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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2014 University of Edinburgh (Author: Pawel Swietojanski)
# The script - based on punctuation times - splits segments longer than #words (input parameter)
# and produces bit more more normalised form of transcripts, as follows
# MeetID Channel Spkr stime etime transcripts
#use List::MoreUtils 'indexes';
use strict;
use warnings;
sub split_transcripts;
sub normalise_transcripts;
sub merge_hashes {
my ($h1, $h2) = @_;
my %hash1 = %$h1; my %hash2 = %$h2;
foreach my $key2 ( keys %hash2 ) {
if( exists $hash1{$key2} ) {
warn "Key [$key2] is in both hashes!";
} else {
$hash1{$key2} = $hash2{$key2};
return %hash1;
sub print_hash {
my ($h) = @_;
my %hash = %$h;
foreach my $k (sort keys %hash) {
print "$k : $hash{$k}\n";
sub get_name {
#no warnings;
my $sname = sprintf("%07d_%07d", $_[0]*100, $_[1]*100) || die 'Input undefined!';
#use warnings;
return $sname;
sub split_on_comma {
my ($text, $comma_times, $btime, $etime, $max_words_per_seg)= @_;
my %comma_hash = %$comma_times;
print "Btime, Etime : $btime, $etime\n";
my $stime = ($etime+$btime)/2; #split time
my $skey = "";
my $otime = $btime;
foreach my $k (sort {$comma_hash{$a} cmp $comma_hash{$b} } keys %comma_hash) {
print "Key : $k : $comma_hash{$k}\n";
my $ktime = $comma_hash{$k};
if ($ktime==$btime) { next; }
if ($ktime==$etime) { last; }
if (abs($stime-$ktime)/2<abs($stime-$otime)/2) {
$otime = $ktime;
$skey = $k;
my %transcripts = ();
if (!($skey =~ /[\,][0-9]+/)) {
print "Cannot split into less than $max_words_per_seg words! Leaving : $text\n";
$transcripts{get_name($btime, $etime)}=$text;
return %transcripts;
print "Splitting $text on $skey at time $otime (stime is $stime)\n";
my @utts1 = split(/$skey\s+/, $text);
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#utts1; $i++) {
my $st = $btime;
my $et = $comma_hash{$skey};
if ($i>0) {
$et = $etime;
my (@utts) = split (' ', $utts1[$i]);
if ($#utts < $max_words_per_seg) {
my $nm = get_name($st, $et);
print "SplittedOnComma[$i]: $nm : $utts1[$i]\n";
$transcripts{$nm} = $utts1[$i];
} else {
print 'Continue splitting!';
my %transcripts2 = split_on_comma($utts1[$i], \%comma_hash, $st, $et, $max_words_per_seg);
%transcripts = merge_hashes(\%transcripts, \%transcripts2);
return %transcripts;
sub split_transcripts {
@_ == 4 || die 'split_transcripts: transcript btime etime max_word_per_seg';
my ($text, $btime, $etime, $max_words_per_seg) = @_;
my (@transcript) = @$text;
my (@punct_indices) = grep { $transcript[$_] =~ /^[\.,\?\!\:]$/ } 0..$#transcript;
my (@time_indices) = grep { $transcript[$_] =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]*/ } 0..$#transcript;
my (@puncts_times) = delete @transcript[@time_indices];
my (@puncts) = @transcript[@punct_indices];
if ($#puncts_times != $#puncts) {
print 'Ooops, different number of punctuation signs and timestamps! Skipping.';
return ();
#first split on full stops
my (@full_stop_indices) = grep { $puncts[$_] =~ /[\.\?]/ } 0..$#puncts;
my (@full_stop_times) = @puncts_times[@full_stop_indices];
unshift (@full_stop_times, $btime);
push (@full_stop_times, $etime);
my %comma_puncts = ();
for (my $i=0, my $j=0;$i<=$#punct_indices; $i++) {
my $lbl = "$transcript[$punct_indices[$i]]$j";
if ($lbl =~ /[\.\?].+/) { next; }
$transcript[$punct_indices[$i]] = $lbl;
$comma_puncts{$lbl} = $puncts_times[$i];
print "InpTrans : @transcript\n";
print "Full stops: @full_stop_times\n";
# my @utts1 = split (/[\.\?]/, uc join(' ', @transcript));
my $hey = join(' ', @transcript);
$hey=~s/ \././g;
$hey=~s/ \?/?/g;
# my $hey = join('.', split(/ \./, $hey));
# my $hey = join('?', split(/ \?/, $hey));
my @utts1 = split (/(?<=[\.\?])\s*/, $hey);
# my @utts1 = split (/(?<=[\.\?])\s*/, join(' ', @transcript));
my %transcripts = ();
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#utts1; $i++) {
my (@utts) = split (' ', $utts1[$i]);
my $hey = $max_words_per_seg;
if ($#utts < $max_words_per_seg) {
print "ReadyTrans: $utts1[$i]\n";
$transcripts{get_name($full_stop_times[$i], $full_stop_times[$i+1])} = $utts1[$i];
} else {
print "TransToSplit: $utts1[$i]\n";
my %transcripts2 = split_on_comma($utts1[$i], \%comma_puncts, $full_stop_times[$i], $full_stop_times[$i+1], $max_words_per_seg);
print "Hash TR2:\n"; print_hash(\%transcripts2);
print "Hash TR:\n"; print_hash(\%transcripts);
%transcripts = merge_hashes(\%transcripts, \%transcripts2);
print "Hash TR_NEW : \n"; print_hash(\%transcripts);
return %transcripts;
sub normalise_transcripts {
my $text = $_[0];
#remove the remaining punctation labels e.g. some text ,0 some text ,1
# $text =~ s/[\.\,\?\!\:][0-9]+//g;
#there are some extra spurious puncations without spaces, e.g. UM,I, replace with space
# $text =~ s/[A-Z']+,[A-Z']+/ /g;
#split words combination, ie. ANTI-TRUST to ANTI TRUST (None of them appears in cmudict anyway)
#$text =~ s/(.*)([A-Z])\s+(\-)(.*)/$1$2$3$4/g;
# $text =~ s/\-/ /g;
#substitute X_M_L with X. M. L. etc.
$text =~ s/\_/. /g;
#normalise and trim spaces
$text =~ s/^\s*//g;
$text =~ s/\s*$//g;
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
#some transcripts are empty with -, nullify (and ignore) them
$text =~ s/^\-$//g;
$text =~ s/^\.$//g;
$text =~ s/^\?$//g;
$text =~ s/\s+\-$//;
# apply few exception for dashed phrases, Mm-Hmm, Uh-Huh, etc. those are frequent in AMI
# and will be added to dictionary
# $text =~ s/MM HMM/MM\-HMM/g;
# $text =~ s/UH HUH/UH\-HUH/g;
return $text;
if (@ARGV != 2) {
print STDERR "Usage: <meet-file> <out-file>\n";
my $meet_file = shift @ARGV;
my $out_file = shift @ARGV;
my %transcripts = ();
open(W, ">$out_file") || die "opening output file $out_file";
open(S, "<$meet_file") || die "opening meeting file $meet_file";
while(<S>) {
my @A = split(" ", $_);
if (@A < 9) { print "Skipping line @A"; next; }
my ($meet_id, $channel, $spk, $channel2, $trans_btime, $trans_etime, $aut_btime, $aut_etime) = @A[0..7];
my @transcript = @A[8..$#A];
my %transcript = split_transcripts(\@transcript, $aut_btime, $aut_etime, 30);
for my $key (keys %transcript) {
my $value = $transcript{$key};
my $segment = normalise_transcripts($value);
my @times = split(/\_/, $key);
if ($times[0] >= $times[1]) {
print "Warning, $meet_id, $spk, $times[0] > $times[1]. Skipping. \n"; next;
if (length($segment)>0) {
print W join " ", $meet_id, "H0${channel2}", $spk, $times[0]/100.0, $times[1]/100.0, $segment, "\n";
print STDERR "Finished."