The peacocks are dancing at the forest skirts, the Kadamba trees are covered with flowers, the bulls have become attached to her and the earth has become charming with corns and forests.
जाता वनान्ताः शिखिसुप्रनृत्ता जाताः कदम्बाः सकदम्बशाखाः। जाता वृषा गोषु समानकामा जाता मही सस्यवनाभिरामा॥
The rivers are flowing by; the clouds are discharging waters; the infuriated elephants are emitting terrible roars; the forest-lands are growing more charming; persons, separated from their wives, are growing more anxious; the peacocks are dancing with delight and the monkeys are greatly comforted for Sugrīva's attaining to the kingdom.
वहन्ति वर्षन्ति नदन्ति भान्ति ध्यायन्ति नृत्यन्ति समाश्वसन्ति। नद्यो घना मत्तगजा वनान्ताः प्रियाविहीनाः शिखिनः प्लवङ्गमाः॥
By the fountains in he forests, the infuriated elephants delighted with the fragrance of the Ketaka flowers and maddened with the noise of the water falls, are emitting terrible roars along with the peacocks.
माघ्राय मत्ता वननिझरेषु। प्रपातशब्दाकुलिता गजेन्द्राः सार्धं मयूरैः समदा नदन्ति ॥
The black bees, resorting to the branches of the Kadamba trees and overwhelmed with showers, are, as if, slowly discharging their temporal juice-namely the honey of flowers collected by them ere while.
धारानिपातैरभिहन्यमानाः कदम्बशाखासु विलम्बमानाः। क्षणार्जितं शनैर्मदं षट्चरणास्त्यजन्ति ॥ पुष्परसावगाढं
The branches of rose-apple trees containing enough of fruits like to a collection of char coal are so appearing as if the black bees are drinking the juice thereof.
अङ्गारचूर्णोत्करसंनिकाशैः फलैः सुपर्याप्तरसैः समृद्धैः। जम्बूदुमाणां प्रविभान्ति शाखा निपीयमाना इव षट्पदौघैः॥
The dense clouds, ornamented with pennonlike lightnings and emitting terrible roars, are appearing like so many elephants, mad after fighting.
मुदीर्णगम्भीरमहारवाणाम्। विभान्ति रूपाणि बलाहकानां रणोत्सुकानामिव वारणानाम्॥
The infuriated lord of elephants, following in the track and ranging in the hills and forests hearing the muttering of clouds and taking it for the uproar of another elephant, has turned back, with a view to enter into conflict with him.
मार्गानुगः शैलवनानुसारी सम्प्रस्थितो मेघरवं निशम्य। युद्धाभिकामः प्रतिनादशङ्की मत्तो गजेन्द्रः प्रतिसंनिवृत्तः॥
Somewhere the bees are humming, somewhere the peacocks are dancing-somewhere are raging the infuriated elephants and in this way the forest-land has assumed diverse appearances.
क्वचित् प्रगीता इव षट्पदौथैः क्वचित् प्रर्तृत्ता इव नीलकण्ठैः। विभान्त्यनेकाश्रयिणो वनान्ताः॥
It appears like to a drinking-place covered with Kadambas, Sarjas, Arjunas and lotuses growing on land, filled with water resembling honey and with the dance and cries of mad peacocks.
कदम्बसर्जार्जुनकन्दलाढ्या वनान्तभूमिर्मधुवारिपूर्णा। रापानभूमिप्रतिमा विभाति ॥
The birds, having their wings discoloured, being wet with water, delighted and thirsty, are drinking the drops of clear water, falling on leaves and discharged by the Lord of celestials*. *According to Hindu mythology Indra is the god of rains.
मुक्तासमाभं सलिलं पतद् वै सुनिर्मलं पत्रपुटेषु लग्नम्। हृष्टा विवर्णच्छदना विहंगाः सुरेन्द्रदत्तं तृषिताः पिबन्ति ॥
The sonorous humming of the bees, being accompanied by the guttural sound of the frogs and the mutterings of the clouds resembling the sound of Mrdangas, an organised music, as if, has began in the forest.
षट्पादतन्त्रीमधुराभिधानं प्लवङ्गमोदीरितकण्ठतालम्। वनेषु संगीतमिव प्रवृत्तम्॥
Sometimes dancing, sometimes setting up loud cries, sometimes placing themselves against the tops of the trees, the peacocks, having beautifully ornamented exteriors, have commenced music in the forest.
क्वचित् प्रनृत्तैः क्वचिदुन्नदद्भिः कचिच्च वृक्षाग्रनिष्णकायैः। वनेषु संगीतमिव प्रवृत्तम्॥
And rising from their perpetual sleep by the muttering of clouds, the frogs, assuming various shapes and making diverse sounds, are setting up cries being distressed with new watery showers.
स्वनैर्घनानां प्लवगाः प्रबुद्धा विहाय निद्रां चिरसंनिरुद्धाम्। अनेकरूपाकृतिवर्णनादा नवाम्बुधाराभिहता नदन्ति ॥
The rivers, carrying Cakravākas as their breast and leaving behind their old banks, are approaching, being excited, their own lord with various new presents.
स्तटानि शीर्णान्यपवाहयित्वा। दृतं स्वभर्तारमुपोपयन्ति ॥
Clouds, big with new waters coming in, contact with violet ones are appearing as such; and sometimes, touching the hills brunt by forest-fire, are appearing like deep-rooted hills.
नीलेषु नीला नववारिपूर्णा मेघेषु मेघाः प्रतिभान्ति सक्ताः। दवाग्निदग्धेषु दवाग्निदग्धाः शैलेषु शैला इव बद्धमूलाः॥
The elephants are ranging in this charming forest-land, carrying the fragrance of Neepas and Arjunas, having its green swards filled with Indragopas* and with delighted, peacocks dancing all around. *An insect (Coccinella of various kinds).
प्रमत्तसंनादितबर्हिणानि सशक्रगोपाकुलशाद्वलानि। चरन्ति नीपार्जुनवासितानि गजाः सुरम्याणि वनान्तराणि॥
The black bees, delighted, are drinking honey, embracing the shower-distressed and filaments of the lotuses and Kadamba flowers.
नवाम्बुधाराहतकेसराणि ध्रुवं परिष्वज्य सरोरुहाणि। कदम्बपुष्पाणि सकेसराणि नवानि हृष्टा भ्रमराः पिबन्ति ॥
(In this season) the elephants are infuriated, the bulls are delighted, the lions have grown more powerful, the hills are charming-the kings are devoid of all active pursuits, are the Lord of celestials is engaged in sport with clouds.
मत्ता गजेन्द्रा मुदिता गवेन्द्रा वनेषु विक्रान्ततरा मृगेन्द्राः। रम्या नगेन्द्रा निभृता नरेन्द्राः प्रकीडिती वारिधरैः सुरेन्द्रः॥
The clouds ranging in the welkin and discharging heavy showers, are roaring like to ocean; and the rivers, ponds and pools are deluging the earth with their watery contents.
मेघाः समुद्भूतसमुद्र नादा महाजलौघैर्गगनावलम्बाः। महीं च कृत्स्नामपवाहयन्ति॥
(In this season) heavy showers set in—the wind bloweth mightily and the rivers breaking down their banks flow quickly blockading the wayfares.
वर्षप्रवेगा विपुलाः पतन्ति प्रवान्ति वाताः समुदीर्णवेगाः। प्रनष्टकूलाः प्रवहन्ति शीघ्र नद्यो जलं विप्रतिपन्नमार्गाः॥
The mountains are, as if, displaying their own beauty and grace being an it were bathed by the cloud like jars, conferred by the lord of celestials and brought by the wind.like to a king sprinkled by men.
नरैनरेन्द्रा इव पर्वतेन्द्राः सुरेन्द्रदत्तैः पवनोपनीतैः। घनाम्बुकुम्भैरभिषिच्यमाना रूपं श्रियं स्वामिव दर्शयन्ति ॥
The sky is enveloped with clouds and neither the sun nor the stars can be seen the earth is satisfied with new showers-and the quarters being covered with darkness cannot be seen.
घनोपगूढं गगनं न तारा न भास्करो दर्शनमभ्युपैति। नवैर्जलौघैर्धरणी वितृप्ता तमोविलिप्ता न दिशः प्रकाशाः॥
The high summits, of the mountains, being washed by showers and beautified by farstretching waterfalls resembling pearls, are appearing more graceful.
महान्ति कूटानि महीधराणां धाराविधौतान्यधिकं विभान्ति । मुक्ताकलापैरिव लम्बमानैः॥
The heavy mountain waterfalls, loosening the rocks and stretching over the caves filled with the cries of peacocks, are appearing like a pearlnecklace.
शैलोपलप्रस्खलमानवेगाः शैलोत्तमानां विपुलाः प्रपाताः। गुहासु संनादितबर्हिणासु हारा विकीर्यन्त इवावभान्ति॥
And the quick streaming waterfalls, of the mountains, washing the summits of the hills, and resembling the pearls, are being deposited in the cave at the foot.
शीघ्रप्रवेगा विपुलाः प्रपाता निर्धातशृङ्गोपतला गिरीणाम्। मुक्ताकलापप्रतिमाः पतन्तो महागुहोत्सङ्गतलैध्रियन्ते॥
And watery drops resembling the pearls of the necklaces used by celestial damsels are pouring on all sides.
सुरतामर्दविच्छिन्नाः स्वर्गस्त्रीहारमौक्तिकाः। पतन्ति चातुला दिक्षु तोयधाराः समन्ततः॥
The setting of the Sun is announced by the birds taking to their nests, lotuses growing pale and Málatis blossoming.
विलीयमानैर्विहगैनिमीलद्भिश्च पङ्कजैः। विकसन्त्या च मालत्या गतोऽस्तं ज्ञायते रविः॥
The royal marches are all stopped, and the soldiers, who have already marched are waiting in the way-hostility and wayfares have been equally blockaded by water.
वृत्ता यात्रा नरेन्द्राणां सेना पथ्येव वर्तते। वैराणि चैव मार्गाश्च सलिलेन समीकृताः॥
This month of Bhādra is the time of studying for those Brahmins, who chant Sāma Vedas.
मासि प्रौष्ठपदे ब्रह्म ब्राह्मणानां विवक्षताम्। अयमध्यायसमयः सामगानामुपस्थितः॥
Having roofed all his houses and stored up his food, Bharata, the king of Kosala has set upon the performance of Așara sacrifices.
विवृत्तकमायतनो नूनं संचितसंचयः। आषाढीमभ्युपगतो भरतः कोसलाधिपः॥
The river Saraju is now brimful with water. Seeing me return as if Ayodhyā herself is making a delightful noise.
नूनमापूर्यमाणायाः सरय्वा वर्धते रयः। मां समीक्ष्य समायान्तमयोध्याया इव स्वनः॥
Clearly manifest are now all the signs of the rainy season and Sugrīva, rid of his enemies, established on the vast kingdom, and regaining his wives, has attained to best felicity.
इमाः स्फीतगुणा वर्षाः सुग्रीवः सुखमश्नुते। विजितारिः सदारश्च राज्ये महति च स्थितः॥
And I am, O Laksmana, waning every day like to the banks of a river, being separated from my spouse and deprived of my vast kingdom.
अहं तु हृतदारश्च राज्याच्च महतश्च्युतः। नदीकूलमिव क्लिन्नमवसीदामि लक्ष्मण॥
Immense is my grief, inaccessible is this rainy season and mighty is my enemy, Ravana; methinks it is impossible for me to bring about the discomfiture of my foe.
शोकश्च मम विस्तीर्णो वर्षाश्च भृशदुर्गमाः। रावणश्च महाञ्छत्रुरपारः प्रतिभाति मे॥
Owing to the unfitness of the season (for marching against my foe) and the wayfares being inaccessible, I cannot possibly request Sugrīva (to march) although he is prepared to abide by my mandate.
अयात्रां चैव दृष्ट्वेमां मार्गाश्च भृशदुर्गमान्। प्रणते चैव सुग्रीवे न मया किंचिदीरितम्॥
Moreover after a good deal of affliction he has regained his wives, and my service is of very great difficulty; so I do not wish to request that monkey-chief now.
अपि चापि परिक्लिष्टं चिराद् दारैः समागतम्। आत्मकार्यगरीयस्त्वाद् वक्तुं नेच्छामि वानरम्॥
Forsooth, shall Sugrīva think of the benefits (he has received from me) after enjoying rest for sometime, when the time for action shall arrive.
स्वयमेव हि विश्रम्य ज्ञात्वा कालमुपागतम्। उपकारं च सुग्रीवो वेत्स्यते नात्र संशयः॥
Therefore I shall, O Laksmana, live here, awaiting the pleasure of Sugrīva and the clear currents of the rivers (the autumn).
तस्मात् कालप्रतीक्षोऽहं स्थितोऽस्मि शुभलक्षण। सुग्रीवस्य नदीनां च प्रसादमभिकाङ्क्षयन् ॥
Heroes receiving benefits, do always return them. The ungrateful lose the good wishes of the great ones.
उपकारेण वीरो हि प्रतीकारेण युज्यते। अकृतज्ञोऽप्रतिकृतो हन्ति सत्त्ववतां मनः॥
Being thus accosted, Laksmana, with folded hands, respecting highly his words, spoke to the graceful Rāma, pointing out his own welfare.
अथैवमुक्तः प्रणिदाय लक्ष्मणः कृताञ्जलिस्तत् प्रतिपूज्य भाषितम्। उवाच रामं स्वभिरामदर्शनं प्रदर्शयन् दर्शनमात्मनः शुभम् ॥
Forsooth shall that lord of monkeys carry out all your wishes. Do you therefore spend here the rainy season, awaiting the autumn.
यदुक्तमेतत् तव सर्वमीप्सितं नरेन्द्र कर्ता नचिराद्धरीश्वरः। शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिदं भवान् जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः॥
Having given his directions to Rāma as to his in coming installation on the morrow, the king, summoning his priest, Vasiştha spoke to him, saying.
संदिश्य रामं नृपतिः श्वोभाविन्यभिषेचने। पुरोहितं समाहूय वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्॥
O you, having asceticism for your wealth, go, to Kākutstha, and for his welfare and obtaining the kingdom, make him fast along with my daughter-in-law.
गच्छोपवासं काकुत्स्थं कारयाद्य तपोधन। श्रेयसे राज्यलाभाय वध्वा सह यतव्रत॥
Thereupon, saying, “So be it," that best of those versed in the Veda, the worshipful Vasiştha conversant with mantras, that one practising excellent vows, mounting a Brahma car, himself went to the residence of Rāma cognizant of mantra, for the purpose of making him fast.
तथेति च स राजानमुक्त्वा वेदविदां वरः। स्वयं वसिष्ठो भगवान् ययौ रामनिवेशनम्॥ उपवासयितुं वीरं मन्त्रविन्मन्त्रकोविदम्। ब्राझै रथवरं युक्तमास्थाय सुधृतव्रतः॥
And that foremost of ascetics, having reached Rāma's sable hued residence resembling a mass of clouds, passed through three several apartments, mounted on the car.
स रामभवनं प्राप्य पाण्डुराभ्रधनप्रभम्। तिस्रः कक्ष्या रथेनैव विवेश मुनिसत्तमः॥
With the view of honouring the saint worthy of honour, Rāma swiftly issued out of his abode.
तमागतमृषि रामस्त्वरनिव ससम्भ्रमम्। मानयिष्यन् स मानाहं निश्चक्राम निवेशनात्॥
And nearing the car of that intelligent one, Rāma, personally taking him by the hand, made him descend. Finding Rämna so humble and dear, the priest addressed him, gratifying and delighting him with words that were acceptable.
अभ्येत्य त्वरमाणोऽथ रथाभ्याशं मनीषिणः। ततोऽवतारयामास परिगृह्य रथात् स्वयम्॥ स चैनं प्रश्रितं दृष्ट्वा सम्भाष्याभिप्रसाद्य च। प्रियाहं हर्षयन् राममित्युवाच पुरोहितः॥
O Rāma your father has been well pleased with you; since you achieve the kingdom (through him). Do you to-day fast with Sītā.
प्रसन्नस्ते पिता राम यत्त्वं राज्यमवाप्स्यसि। उपवासं भवानद्य करोतु सह सीतया॥
And in the morning, the king, your father Dasaratha, will, well-pleased, install you as heirapparent like Nahusa installing Yayāti.
प्रातस्त्वामभिषेक्ता हि यौवराज्ये नराधिपः। पिता दशरथः प्रीत्या ययातिं नहुषो यथा ॥
Having said this, that pure spirited one, observing own with mantras, made Rāma fast along with Sītā.
इत्युक्त्वा स तदा राममुपवासं यतव्रतः। मन्त्रवत् कारयामास वैदेह्या सहितं शुचिः॥
Then having been duly worshipped by Rāma, and taken Kākutstha's permission, the spiritual preceptor of the king, went away from Rāma's residence.
ततो यथावद् रामेण स राज्ञो गुरुरर्चितः। अभ्यनुज्ञाप्य काकुत्स्थं ययौ रामनिवेशनात्॥
Rāma, having passed some time with sweetspeeched friends, and been honoured by them, with their permission entered his apartment.
सुहृद्भिस्तत्र रामोऽपि सहासीनः प्रियंवदैः। सभाजितो विवेशाथ ताननुज्ञाप्य सर्वशः॥
At that time Răma's residence was filled with joyous men and women; and it was like to a lake containing lotuses and graced with maddened birds.
हृष्टनारीनरयुतं रामवेश्म तदा बभौ। यथा मत्तद्विजगणं प्रफुल्लनलिनं सरः॥
(On the other hand) Vasistha, issuing from the palace of Rāma like to the king's palace itself, found the street filled with people.
स राजभवनप्रख्यात् तस्माद् रामनिवेशनात्। निर्गत्य ददृशे मार्ग वसिष्ठो जनसंवृतम्॥
On all sides, Ayodhya's high ways were crowded with groups of men full of curiosity.
वृन्दवृन्दैरयोध्यायां राजमार्गाः समन्ततः। बभूवुरभिसम्बाधाः कुतूहलजनैर्वृताः॥
The tumult that arose in the high ways in consequence of the concourse and noise, was like the roaring of the ocean.
जनवृन्दोर्मिसंघर्षहर्षस्वनवृतस्तदा। बभूव राजमार्गस्य सागरस्येव निःस्वनः॥
The streets were cleared and washed and hung with garlands, and that day Ayodhya had her dwellings furnished with upraised flagstaffs.
सिक्तसम्मृष्टरथ्या हि तथा च वनमालिनी। आसीदयोध्या तदहः समुच्छ्रितगृहध्वजा॥
In the city of Ayodhyā men with women and children eagerly expected the rising of the sun (next day), and Răma's installation.
तदा ह्ययोध्यानिलयः सस्त्रीबालाकुलोजनः। रामाभिषेकमाकाङ्क्षनाकाङ्क्षनुदयं रवेः॥।
And the people burnt to behold in Ayodhyā the august festivity, that was like to an ornament to the subjects, and that enhanced the joy of the people.
प्रजालंकारभूतं च जनस्यानन्दवर्धनम्। उत्सुकोऽभूज्जनो द्रष्टुं तमयोध्यामहोत्सवम्॥
Dividing the crowd thronging the high way, the priest slowly proceeded to the royal family.
एवं तज्जनसम्बाधं राजमार्ग पुरोहितः। व्यूहन्निव जनौघं तं शनै राजकुलं ययौ ॥
And ascending the palace like to a peak of the Himavat, he met with the lord of men, like Bệhaspati meeting with Sakra.
सिताभ्रशिखरप्रख्यं प्रासादमधिरुह्य च। समीयाय नरेन्द्रेण शक्रेणेव बृहस्पतिः॥
Seeing him come, the king rising up from his royal seat, asked Vasiştha whether his intention had been carried out, whereupon Vasiştha answered that it had.
तमागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य हित्वा राजासनं नृपः। पप्रच्छ स्वमतं तस्मै कृतमित्यभिवेदयत्॥
The courtiers who had all along sat with Dasaratha, rose from the seats, for worshipping the priest.
तेन चैव तदा तुल्यं सहासीनाः सभासदः। आसनेभ्यः समुत्तस्थुः पूजयन्तः पुरोहितम्॥
Then with the permission of his spiritual guide, leaving that assembly of men, the monarch entered his inner apartment like a lion entering his den.
गुरुणा त्वभ्यनुज्ञातो मनुजौघं विसृज्य तम्। विवेशान्तःपुरं राजा सिंहो गिरिगुहामिव ॥
Even as the moon illumines the firmament crowded with stars, the handsome king entered his mansion, like to the abode of the mighty Indra, and thronged with females excellently attired, gracing it (by his presence).
तदग्र्यवेषप्रमदाजनाकुलं महेन्द्रवेश्मप्रतिमं निवेशनम्। व्यदीपयंश्चारु विवेश पार्थिवः शशीव तारागणसंकुलं नभः॥
Next morning Råma, being present in the sacrificial ground and having sent for the Rşis, Vasiştha,-Vamadeva Jābāli, Kasyapa, Visvämitra, carrying on penances for a long time, Durvāsā, Pulastya of hard austerities, Śakti, Bhargava, Markandeya living long, the highly illustrious Maudgalya, Gargya, Gargya, Cyavana, Śatānanda, conversant with religions, effulgent Bharadvaja, Agni's son Vasuprava, Narada, Parvata, the great Gautama and other ascetics of firm vows, assembled with minds possessed by curiosity. The highly powerful Räkșasas and monkeys also came there out of curiosity.
तस्यां रजन्यां व्युष्टायां यज्ञवाटं गतो नृपः। ऋषीन्सर्वान्महातेजाः शब्दापयति राघवः॥ वसिष्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिरथ काश्यप। विश्वामित्रो दीर्घतमा दुर्वासाश्च महातपाः॥ पुलस्त्योऽपि तथा शक्तिर्भार्गश्चैव वामनः। मार्कण्डेयश्च दीर्घायुमौद्गल्यश्च महायशाः॥ गर्गश्च च्यवनश्चैव शतानन्दश्च धर्मवित्। भवद्वाजश्च तेजस्वी अग्निपुत्रश्च सुप्रभः॥ नारदः पर्वतश्चैव गौतमश्च महायशाः। एते चान्ये च बहवो मुनयः संशितव्रताः॥ कौतूहलसमाविष्टाः सर्व एव समागताः। राक्षसाश्च महावीर्या वानराश्च महाबलाः॥ सर्व एव समाजग्मुर्महात्मानः कुतूहलात्। क्षत्रिया ये च शूद्राश्च वैश्याश्चैव सहस्रशः।७।।
Besides thousands and thousands of Kșatriyas, Vaiśyas, sadras and Brāhmaṇas of firm tenancies, also hailed there from various parts to witness Sita's trial. Having arrived there they all sat down motionless like mountains. There upon, Valmiki, the foremost of ascetics, speedily came there accompanied by Sitā.
नानादेशगताश्चैव ब्राह्मणाः संशितव्रताः। सीताशपथवीक्षार्थ सर्व एव समागताः॥ तदा समागतं सर्वमश्मभूतमिवाचलम्। श्रुत्वा मुनिवरस्तूर्णं ससीतः समुपागमत्।९॥
With her face downwards, folded palms, eyes full of tears and meditating upon Råma in her mind, Sita, following the Rsis, came before the assembly. There arose a great uproar of eulogy from the assembly when they saw Sità following Vālmīki like to the Śruti following Brahmā.
तमृर्षि पृष्ठतः सीता अन्वगच्छदवाङ्मुखी। कृताञ्जलिर्बाष्पकला कृत्वा रामं मनोगतम्॥ तां दृष्ट्वा श्रुतिमायान्ती ब्रह्माणमनुगामिनीम्। वाल्मीकेः पृष्ठतः सीतां साधुवादो महानभूत ।।११
There upon members, stricken with sorrow, made a tumultuous sound. Among the visitors some praised Rāma, some praised $ītā and others eulogised both of them.
ततो हलहलाशब्दः सर्वेषामेवमाबभौ। दुःखजन्मविशालेन शोकेनाकुलितात्मनाम् ॥ साधु रामेति केचित्तु साधु सीतेति चापरे। उभावेव च तत्रान्ये प्रेक्षकाः संप्रचुक्रुशुः॥
There upon having entered that huge assemblage in company of Sītā, the great ascetic Valmiki addressed Rāma, saying: O son of Dasaratha, in fear of calumny, you did renounce her near my hermitage, albeit Sitā is pure and follows the ways of morality.
ततो मध्ये जनौघस्य प्रविश्य मुनिपुङ्गवः। सीतासहायो वाल्मीकिरिति होवाच राघवम्॥ इयं दाशरथे सीता सुव्रता धर्मचारिणी। अपवादात्परित्यक्ता ममाश्रमसमीपतः॥
O Rāma of firm vows, you are afraid of the censure of the people. Sitā has becoming willing to give testimony (of her purity) for removing the calumny of the public; do you mercifully give her permission in this.
लोकापवादभीतस्य तव राम महाव्रत। प्रत्ययं दास्यते सीता तामनुज्ञातुमर्हसि ॥
I tell you the truth, O Råma, that these irrepressible twin brothers are your sons, O descendant of Raghu. I am the tenth son of Pracetā, so, far from speaking untruth it does not even spring up in my mind. I therefore know the truth that these twins are your sons.
इमौ तु जानकीपुत्रावुभौ च यमजातको। सुतौ तवैव दुर्धर्षों सत्यमेतद्ब्रवीमि ते॥ प्रचेतसोऽहं दशमः पुत्रो राघवनन्दन। न स्मराम्यनृतं वाक्यमिमौ तु तव पुत्रकौ॥
I have performed austere penances for many thousand years; I now swear before you, that if this Maithili is found touched by any sin I shall not reap the fruit of my ascetic observances extending over many thousand years.
बहुवर्षसहस्राणि तपश्चर्या मया कृता। नोपाश्नीयां फलं तस्या दुष्टेयं यदि मैथिली॥
I have never perpetrated before a crime either, in my mind, body, or speech. If Maithili is found divested of sin I may then partake of the fruits of piety.
मनसा कर्मणा वाचा भूतपूर्वं न किल्बिषम्। तस्याहं फलमश्नामि अपापा मैथिली यदि॥
O descendant of Raghu, finding Sitä pure in mind and five elements of body I took her near the spring in the forest.
अहं पञ्चसु भूतेषु मनःषष्ठेषु राघव। विचिन्त्य सीता शुद्धति जग्राह वननिझरे॥
Besides this Sitā, of pure ways, divested of sins and ever considering her husband as deity, shall give testimony this day.
इयं शुद्धसमाचारा अपापा पतिदेवता। लोकापवादभीतस्य प्रत्ययं तव दास्यति॥
You have been afraid of the public calumny. O son of a king, your mind being possessed by the fear of public scandal regarding her husband as a god; I came to know this by virtue of my discriminative knowledge.
तस्मादियं नरवात्मज शुद्धभावा दिव्येन दृष्टिविषयेण मया प्रदिष्टा। लोकापवादकलुषीकृतचेतसा या त्यक्ता त्वया प्रियतमा विदितापि शुद्धा॥
Being addressed thus, Vaidehi, beloved and sweet speeched, spoke to her husband the following words, offended as it were on account of her great affection.
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही प्रियाहाँ प्रियवादिनी। प्रणयादेव संक्रुद्धा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत्॥
It is that you speak me thus, thinking me, no doubt, mean minded. I can not but laugh at your words.
किमिदं भाषसे राम वाक्यं लघुतया ध्रुवम्। त्वया यदपहास्यं मे श्रुत्वा नरवरोत्तम॥
Oh best of men; what you have said is not becoming of a mighty prince versed in military arts and is really very opprobrious and infamous. What more, it is not proper even to hear them.
वीराणां राजपुत्राणां शस्त्रास्त्रविदुषां नृप। अनर्हमयशस्यं च न श्रोतव्यं त्वयेरितम्॥
Oh dear husband, father, mother, son, brother, daughter-in-law, all of them abide by the consequences of their own actions, it is the wife alone, Oh best of men, that shares the fate of her husband; it is therefore that ever along with you I have been ordered to live in the forest.
आर्यपुत्र पिता माता भ्राता पुत्रस्तथा स्नुषा। स्वानि पुण्यानि भुञ्जानाः स्वं स्वं भाग्यमुपासते॥ भर्तुर्भाग्यं तु नार्येका प्राप्नोति पुरुषर्षभ। अतश्चैवाहमादिष्टा वने वस्तव्यमित्यपि॥
Neither father, mother, son, friends, nor her ownself is the stay of a woman in this or in after life, it is the husband along that is her only support.
न पिता नात्मजो वात्मा न माता न सखीजनः। इह प्रेत्य च नारीणां पतिरेको गतिः सदा॥
If do you repair today to the forest impregnable, I shall go before you, oh Rāghava, treading upon the thorns and prickly grass.
यदि त्वं प्रस्थितो दुर्गं वनमद्यैव राघव। अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि मृद्गन्ती कुशकण्टकान्॥
Confident do you take me with you, Oh great hero, renouncing jealousy and indignation, like to water left after drinking; there exists no sin in me that could justify forsaking.
ईष्या रोषं बहिष्कृत्य भुक्तशेषमिवोदकम्। नय मां वीर विस्रब्धः पापं मयि न विद्यते॥
To woman is preferable under all circumstances the shade of her husband's feet to the tops of a palace, the celestial car or excursion in the airy path.* *It was generally believed that by certain processes of Yoga one acquired power to fly in the air.
प्रासादाग्रे विमानैर्वा वैहायसगतेन वा। सर्वावस्थागता भर्तुः पादच्छाया विशिष्यते॥
I have been taught by my father and mother to follow my husband in all conditions of life; and I shall carry out now what I have been taught; I shall not abide by any other counsel.
अनुशिष्टास्मि मात्रा च पित्रा च विविधाश्रयम्। नास्मि सम्प्रति वक्तव्या वर्तितव्यं यथा मया॥
I shall wend my way to the forest impassable, devoid of men, inhabited by various deers, tigers and other voracious animals.
अहं दुर्गं गमिष्यामि वनं पुरुषवर्जितम्। नानामृगगणाकीर्णं शार्दूलगणसेवितम्॥
Happily shall I live there as if in my paternal house, giving no thought upon the prosperity of the three worlds, thinking only of the services that are to be rendered to my husband.
सुखं वने निवत्स्यामि यथैव भवने पितुः। अचिन्तयन्ती त्रीलोकांश्चिन्तयन्ती पतिव्रतम्॥
I shall sport with you, O great hero, in that forest impregnated with the fragrance of flowers, tending you constantly, having my senses subdued, and being engaged in austere performances.
शुश्रूषमाणा ते नित्यं नियता ब्रह्मचारिणी। सह रंस्ये त्वया वीर वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु ॥
Oh great hero, capable are you to maintain many thousand others in the forest, what of me.
त्वं हि कर्तुं वने शक्तो राम सम्परिपालनम्। अन्यस्यापि जनस्येह किं पुनर्मम मानद॥
Surely shall I go to-day to the forest with you; there is no doubt about it and you shall not be able. Oh great hero, to dissuade me from so doing.
साहं त्वया गमिष्यामि वनमद्य न संशयः। नाहं शक्या महाभाग निवर्तयितुमुद्यता॥
Undoubtedly I shall always live upon roots and fruits, living with you always I shall not bring about your affliction.
फलमूलाशना नित्यं भविष्यामि न संशयः। न ते दुःखं करिष्यामि निवसन्ती त्वया सदा॥
Always I shall precede you when walking, and shall take my repast after you have taken it willing am I to view mountains, rivulets, lakes and ponds.
अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि भोक्ष्ये भुक्तवति त्वयि। इच्छामि परतः शैलान् पल्वलानि सरांसि च ॥
Being fearless in your company, Oh my intelligent husband and great hero, I shall behold on all sides ponds filled with wild geese and ducks and beautified with a collection of fullblown lotuses, and shall bathe there every day, pursuing the same vow with you. And greatly gratified, I shall, Oh you having expansive eyes, amuse there with you, in this manner, even for hundred or thousand years. I shall never experience the reverse of fortune, inasmuch as I do not like to live in the abode of celestials, Oh Rāghava, if I am to dwell there without you; no, it is not pleasing to me, Oh best of men.
द्रष्टुं सर्वत्र निर्भीता त्वया नाथेन धीमता। हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णाः पद्मिनीः साधुपुष्पिताः॥ इच्छेयं सुखिनी द्रष्टुं त्वया वीरेण संगता। अभिषेकं करिष्यामि तासु नित्यमनुव्रता॥ सह त्वया विशालाक्ष रंस्ये परमनन्दिनी। एवं वर्षसहस्राणि शतं वापि त्वया सह॥ व्यतिक्रमं न वेत्स्यामि स्वर्गोऽपि हि न मे मतः। स्वर्गेऽपि च विना वासो भविता यदि राघव। त्वया विना नरव्याघ्र नाहं तदपि रोचये॥
I shall go there in that dense forest full of deers, monkeys and elephants and live there as if under my paternal roof cleaving to your feet and abiding in your pleasure.
अहं गमिष्यामि वनं सुदुर्गमं मृगायुतं वानरवारणैश्च। वने निवत्स्यामि यथा पितुर्गृहे तवैव पादावुपगृह्य सम्मता॥
Do you accept my entreaty whose heart is entirely yours, knows none else, and is ever attached to you, and who am resolved to die if forsaken by you; thus repairing I shall be in no way a burden to you.
अनन्यभावामनुरक्तचेतसं त्वया वियुक्तां मरणाय निश्चिताम्। नयस्व मां साधु कुरुष्व याचनां नातो मया ते गुरुता भविष्यति॥
That best of men, reluctant to take Sītā with him, who had spoken thus and who was greatly attached to virtue, related to her about the many miseries consequent upon dwelling in the forest, with a view to prevent her from following him.
तथा ब्रुवाणामपि धर्मवत्सलां न च स्म सीतां नृवरो निनीषति। उवाच चैनां बहु संनिवर्तने वने निवासस्य च दु:खितां प्रति॥
Hearing the wonderful words of Bharata both Rāma and Lakşmaņa were greatly delighted. And then Rāma said to Lakşmaņa.
तच्छ्रुत्वा हर्षमापेदे राघवो भ्रातृभिः सह। वाक्यं चाद्भुतसंकाशं भ्रातृन्प्रोवाच राघवः॥
O Saumitri, your two sons, Angada and Candraketu well-versed in religions, perfectly qualified in governing the kingdom and highly powerful.
इमौ कुमारौ सौमित्रे तव धर्मविशारदौ। अङ्गदश्चन्द्रकेतुश्च राज्यार्थे दृढविक्रमौ॥
I shall therefore install them on throne. O gentle man, do you find out such country where those two skilful archers may unobstructed roam about.
इमौ राज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यामि देशः साधु विधीयताम्। रमणीयो ह्यसंबाधो रमेतां यत्र धन्विनौ॥