{"id": "CLL:64", "jb": "mi klama le melbi .ui", "jb_tok": "mi klama le melbi ui", "en": "I go to the beautiful-thing, which makes me feel happy.", "en_tok": "i go to the beautiful - thing , which makes me feel happy .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:29", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla", "jb_tok": "mi tavla do le tavla", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "en_tok": "i talk to you about the talk ##er", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:27", "jb": "la tam. se tavla melbi la meris.", "jb_tok": "la ta m se tavla melbi la me ri s", "en": "Tom is audiencely-beautiful to Mary.", "en_tok": "tom is audience ##ly - beautiful to mary .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:91", "jb": "klezba", "jb_tok": "klesi## zbasu", "en": "category make", "en_tok": "category make", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:101", "jb": "tric,r,xaceru ", "jb_tok": "tricu## xarci e ru", "en": "Acer (the scientific name of maple trees)", "en_tok": "ace ##r ( the scientific name of maple trees )", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:4", "jb": "do tavla mi ta zo'e", "jb_tok": "do tavla mi ta zo'e", "en": "You talk to me about that thing in a language.", "en_tok": "you talk to me about that thing in a language .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:54", "jb": "do mo", "jb_tok": "do mo", "en": "You are-what/do-what?", "en_tok": "you are - what / do - what ?", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:75", "jb": "le vi bajra cu tavla", "jb_tok": "le vi bajra cu tavla", "en": "This runner talks.", "en_tok": "this runner talks .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:11", "jb": "ta melbi", "jb_tok": "ta melbi", "en": "That is beautiful.", "en_tok": "that is beautiful .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:69", "jb": "za'a do melbi", "jb_tok": "za'a do melbi", "en": "I directly observe! You are beautiful.", "en_tok": "i directly observe ! you are beautiful .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:86", "jb": "lerfyliste", "jb_tok": "lerfu## liste", "en": "list of letters", "en_tok": "list of letters", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:13", "jb": "mi tavla do ti", "jb_tok": "mi tavla do ti", "en": "I talk to you about this.", "en_tok": "i talk to you about this .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:100", "jb": "cidj,r,spageti ", "jb_tok": "cidja## spati## gento i", "en": "spaghetti", "en_tok": "spaghetti", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:17", "jb": "sutra tavla", "jb_tok": "sutra tavla", "en": "to talk fast", "en_tok": "to talk fast", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:28", "jb": "mi tavla do le tavla ku", "jb_tok": "mi tavla do le tavla ku", "en": "I talk to you about the talker", "en_tok": "i talk to you about the talk ##er", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:31", "jb": "le sutra cu tavla", "jb_tok": "le sutra cu tavla", "en": "The fast one is talking", "en_tok": "the fast one is talking", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:35", "jb": "mi klama ti zo'e zo'e ta", "jb_tok": "mi klama ti zo'e zo'e ta", "en": "I go here using that means.", "en_tok": "i go here using that means .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:94", "jb": "mampa'u", "jb_tok": "mamta## patfu", "en": "maternal grandfather", "en_tok": "maternal grandfather", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:3", "jb": "mi tavla do zo'e zo'e", "jb_tok": "mi tavla do zo'e zo'e", "en": "I talk to you about something in some language.", "en_tok": "i talk to you about something in some language .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:14", "jb": "do se tavla mi ti", "jb_tok": "do se tavla mi ti", "en": "You are talked to by me about this.", "en_tok": "you are talked to by me about this .", "source": "cll"} {"id": "CLL:81", "jb": "sampli", "jb_tok": "skami## pilno", "en": "user of computers", "en_tok": "user of computers", "source": "cll"}