5 values
Now this is how you make a biography. Even if you're not a big fan of country music, you can't help but appreciate Sissy Spacek's portrayal of Loretta Lynn. From singing her own vocals, to the various stages of Ms. Lynn's life, very impressive. Also true of Beverly D'Angelo as Patsy Cline. These ladies can really belt out a song. Sissy Spacek won the 1980 Academy Award for Best Actress, and deservedly so. Tommy Lee Jones is also fantastic as Loretta's husband. An astounding cast beautifully directed by Michael Apted. Just a feel good film all around. As a result of viewing this film, I even began following the career of Ms. Lynn, and read her autobiography of the same title. I guess I can now quote Ray Charles on his love of country music, "it's the stories". And no one can tell a story through song like Loretta. I really love this movie, and appreciate the great transfer to DVD job done by Universal Studios.
Definitely one of the worst movies ever made. Trust me. Still apologizing to my wife, after taking her to see this real BOMB on a date 26 years ago. For example, just try sitting through the song "He's Large" if you don't believe me. Possibly the stupidest ever written. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! IS IT OVER YET?!
A tale of forbidden love. William Holden journeys to Hong Kong to explore his talent as an artist. On the ferry from Kowloon to Hong Kong, he meets the stunningly beautiful Mei-Li(Nancy Kwan), posing as the daughter of a very rich and powerful father. In reality she is an extremely vulnerable prostitute named Suzie Wong. Mr. Holden's character soon falls deeply in love with her. Posing as his model, they establish what becomes one of the most romantic screen romances ever. But falling in love with a Chinese woman or man, in British occupied Hong Kong was greatly frowned upon. Especially a prostitute. A very good portrayal of the exploitative flesh market, that continues throughout Asia to this day. A film for mature audiences that was well ahead of its time.
I saw this film in the theater while in High School and was blown away. Loosely based on the life of Jack Johnson like so many other so called "film biographies". The 1968-69 Pulitzer Prize winning play by Howard Sackler, brought to film in 1970, with James Earl Jones and Jane Alexander repeating their Broadway roles. Just a taste of what the real Jack Johnson was up against during the turn-of-the century. Arrogant black man not afraid to say anything he pleased while winning the heavyweight boxing title, and freely flaunting his love for white women when lynchings were the rule for "uppity n*****s". A very unfortunate part of America's legacy. A real gutsy, meaty, in-your-face role for Mr. Jones that brought him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. And his love interest, beautifully portrayed by Ms. Alexander was also rewarded an Oscar nomination for Best Actress as well. A powerful drama, with a rarely seen strong romantic coupling of a black man and a white woman. Another Martin Ritt directed masterpiece. Another film that took forever to release on DVD.
Thumbs up to this sensitive fact-based story of a doctor who learned all about compassion. William Hurt in one of his finest roles. Should be required viewing for all medical students, on the art of treating patients with dignity. One of those real feel good movies. Why are so many good films left for so long without a transfer to DVD?
The moving story of a single mom who's beauty left her long ago, trying to cope with keeping her four children united while dealing with being hugely over weight. Johnny Depp in the title role, is the glue that keeps everyone together as the elder brother. Especially true with his mentally challenged younger brother Arnie, magnificently played to the fullest ability by a very young Leonardo DiCaprio. Before viewing this film years ago, I had never heard of Mr. DiCaprio, and reasoned they surely must have found some talented kid that actually suffered from some mental handicap. His performance is that believable. And Johnny Depp's Gilbert is so likable, one can't help but pull for the fate of the entire family. Thought provoking and heartwarming throughout, but can also be heartbreaking at times.
Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason, great story, romantic, funny and extremely well written. Why they even thought to remake this 1977 classic for television is beyond me. You just don't find chemistry on film like this very often. Richard Dreyfuss won a much deserved Academy Award for his outstanding performance, and Marsha Mason was perfect as these two performers jelled into one of the best and funniest love relationships ever. I had to buy this DVD for my wife, who could watch this movie morning, noon and night. A real Hollywood romantic comedy that set the tone for all that followed. Quinn Cummings will win your heart over as the young daughter of Marsha Mason. An extremely entertaining experience for adult couples, yet gentle enough for younger teens as well.
Long cast aside by "critics" as a cinematic BOMB, this movie does have its moments. Standout scenes are the death of Abel by Cain, Adam and Eve being driven from the Garden of Eden, Abraham's visit from the Angel of God and the gathering of men at Sodom, blinded by the two Angels. The Sodom scene, with all its wickedness, would be considered "politically incorrect" by Hollywood today, but is a directorial masterpiece. The Noah's Ark gathering of the animals is a commendable assemblage of creatures, but John Houston's portrayal of Noah is much too comical for such a strong Biblical patriarch. Adam and Eve seemed too mechanical, in a very pale Eden, in what should have been a beautifully breathtaking opportunity for the cinematographer of Paradise. And according to scripture, Isaac was probably a bit older than the small actor we see in the film. But George C. Scott believably delivers as Abraham; especially when about to give his son as a sacrifice. Not the best adaptation of Bible stories, but at least the Hollywood of old, was well aware of a large audience for sacred things it seemingly ignores today.
One of my all-time favorite films, Cicely Tyson's performance was worthy of an Oscar. Though she didn't win. Her running to greet the return of her husband Nathan(Paul Winfeld)just released from prison, still stands out as a great cinematic moment. A moving and sensitive portrayal of a black sharecropping family in the 1930s south, this Academy Award nominated film of 1972, deserves far better than this poor DVD offering. The film easily rates 5 stars, but the DVD is about the quality of 1. Shame on 20th Century-Fox for leaving this classic in the hands of an independent. And how can anyone complain about the director Martin Ritt?(Hud, The Great White Hope, Conrack, Norma Rae, Cross Creek)just to name a few. A beautiful story, acted and directed with a 1930s down home feel, the only problem with this movie is the poor transfer onto DVD. I would say wait until 20th Century-Fox finally does it justice, with its own high quality DVD release; but that may never happen. So for now, we're stuck. Unfortunately.
I saw this movie in the theater 11 times; more than any other movie. In 1967 this movie totally captivated me. I even fell in love with the little Indian girl at the end of the film. And after purchasing this DVD, I'm still crazy about it 40 years later. Some of the catchiest tunes ever, and way ahead-of-its-time animation. Everyone in the family will love this Kipling and Disney classic.
Still packs a mean punch against racial stereotyping over 40 years later. Sidney Poitier/Rod Steiger in what was amongst both actor's finest hours. 1967's Academy Award winning Best Motion Picture, and Rod Steiger's Best Actor Oscar win. But no nomination for Mr. Poitier. Some have speculated that was due to a probable split in voting with his other 1967 blockbuster "To Sir With Love." One of my most memorable childhood movie moments was that of Mr. Poitier's character Virgil Tibbs being slapped by a powerful southern white man for "stepping out of line," and he slapping him back just as authoritatively. Maybe nothing now, but 40 years ago that was almost unheard of. Powerful directing from Norman Jewison, and outstanding original music score from Quincy Jones.
Of all the television and theatrical releases that have followed, none have reached the perfect cast of this 1939 classic. Burgess Meredith and Lon Chaney Jr. in their finest roles. Where were the Academy Award nominations for these two outstanding performances? Lon Chaney Jr's final scene was worth more than what's his name's entire bore in "Goodbye Mr. Chips". ZZZZZZZZZ! Portrayals just as imagined from Steinbeck's novel.
This is the good side of Hollywood. Wholesome, clean, romantic, and funny. A film one can watch with the entire family without embarrassment. One that couples can watch together, and feel good about relationships. Definitely the type of story for Meg Ryan. Her best work since "When Harry Met Sally" without the strong language. And the perfect chemistry with her best leading man Tom Hanks. Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly, one of the most feel good couple-connections in screen history. Corny and mushiness aside. Brings "The Shop Around the Corner" into the modern computer age. May Nora Ephron continue doing what she does so well. And that soundtrack of previously heard classics, sounds as if composed originally for this film. Especially the memorable Harry Nilsson tunes.
What a bunch of worthless junk! You couldn't give me this garbage for free. O.K. cast, extremely terrible script. Poor Noah almost had a mutiny on his hands with his own family. Why can't Hollywood just make a Bible epic that would please the audience it's targeted for? Such a waste of a wonderful story once again. It never ceases to amaze, how Hollywood continues to snub such a huge audience of faith.
Pixar and Disney are a wonderful team. After huge successes like "Toy Story" "A Bug's Life" "Toy Story 2" "Monster's Inc." and "Finding Nemo," they come out with another Box Office winner in "Cars." But compared to their previous releases, I rank this latest offering last. It just isn't as well written a story, and I believe most will be disappointed to find very few actual racing scenes. And nowhere near as funny as their previous releases. One highlight though, is the message it brings. A reminder to all of us that, winning is not nearly as important, as how we treat others in the process of achieving our goals. Something every child in the audience needs to hear, and possibly every adult even more so.
One film that will truly have you asking, "how'd they do that?" Disney/Pixar at there very best. Nemo is the only surviving hatchling of one Clownfish couple's clutch of eggs. With the unsuccessful heroism of his mother, he and his father are all that's left of their little family. But Nemo is taken captive by a diver, and his father Marlin is forced to embark on a perilous ocean adventure, in search of him. There is so much rich and colorful detail in the surrounding ocean scenes, you'd swear it was the real thing. And I'm still not convinced that it isn't! Marlin soon encounters the extremely daffy Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), at her funniest. And I've never really considered her all that humorous. From migrating sea turtles, to wacky aquarium inhabitants, nothing goes wrong here for laughs. And those crazy seagulls nearly steal the entire show. Mine!...Mine!...Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Oh, and Nemo? Of course the ending is all good. But we won't spoil that for the very few that have never seen it.
Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason, great story, romantic, funny and extremely well written. Why they even thought to remake this 1977 classic for television is beyond me. You just don't find chemistry on film like this very often. Richard Dreyfuss won a much deserved Academy Award for his outstanding performance, and Marsha Mason was perfect as these two performers jelled into one of the best and funniest love relationships ever. I had to buy this DVD for my wife, who could watch this movie morning, noon and night. A real Hollywood romantic comedy that set the tone for all that followed. Quinn Cummings will win your heart over as the young daughter of Marsha Mason. An extremely entertaining experience for adult couples, yet gentle enough for younger teens as well.
Goes to show how far a little prejudice will go. After warnings that Dingos were becoming a dangerous problem at Ayer's Rock, baby Azaria's tragic death was bound to happen to someone's child sooner or later. Unfortunately, many didn't realize just how powerful an animal the Dingo is. Like many here in the U.S. don't realize the dangers of our even smaller Coyote. And unfortunately for the Chamberlain family, smaller minority churches like their membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, made them subjects of suspicion and rumors. Their marriage was eventually destroyed over this crisis. This film portrayed so well, how a little gossip and stereotyping can explode into hatred. Little known to most even today, is that there was a large cover-up from law enforcement, down to members of the local community, who were aware that a well known local Dingo was responsible for Azaria's death. Yet, many still refuse to accept Lindy Chamberlain's total innocence of her baby's death. The average viewer of this film would be totally sickened by the full revelation of this tragic event. Meryl Streep's performance, is possibly the best movie portrayal of someone not actually born a native to the country of her character's origin. Her Australian accent is delivered to perfection. Very much worthy of the 8th Academy Award nomination she received. A strong argument for religious tolerance, and keeping cool heads till all the facts are in. And a great edition to any DVD collection, though some strong language for what essentially is a faith-based film may discourage some from viewing. The film's now well known line, "the Dingo took my baby" would not have the least hint of humor if heard in its true context. Watch the movie and you'll see what I mean.
An extremely dedicated FedEx man finds his whole reason for being, totally interrupted in a matter of minutes. With one of the best and most believable crash sequences ever put on film, were gone the love-of-his-life and his career. In no particular order. Tom Hank's characters always seem to pull the audience in, making us care about what happens to them. The sounds of being stranded on a desert island, waves hitting the sand, give that sense of realism and feeling all alone. Great effort from the sound effects crew. And after too many years in isolation, he pretty much loses it with the loss of his one companion "Wilson". I guess the one complaint expressed by many, not myself, was the even bigger disappointment he suffered after returning to civilization. Extremely touching, with the falling rain a symbol of the many years of tears and separation. But there is also the positive side. An ending with the hope of a new beginning. A film I can watch over-and-over again. Once again, a brilliant collaboration for actor Tom Hanks and director Robert Zemeckis.
Instantly an all-time favorite. A film I never grow tired of watching. Jamie Foxx captured the essence of Ray Charles' mannerisms and speech so well, you tend to forget the actor, and seemingly believe it's the real Ray. Shows that intense true-to-life dramas can be put to film, yet without the perverse language and nudity. Some things are better left to the imagination. Well deserving of all the praise for Jamie Foxx, Taylor Hackford, and the entire cast and crew. Great DVD addition to my ever growing collection.
A super colossal screen spectacle. There are moments in this film that are so intense, my wife refuses to watch it again. The makeup and special effects are top rate, even haunting at times; giant man-eating insects and really eerie looking natives. Probably a little more than the average under 12 year old needs to see. The dinosaur stampede was a little hard to believe though, well done but hardly survivable. We're talking smash-city for everyone involved! Very touching at times, this Kong probably garners more sympathy than previous screen Kongs, and the New York scenes will keep you guessing; "how'd they do that?" Especially when you consider it was shot largely in New Zealand. Very well done, but not quite the box office runaway that was expected.
When one considers the plight of Jews portrayed on film, nothing compares to Mr. Spielberg's "Schindler's List." And though this was a story that needed to be told, I can think of other Spielberg films that were somehow, more rewarding. "Jaws" "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" "E.T." "The Color Purple" "Saving Private Ryan" and even "Amistad." I can remember quite vividly, the tragic events that destroyed the whole meaning of World Unity, that were supposed to be the 1972 Olympic Games. I was 17, and trying to find meaning to life at the time. But rather than concentrating on the acts of revenge, I would rather have seen more character development, especially of the members of the Israeli Olympic team, and their life stories leading up to Munich. In some ways, I think the fascination with vengeance could be counterproductive to the future peace of Israel. Sad as that may sound. The impact and effect of viewing "Munich" still rates 4 stars though.
Still the most compelling program ever aired on televion. I bought this set so my children could experience a bit of their history. Great transfer to DVD, and still packs a powerful blow to racism. The cast is one of the best ensembles ever assembled for any project. A great adaptation of Mr. Haley's years of research.
As a Christian still living in "the world," I am well aware of the pitfalls of the flesh. What Robert Duvall created in this powerful script, and his portrayal of "Sonny" on screen, was a real life dramatization of "living the life" but not always to perfection. Unfortunately, anger and jealousy get the better of him, causing Sonny to carry out a brutal attack against his estranged wife's (Farrah Fawcett) new lover. But the atmosphere is real, and the Christian lifestyle is beautifully captured by Mr. Duvall's excellent eye as Director. From Tent Revivals to a Christian Men's Conference, the spirit of Pentocostalism comes across almost like a documentary at times. Almost reminiscent of the 1972 Academy Award winner "Marjoe." A remarkable study of an obviously sincere man, falling but attempting to start over anew by God's saving Grace. Yet in the end, as so many "believers" often forget, along with Grace comes God's Justice. A reminder that we are sinners saved By Grace, and still trying to walk daily in Christ's footsteps. A moving story of Christian struggles often forgotten by Hollywood. Who ever knew Robert Duvall was such a good preacher? An outstanding cast of players.
May not be for the under 12 crowd, and more like PG-13 rather than PG, but one of the best slapstick comedies to come along in years. And with all the rauch in films today, I can't believe some of the reviews I'm reading. Very little to make you blush in this one. So if you're over 12 and want an extremely fun experience, Kangaroo Jack will keep you laughing. Even the comment about being "eaten like that baby" when they were surrounded by dingos, referring to the 1980 baby Azaria/Lindy Chamberlain dingo abduction at Ayres Rock, was not done distastefully as some have complained. With some of the other popular comedies in recent years, widely viewed by many children(Coming To America, The Nutty Professor, Rush Hour) to name but a few, compare them to the scenes and language of Kangaroo Jack. You'll be asking what's all the fuss about too. Almost innocent in comparision. Outstanding Kangaroo effects, great comedic pairing.
Instantly an all-time favorite. A film I never grow tired of watching. Jamie Foxx captured the essence of Ray Charles' mannerisms and speech so well, you tend to forget the actor, and seemingly believe it's the real Ray. Shows that intense true-to-life dramas can be put to film, yet without the perverse language and nudity. Some things are better left to the imagination. Well deserving of all the praise for Jamie Foxx, Taylor Hackford, and the entire cast and crew. Great DVD addition to my ever growing collection.
As good as true drama can get, but awfully hard to comprehend. Shows just how low our human nature can sink. The ultimate horror story of the late 20th Century, while seemingly the rest of the world looked on unruffled. Paul Rusesabagina was portrayed to perfection by Don Cheadle, rapidly becoming one of our greatest actors. And almost stealing the attention from him, is the talented Sophie Okonedo, as Tatiana his wife. Both earned well deserved Academy Award nominations. But everything about this film is done to perfection. One of the best arguments against Intolerance.
When has Hollywood ever dealt with racism, and all peoples involved? This film, more than any other that comes to mind, showed just how insensitive we really can be towards each other. It seems to have touched on the many stereotypes we've all been guilty of at one-time-or-another. That's why I think this film spoke to so many different people. Whether Black, White, Hispanic or Asian, it gave us something to ponder. Maybe one day we'll finally learn to judge others by the "content of their character, and not the color of their skin." Fake? I've seen and heard it all before. This is only the surface of what really goes on out there. Great performances all-around! Very believable!
If for none other than "Happy Anniversary" this is The Cosby Show at its very best. The lip-syncing is superb of the Ray Charles classic "Night Time Is The Right Time." Especially Rudy. That particular segment is also memorable for the last scene with its, "just your feet now, just your feet." And "A Touch of Wonder" ranks right there with it, Mr. Stevie Wonder and "Robert" "Jammin' On The One" "I Don't Know What To Say" "Baby, Baby, Baby" are as fresh as the original broadcast. But "The Juicer" "The First Day Of School" "The Dentist" "The Auction" "Theo and Cockroach" "Full House" "The Card Game" and many more, bring back the fondest memories of the best season also. Television Perfection.
Sound and picture quality fantastic! What a great way to finally bring to DVD one of the funniest Sitcoms ever. The wait is over Martin fans! Some of the best comedy you'll ever see. I hope the following seasons will be coming real soon.
Like "The Passion of the Christ" Hollywood has probably overlooked what could be another box office sleeper. A beautifully filmed version of the Old Testament Book of Esther. And when recent months have seen huge drops in movie theater revenue, the motion picture industry should take note, that it doesn't always take $100,000,000 plus budgets to put a finished product up on the big screen that really looks convincing. Made on a budget of somewhere around $20,000,000, "One Night With The King" is evidence of that. This looks and feels like so much more. A story of hope and faith for both Jews and Christians, somehow it seems Hollywood just doesn't get that there is an extremely large audience just waiting for more. But with 20th Century-Fox making recent announcement of producing more faith-based films, there could be another Cecil B. DeMille just waiting in the wings. Well worth the price of admission for this long-time movie buff.
Father and Son performances that will take your breath away. Not the greatest movie, a little slow at times, but Will and young Jaden Smith make for one of the best duels of the year. Thandie Newton very believably plays the haggard and stressed wife and mother. Great acting ensemble all around. The kid definitely has a future ahead of him should he pursue it. Will Smith is very convincing in his characterized climb from the bottom to the top. Probably his best work to date. It's never too late to achieve our dreams!
Two seasons in less than 6 months? It must be the end of the world! Why not just release them every other month, we true Martin fans will snatch them right-up as soon as they come out. We waited long enough.
Don't deny any child this wonderful Disney classic. Those crafty Siamese cats have stuck with me since first seeing this movie, maybe 46 years ago? And how Lady got in trouble over that evil old rat really steamed me! I'm dating myself. But on a happier note, Lady and Tramp are so right for each other. I've always remembered that first kiss at the end of the spaghetti. "Tonight Is The Night." So romantic. And for sheer humor, the Dogpound scene will tickle the funnybone; enhanced by the talents of Peggy Lee singing "He's A Tramp." One of the most memorable Disney films of my childhood. Of course I may be a little biased, since we both came on the scene in 1955. Oops! I'm really dating myself now!
I saw this movie in the theater 11 times; more than any other movie. In 1967 this movie totally captivated me. I even fell in love with the little Indian girl at the end of the film. And after purchasing this DVD, I'm still crazy about it 40 years later. Some of the catchiest tunes ever, and way ahead-of-its-time animation. Everyone in the family will love this Kipling and Disney classic.
A super colossal screen spectacle. There are moments in this film that are so intense, my wife refuses to watch it again. The makeup and special effects are top rate, even haunting at times; giant man-eating insects and really eerie looking natives. Probably a little more than the average under 12 year old needs to see. The dinosaur stampede was a little hard to believe though, well done but hardly survivable. We're talking smash-city for everyone involved! Very touching at times, this Kong probably garners more sympathy than previous screen Kongs, and the New York scenes will keep you guessing; "how'd they do that?" Especially when you consider it was shot largely in New Zealand. Very well done, but not quite the box office runaway that was expected.
Fits okay and sound quality is fine. Just turn up the volume. But as for the voice practically have to shout to get a response, and that response may dial the wrong number as happened to me on several occasions. And don't even think of using that feature on a noisy street, you'll totally confuse it!
With the release of "What's Going On" in 1971, Marvin Gaye ignited the social consciousness movement in music. With a senseless war in Vietnam, and racism still prominent in America. Pollution of our water and the air we breath. And Black unemployment levels continuously rising, Marvin hit a spot that had been sorely lacking in music, with the exception of maybe Curtis Mayfield. And like Mayfield's "People Get Ready" he did it with a spiritual solution: "God Is Love", "Wholy Holy". It was America's time to stop and finally ask the question, "what is going on?" And now with another war raging in the Middle East, the question is still relevant today. Marvin's spiritual answers remain the only hope for this world in the 21st century. A thought provoking recording, smoothly edited with an operatic flow of listening, resulting in Marvin Gaye's masterpiece and most redeeming effort.
Like listening to a career greatest hits CD. With so many familiar tunes like "Isn't She Lovely", "As", "Sir Duke", "Love's In Need Of Love Today", "Village Ghetto Land", this was Stevie at his creative best. A two disc classic consistently rated amongst the best recordings of all time. No Stevie Wonder disc collection is anywhere near complete without this multi Grammy winner of 1976.
If I had to recommend just one CD from Norman Brown, "After the Storm" would be it. Still his best effort, the CD that introduced me to his music and the one I introduced my wife to. Gifted guitarist, every bit the caliber of George Benson, though vocally, not in the same league. And that's why I'd recommned this one over later releases. He sticks to what he does best; instrumentals. "After the Storm" is as smooth as contemporary jazz get's.
After seeing the play 4 times, and buying and listening to the original cast recording numerous times, I'm still hooked! A most romantic tale of a Beauty and a Beast. Yet when one considers the power of love, and the inner man, beauty becomes a thing best revealed from the inside out. Though a rather sad ending for the Phantom, this musical of the familiar story never ceases to captivate, even 20 years later. Followed by a disappointing film version.
I saw the stage production at Hollywood's famous Pantages Theater some years ago, and was quite impressed. I then purchased the CD, which has been in my CD player many times. But I somehow feel the original Movie soundtrack was a bit more superior. Especially the powerful film opening of 'Circle of Life.' I just feel the strong African male vocals delivered much more impact. And not to sound sexist, but Rafiki was also better portrayed as a male, than the female actresses seen in the stage productions. But still an extremely enjoyable listening experience.
So many memories with the listening to of these songs. Hard to name a favorite, but standouts for me have always been (Scarborough Fair, April Come She Will, El Condor Pasa(If I Could), Bookends Theme, The Sounds Of Silence, At The Zoo, The Boxer) to name but a small few. All five original albums, from 1964 to 1970 in one. A real musical bargain.
Recorded at the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium in 1949, one can begin to imagine what it must have been like attending an Art Tatum concert. "Piano Starts Here" wonderfully captures the moment. Floating fingers across ivory keys is the best I can describe Mr. Tatum's talent. In the words of his fellow contemporaries, "God just came in". That was the cue for anyone else at the piano to step aside.
Do you want Mariah at her very best? Do you want a Christmas CD that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside? This is the one. Not only a top R&B and Pop singer, but with the strong vocals Mariah so powerfully let's loose on this one, she easily could be the top Gospel artist as well, had she chosen that route. I believe she gives her strongest recorded performance here, especially track #3 "O Holy Night". She's that good.
This was my introduction to Anointed, and I've bought everything else they've put out! I still like "The Call" best. What a talented group of singers. This album carries your soul to new heights. A beautiful Christian witness.
This CD shows us a side of Mariah we have never seen; vulnerable, sensitive and hurting. It makes for her best effort yet. Through personal setbacks, (her recent divorce) Mariah has matured into one of our greatest R&B divas. The album ranks extremely high in my book. By far, my favorite track is 'Breakdown'. This song has reached a level few others have attained with me. It has an emotional passion that is a thrill to listen to. Close behind it is the equally passionate 'Babydoll'. 'Honey', 'The Roof', 'The Beautiful Ones' and 'Outside' all come across as transparencies of her heart. This is the adult effort the critics have been looking for for years. Great Stuff!
This is no where near the caliber of Karen's previous releases. Richard, Herb Alpert and A&M were right. I bought this CD because of my memory of Karen's beautifully clear vocals. I was extremely disappointed with this effort. Totally uninspired recording.
For that need something to get you in the real spirit of Christmas, this ranks amongst the very best. Karen's extremely smooth and near flawless vocals are greatly missed, but the superb brother and sister team have left one of the all-time gems for the holiday season in "Christmas Portrait." My wife and I had this CD in the car stereo all the way from home to work today. She stopped it after dropping me off. We'll resume play when she picks me up this evening. Neither one of us wants to miss a single track. I can count my very favorite Christmas albums on one hand, and this is definitely one of them!
A day in the life from dawn till dusk, reminiscent of Holst's "The Planets." This sounds like a classic film score, and could very well have been adapted as such. Some of the best rock to come out of the '60s, and surprisingly not ranked amongst the greatest ever recorded if my memory serves me right. An often overlooked masterpiece of composing and pure listening pleasure. Puts one at peace with one's self. "Nights In White Satin" is the finale of all rock finales, with the exception of few.
Right out of High School "Killing Me Softly" was a huge hit. And the album of the same title has equally fantastic numbers. Along with the title song, my other favorites are "Jesse", "I'm the Girl" and the final track "Suzanne". Just make yourself comfortable, put on your headphones and enjoy a great listen. And when you get to "Suzanne", turn the volume up a bit and let the beautiful string arrangements carry you away. A great CD from one of Roberta's best efforts.
This album is one of the all time classics! There will never be another "Back On The Block!" For example, when would anyone ever be able to gather together such talents as found on 'Wee Be Doin It'(Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaugh, Al Jarreau, Bobby McFerrin, Take 6 and Siedah Garrett)again? You could never hope to find more legends than heard here. The music is incredible! There is something for everyone. A sampling of other artists includes; Ice T, Big Daddy Kane, Kool Moe Dee, Tevin Campbell, Andrae Crouch, Herbie Hancock, The Brothers Johnson, Ray Charles, Chaka Khan, Phil Perry, James Ingram, Syreeta Wright, Paul Jackson Jr, Howard Hewitt, Jennifer Holliday, Dionne Warwick, Luther Vandross, James Moody, Miles Davis, George Benson, Dizzy Gillespie, Gerald Albright, George Duke, Sheila E., El DeBarge, Greg Phillinganes, Al B. Sure and Barry White. IS THAT GREAT OR WHAT?
A bit of nostalgia, some of the best recordings ever made. My children were totally speechless(unusually quiet)when I popped this CD into the car stereo on a long drive home from, ironicly, Las Vegas. The rich orchestral sounds accompanying Sinatra's smooth vocals, were a style they had never heard before. After our trip to Nevada, it somehow seemed the appropriate music at the time.
Poinciana, Poinciana, Poinciana. If for nothing else, this album stands out in my mind with just that one song. One of the fondest childhood musical memories of listening to my father's record collection. I just had to buy the CD. And all the melodious memories have been rejuvenated! What a glorious live recording. Now I can truly appreciate the entire performance; tinkling plates, glasses, and silverware included.
To all potential female R&B singers, Vocals 101 start here. What a tragic early loss to the music world and her fans, by the early passing of Ms Ripperton to cancer back in 1979. But through this excellent CD collection, the essence of her legacy lives on. Most all of her classics are here, especially since her original albums, even those transfered to CD can be hard to find or rather expensive. And those not really familiar with her work should start here. Us true fans will always have a place in our hearts for her. Her style and beauty continue to radiate through her recordings loud and clear (Perfect Angel, Memory Lane, Lovin' You, Simple Things), blissfully romantic.
As a child growing-up in the '60s and '70s, I can remember my mom not taking hold of the Aretha Franklin movement very well. She always considered her more of a screamer than a singer. But with the release of this album, and especially the single "Day Dreaming", her attitude towards her took a full turn in another direction. "Day Dreaming" had many continuous plays in our household for some weeks to come. Then one of my brothers purchased the complete album "Young, Gifted and Black" and it received continuous play from me. "Oh Me Oh My", the popular dance tune "Rock Steady", "A Brand New Me", "I've Been Loving You Too Long" and "First Snow In Kokomo" were my other standout favorites. Now, many years later, I just had to add this one to my ever growing CD collection a few years ago. I consider this one Aretha at her smoothest.
My first real appreciation of this sound was from watching the film "Slaughterhouse Five" in the theater, back in the '70s. That soundtrack was just a taste of what you get with this recording. My family pops this CD in the car stereo on long trips, and glide down the highway to some original smooth grooves. Helps the miles pass swiftly. Music for the soul.
It is a commonly held modern myth, that true R&B has to be "RAUNCHY," "NASTY," "FUNKY" and "OBSCENE!" But to look back on the careers of The Temptations, Supremes, Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder, we are reminded that these R&B Greats created mostly good clean romantic music. So when Tatyana is criticized for being too "sugar-coated," she is to be applauded for upholding a certain standard on her first project. Anything else would be beneath her. One should be reminded that not only does she sing lead, but much of the background vocals as well. Very beautifully done; this, from a 40somethin' African-American man who grew-up in the 60s and 70s. So I know from whence I speak! YOU GO GIRL!!!
So Cool, the latest release from Take 6, could very well be their finest effort yet. Unfortunately, these extremely gifted forerunners to many of today's popular artists in both gospel and R&B, seem hard-pressed to find the proper airplay they so richly deserve. With songs like So Cool, Sonshine and If You Only Knew, the a capella sound has been carried to another level. My two young sons take great delight in the South African stylings of Fly Away. My personal favorite, Nothin' But Love, ranks up there with some of the best contemporary gospel around. While the melodic, A Few More Miles, will encourage all sincere believers that heaven is just before us. A must buy for all true music lovers.
Whitney Houston is one of those rare artist who can adjust to the "times" and "trends" of the day. "My Love Is Your Love," is an example of how it should be done. Extremely well! With the release of this CD, her recording career picks up where it left off. At the top! I was delighted to see her and Mariah Carey come together for a long overdue duet. 'When You Believe,' is a fitting showcase for displaying both of these equally gifted talents. Almost everything is listenable, but 'My Love Is Your Love,' 'If I Told You That,' and 'Get It Back,' seem to take it to another level. WHITNEY IS MOST DEFINITELY BACK!
Though widely known for their innovative A Cappella, this release celebrates the many styles of Take 6, and that's fine with me. Not only are they comfortable with the likes of MARY, A QUIET PLACE, SPREAD LOVE, or SO MUCH 2 SAY, but supply the instruments and they're just as fantastic with BIGGEST PART OF ME, DESTINY, or the two new selections: ONE AND THE SAME(with CeCe Winans) and THE BEST STUFF IN THE WORLD TODAY CAFE. Both absolutely incredible! As you can tell, I'm not a strict advocate of "only A Cappella for Take 6." These guys are much too talented to be limited to one style or genre. My only complaint? Though this may represent their "Greatest Hits," and they are a good sampling of the fellas, the omissions are far too noticeable. Surely we can expect a second CD sometime in the near future? Maybe even the rare Japanese recordings(I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU and ALMOST PARADISE)? Enjoy their diversity.
WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, is the outstanding new holiday companion to 1991's: HE IS CHRISTMAS. With the great arrangements of the latter, there were a few complaints that the Christmas standards were "unrecognizable." Refreshing in my opinion. This new effort should please most everyone. Unique, is what you have to call Take 6. Always taking even the familiar to another level. Opening the set with Track #1 "We Wish You A Merry Christmas/Carol Of The Bells," I already had reason enough to buy it(Carol Of The Bells)being my all time favorite. Of course, I'd buy just about anything with Take 6 on it, they're that good. Tracks #2 and 3 then relaxe you with the guys polished pipes, and some great accompaniment from the Whalum brothers. #5: "Go Tell It On The Mountain," finds three of the wives almost stealing the show. Not many versions of "The Christmas Song" are worth hearing after you've heard the master, Nat King Cole. But I think you will agree, Track #5 ain't too shabby. And for the best doo-wop since the 1950s, it's #6: "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas." Paul Jackson Jr's acoustic guitar intro on #7: "What Child Is This?" perfectly sets the mood for some of the sweetest sounds-this side of Heaven. #8: "Silver Bells," was the only low point for me. The vocals are there, it just dragged a little too much for my taste. #'s 9, 10 and 11, wrap you up in the true Spirit of the season; especially "Joy To The World." This is the "Take 6 sound" at its best.
This is the fourth recording of "The Planets" I've purchased, and I am extremely pleased. The Los Angeles Philharmonic was at its best here, and much of that was owed to the genius of its then director Zubin Mehta. Crisp arrangements, and a full orchestral sound is how you achieve the full effect of "The Planets." Other conductors should take note. Not my favorite, that honor still goes to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, under the leadership of Leopold Stokowski. But you definitely can't go wrong with this one.
Covering a wide range of Mr. Armstrong's career, showcasing his diverse taste in songs from blues to Broadway. A good way to familiarize one's self with one of America's greatest ambassadors to the rest of the world. One of the original innovators of the art form known as Jazz.
On the first listen, your verdict may be indecisive. That was the case with me three days ago, when I popped this CD into the stereo with great anticipation. Then I played it a second time. And a third. And so on, and so on, etc., etc., etc! And that's what I've been doing each day since the initial release of 'Beautiful World'. Oh, my final verdict? OUTSTANDING! This latest release from the "Super 6" will blow you away. Try to stop listening; you won't find it easy to do. I guarantee, any true lover of good music, will enjoy some of the most brilliant songwriting, recorded by one of the most gifted vocal ensembles ever. You'll be pressing play, each time Track 13 finishes. And try to pick a favorite song. I'm finding that extremely difficult to do, with each new arrangement being done to perfection. The accompanying artists(Album Producer Marcus Miller, David Sanborn, Lalah Hathaway, Kirk Whalum, Michael "Patches" Stewart, Marc Antoine)will have even "a cappella purists" overwhelmed with their silky smooth instrumental flavorings. Once again, a whole new and innovative direction for Take 6, yet always with a very spiritual base. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel another 'Beautiful World' listening coming on.
After hearing "You Don't Know My Name", it was like being transported back to the days of classic R&B, and a good example of what a woman should say, when she approaches a man she's interested in; though I'm still not sure how she got his phone number? Then into the relationship, don't be afraid to tell him how you really feel about him, like her "If I Ain't Got You". Men like to hear that too. But "Diary" is the most melodic and moving song for me, it's all about the trust someone should feel they have in the one they are committed to. Alicia's in a league of her own when it comes to upholding traditional R&B.
After months of hearing "So What The Fuss" it seemed we'd never get the full CD. But now we can say, "please keep them coming Stevie." This is not "Inner Visions" or "Talking Book." And we'll probably never hear anything like "Songs In The Key Of Life" again, but this is still Stevie going strong. It's been ten years since "Conversation Peace" so let's be glad for this latest offering. And his latest is hardly settling by far. We just find a more mature Stevie, with new things to say, in a brand new Century. Let's savor the moment.
This entire collection of CDs has been added to my Ipod. Some of the most memorable soul ballads selected from the 60s, 70s, and 80s; a few, not so nice, but I skip right through those. But if you appreciate really good R&B love songs of that era, something like 144 in all, you'll want to consider adding this convenient compilation to your list.
Lina is a refreshing new voice on the R&B/Eclectic scene today. "THE INNER BEAUTY MOVEMENT" even has several standout Tracks, none quite so elegant as the very well received "Smooth." My whole reason for wanting to hear more of this CD. And I must say, other Tracks such as, "My Fix" "Fly" "This Time" "Story Goes" and the Bonus "On My Own" were nice indeed; but the other 12 come-off sounding more like Demos, than finished products for final release. Somehow this effort left me thinking, "beautiful voice, but in serious need of more capable songwriters."
This album is one of the all time classics! There will never be another "Back On The Block!" For example, when would anyone ever be able to gather together such talents as found on 'Wee Be Doin It'(Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaugh, Al Jarreau, Bobby McFerrin, Take 6 and Siedah Garrett)again? You could never hope to find more legends than heard here. The music is incredible! There is something for everyone. A sampling of other artists includes; Ice T, Big Daddy Kane, Kool Moe Dee, Tevin Campbell, Andrae Crouch, Herbie Hancock, The Brothers Johnson, Ray Charles, Chaka Khan, Phil Perry, James Ingram, Syreeta Wright, Paul Jackson Jr, Howard Hewitt, Jennifer Holliday, Dionne Warwick, Luther Vandross, James Moody, Miles Davis, George Benson, Dizzy Gillespie, Gerald Albright, George Duke, Sheila E., El DeBarge, Greg Phillinganes, Al B. Sure and Barry White. IS THAT GREAT OR WHAT?
For a true Christian Spirit that glows through Ms. Winans, you'll always find her music sung straight from the heart. A Precious Pearl in the Gospel community, "Purified" continues in the CeCe tradition, of lifting our souls to a higher plain.
My first Mary Mary CD since their first release. Not quite as polished, but there are some powerful standouts on this one. "Heaven" sounds as good as any classic Motown of the 60s and 70s. "Believer" makes one reflect on all of God's divine interventions in this dangerous and crazy world. A joyful listening experience that starts out with a bang, then mellows out a bit.
One of my favorite saxophonist, his skills really come across in his recordings, as well as in the live concerts I've attended. This is especially evident in his rendition of "Georgia On My Mind." Instrumental Performance of the Year as far as I'm concerned. This CD is all about Gerald.
A collection of Jazz, R&B and Inspirational recordings with a twist of Take 6 arrangements and vocals, unmatched by anyone else out there. Not your typical Take 6 Gospel recording, but a fun listen with superb guest appearances. Leaning more towards secular jazz tunes may cause some a bit of concern that they've left their gospel roots. But after attending a very recent performance in Los Angeles, their testimony is still as strong as ever. Good music from the best vocal ensemble out there.
So many memories with the listening to of these songs. Hard to name a favorite, but standouts for me have always been (Scarborough Fair, April Come She Will, El Condor Pasa(If I Could), Bookends Theme, The Sounds Of Silence, At The Zoo, The Boxer) to name but a small few. All five original albums, from 1964 to 1970 in one. A real musical bargain.
A good time with mostly christian standards, from down home southern to traditional choir. I waited to review this new Take 6 release, only after having several listens. And unlike one previous reviewer, I'm far from getting bored with it. Quite frankly, owning most every album they've released since 1988 I consider this comparable to most anything else they've done. Their vocals and arrangements haven't skipped a beat. This release also marks the farewell of longtime band member Dr. Cedric Dent (baritone), and the arrival of Khristian Dentley. Mr. Dentley had been filling in for Dent over the last few years, during various concert dates the good Professor was unable to make. The transition is almost seamless. But what about 'One'? The tracks in short: 1. Down Here I've Done My Best: A great opening number. Inspiration for preparation of that final rest that awaits the faithful. Upbeat and smooth. 2. One: A celebration of the ONE and only name under heaven whereby we can be saved. The title track. An extremely fun listen. 3. Can't Imagine Love Without You (Feat. Stevie Wonder): This was originally recorded on Mr. Wonders 2005 'A Time To Love' Gold certified album. And is probably my least favorite hear. Not to knock two of my all-time favorite recording groups and vocalist. But I prefer the original. The vocals are almost too syrupy sweet on this one. Stevie's harmonica playing is all that keeps this from being totally acapella. 4. What A Friend We Have In Jesus: This classic hymn is given new life, and for me personally this is where the CD rolls over into a whole new level of Joy. The listening experience takes another turn as the beat starts to move you from here...into track #5. See if you can keep from bobbing your head up-and-down; Reverently of course-- 5. In My Heart: --Feel the beat? Smooth transition wasn't it? You wouldn't even know the songs were changing until you started to hear the familiar words of this next track. Can hardly sit still can you? This is Take 6 at their very best! 6. Noah: Story telling--or should I say preaching at its finest? If you liked 'David' from their 1988 platinum certified 'Take 6' you'll really love this one. uptempo, astounding vocals. It then takes on a Brazilian sort of vibe that is out-of-this world. Ever wonder why they are the most Grammy nominated vocal group ever? Just listen to track #6. And we're not just talking gospel; that includes all genres. 7. Allelula: Who but Take 6 would even attempt this standard without a full mega choir host of sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, and bass behind them? I'm talking Mormon Tabernacle calibre!. I even had the experience of tackling it as a tenor in our high school chorale of some 75+, under the direction of Don Fontana. Former director of Robert H. Schuller's Garden Grove Community Church/Crystal Cathedral(Hour of Power)Choir from 1974-1981. I still hear and remember some of those high tenor parts near the end. Outstanding. 8. Glorious Day: This gospel standard is given its due in the very capable hands of Take 6. Powerful vocal solos are a standout on this energized recording. Have you ever heard the gossip that "Take 6 don't really sing with the Spirit?" "They can't really get down with true gospel?" Just take a listen, then get back to me once you stop "Havin' church" brothers and sistas. 9. You're Gonna Need Him: Southern Gospel Done Well!!! 10. Farther Along: Southern Gospel Done Well!!! 11. Noah Reprise: in case you didn't get enough of that Brazilian thing going on... Love those raindrops! And just a heads-up; this is not really an acapella effort. Most tracks do include either drumbeats, tambourine, guitar; and in the case of 'Can't Imagine Love Without You' Stevie Wonder's beautiful harmonica playing. Noah and Allelula being the only true acapella offerings. But with music this good, who cares?!
Pure Gospel, Inspirational and Redeeming Value Love Songs of the somewhat secular. But all clean cut and much needed for our Heavenly and Earthly relationships. Something for everyone without being too preachy, yet convicting and heartfelt with the strong vocals of Take 6 that just don't seem to be weakening, after nearly 30 years since their first release. These brothers just keep innovating with every new release!
In a word; eclectic. Some of the most relaxing sounds to calm a restless spirit. And what an astounding ensemble of accomplished musicians. You need not understand the language of some of the selections, any one of which you'll still find enjoyable.
Allen & Allen, another great act in the tradition of gospel/jazz. But anyone with an interest in gospel music will appreciate this CD. And with Daryl Coley at the vocal helm of the title track, you'll understand. My personal favorite, "Trouble Don't Last Always".
The Los Angeles based women's Gospel group Futrel, were as good as they get. And had they received better fan support would still be recording. Still one of my Gospel favorites, I was fortunate enough to have my CD signed by one of the ladies, after being informed by a friend that she worked in our building. After one listen to "Declarations" any fan of contemporary Gospel will be hooked as well.
While keeping up with the flow of George Duke releases, I try to go back to the older stuff now-and-then for another listen. And this is some of George's best. Standouts for me are "She's Amazing" with the amazing guest vocals of Miss Chante Moore and "Say You Will". George just has a way with love songs that only "mature adult listeners" can truly appreciate. My other favorite is the gospel delight "Never Be Another", featuring Anointed. One of the smoothest inspirational songs of the early 21st century. Its that moving. But you'll find this entire CD to be extremely "Cool". Keep doin' what cha doin' George!
Imagine an African-American winning the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for the 1939 film "Gone With The Wind." Or even being nominated for that matter. But that's just how moving Hattie McDaniels's portrayal of Mammy was. Especially the sorrowful retelling of events in the Butler household to "Miss Melanie"(Olivia De Havilland), after the tragic death of Bonnie Blue. A scene that always brings tears to my eyes. That's how talented this lady was. And even more surprising, considering the fact that Ms. De Havilland was also nominated in the same category, for her sensitive role of Melanie. A good window to the plight and many indignities suffered by black actors in Hollywood for decades. Seemingly with the lame excuse of "not wanting to offend the southern audiences, with positive portrayals of blacks on screen." Ms. McDaniel did the very best she could, with the negative material she was consistently offered. But we go deeper into the personal life of Hattie as well. Probably not as deep as this work could have gone, like the supposed lesbian affairs she was rumored to have had. All-in-all, a very good background of the struggle for equality and respect, by blacks in Hollywood. And Hattie McDaniel was at the forefront in trailblazing the way.
Covers his childhood memories of war-torn Poland, reminiscent of "Schindler's List". His struggles as a young director and the heartache of the tragic murder of his wife Sharon Tate and their unborn child. And he even discusses his envolvement with the underaged girl at Jack Nicholson's place, that caused his exhile from the U.S. to this very day. You be the judge. An all-around well written autobiography.
From a young hothead, making an unsuccessful attempt at stabbing a friend, to one of America's leading Pediatric Neurosurgeons. Shows just how much can be achieved when our minds are put to use, and we stop letting others set our limitations. Even when it angers the very school personnel that should be giving their support, that we can achieve as much as their very own children, and even higher at times. For this is some of the very racial prejudice that Ben Carson had to endure, after attaining the highest academic level of anyone else from his Jr. High School years and on. What should have been congratulations from his school's leadership, was looked upon as lack of effort for the other mostly white student body, that they would let an African-American child out achieve them. How stereotypes are being continually forced to fall. Mr. Carson is one of many examples of African-Americans not only being able to excell in sports and entertainment, but scholastically as well. And some still have trouble accepting that even in the 21st century. Nowhere other than Johns-Hopkins was his goal, and he has more than attained it as its head of Pediatric Neurosurgery. Thank you Mr. Carson for inspiring us all.
Mr. Strieber's experiences, are just one more proof that satanic and alien encounters are undoubtedly connected. My former background in occultic dabblings resulted in pretty much similar experiences. If you think this book is evidence of beings from other worlds, evidence of "Grays" and other alien races, I warn; don't be deceived! There is only one source and it's definitely demonic. After many years of research, having read volumes of UFO literature for decades, along with occultic material; and having personally experienced numerous supernatural attacks from the evil side of the spirit realm, I know from whence I speak. It's all a part of Satan's plan to lead this world into great deception before its doom. Think I'm a fanatical Christian? Remember I dabbled heavily into the occult at one time; have you? Funny how so many consider Satan a character of myth and fantasy, but are perfectly willing to blindly accept a belief in beings visiting us from other worlds, and the supernatural events that accompany them. Though I do believe God created other inhabited worlds in His vast universe, the Bible only mentions one as ever having fallen under the spell of sin; none but our very own planet earth. Unfallen worlds would not be capable of the cruel and frightening experiments, so prominent in the world of "alien encounters and abductions". You've been lovingly warned dear ones. UPDATE!: While guest hosting for the popular late night radio program Coast to Coast for vacationing host George Noory, October 24/25, 2008. Mr. Strieber, along with his wife Ann, during the last half hour of the Open Line segment, was asked by a caller their take on the origins of UFOs and if they were possibly from an earthly source. Ann Strieber responded with "the dead" as a very viable source of the alien origins. Having arguably read over 500,000 letters on the subject of alien encounters, she reiterated just how common these encounters included visitations with "dead" loved ones. Whitley was even quoted as saying we could be dealing with something "very, very dangerous." Go to the Coast to Coast website and subscribe to the podcast. Smacks of ghosts and spiritualism (occultism) if you ask me.
From his early rise to stardom at Motown and a very rocky marriage to one of Barry Gordy's sisters, to the demon of drug addiction and repeated tax evasion; one of the most revealing music biographies I've ever read. Born in Washington D.C. to parents that were members of a small religious sect, with a minister father that was not quite sure of his sexual identity; by who's hand Marvin also suffered severe treatment, both mental and physical. First married to an older woman, then later one much younger, his love life was always on shaky ground. Though well known for such chart topping erotic tunes as "Let's Get It On" and "Sexual Healing," he despised his on stage lady pleasing antics. His true dream was to be a crooner in the manner of Frank Sinatra or Nat King Cole. Marvin even suffered long bouts of impotence. "Divided Soul" gets behind the scene and even into the head of the individual, probably considered the most sensual R&B singer ever. A powerful life story that deserves higher ratings than some sources have reviewed it. Not for the timid or easily shocked.
A good behind-the-scenes look at the everyday workings of the President. The man everyone either loves or hates, I guess you know where I stand having voted for him twice. This book only revealed what I could already sense; a genuine people-person, that experienced an upbringing that is crucial for one seeking the White House, or any public office. Mr. Clinton paid his dues, observing the many sides of American life by living them. Made mistakes? Of course. What President hasn't? Should the "Monica Affair" wipe from our memories, the many advancements for good we enjoyed under his leadership? Our current rising debt should remind us of the age-old question, "were we better off then or now?" Could have gone deeper into the scandal, but refreshing that it didn't. Unless that's all the reader was looking for. Maybe a reason some readers were bored. Its reading may even help us as "Christians" and Americans, to find a place in our hearts for forgiveness.
This book made us proud of our family heritage. As good as the mini-series was, the book is twice as good. After many years hearing his family tree being past down, Mr. Haley went on a worldwide search for more of his past. I watched the mini-series in 1977 like most of America, but found I then needed to read the book. Just the passage from West Africa to America will break ones heart, if you have a heart to break. And that only taps the surface of the cruel realities of the slave trade, and the some 10 to 100 million souls that never survived the passage. If you want to see through the eyes of our African ancestors, whatever your ethnicity, then read this masterpiece from cover-to-cover. I guarantee your life will never see things in the same light again.
With crimes becoming more and more heinous, it's good to know the FBI has minds like these working behind the scenes. Predicting the profile of criminals behind specific crimes is not only an art, after years of on-the-job training but also a very special gift. A fantastic behind-the-scenes look at crime busting well worth a read.
In his blacked-out Desert Inn Las Vegas suite, with only Mormon aides under the strictest of rules. Eating only canned goods after the most precise label removed sterilization routines. And the continuous viewing of the movie "Ice Station Zebra" morning, noon and night. This is the unshaved, rarely bathed Howard Hughes in his final years. Las Vegas because of its heat; heat representing in his mind cleanliness and purity. My how the mighty have fallen! Should be a sequel to the film "The Aviator".
More than just Black American History, but a huge chunk of American history in general. So many contributions and historic figures rarely mentioned in the average classroom. Not even during "Black History Month". An amazing collection of forgotten events that greatly impacted this nation. Should be drawn upon for reference by every author of any U.S. history textbook. Vital information to our nation's past.
For those who say history is boring. Better than reading a novel, with real characters sometimes going beyond the imaginary. An amazing study of the six wives, and the power crazed king they called husband. Used every means imaginable to justify ridding himself of one wife, to marry another. Even to the point of falsely accusing one of commiting incest with her own brother (Anne Boleyn), and having her beheaded. A powerful study of the British monarchy, and one of its most shameful periods.
Despite some reviews, not every thesaurus is for writers. Some are simply mean't to give the average person a few alternatives, and are quite limited. This however is different. Exhaustive even. Something a writer can greatly benefit from when needing to express themselves in a totally unique way. Keeps one from becoming repetitive.
Animals have always been a favorite topic of mine, but as a young person who just happened to find a copy of this book some 39 years ago, with the cover torn off, I consider it one of the great discoveries of my life. It was summertime, and I was headed to the 7th grade. I wasn't much of a reader until that momentous day. The story of Elsa and the Adamsons totally transported me to another place, and many wondrous adventures in Africa. Due much to this book, I now am a voracious reader. The story is heartwarming, and is the reason I insisted my 7th grade son read it for his current book report. Whether you're 9 or 99, Elsa's antics and her loving bond with Joy and George will capture your heart. I guarantee it. And with Africa's Lion population dwindling to probably less than 30,000 today, I can't think of a more timely book, in honour of conserving their remaining habitat. Especially when one considers that Africa had over 100,000 Lions when I first read it.
My wife bought this book and read it, well before we acquired our border collie as a rescue in November of 2007. We had been watching the Dog Whisperer for about a year on the National Geographic channel, and enjoyed many of his concepts on dog behavior. I just finished reading it a few days ago, and although I found it very helpful, there is always, like on every episode, the disclaimer "don't try this without consulting a professional first." Well that can become frustrating when reading something that you thought was supposed to be a "self help" guide. Not quite what I expected, but still would recommend to any dog owner or potential future owner.
Excellent source of scholarly research. Understandably, some are in denial of the Bible confirming conclusions. A library reference gem.
Despite other reviews I've read, I rather liked this book. From the gathering of coyotes on the porch, to the Alien spacecrafts of destruction, this story is ripe for a film adaptation. And hopefully with a better script than previous Koontz novels. There's just a certain intensity felt during the reading of this book, that goes deeper than the 5 or 6 other Koontz novels I've read. The only other that even approached the same feeling was The Watchers. Dogs and children are also just a fact of life for Mr. Koontz, that's a given. This is great Science Fiction, with a positive twist at the end.
This is the real deal. Ex-slaves telling their own experiences; a few not-so-bad, many extremely heartbreaking. This is one of the best insights into what slavery was really like during the 19th Century. This is the story, in there own words, of how a people were totally dehumanized during America's most shameful period. A country claiming "liberty and justice for all" while denying that freedom to millions of fellow human beings. And many still ask the question, "why do African-Americans still lag behind in so many areas, while other ethnic groups had to struggle as immigrants also?" This book is a reminder that blacks were forcibly brought here, and denied-for-years even the simplest education. Maybe the reading of this book, will help some realize the continual uphill struggle, blacks have tried to achieve in a few short decades since the Civil Rights Movement. Trying to make-up for Centuries of bondage, and inequality. Just as we can never forget the evils of the Holocaust, so it should be equaly true with the era of slavery.
Though somewhat dated, still a very good place to start for a background in screenwriting. Helpful tips on setting up an outline before even starting the initial draft. Extremely easy to follow tips on the type of script you want to write, and how to capture the attention of readers during the opening pages. A little to much emphasis on camera angles though, especially when writing spec scripts.
Mr. Bugliosi wrote the book on crime investigation in L.A. Reads better than a novel. Explores the life of Charles Mansion from his pre-Family days up to the brutal crimes, and the sick minds behind them. Some of the best non-fiction you'll ever read. Gives the victims a personality, not just bodies without a face. A great prosecuting attorney's handbook.