diff --git "a/en/en_US/lessac/medium/metadata.csv" "b/en/en_US/lessac/medium/metadata.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/en/en_US/lessac/medium/metadata.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,12095 @@ +APDC2-008-03|Acting out of panic, before considering alternatives, often leads to poor, sometimes downright disastrous, decisions. +APDC2-008-06|Fourth, when feelings between parents and children seem unusually strong, there is more going on than is immediately apparent. +APDC2-008-07|Unearthing the feelings that underlie the seemingly unreasonable behaviors is essential to avoid getting sabotaged by them. +APDC2-014-03|Sensitive parents, determined to avoid burdening their children, take pride in their self-sufficiency. +APDC2-016-01|In both cases, because of their own distress, children forget to treat their parents courteously and respectfully. +APDC2-017-01|Children act prematurely. +APDC2-023-09|She made it clear during the weeks before her death that they had done her a gross disservice. +APDC2-023-10|We only wanted to do what we thought was best for her, the nurse told us. +APDC2-024-04|Alarmed, he lost no time contacting a carpenter. +APDC2-026-03|They may become their parents helpers. +APDC2-027-03|We feel strongly that to succeed as caregivers of aging parents, adult children must remember this principle. +APDC2-029-00|This is a worthwhile distinction to bear in mind. +APDC2-032-00|Here's what we mean. +APDC2-032-03|The plan required a monthly payment whether or not heating oil was delivered. +APDC2-032-13|Mom, he suggested, as long as I'm writing this check out, why don't I pay the rest of your bills? +APDC2-040-00|The children were upset not just because they feared for their mother's welfare but also they feared for their own. +APDC2-042-02|In situations like that one, parents refusal to face facts compounds the problems of eldercare. +APDC2-042-03|When offers of needed help are rejected, children become concerned, frustrated, and eventually angry. +APDC2-044-00|Second, the refusal to see the truth may also be the result of an automatic process called denial. +APDC2-047-00|Withholding information may seem sensible to parents who don't want to trouble their children. +APDC2-047-06|Each side justifies its position: children view their parents as untrustworthy; parents see them as disrespectful. +APDC2-047-07|Both sides feel hurt, misunderstood, unappreciated, and angry. +APDC2-050-04|My father left her well provided for. +APDC2-050-06|At the supermarket she buys day-old baked goods and reduced-price vegetables in dented cans. +APDC2-053-02|Or she may be angry with her son because he visits infrequently. +APDC2-055-02|They hear insults where none are intended. +APDC2-057-01|Is any action really needed? +APDC2-059-00|Have there been any verifiable facts or events that have caused me concern? +APDC2-059-02|First, scrutiny helps you to be certain you are operating on the basis of objective, not subjective, urgency. +APDC2-062-01|Chances are, if you are reading this book, you try to stay informed about matters pertaining to the care of aging parents. +APDC2-064-00|If your parents are like most people, they will not be thrilled when you bring up the topic. +APDC2-066-01|Do I feel a need to do something, but lack compelling objective evidence that a problem exists? +APDC2-069-00|Second, your feeling may stem primarily from external factors that are affecting your thinking and judgment. +APDC2-070-02|Your father may complain about how badly lit the local roads are. +APDC2-073-01|It's a fact that some people do stand in judgment of adult children. +APDC2-074-03|Decisions motivated by needs stemming from long-standing rivalries are not likely to be sound ones. +APDC2-074-04|Even if they are, the friction that results is never in a parent's best interest. +APDC2-080-02|Tell them about what your friend has arranged and how you'd like to do as much for them as your friend is doing for his or her parents. +APDC2-080-03|See how your parents react, and what they think of the idea. +APDC2-085-01|If you're at all attuned to them you know their sore spots and vulnerabilities. +APDC2-085-03|If your mom always took pride in keeping a spotless home, then suggesting cleaning help is not likely to be welcome. +APDC2-086-01|Many parents deeply resent having their judgment questioned. +APDC2-086-03|Knowing this, plan your persuasive approach carefully. +APDC2-086-04|Anticipate reactions, prepare your rejoinders, and do your best to keep the discussion on an even keel. +APDC2-086-05|You may not succeed, but the results are likely to be better than if you were to push ahead carelessly, just hoping for the best. +APDC2-088-04|Others may get angry, accusative, or withdrawn. +APDC2-089-00|Terms such as eldercare and caregiving both imply that only one person, the giver, or carer as they say in England, is active. +APDC2-093-00|This comment was uttered by an elderly woman who called in during an interview on a talk radio station. +APDC2-093-03|The woman wanted no part of their plans. +APDC2-094-00|Our Understanding: Her children's urgings were clearly a product of their uneasiness. +APDC2-096-02|To our surprise, the man was enraged and offended by our recommendation. +APDC2-097-03|To expect gratitude from a person who is incapable of it is like waiting for an apple tree to grow oranges. +APDC2-099-00|These words were written to the editor of the New York Times, a few days after the paper published a positive article on our book. +APDC2-101-05|What should we do? +APDC2-106-02|Given the many possible areas of conflict that arise as parents age, this is a good one to remove from the list. +APDC2-107-04|What should I do? +APDC2-111-00|This caring son was caught between being respectful and being practical. +APDC2-112-00|Our Understanding: Since there was no disagreement about the move, this situation, while distressing, was not serious. +APDC2-113-03|I don't mind doing this, but lately, as soon as I come home, my father calls and complains that I never come to see them! +APDC2-113-04|I feel terrible having him think I am neglectful, and I know that things are only going to get worse. +APDC2-114-01|Her first reaction was to move them back home, so she checked out local options. +APDC2-120-01|It usually reflects longstanding problems having nothing to do with eldercare. +APDC2-124-08|If a child understands the reasons underlying a parent's choices, he or she will be less likely to contest them later. +APDC2-127-00|This question was asked of us privately, after an eldercare presentation. +APDC2-127-02|She wisely decided to take action, but she was uncertain of the steps to take. +APDC2-129-04|Although they love their home, they're considering moving to an assisted living facility because of my mother's illness. +APDC2-132-02|Although attention tends to be focused, with reason, on the ailing spouse, the needs of the well-spouse must also be considered. +APDC2-133-04|He won't lift a finger to help out, and he constantly criticizes everything I do. +APDC2-134-01|Why, he wondered, would we want to make his caregiving responsibilities more arduous than they were already? +APDC2-138-00|The woman who brought this up had her own misgivings about the value of visiting someone in the last stages of dementia. +APDC2-144-04|She felt guilty and neglectful. +APDC2-145-01|We know that barring serious illness or accident, most people adapt to age-related losses of functioning. +APDC2-147-00|So there you have it: the questions and comments we've heard most often since Are Your Parents Driving You Crazy? +APDC2-148-04|However, in other instances they are not as wise a choice as other, less costly, options. +APDC2-152-01|Have my parents indicated in any way that they are no longer comfortable living at home? +APDC2-154-02|Does this mean that they have to move? +APDC2-157-05|Pivoting door latches, which are easy to grasp and rotate, can replace doorknobs. +APDC2-157-08|The Visiting Nurse Service, for example, can provide ongoing, professional care. +APDC2-157-10|Adult day care and respite care can provide relief for a well spouse or an exhausted child. +APDC2-164-01|But beyond the norm can mean different things. +APDC2-164-05|Some require a lump sum up front, others just monthly payments. +APDC2-166-00|If the move would require that your parents sell their home, is this something they are prepared to do? +APDC2-166-02|Do you know the cost of any repairs that will be needed before sale? +APDC2-167-02|What is the ethnic and socioeconomic makeup of the resident population? +APDC2-168-01|Often, as parents give up driving, and as their friends die or move away, they are left relatively isolated. +APDC2-168-04|More specifically, can your parents climb stairs? +APDC2-170-02|Are the activities provided likely to be of interest to them? +APDC2-171-04|Your aim is to find a place that matches their temperament, style, and interests, as well as meets their physical needs. +APDC2-172-01|Would my parents have to give up activities that matter a great deal to them, like cooking or going to church? +APDC2-173-02|Perhaps there is a kitchen she can use? +APDC2-174-01|Is the food consistent with what my parents like to eat? +APDC2-175-01|If food matters to your parents, be sure the quality and variety are acceptable. +APDC2-176-01|Am I able and willing to oversee the care my parents will receive? +APDC2-177-00|Your caregiving does not end once a parent enters an assisted living facility, or nursing home, for that matter. +APDC2-178|How do I Evaluate a Particular Assisted Living Facility? +APDC2-179-02|What do you look for? +APDC2-181-01|Licensing requirements vary widely from state to state. +APDC2-184-02|As a minimum, we urge you to do the following: +APDC2-187-01|Ask what the staff-to-resident ratio is, during both daytime and nighttime. +APDC2-190-00|What are the family's wishes regarding resuscitation, intubation, and hospitalization? +APDC2-191-02|We're confident that if you do, you and your parents will be spared needless distress. +APDC2-194-01|Never confuse taking care with taking over. +APDC2-208-02|For example, the best time to prepare a living will is before a health crisis arises. +APDC2-209|Prepare yourself. +APDC2-210-00|Although it's important to know of resources your parents may need, your most important preparation is internal. +APDC2-212-01|No matter what situation you face, stay C-A-L-M: +APDC2-222|Is public transportation available slash accessible? +APDC2-227|Is the staff appropriately dressed, friendly and outgoing? +APDC2-229|Are visits with the residents encouraged and welcome that any time? +APDC2-233|Are doorways, hallways, and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers? +APDC2-234|Are elevators available for those unable to use stairways and handrails to aid in walking? +APDC2-237|Is the residence clean, free of odors, and appropriately heated and cooled? +APDC2-242|Are there different sizes and types of units available with optional floor plans? +APDC2-244-00|Does the residence have furnished or unfurnished rooms? +APDC2-245-00|May residents decorate their own rooms? +APDC2-245-01|Is there adequate storage space? +APDC2-247|Are bathrooms private with handicapped accommodations for wheelchairs and walkers? +APDC2-250|May residents smoke in their units or are there designated public areas? +APDC2-251-00|What's involved with the moving in or out process? +APDC2-253-01|Is there an ongoing process for assessing a resident's need for services, and how often are those needs evaluated? +APDC2-254|Is the facility affiliated with a hospital or with a nursing home? +APDC2-255|Will your room be held for you should you require a hospital or nursing home stay and are there charges for your room while away? +APDC2-258-00|How much is the monthly fee? +APDC2-258-01|How often can it be increased and for what reasons? +APDC2-258-02|Is there a limit on the amount of increase per year? +APDC2-258-03|What is the history on monthly fee increases? +APDC2-260|What additional services and staff are available if the resident's needs change? +APDC2-264|Is there any government, private, or corporate program available to help cover the costs? +APDC2-266|Are residents required to purchase renters insurance for personal property in their units? +APDC2-267-02|Must a family member or outside party be designated? +APDC2-271|Is staff available to assist residents who experience memory, orientation, or judgment losses? +APDC2-272-00|How are medical emergencies handled? +APDC2-275-01|Does either a physician or a nurse make regular checkups? +APDC2-279|Are pharmacy, barber or beautician, or physical therapy services offered onsite? +APDC2-285|Are the resident activity, social, areas appropriate and desirable to the prospective resident? +APDC2-286|Are there supplies for social activities and hobbies, games, cards, crafts, computers, gardening,? +APDC2-290-01|Does the facility itself have pets? +APDC2-292-01|Are criminal background checks, references, and certifications required? +APDC2-293|Is there a staff-training program in place and what does it entail? +APDC2-296|Does the facility have a volunteer program or is it affiliated with any student clinical programs? +APDC2-299|Are residents involved in menu planning and may they request special foods? +APDC2-302-00|Are meals provided only at set times or is there some flexibility? +ARC_001|A wildly exciting time was his during the week preceding Thursday the eighteenth. +ARC_002|She is essentially the life-giving, life-conserving female of the species. +ARC_003|He was determined now to maintain a more certain hold upon himself. +ARC_004|Outwardly, he maintained a calm and smiling aspect. +ARC_005|Soon shall it be thrust back from off prostrate humanity. +ARC_006|If you mean to insinuate, Brentwood began hotly. +ARC_007|He is a candidate, rising from the serf class to our class. +ARC_008|They ate dinner at the fifth, and rested for two hours. +ARC_009|They are to attack your camp tomorrow night. +ARC_010|You have heard always how he was the lover of the Princess Naomi. +ARC_011|They are coming ashore, whoever they are. +ARC_012|Soaked in seawater they offset the heat rays. +ARC_013|Nobody knew his history; they of the Junta least of all. +ARC_014|They are big trees, and require plenty of room. +ARC_015|They are greatly delighted with anything that is bright, or giveth a sound. +ARC_016|They are his tongue, by which he makes his knowledge articulate. +ARC_017|Whatever he guessed he locked away in the taboo room of Naomi. +ARC_018|I know they are my oysters. +ARC_019|The very opposite is true; they are discouraged vagabonds. +ARC_020|Hardly were our plans made public before we were met by powerful opposition. +ARC_021|He waded into the edge of the water and began scrubbing himself. +ARC_022|He obeyed the pressure of her hand. +ARC_023|Take away their foreman and they wouldn't be worth their grub. +ARC_024|Philip made no effort to follow. +ARC_025|It drowned all sound that brute agony and death may have made. +ARC_026|He cried in such genuine dismay that she broke into hearty laughter. +ARC_027|Out of his eighteen hundred, he laid aside sixteen hundred each year. +ARC_028|Red-eye never committed a more outrageous deed. +ARC_029|In partnership with Daylight, the pair raided the San Jose Interurban. +ARC_030|Daylight found himself charmed, and made curious by the little man. +ARC_031|Between the rush of the cascades, streaks of rust showed everywhere. +ARC_032|Out of abstractions, Ernest had conjured a vision, and made them see it. +ARC_033|The Oligarchy wanted violence, and it set its agents provocateurs to work. +ARC_034|Without a doubt, some of them have dinner engagements. +ARC_035|Behind him lay the thousand-years-long road across all Siberia and Russia. +ARC_036|There was no law on the Yukon save what they made for themselves. +ARC_037|I'd say there was going to be a glorious scrap. +ARC_038|He made no reply as he waited for Whittemore to continue. +ARC_039|If I was out of the game, it would be easily made. +ARC_040|It was over when he made his way through the ring of spectators. +ARC_041|I also understand that similar branch organizations have made their appearance in Europe. +ARC_042|Such is my passage engaged on the steamer. +ARC_043|By this time Charley was as enraged as the Greek. +ARC_044|At the same time spears and arrows began to fall among the invaders. +ARC_045|Tudor surveyed him with withering disgust. +ARC_046|We never made another migration. +ARC_047|Not till the twentieth of May did the river break. +ARC_048|I play that choice wide open to win. +ARC_049|Daylight made no answer, and the door closed behind him. +ARC_050|He may desire to escape pain, or to enjoy pleasure. +ARC_051|Violation of this law was made a high misdemeanor, and punished accordingly. +ARC_052|This the Iron Heel foresaw, and laid its schemes accordingly. +ARC_053|Captain Doane's orders were swiftly obeyed. +ARC_054|His abnormal power of vision made abstractions take on concrete form. +ARC_055|He would keep his faith with Gregson for the promised day or two. +ARC_056|Two years ago I gave up civilization for this. +ARC_057|The other felt a sudden wave of irritation rush through him. +ARC_058|Who the devil gave it to you to be judge and jury. +ARC_059|They just lay off in the bush, and plugged away. +ARC_060|In his anxiety and solicitude and love, they did not count. +ARC_061|He had worshiped her, as Dante might have worshiped Beatrice. +ARC_062|Hatred and murder and lust for revenge, they possessed to overflowing. +ARC_063|Hans hurled himself upon the prostrate man, striking madly with his fists. +ARC_064|Mercedes screamed, cried, laughed, and manifested the chaotic abandonment of hysteria. +ARC_065|They edged nearer, and stood shoulder to shoulder facing their world. +ARC_066|They must have been swept away by the chaotic currents. +ARC_067|About him, everywhere, were the evidences of luxury and of age. +ARC_068|You were engaged. +ARC_069|My age, in years, is twenty two. +ARC_070|The questions may have come vaguely in his mind. +ARC_071|Though the aurora still flamed, another day had begun. +ARC_072|But they make the mistake of ignoring their own duality. +ARC_073|Why, doggone you all, shake again. +ARC_074|Harry Bancroft, Dave lied. +ARC_075|The Fire People, like ourselves, lived in caves. +ARC_076|You read the quotations in today's paper. +ARC_077|A new preacher and a new doctrine came to Jerusalem. +ARC_078|The last refugee had passed. +ARC_079|It is the nearest refuge. +ARC_080|You used to joyride like the very devil. +ARC_081|Never so strange a prophet came up to Jerusalem. +ARC_082|And there was Ethel Baird, whom also you must remember. +ARC_083|A scarlet loincloth completed his costume. +ARC_084|Nope, not the slightest idea. +ARC_085|Your face was the personification of duplicity. +ARC_086|And I hope you've got plenty of chain out, Captain Young. +ARC_087|Pearce's little eyes were fixed on him shrewdly. +ARC_088|It was more like sugar. +ARC_089|He bore no grudges, and had few enemies. +ARC_090|Men like Joe Goose dated existence from drunk to drunk. +ARC_091|Philip saw Macdougall soon after his short talk with Thorpe. +ARC_092|It was the third or fourth time that Philip had heard Macdougall swear. +ARC_093|And as we hurried up town, Joe Goose explained. +ARC_094|A dead man is of no use on a plantation. +ARC_095|But what they want with your toothbrush is more than I can imagine. +ARC_096|But in the canyons, water was plentiful, and also a luxuriant forest growth. +ARC_097|Yet, in accordance with Ernest's test of truth, it worked. +ARC_098|We got few vegetables and fruits, and became fish eaters. +ARC_099|You won't die of malnutrition, be sure of that. +ARC_100|What do you mean by this outrageous conduct? +ARC_101|He was smooth-shaven, and his hair and eyes were black. +ARC_102|There are no kiddies and half grown youths among them. +ARC_103|Everything was working smoothly, better than I had expected. +ARC_104|Does that look good? +ARC_105|Joan looked triumphantly at Sheldon, who bowed. +ARC_106|Beyond refusing to sell us food, they left us to ourselves. +ARC_107|Jacob Brinker, who was his roadmate, brought the news. +ARC_108|And Macdougall was beyond the trail, with three weeks to spare. +ARC_109|Macdougall tapped his forehead suspiciously with a stubby forefinger. +ARC_110|Now go ahead and tell me in a straightforward way what has happened. +ARC_111|Macdougall, my engineer, believes it. +ARC_112|We were now good friends. +ARC_113|My, I'm almost homesick for it already. +ARC_114|Also, she has forbidden them smoking their pipes in the afternoon. +ARC_115|They were less stooped than we, less springy in their movements. +ARC_116|His mouth opened; words shaped vainly on his lips. +ARC_117|The truth of it set Jeanne quivering. +ARC_118|Her mouth opened, but instead of speaking she drew a long sigh. +ARC_119|Youth had come back to her, freed from the yoke of oppression. +ARC_120|They continued valiantly to lie, but the truth continued to outrun them. +ARC_121|You were making them talk shop, Ruth charged him. +ARC_122|Only, it is so wonderful, so almost impossible to believe. +ARC_123|Nowhere did the raw earth appear. +ARC_124|Two weeks passed, and in that time Thorpe left camp three times. +ARC_125|I followed the line of the proposed railroad, looking for chances. +ARC_126|It issued a rate of forty two dollars a car on charcoal. +ARC_127|The task we set ourselves was threefold. +ARC_128|The river bared its bosom, and snorting steamboats challenged the wilderness. +ARC_129|A shadow was creeping over Pierre's eyes. +ARC_130|The nightglow was treacherous to shoot by. +ARC_131|A half a case of tobacco was worth three pounds. +ARC_132|Below him the shadow was broken into a pool of rippling starlight. +ARC_133|That Longfellow chap most likely had written countless books of poetry. +ARC_134|In a flash Philip followed its direction. +ARC_135|The Churchill narrowed and its current became swifter as they progressed. +ARC_136|There followed a roar that shook the earth. +ARC_137|So she said, the irate skipper dashed on. +ARC_138|Why should a fellow throw up the sponge after the first round? +ARC_139|Then you can arrange yourself comfortably among these robes in the bow. +ARC_140|The land exchanged its austere robes for the garb of a smiling wanton. +ARC_141|The singing voice approached rapidly. +ARC_142|Two days ago, Jeanne learned where her father's men were hiding. +ARC_143|He told himself that, as he washed himself and groomed his disheveled clothes. +ARC_144|Such things in her brain were like so many oaths on her lips. +ARC_145|He went down in midstream, searching the shadows of both shores. +ARC_146|They handled two men already, both grub-thieves. +ARC_147|We are both children together. +ARC_148|Jeanne and Pierre both gazed toward the great rock. +ARC_149|We are cooking on the coal stove and on the oil burners. +ARC_150|With them were Indians, also three other men. +ARC_151|I can not follow you, she said. +ARC_152|And twenty men could hold it with spears and arrows. +ARC_153|All operations have been carried out from Montreal and Toronto. +ARC_154|Suppose you saw me at work through the window. +ARC_155|So cheer up, and give us your paw. +ARC_156|But he did not broach it, preferring to mature it carefully. +ARC_157|I can't argue with you, and you know that. +ARC_158|I don't know why you're here at all. +ARC_159|For that reason Le Beau had chosen him to fight the big fight. +ARC_160|He was the soul of devotion to his employers. +ARC_161|No, it is a palace, wherein there are many servants. +ARC_162|Ow, a wild dog, he growled. +ARC_163|No, I did not fall among thieves. +ARC_164|There are four, all low, Mccoy answered. +ARC_165|He saw only the effect in a general, sketchy way. +ARC_166|He saw all men in the business game doing this. +ARC_167|It was impossible to hoist sail and claw off that shore. +ARC_168|He placed his paw on one, and its movements were accelerated. +ARC_169|Nor would it thaw out his hands and feet. +ARC_170|What I saw I could not at first believe. +ARC_171|My right foot feels like that of a Chinese debutante. +ARC_172|His beady black eyes saw bargains where other men saw bankruptcy. +ARC_173|Pebbles and dirt flew along with hair and fur. +ARC_174|One great drawback to farming in California is our long dry summer. +ARC_175|The log on which Lop-ear was lying got adrift. +ARC_176|It is dog eat dog, and you ate them up. +ARC_177|The wolf-dog thrust his gaunt muzzle toward him. +ARC_178|Poor little Crooked-leg was terribly scared. +ARC_179|I, I beg pardon, he drawled. +ARC_180|He pulled, and the log crashed down to break his back. +ARC_181|I never saw anything like her in my life. +ARC_182|Won't you draw up, gentlemen. +ARC_183|In the picture he saw each moment a greater resemblance to Jeanne. +ARC_184|They saw each other for the first time in Boston. +ARC_185|Why the average review is more nauseating than cod liver oil. +ARC_186|Swiftly his eyes measured the situation. +ARC_187|The very thought of the effort to swim over was nauseating. +ARC_188|The Claudine was leaving next morning for Honolulu. +ARC_189|Oolong Atoll was one hundred and forty miles in circumference. +ARC_190|A month in Australia would kill me. +ARC_191|He had forgotten to build a fire, and thaw out. +ARC_192|Such a dog the wise driver kills, or turns loose. +ARC_193|And there was a dog that barked. +ARC_194|His hand shot out and clutched Crooked-leg by the neck. +ARC_195|Anyway, no one saw her like that. +ARC_196|But there was also talk of witchcraft in the village. +ARC_197|I saw it all myself, and it was splendid. +ARC_198|Curly rushed her antagonist, who struck again and leaped aside. +ARC_199|A little before dawn of the day following, the fire relief came. +ARC_200|Author of the danger trail, Philip Steel, etcetera. +ARC_201|Daughtry elaborated on the counting trick by bringing Cocky along. +ARC_202|There is the hitch, replied Thorpe, rolling a cigarette. +ARC_203|His outstretched arm dropped to his side, and he paused. +ARC_204|There is too much of the schoolboy in me. +ARC_205|A moment before he was intoxicated by a joy that was almost madness. +ARC_206|Thorpe and his men were to destroy this camp, and kill you. +ARC_207|Dunham, can your boy go along with Jesse? +ARC_208|The Portuguese boy crawled nearer and nearer. +ARC_209|Then came my boy code. +ARC_210|The farmer works the soil and produces grain. +ARC_211|From the source of light, a harsh voice said. +ARC_212|This tacit promise of continued acquaintance gave Saxon a little joy-thrill. +ARC_213|The boy threw back his head with pride. +ARC_214|These quick little joys of hers were sources of joy to him. +ARC_215|May drought destroy your crops. +ARC_216|One by one the boys were captured. +ARC_217|Besides, that noise makes me deaf. +ARC_218|The boy at the wheel lost his head. +ARC_219|I was Hump, cabin boy on the schooner Ghost. +ARC_220|He would destroy all things that are fixed. +ARC_221|Does the old boy often go off at half-cock that way? +ARC_222|The creative joy, I murmured. +ARC_223|He was just bursting with joy, joy over what? +ARC_224|I was sick once, typhoid. +ARC_225|Typhoid, did I tell you? +ARC_226|Mccoy found a stifling, poisonous atmosphere in the pent cabin. +ARC_227|Saxon nodded, and the boy frowned. +ARC_228|The boy grew and prospered. +ARC_229|The boy hesitated, then mastered his temper. +ARC_230|So we have to fit the boat throughout with oil lamps as well. +ARC_231|No man ate of the seal meat or the oil. +ARC_232|By golly, the boy wins. +ARC_233|Some boy, she laughed acquiescence. +ARC_234|And wherever I ranged, the way lay along alcohol-drenched roads. +ARC_235|And Raoul listened again to the tale of the house. +ARC_236|Your being wrecked here has been a godsend to me. +ARC_237|She nodded, and her eyes grew soft and moist. +ARC_238|Down through the perfume weighted air fluttered the snowy fluffs of the cottonwoods. +ARC_239|He gave no reason, but his motive was obvious enough. +ARC_240|Also there was awe in their faces. +ARC_241|In short, my joyous individualism was dominated by the orthodox bourgeois ethics. +ARC_242|This sound did not disturb the hush and awe of the place. +ARC_243|The awe of man rushed over him again. +ARC_244|It happened to him at the Gallina society in Oakland one afternoon. +ARC_245|Production is doubling and quadrupling upon itself. +ARC_246|Did Thorpe go to see any one in Churchill? +ARC_247|Now run along, and tell them to hurry. +ARC_248|There was nothing on the rock. +ARC_249|It is very plausible to such people, a most convincing hypothesis. +ARC_250|He was worth nothing to the world. +ARC_251|For such countries nothing remained but reorganization. +ARC_252|There was nothing for us but the wide raw ocean. +ARC_253|We are consumed in our own flesh-pots. +ARC_254|If not, let's say our prayers and go to bed. +ARC_255|I tell you, I am disgusted with this adventure, tomfoolery and rot. +ARC_256|There is not an iota of truth in it, certainly not. +ARC_257|Thus had the raw wilderness prepared him for this day. +ARC_258|Massage under tension, was the cryptic reply. +ARC_259|Raoul yelled, in order to make himself heard. +ARC_260|And that was the last of Francois and Perrault. +ARC_261|Jack London, Waikiki beach, Honolulu, Oahu. +ARC_262|All an appearance can know is mirage. +ARC_263|You are positively soulless, he said savagely. +ARC_264|A little treatment, massage, and some help from the doctor. +ARC_265|It does, was her audacious answer. +ARC_266|How does your wager look now? +ARC_267|Nobody knows how the natives got them. +ARC_268|How could he explain his possession of the sketch? +ARC_269|How can you manage all alone, Mister Young? +ARC_270|How could I answer the question on the spur of the moment? +ARC_271|As to how she dressed, he had no ideas at all. +ARC_272|Outsiders are allowed five minute speeches, the sick man urged. +ARC_273|How valiantly I went at it that first day. +ARC_274|And how would we ever find ourselves? +ARC_275|For a full minute he crouched and listened. +ARC_276|But ever his gaze returned to that Crouched Venus on the piano. +ARC_277|That is why its boundaries are all gouged and jagged. +ARC_278|Now these things had been struck dead within him. +ARC_279|Enters now the psychology of the situation. +ARC_280|He read his fragments aloud. +ARC_281|Besides, had he not whipped the big owl in the forest? +ARC_282|Like a flash, he launched himself into the feathered mass of the owl. +ARC_283|Two gigantic owls were tearing at the carcass. +ARC_284|Jeanne was turning the bow shoreward. +ARC_285|Zilla relaxed her sour mouth long enough to sigh her satisfaction. +ARC_286|He spat it out like so much venom. +ARC_287|Burnt out like the crater of a volcano. +ARC_288|The lines were now very taut. +ARC_289|Now you're coming down to business, Phil, he exclaimed. +ARC_290|How much was it? +ARC_291|The fighting had now become intermittent. +ARC_292|Now just what do you want to know? +ARC_293|He had been born with this endowment. +ARC_294|And now, down there, Eileen was waiting for him. +ARC_295|And now put yourself in my place for a moment. +ARC_296|You fired me out of your house, in short. +ARC_297|The stout wood was crushed like an eggshell. +ARC_298|But there came no promise from the bow of the canoe. +ARC_299|Now animals do not like mockery. +ARC_300|It was his intention to return to Eileen, and her father. +ARC_301|I am going to surprise father, and you will go with Pierre. +ARC_302|It was sanctification and salvation. +ARC_303|To my surprise, he began to show actual enthusiasm in my favor. +ARC_304|Something that Whittemore had not yet said thrilled him. +ARC_305|Ten minutes had not elapsed since he had dropped the handkerchief. +ARC_306|I have been deeply baptized. +ARC_307|She'd make a good wife for the cashier. +ARC_308|The life there was healthful and athletic, but too juvenile. +ARC_309|Gregson held a lighted match until it burnt his fingertips. +ARC_310|The Gabriel voice of the Samurai rang out. +ARC_311|You want to go over and see his gang throw dirt. +ARC_312|This time he did not yap for mercy. +ARC_313|He turned the map to Gregson, pointing with his finger. +ARC_314|And after the bath, a shave would not be bad. +ARC_315|Well, there are better men in Hawaii, that's all. +ARC_316|Here, in the midmorning, the first casualty occurred. +ARC_317|It was put together in a casual, helter-skelter sort of way. +ARC_318|Violent life and athletic sports had never appealed to me. +ARC_319|You're going in for grab sharing. +ARC_320|Shall I carry you? +ARC_321|Now Irvine was a man of impulse, a poet. +ARC_322|It is the strap hangers that will keep us from going under. +ARC_323|He was an athlete, and a giant. +ARC_324|Matthewson, who is this bookkeeper, Rogers? +ARC_325|To his surprise, her answer was flat, and uncompromising. +ARC_326|He stopped, and Philip nodded at the horrified question in his eyes. +ARC_327|Cherokee identified himself with his instinct. +ARC_328|Would you be satisfied with that one hundredth part of me? +ARC_329|Meanwhile, I'll go out to breathe a spell. +ARC_330|Captain West may be a Samurai, but he is also human. +ARC_331|Anything unusual or abnormal was sufficient to send a fellow to Molokai. +ARC_332|I'll tell you, the librarian said with a brightening face. +ARC_333|So unexpected was my charge that I knocked him off his feet. +ARC_334|I'd sooner have my chips back. +ARC_335|Just the same I'd sooner be myself than have book indigestion. +ARC_336|It is only his indigestion I find fault with. +ARC_337|I'm playing a single hand in what looks like a losing game. +ARC_338|Tomorrow I'm going after that bear, he said. +ARC_339|Don't you see, I'm chewing this thing in two. +ARC_340|I'm going down there with you, and I'm going to fight. +ARC_341|I can't go elsewhere, by your own account. +ARC_342|I use great trouble advisedly. +ARC_343|The apron string loomed near, and he shied like an unbroken colt. +ARC_344|White Leghorns, said Mrs Mortiber. +ARC_345|That is why I am, am rattled, he laughed. +ARC_346|Thought I, and a worthy fool he proved. +ARC_347|I saw Mister Pike nod his head grimly and sarcastically. +ARC_348|We leave the eventuality to time and law. +ARC_349|He chuckled as he pulled out his pipe, and began filling it. +ARC_350|Their love burned with increasing brightness. +ARC_351|To her the bridge was tambo, which is the native for taboo. +ARC_352|He knew what taboos he was violating. +ARC_353|His newborn cunning gave him poise and control. +ARC_354|Once the jews harp began emitting its barbaric rhythms, Michael was helpless. +ARC_355|It resembled tea less than lager beer resembles champagne. +ARC_356|Of course much grumbling went on, and little outbursts were continually occurring. +ARC_357|In what bucolic school of fence he had been taught was beyond imagining. +ARC_358|That is the sub-foreman, explained Thorpe. +ARC_359|He leapt again, and the club caught him once more. +ARC_360|The mob came on, but it could not advance. +ARC_361|It was a superb picture. +ARC_362|I have been robbed, sir, I amended. +ARC_363|It was unobtrusive, yet it was there. +ARC_364|A rising tide of fat had submerged them. +ARC_365|To my dearest and always appreciated friend, I submit myself. +ARC_366|The Italian rancho was a bachelor establishment. +ARC_367|I remembered the red wine of the Italian rancho, and shuddered inwardly. +ARC_368|Also a fellow Senator, Chauncey Depew said. +ARC_369|Yes, sir, he answered, with cheerful alacrity. +ARC_370|At sea, Wednesday, March eighteenth, nineteen oh eight. +ARC_371|These were merely stout sticks an inch or so in diameter. +ARC_372|The men stared into each other's face. +ARC_373|The emotion, which she had suppressed, burst forth now in a choking sob. +ARC_374|We who have endured so much surely can endure a little more. +ARC_375|For a much longer time Lop-ear and I remained and watched. +ARC_376|He was an enthusiast, and a desert dweller. +ARC_377|But Johannes could, and did. +ARC_378|Gregson had left the outer door slightly ajar. +ARC_379|Thus he turned the tenets and jargon of psychology back on me. +ARC_380|If I meet her again, I shall apologize, said Eileen. +ARC_381|So far as flags were concerned, they were beyond all jurisdiction. +ARC_382|The skipper's and Nakata's gymnastics served as a translation without words. +ARC_383|Jerry was so secure in his nook that he did not roll away. +ARC_384|The journey was continued at dawn. +ARC_385|We threaten to be of the one mind before the voyage is completed. +ARC_386|There was nothing more, except a large ink blot under the words. +ARC_387|And you preferred a cannibal isle, and a cartridge belt. +ARC_388|There was no forecasting this strange girl's processes. +ARC_389|There were orange-green, gold-green, and a copper-green. +ARC_390|King took every advantage he knew. +ARC_391|Something about it seemed to fascinate him, to challenge his presence. +ARC_392|It was not a large lake, and almost round. +ARC_393|There was a change now. +ARC_394|Someone had thrust a large sheath-knife into his hand. +ARC_395|But a strange thing happened. +ARC_396|Then it was that a strange thing happened. +ARC_397|As I say, he had tapped the message very rapidly. +ARC_398|The scents of strange vegetation blew off the tropic land. +ARC_399|Only once did I confide the strangeness of it all to another. +ARC_400|Straight out they swam, their heads growing smaller and smaller. +ARC_401|His slim hands gripped the edges of the table. +ARC_402|Perhaps she had already met her fate a little deeper in the forest. +ARC_403|At first his progress was slow and erratic. +ARC_404|The woman in you is only incidental, accidental, and irrelevant. +ARC_405|Philip stood undecided, his ears strained to catch the slightest sound. +ARC_406|He had been foiled in his attempt to escape. +ARC_407|Bassett was a fastidious man. +ARC_408|Then it is as I said, Womble announced with finality. +ARC_409|Thirty pounds, said the captain with finality. +ARC_410|Gregson had seated himself under the lamp, and was sharpening a pencil. +ARC_411|And their chief virtue lies in that they will never wear out. +ARC_412|After all superfluous flesh is gone, what is left is stringy and resistant. +ARC_413|The fourth and fifth days passed without any developments. +ARC_414|This is my fifth voyage, your father's fifth command, he nodded. +ARC_415|Halfway around the track, one donkey got into an argument with its rider. +ARC_416|See the length of the body, and that elongated neck. +ARC_417|It was this proposition that started the big idea in Daughtry's mind. +ARC_418|The big-eyed, clucking moose-birds were most annoying. +ARC_419|Joan cried, with shining eyes. +ARC_420|They likewise are disinclined to being eaten. +ARC_421|There is a big English general right now, whose name is Roberts. +ARC_422|He had a big chimpanzee that was a winner. +ARC_423|The promoter's eyes were heavy, with little puffy bags under them. +ARC_424|Between him and all domestic animals, there must be no hostilities. +ARC_425|Tom Spink has a harpoon. +ARC_426|He was a wise hyena. +ARC_427|The hyena proceeded to dine. +ARC_428|It is a very tenable hypothesis, and will bear looking into. +ARC_429|Therefore, hurrah for the game. +ARC_430|They do not know the length of time of incubation. +ARC_431|His immaculate appearance was gone. +ARC_432|Surely I will excuse you, she cried. +ARC_433|I came for information more out of curiosity than anything else. +ARC_434|The ship should be in within a week, or ten days. +ARC_435|We have plenty of capital ourselves, and yet we want more. +ARC_436|The Japanese understood as we could never school ourselves, or hope to understand. +ARC_437|All eyes, however, were staring at him in certitude of expectancy. +ARC_438|The ringing of the big bell aroused him. +ARC_439|The lush vegetation of that sheltered spot made a natural shield. +ARC_440|There is Fort Churchill, a rifle-shot beyond the ridge, asleep. +ARC_441|Each improvement makes the value of everything else pump up. +ARC_442|He glanced down at her helplessly, and moistened his lips. +ARC_443|I tried to read George Moore last night, and was dreadfully bored. +ARC_444|She was built primarily to sail. +ARC_445|He was a merry monarch, especially so for an Asiatic. +ARC_446|Come on, Del Mar challenged. +ARC_447|We had been chased by them ourselves, more than once. +ARC_448|Here the explosion of mirth drowned him out. +ARC_449|There was pride and strength, the ring of triumph in his voice. +ARC_450|Nimrod replied, with a slight manifestation of sensitiveness. +ARC_451|Last night he showed all the symptoms of coming down with pneumonia. +ARC_452|He gave one last snarl and slid from view among the trees. +ARC_453|You should have seen them when they heard me spitting Chinook. +ARC_454|He was an amphibian, and a mountaineer. +ARC_455|It would give me nervous prostration. +ARC_456|Horses and rifles had been her toys, camps and trails her nursery. +ARC_457|It was beating and waiting in the ambush of those black pits. +ARC_458|And you always want to see it in the superlative degree. +ARC_459|It is merely the simple superlative. +ARC_460|I noticed blood spouting from Kerfoot's left hand. +ARC_461|Stand off, butcher and baker and all the rest. +ARC_462|It was like the beating of hoofs. +ARC_463|For a full half minute Jeanne looked at him without speaking. +ARC_464|For a full minute the two men stared into each other's face. +ARC_465|The butchers and meat cutters refused to handle meat destined for unfair restaurants. +ARC_466|The voyage was our idea of a good time. +ARC_467|Do you know any good land around here? +ARC_468|When I can't see the beauty in woman, I want to die. +ARC_469|He began to follow the footprints of the dog. +ARC_470|The added weight had a velocity of fifteen miles per hour. +ARC_471|Isaac Ford, the austere soldier of the Lord, the old hypocrite. +ARC_472|He had proved it today, with his amateurish and sophomoric productions. +ARC_473|In the crib, the baby sat up and began to prattle. +ARC_474|The Indian even poked his stick into the thick ground spruce. +ARC_475|Knowing him, I review the old Scandinavian myths with clearer understanding. +ARC_476|Is that Pat Hanrahan's mug looking hungry and willing? +ARC_477|Beyond dispute, Corry Hutchinson had married Mabel Holmes. +ARC_478|But if Pierre did not return, until tomorrow. +ARC_479|Unconsciously, our yells and exclamations yielded to this rhythm. +ARC_480|A big canvas tent was the first thing to come within his vision. +ARC_481|It was introduced by Representative Dick of Ohio. +ARC_482|Fresh cases, still able to walk, they clustered about the spokesman. +ARC_483|The hunters were still arguing and roaring like some semi-human amphibious breed. +ARC_484|Bill lingered, contemplating his work with artistic appreciation. +ARC_485|Whiz-zip-bang, Lop-ear screamed with sudden anguish. +ARC_486|Exciting times are the lot of the fish patrol. +ARC_487|The sunsets grow more bizarre and spectacular off this coast of the Argentine. +ARC_488|From that moment his friendship for Belize turns to hatred and jealousy. +ARC_489|Yet he dreams he is immortal, I argue feebly. +ARC_490|There is another virtue in these bulkheads. +ARC_491|Philip took a step toward Gregson, half determined to awaken him. +ARC_492|His freshly caught furs he flung to the floor. +ARC_493|He drew in a deep breath as he looked at them. +ARC_494|He says he bought him of Jacques Le Beau. +ARC_495|I had forgotten their existence. +ARC_496|Very few people knew of the existence of this law. +ARC_497|I'm sure going along with you all, Elijah. +ARC_498|Sandel would never become a world champion. +ARC_499|He confessed that the sketch had startled him. +ARC_500|He was a head shorter than his companion, of almost delicate physique. +ARC_501|Death is, and has been ever since old Maui died. +ARC_502|He wondered, too, where Roscoe was. +ARC_503|Her achievements with cocoanuts were a revelation. +ARC_504|He looked at the handkerchief more closely. +ARC_505|The Indian felt the worship of her warm in his heart. +ARC_506|For the twentieth time that evening, the two men shook hands. +ARC_507|Their supply of grub was gone. +ARC_508|Perrault found one with head buried in the grub box. +ARC_509|Your face is red with blood. +ARC_510|Dennin's hands were released long enough for him to sign the document. +ARC_511|Tomorrow, it will be strong enough for you to stand upon. +ARC_512|But she swung obediently on her heel into the wind. +ARC_513|In the matter of curry she is a sheer genius. +ARC_514|His teeth shut with a last click. +ARC_515|Philip ate lightly of the food which Pierre had ready for him. +ARC_516|Philip bent lower, and stared into the face of the dead man. +ARC_517|Philip began to feel that he had foolishly overestimated his strength. +ARC_518|Philip bent low over Pierre. +ARC_519|It is that much junk. +ARC_520|Much, replied Jeanne, as tersely. +ARC_521|After all, it was simply a mistake in judgment. +ARC_522|Blood was oozing slowly from the wounded man's right breast. +ARC_523|His face was streaming with blood. +ARC_524|That is Thorpe's, said the young engineer. +ARC_525|If I ever needed a fighter in my life, I need one now. +ARC_526|Then, and at supper, he tried to fathom her. +ARC_527|Philip produced a couple of cigars and took a chair opposite him. +ARC_528|There are the canals of China, and the Yang-tse River. +ARC_529|I just do appreciate it without being able to express my feelings. +ARC_530|Many other similar disconcerting omissions will be noticed in the Manuscript. +ARC_531|Illuminating oil was becoming all profit. +ARC_532|So Hughie and I did the managing ourselves. +ARC_533|You see, we were teaching ourselves. +ARC_534|Scarcely had he uttered the name when Pierre's closing eyes shot open. +ARC_535|And when you come back in a few days, bring Eileen. +ARC_536|But there was something even more startling than this resemblance. +ARC_537|I was still weak from my prolonged immersion. +ARC_538|But here amongst ourselves, let us speak out. +ARC_539|He plodded on for half an hour, when the hallucination arose again. +ARC_540|Keep an eye on him. +ARC_541|I defy any man to get a Solomon Island sore in California. +ARC_542|Then again, Tudor had such an irritating way about him. +ARC_543|Her words sent a strange chill through Philip. +ARC_544|Change chairs, Daylight commanded. +ARC_545|Why not like any railroad station or ferry depot. +ARC_546|Between him and the beach was the cane-grass fence of the compound. +ARC_547|On the far corner of the compound fence, a hawk brooded. +ARC_548|What Pascal glimpsed with the vision of a seer, I have lived. +ARC_549|I'll see to poor Hughie. +ARC_550|God bless them, I hope I'll go on seeing them forever. +ARC_551|The sharp voice of Wolf Larsen aroused me. +ARC_552|On occasion, on this traverse, the Cape Verde Islands are raised. +ARC_553|Pierre obeys me when we are together. +ARC_554|The Russian music player, the Count, was her obedient slave. +ARC_555|They were artists, not biologists. +ARC_556|She obeyed, shrinking back with the baby in her arms. +ARC_557|At times I wondered where Sir Archibald got his style. +ARC_558|You live on an income which your father earned. +ARC_559|Much more Ernest told them of themselves, and of his disillusionment. +ARC_560|The more his opponents grew excited, the more Ernest deliberately excited them. +ARC_561|But Martin smiled a superior smile. +ARC_562|He did not know what went on in the minds of his superiors. +ARC_563|In the car were Unwin and Harrison, while Jones sat with the chauffeur. +ARC_564|Harrison is still my chauffeur. +ARC_565|Goodbye, Pierre, he shouted. +ARC_566|Then he shouted, Shut up. +ARC_567|He had peeled off his shirt, and was wildly waving it. +ARC_568|Saxon waited, for she knew a fresh idea had struck Billy. +ARC_569|A bush chief had died a natural death. +ARC_570|That is where they cut off the Scottish Chiefs, and killed all hands. +ARC_571|Low bush whipped him in the face, and left no sting. +ARC_572|The flush was gone from her face. +ARC_573|You were looking squeamish this afternoon, he began. +ARC_574|Lord Fitzhugh is the key to the whole situation. +ARC_575|He heard a sound, which brought him quickly into consciousness of day. +ARC_576|She had died from cold and starvation. +ARC_577|He is terribly touchy about his black wards, as he calls them. +ARC_578|It is worth eight dollars. +ARC_579|This is a common experience with all of us. +ARC_580|I pulled, suddenly, with all my might. +ARC_581|Red-eye swung back and forth on the branch farther down. +ARC_582|The dirk mentioned by Wolf Larsen rested in its sheath on my hip. +ARC_583|Too much, he told me, with ominous rolling head. +ARC_584|It was the same way with our revolvers and rifles. +ARC_585|We could throw stones with our feet. +ARC_586|He deluged me, overwhelmed me with argument. +ARC_587|It was edged with ice. +ARC_588|But it won't continue, she said with easy confidence. +ARC_589|The Eldorado emptied its occupants into the street to see the test. +ARC_590|The lace was of delicate ivory color, faintly tinted with yellow. +ARC_591|She turned, fearing that Jacques might see what was in her face. +ARC_592|Take my advice, and accept the vacation. +ARC_593|Was it the rendezvous of those who were striving to work his ruin? +ARC_594|He was pressing beyond the limits of his vocabulary. +ARC_595|He had observed the business life of Hawaii, and developed a vaulting ambition. +ARC_596|Points of view, new ideas, life. +ARC_597|Wada, Louis, and the steward are servants of Asiatic breed. +ARC_598|And he thought of Oona, and of her words. +ARC_599|We must give ourselves, and not our money alone. +ARC_600|His previous wives had never lived long enough to bear him children. +ARC_601|The Firemen wore animal skins around their waists and across their shoulders. +ARC_602|For the first time in his life, he was yearning for a scrap. +ARC_603|But there was no longer the mother yearning in his heart. +ARC_604|We'll have to watch our chances. +ARC_605|He'll knock you off a few sticks in no time. +ARC_606|Lord, but I'm glad to see you again, Phil. +ARC_607|By that answer my professional medical prestige stood or fell. +ARC_608|Christmas is an easy problem compared with a Polynesian giving-feast. +ARC_609|And the Eurasian Chinese-englishman bowed himself away. +ARC_610|He'll never do a tap of work the whole Voyage. +ARC_611|But we'll just postpone this. +ARC_612|I know that you are in charge there, and Jeanne knows. +ARC_613|She was his now, forever. +ARC_614|It was my idea to a tee. +ARC_615|Yea, I will tell thee. +ARC_616|Obviously, it was a disease that could be contracted by contact. +ARC_617|This is eighteen eighty. +ARC_618|And the foundation stone of service, in his case, was obedience. +ARC_619|I arose obediently and went down the beach. +ARC_620|The pain from my hurt knee was agonizing. +ARC_621|He lifted his eyes, and a strange cry burst from his lips. +ARC_622|His slim fingers closed like steel about Philip's. +ARC_623|There was the Emma Louisa. +ARC_624|And as never before, he was ready to obey. +ARC_625|The weeks had gone by, and no overt acts had been attempted. +ARC_626|If you only could know how I thank you. +ARC_627|How old are you, daddy? +ARC_628|Crickets began to chirp, and more geese and ducks flew overhead. +ARC_629|How old are you, mother? +ARC_630|I'll go over tomorrow afternoon. +ARC_631|Quick was the disappointment in his face, yet smiling was the acquiescence. +ARC_632|The date was nearly eighteen years old. +ARC_633|I lost my balance and pitched head foremost into the ooze. +ARC_634|He was wounded in the arm. +ARC_635|And he did hurt my arm. +ARC_636|But life is worth more than cash, she argued. +ARC_637|Ah, it was sweet in my ears. +ARC_638|It is the aurora borealis. +ARC_639|There was something pathetic in the girl's attitude now. +ARC_640|Do you value your hide? +ARC_641|They had no fixed values, to be altered by adjectives and adverbs. +ARC_642|There were stir and bustle, new faces, and fresh facts. +ARC_643|He was sure, now, of but few things. +ARC_644|Seventeen, no, eighteen days ago. +ARC_645|The history of the eighteenth century is written, Ernest prompted. +ARC_646|One guess will do, Ernest retorted. +ARC_647|The very thing, Ernest agreed. +ARC_648|Mops, sir, eagerly answered the sailor at the wheel. +ARC_649|I was not to cry out in the face of fear. +ARC_650|Her own betrayal of herself was like tonic to Philip. +ARC_651|This state of mind comes of an undue prominence of the ego. +ARC_652|And then, steadily, he began to chew. +ARC_653|The regret in his voice was provocative of a second burst of laughter. +ARC_654|This one hope was destroyed as quickly as it was born. +ARC_655|It was a miracle, and I owe you my life. +ARC_656|The temperature dropped to fifty below zero, and remained there the whole trip. +ARC_657|But already he had composed himself. +ARC_658|The Resident Commissioner is away in Australia. +ARC_659|He saw Jeanne falter for a moment. +ARC_660|Philip looked back from the crest, and saw Jeanne leaning over the canoe. +ARC_661|He had barely entered this when he saw the glow of a fire. +ARC_662|She saw the answer in his face. +ARC_663|Close beside him gleamed the white fangs of the wolf-dog. +ARC_664|You were going to leave after you saw me on the rock. +ARC_665|He drank of the water cautiously. +ARC_666|For an instant he saw Pierre drawn like a silhouette against the sky. +ARC_667|Robbery, bribery, fraud. +ARC_668|Also, she wouldn't walk. +ARC_669|But all my dreams violated this law. +ARC_670|Three oilers and a fourth engineer, was his greeting. +ARC_671|A maddening joy pounded in his brain. +ARC_672|The Portuguese boy passed the Hawaiian. +ARC_673|And as in denial of guilt, the one-legged boy replied. +ARC_674|His voice was passionately rebellious. +ARC_675|Give them their choice between a fine or an official whipping. +ARC_676|Those are my oysters, he said at last. +ARC_677|There was none of the joy of meeting in his face. +ARC_678|Enjoy it he did, but principally for Steward's sake. +ARC_679|In it was the joy of life. +ARC_680|But I did not enjoy it long. +ARC_681|I am writing these lines in Honolulu, Hawaii. +ARC_682|He it was that lived to found the family of the Patino. +ARC_683|Ah, I had forgotten, he exclaimed. +ARC_684|Ah, indeed. +ARC_685|Ah, it is growing dark and darker. +ARC_686|Ah, we were very close together in that moment. +ARC_687|And watch out for wet feet, was his parting advice. +ARC_688|The next thing to watch out for is bed sores. +ARC_689|Wada and Nakata were in a bit of a funk. +ARC_690|Nevertheless, we found ourselves once more in the high seat of abundance. +ARC_691|We don't see ourselves as foolish. +ARC_692|They had been on the same lay as ourselves. +ARC_693|It was our river emerging like ourselves from the great swamp. +ARC_694|Let us run them for ourselves. +ARC_695|But how are you going to do it? +ARC_696|I want to know how all this is possible. +ARC_697|I forgot how easily I had taught myself from the printed page. +ARC_698|How the hell did he know it was you in the dark? +ARC_699|Now, you understand. +ARC_700|I was beneath the water, suffocating and drowning. +ARC_701|The issue was not in doubt. +ARC_702|The night was calm and snowy. +ARC_703|There is no need of further detail, now, for you can understand. +ARC_704|We fished sharks on Niihau together. +ARC_705|Manuel had one besetting sin. +ARC_706|He was fond of quoting a fragment from a certain poem. +ARC_707|It is not an attempt to smash the market. +ARC_708|In a flash he was on his feet, facing him. +ARC_709|I was in New York when the crash came. +ARC_710|I suppose you picked that lingo up among the Indians. +ARC_711|Any average young fellow can teach himself in a week. +ARC_712|I have seen myself that one man contemplated by Pascal's philosophic eye. +ARC_713|I graduated last of my class. +ARC_714|At that moment I got the impression that she was willowy. +ARC_715|It would help to tide me along until I got steady employment. +ARC_716|I'm as good as a man, she urged. +ARC_717|He seemed to fill it with his tremendous vitality. +ARC_718|Did I possess too much vitality? +ARC_719|A month passed by, and Bonanza Creek remained quiet. +ARC_720|Encouraged by my conduct, Big-face became a sudden ally. +ARC_721|Famine had been my great ally. +ARC_722|He unfolded a long typewritten letter, and handed it to Gregson. +ARC_723|Her eyes smiled truth at him as he came up the bank. +ARC_724|It was a gigantic inadequacy. +ARC_725|In such a tumbling of values was no time to sell. +ARC_726|Until I die, he exclaimed. +ARC_727|Let them go out and eat with my boys. +ARC_728|Bob, growing disgusted, turned back suddenly and attempted to pass Mab. +ARC_729|Mab, she said. +ARC_730|There is that magnificent Bob, eating his head off in the stable. +ARC_731|Such things had occurred before, he told Philip. +ARC_732|And each year something happened, and I did not go. +ARC_733|Down there the earth was already swelling with life. +ARC_734|Dear Sir, your second victim has fallen on schedule time. +ARC_735|You yellow giant thing of the frost. +ARC_736|He had no excuse for the feelings which were aroused in him. +ARC_737|He bit his tongue, and cursed himself at this fresh break. +ARC_738|It was Jeanne singing softly over beyond the rocks. +ARC_739|I was brought up the way most girls in Hawaii are brought up. +ARC_740|You got out by fighting, and I through a pretty girl. +ARC_741|The twenty ninth, very foggy. +ARC_742|Lots of men take women buggy riding. +ARC_743|That is what Carnegie did. +ARC_744|Get down and dig in. +ARC_745|Dig in; you're sure good, was Daylight's answer. +ARC_746|Again he had done the big thing. +ARC_747|They wouldn't be sweeping a big vessel like the Martha. +ARC_748|The women they carried away with them to the Big Valley. +ARC_749|He turned sharply, and faced Gregson across the table. +ARC_750|Gregson shoved back his chair and rose to his feet. +ARC_751|It seemed nearer to him since he had seen and talked with Gregson. +ARC_752|Philip snatched at the letter, which Gregson held out to him. +ARC_753|He would first hunt up Gregson and begin his work there. +ARC_754|He seized Gregson by the arm and led him to the door. +ARC_755|Whitefish, Gregson, whitefish and trout. +ARC_756|All this day Gregson remained in the cabin. +ARC_757|The sixth day he spent in the cabin with Gregson. +ARC_758|I'll give a thousand if you produce her, retorted Gregson. +ARC_759|Eggshell is not good to eat. +ARC_760|It will break our hearts and our backs to hoist anchor by hand. +ARC_761|I had been born with no organic, chemical predisposition toward alcohol. +ARC_762|But to culture the Revolution thus far had exhausted Junta. +ARC_763|Mr Mcveigh told me about him. +ARC_764|Oolong was two hundred and fifty miles from the nearest land. +ARC_765|Not at this particular case, Tom, apologized Whittemore. +ARC_766|They will search for us between their camp and Churchill. +ARC_767|Men of Selden's stamp don't stop at women and children. +ARC_768|I never allow what can't be changed to annoy me. +ARC_769|I am sure it must have been some adventure. +ARC_770|He also contended that better confidence was established by carrying no weapons. +ARC_771|And the big Persian knew of his existence before he did of hers. +ARC_772|You mean for this State, General, Alberta. +ARC_773|Do you know that you are shaking my confidence in you? +ARC_774|I could not agree with Ernest. +ARC_775|I have hunted along this ridge, replied Philip. +ARC_776|It lived in perpetual apprehension of that quarter of the compass. +ARC_777|A sinewy hand, dripping with water, was clutching the rail. +ARC_778|A trickle of fresh blood ran over his face. +ARC_779|Had it struck squarely it would have killed him. +ARC_780|The very idea of it was preposterous. +ARC_781|In the Bohemian Club of San Francisco there are some crack sailors. +ARC_782|He cried, and swung the club wildly. +ARC_783|The thought set his blood tingling. +ARC_784|He did not rush in. +ARC_785|The gray eyes faltered; the flush deepened. +ARC_786|Also at regular intervals, he would mutter. +ARC_787|At sea, Monday, March seventeenth, nineteen oh eight. +ARC_788|At sea, Tuesday, March seventeenth, nineteen oh eight. +ARC_789|He plodded on for half an hour, when the hallucination arose again. +ARC_790|Philip thrust himself against it, and entered. +ARC_791|A strange fire burned in his eyes when Thorpe turned. +ARC_792|I said, and dismissed the matter as not worth thinking about. +ARC_793|To these he gave castor oil. +ARC_794|Here we allow our solicitors to look after our legal work. +ARC_795|And right there I saw and knew it all. +ARC_796|The girl faced him, her eyes shining with sudden fear. +ARC_797|Nowhere in the North is the soil so prolific. +ARC_798|Miss Brodie's smile was slightly sarcastic. +ARC_799|We must achieve our own salvation. +ARC_800|They were following the shore of a lake. +ARC_801|He is too keenly intelligent, too sharply sensitive, successfully to endure. +ARC_802|The Warden with a quart of champagne. +ARC_803|By virtue of that power we shall remain in power. +ARC_804|Nor was Elam Harnish an exception. +ARC_805|Well, I'll be plumb gosh darned. +ARC_806|Fresh meat they failed to obtain. +ARC_807|Here he got a fresh thrill. +ARC_808|Such men believe, when they come together. +ARC_809|Oppressive as the heat had been, it was now even more oppressive. +ARC_810|Yet behind them, there was another and more powerful motive. +ARC_811|I only read the quotations. +ARC_812|Yea, so are all the lesser animals of today clean. +ARC_813|It is a Yankee, Joan cried. +ARC_814|She was sleeping under his protection as sweetly as a child. +ARC_815|Call me that again, he murmured ecstatically. +ARC_816|Billinger may arrive in time. +ARC_817|Could the incident have anything to do with Jeanne and Pierre? +ARC_818|His eyes never took themselves for an instant from his companion's face. +ARC_819|And so early in the voyage too. +ARC_820|I did not think you would be so early. +ARC_821|The reorganization of these countries took the form of revolution. +ARC_822|Then he hastened on, as Pierre had guided him. +ARC_823|I obeyed, and a minute or two later they stood before him. +ARC_824|They die out of spite. +ARC_825|I'll be out of my head in fifteen minutes. +ARC_826|Don't you see I hate you? +ARC_827|Instead, he arrived on the night of the second day. +ARC_828|You must sleep, he urged. +ARC_829|She added, with genuine sympathy in her face and voice. +ARC_830|Ask him, I laughed, then turned to Pasquini. +ARC_831|Without discussion, it was the agents provocateurs who caused the Peasant Revolt. +ARC_832|His blood grew hot with rage at the thought. +ARC_833|Mcveigh returns from a trip to Honolulu. +BERK07-017|How much television and what kinds of programs should I permit my preschool child to watch? +BERK07-077|How does a parent gain respect from a child who sees the other parent acting disrespectfully toward his or her spouse? +BERK07-146|Is learning and development affected if the father becomes less involved or absent after a divorce? +ECON01-007-03|Lawyers for some of those arrested demanded the return of their possessions. +ECON02-002-06|So fiddle with the atmospheres of these neighbors and you open new frontiers for human settlement and far-fetched story lines. +ECON02-008-04|Adding iron to such places should cause a bloom of planktonic algae, thus sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. +ECON02-012-02|Planktonic algae are at the bottom of the food chain. +ECON02-012-04|This could be a good thing, of course. +ECON02-017-00|One, which has been widely touted in the past is, perversely, to increase the amount of pollution in the atmosphere. +ECON02-020-00|However, you could achieve part of the effect by making civil aviation use dirty, high-sulphur fuel. +ECON02-022-01|Their answer is to spray them with seawater. +ECON02-024-03|This is the effect that causes cricket balls to swing in the air, among other things. +ECON02-025-00|Such ships would weigh three hundred tonnes. +ECON02-027-02|History is littered with plans that went awry because too little was known about complex natural systems. +ECON02-033-02|Global warming is such a threat that all the options deserve to be explored. +ECON03-004-02|Beetles, like butterflies and moths, have a four stage life cycle of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. +ECON04-002-01|But the clearest message, both from the research and from the couples, is upbeat. +ECON04-002-02|Those later years are, of course, a time of adjustments. +ECON04-003-01|The popular image of these late years may be of crusty and decrepit ancients. +ECON05-001-04|Years later it returns, penitent, wiser but hungry once again for cheap loans. +ECON05-002-01|Buyout firms have struck lots of dodgy deals certainly, but they are still rich and ambitious. +ECON05-007-02|But the poor deals at the top of the market could skew private equities record downward. +ECON05-008-01|They also point out that the fall in stock markets means more bargains are available. +ECON05-010-02|Many, including Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts and Apollo, plan to follow Blackstone and list their shares. +ECON05-010-05|And most firms lock away cash for roughly a decade in funds that typically need a supermajority of investors to unwind them. +ECON05-011-03|It does not take a billionaire buyout barbarian to put two and two together. +ECON05-013-02|But behind the scenes the activity has been frenzied. +ECON05-023-01|Lone Star turned round two Asian lenders, Korean Exchange Bank and Toyko Star Bank. +ECON05-027-02|But the industry's next guise could be less familiar and more welcome. +ECON06-002-00|It was a shrewd choice of topic. +ECON06-002-02|Wherever vouchers have been offered, poor black parents have seized them with both hands. +ECON06-003-00|Biography matters in a presidential election, and this year the candidates offer two quite different kinds of story. +ECON06-005-00|Mr McCain says he enjoys being the underdog, which is just as well. +ECON06-006-02|Some, alas, are unwilling to vote for a black man. +ECON06-007-00|For one thing, the senator from Arizona is a redoubtable campaigner. +ECON06-009-02|As a result, hacks tend to cut him some slack, for example, when he confused Sunni terrorists with Shia ones. +ECON06-012-01|The murder of Benazir Bhutto in December probably helped him win the New Hampshire primary less than two weeks later. +ECON06-015-01|The man who condemned Mr Bush's tax cuts as irresponsible now proposes irresponsibly to expand them. +ECON06-019-02|And, as with his opposition to the Bush tax cuts, he is not always consistent. +ECON06-020-02|He says he wants to ban abortion, but once let slip that, if his daughter wanted one, he would leave the choice to her. +ECON06-020-03|Such moderation, though appealing to swing voters, is anathema to those who equate abortion with murder. +ECON06-021-00|Mr McCain's campaign, which nearly fell apart last summer, is running more smoothly now. +ECON06-023-00|Under Steve Schmidt, Mr McCain's chief strategist since July, the message has grown more negative. +ECON06-026-03|Historically, presidents have been slow to veto their own party's bad laws and wasteful spending plans. +ECON06-026-04|United government typically leads to fiscal incontinence, as happened in Mr Bush's early years. +ECON07-005-02|He predicted that the war could be of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. +ECON07-007-06|He eventually ended up living with his white grandparents in Hawaii. +ECON07-013-00|The problem with this argument is that he has never pursued a serious reform agenda in any job he has held. +ECON07-027-02|He is also the descendant of African Muslims, whose first name means blessed in Arabic. +ECON07-028-02|He will deliver his acceptance speech in Denver on the forty fifth anniversary of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. +ECON08-003-00|Economic envy, once seen as a European vise, is now rife. +ECON08-004-02|The French, some say, understood the Arab world rather better than the neoconservatives did. +ECON08-004-03|Russia, the Gulf Arabs and the rising powers of Asia scoff openly at the Washington consensus. +ECON08-008-00|As his second term ticks down, even Mr Bush has begun to see the limits of unilateralism. +ECON08-010-06|America should regard their success as a tribute, not a threat, and celebrate in it. +ECON08-012-00|Everybody goes through bad times. +ECON10-001-00|A sharp eyed coyote, dollars springing from his ears, sits at the roadside. +ECON10-004-00|Such figures miss those who cross successfully and recount those detained several times, but they show a clear trend. +ECON10-004-03|Last year such flows were worth twenty four billion dollars more valuable than tourism. +ECON10-008-01|Many fear deportation and picking up a criminal record. +ECON10-009-01|Instead Americas economy appears to be in the dumps, even if it avoids a recession. +ECON10-011-03|Romanians, in particular, flocked to man Spain's building boom; Poles and Lithuanians went to Ireland. +ECON10-021-05|All this makes it more tempting to stay, or return, home. +ECON10-024-01|As other parts of the region catch up, and as the novelty of heading west wears off, the heavy flows of recent years may be ending. +ECON10-030-05|Expect Britain to turn again to traditional sources of migrant labor in South Asia. +HAW-001|By now, we know each other better than anyone else does, so we don't surprise each other, but we don't disappoint each other either. +HAW-004|By now, we know that we can rely on each other, in better or worse times, and that we are the only ones who will always be there. +HAW-005|By now, we know that we are both growing older, and we are comforted that, as we do, we are not alone. +HAW-006|To help me when I fall or falter. +HAW-007|No matter how I age or alter. +HAW-008|A part of all I've done, or known. +HAW-009|So with you here, I'm not alone. +HAW-010-00|This book is about the unique phenomenon of long-term marriages in our society's older generation, and about the husbands and wives in those marriages who are living longer, and coping and caring for each other longer. +HAW-010-01|It is estimated that almost half of this entire generation consists of husbands and wives in marriages of approximately half a century. +HAW-010-02|This amounts to about fifteen million people who are age sixty-five and over, and who are not only living longer than ever before but also living together longer than ever before. +HAW-011-00|Since these long-term marriages did not occur in the past, except in unusual or isolated cases, there has been comparatively little serious study or attention to them. +HAW-011-01|A number of questions have been left unexplored or unanswered: +HAW-012-00|What made this possible? +HAW-012-01|What new developments or circumstances or special combinations of factors brought about such longer lasting lives and marriages? +HAW-013|What changes do the added years bring to these marriages, both to the individual husbands and wives and also to the relationships between them? +HAW-014|How do these husbands and wives cope with the changes, and how do their ongoing marital relationships shape, or become shaped by, the added years? +HAW-015|What is the cost of this gift of more time? +HAW-016|What can be learned, especially as a message to the next generation for its own marital expectations? +HAW-017-00|These are the questions this book addresses. +HAW-017-01|The book is organized into three parts, each dealing with a different aspect of long-term marriage. +HAW-018-00|Part One, Changing Times, discusses important factors directly contributing to and resulting from these lasting marriages. +HAW-018-01|The factors include the impact of human longevity on how long marriages can be and what they can be like; the effects of changes in sickness and health as people live longer and age later; and the resulting need to eventually give or receive care. +HAW-021-00|Three patterns emerge from these real human experiences. +HAW-021-01|One pattern is that living longer and being married longer bring health changes that would not have occurred, and certainly would not have been shared, if the couple's lives and marriages had been briefer. +HAW-021-02|The second pattern is that over time, these aging-related health changes inevitably and increasingly require care. +HAW-021-03|And the third pattern is that this care is provided, as much as needed and as long as needed, by the husbands and wives for themselves and for each other. +HAW-021-04|Therefore, the conclusion, which is the theme and subtitle of this book From Caring to Caretaking is that long-term marriage, in one way or another, inevitably and inescapably changes the marital relationship from caring about each other to taking care of each other. +HAW-022-00|The material in this book is derived from three major sources. +HAW-022-01|One is professional literature about the aging process written by gerontologists, psychologists, and sociologists. +HAW-022-02|Second are observations of and interviews with the twenty-four long-married couples whose stories are told here. +HAW-022-03|And third is my own personal experience of more than a half century of marriage. +HAW-023-00|This book is dedicated to my husband, Edward Hawthorne. +HAW-023-01|We have now been together as a married couple much more than twice as long as we had been apart as separate individuals. +HAW-023-02|So by this time, we no longer know which of us is the better half; but we do know that neither one of us, without the other, would be whole. +HAW-024-00|Today's older generation is the longest lived and longest married of any in our society's history. +HAW-024-01|We know that science and technology-based longevity are what have made these long lives and marriages possible. +HAW-024-02|During the last century, almost thirty years have been added to the expected lifespan, and the possible duration of marriage has been virtually doubled. +HAW-024-03|Indeed, many of these couples have now been married forty, fifty, sixty, or even more years, which is longer than people used to live only a few generations ago! +HAW-025-00|These long-term marriages are unique to today's older generation because of the special confluence of longevity and monogamy. +HAW-025-01|Longevity has made them possible, but monogamy has made them desirable. +HAW-025-02|Such long-term marriages did not occur in the last generation and may not in the next one for vastly different reasons. +HAW-026-00|In the previous generation, most men and women stayed married to each other as long as they lived, but they did not live long enough to celebrate such advanced anniversaries. +HAW-026-01|For them, the so-called silver anniversary, twenty-five years, was long-term; more was not expected and was not usual. +HAW-027-00|The shorter span of these marriages produced a kind of stability during whatever time they lasted. +HAW-027-01|Husbands and wives usually lived only into their fifties or occasionally sixties. +HAW-027-02|They worked at their jobs, raised their children, and died not long afterward. +HAW-030-00|That means they will probably not be able to celebrate wedding anniversaries of forty, fifty, or more years unless they add together the different years of their separate marriages! +HAW-030-01|Even though the baby boomers will be younger, stronger, healthier, active longer than any previous generation, they too will ultimately grow older and change with age, even if later in their lives. +HAW-030-02|And when that happens, it means that many will find themselves not in long-lasting marriages as their parents did, but merely in their last marriages. +HAW-031-00|It is only the current older generation that uniquely has both monogamy and longevity. +HAW-031-01|The previous generation experienced monogamy without longevity, and it appears that the next generation will have the reverse. +HAW-032-00|It is obvious that longevity has altered the number of years possible in people's lives and marriages, but what is less obvious is that longevity also has altered the very nature of those years. +HAW-032-01|The new years added to old marriages do not bring merely more of the same. +HAW-032-02|They bring time for changes, opportunities, and problems that would not have occurred or even been possible before. +HAW-032-03|They bring new and different circumstances and they change old and expected ones. +HAW-033-00|For example, there are certain important normal developmental changes that, in the past, occurred during the final years of marriage. +HAW-033-01|These changes are the end of full-time parenting, when children grow up and go off into separate adult lives, and the end of full-time working, when men and women retire from their out-of-home jobs and careers. +HAW-033-02|In the previous generation, there were few years left in people's lifetimes after these normal developmental changes occurred. +HAW-033-04|These are years in which husbands and wives have more time in their days and their lives to be with each other without those previous familiar occupying roles. +HAW-033-05|However, it turns out that this additional time does not bring just more years to be together, but mostly more years to be old together which is both a bonus and a burden in their lives. +HAW-035-00|For today's long-lived and long-married couples, these aging-related health changes occur precisely during those years that have now been added to their marriages: the fourth, fifth, and later decades. +HAW-035-01|Indeed, the golden anniversary, fifty years, seems to form an almost irreversible threshold for age-related health problems. +HAW-035-02|As a result, many of these supposedly celebrating couples find themselves complaining that the so-called golden years are really rather tarnished! +HAW-035-03|In other words, the longevity that has made long-lasting marriages possible has also made the aging-related health problems inevitable. +HAW-036-00|Certainly, all husbands and wives do not experience health and aging changes in the same way or at the same time or at the same rate. +HAW-036-01|Some of these changes may be slow and minor, especially at first, and only require care that is slight and minor, also at first. +HAW-036-02|But over time, as long as life continues to be prolonged, these changes and needs will also continue and, in fact, escalate. +HAW-036-03|Inevitably even if later rather than sooner, even if gradually rather than drastically, even if only one spouse more than the other, aging-related health problems will create special needs and require special care. +HAW-037-00|In addition to the personal aging changes that come with a long life, long-married couples also experience and share each other's aging changes. +HAW-037-01|So it is not only an individual's health problems that affect married life in the later years, but also the spouse's and the effect each one has on the other. +HAW-038-00|The result is that health and aging become overriding presences in a long-term marriage. +HAW-038-01|They become constant sources of concern and attention, even a controlling influence affecting in some way what these couples can do, what they can have, what they can expect, and how they can feel. +HAW-038-02|Health and aging seem to take over the last years of lasting marriages, virtually redefining what husbands and wives will now need from each other and what they will need to do for each other. +HAW-039-00|This is neither a happy nor a sad ending for these marriages, but the price paid by these husbands and wives for the gift of time they have received. +HAW-039-01|Therefore, the only way not to eventually need any special care for oneself, or not to need to give any special care to a spouse, is not to live so long or to be married so long! +HAW-040-00|The words in sickness and in health, which are such an important part of traditional marriage vows, take on new meaning and reality for long-married couples. +HAW-040-01|Concern about sickness becomes everpresent, and being well comes to mean only being well enough. +HAW-042-01|At that time, the five leading recorded causes of death were pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhea, heart disease, and stroke. +HAW-043-01|Also, by this time, the five leading causes of death had changed to heart disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory disease, and accidents. +HAW-045-00|During the twentieth century, especially the latter half, major and far-reaching changes occurred in health care. +HAW-045-01|Certain illnesses, such as infections and intestinal diseases, were able to be prevented or almost eliminated through improved sanitation, diet, or inoculation. +HAW-045-02|Some illnesses, such as diabetes, were able to be mitigated through early diagnosis and treatment. +HAW-045-03|Others, such as heart damage and joint atrophy, were able to be corrected through surgery, implants, or replacements. +HAW-045-04|For strokes and other previously crippling diseases, disabling effects were able to be compensated through prostheses or orthopedic equipment. +HAW-045-05|Some severe illnesses, though not necessarily curable, became treatable; and in fatal diseases, death was able to be deferred through drugs or life-support systems. +HAW-045-06|Finally, in surgery, though still not totally risk free, serious risks became more rare even as technical possibilities became more remarkable. +HAW-046-01|As a result, people now live long enough to develop muscular or skeletal deterioration, as in osteoporosis, or irreparable sensory loss, as in macular degeneration, or severe neurological impairment, as in Parkinson's disease, or mental health damage, as in Alzheimer's disease. +HAW-047-01|Medical experts are beginning to call cancer a disease of aging, and to predict that, with longevity, people will live into ages when cancer is more and more likely to occur. +HAW-048-00|These new medical improvements are also enabling people to recover sufficiently from certain illnesses that they would not have previously survived, and to live many years afterward, even with residual effects or disabilities. +HAW-048-01|Patients no longer necessarily die of the first heart attack or immediately after a stroke or shortly after the first diagnosis of cancer. +HAW-048-02|Instead, through new treatment strategies, they may continue living, although needing and undergoing special care, and although in fragile or diminished condition. +HAW-049-00|So it is not that these older men and women suffer less illness because they are living longer; but they are suffering different kinds of illnesses and living with them longer. +HAW-049-01|This means that they are suffering more from chronic than acute health conditions. +HAW-049-02|Research studies have shown that three fourths of all people over age seventy-five have at least one, and usually more, chronic health problems of some kind or degree. +HAW-049-03|Since they are chronic, by definition they do not get better over time; they get gradually and inexorably worse. +HAW-050-00|Even though the human lifespan has increased and general fitness has improved so markedly during the past century, no one can be young and well forever. +HAW-050-01|The human body was not designed to last indefinitely nor, after some years of use, to function flawlessly. +HAW-050-02|There is no escaping the process of aging, which causes wear and tear on older bodies, which then lose their capacity to cope with illness or injury. +HAW-050-03|In other words, no matter how long or how well life is extended, ultimately it must reach a functioning limit that is foreshadowed by the onset of aging. +HAW-050-04|Noted gerontologist doctor Caleb Finch summed up by saying, Aging is an inevitable result of living, just as death is an inevitable consequence of life. +HAW-051-00|Husbands and wives both inevitably age as they live long enough, but their aging is not necessarily the same, due to individual differences and also to gender differences. +HAW-051-01|The demographics of today's older generation clearly indicate a preponderance of women, and not only are there more women than men, but they are also living longer than men. +HAW-051-02|As a result, it has been observed that adulthood, which was a world of ruling men, has now been succeeded by old age, which is a world of surviving women! +HAW-052-00|Such disparate experts as gerontologist doctor Robert Butler, psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, and feminist Betty Friedan have all agreed that women are aging better than men, defined in terms of functioning as well as longevity. +HAW-052-01|Research has shown that, with the exception of Alzheimer's disease, all of today's leading medical killers take a greater toll on older men than on older women. +HAW-052-02|In addition, women not only live longer, but also seem to retain physical and mental skills longer and stronger. +HAW-053-00|There are a number of examples and possible explanations for this. +HAW-053-01|One is that men seem to seek medical care less promptly, and are more impatient and less satisfied with that care when they receive it. +HAW-053-02|Also, aging men have more difficulty dealing with physical changes, especially those related to signs of weakness or impotence. +HAW-053-03|Perhaps because so much of their self-image and self-esteem is connected to their sense of strength and power, they see doctors later or less, since to do otherwise would be to acknowledge weakness. +HAW-053-04|In addition, it is extremely difficult for men to accept chronic health conditions; they do better in situations of acute illness, which, though sometimes more drastic, may still offer the possibility of a solution or a quick fix or a chance of change. +HAW-054-00|Men are also particularly unlikely to have emotional or social supports outside of their families, specifically their wives, or even to seek those supports when they suffer illness. +HAW-054-01|In fact, the acknowledgment of any need for emotional help may be even more difficult for men than acknowledging the need for medical help because it seems more damaging to self-esteem. +HAW-055-00|On the other hand, women may be able to turn to doctors more regularly and easily because, as mothers, they have been accustomed to taking care of the health needs of their children and families over the years. +HAW-055-02|Furthermore, since women have been accustomed to providing emotional support in their roles as family nurturers, they are more able and willing to seek emotional support for themselves when they feel it may be needed or helpful. +HAW-055-03|In other words, women seek doctors or other kinds of resources more than men do and for more health problems, and men die younger. +HAW-056-00|There have also been a number of illuminating research studies about health and aging and about gender and aging. +HAW-056-01|One recent medical finding is that for older men, there seems to be a correlation between the emergence of health problems and permanent retirement from life work or profession. +HAW-056-02|So it may be that while men are still feeling in a positive role as wage earners and producers, and receiving gratification from this, they may be more able to mask or deny or sublimate health symptoms. +HAW-060-00|Today's grown sons or daughters do not care less about their aging parents. +HAW-060-03|Until then, elderly available spouses are expected to, and do, take care of themselves or each other. +HAW-061-00|It was not that in the past some kind of caretaking was never needed, but the older generation did not usually live long enough to require it for long. +HAW-061-01|If elderly parents did need assistance, this was invariably provided by dutiful children, especially daughters. +HAW-061-02|Indeed, this was virtually an assumed obligation, and not considered an unusual or unfair burden. +HAW-061-03|The responsibility may have been regretted or even resented, but nevertheless it was expected and accepted. +HAW-062-00|There were several practical reasons for this in addition to any sense of family or moral obligation. +HAW-062-01|First of all, this was before the days of an easy mobility that physically separated parents and children. +HAW-062-02|Indeed, the generations remained geographically close to each other, usually living in the same community, the same neighborhood, sometimes even in the same home. +HAW-062-03|As a result, families were close-knit and close by. +HAW-063-00|Indeed, today's easy mobility has produced geographical separation. +HAW-063-02|The result is that, no matter how caring or concerned these children may be and usually are, they are too far away to be readily available, except for occasional crisis intervention. +HAW-063-03|They are not close enough physically to provide ongoing care. +HAW-064-00|There is another difference between caretaking then and now. +HAW-064-01|Before the days of women's independent work or careers, daughters were usually available as homemakers. +HAW-064-02|They simply added parental caretaking to their other regular family responsibilities. +HAW-064-03|Today, families are usually smaller in number than in the past, with two or three children being most typical, so fewer grown children now are available for assistance, and among those adult children, the daughters and the sons are equally employed or preoccupied outside the home. +HAW-066-01|In contrast, today's older people need both more and less care than in the previous generation. +HAW-066-02|They need less because medical improvements are keeping them stronger longer; they need more because they live longer with chronic conditions that require care longer. +HAW-067-00|Still another important reason for the change in caretaking responsibility is that today's older generation has long taught and sought independence, both for themselves and for their children. +HAW-067-02|So in a sense, they intentionally freed their children from the burden of parental obligation that they themselves had endured. +HAW-067-03|During their own younger or adult years, this was not difficult and was even satisfying. +HAW-067-04|But when they reached their older years and began to feel or expect the need for care, they also began to feel some regrets about the lessons of freedom from responsibility that they had taught and their children had learned so well! +HAW-069-00|The need to take care, or to be taken care of, in the later years of lasting marriages may be inevitable, but how the need is met is far from the same in all situations. +HAW-069-01|There are differences in marital relationships, in individual personalities, in the nature of the particular problems, in the resources available, and in which spouse is the primary patient or caretaker. +HAW-069-02|The caretakers may have health changes or problems of their own, but these are, as yet, less limiting and more manageable than the spouse's. +HAW-069-03|So for almost all couples, the differences in health conditions are obvious enough to clearly define which spouse gives the caretaking and which spouse receives it. +HAW-070-00|In either case, caretaking actually consists of two different but related kinds of responsibilities. +HAW-070-01|One responsibility involves direct patient care, the providing of food, medication, assistance, comforting. +HAW-070-02|The other involves taking over the patient's former household functions. +HAW-070-03|The extent of the second depends on the first: the more care the spouse requires, the less he or she will be able to perform former household functions. +HAW-071-00|Interestingly, it is the second set of duties rather than the direct helping that caretakers find more onerous. +HAW-071-01|Perhaps they are not accustomed to the given tasks or do not feel competent about doing them. +HAW-071-03|Or perhaps having those particular tasks reinforces the sense of loss of what the other spouse had formerly done or been in the marriage. +HAW-072-00|Among these long-married caretaking couples, four patterns can be discerned, each with its own special arrangements, expectations, possibilities, and challenges, and also each with its own experiences and stories. +HAW-072-01|These are wives taking care of husbands; husbands taking care of wives; wives and husbands taking care of each other; and not yet caretakers. +HAW-073-00|This first group is numerically the largest, primarily due to gender differences in health and aging, as previously discussed. +HAW-073-01|In addition, customarily the women were younger than the men when they married, with two or five years being the usual age difference. +HAW-073-02|Therefore, in their later years, the wives are both younger and stronger than their husbands. +HAW-074-00|In some ways, wives who take care of their husbands may find it easier than how husbands experience taking care of their wives. +HAW-074-01|For a wife in the current older generation, spousal caretaking may almost seem to be a variation or extension of her nurturing role in the family all along. +HAW-074-02|She has already been accustomed to being the provider of food, medication, support, attention, and affection. +HAW-074-03|So the specific skills and practical knowledge required are not new or unknown, even though this is a new kind of caretaking for her. +HAW-077-00|Sometimes, although usually not at first, caretaking wives have turned to adult sons or sons-in-law for advice or assistance with what had formerly been men's tasks. +HAW-077-01|But they have done so reluctantly and usually not until their husbands conditions noticeably lasted or worsened. +HAW-077-02|Until then, most wives have tried to do everything themselves. +HAW-079-00|First of all, nurturing and tending have not been things that men of the current older generation customarily have done, were expected to do, wanted to do, or were comfortable doing. +HAW-079-01|It is not that these men do not care about their wives and families, but they have defined taking care in terms of their own masculine skills of organization, management, and efficiency. +HAW-079-02|These are the skills they have been comfortable using and have tried to apply in taking care of their wives. +HAW-079-03|The skills of nurturing, patience, and empathy have been seen by both genders as the women's skills, not the men's. +HAW-080-00|Second, domestic household tasks will have been handled by the wives. +HAW-080-01|In fact, cleaning rooms, doing the laundry, shopping for groceries, and making meals were actually looked down upon by most of the husbands. +HAW-080-02|They often carefully avoided those tasks through preoccupation in their own tasks or through assumed helplessness in the kitchen or laundry room. +HAW-081-00|Third, the wives usually will have been the social managers of the families, making and maintaining friends, entertaining and accepting invitations, arranging activities with others. +HAW-081-01|Few of today's caretaking husbands feel they have the skill or experience or even the energy and patience to try to learn. +HAW-081-02|Instead, they find themselves relying increasingly for company on adult children who live nearby, or they remain without much social companionship or activities. +HAW-085-00|Love demands sacrifice, and love binds us. +HAW-085-01|Our attachments to those we love constrict us as much as they anchor us. +HAW-085-02|Our parents bound themselves in sacrifice to us when we were young; the Fifth Commandment says we should bind ourselves in allegiance to them when they are old. +HAW-085-03|Children see their worth in their parents eyes while they are growing up; parents see their worth in their children's eyes as they themselves age. +HAW-085-04|We care for our children when they are young. +HAW-085-05|We hope our children will care for us when we become old. +HAW-085-06|And so it indeed goes if all goes well. +HAW-086-00|At the end, parents may need their children to sacrifice their lives for them for a time, despite the hardships that their need imposes on them. +HAW-086-01|Parents may recognize that the ties between them and their children now bind too tightly. +HAW-086-02|When we were young, our parents held us, locked eyes with us, and gave us what they could, hoping to make good lives for us. +HAW-086-03|Now when our parents become too frail to do for themselves, they need us to care for them, comfort them, and give them the best that we can. +HAW-087-00|As the end of life nears, a parent may suspect the extent of a child sacrifice but may not know or want to know the details. +HAW-087-01|If the child is kind and caring and doesn't complain, he protects the parent from knowing the painful truth. +HAW-087-02|While he may long for freedom, the child stays silent, knowing the parent could experience that longing as a wish for his hasty death. +HAW-087-03|For a parent to believe that his child feels this way is too much to bear and too much to acknowledge. +HAW-087-04|The adult child may need to express his feelings, but he does not need to have his parent witness them. +HAW-087-05|The parent may already believe that his child is sacrificing too much. +HAW-087-06|Denial serves to blunt the parent's acute sense of imposition, preserving his dignity at the expense of the son or daughter who cares for him. +HAW-087-07|But denial has a high price. +HAW-087-08|It is painful for a child to care for a parent who seems unappreciative of the sacrifice. +HAW-088-00|This fourth group consists of younger older couples, in their late sixties or early to mid-seventies, who are still in the early stages of their aging process. +HAW-088-01|They have as yet no specific medical diagnosis to cause concern, so their lives have not changed appreciably and they are still able to do whatever, or almost as much, as they always did. +HAW-090-00|Different couples react in many different ways to these beginning signs of aging. +HAW-090-01|Some simply continue doing whatever they want to do or have always done, not making any changes in their lives or lifestyles whether due to denial or bravado or sheer optimism. +HAW-090-02|Some, willingly or reluctantly, accept the need for some changes but try to keep the changes as limited and unobtrusive as possible. +HAW-090-03|Some want to do more than ever, or do different things than they did before or that they postponed before, because they feel that their health and strength are now time-limited. +HAW-090-04|And some may try to take preemptive measures to prepare for or forestall aging-related health changes. +HAW-090-05|Although there is no assurance that any of these steps will be needed or even helpful, there is some comfort in feeling that they are taking some action, that they are at least doing something. +HAW-091-00|But, for the most part, these not yet caretaking couples try to keep their lives as much the same as possible, at least on the surface. +HAW-091-01|Partly it is what they are most comfortable with and accustomed to, but also it preserves the illusion, both for themselves and others, that things are really the same and they too are really the same. +HAW-092-00|Sunny and Everett met shortly after World War two in a teacher training program. +HAW-092-01|Sunny was studying to be a kindergarten teacher, and Everett was enrolled under the G I bill to become a physical education teacher. +HAW-093-00|They both remember those years as being the best of all possible worlds. +HAW-093-01|He enjoyed working with the boys, teaching and coaching sports; she enjoyed teaching little children and then later on, staying at home to raise their own two children. +HAW-093-02|They also enjoyed giving each other space and time to pursue their own separate interests and hobbies, arts and crafts for her and sports for him. +HAW-094-00|The income from teaching was not luxurious, but it was sufficient. +HAW-094-01|There was always time for family summer vacations, though major plans for extended travel had to be reserved until after the children were grown or after retirement. +HAW-095-00|They were never able to carry out their retirement plans, however, because Everett suffered a major heart attack. +HAW-095-01|It occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, with severe chest pains, weakness, and difficulty breathing. +HAW-095-02|He was hospitalized for a week and was diagnosed as having moderate to severe arterial blockages. +HAW-095-03|Then he recuperated for several more weeks at home with instructions for diet, medication, therapy, and rest. +HAW-096-00|At first, Everett was great, seemingly undaunted and unafraid, even telling amusing stories about his hospital experiences. +HAW-096-01|However, minor symptoms persisted. +HAW-096-02|There were occasional chest pains and recurrent fatigue. +HAW-096-03|a few years ago, and about two years after the original diagnosis, the cardiologist recommended bypass surgery, not as an emergency but as a preventive measure against future heart attacks. +HAW-097-01|But this time his reaction was very different. +HAW-097-03|Sunny watched over him and tried not to upset him with any arguments or disagreements. +HAW-098-00|Now whenever Sunny goes anywhere, Everett insists that she tell him how he can reach her, just in case. +HAW-098-01|Before going to sleep at night, he makes certain she remembers exactly where his emergency medication is, just in case. +HAW-098-02|And he has repeatedly reviewed with her all their important documents, again just in case. +HAW-099-00|His anxiety has become so contagious that their children have even broached the possibility of their parents moving closer, just in case. +HAW-099-01|At the same time they warn Sunny not to hover over Everett so much, saying that it's not good for either of them. +HAW-101-00|Lina and Jess recently celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. +HAW-101-01|It was a quiet event because they have no children or nearby family, and also for health reasons. +HAW-105-00|A few years ago, Jess began to complain about fatigue, shortness of breath, and unusual swellings in his legs that affected his walking. +HAW-105-01|Doctors visits and tests concluded with a diagnosis of beginning congestive heart failure. +HAW-105-02|Jess was treated with diuretic medication, a fluid-restricted diet, and limited physical activity. +HAW-105-03|The doctors made it clear that this was a condition that would continue and possibly worsen over time. +HAW-106-00|Over the past two years, Jess has had to be briefly hospitalized twice for what the couple calls drying out times, because his body was accumulating fluids. +HAW-106-01|When he came home after each of these episodes, he seemed a little more tired than before, as if moving on a gradual downward spiral. +HAW-109-00|They have no way of knowing when the next drying out time will occur, because there are no special advance warnings. +HAW-109-01|They don't even talk about it much, though they certainly think about it and know it will happen. +HAW-110|Meanwhile, Lina tells Jess that he is such a good patient, to which Jess usually replies, That's because I have someone who takes such good care of me! +HAW-111-00|Celia and Sam have been married sixty-four years. +HAW-111-01|They have known each other since childhood, and their parents also knew each other, so somehow it was always assumed that they would marry when they grew up which they did. +HAW-111-03|And Sam adds, with a dry humor he has been able to preserve, Our marriage is almost old enough now to collect social security! +HAW-112-00|They both come from traditional homes, and that became the pattern of their own marriage and family life. +HAW-112-01|Sam owned and operated a bakery shop in the neighborhood. +HAW-112-02|Celia stayed home to raise their four children, to keep their home immaculate and orderly, and to cook the special foods her family enjoyed. +HAW-112-03|All of these were things she enjoyed doing. +HAW-112-04|She says she never had any desire for independence or any interest in outside work as her own adult daughters and especially her granddaughters seem to have. +HAW-113-00|Celia was not even interested in learning how to drive. +HAW-113-01|She did so at Sam's insistence, but she still feels uncomfortable behind the wheel. +HAW-113-02|She was also never good with numbers, so she was pleased and relieved that Sam took responsibility for all their business and financial matters. +HAW-113-03|She never felt a need to know any of the details because she trusted Sam's decisions. +HAW-114-00|It was at the time of their sixtieth anniversary that Sam started experiencing severe and persistent vision problems. +HAW-114-01|The first treatment was cataract surgery, but his vision actually worsened afterward instead of improving. +HAW-115|Then, after consultations with specialists and various treatments that were all ineffective, the final diagnosis was macular degeneration, a progressive and incurable loss of central vision. +HAW-117-00|Celia must provide daily personal help: selecting clothes, fastening buttons and buckles, cutting and arranging food so Sam can eat unassisted. +HAW-117-01|Although her nervousness about driving has never abated, she must do all the driving for doctors visits, errands, and other activities. +HAW-118-00|Celia has also had to take responsibility for all the family paperwork, record keeping, and correspondence. +HAW-118-01|Sam works closely with her in these tasks, instructing and supervising what she has to do and write down, but she is still nervous and fearful of making mistakes. +HAW-118-02|She describes their arrangement in the following way, I'm the eyes but he's still the brains! +HAW-119|Celia feels overwhelmed sometimes because there is so much for her to do. +HAW-121-00|Their children and grown-up grandchildren are all caring and concerned but busy. +HAW-121-01|They call and visit when they can and do what they can, but Celia feels that Sam is her husband and therefore her responsibility. +HAW-122-00|The first thing you notice about Betty and Ralph is how much they look alike, both of them short, stocky, round faced. +HAW-123-00|But there is a noticeable difference in their interactions with others in public due to Ralph's severe hearing loss. +HAW-123-01|Betty interprets when others speak to him, and she also speaks for him to others. +HAW-123-02|When she does, he watches her closely and nods as if, although he may not always hear what she actually says, he knows she will be saying the right things to him and for him. +HAW-124-00|They were married during the late depression years, so they could not afford to go to college themselves. +HAW-124-01|Instead, by working and saving carefully, they made certain that their children could. +HAW-124-02|Now they are extremely proud of their daughter, who is a teacher, and their son, who is a doctor. +HAW-125-00|Ralph worked in retail sales and did reasonably well because he had such a friendly, pleasing way with people. +HAW-125-01|Betty worked for a while as a bookkeeper, only to earn extra income for their children's college educations. +HAW-125-02|She did not particularly enjoy the work but accepted it as temporarily necessary. +HAW-126-00|As soon as their children grew up and were professionally independent, Ralph and Betty felt they could retire. +HAW-126-01|They knew their own material needs were not excessive, and they wanted to have time to do some other things. +HAW-126-02|Ralph wanted to volunteer in political organizations, and Betty wanted to help in charitable organizations. +HAW-127-00|About ten years ago, Ralph started complaining about hearing loss. +HAW-127-01|At first, neither of them was concerned because they assumed it was a normal part of the aging process. +HAW-127-02|They knew that young people spoke too fast, that old people mumbled too much, and that both young and old didn't pronounce words clearly enough. +HAW-127-03|So they treated the problem with mostly good natured acceptance. +HAW-128-00|But, after a while, it became clear that Ralph's hearing loss was more severe than normal. +HAW-128-01|He was missing words and misunderstanding conversations and making mistakes because he misheard instructions. +HAW-128-02|His first reaction was to begin withdrawing from social interactions with others. +HAW-128-03|Betty and their two children insisted that he consult various hearing specialists. +HAW-129-00|He was finally told that his hearing loss was due to a nerve conduction problem that was not amenable to conventional hearing aids. +HAW-129-02|Ralph hated it. +HAW-129-03|It was inconvenient and intrusive and visible, and so he frequently forgot to carry it with him. +HAW-130-00|Both Ralph and Betty have both decided that they are too old to learn sign language. +HAW-130-01|When they're home alone together, as they are a great deal now, they know each other well enough to communicate through looks and gestures. +HAW-130-02|Betty now takes care of their personal verbal interactions with salespeople, repair people, service providers, doctors, and so on. +HAW-130-03|She is afraid to let Ralph drive by himself, in spite of his being such a good driver, because he might not be able to hear warning signals; so she either drives him wherever he needs to go or accompanies him if he drives. +HAW-132-00|Kay and Nathan have been married forty-five years. +HAW-132-01|They were both past thirty years old when they married, which was unusual in their generation when most, especially women, anticipated early matrimony. +HAW-133-00|She became interested in nature and outdoor activities, and met Nathan on a camping trip. +HAW-133-01|Like her, he was shy and quiet, enjoyed outdoor life, and was not too adept at idle social conversations. +HAW-133-02|When they met, they found an immediate compatibility. +HAW-133-03|And when they decided to marry after a brief courtship, their friends and relatives were surprised, delighted, and relieved, admitting that they had virtually given up on both of them as far as marriage was concerned. +HAW-134-00|Nathan worked as a draftsman in a construction firm, and Kay had a secretarial job in a publishing house. +HAW-134-01|As soon as they could afford it, they bought a house in the country, both of them willing to accept longer commutes to their jobs to enjoy the rural setting. +HAW-135-00|When their daughter, and only child, was born, Kay decided to stay home, explaining that she had not waited so long to become a mother not to raise her child herself. +HAW-135-01|It turned out that she was actually surprised by how much she enjoyed being a stay-at-home mother and having time to become more involved in the local affairs of their small suburban community. +HAW-136-00|It was only five years ago, when Nathan underwent a routine medical examination, that the first signs of his prostate cancer were discovered. +HAW-136-01|He was seventy-six years old. +HAW-136-02|At first, the reports were not disturbing. +HAW-136-03|Approximately half of all men Nathan's age have some prostate cancer cells, which are usually slow growing and not necessarily life threatening. +HAW-136-04|They did require treatment, and Nathan's medical care started out with periodic examinations and blood tests. +HAW-136-05|Then, after two years, he needed injections and radiation treatments, and then finally surgery. +HAW-136-06|After each level of treatment, the cancer seemed to worsen rather than improve or stabilize. +HAW-137-00|This meant frequent trips to the doctor and the hospital, both a distance away. +HAW-137-01|Also, as the treatments intensified, Nathan grew weaker and Kay had to take over more and more of the household maintenance and transportation responsibilities, in addition to Nathan's basic physical care. +HAW-138-00|By this time, their daughter urged them to sell their home in the country and move into a smaller apartment in town that would be closer to medical resources and closer to her, and would require less work and less expense. +HAW-138-01|Kay and Nathan discussed this, and finally and reluctantly agreed that it was now necessary even though it meant giving up the home that had been their family center all those years. +HAW-139-00|Since Nathan was too weak to help much, Kay had to take care of most of the moving arrangements, financial arrangements, and medical care arrangements. +HAW-139-01|The new apartment is small, but it does have a patch of garden where they have planted some flowers, and they can enjoy sitting outdoors and viewing the greenery. +HAW-139-02|It is certainly more convenient in many ways, and Kay is relieved that she is closer to her daughter and can call on her for help, though she does not want to impose. +HAW-139-03|Right now she feels that she has lost her long-time home, her old friends and familiar places, and the life she used to have, and will soon lose the husband she used to have. +HAW-140-00|Rina and Sandy, now married fifty-two years, might well be considered the odd couple because they are so different in almost every way. +HAW-140-01|She is small, wiry, and sharp featured. +HAW-140-02|He is tall and, despite his illness and severe weight loss, still broad shouldered and broad boned, with light hair and coloring that gave him his nickname, Sandy. +HAW-140-03|Rina is sharp tongued, with an intense, edgy quality about her. +HAW-140-04|She prefers being busy, especially doing things that are challenging or competitive. +HAW-140-05|Sandy, on the other hand, and now when he feels well enough, has always preferred socializing with people, joking, and sharing stories. +HAW-141-00|They have two children: a son who looks like his father but is more like his mother, and a daughter who looks like her mother but is more like her father. +HAW-141-01|Rina and Sandy laugh about this, and conclude jokingly that they must have agreed with each other at least twice in their married life! +HAW-141-02|Otherwise, they acknowledge that they have disagreed about almost everything else politics, books, movies, food, people. +HAW-141-03|They still bicker and disagree even now, but it seems to be almost a ritualized pattern, without rancor. +HAW-142-00|It was just two years ago, at the age of seventy-eight, that Sandy began to complain of a surprising loss of appetite, loss of weight, and loss of energy. +HAW-142-01|However, since he had no pain or fever or sign of infection, they assumed it was something temporary or just aging. +HAW-142-02|Yet the symptoms persisted and even worsened slightly, until Rina's insistence and impatience drove Sandy finally to see a doctor. +HAW-142-03|The first blood tests disclosed some anomalies, but x-raying and other examinations showed no clear causes. +HAW-143-00|Yet the problems continued. +HAW-143-01|Sandy was referred to other doctors and specialists of increasing reputation and also cost, and finally to a teaching hospital affiliated with a major university. +HAW-143-03|There were some experimental procedures available, but these were not advisable for Sandy because of his age. +HAW-144-00|The only recommended treatment consisted of weekly blood test monitoring, diet supplements to augment strength and appetite, and periodic blood transfusions, gradually increasing in frequency as symptoms warranted. +HAW-144-01|There was never, and still is not, any great pain, only increasing tiredness and weakness. +HAW-145-01|Rina describes it as living a double life, one up and one down. +HAW-145-02|During the down times, Sandy is almost immobilized. +HAW-145-04|Rina has gradually been taking over more of the tasks, even during the up times, and certainly during the downs. +HAW-146-00|When they are with friends, which is only during the up periods, Sandy continues to be his relaxed, charming self, pleasant and uncomplaining. +HAW-146-01|In fact, their friends are all amazed and admiring about his serenity and courage. +HAW-146-02|However, when he is home alone with Rina, he is depressed, even despairing, and is focused only on his illness and his treatments. +HAW-148-00|Margie and Jerry were high school sweethearts. +HAW-148-01|They were married right after graduation. +HAW-149-00|For Margie, you can still see the resemblance between the now tired-looking, gray-haired woman and the petite, pretty girl in the picture. +HAW-149-01|But for Jerry, there is little similarity between the broad shouldered, brawny young man in the picture and the old man now slumped in a wheelchair. +HAW-150-00|Almost ten years ago, during the period of one week, Jerry suffered first a series of minor strokes and then a major stroke from which he was initially not even expected to survive. +HAW-150-01|He did recover, but the damage from the stroke was extensive and permanent. +HAW-150-02|He lost the use of his legs and control of his lower body; his vision and speech were impaired; even the muscles of his broad shoulders and his neck and arms lost strength. +HAW-151-00|At first, Margie tried to take care of Jerry by herself, dressing, bathing, and feeding him. +HAW-151-02|It was not that she was unwilling, she explains, but she simply could not manage physically. +HAW-151-03|She has now learned, with some effort, to handle the mechanics of his wheelchair, and to get him in and out of the car. +HAW-151-04|She tries to take him with her as much as possible to stores, visits, meetings and until recently he seemed to enjoy these. +HAW-152-00|Jerry's speech is quite slurred and sometimes difficult to understand, so he has become increasingly silent, especially with company. +HAW-152-01|Instead, he seems to listen intently whenever Margie says anything and, with his eyes glued on her face, he occasionally nods in agreement or understanding. +HAW-153-00|Margie is no longer so worried about the requirements of his physical care. +HAW-153-01|Hard as those requirements are, she feels she is managing. +HAW-153-02|She is concerned now about the costs of increasing and ongoing care, though she never mentions this in Jerry's presence. +HAW-153-03|During the years of their marriage, Jerry held a number of jobs, none of them very lucrative or lasting. +HAW-153-04|It wasn't that they suffered any real deprivation they managed to raise and educate two children and were always content with whatever they had but they knew they could not afford to be careless or extravagant. +HAW-153-05|Both of their children have offered Margie some financial help whenever needed, and she has assured them that so far it is not necessary, but she is grateful for the offers. +HAW-154-00|In fact, what Margie is the most worried about now, more than either physical or financial needs, is Jerry's emotional state. +HAW-154-01|He has become very despondent, even crying sometimes, and other times lapsing into long silences and unreachable withdrawals. +HAW-154-02|When their children come to visit, he scarcely speaks to them or acknowledges them. +HAW-154-03|The only time he responds with any trace of pleasure is when the little two-year-old great-granddaughter is nearby. +HAW-155-00|One time recently, when they were alone, Jerry told Margie that she would be better off without him, that it would be better for both of them if he were dead. +HAW-155-01|He has repeated this several times since then, and Margie is struggling with how to respond. +HAW-155-02|Sometimes she pretends she didn't hear it because she doesn't know what to say. +HAW-155-03|Sometimes she tries to offer sympathy or reassurance, telling him things aren't really so bad and they still have each other. +HAW-155-04|Sometimes she's stern with him, admonishing that being so negative doesn't help either of them. +HAW-155-06|But nothing seems to have much effect. +HAW-155-07|I wish I knew what's the right thing to do or say, Margie wonders out loud. +HAW-155-08|I don't even know any more. +HAW-155-09|I wish someone could tell me, could help me. +HAW-156-00|Lucy and Jeff were a World War two romance, and how they met is indeed romantic. +HAW-156-01|They met at a serviceman's dance where she was one of the young local college girl hostesses and he was a brand new commissioned officer on leave. +HAW-156-02|She recalls how handsome he looked in his uniform. +HAW-156-03|Then she says, Sometimes I wonder whether that's what I fell in love with. +HAW-156-04|Maybe if it wasn't for the uniform and the war going on, maybe if we'd had more time, we might not have married each other. +HAW-156-05|Who knows? +HAW-157-00|Not that it has been an unhappy marriage, she insists, just not an easy one. +HAW-157-01|There have been repeated complaints and small unresolved quarrels that started way back when Lucy became pregnant soon into the marriage and quit college. +HAW-157-02|She never went back to school, even later on when both of their sons were older, and she thinks that Jeff's criticisms grew out of what he saw as her lack of ambition. +HAW-159-00|Then, about five years ago, Jeff suffered a massive stroke, which the doctor said was almost no surprise given his high blood pressure and excitable temperament. +HAW-159-01|The impact of the stroke was physical not mental; his mind, speech, memory, and senses all remained intact, but the right side of his body was seriously damaged. +HAW-159-02|His right arm became numb; he couldn't move or control the fingers of his right hand; his right leg sagged or dragged when he tried to stand or walk. +HAW-160-01|Lucy recalls his efforts with a combination of admiration and pity. +HAW-160-02|There was some slight improvement during the first year, but after that the improvements stopped, though his efforts did not. +HAW-160-03|At this time, Jeff uses double crutches to walk but adamantly refuses a wheelchair even when he is tired. +HAW-160-04|He has taught himself to use his left hand for some things: eating, writing, washing, dressing though these activities are difficult and slow. +HAW-161-00|Lucy describes herself as feeling torn between trying to assist him when he has difficulty or leaving him alone to struggle and perhaps succeed or fail. +HAW-161-01|Either way, she says, there are problems. +HAW-161-02|If she tries to do things for him, he is angry and impatient with her for being slow or clumsy; but if she doesn't try, he becomes angry at his own weakness and helplessness, and lashes out at her. +HAW-161-03|So she feels torn between pity and anger, and she is never sure about the right thing to do. +HAW-163-00|Privately she complains, I know he's angry about what happened to him, and I don't blame him. +HAW-163-01|But why is he angry at me? +HAW-163-02|I didn't do it to him. +HAW-163-03|I'm only trying to help. +HAW-164-00|Linda and Alan have been married for sixty-two years, most of them, she declares emphatically, very good! +HAW-164-01|They always had a lot in common. +HAW-164-02|They shared interests in art and music, tastes in food and wine, opinions on politics, and they had similar low-key personal styles. +HAW-165-00|When Alan returned from service in World War two, they started their family. +HAW-165-01|Now their two children, four grandchildren, and two little great-grandchildren are all sources of joy. +HAW-165-02|They also worked together in a small, successful home decorating business. +HAW-165-03|He took care of the finances and purchasing while she took care of the designs and customer relations. +HAW-165-04|So they looked forward to enjoying a comfortable retirement when they sold their business. +HAW-167-00|Neurological tests revealed the beginning of Parkinson's disease. +HAW-167-01|The doctor prescribed medication in the form of occasional tranquilizers to be taken as needed, but warned that the illness would get worse over time. +HAW-167-02|It could end up affecting his legs as well as his hands, and could diminish normal movement. +HAW-167-03|The neurologist called the disease a beast that grows fiercer. +HAW-168-00|Still another blow was yet to fall. +HAW-168-01|Three years ago, Alan started forgetting things, such as instructions or requests or messages. +HAW-168-02|He had difficulty with computations, even adding or subtracting; and sometimes he didn't recognize people or places he knew. +HAW-168-03|The neurologist explained that it was not unusual for Parkinson's disease, as it worsened, to affect memory and comprehension and that all of these would be progressive. +HAW-168-04|Linda still remembers the rage she felt about that second prognosis. +HAW-168-05|Wasn't one punishment enough? +HAW-168-06|Why this one too? +HAW-169-00|By this time, the shock and anger have subsided into a routine for the two of them. +HAW-169-01|Linda takes responsibility for all the driving, shopping, budgeting, and domestic chores plus the occasional social activities with family members and a few close friends. +HAW-169-02|Out of years of habit, she still tries to discuss things with Alan or ask his opinions. +HAW-169-03|He accepts whatever she suggests with a gentle smile, but she really isn't certain how much he understands. +HAW-170-00|She is reluctant to leave him alone anymore, even at home, because she worries that he might not remember to eat or take his medication. +HAW-170-01|Sometimes friends or family members visit or baby-sit so she can get out to do some things for herself and by herself. +HAW-170-02|She has learned to savor the late night hours, after Alan has gone to sleep, when she can be relaxed and alone to read or just think; she calls this my time. +HAW-171-00|Linda is grateful that Alan is not suffering any apparent pain, and that he has not experienced any stark personality or mood changes, which the neurologist had warned might happen. +HAW-171-01|In fact, he seems to be simply more of what he always was: gentle, kind, and agreeable. +HAW-172-00|It helps, she has found, to remember all the good times and the good years, and she points out that there were a lot of them. +HAW-172-02|What I hope is that it will happen slowly and take so long that neither one of us will live that long. +HAW-173-00|Martha and Stan's long-term marriage has not turned out to be what either of them first wanted or expected, but Martha is someone who prides herself on facing reality rather than indulging in reminiscences or regrets. +HAW-173-01|Probably what first changed their marriage was that they did not, or could not, have children even though they hoped and tried for several years. +HAW-173-02|In those days, she points out, there weren't all those medical procedures like they have now for infertility. +HAW-173-03|There was only adoption, and neither one of us wanted to raise someone else's child if we couldn't have our own. +HAW-174-00|After that, they both seemed to redirect their lives in different ways. +HAW-174-01|Stan invested with business partners in a company that manufactured women's fashions. +HAW-174-02|He worked hard. +HAW-174-03|The more he worked, the more the business prospered, and the more it prospered, the more he worked. +HAW-174-04|The successful business was what afforded them their attractive home and elegant possessions, but they got to spend very little time together. +HAW-175-00|Martha became involved in various civic, cultural, and philanthropic community organizations. +HAW-175-01|She also found herself, as an only child, responsible for her widowed, ailing mother, who eventually had to be placed in a nursing home. +HAW-175-02|In addition, since Stan was so occupied in his business, Martha began taking brief vacations by herself, and to her surprise, she found herself enjoying them. +HAW-176-00|Five years ago, at the time of his seventy-fifth birthday, Stan decided it was time to retire so that the two of them could finally have some time together. +HAW-176-01|He called it his birthday present to himself, but it was shortly afterward that the symptoms began. +HAW-177-02|Also, since he had always been so quiet anyway, these behaviors did not seem so unusual as to be alarming. +HAW-178-00|However, there were two drastic, cautionary incidents that changed things. +HAW-178-01|In the first one, Stan could not remember where he had parked his car, and Martha had to be summoned to find it for him. +HAW-178-02|The second time, Stan became confused and lost while driving home from a place he had journeyed to and from many times. +HAW-178-03|This time, the police were involved, and again Martha had to be called. +HAW-179-00|As a result of these incidents, Martha took two immediate actions. +HAW-179-01|First, she insisted that Stan promptly see a doctor even though he protested that he was really all right, only tired. +HAW-179-02|And second, she confiscated his car keys, and told him he was not ready to drive by himself for a while. +HAW-180-00|When Stan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Martha was not shocked because it was what she had come to suspect and fear. +HAW-180-01|Since then, the symptoms have gradually but perceptibly worsened. +HAW-180-02|Sometimes Stan forgets how to use simple utensils and has to be fed or helped to eat; a few times he has wandered out of the house and fortunately was found by neighbors who brought him home safely; and sometimes he doesn't even recognize Martha and insists that she's someone else. +HAW-181-00|At this time, Martha has made arrangements for an attendant to take care of Stan every morning; bathing, dressing, and feeding him. +HAW-181-01|This gives her some time just for herself without pressure of responsibility. +HAW-181-02|There's no sense in being a martyr, Martha explains. +HAW-181-03|I have to take care of myself if I'm going to be able to take care of him. +HAW-182-00|She also admits that she doesn't know how long they will be able to manage this way. +HAW-182-02|In fact, she speaks about when it may happen, not if. +HAW-182-04|I'll do whatever I have to. +HAW-182-05|And then she adds, I always have. +HAW-183-00|Nell and Martin met shortly before the end of World War two while he was still in the service. +HAW-183-01|He was assigned to a special training program that was located on the campus of a small college where she was a freshman student. +HAW-183-03|All the guys were after her, and I was the lucky one she picked. +HAW-183-04|It was clear that this was a familiar and pleasing family story. +HAW-183-05|Indeed, there is still something of the pretty young girl about Nell; her features are attractive, her figure is slim, her smile is youthful. +HAW-184-00|They were married shortly after the war ended. +HAW-184-01|Nell never completed college, preferring to stay home to be a full-time wife and then a full-time mother when their twin sons were born. +HAW-184-02|The boys were healthy and active, and Nell says appreciatively that she would never have been able to handle them without Martin's help. +HAW-184-03|Working as a real estate salesman, Martin was able to arrange his schedule and appointments to be available to help Nell at home as much as possible. +HAW-184-04|Later, when the boys were older, he expanded his schedule to work more hours, but he still tried to be available. +HAW-185-00|Nell refers to her sons, and even to Martin, as her boys. +HAW-185-01|The sons, of course, are grown men now, with homes and families of their own. +HAW-185-02|They have remained close to their parents, living nearby and celebrating all the special occasions together, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. +HAW-187-00|Nell describes herself as an obedient patient, probably because she was too numb to think about doing otherwise. +HAW-187-02|Martin assists her with many household tasks, monitors her to make certain she doesn't do too much, and makes sure that she takes her medication regularly. +HAW-187-03|The sons and their wives visit frequently and follow her progress closely. +HAW-188-01|But now Martin has no desire for socializing. +HAW-188-02|He has none of Nell's social skills, and he also knows that even visiting or entertaining can be tiring for her. +HAW-188-03|Instead, he has found it easier and safer for them just to draw more closely together into their own little family circle. +HAW-189-00|During the first year after the surgery, Nell tried joining a cancer survivors group but found it too depressing. +HAW-189-01|All they wanted to talk about was being sick and being sad, and I didn't want that! +HAW-189-02|she explains. +HAW-190-00|The doctor has told them that five years is an important landmark in breast cancer recovery, and that the odds of long-term survival improve considerably after that. +HAW-190-01|Nell is not quite there yet, and feels she is still on what she calls probation. +HAW-190-02|But recently, as they approach the end of that five-year period, she has begun talking about buying herself new clothes. +HAW-190-03|Martin is very pleased and relieved by this because, up till now, she has been unwilling to make any plans or even any purchases for the future. +HAW-191|Edith and Jack first met almost fifty years ago on a blind date, and now she points out the irony of what has happened since then to her vision. +HAW-192-01|Of course, that meant they were never able to see the beginning of any movie! +HAW-195-00|Edith and Jack have gone to the best eye doctors in the best eye clinics, and they have consulted counselors at the Braille Institute. +HAW-195-01|They have received support and suggestions but no hope. +HAW-198-00|Since that time, Jack has tried his hand at the cooking, but he readily agrees that nothing comes out right or tastes right. +HAW-198-01|They have tried to eat meals out or to bring in take-out food, but these solutions have turned out to be expensive and inconvenient. +HAW-198-02|Finally, Jack has suggested hiring someone just for a few hours each week to do the cooking but to Edith this is the most intolerable option of all. +HAW-198-03|It is not the loss of privacy that upsets her so much as it is the pain of seeing a stranger take over her role in her kitchen in her home. +HAW-199-00|So it has become increasingly difficult for both of them. +HAW-199-01|No matter how much or how hard Jack tries to do things, Edith is never really pleased. +HAW-199-02|And no matter how much or how hard she tries to appreciate what he does, she can never really lessen her despair. +HAW-200-00|The only solution Edith sees now is for them to move into an assisted living facility where all the necessary household services will be provided without struggle or inconvenience or constant reminder of disability. +HAW-200-01|She is convinced that she would be less unhappy in such an arrangement, and also that it would be better for Jack as well because he would have less responsibility, less pressure or work, and less need to worry about her. +HAW-202-01|So meanwhile, Edith and Jack still disagree, still feel frustrated and upset, and both seem to be almost waiting for something to happen that will somehow change one of them or the other. +HAW-203-00|For Lily and Herb, their long-term marriage actually started out as a long-distance one. +HAW-203-01|They were married midway during World War two, when he came home on furlough before being sent overseas. +HAW-203-02|They didn't see each other again for almost two years, when the war ended and he came home. +HAW-204-00|During the time they were apart, Lily gave birth to their son and then she went to live with her mother, who took care of the baby while Lily worked in a defense plant. +HAW-204-01|This was the beginning of a pattern of separateness that lasted most of their married life, until just a few years ago. +HAW-205-00|After the war, they continued the same living and working arrangements so that Herb could complete his college degree in economics, which he had begun before going into the service. +HAW-205-01|He did so well that he was offered a job in a prestigious and well-paying accounting firm. +HAW-205-02|After a while, Lily quit working, and they moved into their own independent place, first a small apartment, then a small house, and finally a large house. +HAW-206-00|However, Herb's job occupied him fully, including evenings and weekends when he often worked late in the office or in the small office he created for himself at home. +HAW-206-01|Sometimes he had to travel for extended periods on behalf of his company, leaving Lily feeling once again like a single parent. +HAW-206-02|She tried going with him on some of these business trips but found that she was left alone so much, while the men were preoccupied with meetings and discussions, that she decided it was easier for her to be alone at home than in these strange places. +HAW-207-00|Herb encouraged her to develop and pursue her own interests and activities. +HAW-207-01|He taught her how to drive and bought her a car. +HAW-207-02|He encouraged her to have women friends, to join clubs, to attend social or cultural events, to take classes but always without him. +HAW-207-03|He himself had no interest in, or patience with, what he considered aimless social chatter, and he did not enjoy being with people whom he did not know or care about much. +HAW-208-00|Mostly, he preferred reading or working undisturbed on his own projects. +HAW-208-01|Even after he retired, he was still invited to professional conferences and seminars. +HAW-208-02|It was certainly a different marital pattern than any of the other couples they knew, but it was one they had become accustomed to over the years. +HAW-209-00|Then, four years ago, Lily suffered a sudden neurological incident in which she lost consciousness temporarily and had to be hospitalized for a few days. +HAW-209-01|This was eventually diagnosed as a seizure plus a mild stroke. +HAW-209-02|Neurological tests including M R I, E E G, and brain scans indicated some slight brain damage and also some physical weakness on one side. +HAW-209-03|She was placed under medical care and was prescribed anti-seizure medication and physical therapy. +HAW-210-00|The effects of the seizure were neither life threatening nor dramatically disabling, but what Lily has felt most of all is the impact on her short-term memory. +HAW-210-01|It is harder for her to absorb or retain new information, especially new facts. +HAW-210-02|She forgets things easily, sometimes even what she has just said or heard, so conversations may take some repeating or reminding. +HAW-210-03|As a result, her speech and responses are slow, and she feels self-conscious and apologetic about them. +HAW-211-00|Their son, who is now almost middle-aged, lives in another state. +HAW-211-01|They have not had a close relationship with him for a long time, but he came to visit Lily when she was in the hospital and he has called his parents more frequently ever since then. +HAW-212-02|He also goes with her for long walks every day, the walks having been recommended by the doctor to try to strengthen the weakened side of her body. +HAW-213-00|Without even discussing it, they now find themselves in a totally new routine with each other, and they spend more time together then they ever did in almost their entire married life. +HAW-213-02|They both seem to recognize that the long-term pattern of their marriage has been irrevocably altered. +HAW-213-03|Once, when Lily mentioned this, Herb simply shrugged and said, It's all right. +HAW-213-04|We all have to do whatever we have to do. +HAW-214-00|Bonnie and Simon have lived in their home for more than forty years, and for most of that time they were probably the most popular couple in the neighborhood. +HAW-214-01|Bonnie was the outstanding cook, hostess, and volunteer who baked cookies for school events, led their daughter's Brownie troop, and served at neighborhood birthday parties. +HAW-214-02|Simon assisted their son's Cub Scout troop, led the boys on hikes, and repaired the neighborhood children's bicycles. +HAW-214-03|Even after all the neighborhood children grew up and moved away, Bonnie and Simon continued doing the same for the next generation. +HAW-215-00|Then, almost ten years ago, Bonnie fell on the driveway outside their home and severely fractured her arm. +HAW-215-01|Emergency surgery was performed to reset the fracture, but the arm did not heal, and it remained weak, painful, and misshapen. +HAW-215-02|The orthopedist suggested a second surgery but first arranged for some further tests, and a scan disclosed the presence of bone cancer. +HAW-216-00|This was the beginning of years of treatment that escalated as the cancer metastasized to the other arm and then to one leg. +HAW-216-01|There was more surgery, followed by radiation and several series of different kinds of chemotherapy, each of which was only temporarily effective. +HAW-216-02|Two years ago, when their children held a fiftieth anniversary party for them, Bonnie was confined to a wheelchair. +HAW-216-03|She had lost her hair due to the chemotherapy, and her grandson gave her a baseball cap that she wore jauntily, visor backward like all the boys did. +HAW-217-00|Simon retired from his job in an engineering firm and took over responsibility for the household. +HAW-217-01|The first thing he did was rearrange the rooms for patient care. +HAW-217-02|The family room next to the kitchen was converted into a combination bedroom and sitting room, with a hospital bed for her, a bed for himself, a large television set, and some chairs for visitors. +HAW-217-03|The upstairs rooms were virtually closed off except to accommodate visiting children or grandchildren. +HAW-217-04|Simon installed a call button system so Bonnie can summon him if he is in another part of the house. +HAW-217-05|He also purchased a van with special equipment to manage the wheelchair for when he has to take Bonnie to the doctor, the only time now that she leaves the house. +HAW-218-00|Simon has hired someone to do the housecleaning, but he takes care of most of the other chores himself. +HAW-218-01|He looks on it as almost a challenge to his technological skills, and he has organized and computerized all Bonnie's recipes, grocery supplies, and shopping lists. +HAW-218-02|The visiting nurse comes three times a week to monitor and bathe Bonnie and to give her chemotherapy injections. +HAW-218-03|The nurse has also instructed Simon in how to do these things, if necessary, and he has organized a notebook record of Bonnie's illness over the past ten years, including all her medications, treatments, tests, and test results. +HAW-219-01|However, visitors have now become much fewer and do not stay long. +HAW-219-02|Partly this is because Bonnie tires so easily, especially after treatments, but it is also because seeing Bonnie in this condition makes visitors feel too sad or uncomfortable, and there are so few things they can talk about with her now. +HAW-219-03|Their daughter who lives nearby visits several times a week for what she calls mother sitting. +HAW-220-00|Those who know Bonnie marvel at her perseverance, but they are also mystified by her willingness to undergo all these different kinds of treatments, including experimental ones, that cause so many difficult and debilitating side effects. +HAW-220-03|And Simon quietly adds, If that's what Bonnie wants, that's the way it's going to be. +HAW-221-00|Ella and Lewis have been married forty-eight years. +HAW-221-01|He is ten years older than she is but looks even older than that. +HAW-221-02|While she is slim, smooth cheeked, and scarcely graying, he is balding, somewhat stooped, and weary looking. +HAW-221-03|Indeed, there is something not only youthful but almost childlike in the way she smiles and sits quietly with her hands folded in her lap. +HAW-221-04|Meeting Ella for the first time, it seems that there is something not quite right, but it's hard to tell what. +HAW-222-00|When they first met, Ella was the sheltered daughter of a well-to-do family, and Lewis was already a successful practicing attorney. +HAW-222-01|After they married, she became what he calls the unpaid secretary and social partner in his legal practice. +HAW-222-02|She made telephone calls for him, scheduled appointments, kept the office attractive, helped soothe disgruntled or distressed clients, and entertained important local business or political figures. +HAW-224-00|During the first few years of their marriage, Ella suffered several miscarriages, but the doctors were never able to uncover any significant medical reason. +HAW-224-01|Eventually, the couple gave up trying and stopped hoping to have children. +HAW-225-00|It was about a dozen years ago, while Ella was still only in her fifties, that she started experiencing beginning symptoms that the doctors would later term early onset Alzheimer's disease. +HAW-225-01|It started with forgetting people's names and then forgetting who they were or that she even knew them. +HAW-225-02|Sometimes she forgot what she wanted to say or had even begun to say. +HAW-226-00|At the beginning, she was embarrassed and tried to hide the forgetfulness or to make excuses, but the lapses soon became too frequent and obvious. +HAW-226-01|Lewis took her to all the specialists who were recommended, which included internists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and gerontologists, and all concurred in the diagnosis of some form of beginning dementia. +HAW-226-02|Ella was prescribed medication that might slow the progression down, but it could not stop or alter the direction of the disease. +HAW-227-00|At first, Ella was extremely upset about what was happening to her. +HAW-227-01|In fact, one year on her birthday, when she had blown out the candles on a lavish cake and Lewis asked what she had wished for, she answered, I wished for a new head! +HAW-227-02|But later on, as the symptoms worsened, she actually became less upset, as if she no longer really knew what was happening to her or what it meant. +HAW-228-00|She can now no longer sustain a conversation, make a decision, or answer a question except about what she is specifically doing at this particular moment. +HAW-228-01|She obeys instructions passively, and seems content to sit quietly, especially when Lewis is with her. +HAW-229-00|Lewis has hired a housekeeper who also serves as an attendant for Ella when he is not home. +HAW-229-01|On the days he is home, he takes Ella out to lunch, which delights her because she enjoys dressing up and seeing the people and eating different desserts. +HAW-229-02|He says wistfully that she is now almost like the little girl they never had! +HAW-230-00|What concerns him most is not the present but the future. +HAW-230-01|The doctors have told him that, because Ella is comparatively young to be at this stage of Alzheimer's disease, and is still physically healthy, she can live this way for many years; and given his age, it means that she may outlive him by a long time. +HAW-230-02|They have no children or close relatives to take responsibility; therefore Lewis has made arrangements with a lawyer friend to serve as legal executor of their estate in case of his own death, and has specified funds and arrangements for Ella's continuing care. +HAW-230-03|He describes this very matter-of-factly, almost in legalese terms, and concludes, I think I've taken care of everything I can. +HAW-231-00|Dora and Mickey have been married fifty-eight years, and they both describe their marriage as strong if not always smooth. +HAW-231-01|He admits to having a short fuse, quick to anger or excitability; while she describes herself as Miss Sunshine who tries to cheer things up and calm things down. +HAW-231-02|She sums up by saying, He's a yeller and I'm a smiler, but by now, we both know exactly what the other one means. +HAW-232-00|They first met during World War two when they lived in the same big city neighborhood, but she was only a teenager at the time and too young to date. +HAW-232-01|He enlisted in the army, and by the time he came home from the war, she had grown into a tall, attractive, almost young woman. +HAW-232-02|Right after her eighteenth birthday, they eloped. +HAW-234-01|There was another younger child, a little boy, who died in infancy of meningitis. +HAW-234-02|They rarely talk about him because, even after all these years, it is still painful for Dora, and Mickey gets upset when he sees her upset. +HAW-235-00|After they sold the store and retired, they enjoyed their leisure time for only a few years before they both started experiencing health problems. +HAW-235-01|Dora developed rheumatoid arthritis, which caused swelling and pain in her fingers, hands, and knees. +HAW-235-02|One knee became so painful that it was difficult to walk, and she had to undergo knee replacement surgery. +HAW-235-03|And now one hip has become affected, and the rheumatologist is recommending hip replacement surgery. +HAW-235-04|Dora ruefully refers to herself as turning into a bionic woman. +HAW-235-05|She is rarely totally pain free, but she doesn't want to take prescribed pain medication too much or too often because she becomes sleepy or disoriented. +HAW-236-01|Since then, Mickey has been under regular medical care, takes medication, and always carries nitroglycerine pills for emergencies. +HAW-236-02|He has continued to experience some minor incidents, and the doctor has cautioned that he must try to learn to take things more easily and calmly if he is to avoid a worse angina attack in the future. +HAW-236-03|Mickey finds this advice bitterly amusing. +HAW-236-06|Should I make myself over? +HAW-236-07|Should I make my life over? +HAW-237-00|Dora and Mickey are both aware of, and worried about, each other's health problems, and they try to protect one another by being secretive or silent about their own problems. +HAW-237-01|Because he doesn't want to upset her, Mickey tries not to complain about any feelings of tiredness or weakness, and often assures her that he is all right even when he really is not. +HAW-237-02|And because she doesn't want to upset him, Dora tries not to complain about her own pain, and so she too sometimes lies about how she is feeling. +HAW-237-03|Yet they know each other so well that, deep down, they can usually tell when the other one is suffering, even if there is nothing they can do about it. +HAW-238|Their daughter is extremely concerned but also exasperated by her parents. +HAW-239-00|She has urged them to stop playing games with each other and being so protective, to be more honest about their pains and their needs. +HAW-239-01|Dora and Mickey appreciate her concern but continue to ignore her advice. +HAW-241-00|Bess is a small woman, neat and graying, earnest and soft-spoken; Mel is also short, but muscular, and gives the impression of being a man of few words, or at least one who prefers to say few words. +HAW-241-01|Bess describes the two of them without apology or complaint, as ordinary people who had ordinary lives. +HAW-241-02|She says that they never did anything important or special, they just always tried to be good people. +HAW-241-03|One thing they are both proud of is that the two of them, who barely finished high school themselves, were able to ensure that both of their children went to college and had more opportunities than they had. +HAW-242-00|Before his retirement, Mel worked as a dispatcher for a long-distance trucking company, a position he had moved up to after several years of on-the-road driving. +HAW-242-01|He appreciated the better salary and regular hours of the new position, but he actually missed some of the freedom he had enjoyed being on the road on his own. +HAW-242-02|On the other hand, Bess was greatly relieved by his office job because it meant he was safer and also more available. +HAW-243-00|Throughout most of her adult years, Bess has had high blood pressure and has taken medication to keep it under control. +HAW-243-01|Her mother also suffered from serious high blood pressure and eventually died of a resulting stroke so Bess has been conscientious about monitoring her diet, salt intake, and medication. +HAW-243-03|She seems to have recovered completely as far as symptoms indicate; but what she does feel and worry about is the unnerving fear of a recurring stroke. +HAW-244-00|On the other hand, Mel's health was remarkable because it was so unremarkable. +HAW-244-01|He never got sick, never had any complaints, hardly ever went to see doctors, didn't take any regularly prescribed medication, and boasted of his cast iron stomach that digested anything he ate or drank. +HAW-244-02|He never paid any attention to his health, and therefore neither did she. +HAW-245-00|Two years ago, just about the time of his eightieth birthday, Mel began complaining of fatigue, which was out of character for him. +HAW-245-01|He also noticed an unusual swelling of his legs. +HAW-245-02|He dismissed these symptoms and insisted they would go away, but then he experienced some urinary bleeding. +HAW-245-03|At this point, Bess and their children insisted that he see a doctor. +HAW-245-04|After a number of examinations and procedures, it was learned that he had a tumor on one of his kidneys, and a biopsy showed it to be malignant. +HAW-246-00|Mel's general health was otherwise good, so surgery was performed to remove the diseased kidney. +HAW-246-01|The surgery was successful, but the recuperation was slow, and his previous secure feeling of strength never completely returned. +HAW-246-02|He now has to maintain a strict diet, monitor fluid intakes carefully, take frequent blood tests, rest more at home, and see his doctor regularly. +HAW-247-00|Bess has been as conscientious in taking care of Mel's health as she has always been with her own. +HAW-247-01|She worries about whether he is eating or sleeping enough; she measures and monitors all his liquids; she watches to see that he takes his medications and follows the doctor's instructions. +HAW-247-02|He complains that she's making too much of a fuss, but nevertheless he has been an accepting, if unhappy, patient. +HAW-248-00|They are both trying hard but still struggling with these new circumstances while settling into a reciprocal routine. +HAW-248-01|Bess knows that she is no longer the exclusive or primary patient in the family and can no longer rely unquestioningly on her husband to take care of her. +HAW-248-03|It is as if they are both trying to figure out how much help they can or should give to each other, and also how much help they can or should expect to receive from each other. +HAW-248-04|Even their adult children have felt this change because they now worry about both of their parents, not just one of them. +HAW-250-00|They are both still tall and handsome people, although illness and weight loss have sharpened Bert's features and made Claire look frail. +HAW-250-01|There is still a kind of affectionate bantering between them, and occasional flashes of humor from Bert who tries to keep their conversations as light as possible. +HAW-251-00|Both of them agree that those first fifty years of marriage were happy and successful, and any problems they recall now seem trivial, almost amusing. +HAW-251-01|There were the efforts and exasperations of raising four sons, all of them now tall, strapping men. +HAW-251-02|There were the vociferous political arguments between a conservative Bert and a liberal Claire at every election their votes canceled each other out. +HAW-251-03|And there was the nuisance for Claire, as the only female in a household of five men, of never finding the toilet seat down! +HAW-252-00|They always had a close and easy relationship with their sons and daughters-in-law, and the four brothers also got along well with one another. +HAW-252-01|In fact, for years, there was a family tradition of once each month celebrating together all the birthdays or anniversaries or other special events that occurred during that month. +HAW-252-02|But during these past few years, these celebrations have become subdued since both Claire and Bert have been suffering from worsening heart problems. +HAW-253-00|Bert has had episodes of heart stoppages that had to be treated with timely application of a defibrillator. +HAW-253-01|He has already undergone angiogram and angioplasty procedures; and, so far, the doctors are trying to treat him with different medications before resorting to bypass surgery. +HAW-253-02|Claire has had two cardiac surgeries, attempting to replace a leaking heart valve. +HAW-253-03|The operations have not been completely successful, and the doctors are reluctant to risk further surgery because of her present condition. +HAW-255-00|Claire confides, out of his earshot, that his cooking is terrible, and also that for someone with such mechanical aptitude for machinery, he seems to have surprising difficulty with the buttons on the dishwasher or washing machine! +HAW-255-01|But to him, she always expresses appreciation for whatever he does, even when they both know it was not necessarily done well. +HAW-256-01|Mostly, they try to take care of whatever they can at home, rest a lot, watch television, and still argue about politics. +HAW-257-00|Fortunately, so far, their individual episodes of acute weakness or pain have not occurred at the same time. +HAW-257-01|They seem to take turns being ill, so they also take turns taking care of each other when that happens. +HAW-258-00|Claire says that she is the most grateful not so much for what Bert does or tries to do, but just for the fact that he is there. +HAW-258-01|And Bert agrees, saying that it's bad enough being sick, but at least they're not sick alone. +HAW-259-00|Merle and Jim have been married forty-eight years. +HAW-259-01|He was in the professional military, serving in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and then, in his peacetime service, doing mainly administrative work in public relations and personnel. +HAW-259-02|Merle traveled around with him, and their little son, trying to set up home and family life wherever they were for however long they were there. +HAW-259-03|She laughingly describes herself as a camp follower. +HAW-260-01|Merle knew that she had to be flexible and independent. +HAW-260-02|She had to be ready and able to make quick decisions and take quick action, and often she had to be able to take action by herself because Jim was on assignment elsewhere. +HAW-260-03|And Jim knew that he had to have, and did have, complete confidence that Merle could handle things by herself: household tasks, moving arrangements, their son's education, family health needs without his having to worry about them. +HAW-261-00|After he retired from the military, Jim took a job for a few years in civilian newspaper work, and Merle had the opportunity finally to set up a permanent home. +HAW-261-01|Things continued this way until Jim suffered a stroke and had to retire fully. +HAW-261-02|By this time, their son had grown up, and grown somewhat apart from them. +HAW-261-03|Their relationship is cordial but not close, and they are disappointed about this, Merle more than Jim, and wonder why it happened. +HAW-261-04|Jim suggests that perhaps because of his military duty, he was not available enough as a father. +HAW-261-05|Merle suggests that because of their nomadic lifestyle, they could not provide a stable environment. +HAW-261-06|They try not to be obsessed with or depressed about it. +HAW-261-07|Yet Merle says it would be nice if their son were closer to them especially these past few years. +HAW-261-08|But Jim shrugs, it's his decision, and his problem. +HAW-262-00|About four years ago, Jim suffered a major stroke that required months of hospitalization and rehabilitation at various veterans facilities. +HAW-262-01|He was paralyzed on one side, and his speech was also affected but never his mind, as he is quick to point out. +HAW-262-02|He went through months of physical and speech therapy, fighting his way back to normal speech, and even improved use of his right arm and leg. +HAW-262-03|He has to use a cane when he walks, he uses a computer instead of writing by hand, and he can drive with special equipment in his car. +HAW-263-00|Merle never cried over his stroke or allowed him to cry, and she never babied or pitied him during his recovery. +HAW-263-01|She asked him to do things for himself, and encouraged him to try to do things that were difficult or frustrating or even exhausting. +HAW-263-03|Pretend you're still in the army, and I'm the commanding officer! +HAW-265-00|Just as Merle didn't baby Jim after his stroke, he doesn't indulge in pity or sentimentality over her condition either. +HAW-265-01|And now that he is sufficiently recovered from his stroke, he is trying to encourage and push her to do more. +HAW-265-02|The two of them have always had a kind of gruff teasing relationship with each other, which masks the affection underneath. +HAW-265-03|They even poke fun at each other about their health problems and weaknesses; she sometimes calls him Gimpy, and he calls her Wheezy. +HAW-265-04|People who meet them for the first time are often taken aback by this rough teasing and seeming insensitivity. +HAW-265-05|Merle and Jim are aware of people's surprise, even shock, at their remarks. +HAW-265-06|They try to explain by saying, We're just a couple of tough old birds! +HAW-266-00|When Connie and Mark were married, almost fifty years ago, her mother was worried that her daughter would be burdened with a sick husband because Mark had already been diagnosed with diabetes. +HAW-266-01|But he made little of this illness, and for many years experienced few and rare effects. +HAW-266-02|Most of the time, he simply ignored the diagnosis, ignored doctor's advice, ignored recommended medications and diet, and insisted that he could take care of himself. +HAW-266-03|At first, Connie tried to influence, even nag him about taking care of himself, but then she stopped trying, though she never stopped worrying. +HAW-267-00|Connie acknowledges that during the early years of their marriage, they quarreled a lot, partly, she admits, because she was oversensitive and she overreacted sometimes. +HAW-268-00|On the other hand, Mark also accepts responsibility, describing himself as a stubborn, uncompromising, and fiercely independent curmudgeon. +HAW-268-02|As a result, he has never liked being told what to do. +HAW-268-03|So for him, diabetic restrictions felt like attempts to control his life, which he has always resented and resisted. +HAW-269-00|They have two daughters. +HAW-269-01|The older daughter is more accommodating, like her mother, and the younger one is more strong-willed, like her father. +HAW-269-02|Indeed, in times of family disagreements, each daughter tends to ally herself with the parent she more closely resembles. +HAW-271-04|She returned home, but her walking is slow, still painful, and there is a noticeable residual limp. +HAW-272-02|The doctors have also warned her that she may now be vulnerable to further falls, accidents, or injuries. +HAW-273-00|Connie worries about how long her recovery will take, and whether there will ever be complete recovery. +HAW-273-03|Yet she's not really reassured, and she explains that the best way he can help her is to really take care of himself. +HAW-275-00|Lois and Walt are both slim, well-groomed, well spoken, and look younger than their age. +HAW-279-02|This has caused a minor problem with their little grandchildren, who no longer enjoy visiting because there are no goodies to eat! +HAW-281-02|So whenever Walt or other members of the family complain or criticize, she tells them, you'll see. +HAW-281-03|Someday you'll thank me for it! +HAW-283-00|Neither Sally nor Gene suffers from anything more than minor health problems that, for the most part, they are able to ignore. +HAW-285-03|They both wanted to make more frequent trips to visit their son and daughter in different parts of the state. +HAW-285-05|And finally, they wanted to travel afar, which they could never afford before but had always dreamed about. +HAW-286-03|Now it's just the opposite. +HAW-290-05|She says the time will come when she might not be able to do these kinds of things, and she doesn't want to regret missed chances. +HAW-293-01|When Frances asked Jay directly, Are you saying you want to just go on working and wait till you have to be carried out? +HAW-293-02|Jay's response, which she remembers clearly, was, I guess so. +HAW-295-04|And Elliott adds jokingly that his only interest in food is eating it, not cooking it. +HAW-297-00|Neither of them has major medical problems, although they are becoming aware of their aging in small and increasing ways. +HAW-301-03|She has always been intimidated by mathematical or mechanical things, and this involves both. +HAW-302-01|It is also an expression of who the people are, and how they are. +HAW-308-01|Residents own and maintain their homes inside while all outside responsibilities are taken care of. +HAW-324-02|They do not enjoy or even welcome company and, indeed, visitors do not much enjoy being with them either. +HAW-328-03|The things one is supposed to do or not do in each of these roles are clearly understood. +HAW-334-04|Rarely was it for the sake of establishing independent careers for themselves. +HAW-335-05|Though they did not usually make social arrangements for themselves, they did exercise the right of veto over plans their wives made. +HAW-339-01|Furthermore, these changes have been involuntary, irreversible, and permanent. +HAW-341-01|The task becomes easier because the couples grow more accustomed and, in some ways, more adept. +HAW-344-02|Some feel angry, threatened, bereft, or overwhelmed. +HAW-344-04|All feel some degree of sadness and uncertainty. +HAW-346-00|Changes in health, in arrangements, and in marital roles have a subtle but pervasive effect on the mood of the marriages. +HAW-347-01|Rarely is there joking, teasing, easy banter, or idle chatter. +HAW-350-00|Those spouses who share taking care of each other also tend to share marital power. +HAW-353-00|The issue of maintaining or losing power is far less central for caretaking wives than for their husbands. +HAW-366-01|The now-adult children of these couples have been raised to be virtually free of obligations for parental caretaking. +HAW-366-03|Interestingly, these parents are beginning to have some mixed feelings about their children's roles, or nonroles, in caretaking. +HAW-370-00|First, there is the couple's shared history of love, experience, and mutual concern through all the years. +HAW-371-00|There are also two related factors that are neither selfless nor selfish, but realistic. +HAW-373-03|Or sometimes it is simply a consequence or continuation of lifelong habits of nurturing. +HAW-375-01|At this stage of life, even a limited, painful, difficult relationship may be better than no relationship at all. +HAW-377-00|Underlying the various explanations for taking on a caretaking role, there are certain recurrent themes. +HAW-378-03|And they know that no matter how much or how well they do it, eventually and inevitably it will not be enough. +HAW-381-01|True, they now spend much more time with each other, although sometimes that actually becomes a source of irritation or frustration,. +HAW-381-04|All of these are true or partly true, but the closeness they feel is something new, different, and unique. +HAW-396-05|But it is also reality that, whatever the years have brought them, they are comforted by facing it together. +HIPS-0001|Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. +HIPS-0002-01|We are inextricably entwined, even when we are parted by death. +HIPS-0012-01|The spare words are riveting. +HIPS-0012-03|But in Hebrew, the words Kach Nah are ambiguous. +HIPS-0013-02|But is Isaac his to give? +HIPS-0018-05|Despite his father's shortcomings, Isaac does not rage at his father or hurt him when he is vulnerable. +HIPS-0018-07|Despite the tension of their journey, Abraham's gentleness and love for his son is clear. +HIPS-0019-04|Both father and son can now journey on together, knowing that soon they are each to sacrifice: the father, his son; the son, his life. +HIPS-0021-03|All his life, Isaac had trusted his father. +HIPS-0021-07|Does he think of his mother's reaction to hearing of his death? +HIPS-0021-08|To understand the significance of what we do, we must imagine how others will feel. +HIPS-0023-01|At the end, the story of Abraham and Isaac blurs into confused ambiguities and unanswered questions. +HIPS-0024-06|Isaac was willing to sacrifice himself for his father in an act of love and devotion. +HIPS-0024-07|But did he sacrifice too much? +HIPS-0025-01|We instinctively identify with Isaac. +HIPS-0025-02|Even the best parents hurt their children. +HIPS-0025-06|The conflicts may get ugly, but as we mature, we tend to resolve our differences with our parents. +HIPS-0026-00|Isaac could, respectfully and rightfully, have refused his father. +HIPS-0026-02|The choices are not easy; and even after searching deeply, answering Where are you? +HIPS-0027-01|Not recognizing this, the adult child retaliating for childhood hurts may have far greater impact than he knows. +HIPS-0036-00|Sick, old, and impaired, his daughter fully grown, Valerie's father still had a legacy to bequeath to his descendants. +HIPS-0037-02|Parental standards, once impossible to meet, become more demanding still. +HIPS-0037-06|Old conflicts become more sharply defined, the ordeal is great, and the rewards may be subtle. +HIPS-0039-01|At the time, I felt I may have even lost a year or two of life taking care of her, but it was also a time of great richness. +HIPS-0039-06|But she was no saint; she could be awful cold as ice and vicious when she didn't get her way. +HIPS-0039-09|Now I understand why we fought so much. +HIPS-0039-10|Paul learned early that he had to fight her or she would have steamed right over him and I got the brunt of that lesson. +HIPS-0040-00|When she was living with us at the end, I did a lot more of the work. +HIPS-0041-01|He's more respectful after seeing me putting my heart out for him and his mom. +HIPS-0041-05|He's not treated me that way since. +HIPS-0042-02|We call to mind the story of Abraham and Isaac and wonder, How much sacrifice is too much? +HIPS-0042-04|Dinah and Paul endured the trial of it, learned about themselves, each other, and their relationship. +HIPS-0045-03|In refusing to continue waging war against the parent, the adult child allows the parent the freedom to make peace with life. +HIPS-0046-01|At the end, as we look back and calculate what is lost and what is left, we stop taking others for granted. +HIPS-0049-00|The knowledge that death is near strips both parent and child of vanity. +HIPS-0049-04|In the stark light of death's glare, we reevaluate everything. +HIPS-0050-02|There is an unexpected physical dimension to the parent's sudden absence, as a constant in our universe vanishes. +HIPS-0050-03|The day of his father's death, one man mused, I've never not had a father before. +HIPS-0052-02|This cheap watch keeps running and my father's heart has stopped. +HIPS-0053-00|In fact, with the death of a parent, nothing seems right: Clothes smell of a life as old and familiar as our first breaths. +HIPS-0053-02|Objects left behind seem to embody a parent and we cling to them. +HIPS-0055-02|We stop resenting doing tasks we once hated, associating them now with those we loved and have lost. +HIPS-0057-00|The universe seems vast in its emptiness after our parents no longer fill it. +HIPS-0057-01|The borders our parents provided are gone. +HIPS-0058-02|In the end, what matters is how well we have loved, how well we are loved, and how much we have given. +HIPS-0060|Following are entries from my journal in the days before my mother's death. +HIPS-0062-04|Gets up, gets back to bed, complains that sheet is on wrong. +HIPS-0062-07|Run to door to let in the hospice aide. +HIPS-0062-09|June comes in and introduces herself, saying sweet things. +HIPS-0062-13|When I return, Mom is sitting up and had gotten her own water. +HIPS-0063-01|On return, Mom is telling June that the water is too cold. +HIPS-0063-05|When she wakes up, Mom tells me I am like sunshine. +HIPS-0065-04|I reassure her. +HIPS-0065-07|The feelings she has toward me are the deep, pure feelings I still feel from when I was five. +HIPS-0065-08|The years of hostility between us are an overlay. +HIPS-0067-01|We all gathered. +HIPS-0068-05|The issues we fail to resolve during our lives leave others to suffer. +HIPS-0070-01|To grow beyond the limitations of a painful childhood, we must try to understand the parents who hurt us. +HIPS-0071-02|Was it marital pressures, financial strain, an accident, illness, alcohol or drug addiction, ignorance? +HIPS-0071-04|Imagining ourselves living through our parents experiences allows us to understand them, and temper our judgments. +HIPS-0072-03|There is a child to raise, a home to secure, and more work than can be accomplished in a day. +HIPS-0072-04|There is little time to enjoy former activities and less time to give or receive emotional support from one's partner. +HIPS-0074-03|This circularity of vision makes us overlook the obvious as we cling to attitudes we developed earlier in our lives. +HIPS-0075-01|We string them together to create a diffuse narrative we think we understand. +HIPS-0077-01|I don't think my father wanted kids. +HIPS-0078-00|No one knows the whole story; but when he was a child, my father's father was murdered. +HIPS-0080-02|I wondered what the following years had been like for Ellen's grandmother. +HIPS-0080-04|Did Ellen's father protect his already burdened mother from his own unhappy feelings by hiding them? +HIPS-0083-02|We are amazed at how much we had previously overlooked or taken for granted. +HIPS-0084-01|Until he imagined the feelings of his mother as a little girl, he had not really understood. +HIPS-0085-10|I imagined my mom being eight, excited about her birthday, expecting a new bicycle, and then her father gets killed. +HIPS-0086-00|When Matthew first heard his mother tell her story, he could only hear an adult childishly complaining about an event long past. +HIPS-0091-00|I've heard the story a million times. +HIPS-0093-09|When do you go? +HIPS-0095-00|Patricia never understood her mother's story because her mother had not really understood it herself. +HIPS-0095-01|As an adult, Patricia's mother no longer emotionally identified with the anguish of the little girl she had once been. +HIPS-0098-00|In the telling of their life stories, people often omit the dark times of earliest youth. +HIPS-0100-01|What is missing from our stories, what we don't know or don't appreciate can hurt us in ways almost too quiet to notice. +HIPS-0101-00|This was the case for Duane, an adolescent committed to my care after a suicide attempt. +HIPS-0103-00|Secrets usually hurt the very people they are supposed to protect. +HIPS-0103-02|By hiding her suicide attempts, Duane's mother deprived herself of seeing firsthand her son's fear of losing her. +HIPS-0105-01|I had the sense that until Duane understood what his feelings were truly about, it would take him a long time to heal his life. +HIPS-0115-01|Unresolved issues from a parent's childhood trigger further turmoil in family life. +HIPS-0121-04|Upon leaving treatment, Lane was determined to return to his family and apply his shift in perspective. +HIPS-0129-03|On an objective scale, we sense our insignificance. +HIPS-0132-03|We have to close our own eyes, imagine looking out of theirs, and put ourselves into their story. +HIPS-0133-00|But how often do we imagine ourselves living our parents experience? +HIPS-0135-07|At that moment, I understood my father like never before. +HIPS-0137-01|Typically, we limit our understanding because we are reluctant to pierce the comfortable shell of self-centeredness. +HIPS-0138-00|And then, too, there's something frightening about undertaking an experience we sense will change us. +HIPS-0139-04|In childhood, this defect in our vision is insignificant. +HIPS-0142-02|We believe their love to be our birthright. +HIPS-0146-00|To a certain extent, we all have emotional anosognosia. +HIPS-0146-03|We judge parents on our own terms, not theirs. +HIPS-0148-02|Freud regarded his work as a beginning, a work in progress. +HIPS-0148-05|We owe a debt to the genius of Freud's analysis and the brilliance of his singular perspective. +HIPS-0149-03|Years later, Freud fainted twice while arguing with Jung about the importance of the death wish. +HIPS-0156-00|When Sigmund Freud was born, his father Jakob was forty years old, a widower with two grown sons, already a grandfather. +HIPS-0156-01|Freud's mother Amalia, Jakob's second wife, was twenty-one. +HIPS-0158-00|Every member of my family loved Jakob and treated him with great respect. +HIPS-0159-01|I had treasured him highly and had understood him exactly. +HIPS-0159-02|With his peculiar mixture of deep wisdom and fantastic lightness he had meant very much in my life. +HIPS-0161-02|Their loss would have sapped them of life and laughter. +HIPS-0162-01|During those times, he felt weak and fatigued; he needed and wanted to do many things, but lacked the motivation and energy. +HIPS-0163-00|The death of Julius must have shattered Freud's childhood home. +HIPS-0174-00|Pure biological instinct demands no spiritual or emotional growth. +HIPS-0176-01|Biblical wisdom tries to make us see beyond the distortion of our vision to grow beyond our limitations. +HIPS-0177-01|Everyone in the tribe once understood this. +HIPS-0179-03|As adults, we mouth the words; and in our minds we hear it in the same singsong voice of childhood. +HIPS-0181-01|But the defenses we continue to wear in the company of our intimates reject them by implication. +HIPS-0183-00|Within the emotionally reverberating circuits of our relationships, the pain we cause to those we love returns to hurt us again. +HIPS-0183-02|To understand our own lives and understand our parents, we must see ourselves objectively. +HIPS-0185-00|Remembered or not, the intense emotions from our earliest years have enduring effects. +HIPS-0185-01|Emotions associated with traumatic times may be passed on to children and continue to be passed on for generations. +HIPS-0189-01|The relation of parents to child is one of sacrifice. +HIPS-0191-01|The emotional reactions arising in our brains have been forged in evolutionary stages common to other vertebrates. +HIPS-0192-02|This ability has extended the human habitat from the polar circles to the equator. +HIPS-0192-04|Nevertheless, the imperatives of our genes know nothing of civilization or technology. +HIPS-0195-00|When the world is constant, lessons of the past enhance future survival. +HIPS-0195-02|But nature never foresaw that the world surrounding us could change so quickly. +HIPS-0197-00|Memory for traumatic events does not decay like ordinary learning. +HIPS-0197-05|Brain function alters, leaving the locus ceruleus hyperresponsive for decades. +HIPS-0198-04|Like the flashbacks of combat veterans, they are states of being with their own feelings, physiology, thoughts, and expressions. +HIPS-0201-01|But growing up with a parent's immature volatility is itself traumatic and lonely for a child. +HIPS-0208-01|I was a good athlete, good student, popular; but I never felt like I measured up to my father. +HIPS-0208-06|After my second tour, I couldn't relate to any of my friends or family. +HIPS-0208-09|By the time I left Vietnam, I'd done four tours. +HIPS-0208-13|The other day in a bank, the teller kept doing paperwork and ignored me. +HIPS-0215-03|Some people even use a knife to cut their own skin the numbness is so terrible that piercing it with anything is a relief. +HIPS-0216-02|The children watch for dangers, remain alert, read their parents moods, and try to avoid provoking the parents to action. +HIPS-0216-03|Many adults who were abused in childhood find it hard to live in peace like Manny, a gravelly voiced man in his late forties. +HIPS-0216-05|Before being sent to Vietnam at eighteen, Manny already had the hair-trigger reflexes of an abused child. +HIPS-0216-06|The courts ordered him into treatment after a particularly bad fight. +HIPS-0217-04|When he smacked me around, I spit in his face: I knew he was crazy, so I learned to react and run. +HIPS-0218-02|I saw ear trophies hanging from the belts of other soldiers. +HIPS-0222-02|Fear transforms to anger when the threat has passed. +HIPS-0222-05|After having such a rage, Alex, a twenty-eight-year-old father, enrolled in an anger-management class. +HIPS-0226-03|As young children with an immature cortex, we are all emotionally impressionable in the literal sense. +HIPS-0227-03|Remembered or not, emotions from our early years recur in flashbacks of raw emotion throughout life. +HIPS-0227-05|After a traumatic event, parents reassure themselves with the hope that a small child won't remember or will get over it. +HIPS-0232-00|As you will see, unstated and outside their conscious awareness, children respond to their parents emotions and make them their own. +HIPS-0237-02|She sought help because over the last several months she had lost weight and had trouble sleeping. +HIPS-0237-03|A friend had come along to babysit Frieda's five-year-old daughter, Rachel. +HIPS-0246-03|The form and function of the autonomic nervous system of all vertebrates are remarkably similar. +HIPS-0250-00|Rats are traumatized when handled by humans. +HIPS-0250-02|Blood samples taken from handled rats show hormone patterns that are different from those of nonhandled rats. +HIPS-0250-05|Though less pronounced, these alterations carry over to the nonhandled offspring of the next two generations at least. +HIPS-0252-01|His work led to a theoretical model for the development of depression. +HIPS-0254-03|After that period of struggle, the baby slumps, becoming flaccid and, to all external appearances, depressed. +HIPS-0254-05|The period of slumping lasts longer. +HIPS-0257-00|Trust and our ability to form social bonds develop from the fulfillment of our needs when we are dependent in early life. +HIPS-0260-01|Attributing the high death rate to infection, he instituted strict protocols of nutrition, hygiene, and quarantine. +HIPS-0264-01|Without energy or interests, she felt dead inside at those times; her life seemed meaningless and she withdrew from others. +HIPS-0269-01|Then she would not be as helpless as she had once been. +HIPS-0270-04|Such severe and early damage is hard to overcome. +HIPS-0273-05|I remember the ache of missing him, a desperate kind of longing. +HIPS-0274-02|Yearning for reunion with his father overrode the fear. +HIPS-0274-03|He was still able to call up the sights, sounds, and smells of the experience with a child's clarity of perception. +HIPS-0276|A man in his forties described his hospitalization for a hernia as a seven-year-old: +HIPS-0280-02|The joy of reunion filled his emptiness more than the soup. +HIPS-0282-00|As adults, the sheer length of our personal history makes us experience an hour as short. +HIPS-0282-01|We sleepwalk through our daily routine, partially numbed by the repetition of our days and our, illusory, certainty of outcome. +HIPS-0283-00|As we age, each day rushes by faster and each departing day moves to the denominator of the past. +HIPS-0284-02|For an adult, it may take a death or the separation of years to produce loneliness; for an infant, it may take only hours. +HIPS-0291-07|In severe depression, despair and hopelessness take precedence. +HIPS-0294-03|He begged me to forgive him. +HIPS-0294-12|He told me no one else would want a pig like me. +HIPS-0294-16|I imagined someone breaking into the house, raping and killing me. +HIPS-0297-01|When stress is severe and inescapable, we adapt by dulling all physiologic response. +HIPS-0298-01|Biologically, it makes sense to conserve energy when efficacious action is impossible. +HIPS-0305-00|The mourning of infants separated from their mothers appears the same as the mourning of adults following a death. +HIPS-0310-03|We languish or regress to an earlier developmental stage when we had what we needed. +HIPS-0314-02|How often have we been startled by the intensity of feelings we did not know we had? +HIPS-0321-01|But hurt adults often hesitate to express their needs, for fear of being rejected, considered weak, or judged infantile. +HIPS-0321-02|This hesitation can be crippling. +HIPS-0322-03|Even when grief is old, compassion for its expression comforts the loss. +HIPS-0327-04|Feeling parental praise, the child learns to persist, or to keep his temper, or to share. +HIPS-0333-06|Les said his children were fine, but how well did he know them? +HIPS-0342-01|Before they learn to talk it out, children will hit one another, and unless adults learn to talk out their feelings, they may do the same. +HIPS-0342-03|Parents who are even moderately alexithymic may explode in rage at their children rather than explain themselves to them. +HIPS-0342-04|And the bigger the person and the denser the alexithymia, the more explosive it becomes. +HIPS-0345|B G: Why did you stab him? +HIPS-0348|Jack: No. +HIPS-0351|B G: Were you taking revenge on the system? +HIPS-0355|B G: What were you thinking while you were sharpening that toothbrush? +HIPS-0363-00|Not expressing one's distress in times of crises, when everyone is overburdened, is altruistic. +HIPS-0363-05|The generations shared no common vocabulary and so could not give witness to one another. +HIPS-0364-03|In nineteen sixty three, Jacqueline Kennedy's tearless stoicism at her husband's funeral was universally admired. +HIPS-0365-00|The prevailing fashion of masculinity still leaves little room for vulnerable expression. +HIPS-0368-00|What has not been comforted at the time of original injury is less likely to be understood later. +HIPS-0369-03|The very act of joining such a group is a return from isolation to the fold of humankind. +HIPS-0373-01|While she spoke, she grasped my hand harder and neither screamed nor fought off the surgeon or the nurse. +HIPS-0374-06|Because she no longer felt alone, her situation was no longer intolerable. +HIPS-0384-03|That morning the newspaper headline was about a particularly gruesome murder that had taken place the day before. +HIPS-0384-05|Cheryl's posture folded to that of a little child, she held her stomach, and in the voice of a three-year-old moaned, Oh, it hurts! +HIPS-0384-07|She held herself still, frozen. +HIPS-0384-10|Later she recalled that an uncle was once arrested for child molestation. +HIPS-0387-01|One such man was Gustav, who had survived four years of Auschwitz. +HIPS-0387-02|I met him in synagogue, a bent, stooped man with a sad face marked by resignation. +HIPS-0387-03|He stuttered and was desperately shy, but he was also kind and giving to others. +HIPS-0387-04|He rarely exposed the numbers tattooed on his arm. +HIPS-0388-03|I last heard him speak a year later to the liberators of Auschwitz. +HIPS-0388-05|He had a full smile and a vigor I had not seen before, appearing ten years younger than when I first met him. +HIPS-0389-00|Speaking of his pain before hundreds of rapt witnesses released Gustav from its stranglehold. +HIPS-0389-04|To heal, it was necessary for Gustav to have others feel and acknowledge his experience. +HIPS-0390-00|Thirty years after the war, in a speech before a college audience, Elie Wiesel talked of his previous inability to speak of the war. +HIPS-0390-01|For ten years he had been silent. +HIPS-0394-00|Knowing that a grandfather fought in a war may seem to have nothing to do with one's own life. +HIPS-0397-02|Their parents unhappiness is obvious to them, but the triumph represented by the mere fact of the parents survival may not be. +HIPS-0399-00|Twenty years after being forced into fighting a war, N C had developed chest pain. +HIPS-0399-02|Finally, through an interpreter, N C spoke of a time he had rarely spoken about and, certainly, never with his children. +HIPS-0401-00|N C met his wife in a refugee camp, where they comforted one another; then they tried to make a new life in America. +HIPS-0402|During the entire interview, N C kept his eyes down and spoke in a monotone, until he asked, For what was I taken? +HIPS-0403-01|At that point, he left behind, also, the future he had assumed would be his. +HIPS-0405-00|War experiences can be so savage that parents omit the worst details and children respectfully do not probe. +HIPS-0407-01|I had heard rumors of such things. +HIPS-0408-00|In those specific details, I could feel what it was like for my mother at nineteen, the morning after her mother had urged her to flee. +HIPS-0412-02|People I had known my whole life made fun of me: Jew! +HIPS-0412-10|I was thirteen when they took me to Auschwitz. +HIPS-0412-13|At the time, it seemed even worse than watching people being murdered. +HIPS-0412-14|I felt nothing. +HIPS-0412-16|One memory in particular, I can't shake: a child ran up to a van that was taking his father away. +HIPS-0412-20|And I can't look my own children in the eyes. +HIPS-0414-01|Once living became easier, he still felt dead emotionally. +HIPS-0418-00|Those who suffer an injury directly are more likely to receive comfort than those who suffer indirectly. +HIPS-0426|The child's symptoms resolved after her mother told the father's story. +HIPS-0431-01|I've heard my old fears coming from my son's mouth. +HIPS-0433-01|I can now understand how my parents fear seeped into my bones, and I can deal with it better for knowing this. +HIPS-0434-00|This was also the case in Germany during the nineteen thirty's. +HIPS-0436-03|I once asked him about it, and he got furious. +HIPS-0440-00|My mother was a little girl when she came to this country. +HIPS-0440-01|Maybe she had some rough times. +HIPS-0440-03|Nothing bad ever happened to her or her family; but once, when she was little, she saw some children being shot in a field. +HIPS-0440-04|But I don't think anyone in our family got killed. +HIPS-0445-01|Families all over the world have been marked with death, horror, and too often, silence. +HIPS-0448-01|The human spirit is strong and resilient; in the process of communication, parent and child are both strengthened. +HIPS-0450-02|A wounded child's silence separates him from others and walls him off from those who love or would support him. +HIPS-0452-02|The voice of a molester saying, You bad thing, speaks louder and more convincingly. +HIPS-0455-00|Those who have been sexually abused as children do not like their feelings and usually do not think much of themselves. +HIPS-0455-03|The trauma had been so overwhelming and their struggles so futile that they had to shut down their sensations and emotions. +HIPS-0455-07|They go away to preserve themselves, and put the feelings on ice for another day. +HIPS-0467-03|Fear, excitement, sex, anger, and resentment toward adults who would condemn and punish them all mix together. +HIPS-0468-02|As adults, these abused children feel there is something evil inside them. +HIPS-0469-05|Knowing that her children needed her, she chose to leave the hospital instead. +HIPS-0472-01|From the ages of three to five she lived with and had been sexually tortured by her grandmother and her uncle. +HIPS-0475-01|I never forgot. +HIPS-0478-00|Ronda felt that her children had been hurt enough already. +HIPS-0479-01|Her children endured hardships, and were comforted knowing that their mother loved them more than she loved herself. +HIPS-0479-04|Even in difficult times, they were secure knowing that she was determined to be there for them. +HIPS-0479-07|Her strength, bolstered by their compassion, gave them the strength they needed to do well in their lives. +HIPS-0481-00|My father first raped me when I was seven. +HIPS-0484-03|Death or life, it was for her to choose. +HIPS-0485-01|I had no idea whether I was coming back or not. +HIPS-0487-02|The adults who were supposed to protect her failed her. +HIPS-0490-00|Donna's exuberant, charming directness drew people to her, and her openness allowed others to comfort her. +HIPS-0491-00|Through the years, Donna worked with a caring nurse she called Mother Janie. +HIPS-0495-01|They must mature beyond the stage of complaint, beyond blaming the parents who hurt them. +HIPS-0497-01|No matter what our age, one day too soon death arrives in our lives. +HIPS-0498-02|Father. +HIPS-0498-08|Friend. +HIPS-0498-11|No matter how we fill in the blank, life shatters. +HIPS-0500-02|We hope our marriages stay intact to flourish into our seniority. +HIPS-0502|My heart is faint within. +HIPS-0506-00|Individual cultures decide when mourning becomes pathologic. +HIPS-0506-02|If mourning were to last a year for each child who died back then, people would have spent their entire lives in mourning. +HIPS-0507-06|Each year, on the anniversary week of the death, the Yahrzeit, the time of year, he stands before others and again recites the mourner's prayer. +HIPS-0508-01|In the living moment of memory, we resurrect the dead to comfort us. +HIPS-0508-02|Revisiting our memories of those we love fills our hearts, and in their memory we preserve ourselves. +HIPS-0512-03|As long as grief is unconsoled, the legacy of sorrow passes on through the generations. +HIPS-0513-02|The universe becomes darker, colder, and more frightening. +HIPS-0516-00|A parent's death redefines a child's life, and changes the definitions of his character. +HIPS-0523-00|A grieving parent who is too devastated to care for a child adds yet further injury. +HIPS-0525-01|Boys can father imperfectly like their fathers; girls can mother imperfectly like their mothers. +HIPS-0526-03|Peer socialization compensated for parental deprivation. +HIPS-0529-01|Why? +HIPS-0534-04|The ideal to emulate is all image: cool, nerveless, cold-blooded. +HIPS-0534-05|Like the soldiers who braved No Man's Land in World War one, many gang members die proving themselves men. +HIPS-0534-06|Prisons are filled with fatherless men; two-thirds of them have fathered children. +HIPS-0535-04|He pointed to each face, named each friend, and told me who he was, what he had been like, and what their relationship had been. +HIPS-0535-07|Though he was decades younger, there were only a few leaves left on Jerome's tree. +HIPS-0541-00|The child deprived of love after a parent's death may later assume an air of bitterness that protects him from getting hurt again. +HIPS-0544-01|The surviving parent defines the emotional world of the child and must sustain him until there are others to love him as well. +HIPS-0548-06|His drinking never interfered with his work, but it strained the marriage and was all too apparent to their three sons. +HIPS-0548-07|Harold had been distant and irritable when he was home until their oldest, eleven, began having trouble in school. +HIPS-0551-04|He respected his feelings and chose not to overcome them pharmacologically. +HIPS-0553-02|Until he could do that, however, Harold's wife and children had borne the loneliness that he defended himself against. +HIPS-0553-03|When he could no longer ignore their suffering, he undertook to endure his own pain for them. +HIPS-0553-06|In return, his children gave him love and respect. +HIPS-0559-00|Craig somehow survived his early loss and managed to raise himself to be a good, loving adult who was close to his family. +HIPS-0562-00|At a bereavement conference, I met Joanne, a slender woman who appeared younger than her forty-six years. +HIPS-0562-02|She spoke of her longing, her search for something to help with a grief that never went away. +HIPS-0562-03|Her mother had died of a heart attack at fifty-one, having never been sick before. +HIPS-0562-04|Her father died six months later. +HIPS-0563-06|I didn't want to hurt her, but I stayed with my girlfriend and her mother until I finished high school. +HIPS-0563-07|I got straight A's. +HIPS-0564-10|I have an especially hard time on the anniversary of my parents death. +HIPS-0565-00|I was impressed with Joanne's openness, balance, and wisdom. +HIPS-0569-01|Hearts break. +HIPS-0572-00|Jeff, for example, was twenty-six and depressed. +HIPS-0574-00|My parents didn't know how to have a relationship, either. +HIPS-0574-01|Dad's mom also divorced three times, and Mom's parents were alcoholic. +HIPS-0574-05|I moved in with my dad to start high school. +HIPS-0574-10|I've worked at crummy jobs ever since. +HIPS-0575-02|Like Jeff, she had endured a broken home and like Jeff, had to rise above her unhappiness. +HIPS-0576-01|The crisis demands change and presents an opportunity for grappling with and healing childhood wounds. +HIPS-0576-04|When Jeff could no longer make her feel better, Betty abandoned the relationship without giving it a chance. +HIPS-0578-09|When she left him, his already fragile trust in the possibility of having a good relationship was broken. +HIPS-0579-01|They feel that the future contains buried land mines, invisible to the naked eye but deadly nonetheless. +HIPS-0580-02|Searching for flaws, the children find what they are looking for. +HIPS-0582-00|Parents going through a divorce are not at their best. +HIPS-0582-02|Each parent is afraid the other will fight to take the children away, or somehow hurt their relationship to their children. +HIPS-0583-00|Genes urge parents to kill or die for their children. +HIPS-0583-02|When the relationship to a child is in danger, nothing else matters. +HIPS-0583-04|Judgment clouds over with passions that have gone over the edge. +HIPS-0584-02|Unspoken and unacknowledged, each parent also fears there may be some truth to the other parent's portrayal. +HIPS-0587-09|I'm finally getting close to my parents again, but I wonder whether I'll ever be able to settle down. +HIPS-0590-01|They try to hold on to stability while their parents are in flux. +HIPS-0596-02|I played with them and talked and listened to them while their mother spoke with the child psychiatrist. +HIPS-0596-05|I only saw an overburdened, tense-looking woman on welfare struggling to raise her two children without any other support. +HIPS-0599-01|Everything had already been arranged. +HIPS-0599-02|The mother kneeled to her sons, looked them in the eye, and told them she would never see them again. +HIPS-0606-07|Their restored relationship was a joyous discovery that made all their lives fuller. +HIPS-0607-03|Hugh spared his children the anguish he had endured. +HIPS-0609-01|Unlike suicides children, they do not fear a lethal trapdoor within. +HIPS-0619-03|Drunk, despairing, and unable to work, his father had talked of suicide for weeks. +HIPS-0619-07|He knew I could take it better than any of the others. +HIPS-0619-09|He stuck the gun in his eyeball. +HIPS-0620-00|In the years that followed, Eric both worked and drank in a fury until his wife left with the children. +HIPS-0622-00|We do not usually move to comfort the strong, even when they are ready to crack and fall over. +HIPS-0622-01|The alcohol that helped him appear strong relieved Eric of having to express the vulnerability he felt when sober. +HIPS-0625-00|In the hospital psychiatric unit, on the top of a pile of pink message slips, I found a note stating, Maureen killed herself. +HIPS-0626-00|We had worked together years before and I had not seen her since. +HIPS-0626-01|Maureen. +HIPS-0628-04|But in responding more to her embarrassment than her grief, I misunderstood. +HIPS-0629-01|In the last months of her life, she had become increasingly withdrawn, but no one had understood what it meant. +HIPS-0629-02|The atmosphere at the funeral was thick with grief, guilt, and anger. +HIPS-0629-03|Her husband, friends, and everyone else in the room were stunned. +HIPS-0634-02|Margaret had been six when her mother had run off with a boyfriend and eight when she returned. +HIPS-0634-06|Michael's birth was a joy, she had a newborn to nurse, and she staunchly maintained that her mother's death did not affect her much. +HIPS-0639-01|A grandparent is most often our first close relative to die. +HIPS-0642-03|Try as we might, we are still unprepared for the silence left after love's last goodbye. +HIPS-0644-01|After the shock, our lives are in disarray, our minds are confused, our hearts broken. +HIPS-0644-04|Fear settles. +HIPS-0644-07|Emptiness starts being filled. +HIPS-0644-09|But for a long time, a startle of lucid memory will pierce consciousness with the edge of grief still keen. +HIPS-0647-06|To protect ourselves from the damaging intensity of our own response, we become depressed. +HIPS-0648-02|The parents stress activates the child's nervous system to forewarn the child of a danger he has never encountered before. +HIPS-0648-03|A child can learn to fear a hot stove without having to be injured by it first. +HIPS-0650-00|Many adult children whose parents lived through the Depression feel alienated from them. +HIPS-0654-00|At age twenty, with a one-year-old son at home, Lena was brutally raped at gunpoint. +HIPS-0655-00|Both of Lena's children attribute their fearfulness to their mother's rape. +HIPS-0665-04|Looking at her child with both love and sorrow, she either expresses her tears or holds them in. +HIPS-0666-01|The effects may be invisible. +HIPS-0670-00|We would like to wave a magic wand so the young, grieving widow would accept her loss, grieve, get over it, and go on. +HIPS-0670-03|He must accept that he may suffer in comparison. +HIPS-0670-04|An aging, heavy Marlon Brando can never romantically compete with a young, shining James Dean. +HIPS-0681-01|An only child, his feelings of emptiness extended to his earliest memories. +HIPS-0681-03|He only felt alive when drunk or playing music. +HIPS-0682-03|Richard knew little about his parents lives before he was born. +HIPS-0694-01|A child's first step in learning to walk is a triumph. +HIPS-0695-03|The process also works in reverse: achieving mastery can undo the neurochemistry of depression. +HIPS-0696-02|Our belief in what we are able to do determines what we are willing to try. +HIPS-0699-00|Looking for an emotional point of contact, I asked when he had come to this country. +HIPS-0699-03|Everyone else in the family was killed. +HIPS-0703-00|If learning is the work of childhood and youth, mastery and growth are at their most intense and deliberate in adolescence. +HIPS-0710-01|By acting out and provoking a response, teens get their parents to express one side of their inner conflict. +HIPS-0710-04|Teenagers can preserve courage despite their mix of emotions by getting their parents to express their fears for them. +HIPS-0712-02|Parents naturally want to keep their teenage children safe from the dangers of the world. +HIPS-0712-03|Occasionally, family necessity may require some curtailment of a teenager's freedom. +HIPS-0712-04|But confining an adolescent too severely can leave a lasting wound. +HIPS-0719-02|After the birth of her first child, Janice became depressed and had violent suicidal fantasies. +HIPS-0720-00|Unfairly confining an adolescent is a prescription for enduring hostility. +HIPS-0722-00|Janice longed for the freedom she had never had and therefore never learned to use. +HIPS-0728-01|Their injuries consciously or unconsciously determine how we act, love, and raise our children. +HIPS-0729-05|Each reenactment offers a triumph that encourages us to repeat it again in various aspects of our lives. +HIPS-0734-00|Helpless and ill as a child, doctor Schweitzer dedicated his adult life to triumphing over pain and anguish. +HIPS-0734-04|He seemed to reenact his helpless despair with one patient after another. +HIPS-0736-01|For example, Maggie, a very genteel Scotswoman, had adored and been hurt by her alcoholic father. +HIPS-0736-05|But it was the hardest thing she had ever done, and she learned how difficult and costly it was for her to achieve. +HIPS-0736-07|In finally understanding what her father endured, Maggie could grieve for him as she had not been able to do as a child. +HIPS-0737-00|The unconscious reenactment of old feelings in new situations can choreograph a person's future. +HIPS-0738-00|We also reenact childhood hurts in our relationships, hoping to do better, hoping to heal. +HIPS-0742-02|In the world of violence, pain is reenacted, externalized, and inflicted onto others. +HIPS-0744-00|Eddy's father had been a loved and respected man who did highly skilled, well-paid work. +HIPS-0750-00|Eddy's task was to master the trauma of two generations: his own and his father's. +HIPS-0751-00|Reenactments of our traumatic childhood situations are compelling. +HIPS-0752-02|Neurobiological reactions associated with the helplessness of early, traumatic experiences are especially keen. +HIPS-0755-01|Although we may feel that a parent's behavior provokes our reaction, we are still responsible for our own response. +HIPS-0757-01|Childhood feelings flooding rationality can overwhelm a mature response. +HIPS-0757-03|Parents often find themselves acting as their own parents once did, hurting their children the way their parents once hurt them. +HIPS-0758-05|Sharon, for instance, became more tolerant and understanding of her father after she herself had children. +HIPS-0759-04|Once, when I was eleven, we were at Coney Island. +HIPS-0759-10|My father was furious. +HIPS-0760-00|Last year, I was in the kitchen. +HIPS-0760-05|I started running out the back door when my neighbor came over with my daughter and said, Are you looking for this? +HIPS-0763-00|William loved his son but had loathed timidity ever since his father had condemned him for it years earlier. +HIPS-0768-03|Then she said: I'm sorry I was so late, Dad, but my friend was all alone and had been smoking marijuana all day. +HIPS-0771-01|Those who achieve it feel a spiritual triumph. +HIPS-0776-01|Otherwise we are helplessly driven by forces we neither understand nor challenge. +HIPS-0777-00|Many years ago, while staying with friends, I overheard their end of an intense and lengthy telephone conversation with their son. +HIPS-0778-01|His parents did not minimize the import of their son's experience. +HIPS-0778-04|The parents expected their son to be honest with himself, and the son could trust that he could be honest with them. +HIPS-0785-03|Or, why do I argue with my children so much? +HIPS-0786-00|Honestly answering Where are you? +HIPS-0786-07|We see our partner's shortcomings more easily than our own. +HIPS-0788-02|Resignation that arises from one's own disappointed needs pushes away rather than invites love later: Oh well, what can you do? +HIPS-0788-03|My wife's just rigid. +HIPS-0788-04|Or, this is just a minor annoyance. +HIPS-0789-00|Good relationships break or get stale from the accumulation of dishonest and hidden feelings over time. +HIPS-0793-02|She was frenetic in her attempts to have fun, and was always on the go, rarely stopping for breath. +HIPS-0810-02|The great majority of serious alcoholics and addicts were repetitively traumatized as children. +HIPS-0815-02|For a time, the addictions do seem to help people control their lives until the addictions themselves get out of control. +HIPS-0817-00|In the conflicts inherent in intimacy, addicts make no presumption of a partner's or a child's good faith. +HIPS-0822-01|A child who gets into trouble with the law, or who attempts suicide, forces the parent to deal with him. +HIPS-0824-00|Bulimics hide the honest emblem of obesity. +HIPS-0824-01|They may appear normal, but bulimic parents try to fill emptiness with food and control their weight with purging. +HIPS-0825-01|He found that virtually any altered state was better than the way he felt naturally. +HIPS-0828-00|My mother was bulimic. +HIPS-0831-00|At an early age, Frank may have been emotionally older than his mother. +HIPS-0831-01|A majority of bulimics were sexually abused as children, and nearly thirty percent were physically abused. +HIPS-0831-03|Active bulimics tend to feel sick, desperate, and out of control, often appearing nauseated before and after purging. +HIPS-0835-01|Gordon was sincerely asking, Where am I? +HIPS-0835-03|His marriage and his future depended on the quality of his answers, and Gordon needed help. +HIPS-0837-04|Should they rebel, their unguided, defiant teenage children may fall prey to the mistakes of their grandparents. +HIPS-0839-04|He never drank, however. +HIPS-0840-00|After moving to the West Coast, Samuel instinctively knew he needed someone to fill in for the father who had abandoned him. +HIPS-0842-01|Instead, he endured, he persevered, and he survived. +HIPS-0842-02|He transformed his wounds into the sensitivities that allowed him to become a good husband and a father. +HIPS-0844-00|Adults who grow up in troubled families often spend their lives posing and answering questions of Where are you? +HIPS-0844-01|But more than most, they need some guidance to help them make the good lives they long for. +HIPS-0847-03|If we were in Cain's shoes, we would also feel hurt and jealous. +HIPS-0847-04|Picture the scene: Cain toiling, tilling the earth; Abel in the quiet pastures tending his sheep. +HIPS-0847-06|Cain works hard, proudly bringing the fruits of his labors to God: fruit, bread, vegetables. +HIPS-0848-08|With Cain, God seems critical, demanding, cold, and intolerant of imperfection. +HIPS-0849-01|God holds to the standards necessary for Cain to overcome flaws in his character that would grow if left unchecked. +HIPS-0851-00|But Cain avoids looking at himself, refusing to see the self-centeredness that shuts out love, hurts him, and fuels his hatred. +HIPS-0851-01|Instead, he directs his hurt and fury toward a victim. +HIPS-0852-01|Like most hurt children, even adult children, Cain does not fight his feelings in order to see the adult's point of view. +HIPS-0854-03|Objectively, however, God spends far more time with Cain than with his brother. +HIPS-0858-01|When we keep secrets, the richness of life is lost to loneliness, and intimacy is lost to fear. +HIPS-0858-02|Alienated from ourselves, we preserve our pain throughout the time we hide. +HIPS-0862-00|I understood Aaron's father's impulse. +HIPS-0863-00|My children had already spent the morning at the museum, but because I felt overwhelmed, I wanted to protect them. +HIPS-0863-02|In the end, however, I took them into the room, they asked questions, and accepted the explanations we offered. +HIPS-0868-05|She must have lived with endless guilt. +HIPS-0869-00|As Ben told this story, the bewildered look of a little boy crossed his face, and his forehead furrowed with perplexity. +HIPS-0870-03|When we keep secrets, we bury a part of ourselves in a desolate place where no comfort can reach. +HIPS-0872-04|Adam, secretly mistrusting her, did not openly challenge Eve with his doubts. +HIPS-0875-06|The paradox is that what is truly strong and weak is the reverse of what feels strong and weak. +HIPS-0883-08|Seven months after I started using, I was arrested for robbing a convenience store. +HIPS-0883-09|When I was arrested, I was more afraid of Helen's reaction than prison. +HIPS-0883-11|No anger, guilt trips, demands, accusations. +HIPS-0884-02|In close relationships, Terry anticipated being hurt and rejected for his failures. +HIPS-0884-05|Terry lived in reply to his fear and not to Where are you? +HIPS-0884-07|Four years later, while Terry was still in prison, Helen died of cancer. +HIPS-0886-02|Jean, who had been in an abusive relationship for fifteen years, despaired even after her life got better. +HIPS-0887-00|Two years after Jean divorced her first husband, she married a kind, gentle man. +HIPS-0887-01|But later she became depressed after she realized that she still loved her first husband. +HIPS-0892-00|In telling her husband, Jean gained a sympathetic witness for the grief of her prior relationship. +HIPS-0894-00|Children learn whether or not it is safe to be emotionally honest by watching their parents relate to one another. +HIPS-0894-02|For a time, the adult child may become too distrustful of his feelings to answer Where are you? +HIPS-0894-03|This was the case for Charles. +HIPS-0895-00|Charles's world of the past thirteen years collapsed after his wife left him. +HIPS-0900-06|Growing up with secrets, Charles accepted Marilyn's silence and did not think to challenge it. +HIPS-0901-00|His mother had attempted to protect Charles from the hurt she felt from her sense of his father's betrayal. +HIPS-0902-05|When his mother told him of his father's infidelity, Charles finally understood his life and he understood his mother. +HIPS-0904-04|The partnership is over, even if it persists superficially. +HIPS-0907-02|The child is left to hide the shame, weakness, and vulnerability that he feels in comparing himself to his father. +HIPS-0909|A married couple is like two rough stones that take years to grind each other smooth. +HIPS-0911-00|Arguments between partners, although uncomfortable, can be rich opportunities for healing deep childhood wounds. +HIPS-0915-00|Pain triggered from the past seems abusive to the partner who stands wrongly accused of having evoked it. +HIPS-0918-05|In the romance of new love, we experience a fleeting reminder of those early glorious times. +HIPS-0919-03|In ever further excursions, we explore the world. +HIPS-0920-00|When we leave home, the arms that clung to our parents in childhood become empty, and we seek love again. +HIPS-0920-04|As we make our first discoveries about a new potential mate, a special glow seems to encompass the world. +HIPS-0923-01|Two years after Sandra and John had married, for example, Sandra described an incident that led to their worst blowup: +HIPS-0924-00|John accidentally broke my favorite chair when he stood on it to change a lightbulb, and then he didn't tell me. +HIPS-0924-03|He's so careless with my things. +HIPS-0924-05|I was furious. +HIPS-0924-06|He apologized, but I don't think that's really going to change anything. +HIPS-0924-10|At least he had the decency to be ashamed. +HIPS-0928-00|When Sandra became upset, her physiological responses were the intensified ones of an abused child. +HIPS-0928-02|The story she told herself may have been true for Sandra's father, but John was anything but self-centered. +HIPS-0928-04|Sandra overreacted about the broken chair, but she was right to be upset about John's having hidden the accident from her. +HIPS-0929-02|But as in the story of Adam and Eve, that avoidance was the beginning of a mistrust between them. +HIPS-0931-00|A wise colleague once said, a couple has four sets of grandparents. +HIPS-0931-01|If you had them all to dinner, they wouldn't all get along and wouldn't like the same things. +HIPS-0931-05|The hurts of several lifetimes are exposed to hurt again and again. +HIPS-0932-03|One partner hurts the other, the hurt one retaliates, and the fighting continues until there is either resolution or withdrawal. +HIPS-0940-03|Like his first wife, she was intellectual, sweet, kind, and practical. +HIPS-0941-03|She was sure that once Don knew and understood her, he would get over the hurt from Sue's betrayal and be able to trust her. +HIPS-0942-01|Don feared he would be lonely in the relationship; Sally feared she would be swallowed up in it. +HIPS-0942-08|And searched for the truth. +HIPS-0944-01|But it is the aspects of ourselves that we least recognize that most hurt the ones we love. +HIPS-0952-02|This is not unusual: in the heat of emotion, we often do not realize when we are in a mood state belonging to the past. +HIPS-0953-00|After a time, their quarrels diminished in frequency and were resolved within hours or minutes rather than days. +HIPS-0954-03|In intimate relationships, we force each other to reach for higher levels of self-awareness. +HIPS-0956-02|Marriages die, however, if we do not take the time to infuse them with fresh perspective and experience. +HIPS-0957-01|It is hard to tell when a relationship is worth fighting for and when it is better for everyone concerned to let it go. +HIPS-0958-04|I put my arms around him and we held each other. +HIPS-0959-00|Too many couples break up just as they reach this point. +HIPS-0959-01|Declaring an end to the relationship causes their protective armor to drop. +HIPS-0960-01|We hurt others until we can put our hurt into words. +HIPS-0961-06|When I married Dan over her objections during our hippie years, she never forgave me for it. +HIPS-0961-07|I visit her, but she never visits us. +HIPS-0965-03|Her anger slowly abated, and she understood her complicity in her own humiliation. +HIPS-0967-02|The trap is that a partner's shortcomings are always very evident, while our own are hard to see. +HIPS-0974-05|To free themselves from the past, they had to contain their wounds, not pass them on to others. +HIPS-0979-02|She had this high-pitched, whiny voice that drove Mom crazy. +HIPS-0980-02|Mom must have felt bad at leaving us when we were little to take care of Grandma. +HIPS-0980-04|Her arthritis bothered her a lot in the last months. +HIPS-0982-01|The ordeals she faced were opportunities to heal the wounds of her childhood. +HIPS-0982-06|Pain endured in loneliness is far worse than pain that is comforted with love and kindness. +HIPS-0990-03|My therapist said that every time my father left on a business trip, my mother must have felt like an abandoned four-year-old. +HIPS-0991-02|She looked so small and frail, like a four-year-old. +HIPS-0995-00|Imagining a parent's experience despite mutual hostilities first burns and then humanizes us. +HIPS-0998-00|The hurt that parents have inside them often originates from the hurt their parents caused them. +HIPS-0998-01|Paradoxically, the parents who hurt their children are likely to be the ones who most need their children's kindness. +HIPS-0999|As Philip learned, this can be a hard lesson. +HIPS-1002-03|He treats her respectfully. +HIPS-1002-04|When he acts harshly, he is troubled and thinks his way through to the truth, apologizing when he realizes he has been wrong. +HIPS-1003-02|He is funny, playful, and brings them gifts. +HIPS-1004-03|If an adult expresses rage as did his elders, then his child learns the ways of his forebears by example. +HIPS-1005-03|This represents progress, however. +HIPS-1008-01|A father who yells all the time is considered controlling, authoritarian, irrational, infantile. +HIPS-1008-03|The children are unlikely to recognize what a great effort the parent had been making. +HIPS-1013-00|As we have seen, emotional development freezes when a person has been severely traumatized. +HIPS-1013-01|Philip needed to understand that, inside, his father was a frightened, hurt little boy determined not to batter his children. +HIPS-1018-00|As an adult, Philip continued to react badly, even though he knew that he had matured emotionally beyond his father. +HIPS-1020-01|He had grown up in a home that offered no shelter and no safety. +HIPS-1022-00|In college, during a period of intense emotional upheaval, Joseph called his mother, hoping for support and guidance. +HIPS-1023-03|When he risks exposing himself to his mother's harangues, Joseph is prepared to walk out or hang up the phone. +HIPS-1025-00|It is our triumph when we can honor a wounding parent. +HIPS-1027-01|He is patient, tolerant, and keeps his relationships clear of resentment or hostility. +HIPS-1027-03|He is sensitive and thoughtful, compassionate, kind, loyal, and forgiving. +HIPS-1031-01|Neither parent nor child can live at full strength so long as the relationship remains conflictual. +HIPS-1036-03|He severed his relationship with his mother; then, for a time, with his sister, for refusing to take sides. +HIPS-1036-04|Later, despite hearing about how depressed his mother had been, Randy felt too hurt to come to her. +HIPS-1036-06|After so many years of hostility, she, too, felt hurt and angry. +HIPS-1040-01|She made herself financially secure in a world that threatened her, but her only emotional attachment became her daughter. +HIPS-1042-01|And when her shoe fell to the floor, he bent down, quietly picked it up, handed it to her, and quietly said, That's enough. +HIPS-1042-02|He did not shame her, reproach her, or add to her pain. +HIPS-1042-04|Whatever harsh judgments he made about her, or hostility and resentment he felt toward her, he kept to himself. +HIPS-1044-02|As we practice adhering to the Fifth Commandment, we evolve to maturity. +HIPS-1045-01|Sadly, children are tortured, raped, exploited, humiliated, and degraded every day. +HIPS-1047-01|Lingering hostilities make even sincere tears feel hypocritical. +HIPS-1048-01|If, by contrast, we follow the discipline of the commandment, we heal. +HIPS-1049-01|Sometimes the key to another's heart is difficult to find and the meaning of honor is unclear. +HIPS-1050-02|Raya's mother encouraged her studies, however. +HIPS-1054-03|He was amused by her accent and helped her with her vocabulary. +HIPS-1054-04|As the two grew closer over her studies and her child, Raya felt a sweetness that she had not felt since she had been a little girl. +HIPS-1055-02|Their parents raise a foreigner; children grow up with parents from whom they feel estranged. +HIPS-1056-01|When Raya learned the Russian language, however, the dynamics of their relationship changed. +HIPS-1060-03|A parent hurt by the rejection of a child's negative judgment often feels too misunderstood to acknowledge hurtful actions. +HIPS-1061-02|But the respect an adult child gives a parent strengthens both of them, as well as the relationship between them. +HIPS-1064-00|With encouragement, Barbara started to hold her anger in check. +HIPS-1064-01|Even when provoked, she behaved respectfully toward her father, and then later sorted through her feelings. +HIPS-1064-02|Barbara refashioned her responses toward him and, in turn, her father softened toward her. +HIPS-1064-03|In time, Barbara got to know him better and understand him better even though he rarely talked about his life. +HIPS-1065-01|Heads held high, eyes shining, they communicated the richness of a lifetime of love, conflict, and proud reconciliation. +HIPS-1066-00|Barbara's father grew up hurt in a hurt family. +HIPS-1066-01|He left that home with bad feelings and a limited defensive arsenal to protect him emotionally. +HIPS-1066-02|His macho impenetrability concealed a sensitivity of which he felt ashamed. +HIPS-1066-04|Until his second marriage, Barbara's father had been rejected in every intimate relationship of his life. +HIPS-1067-00|An emotionally reactive adult child can further wound a parent who is already emotionally crippled. +HIPS-1068-03|Unable to see her father in ordinary human terms, Barbara did not see him at all. +HIPS-1068-04|Blind and hurtful to her father's tender feelings, Barbara also developed a blind spot in relationship with other men. +HIPS-1070-01|But Barbara's deliberate and respectful tenderness allowed her father the consolation he needed to mature and love back. +HIPS-1077-04|The emotional remnants of his grandfather's parting eventually became embedded within his father's childhood. +HIPS-1077-07|We need to know and understand our parents childhoods to understand them. +HIPS-1078-00|Requesting that parents talk about painful times is asking them to expose feelings they would most likely rather leave alone. +HIPS-1078-01|Adult children must ask the vulnerable to make themselves more vulnerable still. +HIPS-1080-00|It feels dangerous to bare one's soul in an atmosphere of antagonism. +HIPS-1082-02|Parents who feel guilt or shame also fear their revelations will diminish the love and respect that their children have for them. +HIPS-1083-03|We need to feel we will be understood and not have our revelations used against us. +HIPS-1084-00|It is hard to tell who is more vulnerable at times like these: children to their parents or parents to their children. +HIPS-1085-01|Adults are repeatedly surprised at how quickly they regress to childhood feelings when this happens. +HIPS-1085-02|Triggers to old hurt can quickly overwhelm mature expression, making it feel as if hard-won maturity were merely a veneer. +HIPS-1087-01|We have to respect our parents personal standards of integrity, guilt, or shame. +HIPS-1088-02|The commandment requires us to treat our parents respectfully no matter how we see them. +HIPS-1089-00|In striving to honor formerly hurtful parents, adult children transform their relationship with them. +HIPS-1089-01|Often, we must go against the grain of powerful feelings in order to move relationships beyond where they have been stuck for years. +HIPS-1094-03|Even if a parent does not yet venture new information, future talks might proceed from these preliminary inquiries. +HIPS-1096-04|But when my son was born, I thought, My dad must have once loved me like this. +HIPS-1096-05|So I went over to his house to show him his grandson. +HIPS-1098-02|The boy had been sentenced to a life of uncomforted grief, guilt, and nightmarish secrecy. +HIPS-1104-00|It was so out of character. +HIPS-1104-01|He had always blamed everyone else for his problems. +HIPS-1105-02|Questions might prod awake feelings of hurt, guilt, or shame that the parent would rather leave alone. +HIPS-1106-00|Anticipating a bad response, however, may also reflect the depth of an adult child's continued hostility or fear. +HIPS-1111-04|Saying I'm sorry I never understood how much I was hurting you is better than taking the attack personally. +HIPS-1111-07|Excusing himself thus may set the stage for later, more fruitful talks. +HIPS-1115-01|Often, a parent's story is there, right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. +HIPS-1116-00|This was the case for Susan, a woman in her thirties. +HIPS-1123-02|Though her mother still felt toxic to her, Susan was able to regard her more compassionately. +HIPS-1123-03|Susan herself became less angry, her face relaxed, and in return, the world responded to her more kindly. +HIPS-1124-02|A parent's life, however, must be imagined against the backdrop of their era. +HIPS-1124-03|Until a child imagines the times, even major historical events may seem hidden in plain sight. +HIPS-1126-06|It seemed like all he cared about was how it would look to his precious congregation. +HIPS-1127-02|I urged Robert to ask his father what it was like when he was growing up. +HIPS-1128-03|Afterwards, when my grandfather told my dad that he wasn't going to school anymore, they had a terrible fight. +HIPS-1135-00|Even before he learned more about the details of his father's life, Gary had begun to feel more sympathy for him. +HIPS-1136-03|So much of what we hear is obscure, hidden, or expressed in code. +HIPS-1136-05|Instead they speak in shorthand. +HIPS-1139-02|To the next generation, the days of their parent's youth are like the ancient history of Sparta and Athens. +ITAE-002-01|A child's imagination is no match for adults armed with good intentions. +ITAE-002-02|They convinced me that my sun was a blast furnace, my moon a cold, dead rock, and that the stars lay far beyond my reach. +ITAE-003-00|Ultimately, I embraced their faith in the majesty of science, and as converts often do, I became a fanatic. +ITAE-003-01|I earned a bachelor of science degree in biology, summa cum laude, and then a medical degree from Harvard. +ITAE-007-01|Have you ever hoped, ever dreamed, of something more than a job? +ITAE-008-03|We can show you where to find it and how to use it. +ITAE-009-01|In particular, I feared that those who heard me would dismiss the story of Kallimos as a fraud. +ITAE-011-00|Wanting to tell a story and knowing how the tale is best told are two different things. +ITAE-011-01|The people of Kallimos make it seem so easy. +ITAE-011-06|I even told of our first loves and heartbreaks. +ITAE-011-08|They do not explain what we have become. +ITAE-013-01|The life I now lead, the life I now know I was meant to have, began the moment I met Jude. +ITAE-015-02|I looked up and rubbed my eyes just as the elevator doors slid open. +ITAE-015-04|My first impression was of a striking combination of warmth, gentleness, and beauty. +ITAE-015-05|Long, chestnut brown hair fell down around her shoulders, and a silver necklace glittered against her forest green cotton dress. +ITAE-015-06|Her skin was soft, and I imagined, as smooth as fine velvet to the touch. +ITAE-016-01|I drank her in with my eyes and then looked away, too suddenly, like someone who knows he has been caught staring. +ITAE-017-01|I felt stifled by the library's clattering dull silence. +ITAE-017-08|Jude's eyes sparkled because of the light that was, and is, inside of her. +ITAE-018-01|Thinking it very warm all of a sudden, I went downstairs and out the front entrance to get some fresh air and collect my thoughts. +ITAE-018-03|When I returned, she was gone, and I cursed my lack of courage. +ITAE-019-05|In preparation, I selfishly scattered my belongings across the table so that no one else would be tempted to take her place. +ITAE-019-07|At first, my heart leapt every time the elevator doors rolled open, but for a long time she did not come. +ITAE-024-05|The Book was our distillation of tens of thousands of research articles, monographs, and literature reviews. +ITAE-024-07|I don't know how we could ever forget that date. +ITAE-025-02|Our tormenter was entombed, and we had just over three hours to spare. +ITAE-025-03|All I had to do was carry the boxed manuscript to our publisher's offices on West fifty seventh Street. +ITAE-026-02|The people in the apartment upstairs went through their morning ritual of floor-thumping and door-banging. +ITAE-026-03|Cars hissed like snakes as they slithered through the dirty slush. +ITAE-028-01|Now that the day was here, the idea of throwing a party seemed to require some kind of superhuman effort that I knew I did not have. +ITAE-031-01|I should have been honored. +ITAE-036-02|It's just what we need. +ITAE-041-00|I loved our life at sea and, even more, that I loved Jude. +ITAE-042-01|Now the sun, water, and wind were washing away the grime that life and work in the city had deposited on us. +ITAE-042-02|I watched Jude at the helm, standing straight and tall, and handling the boat with a lighter hand than mine. +ITAE-042-05|I lifted my gaze to an azure sky, and a menagerie of cloud creatures. +ITAE-044-00|The morning we were to arrive in Montserrat, we were up with the sun. +ITAE-044-03|We were sure we would make landfall by late afternoon. +ITAE-044-06|Jude said with a laugh that our little sloop had a magnetic attraction to Montserrat. +ITAE-045-03|I remember the awe I felt at this evidence of the volcano's ability to create and destroy. +ITAE-046|From this point on I must rely upon my journal to tell our story. +ITAE-047-02|Disaster, catastrophe, affliction, these things are visited upon other people. +ITAE-048-00|Jude and I seethe with anger at this turn of fate, yet we dare not raise our voices above a whisper. +ITAE-050-00|Our ordeal began as we settled our sloop for the night in the shadow of Montserrat's stone giant. +ITAE-050-01|Jude had gone below deck to prepare supper. +ITAE-051-03|We stood stock-still, the way an animal does when it catches the scent of danger. +ITAE-053-00|I waded to Jude's side, and put her arm around my neck just as the third and most powerful shock ripped our sturdy little boat in two. +ITAE-053-01|The hull shrieked as it exploded around us. +ITAE-053-02|A blast of water from what had been the ceiling wrenched Jude's arm from my grip. +ITAE-055-01|As I slid downward in the icy black water I thought of Jude. +ITAE-056-04|The next breaker dashed us against a huge rock that lay near the shore. +ITAE-057-00|Finally, a wave carried us far enough onto the shore that we were able to escape the pounding surf. +ITAE-058-03|We lay huddled in a warm bed that was round, smooth, and soft with a cupped center like a bird's nest. +ITAE-058-05|I rubbed my hand against my face. +ITAE-071-00|Girding myself for the effort ahead, I shimmied to the side of the bed. +ITAE-071-03|I sat up, turned, and put my feet on the floor. +ITAE-071-04|When I stood up, the bed rocked gently back to its neutral position. +ITAE-072-02|Given my growing sense of urgency, I figured it was one. +ITAE-077-00|Standing like attendants around our bed were four large rose-colored urns. +ITAE-077-01|About three feet high, they tapered gently from the mouth to the base. +ITAE-077-02|A riot of flowers and herbs issued forth from each, filling the room with the subtle yet distinctive aroma of life and growth. +ITAE-079-00|The walls, by comparison, were rather plain. +ITAE-079-04|They enclosed a single room that was quite small, probably no more than sixteen feet square. +ITAE-083-00|We lay back, tired from the effort of sitting up. +ITAE-083-01|We could hear voices outside the room. +ITAE-083-04|There seemed to be the tinkle of wooden wind chimes in the breeze, adding their tones to those of the birds we could hear singing. +ITAE-084-01|We wondered, but dared not ask each other, who these people were and what they would do with us. +ITAE-085-03|Together, we leaned forward and, using each other for support, brought ourselves to a standing position. +ITAE-086-02|This time, she brought a tray loaded with dishes of steaming food and two teapots. +ITAE-086-05|We wolfed down mouthful after mouthful of the delicious offerings, and when our plates were empty, she refilled them. +ITAE-090-01|The woman understood our fatigue and gently helped us back to bed. +ITAE-092-00|Strength is creeping slowly back into our muscles and our spirits. +ITAE-092-02|The craftsmanship that surrounds us speaks of the generations of artisans who have set their hands to work here. +ITAE-092-08|I can only imagine their joy when they learn that we are safe. +ITAE-093-02|We have enjoyed the food and, with her urging, continue to drink her distasteful tea. +ITAE-094-01|We told her about Montserrat's vengeful volcano. +ITAE-094-02|She shuddered visibly as we gave our account of being sucked from the ship's broken hull. +ITAE-095-04|I came here just as you did, but a very long time ago. +ITAE-097-07|I, like you, came here from the Other World. +ITAE-102-01|I jabbed my finger toward her face. +ITAE-104-05|If you value your life, you will take us to the United States embassy and you will take us there now! +ITAE-113-02|The green is perhaps a hundred yards long and, at its widest point, maybe fifty yards across. +ITAE-115-00|Hannah then put her arms around our waists and whispered that we should walk with her to the center of the green. +ITAE-115-07|Words of welcome, which we did not understand, followed quickly. +ITAE-115-08|Children, who had hidden behind their mothers, peeked out at us. +ITAE-119-01|With simple gestures and nods, they invited us to eat our first meal in their company. +ITAE-122-01|In fact, so far, I have found no reason to doubt Hannah's assertion that we are stranded here forever. +ITAE-125-02|Far to the south and east, are the Pal-chin mountains. +ITAE-127-06|We, at least, have each other. +ITAE-131-01|We stepped onto the porch, knocked on her door, and were greeted with a smile as Hannah swung the door open. +ITAE-133-01|After a long moment, she shook her head and lifted her gaze, ready for a new topic. +ITAE-133-03|She taught me the names of all the herbs and flowers that grow in our forests and meadows. +ITAE-137-04|Haleigh tends the village garden and did so even before Hannah's arrival. +ITAE-144-01|You seem to understand so many little things but none of the big things. +ITAE-147-01|Our minds raced through the research we had read. +ITAE-159-01|What are they for? +ITAE-161-01|We had always taken the presence of older adults for granted. +ITAE-161-02|It was all about demographics, populations curves, birth, longevity and death rates interacting over time. +ITAE-164-00|We considered Hannah's words carefully. +ITAE-167-00|Hannah chose her words carefully. +ITAE-181-03|Once inside our cottage, I lit a candle and pulled out my journal. +ITAE-182|I slammed my journal down on the bench. +ITAE-189-02|The sound of my name carried easily across the crisp air of the autumn afternoon. +ITAE-190-01|I closed my eyes and, for the thousandth time, relived the shipwreck. +ITAE-190-03|My body has healed, but the gash this experience has torn in my life remains an open wound. +ITAE-192-00|We have mastered perhaps a half dozen phrases of the people's language, so we can now exchange pleasantries with those we meet. +ITAE-192-03|Everything we have seen and heard tells us that these are kind-hearted people who reckon time in moons and seasons rather than days. +ITAE-210-00|Lost in her own thoughts, Jude didn't answer. +ITAE-213-00|The role of children remains somewhat puzzling. +ITAE-213-02|We naturally think of childhood as a time in which the young are shielded from the rough and tumble of adult life. +ITAE-213-05|The young play, work, laugh, learn, and sing along with the rest of the people. +ITAE-221-03|You've been here for so long that you've lost your sense of perspective. +ITAE-222-02|This village has barely made it out of the stone age, and everything about this place is dull and stunted. +ITAE-222-03|At home, I have thousands of life-saving drugs at my disposal; you have to make do with thousands of roots and leaves. +ITAE-222-06|With that, Jude grabbed my arm and shot me a look that said, stop. +ITAE-225-05|Though they are often tempted to forget it, human beings are much like these flowers. +ITAE-230-00|Eager to make up for my earlier harsh words, I jumped right in. +ITAE-237-01|All I could think was that I had graduated from Harvard, and these people saw me as a potential goatherd. +ITAE-238-01|My dear, Haleigh needs an extra pair of hands in the village garden, and we think you would do quite well there. +ITAE-242-03|I'm not sure I understand it enough to put it into words just now. +ITAE-243-03|I have become the people's goatherd and, for the first time in my life, I know contentment. +ITAE-244-02|Given my earlier outbursts on the backwardness of Kallimos, I was sure this was her revenge. +ITAE-244-05|Her loving counsel finally convinced me to stow my paranoia and assume the role assigned to me. +ITAE-245-00|Was there ever a recruit more raw? +ITAE-246-02|A watchful eye is necessary, she said, to ensure that they all return safely to the barn. +ITAE-246-08|Once the barn is reached, he whistles for the children and elders who assist with the milking. +ITAE-251-01|Trust me this once. +ITAE-252-04|There were Hildy and Martha, who always seemed to forget where they were and wandered near the edge of a gorge. +ITAE-252-06|There was Susie, who would nudge and nuzzle me when I sat down for lunch. +ITAE-252-08|I pointed out how their coats glowed, and I bragged about their milk production. +ITAE-256-01|So am I, but I think that the path has grown steeper since the last time I climbed it. +ITAE-257-04|Which is more beautiful, earth or sky? +ITAE-258-01|I really understand how much pain loneliness can cause. +ITAE-268-02|Without relationships, there can be no companionship. +ITAE-272-00|Hannah agreed but, as usual, phrased the thought in a more elegant way. +ITAE-278-03|They had wandered near the edge of the gorge. +ITAE-278-05|When I returned, Hannah looked at me sadly. +ITAE-281-01|I watched her as she disappeared down the footpath. +ITAE-281-02|Then I returned to my goats. +ITAE-289-01|She grabbed my hands and turned them palm up. +ITAE-295-00|Within five minutes of our initial meeting, Haleigh had marched me to the bean patch and set me to work weeding. +ITAE-297-03|Her laughter was as full-bodied and rich as her fury. +ITAE-297-04|The guffaw seemed to rise from her toes. +ITAE-297-05|Her body rocked with gales of laughter, and tears came to her eyes. +ITAE-297-07|She led me to her cottage and, recognizing how tired I was, made a place for me to lie down. +ITAE-301-00|She busied herself making tea and then invited me to sit on the porch with her. +ITAE-303-06|When you watch the tasks being done from the shady comfort of your front porch, they look easy enough. +ITAE-304-01|The work varies but the routine is constant, because it's no fun to get behind and have to be out in the midday sun. +ITAE-305-00|Haleigh insists that neither plants nor people should be fooled with during the heat of the day. +ITAE-305-05|That's because I am with Haleigh all day long and he is with his goats. +ITAE-306-02|There may be no supporting research to back it up, but with results like hers, who cares? +ITAE-308-00|This is my first chance to get back to my journal since Jude's entry. +ITAE-308-07|These are hard times. +ITAE-314-00|I did so but kept my eye on Haleigh; the hotter it got, the further she drooped. +ITAE-320-02|I was here tending this garden before your grandparents were born. +ITAE-320-06|You might as well tear out my heart as ask me to leave it when it needs me. +ITAE-322-03|Is that what you want? +ITAE-323-02|She took them and, sputtering and grumbling, trudged away from me. +ITAE-324-01|She spoke to me in the soft, mocking, singsong voice that every child knows. +ITAE-342-08|It was Jude. +ITAE-345-00|Haleigh rocked gently back and forth in the woven chair that hung from the porch ceiling. +ITAE-345-01|She took a sip from the brown mug she cradled in her hands and began her story. +ITAE-346-03|The Moon was the elder of the sisters, and like the hair of the Elders of the People, she shone with the dazzling brilliance of silver. +ITAE-347-04|Their tears filled the seas, the lakes, and the rivers. +ITAE-347-05|Even to this day, the Sun mourns the Earth's grim fate. +ITAE-347-06|The tears she sheds make the rain that falls upon our heads. +ITAE-348-04|Together, they held the darkness at bay. +ITAE-350-03|My light is silver, yours is gold, but the love I feel for our dear sister gives me strength. +ITAE-350-05|Those brave words failed to reassure the Sun, and her anxiety grew with the passing of the ages. +ITAE-350-08|The Moon quenched her fires, and darkness fell for the first time upon the face of the Earth. +ITAE-351-03|Still, she endured. +ITAE-352-01|The Sun called to her once, but she did not answer. +ITAE-353-05|Despite the Sun's desperate pleas, the Moon fell silent and was never heard from again. +ITAE-353-07|The Sun is recalling this great disgrace. +ITAE-354-01|During the day, she pours her light and heat down upon her little sister, the Earth. +ITAE-357-04|I decided to stop at the barn to check the goats water, so Jude headed home alone. +ITAE-364-00|I'm staying at the barn tonight. +ITAE-364-03|Looking out the window, I watched her as she approached the barn, accompanied only by her silent moon shadow. +ITAE-364-09|Then we sat side by side on the floor of the barn and talked. +ITAE-365-03|We struggled to understand how something that had seemed so bright, smart, and true could now seem so terribly wrong. +ITAE-375-02|Everyone else was willing to let her decide what she needed. +ITAE-382-05|Now I saw that I was alone in expecting her to surrender her freedom. +ITAE-383-01|People there have far too little understanding of the ways that giving care can bring strength and satisfaction into one's life. +ITAE-383-05|Like everything else in this world, these things can be done well or poorly. +ITAE-384-00|I, making a promise to myself, that I will be more diligent in my journal keeping. +ITAE-385-02|For the first time since our arrival in Kallimos, however, our day was followed by a long, strange, exhilarating night. +ITAE-386-01|The morning was cool with a gentle, northerly breeze. +ITAE-386-04|We ate a light meal, sat on the porch, and visited with the neighbors. +ITAE-390-00|By this time, a commotion outside our door had replaced the usual late evening calm. +ITAE-394-03|Men, women, and children, all on their hands and knees, huddled inside the torches shimmering pools of light. +ITAE-394-04|With their bare hands, they were carefully opening freshly turned mounds of sand. +ITAE-397-00|She put her hands on her hips and looked like she was about to explode, but then hesitated. +ITAE-397-04|The wise take only one egg from each nest, and always choose the smallest of those they find. +ITAE-397-05|The stories say that the turtles have been coming since long before our ancestors became part of this world. +ITAE-400-02|The gray light that comes before the dawn had just broken over the mountains when we returned to the village and our beds. +ITAE-401-01|The first night, everyone was tired and went to bed early. +ITAE-403-02|Sure, we were injured and exhausted when we first arrived on Kallimos, but other than that, why wouldn't she be proud of us? +ITAE-411-00|I looked at Jude. +ITAE-411-02|If we had washed up on a shore far from the village, we would have died of anger and fear, not hunger and thirst. +ITAE-414-00|The lives Jude and I lead here are as heavily spiced as the food we eat. +ITAE-414-01|The rigid, controlled existence we knew is slipping away, and we are glad to let it go. +ITAE-414-04|In the Other World, I listened to recordings of professional musicians and felt ashamed at my lack of talent. +ITAE-415-06|Instead, the night and the days that followed were infused with the spirit of life, love, and laughter. +ITAE-415-07|Jude and I dug turtle nests with an old woman and a young boy, and we were glad for their company. +ITAE-416-02|They have given us milk through the spring and summer, but now this is their time. +ITAE-416-03|They will spend the winter in the barn, give birth in the spring, and again treat us to their milk. +ITAE-416-04|So it goes, round and round. +ITAE-417-00|I miss Bill, and somehow recording the day's events in his journal makes him seem closer. +ITAE-417-03|Mostly, we talk about little things. +ITAE-421-04|She noticed that I was missing from the circle and searched for me with her eyes. +ITAE-425-05|What did he eat? +ITAE-427-01|His name was Samuel. +ITAE-427-03|While others sought Caleb to find the solution to a problem, Samuel wished to become Caleb's student. +ITAE-427-05|He wanted to learn his secrets, his truths, and his wisdom. +ITAE-431-01|This sudden departure surprised Samuel. +ITAE-431-04|Samuel took one last look at his belongings, shrugged his shoulders, and started down the path in pursuit of Caleb. +ITAE-432-05|Days and sometimes weeks would go by without a single word passing from Caleb's lips. +ITAE-432-08|They whetted his appetite for knowledge and wisdom. +ITAE-433-05|What is he waiting for? +ITAE-434-03|I have been gentle and patient, but now my heart is full of anger. +ITAE-441-00|The question again puzzled Samuel. +ITAE-445-01|Yes, now the basket is full! +ITAE-447-03|Samuel started to interrupt, but Caleb would not allow it. +ITAE-449-02|I am sorry. +ITAE-453-00|On my way home from the garden, I took a path that wound through the village and the forest. +ITAE-455-02|When human beings have enough food to lose their fear of hunger, they divide into two camps. +ITAE-455-04|In the Other World, Bill and I had enough food, or great events, in our lives. +ITAE-455-08|We could just as easily have filled them with drugs, alcohol, television, gambling, exercise, or shopping, as others have. +ITAE-456-01|People there have lost touch with joy. +ITAE-456-03|We settle for counterfeits, fakes, because they are quickly purchased and briefly filling. +ITAE-459-01|It made the shipwreck seem like a swim in a pond. +ITAE-460-03|I was more than halfway back to the barn in the late afternoon when I heard a child calling to me. +ITAE-468-01|A hand touched my arm gently. +ITAE-473-05|I continued my pleadings, albeit at a lower volume. +ITAE-473-08|Spare nothing. +ITAE-474-02|This is one of those times. +ITAE-479-01|I made a raft of far-reaching promises and improbable bargains. +ITAE-481-00|With that simple permission, I poured out my soul to Jude. +ITAE-483-01|My heart leapt into my throat. +ITAE-483-09|They filled the room with their perfume. +ITAE-483-13|Jude's eyelids fluttered and then opened. +ITAE-486-00|I felt Jude squeeze my hand softly, once then twice. +ITAE-487-01|Haleigh, Hannah, and I took turns nursing her. +ITAE-488-02|You have told me that you spent many years studying to be a physician. +ITAE-488-03|You seem justly proud of your hard work, which I can understand. +ITAE-491-01|When she returned, she settled herself into her chair in such a way that I knew a story was coming. +ITAE-495-01|He searched frantically for his supplies and his camel. +ITAE-495-05|He scrambled up the nearest dune and surveyed his surroundings, but all he saw was a boundless ocean of sand. +ITAE-495-10|His stomach pinched with hunger, but there was no food. +ITAE-500-01|Now drink; drink more, for surely you've not taken enough. +ITAE-504-06|When he was finished, Kahlid returned to the Oasis. +ITAE-505-01|Hannah was right; I had been trained to see my work just as Kahlid the Kind saw his. +ITAE-505-08|The pills, potions, and therapies we had been trained in worked. +ITAE-508-06|There are just three kinds of people in the village: children, adults, and elders. +ITAE-508-07|As soon as they are able to walk and speak, children are woven directly into the fabric of life. +ITAE-508-08|They work, play, sing, and laugh. +ITAE-508-09|Whether in the garden, in the goat barn, or at the loom, all children have chores for which they are responsible. +ITAE-509-04|Now I sing while I work. +ITAE-510-02|In the Other World, the elderly often feel overwhelmed and afraid of the people and things that surround them. +ITAE-511-02|After all, losing one's memory is the result of chronic, irreversible brain damage. +ITAE-511-04|The people here believe that what we call dementia is a cleansing or a purification. +ITAE-514-06|First, the people of Kallimos have no king, royalty, or ruling elite. +ITAE-514-08|Second, donning camouflage and sneaking around in the dark is unlike everyone here. +ITAE-517-03|In the Other World, science always has some new breakthrough that shows we are completely wrong about what we think we know. +ITAE-517-04|Then, just when we come to accept the new breakthrough, it is itself disproven. +ITAE-519-01|When his mother and father first heard his lusty cry, they knew that he would grow into a powerful man. +ITAE-520-03|Then, with his men and their weapons by his side, he marched against The People. +ITAE-530-03|The People shuddered when they heard this. +ITAE-534-04|Burdened by her years, she did not look up when they entered. +ITAE-535-01|Finally, she spoke, her voice barely more than a whisper. +ITAE-535-04|When the harvest comes, give to Eon what he has demanded and keep for yourselves what he has bid you to keep. +ITAE-539-01|When the harvest was in, cart after heaping cart of tangled, dirty vegetable roots were delivered to Eon and his young soldiers. +ITAE-542-08|When the sun warms the Earth and it is time to plant your crops, sow only corn in your gardens. +ITAE-543-00|When the harvest was in, cart after heaping cart of brown, withered cornstalks were delivered to Eon and his young soldiers. +ITAE-543-01|Meanwhile, The People filled their own cellars with the ripe ears that were the bounty of the harvest. +ITAE-543-03|The cruel king had seen the cornstalks rolling toward his camp and understood the fate that awaited him. +ITAE-548-01|They collected into an angry mob and, hungry for revenge, marched on the palace. +ITAE-548-06|They were fools, but who among you has not played the fool? +ITAE-548-09|Emma silenced them with her loud, clear voice. +ITAE-550-07|Show them the wisdom of the Village and the foolishness of kings. +ITAE-554-00|Hannah's words moved me to make a confession. +ITAE-559-00|Hannah's face broke into a mischievous grin. +ITAE-567-03|The people of the village rarely travel, and Haleigh makes this trip just once a year. +ITAE-567-05|I have urged Jude to take my journal so she can describe the sights. +ITAE-568-03|I spoke at length with Hannah this morning about my concerns. +ITAE-570-02|Just eleven days have gone by since we set out on our journey, but it seems like a lifetime. +ITAE-570-08|The farther it goes, though, the narrower and steeper it becomes. +ITAE-573-00|Out of nowhere it seemed, Haleigh brought forth from the wilderness the ingredients for a delicious pot of soup. +ITAE-575-01|Then, with a long, low groan, she pulled herself up from her place and started down the path, walking away from Shah-pan. +ITAE-578-00|I stood there fighting my fears for a moment, and then it hit me. +ITAE-583-00|As far as I was concerned, Haleigh had just opened the doors to paradise. +ITAE-584-01|Her name was Rachael, and she lived in a little village in the northwest corner of Kallimos. +ITAE-584-04|In the evenings, they strolled through the village arm in arm. +ITAE-585-00|Soon, permissions were asked and granted. +ITAE-585-01|The date was set, and the announcement was made. +ITAE-585-03|On that day, the heat of the summer drove everyone inside, so they did not hear the thunder of hoofbeats until it was too late. +ITAE-586-06|It was in the spring of the fourth year that Henry returned. +ITAE-586-13|Tears flooded her cheeks and splashed on his tunic. +ITAE-588-06|She dared not rouse him or even speak to him, for his eyes flashed with a violence that made her tremble in fear. +ITAE-589-00|Every day, as her dreams deserted her, Rachael died a little bit. +ITAE-590-03|The sage smiled and bid Rachael to speak. +ITAE-590-07|Am I destined to endure this burden forever? +ITAE-591-00|The sage smiled. +ITAE-591-01|My dear, I have good news for you. +ITAE-592-02|She asked, hoping that she had somehow misunderstood the words. +ITAE-597-07|Not daring to breathe, she pulled on it sharply. +ITAE-598-03|She tied the pouch to a string, and placed the string around her neck. +ITAE-598-07|Are you there? +ITAE-603-02|In the darkness that surrounded her, she could hear the leaves on the trees rustle and an owl hooting deep in the forest. +ITAE-607-03|Tell me, child, what did you learn? +ITAE-608-01|Before that story, I did not understand the relationship between patience and courage. +ITAE-613-01|My dear child, you begin right now, right here, in this moment. +ITAE-614-01|I will begin now, in this darkness, lying on this ground. +ITAE-617-00|The smoke curled into the darkness above the dying embers. +ITAE-618-00|Each day of our journey and stay in Shah-pan, it seems to me now, has been filled with wonder. +ITAE-619-02|They roused Jude and me from a deep sleep and insisted that we needed to talk. +ITAE-620-01|William. +ITAE-620-02|Jude. +ITAE-633-00|Playing host to our uninvited guests seemed to calm Jude. +ITAE-638-00|Jude's natural optimism presented itself. +ITAE-638-03|If Bill and I stay away from the shore, we have nothing to fear. +ITAE-638-04|From now on, neither of us is going anywhere near the beach, not even for turtle eggs. +ITAE-642-00|Hannah opened her mouth to answer my challenge and then seemed to think better of it. +ITAE-642-04|We'll be going now. +ITAE-643-00|We walked them to the door and bid our farewells there. +ITAE-643-05|Soon, too soon, we will mourn their passing from this world. +ITAE-643-08|It will serve them well in the Other World. +ITAE-645-00|The weather has been fantastic. +ITAE-645-02|No storm clouds on the horizon, and neither Haleigh nor Hannah has spoken of omens or signs. +ITAE-654-02|I didn't want to admit to eavesdropping on our guest's conversation, and I didn't want to alarm Jude. +ITAE-655-01|We laughed, told stories, and sang songs. +ITAE-655-02|And then Hannah brought out her sweet, hot, after-dinner tea, and we settled into our chairs. +ITAE-657-00|Still, for all of its beauty, Neekells had poor soil, and its air was thin and cold. +ITAE-658-01|Wind, rain, and hail flattened the crops and tore the roof off the town hall. +ITAE-658-09|Seizing a sledgehammer, one of the men split the stone open. +ITAE-660-03|The bleak winter would not starve them after all. +ITAE-665-00|Bruised and battered, Bruno pulled himself up and charged the old man in a blood red fury. +ITAE-666-01|Now what would they do? +ITAE-666-02|They mumbled and frowned, they argued and discussed, until finally one voice rang out. +ITAE-666-04|Lucinda can talk the bark off a tree. +ITAE-667-06|The hermit looked up, and she continued. +ITAE-669-02|I hear a stream down below, but I'm so tired from my climb. +ITAE-690-00|With the treasure in hand, The People of Neekells bought the food they needed for winter. +ITAE-691-01|I looked up and saw tears rimming her eyes. +ITAE-691-06|Soon life will ask you to fight the three plagues in the Other World, of that I am sure. +ITAE-705-00|Jude understood Hannah's point. +ITAE-714-02|There is no substitute for wise leadership, the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues. +ITAE-716-05|This is the last page in my journal. +ITAE-717-00|The wind blew hard that night when I finished my journal and crawled into bed. +ITAE-717-03|I remember how they rattled against their latches with an eerie, unsettled rhythm. +ITAE-718-00|After we finished, I dashed for the barn. +ITAE-718-01|The goats welcomed me and seemed reassured by my presence in the midst of the storm. +ITAE-718-09|I closed the door to the barn and dashed home through the wind and pelting rain. +ITAE-721-00|The wind and rain pounded the sturdy walls of our home as we traded stories and jokes, as we sang and laughed. +ITAE-722-08|You would honor The People if you would tell their stories and teach others the lessons you have learned here. +ITAE-723-00|She turned to face Jude. +ITAE-723-01|My tears choked me until I let them go. +ITAE-724-04|You understood it, and it understood you. +ITAE-728-00|I watched Jude, knowing that she shared my fear. +ITAE-729-01|He was drenched to the skin, and his face was white with terror. +ITAE-735-00|With that, she broke free from my grasp and disappeared into the storm. +ITAE-736-05|Unable to call for help above the roaring wind and unwilling to risk the surf that surrounded him, he sat there terrified. +ITAE-737-01|Jude reached it first and pulled herself up its slippery sides. +ITAE-737-08|Still, the storm surge was rising, and we needed to move. +ITAE-738-01|Twice the waves hurled us into the grasp of the waiting rescuers. +ITAE-739-01|I looked up into the narrowed, suspicious eyes of a Montserrat policeman. +ITAE-744-00|I started to tell him about the rumblings we thought were the volcano and the way our boat had been torn apart. +ITAE-747-00|Call from a Montserrat police station. +ITAE-748-00|Dad confirmed our identities, which seemed to reassure the detective. +ITAE-748-01|Dad also promised to wire us money and make arrangements for a flight back to the United States in the morning. +ITAE-749-01|From an alley came the sound of children crying in frightened, screeching voices. +ITAE-750-00|I will remember the reunion with our families for the rest of my life. +ITAE-750-01|They met us at the Syracuse airport, and our homecoming was so emotional that even strangers at the gate got choked up. +ITAE-757-01|Being back has been hard for both of us, and I think Jude realized that I needed some kind of release. +ITAE-758-00|A hedgerow that should offer some protection against the winter's north wind. +ITAE-762-02|I've sketched out plans for a barn that will be smaller, but just as serviceable as the one on Kallimos. +ITAE-762-03|This project is going to stretch us to the limit, but I think we can get the house closed in and the barn up before snow flies. +ITAE-765-02|Actually, I think Jude's mom and dad see this as a hopeful sign that we're not totally crazy. +ITAE-766-01|We can boast of a complete set of doors and windows. +ITAE-766-02|The interior is nowhere near finished, but we can do most of the work during the winter. +ITAE-767-00|Jude's garden is in full bloom. +ITAE-769-00|Our first goats arrived today. +ITAE-770-00|Our folks may doubt our stories about Kallimos, but they are impressed with Jude's way with a garden. +ITAE-770-01|The harvest is going to be huge, even though this is the first season the plot has been tilled. +ITAE-771-00|Jude's pregnancy is really showing now. +ITAE-773-05|I feel confused and overwhelmed by this new responsibility, but I know one thing for certain, our little girl is beautiful. +ITAE-774-02|If everyone knows the song, then everyone can comfort the baby. +ITAE-783-01|Jude, Haleigh, and I are spending the evening huddled beside our wood stove. +ITAE-784-03|There is no moon tonight, so I am making my way to and from the barn by the light of my kerosene lantern. +ITAE-788-03|I used to think that we switched to English because we were being lazy. +ITAE-789-02|What we do not have, however, is that wonderful sense of belonging, that sense of being embraced, that we had there. +ITAE-790-01|They ooh and ah over the neatly stacked cords of firewood, the well-stocked root cellar, and the pungent goat cheese. +ITAE-796-00|I opened my eyes, and there was Hannah, by the side of our bed. +ITAE-796-01|She asked me to join her for tea, so I followed her to the kitchen. +ITAE-797-00|I told her about our return to this world, our visit to Montserrat's jail, and our reunion with our families. +ITAE-798-05|I reached out and touched her, and I could feel her warmth. +ITAE-808-06|It's just, it's the way it is. +ITAE-809|Medicine that could cure cancer, would you share your knowledge of that remedy with the world? +ITAE-814-03|I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. +ITAE-814-04|The clock ticked behind us as I sat silent, torn between grief at what we had lost and guilt for what I had not done. +ITAE-816-02|Good fortune had blessed the inhabitants of this land with a series of wise and gentle kings. +ITAE-819-03|Will he be wise or foolish? +ITAE-820-01|He showed little interest in the heroic exploits of the mountain traders, and he was slow to learn the songs that were sung of their deeds. +ITAE-821-02|Years passed, and in time, Sarop became king. +ITAE-823-03|From Tiga in the north to Ogewo in the south, all must hear my words. +ITAE-825-04|Curls of shaved wood peaked out from the cuffs of his patched trousers. +ITAE-827-02|He and his guests laughed at the foolish young king until their sides ached. +ITAE-828-02|We'll build one vessel, and then everyone will want one. +ITAE-830-04|The cooper stood nervously in front of his work, a giant barrel that was split lengthwise down the middle and laid on its side. +ITAE-831-03|The crowd of courtiers fell silent as the families were marched at spear point to the waiting vessels. +ITAE-834-02|On the beach, cold and gray as the sea itself, lay the bodies of the patriarch, his wife, and their children. +ITAE-835-02|The king ordered that ropes be thrown to them, and the unfortunate souls were hauled to shore. +ITAE-836-02|As soon as the boat was secured, the king made his way to its side. +ITAE-837-04|Now rise, sir, rise and begin your work. +ITAE-842-00|I told Jude about Hannah's visit in the morning, and we have talked about little else since. +ITAE-849-01|Life in a truly human community revolves around close and continuing contact with children, plants, and animals. +ITAE-857-01|Wise leadership is the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues. +ITAE-859-05|Every day, I shudder at the thought that I am guilty by association. +ITAE-859-07|Last Monday, I arrived to find broken beer bottles littering the floor of the elevator. +ITAE-859-09|Yesterday, I went to see a dying patient and found the remains of last night's supper covering his sheets. +ITAE-859-11|For God's sake, this is a human being. +ITAE-859-12|Today, I went on rounds, and we identified three new stage-four pressure ulcers. +ITAE-860-00|The response to my protests? +ITAE-860-05|Walking the halls is like entering one of the inner circles of hell. +ITAE-863-00|Three days ago, federal surveyors arrived for a surprise inspection. +ITAE-864-07|Fortunately, I have tomorrow off. +ITAE-865-02|I grabbed my rain slicker, headed down the driveway, and turned onto my favorite dirt road with the rain falling hard on my back. +ITAE-873-00|I stalked off toward home, but I had gone no more than twenty five yards when the car pulled alongside for the third time. +ITAE-877-02|His face was lined deeply by decades of exposure to the sun and wind, and his jacket could not hide his enormous forearms. +ITAE-883-00|I slouched down into the seat while the old man mashed on the clutch, shoved the car into gear, and jerked the car into motion. +ITAE-883-01|As the sleeves of his too small jacket slid up his arms, I could see muddy blue blotches that must have been ancient tattoos. +ITAE-886-01|Look, son, quit complaining, and remember that this is a broken world. +ITAE-888|He smiled slightly as he peered through the rain on the windshield. +ITAE-905-03|I raced inside, but by the time Jude and I made it back to the porch, the car and its mysterious driver were gone. +ITAE-906-04|The way ahead is hard, but the day will come when many will share the work of the Eden Alternative with you. +ITAE-907-01|Our tears splashed on many of its pages. +ITAE-908-02|The difference between the two is unimportant. +ITAE-908-04|Still, there are a few things I think you need to understand. +ITAE-910-01|He is wise, gentle, and full of patient understanding, just like the Virgil in the story. +ITAE-911-04|My heart broke that day, and it has never really been the same since. +ITAE-911-05|I was thinking of that when I wrote the following lines: +ITAE-913-00|We took Haleigh to the best pediatric neurologists in the world. +ITAE-915-06|Thank you, Jude. +ITAE-915-07|You are the sun of my shadows, the light of my darkness. +ITAE-918-06|I will never forget the whiteness of her hair and the blueness of her eyes. +ITAE-920-00|I quickly came to see that the three plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom were tormenting the people I cared for. +ITAE-920-02|Despite this, the organization devoted very few of its resources to alleviating them. +ITAE-924-00|The Eden Alternative has grown in size, scope, and complexity since its inception in nineteen ninety two. +ITAE-925-02|Institutionalized elders everywhere suffer from the three plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom. +ITAE-925-05|The Eden Alternative is the beginning, not the end, of an epic journey. +ITAE-928-05|The Green House is inspired by the richness of close personal relationships and the healing power of community. +ITAE-930-02|Human caring is founded upon a knowing, empathic, resourceful response to the needs of another. +ITAE-930-03|Our experience with institutional long-term care has led us to put great faith in written rules and regulations. +ITAE-931-05|To love and be loved, to cherish and be cherished, to hurt and then be healed, none of these gifts will ever be delivered via e-mail. +ITAE-934-01|That will leave about fifteen thousand nine hundred thirty more nursing homes to go. +ITAE-943-00|What are old people for? +ITAE-943-03|The value of elderhood, its unique capacity to serve the needs of people of all ages, is in danger of being lost. +ITAE-943-05|Our culture declares that adulthood is forever, that old age is decline, that perfection is lodged in youth and youth alone. +ITAE-947-02|While all of these transitions are precious, and potentially beautiful, the last has, more than we know, enriched all the others. +ITAE-952-07|Over time, they lost contact. +ITAE-953-02|Even these limitations might have been overcome if this woman had believed that old age was a time for healing and making peace. +ITAE-956-04|In time, I expect to see fewer anguished deathbed reconciliations. +ITAE-958-02|We are taught not to rely on the pillars of emotion, affection, and love as the basis for understanding self and society. +ITAE-960-03|Her adolescent daughter was struggling with a serious chronic disease. +ITAE-960-04|The girl's illness repeatedly plunged this woman into a whirlpool of grief and anger. +ITAE-961-04|For their part, they could have become wise men, the elders of this community. +ITAE-961-06|The desire to be recognized and respected as adults had closed elderhood to them. +ITAE-962-05|They are also far more durable. +ITAE-963-01|Storytelling is one of the pleasures of life, its sweetness enhanced when the story is used to transmit a bit of wisdom. +ITAE-965-02|They have stored our most cherished beliefs and then transmitted them to the young. +ITAE-969-00|Nowadays the idea of being well known is usually understood as a kind of half-lit celebrity. +ITAE-971-04|I had to lean close to hear, as his voice was barely above a whisper. +ITAE-972-04|The breakfast dishes, still unwashed, sat on the counter above her. +ITAE-972-14|None. +ITAE-972-15|Anyone I could call: a neighbor, a friend, clergy, anyone? +ITAE-976-04|Louise Barton knew my parents well and, when my father was out of work, saved our home by paying the taxes on our property. +ITAE-976-05|Marjorie Lee taught school and made quilts, which she gave away to her neighbors. +ITAE-977-06|A grandfather may wish to gather up his mother's legacy and encourage his grandson to be part of the process. +ITAE-990-07|Aging brings depth, richness, and meaning to our longevity. +LTI-01|Lessac Technologies is located at seventeen forty Massachusetts Avenue in Boxborough, Massachusetts. +LTI-02|The phone number at LTI is nine seven eight, two six three, zero zero three three. +LTI-03|John Reichenbach works for Lessac Technologies as President. +LTI-04|Hello. +LTI-05|My name is John Reichenbach. +LTI-06|Mister Reichenbach received a B S from Yale University. +LTI-07|Reichenbach holds an M B A from Harvard Business School. +LTI-08|Gary Marple functions as Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of Lessac Technologies. +LTI-09|Doctor Marple is a co-founder of Lessac Technologies Inc. +LTI-10|Marple formerly worked at Arthur D Little. +LTI-11|Goodbye. +LTI-12|I am Gary Marple. +LTI-13|Arthur Lessac is the pioneer who developed the kinesensic approach to the use and training of the human voice. +LTI-14|Although he is now ninety-nine years old, Arthur Lessac is still actively teaching, and still the only widely acknowledged expert in the kinesensic methods of voice instruction. +LTI-15|Reiner Wilhelms-tricarico is the Chief Architect of Lessac Technologies. +LTI-16|Brian Mottershead is Lessac Technologies Senior Software Engineer. +LTI-17|Rattima Nitisaroj holds a doctorate in linguistics, and functions as Lessac Technologies Chief Computational Linguist. +LTI-18|Nishant Chandra is the initial inventor of much of the Lessac Technologies intellectual property. +LTI-19|Lessac Technologies has developed a new way of synthesizing human speech which enables a computer to automatically produce fully expressive prosodic human speech from plain text input. +LTI-20|David A Evans, born nineteen forty eight in Saint Louis, is the president, CEO and chief scientist of JustSystems Evans Research Inc. +LTI-21|David Evans is a prominent figure in the field of Computational Linguistics. +LTI-22|Doctor Evans attended Stanford University, receiving his Ph D in Computational Linguistics there in nineteen eighty two. +LTI-23|Evans was on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University from nineteen eighty three until nineteen ninety six, and founded their Computational Linguistics Program and Laboratory for Computational Linguistics. +LTI-24|In nineteen ninety three, the research of David Evans was spun-out from Carnegie-mellon, as Claritech. +LTI-25|Claritech became a research and development subsidiary of JustSystems and its name was changed to Clairvoyance Corporation in nineteen ninety six, before becoming JustSystems Evans Research Inc in two thousand and seven. +LTI-26|When Henry Morgenthau became the Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin D Roosevelt, he decided that there should be a written record of every word that was spoken in his office. +LTI-27|This written record was sampled and used at U S C by Armar A Archbold in dialogue modeling studies in the nineteen seventies. +LTI-28|Archbold is on the board of Lessac Technologies. +LTI-29|Edward Chandler is a board observer for Lessac Technologies. +LTI-30|The board at Lessac Technologies consists of: Gary Marple, John Reichenbach, Peter Bransfield, David Evans, Armar Archbold, and Ed Chandler. +LTI-31|Ayse Kalkan-savoy is a software engineer at LTI. +LTI-32|Luke Immes is a software engineer at Lessac. +LTI-33|Doctor Alan Black, an assistant professor at the Language Research Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, is a consultant to LTI. +LTI-34|At InSpeech, we help our clients make smart investments in speech. +LTI-35|Before founding InSpeech, Marc Lord made business development impacts relating to speech at the Human Interface Technology Lab, Microsoft, A T and T Labs, and Nuance. +LTI-36|Todd Sweeney specializes in building and maintaining relationships with developers, managers, and end users that enable him to facilitate mutually beneficial solutions between and within client organizations. +LTI-37|Walt Tetschner is widely known as a critical, incisive thinker, and is recognized as an authoritative source for researching, sizing, and judging market opportunities in the speech industry. +LTI-38|ASRNews is published by Walt Tetschner. +LTI-39|Kinesensic Training was created by Arthur Lessac, one of the great teachers of the twentieth century in voice and body training. +LTI-40|Instead of relying upon the ear, or merely imitating sound, the student is encouraged to feel the sound, as it is being produced from within. +LTI-41|Nancy Krebs is a Lessac Master teacher. +LTI-42|The voice model for the LTI synthesizer is Nancy Krebs. +LTI-43|One is smaller than two. +LTI-44|Two is larger than one. +LTI-45|Three is smaller than four. +LTI-46|Four is larger than three. +LTI-47|Five is smaller than six. +LTI-48|Six is larger than five. +LTI-49|Seven is smaller than eight. +LTI-50|Eight is larger than seven. +LTI-51|Nine is smaller than ten. +LTI-52|Ten is larger than nine. +LTI-53|Eleven is smaller than twelve. +LTI-54|Twelve is larger than eleven. +LTI-55|Thirteen is smaller than fourteen. +LTI-56|Fourteen is larger than thirteen. +LTI-57|Fifteen is smaller than sixteen. +LTI-58|Sixteen is larger than fifteen. +LTI-59|Seventeen is smaller eighteen. +LTI-60|Eighteen is larger than seventeen. +LTI-61|Nineteen is smaller than twenty +LTI-62|Twenty is larger than nineteen. +LTI-63|Forty is ten units smaller than fifty. +LTI-64|Fifty is one hundred divided by two. +LTI-65|Sixty is thirty times two. +LTI-66|Seventy is a good age to live to. +LTI-67|Eighty is four twenties in French. +LTI-68|Ninety is four twenties plus ten in French if you live in France, and nine tens if you live in Belgium. +LTI-69|The USA is the short form of the United States of America, also known as the United States. +LTI-70|Boston is the capital of Massachusetts; both the city and the state are located in New England. +LTI-71|One hundred is one unit larger than ninety-nine. +LTI-72|Two thousand is one order of magnitude larger than two hundred. +LTI-73|Thirty thousand is an order of magnitude larger than three thousand. +LTI-74|Four hundred thousand is ten times bigger than forty thousand. +LTI-75|Five million is exactly one order of magnitude larger than five hundred thousand. +LTI-76|Six billion is three orders of magnitude larger than six million. +LTI-77|Seven trillion is one thousand times larger than seven billion. +LTI-78-1|It is now possible to track the flu on a nationwide basis to see if it is heading your way, or already arrived and increasing in your town. +LTI-78-2|Just go to Google dot org and then check out flu trends. +LTI-79-1|If you want a really fast Internet experience, sign up for the Verizon's fiber optic system called FIOS. +LTI-79-2|You can have your telephone, TV, and Internet all on one connection. +LTI-80|Many of the old established educational publishers, such as Houghton-Mifflin, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, just to name two, are now a part of Pearson Educational Publishing. +LTI-81-1|If you want audio books and you have a computer, go to Audible dot com to find a listing of the books you can buy and download. +LTI-81-2|Then just copy them to a compact disk and put it in your portable CD player, or in the CD player in your car, and enjoy listening to the book of your choice whenever and wherever you may be. +LTI-82|Some of the world's finest synthetic voices presently come from SVOX, a company in Switzerland that sells to Text-To-Speech providers all around the world. +LTI-83|The networking giant, Cisco Systems incorporated, has entered the home and small office networking markets by offering DSL and Cable routers for sale through office retailers such as Staples or Office Max, and even through the old standbys such as P C Connection. +LTI-84-1|Want to take twenty books with you on vacation? +LTI-84-2|Just buy a Kindle electronic reader from Amazon dot com and then click on Amazon books and put in the books you want to buy. +LTI-84-3|You can download them directly to your new Kindle reader, which is about the size of a book, six inches by nine inches. +LTI-84-4|And, you won't have to pay the extra baggage fee for a bag to carry the twenty books you want to read. +LTI-85|Microsoft, the world's largest package software provider, is entering cloud computing, where the programs are on the world-wide-web and you use any program you want, when you want it, and pay only a toll-charge for your actual use of the software you want to use. +LTI-86-1|A T and T's Natural Voices is the big name in traditional enterprise-based text-to-speech systems. +LTI-86-2|Other major players are IBM and Phillips. +LTI-87-1|Sprint began by offering the first coast-to-coast fiber-optic cable system for long-distance phone calls in the nineteen eighties. +LTI-87-2|They successfully made the transition to wireless cellular, using their fiber-optic cable as the backbone on which to build a national network. +LTI-87-3|Now the big-company game of rock, paper and scissors appears to be stacked against Sprint's now struggling cellular network. +LTI-88|Acapela is not a commercial innuendo for singing without accompaniment, but the first part of the Acapela group, which is a subsidiary of France Telecom S A. +NAN_001|The reasons, I believe, are twofold. +NAN_002|First, rapid societal changes have complicated parents' task, making child rearing more challenging than in previous generations. +NAN_003|Second, information about child development disseminated to parents is increasingly voluminous, but at the same time contradictory. +NAN_004|Angela and Tom represent a growing number of American parents who try to pencil children into busy schedules, much like a business appointment. +NAN_005|They love their children, but they also love and need their work, for personal and financial reasons. +NAN_006|Hence they find themselves in a juggling act between the two, with work usually winning out. +NAN_007|In these investigations, some parents exchanged positive emotional signals with and verbally stimulated their infants, and read to and conversed with their preschoolers. +NAN_008|Other parents spent time with their children, but were not actively engaged with them. +NAN_009|These findings are not an indictment of maternal employment or nonparental child care. +NAN_010|Rather, they underscore the importance of considering the needs of children when making work and childcare decisions. +NAN_011|Employed mothers of cognitively competent, well-adjusted children value their parenting role, and succeed at coordinating it with job responsibilities. +NAN_012|Such mothers schedule regular times to devote to their children, and combine warmth with consistent expectations for mature behavior. +NAN_013|In sum, increasingly pressured adult lives have contributed to parental difficulties in granting children the attention they need. +NAN_014|When employed parents spend generous amounts of time engaged with their child, they safeguard the child's development. +NAN_015|Under these conditions, children often reap extra benefits from more equitable involvement of both parents. +NAN_016|Piaget's contribution to the field of child development is enormous. +NAN_017|He inspired more research on children's thinking than any other single theorist. +NAN_018|Damon neither endorses the insensitivity of adult dominance, nor the tumultuous reign of the child. +NAN_019|Instead, he underscores that children are avid, active learners, but adults must cultivate their drive toward mastery. +NAN_020|If free time is so abundant, why do so many parents say their lives are pressure cookers? +NAN_021|The reason, Rominson and Godbey suggest, is that our pace of life is faster. +NAN_022|People expect to do more, to live more intensely. +NAN_023|Appropriate stimulation wires the brain, prompting it to form new connections and its regions to specialize. +NAN_024|As this process goes forward, the brain gradually becomes receptive to increasingly complex and varied stimulation. +NAN_025|This fosters further elaboration and specialization of brain structures, and ever more advanced knowledge and skills. +NAN_026|Larry scores high on the temperamental dimension of fearful distress. +NAN_027|On observing him, most of us would call him a very shy, inhibited child. +NAN_028|Mitch, in contrast, scores low on fearful distress, and high on positive mood. +NAN_029|He is, in everyday language, an uninhibited, sociable child. +NAN_030|Of course, children have an important say in the socialization process. +NAN_031|For example, they usually become more expert at those skills that complement their native talents. +NAN_032|American middle-class parents typically regard young children as dependent beings who must be urged toward independence. +NAN_033|In response to researchers' queries, they frequently say that babies should be trained to be self-reliant from the first few months. +NAN_034|Consequently, they place a high value on children's learning and doing on their own. +NAN_035|The image of lovers communicating helps us appreciate the circumstances in which intersubjectivity is most likely to occur: in close relationships. +NAN_036|Children most often attain it with parents, other family members, teachers, and eventually in friendships with peers. +NAN_037|Of course, partners in teaching and learning do not need to attain the intersubjective heights of lovers to accomplish their goals. +NAN_038|Children who are good at detecting others' points of view are better at thinking of effective ways to handle difficult social situations. +NAN_039|Rather than just asserting their own desires, they try friendly persuasion. +NAN_040|Or they suggest that a conflict be solved by creating new, mutual goals. +NAN_041|Mealtimes and similar occasions for family togetherness open special conversational doors. +NAN_042|Because all family members are present, dinner talk can convey to children a sense of family coherence and identity. +NAN_043|These worrisome findings are not an inherent part of the TV medium. +NAN_044|Instead, they result from the way it is used in American culture. +NAN_046|For example, TV content depicting acts of cooperating, helping, and comforting encourages these behaviors in children. +NAN_047|The Code civil has proved to be remarkably durable in French culture. +NAN_048|Constitutions have come and gone, and the French have endured recurrent changes of regime, including communes, dictatorships, and five distinct republics. +NAN_049|Yet, through all this, the civil code has survived. +NAN_050|It is the cultural monument that unites the French across history. +NAN_051|Legal cultures, too, must seek to perfect themselves. +NAN_052|They can not exist simply as the product of will. +NAN_053|This was a revolutionary change. +NAN_054|The states were no longer the autonomous sovereigns that they thought they were when they claimed the right of secession. +NAN_055|They were now, in fact, servants of their people. +NAN_056|Governments existed to guarantee due process, and equal justice for all. +NAN_057|The local law was no longer simply a creature of the states. +NAN_058|The states themselves were enmeshed in the law, and subordinate to it. +NAN_059|My claim is that Lincoln's address expresses the same idea that was then current in Europe. +NAN_060|Each people of common history and language constitutes a nation, and the natural form for the nation's survival was in a state structure. +NAN_061|The idea that Americans constituted an organic national unit explained, implicitly, why the eleven Southern states could not go their own way. +NAN_062|This is not simply a nation of common lineage, an extension of tribal identity. +NAN_063|We are indeed different from the European nations, for our nation is born of an idea. +NAN_064|It is conceived in liberty, and dedicated to an aspiration of equality. +NAN_065|The cornerstone of that case is that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of their governed. +NAN_066|If a people has not consented to their form of government, the government is not legitimate. +NAN_067|Those who eat meat are not wrongdoers or sinners. +NAN_068|They simply have not yet reached the highest point of aspiration. +NAN_069|Yet, even the victory of the Civil War is not yet complete. +NAN_070|The badges and vestiges of slavery still haunt the land. +NAN_071|The quest for redemption from the original sin of slavery continues in our own time. +NAN_072|Revolutions are never easy. +NAN_073|The people who inhabit the new regime are the same as those who dominated the old detested order. +NAN_074|They can not be expected to change quickly. +NAN_075|However, the fulfillment of one purpose does not guarantee the satisfaction of the others. +NAN_076|There are homely sturdy buildings, and beautiful flimsy ones. +NAN_077|A well-planned building can be ugly, just as a beautiful building can function poorly. +NAN_078|The experience of food is sensual. +NAN_079|It is also first-hand. +NAN_080|That is, while it's fun to read recipes and look at photographs of table settings in Gourmet magazine, no one I know considers this a substitute for eating. +NAN_081|In photographs, buildings are forever young. +NAN_082|The ravages of time, weather and use are banished. +NAN_083|It is a shock to come across a revered architectural icon, and to find the concrete stained, the painted window frames chipped, the tiles cracked. +NAN_084|Although designed at the same time as the Chrysler, the Empire State is quite different in appearance. +NAN_085|Its exterior is the architectural equivalent of a gray flannel suit. +NAN_086|There is no decoration. +NAN_087|The Classical style has proved more durable. +NAN_088|This has something to do with its remarkable adaptability. +NAN_089|The inconstancy of the International Style practitioners should have been expected. +NAN_090|The history of Western architecture is of architects searching for rules, only to bend and break them. +NAN_091|Even Classicism, which appears at first glance to be highly regimented, is not immune. +NAN_092|If architectural style is a language, an analogy that is deeply flawed, it is closer to slang than to grammatical prose. +NAN_093|Architectural styles are mutable, unregulated, improvised. +NAN_094|Architects break the rules, and invent new ones. +NAN_095|This is not to say that architecture is stage decor. +NAN_096|When the wind blows, the canvas scenery blows over; the building resists the elements. +NAN_097|Architecture surrounds and shelters us. +NAN_098|It is the real world, but it is also a vision. +NAN_099|The buildings are different, yet the three architects have something in common. +NAN_1000|In all cases, one senses a secular trend for diversity to increase. +NAN_100|They are serious about what they are doing, that is, their buildings exhibit a strong sense of conviction. +NAN_101|Sociocultural theory is unique in viewing inner mental activity as profoundly social. +NAN_102|The thoughts and imaginings that make us distinctly human are not regarded as independently constructed by the child. +NAN_103|Rather, the child derives them from his or her history of relations with other people. +NAN_104|Notice how, in scaffolding Sydney's puzzle solving, her father adapts the instruction he offers to Sydney's momentary competence. +NAN_105|When Sydney has difficulty, he fortifies the scaffold, providing increased direction. +NAN_106|Once Sydney starts to take over strategies generated during joint problem solving, her father pulls back, reducing the assistance provided. +NAN_107|Each narrative focused on a relatively exceptional personal experience. +NAN_108|And in each, my partners and I addressed the legitimacy of characters' intentions, weighing personal desire against socially acceptable behavior. +NAN_109|Through dialogues with adults, the child derives not just a self, but a self imbued with culture. +NAN_110|The stories, both real and fictional, that parents and teachers relate to or jointly construct with young children are laced with cultural beliefs and values. +NAN_111|They have profound socializing implications. +NAN_112|Mom took Sarah and me to Girl Scouts, swimming, piano, and other lessons. +NAN_113|We enjoyed the activities and the friends we made, but they couldn't compensate for what was missing: warm, family time. +NAN_114|We almost never sat down to a meal together, or went places together; we each went our own way. +NAN_115|Between one and two years of age, children begin to acquire language, greater understanding of the consequences of their actions, and the ability to comply with others' requests and directives. +NAN_116|Consequently, caregivers' expectations change. +NAN_117|They increasingly insist that children engage in socially appropriate conduct. +NAN_118|During the very period in which children must learn to subordinate their desires to social life, imaginative play flourishes. +NAN_119|On Friday nights, they marked the Sabbath in a special way, by imagining that they were at home. +NAN_120|They talked about the evening's events in minute detail to make the image of family life firm and real. +NAN_121|Attention is fundamental to all human thinking. +NAN_122|It determines the information considered in any task and whether the task will be completed. +NAN_123|With respect to writing, object substitutions and role play seem to have special benefits. +NAN_124|Frequently using objects to symbolize other objects and transforming oneself into various characters may encourage children to try to make sense of other symbol systems. +NAN_125|Siblings frequently articulate how they themselves feel. +NAN_126|Therefore, siblings more often expose the child to the inner states of someone other than the child himself or herself. +NAN_127|The more affectionate and cooperative siblings' relationships are, the more sophisticated their sociodramatic play. +NAN_128|Filmstar Charlie Chaplin's mother was herself a talented comedy actress and singer. +NAN_129|As a young child, Charlie often accompanied her when she went to work at the theater. +NAN_130|As a result, playacting and impersonating became an early focus of Charlie's pretending. +NAN_131|Around age two, mothers begin to talk about nonexistent fantasy objects. +NAN_132|In one instance, a mother suggested that an empty bowl was full of juicy oranges, one for each of her son's miniature zoo animals. +NAN_133|This change may help children increase the range and complexity of their play symbols. +NAN_134|The physical context of children's play is important, because it shapes play themes and opportunities to interact with agemates. +NAN_135|Consequently, it can have a profound impact on what children learn. +NAN_136|By the end of this period, children formulate and implement strategies and cooperate more effectively in games. +NAN_137|They have also become interested in competition. +NAN_138|With respect to quantity, children's behavior can tell us whether they have too many or too few toys. +NAN_139|An excess of toys overwhelms and overstimulates. +NAN_140|The child whose bedroom is piled high with all the latest playthings is likely to cherish and play with few of them. +NAN_141|Praise should be tied to real progress and attainment. +NAN_142|Encouraging words are particularly helpful when children are trying their best but gains in performance are hard won. +NAN_143|And most children greatly appreciate a parent's congratulations for a job well done. +NAN_144|However, computers by themselves do not help children master the mechanics of writing, such as spelling and grammar. +NAN_145|Consequently, they are best used to build on, not replace, other writing experiences. +NAN_146|By the time Carl reached school age, he was doing remarkably well. +NAN_147|The energies he had previously invested in stubborn rebellion were channeled constructively. +NAN_148|He did well in school, and became enthusiastically involved in several activities. +NAN_149|Children display wide individual differences in the quality of their sibling ties. +NAN_150|Once again, temperament makes a difference. +NAN_151|For example, arguments between siblings increase when one child is emotionally intense and highly active. +NAN_152|The most common cause of early language problems is a hearing loss. +NAN_153|Typically, children with hearing impairments are not identified until twelve to twenty five months of age, when speech and language development is already delayed. +NAN_154|I write in this chapter of religious ideas and their value in understanding our legal experience. +NAN_155|This, admittedly, is an unusual take in our rigorously secular academic world. +NAN_156|The American university world has distanced itself from the sensibilities of ordinary Americans who take the Bible seriously as a source of wisdom, and who live their lives with devotion to values of faith and redemption. +NAN_157|In this interpretation of law as the path to national redemption, I seek to find a middle way between Jewish and Christian thinking. +NAN_158|Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. +NAN_159|We are met on a great battlefield of that war. +NAN_160|We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. +NAN_161|The notion of the nation and the fact of death root us in the past. +NAN_162|These are irreversible facts. +NAN_163|The nation is born of history; the dead link us to time past. +NAN_164|War has a democratizing influence. +NAN_165|Men fight side by side, and when they lay down their arms, they expect to be able to rule side by side. +NAN_166|It is not surprising then that in the aftermath of the Civil War, we find a new commitment to government by all the people. +NAN_167|The infinite dignity of the potential victim generates an absolute ban on killing. +NAN_168|The dignity of the victim is as great as any person who might wish to kill him and, therefore, the homicide of an innocent is never justified. +NAN_169|There is much to be said for Black's interpretation of the constitutional text. +NAN_170|He brings together strands of our legal culture; that until his writing seemed to lack internal coherence. +NAN_171|He grounds his argument in the familiar rhetoric of rights. +NAN_172|The faith in the American nation, along with the inalienable right to happiness, constitute affirmations of the American civic religion. +NAN_173|They belong side by side with the frequent invocations, on the currency of the affirmation of faith: In God We Trust. +NAN_174|These are the background assumptions by which we live. +NAN_175|In order for a state to have duties toward its own citizens, the citizens must be considered as members of some entity higher than the state to be held accountable. +NAN_176|In other words, the citizen and the state must both be considered as subjects of a higher legal order. +NAN_177|Yet, the values of nationhood and equality would not remain forever hidden, camouflaged in the deep structure of constitutional thought. +NAN_178|They would begin to reassert themselves, both in the political arena, and in the courts. +NAN_179|And the particular persons who enforced the color bar at trains, inns, and theaters were not agents of the state. +NAN_180|Their actions did not constitute legislation by any government, or executive action by any official wearing a badge of state authority. +NAN_181|The Court generated a surface discourse to camouflage the Secret Constitution. +NAN_182|It bequeathed to us a narrow conception of state action that we are still struggling to overcome. +NAN_183|And more to the point, by undermining federal authority to remove the incidents and marks of slavery, the Court facilitated segregation in American society. +NAN_184|If we think of the Civil War as a moral drama, we can not but perceive a government at work that is committed to the dignity of all. +NAN_185|The drama can be narrowly understood as an enormous sacrifice of human life to liberate people held in the most demeaning condition imaginable. +NAN_186|The war snuffed out one life, one being created in the image of God, for every seven slaves freed. +NAN_187|The policy of deferring to voluntary initiative has been more effective. +NAN_188|A revolution in attitudes toward smoking has occurred, largely because people were free, in effect, to decide for themselves in their homes, offices, and other spheres of influence. +NAN_189|They did not need the coercive force of government behind them. +NAN_190|Indifference toward the victim began to change with the Thirteenth Amendment. +NAN_191|For the first time, the people who must bear the cross of involuntary servitude became the focus of attention. +NAN_192|They would no longer suffer in the United States. +NAN_193|The federal government had the duty to protect them. +NAN_194|There are obviously some areas where we must rely on the government, or on no one. +NAN_195|Only the federal government could have waged the Civil War and emancipated the powerless. +NAN_196|Only the federal government could secure the franchise to those who had no power on the local level. +NAN_197|Only the federal courts can secure equal protection of the laws when the states decide to disfavor some of their citizens. +NAN_198|But in other areas of life, the government can further its ends by staying its hand. +NAN_199|Academic critics of the decision stress the value of regulating speech that has the effect, it is argued, of silencing minorities. +NAN_200|The overriding value, they claim, is the equality of those affected by hate speech. +NAN_201|Only by restricting intimidating speech, the argument goes, can all potential participants in the democratic dialogue feel free to speak, and to make their opinions known. +NAN_202|The danger in the argument of human dignity is that it carries the risk of dogmatism. +NAN_203|In the face of the conviction that the peep show violates the dignity of the women who choose to participate, there is little one can say. +NAN_204|The marketplace of economic relationships is not what it seems to be. +NAN_205|Workers enter into seemingly voluntary contracts with employers, but underlying this system of apparent cooperation is a vast system of exploitation. +NAN_206|Those who hold capital reap profits off the backs of those whom they hire as their laborers. +NAN_207|This generates a dynamic of history that should, according to the theory, eventually produce a revolution by the exploited class of laborers. +NAN_208|Freedom is realized not by the state's absence, but from the construction of a network of laws that liberate the individual from the oppression that would otherwise occur. +NAN_209|Compulsory temperance and drug laws generate freedom for those who are able to stay clean. +NAN_210|Prohibitions against sexual self-degradation and peep shows strengthen the inner freedom of our human selves. +NAN_211|The argument for freedom and autonomy holds that individuals should be able to choose when and how to end their lives. +NAN_212|If they need the assistance of a physician to be able to die with dignity, they should have that right. +NAN_213|The contrary view stresses the dangers of manipulated consent. +NAN_214|The third connection between dress and decor concerns perception. +NAN_215|Architecture, interior decoration, and fashion design are three distinct fields, yet we experience them with the same eye. +NAN_216|Whether we look at dress or decor, we bring the same visual bias, the same sensibility, the same taste. +NAN_217|This sensibility is not constant. +NAN_218|Sometimes we appreciate simplicity, sometimes complexity. +NAN_219|In the food court, the bar and counter tops were marble, the dining tables solid maple. +NAN_220|Students were gathered around tables, lounging on the staircase, sprawled on the floor. +NAN_221|The atmosphere was hard to pin down. +NAN_222|That is why old buildings are precious, that is why we fight to preserve them. +NAN_223|It is not only because we think them beautiful, or significant. +NAN_224|It is also because they remind us of who we once were. +NAN_225|And of who we might be again, for old buildings also inspire. +NAN_226|With the rediscovery of Greek and Roman Classicism, Gothic became distinctly unfashionable. +NAN_227|The old monuments were preserved, but they were not admired. +NAN_228|As Braun suggests, changes in fashion imply not only the creation of something new, but the destruction of something old. +NAN_229|That is why new fashions are inevitably upsetting. +NAN_230|The headquarters of a company whose logo is a pair of mouse ears obviously demands a different decorum from a temple. +NAN_231|In the past, religious buildings and palaces required a narrow stylistic range. +NAN_232|As architectural commissions grew to include civic and commercial buildings, warehouses, factories, shops and cinemas, houses and weekend houses, a single style no longer sufficed. +NAN_233|The function of a baseboard is to cover the joint between the wall and the floor, and secondarily to protect the wall from scuffing. +NAN_234|There are dozens of ways that this can be done. +NAN_235|Baseboards can be prominent or discreet, a complicated assembly of board, cap and base, or a simple strip of hardwood. +NAN_236|A functionalist style pervades the house. +NAN_237|The clinical cabinetwork is white-painted wood. +NAN_238|A concrete wall in the dining room is bare, save for the regular pattern of the formwork ties and the pour line marks. +NAN_239|No pair of architects could be more dissimilar than this distinctly odd couple, the proper High Society favorite of the Gilded Age and the untidy bohemian from Santa Monica. +NAN_240|Yet they bear comparison. +NAN_241|They were both late bloomers. +NAN_242|Although sophisticated building techniques and innovative materials play a major role in Gehry's buildings, like Hunt, he keeps technology off center stage. +NAN_243|In that regard, he repudiates the mannered industrial style that pervades the work of many contemporary architects. +NAN_244|Neither is he nostalgic about the past. +NAN_245|Gehry rejects both the moralistic functionalism of the International Style and the traditions of Classicism. +NAN_246|The law enforcement process is concerned with proving the guilt of persons apprehended and charged. +NAN_247|Investigators and prosecutors could not present all the evidence of possible involvement of individuals other than those charged, although they continued to pursue such investigations, planning or hoping for later prosecutions. +NAN_248|The plan mandated a stronger intelligence collection effort. +NAN_249|It called for a nationwide automated system to facilitate information collection, analysis, and dissemination. +NAN_250|It envisioned the creation of a professional intelligence cadre of experienced and trained agents and analysts. +NAN_251|Inspectors at the ports of entry were not asked to focus on terrorists. +NAN_252|Inspectors told us that they were not even aware that when they checked the names of incoming passengers against the automated watchlist, they were checking in part for terrorists. +NAN_253|In general, border inspectors also did not have the information they needed to make fact-based determinations of admissibility. +NAN_254|Terrorists, in turn, have benefited from this same rapid development of communication technologies. +NAN_255|They simply could buy off the shelf and harvest the products of a three trillion dollars a year telecommunication industry. +NAN_256|They could acquire without great expense communication devices that were varied, global, instantaneous, complex, and encrypted. +NAN_257|In many cases, the surge officers had little familiarity with the new issues. +NAN_258|Inevitably, some parts of the world and some collection targets were not fully covered, or not covered at all. +NAN_259|The concern about security vastly complicated information sharing. +NAN_260|Information was compartmented in order to protect it against exposure to skilled and technologically sophisticated adversaries. +NAN_261|The Department of Defense is the behemoth among federal agencies. +NAN_262|With an annual budget larger than the gross domestic product of Russia, it is an empire. +NAN_263|The Defense Department is part civilian, part military. +NAN_264|The civilian secretary of defense has ultimate control, under the president. +NAN_265|As the national security advisor's function expanded, the procedures and structure of the advisor's staff, conventionally called the National Security Council staff, became more formal. +NAN_266|The advisor developed recommendations for presidential directives, differently labeled by each president. +NAN_267|Several points about Congress are worth noting. +NAN_268|First, Congress always has a strong orientation toward domestic affairs. +NAN_269|It usually takes on foreign policy and national security issues after threats are identified and articulated by the administration. +NAN_270|The Bin Ladin station was already working on plans for offensive operations against Bin Ladin. +NAN_271|These plans were directed at both physical assets and sources of finance. +NAN_272|In the end, plans to identify and attack Bin Ladin's money sources did not go forward. +NAN_273|Mike thought the capture plan was the perfect operation. +NAN_274|It required minimum infrastructure. +NAN_275|Tenet told us that given the recommendation of his chief operations officers, he alone had decided to turn off the operation. +NAN_276|He had simply informed Berger, who had not pushed back. +NAN_277|Berger's recollection was similar. +NAN_278|He said the plan was never presented to the White House for a decision. +NAN_279|Everyone involved in the decision had, of course, been aware of President Clinton's problems. +NAN_280|He told them to ignore them. +NAN_281|Berger recalled the President saying to him that they were going to get crap either way, so they should do the right thing. +NAN_282|All his aides testified to us that they based their advice solely on national security considerations. +NAN_283|We have found no reason to question their statements. +NAN_284|The status of the document was and remained uncertain. +NAN_285|It was never formally adopted by the principals, and participants in the Small Group now have little or no recollection of it. +NAN_286|It did, however, guide Clarke's efforts. +NAN_287|The military component of Clarke's plan was its most fully articulated element. +NAN_289|Several intelligence reports, some of dubious sourcing, mentioned Washington as a possible target. +NAN_290|Early drafts of this highly sensitive document emphasized that it authorized only a capture operation. +NAN_291|The tribals were to be paid only if they captured Bin Ladin, not if they killed him. +NAN_292|Officials throughout the government approved this draft. +NAN_293|They were dubious about a quick strike approach to using Special Operations Forces, which they thought complicated and risky. +NAN_294|Such efforts would have required bases in the region, but all the options were unappealing. +NAN_295|Because this was not in an urban area, missiles launched against it would have less risk of causing collateral damage. +NAN_296|On February eighth, the military began to ready itself for a possible strike. +NAN_297|The next day, national technical intelligence confirmed the location and description of the larger camp and showed the nearby presence of an official aircraft of the United Arab Emirates. +NAN_298|But the military officer quoted earlier recalled that the Pentagon had been willing to act. +NAN_299|He told us that Clarke informed him and others that Tenet assessed the chance of the intelligence being accurate as fifty fifty. +NAN_300|This officer believed that Tenet's assessment was the key to the decision. +NAN_301|Attorney General Reno again expressed concerns on policy grounds. +NAN_302|She was worried about the danger of retaliation. +NAN_303|The landscape of the valley changed dramatically over the next two hundred centuries. +NAN_304|The glaciers feeding the lake melted away, and the lake evaporated. +NAN_305|Fossils tell an obscure story of man's slow and sporadic development. +NAN_306|These springs fed a network of streams draining through the Las Vegas Wash to the Colorado River. +NAN_307|The areas surrounding the springs were desert oases: sprawling collections of grasses, trees, and wildlife. +NAN_308|Many springs lay in areas that would eventually become the center of the modern Las Vegas metropolis. +NAN_309|Gass took over the abandoned Mormon fort and six hundred and forty acres surrounding it, dubbing it the Las Vegas Ranch. +NAN_310|He expanded the ranch and irrigated the land, so that it would support crops and cattle. +NAN_311|His determination had other results as well: Gass was named a justice of the peace, and a territorial legislator. +NAN_312|At the turn of the nineteenth century, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City were among the burgeoning metropolises of the new American West. +NAN_313|Though the two cities remained unlinked by rail, this was about to change quickly. +NAN_314|When it did, the Las Vegas Valley, which at the time had a non-native population of less than thirty, would change as well. +NAN_315|Las Vegas was no longer a small pioneer settlement. +NAN_316|With rail service in place and forty blocks of private property, it was ready to become a real town. +NAN_317|Businesses sprang up overnight, and wooden houses were erected to replace the tent city, in which many of the early settlers had lived. +NAN_318|One year after the auction, the population of Las Vegas had ballooned to one thousand and five hundred residents, a portent of things to come for the next ninety years. +NAN_319|Vices outlawed or heavily controlled elsewhere were legal here, available any hour of any day. +NAN_320|This originated Las Vegas's reputation as an adult theme park. +NAN_321|As corporations moved in, and the mob was slowly pushed out, a new Las Vegas emerged. +NAN_323|What was once a sure thing became much more competitive. +NAN_324|Casino operators had to reassess the nature of their business. +NAN_325|The latest approach is perhaps the best of the post-mob era: the comprehensive resort. +NAN_326|New resorts offer attractions and amenities modeled after those available in top resort cities worldwide, including luxurious spas, signature restaurants, and exclusive boutiques. +NAN_327|Still, the future of Las Vegas is sure to be determined as much by the pioneering spirit that built the city as by anything else. +NAN_328|With its new look and new aim, the prospects are good despite the warnings. +NAN_329|Inevitably, some people will get burned in the process, but others will rise triumphantly from the fray to even greater successes. +NAN_330|And that, more than anything, is the one constant that characterizes the past, present, and future of Las Vegas. +NAN_331|In a town where spending time in traffic is to be avoided at all costs, one-stop shopping is essential. +NAN_332|Enter the realm of shopping malls, where everything you are looking for is available without moving your car. +NAN_333|Flea markets are where you will find merchants selling antiques, old Levi's, and every kind of junk imaginable. +NAN_334|They are held periodically throughout the city. +NAN_335|If you are a driving fan, the time to be here is April, when the Toyota Grand Prix auto race is held in Long Beach. +NAN_336|Every year, it attracts drivers and spectators from around the world. +NAN_337|For a closer spot to check out nature, visit Griffith Park, which has miles of trails for cycling, jogging and horseback riding. +NAN_338|Do keep in mind, however, that visitors should come during daylight, and stay in areas where there are lots of people; secluded areas in the park are less safe. +NAN_339|You know all that wild nightlife you have seen in movies about Hollywood. +NAN_340|Just take a drive along the Sunset Strip, and you will know what inspired the reputation. +NAN_342|There is virtually every type of entertainment imaginable here. +NAN_343|All you have to do is know where to find it. +NAN_344|Coffeehouses are everywhere, many offering live entertainment and poetry readings. +NAN_345|Some of the best are clustered in Santa Monica, and in West Hollywood. +NAN_346|Paramount Studios is the only major motion picture studio still physically located in Hollywood. +NAN_347|If peeking in through the wrought-iron gates isn't enough shoulder-rubbing with stardom for you, you can view the back lot on a walking tour. +NAN_348|The museum also features a fishbowl laboratory where visitors can see fossils being cleaned and catalogued. +NAN_349|The peaceful atrium nurtures primitive plants, several of which have evolved over a period of one hundred million years. +NAN_350|Some two hundred showrooms are housed here, and in the adjoining Green Center, which displays an impressive range of traditional and contemporary home and office furniture created by famous designers. +NAN_351|The showrooms are for trade only, meaning the only way you can make purchases is to buy through an interior designer. +NAN_352|Visitors are welcome to browse weekdays from nine to five. +NAN_353|Here, luxurious homes and landscaped lawns sit on some of the most expensive real estate in the world. +NAN_354|It is worth sidetracking into the hills just to marvel at how much money some people actually have. +NAN_355|On this stretch of Sunset, you are bound to find hawkers on street corners selling Maps to the Stars to lead you to the homes of the rich and famous. +NAN_356|This millionaire mecca is a testament to the region's unparalleled success. +NAN_357|At the turn of the century, the land was practically worthless, covered with failed oil wells and fields of lima beans. +NAN_358|But in nineteen twelve, when a group of developers built the Beverly Hills Hotel, everything changed. +NAN_359|At least one historically fashionable establishment still resides here in all its glory. +NAN_360|The Regent Beverly Wilshire has been a landmark since nineteen twenty eight. +NAN_361|The luxury hotel is still a favorite of celebrities and visiting royalty, some of whom have been known to rent entire floors for their stay. +NAN_362|Santa Monica Pier, site of the famous carousel as well as the La Monica Ballroom, was built in nineteen oh eight. +NAN_363|Much of this historic structure was demolished by storms in nineteen eighty three, prompting restoration to its original look. +NAN_364|The show is at its best on weekend afternoons, with everything from beach boys on unicycles to rock musicians on roller blades. +NAN_365|Make time for this California happening if you possibly can. +NAN_366|A few miles farther is the turn-off for Will Rogers State Historic Park, a ranch that belonged to the late cowboy humorist. +NAN_367|Tours of the ranch house reveal some of Rogers' eccentricities, namely a porch swing in the living room, and a raised ceiling that allowed him to practice rope tricks indoors. +NAN_368|Rogers was an enthusiastic horseman, and an experienced polo player. +NAN_369|Weekend games are still held on the polo field in the front yard. +NAN_370|A core of beautiful historic buildings, good restaurants, and colorful ethnic enclaves makes for excellent daytime exploration. +NAN_371|Several stellar performing arts venues and the centers of politics and finance also draw attention. +NAN_372|The Biltmore Hotel, which opened in nineteen twenty three, is the grande dame of all the downtown hotels. +NAN_373|The prestigious Academy Awards were originally launched here in a private ceremony in the Crystal Room in nineteen twenty seven. +NAN_374|Since nineteen seventeen, Grand Central Market has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs. +NAN_375|Today, dozens of stalls display a wonderful ethnic diversity: you can sample everything from fresh tortillas to Chinese herbs. +NAN_376|It is a great place for browsing and a quick snack, or inexpensive lunch. +NAN_377|The Japanese counterpart, Little Tokyo, is situated east of downtown on the streets around First and Central. +NAN_378|A medieval fire tower marks the entrance to the Japanese Village Plaza shopping mall. +NAN_379|Other community highlights are a cultural center, a theater, and the Japanese American National Museum. +NAN_380|Development was fast, and by the turn of the century, grand mansions and hotels had been built for those vacationing during the winter. +NAN_381|Pasadena soon became a popular resort area. +NAN_382|The Pacific Asia Museum has been designed to resemble a Chinese imperial residence. +NAN_383|It houses galleries of traditional and contemporary Asian art as well as a Chinese courtyard garden. +NAN_384|Since nineteen fifty five, when Walt Disney opened the doors of his Magic Kingdom, Disneyland has become one of the world's most popular tourist attractions. +NAN_385|As you pass through the gates, you enter a land of animated characters and technological wizardry, created by one of the most delightful imaginations that ever lived. +NAN_386|Disneyland is huge, and can be very crowded in summer. +NAN_387|Expect long waits for popular attractions, and heavy crowds on Main Street two hours before the parade. +NAN_388|During high season, arrive when the park opens, and hit the most popular attractions before the lines get too long. +NAN_389|Walter had a keen interest in the old West and, in order to create a diversion for the ravenous patrons, began building a ghost town. +NAN_390|It was a slow process; many of its buildings were brought piece by piece from abandoned desert towns. +NAN_391|Eventually a theme park was born. +NAN_392|Separating the marina from the ocean is the Balboa Peninsula. +NAN_393|A paved walkway used for cycling, skating and strolling runs along the beach in front of beachfront homes. +NAN_394|The island's only town, Avalon, clusters around the bay below stunning mountains that separate it from the rugged interior. +NAN_395|Since no cars are allowed on the island, it has the feel of a bustling old-fashioned beach community. +NAN_396|A number of boat trips leave from the pleasure pier. +NAN_397|These include coastal cruises, and a glass-bottomed boat trip to view the colorful fish and marine plant life. +NAN_398|In the Soviet Union, fundamental science was supported to a great extent by military expenditure. +NAN_399|Thus, it is not surprising that Soviet physics and mathematics were more successful than other fields, such as biology. +NAN_400|However, some laboratories are conducting outsourced research, and there are now research outposts of Western and Japanese companies in Russia organized as standard industrial labs. +NAN_401|On one hand, this work is a dead end for Russian scientists, because the results of such research normally can not be published. +NAN_402|This is a serious problem, especially for young scientists who want to establish themselves. +NAN_403|On the other hand, royalties from patents or commercialization of the products can be used to support further research. +NAN_404|Having the funds to purchase modern equipment abroad is only the first hurdle; the many conflicting rules and restrictions, inefficiency, and corruption within the system can subsequently hold up the process. +NAN_405|Some items, such as tissue samples or animals, are virtually impossible to import legally. +NAN_406|The process of clearing the shipments through customs is a difficult, time-consuming job. +NAN_407|What can be done by the international community to support what is left of Russian science? +NAN_408|Of course, direct support in the form of competitive grants is important, especially if there are few restrictions on spending; even the most carefully considered procedure can not foresee all possible situations. +NAN_409|The contribution of the international community can not be the sole decisive factor in the future growth of Russian science. +NAN_410|Important as it is in this transition period, it is no substitute for a systemic change. +NAN_411|Competition was designed to improve quality. +NAN_412|And I think that will be its lasting legacy; the fact that it has improved quality over the last seven years, and it will continue to do so. +NAN_413|Today, in most parts of our country, the partnerships between legal services programs and the private bar are deep and true. +NAN_414|Private lawyers have an enhanced understanding of the importance of our work. +NAN_415|We, in turn, understand the vital role they play in helping to assure that no client goes unserved. +NAN_416|These are pretty serious problems. +NAN_417|At times, they even appear insurmountable. +NAN_418|But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to address them in a proactive and straight-on manner. +NAN_419|We didn't realize how long it was going to take before we would begin to see some successes. +NAN_420|And then we failed to celebrate those successes as important milestones and victories. +NAN_421|Planning is not an end. +NAN_422|It is a means to an end and you must clearly and consistently articulate the end that you envision. +NAN_423|Programs and program directors responded to these concerns in different ways. +NAN_424|Some pursued strategic planning initiatives. +NAN_425|Others engaged in aggressive resource development, pursued alternative methods of providing legal services to clients, reconfigured their organizations, or in some instances, took their skills and talents elsewhere. +NAN_426|And unfortunately, too many of us did nothing. +NAN_427|In the end, actions do speak louder than words. +NAN_428|It doesn't really matter if we talk about state planning, or state justice communities, or worldclass delivery systems, or the creation of comprehensive, integrated and coordinated legal services delivery systems. +NAN_429|It just matters that we do it. +NAN_430|Over the past six years, many states have developed a range of initiatives aimed at expanding access and improving services to clients. +NAN_431|Their achievements, like the planning processes they have followed, have varied according to local circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. +NAN_432|As expected, one size truly does not fit all. +NAN_433|However, there have been important similarities in terms of successes. +NAN_434|In nineteen ninety nine, California appropriated, for the first time, ten million dollars for legal services. +NAN_435|The same amount was appropriated in Fiscal Year two thousand. +NAN_436|A fifty percent increase to fifteen million dollars is expected for two thousand and one. +NAN_437|In November nineteen ninety nine, the first-ever meeting of all of these programs was held. +NAN_438|The Legal Services Corporation provided funding for two facilitators and lodging and meal costs were paid for by the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois. +NAN_439|The programs met for two days to plan areas of need and cooperation. +NAN_440|Working groups were established to coordinate training statewide, to focus on the establishment of a statewide website, and to continue coordination and sharing in technology matters. +NAN_441|A second portal would provide information and video streaming training for pro bono attorneys. +NAN_442|The final portal would provide access for legal services staff to training materials, discussion groups, legal research, and other matters. +NAN_443|The study completed in mid two thousand found strengths and accomplishments, and noted many remarkable features from which other states could learn. +NAN_444|It also identified some lost opportunities. +NAN_445|A preliminary evaluation of Phase one, currently under way, has found that many users are happy with the overall implementation of the technology plan to date, and believe that it has significantly improved their program's capacity, and their own individual capacity to serve clients. +NAN_446|Many users consider the implementation of the plan to have made a profound difference in the way they do their jobs. +NAN_447|Many users commented on the effectiveness of the new technology in promoting closer relationships among providers. +NAN_448|A new state support center has been created to engage in legislative monitoring and advocacy, training, coordination of statewide advocacy, collection and dissemination of information, and coordination of the system of substantive law taskforces. +NAN_449|A center director has been hired, and office space located. +NAN_450|The programs in Missouri are providing initial funding for the center. +NAN_451|A statewide system of seven substantive law taskforces is being put into place. +NAN_452|The seven issue areas are Consumer, Housing, Family, Income Maintenance and Health, Education, Immigration, and Disability. +NAN_453|The leaders of the taskforces will participate in the taskforce Leadership Council. +NAN_454|Each taskforce is developing statewide goals, strategies, and priorities. +NAN_455|The work of the taskforces will be showcased at an event celebrating the recent opening of the new state support center. +NAN_456|Within this framework, the plan laid out initiatives to improve, and streamline every aspect of the delivery system's operations. +NAN_457|The first priority was to continue to increase resources available for client services. +NAN_458|The second priority was to maximize the efficient and effective expenditure of these resources, and to achieve enhanced outcomes for clients by improving the core legal services delivery system. +NAN_459|There have been a number of successful statewide substantive law training conferences. +NAN_460|The statewide website has a calendar of training events and related information, and a statewide brief bank that can be accessed by all advocates is in the works. +NAN_461|A final Task Force Report was issued in nineteen ninety nine. +NAN_462|Since then, activities have been coordinated through an Access to Justice Network that includes all the entities involved in planning efforts. +NAN_463|Under the leadership of the State Bar's Campaign for Equal Justice, the state has had considerable success. +NAN_464|The Campaign has been raising more than six hundred thousand dollars a year from private attorneys. +NAN_465|Foundation funding accounts for an additional four hundred thousand dollars annually. +NAN_466|Building on a long history of close coordination of legal work, the programs collaborate through five taskforces: domestic relations, administrative law, housing, migrant and elder law. +NAN_467|The taskforces are facilitated by senior attorneys from the various programs, and meet quarterly. +NAN_468|All programs participate. +NAN_469|Co-counseling across programs occurs routinely, and expertise is regularly shared. +NAN_470|Now in its sixth year, the annual event has become the keystone event for the entire statewide equal justice community. +NAN_471|Each conference has generated a higher level of participation and sense of community. +NAN_472|There is no single model for building a state justice community. +NAN_473|States that are on the road to success have taken a variety of different approaches, based on particular circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. +NAN_474|People within a state must feel the need to, and some urgency for changing the legal services delivery system. +NAN_475|Shared values and vision impel the ongoing investment of time and energy that is necessary for success, and have enabled processes in a number of states to get past areas of disagreement. +NAN_476|Values and vision paint the picture that drives the action. +NAN_477|Ongoing evaluation of progress is important. +NAN_478|Openness, candor and frank feedback are essential. +NAN_479|State planning will fail unless there is acceptance of, and encouragement for the risks inherent in experimentation and innovation. +NAN_480|Obstacles and setbacks must be anticipated. +NAN_481|Changing a delivery system that has been in place for a quarter of a century is difficult. +NAN_482|It will take longer than you anticipate. +NAN_483|Skeptics will try to derail it. +NAN_484|The following are some tools and strategies employed effectively by states included in this Report. +NAN_485|This list is intended only to provide some useful examples; it does not purport to be a complete listing of all the states that have employed these tools. +NAN_487|They have not been getting much help, though, from their electronic stenographers: the computer programs that automatically convert intercepted conversations and broadcasts into transcripts. +NAN_488|That is because the speech recognition software that does the eavesdropping is still fairly primitive. +NAN_489|At most, it can identify individual words, but not periods, commas, sentences, or paragraphs, much less when a speaker is joking. +NAN_490|Clearly prosody is important in speech generated by machines, Ostendorf said. +NAN_491|Otherwise, the voices would sound like drones. +NAN_492|But creating machines that recognize prosody is going to be far more difficult, she said. +NAN_493|Here the program must factor in the intention of the speakers, and that is a lot harder than just figuring out words. +NAN_494|Shriber and her colleagues have mapped out some ways in which changes in pitch can signal sentence boundaries. +NAN_495|For example, she has devised models of angry sentences, which tend to have a higher overall pitch, and to end in a downward pitch, as well as being slower, and having a striking emphasis on certain words. +NAN_496|One useful pattern for detecting call-center rage is repetition, his research group has found. +NAN_497|For instance, when a person calling for flight information repeats a question several times using approximately the same wording, something has gone wrong. +NAN_498|Such a person might be connected to a human earlier, he said, before the anger sets in. +NAN_499|One project of Batliner's group went even further, using prosody to determine whether callers were inebriated. +NAN_500|We could detect the very sober and the very drunk with a high degree of accuracy, he said, although the clues were less reliable for people in between. +NAN_501|In my previous two books, I laid out some of the growing reasons to think that evolution was even richer than Darwin supposed. +NAN_502|Modern evolutionary theory has come to view selection as the sole source of order in biological organisms. +NAN_503|But the snowflake's delicate sixfold symmetry tells us that order can arise without the benefit of natural selection. +NAN_504|Instead, much of the order in organisms, I believe, is self-organized and spontaneous. +NAN_505|Self-organization mingles with natural selection in barely understood ways to yield the magnificence of our teeming biosphere. +NAN_506|We must, therefore, expand evolutionary theory. +NAN_507|I sensed my long search would uncover issues that were then only dimly visible to me. +NAN_508|I hoped the unfolding, ongoing notebook would allow me to find the themes, and link them into something that was vast and new, but at the time, inarticulate. +NAN_509|My second and core question became, What must a physical system be to be an autonomous agent? +NAN_510|Make no mistake, we autonomous agents mutually construct our biosphere, even as we coevolve in it. +NAN_511|Why and how this is so is a central subject of all that follows. +NAN_512|Any computer program is an algorithm that, given data, produces some sequence of output, finite or infinite. +NAN_513|Computer programs can always be written in the form of a binary symbol string of one and zero symbols. +NAN_514|All possible binary symbol strings are possible computer programs. +NAN_515|Hence, there is a countable, or denumerable, infinity of computer programs. +NAN_516|A theorem states that for most computer programs, there is no compact description of the printout of the program. +NAN_517|Rather, we must just unleash the program and watch it print what it prints. +NAN_518|In short, there is no shorter description of the output of the program than that which can be obtained by running the program itself. +NAN_519|On the other hand, no one designed and built the biosphere. +NAN_520|The biosphere got itself constructed by the emergence and persistent coevolution of autonomous agents. +NAN_521|If there can not be general laws for all open thermodynamic systems, might there be general laws for thermodynamically open but self-constructing systems such as biospheres? +NAN_522|I believe that the answer is yes. +NAN_523|So we confront a virtuous cycle: Work constructs constraints, yet constraints on the release of energy are required for work to be done. +NAN_524|Here is the heart of a new concept of organization that is not covered by our concepts of matter alone, energy alone, entropy alone, or information alone. +NAN_525|The answers appear not to be present in contemporary physics, chemistry, or biology. +NAN_526|But a coevolving biosphere accomplishes just this coconstruction of propagating organization. +NAN_527|We have much to investigate. +NAN_528|At the end, I think we will know more than at the outset. +NAN_529|But investigation is at best a mere beginning. +NAN_530|If an ink drop is placed in still water in a petri dish, it will diffuse to a uniform equilibrium distribution. +NAN_531|That uniform distribution is an average over an enormous number of atoms or molecules, and is not due to the behavior of individual molecules. +NAN_532|Any local fluctuations in ink concentration soon dissipate back to equilibrium. +NAN_533|If genes are constituted by as few as several hundred atoms, the familiar statistical fluctuations predicted by statistical mechanics would be so large that heritability would be essentially impossible. +NAN_534|Spontaneous mutations would happen at a frequency vastly larger than observed. +NAN_535|Quantum mechanics ensures that solids have rigidly ordered molecular structures. +NAN_536|A crystal is the simplest case. +NAN_537|But crystals are structurally dull. +NAN_538|The atoms are arranged in a regular lattice in three dimensions. +NAN_539|If you know the positions of all the atoms in a minimal-unit crystal, you know where all the other atoms are in the entire crystal. +NAN_540|This overstates the case, for there can be complex defects, but the point is clear. +NAN_541|Crystals have very regular structures, so the different parts of the crystal, in some sense, all say the same thing. +NAN_542|The stuff of the gene, he bets, is some form of aperiodic crystal. +NAN_543|The form of the aperiodicity will contain some kind of microscopic code that somehow controls the development of the organism. +NAN_544|The quantum character of the aperiodic solid will mean that small discrete changes, or mutations, will occur. +NAN_545|Natural selection, operating on these small discrete changes, will select out favorable mutations, as Darwin hoped. +NAN_546|I am not entirely convinced of what lies within this book; the material is too new and far too surprising to warrant conviction. +NAN_547|Yet the pathways I have stumbled along, glimpsing what may be a terra nova, do seem to me to be worth serious presentation and serious consideration. +NAN_548|One direction suggests that an answer to this question may demand a fundamental alteration in how we have done science since Newton. +NAN_549|Life is doing something far richer than we may have dreamed, literally something incalculable. +NAN_550|It will take a while to fully explore this definition. +NAN_551|Unpacking its implications reveals much that I did not remotely anticipate. +NAN_552|An early insight is that an autonomous agent must be displaced from thermodynamic equilibrium. +NAN_553|Work cycles can not occur at equilibrium. +NAN_554|Thus, the concept of an agent is inherently a nonequilibrium concept. +NAN_555|To begin to understand the molecular diversity revolution, consider a crude estimate of the total organic molecular diversity of the biosphere. +NAN_556|There are perhaps a hundred million species. +NAN_557|Humans have about a hundred thousand structural genes, encoding that many different proteins. +NAN_558|If all the genes within a species were identical, and all the genes in different species were at least slightly different, the biosphere would harbor about ten trillion different proteins. +NAN_559|Molecular diversity has now spread to the generation of high-diversity libraries of small organic molecules, an approach called combinatorial chemistry. +NAN_560|The promise is of high medical importance. +NAN_561|They conceived of an abstract shape space with perhaps seven or eight dimensions. +NAN_562|Three of these dimensions would correspond to the three spatial dimensions, length, height, and width of a molecular binding site. +NAN_563|Other dimensions might correspond to physical properties of the binding sites of molecules, such as charge, dipole moment, and hydrophobicity. +NAN_564|If an antibody covers a ball, an actual volume in shape space, then a finite number of balls will suffice to cover all of shape space. +NAN_565|A reasonable analogy is that a finite number of Pingpong balls will fill up a bedroom. +NAN_566|Not surprisingly, similar molecules can have similar shapes. +NAN_567|More surprisingly, very different molecules can have the same shape. +NAN_568|Examples include endorphin and morphine. +NAN_569|Endorphin is a peptide hormone. +NAN_570|When endorphin binds the endorphin brain receptor, a euphoric state is induced. +NAN_571|Morphine, a completely different kind of organic molecule, binds the endorphin receptor as well, with well-known consequences. +NAN_572|Physical chemists think of the substrate and product molecules as lying in two potential energy wells, like a ball at the bottom of one of two adjacent bowls. +NAN_573|A chemical reaction requires lifting the substrate energetically to the top of the barrier between the bowls. +NAN_574|Physically, the substrate's bonds are maximally strained and deformed at the top of this potential barrier. +NAN_575|The deformed molecule is called the transition state. +NAN_576|Life, at its core, depends upon autocatalysis, that is, reproduction. +NAN_577|Most catalysis in cells is carried out by protein enzymes. +NAN_578|Might there be general laws supporting the possibility that systems of catalytic polymers such as proteins might be self-reproducing? +NAN_579|Mutations are the feedstock of heritable variation in a population. +NAN_580|Populations evolve by mutation, mating, recombination, and selection to give the well-marked varieties that are, for Darwin, new species. +NAN_581|First, Darwin's theory of evolution is a theory of descent with modification. +NAN_582|It does not yet explain the genesis of forms, but the trimmings of the forms, once they are generated. +NAN_583|In Drosophila, many mutants make small modifications in bristle number, color, shape. +NAN_584|A few change wings to legs, eyes to antennae, heads to genitalia. +NAN_585|But it is not so obvious that recombination is a good idea after all. +NAN_586|At the molecular level, the recombination procedure is rather like taking an airplane and a motorcycle, breaking both in half, and using spare bolts to attach the back half of the airplane to the front half of the motorcycle. +NAN_587|The resulting contraption seems useless for any purpose. +NAN_588|In later chapters I will discuss the concept of a fitness landscape. +NAN_589|The basic idea is simple. +NAN_590|Consider a set of all possible frogs, each with a different genotype. +NAN_591|Locate each frog in a high-dimensional genotype space, each next to all genotypes that differ from it by a single mutation. +NAN_592|Imagine that you can measure the fitness of each frog. +NAN_593|Graph the fitness of each frog as a height above that position in genotype space. +NAN_594|The resulting heights form a fitness landscape over the genotype space, much as the Alps form a mountainous landscape over part of Europe. +NAN_595|In the absence of any knowledge or constraint on the fitness landscape, on average, any search procedure is as good as any other. +NAN_596|But life uses mutation, recombination, and selection. +NAN_597|These search procedures seem to be working quite well. +NAN_598|Think of an organism's niche as a way of making a living. +NAN_599|Call a way of making a living a natural game. +NAN_600|Then of course, natural games evolve with the organisms making those livings during the past four billion years. +NAN_601|What, then, are the winning games? +NAN_602|Naturally, the winning games are the games the winning organisms play. +NAN_603|So organisms, niches, and search procedures jointly and self-consistently coconstruct one another. +NAN_604|We make the world in which we make a living such that we can, and have, more or less mastered that evolving world as we make it. +NAN_605|The same is true, I will argue, for an econosphere. +NAN_606|A web of economic activities, firms, tasks, jobs, workers, skills, and learning, self-consistently came into existence in the last forty thousand years of human evolution. +NAN_607|Think of the Magna Carta, that cultural enterprise founded on a green meadow in England when John the First was confronted by his nobles. +NAN_608|British common law has evolved by precedent and determinations to a tangled web of more-or-less wisdom. +NAN_609|When a judge makes a new determination, sets a new precedent, ripples of new interpretation pass to near and occasionally far reaches of the law. +NAN_610|Were it the case that every new precedent altered the interpretation of all old judgments, the common law could not have coevolved into its rich tapestry. +NAN_611|Conversely, if new precedents never sent out ripples, the common law could hardly evolve at all. +NAN_612|The experiment requires a table and some sand. +NAN_613|Drop the sand slowly on the table. +NAN_614|The sand gradually piles up, fills the tabletop, piles to the rest angle of sand, then sand avalanches begin to fall to the floor. +NAN_615|Keep adding sand slowly to the sand pile, and plot the size distribution of sand avalanches. +NAN_616|You will obtain many small avalanches and progressively fewer large avalanches. +NAN_617|In the sand pile case, a straight line sloping downward to the right is obtained. +NAN_618|The slope is the power law relation between the size and number of avalanches. +NAN_619|In addition, the same body of theory predicts that most species go extinct soon after their formation, while some live a long time. +NAN_620|The predicted species lifetime distribution is a power law. +NAN_621|Similar phenomena may occur in an econosphere. +NAN_622|Small and large avalanches of extinction and speciation events occur in our technologies. +NAN_623|As autonomous agents coconstruct a biosphere, each must manage to categorize and act upon its world in its own behalf. +NAN_624|What principles might govern that categorization and action, one might begin to wonder. +NAN_625|I suspect that autonomous agents coevolve such that each makes the maximum diversity of reliable discriminations upon which it can act reliably as it swims, scrambles, pokes, twists, and pounces. +NAN_626|Our universe is vastly nonrepeating; or, as the physicists say, the universe is vastly nonergodic. +NAN_627|Perhaps there are laws that govern this nonergodic flow. +NAN_628|Biospheres demand their Shakespeares as well as their Newtons. +NAN_629|We will have to rethink what science is itself. +NAN_630|And the humanities and science may find an unexpected, inevitable union. +NAN_631|A simple example of a device that detects displacements from equilibrium and extracts work is a windmill. +NAN_632|The vane on the windmill measures the direction of the wind, and pivots the windmill such that its fan blades are perpendicular to the wind. +NAN_633|In turn, the wind does work on the blades, causing the windmill to rotate. +NAN_634|The system as a whole measures a deviation from equilibrium, orients the entire system such that extraction of work by the wind is possible for the device, and it actually extracts work. +NAN_635|The windmill turns. +NAN_636|The stark fact that a biosphere builds up this astounding complexity and diversity suggests that our current physics is missing something fundamental. +NAN_637|A biosphere becomes complex, the universe becomes complex. +NAN_638|I will argue that the very diversity and complexity of a biosphere begets its further diversification and complexification. +NAN_641|But it will turn out that in any specific case of work, the specific process is organized in some specific way. +NAN_643|A conceptual cluster lies at the heart of the mystery. +NAN_644|The cluster concerns the progressive emergence of organization in the evolution of the physical universe and of a biosphere. +NAN_645|Part of the answer lies in the concept of broken symmetries. +NAN_646|Consider a pole standing vertically on a horizontal plane. +NAN_647|In due course, it will fall over under the influence of gravity. +NAN_648|Prior to falling, its range of possible directions to fall is the full circle. +NAN_649|After it falls, it points in some specific direction. +NAN_650|By falling, the pole has broken the circular symmetry of the system and come to a specific orientation. +NAN_651|Maxwell's demon is almost an autonomous agent. +NAN_652|While the demon is not defined as I have done, you will soon see that he seems to be able to make decisions, and to act on the physical world. +NAN_653|I suspect it is more than a mere coincidence that Maxwell and we seem forced to use this kind of intentional language. +NAN_654|Multiply the logarithm of the number of microstates per macrostate by the probability that the system is in that macrostate. +NAN_655|Now add up all these quantities for all the macrostates. +NAN_656|The total is the entropy of the system. +NAN_657|One modern sense of a compact description of something is a computer program. +NAN_658|We are to think of the computer program as a calculating engine. +NAN_659|We give it initial input data. +NAN_660|It has some program, typically written as a sequence of binary numbers, and the program operates on the input data, also a string of binary symbols, and churns out an answer. +NAN_661|Then the concept of a compact description becomes the concept of the shortness of the symbol string giving the input data, and the shortness of the program. +NAN_662|Terrorists usually try to attack strong targets at their weakest point, security experts contend. +NAN_663|But if the shooting Thursday at Los Angeles International Airport was terrorism, then it was an attack on perhaps the airport's strongest point. +NAN_664|Israeli officials have been ratcheting up security on El Al since the nineteen sixties, when it became a target of attacks and hijackings. +NAN_665|The only successful hijacking of an El Al jet was in nineteen sixty eight, when a flight from Rome was diverted to Algiers by Palestinian nationalists. +NAN_666|Its passengers are unapologetically profiled. +NAN_667|While most Israeli Jews quickly pass through security inspection, Arabs and certain other foreigners are singled out for intense questioning. +NAN_668|I think we need to take a long look at all of our security procedures, he said. +NAN_669|We need to see what further steps should be taken to protect the entire terminal area. +NAN_670|No one answered the phone at the Aerial Sign Corporation Thursday night. +NAN_671|One of the company's planes was involved in a fatal accident at the airport on Monday, when it turned right shortly after takeoff, cartwheeled and exploded. +NAN_672|You shouldn't have jumped that subway turnstile, but it is too late for regrets. +NAN_673|You were caught and sentenced to community service. +NAN_674|Now comes the hard part. +NAN_675|Do you resign yourself to spending the weekend picking up trash along the highway, and hoping none of your friends cruise past while you are wearing that orange traffic vest? +NAN_676|Or do you try for a more genteel punishment, say, planting bulbs in Central Park? +NAN_677|But not all community service sentences are the same. +NAN_678|Choose the short stick, and you could do your time scraping human feces off the concrete beneath the Harlem River Drive overpasses. +NAN_679|If you are lucky, you could end up stuffing envelopes and sipping tea at the charity of your choice. +NAN_680|Whatever you do, avoid something called homeless removal. +NAN_681|This involves dismantling the temporary shelters along the highway put up by homeless people and cleaning the areas they have been using as latrines. +NAN_682|The highway cleanup details are a little better, but far from ideal. +NAN_684|Working in the parks is far more pleasant, several offenders said. +NAN_685|It is shady, and the work is mostly sweeping and raking, sometimes even pulling weeds and planting flowers. +NAN_686|One solution is to request a posting where you are not likely to run into friends and family. +NAN_687|Many of the Parks Department sites are in Staten Island, a safe bet for some Manhattan residents. +NAN_688|If your offense requires you to stick with subways, you can ask to clean the yards, which are generally in remote parts of Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. +NAN_689|The ugly truth here is that money can help. +NAN_690|Community service may appear to be one of the great leveling experiences of modern life, like jury service or highway rest-stop bathrooms. +NAN_691|But if you are willing to pay for it, a lawyer can propose a custom sentence with a charity or nonprofit group. +NAN_692|For everyone else, it is not clear whether community service is more or less effective than jail at reducing recidivism, experts say. +NAN_693|It started out as a boutique sentence for white-collar offenders, and has evolved only over the past two decades into a standard punishment for people whose crimes merit something more than probation and less than prison. +NAN_694|Even now, fully one-third of those sentenced fail to show up, and many of them lose the option to perform community service and end up serving jail terms, Kluger said. +NAN_695|In theory, community service saves the city money by avoiding jail costs. +NAN_696|But it is hard to be sure, since many of those who are sentenced would have been let off with nothing in an earlier era, said Douglas Corry McDonald. +NAN_697|Bottarga is the pressed and salted roe of many kinds of fish. +NAN_698|It is important in the Mediterranean culture. +NAN_699|In Sicily they eat slices of it on ripe tomatoes. +NAN_700|Making bottarga is a way of preserving the roe of the fish that come in to spawn. +NAN_701|It gives you an idea of how every part of the fish is used. +NAN_702|You can get bottarga from tuna, mullet, ling, and hake. +NAN_703|I put the bottarga in the freezer to firm it up, so I can shave it on a mandolin. +NAN_704|You can also buy it grated, but I don't like it as much that way, and especially not in this dish, not with the bread crumbs. +NAN_705|Just remember to cook the pasta in well-salted water and time it a minute less than it says on the box. +NAN_706|The only way to tell if the pasta is done is to taste it. +NAN_707|It should be kind of firm when you take it out because you are also going to cook it in the sauce. +NAN_708|You need to finish your pasta in the sauce. +NAN_709|This sauce is hardly a sauce at all, just some garlic in olive oil, with a dried chili, some of the water from the pasta, and then the bread crumbs, pretty humble stuff. +NAN_710|You want to keep it a little wet because of the bread crumbs, and try to let the oil cool down a bit before you add the water, so it won't splash. +NAN_711|Drain pasta, reserving one cup of cooking water. +NAN_712|Pour water into skillet with chili and garlic, add drained pasta, return to medium heat, and simmer about a minute. +NAN_713|Add remaining parsley and half the bread crumbs. +NAN_714|Toss to combine. +NAN_715|Season with salt and pepper. +NAN_716|Drizzle with remaining olive oil. +NAN_717|For women reaching menopause, decisions about hormone-replacement therapy seem to be getting more complicated. +NAN_718|New studies contradict old ones. +NAN_719|Books, web sites and advertisements for an array of products abound. +NAN_720|Recent studies have cast doubt on earlier research that suggested hormone replacement could prevent cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease. +NAN_721|Those questions may not be resolved before two thousand and six, when results are expected from a large, federally financed study called the Women's Health Initiative. +NAN_722|The factions do agree that for certain problems, hormone therapy works well. +NAN_723|It is by far the best way to relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, and it can ease the dryness and discomfort that may result from thinning of the vaginal lining. +NAN_724|Hormone replacement also decreases bone loss, though the benefit ends as soon as a woman stops taking the hormones. +NAN_725|Five years is a cutoff that many doctors recommend, because that is when studies start detecting an increased risk of breast cancer. +NAN_726|About eighty percent of the women who start taking hormones stop on their own within a few years. +NAN_727|Estrogen relieves menopausal symptoms, but taking it alone increases the risk of uterine cancer. +NAN_728|So, unless a woman has had her uterus removed, hormone replacement consists of a combination of estrogen and some form of another hormone, progesterone, which lowers the uterine risk. +NAN_729|Estrogen also comes in more than one form. +NAN_731|In the body, estrogens are made mostly by the ovaries, with small amounts formed in the adrenal glands. +NAN_732|Many of the claims for other estrogens are based on small studies, some without control groups. +NAN_733|Some are based on the success stories of individual doctors and patients, or on the idea that it makes sense to try to mimic the body's hormonal patterns as closely as possible. +NAN_734|Both Warren and Schiff said that for many women, a much more important decision was whether to take estrogen by mouth or through a skin patch. +NAN_735|Taken orally, estrogen goes through the stomach and intestine, and hits the liver in a high dose. +NAN_736|But when given through a patch, estrogen is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, as it is when secreted naturally. +NAN_737|It still reaches the liver, but not in high doses. +NAN_738|It is thought that the patch does not increase the clotting factors, and the risk for phlebitis should be reduced, Schiff said. +NAN_739|But that hasn't been proven yet. +NAN_740|Noelle Bush said she had found the pills on the center's grounds. +NAN_741|Center administrators said that was false. +NAN_742|In a letter to the judge overseeing Noelle Bush's case, the program director of the center where she is receiving treatment expressed concerns about her recovery even though Noelle Bush has passed the required drug tests. +NAN_743|There is concern about her lack of honesty, the program director wrote to the judge. +NAN_744|The governor has previously acknowledged that his daughter has a drug problem, and he has at times become emotional talking about it. +NAN_745|At the opening of an annual statewide drug conference in May, he wept as he thanked audience members for their support while he and his wife, Columba, dealt with their daughter's recovery. +NAN_746|In his statement Wednesday, the governor described his daughter's setback as a difficult family matter. +NAN_747|What Fassel told the Giants in his meeting with them on the eve of practice is to concentrate on playing smarter, eliminating simple mistakes. +NAN_748|The new starters are going to make errors, inevitably. +NAN_749|The staff is impressed with the new left guard Rich Seubert, but some wily defensive tackle is going to blow past him, as Keith Hamilton did here in practice Friday, and Kerry Collin's blind side will be unprotected. +NAN_750|Kenny Holmes, the right defensive end who came to the Giants amid great expectations and played poorly, took Fassel's words to heart, but in a different way. +NAN_751|To Holmes, playing smarter means preparing better. +NAN_752|Allen and Peterson both said that at times last year, they felt overwhelmed just before the snap of the ball, their minds racing as they tried to remember precisely what their responsibilities were. +NAN_753|Each wants to get to a point where the assignments come more naturally to them, and they can react, instead of thinking. +NAN_754|Fassel spoke to punter Rodney Williams about being more consistent, about eliminating the shanks that came between his booming kicks. +NAN_755|Williams feels he sometimes rushes through his mechanics, and improperly hits the ball. +NAN_756|Mental health is perhaps the most neglected area of health policy and programming. +NAN_757|According to the two thousand and one World Health Report, some four hundred and fifty million people suffer from a mental or behavioral disorder, yet only a small minority of them receive even the most basic treatment. +NAN_758|Whether or not ideological factors are at play, civil commitment laws must provide for minimum substantive and procedural protections that protect mentally ill individuals' fundamental agency. +NAN_759|This is often not the case. +NAN_760|Once mental health is construed in terms of human rights, all states are required, at a very minimum, to establish a normative framework consistent with international law. +NAN_761|Such a normative framework provides for procedural protections; it also provides for human rights oversight and remedies in the event of abuses. +NAN_762|Mentally disabled persons have the same right to redress for violations of their fundamental rights as other people do. +NAN_763|Recourse may imply judicial remedies, but in some cases a human rights ombudsman can be equally effective. +NAN_764|Both international agencies and professional associations can play critical roles in providing technical assistance to countries to develop rights-based national mental health policies. +NAN_765|Bilateral and multilateral donors should encourage such rights-based policies through their funding prerogatives. +NAN_766|Our goal is to tell the truth. +NAN_767|That honest effort is the source of any ethical difference we can or might make. +NAN_768|Truth is the basis for the power of a whistleblower, one that can withstand the assault of unprecedented odds against being heard put forth by that sum of political power, expediency, and money. +NAN_769|Legal Aid's four hundred and fifty displaced attorneys and staffers have spent the past twelve months spread among previously unused spaces in the nonprofit's other offices. +NAN_770|It could be another year and a half before they return to their old desks. +NAN_771|In the memories of the exiled workers, the old office has achieved mythical proportions. +NAN_772|They say the wood paneling and rugs had the ability to cool emotions and lift spirits. +NAN_773|When I was in college, I thought I wanted to be a doctor, she said. +NAN_774|I found I didn't want to do that, and realized an interest in psychology. +NAN_775|I didn't know what I wanted to do, but all my friends thought I should go into law because I was always on a soapbox. +NAN_776|I decided to try it. +NAN_777|Recently, Wallace received the Outstanding Woman Lawyer in Public Interest Law Award. +NAN_778|The award was voted on and presented by the women's caucus of West Virginia University College of Law. +NAN_779|Wallace's commitment has been acknowledged. +NAN_780|She was promoted in February to regional counsel. +NAN_781|She manages legal services for approximately twelve counties south of Charleston, West Virginia. +NAN_782|Of course, the one tax concept that we all understand is an audit. +NAN_783|The prospect of being audited may be one of life's most stressful experiences, so I can only imagine how daunting it would be, if I had to do so without any professional assistance. +NAN_784|But that is the exact situation that many low and moderate-income taxpayers face, when being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. +NAN_785|With the push in recent years to move people from welfare to work, there are many new low-wage first-time filers, who are often automatically audited. +NAN_786|Still others fail to file, file incorrectly, or fail to take advantage of programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit. +NAN_787|These programs address a valid complaint by corporate tax lawyers that there are not enough opportunities for them to use their unique skills to help individuals on a pro bono basis. +NAN_788|However, participation in a taxpayer clinic is not solely limited to tax experts since these programs provide extensive training and mentoring. +NAN_789|It is a vital income supplement and work incentive program targeted to low-income working families with children. +NAN_790|It has been called the nation's most successful anti-poverty program, distributing over thirty billion dollars of assistance to almost nineteen million families. +NAN_791|Twenty-eight percent of the families that benefited from the program had incomes below ten thousand dollars, and sixty percent were below twenty thousand dollars. +NAN_792|In nineteen ninety nine, it lifted more than four point eight million individuals out of poverty. +NAN_793|Both of these scenarios point to the importance of having professional assistance throughout this process, and to the vital role of the low-income taxpayer clinics. +NAN_794|Although these clinics are relatively new, they have been well-received by volunteer lawyers who have been instrumental in establishing the programs. +NAN_795|Although the program continues to survive, its funding has been reduced by more than one hundred million dollars. +NAN_796|On the state level, funding from the Interest on Lawyer Account fund has decreased by half during the nineteen nineties due to declining interest rates. +NAN_797|Just a few years ago, pro bono work usually meant litigation. +NAN_798|Although litigation continues to be a leading pro bono activity, new projects have been created, that tap into the multitude of expertise within the profession. +NAN_799|There are pro bono programs that now partner with volunteer corporate lawyers to assist not-for-profits and micro-enterprises, as well as on economic development projects. +NAN_800|The taxpayer clinic is unique because it is one of the few opportunities for tax practitioners to assist individual taxpayers on a pro bono basis. +NAN_801|A new conception of government might yet emerge to realize the ambitions of Gettysburg, to ensure equality of all those created equal as it simultaneously promotes a new birth of freedom. +NAN_802|It is as though nothing has been resolved. +NAN_803|When the pursuit of equality begins to encroach upon our basic freedoms, we are unsure where to turn. +NAN_804|This system of long-term support inherited all the old Soviet ills, such as the lack of correlation between scientific output and the level of funding. +NAN_805|As a result, the available resources are spread thinly over hundreds of labs, most of which are just barely alive. +NAN_807|Leaving does not necessarily mean leaving the country; many capable young people go into business. +NAN_808|While that might be good for the country in general, it is bad for science, at least in the short term. +NAN_809|However, even emigration is not a completely negative thing; it creates a network of collaborators, and in many cases enhances ties with the international community. +NAN_810|By contrast, some other types of joint project may be less successful. +NAN_811|Artificial programs aimed at creating various participant networks usually do not work as expected, and training programs in Western universities often attract potential emigrants, rather than those willing to continue active research inside Russia. +NAN_812|The traditional model of top-down distribution of funds must be changed, and this may be difficult. +NAN_813|The current system of decision making by Russian funding agencies is clearly inadequate. +NAN_814|Moreover, the problems of Russian science mirror the problems of Russian society in general, and it would be naive to expect that they will be solved overnight, even given the political will. +NAN_815|Still, if successful, this combination should provide both high-level research in established fields, and sufficient flexibility to find new directions. +NAN_816|As I was sworn in as a licensed attorney in the state of Iowa, I optimistically and mistakenly believed that my life in legal services would be a short one. +NAN_817|I truly believed that in my lifetime, I would witness the eradication of poverty and injustice. +NAN_818|I believed that I would see the day when no person would go hungry at night. +NAN_819|I believed to the very core of my soul that the human race was on the brink of a new era in which intolerance, bigotry and prejudice would no longer exist. +NAN_820|The programs were locally focused, and passionately promoted local control. +NAN_821|Many of the staff made legal services their careers. +NAN_822|Some of the programs' managers stayed with one program for their entire professional lifetimes. +NAN_823|In some programs, board membership terminated only with the member's death. +NAN_824|In reality, there has been very little actual competition for our federal funds. +NAN_825|There are many reasons for this lack of real competition. +NAN_826|First and probably foremost, as we all know, providing high-quality legal services to low-income persons is not as easy as it looks. +NAN_827|It requires systems and practices and mindsets and commitments that may be foreign to many other non-profit providers of human services. +NAN_828|Mister Alinsky instructs his readers to pick an issue, find an adversary and make it personal. +NAN_829|And that may be you at the wrong end of the personal attacks. +NAN_830|So get psychologically prepared and don't be blind-sided by the venom. +NAN_831|In a few states, a fully developed state justice community is in place, and its accomplishments are paying off in terms of expanded and improved services to clients. +NAN_832|Some states have developed key justice community institutions whose significant improvements in the structure of civil legal assistance in their state position them to make real changes for clients. +NAN_833|Some states are still in an early phase: they have developed a plan that shows real promise, and are just beginning to build the structures and launch the initiatives to implement it. +NAN_834|One of the first projects jointly pursued by the Los Angeles Basin programs will address the diverse languages spoken by Asian client population. +NAN_835|Under a grant from the Open Society Institute, the programs contracted with the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California to provide centralized intake for Asian clients who do not speak English. +NAN_836|If the clients require extended service or representation, their cases are then matched with staff of any of the three programs, depending on the specific language capabilities of each program. +NAN_837|The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation has recently made its first grants from money appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly. +NAN_838|Because of the limited money available, the first grants were restricted to funding for civil legal services and hotlines. +NAN_839|Later this year, the Foundation will initiate a study to evaluate the most effective way in which pro bono can be encouraged and supported. +NAN_840|This state conducts its planning activities through ad hoc groups addressing discreet issues. +NAN_841|In this way they have involved the judiciary, the private bar, law schools, social services providers, court personnel, legal services staff and board members, and clients in their planning effort. +NAN_842|The Justice Action Group undertook responsibility for overseeing the work of a number of taskforces for specific issue areas. +NAN_843|The work of the taskforces was supported by the Legal Services Response Team, consisting of the directors of the legal services programs, and directors of the Bar Foundation and the Bar Association. +NAN_844|Some of the small providers are stand-alone organizations that target very specific populations or legal problems. +NAN_845|Others are part of larger organizations that focus on specific populations or legal problems. +NAN_846|In addition, Maryland has two law schools that are very active in delivering legal services to low-income persons in a variety of areas. +NAN_847|The successful state planning initiative requires open communication. +NAN_848|Planning that results in permanent change will occur most readily and effectively where collaboration and team building is rewarded, and infighting activities are shunned. +NAN_849|And no one can be cut out of the process. +NAN_850|State planning fails when groups of stakeholders feel ignored, marginalized or unimportant. +NAN_851|Sentence boundaries are typically marked in writing by periods. +NAN_852|Today's machine transcriptions are a lot like classic run-on sentences, hundreds of words with never a full stop in sight. +NAN_853|Darwin assumed gradualism. +NAN_854|Most variations would be minor. +NAN_855|Selection would sift these insensible alterations, a bit more lift, a little less drag, until the wing flew faultless in the high-hoped sky. +NAN_856|Notice that the closure in catalytic and work tasks can not be defined locally. +NAN_857|No single reaction, no single linking of spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes typically suffices to specify the closures we are describing. +NAN_858|These closures are typically collective properties of the entire autonomous agent in its environment. +NAN_859|One can imagine a watery planet with small sail boats, sails, and tillers trimmed to tack forever on a left tack, forever circling the everywhere ocean. +NAN_860|Here the sails and tiller match the windmill and its vane, orienting the fan to capture the transient wind, and extract mechanical work. +NAN_861|In category theory it seems necessary to specify ahead of time all the possible domains and ranges and mappings under consideration. +NAN_862|I will suggest in a later chapter when we consider the evolution of novelties that there is no finite prespecification for the work tasks, measurements, records, and catalytic tasks that might constitute autonomous agents. +NAN_863|In short, I will argue that we can not prestate the configuration space of a biosphere. +NAN_864|The pilots did not respond when the police helicopter signaled them, and according to an aviation official, one of the two planes appeared to fly directly at the helicopter, forcing the helicopter pilot to make an evasive maneuver. +NAN_865|The helicopter called for backup, and soon three helicopters were pursuing the two planes, the aviation official said. +NAN_866|The trouble with all of these outdoor activities, for many New Yorkers, is the shame factor. +NAN_867|It is really embarrassing, said Pete, a Long Island resident who wanted to avoid the shame of seeing his last name in the newspaper. +NAN_868|He was sweeping the pavement in Tompkins Square Park on a recent summer morning after being sentenced for drunken driving. +NAN_869|If you have been sentenced to a federal crime, you can even pay a consultant to arrange a more imaginative and fulfilling way to pay your debt to society. +NAN_870|One of the best-known consultants is Joel Sickler. +NAN_871|We try to take advantage of someone's talents, and the needs of the organization, said Sickler, the director of client services at the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives. +NAN_872|Sickler arranged for the Manhattan artist Peter Max to teach art classes in city schools for the Children's Aid Society, after Max was convicted of tax evasion. +NAN_873|He has worked out similar stints for a gallery of other celebrity clients, including Helmsley and Michael Milken. +NAN_874|I love bread crumbs on pasta, just with garlic and olive oil. +NAN_875|They soak up the flavor and give some crunch. +NAN_876|In southern Italy, when pasta is made with seafood, they often put bread crumbs on it instead of cheese, because they don't like cheese with seafood. +NAN_877|For quarterback Kerry Collins, playing smarter means reducing the number of fumbles he had last year, a league record twenty three. +NAN_878|The Giants lost possession on six of the fumbles, and their offense was essentially shut down after the other seventeen fumbles. +NAN_879|We can clean that up, Collins said. +NAN_880|We can take care of that. +NAN_881|Jason Whittle, who is expected to start at right guard, believes that for the offensive linemen, playing smarter means eliminating penalties, like the false starts. +NAN_882|Inexperienced offensive linemen could be prone to these types of errors, jumping as they anticipate a move from a defensive lineman, or when they react anxiously to their own mistake on a previous play. +NAN_883|These can just kill you and put you in a bad position, Whittle said. +NAN_884|According to the World Health Organization, mental and behavioral disorders are estimated to account for twelve percent of the global burden of disease, yet the mental health budgets of the majority of countries constitute less than one percent of their total health expenditures. +NAN_885|The relationship between disease burden and disease spending is clearly disproportionate. +NAN_886|A rights-based approach calls not only for the location of care in the community, but also for the transfer of planning and decision-making power to the individuals and communities that the health system is supposed to serve. +NAN_887|In this case, consumers and family members must be integrally involved in the policy-making and programming decisions. +NAN_888|Nondiscrimination is the most fundamental tenet in human rights. +NAN_889|Under international law, discrimination need not be intentional nor de jure to constitute a violation of various relevant treaties, but merely needs to have the effect of nullifying or impairing the equal enjoyment of exercise of rights. +NAN_890|A human rights approach to mental health policy demands that special attention be placed on remedying such inequities which affect the physical, mental, and social well-being of persons with mental disabilities. +NAN_891|Such an approach depends upon multisectoral strategies, including education, housing and work, and establish that people with mental disabilities are full citizens. +NAN_892|As an immediate first step, all states can develop national mental health policies and plans of action with measurable targets, which provide for open public discussion. +NAN_893|Devising a national policy is a precondition to creating rights-based programs that address the multivalent problems faced by persons with mental disability. +NAN_894|Stakeholder participation in the process affirms that mentally disabled people are rights-worthy. +NAN_895|For me, whistleblowing is not a theoretical exercise. +NAN_896|It has a human face and tangible features. +NAN_897|It is the face of children and adults who have been injured or killed by misrepresented pharmaceuticals. +NAN_898|They have contended with difficult working conditions, as demand for Legal Aid's services is on the rise, because of September eleven and the deteriorating economy. +NAN_899|The civil division is spread among a few boroughs. +NAN_900|Their papers and documents, some twenty thousand boxes worth, are stuck in a storage facility in Linden, New Jersey. +NAN_901|Economics has its roots in agency and the emergence of advantages of trade among autonomous agents. +NAN_902|The advantages of trade predate the human economy by essentially the entire history of life on this planet. +NAN_903|So we begin with an outline of competitive general equilibrium as the cornerstone conceptual framework of modern economics. +NAN_904|Ken Arrow is a friend. +NAN_905|As one of the inventors of the framework, Ken is more at liberty to be a critic than the two generations of economists who have followed in his footsteps. +NAN_906|My best reading of Ken's view, which I share, is that competitive general equilibrium is, at present, the only overarching framework we have to think about the economy as a whole. +NAN_907|Yet Ken suspects that that framework is incomplete; I agree. +NAN_908|More companies are willing to create widgets as the price per widget increases. +NAN_909|On the other hand, demand decreases from high to low as prices increase. +NAN_910|Fewer customers are willing to buy widgets as the price per widget increases. +NAN_911|But worse, the supply or demand for bread today may be different than the supply or demand for bread tomorrow. +NAN_912|And still worse, the supply or demand for bread tomorrow may depend on all sorts of odd contingent facts. +NAN_913|For example, if severe cold kills the winter wheat next month, the supply of bread will drop; if a bumper crop of winter wheat comes available globally because of weather, or suddenly improved irrigation and farming practices worldwide, the supply will go up. +NAN_914|A beginning case is your hair, particularly for males, where short hair makes the fixed point easy to see. +NAN_915|When you comb your hair in a normal fashion, there is a point roughly on top of your head, slightly to the back, where a roughly circular swirl of hair occurs around a fixed point where typically a bit of scalp shows through. +NAN_916|They distinguish between normal uncertainty and Knightian uncertainty. +NAN_917|Normal uncertainty is the kind we are familiar with in probability theory concerning flipping coins. +NAN_918|I am unsure whether in flips there will be heads or tails. +NAN_919|Thanks to lots of work, I can now calculate the probability of any outcome in the finitely prestated space of possible outcomes. +NAN_920|Knightian uncertainty concerns those cases where we do not yet know the possible outcomes. +NAN_921|Consider my favorite example: The introduction of the automobile drove the horse, as a mode of transport, extinct. +NAN_922|With the horse went the barn, the buggy, the stable, the smithy, the saddlery, and the Pony Express. +NAN_923|With the car came paved roads, an oil and gas industry, motels, fastfood restaurants, and suburbia. +NAN_924|Bacteria and horseshoe crabs keep establishing rough price equilibria in their mutualisms without a prespecified space of ways of making a living. +NAN_925|If they can do it, so can we mere humans. +NAN_926|Getting on with it in the absence of predefined configuration spaces has been the persistent provenance of autonomous agents since we stumbled into existence. +NAN_927|Rational expectations theory assumes a set of economic agents with beliefs about how the economy is working. +NAN_928|The agents base their economic actions on those beliefs. +NAN_929|A fixed point can exist under which the actions of the agents, given their beliefs about the economy, exactly create the expected economic behavior. +NAN_930|So under rational expectations, one can understand bubbles. +NAN_931|It is rational to believe that prices are going above fundamental value and thus to invest, and the investments sustain the bubble for a period of time. +NAN_932|Natural rationality is, in this sense, bounded. +NAN_933|It is bounded because we mutually create nonstationary worlds. +NAN_934|But the complex theories, with many Fourier modes, attempt to predict fine details of the repeatable behavior. +NAN_935|As those theories become more complex, they are more fragile because they can be disconfirmed by ever more minor fluctuations in the repeatable behavior. +NAN_936|Out of what modular parts and processes, wonder Boeing folks, might it be possible to assemble a family of related aircraft for a diversity of markets? +NAN_937|The obvious approach was to invent Lego World. +NAN_938|The first thing to notice about the Lego World technology graph is that it might extend to infinity, given an infinite number of primitive Lego parts. +NAN_939|The second thing to notice is that within Lego World, an adjacent possible relative to any actual set of primitive and more complex Lego structures is perfectly definable. +NAN_940|The adjacent possible is just that set of unique novel objects, not yet constructed, that can be constructed from the current set of Lego objects in a single construction step. +NAN_941|Of course, within the limited world of Lego, we can think of the technologically adjacent possible from any actual. +NAN_942|The utility of each object to the consumer is subjected to exponential discounting over time. +NAN_943|A Lego house today is worth more than a Lego house tomorrow and still more than a Lego house two days from now. +NAN_944|And for simplicity's sake, the total utility of a bundle of goods is the sum of their discounted utilities to the consumer. +NAN_945|The task of the social planner is to plan a pattern of production activities over time that optimizes the discounted happiness of the consumer. +NAN_946|A standard approach is to adopt a finite planning horizon. +NAN_947|Over time, the model economy ticks forward. +NAN_948|At each period, in general, only some of the possible goods and services are constructed. +NAN_949|The others do not make the consumer happy enough. +NAN_950|Over time, new goods and services come into existence, and old ones go out of existence in small and large avalanches of speciation and extinction events. +NAN_951|Screw and screwdriver are complements; screw and nail are substitutes. +NAN_952|Complements must be used together to create value; substitutes replace one another. +NAN_953|Rather obviously, the complements and substitutes of any good or service constitute the economic niche in which that good or service lives. +NAN_954|New goods enter the economy, typically, as complements and substitutes for existing goods. +NAN_955|There is just no point in inventing the channel changer before the television set is invented and television programming is developed. +NAN_956|The more objects an economy has, the more novel objects can be constructed. +NAN_957|When we were working with rough stone in the Lower Paleolithic, we pretty much mastered everything that could be done until pressure flaking came along. +NAN_958|Most forms of simple stone tools that could be made were made. +NAN_959|Today, the adjacent possible of goods and services is so vast that the economy, stumbling and lunging into the future adjacent possible, will only construct an ever smaller subset of the technologically possible. +NAN_960|I now discuss an algorithmic model of the real economic web, the one outside in the bustling world of the shopping mall, of mergers and acquisitions. +NAN_961|While powerful, however, no algorithmic model is complete, for neither the biosphere nor the econosphere is finitely prestatable. +NAN_962|Indeed, the effort to design and construct an algorithmic model of the real economic web will simultaneously help us see the weakness of any finite description. +NAN_963|Among other features, any such graph has graph-typical characteristics. +NAN_964|Some goods are central to the web, the car, computer and so forth. +NAN_965|Others are peripheral, such as the hula hoop and pet rock. +NAN_966|Presumably, location of its products in the web structure has a great deal to do with the strategic position of a firm. +NAN_967|Consider the economy as forever becoming, burgeoning with new ways of making a living, new ways of creating value and advantages of trade, while old ways go extinct. +NAN_968|This too is the proper subject for your study, not just allocation of scarce resources and achievement of market-clearing prices. +NAN_969|The economy is about persistent creativity in ways of making a living. +NAN_970|Think then of the role of laws and contracts, whose constraints enable the linked flow of economic activities down particular corridors of activities. +NAN_971|The web of economic activities flows down channels whose constraints are largely legal in nature. +NAN_972|The coming into existence of the enabling constraints of law is as central to economic development and growth as any other aspect of the bubbling activity. +NAN_973|But recall Boeing's question. +NAN_974|They wanted to build a family of related objects. +NAN_975|Hence, let us define still another related sense of robustly constructible. +NAN_976|When we build a house, we all know that boards and nails are primitive objects, and the completed house is the finished object. +NAN_977|But some intermediate objects, say, framed windows and framed walls, are commonly used. +NAN_978|In due course, the conditions are met to begin construction of partial objects on the way to the entire chair. +NAN_979|Legs, then backs, begin to be assembled as screws and nails are used up. +NAN_980|Eventually, a seat is constructed too, and the first chair triumphantly follows. +NAN_981|Nor is the technology graph limited to manufacturing. +NAN_982|The same general principles apply, for example, in military or other logistic operations. +NAN_983|Technology graphs, in these other contexts, become the sequential set of requirements needed to meet subobjectives that robustly culminate in the achievement of an overall objective. +NAN_984|The survivable regime: Let the bromine fog drift lower. +NAN_985|More and more peaks jut into the sunshine. +NAN_986|At some point, some magical point, as more peaks emerge into the sunshine, quite suddenly, a hiker can walk all the way across the Alps in the sunshine. +NAN_987|But there is another even more important point. +NAN_988|We can control the statistical structure of the problem spaces we face such that the problem space is more readily solvable. +NAN_989|We can, and do, tune the structure of the problems we solve. +NAN_990|We have just characterized the survivable percolating web regime where the fitness landscape of each creature deforms due to the adaptive moves of other creatures, but there are always neighboring ways of surviving. +NAN_991|Genetically, those neighboring ways are one or a few mutations or recombinations away from where the species population is right now. +NAN_992|And there is a corollary: If you are lucky enough to be in the survivable regime, you can survive by being adaptable. +NAN_993|What is required to be adaptable as an organism or organization? +NAN_994|We discussed this in the last chapter. +NAN_995|A good guess is that an organism or organization needs to be poised in an ordered regime, near the edge of chaos. +NAN_996|The economy is based on advantages of trade. +NAN_997|But those advantages accrue no more to humans exchanging apples and oranges than to root nodules and fungi exchanging sugar and fixed nitrogen such that both make enhanced livings. +NAN_998|Thus, economics must partake of the vast creativity of the universe. +NAN_999|Molecules, species, and economic systems are advancing into an adjacent possible. +NYT003-007-00|The T B N media empire was founded by televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, along with Paul Crouch and his wife, Jan. +NYT003-025-00|The same year, Simon hosted his own show on PAX, Sundays With Simon. +NYT003-028-01|Lou Sheldon, to serve as a consultant to reach Christian and conservative voters on the Internet. +NYT004-006-00|Even more alterations may be in store for the familiar landmarks and wide, scenic boulevards of the federal district. +NYT004-008-00|Many of the projects began even before the terrorist attacks of the September eleventh. +NYT004-030-00|The Capitol visitors center has also come in for criticism from fans of Olmsted and taxpayer advocates. +NYT005-035-00|Ed Goeas, who also polls for Republicans, concurred. +NYT006-028-02|Even then, though, the board can vote by a two-thirds majority to override those rules for a given film. +NYT007-031-01|Rather than risk losing control of a fire, they often order as much firefighting power as regional commanders allow. +NYT007-044-00|And they have good reason to worry, according to the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress. +NYT007-049-02|Doing the job at the least possible cost is the best way to ensure there will be money left to fight the next big fire. +NYT008-007-00|Upstairs lies the stuff of bachelor life, dirty laundry. +NYT008-010-01|Call it supreme self-confidence or artfully wrapped arrogance. +NYT008-011-03|It is this package that allows him to connect with people across the globe and sell the projects near and dear to his heart. +NYT008-012-03|He is, instead, what gifted amateurs dream of being. +NYT008-032-00|Hawley has been like this since he was the Union County, New Jersey, yo-yo champ in his age group at eight. +NYT008-041-00|The question is whether he will ever commit himself to one thing, one person, and go deep. +NYT009-002-00|Twelve months later, the forty five Harvard cadets in the Reserve Officer Training Corps are still drilling on other campuses. +NYT009-012-02|Yet to some, his style often comes off as intimidating or hardheaded. +NYT009-019-00|Such centers have usually been created on the basis of a grant or donation. +NYT009-020-01|But they feel their hand may be strengthened over faculty with a new universitywide policy. +NYT009-024-00|To support his plans, money is a key issue. +NYT009-026-00|Yet if Summers is going to achieve some of his goals, leadership and diplomacy will be crucial. +NYT009-030-00|Summers declined to comment on the relationship, and New could not be reached. +NYT010-017-00|Sensing the parallels to the dialysis debate, doctor? +NYT010-019-03|At the end of two years, twenty three percent of the pump patients were still alive, compared with eight percent of those on drugs. +NYT010-029-01|Doctors recommended a heart transplant, but she said she was nervous and not convinced that she needed one. +NYT011-004-01|Use the Jerk Seasoning on pork or fish, and that goes for the fruit salsa, too. +NYT011-007-01|And fresh fruits of various kinds lend themselves to plenty of grillwork, too, especially for dessert. +NYT011-009-03|In a shallow dish or bowl large enough to hold chops side by side, stir together olive oil, oregano and lemon juice. +NYT011-016-00|Put thighs and legs on grill; cover; and ten minutes later, add chicken breasts and wings to allow for different grilling times. +NYT011-016-02|Serve with Tropical Fruit Salsa. +NYT011-020-00|Peel mango by making four lengthwise incisions in skin with a sharp knife, then pulling off skin. +NYT011-020-01|Working on a cutting board with a sharp knife, slice flesh away from pit. +NYT011-021-02|Stir in all remaining ingredients. +NYT011-028-01|Grill ham, turning once, until crispy on both sides, fifteen to twenty minutes. +NYT011-028-08|Cut ham into eight pieces and serve immediately with peaches on top. +NYT011-031-03|Grill, uncovered three to five minutes, stirring once or twice, until almonds just start to brown. +NYT011-033-05|Serve cheese with crackers and fruit wedges. +NYT011-039-02|Serve kabobs with spaghetti sauce. +NYT012-004-01|The lake sturgeon here, Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, can grow to more than eight feet in length. +NYT012-007-00|Similar crashes, or worse, have recently occurred in the sturgeon waters of the former Soviet Union. +NYT012-016-00|The Indians speared the sturgeon from small canoes. +NYT012-019-01|Today the sturgeon stop at Shawano Dam. +NYT012-026-01|Their efforts are aided by commercial fishermen and recreational divers. +NYT012-028-02|Some specialists are working on designs of staircases to enable spawning sturgeon to bypass dams. +NYT013-002-00|Torrential rains will continue in parts of Texas as a strong disturbance spins overhead. +NYT013-002-02|Isolated thunderstorms will also erupt in warm, muggy air across parts of the Southeast. +NYT013-004-00|The Northwest will turn mainly sunny and mild under high pressure. +NYT013-005-00|Focus: Driest Year. +NYT013-006-04|The parched pattern has also produced a record sixteen consecutive months with less than an inch of rain. +NYT014-016-00|Most of the conference attendees would be shocked if a stray zero were found and Riemann was proven wrong. +NYT014-017-01|Only a mathematical proof, based on logic, can handle questions of the infinite. +NYT014-018-00|Still, calculating the zeros of zeta is not an idle pursuit. +NYT015-003-01|All of his entertainment arrives in small red envelopes delivered to his mailbox. +NYT015-016-00|Whether Netflix represents the future of movie rentals remains to be seen, however. +NYT015-019-00|The model is easy to replicate, however, Kishore said. +NYT015-019-01|Amazon dot com, for instance, or Blockbuster Inc could begin the same type of service with few barriers to entry, he said. +NYT015-021-00|The bigger question is why Blockbuster has not already stolen the idea, Kishore said. +NYT015-025-00|Movies are rented on impulse, Hargrove said. +NYT015-027-00|The emergence of Netflix has forced Blockbuster to offer renters similar programs, however. +NYT015-032-00|A larger threat to Netflix may be video-on-demand provided by cable companies, Kishore said. +NYT015-039-01|Both sell coffee, but they serve very different markets. +NYT015-040-00|Video-on-demand is not emerging as quickly as hoped, he said, largely because of the costs associated with offering it. +NYT016-020-00|But the last day of the two thousand and one to two thousand and two term clearly belonged to Rehnquist. +NYT016-031-00|EXECUTIONS, SEX OFFENDERS, SEARCHES. +NYT016-036-00|The second death penalty case, Ring versus Arizona, Number zero one to four hundred eighty eight, dealt with sentencing. +NYT016-038-02|The decision removed a cloud from the federal sentencing guidelines, which depend on judicial fact-finding. +NYT016-038-04|Thomas, Stevens, Ginsburg and Souter dissented. +NYT016-039-02|The dissenters were Breyer, Stevens, Ginsburg and Souter. +NYT016-041-02|Breyer wrote the seven to two majority opinion, Kansas versus Crane, Number zero zero dash nine five seven. +NYT016-042-02|The dissenters were Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer. +NYT016-057-00|PROPERTY, PATIENTS, PATENTS. +NYT017-003-02|Then it waited until December to open the intact anthrax envelope it found. +NYT017-004-01|Yet months pass and the bureau continues to act like, well, a bureaucracy, plodding along in slow motion. +NYT017-009-00|So it seems fair to ask the F B I a few questions. +NYT017-014-00|What now? When do you shift into high gear? +NYT018-004-01|President Eisenhower found the name too formal and renamed it Camp David after his grandson. +NYT018-005-00|Facilities include a four-bedroom presidential lodge, cabins for guests and crew, and conference lodges. +NYT018-016-02|President Reagan and President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico, both seasoned horsemen, rode the trails. +NYT018-017-00|Some presidents liked the retreat more than others. +NYT018-020-00|Last weekend, Bush underwent a colon exam at a medical facility at Camp David. +NYT018-021-01|He enjoyed himself so much that he visited forty three more times. +NYT018-022-00|The retreat has both luxurious and rustic qualities, although presidents have tried to describe it as rural. +NYT018-034-00|First lady Mamie Eisenhower found the presidential lodge dark and uncomfortable. +NYT018-034-01|Renovations to Aspen included a new interior design, a picnic area out front, and air conditioning. +NYT018-035-01|He had a seven hundred thousand dollars conference lodge built and a swimming pool added to the side of Aspen. +NYT021-015-01|In the process, long-term financial problems are disregarded. +NYT021-027-00|Robert Reischauer, the former Congressional Budget Office director who now heads the Urban Institute, agreed. +NYT022-001-03|In between, ten dance performances unspooled on a stage here, showcasing African, Caribbean, and modern dance movements. +NYT022-003-02|An anthropologist. +NYT022-003-04|An activist. +NYT022-008-02|Last month, Harvard University awarded her an honorary degree. +NYT022-015-00|Her arms, fingers, neck, and clothes are covered with an array of silver, gold, amber, pearl, and cobalt jewelry. +NYT022-015-02|Her mind is sharp; she recounts decades-old details as if they occurred the previous day. +NYT022-026-01|Louis. +NYT023-002-04|It seems healthy, but miniaturized. +NYT023-002-05|The leaves are only about an inch long. +NYT023-002-07|There are lots of spires of pretty blue flowers, but the flowers are tiny. +NYT023-007-00|If the leaves look almost like felt and are growing on little stems, it is probably common speedwell. +NYT023-009-00|Both of these perennial speedwells have flower spires with nothing but flowers on them. +NYT023-011-00|Whether you call them ground covers, wildflowers or weeds, they have certainly found their niche and are perfectly happy in it. +NYT023-015-00|Pruning consists mostly of removing elderly trunks and clipping off seed heads within reach. +NYT023-015-02|It should be done as soon as possible, and no later than three weeks after petal fall. +NYT023-017-01|Lilacs need plenty of sun to flower well, and shade is the most common culprit when mature bushes fail to bloom. +NYT023-023-00|New York, New York one zero zero three six. +NYT024-001-01|Soon, I happily discovered that my aesthetic indulgences need not be confined to the capital. +NYT024-006-00|Van Gogh spent the last weeks of his life here, producing scores of paintings in a feverish burst of creativity. +NYT024-007-01|It was the first stop on my self-styled tour. +NYT024-008-02|Visitors can enjoy traditional, home-style French meals and local wines. +NYT024-009-01|This is the garret where van Gogh stayed. +NYT024-009-02|It was once furnished with a simple iron bed, a table and straw-seated chair, a water jug and a bowl for washing. +NYT024-009-03|A small green wall cupboard held his few belongings. +NYT024-009-04|In the cracks and nail holes along the barren walls where his paintings once hung to dry, his presence lingers. +NYT024-010-00|The countryside depicted in paintings by van Gogh, Daubigny and Cezanne unfolds during a leisurely stroll through the village. +NYT024-012-01|It was in a farmyard behind the chateau, on July twenty seventh, eighteen ninety, that van Gogh shot himself in the chest. +NYT024-016-01|Next on my itinerary was Ornans, the home of Gustave Courbet, southeast of Paris, in the Franche-comte, near the Swiss border. +NYT024-016-03|At the Besancon station I hired a taxi to Ornans and arrived within twenty minutes. +NYT024-025-00|The Doubs offers more than a total immersion course in Courbet, however. +NYT024-025-01|There are intimate museums devoted to angling in Ornans, wine and vineyards in Lods and regional costumes in Montgesoye. +NYT024-030-03|Round-trip fare is ten dollars from either station. +NYT024-041-00|The train from the Gare de Lyon in Paris to Besancon, sixteen miles from Ornans, takes about two and a half hours. +NYT024-042-02|Closed December fifteenth through February fifteenth. +NYT024-042-03|The hotel restaurant serves regional specialties like fillet of trout, morel mushrooms and Comte cheese. +NYT024-042-05|Lighter fare is available in the adjacent bar slash brasserie; lunch menu at fifteen dollars seventy five. +NYT025-001-01|The best ones, in his opinion, past and present, himself included, naturally, shared this birthright. +NYT025-009-00|Kozloff confines his survey to street photography, which he considers a Jewish invention. +NYT025-009-01|He writes about a number of non-jewish photographers, including Lewis Hine, Berenice Abbott and Walker Evans. +NYT025-014-00|If the work is recognizably Jewish in style, it is overwhelmingly secular in content, Kozloff believes. +NYT025-015-01|By fracturing history along ethnic lines, Kozloff is walking into a fault zone of his own creation. +NYT025-015-02|Those who in the past sought to identify a distinct Jewish sensibility have sometimes had mischief, or worse, in mind. +NYT025-017-00|For his part, Kozloff reads photographs through a highly selective lens. +NYT025-017-03|The only problem is that Feininger was himself half-jewish. +NYT025-018-01|Bourke-white and Friedlander, for instance, are also half-jewish. +NYT025-018-05|Many photographers who were not Jewish belonged in his pantheon, and many who were did not. +NYT025-019-00|Kozloff is aware that his theory is, to say the least, problematic. +NYT025-024-00|Stieglitz may have promoted the photograph as an art object, with its own principles and journals. +NYT025-025-01|Other questions also deserve attention. +NYT026-017-00|Scientists have a promising technique that can help them sort out both chaotic effects and inaccuracies in computer models. +NYT026-029-01|So we need to predict rainfall. +NYT027-016-01|Suhayda has developed a computer simulation of the flooding from such a storm. +NYT027-025-00|But just getting into the city will be a problem for rescuers. +NYT027-028-01|Outbreaks of mosquito-borne dengue fever and encephalitis are likely, said the doctor. +NYT028-011-00|Development itself is making places more vulnerable to disaster. +NYT028-015-02|If a similar quake struck today, it would devastate Saint Louis. +NYT028-018-01|Although much of the flooded area was farmland, the water washed away two thousand two hundred buildings and damaged thousands more. +NYT028-018-02|Early estimates put the death toll at two hundred fifty, but some historians now say it was more than one thousand. +NYT028-022-01|Though death tolls have remained low, the physical scale of destruction and its costs have shot upward. +NYT028-022-03|But during nineteen ninety to nineteen ninety eight, the figure climbed to seventeen point two billion dollars +NYT028-023-02|Government policies and programs that once worked are breaking down or backfiring. +NYT028-028-00|Inland, a similar dynamic has put more people in the path of more common flooding from rainstorms and rivers overflowing. +NYT028-034-01|There are good building codes, but few incentives for smaller cities and communities to adopt them. +NYT028-037-01|That is really quite a low level, and unfortunately people take that as the upper rather than the lower bound. +NYT028-046-02|For the five years ending in two thousand and one, that number had doubled to fifty per year. +NYT028-054-02|We had a one hundred billion dollar earthquake in Kobe, Japan, in nineteen ninety five,. +NYT030-023-02|The denials had nothing to do with terrorism, State Department officials and Redden said. +NYT030-025-03|As the lion visits each corpse it throws dirt and chaff over its head, a traditional sign of mourning in Iran. +NYT030-026-00|In the aftermath of September eleven, New Yorkers will undoubtedly bring their own associations to the scene of carnage. +NYT031-018-01|They would have fifty thousand golf balls stacked in milk crates in and around the living room couches. +NYT031-018-02|They have since rented a meager warehouse in an industrial park in Margate. +NYT031-024-02|Like much in the world of golf ball diving, the precise details are kept clandestine. +NYT031-037-02|Occasionally, Lantz and Siwek would emerge from the water, and the calls from golfers in the fairway would begin. +NYT031-039-01|Just keep making your donations. +NYT031-040-00|Later, taking a break near the eleventh tee, Lantz and Siwek struck up a conversation with another passing foursome. +NYT031-040-01|When it came time to dive back into the pond, Siwek turned and handed the golfers eight ultra-white balls from his satchel. +NYT032-005-00|Always keep your dog on a leash or confined to the back yard. +NYT032-006-00|Makeshift muzzles for dogs can be made from a leash, necktie, belt, bandage or even pantyhose. +NYT032-006-02|Animals that are unconscious, vomiting, short of breath or suffering from facial injuries should not be muzzled. +NYT032-008-03|Make sure they have plenty of water. +NYT032-012-00|West Nile virus, a form of sleeping sickness carried by mosquitoes, was confirmed June eighteenth in northwest Houston. +NYT032-012-01|Pets most at risk are horses, mules and donkeys. +NYT033-001-02|But to a modern audience, it describes the oooh and ahhh moments of a holiday fireworks display. +NYT033-007-00|Whether it is large or small, a successful fireworks display begins many months before the celebration itself. +NYT033-007-01|When a company or a town approaches a pyrotechnic enterprise, it usually has only a basic idea of what it wants. +NYT033-009-00|Like many designers, pyrotechnicians use software to realize their visions. +NYT033-010-00|Of course, like many designers, pyrotechnicians take pains to explain that their shows are not created by machine. +NYT033-017-01|Some shells contain balls of chemicals arranged to explode into patterns or even letters. +NYT033-026-00|But even computer-fired fireworks are not completely automatic. +NYT034-008-01|It can be heartbreaking: Orpheus losing Eurydice by looking back to see if she is following him out of the underworld. +NYT034-010-03|The cast whispers the meaning of the myth: Do not let me outlive my capacity to love. +NYT034-019-01|Alas, he is terrible at it, his spiel faltering, his moves spasmodic. +NYT034-021-01|Jeffrey Wright was out the night I attended, but understudy Kevin Jackson portrayed a powerful, tormented Lincoln. +NYT034-023-01|Out of a preposterous premise, boy meets goat, boy loses wife, has crafted a unique tragicomedy. +NYT034-034-00|Very few American plays have depicted seniors with such a rounded sense of their lives and personalities. +NYT035-013-00|In Atlanta, police will use a bomb-detecting robot and bomb-sniffing dogs to conduct sweeps of transit stations. +NYT035-021-00|In New York about four thousand police officers will join soldiers and fighter jets patrolling the streets, rivers and skies. +NYT035-023-00|Still, Fleischer said, the administration was encouraging people to attend celebrations. +NYT035-028-01|John Gilmour, thirty one, a lawyer in Houston, said that after years of not doing anything special, he is helping to give a party. +NYT035-044-00|Mario Betto, thirty five, a visitor from Miami, seemed satisfied with the new plans. +NYT036-012-01|They have all their ducks in a row. +NYT036-013-02|After she had focused solely on her career for years, it had suddenly occurred to Clayburgh that she would like to have a child. +NYT036-018-01|Now that her children are almost grown and out of the house, Clayburgh said, she looks forward to working more. +NYT037-003-02|Sports coverage was regularly criticized for being too reverent about what was, after all, simply a diversion. +NYT037-005-02|At the same time, rampant, and well-publicized, off-field misbehavior has demystified the stars fans once worshiped. +NYT037-008-01|They also kid around with regular guests like the comedian Jimmy Kimmel and the chatty weather woman Jillian Barberie. +NYT037-010-01|Barkley now enjoys a similar status from his platform at T N T, though his humor is much more hard-edged. +NYT037-030-00|When the athletes are on the field, the mockery is largely forgotten for a few hours while they do their jobs. +NYT038-001-01|Her mother bounced between minimum-wage jobs and welfare checks. +NYT038-011-01|Some states, including Massachusetts, dropped existing post-secondary programs. +NYT039-005-00|The concerts are performed in places that put the chamber back into chamber music. +NYT039-007-03|Many musicians have works ready to go beforehand. +NYT039-009-01|This summer works of Schubert were performed in conjunction with works of a later Viennese master, Schoenberg. +NYT039-009-03|Rather, there was a sense that the artistic directors had simply come up with combinations that interested them. +NYT039-011-01|Norway is a music-minded country that supports elementary school education in the arts. +NYT039-014-03|At Risor, the idea is to stretch, to plan ambitious programs and stick to the plans. +NYT039-019-00|The obvious question is: Where does the festival go from here? Naturally, you wish these artists success. +NYT039-021-02|Yet, in the giddy finale, the players could not help chuckling at the wit and pristine beauty of his playing. +NYT040-047-00|Staff writer Christine Stapleton and Palm Beach Post wire services contributed to this story. +NYT041-007-02|The most recent briefing was on June nineteenth, according to the White House. +NYT041-012-01|In fact, we have recently issued new general planning guidance, and that generates activity at the staff level. +NYT041-013-00|Officials said neither Rumsfeld, nor the Joint Chiefs of Staff or Franks had been briefed on this specific document as yet. +NYT041-018-00|Nonetheless, there are several signs that the military is preparing for a major air campaign and land invasion. +NYT042-001-00|They are, in gambling-town argot, unacceptable odds. +NYT042-001-03|Nationwide, screeners at thirty two major airports failed to detect the fake weapons one in four times. +NYT042-008-00|By November nineteenth the agency must have tens of thousands of newly hired and trained federal screeners at all airports. +NYT043-005-00|But Israeli officials said as far as they were concerned, it was a terrorist act. +NYT043-010-00|In addition to the three people who were killed, four others were treated at area hospitals. +NYT043-011-01|Soon afterward, the shooting started, Rodriguez said. +NYT043-012-01|David Parkus, thirty nine, a trauma surgeon from Beaumont, Texas, who was on his way to a vacation in the Philippines. +NYT043-017-00|Another witness, a Frenchman traveling to Toronto who would only give his first name, Herve, said he had heard a shot. +NYT043-018-00|Herve said he had seen a woman behind the counter fall to the ground after being hit. +NYT043-019-01|Herve said he had counted about seven shots fired. +NYT043-028-01|As of this moment, we are not aware of anything else that might be related to this. +NYT043-037-01|On September eleventh, he had been traveling in Europe and was stranded for five days. +NYT047-036-00|Josh Rottenberg writes frequently about the entertainment business. +NYT047-042-00|Latin America: ISABEL AMORIM SICHERLE in Brazil at five five, one one, three zero two, three three three three one. +NYT048-025-02|That stuff has become fodder for variety-show satire sketches for an awful long time. +NYT049-001-02|Its curve invites a hand to grip it firmly. +NYT049-001-03|Each end has its own small, round cutting wheel. +NYT049-006-03|I think about that day often, and particularly since September eleven, I wanted to go back. +NYT049-009-04|But the immediacy of their experience lent an unmatchable depth to the classroom. +NYT049-011-02|Relatives left behind are missed. +NYT049-012-02|We are Anglo-Saxon Western European mutts with strains of English, Scottish, Swiss, Welsh, Alsatian and German. +NYT049-014-03|Now she was ready to restart her career, but in a new country, in a second language, she was doubtful about her prospects. +NYT049-014-04|Another mother was there with her twin sons. +NYT049-015-01|When she was two, Arta moved to New York with her family, from Kosovo, when that country was ravaged by war. +NYT049-016-00|Her apartment is the kind of home I sometimes yearn for. +NYT049-016-02|Friends and various family members come in and out, and a steady hum of Albanian drifts from the kitchen. +NYT049-018-02|As we walked farther through the cavernous building, we saw the contents of those bundles, and testimony to those lives. +NYT049-022-00|The girls and I scanned the silvery, circular Wall of Honor outside the building, and found my surname. +NYT049-023-03|The passengers would carry the wool on board and begin to unravel it as they walked up the gangway. +NYT049-023-04|They would stand on deck with those balls of wool in their hands, shouting, smiling, waving. +NYT049-026-02|The museum was filling up, voices were ricocheting across the space under the soaring, arched ceilings. +NYT049-029-03|All bags will be searched; oversize bags and coolers are not allowed. +NYT050-008-01|Vietnam. +NYT050-008-07|Irony. +NYT050-009-02|Hair spray is killer on shine. +NYT050-011-04|It was permed and dyed, she recalled, and teased into alarming bigness. +NYT050-014-00|Which is appropriate in its own way, since hair can be such a representation of who we are. +NYT050-017-00|Big hair originated with royalty and nobility, those people who had the time to spend on their hair. +NYT050-025-02|Girls stopped doing their hair and let it grow free. +NYT050-027-01|It was a look emulated by hordes of American teen-age girls and a handful of misunderstood boys. +NYT050-028-01|Then it was at least twenty minutes with a curling iron, more hair spray, and a full-frontal assault on the bangs. +NYT050-032-00|Now the buzz in hairstyling is texture and color, look for a new wave of Kelly Osbourne pink, not size. +NYT050-033-03|Dusty Springfield. +NYT050-033-07|Dolly Parton. +NYT051-003-00|The days of dining out most nights or picking up takeout from upscale gourmet shops are over. +NYT051-017-00|More of us are opting for bargains now than a few years ago, but not necessarily at the expense of time. +NYT051-020-01|She started clipping coupons seven years ago, when she quit work to stay home with her first child. +NYT052-008-01|It was written by Pulitzer Prize winning author Paul Green, who pioneered the genre of historic plays with music. +NYT052-015-00|The acclaimed dining room at the Tranquil House Inn on the waterfront is the fifteen eighty seven Restaurant. +NYT052-015-01|Elizabethan Inn, a family-friendly lodging in town, features faux half-timbered architecture. +NYT052-025-02|He taught himself Algonquin and became the liaison between the colonists and Native Americans. +NYT052-044-00|Elizabethan Inn: eighty rooms, two pools and a breakfast-only restaurant. +NYT052-047-01|We got a deal of ninety eight dollars a night for a two-bed room, with refrigerator and microwave, using AAA. +NYT052-050-00|Where to dine? +NYT052-051-00|Full Moon Cafe: Gourmet sandwiches, seafood, salads, pasta, homemade soups and desserts. +NYT052-051-01|Indoor and outdoor seating on the Manteo waterfront two five two, four seven three, six six six six. +NYT052-057-00|Attractions. +NYT052-059-01|Good for two consecutive days, two five two, four seven five, one five zero zero. +NYT052-060-02|For tickets: one, eight zero zero, four eight eight, five zero one two. +NYT052-064-03|Tuesdays-Saturdays. +NYT052-064-04|Free, two five two, four seven five, one seven five zero. +NYT052-066-00|Information. +NYT052-068-00|Paula Crouch Thrasher writes for The Atlanta Journal-constitution. +NYT053-004-00|So did Jackie Reid of Riverdale, Georgia. +NYT053-033-02|One guard taunted Hope about his thirst, promising to bring him water but giving it to dogs instead, the lawsuit said. +NYT054-014-00|It may seem an odd moment to champion luxury. +NYT054-014-03|Reassessing the get-and-spend ethic, not defending consumerism, might well be the defining current of the next few years. +NYT054-017-00|Twitchell is unpersuaded, however. +NYT054-019-01|His great-grandfather Andrew A Buell made his fortune building wooden boxes from Adirondack lumber. +NYT054-029-00|Recessions may come and go, but consumption is eternal. +NYT055-005-01|The accomplishment was hailed as remarkable, but it was not considered epic. +NYT055-006-00|A zero point four zero zero average was a rarity, but not an endangered species. +NYT055-006-01|It had last been reached by Bill Terry of the National League New York Giants in nineteen thirty. +NYT055-016-02|And Williams did it despite being walked a league-leading one hundred forty five times, getting four hundred fifty six at-bats. +NYT055-024-02|It seemed safe, even though the Dimaggio brothers produced a pair of doubles in the eighth, Dom scoring Joe to make it five to three. +NYT055-025-01|Ken Keltner reached on a bad-hop grounder to shortstop Eddie Miller. +NYT055-025-02|Joe Gordon singled cleanly to right, and Cecil Travis walked on a three to two count. +NYT055-030-00|Now, with the pressure really on, Williams made the world, even his teammates, aware of his distinction. +NYT056-006-01|Besides the flagship Fiat, his family holding companies control a newspaper and a star-studded soccer team. +NYT056-009-01|But its travails could scarcely have come at a worse time for the family that has long regarded it as both fief and cash cow. +NYT056-016-01|Far from strengthening G M in Europe, the Fiat deal may well weaken it. +NYT056-027-02|Through Fiat, the Agnellis branched out into insurance and energy, and Fiat owns Louisiana Stampa, the Turin newspaper. +NYT056-029-00|Between them, those holding companies, which are run by Umberto, hold thirty percent of Fiat. +NYT056-033-00|That was clear in recent weeks, as Fiat juggled its top managers, trying to satisfy the family and outside investors. +NYT056-033-02|In an unusual move, Galateri was named co-chief executive, along with Fresco, who remains chairman. +NYT056-039-00|That plan fell afoul of Cesare Romiti, called Il Duro, the tough guy. +NYT056-046-00|Unlike his grandfather and mentor, John Elkmann has not attracted gossip columnists. +NYT056-048-00|This, of course, may no longer be an age when heirs are simply anointed. +NYT057-003-01|She understands. +NYT057-017-00|Their frantic mother searched for answers while the girls struggled to keep up in school. +NYT057-018-01|Doctor after doctor examined the girls, but no one knew what was wrong. +NYT057-021-01|Her professors were really crazy about her as far as her tenacity and her focus. +NYT057-024-00|Seeing the sights. +NYT057-025-00|Still in her fall semester, she had to drop all but two classes. +NYT057-027-01|Candace, who could still speak, told Japheth she could understand. +NYT057-028-01|Still, she wanted to return to Mercer. +NYT057-039-02|He has conferred with other experts and brought in other doctors to examine Candace, but there are no answers. +NYT057-047-02|A separate state program provides for disabled adults who want to live independently. +NYT057-050-00|Mother always there. +NYT057-058-00|Anderson, who quit her receptionist job to care for Candace, never leaves. +NYT058-021-00|Now many executives from the former Time Warner wish the merger would go away, and, barring that, they wish that Pittman would. +NYT058-023-01|Some of it has been attached to Bob and I am not sure if it is entirely fair. +NYT058-024-01|Pittman has recently returned to the A O L division to revive its sagging performance. +NYT058-027-01|Many of us held on to the stock, riding the pony all the way down into the water, some of us out of personal loyalty to Bob +NYT058-028-00|The mood in the office is so dismal that some employees have formed their own group to help lift spirits. +NYT058-035-02|He was also distracted in part by a diagnosis of brain cancer in his older brother, Dan Case, who died last month. +NYT058-039-00|And Parsons must also deal with the morale of Ted Turner, vice chairman of A O L Time Warner and one of its biggest shareholders. +NYT058-044-01|John C Malone, chairman of Liberty Media and a veteran cable-industry investor, owns a major stake in A O L Time Warner. +NYT059-005-02|He threw me a changeup and I saw it coming. +NYT059-018-02|It just seems farther. +NYT059-025-00|Today some lucky patron will hold a ticket for Section forty two, Row thirty seven, Seat twenty one. +NYT060-009-04|Carl Jung devoted a four-year seminar to his writings. +NYT060-015-01|Anecdotes accumulate but are rarely more than suggestive. +NYT060-020-00|This, Nietzsche argued, led to what he called the decadent condition of modern man. +NYT060-022-00|Much that was presumptuous and meretricious withered under his gaze. +NYT060-022-02|Destruction, he warned, had to precede creation, an idea that has unfortunately become an unquestioned commonplace. +NYT061-008-00|In nineteen eighty six, France refused to let American pilots fly through its airspace on bombing missions to Libya. +NYT061-010-00|These developments have coincided with a strong surge of anti-americanism in France. +NYT061-018-02|Anti-Israel, anti-american and, of course, as always, Jew-hating. +NYT061-019-00|Some French blame the American news media for making such remarks acceptable. +NYT061-025-01|And they are often invoked in the same breath as the negative ones. +NYT061-026-01|The same people can produce articles telling you how great it is in France and how irritating the French are. +NYT062-004-00|At present, Garcia said, officials are exploring three possible motives. +NYT062-015-01|Hadayet, he said, nodded to him in greeting but said nothing. +NYT062-020-01|His full name was Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet, and the authorities were confident that Hadayet was his correct surname. +NYT062-022-02|And Danilewicz said that Hadayet often gave his elder son, Omar, as much as five hundred dollars a month for spending money. +NYT062-025-01|His wife, Hala, often wore a scarf on her head when she ventured outside. +NYT062-028-00|People who answered phones at four mosques in the Irvine area said they did not know Hadayet and, to their knowledge, he had never prayed there. +NYT062-031-01|The flags were still there today. +NYT062-033-01|Only serrated strips of the gummed backing remained. +NYT062-041-00|Finally, the life ebbed from Hadayet, who died on the terminal floor. +NYT063-008-00|What would it be like to have ears again? he asks himself. +NYT063-009-00|He notices the veins painted on the ear in his hand. +NYT063-012-00|Still, Jason sees the double takes and hears the whispers when he walks by. +NYT063-012-02|He understands. +NYT063-014-00|So, he has come here to Virginia, looking for the normalcy that others take for granted. +NYT063-017-02|Jason has lost a lot of tissue and his face is much smaller than it used to be. +NYT063-019-00|Instead, he decides, Jason will have the ears of his best friend and partner, Officer Bryan Chapman. +NYT063-025-01|Ears will improve his hearing twenty percent by collecting sound waves and drawing them into the auditory canals. +NYT063-025-02|They also will keep out foreign elements and allow Jason to wear glasses again. +NYT063-032-02|There is anger, withdrawal, depression and, finally, acceptance. +NYT063-043-01|Each boomerang-shaped expander could grow to the size of a basketball, if that much skin is needed. +NYT063-045-02|His jaw should open wider. +NYT063-047-00|Better, yes. +NYT063-054-03|Son Zane, four, will point out the ears and laugh, saying, Daddy, you look so funny. +NYT063-055-00|Jason steps onto an elevator with his new ears and nose, and he is smiling. +NYT064-003-02|It signals that the Saturday evening portion of the Sunrise Ceremony, held for a girl becoming a woman, is about to begin. +NYT064-015-01|The family forms the Yellowbird Indian Dancers, who have performed throughout the United States and Europe. +NYT064-023-00|The buckskin masks are black with black beads just above the eyeholes. +NYT064-025-00|In preparation for the dance, the medicine man and the dancers cleanse themselves in a sweat lodge, Duncan said. +NYT064-032-01|Although the clown may be the smallest, he really is the most powerful, Duncan said, because he is half-man, half-spirit. +NYT064-034-01|They follow the lead of the medicine man, who moves through a series of songs. +NYT064-034-02|The bells and metal on their outfits jangle rhythmically with the drums as they dance. +NYT064-038-00|Rain is central to the dances and the ceremony, with many symbols representing rain, wind, lightning and thunder. +NYT064-043-01|Soon it will be time for the morning dance. +NYT064-045-00|They stop to point their faces and sticks toward the rising sun and move forward to the dance. +NYT065-009-00|Or can it? Justice Thomas writes as if it does one or all of those things. +NYT065-013-02|And all three are in dissents. +NYT066-001-00|Donald Judd is famous in several ways. +NYT066-001-01|As one of the major exemplars of Minimalism, a term and a concept that he detested and never used. +NYT066-004-04|Apres Judd, le deluge: earthworks, process art, Post-Minimalism, Richard Serra. +NYT066-004-05|Not until Robert Gober, Kiki Smith, Charles Ray and Jeff Koons did American figurative sculpture regain its footing. +NYT066-012-02|This understanding would serve him well in three dimensions. +NYT067-007-00|The issue has increasingly come to preoccupy the White House. +NYT068-001-03|And through it all, the economy has pushed forward. +NYT068-006-00|So far, however, consumers have behaved as though little has happened. +NYT068-012-01|Enron may have been making up profits, but most Americans are pretending that they are not spending on credit. +NYT068-017-00|Some consumers may be increasing their spending precisely because the stock market has performed so poorly. +NYT068-019-02|That could cause a drop in demand for goods and services that would slow economic growth. +NYT068-029-00|General Motors and B M W, for instance, reported better sales last month than in June two thousand and one. +NYT068-032-00|Kliesen is also concerned that easy credit and loose government purse strings, if left too long, could lead to higher prices. +NYT068-034-00|But for now, he expects low energy prices and gains in worker productivity to keep inflation to a minimum. +NYT068-036-01|He expects them to be more cautious about spending as they sell shares and absorb real losses in their portfolios. +NYT069-004-00|One might expect such claims from defense lawyers. +NYT069-014-00|He said he left to get a neighbor, Mildred Clark, and returned with her to the house. +NYT069-016-00|The officers concluded that because there was no sign of forced entry, Edwards must have known her killer. +NYT069-027-00|After Wells examined the slides, they disappeared. +NYT069-031-01|He added, No hairs of Negroid origin were observed on any of the slides. +NYT069-034-01|But Judge J Ernest Kinard ruled against them. +NYT069-037-00|But in the interview, Conradi urged caution. +NYT069-039-00|In the interview, Conradi said Edwards might well have been killed on Sunday. +NYT070-003-00|To brighten the artificial turf and plastic flowers, of course, and to keep the cobwebs off the freeze-dried evergreens. +NYT070-011-00|Not every plant here is fake or dead. +NYT071-009-00|Yerger and other critics say that stock options amount to free compensation. +NYT072-011-02|The leap into the present might fail while daring greatly, but the treadmill of more despotism leads nowhere. +NYT072-013-01|If he were tempted to threaten, Haig-like, to quit, he knows that Bush has Condi Rice waiting in the wings. +NYT073-003-02|You can shag fly balls in the outfield. +NYT073-006-01|He hit zero point four zero six in nineteen forty one and no major leaguer has hit over zero point four zero zero since. +NYT073-008-01|Williams enlisted in the Marines and became a combat fighter pilot. +NYT073-009-00|His career was interrupted again in nineteen fifty two during the Korean War. +NYT073-017-01|Plans are being drawn for an attack on Iraq, perhaps as early as next year. +NYT074-005-00|Couture is expensive, twenty thousand dollars, easy, for a dress. +NYT074-005-03|As the models stopped over a fan in the runway, their skirts blew up over their heads. +NYT074-006-04|But the clothes, formulaic in their blend of French boudoir history and rocker sex, lacked a pulse. +NYT075-002-01|Saint Laurent, Gaultier, John Galliano have been in love with it too. +NYT075-004-00|Yamamoto, whose show opened the haute-couture collections, is not a couture designer, but he could be anything he wants. +NYT075-004-01|He said he decided to show his spring two thousand and three line now because it seemed to offer a quieter atmosphere. +NYT075-004-03|His defection from the crowded ready-to-wear lineup, though, may start something. +NYT075-005-03|And for that bit of masculine swank, there were gangster trousers suspendered over a sheer beaded top. +NYT075-006-00|For a while now, Yamamoto has seemed to be harping on comfort and freedom in his sportswear. +NYT076-011-00|A wave of experiments ensued, with dramatic results. +NYT076-021-00|Marriage, divorce, and now fatherhood are other established turning points. +NYT077-005-02|Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, california. +NYT077-007-00|And the Food and Drug Administration has approved the first treatment for adults with severe sepsis. +NYT077-009-00|Though Xigris saves lives, it is not a panacea. +NYT077-010-02|Sepsis, however, does have certain patterns: More than fifty percent of identified sepsis cases resulted from pneumonia. +NYT077-012-00|Part of the problem is that sepsis deaths are commonly attributed to other causes. +NYT077-020-02|Nicholas Ward, professor of medicine at Brown University and intensive-care specialist at Rhode Island Hospital. +NYT077-023-00|Only approved in November for public use, it was a difficult road to F D A approval for Xigris. +NYT078-016-00|Have Adams contact us and we will send her the entire amount, the military told Supportkids. +NYT078-018-01|Winn says he also was surprised when Kerr said Supportkids often declines to take a commission in such cases. +NYT078-019-00|Sometimes, Kerr assured the group, Supportkids opts not to take a fee when other agencies clearly did the collection work. +NYT078-024-00|Gardner quit the company two months later and says Ok Cha Adams was a primary reason. +NYT078-027-00|Kerr insists Supportkids deserved its commission in the case because it did Adams a service. +NYT078-042-01|The company changed its name to Supportkids the following year. +NYT078-055-00|Advocacy groups, angry parents and several states have gone after Supportkids and its competitors in recent years. +NYT078-056-00|West Virginia, Oregon and Connecticut have capped commissions at well below what the companies demand. +NYT078-063-00|But Heller refuses to discuss how Supportkids handled the sixteen thousand dollar woman. +NYT079-001-00|Izabella Scorupco states it bluntly: You should never go near a script or a movie that has to do with dragons. +NYT079-009-01|Bail plays their leader, Quinn. +NYT079-011-00|And build the movie around the characters, not the dragons. +NYT079-016-02|But even in that department, it was important to avoid the hokey fire-breathers of movies past. +NYT079-019-04|Done. +NYT079-026-03|You put people within one hundred feet of that thing, and it would burn their eyebrows off. +NYT079-029-00|Some close calls, though. +NYT079-030-02|I was running up the stairs, and this fireball was supposed to shoot out, and I would run through its wake. +NYT079-030-04|Obviously, it was searing heat. +NYT079-032-00|Others could have done with a pinch less realism, thank you. +NYT080-001-01|When Nixon resigned, I was a college student and hosted a party where we lifted champagne and toasted his departure. +NYT080-006-00|From the get-go, I was convinced that Watergate would bring down Richard Nixon. +NYT080-007-00|At the time I considered George Mcgovern one of the most decent men to ever run for politics, and I still do. +NYT080-008-03|Mcgovern finished third in Gregg County, if memory serves, behind both Nixon and George Wallace. +NYT080-009-02|Woodward and Bernstein became heroes, and journalism suddenly looked like a cool career choice. +NYT080-012-00|Covering government is the most important job journalists do. +NYT080-012-02|The trend is for more secrecy, more closing of records, less disclosure. +NYT080-014-00|Gary Borders is editor and publisher of The Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel. +NYT081-031-00|Second quarter results are due out later this month. +NYT082-001-01|The kind dolled up with paper parasols, parrots, monkeys, slices of pineapple and cherries. +NYT082-003-01|But those old-time classics, like mai tais and zombies, are still in style and, in fact, hotter than ever. +NYT082-005-01|In any case, they will take you on a cool and refreshing journey that may even feel like a breezy island vacation. +NYT082-009-02|If you want to experiment, there are three simple ingredients in many tiki drinks, lime, sugar and rum. +NYT082-012-01|They range from classics that have withstood the test of time to newfangled creations. +NYT082-017-00|Take out your blender, swizzle sticks and umbrellas and let the fun begin. +NYT082-017-01|Dazzle friends and guests with these chic, frosty, enticing tropical drinks made to order for summer soirees. +NYT082-019-00|TAHITIAN SUNSET. +NYT082-020-02|Go all out with the paper parasols, plastic monkeys and fruit garnishes on this one. +NYT082-022-01|Pour first five ingredients into glass, cover with a cocktail shaker, shake to blend and garnish with fruit. +NYT082-023-00|NOTE: Almond syrup, also called orgeat syrup, can be found in large liquor stores, specialty stores, and coffee shops. +NYT082-026-00|The original Blue Hawaiian was developed by Harry K Yee, a legendary Honolulu bartender who knew what tourists wanted. +NYT082-028-02|Serve immediately. +NYT082-033-01|Pour all ingredients into glass, stir and serve. +NYT082-034-00|NOTE: Many liquor stores carry passion-fruit syrup. +NYT082-037-01|The coconut gelato is rich and creamy, while the sorbet makes for a lighter, frostier drink. +NYT082-039-01|In a blender, combine rum, sorbet, lime juice, coconut milk, pineapple juice and ice. +NYT082-041-00|NOTE: For a great shortcut, substitute two ounces pineapple coconut beverage for coconut milk and pineapple juice. +NYT082-055-00|COCONUT CUPS: To serve drinks island style, go all out and use coconut-shell cups. +NYT082-055-01|Look for easy crack coconuts, those that have been scored around the center. +NYT082-056-00|PINEAPPLE SHELLS: For a festive, showy container for a tropical drink or punch, use a pineapple shell. +NYT082-056-01|To prepare, cut the top off a whole fresh pineapple, and, using a sharp knife and spoon, scoop out the flesh, leaving the shell intact. +NYT082-056-02|Reserve fruit and any juice in refrigerator to use in drinks. +NYT082-057-00|Source: Paradise on Ice. +NYT083-001-01|He was seventy seven. +NYT083-008-01|The essence of any art is communication. +NYT083-012-01|The Steigers had worked together as a song-and-dance team but Rod never knew his father. +NYT083-013-01|Steiger and her son moved to New Jersey, and he attended public schools in Irvington, Bloomfield and Newark. +NYT083-015-00|One such woman became his drama coach, and she encouraged him to pursue an acting career. +NYT083-018-04|The performance won Steiger a Sylvania Award, which helped him get the role of Charley Malloy in On The Waterfront. +NYT083-024-05|They had a son, Michael. +NYT084-008-01|Among those departing is the curator of drawings, Marilyn Symmes, in whose care the Michelangelo had ostensibly been. +NYT084-018-01|So Sir Timothy has been unusually well positioned to discover works in a rich, untapped byway of art history. +NYT084-022-00|Sir Timothy, heart in throat, instantly thought: Michelangelo. +NYT084-026-01|With Michelangelo, people think of great red-chalk figures, studies for Adam. +NYT084-027-00|The dream of every art historian is to find a Michelangelo. +NYT084-031-01|He said Hirst, the British expert, believes it was drawn later, in Rome. +NYT086-001-00|Rose is like an embarrassing relative, the feckless brother-in-law who is always broke or the cousin who gets drunk at parties. +NYT086-003-02|Now seasoned wine drinkers, they blush to look back at those irresponsible rose-filled days. +NYT086-004-01|You simply want some fruitiness and some juiciness. +NYT086-008-00|We tasted nineteen roses and, as usual, eliminated the lowest-scoring wines to end up with ten. +NYT086-013-01|He gave his share of lower marks, including four zeros. +NYT086-013-02|Hesser was perhaps the most disappointed by these wines, saying that many lacked freshness and liveliness. +NYT086-016-03|Asimov, for his part, was surprised at how dry some of these roses, including the Mas de Gourgionnier, were. +NYT086-018-00|My own favorite rose was a nineteen sixty four Dom Perignon Rose Champagne, which I remember from nineteen eighty two in Paris. +NYT086-023-01|Frank J Prial called it lively and balanced. +NYT086-035-01|Balanced and delicate, Asimov said. +NYT086-047-00|Hesser found it fresh, fruity and clean, and Johnnes called it seductive. +NYT086-047-01|Less enthusiastically, Asimov pronounced it dry but not austere. +NYT086-051-00|Prial and Hesser liked this wine, elegant, Hesser said, but Johnnes was put off by a vegetal quality. +NYT086-052-00|Mas de Gourgonnier Les Baux de Provence two thousand and one +NYT086-055-01|Prial and Hesser compared it to cough syrup. +NYT086-063-00|Some of the roses we tasted were as dry as a bone, like a fino sherry. +NYT086-063-02|Or I might serve it as an aperitif with sweet green olives and a plate of figs with prosciutto. +NYT086-063-04|Those are just the thing to serve with roast chicken. +NYT086-073-03|Saute for two minutes. +NYT087-018-01|Robert Wilson wrote a best-selling book. +NYT087-024-01|Wyeth said they could not confirm the account because it was so long ago. +NYT087-027-01|Soon, doctors and drug companies found an alternative. +NYT087-030-01|Victoria Kusiak, vise president of global medical affairs at Wyeth. +NYT087-033-01|I have six inches of papers suggesting that it improves coronary vasodilation, that it prevents atherosclerosis. +NYT087-046-01|Stay healthy. +NYT087-053-01|The study, known as HERS, involved women who had already had heart disease, a group in whom effects should be easiest to find. +NYT089-001-00|The cover of the Back to School clothes catalog for Abercrombie Fitch features a male model without a shirt. +NYT089-003-02|His barely visible blue jeans are unhinged at the top bottom. +NYT089-004-00|No shirt. +NYT089-004-01|Pants just about to vacate the parking lot. +NYT089-011-02|Generally, they look like they were on Grandpa as he slid back and forth under a lifetime of Oldsmobiles. +NYT089-016-01|The issue here is how fashions not only appear to be de-evolving but how customers have de-evolved into billboards with sandals. +NYT089-017-02|Give it credit. +NYT089-018-00|However, having perused its offerings, I realize that I can pass on buying anything and still have the Abercrombie Fitch label. +NYT089-019-00|John Young is opinion page editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald. +NYT090-001-02|A two-door manual Fiat or Opel will run you about one hundred seventy five dollars a week. +NYT090-001-03|Automatic transmissions cost extra. +NYT090-002-00|Tours: You may be able to find a shopping tour. +NYT090-004-00|Tax tip: Be sure to request the tax-free form at all the outlets. +NYT090-008-03|Most have large Jacuzzi tubs, and some even have fireplaces. +NYT090-009-00|To Prada: Take the A one Autostrade and exit Valdarno. +NYT090-015-01|Just beyond Lago Trasimeno, take the Magione exit, then turn left in the direction of Corciano. +NYT091-008-01|Killed the guy who shot Hooch. +NYT091-016-02|The darkness, the way he interprets a face in light, these are the things that are beyond words. +NYT091-020-00|But these are not typical times. +NYT091-046-00|Bob Longino writes for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. +NYT091-048-00|Starring Tom Hanks, Paul Newman and Jude Law +NYT091-049-00|Directed by Sam Mendes. +NYT091-050-00|Rated R for violence and profanity. +NYT092-004-01|I wanted to disabuse them of their expectations and, yet, to serve them finally with an emotional expression. +NYT092-021-00|TOUGH NEGOTIATIONS. +NYT092-022-02|Petersburg is a different slice of tundra. +NYT092-023-01|Petersburg to try to reach an understanding with the elderly veterans. +NYT092-029-01|My kids are both still in school there, and the large rural property outside of Jackson, Wyoming, that he has long called home. +NYT092-032-00|Back to the hero mode so many know and love then? +NYT092-033-01|You just deal with the particular circumstances of each piece. +NYT093-002-03|He is certainly more trustworthy. +NYT093-015-01|But no shots or voices are heard. +NYT093-016-01|The aftermath of another cold-blooded murder is seen only for an instant in the swing of a mirrored bathroom door. +NYT094-003-00|She secures a banana treat to feed the baboon, and reassures it while she talks. +NYT094-004-01|About thirty live in the nursery at any given time. +NYT094-007-01|The second is a positive-pressure, high-frequency ventilator. +NYT094-010-00|For Chloe Elizabeth Clifton, born three months premature and weighing well under two pounds, the two treatments were a lifesaver. +NYT094-020-01|Some of the new mothers pull their hair out. +NYT094-023-01|The protective ones have a built-in leash. +NYT094-037-00|Efforts are made to keep the animals as comfortable and healthy as possible. +NYT094-053-00|The truth is, if animal research were discontinued, scientific progress in medicine would come to a halt. +NYT095-001-03|All was ready for the annual arrival of the grandchildren at Hancock Point, Maine. +NYT095-006-02|The open road, and America, beckon. +NYT095-009-01|Many were academics, from Harvard, Yale and Vassar, with summers off. +NYT095-009-02|Wealthy lumber and paper mill owners came from nearby Bangor. +NYT095-010-02|After lunch the admiral bought a barn. +NYT095-011-03|It still costs only a few hundred dollars to join the sailing club, and no yachts are moored there. +NYT095-012-05|Saturday night dinner at Crocker House. +NYT095-018-02|He turns onto the dirt road beside the water, and finally they are at the dark gray house with the white trim and the red doors. +NYT095-019-00|His sons Churchill, eighteen, and Brooks, fifteen, jump out of the Jeep and fly down the grassy hill and the wooden steps to the beach. +NYT095-019-04|They had to turn around and drive back to the hospital in Ellsworth. +NYT095-023-00|On a clear day, he can look across the bay from his house and see Cadillac Mountain. +NYT095-027-01|The visitors helped the town too, making generous donations, inviting the children to join the sailing program. +NYT096-003-01|Or just possibly this: They find out both of the above are true. +NYT096-005-01|Fat, he said, was harmless. +NYT096-008-00|Thirty years later, America has become weirdly polarized on the subject of weight. +NYT096-024-01|Over the next two decades, however, the scientific evidence supporting this theory remained stubbornly ambiguous. +NYT096-029-02|While higher L D L raises your heart-disease risk, higher H D L reduces it. +NYT096-030-00|What this means is that even saturated fats, as known as, the bad fats, are not nearly as deleterious as you would think. +NYT096-032-00|But it gets even weirder than that. +NYT096-042-00|None of these studies have been financed by the New Hampshire, and none have yet been published. +NYT096-042-01|But the results have been reported at conferences. +NYT096-045-01|For the first time, the New Hampshire is now actually financing comparative studies of popular diets. +NYT096-047-00|After twenty years steeped in a low-fat paradigm, I find it hard to see the nutritional world any other way. +NYT097-002-01|It continues the reunion with the E Street Band that began with a few songs in nineteen ninety five. +NYT097-002-04|For him, at fifty two, the album represents a rediscovery of the rock voice that he feared he had lost. +NYT097-003-00|Most pop stars seemed irrelevant immediately after September eleventh. +NYT097-007-03|Grief wrestles with perseverance; come-ons arrive with intimations of mortality. +NYT097-009-05|I found them down in those things, not some place intangible or some place abstract. +NYT097-022-01|Then I made a series of demos, kind of in search of that voice. +NYT097-030-02|This is what my band is built for. +NYT098-028-00|If the Senate approves its bill early next week, Hastert said the conference committee could begin its work later in the week. +NYT098-031-01|Many Democrats feared that measure would lead to conflicts, as investment firms pitch workers their own products. +NYT099-015-03|But smallpox would be nearly impossible to synthesize from scratch using the same technique, he said. +NYT099-016-00|Many viruses are simple, consisting of some genetic material, either D N A or R N A, surrounded by a coat of protein. +NYT099-020-00|The D N A was then converted into R N A using a commercially available enzyme. +NYT099-020-01|The next step would be to put the R N A into cells to churn out new viruses. +NYT099-021-00|Making the polio took three years, though Wimmer said it could probably now be done in six months. +NYT099-021-03|Jeronimo Cello, a post-doctoral researcher. +NYT099-023-00|Wimmer said many other viruses, especially ones with small genomes like HIV and hepatitis C, could be made this way. +NYT099-026-01|Raymond A Zilinskas, a biowarfare expert at the Monterey Institute for International Studies. +NYT099-026-02|He is organizing a workshop next month to advise the Defense Department on whether certain research should not be published. +NYT100-009-01|But then Bush got one in what would become a series of breaks. +NYT100-010-02|Bush was given six hundred thousand dollars in stock and paid one hundred twenty thousand dollars per year. +NYT100-013-05|This was bonanza for Bush, giving him his first real test of Texas-sized financial success. +NYT100-013-06|Overnight, Bush was in a position to become a very wealthy man. +NYT100-014-00|The success of the Rangers deal was assured by a tax increase. +NYT100-015-00|All of that enabled the Rangers ownership team to sell the club later for three times the original price. +NYT100-015-02|Having invested six hundred six thousand dollars, Bush received shares worth fourteen point nine million dollars +NYT100-017-01|His proceeds from the sale totalled eight hundred forty eight thousand five hundred sixty dollars. +NYT100-024-01|Bush as a Harken director was the recipient of the same kind of corporate loans that he has decried in recent days. +NYT101-003-00|But even those thoughts, as bad as they are, can be abstract in ways that are manageable. +NYT101-008-00|Jessica, nineteen; Karen Fitzpatrick, eighteen; Devin Weaver, twenty one; and Tom Craven, thirty, all died. +NYT101-039-02|And today, wildland fires make him fear for the safety of his other children. +NYT101-043-00|She, like them, lived a humble life and they are certain her love will continue beyond her years. +NYT101-059-02|Grass and the downed trees and the incredible amount of fuel there. +NYT102-004-02|It can cause death or injury in susceptible people, particularly people with weakened immune systems. +NYT103-010-01|Party officials acknowledged that there were serious risks and complications in trying to turn this issue to their advantage. +NYT104-002-00|And as the hometown of Enron, Houston was repeatedly linked to news of layoffs, corporate failure and economic woe. +NYT104-004-01|But the city has been large enough and its economy strong enough to accept such a dent without being derailed. +NYT104-036-00|Some of the Enron space has been leased to other firms. +NYT104-049-00|Some former Enron employees lost their jobs and retirement funds and have gone through hard times. +NYT104-053-01|Mitchell will run the cafe with help from his fiancee, Mindy Rutledge, and two or three part-time employees. +NYT105-002-01|They hummed and they continue to hum, a mantra-like reminder that talk of closure is premature. +NYT105-010-00|Many of his employees are so consumed by a mission with no clear end that they have barely reflected on their experiences. +NYT105-012-02|That dust, mixed with coins, rests now in a glass bowl on his desk. +NYT105-013-00|Hirsch, sixty five, smokes a pipe and wears suspenders; he is fastidious and reserved. +NYT105-017-00|Mundorff recently found a mandible imbedded inside a torso. +NYT105-021-01|Mundorff, thirty three and barely five feet tall, was thrown headfirst into a wall. +NYT105-021-02|Hirsch was hurled to the ground, badly cutting his hand and bruising much of his reed-thin body. +NYT105-023-00|His staff soon learned that Hirsch had survived, but still, the sight of him that afternoon was breathtaking. +NYT105-033-00|Late that first night, stacks of dental charts, X-rays and photographs began to pile up in the lobby. +NYT105-036-00|People became obsessed with that question, among them Mundorff. +NYT105-039-01|This was to make certain that what we were releasing was the same thing that was detailed on the intake sheet. +NYT105-047-00|One day in the first month, Deputy Commissioner Thomas J Brondolo took a walk. +NYT105-047-02|They were snapshots, from vacations and weddings, of the people now coming to his place of business in pieces the color of earth. +NYT105-056-01|In Springfield, Virginia, the Bode Technology Group is pulverizing bone samples to extract D N A +NYT105-058-00|And on a counter sat a plastic tube, inside of which was a small piece of bone and tissue, just recovered at the landfill. +NYT105-059-00|Families are grateful. +NYT105-064-02|Sometimes they have preconceived stories, of a husband dying while rescuing others, for which they seek confirmation. +NYT105-067-02|For now, there is a prayer service every Friday afternoon for family members under that tent just off the F D R Drive. +NYT106-001-01|A security guard found him twenty minutes after the fatal shot, still clutching his napkin. +NYT106-017-01|A week later Dekalb police raided the house and arrested eight people. +NYT106-018-00|The next month, all eight escaped from the Dekalb jail by jimmying the doors and sliding out on a rope of sheets. +NYT106-019-01|Another housemate played with the pistol, saying, The pigs in Atlanta sure have nice guns. +NYT106-028-00|F B I assists probe. +NYT106-029-02|In nineteen seventy four, he was acquitted of attempted murder in the wounding of two patrolmen. +NYT106-030-01|After her acquittal, Chesimard was later convicted of murdering a New Jersey trooper. +NYT106-034-01|Karolkowski and fellow New York City police detective James Moss arrested Hilton on a charge of molestation. +NYT106-034-02|That charge was later dropped, but not before detectives learned Hilton once had soldiered for the Black Liberation Army. +NYT107-001-00|Here are glimpses of some of the victims of the September eleventh attack on the World Trade Center. +NYT107-003-00|On the job, Michael J Otten was a dedicated, third-generation firefighter. +NYT107-003-01|He joined Ladder Company thirty five, near Lincoln Center, when he was twenty six, and spent nearly sixteen years there. +NYT107-004-00|The maiden name of his wife, Marion, was Otten, an odd coincidence that made them a team right away, she says. +NYT107-006-02|And on Saturday, with everyone pitching in, she did. +NYT107-009-01|But Mark Evans, a tournament organizer, said that Faragher had impressed everyone with her verve and energy. +NYT107-014-00|Michael Carlo loved sailing, his family, friends, and the ocean, not necessarily in that order. +NYT107-014-01|He was scheduled to travel to the British Virgin Islands on September twelfth to be certified a sailing captain. +NYT107-015-01|When the New Yorkers arrived, they were told that no substitutions were allowed. +NYT107-016-02|The firefighters forfeited all their games in order to substitute players. +NYT107-017-01|A sought-after bachelor, he had many girlfriends, and always remained friendly with them, and their mothers, after a breakup. +NYT107-018-00|At his house after September eleventh, his family found some words by Mark Twain on a Post-it above the desk. +NYT107-019-05|Dream. +NYT107-020-00|DOMINIQUE PANDOLFO: a Frisky Mixture. +NYT107-021-02|With her easygoing manner, she could march into a roomful of strangers and walk out with an armload of new friends. +NYT107-022-00|Pandolfo was frisky: a dragonfly tattoo floated on her back. +NYT107-024-00|GARY LUTNICK: One-third of a Trio. +NYT107-028-01|And Gary Lutnick was the piece shaped like a smile. +NYT107-030-00|ALOK AGARWAL: Too often lonesome +NYT107-034-01|Agarwal, thirty seven, was unhappy about something. +NYT107-035-01|Agarwal to return to India, to care for Ankush, eight. +NYT107-042-00|WILLIAM CHALCOFF: a Proud New American. +NYT107-046-00|On the morning of September eleventh they were talking on the phone when she heard a very loud noise, and the call was disconnected. +NYT107-047-00|RAHMA SALIE and MICHAEL THEODORIDIS: Almost Parents. +NYT107-048-01|Michael Theodoridis, of Greek descent, grew up in Switzerland. +NYT107-048-02|She was a Muslim; he converted to Islam before they married in nineteen ninety eight. +NYT107-048-03|They had received some good news a few months earlier. +NYT107-052-00|When Haydar last heard from him, Theodoridis told him how excited he was at the prospect of becoming a father. +NYT107-059-02|And on their way to a christening on September ninth the couple talked about death. +NYT107-065-00|Lyons, fifty three, was an executive assistant at Marsh Mclennan, where she had worked for thirty years. +NYT108-004-01|He was extremely open and amenable to worthwhile causes. +NYT108-010-00|Whether he will remain so is the question now on the minds of arts and local philanthropies. +NYT108-010-01|As Kozlowski goes, so does the Tyco largesse. +NYT108-014-00|To get in the game locally, Kozlowski put his public relations man Epstein into action and the checks started rolling. +NYT108-018-01|The contribution covered nearly half of the six point seven million dollars project. +NYT108-022-01|For the most part, there was no difficulty in getting donations. +NYT108-023-00|Getting Kozlowski himself, however, was nearly impossible. +NYT108-028-00|Tyco spokesman Gary Holmes declined to say how much Kozlowski gave to charity while at the helm of the company. +NYT108-041-00|The problem is that the lines separating the personal goals of the CEO and those of his company are blurred. +NYT108-042-01|If the money is used to aggrandize the CEO, the company gets lost in the shuffle. +NYT108-048-00|He bankrolled Zemi, a sophisticated restaurant in Boca Raton, for his then-girlfriend, now-wife, Karen Mayo. +NYT108-049-02|Governor Jeanne Shaheen introduced him. +NYT109-001-05|As birds cheeped, the host described his two-year battle to get the men to move. +NYT109-004-00|It is not easy to have cocaine dealers work from your doorstep. +NYT109-004-01|They commandeer all the parking spaces, block the entrance and urinate on the stoop. +NYT109-006-01|Residents carry brooms to sweep up bottles and gnawed ribs left by dealers the night before. +NYT109-006-02|Coming home from work, they must weave and bob like halfbacks through throngs of young Dominican dealers taking orders on cell phones. +NYT109-006-03|Hundreds of men block the sidewalks, passing packages hand-to-hand or into the tinted windows of Jeep Cherokees. +NYT109-006-04|Merengue blaring from radios placed on car hoods makes living-room windows shiver. +NYT109-009-01|Easy access to the George Washington Bridge and the West Side Highway served clients well. +NYT109-013-03|They squat-sit on milk crates, slouch against parked cars, work their cell phones. +NYT109-018-01|He sells a kilo, two point two pounds, of cocaine to two undercover narcotics agents from the Police Department. +NYT109-021-00|Noon: Women hang out of apartment windows and set lawn chairs up on the pavement to keep watch. +NYT109-022-03|They dart into an apartment building. +NYT109-029-01|Girlfriends promenade with babies. +NYT109-031-01|Three men in braids check the rim of the front wheel of a car. +NYT109-034-01|And in fact, there has been some improvement over the past year. +NYT109-034-02|But serious problems persist. +NYT109-037-01|Near the entrance is a big sign, in Spanish, that reads: Please do not occupy seats if you are not doing anything or getting a haircut. +NYT109-038-03|The barber shoved him toward the door, with a hard glance toward the woman. +NYT109-042-01|A couple that owned a dog plotted a special route for evening walks to avoid canine sniffer units. +NYT109-050-00|As if on cue, a man in a white Yankees T-shirt sidled in, holding a walkie-talkie. +NYT109-057-02|There are one hundred eighty nine officers permanently assigned to the precinct, and another twenty temporary officers. +NYT109-063-01|Through June sixteenth, two thousand and ninety two drug suspects had been arrested in the precinct. +NYT110-026-01|In fact, the New Hampshire has established sites across the country designed to help researchers become better at their jobs. +NYT110-029-00|It is a process likely to ensnare even more drugs and surgical procedures in the future. +NYT111-011-00|D A is likely to request him be civilly committed. +NYT111-019-00|Bridgewater officials are in the process of redesigning their sex offender treatment program. +NYT111-028-00|While receiving treatment, Porter was allowed to leave the facility and serve as a priest in nearby parishes. +NYT111-030-00|Six years later, he married Verlyne Gray, and settled down. +NYT111-032-03|My affinity towards children. +NYT111-037-01|Eventually she left religious life and in nineteen ninety seven married a former priest, who died in two thousand. +NYT111-037-03|His intense suffering and my intense suffering was the vehicle the Lord used. +NYT113-004-00|He has plenty of company in the ranks of new recruits to residential real estate sales, both in the city and suburbs. +NYT113-010-02|In addition, licenses must be renewed annually and every two years agents must take four three-hour courses. +NYT113-054-00|Tesler, who is twenty three, came to New York from Chicago in September and enrolled in a licensing course. +NYT114-005-00|The deadly disease needs little introduction today, two decades after the first reported case in Missouri. +NYT114-015-02|While there are medicines that can keep the disease at bay, there is no cure. +NYT114-025-03|She will laugh and chat and arrange. +NYT114-035-02|State health officials are concerned. +NYT114-046-00|Gary lists rent, food, gas, utilities and child support. +NYT114-058-01|But the statistics show that sexually transmitted diseases are still very much out there. +NYT114-060-01|We have to understand that while the tide of this disease may have passed us by, it is coming back. +NYT115-007-00|They are scanning campaign finance ledgers and news clippings to see who is doing what, where, and with whom. +NYT115-029-00|Reaching potential donors early is especially important. +NYT115-030-02|Both campaign-law changes take effect after the midterm elections in November. +NYT116-003-02|Then Bob left his job, and wrote about it, in a memoir called Locked in the Cabinet. +NYT116-010-01|When he came to town last spring, the nicest he could summon was, I like him fine. +NYT116-011-01|Clinton was a tall man with a beard and scruffy sweater, chatty and excited, Arkansan. +NYT116-011-02|Reich was a small man with a big brain from the Northeast, and like many of his classmates, he was seasick. +NYT116-017-01|Afterward, Clinton did what his friends expected: returned to Arkansas and ran for office. +NYT116-018-01|Reich visited Clinton in Little Rock, Arkansas. +NYT116-021-00|Clinton realized, colleagues say, that if a politician wants to be reelected, he has to stay in touch with the voters. +NYT116-037-01|It became a bestseller, a staple in political science classes. +NYT116-038-01|In Washington, administration veterans say, the book was earth-shattering. +NYT116-044-00|Clinton has been more encouraging to others, appearing at a handful of political fund-raisers across the country. +NYT117-003-00|Then her daughter sent her an e-mail message, attaching another report with the same bad news. +NYT117-016-00|The problem, he explained, is that Kipfer has no good alternative if she wants to prevent further bone loss. +NYT117-019-01|Recalling what that spinal pain felt like, she said she was not so sure. +NYT117-028-00|Then they returned, as disabling as ever. +NYT117-034-03|She has also used the anti-epilepsy drug Neurontin to control hot flashes and night sweats. +NYT117-036-02|The same is true for Neurontin, said the doctor. +NYT117-047-01|The few times she had tried to stop taking them, her menopause symptoms had returned. +NYT118-001-00|Barbara Marks is sitting in her kitchen in the afternoon with the smell of singed calf in her hair. +NYT118-002-00|Business is lousy for the fourth-generation Wyoming Bar Ranch, thirty miles southwest of Alpine. +NYT118-003-01|Most of their income comes from non-ranch work. +NYT118-005-01|Three years ago, he turned his land near Guernsey, Wyoming, into a guest ranch. +NYT118-012-00|In the early part of the twentieth century, it could take a calf five years to reach its slaughter weight. +NYT118-015-01|But the factory-style method of raising cows has hurt the small rancher. +NYT118-016-00|The J R Simplot Company of Boise, Idaho, is a good example. +NYT118-021-00|Three decades ago, Jim Salmond had twenty neighbors ranching near his place close to Chouteau, Montana. +NYT118-031-00|For Jim Chilton, who owns the Flying X ranch near Arivaca, it was the Sonoran chub and the lesser long-nosed bat. +NYT118-033-03|The legal briefs went back and forth, becoming more acerbic each time. +NYT118-050-00|Barbara is riding on the other side of the herd, trying to keep things straight. +NYT118-052-00|Bill is fifty years old with an easy smile, gentle lines in his face and mischief in his eyes. +NYT118-054-00|Few cattle allowed. +NYT118-056-00|The old ranch house is still there. +NYT118-057-00|Barbara looks out a kitchen window. +NYT118-059-00|So, are the Markses dinosaurs? +NYT119-007-00|And this is Mom Zombie: A quiet, stay-at-home wife wearing a flower-print tank top that nearly matches her couch? +NYT119-010-02|Zombie himself lays down Blitzkrieg Bop. +NYT119-013-00|In his years onstage, Zombie has made a career out of nightmarish visions, growling lyrics, and horror-with-a-wink aesthetics. +NYT119-037-01|Stern inscribed his this way: To my dearest Mom Zombie, Your best lover boy. +NYT119-037-02|In the same stairwell hang some other favorite stars: a signed head shot of George Jones. +NYT119-038-00|She keeps memorabilia of her sons in a small room upstairs. +NYT120-001-00|Jill Clayburgh answers the door in a sheer green-and-black striped top, black pants, and curlers. +NYT120-002-00|Clayburgh is completely herself. +NYT120-010-01|Then came September eleventh. +NYT120-010-02|Devastated, Horovitz, a Greenwich Village resident, wrote a personal account of that time called Three Weeks After Paradise. +NYT120-013-02|She, too, bears a terrible secret. +NYT120-032-01|Uh-huh. +NYT120-034-01|Miller, who is from Cambridge but just graduated from Northwestern, is spending the summer doing costumes for the show. +NYT120-038-00|As a photographer comes in, Clayburgh is ready for her close-up. +NYT121-009-00|Once, after enduring a night of bombing in Algiers, he wired General Douglas Macarthur. +NYT121-026-00|Hope was thirty eight in nineteen forty one when Pearl Harbor was bombed. +NYT121-037-01|He concluded, Thank you Bob, for being such a large part of America, our wonderful way of life. +NYT121-042-00|This golfing buddy of presidents and dinner companion of generals had an undeniable common touch. +NYT121-042-01|The serious side of war, Hope once said, was not his field. +NYT123-012-01|It is as much the fuel for this human bulldozer as his overwhelming ambition. +NYT123-012-02|Andrew Cuomo has served as a senior adviser to a president, Clinton, and to an almost-president, Al Gore. +NYT123-027-01|This is a guy who, the only thing they knew he did was the death penalty. +NYT123-036-00|Adam Nagourney is the chief political correspondent for The New York Times. +NYT124-003-01|Mendes wears his triumph lightly, but like most overachievers, he is conscious of expectations. +NYT124-007-02|His films have a surface optimism and earnestness, but they are never naive. +NYT124-007-03|Mendes knows exactly how to balance the dark and the light. +NYT124-008-02|With a play, the secret is your way in, an idea that dominates the production. +NYT124-009-00|Mendes is highly articulate and savvy. +NYT124-009-01|He knows precisely what percentages of tragedy, joy, beauty and daring to mix together in his work. +NYT124-011-00|Mendes has embraced this equation again and again: big themes, striking visuals, pleasing the audience. +NYT124-012-03|To keep the game interesting, the plays will be performed in repertory, something Mendes has never done before. +NYT124-013-01|The casting is a typical Mendes twist: Peters will be the first Mama Rose who is not a battleship. +NYT124-015-00|Mendes took over the Donmar in nineteen ninety two, when he was twenty seven. +NYT124-022-01|Mendes jumped at the opportunity. +NYT124-032-00|Mendes is running late. +NYT124-032-02|Mendes has pasted the musicals script into two hard-bound volumes and plans to go over each scene with Laurents. +NYT126-005-00|The snow-tipped mountains and purling, glacier-fed streams and river seem more like Alaska than anything in the Lower forty eight. +NYT126-008-02|Diane Boyd, who studied the return of wolves to the North Fork from Canada for eighteen years for the University of Montana. +NYT126-012-01|The genes the wolves bring with them are crucial to maintaining diversity, Boyd said. +NYT126-015-01|They grow in profusion in burned and logged areas. +NYT126-015-02|In the fall, bears wallow in the berry patches for days, stripping and gobbling the plump berries. +NYT126-015-03|Grizzlies also eat carrion and buffalo berries, and in the spring find succulent vegetation in a broad flood plain. +NYT126-016-02|Moose leave the North Fork and travel more than fifty miles north into Canada. +NYT126-019-01|Wolves kill cougars, cougars kill coyotes, wolves kill grizzly cubs, and wolves kill black bears. +NYT126-021-00|The North Fork also gives scientists a rare chance to study how predators regulate an ecosystem. +NYT126-021-02|But here things are still intact. +NYT126-022-00|The simple formula for assuring the wildness of this valley is wild land. +NYT126-022-01|Conservation biologists know that the more human beings in an area, the fewer the carnivores. +NYT126-022-02|Some carnivores, for example, will not cross major highways. +NYT126-028-03|Diversity helps assure survival; if a crop of huckleberries fails one year, buffalo-berries may take up the slack. +NYT126-030-00|While wildness in this valley is what keeps the carnivores alive, it also makes the study of carnivores difficult. +NYT126-030-01|The dirt road that crosses the border used to have a customs station. +NYT126-032-00|The logistical challenges are a small price to pay for carnivore security, most experts agree. +NYT127-007-02|The Cowherd is an operatic baritone. +NYT127-007-04|The Goddess-Weaver neither speaks nor sings, but is portrayed in the ornate music performed by an onstage pipa player. +NYT127-009-01|My mother was born in China and raised in the Philippines, and my father was born in Shanghai. +NYT127-015-01|Then he decided that if the Goddess had a body double, the Cowherd should too. +NYT127-017-01|Since then it has been to Philadelphia and to Singapore, and there is talk of a touring version. +NYT127-018-00|Sheng, meanwhile, has moved on to other things. +NYT127-018-01|In recent years, he has returned regularly to China, where his music is now performed. +NYT127-021-01|A hundred years ago, composers had certain ways of working. +NYT128-004-01|It flipped, and Budlong, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected. +NYT128-007-01|Cities like Midland, Abilene and Tyler, as well as specks on the map like Toyah, population one hundred, depend on it. +NYT128-011-00|The most recent occurred July ninth, about thirty seven miles east of Toyah. +NYT128-011-01|Four members of a Dallas family were killed and three others were seriously injured when a Lincoln Navigator rolled over. +NYT128-013-00|The worst interstate crash in Texas history occurred in nineteen ninety four just west of Weatherford, west of Fort Worth. +NYT128-026-01|And on the north side, a set of Union Pacific Railroad tracks runs parallel to traffic. +NYT128-029-00|Marsh made the driver pay his fine. +NYT128-030-01|Some motorists lack the judgment to slow down when common sense calls for it, he said. +NYT128-034-00|Eventually, as a motorist puts Odessa, Midland and Big Spring in the rearview mirror, the smell of petroleum disappears. +NYT128-040-00|There are more on-ramps and offramps, and drivers tend to switch lanes often. +NYT128-040-01|Automobiles are bunched together. +NYT128-041-01|Often, the common denominator in crashes, no matter where they happen, is driver inattention, she said. +NYT128-043-01|And amid the pine trees, the climatic change is even more dramatic. +NYT129-005-02|And the fact is, nothing else works as well as estrogen to relieve hot flashes and vaginal dryness. +NYT129-006-02|Some women will opt for lower doses, and some will forgo hormones altogether in favor of other remedies. +NYT129-016-01|It is logical to assume that lower doses will pose less risk to breast and heart health, he said, though no studies have proved that. +NYT129-017-00|Lobo also sometimes prescribes lower doses of progestin. +NYT129-020-03|They also say the drugs help them think more clearly and remember things better. +NYT129-024-01|Larry Norton of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. +NYT129-026-00|Vaginal dryness can be treated with estrogens that are placed in the vagina but not easily absorbed by the body. +NYT129-026-01|Estrace, a cream, and Vagifem, a solid suppository, can be used two or three times a week. +NYT129-026-02|Estring, a plastic ring similar to a diaphragm, releases estrogen gradually over the course of three months. +NYT129-028-02|Some small studies have suggested black cohosh may help quell hot flashes, but several others have not, said the doctor. +NYT129-029-00|The phytoestrogens, derived from plants, usually soy but also red clover, are a more complicated story. +NYT130-008-01|Oxidation, or, in plain English, rust, is the big worry at Yucca. +NYT130-009-01|Nucon believes it can do this, although the model it displays is about the size of half a large watermelon. +NYT130-011-00|Some ceramics experts are dubious. +NYT130-027-02|The Energy Department is not persuaded so far that it will last for the hundreds or thousands of years that will be required. +NYT130-029-02|Those materials, under current plans, will be mixed into glass to stabilize them. +NYT131-010-00|Ellis then walked Lindh through a series of pro forma questions. +NYT131-014-01|With time off for good behavior, Lindh could be freed after serving seventeen years. +NYT131-018-01|Lindh also agreed to forego any profits from books or movies stemming from his adventures. +NYT131-029-01|This is hardly a bargain basement deal for the defense. +NYT132-014-00|Hutchison said she still believes short-term hormone-replacement therapy is safe. +NYT132-020-01|You should have moderate to severe symptoms of menopause or a need for the fracture prevention. +NYT132-026-00|Most doctors agree the risks of H R T are probably small for any one woman. +NYT132-031-00|Hormones come in many forms and different chemical makeups and dosages. +NYT132-031-01|There are pills, gels, skin patches, injections, vaginal rings, topical creams. +NYT132-041-00|And there are non-hormonal options for some symptoms. +NYT132-041-02|Most women experience them for only two years or less, according to the National Institutes of Health. +NYT132-048-00|Limiting caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods helps some women reduce hot flashes and insomnia. +NYT132-051-00|For night sweats, keep a cold facecloth or ice pack by your bed. +NYT133-006-02|Lindh appeared wan and gangly. +NYT134-005-01|Our concerns are with the archdiocese. +NYT134-014-03|So far, the archdiocese has not impressed us with their commitment to implementation. +NYT136-021-00|Some fundamental differences remain between the two approaches. +NYT137-007-02|That task can squeeze out insurance options available in private plans. +NYT137-016-03|As with most job-offered, long-term care plans, the employee must pay the entire premium. +NYT137-022-02|The various measures, meanwhile, call for deductions ranging from fifty percent to one hundred percent of premiums. +NYT137-028-02|Neither her group nor the Health Insurance Association of America tracks premium costs for group long-term insurance. +NYT137-033-00|Mike Orenstein, spokesman for the Office of Personnel Management, said the federal plan follows industry standards. +NYT137-034-01|If we were to guarantee underwriting, it would have a detrimental effect on premiums. +NYT138-001-00|Second in a three-part series. +NYT138-005-00|The stark juxtaposition of the two topics, the laity and the cardinal, was obvious. +NYT138-008-00|It has been a trying six months for parish priests in the Archdiocese of Boston. +NYT138-009-01|But others are reevaluating their own assumptions and beliefs and, for the first time, speaking out about problems they see. +NYT138-009-02|Their church, they believe, may never be be quite the same. +NYT138-012-02|Mclaughlin, sixty eight, was stunned. +NYT138-015-00|And then, for saint. +NYT138-015-05|Frost eventually was transferred to parishes in Milton and Readville; in nineteen ninety two, he was placed on sick leave. +NYT138-017-01|Dozens of people showed up and asked: How does one become a pedophile? How are victims affected? What should we tell our children? +NYT138-020-00|He did have his critics. +NYT138-021-01|I believe saint. +NYT138-025-00|Mclaughlin was brought up in a very different Boston and a very different church. +NYT138-029-04|He noticed homeless people sleeping on grates and founded the Crossroads Shelter. +NYT138-030-02|He was sent, instead, to Canton, a leafy suburb south of Boston. +NYT138-030-04|Gerard Majella is a white, middle-class parish, where the pews and plates are always full. +NYT138-031-02|Mclaughlin clearly remembers the triumphant arrival of Bernard Law as Bishop of Boston in March nineteen eighty four. +NYT138-031-03|As pastor at Logan Airport, Mclaughlin arranged for a literal red-carpet welcome. +NYT138-042-00|Discontent with Mclaughlin seems rare, however. +NYT138-046-01|Not only to right the wrongs in terms of the victims, but to correct the church in terms of its structure. +NYT138-047-00|And then he was off, off to baptize four more babies who, he hopes and believes, will be the future of a changing Catholic Church. +NYT139-002-01|Until last year, my north-facing window boxes held beautiful tuberous begonia displays. +NYT139-003-02|And powdery mildews are diseases that need no extra encouragement. +NYT139-003-03|They are always around, like the common cold, waiting for an opportunity. +NYT139-006-00|Begonias look prettiest when they are crowded, but mildew sees a closed space as an open door. +NYT139-006-03|Mildew thrives in the humid conditions created by damp surface soil. +NYT139-010-02|While breeders continue to search for more heat-tolerant varieties, here is how to get the best pansy performance. +NYT139-012-03|Remove about half the plant, stems, leaves, flowers, cutting each stem right above where you see pairs of healthy branch buds. +NYT140-004-01|Yeah, I have gotten older. +NYT140-015-02|It turns out that Vostrikov learns from Polenin and Polenin learns from Vostrikov. +NYT140-021-01|Like the others, the film will be produced by George Lucas and directed by Steven Spielberg. +NYT141-008-00|Of the new designs, the Imperial War Museum North is the most daring. +NYT141-012-00|As he often does, he began this museum with a concept, that of a globe shattered and reshaped by war. +NYT141-021-00|The war museum has one major advantage over Urbis: the planners knew what to put in the building. +NYT141-024-00|On their own, these projects may not suffice to transform this city. +NYT142-004-03|Much of its original interior survives, including an ornate Federal mantelpiece. +NYT142-008-01|Among them, he said, are an upholstery shop, a package delivery service, two luncheonettes, a tile shop and a Thai restaurant. +NYT142-010-01|The trust filed a brief on behalf of Seamon and the others, and this week Moe criticized the ruling by the state Court of Appeals. +NYT143-002-01|Getting all these folks together, some from as far as San Antonio, is a monumental task. +NYT143-004-00|The potluck picnic might still be a staple for many families, but reunions can be far more grandiose affairs these days. +NYT143-007-00|Family reunions in general seem to be more common these days, Wagner believes. +NYT143-008-00|Even when reunions stay close to home, the expenses can balloon. +NYT143-011-00|Wagner began researching a magazine dedicated to family, class, and military reunions fourteen years ago. +NYT143-014-00|Wagner reunion-hops all summer in and around Milwaukee, where the magazine is based. +NYT143-016-00|Family reunions, in many cases, have turned into family vacations. +NYT143-019-01|In June, Sutton, of Fort Worth, organized the fifth Sutton Family Reunion at the Y of the Rockies. +NYT143-020-03|They also prefer to limit the cost to one thousand five hundred dollars per family, excluding airfare. +NYT143-027-00|Pleasure trips are one thing, but more and more reunions are opting for an educational itinerary. +NYT143-030-02|The packages cost less than two thousand five hundred dollars per person, including airfare. +NYT143-036-00|But resourceful families find ways to teach the younger generations about past ones, while keeping costs down. +NYT143-037-00|Relatives also donate other memorabilia and crafts for the Saturday-morning prize drawing. +NYT143-037-01|And they gather around the elders for two hours in the afternoon to hear stories of their ancestors. +NYT143-039-00|At the Carpenter family reunion in Fort Worth, each family pays forty five dollars for the Friday fish fry and Saturday barbecue. +NYT143-040-00|Maybe Neal has some suggestions for Garza, who organizes the massive Luna reunion in Chicago. +NYT143-042-00|But Garza can finally rest easy after the upcoming July twenty sixth to twenty eighth reunion. +NYT143-042-01|In two thousand and three, the Luna reunion moves to Monterey, Mexico. +NYT143-043-00|And all Garza has to do is get there. +NYT144-001-01|One band of showers and storms will accompany a front sliding across New England and the eastern Great Lakes. +NYT144-006-00|As golfers tee off this week in Muirfield, Scotland, for the British Open, weather will probably influence play. +NYT144-006-01|At a latitude of fifty five degrees north, Muirfield lies in the path of the jet stream. +NYT144-006-02|Although torrential rain is uncommon, rain does fall about once every two days. +NYT144-006-03|The climate is tempered by the nearby North Sea, with average highs near sixty five degrees this time of the year. +NYT145-002-01|But the money from Harvard was crucial, at one point giving the endowment one-third control of Harken. +NYT145-006-01|Michael Eisenson, the former Harvard official who dealt directly with the matter, declined requests for an interview. +NYT145-007-00|Eisenson not only dealt with the Harken investment at Harvard, he also invested his own money in the company. +NYT145-010-00|Harvard Management is a famously profitable enterprise, where fund managers have made as much as ten million dollars per year. +NYT145-014-01|He emphasized that he does not blame Bush for the problems that have left Harken trading at less than one dollar a share. +NYT145-016-02|The first was billionaire George Soros. +NYT146-004-01|Just under half of all the people polled said business exerted too much influence over the Democrats. +NYT146-007-00|The nationwide telephone poll of one thousand adults was conducted Saturday through Tuesday. +NYT146-024-01|Sixty-two percent said the issues were very serious, and another twenty nine percent said they were somewhat serious. +NYT147-011-00|But Harvard Management officials told the Boston Globe at the time that they had no concerns about a conflict. +NYT147-012-00|Harvard Management is a famously profitable enterprise, where fund managers have earned more than ten million dollars per year. +NYT147-019-00|Bush, a graduate of Harvard Business School, could well have been what made Harken attractive to Harvard Management. +NYT149-002-00|Or should she hope for free tutoring instead? +NYT149-016-00|Villar says she has heard nothing from the district yet. +NYT149-033-00|In Kansas, students in schools that fail to make progress for three years will be in line for tutoring services, Pochowski said. +NYT149-034-01|On average, each child is expected to receive seven hundred dollars to one thousand dollars for the year, Pochowski said. +NYT149-043-01|Arkansas, for instance, had no schools on the list. +NYT149-052-00|Haycock said she wishes people would start looking at the benefits the law will provide, instead of possible pitfalls. +NYT150-012-01|They have talked with chamber officials about going for an arts-only bistate ballot measure. +NYT150-023-00|Thursday morning, bistate leaders discussed the poll results with members of the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority. +NYT150-025-00|Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes declined to comment until she had more information about the decision. +NYT150-030-01|Then it spent a few years crafting a package that would appease a wide variety of interests. +NYT150-035-01|By that time, the economics of baseball may be resolved, which would take away a cloud hanging over the Royals. +NYT152-005-00|It is easy to imagine other things, too. +NYT152-012-01|Some are driven by religion, some by ideology, a few by a desire to punish the Palestinians. +NYT152-012-02|Others are lured by inexpensive housing. +NYT152-025-01|It was a happy reunion of childhood friends. +NYT152-029-01|The terraced village of their youth had been razed and reduced to a spartan Jordanian army post. +NYT152-049-01|The company produces body and vehicle armor. +NYT152-059-00|In the meantime, Katz is watching his own children grow up and move away from Kfar Etzion. +NYT152-059-03|That leaves only a daughter serving her time in the army, and little Eliraz. +NYT153-005-01|Over the years the village grew from a few homes to a community today of twenty Jewish and twenty Arab families. +NYT153-007-00|The families, all citizens of Israel, built homes with arched windows and red-tiled roofs. +NYT153-019-00|At a recent town meeting about municipal finances, Shippin says, People got emotional and shouted at each other. +NYT153-025-01|In large cities, such as Jerusalem, neighborhoods are clearly defined. +NYT153-025-02|Smaller towns and villages are either Jewish or Arab, and can be identified so by their names. +NYT153-034-01|They are pharmacists, lawyers, nurses, university professors, teachers. +NYT153-035-01|Some are religious, though not Orthodox Jews or conservative Muslims. +NYT153-038-01|They unanimously condemn suicide attacks and call for intelligent negotiations. +NYT153-043-01|Fifty or so boys and girls, ages five to twelve, tumble out, carrying backpacks, beach towels, inner tubes and bathing suits. +NYT153-058-01|No matter where you grow up, being Jewish or Arab is a very strong identity here. +NYT153-063-00|Rami and Naomi, however, still hang out together, have long talks and sometimes go out to a bar in a nearby Jewish kibbutz. +NYT153-064-00|As children they played together on the swings and rode their bikes up and down the winding streets of the village. +NYT153-066-00|Rami and Naomi say that when they have families, they want to raise their children in similar circumstances. +NYT153-068-01|However, they are not sure their parents would approve. +NYT153-075-00|Farnaz Fassihi is a staff writer for The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey. +NYT154-006-01|Dervis was one reason. +NYT154-012-01|Dervis said he was with them in spirit, if not yet the flesh. +NYT154-012-03|And the political shenanigans got into top gear. +NYT154-014-00|Misunderstanding, not only among foreigners, got into top gear too. +NYT154-018-01|No: Massive debt and fierce interest rates meant an all-in deficit of about sixteen percent. +NYT154-019-01|Real rates on domestic debt, mostly rolled over short-term, are wild: more than thirty percent last year. +NYT154-021-00|The I M F agreed on a new prescription, sugared with dollars, with Dervis soon after his appointment. +NYT154-025-00|The latest to be grabbed, kicking and screaming, was Pamukbank, owned by the mighty Cukurova group. +NYT154-028-01|Ditto state sugar, also a monopoly, Turkish Airlines, and an oil refiner. +NYT154-028-02|Fixed-line telecoms too, once they have been readied for long-overdue competition in, supposedly, two thousand and four. +NYT154-030-00|In public finance, discipline, of course, is the cry. +NYT154-032-00|To business observers, Dervis has achieved near-miracles. +NYT154-036-01|It wants a firm date for the start of its access negotiations from the E U summit in December. +NYT154-037-01|Refuse it, and gloom will flood in while foreign investors, already notably scarce this year, will not. +NYT154-038-00|Yet here too the world misunderstands. +NYT154-042-00|To most Turks, fed up with the issue, this would be a slap in the face. +NYT155-001-01|In some of the stories of how our relatives had been killed, after all, they died because they had been betrayed. +NYT155-005-00|My grandfather told me that the cellar was in the castle of the princes who used to own the town. +NYT155-006-00|It was in the hope of learning which variation might be the truth that we went. +NYT155-013-02|We went, too, because of the letters, because I feared we might share in the guilt. +NYT155-018-02|I wonder whether it was a terrible guilt that drove my grandfather to carry those letters around with him all his life. +NYT155-019-01|From there, we drove to Bolechow. +NYT155-024-01|Off we went, with Nina in tow; clearly she had adopted us and our cause. +NYT155-027-02|She remembers. +NYT155-039-02|Jews, in fact, who were being blackmailed by the Germans into helping them. +NYT156-028-00|Eleton, like many Southern gospel performers and fans, came out of a Pentecostal tradition. +NYT156-033-00|Lovelace, who is from the North Carolina mountains, has been in various groups since he was eighteen years old. +NYT156-036-00|Audiences that have never experienced pure Southern gospel have probably sampled its influence. +NYT156-036-02|Undoubtedly the best-known is the other King besides Jesus, Elvis. +NYT157-003-01|But it got things wrong when it assumed that trees were the only things that could absorb carbon from the air. +NYT157-007-03|For every ton of Portland cement emerging from the kilns, roughly a ton of Colorado two gas escapes into the atmosphere. +NYT157-008-02|And, says Harrison, it need not. +NYT157-010-04|This means that emissions of Colorado two from the energy used to fire kilns are roughly halved. +NYT157-016-00|And eco-concrete has another way of proving its greenhouse-friendly status. +NYT157-020-02|You might not want to replace Portland cement entirely for bridge beams, say. +NYT157-020-03|But Harrison reckons magnesium cements could eventually replace eighty percent of cement. +NYT157-021-01|Prime sources of magnesium carbonate, such as magnesite and dolomite cost more to mine than calcium carbonate. +NYT157-022-02|But he fears the costs of maintaining his patents could force him out of business before it really gets going. +NYT157-024-01|Engineers are familiar with its mechanical properties. +NYT157-027-02|The logical way out is to accelerate the formation of carbonate with our own man-made rocks. +NYT157-029-00|This article is excerpted from NEW SCIENTIST, a weekly science and technology magazine based in London. +NYT158-001-00|For questions, please call four zero four, five two six, five four five six. +NYT158-003-00|Indianapolis ATLANTA: Diane Fall, four zero four, five two six, five four five six. +NYT158-019-04|Each plane costs more than its weight in pure gold. +NYT158-021-00|After thirty years running the Kettering-Moraine Museum, Melba Hunt is as intimate as anyone can get with the Wright Brothers. +NYT158-027-01|One is but a vague imitation of the other, adequate if there is no alternative but not terribly satisfying. +NYT158-030-01|For most consumers, it has been sheer fantasy. +NYT158-032-00|Moved Monday in, e, entertainment and, f, financial categories. +NYT158-033-00|Lifestyles. +NYT158-034-00|What should women do about hormone replacement therapy given the current brouhaha? +NYT158-041-00|Time was it was nothing more than a few artifacts in the basement of the Deaf Smith County Library in Hereford. +NYT158-053-00|Books. +NYT158-061-00|Sports. +NYT158-064-00|British Open notebook. +NYT158-066-00|Side on British Open. +NYT158-067-00|Coverage of the Tour de France. +NYT158-068-00|Advance or feature on NASCAR race at Loudon. +NYT158-069-00|NASCAR notebook. +NYT158-073-00|N F L notebook. +NYT158-075-00|N H L notebook. +NYT158-082-00|Managing editor Tom Oder, four zero four, five two six, five eight eight seven. +NYT158-083-00|Assistant news editor Alan Gordon, four zero four, five two six, seven two eight two. +NYT158-085-00|News editor Carl Rauscher, two zero two, eight eight seven, eight three zero seven. +NYT158-086-00|Foreign editor Chuck Holmes, two zero two, eight eight seven, eight three two zero. +NYT158-089-00|Enterprise editor Art Dalglish, two zero two, eight eight seven, eight three three eight. +NYT159-003-01|And we cast each scenario in cinematic terms, since the end has already been imagined in dozens of movies. +NYT159-010-00|Starring Charlton Heston and Edward G Robinson. +NYT159-013-01|He sees the disease as a symptom of a larger malady, overpopulation. +NYT159-016-01|Population, ecology and consumption are the three factors that threaten life as we know it, explains Maguire. +NYT159-027-00|Starring Dustin Hoffman and Rene Russo. +NYT159-032-00|But a flu pandemic will occur again, of that Hughes has no doubt. +NYT159-048-00|Texas-sized asteroid uses earth for target practice. +NYT159-057-00|Starring Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny. +NYT159-066-00|Starring Kevin Costner and Dennis Hopper +NYT159-068-00|There are no new worlds to replace the one we inhabit today for well-known environmental advocate Jeremy Rifkin. +NYT159-070-01|It is this disassociation with the Earth as a means to our end that is making the planet uninhabitable. +NYT159-082-01|Dan Maguire. +NYT159-083-00|Marquette University. +NYT159-089-00|Bryn Mawr University. +NYT159-094-01|Tommy Ice. +NYT159-097-01|James Hughes. +NYT160-005-02|Martha Burk, and the chairman of Augusta National, William W Johnson, known as Hootie. +NYT160-011-01|Telephone calls on Thursday and Friday seeking comment from Hewlett-Packard representatives were not returned. +NYT160-014-00|The sport of golf, as played at private clubs, has been forced to open its doors at least a crack in the last dozen years. +NYT160-017-00|The real pressure on high-profile clubs like Augusta may come from corporate sponsors responding to public opinion. +NYT160-023-01|Spokesmen for all three emphasized that they sponsored the one-week Masters tournament, but not Augusta National Golf Club. +NYT161-003-01|Some storms will move little and produce torrential rain. +NYT161-004-01|Storms will also develop in the northern Plains as a cool front passes. +NYT162-015-01|Fluid was backing up and poisoning his system, and the doctor said he would eventually need a transplant. +NYT162-025-02|At fifteen, she already professed a deep Christian faith and in nineteen ninety seven, went on a mission trip to Colorado. +NYT162-063-01|I felt like she was robbed of a lifetime. +NYT162-067-00|A few days later, Chelly Sturgell was opening a letter from the Terrys saying they wanted to meet at an upcoming banquet. +NYT162-070-00|When the time came, they all embraced, talked about their lives and, most importantly, about Carley. +NYT162-076-00|The Sturgells and the Terrys have gone to church together a few times, an activity that is important to both families. +NYT162-077-00|February is known nationally as organ donation month, the month Carley was born. +NYT162-080-01|July eighteenth marked the day he was born; July twentieth marked the day he got his new liver. +NYT162-085-00|Stephanie Allmon writes for the Waco Tribune Herald. +NYT163-022-00|Both Matt and Jennifer said each area they undertake to study teaches them supplemental skills. +NYT163-035-00|Teach us to serve thee joyfully. +NYT163-037-01|Kitts, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tobago and Wales. +NYT164-003-00|I crouched on my surfboard, and dropped down the face of the fast-breaking swell for a couple seconds, so far, so good. +NYT164-011-00|We arrived at a park that was pitch dark, save for a few spotlights. +NYT164-014-01|Computers control a dozen hydraulic chambers that force three hundred thousand gallons into the pool at once. +NYT164-020-00|In the ocean, a surfer spots a wave as it forms forty or fifty yards away. +NYT164-022-01|I missed my first wave, then paddled to the beach and got out of the pool to wait for my second wave, which I also missed. +NYT164-023-00|As I floated in the pool before my third attempt, I tried mental tricks to prepare myself. +NYT164-024-00|The result of my angry attempts at self-motivation: Smacked down by a hairy wall of water. +NYT164-026-00|Desperate now, I visualized myself riding the wave all the way to the shallows, instead of being forced to sheepishly paddle in. +NYT164-028-00|My only consolation was that my friends were falling too. +NYT164-029-01|After our first twenty five waves, the Typhoon Lagoon engineer made some adjustments, and suddenly I was catching waves easily. +NYT164-031-00|One surfer at a time. +NYT164-032-02|But the downside was that only one surfer could ride at a time. +NYT164-033-00|I false-started at first. +NYT164-036-02|He finally switched to a boogie board and found more success. +NYT164-042-00|True to Disney form, Typhoon Lagoon imposes a list of rules on surfers, such as a ban on profanities. +NYT164-044-00|Other rules, like only one surfer per wave, make more sense. +NYT164-051-00|To surf Typhoon Lagoon, call, four zero seven, nine three nine, seven eight seven three. +NYT164-052-00|Disney also offers surf lessons at Typhoon Lagoon. +NYT164-052-05|To book a lesson, call, four zero seven, nine three nine, seven five two nine. +NYT165-004-01|Since September eleven, he has raised the odds to nearly fifty to fifty. +NYT165-006-02|Swathes of Sudan are without health care, education, clean water, or food. +NYT165-021-01|He fears that the administration is too eager in rehabilitating the regime because of its intelligence cooperation. +NYT165-026-00|A series of high-level visits this summer are looking for progress. +NYT166-009-01|Leading the parade were two prominent venture capitalists, John Doerr and Floyd Kvamme, two Silicon Valley legends. +NYT166-010-00|These companies are also enlisting rank-and-file employees in a Web-based grass-roots effort as well. +NYT166-023-00|To wage the fight, the group, in a Power Point presentation, asked for ten thousand dollars donations from concerned companies. +NYT167-007-00|With photo N Y T twenty six sent on July seventeenth. +NYT167-012-00|James Canfield, the artistic director of Oregon Ballet Theater, has never let convention rule his life. +NYT167-016-00|Also see Tadpole film-review. +NYT167-017-01|They laugh and they cry and they dance, all to a propulsive rock soundtrack. +NYT167-017-03|The friends planted the bomb some fifteen years earlier, when they were anarchist squatters. +NYT167-021-01|Its various spin-offs have fared no better. +NYT167-028-01|The pine-cone-shaped form, called a cairn, was engulfed by flame and smoke and left standing on stark, blackened ground. +NYT167-040-00|Nonrefundable tickets can typically be changed for a fee, in amounts that in recent years have crept into triple digits. +NYT167-041-02|The Internet is fueling that growth or responding to it. +NYT167-049-00|As the ouster of Robert Pittman suggests, America Online is the problem division of A O L Time Warner. +NYT167-055-00|Experts see a major retrenchment coming from consumers. +NYT167-055-01|Household debt is now at seventy five percent of gross domestic product, a record. +NYT167-061-02|So what would this change mean for the economy? +NYT167-069-00|Drugstores expect growth from an aging population that will take more pills. +NYT167-072-02|Havnaer, the co-managers of the four hundred fifteen million dollars Columbia High Yield fund. +NYT167-077-03|Beyond the transmission, the two thousand and two M three is everything a B M W convertible ought to be. +NYT168-007-00|Compartmentalization, Republicans of all people should know, went out of style with the Clinton administration. +NYT168-008-02|It exists mainly on paper, as a cutely named entity with no real assets. +NYT169-012-01|He was eighty seven. +NYT169-012-03|Lomax in New York in nineteen ninety two. +NYT169-019-01|Once unemployed, she now manages a billion-dollar family fortune built on beer money. +NYT169-024-02|A clutchless transmission will be available in both models next spring. +NYT169-026-03|The Freelander has leather seats, a premium stereo and a navigation system. +NYT169-030-00|Now that the divorce of former Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani is settled, let us zoom in on Judith J. +NYT170-005-02|Ninov has since acknowledged being the accused, but he denies all guilt. +NYT171-010-02|A failed test means a four-game, unpaid suspension. +NYT171-022-03|All three tested positive for steroids not listed on the label. +NYT171-029-00|There was a time, in nineteen ninety six, when the ephedra derivative, ephedrine, was illegal in Florida. +NYT171-031-01|DSHEA was sponsored by Republican Orrin Hatch, whose state, Utah, houses many supplement companies. +NYT171-035-00|The burden of proof falls on the F D A and the plaintiffs. +NYT171-038-01|Three months ago, his father, Ron, fifty two, was laid off from Boeing, where he worked in the machine shop. +NYT171-050-00|More than anything, that may explain why there are so many different views, and concerns, on the issue. +NYT172-007-00|Today, the foundation has fifty employees, and more are anticipated. +NYT172-022-00|The organization almost stumbled into one of its other primary functions. +NYT172-028-01|The world body will call on the foundation to help explain a U N reorganization to be announced later this year. +NYT172-032-01|Its peacekeeping activities were in disrepute after notable failures in Rwanda and elsewhere. +NYT172-033-00|In the years since, the U N has had a peacekeeping success in East Timor, which has achieved independence. +NYT173-005-00|But the policies have not remained static. +NYT173-007-01|Rudd said one Army officer years ago got in trouble because he refused to stop wearing a wig. +NYT173-007-02|During the Vietnam era, hair length was a hot topic among many soldiers. +NYT173-009-00|Little is left to chance or interpretation. +NYT173-012-01|Once banned, their increased popularity led to a reconsideration, Rudd said. +NYT173-012-02|After a while, people began to realize that, actually, that was a pretty practical hairstyle for a female soldier. +NYT173-013-01|Cornrows, braids and dreadlocks are among those prohibited for men. +NYT174-009-01|We did everything that the courts asked for. +NYT174-010-00|Iranian officials in Tehran have denied involvement in the bombing. +NYT174-033-01|It inspired a level of confidence that made the AMIA attack possible. +NYT174-041-00|Galeano declined numerous requests for an interview. +NYT175-002-00|But the American talk of overthrowing Saddam Hussein by military force is raising alarms in European governments. +NYT175-003-01|Also, they fear that a drive against Iraq would drive a wedge between Britain and the rest of Europe. +NYT175-033-01|I mean this will have results for all of us, but first of all it is a debate in the United States. +NYT177-010-00|Frank is developing a proposal to make hardship posts more attractive, including higher pay, shorter tours and more home leave. +NYT177-027-00|The financial incentives for hardship service range from five percent to twenty five percent of base pay. +NYT177-027-05|Pay aside, spouses may object to moves that they expect will impede their own career development. +NYT177-028-00|Meanwhile, ambassadors are reduced to wheeling and dealing to fill critical posts. +NYT178-004-00|Bond. +NYT178-017-00|Kerr approaches his job as state senator so seriously that associates question whether he ever smiles. +NYT178-020-02|He warned that the cut might lead to serious budget trouble. +NYT178-039-00|As Senate president, Kerr experienced rocky times, partly because of conservative Republicans. +NYT178-043-00|He tries to avoid blasting conservatives publicly, saying he wants their votes. +NYT178-054-00|He positions himself as a public school advocate, but said he might support a narrowly drawn voucher program. +NYT178-058-00|To get his positions before voters, the Kerr campaign staff hopes to spend as much as eight hundred thousand dollars. +NYT178-059-00|Kerr will contribute some of the money. +NYT178-063-00|But do enough Johnson Countians know about a Hutchinson Republican to give him substantial votes? +NYT179-005-02|Long before September eleven, he wore his patriotism comfortably. +NYT179-013-00|Black has always been an easy color choice for lingerie, sensual and flirtatious. +NYT179-019-02|They may be the first garments to come with a battery recharger. +NYT181-011-01|The Copelands have built Sharing and Caring Hands from a storefront operation into an elaborate web of social services. +NYT181-016-02|Sharing and Caring has also drawn fire for not adequately documenting all the cash it dispenses. +NYT181-018-01|This, in large part, has to do with feet. +NYT181-041-00|The audience laughed; the tension evaporated. +NYT182-002-00|All we ask is that you send us a tearsheet. +NYT182-005-00|Columbia University. +NYT182-033-00|Now you can log onto the Internet in the privacy of your home and find a psychologist who will help you, online. +NYT182-033-01|Licensed therapists offer counseling via e-mail. +NYT182-033-02|E-therapy, as it is called, is providing therapy to many people who might not get care otherwise. +NYT182-035-00|Azizah is the only magazine of its kind in North America, owned and produced by Muslim women. +NYT182-035-02|It also includes profiles of successful Muslim women. +NYT182-036-01|But the difference is that the Mousers are not from New York. +NYT182-057-01|Why are we suddenly counting our pennies like never before, and what technology is helping us do it? +NYT182-058-00|A number of Japanese students and part-time workers living in America buy up brand name products for Japanese retailers. +NYT184-002-00|Many web sites offer licensed therapists who counsel via e-mail. +NYT184-006-02|All they need to do is sit at a computer anywhere in the world, at any hour, and write down their thoughts. +NYT184-007-00|Some people have dozens of e-sessions, while others simply log on once or twice during a time of need, said Grohol. +NYT184-020-01|In such a situation, therapists generally refer patients to a hot line or a local practitioner they can see in person. +NYT185-001-00|The aroma of samosas, fried, spicy, Indian dumplings, competes with the buttery smell of popcorn. +NYT185-001-01|Cell phones beep, babies wail, South Asian girls and boys dressed in their Sunday best eye each other. +NYT185-002-01|The cinema that seats five hundred people is in some ways a core of the social scene for South Asians in diaspora. +NYT185-007-02|It ran in seventy theaters over North America and grossed three million dollars in its month-long run. +NYT185-013-00|Indians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Tibetan, and Nepali immigrants all speak some variation of Hindi or Urdu. +NYT185-014-01|The standard formula is a love story intertwined with family feuds, melodrama and slapstick comedy. +NYT186-007-00|As with any band that hangs together for a quarter of a century, the Dirty Dozen has weathered some changes. +NYT186-013-05|Most bands just play what the band leader says. +NYT186-015-03|And, on the radio, jazz is the least played. +NYT186-016-00|The Dirty Dozen Brass Band has been proving that theory for twenty five years. +NYT187-007-01|When he arrived, he found a city transformed into a surrealistic disaster zone. +NYT187-008-02|The city was in a state of chaos, like a scene from an Armageddon film. +NYT187-010-00|As an artist, Smith spent the next few months grappling with the aftermath of September eleven. +NYT187-011-00|He had been invited last summer to show a retrospective of his work there during Contemporary Art Month. +NYT187-012-00|The events of September eleven changed the show from a retrospective to an exhibit titled Recent Paintings. +NYT187-017-00|He dealt most directly with the crisis in a series of watercolors showing people in a desolate, ash-swept cityscape. +NYT187-021-01|The air is filled with snow or ash, a man stands holding a newspaper and threatening clouds blot the background. +NYT187-027-02|If anything, I wish art could be more proactive, to be more involved with the world on a realistic level. +NYT188-002-00|Your reasoning is very seductive. +NYT188-009-00|It may be tempting, when you look at the discrepancies in sworn evidence, to recast testimony in the plural. +NYT189-007-02|Indeed, they are told by industry leaders not to talk about their business or to open their barns for inspection. +NYT189-026-00|In these parts, doors are left unlocked, and church suppers and fiddle contests bring people together on Sunday. +NYT189-026-03|Clumsy little foals suckle on chestnut brown and flaxen mares in grassy green pastures. +NYT189-032-01|Those who do, he said, endorse it. +NYT189-037-02|Honey based her estimates on information from Wyeth and other sources, she said. +NYT189-039-00|That adds up to twelve thousand slaughtered foals from all of the four hundred nineteen farms with Wyeth contracts. +NYT189-043-01|Kanciper since has arranged with one rancher to buy his foals and put them up for adoption all over the United States. +NYT189-056-01|Activists pose as horse buyers to get into the barns. +NYT189-059-00|Robin Gaby Fisher is a staff writer for The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey. +NYT190-008-00|And for the friskiest of fitness fanatics comes the hottest invention since Spandex shorts, Cardio Striptease. +NYT190-024-00|Stephanie Allmon writes for The Waco, Texas, Tribune-Herald. +NYT191-004-00|Bootle, a homicide detective, was among the fire and police officers at the World Trade Center towers September eleven. +NYT191-007-03|We started getting people out of there. +NYT191-008-01|Eventually he was assigned to help at the temporary morgue the city established. +NYT191-010-01|Organizers are planning various activities including a golf tournament, a dinner, and an auction. +NYT191-015-00|Tickets to the August fund-raiser are available through the association at, eight three zero, eight nine five, two two six two. +NYT192-012-01|F A A officials said their leaders were told to keep a low profile for security-related reasons. +NYT192-015-00|Awkward denials are more common from new appointees. +NYT192-036-00|When that is combined with a post-september eleven memo from Attorney General John Ashcroft, a climate of secrecy emerges. +NYT192-040-00|When political partisanship is involved, the rules can blur further. +NYT192-046-02|F A A Administrator Jane Garvey will leave in early August. +NYT193-002-00|Farther south, numerous showers and thunderstorms will blossom across most of the Southeast. +NYT193-005-00|A line of severe thunderstorms produced gusts of more than fifty miles an hour in the Northeast on Tuesday. +NYT193-005-01|While it is normal for severe storms to erupt in New England in the summer, the peak severe weather season varies across the nation. +NYT193-005-02|In the South, late winter and early spring is the peak season. +NYT193-005-03|The top time for severe weather in the south-central Plains and the Ohio Valley is late spring. +NYT194-003-02|His only respectful words were for his producer and mentor, Doctor Dre. +NYT194-007-00|For a guy who presents himself as an embattled misanthrope, Eminem rarely travels alone. +NYT194-008-03|He blurted and moaned, howled and rapped the songs from onstage and, for two excursions, down in the audience. +NYT194-009-00|The rappers, meanwhile, were all shtick, and each brought his own spinoffs to promote. +NYT195-009-01|I knew it from Barrett. +NYT197-017-00|They pull up their camp chairs, pull out their awnings. +NYT197-027-02|One park in Las Vegas even has its own concierge. +NYT197-040-00|Most Wal-Marting RVers, such as Ken Quin, use it as a quick drop-off. +NYT197-044-00|Squatting has become so prevalent at certain Wal-Marts, some store managers have had to crack down. +NYT197-050-00|That howdy, can I help-ya culture draws RVers. +NYT197-051-01|Others say security guards have escorted them from store to door in the dark. +NYT197-056-00|Wal-Mart leaves the lights on for you. +NYT197-059-01|Fast food outlets and malls, just like the ones at home, are likely nearby. +NYT198-009-01|He is now obliged to hew to the role of a loyal courtier with a specific place on the organizational chart. +NYT198-016-01|Flanigan, the chief negotiator on the legislation, said in an interview that Ashcroft was a full partner. +NYT198-023-01|Some officials in the Justice Department believed that the attorney general made needlessly harsh public comments about Lindh. +NYT199-001-00|Like cowboy boots and the Alamo, barbecue lies at the very heart of the Texas psyche. +NYT199-002-00|Texas barbecue is as dark and shiny as a lump of coal, but tender and juicy. +NYT199-002-01|The aroma of wood smoke is omnipresent. +NYT199-005-00|You can find good barbecue in Dallas and Houston, but the best is served in small towns. +NYT199-005-04|In nineteen forty eight he sold the market to an employee, Edgar Schmidt, who in turn sold it to his sons, Don and Rick. +NYT199-010-02|Patrons arrive in a trickle, then a stream. +NYT199-012-04|The ribs are as slender as Popsicles, and the delicate, moist meat tastes like a cross between lamb and veal. +NYT199-015-02|The dining room is equally spare, with just a few mounted deer heads as decoration. +NYT199-017-00|The Salt Lick was the brainchild of Thurman and Hisako Roberts, he a Texan, she a Hawaiian of Japanese descent. +NYT199-017-02|He decided on a barbecue joint. +NYT199-018-01|The telltale mark of true barbecue, the smoke ring is a thin layer of pinkish-red just below the surface of the meat. +NYT199-018-02|The must-tries here are the habanero chicken and ribs. +NYT199-023-00|Many Texas barbecue restaurants open and close early, just after lunch, and are closed on Sunday, so call for hours. +NYT199-029-00|Barbecued rib roast. +NYT199-030-00|Adapted from Krenz Market, Lockhart, Texas. +NYT199-037-01|Combine salt, pepper and cayenne in a bowl and stir and mix well. +NYT199-038-02|If using a gas grill, place wood chips in smoker box or wrap in foil to make a smoker pouch, poking holes in top. +NYT199-039-03|Cook roast to taste, about two hours for medium-rare, one hundred forty five degrees on a meat thermometer. +NYT199-039-06|Remove strings, slice roast crosswise and serve. +NYT199-040-00|Yield: eight servings. +NYT199-041-00|Texas-style brisket. +NYT199-045-00|One teaspoon kosher salt. +NYT199-054-00|Yield: eight to ten servings. +NYT199-055-00|Texas barbecue sauce. +NYT199-057-00|Time: one hour. +NYT199-058-00|One cup meat drippings or smoked chicken stock. +NYT199-065-01|Gently simmer over medium-low heat until richly flavored, thirty minutes, stirring from time to time to prevent scorching. +NYT199-066-00|Yield: about three half cups. +NYT200-009-01|The company is also expected to forecast earnings for the rest of the year. +NYT201-006-01|In the United States, graniteware perhaps is most popular, though enamelware and agateware also are used. +NYT201-008-02|Its bottom usually is perforated or fit with a filtering screen. +NYT201-009-00|Though some pieces were in solid colors, most featured patterns described as swirls, mottled, feathered, checkered and speckled. +NYT201-016-00|Collectors can find emotional support with the National Graniteware Society, a nonprofit group based in Iowa. +NYT202-017-01|In recent weeks, he said, Bush has come up short. +NYT202-022-00|He has great confidence in his team. +NYT202-024-00|And economists generally agree, noting that no president has ever been able to turn the tide of market sentiment. +NYT202-028-00|Roosevelt, though, was urging reluctant workers to put their money back in. +NYT202-036-01|Virginia. +NYT203-015-02|The supplemental bill has been the subject of continued dispute between Congress and the White House. +NYT203-016-01|The other looming deadline is November nineteen, the first anniversary of the new aviation security law. +NYT203-025-00|But the federal security agency is having the same problem that the airlines did, she said, underutilization. +NYT203-025-01-00|Of one hundred machines in service in May, seventy seven were screening a mere seven five zero bags a day, or fewer. +NYT204-024-02|It does not allow any variation in premiums or cost sharing. +NYT204-026-00|Medicare generally does not cover prescription drugs outside a hospital. +NYT204-026-01|Thirteen million of the forty million Medicare beneficiaries have no insurance to cover such costs. +NYT207-006-01|He also handled individual clients. +NYT207-012-00|The two candidates trade barbs about who is best qualified to be attorney general. +NYT207-048-01|Biggs, the Geary County prosecutor, does not have a primary opponent. +NYT207-050-00|Age: forty one. +NYT207-051-00|Occupation: Attorney. +NYT207-054-00|Hometown: Leawood. +NYT207-059-00|Age: forty two. +NYT207-060-00|Occupation: Small business owner, attorney. +NYT207-062-00|Political experience: Kansas House, nineteen ninety three to two thousand. +NYT207-063-00|Hometown: Shawnee. +NYT207-068-00|Age: seventy four. +NYT207-070-00|Political experience: None. +NYT207-071-00|Hometown: Tecumseh. +NYT207-072-00|Family: Married, one son, one stepson and two stepgrandchildren. +NYT208-005-00|Airline pilots urged lawmakers Thursday to allow pilots to carry guns on planes, but a leading senator was not convinced. +NYT208-009-01-01|Geewax, Cox News Service. +NYT208-017-01|But statistically, a child has a better chance of falling off a bike and dying than being abducted and killed. +NYT208-019-01|The monument, a colossus more than ten feet tall that depicts a family of freed slaves with broken chains at their feet. +NYT208-022-00|Josephine Miller has her work cut out for her, according to Mary Judson, editor of the Port Arkansas South Jetty newspaper here. +NYT208-034-00|USair and United announce a code-share agreement that accomplishes many of the goals the two airlines sought in their planned merger. +NYT208-034-01|The move puts pressure on Delta to respond, likely with a code-share of its own with Continental or Northwest. +NYT208-036-01-00|But does it really mean anything? +NYT208-048-00|Review of Los Lobos. +NYT208-051-00|Film review of Austin Powers in Goldmember. +NYT208-052-00|Four stars. +NYT208-059-00-00|Coverage of Stage seventeen of the Tour de France, the third leg in the Alps, eighty seven miles between Aime and Cluses. +NYT209-010-00|In December, the Missile Defense Agency resumed test launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. +NYT210-009-00-01|Williams, Cox News Service. +NYT210-020-01-01|Mollison, Cox News Service. +NYT210-024-00|First, the Olympics. +NYT210-024-02|Every grand champion steer at county fairs across Ohio is tested immediately after winning the blue ribbon. +NYT210-025-02|At midnight. +NYT210-025-05-00|Owner of the only wedding chapel that local historians say has ever operated in the Quarter, Talavera went right to work. +NYT210-040-01-00|Car journeys are the enduring staple of summer vacations. +NYT210-042-00-00|A school in northwest Ireland teaches Irish language and culture. +NYT210-053-00-00|Reading the South, a monthly roundup of new fiction by regional writers. +NYT210-060-00-00|Coverage of the Tour de France. +NYT210-062-00-00|NASCAR notebook. +NYT210-063-01|The head coach is not new, however. +NYT211-002-01|Among the mansions currently available are those belonging to Randy Travis, Jane Seymour, Merv Griffin, and, oh, yes, Charo. +NYT211-006-00|Voyeurism is undoubtedly part of the allure. +NYT211-033-01|They rent out two houses on Maui. +NYT212-006-00|Zacarias Moussaoui declared his guilt in court Thursday, then withdrew his plea. +NYT212-014-01|Only four point seven percent of those who quit were still abstaining three to twelve months later. +NYT212-068-00-01|Archer, The Palm Beach Post. +NYT213-001-02|Farther east, morning sunshine near the New England Coast will yield to increasing clouds as the front approaches from the west. +NYT213-002-03|Farther north and west, clusters of thunderstorms will develop over the Rockies and central Plains. +NYT213-004-01|Now, a new surge of searing heat with temperatures above one hundred is building over the central and southern Plains. +NYT214-002-00|The painter Terry Winters has provided a stunning, rosy backdrop that depicts two overlapping layers of black wire netting. +NYT214-003-01|It also makes room for an extraordinary solo, fabulously performed by Holley Farmer, that is sure to bring the house down. +NYT214-006-01|One is that the score, here by Christian Wolff, has no direct relationship to the activity onstage. +NYT214-007-02|But how he does so, through diverse compositional methods, makes for some unpredictable combinations of movement. +NYT214-010-04|The lighting on their costumes gives them a skeletal look, and their dancing is full of curved backs and bent legs. +NYT214-012-01|Moving in a diagonal to the front of the stage, she is breathtakingly in control. +NYT214-012-03|She raises a leg, fully sculptured in its volume and then jumps on the supporting leg. +NYT214-013-03|Little incidents occur within the group: the dynamics change and the dancers jump. +NYT214-015-01|Cunningham, who received a standing ovation at the end, and David Vaughan read droll stories from writings by John Cage. +NYT215-008-02|Her main character, Hannah, is smart, appealing and forthright. +NYT216-010-00|After receiving scattered publicity for years, the various recordings are enjoying new attention. +NYT217-002-04|Pears asks us to keep track of dozens of characters and subplots. +NYT217-002-05|He tosses out heady philosophical questions with the effortless speed of a three-card monte dealer. +NYT217-002-06|The book almost seems to convey a dare: Can you keep up? +NYT217-003-02|The story follows three men who lived in what is now northern France. +NYT217-003-05|And, in the twentieth century, there is Julien Barneuve, a scholar researching the life of de Noyen. +NYT217-004-00-01|This is just the barest outline of the plot, and it only gets more complicated. +NYT218-001-01|Bombay: My children are interested in downloading music. +NYT218-002-00|Dear Mom: What a breath of fresh air a question like this is. +NYT218-002-02|Excuse me for boldly coming out against theft. +NYT218-006-02|Just be aware that these free programs usually pack a whopping load of spyware, and you get what you deserve if you download them. +NYT218-009-01|Bombay: I downloaded an M P three file from the Internet. +NYT218-011-01|Emilio Bombay offers occasionally accurate advice about most things electronic. +NYT219-004-01|They have enjoyed Bible study, swimming, canoeing, and competing in volleyball, football, softball, tennis and other sports. +NYT219-008-00|Many of the thirty six teens injured in the bus crash gave Christian testimonies during the week in Georgia. +NYT219-009-00|The Metro teens, some on crutches and in wheelchairs, were flown to Atlanta by Delta Airlines on Sunday. +NYT219-009-01|Then they took a ninety minute bus ride to the camp, in the mountains of northern Georgia. +NYT220-004-00|Naval Air Station Fort Worth sent a similar detachment to the region in late February. +NYT220-006-00|Packard said the detachment is equally divided between active-duty and reserve Marines. +NYT220-007-00|He said he expects many more such units to be pressed into service in Afghanistan and elsewhere. +NYT220-010-01|Steve Hamer and his wife, Christy, since they had sons Jake, three, and Aiden, one. +NYT220-012-01|Keith Lacey, said she grew up in the military and knows what is expected of her. +NYT221-015-01|In nineteen ninety, an Auburn football player revealed that alumni boosters were paying improper bonuses and perks to athletes. +NYT221-019-04|Technically, he did not have to follow the rules of the constitutional amendment until January two thousand and three. +NYT221-022-01|Students boycotted classes for a day, and hundreds marched on the Capitol in Montgomery. +NYT221-026-00|The governor seems to have lost an important supporter though. +NYT221-026-01|On July fifteenth Lowder attended a one-thousand-dollars-a-plate fund-raiser for Riley. +NYT222-005-01|Friday is the fiftieth anniversary of her death. +NYT222-007-02-00|The fugu is a dangerous delicacy but a helpful tool in genome research. +NYT222-012-00|Raymond Nembhard performs maintenance on the main chandelier at Lincoln Center in Manhattan Thursday. +NYT222-015-01|Among the mansions currently available are those belonging to Randy Travis, Jane Seymour, Merv Griffin and Charo. +NYT222-023-02-00|Santiago Cos Patzan, who founded his own Pentecostal church, in his front yard in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. +NYT222-027-01|The film gleefully flaunts the message that beneath the most blase facade churns the dirty mind of a tittering adolescent. +NYT222-031-02-00|An assortment of mail-ordered food, including smoked salmon, cheese, a fried chicken kit, and pasta. +NYT222-031-02-01|Alan Chin, The New York Times. +NYT222-032-01|One device is the skid platform, which has its own set of wheels. +NYT222-036-02-00|Hessian-soldier whirligigs from the collection of longtime participants in Antiques Week, Isobel and Harvey Kahn. +NYT222-037-02|Judd Hirsch, right, jumps back into the role of Nat, which he portrayed in the nineteen eighty five production. +NYT223-027-03|Gates would negotiate nuclear treaties with the Soviets. +NYT223-031-04|BOOKMAN-COLUMN, Jay Bookman is on vacation. +NYT223-040-00|Additional stories on long marriages are available to Cox papers only via Budget Tool at the Palm Beach location. +NYT223-044-00|With America at war again, albeit a different kind, folks are coming here to remember another time America was attacked. +NYT225-006-00|Confident and forcefully blunt, Gates softens his demeanor with a wry sense of humor. +NYT225-006-01|Friends and co-workers say the combination allows him to be opinionated but not pushy, no-nonsense yet relaxed. +NYT225-022-00|Gates found life as a Russian policy analyst far preferable to cloak-and-dagger work. +NYT225-026-01|As luck would have it, Gates joined just one month before Watergate would force President Nixon to resign in disgrace. +NYT225-029-00|It was nineteen eighty seven. +NYT225-039-01|When the final report was issued in nineteen ninety three, Gates received only back-handed absolution. +NYT225-040-00|Independent counsel Lawrence Walsh criticized Gates for giving seemingly scripted and less-than-candid answers. +NYT225-040-01|But Walsh said he could not prove Gates deliberately lied when giving two demonstrably incorrect statements. +NYT225-068-00|Chuck Lindell writes for the Austin American statesman. +NYT227-002-00|RONALD HOERNER: a Dream Fulfilled. +NYT227-004-01|He and his wife, Barbara, had been married only eight months, his mother said by telephone from Florida. +NYT227-006-02|Hoerner turned eighty four on September eleven. +NYT227-007-00|CHRISTOPHER M GRADY: Compassionate Laughter. +NYT227-008-02|Soon, everyone else in the room was laughing too. +NYT227-012-00|He was a charm king, that Joe Rivelli. +NYT227-014-02|At forty four, he was still Joe, still sarcastic, still blunt. +NYT227-015-00|JOHN CROWE: Athlete Who Feared Heights. +NYT227-022-00|VIJAYASHANKER PARAMSOTHY: Daily Caller to Malaysia. +NYT227-037-01|She and Richie lived in the same apartment in Ridgewood, Queens, for the entire thirty one years they were married. +NYT227-038-00|You could call it habit, but mostly it was a stubborn streak of dependability that guided King, who was fifty nine. +NYT227-039-01|After he left for another company, he continued to do business with King on the phone. +NYT227-040-01|When Murray was ill for a month last August, her aunt called at three p m every day to see how she was. +NYT227-056-01|She talked and laughed and made herself memorable to colleagues who became her friends for life. +NYT227-058-02|They also celebrated their birthdays, both in April, together at the office. +NYT227-064-00|ERWIN L ERKER: Family Vacation Planner. +NYT227-069-01|Lauren plays the trombone, and he liked attending her concerts and listening to her jazz festival C D. +NYT227-069-03|It is still there. +NYT228-004-01|Silverstein, who controls the rights to build office space there? +NYT228-011-01-00|The question before the court is, was the attack by two hijacked airliners, aimed at bringing down the twin towers, one occurrence or two? +NYT228-017-01-01|Four mayoral appointees were chosen last year by former Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani and four this year by Bloomberg. +NYT228-044-00|In the days immediately after September eleven, Silverstein brashly declared that he would rebuild the twin towers. +NYT228-050-01|Some one hundred thousand potential customers disappeared after September eleven. +NYT229-014-00|The budget includes three billion dollars in one-time revenues, however. +NYT229-036-00|He would prohibit employers who receive state money from spending that money to combat union organizing of their workers. +NYT229-054-00|Legislation vetoed. +NYT229-059-00|He would ban the use of dog or cat fur or flesh in any manufactured goods. +NYT229-060-00|He would ban the use of monomeric methyl methacrylate, which is used on fingernails, in beauty salons. +NYT229-065-00|He would have renewed and strengthened rent regulations that are set to expire next year. +NYT229-082-00|He would have established security standards for power plants and transmission lines. +NYT229-089-00|Permit immigrants who are permanent residents to become certified teachers without becoming citizens. +NYT230-010-00|Alaska Airlines, headquartered in Seattle, provides an example of the dramatic results of stringent bag matching. +NYT231-002-00|Those who endured a weeks-long waiting list line up for an acupuncture session in the Primrose Room. +NYT231-014-00-00|Need some help with the household chores? +NYT232-001-00|There are hordes of us waiting to hear Dylan on a Sunday night in July. +NYT232-013-00|What Dylan did that night changed music bigtime. +NYT232-015-01|Dylan will play Newport Saturday night for the first time since nineteen sixty five. +NYT232-021-00|We were on the cusp of a lot of things besides music that summer. +NYT232-023-01|There exists no official version of what happened. +NYT232-034-04|His legacy and his loss are huge. +NYT232-038-02|Go out there and play something. +NYT232-040-00|George Wein was also on stage that night, off to the side, and claims he was the one who told Dylan he had to go out again. +NYT232-046-00-01|Butterfield and the Chambers Brothers, after all, had both played electric music earlier that weekend. +NYT232-052-02|It was the presentation. +NYT232-053-00|Doubtful. +NYT232-055-01|His baby face is long gone, as is his voice. +NYT233-012-01|And from Stephen Wadsworth I have learned a quality of listening, to the music, and to the performers. +NYT233-023-01|I hear a generic countertenor sound starting to happen, and a lot of what I hear sounds blank to me, what about the words? +NYT234-002-02|My older daughters enjoy coaxing smiles and coos from her. +NYT234-005-00-02|Will we need to restrict our meals to restaurants that provide crayons? +NYT234-008-00|Books talk about maintaining a good marriage by hiring a baby sitter so parents can have a date night. +NYT234-026-00|EDITOR: Visit The New York Times Syndicate Web site for more information on Life Beat and other features. +NYT235-005-00|Hancock is far from alone in taking such measures. +NYT235-011-00|Wholesale reviews are taking place out of public sight, said Mcgurn, who declined to identify the companies. +NYT236-003-00|Experts are treating more than four hundred Monitor artifacts to try to reverse the corrosive effects of time and seawater. +NYT236-010-00|Other surprises have emerged. +NYT236-019-01|The confrontation nonetheless signaled the end of wooden warships and the start of the age of armored battleships. +NYT236-028-02|Half-inch-thick plates had eroded in some places to wisps. +NYT236-034-00|Its transport from Carolina waters to Newport News will be a race against time. +NYT236-034-01|Once recovered from the sea, salt-encrusted iron can form iron chloride crystals. +NYT236-034-02|If an artifact is exposed to air too long, the crystals can multiply and split the iron. +NYT236-036-00|It can take years for a crusty iron artifact to be restored. +NYT236-036-01|In the case of the engine and turret, the process may take ten years or more, experts said. +NYT236-038-00|Easiest of all to conserve is glass. +NYT236-039-02|Still preserved in the hydrometers, even broken ones, were delicate paper scales. +NYT236-048-02|Hopefully, through conservation, its secrets will be revealed. +NYT237-011-00|The National Academy of Sciences called for more information and oversight in a report released earlier this year. +NYT237-013-01|About three-quarters of the American soybean and cotton crops are genetically modified, along with one-third of corn. +NYT237-017-00|Changes in agriculture have had major unforeseen consequences, the scientists said. +NYT237-020-01|Companies do not have to submit D N A sequences of the organisms they have altered. +NYT238-017-00-00|ANSWER: There is this question of, Would van Gogh have been a great artist if he would not have been mentally ill? +NYT238-019-00|The point is that art is not going to take away your mental illness. +NYT238-023-02|The traditional definition of art, and what is good art, and what is valuable art went out of the window with Marcel Duchamp. +NYT238-023-03|I am a fan of Gugging, but they are much more conservative. +NYT238-023-05|We are much more applied modern art, conceptual art. +NYT238-027-00|But then suddenly you think of yourself as a painter, as a poet. +NYT238-031-00|And second, which is that the rules are really self-imposed rules. +NYT238-034-01|I help you more with your materials. +NYT238-042-04|So you had better food, because Creedmoor has fantastic soil. +NYT238-042-05|You could grow things. +NYT238-044-01|How does the concept of asylum relate to art? +NYT238-045-01|Great art is created in asylums. +NYT238-047-00|Creedmoor is a five-star hotel compared to what is going on mostly. +NYT239-009-01-00|A recent survey of counties found a big jump in the expense, which hospitals must bear. +NYT239-022-00|Satire is when you write lies. +NYT239-044-02|Sure, all but two of the tunes were penned after that fateful day. +NYT240-006-00|All humans have the bulk of their genetic heritage in common and possess the same set of genes. +NYT240-012-01|David Goldstein, a population geneticist at University College, London. +NYT240-025-01|In an article last year in Nature Genetics, he and colleagues analyzed genetic markers in people from eight ethnic groups. +NYT241-017-00|Visa applications are handled in two stages. +NYT241-018-00|Arts groups complain that there are no uniform standards for decisions on visas. +NYT243-005-02-00|Aaron Lucchetti, left, unpacked boxes and Robin Sidel looked for her desk as reporters returned to their offices. +NYT243-006-02-00|Dan Bruscella, left, and Bill Weiser, worked amid the odors that permeated refuse outside the Fulton Fish Market. +NYT243-008-02-00|From left, Deputy mayor Dennis Walcott, Klein, and Bloomberg in Manhattan on Monday. +NYT243-009-00|Costume designer William Ivey Long, fifty four, may now be considered Broadway royalty. +NYT243-011-04-01|Nicole Bengiveno, The New York Times. +NYT243-012-01-01|Rina Castelnuovo, The New York Times. +NYT243-013-01|Jamjoum was shot dead in violence that began during the funeral procession for a Jewish settler on Sunday. +NYT243-014-03-00|Middlehoff at a meeting in New York in January nineteen ninety nine. +NYT243-015-01|Juan Diego, a poor Indian farmer, will be canonized Wednesday by Pope John Paul the second. +NYT243-016-01|The poor Indian farmer will be canonized Wednesday by Pope John Paul the second. +NYT243-018-01|But under a new co-production agreement, which now includes Jordanians, the project has run into difficulty. +NYT243-019-03-00|In Midtown Manhattan on Monday, people watch the Nasdaq ticker. +NYT243-021-01-00|Rikkia Mills, left, a female drag-racer is featured in a new Sprite commercial. +NYT243-022-02-01|Michael Nagle, The New York Times. +NYT243-023-00|Race is a biologically meaningless concept. +NYT243-031-03-00|Marton stands near art works by John Tursi in June. +NYT243-036-01-00|With his two thousand and two win, Armstrong won his fourth consecutive Tour de France. +NYT243-037-00|Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat pauses as he addresses a news conference. +NYT245-014-00|Any disease that causes encephalitis and meningitis needs to be taken seriously. +NYT245-017-00|Mark Brown, associate entomology professor, University of Georgia. +NYT245-021-00|Cheryl Turner, Richmond County environmental health specialist, Augusta. +NYT245-030-00|Repellents for the skin, including plant oils such as citronella, catnip, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon grass. +NYT245-051-00|Wristbands. +NYT245-055-00|Worn on the body, these products claim to emit sounds that simulate mosquito predators such as bats or damselflies. +NYT245-056-00|Ultrasonic repellers have not been shown to be effective in significantly reducing or repelling mosquitoes. +NYT245-067-00|A fan blowing through an area where folks are sitting is a fine control measure. +NYT246-001-00|This is the second of a two-part series on how our food is raised. +NYT246-005-00|Sympathy for local fishermen, long a part of the New England mystique, has combined with environmental concerns. +NYT246-006-04|Cod, which once all but leaped into the boats of early settlers, was threatened. +NYT246-009-01|That includes scallops, Atlantic farmed salmon, Atlantic halibut, cod, shrimp, and snapper. +NYT246-014-00|Pigeon Cove is run by Steve Parkes, which supplies fish to Bread Circus and Whole Foods Markets across the country. +NYT246-016-01|If small fishermen give up because of regulations imposed on them, fishing will be left to corporate groups. +NYT246-017-01|Chilean sea bass has been severely overfished. +NYT246-029-00|What the issues are and what people eat can be two different things, of course. +NYT246-029-02|In the case of salmon, the issues are not scarcity but rather environmental concerns about the farming itself. +NYT246-032-00|Gifford has seen environmentally responsible salmon farms, citing Atlantic Salmon in Machiasport, Maine. +NYT246-038-00|Knowing where your fish comes from and supporting small, local fishermen can help, says Weidman, echoing both camps. +NYT247-015-01|We should be protecting what is left of our unspoiled public lands, and this bill will do that. +NYT247-027-00|In the Tongass, approximately four hundred thousand acres have been logged over the past century. +NYT247-038-00|A former pulp mill worker, Weihing made his living off the Tongass for more than twenty years. +NYT247-042-00|Jim Monk lives in the east Texas town of Warren, where logging also is big. +NYT248-009-00|The attempts at change by more recent theater artists, primarily actors, seem historically appropriate. +NYT248-016-01|Over the years, the artistic process has changed little. +NYT248-020-01|Zinn, whose parents have had a house in Wellfleet for years, is the son of the radical historian Howard Zinn. +NYT248-025-00|Strauss, seventy one, has a post-tent vision. +NYT248-029-02|Hoyt resigned once, and then, after returning, resigned a second time. +NYT248-032-01|The Community Hall, a picturesque wooden building, abuts the water on two sides. +NYT250-002-01|A copy of the memo was found on a computer disk discarded in Lafayette Park earlier this summer. +NYT250-017-01|Roughly a third of the Senate is up each election year. +NYT250-028-01|Hutchinson, on the other hand, is having trouble with his conservative base. +NYT251-001-00|In a messy midtown rehearsal studio last month, Edie Falco and Stanley Tucci were at an impasse, and it involved skin. +NYT251-001-01|Falco, thirty nine, is best known as the manicured mob wife Carmela in the H B O series The Sopranos. +NYT251-003-00|Harsh lighting pressed overhead. +NYT251-004-01|The play, which first ran off-broadway in nineteen eighty seven, opens at the Belasco Theater on Thursday, August eight. +NYT251-005-00|The story follows two adult lovers trying to crawl their way out of the deep funk of failure, both professional and romantic. +NYT251-007-00|On this day in mid-july, the actors were battling their own fatigue. +NYT251-007-01|As the immaculately lacquered Carmela Soprano, Falco can probably repel bullets with her fingernail polish. +NYT251-026-02|Previews begin on August the twenty third. +NYT251-027-01|Both majored in theater at the State University of New York at Purchase. +NYT251-037-01|But still there was some unsettled business. +NYT252-004-02|Chuck Norris is on television. +NYT253-003-00|Something from the great Russian treasure house of the Maryinsky Theater, in Saint Petersburg, where the French-born choreographer Marius Petipa brought the art form to its peak of refinement. +NYT253-005-02|A month before, the Bolshoi Ballet, of Moscow, offered its decade-old reconstruction of the Petipa original. +NYT253-006-01|Program notes identified the principal couple as Nikiya and Solor, bayadere, or temple dancer, and warrior. +NYT253-006-03|Solor and Nikiya are lovers, bound by a secret oath. +NYT253-006-04|But the Rajah has chosen Solor as bridegroom for his daughter, Gamzatti. +NYT253-006-05|Having discovered the truth, Gamzatti has arranged for her rival to perish by snakebite. +NYT253-007-02|The thirty two Shades of the ensemble. +NYT253-012-02-02|Was the action anathema to a state whose creed was atheism? +NYT253-015-00|For decades, the received wisdom has been that the original fourth act was irretrievable, its music lost. +NYT253-016-01|To a score stitched together by the conductor-arranger John Lanchberry, she showed what the literary sources said must happen. +NYT253-016-04|As the dust settles on the cataclysm, the lovers are reunited above the clouds. +NYT253-017-01|Much of the recovered material has long been known to us from the betrothal festivities of Act two where it sits much better. +NYT253-017-03-01|Her version, more than any other, gives pure dance, spectacle and drama their due in a way a contemporary audience can grasp. +NYT254-008-01|At the time, Dresser and Harbison-Walker signed an agreement dividing up responsibilities for asbestos claims. +NYT254-009-01|Many companies view the suits as attempts by lawyers to win unjustified awards from juries. +NYT254-009-02|Although most of the cases are settled for small sums, some have led to large verdicts. +NYT254-026-01|In those regards, the signals were mixed. +NYT254-035-01|The court provided breathing room for Harbison-Walker and Halliburton by staying two hundred thousand claims. +NYT255-007-00|Next spring the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts here will stage a four-week festival of Mexican performers. +NYT255-013-01|It will, for example, pay between one-fourth and one-half of the cost of the Kennedy Center series. +RURAL-00005|He says the Government can longer wipe its hands of the illicit payments, which totalled two hundred ninety million dollars +RURAL-00018|I think it's actually a pretty reasonable system and I think actually I'd give them pretty fair support at the moment. +RURAL-00024|He says the premiums that A W B was achieving through its wheat export monopoly have been severely eroded. +RURAL-00029|Fodder drive coordinator Peter O'conner says he has been overwhelmed by the response. +RURAL-00033|A major highway between the Northern Territory and Western Australia remains blocked by floodwaters today. +RURAL-00046|Forty staff walked out this morning in a dispute over a new enterprise bargaining agreement. +RURAL-00048|Hardy Wines took the matter to the Industrial Relations Commission, I R C, on Friday. +RURAL-00049|Wool body eyes sportswear industry +RURAL-00054|The level of wool, particularly Australian merino wool in the sports market is really almost below the radar. +RURAL-00059|The owner of both animals, Brian Fish, says they were unfortunate accidents and not an animal welfare issue. +RURAL-00097|Usually the trees don't produce fruit until they're about five or six years old. +RURAL-00101|The federal Member for Parkes, John Cobb, was brought into the debate over the future of A W B. +RURAL-00107|Fish deaths believed to be due to lack of oxygen +RURAL-00109|Between one hundred fifty and two hundred native fish died in the incident earlier this month. +RURAL-00127|Richmond River to stay open to fishers +RURAL-00141|But Mr Evans says about five thousand to eight thousand hectares of the park are burnt off every year. +RURAL-00150|Neil James from the D P I says hay is being donated from New South Wales and South Australia. +RURAL-00160|With the second largest global crop on record, competition for tenders is particularly fierce. +RURAL-00219|Camp cooks and grader drivers are proving the hardest jobs to fill on cattle stations in northern Australia this year. +RURAL-00225|Floodwaters in the Northern Territory are still blocking a major highway today. +RURAL-00240|And he denies suggestions little has changed since the cruelty claims were first raised three years ago. +RURAL-00277|Two silver drummers were recently caught for the first time off the wharf at Stanley in the state's north-west. +RURAL-00282|The Bureau of Meteorology expects the low to intensify rapidly and develop into a cyclone later today. +RURAL-00284|An invasive aquatic weed is proving extremely hard to eradicate from the Northern Territory. +RURAL-00295|Cattle and grain producer Karen Coe hopes it will change city people's perceptions of agriculture. +RURAL-00301|And we can also confirm that there's been a number of species that have been confirmed in Australia waters for the first time. +RURAL-00309|ABARE tells us though that perhaps more of the same is not necessarily a bad thing. +RURAL-00310|This morning, for instance, it's telling us that the grain harvest for zero five to zero six is the second highest on record. +RURAL-00347|That's why the Reserve Bank is still talking about if we're going to move rates, it's more likely up than down. +RURAL-00361|If I look at New Zealand, part of the horticulture industry in New Zealand does use what I call cheaper labor. +RURAL-00383|Roadkill is set to help scientists unlock the largely mysterious world of snakes in the far north of Western Australia. +RURAL-00390|Work will start next month on a sixty million dollars ethanol distillery at Swan Hill, in Victoria's north-west. +RURAL-00393|Cattle producers lean towards smaller exports. +RURAL-00398|I think that a lot of the producers realize that they think those big ships aren't quite all beer and skittles. +RURAL-00403|In Australia though, the disease should be easier to detect, because birds aren't vaccinated. +RURAL-00422-00|I guess the issue is, how transparent is the process? +RURAL-00423|Ministers urged to reject trucking fees hike +RURAL-00435|Banana grower Naomi King says their property has taken a heavy battering. +RURAL-00454|Record-busting market growth expected to continue. +RURAL-00460|New Zealand's Reserve Bank has cut its national growth forecast, citing a seven-year low in farm incomes. +RURAL-00470|John Williams, from the University of Melbourne, says the results will be compared with similar data from the United States. +RURAL-00506|But he says while getting to know the locals took some time, stories of racism in country areas are exaggerated. +RURAL-00528|Grain growers in Victoria have formally shown their support for keeping the single desk for wheat exports. +RURAL-00554|A new United Nations report says farming is the biggest threat to the world's freshwater supply. +RURAL-00589|Those two factors, coupled with a hot summer, have led to birds being culled in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. +RURAL-00590|Steven Todd from Southern Eggs says fewer birds means fewer eggs with prices set to rise by twenty per cent. +RURAL-00592|BOM to consider marine weather service's viability. +RURAL-00593|The Bureau of Meteorology is reviewing its H F radio marine weather service. +RURAL-00594|The bureau assumed responsibility for the free twenty four hour service four years ago, after Telstra stopped funding it. +RURAL-00596|The bureau's Vernon Carr says they will find out how relevant the three million dollars service is. +RURAL-00634|Anne Hampshire from Mission Australia says the concerns will be taken to Canberra next week along with a push for new programs. +RURAL-00638|Farmers say low grain, wool, grape and citrus prices are crippling the economies of rural communities. +RURAL-00641|Dairy companies compete for suppliers. +RURAL-00642|Competition for milk suppliers is intensifying between dairy companies in Victoria. +RURAL-00652|Bio-gas plant to put cow manure to good use. +RURAL-00661|Darwin growers like Jan Hintze have had to come up with more than ten thousand blooms after the Games order doubled overnight. +RURAL-00664|Iraq wheat sale still on track: consortium. +RURAL-00667|While he would not be drawn on the content of discussions, Mr Ainsworth played down the time the deal is taking. +RURAL-00684|Grain growers in South Australia have voted to keep the single desk marketing system for barley. +RURAL-00696|Instead the market has fallen off, due to poor, older wool being reoffered at sales this week. +RURAL-00718|Dairy farmers needed for Tasmania +RURAL-00723|Dairy industry rallies behind F N Q producers +RURAL-00728|Q D O president Wes Judd says farmers across the country have offered their help and any donations will be most welcome. +RURAL-00748|Rural jobs last resort for migrants: agent +RURAL-00754|Fears compo payments may restrict farmers' borrowing. +RURAL-00761|While there has been plenty of study into merino wool, less is known about the sheep itself. +RURAL-00762|A five year project has been researching fertility, worm resistance, muscle and fat depth in more than ten thousand stud sheep. +RURAL-00779|Regional workers first to feel impact of I R changes: unions +RURAL-00791|Across Australia the confidence was weaker. +RURAL-00802|While the mainland deals with a massive oversupply of wine grapes, Tasmania does not have enough for this year's vintage, +RURAL-00803|The island state is short around five hundred tonnes of grapes, mainly those used to make sparkling wines. +RURAL-00814|Flooding hits northern Washington town +RURAL-00826|Efforts have begun to control a new pest species found in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-00833|Preparations are well under way for this year's Sydney Royal Easter Show. +RURAL-00846|Vincent will produce about a fifth of Woodside Petroleum's annual oil production by the end of two thousand and eight. +RURAL-00860|There has been good rain across South Australia over the past few days, boosting soil moisture levels. +RURAL-00897|Sunburn on teats is the first sign of the disease, which is caused by fungal toxins in damp pastures. +RURAL-00901|Researchers in the United States have found a new way for humans to take omega three oils, by eating pork or bacon. +RURAL-00905|What you saw with the sheep in the U K was the first generation, and when they had offspring the offspring were normal. +RURAL-00907|Sniffer dogs trained to smell out cane toads will soon be introduced in north-west Australia. +RURAL-00912|Trade Minister Mark Vaile says an important deal to sell wheat to Iraq could be completed as early as this week. +RURAL-00933|At the moment the Bureau of Meteorology can only give a three month outlook. +RURAL-00937|Queensland officials have confirmed an outbreak of an exotic virus in tomato crops near Brisbane. +RURAL-00948|The boom in the resources sector has been reflected in a record turn-out at this year's Northern Territory mining conference. +RURAL-00959|Residue concerns open up Japanese hay market +RURAL-00970|It has taken more than five years for the Chinese to approve Australian fruit imports, which will largely come from the eastern states. +RURAL-00975|An exceptionally cold European winter and smaller plantings have caused the drop. +RURAL-00988|The National Farmers Federation, N F F, says very few growers deliberately employ illegal workers. +RURAL-00991|Fuel prices are set to hit last year's record highs. +RURAL-00998|Harbor master Vic Justice says inside the port all the berths are empty and equipment has been tied down. +RURAL-01001|In far north Queensland and the Gulf country, communities are still trying to come to terms with the impact of cyclone Larry. +RURAL-01011|More professionals choosing part-time work in regional areas +RURAL-01015|But spokeswoman Martina Stanley says it can be a positive in attracting professionals to country areas. +RURAL-01033|The Federal Government has announced plans to improve road train access between central Australia and Queensland. +RURAL-01040|Farmers on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula are angry at a proposed grain levy to pay for a regional rail upgrade. +RURAL-01043|While there has been some support, most attending a grain grower forum at Cummins objected to it. +RURAL-01050|He says saline water is being piped from local reservoirs, which is already causing problems. +RURAL-01080|Member for New England Tony Windsor says the Government has rushed through the sale motion without enough public consultation. +RURAL-01086|There's a bit of carnage around, we've got doors off sheds. +RURAL-01114|Apple and pear growers have rejected New Zealand's latest bid to export apples to Australia. +RURAL-01130|Shearing course targets keen teens. +RURAL-01152|New research suggests plantation trees could actually contribute to greenhouse gas levels rather than lower them. +RURAL-01163|Better disease reporting systems urgently needed: academic +RURAL-01176|Plantings of wheat, barley and canola are all tipped to be similar to last season. +RURAL-01193|Spokesman Rob Delane says the stations are too small and not productive enough to allow leading research work. +RURAL-01208|But it's not a big ax, I don't use real big axes. +RURAL-01220|The global oversupply of wine grapes is starting to hurt the industry's big companies. +RURAL-01229|We're going to come out with the same thing scientists have come out with. +RURAL-01231|We're going to develop a method. +RURAL-01272|Washington pastoral livestock manager Eric Broad says despite this year's high rainfall not everyone can afford to restock. +RURAL-01283|The new Paradise Dam in south-east Queensland is soon to be the home of a world-first turtle hatchery. +RURAL-01294|The Grains Council says Australian Wheat Associates would be modeled on industry bodies for the meat and dairy sectors. +RURAL-01306|Gold price increase may force jewelry manufacturing overseas +RURAL-01327|Bare bummed sheep producing better wool: expert +RURAL-01412|Most definitely, and there are people who do these sorts of things, you know, they're more trained and suited to the project. +RURAL-01417|Chris Taylor from Roberts Limited says prices are expected to be high but that will not deter interstate buyers. +RURAL-01424|Blue gum woodchip shipment set for Japan +RURAL-01471|The river is steady, and the water very slowly draining away from the streets of Katherine in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-01491|Researchers aiming for safe Q-fever vaccine +RURAL-01497|Arctic conditions at the Bothwell calf sale in Tasmania yesterday did not deter cattle buyers from around Australia. +RURAL-01500|Many of the calves will be shipped to Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales. +RURAL-01529|North-west of Katherine, residents across the Daly River region are preparing for major flooding within the next two days. +RURAL-01532|Efforts are under way to rescue Australia's thirty five million dollars horticulture trade with Indonesia. +RURAL-01555|Flooding is continuing to cause problems in Queensland. +RURAL-01561|The stage is set for the formation of Australia's third largest agribusiness behind Elders and Landmark. +RURAL-01568|Australia's chief plant health officers will try to control rather than eradicate a new tomato virus in Queensland. +RURAL-01574|Dairy farmers win milk price rise +RURAL-01578|Sheep shearing via phone may ring true in the future +RURAL-01581|The new method of alternative shearing is still a few years away but researcher Michelle Hebard says the possibilities are endless. +RURAL-01585|The country has come to the big smoke for the Sydney Royal Easter Show Australia's biggest. +RURAL-01650|A twenty four year-old Victorian auctioneer has won the National Young Auctioneers Championship. +RURAL-01661|The N F F has welcomed the announcement, and says the scheme should not be viewed as a cash handout or production subsidy. +RURAL-01695|Judith Damiani from Australian Citrus Growers says it is an important market. +RURAL-01697|Dairy Farmers restructure goes ahead despite profit +RURAL-01719|They're the sorts of fish the bay and inlet fishermen catch, including calamari. +RURAL-01749|Washington wine producer secures large U K contract +RURAL-01753|He says the contract is significant for bulk producers of generic wines. +RURAL-01763|Regional Australia is having to think creatively to overcome shortages of childcare places and funding. +RURAL-01774|While the floodwaters are subsiding in the Northern Territory, it is taking longer to remove the visiting wildlife. +RURAL-01775|Last night, a meter-long freshwater crocodile was captured in the main street of Katherine +RURAL-01795|It might not be the Easter bunny but a little critter from central Australia is proving a hit in the Top End. +RURAL-01799|And they're very interesting to watch. +RURAL-01851|The banana prawn harvest began on Saturday, across the northern fishery. +RURAL-01859|Bureaucracy to blame for closure, scallop fisher says +RURAL-01861|Now the Federal Government says the fishery will remain closed for another three years. +RURAL-01863|He says part of the two hundred twenty million dollars earmarked for industry restructure should be spent sorting out the mess. +RURAL-01870|Nurseries to encourage kids to garden +RURAL-01871|The nursery industry is setting out to re-educate Australians about how to garden. +RURAL-01897|Poppy grower contracts slashed +RURAL-01912|After cyclone Larry destroyed the Queensland crop, Washington growers vowed to stay loyal to their local customers. +RURAL-01922|Canada records fifth mad cow case +RURAL-01932|John Thorley from the U K National Sheep Association says they have had a lot of help from their high profile patron. +RURAL-01935|The Victorian Government hopes hot granite rocks found underground will become a new source of green energy. +RURAL-01940|Recently the Queensland Government let out some exploration permits. +RURAL-01958|And general manager of A W B International, Sarah Scales, says global demand remains subdued. +RURAL-01975|Jonathon Darcy from William Inglis and Son says the buoyant world economy has seen an increase in overseas buyers. +RURAL-01977|Five years ago, both of those economies were under a fair bit of pressure following the SARS outbreak. +RURAL-02000|A fruit fly outbreak has been detected at the Northern Territory's largest table grape producer. +RURAL-02008|The grower-owned co-operative was established in nineteen twenty two and produces six thousand bins of apples each year. +RURAL-02048|There has been big rainfall in the wake of cyclone Monica in far north Queensland. +RURAL-02054|Tom Burns manages Orchid Creek station and he says his biggest problem was finding his dogs. +RURAL-02055|Wheat bug discovery prompts questions +RURAL-02062|A W B has appointed a new company secretary, lawyer Logan Armstrong. +RURAL-02072|Better prices expected for barley growers +RURAL-02073|Barley growers in South Australia can expect slightly better prices for their grain this year. +RURAL-02076|Attempts to fix Australia's water shortage problems are suffering because of a scarcity of skilled workers. +RURAL-02099|National Water Commission chairman Ken Matthews will not buy into which states are responsible for the hold-up. +RURAL-02112|The Federal Government is reviewing tax benefits for timber plantations under the Managed Investment Scheme. +RURAL-02119|North-west Victorian farmer Rod Bishop says he will need to purchase another truck to be able to cart grain more efficiently. +RURAL-02134|The new managers of a remote cattle station in the Northern Territory are urgently stocking up on supplies. +RURAL-02154|A sugar cane farmer from northern New South Wales has been named Australia's best environmentally friendly farmer. +RURAL-02181|However Mr Lindberg acknowledged any statement to the inquiry would attract widespread publicity. +RURAL-02187|Executive chairman Brendan Stewart will step into the vacancy until a new CEO is found. +RURAL-02198|Preparations for tropical cyclone Monica are under way across the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-02201|Others steamed back to their northern ports such as the Francis Bay Mooring Basin in Darwin. +RURAL-02208|And rain from cyclone Monica is causing the worst floods in living memory in parts of far north Queensland. +RURAL-02212|It came through the house about fourteen or fifteen inches, had to walk across the airstrip to get over on a bit of high ground. +RURAL-02218|It's got a perfect circular eye, it's right at the top of a category five range, so it's a very, very severe cyclone. +RURAL-02246|Cotton grower Paul Mcveigh says irrigators are making an application to the National Water Commission so they access the water. +RURAL-02249|A team of potato harvesters in northern Tasmania dug up more than they bargained for at the weekend: a World War two mortar bomb. +RURAL-02266|Citrus company blocks canker surveillance officials +RURAL-02270|Craig Pressler of two P H says it was not an easy choice, with both farmers risking their plans to replant orchards next year. +RURAL-02274|Kiwi apple growers are angry at claims a native New Zealand wheat bug was spread to Europe by apple packaging. +RURAL-02301|The stormy weather across northern Australia is affecting the price of diamonds. +RURAL-02352|Increased production in Australia and strong global competition will keep grain prices low. +RURAL-02353|Agricultural analyst Neil Clark says average-sized farmers have tough times ahead. +RURAL-02363|The passage of tropical cyclone Monica in the Northern Territory has resulted in new rainfall levels. +RURAL-02378|Regional family day care operators fear for future +RURAL-02380|The threat comes on top of a drop in available childcare places over the past year due to changes to funding. +RURAL-02384|Investment schemes urged to stop new vineyard developments +RURAL-02395|Vietnam's twenty five thousand dairy farmers have only four cows each on average. +RURAL-02397|He will also help to establish a dairy training facility at the National Institute of Animal Husbandry in Saigon. +RURAL-02404|Humans urged to adopt animal eating patterns +RURAL-02434|Senator Nigel Scullion has intimated that Northern Land Council lands near Tennant Creek are being considered. +RURAL-02444|They are also calling for a ten per cent cap on individual shareholdings. +RURAL-02448|The national vintage is expected to reach one point nine million tonnes, just one per cent down on last season. +RURAL-02457|The booming base metals price has led to the reopening of an old zinc mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. +RURAL-02475|Fruit and vegetable producers on the Adelaide Plains are worried about the impact of a fruit fly outbreak. +RURAL-02511|Protesters crying murder also say the Federal Government is sanctioning animal cruelty. +RURAL-02513|The protest comes as Australia is experiencing unprecedented growth in the cattle and beef industry. +RURAL-02521|Oil-for-food inquiry adjourned +RURAL-02524|Former U N customs official, Felicity Johnstone, will fly to Australia in mid-may to give evidence. +RURAL-02551|The Northern Territory community of Adelaide River is battling flooding in the wake of tropical cyclone Monica. +RURAL-02574|Previously farmers could only buy water attached to land or from government-run irrigation schemes. +RURAL-02581|It is about the size of a large washing machine and is designed to generate power in remote areas. +RURAL-02585|There is concern a record number of kangaroo shooters in Queensland is threatening the industry's future. +RURAL-02597|Victorian talkback caller Shirley is certainly relieved. +RURAL-02614|Farmers are angry over plans for a big new dam in south-east Queensland. +RURAL-02618|Ginseng managed investment scheme wound up +RURAL-02627|The Northern Territory's protracted wet season is having a lasting impact on live cattle exports to South-east Asia. +RURAL-02652|Cattlemen unable to find murdered teen +RURAL-02658|Parade heralds start to mustering season +RURAL-02678|The education sector in South Australia will recruit students from rural areas to meet the needs of the state's mining boom. +RURAL-02693|High oil prices and rising Australian dollar have hurt confidence levels among farmers. +RURAL-02713|Turnbull hears river flow worries +RURAL-02724|The commercial beekeeping industry in the Northern Territory has decided to call it a day. +RURAL-02740|Certified Australian Angus Beef began by supplying twelve steers for a Melbourne restaurant. +RURAL-02753|Rates hike to hurt commodities outlook +RURAL-02754|The Reserve Bank's decision to lift interest rates is more bad news for farmers, following on from high fuel prices. +RURAL-02770|In a departure from the traditional auction system, wool growers in Tasmania will be able to sell their fiber through a new wool pool. +RURAL-02779|And most recently, Mr Johanns cited retail demand in Australia. +RURAL-02783|Australia is investing almost a million dollars to improve the slaughter of cattle in South-east Asia. +RURAL-02790|Australia's biggest beef industry event is under way in central Queensland. +RURAL-02794|It is not all conferences and seminars though. +RURAL-02811|Scone ranger Gerard Mclaughlin says he does not have a choice, with half the watering points in his area dry. +RURAL-02817|Doctor Sally Peltzer from the state Department of Agriculture and Food says good summer rainfall has made the problem worse. +RURAL-02878|The bright spot though is the buoyant dairy industry. +RURAL-02913|Among the offerings were one thousand seven hundred bales offered by the New Zealand Merino Company. +RURAL-02919|Overall, she says it has generated three times what it cost to industry to develop. +RURAL-02921|The Bureau of Statistics will conduct a census of livestock producers for the first time in five years. +RURAL-02932|Maritime protected area boundaries to be announced +RURAL-02937|Poppy processor, Tasmanian Alkaloids says its latest price cuts will not be a disaster for Tasmanian growers. +RURAL-02946|Shareholders expected to launch class action against A W B +RURAL-02948|Investors will seek compensation from A W B, alleging the company did not report its activities truthfully. +RURAL-02978|Meanwhile transport operators in the Northern Territory are looking for funding in the Budget to improve remote roads. +RURAL-03004|Fears new marine park boundaries will force out fishermen +RURAL-03026|Chief executive John Cox says he has also improved communication between the company and its grower shareholders. +RURAL-03029|A gamble on this year's cotton crop appears to have paid off, although yields are down, and quality is mixed. +RURAL-03060|Vic experts play part in mine rescue +RURAL-03067|We don't consider it to be a particularly specialist thing, it's just something we have some experience in. +RURAL-03147|There is no attempt to engineer through these expenditures, a new wave of research and innovation in the rural sector. +RURAL-03172|The industry wants a flow-through shares scheme to boost exploration but did not have any joy last night. +RURAL-03176|We are tending to rest on our laurels in terms of the future sustainability of the industry. +RURAL-03177|I think if you look at the medium to long term outlook for renewing Australia's resources inventory, we really are at cross roads. +RURAL-03185|The Federal Government has announced a big crack down on illegal fishing in Australia's northern waters. +RURAL-03191|A new three million dollar strategy to secure the future of the vegetable industry has been unveiled in Brisbane this morning. +RURAL-03199|The White House and Congress do not see eye to eye on farm policy. +RURAL-03225|Grape growers mull mothballing vines +RURAL-03227|Many local growers could not sell their fruit this year, with wineries suspending or not renewing contracts. +RURAL-03230|A C C C to investigate Sunbeam price-setting +RURAL-03240|These may be some discount in the lower, standard and marginal type lends. +RURAL-03242|Plantation tax reform plans unveiled +RURAL-03250|It says the new park between Tasmania and the mainland is a botched job, which fails to protect marine biodiversity. +RURAL-03271|Those tests cleared the wheat for unloading. +RURAL-03274|Cole inquiry hears from ex-UN customs official +RURAL-03306|Cape grazier Darcy Burns says they are desperate. +RURAL-03378|The latest forecast is for a total harvest in two thousand and six to o seven of one point eight billion dollars bushels. +RURAL-03398|The stem, gall flies are re-producing here. +RURAL-03405|Royal Flying Doctor Service turns seventy eight +RURAL-03414|But analysts say it is not a global market meltdown, merely a long overdue correction on the minerals boom. +RURAL-03475|Northern growers put price cap on bananas +RURAL-03491|At this stage, there are some gray areas. +RURAL-03505|The market had tipped a rise in the iron ore price of between ten and fifteen per cent, instead, it will go up nineteen per cent. +RURAL-03514|Tasmanian Minister for Infrastructure Jim Cox hopes industry will also support a better rail service. +RURAL-03515|Draft dairy report recommends support for G M crops +RURAL-03517|Until now state governments have had the backing of the dairy industry in banning commercial G M crops. +RURAL-03522|Meanwhile a leading plant breeder says the dairy industry would save millions of dollars if it embraced G M crops. +RURAL-03540|He says bringing Western Australia and South Australia back into the N F F fold is also high on his list of priorities. +RURAL-03570|Report recommends G M grass for dairy cows +RURAL-03622|A rural public relations consultant agrees that the apology document should have been released earlier. +RURAL-03639|Key irrigator groups in southern New South Wales have withdrawn their support for the sale of the Snowy Hydro electric scheme. +RURAL-03644|Australia to lead climate change deal negotiations +RURAL-03650|Seven-day forecasts now available to regional areas +RURAL-03651|Farmers across Australia can now access seven-day forecasts from the weather bureau, as well as the traditional four-day advice. +RURAL-03658|Rio Tinto sets new iron ore price benchmark +RURAL-03666|Meanwhile there are calls to establish a co-operative research center for small farms. +RURAL-03672|Tasmania is the world's second largest producer of the daisy, which is used to make natural insecticide. +RURAL-03676|More overseas trained nurses will soon be hitting Australia's shores, this time from the U K. +RURAL-03677|The New South Wales Government has adopted a recruitment program similar to one operating in Queensland. +RURAL-03689|A group of Buddhist monks are finding solace in a far north Western Australian Indigenous community famous for its rock art. +RURAL-03690|An Indian guru and her nine disciples have been meditating on the pristine Mitchell Plateau of the north Kimberley. +RURAL-03694|A mammal, similar to a sugar glider, has been found for the first time in the south-east of South Australia. +RURAL-03722|Wheat Australia came together following the efforts of the Government to secure this opportunity. +RURAL-03734|There are also reports today that a major management shake-up could be announced, although the company is not commenting. +RURAL-03737|The underlying results should still be reasonably robust. +RURAL-03757|Demand for bananas prompts desperate measures +RURAL-03767|Water deal will bring benefits, says commission chief +RURAL-03788|The Federal Government says a three hundred fifty thousand tonne wheat deal between Australia and Iraq could be salvaged. +RURAL-03807|In the latest deal, Australia is believed to have offered to sell wheat to India at a much lower price than its major competitors. +RURAL-03828|Mango farmer Gary Higgins says they are being forced to camp at his front gate. +RURAL-03853|But the report will not offer short-term solutions for growers unable to sell their grapes. +RURAL-03870|Mr Stewart has reaffirmed the company's plans to separate A W B Limited from its international export arm. +RURAL-03894|Twenty per cent of the gulf's oil facilities are still off-line from last season. +RURAL-03906|The facility is expected to process up to ten thousand cattle from the Northern Territory. +RURAL-03907|Robert Mcfarlane, from the Department of Primary Industries, says it will be built to Australian standards. +RURAL-03911|Australia is calling for a stronger global effort to combat illegal fishing. +RURAL-03925|Major changes have been announced in the Northern Territory to improve the education of students in remote areas. +RURAL-03926|Existing schools will be merged into a new distance learning service, with new teaching positions and improved technology. +RURAL-03933|The gold mine is situated in the remote desert country between Halls Creek and Alice Springs. +RURAL-03969|Compost access hits mushroom growers +RURAL-03994|The new onshore facility at Arno Bay has been developed by the Clean Seas company to breed tuna in captivity. +RURAL-04033|G G foreshadows future outback tours +RURAL-04039|Australia's biggest beef producer will pay ninety seven million dollars for two Northern Territory cattle stations. +RURAL-04059|The Seeds of Life project introduces and tests new varieties of major food crops for subsistence farmers. +RURAL-04078|In Queensland, the merger proposal has received a mixed response. +RURAL-04098|Quarantine authorities in the Northern Territory are on full alert, as evacuees from East Timor continue to arrive. +RURAL-04109|That of course does have a flow-on effect to the branded wines. +RURAL-04128|Raspberry levy to go into marketing +RURAL-04134|Over the last thirty years, the amount of tomatoes produced per hectare has risen from twenty five to eighty four tonnes. +RURAL-04138|Opposition to the privatisation of Snowy Hydro continues to build. +RURAL-04147|Mrs Hull opposes the sale, but says, as a last resort, this bill could limit foreign ownership. +RURAL-04153|Reduced flows and drought have caused a sandbar to form across the mouth of the Snowy at Marlo, flooding local pastures and crops. +RURAL-04196|World Cup chief horse coordinator, Kent Wells, said it is the nation's biggest recruitment of horses in peacetime. +RURAL-04198|Young Aussies urged to see outback +RURAL-04205|The closing date for submissions has been extended for another month, until mid-july. +RURAL-04207|But he denies there has been a backlash to the proposed changes. +RURAL-04210|Mixed predictions for pulp mill +RURAL-04227|Planned merger not achievable, Vaile says +RURAL-04252|Dairy Australia has released its latest report based on the annual dairy farmer survey and interviews with industry members. +RURAL-04255|But one of the report's authors, Steve Spencer, says processors are concerned that tight supply will mean a loss of markets. +RURAL-04270|Authorities have detected the pest on properties in the Adelaide Hills and the northern Adelaide Plains. +RURAL-04271|The aphid was found in Victoria last year and has plagued lettuce crops in Tasmania since two thousand and four. +RURAL-04287|Labor shortage hits northern New South Wales +RURAL-04289|The beef, chicken and pork industries are facing a critical shortage of labor. +RURAL-04305|Labor leader Kim Beazley met with the National Farmers Federation, N F F, last night. +RURAL-04318|The Cattle Council says Australian producers are likely to retain their stronghold on the market for bone-in beef in Korea. +RURAL-04325|General manager George Warne says that is going to hurt farmers. +RURAL-04328|Tasmanian wool broker, Roberts Limited, is playing down a protest by buyers at an auction in Melbourne this week. +RURAL-04348|The Columbia Catholic College plans to build a veterinary training center on its campus in Charters Towers. +RURAL-04350|Teens urged to consider joining cattle industry +RURAL-04353|The bush steers are broken to halter and presented for show and sale by the students. +RURAL-04361|Today, in the same town, he will talk with irrigators in a closed meeting to hear their concerns about the sale of Snowy Hydro. +RURAL-04376|Bob Gordon from Renewable Fuels Australia says the Government should do more to protect the local industry. +RURAL-04388|The renewable energy industry wants a national incentive-based market to encourage consumers to use cleaner fuel. +RURAL-04415|East Timor's agriculture sector has been seriously affected by recent violence. +RURAL-04422|The search is on for the ugliest merino lambs, because they could save Australia's billion dollar wool industry. +RURAL-04428|Indonesian fishermen to face court over alleged poaching +RURAL-04430|Wine grower suggests pulling out cool climate vines +RURAL-04458|Herpes-like virus threatens Vic abalone stocks +RURAL-04459|Efforts are under way to control a herpes-like virus which is killing abalone off the south-west Victorian coast. +RURAL-04461|Fisheries Victoria says the disease has now escaped into the wild off Port Fairy. +RURAL-04466|Commercial fishermen want raw prawn imports stopped, claiming health inspections are too random. +RURAL-04470|Lobster fishermen deny flooding market with snapper +RURAL-04471|South Australian lobster fishermen have rejected claims they are flooding the market with snapper and forcing down prices. +RURAL-04475|Indonesian fishermen jailed for poaching sea cucumbers +RURAL-04478|One of the captains has been sentenced to seven months jail, while the other captain and nine crew members have been fined. +RURAL-04513|Aust Farm Institute urges drought policy reform +RURAL-04520|Suspected illegal fishermen head to Broome for questioning +RURAL-04523|Customs spokesman Peter Costantino claims they were caught with the sea cucumber on board. +RURAL-04533|Australia's third largest island is being declared an Indigenous Protected Area, I P A, today. +RURAL-04539|We don't have any feral animals that they do have on the mainland. +RURAL-04548|The Winemakers Federation has downgraded this season's vintage estimates by seventy nine thousand tonnes. +RURAL-04549|Australia's total tonnage has fallen to one point four eight six million tonnes, slightly down on last year. +RURAL-04562|Former mayor Shirley Close hopes the deal will go ahead, bringing up to one hundred new jobs to the region. +RURAL-04568|Dairy operator seeks investor funds +RURAL-04569|The developers of a large, new dairy venture in South Australia are trying to attract cash from the managed investment sector. +RURAL-04573|Forecaster offers winter rain hope +RURAL-04612|This year sees one hundred fifty million dollars allocated for the plan. +RURAL-04615|New South Wales Budget rural transport funding disappoints +RURAL-04620|Mango growers in the Northern Territory are warning of another labor shortage this harvest. +RURAL-04624|So the simple issue is absolutely, it's just where we can source the people. +RURAL-04630|Educate young to become good growers, wine judge urges +RURAL-04636|This is an essential thing for them to understand the other end of the cycle. +RURAL-04644|After a tough few years, growers and millers are reporting high yields, high sugar content and strong world prices. +RURAL-04663|C B H has released its first crop yield estimate for the year, with a ballpark figure of eleven point six million tonnes. +RURAL-04666|And there is fantastic sub-soil moisture there in the majority of the state. +RURAL-04686|From today it is compulsory for retailers to identify the country of origin of fresh food. +RURAL-04687|Fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seafood will have to be clearly labeled. +RURAL-04690|Wood exporter dumps bid for global softwood market +RURAL-04708|Thieves target banana plantations +RURAL-04710|Three thefts have been reported so far, with a shortage of fruit due to damage caused by cyclone Larry in north Queensland. +RURAL-04737|Australia urged to take more responsibility for uranium waste +RURAL-04759|No quick answer to cane toads, say scientists +RURAL-04767|Instead of being kept in sea cages, Marcus Stehr from Clean Seas says the fish will live in onshore tanks at Arno Bay +RURAL-04772|It's a Scottish breed, from the Galloway area of Scotland, good for beef, they can be milked, also their hair can be spun like wool. +RURAL-04802|Production estimates now total just over one point eight billion bushels, or more than forty eight million tonnes. +RURAL-04829|A well-known grazier from north-west Queensland says he is surprised at being named a Member of the Order of Australia. +RURAL-04845|Australia's most challenging off-road race is coming to an end at Alice Springs. +RURAL-04854|Rhonda Smith from the World Plow Organisation says success all depends on the day. +RURAL-04859|The infected property has been quarantined and wider surveillance is underway. +RURAL-04873|Results on mad cow disease research may take years +RURAL-04899|Cooler than average weather this dry season in the Northern Territory could bring forward the mango harvest. +RURAL-04942|A test marketing campaign for wool has been launched to try to tap into the billion dollar clothing market in the United States. +RURAL-04947|Resource analysts are puzzled why the price of gold suffered a meltdown in New York trade overnight. +RURAL-04958|Victorian dairy farmer Allan Burgess was the other candidate for the peak farming group's top job. +RURAL-05023|A motion to that effect was unanimously passed at the New South Wales Labor conference last weekend. +RURAL-05026|But New South Wales Labor M P for Bathurst, Gerard Martin, thinks the move to mandate ethanol levels in fuel is a no brainer. +RURAL-05043|He says the initial investment of just six million dollars will be recouped by growers several times. +RURAL-05066|But the minister has warned the A B A against tarnishing the beef industry's reputation. +RURAL-05104|Retrenched Beaconsfield gold miners urged to head west +RURAL-05123|Environmental groups say any new G M cotton could become established as a tropical weed. +RURAL-05139|This year it's just sky-rocketing. +RURAL-05157|But the bureau's Allan Nicholls is expecting an extra thirty thousand small farms to participate this time. +RURAL-05164|Surveillance work over the weekend has uncovered more sugar cane smut in south-east Queensland. +RURAL-05169|Retrenched Beaconsfield miners yet to find jobs +RURAL-05170|Retrenched miners from the Beaconsfield Gold mine in Tasmania say job offers are not exactly pouring in. +RURAL-05181|Farmers urged to get involved in carbon trading scheme debate +RURAL-05196|Sue Jones, from the now defunct management committee, says it is a struggle to survive. +RURAL-05198|They need to at the moment put their time and resources into their own enterprises just to keep themselves afloat. +RURAL-05200|Irrigators in north-west Victoria have donated a record amount of water to save stressed and dying river red gums. +RURAL-05217|They are dotted with bright beach shacks that rock lobster fishermen and their families live in for three months of fishing. +RURAL-05218|There has been increasing concern that the islands are a secret no longer and too many visitors are wrecking the biodiversity. +RURAL-05224|ABARE says the area being sown to wheat, barley and canola has also fallen six per cent. +RURAL-05225|But the bureau's John Hogan says while plantings are down in most states, the outlook is still better this winter than last. +RURAL-05239|Wineries urged to dump excess wine +RURAL-05242|He says wineries should also consider mothballing their own vineyards and buying from individual growers instead. +RURAL-05246|Meanwhile, the Australian table grape industry says it will continue its battle to try to export to China. +RURAL-05248|Australia has never had formal access to China but our fruit used to be sent via Hong Kong. +RURAL-05257|Dairy farmers get animal welfare information kits +RURAL-05258|Dairy farmers around Australia are being sent kits in the mail, containing information about animal welfare practices. +RURAL-05276|The council's Tony Heidrich says a cost-sharing insurance scheme between growers and the Federal Government would help. +RURAL-05282|Western Australia is stepping up its fight against the destructive pest bird the starling. +RURAL-05298|The wheat exporter is working through another two deals to India worth a million tonnes. +RURAL-05299|Canada and Europe are expected to be the main suppliers for the new tender. +RURAL-05306|China agrees iron ore price rises +RURAL-05328|Endangered cockatoo could scuttle pulp mill +RURAL-05330|The river red gums are potential breeding sites for the endangered red-tailed black cockatoo. +RURAL-05336|The Queensland Government says drilling has found bedrock, meaning the site is suitable for a dam. +RURAL-05341|The business is spending four point five million dollars developing its two hundred hectare lease in the Spencer Gulf. +RURAL-05385|Dairy farmers warned to prepare for drop in income +RURAL-05394|ABARE urged to lower wheat yield estimates +RURAL-05405|Mr Suchecki says gold buying at the Perth Mint is up three hundred per cent in the past year. +RURAL-05440|Salvos to maintain refuge staffing levels +RURAL-05450|The report's author, Graham Love, says any changes to taxation are significant. +RURAL-05468|Fifty-three people will be based at the new Territory head office of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. +RURAL-05472|Most of those, or nearly all of those were from Indonesia. +RURAL-05487|A former wool grower and shearer's cook has won Australia's richest literary prize. +RURAL-05513|Meanwhile Australia is not alone in suffering wheat crop losses this year from drought. +RURAL-05521|The Gulf Council comprises the U A E, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. +RURAL-05546|But fox skin exporter Don Mcgilvray says renewed Chinese interest in fur is leading the trade's recovery. +RURAL-05562|My family have been here since eighteen seventy three. +RURAL-05564|Frost-tolerant crops a possibility: scientists +RURAL-05565|Scientists believe grain growers could one day be able to sow frost-tolerant cereal crops. +RURAL-05567|Frost damage is believed to cost South Australia's and Victoria's barley industries more than thirty million dollars per year. +RURAL-05568|Professor Geoff Fincher says this research could eventually have applications for other crops. +RURAL-05577|Their efforts crossing Lake Argyle raised eighty thousand dollars for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. +RURAL-05581|Harnessing up the horse and cart increases in popularity +RURAL-05601|There is another gloomy weather forecast for farmers who had been hoping for rain. +RURAL-05629|And frost could cut Australia's navel orange crop this season by twenty per cent, according to preliminary forecasts. +RURAL-05639|Burning boat sends strong message to illegal fishers +RURAL-05658|Perth-based researchers have stumbled on a successful, although unusual, way to frighten kangaroos dingo wee. +RURAL-05664|Sugar cane smut has now been confirmed on more than twenty farms in south-east Queensland. +RURAL-05673|Chairman Murray Jones says the council refused to take part when approached. +RURAL-05691|The A B A is quite intemperate. +RURAL-05701|Only marginal falls were recorded inland, with some grain growers faring better than others. +RURAL-05711|Contract pig shooters in the Northern Territory are selling off their hunting dogs because they do not have an export market this year. +RURAL-05713|But this year, demand and prices are so low, not a single pig will be going overseas. +RURAL-05714|Hunter Athol Schmidt says it is bad news for the environment, because without an export market it is too expensive to hunt. +RURAL-05736|Longest-running land claim now over +RURAL-05743|The only thing that would be a factor now is the cost of fuel, petrol, diesel, stuff like that to get out there. +RURAL-05748|He says he is baffled by its current agenda, which seems to be politically-driven. +RURAL-05760|Surveys have shown more than four thousand mice per hectare, the highest number since nineteen ninety five. +RURAL-05765|Dry conditions on pastoral properties south-east of Alice Springs have taken their toll on businesses which service the area. +RURAL-05766|It has been four years since the region has had any decent rain and stock feed is scarce. +RURAL-05786|Australia's largest milk processor has lowered the prices it will offer dairy farmers this year. +RURAL-05809|Drug busting wasps still some time away +RURAL-05810|Wasps might be known for their bite, but their highly-tuned sense of smell could make them the sniffer dogs of the future. +RURAL-05811|Trials are under way in the United States to train tiny wasps to detect chemicals. +RURAL-05815|Hotline to help men cope with depression +RURAL-05821|The hotline number, which will be in operation from July first is one, three three zero, two two four, six hundred thirty six. +RURAL-05855|A Northern Territory mining company hopes to have a rare earth mine up and running within five years. +RURAL-05858|Tax Office focuses on timber plantation records +RURAL-05864|Shareholders show support for dairy group +RURAL-05865|Shareholders have voted down a push to disband Western Australia's only representative dairy group. +RURAL-05872|The price of avocados could be set to rise, with significant frost damage to crops in the Murray Valley. +RURAL-05876|Katherine School of the Air celebrates anniversary +RURAL-05877|There will be big celebrations in the Top End town of Katherine tonight, as the School of the Air marks its fortieth anniversary. +RURAL-05885|After almost forty years of servicing properties in south-west Queensland, Cecil Russell is retiring +RURAL-05889|Rock lobster fishermen to hang up pots +RURAL-05890|Rock lobster fishermen in Western Australia will today pull their pots for the last time this season. +RURAL-05891|Most believe this year's catch was down slightly, but prices are the best they've seen in years. +RURAL-05894|Rodeo circuit veterans set for reunion +RURAL-05895|Some of the nation's golden oldies of the rodeo circuit are heading for a reunion +RURAL-05898|While they will not be competing, local association president Murray Douglas says they will be enjoying a beer and a catch-up. +RURAL-05900|Third dairy company announces milk price reductions +RURAL-05903|Retiring wine group head predicts industry turnaround +RURAL-05908|Food safety standards need continual improvement, say scientists. +RURAL-05928|Electoral boundary change bad for voters: Anderson +RURAL-05930|With a shift in population, New South Wales is required to lose an electorate to accommodate a new seat in Queensland. +RURAL-05937|United States and European negotiators went into the talks saying they were prepared to move on farm reforms. +RURAL-05947|Doctor Peter Mcintosh, from the Marine Atmospheric Research Center, says that is because it is colder inland. +RURAL-05949|We think it is a decrease in the north-south temperature gradient. +RURAL-05961|The expansion of the Ord River Irrigation Scheme will make sixteen thousand hectares of irrigated farmland available. +RURAL-05966|Nurse practitioners scheme upsets doctors +RURAL-05967|Rural doctors in Tasmania claim they are being devalued by the introduction of nurse practitioners in remote areas. +RURAL-05975|Rob Dalton, from Avocados Australia, says he is concerned by the push, which could massively distort the market. +RURAL-06021|Police say it is believed the truck driver did not take notice of stock moving signs. +RURAL-06055|V F F pushes for single wheat desk changes +RURAL-06066|There are always opportunities for stocks that are destined for export to be diverted for domestic demand. +RURAL-06073|Truck crash prompts stock movements warning +RURAL-06076|Detective Senior Constable Andrew Mcgrath says police believe the driver ignored stock warning signs. +RURAL-06089|doctor Peter Cook, from the Co-operative Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Technologies, says studies are making progress. +RURAL-06121|Farmers dispute Costello's federalism reform plans +RURAL-06132|Shane Condon, from Project Iron Boomerang, says supply chain savings alone could be worth two billion dollars per year. +RURAL-06147|It's fine to say let's go and get migrant drivers, where are you going to get them from? +RURAL-06149|Dry conditions see live sheep exports jump +RURAL-06175|Dairy farmers form collective bargaining group +RURAL-06176|Tasmanian dairy farmers who supply food giant National Foods have formed the state's first collective bargaining group. +RURAL-06178|The chairman of the group, Kem Perkins says the move was inevitable. +RURAL-06181|One of the first jobs for the bargaining group will be to negotiate extra time for next season's price talks. +RURAL-06182|Renewable fuel plant nears completion +RURAL-06186|Researcher Mark Thiele says emissions were reduced. +RURAL-06197|But he now says a smaller dam will be built, with the resumption of five hundred properties. +RURAL-06199|But locals at a public meeting to hear the details were furious, saying they will be left in limbo for thirty years. +RURAL-06218|Because you have so many trees per hectare, each tree doesn't have to carry so many apples to get that high production per hectare. +RURAL-06253|The final report is due on October twenty seventh. +RURAL-06284|As the dry spell continues in Western Australia, young farmers are already starting to consider their options off-farm. +RURAL-06309|Dairy is the only sector which has fallen below last year's level. +RURAL-06310|In the past month, barley, canola, cotton and wool have gone up, with small falls in sugar and beef. +RURAL-06315|Researchers say the first Australian trial of technology to try to trap greenhouse gases underground is being delayed. +RURAL-06329|What else are they doing while they're out there? +RURAL-06330|If they're brazen enough to kill a beast, what else are they going to be doing while they're out and about? +RURAL-06334|Sugar cane smut has now been found on thirty farms in the Childers area of south-east Queensland. +RURAL-06342|The plant closed on Friday and sold to T and R Pastoral, which has no plans to reopen it in the short-term. +RURAL-06354|Australians crave roast dinner: anthropologist +RURAL-06355|A visiting anthropologist claims the Australian love of a good roast dinner is healthy and in our genes. +RURAL-06359|Citrus growers set to export to China +RURAL-06393|The game pits the Valley girls against the Northampton girls in front of a bid crowd of local farmers. +RURAL-06433|Australia is going in the opposite direction. +RURAL-06442|Sheep thefts may lead to more livestock truck checks +RURAL-06445|Senior-sergeant Paul Roberts says all peninsula police stations have been alerted. +RURAL-06482|Fungi used in weed kill trials +RURAL-06483|Scientists are closer to understanding how native fungi can kill introduced weeds across northern Australia. +RURAL-06497|New research into the sun suggests eastern Australia could face more severe droughts over the next five hundred years. +RURAL-06511|Dougal Hunter, from the Australian Stock Exchange, says this points to good domestic prices for the next three harvests. +RURAL-06524|Cherry growers urged to support levy increase +RURAL-06531|Plant Health Australia spokesman Kyle Thoms says there will be a meeting in Canberra next month to kick off the effort. +RURAL-06547|Professor of food engineering Arthur Teixeira says results have been successful. +RURAL-06572|Rural property values plateau +RURAL-06573|Rural property values seem to have finally plateaued after rising by seventy per cent over the past five years. +RURAL-06579|There is good news today for twenty five per cent of drought-hit farmers who rely on off-farm work to maintain an income. +RURAL-06584|Trading in shares are suspended pending an investigation by the Australian Stock Exchange. +RURAL-06593|Frost damage blamed for drop in orange crop +RURAL-06595|Industry officials say the crop could come in at between just forty five thousand and fifty thousand tonnes. +RURAL-06629|A top-level meeting is today discussing how Australia's quarantine system can be improved. +RURAL-06644|A forecast of heavy rain has ended in disappointment for South Australia's northern pastoralists. +RURAL-06650|Meanwhile, grain farmers in north-west Victoria are hoping the weather bureau's prediction of rain this weekend is accurate. +RURAL-06656|But pastoralists in the Northern Territory have fared much better. +RURAL-06660|Australia's next uranium mine could be north-west of Alice Springs in central Australia. +RURAL-06674|Dam task force chief meets locals +RURAL-06725|Seventh mad cow disease case detected in Canada +RURAL-06728|The world dairy market looks set to further weaken after the suspension of New Zealand butter from Europe. +RURAL-06738|Pulp mill integrated impact statement released +RURAL-06745|Indigenous communities urged to take better care of dogs +RURAL-06767|In South Australia, widespread rain is expected to keep the state's harvest on track for a bumper season. +RURAL-06769|Rodney Lush from Coombe in the upper south-east was pinning his hopes on a good rain after suffering a dry June and heavy frosts. +RURAL-06774|But Mr Rutledge says much more is needed if the region is to recover from drought and lose its title of heartbreak corner. +RURAL-06796|Lawyer Kim Parker from Maurice Blackburn Cashman says it is a breakthrough case. +RURAL-06803|Looming lettuce shortage prompts grower to buy new farm +RURAL-06805|Water allocations have been severely slashed in the Bacchus Marsh district due to low storage levels. +RURAL-06814|Strangely enough, if indeed it's true, then it shows the stock in a much stronger condition. +RURAL-06824|Mood and memory are adversely affected, it just makes us under perform so we become safety risks amongst other things. +RURAL-06861|The quota is for more than nine thousand tonnes of white rice each year for the next decade. +RURAL-06866|Head of sheep productivity, Doctor Troy Fischer, says the sheep may also produce better wool. +RURAL-06871|Australia has beaten the world at an international sheep shearing competition at the Calgary Stampede in Alberta, Canada. +RURAL-06892|Overseas buyers of live sheep are complaining that Australian livestock prices are too high. +RURAL-06899|About twelve thousand are now being held at one of the Middle East's most modern feedlots. +RURAL-06904|Transport industry fears higher fuel costs amid Mid East crisis +RURAL-06939|Cape York Peninsula: the ideal training ground? +RURAL-06951|Under the scheme, farmers and pastoralists who have been battling drought receive income and business support. +RURAL-06963|In handing down the fine, Justice Shan Tennant said she thought it unlikely Lee would be able to pay it all. +RURAL-06975|Productivity review results disappointing: Truss +RURAL-06978|Federal Transport Minister Warren Truss says the review results are disappointing. +RURAL-06998|Australian, N Z dairy farmers share research costs +RURAL-07004|Australia has recorded its highest ever monthly sales figures for lamb to the Middle East. +RURAL-07005|In June, sales hit eight hundred twenty four tonnes, one hundred tonnes higher than the previous record. +RURAL-07009|Algae project wins renewable energy grant +RURAL-07042|Two applications to send malting barley to China were knocked back because of the dry conditions in the west. +RURAL-07070|Australians drink nearly fifty thousand tonnes of coffee a year and almost all of it is imported. +RURAL-07079|Doctor Barber says this new information is crucial. +RURAL-07081|New research has shown eating the sprouts that are often found in mixed salads can help curb cancer. +RURAL-07089|Queensland school counselor Gary Quinn says students at his school are becoming more willing to talk about depression. +RURAL-07110|Pork producers have welcomed a new identification system to trace animals from pig pen to plate. +RURAL-07120|The last major unstudied water region of the Northern Territory's Top End is about to be mapped and modeled. +RURAL-07123|Project officer Ursula Zarr says they need to know how much water there is so they can protect everyone's interests. +RURAL-07124|Committee chairman rules out renewed push for Hydro privatisation +RURAL-07134|No breakthrough in world farm trade talks +RURAL-07135|There is no sign yet of a breakthrough in last ditch world farm trade talks in Geneva. +RURAL-07137|Dairy co-ops increase returns to farmers +RURAL-07143|Egg farmer seeks tightening of free-range legislation +RURAL-07166|Australian farmers have been warned to take note of a new consumer trend in the United Kingdom. +RURAL-07175|Three hundred uranium experts, including thirty delegates from China, are at the conference. +RURAL-07244|Drought officers angry over job loss +RURAL-07265|The black-striped mussel has been found twice in the past week on seized illegal fishing vessels inside Darwin Harbor. +RURAL-07270|From an N T Fisheries perspective, the risk is manageable where they are. +RURAL-07278|A W B legal battle back before court +RURAL-07303|Drought, costs force farmers to cut water usage +RURAL-07315|Public interest tests urged before hospital closures +RURAL-07344|I think a lot of the road trains, whether they are R T A or Hampton's, operate very much like a taxi rank. +RURAL-07346|Local Aboriginal people may now be more open to the idea of expanding a Northern Territory lead and zinc mine. +RURAL-07354|There's different situations throughout the shires. +RURAL-07362|The drought is also affecting young peoples choices at school. +RURAL-07435|State governments have powers over land which they have used to impose the bans. +RURAL-07538|Mr Howard announced yesterday that he would not be handing over the top job to Treasurer Peter Costello. +RURAL-07541|A major deal to double Australian wool sales to Italian fashion giant Benetton has collapsed. +RURAL-07566|At the time, the nation's food regulator said it would call for industry input to fix the problem. +RURAL-07567|Debris causing problems for scallop fishers +RURAL-07568|Scallop fishers have hit a snag while harvesting reopened scallop beds off the east coast of Tasmania. +RURAL-07576|Milk shortage forces processors to increase prices +RURAL-07577|Milk shortages caused by dry conditions in Western Australia have forced processors to increase their farm gate milk prices. +RURAL-07591|It tends to get a bit too wet up around Cairns in this type of year, but it can help the situation in central Queensland. +RURAL-07596|A rural lender says the interest rate rise, announced by the Reserve Bank today, will not cause panic among farmers. +RURAL-07603|Trade policy expert talks up the possibility of Japan F T A +RURAL-07611|Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns was in Baghdad for farm co-operation meetings with Iraqi officials this week. +RURAL-07636|Nursery industry loses billions in sales +RURAL-07638|The nursery industry had been worth about half a billion dollars in sales to domestic and export markets a year. +RURAL-07646|She has even considered leasing the station to move the family closer to secondary schooling in Queensland. +RURAL-07660|An exotic marine pest has been eradicated, once again, from boats moored off Darwin Harbor. +RURAL-07665|The chlorine will have gone into the woodwork, and is likely to kill anything else that's in there. +RURAL-07668|Company seeks new growers to help meet demand +RURAL-07680|A national hotline to help men in rural areas cope with depression has received five hundred calls in its first month. +RURAL-07714|She says they will also make it harder to conserve species like ginger, which is under threat from timber harvesting across Asia. +RURAL-07734|Look at how you buy milk, how you buy fruit juice, how you buy even tomato paste in the stores. +RURAL-07735|We used to buy it in cans, now you can buy it in tubes like toothpaste. +RURAL-07739|Mr Davis will be paid eight hundred seventy five thousand dollars a year, which is less than Mr Lindberg was receiving. +RURAL-07743|Mr Davis will start his role in mid-september. +RURAL-07769|Rio produces iron ore, coal, diamonds, copper, alumina, and uranium in mining operations around the country. +RURAL-07771|Significant diamond find prompts mining hopes +RURAL-07774|Managing director Doctor Kevin Wills says other results are yet to be studied, but so far the news is good. +RURAL-07781|Ashley Kelly from Bell Potter Securities says at this time of year the market sharply watches announcements about the grain pool. +RURAL-07788|Wool analyst David Fogg says it is not surprising there was not a bigger fall, given the two cent rise in the Australian dollar. +RURAL-07821|Forty young people from across the Northern Territory now have a career on the high seas in mind after a week at sea. +RURAL-07842|Another consignment of wheat bound for Iraq will leave Port Giles in South Australia on Wednesday. +RURAL-07844|A B B Limited's Maggie Dowling says the twenty three thousand ton shipment is big news for the state's wheat industry. +RURAL-07845|Poor season affects lupin numbers +RURAL-07846|Western Australian lupin growers are worried that poor seasonal conditions will cut this season's production by two-thirds. +RURAL-07856|The first export shipment of citrus fruit to China has left Australia. +RURAL-07857|Previously fruit entered China through the so-called gray channel via Hong Kong. +RURAL-07859|The shipment will reach Beijing towards the end of the month, meaning fruit supplier Alan Jenkins has a nervous wait. +RURAL-07863|A Western Australian businessman has launched a fifty million dollars buy-up of aquaculture farms in South Australia. +RURAL-07877|The main part of the upgrade is the installation of a second ship loader, which weighs six hundred fifty tons. +RURAL-07921|The sheep market is strong, with more than twenty thousand sheep up for sale on the Internet in Queensland. +RURAL-07952|Stellar season boosts machinery dealers' confidence +RURAL-07957|Others claim the stem rust could be the downfall of this year's crop. +RURAL-07982|As you'd expect the future of the single desk for wheat exports is a hot topic, and confusion seems to be the common theme. +RURAL-08005|To date, there hasn't been any effect on the end user, because corn is still relatively cheap. +RURAL-08011|Is that going to tell against Australia in the long run? +RURAL-08023|So there's reason for farmers getting involved in this to have some hope that it will take-off? +RURAL-08030|Reporter Alice Plate sat in on the session. +RURAL-08031|ALICE PLACE: Well the feeling has actually changed a bit. +RURAL-08055|We heard from the the director of scientific affairs for Monsanto. +RURAL-08064|Monsanto, of course, famously put their G M wheat on hold for the time being. +RURAL-08066|But Mr Glick says he's got a strong feeling that consumers will soon be convinced. +RURAL-08068|They'll realize that g-m crops can do all sorts of things. +RURAL-08072|What about the food companies? +RURAL-08074|At this stage, George Weston Foods general manager was here as well. +RURAL-08082|Thanks Michael, reporter Michael Condon here. +RURAL-08107|Stronger global commodity prices are helping to offset rising interest rates and the higher value of the Australia dollar. +RURAL-08109|The jump is being attributed to solid demand and dry seasonal conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. +RURAL-08111|Surveys to try and identify Timor Sea diamond fields +RURAL-08122|The resources boom has led to more women entering the mining workforce across Australia. +RURAL-08124|And Mitch Hooke from the Minerals Council says the trend will have to continue to make up for a severe shortage of workers. +RURAL-08129|It was a big day in Broome in northern Western Australia yesterday, with Ladies Day at the races and the annual bull sale. +RURAL-08168|Mr Harrison said this was a clear breach of U N sanctions and fraudulent. +RURAL-08175|Wool growers urged to keep research levy +RURAL-08190|Sunbeam won't renew currant contracts +RURAL-08217|A Tasmanian scientific researcher is turning one of Australia's most noxious weeds into beneficial omega three oils. +RURAL-08243|Out of four point two million sheep exported last year, zero point nine five percent died. +RURAL-08246|There was a higher level of disease in the animals as a result of that lack of fiber. +RURAL-08250|Shares fell last week to three dollars thirty six, which is lower than the company's debut price on the Australian Stock Exchange. +RURAL-08262|Farmers fear further chemical bans +RURAL-08268|Basically they'll be banned from using them in the future so we're very very concerned. +RURAL-08269|World Bank urges seasonal work visas for islanders +RURAL-08282|Cattle T B surveillance program nears end +RURAL-08284|The nation-wide program has been monitoring the health of cattle in northern Australia since nineteen seventy. +RURAL-08299|First independent sugar shipment leaves Cairns +RURAL-08305|An Australian cattle breeder has made his mark in England, after being invited to judge at the prestigious Great Yorkshire Show. +RURAL-08307|In true Australian style, he managed to ruffle a few feathers before proving he knows his stuff about the British breed. +RURAL-08316|Australia's last tuna cannery has secured a forty million dollars export deal with the United States. +RURAL-08317|Growers urged to aid canker-hit farms +RURAL-08334|In the northern areas, all chances are gone. +RURAL-08361|They are big events, these international events. +RURAL-08382|A three-year program to help service stations adopt equipment to sell ethanol-blended fuel, has also been announced. +RURAL-08396|A C C C recommendations threaten phone rental parity +RURAL-08412|It is bad news for Australian growers, who are about halfway through the harvest and had been hoping for a breakthrough season. +RURAL-08415|It is sixty five years since a Labor government won a fourth term in office in Queensland. +RURAL-08420|Farmers urged to lobby for weed bio-control programs +RURAL-08428|Integrated Tree Cropping has seventy plantations in the state's south-west and wants to use sheep to control weeds. +RURAL-08431|We'd have to spray the weeds within the plantation or we would have to slash round the outside of the plantation. +RURAL-08453|Andrew Pickering from Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife says no one knows what impact the fall in numbers will have. +RURAL-08462|We're going to get the weight and the length of the fish. +RURAL-08464|We've also taken product quality samples or flesh samples so we're looking at how long or how red it stays for in shelf life. +RURAL-08505|Kevin Mcleish, from the Rio-owned Argyle Diamonds, says the lengths they have had to go to shows the magnitude of the problem. +RURAL-08507|Future growth in agriculture depends on exports. +RURAL-08542|Peter Fulwood from Rural Solutions South Australia says the state is headed for its driest winter on record. +RURAL-08544|Overall, the state crop certainly won't be anything above average unless we were to get a complete change in the weather. +RURAL-08546|Unusual weather patterns in Australia and overseas are putting new pressure on global grain prices. +RURAL-08548|Farmers urged to assess greenhouse gas emissions +RURAL-08567|Scientists map D N A sequence for bovine animals +RURAL-08583|Workshops are being held in five states as part of the Year of the Outback, to identify key issues and find some answers. +RURAL-08587|It has been forty years since the Wave Hill walk-off, a protest which led to the Indigenous rights movement in Australia. +RURAL-08598|Apple, pear industry unveils competitiveness plan +RURAL-08603|The current yield is twenty tonnes of fruit per hectare from an average of six hundred forty trees. +RURAL-08606|Labor's ethanol pledge gets mixed response +RURAL-08615|The eight hundred forty cartons were rejected by Chinese customs authorities at the port of Shenzhen. +RURAL-08622|And there has been a dramatic fall in the price of cattle contracts on the Sydney Futures Exchange. +RURAL-08625|The effects of a lack of rain have been made worse by a run of frosts and strong drying winds. +RURAL-08630|Analysts predict there is only enough nickel left on the exchange to cover one day of world consumption. +RURAL-08640|Australia on track for driest August on record +RURAL-08648|A US-based consortium has launched a bid to buy the retail giant. +RURAL-08658|But Mr Johanns does not know where the contaminated rice was found, how widespread it is, or how it entered the food supply. +RURAL-08670|Land Rights Act changes please fishermen +RURAL-08674|He says some claims had big ramifications. +RURAL-08684|Now Sedimentary has announced a merger agreement with Premier Gold Mines. +RURAL-08687|Work on Australia's first purpose-built ethanol plant is starting in north-west Victoria today. +RURAL-08696|It is in an open windswept area. +RURAL-08738|He says it is unlikely that stock prices will match the eastern states in the short-term. +RURAL-08745|Once it gets dry out there in the desert, they come in on these pastoral properties. +RURAL-08754|Farmers in the worst-hit northern agricultural areas can apply for grants of up to seven thousand five hundred dollars. +RURAL-08756|Bacchus March irrigators offered extra water +RURAL-08758|Growers at Bacchus March, north-west of Melbourne, had faced the prospect of no spring water supplies. +RURAL-08779|Dairy industry fights fat perceptions +RURAL-08780|The dairy industry says growing concern over Australia's high obesity rates is turning the public off its products. +RURAL-08781|Dairy Australia is fighting back with a four million dollars campaign to dispel the myth that dairy foods are fatty. +RURAL-08786|Growers saw an early jump in prices in the first few months of this year but the market has remained fairly stagnant ever since. +RURAL-08793|Once-strong sales to the Philippines have fallen fifty two percent in the past twelve months. +RURAL-08802|A further sixty nine volumes have been found in connection with Jill Gillingham, who has just taken the witness stand. +RURAL-08804|She negotiated contracts worth seven hundred fifty million dollars a year for storage, handling and movement of grain. +RURAL-08809|General manager Ray Najar says it could help raise consumer awareness and better educate consumers. +RURAL-08822|Water data management plan needed +RURAL-08827|A group of young men from a remote Aboriginal community in north Queensland +RURAL-08842|Truffles from Western Australia could soon be filling seasonal shortages of the delicacy in France. +RURAL-08869|Insurance group A A M I has interviewed two thousand five hundred motorists about their attitudes to road safety. +RURAL-08875|A W B attempts to retract Cole inquiry evidence +RURAL-08911|Gary Tapscott, from Elders, says the dry conditions are affecting everyone. +RURAL-08931|Chairwoman Linda Hewitt says Mr Palmer should immediately sack the M L A staff involved. +RURAL-08939|It paid particular attention to tertiary education and found that rural students are disadvantaged. +RURAL-08946|I T consultant Peter Saville says the satellite will give also remote areas cheaper phone calls and video conferencing. +RURAL-08950|The report details future construction projects worth four billion dollars in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia. +RURAL-08969|Australia's third-largest winery has recorded an eleven point five million dollars loss. +RURAL-08972|Managing director Dane Hudson says the results are disappointing but he remains confident the company can recover. +RURAL-08988|While he will not say how much they paid, Mr Hughes says the two million hectare portfolio is a long-term investment. +RURAL-08991|It's not a short-term thing for us. +RURAL-09005|Bit of nice semi-black opal and quite valuable, so they're very happy, and actually I'm happy for them too. +RURAL-09013|Yesterday we went to the tip with fifteen tractors and everyone cheered and had champagne and what not. +RURAL-09020|There's no other real economic opportunities for people to get employed, get back onto country. +RURAL-09022|Australian tobacco growers are receiving poor prices for their bales, as the selling season winds up. +RURAL-09037|But the commission has released a report saying that is expensive, and often detrimental to the environment. +RURAL-09042|He also holds shares in other companies, including forestry and rural media. +RURAL-09051|I'm here because I want to fix the health system in Queensland. +RURAL-09070|Everyone knows about the fuel costs that severely impacts businesses like ourselves. +RURAL-09080|Chairman Denis Waddell says after all the delays, they will be taking advantage of the good gold price. +RURAL-09097|Consultant Jill Briggs says poor leadership means many winemakers are overworked. +RURAL-09107|Adelaide is hosting the world's largest aquaculture conference over the next three days. +RURAL-09140|Mango growers comfortable with imports decision +RURAL-09147|Some growers are experimenting with summer crops like millet and sorghum to provide more feed for livestock. +RURAL-09165|Farmer confidence levels have slumped to a four-year low, according to the latest quarterly survey by Rabobank. +RURAL-09176|Albury-based ecologist Matthew Herring says the findings dispel the perception that farming is bad for the environment. +RURAL-09181|Doctor Gordon Murray, from the Department of Primary Industries in New South Wales, says the disease could spread. +RURAL-09205|Yamaha safety lawyer Kelly Stallard says the industry is working on standards, a code of practice, and educating riders. +RURAL-09208|Heifer exports may hurt dairy industry. +RURAL-09209|With the ongoing dry weather conditions, exports of dairy heifers may help to save farmers. +RURAL-09214|That would be sad for the industry long-term. +RURAL-09216|Dairy farmers will vote for the first time early next year on how much they should pay to peak body Dairy Australia. +RURAL-09236|Growers have been locked out of the export market due to new fruit fly protocols. +RURAL-09274|Animal welfare kit well-received +RURAL-09275|Dairy Australia says its efforts to address animal welfare have been well-received. +RURAL-09282|The meeting is part of an animal welfare roundtable at the Cattle Council's executive meeting in Hobart. +RURAL-09289|Tony Hedges, from Keith, does not think growers should pay anything. +RURAL-09307|Audits find mutton labeled as lamb +RURAL-09331|Mr Agius then asked Mr Stott if he was suggesting that Mr Hogan's notes were made up. +RURAL-09353|Deputy chief officer Andrew Lawson, from the Country Fire Service, says the lack of winter rain has also raised the fire threat. +RURAL-09359|Sunbeam Foods, in Victoria's north-west, also runs a citrus packing shed and juice business. +RURAL-09363|The Australian mango harvest has begun, with picking under way at Pine Creek in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-09373|None had direct contact with livestock, the usual transmitter of the disease. +RURAL-09385|Expert urges stronger water rules +RURAL-09439|The new president, Tasmanian Leslie Young, says cheap imports and the drought mean it is time for everybody to work together. +RURAL-09477|The best results were in Melbourne, with finer microns jumping between ten and thirty cents. +RURAL-09506|The Northern Territory has a new Primary Industries, Fisheries, Mines and Energy Minister. +RURAL-09512|Middle East chefs go on Aussie culinary tour +RURAL-09520|The latest figures show a fall to two hundred fifty one tonnes of gold during the past financial year. +RURAL-09528|Cattle producers urged to put off slaughter +RURAL-09537|Eleven tons of cooked frozen banana pulp from Vietnam has been brought in for use by food manufacturers. +RURAL-09541|Cane farmers in north Queensland say it is too early to know the extent of damage from massive, unexpected rain. +RURAL-09546|In the south, where the rain is really needed, the dry conditions are starting to hurt South Australia's aquaculture industry. +RURAL-09550|Survey suggests city dwellers in the dark about farms +RURAL-09573|Herb and spice group urges research levy +RURAL-09584|Australia has imposed higher tariffs on canned tuna and pineapple from Thailand. +RURAL-09589|In the past, fruit has entered China through Hong Kong. +RURAL-09597|Dry conditions threaten cereal crops +RURAL-09598|Ongoing dry conditions are starting to take their toll on winter cereal crops in New South Wales. +RURAL-09607|It's changed its proposal on the way through to accommodate any concern the Aboriginal communities had. +RURAL-09653|Wheat, barley forecasts drop due to dry conditions +RURAL-09654|The big dry has led the Emerald Group to dramatically lower its wheat and barley forecasts. +RURAL-09656|Barley production is expected at six million tons, and a canola crop of one million tons. +RURAL-09659|Barley prices are up sixty dollars for the month, there's been a spectacular rally here. +RURAL-09676|But there are fears the changes could make it harder for managed investment schemes to attract funds. +RURAL-09682|That is the forecast Angus Walker from chartered accountants Ernst and Young delivered to an oil conference in Perth yesterday. +RURAL-09735|Prime Minister John Howard has now intervened, saying the money is compensation and should not be taxed. +RURAL-09783|A new national Dairy Innovation Center has been tasked with finding ways to compete with the growing soy milk market. +RURAL-09785|Dairy farmers have also contributed, through the levies they pay to Dairy Australia. +RURAL-09792|Greens Senator Christine Milne says that is a clear sign the Government is trying to renege on its promise. +RURAL-09809|Under the scheme, Tasmanian producers receive a rebate on freight to offset the high cost of shipping across Bass Straight. +RURAL-09815|Australian dollar falls again amid low metal prices +RURAL-09832|The chairs of fourteen peak bodies have been meeting in Canberra this week. +RURAL-09856|Vets in the Northern Territory are calling for their attendance to be mandatory at all outback rodeos. +RURAL-09857|The call was prompted after a horse stumbled and broke its leg at an event earlier this year where a vet was not present. +RURAL-09866|You may have seen a three-legged dog or even a three-legged cat, but what about a three-legged cow? +RURAL-09879|In resources news, gold is again being milled at Pine Creek in the Northern Territory, after three years. +RURAL-09884|A series of cold fronts has brought good rains to much of Western Australia's parched farming and pastoral regions. +RURAL-09889|Grain harvest contractors urge drought assistance +RURAL-09953|A push for Indigenous sea rights is growing in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-09961|Fishermen are now choosing to sell the smaller catch to mainland markets at a premium price, rather than supply local restaurants. +RURAL-09964|Dollar strength threatens asparagus viability +RURAL-09965|The high Australian dollar is threatening to force even more asparagus growers out of business this harvest. +RURAL-09969|Dry conditions prompt early fire work +RURAL-09970|Forestry companies in South Australia have started fire prevention work nearly a month early, due to the dry conditions. +RURAL-09984|The Rural Affairs Committee is investigating how Australia accounts for its water use and allocation. +RURAL-10022|Another hi-tech quarantine lab is due to be constructed in Cairns, North Queensland. +RURAL-10051|These prices have not been seen since restrictions were first imposed in South Australia four years ago. +RURAL-10052|Low commodity prices and dry conditions have also seen irrigators sell their water entitlements earlier than usual. +RURAL-10082|A new sporting body in Alice Springs wants to help people become fit by helping the environment. +RURAL-10093|A South Australian company has developed a method of using milk to relieve the side-effects of cancer treatment. +RURAL-10123|The destructive wheat streak mosaic virus is rapidly spreading across Western Australia. +RURAL-10139|China buys into future uranium mine +RURAL-10149|The dry seasonal conditions are forcing record numbers of sheep and lambs onto the market in southern New South Wales. +RURAL-10161|A young Northern Territory boy from a town of a few hundred people has been elected to a board of the United Nations. +RURAL-10183|Today marks the last day on the job for the head of the nation's peak commodity forecaster. +RURAL-10184|Brian Fisher has been director of the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics since nineteen eighty eight. +RURAL-10199|Desalination plan prompts environmental concerns +RURAL-10232|Growers, farmers reject code of conduct +RURAL-10235|But questions are now being asked about the number of grower representatives who were from Queensland. +RURAL-10245|Australian Wool Innovation CEO quits +RURAL-10285|Tamed N T water buffalo head to Aceh +RURAL-10320|The forecast for this year's grain crop has taken another big hit. +RURAL-10326|A two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand ton shortfall is putting export orders for hay in jeopardy this year. +RURAL-10354|George Johnston, from the Queensland Livestock Transporters Association, says the current proposals are unacceptable. +RURAL-10382|Mandatory horticultural code of conduct announced +RURAL-10415|The number of spring sales of store sheep in Western Australia has halved due to the dry season. +RURAL-10427|The co-op already has contracts with Coles in South Australia and New South Wales. +RURAL-10428|N T farmers urged to fill out agricultural census forms +RURAL-10429|Northern Territory farmers have proven themselves the worst in Australia at filling out the national agricultural census. +RURAL-10465|Cairns Group fears time running out for reform +RURAL-10473|A proposed free-trade deal between Australia and Japan is looking shaky, with agriculture again the most contentious issue. +RURAL-10485|A mother and son from a north Queensland grazing family have been convicted in the Mackay District Court for stock theft. +RURAL-10490|Three-hundred bales of wool from South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland have been auctioned. +RURAL-10498|Farmers taking on environmental reforms +RURAL-10530|Dry weather prompts Ash Wednesday comparisons +RURAL-10534|The council's chief executive Len Foster says conditions are very similar this year. +RURAL-10553|Tobacco growers fear for industry +RURAL-10568|Prices for sheep and cattle have crashed in South Australia after massive stock sell-offs last week. +RURAL-10569|Across many regions a lack of rain has seen pastures dry up forcing producers to sell off livestock early in the season. +RURAL-10584|The state's river levels are at their lowest since record-keeping began forty years ago. +RURAL-10590|It will help orchards to prepare for pest and disease outbreaks. +RURAL-10594|This year a series of thefts has cost Tasmanian beekeepers an estimated one hundred thousand dollars. +RURAL-10601|Les Zeller from the Queensland D P I says unmanned planes will make light work of everyday surveillance tasks. +RURAL-10608|Growers are now asking why the weather bureau did not give them any warning of the Sunday night frost. +RURAL-10629|There has been a call for more research into coral reefs off the Northern Territory coastline. +RURAL-10633|When sea temperature is raised above about thirty two degrees, it's almost lethal. +RURAL-10639|They discuss changes to the freight arrangements of two wheat contracts for the Iraqi Grains Board. +RURAL-10682|As concerns mount about feed grain supplies across Australia, sorghum prices have jumped nearly twenty percent in a fortnight. +RURAL-10711|Producers can have a say on the level of wool tax they pay, from zero to three percent. +RURAL-10712|But Wellington producer Peter Barton says they must also be able to influence how the tax take is used. +RURAL-10715|Queensland and the Northern Territory have not followed the other states in banning G M crops. +RURAL-10732|There is debate in the Northern Territory about whether to introduce speed limits along the Stuart Highway. +RURAL-10737|There is another gloomy forecast today that suggests the drought is set to worsen. +RURAL-10772|N T fishermen reach buyout deal +RURAL-10773|Up to six northern prawn trawling licences may have been bought back by the Federal Government. +RURAL-10774|Darwin fishermen Tony Thiel says he is relieved to have reached a deal in the first round of the national industry buyout. +RURAL-10781|Meanwhile, Australia's patagonian tooth fishermen have rejected calls to close down the fishery. +RURAL-10782|This week, two illegal fishermen were fined more than one hundred thousand dollars for poaching. +RURAL-10793|A W I chairman Ian Mclachlan wants to ensure the marketing program is effective before committing more funds. +RURAL-10796|A merger or takeover has not been ruled out for one of Australia's main milk companies. +RURAL-10840|Lake Cowal is the largest inland lake in the state, but is dry most of the time. +RURAL-10843|Canadian owner Barrick says two thousand and ten permanent staff are now employed. +RURAL-10850|But John Tesoriero, from the Murray Valley Citrus Board, says calls for help from growers in his region have gone unheeded. +RURAL-10860|Mr Vaile is swapping portfolios with Transport Minister Warren Truss today. +RURAL-10874|Sports lovers facing big weekend +RURAL-10895|Jo Haw from the local government-based Murray Darling Association says farmers are selling water rights in desperation. +RURAL-10904|The dry conditions are forcing many sheep farmers to begin their shearing earlier than normal. +RURAL-10912|Farmers urged to talk about problems +RURAL-10929|Publisher seeks more flexibility in media ownership law changes +RURAL-10930|Australia's largest publisher of rural newspapers is calling for more flexibility in cross media ownership rules. +RURAL-10932|But John Fairfax, chairman of Rural Press Limited, wants to see fundamental change. +RURAL-10933|Honeymoon uranium mine gets environmental green light +RURAL-10934|Final environmental approval has been granted for South Australia's controversial fourth uranium mine. +RURAL-10941|Chicken meat import law review prompts health concerns +RURAL-10948|Too much rain has delayed the sugar harvest in northern New South Wales. +RURAL-10962|Pest animals are having a field day on some farms in the Northern Territory. +RURAL-10984|Queensland shearing contractor Ian Bateman says he is happy about competition coming from China. +RURAL-11003|Rot destroys pink lady exports +RURAL-11016|Reef review recommendations disappoint fishermen +RURAL-11035|Shearer sets unofficial world record +RURAL-11036|A South Australian shearer has set an unofficial world record by shearing one thousand and fifty four merino lambs in forty hours. +RURAL-11048|Australia's peak livestock industry bodies have welcomed an agreement to resume live cattle exports to Egypt. +RURAL-11058|In north-west New South Wales, producer Graham Wilson says his greatest worry is finding enough water for his cattle. +RURAL-11094|Global demand boosts exports of dairy goats +RURAL-11097|Now demand is emerging from Asia, Yemen and Papua New Guinea. +RURAL-11119|Doctor Pearman says if politicians do not set aside their electoral aspirations, Australia faces an immediate crisis. +RURAL-11128|The search for copper, cobalt, nickel and uranium near the Northern Territory town of Batchelor is worrying some local farmers. +RURAL-11183|Commercial fishermen finding it difficult to sell boats +RURAL-11202|We have got to realize that wheat, of course, is spread across Australia. +RURAL-11208|We seemed to have copped a little bit more rainfall here, especially towards the coast. +RURAL-11216|That money could go elsewhere. +RURAL-11225|More than sixty five thousand bales will be offered next week, including five thousand bales from New Zealand. +RURAL-11238|Farmers who have taken part in other training schemes can also gain accreditation. +RURAL-11261|Council chairman Murray Jones is urging farmers to seek help if they are not coping. +RURAL-11284|Perseverance makes forty six dollars mill offer to Leviathan +RURAL-11293|Pulp mill development headed for courts +RURAL-11314|The price of a tray of mangoes has halved in the past fortnight, as the Northern Territory harvest gets into full swing. +RURAL-11317|But so far, three thousand trays of mangoes have been plucked from their orchard. +RURAL-11318|That is compared to two hundred twenty thousand trays across all of Darwin. +RURAL-11367|Rural doctors push for fly-in, fly-out mental health workers +RURAL-11371|Urgent talks needed to reassure North Asian trade partners. +RURAL-11383|He is concerned other councils will now try to limit plantation development. +RURAL-11392|It says the current system was set up to deal with one or two-year droughts rather than the series of dry years farmers have faced. +RURAL-11403|Wheat shortage prompts price spike +RURAL-11412|I know we have got people around here turning their stock in on their crops for the first time in forty odd years. +RURAL-11414|Dairy farmers' incomes increase +RURAL-11427|One thousand people flew in from across Australia and as far as Africa to attend the event. +RURAL-11428|Eleven awards were handed out to farmers, schools, and shire councils for excellence in land conservation. +RURAL-11438|So the difference between what we've had here is a drop of fourteen per cent and the Singapore unleaded is fifteen per cent. +RURAL-11450|Mangoes to be sold in cardboard trays +RURAL-11452|Retailers have demanded the mango packing sheds change over to smaller, black cardboard trays. +RURAL-11461|A gold mine in far north-western New South Wales that closed more than one hundred years ago may reopen. +RURAL-11473|It's a very positive response. +RURAL-11480|Fifty firefighters are working on the blaze and bulldozers are cutting containment lines to stop its spread. +RURAL-11489|Mr Vaile has written to the major banks urging them not to foreclose on farm loans. +RURAL-11505|The announcement has drawn lots of attention as feed prices spiral across the country. +RURAL-11507|The nation's largest pastoral house has proved you can graze cattle productively in the outback without fences. +RURAL-11512|The cattle are burning a lot less energy to access good bulk feed. +RURAL-11540|Assistance for farmers includes mental health services and counseling, business support and farming advice. +RURAL-11550|Water trading plans will damage country towns. +RURAL-11557|Climate change and drought are boosting Northern Territory land values. +RURAL-11561|But most of them have property somewhere else in Queensland. +RURAL-11588|The long awaited plan of attack comes months after the fungal disease was first discovered near Childers in the state's south-east. +RURAL-11594|Bird flu simulation to test Australia's response +RURAL-11603|They now see Australia as one big place. +RURAL-11619|A similar cutback was made recently in South Australia. +RURAL-11635|Estimates are down from last year's one hundred eighty thousand tonnes to just forty thousand tonnes. +RURAL-11640|Mark Elkins of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia and colleagues authored one of the new published studies. +RURAL-11644|Exercise tests pandemic influenza response +RURAL-11645|Brisbane is hosting a national exercise responding to a suspected case of pandemic influenza. +RURAL-11730|Cane toads may head south with flooding rains +RURAL-11746|Frost hits cherry growers hardest +RURAL-11770|King Island Cloud Juice, as it is retailed, is currently being sought after to make the rice wine sake. +RURAL-11781-01|Because it wanted lunch. +RURAL-11782|He says wasps are crucial to ecological balance and may be important biological control agents in the future. +RURAL-11794|Old wives' tale confirmed, milk helps people sleep +RURAL-11801|Researchers believe extended lactation can make cow healthier and give farmers better cash flow. +RURAL-11804|Northern Australian irrigators and researchers have not given up on genetically modified cotton. +RURAL-11838|The announcement on Sunday shocked many farmers because it came without warning. +RURAL-11852|In northern Tasmania, as the time we speak now we've caught three hundred eight vessels this calendar year. +RURAL-11857|Greens Senator Rachel Siewert is hopeful there will be enough support for an inquiry. +RURAL-11868|Compo for Murray Valley irrigators ruled out +RURAL-11886|Ecuador hopeful banana import ban will be lifted +RURAL-11949|Southern Queensland livestock agent Noel Grant says he is not surprised as beef producers run out of feed and water. +RURAL-11951|The confidence has gone out of the store market generally. +RURAL-11964|One farmer, I think, is probably going to give up on a four hundred or five hundred acre paddock of barley. +RURAL-11968-00|He's also learning to stand up on his Malibu surfboard. +RURAL-11968-01|Obviously he'll be applying the most complex laws of physics to the task. +RURAL-11987|Grape growers welcome trade act changes +RURAL-11997|People living across tropical northern Australia are also being urged to conserve water. +RURAL-12018|Mr Foran says fuel processing plants should be built in regional areas. +RURAL-12027|The fire jumped containment lines over the weekend, but was quickly brought back within the lines, by ground crews. +RURAL-12083|General manager George Warne says directors' fees will also be reduced by twenty percent. +RURAL-12084|New drought relief package not enough +RURAL-12087|Farmers still pay water authorities even when they do not receive water, due to the cost of maintaining irrigation channels. +RURAL-12097|The wool industry's grower-funded marketing arm has posted a three hundred sixteen thousand dollars annual loss. +RURAL-12102|We're finding that the whole wool chain, from farm right through to retail, is extremely difficult. +RURAL-12127|Chairman Hagen Stehr says he could not put a price on the brood stock. +RURAL-12151|So while there is water there I guess stock and domestic will be maintained. +RURAL-12169|Grain price rise hits chicken producers +RURAL-12178|Their facility would make a range of fuels, foods, chemicals, animal feeds, materials, heat and power. +RURAL-12189|Dairy farmers co-op announces profit increase +RURAL-12195|Pastoralists, like Diana Elliot of Kingfisher Station, want the moratorium over land clearing lifted quickly. +RURAL-12219|Prime Minister to hear farmers' drought concerns. +RURAL-12229|The challenge in South Australia, of course, is a whole lot of us aren't E C declared. +RURAL-12231|There is an improved prospect of rain for some parts of Australia over summer. +RURAL-12235|But meteorologist Grant Beard says it is not all bad news, as some areas could get above average rainfall. +RURAL-12238-00|But there is a third possibility, says Cowie. +RURAL-12253|And on the basis of the C P I, the Reserve Bank is expected to increase interest rates next month. +RURAL-12262|New South Wales cherry growers to push for southern market. +RURAL-12279|Northern pastoralists not convinced about daylight saving. +RURAL-12329|G M cotton gets green light in northern Australia. +RURAL-12379|But Australian Pork Limited says the campaign is misleading. +RURAL-12386|Chairman of Inland New South Wales Wool Brokers Rowan Woods says buyers are becoming worried about future supply. +RURAL-12397|Beef producers urged not to vote in M L A elections. +RURAL-12405|Livestock transporters fear for future. +RURAL-12412|As part of the package, rates will not have to be paid and rural lease payments will be deferred. +RURAL-12425|Cairns economist Bill Cummings says the recovery work has also boosted the economy. +RURAL-12430|Associate Professor Doctor David Lamb says the system first appeared in France, but has never been tried in Australia. +RURAL-12449-00|A book at bedtime doesn't guarantee children become better readers in the long run, researchers say. +RURAL-12463|But consumers will not be the only ones bearing the increased costs. +RURAL-12495|Senate committee hears grain growers' concerns. +RURAL-12510|Spokesman David Harris says he has never seen so many creeks and rivers drying up so early. +RURAL-12541|Ian Hastings from the V F F is worried that growers do not realize their shares are worth almost twice that amount. +RURAL-12553|Drought impacts on northern cattle prices. +RURAL-12554|Cattle prices in tropical northern Australia are feeling the impact of the dry conditions elsewhere. +RURAL-12569|But he is concerned that when the industry recovers, mills will not be able to sell their wood chip residues. +RURAL-12577|Trucks with twin-steer axles would be able to carry a maximum gross weight of forty seven point five tonnes. +RURAL-12587|We've got people that have been lined up for years ready to go onto these sites. +RURAL-12588|Farm hoping for canker-free future. +RURAL-12592|Manager Craig Pressler is hoping for a canker-free future. +RURAL-12600|More than forty eight thousand cane toads have been caught in the Timber Creek region of the Northern Territory. +RURAL-12601|A month-long campaign has been running in an attempt to stop the poisonous pest crossing the Western Australian border. +RURAL-12606|Over the past three weeks the benchmark eastern market indicator has risen to a two-year-high. +RURAL-12619|Meanwhile one of Australia's biggest cattle producers has been fined for failing to electronically ear-tag his cattle. +RURAL-12645|So I drove to Broken Hill for their one hundredth anniversary, instead of flying I drove. +RURAL-12654|Mike Logan from the Bureau of Meteorology has the bad news. +RURAL-12676|There are processes that are used, those processes are very sacred, they're shared with people with respect. +RURAL-12697|Dark matter particles are zooming around the universe a million times faster than anyone predicted, U K astronomers say. +RURAL-12714|But farmers in the central west say any rain is welcome. +RURAL-12723|Speed limit caps punish remote families. +RURAL-12724|Remote residents in the Northern Territory are outraged at Government plans to cap open speed limits. +RURAL-12727|Jo Coulthard from Orange Creek Station, south of Alice Springs, says the changes punish remote families. +RURAL-12731|Instead of just being an overnight trip, now it will have to be a couple of nights. +RURAL-12732|Scientist pessimistic about alternative fuel in Australia. +RURAL-12738|It's just a question of available land, production land. +RURAL-12739|There's no doubt that ethanol is useful as a blend et cetera, but they'll be part of the portfolio. +RURAL-12758|New South Wales has had an early start to the anthrax season, with two properties already suffering stock losses. +RURAL-12767|Soybean producers buoyed by higher prices. +RURAL-12797-00|The humorous people were seen as more socially adept but less trustworthy, honest and intelligent. +RURAL-12812|The drought is expected to cut rice production in southern New South Wales by eighty per cent to two hundred thousand tonnes. +RURAL-12813|The crop is normally being sown by plane at this time of the year but aerial contractors are reporting a big downturn in business. +RURAL-12818|Many do not qualify for Federal Government support because of high off-farm incomes. +RURAL-12834|Chairman Barry Croke says governments should reduce water flows for the environment, instead of buying water off farmers. +RURAL-12847|In a new book, Professor Chris Johnson of James Cook University says it is important to conserve the pure-bred dingo. +RURAL-12852|Entrant Barry Smith says he had a novel way of making sure there was enough air in his cake mixture. +RURAL-12855|Both methods would bring them into contact with chicken blood, one of the ways bird flu is thought to be spread to humans. +RURAL-12868|It says cattle, goats and pigs are forced to stand in temperatures of more than forty degrees for up to three days without shade. +RURAL-12879|Iowa also rejects claims that filters will stop legitimate downloads. +RURAL-12920|Beekeepers on South Australia's Kangaroo Island are having one of the best honey seasons they have experienced in years. +RURAL-12926|Amateurs beat the professionals. +RURAL-12945|Rabbit numbers have increased dramatically in recent years, amid fears the disease is losing its effectiveness. +RURAL-12953|Drought prompts call for seed law changes. +RURAL-12966|It also plans to test the impact of higher doses of vaccine to clarify the dose that gives the best immune response. +RURAL-12980|We're having trouble in the E U, we're having trouble in Japan, I'm sure we're going to have trouble in Korea. +RURAL-12992|Tests are underway to confirm whether the disease sugar cane smut has escaped from a quarantine zone in Queensland. +RURAL-13010|Outback families in the Northern Territory are taking advantage of a new system of family day care. +RURAL-13011|The Federal Government lifted the cap on family day care positions earlier this year. +RURAL-13013|In the Douglas Daly, south-west of Darwin, mothers like Sarah say it is becoming easier to juggle the farm and small children. +RURAL-13033|We've come out and we've said that we can do this on a regular basis and we've said we'll be out there for five years. +RURAL-13059|Fruit growers halve watering times +RURAL-13100|Japan is worried about milk supply during drought. +RURAL-13110|Neil Stump from the Tasmanian Fishing Industry Council says the decision makes the future of the fishery uncertain. +RURAL-13113|Environment Minister Ian Campbell plans to have a quality standard for blended fuels within months. +RURAL-13134|Using massage and acupuncture techniques, they stimulated the muscles beneath the frogs' skins to produce secretions. +RURAL-13187|Sheep genome mapping nearly complete +RURAL-13202|I R changes to hit rural workers. +RURAL-13207|There's no point in someone in Canberra or Sydney trying to run our business in a different area. +RURAL-13223|Water cuts force farmers to make difficult choices. +RURAL-13237|The price of Japanese eel has soared over the past decade, prompting importers to turn to cheaper European eels to meet demand. +RURAL-13274|A W I meeting discusses challenges. +RURAL-13279|Dairy farmers to vote on R and D contribution +RURAL-13302|Nicotine, suspected to come from cigarette butts, are among many chemicals vacuumed up in dust from Sydney's roads. +RURAL-13304|But transport woes continue to plague growers, who are competing with other crops for trucks. +RURAL-13308|In their version, rather than buying Trafalgar Square, players chase Milly, Milly Station. +RURAL-13309|Roads make up about one-fifth of the urban land area, he says, and about half the impervious surfaces. +RURAL-13330-00|It had a flat paddle-like tail and webbed feet, resembling a beaver. +RURAL-13330-01|And it had fur and even the inner ear structure of a mammal, the scientists say. +RURAL-13336|Author predicts new direction for wheat exports. +RURAL-13338|An acidic burp can give you heartburn symptoms. +RURAL-13352|More than half are in coal and oil, with strong investment in iron, nickel, gold and alumina. +RURAL-13381|The length of a particular gene controls your risk of developing depression after divorce, unemployment, or illness. +RURAL-13411|The index rose six point four percent on the back of global price gains in wheat, barley, beef, canola, dairy, and wool. +RURAL-13429|Over the past twelve months internal cost cutting has shed one hundred jobs, shaving thirty million dollars off costs. +RURAL-13436|Farmers in southwest Victoria who have been parking dairy cows from drought areas say they may soon have to send them back. +RURAL-13447|Fishermen not hopeful of major change to illegal fishing surveillance +RURAL-13453|Fishermen have struggled with low prices since the SARS virus decimated Asian markets in two thousand and three. +RURAL-13466|Mister Tuckey wants the veto removed so Washington grain growers can sell their wheat to another exporter for a higher price. +RURAL-13471|He ordered all parties to appear before him on December fourteenth for what he described as a substantive case management debate. +RURAL-13510|Dairy industry task force to help farmers +RURAL-13513|The Dairy Farmers Milk Co-operative has announced it will spend nearly eight million dollars to help farmer members. +RURAL-13533|She says stronger limits are needed because of a lack of understanding in Adelaide about the seriousness of the water shortage. +RURAL-13536-00|These satellites estimate Earth's global gravity field. +RURAL-13557|Farmers on horseback and on tractors have been part of a procession through the central business district to Parliament House. +RURAL-13568|Crop specialist Paul Mcintosh says while they're still assessing the damage, it already appears significant. +RURAL-13576|The task is that much harder in a thick spacesuit, which leaves little room for a decent swing or flexing the joints. +RURAL-13587|Chile's Foreign Minister and Ambassador have made a flying visit to the region to talk about a joint effort to sell wine to Asia. +RURAL-13607|Choice spokeswoman Claire Hughes says consumers will not know they are eating G M canola oil. +RURAL-13639|Archaeological evidence indicates that some people returned and tried to set up settlements again. +RURAL-13649|Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the European mainland and erupts dramatically in cycles. +RURAL-13655|A major trucking company is planning to pay incentives to its drivers to encourage them to stay in the industry. +RURAL-13656|Road Trains of Australia says it is hard to find staff with many drivers being lured into the mining sector. +RURAL-13661|Improved wages have helped to secure pickers for the Northern Territory's mango season. +RURAL-13676|E C farmer assistance requires rethink, expert says. +RURAL-13700|There is a push from within the Government to take away the veto to allow other grain companies to export wheat. +RURAL-13714|The project is funded by the Desert Knowledge Co-operative Research Centre in Alice Springs. +RURAL-13732|A gamma-ray burst, or G R B, is one of the few things in the universe bright enough to be seen so long and far away. +RURAL-13733|Among them is Assistant Professor Daniel Reichart of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. +RURAL-13745|They're starting to talk about stewardship payments now which breaches that problem of being tied to election cycles. +RURAL-13747|The rapidly rising humidity and heat in the Northern Territory is proving good news for crocodile farms. +RURAL-13751|No losses of fingers but certainly there would be a few little nips. +RURAL-13758|Cities urged to consider buying water from irrigators +RURAL-13768|If you look at either of our valleys and the amount of water we have, we're really small fry compared to Queensland. +RURAL-13769|ABARE chief to take on climate change role +RURAL-13782|Tasmania is moving to manage water use by the timber plantation sector as part of a review of its Water Management Act. +RURAL-13811|Beazley commits to examining replanting scheme. +RURAL-13825-00|Normally if you bring live animal material into Australia, it has to go through quarantine. +RURAL-13861|Dairy Aust won't ask farmers to increase service levy. +RURAL-13862|Dairy Australia says it will not ask farmers to support an increased service levy next year. +RURAL-13895|The report's contents will also have a bearing on the future of the single desk. +RURAL-13942|Dairy Australia elects new president +RURAL-13948|Farmers will be asked to vote on three levy options early next year. +RURAL-13949|Because of the drought, Dairy Australia is asking them to maintain the current levy rate rather than increase it. +RURAL-13950|Mr Rowley represented dairy farmers at a state, national and international level for more than thirty years. +RURAL-13969|The National party's resurgence in country Victoria is continuing, with more votes counted in the state election. +RURAL-13993|The disease avocado scab has been found in New Zealand and is not known to be in Australia. +RURAL-14071|The residents of one of Australia's driest cities have been recognised for their efforts to conserve water. +RURAL-14073|The discovery also answers a puzzle as to why the frogs do not have external eardrums. +RURAL-14104|Chairman Brendan Stewart has also announced he will stand down, once the split is approved by shareholders. +RURAL-14114|They found those with the low-expressing version of M A O A were more impulsive. +RURAL-14123|The result is a whopping one hundred ninety three percent higher than last year's result. +RURAL-14139|And those sorts of traits are obviously those that are at the forefront of all our minds at present and believe will continue to be. +RURAL-14140|Tax cuts encouraged for bio-industries growth +RURAL-14160|Recreational fishing for murray cod in South Australia is under threat because of poor reproduction levels and the drought. +RURAL-14164|Ultra fine wool bail sells for seasonal record price +RURAL-14172|There is grave news from the Northern Territory about Christmas. +RURAL-14197|Labor leader Kim Beazley has called the ballot amid renewed speculation about his future. +RURAL-14208|What's the future for antibody treatments? +RURAL-14237|Prices eased slightly, the eastern market indicator falling just one cent to eight hundred twenty five cents a kilogram. +RURAL-14243|Sarah Tynan says scientists around the world are starting to do similar work. +RURAL-14249|The Japanese consul general has helped to mark the one hundredth anniversary of Australia's first rice crop. +RURAL-14271|Mr Rudd defeated Kim Beazley by ten votes to take out the ballot, forty nine to thirty nine. +RURAL-14272|Canadian canola a slap in the face for Aust farmers +RURAL-14312|Dairy Australia appoints drought coordinators to help farmers. +RURAL-14323|Mandarins from Queensland will be served during the two thousand and eight Beijing Olympics. +RURAL-14326|The finding suggests the world may have a precious breathing space to prepare for any flu pandemic. +RURAL-14330|To penetrate a cell, the spikes that stud an influenza virus have to be able to bind to the cellular surface. +RURAL-14332|But the new managers have struck a deal to sell premium woolen blankets to China. +RURAL-14340|So what would turn H five N one into a pandemic virus? +RURAL-14351|The report confirms the seriousness of the situation. +RURAL-14365|The disease has not been seen in the Richmond Valley since it was eradicated in the nineteen seventies. +RURAL-14412|A big push is under way to step up the live cattle trade between northern Australia and Asia. +RURAL-14429|An example might be the corona of the Sun seen during an eclipse, when it's hidden by the Moon. +RURAL-14456|Proske says the same punched cardboard cards used to code for textile patterns were later used to program the first computers. +RURAL-14472|If this research applies to humans, scientists might have another source of stem cells. +RURAL-14510|Scientists long have wondered whether life ever existed on Mars. +RURAL-14519|They also wondered whether the water could be used as a resource for future missions to explore Mars. +RURAL-14525|Washington fishers welcome new illegal fishing laws. +RURAL-14547|Chiquita has interests in the blueberry, banana, mushroom and citrus sectors. +RURAL-14560|Company defends G M canola imports +RURAL-14564|Cargill Australia importer Robert Green says crop levels in the eastern states have been dramatically reduced. +RURAL-14661|Farmers urged to consider growing truffles +RURAL-14664|Research presented last year found that the outermost of a ring has many empty spaces. +RURAL-14667|Much is at stake under the new research funding plan, both for the older established universities and the new ones. +RURAL-14689|Walsh thinks it will take at least another year to work out the details of the plan, including a cost-benefit analysis. +RURAL-14729|New South Wales farm wins imported mushrooms anti-dumping case +RURAL-14766|Senator Milne says the resources sector has made massive profits and agriculture has suffered as a consequence. +RURAL-14787|Captain Bill Forge says the volunteers are doing all they can. +RURAL-14802|This year's rice crop will be one of the smallest in more than fifty years due to cuts to water allocations in southern New South Wales. +RURAL-14814|The Federal Government has announced another thirty three million dollars to reform the sugar industry in Queensland. +RURAL-14824|They do a great job and they coexist with cattle, they've got all sorts of funny little things, the ruminant bug they pass on. +RURAL-14865|He will visit the fire ground before flying to Tasmania, where he is expected to make a funding announcement. +RURAL-14867|Firefighters are working to contain the fire ahead of forecast hotter and windier conditions tomorrow. +RURAL-14873|The development of the nation's first dairy-based managed investment scheme has stalled due to the drought. +RURAL-14880|The drought is hitting the dairy sector in general, with milk production dropping below the past two seasons. +RURAL-14902|Court asked to streamline A W I case +RURAL-14948|And the researchers call for greater surveillance of flu viruses already in people or in other mammals such as pigs or cats. +RURAL-14969|I would hardly consider it would have any adverse effect on the national pool. +RURAL-14991|The drug had previously been tested on rabbits and monkeys. +RURAL-15022|The first shipment of palm kernel extract from Malaysia is due in mid-january. +RURAL-15060|The newly discovered outer ring of Uranus is bright blue, for the same reason the Earth's sky is blue, astronomers say. +RURAL-15082|Both are wheelchair-bound, and Mr Bond says it is going to take a long time to rebuild. +RURAL-15107|Tasmanian farmers are exporting live dairy cows to Pakistan for the first time. +RURAL-15108|About one thousand cows are sent to China from Tasmania each year but that trade has slowed this season. +RURAL-15145|The results show the potential for video games to change the way we think, Brady says. +RURAL-15158|Authorities arrest ten Malaysian farm workers. +RURAL-15214|Their simple, passive, stiff-limbed computer model best matched and explained the principles underlying dog walking. +RURAL-15222|Ray Moir from Turf Producers Australia says South Australia has been hardest hit by the drought. +RURAL-15231-00|If your sex life isn't all smiles and fireworks, are you sick or just going through a rough patch? +RURAL-15231-01|And what's a normal sex life anyway? +RURAL-15241|The C F A has worked tirelessly. +RURAL-15243|Aviation fuel is being stolen from some remote Top End airports and there is concern the thefts could pose a major safety risk. +RURAL-15256|Alice Springs-based Chart Air has flown to up to sixty properties across the Northern Territory this week to deliver mail. +RURAL-15289|The extent of our ability to act here is debarment. +RURAL-15299|The fossils were unearthed in the Middle Awash area in the Afar desert of eastern Ethiopia. +RURAL-15329|The dairy industry is worried that a high level of wheat exports could affect local feed grain prices. +RURAL-15340|The seafood catch has probably been one of the lowest I've experienced and I've been here for forty years. +RURAL-15344|Beekeepers in eastern Australia are having mixed fortunes. +RURAL-15370|A W B payments to Saddam regime are not bribes. +RURAL-15402|Internal parasites are a constant headache for sheep farmers because they cause serious production losses. +RURAL-15421|Christmas has arrived early for at least one lucky farmer in central New South Wales. +RURAL-15456|We can have the bulk veto powers with someone else and have a permit system along side a single desk system. +RWH-019-01|As they reengineer their second adulthood by conquering its challenges, they redefine themselves and their generation. +RWH-019-03|Collectively, they will undo their reputation of entitlement as the spoiled and self-absorbed me-generation. +RWH-022-06|Look! +RWH-022-09|Can she bend the direction of the twenty-first? +RWH-030-02|You matured during the equal rights movement. +RWH-032-06|You make this transition from career and child-focused home to retirement because you're still C E O of your home; you're still in charge. +RWH-039-01|Social analysts say these challenges reflect boomer values and shaped our first-adulthood behaviors. +RWH-040-09|Just when you thought you were au courant with the concept of surge protectors, computers went wireless. +RWH-040-10|Huh? +RWH-043-00|After about a month or so of this hanging-ten stuff, your husband crashes. +RWH-043-01|That sparkling ocean has chops and surges and, beyond that, endless nothingness. +RWH-046-00|Time, habit, and post-World-War-Two mores conditioned your husband to identify with his job. +RWH-046-02|He's part of the boomer milieu in which men are defined by their jobs. +RWH-046-03|Sure, he is still husband, father, friend, and five-over-par golfer, but in his eyes, he has lost his defining persona. +RWH-048-01|Despite your career's end, you don't suffer from the loss of job-based identity because you always had your home as your domain. +RWH-048-02|You were always C E O of the household, the decision maker, the one in control. +RWH-052-06|Tempus fugit was the first Latin phrase we learned, and its admonition still rings in our ears. +RWH-055-00|Our awareness of time is reflected in our vernacular: real time, downtime, quality time. +RWH-055-04|To be down, gridlocked, or tarmacked was synonymous with failure. +RWH-066-00|Why did you assume this responsibility, in addition to child rearing and your career? +RWH-066-03|Now you reap the reward: no retirement adjustment for you. +RWH-067-00|In you, your husband has had the best of both worlds; he has had a co-wage earner and a home manager. +RWH-068-02|You can't carp or even cajole, and certainly not command. +RWH-070-02|But, you ask, how do you motivate someone especially your husband to take on routine household tasks? +RWH-070-03|Prepare an inspiring, go-for-the-gold motivational speech and use the managerial buzzwords he bought into a decade ago. +RWH-070-04|Tell him to think of his home as the organization he just retired from. +RWH-080-04|To wit, under food are the procurement and storage of groceries, and the meal planning and execution. +RWH-080-06|Under shelter fall the cleaning and organization of the home and its yard. +RWH-081-03|Or maybe he's regressing to his bachelor days when beer and peanut butter were the only staples a refrigerator needed. +RWH-105-01|Now that you're both retired, whose time? +RWH-111-04|You buy miracle-fabric clothing, no-iron sheets, and fine linens machine-stitched in China. +RWH-112-01|All those years you were being Superwoman meant taking care of the yard, too. +RWH-112-04|You stole this time without guilt because it was another way you could contribute to the family's well-being. +RWH-112-05|After all, are not the grounds the extension of the home? +RWH-112-06|And the home was your jurisdiction: its decor, its cleanliness, its order, its function. +RWH-113-04|So, there you were, Superwomen, on your weekends, while your husbands coached Little League or played golf. +RWH-117-02|Teach him the facts of yardwork life. +RWH-125-00|Wow! +RWH-126|Test Trial: Who Gives a Dust Bunny Anyway? +RWH-127-00|O K, what's left of transferring your husband's control over his office to his purview at home? +RWH-129-01|So what does the verb to clean mean to the empty-nested, retired, twenty-first-century household? +RWH-129-04|If you rely on your senses, it's when it looks dirty, feels dirty, or smells polluted. +RWH-131-00|Certainly not Superwoman. +RWH-131-01|You've had too many other demands on your time to develop a compulsion for excessive cleanliness. +RWH-131-06|Given the American phobia of germs, bathrooms need to be sanitized once a week and the kitchen scoured after meals. +RWH-131-07|Twice annually, upholstery should be vacuumed, windows cleaned, and silver and brass polished. +RWH-134-03|You can't endure one of those get-real glares again. +RWH-134-04|Give the suits to charity. +RWH-139-04|They did not grow up in a home in which mother did everything for them. +RWH-141-06|And in the process, you will be changing your me-generation into your re-generation! +RWH-142-04|He said that we are here for other people. +RWH-146-03|You're Superwoman. +RWH-148-09|Obviously, you think, if your marriage could survive these demands, surely it will thrive in a job-free, empty-nested state. +RWH-152-04|We have fragmented and overloaded our attention spans. +RWH-152-05|In the process, we have lost the ability to listen. +RWH-157-05|The idea is to get the essence fast, just as we use the Internet. +RWH-157-07|We know we are proficient twenty-first-century beings because we can listen, look at video, and read at the same time. +RWH-158-05|Something else has caught my attention. +RWH-159-10|Yeah, right. +RWH-165-05|Her appreciation for your checking on her overrode her desire to converse about anything meaningful. +RWH-173-02|She associates you with her dirty laundry or with her horses tushes or with now-forbidden chips and dip or with illuminating her life. +RWH-174-02|I can't hear you. +RWH-186-01|That's what your husband says about your telephone conversations with your girlfriends. +RWH-186-08|Their talk is objective about things, events, and processes. +RWH-186-13|Here's the part you hear. +RWH-193-04|Is it deliberate? +RWH-194-01|Leslie Brody and Judith Hall say the pattern is set early because girls develop language facility earlier than boys. +RWH-195-01|But we bought into this magical, romantic, happily-ever-after story nevertheless. +RWH-195-02|Wouldn't it be loverly if we could magically transform our husbands into the sensitive, responsive men we desire? +RWH-196-00|Retired Superwomen are also up against an iconic machismo created by the social conditioning of their boomer husbands. +RWH-200|Instead of stoically facing it all, standing tall, eating up and spitting out self-doubt, women talk it over with their girlfriends. +RWH-201-02|He will become the model for those who follow and will pass along what he learns. +RWH-204-00|Positive communication falls into four categories: acknowledgment, affirmation, appreciation, and affection. +RWH-207-03|Rent the movie About Schmidt. +RWH-207-04|Schmidt's epiphany tells us it's never too late to start becoming a sensitive communicator. +RWH-207-05|And if you do wait until it's too late, the results can be tragic. +RWH-208-00|Now that your husband agrees there may be a need to change, how do you go about teaching him empathetic communication skills? +RWH-217-03|You can avert this resistance by preparing your husband for involvement in the change process. +RWH-218-00|Second, you absolutely must make this a team-of-two challenge. +RWH-219-02|The change is the process, not the product. +RWH-224-01|In the first scenario, the wife seeks acknowledgment of feelings but gets a curt, dismissive response. +RWH-224-02|In the second, she seeks affirmation of a request, but gets no response. +RWH-224-03|In the third, she seeks appreciation but gets an autobiographical response. +RWH-231-01|I loved my father. +RWH-234-04|You check the message machine and, sure enough, Jeff called an hour ago. +RWH-243-03|Could this be another reason men hate the telephone? +RWH-246-04|I need to have you understand me, how I feel, what causes me pain. +RWH-246-05|I ask you to listen to what I say with your heart, and not as a cue for telling me your parallel experiences. +RWH-247-01|He is willing to change his response. +RWH-247-04|That's where you, as change agent, and the experts come in. +RWH-247-08|They're generic. +RWH-251-00|By rephrasing content, your husband is putting into his own words what you said. +RWH-255-03|Is it my fault or hers? +RWH-256-03|I don't think she means to be cruel about your garden. +RWH-256-05|Maybe your garden reminds her of what old age has made her give up. +RWH-257-02|Or better yet, why don't you let me teach her? +RWH-257-05|Sounds like she could use some diversity training, too. +RWH-257-06|Think your mother would listen to me? +RWH-259-02|Richard Burton plays George; Elizabeth Taylor is Martha. +RWH-261-03|Be respectful. +RWH-261-08|Sometimes all it takes is a warm touch, a smile, and at least once daily an I love you. +RWH-262-02|Your husband knows that you're his partner interested in his and, therefore, your collective welfare. +RWH-262-04|Remember Valley of the Dolls? +RWH-262-06|Perhaps Stanley in a Streetcar Named Desire and Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf needed antidepressants. +RWH-265-00|Below is the song my mother sang to me as early as I can remember. +RWH-266|You're the salt in my stew. +RWH-273-00|Unless some catastrophic health event suddenly strikes, your parents will decline gradually. +RWH-278-03|In a marriage the husband and wife share the parents, sort of like mi casa es su casa. +RWH-279-00|One of the effects of the global competition you experienced midway through your career was the new approach to customer service. +RWH-279-01|You were retrained to deal with people outside and inside the organization without condescension or humiliation. +RWH-279-05|As Superwoman you will reengineer your husband's relationship with both sets of parents by applying customer-service skills. +RWH-285-06|If they've been in denial about their age, your milestone should be their wake-up call or eye-opener if they're hard of hearing. +RWH-288-01|It is foreshadowed in cues that reflect your parents growing detachment from the everyday events in your life. +RWH-288-04|Finally, you realize that those strong authority figures in your life are losing their strength or authority. +RWH-296-03|At his age, he is entitled to the dietary idiosyncrasies that evidently have sustained his good health. +RWH-296-04|Go figure, NIH! +RWH-298-04|We played musical chairs and popped balloons. +RWH-303-04|You admire her, you venerate her, you stand in awe of her. +RWH-308-01|Here's his number. +RWH-308-02|Would you like to call him to put one in your shower, or should I call him for you? +RWH-308-04|A stitch in time saves nine one one calls, and an ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of security. +RWH-320-00|At least, you can share your anxiety about retirement financial security with your parents. +RWH-321-00|Again, as boomers, you may ask how large this reservoir should be for your own future. +RWH-322-03|Actuaries still give us boomers time to incubate our nest eggs or start laying new ones. +RWH-322-05|It may be time for them to scramble, poach, or fry. +RWH-324-05|We feel like fish out of water here now. +RWH-325-05|And the pace picks up after that because of all those babies born in the nineteen fifty's and early nineteen sixty's. +RWH-327-02|In the meantime, I've done a little searching. +RWH-327-05|I printed out this list of the needs that Helpguide dot org says seniors should consider. +RWH-334-01|I'll look in my desk and filing cabinet. +RWH-343-02|For Generation X, happiness begins with a C: computer, cell, car, credit card. +RWH-343-06|Its meaning is probably derived from a contextual clue, inflection, or some sort of nonverbal messaging. +RWH-345-04|Of particular note is the tight white T-shirt, showing never mind what it showed of the boomer. +RWH-345-06|We even drink their libation of choice, super mocha cafe latte. +RWH-346-02|They ask. +RWH-347-04|How could it be otherwise, when ubermom was mother-of-pearl? +RWH-351-01|We were the Robespierres and Thomas Paines of the information technology revolution. +RWH-351-06|Everyone else on the planet including our children conversed about their optical mice, their desktops, their laptops. +RWH-352-03|Compounding their fear is their lack of typing skills. +RWH-352-07|So you're taking Viagra now, are you? +RWH-354-01|If they can't venture physically, they can venture virtually. +RWH-354-02|For a googol of reasons, computer use helps people stay independent. +RWH-355-02|If you talk computerese, he'll understand you and think you're cool. +RWH-355-03|Why not enlist his expertise to get Grandma and Grandpa cyberconnected? +RWH-355-04|You know your mother won't learn from you or your husband, but she'd love the attention from her grandson. +RWH-356-09|Isn't it ironic that what you want for your parents, their long-term independence, is what you want for your children too? +RWH-358-00|Before the reengineered workplace taught him otherwise, the boomer man thought leadership meant issuing orders. +RWH-362|Have you never been happy just to hear your song? +RWH-367|The boom-generation ethos goes something like this. +RWH-368-00|I believe in hard work because it rewards me with money. +RWH-370|Others accept me based on the same criteria I apply to myself, and my friends share my values. +RWH-371|Therefore, my friends like me for my stuff. +RWH-374-04|This risk taking is what put our country at the top of the heap in less than two hundred years of existence. +RWH-381-00|First-wave boomer men grew up with John Wayne's and Ernest Hemingway's protagonists as role models for manhood. +RWH-381-05|Otherwise, women were just cardboard backdrops to the drama of men going after what they wanted. +RWH-381-07|The refrain describes that era's idea of how women held onto a man. +RWH-384-00|The woman's movement and flower-child culture of the nineteen sixty's threw out this machismo, at least in theory. +RWH-385-03|You'll just have to deal with it, Superwomen, your husbands will never let go of their inner cowboy. +RWH-385-07|Only Hollywood's Jane and the jungle were conquered by Tarzan, a fiction of men. +RWH-386-03|Where are all my friends? +RWH-398-02|Aristotle explains the distinctions among three kinds of friendship: utility, pleasure, and virtue. +RWH-400-00|The third form of friendship, Aristotle says, is what we should all strive for. +RWH-405-02|The genuine, the sincere, always trumps show. +RWH-406-02|It is the kind of friendship we all should strive for. +RWH-407-04|Superwoman has also taught him how to enrich existing friendships and cultivate new ones. +RWH-408-03|After eight years, he was followed by President George W Bush. +RWH-409-01|Several years earlier, his cholesterol and weight had testified to his eating habits. +RWH-410-03|Now he bicycles with the best of them indeed, with the very best of them, Lance Armstrong. +RWH-418|So if we're so smart and so in control, why are most of us overweight and out of shape? +RWH-419-02|Healthy, sustainable weight loss stems from eating a balanced diet and burning up more calories than we consume. +RWH-419-06|Or is it some penchant for hocus-pocus in the mitochondria we inherited from Eve? +RWH-432-00|Adelle Davis was a pathfinder and became a nutritional guru when she published Optimum Health in nineteen thirty five. +RWH-432-09|Yet ninety five percent of people who pursue speed-diet remedies gain back all their weight within the time it took to lose it. +RWH-433-04|Another truth is that pork rinds in mass quantities aren't good for you. +RWH-435-01|That's when exercise was fun because your little angels wanted you to race, skate, swim, hit, toss, or pitch with them. +RWH-435-06|You provide transportation to playing fields, gyms, and studios, where you sit, watch, and cheer. +RWH-436-02|Besides, after dinner and homework, you didn't have three hours before bedtime! +RWH-438-07|Work is something we schedule, make appointments for. +RWH-439-00|But the human condition is getting worse and worse because people don't exercise enough. +RWH-439-05|Work? +RWH-439-06|We're retired now. +RWH-439-08|Aha, we're retired! +RWH-440-06|Again, Superwoman presents a strategy from the reengineered workplace you just retired from. +RWH-442-01|The year two thousand and six is the sixth consecutive year of double-digit increases in total corporate healthcare costs. +RWH-442-02|Who pays? +RWH-445-00|Retirement is the ideal time to change lifestyle habits because it's the beginning of a new life, our second adulthood. +RWH-445-01|Habit changing is best accomplished when associative trigger stimuli are changed or eliminated. +RWH-445-02|Our new daily environment and our choice of routine are ripe for change in every way. +RWH-449-04|Thanks to Tony White's Celera project, the human genome was mapped in the year two thousand. +RWH-449-12|Someday this guessing will sound so archaic, and that time is not far off. +RWH-449-14|Yours is more than one giant step for mankind. +RWH-451-05|Just? +RWH-452-01|If we are highly muscular, like Arnold Schwarzenegger or the Million Dollar Baby, the index will be skewed to the obese range. +RWH-463-02|Just when we thought our brains assured our place at the top of the food chain, survival through physical fitness comes full circle. +RWH-463-03|In our hunter-gatherer days, the strongest and the fittest got the meat and the berries. +RWH-463-06|Sixty percent of us compromise our survival by a lack of fitness, a lifestyle choice we make. +RWH-464-03|Doctors estimate that by twenty twenty, fourteen million Americans could have Alzheimer's. +RWH-464-04|An idle mind is the devil's workshop, and to a boomer, the devil's name is Alzheimer. +RWH-464-08|So we need to feed it good stuff and keep its neurons firing by exercising it and the body that recharges it. +RWH-466-02|Physical activity can also help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lower risk for chronic disease. +RWH-470|In case you need it, here's the rundown on exercise from Dietary Guidelines two thousand and five. +RWH-473-01|And, thank goodness, walking is now chic! +RWH-475-01|We sported our trophy T-shirts that we just happened to be wearing almost all the time everywhere. +RWH-478-03|Are we going to continue believing the hype of the newest and latest body-rejuvenating miracle? +RWH-479-00|Essential to our reengineered lives, nutrition and exercise are a way of sustaining our energy for second adulthood. +RWH-479-02|We all know, for example, that clogged arteries create sticky wickets for blood flow to the heart, lungs, and brain. +RWH-485-02|What healthy nutrition and rigorous exercise can't achieve, cosmetic procedures and cosmetic surgery can. +RWH-492-02|And these aesthetic improvements are not just for Hollywood and urban women anymore. +RWH-494-02|Their research reveals that the most common procedures are eyelid surgery, Botox injections, and liposuction. +RWH-496-04|Have you morphed into a re-generational form? +RWH-497-03|The eulogy read at your funeral is your resume: degrees, jobs, positions, memberships. +RWH-497-05|I had more plans. +RWH-501-00|So here's how this works. +RWH-508-00|Superwoman, therefore, consults Viktor Frankl and his look-outside-ourselves philosophy for finding life's meaning. +RWH-521|But what if I just don't want to put up with all the hassle of bags, tickets, planes, time-zone changes? +RWH-523|So you're saying I can take a local journey and still achieve the objective of getting out of my comfort zone? +RWH-526-00|CHALLENGE: I Was a Recognized Expert in My Field. +RWH-530-00|Well, actually, I enjoyed the synergy of the classroom, but that was so long ago. +RWH-534|Well, I can't think of anything new I want to learn. +RWH-536-01|There's so much out there just waiting for you to learn! +RWH-538-02|The only failure you have to fear is stagnation, which denies you a second adulthood. +RWH-541-00|Well, then, just what should be second-adulthood values in these fearful times? +RWH-548-05|Now a host of former C E O's and C F O's are facing up to their no-fault posture in prison. +RWH-562-00|Is Superwoman going to let her hubby lie back and watch his mojo expire? +RWH-562-03|Superwoman won't let her husband roll over and play finished when they're just temporarily out of sync. +RWH-563-01|As the first generation of twenty-first-century retirees, the arena is now ours. +RWH-579-09|The idea now is that everybody is gifted; it's just a matter of finding your particular gifts. +RWH-582-02|It's the kind of thinking that brought us Shakespeare's King Lear, Homer's Odyssey, and the tales of the Arabian nights. +RWH-582-03|People who are particularly smart in this area can argue, persuade, entertain, or instruct effectively through the spoken word. +RWH-582-04|They often love to play around with the sounds of language through puns, word games, and tongue twisters. +RWH-582-07|They read voraciously, can write clearly, and can gain meaning in other ways from the medium of print. +RWH-583-00|The second kind of smart, logical-mathematical, is the intelligence of numbers and logic. +RWH-584-03|So too did individuals like Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, and Ansel Adams. +RWH-586-00|The fifth intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic, is the intelligence of the physical self. +RWH-586-02|Athletes, craftspeople, mechanics, and surgeons possess a great measure of this kind of thinking. +RWH-586-04|Body-smart individuals can be skilled at sewing, carpentry, or model-building. +RWH-587-00|The sixth intelligence is interpersonal. +RWH-587-07|As such they make wonderful networkers, negotiators, and teachers. +RWH-597-11|Our second adulthood gives us the circumstance to examine potentials that we eclipsed in our first adulthood. +RWH-598-02|Makes sense! +RWH-605-02|Ted Turner also founded the Turner Foundation, which supports water, air, wildlife, ecology, and recycling initiatives. +RWH-605-03|The Ted Turner Endangered Species Fund works to conserve biodiversity. +RWH-606-01|She is messianic in sharing her linguistic, spatial, and personal intelligence gifts. +RWH-606-06|Her Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls opens in South Africa in two thousand and seven. +RWH-618-01|If you have strong interpersonal skills, you could organize a meet-your-neighbors barbecue for your community. +RWH-618-03|Those of you blessed with musical gifts could contribute invaluably to your church, synagogue, or mosque. +RWH-619-01|If you are verbally skilled, you could write poems for your baby grandson. +RWH-621-04|Whitman's fifth edition, published when he was fifty-three, reflects the poet's emotional development with age. +RWH-628-04|As noted earlier, are we talking about our feel, look, do, or interest age? +RWH-628-12|A major reason these predictions are so gloomy is that Superwoman is not accounted for. +RWH-635|By twenty thirty there will be three working-age adults for every person over sixty-five. +RWH-636-00|This situation, called a problem by the Cassandras, will lead to economic and political upheaval. +RWH-636-02|Our country will suffer a substantial slowdown in economic growth. +RWH-639-02|I feel flushed out of the system. +RWH-639-06|I do want to set my alarm clock for something besides tee times. +RWH-639-10|I don't even enjoy golf anymore because I don't have my job to talk about with my golf buddy. +RWH-639-13|Oh, how I wish tempus would fugit again! +RWH-641-00|Or maybe he realizes his nest egg needs more nesting. +RWH-642-06|That Puritan work ethic is still around, even though the Puritan part isn't. +RWH-642-09|We are the developed world's leader in nonstop working. +RWH-643-04|A thirty-five-hour workweek is standard in France. +RWH-663-02|Listings include occasional, part-time, temporary, and full-time employment opportunities. +RWH-665-03|Ten billion pages of online text are now searchable via Internet search engines. +RWH-665-05|It's as if the Starship Enterprise had transported us at warp speed out of the industrial era into the information age. +RWH-666-01|Futurists make predictions based on current trends. +RWH-666-02|But these predictions don't always follow the formula, or the graph. +RWH-670-00|With this spouse, Superwoman has now entered a new stage of life and she is rising to the new challenge. +RWH-671-01|She remembers how retirement from first-adulthood jobs marked the transition into second-adulthood life. +RWH-673-00|In the meantime, this leading-edge boomer couple are relishing their second adulthood. +RWH-673-03|As ambassadors for world understanding, they're working with their global neighbors. +RWH-673-04|They're adding zest to their lives by learning new things, and they're experiencing the joy that comes from expressing their creativity. +RWH-674-00|Change, once accomplished and implemented, is no longer change. +RWH-674-03|Routine is comfortable, the easiest road in our life's journey. +RWH-680-02|For us not to feel grateful is treacherous selfishness. +RWH-682-02|Should we write a book or teach part-time? +RWH-682-04|Should we plan adventure, ecology, or philanthropy, travel? +RWH-684-01|Now when they hear your plans, they venture, Wow! +RWH-686-01|Up in the sky! +SCIENCE-00122-00|Over the decades, NASA has launched probe after probe for close-up studies of Earth's sister planets. +SCIENCE-00126|Pluto is the largest and best-known object in the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system. +SCIENCE-00133|The rocket was rolled out from its hangar to its Cape Canaveral launch pad earlier this week. +SCIENCE-00159|Watching a comedy is as good for the heart as aerobic exercise, new research suggests. +SCIENCE-00191|Heavier rainfall as a result of climate change could loosen soils making landslides more common, U N experts say. +SCIENCE-00229-01|That date coincides with Zheng He's voyages, from fourteen o five to fourteen thirty two. +SCIENCE-00247|But Nationals members, including Senator Barnaby Joyce, say it must be maintained. +SCIENCE-00252|And the plan is for you to be able to reset the magnets completely so they forget all their grammar rules. +SCIENCE-00260|The team also hopes that the magnets will be able to substitute words in response to stimuli other than bad grammar. +SCIENCE-00354|Drought may affect dairy foods supply, exporter says. +SCIENCE-00365|The Senate committee's report supports the Federal Government's view that a new visa is not needed for seasonal farm workers. +SCIENCE-00392|Researchers have speculated whether the tropical glaciers came from snow or perhaps oozed up from underground. +SCIENCE-00397|They note that Mars often has changed its tilt so that the poles face the Sun and the equator gets only oblique sunlight. +SCIENCE-00411|The boy got himself a Phd and is working as a geneticist at Harvard University today. +SCIENCE-00479|The plague is thought to have changed the balance of power between Athens and Sparta, ending Athenian dominance. +SCIENCE-00497|According to his lawyer, he now admits he did not have the mortality statistics to back up that claim. +SCIENCE-00510|Several species of magic mushroom grow in Australia, mainly in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. +SCIENCE-00521|Anastos says she hopes her research will be picked up and developed for use by the police. +SCIENCE-00528-00|Vikings are continuing to surprise us. +SCIENCE-00531|She discovered that twenty two of the men bore deep, horizontal grooves across the upper front teeth. +SCIENCE-00534|The Vikings were the first Europeans to have displayed this custom, perhaps because they picked it up during their travels. +SCIENCE-00538|The marks were cut deep into the enamel and occurred often in pairs or triplets. +SCIENCE-00540|Now the Department of Sustainability will conduct further research to see if irrigators should be compensated. +SCIENCE-00551|Astronomers have discovered the most Earth-like planet so far, close to the center of our galaxy. +SCIENCE-00577|This makes her not only the world's smallest fish but also the world's smallest vertebrate. +SCIENCE-00587|But the Koreans have said they will have zero tolerance for bone chips. +SCIENCE-00603|Hobby farmers work on solving sheep shearing problem. +SCIENCE-00623|He hopes to work out how the atoms arrange themselves by taking snapshots of the alloy over time. +SCIENCE-00629|An ancient ancestor of today's crocodiles looks like a cross between an ostrich and a dinosaur. +SCIENCE-00654|Farrell and colleagues looked at six studies used to argue for and against the development of ethanol as an energy source. +SCIENCE-00705|The results showed that people who were thirsty felt more pain. +SCIENCE-00736-00|In fact, it was Charles Darwin who tested whether self-sealed land snails could survive on logs or other floating debris. +SCIENCE-00742-00|As for the Tristan da Cunha island snails, it could be birds or storms that brought them there, says Cowie. +SCIENCE-00758|Understanding immune systems will help to conserve vulnerable species, Belov says. +SCIENCE-00772|Geneticists say they know why people from some parts of the world have wet, gooey earwax and others have the dry, flaky stuff. +SCIENCE-00808-01|It'll transmit messages back to Earth until its batteries die out, then become space junk. +SCIENCE-00813|Then it becomes a free-flying satellite in orbit around the Earth until its batteries die and it becomes orbiting space junk. +SCIENCE-00814|Because its orbit is relatively low, it will be pulled back into Earth's atmosphere within a few weeks or months and be incinerated. +SCIENCE-00836|ABARE also says beef earnings are expected to fall thirteen per cent. +SCIENCE-00853-00|But the practice of burying dogs appears to have begun between fourteen thousand and fifteen thousand years ago. +SCIENCE-00859-01|Often dog skeletons lay alongside human ones. +SCIENCE-00882|Deakin says more sophisticated computing technology and more records led him to revisit his earlier work. +SCIENCE-00938|The pigeons will take to the air at the Inter-society for Electronic Arts annual symposium in San Jose in August. +SCIENCE-00939|The data they send back will be displayed on the blog in the form of an interactive map. +SCIENCE-00964|The research was primarily funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. +SCIENCE-01013|But the research shows the significance of supporting pre-school age children who are having difficulties with letters and words. +SCIENCE-01043|Instead, the viruses probably hitch a ride through the human body via food, even when the food is cooked or dried. +SCIENCE-01122|Labor's agriculture spokesman Gavan O'connor says the Government should be ashamed. +SCIENCE-01157|Meat and Livestock Australia's Glen Feist says the problem now is that the beef only has an eight week shelf life. +SCIENCE-01167|The drug works by blocking the effects of the hormone progesterone, which a woman needs to start and maintain a pregnancy. +SCIENCE-01174|In a first for the Northern Territory, Aboriginal land has been subdivided for horticulture development. +SCIENCE-01236|Canadian G M canola may be in Aust by year's end. +SCIENCE-01271-00|The researchers camp out in the desolate region in the summers, working between sandstorms. +SCIENCE-01344-00|Dark matter is mysterious because it doesn't emit radiation, making it difficult to spot. +SCIENCE-01351-00|The results were surprising. +SCIENCE-01372|In humans, this is associated with bereavement, so it is likely that baboons also grieve their dead. +SCIENCE-01399|This enables them to work out aspects of the star's movement. +SCIENCE-01409|The state normally sees about four cases of stock losses from anthrax each year. +SCIENCE-01503|The hormonal changes that teenage girls go through when they start their periods may explain why they have trouble sleeping. +SCIENCE-01505|This suggests that hormonal changes play a role in developing the sleep disorder, the researchers say in the journal Pediatrics. +SCIENCE-01507|Opposition agriculture and fisheries spokesman Gavan O'connor says the Coalition is playing catch-up on policy. +SCIENCE-01510|But after they began their menstrual periods girls had more than twice the risk of insomnia as boys. +SCIENCE-01519|This, he says, signals that the problem is lasting for many teenagers. +SCIENCE-01547|And last year they took the providers of Kazaa software to the Federal Court of Australia. +SCIENCE-01550-00|On Monday twentieth February, the providers of Kazaa will appeal against this decision. +SCIENCE-01553-00|Record companies focus on the illegal uses of peer-to-peer file-sharing software. +SCIENCE-01605|Darwin growers like Cheryl are hoping to get the crop back on track for Christmas. +SCIENCE-01610|The only other place in the solar system besides Earth where lightning has been positively identified is on Jupiter. +SCIENCE-01614|What is generally thought of as radio interference is actually radio waves generated by lightning. +SCIENCE-01629|Their findings were confirmed by the Cassini images shot in darkness with illumination from the planet's rings. +SCIENCE-01648-01|Now scientists are preparing for a worst-case scenario: a human bird flu pandemic. +SCIENCE-01708|They include nearby stars of the right size, age and composition to have Earth-like planets circling them, scientists say. +SCIENCE-01740|Many are tested using the Wechsler scale, a common I Q test that includes questions about words and concepts learned in school. +SCIENCE-01748|Doctor Judith Grether, a California epidemiologist, says she questions the idea that there is a new autism epidemic. +SCIENCE-01753|They are examining hormones, heavy metals, immune system proteins and other factors. +SCIENCE-01805|Looking at urine can also help to rule out serious complications. +SCIENCE-01843|But he says evidence linking this to climate change is inconclusive or lacking. +SCIENCE-01880|At the time, the researchers talked about frog smells that reminded them of Bombay curry and cut grass. +SCIENCE-01924-01|The answer is as simple as watching a ball free-falling under gravity, say Australian physicists. +SCIENCE-01926|Mark Dowling and colleagues at the University of Queensland report their argument in today's issue of the journal Science. +SCIENCE-01927|Some problems, like finding the factors of very large numbers, are beyond the capability of normal computers, says Dowling. +SCIENCE-01935|Now the Queensland researchers have found a surprising way of identifying quantum computer algorithms. +SCIENCE-01940-00|Now imagine the hills are like steps in an algorithm. +SCIENCE-01966|About the closure of that, it's just not a good thing to happen, it's going to affect communities around this area. +SCIENCE-02027|This will give them a shortcut to breeding a new variety using conventional breeding methods. +SCIENCE-02055|A new kind of cosmic explosion has been spotted in Earth's celestial neighborhood, scientists report. +SCIENCE-02063-01|Most bursts last a few milliseconds to tens of seconds. +SCIENCE-02090|And, he says, authorities may have to pay more attention to run-off from roads. +SCIENCE-02105|They found remnants of fur, scales on the tail and, in between the back toes, webbing. +SCIENCE-02143|Marmoset fathers gain weight while their partners are pregnant to prepare for their role as a new dad. +SCIENCE-02199|The data can be plugged into computer models that will simulate volcano blasts and their potential fallout, he adds. +SCIENCE-02231|Chairman of Gulf, fishermen Gary Ward says greater surveillance would be welcome but he is not hopeful of major change. +SCIENCE-02267|The project is being funded by the Pentagon Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. +SCIENCE-02289|A moratorium on genetically-modified crops, G M in South Australia has been extended to two thousand and eight. +SCIENCE-02330|French judge praises Australian wine quality. +SCIENCE-02369-01|And until recently, he says, this problem has not been taken seriously. +SCIENCE-02370|For example, he says air-conditioning is not considered when the fuel economy of new cars is tested in Australia. +SCIENCE-02400|Frosts may halve crop production. +SCIENCE-02427|These could in theory be at risk from the ball as it slowly spirals towards Earth. +SCIENCE-02456-00|Every eleven years or so, the Sun goes through an active period, with lots of sunspots. +SCIENCE-02477|With each finger tap, the sensor would deliver a tapping sensation to the passive finger. +SCIENCE-02539|More Australian racehorses have vision-threatening eye disease than expected, a new study shows. +SCIENCE-02573|Beazley tours New South Wales drought affected areas. +SCIENCE-02575|Mister Beazley has used the trip to make his first announcement on drought policy. +SCIENCE-02600|Gamma-ray bursts like this are among the few things energetic enough to be seen from such a distance. +SCIENCE-02620-00|The first generation of stars in the universe was made of hydrogen and helium alone. +SCIENCE-02679|Kim Beazley has been in central western New South Wales to look at the impact of the drought. +SCIENCE-02690|But the international expert community is concerned there's no way of checking what Mexico is doing. +SCIENCE-02714-01|The clot can then migrate to the heart, lung or brain, sometimes days or weeks later, and inflict a heart attack or stroke. +SCIENCE-02732|The data also provides a useful pointer for medical help to those most at risk. +SCIENCE-02775|For games and other virtual reality devices, this means people can become even more immersed in their virtual world. +SCIENCE-02788|The research is funded by the Smart Internet Technology C R C. +SCIENCE-02793|They confirm, in the latest issue of the journal Science, that it belonged to the same mammalian family. +SCIENCE-02828|Advice to forget about your worries before bedtime can backfire, according to new research. +SCIENCE-02856|The planet weighs thirteen times as much as Earth and is orbiting a star about nine thousand light-years away. +SCIENCE-02875-00|A circular shape protects certain proteins from being chewed up by enzymes. +SCIENCE-02909|Samples from the comet were collected by the spacecraft in trays of exposed gel and returned to Earth in January. +SCIENCE-02925-00|This false-colour image of Earth shows heat escaping to space. +SCIENCE-02930|Northern Territory hay producers are taking advantage of the drought across the rest of the country to meet export demand. +SCIENCE-02946|Professor Dekker presented findings at the recent Human Reproductive Health Through the Ages conference in Adelaide. +SCIENCE-03009|D N A has long been known for its versatility as a microscopic building block. +SCIENCE-03021|Company chairman Peter Barrie says negotiations have been going on for the past thirteen months. +SCIENCE-03027|In addition, he says, animal studies have shown that mice without an M A O A gene have aggressive tendencies. +SCIENCE-03054|Leary says while international laws cover mining in the deep sea, no one is mining there yet. +SCIENCE-03065|There is also research on chemicals from corals on deep-sea mounts, says Leary. +SCIENCE-03075|A former motor mechanic is set to become Victoria's new Agriculture Minister. +SCIENCE-03087|Egyptian queen Cleopatra used her hairstyles to enhance her power and fame, says a professor of art history and classics. +SCIENCE-03105-01|Not unlike film depictions, Cleopatra would arrive via elegant barge with her attendants catering to her every need. +SCIENCE-03131|C D two eight is a protein on the surface of some white blood cells that plays a part in activating them for an immune response. +SCIENCE-03220|The artificial muscles could help usher in an entirely new breed of so-called fuel-cell muscles, the scientists say. +SCIENCE-03253|While males must sing their hearts out for females, both males and females engage in their own same-sex singing contests. +SCIENCE-03254-00|For these contests, usually each bird will perch itself near its territory boundaries. +SCIENCE-03254-01|Birds then sing back and forth, trying to match the song sung by the opponent. +SCIENCE-03262|The technique may one day be used to search earthquake rubble for survivors, the researchers say. +SCIENCE-03279|Dairy Australia is taking further measures to ensure farmers are looked after during the drought. +SCIENCE-03298|But the receptor preferred by bird flu tends to be found among cells deep in the lung, in ball-like structures called the alveoli. +SCIENCE-03301-00|Bird flu is lethal to poultry and dangerous for humans in close proximity to infected fowl. +SCIENCE-03302-01|To acquire that contagiousness would open the way to a pandemic. +SCIENCE-03306|After ten years of operation, South Australia's single desk marketing system for barley will be abolished. +SCIENCE-03321|The research is part of the prestigious Whitehall study, a wider body of work looking at the health of public servants. +SCIENCE-03347|The oceans are Earth's main buffer system, he says. +SCIENCE-03374|They also used climate-indicative data from sediments, fossils and ice cores. +SCIENCE-03410|Barley growers in South Australia are at odds over plans to deregulate the state's barley market. +SCIENCE-03413|Talkback callers to the A B C have been mixed in their response. +SCIENCE-03437|Gavan O'connor has agreed to step down after the appointment of Kevin Rudd to the party leadership. +SCIENCE-03455|There are new hopes that drought-hit pastoralists in the Northern Territory will receive federal assistance. +SCIENCE-03466|For most of her life, Mrs Madden has been a dairy farmer with her late brother Len. +SCIENCE-03474-00|Humpback whales have structured songs, with phrases and themes. +SCIENCE-03491-00|One versus tenth may not sound very impressive, but whales communicate in water, often over long distances. +SCIENCE-03491-01|Water helps to transmit songs because it carries sound four times faster than air. +SCIENCE-03511|Northwest stock agent Dick Cameron says some producers have already lost all of their breeding stock and may never recover. +SCIENCE-03521|A manuscript charting the birth of modern science, lost for more than two hundred years, goes on sale this week. +SCIENCE-03566|Mayor Peter Speirs says when farmers stop spending, the whole town suffers. +SCIENCE-03588|It has been a harbinger of great events, good and evil famines, bumper harvests, wars, and the birth and death of kings. +SCIENCE-03602|For the ancient Chinese, the eclipse was a Sun-eating dragon, which had to be scared away by the banging of cymbals and pans. +SCIENCE-03622|New, smaller trays used to transport mangoes have been branded a failure by many growers in the Northern Territory. +SCIENCE-03660|Wheat export system should focus on grower returns, Crean says. +SCIENCE-03669|But universities are concerned about the proposed timetable for implementation. +SCIENCE-03723-00|Power poles damaged by Cyclone Larry, which hit northern Australia last month. +SCIENCE-03725|And if we don't get our forecasts right, he says Australia could be left unprepared for the worst. +SCIENCE-03757|The chemical composition of the Sun appears very different to what we assumed, analysis of Moon soil has revealed +SCIENCE-03788|Volunteer firefighters battle Vic blazes. +SCIENCE-03826|As a result, the scallop fishery in the mid-atlantic disappeared and never really recovered. +SCIENCE-03839|It concludes that all letters, and symbols like trademarks, share universal shapes and forms based on patterns found in nature. +SCIENCE-03884|Previous work has shown that laughter triggers a cascade of beneficial physiological changes. +SCIENCE-03888|The Washington Government has given the environmental nod to the development of the Gorgon gas field on Barrow Island. +SCIENCE-03919|The two thousand and four Boxing Day tsunami destroyed the forest that once grew along this Indian coastline. +SCIENCE-03949|The fire has burnt thirteen thousand hectares, mainly pine plantations. +SCIENCE-03965|Spokesman Bob Almond says trees that have been blackened can still be salvaged, but there is a time limit. +SCIENCE-04006|The northern wool market indicator has finished on eight hundred fifty eight cents a kilo, up eleven cents on last week. +SCIENCE-04033|Mother Gladys Docking says she is grateful for local support which helped to send Quita to Germany for stem cell therapy. +SCIENCE-04116|Penguins sixty million years old are closely related to today's yellow-eyed penguin, new D N A analysis suggests. +SCIENCE-04118|The penguins once lived in shallow seas off New Zealand's east coast sixty million years ago. +SCIENCE-04189|A long-term prawn fisher in South Australia is concerned about stock levels, accusing the State Government of mismanagement. +SCIENCE-04204|This gives the male spiders a higher chance of survival when they set out on their search for female mates, the researchers say. +SCIENCE-04212|Males are supposed to pluck and vibrate a female's web strings for up to eight hours in the hope of gaining their favor. +SCIENCE-04219|Professor Young says there is widespread concern that the current system is hamstrung by politics. +SCIENCE-04241|Pork prices climb this Christmas. +SCIENCE-04242|Demand for pork products has improved this Christmas, with prices lifting at retail level. +SCIENCE-04247|Turf industry loses out to rising water restrictions. +SCIENCE-04255|Monday mornings between four and six are especially dry in Oslo because residents go to bed early on Sunday. +SCIENCE-04261-00|More search results aren't the answer. +SCIENCE-04291|But hunting and animals were not the only things on the cave artists' minds. +SCIENCE-04292-00|Guthrie has also noticed that males were drawn with no defined sexual parts save for a simple line designating the penis. +SCIENCE-04325|Turf grass producer bites the dust. +SCIENCE-04383|They think that the sugar molecules are attached to super-sticky proteins, but they have yet to confirm which ones. +SCIENCE-04414|Hidden behind the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile are millions of invisible dots, research shows. +SCIENCE-04440|Franck argues that it is scientifically impossible to distinguish the dots with a magnifying glass. +SCIENCE-04456|Head of Australian Dairy Farmers John Mcqueen says any further increases in grain prices would hurt the industry. +SCIENCE-04480|In addition to health effects like thyroid cancer, survivors also deal with psychological problems. +SCIENCE-04486|Today, the sarcophagus over reactor four is cracked and crumbling, raising fears that more radiation can be released. +SCIENCE-04490|The plant, whose last reactor was shut down for good only in two thousand, continues to attract attention. +SCIENCE-04491|Tourists come to gawk, while researchers come to observe the remarkable flourishing of flora and fauna. +SCIENCE-04502|He says further research using satellite pictures has provided more evidence for his case. +SCIENCE-04547|Within that profile Sinn found some squid are shy, retiring, cautious types while others are bold, assertive and adventurous. +SCIENCE-04564|He says early evidence suggests bolder females prefer bolder males, while shy females are less choosy. +SCIENCE-04568|But there is criticism from the investment and the farm sector over the continuation of the timber tax deductions. +SCIENCE-04591|And many of the features of R E M intrusions, he says, parallel those of near-death experience. +SCIENCE-04595|Other evidence supports a role for R E M intrusion in near-death experiences, he says. +SCIENCE-04601|Grooming is important to cattle but would they use a hairbrush if they had hands? +SCIENCE-04602|Beef cattle use tools to keep their coats healthy, says an Australian researcher, suggesting they are more than all brawn and no brains. +SCIENCE-04606|But they also use inanimate objects like trees, branches, fence posts and stumps to get at areas they can't reach, he says. +SCIENCE-04617-01|For example, maintaining the integrity of their coat may protect against invasion by parasites, bacteria or grass seeds. +SCIENCE-04666|The newly discovered dinosaur looked like T-rex, pictured here, but had a longer, narrower skull and shorter, blade-like teeth. +SCIENCE-04702|She says the telescope's enormous diameter will allow it to detect light from the most distant stars in the universe. +SCIENCE-04760|But Clarke says, in the same issue of Nature, they discharge water one hundred times faster than in Antarctica. +SCIENCE-04792|Brock is similarly concerned. +SCIENCE-04844|Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones may affect how fast you brake or turn while driving. +SCIENCE-04904|Choosing the racy red shoes over the sensible loafers relates to how your brain assigns values to items or goods. +SCIENCE-04906|Scientists say this indecisiveness relates to how your brain cells assign values to different items. +SCIENCE-04922|Researchers have made a new kind of fabric bag that can detect its contents and alert the owner when something is missing. +SCIENCE-04951|Graphs charting ball angle relative to force show the ball leaves the racquet at a larger angle if the swing is slow, Brody says. +SCIENCE-04992|Environmental activists are driving commercial innovation and seeding new mainstream industries, a U K study says. +SCIENCE-05048|Better search engines are key to a turnaround. +SCIENCE-05055|Researchers from Venezuela say two strains of bacteria are the key to producing fart-free beans. +SCIENCE-05081|Despite U N treaties declaring space as commonly-owned, he says lawsuits have been filed to lay claim to asteroids. +SCIENCE-05102|Gravity and not colliding space rocks made Neptune and the other giant planets tilt, according to a new hypothesis. +SCIENCE-05103|An early gravitational dance made the giant planets tilt, an astronomer suggests. +SCIENCE-05114-00|For humans, the reliability of Earth's tilted axis is important as it is responsible for the change of seasons. +SCIENCE-05126|Large-scale trials of male hormone-based contraceptives are being conducted in China and Europe, the scientists say. +SCIENCE-05201-00|NASA engineers have made minor tweaks to the design of Discovery's external fuel tank. +SCIENCE-05221|They were also given a persuasive argument to read after having the caffeine. +SCIENCE-05223|But caffeine also puts people in a better mood, which makes them more likely to agree with a message, the researchers say. +SCIENCE-05241|Resting your forearms on a soft support as you type seems to reduce your chance of pain in the neck, shoulders, arm, wrist, or hand +SCIENCE-05252|All employees were also given ergonomics training so they could learn how to make their entire workstation more comfortable. +SCIENCE-05258|Rempel says all employees should receive proper safety and ergonomics training to reduce their chances of on-the-job injuries. +SCIENCE-05260-00|Be careful what you write in your blog. +SCIENCE-05307|Because less material is devoted to packaging, more of the battery is used just for generating power. +SCIENCE-05326|Melting ice is depriving polar bears of their habitat, says a new report, making them a vulnerable species. +SCIENCE-05342-02|Bottom-dwelling species also logged huge declines as fisheries have reached into ever-deeper waters. +SCIENCE-05351|The ongoing hunt for the sources of exotic gamma rays inside Earth's atmosphere has taken two strange turns. +SCIENCE-05374-02|How? +SCIENCE-05391|This is why so many species distinctions, particularly in insects, normally rely on differences in genitalia. +SCIENCE-05416|He believes movie makers have a responsibility to depict coma accurately. +SCIENCE-05420|Cooked vegetables can be as acidic as tooth-eroding fizzy drinks, scientists warn. +SCIENCE-05422|But the acidity of onions or tomatoes does not change with the cooking method. +SCIENCE-05424-01|This is because the large quantity of foods that they eat, such as fruit and vegetables, tend to be quite acidic. +SCIENCE-05440|But the nature of Saturn itself makes measurements difficult. +SCIENCE-05468|This means that eastern and northern Australia will probably be drier than normal. +SCIENCE-05483|People could soon generate their own wind energy with a new type of domestic windmill that plugs straight into the grid. +SCIENCE-05501|They've taken a close look at old pictures of the three thousand three hundred year old mummified king. +SCIENCE-05502|His sexual organ has just been another puzzle in the story of the best-known pharaoh of ancient Egypt. +SCIENCE-05533|The survey will provide a benchmark to judge future changes to the oceans, the scientists say. +SCIENCE-05542|The research was part of a wider look at how heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate fluctuate in response to music. +SCIENCE-05545|The researchers then measured their heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and other indicators of arousal or relaxation. +SCIENCE-05548-01|So fast classical music and techno had the same effect. +SCIENCE-05551|But during the silent interval, study participants' heart and breathing rates, and blood pressures fell further. +SCIENCE-05617|This means the insects, which are about the size of a grain of rice, can stay still and out of harm's way. +SCIENCE-05649|The research also sheds more light on the mechanisms that govern how we remember things, Brennan says. +SCIENCE-05677|The first step is to melt or dissolve the precursor polymer into a gooey solution. +SCIENCE-05678-01|This process doesn't change the polymer, but helps to evaporate solvents. +SCIENCE-05743-00|Don't bother with months of email courtship, pay only polite attention to the advice of your friends. +SCIENCE-05746-00|In a nutshell, this theory says that women are, frankly, ambivalent. +SCIENCE-05767-01|But the risk is that a woman may write them off respectively, as a long-term or a short-term mating prospect. +SCIENCE-05850|Triton, pictured here in the foreground, might have once belonged to a pair of passing planets. +SCIENCE-05882|He says this suggests fire crews should look around and talk to the people who are there watching. +SCIENCE-05916|Doctor Paul Seligman, F D A associate director for safety policy, says it is not clear what is causing the spike. +SCIENCE-05924|Ten other deadly infections have been reported in women who have given birth, or who had miscarriages. +SCIENCE-05928|Overall, panelists encouraged further study, especially on women. +SCIENCE-05930|Most also say limited government data make tracking infections tough and urge better reporting systems. +SCIENCE-05959|Juggling multiple roles seems to be good for women's health, new research shows. +SCIENCE-05960|Juggling a career with family life may help to keep women healthy, a new study shows. +SCIENCE-05970|Mcmunn says it has been known for some time that women who combine employment with motherhood and partnership have better health. +SCIENCE-05982|Of those that didn't have sites, many said they used to have one and regretted getting rid of it to the scrap dealer. +SCIENCE-05985|Sites in Australia and Canada share many similarities, Smith says. +SCIENCE-06000|Pressure on scientists and academics is also intense, leading some to take shortcuts, analysts say. +SCIENCE-06009|There are fears the case could bring Chinese inventions into disrepute. +SCIENCE-06025|Will new copyright laws protect online artists? +SCIENCE-06030|He says the new laws will let people tape their favorite T V show or download music onto their M P three players. +SCIENCE-06072-00|Scrub jays, birds found in the Americas, are animals that also plan for the future, the scientists say. +SCIENCE-06072-01|These birds move their food around to decrease the chance of it being stolen. +SCIENCE-06092-01|But the replica ran aground in Botany Bay in April two thousand and five, the day before it was due to sail into Sydney Harbor. +SCIENCE-06108|The French ultimately helped the Americans entrap British forces on a peninsula at Yorktown, Virginia. +SCIENCE-06122|Benzene, a carcinogen, is found in the environment from natural and man-made sources. +SCIENCE-06136-00|Given a choice, goats like the taste of truffles, onions, apples and garlic. +SCIENCE-06157|Our early ancestors interbred with chimpanzees after the two species grew apart millions of years ago, a new paper suggests. +SCIENCE-06164|Previous molecular-clock studies have focused on the average genetic difference between human and chimp. +SCIENCE-06168|They then estimated the various age of key sequences, rather than the overall average. +SCIENCE-06171-01|On average, X is around one point two million years more recent than the twenty two non-sex chromosomes, the scientists found. +SCIENCE-06195-01|It will also improve understanding of what processes lead to genetic diversity in populations, Gregory says. +SCIENCE-06220|They found three planets orbiting within the same distance that Earth orbits the Sun. +SCIENCE-06227|Computer simulations indicate the innermost planet is probably rocky, like Earth. +SCIENCE-06291-01|At first, they thought they were impressions left by raindrops. +SCIENCE-06348|In response, the scarecrow makes loud noises or powerful bursts of water to scare the birds away. +SCIENCE-06354-00|If the software sees bright orange, it will not trigger a response. +SCIENCE-06383|Chen says the inventor will also need to look at the cost of the tiles, including their maintenance, and how safe they are. +SCIENCE-06399|Rayner says these drinks also tend to be consumed at times other than meal times, when food would slow gastric emptying. +SCIENCE-06404|The Big Bang may have been a Big Bounce, says theorists searching for what preceded the birth of our own universe. +SCIENCE-06405-00|If their new mathematical simulations are correct, what came before the Big Bang was a previous universe a lot like our own. +SCIENCE-06405-01|It collapsed on itself, then some weird physics caused it to inflate into the universe we have today. +SCIENCE-06423|But this is the first time that anyone has actually done a thorough job working through the physics back through the Big Bang, he says. +SCIENCE-06428|Could those irregularities, combined with loop quantum gravity, reveal patterns inherited from the earlier universe? +SCIENCE-06451|They engineered laboratory mice to have a variation in a gene called Kit. +SCIENCE-06461|In addition, the sperm of mutant mice also, surprisingly, was found to have accumulations of R N A. +SCIENCE-06469|And, he says, the mechanism by which the transmitted R N A works remains unclear. +SCIENCE-06476|It turns out heterosexual men and women and homosexual women appear to produce different levels of ear noise. +SCIENCE-06482-00|He says that a muscle involved in eye movement also directly controls ear motion. +SCIENCE-06482-01|That's why when we look left or right, our ears slightly withdraw on both sides. +SCIENCE-06483|Breathing and swallowing are also linked to ear movement through muscles and neuronal pathways. +SCIENCE-06485|Their study marks the first time such ear muscle activity has ever been documented in an E E G. +SCIENCE-06492|As predicted, measurements of the echo-like ear sounds obtained from nine male and seven female hyenas were similar. +SCIENCE-06498|Researchers used chimp poop to confirm the origin of HIV. +SCIENCE-06567|The light, or microwaves, or radar would travel along the threads of the cloth, ending up behind the object without having touched it. +SCIENCE-06579|Light behaves in weird ways when you shine it through special materials. +SCIENCE-06586|Odder still, the exciting peak escaped even before the original peak had entered the fiber. +SCIENCE-06588|At the same time, another cloned pulse fired backward through the fiber to cancel out the original. +SCIENCE-06601|Forensic jigsaw puzzle: fungi are helping scientists to estimate the time of death. +SCIENCE-06626|These flat-headed dinosaurs went head-to-head sixty six million years ago. +SCIENCE-06644|J K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, has been notified and apparently rather likes the new name. +SCIENCE-06667|A robot with a flexible, trunk-like arm could one day work like an elephant to grasp unwieldy loads, say its developers. +SCIENCE-06679|Simultaneously, air pressure decreases in the tubes on the downward-facing side of the arm. +SCIENCE-06712|The waste water we flush down the loo could one day be used to generate electricity, scientists from Belgium say. +SCIENCE-06721|But scientists aren't sure exactly which bugs generate the electricity in the fuel cells. +SCIENCE-06725-00|As well as producing current, the technology can also help clear bacteria out of the water. +SCIENCE-06743|Buhl says the laboratory findings reflect similar findings in the field. +SCIENCE-06746-00|The new test is based on a stain that detects the protein keratin. +SCIENCE-06762|Add another item to the list of health threats posed by global warming: poison ivy that's more poisonous, and lots more of it. +SCIENCE-06778|It would store seeds including rice, wheat, and barley as well as fruits and vegetables. +SCIENCE-06790|Norway has worked with the U N Food and Agriculture Organization on the plans. +SCIENCE-06820|For now, it is the only explanation why the small satellite sports a very active, though isolated, polar region. +SCIENCE-06867-00|Sydney is also ringed by fire-prone vegetation, and has a fire-friendly climate and layout. +SCIENCE-06867-01|For instance, a lot of the city is in the path of fire-bearing winds. +SCIENCE-06934|Von Frese says this suggests that the ocean between Antarctica and Australia opened after the crater was formed. +SCIENCE-06947|The discovery of eleven thousand year old figs shows people became farmers much earlier than we once thought. +SCIENCE-06965|At the same site researchers found foods that must have been gathered, such as acorns and wild oats. +SCIENCE-06969|Radio astronomers used data from a painstaking galaxy-wide survey of hydrogen gas clouds throughout the Milky Way. +SCIENCE-06974-00|The distances to the various arms could be worked out by the Doppler shift in their radio waves. +SCIENCE-06974-01|This is similar, in principle, to how the tone of a train's horn sounds higher-pitched when it's approaching than when it's receding. +SCIENCE-06976-01|Instead of having clearly defined curved arms there's a messy bulging area, explains co-author Evan Levine. +SCIENCE-06983-00|Earth's oceans bulge with tides because of the external gravitational tug of the Moon. +SCIENCE-06983-01|Likewise, the Magellanic Clouds may cause the bulge in the far side of the Milky Way, he explains. +SCIENCE-06989-00|For his part, Blitz is pleased to be able to see so much of the galaxy after many years of trying. +SCIENCE-06993-00|Today is the sixth day of the sixth month of the year two thousand and six. +SCIENCE-07064|She says her results also contradict theories that early life emerged and flourished in extreme conditions. +SCIENCE-07110|According to Patterson's analysis, Australia has the same chance of winning as the Ivory Coast, and Serbia and Montenegro. +SCIENCE-07116|Patterson says his analysis also puts Australia as favorite to win the opener against Japan on twelfth June. +SCIENCE-07119|The World Cup kicks off on ninth June. +SCIENCE-07131|In the second, participants were asked to decide on whether or not to treat a slow-growing cancer with chemotherapy. +SCIENCE-07145|Genes and gender help determine an individual's urge to scratch an itch, suggests a new study. +SCIENCE-07160-01|Conversely, pain medication and local anesthesia often intensify histamine-induced itching. +SCIENCE-07178-00|Modern crocodiles are defined by having ball and socket joints between their vertebrae. +SCIENCE-07188|The researchers know the two are from the same species because they have the back of the skull of both. +SCIENCE-07191|He says it was the only known crocodile in Australia at that time and wouldn't have had much competition. +SCIENCE-07208|The females, in turn, are being fit with a miniature tracking device, known as a decoder. +SCIENCE-07255|Skin prick testing found just two percent of the children had sensitivity to milk, egg, fish, peanut, sesame or wheat. +SCIENCE-07284|But three of the test subjects later developed leukemia related to the process. +SCIENCE-07287|Three of the four dogs have maintained healthy immune systems over a year after receiving the genes. +SCIENCE-07288|The fourth dog received a lower dosage, which suggests there is a lower limit to the dose before the gene can restore immunity. +SCIENCE-07321|Hormonal changes linked to the seasons may change the shape of your body during the year. +SCIENCE-07334|Men, Van Anders says, look manlier during spring when waist and hip size become more uniform and less feminine. +SCIENCE-07367|Xiao plans to equip his rover with a high-resolution digital camera. +SCIENCE-07369-00|The good news is that beer may prevent prostate cancer. +SCIENCE-07376|The brew is being marketed in Germany as a healthy beer, but any effect on cancer rates is yet to be shown, he says. +SCIENCE-07379|This means that beer and pizza could be a winning anti-cancer formula. +SCIENCE-07385|Meanwhile, a separate study has found that drinking coffee may help prevent the liver disease alcoholic cirrhosis. +SCIENCE-07438|In particular they focus on the formation of Earth's molten metal core. +SCIENCE-07468-00|Global emissions of man-made Colorado two are between six point two billion and six point nine billion tonnes per year. +SCIENCE-07518|A person buying a new car, for example, must weigh the cost and the effort needed to make payments versus the value of the car. +SCIENCE-07533|Rats could get depressed too. +SCIENCE-07548|The researchers tested the theory that migraine and sexual desire may both be associated with serotonin. +SCIENCE-07559|Houle says the migraine patients were aware that they rated their sexual desire higher than that of other patients in the group. +SCIENCE-07570|But it signals that the pro-whaling lobby might finally have the muscle to challenge the moratorium. +SCIENCE-07637|It will also be helpful in tracking down suspected burglars on rooftops and chasing down suspects fleeing on foot. +SCIENCE-07666-00|In one case, an adult female, her adult daughter and a sister all attempted to usurp the power of another unit. +SCIENCE-07671-00|Anxiety levels also rose when males, attempting to assert their power, killed infants. +SCIENCE-07671-01|For several days after an infant's murder, its mother would scream and flee whenever the killing male approached. +SCIENCE-07676|Baboons in their natural habitat appear to cope with stress better than humans do, Engh says. +SCIENCE-07714|No nation has ever maintained a prosperous food system based on genetic resources of purely indigenous origin. +SCIENCE-07734|Bruford says the new method provides more accurate estimates of panda populations. +SCIENCE-07739|Researchers urge against complacency. +SCIENCE-07740|He predicts that the results would be replicated in other panda reserves. +SCIENCE-07764-00|Stem cells are master cells that have the potential to develop into any organ of the body. +SCIENCE-07782|This BARD one mutation has been found in Italian and Finnish families with a history of breast and ovarian cancer. +SCIENCE-07839|Contrary to popular belief, though, testosterone was not a key factor. +SCIENCE-07844|Ironically, the higher the self-ranking, the lower the actual performance, Johnson's team found. +SCIENCE-07862|On a positive note, the scientists report that conservation efforts in the twentieth century have had some impact. +SCIENCE-07893|Could our perpetual childishness actually cause genetic changes? +SCIENCE-07914|The faults of youth are retained along with the virtues, he believes. +SCIENCE-07950|Other large volcanic provinces have been identified in the same way. +SCIENCE-07955|But, Renne adds that chemical aging of the far-flung rocks makes the process of dating them slightly less reliable. +SCIENCE-07974|An essential element of feng shui is the idea that unnecessary objects allow free flow of energy, followers say. +SCIENCE-07977|The trick, Narayan says, is to remove items on your web site that serve no purpose, and keep the things that serve you well. +SCIENCE-07989|There's no evidence that similar patterns apply to girls, he says. +SCIENCE-07995|The effect is cumulative and therefore more likely to cause homosexuality in the last of several sons born to the same mother. +SCIENCE-08008|New technology aims to convert footsteps into renewable energy. +SCIENCE-08016|Bates and Price are now in the process of developing a joint partnership to make the idea a reality. +SCIENCE-08029|Venus has a bizarre double vortex that whirls in the atmosphere above its south pole, a new mission to the planet has found. +SCIENCE-08038|Venus Express is Europe's first dedicated mission to Earth's closest planet. +SCIENCE-08044|Its atmosphere is ninety six percent carbon dioxide, with yellowish clouds of sulfur and sulfuric acid droplets. +SCIENCE-08068|The feeling of being watched make us do the right thing, researchers have found. +SCIENCE-08078|The poster also featured an image banner across the top that alternated each week between different pictures of flowers and eyes. +SCIENCE-08081|The team then calculated the ratio of money collected to the volume of milk consumed in each week. +SCIENCE-08107|As the squeezing subsides, well water flows back into the aquifer. +SCIENCE-08121-00|The damage was undetected until after the shuttle broke apart as it flew through the atmosphere for landing sixteen days later. +SCIENCE-08162|The poll has been conducted each year since two thousand and three and the latest results were gathered in two thousand and five. +SCIENCE-08198|Marine zoologist doctor Claudia Arango of the Australian Museum in Sydney agrees they are arthropods, but which type? +SCIENCE-08206|Such features make it difficult to fit them into any of the known groups of arthropods. +SCIENCE-08219|The mission management team's chairman John Shannon confirmed bad weather had prevented the launch. +SCIENCE-08239|She also triggered a storm of dreams, dread and ethical polemic that hasn't abated since. +SCIENCE-08263|As a result, the machinery malfunctions, genes don't switch on or off as they should in the complex ballet of making proteins. +SCIENCE-08272|But here comes the ethical firestorm. +SCIENCE-08275|At the moment, patient-specific embryonic stem cells remain beyond the horizon. +SCIENCE-08288|It's a great idea, but finding an efficient, cost-effective way to turn the starch into other products is difficult. +SCIENCE-08292|But doing the same thing with biological molecules is not so easy. +SCIENCE-08318|These dodo bones, found recently on the island of Mauritius, tell a different story of how these birds became extinct. +SCIENCE-08333|Passing ships also brought rats, which ate the birds' eggs located in nests on the ground. +SCIENCE-08339|He also says that the patient's state, at the four-month mark, was fine. +SCIENCE-08347|Bone-marrow transplants are themselves risky, sometimes causing life-threatening complications. +SCIENCE-08360|Professor Hwang Woo-suk arrives for trial to face charges of fraud and embezzlement. +SCIENCE-08373|Hwang also denied he broke a bioethics law but said his team did pay for human eggs that had been donated for his study. +SCIENCE-08475|The telescope, a prototype of which is seen here, will use tiles to gather radio waves from the early universe. +SCIENCE-08515|Zinn thinks then in about a year, he could have the device working on residential water heaters or industrial boilers. +SCIENCE-08544|But many safety tests would be needed before this technology could be used in humans, says Professor Heinrich Hofmann. +SCIENCE-08561|But these particles have different coatings not designed to penetrate cells, and are cleared via the blood into the liver. +SCIENCE-08605|The threat of bad weather can leave some people crippled with fear, psychologists say. +SCIENCE-08649|Even so, massive storage could mean pipelines and stores under the countryside from Austria to Australia. +SCIENCE-08683|Software that analyzes how far your pupils dilate could be used to determine your age. +SCIENCE-08692-00|A baby is born with adult-sized eyes. +SCIENCE-08704|Banknotes and coins are home to fewer bacteria than we think. +SCIENCE-08705|The long-held belief that you can catch disease from handling money may be exaggerated, says an Australian researcher. +SCIENCE-08712-00|Back in the laboratory, the researchers bombarded the coins with pulses of sound to dislodge any microbes on the surface. +SCIENCE-08728|He also hopes to work with the Royal Australian Mint to see how the raised surfaces of coins affect bacterial survival. +SCIENCE-08749|A study of how baboons gesture with their hands suggests gesturing may have been a precursor to human language, scientists say. +SCIENCE-08780|The Southern Ocean has a lot less shipping traffic and so there are relatively few measurements of ocean temperatures there. +SCIENCE-08797|They have found bacteria that remove gold from the soil and deposit pure grains of it around them. +SCIENCE-08800|But the soil above the mines also contains grains and nuggets of gold that have somehow found their way out of the quartz. +SCIENCE-08806|Next, he looked for organic matter on the grains, as evidence that bacteria had been growing on their surfaces. +SCIENCE-08813-00|In the future, the gold-loving bugs could prove a boon to industry, Reith says. +SCIENCE-08841|The animals rely on hard-to-catch prey such as grasshoppers and various species of scorpions, including poisonous ones. +SCIENCE-08853|Antarctica generally has lower temperatures and pressures than areas at more northern latitudes, like Australia. +SCIENCE-08854|This differential generates storms that take warm air south and cold air north. +SCIENCE-08890|Griffith says the research is changing the way we think about managing some types of wounds. +SCIENCE-08894|Patients also prefer washing with water, she says, because they can get out of bed and take a shower. +SCIENCE-08902|Each line is rigged with hundreds or even thousands of barbed, baited hooks. +SCIENCE-08904|Alex Aitken, a New Zealand fisherman for over two decades, uses the traditional shark liver oil as a deterrent. +SCIENCE-08909|As controls, they later conducted the same test using vegetable oil and seawater. +SCIENCE-08910|The shark liver oil did not affect fish catches, but it did dramatically reduce the number of times seabirds dived for the hooks. +SCIENCE-08919|Though shark liver oil is a natural product, it may be problematic to introduce large amounts into marine environments. +SCIENCE-08920-00|Pierre and Norden hope the effective ingredients in the oil may be identified and isolated. +SCIENCE-08920-01|It could be that these ingredients may be found in products other than shark liver oil, but this is yet to be determined. +SCIENCE-08928|Deutsch conceived the idea while on a business trip in Washington D C. +SCIENCE-08932|The communicator is a plastic device designed to fit over the drain of standard-sized urinals. +SCIENCE-08948|He and doctor Rosemary Grant publish their discovery in the latest issue of the journal Science. +SCIENCE-08949|In fact, it happened in a single bird generation, Grant explains. +SCIENCE-08959|That is, normally evolution is thought of as slow and gradual in large animals like fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals. +SCIENCE-08972-00|Implanting false memories can have health benefits like preventing alcohol abuse. +SCIENCE-09008|But attachment to songs isn't all about the reminiscence bump, he says. +SCIENCE-09033|Police on Christmas Island, an Australian territory south of Indonesia, say there was no damage there. +SCIENCE-09035-00|Surgical staff leave behind a sponge or scalpel in one in ten thousand operations. +SCIENCE-09088|While the positive group remembered all their positive memories, the negative group forgot half the negative. +SCIENCE-09112|In less than fifteen generations, more than half the population of England had Anglo-Saxon genes. +SCIENCE-09142|Sunlight can be a scarce commodity in Antarctica and that's affecting vitamin D levels in some researchers. +SCIENCE-09153|But they have yet to determine the long-term effect on bones, such as the increased risk of osteoporosis. +SCIENCE-09159|Antarctica is a land of extremes and researchers need time to adapt when they get there and when they return. +SCIENCE-09224|During the third stage, Wiese thinks emphasis began to be placed on the last word or finger in a counting series. +SCIENCE-09253|The pharmaceutical industry wants changes in how early-stage clinical trials are run. +SCIENCE-09259|This is particularly the case when drugs activate biological processes in the body rather than inhibit them. +SCIENCE-09279|Pacific Bancorp could not be reached for comment, but the bank's website has alerted its customers to the scheme. +SCIENCE-09297|Professor Jennie Brand-miller, who co-authored The Low G I Diet Revolution with Mcmillan, was also involved in the research. +SCIENCE-09305|Of those four, one was low G I and another was high in protein. +SCIENCE-09324|This is whether their position and measurements deliberately reflect the alignment of the planets and stars. +SCIENCE-09357|The company previously blasted the remains of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry into space in nineteen ninety seven. +SCIENCE-09377|Ashley says the scientists took pains to rule out other possible causes for dips in stars, including moths in the telescope. +SCIENCE-09379|But this research won't turn a pot belly into a flat stomach. +SCIENCE-09390|Transplants grown from a patient's own fat could be used with no need for anti-rejection drugs, Rodriguez says. +SCIENCE-09400|In cancer, cells ignore the normal signals from the body and proliferate uncontrollably. +SCIENCE-09406|Their results are published in a recent issue of the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. +SCIENCE-09417|The results were a complete surprise. +SCIENCE-09422|For example, the researchers think the clay in the cave was formed when volcanic ash entered. +SCIENCE-09439|Some of the smallest things in the world are so small that not even the scientists making them know how tiny they are. +SCIENCE-09507|With this method, scientists can pinpoint where on the grid light is shining. +SCIENCE-09523|The sixty-five preschoolers in the current study were tested the same way. +SCIENCE-09544|But he is using synthetic D N A that can form branches rather than linear lines. +SCIENCE-09586|New research into how HIV replicates in the gut may help to explain why antiviral therapy doesn't work for all patients +SCIENCE-09587|HIV replicates in the lining of the gut and does much of its damage to the immune system there, researchers say. +SCIENCE-09599-01|HIV often infects people via the mucosa. +SCIENCE-09613|They found out that the worms are not a sister group of the arthropods, but lie within the arthropods and share a common ancestry. +SCIENCE-09639|Drinking water generally only passes through a sand or carbon filter and isn't subject to reverse osmosis, he says. +SCIENCE-09684|The latest study provides more evidence that men, like women, have a biological clock. +SCIENCE-09692|Also, as with women, older fathers are more likely to have children with birth defects. +SCIENCE-09694|Another confirmed that genetic abnormalities in sperm steadily become more common as men age. +SCIENCE-09706|Astronomers have taken images of Jupiter's lesser known red spot, a smaller landmark called Red Spot Junior. +SCIENCE-09718|Genes that control head size are puzzling researchers who say they may also play a role outside the brain +SCIENCE-09759|Data collected over the past twenty five years has reflected this, he told A B C Radio. +SCIENCE-09765|Humpback whales shed skin in the water, which scientists scoop up in a kitchen sieve and analyze. +SCIENCE-09770|Now researchers from the Whale Research Center at Australia's Southern Cross University are developing another method. +SCIENCE-09807-01|Every six point four years they cancel each other out. +SCIENCE-09812|This connection makes it possible to use weather forecasts to also forecast the smaller variations in Earth's wobble. +SCIENCE-09857|Could Epstein-barr virus be transmitted via sex, as well as kissing? +SCIENCE-09868|Glandular fever is marked by often prolonged fever, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. +SCIENCE-09895-00|The first westerners arrived with British explorer Captain James Cook in seventeen seventy eight. +SCIENCE-09895-02|Maui has some of the best remains, with more than one hundred twenty remaining sites. +SCIENCE-09908|But, asks Sparrow, what would happen if machines themselves were given the decision about who to kill? +SCIENCE-09915|Hacked chips could be used to launch attacks on software in computers linked to scanning devices, the doctorate student says. +SCIENCE-09928-00|Smart chips are being put into passports. +SCIENCE-09970|The decision will continue to force Australia's top scientists offshore, he says. +SCIENCE-09992-01|The early results are promising, Curtis says of the research, which the airport helped to fund. +SCIENCE-10009|While body-satisfied females picked ideals that were larger than the celebrity's real size, males viewed thin as the female ideal. +SCIENCE-10015|But it's still not clear how this research relates to brain development in humans. +SCIENCE-10036|After prolonged, multiple scans, some of these cells went to the wrong place. +SCIENCE-10059|However, information will be linked to individuals via a code to ensure they can be followed up, he says. +SCIENCE-10084|Carp make up to ninety percent of fish biomass in some Australian rivers, putting pressure on native fish. +SCIENCE-10085|Australian carp may have originated from Germany, according to preliminary results from a genetic study. +SCIENCE-10089|The preliminary results were presented at the eleventh Congress of Human Genetics in Brisbane this week. +SCIENCE-10099|Carp are currently established in every Australian state and territory except the Northern Territory. +SCIENCE-10102|Understanding their genetics will make them easier to control, he says. +SCIENCE-10108|They say that the Mars hoax appears to be just as resilient as the Moon hoax, which denies the Moon landings ever happened. +SCIENCE-10112|She says that Mars does vary in brightness as its distance from Earth changes. +SCIENCE-10114|Contrary to the email, this month Mars will be very low in the sky, and only just visible in the west after sunset. +SCIENCE-10142-00|The chromosomes we have today may not be the ones we'll have in fifteen million years. +SCIENCE-10172|The study relied on over fifty ice cores collected from a range of locations around Antarctica +SCIENCE-10179|Recent evidence suggests the lag time could be up to sixty years, says Goodwin. +SCIENCE-10207|The researchers used a five hundred meter wide particle accelerator in Switzerland to deep-scan the minute fossils. +SCIENCE-10212|The team says its discovery could roll back the evolutionary history of arthropods like insects and spiders. +SCIENCE-10227|Pearse found that the chromosomes in the cancer were so complex, they must have taken a long time to evolve. +SCIENCE-10235|On the contrary, they were firmly based on actual observations made during the artist's visits to London. +SCIENCE-10255|The invasive red corals are crowding out the native cream ones +SCIENCE-10271|But the same exotic species living in non-polluted sites don't have the copper tolerance, says Johnston. +SCIENCE-10279-00|Bomb-making ingredients could be hidden in small bottles and carried on planes. +SCIENCE-10282|This prompted authorities to ban liquids, including drinks, hair gels and lotions, from carry-on baggage. +SCIENCE-10297-00|Can technology solve airport security issues? +SCIENCE-10331|To do this, scientists make a tiny hole into the shell around the embryo, gently remove one cell and test it. +SCIENCE-10367|These healthy mice were conceived using sperm from fathers that have been sitting in the freezer for years. +SCIENCE-10429|It's just that their blushing takes longer to subside so it's more obvious to them and others, Australian research suggests. +SCIENCE-10432|The researchers then compared the results with a group of people who weren't frightened of blushing who performed the same tasks. +SCIENCE-10445|If the research helps people come to terms with that it could help them lose their fear of blushing, he says. +SCIENCE-10447-00|The terrorism alert caused chaos at Heathrow Airport last week. +SCIENCE-10500|The technique relies on the fact that the Earth's magnetic field causes current to flow through rocks. +SCIENCE-10503-00|The profile shows that the northern plate was more conductive than the central one. +SCIENCE-10503-01|And it also shows that the northern plate is wedged under the central one, and not the other way around. +SCIENCE-10550-01|That separation of charges is an electrical field. +SCIENCE-10568|In this research, Mora conditioned pigeons to detect an anomaly in a magnetic field. +SCIENCE-10612|Thorne says he didn't see the material after it was returned from Jacob's lab but when he saw it, it was in fine condition. +SCIENCE-10654|The tunnels were then soon buried by a thick layer of mud that sealed them off from scavengers and helped to preserve the evidence. +SCIENCE-10657|Or they may have used the water flowing through the tunnels to help oxygenate their gills, like some modern lobsters do, she says. +SCIENCE-10662|Can terrorist tendencies become hardwired into the brain? +SCIENCE-10676|Understanding risk is also a key factor in understanding what goes on in the mind of a terrorist, she says. +SCIENCE-10717|The raisins would represent the stars and dark matter, and the oats the gases. +SCIENCE-10721-01|The only thing left to explain it is dark matter. +SCIENCE-10775|Adelaide-born Terence Tao was a full professor at the age of twenty four. +SCIENCE-10792|Former colleagues say they have not seen him since. +SCIENCE-10793-00|In nineteen ninety six, Perelman won an award at the Second European Congress of Mathematics in Budapest. +SCIENCE-10793-01|Russian newspapers say that he turned down the prize because he considered the jury insufficiently qualified. +SCIENCE-10823-00|Stem cells are the body's master cells, available from many sources. +SCIENCE-10853|It's just not the same any more. +SCIENCE-10893|Top of the list were tail feathers from the crimson rosella bird and plastic bottle tops lined with dark blue plastic. +SCIENCE-10896|Archaeological evidence from ancient dung suggests that the people who lived here kept sheep or goats +SCIENCE-10908|Cereal husks and residue found within the dung indicates the cave dwellers probably farmed the land in front of the caves. +SCIENCE-10921|Then, as the new find suggests, they settled down. +SCIENCE-11013|By the next month, the two vampires would kill two humans, and so on. +SCIENCE-11083|What's a life worth in space? +SCIENCE-11123|Geologists know of at least three things that could be causing the ground to sink lower along Louisiana's coast. +SCIENCE-11141-00|The ozone layer shields the planet from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. +SCIENCE-11146|The Antarctic ozone hole is a massive loss of ozone that occurs each spring in the southern hemisphere. +SCIENCE-11147|A similar, though smaller and less severe, ozone hole has been reported in the Arctic. +SCIENCE-11163-00|The astronomers believe that this burst was a high-energy jet that pierced through the doomed star from its collapsing core. +SCIENCE-11171|The remains of a supernova can become a neutron star, a fast-rotating star that pulses with high energy. +SCIENCE-11240|A recent study found a nineteen percent underreporting of maternal deaths in vital statistics from France, they say. +SCIENCE-11250-01|He remained disease-free nineteen months after treatment, the study says. +SCIENCE-11251|Another patient, a thirty-year-old man, had a lung tumor recede and showed no signs of disease eighteen months later. +SCIENCE-11261|Rosenberg says there are no side effects from the melanoma gene therapy. +SCIENCE-11312-00|Cross-examination of all of the data revealed that personality traits do not appear to be linked to blood and heart health. +SCIENCE-11404|The short-lived strange quark is the most mysterious of them all, Leinweber says. +SCIENCE-11422|Like hospital Connecticut scanning, the method images internal structures in three D using x-rays. +SCIENCE-11423|Structures, like bones, absorb more x-rays and are more visible than those that absorb less. +SCIENCE-11426|This provides much higher resolution, allowing scientists to image the delicately thin structures of the inner ear. +SCIENCE-11442|The greenhouse gas methane comes from natural sources such as agriculture, decomposing vegetation, and marshland. +SCIENCE-11446|By itself, methane accounts for a fifth of the man-made greenhouse effects of the past two hundred years, scientists say. +SCIENCE-11458|They also conducted a two-year study of the activities and perceptions of a group of people playing the game Lineage. +SCIENCE-11461-01|However, to see these online communities as an entirely bad thing is short-sighted, they say. +SCIENCE-11465-00|Chimp, or lollipop man? +SCIENCE-11468|Scientists now believe such ability for care and consideration is present in certain primates, and not just humans. +SCIENCE-11475-01|The order nearly always consisted of adult males first with females, juveniles and the infant second. +SCIENCE-11475-02|The leader, or another adult male, would then wait at the end of the line to assist the littlest ones. +SCIENCE-11515|Then they averaged the yield, or the average amount of venom a snake produces when it is milked, by each snake type. +SCIENCE-11538|Schiavo also had been in her state for far longer than the U K woman, allowing for severe deterioration of her brain. +SCIENCE-11542|Other brain experts are skeptical. +SCIENCE-11563|But at least two Australian experts are not so sure about the theory. +SCIENCE-11624|But he says that early diagnosis is a challenge, especially in remote places where health services are not readily available. +SCIENCE-11626|Could graffiti be a sign of something more serious than teen rebellion? +SCIENCE-11640|Of the teenagers studied, about twelve percent of boys and almost eleven percent of girls had done some graffiti. +SCIENCE-11647-00|Can't decide which soft drink to buy? +SCIENCE-11647-01|Help may be at hand with a new drinks bottle that has flavor buttons to give you multiple choices in one container. +SCIENCE-11689|Not breathing while training with weights can increase the pressure on your eyes, potentially leading to glaucoma. +SCIENCE-11694|A bench press is done by lying on your back on a bench and raising a bar bell above your chest. +SCIENCE-11701-00|Glaucoma is a condition associated with pressure on the eye. +SCIENCE-11702|The researchers say the form of glaucoma relevant to weight lifters is known as normal-tension, or low-tension glaucoma. +SCIENCE-11704|The disease can be hard to pick up because it develops even though eye pressure is normal when it's measured in routine checks. +SCIENCE-11723|The Kepler Space Telescope is designed to find Earth-like planets in orbits that favor the development of life. +SCIENCE-11736|But the researchers found another dense section of plasma above the Pacific Ocean, far from thunderstorm zones. +SCIENCE-11740|Researchers now hope to determine if the plasma bands shift with the seasons, or during large events like hurricanes. +SCIENCE-11744|The fragment consists of a foot, carved from marble, which was taken nearly two hundred years ago from the northern frieze. +SCIENCE-11755|Britain says that Lord Elgin had permission from the ruling Turkish authorities to take them. +SCIENCE-11785|And there are also depictions of animals that disappeared long before Europeans arrived on the continent. +SCIENCE-11796|Neanderthals were predecessors of modern humans who inhabited Europe and parts of west and central Asia. +SCIENCE-11821-01|But research released today says these variations are not enough to cause climate change. +SCIENCE-11854|What the scientists can say for certain is that Einstein's theory is accurate to at least within zero point zero five percent. +SCIENCE-11882|Unlike Pluto, its orbit does not cross paths with Neptune, the most distant full-sized planet. +SCIENCE-11895|Chlamydia is suffocating thousands of young, farmed crocodiles in Australia's north, say experts. +SCIENCE-12006|Varieties are also found in South Africa, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, New Zealand and Madagascar. +SCIENCE-12021|But more puzzling is the strange case of the macadamia. +SCIENCE-12067|Fortunately, the tornado did not hit the stadium this time. +SCIENCE-12080-00|The remains provide the first evidence of what babies of early human ancestors looked like. +SCIENCE-12092-00|It was a lush area with flowing water, forests, and grassland, which was also affected by volcanic eruptions. +SCIENCE-12092-01|The range of habitats was suitable for hippos, crocodiles and relatives of the wildebeest. +SCIENCE-12131|That's because the bats congregate in large noisy crowds, and produce foul-smelling guano. +SCIENCE-12132-01|Now, however, the local northern Queensland species is protected and a permit is required to kill them. +SCIENCE-12151-00|Roads, driveways, pathways and the like make up sixty percent of impervious urban surfaces. +SCIENCE-12152|Until now harvesting rainwater from them has proved more difficult than from roofs, says Beecham. +SCIENCE-12154|A special bonding material ensures the porous pavers are strong enough to withstand the heavy weight of cars and trucks. +SCIENCE-12170|A total of seven hundred forty two technology thinkers and stakeholders took part in the online survey. +SCIENCE-12172|A total of thirty five percent of respondents disagreed with that scenario and seven percent had no opinion. +SCIENCE-12200-01|The primary natural source of methane is rotting wetland vegetation and belching by sheep and cattle. +SCIENCE-12209|Steele says one of the effects of prolonged drought has been a drying up of wetlands, particularly in the northern hemisphere. +SCIENCE-12231|Attempts to say the face is just an accident of geology are often met by claims that scientists have something to hide. +SCIENCE-12237|Garvin, for his part, doesn't want to discourage anyone from coming up with their own explanations. +SCIENCE-12249|Pooches excitedly rush toward victors when games finish, not unlike enthusiastic human sports fans at a stadium. +SCIENCE-12253-00|In an initial experiment, a dog was matched with a human competitor in a tug of war contest over a knotted rope toy. +SCIENCE-12260|The research was partly funded by the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition, the research center of a popular pet food company. +SCIENCE-12272|For example, Nasa's first shuttle of nineteen seventy seven was named Enterprise after a campaign by Star Trek fans. +SCIENCE-12334|But da Vinci kept the painting and worked on it until his death, probably changing her hair and other features. +SCIENCE-12368-00|Next, the manager would launch the Radioactive program, which would ask him or her to name the tag and provide its location. +SCIENCE-12369|Then, the manager can create a message that contains text, audio, pictures, or video. +SCIENCE-12370|There could be a tag for each movie playing in the theater, with each tag hosting a movie trailer with show times. +SCIENCE-12379|This could mean that soon, pointing and clicking will not be limited to the laptop. +SCIENCE-12413-01|The process was repeated thirty two times. +SCIENCE-12422|Researchers would learn to live off the lunar land and test technologies for voyages to Mars. +SCIENCE-12455|But he says it is not yet clear how the sulfur in the keratin is made available to interact with the lead in the hair. +SCIENCE-12480|He says current prototype heads are used in tourist information kiosks, for ticketing and language instruction. +SCIENCE-12503|So she thought there had to be some kind of rule to figure out how many photographs to take to make sure she got a good one. +SCIENCE-12505-01|And unless you have got something stuck in your eye, your blinks don't influence each other either. +SCIENCE-12510|As the size of the group increases, the number of shots you need to take increases exponentially, says Svenson. +SCIENCE-12542|To do so, fully mature cells must maintain the ability to regress, and be reprogrammed. +SCIENCE-12633|R N A interference can also stop HIV, polio, hepatitis C, and other viruses. +SCIENCE-12654|She says the study's collaboration network reveals something about the nature of how musical genres evolve. +SCIENCE-12681|The ozone level globally has lowered by zero point three percent a year over the past decade. +SCIENCE-12702|Scientists have since followed up on those measurements to try to understand, for instance, dark matter. +SCIENCE-12747|After the paper dries, it can be bent, folded or trimmed with scissors. +SCIENCE-12749|The paper's properties also make it ideal for a reusable filter membrane in gas masks, the researchers say. +SCIENCE-12757|This process, known as transcription, is essential to how cells develop and life itself. +SCIENCE-12769|But work was slow, says Kornberg, who is now at Stanford University School of Medicine. +SCIENCE-12771|Kornberg made an image of a molecule that R N A uses to read and transcribe the D N A code. +SCIENCE-12772|It took close to twenty years to find a way to first see and then understand the molecule, known as R N A polymerase. +SCIENCE-12827|At the time these were the top marine predators, when dinosaurs dominated on land. +SCIENCE-12842-00|A healthy start to the day? +SCIENCE-12842-01|The way your breakfast cereal is processed may mean you can't properly extract nutrients from it. +SCIENCE-12846|In the future, the researchers say their findings may lead to healthier preparation methods for cold cereals and other processed foods. +SCIENCE-12852|The researchers found no significant differences among wheat, rice and corn-based cereals. +SCIENCE-12866|Musicians can jam together by making gestures with their fingers in the air, says an Australian researcher. +SCIENCE-12871|Each musician has flexible sensors strapped to both thumbs and six of their fingers. +SCIENCE-12892|Remains of a one hundred thousand year-old giant camel new to science have been found in the Syrian desert, scientists say. +SCIENCE-12905-00|Humans have been present in what is now modern Syria for one point five million years. +SCIENCE-12905-01|The area played a key role in the migration of the first human beings towards Asia and Europe, he says. +SCIENCE-12918|As they gobble up nearby matter, the black holes generate x-rays and many other forms of energy. +SCIENCE-12920|Despite their violent activity, many A G N are obscured by surrounding gas and dust. +SCIENCE-12921|Swift, a satellite whose main mission is to track gamma-ray bursts, spends its off-hours scanning the sky for high-powered x-rays. +SCIENCE-12933-00|New research concludes that streams are made up of protons and electrons. +SCIENCE-12951|Another theoretical possibility is that North Korea stashed lots of T N T underground, and blew it up. +SCIENCE-12964-01|In the case of a totally sealed site, nothing may emerge, though. +SCIENCE-12994-01|But the results are not necessarily contradictory. +SCIENCE-13015|Such teeny components require a much different manufacturing process than large-scale jet engine parts. +SCIENCE-13044|But there has been plenty of evidence to suggest that Shakespeare did write the plays. +SCIENCE-13045|For one, Shakespeare apparently wrote plays until sixteen eleven; the Earl of Oxford died in sixteen o one. +SCIENCE-13046-00|Also, at least four different publishers put Shakespeare's dramas to print. +SCIENCE-13053|Australia is running out of time to be part of the global research effort on nuclear fusion, say experts. +SCIENCE-13062|Fusion involves the release of energy from the combination of two light atomic nuclei, typically isotopes of hydrogen. +SCIENCE-13063|And it is this energy that scientists hope to harness as a safe, greenhouse-friendly and economic form of power. +SCIENCE-13082|But a failure is unlikely to derail North Korea's nuclear program and could even help Pyongyang's bomb makers, they warn. +SCIENCE-13099|If the test failed, what went wrong? +SCIENCE-13116|These three shifts in Earth's pattern of movement are relatively minor compared with those of other planets. +SCIENCE-13135|Yet Dickens described details in his novel David Copperfield. +SCIENCE-13146|Tiny blue-shelled fiddler crabs change their color to avoid being eaten by predatory birds, researchers have discovered. +SCIENCE-13148|But exactly why the crabs change their color hasn't been clear. +SCIENCE-13171|It is this relatively simple strategy, says Srinivasan, that can be reproduced in robotic vehicles. +SCIENCE-13211-01|In other words, the bigger an insect, the more it must invest in air tubing. +SCIENCE-13220-01|But would you blurt this out in front of her? +SCIENCE-13239|For now, he can not rule out other causes for the bluntness, such as early stage dementia. +SCIENCE-13247|As water falls on the jacket you get a pattern of lights that looks like water falling. +SCIENCE-13248|A coat that glows when it rains has been created by a US-based designer. +SCIENCE-13256|The material is usually purchased pre-manufactured as plastic sheets that are cut up and wired together. +SCIENCE-13265|Caffeine is more likely to disrupt a daytime snooze than a normal night sleep. +SCIENCE-13272|To investigate, they asked thirty-four people to drink caffeine or take a placebo before going to sleep at their normal bedtime. +SCIENCE-13273-00|A month later, the same people were deprived of sleep for an entire night. +SCIENCE-13277-01|Caffeine didn't affect night time sleep duration or R E M. +SCIENCE-13313|Beetles with the biggest horns have the smallest testes, say scientists who show that in evolutionary terms you can't have it all. +SCIENCE-13343|The team then observed the element decay to element one hundred sixteen, then to one hundred fourteen. +SCIENCE-13350|So it looks like high school and university science labs may still have to replace their periodic table posters yet again. +SCIENCE-13364|Butane is made from a raw product that is then broken down to starch or sugars, fermented and purified. +SCIENCE-13388|The moths are active at dusk and survive for a brief breeding period of four to six weeks between October and November. +SCIENCE-13424|Fish developed features characteristic of land animals much earlier than once thought, say researchers. +SCIENCE-13445|At the time, scientists saw this as evidence of ice in areas that were permanently shaded from the Sun. +SCIENCE-13458|The latest study on the best time of year to shear sheep overturns twenty years of thinking. +SCIENCE-13466|Each year for five years, they sheared one thousand ewes and lambs in three different seasons and measured the quality of the wool. +SCIENCE-13474|In a way, the results are good news for farmers, he says. +SCIENCE-13476|Campbell's research will form part of his Phd, which is to be submitted later this year. +SCIENCE-13478-00|It's how you see things. +SCIENCE-13479-00|Scientists may say they are dispassionate defenders of the unfettered pursuit of truth. +SCIENCE-13479-01|But history suggests they are often guilty of being irrational and narrow-minded, says an Australian philosopher. +SCIENCE-13515-00|The cloak also only works with microwaves of a specific wavelength. +SCIENCE-13554|The research, he says, shows that people believe they can overcome stereotyping and continue to try. +SCIENCE-13555|But if they blame their genetic makeup and believe they have an innate lack of ability, they give up, he says. +SCIENCE-13590-00|The x-rays are produced by particles that are accelerated around a large ring at close to the speed of light. +SCIENCE-13619-00|Forget where you left your glasses? +SCIENCE-13623-00|They include the virus that causes polio, as well as colds and diarrhea. +SCIENCE-13627-01|Some were barely affected, while others were completely unable to manage. +SCIENCE-13633|Other viruses kill brain cells, including the herpes virus and HIV. +SCIENCE-13641|The foxes also feast on migratory mutton birds that visit the island, says Kirkwood. +SCIENCE-13653|Kirkwood says although foxes only live about five years the population is resilient and recovers quickly. +SCIENCE-13673|The federal government last week introduced its proposed changes to copyright law into parliament. +SCIENCE-13721|These are the main challenges from a full facial graft, say experts. +SCIENCE-13730|The technique is still experimental, but has had promising results with kidney transplant patients. +SCIENCE-13762|The researchers say such a system would allow carmakers to use smaller engines in their vehicles. +SCIENCE-13767-01|And Cohn estimates the ethanol tank in cars using the technology would need to be refilled every three months or so. +SCIENCE-13774|The researchers are developing and testing their system with car manufacturer Ford. +SCIENCE-13776-00|Today, the Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean. +SCIENCE-13781|Very often zircons are the only mineral remnants of long-gone mountain ranges. +SCIENCE-13782-01|The isotopes reveal how long it has been since the zircon solidified from molten rock. +SCIENCE-13787-01|Today the zircon is all that remains of the South American-African Mountains. +SCIENCE-13796|Battle scars on male mastodon tusks show these Ice Age giants were not the peaceful creatures once thought, according to new findings. +SCIENCE-13797|The scars reveal they fought in brutal combat each year during seasonal phases of heightened sexual activity and aggression. +SCIENCE-13824|Nor, so far, is there a direct way to determine what people were doing with their horses that early on, she says. +SCIENCE-13830-00|Modern horse manure, for comparison, is loaded with phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen. +SCIENCE-13835-01|That analysis is now being arranged. +SCIENCE-13874|This footprint was made by a two-legged dinosaur that walked along a sandy beach one hundred sixty five million years ago +SCIENCE-13876|Computer models have been developed to simulate the gait, and therefore the possible tracks, of specific dinosaurs. +SCIENCE-13879|Another enigmatic type of track that now makes sense is where the dinosaurs appear to have crossed one leg over the other. +SCIENCE-13893|What can be said with more certainty is that the dinosaurs were walking in a very different landscape than today, says Kvale. +SCIENCE-13911|A chunk of insulating foam broke off Columbia's tank during lift-off and smashed a hole in the wing's heat shield. +SCIENCE-13926-00|Without a servicing mission, astronomers expect Hubble to last only another two or three years before its batteries give out. +SCIENCE-13926-01|Even before then, the finicky gyroscopes could break or the cameras could fail. +SCIENCE-13928-00|If it gets upgrades, Hubble could last until at least twenty thirteen. +SCIENCE-13929|The Webb observatory, which is not designed for servicing by astronauts, is scheduled for launch in June twenty thirteen. +SCIENCE-13931|Industrial aerosols don't just affect air quality but also the temperature of our oceans +SCIENCE-13934|They publish their findings in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. +SCIENCE-13937-00|This, however, has a downside. +SCIENCE-13937-01|Less air pollution means sunlight can more easily reach Earth, which many researchers say could mean higher temperatures. +SCIENCE-13939|So cleaner air will result in colder northern hemisphere temperatures and warmer waters in the south, Cai says. +SCIENCE-13946|Cooler northern hemisphere temperatures should mean cooler northern oceans, and cooler waters should equate with lower sea levels. +SCIENCE-13947-00|This wasn't the case, says Church. +SCIENCE-13955|Australia is developing the world's first koala sperm bank. +SCIENCE-13957|They say new technology to preserve sperm will allow koala sperm to be exported from Australia for the first time. +SCIENCE-13965|Johnston says koalas, like camels, have a special factor in their sperm which triggers ovulation in the female. +SCIENCE-13977|Mathematicians say you can have your cake and eat it too, if you're prepared to do the sums. +SCIENCE-13982|While this ensures both people get the same sized portion, it doesn't necessarily mean they are equally happy. +SCIENCE-13983|For example, one may like chocolate icing, sprinkles or cream more than the other. +SCIENCE-14034|All these animals are highly intelligent and seem to feel empathy, a quality that is probably linked to self-awareness. +SCIENCE-14040-00|Maxine took her trunk and stuck it in her mouth, as though she were investigating the inside of her oral cavity. +SCIENCE-14040-01|She also used her trunk to pull her ear slowly forward towards the mirror. +SCIENCE-14044-01|She did this forty seven times. +SCIENCE-14044-02|Maxine and Patty, however, ignored the marks on their foreheads. +SCIENCE-14062|The accident raised serious safety questions for NASA, particularly with the shuttle's heat shield. +SCIENCE-14063|This week's announcement comes after two of the last three shuttle missions were judged a success. +SCIENCE-14109|A network of traffic lights that decides to turn green when lots of cars are waiting can help reduce traffic jams, say researchers. +SCIENCE-14116-01|And once a car misses the green wave it has to wait the whole duration of the red light to enter the next green wave. +SCIENCE-14130|And other experts warn against thinking such technology can be a panacea for traffic jams. +SCIENCE-14133|They stress alternatives to private cars such as cycling, walking, car sharing and public transport. +SCIENCE-14135-00|The red wine molecule seems to mimic the benefits of eating less without the effort of dieting. +SCIENCE-14147|Eight weeks after starting the study, the scientists noticed a difference between the two high-calorie groups. +SCIENCE-14195|The decline in marine biodiversity is largely due to overfishing and destruction of habitat, says Worm. +SCIENCE-14198|He likens a diverse ocean environment to a diversified investment portfolio. +SCIENCE-14201|To help depleted areas rebuild, marine-life reserves and no-fishing zones need to be set up, the authors say. +SCIENCE-14206|But farms that aim to raise carnivorous fish are less effective. +SCIENCE-14223|A targeted approach to weeds, rather than spraying the whole field, could reduce costs and be safer for humans and the environment +SCIENCE-14228|Farmers typically apply herbicide to the entire field, making no distinction between crop and weed. +SCIENCE-14233|A curved solar panel mounted to the top gathers solar energy to charge a battery. +SCIENCE-14237|When a weed is spotted, a robotic arm attached to the front of the machine cuts the weed and then squirts herbicide onto the root. +SCIENCE-14254|The U N Food and Agriculture Organization, F A O, says that the conservation effort must be improved. +SCIENCE-14276|Scientists know that body temperature and aging are linked in reptiles and other cold-blooded animals. +SCIENCE-14282-01|This acts to heat up the brain's thermostat, a region of the hypothalamus. +SCIENCE-14315|But such an approach needs years more study, the researchers caution. +SCIENCE-14319-00|HIV infects close to forty million people worldwide, and has killed twenty five million. +SCIENCE-14321|Gene therapy is a promising but troubled field of research based on the premise that altering genes can cure disease. +SCIENCE-14322-00|It has cured only a few patients, and some have developed leukemia as a consequence. +SCIENCE-14326|The so-called envelope gene remains, and is reversed, a manipulation called antisense. +SCIENCE-14327-00|The researchers then recruited five patients with HIV who were beginning to fail treatment. +SCIENCE-14328-00|June's team removed the immune cells, C D four T-cells, that HIV attacks. +SCIENCE-14367|Director of the Australian Museum, Frank Howarth, was not available to comment. +SCIENCE-14401|Fortunately our own Sun is relatively quiet and stable, with x-ray flares that are unable to penetrate Earth's atmosphere. +SCIENCE-14434|Similarly, women in Eastern Europe have had their eggs taken illicitly and sold by health-care professionals, says Cook. +SCIENCE-14445|Antarctica, though, has far smaller temperature shifts, and these unfold over millennia. +SCIENCE-14498|Professor Johanna Westbrook of the Center for Health Informatics in Sydney says the findings are consistent with her own. +SCIENCE-14501|Interestingly though, a few clinicians got the wrong answers using the search engines, although they got the right answers without them. +SCIENCE-14502|Westbrook says this underscores the importance of learning how to interpret complex evidence. +SCIENCE-14538|They say this may be one reason they live one hundred years or more. +SCIENCE-14542-00|Picture books help two to three year olds learn about the world. +SCIENCE-14547|But it is harder to assess what two to three year olds learn simply because they don't have the language skills to tell us. +SCIENCE-14554|But the eighteenth month toddlers shown the color photograph book did much better than those shown the color drawing book. +SCIENCE-14561|The idea is you would be able to recharge your laptop without plugging it in. +SCIENCE-14583|Bird also says that, depending on the frequency of the field, the antenna on the device being recharged may have to be very large. +SCIENCE-14588|It sprawls for about two-thirds the diameter of Earth across Saturn's southern pole. +SCIENCE-14601|Doctor Richard Helmer plays air guitar. +SCIENCE-14605|The tunes come courtesy of a pair of small but resilient sensors placed in the elbows of the t-shirt. +SCIENCE-14612|So why design an air guitar? +SCIENCE-14700|The protein soup that makes up semen can trigger serious allergic reactions in some women. +SCIENCE-14711-00|The antibody triggers a powerful immune response, similar in mild cases to hay fever. +SCIENCE-14712|Other allergens can be transmitted through the seminal fluid. +SCIENCE-14752|His colleague, marine sediment specialist doctor Bradley Opdyke, is also not yet convinced. +SCIENCE-14771|Analysis of Neanderthal D N A shows they rarely interbred with our ancestors, as some scientists have suggested. +SCIENCE-14794|The robot can adapt to changes in both terrain and itself walking on three legs, for example, if the fourth is lost +SCIENCE-14856|While the survey was anonymous, some people later sent emails with their contact details, Jane says. +SCIENCE-14860|Massage may make baby happier, but the evidence to date suggests it won't improve physical or emotional development. +SCIENCE-14866|The trials involved infants aged six months and under who were randomly assigned to receive massage or not. +SCIENCE-14880|It's also unclear how often, when or for how long babies should receive massage to get the most benefits. +SCIENCE-14922|The chemical is present naturally within the glands in the above-ground parts of the cotton plant. +SCIENCE-14950|It is easy to observe their mating behavior. +SCIENCE-14954-00|This is most definitely not the case with chimps. +SCIENCE-14970|Most hospitals have a collection of tissue that's been removed for diagnosis and serves as a research resource. +SCIENCE-14971|The tissue can be used for in-house research or passed on to other institutions and private companies. +SCIENCE-15001|Opportunity will relay any signal from the orbiter to Earth during passes this week via the Mars Odyssey. +SCIENCE-15017|Their survey found that taller men are more likely to get a date. +SCIENCE-15041|From each sample they extracted a mitochondrial D N A, genetic material that is passed down from mother to child. +SCIENCE-15043|The results show that there are just seventeen distinct genetic groups within the region. +SCIENCE-15062|Most nuclear power stations are cooled using water from a river, lake or the ocean, the report says. +SCIENCE-15122-01|The central bright spot is the galaxy core, and the bright object to the far left, like an earring, is a foreground star +SCIENCE-15135-00|There's no reason to believe that a galactic merger would create a larger number of white dwarfs than normal. +SCIENCE-15139|On the other hand, it could just be chance. +SCIENCE-15145-01|If this could be reproduced at room temperatures, then we could build super-efficient computer circuit boards. +SCIENCE-15296|And it suggests that the basis for complex brains either evolved more than once, or has gone unused by most animal species. +SCIENCE-15354-01|So could they do sniffer dogs out of a job? +SCIENCE-15369-01|The system consists of a huge star and a compact object, possibly a black hole. +SCIENCE-15379-00|Neither the production nor the absorption processes are well understood. +SCIENCE-15428-00|Some scientists believe that the diversity of early Australians is explained by there being more than one founding population. +SCIENCE-15433|One group went north into Europe and Northern Eurasia, the other along the coast via Saudi Arabia, India, and Southeast Asia. +SCIENCE-15449|Genetics reflects long Aboriginal history. +SCIENCE-15486|Cognition includes learning, some types of memory and the ability to understand the surrounding world clearly. +SCIENCE-15492|Doctor Joerg Dietrich and colleagues at the University of Rochester in New York worked with human brain cells in lab dishes. +SCIENCE-15538|They thought this was the old people stirring because they knew something was about to happen, says Wallis. +SCIENCE-15657|Total landings of all shark species on the Great Barrier Reef have increased about four fold in the past ten years, Connolly says. +SCIENCE-15666|Construction will follow a series of flights to the Moon scheduled to begin by twenty twenty. +SCIENCE-15699-01|What harsh conditions caused the wear and tear evident on surviving bones? +SCIENCE-15724|And he says this could make it cost-effective for householders to buy solar panels rather than electricity from the grid. +SCIENCE-15744|But they saw it as less beneficial than solar power, vaccinations, hydroelectric power and computer display screens. +SCIENCE-15761-01|So does this mean that water is still flowing today? +SCIENCE-15777|Big brown bats, like this one, navigate over long distances using the Earth's magnetic field as a guide. +SCIENCE-15781|They first tested a control group of bats, which headed due south towards the roost without a problem. +SCIENCE-15792|A message sent using entangled or spooky particles of light has been beamed across the ocean +SCIENCE-15795|They say this is an important step towards making international communications more secure. +SCIENCE-15800-00|Research groups around the world are working in this field. +SCIENCE-15825|Neuroscientist Professor Peter Schofield of the Lockhart review agrees that finding eggs will be a key issue. +SCIENCE-15835-00|The virus is transmitted by direct contact with blood, organs and other bodily fluids. +SCIENCE-15845|He says no one knows precisely how many gorillas are in the world and how many have died. +SCIENCE-15850-00|Walsh says gorilla groups share territories, often eating fruit from the same tree, although at different times. +SCIENCE-15858|This makes them more likely to infect a sexual partner with HIV. +SCIENCE-15880|New international research suggests knowing someone very well actually makes predicting his or her tastes more difficult. +SCIENCE-15883|All seventy participants were first asked to choose their own favorite bedroom suites from thirty on offer. +SCIENCE-15890-01|Affluence. +SCIENCE-15896|The next time you email the I T help desk, you may find yourself dealing with a computer, not a human. +SCIENCE-15920|If the confidence level is set too high, the system requires more humans to answer the harder questions. +SCIENCE-15921|If the confidence level is set too low, it could risk annoying customers. +SCIENCE-15935|In other parts of the world many different mammals evolved to replace dinosaurs as the dominant species. +SCIENCE-15950|Some places seem as inhospitable as planets such as Mars or Venus, the researchers say. +SCIENCE-15990-01|As the density declines, orbiting satellites and space junk will experience less drag. +SCIENCE-16008|The other populated area was along what is now Australia's eastern seaboard. +SCIENCE-16016|This caused the northern people to migrate into either New Guinea or to northern parts of Australia. +SCIENCE-16033-00|The haze isn't traveling to Australia. +SCIENCE-16058-00|A self-report questionnaire evaluated degrees of morning and evening dispositions. +SCIENCE-16062|The final test was similar, only this time the individuals were presented with thirty pairs of vertical lines. +SCIENCE-16077|Planet Earth had its sixth hottest year on record and a deluge of severe record-breaking weather, according to a new report. +SCIENCE-16090|This year's drought followed a five to ten year decline in rainfall in southern and eastern Australia. +SCIENCE-16098|Overall, the trend in Australia is for increasing rainfall, just not in the agricultural areas. +SCIENCE-16100|Flooding was also a feature globally. +SCIENCE-16104|And the Canadian city of Vancouver had its wettest month ever in November. +SCIENCE-16115|Researchers previously noticed that in places where circumcision is common, HIV is less common. +SCIENCE-16144|Toe bones suggest it was also able to climb trees, critical for a glider to reach heights from which to take off. +SCIENCE-16146|A long tail could have acted as a rudder during flight. +SCIENCE-16184|These have been given names like the cat's eye, hourglass, helix, ant, and red spider. +SCIENCE-16211|Embryonic stem cells have been harvested from mouse embryos produced without sperm +SCIENCE-16253-01|Such communications pass through or bounce off the ionosphere. +SCIENCE-16254|But Cole stresses air traffic control does not rely on short-wave communication. +SCIENCE-16262|While humans on Earth are protected from the effects of solar explosions, those in space are vulnerable, says Cole. +SCIENCE-16326|Designers and engineers are sharing information online about how to build a better car, free from patents and profit margins. +SCIENCE-16338-01|From there, anyone, including car manufacturers, will be encouraged to build the car. +SCIENCE-16368|Humans may be able to understand a dog's bark because all mammals speak a universal language +SCIENCE-16387-01|Cats, however, seem more intent on manipulating us. +SCIENCE-16404|The more similar pieces the user owns, let's say, Latin jazz, the higher the terrain on the Latin jazz island. +SCIENCE-16405-01|As she approaches an island, she will hear an auditory impression of the musical style of the region. +SCIENCE-16405-02|She also sees song titles, artist names, and even images floating like little clouds above the landscape. +SCIENCE-16417|They first removed the bright signal of recent galaxies in the foreground to detect the ancient background glow. +SCIENCE-16429|The way your gut microbes digest food could influence your body's weight, scientists say. +SCIENCE-16453|A komodo dragon at London Zoo gave birth earlier this year after being separated from males for more than two years. +SCIENCE-16458|A female dragon could, for instance, swim to another island and establish a new colony on her own. +SCIENCE-16467|Previous dinosaurs of this scale have been found mostly in the Americas and Africa. +SCIENCE-16470-01|Relatively little has been known about European dinosaurs dating from then. +SLAT001-001-00|Blame Blockbuster, not the M P A A. +SLAT001-005-02|Everybody understands the concept of an adults-only category. +SLAT001-008-00|But if the M P A A is puritanically intolerant of sex, it also has peculiar notions of acceptable violence. +SLAT002-002-00|Dear Cynthia, +SLAT003-003-04|If Gladstones are scarce today, so are Menckens. +SLAT003-004-04|And he confirms his own religiosity, deploring the hollow secularism that supposedly afflicts the unenlightened. +SLAT003-006-05|I suspect that most people support faith-based services only so long as they support the particular faith delivering the service. +SLAT003-008-04|They could pray to Buddha. +SLAT004-002-00|Dear Steve, +SLAT004-003-02|I had in mind the sort that appeared in magazines, with the little wisps of steam visible as the plates were lowered to the table. +SLAT004-004-00|Then my daughter got up the nerve to say: Um, this is nice but you know I really like Crispix. +SLAT004-004-03|So that was that for the wisps of steam at our breakfast table. +SLAT004-005-01|I think people are just furious at the coverage. +SLAT004-006-04|Pity. +SLAT006-002-01|Neglectful Husband. +SLAT006-006-00|Timothy Noah and Jodi Kantor. +SLAT007-002-00|Dear Chris, +SLAT007-006-01|No, the heaven of racial harmony has not been achieved, and yes, of course any number of social pathologies persist. +SLAT007-007-02|But it leaves me, and, polls suggest, the vast majority of my fellow Americans, wishing a pox on all their houses. +SLAT007-010-01|Do you think she was the opposite, or not a force of any kind? +SLAT008-002-03|Above them, four or five hand-lettered signs had been posted to the side of the building. +SLAT008-004-00|By late last week, the scene at twenty Moore street matched its televised accounts. +SLAT009-002-02|Wesley Clark will be leaving his post earlier than anticipated. +SLAT009-006-00|On its front, the W P takes its swing at the Air National Guard career of George W Bush. +SLAT010-002-01|And indeed, free Internet-access provider Freeserve did see its shares jump thirty seven percent on its first day of trading. +SLAT010-004-00|Freeserve, by contrast, is no bigger as a business that most American Net startups. +SLAT010-004-03|Now the one hundred fifty three million is still just a fifth of all the shares outstanding. +SLAT010-005-01|If demand for shares remains strong, companies eventually offer more shares for sale in secondary offerings. +SLAT011-007-04|Still, the N O A A statistics do seem to show that, hot as it is, we should all stop bitching and get back to work. +SLAT012-002-00|Dear Marjorie, +SLAT013-005-02|E R, upon entering, takes her place among the black delegates. +SLAT013-006-06|Putting my grandfather to work in the Civilian Conservation Corps? +SLAT014-002-04|The survey also gets front-page coverage at the L A T and space inside everywhere else. +SLAT015-008-00|Because sentimental politics can be a way to fob off rhetorical solutions on people demanding practical ones. +SLAT016-005-00|But thanks for taking me up on that question of how first ladies have sometimes served their husbands as useful camouflage. +SLAT017-008-03|Is it something about building construction, energy availability or local lifestyle? +SLAT018-001-00|What Does W Stand For? +SLAT018-007-00|To say that Bush is untainted by ideology does not mean he lacks political instincts. +SLAT018-007-01|As Bill Clinton did in nineteen ninety two, he seems to have a fine grasp on why so many voters are turned off by his party. +SLAT018-007-02|Bush seems prepared to spill some voters off the right side of the GOP yacht in order to get it upright again. +SLAT018-007-04|All four are centrist northern governors. +SLAT018-007-05|This was a powerful hint that W intends to tell Pat Robertson to go play in traffic. +SLAT020-004-03|They also call the potential prosecution a result of anti Chinese or Taiwanese xenophobia. +SLAT021-004-01|According to the book, Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors Guild, met Walters in a Hollywood nightclub. +SLAT021-008-00|Walters, like Broaddrick, did not file charges. +SLAT022-001-00|Will There Be Life After Greenspan? +SLAT022-008-04|When he leaves, the market will hiccup. +SLAT024-002-01|He has been charged with six hate crimes, which makes him eligible for the death penalty under California law. +SLAT024-003-08|Three states and the District of Columbia impose tougher penalties for crimes based on political affiliation. +SLAT025-002-00|Dear Joe, +SLAT025-004-01|Most often reporters recount these tales with each other and with their sources rather than share them with the general public. +SLAT025-005-01|The smart-boy technologist is now being painted as the whiny bully. +SLAT025-005-03|So there, while you think of Case, you also think of Pittman and Leonsis and increasingly a range of other executives. +SLAT025-007-02|Will the strongman of the era be A O L, A T and T, Microsoft, or one of the big media companies? +SLAT025-009-00|Now I am getting way too philosophical, but this is my final missive, so why not? +SLAT026-002-00|Dear Polly, +SLAT026-003-04|Five points from Gryffindor! +SLAT027-002-02|To help him celebrate I have arranged to surprise him with a special gift in Phoenix. +SLAT028-002-00|Dear Kara, +SLAT029-005-05|The Kremlin stated that neither Yeltsin nor any of his family have foreign bank accounts. +SLAT029-009-01|Many organizations protested, claiming that the information the site made public was actually private. +SLAT030-002-02|Did you ever read a Sport and a Pastime? +SLAT030-003-00|I am berserk about The Sopranos, as is my husband. +SLAT031-008-00|Also, how did your toes turn out this morning? +SLAT032-002-00|Dear Russ, +SLAT033-006-02|The notary at the bank looked at it. +SLAT034-002-00|Dear Nora, +SLAT035-001-00|Investors Have No Business in Show Business. +SLAT035-004-01|First, it assumes that Wall Street somehow controls stock prices. +SLAT035-006-02|But then he shows, or believes he shows, that in fact big entertainment stocks have done very well in the past fifteen years. +SLAT037-002-00|Dear Ester, +SLAT037-006-01|Later, new managerial and tactical innovations seemed to accelerate declines in crime. +SLAT037-008-01|I will look forward to hearing from you and will write more early tomorrow. +SLAT038-003-00|The W P lead reports that among the targets of Russian jets are properties belonging to the Chechen guerrilla commander. +SLAT039-002-00|Dear George, +SLAT039-004-07|Do we have to tolerate police misconduct? +SLAT039-004-08|Do we bar political demonstrations from the steps of city hall? +SLAT039-004-10|All of these have been policies of Mayor Giuliani. +SLAT039-004-12|By extension, the mayor has the right to close down an art exhibit if it offends his sense of public decency. +SLAT040-003-01|I, too, love cities, as a resident, tourist, professional visitor, etc. +SLAT040-004-03|Students, workers, and urban residents in the broadest sense, deserved better than they were getting. +SLAT040-007-00|The issues you raise about possibilities of abuse, however, are appropriate. +SLAT040-007-01|In my own work, I have seen the misinterpretation of broken windows for their own purposes by both the far left and the far right. +SLAT041-002-00|Dear Nat, +SLAT041-003-01|C C R I, and opposition to affirmative action generally, is popular with middle-class Americans. +SLAT041-003-02|Meanwhile, C C R I was extremely unpopular with the educated elites. +SLAT041-004-00|In the end, the educated-elite assault was not enough to drive public support of C C R I below fifty percent. +SLAT041-007-01|He is never self-righteous or showy about this. +SLAT041-008-02|The ethos he describes in his heroes undercuts his case. +SLAT041-008-03|If we are going to have an elite, and we are, we should have one made up of people as egalitarian as Lemann. +SLAT041-009-01|This sensibility plays out over many spheres. +SLAT041-010-02|In this way Marxist professors actually serve to solidify the current class structure. +SLAT041-011-06|On the contrary, he shows how educated elites like himself and Molly Munger are fighting against the Marie Antoinette syndrome. +SLAT042-001-00|Two Cheers for the S A T. +SLAT042-002-00|Dear David, +SLAT042-003-06|There is not only Molly Munger but also Bill Lann Lee, now the assistant attorney general in charge of civil rights. +SLAT042-006-01|Unfairness because of early selection? +SLAT042-007-00|Is the problem that the arena is school? +SLAT043-005-03|But both the prose and the delivery have the appeal of directness and sincerity. +SLAT044-003-04|Culturebox thinks the outcry about Morris resembles the furor over Bloomsbury biographer Lytton Strachey. +SLAT044-003-06|In a time of two-tome biographies, his were short and to the point, which has a lot to do with his popularity. +SLAT044-007-00|There is some shifting of feet, but no eager pushing forward. +SLAT044-009-02|Acting on that truth and playing around with form is anything but a moral shortcoming. +SLAT045-003-02|Is that higher than it used to be? +SLAT046-005-04|And Democratic or Republican voters could cast ballots for a nominee they hope will hurt the other party. +SLAT047-004-02|Criminal-justice policy and urban policy have been two big targets of the ideological wars in American politics. +SLAT047-004-04|I had a piece in the same issue that pointed out that your theory was not ideologically based. +SLAT047-005-09|However, once crime declined it was the police who got all the credit. +SLAT048-005-04|The N Y T is more firm about saying that if this is indeed the case it could be a severe setback for gene therapy. +SLAT048-006-00|The L A T fronts and the other majors put inside the latest assessment of the writing skills of American students. +SLAT050-001-00|Whither the Intelligentsia? +SLAT050-004-01|I wanted to take advantage of your presence here and ask you about the form of this book, rather than the content. +SLAT050-006-03|These were polemical conservative books, Losing Ground, The Closing of the American Mind, Wealth and Poverty, and so on. +SLAT050-007-04|There were figures like Hannah Arendt, Reingold Niebuhr, and Edmund Wilson doing their thing. +SLAT050-007-05|Journalists like Jane Jacobs and for a time Daniel Bell still followed an intellectual model when writing their books. +SLAT050-008-00|But somehow the intelligentsia, in the Russian sense, lost its confidence and broad vision over the next decades. +SLAT050-009-00|The narratives make for better reads, but I do miss those big upper middle-brow books like Daniel Bell and Jane Jacobs used to write. +SLAT051-001-00|Hitler Endorses Buchanan. +SLAT051-003-04|The Wall Street Journal is a bit less emphatic, saying that pro-Gore union leaders now say they have the votes. +SLAT052-001-00|Pachydermatitis +SLAT052-005-05|And Kinzer is an awesome writer. +SLAT052-006-02|Um, Donna, divas sing. +SLAT052-006-06|This trend of people confusing divas with anyone arrogant and annoying is itself seriously annoying. +SLAT052-009-00|Wow, am I ever cranky this morning! +SLAT053-002-05|The utilitarian male is a producer, the ornamental male is a consumer. +SLAT053-004-01|But she is too good an interviewer to be trapped in that cliche. +SLAT053-006-00|The very openness and depth of her interviewing poses the first question I have about Stiffed. +SLAT053-008-02|But that longing for a lost home, a secure sense of self, appears equally in Britain, or in Germany. +SLAT054-002-00|Dear Ted, +SLAT054-003-03|Look at Chechnya. +SLAT054-004-03|I did a profile of him for Esquire last year and interviewed Karl Rove, his chief strategist. +SLAT054-004-05|He talked about Irishmen, the difference between the dark, tormented Irish and the sunny Irish. +SLAT054-005-03|Donna Brazile. +SLAT055-004-02|If possible, bring Sylvester before his spirit is crushed forever beneath the weight of all those muscles. +SLAT055-005-02|She does this with great earnestness and deep commitment. +SLAT055-006-00|The question inevitably arises, though: What does it all mean? +SLAT055-009-00|If there is a crisis of masculinity, then it truly can only be understood through history. +SLAT055-013-00|More later, Shoshana Zuboff. +SLAT057-003-00|Hey, good illustrations. +SLAT057-005-01|Ah, if only it were true. +SLAT057-005-04|But at least with single-party dictatorship, you get efficiency. +SLAT058-003-02|But even the Times sees a lot of brinkmanship yet to come and admits a vote could come as early as today. +SLAT059-003-03|When you think about it, none of the three current serious boys arrived at fame through public-policy acumen. +SLAT059-004-00|So I think Georgie excites us with the notion of the whole teeming Bush clan moving back into the limelight. +SLAT059-004-02|We now have a panoply of archetypes we know and are, I think, already responding to. +SLAT059-004-04|The ardent, pious wife, taming the young prince, guiding him to his glorious destiny. +SLAT059-004-05|The chuckle-headed old king, jumping from planes, bouncing grandchildren on his knee. +SLAT059-004-09|Who will date and slash or bed them, and move in to the circle? +SLAT059-004-10|Ah, we breathlessly await the next exciting episode. +SLAT059-005-02|Campaign-finance reform? +SLAT059-005-03|Welfare? +SLAT060-004-02|What did America ever do to deserve this, anyway? +SLAT060-006-05|More important, how about something sexier? +SLAT061-001-00|Burgers, Not Bombs. +SLAT061-003-00|Screw the Times, young readers, and everything else for the moment. +SLAT061-003-08|They have lots of plutonium, and the people there are eating their cats. +SLAT061-003-09|Someone, somewhere is converting those bombs into ready cash. +SLAT061-003-11|Clinton is proposing something like that, but it needs to be the big front-burner story for the world. +SLAT062-005-02|Is it just me, or is this more boring than offensive? +SLAT063-002-00|Dear Shoshana, +SLAT063-005-00|What her interviews show is a new chapter in the subject Americans never talk about: class. +SLAT063-007-05|This is why, I think, Americans often remark about European children that they seem older, more self-possessed. +SLAT064-006-02|The very success of the old order has created new choices as well as educated, informed people interested in new choices. +SLAT064-008-01|Craftsmen had their shops out back. +SLAT064-008-06|Places like Maine reunite the eighteenth century with the twenty first. +SLAT064-010-00|More tomorrow, Shoshana Zuboff. +SLAT065-002-01|Traffic cops descended on Upper West Side neighborhoods and midtown business streets and issued a slew of tickets. +SLAT065-003-03|And, in any case, parking garages are usually full. +SLAT065-006-01|Why is it so hard to get a cab in midtown, especially on a rainy day? +SLAT066-001-00|Caucasian Killers. +SLAT066-004-00|All the papers describe the Gore-Bradley debate as an amicable affair. +SLAT067-006-02|This is, needless to say, an announcement that will come as quite a surprise to most economists. +SLAT068-002-02|The other, Alan Keyes, ranted and raved about a variety of topics but was allowed to remain. +SLAT068-003-00|Keyes is an intelligent man, but tonight he seemed truly deranged. +SLAT068-005-01|He, on the other hand, thought he was the hands-down winner. +SLAT068-007-02|If he were a white Republican, and thus less of a novelty, the press would portray him more directly as a fanatic. +SLAT068-010-03|And meanwhile, my dear friends, we have twelve thousand enlisted families, brave young men and women, on food stamps. +SLAT068-010-07|To my ear, the applause meter topped out on that one. +SLAT069-002-00|Dear Todd, +SLAT069-008-00|Your new best friend, Merrill. +SLAT070-001-00|My Orthodontist Immortalized by Mona Simpson! +SLAT070-009-01|Nathan Seltzer as a prototype for doctor. +SLAT070-009-02|Josh Spritzer. +SLAT070-009-03|Here is how, in the novel, Adele August describes to her teen-age daughter Ann her first date with Doctor Josh Spritzer. +SLAT070-013-00|But a few chapters later, Ann overhears her mother talking on the phone to Doctor Spritzer. +SLAT070-015-00|A few chapters after that, Adele is taking Ann on rides past the doctor. +SLAT070-016-08|Seltzer would consider the moral dimension of the doctor. +SLAT070-016-14|Seltzer, no less than Lisa Brennan-jobs, had a right to tell his side of the story. +SLAT070-017-02|Seltzer was still straightening teeth on Wilshire Boulevard. +SLAT071-001-00|One Word, Son: China dot com. +SLAT071-006-01|Now, the romantic idea may be right, and greater access to the Net and greater free trade are certainly good things. +SLAT072-001-00|My Visit to Microsoft. +SLAT072-009-02|That may be why, according to certain projections, Bill Gates may be worth a trillion dollars some day. +SLAT072-014-00|All told, it was a wonderful visit. +SLAT072-014-01|The entire Microsoft campus is just bubbling with energy and ideas. +SLAT073-001-00|Bad Ayres Day. +SLAT073-002-04|If the Republican Pirozzi wins, it looks like the GOP barely hung on to take a seat that should have been a gimme. +SLAT076-007-00|Correction: This column made a mistake last night by saying that A O L was taking control of Prodigy. +SLAT076-007-01|The column meant, of course, Compuserve. +SLAT076-007-02|The column is sorry. +SLAT078-001-00|Fundseekers +SLAT078-003-00|The L A T and the N Y T differ from each other about Albright. +SLAT078-004-01|The vote was ninety five for, only three tobacco state senators against, and no senator spoke in favor of the credit. +SLAT079-001-00|Arafat Chance. +SLAT079-002-01|The release of official Army studies revealing widespread sexual harassment in the service leads at the New York Times. +SLAT079-003-01|The same picture of Albright shaking hands with Arafat accompanies the W P and N Y T stories. +SLAT079-003-02|It shows Arafat beaming and Albright anything but. +SLAT080-005-02|To teach government officials how to avoid, override, and even take advantage of line item-veto threats to their budgets. +SLAT080-005-03|The firm says in its promotional copy that bureaucrats should strongly consider spending taxpayer money to attend. +SLAT081-003-01|His favorite dish, from a local Chinese restaurant, is a chicken with cashews, without the fat-laden cashews. +SLAT081-005-04|During commercial breaks, he will harp about the botched meal, unsettling the King crew and guest alike. +SLAT082-024-01|Arlen Specter, citing Scottish law, finds Clinton not proven on the impeachment charges. +SLAT082-025-00|Andrew Solovay. +SLAT082-042-01|This level of sustained excellence is not matched in sports or in any other aspect of society. +SLAT082-046-00|New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson came out for ending drug prohibition. +SLAT082-066-00|Matthew Shepard: the despicable defense. +SLAT082-070-00|Ananda Gupta. +SLAT082-080-00|Josh Pollack. +SLAT083-001-00|W T O Protesters: Chastise Cuba, Not Nike +SLAT084-001-00|Nattering Nabob of Solipsism. +SLAT084-005-00|Didja see Safire today? +SLAT084-005-05|Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when Safire wrote in two consecutive columns about coming to see Bush? +SLAT085-004-01|For one thing, I enjoy doing it. +SLAT086-001-00|Trust in Microsoft. +SLAT086-009-01|God only knows what Judge Jackson will make of this. +SLAT087-007-01|He was once the breeziest of goofballs, but with a greater emotional range than almost any other goofball. +SLAT088-003-05|At first he claimed innocence, but later pleaded guilty and received a ninety nine year sentence. +SLAT088-006-04|He has since changed his story multiple times and now denies any intentional involvement in the assassination. +SLAT088-008-01|And last year, at the behest of the King family, the Justice Department ordered an investigation into the assassination. +SLAT089-005-00|In essence, local car dealers have been able to create and maintain geographic oligopolies through the use of franchise laws. +SLAT089-007-04|There will, of course, be auto manufacturers that even a decade from now will still be working through the traditional dealer system. +SLAT090-002-02|Chechnya fighting in the Chechen capital, Grozny. +SLAT090-003-04|But, says the N Y T, by the end of the day, after several hours of three-way talks, the atmosphere seemed much improved. +SLAT090-004-02|The L A T dispatch is more noncommittal about the battle, leaving the clear impression that it had no eyes on the battlefield. +SLAT091-003-02|That and the fact that reading all of this e-mail via a G T E Airfone will cost me a down payment on a house. +SLAT091-003-03|Rog, the reason I brought up The Green Mile had nothing to do with political correctness. +SLAT091-004-05|He had to wait until most actors think about collecting a pension to watch his career start. +SLAT091-005-00|Sarah: You have to check out Praise. +SLAT091-005-03|Sacha Holder, the young woman in the lead, has presence to burn, she never tips her hand. +SLAT091-005-06|The stuff treating women seriously has come from other countries. +SLAT091-005-07|And I hate saying that, because it makes me look like some middlebrow reflex Francophile or something. +SLAT092-002-01|Balderdash, said the art community. +SLAT092-004-02|Also, they shared a vision, and are historical. +SLAT092-004-03|Good job, A E I! +SLAT093-001-00|Bradley Stumps +SLAT094-002-01|Hey, I thought I was being paranoid. +SLAT094-005-01|Does he really want to risk becoming known in his home state as a Shill for Hill? +SLAT096-001-00|The Bradleyites versus the Goreheads. +SLAT096-004-01|Can the Fonda-Torricelli union be far behind? +SLAT096-005-02|At first I laughed; now I await each dispatch. +SLAT096-007-05|This, I fear, may not be a great asset. +SLAT097-002-00|Dear Jim, +SLAT097-005-01|Please, include me out! +SLAT097-005-02|Or give me a better idea of what this Deweyan democracy will look like. +SLAT098-003-00|As Chatterbox observed in an earlier item, within the realm of financial predictions Yardeni tends to stick his neck out. +SLAT098-003-03|Chatterbox wondered: Does Yardeni go for the extremes in his movie ratings, too? +SLAT098-004-02|In other words, fully twenty seven percent of the films Yardeni sees strike him as being either great or terrible. +SLAT098-006-00|Among the films Yardeni inexplicably assigns three pluses to are Contact, Deconstructing Harry, and Pleasantville. +SLAT098-007-01|There is no way The Big Lebowski deserves less than two pluses, but Yardeni gives it two minuses. +SLAT098-007-03|Armageddon, Bullworth, and the new Star Wars movie all deserve at least one plus as well, but instead get one minus. +SLAT099-003-00|Decoding life at the top begins and ends with the knowledge that Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner despise each other. +SLAT100-002-02|But it is not because of any affection for, or preoccupation with its technical architecture, or with its internal folkways. +SLAT100-002-03|Rather, I have come to it by indirection. +SLAT100-004-01|No one could doubt that architecture matters in cyberspace. +SLAT100-005-03|With researchers, the community I know best, the free interchange of ideas is critical for the advancement of knowledge. +SLAT100-007-00|In ordinary affairs, I do not think that the rise of commerce results in the loss of liberty. +SLAT100-009-04|So here is the irony. +SLAT100-010-03|That is a fair and important set of questions to ask, but again, it is not one that is unique to cyberspace. +SLAT100-012-01|I do not understand how the market is the enemy of liberty, at least if the competitive market is understood. +SLAT102-002-03|So I salute you, my friend, for bringing up Evil Clowns. +SLAT102-003-02|Is it just me, or do these guys come up with rejoinders that the average third-grader would be ashamed to use? +SLAT103-001-00|There once was a columnist from Nantucket. +SLAT103-002-00|August is the cruelest month for readers of the New York Times op-ed page not on vacation. +SLAT103-004-00|But the Times op-ed page, as it turns out, has subtle ways of taunting work-bound readers. +SLAT103-006-01|The thirty ninth president, like the reader, is an imagined presence. +SLAT105-009-01|The finding, if it holds up, says the Times, may lead to a simple way for airline travelers to fight jet lag. +SLAT105-010-04|Her makeup is now subtle and based on natural, not neon, hues. +SLAT106-004-00|The W P lead has the same thrust, only a little more detailed. +SLAT107-002-05|Neither Bennett nor White House officials would comment on whether Clinton had discussed her testimony with her. +SLAT107-003-00|The Clinton and Netanyahu talks lead at the New York Times. +SLAT107-005-02|The N Y T, in its lead, says that administration officials were furious about the Falwell rendezvous. +SLAT107-009-01|Sure, invite him, says columnist Jim Hoagland. +SLAT107-009-05|Arafat would be one of those rare exceptions. +SLAT108-002-01|But get serious. +SLAT108-003-00|Kenneth Starr has finally found a way to make Arkansas real estate sexy. +SLAT108-009-03|After all, he still takes questions from Time you know, the guys who explained how Richard Jewell bombed the Olympics. +SLAT108-010-01|But think about it: why should you have to tell the truth about anything a prosecutor can think to ask you about? +SLAT109-002-00|The initial phase of the Clinton counter-thrust, which hit the beach on the Sunday chat shows, leads everywhere. +SLAT109-004-01|The front-page of the Los Angeles Times has this too, but with no mention of A B C as the source. +SLAT109-010-02|Ditto for infectious diseases. +SLAT110-004-02|He calls on the top nature magazines and T V shows to pick a date and refuse to purchase any photos taken after that. +SLAT111-004-02|Hey, talking nasty to the president is just fun. +SLAT112-004-04|The project is set to sell public stock shares within a year and if the science pays off, could end up worth billions. +SLAT112-006-03|Hoo-boy, bet the bartenders and hookers go on vacation during that one. +SLAT113-002-05|And two-income families feel more cushioned against needing even non-investment term insurance. +SLAT114-001-00|Bad Heart of Darkness. +SLAT114-009-04|It might seem that this oddity proves the raids never happened. +SLAT115-002-01|New prospects for Nigeria lead at the Washington Post and New York Times. +SLAT115-003-02|The bill wrangle is also on the N Y T front, and inside at the L A T and W P. +SLAT115-005-01|Only a few Jews would be allowed in, he said, and these solely for the purpose of showing the Swiss public how hard Jews are to live with. +SLAT115-006-01|Nobody else deems the story front-page news. +SLAT115-010-03|The parents of Sarah Richfield must be very proud, here she is, just thirty and already written up in the Wall Street Journal! +SLAT116-003-03|Additionally, they argue it will further hamper the ability of ex-spouses of debtors to receive alimony and child support. +SLAT116-007-02|The story runs inside at the W P and N Y T and is flagged in the front-page news box at the Wall Street Journal. +SLAT117-007-01|The company is now third in the allegiance sweepstakes, behind the new leader, Gateway, and Hewlett-Packard. +SLAT118-004-01|Chatterbox nominates Gary Hart, who must have spent the past five years wondering how Clinton got away with it. +SLAT118-007-01|Prepare to be bothered greatly, buddy. +SLAT118-008-01|One of those holdovers, Linda Tripp, made the tapes that now threaten the Clinton presidency. +SLAT119-002-00|The press bears a heavy burden of responsibility in the crisis now engulfing the White House. +SLAT122-004-01|The N Y T, which also fronts the story, gets much more specific. +SLAT122-005-00|In other Lewinsky developments, the House Judiciary Committee set a tentative schedule for impeachment hearings. +SLAT122-005-02|Amidst the developments, the N Y T detects mayhem among the House Republicans. +SLAT123-003-01|The number of poor who are uninsured held steady, while the middle class suffered a bit. +SLAT123-005-00|Acrimony spewed fast and fierce yesterday. +SLAT123-007-03|But do the voters themselves know what they think? +SLAT123-009-01|Not just any panties, mind you, they had special hip-protector inserts for the ninety-eight-year-old Queen Mother. +SLAT124-004-01|Girls, officially forbidden to attend school, are often covertly educated at home by their parents. +SLAT125-003-02|The paper says that strategy worked because Germans are tired of history lessons and concerned that their society is fraying. +SLAT125-005-03|The three accountants who tried to alert authorities to this were removed from their jobs. +SLAT125-006-02|But the paper is rather stinting on details, compared to say, its coverage of dress stains, and runs the story on page four. +SLAT126-002-06|The N Y T top-front story on the primary move only lightly touches on this point, after the jump. +SLAT126-009-01|And why does the Post run it on page thirteen? +SLAT128-005-03|And the publisher has just announced a reprint run of twenty five thousand copies. +SLAT129-002-02|The Washington Post reviews weather-induced havoc in the South. +SLAT129-003-01|Yes, the Constitution requires him only to preside over the Senate and to break any tied vote on verdict or procedure. +SLAT129-003-02|But can he lobby Senators to vote against impeachment? +SLAT129-007-02|Reaction within the public television community has ranged from sheepishness to horror. +SLAT130-002-00|As befits the last day of a holiday weekend, the papers reheat and serve a smorgasbord of mostly familiar issues. +SLAT130-002-02|The Washington Post leads with the final story in its series on tolerance and American values. +SLAT131-006-01|The Dallas slash Orlando flight, for instance, averages eighty seven percent occupancy. +SLAT132-003-00|But how do we know that such memories represent real, rather than imagined, events? +SLAT132-006-00|It turned out, though, that the daughter had been hypnotized by her therapist to help remember the details of the event. +SLAT133-002-00|Were he alive, Dwight Macdonald, archenemy of all things low and middlebrow, would be rubbing his hands with malicious glee. +SLAT133-003-00|Had anyone thought to put Culturebox on T V, she too would have defended the list, though on different grounds. +SLAT133-004-03|Irksome, middlebrow, replete with weird choices and intellectual pretension, who cares? +SLAT133-004-04|Who can criticize it without advancing its agenda? +SLAT134-005-01|Their main spin: Who the heck is this guy anyway? +SLAT135-005-01|One is of tone, Alter is calm, respectful, and regretful. +SLAT137-007-02|But benefits for employees and their families are tax-free. +SLAT137-013-01|But laws pertaining to child-rearing are surprisingly marriage-neutral. +SLAT138-004-01|During this time, not only were Allied casualties far lower than feared, but overall rates of illness were low as well. +SLAT138-005-01|Common complaints are fatigue, joint pain, headache, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea, or nausea. +SLAT138-006-01|No characteristic symptoms or laboratory abnormalities have been found. +SLAT138-007-01|Troops received multiple immunizations, including uncommon vaccines against anthrax and botulinum toxin. +SLAT138-007-02|They took pyridostigmine pills as an antidote against nerve gas. +SLAT138-010-00|Inconsistencies remain unresolved, however. +SLAT138-011-02|The syndrome may even be several illnesses, they say, but the common thread is exposure to toxins in the Gulf. +SLAT138-012-02|For example, the engineers of the battalion exposed to sarin showed no higher illness rates than others. +SLAT139-003-01|Foreign nationals include foreign governments, political parties, corporations, and citizens. +SLAT139-006-00|It is against the law for corporations and labor unions to contribute money to candidates for federal office. +SLAT139-007-05|All presidential candidates may accept private donations during the primary season. +SLAT140-005-00|Adult drug use has barely changed during the Clinton years. +SLAT140-006-02|The number of drug-related murders fell a tiny bit in nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety four. +SLAT140-008-00|Clinton drug policy has barely differed from Bush drug policy in either scope or action. +SLAT140-010-04|And the feds are seizing more heroin and marijuana than they did under Bush. +SLAT140-013-01|A decade ago, kids were bombarded by anti-drug messages. +SLAT140-014-02|The Gulf War drove drugs off the newscasts, and the story never returned. +SLAT140-014-05|Television, radio, and print outlets are donating less time and space to anti-drug advertising. +SLAT141-004-00|The House began debating impeachment. +SLAT141-004-01|The chief controversy is whether the impeachment vote and the Iraq bombing should be going on simultaneously. +SLAT141-004-02|Republicans blame Clinton for bombing Iraq just when the GOP was about to begin the impeachment debate. +SLAT141-004-03|Democrats blame Republicans for beginning the impeachment debate just after Clinton began the bombing. +SLAT141-006-06|The idealistic spin: Netanyahu wants the Palestinians to accept his conditions so peace can go forward. +SLAT141-007-03|The lieutenant governor, who lost to Bush, gets to be governor in the interim. +SLAT142-008-00|Impeachment covers for both. +SLAT142-008-05|Both magazines list House members who are fence-sitting the impeachment vote. +SLAT142-014-05|An article tries to rehabilitate ex-Lewinsky lawyer William Ginsburg, applauding his clumsy efforts to protect Monica. +SLAT142-016-00|A piece explicitly argues what Republicans have been hinting: Impeachment by the House is censure. +SLAT142-020-01|With the Soviet threat gone, NATO needs to address broader future challenges, such as ethnic conflict and germ warfare. +SLAT143-003-03|Until recently, this observance paled next to the High Holy Days, Passover, even Purim. +SLAT143-003-05|And is this good for the Jews? +SLAT143-007-02|The warrior-hero Judah Maccabee, leader of an ancient revolt, morphed into a proto-zionist pioneer. +SLAT143-010-01|Except among the Orthodox, it has been thoroughly transformed into a major festival. +SLAT144-001-00|Time and Newsweek, October twelfth. +SLAT144-003-01|The failure of so many foreign economies will soon hurt America, crushing both the stock market and consumer confidence. +SLAT144-005-01|News and World Report, October twelfth. +SLAT144-008-00|The New Yorker, October twelfth. +SLAT144-010-04|A story describes the breakthrough period of Muhammad Ali. +SLAT144-014-00|Weekly Standard, October twelfth. +SLAT145-004-00|Time, Dec ninth +SLAT145-006-05|Also, a long article examines how funeral-home chains are buying up family mortuaries and gouging customers. +SLAT145-013-00|New Republic, Dec sixteenth, and Weekly Standard, Dec ninth. +SLAT145-017-01|An article about Claire Bloom and Philip Roth celebrates literary revenge. +SLAT145-017-02|A review criticizes Samuel Huntington for not appreciating democracy. +SLAT146-001-00|New Republic, February seventeenth, and Newsweek, February third. +SLAT146-004-00|Also in T N R, an article criticizes Bill Clinton for his naive, outdated views about kids and the Internet. +SLAT146-011-03|A sidebar profiles nine such firebrands, including Phil Gramm, Sam Brownback, and Rick Santorum. +SLAT146-012-00|Time, Feb third +SLAT146-023-01|The accord may finally compel the Palestinians to live up to their part of the bargain. +SLAT146-023-04|Also, yet another editorial praises the California Civil Rights Initiative. +SLAT146-026-01|The author is ambivalent. +SLAT147-006-02|Secretary of State Madeleine Albright contributes an article about why NATO should expand into Eastern Europe. +SLAT147-021-02|A story describes the West Indian island of Montserrat, where a long-dormant volcano is threatening to erupt. +SLAT147-024-00|The conservative magazines salvage the American Bar Association as a tool of big-government liberals. +SLAT147-024-05|Also, a Standard article defends Marine hazing rituals as macho bullshit integral to military culture. +SLAT147-025-01|And a long adulatory essay about Austrian economists Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, and Carl Menger. +SLAT148-003-00|A cover editorial praises Bill Clinton for softening his policy toward China. +SLAT148-003-02|Engagement, coupled with an active military presence in the Far East, will keep China from endangering the world. +SLAT148-006-01|Donations feed its wasteful bureaucracy, not starving children. +SLAT148-006-05|The poor should be able to flee bad schools just like the rich, and the competition will strengthen public education. +SLAT148-009-00|A cover story ponders the medical and ethical issues raised by post-menopausal pregnancies. +SLAT148-009-02|Older mothers face high health risks and, as they become elderly, might not be up to the job of parenting. +SLAT148-010-00|Time and Newsweek, October twenty seventh. +SLAT148-012-02|Recommendations: good after-school programs, lots of computers, smaller classes, and higher standards for teachers. +SLAT148-013-00|Time interviews Chinese President Jiang Zemin. +SLAT148-015-01|News and World Report, October twenty seventh. +SLAT148-017-04|An art for everyone: policy pitches opera to soccer fans and adds prurient plot lines to once-staid radio shows. +SLAT148-018-00|Weekly Standard, October twenty seventh. +SLAT149-001-00|Economist, November first. +SLAT149-004-01|Its advantages: great weather, varied scenery, and nonunion labor. +SLAT149-010-05|Molinari, perky and charming as a politician, does lousy guest interviews and mangles the chitchat with her co-host. +SLAT149-013-02|When the supply ship crashed into the space station, Foale feared death by decompression. +SLAT149-013-10|Doctors question claims that it aids memory in healthy people. +SLAT149-014-00|Time exposes a new problem for surgery patients, called awareness: Patients wake up from anesthesia during the operation. +SLAT150-003-05|Abortions, which Japan performs more of than any other industrialized country, are lucrative work for doctors. +SLAT150-006-00|The cover story questions the competence of U N Ambassador Bill Richardson. +SLAT150-006-04|Also, toxins that have collected at the bottom of the lake would be exposed. +SLAT150-006-05|A story says a new genre of romance novels has found a popular hunk: Jesus. +SLAT150-009-04|Carol Gilligan, holder of the gender-studies chair at Harvard, is the subject of an interview. +SLAT150-009-07|Also, a stunning overhead photo depicts droves of worshipers at Mecca. +SLAT150-013-00|Time foresees trouble for the S A T. +SLAT150-025-02|An essay repeats the standard: Standard line that churches are the key to saving poor neighborhoods. +SLAT150-025-03|Churches offer day care, food banks, and irreplaceable volunteer services, and can help reduce crime. +SLAT151-009-04|Hubbell, who still supports Clinton, is now a consultant making big bucks off Clinton-referred clients. +SLAT151-009-06|Also, a story rejects the conventional wisdom that overpopulation is imminent. +SLAT151-013-00|Newsweek excerpts the forthcoming memoir of former Air Force bomber pilot Kelly Flinn, who was discharged for adultery. +SLAT151-014-00|Time interviews Deborah Eappen, grieving mother in the Louise Woodward au pair case. +SLAT151-017-02|Later, he was convicted of poisoning five paramedic colleagues with arsenic. +SLAT151-020-00|The cover story blasts Secretary of Defense William Cohen for blocking the promotion of Air Force General Terry Schwalier. +SLAT151-026-00|A posthumous profile of Dodi Fayed says he was childish, profligate, unreliable, paranoid, and drug-using. +SLAT151-026-05|Thomas Bruder, one of the four officers accused, tells his story, blaming the others. +SLAT152-005-00|A panel of scientists conceded that a planned robot mission to Mars might bring back harmful alien microorganisms. +SLAT152-007-06|Pundits are bewailing the shattering of their faith that Gore was the One Honest Man in the administration. +SLAT153-002-02|Pundits oohed and aahed over the quarrel. +SLAT153-008-00|Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered a shake-up of his Cabinet. +SLAT153-008-01|Yeltsin pledged to keep only two aides: Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais. +SLAT153-010-00|Playboy says it has corroborated a report that Timothy Mcveigh confessed to the Oklahoma City bombing. +SLAT154-001-01|Early reports indicate the man, identified as Ahmed Mustafa, was deranged. +SLAT154-004-00|A suspect has been charged with the murder of Ennis Cosby. +SLAT154-004-02|Markhasev also matches the description provided by the woman who allegedly saw the gunman. +SLAT155-008-00|Former South African first lady Winnie Mandela was accused of murdering a fourteen-year-old boy. +SLAT156-004-01|CEO Larry Ellison lost more than two billion dollars on paper. +SLAT156-007-02|Others respond that deregulation is properly making users bear the cost of these calls. +SLAT156-007-03|Former federal drug czar Lee Brown was elected mayor of Houston. +SLAT156-008-00|Disney CEO Michael Eisner cashed in stock options for five hundred sixty five million dollars +SLAT156-009-00|The National Basketball Association banned all-star player Latrell Sprewell for a year. +SLAT157-001-00|In Kyoto, Japan, delegates from one hundred fifty nine nations approved a treaty to reduce global warming. +SLAT157-002-00|A federal judge ordered Microsoft to stop requiring computer makers to bundle its Internet browser with Windows. +SLAT158-001-00|Seinfeld will end this spring. +SLAT158-001-04|The intermediate spin: Yes, but this shows how shallow and self-absorbed we are. +SLAT158-004-00|The Minnesota Vikings staged one of the greatest playoff comebacks in football history. +SLAT158-004-04|Cunningham drove the team fifty six yards, and Murray kicked a field goal with ten seconds left to win the game by a point. +SLAT158-005-02|The prevailing theory: an awkward compromise among the jurors. +SLAT158-005-04|Families of the victims expressed outrage at the murder-charge acquittal. +SLAT158-006-01|She had been hired to play a husband-stealing vixen. +SLAT158-007-00|A French court convicted Carlos the Jackal of three murders and sentenced him to life in prison. +SLAT158-007-01|He has been linked to scores of other murders, in addition to bombings and kidnappings. +SLAT159-005-01|Both image and issue also resonate in the black community, whose neighborhoods have been hit the hardest by crime. +SLAT159-006-04|Did Harmon volunteer, or was he drafted? +SLAT159-012-00|Nothing to pop the corks over either. +SLAT160-001-00|Growing Pains. +SLAT160-005-01|Dad knows that the key to success lies in the early start he did not get, that only the savvy fledgling gets the worm. +SLAT160-006-01|The setting, complete with Norman Rockwell backyard and white picket fence, is perfect. +SLAT160-008-06|No irradiative blue waves pulsating to pounding music. +SLAT161-005-04|Which important conservative ideologue are we talking about here? +SLAT162-006-00|Cresting around that portentous pronouncement, our expectations are confounded by what comes next. +SLAT162-006-02|Appropriately, the camera no longer focuses on the president alone. +SLAT163-010-00|Ciro is taking a stand now, we are told. +SLAT163-011-03|Each candidate has sought to outdo his competitors in claiming closeness to Frank Tejeda and his family. +SLAT164-003-00|But the world summit commanded relatively little attention in the press outside Europe and the Far East. +SLAT164-005-02|He may be trying to protect himself against posthumous revelations by Seymour Hersh. +SLAT168-002-00|No country takes astrology more seriously than India, but the Asian Age has moved on to tarot cards. +SLAT168-007-01|Found only in certain Indonesian rivers, red arowana retails for more than five thousand dollars per fish. +SLAT169-002-02|If news reports are correct, the sitcom producer is also here to advise Clinton on his Monday grand jury appearance. +SLAT169-011-02|And if you do have to show Starr, just show the back of his ear, not his face. +SLAT169-013-02|No, no, no! +SLAT169-013-07|Keep her out of the White House. +SLAT169-015-04|Starr has been well trained to smile benignly. +SLAT169-017-00|Movies and The Dress, Part two. +SLAT170-005-01|One, which I wrote about last week, is the rising popularity of preposterous conspiracy theories. +SLAT170-005-04|Is there anything left to say? +SLAT170-006-04|Hardball must be hard. +SLAT170-006-13|Pundits are reduced to flogging thirdhand and fourthhand rumors. +SLAT170-006-14|Can any T V watcher endure another Jonathan Turley sermon, or Lanny Davis wait and see, or Laura Ingraham's huff? +SLAT170-009-01|Some Panglossian commentators claim there is no crisis at all. +SLAT170-014-01|If Clinton admits an affair, how could Hillary ever explain away this quote? +SLAT171-002-03|The I P O of company Z is hot because analysts think it will suck the life out of established companies. +SLAT171-006-07|A great deal of intellectual effort goes into this competition, but violence or heroism? +SLAT171-007-02|Twenty years after this funeral dirge started, it seems safe to say the predictions were a bit premature. +SLAT171-007-06|That day may be another twenty years hence, or perhaps only ten. +SLAT171-008-03|The new appendages might grow faster than their predecessors, and so eclipse them as the darling du jour of Wall Street. +SLAT171-008-05|Less frequently, something is rendered totally obsolete, but usually only if it has been around a long time. +SLAT171-009-05|Competitors bring pressure to bear on a company, but the really damaging moves are invariably self-inflicted. +SLAT172-001-00|A Penny for Your Thoughts? +SLAT172-002-00|Transactions involving money, say, the purchase of something at a store, cost money. +SLAT172-003-02|Nobody is going to look at that little slip you sign unless a problem develops. +SLAT172-004-00|What is the cost of a transaction done purely by computer? +SLAT172-007-01|Press reports about micropayment schemes extol their virtues in breathless wonder. +SLAT172-007-04|Or, what the hell, they can pay by the paragraph, sentence, word, or, why not push it to the extreme, the bit. +SLAT172-008-01|Micropayments might be important in some limited areas, but most of the hoopla is very poorly thought out. +SLAT172-008-02|To see why, consider Slate, which recently decided to remain free to users for now. +SLAT172-008-03|But imagine that, several years hence, Slate is trying to decide among micropayments, subscriptions, and remaining free. +SLAT172-009-02|Jeff Accidental rarely reads Slate on purpose, but every now and then, he follows a link from another site into Slate. +SLAT172-009-03|Somewhere in the middle is Tom Average, who reads Slate just as much as the average user does. +SLAT172-010-04|He and everybody else who reads more of Slate than its average reader, will pay more than a normal subscription would cost. +SLAT172-011-02|It costs virtually the same amount to produce, no matter how many people use it, and no matter how heavy the use. +SLAT172-012-02|If I could pay based on usage, Random House would have to charge me five dollars for each word I looked up to bring in the same revenue. +SLAT172-017-00|Micropayments are great if you use them for a product or service with certain properties. +SLAT172-018-06|There it picks up a few repeat customers, but mostly new ones. +SLAT172-019-02|However, there is also the Dutch auction, where prices start high and go lower until somebody bites. +SLAT172-019-04|Book publishers do the same thing, with two stages, hardcover and paperback. +SLAT172-021-02|Their costs, for the most part, are not usage-based. +SLAT174-003-02|His accusation is false. +SLAT174-004-04|People should be judged by their actions and their record, not by labels of any kind, not by rumors. +SLAT174-009-00|Chevy Chase, Maryland. +SLAT174-023-02|State, local, sales, property and gasoline taxes? +SLAT174-030-00|Almost everything Cullen Murphy states about the word groovy in is accurate, except for its original meaning. +SLAT174-033-00|Montreal, Canada. +SLAT175-005-01|There is nothing quite like a rocket that goes wrong, the power of nature harnessed to a blind, petulant dervish. +SLAT175-010-00|In fact, the audience laughed all the way through the Office Space preview, experiencing shocks of recognition big and small. +SLAT176-002-03|Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington has a suggestion: How about him? +SLAT176-005-05|Wars will tend to break out along civilizational fault lines and will tend to expand along the same lines. +SLAT176-006-03|Thus, Australia should abandon efforts to mesh with its local Asian milieu and instead should join NAFTA. +SLAT176-006-04|The United States should de-emphasize engagement with Asia and turn back toward Europe. +SLAT176-010-01|The cliche that democracy hobbles the conduct of a coherent foreign policy is true. +SLAT176-011-02|Ah, yes, those wily Asians. +SLAT176-013-00|The Barbarians, in short, are at the gate, and conspiring against us. +SLAT176-015-03|Huntington, who set out in nineteen ninety three to debunk the New World Order, is suddenly talking like Boutros Boutros-ghali! +SLAT176-017-02|But the growing academic fad of thinking in primarily, almost obsessively, tribal terms is another matter. +SLAT176-017-03|In addition to being analytically sloppy, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. +SLAT177-002-04|But even as I scoffed, the Barlow-Dyson scenario climbed steadily toward the rank of conventional wisdom. +SLAT177-003-00|Barlow and Dyson do have a solution. +SLAT177-007-01|It is as old as Sumerian tablets, to say nothing of the Gutenberg press. +SLAT177-009-01|The total cost of acquiring a free copy includes more than just the copying-and-transmitting costs. +SLAT177-010-00|Even in the distant future, the total cost of cheating on the system, thus figured, will almost never be zero. +SLAT177-010-02|But the Barlow-Dyson scenario still is wrong. +SLAT177-011-07|The day may well come, as Barlow and Dyson seem to believe, when book publishers as we know them will disappear. +SLAT177-012-04|Black marketeers will have to charge enough to make up for this risk, making it hard to undersell my one dollar twenty five by much. +SLAT177-014-03|Likely fans of my article will be shown, say, the first couple of paragraphs. +SLAT177-014-05|Will you try to steal a copy instead? +SLAT178-006-00|I keep writing about a supposed or alleged shortage, because the dearth of info-tech workers is an illusion. +SLAT178-009-04|A lot of the money is likely to be simply wasted, though. +SLAT179-008-04|In fact, some long-term drug use can be harmless, and, yes, even kind of fun. +SLAT179-010-03|Are you on a hell-bound train if you take mushrooms? +SLAT179-012-00|To succeed, a propaganda campaign need not convince its audience; it need merely suck the oxygen out of the lungs of its foes. +SLAT179-014-06|No one has ever overdosed. +SLAT179-015-00|By confusing propaganda with education, the P D F A stands to reap the whirlwind. +SLAT179-015-06|Simply letting kids know what the real risks are, without hyperbole, should be enough. +SLAT180-002-00|Impeachment is still a minority taste. +SLAT180-004-04|If ten percent of the country favored impeachment, you almost surely would not worry that this made the president ineffective. +SLAT180-007-02|But is the end north or south of fifty percent? +SLAT181-002-02|Outside its doors, the seals of intelligence agencies adorn the walls. +SLAT181-017-00|Secret courts require great faith that the Justice Department, and future Justice Departments, will act with integrity. +SLAT182-003-02|Is it not time for them to start exposing themselves? +SLAT182-013-02|On Slate, the program manager is, in essence, the chief computer guy in a nest of cybernaifs. +SLAT183-006-02|Click here for a detailed explanation and free installation. +SLAT184-001-00|Hellfire and Dalmatians. +SLAT184-003-01|Way back, last December, Slate warned the world not to believe all the Disney propaganda about the charm of Dalmatian puppies. +SLAT184-005-01|Please: Avoid taking animals home just because they seemed cute on the screen. +SLAT184-007-02|A O L will continue to function as an independent online service. +SLAT185-001-00|Free, Cool, and Out of Beta +SLAT185-003-01|It is safe to download, and we strongly urge you to do so without fear. +SLAT185-006-00|The simple, eloquent answer is: No. +SLAT185-008-02|But we do trust Scott, a former naval-intelligence officer and editor of the Washington Monthly. +SLAT186-004-00|Yet, beneath these acknowledgments there runs an undercurrent of distaste, disdain, even contempt. +SLAT186-004-04|Such hostility continues to peek through at regular intervals. +SLAT186-005-03|The left had the October Surprise; the right has Vince Foster. +SLAT186-007-02|Bill Clinton treated his friends Lani Guinier and Harold Ickes badly. +SLAT186-008-01|Many journalists were seduced by Clinton in nineteen ninety two, and subsequently felt personally betrayed. +SLAT186-008-04|After Clinton became president, Klein tongue-lashed him in Newsweek for not measuring up. +SLAT186-009-02|The older generation sees them as spoiled and self-indulgent. +SLAT186-011-00|After that, however, the president more or less stiffed the Georgetowners. +SLAT187-003-00|The significance lies not in the substance of this quote but in the fact of it. +SLAT187-004-01|It is a lesson he might have learned from Michael Deaver, Lyn Nofziger, Tony Coelho, Elliott Abrams, or Bob Packwood. +SLAT187-004-05|Then you visit Quote, Rehab, and come out as a Beltway citizen in good standing. +SLAT187-006-00|The Betty Ford of Quote, Rehab, is Dick Morris. +SLAT187-006-02|He has thrown himself at the feet of reporters as promiscuously as he once threw himself at the feet of, well, never mind. +SLAT187-008-02|Rostenkowski is a proven thief and liar. +SLAT187-009-04|Most of the time, this is merely insufficient, a waste of time and newsprint. +SLAT187-009-06|Dan Rostenkowski and Dick Morris end up speaking for the New York Times. +SLAT188-006-01|If not rhetorical, the same question would have no such conspiratorial connotation. +SLAT188-009-00|The same day the Times story came out, Kendall rattled off a fifteen page letter to Starr denouncing it and other leaks. +SLAT188-009-01|Starr fired back a defensive response. +SLAT188-009-03|This left the Times and, to a lesser extent, other news organizations in the screwy position in which they remain. +SLAT188-010-01|Starr has illegally leaked grand jury testimony. +SLAT188-010-04|The Times knows whether Kendall and Begala are correct or not. +SLAT188-011-00|Is there any way out of this morass? +SLAT188-012-03|Howard Kurtz, the media reporter of the Washington Post, does this a bit from time to time. +SLAT188-012-04|For a story on the Currie leaks, he interviewed Michael Oreskes, the Times Washington bureau chief. +SLAT189-003-04|The story about the girls plays against an unacknowledged form of political correctness: anti-drug hysteria. +SLAT189-004-03|She shared the pills with her classmate, Erica. +SLAT189-011-06|Elders might have gleaned from the reaction to her remarks that no one in Congress has ever masturbated or used drugs. +SLAT190-011-05|This was mainly the result of rate hikes, not cuts, legislated in the Social Security Reform act of nineteen eighty three. +SLAT190-020-00|Still more perverse was the behavior of business investment. +SLAT190-024-00|Or, of course, Bob Dole could resist temptation. +SLAT191-005-00|Inflation exaggeration should have special appeal to proponents of a flat-rate income tax. +SLAT191-006-00|C P I overestimation also serves another GOP interest: cutting federal programs. +SLAT191-006-02|Republicans, by contrast, can count on their program being implemented without ever putting anything on the record. +SLAT191-009-04|If the C P I is corrected, the pressure to make more than token reforms will evaporate, and the whole deal may be off. +SLAT192-010-00|Last month, the New York Observer broke a money story about the Arkansas troopers. +SLAT193-003-02|High approval ratings cushion even a stonewall. +SLAT193-005-00|Gary Hart would probably like to know the answer to that. +SLAT193-005-04|The consensus was that, as we could see with our own eyes, Hart lacked the discipline and character for the presidency. +SLAT193-006-03|The image is from a video clip shown in February on A B C, and since posted on the Internet. +SLAT193-009-03|Look at Richard Nixon, an emotional stiff who would have a tough time competing for national office today. +SLAT193-011-02|The years following the War of eighteen twelve were, politically, the Era of Good Feelings. +SLAT193-011-03|The Republicans after Reconstruction were the political ciphers of Republican ascendancy. +SLAT194-008-00|The most wired man in a wired city, the mayor first learned of the merger at five a m. +SLAT194-021-00|City officials were stunned to think a multimillion-dollar bank might have been stung by million-dollar darts. +SLAT194-026-02|Four-million-dollar Victorians sell in a day. +SLAT195-002-02|And Exxon was once Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. +SLAT195-005-01|They are the corporate equivalents of middle-aged men buying Corvettes. +SLAT195-009-05|Nissan spent thirty million dollars on its three-year campaign to ditch Datsun. +SLAT195-010-00|The fact that bad names do seem to hurt companies is, to be sure, evidence of a sort that names matter. +SLAT195-010-06|United Brands now bears the name of its best product, Chiquita. +SLAT196-005-01|Sure, Lockheed was the company that charged the Pentagon six hundred forty six dollars for a toilet seat. +SLAT196-005-02|But with Grumman charging six hundred fifty nine dollars for an ashtray, how else was Lockheed to keep up? +SLAT196-005-04|But Northrop bought parts from Radio Shack and put them on M X missile-guidance systems without proper testing. +SLAT196-007-02|The Vega, together with a series of other sparkling designs, earned Lockheed a place in the high-end market. +SLAT196-009-00|For the next three decades Lockheed found itself building planes no one really needed for more than they wanted to spend. +SLAT196-010-01|The company was also building the Tristar passenger jet, plagued from the beginning by equipment problems. +SLAT196-011-00|Once it survived the bailout, the company was unable to avoid rebounding. +SLAT196-011-02|Lockheed helped build the Hubble Telescope, no surprise, really, given how it performed initially, and the space shuttle. +SLAT196-012-06|The startling fact is that once the merger with Northrop is done, Lockheed will have only one real competitor left. +SLAT197-005-00|Of course, that only makes it all the more interesting, and the more telling, when they occur. +SLAT197-007-00|Enter Pennzoil. +SLAT197-007-01|Or rather, re-enter Pennzoil. +SLAT197-007-02|Pennzoil makes Pennzoil motor oil. +SLAT197-010-01|If we want shareholders to think like owners and not speculators, taking away that power hardly seems the answer. +SLAT197-014-03|The new American vogue for mergers may be making the economy stronger, though the jury is still out on that question. +SLAT198-008-02|The judge starts with a presumption of fairness, and you have to tear that presumption down. +SLAT198-013-00|Recognizing this trap, Clinton instructed his aides not to gloat. +SLAT198-013-03|The Clintonites had a worthier foe in mind. +SLAT198-016-00|Not everyone in the Clinton camp wants Jones erased. +SLAT198-016-05|The Orwellians, it turns out, were too modest. +SLAT199-002-00|Ever since Bill Clinton ran for president, pundits have puzzled over his penchant for self-destruction. +SLAT199-003-03|House Speaker Newt Gingrich has spurned Democratic entreaties to offer Clinton a plea bargain short of impeachment. +SLAT199-005-00|Instead, the Republicans are forging ahead with impeachment. +SLAT199-005-03|In the long term, this pursuit of Clinton will backfire for several reasons. +SLAT200-002-00|Every meeting of the House Judiciary Committee about the Lewinsky impeachment inquiry ends with the same bizarre ritual. +SLAT200-007-03|Other Republicans console themselves by noting that some Democrats will vote for a formal impeachment inquiry. +SLAT200-009-01|The Democrats can always find further unfairness and partisanship to complain about. +SLAT200-011-02|They punt or fumble, and the Democrats carry the ball the other way. +SLAT201-002-07|Empty bed, empty chairs, no Vincent, no Paul. +SLAT201-007-04|From the dark opening of the worn insides of the shoes, the toilsome tread of the worker stares forth. +SLAT201-007-07|I think van Gogh would have loved this peasant chic. +SLAT201-007-11|They reach out to each other like a couple lost in the wilderness, one upright and confident, the other one slouched down in despair. +SLAT201-009-01|It is no exaggeration to say that when van Gogh escaped to Arles, he invented there his own little private Japan. +SLAT201-010-04|Gauguin had lasted two months in Arles, finding van Gogh too intense a companion for comfort. +SLAT201-010-05|But for Vincent van Gogh, in flight from the shadowed northland, Provence was far enough away. +SLAT202-004-06|It was better than a haystack. +SLAT202-007-02|The key to the effect is that the various centers are nearly always incongruous. +SLAT202-008-00|Most of us look at a midtown sidewalk and see a crowd. +SLAT202-009-01|Outside, the city had all gone home, but there was still a summer sky, and an empty iced-tea glass was sitting on the porch. +SLAT202-009-02|New York seemed like the least ambitious town in the world. +SLAT203-004-02|Artaud was a revolutionary who was fighting for the overthrow of the constraints that define consciousness. +SLAT203-011-01|These he drew, in a series of penetrating and quite varied portraits. +SLAT203-012-02|They are anything but morbid, though; they possess a vivid, throbbing life. +SLAT203-013-00|Artaud may have been mad, but his art is hardly confined to madness. +SLAT203-013-02|His work can no more be dispatched into some rubric like outsider art than that of Blake or Holderlin. +SLAT204-002-04|Under our NATO obligations, Acheson said, Washington would have to attack a nuclear base within the Soviet Union itself. +SLAT204-003-00|Mercifully, the end of the Cold War has brought an end to this type of hair-raising exchange. +SLAT204-007-05|Sure enough, confronted with such a barrier in nineteen sixty two, Khrushchev decided to give way. +SLAT204-009-04|In nineteen sixty two, Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy almost did. +SLAT205-001-00|The German Eye. +SLAT205-004-01|As one of the essayists notes, Germany for various reasons failed to produce its Nadar or its Matthew Brady. +SLAT205-007-02|Nazi photography was correspondence-school modernism, only scarier. +SLAT205-009-04|This, from a nation which invented the Leica, comes as something of a surprise. +SLAT207-002-01|I immediately switched to the History Channel. +SLAT207-007-01|One reason is that since last fall the economic news, both at home and abroad, has been better than most people expected. +SLAT207-015-01|If being smart is no guarantee of being right, having been right is not necessarily an indicator that someone is smart. +SLAT208-001-00|Bad Instinct, Hideous Men. +SLAT208-011-01|The jazz, swing, and pop singer died of a stroke Saturday at the age of seventy three. +SLAT209-001-00|Vive la Haute Couture! +SLAT209-004-01|One noticeable fact is that rich women, unlike beautiful models, are not all tall and thin. +SLAT209-006-04|At their top points, the black breast-diamonds were attached to thin black ribbons that climbed over the shoulders. +SLAT209-008-00|Designers like John Galliano have the media image of star performers. +SLAT209-010-00|Evidence accumulates that the creation of sartorial beauty will never end. +SLAT210-002-02|Both men were blessed with a strong capacity for pure delight. +SLAT210-003-00|Also like Liberace, Versace understood how to wield theatrical magic. +SLAT210-004-02|Versace tends to twitch the drapes so they hang an extra bit, as if already plucked at by a lustful hand. +SLAT210-004-04|The bareness is enhanced by a drape that seems yanked down on purpose to expose the bottom eight inches of skin over the right kidney. +SLAT210-004-06|This two-stage rear cascade of bare flesh, adroitly swerving to avoid the cleavage of the buttocks, is invisible from the front. +SLAT210-008-00|Also yummy is a virtual slip in sparkly white metal mesh, trimmed top and bottom in sparkly black cotton lace. +SLAT211-001-00|Virtual Fur. +SLAT211-005-03|Cheetah spots merge with giraffe spots on bright green or purple Lycra stretch pants. +SLAT211-005-05|In it I can vaguely resemble a leopard wearing see-through lingerie, a nice melange of warring erotic symbols. +SLAT211-007-06|Of course we deeply loved and respected all those heavy-footed lions, and all those high-shouldered cheetahs, too. +SLAT211-008-02|Well, well, well. +SLAT211-008-06|I turned my head and saw the woman next to me wearing a leopard-print scarf, and I felt a little dizzy. +SLAT212-002-03|It was a romantic and competitive display, emphatically a girl thing. +SLAT212-003-00|They obviously still are, and not just for girls. +SLAT212-007-01|Candeloro also avoided prolonged whirls in midair, offering some dashing seventeen th century mimed swordplay instead. +SLAT212-010-05|Slanted hemlines are bad; slit skirts are good. +SLAT213-004-02|The movie has been buffed up a bit, a remixed soundtrack, some new computer-generated images, and so forth. +SLAT213-005-00|Whether this translates into myth, any more than The Flintstones translates into myth, is another matter. +SLAT213-005-01|Star Wars is stuffed with mythemes, the atomic elements, so to speak, of mythic material. +SLAT213-005-08|In February in the entertainment business, the land lies fallow. +SLAT213-006-02|Before everything else that was significant about them, the Beatles were what came along after Elvis. +SLAT213-007-04|It was itself an advertisement, through its special-effects wizardry, for the new unthreatening entertainment. +SLAT213-007-08|The computer is the toy that will keep us human. +SLAT213-008-01|In making the digital world fun, we somehow made fun merely digital. +SLAT213-008-08|The impulse was understandable. +SLAT214-005-00|I knew the screenwriter, Attanasio, in college and later, when he was the chief film critic of the Washington Post. +SLAT215-002-01|The rumors started even before the movie went into production, without the benefit of hired publicists. +SLAT215-002-03|It concerns, of course, the eroticism of automobile accidents. +SLAT215-002-04|Could you conceive of anything more sicko-weird? +SLAT215-002-05|But cars are sexual objects, obviously, and if their essence is speed, consummation can be achieved only through impact. +SLAT215-003-04|Who else would have wanted to? +SLAT215-007-03|I pictured, say, its eventual pay-per-view screening being accidentally beamed out on the wavelength of a devotional network. +SLAT215-008-04|The cinematography is surgically precise, the editing crisp, the music moody and unobtrusive. +SLAT215-010-06|The movie, though, is only a movie, and Cronenberg lets the viewer walk away momentarily stunned, but unscathed. +SLAT216-002-04|He copies the signatures of Steinlen and Forain over and again like some angry shaman. +SLAT216-003-01|One of the myths of the modern artist is that he could never have been anything other than what he was. +SLAT216-007-01|Who cares? +SLAT216-012-00|What is peculiar about this is that much of what Gopnik knows about Picasso he knows from Richardson. +SLAT216-012-03|The difference is that Richardson pleads for understanding while Gopnik brays for outrage. +SLAT217-003-00|What is a best-seller list? +SLAT217-004-00|Why do best-seller lists matter so much? +SLAT217-004-01|Because they are the most convincing form of publicity around, which gives them the quality of self-fulfilling prophecies. +SLAT217-004-02|If a book is a best seller, bookstore clerks will be more likely to put it in the front of the store and readers to buy it. +SLAT217-006-01|Superstores now allow publishers to pay to place a book up front, or in the window, or to display advertising. +SLAT217-010-00|New York Times +SLAT217-011-04|Publishers regularly write bonuses into contracts to factor in the possibility that a book will makes the Times list. +SLAT217-017-00|The Chronicle list is most valued by publishers for what is considered its predictive value. +SLAT217-020-06|Continuing publicity from its publisher pushed it to eighty five for the week starting August seventeenth. +SLAT217-022-02|Fiction and nonfiction are kept separate for hardcover books but mixed for trade paperback and mass market. +SLAT218-003-02|But that was before they released The Saint. +SLAT218-006-00|But when a movie nears production, that canoe is suddenly launched into Niagara Falls. +SLAT218-008-01|It has brought us not only The Saint but also the brain-dead epics Anaconda, Volcano, and The Fifth Element. +SLAT218-011-02|Where is the lethal swiftness of the predator? +SLAT218-012-00|Then they sedate the dinosaur and put it on a ship and send it to San Diego. +SLAT218-012-02|So much for the cruel stereotype of the pea-brained dinosaur. +SLAT219-001-00|A Bridge to the World. +SLAT219-002-00|I met Alfred Kazin because of I B Singer. +SLAT219-006-03|Kazin brought everything with him at once. +SLAT219-008-01|Brownsville, the neighborhood in Brooklyn where he came from, had one foot in eastern Europe and one in the New World. +SLAT219-008-02|Kazin himself had one foot in Brownsville and one foot in the highbrow literary world of Manhattan. +SLAT219-009-02|Lawrence, to Henry James, that helped me feel at home with great modernist writers. +SLAT219-010-00|One day this past winter, my wife and I went to a party in Westchester also attended by Kazin and his wife, Judith. +SLAT219-011-01|There, in the distance, was the George Washington Bridge, lit up in the darkness. +SLAT220-003-04|How regularly and how attentively you brush matters far more than what you brush with. +SLAT220-007-06|Again, it is no more effective than any regular toothpaste would be, it just costs more. +SLAT220-011-03|This product was so thick that it refused to come out of its tube, even when squeezed with both hands at once. +SLAT220-011-06|One shudders to imagine an actual aged person attempting to use this toothpaste. +SLAT220-012-05|One tank holds paste, the other gel, and the two strands join on your brush in beautiful harmony. +SLAT220-013-01|Aquafresh Baking Soda stands out with a barber pole stripe of jade and crimson. +SLAT220-014-00|Taste: After sampling more than thirty five different toothpastes, my researchers and I came to some conclusions about taste. +SLAT220-015-03|Aquafresh Whitening Striped Gel is zesty and clean-feeling with good ease of squeeze and little aftertaste, a solid entry. +SLAT220-015-04|Cool Mint Listerine Tartar Control Gel is a minty and pleasant concoction, unlike the mouthwash. +SLAT220-017-00|If you missed the sidebar on differing fluoride concentrations, click. +SLAT221-007-00|Izvestiya said the use of force against Yugoslavia would revive the Cold War. +SLAT222-004-01|On the first score, the play comes up short. +SLAT222-005-01|Thirteen male actors perform a variety of parts in a series of sketches. +SLAT222-005-05|After graduation, Joshua hitchhikes across the desert and has occasional conversations with his dad, God. +SLAT222-006-05|The spirit is rather one of camp reverence. +SLAT222-007-02|Like many of his other plays, Corpus Christi seems like ethnic P R in the vein of Fiddler on the Roof or the movie Moonstruck. +SLAT222-009-03|Corpus Christi, like his other plays, is a work of unchallenging, middlebrow subscription theater on a touchy theme. +SLAT222-010-05|But were the Philistines at the barricades allowed inside, I fear they would find little to stoke their fury, or hold their interest. +SLAT223-001-00|Louisiana Dolce Vita. +SLAT223-003-06|Episode after episode has a pleasing shape, with wittily protracted takes and on the button punch lines. +SLAT223-005-02|People at parties are bimbos or phonies or, worst of all!, critics. +SLAT224-013-02|That would really deter the predators in the school corridors. +SLAT224-020-01|The dependency on Virginia hospitals for free medical care is widespread. +SLAT225-004-05|Yes, you think, movies can touch us urgently and deeply. +SLAT225-007-00|Well, that may be a coincidence. +SLAT225-009-00|The auteur theory was quickly challenged, most notably by Pauline Kael, who shredded Sarris in the pages of Film Quarterly. +SLAT225-016-03|Next came Casino, one of his periodic attempts to defy the expectation that he would defy expectations. +SLAT225-016-05|Of course, they got too greedy, screwed everything up, and the big corporations turned their playground into Disneyland. +SLAT225-017-05|Pauline Kael used to say it was to be caught up, swept away, surfeited by sensation, and confronted by reality. +SLAT226-007-00|Before long, Clinton was pointing at questions drifting by on his screen, begging for more difficult ones. +SLAT226-008-07|E-mail bores him, and it showed. +SLAT226-009-01|Perhaps so, though I think history will remember them as fumbling experiments that pointed in a different direction. +SLAT227-005-01|So-so reviews for this Seven rip-off starring Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie. +SLAT227-007-01|Has Rage Against the Machine finally struck a balance between political preaching and guitar-heavy rap-rock fusion? +SLAT228-002-00|The German press Wednesday celebrated the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. +SLAT229-003-04|The mixture of slacker small-talk, goofy slapstick, and Grand Guignol horror works better than anyone could have imagined. +SLAT229-004-02|Yes, he wanted to affirm his reverence for God and Jesus, but he also wanted to give a hot-foot to the Catholic Church. +SLAT229-004-05|He wanted people to talk, and laugh and argue, about his movie, but he had no intention of courting martyrdom. +SLAT229-008-04|She tromps around dull-eyed in a gray skirt and thick, mustard-colored stockings, a sullen bottom-feeder. +SLAT230-002-02|T V show? +SLAT230-005-00|These phenoms invade from Japan, or, in the case of the Ninja Turtles, might as well have. +SLAT230-007-02|Butterfree blows stun spores with its butterfly wings. +SLAT230-008-00|Pokemon combines the best elements of other kid fads including Beanie Babies, Tamagochi, and Ninja Turtles. +SLAT230-008-03|Pokemon allows them to indulge this in the most elaborate way. +SLAT230-011-00|What differentiates Pokemon from other phenoms is that it merges a T V franchise with a compelling game. +SLAT230-011-06|Can a Sandshrew, a specialist in ground fighting, beat a water Pokemon like the Poliwhirl? +SLAT230-012-07|Kids buy again and again in hopes of finding that rare holographic Pikachu. +SLAT230-014-05|This is too bad, because Pokemon is undoubtedly much smarter and more charming than what will supplant it. +SLAT230-015-03|The Netosaurs: A team of dinosaurs that travel through the World Wide Web fighting viruses and eating spam. +SLAT232-002-03|Now Gore is applying the same derision to George W Bush. +SLAT232-009-02|I mean, the other day I was talking to Otkir Sultonov. +SLAT232-009-03|You know, the prime minister of Uzbekistan. +SLAT232-009-05|I had just been talking about him with Ion Sturza, the prime minister of Moldova. +SLAT233-003-00|The paper published a front-page photograph of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. +SLAT233-009-01|Barney, a false killer whale, died of a bacterial infection last month in a concrete tank at the theme park. +SLAT234-006-03|There is clearly resentment amongst Swiss voters at their country being singled out for special attention by Jewish groups. +SLAT234-008-00|The silent Mars Polar Lander led to a rather arch leader in the Times of London Tuesday. +SLAT235-002-05|George W Bush? +SLAT235-003-01|To refute this charge, all he has to do is restrain his temper in a few highly visible situations. +SLAT235-013-01|By focusing attention on tone, it has deflected attention from content. +SLAT236-002-01|His piercing blue eyes signal anger or torment while his manner stays glassy and querulous. +SLAT236-006-06|Moore internalizes the emotion a shade too much, and her lack of urgency amid the rubble borders on camp. +SLAT236-009-01|The rhythms are leisurely but fraught, even the most casual exchanges carry an awareness of the electric chair nearby. +SLAT236-011-00|Other writers have influences; King has nothing but influences. +SLAT236-011-02|The stricken executioner gets blessed by his beatific sacrifice, Billy Budd. +SLAT237-003-03|All three states now forbid traditional affirmative action in admissions to state universities. +SLAT237-006-01|When do traditional job qualifications, such as a test or membership in a guild, amount to racial discrimination? +SLAT237-007-05|Along came high-school quotas and minority admissions returned to pre one thousand nine hundred ninety six levels. +SLAT237-009-01|Naturally enough, conservatives dare not make this dangerous idea too explicit. +SLAT237-010-01|And they lived happily ever after. +SLAT238-001-00|Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. +SLAT238-004-00|Tudjman is a true believer, but he has not always believed the same thing. +SLAT238-004-07|Though he had fought the Ustasha, he began to excuse their behavior, arguing that they had killed fewer people than Serbs claimed. +SLAT238-008-04|Before Milosevic invaded, Tudjman had schemed with him to divide Bosnia between them and throw out the Muslims. +SLAT238-008-06|Then in nineteen ninety three, when he thought he could build a Croat state in Bosnia, Tudjman turned on his allies. +SLAT238-009-01|Tudjman silenced most outside criticism by pushing Bosnian Croats into a federation with Muslims. +SLAT238-010-01|That summer, he invaded the Krajina, the Serb area captured by Milosevic in nineteen ninety one. +SLAT238-010-02|The two hundred thousand Serb residents fled to Serbia rather than fight. +SLAT238-010-03|Tudjman punctuated the arguably justified invasion with a vicious exclamation point. +SLAT238-012-00|Domestically, Tudjman has displayed a similar gift for conceding just enough to seem reasonable. +SLAT238-012-01|Croatia is ostensibly a democracy, but it has functioned under Tudjman like a semi-fascist dictatorship. +SLAT238-013-02|Europe, albeit reluctantly, admitted Croatia into the Council of Europe. +SLAT238-014-00|Even in dying, Tudjman is proving his gift for pragmatic villainy. +SLAT238-014-02|According to most reports from Zagreb, Tudjman is brain dead and has been for some weeks. +SLAT238-014-03|Croatia analysts surmise that H D Z is keeping Tudjman alive as a campaign strategy. +SLAT239-005-00|Those polled, however, appear less enthusiastic about forging an interactive relationship with campaigns or candidates. +SLAT240-014-03|Now it needs to think more rigorously about how to do so. +SLAT241-002-00|Whenever I read that a wine is lush and creamy, elegant, lovely, graceful, generous, luscious, or smooth, I gag. +SLAT241-002-01|These days, I gag a lot. +SLAT241-003-02|My wife is elegant, lovely, graceful, and even luscious. +SLAT241-004-00|Most wine critics similarly enjoy gyring and gimbling in the wabe. +SLAT241-005-01|Is this what happens when your job requires you to drink before noon? +SLAT241-008-00|Having researched how people assess wine, Noble now teaches scientific techniques to describe it precisely. +SLAT241-008-01|To this end, she has developed a lovely, impressive, and wonderfully balanced tool, which she calls the wine aroma wheel. +SLAT241-009-00|Noble divides her wheel into three rings. +SLAT241-010-01|Rather, she strives for a standard terminology that cuts through the babble of winespeak. +SLAT241-011-02|The point of making these physical standards is to educate your nose to recognize these aromas in an undoctored glass of wine. +SLAT241-011-03|Next, the students pour samples from a variety of white wines. +SLAT241-017-02|Had I lost my wine aptitude or was my nose just fatigued? +SLAT241-017-03|An hour later, I retook the test and scored one hundred. +SLAT243-007-02|Candidates benefit from the perception that online donations are purer than checks written in response to personal appeals. +SLAT243-008-02|Online cash intake is already being used as a barometer of grass-roots support. +SLAT244-009-03|Others say the antitrust siege, the attendant P R damage, and constant media scrutiny have worn him out. +SLAT244-011-01|Sure, say the critics, Ballmer is tactile and outgoing like a pit bull. +SLAT244-017-02|On this, Microsoft haters and worshippers agree: The only thing of which Bill Gates is incapable is coincidence. +SLAT245-005-02|Most were defense contractors, quiet, bureaucratic firms that churned punch cards for the Pentagon and had no social cachet. +SLAT245-009-04|We had guys putting up chandeliers in their offices or lifting weights or watching General Hospital. +SLAT245-010-01|Most of the hot new companies are outside the Beltway, twenty miles or more from the White House. +SLAT245-010-02|The techies labor like dogs on their suburban campuses, live near work, and spend what social time they have with each other. +SLAT245-010-04|They buy boats, play the stock market, fiddle with software and gadgets. +SLAT245-012-08|Nonprofits are courting the new plutocrats in hopes of scoring philanthropic millions. +SLAT245-013-04|Case hired George Vradenburg, a high-powered lobbyist, to represent A O L on the Hill. +SLAT245-016-04|An ambitious young lawyer hungry for power used to join a big firm, make partner, schmooze senators, and die happy. +SLAT247-003-01|Or the information embedded on plastic films that allowed eight track tapes to alter the way one experienced a day on the beach. +SLAT249-002-01|Examples include Michael Dukakis after nineteen eighty eight and, yes, George H W Bush after nineteen ninety two. +SLAT249-003-03|Recent articles in the New Republic, the Washington Post, and the New York Times milk the Alexander death-watch for pathos. +SLAT249-004-00|I myself had some harsh words about Lamar during the nineteen ninety six campaign. +SLAT249-004-02|But since Newt Gingrich went the way of all political flesh, Lamar has returned to his sounder instincts. +SLAT250-005-01|As a member of the urban media elite, I live in a kind of protected bubble. +SLAT251-007-04|The Pentagon announced earlier this month that it will revise its guidelines for carrying out the policy. +SLAT252-004-02|I was very cognizant of this when I was writing my book on A O L. +SLAT252-005-00|The situation with A T and T is a case in point, with its current leader, Michael Armstrong. +SLAT252-006-01|Oops, it did fire in incendiary devices, despite its denials. +SLAT252-006-03|Does that make me hopelessly naive? +SLAT253-002-01|The great bitches of entertainment history understood this. +SLAT253-002-04|Trash-mouthed Roseanne made everyone else look middlebrow by comparison. +SLAT253-003-01|After all, Barbara Hershey and Lauren Holly, hired more or less to replace her, are powerful actresses. +SLAT253-005-03|Let her loose and she could have been, to say the least, memorable. +SLAT254-002-00|Brilliant, Tony, brilliant! +SLAT254-006-02|Drinking bouts were long, taciturn, and ended in somnolence. +SLAT254-007-01|But I think your other scenario, a foreign teacher joins Hogwarts, is much more likely. +SLAT254-007-06|At some point, usually the climax, we visit the Forbidden Forest, a spot of hazard and wonder, right on school grounds. +SLAT255-005-00|During the antitrust trial, though, you could see the problem with that lack of independent thinking. +SLAT255-006-00|Speaking of abominations, the Waco disclosure certainly ranks as one, on so many levels. +SLAT255-006-01|Not long after the event, an old Texas friend of mine, Dick J Reavis, went to work on a book about it. +SLAT256-003-01|Wiranto, expressed willingness to accept an accelerated deployment of peacekeeping troops. +SLAT256-004-02|Wiranto made his comments in informal talks with a U N delegation he was escorting around East Timor. +SLAT256-005-01|In the East Timorese U N compound, civilians cowered in fear of the next paramilitary onslaught. +SLAT256-006-01|Negotiations soured last April when Clinton rejected a promising deal. +SLAT257-003-03|And, wonders the L A T, what will happen to the militias? +SLAT257-008-02|Clinton. +SLAT257-010-05|These baroque newspaper corrections are to a mistake what a comb-over is to baldness. +SLAT258-005-00|The pundits, like the GOP, concede that tax cuts are a no-win issue this year. +SLAT258-008-02|Renounce? +SLAT259-002-00|Dear Witold, +SLAT260-005-00|Also, Emmys-wise: I adore Jenna Elfman. +SLAT261-002-00|Good morning, Seth. +SLAT261-003-06|Other than that, the differences are all aesthetic. +SLAT261-004-04|But these new flavors, especially the Powerade flavors, are, I think, too intense. +SLAT261-005-01|And I felt a lot better than I did with the bars. +SLAT261-007-01|All Sport came close, the barely there carbonation was nice, but in the end it was just too sweet. +SLAT261-007-05|What a scam! +SLAT262-001-00|Do Cellular Phones Cause Brain Cancer? +SLAT262-002-00|Recent news reports out of Britain are giving credence to the theory that cellular phone use increases the risk of brain cancer. +SLAT262-005-01|They either fail to find effects, or have produced statistically insignificant findings. +SLAT263-002-01|I felt distinct relief whenever somebody in The New New Thing expressed a measure of skepticism. +SLAT264-001-00|The Spread of Goo. +SLAT264-002-00|Dear Eliza, +SLAT264-003-01|Last night I reprised our run over the bridge, trying several new bars, a different brand of goo, and a couple of drinks. +SLAT264-004-02|Leave it to the frogs to produce a tasty sports snack, Grabber had the taste and consistency of a thicker Fruit Roll-up. +SLAT264-005-00|I also tried the Clif Bar in Apricot flavor, which basically tasted like dried apricots, but mushier. +SLAT265-002-00|HANOVER, New Hampshire, Al Gore performed this evening on a stage at Dartmouth College. +SLAT265-003-01|Upon release, he began to scamper furiously in every direction at once. +SLAT265-004-01|He oozed empathy from every pore, getting all over every questioner like a cheap suit. +SLAT265-004-02|First he would ask the person about his circumstances, his family, or his job, in a desperate effort to bond. +SLAT265-004-06|Not content with the six debates Bradley has already agreed to, Gore challenged his opponent to debate every week. +SLAT265-005-03|Gore joked, smarmily. +SLAT265-007-06|This makes him seem insincere, inauthentic, and just generally fake, in a way Clinton seldom does. +SLAT265-008-01|Dowdily dressed and gravel-voiced, he is as close to affectlessness as anyone who I can remember running for high office. +SLAT266-007-01|In suburban Virginia, for instance, the advice tends towards abstinence. +SLAT267-003-01|The L A T, N Y T and Washington Post also give prominent front-page space to these developments. +SLAT267-005-00|The L A T, while keeping up on the Diana front, manages to find more front-page room than most for other hard-news stories. +SLAT269-001-00|Gore: Here and Everywhere. +SLAT269-003-02|The group issued a deadline for freeing all Arab prisoners held by Israel, September fourteenth. +SLAT269-006-00|The Diana media oil slick continues to spread. +SLAT270-011-02|What happened? +SLAT270-012-00|Do you believe the public lost confidence in you? +SLAT270-014-00|You lost three of the last four jury trials. +SLAT270-017-02|Ken Starr, favorable, thirty; unfavorable, sixty one. +SLAT270-017-03|The exact opposite of President Clinton. +SLAT270-019-00|Was it the Constitution the president was trying to save? +SLAT271-002-00|Dear Merrill, +SLAT272-001-00|The Man Who Loved Genetic Anomalies. +SLAT272-002-00|Dear Todd, +SLAT272-006-09|Maybe you can help me with a new one. +SLAT273-003-03|And as in the Gore-Wolf case, the benefits of the Bradley-West relationship are clearly reciprocal. +SLAT273-008-03|I would describe him as a blunt-spoken moderate with a radical self-image slightly at odds with the substance of his views. +SLAT274-005-03|In the house! +SLAT274-009-00|More later, Todd. +SLAT276-004-00|I want to move away from all this witty banter about politics and media ethics and move on to something more serious: T V. +SLAT276-005-06|Except for The Simpsons and The Practice, there are no T V shows worth watching regularly anymore. +SLAT276-005-07|This is probably the reason for the rise of the magazine shows on V H one, E!, and the like. +SLAT276-005-09|The minute I saw Leif Garrett in his bandanna hopefully talking about a comeback in two thousand, I was hooked. +SLAT276-006-03|Lately, though, our favorite, hers and mine, is the animated series based on the George and Martha books. +SLAT276-006-06|Nathan Lane does the voice of George with such flamboyance and relish that it puts the actors on Will and Grace to shame. +SLAT277-001-00|No Relation number six: Moore Than Meets the Eye. +SLAT277-002-03|And now, Michael Moore is heading the W T O as it meets in Seattle. +SLAT277-005-02|He took the helm of the W T O in September. +SLAT278-005-01|But has anyone really thought through the full implications of this convenient fix? +SLAT278-005-02|Has the divisive, decades-long debate over affirmative action really been defused by a clever policy gimmick? +SLAT278-007-03|The X Percent Solution seems to subvert the basic mechanism that is supposed to make school choice work. +SLAT279-007-01|They broke through checkpoints one hundred seventeen times in one hundred seventy three attempts. +SLAT280-004-04|There is, I concede, a somewhat confusing interlude where George takes up modern dance. +SLAT280-004-06|And as I recall, he wears a sombrero with his leotard. +SLAT280-005-05|The two live together in a suspiciously well-decorated castle on a lake outside Celesteville. +SLAT280-005-07|They wear turtlenecks. +SLAT280-007-02|I saw it and thought, Hmmm. +SLAT281-001-00|Why Global Warming Is Good for Gore. +SLAT281-006-02|On the other hand, if the temperature stayed warm, there would be no oil price spike, hence probably no recession. +SLAT282-008-01|I was told, however, that there was laughter and derision at a New York Magnolia screening. +SLAT282-009-01|My own feeling is that the film deserves its chance to develop in the minds of its viewers before being defined in a tidal wave of buzz. +SLAT283-001-00|Boys on Film +SLAT283-002-00|Dear all, +SLAT283-003-02|But I bet that too few of them demonstrate the consideration for their readers that you do, or your habitual fairness. +SLAT283-004-00|Elvis, you raised two really important points yesterday. +SLAT283-004-01|The dearth of relationship films this year may just be a cyclical thing, I suspect. +SLAT283-004-03|The dearth of decent roles for black actors goes deeper, and is much more frustrating. +SLAT283-004-13|Hanks clearly identifies with the kid, and the weirdly anti-dramatic thing is this: Nothing bad happens to him in the film. +SLAT283-005-00|Hanks is a bugaboo for me, sorry if I got off track. +SLAT283-005-03|In this regard, I appreciate your praise of Three Kings, Elvis. +SLAT283-006-07|Toy Story two: Woody. +SLAT284-006-01|There is often that globule of anti-semitic spit that he drops into his column. +SLAT284-010-08|Les mots justes. +SLAT285-002-00|Dear Dad, +SLAT285-004-00|Has ever a man been a better metaphor for the society he governs than Boris Yeltsin? +SLAT285-004-06|Putin? +SLAT285-004-07|Lukashenko? +SLAT285-007-04|Give them a little slack now, and everything will even out and get back to normal. +SLAT286-003-00|Now it appears that Yardeni was not just wrong, but spectacularly wrong. +SLAT287-002-00|Dear Jack, +SLAT287-004-01|Their success in doing so is of course debatable, but it makes you wonder: Has Rosen simply never read those papers? +SLAT288-003-01|Knock me over with an earth-mover, buddy. +SLAT288-003-07|He was back to the blue suit, though; does that mean Naomi Wolf has taken another pay cut? +SLAT288-006-00|Harry Shearer. +SLAT289-001-00|Poor Monica. +SLAT289-006-03|But there are tough ones: I can usually win when I announce, to a stunned dinner table, that Garrick Utley is not Canadian. +SLAT289-007-00|I know you endured the Bradley-Gore speeches, but we should try to catch the debates this week. +SLAT289-007-03|Bradley will reply with long passages from Cornel West, Hugh Prather, Robert Putnam, and Khalil Gibran. +SLAT290-001-00|How C N B C Exacerbates Stock-price Swings +SLAT290-002-03|Short-term market moves are, almost by definition, impossible to parse successfully. +SLAT291-001-00|Moomba Mania. +SLAT292-003-03|He wanted to know what we should do to ensure the longest possible primary season. +SLAT292-005-00|Sam and Cokie could barely control their sniggering. +SLAT292-008-00|Seib loved the idea. +SLAT292-012-01|Lance Morrow of AOL-Time Warner asked. +SLAT293-002-02|There has never been a serious academic study, in fact, that has shown anything different. +SLAT293-008-00|In any case, the thing to remember about all this is that every time someone sells a stock, someone else is buying it. +SLAT294-005-00|Like Bradley, Gore sometimes crossed the line from deeply felt concern into pandering. +SLAT295-005-01|The coverage notes that the only real harsh disagreement between the two came on the question of police racial profiling. +SLAT296-003-03|Potential Reform Party nominee Pat Buchanan drew just five percent. +SLAT296-005-01|The president hulks over the former Dixiecrat, who, it should be noted, ran for president when Clinton was two years old. +SLAT297-004-03|We signed up for a race, dammit! +SLAT297-006-01|Goodbye welfare reform, hello Urban Development Action Grants! +SLAT297-007-02|There are still some New Democrats left in the White House. +SLAT298-001-00|He Could Not Tell a Lie. +SLAT298-002-02|The bad news: long-awaited signs of inflation have finally materialized, and the markets know it. +SLAT299-005-05|The other big news from New Hampshire is that George W Bush has finally pulled out the big guns: his parents. +SLAT300-002-02|The sentencing of the World Trade Center bombing mastermind leads at the New York Times. +SLAT300-004-01|The story also gets front-page coverage at the N Y T and W P. +SLAT300-004-02|The N Y T mentions that the jury was about to be sworn in but was instead sent home Thursday. +SLAT300-004-03|But none of the accounts mention whether the jury is sequestered yet. +SLAT300-007-02|The W P gives the example of one, a New York gang leader who directed three murders from jail. +SLAT301-002-00|The New York Times leads with the latest maneuverings of the Unabomber case. +SLAT301-009-02|Complainers have been known to be thrown out of buildings or beheaded. +SLAT302-003-00|Yesterday, Iraq halted the work of yet another U N weapons inspection team. +SLAT302-009-01|Figured this way, states Sloan, the nineteen ninety seven budget deficit was one hundred three point nine billion dollars. +SLAT304-002-01|This is also the top national story at the Los Angeles Times. +SLAT304-011-01|The language is clear, precise, and calm. +SLAT305-001-00|Nuclear Pakistandoff. +SLAT305-002-00|Everybody leads with the expected, but still earthshaking, first Pakistani nuclear blasts. +SLAT305-008-01|Instead, I E and Netscape Navigator will both merely be supplied on a CD-ROM. +SLAT306-005-00|The Wall Street Journal runs a front-page story about how stockbrokers hustle clients. +SLAT308-009-00|The W P reports that Matt Drudge gave a speech yesterday at the National Press Club. +SLAT309-008-06|Ginsburg has something in common with his former client: he probably blew it. +SLAT310-002-03|Frank accused Hyde of unilateral bipartisanship. +SLAT310-003-02|Every article also interprets the furious GOP-democratic sparring as a depressing harbinger. +SLAT310-005-03|Instead, the surprise winner is an ultranationalist named Poplasen. +SLAT310-006-03|The veto has already been overridden by the House, the GOP hopes to pick up the required three Senate seats in November. +SLAT311-002-00|The New York Times leads with a sneak preview of the videotaped testimony that Congress will make public on Monday morning. +SLAT311-003-06|Hmmm. +SLAT311-004-01|Hillary has kept her schedule of appearances, and offered no statements, and no sign of her inner feelings. +SLAT311-005-00|The W P lead recounts comments from an interview with Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi. +SLAT311-005-04|Doth Obuchi protest too much? +SLAT311-006-01|One story says hotel and wait staffs are now uniformed in designer clothes. +SLAT313-002-00|Everyone leads with the presidential tape, although true to its Rashomon spirit, no two papers see in it quite the same thing. +SLAT313-006-01|And so the paper maintains that the only thing to do is for Congress to open a formal impeachment inquiry. +SLAT313-008-00|World record holder and nineteen eighty eight Olympic champion Florence Griffith-Joyner died in her sleep yesterday. +SLAT314-008-02|A number of elite schools in the New York area, the paper reports, have declared peanut-free cafeterias. +SLAT314-008-03|Others serve peanut butter sandwiches only in a special designated area. +SLAT315-003-01|The coverage also quotes Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. +SLAT315-006-03|The W P says there were protests in Cairo, Beirut and Jordan. +SLAT316-002-00|The New York Times, Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times all lead with coverage of the impeachment dramatics. +SLAT316-004-04|On the other side, Gerald Ford and Bob Dole, both of whom had offered censure plans, have endorsed impeachment. +SLAT316-008-02|We interrupt the bombing to bring you the impeachment. +SLAT317-006-02|Hastert, a well-liked moderate from the Chicago suburbs, is known as the coach because he is a former high school teacher and coach. +SLAT318-006-00|A story inside the N Y T reports another first, the inaugural combat use of the B one bomber. +SLAT319-002-01|The Wall Street Journal also runs a front-page leader on the development. +SLAT319-005-00|The Houston octuplets are continuing to get front-page coverage. +SLAT319-006-01|Shogren, a party guest, snagged a lengthy interview with Clinton. +SLAT319-006-02|Highlights: Clinton believes that in twenty or thirty years, he will be vindicated. +SLAT319-006-04|His friends at the party were gloomy and distraught, and it was Clinton who was cheering them up. +SLAT320-001-00|Voice: First Person. +SLAT320-003-01|This is the most eagerly awaited political biography of the decade? +SLAT320-007-00|Culturebox says: Hmm +SLAT321-003-01|Robeson posthumously won a lifetime achievement award at the Grammys. +SLAT322-001-00|Death Rays from Outer Space. +SLAT322-002-05|The author: a Harvard professor of aesthetics? +SLAT322-003-01|It goes like this: one. +SLAT322-005-01|Physicist and electrical engineer D V Giri peer-reviewed the piece for the NYROB and recommended publication. +SLAT322-010-01|For one thing, Fallows gave Evans and Zuckerman no time to get their story straight. +SLAT322-011-02|The answer says everything about what Evans has become. +SLAT322-011-03|Fallows is a writer who strayed into the snakepit of media-executivedom for a brief, unhappy stint. +SLAT323-001-00|Extramarital Sex in the White House! +SLAT323-005-01|So was the motive of revenge. +SLAT324-007-06|All the while, he has been writing nifty pop culture pieces for the New York Times +SLAT324-008-00|Magazine, so he seems to have that ingredient of the mix covered as well. +SLAT325-002-09|So someone who wants a story written paid him to research the story. +SLAT325-002-10|When the Ford Foundation does the same thing, they call it a prestigious fellowship! +SLAT325-002-11|But if Brock thought it was Oklahoma to take the money, why did he seemingly hide that fact in Esquire? +SLAT326-007-04|Yesterday, Chatterbox drove by the Brookings building and picked up the latest issue of the Brookings Review. +SLAT326-008-01|Of the six, four chickened out. +SLAT327-003-13|Witnesses confirmed his newsstand habits. +SLAT327-008-01|Starr, have you no shame? +SLAT328-002-01|First, peace in Northern Ireland! +SLAT328-003-04|A long-planned departure. +SLAT328-003-09|Just a smooth transition. +SLAT328-010-01|Those punks? +SLAT329-005-06|Hitler, too, was, one recalls, a national socialist and an enemy of the free market as well as the free society. +SLAT329-005-10|Why do we now accept it as a given? +SLAT329-006-01|So we laugh at young communists, and are sickened by young fascists. +SLAT330-001-01|Them were the Good Old Days? +SLAT330-003-02|You really ARE reactionary! +SLAT330-004-00|The state was pretty big in nineteen ten, Andrew. +SLAT331-003-00|With all due respect, you keep changing the subject. +SLAT331-003-06|The only difference is that we defeated one in six years; and took another forty-four to defeat the other. +SLAT331-004-02|They are consumers and citizens; and they are being bilked of their own money. +SLAT332-002-00|Dear Andrew, +SLAT333-001-00|If not discrimination, what? +SLAT333-004-11|And I hope we stop the futile attempt to make amends for past injustice by wreaking new ones on innocent people. +SLAT334-004-04|And aside from Milwaukee, New York is the first big city to give workfare a try. +SLAT334-006-09|Enforce that principle, and some of those on welfare will go to work. +SLAT334-007-02|Most plans attempt to divert those who apply for welfare into private jobs. +SLAT334-007-04|Only those who fail to find private sector jobs are then offered workfare jobs so they can earn their benefits. +SLAT334-009-03|Many employers who do file their forms do it late. +SLAT334-011-01|At times, your reporters object that workfarers do menial, unskilled, dead-end work. +SLAT334-011-07|Is the work low paid? +SLAT334-011-08|Sure. +SLAT335-002-03|Some historians carp that conspiracy-minded publicity hounds perpetuate this fad, rudely disturbing the dead. +SLAT335-005-02|Both Jews and Muslims take nearly as strong positions against disinterment. +SLAT335-007-02|Why the trend? +SLAT335-012-01|Was Ron Brown murdered? +SLAT335-012-02|Is Lee Harvey Oswald in his grave or in Russia? +SLAT335-013-00|Four Corpse Fetish: Some anthropologists say the technology is new but the impulse is old. +SLAT335-014-00|If you missed the sidebar on embalming techniques and their cultural significance through the ages, click. +SLAT335-014-01|For a list of recent and proposed exhumations, click. +SLAT336-002-03|Right-wingers bark back that Salon is a mere conduit for White House spin. +SLAT336-010-00|The testimony of her son Joshua Rand is far more vivid and detailed. +SLAT337-002-05|Why does the rate increase, when profits are high? +SLAT337-011-02|Negotiations with the powerful postal unions begin in August, with contracts due to expire in November. +SLAT338-002-03|Why not use American ones? +SLAT338-003-00|Background. +SLAT338-009-00|Is it dangerous for the United States to use Chinese rockets? +SLAT338-010-04|At least one official remains with the satellite from the time it leaves the country until its liftoff. +SLAT338-012-02|Loral says the review was meant to reassure the insurance companies that indemnify their launches on Chinese rockets. +SLAT339-009-02|Several of the biggest, most corrupt banks collapsed in nineteen ninety five, drying up important sources of credit. +SLAT339-010-00|Five Arrears. +SLAT339-012-04|These managers are chided for lacking experience, competence, and the desire to adapt their companies to the market. +SLAT339-014-01|Yeltsin, in failing health, has lost the confidence of foreign investors. +SLAT339-014-02|Like an old party boss, and he is an old party boss, Yeltsin purges his administration regularly. +SLAT340-003-00|Time devotes nearly its entire issue to Princess Di. +SLAT340-004-01|The obits are, not surprisingly, reverential. +SLAT340-007-02|A piece says that the ozone layer is healing thanks to C F C bans. +SLAT340-010-03|The United States has failed to improve living conditions or uphold the authority of President Rene Preval. +SLAT340-010-06|Also, why Princess Di was like President Clinton: The public cared more about her empathy than about her actions. +SLAT340-019-00|The celebrity-obsessed magazine publishes a special Diana issue, three days before its regular publication date of Monday. +SLAT340-019-05|A profile of novelist Don Delillo is pegged to his forthcoming novel, Underworld. +SLAT341-006-03|Impeachment hearings would never oust Gore, but they would reveal the truth. +SLAT341-009-05|Also, a story refutes the notion that learning-disabled kids get too much attention. +SLAT341-018-07|Also, The New Yorker breaks with tradition by publishing photographs of contributors. +SLAT341-024-05|Also, an article savages Diana for not doing her duty. +SLAT342-001-00|Economist, September twenty seventh. +SLAT342-003-05|Also, a story examines the extreme incidence of lesbianism in Diaprepes Abbreviatus beetles. +SLAT342-024-01|Tourism, it reports, is the second-largest industry in the world, after oil. +SLAT343-003-00|A cover editorial says the millennium bug is overhyped. +SLAT343-003-06|Great authors like Martin Amis go unrecognized; lesser lights make the short-list. +SLAT343-009-00|The cover story proclaims Ruth Bader Ginsburg a good choice for Supreme Court Chief Justice when William Rehnquist retires. +SLAT343-009-02|An essay advocates legal, over-the-counter syringe sales at New York pharmacies. +SLAT343-009-04|Also, playwright Eric Bogosian interviews comedian Chris Rock. +SLAT343-010-00|Time, October sixth +SLAT343-012-04|Best name for a male-marketed color: Testosterone. +SLAT343-012-05|Also in Time, a piece explores the massive empire of Martha Stewart, who has just launched a new venture with Kmart. +SLAT343-022-01|The group really does seek male spiritual renewal, not, as its critics claim, political power or male supremacy. +SLAT343-025-02|Sales are flat, profits are meager, advances are too generous, and returns are too frequent. +SLAT343-025-03|Astounding fact: Last year, thirty five percent of books were returned to publishers. +SLAT344-003-02|An article profiles cyberprophet Esther Dyson, whose technology newsletter is a must-read in Silicon Valley. +SLAT344-003-04|Also, Vanity Fair excerpts a novel about a journalist covering the O J case for Vanity Fair. +SLAT344-004-00|Economist, October eleventh. +SLAT344-006-00|A cover editorial calls for the ouster of Benjamin Netanyahu. +SLAT344-007-00|New Republic, October twenty seventh. +SLAT344-010-00|New York Times Magazine, October twelfth. +SLAT344-016-00|A Time story says young male elephants are murdering rhinos in Africa. +SLAT344-022-05|Also, an article examines the booming business of naming corporations. +SLAT345-008-00|Nature continued to punish the Pacific Northwest. +SLAT345-008-01|After two massive snowstorms, heavy rain and melting snow have caused floods, mudslides, sinkholes, and at least eleven deaths. +SLAT345-009-00|The Democratic campaign-finance scandal expanded while tightening around President Clinton. +SLAT346-001-06|Next comes a short hearing in which the jury will decide the punitive damages. +SLAT346-004-00|Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, will be paid one million dollars to promote Weight Watchers products in America. +SLAT346-009-06|Liberals are gloating for the same reason. +SLAT346-011-01|The Beijing government has stifled every remaining dissident through exile, imprisonment, or intimidation. +SLAT346-013-04|Scientist-temps are becoming more common in laboratories, according to the Washington Post. +SLAT347-004-00|Authorities in New Hampshire agreed to spare the life of a dog that killed a rooster. +SLAT347-009-00|Straws in the wind: America now has more than five million illegal immigrants. +SLAT347-014-03|Intent on proving that she was more than a seductive dilettante, friends are touting her success as ambassador. +SLAT347-015-00|The Washington Post revealed to the world, and to Madeleine Albright herself, that the new secretary of state is Jewish. +SLAT348-001-02|References to his purported authorization of the Tiananmen Square massacre were politely buried. +SLAT348-007-00|President Clinton halted a strike by American Airlines pilots. +SLAT348-009-01|The victim, Lee Han Young, is reportedly near death, and South Korea is on a terrorism alert. +SLAT348-011-00|The Dow Jones industrial average topped seven thousand. +SLAT349-004-00|Multimillionaire wrestling enthusiast John E du Pont was convicted of murdering a wrestler at his estate a year ago. +SLAT349-011-00|Chinese President Jiang Zemin is attracting scrutiny now that his mentor, Deng Xiaoping, is dead. +SLAT349-012-00|Former heavyweight-boxing champ Riddick Bowe quit the Marines after a few days of basic training. +SLAT349-012-02|Commentators dismissed him as a pampered wimp who jerked around both the military and the taxpayer. +TIM_001|The legislature met to judge the state of public education. +TIM_002|Radio reception is cut down by the shielding necessary to keep out radiation. +TIM_003|Biologists use radioactive isotopes to study microorganisms. +TIM_004|Living in a shelter the radioactivity of fallout decays rapidly at first. +TIM_005|Chief interest in radiosterilization resides in the military services. +TIM_006|Meats: the radiation processing of meat has received extensive investigation. +TIM_007|Poultry: results of irradiation tests with poultry have been quite successful. +TIM_008|The bluejay flew over the high building. +TIM_009|What did you mean by that rattlesnake gag? +TIM_010|Urethane foam as an insulator is also coming in for a good deal of attention. +TIM_011|Then we'd really have someplace to go. +TIM_012|Do you always navigate like this? +TIM_013|He ripped down the cellophane carefully, and laid three dogs on the tin foil. +TIM_014|Now maybe they'd realize that life can be tough. +TIM_015|Can't seem to locate landmarks in this snow. +TIM_016|These curves were derived by an analysis of extensive skywave measurement data. +TIM_017|Nobody does, but they gave me ten last year. +TIM_018|When they got home at midnight, she was tired out. +TIM_019|One more muddleheaded play like that one, and they'd be leading him away. +TIM_020|They'll move around that rock all day, following the shade. +TIM_021|It was not exactly panic they gave way to, but they could not just sit there. +TIM_022|They'll toe the line. +TIM_023|They'll roll off in another day. +TIM_024|They'll tell you what is cooking. +TIM_025|Whosoever violates our rooftree, the legend states, can expect maximal sorrow. +TIM_026|Many scouring powders now also contain phosphates. +TIM_027|They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists. +TIM_028|They used pink, tan, or cream powder. +TIM_029|Pam gives driving lessons on Thursdays. +TIM_030|The essay undeniably reflects our view ably. +TIM_031|I've got to bathe my feet. +TIM_032|Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster? +TIM_033|Woe betide the interviewee if he answered vaguely. +TIM_034|Look at the things we do to escape our fears, and to forget our worries. +TIM_035|The universe is a safe and permanent home. +TIM_036|How safe is too safe? +TIM_037|Her face seemed to float in an implausibly bright shaft of sunlight. +TIM_038|Andrei's skilled eye sized them up. +TIM_039|He always seemed to have money in his pocket. +TIM_040|I always say you've got a wonderful husband, Miss Margaret. +TIM_041|Maybe they'll stop it now, once for all. +TIM_042|Where were they now? +TIM_043|Yet they thrived on it. +TIM_044|Do you know what they think of me? +TIM_045|Bathing the itching parts with kerosene gave relief, and also killed the pests. +TIM_046|They've never met, you know. +TIM_047|This tool can also be made with a lathe. +TIM_048|What it does: aids in preventing foamy bloat. +TIM_049|They're easier to shade there. +TIM_050|Brief snips of actual events were shown: parades, dances, street scenes. +TIM_051|Opaque cantaloupes and transparent wood brown were used. +TIM_052|Stay right here where you are, kid, he called. +TIM_053|Behind him, his mates stirred without waking. +TIM_054|The straight line would symbolize its uniqueness, the circle its universality. +TIM_055|He looked lazy, spoiled, a little querulous. +TIM_056|Husbandry was bounded by snake-rail fences, and there were grazing cattle. +TIM_057|Academic aptitude guarantees your diploma. +TIM_058|He said: the crazy fool, half aloud. +TIM_059|His problem concerns longitudes, latitudes, and angular velocities. +TIM_060|Weatherproof galoshes are very useful in Seattle. +TIM_061|Michael colored the bedroom wall with crayons. +TIM_062|The sudden solitude had lost its momentary charm, and become oppressive. +TIM_063|Space charge influences will also decrease at increased voltages. +TIM_064|The preschooler couldn't verbalize her feelings about the emergency conditions. +TIM_065|In my place, you'd follow such advice as you give me. +TIM_066|However, the litter remained, augmented by several dozen lunchroom suppers. +TIM_067|You'd think her stomach would have got used to it, in three weeks. +TIM_068|It is resolved that the anti-slavery sentiment is becoming ripe for resolute action. +TIM_069|At intervals an alumni directory is issued. +TIM_070|Oh, you'll wobble and weave quite a bit at first. +TIM_071|The source is known, so there is no necessity to remove insecticide residues. +TIM_072|Often you'll get back more than you put in. +TIM_073|You'll have to try it alone. +TIM_074|Are you positive you'll be all right by yourself? +TIM_075|New ideas for improving nutrition came with the study of soil treatment. +TIM_076|Afraid you'll lose your job if you don't keep your mouth shut? +TIM_077|He then offered his own estimate of the weather, which was unenthusiastic. +TIM_078|Strength began to zip up and down his chest. +TIM_079|A toothpaste tube should be squeezed from the bottom. +TIM_080|Measured performance characteristics for this experimental tube will be listed. +TIM_081|Thick glue oozed out of the tube. +TIM_082|Place work on a flat surface and smooth out. +TIM_083|But none of this could soothe the exacerbated nerves. +TIM_084|Cliff was soothed by the luxurious massage. +TIM_085|Everything went real smooth, the sheriff said. +TIM_086|Microorganisms are often responsible for the rapid spoilage of foods. +TIM_087|A crude ladder ran down to a wooden floor. +TIM_088|In a new house, generous roof overhangs are a logical and effective solution. +TIM_089|The roof of the command post began to buckle. +TIM_090|We saw eight tiny icicles below our roof. +TIM_091|We send shovels, cement, nails, and corrugated iron for roofs. +TIM_092|High, so it would only bounce harmlessly but loudly off the car's steel roof. +TIM_093|This is the atomic sun, the atomic nucleus. +TIM_094|Indeed it is possible to separate electron paramagnetic from nuclear effects. +TIM_095|She'd also remember if the groom died later. +TIM_096|Can thermonuclear war be set off by accident? +TIM_097|The room looked normal and even commonplace. +TIM_098|Bob papered over the living room murals. +TIM_099|His captain was thin and haggard, and his beautiful boots were worn and shabby. +TIM_1000|Thus events occurred, and victims changed in appearance, and new ones arrived. +TIM_1001|Curiosity and mediocrity seldom coexist. +TIM_1002|How do oysters make pearls? +TIM_1003|Do you have the yellow ointment ready? +TIM_1004|How oily do you like your salad dressing? +TIM_1005|To honor him is to honor ourselves. +TIM_1006|Does Hindu ideology honor cows? +TIM_1007|Thereupon followed a demonstration that tyranny knows no ideological confines. +TIM_1008|Reading in poor light gives you eyestrain. +TIM_1009|The two artists exchanged autographs. +TIM_100|Keep the desserts simple; fruit does nicely. +TIM_1010|His blue eyes sought the shimmering sea of haze ahead. +TIM_1011|If disobeyed, the result is turmoil and chaos. +TIM_1012|How would you evaluate this algebraic expression? +TIM_1013|If you use parking attendants, can they be replaced by automatic parking gates? +TIM_1014|Let the orthodontist decide the proper time to start treatment, he urges. +TIM_1015|But even mother's loving attitude will not always prevent misbehavior. +TIM_1016|Do line barbecue fire bowl with heavy foil to reflect heat. +TIM_1017|The patient and the surgeon are both recuperating from the lengthy operation. +TIM_1018|Higher toll rates also are helping boost revenues. +TIM_1019|Biblical scholars argue history. +TIM_101|Avocados, however, are very rich in nutrients. +TIM_1020|A third volume remains to be published. +TIM_1021|And men also used vacuum cleaners in both rooms, sucking dust up once more. +TIM_1022|The new birth is immediate and instantaneous. +TIM_1023|He rubbed his eyes sleepily with one huge paw. +TIM_1024|Her study of history was persistently pursued. +TIM_1025|The sound of Jennifer's bugle scared the antelope. +TIM_1026|I assume moisture will damage this ship's hull. +TIM_1027|Children can consume many fruit candies in one sitting. +TIM_1028|One of the most desirable features for a park are beautiful views or scenery. +TIM_1029|The news agency hired a great journalist. +TIM_102|Like a fair number of bootleggers, he disliked alcohol. +TIM_1030|Maybe today will be a good-news day. +TIM_1031|Those who teach values first abolish cheating. +TIM_1032|We can, however, maximize its expected value. +TIM_1033|A huge tapestry hung in her hallway. +TIM_1034|We knew that it was, as reassurance, the ironic fruit of a deeply moral nature. +TIM_1035|The hallway opens into a huge chamber. +TIM_1036|There is no dispute involving fieldwork. +TIM_1037|Assume, for example, a situation where a farm has a packing shed and fields. +TIM_1038|Confusion became chaos; each succeeding day brought new acts of violence. +TIM_1039|His talk turns to what he calls the mess, or sometimes this buzzing confusion. +TIM_103|Their work mirrors the mentality of the psychopath, rootless and irresponsible. +TIM_1040|Nobody really expects to evacuate. +TIM_1041|Don't look for group valuables in a bank vault. +TIM_1042|No manufacturer has taken the initiative in pointing out the costs involved. +TIM_1043|Most assuredly ideas are invaluable. +TIM_1044|On unoccupied roadway, the bottle shattered into a small amber flash. +TIM_1045|And so he walked, aimless again. +TIM_1046|You're boiling milk, ain't you? +TIM_1047|Fuss, fuss, old man. +TIM_1048|Sometimes, although by no means always, these are indeed alkaline. +TIM_1049|He remembered the last time he had eaten, actual eggs from an actual pan. +TIM_104|She can remove all knick-knacks within reach. +TIM_1050|He swung around, eyes toward the bedroom, some fifteen feet away. +TIM_1051|Eyes like hot honey, eyes that sizzled. +TIM_1052|Run-down, iron-poor. +TIM_105|The coalition was to prove inadvisable. +TIM_106|Nevertheless, she continued to move upward. +TIM_107|Add a few caraway seeds too, if you'd like. +TIM_108|Now if you'll pardon me, I won't keep him waiting. +TIM_109|We'll pay you back, if you'll let us. +TIM_110|A lot of people will roam the streets in costumes and masks, and having a ball. +TIM_111|You would drive us into shame, he declared. +TIM_112|We've got plenty of time to think about that. +TIM_113|Well, wait until you finish what you've got, Davy. +TIM_114|No, she would not pretend modesty, but neither must she be crudely bold. +TIM_115|The proof that you are seeking is not available in books. +TIM_116|They also furnish proof that, in modern war, message sending must be monitored. +TIM_117|Nuclear rockets can destroy airfields with ease. +TIM_118|Shrugs met that, from room clerks, from bellhops. +TIM_119|He sank back, sighing, and was soon asleep again. +TIM_120|Satellites, sputniks, rockets, balloons; what next? +TIM_121|Historians have had two reasons for persisting so long in their investigations. +TIM_122|There were no tracks of either hoofs, or boots. +TIM_123|But I'm so sunburned that every move I make is agony. +TIM_124|This truth that the moral law is natural has other important corollaries. +TIM_125|Her wardrobe consists of only skirts and blouses. +TIM_126|Day after day some new episode is reported. +TIM_127|Bruises and black eyes were relieved by application of raw beefsteak. +TIM_128|Get a calico cat to keep. +TIM_129|Another memo for sightseers: bring your camera along to museums. +TIM_130|There are canoes ideal for fishing in protected waters, or for camping trips. +TIM_131|It had a tiny envelope tied to its wrist. +TIM_132|Publicity and notoriety go hand in hand. +TIM_133|In wage negotiations, the industry bargains as a unit with a single union. +TIM_134|The photochemical exchange in the gas phase. +TIM_135|Tugboats are capable of hauling huge loads. +TIM_136|He peered ahead and grinned as the railroad tracks came into view again below. +TIM_137|Buying a thoroughbred horse requires intuition and expertise. +TIM_138|This is followed by a boom in conferences. +TIM_139|A monstrous shadow fell across the illuminated wall, distorted and indefinable. +TIM_140|A sharp tremor was followed by a jerky roll. +TIM_141|Within this framework, what followed was strained, even macabre. +TIM_142|A concurrent effort is needed to make oceanographic data useful on the spot. +TIM_143|Boys and men go along the riverbank, or to the alcoves in the top arcade. +TIM_144|He rode low on the mare's back. +TIM_145|Home-made sauerkraut is served once a week. +TIM_146|His sarcasm was followed by a stupid grin of his thick mouth and bad teeth. +TIM_147|Emotionally, they penetrated him not at all. +TIM_148|They close sometime after eight. +TIM_149|This was chiefly because of the bluish white autofluorescence from the cells. +TIM_150|Put on his old brown corduroy coat, and it was already soaked. +TIM_151|He would offer no theory to account for her murder. +TIM_152|A sailboat may have a bone in her teeth one minute, and lie becalmed the next. +TIM_153|Do atypical farmers grow oats? +TIM_154|A big goat idly ambled through the farmyard. +TIM_155|Both the conditions and the complicity are documented in considerable detail. +TIM_156|It was like finally getting into one's own nightmares to punish one's dreams. +TIM_157|So we note approvingly a fresh sample of unanimity. +TIM_158|This coat looks like a rag heap. +TIM_159|Or certain words or rituals that child and adult go through may do the trick. +TIM_160|Once you finish greasing your chain, be sure to wash thoroughly. +TIM_161|Sometimes soldiers wrote letters, while bullets were whizzing about their heads. +TIM_162|However, a boy's lively eyes might rove. +TIM_163|The Mayan neoclassic scholar disappeared while surveying ancient ruins. +TIM_164|Poach the apples in this syrup for twelve minutes, drain them, and cool. +TIM_165|Approach your interview with statuesque composure. +TIM_166|Shivering, he put on his clothes. +TIM_167|They inhabit a secret world centered on go codes and gold phones. +TIM_168|By eating yogurt, you may live longer. +TIM_169|He drove, and the road wobbled, familiar scenes crept past on either side. +TIM_170|She blew her nose on a tissue and opened the coke bottle. +TIM_171|No group of officers came in for more spirited denunciation than the doctors. +TIM_172|It latches, when you close it, so stay as long as you like. +TIM_173|Another snarled close overhead. +TIM_174|To hold them in a compact mass was close herding. +TIM_175|Most precincts had a third of the votes counted. +TIM_176|A note of awe came into his voice. +TIM_177|Let me quote him even more fully, for his analysis is important to my theme. +TIM_178|As she drove, she thought about her plan. +TIM_179|The emblem depicts the Acropolis all aglow. +TIM_180|Oh yes, he'd talked about doing so. +TIM_181|Yes, yes, we'll let you know. +TIM_182|Serve the coleslaw after I add the oil. +TIM_183|Some tore entirely through the whipsawed post oak. +TIM_184|The government sought authorization of his citizenship. +TIM_185|Do without fancy tablecloths. +TIM_186|Simple elongation has been treated in detail. +TIM_187|Aw, shut up, he said. +TIM_188|The jaw operates by using antagonistic muscles. +TIM_189|Trish saw hours and hours of movies Saturday. +TIM_190|As we observe moral law and physical law, they appear as being inevitable. +TIM_191|Under this law, annual grants are given to systems in substantial amounts. +TIM_192|Although they drew light ground fire, they saw no signs of activity. +TIM_193|The haunted house was a hit due to the outstanding audio-visual effects. +TIM_194|In the lighted interior, he saw other men and women struggling into their wraps. +TIM_195|Again, these blocks were set in resin-saturated glass cloth and nailed. +TIM_196|Please take this dirty table cloth to the cleaners for me. +TIM_197|A moth zig-zagged along the path through Otto's garden. +TIM_198|Cleaned cloth must be protected against the redeposition of dispersed soil. +TIM_199|Rough cloth rasped his fist. +TIM_200|And the law virtually ignored the situation. +TIM_201|Roy ignored the spurious data points in drawing the graph. +TIM_202|Little geeing and hawing have been necessary. +TIM_203|He talked about unauthentic storylines too. +TIM_204|Withdraw only as much money as you need. +TIM_205|Withdraw all phony accusations at once. +TIM_206|There is never enough corn, peas or strawberries. +TIM_207|Oh Mother, I saw them. +TIM_208|He strolled back to the door, whistling softly, hands still clasped behind him. +TIM_209|But she suffered in her off-duty hours. +TIM_210|The fish began to leap frantically on the surface of the small lake. +TIM_211|Draw every outer line first, then fill in the interior. +TIM_212|A chaw of tobacco put on an open wound was both antiseptic and healing. +TIM_213|There is no war on now. +TIM_214|Getting the boss rattlesnake to help you? +TIM_215|As a precaution, the outlaws bought gunpowder for their stronghold. +TIM_216|Merely to satisfy the author's curiosity. +TIM_217|Her cough sounded like cloth ripping. +TIM_218|He wondered if it wore the old anxiety, or the old, taut stoicism. +TIM_219|Draw each graph on a new axis. +TIM_220|George is paranoid about a future gas shortage. +TIM_221|The cowboy called this breed of cattle magpies. +TIM_222|For roasts, insert meat thermometer diagonally, so it does not rest on bone. +TIM_223|The need for reupholstering, redecorating, repainting becomes more infrequent. +TIM_224|The cowboy's humorous name for a cow giving milk was a milk pitcher. +TIM_225|Diane may splurge, and buy a turquoise necklace. +TIM_226|The paper boy bought two apples and three ices. +TIM_227|Tofu is made from processed soybeans. +TIM_228|As a rule, the autistic child doesn't enjoy physical contact with others. +TIM_229|How did one join them? +TIM_230|Shall we flip a coin to see which of us goes first? +TIM_231|Now a distinguished old man called on nine divinities to come and join us. +TIM_232|The knifelike pain in his groin nearly brought him down again. +TIM_233|Anyhow, it was high time the boy was salted. +TIM_234|The overweight charmer could slip poison into anyone's tea. +TIM_235|You too were a stupid jackass until you poisoned me. +TIM_236|Every movement she made seemed unnecessarily noisy. +TIM_237|His body processes only slowed down enough for him to dispel fatigue poisons. +TIM_238|If they are not ellipsoids, the conclusions will be a reasonable approximation. +TIM_239|There was typhoid and malaria. +TIM_240|Thyroid function tests yielded normal results. +TIM_241|I'll have a scoop of that exotic purple and turquoise sherbet. +TIM_242|Seeds of soybean, cotton, corn, sesame, and rape yield semidrying oils. +TIM_243|Exboyfriend, meet exhusband. +TIM_244|Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that. +TIM_245|Yeah, seems so, don't it, the boy laughed, hugging her close. +TIM_246|Are you looking for employment? +TIM_247|Count the number of teaspoons of soysauce that you add. +TIM_248|Personal predispositions tend to blunt the ear, and in turn, the voice as well. +TIM_249|He believed that brave boys didn't cry. +TIM_250|A good morrow to you, my boy. +TIM_251|Ralph controlled the stopwatch from the bleachers. +TIM_252|Butterscotch fudge goes well with vanilla ice-cream. +TIM_253|Hay and pasture are the other chief sources of livestock feed. +TIM_254|Does society really exist as an entity over and above the agglomeration of men? +TIM_255|Hired, hard lackeys of the warmongering capitalists. +TIM_256|Why lacerate the congregation? +TIM_257|With any luck at all, he could easily find a flowerpot. +TIM_258|Anybody carrying anything that might hide a rifle? +TIM_259|Rob made Hungarian goulash for dinner, and gooseberry pie for dessert. +TIM_260|Vietnamese cuisine is exquisite. +TIM_261|Bob bandaged both wounds with the skill of a doctor. +TIM_262|So if anybody solicits by phone, make sure you mail the dough to the above. +TIM_263|George seldom watches daytime movies. +TIM_264|Just why anybody would wish to start a riot, the executive officer didn't know. +TIM_265|Gregory and Tom chose to watch cartoons in the afternoon. +TIM_266|Valley Lodge yearly celebrates the first calf born. +TIM_267|In the winter, hibachi in the kitchen, or grill over the logs of the fireplace. +TIM_268|The fear of punishment just didn't bother him. +TIM_269|Soil redeposition is evaluated by washing clean swatches with the dirty ones. +TIM_270|Does this bother you? +TIM_271|Now that this is at odds with our meaning may be shown as follows. +TIM_272|The cranberry bog gets very pretty in Autumn. +TIM_273|The groundhog clearly saw his shadow, but stayed out only a moment. +TIM_274|Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy. +TIM_275|That is only partly non-nonsense, he began. +TIM_276|A domestic automatic washer that will give equivalent results may be used. +TIM_277|When we left Washington his son Tad was ill, and Mrs Lincoln hysterical. +TIM_278|John's brother repainted the garage door. +TIM_279|The rose corsage smelled sweet. +TIM_280|The bristles are soft enough to massage the gums, and not scratch the enamel. +TIM_281|Put the butcher block table in the garage. +TIM_282|Almost everybody in the senior class is married, students say dogmatically. +TIM_283|An octillion atoms, now let us see where this power comes from. +TIM_284|Brain examined for thrombosis, clot, or hemorrhage. +TIM_285|Our key salesmen are in appliances and cosmetics. +TIM_286|Ahah, he thought, a lush divorcee at last. +TIM_287|How about me trying to help her get her job back? +TIM_288|The football team coach has a watch thin as a dime. +TIM_289|Why don't they tell me themselves if it bothers them? +TIM_290|How come you're riding the rods, kids like you? +TIM_291|However, the aircraft which we have today are tied to large, soft airfields. +TIM_292|Perhaps this is what gives the aborigine his odd air of dignity. +TIM_293|He had fallen into a soft job, and now that job was gone, and he was stranded. +TIM_294|Rock-and-roll music has a great rhythm. +TIM_295|Some make beautiful chairs, cabinets, chests, doll houses, etcetera. +TIM_296|It is awe-inspiring. +TIM_297|Drop five forms in the box before you go out. +TIM_298|Top zinnias rarely have crooked stems. +TIM_299|Vases: make same as salt and pepper shakers, leaving off top pieces. +TIM_300|Who is going to stop me? +TIM_301|Like enough, we'll all be up on top by sundown. +TIM_302|Gosh, the house does look like a morgue, though. +TIM_303|The gorgeous butterfly ate a lot of nectar. +TIM_304|The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles. +TIM_305|In either case, they do not appreciate the private detective's zeal. +TIM_306|Many wealthy tycoons splurged and bought both a yacht, and a schooner. +TIM_307|Got a heck of a buy on this, dirt cheap. +TIM_308|So if all these beers was to get me in bed, man, you just spent a lot of money. +TIM_309|Now he has bought it, said my wife contentedly. +TIM_310|Where do you put the lighter fluid, ha, ha? +TIM_311|Each untimely income loss coincided with the breakdown of a heating system part. +TIM_312|Geocentricism per se? +TIM_313|Two miles northeast, then five miles southwest, that sort of thing. +TIM_314|Grandmother outgrew her upbringing in petticoats. +TIM_315|Is a relaxed home atmosphere enough to help her outgrow these traits? +TIM_316|Somehow we old-timers never figured we would ever retire. +TIM_317|They were shown how to an advance against an enemy outpost atop a cleared ridge. +TIM_318|Well, I guess I ought to dust out that desk anyhow. +TIM_319|And possessed himself, how? +TIM_320|What had been the ambassador's suite was now jagged walls of blackened brick. +TIM_321|The clouds bulged downward and burst suddenly into a great black funnel. +TIM_322|He didn't tell her the truth he now freely admitted to himself. +TIM_323|The prowler wore a ski mask for disguise. +TIM_324|Allow leeway here, but rationalize all errors. +TIM_325|A large piece of engine cowling vanished. +TIM_326|And now Nora, don't you encourage him. +TIM_327|A young mouse scampered across the field and disappeared. +TIM_328|Another, longer strip of tinsel whipped his mouth. +TIM_329|The former scout's alibi couldn't be shaken. +TIM_330|How good is your endurance? +TIM_331|How permanent are their records? +TIM_332|Usually, they titter loudly after they have passed by. +TIM_333|The figure in the corner belched loudly, a deep, liquid eruption. +TIM_334|Now forget all this other. +TIM_335|Now here is truly a marvel. +TIM_336|Almost all colleges are now coeducational. +TIM_337|He wore a brown knit sports shirt with no tie. +TIM_338|She spouted a mouthful of water into the air. +TIM_339|Cows giving no milk were known as strippers. +TIM_340|Their props were two stepladders, a chair, and a palm fan. +TIM_341|The taxicab broke down and caused a traffic jam. +TIM_342|Originals are not necessarily good, and adaptations are not necessarily bad. +TIM_343|His comrades were all dead. +TIM_344|The mudwagon had caught fire also. +TIM_345|A leather handbag would be a suitable gift. +TIM_346|Agricultural products are unevenly distributed. +TIM_347|He began to pack the saddlebags. +TIM_348|No, he didn't know of any handyman-carpenter. +TIM_349|Special task forces rescue hostages from kidnappers. +TIM_350|Crooked, overlapping, twisted, or widely spaced teeth. +TIM_351|Brown eyes, eyebrow mustache. +TIM_352|The annoying raccoons slipped into Phil's garden every night. +TIM_353|Who took the kayak down the bayou? +TIM_354|The guerrilla bivouac remained silent. +TIM_355|Ballets were used in opera from its beginning. +TIM_356|Yeah, but what are we gonna eat? +TIM_357|Every cab needs repainting often. +TIM_358|A crab challenged me, but a quick stab vanquished him. +TIM_359|Suburban housewives often suffer from the gab habit. +TIM_360|He holds that goodness and badness lie in feelings of approval or disapproval. +TIM_361|There would still be plenty of moments of regret and sadness and guilty relief. +TIM_362|It was secured by an oversized padlock. +TIM_363|Suppose he ran up the white flag altogether. +TIM_364|Otherwise, you may be saddled with a good-size milk bill by milk drinkers. +TIM_365|He reached once more into the carpet bag, and brought up a package of wieners. +TIM_366|Cory and Trish played tag with beach balls for hours. +TIM_367|The big dog loved to chew on the old rag doll. +TIM_368|Each stag surely finds a big fawn. +TIM_369|Another stock vaudeville gag ran: mother is home sick in bed with the doctor. +TIM_370|Lori's costume needed black gloves to be completely elegant. +TIM_371|The cat's meow always hurts my ears. +TIM_372|Differences were related to social, economic, and educational backgrounds. +TIM_373|A flash illuminated the trees as a crooked bolt twigged in several directions. +TIM_374|Steve wore a bright red cashmere sweater. +TIM_375|The courtyard is magnificently decorated. +TIM_376|The Boston Ballet overcame their funding shortage. +TIM_377|It was named after the ballet. +TIM_378|Angora cats are furrier than Siamese. +TIM_379|He may toss coins; he may take slips of paper from a grab bag. +TIM_380|Anything to do with an ace of spades, bad luck. +TIM_381|Soon, said the half-man. +TIM_382|She always could sense the shag end of a woolly day. +TIM_383|Shall we teach him some? +TIM_384|Did you know he is advertising his ham-radio equipment for sale this weekend? +TIM_385|She said sharks have no bones, and shrimp swam backward. +TIM_386|We both had hangovers. +TIM_387|That dog chases cats mercilessly. +TIM_388|Fat showed in loose rolls beneath the shirt. +TIM_389|He reached out and felt the bath towel hanging on the towel rack over the tub. +TIM_390|She saw me and sat down beside me, three feet away. +TIM_391|Why pick me for your patsy? +TIM_392|Have a test-run on the family first, to be sure timing and seasoning are right. +TIM_393|Have we not actually developed ideal worship? +TIM_394|Have you got enough blankets? +TIM_395|Have you got our keys handy? +TIM_396|Now you know she could have, but she isn't that kind of girl. +TIM_397|At right is a casual style in a crushed unlined white leather. +TIM_398|He shrugged casually. +TIM_399|The filtered air benefits allergies, asthma, sinus, hay fever. +TIM_400|We'll ride out as soon as we've had chuck. +TIM_401|He has never, himself, done anything for which to be hated. +TIM_402|Which of us has? +TIM_403|One could hear a very faint, ladylike sigh of relief. +TIM_404|Encyclopedias seldom present anecdotal evidence. +TIM_405|No chemical fertilizers and poisonous insecticides and fungicides are used. +TIM_406|Success, for many turnpikes, has come hard. +TIM_407|Something else distracted him, yet there was no sound, only tomblike silence. +TIM_408|Progress is being made, too, in improving motorists' access to many turnpikes. +TIM_409|Meanwhile, spring had passed well into summer. +TIM_410|Bright sunshine shimmers on the ocean. +TIM_411|An official deadline can not be postponed. +TIM_412|There are several sources of evidence on the micrometeorite environment. +TIM_413|To what extent such low density applies to micrometeorites is unknown. +TIM_414|Microscopically, there was emphysema, fibrosis, and vascular congestion. +TIM_415|The shock therapies act likewise on the hypothalamic balance. +TIM_416|Substances: all crystalline substances and other solid-state materials. +TIM_417|Our hypothetical other bum who killed him would have turned out his pockets. +TIM_418|We must be ready for any needed sacrifice. +TIM_419|The new suburbanites worked hard on refurbishing their older home. +TIM_420|Be excited and don't identify yourself. +TIM_421|No more startling contrast to a system of sullen satellites could be imagined. +TIM_422|Neither his appetites, his exacerbations, nor his despair were kin to yours. +TIM_423|Do this exercise six times each class period. +TIM_424|Then may I ask where these muddy foot prints came from? +TIM_425|I'd ride the subway, but I haven't enough change. +TIM_426|Iguanas and alligators are tropical reptiles. +TIM_427|Doctors prescribe drugs too freely. +TIM_428|Will you please describe the idiotic predicament? +TIM_429|I'd rather not buy these shoes than be overcharged. +TIM_430|Contrast trim provides other touches of color. +TIM_431|Teaching guides are included with each record. +TIM_432|One-upmanship is practiced by both sides in a total war. +TIM_433|He who does not love abides in death. +TIM_434|It provides a frame for the sampling census. +TIM_435|Questions came to me from all sides about my world citizenship activities. +TIM_436|Fights sprang up, and were quickly squelched. +TIM_437|What outfit does she drive for? +TIM_438|The lower portion provides a rating at any stage between infancy and adulthood. +TIM_439|When suitably lighted, what would it look like? +TIM_440|He held his arms close to his sides, and made himself as small as possible. +TIM_441|Obviously, the bridal pair has many adjustments to make to their new situation. +TIM_442|The side ones are a half-inch narrower. +TIM_443|He swung in through his own wide gateway. +TIM_444|Destroy every file related to my audits. +TIM_445|Could the ambassador himself be the man on this side the prime minister feared? +TIM_446|Wait a little while. +TIM_447|You feel him every mile further away. +TIM_448|We know that actors can learn to portray a wide variety of character roles. +TIM_449|The tiny bodies, dropped into a dry leaf, made a pile as big as a small apple. +TIM_450|It is perhaps a mile from here, where we sit. +TIM_451|The eye is all, inward or outward. +TIM_452|Milk appears twice a day. +TIM_453|Only those story tellers will remain who can imitate the style of the virtuous. +TIM_454|He could take the advice, or leave it. +TIM_455|Birthday parties have cupcakes and ice cream. +TIM_456|The avocado should have a give to it, as you hold it, when it is ripe. +TIM_457|December and January are nice months to spend in Miami. +TIM_458|Originally, the main types used were various compositions of polyesters. +TIM_459|Allow each child to have an ice pop. +TIM_460|Then came coconuts, eggs, and rice wine. +TIM_461|Nice country to meet a lion in face to face. +TIM_462|Ice baths, electric shocks, lashings, wild dogs, testicle crushers. +TIM_463|That is where device quackery can lead. +TIM_464|Widow, nice sort of woman. +TIM_465|The figure five is important in insurance. +TIM_466|It was a grotesque hen, five or six feet tall. +TIM_467|You're afraid to talk to a guy you idolize. +TIM_468|On these they feel they can rely. +TIM_469|We don't know this guy. +TIM_470|You don't belong in professional baseball. +TIM_471|We'll serve rhubarb pie after Rachel's talk. +TIM_472|His black hat with its wide brim, high crown, and fur trim rode high. +TIM_473|Technical writers can abbreviate in bibliographies. +TIM_474|They often threw tidbits overboard. +TIM_475|This girl soon drops the bourgeois psychiatrist who disapproves of her life. +TIM_476|We of the liberal-led world got all set for peace and rehabilitation. +TIM_477|The barracuda recoiled from the serpent's poisonous fangs. +TIM_478|Selected bibliographies and tables of available data are now in preparation. +TIM_479|It is impossible to deal with bureaucracy. +TIM_480|Turbulent tides rose as much as fifty feet. +TIM_481|Confabulation has come to determine structure. +TIM_482|At different times he served as glee-club and choir leader, and as organist. +TIM_483|The job also covers a number of other items. +TIM_484|Where only one club existed before, he says, two will flourish henceforth. +TIM_485|The morning dew on the spider web glistened in the sun. +TIM_486|Careful, don't disturb her. +TIM_487|He is forced to play for little money, and must often take another job to live. +TIM_488|A muscular abdomen is good for your back. +TIM_489|The frightened child was gently subdued by his big brother. +TIM_490|But what has been happening recently might be described as creeping mannerism. +TIM_491|Intelligence jabbed at him accusingly. +TIM_492|Regulative norms govern subgroups and roles. +TIM_493|The coyote, bobcat, and hyena are wild animals. +TIM_494|Those lovely whorls, he chortled. +TIM_495|The saw is broken, so chop the wood instead. +TIM_496|Sprouted grains and seeds are used in salads and dishes such as chop suey. +TIM_497|Alice, I tell you my feet are like chopped beefsteak. +TIM_498|Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift. +TIM_499|Westchester is a county in New York. +TIM_500|Don't lose the chuck key. +TIM_501|He chuckled, the memory vivid. +TIM_502|The target chart quickly and briefly tells you which additives do what. +TIM_503|The highest rated non-supervisory engineering title is research engineer. +TIM_504|There was much embracing, much exclaiming. +TIM_505|Seamstresses attach zippers with a thimble, needle, and thread. +TIM_506|The revolution now under way in materials handling makes this much easier. +TIM_507|A quick touchdown resulted. +TIM_508|Scholastic aptitude is judged by standardized tests. +TIM_509|Her debut over, perhaps the earlier scenes will emerge equally fine. +TIM_510|The diagnosis was discouraging; however, he was not overly worried. +TIM_511|We did not accept the diagnosis at once, but gradually we are coming to. +TIM_512|One of the most common of camp maladies was diarrhoea. +TIM_513|Jeopardize it now to correct so old a wrong? +TIM_514|Several firms are merchandising enzyme preparation through feed manufacturers. +TIM_515|We may say that his problem was diagnosed, but that he refused treatment. +TIM_516|His name became synonymous with cold-blooded cruelty. +TIM_517|Yes indeed, we too can see a warlike host of infidels encamped against us. +TIM_518|Make lid for sugar bowl the same as jar lids, omitting design disk. +TIM_519|Sometimes strong stress serves to focus an important secondary relationship. +TIM_520|There was a gigantic wasp next to Irving's big top hat. +TIM_521|Continental drift is a geological theory. +TIM_522|Nobody in his right mind punishes a quarter century old dereliction. +TIM_523|One of these is the solidarity and the confidential relationship of marriage. +TIM_524|The most recent geological survey found seismic activity. +TIM_525|Why, said the teacher, art thou so late? +TIM_526|The problem of solidarity and morale again involves the concept of values. +TIM_527|He lived and breathed for the mining company. +TIM_528|File to a smooth finish. +TIM_529|For me, it has more of both elements than the majority of its competitors. +TIM_530|Not without good reason has the anatomical been called jocular journalese. +TIM_531|But it must be remembered that the plan should not be oriented geographically. +TIM_532|His dark brows, which had been lowered in anger, smoothed. +TIM_533|We often say of a person that he looks young for his age, or old for his age. +TIM_534|Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town. +TIM_535|In these damp circumstances, he was an odds-on bet to develop pneumonia. +TIM_536|He needs outfielders bad. +TIM_537|He finds it in utter misery and desolation. +TIM_538|They were both walking towards each other, unhurried. +TIM_539|A large household needs lots of appliances. +TIM_540|The pilots' heads looked ridiculously small. +TIM_541|Some of them ignored the texts, and had apparently memorized the words long ago. +TIM_542|Sewing Brings Numbness writes: what makes my hands numb when sewing? +TIM_543|These needs usually concern the reduction of guilt and some relief of tension. +TIM_544|Afterwards you did well enough. +TIM_545|Critical equipment needs proper maintenance. +TIM_546|Avowed atheists or freethinkers are so rare as to be a curiosity. +TIM_547|Planned parenthood organizations promote birth control. +TIM_548|All are well written, and are overwritten. +TIM_549|The desire and ability to read are important aspects of our cultural life. +TIM_550|My beloved ward, my perennial gadfly, said the whining voice. +TIM_551|The other patrons were taxi drivers and art students and small shopkeepers. +TIM_552|Begin the examination of a site with a good map, and aerial photos if possible. +TIM_553|From childhood he had known all about knives. +TIM_554|That is what childhood is, he told himself. +TIM_555|A smile pulled at the lower strip of adhesive tape. +TIM_556|But then, redheads are often pale. +TIM_557|The cartoon features a muskrat and a tadpole. +TIM_558|Quietly he determined to foil her. +TIM_559|The better quality products in both of these lines contain phosphate builders. +TIM_560|The theme may be the formation of a shape, from which other shapes evolve. +TIM_561|Severe myopia contributed to Ron's inferiority complex. +TIM_562|Yet he remains the fiercest of competitors. +TIM_563|Meanwhile, the enemy will capitalize on our fears, if he can. +TIM_564|His eyes were dark, fluid, fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in. +TIM_565|The wagons were burning fiercely. +TIM_566|We could barely see the fjords through the snow flurries. +TIM_567|But to the infuriation of scientists, for no known reason not all of them did. +TIM_568|Jeff thought you argued in favor of a centrifuge purchase. +TIM_569|His legs pumped furiously, his long black hair streamed out behind him. +TIM_570|She found herself able to sing any role and any song which struck her fancy. +TIM_571|Thank you, she said, dusting herself off. +TIM_572|Make it come off all right. +TIM_573|The dimensions of these waves dwarf all our usual standards of measurement. +TIM_574|Why couldn't they have dumped him off on someone else? +TIM_575|Bake slowly at least one-half hour longer. +TIM_576|Said you wore yourself out, cleaning all these empty rooms. +TIM_577|The third crawling man forced himself erect. +TIM_578|Cut off every building at the seventh floor. +TIM_579|If any of us miss, they can pick up the pieces. +TIM_580|Cut a small corner off each edge. +TIM_581|The lifeboats were stuck fast. +TIM_582|Daphne's Swedish needlepoint scarf matched her skirt. +TIM_583|The sheriff's swivel chair tilted back. +TIM_584|The dark, murky lagoon wound around for miles. +TIM_585|Did Shawn catch that big goose without help? +TIM_586|Nice, even if a trifle gaudy. +TIM_587|Sonic, electronic, galvanic, all blank. +TIM_588|The sculptor looked at him, bugeyed and amazed, angry. +TIM_589|He ignores guidebook facts. +TIM_590|With a whirling jump, it could get into gear. +TIM_591|Gwen planted green beans in her vegetable garden. +TIM_592|One species of ambiguity tries to baffle by interweaving repetition. +TIM_593|One even gave my little dog a biscuit. +TIM_594|Ambiguity arises when the pronoun it carries a twofold reference. +TIM_595|Need for novelty may be a symptom of cultural fatigue and instability. +TIM_596|He took a big swig of his drink. +TIM_597|They own a big house in the remote countryside. +TIM_598|A slug had torn half of his stirrup-guard away. +TIM_599|Please dig my potatoes up before the frost. +TIM_600|The nearest synagogue may not be within walking distance. +TIM_601|The so-called vegetable ivory is the hard endosperm of the egg-sized seed. +TIM_602|Don't forget whiskey; it is such a big seller. +TIM_603|Your leg muscles and back muscles feel weary. +TIM_604|Watch it, big shot, a hoarse voice yelled back. +TIM_605|Too many have bogged down in bickering. +TIM_606|Bagpipes and bongos are musical instruments. +TIM_607|The local drugstore was charged with illegally dispensing tranquilizers. +TIM_608|A range of bluffs hugged the horizon, the color of decaying moss. +TIM_609|Do you love to run up a hem, sew on buttons, make neat buttonholes? +TIM_610|Who will say that our country is even now a homogenous community? +TIM_611|A kerosene shampoo seems a heroic treatment, but it did the job. +TIM_612|Infectious hepatitis, he shouted heartily. +TIM_613|He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck. +TIM_614|Aim to balance your employee benefit package. +TIM_615|It suffers from a lack of unity of purpose, and respect for heroic leadership. +TIM_616|Jokes, cartoons and cynics to the contrary, mothers-in-law make good friends. +TIM_617|Nine of them had gone down the gangplank already. +TIM_618|Catastrophic economic cutbacks neglect the poor. +TIM_619|In what ways, then, did the patient's physical blindness manifest itself? +TIM_620|The rich should invest in black zircons instead of stylish shoes. +TIM_621|The electron optical system may be either a magnetic or electrostatic one. +TIM_622|That pickpocket was caught red-handed. +TIM_623|Ambidextrous pickpockets accomplish more. +TIM_624|One of the problems associated with the expressway stems from the basic idea. +TIM_625|Eating spinach nightly increases strength miraculously. +TIM_626|No poetry, no airplanes, no dancers. +TIM_627|The same shelter could be built into an embankment or below ground level. +TIM_628|Individual human strength is needed to pit against an inhuman condition. +TIM_629|Push-ups: push-ups are essential, but few have strength for them at first. +TIM_630|In two cases, airplanes only were indicated. +TIM_631|Employee layoffs coincided with the company's reorganization. +TIM_632|With this no loyal citizen can quarrel. +TIM_633|He enlisted a staff of loyal experts, and of many zealous volunteers. +TIM_634|Unfortunately, there is still little demand for broccoli and cauliflower. +TIM_635|The shelter shown would provide almost absolute fallout protection. +TIM_636|In time she presents her aristocratic husband with a coal-black child. +TIM_637|Only the most accomplished artists obtain popularity. +TIM_638|Only the best players enjoy popularity. +TIM_639|First, they wanted to clarify a tantalizing, bizarre enigma. +TIM_640|Two things contribute to his popularity. +TIM_641|Such legislation was clarified and extended from time to time thereafter. +TIM_642|In every major cloverleaf, traffic sometimes gets backed up. +TIM_643|He was gifted with animal magnetism and a potent allure for women of any race. +TIM_644|She slipped and sprained her ankle on the steep slope. +TIM_645|Poets, moreover, dwell on human passions. +TIM_646|Although my shot killed his horse, he rolled off the bale on top of me. +TIM_647|No one will even suspect that it is your work. +TIM_648|Should giraffes be kept in small zoos? +TIM_649|Northerners indulge in an extremely dangerous luxury. +TIM_650|The walls bulged, the floor trembled, the windowpanes rattled. +TIM_651|Authorities say that oldsters are a prime target. +TIM_652|Them new to the country were referred to as pilgrims. +TIM_653|Greg buys fresh milk each weekday morning. +TIM_654|Milk production may be increased by the anti-infective properties of this drug. +TIM_655|The thick elm forest was nearly overwhelmed by Dutch Elm Disease. +TIM_656|This has been attributed to helium film flow in the vapor pressure thermometer. +TIM_657|The crisis took place later on when debts seemed about to overwhelm me. +TIM_658|Are you utilizing vending machine proceeds to help pay for your program? +TIM_659|False ideas surfeit another sector of our life. +TIM_660|Alfalfa is healthy for you. +TIM_661|First add milk to the shredded cheese. +TIM_662|It is healthier to cook without sugar. +TIM_663|You saw them always together those years. +TIM_664|Positive results start when it goes towards the hand you use to make your mark. +TIM_665|Palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin. +TIM_666|Let him become honest, and they discard him. +TIM_667|His sweet whisper came after great effort. +TIM_668|Within the larger social system are the structural and functional subsystems. +TIM_669|We have become amateur insurance experts, and fine-feathered yard birds. +TIM_670|He doesn't want her to look frowningly at him, or speak to him angrily. +TIM_671|The moisture in my eyes is from eyedrops, not from tears. +TIM_672|Hiding out like this won't get him anything, except more trouble, or a bullet. +TIM_673|The fog prevented them from arriving on time. +TIM_674|The armchair traveler preserves his illusions. +TIM_675|You've not seemed like them, but maybe you are. +TIM_676|The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site. +TIM_677|She radiated warmth, and good fellowship. +TIM_678|Tragedy presumes such a configuration. +TIM_679|Bury those uniforms so they won't be found. +TIM_680|Only ingenuity will uncover it. +TIM_681|All the while she sat there, her sinewy arms swirled before her chest. +TIM_682|The public is now armed with sophistication and numerous competing media. +TIM_683|I just saw Jim near the new archeological museum. +TIM_684|There should be no reason to misinterpret or ignore the intent of this letter. +TIM_685|The giant redwoods shimmered in the glistening sun. +TIM_686|Otherwise, the outlook would be dark indeed. +TIM_687|A detailed study of this latter phenomenon was not attempted in this paper. +TIM_688|He had plunged into the dark woods beyond. +TIM_689|In most discussions of this phenomenon, the figures are substantially inflated. +TIM_690|Lullaby and goodnight, his voice shook. +TIM_691|They came upon cheetal deer at woodland pools. +TIM_692|There was a grunt, curiously inarticulate, like that of an animal in pain. +TIM_693|So of course, he stayed put. +TIM_694|The soft snow was deceitful underfoot. +TIM_695|It was applied with a compost shredder made from a converted manure spreader. +TIM_696|Next best to destroying an army is to deprive it of its freedom of action. +TIM_697|A thick, crimson carpet muffled every footfall. +TIM_698|The flat-bottomed boat swung slowly to the pull of the current. +TIM_699|It does not indicate loose management, ineffective controls, or poor policy. +TIM_700|Manual leveling requires an appropriate display of the accelerometer outputs. +TIM_701|He was full of heavy family reminiscence. +TIM_702|The leagues are full of guys like that. +TIM_703|They don't go for bull-like muscle, as a rule. +TIM_704|His technique is ample and his musical ideas are projected beautifully. +TIM_705|She smiled, and the teeth gleamed in her beautifully modeled olive face. +TIM_706|To put it bluntly, you are getting out-moded. +TIM_707|Another put sex on a dollars-and-cents basis. +TIM_708|Swing your arm as high as you can. +TIM_709|Can your insurance company aid you in reducing administrative costs? +TIM_710|Leave me your address. +TIM_711|You're a taxpayer, householder, landlord. +TIM_712|Is there any word you would like to offer in your own defense? +TIM_713|Don't they still call you Junior, as though you're about ten years old? +TIM_714|Eat your raisins outdoors on the porch steps. +TIM_715|The man's eyelids fluttered. +TIM_716|Let us differentiate a few of these ideas. +TIM_717|No fasciculations or sensory defects were found. +TIM_718|There is little doubt that the students benefit from vocational education. +TIM_719|Of course you can have another tunafish sandwich. +TIM_720|Their basis seem deeper than mere authority. +TIM_721|That would make him mad enough, if he was sober. +TIM_722|This kid's froze bad. +TIM_723|Two clotted balls the color of mucus rolled between fiery lids. +TIM_724|It all did look very efficient and shipshape. +TIM_725|You lucky kids, he said. +TIM_726|You certainly can't expect the infield to do any better than it did last year. +TIM_727|Chip postponed alimony payments, until the latest possible date. +TIM_728|People never live forever. +TIM_729|Visually, these approximated what he was feeling within himself. +TIM_730|Is it larger or fancier than you really need? +TIM_731|Is a dream simply a mental or cerebral movie? +TIM_732|Is it because of my slovenliness that hair grows on my face? +TIM_733|Is it anything like cooked-over oatmeal? +TIM_734|Laugh, dance, and sing if fortune smiles upon you. +TIM_735|But we aren't going to let you give him any. +TIM_736|Too often, unless he hails them, they pass him by. +TIM_737|Above him slid the evasive shadow of a storm cloud. +TIM_738|All nut kernels are rich in protein. +TIM_739|Trim excess clay away from outer edges. +TIM_740|Trim excess clay from around lip of mold and set aside while assembling lid. +TIM_741|Tim takes Sheila to see movies twice a week. +TIM_742|A carriage crunched by, its dim lights flickering through the gloom. +TIM_743|Shipbuilding is a most fascinating process. +TIM_744|Equipment: basic pottery studio equipment. +TIM_745|Why accuse a shipmate of being behind this? +TIM_746|They understood and teased me a bit about it. +TIM_747|Yet the spirit which lives in community is not identical with the community. +TIM_748|It was a fairly modern motel with quite a bit of electrical display in front. +TIM_749|Why single me out on this permit deal? +TIM_750|Etiquette mandates compliance with existing regulations. +TIM_751|A complete plan: we have made limited application of the parallel ladder plan. +TIM_752|Yet it exists, and has an objective reality which can be experienced and known. +TIM_753|Yet even that explosion did not mean much. +TIM_754|The scalloped edge is particularly appealing. +TIM_755|Though brief, it has a sharp dramatic edge and great poignancy. +TIM_756|Pledge to participate in Nevada's aquatic competition. +TIM_757|Check the overnighters out. +TIM_758|Here is where luck would normally step in. +TIM_759|Check your cafeteria location to make sure it is convenient for most employees. +TIM_760|The antithesis of the ecumenical and the local then no longer exists. +TIM_761|Come on, let's hurry down before they lock up for the day. +TIM_762|In many of his poems, death comes by train: a strongly evocative visual image. +TIM_763|They also want money, prestige, and security. +TIM_764|Neither are beds, thanks to air mattresses and sleeping bags. +TIM_765|To further his prestige, he occasionally reads the Wall Street Journal. +TIM_766|My sincere wish is that he continues to add to this record he sets here today. +TIM_767|Instead of that he was engulfed by bedlam. +TIM_768|Steph could barely handle the psychological trauma. +TIM_769|It is well liked by the children and faculty. +TIM_770|Let's be fine superior people of great dignity, he said as if he were joking. +TIM_771|Not immediately, as the deputy demanded. +TIM_772|Let's hope we come to a safer place. +TIM_773|The simplest kind of separate system uses a single, self-contained unit. +TIM_774|The stepmother, almost without exception, has been presented as a cruel ogress. +TIM_775|Let's take them home. +TIM_776|Set aside to dry thoroughly. +TIM_777|Set aside to dry with lid on sugar bowl. +TIM_778|Wet also were the marine's fatigues, and the face had an oily film. +TIM_779|It gave the rubberized fabric a dull gleam, like metal. +TIM_780|Share bath, maybe, but share refrigerator? +TIM_781|Yes, because you didn't run off to use that new toothbrush. +TIM_782|No return address whatsoever. +TIM_783|Sulphur, oil, and copra make the kind of tinder any firebug dreams of. +TIM_784|As such, it was beyond politics and had no need of justification by a message. +TIM_785|The data are presented in lists, and tables. +TIM_786|Cottage cheese with chives is delicious. +TIM_787|The plaintiff in school desegregation cases. +TIM_788|He ate four extra eggs for breakfast. +TIM_789|Conceivably the submarine defense problem can be solved by sufficient forces. +TIM_790|Solar activities could presumably bring long periods of flood or drought. +TIM_791|The drug is also incorporated in supplements. +TIM_792|At least, the wheels dug in. +TIM_793|Most of us brush our teeth by hand. +TIM_794|Gus saw pine trees and redwoods on his walk through Sequoia National Forest. +TIM_795|If necessary to replace both halves on grill, sear cuts and allot extra time. +TIM_796|The car door crashed shut. +TIM_797|How does it strike you, foul or fair? +TIM_798|The mango and the papaya are in a bowl. +TIM_799|Almonds and pistachio nuts are not so high in oil but are rich in protein. +TIM_800|She greeted her husband's colleagues with smiling politeness, offering nothing. +TIM_801|Two women, who had been chattering like parrots, were struck dumb. +TIM_802|The bacteria formed typical activated sludge floc. +TIM_803|They are not true because scientists or prophets say they are true. +TIM_804|To prepare mustard cream, blend mustard with enough water to make a thin paste. +TIM_805|Oil-field workers were a rough-tough lot. +TIM_806|Materials: ceramic modeling clay: red, white, or buff. +TIM_807|You don't eat enough, honey. +TIM_808|And never show my face or my truck around here again. +TIM_809|Does your policy have a lay up clause? +TIM_810|Within a month, calls were up seventy percent. +TIM_811|Primitive tribes have an upbeat attitude. +TIM_812|They could walk, ride on a bus, or be driven. +TIM_813|A pool is no place for a shut trap. +TIM_814|Lift, don't shove; lift. +TIM_815|The opposing aircraft continued to come on. +TIM_816|Does this make it any easier, coward? +TIM_817|Boy, you're stirring early, a sleepy voice said. +TIM_818|Before that, we lumber dealers were working almost single-handed on the problem. +TIM_819|He saw the dangers, not the glories of being identified as a mutineer. +TIM_820|Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. +TIM_821|The easygoing zoologist relaxed throughout the voyage. +TIM_822|They stayed at hotels and boardinghouses, or at private homes. +TIM_823|Wingman, stay clear, he prayed. +TIM_824|This birth length seems to be typical. +TIM_825|Maybe it is taking longer to get things squared away than the bankers expected. +TIM_826|She wore warm, fleecy, woolen overalls. +TIM_827|For sweet-sour sauce, cook onion in oil until soft. +TIM_828|She had no way of knowing in advance whether an opportunity for murder existed. +TIM_829|In short, and to borrow an arboreal phrase, slash timber. +TIM_830|Castor oil, made from castorbeans, has gone out of style as a medicine. +TIM_831|Military personnel are expected to obey government orders. +TIM_832|The batting average of one success out of seven increased to one out of three. +TIM_833|From this, motor pool personnel develop other meaningful and related data. +TIM_834|In an ideological argument, the participants tend to thump the table. +TIM_835|The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement. +TIM_836|We could lose our export markets, and deny ourselves the imports we need. +TIM_837|Those who are not purists use canned vegetables when making stew. +TIM_838|Puree some fruit before preparing the skewers. +TIM_839|According to my interpretation of the problem, two lines must be perpendicular. +TIM_840|In some measure they depend upon the structure of individual personality. +TIM_841|In fact, nobody saw us, cop or citizen. +TIM_842|He told me so today, coming up on the train. +TIM_843|We congratulate the entire membership on its record of good legislation. +TIM_844|Upgrade your status to reflect your wealth. +TIM_845|The causeway ended abruptly at the shore. +TIM_846|Lifting her skirts, she climbed in, never relinquishing her grip on his arm. +TIM_847|The cloudburst cut off abruptly. +TIM_848|Did you buy any corduroy overalls? +TIM_849|Why the hell didn't you come out when you saw them gang up on me? +TIM_850|He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss. +TIM_851|He gave a short hard laugh, and looked at her knowingly. +TIM_852|A spring trap for solid mounting and a regular hand trap are also available. +TIM_853|Carl lives in a lively home. +TIM_854|The many-bodied girl lay near him. +TIM_855|Be careful that you keep adequate coverage, but look for places to save money. +TIM_856|His arm moved swiftly, violently, once, twice. +TIM_857|Few rural areas are protected by zoning. +TIM_858|He must rearrange matters so that two performers do not bump into each other. +TIM_859|Further research, we believe, will develop important commercial applications. +TIM_860|A flame would use up air. +TIM_861|He will allow a rare lie. +TIM_862|A huge power outage rarely occurs. +TIM_863|Promptly at seven he would clatter out of the court with twelve in the tallyho. +TIM_864|How is your sunburn now? +TIM_865|All too often our language is unduly harsh. +TIM_866|It is fun to roast marshmallows on a gas burner. +TIM_867|Trim away excess clay; reinforce seam with a coil of clay. +TIM_868|Serve in frankfurter buns, or as a meat dish. +TIM_869|There are optimal humidity requirements for various agents when airborne. +TIM_870|Alice's ability to work without supervision is noteworthy. +TIM_871|But from the start they had two important ingredients: sincerity and realism. +TIM_872|He was kneeling to tie his shoelaces. +TIM_873|The way is to rent a chauffeur-driven car. +TIM_874|They all like long hot showers. +TIM_875|Upstairs, busy feet, showering like raindrops, pattered around her room. +TIM_876|Books are for schnooks. +TIM_877|A second twitched his shirtsleeves, and he felt a brief burn on his upper arm. +TIM_878|Smash lightbulbs and their cash value will diminish to nothing. +TIM_879|Ralph prepared red snapper with fresh lemon sauce for dinner. +TIM_880|We would establish no censorship. +TIM_881|The reasons for this dive seemed foolish now. +TIM_882|All your wishful thinking won't change that. +TIM_883|In news items a man is less often shot in the body or head than in the suburbs. +TIM_884|I saw your horse outside. +TIM_885|The clerk's eyes flickered. +TIM_886|But this esoteric doctrine was lost in the shuffle to acquire special powers. +TIM_887|This area is highly susceptible to infection. +TIM_888|Iris thinks this zoo has eleven Spanish zebras. +TIM_889|Another brand of indefinite reference arises out of the use of the double verb. +TIM_890|Program note reads as follows: take hands; this urgent visage beckons us. +TIM_891|Ease in any extra fullness evenly around. +TIM_892|Clasp the screw in your left hand. +TIM_893|Tornados often destroy acres of farm land. +TIM_894|Rector was often curious; often tempted to ask questions but he never did. +TIM_895|It is the obverse of triviality, shallowness, emotional anaesthesia. +TIM_896|His failure to open the store by eight cost him his job. +TIM_897|The advertising verse of Plymouth Variety Store never changes. +TIM_898|At the left is a pair of dressy straw pumps in a light, but crisp texture. +TIM_899|He checked into a motel and drove downtown. +TIM_900|For wasp stings, onion juice, obtained by scraping an onion, gave quick relief. +TIM_901|They took it away, overalls or something. +TIM_902|But our stumping tour of the south wasn't all misery. +TIM_903|Herb's birthday occurs frequently on Thanksgiving. +TIM_904|She drank greedily, and murmured, thank you, as he lowered her head. +TIM_905|It circled her thighs, exploring with its icy tentacles. +TIM_906|They had slapped their thighs. +TIM_907|She is thinner than I am. +TIM_908|There was a thick, squashy crack of fist on flesh. +TIM_909|This we can sympathetically understand. +TIM_910|And he was handsome, despite the long thin scar that slanted across his cheek. +TIM_911|Adults take a long time to convince, and you are thwarted if you try to push. +TIM_912|An adult male baboon's teeth are not suitable for eating shellfish. +TIM_913|Cooperation along with understanding alleviate dispute. +TIM_914|With each song he gave verbal footnotes. +TIM_915|Was it a birthday ball? +TIM_916|The avalanche triggered a minor earthquake. +TIM_917|Orange juice tastes funny after toothpaste. +TIM_918|Many shapes in bathtubs. +TIM_919|They serve cracked wheat, oats or cornmeal. +TIM_920|One wonders about its applicability to people. +TIM_921|We welcome many new students each year. +TIM_922|However, when labor disputes arise, its provisions come clearly into play. +TIM_923|Since a fall or blow might have caused it, a cold pack was usually first aid. +TIM_924|My dad did it, and he lived to a great age. +TIM_925|He'd not only told me so, he'd proved it. +TIM_926|Probably around midnight, give or take an hour either way. +TIM_927|It seems that open season upon veterans' hospitalization is once more upon us. +TIM_928|He not only knew soldiering, but mathematics, history and literature as well. +TIM_929|Coffee is grown on steep, jungle-like slopes in temperate zones. +TIM_930|The shutter consists of two parts: a fast-opening part, and a fast-closing part. +TIM_931|Heave on those ropes; the boat has come unstuck. +TIM_932|Mercenary: term of honor? +TIM_933|We produce peanut oil, but to a much greater extent, we eat the entire seed. +TIM_934|But if she wasn't interested, she'd just go back to the same life she'd left. +TIM_935|Livestock must be tended every day, routinely. +TIM_936|When did women begin to assert themselves sexually? +TIM_937|Tetanus could be avoided by pouring warm turpentine over a wound. +TIM_938|Too many new things are happening for it to be a complete erotic fulfillment. +TIM_939|We do not arrive at spatial images by means of the sense of touch by itself. +TIM_940|Rich looked for spotted hyenas and jaguars on the safari. +TIM_941|Vases may be made into candles by filling with melted wax and a wick. +TIM_942|Only rarely is attention given to accurate progress reports and evaluation. +TIM_943|He looked over at him, lying there, asleep, and he felt a wave of revulsion. +TIM_944|Transparent look, waxy skin, could well be uremia. +TIM_945|The new birth is miraculous and mysterious. +TIM_946|Boy, you ain't fooling nobody, but yourself. +TIM_947|A concept of responsibility is in process of articulation and establishment. +TIM_948|Students' choices of ideal educational goals are not arbitrary or whimsical. +TIM_949|He met nobody he knew on this walk. +TIM_950|Theocracy reconsidered. +TIM_951|Salvation reconsidered. +TIM_952|He liked to nip ear lobes of unsuspecting visitors with his needle-sharp teeth. +TIM_953|The storyline, in short, is wildly unrealistic. +TIM_954|Nobody likes snakes. +TIM_955|Pizzerias are convenient for a quick lunch. +TIM_956|The farmer's life must be arranged to meet the demands of crops and livestock. +TIM_957|It gives social guidance and direction, and makes for programs of social action. +TIM_958|If the other pilots were worried, they did not show it. +TIM_959|New self-deceiving rags are hurriedly tossed on the too-naked bones. +TIM_960|We seemed to be witnessing the population explosion right in our own backyards. +TIM_961|But they would reconsider it, they assured him, if he would rewrite it. +TIM_962|The water contained too much chlorine and stung his eyes. +TIM_963|The population can thereby replenish itself, and actually grow larger. +TIM_964|Rabies were cured or prevented by madstones, which the pioneers wore or carried. +TIM_965|Twenty-two or twenty-three. +TIM_966|The misquote was retracted with an apology. +TIM_967|We've done our part. +TIM_968|My dress needs some work on it. +TIM_969|Thread matching yarn in tapestry needle. +TIM_970|Shaving cream is a popular item on Halloween. +TIM_971|Fold into whipped cream and add a dash of salt and sprinkling of paprika. +TIM_972|Conservatism and traditionalism seem implied by what has just been said. +TIM_973|She asked with a reportorial gleam in her eye. +TIM_974|Do avoid puncturing or cutting into meats to test them. +TIM_975|The trouble is that like many symbols, it doesn't seem a very realistic one. +TIM_976|The beatniks crave a sexual experience in which their whole being participates. +TIM_977|Youngsters love common candy as treats. +TIM_978|If we left one, we'd have to wipe it for fingerprints. +TIM_979|His wife didn't give a sign she'd heard. +TIM_980|Each plane carried two five-hundred pound bombs. +TIM_981|Virus infection nothing, she'd scream at him. +TIM_982|Needless to say, my art suffered drastically during this turbulent period. +TIM_983|Amoebas change shape constantly. +TIM_984|Now the school was indeed bereft. +TIM_985|When you're less fatigued, things just naturally look brighter. +TIM_986|Knows the score with a supreme effort, he broke it off. +TIM_987|What about a tea room then? +TIM_988|Calcium makes bones and teeth strong. +TIM_989|Keep your seats, boys, I just want to put some finishing touches on this thing. +TIM_990|See you in about an hour. +TIM_991|This is my hen ledger, he informed him in an absorbed way. +TIM_992|Heavy industry, slanted toward inexhaustible government coffers, attracted him. +TIM_993|Superior new material for orthodontic work is another result of research. +TIM_994|After that, violence was exultantly easy. +TIM_995|As a result, he was persuaded out to dinner. +TIM_996|Mike was of legal age and presumed able to defend himself in the clinches. +TIM_997|They were not yet prepared to accept it as irremediable. +TIM_998|The world is constantly changing; what was new yesterday is obsolescent today. +TIM_999|These air or gas bubbles make highly functional thermal barriers. +WAOPF-0005-01|For well over a century, poets and sages have reflected on what old age could be and have dared to imagine something new. +WAOPF-0005-02|Together they have prepared a vision of aging as a continuation of human development. +WAOPF-0005-03|We can trace the arc of this vision from Alfred, Lord Tennyson to Barry Barkan to today's writers and thinkers. +WAOPF-0006-05|He understood that modern society could both shatter tradition and create the possibility of something entirely new. +WAOPF-0006-06|Through him, and for the first time, we can see an elderhood that goes well beyond the pale shadow of an uncomplaining grandfather. +WAOPF-0015-02|The evening of a life worth living reveals many things, few of which youth can know. +WAOPF-0016|To strive, to seek to find, and not to yield. +WAOPF-0023-01|Barkan proclaims that the elder retains, in full measure, all of these rights. +WAOPF-0025-01|Barkan restates the declaration of personhood and then turns to what is due to the elder. +WAOPF-0025-03|These are not good manners or, heaven forbid, good customer service. +WAOPF-0025-04|Instead, he presents the vibrant, living transaction that has been part of the human experience for millennia. +WAOPF-0028-03|For tens of thousands of years, our mastery of age and aging has enabled the human species to reach beyond its grasp. +WAOPF-0029-01|However, conditions for the overthrow of the cult of adulthood have never been more favorable. +WAOPF-0035-03|In fact, rather than dismiss the oldest of the old, it is our duty to open ourselves to the diverse forms their wisdom takes. +WAOPF-0046|The aged should be stoic. +WAOPF-0053|There is an ancient and dynamic exchange that goes on between elders and their families and communities. +WAOPF-0055-00|Although this book was written by an adult, the elders who have touched my life inspired and guided its development and final form. +WAOPF-0072-00|It is important to distinguish between a society guided by elders and a society governed by elders. +WAOPF-0073-03|The hilltop on which I now live was, for thousands of years, considered to be part of the Iroquois Confederacy. +WAOPF-0085-04|An elderhood that understood its own story would be well suited to passing on just the right bit of wisdom to a grieving mother. +WAOPF-0099-00|Throughout this book I have argued that our longevity is both ancient and a vital contemporary presence. +WAOPF-0099-02|Instead, we are in danger of squandering this historic windfall. +WAOPF-0099-03|Human elderhood was created, protected, sustained, and nurtured because it serves vital human interests. +WAOPF-0099-04|It can continue to do so if we understand it properly and provide for its continued development. +WAOPF-0101|Recall the graphic in figure zero, which was presented in the Becoming Human section of this book. +WAOPF-0103-01|Within its realm, longevity is imagined to be of concern solely to the aged, those who care for them, and those who pay for that care. +WAOPF-0107-05|Far from being society's expensive leftovers, elders and the elderhood they inhabit are crucial to the well-being of all. +WAOPF-0118-02|Life in modern society has, of course, disrupted many of these arrangements. +WAOPF-0120-03|Eldertopia is, at its most fundamental level, a path to a new consciousness of age and aging. +WAOPF-0120-05|Taken seriously, it can help us document the staggering value contained within the global age boom. +WAOPF-0120-06|It can change how we live together. +WAOPF-0121-05|In Eldertopia the wall that separates young and old would have to come down. +WAOPF-0128-01|Sophisticated adults, after all, feel that they have outgrown utopias left them behind on their journey into the future. +WAOPF-0128-02|We should not be so hasty. +WAOPF-0130-05|How do our decisions and priorities enlarge or diminish our ability to sustain this exchange? +WAOPF-0131|Consider the following situations according to how well or poorly they bring forth the possibility of a new Eldertopia. +WAOPF-0132-01|How is that richness integrated into innovation? +WAOPF-0138-01|A similar strategy was employed with respect to public art in the city of San Francisco. +WAOPF-0138-04|The result is that many of these other entities included public art in their own projects and initiatives. +WAOPF-0139-03|A life centered on Being-doing, once embraced, can be made very sweet indeed. +WAOPF-0145-00|The advertisement, and its chirpy optimism, would be bizarre if it were not so common. +WAOPF-0145-02|Behind their cheerful facade is a warning: There is danger just over the horizon. +WAOPF-0145-04|There is no need for alarm, though. +WAOPF-0146-03|Gradually, however, the dark side of that obsession is being revealed. +WAOPF-0147-06|They can be confined to institutions, often for life, and must endure this loss of freedom with little or no hope of release. +WAOPF-0147-08|Rich or poor, man or woman, sage or fool, there is no refuge. +WAOPF-0149-07|Perhaps if we understood them better, we might fear them less. +WAOPF-0150-03|Worn feathers are replaced when the birds molt. +WAOPF-0151-05|Hairlessness, as most middle-aged men would agree, is not the natural state for mammals. +WAOPF-0151-07|Hairless burrowing rodents take refuge underground; seals and whales live underwater. +WAOPF-0151-08|Humans, however, bathe in sunlight with inevitable consequences. +WAOPF-0152-03|Because their skin is highly elastic, children and young adults will see it snap back into place immediately. +WAOPF-0154-00|The ideal candidates for wrinkle formation are long-lived, hairless, terrestrial mammals. +WAOPF-0154-02|We, like elephants, get wrinkles. +WAOPF-0154-03|If you have ever seen an elephant up close, you have surely noticed its elephantine wrinkles. +WAOPF-0159-01|Skin peels and dermabrasion procedures strip away the outer layer of skin, laying bare the tender pink tissue underneath. +WAOPF-0160-01|In its pure form, one ounce of this substance is so potent that it could kill one point five million people. +WAOPF-0161-04|Not to be forgotten are rare but serious episodes of shock, respiratory failure, and heart attack. +WAOPF-0164-05|Not youth. +WAOPF-0164-06|Instead, we are given, at best, the facsimile of youth. +WAOPF-0165-00|People fear wrinkles because of what they seem to say about us. +WAOPF-0168-03|However, imagine, if just for a moment, that we lived in a world that embraced the arrival of a face with character. +WAOPF-0173-00|All the self-induced anguish might serve some purpose if it prodded us toward a reexamination of our longevity. +WAOPF-0176-04|Senescence could, quite easily, be understood as the struggle to grow into old age. +WAOPF-0177-02|The senescent phase of plant growth follows the exuberance of early growth. +WAOPF-0178-06|Sufficiently advanced; opportune: The time is ripe for great societal changes. +WAOPF-0180-05|These virtues are admittedly much more subtle and far less obvious than aching joints and sagging skin. +WAOPF-0180-06|They are, however, essential to both our development as individuals and the direction in which our culture is moving. +WAOPF-0185-05|It shapes our opinions; it deceives our eyes and ears. +WAOPF-0188-00|The quantitative relationship between age and death rate can be seen in figure zero. +WAOPF-0191-01|The older the person, the less reserve capacity remains to fight challenges. +WAOPF-0192-00|Figure zero. +WAOPF-0192-01|Stressors and reserve capacity. +WAOPF-0193-00|Strehler and Mildvan's theory is easier to understand with the help of the diagram in figure zero. +WAOPF-0193-03|Each of the arrows represents an environmental stress capable of pulling the body away from a healthy equilibrium. +WAOPF-0194-00|In youth, our bodies have a generous capacity to respond to and absorb changes forced on us by our environment. +WAOPF-0196-02|Age in years is on the x-axis; the percentage of reserve capacity remaining is on the y-axis. +WAOPF-0196-04|Reserve capacity approached one hundred percent among the young and showed a relentless decline throughout life. +WAOPF-0197-01|Decline in reserve capacities with age. +WAOPF-0197-04|Notably, the reserve capacity is nearly one hundred percent among the very young and shows a steady decline throughout life. +WAOPF-0198-03|Their declinist perspective limited their ability to fully appreciate the data they cited in their own paper. +WAOPF-0201-03|This is a serious condition that can easily lead to an admission to the hospital. +WAOPF-0202-04|Age changes us. +WAOPF-0205-01|Amount of change in reserve capacities with age. +WAOPF-0206-00|Figure zero is drawn from the same data that Strehler and Mildvan used to create the over-the-hill graph. +WAOPF-0208-00|Growing to maturity is a bumpy, uneven process, with fits and starts. +WAOPF-0209-03|Old cars break down in haphazard and unpredictable ways. +WAOPF-0210-04|Changes in nerve conduction velocity evolve in parallel with changes in cardiac output. +WAOPF-0210-06|This is not a chaotic breakdown of systems and organs; it is a symphony. +WAOPF-0217-00|An older person wakes up to a new body with new demands and limitations not once but many times. +WAOPF-0217-04|Hair may turn white, get thin, and fall out, but, when surveyed, older people often report an enhanced sense of well-being. +WAOPF-0218-01|I wonder how he might have approached Metamorphosis if he had lived to experience a ripe old age of his own. +WAOPF-0218-05|Sitting, standing, dressing, and walking would be just as difficult for him as when he woke to find himself an insect. +WAOPF-0219-02|Actors and politicians have long understood how we unconsciously judge others by their stride. +WAOPF-0219-03|They lengthen and narrow their stride when they are in public and, in doing so, give the appearance of youth. +WAOPF-0223-03|Doctor Carstensen's paper attempts to define these changes with greater precision. +WAOPF-0228-02|Interestingly, when I have shared these results with students, they have often had difficulty grasping the essence of poignancy. +WAOPF-0233-00|The emotional dimension of old age is vast and remains little understood. +WAOPF-0241-00|Attitudes toward wealth change. +WAOPF-0241-01|There is less acquisitiveness and a greater awareness that possessions can ensnare and confine a person. +WAOPF-0245|There is often a renewed interest in genealogy and one's relationship with past generations. +WAOPF-0248-06|Far from being a weakness or defect, this variability is among the gifts that longevity offers to us. +WAOPF-0252-07|This, as many world religions attest, may be the greatest of all possible human victories. +WAOPF-0255-04|Enthralled by his beauty, she resolved to make him her husband. +WAOPF-0256-04|In time, he lost the power to move his limbs and his voice faded into a faint chirp. +WAOPF-0256-05|Denied the release of death, Tithonus aged as no man ever had before. +WAOPF-0260-03|To live long is to age much. +WAOPF-0260-06|This, the storyteller makes clear, is very close to having no life at all. +WAOPF-0261-01|Now, instead of beseeching Zeus, it is the power of technology that we approach on bended knee. +WAOPF-0261-05|The ancient Greeks understood that we are not and never will be gods. +WAOPF-0262-01|Articles in scientific journals carefully describe the decline and fall of cells, tissues, and organs. +WAOPF-0262-05|Some of the best-known theories concerning age and aging are included in table zero. +WAOPF-0269|Aging occurs as the organism uses up its allotted number of heartbeats. +WAOPF-0270-00|Like bees on honey, we swarm over the question of how we age and what can be done to slow, stop, or even reverse aging. +WAOPF-0270-02|Why do we grow old? +WAOPF-0271-01|The tempting fruit of adult freedom has led many a teenager to wish away the years until he or she can be independent. +WAOPF-0272-01|People who are attentive to such things age more gracefully than those who pay little heed to the legitimate needs of body and mind. +WAOPF-0274-02|I do know that my publisher is wary of putting the words elderhood and old age into the title. +WAOPF-0274-05|Much more comforting are the multitude of books that actively and energetically deny the inevitability of old age. +WAOPF-0278-05|A mouse lives two years, not two hundred. +WAOPF-0280-02|We label these products out of concern that the ideas and images they contain might overwhelm younger, less mature people. +WAOPF-0282-01|But what if aging is better understood as a normal, natural ripening? +WAOPF-0288-03|Evolutionary biology provides just the perspective we need. +WAOPF-0292-02|Very simple organisms disappear into their own offspring and, therefore, never grow old. +WAOPF-0296-06|In the first, the complex multicellular organism grew to sexual maturity. +WAOPF-0299-02|From an evolutionary point of view, this makes reproduction the last required action of the adult organism. +WAOPF-0299-05|Remember the spider, Charlotte, in Charlotte's Web Charlotte didn't live to see her offspring, nor do many other non-fictional creatures. +WAOPF-0300-01|The dinosaurs of old, for example, reproduced many times, sometimes over a period spanning decades. +WAOPF-0304-00|Parents, formerly expendable leftovers, were transformed from zeros to evolutionary heroes. +WAOPF-0307-00|Scientists have long recognized this conflict and, as is their habit, hung an unfamiliar name around its neck. +WAOPF-0309-02|Their superb fitness might have been expected to bring with it the gift of longevity. +WAOPF-0315|What Is Old Age For? +WAOPF-0317-00|The discovery and exploration of longevity is what best distinguishes us from all other creatures. +WAOPF-0317-05|Old age transformed the way our most distant ancestors gave birth, reared their young, lived together, and fed themselves. +WAOPF-0318-01|When we discard our declinist blinkers, we can see that we are, as a species, defined by our longevity. +WAOPF-0318-04|A Norwegian rat does not live fifty-six years while a brown rat lives fifty-six days. +WAOPF-0321-03|For the aging chimpanzee, death follows hard on the heels of the loss of fertility. +WAOPF-0321-04|Our postreproductive longevity is a remarkable and distinctly human characteristic. +WAOPF-0321-06|Hidden within this extraordinary elongation of life is the story of who we are and how we came to be. +WAOPF-0322-02|The phone rings once, then rings again while the man fumbles for the handset. +WAOPF-0322-05|Soon, very soon, they will become grandparents. +WAOPF-0323-02|The delivery was long and difficult, and much blood was lost. +WAOPF-0323-03|The mother barely has the strength to nurse her infant. +WAOPF-0323-04|She can neither feed nor care for her older child. +WAOPF-0323-07|For the first time in the history of life on Earth, a grandmother intentionally shares food with her grandchild. +WAOPF-0324-00|That such a radical innovation came from a mammalian species is not surprising. +WAOPF-0324-02|Mammalian mothers create a placenta that enables them to share freely with their young throughout gestation. +WAOPF-0324-05|The mother, and in some cases the father as well, contributes a portion of what has been hunted and gathered. +WAOPF-0324-08|This revolutionary act changed the course of life on Earth. +WAOPF-0330-02|From birth to the teenage years there is a fourfold increase in the volume of the human brain. +WAOPF-0331-00|The traits that make us human serve us well, but also create problems of their own. +WAOPF-0332-03|I glanced nervously at the obstetrician, who, to my mind, seemed bizarrely unconcerned. +WAOPF-0332-05|It was the mother's seventh child, and I realized later that there had never been even a shadow of a doubt. +WAOPF-0334-03|Caring for young humans is made doubly difficult by the exceptional demands imposed by the infant brain. +WAOPF-0334-05|Like all other mammals, young humans rely on their mothers' milk for these nutrients. +WAOPF-0335-06|Two years or six years, how long an infant nurses might not seem to matter, but it does. +WAOPF-0338-05|We are the heirs of a simple unrelenting tendency to share food across generational lines. +WAOPF-0342-03|These effects appear to be mediated through both the prenatal mother-fetus and the postnatal mother-infant relationship. +WAOPF-0344-00|A million years ago the first grandmother attended to the cries of a hungry grandchild. +WAOPF-0344-03|Families that could not master this strategy were overwhelmed. +WAOPF-0345-05|The image of a fearless caveman dragging meat home to his dependents seems so much more robust. +WAOPF-0345-07|The bias against age and aging extends, it seems, even to our theories about the dawn of humanity. +WAOPF-0346-06|When the phone rings at night and that woman's next grandchild is born, you can be sure that she will answer that call. +WAOPF-0347-03|The development of human culture, its refinement, storage, and transmission, was woven into the fabric of old age. +WAOPF-0347-05|A friend of mine, Bernard Mambo, helped me see this linkage during a long conversation over dinner. +WAOPF-0353-03|Strangely, this kind of thinking is actually mirrored much more closely in the wild kingdom than it is in human history. +WAOPF-0356-05|They saw, as we so often do not, beyond mere physical strength and grasped the virtues hidden within the necessity of growing old. +WAOPF-0360-01|Human societies have long understood how to match the body and mind of the older person with an authentic social role. +WAOPF-0360-04|Elderhood came to life when elders became the bearers of human culture. +WAOPF-0360-05|When it comes to retaining, refining, and transmitting culture, elders outperform adults. +WAOPF-0363-04|Safe within its embrace, the elders are free to transmit the fullness of the people's culture to a new generation. +WAOPF-0363-07|This cycle of cultural evolution can be seen in graphic form in figure zero. +WAOPF-0366-00|The discovery of virtue in the necessity of old age is the single greatest achievement in the history of humankind. +WAOPF-0370-04|Such solidarity was enforced by the persistent demands imposed by a frequently hostile environment. +WAOPF-0371-00|The constant pursuit of food and fuel often required the group to move faster than the pace of its slowest member. +WAOPF-0372-01|In her masterful book The Coming of Age, Simone de Beauvoir presents numerous examples of this behavior. +WAOPF-0372-04|Food was very limited and they quarreled ceaselessly over its allocation. +WAOPF-0372-07|This early anthropologist was particularly disturbed by the following incident: +WAOPF-0375-05|The assembly ate seal meat, sang songs, and beat upon a drum. +WAOPF-0376-02|Kung people of southern Africa have long been known for their respectful approach to the aged members of their community. +WAOPF-0376-04|Among these people it is taboo for adults to eat ostrich eggs. +WAOPF-0376-05|This soft, nutritious food is reserved for the very young and the aged. +WAOPF-0376-08|For thousands of years they maintained the vast trove of stories and legends from the Dreamtime. +WAOPF-0380-02|Harsh environments such as the Siriono encountered have high energy requirements, and shorten the average life span of the people. +WAOPF-0383-01|Instead, we revere an old age that we suppose existed within agricultural and pastoral societies. +WAOPF-0388-03|The aged have long been the bearers of tradition, the keepers of a shared culture. +WAOPF-0388-05|Within the framework of settled agricultural societies, elders came to be a particularly valuable form of commons. +WAOPF-0390-00|The problem with holding great value in the form of a commons is that it is prone to overuse, abuse, and damaging neglect. +WAOPF-0395-01|As years passed, the father grew old and, in time, began to act in peculiar ways. +WAOPF-0400-00|Folktales, myths, and religious writings usually take care to emphasize the duty the young have to the old. +WAOPF-0401-01|As the years passed, the grandfather grew feeble and developed a tremor. +WAOPF-0406-03|The woodcutter struck a bargain in a continuing effort to balance risk and benefit. +WAOPF-0411-02|There is, after all, the story of the Athenian who, arriving late for the theater, could not find a place to sit. +WAOPF-0414-01|Two-thirds of the way through the novel, the man came upon Scott's description of the death of Athelstane. +WAOPF-0414-03|He went to Scott's home and, wracked with grief, begged the author to spare the Saxon's life. +WAOPF-0419-00|The old age we know today first came into being on a mass scale in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. +WAOPF-0420-05|When the technology that protects them from the heat fails, hyperthermia and dehydration soon follow. +WAOPF-0420-06|Too often, the results are fatal. +WAOPF-0422-04|Poverty and the migration of women into the paid workforce compounded the difficulties of growing old in the New World. +WAOPF-0423-02|Supported by private donations, the homes were intended to serve the members of particular ethnic or religious groups. +WAOPF-0428-07|Childbirth remains unchanged; the revolution concerns our reinterpretation of this powerful experience. +WAOPF-0429-03|This tidy package blends beautifully with the prevailing ageism of our time. +WAOPF-0430-04|Laser surgery performed on retinas gives new sight to long-term diabetic patients. +WAOPF-0431-04|The aged are, from a corporate point of view, an ideal market segment. +WAOPF-0434-03|Taxpayers believed that Social Security would someday serve them. +WAOPF-0438-00|Mitigated aging has clumsily divided responsibility for the aged between the public and private spheres. +WAOPF-0438-03|As a result, there is a nearly constant struggle to shift responsibility for the aged from one sphere to the other. +WAOPF-0440-00|For its part, the government specifically and in many cases intentionally underfunds the long-term care system. +WAOPF-0440-01|The result is low pay for workers, chronic understaffing, and a widespread loathing of skilled nursing facilities. +WAOPF-0440-05|Adult children and their aged parents, formerly terrified of nursing homes, would bankrupt the system in short order. +WAOPF-0441-01|Social programs provide substantial support to the frail and infirm, even though families contribute much more. +WAOPF-0442-04|Older people rarely go hungry, but they have little assurance that they will find the love and affection that gives life meaning. +WAOPF-0442-05|Their health and life span can be extended, but those extra years may be burdened by boredom and loneliness. +WAOPF-0452-03|Like a great conquering army resting quietly outside a sleeping city, old age is preparing for its greatest triumph. +WAOPF-0453-00|Grasshoppers don't write books, but if they did, the mid-nineteenth century would deserve a volume all its own. +WAOPF-0453-01|During those years their golden age unfolded on the great plains of North America. +WAOPF-0453-04|At night, they might have gathered the little ones around them and treated them to tales of wheat fields stretching hundreds of miles. +WAOPF-0454-01|The people who were there shuddered as they recalled the plague of locusts. +WAOPF-0454-05|Then they ate the clothesline. +WAOPF-0454-06|They claimed millions of acres of grain for themselves and drove farmers and their families to the brink of starvation. +WAOPF-0454-07|This plague of locusts changed human history. +WAOPF-0457-06|We are, in fact, the beneficiaries of staggering good fortune. +WAOPF-0457-08|Far from a plague of locusts, the coming age boom represents one of the greatest windfalls of all time. +WAOPF-0458-03|While I was writing this book, the chamber's director called me up to talk about economic development. +WAOPF-0458-05|What, she asked me, would I suggest the county do to spur growth? +WAOPF-0463-04|As an added bonus, older people are also much less likely than younger people to commit crimes. +WAOPF-0465-01|Why should we not seek out and develop a partnership with a demographic group with so much to offer? +WAOPF-0467-00|The aged will live longer in greater health and security than their forebears a century ago. +WAOPF-0470-02|As we wander among the stones, the excited chatter of successful young adults fades into a pensive silence. +WAOPF-0471-03|His wife, Nancy, says the monument, died sixteen years after her husband, when she was forty-seven. +WAOPF-0472-01|The headstone, however, gives no hint of his rank or branch of service. +WAOPF-0472-03|In the decade that followed his arrival, he established a thriving medical practice, and his family grew apace. +WAOPF-0472-04|Their first child, William, was born in eighteen nineteen. +WAOPF-0472-06|Then, in eighteen twenty six, another daughter, Caroline, was born. +WAOPF-0477-02|In eighteen forty eight, the older brother, William, was twenty-nine years old. +WAOPF-0479-04|It is doubtful that those who knew him were surprised when he died in eighteen fifty five. +WAOPF-0480-02|They wonder if Caroline had tuberculosis or if influenza killed William and his infant son. +WAOPF-0485-01|The terrain of their society was as familiar to them as the hills that stand around the family plot. +WAOPF-0485-02|Nancy Packer understood the role of the young widow even when her husband was alive and well. +WAOPF-0485-05|Widowhood may have been grueling, but her place in the world was never in question. +WAOPF-0488-02|Long-settled ideas about how life is to be lived are remade in less than a lifetime. +WAOPF-0489-07|Members of a settled society can and do live out their lives with little concern about what lies ahead. +WAOPF-0490-03|I offer it as a contrast to the following accurate, precise, and useless information we are so often offered about society: +WAOPF-0494-03|The better the map, the more useful the data becomes. +WAOPF-0495-00|An individual life can be fully understood only within the context of the society in which it is being lived. +WAOPF-0495-02|The future, which we like to imagine as an infinite sphere of possibility, is actually bounded by the way things are today. +WAOPF-0495-04|Finding one's way through life, from beginning to end, has never been easy. +WAOPF-0498-00|The story of Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel reminds us of the perils of attempting life without a map to guide us. +WAOPF-0498-02|People, unlike the plants and animals that surround us, lack an inborn understanding of how to live. +WAOPF-0499-01|In this context, no life can be understood apart from the evolving web of family relationships that defines it. +WAOPF-0500|Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth; Shem was the Ancestor of all the sons of Eber. +WAOPF-0501|The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. +WAOPF-0502|The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Meshech. +WAOPF-0503|Arphaxad was the father of Shelah and Shelah the father of Eber. +WAOPF-0504-01|Shem was the son of Noah, brother of Japheth, father of Arphaxad, and great-grandfather of Eber. +WAOPF-0505-00|Life can easily be understood and lived on such terms. +WAOPF-0506-03|My interest in Solon is based on his strikingly modern picture of the map of life in Athenian society. +WAOPF-0514-06|Solon uses the very arbitrariness of his scheme as a lever with which to pry life loose from its traditional attachments. +WAOPF-0521-03|A part is nothing until a flesh-and-blood human inhabits it. +WAOPF-0521-05|The ages of man are there for us and they are ours to explore. +WAOPF-0525-00|To his credit, Erickson saw the remarkable degree to which one generation depends on another. +WAOPF-0526-01|These forces are not easily located and even when we can pinpoint them they are often hard to interpret. +WAOPF-0531-03|I watch how children play, I listen to their speech, I note how they dress and it makes me wonder why, year by year, childhood is changing. +WAOPF-0531-05|I see and feel the suffocating busyness that infests the lives of most adults. +WAOPF-0531-09|I want, as much as anyone else, a map of life that can give me useful information about where we are and where we are going. +WAOPF-0533-00|It is entirely possible to live one's life without ever giving a single thought to what it means to do. +WAOPF-0535-00|All living things depend on doing for their survival. +WAOPF-0536-03|Best of all, from a human point of view, machines are insensible. +WAOPF-0536-05|As a society, we live in awe of the power of machines to detect, respond to, process, and transform our world. +WAOPF-0540-05|In doing so, however, they overlook the instances of pure being that can be found within every human life. +WAOPF-0541-00|In the early years of my medical practice, I attended births. +WAOPF-0541-04|Somehow, they understand that these invisible attachments are essential to their continued growth and survival. +WAOPF-0542-03|As death draws near, it is relationships with family, with friends, with God that hold the greatest appeal. +WAOPF-0545-01|Prayers are said in unison, songs are sung, ritual gestures are made. +WAOPF-0549-00|Most parents can testify to their children's relative lack of interest in doing things that need to be done. +WAOPF-0549-08|It is hard for a child to understand what all the fuss is about. +WAOPF-0550-01|Part of the outrage that shadows the use of child labor is related to the feeling that it is a particularly ugly kind of theft. +WAOPF-0551-00|Like a shutter that flaps back and forth in the wind, adolescence is a time of indecision and loud, unpredictable banging. +WAOPF-0551-04|What shall I choose: the comfort of childhood Being-doing or the excitement of adult Doing-being? +WAOPF-0552-05|Learning for its own sake is set aside in favor of textbooks, advanced-placement coursework, and college boards. +WAOPF-0552-06|Childhood art is replaced slowly and fitfully by the graded art-class projects now signed and hung in the hallways of the school. +WAOPF-0553-01|When does it end? +WAOPF-0554-00|The adult is chained, willingly, to the rock of doing. +WAOPF-0554-04|Adults use to-do lists, ticking the items off in order as their work gets done. +WAOPF-0554-05|Adults inhabit a world of tasks and schedules, payments, obligations, and jobs that need to be done. +WAOPF-0554-08|Becoming an adult entails the completion of a complex and irreversible transformation. +WAOPF-0560-01|As a result, children are usually more than welcome. +WAOPF-0560-02|Eating raw cookie dough? +WAOPF-0560-05|Bizarre and experimental cookie shapes are welcomed. +WAOPF-0561-00|Senescence, like adolescence, is a time of transition. +WAOPF-0561-07|The declinists, who have tainted it with their bleak dread of aging, do not deserve to keep it. +WAOPF-0562-01|Elderhood has a revolutionary, liberating potential that is often misinterpreted and misunderstood. +WAOPF-0562-02|The source of its richness lies in the transition to a life defined by the experience of Being-doing. +WAOPF-0564-06|Memories, and the lessons that can be drawn from them, are discounted among those who inhabit the busy world of the doer. +WAOPF-0565-01|The body, a faithful companion for so long, is now near its end. +WAOPF-0567-01|White Collar and The Power Elite dissected the structure and uses of power in mid-twentieth-century America. +WAOPF-0569-01|Mills urges us not to let the obvious obscure the important. +WAOPF-0570-03|Within it, what is the meaning of any particular feature for its continuance and its change? +WAOPF-0574-04|Each of these points of view offers something useful, but none grasps the attribute that is common to them all. +WAOPF-0574-06|Adults rule. +WAOPF-0575-02|After all, adulthood is the most ordinary of things. +WAOPF-0575-04|When we grow old, we cling to the social status it can confer. +WAOPF-0576-00|But what is a cult? +WAOPF-0578-00|Mayhem ensues whenever a society surrenders to the ideology of a cult. +WAOPF-0578-03|Familiarity does have its virtues, but we should never forget that it can also conceal more than it reveals. +WAOPF-0579-00|Despite great variation in size, history, and ideology, cults do have a common underlying framework. +WAOPF-0579-06|Neither the common good nor an individual's well-being are considered. +WAOPF-0580-00|Cults use outlandish promises as currency. +WAOPF-0580-02|Ordinary cults content themselves with promises of love, fame, fortune, or spiritual enlightenment. +WAOPF-0585-02|Adults, who have always had difficulty seeing beyond doing, are often unable to recognize these distortions for what they are. +WAOPF-0587-04|As we age, the normal course of human development would take us from one set of motivations to the other. +WAOPF-0591-00|Here's a test you can perform the next time you log on to the World Wide Web. +WAOPF-0594-01|The preeminence of doing is the foundation of our voracious appetite for getting and having. +WAOPF-0595-00|The mania for having and getting diminishes the value of stewardship. +WAOPF-0599-01|The line between childhood and adulthood is indistinct, perhaps purposefully so. +WAOPF-0599-02|The right to drive comes at sixteen years of age, the right to vote at eighteen, and the right to drink alcohol at twenty-one. +WAOPF-0602-01|Far from an idyll of play and learning, contemporary childhood throbs with adult attitudes and behaviors. +WAOPF-0602-07|Faced with this conflict, many adults resort to blaming children themselves for their increasingly adultish behavior. +WAOPF-0609-03|Casual sandlot ball games have been transferred to manicured sports fields. +WAOPF-0609-06|This trend has so saturated the daily rituals of modern family life that exceptions are regarded as newsworthy. +WAOPF-0613-02|Setting goals and reaching them are the keys to making teens lives purposeful, worthwhile and filled with happiness. +WAOPF-0618|Spas and spa-related services are marketed to teens and even preteens. +WAOPF-0624-01|No longer a science fiction fantasy, in utero learning has become the subject of serious academic research. +WAOPF-0627-07|They sit before a banquet, their hands folded in their laps, not daring to eat or drink. +WAOPF-0628-06|There is a calamity, nearly as fearsome as death itself, which is ready to claim those who wander off the path of adulthood. +WAOPF-0629-00|Strangely enough, it is retirement that forms adulthood's first line of defense against old age. +WAOPF-0630-00|This fierce dedication to activity is evident when older people talk about life after employment. +WAOPF-0630-03|These words are said with feeling, and they are meant to reassure both listener and speaker. +WAOPF-0631-00|Many writers have developed useful critiques of aging in modern society. +WAOPF-0631-02|These affirmative, developmentally oriented visions of old age have garnered far too little attention and acceptance. +WAOPF-0631-03|Popular resistance to these views can be seen in the response these authors have met with in the bookstores. +WAOPF-0632-00|These efforts are united by a search for meaning in old age, and they rely on the assumption that there is life beyond adulthood. +WAOPF-0633-06|Crones? +WAOPF-0637-01|It is the fall from that perfection that he fears most of all. +WAOPF-0637-02|As with any shameful fear, its source is made most plain when its expression is emotional and overwrought. +WAOPF-0639-02|For them, old age is a cardboard villain. +WAOPF-0641-04|The government organizes services, programs, and support for the poor and the disabled and the aged. +WAOPF-0662-04|When he was done, he pulled himself out, dried himself off, and lay down on the chaise next to hers. +WAOPF-0663-01|The frail elder furnishes irrefutable proof that youth is, in fact, fleeting. +WAOPF-0665-00|During the twentieth century, American society witnessed two great waves of deinstitutionalization. +WAOPF-0665-01|Children and adults with developmental disabilities were freed from massive state-run institutions. +WAOPF-0667-02|Isn't that a little over the top? +WAOPF-0668-01|I have pretty severe cerebral palsy and had breast cancer surgery, so was unable to care for myself at home for a while. +WAOPF-0675-01|The idea that nursing home residents are best understood as failed adults is reinforced at every opportunity. +WAOPF-0675-05|The residents defects must be known in detail if the institution is ever to medicate them fully. +WAOPF-0675-07|Success, in the nursing home, is determined by how well its residents emulate the adults they used to be. +WAOPF-0679-01|In the early years of the twenty-first century, ninety percent of all nursing homes were understaffed, many dangerously so. +WAOPF-0679-05|Seemingly aware of this, the government has opened the final frontier of nursing home enforcement action. +WAOPF-0680-02|In nineteen ninety five, the top ten most frequently cited deficiencies were as shown in table zero. +WAOPF-0682-01|In two thousand, Florida juries handed down two hundred sixty seven million dollars in judgments against nursing homes. +WAOPF-0689-00|It is hard to imagine how this downward spiral could serve any part of our society. +WAOPF-0695-01|People who lack a calling to work with elders have found little reason to remain in the field. +WAOPF-0697-00|Millions of good people work in nursing homes every day, doing their best to make the elephant dance. +WAOPF-0698-04|As a result, obituaries can tell us about much more than the lives of the dearly departed. +WAOPF-0698-05|Obits trumpet society's most treasured virtues and values even as they mourn the dead. +WAOPF-0703-01|Further inspection reveals the same pattern, though in much smaller type, in privately placed death notices as well. +WAOPF-0705-02|After all, aging and death are preordained biological necessities. +WAOPF-0706-00|I remember one of the speakers at my medical school commencement ceremony. +WAOPF-0706-07|He told of playing for hours alone in his room, just for the pure pleasure of the music he made. +WAOPF-0707-06|When he held the clarinet high over his head, it was hard not to see it as a vanquished foe. +WAOPF-0709-00|It is easy to stand up in public and brag about how complete your devotion to the cult of adulthood has been. +WAOPF-0709-01|Far braver are those willing to proclaim their failure to achieve and maintain the cherished independence of the adult. +WAOPF-0709-02|Such failures are deemed shameful because our society defines them as purely personal lapses. +WAOPF-0709-08|The truth of this assertion is made plain when we imagine a newspaper page dedicated to publicizing our private griefs. +WAOPF-0711-01|Now employed by a Big Four accounting firm, Megan finds that she hates her work. +WAOPF-0713-04|He kept swinging at nurse aides when they were trying to change his diaper. +WAOPF-0719-05|When we back up and enlarge our field of vision, the dots resolve into a picture that is crisp and informative. +WAOPF-0722-04|Youth and old age have long inhabited social spheres that were given special protection from the power of adults. +WAOPF-0722-07|The wunderkind mimics adult behaviors and styles of work and learning. +WAOPF-0723-07|Adulthood, rightly understood, provides us with a productive, potentially glorious interlude between youth and old age. +WAOPF-0724-05|Older adults remain, for now, unaware of the power of elderhood. +WAOPF-0726-01|They are well educated, materially secure, healthy, and socially engaged. +WAOPF-0727|Awake, arise or be forever fallen! +WAOPF-0737-01|The buildings themselves, ostensibly designed to foster long-term care, actually disable the people who live there. +WAOPF-0741-02|Spontaneous events and happenings are the source of interesting conversation. +WAOPF-0753-00|Oak Crest Manor of Holland, Michigan, also launched its Eden journey in two thousand. +WAOPF-0758-09|No matter where it is practiced, its work is founded on the ten principles. +WAOPF-0761-01|Elders deserve easy access to human and animal companionship. +WAOPF-0768-00|Wise leadership is the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues. +WAOPF-0771-00|The Eden Alternative offers elders a refuge from loneliness, hopelessness, and boredom. +WAOPF-0771-03|It just doesn't seem possible that, someday, we might be lying in one of those beds. +WAOPF-0771-06|Loneliness, helplessness, and boredom are creeping into the lives of adults and, even more sadly, those of children. +WAOPF-0772-02|The cult of adulthood ceaselessly refines the image of the worthy adult. +WAOPF-0774-00|In a youth-obsessed culture, denial and aging are bound tightly to one another. +WAOPF-0774-01|Denial is powerful, but it does have limits. +WAOPF-0777-01|We were close to San Antonio, and the parade outside the window continued, now illuminated by electric lights. +WAOPF-0777-02|I felt in the grip of some strange, waking trance. +WAOPF-0777-05|All of the steel, neon, and concrete had merged into a whole that was far larger and much more menacing than the sum of its parts. +WAOPF-0783-05|Like any colossus, adulthood would seem to have nothing to fear. +WAOPF-0784-09|When it does, it will lead millions to question, challenge, and, finally, overthrow the doctrine of youth's perfection. +WAOPF-0789-01|History will judge us by how well or how poorly we advance the liberation of elders and elderhood. +WAOPF-0795-01|They are aware, they are energized, they are engaged, and they are, in so many ways, still adults, and that is the problem. +WAOPF-0796-01|While they are no longer enchanted by doing, having, and getting, they are fearful of losing their status as adults. +WAOPF-0796-05|Hidden in the can-do ideology of the older volunteer, however, is a much less useful dynamic. +WAOPF-0797-04|We are so accustomed to this orientation that we rarely notice its influence over us. +WAOPF-0799-00|So what are we to do? +WAOPF-0800-00|Our elders will need allies, and these allies will have to come from within adult society. +WAOPF-0800-01|Most adults have no reason to care about elders and the indignities visited on the aged. +WAOPF-0800-04|These family members can become fierce critics of the nursing home industry. +WAOPF-0806-04|There may well be some of that, but far more powerful is the older person's attachment to place. +WAOPF-0806-05|This should not be confused with nostalgia or simple habit. +WAOPF-0806-06|A sense of place is woven into the being of an elder in ways that adults have a hard time understanding. +WAOPF-0806-07|A sapling can be dug up and transplanted with little difficulty. +WAOPF-0808-02|She had moved there with her family in nineteen eighteen, when she was just four years old. +WAOPF-0808-04|An adult neighbor became concerned about her, and began trying to convince her to move to the city, about twenty miles away. +WAOPF-0808-07|Finally, fate intervened. +WAOPF-0809-05|Removing the woman from her place may have extended the life of her body, but it destroyed her spirit. +WAOPF-0810-02|This is how a person, place, or thing becomes sacred. +WAOPF-0810-03|Is a Bible, a Torah, or a Koran made of paper, ink, and glue? +WAOPF-0810-04|Yes, is it much more than paper, ink, and glue? +WAOPF-0811-02|Pornography is profane because it shears the people it depicts of their essential humanity and displays them as objects. +WAOPF-0812-01|Any direct challenge to this arrangement must ask and answer the question, why change now? +WAOPF-0815-00|The prison system, state psychiatric hospitals, and concentration camps are clearly part of this world. +WAOPF-0817-02|There are those who would put off this task until after America's sixteen thousand nursing homes have themselves been reformed. +WAOPF-0823-02|In order for it to succeed, it must be nurtured in a safe place, far from the centers of adult power. +WAOPF-0826-02|As a society, we, perhaps more than any people who have ever lived, need elders. +WAOPF-0827-01|Whether it is on a dirt road in rural Alberta or in a cab in Manhattan, the sequence unfolds again and again. +WAOPF-0827-02|Once my companions learn what I do for a living and my passion for a new longevity, they are eager to share their plans. +WAOPF-0828-06|Sometimes I forget how big. +WAOPF-0834-02|A determined effort to reduce costs and standardize operations has encouraged large size in long-term care facilities. +WAOPF-0835-02|Human beings evolved within small social groups and are attuned to their nuances. +WAOPF-0844-03|The slope of the skilled nursing facility's organizational pyramid is steep, and its sides are as slick as ice. +WAOPF-0847-00|Bureaucratic hierarchy obstructs the work of caring, as it is rightly understood. +WAOPF-0847-01|Human caring is founded on a knowing, empathic, resourceful response to the needs of others. +WAOPF-0849-06|The crash exposed the frightening degree to which authority had replaced morality in the conduct of their lives. +WAOPF-0850-02|After all, these rules and their enforcement have protected millions of people against abuse and neglect. +WAOPF-0852-07|We must start it back toward the center before we forget that such a change is both possible and desirable. +WAOPF-0855-06|Over the years I have come to appreciate the genius of the harnesses, lines, and hitches. +WAOPF-0855-07|Every strap, buckle, and ring has a purpose, and taken together they are as refined as any airplane wing and just as useful. +WAOPF-0863-03|Those in pursuit of a new kind of longevity should make use of the insights developed by those investigators. +WAOPF-0863-04|Their work will serve us well when it is joined with the practical aspects of integrating the living world into our lives. +WAOPF-0865-02|Being green demands a holistic perspective that includes distinctively human virtues. +WAOPF-0865-06|A truly green sanctuary for elderhood must participate in the realm of myth and spirit. +WAOPF-0866-03|There is a great need for this practice to be renewed in our materialist, use-and-throw-away society. +WAOPF-0866-04|Any sanctuary for elderhood should embody a concern with safe, sustainable use of natural resources. +WAOPF-0870-00|Flat: Bureaucratic hierarchy obstructs the work of caring, as it is rightly understood. +WAOPF-0877-06|Now roofs are sagging, pipes are clogging, and maintenance expenses are rising. +WAOPF-0878-00|There is virtually no chance that the buildings in use today can survive to house the frail elders of the next two decades. +WAOPF-0880-01|It employs an idiosyncratic vocabulary and cultivates patterns of behavior that reinforce its goals and ideals. +WAOPF-0880-04|Others will offer themselves as a sustainable alternative to the institutionalization of the aged. +WAOPF-0883-02|Feelings of depression, isolation, and worthlessness are pervasive and well documented. +WAOPF-0884-00|Here's how it works in practice. +WAOPF-0885-03|Such growth, while undoubtedly difficult, is understood to have both worth and meaning. +WAOPF-0885-05|The language, roles, and culture of the institution are set aside in favor of the logic of intentional community. +WAOPF-0885-06|Declinism, a staple of the old order, is set aside in favor of a more complex and nuanced understanding of aging. +WAOPF-0885-07|Illness, grief, and loss are reframed. +WAOPF-0890-00|This is a much larger idea than either quality of life or customer satisfaction. +WAOPF-0893-00|The common use of this term in the language of the institution has perverted the word's true meaning. +WAOPF-0895-02|Elders eat meals, bathe, sleep, rest, and socialize at the times they choose. +WAOPF-0897-00|Befriend: To pursue a knowing and affectionate relationship with others. +WAOPF-0897-01|This requires a deliberate commitment to make oneself known to others and to be known by others. +WAOPF-0898-01|It is not an attempt to change the culture of long-term care because it rejects the very idea of long-term care. +WAOPF-0900-01|In the later years of his life, Pope John Paul the second was, medically speaking, eligible to be admitted to a nursing home. +WAOPF-0900-02|He remained in his own home only because the Holy See had the funds available to meet his needs. +WAOPF-0902-00|The Green House can be organized along one of two basic lines. +WAOPF-0902-05|A Green House must, however, make arrangements to ensure that elders never have to face losing their place due to ill health. +WAOPF-0905-00|A group of senescents and elders who choose to create and then inhabit the intentional community of a Green House. +WAOPF-0907-01|The constellation fosters the well-being of each house in its range and benefits from a voluntary peer-to-peer support network. +WAOPF-0909-02|The elders pay for their services just as they would if they had continued to live in their own homes. +WAOPF-0910-00|An adult nonresident employee of the Green House and the guardian of the culture of the Green House. +WAOPF-0911-00|An adult nonresident employee of the Green House who can help the elders create the intentional community they desire. +WAOPF-0915-04|Elderhood that does not touch the lives of its neighbors is not a worthwhile elderhood. +WAOPF-0928-01|Long corridors disable frail people, forcing them into wheelchairs. +WAOPF-0928-02|Massive dining rooms are impersonal and intimidating and promote anxiety. +WAOPF-0929-00|Rural, suburban, or urban, Green Houses are dwellings that house six to ten people. +WAOPF-0930-05|Communications technologies can improve health through tele-health and tele-nursing. +WAOPF-0931-00|During the years I searched for the best design elements for a Green House, I visited many people and places. +WAOPF-0931-02|In Saskatoon I was fascinated by the Sherbrooke Community Center and inspired by its village model of community living. +WAOPF-0931-03|In Boston I toured the Hearthstone facilities created by John Zeisel. +WAOPF-0931-04|As we bumped and juddered over the city's back streets, he told me that focus was Latin for hearth. +WAOPF-0931-07|Every Green House must have a center, a hearth around which the affairs of daily living may be arranged. +WAOPF-0931-12|There are no long corridors. +WAOPF-0932-03|The medication cart is obsolete because elders' pills are kept in their rooms. +WAOPF-0932-09|It is a vessel that sails through time, taking the people who share its spaces ever further into the realm of elderhood. +WAOPF-0940-05|He is alive but condemned to a wretched life of loneliness and longing. +WAOPF-0942-00|Defoe's novel reveals and then strips bare the mythology of independence. +WAOPF-0942-05|Day and night for thirty years he dreamed of being rid of that terrible independence. +WAOPF-0945-04|And, like the concept of independence, it is subject to deliberate distortion. +WAOPF-0946|Myth: To be dependent is to be compelled to rely on others for the most basic necessities of life. +WAOPF-0948-00|The myth of independence and the misconceptions it has spawned serve the cult of adulthood. +WAOPF-0948-01|After all, those who worship independence are certain to fear dependence. +WAOPF-0948-06|The word that is usually used to signify such a unification is interdependence. +WAOPF-0950-00|Vigorous adults ordinarily give little thought to ideas of this kind. +WAOPF-0950-03|The stigma attached to being needy has also laced our longevity with a poisonous distinction. +WAOPF-0951-01|Fortunately, though, there is a life passage, common in adulthood, that can illuminate the richness of interdependence. +WAOPF-0952-00|The fear, pain, and exertion that accompany childbirth should never be confronted and surmounted alone. +WAOPF-0954-00|I attended many births during my family practice residency in the nineteen eighty's. +WAOPF-0964-01|Social pressure for a safe but far less medicalized approach to childbirth overwhelmed the specialists. +WAOPF-0964-03|American mothers and their families no longer tolerate stirrups, leather restraints, glaring lights, and gleaming tile. +WAOPF-0966-00|Understanding the rise of natural childbirth can help us renew our longevity. +WAOPF-0966-03|In the process, he created something new. +WAOPF-0971-00|Advocates for change wisely reject a simple return to old ways. +WAOPF-0973-01|However, that experience has fallen far short of almost everyone's expectations. +WAOPF-0974-03|Increasingly, people are saying no to work as low-paid functionaries in sterile, unfeeling institutions. +WAOPF-0980-01|Over the course of several meetings, the participants laid out their projects, goals, and ambitions. +WAOPF-0981-01|She told the story of the founder of her order, how, more than a century earlier, this woman had been seized by a passion to serve others. +WAOPF-0984-02|They endured, meeting hardship with a laugh and a smile whenever they could. +WAOPF-0997-03|I plead with your majesty to destroy this foul creature at once. +WAOPF-1008-00|Becoming an elder, in contrast, is an extraordinarily diverse process. +WAOPF-1011-00|Adults who deny the existence of elderhood actively oppose the concept of special rights for the old. +WAOPF-1013-01|To its credit, this strategy has ensured that the levers of a democratic society remain within their reach. +WAOPF-1013-02|The flaw, however, is fundamental and, I think, irremediable. +WAOPF-1014-03|All of them are eager to get their share and more, if possible. +WAOPF-1016-02|This focus is responsible for much of the harm that is being done to older people in contemporary society. +WAOPF-1017-01|Each discipline has carefully documented the limitations, impairments, and disabilities that come with advancing years. +WAOPF-1017-02|While their observations are surely correct, the conclusions they have drawn are terribly wrong. +WAOPF-1018-01|They serve the community the way a president serves the people. +WAOPF-1020-02|The concern was easily justified; a fall can be a serious, even fatal event. +WAOPF-1021-03|Few could resist such power. +WAOPF-1023-05|Millions of others were stripped of their dignity as they pleaded with staff members to untie them and take them to the toilet. +WAOPF-1026-03|Human beings are easily moved to protect what they value and come freely to the defense of that which is dear to them. +WAOPF-1026-04|Millions have given their very lives for their faith, their rights, and their way of life. +WAOPF-1031|Does this protection enlarge the capacity of the elder to experience the richness of elderhood? +WAOPF-1035-01|Very old people rarely, if ever, covet material symbols of status, rank, and wealth. +WAOPF-1035-04|They can easily be content with far less than what the average adult demands. +WAOPF-1037-03|Good food has always offered people much more than just calories, fat, carbohydrates, and protein. +WAOPF-1037-07|Properly prepared, the meals we cook and serve to our elders should be drenched in memory, ritual, and culture. +WAOPF-1038-02|Just how challenging a task they have undertaken becomes obvious when you look at how these facilities prepare and serve food. +WAOPF-1039-02|Some long-term care facilities, like airlines, outsource food production entirely and take delivery of dinners by the truckload. +WAOPF-1039-03|In a down-to-the-minute ballet, food is rushed upstairs in huge rumbling carts. +WAOPF-1039-05|It is a never-ending challenge to serve hot food when it is still hot and cold food when it is still cold. +WAOPF-1044-06|Just watch the employees and note the way they control space, time, and people in their building. +WAOPF-1047-04|They made a strategic decision to channel needed resources through the health care system rather than the welfare system. +WAOPF-1050-06|Illnesses and their treatment should not be allowed to rob us of the richness that late-life development can bring. +WAOPF-1051-01|Virginia Kelly has written powerfully about this in her book Best Friend's Guide. +WAOPF-1053-03|Imagine living with a burning thirst and being denied the crisp, cool water that is kept intentionally just beyond your reach. +WAOPF-1055-02|It hurts to lose a friend, but the pain of not befriending is even greater. +WAOPF-1057-03|The person who feels free from danger yearns for love and affection. +WAOPF-1058-03|The first is fed under the supervision of a registered dietitian in the large dining room of a local nursing home. +WAOPF-1063-04|Through them, we begin to understand how caregiving makes us human. +WAOPF-1066-00|The adults who choose to enter actively into this exchange should be precious to us. +WAOPF-1066-01|We honor those who teach children even though nurturing the young is an ordinary act, common throughout the animal kingdom. +WAOPF-1069|Together they can help renew the ancient virtues of elderhood. +WKRWTA-0002-00|Kids thinking abilities are also undergoing a transformation. +WKRWTA-0002-01|During the middle-school years, they begin to be able to see more than one side of an issue. +WKRWTA-0002-02|They can question the reasons behind rules and point out contradictions between what parents say and what parents do. +WKRWTA-0002-03|In addition, their social world is expanding. +WKRWTA-0002-04|Now there are more friends, more teachers, more school and community activities to engage their interest and take up their time. +WKRWTA-0002-05|That means other people, places, and experiences that they're having away from home take on a larger role in shaping their thoughts and decisions. +WKRWTA-0003-00|All of this means that when children reach the middle-school years, parent relationships with them are not the same as they used to be. +WKRWTA-0003-01|Conflict increases, closeness decreases, and frustration can often result. +WKRWTA-0003-02|All of these changes point to one important and undeniable fact: the middle-school years are a pivotal stage in the development of human beings. +WKRWTA-0004-00|The choices that middle-school students make and the experiences they have during these years will shape the course of their development through adolescence and into adulthood, and will greatly affect the kind of people they become. +WKRWTA-0004-01|It is during this time of tremendous transition that young people need us, as caring parents, more than ever to support and guide them through the maze of changes and decisions they face. +WKRWTA-0004-02|In matters of school, friendship, health, and happiness, the children who do the best are the ones who have good relationships with their parents. +WKRWTA-0005-00|It sounds so simple, doesn't it? +WKRWTA-0005-01|To raise kids through the trying preteen years, parents just need to continue to love them, supervise them, and talk to them. +WKRWTA-0005-03|Many parents don't know how or don't take time to talk with their middle-school children about important issues, and many kids feel unable to communicate with their parents. +WKRWTA-0005-04|Data from large-scale national surveys by the Search Institute reveal that only one out of four youth report that their parents are approachable and available when they want to talk. +WKRWTA-0006-00|The results of this disconnect are evident in the numbers of kids involved in alcohol and drugs, violence, and other unhealthy behaviors. +WKRWTA-0010-00|The surprising result of this research was that the questions kids want to ask their parents are mostly about relationships, and some of the most important relationship issues they want to talk about are within the family. +WKRWTA-0010-01|The questions largely fell into twelve broad categories. +WKRWTA-0010-02|For example, more than one hundred questions were about the parent-child relationship, including questions about the child's autonomy and budding independence, their parent's love for them, as well as questions about support, trust, and conflict. +WKRWTA-0010-03|There were almost as many questions about the parent's childhood, life experience, and life perspective. +WKRWTA-0010-04|There were nearly fifty questions about the extended family. +WKRWTA-0013-00|In writing this book we have drawn on our own experiences and many years of reading and teaching about adolescence, and parenting. +WKRWTA-0013-01|While our insights and ideas represent a melding of many influences, from experiential to scholarly, we want to acknowledge several authors whose works have been particularly influential. +WKRWTA-0013-02|They are Adele Faber, Grace Llewellyn, Elaine Mazlish, Alex Packer, and Laurence Steinberg. +WKRWTA-0013-03|Their books are included in the Selected Readings and Resources section at the back of this book. +WKRWTA-0014-00|Families, like ice cream, come in many different flavors, all of them delicious. +WKRWTA-0014-01|Some of you reading this book may be part of a traditional family, with a mom, a dad, and one or more children, who hope to find ways to spend quality time together. +WKRWTA-0014-02|Some of you may be single moms or dads, who share custody and need to make the most of the time you spend with your child. +WKRWTA-0014-03|Some of you may be single moms or dads handling the parenting job alone, who have just enough energy left at the end of a busy week to watch a movie. +WKRWTA-0014-04|Some may be stepparents or unmarried partners of parents with preteens, who are looking for a way to be supportive. +WKRWTA-0014-05|Some of you may be gay or lesbian parents, with or without a partner, who may or may not be biologically related to the child you are raising together. +WKRWTA-0014-06|Some of you may be adoptive parents, who do not know much about the biological parents of your child. +WKRWTA-0014-07|Some of you may be foster parents. +WKRWTA-0014-08|Some of you may be aunts, uncles, youth group leaders, or school counselors, who are looking for ways to interact more effectively with the middle-school children and their families that you care about. +WKRWTA-0014-09|Welcome all! +WKRWTA-0015-00|Based on the research, this book is directed to families that include middle-school children. +WKRWTA-0015-01|We use various terms for this group of younger people, including kids, middle-school children, middle schoolers, and middlers. +WKRWTA-0015-02|We also use teens, preteens, young adolescents, and pre-adolescents. +WKRWTA-0015-03|All of these are meant to refer to people moving through that critical transitional stage between childhood and high school, roughly between ten and fourteen years old. +WKRWTA-0016-00|For simplicity's sake, we refer to one parent and one child when we discuss the topics in this book, and we alternate between the gender pronouns. +WKRWTA-0016-03|Some of the movies are suitable for younger children as well. +WKRWTA-0016-04|We provide a cautionary summary of the language, sexual content, drug or alcohol activity, and violence in each movie so that you can decide if it is appropriate for all the children you want to include in your movie nights. +WKRWTA-0017-00|Some of the characters in the movies we've selected are older than middle schoolers, but we believe all the movies will be interesting and relevant to this age group as well as to adults. +WKRWTA-0017-01|We've made a concerted effort, given the available resources, to make this book, the movies, and other activities inviting to a broad range of people and experiences. +WKRWTA-0017-02|For example, we sought out movies that reflect some of the ethnic diversity of people living in the United States, although finding appropriate films with the variety we wanted was challenging. +WKRWTA-0017-03|Middle class, working class, and poor families; urban, suburban, and rural settings are all represented. +WKRWTA-0017-04|The protagonists are both boys and girls; in the case of platonic friendships, we suggest two movies to address differences related to gender. +WKRWTA-0017-05|Films that portray populations such as family members with disabilities or families with gay or lesbian parents or offspring are still rare and are therefore not included. +WKRWTA-0017-06|We hope more movies that reflect the incredible diversity of our country will become available in the near future so that a broader range of families can easily see themselves reflected in a book such as this. +WKRWTA-0018-00|What Kids REALLY Want to Ask is a guidebook, organized around watching movies together for the purpose of sparking meaningful conversations between you and the preteen in your life. +WKRWTA-0018-01|The book contains twelve chapters. +WKRWTA-0018-02|Each chapter explores one theme revealed through the research with middle-school students. +WKRWTA-0018-03|Issues related to the family are addressed in the first six chapters, and broader relationship and life issues are covered in the last six. +WKRWTA-0018-04|For each theme, we have identified one or two movies that reflect the kinds of questions kids seem to have about that topic. +WKRWTA-0018-05|The chapters, themes, and movies are listed below. +WKRWTA-0019-00|Each chapter begins with ten theme-related questions that were disclosed during the research. +WKRWTA-0019-01|Then we provide brief information about the theme. +WKRWTA-0019-02|Next is a short synopsis of the movie, including cautions about language, violence, drugs, alcohol, and sex to help you decide whether it is suitable for your family. +WKRWTA-0019-03|Based on the movie, we suggest questions for both you and your young person that will trigger ideas for a fruitful conversation. +WKRWTA-0020-00|There is also space for your child to write his own questions. +WKRWTA-0020-01|These questions and their answers might help you understand where your child is confused or how he is feeling about something. +WKRWTA-0020-02|The idea is to provide you and your child with topics and specific questions to ignite a dialogue that will build a firm structure that can help keep you close. +WKRWTA-0021-00|For those chapters where two movies are listed, you can decide which movie is most relevant to your child and your family situation. +WKRWTA-0021-02|Even if you are no longer in a relationship with that other parent, we think it's important for kids to be able to talk about the early years of their parents relationship. +WKRWTA-0021-03|For those of you who are divorced, we offer a second movie choice in that same chapter to facilitate sensitive and honest discussion about marital conflict and dissolution. +WKRWTA-0022-01|One of the movies would be most appropriate to watch and discuss with a son, while the other is most suitable for a daughter. +WKRWTA-0023-00|In addition to one or two movies addressing the major themes, we have provided additional activities. +WKRWTA-0023-01|These are simple ideas that don't take a lot of preparation or time, but your willingness to participate in them can help to elicit even more meaningful conversations. +WKRWTA-0024-00|Sometimes a child doesn't know what questions she has. +WKRWTA-0024-01|For that reason, we've included an appendix listing four hundred fifty questions revealed in the research. +WKRWTA-0024-04|Is this something you're curious about? +WKRWTA-0024-05|This could be fun during carpool time, on long road trips together, or at the family dinner table. +WKRWTA-0025-00|You can use this book in a variety of ways. +WKRWTA-0025-02|Throughout the next month, you can bring up the topics or invite questions suggested within that chapter while eating meals or driving, or you can initiate some of the other activities we suggest. +WKRWTA-0026-01|That is, you can select a particular theme when something occurs that makes it relevant to your family experience of the moment. +WKRWTA-0027-01|This has the added advantage of cueing you in to what issues might be pressing for him at this moment. +WKRWTA-0028-00|Another creative way to use this book is to organize a monthly movie club with a group of other parents and preteens. +WKRWTA-0028-02|You can make a game out of it, rolling dice to decide who picks the first question out of a hat or who has to answer a question. +WKRWTA-0028-03|Feel free to experiment. +WKRWTA-0030-01|We hope What Kids REALLY Want to Ask will increase that tally by the number of young people you care about. +WKRWTA-0031-00|Cultivate a support system for yourself. +WKRWTA-0031-01|Parenting is the hardest job there is. +WKRWTA-0031-03|Especially helpful is a nonjudgmental partner or friend who will let you vent about your teen when you are angry or frustrated. +WKRWTA-0031-04|It is helpful to have someone who can remember that both you and your child are good people struggling to grow and learn, despite whatever conflict might be happening. +WKRWTA-0031-05|Search out parent support groups. +WKRWTA-0032-00|What Kids REALLY Want to Ask is a book designed to establish a level playing field on which parents and preteens can have meaningful conversations. +WKRWTA-0032-01|The inherent power differential between parents and kids often gets in the way of honest and open communication. +WKRWTA-0032-02|Work at eliminating criticism and judgments when using the suggestions in this book. +WKRWTA-0032-04|I will respect and take seriously any question you have. +WKRWTA-0032-05|Your actions speak louder than words on this one. +WKRWTA-0032-06|If you say you are open to any question but then indicate by your body language or your response that you don't mean it, it will be hard to regain your child's trust. +WKRWTA-0034-00|Try not to have any particular agenda. +WKRWTA-0034-02|Let the talk flow wherever it may. +WKRWTA-0034-03|Take your cues from your child. +WKRWTA-0035-00|Let your child lead the conversation as much as possible. +WKRWTA-0035-01|If she doesn't have anything to say, don't push it. +WKRWTA-0035-02|Just make it clear you're open to talking about anything brought up by the movies, the activities, or the questions in the back of the book. +WKRWTA-0035-03|Chances are she'll think it over and get back to you at a later time with anything that's on her mind. +WKRWTA-0036-00|When your preteen is talking, concentrate on listening, not on evaluating or judging what he says. +WKRWTA-0036-01|As parents, we often feel we need to be imparting wisdom constantly. +WKRWTA-0036-02|We also tend to make assumptions and jump to conclusions based on our fears. +WKRWTA-0036-03|Try to ask neutral, clarifying questions that encourage your child to talk, and work to keep your fears to yourself. +WKRWTA-0036-04|Nothing stops a conversation with a kid more quickly than focusing on negative things he might get involved with in the future. +WKRWTA-0036-05|The future is yet to be created. +WKRWTA-0036-06|If you are listening to him with an open heart, it is more likely that his future decisions will take your values into account. +WKRWTA-0039-00|Be honest about your level of comfort with particular topics of discussion. +WKRWTA-0039-02|Could you give me some more time until I sort through my thoughts and feelings? +WKRWTA-0039-04|Addressing sensitive topics for which you still have feelings of anger, grief, regret, or guilt can be tricky. +WKRWTA-0039-05|It is fine to say you don't feel ready to talk about certain things because you still have too many emotions to talk about them rationally. +WKRWTA-0039-06|Try not to be defensive. +WKRWTA-0039-07|Remember, you are human and all humans have to deal with hard emotions at times. +WKRWTA-0039-09|Could you write down your questions and give me some time to respond? +WKRWTA-0039-10|It might take me awhile, but I want to be honest with you. +WKRWTA-0040-00|Kids are listening even when they appear not to be. +WKRWTA-0040-01|So, while giving your child positive reinforcement or assuring her of your love may sometimes feel like you're talking to the wind, do it anyway. +WKRWTA-0041-00|Touch is important to humans. +WKRWTA-0041-01|Even though your preteen might often act as if he doesn't want hugs and kisses, it's a good bet that he still yearns for them. +WKRWTA-0041-02|Find ways to touch. +WKRWTA-0041-03|Offer your lap for his pillow while you watch a movie, stroke his back, or throw an arm over his shoulder. +WKRWTA-0041-04|Touching is a wonderful way to get close. +WKRWTA-0041-05|Request a hug before bed. +WKRWTA-0043-00|Express humility. +WKRWTA-0043-02|It is more effective to convey the lessons you've learned from your mistakes than to deny that you've ever made them. +WKRWTA-0044|Trust your child to love you, warts and all. +WKRWTA-0045|We hope you and the young person you love will have many meaningful and heartfelt conversations based on the suggestions in What Kids REALLY Want to Ask! +WKRWTA-0046-00|The potential for developing intergenerational relationships is growing as human beings live longer. +WKRWTA-0046-01|It is becoming increasingly possible for adolescents to know not only their grandparents but also their great-grandparents. +WKRWTA-0046-02|At the same time, families are more apt to be living far apart from each other as personal preference or opportunities call them away from the place they were raised. +WKRWTA-0046-03|While some children live close to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and hear family lore from several sources, others live far away and have only parents to rely on for information. +WKRWTA-0047-00|As your child gains maturity, one of his tasks is to develop a personal identity, a sense of who he is. +WKRWTA-0047-01|The extended family, therefore, is especially significant to him. +WKRWTA-0047-02|During grade school, his primary parent or parents were all he needed to understand his place in the family, but in middle school he will become more curious about how he fits into the larger family and how the family history has influenced who he is as an individual. +WKRWTA-0047-03|A generational connection may help him feel grounded in the knowledge that he is part of a line of individuals with a unique history that includes his ethnic background, class background, and the influence of historic events and significant family incidents on his ancestors. +WKRWTA-0048-01|It may also be difficult because often adopted children are cautious about asking questions since they don't want to upset their adoptive parents or appear ungrateful. +WKRWTA-0049-00|Several of the questions posed by the children in the research indicated sensitivity to family issues that are not openly discussed. +WKRWTA-0049-01|Are there people you don't speak to in your family? +WKRWTA-0050-00|You can also decide how much information you're ready to provide and set a clear boundary. +WKRWTA-0050-02|They were pretty serious, and someday I'll share more with you. +WKRWTA-0050-03|But right now, that's all I want to say. +WKRWTA-0050-04|In this case, you could also let him know what you are willing to talk about, so there is no confusion. +WKRWTA-0050-05|For example, you may be willing to talk about your early childhood but not your young adult years with a parent or sibling. +WKRWTA-0051-00|The purpose of this book is to have conversations with your child that will deepen your understanding and love for each other, providing a solid base of shared knowledge and feelings that will stand you in good stead when she is making stronger and stronger bids for independence in the years to come. +WKRWTA-0051-01|Chances are if you trust her with the facts and the history of any discord that exists in the family, she will rise to the occasion of your sharing. +WKRWTA-0051-02|It will also empower her to start forming her own understanding of the family dynamics. +WKRWTA-0052-00|It is not unusual for children as well as adults in families to feel different levels of affection towards other relatives. +WKRWTA-0052-01|There may also be one or more family members with whom a child feels uncomfortable, awkward, or ill at ease due to personality, past behaviors, or lack of familiarity. +WKRWTA-0052-02|This chapter and movie discussion will give you a chance to discover if your child would just as soon not have contact with a particular relative. +WKRWTA-0052-03|If he doesn't bring that up in your conversation after the movie, you could broach the topic indirectly by talking about a relative you felt uncomfortable around as a child. +WKRWTA-0052-04|Was there an uncle who drank too much at family weddings and always wanted to dance with you? +WKRWTA-0052-05|An aunt who invariably pinched your cheek and asked the same silly question? +WKRWTA-0052-06|A cousin who intimidated you? +WKRWTA-0053-00|As young people move into early adolescence, their capacity for future-thinking and imagining various possibilities increases. +WKRWTA-0053-01|Some will begin to wonder about who will take care of them if something happens to their parents. +WKRWTA-0053-02|This is another poignant area of conversation that many parents hesitate to address. +WKRWTA-0053-03|Yet part of that sense of belonging that children crave includes a reassurance of long-term care and connection. +WKRWTA-0054-00|It is especially important for single parents to address the issue and make appropriate arrangements for their children, particularly if there is no second parent in the picture and no one in the extended family lives close by. +WKRWTA-0054-01|Talking about the plans you've made may relieve some anxiety. +WKRWTA-0054-02|If you don't have a plan, you could ask about her preferences and together figure out who might be the best person to take over her care should the need ever arise. +WKRWTA-0056-01|Rifles are a prominent feature of the present-day events. +WKRWTA-0056-02|For example, the uncles shoot at traveling salesmen but aim to miss, and no harm is done. +WKRWTA-0056-03|They also use their rifles to fish! +WKRWTA-0056-04|In another scene, the uncles and a family with three young children are all pointing rifles into a corn field where the old lion has hidden; they think she is mauling Walter. +WKRWTA-0056-05|As Garth tells stories, Walter imagines his uncles in their younger days. +WKRWTA-0056-06|In these scenes, Uncle Hub is a swashbuckling swordsman, fighting off attackers, rescuing his brother during a battle, and escaping with his true love on horseback. +WKRWTA-0056-07|No one dies, and there is no blood. +WKRWTA-0056-10|In the final scenes of the film, viewers learn that the uncles have died in an airplane accident, but the actual crash and dead bodies are not shown. +WKRWTA-0057-00|Do you have any relatives that your child doesn't know about? +WKRWTA-0057-01|What can you tell him about these relatives? +WKRWTA-0057-02|Who is the oldest person in your family? +WKRWTA-0057-03|Where are your family's roots? +WKRWTA-0057-04|What language did people in your family speak originally? +WKRWTA-0058-00|It is safe to say that Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub become Walter's favorite relatives. +WKRWTA-0058-01|Do you have a favorite relative? +WKRWTA-0058-02|What is it about this relative that makes him or her so special to you? +WKRWTA-0059-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub had some exciting adventures in their younger years. +WKRWTA-0059-01|Have you ever heard a story about something exciting, interesting, or even spooky that one of your relatives did or that happened to them? +WKRWTA-0060-00|Walter's great-uncles are eccentric. +WKRWTA-0060-01|Who is your most eccentric relative and what makes him or her so interesting and unusual? +WKRWTA-0061-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub had lots of money and lots of adventures. +WKRWTA-0061-01|Do you have a relative who is wealthy or famous? +WKRWTA-0061-02|What about any relatives who struggle with poverty, drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness, or physical disabilities? +WKRWTA-0061-03|What do you want your child to know about them, or the struggles they face? +WKRWTA-0062-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub find it difficult to talk about their feelings of affection and old love affairs. +WKRWTA-0062-01|What issues in your family do you find it hard to talk about? +WKRWTA-0063-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub are brothers who obviously share a commitment to each other. +WKRWTA-0063-01|Do you have a special brother or sister? +WKRWTA-0063-02|What makes you feel close to that sibling? +WKRWTA-0063-03|Have you always been close? +WKRWTA-0063-04|If not, at what stage of your lives did the closeness develop and why? +WKRWTA-0063-05|Can you think of a story you can tell your child about an adventure you and a sibling had together when you were teenagers or young adults? +WKRWTA-0064-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub have some relatives who are only interested in their money and share no bonds of true affection. +WKRWTA-0064-01|Do you have people in your family to whom you are not close? +WKRWTA-0064-02|Are there relatives you try to avoid? +WKRWTA-0065-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub die at the end of the movie, and Walter is sad. +WKRWTA-0065-01|Has someone in your family died whom you miss very much? +WKRWTA-0065-02|Were you with the person when they died? +WKRWTA-0065-03|If not, how did you find out? +WKRWTA-0065-04|Was there something you wish you could have said to him or her and didn't? +WKRWTA-0065-05|If you went to the funeral, what happened there and how was that for you? +WKRWTA-0065-06|What feelings did you have when this person died? +WKRWTA-0065-07|How did you deal with your feelings? +WKRWTA-0065-08|How long did it take to feel better? +WKRWTA-0068-00|Here are a few questions to get an interesting conversation going with your parents about people you're related to. +WKRWTA-0068-01|If you live with both your parents, Secondhand Lions is a good movie to watch all together so you can hear about both sides of your family, but watch out because it can get really complicated! +WKRWTA-0069-00|Uncle Hub and Uncle Garth soon become Walter's favorite relatives. +WKRWTA-0069-01|Who is your favorite relative and why do you like him or her so much? +WKRWTA-0071-00|Walter is quite a distance from home at his uncles' place. +WKRWTA-0071-01|Have you ever had a chance to stay with a relative who lives far from you? +WKRWTA-0071-02|Who would you like to stay with and what would you like to do during your stay? +WKRWTA-0071-03|Where did your mom or dad spend time with relatives when they were young? +WKRWTA-0072-00|Uncle Garth and Uncle Hub were in the French Foreign Legion. +WKRWTA-0072-01|Do you know whether any of your relatives were in the military or fought in a war? +WKRWTA-0072-02|If not, ask your mom or dad what they know. +WKRWTA-0073-00|Walter's uncles turn out to be loving, kind, and caring, but not all relatives are like that. +WKRWTA-0073-01|Are there any relatives that you wish you didn't have to see? +WKRWTA-0073-02|What is it about them that makes you uncomfortable? +WKRWTA-0074-00|Walter decides he'd rather live with his uncles than go back to be with his mother. +WKRWTA-0074-01|If something ever happened to your mom and dad, which relative would you like to live with and why? +WKRWTA-0075-00|Now it's your turn to write down any questions you would like to ask one or both of your parents about people you're related to. +WKRWTA-0075-01|What do you really want to know? +WKRWTA-0076-00|Parents and Kids: Collaborate on a list of interview questions for your oldest relative. +WKRWTA-0076-01|If possible, plan to record the interview. +WKRWTA-0076-03|Here are some examples: +WKRWTA-0077|What invention that was created in your lifetime has had the greatest impact on your life? +WKRWTA-0078|What famous person of your generation do you most admire and why? +WKRWTA-0079|What historical event had the greatest impact on your personal life and why? +WKRWTA-0080|What decision in your life has had the greatest impact on you? +WKRWTA-0081-00|Kids: Ask the oldest person in your family to show you any photographs he or she has. +WKRWTA-0081-01|Are the photos labeled with names and dates? +WKRWTA-0081-02|If not, offer to work with this relative to make sure all the photos are labeled for future generations. +WKRWTA-0082-00|Parents and Kids: Uncle Hub has some firm beliefs about things worth believing in: people are basically good; honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; power and money mean nothing; good always triumphs over evil; true love never dies. +WKRWTA-0082-01|Spend some time discussing the values and beliefs that are most important to your family. +WKRWTA-0082-02|Work together to design a coat of arms that reflects your family values. +WKRWTA-0083-00|Kids: Thanks to the Internet, more people are pursuing an interest in genealogy. +WKRWTA-0083-01|Is there someone you know who has done genealogical research? +WKRWTA-0083-02|If so, ask for a lesson in using his or her favorite genealogy website, and then see if you can find information about one of your ancestors. +WKRWTA-0084-00|Kids: Get a large sheet of paper and draw your family tree. +WKRWTA-0084-01|Include everyone you know, alive or dead. +WKRWTA-0084-02|Make photocopies of any photographs you have and add them to the tree as well. +WKRWTA-0084-03|Talk to the oldest person in your family to help fill in any blank spots. +WKRWTA-0085|What was your worst experience growing up? +WKRWTA-0086|Were you ever pressured as a child, and by whom? +WKRWTA-0087|What is your favorite thing to do? +WKRWTA-0088|Did you have low self-esteem or high self-esteem when you were my age? +WKRWTA-0089|When was the last time you enjoyed yourself? +WKRWTA-0090|When you were my age, what bad things did you do with friends? +WKRWTA-0091-00|How many illegal things have you done in your life? +WKRWTA-0091-01|What were they? +WKRWTA-0092|What's the stupidest thing you ever did? +WKRWTA-0093-00|Have you ever experienced drugs? +WKRWTA-0093-01|If so, what are they like? +WKRWTA-0094|Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? +WKRWTA-0096-01|If you haven't done so already, start now to create an atmosphere at home in which no topic is taboo, where no question is stupid, and where your own successes and failures as a person are part of the conversation. +WKRWTA-0096-03|I've been where you are now and I trust that you will get through this time of many decisions with flying colors. +WKRWTA-0096-04|You can ask me anything. +WKRWTA-0096-05|Always resist the impulse to judge, criticize, or lecture. +WKRWTA-0096-07|Your child knows alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are bad. +WKRWTA-0096-08|What he doesn't know is how to resist the social pressure to use those substances in middle school and high school. +WKRWTA-0096-09|They are readily available; if he hasn't been already, he will soon be faced with deciding whether to use them. +WKRWTA-0096-10|That's where your experience can be helpful. +WKRWTA-0098-00|While reminiscing with your young person about your own teenage years, be sure to include talk about the fun and wholesome experiences you had. +WKRWTA-0098-02|What did you most enjoy doing? +WKRWTA-0098-03|Who did you love to hang out with? +WKRWTA-0098-04|How did you spend your free time in high school? +WKRWTA-0098-05|Who were your favorite teachers or other adults with whom you had contact? +WKRWTA-0098-06|What extracurricular activities were you involved in? +WKRWTA-0098-07|Which of those interests have carried over into your adult life? +WKRWTA-0098-08|What kinds of things do you like to do for fun now that you didn't know about then? +WKRWTA-0099-00|When you establish a relationship in which trust, honesty, and openness are the norm, your teen will be more likely to come to you to talk about matters with which she is struggling. +WKRWTA-0099-02|Hearing about how you decided what was good for you and what wasn't provides her with useful information. +WKRWTA-0099-03|She may be able to learn from your example how to size up the risks and benefits of choosing certain actions. +WKRWTA-0101-01|What was the biggest influence on your behavior as a teenager? +WKRWTA-0101-02|What values did you hold dear? +WKRWTA-0101-03|Were you influenced more by your parents' values or by the values of other people or institutions outside the family? +WKRWTA-0101-04|What topics were considered taboo in your family? +WKRWTA-0101-05|Did that make you more keenly interested in them or less? +WKRWTA-0101-06|Did your parents style of parenting push you toward early experimentation with drugs and alcohol, or did it help you avoid these things? +WKRWTA-0101-08|On the other hand, democratic parents who provide a consistent and predictable balance between respecting their child as an individual while setting firm and clear boundaries are more successful. +WKRWTA-0101-09|This book is all about adopting this style of parenting and developing a close, honest, open relationship in the preteen years that will carry you through your child's adolescence. +WKRWTA-0102-00|What if the decisions you made about alcohol, drugs, or tobacco as a teenager led to a life-changing experience like an early pregnancy, a serious car accident, a sexually transmitted disease, years of struggle with an addiction, or even incarceration? +WKRWTA-0102-01|You may have spent years coming to grips with decisions you made as a young person. +WKRWTA-0102-02|Who better to share that with your teen than you? +WKRWTA-0102-04|Twelve-step programs are successful because people get to hear real personal experience, not just predictable homilies. +WKRWTA-0102-05|You can trust your child to respect your honesty. +WKRWTA-0104-00|Most teenagers feel close to their parents, respect their parents judgment, and want to know their parents as individuals. +WKRWTA-0104-01|While conflicts between parents and teens typically arise around mundane, day-to-day issues such as chores and homework, middlers will usually follow their parents lead on matters of personal and family values. +WKRWTA-0104-02|Sharing your younger self with your preteen the fun and the adventures as well as the mistakes and the regrets offers a powerful way for you to take that lead without alienating your young person. +WKRWTA-0107-00|Ferris Bueller goes to elaborate lengths to convince his parents he is ill in order to skip school. +WKRWTA-0107-01|Did you ever fake an illness so you wouldn't have to go to school? +WKRWTA-0107-02|What illness did you simulate? +WKRWTA-0107-03|Did your parents believe you? +WKRWTA-0107-04|If you were successful, what did you do on your day off? +WKRWTA-0107-05|Did you involve any of your friends? +WKRWTA-0108-00|Ferris and his friends do things they know their parents wouldn't approve of, such as skip school and borrow a car without asking. +WKRWTA-0108-01|What are some things you did when you were a teenager that you knew your parents wouldn't approve of? +WKRWTA-0108-02|What was the worst thing that happened because of that? +WKRWTA-0108-03|Can you describe a time when you lied to your parents and got away with it? +WKRWTA-0109-01|Several scenes in the movie portray boring teachers and extremely bored students in the classroom. +WKRWTA-0109-02|How did you feel about attending high school, especially in your senior year? +WKRWTA-0109-03|Were you eager to get on with your independence, or were you content to play by the rules? +WKRWTA-0109-04|Who was the most boring teacher in your high school? +WKRWTA-0109-05|What made that teacher boring and what methods did you use to get through the class? +WKRWTA-0110-00|While Ferris has a strong and confident sense of self, Cameron is full of angst, anger, and trepidation about going along with Ferris and life in general. +WKRWTA-0110-01|Of these two characters, which one is more representative of you as a teenager? +WKRWTA-0110-02|What can you tell your child about developing self-confidence and self-esteem? +WKRWTA-0110-03|When you think about your own self-esteem, are you the same person you were as a teen or different? +WKRWTA-0110-05|What parts of yourself as a teenager would you like to reclaim? +WKRWTA-0110-06|What parts are still with you? +WKRWTA-0110-07|What parts are you glad are gone forever? +WKRWTA-0111-00|Ferris and his friends have some really fun adventures on their day off, from driving a really cool car to attending a baseball game to joining in a parade. +WKRWTA-0111-01|What is your most memorable adventure in or out of school as a teenager? +WKRWTA-0111-02|If given the choice, would you go back and relive your teenage years? +WKRWTA-0111-03|Why or why not? +WKRWTA-0111-04|As an adult, what are some things you like to do for fun? +WKRWTA-0112-00|Ferris pressures his best friend, Cameron, to participate in his antics. +WKRWTA-0112-01|What kinds of things did you feel pressured to do by other kids when you were a teenager? +WKRWTA-0112-02|How did you respond to that pressure? +WKRWTA-0112-03|Did you ever do the pressuring, encouraging friends to participate in mischievous behaviors? +WKRWTA-0113-01|Did any of the adults in your life ever act out of control or particularly mean? +WKRWTA-0113-03|How was discipline handled? +WKRWTA-0114-00|Although alcohol use is not shown or discussed in the movie and drug use is only briefly mentioned, teenagers are interested in their parents early substance use. +WKRWTA-0114-01|What can you tell your child about your use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco as a teenager? +WKRWTA-0114-02|What was the most common substance use among students at your high school? +WKRWTA-0114-03|Did you feel pressured by peers to drink, smoke, or do drugs? +WKRWTA-0114-04|At what age? +WKRWTA-0114-05|How did you handle that? +WKRWTA-0115-00|Ferris's sister is really angry with her brother until the very end of the movie when she helps him successfully escape any consequences for his behavior. +WKRWTA-0115-01|If you have siblings, were you friends or enemies? +WKRWTA-0115-02|Did you help each other, keep secrets and support each other, or ignore each other? +WKRWTA-0116-00|Toward the end of the movie, Ferris's sister Jeannie is picked up by the police and taken to the police station for making a phony phone call. +WKRWTA-0116-02|As a teenager, did you ever get picked up by the police for something you were doing? +WKRWTA-0116-03|What happened that caused that? +WKRWTA-0116-04|What did you learn from that experience? +WKRWTA-0118-00|Ferris Bueller's Day Off has been a favorite movie about teenagers since it came out in nineteen eighty six. +WKRWTA-0118-01|Ferris Bueller is portrayed as smarter and more clever than the adults around him, while the adults range from naive to out of control. +WKRWTA-0118-02|Ferris successfully accomplishes a day off from school by convincing his parents he's sick. +WKRWTA-0118-03|Have you ever wondered how your parents were as teenagers? +WKRWTA-0119|Here are some questions based on the movie to give you some ideas for things to talk about with your parents. +WKRWTA-0120-00|Ferris lies to his parents and gets away with it, while his sister is treated much differently. +WKRWTA-0120-01|If your parent has siblings, who do you think was the more adventurous based on how they are now? +WKRWTA-0120-02|Do you think it would have been easy or hard to have siblings like your parent? +WKRWTA-0120-03|What do you know about how well your parents got along with their siblings when they were your age? +WKRWTA-0120-04|What do you think they argued about? +WKRWTA-0120-05|What adventures do you think they had together? +WKRWTA-0121-00|Ferris is so popular at his school that the whole student body seems to know he's sick and some go so far as to take up a collection for him. +WKRWTA-0121-01|Do you think your parent was popular in high school or not? +WKRWTA-0121-02|Based on what you know about your parent as an adult, which of the following crowds do you think he or she would have belonged to in high school: jocks, brains, nerds, populars, druggies? +WKRWTA-0122-00|What did you like most about Ferris Bueller? +WKRWTA-0122-01|What did you like least about him? +WKRWTA-0122-02|About Cameron? +WKRWTA-0122-03|Do you think your mom or your dad as a teenager was more like Ferris, Cameron, or another character in the movie? +WKRWTA-0122-04|What are your reasons for thinking this? +WKRWTA-0123-00|Cameron expresses a lot of anger towards his father, who seems to care more about his car than Cameron, but Ferris's parents are really attentive and concerned about Ferris. +WKRWTA-0123-01|If you know your grandparents, do you think they were more like Ferris's parents or Cameron's dad? +WKRWTA-0124-00|Ferris's parents believe he is truly sick, even though he has missed eight previous days of school. +WKRWTA-0124-01|How do you think your mom or dad's parents might have handled that? +WKRWTA-0125-00|Having fun is Ferris's only concern on his perfect day off, and he seems to have plenty of money. +WKRWTA-0125-01|Knowing what you know about your mom or your dad now, how do you think she or he would have spent a day playing hooky from high school if money were no object? +WKRWTA-0126-00|The movie ends before we find out what happens when Cameron's father gets home. +WKRWTA-0126-01|What do you think would be an appropriate punishment for Cameron? +WKRWTA-0126-02|What do you think happened to your mom and dad when their parents caught them doing something they weren't allowed to do? +WKRWTA-0126-04|Do you think teens today do similar things? +WKRWTA-0127-00|Now it's your turn to write down any questions you would like to ask one or both of your parents about their teenage years. +WKRWTA-0128|Kids: Ask your aunts, uncles, and grandparents what they remember about your parents teen years, especially about getting in trouble at school or at home, and then ask your parent what he or she remembers about the same incidents. +WKRWTA-0129-02|Then plan to do it together! +WKRWTA-0130-01|If fellow students wrote in your yearbook, read through all the comments together. +WKRWTA-0130-02|If you kept a personal journal or diary and you still have it, get it out and read through it together. +WKRWTA-0132-00|Parents and Kids: Have an ongoing conversation about a sequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. +WKRWTA-0132-01|Where would he live? +WKRWTA-0132-02|What would he be doing? +WKRWTA-0132-03|Would he still be as self-confident and focused on fun as he was in high school, or would he be different? +WKRWTA-0132-04|Would he be married? +WKRWTA-0132-05|Have children? +WKRWTA-0132-06|Would Cameron and Sloane be part of the cast? +WKRWTA-0132-07|How about Mr Rooney? +WKRWTA-0133|Kids: Write a Ferris Bueller's Day Off manifesto explaining why every teenager should be able to take one day off each school year for no reason whatsoever except to have fun. +WKRWTA-0134-00|Whether you live in an intact family, a divorced family, or one in which both parents are not present for other reasons, children are curious about their parents early relationship. +WKRWTA-0134-01|Discussing this topic with your middler can be complicated, so we have included two movies to help you address the issues in your family. +WKRWTA-0134-02|We recommend that you watch Back to the Future to discuss your early relationship with your child's other parent. +WKRWTA-0134-03|We have also included Mrs Doubtfire to address the issue of divorce. +WKRWTA-0134-04|Use your personal situation to decide whether to watch both movies or just one. +WKRWTA-0135-00|Discussion of your relationship with your child's other parent is important for several reasons. +WKRWTA-0135-01|It provides the opportunity to fill your child in on the family history that explains her own existence. +WKRWTA-0135-02|It also opens the door to conversations about choosing an appropriate mate. +WKRWTA-0135-03|As you share details about your own early relationship, you can point out qualities and behaviors that you have learned can lead to success or failure in building a fulfilling long-term union. +WKRWTA-0135-04|Discussing this topic can also help your child to notice the ways in which she is similar to or different from each of her parents in terms of whom she is attracted to, or the qualities in another person she might look for as she defines her own identity. +WKRWTA-0135-05|And it can help your young person develop a realistic understanding of the importance of compatibility, compromise, and communication for maintaining a loving relationship. +WKRWTA-0136-00|Divorce is of particular interest to children in this day and age, both in intact families and divorced ones. +WKRWTA-0136-01|It is best to discuss it openly. +WKRWTA-0136-02|If your family is intact, any arguments your child overhears between the adults in the household might cause him concern. +WKRWTA-0136-03|If divorce is the farthest thing from your mind, this could be a good opportunity to reassure your preteen that despite any difficulties, you are both committed to your relationship and to him. +WKRWTA-0136-04|It would help if that message came from each of you individually, as well as being explicitly stated when you are all together. +WKRWTA-0136-05|To assist you in discussing the topic of divorce, one of the two movies offered in this chapter deals specifically with that issue. +WKRWTA-0136-06|We think this alternate movie will be of particular interest to parents who are no longer in a relationship with their child's other parent. +WKRWTA-0137-00|If you are separated or divorced from your child's other parent, your early relationship is still relevant to her life. +WKRWTA-0137-01|Opening up the topic of your early relationship with your former partner can become a stepping stone to more honesty in general about what went awry, the choices you made, and how you might have done things differently. +WKRWTA-0137-02|It can also lead to great conversations about how personality or value differences can present challenges to a relationship. +WKRWTA-0137-03|Being openly self-reflective about your own learning process in relationships can go a long way toward helping her make more informed choices. +WKRWTA-0137-04|It is not appropriate to criticize her other parent. +WKRWTA-0138-00|If it is too soon to talk about your divorce openly, be explicit about the boundaries of what you are willing to discuss with your preteen at this time, but also leave the door open for future conversations with him when your feelings are more in control. +WKRWTA-0138-01|It's important to emphasize that your adolescent was not the cause of any of your difficulties. +WKRWTA-0138-02|It is also fine to say you don't feel ready to address certain topics because you still have too many emotions to talk rationally. +WKRWTA-0138-05|You might offer to respond to written questions, explaining that you need time to think through your answers. +WKRWTA-0138-06|He will appreciate your willingness to communicate and also your human vulnerability. +WKRWTA-0138-07|Whatever the situation is in your household, try to convey an atmosphere of openness and honesty. +WKRWTA-0140-00|The movie has some brief violence when Libyan terrorists racing through town attack Doc Brown in a parking lot where he is readying his time machine for its maiden voyage. +WKRWTA-0140-01|They drive crazily around the parking lot, shooting guns out of the sunroof of their van. +WKRWTA-0140-02|Doc Brown is shot in the chest and falls to the ground, but no blood is shown. +WKRWTA-0140-04|There is no explicit sex or nudity, although one scene involves a bully manhandling a girl in a car. +WKRWTA-0140-05|There is a brief scene that portrays minimal alcohol use, smoking, and reference to reefer. +WKRWTA-0140-06|In one scene a teenage boy calls an African-american man a spook. +WKRWTA-0141-00|Marty's dad is pretty nervous and has a great deal of trouble asking Marty's mom for a date. +WKRWTA-0141-01|Marty's mom seems much more comfortable. +WKRWTA-0141-02|Was it easy or difficult for you to ask someone for a date when you were younger? +WKRWTA-0141-03|Would you say you were a late bloomer, an early bloomer, or average? +WKRWTA-0142-00|Marty's mom and dad meet while they're in high school. +WKRWTA-0142-01|How did you meet your preteen's other parent? +WKRWTA-0142-02|Was it a chance encounter that brought you together? +WKRWTA-0142-03|Did friends introduce you? +WKRWTA-0142-04|How old were you? +WKRWTA-0142-05|Where did you have your first kiss? +WKRWTA-0142-06|Did you date for a while before you became more seriously involved? +WKRWTA-0142-07|What things did you most enjoy doing together at the beginning of your relationship? +WKRWTA-0143-00|Marty's parents hang out at the local burger joint. +WKRWTA-0143-01|Where did you like to go when you were first dating? +WKRWTA-0143-02|Who were your closest friends? +WKRWTA-0143-03|Did your friends support your relationship or discourage it? +WKRWTA-0144-00|Marty is growing up in the same town as his parents. +WKRWTA-0144-01|If you live in the same town now, what has changed since you met your partner? +WKRWTA-0144-02|If you live in a different town, have you ever gone back to where you met? +WKRWTA-0144-03|How does it feel to you now? +WKRWTA-0145-00|Marty's mom isn't interested in his dad until his dad defends her against the bully who is harassing her. +WKRWTA-0145-01|Did you ever have any doubts about whether or not you should become a committed couple? +WKRWTA-0145-02|Was either of you involved with someone else when you met? +WKRWTA-0145-03|Were any hearts broken when you became a couple? +WKRWTA-0146-00|Marty is worried that if he doesn't intervene, his parents will not get married and have him. +WKRWTA-0146-01|Was there ever a point in your relationship where things might have resulted in a vastly different outcome? +WKRWTA-0146-02|Is there anything you would change about your early time together as a couple? +WKRWTA-0147-00|Marty's parents don't talk much together in their high school encounters. +WKRWTA-0147-01|Did you find it easy or difficult to talk to your partner in the early days? +WKRWTA-0147-02|Was it hard or easy to express feelings with each other? +WKRWTA-0147-03|Has this improved or not over time? +WKRWTA-0147-04|What have you learned about communicating more effectively with each other since then? +WKRWTA-0149-00|Back to the Future tells a fun story about Marty Mcfly and how he goes back into the past and meets his parents in high school just when they are beginning their relationship. +WKRWTA-0149-01|How much do you know about your parents early relationship? +WKRWTA-0149-02|Now is the time to ask any questions you have. +WKRWTA-0150|To get your creative juices flowing, share your answers to the following questions with your parent or parents and see what they say! +WKRWTA-0151-00|Marty's mom only seemed to notice his dad after his dad defended her against the bully. +WKRWTA-0151-01|What do you think your parents liked about each other when they first met? +WKRWTA-0152-00|Marty's dad was a pretty weird guy. +WKRWTA-0152-01|What do you think your parents found weird about each other when they first met? +WKRWTA-0153-00|Marty gets to travel back to the time when his parents were in high school. +WKRWTA-0153-01|If you could travel to the time when your parents were younger, when would it be? +WKRWTA-0153-02|What would you like to witness in their early relationship together? +WKRWTA-0154-00|Marty's parents were in high school when they met. +WKRWTA-0154-01|If you could change something about the how, when, or why your parents got together, what would it be? +WKRWTA-0155-00|At the beginning of the movie, Marty's parents don't seem very happy, but at the end they have changed dramatically for the better. +WKRWTA-0155-01|If you could change something about how your parents are with each other now, what would it be and why? +WKRWTA-0156-00|When Back to the Future was made, fewer people got divorced, but now it is common. +WKRWTA-0156-01|If your parents are divorced, what do you think caused them to split up? +WKRWTA-0156-02|Would you like them to get back together? +WKRWTA-0156-04|How does their divorce affect your life? +WKRWTA-0157-00|Marty didn't realize how much his involvement in his parents early relationship would change his family. +WKRWTA-0157-01|If you could wave a magic wand and have all your dreams come true, what would you change for your parents? +WKRWTA-0158-00|Now it's your turn to write down any questions you would like to ask one or both of your parents about their early relationship. +WKRWTA-0161-00|Miranda and Daniel divorced after fourteen years of marriage. +WKRWTA-0161-01|Were you ever married to your child's other parent? +WKRWTA-0161-02|If so, how long were you married? +WKRWTA-0162-00|The children in Mrs Doubtfire learn of their parents decision to divorce by overhearing an argument between Miranda and Daniel. +WKRWTA-0162-01|How did your child first learn of your decision to divorce? +WKRWTA-0164-00|In the movie, sole custody of the children is awarded to Miranda on the grounds that Daniel has no employment. +WKRWTA-0164-01|He is granted visitation with the children every Saturday. +WKRWTA-0164-02|What custody and visitation arrangements were made by the court in your situation? +WKRWTA-0164-03|How were these decisions made? +WKRWTA-0165-00|Daniel is unhappy with the limited amount of visitation the court awards him and desperately wants to spend more time with his children. +WKRWTA-0165-01|How much time does your child spend with her other parent? +WKRWTA-0165-02|Do either you or the other parent actively try to arrange for more time to spend with her? +WKRWTA-0167-00|Miranda says she didn't like who she was when she was with Daniel. +WKRWTA-0167-01|In what ways does your child's other parent bring out the worst in you? +WKRWTA-0167-02|What are three positive things you can tell your child about her other parent? +WKRWTA-0168-00|In the movie, Miranda and Daniel get along better when they are apart than they did when they were living together. +WKRWTA-0168-01|Are there any ways in which you get along better with your child's parent now than you did when you were together? +WKRWTA-0170-00|Mrs Doubtfire tells the story of a divorced dad going to extreme and funny measures to be able to spend time with his children. +WKRWTA-0170-01|The subject of divorce is hard for many parents to talk about, and children often have a lot of unanswered questions about why their parents got divorced. +WKRWTA-0170-02|Many children feel angry and sad when parents are divorced, but they don't know how to share these feelings with their parents. +WKRWTA-0170-03|There may be a lot of things you wish you knew about your own parents divorce. +WKRWTA-0170-04|You may have a lot you wish you could to say to them about how it makes you feel. +WKRWTA-0170-05|Now is the time to ask any questions and express any feelings you have. +WKRWTA-0171|To get you started, share your answers to the following questions with your parent or parents and see what they say! +WKRWTA-0173-00|What do you think is the reason the parents in the movie got divorced? +WKRWTA-0173-01|What do you think is the reason your own parents got divorced? +WKRWTA-0174-00|The three children in the movie feel sad and miss their father after he moves out of the house. +WKRWTA-0174-01|Can you describe a time when you have missed your other parent? +WKRWTA-0174-02|What do you miss about the parent you don't see as often? +WKRWTA-0174-03|When is the last time you felt sad because your parents are divorced? +WKRWTA-0175-00|The children in the movie want their parents to get back together. +WKRWTA-0175-02|If you could, would you want to get your parents back together? +WKRWTA-0175-03|What would be good about that? +WKRWTA-0175-04|What would be bad about that? +WKRWTA-0176-00|When Mrs Hillard is talking to Mrs Doubtfire about her ex-husband, she begins to say hurtful things about him in front of the children. +WKRWTA-0176-01|Has one of your parents ever said critical things to you about your other parent? +WKRWTA-0176-02|If so, what feelings did you have afterwards? +WKRWTA-0177-00|At the end of the movie, Mrs Doubtfire replies to a letter from a child whose parents are divorced and offers words of support and advice. +WKRWTA-0177-01|If you could talk to other kids whose parents are getting divorced, what advice would you give to help them feel better about the divorce? +WKRWTA-0178-00|At the end of the movie, Miranda is ready to set aside her differences with Daniel and do what is best for the children by letting him take care of them every day after school. +WKRWTA-0178-01|What differences or disagreements do you wish your parents could set aside? +WKRWTA-0179-00|While posing as Mrs Doubtfire, Daniel finds lots of fun activities to do with his children. +WKRWTA-0179-01|What are some activities you would like to do with the parent you don't see as often? +WKRWTA-0180-00|Now it's your turn to write down any questions you would like to ask one or both of your parents about why they are not together any more. +WKRWTA-0181-01|Each adult takes turns telling two truths and a lie about their early relationship. +WKRWTA-0181-02|The young people have to guess which statement is the lie. +WKRWTA-0181-03|The person who guesses right the most times gets an extra helping of dessert or is excused from after-dinner chores! +WKRWTA-0182-00|Kids: On a large sheet of paper draw a timeline of your parents relationship and interview them for the dates. +WKRWTA-0182-01|Be sure to include the date of their first meeting, their first kiss, their decision to become a couple or get married, your birth date and your brothers or sisters birth dates, moves from one house or place to another, changes in jobs, or any other important events from your family's history. +WKRWTA-0183-00|Kids: Interview several people to gather more details about your parents early relationship. +WKRWTA-0183-01|For example, ask your grandparents or aunts and uncles what they remember about how your parents met. +WKRWTA-0184-00|Parents: Show your child pictures of you and your child's other parent around the time you met. +WKRWTA-0184-01|Write a short description of each picture including when and where it was taken. +WKRWTA-0185-01|Make it as funny as possible! +WKRWTA-0187|Why am I not anything like my Mom? +WKRWTA-0188|Am I adopted? +WKRWTA-0189|What really happened when I was born? +WKRWTA-0190|What was I like when I was a baby? +WKRWTA-0191|Why did you pick my name? +WKRWTA-0192|Was there anything wrong with me when I was born? +WKRWTA-0193|How happy were you when I was born? +WKRWTA-0194|Did you want me to be a boy, or a girl? +WKRWTA-0195|Did you want to have me? +WKRWTA-0196|Why did you have me? +WKRWTA-0197-00|What is the earliest memory you have of yourself? +WKRWTA-0197-01|Do you recall anything from when you were an infant or toddler? +WKRWTA-0197-02|Have you heard stories or seen photographs of yourself as a young child? +WKRWTA-0197-03|Most of us want to have a sense of our personal history; we want to know our own life story, including where we came from and how we got to where we are. +WKRWTA-0197-04|It is often during early adolescence that this curiosity about our early life first emerges. +WKRWTA-0197-05|The rapid and remarkable physical changes during puberty may prompt a middler to begin wondering how she looked as a baby and notice ways she is similar to or different from her parents, siblings, and other relatives. +WKRWTA-0197-07|Imagining how things might now be different if her childhood had been different is also possible during these years. +WKRWTA-0197-08|She is likely to conjure many questions about her early life in order to fill in any missing pieces and gain insight into how she has come to be the person she is today. +WKRWTA-0199-00|One question that emerges for some young adolescents is whether or not they are adopted. +WKRWTA-0199-01|In the research, a total of nine boys and girls asked about this. +WKRWTA-0199-02|When your biological child poses this question, it may not mean she truly believes she is adopted, but adoption may offer a plausible explanation for any differences between you that are especially problematic. +WKRWTA-0199-03|Bringing this out into the open could be helpful in discovering the ways she feels alienated and how you can begin to address the situation. +WKRWTA-0201-00|Hopefully, you have carefully laid the groundwork in your child's earlier years by speaking openly and frequently about her adoption so that she has integrated that reality into her concept of self and knows that talking about this with you at any time is perfectly okay. +WKRWTA-0201-01|If you haven't done this, now is an excellent time to start. +WKRWTA-0201-02|Reading this chapter and watching this movie together may help. +WKRWTA-0203-00|Early adolescence is the time when adopted children start fantasizing about birth parents. +WKRWTA-0203-03|And then offering any facts you know about them might help with the assimilation process. +WKRWTA-0203-05|One idea to ease this is to engage with her in activities that she finds interesting, especially if they are different from what you might choose. +WKRWTA-0203-06|For example, you may encourage her to select an activity once a month in which the rest of the family participates or ask for her input to make holidays special for her. +WKRWTA-0203-07|This is good advice to encourage and support the uniqueness of biological children as well. +WKRWTA-0204-00|Perhaps you are one of the approximately eight hundred thousand grandparents who are raising a grandchild without the presence or assistance of the parents. +WKRWTA-0204-01|Similar to adopting a child from a family you don't know, talking openly and in a positive manner about the circumstances that led to this reality will let your grandchild know it is okay to ask questions about his beginnings and can help him find some missing pieces in his search for his identity. +WKRWTA-0204-02|If the circumstances around your grandchild being placed with you are unfortunate, then you will want to tell him what you can while still allowing him to honor and respect his birth parents. +WKRWTA-0204-03|There may be some truths that would be too difficult for him to hear, truths about early mistreatment or even abandonment by his parent. +WKRWTA-0204-04|It's not necessary to tell him things that would cause him to see his birth parents in a negative light. +WKRWTA-0204-05|Rather than dwelling on the reasons he was taken away from or given up by his birth parents, focus on the message that you are committed to him and that you're happy he's with you now. +WKRWTA-0205-00|The movie for this chapter also provides an opportunity to acknowledge the significance of gender as an influence in your child's early upbringing. +WKRWTA-0205-01|She will be interested in knowing how your preparations for her and her early years were shaped by gender expectations. +WKRWTA-0205-02|For instance, did you choose clothing and blankets that were pink to represent a girl, or did you select gender-neutral colors for her like yellow and green? +WKRWTA-0205-05|From a very early age parents and other caregivers have different expectations about what it means to be a boy or a girl and may treat their children accordingly. +WKRWTA-0205-06|For example, rough and tumble play may be tolerated or even encouraged in sons but not daughters; crying may be approved of in girls but not boys. +WKRWTA-0205-07|What do you think and how do you feel about these issues related to gender, and what can you share about them with your child? +WKRWTA-0206-00|Kids in early adolescence tend to be very much aware of gender and the associated expectations. +WKRWTA-0206-01|The physical changes of puberty accentuate the basic biological differences between boys and girls. +WKRWTA-0206-03|Gender role expectations also are reflected in middlers' behavior. +WKRWTA-0206-04|There may be differential treatment of boys and girls in the home. +WKRWTA-0206-05|Chores may be assigned based on gender, with boys doing outside jobs such as washing cars or mowing the lawn and girls helping inside with laundry and dishes. +WKRWTA-0206-06|Children may wonder whether parents would have preferred another gender. +WKRWTA-0206-07|They may be concerned about or frustrated by the fact that certain opportunities are more or less available to them depending on their gender. +WKRWTA-0207-00|There is a wealth of interesting and profound information to share with your child having to do with her arrival in your family. +WKRWTA-0207-01|Nothing is more interesting than our own stories about how we came to be. +WKRWTA-0208|On With The Show! +WKRWTA-0209-00|Filmed in New Zealand, Whale Rider tells the story of a young Maori girl named Paikea, who is being raised by her paternal grandparents after her mother and twin brother died during childbirth. +WKRWTA-0209-01|Paikea believes she is destined to become the next leader of her people. +WKRWTA-0209-02|According to legend, the first leader of the Ngati Konohi tribe arrived on the back of a whale over a thousand years ago, and since that time every subsequent leader has been a firstborn male. +WKRWTA-0209-03|Paikea's grandfather Koro, who is to choose the next leader, is bound by tradition and patriarchy, and he resists his granddaughter's wishes to be trained in the warrior ways and customs of her people. +WKRWTA-0209-04|With determination and strength, Paikea fights to prove her worthiness to her grandfather and to claim her destiny as the next whale rider. +WKRWTA-0211-00|Whale Rider opens with a scene of a mother giving birth. +WKRWTA-0211-01|What can you tell your child about the circumstances of his birth? +WKRWTA-0211-02|For example, what time of the day or night did labor begin? +WKRWTA-0211-03|What were you doing at the time? +WKRWTA-0211-04|If you went to a hospital, what made you decide it was time? +WKRWTA-0211-05|If you had your child at home, did a midwife attend the birth? +WKRWTA-0211-06|If so, at what point did she arrive? +WKRWTA-0211-07|Who attended the birth? +WKRWTA-0211-08|Who were the first people you called when he was born? +WKRWTA-0212-00|Paikea's mother and newborn twin brother both die in childbirth. +WKRWTA-0212-01|Were there any medical complications surrounding your middler's birth? +WKRWTA-0212-02|What can you tell your child about this? +WKRWTA-0212-03|Was your child born with any special conditions or concerns? +WKRWTA-0213-00|When Paikea is born, everyone in the family is waiting for a firstborn boy. +WKRWTA-0213-01|Her grandfather Koro in particular is disappointed that she is a girl. +WKRWTA-0213-02|Prior to your middler's birth, how important was it to you that you have a boy or a girl in particular? +WKRWTA-0213-03|If you had a preference, which were you hoping for: a boy, or a girl? +WKRWTA-0214-00|Paikea's mother dies in childbirth, and her father is too emotionally distraught to take care of her, so she is being raised by her grandparents. +WKRWTA-0214-01|If your middler is adopted, what can you tell him about the circumstances through which he came to be your child? +WKRWTA-0215-00|Shortly after Paikea is born, her uncle and grandparents arrive at the hospital to see her. +WKRWTA-0215-01|Who was present when your young person was born or arrived in your family? +WKRWTA-0215-02|What family members and friends made visits to welcome her after her arrival? +WKRWTA-0215-03|What gifts did you receive for her? +WKRWTA-0216-00|Paikea's father is very happy about her birth but also is devastated at the loss of his wife and his newborn infant son. +WKRWTA-0216-01|What emotions did you feel at the time of your young person's birth or his arrival in your home? +WKRWTA-0216-02|What made you especially happy at that time? +WKRWTA-0216-03|How did you celebrate his arrival? +WKRWTA-0216-04|What, if anything, made you sad or worried? +WKRWTA-0217-00|Paikea's father names her after the legendary ancient tribal leader. +WKRWTA-0217-01|Is there any special significance to the name you chose for your middler? +WKRWTA-0217-02|How did you choose that name? +WKRWTA-0217-03|What other names might you have chosen? +WKRWTA-0217-04|If someone else was involved in choosing a name, were you in complete agreement or not? +WKRWTA-0217-05|Does the name have any family significance? +WKRWTA-0218-00|As a young girl, Paikea loves spending time with her grandfather Koro, riding on his bicycle handle bars, talking to him about the legends of their people. +WKRWTA-0218-02|What was your middler like when she was a child? +WKRWTA-0218-03|What were some of her favorite activities? +WKRWTA-0218-04|Who did she enjoy playing with and spending time with? +WKRWTA-0218-05|What was her personality like? +WKRWTA-0218-06|Can you recall any particularly funny moments during her early years? +WKRWTA-0218-07|Was there a talent or a personality characteristic that you noticed early in her life that has developed over time? +WKRWTA-0218-08|Did you ever have a sense of destiny for this child? +WKRWTA-0223-00|Paikea's grandfather is loyal to the tribal traditions of his people. +WKRWTA-0223-01|What are some family traditions that your parents and grandparents have passed on to you? +WKRWTA-0223-02|What are some unique things your family does to celebrate holidays or birthdays that have special meaning to you? +WKRWTA-0224-00|When Paikea's father comes to visit, he asks her to consider moving to Germany and staying with him. +WKRWTA-0224-02|She considers her home to be on the land where she was born, with her grandparents, who have raised her. +WKRWTA-0224-03|Where do you think of as your home? +WKRWTA-0224-05|Who is there who makes you feel loved? +WKRWTA-0224-06|If you have a birth parent who has not raised you, are there some things you would like to know about that parent? +WKRWTA-0224-07|What questions would you like to ask her or him about the reasons you live with your adoptive family? +WKRWTA-0224-08|What thoughts or feelings do you have about meeting that parent? +WKRWTA-0225-00|Paikea is a brave and determined young girl. +WKRWTA-0225-01|At the end of the movie she plays a key role in saving the beached whales when she rides one out into the open ocean. +WKRWTA-0225-02|What stories have you heard from parents or other relatives about brave or unexpected things you did when you were a child? +WKRWTA-0225-03|What have you heard from your parents about what you were like as a small child? +WKRWTA-0226-00|Paikea's mother died while giving birth to her, and Paikea is being raised by her grandparents. +WKRWTA-0226-01|What do you know about your own birth? +WKRWTA-0226-02|On what day of the week were you born? +WKRWTA-0226-03|What was the weather like? +WKRWTA-0226-04|Where were you born? +WKRWTA-0226-05|Have you been raised by the mother who gave birth to you? +WKRWTA-0226-06|If you lost a parent at a young age, what do you know about that parent? +WKRWTA-0226-07|What would you like to know? +WKRWTA-0227-00|In her speech at the school concert, Paikea speaks of her deep love and respect for her grandfather. +WKRWTA-0227-01|She also acknowledges that she wasn't what her grandfather was expecting and that by being born, she broke the line back to the ancient ones. +WKRWTA-0227-02|In what ways do you feel like you are not what your parents or grandparents were expecting? +WKRWTA-0227-03|In what ways do you think you are more than what they were expecting? +WKRWTA-0228-00|Paikea has special insights and personal qualities that make her able to serve as a new leader and prophet for her people. +WKRWTA-0228-01|What special qualities do you have that make you unique? +WKRWTA-0228-03|What kinds of people and activities are you drawn to? +WKRWTA-0229-00|Now it's your turn to write down any questions you would like to ask one or both of your parents about how you came to be their child and what makes you special to them. +WKRWTA-0230-00|Parents: If you have a baby book that you kept during your child's infancy, pull it out and share it with your child. +WKRWTA-0230-01|If you don't have a book, consider starting a memory journal. +WKRWTA-0230-02|Write down what you remember about milestones in your child's first few years of life. +WKRWTA-0230-03|For example, who was the first relative who held her after she was born, what was her first word, when did she take her first steps, how did you celebrate her first birthday? +WKRWTA-0231-00|Parents and Kids: Together, look through the family photo album. +WKRWTA-0231-01|Kids, pick out six photos that were taken when you were a baby. +WKRWTA-0231-02|Parents, for each picture tell your child the story that goes with the photo when the photo was taken, where you were, who was there, what you were doing, how old he was, what time of year it was, and so on. +WKRWTA-0233-00|Parents and Kids: Separately write two lists. +WKRWTA-0233-02|Show your lists to each other. +WKRWTA-0233-03|What are some things you agree on? +WKRWTA-0233-04|What are some things you disagree about? +WKRWTA-0234-00|Parents of adopted children: If you haven't done so already, start developing a library of books for your child on the adoption experience, and let him or her know where the books are located and the information they contain. +WKRWTA-0234-01|Ask your local librarian for help to find both fiction and nonfiction books that speak to both the facts and emotions of adoption. +WKRWTA-0235|Do you love me and would you ever give me up? +WKRWTA-0236|Do you think I'm important? +WKRWTA-0237|What do you really think of me? +WKRWTA-0238|Can I have a hug? +WKRWTA-0239|If I get in trouble any time, will you tell me so I can correct my mistakes? +WKRWTA-0240|Why do you break me down inside and hurt me outside all the time? +WKRWTA-0241|Why don't you have any time for me? +WKRWTA-0242|Can we stay together forever? +WKRWTA-0243|Why don't parents talk openly with children if we talk openly with them? +WKRWTA-0244|Can I fall back to you if I have a problem? +WKRWTA-0245-00|As your child moves into the preteen years, you may begin to notice some changes in your relationship with him. +WKRWTA-0245-01|Do you find that you're spending less time in shared activities? +WKRWTA-0245-02|Does it seem as though he would rather talk to his friends than you? +WKRWTA-0245-03|Is he embarrassed if you try to kiss or hug him in front of other people? +WKRWTA-0245-04|Are there days when it seems like whatever you say is the wrong thing? +WKRWTA-0245-05|If so, you're not alone. +WKRWTA-0245-06|All of these are typical of the changing relationship between parent and child during the middle-school years. +WKRWTA-0245-07|Closeness decreases as parents and children spend less time together and kids choose to confide in friends more than in parents. +WKRWTA-0245-08|Conflict increases as kids develop new reasoning skills that enable them to question their parents rules and expectations. +WKRWTA-0246-00|It is likely that your middler also has noticed these changes in your relationship. +WKRWTA-0246-01|The largest percentage and the most poignant questions kids asked in response to our research were about their relationship with their parents. +WKRWTA-0246-02|Kids this age want to know how their parents feel about them. +WKRWTA-0246-03|They want to feel accepted by their parents and to be able to talk about problems and issues in their lives. +WKRWTA-0246-04|They're unhappy about having arguments with their parents, and they want to understand why some of those conflicts can turn so hurtful. +WKRWTA-0246-05|This chapter offers you the chance to reflect on the relationship between you and your young person, acknowledge any areas of concern that you may want to tend to, and celebrate the love you share. +WKRWTA-0247-00|Human beings have an inherent need for acceptance. +WKRWTA-0247-01|For most individuals the first and primary source of acceptance is the parent. +WKRWTA-0247-02|Parents convey their acceptance in many different ways, for example, with their affection, care, comfort, concern, nurturance, support, and love. +WKRWTA-0247-03|The expression of acceptance can be physical, verbal, or symbolic, but of primary importance is that it be reliable, consistent, and unconditional. +WKRWTA-0247-04|More simply put, all children need to have at least one person who is absolutely head-over-heels crazy about them all the time and no matter what. +WKRWTA-0247-05|Ideally that person is a parent. +WKRWTA-0248-00|When kids are infants and young children, most parents find it easy to feel affection towards them. +WKRWTA-0248-01|Looking at their sweet faces while they're sleeping, or seeing them cry when they're upset pulls at our heartstrings. +WKRWTA-0248-02|But as kids move into the preteen years, what came so easily before may now seem complicated. +WKRWTA-0248-03|It can be difficult to look at a sulking preteen and feel an urge to hug her, or see the mess on her bedroom floor and be overcome with affection towards her. +WKRWTA-0248-04|However, parents need to keep expressing love to their kids even when it seems nearly impossible to do. +WKRWTA-0249-00|Expressing affection is also so much easier with infants and young children compared to middlers. +WKRWTA-0249-01|You can hold them, kiss them, sing to them, play with them. +WKRWTA-0249-02|But when a child is in early adolescence, ways to express parental affection and acceptance may not be as obvious as they once were. +WKRWTA-0249-04|But none of that means he no longer needs or wants your love and acceptance. +WKRWTA-0249-05|It just means that you have to find new ways to express love and care. +WKRWTA-0249-06|Expressions of love may become more symbolic, like setting rules to protect him from people or situations that might be dangerous, preparing his favorite breakfast on the day of a big math test, or sitting in the rain to watch him play a soccer game. +WKRWTA-0250-00|One of the most loving things you can do for your young person is to be available to listen and offer support when she has a problem. +WKRWTA-0250-01|While she may confide in friends about some of her social issues, she will take comfort in having a parent as a soft place to land when she has upsets that friends can't help her with. +WKRWTA-0250-03|As trivial as some of those issues may seem to you as an adult, it's important to treat them as the meaningful concerns they are to your child. +WKRWTA-0250-04|If you can respond with empathy and genuine concern to the small matters, she will be more likely to seek you out for help with any bigger, more serious matters that arise. +WKRWTA-0251-00|Of course, there will also be many moments of happiness and joy in the life of your young adolescent. +WKRWTA-0251-01|You can also show your love by sharing in his happiness and celebrating his successes. +WKRWTA-0251-02|Setting aside time every day to hear about what's going on in his life lets him know you care. +WKRWTA-0251-03|For many families this time might be the dinner hour. +WKRWTA-0251-04|For others, it might be the last thirty minutes before bedtime or during the drive to school or other activities. +WKRWTA-0251-05|Do you spend time talking with your middler every day? +WKRWTA-0251-06|Do you know what's going on in his life? +WKRWTA-0251-08|In fact, you might want to refer to those pages every few weeks just to be sure you're doing everything you can to communicate your acceptance, support, and concern for your young person. +WKRWTA-0251-09|Building a strong foundation now will pay big dividends in a few short years. +WKRWTA-0252-00|The movie for this chapter illustrates what can happen in the absence of parental acceptance. +WKRWTA-0252-01|Believing that parents do not really love or care about her can result in a host of psychological and social complications for a child. +WKRWTA-0252-02|Personal insecurity, anxiety, anger, resentment, and depression all have been attributed to the absence of parental acceptance. +WKRWTA-0252-03|If an individual feels her parents don't love her, she may in turn come to view herself as unlovable. +WKRWTA-0252-04|She may close off emotionally and have difficulty expressing and receiving love. +WKRWTA-0252-05|She may adopt a defensive approach in social relationships, expecting the worst from people and perceiving hostility where none is intended. +WKRWTA-0253-00|Most experts agree it's not the absence of affection per se, but rather the individual's perception of parental rejection that can be so devastating. +WKRWTA-0253-01|So even if you think you're doing things to express your love and acceptance to your child, it's not how the message is sent, but how it is received that matters. +WKRWTA-0253-02|If you think you're expressing your love and acceptance to your child but he responds negatively, try asking him for feedback. +WKRWTA-0253-04|What could I do that would work better for you? +WKRWTA-0253-05|It also might be helpful to ask someone who is privy to your private interactions to give you some objective feedback. +WKRWTA-0253-06|What you think of as loving might really be transmitting an unloving message. +WKRWTA-0253-07|For example, parents who seek to control a child may unintentionally project the message that he is untrustworthy or unable to handle things for himself. +WKRWTA-0253-08|Spend some time reflecting on the messages you give your child in both words and deeds. +WKRWTA-0253-09|What do you do to tell your middler you love him? +WKRWTA-0253-10|Does he know that you think he is important? +WKRWTA-0253-12|How do you rate on this scale? +WKRWTA-0254-00|Conflicts and disagreements are bound to arise in any close relationship. +WKRWTA-0254-01|The parent-child relationship during early adolescence is particularly vulnerable because kids have more advanced abilities to question their parents rules and decisions and greater interest in spending time with friends away from parental control. +WKRWTA-0254-03|The thing to be concerned about is not whether you argue, but how you argue. +WKRWTA-0257-01|Kids may not act like they want hugs and kisses from you, but they do. +WKRWTA-0260-00|The movie begins with a house fire scene in which baby Thomas is thrown from a window to safety; no deaths are shown. +WKRWTA-0260-01|Arnold Joseph is an alcoholic, and there are two scenes in which he is intoxicated. +WKRWTA-0260-02|One occurs when Victor accidentally spills his father's bottle of beer as they are driving and Arnold hits him across the face. +WKRWTA-0264-00|Victor's father died before he had the chance to apologize to his son for all of the emotional pain he had caused. +WKRWTA-0264-02|Is there any relationship in your life that you want to heal while there is still time? +WKRWTA-0265-04|How often do you tell your middler you are proud of him? +WKRWTA-0267-02|What are some of the good things you remember about your relationship with your parents when you were an early adolescence? +WKRWTA-0271-01|Can you think of a time when one of your parents said something to you that made you feel really important to them? +WKRWTA-0273-03|How do you feel when they do or say these things? +WKRWTA-0277-03|Have you ever been able to tell your parents how you feel about them? +WKRWTA-0279-02|To make it more fun, try to alternate between silly reasons and serious reasons. +WKRWTA-0280-01|Invite your child to make a list of activities he would most enjoy sharing with you. +WKRWTA-0281-01|Buy a blank journal or notebook and decorate the cover. +WKRWTA-0281-07|When you're finished with your discussion put the journal back in its keeping place until the next time one of you needs it. +WKRWTA-0284-03|Write down these stories in a notebook and add to it as new opportunities arise. +WKRWTA-0285-02|Ask your parent if you can set a monthly family meeting at which questions from the box are discussed. +WKRWTA-0288|Can I do anything I want? +WKRWTA-0289|How come parents think they are always right? +WKRWTA-0292|Why are you so strict towards me? +WKRWTA-0296-08|It is the job of teenagers to develop autonomy and to do so they must question their parents authority. +WKRWTA-0297-03|Watching his seemingly endless energy may be a stark reminder of how yours is waning. +WKRWTA-0299-05|The fact is we are all constantly bombarded with conflicting messages about these things. +WKRWTA-0301-03|Between every parent and child there is a generation gap, especially about things like hairstyles, music, and clothing. +WKRWTA-0301-10|Does it help him fit in with a particular crowd at school? +WKRWTA-0301-12|Does it provide an identity or help him to be visible in the sea of students at school? +WKRWTA-0302-03|For example, has she consistently demonstrated her ability to get home by the designated time? +WKRWTA-0303-01|Also, develop a process in which he can work to alleviate your worries. +WKRWTA-0304-00|Finally, Bend It Like Beckham has a substantial subplot dealing with sexual orientation. +WKRWTA-0304-10|Do you expect you might be concerned if your son or daughter shows no interest in the opposite sex in high school? +WKRWTA-0305-01|Dispense love in liberal doses at every opportunity for your young person and for yourself. +WKRWTA-0309-05|When you were a teenager was there something you wanted to pursue that was discouraged by your parents? +WKRWTA-0314-02|If someone asked your child what matters you are too strict about, what do you think he would say? +WKRWTA-0315-02|Did you ever lie to your parents about where you were, or what you were doing? +WKRWTA-0315-05|Have you ever caught your middler lying to you about something she did? +WKRWTA-0320-00|Bend It Like Beckham is a movie that deals with issues of trust and responsibility between parents and children. +WKRWTA-0322-00|Bend It Like Beckham shows Jess talking to the poster of her idol, Beckham. +WKRWTA-0328-04|Are there things you feel pushed to do by your parents that you're really not interested in? +WKRWTA-0329-01|If you have a sibling, for what things can you count on his or her support? +WKRWTA-0330-02|What are some ways you feel limited in your choices because you are a boy or a girl? +WKRWTA-0333-00|Parents and Kids: Separately write a list of things you think the other person has a talent for. +WKRWTA-0335-00|Kids: Make a list of things you look forward to doing for the first time in the next couple of years. +WKRWTA-0336-00|Kids: Think about the things your parents seem most worried about when it comes to you. +WKRWTA-0338-02|See if he would welcome you joining him in the activity a couple of times. +WKRWTA-0349-02|Suddenly you became a small fish in a much bigger pond. +WKRWTA-0349-04|Can you remember anything specific about that time? +WKRWTA-0351-01|Interacting with peers allows your child to acquire and practice social skills that will serve her throughout her life. +WKRWTA-0353-01|Did you have a group of peers who liked to spend time with you, did you have just one special friend, or did you feel like a loner? +WKRWTA-0354-06|Or he may feel he is failing as he compares his personality to yours. +WKRWTA-0358-00|On a daily basis, issues with peers can lead to a lot of stress and a lot of joy for your child. +WKRWTA-0359-05|Their journey ends when they find the dead body of the missing boy and successfully confront some teenage hoodlums. +WKRWTA-0364-01|Was there ever a time that a friend stood by you in a tough situation, or abandoned you when you really needed him? +WKRWTA-0364-02|What can you tell your son about being loyal and trustworthy? +WKRWTA-0365-01|Were you picked on as a boy? +WKRWTA-0368-02|Vern's older brother and friends are aggressively threatening to the younger boys. +WKRWTA-0369-01|Did you know anyone who died young when you were a preteen? +WKRWTA-0376-00|Do you think you are more like Gordie, Teddy, Chris, or Vern, or are you a combination of those characters or nothing like any of them? +WKRWTA-0381-02|If so, how do you usually react? +WKRWTA-0383-07|At the end, we learn that their reunion as adults is the result of a solemn oath they made the year they were twelve. +WKRWTA-0388-02|What can you tell your daughter about being loyal and trustworthy? +WKRWTA-0389-01|Girlfriends can be cruel, however. +WKRWTA-0389-02|Were any of your girlfriends bullies? +WKRWTA-0392-03|Was there something you wish you had done, but didn't? +WKRWTA-0396-02|Do you have concerns about your friendships? +WKRWTA-0404-01|Do you get teased or bullied by other boys or girls? +WKRWTA-0404-05|What girls at school would you most like to be friends with and which would you never want to be friends with? +WKRWTA-0408-00|Parents: If possible, take your child on a trip to the place where you grew up or the house in which you lived when you were a preteen. +WKRWTA-0409-00|Parents: Invite your child to look at family photographs or yearbooks from your middle school years. +WKRWTA-0410-01|Bury the time capsule in your backyard or hide it someplace where no one else will find it. +WKRWTA-0410-02|Then plan a special date to dig it up, like the day you graduate from high school or the day when the first friend gets married. +WKRWTA-0411-01|Where would you go? +WKRWTA-0411-02|What would you do? +WKRWTA-0412-00|Kids: Is there someone you've been wanting to start a friendship with but feel too shy to approach? +WKRWTA-0415|At what age did you first kiss someone or have a serious relationship with them? +WKRWTA-0417|Is sex a good thing or not? +WKRWTA-0420|When can I date and go to boy or girl parties? +WKRWTA-0422|Why do people act different around their friends than around their boyfriend or girlfriend? +WKRWTA-0425-02|The questions collected from kids in the research reflect this growing interest in romance. +WKRWTA-0426-06|All of this was normal when you were young and, of course, is still normal today. +WKRWTA-0427-00|About one out of three young adolescents will have a boyfriend or girlfriend before age fourteen. +WKRWTA-0428-04|Are you directly encouraging him to pursue romantic attachments or indirectly passing on a message to that effect? +WKRWTA-0431-00|True, meaningful attachments to romantic partners won't occur until later in adolescence. +WKRWTA-0431-02|You may want to let him know that a healthy relationship adds to and does not detract from who he is as an individual. +WKRWTA-0432-02|But the reality is that puberty brings with it new feelings of physical desire, sexual attraction, and arousal. +WKRWTA-0433-02|And those peers are probably just as uninformed as he is about matters of the heart and sex. +WKRWTA-0433-05|These are important topics, but it's likely that your middler has heard about some of this in school health classes. +WKRWTA-0433-07|Offer some adult insight into how a relationship changes when a sexual component is added. +WKRWTA-0434-02|As a parent, it is important to remember that we live in a society in which heterosexuality is assumed. +WKRWTA-0437-05|When Court gives Dani her first kiss, it is not at all erotic. +WKRWTA-0437-09|Later, Dad makes a sincere apology and they hug. +WKRWTA-0438-04|How did the crush end? +WKRWTA-0439-02|In contrast, Court is sensitive and respectful in his expressions of affection toward Maureen. +WKRWTA-0439-04|What can you tell your young person about how to treat a boyfriend or girlfriend with respect? +WKRWTA-0439-05|What advice can you offer about what to do when treated disrespectfully? +WKRWTA-0441-00|When Maureen goes to a dance, her father gives her date a clear message about her curfew. +WKRWTA-0441-02|If you want to see that boy, bring him over here to the house. +WKRWTA-0441-04|Will you expect to meet the boy or the girl before the date? +WKRWTA-0441-06|Would you have the same rules for a daughter as for a son? +WKRWTA-0442-01|Court gives Dani her first kiss. +WKRWTA-0442-02|Do you remember your first kiss? +WKRWTA-0442-05|Where were you when it happened? +WKRWTA-0443-01|Do you think love at first sight can last a lifetime? +WKRWTA-0443-02|If you have a partner, how would you describe your feelings for him or her at the beginning of your relationship? +WKRWTA-0450-01|Do you have someone you can talk to about these kinds of things? +WKRWTA-0451-05|Do you think it's possible for kids your age to experience true love? +WKRWTA-0452-02|Have you ever had that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling about someone? +WKRWTA-0455-01|Do you think it is a good idea to tell someone honestly how you feel about them? +WKRWTA-0458-01|Discuss the terms listed below, and compare what's different and what's the same for your two generations. +WKRWTA-0467|Will you allow your child to have a friend of the opposite sex come over to your house when you are home? +WKRWTA-0470|When your child has a dating partner visiting at your home, how late at night will that friend be allowed to stay? +WKRWTA-0473-00|Parents and Kids: Together, make a list of ways to express affection for someone without getting physical. +WKRWTA-0475-00|Parents and Kids: Kids, tell your parent all the reasons you can think of why kids your age want to have boyfriends or girlfriends. +WKRWTA-0480-00|If I would flunk, what would you do? +WKRWTA-0480-01|Would you help me or let me flunk again? +WKRWTA-0481|Do you think I am doing good in school? +WKRWTA-0485|Will you help me with my homework? +WKRWTA-0486-01|Do you recall how excited he was to start school? +WKRWTA-0486-02|Do you remember him coming home each day eager to tell you what he learned and how much he liked his teacher? +WKRWTA-0486-04|If your middler is like most kids his age, that earlier enthusiasm for school is rapidly disappearing. +WKRWTA-0486-08|School work is the most common source of negative emotions, such as worry, boredom, and frustration, for young adolescents. +WKRWTA-0488-02|A similar number choose homeschooling out of a desire to teach their children religious and moral lessons. +WKRWTA-0488-06|It also might help you uncover any concerns or desires that your child is not voicing about being homeschooled. +WKRWTA-0489-00|In addition to homeschooling, the number of public and private alternative schools and charter schools is on the rise. +WKRWTA-0495-00|Your involvement needn't be limited to helping with challenging homework assignments, however. +WKRWTA-0495-07|If school was difficult for you or if you never completed the education you had hoped for, now is the time to be honest about that. +WKRWTA-0496-00|It also may be helpful to structure your home environment to encourage commitment to school and learning. +WKRWTA-0498-01|It is a time when the brain is ripe for learning and the doors to future paths are wide open. +WKRWTA-0501-00|Few cautions are needed for this family-friendly movie. +WKRWTA-0501-03|No sex, violence, or drug use is portrayed. +WKRWTA-0503-02|Have there ever been times when you have been too busy with other things to attend to your child's successes? +WKRWTA-0507-04|Who in your child's life besides you cares that he succeed in school? +WKRWTA-0513-01|Do you ever feel too much pressure from one of your parents to do well in school? +WKRWTA-0514-02|Do you ever wish your parent would be more involved? +WKRWTA-0515-02|Does this ever hold you back from doing your best in school? +WKRWTA-0517-01|Do you enjoy school? +WKRWTA-0517-03|Do you feel challenged at your school? +WKRWTA-0522-00|Kids: Make a list of all the people in your life who care about your school success or who have contributed to your school success. +WKRWTA-0522-01|Write a short note to each one thanking them for being interested in your learning and either e-mail, mail, or deliver the notes. +WKRWTA-0527-00|Parents and Kids: Look through a dictionary and find seven words for which you don't know the meaning. +WKRWTA-0535|What do you do at your job? +WKRWTA-0539-02|Or you may have a job that requires you to travel for several days or weeks at a time or to work evenings and weekends. +WKRWTA-0541-06|For example, is it the satisfaction of helping others, or the thrill of being recognized as an expert in your field? +WKRWTA-0541-10|Do you think you have a good balance between your work life and family life? +WKRWTA-0541-11|What aspects of employment or family life make it difficult to balance the two? +WKRWTA-0541-12|Do you think the overall message about employment that you convey to your preteen is primarily positive or negative? +WKRWTA-0542-00|Over the last thirty years there has been a major demographic shift in which more women are working outside the home. +WKRWTA-0545-00|You might want to discuss with your child the training or education needed to pursue different types of employment. +WKRWTA-0545-02|A two-year or four-year college degree is required or preferred for numerous jobs, although it is no guarantee of employment. +WKRWTA-0545-04|Advanced college degrees are required for some jobs, such as university-level teaching, counseling, medicine, and law. +WKRWTA-0552-03|If you shared these with your parents, how did they react? +WKRWTA-0552-05|Did your dreams or interests as a young person ever lead to work for which you were paid? +WKRWTA-0552-07|If they weren't supportive, how would your life have been different if they had been? +WKRWTA-0553-03|Did they work during the day or have different shifts? +WKRWTA-0553-04|Were they paid by the hour, or were they salaried? +WKRWTA-0555-01|Where in your life have you shown persistence in reaching a goal involving your work life, and what motivated you to keep going? +WKRWTA-0556-01|What kind of work did your father and mother do? +WKRWTA-0556-05|Would you say you need more brains, brawn, or a balance of both for the work you do? +WKRWTA-0557-03|How far emotionally, physically, or both have you journeyed from the place you were born or from the work your mom or your dad did? +WKRWTA-0558-01|Have you ever been a member of a labor union? +WKRWTA-0565-03|What do you think led your parents to choose the kind of work they do? +WKRWTA-0565-04|Do you think they enjoy the work they do or not? +WKRWTA-0567-00|The Rocket Boys are so excited about building rockets it is easy to imagine them spending all their time doing so. +WKRWTA-0568-02|What activities have you done alone or with friends that you enjoyed so much you were willing to work really hard to do them? +WKRWTA-0570-03|If none of these is a good fit, what word or phrase is? +WKRWTA-0585|What is it like to be a parent? +WKRWTA-0586|When we grow up, how hard is it in life to keep up on the bills? +WKRWTA-0587|Do you get more respect when you are older? +WKRWTA-0602-01|The two of them have different expectations for their post-high school plans. +WKRWTA-0605-03|Was there any life skill that you found out you lacked when you left home? +WKRWTA-0605-05|What would you do to help your child learn the life skills you think are most important? +WKRWTA-0608-01|In what ways did you feel confused or unsure during your transition to adulthood? +WKRWTA-0617-01|What are some mature things Ana did in the movie that you think are important for being seen as an adult? +WKRWTA-0618-00|At the end of the movie, Ana is in New York City, ready to start her adult life. +WKRWTA-0618-02|What do your parents think are the most important life skills for you to learn in order to be on your own? +WKRWTA-0618-03|How do you think you will learn those things? +WKRWTA-0627|Kids: Do some research on the legal age for the following privileges: +WKRWTA-0628-01|Do you think it's fair, unfair? +WKRWTA-0628-02|When do you think you'll be ready for these things? +WKRWTA-0629-02|Compare your lists. +WKRWTA-0634|Why are we on Earth? +WKRWTA-0636|Are people usually nicer than they seem? +WKRWTA-0642-00|Of the twelve chapters in What Kids REALLY Want to Ask, this may be one of the most challenging for both you and your child. +WKRWTA-0644-03|Often we would like to shelter them from the harsh truths of life's adversities. +WKRWTA-0647-01|It is likely that your preteen has witnessed instances of social cruelty either firsthand or in the media. +WKRWTA-0647-02|Within the home, this can take the form of domestic violence against children and adult partners. +WKRWTA-0653-08|This is followed by sincere remorse, an apology, and a pledge to change her ways, which she succeeds in doing. +WKRWTA-0653-10|There is one lovemaking scene between Arlene and Eugene. +WKRWTA-0654-00|Arlene Mckinney struggles with alcohol addiction but maintains a commitment to doing right by her son Trevor. +WKRWTA-0658-01|How easy or difficult is it for you to look beyond such things as appearance and get to know a person before judging them? +WKRWTA-0659-03|What do you think gives life meaning? +WKRWTA-0661-02|What do you think are some of the reasons abusive parents have trouble loving their children? +WKRWTA-0662-01|Is there anyone in your life from whom you are estranged or whom you have trouble forgiving for things they did to you when you were young? +WKRWTA-0663-00|At the end of Pay It Forward, Arlene suffers one of the most tragic of human experiences when her son is killed. +WKRWTA-0663-01|What is the most heartbreaking death you have had to deal with? +WKRWTA-0663-02|What can you tell your child about why death occurs and how people endure the death of a loved one? +WKRWTA-0669-00|Trevor tells Mr Simonet the world expects nothing from seventh graders. +WKRWTA-0670-02|Would it scare you to talk to a homeless person? +WKRWTA-0672-01|Is there someone close to you who drinks too much? +WKRWTA-0675-01|Have you ever lost a close friend or family member to death? +WKRWTA-0677-04|Ask your family and friends to do the same and share your experiences with each other. +WKRWTA-0678-01|Call and schedule a time for you and your young person to go and volunteer for a few hours. +WKRWTA-0680-01|Ask your parent to drive you to the agency to deliver the donations. +WKRWTA-0681-00|Parents and Kids: Talk about how you would want to be remembered or what you hope people would say about you if you died tomorrow. +WKRWTA-0687|What is my family background? +WKRWTA-0691|Do I have any relatives in other states? +WKRWTA-0694|When can I go and see my grandma and grandpa? +WKRWTA-0704|What happened to my aunt? +WKRWTA-0709|When were you born? +WKRWTA-0715|What was the most complicated thing that happened to you during your teenage years? +WKRWTA-0722|What was it like when you were my age? +WKRWTA-0730|How long did it take you to reach Eagle Scout? +WKRWTA-0733|Do you have high self-esteem or low self-esteem? +WKRWTA-0737|What is your deepest darkest secret? +WKRWTA-0752|Did you ever break a rule when you were a kid? +WKRWTA-0758|What are your views on drugs, and have you ever done any? +WKRWTA-0765|Did you ever get pulled over by a cop? +WKRWTA-0777|Why did you marry my dad when you knew he would hurt you? +WKRWTA-0781|Why did you get married at such a young age? +WKRWTA-0785|Mom, will you ever get married to him? +WKRWTA-0787|If I could go visit my mom, would you allow me to go and help me get there? +WKRWTA-0790|If I wanted to live with my dad, could I? +WKRWTA-0794-01|Please! +WKRWTA-0808|Have you ever gotten divorced? +WKRWTA-0809|Will you ever get divorced? +WKRWTA-0812|Why are you almost always fighting about the stupidest things? +WKRWTA-0815|Did you have anybody else that you loved? +WKRWTA-0817|Did you ever love Mom? +WKRWTA-0821|Are you sexually active? +WKRWTA-0825|Are you married to somebody that I don't know about? +WKRWTA-0826|Do I have high or low self-esteem? +WKRWTA-0827|Could I be a different kid in school? +WKRWTA-0841|Mom, did you think you were going to die when I was being born? +WKRWTA-0849|Why did you decide to have kids? +WKRWTA-0854|Where was I born? +WKRWTA-0856|How was I born? +WKRWTA-0857|Do you know where I'll die? +WKRWTA-0867|Do you think I am good in sports compared to Tim? +WKRWTA-0879|Do you think I'm stupid? +WKRWTA-0883|Do you like it when I talk too much? +WKRWTA-0887|If I had a baby, would you help me take care of it? +WKRWTA-0891|How would you feel to know that I am anorexic and bulimic? +WKRWTA-0908|How do my social, school, and daily habits negatively affect you? +WKRWTA-0909|How come you were never here for me? +WKRWTA-0911|Could I go places with you or do something with you? +WKRWTA-0914|Can we have a mother-daughter day? +WKRWTA-0930|Have you ever gone through my things and read my notes and private things? +WKRWTA-0931|Have you ever gone through my belongings? +WKRWTA-0941|Why are you so protectful? +WKRWTA-0945|Could you stop bossing me around? +WKRWTA-0949|Am I old enough to do stuff on my own? +WKRWTA-0950|Can I go camping by myself in the woods someday? +WKRWTA-0955|Do I have to clean my room? +WKRWTA-0956|Do I have to do chores or work before I go outside? +WKRWTA-0959|Am I allowed to ride my bike to the other side of town? +WKRWTA-0961|Could I stay up later on Friday nights? +WKRWTA-0965|Can I go over to my friend's house? +WKRWTA-0974|Am I old enough to have a baby-sitting job? +WKRWTA-0979|Were you popular in school? +WKRWTA-0981|Why do kids judge other kids if they don't even know them? +WKRWTA-0995|How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend, and who was it? +WKRWTA-1005|Did you have sex before marriage? +WKRWTA-1018|Could I have a boy or girl sleepover? +WKRWTA-1020|Could I go on a car date when I'm fourteen and my date is sixteen or seventeen? +WKRWTA-1026|Why do people act different around their friends than around their boyfriends or girlfriend? +WKRWTA-1032|What kind of grades did you get, and what did Grandma and Grandpa do if you got a bad grade? +WKRWTA-1035-01|Did you get in trouble at all? +WKRWTA-1041|Can you help me with a problem I have in school? +WKRWTA-1051|Can you help me with school and sports? +WKRWTA-1053|Can I ask you some things about school? +WKRWTA-1061-01|Is there a possible way I can go to college? +WKRWTA-1062|Would you be proud if I go to college? +WKRWTA-1064|Will I be going to college? +WKRWTA-1078|Where would we go if we lost our home? +WKRWTA-1087|Why did you change jobs? +WKRWTA-1101|Is it hard raising three kids on your own, or is it an okay job? +WKRWTA-1110|Are you afraid to die? +WKRWTA-1113|Do you really care about people you don't like, or don't even know? +YOYT-0001-00|No matter what you have accomplished in life so far, chances are you have much more to offer, and some of your best is yet to be revealed. +YOYT-0006-01|Rather than losing breath, you can gain your second wind. +YOYT-0009-03|Days, weeks, months, and even years are flying by. +YOYT-0022-00|Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a one hundred percent mortality rate. +YOYT-0022-03|Accepting the truth of your aging leaves you open for growth; denial means part of you has already died. +YOYT-0024-00|Chapter one defines neoteny and explains why it's possible to grow young from an evolutionary standpoint. +YOYT-0024-01|We'll explore the scientific basis for neoteny, and I'll make the case that in truth, we are violating our birthright. +YOYT-0024-05|The pursuit of neoteny and the practice of neotenous traits far surpass these common approaches to aging. +YOYT-0025-02|Aging is inevitable, but how we age is completely negotiable. +YOYT-0032-00|Chapter seven culminates in the ultimate, eleventh neotenous trait. +YOYT-0034-02|And you'll have the benefit of my years as a researcher, educator, life coach, and woman into her third box of birthday candles. +YOYT-0037-03|Not exactly breakthrough material, but you'd be surprised how many of us still don't believe it. +YOYT-0038-00|Consistently, people our age say they know there must be something more to life than running from our years. +YOYT-0041-00|In nineteen eighty one, noted anthropologist Ashley Montague published a book called Growing Young. +YOYT-0041-01|I found a used copy in a bookstore. +YOYT-0046-03|The idea that we should enjoy youthful pursuits throughout our lives would really mess things up. +YOYT-0049-04|Apes, by contrast, start out well enough, but rapidly develop gerontomorphic, old, traits. +YOYT-0049-07|It is to this slow progress of our development that we owe our exceptional human traits. +YOYT-0050-04|Even today, a high forehead is considered a sign of intelligence; and preferring wrestling to Wordsworth is considered lowbrow. +YOYT-0059-02|Success for children becomes emulation of their elders, their often selfish, lazy, critical, cold elders. +YOYT-0061-01|From these qualities, all contributions to art, science, music, and thousands of life's joys spring. +YOYT-0069-01|They named their toys, created plays, wrote songs, danced to any beat, and invented their own games with their own rules. +YOYT-0070-01|Why do we stop asking questions, and fear judgment from others? +YOYT-0070-03|Could you go an entire day telling only the truth? +YOYT-0070-06|We keep getting smaller, tighter, more critical, and less joyful. +YOYT-0071-03|This unique ability to invent, choose, improvise, and respond rather than react has made us an evolutionary success. +YOYT-0080-01|I see muddy shoes and clothes and dirty carpets. +YOYT-0081-01|They see dams to build, rivers to cross, and worms to play with. +YOYT-0082|I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from? +YOYT-0086-04|And joy gives intense meaning to each encounter. +YOYT-0090-03|Just how accurate or inaccurate are your perceptions about the aging process and what awaits you? +YOYT-0091-00|Below is a series of statements. +YOYT-0091-01|Some statements are true, some are mostly true, some are false, and some are mostly false. +YOYT-0091-03|Check to see how well you are able to separate fact from fiction. +YOYT-0092-01|True or False? +YOYT-0093-00|False. +YOYT-0093-04|Dementia statistics jump with adults in their nineties: between twenty percent and thirty percent. +YOYT-0093-05|However, this data includes mild as well as severe forms of dementia. +YOYT-0093-06|The truth: Nine out of ten older adults are getting on comfortably with life. +YOYT-0094-02|Older adults have no desire or capacity for sexual relations. +YOYT-0097-02|Your chronological age is simply the number of years since your birth. +YOYT-0097-03|More important is your functional age, that is, how well you are able to function in your social environment. +YOYT-0097-04|The three aspects of functional age are psychological age, social age, and physiological or biological age. +YOYT-0099-02|Most older adults have difficulty adapting to change. +YOYT-0102-00|The Gray Panthers is a nationwide advocacy group working on issues that impact older adults. +YOYT-0102-04|As we know, in many other cultures seniority is associated with respect, obedience, prestige, and social esteem. +YOYT-0106-01|Older adults are capable of learning new information. +YOYT-0106-06|It's just inefficient. +YOYT-0106-07|As time goes by, we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related. +YOYT-0106-11|And they can maintain a sheer zest and lively interest in friends, family, and hobbies. +YOYT-0114-01|According to studies from the Institute of Aging, a majority of older adults reports high levels of life satisfaction. +YOYT-0114-03|Mary Jane Kohn, ninety-three, has been living alone in Chicago since her husband died in nineteen seventy one. +YOYT-0114-09|Individuals of any age who are in poor health are likely to experience lower levels of life satisfaction. +YOYT-0115-02|At some point, the vast majority of older adults will end up in nursing homes. +YOYT-0119-02|Most older adults are rejected by their children. +YOYT-0122-01|In fact, current census data reveal that the older population is the most diverse or heterogeneous age group. +YOYT-0122-06|The only time when older adults will demonstrate homogeneity is in response to disease. +YOYT-0124-01|Loneliness is one of the greatest fears that people associate with old age. +YOYT-0124-04|Fear of loneliness is often based on the thought of losing a spouse and the subsequent isolation. +YOYT-0124-08|Quality of life indices have shown that urban living is associated with higher levels of loneliness. +YOYT-0126-02|Older adults are still adults, and should be treated as such, even if they are incapacitated by illness. +YOYT-0131-02|Most older adults have incomes well below the poverty level. +YOYT-0135-02|Retirement is detrimental to an individual's health. +YOYT-0143-06|Cervantes wrote Don Quixote at age sixty-eight. +YOYT-0148-10|I explained to my students that should it ring, given the circumstances, I would need to answer it. +YOYT-0150-03|How young is my soul, my spirit, my faith, hope, and love? +YOYT-0154-02|Personal relationships? +YOYT-0155-00|Do you have any inspiring role models of happy, successful, or healthy aging? +YOYT-0156-01|What do you look forward to, and what do you fear? +YOYT-0162-02|To be young is to be whole, and to be old is to be impaired or broken. +YOYT-0164-01|Researchers showed a series of pictures to one hundred forty four healthy participants aged eighteen to eighty. +YOYT-0177-02|Measurements included handgrip, bideltoid breadth, triceps skin fold, finger length, weight, height, gait, and posture. +YOYT-0178-02|The first group lived in rooms filled with magazines, music, movies, and memorabilia from twenty years earlier. +YOYT-0185-01|Do you consider yourself open and aware? +YOYT-0191-02|Books, music, photos, and television shows that were enjoyable? +YOYT-0191-05|Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction, in which we arrive by means of the change of things. +YOYT-0198-00|Our culture has created an unnatural dread and denial of aging. +YOYT-0200-03|She was fun to be around, she shared cappuccinos with her classmates, and she instantly made friends. +YOYT-0200-04|To anyone who asked, Pearl said she had returned to school to become a teacher, marry a rich orthodontist, retire, and travel! +YOYT-0200-06|She moved to her own beat, wore the brightest-colored workout clothes, and drank a cold beer when the workout was finished. +YOYT-0205-01|The only people who fear death are those with regrets. +YOYT-0205-02|Seize your day, your chance, your life. +YOYT-0205-03|Forget your loss, your shortcomings, your failure. +YOYT-0206-00|Pearl died one month after her graduation. +YOYT-0206-04|Her contributions, her goals, and her love of life will remain in the heart and mind of each person she encountered. +YOYT-0207-00|Pearl's life illustrates the capacities we all possess and what can be achieved by each of us, if we begin now to A G E? +YOYT-0208-03|We must examine our impetus to Act, our decision to Grow, and our need to Evolve. +YOYT-0216-03|Dump the old rules, norms, and assumptions about how you should live. +YOYT-0216-07|Look profoundly and lovingly at yourself, and be glad that you have the chance, as many have not, to see a face that has aged. +YOYT-0217-00|Nothing is sadder than a perfectly fit, healthy, accomplished older person minimizing and masking herself to appear younger. +YOYT-0217-06|The day will come when no amount of surgery, hip clothes, or even exercise will camouflage your age. +YOYT-0219-01|What have you always wanted to do but were afraid to attempt? +YOYT-0219-03|You're totally aware and you're fantastically young. +YOYT-0219-07|Contribute, commune, and continue. +YOYT-0223-03|How many times a day can you hug someone, sing, or laugh? +YOYT-0223-05|By choosing this action, she avoided discussing the arthritis in her hands and received joy instead. +YOYT-0223-07|Use your mind, your body, your talents, and your potential every day, everywhere, in every moment, with everyone. +YOYT-0223-09|Call upon all that you have been, and allow yourself to become more fully you. +YOYT-0223-11|Remember, it will be comprehensive, and there are no make-ups. +YOYT-0228-02|In fact, it's crucial to their survival to move on and grow bigger shells. +YOYT-0228-07|The entire tough outer sheath comes off and the pink membrane inside grows to become a harder, bigger shell. +YOYT-0229-00|Like a lobster, if you remain the way you are, you'll become cramped, overgrown, or worse, figuratively dead. +YOYT-0229-05|And no one but you is responsible for your growth, happiness, or rejuvenation. +YOYT-0231-02|We avoid discomfort, long lines, foreign travel, or new foods. +YOYT-0234-01|Rather, the hope for a continued search, in each and every precious moment, for the source of our better selves. +YOYT-0237-01|As you get older, you get stabbed by flowers and by babies and by beautiful things. +YOYT-0237-02|By choosing growth, you choose to feel, see, acknowledge loss, and face fears. +YOYT-0237-04|You become closer to the center of the universe, you grow a new shell, you become real. +YOYT-0240-02|That is, until I give them permission: permission to speak up, argue, question, invent, move, sing, and make learning fun. +YOYT-0240-03|Eventually they figure out that if I'm going to grade them on participation and engagement, they'd better grow down! +YOYT-0241-04|Ah, but if you pour in sand, guess what? +YOYT-0241-05|The jar now holds sand you didn't think would fit, representing time you didn't know you had and energy you hadn't counted on. +YOYT-0242-00|Like that jar, human capacity is greater than we believe. +YOYT-0243-05|We grow partially. +YOYT-0243-08|The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. +YOYT-0243-09|We are made up of layers, cells, constellations. +YOYT-0244-00|And, I would add, we are made up of capacities that were never intended to diminish. +YOYT-0246-00|Rather, you'll need to understand and, ideally, expand your capacity for life. +YOYT-0247-01|It includes your ability to think, imagine, recall, synthesize, create, describe, express, and comprehend. +YOYT-0247-04|The losers are silent, leading you to mistakenly believe that there are far more winners than losers. +YOYT-0250-00|Common wisdom has always held that the brain is like a bulb that slowly dims with age. +YOYT-0252-03|Every day they lift weights, do the aerobic machines, stretch themselves in yoga classes, and eat a healthy snack at the cafe. +YOYT-0253-01|Fitness pioneer Jack Lalanne performs some new, seemingly impossible stunt to celebrate each birthday milestone. +YOYT-0255-01|It's your ability to sense, share, connect with, and benefit from a higher power. +YOYT-0255-02|Spirituality is fed by the neotenous traits of joy, love, play, wonder, awe, and curiosity. +YOYT-0257-03|As we rounded a sharp hairpin curve in the trail, we saw an elderly man about fifty yards off the trail. +YOYT-0257-04|He was sitting on a rock, taking in the sunrise. +YOYT-0257-06|We, of course, had a schedule, a goal, and a map, and not many days left. +YOYT-0259-03|We keep a lid on ourselves, till we periodically explode. +YOYT-0261-02|When you watch a good movie, do you simply detach, or do you become enthralled? +YOYT-0261-03|Do you observe or experience the movie? +YOYT-0261-05|Are you watching or doing? +YOYT-0264-04|Similarly, through spiritual pursuits our brains are stimulated, our emotions are calmed, and our physiology improves. +YOYT-0264-07|Truly, one of the gifts of adding years is earning the freedom to focus on and grow all forms of capacity. +YOYT-0270-00|To know ourselves, says Mihalyi Cziksentmihalyi, author of The Evolving Self, is the greatest achievement of our species. +YOYT-0271-04|And you've examined potential growth areas in multiple facets of your life. +YOYT-0273-01|I never watched that movie as a clue to an essential part of who I am, and who I eventually can become. +YOYT-0274-02|Being young twice is being able to rewind. +YOYT-0283-00|What would you like to be remembered for? +YOYT-0289-00|When we are born, we are unrealized potential with a thousand possibilities open to us. +YOYT-0289-04|In other words, we age because we have the opportunity to fully become. +YOYT-0305-01|Would it be something to make growing up feel less frightening, less harsh, and more secure? +YOYT-0310-02|These reasons seem to protect us, but in truth they imprison us. +YOYT-0312-00|What kinds of warnings, predictions, or conclusions about growing up might come from this child you used to know? +YOYT-0317-03|If you hang on to the old thing, you will not experience the new. +YOYT-0320-03|And here's the ripper: a full ninety percent of us will never get those creative juices back. +YOYT-0321-01|On the way there, my lovely fair-haired boy was singing show tunes, messing with the laces of his high-top Keds, and chewing bubble gum. +YOYT-0321-02|He was a modern-day Tom Sawyer in his checked shirt and scruffy jeans. +YOYT-0321-05|I could not, and did not, let my son go to this holding tank for the soon-to-be jaded, blase, and bored. +YOYT-0325-02|That is why, no matter how old our bodies become, our true self never ages. +YOYT-0325-04|I'm always shocked when I look in my rearview mirror while driving and catch a glimpse of what looks like my mother. +YOYT-0326-00|So I guess the remedy for me is to quit looking in the rearview mirror. +YOYT-0326-04|Now, by examining our current thinking about who we are, let's drive ahead. +YOYT-0332-05|So long Botox, hello Notox. +YOYT-0337-01|These qualities were with you at birth, and remain in your development for the length of your life. +YOYT-0338-01|Do you remember these things? +YOYT-0342|When you played marbles with aggies, peewees, and puries? +YOYT-0344|Fizzies? +YOYT-0346-01|Before growing younger, let's look at your present age in terms of three vital behavioral factors of living. +YOYT-0352|Directions: +YOYT-0353-01|Each numbered answer will indicate how much you agree and comply, or how much you disagree and do not comply. +YOYT-0355|One: Emphatically YES! +YOYT-0373|I love dogs, cats, and other animals. +YOYT-0376|When in a crowd, I feel like one of the youngest people there. +YOYT-0400|Enthusiasm, confidence, and humor. +YOYT-0409-02|Neoteny will enhance your journey. +YOYT-0414-01|It's not the years themselves that diminish us, but the way we have learned to live them, perhaps giving up our true selves at each step. +YOYT-0423-01|Run? +YOYT-0423-07|Children can, and do, take all kinds of tumbles, insults, and deprivations and rapidly recover. +YOYT-0424-05|But resilience, like all of our neotenous traits, can be replenished, repaired, and even strengthened. +YOYT-0427-02|The question isn't the degree to which you eventually recovered, or even if you gained wisdom from your hardships. +YOYT-0428-00|The growing body of research on resilience shows that for most people, the accumulated effect of adversity is detrimental. +YOYT-0430-00|The good news is that resilience isn't genetic. +YOYT-0430-02|Based on reports from The Global Resilience Project, directed by doctor Paul Stoltz, resilience is learned. +YOYT-0432-01|They know who they are, what they believe in, and the issues on which they will not compromise. +YOYT-0433-04|Or could my branches flex a bit more in the breeze? +YOYT-0436-04|In measured doses, let yourself experience cold, heat, wet, dry, loud, busy, and frenetic. +YOYT-0441-04|Life can throw you into what seems like interminable winter, during which anything you have planted may appear dead. +YOYT-0443-01|If you didn't learn resiliency in childhood, now is your chance. +YOYT-0443-03|Use these youthful qualities to help you lean into the wind, harness its power, and continue growing young, strong, and proud. +YOYT-0446-00|Resilience research shows a direct relationship between hardiness and a person's explanatory style. +YOYT-0446-02|By altering your outlook and response to hardships, you can alter your reaction to adversity. +YOYT-0453-03|Now that you know you're only young twice, you can create a robust resilience and a renewed optimism. +YOYT-0459-02|For people who prefer stereotypes, because I am blonde, my being optimistic goes right along with my being dumb. +YOYT-0460-05|Sound like a fun way to spend your time? +YOYT-0460-07|I'd rather take the slings and arrows of being a happy blonde! +YOYT-0461-02|We now know that optimism fuels health, vitality, spontaneity, hope, and, yes, longevity. +YOYT-0466-02|Recall the times when you've sat on the tarmac at an airport when your plane is already late. +YOYT-0466-08|The more optimistic you are, the more life force you enjoy. +YOYT-0466-09|The more life force you enjoy, the more optimistic you feel, and so on. +YOYT-0467-00|Optimism is the capacity to see the good in the bad, the lesson in the hardship, the higher good, and even the most buried hope. +YOYT-0467-01|It's the ability to unearth possibilities, opportunities, lessons, and advantages. +YOYT-0467-04|Sometimes, optimism is the one thing you can muster in order to put one foot in front of the other. +YOYT-0469-00|Optimists tend to predict that the same events will be smaller, shorter-lived, and far less serious. +YOYT-0470-00|Pessimists notice only rough weather, turbulence, skid marks, and sudden stops. +YOYT-0482-04|Make sure your safety nets have safety nets. +YOYT-0482-07|That leads to a happy, youthful, strong life. +YOYT-0483-02|The brain can change, and it can change throughout a lifetime. +YOYT-0484-01|Results showed that neither event, lottery or injury changed people's lives as much as observers expected. +YOYT-0485-04|We're already on a tight schedule, so now is the time to chart our final course to an optimistic destination. +YOYT-0486-00|This Do-over asks you to think about moments in your current life when your plans, ideas, or dreams were canceled. +YOYT-0487-01|Because of this change, what else happened or took flight? +YOYT-0491|In all of these cases, did you immediately see the opportunity that could take flight instead? +YOYT-0495-02|Lose your envies, jealousies, selfishness, and fears. +YOYT-0495-04|Search for the positive moment, and let your life, dreams, and hopes take wings. +YOYT-0497-02|If you allow yourself to youthen, you can't help but adjust your outlook to see every day as beautiful and new. +YOYT-0499-05|Once the butterfly appeared, it would flit and fly around that castle. +YOYT-0502-01|I had to make myself notice that caterpillar today, but in my yesterdays, I sought them. +YOYT-0506-01|The world offers you infinite possibilities: things to explore, dream, and do. +YOYT-0506-04|It was filled with gadgets, noises, inventions, and invitations to explore the new and unfamiliar. +YOYT-0506-07|Create wonder as an intention; find the new and unusual in the familiar; dare to inspect and invent. +YOYT-0516-02|Can you see how and why some of your wonder power was diminished or squandered? +YOYT-0518-03|Search for the outstandingly good; stare with awe at the beautiful trees on your street; admire the flowers in your garden. +YOYT-0521-03|It may have killed the cat, but it's a breath of fresh air to a tired mind or an old soul. +YOYT-0522-01|New interests give us new life, offer an infusion of vital spirits, and safeguard us against boredom. +YOYT-0530-04|And it's a sure-fire antidote to apoptosis. +YOYT-0534-03|Why do they like or dislike something? +YOYT-0535|Here's the important thing: No matter what piques your curiosity, pique your curiosity! +YOYT-0536-00|Whether you're mainly extradermal or mainly interdermal, be interested in big things. +YOYT-0537-01|Find out where old classmates are, and write letters to them. +YOYT-0542-04|However, it is a block that will rapidly disappear once you discover the low degree of omniscience present in the human race. +YOYT-0542-05|No one has all the answers and the questioner, instead of appearing stupid, will often show his insight. +YOYT-0544-01|First, select any three things that happened to you during the course of your day. +YOYT-0545-03|If you don't give your mind a little freedom every now and then, it may stop wanting to go anywhere. +YOYT-0549-01|If you continue to Act, Grow, and Evolve, you can youthen just like Merlin. +YOYT-0549-02|How did you score on the OLDTM Survey? +YOYT-0549-04|I hope that by now, resilience, optimism, wonder, and curiosity are really beginning to youthen your outlook on age. +YOYT-0550|Next may I have a word with you about your Language? +YOYT-0555-04|How often do you hear people talk about possibility, spontaneity, new dreams, or fresh undertakings? +YOYT-0557-06|Through the limbus area at the base of your brain, impulses are carried down to every muscle, organ, and gland. +YOYT-0563-01|She was elegant, tall, funny, and kind. +YOYT-0563-02|She taught me about growing up and, as it turns out, growing old. +YOYT-0563-06|We picked peaches, colored pictures, rode in wagons, and pretended we were princesses. +YOYT-0563-09|I didn't even realize she was old, and I don't think she did, either. +YOYT-0569-01|You can focus on the positive Outlook, Language, and Drives that inform and incite your awareness and actions about aging. +YOYT-0574-04|This can be, and clearly is, difficult for most people as they age. +YOYT-0576|Joyfully journal in your Young Twice Chronicle, while you ponder the following: +YOYT-0577-00|Can you still find joy in the small things? +YOYT-0581-03|They create a joy library: a daily reminder that every day is special, that every moment holds joy. +YOYT-0583-01|Do you think that people who talk to you come away from the experience happier? +YOYT-0583-02|Or might they come away heavier? +YOYT-0583-06|It was fun to see the varied mainly amused and delighted reactions to that statement. +YOYT-0583-07|Are merriment, hilarity, or festivity in your current vocabulary? +YOYT-0583-09|When you defined your joy, did you first think of things, or feelings? +YOYT-0586-03|Words like Sean's, so filled with joy, move us. +YOYT-0589-00|Okay, Joy is my friend, and a massage therapist. +YOYT-0589-01|I thought I'd take a shortcut, and send you straight to her to find joy because she lives up to her name! +YOYT-0590-01|But joy isn't a cause to be followed. +YOYT-0591-00|Through the ages, joy has found wise and inspired people in just one place: themselves. +YOYT-0592-02|She never unpacked it, instead rebelling against everything she believed it stood for. +YOYT-0598-05|We watched my son's wedding video, ate cake, and drank champagne. +YOYT-0603|Here's what the little pieces of paper in my jar say: +YOYT-0611-02|Each week, renew your jargon on joy. +YOYT-0611-04|Once you pull out that piece of paper, JOY Just Obey Yourself. +YOYT-0611-08|When you experience joy, the natural result is gratitude. +YOYT-0611-10|And there will be no wrinkles on your face, only laugh lines. +YOYT-0613-03|Humor often results from a peculiar and unexpected insight, a cleverness that takes us by surprise. +YOYT-0614-00|Here's an example from comic George Carlin. +YOYT-0614-05|A death! +YOYT-0616-00|Some of you will laugh at George Carlin, and some of you won't. +YOYT-0618-02|The pre-teen and teenage years are, almost universally, awkward and tense. +YOYT-0618-04|Lots of adolescents and teens laugh at jokes that focus on sex, food, and authority figures. +YOYT-0622-00|Humor is the experience of incongruity. +YOYT-0622-02|Or the incongruity may relate to concepts or thoughts, often illustrated by the punch line of a joke or a cartoon caption. +YOYT-0622-08|We experience this incongruity between the different parts of the joke as humorous. +YOYT-0623-01|We feel superior to this unfortunate person, and experience a certain detachment from the situation. +YOYT-0623-02|So we are able to laugh about it. +YOYT-0625-00|Laughter is a way to cleanse our systems of built-up tension and incongruity. +YOYT-0634-01|Further studies from Loma Linda University show that laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning. +YOYT-0635-03|In fact, many psychologists now use humor as a therapeutic tool to battle depression. +YOYT-0646-02|As we approached the restaurant, an older gentleman smiled, winked, and held the door open for her. +YOYT-0648-01|I'm still prone to do that, aren't you? +YOYT-0648-05|Clearly humor is one of our greatest and earliest natural resources. +YOYT-0649-02|When taken seriously, it can help us grow young in five ways: +YOYT-0660-00|In this questionnaire, you're going to measure your cheeriness, sense of humor, and habits of laughter. +YOYT-0660-03|Then circle the number beside the phrase that best reflects your response. +YOYT-0670|I would be able to laugh at something funny my grandchild said. +YOYT-0671|I would be able to laugh and say something funny to my grandchild. +YOYT-0672|My grandchild and I would laugh together. +YOYT-0673-00|You accidentally hurt yourself and have to spend a few days in the hospital. +YOYT-0680|The activity we'd choose wouldn't involve much smiling or laughter. +YOYT-0686|I would think that I must have misunderstood something, or that it wasn't really funny. +YOYT-0692|I would probably tend to be quite serious in my conversation. +YOYT-0717|Do You Have Humor Impairment? +YOYT-0719-02|You need to build your humor repertoire so you can access it when you need it. +YOYT-0719-03|Collect cartoons, one-liners, jokes, anecdotes, and the like. +YOYT-0728|A different member of the club serves as host for the each meeting and determines the theme, costumes, and activities. +YOYT-0731-03|Visit the library to find old books by humorist Robert Benchley. +YOYT-0734-02|We were laughing so hard that we all forgot to get airsick! +YOYT-0741-00|Whether singing, speaking, crying, shouting, or even humming, our voices tell the world who we are. +YOYT-0741-03|During my Girl Scout days, the most anticipated event of summer camp was the nightly sing-along by the fire. +YOYT-0741-06|Tipsy people at karaoke machines? +YOYT-0742-06|And so often, that's how it goes: We decide to watch, our songs are stifled, and our dancing is done. +YOYT-0744-01|I begged my father to take me home. +YOYT-0746-02|We get shushed, told to raise our hands to speak, ridiculed, and finally silenced. +YOYT-0746-03|Eventually a pattern sets in, and we stop sharing our songs, our joys, our places in the world. +YOYT-0749-03|We looked into the field ahead and saw a huge black raven devouring a small baby bird. +YOYT-0755-00|Vocal specialists agree that when people can sing their songs, bottled-up voices are set free. +YOYT-0758-00|To sing life's praise, you must set your voice free. +YOYT-0758-03|In the morning making tea, she hummed. +YOYT-0761-01|And where there is music, there is magic. +YOYT-0761-04|They have another more powerful drug coursing through their veins. +YOYT-0763-00|Both King Phillip the fifth of Spain and King George the third of England reportedly used music as a cure for their severe depression. +YOYT-0763-01|Even an eighteen eighty study showed that a person's blood pressure and pulse rate varied according to the type of music being played. +YOYT-0765-01|Music coordinates mind, body, and spirit. +YOYT-0768-04|Music is the language of imagination and rhythm. +YOYT-0774-00|Most of us don't dance; in fact, we don't move. +YOYT-0775|On a merry-go-round? +YOYT-0793-00|The Foxy Fillies is a chorus line of women, age fifty-five and older, in sequined costumes. +YOYT-0793-03|They're vivacious, energetic, and exuberant. +YOYT-0795-02|They taught wheelchair-bound couples a dance called the Macarena, using hand and arm movements. +YOYT-0795-04|If your feet don't dance, move your arms. +YOYT-0797-01|Neoteny is the practice of reawakening and refurbishing your mind with the gifts of a youthful spirit. +YOYT-0798-03|You get a language with which you can transverse your inner worlds and name things so you can move through them and let go of them. +YOYT-0798-04|In the dance, most people gain access to deeper emotions and how to express them. +YOYT-0799-02|Rent any Fred Astaire movie, or a film about ballet, flamenco, or ballroom dancing. +YOYT-0801-00|When I was about nine, I desperately wanted dance lessons. +YOYT-0801-02|I looked longingly at the Jeri Johnson School of Dance as I passed by on my daily bike ride home from school. +YOYT-0801-03|The school was located in a strip mall next to a hair salon. +YOYT-0801-06|But no takers, so no tap shoes. +YOYT-0804-05|Then we can attend to the moment at hand with joy, contentment, and ease. +YOYT-0806-03|Begin with Susan Osborn's voice exercise mentioned earlier. +YOYT-0806-04|Look for opportunities to cheer, to sigh, to free your voice. +YOYT-0810-07|You have a quick pace? +YOYT-0811-04|Hey, it was one step up from a kazoo, and it was something tangible. +YOYT-0814-00|A man played piano in a bar. +YOYT-0818-02|A piano player who had never sung in public did so for the very first time. +YOYT-0821-00|Some musicology graduate students at Amherst performed an experiment at a playground. +YOYT-0821-05|The children appeared to be dancing to the beat of a common, underlying rhythm. +YOYT-0832-02|Before you can garner self-esteem, your need for emotional attachment must be met. +YOYT-0833-04|Teenagers are also anxious about social needs, while young adults are concerned with self-esteem. +YOYT-0835-03|If it took me fifty years to get to this level of Maslow's hierarchy, I'm determined to spend the next fifty years enjoying it. +YOYT-0836-01|You can relish your own shift of gears then, and grow into the self-actualized you. +YOYT-0838-00|Giving yourself the right to become your full self is the most important thing you can do, but some of us keep making wrong turns. +YOYT-0839|Have you ever dreamed of running away with the circus or hitting the open highway? +YOYT-0848-01|They have careers to build, families to raise, and mortgages to pay. +YOYT-0848-03|Have you begun to nourish your new freedoms, or do you remain locked inside the person you were yesterday? +YOYT-0851-01|But in linking our biology to our emotional evolution, we can reclaim and rename our options, choices, and aging. +YOYT-0855-00|There is, and always has been, someone extraordinary inside you. +YOYT-0855-01|And now that you understand how finite your time is, you should be driven to discover and delight in yourself once again. +YOYT-0859-02|What routes are available to help you locate a worthwhile drive? +YOYT-0860-05|What are you waiting for? +YOYT-0861-00|Please read the posted road signs carefully. +YOYT-0861-02|You are in the driver's seat, and you've traveled a long way already, but the best part of the journey awaits you. +YOYT-0864-05|She's a good friend, and clearly astute in her assessment not just of me, but of the word retirement! +YOYT-0865-04|How in the world could something like work be a childlike or neotenous characteristic? +YOYT-0868-03|They saw pleasure in work; we had fun doing these things. +YOYT-0871-04|They fail to employ their health, education, and leisure time to serve a greater purpose. +YOYT-0872-03|The reward of a thing well done isn't a plaque or a watch, or even a paycheck: It's the fact that you did it. +YOYT-0873-00|Most people fear retirement because they will no longer know how to define themselves. +YOYT-0873-01|If I am no longer a professor, what am I? +YOYT-0876-02|It's time to prepare yourself to do what you find enjoyable, affirming, and transcending as a vocation or an avocation. +YOYT-0878-01|By contrast, if you lived to age thirty-six or forty during the Middle Ages, you were very, very old. +YOYT-0879-01|We were funny, inquisitive, and spirited. +YOYT-0879-04|The burden of our job years can be traded, or at least supplemented, by regaining control of our sense of self. +YOYT-0879-05|We can renew our hope for tomorrow, and restore our drive to be someone significant. +YOYT-0881-05|At least, that's how I see it. +YOYT-0887|What may I become? +YOYT-0893-03|Younger people look at you and hope to have a life like yours: a house, a job, and a family. +YOYT-0893-04|You have done all those things, and more. +YOYT-0897-08|Retirement sounds like loss and acceptance. +YOYT-0897-09|Refirement sounds like rockets and thrust and lift-off! +YOYT-0899|Retire or Refire? +YOYT-0904-01|You can refire your current employment, relationships, and health. +YOYT-0909-02|Look around: How about your neighborhood churches, synagogues, hospitals, and schools? +YOYT-0909-04|The study included a control group of similar adults who did no volunteering. +YOYT-0910-02|The volunteer group experienced fewer falls than the control group. +YOYT-0910-03|They were also more active mentally, which may help preserve their cerebral abilities as they age. +YOYT-0911-00|The National Senior Service Corps is a network that places older volunteers in assignments within their communities. +YOYT-0912-04|Regardless of your current schedule, you can probably make the time to do this. +YOYT-0912-06|Buckle your seat belt: If you're on the downhill side of years, you'll pick up more speed. +YOYT-0915-05|Four-square, kickball, jacks, marbles? +YOYT-0915-06|We all felt trial, disappointment, belonging, and not belonging. +YOYT-0916-01|There will always be playgrounds, recess, toys, and games for anyone who is driven to find them. +YOYT-0916-02|The universe is one big playground, and our lives are made of the noises and games of the recess we choose to create. +YOYT-0916-05|A neotenous animal is one that retains its juvenile characteristics into adulthood. +YOYT-0917-03|As we get older, play may be called by different names: science, art, dance, sport, or music. +YOYT-0917-06|It's a chance to recapture our traits of exploration, fun, and play. +YOYT-0918-05|With adaptation, we are able to meet any set of environmental conditions, including aging. +YOYT-0919-00|Play is difficult to define because it encompasses so much variety, individual taste, and talent. +YOYT-0919-02|It permits us emotional discharge without too much risk. +YOYT-0920-00|Studies continue to show that adults who have played the most throughout their lives have also lived the longest. +YOYT-0920-04|Dutch researchers, citing a series of studies of video game playing, found that adults who play have better memories. +YOYT-0921-00|Play has been shown to be key in achieving lives of mastery, eminence, and joy in adulthood. +YOYT-0923-03|If you're stuck in the rut of growing old, then play will help you wiggle away from your fear, your loss, and your pain. +YOYT-0924-00|I just bought a set of giant plastic jacks with a multi-colored rubber ball, which I keep in the kitchen. +YOYT-0926-00|Some of us like to play in ways that test our physical skills, while some of us prefer pure strategy play, as in a game of chess. +YOYT-0927-03|We not only play because we are, we play the way we are, and the way we could be. +YOYT-0936-01|Do you remember recess? +YOYT-0936-04|We played by instinct, not even questioning whether we should have fun. +YOYT-0937-03|Whatever you do, relieve yourself of today's tension, tedium, homework, and assignments. +YOYT-0937-04|Get some fresh air. +YOYT-0937-05|Remember what you liked to do as a child? +YOYT-0937-09|Or hop on a swing and see how high you can go. +YOYT-0937-10|I started skipping instead of running during my workouts. +YOYT-0939-00|Eat breakfast for dinner, play on the floor, don't clean up, play with your food, and buy a comic book. +YOYT-0941-00|Herewith is the official Right to Play checklist of the Society of Childlike Persons. +YOYT-0944-00|As I hope you have learned by now, You're Only Young Twice is not about medically prolonging life. +YOYT-0946-03|This atrophy is caused by routine behaviors the things we do day in and day out with no imagination, change, or drive. +YOYT-0946-04|Many of these behaviors are subconscious and require little brainpower. +YOYT-0947-00|We spend most of our lives protecting ourselves from surprises, risks, and setbacks. +YOYT-0947-06|Our lives pass us by too fast, and we are old too soon. +YOYT-0951-01|Everyone is granted admission, everyone is entitled to study, and everyone will be graded on his or her own merits. +YOYT-0958|Take chances at every chance. +YOYT-0960-06|I unconsciously transported all those rules and expectations to knit one, purl one, and that took all of the fun out of it. +YOYT-0961-03|My coach Ardy helps me keep it all in perspective. +YOYT-0965-03|They begin to enjoy the session, and they're more open to learning. +YOYT-0965-04|Try making this your mantra the next time you take on a new challenge. +YOYT-0966-06|Making mistakes, trying new things, falling, and then dusting yourself off is hard work. +YOYT-0966-07|Failure in any venue is messy, troubling, and often defeating. +YOYT-0968-10|Doing this will serve you well the rest of your life. +YOYT-0969-02|But this four-year opportunity flew by. +YOYT-0971-02|Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. +YOYT-0974-05|So you have no excuse to stop learning, stop growing, or stop at all. +YOYT-0974-06|Adult learning theory shows that adults are better learners than children; we shouldn't be stalled in the drive to re-engage our brains. +YOYT-0976-00|Spanish artist Francisco de Goya is known for his self-portraits. +YOYT-0976-01|In eighteen twenty six, at age eighty, he created one of his most famous works, a black chalk drawing titled Aun Aprendo. +YOYT-0976-03|Copies? +YOYT-0977-03|We are designed to continue learning and adapting throughout our lifetimes. +YOYT-0979-04|What could your answers teach a younger person about who you are and about the value of a long life? +YOYT-0984-00|Colleges and universities have orientation programs for incoming freshmen. +YOYT-0986-05|Do people, things, or ideas interest you? +YOYT-0987|Once you've identified some things you would like to learn, here's your homework, due yesterday: +YOYT-0989-00|Choose your topics wisely: This learning isn't compulsory. +YOYT-0991|Final Exam: Determine the results you want from your learning, and measure them in ways that are most meaningful to you. +YOYT-0995-03|Although it gets smaller and smaller, the flame is as bright at the end of the candle's life as at the beginning. +YOYT-0997-03|I've asked you to look more deeply within, to relinquish your surface in favor of your depth. +YOYT-0998-00|What are your concerns about aging, retirement, inactivity, isolation, economics, illness, disability, and death? +YOYT-0998-03|As a life force, being young twice focuses on how our psychosocial attitudes can allay the fear and denial of aging. +YOYT-1000-02|What can you rebuild, what you willing to try, and what can you look forward to adding or subtracting in your daily life? +YOYT-1001-01|But there's an eleventh. +YOYT-1001-04|There is no Do-over, but there is a Do-always. +YOYT-1005-00|Some people are happier and healthier giving love, while others need to feel loved to remain healthy. +YOYT-1010-01|When I'm working with a group of teachers, I often ask them to pair up, look into each other's eyes, and take turns saying, I love you. +YOYT-1010-04|This is a revelatory exercise for everyone: teachers, C E O's, mid-life boomers, or older zoomers. +YOYT-1011-00|Love as a neotenous trait is not limited to or narrowed by rules, expectations, or definitions. +YOYT-1011-01|A neotenous love can be the love you feel for your dog, cat, fish, or plants. +YOYT-1011-02|It can be love for a co-worker, parent, child, sibling or even unknown children on a playground. +YOYT-1011-04|Ultimately, love, like life, begins and ends with you. +YOYT-1013-00|As you have learned, you are aging most fully when you are aging within your spirit. +YOYT-1014-01|Don't concentrate on externals; look instead at who you are, what you believe, what you cherish, and what you value. +YOYT-1016-01|Because of the self-help movement and the backlash of self-esteem programs, being kind to ourselves has gotten a bad rap. +YOYT-1017-05|Feel it, relish it, and let yourself see yourself through that friend's love. +YOYT-1019-00|When you're feeling old or ugly, or think that life has passed you by, try to understand the source of that noise. +YOYT-1019-02|What's making you fearful? +YOYT-1019-06|We vividly remember the criticisms of others, our failures, and our shortcomings. +YOYT-1022-02|It follows then, that in order to be young, you must be youngable. +YOYT-1024-01|You can decide how your wrinkles will develop. +YOYT-1027-00|As I mentioned earlier, I live on top of a mountain where winds are blustery and inhospitable many days of the year. +YOYT-1030-00|Your future can be exciting, fulfilling, youthful, and vigorous. +YOYT-1034-00|Humanity's longing for immortality is embodied in Greek mythology and the legend of Tithonus. +YOYT-1034-02|To live a longer life, to merely achieve longevity, is a wrong and wretched wish. +YOYT-1035|The myth of a fountain of youth has been part of human longing for two millennia. +YOYT-1036-00|The legend of Tithonus gave our human longing a cautionary quality. +YOYT-1036-02|Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon put a more modern face on the myth, giving it an enduring ethos of futility. +YOYT-1037-01|A recent study from Case Western Reserve University revealed that cockroaches do not age gracefully. +YOYT-1038-01|If you could make a wish or sip a magic potion to erase or extend your years, would you do it? +YOYT-1039-02|What about the years your children were born? +YOYT-1039-03|Take away the grief-filled year that was spent saying goodbye to someone you cared about? +YOYT-1040-01|Can you be grateful for the years that have passed, and graceful for each promising year ahead? +YOYT-1045-02|Life may bring surrender, and you may succumb, but because you still have those birthday gifts of neoteny, you don't really change. +YOYT-1047-00|Play on the floor, climb a tree, and jump at any chance. +YOYT-1047-02|Get out of your house, your chair, your way. +YOYT-1047-05|Learn, laugh, and do it every day, everywhere, with everything you've got.