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I enjoy paranormal romance and vampires are always a sexy read. Caine and Natalya's adventures make for a good read. It moves along nicely and we get to see the characters find themselves and something worth fighting for. Emotions are strong and decisions are hard but they never give up. The author does a nice job of bringing this new world to life. Not only was I immersed in the main characters story but the secondary characters also had a lot to say. I cannot wait to see more from this world and its inhabitants.
Drew and Cat have a past but they are trying not to let it effect their job. the two must work together on a case but the more time they spend together the more the sparks fly. When those sparks finally turn into a full fledged fire the two must make some choices. Will they follow their hearts to a happy ever after or will they lose what they could have. With a killer on the loose and his sights on Drew they must decide quickly where they stand. I am enjoying this series. Drew and Cat's story is a wonderful read. The two are great together, on and off the case. I enjoyed watching their attraction become so much stronger and it was nice to see the two work towards making everything right for them. The two find out that love is something that cannot be ignored but it must also be given the chance to blossom.
If you like Science Fiction and a touch of romance to your story you will enjoy this book. Kira and Thor are thrown together by circumstances beyond their control and when all hell breaks loose the two must find some answers. The two are drawn to each other and they must work together to survive. Soon they begin to wonder just what the truth is behind it all. Their story is a great start to this series and I cannot wait to see what else the author has in store for this new world. This is a fast moving tale that drew me in right form the beginning and kept my attention all the way to the end and has me excited for the next go around. I received an advance copy of this book for an honest review.
This book is full of adventure and grabbed my attention right from the start. I enjoyed meeting Vic and MacKenzie. Their story is fast paced and engaging. The two work well together and find that they must work through a lot of emotions as they find their way back to each other. Not only do the main characters have some thing to say but the secondary characters also shine and I hope that we get to see more from this world in the future.
If you enjoy a good fantasy world this is a book for you. Magic,dragons,faeries and more abound in this story. Kaye a fae meets Darius a dragon shifter and the adventure begins to heat up. When danger comes Darius is there to protect Kaye. Just where that protection and their attraction will lead is anyone's guess. I enjoyed watching their relationship take shape as they try to figure out just what is going on. The author does a nice job of bringing this world and its inhabitants to life. This story is filled with a nice mix of action and romance that kept me entertained all the way to the end. The characters are strong and the story moves along at a good pace. There are a few twists to keep readers engaged with the story and wanting more. I cannot wait to see what more is in store for this world.
I am a big fan of books that are edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. She has a knack of finding the best and most engrossing stories for her books and this one does not disappoint. This book contains over twenty stories all from different authors but all revolving around the world of submission. Each story may bring the reader into a new world but in each one we see the emotions and the trust that the characters have for one another. As with any book filled with so many stories there were ones that drew me in more than others but I truly enjoyed this book as a whole. Many of these authors were new to me and after reading this collection I will be sure to look for more from each of them. I loved being able to get my fix when I wanted to read something hot and kinky. These stories may be short but they make an impression and some even have you thinking of what happens after you leave their world. With so many different levels of BDSM or submission there is bound to be a story for every reader in this book. These stories were hot and sexy. Some stories more intense than others and making the reader think; could I would I? I truly enjoyed every story and hope to hear more from these authors. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Once again I found myself engrossed in another great anthology edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. With so many different stories and characters in this anthology just about every reader will be able to find one or more stories to their liking. These hot and fast paced stories pulled me in to so many great worlds. I found some new authors to enjoy alongside some old favorites. Each story is well written and keeps the readers interest. From a comic book convention to a honeymoon and so much more this book takes the reader to so many different worlds. I enjoyed these short stories and their characters. Each one is special in its own way and some even keep the reader thinking about what could come next in their worlds. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Katie and Dean had a past that did not end well but once again fate brings them together at her brother's wedding. Can a beautiful baby bring these two back together or will they forever live with the question of what if? I enjoyed watching Katie grow in this story, showing what a good person she truly is. Dean is a loyal and protective man and the two have a sweet romance. I loved watching the two reconnect and reach for their happiness. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
In this latest installment of this series we get Gabriel and Loraines story. The battle between good and evil is picking up and it does not look good. We get many twists and turns in this story to keep you on your toes and turning those pages. Destined love cannot be stopped nor can it be denied. When Loraine listens to her dog and goes in search of rescuing a man she never expected to find the man she is destined to be with. Gabriel has just about lost everything in an instant yet in that same instant he gains the world. Loraine and Gabriel make a nice couple and seeing the two fight for everything made for a good read. Their story is full of action and romance. Not only do we get Gabriel and Loraines story but we also get to learn more about the Outsiders and their powers and personalities. The author does a good job of mixing the romance and the action together while fleshing out the characters more and more with each book. I am eager to see just where we will go next in this series. I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
AS the fight against the True Believers continues Beaux must search for his mate. Lake has been captured by the True believers and Beaux will do anything to save her. Once he finds her he must find a way to keep her. Lake ran away from him before, can Beaux find a way to make her stay once he brings her home to his pack? I enjoyed this book. Lake and Beaux make a great couple. Their emotions are strong and watching their relationship take shape made for a nice read. Lake goes through so much in her life and still does not give up. Lake is much stronger than she realizes and it was nice to see Beaux fight for her to see herself as he sees her. Beaux is a great alpha. He loves and fights for all that need his help. As a couple these two are just about unstoppable. Fast paced and full of emotions this is a book that should not be missed and is a great addition to this series. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
I am enjoying this series from this author. In this book we get to meet Cyrus and Betsy. The two make a great couple. It was nice to see their relationship take shape. Betsy is a strong woman and a good match for Cyrus. He is a good man and hides a big heart underneath his tough exterior. He fights for and protects those that he cares for. When the truth comes out Betsy and Cyrus must make some hard decisions. Who can be trusted and who can help? Their story is a fast paced thrill ride. This book is filled with action, romance and surprises that will keep readers turning the pages to find out what comes next. I found myself quickly lost in their story and hope to return to this world for more. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
I am a big fan of tattoos and when I saw this box set I could not pass it up. So many great stories all centered around one tattoo shop. How could you go wrong with such great authors in this collection? Many different writing styles will keep readers entertained and looking for more from these authors. I really enjoyed the way these stories flowed together. All the authors did a good job of creating worlds that pull you in and keep you turning the pages to see what comes next. Each story is a hot read full of emotions, making this an anthology that should not be missed. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
This is another great collection of stories brought to readers by Rachel Kramer Bussel. This collection has a good amount of diversity and style. Each author brings their world and the characters to life. The characters are well developed and have a lot to say. I enjoyed all of the stories in this collection, some may have stood out more than others but as a whole this anthology is very enjoyable. The stories may be short but they do not lack anything because of that. There are over twenty stories in this collection so there is bound to be something that grabs your attention. I know that I found a few more authors to add to my list.
I am always excited when I see a new anthology edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. I know that I will be entertained and titillated with the stories between the covers and Best Bondage Erotica 2014 was no different. There are many different authors and worlds in this anthology and it is easy to find yourself getting lost in each one. I enjoyed each story and found many new authors to look for more from. Each of these stories bring readers into their world and characters. Fast paced and engaging these short stories make for great reading and should not be missed. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Once again Tara Lain weaves a beautiful story of love and strife. This is the latest story in her football series. Raven is not hiding who he is and his family wants him to be something that he is not and does not want to be. He longs for something more. When Dennis comes in to his life Everything changes for Raven. Their attraction is strong but can they overcome all of the obstacles that are put in their path? I enjoyed watching these two men find their way. Dennis was not a favorite character of mine but this author has a way of redeeming the bad guys and I soon began to like Dennis and see the good in him. Raven is a good man and together they make a good pair. Not only do we get see a wonderful relationship begin to blossom but we are also treated to some great supporting characters, like Raven's grandfather. In this story Raven and Dennis learn that some things are worth fighting for. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Winter is pulled into the world of the pack by his father. He is not a happy camper and is more than ready to leave. That is until he meets a man that will change his world. Matt is in town working a case and does not have the time or the safety to indulge in a relationship with another man. Yet Winter and he continue to be thrown together. Their attraction begins immediately and soon turns into so much more. I loved seeing the depth of their emotions and how they fight for that love. There is so much that these two men hide from the world and show only to each other. So much is going on in this story. Winter must figure out just what he wants and where he wants to be. His father has his own issues to work through as does Matt. The three men join forces and with the help of friends and family they fight for what they want. I loved seeing many of the characters from the previous books and we get to see who can be counted on when things get rough. I truly enjoyed this book. It is full of exciting twists and turns that grabbed my attention and did not let go. I cannot wait to return and see what is to come next in this world. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Do you believe in live? Are you willing to fight for it? Can Jim and Ken find love or will their differences keep them apart? Ken is out and not hiding his sexual preference but Jim us still hiding who he is. Circumstances bring these two men together and soon the attraction begins to burn hotter. So much is going on with Jim. He must find out who he truly is and make some hard choices in his life. The stress of it all leads him to needing a doctor and Ken fits the bill in more ways than one. I truly enjoyed watching Jim and Ken find something worth fighting for. Not only did I enjoy meeting these two men but the secondary characters also had much to say. Emotions are strong in this story and at times it will pull at your heartstrings. Love is to hard to find to let it fall from your grasp. These two men learn to grab what they can and hold on tight as they fight for their happiness. Their story is a beautiful romance that will pull you in and keep you until the very end. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Billy is not so sure about a lot of things and Shaz is one of them. Yet it seems that from their first encounter he may be the only one who truly understands Billy. What will these two opposite men find in common? Can Billy find his way to what he truly wants or will he continue to be confused forever? These and so many other questions were ones that ran through my head as I read this book. Billy endeared himself to this reader right from the start and I loved watching him find just what he needed. In trying to please everyone else Billy has lost himself. When he agrees to get a little help from a stylist to please his family Billys life changes forever. I enjoyed getting lost in Billys story. He is a good man and watching his life finally take the road he wanted made for a nice read. Not only do Billy and Shaz have something to say but some of the secondary characters will not be quiet either. I would love to revisit these characters and see just were life has taken them. This story is well written and full of great characters that have lots to say and will grab your attention right from the start. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
I just loved this take on the old fairy tale. Snow is a shy chess-master and Riley is a famous jock. Never would you imagine the two meeting let alone falling in love. Yet that is just what happens and the two must fight the evil witch to find their happy ever after. Tara Lain weaves a wondrous story full of emotions and depth. You will recognize the players of this game and you will cheer for love. This fast paced story grabs your attention right from the beginning and it does not let go until the very end. Snow and Riley must fight hard for love. Seeing Snow blossom into the man we all know he can be made for a nice read. With the help of his new found friends Snow watches miracles happen and hopefully his dreams come true. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is Evie and Greysons story and what a story it is. Can a fun-loving love and leave guy be stopped in his tracks by love? When he decides to help Evie he never thought he would find more than he bargained for. As the two spend more time together emotions come into play and love could soon be in the picture. I enjoyed watching Greyson and Evies relationship take shape. Both are good characters and they make a great couple. As hot as they are in the bedroom we can also see how well they are outside of it. We get to see that Greyson is truly a good man and finds what he needs with Evie. She is a smart woman and knows better than to fall for someone like Greyson but the heart wants what the heart wants. Seeing the two work through everything made for a nice read. You never know when love will find you and these two learn that the hard way.
This quick read gives us the story of Harley and Jocelyn. Harley becomes captured and tortured and during his imprisonment another person is brought in to the cell by him. A woman and not just any woman. Jocelyn just happens to be his superiors daughter. Harley not only recognizes this but also that she is his mate. The two must stay alive and find a way out of the prison before it is too late. I liked Harley and Jocelyn. The two make a good couple and watching their story unfold made for a nice read. This story has endearing characters and a good plot. Jocelyn is a strong woman who can hold her own and Harley is a man unto himself. The two work well together and fight for their happy ending. Not only did I enjoy the main characters but the supporting ones also had something to say. This story will pull you in and not let go until the end. The author does a nice job of mixing the romance and the action together. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a nice read about a young man and his struggles through life. Lucky has gone through so much pain in his life and he does not think any good will ever come to him. Yet when Dray comes back into his life Lucky finds himself wishing for something good yet not knowing how to go after and keep it. This is a nice read that can pull at your heart at times. The characters are well rounded. Lucky and Dray are nice couple and the love between them is strong. Dray is a good man and is willing to fight for what he wants and needs. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
This is book two in this series and another good read. I loved Val right from the start. He is a great character and I enjoyed watching his and Andrews story play out. The author does a wonderful job of bringing these characters and their world to life. This book has a nice mix of romance and mystery to it. Andrew and Val make a good couple and I enjoyed watching their relationship take shape as they dealt with everything else that was going on. I was quickly immersed in their story right from the start and it did not let me go until the very last page. This story is fast paced and engaging and it is a wonderful continuation of this series.
I am addicted to Felicity Heatons books. Her story telling and world building is wonderful. Whenever I get a new book I devour it and this book is no different. As soon as I settled in and started Her Avenging Angel I did not want to put it down. I loved Lysia and Nevar. Both go through so much torment before they can even attempt to reach for their happy ever after. I enjoyed seeing everyone from the past books again and it was nice to see them all rally together to help the ones that they care for. The bonds of friendship and love are strong. Nevar does not believe he is worthy but Lysia will not be persuaded otherwise and she aims to make him understand. The two make a great couple. Watching the two fight for their love was a beautiful read. I have to say that I adored the little scene stealer by the name of Dante. This story is full of emotions. I loved seeing this world continue to grow and change with every new book in the series. Lysia and Nevar make a great addition to the growing family of wonderful beings. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Each time I read a book by this author I think " now this hero is my favorite and it cannot get any better " but with each new book I am proven wrong. Each new book brings me a new favorite hero and this book is no different. I fell in love with Loren right from the start. He is a good man that longs to find love and peace. What he does find is Olivia and he must make the hard decision between love and his kingdom. This is a wonderful start to what looks to be a great series. It is full of just the right amount of action and emotions. The characters are full of depth and I loved the world that the author has created. I was pulled in to this story right from the start. We are introduced to many wonderful characters and with its many twists and turns this book kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Felicity Heaton sure knows how to draw readers in! I am constantly falling in love with her tortured heroes and just adore the women who stand by their sides. This book gives us a great couple in Lucifer and Nina. The two are thrown together in the game that Heaven is playing with everyone's lives. This time they have thrown a mortal woman into the depths of Hell. Will she save or destroy Lucifer? Can Lucifer figure out just what his enemies are up to before it is too late? I was immersed in Lucifer and Nina's story right from page one and did not want it to end. I loved seeing the softer side of Lucifer and the love he begins to feel for Nina. She is a strong woman and she understands more than anyone the pain of betrayal. Her love for Lucifer will be the key to everything but is it strong enough to withstand everything thrown at them? I enjoyed watching Lucifer and Nina's relationship take shape. Trust and love are hard to come by and harder to keep. The two fight for all that they have and want. Nina is a great match for Lucifer. She loves him unconditionally and only sees the wonderful man that he truly is and not the monster he thinks he is. The love that they share is evident in all that they do. Their story is a wonderful addition to this series. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Another great read from this author. I loved Grave and Isla. The two make a wonderful couple. Each one compliments the other and makes each other a better half of a whole. The two have gone through so much but love may still be underneath all the pain that they share and that love could be the one thing that saves them. Can the two find a way to overcome their hurt and come together to fight a common enemy or will their past keep them apart forever? I have been waiting to get to read Grave's story and I was not disappointed. Felicity Heaton weaves a great story with characters full of emotion. I was quickly pulled in to Grave and Isla's story. Underneath it all Grave is a good man who truly cares. He hides this from the world and after what happened between him and Isla Grave has become even harder and colder. Isla is a good woman and soon learns that what she has done may not have been the right thing in the end. The two learn some hard lessons and must make even harder decisions along their journey. It was nice to watch the two find their way through pain and hopefully find their pleasure. Their story takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Love is a powerful magic all its own and these two learn that the hard way. Not only was I excited to read Grave and Isla's story but I also got another look at one of my favorite characters from this author; Grave's cousin Snow. The author does a wonderful job of bringing her worlds and characters together. This is a fast paced story that should not be missed it will grab you right from the start and will not let go until the very end. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Cavanaugh once had all that he wanted but life got in the way and he watched as what he longed for drifted farther from his reach. So he did what any man in his place would do he gave up everything for a chance at love. Cavanaugh has waited for so long and just when he thinks it is almost over Eloise walks back into his life. What will he do? What can he do? Will he choose duty over love after all this time? I was pulled into Cavanaugh and Eloises story right from the beginning. He is such a quiet and mysterious man that I did not know what to expect from Cavanaugh. Yet just like all of Felicity Heatons male characters he has so many layers and each one that you peel off as you read only endears him even more to the reader. I loved seeing Eloise open up and find her old self with Cavanaugh. The two make a beautiful couple and the love that they share shines brightly. Their story is a great mix of actions and emotions. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is another great read from Felicity Heaton. Underneath his tough guy persona Harbin is truly a good man. He has gone through so much in his life and is still surviving. Aya has kept her head down for so many years but now it looks like the past is finally catching up to her. When circumstances bring these two together emotions fly. I loved watching the two find their way. Love is hard to come by and the two have to fight hard. The pain that they go through blinds them at times to what is right before their eyes. Friends and enemies are not always what you think. Aya and Harbin must decide what their hearts truly want. The two make a great couple and together only they can defeat their past and move forward. This is a fast paced story that had me glued to my seat. I was excited to not only see Harbin and Aya's story unfold but also to see many of the other characters in this series. I loved seeing the scene where everyone is in the Underground from Harbin's eyes as well as his meeting Loke. I enjoyed seeing more of Hartt and Fuery in this book as well. There are so many great characters in this series. I hope that we get to see their stories soon. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Every time I come to this wondrous world created by Felicity Heaton I fall in love with each couple and this story is no different. Owen and Caits story is a beautiful romance. When Owen meets Cait he never imagined that he would find the one woman destined for him. Can she really be the one for him? Will the two find a way to their happy ever after or will the evil chasing Cait win? Right from the beginning Owen endears himself to the reader. He is a good man with a big heart. Cait is a strong woman who has always stood on her own but finds that she may need to lean on Owen this time. I loved watching their relationship grow and shape. Their attraction grows into something much deeper as their story is told. I enjoyed seeing the two fight for each other and the love that they share. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
In this second book of the Eternal mates series we get Sable and Thornes story. As Thorne prepares for war he must also deal with romancing his mate but Sable will have none of that and add in a jealous elf and Thorne has more than his hands full. I just adore Thorne. He may be a big bad Demon but he loves Sable and tries his hardest to do what is best for her. Sable is a strong woman who is more than ready to fight for what is right. No matter how hard she wants to deny it Sable soon finds out that there is room in her life for love. Seeing the two work through everything made for a great read. This book is full of action and romance and some twists and turns that bring readers some great surprises. I loved getting to see Snow and a few of the other characters in the previous series show up in this one. I am enjoying how the author intertwines the two series and I hope that we get to see more of that. With each new book this author continues to give readers a wonderful story built on love and emotions. This story takes readers on an emotional ride and doesn't let go and even after the story had been told you want more. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Felicity Heaton has done it once again. The heroes in this series are quickly becoming my favorites. I loved Vail from the first book. After learning all that he went through I waited with baited breath for his story. And the story that Vail got was a great one. Vail is a wonderful man underneath it all. He has gone through so much pain and betrayal it breaks your heart. Watching him try so hard endears him to the readers. Rosalind is a great match for him. The glimpses that we see of her earlier in this series do not do her justice. She is much stronger and loyal than she seems on the surface. I admire her strength and all that she does for Vail. The two make a wonderful couple. The connection that they make was undeniable and the love that forms between the two was a beautiful read. Everything that they both go through separate and together makes them who they are and only solidifies the emotions that they feel. This story is sure to pull on your heart strings and have you believing in love. I was gifted a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
I am enjoying each and every trip that I take to this world. Felicity Heaton has built a wondrous world of magic and paranormal beings. Each one endearing in their own way, making it hard for me to pick a favorite couple but I have to admit Anais and Loke are amongst my top couples. I truly enjoyed their tale. Loke is a strong man who proves to Anais just what an honorable man he can be. Seeing their attraction turn into something much more was a nice read. Anais learns the hard way that love can be found and lost in an instant yet she is more than willing to fight for that love. Loke wants nothing more than to protect Anais but soon his feelings become so much more. As the two begin to work through all the misunderstandings and mishaps that befall them they begin to find a connection and soon find that love cannot be denied. I also enjoyed seeing some of the other characters in this series and especially loved the scenes at the Underworld bar. I am excited to see just what will happen next in this series. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I cannot say enough about this book. I love Kyter and was happy to see his story told. Iolanthe is a strong woman and a great fit for Kyter. I loved watching the two on their adventure. Both have strong reasons not to trust and emotions run high. Love is not something either of them takes for granted but can they trust that love is what drives the other? Kyter is a great man and has gone through so much in his life yet he stands tall and has made so much for himself. He risks so much more than his life when he trusts Iolanthe. This is a great story full of action and adventure alongside the beautiful romance. There were a few twists and turns in this story that I did not see coming and I enjoyed every one of them. I love every visit back to this world. The author does a wonderful job of pulling you in and immersing readers into a wondrous world full of great characters and emotions. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Asteria and Rey are both sent on assignment. One is an Angel and one is a demon, they could not be any more different if they tried. Yet they both want the same thing. Can the two work together to find what they want and need or will their loyalties and their assignment be their downfall? Felicity Heaton weaves another great story with this latest addition to her Eternal Mates series. I just adored Asteria; she is smart and sassy but also determined and ready to do her job. The Angel is a good man and works hard at denying his feelings for Asteria but just how long can he hold back? I enjoyed watching Rey and Asterias relationship take shape. The two work well together and I was pulled into their story right from the start. This story moves at a nice pace and never lags. It keeps you interested and has you wondering just what will happen next. Once again the author brings us a wonderful couple that has you cheering for love and hoping that the characters will follow their hearts. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am really enjoying this series. Each new book shows me why I have this author on my auto buy list and this book packs a punch. There is so much that I loved in this book. Asmodeus, Liora and even the hell hounds make an impression. Asmodeus has lived his life alone and always a mere copy of his twin yet when he goes to retrieve Liora she shows him what a man he truly is. The trust and love that she shows him is new and foreign to Asmodeus and even though he longs to have that love he fears that he is not worthy of it. Yet he refuses to give Liora to the Devil and will fight any and all who threaten her. This was a beautiful story. Once I started reading I was pulled in to their world and did not want to leave. I enjoyed watching Asmodeus learn to interact with people and the mortal world. Liora is great. She is a strong woman who is always ready and willing to fight for those that she cares for. Seeing their relationship build into something more was a beautiful read. I loved seeing Erin and Veiron again, they are another great couple. Emotions run high in this story and pull on your heartstrings at times. I have to add that I adored the Hell Hounds and would love to see more of them. From sassy strong women to alpha protective males who will fight to the death to protect those they hold dear this book has it all. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
A wonderful assortment of stories are enclosed in the pages of this anthology. Each of these short stories will grab your attention and have you looking for more from these authors. I enjoyed my trip into so many different worlds. There is a lot to keep your intrest in these stories. They are full of action,romance and more. I also liked that there was a variety of shifters as well as different levels of passion in these books. This anthology is a great way to check out some great authors and characters. Of course as with every anthology there were some stories that I enjoyed more but as a whole this is a good read and should not be missed. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed this book. It is a quick and fun read. April and Sean's first meeting is a great read. I love April. She is a hoot and seeing her try to relax at the nudist resort was a fun read. Sean and April are hot together and I cannot wait to read their story. This was a nice glimpse of the two and how they interact. They make a good couple and I hope that they are able to connect in the future. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved seeing the connection and the love between Larissa and Terak. This short story gives readers a glance at the intense emotions that this couple goes through. Both are more than ready to fight for their love. Terak fears losing his mate and feels the need to show her that he can and will take care of her in every way possible. He is a good man and Larissa is a strong woman ready to always stand by him. I enjoyed this quick look into their lives and seeing the love and trust that the two have for one another.
This story brings us a quick look at the lives of Melanie and Tristan. A few others of the dragons make an appearance and other story lines are alluded to. There is so much love between Melanie and Tristan it burns off of the pages. Not only do they love one another but the love between everyone is evident. They care deeply for one another and want to live in peace. I love the strength that the woman have and how the men care for them but do not overpower them. They cherish their relationships and encourage their mates. We get to see this a lot in this story as Tristan tries to protect Melanie as he encourages her to fight for what she wants. I enjoyed my visit to this magical world of dragons and cannot wait to see what will come next for them. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This collection of stories is a wonderful read. It is full of great characters and emotions. So many different ideas and worlds show up in these stories. Each of these stories pulled me in and kept me engaged to the end and some even left me wanting more. Romance gets a little help in these stories. The inclusion of the animals makes these stories even more fun and entertaining. Every author does a good job of building a world full of characters that grab your attention and have you rooting for a happy ending.
In book two of this series Kendall's life is more than busy and she must find a way to deal with so much. I am enjoying this universe and watching it's inhabitants lives unfold. We learn more about how everything has fallen into the places they are now but we still have questions to be answered. The author does a good job of grabbing the reader's attention and keeping you both satisfied and wanting more at the same time. Who will we see at the end of this journey and will it be who we want? I am really enjoying Kendall and the story weaving around her and cannot wait to see more. My copy was given by the author and I have voluntarily written a review.
This is a wonderful story. I love this dragon series and this was a great addition to it. Not only do we get a new couple but we also get to visit with some past couples. It is full of romance and fun that had me laughing out loud at times and enjoying their story. Charity is a great character and I enjoyed watching her and The First Dragon find their happy ever after.
This box set brings readers a great group of stories. They continue in the world of the Elite Warriors. Strong men and women all fighting for the same beliefs. Missions and attraction soon collide and make for good reads. Each author brings their characters to life and I quickly became engrossed in each new story. You can never be sure who you should trust and who is going to come to help. Honor and emotions are strong among these characters. I liked that the women in these stories were just as strong as the men and ready to fight right alongside of them. The stories are nicely paced and not only grabbed my attention but kept it all the way until the end.
Once again I found myself lost in a wonderful world. This author does a great job of bringing her characters to life and endearing them to this reader. This book gives us a new world full of adventure and romance. Del is a tough man and Emma is a sweet woman. They say opposites attract and boy are these two opposites but love does not discriminate. Del and Emma find that they cannot keep fighting their emotions as they try to solve the case that they are working on. I loved watching their relationship begin to take shape. Their attraction is strong and only grows deeper as the two continue to find a way to work together. Del is more than ready to fight for his love and when he gets it right boy does he get it right. There is no stronger love than what he has for her and Del aims to show her and tell her until Emma believes him. As we watch Emma and Del's story unfold the secondary characters have their say as well. Making this not only a good read but also a great introduction to a new series. I received this book in exchange for an honest review
Another good read from this author. We get to see another side of Deacon in this book. We first met him in a previous YA book but Deacons book is not for the young. Deacon is a very mature read. Vampires and werewolves, sex and danger are all intertwined together in this story. Deacon is on an adventure that could be his last or the beginning of his future. Micah and Deacon are drawn to help a town that holds many secrets. Will Lydia be the one for Deacon or is she leading him to a trap? I enjoyed watching Deacon and Lydia find their way. It was nice to see Deacon grow throughout this story. It was nice to see Deacon and Micah go back and find themselves amongst friends again. Life changes for Deacon and it was nice to see him figure things out and fight for his happy ever after.
Castles, werewolves, romance and intrigue what more could you want from this book? This is the second book in this storyline and it brings us Kirstins story. I enjoyed watching Kirstin find love. Yet once found can she keep it or will she let it fall from her grasp? Donal is the man destined for Kirstin. Can the two make it work even though they are from two different worlds? Is their love strong enough? I enjoyed seeing Kirstin and Donals relationship take shape. Kirstin must find a way to help her kind as well as her love. As she deals with her own feelings Kirstin must deal with the evil men who are out to destroy her kind. Who is to be trusted and who is to be feared? The author does a good job of pulling you in to this story and I found myself quickly immersed in all the intrigue and wonders of this world. Kirstin is a strong woman and Donal is a good man. Together they make a great couple. There attraction soon turns into something more and the two must find a way to deal with it all. Their story is full of well fleshed out characters and wonderful world building making you feel as if you are right there with them. I am excited to see what will happen next in this world. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a wonderful story of finding and keeping love. Christophe and Mason come from opposite worlds, but their destiny is to be together. Once they meet it is up to them to fight for their destiny or to give it up. What will each man do once they find out just what they are to each other? I really liked Christophe and Mason. Each one is a good and strong man. Mason must do what he can to survive and Christophe fights to do what is right. The two have great chemistry right from the start and I loved seeing their relationship take shape. Neither man knows where things will end but each is willing to give the other their trust and ultimately their heart. I was pulled in to their story right from the start and was eagerly turning the pages to see what would happen next. This is a fast-paced story that shows us what love can do.
I love the Santini family. Each and every one of them is special. In this story Dante shows readers what makes him special. Madison is just as special and is a wonderful match for Dante. I loved watching the two find their way as they try to figure out just what did happen on that fateful night. The two make a great couple and I loved that Dante saw Madison the person not just her affliction. Their love is strong and will not go away. It only grows stronger with each day. As their story unfolds we get to visit with so many characters along the way. All of them with something to say and enhance the enjoyment of the story. I really enjoyed this visit to the Santini family and hope that it is not my last one. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book was a great read, three stories in one. Each story connected by not only friendship and love but also by a special spirit known as Bone Daddy. He is much more than what he seems and it takes some special people to start things into motion that will forever change everything. Will their faith in each other and their love be enough? As each of these stories brings us closer to Bone Daddy and his fate we find ourselves hoping that he will finally find his happy ever after. In the beginning we meet Allegra who is visiting her old friend Michelle in New Orleans to recoup after a major accident. While there Allegra meets Rosseau who is possessed by Bone Daddy and from there the fun begins. Allegra is determined to find a way to free Rosseau from Bone Daddy at any costs. Next comes Michelle and Ben who are old and dear friends that have always loved each other but need a little more than a push to get together. Last but not least is Bone Daddy and Bethany's story. It seems that all of our friends including Bone Daddy have much more in common than anyone ever imagined. I loved every one of the characters. Only if I was hard pressed would I be able to pick a favorite. Every one of the women were strong in their own way and just needed the love and trust of the others to help them see their strength. The men are all sexy and brooding and love with all their hearts. Watching the three relationships blossom was a wonderful read. I enjoyed the voodoo aspect and felt myself absorbed in a rich story that has characters full of emotions and depth.
Demons rule this world and there are special women who fight them. Anne is one of those women. I loved the relationship between Anne and her men. Each person is strong in their own way but together they will face down anything and everything in their path and prevail. There is a nice mix of action and romance in their adventure as well. This book is a wonderful introduction to this series. We learn about this world and how it works. I enjoyed this new world that Rebecca Royce has built. This is a fast paced story that pulled me in right from the start. The characters and their world come nicely to life and I am eager for more from this series.
This book is another great read in this series. I will be the first to admit that Bleu is not my number one hero in this series but this book proves just how wonderful and emotional he is. A dragon, a woman and a sword all intertwined with a warrior that must make a hard choice, but is it as hard as he thinks? Bleu may find happiness if he lets it in. Taryn has her own problems to deal with but soon she finds help from her mate. I enjoyed watching the relationship between the two blossom. Love will not ignored and the intensity of theirs made for a nice read. Taryn is a strong woman and a good match for Bleu. No matter how strong she is Bleu will always fight for her and together nothing will stand in their way. It was nice to see the others from earlier stories in this series come to their aid as well. Everyone fights together for a common goal and is always ready to help each other and with what we get to see in the end of this story I am excited to see what is coming next. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is an intriguing read. Angel is a new experiment, a new kind of being. Made to be better and faster nothing like the work drones. When she is accidentally seen by the slavers she soon becomes a slave in another sense. She may not be a worker drone but she is captive just the same. Readers are taken along for the ride as Angels world begins to change and not for the better. This is a fast paced read that takes you on a strange journey and I cannot wait to see what is in store for Angel next. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Once again we are on whirlwind of a ride with Angel. It seems that no matter what she does her life is never as she wants it. She seems to be always chasing after her happy ever after. This book picks up the story right where we left it last. Angel continues to fight for her safety and her life. She longs for something that she cannot have, always only getting glimpses of happiness and now she is back where she started. Can she truly ever be free of the Gran or will she forever be their slave? I am enjoying watching Angel begin to blossom and find herself. I cannot wait to see where her adventure goes from here. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am always excited to read the next story from Lynn Red. I love getting lost in the worlds that this author creates. This book brings us back to the world of Raine and Dax. Picking up three years after the previous book. This couple goes through so much as they fight for their happy ever after. A man whom Raine thought was long dead comes to town and a reporter has also come to town with his sights on Raine, if that is not enough some cubs have gone missing. The two cannot seem to catch a break lately. The past must be faced and the strength of their relationship will be tested. Their love is strong but will it survive? The two make a great couple and work well of of each other but is that enough? Watching the two fight for what is right and what they want makes for a good read. This quick paced story is full of action and romance. The author does a great job of pulling the two together while adding just the right amount of humor. It grabbed my attention right from the start and would not let me go until the very last page. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Brock thought he left his old life behind but it has come back to haunt him. A new job has him guarding someone from his past that he would love to forget. Penelope knows that she wronged Brock all those years ago but she has grown up and learned. When their paths cross once again the sparks fly but Brock has a secret that he knows will chase Penelope away. As long as he can finish this job and return home all will be okay but fate has other things in mind for these two and love will not be denied. I loved Brock. He is a good man that has fought hard to survive what life throws at him. Penelope has grown up into a strong and smart woman and just wants the chance to prove it to Brock. I enjoyed watching their relationship build. Brock is full of emotions and endeared himself to this reader. I liked the woman that Penelope turned into, she is a good match for Brock, the two work well together. It was nice to see her take the step and fight for the love that they share. Their love is strong and the bond between them grows. This is a fast past story with great characters that are full of emotion and should not be missed. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am enjoying the world that the author has created in these books. In book two of this series we get to meet Kai and Mariska. These are two wonderful characters. Kai is a great man always ready to do what is right and to fight for those that need help. In Mariska he sees a beautiful woman who needs his help and he is more than ready to give it and more. Mariska has had a hard life but she endures and has strength in her. I enjoyed watching the two begin to build a relationship and fight for their happiness. Not only does love grow but Mariska finds her strength with that love. The two must find a way to survive it all. Will love win or will evil prevail? Emotions are strong and add a lot to this great story and its characters. This story has just the right amount of action and romance. It grabs your attention from the start and keeps it until the very end. I cannot wait to return to this world to see what will happen next. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a quick paced and engaging read. It brings us the story of Margaret and Henry a couple from the 1950's. A professor and his student both hoping that love will be the glue that keeps them together. Although their love is strong the two must find their way. Henry teaches Margaret a lot more outside of class than in and she is ready and excited to learn. I enjoyed watching this couple find their way to a happy ending. Their love is strong and it not only brings them together it also carries them along to a new and great adventure of life together. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
A honey badger, a dragon and a fated mate what could possibly happen? This is another enjoyable read in this series. Can Luke find a way to save Noe; along with everything else. Can he win the fight for it all? I loved seeing Luke and Noel together. They area perfect match and watching the sparks turn into more made for a nice read. The story moves along nicely and the characters endear themselves to the reader. Full of great characters and a good plot this book should not be missed. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book gives us two romances from one author. Reporter Marnie and Special Agent Hunter are our first story. Hot on the trail of a story Marnie ends up sharing a train ride with Hunter. The two end up much closer than they imagined. Is it love or is it just fun for Marnie? In the second we get Belle and Mitch's story. A bride and groom who must find love again. The two cannot seem to get it right but when they do it is perfect. This is two good reads in one book. Each of the stories is full of romance and great characters. It is a fun read that keeps your attention from start to finish. I enjoyed these fast paced and engaging stories. I would love to return to their worlds and read more about some of the secondary characters. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
This story is another fun and engaging read from this author. Sophia and Max take readers on an adventure. Sophia is in the mists of a battle over her late husbands estate and is trying to regain her art gallery's classy reputation but someone does not want her to get that back and now her brother has sent Max to help her. Sophia does not want any help she just wants to fix it all and move on with her life. Yet it looks like she may need Max's help after all but that is all she wants and Sophia plans to keep it that way but Max may have plans of his own. I quickly found myself immersed in Max and Sophia's story. I loved the banter and the interaction between the characters. Their story moves at a good pace and the characters are well fleshed out. Sophia and Max make a nice couple. The two compliment each other nicely and watching their relationship begin to take shape made for a good read.
This book takes you on an adventure. Warriors and princesses take center stage. Two princesses growing and learning and the men by their sides. Lizbett and Larian are still on their own ride while Fallon and Zoltaire's has just begun. When Zoltaire is charged with keeping princess Fallon captive the adventure begins. I enjoyed watching Fallon and Zoltaire's relationship take shape and their exploits made for a nice read. This story moves at a good pace and pulls the reader in right from the beginning. With well developed characters and a good plot this is a book that should not be missed. I hope that we get to revisit this world again. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
If you enjoy a good mystery you will like this book. An undercover detective posing as a student fora case finds herself drawn to a professor. Both have secrets and now is not the time to hide them all? The tow must figure out how much to share. As Nancy continues her undercover work she and Matt begin to have feelings for each other. The two decide that a romance without expectations is what they want but can the two walk away when the case is over? This book takes readers on an interesting ride. Nancy and Matt must make some hard choices. Both have their own journeys to go on but just maybe they can work together. I enjoyed meeting these two and watching their relationship build. Their story is intriguing but a little long for me. This book will pull you in and may even surprise you with a few turns along the way. There is a hot romance alongside a good mystery that will keep readers attention. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Each of the McKays have their own set of problems to deal with. When their parents died they had to find a way to stay together and move on with their lives. This book gives readers a nice romance that is intertwined with a mystery. I enjoyed Neve and Ian's story. The two make a great couple. Their attraction soon turns into something more. Ian is a good man. He even tries to stay away from a relationship when he finds out Neve is his frinds little sister but when Neve needs him Ian is there for her. She has returned after so many years but Neve has brought her problems along with her. I loved seeing the siblings and good friends reunite and fight for the safety of one of their own. Love is strong and worth fighting for. Neve and Ian learn this lesson and are more than ready to fight for their love. The author does a good job of fleshing out the characters and pulling the reader in. I was quickly lost in this story and did not want it to end.
Arianna and Jason may both be in the limelight but they coem from two different worlds. Jason greew up always wanting and fought his way to the top. Arianna was born into wealth. Yet those difference don't mean a thing as the two find themselves enjoying a no string attached relationship. When emotions like love begin to enter the picture neither Arianna nor Jason know what to do. When Jason's past comes back to haunt him and Arianna's desicion to make a stand combime with their feelings the chaos begins. Soon Jason and the Perconti's must figure out just where they all stand. I enjoyed watching Arianna begin to grow. She is a smart woman and blossoms with the support of those that love her. Jason is so much more than the man he presents to the world and seeing his true persona made for a nice read. The two make a good couple. It was nice to see what hides behind the masks that these two show the world. They each learn that love is always worth fighting for. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Tristan has rules but will he follow them in the end? Is Shannon the one woman who will get Tristan to break? I enjoyed watching these two find there way. Tristan and Shannon make a good couple but when Tristan makes mistakes he must decide what is more important in his life. Shannon is a strong woman who makes a hard choice even when she longs for more. Can Tristan find his happy ever after or has he lost Shannon for good? This story will have you cheering on love and hoping that it will win in the end. It's characters come to life and grab your attention right from the start. This is an engaging read full of emotions and strong characters. Love will not be denied and this couple learns that the hard way.
When Grace finally takes a chance and goes to the rodeo with her good friend she finds so much more than a simple night out. Meeting her very own cowboy starts the ball rolling and from there her adventure begins. Ben is tired of the same old loose women that hang around the rodeos, he is in it to win it and has one goal in mind and a woman is not going to sideline him. That is until that fateful night when Grace walks into the rodeo. Grace and Ben are such an endearing couple. Ben is a great man who loves with all his heart and loves a real woman. He makes his woman feel loved and cherished just by being himself. I loved seeing Grace open up and find her inner vixen with his help. She has been so focused on work and making sure her children had what they needed that she never got to find herself. The love that they shared is evident to everyone but themselves and watching their relationship unfold into so much more than what either of them planned made for a great read. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
In the midsts of a book signing Samantha Hasting meets the man of her dreams. The very man on the cover of her romances that she has been dreaming of since she was a teen. How can he be a real person? She has written about a man from her dreams never expecting him to be a reality. David Chance a famous wrestler shows up after he becomes aware of Samantha using his picture and writing about him in her romance books. He has decided to give her a piece of his mind but when he shows up at her book signing and the sparks fly all of his intentions go out of the window. David realizes that he wants more than just money from Samantha so he gives her an ultimatum. Samantha must decide whether she wants to agree to it or let the man of her dreams walk away. Both Samantha and David feel the sparks fly from their very first meeting but will their relationship last? Can they both want something more than just sex? With each passing day their feelings for each other become more intense. Will they trust each other and lay their hearts on the line or will they separate after their time together and never see one another again? I adored both Samantha and David. David was an Alpha male who saw what he wanted and took it. He has a heart of gold but a bad boy persona. Only those closest to David know just what a genuine person he is. Samantha is a woman with her own mind even if she dose lose it whenever she is around David. She is smart and stands for what she thinks is right. The love that grows between these two is a beautiful thing to read. Fran Lee weaves a great story about lust, trust and most of all love. With characters full of depth and emotion that show us that if you are willing to take that jump you may just find the love of your life. This book had me glued to the pages from the very beginning. Out Of Her Dreams is a lovely story that should not be missed.
This was a hot and sweet read about a married couple who finds their spark once again. Loving each other is never hard but sometimes couples begin to neglect the spice in their love life. Adison realizes this firsthand and decides to do something about it. She surprises Thyne with one of his greatest wishes. Putting everything on the line she gives Thyne a gift he won't soon forget. Seeing the love that is so strong between these two was a nice read. Adison understands Thyne and is willing to put her heart on the line to give him what he needs and wants. Thyne is happy to receive his gift but will always stay true to his one and only love; Adison. Thyne and Adison are devoted to each other and that love shows through in all that they do. I enjoyed this short look into their lives and hope to get to see more adventures from this couple. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Monica and Jane find themselves experiencing life in a new way. When a wish on a star brings unexpected adventures readers are in for a treat. I enjoyed this fast moving story. Love finds its way to those who need it most. When Jane gets to live as Monica what will she do? Help or harm? I enjoyed watching the relationships form between everyone and watching the characters grow and realize just what true friendship and love is. This is a fun read that pulls you right in and does not let go until the end. This book is full of good characters and a sweet plot that proves how strong love is making it a fun romantic fantasy to enjoy. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This fast paced erotic story is full of emotions. I was torn between loving and hating the characters in this story. I enjoyed meeting Kace and Kendall. Kace isn't the monster he shows himself to be and Kendall hides her own secrets. The two make a good couple. Each able to give the other what they need. Their whirlwind romance starts out on the wrong side but it eventually comes out right but will the two even give their feelings a try or is it over before it begins? I liked the premise of this story but I was not thrilled with Kendalls best friend and her actions throughout this book. It would also have been nice to have a bit more character development with Kace and Kendall. I would love to know the reason why Kace was the way he was and more on the problems Kendall dealt with growing up that turned her into the woman that she is. This is an engrossing read that will keep you turning the pages to see just what will happen to Kendall and Kace. I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Logan is the man we meet in this story. He is the easiest going of the brothers but don't judge him as a pushover. He may let things go easily but he is the man that you can count on when the chips are down. When Meg comes into his life things begin to change. Can Logan work with Meg to steal the jewel and help right the wrong that has been placed on his family? This is another great read in this series. I am enjoying my visits with the McLennan family. Each brothers story is a great read and Logans is no different. He is a good man who loves with all his heart and Meg is a strong woman. The two make a great couple. Each of them dealing with their past to find a future that they can share. I enjoyed watching their relationship take shape and blossom no matter how hard they fought it. Love is a complex and strong thing and it cannot be denied. I was pulled into this fast paced story right from the start and cannot wait to read the next brothers story. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Hart has been dealing with a haunting for months now and has finally found the courage to ask for help from RosaLynn. When the two meet the sparks fly but first they must figure out the what and why of Hart's problems. As the two work together feelings begin to deepen but each one has secrets of their own. Will Hart and RosaLynn be able to accept the others secrets and stand by them when they need it? This is a sweet romance. I enjoyed RosaLynn and Hart's story. Both are strong characters and they make a good couple. It was nice to see the attraction that they have turn into something deeper. Hart and RosaLynn learn that if you let the right person in love has a way of finding you. I received a copy of this book and chose to review it
A great collection of stories that pull you in and keep you engaged with the characters. These stories are fast and fun with a does of sexy added in. Each author does a good job of bringing their characters and worlds to life. I enjoyed each new world and found a few new authors along the way that I will be sure to look for more from. As with most collections some stories stood out more than others but as a whole this collection is an enjoyable read.
Grace may be clumsy and her life full of accidents but the ones she is having lately are more than just accidents. It looks as if someone is out to get her and Grace has no idea why. Add in her ex fiance coming to town and a hunky new police chief and Graces world is turned upside down. I enjoyed watching Grace and Rens relationship build. Ren fights it as much as he can but Grace has gotten under his skin and he cannot forget the emotions she makes him feel but has he already lost her? As we watch Ren and Grace each figure out just who could be behind the attacks their relationship builds. It was also nice to see Julia and Gabriels interactions. I hope that we get to see their story unfold in the future. This story is a sweet romance that will pull readers into the wonderful world that this author has imagined. I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed this book. Chris and Cynthia are good together. Seeing Cynthia blossom and find her true self made for a great read. Chris is a great guy and I loved watching the two find their way on this adventure. Cynthia and Chris fight their way to a happy ever after and learn a thing or two about love along the way. The author does a wonderful job of bringing these characters and their world to life making this a nice continuation of the Harmless series.
Sancha is a strong woman who has something special she shares with those that need it but she must be careful. One wrong person finds out and it could very well mean her death. Sancha lives in a scary time but she must help all of those that she can. Enrique is a good man and has set his sights on Sancha. Their attraction soon heats up and I enjoyed watching it turn into something deeper. Their story is a wonderful tale of love and strength. The two are wonderful together and we see the love that bonds them together. I enjoyed this well paced story and was glad to see Sancha and Enrique fight for their happy ever after.
This is a sexy and entertaining read. I never imagined that there would be so many scenarios surrounding latex that would pull me into these stories. Although a few of these stories were really short I enjoyed this anthology as a whole. Each story is a hot read that gives readers a healthy love of latex. With so many different authors there is bound to be a story for just about everyone in this anthology. Once again Rachel Kramer does a great job of putting together a wonderful compilation of stories in this book. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
This is another hot read from this author. Two people trying hard to fight their attraction but when push comes to shove that attraction cannot be denied. Elaine and Trevor are stuck together and emotions run wild. The two must find a way to get through it all and still be able to work together. As we learn just why each of them acts the way that they do we also get to see their relationship begin to take shape. I enjoyed this quick fun read from start to finish. The author does a nice job of bringing the characters and their personalities to life. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I found Allistair and Steves story to be a sweet and engaging read Allistair may have tons of money but it cant buy him the one thing that he truly wants: love. When Steve enters his life Allistair finds that love is not bought it is earned. Steve is the one man who does not want anything to do with Allistairs money, all he wants is Allistair. The two feel their way through the rough times and find a way to the good times. Along the way there are bumps and bruises but their love is strong. I enjoyed watching their relationship take shape. This story encompasses not only Allistair and Steves relationship but we also get to see into the rest of their lives and even some of their friends lives. I enjoyed meeting Cole and would love to have his story told. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This story is full of emotions and strong characters. Micah is trying his best but it seems that he never makes people happy. Yet one woman seems to be able to make him feel wanted and good enough. I enjoyed seeing these two find their way. Micah is worth so much more than he thinks he is. Brynna is a strong woman who can take care of herself and even Micah as well. Vampires and werewolves are not the only dangers around for Micah and Brynna. As the two work to figure everything out their emotions come into play. Can these two find a happy ever after? I really enjoyed getting to see the true Micah and not what everyone thinks he is. This is another engaging read from this author. It moves along nicely and pulled me right in. There is a good amount of action and romance to keep readers entertained all the way to the end.
I enjoyed this fast paced story. It pulled me in right from the start. This is the story of two different couples who must find a way to deal with war and its outcomes including death and the many emotions brought on by it. I really liked the characters of Alexia and Darrin. Their relationship made for an interesting read. Watching Alexia battle with her need for revenge and her interest in Darrin makes for a good story. King Goththor and his wife are the other couple that we follow in this story. I enjoyed watching the two reconnect as the story unfolds. I would have liked a bit more back-story to everyone and how they knew each other as well as getting some of the thoughts going on in Darrin and the Queens minds during their time in this turmoil. This is the first story that I have read from this author and I truly enjoyed my visit. I loved getting lost in this world and its characters. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a sweet romance. I enjoyed meeting Michael and Lisette. The two are both strong and independent people. Each one is a force on their own but together they are something else. It was nice to see Michael realize his mistake and try to atone for it and try to win Lisettes love back. As much as I enjoyed Michael and Lisette I have to say Desmond stole the show for me. I would love to find out more of his story. This story moves along quickly and the characters and story line are well rounded. I was immersed in their world from the very start and entertained all the way to the very end. I was gifted a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Lhea may have been forced to leave her master and the dark part of the forest but she never forgets her time there and longs to reunite with her master. She must make a hard decision that will affect the rest of her life. Will she help those that want to destroy her master? I enjoyed this continuation of Lheas story. As her story progresses Lhea comes into her own and begins to grow. She fights with her own emotions and must come to terms with what she has become and what she wants to be. I also enjoyed the introduction of so many different characters in this story. They care for Lhea and only want to help her. I was pulled in to this story and taken along with Lhea on her adventure. If you enjoyed the beginning of Lheas story in the previous book you will not be disappointed with this book. I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Jacob needs the help of the local sheriff to figure out who is killing the women of his pack but keeping things platonic is going to be hard. Soon their attraction gets the best of them and Jacob and Alex have more than the case to figure out. I am a big fan of shifter stories and this author so I was doubly excited to read this story. It moves at a quick pace and gives readers a nice mix of romance and action to enjoy. Finding a mate is hard enough let alone a human one that has no idea what you truly are. Jacob wrestles with some hard decisions in this book. Alex is a great woman capable of holding her own and she is a good match for Jacob. I enjoyed watching their story play out. I hope that we get to return to this world again and see the others find their mates as well. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed my visit to this world. The author does a good job of bringing the characters and their world to life. I quickly found myself lost in the plot and Babylonia's adventure. There are also supporting characters that will grab your attention as well. This is a quick paced and entertaining read that should not be missed. I am excited to see just what is in store for readers with the next book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
My youthful memories of Christmas are rekindled by this masterpiece written directly for television. And amazingly, in a very short span of time. As a child of the 50s & 60s, "Amahl and the Night Visitors" will always stay in my heart. This was a huge part of my childhood Christmas tradition year after year. I couldn't quite give this recording any higher rating than four stars though, due to the reproductive quality of the old mono sound. But I would still recommend it for the most part. Probably not the program I grew up on, since this is the original from the very early 50s; I was born in 1955. But the power of this story and the superb music written as an opera, probably the best ever composed for television, will delight anyone familiar with this work. And I'm sure many others will be won over as new listeners. There are said to be many local stage productions of this classic annually, but I've only had the pleasure of seeing it once live on stage, and that was the early 70s, put on by my high school drama and music departments. There was even a newer production shot in Israel in the late 70s, but I didn't enjoy that much higher budgeted effort anywhere near as much as the earlier version I remember, or this recording from the original cast done back in 1952. The newer version just didn't have the same emotion or magic. So much for location scenery. At this time, I await with great anticipation, the black-and-white DVD offered here on Amazon that I recently ordered. They also offer the newer 70s version, but I wasn't interested. Be forewarned though, the very dramatic ending will bring many to tears, especially from "All That Gold" to "Oh, Woman, You Can Keep The Gold." A television classic.
An idea I first thought was a bit irreverant, turned to complete joy after listening to my brother's copy. A fresh new take on one of the musical masterpieces of all-time. Now a joyous part of the holiday season, or any season for that matter. A fabulous gathering of some of America's top African-American musical talents, will win you over after giving it a listen.
Take it from someone who never liked doing taxes, or let the wife handle most of it. This is by far the best and easiest way to handle the tax season. And if you're doing both federal and state returns, even the more convenient. If you'd like to save money and time, this is the way to go. And with steps so easy to follow, you'll be done before you know it. Even checks for errors in calculation. Well worth the purchase.
Take it from someone who never liked doing taxes, or let the wife handle most of it. This is by far the best and easiest way to handle the tax season. And if you're doing both federal and state returns, even the more convenient. If you'd like to save money and time, this is the way to go. And with steps so easy to follow, you'll be done before you know it. Even checks for errors in calculation. Well worth the purchase.
Delivers what it claims. Bought as backup for power outages, and just a fun little toy. Picks-up AM radio in my very hilly area of Southern California better than any other radio I own.
Delivers what it claims. Bought as backup for power outages, and just a fun little toy. Picks-up AM radio in my very hilly area of Southern California better than any other radio I own.
When on Christmas day, your two kids make this number one on their lists. And its got to be 30GB. Then later at a gathering for Christmas dinner, 3 nieces and a nephew are all plugged into the same exact gift, it must be the thing to have. Never something its users grow tired of, just make sure they learn to put it aside when doing their homework. Well, at least for the most important exams.
After a short notice trip to Maui that my wife and I took last August 08, we managed to get by with several disposable cameras. And although those photos really weren't all that bad, my wife surprised me one day with the Kodak EasyShare C913. Since we had another trip coming up to St. Louis in October 08, she felt we should at least purchase an entry level digital camera. Easy to use, very acceptable results, and affordable for any budget, this little camera will lull you into waiting, before spendng a bit more on a more "reputable" model, as I just did by the way. I just purchased the Canon Power Shot SX10 IS on Amazon, at 4x the cost. But this little gem will come along with us as back-up on every excursion as well. For samples of my results, see my uploaded photos here at Amazon. The one drawback, as read in previous reviews, there are moments during recent use and after about a years ownership, where the camera just won't switch on. But that has been rare.
After using this camera for nearly a week, and taking close to 200 photos, I'm satisfied. My zoom lens works just fine, I'm getting use to the controls and reading the manual. And I've taken some incredible shots. I'll be sharing some on this site soon. If you want to move beyond simple and inferior pictures, this camera is the right one. Yes, I've had problems with the lens cap, but that can be solved by buying an attachment for it. Securing it onto the lens is best done by just holding one end as you snap it back on; squeezing both ends of the cap creates a difficult time of trying to get it to stay on right. My lowlight handheld results have come out just fine, even without a flash at 800 ISO. Of course I've always known that it means steadying yourself. I've owned several Nikon SLRs in the past, so the weight isn't an issue either. Only if one is only use to carrying nothing but compact digitals. I'm keeping it and can't wait to see continued superb results. But you have to study the manual, as with any advanced equipment.
Following some of the manual instructions can be time consuming, but I find this true with most digital display watches. I have no problem with the automatic timekeeping, or it's size. I bought it for the many time zones that are available. Watching it change time according to the national or international city of choice, is a real treat. The dual analog/digital combo was a plus for me, since I still prefer the classic style and appearance of analog watches. I chose and favor the red face dial. A very handsome watch.
All criticism aside, one of the most powerful statements against slavery and man's inhumanity towards his fellow man. It seems that when it comes to slavery and America's shameful past, we try to ignore that it ever happened. Too few films have portrayed the slave trade or the continued illegal slave trade, such as that of Spain's, that was still taking place then. No one wants to be reminded of that dark past, but we tend to stand tall concerning other issues, "lest we forget". And yes, Cinque was a man without a language in this foreign land, like any of us would have been. Hats off to Mr. Spielberg, for one of his most powerful works to date.
Gregory Peck's Atticus Finch is one of those great film performances that one can never get enough of. A film that never get's old, because it tells of a time when America was at its crossroads. This film brings memories of continuous viewing whenever shown on TV. Brock Peters play's the black defendant, falsely accused of raping a white woman. The atmosphere gives a real feel of southern Americana at its worst. A time of dispare for blacks, as evidenced by the jury of his all white "peers." But along with the bad, were the extremely good individuals like Atticus and his family, that stood-up for justice and equality for all. Some of the best child actors ever seen on screen as well. And what has to be the best portrayal of a single father to date. One of the all-time best films on any list. See if you can spot Robert Duvall in his film debut.
Despite a few negative reviews, buy this DVD. The best live action/animation combo to come along in years. Amy Adam's innocence is adorable and totally believable. Not just for kids but for anyone who loves good wholesome filmmaking, and being enchanted while watching.
One of the last great musicals Hollywood has given us. Topol shines brightly in this Norman Jewison directed marvel. Visually and musically stunning, a perfect film to make one laugh, cry, sing-along and think. Why don't we get many others like it today? One of my very favorite musicals. Favorite films for that matter. Cast to perfection.