What Does Medicare IME Stand For?
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website , , IME stands for Indirect Medical Education and is in regards to payment calculation adjustments for a Medicare discharge of higher cost patients receiving care from teaching hospitals relative to non-teaching hospitals . I would recommend contacting CMS to get more information about IME
Is Long Term Care Insurance Tax Free?
As a rule , if you buy a tax qualified long term care insurance policy -LRB- as nearly all are , these days -RRB- , and if you are paying the premium yourself , there are tax advantages you will receive . If you are self employed , the entire premium is tax deductible . If working somewhere but paying your own premium for an individual or group policy , you can deduct the premium as a medical expense under the same IRS rules as apply to all medical expenses . In both situations , you also receive the benefits from the policy tax free , if they are ever needed .
Can Husband Drop Wife From Health Insurance?
Can a spouse drop another spouse from health insurance ? Usually not without the spouse 's who is being dropped consent in writting . Most employers who have a quality HR department will require a paper trial for any changes in an employee 's benefit plan . When changes are attempted that could come back to haunt the employer , steps are usually taken to comfirm something like this .
Is Medicare Run By The Government?
Medicare Part A and Part B is provided by the Federal government for Americans who are 65 and older who have worked and paid Social Security taxes into the system . Medicare is also available to people under the age of 65 that have certain disabilities and people with End-Stage Renal Disease -LRB- ESRD -RRB- .
Is Medicare Run By The Government?
Definitely . It is ran by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services , a Government Agency given the responsibility of overseeing and administering Medicare and Medicaid . Even Medicare Advantage Plans , which are administered by private insurance companies are strongly regulated by CMMS . They work along with Social Security and Jobs and Family Services to insure that your benefits are available and properly administered .
What Does Split Limits Mean In Auto Insurance?
split limits refers to the liability part of your auto insurance policy . liability coverage can be done one of two ways : split limit or combined single limit . example of a split limit : 100/300/100 if you were at fault in an accident : - the first number is the total amount in 1000 's that your company will pay per accident to an injured person that you hit . it is the most it will pay any single person for their injuries . - the second number comes in when you injure multiple people . it is the most the policy will pay per accident total for multiple injured persons . - the third number refers to the maximum in 1000 's that your policy will pay for property that you damaged .
Where To Buy Whole Life Insurance?
Whole Life Insurance is best purchased from a local agent who can sit down with you , look at your individual situation and recommend a plan that will fit your personal needs . While you can purchase insurance through the mail or online , that is not necessarily in your best interest . A good agent can provide council , advice , and service that can be invaluable . Since insurance rates are filed with the state , you do not get a discount by purchasing the same plan over the internet compared to purchasing from an agent .
Where To Buy Whole Life Insurance?
First off , excellent question . Whole Life Insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the Carrier offering it . In many cases , Whole Life is sold by career insurance agents and they are `` captive '' to their carrier . That means that the agent does n't have a choice of carriers that might be offered . But there are ways for `` independent '' established agents who can offer multiple carriers and probably the best AGENT that can sell it to you . Once you decide on a agent who will be your advocate , like a real estate agent , they would work on your behalf and show you your options . The top Whole Life Carriers are as follows and in no particular order : Northwestern Mutual , New York Life , Mass Mutual , Guardian , Ohio National , Penn Mutual and MetLife . When comparing these carrier 's products , make sure that you understand how they credit their earnings -LRB- i.e. dividends -RRB- as you become an owner of the company with these policies and their performance is directly correlated with the health and well being of the carrier itself . And do n't just look at the current rate , or listen to an agent 's promise of how it will perform , because this life insurance will be with you for your WHOLE LIFE . It is a long term commitment that will protect your family , provide access to cash when you need it , and even can provide Long Term Care protection that is paid out of the policy while you are alive .
How Much Renters Insurance Should Be Purchased?
The most important step is to find an insurance agent who will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Pictures are invaluable so photograph everything you own . On a piece of paper list the items in the photos and what it would cost to replace them . That sets your personal property limit . Then select as much liability insurance as the company offers . A lawsuit can ruin you financially .
How Much Renters Insurance Should Be Purchased?
How much renters insurance that needs to be purchased is based on your needs . You would ask yourself what are the items you need to cover and for how much . Also you would be looking to protect your self in the event of a lawsuit should you be sued for bodily injury or property damage by another party . In accessing your personal belongings there are many valuation guides out there to help you determine the value of your personal items . I suggest you consult with a local agent to help define your needs for renters insurance .
How Much Renters Insurance Should Be Purchased?
Renters insurance generally has two parts : Personal Property and Personal Liability . The Personal Property section should cover the replacement of all your personal belongings . The Personal Liability section will provide defense and coverage up to the limit in the event of a legal action brought against you for negligence.We suggest fully insuring your risk and then adjusting the deductible to suit the premium you wish to pay . It is always better to properly cover oneself and have a high deductible than have a small deductible and end up with proper coverage in the event of a loss ! You may obtain a renters quote at : WEBSITELINK
How Long Does Life Insurance Money Take To Get?
In Ohio , upon receipt of a written proof of loss , the insurer must pay death claims immediately -LRB- most states interpret this to be within 30 days . -RRB- Check your state law to verify . If there is no beneficiary named in the policy , the death proceeds are paid to the estate of the insured . An insurer can not delay the payment of a death claim until the settlement of the estate of the insured has been completed .
How Long Does Life Insurance Money Take To Get?
Life insurance proceeds take from a couple weeks to a couple months to get , on average . The Departments of Insurance in the 50 United States regulate and observe the amount of time it takes for payments to be made . However , claims go faster if the paperwork is all in order , you have a certified death certificate sent with the claim forms , and all the information is correct .
Does Dave Ramsey Recommend Long Term Disability Insurance?
Dave believes in a methodical approach to getting out of debt , investing in the market and minimal use of insurance , which is why he is a promoter of term life insurance versus permanent life insurance . If you follow his disciple , you should be able to self-insure , Daves highest use of your money . But he has also alluded to the fact there may be circumstances where long term care insurance might be a value proposition .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Bathroom Leaks?
Most of the time when there is a sudden break in a pipe , the damage can be stopped quickly and there is often little or no damage . The damage caused by a sudden bursting of a pipe in your bathroom would be covered under most homeowners policies . A slow leak that damages property might not be covered . The homeowners policy is not designed to cover routine maintenance items in the home .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Bathroom Leaks?
It is , of course , always best to talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy , but there are cases where water damage caused by leaking water , including in a bathroom , can be covered . Most policies provide coverage for sudden failure of a pipe , valve or joint that results in water leakage . There may be some policy coverage limitations however for long term seepage , so it is best to check that .
How Do Annuities Earn Money?
There are three basic types of crediting methods for non-qualified deferred annuities : fixed interest rate crediting , indices crediting and separate sub accounts using equities and bonds investments . The fixed interest rate crediting and indices crediting methods are used in non-security savings products . Separate sub accounts using equities and bonds investments may credit or debit from a variable annuity , which is a security investment product , based on its market performance . Variable annuities can lose money .
What Is A Qualified Retirement Plan?
A qualified plan is generally a government sanctioned retirement plan that offers some type of tax advantages . Under ERISA , the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 , defined contribution plans have become very popular , especially employer sponsored 40 -LRB- k -RRB- s . The pretax contributions accumulate tax deferred and can accumulate tax deferred until age 70 1/2 when mandatory minimum distributions are generated .
What Is A Qualified Retirement Plan?
A qualified retirement plan meets specific IRS guidelines and receives tax-favored benefits . Defined benefit and defined contribution plans are the most popular examples and are often used when planning retirement . A full-time financial adviser or broker is clearly the best resource for providing specific information and how you can apply it to your personal situation .
What Happens When You File A Homeowners Insurance Claim?
When you need to file a Homeowners Insurance Claim , the best and quickest way to handle it is to call the CLAIMS Telephone number listed on your Homeowners Insurance declarations page . Most carriers have a 24 Hour reporting line for claims ; the station is staffed by an individual trained to take an initial report and pass it on to the assigned claims adjustor based on the type of claim and geographical location of the loss . Once the preliminary report is taken , a claims number is assigned , an adjustor is assigned and the preliminary record is report to the National Database also known as CLUE ; CLUE is a tool used industry wide to review prior claims activity on homes . The CLUE report will later be updated eventual showing the Closed Status and total amount paid by the insurance carrier to resolve the claim . When making the initial claim report , it is beneficial to only offer a simple and general explanation of the nature of the loss ; it is always better to give all the details directly to the claims adjustor as the initial claims report is usually not taken by a person licensed and trained with the capabilities of the insurance adjustor.In most cases , the insurance carrier will assign and adjustor who will make an initial contact within 1 business day . The adjustor will make an appointment to come out and review the damages claimed , a detailed estimate of the required repairs will be prepared and the adjustor willinterpret the policy to determine if and to what extent coverage applies to the damage incurred ; the final process will be a resolution letter mailed to the insured with a full accounting of the situation and perhaps an associated check for repairs . In some cases , an initial payment may be offered holding back thedepreciated portion of the loss until thedamages or items are replaced after which the carrier will reimburse the insured for the full replacement cost of the items as long as the policy coverseverything on a replacement cost basis . Any specificquestions regarding a loss should be directly discussed with the claims adjustorwho is licensed and responsible to handle the complete transaction and explain the processto the insured . Prior to any claim occurrence , it may alsobe a good idea to contact a licensed insurance representative to learn the process and best recommended method of handling thesituation should youencounter a claim .
How Does Having A Dog Affect Home Insurance?
That is a great question ! The answer is no , if your dog has been professionally trained , is not a breed known for violence , and you never have a claim filed because of him or her . The answer is yes , if you have a dog that falls underneath your company 's specified category for dogs at risk for claims from bites . Or worse , if you file a claim because your dog has bitten someone . It is always a good idea to call your agent before purchasing the dog , and find out if the dog can be covered , and to what extent . I hope that helps . Thanks for asking !
How Does Having A Dog Affect Home Insurance?
A significant number of claims paid by insurance companies involve dogs . As a result companies normally are quite concerned about particular breeds of dogs and will often deny coverage completely when you have one of these dogs . Many companies will include an endorsement to deny coverage to specific breeds and mixes and will limit the amount of damages that they will pay for any animal bite .
How Does Having A Dog Affect Home Insurance?
It might , yes . Some companies choose to exclude coverage if you are the owner of a particular breed of dog . These are always specified in the underwriting guidelines that a company files with your state 's Insurance Department . Some companies will make exceptions if the dog has successfully completed a certified training program .
My new car was demolished in an accident that was somceone else's fault, I only owned the car for three months will I get back what I paid for it three months ago?
The other drivers insurance will indemnify you for your loss to the extent of coverage of the other drivers policy . If they have a $ 25,000 property damage limit and your car is worth $ 50,000 your recovery will be difficult . Your underinsured motorist limit will then become a major player . Under the best circumstances the adjuster will have to make you happy . You could file a lawsuit and you might prevail . Insurance companies do not enjoy being sued .
My new car was demolished in an accident that was somceone else's fault, I only owned the car for three months will I get back what I paid for it three months ago?
Sad to say , you probably will not if the settlement is handled by the other company . A car depreciates in value quite a bit as soon as it leaves the lot and the insurance company will settle the loss based upon the depreciated value in most cases . Now , if you happen to have coverage in your own policy that provides for a brand new car replacement , it is best to talk to your Insurance Professional about your options . Some companies even offer a deductible advance so that you would be much better off in a situation like I have just described letting your own company handle the settlement for you and then go after the other guy 's insurance company for reimbursement in a subrogation proceeding .
My new car was demolished in an accident that was somceone else's fault, I only owned the car for three months will I get back what I paid for it three months ago?
That is a great question ! I am sorry for your loss , it is tough when you do n't get to own the car long enough to even get a chance to enjoy it . Your insurer most likely uses what is called the `` Blue Book '' value to determine what your car is worth . The price that you paid three months ago most likely is higher than what the Blue Book will allow , since the car starts depreciating in value almost the minute that you drive it off the lot . They will factor in wear and tear , -LRB- dings , dents and normal wear of parts -RRB- and depreciation when they offer your settlement sum . Do not expect to get reimbursed for your tags and fees ; Those things are like gas to insurance companies , you need it to drive , but it 's not a part of the actual value of the car . If they do not give you what you want , you can always appeal the settlement , sometimes the company will give in and pay . I 'd hope so , in your case . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
What Does Self Funded Health Insurance Mean?
Until recently when you heard the term `` self funded health insurance '' you could have safely assumed that you were talking about an employer sponsoredgroup health insurance plan funded either entirely through employer/employee dollars or a combination of these with some re-insurance policies included . In self funding the employer is taking on the risk for health care expenses either in full or in part -LRB- if re-insurance is involved -RRB- . Under fully insured arrangements the employer has no further financial risk after the monthly premium has been paid . The has been a tendency lately by some in the media and in government to use the term self fund or self pay interchangeably in relation to the purchase and ownershipof individual health insurance policies . By definition , even after the ACA , virtually everyone in the individual health insurance marketplace is a self payor by virtue of the monthly premium they pay but they are not self funded because they have passed off all risk after any plan deductibles , copays and co-insurance to their insurance carrier in exchange for their monthly premium .
How Much Is Renters Insurance On An Apartment?
Great question ! Unfortunately , a hard one to answer without more information . Where you live , the size of your family , the estimated cost of your belongings , the age and size of the apartment complex , your age , and even whether you smoke are all things that influence the cost of the insurance . I 'd recommend that you look at several companies in your area and shop for the rate that best fits your budget . -LRB- As a bit of advice , ask for `` replacement value '' when you shop . -RRB- Any further questions , please contact me . Thanks for asking !
What Is Irrevocable Beneficiary Life Insurance?
Irrevocable beneficiary of life insurance means that the beneficiary of the policy can not be changed without the beneficiary 's consent . This differs from a revocable beneficiary , where the policy owner can change the beneficiary at any time . Irrevocable beneficiaries are sometimes used in policies where financial obligations are involved , such as using the life insurance to repay a loan , or to satisfy a divorce settlement .
Does Health Insurance Cover Eye Care?
Routine eye care is not covered under your health insurance plan . Vision tests , corrective lenses , etc are not medically necessary and therefore not covered . Injury or disease of the eye would be a covered expense . Glaucoma treatment , cataract surgery , corrective lenses following cataract surgery would be a covered item .
Is Zoloft Covered By Medicare?
Zoloft is a prescription drug medication and would be covered under a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan . It would not be covered by Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- . You would need to check your plan 's formulary to see if this specific drug is covered and at what tier it would fall under -LRB- a prescription 's tier determines the cost to the insured person -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is The Best Life Insurance To Get?
That depends on what your life insurance needs are . If you are a young working adult , consider term insurance . You can get more insurance coverage for less money . If you are older , have health issues or are a low income earner , consider final expense insurance . These are smaller whole life insurance policies that are specifically designed to just cover funeral arrangements , burial plots , caskets , etc. . Final expense insurance is more expensive than term , yet still affordable in most cases .
What Is The Best Life Insurance To Get?
The best life insurance to buy is the policy that will be in force when you die . There are reasons to purchase life insurance that has only a limited period of coverage but that should be carefully tied to the expiration of specific obligations . While the short policies have a much lower premium , it is the whole life policies that actually payout more because they dont expire before you do .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Guests?
I am not clear on your question but if you mean you as the tenant invite quests over say for dinner and they are injured you could be held liable and the renters policy would defend you . Also the guest may have some medical coverage under the guest medical portion of the policy . However if a guest is visiting and say for example their items are stolen then there is no coverage for the guest . The guest is responsible to have their own insurance for this .
How To Become A New York Life Insurance Agent?
The first step when considering a career in insurance and financial services is to meet with an agent or manager . You should consider meeting with more than one organization since the initial position involves a lot of training , joint sales work and mentoring from the agency that you join . New York Life is a fine company but there are many others that can also provide entry into our profession . Ask a lot of questions to understand what support you can expect to receive and try to get a sense of the specific culture of that agency and the insurance company to ensure it aligns with your values and beliefs .
How Much Does Basic Renters Insurance Cost?
Basic is a relative term and could many things to many people . In my area , with the carrier that I work with , I have seen a ten thousand dollar base renters policy around eight dollars per month . Please remember every carrier sets its own standards for base coverage and determines it 's own pricing model for the coverage it offers . Contact a local agent in your area to determine the coverage offered in your area and the pricing for that coverage .
How Much Does Basic Renters Insurance Cost?
Renters insurance is typically very inexpensive . I have seen coverage be as little as $ 7.00 / mo. . The cost for this coverage can vary greatly depending on many different factors , such as the amount of coverage needed , the age of the building being rented , the number of units in the building , and the geographic location of the building just to name a few . To get a better idea of the cost of this coverage , you really need to call your local agent and discuss your needs with them .
Do I Need Proof Of Insurance To Register A Car In Wisconsin?
As of today according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website there is not a requirement to show proof of insurance when registering a vehicle . Please do remember that Wisconsin does require all drivers to have an active automobile insurance policy with state statute minimum requirements . D.O.T. requirements can change . I would recommend either confirming the requirements on the state 's D.O.T. website or calling the local D.O.T. office .
What Does HMO Health Insurance Mean?
HMO stands for Health Maitence Organization . It is the most basic form of managed care that one can get . It is characterized by having a primary care phycisian PCP who is entrusted to effectively implement `` utilization management '' processes -LRB- cost containment procedures to effectivly deliver effective medical care -RRB- . One who has a HMO policy is generally called a member or subscriber , and must recieve a referal from their PCP before they seek specialist treatment . HMO 's also utilize `` networks '' that limit costs but can also limit ones choices when it comes to what Dr they can see .
What Is Combined Life Insurance?
Combined Insurance is a company that sells supplemental life insurance coverage , in addition to other types of supplement insurance policies . They are a member of the ACE Group of Companies . Combination Life Insurance refers to a type of life insurance that combines other benefits into one policy . E.g. . It can be a combination of Term and Universal life , or add long term care type benefits onto a life insurance policy .
How Does Retirement Annuities Work?
There are two annuity retirement plans : qualified and non-qualified . Annuities are designed and should be purchased ultimately as an income strategy for your golden years . Qualified annuity payments are completely taxable at ordinary income tax rates . Non-qualified annuities are taxed as ordinary income on the policys gain , but not the basis . There are two distribution formats : withdrawals and annuitization . Lifetime annuitization credits the prevailing interest rate and adds the appropriate mortality credits for lifetime income you cant outlive .
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost In Massachusetts?
Health insurance rates for individual major medical plans vary greatly . Premium rates are determined based on a number of factors . In assessing a proper rate , health insurance underwriters will consider your age , gender , zip code , plan design and medical history . Some states currently have `` guaranteed issue '' rating processes that mean a carrier must issue a policy regardless of your health . And some states use a community rating guide . Community rated policies generally do not include adjustments for age or gender . Either one of these rating requirements can cause rates to be considerably higher than in states that do not apply community rating or guaranteed issue . Guaranteed issue rates are among the highest in the country and it is not unusual for premiums to be 2x higher than for a similar plan in an area that does not use the guaranteed issue process .
How Much Would It Cost To Add A Car To Your Insurance?
Great question , but I am afraid I have to say it depends . Each car on your policy will be rated according to who owns it , uses and how they use it , as well as the specific characteristics of the car itself . If you have only one car on your policy now you will be pleased to learn that most carriers offer a multi-car discount.The theory being you can not be driving both cars at once . Many agents and companies can do `` what if '' scenarios to price your additional car , and even if they do not have that capability , they can help you understand the differences that might exist between different makes and models . I would also suggest you also check the info from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety as they test the car in crash situations to understand how a specific vehicle type will respond .
How Much Would It Cost To Add A Car To Your Insurance?
Each car is rated individually . Your insurance company may provide discounts based upon the number of cars insured but the basic rate will be the same whether it is the first or fifth car written on the account . Most companies extend coverage to newly purchased cars for a period of time . When you apply for the ad car you will find the policy dated to the date of purchase .
Is Life Insurance Federally Taxable?
Life insurance is federally taxable if the sum of the life insurance proceeds plus the value of the estate -LRB- Gross Estate -RRB- exceeds the federal estate tax guidelines . This year , $ 5,250,000 is exempted from estate taxes . If your estate is larger than that , you may want to transfer ownership of your life insurance to an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust .
Is Life Insurance Federally Taxable?
Is life insurance federally taxable ? Depends . Life insurance usually is not subject federal income taxes as long as it is used and funded in the standard way . Life insurance cash values can be subject to income taxes if over funded creating a modified endowment contract . Some life premiums can be set up pre tax that create a taxable death benefit . There is a possibility of state and federal estate taxes depending on the size of the estate and ownership of the policy .
Is Life Insurance Federally Taxable?
Life insurance proceeds are generally paid to the policy 's beneficiaries tax free . But proceeds that are left in the estate of the beneficiaries could be subject to estate taxation on the federal and state level if the total assets -LRB- including the life insurance -RRB- exceed the unified credit or state exemptions .
Is Disability Insurance Really Necessary?
Disability insurance is not necessary if you have enough savings to fund your lifestyle . Many people have student loan payments , mortgages , property taxes , and car notes along with expenses to feed and cloth their families . Plus , if the primary breadwinner is disabled there may be additional medical expenses . If you can afford to meet these ongoing obligations without an income , then you do n't really need a policy .
Is Disability Insurance Really Necessary?
Is disability insurance really necessary ? No , of course not . It is only necessary if you do not have the available liquefiable assets on hand to use to replace lost income . Or if you desire not to sell assets for pennies on the dollar when you become disabled . Each person really has to decide if DI is really necessary for them . For most , it is .
Is Disability Insurance Really Necessary?
Disability insurance is paycheck protection 24/7 , unlike workers comp , which pays for injuries experienced on the job . Social security disability can help , but in most cases its inadequate . It is possible that you may have short term disability through your employers group benefit plan . Still the combination of all three will generally fall short of sufficient coverage . The average American worker has 90 days in cash reserves . The average long term disability period is 30 months . The odds of being disabled during your working life are a statistical probability , more than death . Is disability insurance protection with 5-8 % of your pay ? You make the call !
Is Disability Insurance Really Necessary?
I would say yes . Your ability to earn income is likely your biggest asset , so what would you do if you lost that ability ? Some important things think about when trying to figure out if disability insurance is right for you is : 1 -RRB- If you became disabled , could you continue to pay your bills -LRB- mortgage payments , car payments , credit card payments , etc. -RRB- ? 2 -RRB- How long would your savings last ? 3 -RRB- Would you still be able to retire when you planned or send your children to college ? 4 -RRB- What happens to your bonus compensation and retirement contributions ? Could you keep paying the overhead expenses if you own a business ? Most disabilities are not work related and therefore not covered by workers compensation and it can be very difficult to qualify for social security disability as many disability claims are denied - even if you are approved for Social Security , the payments will probably be significantly less than you earn . Disability insurance can protect you from losing your income and is one of the most important types of insurance you can buy , especially for business owners , key employees , physicians , attorneys , and anyone who has family that depends on their ability to provide income . A big advantage with disability insurance is that when you have a qualifying claim that triggers disability payments , the monies paid to you are paid as tax-free income -LRB- as long as you paid the prmeiums with your after tax dollars - most people do -RRB- . Please note , when you 're looking to purchase disability insurance , work with an experienced , independent disability insurance agent who can work with you on a personal level to help you determine what program is suitable to your needs and budget -LRB- disability insurance policies are very customizable -RRB- . Make sure you pay attention to the language in the policy - most importantly the definition of disability . The definition of disability is the most important aspect of your disability insurance policy and you want to secure the best definition you can -LRB- `` true own occupation '' is very much regarded as the best definition you can have -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your disability insurance needs , including quotes and program comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is Evidence Of Insurability For Life Insurance?
Evidence of insurability is proof that you are able to be insured by a life insurance company . Some policies do not require any evidence of insurability . These may be group policies offered through one 's work , or guaranteed issue life insurance policies . Other policies may require a medical questions answered on the application , a paramed exam , medical records , and/or phone interview .
What Is Evidence Of Insurability For Life Insurance?
E of I -LRB- evidence of insurability -RRB- means before the issuing carrier will offer a policy or certificate you must first prove to them that you meet their medical underwriting standards . This is accomplished by completing a written application , sometimes a phone interview is required as is an exam by a qualified medical provider .
What Are Homeowners Insurance Rates Based On?
Homeowners Insurance rates are based on ` RISK ' ! The risk is inclusive of the Reconstruction Value of the home , the age of the home , the geographic location of the home , the additional endorsements required by the customer and the deductible chosen . The first step is to calculate the reconstruction value , the next step is to select the requested endorsements and deductible and the third step is to qualify the home before generating the associated rate . Many carriers require the home to be within a certain distance of a fire station , fire hydrant and have protective features . Many carriers will not accept a home where certain animals known to have anaggressivetemperament reside . For a quote in AZ , CA , NV , you may obtain a quote at : WEBSITELINK For other States , you may wish to find a local agent to assist with a quote !
Can You Claim Osteopathy On Medicare?
Yes , you can claim osteopathy on Medicare . An osteopathic doctor is treated the same as a medical doctor by Medicare . The same guidelines for Medicare Part B and Part C apply : the care must be ordered by the doctor as medically necessary , and you must use a doctor who participates in Medicare .
When Did Part D Of Medicare Begin?
The first Medicare Part D open enrollment period began Nov 15 , 2005 and ended May 15 , 2006 . Part D of Medicare , also called the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit , went into effect on Jan 1 , 2006 . You yourself can join Medicare Part D from three months before your 65th birthday .
Can You Deduct Cancer Insurance Premiums?
Cancer insurance premiums , along with premiums from other types of insurance , may be deductible depending on how you file your taxes and how the coverage is being used . A CPA or the person who handles your taxes would be the best resource regarding providing information that will explain your deductibility options .
Who Does The Cheapest Car Insurance?
A great deal depends on the state . I have found going online and getting quotes is the easiest way to get prices . Most importantly make sure you are very accurate on your answers . I have personally found that the major carriers do the best . Such as Esurance , Progressive , Geico , and Hartford Insurance . You can usually purchase the policy right online .
Do I Need Connecticut Insurance To Register A Car In Connecticut?
The simple answer is yes , you will need to show proof of a CT issued car insurance policy in order to register your car . CT does n't particularly care about Comp and Collision coverage , but your finance company will . When you buy your CT insurance , you will receive an Identification Card that certifies that you are carying at least the minimum amount of Liability insurance that is required here , namely $ 20,000 per person , $ 40,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $ 10,000 for property damage . As I said , this is the currentminimum requirement set by law . Talk to your insurance professional about other options that will protect you more fully .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can have multiple term policies . In fact , sometimes we will use multiple term polices in a clients strategy . For example , Let 's say you want $ 500k while the children are living at home . And after they move out , you only want $ 300k for about 20 years after . So if your kids move out in say 10 years , you might get a 10 year term policy for $ 200k and a 30 year term policy for $ 300k . This gives you $ 500k while the kids are home and then drops to $ 300k for an additional 20 years after they are out . And remember , there is a policy fee which you pay , which is built into the premium . Some companies will way multiple fees when you use a strategy like this , or as it is referred to sometimes , a layering strategy . If you would like to see any example of this might look like for you , feel free to reach out to me .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can . Sometimes people will purchase multiple policies in case their income stream drastically changes . If they only have one 500k and could n't make the full payment , the policy would lapse . However , if that same person has 2 policies for $ 250k each , they would be more likely to make at the payment on one of the policies . This way they are able to maintain partial coverage .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can have multiple Term Life Insurance policies . Let 's say you purchased a 30 year Term policy of $ 250,000 when you were in your early 20 's . Now you 're in your 30 's , have a spouse and a couple of children , and need more coverage to protect your family . You do not need to give up the excellent rate you have locked in on your current $ 250,000 policy . You can simply add a new policy to it .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can have as many life insurance policies as you wish , as long as you qualify financially for the total amount of coverage you own . Sometimes , it can be more cost effective to take multiple Term life insurance policies , especially if you only need a small portion of the coverage for a very long time . Sometimes , it is better to combine policies , such as : if you used to smoke and no longer would be charged tobacco rates ; if the industry premiums are lower now than they were when you purchased a past policy ; if your had a health problem in the past that has since been resolved ; or if you are paying policy fees on several policies and can save money by combining all your coverage into one policy .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
That is a great question ! The answer is yes , and many people do , but there are limits . It is very common for people to increase their coverage as their lives change . Insurance companies recognize those needs , and will issue additional policies . They will limit what you can add though . Since the purpose of life insurance is to protect against loss , and not to get rich , the companies will limit the amount of coverage that you can ask for . I 'd love to know more about your situation , and why you want to add more term coverage , if you inbox me , I 'll tell you why . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , absolutely ! The only thing the carriers will care about is whether the total death benefits for all of them combined exceed by too far , the amount of income you could be expected to earn over the course of about ten years . Thus if you are a typist , and you are requesting a total of $ 10,000,000 in insurance , you will be declined on the latter applications . They want to be sure you are not extremely over insured , giving you and incentive to commit suicide to benefit your family 's income . Thank you . GARY LANE .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you definitely can . I have clients who have 8 different life policies . They add them as their incomes increase . The only limit on the number of life insurance policies you may have , and that includes term life policies , is what your current income , assets and net worth may responsibly need . For example , if you earn $ 50,000 a year , you are not likely to be able to get a total of $ 10,000,000 in life policies . The carriers do not want to encourage people to commit suicide in order to bring unreasonable wealth to their families . However , you can ensure that your family has all the assets it needs to survive well after your death . Suicide , by the way , voids most policies IF it is done within 2 years of application . Thank you . GARY LANE .
Can I Have Multiple Term Life Insurance Policies?
Yes you can , but there may come a point where the amount of coverage that you have combined may put you at a company 's coverage limit when they complete a needs assessment . In other words , Life Insurance Companies look at your financial circumstances with regard to income , investments , savings , debt etc in relation to the obligations you have to your dependents when considering your application for coverage .
What Does Fully Vested In Retirement Plan Mean?
When the employer contributes to the pension plan , they normally set up a vesting schedule . As an employee serves they are progressively vested in the pension plan and in particular to the contributions made by the employer . If the employee leaves the plan prior to becoming fully vested they can withdraw a portion or nothing , depending upon the vesting schedule . Fully vested means that you own 100 % of the pension plan benefit .
What Does Fully Vested In Retirement Plan Mean?
Fully vested means that the contributions madeinto your retirement planbyyour employerare officially yours to keep . If you were 40 % vested according toa vesting schedule created around your plan , then only 40 % of the contributions made into your account by your employer is yours . And so on . Vesting schedules usually have a set period before you are fully vested .
What Does Fully Vested In Retirement Plan Mean?
Fully vested in a retirement plan , means that the company contributions are not like your own . Some plans have restrictions on withdrawals in cash , but if you were to leave the employer and your contributions can be transferred to an approved plan . If you have any further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
What Does Fully Vested In Retirement Plan Mean?
What does fully vested mean in a retirement plan ? What it means is that `` both '' your contributions and your company 's `` matching '' contributions or profit sharing deposits on your behalf are fully yours . The company can not withhold those funds upon separation of service be it for retirement , layoff or simply quitting the job and going elsewhere . Once you 're fully vested the account balance is 100 % yours .
What Age Should You Purchase Long Term Care Insurance?
There is no perfect age that you should purchase long term care insurance . Naturally , the rate is lowest when you are younger . Of course , you will be paying premiums for a longer period of time . However , if you wait too long , you may become uninsurable or have developed a serious medical condition that substantially raiser your rates . But since you asked , as a broker that has been in the business for 32 years , assuming you can afford premiums , between the ages of 45 and 55 is ideal but this is just a generic answer . Each situation is different .
Where To Buy Renters Insurance Online?
For residents of Arizona , California & Nevada , Onlie Renters Insurance is available at the following link : WEBSITELINK Renters Insurance is a valuable form of protection for not only your Personal Contents but also Personal Liability Insurance which will protect you from a legal action brought against you for negligence ; these claims may occur as a result of a Fire , Smoke Damage or Water Damage claim where the insured is accused of negligence causing the claim and therefore possible damage to the building and/or other units .
Where To Buy Renters Insurance Online?
Renters insurance is available on line through Insurance Browser Inc. for the states of AZ.CA , TX , and GA. . We 'll be glad to assist you in comparing multiple company quotes and the different benefits of each carrier . Renters Insurance is often required by landlords , but even if it was not we would recommend you carry protection for your valuable contents and protection of your assets through the liability section of Renters policies .
How Much Should I Pay For Renters Insurance?
How much should you pay for renter 's insurance ? It depends upon where you live and the type of coverage you want . $ 100 per year ? Maybe . $ 300 per year . That may be a competitive amount too . An experienced broker can shop and compare the best options for you and save you money ! There are many reputable carriers that can offer affordable options that will meet your budget .
What Is 10 Yr Term Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! A ten year term policy is one that provides you with the specified amount of coverage for the ten years as defined in your policy . On the day your policy expires , you have no more coverage , and no cash value or benefit to take from it . You can renew your policy , but it will dramatically increase in price . Typically a policy like this is to insure against a short term loss , like covering a college career , or a mortgage , or to provide a cheaper form of life insurance when money is tight . If you would like more details , please feel free to contact me , okay ? Thanks for asking !
What Is 10 Yr Term Life Insurance?
Ten year term life insurance is life insurance that typically has the rate locked in for 10 years . Sometimes term policies are only guaranteed for the rate not to go up for part of the term . So do be sure , when you are comparing rates , to be sure that you are comparing policies that have premiums guaranteed not to increase for the entire term . It is a great temptation to buy ten year term life insurance because the premiums are so low compared to premiums for longer terms . However , if you need coverage longer than 10 years , it is usually a better idea to buy a policy with a longer term . Why ? Because , most likely , you are healthier now than you will be in 10 years . And at this time in history , life insurance rates are very low . So locking in historically low rates based on your current good health is almost certain to be a good deal for you for many years to come .
What Is 10 Yr Term Life Insurance?
A 10-year term life insurance policy is a level benefit term life insurance policy that states that the premiums will remain fixed and guaranteed for 10 years . Term life insurance guarantees the premiums will remain fixed for a specific number of years -LRB- 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . After the initial period of premium guarantee expires -LRB- the term period -RRB- , the policy will be annually renewable and premiums will increase each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- . 10-year term policies seem like a great deal because they typically offer the lowest possible premiums for a given amount of coverage . One of the main reasons to buy longer is to protect your insurability and pay a small amount for a longer time instead of securing a new policy when you 're 10 years older and your health has changed . Creating a combination of benefits can often be a great idea -LRB- e.g. having part term and part permanent coverage or having part 10 year term , part 20 year term , etc. -RRB- Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
What Is 10 Yr Term Life Insurance?
Life insurance is sharing a risk . Since death is inevitable the only variable is when it will occur . A quick look at mortality tables will illustrate that the chances of death occurring increase with age . When the window of exposure -LRB- policy term -RRB- is short the possibility of an individual dying is lessened . If the consideration is cost it would seem that the 10 year term is a bargain . When the ten years are over and you have nothing , neither death benefit nor premiums paid , it may seem like less of a bargain .
What Is 10 Yr Term Life Insurance?
Unlike Whole Life Insurance , which will last for the rest of your life so long as you pay the premiums or pay them out of accumulated cash value , Term Life Insurance will last only for a specific number of years , regardless of your desire to pay the premium . Many companies will allow you to continue to have the coverage and pay for it , after that number of years , but the premium will rise each year , until it becomes impossible for most folks to pay . With ten year term , the premium is guaranteed for ten years . After that , many companies will continue to take your money and provide coverage , but the cost will escalate . To lock in a fixed premium , you need either Whole or Permanent Life Insurance , or Term Insurance for a very long period , such as 50 years -LRB- few companies offer more than 30 years -RRB- . Thank you . GARY LANE .
Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Expenses?
Life insurance serves many purposes . Life insurance can be used to pay off debts of the estate , replace income , cover final expenses including unpaid medical bills and funeral expenses . In the case of life insurance on children -LRB- a much debated issue -RRB- the proceeds can provide a financial cushion so the parents do n't have to return to work the next day but instead will have time to grieve with dignity . Life insurance can also be used to replace the lost services of a non-working spouse . The most important thing is , to make sure the life insurance policy is in force when it is needed .
Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Expenses?
The beneficiary makes the decision on how to spend the proceeds of life insurance . If you wish , you can make your funeral home the beneficiary of your policy , as to the portion for the funeral expenses for you . The balance can be used by another beneficiary , as they see fit , if you wish to have a higher benefit amount . Gary Lane , Registered Representative , New York Life . 949 797 2424 . Thank you .
Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Expenses?
The right kind of life insurance can be used to cover a funeral . Do n't count on paying for your funeral with term life insurance or insurance through your employer . The term will usually end before you die . The employer insurance is not a good plan for funeral planning because most people live to retirement age which is after the employer insurance ends . For funeral planning either buy a prepaid funeral plan from a funeral home or make sure you have at least 10,000 of guaranteed whole-life insurance . Either of those will work fine .
Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Expenses?
Yes , life insurance can be used to cover funeral expenses . Some policies are called funeral policies , but they are actually just Whole Life insurance with which you can use the excess that is not needed for the funeral , to cover other needs . Some funeral homes will allow you to assign up to $ 20,000 of life insurance to them so that it is not counted as an asset for Medicaid purposes .
Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Expenses?
Life insurance works well for covering funeral expenses . Life insurance does not go through probate , so you are able to pay the funeral home quickly . Most funeral homes are happy to work with you with final expense or pre-need life insurance policies . When you purchase life insurance for that purpose , your beneficiary can use what is left over to pay other bills .
Does State Farm Do Homeowners Insurance?
State Farm does write homeowner insurance in most States . There may be depending on the location of the home , the condition of the home , the type of homeand size of home restrictions on the policy . This would apply to all carriers not only State Farm . If your home is located in a brush area , some carriers may not write a policy , other carriers may charge a higher premium.You should contact an agent in your area and the agent will be able to sit down and discuss in detail what he/she can do for you . Good luck !
Can I Switch Home Insurance Companies?
This is a great topic for one peculiar reason . Many folks in the US have forced placed insurance . This is the mortgage company taking over responsibility for securing coverage when you as the property owner have failed to do so . The main problem is that forced placed insurance is usually very expensive and imposed on the least educated consumers . Take charge your life and buy your insurance wherever you find the right coverage at the right price . Be as diligent in pursuit of a '' good deal '' on your homeowners insurance as you would on auto insurance . There are substantial variations in the coverages under a homeowners policy much more so than on an auto policy : here is why : Auto insurance protects you in your involvement with others so the greatest protection is for damages , Bodily injury or Property Damage that you do to others . So you are more often dealing with third party -LRB- the first party is the you , the second party is the insurer , and the third party is the one you injure -RRB- . Section II of a homeowners policy involves third party liability , but most of the property losses in general are first party payments by the insurer . Your house is hit by a tornado , Your insurer has to respond to you ! so , look at the nuances of coverages offered by insurers . They are many : including such things as scheduled property , water and sewer back up , automatic extension of dwelling limits , law and ordinance coverage , mold remediation , and so on . If you do n't understand the coverages offered ask your agent for an example of how a coverage would be used . An educated consumer is a better consumer .
Can I Switch Home Insurance Companies?
Always . You do n't have to wait for your renewal date , either . Whatever happened that makes you want to switch does n't matter . It 's your home and your choice as to whom you choose to insure it . Just be sure to go about it in the correct manner . The first step is to find a new agent , one you can trust . It does n't really matter if it 's an independent agent or an agent that only writes through one company . Most good companies wo n't be that far apart so choose your agent first . Find one that cares and can explain everything to you and take their advice . Then you can cancel your current policy . The correct way to do this is to write them a letter requesting the policy to be cancelled and choose the effective date of the new policy . They 'll cancel your policy and send you back any unused premium . This will usually take a week or so before you receive your refund check .
Can I Switch Home Insurance Companies?
You certainly can . Work with your insurance professional to arrange the easiest transfer of coverage available to you . If you pay on a monthly billing account , the process should be quite easy . If your policy is paid by an escrow account annually from your mortgage company , it is a bit more complicated but still can be done . Remember , you are never locked in . JUst be aware of the strength of teh insurance company that you have because you do n't want to switch to save a buck then find out down the line that you are not covered for something that you need .
Do I Need To Apply For Medicare?
You do not need to apply for Medicare Part A . It will be given to you at no cost when you turn age 65 if you have paid social security taxes for 10-years or more or qualify from your working spouse . Part B will come automatically if you are collecting social security when you turn age 65 . You can opt out of Part B if you do n't need it yet and have other coverage . If you want Part C you will have to apply for it . Part D you need to apply for .
When Do You Need To Get Home Insurance?
Homeowners ' Insurance will be required by your Mortgage Company in order to schedule the closing of the sale . Some require that the subsequent year 's premium be collected in your monthly mortgage payments and held in an escrow account until billed , others do not . In all cases here in Connecticut , you will be required by your mortgage company to pay the first year 's premium in full .
Can Car Insurance Be Cancelled Without Notice?
In a word , no . I assume you are talking about an insurance company cancelling a policy . Insurance is regulated by each state 's Insurance Department and the laws within that state . Here in Connecticut , if a company is going to cancel or non-renew a policy , then they are required to give 30 day 's advance notice of that action . Check your state or talk to your Insurance Professional , but I suspect you will find that to be fairly standard .
Where Can I Go To Start A Roth IRA?
That is a great question ! You will find that almost any bank will have Roth plans that you can start up , most credit unions will also . You will also find brokerages offering them , places from Ameritrade to Merrill Lynch will all have plans that you can open up . Thanks for asking !
Where Can I Go To Start A Roth IRA?
Many financial companies offer Roth IRA plans . The difference between various Roth IRA plans is the investment vehicle being used . Some plans will offer variable products where the return on the investment will depend upon the performance of a group of securities while others offer the absolute security of guaranteed interest .
Which Life Insurance Is Best Term Or Whole?
That depends on who you ask and your personal situation . Term life insurance can provide you with larger amounts of coverage at a lower cost but is only active for a set period of time . Whole life on the other hand will technically be considered paid up at age 100 or 121 typically and will normally build some cash value over time . There are many more reasons for each type . Please contact a local agent to discuss your specific needs and wants out of a policy so that they can provide you with the best options that they have available .
What Is A Collision Deductible For Auto Insurance?
Your deductible for your collision coverage of your auto insurance is the amount that you are responsible for of the total amount of any claim for that coverage . Collision auto insurance is coverage for your vehicle should you be involved in an accident . Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
What Is A Collision Deductible For Auto Insurance?
Collision coverage almost always involves a deductible . The deductible is the amount of the claim that you must personally pay for the company to pay the balance . While the application may vary , a common technique is for you to receive a check from the insurance company that requires both your signature and that of the owner of the repair shop . The check will be less than the total expense of the repair . The difference is your deductible . The repair shop will require the insurance company check and the balance from you .
What Is Wrong With Variable Annuities?
Product suitability is an important item to establish when considering a product purchase . One helpful tool is creating a personal financial profile with a risk assessment and financial timelines . When considering annuities , you should known your tax bracket to calculate the power of deferral to see if it has value for you . And like all products , annuities have policy expenses . Make sure you know the price tag for the annuity you purchase .
How Can I Lower My Home Insurance?
There are ways to reduce your homeowners premium . Especially if the policy has been in force for a few years , ask your agent to get a newer estimate on the cost of reconstructing your residence . The policy often has an automatic annual increase provision to cover the increased cost of construction . This occasionally increases coverage faster than necessary . The one step that I want to discourage you from taking is to reduce the amount of liability coverage . A lawsuit could ruin you financially .
How Can I Lower My Home Insurance?
Talk to your Insurance Professional about any and all discounts that may be available to you . One of the best ways is to take advantage of bundling opportunities by insuring your cars , an Umbrella Liability policy , any watercraft or motorcycle as well as life Insurance with the same company . Keeping ahead of maintenance will also help . Companies sometimes offer discounts for putting on a new roof or upgrading electrical , plumbing or HVAC systems . Having a monitored alarm system installed and increasing your deductible will also result in saving .
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