commited on
Update README.md
Browse files
@@ -42,17 +42,21 @@ Please check our [website](https://osu-nlp-group.github.io/MagicBrush/) to explo
42 |
43 |
## Dataset Structure
44 |
"img_id" (str): same from COCO id
45 |
"turn_index" (int32): the edit turn in the image
46 |
47 |
"instruction" (str): edit instruction of how the input image should be changed.
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If you need auxiliary data, please use [training set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EYEqf_yG36lAgiXw2GvRl0QBDBOeZHxvNgxO0Ec9WDMcNg) and [dev set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EXkXvvC95C1JsgMNWGL_RcEBElmsGxXwAAAdGamN8PNhrg)
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### Splits
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54 |
train: 8,807 edit turns (4,512 edit sessions).
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test: (To prevent potential data leakage, please check our repo for information on obtaining the test set.)
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### Licensing Information
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43 |
## Dataset Structure
44 |
"img_id" (str): same from COCO id
45 |
46 |
"turn_index" (int32): the edit turn in the image
47 |
48 |
"source_img" (str): input image, could be the original real image (turn_index=1) and edited images from last tunr (turn_index >=2)
49 |
50 |
"instruction" (str): edit instruction of how the input image should be changed.
51 |
52 |
"target_img" (str): the edited image corresponding to the input image and instruction.
53 |
54 |
If you need auxiliary data, please use [training set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EYEqf_yG36lAgiXw2GvRl0QBDBOeZHxvNgxO0Ec9WDMcNg) and [dev set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EXkXvvC95C1JsgMNWGL_RcEBElmsGxXwAAAdGamN8PNhrg)
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### Splits
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58 |
train: 8,807 edit turns (4,512 edit sessions).
59 |
dev: 528 edit turns (266 edit sessions).
60 |
test: (To prevent potential data leakage, please check our repo for information on obtaining the test set.)
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### Licensing Information