stringlengths 1
| user
dict | assistant
dict |
221600 | {
"content": "¡Oh, qué pena!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Oh, that's a shame!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221601 | {
"content": "Nadie dormirá esta noche.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Nobody will sleep tonight.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221602 | {
"content": "Odio vivir en una ciudad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I hate living in a city.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221603 | {
"content": "No descansaremos en el viaje porque caminaremos mucho.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We won't relax on the trip because we'll walk a lot.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221604 | {
"content": "Odio vivir en una gran ciudad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I hate living in a big city.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221605 | {
"content": "¿Se acordará la cantante de traer su guitarra?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Will the singer remember to bring her guitar?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221606 | {
"content": "Cuéntame una buena historia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tell me a good story.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221607 | {
"content": "Quédate con él.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Stick with him.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221608 | {
"content": "¡Lárgate, gilipollas!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Beat it, asshole!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221609 | {
"content": "¡Lárgate, imbécil!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Beat it, asshole!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221610 | {
"content": "Jugamos como nunca, perdimos como siempre.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We played like we never played before, and we lost like always.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221611 | {
"content": "Eres realmente fuerte.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You're really strong.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221612 | {
"content": "Es un pobre hombre enfermo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He is a sick, poor man.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221613 | {
"content": "La dieta es difícil.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The diet is difficult.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221614 | {
"content": "El régimen es difícil.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The diet is difficult.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221615 | {
"content": "El virus entró al cuerpo por la nariz.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The virus entered the body through the nose.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221616 | {
"content": "Somos la sociedad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We are the society.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221617 | {
"content": "La sociedad somos nosotros.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We are the society.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221618 | {
"content": "¿Dónde vive el presidente de Brasil?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Where does the president of Brazil live?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221619 | {
"content": "La sociedad no está de acuerdo con esta ley.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Society does not agree with this law.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221620 | {
"content": "En este juego no hay aliados sino solo enemigos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "In this game, there are no allies but only enemies.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221621 | {
"content": "Cada Estado tiene un gobierno.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Every state has a government.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221622 | {
"content": "El gobierno tomó una decisión que ayuda al Estado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The government made a decision that helps the state.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221623 | {
"content": "El presidente de la república sancionó la nueva ley.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The President of the Republic sanctioned the new law.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221624 | {
"content": "Soy tu aliado, confía en mí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I am your ally, trust me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221625 | {
"content": "Soy tu aliada, confía en mí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I am your ally, trust me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221626 | {
"content": "Oligarquía significa \"gobierno de unos pocos\".",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Oligarchy means \"government by the few\".",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221627 | {
"content": "No obtuve ni un voto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I didn't get even one vote.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221628 | {
"content": "¿Cuál fue la decisión del tribunal?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What was the court's decision?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221629 | {
"content": "Pienso mucho en fantasmas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I think about ghosts a lot.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221630 | {
"content": "El comportamiento del príncipe le pareció inapropiado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The prince's behavior struck him as inappropriate.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221631 | {
"content": "La reina está en su castillo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The queen is in her castle.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221632 | {
"content": "¿Grecia alguna vez tuvo un rey?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Did Greece ever have a king?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221633 | {
"content": "Será la próxima alcaldesa.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "She will be the next mayor.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221634 | {
"content": "Muchos ciudadanos no están interesados en las elecciones.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Many citizens are not interested in the elections.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221635 | {
"content": "¿Qué significa violencia?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What does violence mean?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221636 | {
"content": "¡Estamos en huelga!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We're on strike!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221637 | {
"content": "La huelga duró cuarenta y dos días.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The strike lasted forty-two days.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221638 | {
"content": "No hablo inglés.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I do not speak English.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221639 | {
"content": "¿Por qué no luchan por sus derechos?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Why don't they fight for their rights?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221640 | {
"content": "Me prepararé lo más rápido que pueda.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I will get ready as fast as I can.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221641 | {
"content": "Muchos jóvenes trabajarán en los hoteles locales en el verano.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Many young people will work at the local hotels in the summer.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221642 | {
"content": "Los movimientos populares expresan el descontento popular.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Popular movements express popular displeasure.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221643 | {
"content": "Prohibida la entrada al quirófano.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Entry to the operating room is prohibited.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221644 | {
"content": "Se prohíbe la entrada en el quirófano.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Entry to the operating room is prohibited.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221645 | {
"content": "No hay medicina para el amor.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "There is no medicine for love.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221646 | {
"content": "Se mordió a sí mismo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He bit himself.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221647 | {
"content": "El Parlamento está en la capital.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The Parliament is in the capital.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221648 | {
"content": "El conejo es marrón.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The rabbit is brown.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221649 | {
"content": "La niña siguió al conejo blanco.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The little girl followed the white rabbit.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221650 | {
"content": "¿Quién besará a la rana?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Who will kiss the frog?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221651 | {
"content": "El tiburón se comió al pulpo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The shark ate the octopus.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221652 | {
"content": "El halcón tiene una visión perfecta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The falcon has perfect vision.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221653 | {
"content": "Hay un caimán en tu blusa.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "There is an alligator on your top.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221654 | {
"content": "El cemento es gris.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The cement is gray.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221655 | {
"content": "El vidrio es más barato que el aluminio.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Glass is cheaper than aluminum.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221656 | {
"content": "¿El vidrio es un metal?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Is glass a metal?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221657 | {
"content": "Las estrellas brillan como diamantes en el cielo nocturno brasileño.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The stars shine like diamonds in the Brazilian night sky.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221658 | {
"content": "Estoy buscando cristales; ¿has visto alguno?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I'm looking for crystals; have you seen any?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221659 | {
"content": "He encontrado un cristal; ¡míralo!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I found a crystal; look at it!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221660 | {
"content": "Vivo en esa casa de piedra en la montaña.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I live in that stone house on the mountain.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221661 | {
"content": "Mamá, hice un avión de papel.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mom, I made a paper airplane.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221662 | {
"content": "Mi abuela tiene una sartén de hierro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My grandmother has an iron frying-pan.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221663 | {
"content": "Preferimos los vasos de papel porque son más ligeros.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We prefer paper cups because they are lighter.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221664 | {
"content": "Mi tía es cirujana plástica.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My aunt is a plastic surgeon.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221665 | {
"content": "¿Qué vas a hacer con todo ese cemento que compraste?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What will you do with all that cement you bought?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221666 | {
"content": "¿Por qué el gas natural es más barato que la gasolina?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Why is natural gas cheaper than gasoline?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221667 | {
"content": "No le va muy bien.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He's not doing so hot.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221668 | {
"content": "El magistrado tomó su decisión.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The magistrate made his decision.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221669 | {
"content": "¿Conoces el himno nacional de Grecia?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do you know the national anthem of Greece?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221670 | {
"content": "Los jueces tienen mucha autoridad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Judges have a lot of authority.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221671 | {
"content": "El carácter cambia cuando se llega al poder.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Character changes when you come into power.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221672 | {
"content": "¿Le gusta la democracia o la oligarquía?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do you like democracy or oligarchy?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221673 | {
"content": "¿Te gusta más la democracia o la oligarquía?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do you like democracy or oligarchy?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221674 | {
"content": "¿Cuándo se realizan las elecciones nacionales?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "When do the national elections take place?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221675 | {
"content": "Antes del partido, los jugadores cantan su himno nacional.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Before the match, the players sing their national anthem.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221676 | {
"content": "¿Dónde darás tu voto?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Where will you give your vote?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221677 | {
"content": "El Primer Ministro no habla inglés.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The prime minister does not know English.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221678 | {
"content": "\"¿Cuántos ministros tiene el gobierno?\" \"¡Treinta y siete!\"",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"How many ministers does the government have?\" \"Thirty-seven!\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221679 | {
"content": "Los movimientos tienen resultados.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Movements have results.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221680 | {
"content": "¿Es su hermana candidata?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Is her sister a candidate?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221681 | {
"content": "Yo soy tu rey y tú eres mi reina.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I'm your king and you're my queen.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221682 | {
"content": "¿Qué significa esclavo?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What does slave mean?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221683 | {
"content": "Ojalá pudiera decir que hoy en día no hay esclavos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I wish I could say that nowadays there are no slaves.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221684 | {
"content": "El periodista entrevista al político.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The journalist interviews the politician.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221685 | {
"content": "Nuestras gaviotas son blancas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Our seagulls are white.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221686 | {
"content": "Sé por qué partido votar.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I know which party to vote for.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221687 | {
"content": "Este político dice que apoya al gobierno.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "This politician says that he supports the government.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221688 | {
"content": "El ejército impuso la dictadura.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The army imposed the dictatorship.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221689 | {
"content": "Sólo finge que te quiero.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Only make believe I love you.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221690 | {
"content": "Nos vamos en una hora. ¿Cuándo te prepararás?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We are leaving in an hour. When will you get ready?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221691 | {
"content": "Me llamo Marina.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My name is Marina.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221692 | {
"content": "No recuerdo cuándo sucedió.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I can't remember when it happened.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221693 | {
"content": "No puedo recordar cuándo ocurrió.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I can't remember when it happened.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221694 | {
"content": "La velocidad de la luz en el vacío se representa con la letra \"c\", de \"celeritas\", que en latín significa velocidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The speed of light in a vacuum is represented by the letter \"c\", from \"celeritas\", which in Latin means speed.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221695 | {
"content": "La dirección que habían escrito estaba equivocada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The address they had written was wrong.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221696 | {
"content": "¿Recuerdas esa canción que habían puesto en la radio?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do you remember that song that they had played on the radio?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221697 | {
"content": "Había dejado la bicicleta bajo la lluvia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He had left the bicycle in the rain.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221698 | {
"content": "Nadie sabía lo que había sucedido.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Nobody knew what had happened.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
221699 | {
"content": "Encontré las joyas que había perdido.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I found the jewelry that I had lost.",
"role": "assistant"
} |