stringlengths 61
###cont###chatting###user sad###i am sorry but you dont have a saying in this matter. its up to your parents to solve this.###bot sad###understood.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###“why cant i believe in communism and be a [name] too” muh purity test###bot neutral###thanks for your input.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###omfg my two favorite shows###bot neutral###that’s clear, thanks!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i still love asian women. they will always be number 1 for me (exlcuding [name] of course)###bot happy###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###this may be the first thing i've seen on here that actually made me laugh instead of just an amused nasal exhalation.###bot happy###that’s helpful, thanks!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###happy cake day man!!!###bot happy###thanks for helping me understand better.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###[name] was actually wrong all along. jah > jokic /s###bot anger###it’s really frustrating to go through that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###second this, it's super easy to have them come pick things up from your doorstep too. you can set it up online!###bot happy###that’s fair enough.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###didn't see soon enough. sounds like fun and yum. how did it go?###bot anger###this isn’t something you should tolerate.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###17.5 i pm what i got at 18###bot neutral###thanks for letting me know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###last time i saw was loooong ago. basically before ln announced they went for probabilistic routing.###bot neutral###thanks for the insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###is it a jailable offence###bot neutral###it’s nice to get more context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###honestly i don't celebrate any holidays including new years, and whatnot. ###bot anger###i’d be angry too.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###i'm the same. i prefer sad depressed dudes and idk why. i know i like taking care of people though..###bot sad###thanks for the insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the only problem with this plan is that [name] won’t survive that long, lol###bot neutral###thank you for that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###only time will tell :p###bot neutral###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###you went two months without eating it, you deserved to eat it until you felt full. don't worry, you deserved that meal.###bot sad###that’s clear, thanks!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###meanwhile, i was literally saying to myself "*i like rusty spoons*" earlier this morning right before logging onto reddit. kinda strange###bot anger###i totally get why this would anger you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###no more [name] from georgia. suck it you old, ugly hag.###bot anger###that doesn’t sound fair at all.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i had a breakdown last night at around 3am.###bot happy###i can see where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###just leave that school go to a new one###bot anger###that’s not something you should have to deal with.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###bahahaha this is gold.###bot happy###thanks for helping me understand better.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###cervezas for everyone!###bot neutral###interesting!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###i feel personally attacked. every time one little thing happens, part of me just collapses inside.###bot sad###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###colored for our pleasure too###bot neutral###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###[name] are the liars, we know.###bot anger###anyone would be upset.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i am so happy that sub exists###bot happy###thanks for the background.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###[name] gonna miss the game tonight because i’ll be traveling to phoenix. give me another blowout win like the ones last week.###bot neutral###i see, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i was sad when the hawks lost [name] but this schottenheimer guy seems pretty cool.###bot happy###that’s a solid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###contact blue mammoth staff, they're usually pretty nice about this stuff.###bot happy###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###or you could treat them as regular people and not judge them off their intelligence, then it wouldn’t be a problem ###bot happy###that’s good context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yare yare daze###bot neutral###i understand.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i would say that [name] is also acting a bit stubborn as he has pretty much shut down the government to get funding for the border wall.###bot neutral###thank you for that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###wow. thank you. you dont know how badly i needed that tbh###bot neutral###thanks for that insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###i got second hand embarrassment so hard my face is still red after few minutes of glancing at one of those google docs.###bot anger###i’d be equally annoyed.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###omg i thought he was actually fired lol. got excited ! i still approve tho###bot happy###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###primary is what she has to worry about.###bot sad###i see where you’re coming from now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###just split for gods sake before kids are born.###bot happy###it’s good to get that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###where in that sentence did i mention us backed cia coups? you're fucking shameless.###bot neutral###interesting!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the comment was so terrible. i can’t believe it made the final cut.###bot neutral###good perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###also seem not there any fighting games in this tournament...###bot neutral###i can see how that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###those got me once when i was about 6 because i wanted to go up two steps at a time. i still do that to this day...###bot neutral###thanks for the clarification.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah i could definitely see that, which is sad.###bot happy###i get what you’re saying.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###weird way to spell beer.###bot neutral###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###u🅱️vote bless u🅱️ 🙌 real ni🅱️🅱️a shit ###bot neutral###that’s a reasonable take.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###they also think you're a jealous man instead of an honest - though not very nice - woman.###bot neutral###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###what, do you disagree that that freak can in fact buy a megaphone?###bot neutral###i appreciate the thought you put into that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###so much lost diversity...###bot sad###that’s something to think about.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###so word is we have eyes on [name]... i would be pretty amped to see him with a jet on his shirt.###bot neutral###that’s a helpful point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###wouldn't you just enjoy more focus on celtic football?###bot neutral###that’s definitely one way to look at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i wonder if that was the original plan or if [name] just realized what [name] talked about and threw in that note to explain it.###bot neutral###i see, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###but he did not go in front of [name]. he simply slid in front of the gun###bot neutral###that’s a helpful point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###im having a lot of fun, please continue the show###bot happy###that’s clear, thanks!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i love the lady in the green jacket chasing after the second car looking back at the first car like "look what you did"###bot happy###that’s fair.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###that’s pretty awesome :)###bot happy###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###am i getting old or is that just really dumb?###bot neutral###that’s clear, thanks!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###he's not that bad on youtube, but on twitter... let's just say that he's problematic###bot neutral###that’s definitely one way to look at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yes, he has 1 open seat in the back row left..###bot neutral###i understand.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###ahh, that's why i love my country. ###bot happy###thanks for breaking that down.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###very confident !!!!###bot happy###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###seeing something as beautiful as this just made my day today! thanks for sharing :)###bot happy###i see, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###this is amazing###bot happy###i get it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###although cool, it is not a bridge, it is road through snow.###bot neutral###thanks for the background.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###good luck to you! also good job for standing up for yourself###bot happy###i hear you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###no one is going to create more competition for themselves###bot sad###thanks for explaining.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i feel more attracted to boys. it's not a conscious choice.###bot neutral###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i don't believe no one in your class thought of mac or iphone.###bot happy###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###and she finished that leg of the race without getting eliminated! it was kinda impressive.###bot happy###i can understand where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###officially worse than telkom. well done vuma###bot anger###anyone would be upset.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yeah, as i'm being resuscitated in a&e, i'll remember to let them know about my workers comp. #america###bot neutral###i appreciate that feedback.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###this made me soooo uncomfortable yikes###bot anger###that sounds incredibly annoying.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###he doesn't actually run a 4.49. it's a little deceiving because he's pretty sneaky, so i can understand you being confused.###bot neutral###thanks for that insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###that k9 cop is such a bad ass look at him carry this guy###bot neutral###i appreciate hearing that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###*trust the plan*###bot neutral###thanks for explaining.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###exactly. nothing but a burden at first, but our boy knows how to fight now.###bot happy###that clears things up a bit.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###i’m sorry should i have brought my make-up wipes and washed my face during my mri? or my ultrasound? find some peace, man. ###bot sad###you’ve given me something to consider.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###fucking happy this jerk is still well and alive.###bot happy###thanks for the detail.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###so just for the record, i’m with you on the football end: love the broncs, hate the pats. 🏈###bot happy###it’s always good to get another angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###“huurr duuur i was only pretending to be retarded trolled hard drumpftard”###bot neutral###you make a fair point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###wow another person in dunedin uses reddit###bot happy###i’ll think about that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###don’t have someone who didn’t wash their hands put in your contacts! come on!###bot neutral###interesting perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###we had so much pvp before, during, and after this alliance was formed.###bot neutral###thanks for the background.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###s p o o k y###bot neutral###that’s certainly worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i fall under left wing, so yup, i'm a soy boy.###bot neutral###i get it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i don't believe you###bot neutral###i appreciate hearing that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###so [name] is still on the block and hoping [name] can nominate someone else.###bot neutral###you’ve given me something to consider.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###havent been working for 10 years at this company about 5 now, but i have overall 10 years experience###bot happy###thanks for the additional info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yeah its confusing why this gets me out of sorts so much###bot neutral###noted!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###there’s nothing wrong with 5’1 in my eyes :v and why exactly do you believe you’re ugly?###bot anger###you don’t have to feel alone in this.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###did you check the bowl?###bot neutral###that’s a helpful point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###we say it the most m8 that means it's our word and we pronounce it correctly###bot neutral###thanks for breaking that down.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###he will but the chiefs will absolutely have a shot because the pats defense is egregious on the road. i mean they let [name] go off lol.###bot happy###interesting!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i feel for him..thank [name] he has a mother who cares###bot happy###that’s clear now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###don't tell me how to live my life.###bot anger###that’s unacceptable behavior.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i love it when people have a background in stem and the arts and manage to pursue both!###bot happy###thanks for explaining that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###good thing i don't give a shit.###bot anger###it’s only fair to feel this way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###shoes in flesh-matching nude are as bad as leggings in flesh-matching nude###bot anger###i totally understand your anger.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i can’t look at [name] with this hair!###bot neutral###i can see how that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###this joke made me want to walk right out of the dumbledoor.###bot neutral###interesting!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###oh [name] that's terrible. i hope things are better for you now.###bot happy###i see what you mean.###end### |