb": "ma se zvati lo cidja pe mi", "en": "Where's my food?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989559", "jb": "go'o .i na go'i", "en": "The following sentence is true. The preceding sentence is false.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:697573", "jb": "mi klama la paris ca lo bavlamdei", "en": "I'm travelling to Paris tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098223", "jb": "mi nelci le jugygu'e", "en": "I like China.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588357", "jb": "ko cinba mi", "en": "Kiss me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1484710", "jb": ".uicu'i", "en": "I'm fine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3811344", "jb": "le nakni pu smusku lo ka pindi", "en": "He said he was poor.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4226087", "jb": "si'au zei'a nandu fa lo ka tolcri lo jibri poi xamgu", "en": "Apparently, it's getting more difficult to find a good job.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291045", "jb": "ma se zvati lo do pampe'o", "en": "Where's your girlfriend?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:685598", "jb": "iu mi'e djan", "en": "Love, Jon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3771651", "jb": "ko'a bebna", "en": "They are foolish.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1502062", "jb": "la .tom. masno mutce cadzu", "en": "Tom walks very slowly.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:755454", "jb": "mi na se bangu lo banxe'ebu", "en": "I don't speak Hebrew.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4380631", "jb": "ta karni fo le'e verntineidja", "en": "That magazine is aimed at teenagers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:631460", "jb": "ko na citka", "en": "Do not eat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3878581", "jb": "ko fonjorne lo mikce", "en": "Call the doctor!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2584364", "jb": "la .tom. pu kargau lo canko", "en": "Tom opened a window.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807344", "jb": "ti spati la'o ly.Schlumbergera truncata.ly.", "en": "This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621591", "jb": "ra pu tolcando", "en": "He was busy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1559842", "jb": "ti rupnu li xo", "en": "What's the price of this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857243", "jb": "mi ba ciksi", "en": "I'll explain everything.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098509", "jb": "pu zu sanga", "en": "He sang a long time ago.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093469", "jb": ".u'o cu'i xu mi zifre lo nu stali", "en": "Erm, may I stay here?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:618778", "jb": "ma'a tirna se pi'o loi vo'a kerlo", "en": "We hear with our ears.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700515", "jb": "do canci", "en": "You disappear.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932062", "jb": "xu ko'a djica lo nu viska", "en": "Does she want to look at it?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333637", "jb": "mi pu viska lo xirma noi ke'a lacpu lo marce", "en": "I saw a horse pulling a cart.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:773211", "jb": "oi mi cortu lo xantamji ca lo nu xance plipe", "en": "I hurt my thumb doing a handspring.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705221", "jb": "mi traji troci gi'e ku'i fliba za'u re'u", "en": "I tried my best, only to fail again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1775882", "jb": "pe'u do ko jukpa su'o tcati", "en": "Please make some tea.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3078993", "jb": "i lo munje ba snura ri'a lo nu melbi", "en": "The world will be saved by beauty.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3404375", "jb": "mi xabju ka'ai lo mi onkle", "en": "I live with my uncle.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857568", "jb": "ko'a le bruna be ko'a cu mleca lo ni claselxadni", "en": "He is not as tall as his brother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1669813", "jb": "ma zasti se pensi la tom", "en": "What does Tom really think?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096213", "jb": ".i lo rectu be ko ku se canlu lo briju vau ga'i nai", "en": "Get your meat right into my office, you maggot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1679912", "jb": "la .tom. mutce stati nanla", "en": "Tom is a very smart boy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1937531", "jb": "mi toljunri lo nu le do mamta pu cusku makau", "en": "I don't care what your mother said.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1920186", "jb": "la .iokos. cu ponjo cmene", "en": "Yoko is a Japanese name.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1517817", "jb": ".i lo ko'a flira ku danre lo zarci canko gau ko'a", "en": "He pressed his face against the shop window.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4425253", "jb": "so'i da prali fi lo ka melbi", "en": "There are many benefits to being beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:838106", "jb": "mi'a xrabo", "en": "We are Arabs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:891988", "jb": "mi bajra", "en": "I run.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4436837", "jb": "lo'e traduki cu traide", "en": "To translate is to betray.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1122352", "jb": "mi djica lo nu citka lo rectu .e lo stagi", "en": "I want to eat meat and vegetables.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:815452", "jb": "la .tokios. te sruma lo ka mutce tolckape tcadu", "en": "Tokyo is supposed to be a very safe city.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972161", "jb": "le terdi ze'ecaru'i binxo", "en": "The world changes a lot.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813124", "jb": ".e'o ko jarco fi mi fe lo pluta be lo sorprekarcytcana", "en": "Could you show me the way to the bus stop?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:626061", "jb": "mo", "en": "What?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3692728", "jb": "gau ko mi na pikci", "en": "Don't make me beg.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1974806", "jb": "lo cmarai be lei re bruna pu cusku", "en": "The smaller of the brothers said this.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766015", "jb": "lu la kukis gerku gi'i mlatu li'u preti .i lu nagi'o li'u danfu", "en": "Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2608036", "jb": "sei cumki ra pu drani", "en": "He may have been right.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1524260", "jb": "xu do morsi", "en": "Are you dead?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941210", "jb": "mutce la'orxi'o", "en": "She's a devout Catholic.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291051", "jb": "ma se zvati lo do tixnu", "en": "Where's your daughter?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1752440", "jb": "ko'a ba zi cliva lo rirni zdani", "en": "He will soon leave his parents' home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:743620", "jb": "mi jbena fo la.kioton.", "en": "I was born in Kyoto.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2112536", "jb": "mi'e xacimotos.", "en": "My name is Hashimoto.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1117857", "jb": "mi na'e pu sanji lo nu ra zvati", "en": "I was not aware of his presence.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333413", "jb": "mi jbena fo la bemjoitco", "en": "I'm from America.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3411079", "jb": "lo cukta cu cinri mi", "en": "The book interests me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1685975", "jb": "le ninmu poi la argail pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni", "en": "The woman Argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3761192", "jb": "mi nintadni la lojban", "en": "I'm a beginner in Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:753343", "jb": "ra ro roi djica lo nu tadni lo ponbau", "en": "He always wanted to study Japanese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:801097", "jb": "le nakni pu kansa lo speni be vo'a", "en": "He was accompanied by his wife.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3944421", "jb": "loi be mi pendo cu mutce vajni mi", "en": "My friends are very important to me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2784162", "jb": "xu le verba za'o cikna", "en": "Is the kid still up?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:628128", "jb": "mi dejni no da", "en": "I am free of debt.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:751123", "jb": "mi'e suzyn.grin.", "en": "I'm Susan Greene.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004517", "jb": "lo mi karcyckiku ma zvati", "en": "Where are my car keys?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2760543", "jb": "la loris cu cinla", "en": "Laurie is slim.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1972225", "jb": "do mo ca le mumdei", "en": "What're you going to do on Friday?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098514", "jb": "mi sanga ze'a lo cacra be li re", "en": "I sang for two hours.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2384341", "jb": "mi na pu djuno lo nu la tom cu ralte lo gerku", "en": "I didn't know Tom had a dog.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1876231", "jb": "lo malsi pu se zbasu ca lo pamumoi ctona'a", "en": "The church was built in the fifteenth century.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1733250", "jb": ".ua na'e xlali", "en": "Damn! It's not bad!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999988", "jb": "fi'i ko citka loi nabypalne", "en": "Please have some pie.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1669836", "jb": "e'o ko fraxu mi lo nu tolmorji lo nu tavla do", "en": "Please forgive me for forgetting to call you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857194", "jb": ".u'e lo soltolfa'u cu melbi", "en": "How beautiful a sunrise is!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004521", "jb": "lo ko'a patfu cu mrobi'o ba'o lo nu zdani xruti", "en": "His father died after his return home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3637680", "jb": "mi cirko lo mi baxydinkarda", "en": "I lost my debit card.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3969746", "jb": "ko klama ca lo cerni pa moi'o", "en": "Come tomorrow morning.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4228582", "jb": "co'u nai je ku'i zei'a sicpi", "en": "Instead of stopping, the rain increased.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577848", "jb": "mi tai seicni", "en": "I feel so lonely.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763583", "jb": "ma te zgana lo se srera", "en": "How is the error observed?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:695650", "jb": "ti mutce cmalu cukta", "en": "This is a very small book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4207641", "jb": "le jitro cu livbai la .tom. le barja", "en": "The bartender kicked Tom out of the bar.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1757143", "jb": ".aunai mi tcidu lo vi cukta", "en": "I don't want to read this book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167352", "jb": "nabmi do .enai mi", "en": "It's your problem, not mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:987042", "jb": "ra na'e bebmau do", "en": "They aren't dumber than you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2469703", "jb": "mi djica tu'a lo flaume pesxu", "en": "I'd like some plum jam.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1725884", "jb": "mi na ka'e renvi lo nu ta jikfanza", "en": "I can't bear his rudeness.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:741605", "jb": "mi tinbe le platu le sorgu'etru", "en": "I'm following the plans made by congress.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:742787", "jb": "ja'o ko'a nalzvati", "en": "He must be out.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1662967", "jb": "la .tom. ca'o cisma sega'a lo verba", "en": "Tom is smiling at the baby.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763428", "jb": "do cinmo ma la.nuiork.", "en": "How do you like New York?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3445869", "jb": "xo'o do na ka'e junri", "en": "You cannot be serious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:713250", "jb": "xu na simsa lo minra", "en": "Doesn't it look like a mirror?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1523643", "jb": "la .tom. patfu ci zo'e", "en": "Tom's a farther of three.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3703364", "jb": "do ti ta'i ma klama", "en": "How did you come here?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3327606", "jb": "mi na fengu", "en": "I'm not angry.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2943640", "jb": "mi je'a prami do", "en": "I do love you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4258869", "jb": "la tom pu dunda lo jai se pa'u flora la maris", "en": "Tom gave a bouquet of flowers to Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704955", "jb": "ku'i ta'i ma mi'a cpacu lo jufra .i je ta'i ma mi'a fanva jy", "en": "But where do we get those sentences? And how do we translate them?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:713406", "jb": "melbi kanla ra", "en": "She has beautiful eyes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1999938", "jb": "mi ba samymri fi do bau lo jugbau", "en": "I'll email you in Chinese later.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:724806", "jb": "lo nu tu'a do cfari cu sarcu", "en": "It is necessary for you to start now.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765685", "jb": "la tom anai la meris klama lo zarci", "en": "Tom goes to the market if Mary goes to the market.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4207794", "jb": "ca'o lo nu mi gunka kei mi pensi", "en": "while I work, I reflect", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:717497", "jb": "ra cliva ti pu zu lo nu do klama", "en": "She left here long before you arrived.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1687386", "jb": "mi lo nu kamjunmre tadni na kakne ri'a tu'a lo savru", "en": "I cannot revise with this noise.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1966248", "jb": "simlu lo ka se pirlarfi'i be la .mikelAnjelos.", "en": "It looks like a Michelangelo painting.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664338", "jb": "xu lo prenu cu kufra .i na go'i", "en": "Are people comfortable? No.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1517468", "jb": ".e'o ko birti le du'u le djacu ku curve", "en": "Please make sure the drinking water is pure.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3014530", "jb": "ma nenri le botpi", "en": "What's in the bottle?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813146", "jb": "ma tcika", "en": "What time is it please?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2579313", "jb": "za'u ra pu ca'o klaku", "en": "They were crying.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1941227", "jb": "mi nitcu lo nu tavla ko'a", "en": "I've got to speak to her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2701794", "jb": "lo tsani na ba klina", "en": "The skies won't be clear.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1873774", "jb": "lo vi nanba cu kukte", "en": "This bread is delicious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2376863", "jb": "mi djica fe po'o da'i lo nu ko'a na tai kargu", "en": "I just wish it wasn't so expensive.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:611366", "jb": "lo cribe cu kakne lo ka cpare lo tricu", "en": "A bear can climb a tree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2340593", "jb": "ti nunbrari'a batke", "en": "This is the zoom button.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1598031", "jb": "coi doi le blanu tsani", "en": "Hi, the blue sky!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:717501", "jb": "mi terpa la'e di'u", "en": "I fear so.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2414340", "jb": "no lo prenu cu zvati", "en": "There is nobody about.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686000", "jb": "pe'a mabla kerfa djedi", "en": "\"Bad hair day\".", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2993265", "jb": "la xueizis pu retsku fi lo djuanzis fe \"lu fau da'inai lo nu do na'e finpe vau ta'i ma do facki lo nu fe makau fa lo finpe cu nelci li'u\"", "en": "Huizi asked Zhuangzi: \"If you're not a fish, how do you know what fish enjoy?\"", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3006928", "jb": "mi denpa tu'a no da", "en": "I don't wait for anybody.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2491011", "jb": "lo bolci pe lo verba cu pu farlu ne'i lo cmari'e", "en": "The child's ball fell into the creek.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1602876", "jb": "ti pendo mi", "en": "This is a friend of mine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1728639", "jb": "mi pu'o jdice", "en": "I haven't decided yet.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:776653", "jb": "ca ma do cliva", "en": "When are you off?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:635870", "jb": "lo nolraitru cu turni lo gugde", "en": "The king governed the country.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3765302", "jb": "la tom pu se catra", "en": "Tom got killed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:705208", "jb": "lo mi tanxe be lo cakla ma zvati", "en": "Where's my box of chocolates?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:793643", "jb": "lu xu mlatu li'u preti fi lo tolci'o nanmu", "en": "\"A cat?\" asked the old man.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807272", "jb": "li mo'e namcrgogolo du li pano te'a panono", "en": "A googol is ten to the power of one hundred.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2621627", "jb": "mi melbi", "en": "I'm beautiful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:755972", "jb": "lo vi mlatu cu selpo'e mi", "en": "This is my cat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1768605", "jb": "ko carna fi lo pritu bu'u lo te kruca", "en": "Turn right at the crossroad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803482", "jb": ".i la'a prenu .i ku'i ni'inai lo se cusku pe la petr.", "en": "It's probably a person. However, not logically entailing Peter's expression...", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932285", "jb": "ma temci fi le nunvacysai", "en": "How much time before dinner?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1657004", "jb": "ma cmene lo tcini poi do klama ke'a", "en": "Which station are you going to?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4456377", "jb": "do xusra lo jitfa", "en": "You are wrong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288441", "jb": "za'u ciki'o prenu cu pu zvati lenu zgitigni", "en": "More than 3000 people were at the concert.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2637111", "jb": "xu ra ba klama i mi na jinvi lo nu ra klama", "en": "Will he come? I don't think he will come.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3759532", "jb": "mi prityxanpre", "en": "I am right-handed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664382", "jb": "mi pacna lo nu do snada", "en": "I hope for your success.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664624", "jb": "ko'a nelci lo traji melbi xrula", "en": "He likes most beautiful flowers.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1765248", "jb": "lo jdini pu gafygau lo ra nunji'e", "en": "Money has changed his life.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:845782", "jb": "lo vi relxilma'e cu se ralte lo mi bruna", "en": "This bicycle belongs to my brother.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096049", "jb": "mi na djuno lo du'u ti mo kau", "en": "I don't know what this is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2448931", "jb": "lo pluka ko li'i sipna", "en": "Have a nice sleep!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:724745", "jb": "mi cusku lo se du'u benji lo za'u re'u pikta mi kei ra", "en": "I told them to send me another ticket.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:795917", "jb": ".ie cai", "en": "I'm feeling very much in agreement", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:708127", "jb": "ra na klama ca lo prulamdei", "en": "She didn't go there yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803639", "jb": "mi zbasu lo botpi se pu'e lo blaci grana", "en": "I make bottles starting with glass rods.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2529860", "jb": "ma se zvati lo be do kanla", "en": "Where are your eyes?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2581977", "jb": "la tom pu pamoi darxi mi", "en": "Tom hit me first.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2163266", "jb": "gijanai do klama gi mi ba klama", "en": "I will go if you go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2588801", "jb": "ko jungau mi lo nu do djica makau", "en": "Tell me what you want.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:789040", "jb": "lo nu tadni lo baurnuludu na nandu", "en": "It's not difficult to learn Dutch.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:779049", "jb": "ko na klama", "en": "Don't come.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664406", "jb": "ti mlemau", "en": "This one is prettier.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2499194", "jb": "pu fasnu za lo nanca be li so'u pa", "en": "That was only a year ago.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2830916", "jb": "ko stogau lo be do xance lo ka nalpencu lo be mi tixnu", "en": "Keep your hands off my daughter!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1749256", "jb": "ko'a kulmu'o ca lo prulamna'a", "en": "She graduated from high school last year.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2821717", "jb": "la tom pu stali bu'u lo zdani", "en": "Tom stayed home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187405", "jb": "do skepre ma", "en": "What kind of scientist are you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4167570", "jb": "do ba nitcu lo co'e", "en": "You'll need it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1110327", "jb": "la xuaKIN. se krasi lo gugde'aru .i xy. gento", "en": "Joaqu\u00edn is from Argentina. He is Argentinian.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762286", "jb": "mu'i ma la tom zukte lo co'e", "en": "Why is Tom doing this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686025", "jb": "lo prenu poi ke'a catra la'oi JFK cu te pleji fi la'oi CIA", "en": "The person who shot JFK worked for the CIA.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3006738", "jb": "mi je'a nelci lo xamsi cidja", "en": "I really like seafood.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932280", "jb": "lo nu jamna cu vindu le terdi", "en": "War is the poison of the world.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1730865", "jb": "ta'o do nanca li xo", "en": "By the way, how old are you?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3583715", "jb": "le nanla ca citka lo nanba", "en": "The boy eats bread.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749022", "jb": "ra ca ca'o cadzu", "en": "He is taking a walk.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2093310", "jb": "e'i mi ca cliva co'o", "en": "I have to go now. Bye!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:678418", "jb": "ri'a ma", "en": "Why?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:741180", "jb": "xu do nelci lo blabi cakla", "en": "Do you like white chocolate?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714284", "jb": "ta pu jarco lo du'u vo'a stace", "en": "He proved to be honest.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:718824", "jb": "ra na ru'e se janli lo karce", "en": "He was almost hit by a car.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749025", "jb": "ra klamu'o la.tokion. ca lo prulamdei", "en": "He arrived in Tokyo yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:625677", "jb": "ma cmene do", "en": "What's your name?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692067", "jb": "la ken ka'e xamgu limna", "en": "Ken can swim well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4308368", "jb": "lo creka po mi cu narju", "en": "My shirt is orange.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714648", "jb": "je'u le selgungunma cu nandu .i ku'i la naun.xaras. ba kakne lo ka snada mulgau", "en": "It's true that the project is a difficult task, but Mr Hara will be able to bring it off.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813099", "jb": "mi stali lo ta xotli", "en": "I'm staying at that hotel.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4308356", "jb": "lo ti gerku cu blabi", "en": "This dog is white.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:657765", "jb": "zi nu trene klama", "en": "The train is leaving soon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095701", "jb": ".i do tavla fi ma pau nai", "en": "What are you talking about?!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:731814", "jb": "bunre kerfa mi", "en": "I have brown hair.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1705992", "jb": "ko ka'argau lo patlu", "en": "Cut the potatoes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1761911", "jb": "ta me mi tixnu", "en": "She's my daughter.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1096669", "jb": "ra xamgu limna", "en": "He is a good swimmer.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2665682", "jb": "ra na djuno lo nu makau patfu", "en": "She doesn't know who the father is.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3617667", "jb": "do bilga lo nu ternoi fi loi pulji ca lo nu pare'u kakne", "en": "You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2607968", "jb": "mi prami lo nei", "en": "I love myself.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2303800", "jb": "sei lakne lo ctino ku jinvi da bi'unai", "en": "Young people tend to think so.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2393433", "jb": "ko na renro lo jemna vi lo xarju", "en": "Do not cast pearls before swine.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1994755", "jb": "lo dinju noi se stuzi lo cmacmana cu mutce lo ka laldo", "en": "The house which stands on the hill is very old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668745", "jb": ".i ko mi jungau fo lo bavla'i nunpe'i ja'e .au lo nu mi kakne co jukpa lo titnanba .e lo tcati .e lo ckafi", "en": "Let me know the next time you will visit, so I can make some cookies, tea and coffee.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762289", "jb": "lo ti se dunda la tom", "en": "This gift is from Tom.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1681296", "jb": "xu do nelci lo glibau", "en": "Do you like English?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2579315", "jb": "lo tsani pu grusi", "en": "The sky was gray.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3689133", "jb": "la tom ca simlu lo ka tatpi", "en": "Tom seems to be tired.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1873598", "jb": "le patfu pu klama le banxa ki'u lo nu vo'a claxu lo jdini", "en": "Dad went to the bank because he was short of money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1600917", "jb": ".au mi ciska lo cukta", "en": "I want to write a book.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807244", "jb": "mi prami la tato'ebas", "en": "I love Tatoeba.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2878911", "jb": "ko cusku zo ui", "en": "Say cheese.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098273", "jb": "la .ian. na nelci lo pendo mi", "en": "Yang doesn't like my friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098134", "jb": "mi djuno lo du'u la'oi cntrational se cinri la lojban", "en": "I know that cntrational is interested in Lojban.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3757468", "jb": "pe'i mi kakne lo ka bapli lo nu la tom cu klama", "en": "I think I can persuade Tom to go.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:744985", "jb": "ca lo prulamcte mi tcidu lo cukta", "en": "I read the book last night.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3009030", "jb": "mi ba mutce jundi", "en": "I'll be very careful.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766599", "jb": "no da klama", "en": "Nobody came.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761956", "jb": "la.tatoebas. zo'u se krinu lo nu lo bangu cu zmadu lo sumji be lo valsi", "en": "Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4061297", "jb": "la tom za'o zvati lo ckana", "en": "Tom is still in bed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1740961", "jb": "la .tam. pu catra la .meiris.", "en": "Tom killed Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:716163", "jb": "ci da tixnu ra", "en": "He has three daughters.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1735668", "jb": "coi .tom.", "en": "Hi, Tom!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1989296", "jb": "li'anaidai xo'o doi sapyga'e", "en": "Good job, Captain Obvious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254201", "jb": "da poi jmive ca vi zvati", "en": "There's someone here.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:863959", "jb": ".e'o ko jirlu'i lo cifnu", "en": "Please give the baby a bath.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:649856", "jb": ".ie", "en": "I agree.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3081146", "jb": "ro da djica lo nu ru'i panpi", "en": "Everyone wants continuous peace.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2042268", "jb": "kukte", "en": "It's delicious.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:600779", "jb": "xu do stali lo zdani ze'a lo cabycte", "en": "Will you stay at home tonight?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3693146", "jb": "do djica ma", "en": "What do you want?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762296", "jb": "ko ctigau mi", "en": "Feed me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1559841", "jb": "ma jdima ti", "en": "What's the price of this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2303837", "jb": "ta'e cando", "en": "He tends to be idle.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4428383", "jb": "ko'a kakne lo nu xamgu tavla lo glibau", "en": "She can speak English pretty well.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668355", "jb": "lo pu'u lifri cu zmadu le selvi'a", "en": "There is more in life than meets the eye.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4412665", "jb": "mi xebni lo'e se sitsku .i ko jungau mi lo poi'i ba'e do djuno", "en": "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1966694", "jb": "do ba se pluka xu", "en": "Would you like that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:836397", "jb": "la.uan. jungo", "en": "Mr Wang is from China.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3445745", "jb": "ca lo nu mi zasti vau mi pu noroi viska lo tricu poi se klani lo barda sai", "en": "I've never seen so many trees in my life.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1655607", "jb": "mi prami do - .i go'ira'o", "en": "I love you - I love you too.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3293956", "jb": "mi au djuno", "en": "I want to know.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857378", "jb": "mi na djica lo nu terve'u lo zdani ko'a", "en": "I don't want to buy that house from him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:618732", "jb": "ra pinxe lo djacu pa kabri ca ro cerni", "en": "He drinks a glass of water every morning.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2684339", "jb": "ra zo'u lo tatru cu barda", "en": "She has big boobs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1525062", "jb": "ko'a pilno re kicne ca lonu ko'a sipna", "en": "She sleeps with two pillows.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2591481", "jb": "mi tirna do po'o", "en": "I hear only you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1958859", "jb": "mi na kakne lo nu fanva dei poi jufra", "en": "This is the sentence which I can't translate.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:863700", "jb": "lo vi pinsi zo'u ma ponse", "en": "Whose pencil is this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096092", "jb": "ki'a nai .i do pu xalbo", "en": "I see, you were joking.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1878988", "jb": "lei fakli'u cu facki lo bogygreku ne'i le kevna", "en": "The explorers discovered a skeleton in the cave.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3760798", "jb": "pau do fanva zoi gy.How do you say \u201cI ate an apple.\u201d in Lojban?.gy. la lojban fo ma", "en": "How do you say \"How do you say 'I ate an apple.' in Lojban?\" in Lojban?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:888919", "jb": "lo cmene be lo finti cu slabu mi", "en": "The author's name is familiar to us.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:634600", "jb": "xu ta'o do zifre ca lo lecydo'i", "en": "By the way, are you free this afternoon?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3813081", "jb": "ma smuni fi do", "en": "What is your interpretation of that?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1776565", "jb": "ko na jai lerci", "en": "Don't be late.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3692775", "jb": "ko klasti i xunre sinxa", "en": "Stop. There's a red light.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803891", "jb": "za'u ra nau nonkansa", "en": "They're now alone.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4348180", "jb": "le mi junla cu julbaco lo mentu be li re", "en": "My clock is two minutes fast.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2345271", "jb": "mi nitcu lo ckiku lo nu kargau lo tanxe", "en": "I need a key to open a box.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2368723", "jb": ".ei do troci lo nu co'e bu'u lo drata", "en": "You must try somewhere else.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:731312", "jb": "lo tixnu cu mutce simsa lo mamta be vo'a", "en": "The girl resembles her mother very much.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4355599", "jb": "ca lo cabdei mi jorne", "en": "Today I'm online.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2578012", "jb": "mi laldo pendo", "en": "I'm an old friend.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1539746", "jb": "za'i mutce vlipa kei ja'e lo mutce selfuzme", "en": "With great power comes great responsibility.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1513850", "jb": "ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. la .inglic.", "en": "What is the English for \"kaisha\"?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:848548", "jb": "mi nelci lo nu mi litru", "en": "I like to travel.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:704177", "jb": "la'e di'u se smuni lo du'u zifre lo nu pilno fi lo ctuca cukta a lo samselpla a lo facki gungunma a ro da", "en": "This means you can reuse them freely for a textbook, for an application, for a research project, for anything!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:769664", "jb": "ko'a co'a klama la lyndyn puza lo djedi be li re", "en": "He departed for London the day before yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3230408", "jb": "ti dukse cmalu", "en": "This is too small.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3452415", "jb": "mi na pu pare'u se bitygau sera'a lo ko'a selpla .i ku'i lo ko'a ka krici cu bitmu'i mi", "en": "I wasn't sold on their plan at first, but their conviction won me over.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1259322", "jb": "ko'a nanmu jeku'i virnu", "en": "Woman as she was, she was brave.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1691238", "jb": ".i mi se dirba la. platon .e ku'i mau bo lo nu jetnu", "en": "Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254149", "jb": "da se pacna", "en": "There is hope.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2397383", "jb": "ko'a zu'edji lo nu spebi'osi'u ca lo bavlamdei", "en": "They plan to get married tomorrow.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4228533", "jb": "lo'e verba cu nitcu lo ka se prami", "en": "Children need loving.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2585657", "jb": "mi djuno lodu'u la tam cu catlu makau", "en": "I know what Tom is looking at.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4264609", "jb": "ko viska ta", "en": "Look at that.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857301", "jb": "ko'a se dotybau", "en": "She speaks German.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3762269", "jb": "xu la tom gleki lo co'e", "en": "Is Tom happy about this?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3891586", "jb": "le fetsi cu ckeji lo vo'a laldo taxfu", "en": "She is ashamed of her old clothes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1758208", "jb": "xu do morji fi mi", "en": "Do you remember me?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1288220", "jb": "mi citka tezu'e lonu mi jmive", "en": "We eat so we may live.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1869335", "jb": "la .djak. na se mivmu'i", "en": "Jack has no goals for his life.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1305989", "jb": "xu do ka'e viska fi loza'i nicte manku", "en": "Can you see in the darkness of the night?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2793690", "jb": "lo be mi patfu cu tinzga lo klasika zgike", "en": "My father listens to classical music.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2384339", "jb": "mi na pu djuno lo nu ca vajni do", "en": "I didn't know that you cared.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3288849", "jb": ".e'u ko rinsa lo do lanzu", "en": "Please say hello to your family.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1685944", "jb": "ro jatna be lo gugde cu se slabu ro drata jatna be lo gugde", "en": "The president of every country knows the president of every other country.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2000016", "jb": "mi karbi ti poi pixra ku'o ta poi pixra", "en": "I compared this picture with that one.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4049526", "jb": "la maris pu smusku lo jitfa do", "en": "Mary lied to you.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1681279", "jb": "lo gerku pe la tom pu nitcu lo nu klama lo bartu", "en": "Tom's dog needed to go outside.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:738799", "jb": "mo'u mo ca lo cabdei", "en": "What have you done today?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1882321", "jb": "mi nelci lo mlatu .e lo gerku", "en": "I love both cats and dogs.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2415768", "jb": "e'u nai do citka lo na'e se jukpa cakcurnu", "en": "You shouldn't eat raw snails.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2004504", "jb": "ta fi ma pu klama", "en": "Where did that come from?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:683078", "jb": "mi merko", "en": "I am an American.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714289", "jb": "ui mi mo'u volve", "en": "I'm glad to be back.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:711754", "jb": "lo temci zo'u lo prenu ro roi troci lo nu catra .i ku'i za ba'o catra py", "en": "Time: That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2046391", "jb": "mi'ai krici lodu'u lo nu co'a morsi cu se tcika li re pi'e reno ba lo djedi midju", "en": "We believe the time of death was 2:20 p.m.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1691907", "jb": "mo'u prulamdei snime carvi", "en": "Yesterday snow fell.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3815899", "jb": "mi nitcu lo pevysmacyki'e", "en": "I need a mouse pad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1892957", "jb": "lo famti be mi cu jitro lo vi xotli", "en": "My uncle is the manager of this hotel.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343244", "jb": "lo mi cukta dakli cu mutce tilju", "en": "My book bag is very heavy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2803467", "jb": ".i mi morsi nai seri'anai lo nu ba'o se citka", "en": "I am not dead, but that doesn't stop me from being food.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1584266", "jb": "lo mi patfu pu klama lo mergu'e", "en": "My father has gone to the United States.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1752740", "jb": "mi nanca li pabi", "en": "I am eighteen years old.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3759299", "jb": "mi ze'e pu xebni lo vi stuzi", "en": "I've always hated this place.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1619267", "jb": "xu do nelci lo vi se skari", "en": "Do you like this color?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:749031", "jb": "mi gleki tu'a do", "en": "You make me happy.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1879032", "jb": "la .tam. pu cusku lo sedu'u ty djica lo la citka loi jungo cidja", "en": "Tom said he wanted to eat Chinese food.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1677487", "jb": "mi ralte ci vinji", "en": "We have three airplanes.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2171798", "jb": "lo bekpi be mi za'o se cortu", "en": "My back still hurts.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2291065", "jb": "ko'a te mukti lo ka catra mi", "en": "She's gonna kill me.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1584244", "jb": "la .tam. cu cinba la .meris.", "en": "Tom kissed Mary.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254813", "jb": "ma se zvati le mamta be mi", "en": "Where's my mother?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2676212", "jb": "troci vamji", "en": "It's worth a try.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932202", "jb": "la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u noroi senva", "en": "Tom says that he never dreams.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343306", "jb": ".ia do fonjudri srera", "en": "I think you have the wrong number.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:803837", "jb": "aupei mi'o velskina ca le bavlamcte", "en": "Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1719382", "jb": "mi se zdani lo laldo dinju", "en": "I live in an old house.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:763156", "jb": "ke'o", "en": "Excuse me?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1947894", "jb": "pu jajgau lo datni spisa", "en": "He collected bits of information.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1714210", "jb": ".ei mi klama lo zdani", "en": "I should go home.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:702159", "jb": "lo va zdani cu barda", "en": "That house is big.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:745370", "jb": "ra na se bangu lo bangu be mi'a", "en": "He doesn't speak our language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1664753", "jb": "ue mi cirko lo datni", "en": "Oh, I lost the data!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4187468", "jb": "xu jetnu fa lo du'u do na zvati ca lo prulamdei", "en": "Is it true that you weren't here yesterday?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2254115", "jb": "lo za'u ti me do moi", "en": "These are yours.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1955764", "jb": "lo la .tam. citmau bruna cu mutce tolmencre", "en": "Tom's younger brother is dumb as a brick.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3807467", "jb": "la tom xi pa tavla la tom xi re", "en": "Tom talks to Tom (the other one).", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:761972", "jb": "e'u mi'o zgana lo veltivni", "en": "Let's watch TV.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2340116", "jb": "lo zerpre pu troci lo nu rupructcica", "en": "The criminal attempted to launder money.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1098088", "jb": "le prenu cu bevri le pipno", "en": "The person carried the piano.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3759532", "jb": "mi prityxanpre", "en": "I'm right-handed.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2793944", "jb": "do pu snada", "en": "You made it!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:700460", "jb": "ra djica lo nu dansu", "en": "He wants to dance.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1857596", "jb": "fi'i do zanvi'e fi lo mi'a gusta", "en": "Welcome to our restaurant!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4433651", "jb": "la .tom. pu zerle'a lo kanjunla pe mi", "en": "Tom stole my watch.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2097223", "jb": ".uu cai do bilma fi ma", "en": "That's so awful! You poor thing! What are you ill with?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2253027", "jb": "mi'ai ralte le mlatu i ro da poi selcmi be mi'ai cu nelci my.", "en": "We have a cat. We are all fond of the cat.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:788204", "jb": "ta'i ma do tadni la.esperanton.", "en": "How did you learn Esperanto?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2343278", "jb": "lo fetsi pu judrypli lo frica", "en": "She dialed the wrong number.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:775076", "jb": "xu do nelci lo nu xabju lo nurma", "en": "Do you like to live in the country?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:811745", "jb": "ca lo prulamdei mi sidju lo patfu", "en": "Yesterday I helped the father.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2095610", "jb": ".i ke'u mi terpa", "en": "As earlier mentioned, I was afraid.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1686067", "jb": "la bil cu xebni la djordj inaja la pat cu xebni la bil", "en": "Bill hates George only if Pat hates Bill.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1517818", "jb": "ko'a pu mutce se cacra klaku secau lonu sisti", "en": "She cried for hours without ceasing.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932197", "jb": "la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u to'e djica lo nu zukybajra", "en": "Tom says that he doesn't feel like jogging.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2096092", "jb": "ki'a nai .i do pu xalbo", "en": "I understand, you were joking.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2579291", "jb": "la tom pu nitcu lo se jibri", "en": "Tom needed a job.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1535627", "jb": "le mrori'i pu fasnu ca lo prulamdei", "en": "The funeral was yesterday.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:622337", "jb": "mi nitcu lo nu facki fi ra", "en": "I have to find it.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1932248", "jb": "la .tam. cusku lo sedu'u lo zu'o cilre lo fange bangu cu nandu", "en": "Tom says that learning a foreign language is hard.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4314556", "jb": "lo ka srera cu kairpau lo ka remna", "en": "To err is human.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2652540", "jb": "mi mutce taske lo birje", "en": "I'm dying for a beer!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1692072", "jb": "pu manku nicte secau lo lunra", "en": "It was a dark night, with no moon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577860", "jb": "do me lo mi panzi", "en": "You're my child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3766609", "jb": "la tom cuxna lo xomoi karce", "en": "Which car did Tom choose?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1668336", "jb": "la .tam. facki lodu'u ri srera", "en": "Tom discovered that he had made a mistake.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3888264", "jb": "xu do pu katna lo pelji", "en": "Did you cut the paper?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:670294", "jb": "coi .i xu do vi gunka", "en": "Hi! Do you work here?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4432741", "jb": "mi sisti", "en": "I quit.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3403112", "jb": "lo nu do dunda za'ure'u cu fadni fi lo jalge be lo simsa fasnu", "en": "It's times like these that you give again.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1716753", "jb": "lo me mi mensi lu kelci le prenu se kelci", "en": "My sister plays with dolls.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1689127", "jb": ".ue la tom. goi ko'a ca'o tavla fo la dzitumbau .i mi na pu djuno lo du'u ko'a kakne lo ka baupli ra", "en": "Tom is speaking in Dutch! I didn't know he knew this language.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:778151", "jb": "mi cliva ca lo zi lecydo'i", "en": "I am going out this afternoon.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:675856", "jb": "no da mi ka'e se viska", "en": "I can't see anything.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:679808", "jb": "xu bredi lo nu jirsezlu'i", "en": "Is the bath ready?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:2577993", "jb": "nandu fa lo nu zukte", "en": "It's hard to do.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:4333373", "jb": "ma cnino", "en": "Which is new?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:766773", "jb": "ti'e lo patfu be ra cu zvati lo bargu'e", "en": "I hear that his father is abroad.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:3768055", "jb": "lo ruskypre noroi cisma", "en": "Russians never smile.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:812842", "jb": "pau je'i xu ki'a cu'e mo fi'a xo ma pei", "en": "Huh? Or maybe did how many of what do what how? What do you think?", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1287825", "jb": "la .NA,okon. cu sutra bajra", "en": "Naoko is a fast runner.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1700331", "jb": "mi cmalu verba", "en": "I'm a little child.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1753382", "jb": "noda jundi ko'a", "en": "Nobody was paying attention to her.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:1929171", "jb": "doi mikce .i toldra tuple", "en": "Doctor, it's the wrong leg!", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:663689", "jb": "ra tordu gi'e ku'i tsali", "en": "He is short but strong.", "source": "tatoeba"} +{"id": "Tatoeba:863342", "jb": "lo mamta be ra ca'o ciska lo xatra", "en": "Her mother is writing a letter.", "source": "tatoeba"}