#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script builds the OpenROAD Flow tools locally from source or in a Docker image. # Exit on first error, do not allow unbound variables set -eu # Make sure we are on the correct folder before beginning cd "$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))" # Set up paths to dependencies, such as cmake and boost. Safe no-op # if tools were set up elsewhere in the path. . dev_env.sh # Defaults variable values NICE="" OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE="origin" OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH="master" INSTALL_PATH="$(pwd)/tools/install" YOSYS_USER_ARGS="" YOSYS_ARGS="CONFIG=gcc" OPENROAD_APP_USER_ARGS="" OPENROAD_APP_ARGS="" LSORACLE_USER_ARGS="" LSORACLE_ARGS="\ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -D YOSYS_INCLUDE_DIR=$(pwd)/tools/yosys \ -D YOSYS_PLUGIN=ON \ " DOCKER_OS_NAME="ubuntu22.04" PROC=-1 function usage() { cat << EOF Usage: $0 [-h|--help] [-o|--local] [-l|--latest] [--or_branch BRANCH_NAME] [--or_repo REPO_URL] [--no_init] [-n|--nice] [-t|--threads N] [--yosys-args-overwrite] [--yosys-args STRING] [--openroad-args-overwrite] [--openroad-args STRING] [--lsoracle-args-overwrite] [--lsoracle-args STRING] [--install-path PATH] [--clean] [--clean-force] [-c|--copy-platforms] Options: -h, --help Print this help message. -o, --local Build locally instead of building a Docker image. -l, --latest Use the head of branch --or_branch or 'master' by default for tools/OpenROAD. --or_branch BRANCH_NAME Use the head of branch BRANCH for tools/OpenROAD. --or_repo REPO_URL Use a fork at REPO-URL (https/ssh) for tools/OpenROAD. --no_init Skip initializing submodules. -t, --threads N Use N cpus when compiling software. -n, --nice Nice all jobs. Use all cpus unless --threads is also given, then use N threads. --yosys-args-overwrite Do not use default flags set by this scrip during Yosys compilation. --yosys-args STRING Aditional compilation flags for Yosys compilation. --openroad-args-overwrite Do not use default flags set by this scrip during OpenROAD app compilation. --openroad-args STRING Aditional compilation flags for OpenROAD app compilation. --lsoracle-enable Compile LSOracle. Disable by default as it is not currently used on the flow. --lsoracle-args-overwrite Do not use default flags set by this script during LSOracle compilation. --lsoracle-args STRING Aditional compilation flags for LSOracle compilation. --install-path PATH Path to install tools. Default is ${INSTALL_PATH}. --clean Call git clean interactively before compile. Useful to remove old build files. --clean-force Call git clean before compile. WARNING: this option will not ask for confirmation. Useful to remove old build files. Options valid only for Docker builds: -c, --copy-platforms Copy platforms to inside docker image. --os=DOCKER_OS_NAME Choose beween ubuntu22.04 (default), ubuntu20.04. This script builds the OpenROAD tools: openroad, yosys and yosys plugins. By default, the tools will be built from the linked submodule hashes. EOF } # Parse arguments __CMD="$0 $@" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage 2> /dev/null exit ;; -o|--local) LOCAL_BUILD=1 ;; -l|--latest) USE_OPENROAD_APP_LATEST=1 ;; --or_branch) OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH="$2" shift ;; --or_repo) OPENROAD_APP_GIT_URL="$2" shift ;; --no_init) OPENROAD_FLOW_NO_GIT_INIT=1 ;; -t|--threads) PROC="$2" shift ;; -n|--nice) NICE="nice" ;; -c|--copy-platforms) DOCKER_COPY_PLATFORMS=1 ;; --yosys-args-overwrite) YOSYS_OVERWIRTE_ARGS=1 ;; --yosys-args) YOSYS_USER_ARGS="$2" shift ;; --openroad-args-overwrite) OPENROAD_APP_OVERWIRTE_ARGS=1 ;; --openroad-args) OPENROAD_APP_USER_ARGS="$2" shift ;; --lsoracle-enable) LSORACLE_ENABLE=1 ;; --lsoracle-args-overwrite) LSORACLE_OVERWIRTE_ARGS=1 ;; --lsoracle-args) LSORACLE_USER_ARGS="$2" shift ;; --install-path) INSTALL_PATH="$2" shift ;; --clean) CLEAN_BEFORE=1 ;; --clean-force) CLEAN_BEFORE=1 CLEAN_FORCE=1 ;; --os=* ) DOCKER_OS_NAME="${1#*=}" ;; -*|--*) # unsupported flags echo "[ERROR FLW-0005] Unsupported flag $1." >&2 usage 2> /dev/null exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [[ "$PROC" == "-1" ]]; then if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then PROC=$(nproc --all) elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then PROC=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) else cat << EOF [WARNING FLW-0025] Unsupported OSTYPE: cannot determine number of host CPUs" Defaulting to 2 threads. Use --threads N to use N threads" EOF PROC=2 fi fi # Only add install prefix variables after parsing arguments. YOSYS_ARGS+=" PREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH}/yosys" OPENROAD_APP_ARGS+=" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH}/OpenROAD" if [ -n "$CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH" ]; then OPENROAD_APP_ARGS+=" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=${CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH}" OPENROAD_APP_ARGS+=" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=TRUE" fi LSORACLE_ARGS+=" \ -D YOSYS_SHARE_DIR=${INSTALL_PATH}/yosys/share/yosys \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH}/LSOracle \ " __args_setup() { if [ ! -z "${YOSYS_OVERWIRTE_ARGS+x}" ]; then echo "[INFO FLW-0014] Overwriting Yosys compilation flags." YOSYS_ARGS="${YOSYS_USER_ARGS}" else YOSYS_ARGS+=" ${YOSYS_USER_ARGS}" fi if [ ! -z "${OPENROAD_APP_OVERWIRTE_ARGS+x}" ]; then echo "[INFO FLW-0015] Overwriting OpenROAD app compilation flags." OPENROAD_APP_ARGS="${OPENROAD_APP_USER_ARGS}" else OPENROAD_APP_ARGS+=" ${OPENROAD_APP_USER_ARGS}" fi if [ ! -z "${LSORACLE_OVERWIRTE_ARGS+x}" ]; then echo "[INFO FLW-0016] Overwriting LSOracle compilation flags." LSORACLE_ARGS="${LSORACLE_USER_ARGS}" else LSORACLE_ARGS+=" ${LSORACLE_USER_ARGS}" fi } __docker_build() { echo "[INFO FLW-0020] Building docker image for OpenROAD Flow." if [ ! -z "${DOCKER_COPY_PLATFORMS+x}" ]; then cp .dockerignore{,.bak} sed -i '/flow\/platforms/d' .dockerignore fi ./etc/DockerHelper.sh create -target=dev -os="${DOCKER_OS_NAME}" -threads="${PROC}" ./etc/DockerHelper.sh create -target=builder -os="${DOCKER_OS_NAME}" -threads="${PROC}" if [ ! -z "${DOCKER_COPY_PLATFORMS+x}" ]; then mv .dockerignore{.bak,} fi } __local_build() { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then export PATH="$(brew --prefix bison)/bin:$(brew --prefix flex)/bin:$(brew --prefix tcl-tk)/bin:$PATH" export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix or-tools) fi if [[ -f "/opt/rh/rh-python38/enable" ]]; then set +u source /opt/rh/rh-python38/enable set -u fi if [[ -f "/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/enable" ]]; then # the scl script has unbound variables set +u source /opt/rh/devtoolset-8/enable set -u fi echo "[INFO FLW-0017] Compiling Yosys." ${NICE} make install -C tools/yosys -j "${PROC}" ${YOSYS_ARGS} echo "[INFO FLW-0018] Compiling OpenROAD." eval ${NICE} cmake tools/OpenROAD -B tools/OpenROAD/build ${OPENROAD_APP_ARGS} ${NICE} cmake --build tools/OpenROAD/build --target install -j "${PROC}" if [ ! -z "${LSORACLE_ENABLE+x}" ]; then echo "[INFO FLW-0019] Compiling LSOracle." ${NICE} cmake tools/LSOracle -B tools/LSOracle/build ${LSORACLE_ARGS} ${NICE} cmake --build tools/LSOracle/build --target install -j "${PROC}" fi } __update_openroad_app_remote() ( cd tools/OpenROAD remotes=$(git remote) SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' remotes=($remotes) IFS=$SAVEIFS if [[ ! " ${remotes[@]} " =~ " ${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE} " ]]; then git remote add "${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE}" "${OPENROAD_APP_GIT_URL}" fi ) __change_openroad_app_remote() { base_url=$(dirname "${OPENROAD_APP_GIT_URL}") if [[ ${base_url##*/} = $base_url ]]; then OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE=${base_url##*:} else OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE=${base_url##*/} fi __update_openroad_app_remote } __update_openroad_app_latest() ( cd tools/OpenROAD git fetch "${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE}" git checkout "${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE}/${OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH}" git pull "${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE}" "${OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH}" git submodule update --init --recursive ) __common_setup() { # Clone repositories if [ -z "${OPENROAD_FLOW_NO_GIT_INIT+x}" ]; then echo "[INFO FLW-0002] Updating git submodules." git submodule update --init --recursive fi if [ ! -z "${OPENROAD_APP_GIT_URL+x}" ]; then echo -n "[INFO FLW-0003] Changing OpenROAD app remote to" echo " ${OPENROAD_APP_GIT_URL}." __change_openroad_app_remote fi if [ ! -z "${USE_OPENROAD_APP_LATEST+x}" ] || [ "${OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH}" != "master" ]; then echo -n "[INFO FLW-0004] Updating OpenROAD app to the HEAD" echo " of ${OPENROAD_APP_REMOTE}/${OPENROAD_APP_BRANCH}." __update_openroad_app_latest fi } __logging() { local log_file="build_openroad.log" echo "[INFO FLW-0027] Saving logs to ${log_file}" echo "[INFO FLW-0028] $__CMD" exec > >(tee -i "${log_file}") exec 2>&1 } __cleanup() { if [ ! -z "${CLEAN_FORCE+x}" ]; then CLEAN_CMD="-x -d --force" else CLEAN_CMD="-x -d --interactive" fi echo "[INFO FLW-0026] Cleaning up previous binaries and build files." git clean ${CLEAN_CMD} tools YOSYS_ABC_PATH="tools/yosys/abc" if [[ -d "${YOSYS_ABC_PATH}" ]]; then echo "Entering '${YOSYS_ABC_PATH}'" git --work-tree=${YOSYS_ABC_PATH} --git-dir=${YOSYS_ABC_PATH}/.git clean ${CLEAN_CMD} fi git submodule foreach --recursive git clean ${CLEAN_CMD} } __logging if [ ! -z "${CLEAN_BEFORE+x}" ]; then __cleanup fi __args_setup __common_setup # Choose install method if [ -z "${LOCAL_BUILD+x}" ] && command -v docker &> /dev/null; then echo -n "[INFO FLW-0000] Using docker build method." __docker_build else echo -n "[INFO FLW-0001] Using local build method." echo " This will create binaries at 'tools/install' unless overwritten." __local_build fi