{"id": "Conlang:61a", "jb": "la kikeron cu du la tulius", "jb_tok": "la ki ke ro n cu du la tu liu s", "en": "Cicero is Tully", "en_tok": "cicero is tully", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:28", "jb": "la al cu speni lo ropa tixnu be la betis", "jb_tok": "la a l cu speni lo ro pa tixnu be la be ti s", "en": "Al is married to Betty's only daughter.", "en_tok": "al is married to betty ' s only daughter .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:26", "jb": "le gerku pe le lamji cu ckape", "jb_tok": "le gerku pe le lamji cu ckape", "en": "The dog next door is dangerous.", "en_tok": "the dog next door is dangerous .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:73a", "jb": "la keis cu sinma ro da enai ky", "jb_tok": "la kei s cu sinma ro da e nai ky", "en": "Kay respects everyone but herself.", "en_tok": "kay respects everyone but herself .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:78b", "jb": "li re se steci lo ka namcrprimu gi'e lamli'e lo namcrprimu", "jb_tok": "li re se steci lo ka nabmi c## r primu gi'e lamji## lidne lo nabmi c## r primu", "en": "2 is the only prime whose successor is prime.", "en_tok": "2 is the only prime whose successor is prime .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:4", "jb": "le nolraitruni'u be le glico cu tamne le nolraitrunau be le sfero", "jb_tok": "le nobli## traji## turni## ninmu be le glico cu tamne le nobli## traji## turni## nanmu be le sfero", "en": "The Queen of England is related to the King of Sweden.", "en_tok": "the queen of england is related to the king of sweden .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:51", "jb": "ganai ro ctuca cu tolzdi ro se ctuca be ri gi ro ctuca cu malxaksu lo ri temci", "jb_tok": "ga nai ro ctuca cu to'e## zdile ro se ctuca be ri gi ro ctuca cu mabla## xaksu lo ri temci", "en": "If all professors bore all of their students, then all professors are wasting their time.", "en_tok": "if all professors bore all of their students , then all professors are wasting their time .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:71", "jb": "su'e re da pacpre bu'u la gotam", "jb_tok": "su'e re da palci## prenu bu'u la go ta m", "en": "There are no more than two villains in Gotham.", "en_tok": "there are no more than two villains in gotham .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:11a", "jb": "le nobli be lo elfe ba pagre le xamsi ijo le nobli be la mordor cu se jinga", "jb_tok": "le nobli be lo e lfe ba pagre le xamsi i jo le nobli be la morko## donri cu se jinga", "en": "The lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of Mordor is defeated.", "en_tok": "the lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of mor ##dor is defeated .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:65", "jb": "la karl cu clarai lo ro jmive nanmu", "jb_tok": "la karli cu clani## traji lo ro jmive nanmu", "en": "Carl is the tallest man alive.", "en_tok": "carl is the tallest man alive .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:12", "jb": "ro sinma be lo sinma be le ca jatna be le merko naku se sinma su'o prenu", "jb_tok": "ro sinma be lo sinma be le ca jatna be le merko na ku se sinma su'o prenu", "en": "Anyone who repsects someone who repsects the current president of the United States is not respected by at least one person.", "en_tok": "anyone who rep ##se ##cts someone who rep ##se ##cts the current president of the united states is not respected by at least one person .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:16", "jb": "ti du le nanla poi kelci le selkei poi tepygau le plipybanfi poi jacre'o le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi citka le ratcu poi catra le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak cu zbasu", "jb_tok": "ti du le nanla poi kelci le se## kelci poi terpa## gasnu le plipe## banfi poi djacu## renro le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi citka le ratcu poi catra le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak cu zbasu", "en": "This is the boy who played with the toy that scared the frog that splashed the dog that chased the cat that ate the rat that killed the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built.", "en_tok": "this is the boy who played with the toy that scared the frog that splashed the dog that chased the cat that ate the rat that killed the mouse that lived in the house that jack built .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:27", "jb": "le lekmi'i na kunti ija le cikre prenu pu lebna le romoi birje", "jb_tok": "le lenku## minji na kunti i ja le cikre prenu pu lebna le ro moi birje", "en": "The fridge is not empty, unless the repairman took the last beer.", "en_tok": "the fridge is not empty , unless the repair ##man took the last beer .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:30", "jb": "la'o zoi Russell zoi na se steci lo ka ce'u finti la'o zoi Principia Mathematica zoi", "jb_tok": "la'o zoi R u sse l zoi na se steci lo ka ce'u finti la'o zoi P krinu## cipra ia M a t## h e ma ti ca zoi", "en": "Russell is not the only author of Principia Mathematica.", "en_tok": "russell is not the only author of pri ##nc ##ip ##ia math ##ema ##tica .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:34", "jb": "ei ro da rinsa le nolraitru", "jb_tok": "ei ro da rinsa le nobli## traji## turni", "en": "All hail the king.", "en_tok": "all hail the king .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:3", "jb": "re crida cu xebni ro termakfa", "jb_tok": "re crida cu xebni ro te## makfa", "en": "Exactly two goblins hate every wizard.", "en_tok": "exactly two goblin ##s hate every wizard .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:13", "jb": "le bitmu poi la xamtidamtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo", "jb_tok": "le bitmu poi la xajmi## tcidu a mtis cu farlu fi ke'a cu na du la banli bitmu pe le jungo", "en": "The wall from which Humpty Dumpty fell is not the Great Wall of China.", "en_tok": "the wall from which hum ##pt ##y dump ##ty fell is not the great wall of china .", "source": "conlang"} {"id": "Conlang:76", "jb": "su'epa ctuca cu se sinma ro tadni", "jb_tok": "su'e pa ctuca cu se sinma ro tadni", "en": "No more than one professor is respected by every student.", "en_tok": "no more than one professor is respected by every student .", "source": "conlang"}