8 values
40 values
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, and, back, were, his
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Epidermal autograft on Integra to the back (3520 cm2).,2. Application of allograft to areas of the lost Integra, not grafted on the back (970 cm2).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Approximately 50 cc.,BLOOD PRODUCTS RECEIVED:, One unit of packed red blood cells.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 26-year-old male, who sustained a 60% total body surface area flame burn involving the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, bilateral upper extremities, hands, and bilateral lower extremities. He has previously undergone total burn excision with placement of Integra and an initial round of epidermal autografting to the bilateral upper extremities and hands. His donor sites have healed particularly over his buttocks and he returns for a second round of epidermal autografting over the Integra on his back utilizing the buttock donor sites, the extent they will provide coverage.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS:,1. Variable take of Integra, particularly centrally and inferiorly on the back. A fair amount of lost Integra over the upper back and shoulders.,2. No evidence of infection.,3. Healthy viable wound beds prior to grafting.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was brought to the operating room and positioned supine. General endotracheal anesthesia was uneventfully induced and an appropriate time out was performed. He was then repositioned prone and perioperative IV antibiotics were administered. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. All staples were removed from the Integra and the adherent areas of Silastic were removed. The entire wound bed was further prepped with scrub brushes and more Betadine followed by a sulfamylon solution. Hemostasis of the wound bed was ensured using epinephrine-soaked Telfa pads. Following dermal tumescence of the buttocks, epidermal autografts were harvested 8 one-thousandths of an inch using the air Zimmer dermatome. These grafts were passed to the back table where they were meshed 3:1. The donor sites were hemostased using epinephrine-soaked Telfa and lap pads. Once all the grafts were meshed, we brought them back up onto the field, positioned them over the wounds beginning inferiorly and moving cephalad where we had best areas of Integra engraftment. We were happy with the lie of the grafts and they were stapled into place. The grafts were then overlaid with Conformant 2, which was also stapled into place. Utilizing all of his buttocks skin, we did not have enough to cover his entire back, so we elected to apply allograft to the cephalad and a few areas on his flanks where we had had poor Integra engraftment. Allograft was thawed and meshed 1:1. It was then brought up onto the field, trimmed to fit and stapled into place over the wound. Once the entirety of the posterior wounds on his back were covered out with epidermal autograft or allograft sulfamylon soaked dressings were applied. Donor sites on his buttocks were dressed in Acticoat and secured with staples. He was then repositioned supine and extubated in the operating room having tolerated the procedure without any apparent complications. He was transported to PACU in stable condition.
A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings. Epidermal autograft on Integra to the back and application of allograft to areas of the lost Integra, not grafted on the back.
Epidermal Autograft
surgery, flame burns, body surface area, epidermal autograft, autograft, integra, integra engraftment, wound, grafts, epidermal, allograft,
the, and, back, were, his
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Epidermal autograft on Integra to the back (3520 cm2).,2. Application of allograft to areas of the lost Integra, not grafted on the back (970 cm2).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Approximately 50 cc.,BLOOD PRODUCTS RECEIVED:, One unit of packed red blood cells.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 26-year-old male, who sustained a 60% total body surface area flame burn involving the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, bilateral upper extremities, hands, and bilateral lower extremities. He has previously undergone total burn excision with placement of Integra and an initial round of epidermal autografting to the bilateral upper extremities and hands. His donor sites have healed particularly over his buttocks and he returns for a second round of epidermal autografting over the Integra on his back utilizing the buttock donor sites, the extent they will provide coverage.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS:,1. Variable take of Integra, particularly centrally and inferiorly on the back. A fair amount of lost Integra over the upper back and shoulders.,2. No evidence of infection.,3. Healthy viable wound beds prior to grafting.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was brought to the operating room and positioned supine. General endotracheal anesthesia was uneventfully induced and an appropriate time out was performed. He was then repositioned prone and perioperative IV antibiotics were administered. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. All staples were removed from the Integra and the adherent areas of Silastic were removed. The entire wound bed was further prepped with scrub brushes and more Betadine followed by a sulfamylon solution. Hemostasis of the wound bed was ensured using epinephrine-soaked Telfa pads. Following dermal tumescence of the buttocks, epidermal autografts were harvested 8 one-thousandths of an inch using the air Zimmer dermatome. These grafts were passed to the back table where they were meshed 3:1. The donor sites were hemostased using epinephrine-soaked Telfa and lap pads. Once all the grafts were meshed, we brought them back up onto the field, positioned them over the wounds beginning inferiorly and moving cephalad where we had best areas of Integra engraftment. We were happy with the lie of the grafts and they were stapled into place. The grafts were then overlaid with Conformant 2, which was also stapled into place. Utilizing all of his buttocks skin, we did not have enough to cover his entire back, so we elected to apply allograft to the cephalad and a few areas on his flanks where we had had poor Integra engraftment. Allograft was thawed and meshed 1:1. It was then brought up onto the field, trimmed to fit and stapled into place over the wound. Once the entirety of the posterior wounds on his back were covered out with epidermal autograft or allograft sulfamylon soaked dressings were applied. Donor sites on his buttocks were dressed in Acticoat and secured with staples. He was then repositioned supine and extubated in the operating room having tolerated the procedure without any apparent complications. He was transported to PACU in stable condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, and, back, were, his [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings. Epidermal autograft on Integra to the back and application of allograft to areas of the lost Integra, not grafted on the back. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
EXAM: , Cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention report.,PROCEDURES:,1. Left heart catheterization, coronary angiography, left ventriculography.,2. PTCA/Endeavor stent, proximal LAD.,INDICATIONS: , Acute anterior ST-elevation MI.,ACCESS: , Right femoral artery 6-French.,MEDICATIONS:,1. IV Valium.,2. IV Benadryl.,3. Subcutaneous lidocaine.,4. IV heparin.,5. IV ReoPro.,6. Intracoronary nitroglycerin.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,CONTRAST: ,185 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory with acute ST-elevation MI and EKG. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The right femoral region was infiltrated with subcutaneous lidocaine, adequate anesthesia was obtained. The right femoral artery was entered with _______ modified Seldinger technique and a J wire was passed. The needle was exchanged for 6 French sheath. The wire was removed. The sheath was washed with sterile saline. Following this, the left coronary was attempted to be cannulated with an XP catheter, however, the catheter folded on itself and could not reach the left main, this was removed. A second 6-French JL4 guiding catheter was then used to cannulate the left main and initial guiding shots demonstrated occlusion of the proximal LAD. The patient had an ACT check, received additional IV heparin and IV ReoPro. The lesion was crossed with 0.014 BMW wire and redilated with a 2.5 x 20-mm balloon at nominal pressures. The balloon was deflated and angiography demonstrated establishment of flow. Following this, the lesion was stented with a 2.5 x 18-mm Endeavor stent at 10 atmospheres. The balloon was deflated, reinflated at 12 atmospheres, deflated and removed. Final angiography demonstrated excellent clinical result. Additional angiography was performed with a wire out. Following this, the wire and the catheter was removed. Following this, the right coronary was selectively cannulated with diagnostic catheter and angiographic views were obtained in multiple views. This catheter was removed. The pigtail catheter was placed in the left ventricle and left ventriculography was performed with pullback pressures across the aortic valve. At the end of procedure, wires and catheter were removed. Right femoral angiography was performed and a right femoral Angio-Seal kit was deployed at the right femoral arteriotomy site. There was no hematoma. Peripheral pulses _______ procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Symptoms of chest pain resolved at the end of the procedure with no complications.,RESULTS:,1. Coronary angiography.,A. Left main free of obstruction.,B. LAD, subtotal proximal stenosis.,C. Circumflex large vessel with three large obtuse marginal branches. No high-grade obstruction, evidence of minimal plaquing.,D. Right coronary 70% mid vessel stenosis and 50% mid to distal stenosis before giving rise to a right dominant posterior lateral and posterior descending artery.,2. Left ventriculogram. Left ventricular ejection fraction estimated at 45% to 50%. There was an akinetic apical wall.,3. Hemodynamics. Aortic pressure 145/109, left ventricular pressure 147/13, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 34 mmHg.,IMPRESSION:,1. Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, culprit lesion, left anterior descending occlusion.,2. Two-vessel coronary disease.,3. Mild-to-moderate impaired LV systolic function.,4. Successful stent left anterior descending, 100% occlusion, 0% residual stenosis.,PLAN: ,Overnight observation in ICU. Start aspirin, Plavix, beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor. Check serial cardiac enzymes. Further recommendations to follow. Check fasting lipid panel, in addition add a statin. Further recommendations to follow.
Cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention report.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Cardiac Catheterization - 9
the, was, left, and, right
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM: , Cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention report.,PROCEDURES:,1. Left heart catheterization, coronary angiography, left ventriculography.,2. PTCA/Endeavor stent, proximal LAD.,INDICATIONS: , Acute anterior ST-elevation MI.,ACCESS: , Right femoral artery 6-French.,MEDICATIONS:,1. IV Valium.,2. IV Benadryl.,3. Subcutaneous lidocaine.,4. IV heparin.,5. IV ReoPro.,6. Intracoronary nitroglycerin.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,CONTRAST: ,185 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory with acute ST-elevation MI and EKG. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The right femoral region was infiltrated with subcutaneous lidocaine, adequate anesthesia was obtained. The right femoral artery was entered with _______ modified Seldinger technique and a J wire was passed. The needle was exchanged for 6 French sheath. The wire was removed. The sheath was washed with sterile saline. Following this, the left coronary was attempted to be cannulated with an XP catheter, however, the catheter folded on itself and could not reach the left main, this was removed. A second 6-French JL4 guiding catheter was then used to cannulate the left main and initial guiding shots demonstrated occlusion of the proximal LAD. The patient had an ACT check, received additional IV heparin and IV ReoPro. The lesion was crossed with 0.014 BMW wire and redilated with a 2.5 x 20-mm balloon at nominal pressures. The balloon was deflated and angiography demonstrated establishment of flow. Following this, the lesion was stented with a 2.5 x 18-mm Endeavor stent at 10 atmospheres. The balloon was deflated, reinflated at 12 atmospheres, deflated and removed. Final angiography demonstrated excellent clinical result. Additional angiography was performed with a wire out. Following this, the wire and the catheter was removed. Following this, the right coronary was selectively cannulated with diagnostic catheter and angiographic views were obtained in multiple views. This catheter was removed. The pigtail catheter was placed in the left ventricle and left ventriculography was performed with pullback pressures across the aortic valve. At the end of procedure, wires and catheter were removed. Right femoral angiography was performed and a right femoral Angio-Seal kit was deployed at the right femoral arteriotomy site. There was no hematoma. Peripheral pulses _______ procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Symptoms of chest pain resolved at the end of the procedure with no complications.,RESULTS:,1. Coronary angiography.,A. Left main free of obstruction.,B. LAD, subtotal proximal stenosis.,C. Circumflex large vessel with three large obtuse marginal branches. No high-grade obstruction, evidence of minimal plaquing.,D. Right coronary 70% mid vessel stenosis and 50% mid to distal stenosis before giving rise to a right dominant posterior lateral and posterior descending artery.,2. Left ventriculogram. Left ventricular ejection fraction estimated at 45% to 50%. There was an akinetic apical wall.,3. Hemodynamics. Aortic pressure 145/109, left ventricular pressure 147/13, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 34 mmHg.,IMPRESSION:,1. Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, culprit lesion, left anterior descending occlusion.,2. Two-vessel coronary disease.,3. Mild-to-moderate impaired LV systolic function.,4. Successful stent left anterior descending, 100% occlusion, 0% residual stenosis.,PLAN: ,Overnight observation in ICU. Start aspirin, Plavix, beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor. Check serial cardiac enzymes. Further recommendations to follow. Check fasting lipid panel, in addition add a statin. Further recommendations to follow. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.57 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Cardiac catheterization and coronary intervention report. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
of, normal, blood, by, the
INDICATION: , Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: , Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION:, Resting heart rate of 67, blood pressure of 129/86. EKG, normal sinus rhythm. Post-Lexiscan 0.4 mg, heart rate was 83, blood pressure 142/74. EKG remained the same. No symptoms were noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR INTERPRETATION:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 33.1 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Nuclear myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake without any evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed normal wall motion, ejection fraction of 58%. End-diastolic volume of 74, end-systolic volume of 31.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 58% by gated SPECT.
Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Adenosine Nuclear Scan
cardiovascular / pulmonary, adenosine nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, chest pain, adenosine stress test, nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, gated spect, spect, mci, myocardial perfusion scan, myocardial, perfusion, adenosine, nuclear,
of, normal, blood, by, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] INDICATION: , Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: , Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION:, Resting heart rate of 67, blood pressure of 129/86. EKG, normal sinus rhythm. Post-Lexiscan 0.4 mg, heart rate was 83, blood pressure 142/74. EKG remained the same. No symptoms were noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR INTERPRETATION:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 33.1 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Nuclear myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake without any evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed normal wall motion, ejection fraction of 58%. End-diastolic volume of 74, end-systolic volume of 31.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 58% by gated SPECT. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] of, normal, blood, by, the [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,PROCEDURES: , Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye.,PREOPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The patient had epiretinal membrane causing cystoid macular edema. Options were discussed with the patient stressing that the visual outcome was guarded. Especially since this membrane was of chronic duration there is no guarantee of visual outcome.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled to the OR table. Local anesthesia was delivered using a retrobulbar needle in an atraumatic fashion 5 cc of Xylocaine and Marcaine was delivered to retrobulbar area and massaged and verified. Preparation was made for 23-gauge vitrectomy, using the trocar inferotemporal cannula was placed 3.5 mm from the limbus and verified. The fluid was run. Then superior sclerotomies were created using the trocars and 3.5 mm from the limbus at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Vitrectomy commenced and carried on as far anteriorly as possible using intraocular forceps, ILM forceps, the membrane was peeled off in its entirety. There were no complications. DVT precautions were in place. I, as attending, was present in the entire case.
Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye.
Vitrectomy - 2
ophthalmology, epiretinal membrane, pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, macular edema, cystoid, eye, retrobulbar, epiretinal, vitrectomy, membrane,
the, was, using, right, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,PROCEDURES: , Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye.,PREOPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The patient had epiretinal membrane causing cystoid macular edema. Options were discussed with the patient stressing that the visual outcome was guarded. Especially since this membrane was of chronic duration there is no guarantee of visual outcome.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled to the OR table. Local anesthesia was delivered using a retrobulbar needle in an atraumatic fashion 5 cc of Xylocaine and Marcaine was delivered to retrobulbar area and massaged and verified. Preparation was made for 23-gauge vitrectomy, using the trocar inferotemporal cannula was placed 3.5 mm from the limbus and verified. The fluid was run. Then superior sclerotomies were created using the trocars and 3.5 mm from the limbus at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Vitrectomy commenced and carried on as far anteriorly as possible using intraocular forceps, ILM forceps, the membrane was peeled off in its entirety. There were no complications. DVT precautions were in place. I, as attending, was present in the entire case. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, area, skin, of
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Worrisome skin lesion, left hand.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS:, Worrisome skin lesion, left hand.,PROCEDURE:, The patient gave informed consent for his procedure. After informed consent was obtained, attention was turned toward the area of interest, which was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion.,Local anesthetic medication was infiltrated around and into the area of interest. There was an obvious skin lesion there and this gentleman has a history of squamous cell carcinoma. A punch biopsy of the worrisome skin lesion was obtained with a portion of the normal tissue included. The predominant portion of the biopsy was of the lesion itself.,Lesion was removed. Attention was turned toward the area. Pressure was held and the area was hemostatic.,The skin and the area were closed with 5-0 nylon suture. All counts were correct. The procedure was closed. A sterile dressing was applied. There were no complications. The patient had no neurovascular deficits, etc., after this minor punch biopsy procedure.,
Worrisome skin lesion. A punch biopsy of the worrisome skin lesion was obtained. Lesion was removed.
Punch Biopsy - 2
surgery, skin lesion, squamous cell carcinoma, punch biopsy,
the, was, area, skin, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Worrisome skin lesion, left hand.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS:, Worrisome skin lesion, left hand.,PROCEDURE:, The patient gave informed consent for his procedure. After informed consent was obtained, attention was turned toward the area of interest, which was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion.,Local anesthetic medication was infiltrated around and into the area of interest. There was an obvious skin lesion there and this gentleman has a history of squamous cell carcinoma. A punch biopsy of the worrisome skin lesion was obtained with a portion of the normal tissue included. The predominant portion of the biopsy was of the lesion itself.,Lesion was removed. Attention was turned toward the area. Pressure was held and the area was hemostatic.,The skin and the area were closed with 5-0 nylon suture. All counts were correct. The procedure was closed. A sterile dressing was applied. There were no complications. The patient had no neurovascular deficits, etc., after this minor punch biopsy procedure., [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, area, skin, of [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Worrisome skin lesion. A punch biopsy of the worrisome skin lesion was obtained. Lesion was removed. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Holter Monitor Report - 2
INDICATION: , Syncope.,HOLTER MONITOR SUMMARY ANALYSIS: , Analyzed for approximately 23 hours 57 minutes and artefact noted for approximately 23 seconds. Total beats of 108,489, heart rate minimum of approximately 54 beats per minutes at 7 a.m. and maximum of 106 beats per minute at approximately 4 p.m. Average heart rate is approximately 75 beats per minute, total of 31 to bradycardia, longest being 225 beats at approximately 7 in the morning, minimum rate of 43 beats per minute at approximately 01:40 a.m. Total ventricular events of 64, primarily premature ventricular contraction and supraventricular events total beats of 9 atrial premature contractions. No significant ST elevation noted and ST depression noted only in one channel for approximately three minutes for a maximum of 2.7 mm.,IMPRESSION OF THE FINDINGS: , Predominant sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular contraction, occasional atrial premature contractions and Mobitz type 1 Wenckebach, several episodes, Mobitz type II, 3 to 2 AV conduction disease noted as well approximately two episodes and one episode of atrial bigeminy noted. No significant pauses noted.
Holter monitoring for syncope. Analyzed for approximately 23 hours 57 minutes and artefact noted for approximately 23 seconds.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Holter Monitor Report - 2
cardiovascular / pulmonary, artefact, ventricular contraction, holter monitor, premature contractions, mobitz type, holter, beatsNOTE
noted, of, and, at, for
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] INDICATION: , Syncope.,HOLTER MONITOR SUMMARY ANALYSIS: , Analyzed for approximately 23 hours 57 minutes and artefact noted for approximately 23 seconds. Total beats of 108,489, heart rate minimum of approximately 54 beats per minutes at 7 a.m. and maximum of 106 beats per minute at approximately 4 p.m. Average heart rate is approximately 75 beats per minute, total of 31 to bradycardia, longest being 225 beats at approximately 7 in the morning, minimum rate of 43 beats per minute at approximately 01:40 a.m. Total ventricular events of 64, primarily premature ventricular contraction and supraventricular events total beats of 9 atrial premature contractions. No significant ST elevation noted and ST depression noted only in one channel for approximately three minutes for a maximum of 2.7 mm.,IMPRESSION OF THE FINDINGS: , Predominant sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular contraction, occasional atrial premature contractions and Mobitz type 1 Wenckebach, several episodes, Mobitz type II, 3 to 2 AV conduction disease noted as well approximately two episodes and one episode of atrial bigeminy noted. No significant pauses noted. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Holter Monitor Report - 2 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Holter monitoring for syncope. Analyzed for approximately 23 hours 57 minutes and artefact noted for approximately 23 seconds. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Intramedullary nail fixation of the left tibia fracture with a Stryker T2 tibial nail, 10 x 390 with a one 5-mm proximal locking screw and three 5-mm distal locking screws (CPT code is 27759) (the ICD-9 code again is 823.2 for a tibial shaft fracture).,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,The patient is a 19-year-old male, who sustained a gunshot wound to the left tibia with a distal tibial shaft fracture. The patient was admitted and splinted and had compartment checks. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail including, but not limited to infection, bleeding, injuries to nerves, or vital structures, nonunion or malunion, need for reoperation, compartment syndrome, and the risk of anesthesia. The patient understood these risks and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INTRAVENOUS FLUID:, 900.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,100.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: , Stable to PACU.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,The patient was met in the preoperative holding area and operative site was marked. The patient was brought to the operating room and given preoperative antibiotics. Left leg was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline incision was made in the center of the knee and was carried down sharply to the retinacular tissue. The starting guidewire was used to localize the correct starting point, which is on the medial aspect of the lateral tibial eminence. This was advanced and confirmed on the AP and lateral fluoroscopic images. The opening reamer was then used and the ball-tip guidewire was passed. The reduction was obtained over a large radiolucent triangle. After passing the guidewire and achieving appropriate reduction, the flexible reamers were then sequentially passed, starting at 9 mm up to 11.5 mm reamer. At this point, a 10 x 390 mm was passed without difficulty. The guide was used to the proximal locking screw and the appropriate circle technique was used to the distal locking screws. The final images were taken with fluoroscopy and a 15-mm end-cap was placed. The wounds were then irrigated and closed with 2-0 Vicryl followed by staples to the distal screws and 0 Vicryl followed 2-0 Vicryl and staples to the proximal incision. The patient was placed in a short leg, well-padded splint, was awakened and taken to recovery in good condition.,The plan will be nonweightbearing left lower extremity. He will be placed in a short leg splint and should be transitioned to a short leg cast for the next 4 weeks.
Intramedullary nail fixation of the left tibia fracture with a Stryker T2 tibial nail. Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound.
Intramedullary Nail Fixation
surgery, screw, stryker, tibia, intramedullary nail fixation, tibial shaft fracture, intramedullary, guidewire, nail, fracture, tibial
the, and, was, mm, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] TITLE OF OPERATION: , Intramedullary nail fixation of the left tibia fracture with a Stryker T2 tibial nail, 10 x 390 with a one 5-mm proximal locking screw and three 5-mm distal locking screws (CPT code is 27759) (the ICD-9 code again is 823.2 for a tibial shaft fracture).,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,The patient is a 19-year-old male, who sustained a gunshot wound to the left tibia with a distal tibial shaft fracture. The patient was admitted and splinted and had compartment checks. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail including, but not limited to infection, bleeding, injuries to nerves, or vital structures, nonunion or malunion, need for reoperation, compartment syndrome, and the risk of anesthesia. The patient understood these risks and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INTRAVENOUS FLUID:, 900.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,100.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: , Stable to PACU.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,The patient was met in the preoperative holding area and operative site was marked. The patient was brought to the operating room and given preoperative antibiotics. Left leg was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline incision was made in the center of the knee and was carried down sharply to the retinacular tissue. The starting guidewire was used to localize the correct starting point, which is on the medial aspect of the lateral tibial eminence. This was advanced and confirmed on the AP and lateral fluoroscopic images. The opening reamer was then used and the ball-tip guidewire was passed. The reduction was obtained over a large radiolucent triangle. After passing the guidewire and achieving appropriate reduction, the flexible reamers were then sequentially passed, starting at 9 mm up to 11.5 mm reamer. At this point, a 10 x 390 mm was passed without difficulty. The guide was used to the proximal locking screw and the appropriate circle technique was used to the distal locking screws. The final images were taken with fluoroscopy and a 15-mm end-cap was placed. The wounds were then irrigated and closed with 2-0 Vicryl followed by staples to the distal screws and 0 Vicryl followed 2-0 Vicryl and staples to the proximal incision. The patient was placed in a short leg, well-padded splint, was awakened and taken to recovery in good condition.,The plan will be nonweightbearing left lower extremity. He will be placed in a short leg splint and should be transitioned to a short leg cast for the next 4 weeks. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Surgery [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Intramedullary nail fixation of the left tibia fracture with a Stryker T2 tibial nail. Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
surgery, carcinoma, bilateral breast carcinoma, chemotherapy, fluoroscopy, port-a-cath, catheter, insertion, pectoralis fascia, subclavian, subclavian port a cath, port a cath insertion, port a cath, cath insertion, heparin,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Bilateral breast carcinoma.,2. Chemotherapy required.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bilateral breast carcinoma.,2. Chemotherapy required.,OPERATION: , Right subclavian Port-a-Cath insertion.,FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE: ,With the patient under satisfactory general orotracheal anesthesia and in the supine position, the right upper anterior chest, neck, and arm were prepared with Betadine in the usual fashion. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia of the pectoralis major muscle medially beneath the inferior third of the right clavicle was infiltrated with 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine. An incision transverse, parallel, and inferior to the middle third of the right clavicle was performed. A subcutaneous pocket on the surface of the pectoralis major muscle was created. The muscular fascia was also infiltrated with 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine. With the patient in the Trendelenburg position, utilizing the provided introducer needle, the right subclavian vein was cannulated. A guidewire was passed without difficulty and the needle was removed. Fluoroscopy confirmed satisfactory position of the guidewire in the right atrium. A dilator and sheath was passed over the guidewire. The guidewire and dilator were removed and a provided catheter was inserted through the sheath and the sheath was carefully withdrawn. Fluoroscopy again confirmed satisfactory position of the catheter and the catheter under fluoroscopic guidance was retracted into the superior vena cava. The catheter had been preflushed with dilute heparin solution (100 units/mL). The port, which had been preflushed with saline, was attached to the catheter at approximately 13 cm level. The locking cap had been placed on the catheter. The port was connected to the catheter and the locking cap was secured. The port was again flushed with dilute heparin solution and placed within the subcutaneous pocket. Fluoroscopy again confirmed satisfactory position. A hard copy of the fluoroscopy was obtained. The catheter and port were secured to the pectoralis fascia in four locations with 2-0 Prolene suture. Site was irrigated with saline. Hemostasis was verified. The subcutaneous tissue was approximated with interrupted 2-0 Vicryl suture. The subcutaneous and dermis were closed with a running subcuticular 3-0 Vicryl suture. A 0.25-inch Steri-Strips were applied. The provided needle and butterfly attachment was flushed with saline, passed through the skin into the port, and then flushed again with dilute heparin solution thus confirmed satisfactory. The site was dressed with Tegaderm type dressing and the needle catheters were covered with 4x4's and paper tape. Estimated blood loss was less than 15 mL. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition.
Right subclavian Port-a-Cath insertion in a patient with bilateral breast carcinoma.
Port-A-Cath Insertion - 1
surgery, carcinoma, bilateral breast carcinoma, chemotherapy, fluoroscopy, port-a-cath, catheter, insertion, pectoralis fascia, subclavian, subclavian port a cath, port a cath insertion, port a cath, cath insertion, heparin,
the, was, and, with, position
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Bilateral breast carcinoma.,2. Chemotherapy required.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bilateral breast carcinoma.,2. Chemotherapy required.,OPERATION: , Right subclavian Port-a-Cath insertion.,FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE: ,With the patient under satisfactory general orotracheal anesthesia and in the supine position, the right upper anterior chest, neck, and arm were prepared with Betadine in the usual fashion. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia of the pectoralis major muscle medially beneath the inferior third of the right clavicle was infiltrated with 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine. An incision transverse, parallel, and inferior to the middle third of the right clavicle was performed. A subcutaneous pocket on the surface of the pectoralis major muscle was created. The muscular fascia was also infiltrated with 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine. With the patient in the Trendelenburg position, utilizing the provided introducer needle, the right subclavian vein was cannulated. A guidewire was passed without difficulty and the needle was removed. Fluoroscopy confirmed satisfactory position of the guidewire in the right atrium. A dilator and sheath was passed over the guidewire. The guidewire and dilator were removed and a provided catheter was inserted through the sheath and the sheath was carefully withdrawn. Fluoroscopy again confirmed satisfactory position of the catheter and the catheter under fluoroscopic guidance was retracted into the superior vena cava. The catheter had been preflushed with dilute heparin solution (100 units/mL). The port, which had been preflushed with saline, was attached to the catheter at approximately 13 cm level. The locking cap had been placed on the catheter. The port was connected to the catheter and the locking cap was secured. The port was again flushed with dilute heparin solution and placed within the subcutaneous pocket. Fluoroscopy again confirmed satisfactory position. A hard copy of the fluoroscopy was obtained. The catheter and port were secured to the pectoralis fascia in four locations with 2-0 Prolene suture. Site was irrigated with saline. Hemostasis was verified. The subcutaneous tissue was approximated with interrupted 2-0 Vicryl suture. The subcutaneous and dermis were closed with a running subcuticular 3-0 Vicryl suture. A 0.25-inch Steri-Strips were applied. The provided needle and butterfly attachment was flushed with saline, passed through the skin into the port, and then flushed again with dilute heparin solution thus confirmed satisfactory. The site was dressed with Tegaderm type dressing and the needle catheters were covered with 4x4's and paper tape. Estimated blood loss was less than 15 mL. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] surgery, carcinoma, bilateral breast carcinoma, chemotherapy, fluoroscopy, port-a-cath, catheter, insertion, pectoralis fascia, subclavian, subclavian port a cath, port a cath insertion, port a cath, cath insertion, heparin, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right subclavian Port-a-Cath insertion in a patient with bilateral breast carcinoma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, no, is, and, patient
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, A 2-month-old female with 1-week history of congestion and fever x2 days.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a previously healthy 2-month-old female, who has had a cough and congestion for the past week. The mother has also reported irregular breathing, which she describes as being rapid breathing associated with retractions. The mother states that the cough is at times paroxysmal and associated with posttussive emesis. The patient has had short respiratory pauses following the coughing events. The patient's temperature has ranged between 102 and 104. She has had a decreased oral intake and decreased wet diapers. The brother is also sick with URI symptoms, and the patient has had no diarrhea. The mother reports that she has begun to regurgitate after her feedings. She did not do this previously.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,SMOKING EXPOSURE: , None.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , None.,DIET: ,Similac 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The patient delivered at term. Birth weight was 6 pounds 1 ounce. Postnatal complications: Neonatal Jaundice. The patient remained in the hospital for 3 days. The in utero ultrasounds were reported to be normal.,PRIOR HOSPITALIZATIONS: , None.,FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY: , Family history is positive for asthma and diabetes. There is also positive family history of renal disease on the father's side of the family.,DEVELOPMENT: , Normal. The patient tests normal on the newborn hearing screen.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: GENERAL: , The patient has had fever, there have been no chills. SKIN: No rashes. HEENT: Mild congestion x1 week. Cough, at times paroxysmal, no cyanosis. The patient turns red in the face during coughing episodes, posttussive emesis. CARDIOVASCULAR: No cyanosis. GI: Posttussive emesis, decreased oral intake. GU: Decreased urinary output. ORTHO: No current issues. NEUROLOGIC: No change in mental status. ENDOCRINE: There is no history of weight loss. DEVELOPMENT: No loss of developmental milestones.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Weight is 4.8 kg, temperature 100.4, heart rate is 140, respiratory rate 30, and saturations 100%.,GENERAL: This is a well-appearing infant in no acute distress.,HEENT: Shows anterior fontanelle to be open and flat. Pupils are equal and reactive to light with red reflex. Nares are patent. Oral mucosa is moist. Posterior pharynx is clear. Hard palate is intact. Normal gingiva.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,LUNGS: A few faint rales. No retractions. No stridor. No wheezing on examination. Mild tachypnea.,EXTREMITIES: Warm, good perfusion. No hip clicks.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert. Normal tone throughout. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+/4. No clonus.,SKIN: Normal.,LABORATORY DATA:, CBC shows a white count of 12.4, hemoglobin 10.1, platelet count 611,000; 38 segs 3 bands, 42 lymphocytes, and 10 monocytes. Electrolytes were within normal limits. C-reactive protein 0.3. Chest x-ray shows no acute disease with the exception of a small density located in the retrocardiac area on the posterior view. UA shows 10 to 25 bacteria.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: ,This is a 2-month-old, who presents with fever, paroxysmal cough and episodes of respiratory distress. The patient is currently stable in the emergency room. We will admit the patient to the pediatric floor. We will send out pertussis PCR. We will also follow results of urine culture and that the urine dip shows 10 to 25 bacteria. The patient will be followed up for signs of sepsis, apnea, urinary tract infection, and pneumonia. We will wait for a radiology reading on the chest x-ray to determine if the density seen on the lateral film is a normal variant or represents pathology.
A 2-month-old female with 1-week history of congestion and fever x2 days.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
the, no, is, and, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, A 2-month-old female with 1-week history of congestion and fever x2 days.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a previously healthy 2-month-old female, who has had a cough and congestion for the past week. The mother has also reported irregular breathing, which she describes as being rapid breathing associated with retractions. The mother states that the cough is at times paroxysmal and associated with posttussive emesis. The patient has had short respiratory pauses following the coughing events. The patient's temperature has ranged between 102 and 104. She has had a decreased oral intake and decreased wet diapers. The brother is also sick with URI symptoms, and the patient has had no diarrhea. The mother reports that she has begun to regurgitate after her feedings. She did not do this previously.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,SMOKING EXPOSURE: , None.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , None.,DIET: ,Similac 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The patient delivered at term. Birth weight was 6 pounds 1 ounce. Postnatal complications: Neonatal Jaundice. The patient remained in the hospital for 3 days. The in utero ultrasounds were reported to be normal.,PRIOR HOSPITALIZATIONS: , None.,FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY: , Family history is positive for asthma and diabetes. There is also positive family history of renal disease on the father's side of the family.,DEVELOPMENT: , Normal. The patient tests normal on the newborn hearing screen.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: GENERAL: , The patient has had fever, there have been no chills. SKIN: No rashes. HEENT: Mild congestion x1 week. Cough, at times paroxysmal, no cyanosis. The patient turns red in the face during coughing episodes, posttussive emesis. CARDIOVASCULAR: No cyanosis. GI: Posttussive emesis, decreased oral intake. GU: Decreased urinary output. ORTHO: No current issues. NEUROLOGIC: No change in mental status. ENDOCRINE: There is no history of weight loss. DEVELOPMENT: No loss of developmental milestones.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Weight is 4.8 kg, temperature 100.4, heart rate is 140, respiratory rate 30, and saturations 100%.,GENERAL: This is a well-appearing infant in no acute distress.,HEENT: Shows anterior fontanelle to be open and flat. Pupils are equal and reactive to light with red reflex. Nares are patent. Oral mucosa is moist. Posterior pharynx is clear. Hard palate is intact. Normal gingiva.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,LUNGS: A few faint rales. No retractions. No stridor. No wheezing on examination. Mild tachypnea.,EXTREMITIES: Warm, good perfusion. No hip clicks.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert. Normal tone throughout. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+/4. No clonus.,SKIN: Normal.,LABORATORY DATA:, CBC shows a white count of 12.4, hemoglobin 10.1, platelet count 611,000; 38 segs 3 bands, 42 lymphocytes, and 10 monocytes. Electrolytes were within normal limits. C-reactive protein 0.3. Chest x-ray shows no acute disease with the exception of a small density located in the retrocardiac area on the posterior view. UA shows 10 to 25 bacteria.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: ,This is a 2-month-old, who presents with fever, paroxysmal cough and episodes of respiratory distress. The patient is currently stable in the emergency room. We will admit the patient to the pediatric floor. We will send out pertussis PCR. We will also follow results of urine culture and that the urine dip shows 10 to 25 bacteria. The patient will be followed up for signs of sepsis, apnea, urinary tract infection, and pneumonia. We will wait for a radiology reading on the chest x-ray to determine if the density seen on the lateral film is a normal variant or represents pathology. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, no, is, and, patient [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A 2-month-old female with 1-week history of congestion and fever x2 days. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
emergency room reports, jaw pain, dental appointment, ellis type ii fracture, ellis type, dental fracture, toothache, tenderness, pressure, erythema,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Jaw pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 58-year-old male who started out having toothache in the left lower side of the mouth that is now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Triage nurse reported that he does not believe it is his tooth because he has regular dental appointments, but has not seen a dentist since this new toothache began. The patient denies any facial swelling. No headache. No swelling to the throat. No sore throat. No difficulty swallowing liquids or solids. No neck pain. No lymph node swelling. The patient denies any fever or chills. Denies any other problems or complaints.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. No fatigue or weakness. HEENT: No headache. No neck pain. No eye pain or vision change. No rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion, pressure, or pain. No sore throat. No throat swelling. The patient does have the toothache on the left lower side that radiates towards his left ear as previously described. The patient does not have ear pain or hearing change. No pressure in the ear. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea or vomiting. No abdominal pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: No vision or hearing change. No speech change. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymph node swelling.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient smokes marijuana. The patient does not smoke cigarettes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2 oral, blood pressure is 168/84, pulse is 87, respirations 16, and oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable in no acute distress, looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear cornea and conjunctivae bilaterally. Nose, normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. There is no tenderness over the sinuses. Ears are normal without any sign of infection. No erythema or swelling of the canals. Tympanic membranes are intact and normal without any erythema, bulging, air fluid levels, or bubbles behind it. MOUTH: The patient has a dental fracture at tooth #18. The patient states that the fracture is a couple of months old. The patient does not have any obvious dental caries. The gums are normal without any erythema, swelling, or evidence of infection. There is no fluctuance or suggestion of abscess. There is slight tenderness of the tooth #18. The oropharynx is normal without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, exudate, lesion, or swelling. Mucous membranes are moist. Floor of the mouth is normal without any tenderness or swelling. No suggestion of abscess. There is no pre or post auricular lymphadenopathy either. NECK: Supple. Nontender. Full range of motion. No meningismus. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No JVD. No carotid artery or vertebral artery bruits. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is normal and nontender. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities are noted to the back, arms, or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. No evidence of clinical intoxification. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymphadenitis is palpated.,DIAGNOSES:,1. ACUTE LEFT JAW PAIN.,2. #18 DENTAL FRACTURE, WHICH IS AN ELLIS TYPE II FRACTURE.,3. ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, Home.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with his dentist Dr. X in three to five days for reevaluation. The patient was encouraged to take Motrin 400 mg q.6h. as needed for pain. The patient was given prescription for Vicodin for any breakthrough or uncontrolled pain. He was given precautions for drowsiness and driving with the use of this medication. The patient was also given a prescription for pen V. The patient was given discharge instructions on toothache and asked to return to emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition, develop any other problems or symptoms of concern.
Patient started out having toothache, now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Ellis type II dental fracture.
Emergency Room Reports
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
emergency room reports, jaw pain, dental appointment, ellis type ii fracture, ellis type, dental fracture, toothache, tenderness, pressure, erythema,
no, or, the, is, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Jaw pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 58-year-old male who started out having toothache in the left lower side of the mouth that is now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Triage nurse reported that he does not believe it is his tooth because he has regular dental appointments, but has not seen a dentist since this new toothache began. The patient denies any facial swelling. No headache. No swelling to the throat. No sore throat. No difficulty swallowing liquids or solids. No neck pain. No lymph node swelling. The patient denies any fever or chills. Denies any other problems or complaints.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. No fatigue or weakness. HEENT: No headache. No neck pain. No eye pain or vision change. No rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion, pressure, or pain. No sore throat. No throat swelling. The patient does have the toothache on the left lower side that radiates towards his left ear as previously described. The patient does not have ear pain or hearing change. No pressure in the ear. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea or vomiting. No abdominal pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: No vision or hearing change. No speech change. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymph node swelling.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient smokes marijuana. The patient does not smoke cigarettes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2 oral, blood pressure is 168/84, pulse is 87, respirations 16, and oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable in no acute distress, looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear cornea and conjunctivae bilaterally. Nose, normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. There is no tenderness over the sinuses. Ears are normal without any sign of infection. No erythema or swelling of the canals. Tympanic membranes are intact and normal without any erythema, bulging, air fluid levels, or bubbles behind it. MOUTH: The patient has a dental fracture at tooth #18. The patient states that the fracture is a couple of months old. The patient does not have any obvious dental caries. The gums are normal without any erythema, swelling, or evidence of infection. There is no fluctuance or suggestion of abscess. There is slight tenderness of the tooth #18. The oropharynx is normal without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, exudate, lesion, or swelling. Mucous membranes are moist. Floor of the mouth is normal without any tenderness or swelling. No suggestion of abscess. There is no pre or post auricular lymphadenopathy either. NECK: Supple. Nontender. Full range of motion. No meningismus. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No JVD. No carotid artery or vertebral artery bruits. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is normal and nontender. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities are noted to the back, arms, or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. No evidence of clinical intoxification. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymphadenitis is palpated.,DIAGNOSES:,1. ACUTE LEFT JAW PAIN.,2. #18 DENTAL FRACTURE, WHICH IS AN ELLIS TYPE II FRACTURE.,3. ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, Home.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with his dentist Dr. X in three to five days for reevaluation. The patient was encouraged to take Motrin 400 mg q.6h. as needed for pain. The patient was given prescription for Vicodin for any breakthrough or uncontrolled pain. He was given precautions for drowsiness and driving with the use of this medication. The patient was also given a prescription for pen V. The patient was given discharge instructions on toothache and asked to return to emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition, develop any other problems or symptoms of concern. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] emergency room reports, jaw pain, dental appointment, ellis type ii fracture, ellis type, dental fracture, toothache, tenderness, pressure, erythema, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient started out having toothache, now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Ellis type II dental fracture. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Plantar fascitis, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Plantar fascitis, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Partial plantar fasciotomy, left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain with TIVA.,HISTORY: ,This 35-year-old Caucasian female presents to ABCD General Hospital with above chief complaint. The patient states she has extreme pain with plantar fascitis in her left foot and has attempted conservative treatment including orthotics without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment. The patient has been NPO since mid night. Consent is signed and in the chart. No known drug allergies.,Details Of Procedure: An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with a safety belt across the stomach. Copious amounts of Webril were placed on the left ankle followed by blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected into the surgical site both medially and laterally across the plantar fascia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. An Esmarch bandage was applied for exsanguination and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then reflected on the operating, stockinet reflected, and the foot cleansed with a wet and dry sponge. Attention was then directed to the plantar medial aspect of the left heel. An approximately 0.75 cm incision was then created in the plantar fat pad over the area of maximal tenderness.,The incision was then deepened with a combination of sharp and blunt dissection until the plantar fascia was palpated. A #15 blade was then used to transect the medial and central bands of the plantar fascia. Care was taken to preserve the lateral fibroids. The foot was dorsiflexed against resistance as the fibers were released and there was noted to be increased laxity after release of the fibers on the plantar aspect of the foot indicating that plantar fascia has in fact been transacted. The air was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin incision was then closed with #3-0 nylon in simple interrupted fashion. Dressings consisted of #0-1 silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted throughout all digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. Intraoperatively, an additional 80 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected for additional anesthesia in the case. The patient is to be nonweightbearing on the left lower extremity with crutches. The patient is given postoperative pain prescriptions for Vicodin ES, one q3-4h. p.o. p.r.n. for pain as well as Celebrex 200 mg one p.o. b.i.d. The patient is to follow-up with Dr. X as directed.
Plantar fascitis, left foot. Partial plantar fasciotomy.
Plantar Fasciotomy
surgery, foot, plantar fasciotomy, plantar fascitis, plantar fascia, plantar, fasciotomy, ankle, medially, fascitis, fascia
the, was, of, and, left
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Plantar fascitis, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Plantar fascitis, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Partial plantar fasciotomy, left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain with TIVA.,HISTORY: ,This 35-year-old Caucasian female presents to ABCD General Hospital with above chief complaint. The patient states she has extreme pain with plantar fascitis in her left foot and has attempted conservative treatment including orthotics without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment. The patient has been NPO since mid night. Consent is signed and in the chart. No known drug allergies.,Details Of Procedure: An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with a safety belt across the stomach. Copious amounts of Webril were placed on the left ankle followed by blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected into the surgical site both medially and laterally across the plantar fascia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. An Esmarch bandage was applied for exsanguination and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then reflected on the operating, stockinet reflected, and the foot cleansed with a wet and dry sponge. Attention was then directed to the plantar medial aspect of the left heel. An approximately 0.75 cm incision was then created in the plantar fat pad over the area of maximal tenderness.,The incision was then deepened with a combination of sharp and blunt dissection until the plantar fascia was palpated. A #15 blade was then used to transect the medial and central bands of the plantar fascia. Care was taken to preserve the lateral fibroids. The foot was dorsiflexed against resistance as the fibers were released and there was noted to be increased laxity after release of the fibers on the plantar aspect of the foot indicating that plantar fascia has in fact been transacted. The air was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin incision was then closed with #3-0 nylon in simple interrupted fashion. Dressings consisted of #0-1 silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted throughout all digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. Intraoperatively, an additional 80 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected for additional anesthesia in the case. The patient is to be nonweightbearing on the left lower extremity with crutches. The patient is given postoperative pain prescriptions for Vicodin ES, one q3-4h. p.o. p.r.n. for pain as well as Celebrex 200 mg one p.o. b.i.d. The patient is to follow-up with Dr. X as directed. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Plantar fascitis, left foot. Partial plantar fasciotomy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction.,2. Severe intraabdominal adhesions.,3. Retroperitoneal fibrosis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions.,2. Attempted laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,3. Open laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: ,This is a 62-year-old female with a history of right ureteropelvic junction obstruction with chronic indwelling double-J ureteral stent. The patient presents for laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the operative suite and administered general anesthetic. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the supine fashion after building up the right side of the OR table to aid in the patient's positioning for bowel retraction. Hassan technique was performed for the initial trocar placement in the periumbilical region. Abdominal insufflation was performed. There were significant adhesions noted. A second 12 mm port was placed in the right midclavicular line at the level of the umbilicus and a Harmonic scalpel was placed through this and adhesiolysis was performed for approximately two-and-half hours, also an additional port was placed 12 mm in the midline between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus, an additional 5 mm port in the right upper quadrant subcostal and midclavicular. After adhesions were taken down, the ascending colon was mobilized by incising the white line of Toldt and mobilizing this medially. The kidney was able to be palpated within Gerota's fascia. The psoas muscle caudate to the inferior pole of the kidney was identified and the tissue overlying this was dissected to the level of the ureter. The uterus was grasped with a Babcock through a trocar port and carried up to the level of the ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The renal pelvis was also identified and dissected free. There was significant fibrosis and scar tissue around the ureteropelvic junction obliterating the tissue planes. We were unable to dissect through this mass of fibrotic tissue safely and therefore the decision was made to abort the laparoscopic procedure and perform the pyeloplasty open. An incision was made from the right upper quadrant port extending towards the midline. This was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue, anterior fascia, muscle layers, posterior fascia, and peritoneum. A Bookwalter retractor was placed. The renal pelvis and the ureter were again identified. Fibrotic tissue was able to be dissected away at this time utilizing right angle clamps and Bovie cautery. The tissue was sent down to Pathology for analysis. Please note that upon entering the abdomen, all of the above which was taken down from the adhesions to the abdominal wall were carefully inspected and no evidence of bowel injury was noted. Ureter was divided just distal to the ureteropelvic junction obstruction and stent was maintained in place. The renal pelvis was then opened in a longitudinal manner and excessive pelvis was removed reducing the redundant tissue. At this point, the indwelling double-J ureteral stent was removed. At this time, the ureter was spatulated laterally and at the apex of this spatulation a #4-0 Vicryl suture was placed. This was brought up to the deepened portion of the pyelotomy and cystic structures were approximated. The back wall of the ureteropelvic anastomosis was then approximated with running #4-0 Vicryl suture. At this point, a double-J stent was placed with a guidewire down into the bladder. The anterior wall of the uteropelvic anastomosis was then closed again with a #4-0 running Vicryl suture. Renal sinus fat was then placed around the anastomosis and sutured in place. Please note in the inferior pole of the kidney, there was approximately 2 cm laceration which was identified during the dissection of the fibrotic tissue. This was repaired with horizontal mattress sutures #2-0 Vicryl. FloSeal was placed over this and the renal capsule was placed over this. A good hemostasis was noted. A #10 Blake drain was placed through one of the previous trocar sites and placed into the perirenal space away from the anastomosis. The initial trocar incision was closed with #0 Vicryl suture. The abdominal incision was also then closed with running #0 Vicryl suture incorporating all layers of muscle and fascia. The Scarpa's fascia was then closed with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl suture. The skin edges were then closed with staples. Please note that all port sites were inspected prior to closing and hemostasis was noted at all sites and the fascia was noted to be reapproximated as these trocar sites were placed with the ________ obturator. We placed the patient on IV antibiotics and pain medications. We will obtain KUB and x-rays for stent placement. Further recommendations to follow.
Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions, attempted laparoscopic pyeloplasty, and open laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction, severe intraabdominal adhesions, and retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty
nephrology, retroperitoneal, fibrosis, pyeloplasty, laparoscopic, lysis of adhesions, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, laparoscopic pyeloplasty, ureteropelvic junction, junction, ureteropelvic, intraabdominal, adhesions,
the, was, and, placed, this
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction.,2. Severe intraabdominal adhesions.,3. Retroperitoneal fibrosis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions.,2. Attempted laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,3. Open laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: ,This is a 62-year-old female with a history of right ureteropelvic junction obstruction with chronic indwelling double-J ureteral stent. The patient presents for laparoscopic pyeloplasty.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the operative suite and administered general anesthetic. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the supine fashion after building up the right side of the OR table to aid in the patient's positioning for bowel retraction. Hassan technique was performed for the initial trocar placement in the periumbilical region. Abdominal insufflation was performed. There were significant adhesions noted. A second 12 mm port was placed in the right midclavicular line at the level of the umbilicus and a Harmonic scalpel was placed through this and adhesiolysis was performed for approximately two-and-half hours, also an additional port was placed 12 mm in the midline between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus, an additional 5 mm port in the right upper quadrant subcostal and midclavicular. After adhesions were taken down, the ascending colon was mobilized by incising the white line of Toldt and mobilizing this medially. The kidney was able to be palpated within Gerota's fascia. The psoas muscle caudate to the inferior pole of the kidney was identified and the tissue overlying this was dissected to the level of the ureter. The uterus was grasped with a Babcock through a trocar port and carried up to the level of the ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The renal pelvis was also identified and dissected free. There was significant fibrosis and scar tissue around the ureteropelvic junction obliterating the tissue planes. We were unable to dissect through this mass of fibrotic tissue safely and therefore the decision was made to abort the laparoscopic procedure and perform the pyeloplasty open. An incision was made from the right upper quadrant port extending towards the midline. This was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue, anterior fascia, muscle layers, posterior fascia, and peritoneum. A Bookwalter retractor was placed. The renal pelvis and the ureter were again identified. Fibrotic tissue was able to be dissected away at this time utilizing right angle clamps and Bovie cautery. The tissue was sent down to Pathology for analysis. Please note that upon entering the abdomen, all of the above which was taken down from the adhesions to the abdominal wall were carefully inspected and no evidence of bowel injury was noted. Ureter was divided just distal to the ureteropelvic junction obstruction and stent was maintained in place. The renal pelvis was then opened in a longitudinal manner and excessive pelvis was removed reducing the redundant tissue. At this point, the indwelling double-J ureteral stent was removed. At this time, the ureter was spatulated laterally and at the apex of this spatulation a #4-0 Vicryl suture was placed. This was brought up to the deepened portion of the pyelotomy and cystic structures were approximated. The back wall of the ureteropelvic anastomosis was then approximated with running #4-0 Vicryl suture. At this point, a double-J stent was placed with a guidewire down into the bladder. The anterior wall of the uteropelvic anastomosis was then closed again with a #4-0 running Vicryl suture. Renal sinus fat was then placed around the anastomosis and sutured in place. Please note in the inferior pole of the kidney, there was approximately 2 cm laceration which was identified during the dissection of the fibrotic tissue. This was repaired with horizontal mattress sutures #2-0 Vicryl. FloSeal was placed over this and the renal capsule was placed over this. A good hemostasis was noted. A #10 Blake drain was placed through one of the previous trocar sites and placed into the perirenal space away from the anastomosis. The initial trocar incision was closed with #0 Vicryl suture. The abdominal incision was also then closed with running #0 Vicryl suture incorporating all layers of muscle and fascia. The Scarpa's fascia was then closed with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl suture. The skin edges were then closed with staples. Please note that all port sites were inspected prior to closing and hemostasis was noted at all sites and the fascia was noted to be reapproximated as these trocar sites were placed with the ________ obturator. We placed the patient on IV antibiotics and pain medications. We will obtain KUB and x-rays for stent placement. Further recommendations to follow. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions, attempted laparoscopic pyeloplasty, and open laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Right ureteropelvic junction obstruction, severe intraabdominal adhesions, and retroperitoneal fibrosis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started.
DELIVERY NOTE: , The patient is a very pleasant 22-year-old primigravida with prenatal care with both Dr. X and myself and her pregnancy has been uncomplicated except for the fact that she does live a significant distance away from the hospital. The patient was admitted to labor and delivery on Tuesday, December 22, 2008 at 5:30 in the morning at 40 weeks and 1 day gestation for elective induction of labor since she lives a significant distance away from the hospital. Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started. The next day at about 9 o'clock in the morning, I checked her cervix and performed artifical rupture of membranes, which did reveal Meconium-stained amniotic fluid and so an intrauterine pressure catheter was placed and then MDL infusion started. The patient did have labor epidural, which worked well. It should be noted that the patient's recent vaginal culture for group B strep did come back negative for group B strep. The patient went on to have a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery of a live-term male newborn with Apgar scores of 7 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively and a newborn weight of 7 pounds and 1.5 ounces at birth. The intensive care nursery staff was present because of the presence of Meconium-stained amniotic fluid. DeLee suctioning was performed at the perineum. A second-degree midline episiotomy was repaired in layers in the usual fashion using 3-0 Vicryl. The placenta was simply delivered and examined and found to be complete and bimanual vaginal exam was performed and revealed that the uterus was firm.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 300 mL.
Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started.
Delivery Note - 8
surgery, amniotic fluid, contractions, pitocin, meconium, cervix, labor, vaginal, delivery, intravaginallyNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
the, and, was, at, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DELIVERY NOTE: , The patient is a very pleasant 22-year-old primigravida with prenatal care with both Dr. X and myself and her pregnancy has been uncomplicated except for the fact that she does live a significant distance away from the hospital. The patient was admitted to labor and delivery on Tuesday, December 22, 2008 at 5:30 in the morning at 40 weeks and 1 day gestation for elective induction of labor since she lives a significant distance away from the hospital. Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started. The next day at about 9 o'clock in the morning, I checked her cervix and performed artifical rupture of membranes, which did reveal Meconium-stained amniotic fluid and so an intrauterine pressure catheter was placed and then MDL infusion started. The patient did have labor epidural, which worked well. It should be noted that the patient's recent vaginal culture for group B strep did come back negative for group B strep. The patient went on to have a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery of a live-term male newborn with Apgar scores of 7 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively and a newborn weight of 7 pounds and 1.5 ounces at birth. The intensive care nursery staff was present because of the presence of Meconium-stained amniotic fluid. DeLee suctioning was performed at the perineum. A second-degree midline episiotomy was repaired in layers in the usual fashion using 3-0 Vicryl. The placenta was simply delivered and examined and found to be complete and bimanual vaginal exam was performed and revealed that the uterus was firm.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 300 mL. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Her cervix on admission was not ripe, so she was given a dose of Cytotec 25 mcg intravaginally and in the afternoon, she was having frequent contractions and fetal heart tracing was reassuring. At a later time, Pitocin was started. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,1. Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder.,2. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear.,3. Debridement glenohumeral joint.,4. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient had done well after a previous total shoulder arthroplasty performed by Dr. X. However, the patient was lifted with subsequent significant pain and apparent tearing of his subscapularis. Risks and benefits of the procedure had been discussed with the patient at length including, but not exclusive of infection, nerve or artery damage, stiffness, loss of range of motion, incomplete relief of pain, incomplete return of function, continued instability, retearing of the tendon, need for revision of his arthroplasty, permanent nerve or artery damage, etc. The patient understood and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,3. Diffuse synovitis, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was anesthetized in the supine position. A Foley catheter was placed in his bladder. He was then placed in a beach chair position. He was brought to the side of the table and the torso secured with towels and tape. His head was then placed in the neutral position with no lateral bending or extension. It was secured with paper tape over his forehead. Care was taken to stay off his auricular cartilages and his orbits. Right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient was given antibiotics well before the beginning of the procedure to decrease any risk of infection. Once he had been prepped and draped with the standard prep, he was prepped a second time with a chlorhexidine-type skin prep. This was allowed to dry and the skin was then covered with Ioban bandages also to decrease his risk of infection.,Also, preoperatively, the patient had his pacemaker defibrillator function turned off as a result during this case. Bipolar type cautery had to be used as opposed to monopolar cautery.,The patient's deltopectoral incision was then opened and extended proximally and distally. The patient had significant amount of scar already in this interval. Once we got down to the deltoid and pectoralis muscle, there was no apparent cephalic vein present, as a result the rotator cuff interval had to be developed through an area of scar. This created a significant amount of bleeding. As a result a very slow and meticulous dissection was performed to isolate his coracoid and then his proximal humerus. Care was taken to stay above the pectoralis minor and the conjoint tendon. The deltoid had already started to scar down the proximal humerus as a result a very significant amount of dissection had to be performed to release the deltoid from proximal humerus. Similarly, the deltoid insertion had to be released approximately 50% of its width to allow us enough mobility of the proximal humerus to be able to visualize the joint or the component. It was clear that the patient had an avulsion of the subscapularis tendon as the tissue on the anterior aspect of the shoulder was very thin. The muscle component of the subscapularis could be located approximately 1 cm off the glenoid rim and approximately 3 cm off the lesser tuberosity. The soft tissue in this area was significantly scarred down to the conjoint tendon, which had to be very meticulously released. The brachial plexus was identified as was the axillary nerve. Once this was completed, an arthrotomy was then made leaving some tissue attached to the lesser tuberosity in case it was needed for closure later. This revealed sanguineous fluid inside the joint. We did not feel it was infected based upon the fluid that came from the joint. The sutures for the subscapularis repair were still located in the proximal humerus with no tearing through the bone, which was fortunate because in that we could use the bone later for securing the sutures. The remaining sutures were seen to be retracted medially to an area of the subscapularis as mentioned previously. Some more capsule had to be released off the inferior neck in order for us to gain exposure during the scarring. This was done also very meticulously. The upper one half of the latissimus dorsi tendon was also released. Once this was completed, the humerus could be subluxed enough laterally that we could remove the head. This was done with no difficulty. Fortunately, the humeral component stayed intact. There were some exudates beneath the humeral head, which were somewhat mucinous. However, these do not really appear to be infected, however, we sent them to pathology for a frozen section. This frozen section later returned as possible purulent material. I discussed this personally with the pathologist at that point. We told him that the procedure is only 3 weeks old, but he was concerned that there might be more white blood cells in the tissue than he would expect. As a result, all the mucinous exudates were carefully removed. We also performed a fairly extensive synovectomy of the joint primarily to gain vision of the components, but also we irrigated the joint throughout the case with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. At that point, we also had sent portions of this mucinous material to pathology for a stat Gram stain. This came back as no organisms seen. We also sent portions for culture and sensitivity both aerobic and anaerobic.,Once this was completed, attention was then directed to the glenoid. The patient had significant amount of scar already. The subscapularis itself was significantly scarred down to the anterior rim. As a result, the adhesions along the anterior edge were released using a knife. Also adhesions in the subcoracoid space area were released very carefully and meticulously to prevent any injury to the brachial plexus. Two long retractors were placed medially to protect the brachial plexus during all portions of suturing of the subscapularis. The subscapularis was then tagged with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. Adhesions were released circumferentially and it was found that with the arm in internal rotation about neutral degrees, the subscapularis could reach the calcar region without tension. As a result, seven number 2 Tycron sutures were placed from the bicipital groove all the way down to the inferior calcar region of the humerus. These all had excellent security in bone. Once the joint had been debrided and irrigated, the real humeral head was then placed back on the proximal humerus. Care was taken to remove fluid off the Morse taper. The head was then impacted. It should be noted that we tried multiple head sizes to see if a smaller or larger head size might be more appropriate for this patient. Unfortunately, any of the larger head sizes would overstep the joint and any smaller sizes would not give good coverage to the proximal humerus. As a result, it was felt to place the offset head back on the humerus, we did insert a new component as opposed to using the old component. The old component was given to the family postoperatively.,With the arm in internal rotation, the Tycron sutures were then placed through the subscapularis tendon in the usual horizontal mattress fashion. Also, it should be noted that the rotator cuff interval had to be released as part of the exposure. We started the repair by closing the rotator cuff interval. Anterior and posterior translation was then performed and was found to be very stable. The remaining sutures were then secured through the subscapularis tendon taking care to make sure that very substantial bites were obtained. This was then reinforced with the more flimsy tissue laterally being sewn into the tissue around the bicipital tuberosity essentially provided us with a two-layer repair of the subscapularis tendon. After the tendon had been repaired, there was no tension on repair until 0 degrees external rotation was reached with the arm to the side. Similarly with the arm abducted 90 degrees, tension was on repair at 0 degrees of external rotation. It should be noted that the wound was thoroughly irrigated throughout with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. The rotator cuff interval was closed with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. It was reinforced with 0 Vicryl sutures. Two Hemovac drains were then placed inferiorly at the deltoid. The deltopectoral interval was then closed with 0 Vicryl sutures. A third drain was placed in the subcutaneous tissues to prevent any infections or any fluid collections. This was sewn into place with the drain pulled out superiorly. Once all the sutures have been secured and the drain visualized throughout this part of the closure, the drain was pulled distally until it was completely covered. There were no signs that it had been tagged or hung up by any sutures.,The superficial subcutaneous tissues were closed with interrupted with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin was closed with staples. A sterile bandage was applied along with a cold therapy device and a shoulder immobilizer. The patient was sent to the intensive care unit in stable and satisfactory condition.,Due to the significant amount of scar and bleeding in this patient, a 22 modifier is being requested for this case. This was a very difficult revision case and was significantly increased in technical challenges and challenges in the dissection and exposure of this implant compared to a standard shoulder replacement. Similarly, the repair of the subscapularis tendon presented significantly more challenges than that of a standard rotator cuff repair because of the implant. This was being dictated for insurance purposes only and reflects no inherent difficulties with this case. The complexity and the time involved in this case was approximately 30% greater than that of a standard shoulder replacement or of a rotator cuff repair. This is being dictated to indicate this was a revision case with significant amount of scar and bleeding due to the patient's situation with his pacemaker. This patient also had multiple medical concerns, which increased the complexity of this case including the necessity to place him in intensive care unit postoperatively for observation.
Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear. Debridement glenohumeral joint. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder.
Arthrotomy & Subscapularis Tendon Repair
surgery, arthrotomy, repair of torn subscapularis tendon, glenohumeral joint, biomet system, arthroplasty, diffuse synovitis, proximal humerus, torn subscapularis tendon, subscapularis tendon, rotator cuff, humerus, sutures, tendon, head, shoulder, subscapularis, torn,
the, was, to, of, this
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] TITLE OF OPERATION: ,1. Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder.,2. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear.,3. Debridement glenohumeral joint.,4. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient had done well after a previous total shoulder arthroplasty performed by Dr. X. However, the patient was lifted with subsequent significant pain and apparent tearing of his subscapularis. Risks and benefits of the procedure had been discussed with the patient at length including, but not exclusive of infection, nerve or artery damage, stiffness, loss of range of motion, incomplete relief of pain, incomplete return of function, continued instability, retearing of the tendon, need for revision of his arthroplasty, permanent nerve or artery damage, etc. The patient understood and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,3. Diffuse synovitis, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was anesthetized in the supine position. A Foley catheter was placed in his bladder. He was then placed in a beach chair position. He was brought to the side of the table and the torso secured with towels and tape. His head was then placed in the neutral position with no lateral bending or extension. It was secured with paper tape over his forehead. Care was taken to stay off his auricular cartilages and his orbits. Right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient was given antibiotics well before the beginning of the procedure to decrease any risk of infection. Once he had been prepped and draped with the standard prep, he was prepped a second time with a chlorhexidine-type skin prep. This was allowed to dry and the skin was then covered with Ioban bandages also to decrease his risk of infection.,Also, preoperatively, the patient had his pacemaker defibrillator function turned off as a result during this case. Bipolar type cautery had to be used as opposed to monopolar cautery.,The patient's deltopectoral incision was then opened and extended proximally and distally. The patient had significant amount of scar already in this interval. Once we got down to the deltoid and pectoralis muscle, there was no apparent cephalic vein present, as a result the rotator cuff interval had to be developed through an area of scar. This created a significant amount of bleeding. As a result a very slow and meticulous dissection was performed to isolate his coracoid and then his proximal humerus. Care was taken to stay above the pectoralis minor and the conjoint tendon. The deltoid had already started to scar down the proximal humerus as a result a very significant amount of dissection had to be performed to release the deltoid from proximal humerus. Similarly, the deltoid insertion had to be released approximately 50% of its width to allow us enough mobility of the proximal humerus to be able to visualize the joint or the component. It was clear that the patient had an avulsion of the subscapularis tendon as the tissue on the anterior aspect of the shoulder was very thin. The muscle component of the subscapularis could be located approximately 1 cm off the glenoid rim and approximately 3 cm off the lesser tuberosity. The soft tissue in this area was significantly scarred down to the conjoint tendon, which had to be very meticulously released. The brachial plexus was identified as was the axillary nerve. Once this was completed, an arthrotomy was then made leaving some tissue attached to the lesser tuberosity in case it was needed for closure later. This revealed sanguineous fluid inside the joint. We did not feel it was infected based upon the fluid that came from the joint. The sutures for the subscapularis repair were still located in the proximal humerus with no tearing through the bone, which was fortunate because in that we could use the bone later for securing the sutures. The remaining sutures were seen to be retracted medially to an area of the subscapularis as mentioned previously. Some more capsule had to be released off the inferior neck in order for us to gain exposure during the scarring. This was done also very meticulously. The upper one half of the latissimus dorsi tendon was also released. Once this was completed, the humerus could be subluxed enough laterally that we could remove the head. This was done with no difficulty. Fortunately, the humeral component stayed intact. There were some exudates beneath the humeral head, which were somewhat mucinous. However, these do not really appear to be infected, however, we sent them to pathology for a frozen section. This frozen section later returned as possible purulent material. I discussed this personally with the pathologist at that point. We told him that the procedure is only 3 weeks old, but he was concerned that there might be more white blood cells in the tissue than he would expect. As a result, all the mucinous exudates were carefully removed. We also performed a fairly extensive synovectomy of the joint primarily to gain vision of the components, but also we irrigated the joint throughout the case with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. At that point, we also had sent portions of this mucinous material to pathology for a stat Gram stain. This came back as no organisms seen. We also sent portions for culture and sensitivity both aerobic and anaerobic.,Once this was completed, attention was then directed to the glenoid. The patient had significant amount of scar already. The subscapularis itself was significantly scarred down to the anterior rim. As a result, the adhesions along the anterior edge were released using a knife. Also adhesions in the subcoracoid space area were released very carefully and meticulously to prevent any injury to the brachial plexus. Two long retractors were placed medially to protect the brachial plexus during all portions of suturing of the subscapularis. The subscapularis was then tagged with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. Adhesions were released circumferentially and it was found that with the arm in internal rotation about neutral degrees, the subscapularis could reach the calcar region without tension. As a result, seven number 2 Tycron sutures were placed from the bicipital groove all the way down to the inferior calcar region of the humerus. These all had excellent security in bone. Once the joint had been debrided and irrigated, the real humeral head was then placed back on the proximal humerus. Care was taken to remove fluid off the Morse taper. The head was then impacted. It should be noted that we tried multiple head sizes to see if a smaller or larger head size might be more appropriate for this patient. Unfortunately, any of the larger head sizes would overstep the joint and any smaller sizes would not give good coverage to the proximal humerus. As a result, it was felt to place the offset head back on the humerus, we did insert a new component as opposed to using the old component. The old component was given to the family postoperatively.,With the arm in internal rotation, the Tycron sutures were then placed through the subscapularis tendon in the usual horizontal mattress fashion. Also, it should be noted that the rotator cuff interval had to be released as part of the exposure. We started the repair by closing the rotator cuff interval. Anterior and posterior translation was then performed and was found to be very stable. The remaining sutures were then secured through the subscapularis tendon taking care to make sure that very substantial bites were obtained. This was then reinforced with the more flimsy tissue laterally being sewn into the tissue around the bicipital tuberosity essentially provided us with a two-layer repair of the subscapularis tendon. After the tendon had been repaired, there was no tension on repair until 0 degrees external rotation was reached with the arm to the side. Similarly with the arm abducted 90 degrees, tension was on repair at 0 degrees of external rotation. It should be noted that the wound was thoroughly irrigated throughout with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. The rotator cuff interval was closed with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. It was reinforced with 0 Vicryl sutures. Two Hemovac drains were then placed inferiorly at the deltoid. The deltopectoral interval was then closed with 0 Vicryl sutures. A third drain was placed in the subcutaneous tissues to prevent any infections or any fluid collections. This was sewn into place with the drain pulled out superiorly. Once all the sutures have been secured and the drain visualized throughout this part of the closure, the drain was pulled distally until it was completely covered. There were no signs that it had been tagged or hung up by any sutures.,The superficial subcutaneous tissues were closed with interrupted with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin was closed with staples. A sterile bandage was applied along with a cold therapy device and a shoulder immobilizer. The patient was sent to the intensive care unit in stable and satisfactory condition.,Due to the significant amount of scar and bleeding in this patient, a 22 modifier is being requested for this case. This was a very difficult revision case and was significantly increased in technical challenges and challenges in the dissection and exposure of this implant compared to a standard shoulder replacement. Similarly, the repair of the subscapularis tendon presented significantly more challenges than that of a standard rotator cuff repair because of the implant. This was being dictated for insurance purposes only and reflects no inherent difficulties with this case. The complexity and the time involved in this case was approximately 30% greater than that of a standard shoulder replacement or of a rotator cuff repair. This is being dictated to indicate this was a revision case with significant amount of scar and bleeding due to the patient's situation with his pacemaker. This patient also had multiple medical concerns, which increased the complexity of this case including the necessity to place him in intensive care unit postoperatively for observation. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.37 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear. Debridement glenohumeral joint. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
EXAM: , Carotid and cerebral arteriograms.,INDICATION: , Abnormal carotid duplex studies demonstrating occlusion of the left internal carotid artery.,IMPRESSION:,1. Complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin.,2. Mild stenosis of the right internal carotid artery measured at 20%.,3. Patent bilateral vertebral arteries.,4. No significant disease was identified of the anterior cerebral vessels.,DISCUSSION: ,Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed on Month DD, YYYY, previous studies are not available for comparison.,The right groin was sterilely cleansed and draped. Lidocaine 1% buffered with sodium bicarbonate was used as local anesthetic. A 19-French needle was then advanced into the common femoral artery and a wire was advanced. Over the wire, a sheath was placed. A wire was then advanced into the abdominal aorta and over the wire and the flushed catheter was then advanced to the arch of the aorta over a wire. Flushed arteriogram was performed. Arteriogram demonstrated no significant disease of the great vessels at their origins. There is demonstration of complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin. The vertebral arteries were widely patent. Following this, the flushed catheter was exchanged for ***** catheter and selective catheterization of the common carotid artery on the right was performed. Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed. The carotid arteriograms on the right demonstrated the carotid bulb to be unremarkable. The external carotid artery on the right is quite tortuous in its appearance. The internal carotid artery demonstrates a mild plaque creating stenosis, which is measured approximately 20%. Cerebral arteriogram on the right demonstrated the A1 and M1 segments bilaterally to be normal. No significant stenosis identified. There is complete cross-filling into the left brain via the right. No significant stenosis was appreciated.,Following this, the catheter was parked at the origin of the left common carotid artery and ejection demonstrated complete occlusion.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. No complications occurred during or immediately after the procedure. Stasis was achieved of the puncture site using a VasoSeal. The patient will be observed for at least 2-1/2 hours prior to being discharged to home.
Carotid and cerebral arteriogram - abnormal carotid duplex studies demonstrating occlusion of the left internal carotid artery.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Carotid & Cerebral Arteriograms
cardiovascular / pulmonary, carotid, arteriogram, bulb, carotid duplex, catheter, cerebral, distal, femoral artery, internal carotid artery, needle, occlusion, sheath, stenosis, vertebral arteries, vessels, cerebral arteriograms, carotid artery, artery, arteriograms, wire,
the, artery, was, right, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM: , Carotid and cerebral arteriograms.,INDICATION: , Abnormal carotid duplex studies demonstrating occlusion of the left internal carotid artery.,IMPRESSION:,1. Complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin.,2. Mild stenosis of the right internal carotid artery measured at 20%.,3. Patent bilateral vertebral arteries.,4. No significant disease was identified of the anterior cerebral vessels.,DISCUSSION: ,Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed on Month DD, YYYY, previous studies are not available for comparison.,The right groin was sterilely cleansed and draped. Lidocaine 1% buffered with sodium bicarbonate was used as local anesthetic. A 19-French needle was then advanced into the common femoral artery and a wire was advanced. Over the wire, a sheath was placed. A wire was then advanced into the abdominal aorta and over the wire and the flushed catheter was then advanced to the arch of the aorta over a wire. Flushed arteriogram was performed. Arteriogram demonstrated no significant disease of the great vessels at their origins. There is demonstration of complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin. The vertebral arteries were widely patent. Following this, the flushed catheter was exchanged for ***** catheter and selective catheterization of the common carotid artery on the right was performed. Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed. The carotid arteriograms on the right demonstrated the carotid bulb to be unremarkable. The external carotid artery on the right is quite tortuous in its appearance. The internal carotid artery demonstrates a mild plaque creating stenosis, which is measured approximately 20%. Cerebral arteriogram on the right demonstrated the A1 and M1 segments bilaterally to be normal. No significant stenosis identified. There is complete cross-filling into the left brain via the right. No significant stenosis was appreciated.,Following this, the catheter was parked at the origin of the left common carotid artery and ejection demonstrated complete occlusion.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. No complications occurred during or immediately after the procedure. Stasis was achieved of the puncture site using a VasoSeal. The patient will be observed for at least 2-1/2 hours prior to being discharged to home. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Cardiovascular / Pulmonary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Carotid and cerebral arteriogram - abnormal carotid duplex studies demonstrating occlusion of the left internal carotid artery. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,PROCEDURES:,1. Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,2. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Left upper extremity was 15 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One mL of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.,Attention was turned to the right palm where after a sterile prep, the right middle finger flexor sheath was injected with 0.5 mL of 1% plain Xylocaine and 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL. A Band-Aid dressing was then applied.,The patient was then awakened from the anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.
Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.
Carpal Ligament Release - 2
surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, agee inside job, steroid injection, antebrachial fascia, forearm, ring ray, synovial elevator, tenosynovitis, tourniquet, transverse incision, trigger finger, tenosynovitis of right middle, transverse carpal ligament, transverse carpal, carpal ligament, steri strips, stenosing tenosynovitis, middle finger, ligament, carpal, endoscopic, finger
the, was, then, of, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,PROCEDURES:,1. Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,2. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Left upper extremity was 15 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One mL of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.,Attention was turned to the right palm where after a sterile prep, the right middle finger flexor sheath was injected with 0.5 mL of 1% plain Xylocaine and 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL. A Band-Aid dressing was then applied.,The patient was then awakened from the anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.48 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
McBride Bunionectomy & Wedge Osteotomy
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Right McBride bunionectomy.,2. Right basilar wedge osteotomy with OrthoPro screw fixation.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with IV sedation.,HEMOSTASIS: , With pneumatic ankle cuff.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a supine position. The right foot was prepared and draped in usual sterile manner. Anesthesia was achieved utilizing a 50:50 mixture of 2% lidocaine plain with 0.5 Marcaine plain infiltrated just proximal to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. Hemostasis was achieved utilizing a pneumatic ankle Tourniquet placed above the right ankle and inflated to a pressure of 225 mmHg. At this time, attention was directed to the dorsal aspect of the right first metatarsophalangeal joint where dorsal linear incision approximately 3 cm in length was made. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the underlying capsular structure once again taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The capsular incision following the same outline as the skin incision was made and carried down to the underlying bony structure. The capsule was then freed from the underling bony structure utilizing sharp and blunt dissection. Using a microsagittal saw, the medial and dorsal very prominent bony eminence were removed and the area was inspected for any remaining bony prominences following resection of bone and those noted were removed using a hand rasp. At this time, attention was directed to the first inner space using sharp and blunt dissection. Dissection was carried down to the underling level of the adductor hallucis tendon, which was isolated and freed from its phalangeal, sesamoidal, and metatarsal attachments. The tendon was noted to lap the length and integrity for transfer and at this time was tenotomized taking out resection of approximately 0.5 cm to help prevent any re-fibrous attachment. At this time, the lateral release was stressed and was found to be complete. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon was then isolated using blunt dissection and was tenotomized as well taking out approximately 0.5-cm resection. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected for any bony prominences remaining and it was noted that the base of the proximal phalanx on the medial side due to the removal of the extensive buildup of the metatarsal head was going to be very prominent in nature and at this time was removed using a microsagittal saw. The area was again copiously flushed and inspected for any abnormalities and/or prominences and none were noted. At this time, attention was directed to the base of the first metatarsal where a second incision was made approximately 4 cm in length. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the level of the metatarsal and using sharp and blunt dissection periosteal capsule structures were freed from the base of the metatarsal and taking care to retract the long extensive tendon and any neurovascular structures to avoid any disruption. At this time, there was a measurement made of 1 cm just distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint on the medial side and 2 cm distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint from the lateral aspect of the joint. At this time, 0.5 cm was measured distal to that lateral measurement and using microsagittal saw, a wedge osteotomy was taken from the base with the apex of the osteotomy being medial, taking care to keep the medial cortex intact as a hinge. The osteotomy site was feathered down until the osteotomy site could be closed with little tension on it and at this time using an OrthoPro screw 3.0 x 22 mm. The screw was placed following proper technique. The osteotomy site was found to be fixated with absolutely no movement and good stability upon manual testing. A very tiny gap on the lateral aspect of the osteotomy site was found and this was filled in packing it with the cancellous bone that was left over from the wedge osteotomy. The packing of the cancellous bone was held in place with bone wax. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected and tested again for any movement of the osteotomy site or any gapping and then removed. At this time, a deep closure was achieved utilizing #2-0 Vicryl suture, subcuticular closure was achieved using #4-0 Vicryl suture, and skin repair was achieved at both surgical sites with #5-0 nylon suture in a running interlocking fashion. The hallux was found to have excellent movement upon completion of the osteotomy and the second procedure of the McBride bunionectomy and the metatarsal was found to stay in excellent alignment with good stability at the proximal osteotomy site. At this time, the surgical site was postoperatively injected with 0.5 Marcaine plain as well as dexamethasone 4 mg primarily. The surgical sites were then dressed with sterile Xeroform, sterile 4x4s, cascading, and Kling with a final protective layer of fiberglass in a nonweightbearing cast fashion. The tourniquet was dropped and color and temperature of all digits returned to normal. The patient tolerated the anesthesia and the procedure well and left the operating room in stable condition.,The patient has been given written and verbal postoperative instructions and has been instructed to call if she has any questions, problems, or concerns at any time with the numbers provided. The patient has also been warned a number of times the importance of elevation and no weightbearing on the surgical foot.,
Right hallux abductovalgus deformity. Right McBride bunionectomy. Right basilar wedge osteotomy with OrthoPro screw fixation.
McBride Bunionectomy & Wedge Osteotomy
orthopedic, hallux, abductovalgus, bunionectomy, mcbride, basilar, wedge, osteotomy, orthopro, screw, fixation, wedge osteotomy
the, was, and, of, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Right McBride bunionectomy.,2. Right basilar wedge osteotomy with OrthoPro screw fixation.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with IV sedation.,HEMOSTASIS: , With pneumatic ankle cuff.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a supine position. The right foot was prepared and draped in usual sterile manner. Anesthesia was achieved utilizing a 50:50 mixture of 2% lidocaine plain with 0.5 Marcaine plain infiltrated just proximal to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. Hemostasis was achieved utilizing a pneumatic ankle Tourniquet placed above the right ankle and inflated to a pressure of 225 mmHg. At this time, attention was directed to the dorsal aspect of the right first metatarsophalangeal joint where dorsal linear incision approximately 3 cm in length was made. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the underlying capsular structure once again taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The capsular incision following the same outline as the skin incision was made and carried down to the underlying bony structure. The capsule was then freed from the underling bony structure utilizing sharp and blunt dissection. Using a microsagittal saw, the medial and dorsal very prominent bony eminence were removed and the area was inspected for any remaining bony prominences following resection of bone and those noted were removed using a hand rasp. At this time, attention was directed to the first inner space using sharp and blunt dissection. Dissection was carried down to the underling level of the adductor hallucis tendon, which was isolated and freed from its phalangeal, sesamoidal, and metatarsal attachments. The tendon was noted to lap the length and integrity for transfer and at this time was tenotomized taking out resection of approximately 0.5 cm to help prevent any re-fibrous attachment. At this time, the lateral release was stressed and was found to be complete. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon was then isolated using blunt dissection and was tenotomized as well taking out approximately 0.5-cm resection. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected for any bony prominences remaining and it was noted that the base of the proximal phalanx on the medial side due to the removal of the extensive buildup of the metatarsal head was going to be very prominent in nature and at this time was removed using a microsagittal saw. The area was again copiously flushed and inspected for any abnormalities and/or prominences and none were noted. At this time, attention was directed to the base of the first metatarsal where a second incision was made approximately 4 cm in length. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the level of the metatarsal and using sharp and blunt dissection periosteal capsule structures were freed from the base of the metatarsal and taking care to retract the long extensive tendon and any neurovascular structures to avoid any disruption. At this time, there was a measurement made of 1 cm just distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint on the medial side and 2 cm distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint from the lateral aspect of the joint. At this time, 0.5 cm was measured distal to that lateral measurement and using microsagittal saw, a wedge osteotomy was taken from the base with the apex of the osteotomy being medial, taking care to keep the medial cortex intact as a hinge. The osteotomy site was feathered down until the osteotomy site could be closed with little tension on it and at this time using an OrthoPro screw 3.0 x 22 mm. The screw was placed following proper technique. The osteotomy site was found to be fixated with absolutely no movement and good stability upon manual testing. A very tiny gap on the lateral aspect of the osteotomy site was found and this was filled in packing it with the cancellous bone that was left over from the wedge osteotomy. The packing of the cancellous bone was held in place with bone wax. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected and tested again for any movement of the osteotomy site or any gapping and then removed. At this time, a deep closure was achieved utilizing #2-0 Vicryl suture, subcuticular closure was achieved using #4-0 Vicryl suture, and skin repair was achieved at both surgical sites with #5-0 nylon suture in a running interlocking fashion. The hallux was found to have excellent movement upon completion of the osteotomy and the second procedure of the McBride bunionectomy and the metatarsal was found to stay in excellent alignment with good stability at the proximal osteotomy site. At this time, the surgical site was postoperatively injected with 0.5 Marcaine plain as well as dexamethasone 4 mg primarily. The surgical sites were then dressed with sterile Xeroform, sterile 4x4s, cascading, and Kling with a final protective layer of fiberglass in a nonweightbearing cast fashion. The tourniquet was dropped and color and temperature of all digits returned to normal. The patient tolerated the anesthesia and the procedure well and left the operating room in stable condition.,The patient has been given written and verbal postoperative instructions and has been instructed to call if she has any questions, problems, or concerns at any time with the numbers provided. The patient has also been warned a number of times the importance of elevation and no weightbearing on the surgical foot., [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] McBride Bunionectomy & Wedge Osteotomy [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right hallux abductovalgus deformity. Right McBride bunionectomy. Right basilar wedge osteotomy with OrthoPro screw fixation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Emergency Room Reports
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 88-year-old white female, household ambulator with a walker, who presents to the emergency department this morning after incidental fall at home. The patient states that she was on the ladder on Saturday and she stepped down after the ladder. Felt some pain in her left hip. Subsequently fell injuring her left shoulder. It's unclear how long she was on the floor. She was taken by EMS to Hospital where she was noted radiographically to have a left proximal humerus fracture and a nondisplaced left hip fracture. Orthopedics was consulted. Given the nature of the injury and the unclear events, an extensive workup was performed including a head CT and CT of the abdomen, which identified no evidence of intracranial injury and renal calculi only. She presently is complaining of pain to the left shoulder. She states she also has pain to the hip with motion of the leg. She denies any numbness or paresthesias. She states prior to this, she was relatively active within her home. She does care for her daughter who has a mess. The patient denies any other injuries. Denies back pain.,PREVIOUS MEDICAL HISTORY:, Extensive including coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, status post MI, history of COPD, diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, PMR, depressive disorder, and hypertension.,PREVIOUS SURGICAL HISTORY:, Includes a repair of a right intertrochanteric femur fracture.,ALLERGIES,1. PENICILLIN.,2. SULFA.,3. ACE INHIBITOR.,PRESENT MEDICATIONS,1. Lipitor 20 mg q.d.,2. Metoprolol 25 mg b.i.d.,3. Plavix 75 mg once a day.,4. Aspirin 325 mg.,5. Combivent Aerosol two puffs twice a day.,6. Protonix 40 mg q.d.,7. Fosamax 70 mg weekly.,8. Multivitamins including calcium and vitamin D.,9. Hydrocortisone.,10. Nitroglycerin.,11. Citalopram 20 mg q.d.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She denies alcohol or tobacco use. She is the caretaker for her daughter, who is widowed and lives at home.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Not obtainable.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Patient is hard of hearing. She also has vision problems. Denies headache syndrome. Presently, denies chest pain or shortness of breath. She denies abdominal pain. Presently, she has left hip pain and left shoulder pain. No urinary frequency or dysuria. No skin lesions. She does have swelling to both lower extremities for the last several weeks. She denies endocrinopathies. Psychiatric issues include chronic depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: The patient is alert and responsive.,EXTREMITIES: The left upper extremity, there is moderate swelling and ecchymosis to the brachial compartment. She is diffusely tender over the proximal humerus. She is unable to actively elevate her arm due to pain. The neurovascular exam to the left upper extremity is otherwise intact with a 1+ radial pulse. She does have chronic degenerative change to the MP and IP joints of both hands. The left lower extremity, the thigh compartment is supple. She has pain with log rolling tenderness over the greater trochanter. The patient has pain with any attempt at hip flexion passively or actively. The knee range of motion between 5 and 60 degrees with no point specific tenderness, no joint effusion, and an intact extensive mechanism. She has 2 to 3+ bilateral pitting edema pretibially and pedally. The patient has a weak motor response to the left lower extremity. She has a 1+ dorsalis pedis pulse. Her sensory examination is intact plantarly and dorsally on the foot.,RADIOGRAPHS:, Left shoulder series was performed which identifies a three-part valgus-impacted left proximal humerus fracture with displacement of the greater tuberosity fragment approximately 1 cm. There is no evidence of dislocation. There was an AP pelvis as well as left hip series, which identify a nondisplaced valgus-impacted type 1 femoral neck fracture. There is also evidence of severe degenerative disk disease with degenerative scoliosis of the LS spine. There is evidence of previous surgical repair of the right proximal femur with an intact intramedullary nail.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , Patient's H&H is 13 and 38.7, white blood cell count is 6.9, and there are 198,000 platelets. Electrolytes, sodium 137, potassium 4.1, chloride 102, CO2 is 27, BUN is 20, and creatinine 0.62. Urinalysis, the urine is clear yellow, 0 to 2 white cells, and no bacteria.,ASSESSMENT,1. This is an 88-year-old household ambulator with a walker, status post fall with injuries to left shoulder and left hip. The left shoulder fracture is a valgus-impacted proximal humerus fracture and the left hip is a nondisplaced type 1 femoral neck fracture.,2. Extensive medical history including coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on Plavix.,PLAN:, I have discussed this case with the emergency room physician as well as the patient. Patient should be admitted to medical service for medical clearance for surgery of her left hip, which will include a percutaneous screw fixation. Since the patient is on Plavix, I recommend that the Plavix be discontinued and should be placed on Lovenox 30 mg subcu q.d. which may be stopped 24 hours before the procedure. She will need cardiology clearance, which would include an echo in advance of the procedure. I have explained the nature of the injuries to the patient, the recommended surgical procedures, and the postop course and rehabilitation required thereafter. She presently understands and agrees with the plan.
The patient is an 88-year-old white female, household ambulator with a walker, who presents to the emergency department this morning after incidental fall at home.
Emergency Room Reports
Fall - ER Visit
she, the, left, is, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 88-year-old white female, household ambulator with a walker, who presents to the emergency department this morning after incidental fall at home. The patient states that she was on the ladder on Saturday and she stepped down after the ladder. Felt some pain in her left hip. Subsequently fell injuring her left shoulder. It's unclear how long she was on the floor. She was taken by EMS to Hospital where she was noted radiographically to have a left proximal humerus fracture and a nondisplaced left hip fracture. Orthopedics was consulted. Given the nature of the injury and the unclear events, an extensive workup was performed including a head CT and CT of the abdomen, which identified no evidence of intracranial injury and renal calculi only. She presently is complaining of pain to the left shoulder. She states she also has pain to the hip with motion of the leg. She denies any numbness or paresthesias. She states prior to this, she was relatively active within her home. She does care for her daughter who has a mess. The patient denies any other injuries. Denies back pain.,PREVIOUS MEDICAL HISTORY:, Extensive including coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, status post MI, history of COPD, diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, PMR, depressive disorder, and hypertension.,PREVIOUS SURGICAL HISTORY:, Includes a repair of a right intertrochanteric femur fracture.,ALLERGIES,1. PENICILLIN.,2. SULFA.,3. ACE INHIBITOR.,PRESENT MEDICATIONS,1. Lipitor 20 mg q.d.,2. Metoprolol 25 mg b.i.d.,3. Plavix 75 mg once a day.,4. Aspirin 325 mg.,5. Combivent Aerosol two puffs twice a day.,6. Protonix 40 mg q.d.,7. Fosamax 70 mg weekly.,8. Multivitamins including calcium and vitamin D.,9. Hydrocortisone.,10. Nitroglycerin.,11. Citalopram 20 mg q.d.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She denies alcohol or tobacco use. She is the caretaker for her daughter, who is widowed and lives at home.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Not obtainable.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Patient is hard of hearing. She also has vision problems. Denies headache syndrome. Presently, denies chest pain or shortness of breath. She denies abdominal pain. Presently, she has left hip pain and left shoulder pain. No urinary frequency or dysuria. No skin lesions. She does have swelling to both lower extremities for the last several weeks. She denies endocrinopathies. Psychiatric issues include chronic depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: The patient is alert and responsive.,EXTREMITIES: The left upper extremity, there is moderate swelling and ecchymosis to the brachial compartment. She is diffusely tender over the proximal humerus. She is unable to actively elevate her arm due to pain. The neurovascular exam to the left upper extremity is otherwise intact with a 1+ radial pulse. She does have chronic degenerative change to the MP and IP joints of both hands. The left lower extremity, the thigh compartment is supple. She has pain with log rolling tenderness over the greater trochanter. The patient has pain with any attempt at hip flexion passively or actively. The knee range of motion between 5 and 60 degrees with no point specific tenderness, no joint effusion, and an intact extensive mechanism. She has 2 to 3+ bilateral pitting edema pretibially and pedally. The patient has a weak motor response to the left lower extremity. She has a 1+ dorsalis pedis pulse. Her sensory examination is intact plantarly and dorsally on the foot.,RADIOGRAPHS:, Left shoulder series was performed which identifies a three-part valgus-impacted left proximal humerus fracture with displacement of the greater tuberosity fragment approximately 1 cm. There is no evidence of dislocation. There was an AP pelvis as well as left hip series, which identify a nondisplaced valgus-impacted type 1 femoral neck fracture. There is also evidence of severe degenerative disk disease with degenerative scoliosis of the LS spine. There is evidence of previous surgical repair of the right proximal femur with an intact intramedullary nail.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , Patient's H&H is 13 and 38.7, white blood cell count is 6.9, and there are 198,000 platelets. Electrolytes, sodium 137, potassium 4.1, chloride 102, CO2 is 27, BUN is 20, and creatinine 0.62. Urinalysis, the urine is clear yellow, 0 to 2 white cells, and no bacteria.,ASSESSMENT,1. This is an 88-year-old household ambulator with a walker, status post fall with injuries to left shoulder and left hip. The left shoulder fracture is a valgus-impacted proximal humerus fracture and the left hip is a nondisplaced type 1 femoral neck fracture.,2. Extensive medical history including coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on Plavix.,PLAN:, I have discussed this case with the emergency room physician as well as the patient. Patient should be admitted to medical service for medical clearance for surgery of her left hip, which will include a percutaneous screw fixation. Since the patient is on Plavix, I recommend that the Plavix be discontinued and should be placed on Lovenox 30 mg subcu q.d. which may be stopped 24 hours before the procedure. She will need cardiology clearance, which would include an echo in advance of the procedure. I have explained the nature of the injuries to the patient, the recommended surgical procedures, and the postop course and rehabilitation required thereafter. She presently understands and agrees with the plan. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Emergency Room Reports [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient is an 88-year-old white female, household ambulator with a walker, who presents to the emergency department this morning after incidental fall at home. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
DIAGNOSIS:,1. Broad-based endocervical poly.,2. Broad- based pigmented, raised nevus, right thigh.,OPERATION:,1. LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp.,2. Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh.,FINDINGS: , There was a 1.5 x 1.5 cm broad-based pigmented nevus on the inner thigh that was excised with a wire loop. Also, there was a butt-based, 1-cm long endocervical polyp off the posterior lip of the cervix slightly up in the canal.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in the supine position, general anesthesia was administered. The patient was put in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped for dilatation and curettage in a routine fashion.,An insulated posterior weighted retractor was put in. Using the LEEP tenaculum, we were able to grasp the anterior lip of the cervix with a large wire loop at 35 cutting, 30 coagulation. The endocervical polyp on the posterior lip of the cervix was excised.,Then changing from a 50 of coagulation and 5 cutting, the base of the polyp was electrocoagulated, which controlled all the bleeding. The wire loop was attached, and the pigmented raised nevus on the inner thigh was excised with the wire loop. Cautery of the base was done, and then it was closed with figure-of-eight 3-0 Vicryl sutures. A band-aid was applied over this.,Rechecking the cervix, no bleeding was noted. The patient was laid flat on the table, awakened, and moved to the recovery room bed and sent to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp and Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh.
surgery, endocervical polyp, pigmented mole, polyp, leep tenaculum, leep, cervix, endocervical, pigmented
the, was, of, and, in
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DIAGNOSIS:,1. Broad-based endocervical poly.,2. Broad- based pigmented, raised nevus, right thigh.,OPERATION:,1. LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp.,2. Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh.,FINDINGS: , There was a 1.5 x 1.5 cm broad-based pigmented nevus on the inner thigh that was excised with a wire loop. Also, there was a butt-based, 1-cm long endocervical polyp off the posterior lip of the cervix slightly up in the canal.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in the supine position, general anesthesia was administered. The patient was put in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped for dilatation and curettage in a routine fashion.,An insulated posterior weighted retractor was put in. Using the LEEP tenaculum, we were able to grasp the anterior lip of the cervix with a large wire loop at 35 cutting, 30 coagulation. The endocervical polyp on the posterior lip of the cervix was excised.,Then changing from a 50 of coagulation and 5 cutting, the base of the polyp was electrocoagulated, which controlled all the bleeding. The wire loop was attached, and the pigmented raised nevus on the inner thigh was excised with the wire loop. Cautery of the base was done, and then it was closed with figure-of-eight 3-0 Vicryl sutures. A band-aid was applied over this.,Rechecking the cervix, no bleeding was noted. The patient was laid flat on the table, awakened, and moved to the recovery room bed and sent to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] LEEP [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp and Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T2, NX, MX transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T4a, N3, M1 transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,3. Carcinoid tumor of the small bowel.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Exploratory laparotomy, resection of small bowel lesion, biopsy of small bowel mesentery, bilateral extended pelvic and iliac lymphadenectomy (including preaortic and precaval, bilateral common iliac, presacral, bilateral external iliac lymph nodes), salvage radical cystoprostatectomy (very difficult due to previous chemotherapy and radiation therapy), and continent urinary diversion with an Indiana pouch.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and epidural.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 65-year-old white male, who was diagnosed with a high-grade invasive bladder cancer in June 2005. During the course of his workup of transurethral resection, he had a heart attack when he was taken off Plavix after having had a drug-eluting stent placed in. He recovered from this and then underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy with a brief response documented by cystoscopy and biopsy after which he had another ischemic event. The patient has been followed regularly by myself and Dr. X and has been continuously free of diseases since that time. In that interval, he had a coronary artery bypass graft and was taken off of Plavix. Most recently, he had a PET CT, which showed new right hydronephrosis and a followup cystoscopy, which showed a new abnormality in the right side of his bladder where he previously had the tumor resected and treated. I took him to the operating room and extensively resected this area with findings of a high-grade muscle invasive bladder cancer. We could not identify the right ureteral orifice, and he had a right ureteral stent placed. Metastatic workup was negative and Cardiology felt he was at satisfactory medical risk for surgery and he was taken to the operating room this time for planned salvage cystoprostatectomy. He was interested in orthotopic neobladder, and I felt like that would be reasonable if resecting around the urethra indicated the tissue was healthier. Therefore, we planned on an Indiana pouch continent cutaneous diversion.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,On exploration, there were multiple abnormalities outside the bladder as follows: There were at least three small lesions within the distal small bowel, the predominant one measured about 1.5 cm in diameter with a white scar on the surface. There were two much smaller lesions also with a small white scar, with very little palpable mass. The larger of the two was resected and found to be a carcinoid tumor. There also were changes in the small bowel mesentry that looked inflammatory and biopsies of this showed only fibrous tissue and histiocytes. The small bowel mesentry was fairly thickened at the base, but no discrete abnormality noted.,Both common iliac and lymph node samples were very thickened and indurated, and frozen section of the left showed cancer cells that were somewhat degenerative suggesting a chemotherapy and radiation therapy effect; viability was unable to be determined. There was a frozen section of the distal right external iliac lymph node that was negative. The bladder was very thickened and abnormal suggesting extensive cancer penetrating just under the peritoneal surface. The bladder was fairly stuck to the pelvic sidewall and anterior symphysis pubis requiring very meticulous resection in order to get it off of these structures. The external iliac lymph nodes were resected on both sides of the obturator; the lymph packet, however, was very stuck and adherent to the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove that. The rest of the large bowel appeared normal. There were no masses in the liver, and the gallbladder was surgically absent. There was nasogastric tube in the stomach.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operative suite, and after adequate general endotracheal and epidural anesthesia obtained, having placed in the supine position and flexed over the anterior superior iliac spine, his abdomen and genitalia were sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. The radiologist placed a radial arterial line and an intravenous catheter. Intravenous antibiotics were given for prophylaxis. We made a generous midline skin incision from high end of the epigastrium down to the symphysis pubis, deepened through the rectus fascia, and the rectus muscles separated in the midline. Exploration was carried out with the findings described. The bladder was adherent and did appear immobile. Moist wound towels and a Bookwalter retractor was placed for exposure. We began by assessing the small and large bowel with the findings in the small bowel as described. We subsequently resected the largest of the lesions by exogenous wedge resection and reanastomosed the small bowel with a two-layer running 4-0 Prolene suture. We then mobilized the cecum and ascending colon and hepatic flexure after incising the white line of Toldt and mobilized the terminal ileal mesentery up to the second and third portion of the duodenum. The ureters were carefully dissected out and down deep in the true pelvis. The right ureter was thickened and hydronephrotic with a stent in place and the left was of normal caliber. I kept the ureters intact until we were moving the bladder off as described above. At that point, we then ligated the ureters with the RP-45 vascular load and divided it.,We then established the proximal ____________ laterally to both genitofemoral nerves and resected the precaval and periaortic lymph nodes. The common iliac lymph nodes remained stuck to the ureter. Frozen section with the findings described on the left.,I then began the dissection over the right external iliac artery and vein and had a great deal of difficulty dissecting distally. I was, however, able to establish the distal plane of dissection and a large lymph node was present in the distal external iliac vessels. Clips were used to control the lymphatics distally. These lymph nodes were sent for frozen section, which was negative. We made no attempt to circumferentially mobilize the vessels, but essentially, swept the tissue off of the anterior surface and towards the bladder and then removed it. The obturator nerve on the right side was sucked into the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove those. On the left side, things were a little bit more mobile in terms of the lymph nodes, but still the obturator lymph nodes were left intact.,We then worked on the lateral pedicles on both sides and essentially determined that I can take these down. I then mobilized the later half of the symphysis pubis and pubic ramus to get distal to the apical prostate. At this point, I scrubbed out of the operation, talked to the family, and indicated that I felt the cystectomy was more palliative than therapeutic, and I reiterated his desire to be free of any external appliance.,I then proceeded to take down the lateral pedicles with an RP-45 stapler on the right and clips distally. The endopelvic fascia was incised. I then turned my attention posteriorly and incised the peritoneum overlying the anterior rectal wall and ramus very meticulously dissected the rectum away from the posterior Denonvilliers fascia. I intentionally picked down those two pedicles lateral to the rectum between the clips and then turned my attention retropubically. I was able to pass a 0 Vicryl suture along the dorsal venous complex, tied this, and then, sealed and divided the complex with a LigaSure and oversewed it distally with 2-0 Vicryl figure-of-eight stitch. I then divided the urethra distal to the apex of the prostate, divided the Foley catheter between the clamps and then the posterior urethra. I then was able to take down the remaining distal attachments of the apex and took the dissection off the rectum, and the specimen was then free of all attachments and handed off the operative field. The bivalved prostate appeared normal. We then carefully inspected the rectal wall and noted to be intact. The wound was irrigated with 1 L of warm sterile water and a meticulous inspection made for hemostasis and a dry pack placed in the pelvis.,We then turned our attention to forming the Indiana pouch. I completed the dissection of the right hepatic flexure and the proximal transverse colon and mobilized the omentum off of this portion of the colon. The colon was divided proximal to the middle colic using a GIA-80 stapler. I then divided the avascular plane of Treves along the terminal ileum and selected a point approximately 15 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve to divide the ileum. The mesentery was then sealed with a LigaSure device and divided, and the bowel was divided with a GIA-60 stapler. We then performed a side-to-side ileo-transverse colostomy using a GIA-80 stapler, closing the open end with a TA 60. The angles were reinforced with silk sutures and the mesenteric closed with interrupted silk sutures.,We then removed the staple line along the terminal ileum, passed a 12-French Robinson catheter into the cecal segment, and plicated the ileum with 3 firings of the GIA-60 stapler. The ileocecal valve was then reinforced with interrupted 3-0 silk sutures as described by Rowland, et al, and following this, passage of an 18-French Robinson catheter was associated with the characteristic "pop," indicating that we had adequately plicated the ileocecal valve.,As the patient had had a previous appendectomy, we made an opening in the cecum in the area of the previous appendectomy. We then removed the distal staple line along the transverse colon and aligned the cecal end and the distal middle colic end with two 3-0 Vicryl sutures. The bowel segment was then folded over on itself and the reservoir formed with 3 successive applications of the SGIA Polysorb-75. Between the staple lines, Vicryl sutures were placed and the defects closed with 3-0 Vicryl suture ligatures.,We then turned our attention to forming the ileocolonic anastomosis. The left ureter was mobilized and brought underneath the sigmoid mesentery and brought through the mesentery of the terminal ileum and an end-to-side anastomosis performed with an open technique using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures, and this was stented with a Cook 8.4-French ureteral stent, and this was secured to the bowel lumen with a 5-0 chromic suture. The right ureter was brought underneath the pouch and placed in a stented fashion with an identical anastomosis. We then brought the stents out through a separate incision cephalad in the pouch and they were secured with a 2-0 chromic suture. A 24-French Malecot catheter was placed through the cecum and secured with a chromic suture. The staple lines were then buried with a running 3-0 Vicryl two-layer suture and the open end of the pouch closed with a TA 60 Polysorb suture. The pouch was filled to 240 cc and noted to be watertight, and the ureteral anastomoses were intact.,We then made a final inspection for hemostasis. The cecostomy tube was then brought out to the right lower quadrant and secured to the skin with silk sutures. We then matured our stoma through the umbilicus. We removed the plug of skin through the umbilicus and delivered the ileal segment through this. A portion of the ileum was removed and healthy, well-vascularized tissue was matured with interrupted 3-0 chromic sutures. We left an 18-French Robinson through the stoma and secured this to the skin with silk sutures. The Malecot and stents were also secured in a similar fashion.,The stoma was returned to the umbilicus after resecting the terminal ileum.,We then placed a large JP drain into both obturator fossae and brought it up the right lower quadrant. Rectus fascia was closed with buried #2 Prolene stitch anchoring a new figure of 8 at each end tying the two stitches above and in the middle and underneath the fascia. Interrupted stitches were placed as well. The subcutaneous tissue was irrigated and skin closed with surgical clips. The estimated blood loss was 2500 mL. The patient received 5 units of packed red blood cells and 4 units of FFP. The patient was then awakened, extubated, and taken on a stretcher to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
Exploratory laparotomy, resection of small bowel lesion, biopsy of small bowel mesentery, bilateral extended pelvic and iliac lymphadenectomy (including preaortic and precaval, bilateral common iliac, presacral, bilateral external iliac lymph nodes), salvage radical cystoprostatectomy (very difficult due to previous chemotherapy and radiation therapy), and continent urinary diversion with an Indiana pouch.
the, and, was, then, we
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T2, NX, MX transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T4a, N3, M1 transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,3. Carcinoid tumor of the small bowel.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Exploratory laparotomy, resection of small bowel lesion, biopsy of small bowel mesentery, bilateral extended pelvic and iliac lymphadenectomy (including preaortic and precaval, bilateral common iliac, presacral, bilateral external iliac lymph nodes), salvage radical cystoprostatectomy (very difficult due to previous chemotherapy and radiation therapy), and continent urinary diversion with an Indiana pouch.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and epidural.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 65-year-old white male, who was diagnosed with a high-grade invasive bladder cancer in June 2005. During the course of his workup of transurethral resection, he had a heart attack when he was taken off Plavix after having had a drug-eluting stent placed in. He recovered from this and then underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy with a brief response documented by cystoscopy and biopsy after which he had another ischemic event. The patient has been followed regularly by myself and Dr. X and has been continuously free of diseases since that time. In that interval, he had a coronary artery bypass graft and was taken off of Plavix. Most recently, he had a PET CT, which showed new right hydronephrosis and a followup cystoscopy, which showed a new abnormality in the right side of his bladder where he previously had the tumor resected and treated. I took him to the operating room and extensively resected this area with findings of a high-grade muscle invasive bladder cancer. We could not identify the right ureteral orifice, and he had a right ureteral stent placed. Metastatic workup was negative and Cardiology felt he was at satisfactory medical risk for surgery and he was taken to the operating room this time for planned salvage cystoprostatectomy. He was interested in orthotopic neobladder, and I felt like that would be reasonable if resecting around the urethra indicated the tissue was healthier. Therefore, we planned on an Indiana pouch continent cutaneous diversion.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,On exploration, there were multiple abnormalities outside the bladder as follows: There were at least three small lesions within the distal small bowel, the predominant one measured about 1.5 cm in diameter with a white scar on the surface. There were two much smaller lesions also with a small white scar, with very little palpable mass. The larger of the two was resected and found to be a carcinoid tumor. There also were changes in the small bowel mesentry that looked inflammatory and biopsies of this showed only fibrous tissue and histiocytes. The small bowel mesentry was fairly thickened at the base, but no discrete abnormality noted.,Both common iliac and lymph node samples were very thickened and indurated, and frozen section of the left showed cancer cells that were somewhat degenerative suggesting a chemotherapy and radiation therapy effect; viability was unable to be determined. There was a frozen section of the distal right external iliac lymph node that was negative. The bladder was very thickened and abnormal suggesting extensive cancer penetrating just under the peritoneal surface. The bladder was fairly stuck to the pelvic sidewall and anterior symphysis pubis requiring very meticulous resection in order to get it off of these structures. The external iliac lymph nodes were resected on both sides of the obturator; the lymph packet, however, was very stuck and adherent to the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove that. The rest of the large bowel appeared normal. There were no masses in the liver, and the gallbladder was surgically absent. There was nasogastric tube in the stomach.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operative suite, and after adequate general endotracheal and epidural anesthesia obtained, having placed in the supine position and flexed over the anterior superior iliac spine, his abdomen and genitalia were sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. The radiologist placed a radial arterial line and an intravenous catheter. Intravenous antibiotics were given for prophylaxis. We made a generous midline skin incision from high end of the epigastrium down to the symphysis pubis, deepened through the rectus fascia, and the rectus muscles separated in the midline. Exploration was carried out with the findings described. The bladder was adherent and did appear immobile. Moist wound towels and a Bookwalter retractor was placed for exposure. We began by assessing the small and large bowel with the findings in the small bowel as described. We subsequently resected the largest of the lesions by exogenous wedge resection and reanastomosed the small bowel with a two-layer running 4-0 Prolene suture. We then mobilized the cecum and ascending colon and hepatic flexure after incising the white line of Toldt and mobilized the terminal ileal mesentery up to the second and third portion of the duodenum. The ureters were carefully dissected out and down deep in the true pelvis. The right ureter was thickened and hydronephrotic with a stent in place and the left was of normal caliber. I kept the ureters intact until we were moving the bladder off as described above. At that point, we then ligated the ureters with the RP-45 vascular load and divided it.,We then established the proximal ____________ laterally to both genitofemoral nerves and resected the precaval and periaortic lymph nodes. The common iliac lymph nodes remained stuck to the ureter. Frozen section with the findings described on the left.,I then began the dissection over the right external iliac artery and vein and had a great deal of difficulty dissecting distally. I was, however, able to establish the distal plane of dissection and a large lymph node was present in the distal external iliac vessels. Clips were used to control the lymphatics distally. These lymph nodes were sent for frozen section, which was negative. We made no attempt to circumferentially mobilize the vessels, but essentially, swept the tissue off of the anterior surface and towards the bladder and then removed it. The obturator nerve on the right side was sucked into the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove those. On the left side, things were a little bit more mobile in terms of the lymph nodes, but still the obturator lymph nodes were left intact.,We then worked on the lateral pedicles on both sides and essentially determined that I can take these down. I then mobilized the later half of the symphysis pubis and pubic ramus to get distal to the apical prostate. At this point, I scrubbed out of the operation, talked to the family, and indicated that I felt the cystectomy was more palliative than therapeutic, and I reiterated his desire to be free of any external appliance.,I then proceeded to take down the lateral pedicles with an RP-45 stapler on the right and clips distally. The endopelvic fascia was incised. I then turned my attention posteriorly and incised the peritoneum overlying the anterior rectal wall and ramus very meticulously dissected the rectum away from the posterior Denonvilliers fascia. I intentionally picked down those two pedicles lateral to the rectum between the clips and then turned my attention retropubically. I was able to pass a 0 Vicryl suture along the dorsal venous complex, tied this, and then, sealed and divided the complex with a LigaSure and oversewed it distally with 2-0 Vicryl figure-of-eight stitch. I then divided the urethra distal to the apex of the prostate, divided the Foley catheter between the clamps and then the posterior urethra. I then was able to take down the remaining distal attachments of the apex and took the dissection off the rectum, and the specimen was then free of all attachments and handed off the operative field. The bivalved prostate appeared normal. We then carefully inspected the rectal wall and noted to be intact. The wound was irrigated with 1 L of warm sterile water and a meticulous inspection made for hemostasis and a dry pack placed in the pelvis.,We then turned our attention to forming the Indiana pouch. I completed the dissection of the right hepatic flexure and the proximal transverse colon and mobilized the omentum off of this portion of the colon. The colon was divided proximal to the middle colic using a GIA-80 stapler. I then divided the avascular plane of Treves along the terminal ileum and selected a point approximately 15 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve to divide the ileum. The mesentery was then sealed with a LigaSure device and divided, and the bowel was divided with a GIA-60 stapler. We then performed a side-to-side ileo-transverse colostomy using a GIA-80 stapler, closing the open end with a TA 60. The angles were reinforced with silk sutures and the mesenteric closed with interrupted silk sutures.,We then removed the staple line along the terminal ileum, passed a 12-French Robinson catheter into the cecal segment, and plicated the ileum with 3 firings of the GIA-60 stapler. The ileocecal valve was then reinforced with interrupted 3-0 silk sutures as described by Rowland, et al, and following this, passage of an 18-French Robinson catheter was associated with the characteristic "pop," indicating that we had adequately plicated the ileocecal valve.,As the patient had had a previous appendectomy, we made an opening in the cecum in the area of the previous appendectomy. We then removed the distal staple line along the transverse colon and aligned the cecal end and the distal middle colic end with two 3-0 Vicryl sutures. The bowel segment was then folded over on itself and the reservoir formed with 3 successive applications of the SGIA Polysorb-75. Between the staple lines, Vicryl sutures were placed and the defects closed with 3-0 Vicryl suture ligatures.,We then turned our attention to forming the ileocolonic anastomosis. The left ureter was mobilized and brought underneath the sigmoid mesentery and brought through the mesentery of the terminal ileum and an end-to-side anastomosis performed with an open technique using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures, and this was stented with a Cook 8.4-French ureteral stent, and this was secured to the bowel lumen with a 5-0 chromic suture. The right ureter was brought underneath the pouch and placed in a stented fashion with an identical anastomosis. We then brought the stents out through a separate incision cephalad in the pouch and they were secured with a 2-0 chromic suture. A 24-French Malecot catheter was placed through the cecum and secured with a chromic suture. The staple lines were then buried with a running 3-0 Vicryl two-layer suture and the open end of the pouch closed with a TA 60 Polysorb suture. The pouch was filled to 240 cc and noted to be watertight, and the ureteral anastomoses were intact.,We then made a final inspection for hemostasis. The cecostomy tube was then brought out to the right lower quadrant and secured to the skin with silk sutures. We then matured our stoma through the umbilicus. We removed the plug of skin through the umbilicus and delivered the ileal segment through this. A portion of the ileum was removed and healthy, well-vascularized tissue was matured with interrupted 3-0 chromic sutures. We left an 18-French Robinson through the stoma and secured this to the skin with silk sutures. The Malecot and stents were also secured in a similar fashion.,The stoma was returned to the umbilicus after resecting the terminal ileum.,We then placed a large JP drain into both obturator fossae and brought it up the right lower quadrant. Rectus fascia was closed with buried #2 Prolene stitch anchoring a new figure of 8 at each end tying the two stitches above and in the middle and underneath the fascia. Interrupted stitches were placed as well. The subcutaneous tissue was irrigated and skin closed with surgical clips. The estimated blood loss was 2500 mL. The patient received 5 units of packed red blood cells and 4 units of FFP. The patient was then awakened, extubated, and taken on a stretcher to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Exploratory laparotomy, resection of small bowel lesion, biopsy of small bowel mesentery, bilateral extended pelvic and iliac lymphadenectomy (including preaortic and precaval, bilateral common iliac, presacral, bilateral external iliac lymph nodes), salvage radical cystoprostatectomy (very difficult due to previous chemotherapy and radiation therapy), and continent urinary diversion with an Indiana pouch. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual manner for a laparoscopic procedure. A speculum was placed into the vagina. A single tooth tenaculum was utilized to grasp the anterior lip of the uterine cervix. The uterus was sounded to 10.5 cm. A #10 RUMI cannula was utilized and attached for uterine manipulation. The single-tooth tenaculum and speculum were removed from the vagina. At this time, the infraumbilical area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and infraumbilical vertical skin incision was made through which a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Aspiration was negative; therefore the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide. After adequate insufflation, Veress needle was removed and an 11-mm separator trocar was introduced through the infraumbilical incision into the abdominal cavity. Through the trocar sheath, the laparoscope was inserted and adequate visualization of the pelvic structures was noted. At this time, the suprapubic area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine. A 5-mm skin incision was made and a 5-mm trocar was introduced into the abdominal cavity for instrumentation. Evaluation of the pelvis revealed the uterus to be slightly enlarged and irregular. The fallopian tubes have been previously interrupted surgically. The ovaries appeared normal bilaterally. The cul-de-sac was clean without evidence of endometriosis, scarring or adhesions. The ureters were noted to be deep in the pelvis. At this time, the right cornu was grasped and the right fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected without difficulty. The remainder of the uterine vessels and anterior and posterior leaves of the broad ligament, as well as the cardinal ligament was coagulated and transected in a serial fashion down to level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. A similar procedure was carried out on the left with the left uterine cornu identified. The left fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The remainder of the cardinal ligament, uterine vessels, anterior, and posterior sheaths of the broad ligament were coagulated and transected in a serial manner to the level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The anterior leaf of the broad ligament was then dissected to the midline bilaterally, establishing a bladder flap with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. At this time, attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The laparoscope was removed and attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The RUMI cannula was removed and the anterior and posterior leafs of the cervix were grasped with Lahey tenaculum. A circumferential injection with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was made at the cervicovaginal portio. A circumferential incision was then made at the cervicovaginal portio. The anterior and posterior colpotomies were accomplished with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection without difficulty. The right uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl sutures. The left uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The parametrial tissue was then clamped bilaterally, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture bilaterally. The uterus was then removed and passed off the operative field. Laparotomy pack was placed into the pelvis. The pedicles were evaluated. There was no bleeding noted; therefore, the laparotomy pack was removed. The uterosacral ligaments were suture fixated into the vaginal cuff angles with #0 Vicryl sutures. The vaginal cuff was then closed in a running fashion with #0 Vicryl suture. Hemostasis was noted throughout. At this time, the laparoscope was reinserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was reinsufflated. Evaluation revealed no further bleeding. Irrigation with sterile water was performed and again no bleeding was noted. The suprapubic trocar sheath was then removed under laparoscopic visualization. The laparoscope was removed. The carbon dioxide was allowed to escape from the abdomen and the infraumbilical trocar sheath was then removed. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion. Neosporin and Band-Aid were applied for dressing and the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was approximately 100 mL. There were no complications. The instrument, sponge, and needle counts were correct.
Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Uterine fibroids.
Vaginal Hysterectomy - Laparoscopic-Assisted
surgery, abnormal uterine bleeding, laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy, uterine fibroids, bipolar electrocautery, vaginal hysterectomy, vicryl sutures, tooth, uterine, uterosacral, laparoscope, electrocautery, hysterectomy, laparoscopic, coagulated, vaginal, ligament, transected
the, was, and, with, removed
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual manner for a laparoscopic procedure. A speculum was placed into the vagina. A single tooth tenaculum was utilized to grasp the anterior lip of the uterine cervix. The uterus was sounded to 10.5 cm. A #10 RUMI cannula was utilized and attached for uterine manipulation. The single-tooth tenaculum and speculum were removed from the vagina. At this time, the infraumbilical area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and infraumbilical vertical skin incision was made through which a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Aspiration was negative; therefore the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide. After adequate insufflation, Veress needle was removed and an 11-mm separator trocar was introduced through the infraumbilical incision into the abdominal cavity. Through the trocar sheath, the laparoscope was inserted and adequate visualization of the pelvic structures was noted. At this time, the suprapubic area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine. A 5-mm skin incision was made and a 5-mm trocar was introduced into the abdominal cavity for instrumentation. Evaluation of the pelvis revealed the uterus to be slightly enlarged and irregular. The fallopian tubes have been previously interrupted surgically. The ovaries appeared normal bilaterally. The cul-de-sac was clean without evidence of endometriosis, scarring or adhesions. The ureters were noted to be deep in the pelvis. At this time, the right cornu was grasped and the right fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected without difficulty. The remainder of the uterine vessels and anterior and posterior leaves of the broad ligament, as well as the cardinal ligament was coagulated and transected in a serial fashion down to level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. A similar procedure was carried out on the left with the left uterine cornu identified. The left fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The remainder of the cardinal ligament, uterine vessels, anterior, and posterior sheaths of the broad ligament were coagulated and transected in a serial manner to the level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The anterior leaf of the broad ligament was then dissected to the midline bilaterally, establishing a bladder flap with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. At this time, attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The laparoscope was removed and attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The RUMI cannula was removed and the anterior and posterior leafs of the cervix were grasped with Lahey tenaculum. A circumferential injection with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was made at the cervicovaginal portio. A circumferential incision was then made at the cervicovaginal portio. The anterior and posterior colpotomies were accomplished with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection without difficulty. The right uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl sutures. The left uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The parametrial tissue was then clamped bilaterally, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture bilaterally. The uterus was then removed and passed off the operative field. Laparotomy pack was placed into the pelvis. The pedicles were evaluated. There was no bleeding noted; therefore, the laparotomy pack was removed. The uterosacral ligaments were suture fixated into the vaginal cuff angles with #0 Vicryl sutures. The vaginal cuff was then closed in a running fashion with #0 Vicryl suture. Hemostasis was noted throughout. At this time, the laparoscope was reinserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was reinsufflated. Evaluation revealed no further bleeding. Irrigation with sterile water was performed and again no bleeding was noted. The suprapubic trocar sheath was then removed under laparoscopic visualization. The laparoscope was removed. The carbon dioxide was allowed to escape from the abdomen and the infraumbilical trocar sheath was then removed. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion. Neosporin and Band-Aid were applied for dressing and the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was approximately 100 mL. There were no complications. The instrument, sponge, and needle counts were correct. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.39 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Uterine fibroids. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Left elbow pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in Juvenile Hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow, causing sudden pain. He also has pain in his left ankle, but he is able to walk normally. He has had previous pain in his left knee. He denies any passing out, any neck pain at this time even though he did get hit in the head. He has no chest or abdominal pain. Apparently, no knives or guns were involved.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had toe problems and left knee pain in the past.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No coughing, sputum production, dyspnea or chest pain. No vomiting or abdominal pain. No visual changes. No neurologic deficits other than some numbness in his left hand.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is in Juvenile Hall for about 25 more days. He is a nonsmoker.,ALLERGIES: , MORPHINE.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Abilify.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. Conjunctivae anicteric. Skull is normocephalic. He is not complaining of bruising. HEENT: TMs and canals are normal. There is no Battle sign. NECK: Supple. He has good range of motion. Spinal processes are normal to palpation. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIAC: Regular rate. No murmurs or rubs. EXTREMITIES: Left elbow is tender. He does not wish to move it at all. Shoulder and clavicle are within normal limits. Wrist is normal to inspection. He does have some pain to palpation. Hand has good capillary refill. He seems to have decreased sensation in all three dermatomes. He has moderately good abduction of all fingers. He has moderate opponens strength with his thumb. He has very good extension of all of his fingers with good strength.,We did an x-ray of his elbow. He has a spiral fracture of the distal one-third of the humerus, about 13 cm in length. The proximal part looks like it is in good position. The distal part has about 6 mm of displacement. There is no significant angulation. The joint itself appears to be intact. The fracture line ends where it appears above the joint. I do not see any extra blood in the joint. I do not see any anterior or posterior Siegert sign.,I spoke with Dr. X. He suggests we go ahead and splint him up and he will follow the patient up. At this point, it does not seem like there needs to be any surgical revision. The chance of a compartment syndrome seems very low at this time.,Using 4-inch Ortho-Glass and two assistants, we applied a posterior splint to immobilize his fingers, hand, and wrist all the way up to his elbow to well above the elbow.,He had much better comfort once this was applied. There was good color to his fingers and again, much better comfort.,Once that was on, I took some 5-inch Ortho-Glass and put in extra reinforcement around the elbow so he would not be moving it, straightening it or breaking the fiberglass.,We then gave him a sling.,We gave him #2 Vicodin p.o. and #4 to go. Gave him a prescription for #15 more and warned him to take it only at nighttime and use Tylenol or Motrin, and ice in the daytime.,I gave him the name and telephone number of Dr. X whom they can follow up with. They were warned to come back here if he has increasing neurologic deficits in his hands or any new problems.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Fracture of the humerus, spiral.,2. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia.,3. Psychiatric disorder, unspecified.,DISPOSITION: The patient will follow up as mentioned above. They can return here anytime as needed.
Left elbow pain. Fracture of the humerus, spiral. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia.
Consult - History and Phy.
Elbow Pain - Consult
he, his, the, pain, has
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Left elbow pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in Juvenile Hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow, causing sudden pain. He also has pain in his left ankle, but he is able to walk normally. He has had previous pain in his left knee. He denies any passing out, any neck pain at this time even though he did get hit in the head. He has no chest or abdominal pain. Apparently, no knives or guns were involved.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had toe problems and left knee pain in the past.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No coughing, sputum production, dyspnea or chest pain. No vomiting or abdominal pain. No visual changes. No neurologic deficits other than some numbness in his left hand.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is in Juvenile Hall for about 25 more days. He is a nonsmoker.,ALLERGIES: , MORPHINE.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Abilify.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. Conjunctivae anicteric. Skull is normocephalic. He is not complaining of bruising. HEENT: TMs and canals are normal. There is no Battle sign. NECK: Supple. He has good range of motion. Spinal processes are normal to palpation. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIAC: Regular rate. No murmurs or rubs. EXTREMITIES: Left elbow is tender. He does not wish to move it at all. Shoulder and clavicle are within normal limits. Wrist is normal to inspection. He does have some pain to palpation. Hand has good capillary refill. He seems to have decreased sensation in all three dermatomes. He has moderately good abduction of all fingers. He has moderate opponens strength with his thumb. He has very good extension of all of his fingers with good strength.,We did an x-ray of his elbow. He has a spiral fracture of the distal one-third of the humerus, about 13 cm in length. The proximal part looks like it is in good position. The distal part has about 6 mm of displacement. There is no significant angulation. The joint itself appears to be intact. The fracture line ends where it appears above the joint. I do not see any extra blood in the joint. I do not see any anterior or posterior Siegert sign.,I spoke with Dr. X. He suggests we go ahead and splint him up and he will follow the patient up. At this point, it does not seem like there needs to be any surgical revision. The chance of a compartment syndrome seems very low at this time.,Using 4-inch Ortho-Glass and two assistants, we applied a posterior splint to immobilize his fingers, hand, and wrist all the way up to his elbow to well above the elbow.,He had much better comfort once this was applied. There was good color to his fingers and again, much better comfort.,Once that was on, I took some 5-inch Ortho-Glass and put in extra reinforcement around the elbow so he would not be moving it, straightening it or breaking the fiberglass.,We then gave him a sling.,We gave him #2 Vicodin p.o. and #4 to go. Gave him a prescription for #15 more and warned him to take it only at nighttime and use Tylenol or Motrin, and ice in the daytime.,I gave him the name and telephone number of Dr. X whom they can follow up with. They were warned to come back here if he has increasing neurologic deficits in his hands or any new problems.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Fracture of the humerus, spiral.,2. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia.,3. Psychiatric disorder, unspecified.,DISPOSITION: The patient will follow up as mentioned above. They can return here anytime as needed. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Left elbow pain. Fracture of the humerus, spiral. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
General Medicine
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Altered mental status.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 69-year-old male transferred from an outlying facility with diagnosis of a stroke. History is taken mostly from the emergency room record. The patient is unable to give any history and no family member is present for questioning. When asked why he came to the emergency room, the patient replies that it started about 2 PM yesterday. However, he is unable to tell me exactly what started at 2 PM yesterday. The patient's speech is clear, but he speaks nonsensically using words in combinations that don't make any sense. No other history of present illness is available.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Per the emergency room record, significant for atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Unknown.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient denies smoking and drinking.,MEDICATIONS:, Per the emergency room record, medications are Lotensin 20 mg daily, Toprol 50 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily and aspirin 81 mg daily.,ALLERGIES:, UNKNOWN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unobtainable secondary to the patient's condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature: 97.9. Pulse: 79. Respiratory rate: 20. Blood pressure: 117/84.,GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished male in no acute distress.,HEENT: Eyes: Pupils are equal, round and reactive. There is no scleral icterus. Ears, nose and throat: His oropharynx is moist. His hearing is normal.,NECK: No JVD. No thyromegaly.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Irregular rhythm. No lower extremity edema.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with normal effort.,ABDOMEN: Nontender. Nondistended. Bowel sounds are positive.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: There is no clubbing of the digits. The patient's strength is 5/5 throughout.,NEUROLOGICAL: Babinski's are downgoing bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ throughout.,LABORATORY DATA:, By report, head CT from the outlying facility was negative. An EKG showed atrial fibrillation with a rate of 75. There is no indication of any acute cardiac ischemia. A chest x-ray shows no acute pulmonary process, but does show cardiomegaly.,Labs are as follows: White count 9.4, hemoglobin 17.2, hematocrit 52.5, platelet count 219. PTT 24, PT 13, INR 0.96. Sodium 135, potassium 3.6, chloride 99, bicarb 27, BUN 13, creatinine 1.4, glucose 161, calcium 9, magnesium 1.9, total protein 7, albumin 3.7, AST 22, ALT 41, alkaline phosphatase 85, total bilirubin 0.7, total cholesterol 193. Cardiac isoenzymes are negative times one with a troponin of 0.09.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Probable stroke. The patient has an expressive aphasia. He does not have dysarthria, however. Also, his strength is not affected. I suspect that the patient has had strokes or TIAs in the past because he was taking aspirin and Plavix at home. Head CT is reportedly negative. I will ask our radiologist to re-read the head CT. I will also order MRI and MRA, carotid Doppler ultrasound and echocardiogram in addition to a fasting lipid profile. I will consult neurology to evaluate and continue his aspirin and Plavix.,2. Atrial fibrillation. The patient's rate is controlled currently. I will continue him on his amiodarone 200 mg twice daily and consult CHI to evaluate him.,3. Hypertension. I will continue his home medications and add clonidine as needed.,4. Hyperlipidemia. The patient takes no medications for this currently. I will check a fasting lipid profile.,5. Hyperglycemia. It is unknown whether the patient has a history of diabetes. His glucose is currently 171. I will start him on sliding scale insulin for now and monitor closely.,6. Renal insufficiency. It is also unknown whether the patient has a history of this and what his baseline creatinine might be. Currently he has only mild renal insufficiency. This does not appear to be prerenal. Will monitor for now.
Patient with a diagnosis of stroke.
General Medicine
Gen Med Consult - 40
is, the, his, history, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Altered mental status.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 69-year-old male transferred from an outlying facility with diagnosis of a stroke. History is taken mostly from the emergency room record. The patient is unable to give any history and no family member is present for questioning. When asked why he came to the emergency room, the patient replies that it started about 2 PM yesterday. However, he is unable to tell me exactly what started at 2 PM yesterday. The patient's speech is clear, but he speaks nonsensically using words in combinations that don't make any sense. No other history of present illness is available.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Per the emergency room record, significant for atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Unknown.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient denies smoking and drinking.,MEDICATIONS:, Per the emergency room record, medications are Lotensin 20 mg daily, Toprol 50 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily and aspirin 81 mg daily.,ALLERGIES:, UNKNOWN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unobtainable secondary to the patient's condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature: 97.9. Pulse: 79. Respiratory rate: 20. Blood pressure: 117/84.,GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished male in no acute distress.,HEENT: Eyes: Pupils are equal, round and reactive. There is no scleral icterus. Ears, nose and throat: His oropharynx is moist. His hearing is normal.,NECK: No JVD. No thyromegaly.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Irregular rhythm. No lower extremity edema.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with normal effort.,ABDOMEN: Nontender. Nondistended. Bowel sounds are positive.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: There is no clubbing of the digits. The patient's strength is 5/5 throughout.,NEUROLOGICAL: Babinski's are downgoing bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ throughout.,LABORATORY DATA:, By report, head CT from the outlying facility was negative. An EKG showed atrial fibrillation with a rate of 75. There is no indication of any acute cardiac ischemia. A chest x-ray shows no acute pulmonary process, but does show cardiomegaly.,Labs are as follows: White count 9.4, hemoglobin 17.2, hematocrit 52.5, platelet count 219. PTT 24, PT 13, INR 0.96. Sodium 135, potassium 3.6, chloride 99, bicarb 27, BUN 13, creatinine 1.4, glucose 161, calcium 9, magnesium 1.9, total protein 7, albumin 3.7, AST 22, ALT 41, alkaline phosphatase 85, total bilirubin 0.7, total cholesterol 193. Cardiac isoenzymes are negative times one with a troponin of 0.09.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Probable stroke. The patient has an expressive aphasia. He does not have dysarthria, however. Also, his strength is not affected. I suspect that the patient has had strokes or TIAs in the past because he was taking aspirin and Plavix at home. Head CT is reportedly negative. I will ask our radiologist to re-read the head CT. I will also order MRI and MRA, carotid Doppler ultrasound and echocardiogram in addition to a fasting lipid profile. I will consult neurology to evaluate and continue his aspirin and Plavix.,2. Atrial fibrillation. The patient's rate is controlled currently. I will continue him on his amiodarone 200 mg twice daily and consult CHI to evaluate him.,3. Hypertension. I will continue his home medications and add clonidine as needed.,4. Hyperlipidemia. The patient takes no medications for this currently. I will check a fasting lipid profile.,5. Hyperglycemia. It is unknown whether the patient has a history of diabetes. His glucose is currently 171. I will start him on sliding scale insulin for now and monitor closely.,6. Renal insufficiency. It is also unknown whether the patient has a history of this and what his baseline creatinine might be. Currently he has only mild renal insufficiency. This does not appear to be prerenal. Will monitor for now. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] General Medicine [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient with a diagnosis of stroke. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
Pap smear in November 2006 showed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. She has a history of an abnormal Pap smear. At that time, she was diagnosed with CIN 3 as well as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. She underwent a cone biopsy that per her report was negative for any pathology. She had no vulvar treatment at that time. Since that time, she has had normal Pap smears. She denies abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, or pain. She uses Yaz for birth control. She reports one sexual partner since 1994 and she is a nonsmoker.,She states that she has a tendency to have yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. She is also being evaluated for a possible interstitial cystitis because she gets frequent urinary tract infections. She had a normal mammogram done in August 2006 and a history of perirectal condyloma that have been treated by Dr. B. She also has a history of chlamydia when she was in college.,PAST MEDICAL HX: , Depression.,PAST SURGICAL HX: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Lexapro 10 mg a day and Yaz.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,OB HX: , Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at term in 2001 and 2004, Abc weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and Xyz weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces.,FAMILY HX: ,Maternal grandfather who had a MI which she reports is secondary to tobacco and alcohol use. He currently has metastatic melanoma, mother with hypertension and depression, father with alcoholism.,SOCIAL HX:, She is a public relations consultant. She is a nonsmoker, drinks infrequent alcohol and does not use drugs. She enjoys horseback riding and teaches jumping.,PE: , VITALS: Height: 5 feet 6 inches. Weight: 139 lb. BMI: 22.4. Blood Pressure: 102/58. GENERAL: She is well-developed and well-nourished with normal habitus and no deformities. She is alert and oriented to time, place, and person and her mood and affect is normal. NECK: Without thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. BREASTS: Deferred. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. There is no organomegaly or lymphadenopathy. PELVIC: Normal external female genitalia. Vulva, vagina, and urethra, within normal limits. Cervix is status post cone biopsy; however, the transformation zone grossly appears normal and cervical discharge is clear and normal in appearance. GC and chlamydia cultures as well as a repeat Pap smear were done.,Colposcopy is then performed without and with acetic acid. This shows an entirely normal transformation zone, so no biopsies are taken. An endocervical curettage is then performed with Cytobrush and curette and sent to pathology. Colposcopy of the vulva is then performed again with acetic acid. There is a thin strip of acetowhite epithelium located transversely on the clitoral hood that is less than a centimeter in diameter. There are absolutely no abnormal vessels within this area. The vulvar colposcopy is completely within normal limits.,A/P: , ASCUS Pap smear with history of a cone biopsy in 1993 and normal followup.,We will check the results of the Pap smear, in addition we have ordered DNA testing for high-risk HPV. We will check the results of the ECC. She will return in two weeks for test results. If these are normal, she will need two normal Pap smears six months apart, and I think followup colposcopy for the vulvar changes.
Consultation for an ASCUS Pap smear.
Consult - History and Phy.
OB/GYN Consultation - 3
consult - history and phy., lmp, ascus, pap smear, abnormal pap smear, atypical, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, cone biopsy, infection, interstitial cystitis, intraepithelial, mammogram, neoplasia, perirectal condyloma, squamous, vaginal bleeding, vulvar, yeast infection, pap smears, pap, ob/gyn, colposcopy, smear,
she, and, normal, is, that
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] Pap smear in November 2006 showed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. She has a history of an abnormal Pap smear. At that time, she was diagnosed with CIN 3 as well as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. She underwent a cone biopsy that per her report was negative for any pathology. She had no vulvar treatment at that time. Since that time, she has had normal Pap smears. She denies abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, or pain. She uses Yaz for birth control. She reports one sexual partner since 1994 and she is a nonsmoker.,She states that she has a tendency to have yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. She is also being evaluated for a possible interstitial cystitis because she gets frequent urinary tract infections. She had a normal mammogram done in August 2006 and a history of perirectal condyloma that have been treated by Dr. B. She also has a history of chlamydia when she was in college.,PAST MEDICAL HX: , Depression.,PAST SURGICAL HX: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Lexapro 10 mg a day and Yaz.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,OB HX: , Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at term in 2001 and 2004, Abc weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and Xyz weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces.,FAMILY HX: ,Maternal grandfather who had a MI which she reports is secondary to tobacco and alcohol use. He currently has metastatic melanoma, mother with hypertension and depression, father with alcoholism.,SOCIAL HX:, She is a public relations consultant. She is a nonsmoker, drinks infrequent alcohol and does not use drugs. She enjoys horseback riding and teaches jumping.,PE: , VITALS: Height: 5 feet 6 inches. Weight: 139 lb. BMI: 22.4. Blood Pressure: 102/58. GENERAL: She is well-developed and well-nourished with normal habitus and no deformities. She is alert and oriented to time, place, and person and her mood and affect is normal. NECK: Without thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. BREASTS: Deferred. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. There is no organomegaly or lymphadenopathy. PELVIC: Normal external female genitalia. Vulva, vagina, and urethra, within normal limits. Cervix is status post cone biopsy; however, the transformation zone grossly appears normal and cervical discharge is clear and normal in appearance. GC and chlamydia cultures as well as a repeat Pap smear were done.,Colposcopy is then performed without and with acetic acid. This shows an entirely normal transformation zone, so no biopsies are taken. An endocervical curettage is then performed with Cytobrush and curette and sent to pathology. Colposcopy of the vulva is then performed again with acetic acid. There is a thin strip of acetowhite epithelium located transversely on the clitoral hood that is less than a centimeter in diameter. There are absolutely no abnormal vessels within this area. The vulvar colposcopy is completely within normal limits.,A/P: , ASCUS Pap smear with history of a cone biopsy in 1993 and normal followup.,We will check the results of the Pap smear, in addition we have ordered DNA testing for high-risk HPV. We will check the results of the ECC. She will return in two weeks for test results. If these are normal, she will need two normal Pap smears six months apart, and I think followup colposcopy for the vulvar changes. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.59 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Consultation for an ASCUS Pap smear. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Deferred for Pathology.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Needle localized wide excision of nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast.,SPECIMEN: , Mammography.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,This 53-year-old Caucasian female who had a nonpalpable neoplasm detected by mammography in the right breast. After excision of neoplasm, there was a separate 1 x 2 cm nodule palpated within the cavity. This too was excised.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position in the operating table. Intravenous sedation was administered by the Anesthesia Department. The Kopans wire was trimmed to an appropriate length. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual manner. Local anesthetic consisting of 1% lidocaine and 0.5% Marcaine was injected into the proposed line of incision. A curvilinear circumareolar incision was then made with a #15 scalpel blade close to the wire. The wire was stabilized and brought to protrude through the incision. Skin flaps were then generated with electrocautery. A generous core tissue was grasped with Allis forceps and excised with electrocautery. Prior to complete excision, the superior margin was marked with a #2-0 Vicryl suture, which was tied and cut short. The lateral margin was marked with a #2-0 Vicryl suture, which was tied and cut along. The posterior margin was marked with a #2-0 Polydek suture, which was tied and cut.,The specimen was then completely excised and sent off the operative field as specimen where specimen mammography confirmed the excision of the mammographically detected neoplasm. On palpation of the cavity, there was felt to be a second nodule further medial and this was grasped with an Allis forceps and excised with electrocautery and sent off the field as a separate specimen. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. Good hemostasis was obtained. The incision was closed in two layers. The first layer consisting of a subcuticular inverted interrupted sutures of #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The second layer consisted of Steri-Strips on the epidermis. A pressure dressing of fluff, 4x4s, ABDs, and Elastic bandage was applied. The patient tolerated the surgery well.
Nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast. Needle localized wide excision of nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast.
Needle Localized Excision - Breast Neoplasm
surgery, neoplasm, needle localized wide excision, needle localized, nonpalpable neoplasm, needle, incision, electrocautery, excision, breast
the, was, and, with, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Deferred for Pathology.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Needle localized wide excision of nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast.,SPECIMEN: , Mammography.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,This 53-year-old Caucasian female who had a nonpalpable neoplasm detected by mammography in the right breast. After excision of neoplasm, there was a separate 1 x 2 cm nodule palpated within the cavity. This too was excised.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position in the operating table. Intravenous sedation was administered by the Anesthesia Department. The Kopans wire was trimmed to an appropriate length. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual manner. Local anesthetic consisting of 1% lidocaine and 0.5% Marcaine was injected into the proposed line of incision. A curvilinear circumareolar incision was then made with a #15 scalpel blade close to the wire. The wire was stabilized and brought to protrude through the incision. Skin flaps were then generated with electrocautery. A generous core tissue was grasped with Allis forceps and excised with electrocautery. Prior to complete excision, the superior margin was marked with a #2-0 Vicryl suture, which was tied and cut short. The lateral margin was marked with a #2-0 Vicryl suture, which was tied and cut along. The posterior margin was marked with a #2-0 Polydek suture, which was tied and cut.,The specimen was then completely excised and sent off the operative field as specimen where specimen mammography confirmed the excision of the mammographically detected neoplasm. On palpation of the cavity, there was felt to be a second nodule further medial and this was grasped with an Allis forceps and excised with electrocautery and sent off the field as a separate specimen. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. Good hemostasis was obtained. The incision was closed in two layers. The first layer consisting of a subcuticular inverted interrupted sutures of #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The second layer consisted of Steri-Strips on the epidermis. A pressure dressing of fluff, 4x4s, ABDs, and Elastic bandage was applied. The patient tolerated the surgery well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.56 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast. Needle localized wide excision of nonpalpable neoplasm, right breast. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Consult - History and Phy.
CC:, Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness.,HX: ,This 81 y/o RHM fell down 20 steps on the evening of admission, 1/10/93, while attempting to put his boots on at the top of the staircase. He was evaluated locally and was amnestic to the event at the time of examination. A HCT scan was obtained and he was transferred to UIHC, Neurosurgery.,MEDS:, Lasix 40mg qd, Zantac 150mg qd, Lanoxin 0.125mg qd, Capoten 2.5mg bid, Salsalate 750mg tid, ASA 325mg qd, "Ginsana" (Ginseng) 100mg bid.,PMH: ,1)Atrial fibrillation, 2)Right hemisphere stroke, 11/22/88, with associated left hemiparesis and amaurosis fugax. This was followed by a RCEA, 12/1/88 for 98% stenosis. The stroke symptoms/signs resolved. 3)DJD, 4)Right TKR 2-3 years ago, 5)venous stasis; with no h/o DVT, 6)former participant in NASCET, 7)TURP for BPH. No known allergies.,FHX:, Father died of an MI at unknown age, Mother died of complications of a dental procedure. He has one daughter who is healthy.,SHX:, Married. Part-time farmer. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP157/86, HR100 and irregular, RR20, 36.7C, 100%SaO2,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria.,CN: Pupils 3/3 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. EOM intact. VFFTC. Optic disks were flat. Face was symmetric with symmetric movement. The remainder of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: not mentioned in chart.,Reflexes: symmetric. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: CV:IRRR without murmur. Lungs: CTA. Abdomen: NT, ND, NBS.,HEENT: abrasion over the right forehead.,Extremity: distal right leg edema/erythema (just above the ankle). tender to touch.,COURSE:, 1/10/93, (outside)HCT was reviewed, It revealed a left parietal epidural hematoma. GS, PT/PTT, UA, and CBC were unremarkable. RLE XR revealed a fracture of the right lateral malleolus for which he was casted. Repeat HCTs showed no change in the epidural hematoma and he was discharged home on DPH.
Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness. Left parietal epidural hematoma.
Consult - History and Phy.
Epidural Hematoma
consult - history and phy., loss of consciousness, parietal epidural hematoma, parietal epidural, epidural hematoma, consciousness, epidural, hematoma,
the, was, he, of, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CC:, Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness.,HX: ,This 81 y/o RHM fell down 20 steps on the evening of admission, 1/10/93, while attempting to put his boots on at the top of the staircase. He was evaluated locally and was amnestic to the event at the time of examination. A HCT scan was obtained and he was transferred to UIHC, Neurosurgery.,MEDS:, Lasix 40mg qd, Zantac 150mg qd, Lanoxin 0.125mg qd, Capoten 2.5mg bid, Salsalate 750mg tid, ASA 325mg qd, "Ginsana" (Ginseng) 100mg bid.,PMH: ,1)Atrial fibrillation, 2)Right hemisphere stroke, 11/22/88, with associated left hemiparesis and amaurosis fugax. This was followed by a RCEA, 12/1/88 for 98% stenosis. The stroke symptoms/signs resolved. 3)DJD, 4)Right TKR 2-3 years ago, 5)venous stasis; with no h/o DVT, 6)former participant in NASCET, 7)TURP for BPH. No known allergies.,FHX:, Father died of an MI at unknown age, Mother died of complications of a dental procedure. He has one daughter who is healthy.,SHX:, Married. Part-time farmer. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP157/86, HR100 and irregular, RR20, 36.7C, 100%SaO2,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria.,CN: Pupils 3/3 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. EOM intact. VFFTC. Optic disks were flat. Face was symmetric with symmetric movement. The remainder of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: not mentioned in chart.,Reflexes: symmetric. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: CV:IRRR without murmur. Lungs: CTA. Abdomen: NT, ND, NBS.,HEENT: abrasion over the right forehead.,Extremity: distal right leg edema/erythema (just above the ankle). tender to touch.,COURSE:, 1/10/93, (outside)HCT was reviewed, It revealed a left parietal epidural hematoma. GS, PT/PTT, UA, and CBC were unremarkable. RLE XR revealed a fracture of the right lateral malleolus for which he was casted. Repeat HCTs showed no change in the epidural hematoma and he was discharged home on DPH. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Consult - History and Phy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness. Left parietal epidural hematoma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Sample progress note - Gen Med.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 1
soap / chart / progress notes, progress note, clear to auscultation, s1, s2, s3, s4, blood pressure, clubbing, cyanosis, general medicine, peripheral edema, rubs, tenderness, abdomen, pressure, soap, blood
10, after, all, also, an
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE:, [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Sample progress note - Gen Med. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, and, then, to
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED: ,1. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA:, I.V. sedation and local (1% Lidocaine).,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Zero.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,ENDOSCOPIC CARPAL TUNNEL RELEASE:, With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mm/Hg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the wrist, between FCR and FCU, one fingerbreadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal-based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A proximal forearm fasciotomy was performed under direct vision. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface. Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the hook of hamate. The endoscopic instrument was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, the transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end.,The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the endoscopic instrument was withdrawn, dividing the transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division o the transverse carpal ligament, the instrument was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified, and complete release was confirmed.,The wound was then closed with running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied, and sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-Strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the Recovery Room in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well.,DE QUERVAIN'S RELEASE: , With the patient under adequate regional anesthesia applied by surgeon using 1% plain Xylocaine, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated to 290 mm/Hg. A transverse incision was then made over the radial aspect of the wrist overlying the first dorsal tunnel. Using blunt dissection, the radial sensory nerve branches were dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The first dorsal tunnel was then identified. The first dorsal tunnel was incised along the dorsal ulnar border, completely freeing the stenosing tenosynovitis (de Quervain's release). EPB and APL tendons were inspected and found to be completely free. The radial sensory nerve was inspected and found to be without damage.,The skin was closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch and Steri-Strips were applied and, over the Steri-Strips, a sterile dressing, and, over the sterile dressing, a volar splint with the hand in safe position. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was returned to the holding area in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well.
Endoscopic carpal tunnel release and de Quervain's release. Left carpal tunnel syndrome and de Quervain's tenosynovitis.
Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel & de Quervain's Release
surgery, de quervain's tenosynovitis, de quervain's release, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpal tunnel release, endoscopic carpal tunnel release, tunnel, transverse, carpal, tourniquet, endoscopic,
the, was, and, then, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED: ,1. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA:, I.V. sedation and local (1% Lidocaine).,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Zero.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,ENDOSCOPIC CARPAL TUNNEL RELEASE:, With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mm/Hg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the wrist, between FCR and FCU, one fingerbreadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal-based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A proximal forearm fasciotomy was performed under direct vision. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface. Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the hook of hamate. The endoscopic instrument was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, the transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end.,The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the endoscopic instrument was withdrawn, dividing the transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division o the transverse carpal ligament, the instrument was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified, and complete release was confirmed.,The wound was then closed with running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied, and sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-Strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the Recovery Room in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well.,DE QUERVAIN'S RELEASE: , With the patient under adequate regional anesthesia applied by surgeon using 1% plain Xylocaine, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated to 290 mm/Hg. A transverse incision was then made over the radial aspect of the wrist overlying the first dorsal tunnel. Using blunt dissection, the radial sensory nerve branches were dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The first dorsal tunnel was then identified. The first dorsal tunnel was incised along the dorsal ulnar border, completely freeing the stenosing tenosynovitis (de Quervain's release). EPB and APL tendons were inspected and found to be completely free. The radial sensory nerve was inspected and found to be without damage.,The skin was closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch and Steri-Strips were applied and, over the Steri-Strips, a sterile dressing, and, over the sterile dressing, a volar splint with the hand in safe position. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was returned to the holding area in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, and, then, to [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Endoscopic carpal tunnel release and de Quervain's release. Left carpal tunnel syndrome and de Quervain's tenosynovitis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 46-year-old gentleman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to diabetes and hypertension, who had been on hemodialysis since 1993 and is also status post cadaveric kidney transplant in 1996 with chronic rejection.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Diabetes mellitus diagnosed 12 years ago.,2. Hypertension.,3. Coronary artery disease with a myocardial infarct in September of 2006.,4. End-stage renal disease.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Coronary artery bypass graft x5 in 1995 and cadaveric renal transplant in 1996.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient denies tobacco or ethanol use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Hypertension.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: The patient was alert and oriented x3 in no acute distress, healthy-appearing male.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.6, blood pressure 166/106, heart rate 83, respiratory rate 18, and saturations 96% on room air.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended with positive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA: , White blood cell count 6.4, hematocrit 34.6, and platelet count 182. Sodium 137, potassium 5.4, BUN 41, creatinine 7.9, and glucose 295. Total protein 6.5, albumin 3.4, AST 51, ALT 51, alk phos 175, and total bilirubin 0.5.,COURSE IN HOSPITAL: , The patient was admitted postoperatively to the surgical intensive care unit. Initially, the patient had a decrease in hematocrit from 30 to 25. The patient's hematocrit stabilized at 25. During the patient's stay, the patient's creatinine progressively decreased from 8.1 to a creatinine at the time of discharge of 2.3. The patient was making excellent urine throughout his stay. The patient's Jackson-Pratt drain was removed on postoperative day #1 and he was moved to the floor. The patient was advanced in diet appropriately. The patient was started on Prograf by postoperative day #2. Initial Prograf levels came back high at 18. The patient's Prograf doses were changed accordingly and today, the patient is deemed stable to be discharged home. During the patient's stay, the patient received four total doses of Thymoglobulin. Today, he will complete his final dose of Thymoglobulin prior to being discharged. In addition, today, the patient has an elevated blood pressure of 198/96. The patient is being given an extra dose of metoprolol for this blood pressure. In addition, the patient has an elevated glucose of 393 and for this reason he has been given an extra dose of insulin. These labs will be rechecked later today and once his blood pressure has decreased to systolic blood pressure less than 116 and his glucose has come down to a more normal level, he will be discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient is discharged with instructions to seek medical attention in the event if he develops fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, or other concerns. He is discharged on a low-potassium diet with activity as tolerated. He is instructed that he may shower; however, he is to undergo no underwater soaking activities for approximately two weeks. The patient will be followed up in the Transplant Clinic at ABCD tomorrow, at which time, his labs will be rechecked. The patient's Prograf levels at the time of discharge are pending; however, given that his Prograf dose was decreased, he will be followed tomorrow at the Renal Transplant Clinic.
This is a 46-year-old gentleman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to diabetes and hypertension, who had been on hemodialysis and is also status post cadaveric kidney transplant with chronic rejection.
Discharge Summary
ESRD - Discharge Summary
the, patient, he, and, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 46-year-old gentleman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to diabetes and hypertension, who had been on hemodialysis since 1993 and is also status post cadaveric kidney transplant in 1996 with chronic rejection.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Diabetes mellitus diagnosed 12 years ago.,2. Hypertension.,3. Coronary artery disease with a myocardial infarct in September of 2006.,4. End-stage renal disease.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Coronary artery bypass graft x5 in 1995 and cadaveric renal transplant in 1996.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient denies tobacco or ethanol use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Hypertension.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: The patient was alert and oriented x3 in no acute distress, healthy-appearing male.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.6, blood pressure 166/106, heart rate 83, respiratory rate 18, and saturations 96% on room air.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended with positive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA: , White blood cell count 6.4, hematocrit 34.6, and platelet count 182. Sodium 137, potassium 5.4, BUN 41, creatinine 7.9, and glucose 295. Total protein 6.5, albumin 3.4, AST 51, ALT 51, alk phos 175, and total bilirubin 0.5.,COURSE IN HOSPITAL: , The patient was admitted postoperatively to the surgical intensive care unit. Initially, the patient had a decrease in hematocrit from 30 to 25. The patient's hematocrit stabilized at 25. During the patient's stay, the patient's creatinine progressively decreased from 8.1 to a creatinine at the time of discharge of 2.3. The patient was making excellent urine throughout his stay. The patient's Jackson-Pratt drain was removed on postoperative day #1 and he was moved to the floor. The patient was advanced in diet appropriately. The patient was started on Prograf by postoperative day #2. Initial Prograf levels came back high at 18. The patient's Prograf doses were changed accordingly and today, the patient is deemed stable to be discharged home. During the patient's stay, the patient received four total doses of Thymoglobulin. Today, he will complete his final dose of Thymoglobulin prior to being discharged. In addition, today, the patient has an elevated blood pressure of 198/96. The patient is being given an extra dose of metoprolol for this blood pressure. In addition, the patient has an elevated glucose of 393 and for this reason he has been given an extra dose of insulin. These labs will be rechecked later today and once his blood pressure has decreased to systolic blood pressure less than 116 and his glucose has come down to a more normal level, he will be discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient is discharged with instructions to seek medical attention in the event if he develops fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, or other concerns. He is discharged on a low-potassium diet with activity as tolerated. He is instructed that he may shower; however, he is to undergo no underwater soaking activities for approximately two weeks. The patient will be followed up in the Transplant Clinic at ABCD tomorrow, at which time, his labs will be rechecked. The patient's Prograf levels at the time of discharge are pending; however, given that his Prograf dose was decreased, he will be followed tomorrow at the Renal Transplant Clinic. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] This is a 46-year-old gentleman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to diabetes and hypertension, who had been on hemodialysis and is also status post cadaveric kidney transplant with chronic rejection. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Discharge Summary
HISTORY: , The patient is a 67-year-old female, was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety. At the onset of therapy, on 03/26/08, the patient was NPO with a G-tube and the initial speech and language evaluation revealed global aphasia with an aphasia quotient of 3.6/100 based on the Western Aphasia Battery. Since the initial evaluation, the patient has attended 60 outpatient speech therapy sessions, which have focussed on her receptive communication, expressive language, multimodality communication skills, and swallowing function and safety.,SHORT-TERM GOALS:,1. The patient met 3 out of 4 original short-term therapy goals, which were to complete a modified barium swallow study, which she did do and which revealed no aspiration. At this time, the patient is eating and drinking and taking all medications by mouth; however, her G-tube is still present. The patient was instructed to talk to the primary care physician about removal of her feeding tube.,2. The patient will increase accuracy of yes-no responses to greater than 80% accuracy. She did accomplish this goal. The patient is also able to identify named objects with greater than 80% accuracy.,ADDITIONAL GOALS: , Following the completion of these goals, additional goals were established. Based on reevaluation, the patient met 2 out of these 3 initial goals and she is currently able to read and understand simple sentences with greater than 90% accuracy independently and she is able to write 10 words related to basic wants and needs with greater than 80% accuracy independently. The patient continues to have difficulty stating verbally, yes or no, to questions as well as accurately using head gestures and to respond to yes-no questions. The patient continues to have marked difficulty with her expressive language abilities. She is able to write simple words to help express her basic wants and needs. She has made great strides; however, with her receptive communication, she is able to read words as well as short phrases and able to point to named objects and answer simple-to-moderate complex yes-no questions. A reevaluation completed on 12/01/08, revealed an aphasia quotient of 26.4. Once again, she made significant improvement and comprehension, but continues to have unintelligible speech. An alternative communication device was discussed with the patient and her husband, but at this time, the patient does not want to utilize a communication device. If, in the future, the patient continues to struggle with her expressive communication, an alternative augmented communication device would be a benefit to her. Please reconsult at that time if and when the patient is ready to use a speech generating device. The patient is discharged from my services at this time due to a plateau in her progress. Numerous home activities were recommended to allow her to continue to make progress at home.
The patient was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety.
Discharge Summary
Speech Therapy - Discharge Summary - 1
discharge summary, communication skills, g-tube, aphasia, language evaluation, western aphasia battery, skilled speech therapy, swallowing function, speech therapy, therapy, swallowing, aspiration, speech, communication,
to, her, the, and, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY: , The patient is a 67-year-old female, was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety. At the onset of therapy, on 03/26/08, the patient was NPO with a G-tube and the initial speech and language evaluation revealed global aphasia with an aphasia quotient of 3.6/100 based on the Western Aphasia Battery. Since the initial evaluation, the patient has attended 60 outpatient speech therapy sessions, which have focussed on her receptive communication, expressive language, multimodality communication skills, and swallowing function and safety.,SHORT-TERM GOALS:,1. The patient met 3 out of 4 original short-term therapy goals, which were to complete a modified barium swallow study, which she did do and which revealed no aspiration. At this time, the patient is eating and drinking and taking all medications by mouth; however, her G-tube is still present. The patient was instructed to talk to the primary care physician about removal of her feeding tube.,2. The patient will increase accuracy of yes-no responses to greater than 80% accuracy. She did accomplish this goal. The patient is also able to identify named objects with greater than 80% accuracy.,ADDITIONAL GOALS: , Following the completion of these goals, additional goals were established. Based on reevaluation, the patient met 2 out of these 3 initial goals and she is currently able to read and understand simple sentences with greater than 90% accuracy independently and she is able to write 10 words related to basic wants and needs with greater than 80% accuracy independently. The patient continues to have difficulty stating verbally, yes or no, to questions as well as accurately using head gestures and to respond to yes-no questions. The patient continues to have marked difficulty with her expressive language abilities. She is able to write simple words to help express her basic wants and needs. She has made great strides; however, with her receptive communication, she is able to read words as well as short phrases and able to point to named objects and answer simple-to-moderate complex yes-no questions. A reevaluation completed on 12/01/08, revealed an aphasia quotient of 26.4. Once again, she made significant improvement and comprehension, but continues to have unintelligible speech. An alternative communication device was discussed with the patient and her husband, but at this time, the patient does not want to utilize a communication device. If, in the future, the patient continues to struggle with her expressive communication, an alternative augmented communication device would be a benefit to her. Please reconsult at that time if and when the patient is ready to use a speech generating device. The patient is discharged from my services at this time due to a plateau in her progress. Numerous home activities were recommended to allow her to continue to make progress at home. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Discharge Summary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, she, and, right, was
CC: ,Sensory loss.,HX: ,25y/o RHF began experiencing pruritus in the RUE, above the elbow and in the right scapular region, on 10/23/92. In addition she had paresthesias in the proximal BLE and toes of the right foot. Her symptoms resolved the following day. On 10/25/92, she awoke in the morning and her legs felt "asleep" with decreased sensation. The sensory loss gradually progressed rostrally to the mid chest. She felt unsteady on her feet and had difficulty ambulating. In addition she also began to experience pain in the right scapular region. She denied any heat or cold intolerance, fatigue, weight loss.,MEDS:, None.,PMH:, Unremarkable.,FHX: ,GF with CAD, otherwise unremarkable.,SHX:, Married, unemployed. 2 children. Patient was born and raised in Iowa. Denied any h/o Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP121/66 HR77 RR14 36.5C,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech normal with logical lucid thought process.,CN: mild optic disk pallor OS. No RAPD. EOM full and smooth. No INO. The rest of the CN exam was unremarkable.,MOTOR: Full strength throughout all extremities except for 5/4+ hip extensors. Normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: Decreased PP/LT below T4-5 on the left side down to the feet. Decreased PP/LT/VIB in BLE (left worse than right). Allodynic in RUE.,Coord: Intact FNF, HKS and RAM, bilaterally.,Station: No pronator drift. Romberg's test not documented.,Gait: Unsteady wide-based. Able to TT and HW. Poor TW.,Reflexes: 3/3 BUE. Hoffman's signs were present bilaterally. 4/4 patellae. 3+/3+ Achilles with 3-4 beat nonsustained clonus. Plantar responses were extensor on the right and flexor on the left.,Gen. Exam: Unremarkable.,COURSE:, CBC, GS, PT, PTT, ESR, FT4, TSH, ANA, Vit B12, Folate, VDRL and Urinalysis were normal. MRI T-spine, 10/27/92, was unremarkable. MRI Brain, 10/28/92, revealed multiple areas of abnormally increased signal on T2 weighted images in the white matter regions of the right corpus callosum, periventricular region, brachium pontis and right pons. The appearance of the lesions was felt to be strongly suggestive of multiple sclerosis. 10/28/92, Lumbar puncture revealed the following CSF results: RBC 1, WBC 9 (8 lymphocytes, 1 histiocyte), Glucose 55mg/dl, Protein 46mg/dl (normal 15-45), CSF IgG 7.5mg/dl (normal 0.0-6.2), CSF IgG index 1.3 (normal 0.0-0.7), agarose gel electrophoresis revealed oligoclonal bands in the gamma region which were not seen on the serum sample. Beta-2 microglobulin was unremarkable. An abnormal left tibial somatosensory evoked potential was noted consistent with central conduction slowing. Visual and Brainstem Auditory evoked potentials were normal. HTLV-1 titers were negative. CSF cultures and cytology were negative. She was not treated with medications as her symptoms were primarily sensory and non-debilitating, and she was discharged home.,She returned on 11/7/92 as her symptoms of RUE dysesthesia, lower extremity paresthesia and weakness, all worsened. On 11/6/92, she developed slow slurred speech and had marked difficulty expressing her thoughts. She also began having difficulty emptying her bladder. Her 11/7/92 exam was notable for normal vital signs, lying motionless with eyes open and nodding and rhythmically blinking every few minutes. She was oriented to place and time of day, but not to season, day of the week and she did not know who she was. She had a leftward gaze preference and right lower facial weakness. Her RLE was spastic with sustained ankle clonus. There was dysesthetic sensory perception in the RUE. Jaw jerk and glabellar sign were present.,MRI brain, 11/7/92, revealed multiple enhancing lesions in the peritrigonal region and white matter of the centrum semiovale. The right peritrigonal region is more prominent than on prior study. The left centrum semiovale lesion has less enhancement than previously. Multiple other white matter lesions are demonstrated on the right side, in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the anterior periventricular white matter, optic radiations and cerebellum. The peritrigonal lesions on both sides have increased in size since the 10/92 MRI. The findings were felt more consistent with demyelinating disease and less likely glioma. Post-viral encephalitis, Rapidly progressive demyelinating disease and tumor were in the differential diagnosis. Lumbar Puncture, 11/8/92, revealed: RBC 2, WBC 12 (12 lymphocytes), Glucose 57, Protein 51 (elevated), cytology and cultures were negative. HIV 1 titer was negative. Urine drug screen, negative. A stereotactic brain biopsy of the right parieto-occipital region was consistent with demyelinating disease. She was treated with Decadron 6mg IV qhours and Cytoxan 0.75gm/m2 (1.25gm). On 12/3/92, she has a focal motor seizure with rhythmic jerking of the LUE, loss of consciousness and rightward eye deviation. EEG revealed diffuse slowing with frequent right-sided sharp discharges. She was placed on Dilantin. She became depressed.
MRI Brain & T-spine - Demyelinating disease.
MRI Brain & T-spine - Demyelinating disease.
radiology, sensory loss, lumbar puncture, peritrigonal region, centrum semiovale, mri brain, white matter, demyelinating disease, csf, demyelinating, mri, brain,
the, she, and, right, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CC: ,Sensory loss.,HX: ,25y/o RHF began experiencing pruritus in the RUE, above the elbow and in the right scapular region, on 10/23/92. In addition she had paresthesias in the proximal BLE and toes of the right foot. Her symptoms resolved the following day. On 10/25/92, she awoke in the morning and her legs felt "asleep" with decreased sensation. The sensory loss gradually progressed rostrally to the mid chest. She felt unsteady on her feet and had difficulty ambulating. In addition she also began to experience pain in the right scapular region. She denied any heat or cold intolerance, fatigue, weight loss.,MEDS:, None.,PMH:, Unremarkable.,FHX: ,GF with CAD, otherwise unremarkable.,SHX:, Married, unemployed. 2 children. Patient was born and raised in Iowa. Denied any h/o Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP121/66 HR77 RR14 36.5C,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech normal with logical lucid thought process.,CN: mild optic disk pallor OS. No RAPD. EOM full and smooth. No INO. The rest of the CN exam was unremarkable.,MOTOR: Full strength throughout all extremities except for 5/4+ hip extensors. Normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: Decreased PP/LT below T4-5 on the left side down to the feet. Decreased PP/LT/VIB in BLE (left worse than right). Allodynic in RUE.,Coord: Intact FNF, HKS and RAM, bilaterally.,Station: No pronator drift. Romberg's test not documented.,Gait: Unsteady wide-based. Able to TT and HW. Poor TW.,Reflexes: 3/3 BUE. Hoffman's signs were present bilaterally. 4/4 patellae. 3+/3+ Achilles with 3-4 beat nonsustained clonus. Plantar responses were extensor on the right and flexor on the left.,Gen. Exam: Unremarkable.,COURSE:, CBC, GS, PT, PTT, ESR, FT4, TSH, ANA, Vit B12, Folate, VDRL and Urinalysis were normal. MRI T-spine, 10/27/92, was unremarkable. MRI Brain, 10/28/92, revealed multiple areas of abnormally increased signal on T2 weighted images in the white matter regions of the right corpus callosum, periventricular region, brachium pontis and right pons. The appearance of the lesions was felt to be strongly suggestive of multiple sclerosis. 10/28/92, Lumbar puncture revealed the following CSF results: RBC 1, WBC 9 (8 lymphocytes, 1 histiocyte), Glucose 55mg/dl, Protein 46mg/dl (normal 15-45), CSF IgG 7.5mg/dl (normal 0.0-6.2), CSF IgG index 1.3 (normal 0.0-0.7), agarose gel electrophoresis revealed oligoclonal bands in the gamma region which were not seen on the serum sample. Beta-2 microglobulin was unremarkable. An abnormal left tibial somatosensory evoked potential was noted consistent with central conduction slowing. Visual and Brainstem Auditory evoked potentials were normal. HTLV-1 titers were negative. CSF cultures and cytology were negative. She was not treated with medications as her symptoms were primarily sensory and non-debilitating, and she was discharged home.,She returned on 11/7/92 as her symptoms of RUE dysesthesia, lower extremity paresthesia and weakness, all worsened. On 11/6/92, she developed slow slurred speech and had marked difficulty expressing her thoughts. She also began having difficulty emptying her bladder. Her 11/7/92 exam was notable for normal vital signs, lying motionless with eyes open and nodding and rhythmically blinking every few minutes. She was oriented to place and time of day, but not to season, day of the week and she did not know who she was. She had a leftward gaze preference and right lower facial weakness. Her RLE was spastic with sustained ankle clonus. There was dysesthetic sensory perception in the RUE. Jaw jerk and glabellar sign were present.,MRI brain, 11/7/92, revealed multiple enhancing lesions in the peritrigonal region and white matter of the centrum semiovale. The right peritrigonal region is more prominent than on prior study. The left centrum semiovale lesion has less enhancement than previously. Multiple other white matter lesions are demonstrated on the right side, in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the anterior periventricular white matter, optic radiations and cerebellum. The peritrigonal lesions on both sides have increased in size since the 10/92 MRI. The findings were felt more consistent with demyelinating disease and less likely glioma. Post-viral encephalitis, Rapidly progressive demyelinating disease and tumor were in the differential diagnosis. Lumbar Puncture, 11/8/92, revealed: RBC 2, WBC 12 (12 lymphocytes), Glucose 57, Protein 51 (elevated), cytology and cultures were negative. HIV 1 titer was negative. Urine drug screen, negative. A stereotactic brain biopsy of the right parieto-occipital region was consistent with demyelinating disease. She was treated with Decadron 6mg IV qhours and Cytoxan 0.75gm/m2 (1.25gm). On 12/3/92, she has a focal motor seizure with rhythmic jerking of the LUE, loss of consciousness and rightward eye deviation. EEG revealed diffuse slowing with frequent right-sided sharp discharges. She was placed on Dilantin. She became depressed. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, she, and, right, was [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] MRI Brain & T-spine - Demyelinating disease. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Management of blood pressure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 38-year-old female admitted following a delivery. The patient had a cesarean section. Following this, the patient was treated for her blood pressure. She was sent home and she came back again apparently with uncontrolled blood pressure. She is on multiple medications, unable to control the blood pressure. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any symptoms of chest pain, or shortness of breath. She complains of fatigue and tiredness. The child had some congenital anomaly, was transferred to Hospital, where the child has had surgery. The patient is in intensive care unit.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS:, History of hypertension, history of gestational diabetes mellitus, nonsmoker, and cholesterol is normal. No history of established coronary artery disease and family history noncontributory for coronary disease.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Nonsignificant.,SURGICAL HISTORY: ,No major surgery except for C-section.,MEDICATIONS:, Presently on Cardizem and metoprolol were discontinued. Started on hydralazine 50 mg t.i.d., and labetalol 200 mg b.i.d., hydrochlorothiazide, and insulin supplementation.,ALLERGIES: , None.,PERSONAL HISTORY: , Nonsmoker. Does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, pre-eclampsia, this is her third child with one miscarriage.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: No history of fever, rigors, or chills.,HEENT: No history of cataract, blurry vision, or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No congestive heart. No arrhythmia.,RESPIRATORY: No history of pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: No epigastric discomfort, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGIC: No frequency or urgency.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No arthritis or muscle weakness.,SKIN: Nonsignificant.,NEUROLOGICAL: No TIA. No CVA. No seizure disorder.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 86, blood pressure 175/86, afebrile, and respiratory rate 16 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins are flat.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses palpable.,LABORATORY DATA: , EKG shows sinus tachycardia with nonspecific ST-T changes. Labs were noted. BUN and creatinine within normal limits.,IMPRESSION:,1. Preeclampsia, status post delivery with Cesarean section with uncontrolled blood pressure.,2. No prior history of cardiac disease except for borderline gestational diabetes mellitus.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. We will get an echocardiogram for assessment left ventricular function.,2. The patient will start on labetalol and hydralazine to see how see fairs.,3. Based on response to medication, we will make further adjustments. Discussed with the patient regarding plan of care, fully understands and consents for the same. All the questions answered in detail.
Preeclampsia, status post delivery with Cesarean section with uncontrolled blood pressure. The patient is a 38-year-old female admitted following a delivery. The patient had a cesarean section. Following this, the patient was treated for her blood pressure. She was sent home and she came back again apparently with uncontrolled blood pressure.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
history, no, of, and, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Management of blood pressure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 38-year-old female admitted following a delivery. The patient had a cesarean section. Following this, the patient was treated for her blood pressure. She was sent home and she came back again apparently with uncontrolled blood pressure. She is on multiple medications, unable to control the blood pressure. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any symptoms of chest pain, or shortness of breath. She complains of fatigue and tiredness. The child had some congenital anomaly, was transferred to Hospital, where the child has had surgery. The patient is in intensive care unit.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS:, History of hypertension, history of gestational diabetes mellitus, nonsmoker, and cholesterol is normal. No history of established coronary artery disease and family history noncontributory for coronary disease.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Nonsignificant.,SURGICAL HISTORY: ,No major surgery except for C-section.,MEDICATIONS:, Presently on Cardizem and metoprolol were discontinued. Started on hydralazine 50 mg t.i.d., and labetalol 200 mg b.i.d., hydrochlorothiazide, and insulin supplementation.,ALLERGIES: , None.,PERSONAL HISTORY: , Nonsmoker. Does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, pre-eclampsia, this is her third child with one miscarriage.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: No history of fever, rigors, or chills.,HEENT: No history of cataract, blurry vision, or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No congestive heart. No arrhythmia.,RESPIRATORY: No history of pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: No epigastric discomfort, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGIC: No frequency or urgency.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No arthritis or muscle weakness.,SKIN: Nonsignificant.,NEUROLOGICAL: No TIA. No CVA. No seizure disorder.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 86, blood pressure 175/86, afebrile, and respiratory rate 16 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins are flat.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses palpable.,LABORATORY DATA: , EKG shows sinus tachycardia with nonspecific ST-T changes. Labs were noted. BUN and creatinine within normal limits.,IMPRESSION:,1. Preeclampsia, status post delivery with Cesarean section with uncontrolled blood pressure.,2. No prior history of cardiac disease except for borderline gestational diabetes mellitus.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. We will get an echocardiogram for assessment left ventricular function.,2. The patient will start on labetalol and hydralazine to see how see fairs.,3. Based on response to medication, we will make further adjustments. Discussed with the patient regarding plan of care, fully understands and consents for the same. All the questions answered in detail. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Cardiovascular / Pulmonary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Preeclampsia, status post delivery with Cesarean section with uncontrolled blood pressure. The patient is a 38-year-old female admitted following a delivery. The patient had a cesarean section. Following this, the patient was treated for her blood pressure. She was sent home and she came back again apparently with uncontrolled blood pressure. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, to, with, and
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE,1. Carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. The subcutaneous fat was dissected radially from 2-3 mm and the superficial aponeurosis cut on this side to leave a longer ulnar leaf.,The ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis was dissected ulnarly, and the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the radial leaf of the cut transverse carpal ligament was repaired to the ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis with 4-0 Vicryl. Care was taken to avoid entrapping the motor branch of the median nerve in the suture. A hemostat was placed under the repair to ensure that the median nerve was not compressed. The skin was repaired with 5-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,The first dorsal compartment was addressed through a transverse incision at the level of the radial styloid tip. Dissection was carried down with care taken to avoid and protect the superficial radial nerve branches. I released the compartment in a separate subsheath for the EPB on the dorsal side. Both ends of the sheath were released to lengthen them, and then these were repaired with 4-0 Vicryl. It was checked to make sure that there was significant room remaining for the tendons. This was done to prevent postoperative subluxation.,I then irrigated and closed the wounds in layers. Marcaine with epinephrine was placed into all wounds, and dressings and splint were placed. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well.
Carpal tunnel syndrome and de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. Carpal tunnel release and de Quervain's release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis.
de Quervain Release - Carpal
surgery, de quervain's release, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, carpal, incision, aponeurosis, tunnel, cut,
the, was, to, with, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE,1. Carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. The subcutaneous fat was dissected radially from 2-3 mm and the superficial aponeurosis cut on this side to leave a longer ulnar leaf.,The ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis was dissected ulnarly, and the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the radial leaf of the cut transverse carpal ligament was repaired to the ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis with 4-0 Vicryl. Care was taken to avoid entrapping the motor branch of the median nerve in the suture. A hemostat was placed under the repair to ensure that the median nerve was not compressed. The skin was repaired with 5-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,The first dorsal compartment was addressed through a transverse incision at the level of the radial styloid tip. Dissection was carried down with care taken to avoid and protect the superficial radial nerve branches. I released the compartment in a separate subsheath for the EPB on the dorsal side. Both ends of the sheath were released to lengthen them, and then these were repaired with 4-0 Vicryl. It was checked to make sure that there was significant room remaining for the tendons. This was done to prevent postoperative subluxation.,I then irrigated and closed the wounds in layers. Marcaine with epinephrine was placed into all wounds, and dressings and splint were placed. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, to, with, and [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Carpal tunnel syndrome and de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. Carpal tunnel release and de Quervain's release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation.
PROCEDURE: , Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation.,INDICATION: , The patient is a 2-year, 2-month-old little girl who presented to the hospital with severe anemia, hemoglobin 5.8, elevated total bilirubin consistent with hemolysis and weak positive direct Coombs test. She was transfused with packed red blood cells. Her hemolysis seemed to slow down. She also on presentation had indications of urinary tract infection with urinalysis significant for 2+ leukocytes, positive nitrites, 3+ protein, 3+ blood, 25 to 100 white cells, 10 to 25 bacteria, 10 to 25 epithelial cells on clean catch specimen. Culture subsequently grew out no organisms; however, the child had been pretreated with amoxicillin about x3 doses prior to presentation to the hospital. She had a blood culture, which was also negative. She was empirically started on presentation with the cefotaxime intravenously. Her white count on presentation was significantly elevated at 20,800, subsequently increased to 24.7 and then decreased to 16.6 while on antibiotics. After antibiotics were discontinued, she increased over the next 2 days to an elevated white count of 31,000 with significant bandemia, metamyelocytes and myelocytes present. She also had three episodes of vomiting and thus she is being taken to the procedure room today for a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis that may being inadvertently treated in treating her UTI.,I discussed with The patient's parents prior to the procedure the lumbar puncture and moderate sedation procedures. The risks, benefits, alternatives, complications including, but not limited to bleeding, infection, respiratory depression. Questions were answered to their satisfaction. They would like to proceed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After "time out" procedure was obtained, the child was given appropriate monitoring equipment including appropriate vital signs were obtained. She was then given Versed 1 mg intravenously by myself. She subsequently became sleepy, the respiratory monitors, end-tidal, cardiopulmonary and pulse oximetry were applied. She was then given 20 mcg of fentanyl intravenously by myself. She was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Dr. X cleansed the patient's back in a normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. She inserted a 22-gauge x 1.5-inch spinal needle in the patient's L3-L4 interspace that was carefully identified under my direct supervision. Clear fluid was not obtained initially, needle was withdrawn intact. The patient was slightly repositioned by the nurse and Dr. X reinserted the needle in the L3-L4 interspace position, the needle was able to obtain clear fluid, approximately 3 mL was obtained. The stylette was replaced and the needle was withdrawn intact and bandage was applied. Betadine solution was cleansed from the patient's back.,During the procedure, there were no untoward complications, the end-tidal CO2, pulse oximetry, and other vitals remained stable. Of note, EMLA cream had also been applied prior procedure, this was removed prior to cleansing of the back.,Fluid will be sent for a routine cell count, Gram stain culture, protein, and glucose.,DISPOSITION: , The child returned to room on the medical floor in satisfactory condition.
Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation.
Lumbar Puncture - 1
neurosurgery, moderate sedation, lumbar puncture, needle, lumbar,
the, she, was, to, procedure
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE: , Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation.,INDICATION: , The patient is a 2-year, 2-month-old little girl who presented to the hospital with severe anemia, hemoglobin 5.8, elevated total bilirubin consistent with hemolysis and weak positive direct Coombs test. She was transfused with packed red blood cells. Her hemolysis seemed to slow down. She also on presentation had indications of urinary tract infection with urinalysis significant for 2+ leukocytes, positive nitrites, 3+ protein, 3+ blood, 25 to 100 white cells, 10 to 25 bacteria, 10 to 25 epithelial cells on clean catch specimen. Culture subsequently grew out no organisms; however, the child had been pretreated with amoxicillin about x3 doses prior to presentation to the hospital. She had a blood culture, which was also negative. She was empirically started on presentation with the cefotaxime intravenously. Her white count on presentation was significantly elevated at 20,800, subsequently increased to 24.7 and then decreased to 16.6 while on antibiotics. After antibiotics were discontinued, she increased over the next 2 days to an elevated white count of 31,000 with significant bandemia, metamyelocytes and myelocytes present. She also had three episodes of vomiting and thus she is being taken to the procedure room today for a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis that may being inadvertently treated in treating her UTI.,I discussed with The patient's parents prior to the procedure the lumbar puncture and moderate sedation procedures. The risks, benefits, alternatives, complications including, but not limited to bleeding, infection, respiratory depression. Questions were answered to their satisfaction. They would like to proceed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After "time out" procedure was obtained, the child was given appropriate monitoring equipment including appropriate vital signs were obtained. She was then given Versed 1 mg intravenously by myself. She subsequently became sleepy, the respiratory monitors, end-tidal, cardiopulmonary and pulse oximetry were applied. She was then given 20 mcg of fentanyl intravenously by myself. She was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Dr. X cleansed the patient's back in a normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. She inserted a 22-gauge x 1.5-inch spinal needle in the patient's L3-L4 interspace that was carefully identified under my direct supervision. Clear fluid was not obtained initially, needle was withdrawn intact. The patient was slightly repositioned by the nurse and Dr. X reinserted the needle in the L3-L4 interspace position, the needle was able to obtain clear fluid, approximately 3 mL was obtained. The stylette was replaced and the needle was withdrawn intact and bandage was applied. Betadine solution was cleansed from the patient's back.,During the procedure, there were no untoward complications, the end-tidal CO2, pulse oximetry, and other vitals remained stable. Of note, EMLA cream had also been applied prior procedure, this was removed prior to cleansing of the back.,Fluid will be sent for a routine cell count, Gram stain culture, protein, and glucose.,DISPOSITION: , The child returned to room on the medical floor in satisfactory condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tailor's bunionectomy with metatarsal osteotomy of the left fifth metatarsal.,2. Excision of nerve lesion with implantation of the muscle belly of the left second interspace.,3. Excision of nerve lesion in the left third interspace.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: ,This is a 37-year-old female who presents to ABCD's preoperative holding area, n.p.o. since mid night, last night for surgery of her painful left second and third interspaces and her left fifth metatarsal. The patient has attempted conservative correction and injections with minimal improvement. The patient desires surgical correction at this time. The patient states that her pain has been increasingly worsening with activity and with time and it is currently difficult for her to ambulate and wear shoes. At this time, the patient desires surgical intervention and correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained to the patient in detail by Dr. X and consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area, the patient was taken to the Operating Suite via cart and placed on the operating table in the supine position. A safety strap was placed across her waist for protection.,Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied around her left ankle over copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 20 cc of a mixture of 4.5 cc of 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1 cc of Solu-Medrol per 10 cc dose was administered to the patient for local anesthesia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic manner. The foot was then elevated and a tourniquet was then placed at 230 mmHg after applying Esmarch bandage. The foot was then lowered down the operative field and sterile stockinet was draped. The stockinet was then reflected. Attention was then directed to the second intermetatarsal interspace. After testing the anesthesia, a 4 cm incision was placed using a #10 blade over the dorsal surface of the foot in the second intermetatarsal space beginning from proximal third of the metatarsals distally to and beyond the metatarsal head. Then, using #15 blade the incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to identify and avoid or to cauterize any local encountered vascular structures. Incision was deepened using the combination of blunt and dull dissection using Mayo scissors, hemostat, and a #15 blade. The incision was deepened distally down to the level of the deep transverse metatarsal ligament which was reflected and exposure of the intermetatarsal space was appreciated. The individual branches of the plantar digital nerve were identified extending into the second and third digits plantarly. These endings were dissected distally and cut at their most distal portions. Following this, the nerve was dissected proximally into the common nerve and dissected proximally into the proximal portion of the intermetatarsal space. Using careful meticulous dissection, there was noted to a be a enlarged bulbous mass of fibers and nerve tissue embedded with the adipose tissue. This was also cut and removed. The proximal portion of the nerve stump was identified and care was taken to suture this into the lumbrical muscle to leave no free nerve ending exposed. Following this, the interspace was irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline and interspace explored for any other portions of nerve which may been missed on the previous dissection. It was noted that no other portions of the nerve were detectable and the proximal free nerve ending was embedded and found to be ________ the lumbrical muscle belly. Following this, the interspace was packed using iodoform gauze packing and was closed in layers with the packing extruding from the wound. Attention was then directed to the third interspace where in a manner as mentioned before. A dorsal linear incision which measured 5 cm was made over the third interspace extending from the proximal portion of the metatarsal distally to the metatarsal head. Like before, using a combination of blunt and dull dissection, with sharp dissection the incision was deepened down with care taken to cauterize all retracting vascular structures which were encountered.,The incision was deepened down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue and then down deeper to the interspace of the third and fourth metatarsal. The dissection was deepened distally down to the level of the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, where upon this was reflected and the nerve fibers to the third and fourth digit plantarly were identified. These were once again dissected distally out and transected at their most distal portions. Care was then taken to dissect the nerve proximally into the proximal metatarsal region. No other branches of the nerve were identified and the nerve in its entirety along with fibrous tissue encountered in the area was removed. The proximal portion of the nerve which remained was not large enough to suture into lumbrical muscle as was done in the previous interspace. Half of the nerve was transected proximally as was feasible and no exposed ending was noted. Incision was then flushed and irrigated using sterile saline. Following this, the incision wound was packed with iodoform gauze packed and closed in layers using as before #4-0 Vicryl and #4-0 nylon suture.,Following this, attention was directed to the fifth metatarsal head where a lateral 4 cm incision was placed along the lateral distal shaft and head of the fifth metatarsal using a fresh #10 blade. The incision was then deepened using #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to reflect any neurovascular structures which were encountered. Following this the incision was deepened down to the level of the periosteum and periosteum was reflected, using the sharp dissection, to expose the head of the metatarsal along with the neck region. After adequate exposure of the fifth metatarsal head was achieved, an oblique incision directed from distal lateral to proximal medial in a sagittal plane was performed and the head of the fifth metatarsal was shifted medially. Following this, an OrthoSorb pin was retrograded through the fifth metatarsal head into the neck of the fifth metatarsal and was cut off first with the lateral surfaces of bone. OrthoSorb pin was noted to be intact and the fifth metatarsal head was in good alignment and position. Following this, the sagittal saw and the #138 blade were used to provide rasping and smoothing of the sharp acute edges of bone laterally. Following this, the periosteum was closed using #4-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed in layers using #4-0 Vicryl and closed with running subcuticular #4-0 Monocryl suture. Upon completion of this, the foot was noted to be in good position with good visual alignment of the fifth metatarsal head and digit. The incisions in foot were then ________ draped in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, and Kerlix and covered with Coban bandage. The tourniquet was then deflated with the total tourniquet time of 103 minutes at 230 mmHg and immediate hyperemia was noted to end digits one through five of the left foot.,The patient was then transferred to the cart and was escorted to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient tolerated the procedure well without any complications. The patient was then given prescriptions for Vicoprofen #30 and Augmentin #14 to be taken twice daily. The patient was instructed to followup with Dr. X after the weekend on Tuesday in his office. The patient also given postoperative instructions and was placed in a postoperative shoe and instructed to limit weightbearing to the heel only, ice and elevate her foot 20 minutes every hour as tolerated. The patient also instructed to take her medications and prescriptions as directed. She was given the emergency contact numbers. Postoperative x-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home in stable condition upon conclusion of this.
Tailor's bunionectomy with metatarsal osteotomy of the left fifth metatarsal. Excision of nerve lesion with implantation of the muscle belly of the left second interspace. Excision of nerve lesion in the left third interspace.
Bbunionectomy & Metatarsal Osteotomy
orthopedic, tailor's bunion, neuroma, nerve lesion, interspace, metatarsal, osteotomy, metatarsal osteotomy, metatarsal head, foot, distally, head, incision, nerve, intermetatarsal, portions,
the, was, and, of, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tailor's bunionectomy with metatarsal osteotomy of the left fifth metatarsal.,2. Excision of nerve lesion with implantation of the muscle belly of the left second interspace.,3. Excision of nerve lesion in the left third interspace.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: ,This is a 37-year-old female who presents to ABCD's preoperative holding area, n.p.o. since mid night, last night for surgery of her painful left second and third interspaces and her left fifth metatarsal. The patient has attempted conservative correction and injections with minimal improvement. The patient desires surgical correction at this time. The patient states that her pain has been increasingly worsening with activity and with time and it is currently difficult for her to ambulate and wear shoes. At this time, the patient desires surgical intervention and correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained to the patient in detail by Dr. X and consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area, the patient was taken to the Operating Suite via cart and placed on the operating table in the supine position. A safety strap was placed across her waist for protection.,Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied around her left ankle over copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 20 cc of a mixture of 4.5 cc of 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1 cc of Solu-Medrol per 10 cc dose was administered to the patient for local anesthesia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic manner. The foot was then elevated and a tourniquet was then placed at 230 mmHg after applying Esmarch bandage. The foot was then lowered down the operative field and sterile stockinet was draped. The stockinet was then reflected. Attention was then directed to the second intermetatarsal interspace. After testing the anesthesia, a 4 cm incision was placed using a #10 blade over the dorsal surface of the foot in the second intermetatarsal space beginning from proximal third of the metatarsals distally to and beyond the metatarsal head. Then, using #15 blade the incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to identify and avoid or to cauterize any local encountered vascular structures. Incision was deepened using the combination of blunt and dull dissection using Mayo scissors, hemostat, and a #15 blade. The incision was deepened distally down to the level of the deep transverse metatarsal ligament which was reflected and exposure of the intermetatarsal space was appreciated. The individual branches of the plantar digital nerve were identified extending into the second and third digits plantarly. These endings were dissected distally and cut at their most distal portions. Following this, the nerve was dissected proximally into the common nerve and dissected proximally into the proximal portion of the intermetatarsal space. Using careful meticulous dissection, there was noted to a be a enlarged bulbous mass of fibers and nerve tissue embedded with the adipose tissue. This was also cut and removed. The proximal portion of the nerve stump was identified and care was taken to suture this into the lumbrical muscle to leave no free nerve ending exposed. Following this, the interspace was irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline and interspace explored for any other portions of nerve which may been missed on the previous dissection. It was noted that no other portions of the nerve were detectable and the proximal free nerve ending was embedded and found to be ________ the lumbrical muscle belly. Following this, the interspace was packed using iodoform gauze packing and was closed in layers with the packing extruding from the wound. Attention was then directed to the third interspace where in a manner as mentioned before. A dorsal linear incision which measured 5 cm was made over the third interspace extending from the proximal portion of the metatarsal distally to the metatarsal head. Like before, using a combination of blunt and dull dissection, with sharp dissection the incision was deepened down with care taken to cauterize all retracting vascular structures which were encountered.,The incision was deepened down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue and then down deeper to the interspace of the third and fourth metatarsal. The dissection was deepened distally down to the level of the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, where upon this was reflected and the nerve fibers to the third and fourth digit plantarly were identified. These were once again dissected distally out and transected at their most distal portions. Care was then taken to dissect the nerve proximally into the proximal metatarsal region. No other branches of the nerve were identified and the nerve in its entirety along with fibrous tissue encountered in the area was removed. The proximal portion of the nerve which remained was not large enough to suture into lumbrical muscle as was done in the previous interspace. Half of the nerve was transected proximally as was feasible and no exposed ending was noted. Incision was then flushed and irrigated using sterile saline. Following this, the incision wound was packed with iodoform gauze packed and closed in layers using as before #4-0 Vicryl and #4-0 nylon suture.,Following this, attention was directed to the fifth metatarsal head where a lateral 4 cm incision was placed along the lateral distal shaft and head of the fifth metatarsal using a fresh #10 blade. The incision was then deepened using #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to reflect any neurovascular structures which were encountered. Following this the incision was deepened down to the level of the periosteum and periosteum was reflected, using the sharp dissection, to expose the head of the metatarsal along with the neck region. After adequate exposure of the fifth metatarsal head was achieved, an oblique incision directed from distal lateral to proximal medial in a sagittal plane was performed and the head of the fifth metatarsal was shifted medially. Following this, an OrthoSorb pin was retrograded through the fifth metatarsal head into the neck of the fifth metatarsal and was cut off first with the lateral surfaces of bone. OrthoSorb pin was noted to be intact and the fifth metatarsal head was in good alignment and position. Following this, the sagittal saw and the #138 blade were used to provide rasping and smoothing of the sharp acute edges of bone laterally. Following this, the periosteum was closed using #4-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed in layers using #4-0 Vicryl and closed with running subcuticular #4-0 Monocryl suture. Upon completion of this, the foot was noted to be in good position with good visual alignment of the fifth metatarsal head and digit. The incisions in foot were then ________ draped in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, and Kerlix and covered with Coban bandage. The tourniquet was then deflated with the total tourniquet time of 103 minutes at 230 mmHg and immediate hyperemia was noted to end digits one through five of the left foot.,The patient was then transferred to the cart and was escorted to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient tolerated the procedure well without any complications. The patient was then given prescriptions for Vicoprofen #30 and Augmentin #14 to be taken twice daily. The patient was instructed to followup with Dr. X after the weekend on Tuesday in his office. The patient also given postoperative instructions and was placed in a postoperative shoe and instructed to limit weightbearing to the heel only, ice and elevate her foot 20 minutes every hour as tolerated. The patient also instructed to take her medications and prescriptions as directed. She was given the emergency contact numbers. Postoperative x-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home in stable condition upon conclusion of this. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Orthopedic [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Tailor's bunionectomy with metatarsal osteotomy of the left fifth metatarsal. Excision of nerve lesion with implantation of the muscle belly of the left second interspace. Excision of nerve lesion in the left third interspace. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
DESCRIPTION:, The patient was placed in the supine position and was prepped and draped in the usual manner. The left vas was grasped in between the fingers. The skin and vas were anesthetized with local anesthesia. The vas was grasped with an Allis clamp. Skin was incised and the vas deferens was regrasped with another Allis clamp. The sheath was incised with a scalpel and elevated using the iris scissors and clamps were used to ligate the vas deferens. The portion in between the clamps was excised and the ends of the vas were clamped using hemoclips, two in the testicular side and one on the proximal side. The incision was then inspected for hemostasis and closed with 3-0 chromic catgut interrupted fashion.,A similar procedure was carried out on the right side. Dry sterile dressings were applied and the patient put on a scrotal supporter. The procedure was then terminated.
Normal vasectomy
Vasectomy - 1
surgery, vasectomy, allis clamp, catgut, hemoclips, iris scissors, scrotal, scrotal supporter, testicular, vas, vas deferens, vas was grasped, deferens, clampsNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
the, was, and, were, with
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] DESCRIPTION:, The patient was placed in the supine position and was prepped and draped in the usual manner. The left vas was grasped in between the fingers. The skin and vas were anesthetized with local anesthesia. The vas was grasped with an Allis clamp. Skin was incised and the vas deferens was regrasped with another Allis clamp. The sheath was incised with a scalpel and elevated using the iris scissors and clamps were used to ligate the vas deferens. The portion in between the clamps was excised and the ends of the vas were clamped using hemoclips, two in the testicular side and one on the proximal side. The incision was then inspected for hemostasis and closed with 3-0 chromic catgut interrupted fashion.,A similar procedure was carried out on the right side. Dry sterile dressings were applied and the patient put on a scrotal supporter. The procedure was then terminated. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Surgery [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Normal vasectomy [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Left hemothorax, rule out empyema.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left hemothorax rule out empyema.,PROCEDURE: , Insertion of a 12-French pigtail catheter in the left pleural space.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,After obtaining informed consent, the patient was taken to the minor OR in the Same Day Surgery where his posterior left chest was prepped and draped in a usual fashion. Xylocaine 1% was injected and then a 12-French pigtail catheter was inserted in the medial scapular line about the eighth intercostal space. It was difficult to draw fluid by syringe, but we connected the system to a plastic bag and by gravity started draining at least 400 mL while we were in the minor OR. Samples were sent for culture and sensitivity, aerobic and anaerobic.,The patient and I decided to admit him for a period of observation at least overnight.,He tolerated the procedure well and the postprocedure chest x-ray showed no complications.
Left hemothorax, rule out empyema. Insertion of a 12-French pigtail catheter in the left pleural space.
Pigtail Catheter Insertion
surgery, chest, pleural space, pigtail catheter, insertion, empyema, hemothorax,
the, and, left, was, in
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Left hemothorax, rule out empyema.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left hemothorax rule out empyema.,PROCEDURE: , Insertion of a 12-French pigtail catheter in the left pleural space.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,After obtaining informed consent, the patient was taken to the minor OR in the Same Day Surgery where his posterior left chest was prepped and draped in a usual fashion. Xylocaine 1% was injected and then a 12-French pigtail catheter was inserted in the medial scapular line about the eighth intercostal space. It was difficult to draw fluid by syringe, but we connected the system to a plastic bag and by gravity started draining at least 400 mL while we were in the minor OR. Samples were sent for culture and sensitivity, aerobic and anaerobic.,The patient and I decided to admit him for a period of observation at least overnight.,He tolerated the procedure well and the postprocedure chest x-ray showed no complications. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Left hemothorax, rule out empyema. Insertion of a 12-French pigtail catheter in the left pleural space. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
An example/template for meatotomy.
OPERATIVE NOTE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and was placed in the supine position on the operating room table. A general inhalation anesthetic was administered. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The urethral meatus was calibrated with a small mosquito hemostat and was gently dilated. Next a midline ventral type incision was made opening the meatus. This was done after clamping the tissue to control bleeding. The meatus was opened for about 3 mm. Next the meatus was calibrated and easily calibrated from 8 to 12 French with bougie sounds. Next the mucosal edges were everted and reapproximated to the glans skin edges with approximately five interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The meatus still calibrated between 10 and 12 French. Antibiotic ointment was applied. The procedure was terminated. The patient was awakened and returned to the recovery room in stable condition.
An example/template for meatotomy.
Meatotomy Template
urology, urethral meatus, mosquito hemostat, meatus, mucosal edges, glans, meatotomyNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
the, was, and, room, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] OPERATIVE NOTE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and was placed in the supine position on the operating room table. A general inhalation anesthetic was administered. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The urethral meatus was calibrated with a small mosquito hemostat and was gently dilated. Next a midline ventral type incision was made opening the meatus. This was done after clamping the tissue to control bleeding. The meatus was opened for about 3 mm. Next the meatus was calibrated and easily calibrated from 8 to 12 French with bougie sounds. Next the mucosal edges were everted and reapproximated to the glans skin edges with approximately five interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The meatus still calibrated between 10 and 12 French. Antibiotic ointment was applied. The procedure was terminated. The patient was awakened and returned to the recovery room in stable condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] An example/template for meatotomy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] An example/template for meatotomy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe post thoracotomy pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe post thoracotomy pain.,PROCEDURE: , Intercostal block, left.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , With the patient in the ICU bed who was having a large amount of intravenous narcotic to control his thoracotomy pain, after obtaining informed consent, his left posterior chest was prepped and draped in the usual fashion and Marcaine 0.025% was injected in the spaces four to eight sequentially. A total of 40 mL of Marcaine was used.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and experienced immediate benefit out of the procedure.
Intercostal block, left. Severe post thoracotomy pain.
Pain Management
Intercostal Block
pain management, thoracotomy pain, intercostal block, marcaine, thoracotomy, intercostal,
the, procedure, pain, was, his
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe post thoracotomy pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe post thoracotomy pain.,PROCEDURE: , Intercostal block, left.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , With the patient in the ICU bed who was having a large amount of intravenous narcotic to control his thoracotomy pain, after obtaining informed consent, his left posterior chest was prepped and draped in the usual fashion and Marcaine 0.025% was injected in the spaces four to eight sequentially. A total of 40 mL of Marcaine was used.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and experienced immediate benefit out of the procedure. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.70 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Intercostal block, left. Severe post thoracotomy pain. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Resection of Tumor of Scalp
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Radical resection of tumor of the scalp (CPT 11643). Excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur. Advancement flap closure, with total undermined area 18 centimeters by 16 centimeters (CPT 14300).,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal anesthesia.,INDICATIONS: ,This is an 81-year-old male who has a large exophytic 7cm lesion of the anterior midline scalp which is biopsy-positive for skin malignancy, specifically, squamous call carcinoma. This appears to be affixed to the underlying scalp.,PLAN: , Radical resection with frozen sections to clear margins thereafter, with planned reconstruction.,CONSENT:, I have discussed with the patient the possible risks of bleeding, infection, renal problems, scar formation, injury to muscle, nerves, and possible need for additional surgery with possible recurrence of the patient's carcinoma, with review of detailed informed consent with the patient, who understood, and wished to proceed.,FINDINGS: , The patient had a 7cm large exophytic lesion which appeared to be invasive into the superficial table of the skull. The final periosteal margin which centrally appeared was positive for carcinoma. The final margins peripherally were all negative.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and there was placed supine on the operating room table.,General endotracheal anesthesia was administered after endotracheal tube intubation was performed by the Anesthesia Service personnel. The patient was thereafter prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using Betadine Scrub and Betadine paint. Thereafter, the local anesthesia was injected into the area around the tumor. A **** type excision was planned down to the periosteum. A supraperiosteal radical resection was performed.,It was obvious that there was tumor at the deep margin, involving the periosteum. The edges were marked along the four quadrants, at the 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and the 9 o'clock positions, and these were sent for frozen section evaluation. Frozen section revealed positive margins at one end of the resection. Therefore, an additional circumferential resection was performed and the final margins were all negative.,Following completion, the deep periosteal margin was resected. The circumferential periosteal margins were noted to be negative; however, centrally, there was a small area which showed tumor eroding into the superficial cortex of the skull. Therefore, the Midas Rex drill was utilized to resect approximately 1-2 mm of the superficial cortex of the bone at the area where the positive margin was located. Healthy bone was obtained; however, it did not enter the diploic or marrow-containing bone in the area. Therefore, no bong margin was taken. However, at the end of the procedure, it did not appear that the residual bone had any residual changes consistent with carcinoma.,Following completion of the bony resection, the area was irrigated with copious amounts of saline. Thereafter, advancement flaps were created, both on the left and the right side of the scalp, with the total undermined area being approximately 18cm by 16cm. The galea was incised in multiple areas, to provide for additional mobilization of the tissue. The tissue was closed under tension with 3-0 Vicryl suture deep in the galea and surgical staples superficially.,The patient was awakened from anesthetic, was extubated and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,DISPOSITION:, The patient was discharged to home with antibiotics and analgesics, to follow-up in approximately one week.,NOTE: , The final margins of both periosteal, as well as skin were negative circumferentially, around the tumor. The only positive margin was deep, which was a periosteal margin and bone underlying it was partially resected, as was indicated above.
Radical resection of tumor of the scalp, excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur, and advancement flap closure.
Resection of Tumor of Scalp
surgery, squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp, squamous cell carcinoma, radical resection, margin, midas rex drill, radical resection of tumor, resection of tumor, endotracheal anesthesia, superficial cortex, margins, periosteum, skull, cortex, periosteal, scalp, resection, tumor,
the, was, of, area, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Radical resection of tumor of the scalp (CPT 11643). Excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur. Advancement flap closure, with total undermined area 18 centimeters by 16 centimeters (CPT 14300).,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal anesthesia.,INDICATIONS: ,This is an 81-year-old male who has a large exophytic 7cm lesion of the anterior midline scalp which is biopsy-positive for skin malignancy, specifically, squamous call carcinoma. This appears to be affixed to the underlying scalp.,PLAN: , Radical resection with frozen sections to clear margins thereafter, with planned reconstruction.,CONSENT:, I have discussed with the patient the possible risks of bleeding, infection, renal problems, scar formation, injury to muscle, nerves, and possible need for additional surgery with possible recurrence of the patient's carcinoma, with review of detailed informed consent with the patient, who understood, and wished to proceed.,FINDINGS: , The patient had a 7cm large exophytic lesion which appeared to be invasive into the superficial table of the skull. The final periosteal margin which centrally appeared was positive for carcinoma. The final margins peripherally were all negative.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and there was placed supine on the operating room table.,General endotracheal anesthesia was administered after endotracheal tube intubation was performed by the Anesthesia Service personnel. The patient was thereafter prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using Betadine Scrub and Betadine paint. Thereafter, the local anesthesia was injected into the area around the tumor. A **** type excision was planned down to the periosteum. A supraperiosteal radical resection was performed.,It was obvious that there was tumor at the deep margin, involving the periosteum. The edges were marked along the four quadrants, at the 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and the 9 o'clock positions, and these were sent for frozen section evaluation. Frozen section revealed positive margins at one end of the resection. Therefore, an additional circumferential resection was performed and the final margins were all negative.,Following completion, the deep periosteal margin was resected. The circumferential periosteal margins were noted to be negative; however, centrally, there was a small area which showed tumor eroding into the superficial cortex of the skull. Therefore, the Midas Rex drill was utilized to resect approximately 1-2 mm of the superficial cortex of the bone at the area where the positive margin was located. Healthy bone was obtained; however, it did not enter the diploic or marrow-containing bone in the area. Therefore, no bong margin was taken. However, at the end of the procedure, it did not appear that the residual bone had any residual changes consistent with carcinoma.,Following completion of the bony resection, the area was irrigated with copious amounts of saline. Thereafter, advancement flaps were created, both on the left and the right side of the scalp, with the total undermined area being approximately 18cm by 16cm. The galea was incised in multiple areas, to provide for additional mobilization of the tissue. The tissue was closed under tension with 3-0 Vicryl suture deep in the galea and surgical staples superficially.,The patient was awakened from anesthetic, was extubated and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,DISPOSITION:, The patient was discharged to home with antibiotics and analgesics, to follow-up in approximately one week.,NOTE: , The final margins of both periosteal, as well as skin were negative circumferentially, around the tumor. The only positive margin was deep, which was a periosteal margin and bone underlying it was partially resected, as was indicated above. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Resection of Tumor of Scalp [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Radical resection of tumor of the scalp, excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur, and advancement flap closure. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
PROCEDURE: ,This tracing was obtained utilizing silver chloride biopotential electrodes placed at the medial and lateral canthi at both eyes and on the superior and inferior orbital margins of the left eye along a vertical line drawn through the middle of the pupil in the neutral forward gaze. Simultaneous recordings were made in both eyes in the horizontal direction and the left eye in the vertical directions. Caloric irrigations were performed using a closed loop irrigation system at 30 degrees and 44 degrees C into either ear.,FINDINGS: , Gaze testing did not reveal any evidence of nystagmus. Saccadic movements did not reveal any evidence of dysmetria or overshoot. Sinusoidal tracking was performed well for the patient's age. Optokinetic nystagmus testing was performed poorly due to the patient's difficulty in following the commands. Therefore adequate OKNs were not achieved. The Dix-Hallpike maneuver in the head handing left position resulted in moderate intensity left beating nystagmus, which was converted to a right beating nystagmus when she sat up again. The patient complained of severe dizziness in this position. There was no clear-cut decremental response with repetition. In the head hanging left position, no significant nystagmus was identified. Positional testing in the supine, head hanging, head right, head left, right lateral decubitus, and left lateral decubitus positions did not reveal any evidence of nystagmus.,Caloric stimulation revealed a calculated unilateral weakness of 7.0% on the right (normal <20%) and left beating directional preponderance of 6.0% (normal <20-30%).,IMPRESSION: , Abnormal electronystagmogram demonstrating prominent nystagmus on position testing in the head hanging right position. No other significant nystagmus was noted. There was no evidence of clear-cut caloric stimulation abnormality. This study would be most consistent with a right vestibular dysfunction.
Abnormal electronystagmogram demonstrating prominent nystagmus on position testing in the head hanging right position.
surgery, silver chloride biopotential electrodes, inferior orbital margins, lateral canthi, vestibular dysfunction, prominent nystagmus, head hanging, electronystagmogram, eyes, nystagmus,
the, left, in, position, right
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE: ,This tracing was obtained utilizing silver chloride biopotential electrodes placed at the medial and lateral canthi at both eyes and on the superior and inferior orbital margins of the left eye along a vertical line drawn through the middle of the pupil in the neutral forward gaze. Simultaneous recordings were made in both eyes in the horizontal direction and the left eye in the vertical directions. Caloric irrigations were performed using a closed loop irrigation system at 30 degrees and 44 degrees C into either ear.,FINDINGS: , Gaze testing did not reveal any evidence of nystagmus. Saccadic movements did not reveal any evidence of dysmetria or overshoot. Sinusoidal tracking was performed well for the patient's age. Optokinetic nystagmus testing was performed poorly due to the patient's difficulty in following the commands. Therefore adequate OKNs were not achieved. The Dix-Hallpike maneuver in the head handing left position resulted in moderate intensity left beating nystagmus, which was converted to a right beating nystagmus when she sat up again. The patient complained of severe dizziness in this position. There was no clear-cut decremental response with repetition. In the head hanging left position, no significant nystagmus was identified. Positional testing in the supine, head hanging, head right, head left, right lateral decubitus, and left lateral decubitus positions did not reveal any evidence of nystagmus.,Caloric stimulation revealed a calculated unilateral weakness of 7.0% on the right (normal <20%) and left beating directional preponderance of 6.0% (normal <20-30%).,IMPRESSION: , Abnormal electronystagmogram demonstrating prominent nystagmus on position testing in the head hanging right position. No other significant nystagmus was noted. There was no evidence of clear-cut caloric stimulation abnormality. This study would be most consistent with a right vestibular dysfunction. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Surgery [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Abnormal electronystagmogram demonstrating prominent nystagmus on position testing in the head hanging right position. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
GI Consultation - 3
PROBLEM: ,Prescription evaluation for Crohn's disease., ,HISTORY: , This is a 46-year-old male who is here for a refill of Imuran. He is taking it at a dose of 100 mg per day. He is status post resection of the terminal ileum and has experienced intermittent obstructive symptoms for the past several years. In fact, he had an episode three weeks ago in which he was seen at the emergency room after experiencing sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. An x-ray was performed, which showed no signs of obstruction per his report. He thinks that the inciting factor of this incident was too many grapes eaten the day before. He has had similar symptoms suggestive of obstruction when eating oranges or other high-residue fruits in the past. The patient's normal bowel pattern is loose stools and this is unchanged recently. He has not had any rectal bleeding. He asks today about a rope-like vein on his anterior right arm that has been a little tender and enlarged after he was in the emergency room and they had difficulty with IV insertion. He has not had any fever, red streaking up the arm, or enlargement of lymph nodes. The tenderness has now completely resolved. , ,He had a colonoscopy performed in August of 2003, by Dr. S. An anastomotic stricture was found at the terminal ileum/cecum junction. Dr. S recommended that if the patient experienced crampy abdominal pain or other symptoms of obstruction, that he may consider balloon dilation. No active Crohn's disease was found during the colonoscopy. , ,Earlier this year, he experienced a non-specific hepatitis with elevation of his liver function tests. At that time he was taking a lot of Tylenol for migraine-type headaches. Under Dr. S's recommendation, he stopped the Imuran for one month and reduced his dose of Tylenol. Since that time his liver enzymes have normalized and he has restarted the Imuran with no problems. , ,He also reports heartburn that is occurring on a slightly more frequent basis than it has in the past. It used to occur once a week only, but has now increased in frequency to twice a week. He takes over-the-counter H2 blockers as needed, as well as Tums. He associates the onset of his symptoms with eating spicy Mexican food., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Reviewed and unchanged.,ALLERGIES: , No known allergies to medications.,OPERATIONS: , Unchanged.,ILLNESSES: , Crohn's disease, vitamin B12 deficiency.,MEDICATIONS:, Imuran, Nascobal, Vicodin p.r.n., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Dated 08/04/04 is reviewed and noted. Please see pertinent GI issues as discussed above. Otherwise unremarkable., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , GENERAL: Pleasant male in no acute distress. Well nourished and well developed. SKIN: indurated, cord-like superficial vein on the right anterior forearm, approx. 3 cm in length. Non-tender to palpation. No erythema or red streaking. No edema. LYMPH: No epitrochlear or axillary lymph node enlargement or tenderness on the right side. , ,DATA REVIEWED: Labs from June 8th and July 19th reviewed. Liver function tests normal with AST 14 and ALT 44. WBCs were slightly low at 4.8. Hemoglobin dropped slightly from 14.1 on 6/8 to 12.9 on 7/19. Hematocrit dropped slightly as well from 43.2 on 6/804 to 40.0 on 7/19/04. These results were reviewed by Dr. S and lab results letter sent., ,IMPRESSION: ,1. Crohn's disease, status post terminal ileum resection, on Imuran. Intermittent symptoms of bowel obstruction. Last episode three weeks ago.,2. History of non-specific hepatitis while taking high doses of Tylenol. Now resolved. ,2. Increased frequency of reflux symptoms.,3. Superficial thrombophlebitis, resolving. ,4. Slightly low H&H., ,PLAN: ,1. We discussed Dr. S's recommendation that the patient undergo balloon dilation for recurrent bowel obstruction type symptoms. The patient emphatically states that he does not want to consider dilation at this time. The patient is strongly encouraged to call us when he does experience any obstructive symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or change in bowel habits. He states understanding of this. Advised to maintain low residue diet to avoid obstructions. ,2. Continue with liver panel and ABC every month per Dr. S's instructions.,3. Continue Imuran 100 mg per day.,4. Continue to minimize Tylenol use. The patient is wondering if he can take another type of medication for migraines that is not Tylenol or antiinflammatories or aspirin. Dr. S is consulted and agrees that Imitrex is an acceptable alternative for migraine headaches since he does not have advanced liver disease. The patient will make an appointment with his primary care provider to discuss this further. ,5. Reviewed the importance of prophylactic treatment of reflux-type symptoms. Encouraged the patient to take over-the-counter H2 blockers on a daily basis to prevent symptoms from occurring. The patient will try this and if he remains symptomatic, then he will call our office and a prescription for Zantac 150 mg per day will be provided. Reviewed the potential need for upper endoscopy should his symptoms continue or become more frequent. He does not want to undergo any type of procedure such as that at this time.,6.
GI Consultation for Chrohn's disease.
GI Consultation - 3
he, the, of, that, his
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROBLEM: ,Prescription evaluation for Crohn's disease., ,HISTORY: , This is a 46-year-old male who is here for a refill of Imuran. He is taking it at a dose of 100 mg per day. He is status post resection of the terminal ileum and has experienced intermittent obstructive symptoms for the past several years. In fact, he had an episode three weeks ago in which he was seen at the emergency room after experiencing sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. An x-ray was performed, which showed no signs of obstruction per his report. He thinks that the inciting factor of this incident was too many grapes eaten the day before. He has had similar symptoms suggestive of obstruction when eating oranges or other high-residue fruits in the past. The patient's normal bowel pattern is loose stools and this is unchanged recently. He has not had any rectal bleeding. He asks today about a rope-like vein on his anterior right arm that has been a little tender and enlarged after he was in the emergency room and they had difficulty with IV insertion. He has not had any fever, red streaking up the arm, or enlargement of lymph nodes. The tenderness has now completely resolved. , ,He had a colonoscopy performed in August of 2003, by Dr. S. An anastomotic stricture was found at the terminal ileum/cecum junction. Dr. S recommended that if the patient experienced crampy abdominal pain or other symptoms of obstruction, that he may consider balloon dilation. No active Crohn's disease was found during the colonoscopy. , ,Earlier this year, he experienced a non-specific hepatitis with elevation of his liver function tests. At that time he was taking a lot of Tylenol for migraine-type headaches. Under Dr. S's recommendation, he stopped the Imuran for one month and reduced his dose of Tylenol. Since that time his liver enzymes have normalized and he has restarted the Imuran with no problems. , ,He also reports heartburn that is occurring on a slightly more frequent basis than it has in the past. It used to occur once a week only, but has now increased in frequency to twice a week. He takes over-the-counter H2 blockers as needed, as well as Tums. He associates the onset of his symptoms with eating spicy Mexican food., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Reviewed and unchanged.,ALLERGIES: , No known allergies to medications.,OPERATIONS: , Unchanged.,ILLNESSES: , Crohn's disease, vitamin B12 deficiency.,MEDICATIONS:, Imuran, Nascobal, Vicodin p.r.n., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Dated 08/04/04 is reviewed and noted. Please see pertinent GI issues as discussed above. Otherwise unremarkable., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , GENERAL: Pleasant male in no acute distress. Well nourished and well developed. SKIN: indurated, cord-like superficial vein on the right anterior forearm, approx. 3 cm in length. Non-tender to palpation. No erythema or red streaking. No edema. LYMPH: No epitrochlear or axillary lymph node enlargement or tenderness on the right side. , ,DATA REVIEWED: Labs from June 8th and July 19th reviewed. Liver function tests normal with AST 14 and ALT 44. WBCs were slightly low at 4.8. Hemoglobin dropped slightly from 14.1 on 6/8 to 12.9 on 7/19. Hematocrit dropped slightly as well from 43.2 on 6/804 to 40.0 on 7/19/04. These results were reviewed by Dr. S and lab results letter sent., ,IMPRESSION: ,1. Crohn's disease, status post terminal ileum resection, on Imuran. Intermittent symptoms of bowel obstruction. Last episode three weeks ago.,2. History of non-specific hepatitis while taking high doses of Tylenol. Now resolved. ,2. Increased frequency of reflux symptoms.,3. Superficial thrombophlebitis, resolving. ,4. Slightly low H&H., ,PLAN: ,1. We discussed Dr. S's recommendation that the patient undergo balloon dilation for recurrent bowel obstruction type symptoms. The patient emphatically states that he does not want to consider dilation at this time. The patient is strongly encouraged to call us when he does experience any obstructive symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or change in bowel habits. He states understanding of this. Advised to maintain low residue diet to avoid obstructions. ,2. Continue with liver panel and ABC every month per Dr. S's instructions.,3. Continue Imuran 100 mg per day.,4. Continue to minimize Tylenol use. The patient is wondering if he can take another type of medication for migraines that is not Tylenol or antiinflammatories or aspirin. Dr. S is consulted and agrees that Imitrex is an acceptable alternative for migraine headaches since he does not have advanced liver disease. The patient will make an appointment with his primary care provider to discuss this further. ,5. Reviewed the importance of prophylactic treatment of reflux-type symptoms. Encouraged the patient to take over-the-counter H2 blockers on a daily basis to prevent symptoms from occurring. The patient will try this and if he remains symptomatic, then he will call our office and a prescription for Zantac 150 mg per day will be provided. Reviewed the potential need for upper endoscopy should his symptoms continue or become more frequent. He does not want to undergo any type of procedure such as that at this time.,6. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] GI Consultation - 3 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] GI Consultation for Chrohn's disease. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Chest pain and fever.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This 48-year-old white married female presents in the emergency room after two days of increasing fever with recent diagnosis of urinary tract infection on outpatient treatment with nitrofurantoin. The patient noted since she began to feel poorly earlier on the day of admission, had an episode of substernal chest discomfort that was associated with nausea, dizziness, and sweating. The patient does have a past medical history of diabetes and hypertension. In addition, the patient complained of some neck and head discomfort for which she underwent a lumbar puncture in the emergency room; this was normal, causes turned out to be normal as well. The patient denies nosebleed, visual changes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or changes in bowel habits. She has not had any musculoskeletal or neurological deficits. She denies any rashes or skin lesions.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, particularly elevated triglycerides with a slightly elevated LDL at 81 with an new standard LDL of 74, diabetics with a bad family history for cardiovascular disease such as this patient does have, and postmenopausal hot flashes.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Cholecystectomy, appendectomy, oophorectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease in her father and brother in their 40s.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married and does not smoke or drink nor did she ever.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On admission, temperature 99.4 degrees F., blood pressure 137/60, pulse 90 and regular without ectopy, respiratory rate 20 without unusual respiratory effort. In general, she is well developed, well nourished, oriented, and alert and in no apparent distress. Head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat are unremarkable. Neck is supple. No neck vein distention is noted. No bruits are heard. Chest is clear to percussion and auscultation. Heart has a regular rhythm and rate without murmurs or rubs or gallops. Abdomen is soft, obese, and nontender. Musculoskeletal is intact without deformity. However, the patient did develop severe cramp behind her left knee during her treadmill testing. Neurologic: Cranial nerves are intact and she is nonfocal. Skin is warm and dry without rash or lesions noted.,LABORATORY FINDINGS: , Glucose 162, BUN 14, creatinine 1.0, sodium 137, potassium 3.6, chloride 103, bicarbonate 23, protein 4.2. Liver function panel is normal. CK was 82. MB fraction was 1.0. Troponin was less than 0.1 on three occasions. White count was 12,200 with a normal differential, hemoglobin was 12.1, platelet count 230,000. Urinalysis showed positive nitrites, positive leukocyte esterase, 5 to 10 white cells per high power field, and 1+ bacteria rods. Spinal fluid was clear with 11 red cells, glucose 75, protein 67, white count 0. EKG was normal.,DIAGNOSES ON ADMISSION:,1. Urinary tract infection.,2. Chest pain of unclear etiology, rule out myocardial infarction.,3. Neck and back pain of unclear etiology with a negative spinal tap.,4. Hypertension.,5. Diabetes type II, not treated with insulin.,6. Hyperlipidemia treated with TriCor but not statins.,7. Arthritis.,ADDITIONAL LABORATORY STUDIES:, B-natriuretic peptide was 26. Urine smear and culture negative on 24 and 48 hours. Chest x-ray was negative. Lipid panel - triglycerides 249, VLDL 49, HDL 33, LDL 81.,COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL: , The patient was placed on home medications. This will be listed at the end of the discharge summary. She was put on rule out acute myocardial infarction routine, and she did in fact rule out. She had a stress test completed on the day of discharge which was normal, and she was discharged with a diagnoses of chest pain, acute myocardial infarction ruled out, urinary tract infection, fever secondary to UTI, diabetes mellitus type 2 non-insulin treated, hyperlipidemia with elevated triglycerides and an LDL elevated to 81 with new normal being less than 70. She has a strong family history of early myocardial disease in the men in their 40s.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. Enteric-coated aspirin 81 mg one daily. This is new, as the patient was not taking aspirin at home.,2. TriCor 48 mg one daily.,3. Zantac 40 mg one daily.,4. Lisinopril 20 mg one daily.,5. Mobic 75 mg one daily for arthritis.,6. Metformin 500 mg one daily.,7. Macrodantin one two times a day for several more days.,8. Zocor 20 mg one daily, which is a new addition.,9. Effexor XR 37.5 mg one daily.,DIET: , ADA 1800-calorie diet.,ACTIVITY:, As tolerated. Continue water exercise five days a week.,DISPOSITION: , Recheck at Hospital with a regular physician there in 1 week. Consider Byetta as an adjunct to her diabetic treatment and efforts to weight control.
A 48-year-old white married female presents in the emergency room after two days of increasing fever with recent diagnosis of urinary tract infection on outpatient treatment with nitrofurantoin.
Discharge Summary
ER Report - Chest Pain & Fever
she, and, one, mg, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Chest pain and fever.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This 48-year-old white married female presents in the emergency room after two days of increasing fever with recent diagnosis of urinary tract infection on outpatient treatment with nitrofurantoin. The patient noted since she began to feel poorly earlier on the day of admission, had an episode of substernal chest discomfort that was associated with nausea, dizziness, and sweating. The patient does have a past medical history of diabetes and hypertension. In addition, the patient complained of some neck and head discomfort for which she underwent a lumbar puncture in the emergency room; this was normal, causes turned out to be normal as well. The patient denies nosebleed, visual changes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or changes in bowel habits. She has not had any musculoskeletal or neurological deficits. She denies any rashes or skin lesions.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, particularly elevated triglycerides with a slightly elevated LDL at 81 with an new standard LDL of 74, diabetics with a bad family history for cardiovascular disease such as this patient does have, and postmenopausal hot flashes.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Cholecystectomy, appendectomy, oophorectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease in her father and brother in their 40s.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married and does not smoke or drink nor did she ever.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On admission, temperature 99.4 degrees F., blood pressure 137/60, pulse 90 and regular without ectopy, respiratory rate 20 without unusual respiratory effort. In general, she is well developed, well nourished, oriented, and alert and in no apparent distress. Head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat are unremarkable. Neck is supple. No neck vein distention is noted. No bruits are heard. Chest is clear to percussion and auscultation. Heart has a regular rhythm and rate without murmurs or rubs or gallops. Abdomen is soft, obese, and nontender. Musculoskeletal is intact without deformity. However, the patient did develop severe cramp behind her left knee during her treadmill testing. Neurologic: Cranial nerves are intact and she is nonfocal. Skin is warm and dry without rash or lesions noted.,LABORATORY FINDINGS: , Glucose 162, BUN 14, creatinine 1.0, sodium 137, potassium 3.6, chloride 103, bicarbonate 23, protein 4.2. Liver function panel is normal. CK was 82. MB fraction was 1.0. Troponin was less than 0.1 on three occasions. White count was 12,200 with a normal differential, hemoglobin was 12.1, platelet count 230,000. Urinalysis showed positive nitrites, positive leukocyte esterase, 5 to 10 white cells per high power field, and 1+ bacteria rods. Spinal fluid was clear with 11 red cells, glucose 75, protein 67, white count 0. EKG was normal.,DIAGNOSES ON ADMISSION:,1. Urinary tract infection.,2. Chest pain of unclear etiology, rule out myocardial infarction.,3. Neck and back pain of unclear etiology with a negative spinal tap.,4. Hypertension.,5. Diabetes type II, not treated with insulin.,6. Hyperlipidemia treated with TriCor but not statins.,7. Arthritis.,ADDITIONAL LABORATORY STUDIES:, B-natriuretic peptide was 26. Urine smear and culture negative on 24 and 48 hours. Chest x-ray was negative. Lipid panel - triglycerides 249, VLDL 49, HDL 33, LDL 81.,COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL: , The patient was placed on home medications. This will be listed at the end of the discharge summary. She was put on rule out acute myocardial infarction routine, and she did in fact rule out. She had a stress test completed on the day of discharge which was normal, and she was discharged with a diagnoses of chest pain, acute myocardial infarction ruled out, urinary tract infection, fever secondary to UTI, diabetes mellitus type 2 non-insulin treated, hyperlipidemia with elevated triglycerides and an LDL elevated to 81 with new normal being less than 70. She has a strong family history of early myocardial disease in the men in their 40s.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. Enteric-coated aspirin 81 mg one daily. This is new, as the patient was not taking aspirin at home.,2. TriCor 48 mg one daily.,3. Zantac 40 mg one daily.,4. Lisinopril 20 mg one daily.,5. Mobic 75 mg one daily for arthritis.,6. Metformin 500 mg one daily.,7. Macrodantin one two times a day for several more days.,8. Zocor 20 mg one daily, which is a new addition.,9. Effexor XR 37.5 mg one daily.,DIET: , ADA 1800-calorie diet.,ACTIVITY:, As tolerated. Continue water exercise five days a week.,DISPOSITION: , Recheck at Hospital with a regular physician there in 1 week. Consider Byetta as an adjunct to her diabetic treatment and efforts to weight control. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.60 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A 48-year-old white married female presents in the emergency room after two days of increasing fever with recent diagnosis of urinary tract infection on outpatient treatment with nitrofurantoin. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,4. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis.,5. Severe mucosal irregularity with endobronchial narrowing of the right middle and lower lobes.,6. Left vocal cord irregularity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe.,ANESTHESIA: , Demerol 50 mg with Versed 3 mg as well as topical cocaine and lidocaine solution.,LOCATION OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopy suite #4.,After informed consent was obtained and following the review of the procedure including procedure as well as possible risks and complications were explained and consent was previously obtained, the patient was sedated with the above stated medication and the patient was continuously monitored on pulse oximetry, noninvasive blood pressure, and EKG monitoring. Prior to starting the procedure, the patient was noted to have a baseline oxygen saturation of 86% on room air. Subsequently, she was given a bronchodilator treatment with Atrovent and albuterol and subsequent saturation increased to approximately 90% to 91% on room air.,The patient was placed on a supplemental oxygen as the patient was sedated with above-stated medication. As this occurred, the bronchoscope was inserted into the right naris with good visualization of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. The cords were noted to oppose bilaterally on phonation. There was some slight mucosal irregularity noted on the vocal cord on the left side. Additional topical lidocaine was instilled on the vocal cords, at which point the bronchoscope was introduced into the trachea, which was midline in nature. The bronchoscope was then advanced to the distal trachea and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this time, the bronchoscope was further advanced through the main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. Bronchoscope was then further advanced into the right upper lobe, which revealed no evidence of any endobronchial lesion. The mucosa was diffusely friable throughout. Bronchoscope was then slowly withdrawn into the right main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this point, the bronchoscope was then advanced to the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, it was noted that there was severe mucosal irregularities of nodular in appearance significantly narrowing the right lower lobe and right middle lobe opening. The mucosal area throughout this region was severely friable. Additional lidocaine was instilled as well as topical epinephrine. At this time, bronchoscope was maintained in this region and endobronchial biopsies were performed. At the initial attempt of inserting biopsy forceps, some resistance was noted within the proximal channel at this time making advancement of the biopsy forceps out of the proximal channel impossible. So the biopsy forceps was withdrawn and the bronchoscope was completely withdrawn and new bronchoscope was then utilized. At this time, bronchoscope was then reinserted into the right naris and subsequently advanced to the vocal cords into the right bronchus intermedius without difficulty. At this time, the biopsy forceps were easily passed and visualized in the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, multiple mucosal biopsies were performed with some mild oozing noted. Several aliquots of normal saline lavage followed. After completion of multiple biopsies there was good hemostasis. Cytology flushing was also performed in this region and subsequently several aliquots of additional normal saline lavage was followed. Bronchoscope was unable to be passed distally to the base of the segment of the right lower lobe or distal to the further visualized endobronchial anatomy of the right middle lobe subsegments. The bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the distal trachea.,At this time, bronchoscope was then advanced to the left main stem. Additional lidocaine was instilled. The bronchoscope was advanced to the left upper and lower lobe subsegments. There was no endobronchial lesion visualized. There is mild diffuse erythema and fibromucosa was noted throughout. No endobronchial lesion was visualized in the left bronchial system. The bronchoscope was then subsequently further withdrawn to the distal trachea and readvanced into the right bronchial system. At this time, bronchoscope was readvanced into the right bronchus intermedius and additional aliquots of normal saline lavage until cleared. There is no gross bleeding evidenced at this time or diffuse mucosal erythema and edema present throughout. The bronchoscope was subsequently withdrawn and the patient was sent to recovery room. During the bronchoscopy, the patient noted ________ have desaturation and required increasing FiO2 with subsequent increased saturation to 93% to 94%. The patient remained at this level of saturation or greater throughout the remaining of the procedure.,The patient postprocedure relates having some intermittent hemoptysis prior to the procedure as well as moderate exertional dyspnea. This was confirmed by her daughter and mother who were also present at the bedside postprocedure. The patient did receive a nebulizer bronchodilator treatment immediately prebronchoscopy and postprocedure as well. The patient also admitted to continued smoking in spite of all of the above. The patient was extensively counseled regarding the continued smoking especially with her present symptoms. She was advised regarding smoking cessation. The patient was also placed on a prescription of prednisone 2 mg tablets starting at 40 mg a day decreasing every three days to continue to wean off. The patient was also administered Solu-Medrol 60 mg IV x1 in recovery room. There was no significant bronchospastic component noted, although because of the severity of the mucosal edema, erythema, and her complaints, short course of steroids will be instituted. The patient was also advised to refrain from using any aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication because of her hemoptysis. At this time, the patient was also advised that if hemoptysis were to continue or worsen or develop progressive dyspnea, to either contact myself, , or return to ABCD Emergency Room for evaluation of possible admission. However, the above was reviewed with the patient in great detail as well as with her daughter and mother who were at the bedsite at this time as well.
Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Fiberoptic Flexible Bronchoscopy
cardiovascular / pulmonary, carcinomatosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy, lavage, brushings, endobronchial mucosal biopsies, mucosal, bronchoscope, atrovent, topical, fiberoptic, hemoptysis, bronchoscopy, endobronchial, oropharynx
the, was, and, right, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,4. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis.,5. Severe mucosal irregularity with endobronchial narrowing of the right middle and lower lobes.,6. Left vocal cord irregularity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe.,ANESTHESIA: , Demerol 50 mg with Versed 3 mg as well as topical cocaine and lidocaine solution.,LOCATION OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopy suite #4.,After informed consent was obtained and following the review of the procedure including procedure as well as possible risks and complications were explained and consent was previously obtained, the patient was sedated with the above stated medication and the patient was continuously monitored on pulse oximetry, noninvasive blood pressure, and EKG monitoring. Prior to starting the procedure, the patient was noted to have a baseline oxygen saturation of 86% on room air. Subsequently, she was given a bronchodilator treatment with Atrovent and albuterol and subsequent saturation increased to approximately 90% to 91% on room air.,The patient was placed on a supplemental oxygen as the patient was sedated with above-stated medication. As this occurred, the bronchoscope was inserted into the right naris with good visualization of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. The cords were noted to oppose bilaterally on phonation. There was some slight mucosal irregularity noted on the vocal cord on the left side. Additional topical lidocaine was instilled on the vocal cords, at which point the bronchoscope was introduced into the trachea, which was midline in nature. The bronchoscope was then advanced to the distal trachea and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this time, the bronchoscope was further advanced through the main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. Bronchoscope was then further advanced into the right upper lobe, which revealed no evidence of any endobronchial lesion. The mucosa was diffusely friable throughout. Bronchoscope was then slowly withdrawn into the right main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this point, the bronchoscope was then advanced to the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, it was noted that there was severe mucosal irregularities of nodular in appearance significantly narrowing the right lower lobe and right middle lobe opening. The mucosal area throughout this region was severely friable. Additional lidocaine was instilled as well as topical epinephrine. At this time, bronchoscope was maintained in this region and endobronchial biopsies were performed. At the initial attempt of inserting biopsy forceps, some resistance was noted within the proximal channel at this time making advancement of the biopsy forceps out of the proximal channel impossible. So the biopsy forceps was withdrawn and the bronchoscope was completely withdrawn and new bronchoscope was then utilized. At this time, bronchoscope was then reinserted into the right naris and subsequently advanced to the vocal cords into the right bronchus intermedius without difficulty. At this time, the biopsy forceps were easily passed and visualized in the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, multiple mucosal biopsies were performed with some mild oozing noted. Several aliquots of normal saline lavage followed. After completion of multiple biopsies there was good hemostasis. Cytology flushing was also performed in this region and subsequently several aliquots of additional normal saline lavage was followed. Bronchoscope was unable to be passed distally to the base of the segment of the right lower lobe or distal to the further visualized endobronchial anatomy of the right middle lobe subsegments. The bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the distal trachea.,At this time, bronchoscope was then advanced to the left main stem. Additional lidocaine was instilled. The bronchoscope was advanced to the left upper and lower lobe subsegments. There was no endobronchial lesion visualized. There is mild diffuse erythema and fibromucosa was noted throughout. No endobronchial lesion was visualized in the left bronchial system. The bronchoscope was then subsequently further withdrawn to the distal trachea and readvanced into the right bronchial system. At this time, bronchoscope was readvanced into the right bronchus intermedius and additional aliquots of normal saline lavage until cleared. There is no gross bleeding evidenced at this time or diffuse mucosal erythema and edema present throughout. The bronchoscope was subsequently withdrawn and the patient was sent to recovery room. During the bronchoscopy, the patient noted ________ have desaturation and required increasing FiO2 with subsequent increased saturation to 93% to 94%. The patient remained at this level of saturation or greater throughout the remaining of the procedure.,The patient postprocedure relates having some intermittent hemoptysis prior to the procedure as well as moderate exertional dyspnea. This was confirmed by her daughter and mother who were also present at the bedside postprocedure. The patient did receive a nebulizer bronchodilator treatment immediately prebronchoscopy and postprocedure as well. The patient also admitted to continued smoking in spite of all of the above. The patient was extensively counseled regarding the continued smoking especially with her present symptoms. She was advised regarding smoking cessation. The patient was also placed on a prescription of prednisone 2 mg tablets starting at 40 mg a day decreasing every three days to continue to wean off. The patient was also administered Solu-Medrol 60 mg IV x1 in recovery room. There was no significant bronchospastic component noted, although because of the severity of the mucosal edema, erythema, and her complaints, short course of steroids will be instituted. The patient was also advised to refrain from using any aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication because of her hemoptysis. At this time, the patient was also advised that if hemoptysis were to continue or worsen or develop progressive dyspnea, to either contact myself, , or return to ABCD Emergency Room for evaluation of possible admission. However, the above was reviewed with the patient in great detail as well as with her daughter and mother who were at the bedsite at this time as well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.40 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Coronary artery disease (CAD), prior bypass surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 70-year-old gentleman who was admitted for management of fever. The patient has history of elevated PSA and BPH. He had a prior prostate biopsy and he recently had some procedure done, subsequently developed urinary tract infection, and presently on antibiotic. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any significant symptom except for fatigue and tiredness. No symptoms of chest pain or shortness of breath.,His history from cardiac standpoint as mentioned below.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus, nonsmoker. Cholesterol elevated. History of established coronary artery disease in the family and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Coronary artery bypass surgery and a prior angioplasty and prostate biopsies.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Metformin.,2. Prilosec.,3. Folic acid.,4. Flomax.,5. Metoprolol.,6. Crestor.,7. Claritin.,ALLERGIES:, DEMEROL, SULFA.,PERSONAL HISTORY: , He is married, nonsmoker, does not consume alcohol, and no history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for multiple knee surgeries, back surgery, and coronary artery bypass surgery with angioplasty, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, elevated PSA level, BPH with questionable cancer. Symptoms of shortness of breath, fatigue, and tiredness.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: No history of fever, rigors, or chills except for recent fever and rigors.,HEENT: No history of cataract or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: As above.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea and vomiting. No hematemesis or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Frequency, urgency.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No muscle weakness.,SKIN: None significant.,NEUROLOGICAL: No TIA or CVA. No seizure disorder.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,ENDOCRINE: As above.,HEMATOLOGICAL: None significant.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 75, blood pressure 130/68, afebrile, and respiratory rate 16 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic.,NECK: Veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Benign.,EKG:
Coronary artery disease, prior bypass surgery. The patient has history of elevated PSA and BPH. He had a prior prostate biopsy and he recently had some procedure done, subsequently developed urinary tract infection, and presently on antibiotic. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any significant symptom except for fatigue and tiredness.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
history, no, of, artery, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Coronary artery disease (CAD), prior bypass surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 70-year-old gentleman who was admitted for management of fever. The patient has history of elevated PSA and BPH. He had a prior prostate biopsy and he recently had some procedure done, subsequently developed urinary tract infection, and presently on antibiotic. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any significant symptom except for fatigue and tiredness. No symptoms of chest pain or shortness of breath.,His history from cardiac standpoint as mentioned below.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus, nonsmoker. Cholesterol elevated. History of established coronary artery disease in the family and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Coronary artery bypass surgery and a prior angioplasty and prostate biopsies.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Metformin.,2. Prilosec.,3. Folic acid.,4. Flomax.,5. Metoprolol.,6. Crestor.,7. Claritin.,ALLERGIES:, DEMEROL, SULFA.,PERSONAL HISTORY: , He is married, nonsmoker, does not consume alcohol, and no history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for multiple knee surgeries, back surgery, and coronary artery bypass surgery with angioplasty, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, elevated PSA level, BPH with questionable cancer. Symptoms of shortness of breath, fatigue, and tiredness.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: No history of fever, rigors, or chills except for recent fever and rigors.,HEENT: No history of cataract or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: As above.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea and vomiting. No hematemesis or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Frequency, urgency.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No muscle weakness.,SKIN: None significant.,NEUROLOGICAL: No TIA or CVA. No seizure disorder.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,ENDOCRINE: As above.,HEMATOLOGICAL: None significant.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 75, blood pressure 130/68, afebrile, and respiratory rate 16 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic.,NECK: Veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Benign.,EKG: [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Coronary artery disease, prior bypass surgery. The patient has history of elevated PSA and BPH. He had a prior prostate biopsy and he recently had some procedure done, subsequently developed urinary tract infection, and presently on antibiotic. From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any significant symptom except for fatigue and tiredness. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
XYZ, O.D.,RE: ABC,DOB: MM/DD/YYYY,Dear XYZ:,Thank you very much for your kind referral of Mrs. ABC who you referred to me for narrow angles and possible associated glaucoma. I examined Mrs. ABC initially on MM/DD/YYYY. At that time, she expressed a chief concern of occasional pain around her eye, but denied any flashing lights, floaters, halos, or true brow ache. She reports a family history of glaucoma in her mother, but is unsure of the specific kind. Her past ocular history has been fairly unremarkable. As you know, she has a history of non-insulin dependent diabetes. She is unaware of her last hemoglobin A1c levels, but reports a blood sugar of 158 taken on the morning of her appointment with me. She is followed by Dr. X here locally.,Upon examination, her visual acuity measured 20/20-1 in either eye with her glasses. Presenting intraocular pressures were14 mmHg in either eye at 2:03 p.m. Pupillary reactions, confrontational visual fields, and ocular motility were normal. The slit lamp exam revealed narrow anterior chambers and on gonioscopy only the buried anterior trabecular meshwork was visible in either eye, but the angle deepened with gonio-compression suggesting appositional and not synechial closure. I deferred the dilated portion of the exam on that day.,We proceeded with peripheral iridectomies and following this upon her most recent visit on MM/DD/YYYY, I was able to safely dilate her eyes as her chambers had deepened and the PIs were patent. I note that she has an increased CD ratio measuring 0.65 in the right eye and 0.7 in the left and although her FDT visual fields and GDX testing were normal at your office, she does have an enlarged blind spot in either eye on Humphrey visual fields and retinal tomography also shows some suspicious changes. Therefore, I feel she has sustained some optic nerve damage perhaps from intermittent angle closure in the past.,In summary, Mrs. ABC has a history of narrow angles not successfully treated with laser PIs. Her intraocular pressures have remained stable. I will continue to monitor her closely.,Thank you very much once again for allowing me to have shared in her care. If I can provide any additional information or be of further service, do let me know.,Sincerely,,
Patient referred for narrow angles and possible associated glaucoma.
Ophthalmology - Letter - 3
letters, intraocular pressures, narrow angles, visual fields, angles, ophthalmology, intraocular, pressures, anterior, chambers, gonioscopy, glaucoma, narrow, visual, eye,
her, she, the, of, in
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] XYZ, O.D.,RE: ABC,DOB: MM/DD/YYYY,Dear XYZ:,Thank you very much for your kind referral of Mrs. ABC who you referred to me for narrow angles and possible associated glaucoma. I examined Mrs. ABC initially on MM/DD/YYYY. At that time, she expressed a chief concern of occasional pain around her eye, but denied any flashing lights, floaters, halos, or true brow ache. She reports a family history of glaucoma in her mother, but is unsure of the specific kind. Her past ocular history has been fairly unremarkable. As you know, she has a history of non-insulin dependent diabetes. She is unaware of her last hemoglobin A1c levels, but reports a blood sugar of 158 taken on the morning of her appointment with me. She is followed by Dr. X here locally.,Upon examination, her visual acuity measured 20/20-1 in either eye with her glasses. Presenting intraocular pressures were14 mmHg in either eye at 2:03 p.m. Pupillary reactions, confrontational visual fields, and ocular motility were normal. The slit lamp exam revealed narrow anterior chambers and on gonioscopy only the buried anterior trabecular meshwork was visible in either eye, but the angle deepened with gonio-compression suggesting appositional and not synechial closure. I deferred the dilated portion of the exam on that day.,We proceeded with peripheral iridectomies and following this upon her most recent visit on MM/DD/YYYY, I was able to safely dilate her eyes as her chambers had deepened and the PIs were patent. I note that she has an increased CD ratio measuring 0.65 in the right eye and 0.7 in the left and although her FDT visual fields and GDX testing were normal at your office, she does have an enlarged blind spot in either eye on Humphrey visual fields and retinal tomography also shows some suspicious changes. Therefore, I feel she has sustained some optic nerve damage perhaps from intermittent angle closure in the past.,In summary, Mrs. ABC has a history of narrow angles not successfully treated with laser PIs. Her intraocular pressures have remained stable. I will continue to monitor her closely.,Thank you very much once again for allowing me to have shared in her care. If I can provide any additional information or be of further service, do let me know.,Sincerely,, [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient referred for narrow angles and possible associated glaucoma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Respiratory failure.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Respiratory failure.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , Tracheotomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General inhalational.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed supine on the operating table. General inhalational anesthesia was administered through the patient's existing 4.0 endotracheal tube. The neck was extended and secured with tape and incision in the midline of the neck approximately 2 fingerbreadths above the sternal notch was outlined. The incision measured approximately 1 cm and was just below the palpable cricoid cartilage and first tracheal ring. The incision area was infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. A #67 blade was used to perform the incision. Electrocautery was used to remove excess fat tissue to expose the strap muscles. The strap muscles were grasped and divided in the midline with a cutting electrocautery. Sharp dissection was used to expose the anterior trachea and cricoid cartilage. The thyroid isthmus was identified crossing just below the cricoid cartilage. This was divided in the midline with electrocautery. Blunt dissection was used to expose adequate cartilaginous rings. A 4.0 silk was used for stay sutures to the midline of the cricoid. Additional stay sutures were placed on each side of the third tracheal ring. Thin DuoDerm was placed around the stoma. The tracheal incision was performed with a #11 blade through the second, third, and fourth tracheal rings. The cartilaginous edges were secured to the skin edges with interrupted #4-0 Monocryl. A 4.5 PED tight-to-shaft cuffed Bivona tube was placed and secured with Velcro ties. A flexible scope was passed through the tracheotomy tube. The carina was visualized approximately 1.5 cm distal to the distal end of the tracheotomy tube. Ventilation was confirmed. There was good chest rise and no appreciable leak. The procedure was terminated. The patient was in stable condition. Bleeding was negligible and she was transferred back to the Pediatric intensive care unit in stable condition.
Tracheotomy for patient with respiratory failure.
Tracheotomy - 1
surgery, bivona tube, duoderm, tracheotomy tube, respiratory failure, cricoid cartilage, tracheotomy, tracheal,
the, was, to, used, incision
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Respiratory failure.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Respiratory failure.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , Tracheotomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General inhalational.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed supine on the operating table. General inhalational anesthesia was administered through the patient's existing 4.0 endotracheal tube. The neck was extended and secured with tape and incision in the midline of the neck approximately 2 fingerbreadths above the sternal notch was outlined. The incision measured approximately 1 cm and was just below the palpable cricoid cartilage and first tracheal ring. The incision area was infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. A #67 blade was used to perform the incision. Electrocautery was used to remove excess fat tissue to expose the strap muscles. The strap muscles were grasped and divided in the midline with a cutting electrocautery. Sharp dissection was used to expose the anterior trachea and cricoid cartilage. The thyroid isthmus was identified crossing just below the cricoid cartilage. This was divided in the midline with electrocautery. Blunt dissection was used to expose adequate cartilaginous rings. A 4.0 silk was used for stay sutures to the midline of the cricoid. Additional stay sutures were placed on each side of the third tracheal ring. Thin DuoDerm was placed around the stoma. The tracheal incision was performed with a #11 blade through the second, third, and fourth tracheal rings. The cartilaginous edges were secured to the skin edges with interrupted #4-0 Monocryl. A 4.5 PED tight-to-shaft cuffed Bivona tube was placed and secured with Velcro ties. A flexible scope was passed through the tracheotomy tube. The carina was visualized approximately 1.5 cm distal to the distal end of the tracheotomy tube. Ventilation was confirmed. There was good chest rise and no appreciable leak. The procedure was terminated. The patient was in stable condition. Bleeding was negligible and she was transferred back to the Pediatric intensive care unit in stable condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Tracheotomy for patient with respiratory failure. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Consult - History and Phy.
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 38-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. Patient reports that she is scared to eat because of its impact on her blood sugars. She is actually trying not to eat while she is working third shift at Wal-Mart. Historically however, she likes to eat out with a high frequency. She enjoys eating rice as part of her meals. She is complaining of feeling fatigued and tired all the time because she works from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. at Wal-Mart and has young children at home. She sleeps two to four hours at a time throughout the day. She has been testing for ketones first thing in the morning when she gets home from work.,OBJECTIVE:, Today's weight: 155.5 pounds. Weight from 10/07/04 was 156.7 pounds. A diet history was obtained. Blood sugar records for the last three days reveal the following: fasting blood sugars 83, 84, 87, 77; two-hour postprandial breakfast 116, 107, 97; pre-lunch 85, 108, 77; two-hour postprandial lunch 86, 131, 100; pre-supper 78, 91, 100; two-hour postprandial supper 125, 121, 161; bedtime 104, 90 and 88. I instructed the patient on dietary guidelines for gestational diabetes. The Lily Guide for Meal Planning was provided and reviewed. Additional information on gestational diabetes was applied. A sample 2000-calorie meal plan was provided with a carbohydrate budget established.,ASSESSMENT:, Patient's basal energy expenditure adjusted for obesity is estimated at 1336 calories a day. Her total calorie requirements, including a physical activity factor as well as additional calories for pregnancy, totals to 2036 calories per day. Her diet history reveals that she has somewhat irregular eating patterns. In the last 24 hours when she was working at Wal-Mart, she ate at 5 a.m. but did not eat anything prior to that since starting work at 10 p.m. We discussed the need for small frequent eating. We identified carbohydrate as the food source that contributes to the blood glucose response. We identified carbohydrate sources in the food supply, recognizing that they are all good for her. The only carbohydrates she was asked to entirely avoid would be the concentrated forms of refined sugars. In regard to use of her traditional foods of rice, I pulled out a one-third cup measuring cup to identify a 15-gram equivalent of rice. We discussed the need for moderating the portion of carbohydrates consumed at one given time. Emphasis was placed at eating with a high frequency with a goal of eating every two to four hours over the course of the day when she is awake. Her weight loss was discouraged. Patient was encouraged to eat more generously but with attention to the amount of carbohydrates consumed at a time.,PLAN:, The meal plan provided has a carbohydrate content that represents 40 percent of a 2000-calorie meal plan. The meal plan was devised to distribute her carbohydrates more evenly throughout the day. The meal plan was meant to reflect an example for her eating, while the patient was encouraged to eat according to appetite and not to go without eating for long periods of time. The meal plan is as follows: breakfast 2 carbohydrate servings, snack 1 carbohydrate serving, lunch 2-3 carbohydrate servings, snack 1 carbohydrate serving, dinner 2-3 carbohydrate servings, bedtime snack 1-2 carbohydrate servings. Recommend patient include a solid protein with each of her meals as well as with her snack that occurs before going to sleep. Encouraged adequate rest. Also recommend adequate calories to sustain weight gain of one-half to one pound per week. If the meal plan reflected does not support slow gradual weight gain, then we will need to add more foods accordingly. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise.
Dietary consultation for gestational diabetes.
Consult - History and Phy.
Dietary Consult - Gestational Diabetes
consult - history and phy., blood sugars, fatigued, total calorie, carbohydrate content, consultation for gestational diabetes, dietary consultation, weight gain, gestational diabetes, carbohydrate servings, meal planning, meals, weight, carbohydrate, dietary, servings, planning
she, the, to, her, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 38-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. Patient reports that she is scared to eat because of its impact on her blood sugars. She is actually trying not to eat while she is working third shift at Wal-Mart. Historically however, she likes to eat out with a high frequency. She enjoys eating rice as part of her meals. She is complaining of feeling fatigued and tired all the time because she works from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. at Wal-Mart and has young children at home. She sleeps two to four hours at a time throughout the day. She has been testing for ketones first thing in the morning when she gets home from work.,OBJECTIVE:, Today's weight: 155.5 pounds. Weight from 10/07/04 was 156.7 pounds. A diet history was obtained. Blood sugar records for the last three days reveal the following: fasting blood sugars 83, 84, 87, 77; two-hour postprandial breakfast 116, 107, 97; pre-lunch 85, 108, 77; two-hour postprandial lunch 86, 131, 100; pre-supper 78, 91, 100; two-hour postprandial supper 125, 121, 161; bedtime 104, 90 and 88. I instructed the patient on dietary guidelines for gestational diabetes. The Lily Guide for Meal Planning was provided and reviewed. Additional information on gestational diabetes was applied. A sample 2000-calorie meal plan was provided with a carbohydrate budget established.,ASSESSMENT:, Patient's basal energy expenditure adjusted for obesity is estimated at 1336 calories a day. Her total calorie requirements, including a physical activity factor as well as additional calories for pregnancy, totals to 2036 calories per day. Her diet history reveals that she has somewhat irregular eating patterns. In the last 24 hours when she was working at Wal-Mart, she ate at 5 a.m. but did not eat anything prior to that since starting work at 10 p.m. We discussed the need for small frequent eating. We identified carbohydrate as the food source that contributes to the blood glucose response. We identified carbohydrate sources in the food supply, recognizing that they are all good for her. The only carbohydrates she was asked to entirely avoid would be the concentrated forms of refined sugars. In regard to use of her traditional foods of rice, I pulled out a one-third cup measuring cup to identify a 15-gram equivalent of rice. We discussed the need for moderating the portion of carbohydrates consumed at one given time. Emphasis was placed at eating with a high frequency with a goal of eating every two to four hours over the course of the day when she is awake. Her weight loss was discouraged. Patient was encouraged to eat more generously but with attention to the amount of carbohydrates consumed at a time.,PLAN:, The meal plan provided has a carbohydrate content that represents 40 percent of a 2000-calorie meal plan. The meal plan was devised to distribute her carbohydrates more evenly throughout the day. The meal plan was meant to reflect an example for her eating, while the patient was encouraged to eat according to appetite and not to go without eating for long periods of time. The meal plan is as follows: breakfast 2 carbohydrate servings, snack 1 carbohydrate serving, lunch 2-3 carbohydrate servings, snack 1 carbohydrate serving, dinner 2-3 carbohydrate servings, bedtime snack 1-2 carbohydrate servings. Recommend patient include a solid protein with each of her meals as well as with her snack that occurs before going to sleep. Encouraged adequate rest. Also recommend adequate calories to sustain weight gain of one-half to one pound per week. If the meal plan reflected does not support slow gradual weight gain, then we will need to add more foods accordingly. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Consult - History and Phy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Knee Surgery - Discharge Summary
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to right knee surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 61-year-old white female status post right total knee replacement secondary to degenerative joint disease performed by Dr. A at ABCD Hospital on 08/21/2007. The patient was transfused with 2 units of autologous blood postoperatively. She received DVT prophylaxis with a combination of Coumadin, Lovenox, SCD boots, and TED stockings. The remainder of her postoperative course was uneventful. She was discharged on 08/24/2007 from ABCD Hospital and admitted to the transitional care unit at XYZ Services for evaluation and rehabilitation. The patient reports that her last bowel movement was on 08/24/2007 just prior to her discharge from ABCD Hospital. She denies any urological symptoms such as dysuria, incomplete bladder emptying or other voiding difficulties. She reports having some right knee pain, which is most intense at a "certain position." The patient is unable to elaborate on which "certain position" causes her the most discomfort.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hypothyroidism, degenerative joint disease, GERD, anxiety disorder, Morton neuroma of her feet bilaterally, and distant history of migraine headaches some 30 years ago.,MEDICATIONS:, On transfer, Celebrex, Coumadin, Colace, Synthroid, Lovenox, Percocet, Toprol XL, niacin, and trazodone.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.5, blood pressure 127/72, pulse 70, respiratory rate 20, 95% O2 saturation on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress at the time of the exam except as mentioned above complains of right knee pain at "certain position.",HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae nonicteric. EOMI. Dentition in good repair. Tongue is in midline with no evidence of thrush.,NECK: No thyroid enlargement. Trachea is midline.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. No organomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: The right knee incision is intact. Steri-Strips are in place. There is some diffuse right knee edema and some limited ecchymosis as well. No calf tenderness bilaterally. Pedal pulses are palpable bilaterally.,MENTAL STATUS: The patient appears slightly anxious during the interview and exam, but she was alert and oriented.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , As mentioned above, the patient was admitted on 08/24/2007 to the Transitional Care Unit at XYZ Services for evaluation and rehabilitation. She was seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and had begun her rehabilitation till recovery. The patient had been properly instructed regarding using the CPM machine and she had been instructed as well to limit each CPM session to two hours. Very early in her hospitalization, the patient enthusiastically used the CPM much longer than two hours and consequently had increased right knee pain. She remarked that she had a better degree of flexibility, but she did report an increased need for pain management. Additionally, she required Ativan and at one point scheduled the doses of Ativan to treat her known history of anxiety disorder. On the fourth hospital day, she was noted to have some rashes about the right upper extremity and right side of her abdomen. The patient reported that this rash was itchy. She reports that she had been doing quite a bit of gardening just prior to surgery and this was most likely contact dermatitis, most likely due to her gardening activities preoperatively. She was treated with betamethasone cream applied to the rash b.i.d. The patient's therapy had progressed and she continued to make a good progress. At one point, the patient reported some insomnia due to right knee pain. She was switched from Percocet to oxycodone SR 20 mg b.i.d. and she had good pain control with this using the Percocet only for breakthrough pain. The DVT prophylaxis was maintained with Lovenox 40 mg subcu daily until the INR was greater than 1.7 and it was discontinued on 08/30/2007 when the INR was 1.92 within therapeutic range. The Coumadin was adjusted accordingly according to the INRs during her hospital course. Early in the hospital course, the patient had reported right calf tenderness and a venous Doppler study obtained on 08/27/2007 showed no DVT bilaterally. Initial laboratory data includes a UA on 08/28/2007, which was negative. Additionally, CBC showed a white count of 6.3, hemoglobin was 12.1, hematocrit was 35.3, and platelets were 278,000. Chemistries were within normal limits. Creatinine was 0.8, BUN was 8, anion gap was slightly decreased at 5, fasting glucose was 102. The remainder of chemistries was unremarkable. The patient continued to make great progress with her therapies so much so that we are anticipating her discharge on Monday, 09/03/2007.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Status post right total knee replacement secondary to degenerative joint disease performed on 08/21/2007.,2. Anxiety disorder.,3. Insomnia secondary to pain and anxiety postoperatively.,4. Postoperative constipation.,5. Contact dermatitis secondary to preoperative gardening activities.,6. Hypertension.,7. Hypothyroidism.,8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,9. Morton neuroma of the feet bilaterally.,10. Distant history of migraine headaches.,INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO THE PATIENT AT THE TIME OF DISCHARGE: , The patient is advised to continue taking the following medications: Celebrex 200 mg daily, for one month, Colace 100 mg b.i.d. for one month, Protonix 40 mg b.i.d. for one month, Synthroid 137 mcg daily, Diprosone cream 0.05% cream b.i.d. to the right arm and right abdomen, oxycodone SR 20 mg p.o. q.12h. for five days, then decrease to oxycodone SR 10 mg p.o. q.12h. for five days, Percocet 5/325 mg one to two tablets q.6h. to be used p.r.n. for breakthrough pain, trazodone 50 mg p.o. at bedtime p.r.n. for two weeks, Ativan 0.25 mg b.i.d. for two weeks, and Toprol-XL 50 mg daily. The patient will also take Coumadin and the dose will be adjusted according to the INRs, which will be obtained every Monday and Thursday with results being sent to Dr. A and his fax number is 831-5926. At the present time, the patient is taking Coumadin 7 mg daily. She will remain on Coumadin for 30 days. An INR is to be obtained on 09/03/2007 and should the Coumadin dose be changed, an addendum will be dictated to accompany this discharge summary. Finally, the patient has a followup appointment with Dr. A on 09/21/2007 at noon at his office. The patient is encouraged to follow up with her primary care physician, Dr. B. As mentioned above, the patient will be discharged on 09/03/2007 in stable and improved condition since she is status post right total knee replacement and has made good progress with her therapies and rehabilitation.
Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to right knee surgery.
Knee Surgery - Discharge Summary
the, she, to, and, her
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to right knee surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 61-year-old white female status post right total knee replacement secondary to degenerative joint disease performed by Dr. A at ABCD Hospital on 08/21/2007. The patient was transfused with 2 units of autologous blood postoperatively. She received DVT prophylaxis with a combination of Coumadin, Lovenox, SCD boots, and TED stockings. The remainder of her postoperative course was uneventful. She was discharged on 08/24/2007 from ABCD Hospital and admitted to the transitional care unit at XYZ Services for evaluation and rehabilitation. The patient reports that her last bowel movement was on 08/24/2007 just prior to her discharge from ABCD Hospital. She denies any urological symptoms such as dysuria, incomplete bladder emptying or other voiding difficulties. She reports having some right knee pain, which is most intense at a "certain position." The patient is unable to elaborate on which "certain position" causes her the most discomfort.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hypothyroidism, degenerative joint disease, GERD, anxiety disorder, Morton neuroma of her feet bilaterally, and distant history of migraine headaches some 30 years ago.,MEDICATIONS:, On transfer, Celebrex, Coumadin, Colace, Synthroid, Lovenox, Percocet, Toprol XL, niacin, and trazodone.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.5, blood pressure 127/72, pulse 70, respiratory rate 20, 95% O2 saturation on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress at the time of the exam except as mentioned above complains of right knee pain at "certain position.",HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae nonicteric. EOMI. Dentition in good repair. Tongue is in midline with no evidence of thrush.,NECK: No thyroid enlargement. Trachea is midline.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. No organomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: The right knee incision is intact. Steri-Strips are in place. There is some diffuse right knee edema and some limited ecchymosis as well. No calf tenderness bilaterally. Pedal pulses are palpable bilaterally.,MENTAL STATUS: The patient appears slightly anxious during the interview and exam, but she was alert and oriented.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , As mentioned above, the patient was admitted on 08/24/2007 to the Transitional Care Unit at XYZ Services for evaluation and rehabilitation. She was seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and had begun her rehabilitation till recovery. The patient had been properly instructed regarding using the CPM machine and she had been instructed as well to limit each CPM session to two hours. Very early in her hospitalization, the patient enthusiastically used the CPM much longer than two hours and consequently had increased right knee pain. She remarked that she had a better degree of flexibility, but she did report an increased need for pain management. Additionally, she required Ativan and at one point scheduled the doses of Ativan to treat her known history of anxiety disorder. On the fourth hospital day, she was noted to have some rashes about the right upper extremity and right side of her abdomen. The patient reported that this rash was itchy. She reports that she had been doing quite a bit of gardening just prior to surgery and this was most likely contact dermatitis, most likely due to her gardening activities preoperatively. She was treated with betamethasone cream applied to the rash b.i.d. The patient's therapy had progressed and she continued to make a good progress. At one point, the patient reported some insomnia due to right knee pain. She was switched from Percocet to oxycodone SR 20 mg b.i.d. and she had good pain control with this using the Percocet only for breakthrough pain. The DVT prophylaxis was maintained with Lovenox 40 mg subcu daily until the INR was greater than 1.7 and it was discontinued on 08/30/2007 when the INR was 1.92 within therapeutic range. The Coumadin was adjusted accordingly according to the INRs during her hospital course. Early in the hospital course, the patient had reported right calf tenderness and a venous Doppler study obtained on 08/27/2007 showed no DVT bilaterally. Initial laboratory data includes a UA on 08/28/2007, which was negative. Additionally, CBC showed a white count of 6.3, hemoglobin was 12.1, hematocrit was 35.3, and platelets were 278,000. Chemistries were within normal limits. Creatinine was 0.8, BUN was 8, anion gap was slightly decreased at 5, fasting glucose was 102. The remainder of chemistries was unremarkable. The patient continued to make great progress with her therapies so much so that we are anticipating her discharge on Monday, 09/03/2007.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Status post right total knee replacement secondary to degenerative joint disease performed on 08/21/2007.,2. Anxiety disorder.,3. Insomnia secondary to pain and anxiety postoperatively.,4. Postoperative constipation.,5. Contact dermatitis secondary to preoperative gardening activities.,6. Hypertension.,7. Hypothyroidism.,8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,9. Morton neuroma of the feet bilaterally.,10. Distant history of migraine headaches.,INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO THE PATIENT AT THE TIME OF DISCHARGE: , The patient is advised to continue taking the following medications: Celebrex 200 mg daily, for one month, Colace 100 mg b.i.d. for one month, Protonix 40 mg b.i.d. for one month, Synthroid 137 mcg daily, Diprosone cream 0.05% cream b.i.d. to the right arm and right abdomen, oxycodone SR 20 mg p.o. q.12h. for five days, then decrease to oxycodone SR 10 mg p.o. q.12h. for five days, Percocet 5/325 mg one to two tablets q.6h. to be used p.r.n. for breakthrough pain, trazodone 50 mg p.o. at bedtime p.r.n. for two weeks, Ativan 0.25 mg b.i.d. for two weeks, and Toprol-XL 50 mg daily. The patient will also take Coumadin and the dose will be adjusted according to the INRs, which will be obtained every Monday and Thursday with results being sent to Dr. A and his fax number is 831-5926. At the present time, the patient is taking Coumadin 7 mg daily. She will remain on Coumadin for 30 days. An INR is to be obtained on 09/03/2007 and should the Coumadin dose be changed, an addendum will be dictated to accompany this discharge summary. Finally, the patient has a followup appointment with Dr. A on 09/21/2007 at noon at his office. The patient is encouraged to follow up with her primary care physician, Dr. B. As mentioned above, the patient will be discharged on 09/03/2007 in stable and improved condition since she is status post right total knee replacement and has made good progress with her therapies and rehabilitation. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Knee Surgery - Discharge Summary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to right knee surgery. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression and repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Rotator cuff tear, left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Sixty-percent rotator cuff tear, joint side.,2. Impingement syndrome.,ANESTHESIA: , General,NAME OF OPERATION:,1. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression.,2. Repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy.,FINDINGS AT OPERATION: , The patient's glenohumeral joint was completely clear, other than obvious tear of the rotator cuff. The midportion of this appeared to be complete, but for the most part, this was about a 60% rupture of the tendon. This was confirmed later when the bursal side was opened up. Note, the patient also had abrasion of the coracoacromial ligament under the anterolateral edge of the acromion. He did not have any acromioclavicular joint pain or acromioclavicular joint disease noted.,PROCEDURE:, He was given an anesthetic, examined, prepped, and draped in a sterile fashion in a beach-chair position. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. Arthroscopy was then carried out in standard fashion using a 30-degree Dionic scope. With the scope in the posterior portal, the above findings were noted, and an anterior portal was established. A curved shaver was placed for debridement of the tear. I established this was about a 60-70% tear with a probable complete area of tear which was very small. There were no problems at the biceps or the rest of the joint. The subacromial space showed findings, as noted above, and a thorough subacromial decompression was carried out with a Bovie, rotary shaver, and bur. I did not debride the acromioclavicular joint. The lateral portal was then extended to a mini-arthrotomy, and subacromial space was entered by blunt dissection through the deltoid. The area of weakness of the tendon was found, and was transversely cut, and findings were confirmed. The diseased tissue was removed, and the greater tuberosity was abraded with a rongeur. Tendon-to-tendon repair was then carried out with buried sutures of 2-0 Ethibond, giving a very nice repair. The shoulder was carried through a range of motion. I could see no evidence of impingement. Copious irrigation was carried out. The deltoid deep fascia was anatomically closed, as was the superficial fascia. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers. A sterile dressing was applied. The patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well.
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression and repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy.
Rotator Cuff Repair
surgery, rotator cuff tear, mini-arthrotomy, repair of rotator cuff, arthroscopic subacromial decompression, arthroscopic subacromial, cuff tear, subacromial space, subacromial decompression, mini arthrotomy, acromioclavicular joint, rotator cuff, arthroscopic, decompression, acromioclavicular, impingement, rotator, cuff,
the, was, of, and, out
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Rotator cuff tear, left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Sixty-percent rotator cuff tear, joint side.,2. Impingement syndrome.,ANESTHESIA: , General,NAME OF OPERATION:,1. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression.,2. Repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy.,FINDINGS AT OPERATION: , The patient's glenohumeral joint was completely clear, other than obvious tear of the rotator cuff. The midportion of this appeared to be complete, but for the most part, this was about a 60% rupture of the tendon. This was confirmed later when the bursal side was opened up. Note, the patient also had abrasion of the coracoacromial ligament under the anterolateral edge of the acromion. He did not have any acromioclavicular joint pain or acromioclavicular joint disease noted.,PROCEDURE:, He was given an anesthetic, examined, prepped, and draped in a sterile fashion in a beach-chair position. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. Arthroscopy was then carried out in standard fashion using a 30-degree Dionic scope. With the scope in the posterior portal, the above findings were noted, and an anterior portal was established. A curved shaver was placed for debridement of the tear. I established this was about a 60-70% tear with a probable complete area of tear which was very small. There were no problems at the biceps or the rest of the joint. The subacromial space showed findings, as noted above, and a thorough subacromial decompression was carried out with a Bovie, rotary shaver, and bur. I did not debride the acromioclavicular joint. The lateral portal was then extended to a mini-arthrotomy, and subacromial space was entered by blunt dissection through the deltoid. The area of weakness of the tendon was found, and was transversely cut, and findings were confirmed. The diseased tissue was removed, and the greater tuberosity was abraded with a rongeur. Tendon-to-tendon repair was then carried out with buried sutures of 2-0 Ethibond, giving a very nice repair. The shoulder was carried through a range of motion. I could see no evidence of impingement. Copious irrigation was carried out. The deltoid deep fascia was anatomically closed, as was the superficial fascia. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers. A sterile dressing was applied. The patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Arthroscopic subacromial decompression and repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Arthroscopic subacromial decompression and repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 45-year-old male complaining of abdominal pain. The patient also has a long-standing history of diabetes which is treated with Micronase daily.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , There is no significant past medical history noted today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,HEENT: Patient denies ear abnormalities, nose abnormalities and throat abnormalities.,Cardio: Patient has history of elevated cholesterol, but does not have ASHD, hypertension and PVD.,Resp: Patient denies asthma, lung infections and lung lesions.,GI: Patient denies colon abnormalities, gall bladder problems, liver abnormalities and peptic ulcer disease.,GU: Patient has history of Urinary tract disorder, but does not have Bladder disorder and Kidney disorder.,Endocrine: Patient has history of diabetes, but does not have hormonal irregularities and thyroid abnormalities.,Dermatology: Patient denies allergic reactions, rashes and skin lesions.,MEDS:, Micronase 2.5 mg Tab PO QAM #30. Bactrim 400/80 Tab PO BID #30.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, No known history of drug or alcohol abuse. Work, diet, and exercise patterns are within normal limits.,FAMILY HISTORY:, No significant family history.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Non-contributory.,Vital Signs: Height = 72 in. Weight =184 lbs. Upright BP = 120/80 mmHg. Pulse = 80 bpm. Resp =12 pm. Patient is afebrile.,Neck: The neck is supple. There is no jugular venous distension. The thyroid is nontender, or normal size and conto.,Lungs: Lung expansion and excursions are symmetric. The lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion.,Cardio: There is a regular rhythm. SI and S2 are normal. No abnormal heart sounds are detected. Blood pressure is equal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds are present. The abdomen is soft; The abdomen is nontender; without organomegaly; There is no CVA tenderness. No hernias are noted.,Extremities: There is no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,ASSESSMENT: , Diabetes type II uncontrolled. Acute cystitis.,PLAN: , Endocrinology Consult, complete CBC. ,RX: , Micronase 2.5 mg Tab PO QAM #30, Bactrim 400/80 Tab PO BID #30.
The patient complaining of abdominal pain, has a long-standing history of diabetes treated with Micronase daily.
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
history, is, are, and, patient
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 45-year-old male complaining of abdominal pain. The patient also has a long-standing history of diabetes which is treated with Micronase daily.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , There is no significant past medical history noted today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,HEENT: Patient denies ear abnormalities, nose abnormalities and throat abnormalities.,Cardio: Patient has history of elevated cholesterol, but does not have ASHD, hypertension and PVD.,Resp: Patient denies asthma, lung infections and lung lesions.,GI: Patient denies colon abnormalities, gall bladder problems, liver abnormalities and peptic ulcer disease.,GU: Patient has history of Urinary tract disorder, but does not have Bladder disorder and Kidney disorder.,Endocrine: Patient has history of diabetes, but does not have hormonal irregularities and thyroid abnormalities.,Dermatology: Patient denies allergic reactions, rashes and skin lesions.,MEDS:, Micronase 2.5 mg Tab PO QAM #30. Bactrim 400/80 Tab PO BID #30.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, No known history of drug or alcohol abuse. Work, diet, and exercise patterns are within normal limits.,FAMILY HISTORY:, No significant family history.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Non-contributory.,Vital Signs: Height = 72 in. Weight =184 lbs. Upright BP = 120/80 mmHg. Pulse = 80 bpm. Resp =12 pm. Patient is afebrile.,Neck: The neck is supple. There is no jugular venous distension. The thyroid is nontender, or normal size and conto.,Lungs: Lung expansion and excursions are symmetric. The lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion.,Cardio: There is a regular rhythm. SI and S2 are normal. No abnormal heart sounds are detected. Blood pressure is equal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds are present. The abdomen is soft; The abdomen is nontender; without organomegaly; There is no CVA tenderness. No hernias are noted.,Extremities: There is no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,ASSESSMENT: , Diabetes type II uncontrolled. Acute cystitis.,PLAN: , Endocrinology Consult, complete CBC. ,RX: , Micronase 2.5 mg Tab PO QAM #30, Bactrim 400/80 Tab PO BID #30. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient complaining of abdominal pain, has a long-standing history of diabetes treated with Micronase daily. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, into, and, placed
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius.,PROCEDURE: , Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the right wrist using an Acumed locking plate.,ANESTHESIA: , General laryngeal mask airway.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 40 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient was taken to the postanesthesia care unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 23-year-old gentleman who was involved in a crush injury to his right wrist. He was placed into a well-molded splint after reduction was performed in the emergency department. Further x-rays showed further distal fragment dorsal angulation that progressively worsened and it was felt that surgical intervention was warranted. All risks, benefits, expectations, and complications of the surgery were explained to the patient in detail, and he signed the informed consent for ORIF of the right wrist.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating suite, placed in supine position on the operative table. The Department of anesthesia administered a general endotracheal anesthetic, which the patient tolerated well. The right upper extremity had a well-padded tourniquet placed on the right arm, which was insufflated and maintained for 40 minutes at 250 mmHg pressure. The right upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 5-cm incision was made over the flexor carpi radialis of the right wrist. The skin was incised down to the subcutaneous tissue, the deep tissue was retracted, blunt dissection was performed down to the pronator quadratus. Sharp dissection was performed through the pronator quadratus after which a tissue elevator was used to elevate this tissue. Next, a reduction was performed placing the distal fragment into appropriate alignment. This was checked under fluoroscopy, and was noted to be adequately reduced and in appropriate position. An Acumed Accu-lock plate was placed along the volar aspect of the distal radius. This was checked under AP and lateral views with C-arm, noted to be in appropriate alignment. A 3.5-mm cortical screw was placed through the proximal aspect of the plate, positioned it into position. Two distal locking screws were placed along the plate itself. The screws were checked under AP and lateral views noting the fracture fragment was well aligned and appropriately reduced with the 2 screws being placed into appropriate position with the appropriate length as well as not being intraarticular. Four more screws were placed along the distal aspect of the plate and 2 more proximal along the plate. All locking screws placed into position and had excellent purchase into the bone or had excellent fixation into the plate and maintained the alignment of the fracture. AP and lateral views were taken of these screw placements again. None of these screws were into the joint and all had appropriate length into the dorsal cortex. Two more 3.5 fully threaded cortical screws were placed along the proximal aspect of the plate and had excellent bicortical purchase. AP and lateral views were taken of the wrist once again showing that this was appropriate reduction of the fracture as well as appropriate placement of the screws. Bicortical purchase was appreciated and no screws were placed into the joint. The wound itself was copiously irrigated with saline and Kantrex after which the subcutaneous tissue was approximated with 2-0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with running 4-0 nylon stitch; 10 mL of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected into the wound site after which sterile dressing was placed as well as the volar splint. The patient was awakened from general anesthetic, transferred to the hospital gurney and taken to the postanesthesia care unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the right wrist using an Acumed locking plate. Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius.
ORIF Wrist - Acumed Locking Plate
surgery, open reduction, angulated fracture, distal radius, acumed locking plate, internal fixation, tourniquet, acumed, orif, reduction, fracture, wrist
the, was, into, and, placed
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius.,PROCEDURE: , Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the right wrist using an Acumed locking plate.,ANESTHESIA: , General laryngeal mask airway.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 40 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient was taken to the postanesthesia care unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 23-year-old gentleman who was involved in a crush injury to his right wrist. He was placed into a well-molded splint after reduction was performed in the emergency department. Further x-rays showed further distal fragment dorsal angulation that progressively worsened and it was felt that surgical intervention was warranted. All risks, benefits, expectations, and complications of the surgery were explained to the patient in detail, and he signed the informed consent for ORIF of the right wrist.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating suite, placed in supine position on the operative table. The Department of anesthesia administered a general endotracheal anesthetic, which the patient tolerated well. The right upper extremity had a well-padded tourniquet placed on the right arm, which was insufflated and maintained for 40 minutes at 250 mmHg pressure. The right upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 5-cm incision was made over the flexor carpi radialis of the right wrist. The skin was incised down to the subcutaneous tissue, the deep tissue was retracted, blunt dissection was performed down to the pronator quadratus. Sharp dissection was performed through the pronator quadratus after which a tissue elevator was used to elevate this tissue. Next, a reduction was performed placing the distal fragment into appropriate alignment. This was checked under fluoroscopy, and was noted to be adequately reduced and in appropriate position. An Acumed Accu-lock plate was placed along the volar aspect of the distal radius. This was checked under AP and lateral views with C-arm, noted to be in appropriate alignment. A 3.5-mm cortical screw was placed through the proximal aspect of the plate, positioned it into position. Two distal locking screws were placed along the plate itself. The screws were checked under AP and lateral views noting the fracture fragment was well aligned and appropriately reduced with the 2 screws being placed into appropriate position with the appropriate length as well as not being intraarticular. Four more screws were placed along the distal aspect of the plate and 2 more proximal along the plate. All locking screws placed into position and had excellent purchase into the bone or had excellent fixation into the plate and maintained the alignment of the fracture. AP and lateral views were taken of these screw placements again. None of these screws were into the joint and all had appropriate length into the dorsal cortex. Two more 3.5 fully threaded cortical screws were placed along the proximal aspect of the plate and had excellent bicortical purchase. AP and lateral views were taken of the wrist once again showing that this was appropriate reduction of the fracture as well as appropriate placement of the screws. Bicortical purchase was appreciated and no screws were placed into the joint. The wound itself was copiously irrigated with saline and Kantrex after which the subcutaneous tissue was approximated with 2-0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with running 4-0 nylon stitch; 10 mL of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected into the wound site after which sterile dressing was placed as well as the volar splint. The patient was awakened from general anesthetic, transferred to the hospital gurney and taken to the postanesthesia care unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, into, and, placed [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the right wrist using an Acumed locking plate. Closed displaced angulated fracture of the right distal radius. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
he, his, is, and, of
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who follows as an outpatient with Dr. A. He is known to us from his last admission. At that time, he was admitted with a difficulty voiding and constipation. His urine cultures ended up being negative. He was seen by Dr. B and discharged home on Levaquin for five days.,He presents to the ER today with hematuria that began while he was sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In the ER, a Foley catheter was placed and was irrigated with saline. White count was 7.6, H and H are 10.8 and 38.7, and BUN and creatinine are of 27 and 1.9. Urine culture is pending. Chest x-ray is pending. His UA did show lots of red cells. The patient currently is comfortable. CBI is running. His urine is clear.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. High cholesterol.,3. Bladder cancer.,4. Bilateral total knee replacements.,5. Cataracts.,6. Enlarged prostate.,ALLERGIES:, SULFA.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:,1. Atenolol.,2. Cardura.,3. Zegerid.,4. Flomax.,5. Levaquin.,6. Proscar.,7. Vicodin.,8. Morphine.,9. Phenergan.,10. Ativan.,11. Zocor.,12. Prinivil.,13. Hydrochlorothiazide.,14. Folic acid.,15. Digoxin.,16. Vitamin B12.,17. Multivitamin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives at home with his daughter. He does not smoke, occasionally drinks alcohol. He is independent with his activities of daily living.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not additionally rewarding.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: An awake and alert 85-year-old gentleman who is afebrile.,VITAL SIGNS: BP of 162/60 and pulse oximetry of 98% on room air.,HEENT: Pink conjunctivae. Anicteric sclerae. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender to palpation.,EXTREMITIES: Without edema.,He has a Foley catheter in place. His urine is clear.,LABORATORY DATA:, Reviewed.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hematuria.
Presents to the ER with hematuria that began while sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Hematuria - ER Visit
he, his, is, and, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who follows as an outpatient with Dr. A. He is known to us from his last admission. At that time, he was admitted with a difficulty voiding and constipation. His urine cultures ended up being negative. He was seen by Dr. B and discharged home on Levaquin for five days.,He presents to the ER today with hematuria that began while he was sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In the ER, a Foley catheter was placed and was irrigated with saline. White count was 7.6, H and H are 10.8 and 38.7, and BUN and creatinine are of 27 and 1.9. Urine culture is pending. Chest x-ray is pending. His UA did show lots of red cells. The patient currently is comfortable. CBI is running. His urine is clear.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. High cholesterol.,3. Bladder cancer.,4. Bilateral total knee replacements.,5. Cataracts.,6. Enlarged prostate.,ALLERGIES:, SULFA.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:,1. Atenolol.,2. Cardura.,3. Zegerid.,4. Flomax.,5. Levaquin.,6. Proscar.,7. Vicodin.,8. Morphine.,9. Phenergan.,10. Ativan.,11. Zocor.,12. Prinivil.,13. Hydrochlorothiazide.,14. Folic acid.,15. Digoxin.,16. Vitamin B12.,17. Multivitamin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives at home with his daughter. He does not smoke, occasionally drinks alcohol. He is independent with his activities of daily living.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not additionally rewarding.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: An awake and alert 85-year-old gentleman who is afebrile.,VITAL SIGNS: BP of 162/60 and pulse oximetry of 98% on room air.,HEENT: Pink conjunctivae. Anicteric sclerae. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender to palpation.,EXTREMITIES: Without edema.,He has a Foley catheter in place. His urine is clear.,LABORATORY DATA:, Reviewed.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hematuria. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] he, his, is, and, of [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Presents to the ER with hematuria that began while sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Adenotonsillectomy, primary, patient under age 12.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , This patient was brought from the holding area and did receive preoperative antibiotics of Cleocin as well as IV Decadron. She was placed supine on the operating room table. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without difficulty. In the holding area, her allergies were reviewed. It is unclear whether she is actually allergic to penicillin. Codeine caused her to be excitable, but she did not actually have an allergic reaction to codeine. She might be allergic to BACTRIM and SULFA. After positioning a small shoulder roll and draping sterilely, McIvor mouthgag, #3 blade was inserted and suspended from the Mayo stand. There was no bifid uvula or submucous cleft. She had 3+ cryptic tonsils with significant debris in the tonsillar crypts. Injection at each peritonsillar area with 0.25% with Marcaine with 1:200,000 Epinephrine, approximately 1.5 mL total volume. The left superior tonsillar pole was then grasped with curved Allis forceps. _______ incision and dissection in the tonsillar capsule and hemostasis and removal of the tonsil was obtained with Coblation Evac Xtra Wand on 7/3. Mouthgag was released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. The right tonsil was then removed in the same fashion. The mouthgag released, reopened, and no bleeding was seen. Small red rubber catheter in the nasal passage was used to retract the soft palate. She had mild-to-moderate adenoidal tissue residual. It was removed with Coblation Evac Xtra gently curved Wand on 9/5. Red rubber catheter was then removed. Mouthgag was again released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. Orogastric suction carried out with only scant clear stomach contents. Mouthgag was then removed. Teeth and lips were inspected and were in their preoperative condition. The patient then awakened, extubated, and taken to recovery room in good condition.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM TONSILLECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM ADENOIDECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative events or complications occurred.,PLAN:, Family will be counseled postoperatively. Postoperatively, the patient will be on Zithromax oral suspension 500 mg daily for 5 to 7 days, Lortab Elixir for pain. _______ and promethazine if needed for nausea and vomiting.
Adenotonsillectomy, primary, patient under age 12.
ENT - Otolaryngology
ent - otolaryngology, hypertrophic adenotonsillitis, adenotonsillitis, endotracheal anesthesia, coblation evac xtra wand, lortab elixir, red rubber catheter, total blood loss, adenotonsillectomy, forceps, mouthgag,
was, the, and, she, removed
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic hypertrophic adenotonsillitis.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Adenotonsillectomy, primary, patient under age 12.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , This patient was brought from the holding area and did receive preoperative antibiotics of Cleocin as well as IV Decadron. She was placed supine on the operating room table. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without difficulty. In the holding area, her allergies were reviewed. It is unclear whether she is actually allergic to penicillin. Codeine caused her to be excitable, but she did not actually have an allergic reaction to codeine. She might be allergic to BACTRIM and SULFA. After positioning a small shoulder roll and draping sterilely, McIvor mouthgag, #3 blade was inserted and suspended from the Mayo stand. There was no bifid uvula or submucous cleft. She had 3+ cryptic tonsils with significant debris in the tonsillar crypts. Injection at each peritonsillar area with 0.25% with Marcaine with 1:200,000 Epinephrine, approximately 1.5 mL total volume. The left superior tonsillar pole was then grasped with curved Allis forceps. _______ incision and dissection in the tonsillar capsule and hemostasis and removal of the tonsil was obtained with Coblation Evac Xtra Wand on 7/3. Mouthgag was released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. The right tonsil was then removed in the same fashion. The mouthgag released, reopened, and no bleeding was seen. Small red rubber catheter in the nasal passage was used to retract the soft palate. She had mild-to-moderate adenoidal tissue residual. It was removed with Coblation Evac Xtra gently curved Wand on 9/5. Red rubber catheter was then removed. Mouthgag was again released, reopened, no bleeding was seen. Orogastric suction carried out with only scant clear stomach contents. Mouthgag was then removed. Teeth and lips were inspected and were in their preoperative condition. The patient then awakened, extubated, and taken to recovery room in good condition.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM TONSILLECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,TOTAL BLOOD LOSS FROM ADENOIDECTOMY: , Less than 2 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative events or complications occurred.,PLAN:, Family will be counseled postoperatively. Postoperatively, the patient will be on Zithromax oral suspension 500 mg daily for 5 to 7 days, Lortab Elixir for pain. _______ and promethazine if needed for nausea and vomiting. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Adenotonsillectomy [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Adenotonsillectomy, primary, patient under age 12. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
cardiovascular / pulmonary, dobutamine stress test, atrial fibrillation, lv myocardial perfusion, lv systolic ejection fraction, coronary disease, dobutamine, ejection fraction, gated tomographic spect system, thallous chloride, wall motion, stress, fibrillation, atrial
INDICATIONS:, Atrial fibrillation, coronary disease.,STRESS TECHNIQUE:, The patient was infused with dobutamine to a maximum heart rate of 142. ECG exhibits atrial fibrillation.,IMAGE TECHNIQUE:, The patient was injected with 5.2 millicuries of thallous chloride and subsequently imaged on the gated tomographic SPECT system.,IMAGE ANALYSIS:, It should be noted that the images are limited slightly by the patient's obesity with a weight of 263 pounds. There is normal LV myocardial perfusion. The LV systolic ejection fraction is normal at 65%. There is normal global and regional wall motion.,CONCLUSIONS:,1. Basic rhythm of atrial fibrillation with no change during dobutamine stress, maximum heart rate of 142.,2. Normal LV myocardial perfusion.,3. Normal LV systolic ejection fraction of 65%.,4. Normal global and regional wall motion.
Dobutamine stress test for atrial fibrillation.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Stress Test Dobutamine
cardiovascular / pulmonary, dobutamine stress test, atrial fibrillation, lv myocardial perfusion, lv systolic ejection fraction, coronary disease, dobutamine, ejection fraction, gated tomographic spect system, thallous chloride, wall motion, stress, fibrillation, atrial
normal, the, of, with, is
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] INDICATIONS:, Atrial fibrillation, coronary disease.,STRESS TECHNIQUE:, The patient was infused with dobutamine to a maximum heart rate of 142. ECG exhibits atrial fibrillation.,IMAGE TECHNIQUE:, The patient was injected with 5.2 millicuries of thallous chloride and subsequently imaged on the gated tomographic SPECT system.,IMAGE ANALYSIS:, It should be noted that the images are limited slightly by the patient's obesity with a weight of 263 pounds. There is normal LV myocardial perfusion. The LV systolic ejection fraction is normal at 65%. There is normal global and regional wall motion.,CONCLUSIONS:,1. Basic rhythm of atrial fibrillation with no change during dobutamine stress, maximum heart rate of 142.,2. Normal LV myocardial perfusion.,3. Normal LV systolic ejection fraction of 65%.,4. Normal global and regional wall motion. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] cardiovascular / pulmonary, dobutamine stress test, atrial fibrillation, lv myocardial perfusion, lv systolic ejection fraction, coronary disease, dobutamine, ejection fraction, gated tomographic spect system, thallous chloride, wall motion, stress, fibrillation, atrial [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Dobutamine stress test for atrial fibrillation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Colostomy failure. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This patient had a colostomy placed 9 days ago after resection of colonic carcinoma. Earlier today, he felt nauseated and stated that his colostomy stopped filling. He also had a sensation of "heartburn." He denies vomiting but has been nauseated. He denies diarrhea. He denies hematochezia, hematemesis, or melena. He denies frank abdominal pain or fever. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As above. Also, hypertension. ,ALLERGIES:, "Fleet enema." ,MEDICATIONS:, Accupril and vitamins. ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,SYSTEMIC: The patient denies fever or chills.,HEENT: The patient denies blurred vision, headache, or change in hearing.,NECK: The patient denies dysphagia, dysphonia, or neck pain.,RESPIRATORY: The patient denies shortness of breath, cough, or hemoptysis.,CARDIAC: The patient denies history of arrhythmia, swelling of the extremities, palpitations, or chest pain.,GASTROINTESTINAL: See above.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient denies arthritis, arthralgias, or joint swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient denies difficulty with balance, numbness, or paralysis.,GENITOURINARY: The patient denies dysuria, flank pain, or hematuria.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 183/108, pulse 76, respirations 16, temperature 98.7. ,HEENT: Cranial nerves are grossly intact. There is no scleral icterus. ,NECK: No jugular venous distention. ,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. ,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. ,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds are decreased and high-pitched. There is a large midline laparotomy scar with staples still in place. There is no evidence of wound infection. Examination of the colostomy port reveals no obvious fecal impaction or site of obstruction. There is no evidence of infection. The mucosa appears normal. There is a small amount of nonbloody stool in the colostomy bag. There are no masses or bruits noted. ,EXTREMITIES: There is no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally. ,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and awake with no focal motor or sensory deficit noted. ,MEDICAL DECISION MAKING:, Failure of colostomy to function may repre- sent an impaction; however, I did not appreciate this on physical examination. There may also be an adhesion or proximal impaction which I cannot reach, which may cause a bowel obstruction, failure of the shunt, nausea, and ultimately vomiting. ,An abdominal series was obtained, which confirmed this possibility by demonstrating air-fluid levels and dilated bowel. ,The CBC showed WBC of 9.4 with normal differential. Hematocrit is 42.6. I interpret this as normal. Amylase is currently pending. ,I have discussed this case with Dr. S, the patient's surgeon, who agrees that there is a possibility of bowel obstruction and the patient should be admitted to observation. Because of the patient's insurance status, the patient will actually be admitted to Dr. D on observation. I have discussed the case with Dr. P, who is the doctor on call for Dr. D. Both Dr. S and Dr. P have been informed of the patient's condition and are aware of his situation. ,FINAL IMPRESSION:, Bowel obstruction, status post colostomy. ,DISPOSITION:, Admission to observation. The patient's condition is good. He is hemodynamically stable.
Patient in ER due to colostomy failure - bowel obstruction.
Emergency Room Reports
Colostomy Failure
the, or, of, patient, is
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Colostomy failure. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This patient had a colostomy placed 9 days ago after resection of colonic carcinoma. Earlier today, he felt nauseated and stated that his colostomy stopped filling. He also had a sensation of "heartburn." He denies vomiting but has been nauseated. He denies diarrhea. He denies hematochezia, hematemesis, or melena. He denies frank abdominal pain or fever. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As above. Also, hypertension. ,ALLERGIES:, "Fleet enema." ,MEDICATIONS:, Accupril and vitamins. ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,SYSTEMIC: The patient denies fever or chills.,HEENT: The patient denies blurred vision, headache, or change in hearing.,NECK: The patient denies dysphagia, dysphonia, or neck pain.,RESPIRATORY: The patient denies shortness of breath, cough, or hemoptysis.,CARDIAC: The patient denies history of arrhythmia, swelling of the extremities, palpitations, or chest pain.,GASTROINTESTINAL: See above.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient denies arthritis, arthralgias, or joint swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient denies difficulty with balance, numbness, or paralysis.,GENITOURINARY: The patient denies dysuria, flank pain, or hematuria.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 183/108, pulse 76, respirations 16, temperature 98.7. ,HEENT: Cranial nerves are grossly intact. There is no scleral icterus. ,NECK: No jugular venous distention. ,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. ,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. ,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds are decreased and high-pitched. There is a large midline laparotomy scar with staples still in place. There is no evidence of wound infection. Examination of the colostomy port reveals no obvious fecal impaction or site of obstruction. There is no evidence of infection. The mucosa appears normal. There is a small amount of nonbloody stool in the colostomy bag. There are no masses or bruits noted. ,EXTREMITIES: There is no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally. ,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and awake with no focal motor or sensory deficit noted. ,MEDICAL DECISION MAKING:, Failure of colostomy to function may repre- sent an impaction; however, I did not appreciate this on physical examination. There may also be an adhesion or proximal impaction which I cannot reach, which may cause a bowel obstruction, failure of the shunt, nausea, and ultimately vomiting. ,An abdominal series was obtained, which confirmed this possibility by demonstrating air-fluid levels and dilated bowel. ,The CBC showed WBC of 9.4 with normal differential. Hematocrit is 42.6. I interpret this as normal. Amylase is currently pending. ,I have discussed this case with Dr. S, the patient's surgeon, who agrees that there is a possibility of bowel obstruction and the patient should be admitted to observation. Because of the patient's insurance status, the patient will actually be admitted to Dr. D on observation. I have discussed the case with Dr. P, who is the doctor on call for Dr. D. Both Dr. S and Dr. P have been informed of the patient's condition and are aware of his situation. ,FINAL IMPRESSION:, Bowel obstruction, status post colostomy. ,DISPOSITION:, Admission to observation. The patient's condition is good. He is hemodynamically stable. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient in ER due to colostomy failure - bowel obstruction. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
EXAM:,MRI RIGHT FOOT,CLINICAL:,Pain and swelling in the right foot.,FINDINGS: ,Obtained for second opinion interpretation is an MRI examination performed on 11-04-05.,There is a transverse fracture of the anterior superior calcaneal process of the calcaneus. The fracture is corticated however and there is an active marrow stress phenomenon. There is a small ganglion measuring approximately 8 x 5 x 5mm in size extending along the bifurcate ligament.,There is no substantial joint effusion of the calcaneocuboid articulation. There is minimal interstitial edema involving the short plantar calcaneal cuboid ligament.,Normal plantar calcaneonavicular spring ligament.,Normal talonavicular articulation.,There is minimal synovial fluid within the peroneal tendon sheaths.,Axial imaging of the ankle has not been performed orthogonal to the peroneal tendon distal to the retromalleolar groove. The peroneus brevis tendon remains intact extending to the base of the fifth metatarsus. The peroneus longus tendon can be identified in its short axis extending to its distal plantar insertion upon the base of the first metatarsus with minimal synovitis.,There is minimal synovial fluid within the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath with pooling of the fluid in the region of the knot of Henry.,There is edema extending along the deep surface of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle.,Normal anterior, subtalar and deltoid ligamentous complex.,Normal naviculocuneiform, intercuneiform and tarsometatarsal articulations.,The Lisfranc’s ligament is intact.,The Achilles tendon insertion has been excluded from the field-of-view.,Normal plantar fascia and intrinsic plantar muscles of the foot.,There is mild venous distention of the veins of the foot within the tarsal tunnel.,There is minimal edema of the sinus tarsus. The lateral talocalcaneal and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments are normal.,Normal deltoid ligamentous complex.,Normal talar dome and no occult osteochondral talar dome defect.,IMPRESSION:,Transverse fracture of the anterior calcaneocuboid articulation with cortication and cancellous marrow edema.,Small ganglion intwined within the bifurcate ligament.,Interstitial edema of the short plantar calcaneocuboid ligament.,Minimal synovitis of the peroneal tendon sheaths but no demonstrated peroneal tendon tear.,Minimal synovitis of the flexor tendon sheaths with pooling of fluid within the knot of Henry.,Minimal interstitial edema extending along the deep surface of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle.
Pain and swelling in the right foot.
MRI Foot - 2
the, of, is, there, normal
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM:,MRI RIGHT FOOT,CLINICAL:,Pain and swelling in the right foot.,FINDINGS: ,Obtained for second opinion interpretation is an MRI examination performed on 11-04-05.,There is a transverse fracture of the anterior superior calcaneal process of the calcaneus. The fracture is corticated however and there is an active marrow stress phenomenon. There is a small ganglion measuring approximately 8 x 5 x 5mm in size extending along the bifurcate ligament.,There is no substantial joint effusion of the calcaneocuboid articulation. There is minimal interstitial edema involving the short plantar calcaneal cuboid ligament.,Normal plantar calcaneonavicular spring ligament.,Normal talonavicular articulation.,There is minimal synovial fluid within the peroneal tendon sheaths.,Axial imaging of the ankle has not been performed orthogonal to the peroneal tendon distal to the retromalleolar groove. The peroneus brevis tendon remains intact extending to the base of the fifth metatarsus. The peroneus longus tendon can be identified in its short axis extending to its distal plantar insertion upon the base of the first metatarsus with minimal synovitis.,There is minimal synovial fluid within the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath with pooling of the fluid in the region of the knot of Henry.,There is edema extending along the deep surface of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle.,Normal anterior, subtalar and deltoid ligamentous complex.,Normal naviculocuneiform, intercuneiform and tarsometatarsal articulations.,The Lisfranc’s ligament is intact.,The Achilles tendon insertion has been excluded from the field-of-view.,Normal plantar fascia and intrinsic plantar muscles of the foot.,There is mild venous distention of the veins of the foot within the tarsal tunnel.,There is minimal edema of the sinus tarsus. The lateral talocalcaneal and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments are normal.,Normal deltoid ligamentous complex.,Normal talar dome and no occult osteochondral talar dome defect.,IMPRESSION:,Transverse fracture of the anterior calcaneocuboid articulation with cortication and cancellous marrow edema.,Small ganglion intwined within the bifurcate ligament.,Interstitial edema of the short plantar calcaneocuboid ligament.,Minimal synovitis of the peroneal tendon sheaths but no demonstrated peroneal tendon tear.,Minimal synovitis of the flexor tendon sheaths with pooling of fluid within the knot of Henry.,Minimal interstitial edema extending along the deep surface of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Radiology [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Pain and swelling in the right foot. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
OBSERVATIONS: , The forced vital capacity is 2.84 L and forced expiratory volume in 1 second is 1.93 L. The ratio between the two is 68%. Small improvement is noted in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy. Lung volumes are increased with a residual volume of 196% of predicted and total lung capacity of 142% of predicted. Single-breath diffusing capacity is slightly reduced.,IMPRESSION: , Mild-to-moderate obstructive ventilatory impairment. Some improvement in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy.
Pulmonary function test. Mild-to-moderate obstructive ventilatory impairment. Some improvement in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Pulmonary Function Test
cardiovascular / pulmonary, lung volume, forced expiratory volume, forced vital capacity, airflows, total lung capacity, bronchodilator therapy, bronchodilatorNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
is, the, of, after, in
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] OBSERVATIONS: , The forced vital capacity is 2.84 L and forced expiratory volume in 1 second is 1.93 L. The ratio between the two is 68%. Small improvement is noted in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy. Lung volumes are increased with a residual volume of 196% of predicted and total lung capacity of 142% of predicted. Single-breath diffusing capacity is slightly reduced.,IMPRESSION: , Mild-to-moderate obstructive ventilatory impairment. Some improvement in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Cardiovascular / Pulmonary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Pulmonary function test. Mild-to-moderate obstructive ventilatory impairment. Some improvement in the airflows after bronchodilator therapy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
General Medicine
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Multiple problems, main one is chest pain at night.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 60-year-old female with multiple problems as numbered below:,1. She reports that she has chest pain at night. This happened last year exactly the same. She went to see Dr. Murphy, and he did a treadmill and an echocardiogram, no concerns for cardiovascular disease, and her symptoms resolved now over the last month. She wakes in the middle of the night and reports that she has a pressure. It is mild-to-moderate in the middle of her chest and will stay there as long she lies down. If she gets up, it goes away within 15 minutes. It is currently been gone on for the last week. She denies any fast heartbeats or irregular heartbeats at this time.,2. She has been having stomach pains that started about a month ago. This occurs during the daytime. It has no relationship to foods. It is mild in nature, located in the mid epigastric area. It has been better for one week as well.,3. She continues to have reflux, has noticed that if she stops taking Aciphex, then she has symptoms. If she takes her Aciphex, she seems that she has the reflux belching, burping, and heartburn under control.,4. She has right flank pain when she lies down. She has had this off and on for four months. It is a dull achy pain. It is mild in nature.,5. She has some spots on her shoulder that have been present for a long time, but over the last month have been getting bigger in size and is elevated whereas they had not been elevated in the past. It is not painful.,6. She has had spots in her armpits initially on the right side and then going to the left side. They are not itchy.,7. She is having problems with urgency of urine. When she has her bladder full, she suddenly has an urge to use the restroom, and sometimes does not make it before she begins leaking. She is wearing a pad now.,8. She is requesting a colonoscopy for screening as well. She is wanting routine labs for following her chronic leukopenia, also is desiring a hepatitis titer.,9. She has had pain in her thumbs when she is trying to do fine motor skills, has noticed this for the last several months. There has been no swelling or redness or trauma to these areas.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She has recently been to the eye doctor. She has noticed some hearing loss gradually. She denies any problems with swallowing. She denies episodes of shortness of breath, although she has had a little bit of chronic cough. She has had normal bowel movements. Denies any black or bloody stools, diarrhea, or constipation. Denies seeing blood in her urine and has had no urinary problems other than what is stated above. She has had no problems with edema or lower extremity numbness or tingling.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She works at nursing home. She is a nonsmoker. She is currently trying to lose weight. She is on the diet and has lost several pounds in the last several months. She quit smoking in 1972.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father has type I diabetes and heart disease. She has a brother who had heart attack at the age of 52. He is a smoker.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Episodic leukopenia and mild irritable bowel syndrome.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Aciphex 20 mg q.d. and aspirin 81 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES:, No known medical allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight: 142 pounds. Blood pressure: 132/78. Pulse: 72.,General: This is a well-developed adult female who is awake, alert, and in no acute distress.,HEENT: Her pupils are equally round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are white. TMs look normal bilaterally. Oropharynx appears to be normal. Dentition is excellent.,Neck: Supple without lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear with normal respiratory effort.,Heart: Regular rhythm and rate without murmur. Radial pulses are normal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended without organomegaly.,Extremities: Examination of the hands reveals some tenderness at the base of her thumbs bilaterally as well as at the PIP joint and DIP joint. Her armpits are examined. She has what appears to be a tinea versicolor rash present in the armpits bilaterally. She has a lesion on her left shoulder, which is 6 mm in diameter. It has diffuse borders and is slightly red. It has two brown spots in it. In her lower extremities, there is no cyanosis or edema. Pulses at the radial and posterior tibial pulses are normal bilaterally. Her gait is normal.,Psychiatric: Her affect is pleasant and positive.,Neurological: She is grossly intact. Her speech seems to be clear. Her coordination of upper and lower extremities is normal.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Chest pain. At this point, because of Dr. Murphy’s evaluation last year and the symptoms exactly the same, I think this is noncardiac. My intonation is that this is reflux. I am going have her double her Aciphex or increase it to b.i.d., and I am going to have her see Dr. XYZ for possible EGD if he thinks that would be appropriate. She is to let me know if her symptoms are getting worse or if she is having any severe episodes.,2. Stomach pain, uncertain at this point, but I feel like this is probably related as well to chest pain.,3. Suspicious lesions on the left shoulder. We will do a punch biopsy and set her up for an appointment for that.,4. Tinea versicolor in the axillary area. I have prescribed selenium sulfide lotion to apply 10 minutes a day for seven days.,5. Cystocele. We will have her see Dr. XYZ for further discussion of repair due to her urinary incontinence.,6. History of leukopenia. We will check a CBC.,7. Pain in the thumbs, probably arthritic in nature, observe for now.,8. Screening. We will have her see Dr. XYZ for discussion of colon cancer screening.,9. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. I have increased Aciphex to b.i.d. for now.
Patient with multiple problems, main one is chest pain at night.
General Medicine
Consult - Chest Pain
she, her, has, is, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Multiple problems, main one is chest pain at night.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 60-year-old female with multiple problems as numbered below:,1. She reports that she has chest pain at night. This happened last year exactly the same. She went to see Dr. Murphy, and he did a treadmill and an echocardiogram, no concerns for cardiovascular disease, and her symptoms resolved now over the last month. She wakes in the middle of the night and reports that she has a pressure. It is mild-to-moderate in the middle of her chest and will stay there as long she lies down. If she gets up, it goes away within 15 minutes. It is currently been gone on for the last week. She denies any fast heartbeats or irregular heartbeats at this time.,2. She has been having stomach pains that started about a month ago. This occurs during the daytime. It has no relationship to foods. It is mild in nature, located in the mid epigastric area. It has been better for one week as well.,3. She continues to have reflux, has noticed that if she stops taking Aciphex, then she has symptoms. If she takes her Aciphex, she seems that she has the reflux belching, burping, and heartburn under control.,4. She has right flank pain when she lies down. She has had this off and on for four months. It is a dull achy pain. It is mild in nature.,5. She has some spots on her shoulder that have been present for a long time, but over the last month have been getting bigger in size and is elevated whereas they had not been elevated in the past. It is not painful.,6. She has had spots in her armpits initially on the right side and then going to the left side. They are not itchy.,7. She is having problems with urgency of urine. When she has her bladder full, she suddenly has an urge to use the restroom, and sometimes does not make it before she begins leaking. She is wearing a pad now.,8. She is requesting a colonoscopy for screening as well. She is wanting routine labs for following her chronic leukopenia, also is desiring a hepatitis titer.,9. She has had pain in her thumbs when she is trying to do fine motor skills, has noticed this for the last several months. There has been no swelling or redness or trauma to these areas.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She has recently been to the eye doctor. She has noticed some hearing loss gradually. She denies any problems with swallowing. She denies episodes of shortness of breath, although she has had a little bit of chronic cough. She has had normal bowel movements. Denies any black or bloody stools, diarrhea, or constipation. Denies seeing blood in her urine and has had no urinary problems other than what is stated above. She has had no problems with edema or lower extremity numbness or tingling.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She works at nursing home. She is a nonsmoker. She is currently trying to lose weight. She is on the diet and has lost several pounds in the last several months. She quit smoking in 1972.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father has type I diabetes and heart disease. She has a brother who had heart attack at the age of 52. He is a smoker.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Episodic leukopenia and mild irritable bowel syndrome.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Aciphex 20 mg q.d. and aspirin 81 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES:, No known medical allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight: 142 pounds. Blood pressure: 132/78. Pulse: 72.,General: This is a well-developed adult female who is awake, alert, and in no acute distress.,HEENT: Her pupils are equally round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are white. TMs look normal bilaterally. Oropharynx appears to be normal. Dentition is excellent.,Neck: Supple without lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear with normal respiratory effort.,Heart: Regular rhythm and rate without murmur. Radial pulses are normal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended without organomegaly.,Extremities: Examination of the hands reveals some tenderness at the base of her thumbs bilaterally as well as at the PIP joint and DIP joint. Her armpits are examined. She has what appears to be a tinea versicolor rash present in the armpits bilaterally. She has a lesion on her left shoulder, which is 6 mm in diameter. It has diffuse borders and is slightly red. It has two brown spots in it. In her lower extremities, there is no cyanosis or edema. Pulses at the radial and posterior tibial pulses are normal bilaterally. Her gait is normal.,Psychiatric: Her affect is pleasant and positive.,Neurological: She is grossly intact. Her speech seems to be clear. Her coordination of upper and lower extremities is normal.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Chest pain. At this point, because of Dr. Murphy’s evaluation last year and the symptoms exactly the same, I think this is noncardiac. My intonation is that this is reflux. I am going have her double her Aciphex or increase it to b.i.d., and I am going to have her see Dr. XYZ for possible EGD if he thinks that would be appropriate. She is to let me know if her symptoms are getting worse or if she is having any severe episodes.,2. Stomach pain, uncertain at this point, but I feel like this is probably related as well to chest pain.,3. Suspicious lesions on the left shoulder. We will do a punch biopsy and set her up for an appointment for that.,4. Tinea versicolor in the axillary area. I have prescribed selenium sulfide lotion to apply 10 minutes a day for seven days.,5. Cystocele. We will have her see Dr. XYZ for further discussion of repair due to her urinary incontinence.,6. History of leukopenia. We will check a CBC.,7. Pain in the thumbs, probably arthritic in nature, observe for now.,8. Screening. We will have her see Dr. XYZ for discussion of colon cancer screening.,9. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. I have increased Aciphex to b.i.d. for now. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] General Medicine [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient with multiple problems, main one is chest pain at night. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - 3
PROCEDURES:, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsy and polypectomy.,REASON FOR PROCEDURE: , Child with abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. Rule out inflammatory bowel disease, allergic enterocolitis, rectal polyps, and rectal vascular malformations.,CONSENT:, History and physical examination was performed. The procedure, indications, alternatives available, and complications, i.e. bleeding, perforation, infection, adverse medication reaction, the possible need for blood transfusion, and surgery should a complication occur were discussed with the parents who understood and indicated this. Opportunity for questions was provided and informed consent was obtained.,MEDICATION: ,General anesthesia.,INSTRUMENT: , Olympus GIF-160.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , With the patient in the supine position and intubated, the endoscope was inserted without difficulty into the hypopharynx. The esophageal mucosa and vascular pattern appeared normal. The lower esophageal sphincter was located at 25 cm from the central incisors. It appeared normal. A Z-line was identified within the lower esophageal sphincter. The endoscope was advanced into the stomach, which distended with excess air. Rugal folds flattened completely. Gastric mucosa appeared normal throughout. No hiatal hernia was noted. Pyloric valve appeared normal. The endoscope was advanced into the first, second, and third portions of duodenum, which had normal mucosa, coloration, and fold pattern. Biopsies were obtained x2 in the second portion of duodenum, antrum, and distal esophagus at 22 cm from the central incisors for histology. Additional 2 biopsies were obtained for CLO testing in the antrum. Excess air was evacuated from the stomach. The scope was removed from the patient who tolerated that part of procedure well. The patient was turned and the scope was advanced with some difficulty to the terminal ileum. The terminal ileum mucosa and the colonic mucosa throughout was normal except at approximately 10 cm where a 1 x 1 cm pedunculated juvenile-appearing polyp was noted. Biopsies were obtained x2 in the terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid, and rectum. Then, the polyp was snared right at the base of the polyp on the stalk and 20 watts of pure coag was applied in 2-second bursts x3. The polyp was severed. There was no bleeding at the stalk after removal of the polyp head. The polyp head was removed by suction. Excess air was evacuated from the colon. The patient tolerated that part of the procedure well and was taken to recovery in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss approximately 5 mL.,IMPRESSION: , Normal esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colon as well as terminal ileum except for a 1 x 1-cm rectal polyp, which was removed successfully by polypectomy snare.,PLAN: ,Histologic evaluation and CLO testing. I will contact the parents next week with biopsy results and further management plans will be discussed at that time.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsy and polypectomy.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - 3
surgery, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, rectal polyp, polypectomy snare, olympus gif-160, endoscope was advanced, clo testing, polyp head, terminal ileum, polypectomy, biopsies, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ileum, mucosa, colonoscopy,
the, was, and, normal, from
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURES:, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsy and polypectomy.,REASON FOR PROCEDURE: , Child with abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. Rule out inflammatory bowel disease, allergic enterocolitis, rectal polyps, and rectal vascular malformations.,CONSENT:, History and physical examination was performed. The procedure, indications, alternatives available, and complications, i.e. bleeding, perforation, infection, adverse medication reaction, the possible need for blood transfusion, and surgery should a complication occur were discussed with the parents who understood and indicated this. Opportunity for questions was provided and informed consent was obtained.,MEDICATION: ,General anesthesia.,INSTRUMENT: , Olympus GIF-160.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , With the patient in the supine position and intubated, the endoscope was inserted without difficulty into the hypopharynx. The esophageal mucosa and vascular pattern appeared normal. The lower esophageal sphincter was located at 25 cm from the central incisors. It appeared normal. A Z-line was identified within the lower esophageal sphincter. The endoscope was advanced into the stomach, which distended with excess air. Rugal folds flattened completely. Gastric mucosa appeared normal throughout. No hiatal hernia was noted. Pyloric valve appeared normal. The endoscope was advanced into the first, second, and third portions of duodenum, which had normal mucosa, coloration, and fold pattern. Biopsies were obtained x2 in the second portion of duodenum, antrum, and distal esophagus at 22 cm from the central incisors for histology. Additional 2 biopsies were obtained for CLO testing in the antrum. Excess air was evacuated from the stomach. The scope was removed from the patient who tolerated that part of procedure well. The patient was turned and the scope was advanced with some difficulty to the terminal ileum. The terminal ileum mucosa and the colonic mucosa throughout was normal except at approximately 10 cm where a 1 x 1 cm pedunculated juvenile-appearing polyp was noted. Biopsies were obtained x2 in the terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid, and rectum. Then, the polyp was snared right at the base of the polyp on the stalk and 20 watts of pure coag was applied in 2-second bursts x3. The polyp was severed. There was no bleeding at the stalk after removal of the polyp head. The polyp head was removed by suction. Excess air was evacuated from the colon. The patient tolerated that part of the procedure well and was taken to recovery in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss approximately 5 mL.,IMPRESSION: , Normal esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colon as well as terminal ileum except for a 1 x 1-cm rectal polyp, which was removed successfully by polypectomy snare.,PLAN: ,Histologic evaluation and CLO testing. I will contact the parents next week with biopsy results and further management plans will be discussed at that time. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - 3 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsy and polypectomy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
REASON FOR NEUROLOGICAL CONSULTATION:, Muscle twitching, clumsiness, progressive pain syndrome, and gait disturbance.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 62-year-old African-American male with a significant past medical history of diabetes, hypertension, previous stroke in 2002 with minimal residual right-sided weakness as well as two MIs, status post pacemaker insertion who first presented with numbness in his lower extremities in 2001. He states that since that time these symptoms have been progressive and now involving his legs above his knees as well as his hands. More recently, he describes a burning sensation along with numbness. This has become a particular problem and of all the problems he has he feels that pain is his primary concern. Over the last six months, he has noticed that he cannot feel hot objects in his hands and that objects slip out of his hands. He denies any weakness per se, just clumsiness and decreased sensation. He has also been complaining of brief muscle jerks, which occur in both hands and his shoulders. This has been a fairly longstanding problem, and again has become more prevalent recently. He does not have any tremor. He denies any neck pain. He walks with the aid of a walker because of unsteadiness with gait.,Recently, he has tried gabapentin, but this was not effective for pain control. Oxycodone helps somewhat and gives him at least three hours pain relief. Because of the pain, he has significant problems with fractured sleep. He states he has not had a good night's sleep in many years. About six months ago, after an MI and pacemaker insertion, he was transferred to a nursing facility. At that facility, his insulin was stopped. Since then he has only been on oral medication for his diabetes. He denies any back pain, neck pain, change in bowel or bladder function, or specific injury pre-dating these symptoms., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, arthritis, GERD, and headaches.,MEDICATIONS: , Trazodone, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide, Prevacid, lisinopril, glipizide, and gabapentin.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart. He does not smoke. He lives in a senior citizens building with daily nursing aids. He previously was a security guard, but is currently on disability.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, blood pressure 150/80, pulse of 80, respiratory rate 22, and weight 360 pounds. Pain scale 7/10. A full general and neurological examination was performed on the patient and is documented on the chart.,The patient is obese with significant ankle edema.,Neurological examination reveals normal cognitive exam and normal cranial nerve examination. Motor examination reveals mild atrophy in bilateral FDIs, but still has a strong grip. Individual muscle strength is close to normal with only subtle weakness found in ankle plantar and dorsiflexion. Tone and bulk are normal. Sensory examination reveals a severe decrease to all modalities in his lower extremities from just above the knees distally. He has no vibration sense at his knees. Similarly, there is decrease to all sensory modalities in his both upper extremities from just above the wrist distally. The only reflexes I could obtain with trace reflexes in his biceps. Remaining reflexes were unelicitable. No Babinski. The patient walks normally with the aid of a cane. He has severe sensory ataxia with inability to walk unaided. Positive Romberg with eyes open and closed.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Probable painful diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms are predominantly sensory and severely dysfunctioning, with the patient having inability to ambulate independently as well as difficulty with grip and temperature differentiation in his upper extremities. He has relative preservation of motor function. Because these symptoms are progressive and, by report, he came off his insulin, suggesting somewhat mild diabetes, I would like to rule out other causes of progressive neuropathy.,2. He has history of myoclonic jerks. I did not see any on my examination today and I feel that these are benign and probably secondary to his severe insomnia, which he states is secondary to the painful neuropathy. I would like to rule out other causes such as hepatic encephalopathy., ,I have recommended the following:,1. EMG/nerve conduction study to assess severity of neuropathy and to characterize neuropathy.,2. Blood work, looking for other causes of neuropathy and myoclonus, to include CBC, CMP, TSH, LFT, B12, RPR, ESR, Lyme titer, and HbA1c, and ammonia level.,3. Neurontin and oxycodone have not been effective, and I have recommended Cymbalta starting at 30 mg q.d. for five days and then increasing to 60 mg q.d. Side effect profile of this medication was discussed with the patient.,4. I have explained to him that progression of diabetic neuropathy is closely related to diabetic control and I have recommended tight diabetic control.,5. I will see him at followup at the EMG.
Muscle twitching, clumsiness, progressive pain syndrome, and gait disturbance. Probable painful diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms are predominantly sensory and severely dysfunctioning, with the patient having inability to ambulate independently as well as difficulty with grip and temperature differentiation in his upper extremities.
Consult - History and Phy.
Neurologic Consultation - 4
he, his, and, has, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR NEUROLOGICAL CONSULTATION:, Muscle twitching, clumsiness, progressive pain syndrome, and gait disturbance.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 62-year-old African-American male with a significant past medical history of diabetes, hypertension, previous stroke in 2002 with minimal residual right-sided weakness as well as two MIs, status post pacemaker insertion who first presented with numbness in his lower extremities in 2001. He states that since that time these symptoms have been progressive and now involving his legs above his knees as well as his hands. More recently, he describes a burning sensation along with numbness. This has become a particular problem and of all the problems he has he feels that pain is his primary concern. Over the last six months, he has noticed that he cannot feel hot objects in his hands and that objects slip out of his hands. He denies any weakness per se, just clumsiness and decreased sensation. He has also been complaining of brief muscle jerks, which occur in both hands and his shoulders. This has been a fairly longstanding problem, and again has become more prevalent recently. He does not have any tremor. He denies any neck pain. He walks with the aid of a walker because of unsteadiness with gait.,Recently, he has tried gabapentin, but this was not effective for pain control. Oxycodone helps somewhat and gives him at least three hours pain relief. Because of the pain, he has significant problems with fractured sleep. He states he has not had a good night's sleep in many years. About six months ago, after an MI and pacemaker insertion, he was transferred to a nursing facility. At that facility, his insulin was stopped. Since then he has only been on oral medication for his diabetes. He denies any back pain, neck pain, change in bowel or bladder function, or specific injury pre-dating these symptoms., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, arthritis, GERD, and headaches.,MEDICATIONS: , Trazodone, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide, Prevacid, lisinopril, glipizide, and gabapentin.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart. He does not smoke. He lives in a senior citizens building with daily nursing aids. He previously was a security guard, but is currently on disability.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, blood pressure 150/80, pulse of 80, respiratory rate 22, and weight 360 pounds. Pain scale 7/10. A full general and neurological examination was performed on the patient and is documented on the chart.,The patient is obese with significant ankle edema.,Neurological examination reveals normal cognitive exam and normal cranial nerve examination. Motor examination reveals mild atrophy in bilateral FDIs, but still has a strong grip. Individual muscle strength is close to normal with only subtle weakness found in ankle plantar and dorsiflexion. Tone and bulk are normal. Sensory examination reveals a severe decrease to all modalities in his lower extremities from just above the knees distally. He has no vibration sense at his knees. Similarly, there is decrease to all sensory modalities in his both upper extremities from just above the wrist distally. The only reflexes I could obtain with trace reflexes in his biceps. Remaining reflexes were unelicitable. No Babinski. The patient walks normally with the aid of a cane. He has severe sensory ataxia with inability to walk unaided. Positive Romberg with eyes open and closed.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Probable painful diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms are predominantly sensory and severely dysfunctioning, with the patient having inability to ambulate independently as well as difficulty with grip and temperature differentiation in his upper extremities. He has relative preservation of motor function. Because these symptoms are progressive and, by report, he came off his insulin, suggesting somewhat mild diabetes, I would like to rule out other causes of progressive neuropathy.,2. He has history of myoclonic jerks. I did not see any on my examination today and I feel that these are benign and probably secondary to his severe insomnia, which he states is secondary to the painful neuropathy. I would like to rule out other causes such as hepatic encephalopathy., ,I have recommended the following:,1. EMG/nerve conduction study to assess severity of neuropathy and to characterize neuropathy.,2. Blood work, looking for other causes of neuropathy and myoclonus, to include CBC, CMP, TSH, LFT, B12, RPR, ESR, Lyme titer, and HbA1c, and ammonia level.,3. Neurontin and oxycodone have not been effective, and I have recommended Cymbalta starting at 30 mg q.d. for five days and then increasing to 60 mg q.d. Side effect profile of this medication was discussed with the patient.,4. I have explained to him that progression of diabetic neuropathy is closely related to diabetic control and I have recommended tight diabetic control.,5. I will see him at followup at the EMG. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.53 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Muscle twitching, clumsiness, progressive pain syndrome, and gait disturbance. Probable painful diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms are predominantly sensory and severely dysfunctioning, with the patient having inability to ambulate independently as well as difficulty with grip and temperature differentiation in his upper extremities. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Carpal tunnel syndrome. Open carpal tunnel release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: ,Open carpal tunnel release.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and general anesthesia the Left upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the skin was repaired with 4-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound, which was then dressed and splinted. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well.
Carpal tunnel syndrome. Open carpal tunnel release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat.
Carpal Tunnel Release - Open
orthopedic, carpal ligament, carpal tunnel release, carpal tunnel syndrome, transverse carpal ligament, transverse, ligament, hemostat, tunnel, incision
the, was, with, and, procedure
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: ,Open carpal tunnel release.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and general anesthesia the Left upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the skin was repaired with 4-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound, which was then dressed and splinted. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Carpal tunnel syndrome. Open carpal tunnel release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Carpal tunnel syndrome. Open carpal tunnel release. A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Circumcision - 3
CIRCUMCISION,After informed consent was obtained the baby was placed on the circumcision tray. He was prepped in a sterile fashion times 3 with Betadine and then draped in a sterile fashion. Then 0.2 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected at 10 and 2 o'clock. A ring block was also done using another 0.3 mL of lidocaine. Glucose water is also used for anesthesia. After several minutes the curved clamp was attached at 9 o'clock with care being taken to avoid the meatus. The blunt probe was then introduced again with care taken to avoid the meatus. After initial adhesions were taken down the straight clamp was introduced to break down further adhesions. Care was taken to avoid the frenulum. The clamps where then repositioned at 12 and 6 o'clock. The Mogen clamp was then applied with a dorsal tilt. After the clamp was applied for 1 minute the foreskin was trimmed. After an additional minute the clamp was removed and the final adhesions were taken down. Patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal bleeding noted. Patient to remain for 20 minutes after procedure to insure no further bleeding is noted.,Routine care discussed with the family. Need to clean the area with just water initially and later with soap and water or diaper wipes once healed.
Circumcision procedure in a baby
Circumcision - 3
urology, circumcision, 1% lidocaine, betadine, glucose water, adhesions, circumcision tray, diaper wipes, foreskin, frenulum, meatus, straight clamp, sterile fashion, clampNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
the, was, taken, after, with
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CIRCUMCISION,After informed consent was obtained the baby was placed on the circumcision tray. He was prepped in a sterile fashion times 3 with Betadine and then draped in a sterile fashion. Then 0.2 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected at 10 and 2 o'clock. A ring block was also done using another 0.3 mL of lidocaine. Glucose water is also used for anesthesia. After several minutes the curved clamp was attached at 9 o'clock with care being taken to avoid the meatus. The blunt probe was then introduced again with care taken to avoid the meatus. After initial adhesions were taken down the straight clamp was introduced to break down further adhesions. Care was taken to avoid the frenulum. The clamps where then repositioned at 12 and 6 o'clock. The Mogen clamp was then applied with a dorsal tilt. After the clamp was applied for 1 minute the foreskin was trimmed. After an additional minute the clamp was removed and the final adhesions were taken down. Patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal bleeding noted. Patient to remain for 20 minutes after procedure to insure no further bleeding is noted.,Routine care discussed with the family. Need to clean the area with just water initially and later with soap and water or diaper wipes once healed. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Circumcision - 3 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Circumcision procedure in a baby [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: , The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman. The patient had shortness of breath over the last few days, progressively worse. Yesterday he had one episode and got concerned and came to the Emergency Room, also orthopnea and paroxysmal dyspnea. Coronary artery disease workup many years ago. He also has shortness of breath, weakness, and tiredness.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Knee surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, cholecystectomy, and appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: , Thyroid supplementation, atenolol 25 mg daily, Lasix, potassium supplementation, lovastatin 40 mg daily, and Coumadin adjusted dose.,ALLERGIES: , ASPIRIN.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Married, ex-smoker, and does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation chronic, on anticoagulation.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , As above.,PRESENTATION HISTORY: , Shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and tiredness. The patient also relates history of questionable TIA in 1994.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: Weakness, fatigue, tiredness.,HEENT: No history of cataracts, blurry vision or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, no coronary artery disease.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea, no vomiting, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Some frequency, urgency, no hematuria.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis, muscle weakness.,SKIN: Chronic skin changes.,CNS: History of TIA. No CVA, no seizure disorder.,ENDOCRINE: Nonsignificant.,HEMATOLOGICAL: Nonsignificant.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 67, blood pressure 159/49, afebrile, and respiratory rate 18 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair, decreased in basal areas. No rales or wheezes.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: Chronic skin changes. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Grossly intact.,LABORATORY DATA: , H&H stable 30 and 39, INR of 1.86, BUN and creatinine within normal limits, potassium normal limits. First set of cardiac enzymes profile negative. BNP 4810.,Chest x-ray confirms unremarkable findings. EKG reveals atrial fibrillation, nonspecific ST-T changes.,IMPRESSION:
Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath. The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman with shortness of breath, progressively worsening, of recent onset. History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation - 1
history, no, of, and, artery
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: , The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman. The patient had shortness of breath over the last few days, progressively worse. Yesterday he had one episode and got concerned and came to the Emergency Room, also orthopnea and paroxysmal dyspnea. Coronary artery disease workup many years ago. He also has shortness of breath, weakness, and tiredness.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Knee surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, cholecystectomy, and appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: , Thyroid supplementation, atenolol 25 mg daily, Lasix, potassium supplementation, lovastatin 40 mg daily, and Coumadin adjusted dose.,ALLERGIES: , ASPIRIN.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Married, ex-smoker, and does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation chronic, on anticoagulation.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , As above.,PRESENTATION HISTORY: , Shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and tiredness. The patient also relates history of questionable TIA in 1994.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: Weakness, fatigue, tiredness.,HEENT: No history of cataracts, blurry vision or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, no coronary artery disease.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea, no vomiting, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Some frequency, urgency, no hematuria.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis, muscle weakness.,SKIN: Chronic skin changes.,CNS: History of TIA. No CVA, no seizure disorder.,ENDOCRINE: Nonsignificant.,HEMATOLOGICAL: Nonsignificant.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 67, blood pressure 159/49, afebrile, and respiratory rate 18 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair, decreased in basal areas. No rales or wheezes.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: Chronic skin changes. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Grossly intact.,LABORATORY DATA: , H&H stable 30 and 39, INR of 1.86, BUN and creatinine within normal limits, potassium normal limits. First set of cardiac enzymes profile negative. BNP 4810.,Chest x-ray confirms unremarkable findings. EKG reveals atrial fibrillation, nonspecific ST-T changes.,IMPRESSION: [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath. The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman with shortness of breath, progressively worsening, of recent onset. History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
allergy / immunology, mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, ad lib, kawasaki disease, vaccine, fever, aspirin
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Kawasaki disease.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Kawasaki disease, resolving.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR. When he was sent to the hospital, he had a fever of 102. Subsequently, the patient was evaluated and based on the criteria, he was started on high dose of aspirin and IVIG. Echocardiogram was also done, which was negative. IVIG was done x1, and between 12 hours of IVIG, he spiked fever again; it was repeated twice, and then after second IVIG, he did not spike any more fever. Today, his fever and his rash have completely resolved. He does not have any conjunctivitis and no redness of mucous membranes. He is more calm and quite and taking good p.o.; so with a very close followup and a cardiac followup, he will be sent home.,DISCHARGE ACTIVITIES:, Ad-lib.,DISCHARGE DIET: , PO ad-lib.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin high dose 340 mg q.6h. for 1 day and then aspirin low dose 40 mg q.d. for 14 days and then Prevacid also to prevent his GI from aspirin 15 mg p.o. once a day. He will be followed by his primary doctor in 2 to 3 days. Cardiology for echo followup in 4 to 6 weeks and instructed not to give any vaccine in less than 11 months because of IVIG, all the live virus vaccine, and if he gets any rashes, any fevers, should go to primary care doctor as soon as possible.
This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR.
Allergy / Immunology
Kawasaki Disease - Discharge Summary
allergy / immunology, mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, ad lib, kawasaki disease, vaccine, fever, aspirin
he, and, any, his, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Kawasaki disease.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Kawasaki disease, resolving.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR. When he was sent to the hospital, he had a fever of 102. Subsequently, the patient was evaluated and based on the criteria, he was started on high dose of aspirin and IVIG. Echocardiogram was also done, which was negative. IVIG was done x1, and between 12 hours of IVIG, he spiked fever again; it was repeated twice, and then after second IVIG, he did not spike any more fever. Today, his fever and his rash have completely resolved. He does not have any conjunctivitis and no redness of mucous membranes. He is more calm and quite and taking good p.o.; so with a very close followup and a cardiac followup, he will be sent home.,DISCHARGE ACTIVITIES:, Ad-lib.,DISCHARGE DIET: , PO ad-lib.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin high dose 340 mg q.6h. for 1 day and then aspirin low dose 40 mg q.d. for 14 days and then Prevacid also to prevent his GI from aspirin 15 mg p.o. once a day. He will be followed by his primary doctor in 2 to 3 days. Cardiology for echo followup in 4 to 6 weeks and instructed not to give any vaccine in less than 11 months because of IVIG, all the live virus vaccine, and if he gets any rashes, any fevers, should go to primary care doctor as soon as possible. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] allergy / immunology, mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, ad lib, kawasaki disease, vaccine, fever, aspirin [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , Excision of recurrent pyogenic granuloma.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is 12-year-old young lady, who has a hand-sized congenital vascular malformation on her left lateral thigh below the greater trochanter, which was described by her parents as a birthmark. This congenital cutaneous vascular malformation faded substantially over the first years of her life and has regressed to a flat, slightly hyperpigmented lesion. Although no isolated injury event can be recalled, the patient has developed a pyogenic granuloma next to the distal portion of this lesion on her mid thigh, and it has been treated with topical cautery in her primary care doctor's office, but with recurrence. She is here today for excision.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient had what appeared to be a classic pyogenic granuloma arising from this involuted vascular malformation.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient came to the operating room, had an uneventful induction of general anesthesia. We conducted a surgical time-out, reiterated her important and unique identifying information and confirmed that the excision of the left thigh pyogenic granuloma was the procedure planned for today. Preparation and draping was __________ ensued with a chlorhexidine based prep solution. The pyogenic granuloma was approximately 6 to 7 mm in greatest dimension and to remove it required creating an elliptical incision of about 1 to 1.2 cm. This entire area was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with dilute epinephrine to provide a wide local field block and then an elliptical incision was made with a #15 scalpel blade, excising the pyogenic granuloma, its base, and a small rim of surrounding normal skin. Some of the abnormal vessels in the dermal and subdermal layer were cauterized with the needle-tip electrocautery pencil. The wound was closed in layers with a deep dermal roll of 5-0 Monocryl stitches supplemented by 5-0 intradermal Monocryl and Steri-Strips for final skin closure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. This nodule was submitted to pathology for confirmation of its histology as a pyogenic granuloma. Blood loss was less than 5 mL and there were no complications.
Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh. Excision of recurrent pyogenic granuloma.
Granuloma Excision
surgery, trochanter, granuloma, pyogenic granuloma, vascular malformation, pyogenic, vascular, malformation, thigh,
the, her, and, of, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , Excision of recurrent pyogenic granuloma.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is 12-year-old young lady, who has a hand-sized congenital vascular malformation on her left lateral thigh below the greater trochanter, which was described by her parents as a birthmark. This congenital cutaneous vascular malformation faded substantially over the first years of her life and has regressed to a flat, slightly hyperpigmented lesion. Although no isolated injury event can be recalled, the patient has developed a pyogenic granuloma next to the distal portion of this lesion on her mid thigh, and it has been treated with topical cautery in her primary care doctor's office, but with recurrence. She is here today for excision.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient had what appeared to be a classic pyogenic granuloma arising from this involuted vascular malformation.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient came to the operating room, had an uneventful induction of general anesthesia. We conducted a surgical time-out, reiterated her important and unique identifying information and confirmed that the excision of the left thigh pyogenic granuloma was the procedure planned for today. Preparation and draping was __________ ensued with a chlorhexidine based prep solution. The pyogenic granuloma was approximately 6 to 7 mm in greatest dimension and to remove it required creating an elliptical incision of about 1 to 1.2 cm. This entire area was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with dilute epinephrine to provide a wide local field block and then an elliptical incision was made with a #15 scalpel blade, excising the pyogenic granuloma, its base, and a small rim of surrounding normal skin. Some of the abnormal vessels in the dermal and subdermal layer were cauterized with the needle-tip electrocautery pencil. The wound was closed in layers with a deep dermal roll of 5-0 Monocryl stitches supplemented by 5-0 intradermal Monocryl and Steri-Strips for final skin closure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. This nodule was submitted to pathology for confirmation of its histology as a pyogenic granuloma. Blood loss was less than 5 mL and there were no complications. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Pyogenic granuloma, left lateral thigh. Excision of recurrent pyogenic granuloma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Triple Lumen Catheter Insertion - 1
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Insertion of a right femoral triple lumen catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , Includes 4 cc of 1% lidocaine locally.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimum.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 86-year-old Caucasian female who presented to ABCD General Hospital secondary to drainage of an old percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy site. The patient is also ventilator-dependent, respiratory failure with tracheostomy in place and dependent on parenteral nutrition secondary to dysphagia and also has history of protein-calorie malnutrition and the patient needs to receive total parenteral nutrition and therefore needs central venous access.,PROCEDURE:, The patient's legal guardian was talked to. All questions were answered and consent was obtained. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped. Approximately 4 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected into the inguinal site. A strong femoral artery pulse was felt and triple lumen catheter Angiocath was inserted at 30-degree angle cephalad and aspirated until a dark venous blood was aspirated. A guidewire was then placed through the needle. The needle was then removed. The skin was ________ at the base of the wire and a dilator was placed over the wire. The triple lumen catheters were then flushed with bacteriostatic saline. The dilator was then removed from the guidewire and a triple lumen catheter was then inserted over the guidewire with the guidewire held at all times.,The wire was then carefully removed. Each port of the lumen catheter was aspirated with 10 cc syringe with normal saline till dark red blood was expressed and then flushed with bacteriostatic normal saline and repeated on the remaining two ports. Each port was closed off and also kept off. Straight needle suture was then used to suture the triple lumen catheter down to the skin. Peristatic agent was then placed at the site of the lumen catheter insertion and a Tegaderm was then placed over the site. The surgical site was then sterilely cleaned. The patient tolerated the full procedure well. There were no complications. The nurse was then contacted to allow for access of the triple lumen catheter.
Need for intravenous access. Insertion of a right femoral triple lumen catheter. he patient is also ventilator-dependent, respiratory failure with tracheostomy in place and dependent on parenteral nutrition secondary to dysphagia and also has history of protein-calorie malnutrition and the patient needs to receive total parenteral nutrition and therefore needs central venous access.
Triple Lumen Catheter Insertion - 1
surgery, intravenous access, catheter, femoral triple lumen catheter, triple lumen catheter, lumen, ventilator, respiratory, guidewire
the, was, then, and, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Insertion of a right femoral triple lumen catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , Includes 4 cc of 1% lidocaine locally.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimum.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 86-year-old Caucasian female who presented to ABCD General Hospital secondary to drainage of an old percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy site. The patient is also ventilator-dependent, respiratory failure with tracheostomy in place and dependent on parenteral nutrition secondary to dysphagia and also has history of protein-calorie malnutrition and the patient needs to receive total parenteral nutrition and therefore needs central venous access.,PROCEDURE:, The patient's legal guardian was talked to. All questions were answered and consent was obtained. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped. Approximately 4 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected into the inguinal site. A strong femoral artery pulse was felt and triple lumen catheter Angiocath was inserted at 30-degree angle cephalad and aspirated until a dark venous blood was aspirated. A guidewire was then placed through the needle. The needle was then removed. The skin was ________ at the base of the wire and a dilator was placed over the wire. The triple lumen catheters were then flushed with bacteriostatic saline. The dilator was then removed from the guidewire and a triple lumen catheter was then inserted over the guidewire with the guidewire held at all times.,The wire was then carefully removed. Each port of the lumen catheter was aspirated with 10 cc syringe with normal saline till dark red blood was expressed and then flushed with bacteriostatic normal saline and repeated on the remaining two ports. Each port was closed off and also kept off. Straight needle suture was then used to suture the triple lumen catheter down to the skin. Peristatic agent was then placed at the site of the lumen catheter insertion and a Tegaderm was then placed over the site. The surgical site was then sterilely cleaned. The patient tolerated the full procedure well. There were no complications. The nurse was then contacted to allow for access of the triple lumen catheter. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Triple Lumen Catheter Insertion - 1 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Need for intravenous access. Insertion of a right femoral triple lumen catheter. he patient is also ventilator-dependent, respiratory failure with tracheostomy in place and dependent on parenteral nutrition secondary to dysphagia and also has history of protein-calorie malnutrition and the patient needs to receive total parenteral nutrition and therefore needs central venous access. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Headache and diplopia.
CC:, Headache and diplopia.,HX:, This 39 y/o African American female began experiencing severe constant pressure pain type headaches beginning the last week of 8/95. The pain localized to bifronto-temporal regions of the head and did not radiate. There was no associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia or phonophobia. The HA's occurred daily; and throughout daylight hours. They diminished at bedtime, but occasionally awakened her in the morning.,Several days following the onset of her HA's, she began experiencing numbness and tingling about the right side of her face. These symptoms improved, but did not completely resolved.,Several days after the onset of facial paresthesias, she began to experience binocular horizontal diplopia. The diplopia resolved when covering either eye, and worsened upon looking toward the right. Coincidentally, she began veering toward the right when walking. She denied any weakness. She had had chronic unsteadiness for many years since developing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She was unsure whether her unsteadiness was due to poor depth perception in light of her diplopia.,The patient was admitted locally 9/2/95. HCT, 9/2/95 and Brain MRI with gadolinium, 9/3/95, were "unremarkable." Lumbar puncture (done locally),9/3/95: Opening pressure 27cm H20, CSF analysis ( protein 14.0, glucose 66, O WBC, 3 RBC, VDRL non-reactive, Lyme titer unremarkable, Myelin basic protein 1.0 (normal <4.0), and there was no evidence of oligoclonal bands. ESR=76. On 9/11/95 ESR=110. Acetylcholine receptor binding and blocking antibodies were negative. 9/4/95, ANA and RF were negative. 7/94, ANA and RF were negative, and ESR=60.,MEDS: ,Tylenol 500mg q5-6hrs. No known Allergies.,PMH:, 1)Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosed at age 10 years; now in remission. 2)Right #5 finger reattachment as child due to traumatic amputation.,FHX: ,Mother died age 42 of unknown type cancer. Father died age 62 of unknown type cancer. 4 sisters, one brother and 2 half-brothers. One of the half-brothers has asthma.,SHX: ,Single, lives with sister, and denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP141/84, HR99, RR14, 36.8C, Wt. 82kg Ht. 152.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent; without dysarthria. Mood euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Decreased abduction, OD. In neutral gaze, the right eye deviated slightly lateral of midline. In addition, she had mild proptosis, OD. The right eye was nontender to palpation during extraocular movement. Visual fields were full to confrontation. Optic disks appeared flat. Face was symmetric with full movement and sensation. Gag, shoulder shrug and corneal responses were intact, bilaterally. Tongue was midline with full ROM.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,SENSORY: Unremarkable.,COORD: Unremarkable FNF/HKS/RAM.,STATION: Unremarkable. NO Romberg's sign or drift.,GAIT: Narrow based gait. Able to TT and HW without difficulty. Mild difficulty with TW.,REFLEXES: 2+/2+ Throughout all 4 extremities. Flexor plantar responses, bilaterally.,Musculoskeletal: Swan neck deformities of the #2 and #3 digits of both hands.,GEN EXAM: unremarkable, except for obvious sign of right finger reattachment (mentioned above).,COURSE: ,Repeat lumbar puncture yielded: Opening pressure 20.25cm H20, protein 22, glucose 62, 2RBC, 1WBC. CSF cytology, ACE, cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB), gram stain, cryptococcal antigen, and VDRL were negative. Serum ACE, TSH, FT4 were unremarkable.,Neuroophthalmology confirmed her right CN6 palsy and proptosis (OD); and noted her complaint of paresthesias in the V1 and V2 distribution. They saw no evidence of papilledema. Visual field testing was unremarkable. MRI Brain/orbit/neck with gadolinium, 10/20/95, revealed abnormal enhancing signal in the right cavernous sinus and sinus mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses/ethmoid sinuses/frontal sinuses. CXR, 10/20/95, showed a lobulated mass arising from the right hilum. The mass appeared to obstruct the right middle lobe, causing partial collapse of this lobe. Chest CT with contrast, 10/23/95, revealed a 3.2x4.5x4.0cm mass in the right hilar region with impingement on the right lower bronchus. There appeared to be calcification as well as low attenuation regions within the mass. No lymphadenopathy was noted. She underwent bronchoscopy with bronchial brushing and transbronchial aspirate of the right lung on 10/24/95: no tumor cells were identified, GMS stains were negative and there was no evidence of viral changes, fungus or PCP by culture or molecular assay. She underwent right maxillary sinus biopsy and right middle lobe wedge resection and lymph node biopsy on 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens. No sign of cancer was found. Tissue cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB) were negative times 3. The patients case was discussed at Head and Neck Oncology Tumor Board and a differential diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Histoplasmosis, Wegener's Granulomatosis, were considered. Urine Histoplasmosis Antigen testing on 11/8/95 was 0.9units (normal<1.0): repeat testing on 12/13/95 was 0.8units. ANCA serum titers on 11/8/95 were <1:40 (normal). PPD testing was negative 11/95 (with positive candida and mumps controls).,The etiology of this patient's illness was not discovered. She was last seen 4/96 and her diplopia and right CN6 palsy had moderately improved.
Headache and diplopia.
Granulomatous Inflammation
and, the, right, of, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CC:, Headache and diplopia.,HX:, This 39 y/o African American female began experiencing severe constant pressure pain type headaches beginning the last week of 8/95. The pain localized to bifronto-temporal regions of the head and did not radiate. There was no associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia or phonophobia. The HA's occurred daily; and throughout daylight hours. They diminished at bedtime, but occasionally awakened her in the morning.,Several days following the onset of her HA's, she began experiencing numbness and tingling about the right side of her face. These symptoms improved, but did not completely resolved.,Several days after the onset of facial paresthesias, she began to experience binocular horizontal diplopia. The diplopia resolved when covering either eye, and worsened upon looking toward the right. Coincidentally, she began veering toward the right when walking. She denied any weakness. She had had chronic unsteadiness for many years since developing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She was unsure whether her unsteadiness was due to poor depth perception in light of her diplopia.,The patient was admitted locally 9/2/95. HCT, 9/2/95 and Brain MRI with gadolinium, 9/3/95, were "unremarkable." Lumbar puncture (done locally),9/3/95: Opening pressure 27cm H20, CSF analysis ( protein 14.0, glucose 66, O WBC, 3 RBC, VDRL non-reactive, Lyme titer unremarkable, Myelin basic protein 1.0 (normal <4.0), and there was no evidence of oligoclonal bands. ESR=76. On 9/11/95 ESR=110. Acetylcholine receptor binding and blocking antibodies were negative. 9/4/95, ANA and RF were negative. 7/94, ANA and RF were negative, and ESR=60.,MEDS: ,Tylenol 500mg q5-6hrs. No known Allergies.,PMH:, 1)Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosed at age 10 years; now in remission. 2)Right #5 finger reattachment as child due to traumatic amputation.,FHX: ,Mother died age 42 of unknown type cancer. Father died age 62 of unknown type cancer. 4 sisters, one brother and 2 half-brothers. One of the half-brothers has asthma.,SHX: ,Single, lives with sister, and denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP141/84, HR99, RR14, 36.8C, Wt. 82kg Ht. 152.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent; without dysarthria. Mood euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Decreased abduction, OD. In neutral gaze, the right eye deviated slightly lateral of midline. In addition, she had mild proptosis, OD. The right eye was nontender to palpation during extraocular movement. Visual fields were full to confrontation. Optic disks appeared flat. Face was symmetric with full movement and sensation. Gag, shoulder shrug and corneal responses were intact, bilaterally. Tongue was midline with full ROM.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,SENSORY: Unremarkable.,COORD: Unremarkable FNF/HKS/RAM.,STATION: Unremarkable. NO Romberg's sign or drift.,GAIT: Narrow based gait. Able to TT and HW without difficulty. Mild difficulty with TW.,REFLEXES: 2+/2+ Throughout all 4 extremities. Flexor plantar responses, bilaterally.,Musculoskeletal: Swan neck deformities of the #2 and #3 digits of both hands.,GEN EXAM: unremarkable, except for obvious sign of right finger reattachment (mentioned above).,COURSE: ,Repeat lumbar puncture yielded: Opening pressure 20.25cm H20, protein 22, glucose 62, 2RBC, 1WBC. CSF cytology, ACE, cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB), gram stain, cryptococcal antigen, and VDRL were negative. Serum ACE, TSH, FT4 were unremarkable.,Neuroophthalmology confirmed her right CN6 palsy and proptosis (OD); and noted her complaint of paresthesias in the V1 and V2 distribution. They saw no evidence of papilledema. Visual field testing was unremarkable. MRI Brain/orbit/neck with gadolinium, 10/20/95, revealed abnormal enhancing signal in the right cavernous sinus and sinus mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses/ethmoid sinuses/frontal sinuses. CXR, 10/20/95, showed a lobulated mass arising from the right hilum. The mass appeared to obstruct the right middle lobe, causing partial collapse of this lobe. Chest CT with contrast, 10/23/95, revealed a 3.2x4.5x4.0cm mass in the right hilar region with impingement on the right lower bronchus. There appeared to be calcification as well as low attenuation regions within the mass. No lymphadenopathy was noted. She underwent bronchoscopy with bronchial brushing and transbronchial aspirate of the right lung on 10/24/95: no tumor cells were identified, GMS stains were negative and there was no evidence of viral changes, fungus or PCP by culture or molecular assay. She underwent right maxillary sinus biopsy and right middle lobe wedge resection and lymph node biopsy on 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens. No sign of cancer was found. Tissue cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB) were negative times 3. The patients case was discussed at Head and Neck Oncology Tumor Board and a differential diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Histoplasmosis, Wegener's Granulomatosis, were considered. Urine Histoplasmosis Antigen testing on 11/8/95 was 0.9units (normal<1.0): repeat testing on 12/13/95 was 0.8units. ANCA serum titers on 11/8/95 were <1:40 (normal). PPD testing was negative 11/95 (with positive candida and mumps controls).,The etiology of this patient's illness was not discovered. She was last seen 4/96 and her diplopia and right CN6 palsy had moderately improved. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Headache and diplopia. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Headache and diplopia. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
SUBJECTIVE: , This is a 42-year-old white female who comes in today for a complete physical and follow up on asthma. She says her asthma has been worse over the last three months. She has been using her inhaler daily. Her allergies seem to be a little bit worse as well. Her husband has been hauling corn and this seems to aggravate things. She has not been taking Allegra daily but when she does take it, it seems to help somewhat. She has not been taking her Flonase which has helped her in the past. She also notes that in the past she was on Advair but she got some vaginal irritation with that.,She had been noticing increasing symptoms of irritability and PMS around her menstrual cycle. She has been more impatient around that time. Says otherwise her mood is normal during the rest of the month. It usually is worse the week before her cycle and improves the day her menstrual cycle starts. Menses have been regular but somewhat shorter than in the past. Occasionally she will get some spotting after her cycles. She denies any hot flashes or night sweats with this. In reviewing the chart it is noted that she did have 3+ blood with what appeared to be a urinary tract infection previously. Her urine has not been rechecked. She recently had lab work and cholesterol drawn for a life insurance application and is going to send me those results when available.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As above. No fevers, no headaches, no shortness of breath currently. No chest pain or tightness. No abdominal pain, no heartburn, no constipation, diarrhea or dysuria. Occasional stress incontinence. No muscle or joint pain. No concerns about her skin. No polyphagia, polydipsia or polyuria.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for asthma, allergic rhinitis and cervical dysplasia.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married. She is a nonsmoker.,MEDICATIONS: , Proventil and Allegra.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital signs: Her weight is 151 pounds. Blood pressure is 110/60. Pulse is 72. Temperature is 97.1 degrees. Respirations are 20.,General: This is a well-developed, well-nourished 42-year-old white female, alert and oriented in no acute distress. Affect is appropriate and is pleasant.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Tympanic membranes are clear. Conjunctivae are clear. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Nares without turbinate edema. Oropharynx is nonerythematous.,Neck: Supple without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, carotid bruit or JVD.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Normoactive bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly to palpation.,Extremities: Without cyanosis or edema.,Skin: Without abnormalities.,Breasts: Normal symmetrical breasts without dimpling or retraction. No nipple discharge. No masses or lesions to palpation. No axillary masses or lymphadenopathy.,Genitourinary: Normal external genitalia. The walls of the vaginal vault are visualized with normal pink rugae with no lesions noted. Cervix is visualized without lesion. She has a moderate amount of thick white/yellow vaginal discharge in the vaginal vault. No cervical motion tenderness. No adnexal tenderness or fullness.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Asthma. Seems to be worse than in the past. She is just using her Proventil inhaler but is using it daily. We will add Flovent 44 mcg two puffs p.o. b.i.d. May need to increase the dose. She did get some vaginal irritation with Advair in the past but she is willing to retry that if it is necessary. May also need to consider Singulair. She is to call me if she is not improving. If her shortness of breath worsens she is to call me or go into the emergency department. We will plan on following up for reevaluation in one month.,2. Allergic rhinitis. We will plan on restarting Allegra and Flonase daily for the time being.,3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She may have some perimenopausal symptoms. We will start her on fluoxetine 20 mg one tablet p.o. q.d.,4. Hematuria. Likely this is secondary to urinary tract infection but we will repeat a UA to document clearing. She does have some frequent dysuria but is not having it currently.,5. Cervical dysplasia. Pap smear is taken. We will notify the patient of results. If normal we will go back to yearly Pap smear. She is scheduled for screening mammogram and instructed on monthly self-breast exam techniques. Recommend she get 1200 mg of calcium and 400 U of vitamin D a day.
A female for a complete physical and follow up on asthma with allergic rhinitis.
General Medicine
Followup on Asthma
she, her, is, no, or
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE: , This is a 42-year-old white female who comes in today for a complete physical and follow up on asthma. She says her asthma has been worse over the last three months. She has been using her inhaler daily. Her allergies seem to be a little bit worse as well. Her husband has been hauling corn and this seems to aggravate things. She has not been taking Allegra daily but when she does take it, it seems to help somewhat. She has not been taking her Flonase which has helped her in the past. She also notes that in the past she was on Advair but she got some vaginal irritation with that.,She had been noticing increasing symptoms of irritability and PMS around her menstrual cycle. She has been more impatient around that time. Says otherwise her mood is normal during the rest of the month. It usually is worse the week before her cycle and improves the day her menstrual cycle starts. Menses have been regular but somewhat shorter than in the past. Occasionally she will get some spotting after her cycles. She denies any hot flashes or night sweats with this. In reviewing the chart it is noted that she did have 3+ blood with what appeared to be a urinary tract infection previously. Her urine has not been rechecked. She recently had lab work and cholesterol drawn for a life insurance application and is going to send me those results when available.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As above. No fevers, no headaches, no shortness of breath currently. No chest pain or tightness. No abdominal pain, no heartburn, no constipation, diarrhea or dysuria. Occasional stress incontinence. No muscle or joint pain. No concerns about her skin. No polyphagia, polydipsia or polyuria.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for asthma, allergic rhinitis and cervical dysplasia.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married. She is a nonsmoker.,MEDICATIONS: , Proventil and Allegra.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital signs: Her weight is 151 pounds. Blood pressure is 110/60. Pulse is 72. Temperature is 97.1 degrees. Respirations are 20.,General: This is a well-developed, well-nourished 42-year-old white female, alert and oriented in no acute distress. Affect is appropriate and is pleasant.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Tympanic membranes are clear. Conjunctivae are clear. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Nares without turbinate edema. Oropharynx is nonerythematous.,Neck: Supple without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, carotid bruit or JVD.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Normoactive bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly to palpation.,Extremities: Without cyanosis or edema.,Skin: Without abnormalities.,Breasts: Normal symmetrical breasts without dimpling or retraction. No nipple discharge. No masses or lesions to palpation. No axillary masses or lymphadenopathy.,Genitourinary: Normal external genitalia. The walls of the vaginal vault are visualized with normal pink rugae with no lesions noted. Cervix is visualized without lesion. She has a moderate amount of thick white/yellow vaginal discharge in the vaginal vault. No cervical motion tenderness. No adnexal tenderness or fullness.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Asthma. Seems to be worse than in the past. She is just using her Proventil inhaler but is using it daily. We will add Flovent 44 mcg two puffs p.o. b.i.d. May need to increase the dose. She did get some vaginal irritation with Advair in the past but she is willing to retry that if it is necessary. May also need to consider Singulair. She is to call me if she is not improving. If her shortness of breath worsens she is to call me or go into the emergency department. We will plan on following up for reevaluation in one month.,2. Allergic rhinitis. We will plan on restarting Allegra and Flonase daily for the time being.,3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She may have some perimenopausal symptoms. We will start her on fluoxetine 20 mg one tablet p.o. q.d.,4. Hematuria. Likely this is secondary to urinary tract infection but we will repeat a UA to document clearing. She does have some frequent dysuria but is not having it currently.,5. Cervical dysplasia. Pap smear is taken. We will notify the patient of results. If normal we will go back to yearly Pap smear. She is scheduled for screening mammogram and instructed on monthly self-breast exam techniques. Recommend she get 1200 mg of calcium and 400 U of vitamin D a day. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] A female for a complete physical and follow up on asthma with allergic rhinitis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.,2. Urinary retention.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.,2. Urinary retention.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cystourethroscopy.,2. Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP).,ANESTHESIA: ,Spinal.,DRAIN: , A #24 French three-way Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , Prostatic resection chips.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,150 cc.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition.,INDICATIONS AND FINDINGS: ,This is an 84-year-old male with history of BPH and subsequent urinary retention with failure of trial of void, scheduled for elective TURP procedure.,FINDINGS: , At the time of surgery, cystourethroscopy revealed trilobar enlargement of the prostate with prostatic varices of the median lobe. Cystoscopy showed a few cellules of the bladder with no obvious bladder tumors noted.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was moved to operating room and spinal anesthesia was induced by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion and a #21 French cystoscope inserted into urethra and into the bladder. Cystoscopy performed with the above findings. Cystoscope was removed. A #27 French resectoscope with a #26 cutting loop was inserted into the bladder. Verumontanum was identified as a landmark and systematic transurethral resection of the prostate tissue was undertaken in an circumferential fashion with good resection of tissue completed. ________ irrigator was used to evacuate the bladder of prostatic chips. Resectoscope was then inserted and any residual chips were removed in piecemeal fashion with a resectoscope loop. Any obvious bleeding from the prostatic fossa was controlled with electrocautery. Resectoscope was removed. A #24 French three-way Foley catheter inserted into the urethra and into the bladder. Bladder was irrigated and connected to three-way irrigation. The patient was cleaned and sent to recovery in stable condition to be admitted overnight for continuous bladder irrigation and postop monitoring.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy and urinary retention. Cystourethroscopy and transurethral resection of prostate (TURP).
Cystourethroscopy & TURP
surgery, urinary retention, cystourethroscopy, transurethral resection of prostate, foley catheter, bph, cystoscopy, bladder, benign prostatic hypertrophy, turp,
the, was, of, and, into
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.,2. Urinary retention.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.,2. Urinary retention.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cystourethroscopy.,2. Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP).,ANESTHESIA: ,Spinal.,DRAIN: , A #24 French three-way Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , Prostatic resection chips.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,150 cc.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition.,INDICATIONS AND FINDINGS: ,This is an 84-year-old male with history of BPH and subsequent urinary retention with failure of trial of void, scheduled for elective TURP procedure.,FINDINGS: , At the time of surgery, cystourethroscopy revealed trilobar enlargement of the prostate with prostatic varices of the median lobe. Cystoscopy showed a few cellules of the bladder with no obvious bladder tumors noted.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was moved to operating room and spinal anesthesia was induced by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion and a #21 French cystoscope inserted into urethra and into the bladder. Cystoscopy performed with the above findings. Cystoscope was removed. A #27 French resectoscope with a #26 cutting loop was inserted into the bladder. Verumontanum was identified as a landmark and systematic transurethral resection of the prostate tissue was undertaken in an circumferential fashion with good resection of tissue completed. ________ irrigator was used to evacuate the bladder of prostatic chips. Resectoscope was then inserted and any residual chips were removed in piecemeal fashion with a resectoscope loop. Any obvious bleeding from the prostatic fossa was controlled with electrocautery. Resectoscope was removed. A #24 French three-way Foley catheter inserted into the urethra and into the bladder. Bladder was irrigated and connected to three-way irrigation. The patient was cleaned and sent to recovery in stable condition to be admitted overnight for continuous bladder irrigation and postop monitoring. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Benign prostatic hypertrophy and urinary retention. Cystourethroscopy and transurethral resection of prostate (TURP). [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
she, and, of, her, the
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , I was asked by Dr. X to see the patient in consultation for a new diagnosis of colon cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presented to medical attention after she noticed mild abdominal cramping in February 2007. At that time, she was pregnant and was unsure if her symptoms might have been due to the pregnancy. Unfortunately, she had miscarriage at about seven weeks. She again had abdominal cramping, severe, in late March 2007. She underwent colonoscopy on 04/30/2007 by Dr. Y. Of note, she is with a family history of early colon cancers and had her first colonoscopy at age 35 and no polyps were seen at that time.,On colonoscopy, she was found to have a near-obstructing lesion at the splenic flexure. She was not able to have the scope passed past this lesion. Pathology showed a colon cancer, although I do not have a copy of that report at this time.,She had surgical resection done yesterday. The surgery was laparoscopic assisted with anastomosis. At the time of surgery, lymph nodes were palpable.,Pathology showed colon adenocarcinoma, low grade, measuring 3.8 x 1.7 cm, circumferential and invading in to the subserosal mucosa greater than 5 mm, 13 lymph nodes were negative for metastasis. There was no angiolymphatic invasion noted. Radial margin was 0.1 mm. Other margins were 5 and 6 mm. Testing for microsatellite instability is still pending.,Staging has already been done with a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. This showed a mass at the splenic flexure, mildly enlarged lymph nodes there, and no evidence of metastasis to liver, lungs, or other organs. The degenerative changes were noted at L5-S1. The ovaries were normal. An intrauterine device (IUD) was present in the uterus.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She has otherwise been feeling well. She has not had fevers, night sweats, or noticed lymphadenopathy. She has not had cough, shortness of breath, back pain, bone pain, blood in her stool, melena, or change in stool caliber. She was eating well up until the time of her surgery. She is up-to-date on mammography, which will be due again in June. She has no history of pulmonary, cardiac, renal, hepatic, thyroid, or central nervous system (CNS) disease.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN, WHICH CAUSED HIVES WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD.,MEDICATIONS PRIOR TO ADMISSION:, None.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , No significant medical problem. She has had three miscarriages, all of them at about seven weeks. She has no prior surgeries.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She smoked cigarettes socially while in her 20s. A pack of cigarettes would last for more than a week. She does not smoke now. She has two glasses of wine per day, both red and white wine. She is married and has no children. An IUD was recently placed. She works as an esthetician.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Father died of stage IV colon cancer at age 45. This occurred when the patient was young and she is not sure of the rest of the paternal family history. She does believe that aunts and uncles on that side may have died early. Her brother died of pancreas cancer at age 44. Another brother is aged 52 and he had polyps on colonoscopy a couple of years ago. Otherwise, he has no medical problem. Mother is aged 82 and healthy. She was recently diagnosed with hemochromatosis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,GENERAL: She is in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile with a pulse of 78, respirations 16, blood pressure 124/70, and pulse oximetry is 93% on 3 L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,SKIN: Warm and dry. She has no jaundice.,LYMPHATICS: No cervical or supraclavicular lymph nodes are palpable.,LUNGS: There is no respiratory distress.,CARDIAC: Regular rate.,ABDOMEN: Soft and mildly tender. Dressings are clean and dry.,EXTREMITIES: No peripheral edema is noted. Sequential compression devices (SCDs) are in place.,LABORATORY DATA:, White blood count of 11.7, hemoglobin 12.8, hematocrit 37.8, platelets 408, differential shows left shift, MCV is 99.6. Sodium is 136, potassium 4.1, bicarb 25, chloride 104, BUN 5, creatinine 0.7, and glucose is 133. Calcium is 8.8 and magnesium is 1.8.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: , Newly diagnosed stage II colon cancer, with a stage T3c, N0, M0 colon cancer, grade 1. She does not have high-risk factors such as high grade or angiolymphatic invasion, and adequate number of lymph nodes were sampled. Although, the tumor was near obstructing, she was not having symptoms and in fact was having normal bowel movements.,A lengthy discussion was held with the patient regarding her diagnosis and prognosis. Firstly, she has a good prognosis for being cured without adjuvant therapy. I would consider her borderline for chemotherapy given her young age. Referring to the database that had been online, she has a 13% chance of relapse in the next five years, and with aggressive chemotherapy (X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) platinum-based), this would be reduced to an 8% risk of relapse with a 5% benefit. Chemotherapy with 5-FU based regimen would have a smaller benefit of around 2.5%.,Plan was made to allow her to recuperate and then meet with her and her husband to discuss the pros and cons of adjuvant chemotherapy including what regimen she could consider including the side effects. We did not review all that information today.,She has a family history of early colon cancer. Her mother will be visiting in the weekend and plan is to obtain the rest of the paternal family history if we can. Tumor is being tested for microsatellite instability and we will discuss this when those results are available. She has one sibling and he is up-to-date on colonoscopy. She does report multiple tubes of blood were drawn prior to her admission. I will check with Dr. Y's office whether she has had a CEA and liver-associated enzymes assessed. If not, those can be drawn tomorrow.
Newly diagnosed stage II colon cancer, with a stage T3c, N0, M0 colon cancer, grade 1. Although, the tumor was near obstructing, she was not having symptoms and in fact was having normal bowel movements.
Hematology - Oncology
Colon Cancer Consult
she, and, of, her, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , I was asked by Dr. X to see the patient in consultation for a new diagnosis of colon cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presented to medical attention after she noticed mild abdominal cramping in February 2007. At that time, she was pregnant and was unsure if her symptoms might have been due to the pregnancy. Unfortunately, she had miscarriage at about seven weeks. She again had abdominal cramping, severe, in late March 2007. She underwent colonoscopy on 04/30/2007 by Dr. Y. Of note, she is with a family history of early colon cancers and had her first colonoscopy at age 35 and no polyps were seen at that time.,On colonoscopy, she was found to have a near-obstructing lesion at the splenic flexure. She was not able to have the scope passed past this lesion. Pathology showed a colon cancer, although I do not have a copy of that report at this time.,She had surgical resection done yesterday. The surgery was laparoscopic assisted with anastomosis. At the time of surgery, lymph nodes were palpable.,Pathology showed colon adenocarcinoma, low grade, measuring 3.8 x 1.7 cm, circumferential and invading in to the subserosal mucosa greater than 5 mm, 13 lymph nodes were negative for metastasis. There was no angiolymphatic invasion noted. Radial margin was 0.1 mm. Other margins were 5 and 6 mm. Testing for microsatellite instability is still pending.,Staging has already been done with a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. This showed a mass at the splenic flexure, mildly enlarged lymph nodes there, and no evidence of metastasis to liver, lungs, or other organs. The degenerative changes were noted at L5-S1. The ovaries were normal. An intrauterine device (IUD) was present in the uterus.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She has otherwise been feeling well. She has not had fevers, night sweats, or noticed lymphadenopathy. She has not had cough, shortness of breath, back pain, bone pain, blood in her stool, melena, or change in stool caliber. She was eating well up until the time of her surgery. She is up-to-date on mammography, which will be due again in June. She has no history of pulmonary, cardiac, renal, hepatic, thyroid, or central nervous system (CNS) disease.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN, WHICH CAUSED HIVES WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD.,MEDICATIONS PRIOR TO ADMISSION:, None.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , No significant medical problem. She has had three miscarriages, all of them at about seven weeks. She has no prior surgeries.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She smoked cigarettes socially while in her 20s. A pack of cigarettes would last for more than a week. She does not smoke now. She has two glasses of wine per day, both red and white wine. She is married and has no children. An IUD was recently placed. She works as an esthetician.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Father died of stage IV colon cancer at age 45. This occurred when the patient was young and she is not sure of the rest of the paternal family history. She does believe that aunts and uncles on that side may have died early. Her brother died of pancreas cancer at age 44. Another brother is aged 52 and he had polyps on colonoscopy a couple of years ago. Otherwise, he has no medical problem. Mother is aged 82 and healthy. She was recently diagnosed with hemochromatosis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,GENERAL: She is in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile with a pulse of 78, respirations 16, blood pressure 124/70, and pulse oximetry is 93% on 3 L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,SKIN: Warm and dry. She has no jaundice.,LYMPHATICS: No cervical or supraclavicular lymph nodes are palpable.,LUNGS: There is no respiratory distress.,CARDIAC: Regular rate.,ABDOMEN: Soft and mildly tender. Dressings are clean and dry.,EXTREMITIES: No peripheral edema is noted. Sequential compression devices (SCDs) are in place.,LABORATORY DATA:, White blood count of 11.7, hemoglobin 12.8, hematocrit 37.8, platelets 408, differential shows left shift, MCV is 99.6. Sodium is 136, potassium 4.1, bicarb 25, chloride 104, BUN 5, creatinine 0.7, and glucose is 133. Calcium is 8.8 and magnesium is 1.8.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: , Newly diagnosed stage II colon cancer, with a stage T3c, N0, M0 colon cancer, grade 1. She does not have high-risk factors such as high grade or angiolymphatic invasion, and adequate number of lymph nodes were sampled. Although, the tumor was near obstructing, she was not having symptoms and in fact was having normal bowel movements.,A lengthy discussion was held with the patient regarding her diagnosis and prognosis. Firstly, she has a good prognosis for being cured without adjuvant therapy. I would consider her borderline for chemotherapy given her young age. Referring to the database that had been online, she has a 13% chance of relapse in the next five years, and with aggressive chemotherapy (X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) platinum-based), this would be reduced to an 8% risk of relapse with a 5% benefit. Chemotherapy with 5-FU based regimen would have a smaller benefit of around 2.5%.,Plan was made to allow her to recuperate and then meet with her and her husband to discuss the pros and cons of adjuvant chemotherapy including what regimen she could consider including the side effects. We did not review all that information today.,She has a family history of early colon cancer. Her mother will be visiting in the weekend and plan is to obtain the rest of the paternal family history if we can. Tumor is being tested for microsatellite instability and we will discuss this when those results are available. She has one sibling and he is up-to-date on colonoscopy. She does report multiple tubes of blood were drawn prior to her admission. I will check with Dr. Y's office whether she has had a CEA and liver-associated enzymes assessed. If not, those can be drawn tomorrow. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] she, and, of, her, the [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Newly diagnosed stage II colon cancer, with a stage T3c, N0, M0 colon cancer, grade 1. Although, the tumor was near obstructing, she was not having symptoms and in fact was having normal bowel movements. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an 86-year-old female who is a patient of Dr. X, who was transferred from ABCD Home due to persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which started around 11:00 a.m. yesterday. During evaluation in the emergency room, the patient was found to have a high amylase as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for dementia of Alzheimer type, anxiety, osteoarthritis, and hypertension.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO POLLENS.,MEDICATIONS: , Include alprazolam 0.5 mg b.i.d. p.r.n., mirtazapine 30 mg p.o. daily, Aricept 10 mg p.o. nightly, Namenda 10 mg p.o. b.i.d., Benicar 40 mg p.o. daily, and Claritin 10 mg daily p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Not available.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Not available. The patient lives at a skilled nursing facility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,She has moderate-to-severe dementia and is unable to give any information about history or review of systems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is awake and alert, able to follow few simple commands, resting comfortably, does not appear to be in any acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature of 99.5, pulse 82, respirations 18, blood pressure of 150/68, and pulse ox is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Sclerae and conjunctivae are normal. Throat without any pharyngeal inflammation or exudate. Oral mucosa is normal.,NECK: No jugular venous distention. Carotids are felt normally. No bruit appreciated. Thyroid gland is not palpable. There are no palpable lymph nodes in the neck or the supraclavicular region.,HEART: S1 and S2 are heard normally. No murmur appreciated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft, diffusely tender. No rebound or rigidity. Bowel sounds are heard. Most of the tenderness is located in the epigastric region.,EXTREMITIES: Without any pedal edema, normal dorsalis pedis pulsations bilaterally.,BREASTS: Normal.,BACK: The patient does not have any decubitus or skin changes on her back.,LABS DONE AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: , WBC of 24.3, hemoglobin and hematocrit 15.3 and 46.5, MCV 89.3, and platelet count of 236,000. PT 10.9, INR 1.1, PTT of 22. Urinalysis with positive nitrite, 5 to 10 wbc's, and 2+ bacteria. Sodium 134, potassium 3.6, chloride 97, bicarbonate 27, calcium 8.8, BUN 25, creatinine 0.9, albumin of 3.4, alkaline phosphatase 109, ALT 121, AST 166, amylase 1797, and lipase over 3000. X-ray of abdomen shows essentially normal abdomen with possible splenic granulomas and degenerative spine changes. CT of the abdomen revealed acute pancreatitis, cardiomegaly, and right lung base atelectasis. Ultrasound of the abdomen revealed echogenic liver with fatty infiltration. Repeat CBC from today showed white count to be 21.6, hemoglobin and hematocrit 13.9 and 41.1, platelet count is normal, 89% segments and 2% bands. Sodium 132, potassium 4.0, chloride 98, bicarbonate 22, glucose 184, ALT 314, AST 382, amylase 918, and lipase 1331. The cultures are pending at this time. EKG shows sinus rhythm, rate about 90 per minute, multiple ventricular premature complexes are noted. Troponin 0.004 and myoglobin is 39.6.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute pancreatitis.,2. Leukocytosis.,3. Urinary tract infection.,4. Hyponatremia.,5. Dementia.,6. Anxiety.,7. History of hypertension.,8. Abnormal electrocardiogram.,9. Osteoarthrosis.,PLAN:, Admit the patient to medical floor, NPO, IV antibiotics, IV fluids, hold p.o. medications, GI consult, pain control, Zofran IV p.r.n., bedrest, DVT prophylaxis, check blood and urine cultures. I have left a message for the patient's son to call me back.
An 86-year-old female with persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, during evaluation in the emergency room, was found to have a high amylase, as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.
General Medicine
Gen Med Consult - 50
and, of, are, the, is
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an 86-year-old female who is a patient of Dr. X, who was transferred from ABCD Home due to persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which started around 11:00 a.m. yesterday. During evaluation in the emergency room, the patient was found to have a high amylase as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for dementia of Alzheimer type, anxiety, osteoarthritis, and hypertension.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO POLLENS.,MEDICATIONS: , Include alprazolam 0.5 mg b.i.d. p.r.n., mirtazapine 30 mg p.o. daily, Aricept 10 mg p.o. nightly, Namenda 10 mg p.o. b.i.d., Benicar 40 mg p.o. daily, and Claritin 10 mg daily p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Not available.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Not available. The patient lives at a skilled nursing facility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,She has moderate-to-severe dementia and is unable to give any information about history or review of systems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is awake and alert, able to follow few simple commands, resting comfortably, does not appear to be in any acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature of 99.5, pulse 82, respirations 18, blood pressure of 150/68, and pulse ox is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Sclerae and conjunctivae are normal. Throat without any pharyngeal inflammation or exudate. Oral mucosa is normal.,NECK: No jugular venous distention. Carotids are felt normally. No bruit appreciated. Thyroid gland is not palpable. There are no palpable lymph nodes in the neck or the supraclavicular region.,HEART: S1 and S2 are heard normally. No murmur appreciated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft, diffusely tender. No rebound or rigidity. Bowel sounds are heard. Most of the tenderness is located in the epigastric region.,EXTREMITIES: Without any pedal edema, normal dorsalis pedis pulsations bilaterally.,BREASTS: Normal.,BACK: The patient does not have any decubitus or skin changes on her back.,LABS DONE AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: , WBC of 24.3, hemoglobin and hematocrit 15.3 and 46.5, MCV 89.3, and platelet count of 236,000. PT 10.9, INR 1.1, PTT of 22. Urinalysis with positive nitrite, 5 to 10 wbc's, and 2+ bacteria. Sodium 134, potassium 3.6, chloride 97, bicarbonate 27, calcium 8.8, BUN 25, creatinine 0.9, albumin of 3.4, alkaline phosphatase 109, ALT 121, AST 166, amylase 1797, and lipase over 3000. X-ray of abdomen shows essentially normal abdomen with possible splenic granulomas and degenerative spine changes. CT of the abdomen revealed acute pancreatitis, cardiomegaly, and right lung base atelectasis. Ultrasound of the abdomen revealed echogenic liver with fatty infiltration. Repeat CBC from today showed white count to be 21.6, hemoglobin and hematocrit 13.9 and 41.1, platelet count is normal, 89% segments and 2% bands. Sodium 132, potassium 4.0, chloride 98, bicarbonate 22, glucose 184, ALT 314, AST 382, amylase 918, and lipase 1331. The cultures are pending at this time. EKG shows sinus rhythm, rate about 90 per minute, multiple ventricular premature complexes are noted. Troponin 0.004 and myoglobin is 39.6.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute pancreatitis.,2. Leukocytosis.,3. Urinary tract infection.,4. Hyponatremia.,5. Dementia.,6. Anxiety.,7. History of hypertension.,8. Abnormal electrocardiogram.,9. Osteoarthrosis.,PLAN:, Admit the patient to medical floor, NPO, IV antibiotics, IV fluids, hold p.o. medications, GI consult, pain control, Zofran IV p.r.n., bedrest, DVT prophylaxis, check blood and urine cultures. I have left a message for the patient's son to call me back. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] An 86-year-old female with persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, during evaluation in the emergency room, was found to have a high amylase, as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Nausea.,PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 28-year-old, who is status post gastric bypass surgery nearly one year ago. He has lost about 200 pounds and was otherwise doing well until yesterday evening around 7:00-8:00 when he developed nausea and right upper quadrant pain, which apparently wrapped around toward his right side and back. He feels like he was on it but has not done so. He has overall malaise and a low-grade temperature of 100.3. He denies any prior similar or lesser symptoms. His last normal bowel movement was yesterday. He denies any outright chills or blood per rectum.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension and morbid obesity, now resolved.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Gastric bypass surgery in December 2007.,MEDICATIONS: ,Multivitamins and calcium.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Positive for diabetes mellitus in his father, who is now deceased.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He denies tobacco or alcohol. He has what sounds like a data entry computer job.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, His temperature is 100.3, blood pressure 129/59, respirations 16, heart rate 84. He is drowsy, but easily arousable and appropriate with conversation. He is oriented to person, place, and situation. He is normocephalic, atraumatic. His sclerae are anicteric. His mucous membranes are somewhat tacky. His neck is supple and symmetric. His respirations are unlabored and clear. He has a regular rate and rhythm. His abdomen is soft. He has diffuse right upper quadrant tenderness, worse focally, but no rebound or guarding. He otherwise has no organomegaly, masses, or abdominal hernias evident. His extremities are symmetrical with no edema. His posterior tibial pulses are palpable and symmetric. He is grossly nonfocal neurologically.,STUDIES:, His white blood cell count is 8.4 with 79 segs. His hematocrit is 41. His electrolytes are normal. His bilirubin is 2.8. His AST 349, ALT 186, alk-phos 138 and lipase is normal at 239.,ASSESSMENT: , Choledocholithiasis, ? cholecystitis.,PLAN: , He will be admitted and placed on IV antibiotics. We will get an ultrasound this morning. He will need his gallbladder out, probably with intraoperative cholangiogram. Hopefully, the stone will pass this way. Due to his anatomy, an ERCP would prove quite difficult if not impossible unless laparoscopic assisted. Dr. X will see him later this morning and discuss the plan further. The patient understands.
Patient status post gastric bypass surgery, developed nausea and right upper quadrant pain.
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
gastroenterology, gastric bypass surgery, nausea, choledocholithiasis, cholecystitis, ercp, gastric bypass, bypass surgery,
his, he, is, and, are
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Nausea.,PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 28-year-old, who is status post gastric bypass surgery nearly one year ago. He has lost about 200 pounds and was otherwise doing well until yesterday evening around 7:00-8:00 when he developed nausea and right upper quadrant pain, which apparently wrapped around toward his right side and back. He feels like he was on it but has not done so. He has overall malaise and a low-grade temperature of 100.3. He denies any prior similar or lesser symptoms. His last normal bowel movement was yesterday. He denies any outright chills or blood per rectum.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension and morbid obesity, now resolved.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Gastric bypass surgery in December 2007.,MEDICATIONS: ,Multivitamins and calcium.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Positive for diabetes mellitus in his father, who is now deceased.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He denies tobacco or alcohol. He has what sounds like a data entry computer job.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, His temperature is 100.3, blood pressure 129/59, respirations 16, heart rate 84. He is drowsy, but easily arousable and appropriate with conversation. He is oriented to person, place, and situation. He is normocephalic, atraumatic. His sclerae are anicteric. His mucous membranes are somewhat tacky. His neck is supple and symmetric. His respirations are unlabored and clear. He has a regular rate and rhythm. His abdomen is soft. He has diffuse right upper quadrant tenderness, worse focally, but no rebound or guarding. He otherwise has no organomegaly, masses, or abdominal hernias evident. His extremities are symmetrical with no edema. His posterior tibial pulses are palpable and symmetric. He is grossly nonfocal neurologically.,STUDIES:, His white blood cell count is 8.4 with 79 segs. His hematocrit is 41. His electrolytes are normal. His bilirubin is 2.8. His AST 349, ALT 186, alk-phos 138 and lipase is normal at 239.,ASSESSMENT: , Choledocholithiasis, ? cholecystitis.,PLAN: , He will be admitted and placed on IV antibiotics. We will get an ultrasound this morning. He will need his gallbladder out, probably with intraoperative cholangiogram. Hopefully, the stone will pass this way. Due to his anatomy, an ERCP would prove quite difficult if not impossible unless laparoscopic assisted. Dr. X will see him later this morning and discuss the plan further. The patient understands. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient status post gastric bypass surgery, developed nausea and right upper quadrant pain. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, and, lower, left
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Varicose veins.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Varicose veins.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Ligation and stripping of left greater saphenous vein to the level of the knee.,2. Stripping of multiple left lower extremity varicose veins.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 150 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Multiple veins.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BRIEF HISTORY:, This is a 30-year-old Caucasian male who presented for elective evaluation from Dr. X's office for evaluation of intractable pain from the left lower extremity. The patient has had painful varicose veins for number of years. He has failed conservative measures and has felt more aggressive treatment to alleviate his pain secondary to his varicose veins. It was recommended that the patient undergo a saphenous vein ligation and stripping. He was explained the risks, benefits, and complications of the procedure including intractable pain. He gave informed consent to proceed.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The left greater saphenous vein femoral junction was identified and multiple tributaries were ligated surrounding this region.,The vein was stripped from the saphenofemoral junction to the level of the knee. Multiple tributaries of the greater saphenous vein and varicose veins from the left lower extremity were ligated and stripped accordingly. Additionally, there were noted to be multiple regions within these veins that were friable and edematous consistent with acute and chronic inflammatory changes making stripping of these varicose veins extremely difficult.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was marked preoperatively in the Preanesthesia Care Unit. The patient was brought to the operating suite, placed in the supine position. The patient underwent general endotracheal intubation. After adequate anesthesia was obtained, the left lower extremity was prepped and draped circumferentially from the foot all the way to the distal section of the left lower quadrant and just right of midline. A diagonal incision was created in the direction of the inguinal crease on the left. A self-retaining retractor was placed and the incision was carried down through the subcutaneous tissues until the greater saphenous vein was identified. The vein was isolated with a right angle. The vein was followed proximally until a multiple tributary branches were identified. These were ligated with #3-0 silk suture. The dissection was then carried to the femorosaphenous vein junction. This was identified and #0 silk suture was placed proximally and distally and ligated in between. The proximal suture was tied down. Distal suture was retracted and a vein stripping device was placed within the greater saphenous vein. An incision was created at the level of the knee. The distal segment of the greater saphenous vein was identified and the left foot was encircled with #0 silk suture and tied proximally and then ligated. The distal end of the vein stripping device was then passed through at its most proximal location. The device was attached to the vein stripping section and the greater saphenous vein was then stripped free from its canal within the left lower extremity. Next, attention was made towards the multiple tributaries of the varicose vein within the left lower leg. Multiple incisions were created with a #15 blade scalpel. The incisions were carried down with electrocautery. Next, utilizing sharp dissection with a hemostat, the tissue was spread until the vein was identified. The vein was then followed to T3 and in all these locations intersecting segments of varicose veins were identified and removed. Additionally, some segments were removed. The stripping approach would be vein stripping device. Multiple branches of the saphenous vein were then ligated and/or removed. Occasionally, dissection was unable to be performed as the vein was too friable and would tear from the hemostat. Bleeding was controlled with direct pressure. All incisions were then closed with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl sutures and/or #4-0 Vicryl sutures.,The femoral incision was closed with interrupted multiple #3-0 Vicryl sutures and closed with a running #4-0 subcuticular suture. The leg was then cleaned, dried, and then Steri-Strips were placed over the incisions. The leg was then wrapped with a sterile Kerlix. Once the Kerlix was achieved, an Ace wrap was placed over the left lower extremity for compression. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Postanesthesia Care Unit extubated in stable condition. He will undergo evaluation postoperatively and will be seen shortly in the postanesthesia care unit.
Ligation and stripping of left greater saphenous vein to the level of the knee. Stripping of multiple left lower extremity varicose veins. Varicose veins.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Saphenous Vein - Ligation & Stripping
cardiovascular / pulmonary, varicose veins, saphenous vein, stripping, ligation, vein stripping, lower extremity, saphenous, varicose, vein, ligated,
the, was, and, lower, left
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Varicose veins.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Varicose veins.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Ligation and stripping of left greater saphenous vein to the level of the knee.,2. Stripping of multiple left lower extremity varicose veins.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 150 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Multiple veins.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BRIEF HISTORY:, This is a 30-year-old Caucasian male who presented for elective evaluation from Dr. X's office for evaluation of intractable pain from the left lower extremity. The patient has had painful varicose veins for number of years. He has failed conservative measures and has felt more aggressive treatment to alleviate his pain secondary to his varicose veins. It was recommended that the patient undergo a saphenous vein ligation and stripping. He was explained the risks, benefits, and complications of the procedure including intractable pain. He gave informed consent to proceed.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The left greater saphenous vein femoral junction was identified and multiple tributaries were ligated surrounding this region.,The vein was stripped from the saphenofemoral junction to the level of the knee. Multiple tributaries of the greater saphenous vein and varicose veins from the left lower extremity were ligated and stripped accordingly. Additionally, there were noted to be multiple regions within these veins that were friable and edematous consistent with acute and chronic inflammatory changes making stripping of these varicose veins extremely difficult.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was marked preoperatively in the Preanesthesia Care Unit. The patient was brought to the operating suite, placed in the supine position. The patient underwent general endotracheal intubation. After adequate anesthesia was obtained, the left lower extremity was prepped and draped circumferentially from the foot all the way to the distal section of the left lower quadrant and just right of midline. A diagonal incision was created in the direction of the inguinal crease on the left. A self-retaining retractor was placed and the incision was carried down through the subcutaneous tissues until the greater saphenous vein was identified. The vein was isolated with a right angle. The vein was followed proximally until a multiple tributary branches were identified. These were ligated with #3-0 silk suture. The dissection was then carried to the femorosaphenous vein junction. This was identified and #0 silk suture was placed proximally and distally and ligated in between. The proximal suture was tied down. Distal suture was retracted and a vein stripping device was placed within the greater saphenous vein. An incision was created at the level of the knee. The distal segment of the greater saphenous vein was identified and the left foot was encircled with #0 silk suture and tied proximally and then ligated. The distal end of the vein stripping device was then passed through at its most proximal location. The device was attached to the vein stripping section and the greater saphenous vein was then stripped free from its canal within the left lower extremity. Next, attention was made towards the multiple tributaries of the varicose vein within the left lower leg. Multiple incisions were created with a #15 blade scalpel. The incisions were carried down with electrocautery. Next, utilizing sharp dissection with a hemostat, the tissue was spread until the vein was identified. The vein was then followed to T3 and in all these locations intersecting segments of varicose veins were identified and removed. Additionally, some segments were removed. The stripping approach would be vein stripping device. Multiple branches of the saphenous vein were then ligated and/or removed. Occasionally, dissection was unable to be performed as the vein was too friable and would tear from the hemostat. Bleeding was controlled with direct pressure. All incisions were then closed with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl sutures and/or #4-0 Vicryl sutures.,The femoral incision was closed with interrupted multiple #3-0 Vicryl sutures and closed with a running #4-0 subcuticular suture. The leg was then cleaned, dried, and then Steri-Strips were placed over the incisions. The leg was then wrapped with a sterile Kerlix. Once the Kerlix was achieved, an Ace wrap was placed over the left lower extremity for compression. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Postanesthesia Care Unit extubated in stable condition. He will undergo evaluation postoperatively and will be seen shortly in the postanesthesia care unit. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, and, lower, left [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Ligation and stripping of left greater saphenous vein to the level of the knee. Stripping of multiple left lower extremity varicose veins. Varicose veins. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 74-year-old white woman who has a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years, history of CVA with no residual hemiparesis and uterine cancer with pulmonary metastases, who presented for evaluation of recent worsening of the hypertension. According to the patient, she had stable blood pressure for the past 12-15 years on 10 mg of lisinopril. In August of 2007, she was treated with doxorubicin and, as well as Procrit and her blood pressure started to go up to over 200s. Her lisinopril was increased to 40 mg daily. She was also given metoprolol and HCTZ two weeks ago, after she visited the emergency room with increased systolic blood pressure. Denies any physical complaints at the present time. Denies having any renal problems in the past.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As above plus history of anemia treated with Procrit. No smoking or alcohol use and lives alone.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,PRESENT MEDICATIONS: , As above.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Cardiovascular: No chest pain. No palpitations. Pulmonary: No shortness of breath, cough, or wheezing. Gastrointestinal: No nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. GU: No nocturia. Denies having gross hematuria. Salt intake is minimal. Neurological: Unremarkable, except for history of old CVA.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure today is 182/78. Examination of the head is unremarkable. Neck is supple with no JVD. Lungs are clear. There is no abdominal bruit. Extremities 1+ edema bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA:, Urinalysis done in the office shows 1+ proteinuria; same is shown by urinalysis done at Hospital. The creatinine is 0.8. Renal ultrasound showed possible renal artery stenosis and a 2 cm cyst in the left kidney. MRA of the renal arteries was essentially unremarkable with no suspicion for renal artery stenosis.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Accelerated hypertension. No clear-cut etiology for recent worsening since renal artery stenosis was ruled out by negative MRA. I could only blame Procrit initiation, as well as possible fluid retention as a cause of the patient's accelerated hypertension. She was started on hydrochlorothiazide less than two weeks ago with some improvement in her hypertension. At this point, I would not pursue a diagnosis of renal artery stenosis. Since she is maxed out on lisinopril and her pulse is 60, I would not increase beta-blocker or ACE inhibitor. I will continue HCTZ at 24 mg daily. The patient was also given a sample of Tekturna, which would hopefully improve her systolic blood pressure. The patient was told to be stick with her salt intake. She will report to me in 10 days with the result of her blood pressure. She will also repeat an SMA7 to rule out possible hyperkalemia due to Tekturna.
Patient with a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years.
General Medicine
Consult - Hypertension
general medicine, hypertension, ace inhibitor, accelerated hypertension, hctz, mra of the renal arteries, procrit, sma7, anemia, beta-blocker, doxorubicin, hemiparesis, history of cva, hyperkalemia, no abdominal bruit, uterine cancer, renal artery stenosis, artery stenosis, blood pressure, blood, pressure, renal,
of, the, she, her, no
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 74-year-old white woman who has a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years, history of CVA with no residual hemiparesis and uterine cancer with pulmonary metastases, who presented for evaluation of recent worsening of the hypertension. According to the patient, she had stable blood pressure for the past 12-15 years on 10 mg of lisinopril. In August of 2007, she was treated with doxorubicin and, as well as Procrit and her blood pressure started to go up to over 200s. Her lisinopril was increased to 40 mg daily. She was also given metoprolol and HCTZ two weeks ago, after she visited the emergency room with increased systolic blood pressure. Denies any physical complaints at the present time. Denies having any renal problems in the past.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As above plus history of anemia treated with Procrit. No smoking or alcohol use and lives alone.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,PRESENT MEDICATIONS: , As above.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Cardiovascular: No chest pain. No palpitations. Pulmonary: No shortness of breath, cough, or wheezing. Gastrointestinal: No nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. GU: No nocturia. Denies having gross hematuria. Salt intake is minimal. Neurological: Unremarkable, except for history of old CVA.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure today is 182/78. Examination of the head is unremarkable. Neck is supple with no JVD. Lungs are clear. There is no abdominal bruit. Extremities 1+ edema bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA:, Urinalysis done in the office shows 1+ proteinuria; same is shown by urinalysis done at Hospital. The creatinine is 0.8. Renal ultrasound showed possible renal artery stenosis and a 2 cm cyst in the left kidney. MRA of the renal arteries was essentially unremarkable with no suspicion for renal artery stenosis.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Accelerated hypertension. No clear-cut etiology for recent worsening since renal artery stenosis was ruled out by negative MRA. I could only blame Procrit initiation, as well as possible fluid retention as a cause of the patient's accelerated hypertension. She was started on hydrochlorothiazide less than two weeks ago with some improvement in her hypertension. At this point, I would not pursue a diagnosis of renal artery stenosis. Since she is maxed out on lisinopril and her pulse is 60, I would not increase beta-blocker or ACE inhibitor. I will continue HCTZ at 24 mg daily. The patient was also given a sample of Tekturna, which would hopefully improve her systolic blood pressure. The patient was told to be stick with her salt intake. She will report to me in 10 days with the result of her blood pressure. She will also repeat an SMA7 to rule out possible hyperkalemia due to Tekturna. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient with a past medical history of hypertension for 15 years. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
PROCEDURE:, Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Plain lidocaine 2% was given intrabronchially for local anesthesia.,PREOPERATIVE MEDICATIONS:, ,1. Lortab (10 mg) plus Phenergan (25 mg), p.o. 1 hour before the procedure.,2. Versed a total of 5 mg given IV push during the procedure.,INDICATIONS: ,
Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
Bronchoscopy - 7
surgery, fiberoptic, intrabronchially, larynx, distal trachea, diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoscopy, bronchoscope,
mg, procedure, anesthesia, 10, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE:, Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Plain lidocaine 2% was given intrabronchially for local anesthesia.,PREOPERATIVE MEDICATIONS:, ,1. Lortab (10 mg) plus Phenergan (25 mg), p.o. 1 hour before the procedure.,2. Versed a total of 5 mg given IV push during the procedure.,INDICATIONS: , [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Bradycardia, dizziness, diabetes, hypertension, abdominal pain, and sick sinus syndrome.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES:,1. Bradycardia.,2. Dizziness.,3. Diabetes.,4. Hypertension.,5. Abdominal pain.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Sick sinus syndrome. The rest of her past medical history remained the same.,PROCEDURES DONE: , Permanent pacemaker placement after temporary internal pacemaker.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit. Dr. X was consulted. A temporary intracardiac pacemaker was placed. Consultation was requested to Dr. Y. He considered the need to have a permanent pacemaker after reviewing electrocardiograms and telemetry readings. The patient remained in sinus rhythm with severe bradycardias, but all of them one to one transmission. This was considered to be a sick sinus syndrome. Permanent pacemaker was placed on 09/05/2007 with right atrium appendage and right ventricular apex electrode placement. This is a Medtronic pacemaker. After this, the patient remained with pain in the left side of the chest in the upper area as expected, but well controlled. Right femoral artery catheter was removed. The patient remained with good pulses in the right lower extremity with no hematoma. Other problem was the patient's blood pressure, which on 09/05/2007 was found at 180/90. Medication was adjusted to benazepril 20 mg a day. Norvasc 5 mg was added as well. Her blood pressure has remained better, being today 144/74 and 129/76.,FINAL DIAGNOSES: ,Sick sinus syndrome. The rest of her past medical history remained without change, which are:,1. Diabetes mellitus.,2. History of peptic ulcer disease.,3. Hypertension.,4. Insomnia.,5. Osteoarthritis.,PLAN: , The patient is discharged home to continue her previous home medications, which are:,1. Actos 45 mg a day.,2. Bisacodyl 10 mg p.o. daily p.r.n. constipation.,3. Cosopt eye drops, 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day.,4. Famotidine 20 mg 1 tablet p.o. b.i.d.,5. Lotemax 0.5% eye drops, 1 drop in each eye 4 times a day.,6. Lotensin (benazepril) increased to 20 mg a day.,7. Triazolam 0.125 mg p.o. at bedtime.,8. Milk of Magnesia suspension 30 mL daily for constipation.,9. Tylenol No. 3, one to two tablets every 6 hours p.r.n. pain.,10. Promethazine 25 mg IM every 6 hours p.r.n. nausea or vomiting.,11. Tylenol 325 mg tablets every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain.,12. The patient will finish cefazolin 1 g IV every 6 hours, total 5 dosages after pacemaker placement.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Follow up in the office in 10 days for staple removal. Resume home activities as tolerated with no starch, sugar-free diet.
Bradycardia, dizziness, diabetes, hypertension, abdominal pain, and sick sinus syndrome.
Discharge Summary
Discharge Summary - 13
mg, the, was, to, her
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] ADMITTING DIAGNOSES:,1. Bradycardia.,2. Dizziness.,3. Diabetes.,4. Hypertension.,5. Abdominal pain.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Sick sinus syndrome. The rest of her past medical history remained the same.,PROCEDURES DONE: , Permanent pacemaker placement after temporary internal pacemaker.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit. Dr. X was consulted. A temporary intracardiac pacemaker was placed. Consultation was requested to Dr. Y. He considered the need to have a permanent pacemaker after reviewing electrocardiograms and telemetry readings. The patient remained in sinus rhythm with severe bradycardias, but all of them one to one transmission. This was considered to be a sick sinus syndrome. Permanent pacemaker was placed on 09/05/2007 with right atrium appendage and right ventricular apex electrode placement. This is a Medtronic pacemaker. After this, the patient remained with pain in the left side of the chest in the upper area as expected, but well controlled. Right femoral artery catheter was removed. The patient remained with good pulses in the right lower extremity with no hematoma. Other problem was the patient's blood pressure, which on 09/05/2007 was found at 180/90. Medication was adjusted to benazepril 20 mg a day. Norvasc 5 mg was added as well. Her blood pressure has remained better, being today 144/74 and 129/76.,FINAL DIAGNOSES: ,Sick sinus syndrome. The rest of her past medical history remained without change, which are:,1. Diabetes mellitus.,2. History of peptic ulcer disease.,3. Hypertension.,4. Insomnia.,5. Osteoarthritis.,PLAN: , The patient is discharged home to continue her previous home medications, which are:,1. Actos 45 mg a day.,2. Bisacodyl 10 mg p.o. daily p.r.n. constipation.,3. Cosopt eye drops, 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day.,4. Famotidine 20 mg 1 tablet p.o. b.i.d.,5. Lotemax 0.5% eye drops, 1 drop in each eye 4 times a day.,6. Lotensin (benazepril) increased to 20 mg a day.,7. Triazolam 0.125 mg p.o. at bedtime.,8. Milk of Magnesia suspension 30 mL daily for constipation.,9. Tylenol No. 3, one to two tablets every 6 hours p.r.n. pain.,10. Promethazine 25 mg IM every 6 hours p.r.n. nausea or vomiting.,11. Tylenol 325 mg tablets every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain.,12. The patient will finish cefazolin 1 g IV every 6 hours, total 5 dosages after pacemaker placement.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Follow up in the office in 10 days for staple removal. Resume home activities as tolerated with no starch, sugar-free diet. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Bradycardia, dizziness, diabetes, hypertension, abdominal pain, and sick sinus syndrome. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Bradycardia, dizziness, diabetes, hypertension, abdominal pain, and sick sinus syndrome. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
Discharge Summary
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic gastric bypass.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,CONSULT: , Anesthesia and pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Ms. A is a 27-year-old woman, who suffered from morbid obesity for many years. She has made multiple attempts at nonsurgical weight loss without success. She underwent a preoperative workup and clearance for gastric bypass and was found to be an appropriate candidate. She underwent her procedure.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Ms. A underwent her procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She was admitted to the floor post procedure. Her postoperative course has been unremarkable. On postoperative day 1, she was hemodynamically stable, afebrile, normal labs, and she was started on a clear liquid diet, which she has tolerated without difficulty. She has ambulated and had no complaints. Today, on postoperative day 2, the patient continues to do well. Pain controlled with p.o. pain medicine, ambulating without difficulty, tolerating a liquid diet. At this point, it is felt that she is stable for discharge. Her drain was discontinued.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:, Liquid diet x1 week, then advance to pureed and soft as tolerated. No heavy lifting, greater than 10 pounds x4 weeks. The patient is instructed to not engage in any strenuous activity, but maintain mobility. No driving for 1 to 2 weeks. She must be able to stop in an emergency and be off narcotic pain medicine. She may shower. She needs to keep her wounds clean and dry. She needs to follow up in my office in 1 week for postoperative evaluation. She is instructed to call for any problems of shortness of breath, chest pain, calf pain, temperature greater than 101.5, any redness, swelling, or foul smelling drainage from her wounds, intractable nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. She is instructed just to resume her discharge medications.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, She was given a scripts for Lortab Elixir, Flexeril, ursodiol, and Colace.
Patient suffered from morbid obesity for many years and made multiple attempts at nonsurgical weight loss without success.
Discharge Summary
Discharge Summary - Gastric Bypass
discharge summary, laparoscopic gastric bypass, gastric bypass, morbid obesity, liquid diet, bmi, discharge,
she, her, pain, to, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic gastric bypass.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,CONSULT: , Anesthesia and pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Ms. A is a 27-year-old woman, who suffered from morbid obesity for many years. She has made multiple attempts at nonsurgical weight loss without success. She underwent a preoperative workup and clearance for gastric bypass and was found to be an appropriate candidate. She underwent her procedure.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Ms. A underwent her procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She was admitted to the floor post procedure. Her postoperative course has been unremarkable. On postoperative day 1, she was hemodynamically stable, afebrile, normal labs, and she was started on a clear liquid diet, which she has tolerated without difficulty. She has ambulated and had no complaints. Today, on postoperative day 2, the patient continues to do well. Pain controlled with p.o. pain medicine, ambulating without difficulty, tolerating a liquid diet. At this point, it is felt that she is stable for discharge. Her drain was discontinued.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:, Liquid diet x1 week, then advance to pureed and soft as tolerated. No heavy lifting, greater than 10 pounds x4 weeks. The patient is instructed to not engage in any strenuous activity, but maintain mobility. No driving for 1 to 2 weeks. She must be able to stop in an emergency and be off narcotic pain medicine. She may shower. She needs to keep her wounds clean and dry. She needs to follow up in my office in 1 week for postoperative evaluation. She is instructed to call for any problems of shortness of breath, chest pain, calf pain, temperature greater than 101.5, any redness, swelling, or foul smelling drainage from her wounds, intractable nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. She is instructed just to resume her discharge medications.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, She was given a scripts for Lortab Elixir, Flexeril, ursodiol, and Colace. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Discharge Summary [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Patient suffered from morbid obesity for many years and made multiple attempts at nonsurgical weight loss without success. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Urgent Cardiac Cath
PROCEDURE: , Urgent cardiac catheterization with coronary angiogram.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought urgently to the cardiac cath lab from the emergency room with the patient being intubated with an abnormal EKG and a cardiac arrest. The right groin was prepped and draped in usual manner. Under 2% lidocaine anesthesia, the right femoral artery was entered. A 6-French sheath was placed. The patient was already on anticoagulation. Selective coronary angiograms were then performed using a left and a 3DRC catheter. The catheters were reviewed. The catheters were then removed and an Angio-Seal was placed. There was some hematoma at the cath site.,RESULTS,1. The left main was free of disease.,2. The left anterior descending and its branches were free of disease.,3. The circumflex was free of disease.,4. The right coronary artery was free of disease. There was no gradient across the aortic valve.,IMPRESSION: , Normal coronary angiogram.,
Urgent cardiac catheterization with coronary angiogram.
Emergency Room Reports
Urgent Cardiac Cath
emergency room reports, cardiac catheterization, coronary angiogram, angiogram
the, was, disease, artery, were
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURE: , Urgent cardiac catheterization with coronary angiogram.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought urgently to the cardiac cath lab from the emergency room with the patient being intubated with an abnormal EKG and a cardiac arrest. The right groin was prepped and draped in usual manner. Under 2% lidocaine anesthesia, the right femoral artery was entered. A 6-French sheath was placed. The patient was already on anticoagulation. Selective coronary angiograms were then performed using a left and a 3DRC catheter. The catheters were reviewed. The catheters were then removed and an Angio-Seal was placed. There was some hematoma at the cath site.,RESULTS,1. The left main was free of disease.,2. The left anterior descending and its branches were free of disease.,3. The circumflex was free of disease.,4. The right coronary artery was free of disease. There was no gradient across the aortic valve.,IMPRESSION: , Normal coronary angiogram., [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Urgent Cardiac Cath [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Urgent cardiac catheterization with coronary angiogram. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
he, any, is, the, was
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Questionable foreign body, right nose. Belly and back pain. ,SUBJECTIVE: , Mr. ABC is a 2-year-old boy, who is brought in by parents, stating that the child keeps complaining of belly and back pain. This does not seem to be slowing him down. They have not noticed any change in his urine or bowels. They have not noted him to have any fevers or chills or any other illness. They state he is otherwise acting normally. He is eating and drinking well. He has not had any other acute complaints, although they have noted a foul odor coming from his nose. Apparently, he was seen here a few weeks ago for a foreign body in the right nose, which was apparently a piece of cotton; this was removed and placed on antibiotics. His nose got better and then started to become malodorous again. Mother restarted him on the remainder of the antibiotics and they are also stating that they think there is something still in there. Otherwise, he has not had any runny nose, earache, no sore throat. He has not had any cough, congestion. He has been acting normally. Eating and drinking okay. No other significant complaints. He has not had any pain with bowel movement or urination, nor have they noted him to be more frequently urinating, then again he is still on a diaper.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Otherwise negative.,ALLERGIES: , No allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , No medications other than recent amoxicillin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Parents do smoke around the house.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. He is afebrile.,GENERAL: This is a well-nourished, well-developed 2-year-old little boy, who is appearing very healthy, normal for his stated age, pleasant, cooperative, in no acute distress, looks very healthy, afebrile and nontoxic in appearance.,HEENT: TMs, canals are normal. Left naris normal. Right naris, there is some foul odor as well as questionable purulent drainage. Examination of the nose, there was a foreign body noted, which was the appearance of a cotton ball in the right nose, that was obviously infected and malodorous. This was removed and reexamination of the nose was done and there was absolutely no foreign body left behind or residual. There was some erythema. No other purulent drainage noted. There was some bloody drainage. This was suctioned and all mucous membranes were visualized and are negative.,NECK: Without lymphadenopathy. No other findings.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: His abdomen is entirely benign, soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds active. No organomegaly or mass noted.,BACK: Without any findings. Diaper area normal.,GU: No rash or infections. Skin is intact.,ED COURSE: , He also had a P-Bag placed, but did not have any urine. Therefore, a straight catheter was done, which was done with ease without complication and there was no leukocytes noted within the urine. There was a little bit of blood from catheterization but otherwise normal urine. X-ray noted some stool within the vault. Child is acting normally. He is jumping up and down on the bed without any significant findings.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Infected foreign body, right naris.,2. Mild constipation.,PLAN:, As far as the abdominal pain is concerned, they are to observe for any changes. Return if worse, follow up with the primary care physician. The right nose, I will place the child on amoxicillin 125 per 5 mL, 1 teaspoon t.i.d. Return as needed and observe for more foreign bodies. I suspect, the child had placed this cotton ball in his nose again after the first episode.
Questionable foreign body, right nose. Belly and back pain. Mild constipation.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Foreign Body - Right Nose
he, any, is, the, was
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Questionable foreign body, right nose. Belly and back pain. ,SUBJECTIVE: , Mr. ABC is a 2-year-old boy, who is brought in by parents, stating that the child keeps complaining of belly and back pain. This does not seem to be slowing him down. They have not noticed any change in his urine or bowels. They have not noted him to have any fevers or chills or any other illness. They state he is otherwise acting normally. He is eating and drinking well. He has not had any other acute complaints, although they have noted a foul odor coming from his nose. Apparently, he was seen here a few weeks ago for a foreign body in the right nose, which was apparently a piece of cotton; this was removed and placed on antibiotics. His nose got better and then started to become malodorous again. Mother restarted him on the remainder of the antibiotics and they are also stating that they think there is something still in there. Otherwise, he has not had any runny nose, earache, no sore throat. He has not had any cough, congestion. He has been acting normally. Eating and drinking okay. No other significant complaints. He has not had any pain with bowel movement or urination, nor have they noted him to be more frequently urinating, then again he is still on a diaper.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Otherwise negative.,ALLERGIES: , No allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , No medications other than recent amoxicillin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Parents do smoke around the house.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. He is afebrile.,GENERAL: This is a well-nourished, well-developed 2-year-old little boy, who is appearing very healthy, normal for his stated age, pleasant, cooperative, in no acute distress, looks very healthy, afebrile and nontoxic in appearance.,HEENT: TMs, canals are normal. Left naris normal. Right naris, there is some foul odor as well as questionable purulent drainage. Examination of the nose, there was a foreign body noted, which was the appearance of a cotton ball in the right nose, that was obviously infected and malodorous. This was removed and reexamination of the nose was done and there was absolutely no foreign body left behind or residual. There was some erythema. No other purulent drainage noted. There was some bloody drainage. This was suctioned and all mucous membranes were visualized and are negative.,NECK: Without lymphadenopathy. No other findings.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: His abdomen is entirely benign, soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds active. No organomegaly or mass noted.,BACK: Without any findings. Diaper area normal.,GU: No rash or infections. Skin is intact.,ED COURSE: , He also had a P-Bag placed, but did not have any urine. Therefore, a straight catheter was done, which was done with ease without complication and there was no leukocytes noted within the urine. There was a little bit of blood from catheterization but otherwise normal urine. X-ray noted some stool within the vault. Child is acting normally. He is jumping up and down on the bed without any significant findings.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Infected foreign body, right naris.,2. Mild constipation.,PLAN:, As far as the abdominal pain is concerned, they are to observe for any changes. Return if worse, follow up with the primary care physician. The right nose, I will place the child on amoxicillin 125 per 5 mL, 1 teaspoon t.i.d. Return as needed and observe for more foreign bodies. I suspect, the child had placed this cotton ball in his nose again after the first episode. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] he, any, is, the, was [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Questionable foreign body, right nose. Belly and back pain. Mild constipation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Scarf bunionectomy procedure of the first metatarsal of the left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: , This patient is a 55-year-old female who presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself n.p.o., since mid night for surgery for her painful left bunion. The patient has had increasing pain over time and is having difficulty ambulating and wearing shoes. The patient has failed to conservative treatment and desires surgical correction at this time. Risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained in detail by Dr. X, and consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After an IV established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was given preoperatively 600 mg of clindamycin intravenously. The patient was then taken to the Operating Suite via cart and was placed on the operating table in a supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for protection. Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over her left ankle with copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was applied, the patient was given a local injection consisting of 17 cc of 4.5 cc 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1.0 cc of Solu-Medrol mixture in the standard Mayo block to the left foot. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was then elevated, the Esmarch was applied and the tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then lowered to the operating field.,A sterile stockinet was reflected and the attention was directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot. After sufficient anesthesia, using a #10 blade a linear incision was made approximately 5 to 6 cm in length over the first metatarsophalangeal joint dorsally, just near to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. Then using a fresh #15 blade, this incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous layer after all small traversing veins were ligated and cauterized with electrocautery. A neurovascular bundle was identified and reflected medially. Laterally the extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and protected with retraction as well. Care was then taken to undermine the medial and lateral margins of the first metatarsophalangeal joint carefully. The first metatarsophalangeal joint capsule was then identified and using a #15 blade, a linear incision made down to the bone through the joint capsule. The periosteum was reflected and elevated off of its bone and the metatarsal head as well as the base of the proximal phalanx to a small degree. Noted was a large hypertrophic bone spur on the dorsal medial aspect of the first metatarsal head as well as some small osteophytes along the medial portion of the proximal phalanx. Care was then taken to reflect and dissect the periosteum off of the shaft of the first metatarsal proximally into the proximal portion of the metatarsal close to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. The bone cortex was noted to be intact and in good condition. Following this, using a sagittal saw with a #138 blade, the attention was directed to the medial hypertrophic bone of the first metatarsal head. In the sagittal plane with the blade angulated from dorsolateral to proximal medial, the medial eminence of bone was resected. Plantarly it was noted that the tibial sesamoid groove was intact and the sesamoid apparatus was intact as well. Following this bone cut, 0.45 K-wire was inserted from medial to lateral through the medial portion of the first metatarsal head directed in the dorsal third of the metatarsal head. Then using the Reese osteotomy guide, the guide was directed from the distal portion of the metatarsal head proximally to the proximal portion of the first metatarsal. A second 0.45 K-wire was inserted proximally as well. Following this, using the sagittal saw with the #138 blade a transverse linear osteotomy cut was made through the first metatarsal from medial to lateral. After reaching the distal as well as the proximal portions of the bone and ensuring that cortex was cut on both the medial as well as lateral side, the Reese osteotomy guide was removed and the dorsal and plantar incision cuts were made. This began with the dorsal distal cut, which extended from medial to lateral with the dorsal portion of the blade angled proximally about five degrees through the dorsal third of the distal first metatarsal. Following this, attention was directed proximally and an incision osteotomy cut through the bone was made, directed medially to laterally with the inferior portion of the blade angled distally to transect the cortex of the bone. Following this, the distal portion of the osteotomy cut was freely movable and was able to be translocated medially. The head was then slit medially several millimeters until it was noted to be in good position and no chopping was present in the medullary canal of the bone. Following this, the bone was stabilized using a 0.45 K-wire distally as well as proximally directed from dorsal to planar direction. Next using the normal AO manner, the distal cortex was drilled from dorsal to plantar with a 2.0 mm drill bit and then over drilled proximally with the cortex using a 2.7 mm drill bit. The proximal cortex was then _________ and then the drill hole was measured and it was determined to be 18 mm in length from dorsal to plantar cortex. Then using 2.7 mm tap, the thread holes were placed and using an 18 x 2.7 mm screw ___________ was achieved and good apposition of the bone and tightness were achieved. Intramedullary sludge was noted to exit from the osteotomy cut. Following this, attention was directed proximally and the 0.45 K-wire was removed and the holes were predrilled using a 2.0 mm screw then over-drilled using 2.7 mm screw and counter sucked. Following this, the holes were measured, found to 20 mm in length and the drill hole was tapped using a 2.7 mm tap. Following this, a 20 mm full threaded screw was inserted and tightened. Good intramedullary sludge was noted and compression was achieved. Attention was then directed to the distal screw where it was once again tightened and found to be in good position with good bite. Following this, range of motion was performed on the first metatarsophalangeal joint and some lateral deviation of the hallux was noted. Based on this, a lateral release was performed. The extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and was transected medially and a linear incision was placed down using a #15 blade into the first interspace. The incision was then deepened with sharp and blunt dissection and using a curved hemostat, the transverse as well as the oblique fibers of the abductor hallucis tendon were identified and transected. Care was taken to perform lateral release around the fibular sesamoid through these suspensory ligaments as well as the transverse metatarsal ligament and the collateral ligament. Upon completion of this, the hallux was noted to be in a rectus position with good alignment. The area was then flushed and irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline. After this, attention was directed back to the medial capsule and a medial capsulorrhaphy was performed and the capsule was closed using #3-0 Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous tissues were closed using #3-0 and #4-0 Vicryl sutures to close in layers. The skin was then reapproximated and closed using #5-0 Monocryl suture. Following this, the incisions were dressed and bandaged in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Kerlix as well as Coban dressing. The tourniquet was then dropped with a total tourniquet time of 99 minutes at 250 mmHg. The patient followed the procedure and the anesthesia well and vascular status was intact as noted by immediate hyperemia to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then transferred back to the cart and escorted on the cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit. Following this, the patient was given prescription for Vicoprofen total #20 to be taken one every six hours as necessary for moderate to severe pain. The patient was also given prescription for clindamycin to be taken 300 mg four times a day. The patient was given surgical shoe and was placed in a posterior sling. The patient was given crutches and instructed to use them for ambulation. The patient was instructed to keep her foot iced and elevated and to remain nonweightbearing over the weekend. The patient will follow up with Dr. X on Tuesday morning at 11'o clock in his Livonia office. The patient was concerned about any possible allergic reaction to medication and was placed on codeine and antibiotics due to that. The patient has Dr. X's pager and will contact him over this weekend if she has any problems or complaints or return to Emergency Department if any difficulty should arise. X-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home upon completion of this.
Scarf bunionectomy procedure of the first metatarsal of the left foot. Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.
Scarf Bunionectomy
surgery, hallux abductovalgus deformity, scarf bunionectomy, metatarsal, bunion, hallux abductovalgus, metatarsophalangeal joint, dorsally, foot, bone, abductovalgus
the, was, and, to, using
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Scarf bunionectomy procedure of the first metatarsal of the left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: , This patient is a 55-year-old female who presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself n.p.o., since mid night for surgery for her painful left bunion. The patient has had increasing pain over time and is having difficulty ambulating and wearing shoes. The patient has failed to conservative treatment and desires surgical correction at this time. Risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained in detail by Dr. X, and consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After an IV established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was given preoperatively 600 mg of clindamycin intravenously. The patient was then taken to the Operating Suite via cart and was placed on the operating table in a supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for protection. Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over her left ankle with copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was applied, the patient was given a local injection consisting of 17 cc of 4.5 cc 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1.0 cc of Solu-Medrol mixture in the standard Mayo block to the left foot. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was then elevated, the Esmarch was applied and the tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then lowered to the operating field.,A sterile stockinet was reflected and the attention was directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot. After sufficient anesthesia, using a #10 blade a linear incision was made approximately 5 to 6 cm in length over the first metatarsophalangeal joint dorsally, just near to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. Then using a fresh #15 blade, this incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous layer after all small traversing veins were ligated and cauterized with electrocautery. A neurovascular bundle was identified and reflected medially. Laterally the extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and protected with retraction as well. Care was then taken to undermine the medial and lateral margins of the first metatarsophalangeal joint carefully. The first metatarsophalangeal joint capsule was then identified and using a #15 blade, a linear incision made down to the bone through the joint capsule. The periosteum was reflected and elevated off of its bone and the metatarsal head as well as the base of the proximal phalanx to a small degree. Noted was a large hypertrophic bone spur on the dorsal medial aspect of the first metatarsal head as well as some small osteophytes along the medial portion of the proximal phalanx. Care was then taken to reflect and dissect the periosteum off of the shaft of the first metatarsal proximally into the proximal portion of the metatarsal close to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. The bone cortex was noted to be intact and in good condition. Following this, using a sagittal saw with a #138 blade, the attention was directed to the medial hypertrophic bone of the first metatarsal head. In the sagittal plane with the blade angulated from dorsolateral to proximal medial, the medial eminence of bone was resected. Plantarly it was noted that the tibial sesamoid groove was intact and the sesamoid apparatus was intact as well. Following this bone cut, 0.45 K-wire was inserted from medial to lateral through the medial portion of the first metatarsal head directed in the dorsal third of the metatarsal head. Then using the Reese osteotomy guide, the guide was directed from the distal portion of the metatarsal head proximally to the proximal portion of the first metatarsal. A second 0.45 K-wire was inserted proximally as well. Following this, using the sagittal saw with the #138 blade a transverse linear osteotomy cut was made through the first metatarsal from medial to lateral. After reaching the distal as well as the proximal portions of the bone and ensuring that cortex was cut on both the medial as well as lateral side, the Reese osteotomy guide was removed and the dorsal and plantar incision cuts were made. This began with the dorsal distal cut, which extended from medial to lateral with the dorsal portion of the blade angled proximally about five degrees through the dorsal third of the distal first metatarsal. Following this, attention was directed proximally and an incision osteotomy cut through the bone was made, directed medially to laterally with the inferior portion of the blade angled distally to transect the cortex of the bone. Following this, the distal portion of the osteotomy cut was freely movable and was able to be translocated medially. The head was then slit medially several millimeters until it was noted to be in good position and no chopping was present in the medullary canal of the bone. Following this, the bone was stabilized using a 0.45 K-wire distally as well as proximally directed from dorsal to planar direction. Next using the normal AO manner, the distal cortex was drilled from dorsal to plantar with a 2.0 mm drill bit and then over drilled proximally with the cortex using a 2.7 mm drill bit. The proximal cortex was then _________ and then the drill hole was measured and it was determined to be 18 mm in length from dorsal to plantar cortex. Then using 2.7 mm tap, the thread holes were placed and using an 18 x 2.7 mm screw ___________ was achieved and good apposition of the bone and tightness were achieved. Intramedullary sludge was noted to exit from the osteotomy cut. Following this, attention was directed proximally and the 0.45 K-wire was removed and the holes were predrilled using a 2.0 mm screw then over-drilled using 2.7 mm screw and counter sucked. Following this, the holes were measured, found to 20 mm in length and the drill hole was tapped using a 2.7 mm tap. Following this, a 20 mm full threaded screw was inserted and tightened. Good intramedullary sludge was noted and compression was achieved. Attention was then directed to the distal screw where it was once again tightened and found to be in good position with good bite. Following this, range of motion was performed on the first metatarsophalangeal joint and some lateral deviation of the hallux was noted. Based on this, a lateral release was performed. The extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and was transected medially and a linear incision was placed down using a #15 blade into the first interspace. The incision was then deepened with sharp and blunt dissection and using a curved hemostat, the transverse as well as the oblique fibers of the abductor hallucis tendon were identified and transected. Care was taken to perform lateral release around the fibular sesamoid through these suspensory ligaments as well as the transverse metatarsal ligament and the collateral ligament. Upon completion of this, the hallux was noted to be in a rectus position with good alignment. The area was then flushed and irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline. After this, attention was directed back to the medial capsule and a medial capsulorrhaphy was performed and the capsule was closed using #3-0 Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous tissues were closed using #3-0 and #4-0 Vicryl sutures to close in layers. The skin was then reapproximated and closed using #5-0 Monocryl suture. Following this, the incisions were dressed and bandaged in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Kerlix as well as Coban dressing. The tourniquet was then dropped with a total tourniquet time of 99 minutes at 250 mmHg. The patient followed the procedure and the anesthesia well and vascular status was intact as noted by immediate hyperemia to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then transferred back to the cart and escorted on the cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit. Following this, the patient was given prescription for Vicoprofen total #20 to be taken one every six hours as necessary for moderate to severe pain. The patient was also given prescription for clindamycin to be taken 300 mg four times a day. The patient was given surgical shoe and was placed in a posterior sling. The patient was given crutches and instructed to use them for ambulation. The patient was instructed to keep her foot iced and elevated and to remain nonweightbearing over the weekend. The patient will follow up with Dr. X on Tuesday morning at 11'o clock in his Livonia office. The patient was concerned about any possible allergic reaction to medication and was placed on codeine and antibiotics due to that. The patient has Dr. X's pager and will contact him over this weekend if she has any problems or complaints or return to Emergency Department if any difficulty should arise. X-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home upon completion of this. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Scarf bunionectomy procedure of the first metatarsal of the left foot. Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Hematuria and urinary retention.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old, who was admitted with the history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, presented with urinary retention and pneumonia. The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed. Foley catheter was repositioned 18 Coude was used. About over a liter of fluids of urine was obtained with light pink urine, which was irrigated. The bladder and the suprapubic area returned to normal after the Foley placement. The patient had some evidence of clots upon irrigation. The patient has had a chest CT, which showed possible atelectasis versus pneumonia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Parkinson's, and CHF.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Married and lives with wife.,HABITS:, No smoking or drinking.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies any chest pain, denies any seizure disorder, denies any nausea, vomiting. Does have suprapubic tenderness and difficulty voiding. The patient denies any prior history of hematuria, dysuria, burning, or pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Vitals are stable.,GENERAL: The patient is a thin gentleman,GENITOURINARY: Suprapubic area was distended and bladder was palpated very easily. Prostate was 1+. Testes are normal.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's white counts are 20,000. Creatinine is normal.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Dehydration.,3. Retention.,4. BPH.,5. Diabetes.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Parkinson's.,8. Congestive heart failure.,About 30 minutes were spent during the procedure and the Foley catheter was placed, Foley was irrigated and significant amount of clots were obtained. Plan is for urine culture, antibiotics. Plan is for renal ultrasound to rule out any pathology. The patient will need cystoscopy and evaluation of the prostate. Apparently, the patient's PSA is 0.45, so the patient is at low to no risk of prostate cancer at this time. Continued Foley catheter at this point. We will think about starting the patient on alpha-blockers once the patient's over all medical condition is improved and stable.
The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed.
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
the, patient, was, and, is
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Hematuria and urinary retention.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old, who was admitted with the history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, presented with urinary retention and pneumonia. The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed. Foley catheter was repositioned 18 Coude was used. About over a liter of fluids of urine was obtained with light pink urine, which was irrigated. The bladder and the suprapubic area returned to normal after the Foley placement. The patient had some evidence of clots upon irrigation. The patient has had a chest CT, which showed possible atelectasis versus pneumonia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Parkinson's, and CHF.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Married and lives with wife.,HABITS:, No smoking or drinking.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies any chest pain, denies any seizure disorder, denies any nausea, vomiting. Does have suprapubic tenderness and difficulty voiding. The patient denies any prior history of hematuria, dysuria, burning, or pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Vitals are stable.,GENERAL: The patient is a thin gentleman,GENITOURINARY: Suprapubic area was distended and bladder was palpated very easily. Prostate was 1+. Testes are normal.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's white counts are 20,000. Creatinine is normal.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Dehydration.,3. Retention.,4. BPH.,5. Diabetes.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Parkinson's.,8. Congestive heart failure.,About 30 minutes were spent during the procedure and the Foley catheter was placed, Foley was irrigated and significant amount of clots were obtained. Plan is for urine culture, antibiotics. Plan is for renal ultrasound to rule out any pathology. The patient will need cystoscopy and evaluation of the prostate. Apparently, the patient's PSA is 0.45, so the patient is at low to no risk of prostate cancer at this time. Continued Foley catheter at this point. We will think about starting the patient on alpha-blockers once the patient's over all medical condition is improved and stable. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, normal, is, has, of
EXAM: , Ultrasound abdomen, complete.,HISTORY: , 38-year-old male admitted from the emergency room 04/18/2009, decreased mental status and right upper lobe pneumonia. The patient has diffuse abdominal pain. There is a history of AIDS.,TECHNIQUE:, An ultrasound examination of the abdomen was performed.,FINDINGS:, The liver has normal echogenicity. The liver is normal sized. The gallbladder has a normal appearance without gallstones or sludge. There is no gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. The common bile duct has a normal caliber at 4.6 mm. The pancreas is mostly obscured by gas. A small portion of the head of pancreas is visualized which has a normal appearance. The aorta has a normal caliber. The aorta is smooth walled. No abnormalities are seen of the inferior vena cava. The right kidney measures 10.8 cm in length and the left kidney 10.5 cm. No masses, cysts, calculi, or hydronephrosis is seen. There is normal renal cortical echogenicity. The spleen is somewhat prominent with a maximum diameter of 11.2 cm. There is no ascites. The urinary bladder is distended with urine and shows normal wall thickness without masses. The prostate is normal sized with normal echogenicity.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Spleen size at the upper limits of normal.,2. Except for small portions of pancreatic head, the pancreas could not be visualized because of bowel gas. The visualized portion of the head had a normal appearance.,3. The gallbladder has a normal appearance without gallstones. There are no renal calculi.
Ultrasound abdomen, complete
Ultrasound - Abdomen
radiology, echogenicity, gallbladder, ultrasound abdomen complete, ultrasound abdomen, abdomen, liver, gallstones, kidney, calculi, renal, spleen, pancreas, ultrasound
the, normal, is, has, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM: , Ultrasound abdomen, complete.,HISTORY: , 38-year-old male admitted from the emergency room 04/18/2009, decreased mental status and right upper lobe pneumonia. The patient has diffuse abdominal pain. There is a history of AIDS.,TECHNIQUE:, An ultrasound examination of the abdomen was performed.,FINDINGS:, The liver has normal echogenicity. The liver is normal sized. The gallbladder has a normal appearance without gallstones or sludge. There is no gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. The common bile duct has a normal caliber at 4.6 mm. The pancreas is mostly obscured by gas. A small portion of the head of pancreas is visualized which has a normal appearance. The aorta has a normal caliber. The aorta is smooth walled. No abnormalities are seen of the inferior vena cava. The right kidney measures 10.8 cm in length and the left kidney 10.5 cm. No masses, cysts, calculi, or hydronephrosis is seen. There is normal renal cortical echogenicity. The spleen is somewhat prominent with a maximum diameter of 11.2 cm. There is no ascites. The urinary bladder is distended with urine and shows normal wall thickness without masses. The prostate is normal sized with normal echogenicity.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Spleen size at the upper limits of normal.,2. Except for small portions of pancreatic head, the pancreas could not be visualized because of bowel gas. The visualized portion of the head had a normal appearance.,3. The gallbladder has a normal appearance without gallstones. There are no renal calculi. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, normal, is, has, of [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Ultrasound abdomen, complete [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
gastroenterology, pre-contrast images, contrast, biliary ductal dilatation, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, mesenteric lymph nodes, fluid collection, inguinal hernia, ct abdomen, hernia, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, osteopenia, degenerative, spine, bowel, pelvis, ct, abdomen,
EXAM: , CT pelvis with contrast and ct abdomen with and without contrast.,INDICATIONS: ,Abnormal liver enzymes and diarrhea.,TECHNIQUE: , CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis was performed after 100 mL of intravenous contrast administration and oral contrast administration. Pre-contrast images through the abdomen were also obtained.,COMPARISON: ,There were no comparison studies.,FINDINGS: ,The lung bases are clear.,The liver demonstrates mild intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. These findings may be secondary to the patient's post cholecystectomy state. The pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable.,There is a 13 mm peripheral-enhancing fluid collection in the anterior pararenal space of uncertain etiology. There are numerous nonspecific retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes. These may be reactive; however, an early neoplastic process would be difficult to totally exclude.,There is a right inguinal hernia containing a loop of small bowel. This may produce a partial obstruction as there is mild fluid distention of several small bowel loops, particularly in the right lower quadrant. The large bowel demonstrates significant diverticulosis coli of the sigmoid and distal descending colon without evidence of diverticulitis.,There is diffuse osteopenia along with significant degenerative changes in the lower lumbar spine.,The urinary bladder is unremarkable. The uterus is not visualized.,IMPRESSION:,1. Right inguinal hernia containing small bowel. Partial obstruction is suspected.,2. Nonspecific retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes.,3. Thirteen millimeter of circumscribed fluid collection in the anterior pararenal space of uncertain etiology.,4. Diverticulosis without evidence of diverticulitis.,5. Status post cholecystectomy with mild intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.,6. Osteopenia and degenerative changes of the spine and pelvis.
Abnormal liver enzymes and diarrhea. CT pelvis with contrast and ct abdomen with and without contrast.
CT Abdomen & Pelvis - 11
gastroenterology, pre-contrast images, contrast, biliary ductal dilatation, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, mesenteric lymph nodes, fluid collection, inguinal hernia, ct abdomen, hernia, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, osteopenia, degenerative, spine, bowel, pelvis, ct, abdomen,
the, and, of, there, is
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM: , CT pelvis with contrast and ct abdomen with and without contrast.,INDICATIONS: ,Abnormal liver enzymes and diarrhea.,TECHNIQUE: , CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis was performed after 100 mL of intravenous contrast administration and oral contrast administration. Pre-contrast images through the abdomen were also obtained.,COMPARISON: ,There were no comparison studies.,FINDINGS: ,The lung bases are clear.,The liver demonstrates mild intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. These findings may be secondary to the patient's post cholecystectomy state. The pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable.,There is a 13 mm peripheral-enhancing fluid collection in the anterior pararenal space of uncertain etiology. There are numerous nonspecific retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes. These may be reactive; however, an early neoplastic process would be difficult to totally exclude.,There is a right inguinal hernia containing a loop of small bowel. This may produce a partial obstruction as there is mild fluid distention of several small bowel loops, particularly in the right lower quadrant. The large bowel demonstrates significant diverticulosis coli of the sigmoid and distal descending colon without evidence of diverticulitis.,There is diffuse osteopenia along with significant degenerative changes in the lower lumbar spine.,The urinary bladder is unremarkable. The uterus is not visualized.,IMPRESSION:,1. Right inguinal hernia containing small bowel. Partial obstruction is suspected.,2. Nonspecific retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes.,3. Thirteen millimeter of circumscribed fluid collection in the anterior pararenal space of uncertain etiology.,4. Diverticulosis without evidence of diverticulitis.,5. Status post cholecystectomy with mild intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.,6. Osteopenia and degenerative changes of the spine and pelvis. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] gastroenterology, pre-contrast images, contrast, biliary ductal dilatation, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, mesenteric lymph nodes, fluid collection, inguinal hernia, ct abdomen, hernia, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, osteopenia, degenerative, spine, bowel, pelvis, ct, abdomen, [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Abnormal liver enzymes and diarrhea. CT pelvis with contrast and ct abdomen with and without contrast. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract original key medical terms from this text
surgery, tonsillectomy, afrin drops, crowe-davis, hypertrophy, adenoid bed, adenoidectomy, adenoids, canal, catgut, dissection, drum, ear, foreign body, middle ear, mouth gag, nasopharynx, orotracheal, suction electrocautery, throat, tonsils, uvula, wax, tonsils and adenoids
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,OPERATIONS:, Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , The patient is 5-1/2 years old. She is here this morning with her Mom. She has very large tonsils and she snores at night and gets up frequently at night and does not sleep well. At the office we saw the tonsils were very big. There was a rock in the right ear and it was very deep in the canal, near the drum. We will remove the foreign body under the same anesthetic.,PROCEDURE:,: Natalie was placed under general anesthetic by the orotracheal route of administration, under Dr. XYZ and Ms. B. I looked into the left ear under the microscope, took out a little wax and observed a normal eardrum. On the right side, I took out some impacted wax and removed the rock with a large suction. It was actually resting on the surface of the drum but had not scarred or damaged the drum. The drum was intact with no evidence of middle ear fluid. The microscope was set aside. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils. The neck was gently extended and the Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted. The tonsils and adenoids were very large. The uvula was intact. Adenoidectomy was performed using the adenoid curette with a tonsil sponge placed into the nasopharynx. Tonsillectomy accomplished by sharp and blunt dissection. Hemostasis achieved with electrocautery and the tonsils beds injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Sutures of zero plain catgut next were used to re-approximate the posterior to the anterior tonsillar pillars, suturing these down to the tonsillar beds. Sponge is removed from the nasopharynx. The suction electrocautery was used for pinpoint hemostasis on the adenoid bed. We made sure the cautery tip did not come into the contact with the soft palate or the eustachian tube orifices. The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned. Excellent hemostasis was observed. An orogastric tube was placed. The stomach found to be empty. The tube was removed, as was the mouth gag. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The child was then awakened and prepared for her to return to the recovery room. She tolerated the operation excellently.
Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.
Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy
surgery, tonsillectomy, afrin drops, crowe-davis, hypertrophy, adenoid bed, adenoidectomy, adenoids, canal, catgut, dissection, drum, ear, foreign body, middle ear, mouth gag, nasopharynx, orotracheal, suction electrocautery, throat, tonsils, uvula, wax, tonsils and adenoids
the, and, was, with, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract original key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,OPERATIONS:, Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , The patient is 5-1/2 years old. She is here this morning with her Mom. She has very large tonsils and she snores at night and gets up frequently at night and does not sleep well. At the office we saw the tonsils were very big. There was a rock in the right ear and it was very deep in the canal, near the drum. We will remove the foreign body under the same anesthetic.,PROCEDURE:,: Natalie was placed under general anesthetic by the orotracheal route of administration, under Dr. XYZ and Ms. B. I looked into the left ear under the microscope, took out a little wax and observed a normal eardrum. On the right side, I took out some impacted wax and removed the rock with a large suction. It was actually resting on the surface of the drum but had not scarred or damaged the drum. The drum was intact with no evidence of middle ear fluid. The microscope was set aside. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils. The neck was gently extended and the Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted. The tonsils and adenoids were very large. The uvula was intact. Adenoidectomy was performed using the adenoid curette with a tonsil sponge placed into the nasopharynx. Tonsillectomy accomplished by sharp and blunt dissection. Hemostasis achieved with electrocautery and the tonsils beds injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Sutures of zero plain catgut next were used to re-approximate the posterior to the anterior tonsillar pillars, suturing these down to the tonsillar beds. Sponge is removed from the nasopharynx. The suction electrocautery was used for pinpoint hemostasis on the adenoid bed. We made sure the cautery tip did not come into the contact with the soft palate or the eustachian tube orifices. The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned. Excellent hemostasis was observed. An orogastric tube was placed. The stomach found to be empty. The tube was removed, as was the mouth gag. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The child was then awakened and prepared for her to return to the recovery room. She tolerated the operation excellently. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] surgery, tonsillectomy, afrin drops, crowe-davis, hypertrophy, adenoid bed, adenoidectomy, adenoids, canal, catgut, dissection, drum, ear, foreign body, middle ear, mouth gag, nasopharynx, orotracheal, suction electrocautery, throat, tonsils, uvula, wax, tonsils and adenoids [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
EXAM:,MRI LEFT KNEE,CLINICAL:,This is a 41 -year-old-male with knee pain, mobility loss and swelling. The patient had a twisting injury one week ago on 8/5/05. The examination was performed on 8/10/05,FINDINGS:,There is intrasubstance degeneration within the medial meniscus without a discrete surfacing tear.,There is intrasubstance degeneration within the lateral meniscus, and there is a probable small tear in the anterior horn along the undersurface at the meniscal root.,There is an interstitial sprain/partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament. There is no complete tear or discontinuity, and the ligament has a celery stick appearance.,Normal posterior cruciate ligament.,Normal medial collateral ligament.,There is a sprain of the femoral attachment of the fibular collateral ligament, without complete tear or discontinuity. The fibular attachment is intact.,Normal biceps femoris tendon, popliteus tendon and iliotibial band.,Normal quadriceps and patellar tendons.,There are no fractures.,There is arthrosis, with high-grade changes in the patellofemoral compartment, particularly along the midline patellar ridge and lateral facet. There are milder changes within the medial femorotibial compartments. There are subcortical cystic changes subjacent to the tibial spine, which appear chronic.,There is a joint effusion. There is synovial thickening.,IMPRESSION:,Probable small tear in the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus at the meniscal root.,Interstitial sprain/partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.,Arthrosis, joint effusion and synovial hypertrophy.,There are several areas of focal prominent medullary fat within the medial and lateral femoral condyles.
MRI left knee.
MRI Knee - 3
radiology, mri left knee, interstitial sprain/partial tear, anterior cruciate ligament, lateral meniscus, cruciate ligament, synovial, mri, meniscus, sprain/partial, cruciate, knee, ligament
the, there, is, anterior, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] EXAM:,MRI LEFT KNEE,CLINICAL:,This is a 41 -year-old-male with knee pain, mobility loss and swelling. The patient had a twisting injury one week ago on 8/5/05. The examination was performed on 8/10/05,FINDINGS:,There is intrasubstance degeneration within the medial meniscus without a discrete surfacing tear.,There is intrasubstance degeneration within the lateral meniscus, and there is a probable small tear in the anterior horn along the undersurface at the meniscal root.,There is an interstitial sprain/partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament. There is no complete tear or discontinuity, and the ligament has a celery stick appearance.,Normal posterior cruciate ligament.,Normal medial collateral ligament.,There is a sprain of the femoral attachment of the fibular collateral ligament, without complete tear or discontinuity. The fibular attachment is intact.,Normal biceps femoris tendon, popliteus tendon and iliotibial band.,Normal quadriceps and patellar tendons.,There are no fractures.,There is arthrosis, with high-grade changes in the patellofemoral compartment, particularly along the midline patellar ridge and lateral facet. There are milder changes within the medial femorotibial compartments. There are subcortical cystic changes subjacent to the tibial spine, which appear chronic.,There is a joint effusion. There is synovial thickening.,IMPRESSION:,Probable small tear in the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus at the meniscal root.,Interstitial sprain/partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.,Arthrosis, joint effusion and synovial hypertrophy.,There are several areas of focal prominent medullary fat within the medial and lateral femoral condyles. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] MRI left knee. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Identify the medical specialty for this transcription
NAME OF PROCEDURE,1. Selective coronary angiography.,2. Placement of overlapping 3.0 x 18 and 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stents in the proximal right coronary artery.,3. Abdominal aortography.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 65-year-old gentleman with a history of exertional dyspnea and a cramping-like chest pain. Thallium scan has been negative. He is undergoing angiography to determine if his symptoms are due to coronary artery disease.,NARRATIVE: ,The right groin was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion and the area of the right coronary artery anesthetized with 2% lidocaine. Constant sedation was obtained using Versed 1 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. Received additional Versed and fentanyl during the procedure. Please refer to the nurses' notes for dosages and timing.,The right femoral artery was entered and a 4-French sheath was placed. Advancement of the guidewire demonstrated some obstruction at the level of abdominal aorta. Via the right Judkins catheter, the guidewire was easily infiltrated to the thoracic aorta and over aortic arch. The right Judkins catheter was advanced to the origin of the right coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed. This revealed a very high-grade lesion at the proximal right coronary artery. This catheter was exchanged for a left #4 Judkins catheter which was advanced to the ostium of the left main coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed.,The patient was found to have the above mentioned high-grade lesion in the right coronary artery and a coronary intervention was performed. A 6-French sheath and a right Judkins guide was placed. The patient was started on bivalarudin. A BMW wire was easily placed across the lesion and into the distal right coronary artery. A 3.0 x 15 mm Voyager balloon was placed and deployed at 10 atmospheres. The intermediate result was improved with TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the vessel. Following this, a 3.0 x 18 mm Xience stent was placed across the lesion and deployed at 17 atmospheres. This revealed excellent result however at the very distal of the stent there was an area of haziness but no definite dissection. This was stented with a 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stent deployed again at 17 atmospheres. Final angiograms revealed excellent result with TIMI-3 flow at the terminus of the right coronary artery and approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst point of the narrowing. The guiding catheter was withdrawn over wire and a pigtail was placed. This was advanced to the abdominal aorta at the area of obstruction and small injection of contrast was given demonstrating that there was a small aneurysm versus a small retrograde dissection in that area with some dye hang up after injection. The catheter was removed. The bivalarudin was stopped at the termination of procedure. A small injection of contrast given through arterial sheath and Angio-Seal was placed without incident.,It should also be noted that an 8-French sheath was placed in the right femoral vein. This was placed initially as the patient was going to have a right heart catheterization as well because of the dyspnea.,Total contrast media, 205 mL, total fluoroscopy time was 7.5 minutes, X-ray dose, 2666 milligray.,HEMODYNAMICS: , Rhythm was sinus throughout the procedure. Aortic pressure was 170/81 mmHg.,The right coronary artery is a dominant vessel. This vessel gives rise to conus branch and two small RV free wall branches and PDA and a small left ventricular branch. It should be noted that there was competitive flow in the posterior left ventricular branch and that the distal right coronary artery fills via left sided collaterals. In the proximal right coronary artery, there is a large ulcerative plaque followed immediately by a severe stenosis that is subtotal in severity. After intervention, there is TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the right coronary with better fill into the distal right coronary artery and loss of competitive flow. There was approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst part of the previous stenosis.,The left main is without disease and trifurcates into a moderate-sized ramus intermedius, the LAD and the circumflex. The ramus intermedius is free of disease. The LAD terminates at the LV apex and has elongated area of mild stenosis at its mid segment. This measures 25% to 30% at its worst point. The circumflex is a large caliber vessel. There is a proximal 15% to 20% stenosis and an area of ectasia in the proximal circumflex. Distally, this circumflex gives rise to a large bifurcating marginal artery and beyond that point, the circumflex is a small vessel within the AV groove.,The aortogram demonstrates eccentric aneurysm formation. This may represent a small retrograde dissection as well. There was some dye hang up in the wall.,IMPRESSION,1. Successful stenting of subtotal stenosis of the proximal coronary artery.,2. Non-obstructive coronary artery disease in the mid left anterior descending as described above and ectasia of the proximal circumflex coronary artery.,3. Left to right collateral filling noted prior to coronary intervention.,4. Small area of eccentric aneurysm formation in the abdominal aorta.
Selective coronary angiography. Placement of overlapping 3.0 x 18 and 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stents in the proximal right coronary artery. Abdominal aortography.
Coronary Angiography & Abdominal Aortography
surgery, xience stents, thallium scan, coronary artery, coronary angiography, abdominal aortography, artery, coronary, angiography, stents, flow, vessel, abdominal, catheter, circumflex, stenosis, proximal,
the, artery, was, right, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Identify the medical specialty for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] NAME OF PROCEDURE,1. Selective coronary angiography.,2. Placement of overlapping 3.0 x 18 and 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stents in the proximal right coronary artery.,3. Abdominal aortography.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 65-year-old gentleman with a history of exertional dyspnea and a cramping-like chest pain. Thallium scan has been negative. He is undergoing angiography to determine if his symptoms are due to coronary artery disease.,NARRATIVE: ,The right groin was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion and the area of the right coronary artery anesthetized with 2% lidocaine. Constant sedation was obtained using Versed 1 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. Received additional Versed and fentanyl during the procedure. Please refer to the nurses' notes for dosages and timing.,The right femoral artery was entered and a 4-French sheath was placed. Advancement of the guidewire demonstrated some obstruction at the level of abdominal aorta. Via the right Judkins catheter, the guidewire was easily infiltrated to the thoracic aorta and over aortic arch. The right Judkins catheter was advanced to the origin of the right coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed. This revealed a very high-grade lesion at the proximal right coronary artery. This catheter was exchanged for a left #4 Judkins catheter which was advanced to the ostium of the left main coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed.,The patient was found to have the above mentioned high-grade lesion in the right coronary artery and a coronary intervention was performed. A 6-French sheath and a right Judkins guide was placed. The patient was started on bivalarudin. A BMW wire was easily placed across the lesion and into the distal right coronary artery. A 3.0 x 15 mm Voyager balloon was placed and deployed at 10 atmospheres. The intermediate result was improved with TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the vessel. Following this, a 3.0 x 18 mm Xience stent was placed across the lesion and deployed at 17 atmospheres. This revealed excellent result however at the very distal of the stent there was an area of haziness but no definite dissection. This was stented with a 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stent deployed again at 17 atmospheres. Final angiograms revealed excellent result with TIMI-3 flow at the terminus of the right coronary artery and approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst point of the narrowing. The guiding catheter was withdrawn over wire and a pigtail was placed. This was advanced to the abdominal aorta at the area of obstruction and small injection of contrast was given demonstrating that there was a small aneurysm versus a small retrograde dissection in that area with some dye hang up after injection. The catheter was removed. The bivalarudin was stopped at the termination of procedure. A small injection of contrast given through arterial sheath and Angio-Seal was placed without incident.,It should also be noted that an 8-French sheath was placed in the right femoral vein. This was placed initially as the patient was going to have a right heart catheterization as well because of the dyspnea.,Total contrast media, 205 mL, total fluoroscopy time was 7.5 minutes, X-ray dose, 2666 milligray.,HEMODYNAMICS: , Rhythm was sinus throughout the procedure. Aortic pressure was 170/81 mmHg.,The right coronary artery is a dominant vessel. This vessel gives rise to conus branch and two small RV free wall branches and PDA and a small left ventricular branch. It should be noted that there was competitive flow in the posterior left ventricular branch and that the distal right coronary artery fills via left sided collaterals. In the proximal right coronary artery, there is a large ulcerative plaque followed immediately by a severe stenosis that is subtotal in severity. After intervention, there is TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the right coronary with better fill into the distal right coronary artery and loss of competitive flow. There was approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst part of the previous stenosis.,The left main is without disease and trifurcates into a moderate-sized ramus intermedius, the LAD and the circumflex. The ramus intermedius is free of disease. The LAD terminates at the LV apex and has elongated area of mild stenosis at its mid segment. This measures 25% to 30% at its worst point. The circumflex is a large caliber vessel. There is a proximal 15% to 20% stenosis and an area of ectasia in the proximal circumflex. Distally, this circumflex gives rise to a large bifurcating marginal artery and beyond that point, the circumflex is a small vessel within the AV groove.,The aortogram demonstrates eccentric aneurysm formation. This may represent a small retrograde dissection as well. There was some dye hang up in the wall.,IMPRESSION,1. Successful stenting of subtotal stenosis of the proximal coronary artery.,2. Non-obstructive coronary artery disease in the mid left anterior descending as described above and ectasia of the proximal circumflex coronary artery.,3. Left to right collateral filling noted prior to coronary intervention.,4. Small area of eccentric aneurysm formation in the abdominal aorta. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Surgery [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Selective coronary angiography. Placement of overlapping 3.0 x 18 and 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stents in the proximal right coronary artery. Abdominal aortography. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
OPERATION,1. Right upper lung lobectomy.,2. Mediastinal lymph node dissection.,ANESTHESIA,1. General endotracheal anesthesia with dual-lumen tube.,2. Thoracic epidural.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After obtaining informed consent from the patient, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, the patient was taken to the operating room, and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered with a dual-lumen tube. Next, the patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position, and his right chest was prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. We used a #10-blade scalpel to make an incision in the skin approximately 1 fingerbreadth below the angle of the scapula. Dissection was carried down in a muscle-sparing fashion using Bovie electrocautery. The 5th rib was counted, and the 6th interspace was entered. The lung was deflated. We identified the major fissure. We then began by freeing up the inferior pulmonary ligament, which was done with Bovie electrocautery. Next, we used Bovie electrocautery to dissect the pleura off the lung. The pulmonary artery branches to the right upper lobe of the lung were identified. Of note was the fact that there was a visible, approximately 4 x 4-cm mass in the right upper lobe of the lung without any other metastatic disease palpable. As mentioned, a combination of Bovie electrocautery and sharp dissection was used to identify the pulmonary artery branches to the right upper lobe of the lung. Next, we began by ligating the pulmonary artery branches of the right upper lobe of the lung. This was done with suture ligature in combination with clips. After taking the pulmonary artery branches of the right upper lobe of the lung, we used a combination of blunt dissection and sharp dissection with Metzenbaum scissors to separate out the pulmonary vein branch of the right upper lobe of the lung. This likewise was ligated with a 0 silk. It was stick-tied with a 2-0 silk. It was then divided. Next we dissected out the bronchial branch to the right upper lobe of the lung. A curved Glover was placed around the bronchus. Next a TA-30 stapler was fired across the bronchus. The bronchus was divided with a #10-blade scalpel. The specimen was handed off. We next performed a mediastinal lymph node dissection. Clips were applied to the base of the feeding vessels to the lymph nodes. We inspected for any signs of bleeding. There was minimal bleeding. We placed a #32-French anterior chest tube, and a #32-French posterior chest tube. The rib space was closed with #2 Vicryl in an interrupted figure-of-eight fashion. A flat Jackson-Pratt drain, #10 in size, was placed in the subcutaneous flap. The muscle layer was closed with a combination of 2-0 Vicryl followed by 2-0 Vicryl, followed by 4-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular fashion. Sterile dressing was applied. The instrument and sponge count was correct at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the PACU in good condition.
Right upper lung lobectomy. Mediastinal lymph node dissection
Lobectomy & Lymph Node Dissection
surgery, mediastinal, thoracic, epidural, lymph node dissection, lymph node, artery branches, lobectomy, lung, anesthesia, bovie, electrocautery, lymph, pulmonary, branches
the, was, we, of, upper
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] OPERATION,1. Right upper lung lobectomy.,2. Mediastinal lymph node dissection.,ANESTHESIA,1. General endotracheal anesthesia with dual-lumen tube.,2. Thoracic epidural.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After obtaining informed consent from the patient, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, the patient was taken to the operating room, and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered with a dual-lumen tube. Next, the patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position, and his right chest was prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. We used a #10-blade scalpel to make an incision in the skin approximately 1 fingerbreadth below the angle of the scapula. Dissection was carried down in a muscle-sparing fashion using Bovie electrocautery. The 5th rib was counted, and the 6th interspace was entered. The lung was deflated. We identified the major fissure. We then began by freeing up the inferior pulmonary ligament, which was done with Bovie electrocautery. Next, we used Bovie electrocautery to dissect the pleura off the lung. The pulmonary artery branches to the right upper lobe of the lung were identified. Of note was the fact that there was a visible, approximately 4 x 4-cm mass in the right upper lobe of the lung without any other metastatic disease palpable. As mentioned, a combination of Bovie electrocautery and sharp dissection was used to identify the pulmonary artery branches to the right upper lobe of the lung. Next, we began by ligating the pulmonary artery branches of the right upper lobe of the lung. This was done with suture ligature in combination with clips. After taking the pulmonary artery branches of the right upper lobe of the lung, we used a combination of blunt dissection and sharp dissection with Metzenbaum scissors to separate out the pulmonary vein branch of the right upper lobe of the lung. This likewise was ligated with a 0 silk. It was stick-tied with a 2-0 silk. It was then divided. Next we dissected out the bronchial branch to the right upper lobe of the lung. A curved Glover was placed around the bronchus. Next a TA-30 stapler was fired across the bronchus. The bronchus was divided with a #10-blade scalpel. The specimen was handed off. We next performed a mediastinal lymph node dissection. Clips were applied to the base of the feeding vessels to the lymph nodes. We inspected for any signs of bleeding. There was minimal bleeding. We placed a #32-French anterior chest tube, and a #32-French posterior chest tube. The rib space was closed with #2 Vicryl in an interrupted figure-of-eight fashion. A flat Jackson-Pratt drain, #10 in size, was placed in the subcutaneous flap. The muscle layer was closed with a combination of 2-0 Vicryl followed by 2-0 Vicryl, followed by 4-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular fashion. Sterile dressing was applied. The instrument and sponge count was correct at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the PACU in good condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right upper lung lobectomy. Mediastinal lymph node dissection [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
Consultation for right shoulder pain.
Consult - History and Phy.
Shoulder Pain Consult
consult - history and phy., shoulder pain, history of present problem:, cortisone shot, no numbness or tingling, rhomboids, scapula, shoulder impingement, focal findings, shoulder,
present, pain, history, right, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Right shoulder pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT PROBLEM: [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 1.00 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Consultation for right shoulder pain. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
HISTORY: , The patient is a 4-month-old who presented with respiratory distress and absent femoral pulses with subsequent evaluation including echocardiogram that demonstrated severe coarctation of the aorta with a peak gradient of 29 mmHg and associated dilated cardiomyopathy with fractional shortening of 16%. A bicuspid aortic valve was also seen without insufficiency or stenosis. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization for balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta.,PROCEDURE: ,After sedation and general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped. Cardiac catheterization was performed as outlined in the attached continuation sheets. Vascular entry was by percutaneous technique, and the patient was heparinized. Monitoring during the procedure included continuous surface ECG, continuous pulse oximetry, and cycled cuff blood pressures, in addition to intravascular pressures.,Using a percutaneous technique a 4-French 8 cm long double lumen central venous catheter was inserted in the left femoral vein and sutured into place. There was good blood return from both the ports.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French wedge catheter was inserted into the right femoral vein and advanced through the right heart structures out to the branch of pulmonary arteries. The atrial septum was not probe patent.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French marker pigtail catheter was inserted into the left femoral artery and advanced retrograde to the descending aorta ,ascending aorta and left ventricle. A descending aortogram demonstrated discrete coarctation of the aorta approximately 8 mm distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. The transverse arch measured 5 mm. Isthmus measured 4.7 mm and coarctation measured 2.9 x 1.8 mm at the descending aorta level. The diaphragm measured 5.6 mm. The pigtail catheter was exchanged for a wedge catheter, which was then directed into the right innominate artery. This catheter was exchanged over a wire for a Tyshak mini 6 x 2 cm balloon catheter which was advanced across the coarctation and inflated with complete disappearance of discrete waist. Pressure pull-back following angioplasty, however, demonstrated a residual of 15-20 mmHg gradient. Repeat angiogram showed mild improvement in degree of aortic narrowing. The angioplasty was then performed using a Tyshak mini 7 x 2 cm balloon catheter with complete disappearance of mild waist. The pigtail catheter was then reintroduced for a pressure pull-back measurement and final angiogram.,Flows were calculated by the Fick technique using an assumed oxygen consumption.,Cineangiograms were obtained with injection in the descending aorta.,After angiography, two normal-appearing renal collecting systems were visualized. The catheters and sheaths were removed and topical pressure applied for hemostasis. The patient was returned to the pediatric intensive care unit in satisfactory condition. There were no complications.,DISCUSSION: , Oxygen consumption was assumed to be normal. Mixed venous saturation was low due to mild systemic arterial desaturation and anemia. There is no evidence of significant intracardiac shunt. Further the heart was desaturated due to VQ mismatch.,Phasic right-sided pressures were normal as was the right pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure with the A-wave similar to the normal left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 12 mmHg. Left ventricular systolic pressure was mildly increased with a 60 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and a 29 mmHg systolic gradient on pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated flows were mildly increased. Vascular resistances were normal. A cineangiogram with contrast injection in the descending aorta showed a normal left aortic arch with normal origins of the brachiocephalic vessels. There is discrete juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta. Flow within the intercostal arteries was retrograde. Following balloon angioplasty of coarctation of the aorta, there was slight fall in the mixed venous saturation and an increase in systemic arterial saturation as the fall in left ventricular systolic pressure from 99 mmHg to 92 mmHg. There remained a 4 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and 9 mmHg systolic gradient pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated systemic flow fell to normal values. Final angiogram with injection in the descending aorta demonstrated improved caliber of coarctation of the aorta with mild intimal irregularity and a small left lateral filling defect consistent with a small intimal tear in the region of the ductus arteriosus. There is brisk flow in the descending aorta and appropriate flow in the intercostal arteries. The narrowest diameter of the aorta measured 4.9 x 4.2 mm.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta.,2. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,3. Bicuspid aortic valve.,4. Patent foramen ovale.,INTERVENTION: , Balloon dilation of coarctation of the aorta.,MANAGEMENT: , The case will be discussed at combined Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Case Conference. The patient will be allowed to recover from the current intervention with the hopes of complete left ventricular function recovery. The patient will undoubtedly require formal coarctation of the aorta repair surgically in 4-6 months. The further cardiologic care will be directed by Dr. X.
Juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta, dilated cardiomyopathy, bicuspid aortic valve, patent foramen ovale.
Coarctation of Aorta
surgery, coarctation, juxtaductal, dilated cardiomyopathy, bicuspid aortic valve, patent foramen ovale, catheter was inserted, mmhg systolic gradient, mmhg systolic, systolic gradient, descending aorta, catheterization, mmhg, ventricular, aorta, aortic, foramen,
the, was, of, and, left
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] HISTORY: , The patient is a 4-month-old who presented with respiratory distress and absent femoral pulses with subsequent evaluation including echocardiogram that demonstrated severe coarctation of the aorta with a peak gradient of 29 mmHg and associated dilated cardiomyopathy with fractional shortening of 16%. A bicuspid aortic valve was also seen without insufficiency or stenosis. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization for balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta.,PROCEDURE: ,After sedation and general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped. Cardiac catheterization was performed as outlined in the attached continuation sheets. Vascular entry was by percutaneous technique, and the patient was heparinized. Monitoring during the procedure included continuous surface ECG, continuous pulse oximetry, and cycled cuff blood pressures, in addition to intravascular pressures.,Using a percutaneous technique a 4-French 8 cm long double lumen central venous catheter was inserted in the left femoral vein and sutured into place. There was good blood return from both the ports.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French wedge catheter was inserted into the right femoral vein and advanced through the right heart structures out to the branch of pulmonary arteries. The atrial septum was not probe patent.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French marker pigtail catheter was inserted into the left femoral artery and advanced retrograde to the descending aorta ,ascending aorta and left ventricle. A descending aortogram demonstrated discrete coarctation of the aorta approximately 8 mm distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. The transverse arch measured 5 mm. Isthmus measured 4.7 mm and coarctation measured 2.9 x 1.8 mm at the descending aorta level. The diaphragm measured 5.6 mm. The pigtail catheter was exchanged for a wedge catheter, which was then directed into the right innominate artery. This catheter was exchanged over a wire for a Tyshak mini 6 x 2 cm balloon catheter which was advanced across the coarctation and inflated with complete disappearance of discrete waist. Pressure pull-back following angioplasty, however, demonstrated a residual of 15-20 mmHg gradient. Repeat angiogram showed mild improvement in degree of aortic narrowing. The angioplasty was then performed using a Tyshak mini 7 x 2 cm balloon catheter with complete disappearance of mild waist. The pigtail catheter was then reintroduced for a pressure pull-back measurement and final angiogram.,Flows were calculated by the Fick technique using an assumed oxygen consumption.,Cineangiograms were obtained with injection in the descending aorta.,After angiography, two normal-appearing renal collecting systems were visualized. The catheters and sheaths were removed and topical pressure applied for hemostasis. The patient was returned to the pediatric intensive care unit in satisfactory condition. There were no complications.,DISCUSSION: , Oxygen consumption was assumed to be normal. Mixed venous saturation was low due to mild systemic arterial desaturation and anemia. There is no evidence of significant intracardiac shunt. Further the heart was desaturated due to VQ mismatch.,Phasic right-sided pressures were normal as was the right pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure with the A-wave similar to the normal left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 12 mmHg. Left ventricular systolic pressure was mildly increased with a 60 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and a 29 mmHg systolic gradient on pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated flows were mildly increased. Vascular resistances were normal. A cineangiogram with contrast injection in the descending aorta showed a normal left aortic arch with normal origins of the brachiocephalic vessels. There is discrete juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta. Flow within the intercostal arteries was retrograde. Following balloon angioplasty of coarctation of the aorta, there was slight fall in the mixed venous saturation and an increase in systemic arterial saturation as the fall in left ventricular systolic pressure from 99 mmHg to 92 mmHg. There remained a 4 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and 9 mmHg systolic gradient pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated systemic flow fell to normal values. Final angiogram with injection in the descending aorta demonstrated improved caliber of coarctation of the aorta with mild intimal irregularity and a small left lateral filling defect consistent with a small intimal tear in the region of the ductus arteriosus. There is brisk flow in the descending aorta and appropriate flow in the intercostal arteries. The narrowest diameter of the aorta measured 4.9 x 4.2 mm.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta.,2. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,3. Bicuspid aortic valve.,4. Patent foramen ovale.,INTERVENTION: , Balloon dilation of coarctation of the aorta.,MANAGEMENT: , The case will be discussed at combined Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Case Conference. The patient will be allowed to recover from the current intervention with the hopes of complete left ventricular function recovery. The patient will undoubtedly require formal coarctation of the aorta repair surgically in 4-6 months. The further cardiologic care will be directed by Dr. X. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.46 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta, dilated cardiomyopathy, bicuspid aortic valve, patent foramen ovale. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription
Broviac Catheter Placement
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE:, Placement of left subclavian 4-French Broviac catheter.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a toddler admitted with a limp and back pain, who was eventually found on bone scan and septic workup to have probable osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine at disk areas. The patient needs prolonged IV antibiotic therapy, but attempt at a PICC line failed. She has exhausted most of her easy peripheral IV access routes and referral was made to the Pediatric Surgery Service for Broviac placement. I met with the patient's mom. With the help of a Spanish interpreter, I explained the technique for Broviac placement. We discussed the surgical risks and alternatives, most of which have been exhausted. All their questions have been answered, and the patient is fit for operation today.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient came to the operating room and had an uneventful induction of general anesthesia. We conducted a surgical time-out to reiterate all of the patient's important identifying information and to confirm that we were here to place the Broviac catheter. Preparation and draping of her skin was performed with chlorhexidine based prep solution and then an infraclavicular approach to left subclavian vein was performed. A flexible guidewire was inserted into the central location and then a 4-French Broviac catheter was tunneled through the subcutaneous tissues and exiting on the right anterolateral chest wall well below and lateral to the breast and pectoralis major margins. The catheter was brought to the subclavian insertion site and trimmed so that the tip would lie at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium based on fluoroscopic guidelines. The peel-away sheath was passed over the guidewire and then the 4-French catheter was deployed through the peel-away sheath. There was easy blood return and fluoroscopic imaging showed initially the catheter had transited across the mediastinum up the opposite subclavian vein, then it was withdrawn and easily replaced in the superior vena cava. The catheter insertion site was closed with one buried 5-0 Monocryl stitch and the same 5-0 Monocryl was used to tether the catheter at the exit site until fibrous ingrowth of the attached cuff has occurred. Heparinized saline solution was used to flush the line. A sterile occlusive dressing was applied, and the line was prepared for immediate use. The patient was transported to the recovery room in good condition. There were no intraoperative complications, and her blood loss was between 5 and 10 mL during the line placement portion of the procedure.
Lumbar osteomyelitis and need for durable central intravenous access. Placement of left subclavian 4-French Broviac catheter.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Broviac Catheter Placement
cardiovascular / pulmonary, lumbar osteomyelitis, central intravenous access, subclavian, osteomyelitis, broviac catheter, catheter, toddler, intravenous,
the, and, was, to, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Generate an appropriate sample name for this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE:, Placement of left subclavian 4-French Broviac catheter.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a toddler admitted with a limp and back pain, who was eventually found on bone scan and septic workup to have probable osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine at disk areas. The patient needs prolonged IV antibiotic therapy, but attempt at a PICC line failed. She has exhausted most of her easy peripheral IV access routes and referral was made to the Pediatric Surgery Service for Broviac placement. I met with the patient's mom. With the help of a Spanish interpreter, I explained the technique for Broviac placement. We discussed the surgical risks and alternatives, most of which have been exhausted. All their questions have been answered, and the patient is fit for operation today.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient came to the operating room and had an uneventful induction of general anesthesia. We conducted a surgical time-out to reiterate all of the patient's important identifying information and to confirm that we were here to place the Broviac catheter. Preparation and draping of her skin was performed with chlorhexidine based prep solution and then an infraclavicular approach to left subclavian vein was performed. A flexible guidewire was inserted into the central location and then a 4-French Broviac catheter was tunneled through the subcutaneous tissues and exiting on the right anterolateral chest wall well below and lateral to the breast and pectoralis major margins. The catheter was brought to the subclavian insertion site and trimmed so that the tip would lie at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium based on fluoroscopic guidelines. The peel-away sheath was passed over the guidewire and then the 4-French catheter was deployed through the peel-away sheath. There was easy blood return and fluoroscopic imaging showed initially the catheter had transited across the mediastinum up the opposite subclavian vein, then it was withdrawn and easily replaced in the superior vena cava. The catheter insertion site was closed with one buried 5-0 Monocryl stitch and the same 5-0 Monocryl was used to tether the catheter at the exit site until fibrous ingrowth of the attached cuff has occurred. Heparinized saline solution was used to flush the line. A sterile occlusive dressing was applied, and the line was prepared for immediate use. The patient was transported to the recovery room in good condition. There were no intraoperative complications, and her blood loss was between 5 and 10 mL during the line placement portion of the procedure. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Broviac Catheter Placement [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Lumbar osteomyelitis and need for durable central intravenous access. Placement of left subclavian 4-French Broviac catheter. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,OPERATION,Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE,The patient was placed in the supine position. Under effects of general endotracheal anesthesia, markings were made preoperatively for the mastopexy. An eccentric circle was drawn around the nipple and a wedge drawn from the inferior border of the areola to the inframammary fold. A stab incision was made bilaterally and tumescent infiltration of anesthesia, lactated ringers with 1 cc of epinephrine to 1000 cc of lactated ringers was infused with a tumescent blunt needle. 200 cc was infiltrated on each side. This was followed by power-assisted liposuction and manual liposuction with removal of 350 cc of supernatant fat from both sides utilizing a radial tunneling technique with a 4-mm cannula. This was followed by the epithelialization of skin between the inner circle corresponding to the diameter of the areola 4 cm diameter and the outer eccentric circle with a tangent at the 6 o'clock position. This would result in an elevation of the nipple-areolar complex with transposition. The epithelialization of the wedge inferiorly equalized the circumference distance between the inner circle and the outer circle. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. After the epithelialization was performed on both sides, nipple-areolar complex was transposed to new nipple position and the wedge was closed with transposition of the nipple-areolar complex beneath the transposed nipple. Closure was performed with interrupted 3-0 PDS suture on deep subcutaneous tissue and dermal skin closure with running subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl suture. Dermabond was applied followed by Adaptic and Kerlix in the suturing spaces supportive mildly compressive dressing. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was returned to recovery room in satisfactory condition.
Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies.
Lipectomy - Breast
surgery, breast ptosis, dermabond, mammary hypertrophy, monocryl, anesthesia, breast tissue, endotracheal anesthesia, lipectomy, mastopexies, mastopexy, nipple, nipple-areolar complex, suction assisted lipectomy, nipple areolar complex, lactated ringers, nipple areolar, areolar complex, epithelialization, areolar, breast,
the, was, of, with, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,OPERATION,Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE,The patient was placed in the supine position. Under effects of general endotracheal anesthesia, markings were made preoperatively for the mastopexy. An eccentric circle was drawn around the nipple and a wedge drawn from the inferior border of the areola to the inframammary fold. A stab incision was made bilaterally and tumescent infiltration of anesthesia, lactated ringers with 1 cc of epinephrine to 1000 cc of lactated ringers was infused with a tumescent blunt needle. 200 cc was infiltrated on each side. This was followed by power-assisted liposuction and manual liposuction with removal of 350 cc of supernatant fat from both sides utilizing a radial tunneling technique with a 4-mm cannula. This was followed by the epithelialization of skin between the inner circle corresponding to the diameter of the areola 4 cm diameter and the outer eccentric circle with a tangent at the 6 o'clock position. This would result in an elevation of the nipple-areolar complex with transposition. The epithelialization of the wedge inferiorly equalized the circumference distance between the inner circle and the outer circle. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. After the epithelialization was performed on both sides, nipple-areolar complex was transposed to new nipple position and the wedge was closed with transposition of the nipple-areolar complex beneath the transposed nipple. Closure was performed with interrupted 3-0 PDS suture on deep subcutaneous tissue and dermal skin closure with running subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl suture. Dermabond was applied followed by Adaptic and Kerlix in the suturing spaces supportive mildly compressive dressing. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was returned to recovery room in satisfactory condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is in complaining of headaches and dizzy spells, as well as a new little rash on the medial right calf. She describes her dizziness as both vertigo and lightheadedness. She does not have a headache at present but has some intermittent headaches, neck pains, and generalized myalgias. She has noticed a few more bruises on her legs. No fever or chills with slight cough. She has had more chest pains but not at present. She does have a little bit of nausea but no vomiting or diarrhea. She complains of some left shoulder tenderness and discomfort. She reports her blood sugar today after lunch was 155.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, She is currently on her nystatin ointment to her lips q.i.d. p.r.n. She is still using a triamcinolone 0.1% cream t.i.d. to her left wrist rash and her Bactroban ointment t.i.d. p.r.n. to her bug bites on her legs. Her other meds remain as per the dictation of 07/30/2004 with the exception of her Klonopin dose being 4 mg in a.m. and 6 mg at h.s. instead of what the psychiatrist had recommended which should be 6 mg and 8 mg.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa, erythromycin, Macrodantin, and tramadol.,OBJECTIVE:,General: She is a well-developed, well-nourished, obese female in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Her age is 55. Temperature: 98.2. Blood pressure: 110/70. Pulse: 72. Weight: 174 pounds.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic. Throat: Clear. TMs clear.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender without hepatosplenomegaly or mass.,Extremities: Trace of ankle edema but no calf tenderness x 2 in lower extremities is noted. Her shoulders have full range of motion. She has minimal tenderness to the left shoulder anteriorly.,Skin: There is bit of an erythematous rash to the left wrist which seems to be clearing with triamcinolone and her rash around her lips seems to be clearing nicely with her nystatin.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Headaches.,2. Dizziness.,3. Atypical chest pains.,4. Chronic renal failure.,5. Type II diabetes.,6. Myalgias.,7. Severe anxiety (affect is still quite anxious.),PLAN:, I strongly encouraged her to increase her Klonopin to what the psychiatrist recommended, which should be 6 mg in the a.m. and 8 mg in the p.m. I sent her to lab for CPK due to her myalgias and pro-time for monitoring her Coumadin. Recheck in one week. I think her dizziness is multifactorial and due to enlarged part of her anxiety. I do note that she does have a few new bruises on her extremities, which is likely due to her Coumadin.
The patient is in complaining of headaches and dizzy spells.
General Medicine
Gen Med Progress Note - 4
general medicine, headaches and dizzy spells, chest pains, shoulder, progress, headaches,
her, she, mg, to, and
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is in complaining of headaches and dizzy spells, as well as a new little rash on the medial right calf. She describes her dizziness as both vertigo and lightheadedness. She does not have a headache at present but has some intermittent headaches, neck pains, and generalized myalgias. She has noticed a few more bruises on her legs. No fever or chills with slight cough. She has had more chest pains but not at present. She does have a little bit of nausea but no vomiting or diarrhea. She complains of some left shoulder tenderness and discomfort. She reports her blood sugar today after lunch was 155.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, She is currently on her nystatin ointment to her lips q.i.d. p.r.n. She is still using a triamcinolone 0.1% cream t.i.d. to her left wrist rash and her Bactroban ointment t.i.d. p.r.n. to her bug bites on her legs. Her other meds remain as per the dictation of 07/30/2004 with the exception of her Klonopin dose being 4 mg in a.m. and 6 mg at h.s. instead of what the psychiatrist had recommended which should be 6 mg and 8 mg.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa, erythromycin, Macrodantin, and tramadol.,OBJECTIVE:,General: She is a well-developed, well-nourished, obese female in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Her age is 55. Temperature: 98.2. Blood pressure: 110/70. Pulse: 72. Weight: 174 pounds.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic. Throat: Clear. TMs clear.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender without hepatosplenomegaly or mass.,Extremities: Trace of ankle edema but no calf tenderness x 2 in lower extremities is noted. Her shoulders have full range of motion. She has minimal tenderness to the left shoulder anteriorly.,Skin: There is bit of an erythematous rash to the left wrist which seems to be clearing with triamcinolone and her rash around her lips seems to be clearing nicely with her nystatin.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Headaches.,2. Dizziness.,3. Atypical chest pains.,4. Chronic renal failure.,5. Type II diabetes.,6. Myalgias.,7. Severe anxiety (affect is still quite anxious.),PLAN:, I strongly encouraged her to increase her Klonopin to what the psychiatrist recommended, which should be 6 mg in the a.m. and 8 mg in the p.m. I sent her to lab for CPK due to her myalgias and pro-time for monitoring her Coumadin. Recheck in one week. I think her dizziness is multifactorial and due to enlarged part of her anxiety. I do note that she does have a few new bruises on her extremities, which is likely due to her Coumadin. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.56 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] The patient is in complaining of headaches and dizzy spells. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history who has now been diagnosed with a new non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. We are consulted at this time to discuss further treatment options.,ABCD and his wife state that his history goes back to approximately 2-2-1/2 weeks ago when he developed some left-sided flank pain. Initially, he did not think much of this and tried to go about doing work and everything else but the pain gradually worsened. Eventually this prompted him to present to the emergency room. A CT scan was done there, and he was found to have a large left adrenal mass worrisome for metastatic disease. At that point, he was transferred to XYZ Hospital for further evaluation. On admission on 12/19/08, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was done for full staging purposes. The CT scan of the chest showed an abnormal soft tissue mass in the right paratracheal region, extending into the precarinal region, the subcarinal region, and the right hilum. This was causing some compression on the inferior aspect of the SVC and also some narrowing of the right upper lobe pulmonary artery. There was an abnormal lymph node noted in the AP window and left hilar region. There was another spiculated mass within the right upper lobe measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm. There was also an 8 mm non-calcified nodule noted in the posterior-inferior aspect of the left upper lobe suspicious for metastatic disease. There were areas of atelectasis particularly in the right base. There was also some mild ground glass opacity within the right upper lobe adjacent to the right hilum potentially representing focal area of pulmonary edema versus small infarction related to the right upper lobe pulmonary artery narrowing. There was a small lucency adjacent to the medial aspect of the left upper lobe compatible with a small pneumothorax. In the abdomen, there was a mass involved in the left adrenal gland as well as a nodule involving the right adrenal gland both of which appeared necrotic compatible with metastatic tumor. All other structures appeared normal. On 12/22/08, a CT-guided biopsy of the left adrenal mass was performed. Pathology from this returned showing metastatic poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma. At this point, we have been consulted to discuss further treatment options.,On further review, ABCD states that he has may be had a 20 pound weight loss over the last couple of months which he relates to anorexia or decreased appetite. He has not ever had a chronic smoker's cough and still does not have a cough. He has no sputum production or hemoptysis. He and his wife are very anxious about this diagnosis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He denies any history of heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, hepatitis major infection, seizure disorders or other problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , He denies having any surgeries.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, At home he takes no medication except occasional aspirin or ibuprofen, recently for his flank pain. He does take a multivitamin on occasion.,SOCIAL HISTORY: He has about a 30-pack-a-year history of smoking. He used to drink alcohol heavily and has a history of getting a DUI about a year-and-half ago resulting in him having his truck-driving license revoked. Since that time he has worked with printing press. He is married and has two children, both of whom are grown in their 20s, but are now living at home.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother died for alcohol-related complications. He otherwise denies any history of cancers, bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, or other problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL: He has lost about 20 pounds of weight as described above. He also has a trouble with fatigue. No lightheadedness or dizziness. HEENT: He denies any new or changing headache, change in vision, double vision, or loss of vision, ringing in his ears, loss of hearing in one year. He does not take care of his teeth very well but currently he has no mouth, jaw, or teeth pain. RESPIRATORY: He has had some little bit of dyspnea on exertion but otherwise denies shortness of breath at rest. No cough, congestion, wheezing, hemoptysis, and sputum production. CVS: He denies any chest pains, palpitations, PND, orthopnea, or swelling of his lower extremities. GI: He denies any odynophagia, dysphagia, heartburn on a regular basis, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, diarrhea, blood in his stool, or black tarry stools. He has been somewhat constipated recently. GU: He denies any burning with urination, kidney stones, blood in his urine, dysuria, difficulty getting his urine out or other problems. MUSCULOSKELETAL: He denies any new bony aches or pains including back pain, hip pain, and rib pain. No muscle aches, no joint swelling, and no history of gout. SKIN: No rashes, no bruising, petechia, non-healing wounds, or ulcerations. He has had no nail or hair changes. HEM: He denies any bloody nose, bleeding gums, easy bruising, easy bleeding, swollen lymphs or bumps. ENDOCRINE: He denies any tremor, shakiness, history of diabetes, thyroid problems, new or enlarging stretch marks, exophthalmos, insomnia, or tremors. NEURO: He denies any mental status changes, anxiety, confusion, depression, hallucinations, loss of feeling in her arm or leg, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, loss of balance, syncope, seizures, or loss of coordination.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: His T-max is 98.8. His pulse is 85, respirations 18, and blood pressure 126/80 saturating over 90% on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress, pleasant gentleman who appears stated age.,HEENT: NC/AT. Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctiva clear. Oropharynx is clear without erythema, exudate, or discharge.,NECK: Supple. Nontender. No elevated JVP. No carotid bruits. No thyromegaly. No thyroid nodules. Carotids are 2+ and symmetric.,BACK: Spine is straight. No spinal tenderness. No CVA tenderness. No presacral edema.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. Normal symmetric chest wall expansion with inspiration.,CVS: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. No hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound. No masses. Normoactive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. No joint swelling. Full range of motion.,SKIN: No rashes, wounds, ulcerations, bruises, or petechia.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. He has intact sensation to light touch throughout. He has 2+ deep tendon reflexes bilaterally in the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar and ankle reflexes. He is alert and oriented x3.,LABORATORY DATA: , His white blood cell count is 9.4, hemoglobin 13.0, hematocrit 38%, and platelets 365,000. The differential shows 73% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 7.6% monocytes, 1.9% eosinophils, and 0.7% basophils. Chemistry shows sodium 138, potassium 3.8, chloride 104, CO2 of 31, BUN 9, creatinine 1.0, glucose 104, calcium 12.3, alkaline phosphatase 104, AST 16, ALT 12, total protein 7.6, albumin 3.5, total bilirubin 0.5, ionized calcium 1.7. His INR is 1.0 with the PT of 11.4 and a PTT of 31.3.,IMAGINING DATA:, MRI of the brain on 12/23/08 - this shows some mild white matter disease, question of minimal pontine ischemic gliosis as well as a small incidental venous angioma in the left posterior frontal deep white matter. There is no evidence of cerebral metastasis, hemorrhage, or acute infarction.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history, who now presents with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable. His wife particularly had a very hard time with this prognosis. They preferred not to know the exact average as to how long someone lives with this disease. I did offer chemotherapy as a way to treat this disease. Chemotherapy has been associated both with palliation of symptoms as well as prolong survival. At this point, he has an excellent functional status and I think he would tolerate chemotherapy quite well.,In terms of chemotherapy, I talked briefly about the side affects including but not limited to GI upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mucositis, fatigue, loss of appetite, low blood counts including the possible need for transfusion as well as the risk of infections, which in some rare cases can be fatal. I would likely use carboplatin and gemcitabine. This would be both medications given on day 1 with a dose of gemcitabine on day 8. This cycle will be repeated after 1-week break so that the cycle lasts 21 days. The goal will be to complete 6 cycles of this as long as he is responding and tolerating the medication.,In terms of staging Mr. ABCD'S had all the appropriate staging. A PET-CT scan could be done, but at this point would not provide much mean full information beyond the CT scans that we have.,At this point, his biggest issue is pain and he is getting a pain consult to help control his pain. He will be ready to be discharged from the hospital once his pain is under better control. As this is the holiday weekend, I do not have a way of scheduling a followup appointment with them, but I did give he and his wife my card and instructed them to call on Monday. At that point, we will get him in and I will also begin working on making arrangements for his chemotherapy.,Thank you very much for this interesting consult.
New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable.
Hematology - Oncology
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Consult
he, his, of, or, the
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Assess the complexity of this medical transcription on a scale of 0 to 1 [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history who has now been diagnosed with a new non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. We are consulted at this time to discuss further treatment options.,ABCD and his wife state that his history goes back to approximately 2-2-1/2 weeks ago when he developed some left-sided flank pain. Initially, he did not think much of this and tried to go about doing work and everything else but the pain gradually worsened. Eventually this prompted him to present to the emergency room. A CT scan was done there, and he was found to have a large left adrenal mass worrisome for metastatic disease. At that point, he was transferred to XYZ Hospital for further evaluation. On admission on 12/19/08, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was done for full staging purposes. The CT scan of the chest showed an abnormal soft tissue mass in the right paratracheal region, extending into the precarinal region, the subcarinal region, and the right hilum. This was causing some compression on the inferior aspect of the SVC and also some narrowing of the right upper lobe pulmonary artery. There was an abnormal lymph node noted in the AP window and left hilar region. There was another spiculated mass within the right upper lobe measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm. There was also an 8 mm non-calcified nodule noted in the posterior-inferior aspect of the left upper lobe suspicious for metastatic disease. There were areas of atelectasis particularly in the right base. There was also some mild ground glass opacity within the right upper lobe adjacent to the right hilum potentially representing focal area of pulmonary edema versus small infarction related to the right upper lobe pulmonary artery narrowing. There was a small lucency adjacent to the medial aspect of the left upper lobe compatible with a small pneumothorax. In the abdomen, there was a mass involved in the left adrenal gland as well as a nodule involving the right adrenal gland both of which appeared necrotic compatible with metastatic tumor. All other structures appeared normal. On 12/22/08, a CT-guided biopsy of the left adrenal mass was performed. Pathology from this returned showing metastatic poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma. At this point, we have been consulted to discuss further treatment options.,On further review, ABCD states that he has may be had a 20 pound weight loss over the last couple of months which he relates to anorexia or decreased appetite. He has not ever had a chronic smoker's cough and still does not have a cough. He has no sputum production or hemoptysis. He and his wife are very anxious about this diagnosis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He denies any history of heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, hepatitis major infection, seizure disorders or other problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , He denies having any surgeries.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, At home he takes no medication except occasional aspirin or ibuprofen, recently for his flank pain. He does take a multivitamin on occasion.,SOCIAL HISTORY: He has about a 30-pack-a-year history of smoking. He used to drink alcohol heavily and has a history of getting a DUI about a year-and-half ago resulting in him having his truck-driving license revoked. Since that time he has worked with printing press. He is married and has two children, both of whom are grown in their 20s, but are now living at home.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother died for alcohol-related complications. He otherwise denies any history of cancers, bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, or other problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL: He has lost about 20 pounds of weight as described above. He also has a trouble with fatigue. No lightheadedness or dizziness. HEENT: He denies any new or changing headache, change in vision, double vision, or loss of vision, ringing in his ears, loss of hearing in one year. He does not take care of his teeth very well but currently he has no mouth, jaw, or teeth pain. RESPIRATORY: He has had some little bit of dyspnea on exertion but otherwise denies shortness of breath at rest. No cough, congestion, wheezing, hemoptysis, and sputum production. CVS: He denies any chest pains, palpitations, PND, orthopnea, or swelling of his lower extremities. GI: He denies any odynophagia, dysphagia, heartburn on a regular basis, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, diarrhea, blood in his stool, or black tarry stools. He has been somewhat constipated recently. GU: He denies any burning with urination, kidney stones, blood in his urine, dysuria, difficulty getting his urine out or other problems. MUSCULOSKELETAL: He denies any new bony aches or pains including back pain, hip pain, and rib pain. No muscle aches, no joint swelling, and no history of gout. SKIN: No rashes, no bruising, petechia, non-healing wounds, or ulcerations. He has had no nail or hair changes. HEM: He denies any bloody nose, bleeding gums, easy bruising, easy bleeding, swollen lymphs or bumps. ENDOCRINE: He denies any tremor, shakiness, history of diabetes, thyroid problems, new or enlarging stretch marks, exophthalmos, insomnia, or tremors. NEURO: He denies any mental status changes, anxiety, confusion, depression, hallucinations, loss of feeling in her arm or leg, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, loss of balance, syncope, seizures, or loss of coordination.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: His T-max is 98.8. His pulse is 85, respirations 18, and blood pressure 126/80 saturating over 90% on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress, pleasant gentleman who appears stated age.,HEENT: NC/AT. Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctiva clear. Oropharynx is clear without erythema, exudate, or discharge.,NECK: Supple. Nontender. No elevated JVP. No carotid bruits. No thyromegaly. No thyroid nodules. Carotids are 2+ and symmetric.,BACK: Spine is straight. No spinal tenderness. No CVA tenderness. No presacral edema.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. Normal symmetric chest wall expansion with inspiration.,CVS: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. No hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound. No masses. Normoactive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. No joint swelling. Full range of motion.,SKIN: No rashes, wounds, ulcerations, bruises, or petechia.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. He has intact sensation to light touch throughout. He has 2+ deep tendon reflexes bilaterally in the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar and ankle reflexes. He is alert and oriented x3.,LABORATORY DATA: , His white blood cell count is 9.4, hemoglobin 13.0, hematocrit 38%, and platelets 365,000. The differential shows 73% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 7.6% monocytes, 1.9% eosinophils, and 0.7% basophils. Chemistry shows sodium 138, potassium 3.8, chloride 104, CO2 of 31, BUN 9, creatinine 1.0, glucose 104, calcium 12.3, alkaline phosphatase 104, AST 16, ALT 12, total protein 7.6, albumin 3.5, total bilirubin 0.5, ionized calcium 1.7. His INR is 1.0 with the PT of 11.4 and a PTT of 31.3.,IMAGINING DATA:, MRI of the brain on 12/23/08 - this shows some mild white matter disease, question of minimal pontine ischemic gliosis as well as a small incidental venous angioma in the left posterior frontal deep white matter. There is no evidence of cerebral metastasis, hemorrhage, or acute infarction.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history, who now presents with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable. His wife particularly had a very hard time with this prognosis. They preferred not to know the exact average as to how long someone lives with this disease. I did offer chemotherapy as a way to treat this disease. Chemotherapy has been associated both with palliation of symptoms as well as prolong survival. At this point, he has an excellent functional status and I think he would tolerate chemotherapy quite well.,In terms of chemotherapy, I talked briefly about the side affects including but not limited to GI upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mucositis, fatigue, loss of appetite, low blood counts including the possible need for transfusion as well as the risk of infections, which in some rare cases can be fatal. I would likely use carboplatin and gemcitabine. This would be both medications given on day 1 with a dose of gemcitabine on day 8. This cycle will be repeated after 1-week break so that the cycle lasts 21 days. The goal will be to complete 6 cycles of this as long as he is responding and tolerating the medication.,In terms of staging Mr. ABCD'S had all the appropriate staging. A PET-CT scan could be done, but at this point would not provide much mean full information beyond the CT scans that we have.,At this point, his biggest issue is pain and he is getting a pain consult to help control his pain. He will be ready to be discharged from the hospital once his pain is under better control. As this is the holiday weekend, I do not have a way of scheduling a followup appointment with them, but I did give he and his wife my card and instructed them to call on Monday. At that point, we will get him in and I will also begin working on making arrangements for his chemotherapy.,Thank you very much for this interesting consult. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] 0.51 [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average
Shorter than average
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 56-year-old female who comes in for a dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. The patient states that her husband has been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol as well. She wants some support with some dietary recommendations to assist both of them in healthier eating. The two of them live alone now, and she is used to cooking for large portions. She is having a hard time adjusting to preparing food for the two of them. She would like to do less food preparation, in fact. She is starting a new job this week.,OBJECTIVE:, Her reported height is 5 feet 4 inches. Today’s weight was 170 pounds. BMI is approximately 29. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on a 1200 calorie meal plan emphasizing low-saturated fat sources with moderate amounts of sodium as well. Information on fast food eating was supplied, and additional information on low-fat eating was also supplied.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient’s basal energy expenditure is estimated at 1361 calories a day. Her total calorie requirement for weight maintenance is estimated at 1759 calories a day. Her diet history reflects that she is making some very healthy food choices on a regular basis. She does emphasize a lot of fruits and vegetables, trying to get a fruit or a vegetable or both at most meals. She also is emphasizing lower fat selections. Her physical activity level is moderate at this time. She is currently walking for 20 minutes four or five days out of the week but at a very moderate pace with a friend. We reviewed the efforts at weight reduction identifying 3500 calories in a pound of body fat and the need to gradually and slowly chip away at this number on a long-term basis for weight reduction. We discussed the need to reduce calories from what her current patterns are and to hopefully increase physical activity slightly as well. We discussed menu selection, as well as food preparation techniques. The patient appears to have been influenced by the current low-carb, high-protein craze and had really limited her food selections based on that. I was able to give her some more room for variety including some moderate portions of potatoes, pasta and even on occasion breading her meat as long as she prepares it in a low-fat fashion which was discussed.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient increase the intensity and the duration of her physical activity with a goal of 30 minutes five days a week working at a brisk walk. Recommend the patient reduce calories by 500 daily to support a weight loss of one pound a week. This translates into a 1200-calorie meal plan. I encouraged the patient to keep food records in order to better track calories consumed. I recommended low fat selections and especially those that are lower in saturated fats. Emphasis would be placed on moderating portions of meat and having more moderate snacks between meals as well. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise.
Dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
soap / chart / progress notes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, weight reduction, dietary recommendations, healthier eating, meal plan, dietary consultation, low fat, physical activity, weight, gastroesophageal, dietary, calories, food
her, she, the, is, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Determine if this transcription is longer or shorter than average [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 56-year-old female who comes in for a dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. The patient states that her husband has been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol as well. She wants some support with some dietary recommendations to assist both of them in healthier eating. The two of them live alone now, and she is used to cooking for large portions. She is having a hard time adjusting to preparing food for the two of them. She would like to do less food preparation, in fact. She is starting a new job this week.,OBJECTIVE:, Her reported height is 5 feet 4 inches. Today’s weight was 170 pounds. BMI is approximately 29. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on a 1200 calorie meal plan emphasizing low-saturated fat sources with moderate amounts of sodium as well. Information on fast food eating was supplied, and additional information on low-fat eating was also supplied.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient’s basal energy expenditure is estimated at 1361 calories a day. Her total calorie requirement for weight maintenance is estimated at 1759 calories a day. Her diet history reflects that she is making some very healthy food choices on a regular basis. She does emphasize a lot of fruits and vegetables, trying to get a fruit or a vegetable or both at most meals. She also is emphasizing lower fat selections. Her physical activity level is moderate at this time. She is currently walking for 20 minutes four or five days out of the week but at a very moderate pace with a friend. We reviewed the efforts at weight reduction identifying 3500 calories in a pound of body fat and the need to gradually and slowly chip away at this number on a long-term basis for weight reduction. We discussed the need to reduce calories from what her current patterns are and to hopefully increase physical activity slightly as well. We discussed menu selection, as well as food preparation techniques. The patient appears to have been influenced by the current low-carb, high-protein craze and had really limited her food selections based on that. I was able to give her some more room for variety including some moderate portions of potatoes, pasta and even on occasion breading her meat as long as she prepares it in a low-fat fashion which was discussed.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient increase the intensity and the duration of her physical activity with a goal of 30 minutes five days a week working at a brisk walk. Recommend the patient reduce calories by 500 daily to support a weight loss of one pound a week. This translates into a 1200-calorie meal plan. I encouraged the patient to keep food records in order to better track calories consumed. I recommended low fat selections and especially those that are lower in saturated fats. Emphasis would be placed on moderating portions of meat and having more moderate snacks between meals as well. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Shorter than average [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, right, and, to
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right mesothelioma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,FINDINGS: , Right lower lobe lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,PROCEDURES:,1. Right thoracotomy.,2. Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,SPECIMENS: , Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,BLOOD LOSS: , 600 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid 2.7 L and 1 unit packed red blood cells.,ANESTHESIA: , Double-lumen endotracheal tube.,CONDITION:, Stable, extubated, to PACU.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, Briefly, this is a gentleman who was diagnosed with a B-cell lymphoma and then subsequently on workup noted to have a right-sided mass seeming to arise from the right diaphragm. He was presented at Tumor Board where it was thought upon review that day that he had a right nodular malignant mesothelioma. Thus, he was offered a right thoracotomy and excision of mass with possible reconstruction of the diaphragm. He was explained the risks, benefits, and alternatives to this procedure. He wished to proceed, so he was brought to the operating room.,An epidural catheter was placed. He was put in a supine position where SCDs and Foley catheter were placed. He was put under general endotracheal anesthesia with a double-lumen endotracheal tube. He was given preoperative antibiotics, then he was placed in the left decubitus position, and the area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion.,A low thoracotomy in the 7th interspace was made using the skin knife and then Bovie cautery onto the middle of the rib and then with the Alexander instrument, the chest was entered. Upon entering the chest, the chest wall retractor was inserted and the cavity inspected. It appeared that the mass actually arose more from the right lower lobe and was involving the diaphragm. He also had some marked lymphadenopathy. With these findings, which were thought at that time to be more consistent with a bronchogenic carcinoma, we proceeded with the intent to perform a right lower lobectomy and en bloc diaphragmatic resection. Thus, we mobilized the inferior pulmonary ligament and made our way around the hilum anteriorly and posteriorly. We also worked to open the fissure and tried to identify the arteries going to the superior portion of the right lower lobe and basilar arteries as well as the artery going to the right middle lobe. The posterior portion of the fissure ultimately divided with the single firing of a GIA stapler with a blue load and with the final portion being divided between 2-0 ties. Once we had clearly delineated the arterial anatomy, we were able to pass a right angle around the artery going to the superior segment. This was ligated in continuity with an additional stick tie in the proximal portion of 3-0 silk. This was divided thus revealing a branched artery going to the basilar portion of the right lower lobe. This was also ligated in continuity and actually doubly ligated. Care was taken to preserve the artery to the right and middle lobe.,We then turned our attention once again to the hilum to dissect out the inferior pulmonary vein. The superior pulmonary vein was visualized as well. The right angle was passed around the inferior pulmonary vein, and this was ligated in continuity with 2-0 silk and a 3-0 stick tie. Upon division of this portion, the specimen site had some bleeding, which was eventually controlled using several 3-0 silk sutures. The bronchial anatomy was defined. Next, we identified the bronchus going to the right lower lobe as well as the right middle lobe. A TA-30 4.8 stapler was then closed. The lung insufflated. The right middle lobe and right upper lobe were noted to inflate well. The stapler was fired, and the bronchus was cut with a 10-blade.,We then turned our attention to the diaphragm. There was a small portion of the diaphragm of approximately 4 to 5 cm has involved with tumor, and we bovied around this with at least 1 cm margin. Upon going through the diaphragm, it became clear that the tumor was also involving the dome of the liver, so after going around the diaphragm in its entirety, we proceeded to wedge out the portion of liver that was involved. It seemed that it would be a mucoid shallow portion. The Bovie was set to high cautery. The capsule was entered, and then using Bovie cautery, we wedged out the remaining portion of the tumor with a margin of normal liver. It did leave quite a shallow defect in the liver. Hemostasis was achieved with Bovie cautery and gentle pressure. The specimen was then taken off the table and sent to Pathology for permanent. The area was inspected for hemostasis. A 10-flat JP was placed in the abdomen at the portion of the wedge resection, and 0 Prolene was used to close the diaphragmatic defect, which was under very little tension. A single 32 straight chest tube was also placed. The lung was seen to expand. We also noted that the incomplete fissure between the middle and upper lobes would prevent torsion of the right middle lobe. Hemostasis was observed at the end of the case. The chest tube was irrigated with sterile water, and there was no air leak observed from the bronchial stump. The chest was then closed with Vicryl at the level of the intercostal muscles, staying above the ribs. The 2-0 Vicryl was used for the latissimus dorsi layer and the subcutaneous layer, and 4-0 Monocryl was used to close the skin. The patient was then brought to supine position, extubated, and brought to the recovery room in stable condition.,Dr. X was present for the entirety of the procedure, which was a right thoracotomy, right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and a portion of liver.
Right nodular malignant mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma - Thoracotomy & Lobectomy
surgery, double lumen endotracheal, en bloc resection, malignant mesothelioma, lung mass, endotracheal tube, chest tube, bovie cautery, en bloc, diaphragm, lobectomy, mesothelioma, thoracotomy,
the, was, right, and, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right mesothelioma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,FINDINGS: , Right lower lobe lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,PROCEDURES:,1. Right thoracotomy.,2. Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,SPECIMENS: , Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,BLOOD LOSS: , 600 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid 2.7 L and 1 unit packed red blood cells.,ANESTHESIA: , Double-lumen endotracheal tube.,CONDITION:, Stable, extubated, to PACU.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, Briefly, this is a gentleman who was diagnosed with a B-cell lymphoma and then subsequently on workup noted to have a right-sided mass seeming to arise from the right diaphragm. He was presented at Tumor Board where it was thought upon review that day that he had a right nodular malignant mesothelioma. Thus, he was offered a right thoracotomy and excision of mass with possible reconstruction of the diaphragm. He was explained the risks, benefits, and alternatives to this procedure. He wished to proceed, so he was brought to the operating room.,An epidural catheter was placed. He was put in a supine position where SCDs and Foley catheter were placed. He was put under general endotracheal anesthesia with a double-lumen endotracheal tube. He was given preoperative antibiotics, then he was placed in the left decubitus position, and the area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion.,A low thoracotomy in the 7th interspace was made using the skin knife and then Bovie cautery onto the middle of the rib and then with the Alexander instrument, the chest was entered. Upon entering the chest, the chest wall retractor was inserted and the cavity inspected. It appeared that the mass actually arose more from the right lower lobe and was involving the diaphragm. He also had some marked lymphadenopathy. With these findings, which were thought at that time to be more consistent with a bronchogenic carcinoma, we proceeded with the intent to perform a right lower lobectomy and en bloc diaphragmatic resection. Thus, we mobilized the inferior pulmonary ligament and made our way around the hilum anteriorly and posteriorly. We also worked to open the fissure and tried to identify the arteries going to the superior portion of the right lower lobe and basilar arteries as well as the artery going to the right middle lobe. The posterior portion of the fissure ultimately divided with the single firing of a GIA stapler with a blue load and with the final portion being divided between 2-0 ties. Once we had clearly delineated the arterial anatomy, we were able to pass a right angle around the artery going to the superior segment. This was ligated in continuity with an additional stick tie in the proximal portion of 3-0 silk. This was divided thus revealing a branched artery going to the basilar portion of the right lower lobe. This was also ligated in continuity and actually doubly ligated. Care was taken to preserve the artery to the right and middle lobe.,We then turned our attention once again to the hilum to dissect out the inferior pulmonary vein. The superior pulmonary vein was visualized as well. The right angle was passed around the inferior pulmonary vein, and this was ligated in continuity with 2-0 silk and a 3-0 stick tie. Upon division of this portion, the specimen site had some bleeding, which was eventually controlled using several 3-0 silk sutures. The bronchial anatomy was defined. Next, we identified the bronchus going to the right lower lobe as well as the right middle lobe. A TA-30 4.8 stapler was then closed. The lung insufflated. The right middle lobe and right upper lobe were noted to inflate well. The stapler was fired, and the bronchus was cut with a 10-blade.,We then turned our attention to the diaphragm. There was a small portion of the diaphragm of approximately 4 to 5 cm has involved with tumor, and we bovied around this with at least 1 cm margin. Upon going through the diaphragm, it became clear that the tumor was also involving the dome of the liver, so after going around the diaphragm in its entirety, we proceeded to wedge out the portion of liver that was involved. It seemed that it would be a mucoid shallow portion. The Bovie was set to high cautery. The capsule was entered, and then using Bovie cautery, we wedged out the remaining portion of the tumor with a margin of normal liver. It did leave quite a shallow defect in the liver. Hemostasis was achieved with Bovie cautery and gentle pressure. The specimen was then taken off the table and sent to Pathology for permanent. The area was inspected for hemostasis. A 10-flat JP was placed in the abdomen at the portion of the wedge resection, and 0 Prolene was used to close the diaphragmatic defect, which was under very little tension. A single 32 straight chest tube was also placed. The lung was seen to expand. We also noted that the incomplete fissure between the middle and upper lobes would prevent torsion of the right middle lobe. Hemostasis was observed at the end of the case. The chest tube was irrigated with sterile water, and there was no air leak observed from the bronchial stump. The chest was then closed with Vicryl at the level of the intercostal muscles, staying above the ribs. The 2-0 Vicryl was used for the latissimus dorsi layer and the subcutaneous layer, and 4-0 Monocryl was used to close the skin. The patient was then brought to supine position, extubated, and brought to the recovery room in stable condition.,Dr. X was present for the entirety of the procedure, which was a right thoracotomy, right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and a portion of liver. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, right, and, to [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right nodular malignant mesothelioma. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, was, and, using, removed
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute cholecystitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram.,FINDINGS: ,The patient had essentially a dead gallbladder with stones and positive wide bile/pus coming from the gallbladder.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,EBL: , Scant.,SPECIMEN REMOVED: , Gallbladder with stones.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion under general anesthesia. A curvilinear incision was made below the umbilicus. Through this incision, the camera port was able to be placed into the peritoneal cavity under direct visualization. Once this complete, insufflation was begun. Once insufflation was adequate, additional ports were placed in the epigastrium as well as right upper quadrant. Once all four ports were placed, the right upper quadrant was then explored. The patient had significant adhesions of omentum and colon to the liver, the gallbladder constituting definitely an acute cholecystitis. This was taken down using Bovie cautery to free up visualization of the gallbladder. The gallbladder was very thick and edematous and had frank necrosis of most of the anterior gallbladder wall. Adhesions were further taken down between the omentum, the colon, and the gallbladder slowly starting superiorly and working inferiorly towards the cystic duct area. Once the adhesions were fully removed, the cholangiogram was done which did not show any evidence of any common bile duct dilatation or obstruction. At this point, due to the patient's gallbladder being very necrotic, it was deemed that the patient should have a drain placed. The cystic duct and cystic artery were serially clipped and transected. The gallbladder was removed from the gallbladder fossa removing the entire gallbladder. Adequate hemostasis with Bovie cautery was achieved. The gallbladder was then placed into a bag and removed from the peritoneal cavity through the camera port. A JP drain was then run through the anterior port and out of one of the trochar sites and secured to the skin using 3-0 nylon suture. Next, the right upper quadrant was copiously irrigated out using the suction irrigator. Once this was complete, the additional ports were able to be removed. The fascial opening at the umbilicus was reinforced by closing it using a 0 Vicryl suture in a figure-of-8 fashion. All skin incisions were injected using Marcaine 1/4 percent plain. The skin was reapproximated further using 4-0 Monocryl sutures in a subcuticular technique. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was able to be transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram. Acute gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis. The patient had essentially a dead gallbladder with stones and positive wide bile/pus coming from the gallbladder.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy & Cholangiogram
surgery, acute cholecystitis, cholangiogram, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, gallbladder, gangrenous cholecystitis, bovie cautery, cystic duct, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic, cholecystectomy, cystic, duct,
the, was, and, using, removed
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute cholecystitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram.,FINDINGS: ,The patient had essentially a dead gallbladder with stones and positive wide bile/pus coming from the gallbladder.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,EBL: , Scant.,SPECIMEN REMOVED: , Gallbladder with stones.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion under general anesthesia. A curvilinear incision was made below the umbilicus. Through this incision, the camera port was able to be placed into the peritoneal cavity under direct visualization. Once this complete, insufflation was begun. Once insufflation was adequate, additional ports were placed in the epigastrium as well as right upper quadrant. Once all four ports were placed, the right upper quadrant was then explored. The patient had significant adhesions of omentum and colon to the liver, the gallbladder constituting definitely an acute cholecystitis. This was taken down using Bovie cautery to free up visualization of the gallbladder. The gallbladder was very thick and edematous and had frank necrosis of most of the anterior gallbladder wall. Adhesions were further taken down between the omentum, the colon, and the gallbladder slowly starting superiorly and working inferiorly towards the cystic duct area. Once the adhesions were fully removed, the cholangiogram was done which did not show any evidence of any common bile duct dilatation or obstruction. At this point, due to the patient's gallbladder being very necrotic, it was deemed that the patient should have a drain placed. The cystic duct and cystic artery were serially clipped and transected. The gallbladder was removed from the gallbladder fossa removing the entire gallbladder. Adequate hemostasis with Bovie cautery was achieved. The gallbladder was then placed into a bag and removed from the peritoneal cavity through the camera port. A JP drain was then run through the anterior port and out of one of the trochar sites and secured to the skin using 3-0 nylon suture. Next, the right upper quadrant was copiously irrigated out using the suction irrigator. Once this was complete, the additional ports were able to be removed. The fascial opening at the umbilicus was reinforced by closing it using a 0 Vicryl suture in a figure-of-8 fashion. All skin incisions were injected using Marcaine 1/4 percent plain. The skin was reapproximated further using 4-0 Monocryl sutures in a subcuticular technique. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was able to be transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, was, and, using, removed [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram. Acute gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis. The patient had essentially a dead gallbladder with stones and positive wide bile/pus coming from the gallbladder. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Extract key medical terms from this text
the, and, we, at, of
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation.,PROCEDURE: , Lumbar re-exploration for removal of fractured internal fixation plate from T11 through L2 followed by a repositioning of the L2 pedicle screws and evaluation of the fusion from T11 through L2 followed by a bilateral hemilaminectomy and diskectomy for decompression at L4-5 and L5-S1 with posterior lumbar interbody fusion using morselized autograft bone and the synthetic spacers from the Capstone system at L4-5 and L5-S1 followed by placement of the pedicle screw fixation devices at L3, L4, L5, and S1 and insertion of a 20 cm fixation plate that range from the T11 through S1 levels and then subsequent onlay fusion using morselized autograft bone and bone morphogenetic soaked sponge at L1-2 and then at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 bilaterally.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,This is a 68-year-old lady who presents with a history of osteomyelitis associated with the percutaneous vertebroplasty that was actually treated several months ago with removal of the infected vertebral augmentation and placement of a posterior pedicle screw plate fixation device from T11 through L2. She subsequently actually done reasonably well until about a month ago when she developed progressive severe intractable pain. Imaging study showed that the distal hardware at the plate itself had fractured consistent with incomplete fusion across her osteomyelitis area. There was no evidence of infection on the imaging or with her laboratory studies. In addition, she developed a pretty profound stenosis at L4-L5 and L5-S1 that appeared to be recurrent as well. She now presents for revision of her hardware, extension of fusion, and decompression.,The patient was brought to the operating room, placed under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia. She was placed on the operative table in the prone position. Back was prepared with Betadine, iodine, and alcohol. We elliptically excised her old incision and extended this caudally so that we had access from the existing hardware fixation all the way down to her sacrum. The locking nuts were removed from the screw post and both plates refractured or significantly weakened and had a crease in it. After these were removed, it was obvious that the bottom screws were somewhat loosened in the pedicle zone so we actually tightened one up and that fit good snugly into the nail when we redirected so that it actually reamed up into the upper aspect of the vertebral body in much more secure purchase. We then dressed the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels which were profoundly stenotic. This was a combination of scar and overgrown bone. She had previously undergone bilateral hemilaminectomies at L4-5 so we removed scar bone and actually cleaned and significantly decompressed the dura at both of these levels. After completing this, we inserted the Capstone interbody spacer filled with morselized autograft bone and some BMP sponge into the disk space at both levels. We used 10 x 32 mm spacers at both L4-L5 and L5-S1. This corrected the deformity and helped to preserve the correction of the stenosis and then after we cannulated the pedicles of L4, L5 and S1 tightened the pedicle screws in L3. This allowed us to actually seat a 20 cm plate contoured to the lumbar lordosis onto the pedicle screws all the way from S1 up to the T11 level. Once we placed the plate onto the screws and locked them in position, we then packed the remaining BMP sponge and morselized autograft bone through the plate around the incomplete fracture healing at the L1 level and then dorsolaterally at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and L3-L4, again the goal being to create a dorsal fusion and enhance the interbody fusion as well. The wound was then irrigated copiously with bacitracin solution and then we closed in layers using #1 Vicryl in muscle and fascia, 3-0 in subcutaneous tissue and approximated staples in the skin. Prior to closing the skin, we confirmed correct sponge and needle count. We placed a drain in the extrafascial space and then confirmed that there were no other foreign bodies. The Cell Saver blood was recycled and she was given two units of packed red blood cells as well. I was present for and performed the entire procedure myself or supervised.
Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation.
Lumbar Re-exploration
neurosurgery, degenerative spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis, stenosis, lumbar re-exploration, internal fixation plate, hemilaminectomy, diskectomy, synthetic spacers, pedicle screws, fusion, lumbar, pedicle, fixation, hardware,
the, and, we, at, of
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Extract key medical terms from this text [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation.,PROCEDURE: , Lumbar re-exploration for removal of fractured internal fixation plate from T11 through L2 followed by a repositioning of the L2 pedicle screws and evaluation of the fusion from T11 through L2 followed by a bilateral hemilaminectomy and diskectomy for decompression at L4-5 and L5-S1 with posterior lumbar interbody fusion using morselized autograft bone and the synthetic spacers from the Capstone system at L4-5 and L5-S1 followed by placement of the pedicle screw fixation devices at L3, L4, L5, and S1 and insertion of a 20 cm fixation plate that range from the T11 through S1 levels and then subsequent onlay fusion using morselized autograft bone and bone morphogenetic soaked sponge at L1-2 and then at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 bilaterally.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,This is a 68-year-old lady who presents with a history of osteomyelitis associated with the percutaneous vertebroplasty that was actually treated several months ago with removal of the infected vertebral augmentation and placement of a posterior pedicle screw plate fixation device from T11 through L2. She subsequently actually done reasonably well until about a month ago when she developed progressive severe intractable pain. Imaging study showed that the distal hardware at the plate itself had fractured consistent with incomplete fusion across her osteomyelitis area. There was no evidence of infection on the imaging or with her laboratory studies. In addition, she developed a pretty profound stenosis at L4-L5 and L5-S1 that appeared to be recurrent as well. She now presents for revision of her hardware, extension of fusion, and decompression.,The patient was brought to the operating room, placed under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia. She was placed on the operative table in the prone position. Back was prepared with Betadine, iodine, and alcohol. We elliptically excised her old incision and extended this caudally so that we had access from the existing hardware fixation all the way down to her sacrum. The locking nuts were removed from the screw post and both plates refractured or significantly weakened and had a crease in it. After these were removed, it was obvious that the bottom screws were somewhat loosened in the pedicle zone so we actually tightened one up and that fit good snugly into the nail when we redirected so that it actually reamed up into the upper aspect of the vertebral body in much more secure purchase. We then dressed the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels which were profoundly stenotic. This was a combination of scar and overgrown bone. She had previously undergone bilateral hemilaminectomies at L4-5 so we removed scar bone and actually cleaned and significantly decompressed the dura at both of these levels. After completing this, we inserted the Capstone interbody spacer filled with morselized autograft bone and some BMP sponge into the disk space at both levels. We used 10 x 32 mm spacers at both L4-L5 and L5-S1. This corrected the deformity and helped to preserve the correction of the stenosis and then after we cannulated the pedicles of L4, L5 and S1 tightened the pedicle screws in L3. This allowed us to actually seat a 20 cm plate contoured to the lumbar lordosis onto the pedicle screws all the way from S1 up to the T11 level. Once we placed the plate onto the screws and locked them in position, we then packed the remaining BMP sponge and morselized autograft bone through the plate around the incomplete fracture healing at the L1 level and then dorsolaterally at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and L3-L4, again the goal being to create a dorsal fusion and enhance the interbody fusion as well. The wound was then irrigated copiously with bacitracin solution and then we closed in layers using #1 Vicryl in muscle and fascia, 3-0 in subcutaneous tissue and approximated staples in the skin. Prior to closing the skin, we confirmed correct sponge and needle count. We placed a drain in the extrafascial space and then confirmed that there were no other foreign bodies. The Cell Saver blood was recycled and she was given two units of packed red blood cells as well. I was present for and performed the entire procedure myself or supervised. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] the, and, we, at, of [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Summarize this medical transcription
Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral undescended testes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral undescended testes, bilateral intraabdominal testes.,PROCEDURE: , Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,110 mL of crystalloid.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Atrophic bilateral testes, right is larger than left. The left had atrophic or dysplastic vas and epididymis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: , No tubes or drains were used.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 7-1/2-month-old boy with bilateral nonpalpable testes. Plan is for exploration, possible orchiopexy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then palpated and again both testes were nonpalpable. Because of this, a laparoscopic approach was then elected. We then sterilely prepped and draped the patient, put an 8-French feeding tube in the urethra, attached to bulb grenade for drainage. We then made an infraumbilical incision with a 15-blade knife and then further extended with electrocautery and with curved mosquito clamps down to the rectus fascia where we made stay sutures of 3-0 Monocryl on the anterior and posterior sheaths and then opened up the fascia with the curved Metzenbaum scissors. Once we got into the peritoneum, we placed a 5-mm port with 0-degree short lens. Insufflation was then done with carbon dioxide up to 10 to 12 mmHg. We then evaluated. There was no bleeding noted. He had a closed ring on the left with a small testis that was evaluated and found to have short vessels as well as atrophic or dysplastic vas, which was barely visualized. The right side was also intraabdominal, but slightly larger, had better vessels, had much more recognizable vas, and it was closer to the internal ring. So, we elected to do an orchiopexy on the right side. Using the laparoscopic 3- and 5-mm dissecting scissors, we then opened up the window at the internal ring through the peritoneal tissue, then dissected it medially and laterally along the line of the vas and along the line of the vessels up towards the kidney, mid way up the abdomen, and across towards the bladder for the vas. We then used the Maryland dissector to gently tease this tissue once it was incised. The gubernaculum was then divided with electrocautery and the laparoscopic scissors. We were able to dissect with the hook dissector in addition to the scissors the peritoneal shunts with the vessels and the vas to the point where we could actually stretch and bring the testis across to the other side, left side of the ring. We then made a curvilinear incision on the upper aspect of the scrotum on the right with a 15-blade knife and extended down the subcutaneous tissue with electrocautery. We used the curved tenotomy scissors to make a subdartos pouch. Using a mosquito clamp, we were able to go in through the previous internal ring opening, grasped the testis, and then pulled it through in a proper orientation. Using the hook electrode, we were able to dissect some more of the internal ring tissue to relax the vessels and the vas, so there was no much traction. Using 2 stay sutures of 4-0 chromic, we tacked the testis to the base of scrotum into the middle portion of the testis. We then closed the upper aspect of the subdartos pouch with a 4-0 chromic and then closed the subdartos pouch and the skin with subcutaneous 4-0 chromic. We again evaluated the left side and found again that the vessels were quite short. The testis was more atrophic, and the vas was virtually nonexistent. We will go back at a later date to try to bring this down, but it will be quite difficult and has a higher risk for atrophy because of the tissue that is present. We then removed the ports, closed the fascial defects with figure-of-eight suture of 3-0 Monocryl, closed the infraumbilical incision with two Monocryl stay sutures to close the fascial sheath, and then used 4-0 Rapide to close the skin defects, and then using Dermabond tissue adhesives, we covered all incisions. At the end of the procedure, the right testis was well descended within the scrotum, and the feeding tube was removed. The patient had IV Toradol and was in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room.
Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy.
Laparoscopic Orchiopexy
surgery, laparoscopic right orchiopexy, undescended testes, orchiopexy, bilateral undescended testes, mosquito clamps, subdartos pouch, internal ring, laparoscopic,
the, we, then, and, to
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Summarize this medical transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral undescended testes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral undescended testes, bilateral intraabdominal testes.,PROCEDURE: , Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,110 mL of crystalloid.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Atrophic bilateral testes, right is larger than left. The left had atrophic or dysplastic vas and epididymis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: , No tubes or drains were used.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 7-1/2-month-old boy with bilateral nonpalpable testes. Plan is for exploration, possible orchiopexy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then palpated and again both testes were nonpalpable. Because of this, a laparoscopic approach was then elected. We then sterilely prepped and draped the patient, put an 8-French feeding tube in the urethra, attached to bulb grenade for drainage. We then made an infraumbilical incision with a 15-blade knife and then further extended with electrocautery and with curved mosquito clamps down to the rectus fascia where we made stay sutures of 3-0 Monocryl on the anterior and posterior sheaths and then opened up the fascia with the curved Metzenbaum scissors. Once we got into the peritoneum, we placed a 5-mm port with 0-degree short lens. Insufflation was then done with carbon dioxide up to 10 to 12 mmHg. We then evaluated. There was no bleeding noted. He had a closed ring on the left with a small testis that was evaluated and found to have short vessels as well as atrophic or dysplastic vas, which was barely visualized. The right side was also intraabdominal, but slightly larger, had better vessels, had much more recognizable vas, and it was closer to the internal ring. So, we elected to do an orchiopexy on the right side. Using the laparoscopic 3- and 5-mm dissecting scissors, we then opened up the window at the internal ring through the peritoneal tissue, then dissected it medially and laterally along the line of the vas and along the line of the vessels up towards the kidney, mid way up the abdomen, and across towards the bladder for the vas. We then used the Maryland dissector to gently tease this tissue once it was incised. The gubernaculum was then divided with electrocautery and the laparoscopic scissors. We were able to dissect with the hook dissector in addition to the scissors the peritoneal shunts with the vessels and the vas to the point where we could actually stretch and bring the testis across to the other side, left side of the ring. We then made a curvilinear incision on the upper aspect of the scrotum on the right with a 15-blade knife and extended down the subcutaneous tissue with electrocautery. We used the curved tenotomy scissors to make a subdartos pouch. Using a mosquito clamp, we were able to go in through the previous internal ring opening, grasped the testis, and then pulled it through in a proper orientation. Using the hook electrode, we were able to dissect some more of the internal ring tissue to relax the vessels and the vas, so there was no much traction. Using 2 stay sutures of 4-0 chromic, we tacked the testis to the base of scrotum into the middle portion of the testis. We then closed the upper aspect of the subdartos pouch with a 4-0 chromic and then closed the subdartos pouch and the skin with subcutaneous 4-0 chromic. We again evaluated the left side and found again that the vessels were quite short. The testis was more atrophic, and the vas was virtually nonexistent. We will go back at a later date to try to bring this down, but it will be quite difficult and has a higher risk for atrophy because of the tissue that is present. We then removed the ports, closed the fascial defects with figure-of-eight suture of 3-0 Monocryl, closed the infraumbilical incision with two Monocryl stay sutures to close the fascial sheath, and then used 4-0 Rapide to close the skin defects, and then using Dermabond tissue adhesives, we covered all incisions. At the end of the procedure, the right testis was well descended within the scrotum, and the feeding tube was removed. The patient had IV Toradol and was in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy. [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Examination under anesthesia and laparoscopic right orchiopexy. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>
Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription
Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions]
PROCEDURES:,1. Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor.,2. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation for resection of tumor.,3. Microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 71-year-old female with a history of left-sided weakness and headaches. She has a previous history of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, treated 2 years ago. An MRI was obtained which showed a large enhancing mass in the medial right frontal lobe consistent with a metastatic lesion or possible primary brain tumor. After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room for surgery.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift, probable metastatic lung carcinoma.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled into the operating room and satisfactory general anesthesia was obtained via endotracheal tube. She was positioned on the operating room table in the Sugita frame with the head secured.,Using the preoperative image-guided MRI, we carefully registered the fiducials and then obtained the stereotactic image-guided localization to guide us towards the tumor. We marked external landmarks. Then we shaved the head over the right medial frontal area. This area was then sterilely prepped and draped.,Evoked potential monitoring and sensory potentials were carried out throughout the case and no changes were noted.,A horseshoe shaped flap was based on the right and then brought across to the midline. This was opened and hemostasis obtained using Raney clips. The skin flap was retracted medially. Two burr holes were made and were carefully connected. One was placed right over the sinus and we carefully then removed a rectangular shaped bone flap. Hemostasis was obtained. Using the neuronavigation, we identified where the tumor was. The dura was then opened based on a horseshoe flap based on the medial sinus. We retracted this medially and carefully identified the brain. The brain surface was discolored and obviously irritated consistent with the tumor.,We used the stereotactic neuronavigation to identify the tumor margins.,Then we used a bipolar to coagulate a thin layer of brain over the tumor. Subsequently, we entered the tumor. The tumor itself was extremely hard. Specimens were taken and send for frozen section analysis, which showed probable metastatic carcinoma.,We then carefully dissected around the tumor margins.,Using the microscope, we then brought microscopic magnification and dissection into the case. We used paddies and carefully developed microdissection planes all around the margins of the tumor superiorly, medially, inferiorly, and laterally.,Then using the Cavitron, we cored out the central part of the tumor. Then we collapsed the tumor on itself and removed it entirely. In this fashion, microdissection and magnification resection of the tumor was carried out. We resected the entire tumor. Neuronavigation was used to confirm that no further tumor residual was remained.,Hemostasis was obtained using bipolar coagulation and Gelfoam. We also lined the cavity with Surgicel. The cavity was nicely dry and excellent hemostasis was obtained.,The dura was closed using multiple interrupted 4-0 Nurolon sutures in a watertight fashion. Surgicel was placed over the dural closure. The bone flap was repositioned and held in place using CranioFIX cranial fixators. The galea was re-approximated and the skin was closed with staples. The wound was dressed. The patient was returned to the intensive care unit. She was awake and moving extremities well. No apparent complications were noted. Needle and sponge counts were listed as correct at the end of the procedure. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was approximately 150 mL and none was replaced.
Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation and microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor.
Craniotomy & Neuronavigation
neurosurgery, stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation, micro-magnification, resection of brain tumor, frontal craniotomy, mass effect, brain shift, stereotactic image, brain tumor, brain, tumor, craniotomy, endotracheal, carcinoma, neuronavigation, microdissection,
the, was, we, and, then
<s>[INSTRUCTION] Suggest potential follow-up questions based on this transcription [/INSTRUCTION] [TRANSCRIPTION] PROCEDURES:,1. Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor.,2. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation for resection of tumor.,3. Microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 71-year-old female with a history of left-sided weakness and headaches. She has a previous history of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, treated 2 years ago. An MRI was obtained which showed a large enhancing mass in the medial right frontal lobe consistent with a metastatic lesion or possible primary brain tumor. After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room for surgery.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift, probable metastatic lung carcinoma.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled into the operating room and satisfactory general anesthesia was obtained via endotracheal tube. She was positioned on the operating room table in the Sugita frame with the head secured.,Using the preoperative image-guided MRI, we carefully registered the fiducials and then obtained the stereotactic image-guided localization to guide us towards the tumor. We marked external landmarks. Then we shaved the head over the right medial frontal area. This area was then sterilely prepped and draped.,Evoked potential monitoring and sensory potentials were carried out throughout the case and no changes were noted.,A horseshoe shaped flap was based on the right and then brought across to the midline. This was opened and hemostasis obtained using Raney clips. The skin flap was retracted medially. Two burr holes were made and were carefully connected. One was placed right over the sinus and we carefully then removed a rectangular shaped bone flap. Hemostasis was obtained. Using the neuronavigation, we identified where the tumor was. The dura was then opened based on a horseshoe flap based on the medial sinus. We retracted this medially and carefully identified the brain. The brain surface was discolored and obviously irritated consistent with the tumor.,We used the stereotactic neuronavigation to identify the tumor margins.,Then we used a bipolar to coagulate a thin layer of brain over the tumor. Subsequently, we entered the tumor. The tumor itself was extremely hard. Specimens were taken and send for frozen section analysis, which showed probable metastatic carcinoma.,We then carefully dissected around the tumor margins.,Using the microscope, we then brought microscopic magnification and dissection into the case. We used paddies and carefully developed microdissection planes all around the margins of the tumor superiorly, medially, inferiorly, and laterally.,Then using the Cavitron, we cored out the central part of the tumor. Then we collapsed the tumor on itself and removed it entirely. In this fashion, microdissection and magnification resection of the tumor was carried out. We resected the entire tumor. Neuronavigation was used to confirm that no further tumor residual was remained.,Hemostasis was obtained using bipolar coagulation and Gelfoam. We also lined the cavity with Surgicel. The cavity was nicely dry and excellent hemostasis was obtained.,The dura was closed using multiple interrupted 4-0 Nurolon sutures in a watertight fashion. Surgicel was placed over the dural closure. The bone flap was repositioned and held in place using CranioFIX cranial fixators. The galea was re-approximated and the skin was closed with staples. The wound was dressed. The patient was returned to the intensive care unit. She was awake and moving extremities well. No apparent complications were noted. Needle and sponge counts were listed as correct at the end of the procedure. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was approximately 150 mL and none was replaced. [/TRANSCRIPTION] [TASK_OUTPUT] Based on the transcription, potential follow-up questions could include: [Generate 2-3 relevant questions] [/TASK_OUTPUT] [DESCRIPTION] Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation and microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor. [/DESCRIPTION] </s>